#and the love of comical misspellings
thecreaturecodex · 1 year
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Image © Paizo Publishing, accessed at Archives of Nethys here
[The three themes I'm working with in April are PF2e conversions, wrapping up the World Tour of Oceania, and starting on commissions. This is all three! Commissioned by @vonbaghager. Tiddalik the Greedy Frog is one of the Australian Aboriginal monsters with the highest profile among Westerners, being the subject of children's books, children's plays and an episode of the PBS show Super Why! (sort of a superhero-themed Reading Rainbow analogue). Notably, this behavior is at least thematically consistent with real frogs. The water-storing frog estivates underground during the dry season in a mucus cocoon filled with water, sort of like a lungfish. ]
Tiddalik CR 7 NE Magical Beast This creature is a frog the size of a wagon, its body grossly swollen. You can hear the faint sloshing of water inside it as it moves and speaks.
Tiddaliks are monstrous frogs native to desert climes that survive the long period between rains by absorbing water like a living sponge. Unfortunately, they are peevish and cruel, and move from place to place absorbing as much water as they can, even if they don’t need it, simply for the joy of depriving others. In the desert, tiddaliks are seen as physical embodiments of selfishness and greed, and many tales and legends have sprung up around them. Some of them are even true—the idea that a tiddalik can be tricked into expelling its water with a hearty belly laugh is one of them. Unfortunately, tiddaliks are most easily amused by suffering.
A tiddalik rarely starts fights on their own—although they are carnivorous, they prefer to eat things that can’t fight back, sniping small game with blasts of pressurized water. These jets are also used as a defensive weapon until enemies get close enough that the tiddalik can grab them in its jaws and crush them. Few tiddaliks will bother to chase down fleeing enemies, but likewise they are often too stubborn to flee or surrender themselves.
A tiddalik is about ten feet in diameter. They weigh over twenty tons when waterlogged, and about one ton when empty.
Tiddalik  CR 7 XP 3,200 NE Huge magical beast (amphibious) Init +2; Senses low-light vision, Perception +13 Defense AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +9 natural) hp 92 (8d10+54) Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +6 Weakness mirthful Offense Speed 10 ft., swim 10 ft. Melee bite +12 (1d10+9 plus grab) Ranged spit +8 (2d6+6 bludgeoning) Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks disgorge, expel wave Statistics Str 23, Dex 15, Con 23, Int 6, Wis18, Cha 10 Base Atk +8; CMB +16 (+20 grapple); CMD 28 (32 vs. trip) Feats Nimble Moves, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Survival), Vital Strike Skills Acrobatics +7 (-1 when jumping), Climb +10,Perception +13, Survival +9, Swim +18; Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics when jumping, +4 Perception Languages Common SQ amphibious, drink abundance Ecology Environment warm deserts Organization solitary or pair Treasure incidental Special Abilities Disgorge (Ex) A tiddalik can release the water in its body willingly as a full round action, and the water is released automatically when the creature is slain. When the tiddalik releases water, it bursts in a 10 foot radius, dealing 8d6 points of bludgeoning damage to all creatures in the area (Ref DC 20 half). This water makes that 10 foot radius difficult terrain. The save DC is Constitution based. Drink Abundance (Ex) By spending 8 hours, a tiddalik can drink 5000 gallons of water. When it does so, it is considered to be waterlogged, which reduces its speed by 20 feet, but it can use its spit attack and disgorge and expel wave abilities. The statistics above assume that the tiddalik is waterlogged. Expel Wave (Ex) As a standard action, a tiddalik can shoot high pressure water in a 60 foot cone. All creatures in the area take 4d6 points of damage and are pushed back 10 feet. A successful DC 20 Reflex save halves the damage and negates the push effect. The save DC is Constitution based. A tiddalik can use this ability once every 1d4 rounds, but only when it is waterlogged. Mirthful (Ex) A tiddalik can be forced to use its disgorge ability with a Perform (comedy) check against a DC of 20 + the tiddalik’s Will save modifier. Spit (Ex) As a standard action, a tiddalik can spit out a jet of water. Treat this as a thrown weapon with a range increment of 30 feet. A creature struck takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage plus the tiddalik’s Strength bonus.
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ygamiraito · 2 months
Harlequin Ellis (aka Harlan Ellison) in Justice League of America Issue #89
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flamestar126 · 7 months
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I'm YOUR idiot.
