#and the moon necklace pendulum..........my man
warmth-and-wonder · 1 year
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Merlin, also spelled Myrddin, the wild man and the wisest wizard. The prophet who foretold everything from Arthur’s arrival, death, return, and as far as the destruction of the world. Here is a brief list of offering ideas for him!
Store your divination tools on his altar space, or create some unique for him! I keep a separate set of Hellenic runes and his own pendulum in his space
Store your witchy/spiritual books on his altar space
Sun, star, and moon symbolism
Dragon imagery, particularly red dragons
Hawk feathers or imagery. He is heavily associated with hawks and similar birds of prey!
Goblets or fancy glassware, perhaps for water scrying.
Objects and altar cloths in blues, reds, greens, golds and silvers
Crystals associated with wisdom, divination, power, with strong space associations, and intelligence
Several tales place him in an observatory, so an devotional activity might be staying up to date with astronomy news
Said observatory is often said to be made of glass, so offer him glass bobbles and art pieces
Devotional jewelry/prayer beads! The process of making such things can be a meditative worship experience within of itself
Place rocks into a circle to mimic stone hedges and monoliths
Similarly, a rock garden! Could double as a place to charge crystals or sigils
Ask him questions regarding magick, and devote advancements in your spellwork to him
Representations of the thirteen treasures of Britain, a list of which can be found here
Devotional jewelry, especially necklaces that double as pendulums!
Make a playlist for him! Two songs from my personal playlist are Spirit of Albion by Spiral Dance, and Heart of the Darkness by Tommee Profitt
(Link to masterpost)
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obsoleteozymandias · 10 months
gay man lookin for a marvel matchup here!
20, he/they, kinda shaggy black hair, pasty lil white boy, brown eyes, 5'4, kind of a pathetic twink. i wear glasses. average outfit would be all black, sweater, skinny jeans, big stompy boots, and an assload of rings and necklaces- i guess one could describe it as like, the dress of a comfy elder emo. but i really want to incorporate dark academia into that mix. i'm a silver jewelery kind of guy, my fave color is black/blue/purple and my favorite crystal is iolite. i'm very picky about textiles and the feel of things.
my music taste is pretty much 80's-2010s rock, divorced dad rock, 2000's-2010's pop, and country, but i'm quite picky about country - i enjoy rascal flatts and carrie underwood, as well as musical theatre. my favorite musical is jekyll and hyde :)
i'm a huge nerd, especially when it comes to dnd, lord of the rings, horror, and various other types of media, and my favorite thing is getting people into them. if I've met someone who has never watched lotr, or perhaps never listened to black sabbath? brace yourself. i'm the type to infodump through a movie, and i enjoy others doing the same. tell me everything that goes on in your mind, you know? watch me hold it up to the light and be unfazed.
i also enjoy history and classic literature, and will infodump about queer undertones in it. all this to say, i'm just very passionate about things. especially space. i also collect! i collect many things - bottles, trinkets, jewelry, crystals, animal bones, things pertaining to my interests. my room reflects my mind- cohesive in its own way, but cluttered, spacey.
i'm creative, kind of a dreamer with their head in the clouds, my goals are in the stars but i have the know-how to make them happen. cap sun, aries moon, Leo rising, intp, generally quite shy until i get over the mortifying concept of being known, then i swing wildly between pure chaos and complete catatonic, like a pendulum. academically i work under unbridled spite and determination. when i ask what people like about me, they say i'm funny, inspiring, charming, and gifted in creativity. i'm an artist, a writer. they say that i'm good at reading and profiling people. i enjoy looking at people's natal charts not as a way of judgement, but as a way to look into them as a person.
that being said i try my best to make others happy, even if at the expense of myself. i tend to be neglectful of myself in that regard, both physically and mentally. i struggle from a lot of mental health issues that involve severe dissociation and memory loss, so luckily, i have some coping tools under my belt, but i'm unable to recall past events both short and long term, so i keep a list of the things i love about people so i never forget them- forgetting the people i love is a fear of mine, as well as heights, and the ocean, and large crowds. i also struggle with sleep issues, paranoia and anxiety. i try to handle these things on my own, lest i bother someone with them. it's difficult to both ask and receive help. through complicated reasons, i'm familiar with the concept of guilt and shame. i know more than most how it feels like necrosis rotting away at your insides, and i know that it one day will subside into a dull ache in the back of your head. i also suffer from chronic back pain and migraines. my main vice is anything that will fuzz my brain and help me escape for a little while. i'm working on that, working on staying grounded, but it's hard. if someone was capable of noticing and pulling me out, i'd be forever theirs. i'm also horrifically terrible at confrontation and shut down whenever it happens.