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volfoss · 3 months
sorry for aqualad posting at like 2 am on a thursday morning BUT he is literally the only character ever. ive read a lot of comics w the young sidekick/inexperienced parental figure superhero dynamic and aquaman and aqualad is by FAR my favorite.
aqualad, at the start, is introduced as a child who is deathly afraid of schools of fish, to the point where aquaman has to step in and offer to help him get over his fear after learning about his past.
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[ID: Two comic panels from Adventure Comics #269. The first panel shows Aqualad surrounded by fish and clearly panicked. Aquaman reassures him. The second panel shows Aquaman holding a very frightened Aqualad, who pleads for Aquaman to send the fish away from him. /end ID]
this really sets up their relationship a lot through the next issues, as aquaman is trying his best to deal with parenting but is largely unprepared but aqualad loves him more than anything else in the world. aqualad doesn't really have any other adults in his life, as basically he was sent away from atlantis for his purple eyes, which are seen as a sign of the infant being unable to live underwater. hes been an orphan for five years and despite the fact that he can breathe underwater, the proximity to fish made him much too panicked to continue living in atlantis so he was shipped up to surface.
aquaman is SUPER patient with aqualad as he tries to get over his fear of fish and aqualad gets attached to him super quickly (honestly i feel the complete lack of anyone else who really is a good figure in his life really adds to this). but the big difference here, between a lot of the other stuff ive read that follows this trope, aquaman wants aqualad to go back to atlantis after he conquers his fear of fish. he LOVES the kid but he wants him to be in a place where he can thrive. even as aqualad is heading back to atlantis, aquaman is thinking about how much he misses him and how much he cares about him. aqualad ends up using fish to trick aquaman that he went to atlantis and then returns and is taken under aquamans wing. i think a lot of the first issue really stands out as different to other characters like this, but honestly the biggest thing is just how there is depth there in a specific way. they both kind of help each other out (and while that is present in other versions of this dynamic, it comes off differently here).
however, one of the most interesting bits comes in the issue after, Adventure Comic #270. This is Aqualad's second ever appearance and the issue focuses on Aquaman saving a fortune teller, who predicts that someone who he has recently met will cause him harm and take over his position as king of the ocean.
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[ID: A panel from Adventure Comics #270 that depicts Aquaman and Aqualad eating birthday cake underwater. Aquaman brings up that he doesn't have a home for Aqualad to live in, and Aqualad doesn't care, as long as he is with Aquaman. /end ID]
He is in denial that it is Aqualad at first but Aqualad keeps doing kind of fishy (pun intended) behaviors that make him convinced that the boy is out to hurt him. The end of the issue reveals that for Aquaman's birthday, Aqualad has been doing all of this to make them a home. what specifically is interesting about this to me is that neither of them have a home: aquamans mother was banished from atlantis and aqualad doesnt want to go back. and that in contrast to a character like batman, aquaman isnt providing for aqualad, aqualad is providing for them both. not saying this in the way of aqualad is forced into a more responsible role, more that they are moreso equals in the process of their partnership, which is something i find deeply interesting.
another example of this comes from Adventure Comics #278, where Aqualad goes to school for the first time. Aqualad is at first hesitant about school because of how much he wants to help Aquaman, but it is clear Aquaman wants what is best for him and wants him to have a more balanced life. Once he is reassured that he can still help Aquaman, he gets adjusted to school pretty quickly, until about half through, when helping someone, he gets hit over the head with a pipe (not even the first time this has happened). aquaman is SO concerned about him passing the exam to be able to fully participate in the school that he gets fish to help him jog aqualads memories. which imo just really shows the fact that they both really want to do all they can to help each other. and idk it means a lot to me because neither of them really have a ton of people in their lives and just really lean on each other.
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mycabbagesmycabs · 1 year
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GOTF redraw because holy shit this fancomic is genuinely incredible what the fuck
(original drawing under the cut by Evan Stanley)
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leenesomewhatdraws · 11 months
Novembmas, Day 14: Working Late / Surprise Gift !
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I intended my "Surprise Gift" drawing for today as a companion piece to my day 8 "Unexpected" art :) (totally optionnal caption but just wanted to share this lol, since I imagined those at the same time so thats why ^^. Making each other happy through small gestures ♡♡)
Transcription :
[1] (E) "Were we expecting a package ?"
[2] (I) "How about you see for yourself ?"
[Arrow pointing towards what Emmet is holding with 'Clothes for Joltiks' written above it]
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sara murphy 🤝 kevin grant-gomez
comic book store crushes
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lottie-fandom-world · 3 months
What is your favourite LMK comic/artist?
My favourite lmk comic is def "Eclipse Apprentice"! I love the art style and just the comic itself! I am waiting for new parts on tumblr.
I'm also planning on making a fanart but first I need to end the spotify album cover I promised one of my friends. But I have doodles for now.
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bladwinthegreat · 1 year
Even more of my jason procpechy child hc. Today I will going into each line and what they mean because this is legit just me planing out a fic I'll never write at this point.
• a half blood of the eldest gods shall reach 16 against all odds Bc jason turns 16 after the war maybe camp jupiter thought that ment he'd betray them and live bc he betrayed them. Or they thought he'd win the war and live bc they won ( probably thought both since procpechies are werid.) This is why Octavin hates him so much.
• obviously ajson did not betray them so this just means he'll live through the war
• and see the world in endless sleep the mist put mortals near Mount Tam to sleep so they won't witness the battle (having the tatins put mortals to sleep near they're base wouldn't make sense bc they're focusing on new york. This was my solution)
•camp jupiter goes to mount Tam to fight when they see the mortals asleep and assume that was the tatins
• a heros soul cursed blade shall reap jason had a friend who was preator with Reyna. When the battle came he ended up fighting Krios by himself while Jason is fighting some monster. Krios kills him. Jason sees and ends up fighting krios.
•a single choice shall end his days this referes to the friend (haven't decided a name yet) he sees Krios going to attack reyna while her back was turned so he decides to take him on himself
• olympus to persever or raze doesn't need to much explanation obviously jason sends krios to tartar sauce (auto corrected to that but it was to funny not to keep)
• but this also applies to Jason making a choice with venage. He went to attack Krios furious bc of his friends death and kronos tried to manipulate that anger and turn him against the gods (idk how yet maybe it was like woth Percy's dreams or smt) so jason had to make a choice turn against the gods or fight krios.
• the friend was once of reynas failed lovers they both kinda forced the relationship bc Reyna wanted to prove Venus wrong and friend was gay and in denial ( camp jupiter is totally cool with the lqbtq peeps but he grew up in a homophobic family before coming to camp jupiter)
• friend also and a hudge crush on Jason (told Reyna as he was dying who after the giant war told Jason who totally also had feeling for friend but didn't know he was gay until this was told to him)
•Reyna jason and friend were all super close friends
Sorry for referring to this dude as friend the whole time but I haven't decided what to call him yet (or who his godly parent is) so if yall have any ideas give me them
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beetlesayz · 1 year
Gougar will never not be funny
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meeep-morp · 11 months
This just in: Kevin is now my lil blorbo. My little skrumpl.
I still hate his guts, and I want to "hug" him so fucking badly-
But he's just,, a smiley blorbi guy. He make brain go brrr when not-... well- y'know--
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ygamiraito · 2 months
cute little comic about harlan by Ty Templeton :3
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(check out more here!)
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lollipopmixclo9 · 1 year
Oc doodles galore!
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sweetnans · 3 months
Stuck in the moment || Bakugo, K. (pt.4)
Pairing: fuckboy Bakugo/hopelessly romantic fem. reader
Trope: Enemies/friends to lovers.
summary: You made a mistake, a huge mistake. You fucked the most cocky, annoying, bastard, fuckboy you knew. Bakugo Katsuki. And that fact was against all your beliefs. Now, after the rumor (truth) spread like a pandemic virus in college you'll have to live with the stormy consequences of your acts and whatever trash was brought with it.
a/c: Hey, it's me again. Here we are in a new series I plan to continue. I really hope you enjoy it. I put my favorite man in action (bakugo) being a selfish bastard that you would love eventually and I couldn't help to put another "trope" I'm a sucker for (guardian/father figure Aizawa) I'm so sorry if that bothers you. Once again, I'm sorry if I misspelled something, English is not my first language. (Not proofread yet)
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3♡ -> Pt.5
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Is there anything better than privacy?
Bakugo had a room for his own. His roommate bailed from college right after the first class. He had an awakening about his future or something like that he had said before taking all his clothes and leaving. Bakugo felt some sort of relief that lasted...ten minutes? His friends used to invade his space quiet often. When he came to his room after seeing your flirting with Todoroki (from afar according to him), Kirishima and Sero were there talking about a game. They noticed in an instant that something was happening to his friend. He had his usual scowl on his face, but his brows were knitted together. A bad omen.
"Hey dude, what's up with that face?" Seemed like Sero was the one who grew a pair overnight.
Bakugo only grunted on his way to the closet. He needed to change his clothes to go to the stupid party you were attending. He made sure of that.
What if he sees you with Todoroki? Was it going to make his stupid stomach churn again?
"Hey man, we were talking about the party," Kirishima said, gaining part of his attention. "We were thinking about staying here, playing games, drinking our secret stash-"
"Fuck no" he didn't even stutter.
The reaction from Bakugo set an alarm to both of his friends. They knew about how casanova Bakugo could be, but he never, ever, showed that much, the fact that they were almost certain, after what happened with you just a week ago, that his friend's response was going to be a solid yes.
"Why so eager?" Sero asked.
"I just need the distraction," Bakugo shrugged while picking and searching the proper outfit.
He was vane most of the time, but he never took more than five minutes to choose a plain shirt and baggy jeans. Kirishima knew very well what was going on.
"Sero, why don't you go knock Mina's door and tell her about the change of plans"
Kirishima tried to be subtle. Man, he tried. Fortunately, Bakugo was so busy trying to decide between a white shirt and a black shirt that he didn't notice the exchange of looks that his friends were doing right under his nose.
"Sure," Sero winked to Kirishima and left the room.
Kirishima didn't know how to address the topic. His friend would definitely deny it, and they would be doing a full circle with yes and no that would end up in Bakugo just answering with noises.
Bakugo couldn't stop touching the fabric of his clothes. Was it too soft? Was it too white? What if there was a theme he didn't know about?
"You're panicking." Kirishima crossed his arms while leaning on his desk chair. He wouldn't lie, the scene was comical to witness. "You know you can talk to me"
The friendship between the two of them was something that most people didn't understand. Kirishima was always smiling, talking to everyone and telling jokes, while Bakugo, well, he had a permanent scowl on his face, rarely showed any other emotion than bored superiority and the only events that people saw him interacting with other people was with only one purpose, to state that he was better than everybody else. He was considered a private man and someone who had a police tape that said, do not cross.
"I don't know what's happening to me," he said, exposing his heart. He wasn't going to start naming or counting details. It was implicit, and Kirishima understood very well.
"You know what, man, you need to clear your head a little. This week had been rough. What about a beer pong to drain some stress off?"
Bakugo nodded to himself without even glancing at his friend. He needed a distraction, and he was almost sure that a party was a good place to find it.
"I can't believe that you, the queen of punctuality, is late" Jirou was losing it with you, the fact that you left her on read after she sent that demanding text and that you were also taking your time on getting ready.
"I'm sorry, Aizawa asked me to feed his cat, and you know how she is"
Blaming your non-biological dad was the ultimate movement in your pocket, so gen z of you.
"Oh yeah, Denki told me about the rizz in your training class. How did it go?" She asked you while picking her nails looking uninterested but you caught her side glancing you.
You slid your black leather skirt on your legs and shrugged.
"Well, you can see the burn marks on my legs here," you pointed above your left knee. "And here," you pointed your right mid thigh.
"Ugh, did you put something on it? That's gonna leave a nasty scar, " you denied, shaking your head.
She was right, but you didn't have anything to tend the wound.
"Does it hurt?" She asked this time, getting close to your leg.
"Yeah it does, like a motherfucker" you giggled. "But it's okay, it's a one-time thing, Aizawa is coming back and I would never ever ever have to sparr with him again"
There wasn't a pun intended in the mention of the one-time thing, but still, you really hoped that you would never have to be in that situation again.
"Well, at least this time was something professional"
You nodded, putting your boots on.
"Oh, but then, when I went to feed the cat, he was there, waiting outside Aizawa's door"
"He was where?"
Denki, as always, appeared out of nowhere, startling the shit out of you. Thank god he was outside the room this time and not hiding in the closet or under the bed.
"I'm pretty sure you heard me right," you said, putting some gloss on your lips. They stayed quiet, urging you to follow the story. "I finished my chores as a good daughter, and when I opened the door to leave Aizawa's apartment, I stumbled against him"
"What was he doing there?" Jirou asked with a quizzed look on her face.
"I don't know, he didn't tell me," you shrugged and turned around. Both of them were looking at each other with suspicious eyes. "What?," you inquired.
"I mean, not because we are your friends and we have to be delulu for you, but it's weird, don't you think?" Kaminari said and looked straight to Jirou for support.
"In a normal situation, we would be feeding you with improbable situations, but right now, I'm even intrigued with Bakugo and his behavior towards you. He seems like he's always trying to bump into you"
You couldn't believe what you were hearing.
"Wait a minute, we don't know why he was there. We haven't seen each other in a week less talk to each other, he's not trying anything, maybe he was lost or-"
"Yeah, right, lost." Jirou rolled her eyes sarcastically.
"I know the guy better than you two, and I think that Jirou is more on the correct side than you," Kaminari mumbled.
"Thank you!" Jirou stated, hoping off the bed.
"I think you're both wrong. He's not behaving in a way that's unnatural for him, he's just being obnoxious because what I said to him the other day, he's gonna leave me alone in a couple of weeks and move on to the next" you grabbed your jacket from the hanger and pointed to the door to get them going.
"You're basically saying that he's in fact following you." Kaminari dropped one of his heavy hands in your shoulder to keep you steady on the way to the party.
"She just proved my point without even meaning it." Jirou winked at you while you shook your head.
The lights inside the house were faint, a dim glow of absence in the middle of a considerable amount of bodies dancing at the rhythm of the music that was blasting through the speakers.
Jirou and Kaminari were the first ones to get lost inside the crowd, and it was perfectly fine for you. You weren't the kind of friends that were attached to the hip all the time. You respected each other spaces and you knew that eventually, you would find them slightly drunk, and you would hang with them again.
The party was situated inside of someone's home. A person you clearly didn't know. At that point, seeing nothing but unfamiliar faces, you started to doubt that Kaminari knew the owner of the house too.
You poured a transparent liquor in a red cup. You knew that you said earlier that you weren't going to drink, but just a drink won't hurt you.
You were looking at everything, trying to spot someone familiar or a thing to do. You wouldn't consider yourself socially awkward. In fact, people always found you easy to talk to, but you didn't make the first move. Between hi's and hey's, you recognized the characteristically two color bush of hair.
Todoroki was for you, an acquaintance. You knew him for a few classes. He always greeted you back when you raised your hand at him saying hi, but there was always something more. He was handsome and quiet, the mysterious pretty boy full of secrets that every girl wants to conquer. You weren't sure if you were one of them or if it was his vibe and mismatched eyes that always lit a little sparkle inside of you, tingling in your stomach with curiosity.
Well, you know what they say about curiosity killing the cat. Your only job was maintaining the cat alive, so for the sake of that...
"Hey," he said when he saw you approaching.
"Hi," you elevated your voice because of the music. He mimicked that he didn't hear you because of the speakers, so you leaned a little to his side. "Sorry, I didn't know you were into this"
The music, the flashing colored lights, the high pitch of voices from people trying to talk to each other. You included.
"It's friday night. What else can I do?" He shrugged hiding himself a little.
He was still a ball of cotton.
After everything that happened after the war, everyone evolved into a new facet of themselves, forming new angles, new emotions, and new personalities trying to rationale the traumas of the past into something positive.
He suffered a lot, and the fact that his suffering was being broadcast and watched by everyone in the world hurt a thousand times more. He lost all his privacy and the right to deal with the sorrow in his own way without staying in the public eye.
"I can relate to that." You sipped your liquor and scrunched your nose a little. "What are you drinking?" You glanced to his cup, but it seemed to only have water inside.
"It's vodka," he swung the cup in his hand and then gulped all the content down his throat in one go.
"It was vodka," you stated, quirking a brow. That was unexpected. And sexy. "Take mine, I don't like plain vodka"
You gave him your cup, and he accepted without second guesses.
"Do you want me to make you a drink?" He said.
It was subtle. There was no hint of flirtatious intentions. He was soft and friendly but unintentionally.
"Do you know how to make drinks?" You were surprised by his confidence. You doubted your capacities daily, so it was uncommon for you seeing this kind of demeanor, let alone in him. You were projecting.
"Yeah, there's this barman who always appears on my for you page"
He didn't laugh when he said the most mundane thing on the world, so you didn't laugh either.
"Sure, show me what you got"
You followed through the people, and in a moment where everyone was stuck like glue with everybody he grabbed you by your wrist to not lose you.
His fingers were warm, so you could bet it was his left hand. You wouldn't lie to yourself. The pads of his fingers carresing your pulse point in a firm, but soft grip made your cheeks turn red, but there was no chill in your spine or butterflies in your stomach. It was pure tenderness.
Once in the kitchen, the sound of the music lowered a little because of the close doors and the panels of ceramics doing their jobs, preventing the outside.
He moved through the kitchen, hesitating every step he took.
"What do you have in mind?" You leaned in the counter, forgetting you were wearing a slutty top that propelled your boobs almost to you neck.
He side eyed you, and after a peak to your neckline, he became more clumsy.
Your boobs were firm. They weren't big, but they weren't small. Your ex-boyfriends or past flings had always said to you that they were perfect. You knew that tits were tits for them, and the mere concept of boobs was attractive for every straight man.
Lifting your hand without making much fuzz over it, you pulled the top covering the skin.
"I-I," he stuttered, opening and closing a few drawers. He cleared his throat, regaining his confidence again, and showed you a couple of lemons. "Kaminari said once that your favorite drink was Cosmopolitans"
You were surprised by two things. The first was Kaminari talking about you. You needed the context of that conversation, the why, the who, and the how. The second thing was him remembering that unimportant fact about someone who didn't even talk to.
"Yeah," you came back from your stunishment.
Completely, contrary to how he moved in the kitchen fetching all the ingredients, he showed that he was a total expert making drinks, or at least he was good pretending to know how to make them. He used his hands graciously to pour all the things into a shaker he found, and then he poured the most delicated drink you ever saw.
You were used to Kaminari and Jirou mixing all the ingredients stirring them with a straw but that was different.
"Here you go"
The glamor ended when the drink touched the red cup, but we are going to skip that detail.
In your mind, you cursed yourself from the past, the one that swore that would never drink again because after sipping just a drop of that elixir, you couldn't help but want more.
"You shouldn't be moaning like that in front of everybody"
His gruff voice coming from behind made all the hairs in the nape of your neck react.
Of course, the only one that could ruin the perfect moment with the perfect drink and the perfect company was nothing more and nothing less than Bakugo Katsuki himself.
Oh, beloved earth, could it please swallow you already?
Bakugo meshed well because of his friends. They were talkative enough to supply the lack of social rudeness of him.
After they arrived at the party, he planted himself in a giant group of men playing beer pong. He played a few rounds and then got bored because everyone was wasted, and for him, it was no fun watching them stumble and laughing at the most stupid things.
His friend helped a little with that. They were talking with Sato and Shoji about some game and some fighting techniques that Bakugo was more than pleased to show interest and even help them with their doubts.
They engaged in a conversation that evolved to many topics that he actually enjoyed. He was fully focused on them when a glance of the color of your hair and the characteristically smile of you dragged all his attention out of the group.
You were wearing just a top and a tiny skirt with black boots that made him want to be stomped on.
Bakugo excused himself of the group. His friends were too busy to realize what was happening and why he was so exalted.
You weren't alone.
You were following that half n' half shithead.
He was the opposite of idiot. He knew how to play his game and how to act when he was committed to spying on someone. He observed from the slight opening between the frame and the door how Todoroki reacted to your presence and vice-versa.
He had a great view of your ass in that skirt. You were leaning on the counter with your ass popping up, and he could notice that Todoroki had a nice peak of your tits. He saw you covering yourself quietly after he became the stupidest person of all times acting distracted and awkward.
"Fucking icyhot," he thought.
Bakugo needed to do something quick, and for one moment, his lack of reasoning won over his structure and square shaped mind.
After that one sentence that drew your attention completely, he saw the change in your posture, the way your smile faded, and how suddenly all your muscles were rigid against every part of your skin that you were showing because of your outfit choice.
He felt intrigued because of the sudden change of your demeanor in response to his presence, and he also felt satisfied with that.
"Oh dear," you sighed, turning around to face him. He never showed any particular emotion, but this time, he couldn't hide the little smirk that appeared on his lips.
"I never expected to see you here," he continued.
You were about to answer when you realized that it wasn't directed to you. He was talking to Todoroki, ignoring your presence in front of him.
"Yeah, I'm not a fan of this kinda stuff," Todoroki said impassive.
"I can notice that," he said with superiority and because of the silence he added. "So what's going on in here? Are you having a little party for yourselves?"
Bakugo knew very well how to play the who can be more annoying game. In a matter of competition, he always won. This wasn't an exception.
"Todoroki was making me a drink, and that's all, now if you excuse us -" you said, opening your eyes and directing them to the door so he could read the room.
"Cool, what'cha drinking?" He didn't wait for your answer and grabbed the drink that you left in the counter taking a giant sip.
The tension in the room was palpable, and you were dying of embarrassment. The booze in your system was not the sufficient amount to get you through what was happening. You wanted to die.
"That's a little too acid for me, but it's good, sure you did a great job"
The way he was saying things was taking you to the verge of lightning him up with your quirk. You looked at Todoroki. He was more than used to weird interactions, but he was looking at Bakugo in a way you couldn't decipher.
"I have an early training at my dad's agency tomorrow, I have to go." Todoroki voice was plain, but when he looked at you, you could see the pity in his eyes. "Maybe next time"
Your entire body was saying sorry, but the words never got to your mouth. You only nodded. He was a good guy and someone that you were actually interested in getting to know, but there was the other bastard ruining everything again.
Both of you saw Todoroki leaving the kitchen, and if someone was looking at the scene from outside, they could've seen how Bakugo puffed out his chest and how the pure rage invaded your body.
"Look what you just did!" You smacked his bicep, and he smirked wider, making you regret smacking him so lightly.
"What? He was totally shitting on himself with you here. I saved his ass. " he pointed towards the door that was still moving with the tandem of Todoroki storming out. "I bet he wouldn't have made it to the second base with you"
"Jeez, that's for me to decide," you whined like a little girl.
"I just did what I had to do"
"Oh my god, what's gotten into you lately?" The bravery made only by the alcohol in your system took control of yourself. "You've been following me and riling me up just for the fun of it. It's been a fucking week I thought that what happened between you and me was more than over, what do you want from me?"
Just as the booze took over your system, Bakugo had his own little thing commanding his decisions. He wasn't sure of what it was.
"I want us to be friends"
You were taken by surprise.
He didn't know what he was doing. He didn't do friends, he didn't need a friend, he had enough but you, what was the deal with you? He found exhausting the feeling of you feeling repulsed by him, the avoidance game that you played very well.
Damn he felt intrigued by your lack of excitement when it came to him. Excitement? The euphoria that tagged along with having the experience with him, people talked about his stamina in bed very often, and that was the clear answer in his head. Was he good enough? Yeah, he was, but it seemed that he wasn't enough for you.
He always knew that his attitude was bad and people loathed him because of it, and it was alright for him. He could definitely still live knowing that. It made sense, at least, hating him for something bad like his demeanor...but sex? He thought he was one of the dudes that the girls wanted more of, the type of guy that the girls will speak of with their friends, the type of guy that would be top tier in a chick's list, well, that really happened before, many times, but what was the problem with you? Why did everyone else he sleep with do that but not you?
He didn't expect the sudden feelings that came along with the concept of you.
Rage. He remained calm in the most stressful situations, but you, with the snap of your fingers and your smart mouth, did everything to put his world upside down, and that wasn't fair for him.
Jealousy. Seeing you flirting, talking with other people when the number of times he had ever spoken to you were almost close to zero than to ten.
Even dependency. He wanted to be close to you so much.
And...confusion, why? why was he feeling so out of control out of nothing?
That's how it felt being pussy whipped?
"Friends?" You snapped him out of his senses.
"Yeah, friends is a word that means -"
"I know what friends are, you stupid asshole." You rolled your eyes at him who was still standing there with superiority after destroying your moment with Todoroki.
"So?" He urged. He was calm even when his mind was racing at the possibility of you saying no.
"What's in for you?" You were suspicious. You knew very well the closed circle of friends he had, only four at best.
"Nothing, I found you not a total waste of space," he said nonchalantly. If you were expecting him to shower you with compliments, you were wrong.
You knew how he was. Always believing he was the best, that his position in the world was above the others, how he called 'extras' the people that were surrounding him but not fulfilling his expectations or even near his expectations, well, if he had one because most of the time people weren't worth his time.
You were exactly the opposite of him. You never had the need to test people out. You never had the need to prove yourself against others. You lived your life day by day, almost unnoticed. You needed to be smarter than him.
"Fine," you conceded. "But, there's one condition"
He scoffed, clearly enjoying and making fun of you for thinking you had the position on making conditions.
"We are not fucking again"
You drew the line.
You've had your friends with benefits before because you knew them. Bakugo was a completely different scenario for you.
He wouldn't lie. He, in his men mind, thought that maybe offering his friendship to you would be the easiest way to get inside your panties. You were not just a pretty face. You had brains.
"Sure, you don't see me fucking with raccoon eyes" he rolled his eyes pretending to be offended.
"Then we have a deal." You smiled tensely at him. He extended his hand for you to take it. "That's how you normally make friends? Like you are selling something?"
"Shake the damn hand"
He used the opportunity of you closing your hand in his to pull you closer to him, stumbling against his broad chest.
You looked at him squirming your eyes, waiting patiently for the moment he decided to fuck everything up. He looked closely at your face, the smuged marks of your eyeliner under the corner of your eyes, the way your lashes curled up and marked more the shape of your eye. He was perplexed by your beauty.
"You left some hair on my pillow, " he said with his voice hoarse, tugging a string of your hair behind your ear.
"We said friends, didn't we?" You smacked his hand far away from near you and he smirked.
"Yeah," he shrugged. "To be honest, I don't know how long this is going to last"
"What do you mean?" You asked, taking the remaining amount of drink in your cup.
"Don't get me wrong. Im a man of my word, but I don't know if you would be able to keep up with our promise"
You laughed at him. You've seen the man naked. You had him on top of you. You didn't need anything from him.
If he wanted a challenge, you would be more than happy to comply.
"Yeah, of course," you scoffed, "I have so little control of myself that I won't be able to keep my hands to myself."
The tone in your sarcasm was rich. He found it amusing.
"Laugh all you want, but I'm not going to be the one suffering because of this dumb decision of keeping us as only friends"
The seriousness on his voice sent a chill up and down through your spine.
"You are so full of yourself." You laughed again, but this time, it was a nervous laugh.
He put his hands up in redemption while walking backward toward the door and then left you all alone in the kitchen with your thoughts.
Was he drunk, too?
He was, only ten minutes after you accepted on being his friend, in fact, suffering because of your quick answer and condition to not mess with each other. He needed strategy, thinking logically to make you make the first move with him.
He didn't know what was the thing responsible for him being so stubborn when it came to you. He didn't know if it was like those occasions when you became obsessed with the things that were out of your reach. The negative of you about being even near him again. He didn't understand a thing about what was going on. But he did know that he was Bakugo Katsuki, and when he had something - someone in this case - in mind, he didn't give up until he had it in his hands.
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(Not proofread yet)
End note: I'm working late cause I'm a writer. I tried to make it longer because I made you wait a week for it, so enjoy! Todoroki making us our favorite drink? We know that since he discovered youtube shorts and reels (not tiktok because he is half boomer and socially awkward) he's been stuck with watching short videos every day, cocktail videos and house projects are his favorite, I have no doubt about that.
A penny for your thoughts about this (not really but express yourself)
taglist: @kiridagremiln @aefillor @screechingfangirlaf @chuugarettes @gold24fish @dreamcastgirl99 @andyetshewrote @budibbly @candiiee @linkfromskywardsword @galaneiaeris @fantasynerd05 @big-denki-energy @3thr3al @marsbars09 @whatswrong7 @scaranthropy @cc1306 @junehasnotbeenfound @jeanbabygirl @pirana10 @sappho-the-kitten-tamer @ahbeautifulexistence @polarbvnny @th0tformikasa @surprisemodafakas @xxjesshuxx @katsuisbaby @azzo0 @atashiboba @azzo0 @berryvioo @hiimsaraandyou @bizzybkd @regrexx @justsinri @slut-4-gojo @bexxs @lemuhr @monkeycheeks-lvl26 @tsukikoxo @sikuthealien @mia-luvs @dondeh-zedonutqueen @the-queen-yn @stardream14 @pretty-sparkle-bomb @itzjustj-1000 @m-atcha-tea @liluvtojineteyam @shosuki @v3n7s @yoyolovesdaiki @jenna-sakura @femi12hhf @aejabba @im-nowhere-but-also-somewhere
taglist continues on the comments.
Do not edit or reupload my works elsewhere! All rights reserved.
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kathaynesart · 4 months
Hi i was just wondering when will you update holiday special?? or just update the comic in general?
No rush just wondering. BTW love your work.
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All good! Trust that the next Replica update is coming along, but it is another doozy! What’s more I have been occupied as well with competitions and zine work which has only slowed down the process! But here’s a little sneak peek of Donnie traveling to a familiar place. Thank you as always everyone for your understanding and endless patience with me!
NOTE: it’s also has been brought to my attention that Staten Island is misspelled! Bless you! Luckily this is the draft script that hasn’t been refined yet. It’ll be correct in the final update!
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ushouldwatchhaikyuu · 3 months
someone in the team (lets be honest, probably nishinoya) getting hinata a a custom made shirt with some lq pic of kageyama's face with badly edited comic sans text that says "kagyam tobs" or some dumb misspelling like that. Hinata follows along and goes on a dramatic rant about how much he loves it and its all fun and games. everyone thinks he probably ended up losing/throwing away the shirt or just keeps it in his closet as an inside joke, but one day he just pulls up to practice wearing it. and he's so casual about it he doesn't even mention it, and when someone brings it up he just goes "oh i just felt like wearing it today" like its the most normal thing ever. kageyama's brain actually overheated that day. he cant tell if he wants to cry or throw up about it/pos
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