my taste in men kind of feeds into my martyr complex 😭 i'm the type to go "i can fix him." except i'd also love them regardless of the mental state and position they're in, because i myself would have wanted that as well. if i could love someone through it all and be a bit of relief, that's all i'd be satisfied with. i want the fire and passion, but i also want to be their peace. i connect to the broken minds because i know what that's like, in a sense. i think i just crave understanding, i want someone to know me, and WANT to know me in the way i go out of my way to understand others. i want to receive, not just give. i want reciprocation, i want, i yearn, i desire, all in my head. that being said romantically i tend to NOT gravitate towards golden retriever types- they're always my besties, though!
i hope this all makes sense. i tend to ramble on like a madman. good luck, and godspeed o7
This was like reading the odyssey my guy i had to stop and reread things multiple times (/pos)
== Marvel ==>
I match you up with…
Bruce Banner (This one was very mixed for me, so I did my best)
Yeah you can fix him (but you can also love him how he is). 
When you mention connecting best with broken minds, a lot of marvel men came to mind, but I think Bruce is a special sort. He’s someone who feels so strongly that he literally broke himself, and I think he’d need someone like you, and you him. 
I think you’d relax him with your music and sense of passion. He’d love listening to dad rock with you while you regale him with paragraphs upon paragraphs of your interests. 
The two of you definitely have LOTR movie marathons monthly, and you’ll both feel a calm that seems unreal.
Waking up afterwards with limbs twisted together and bathed in warmth, it’s such a nice change of pace from the turmoil. 
You easily become one of the people who calms him down when he’s enraged or hulked out. 
In turn, he’s the one who writes little reminders of dates and people for you, and always leaves a note telling you how much he loves you on the bedside drawer. 
He’ll also find comfort in your art, and you’ll find it plastered everywhere around you shared house. He sets anything you make as his phone background, and just looking at it fills him with love. 
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nanakah · 3 years
this showed up at random on my youtube recommendations, but shot-out to that dude for having the guts to predict all the way back in volume 17 (like, as early as chapter 166) that Maki would be important to Ishimiko (also, overcoming Osaragi's disapproval) based on kaguya-hime lore alone. also, that senpai would stay unattainable and that the plan was Miko all along
my japanese is not even that fluent yet, but i can tell exactly where he was getting at
that's next level confidence to churn out meta/theorize, gotta appreciate it
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lofitojii · 4 years
Admiration VI
Summary: He’s the son of Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty. He was everything as described, handsome, cunning, admirable. You, the daughter of Poseidon, god of waters, knows that it’s against the rules to fall for such a man. Demigods aren’t allowed to be romantically involved with one another. But it’s hard to stay away.
Warning: [M] Swearing.
Word Count: 2.5k
Admiration Masterlist
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“Utah?” Chanyeol asked, looking over you shoulder from the back seat. You nodded you head, glancing from the map to the open road in front of you. The clouds thundered, the rain hitting the ground ever so gently. “What’s in Utah?” 
“Jongdae,” You replied. “He said that we’ll meet him and a friend in the mountains of Salt Lake Valley.” We all knew this was risky, especially when it came to Jongdae. Jongin swears that he is trustworthy but when someone has a bad rap, you can’t help but be on your toes. 
“Can we even trust that guy?” Chanyeol asked as if he was reading my mind. He lifted his arms, resting his head back as he leaned into his seat. “I’m almost sure his father has ratted out many and has quite literally thrown people under the bus.” 
“He’s a good guy,” Jongin replied. “I’ve known him for a while and he’s helped me with a lot.” Jongin seemed timid, uneasy if you may, as if the questions we were asking were making him nervous.
“Okay, but who’s to say he’s not working with the council? He also could’ve told his father who probably cares more about the bounty on our heads-” 
“He owes me one,” Jongin cut Chanyeol off. He let out a deep sigh, rubbing his thighs up and down as he tried to form his thoughts. “A while back, before I was to set off for Olympia,” he started, fidgeting more than before. “We had run into each other at a store. He was being followed by these big men in black suits, US secret force, or something along those lines. I guess Jongdae had stolen something and was being hunted so I helped him escape through a secret portal doors my mother and Poseidon had set up for easy traveling among worlds. He told me that if I kept the item safe, he would help me out whenever I needed it.” 
“What was the item?” you asked, curiosity getting the best of you. It must’ve been something belonging to the Gods for it was forbidden for Gods to commit crimes among the humans. He must’ve been hired by Zeus. 
“Not sure,” he replied, leaning back in his seat. “Jongdae had it charmed so it can’t be opened by anyone else other than those who were involved in the making of the charm. Either way, if he turns us in, he knows the charm is rooted from a promise he made me and it break whatever the item is.” Jongin wasn’t known for telling little white lies so when he explained the situation, you couldn’t help but believe him. Not to mention a Gods or Goddess’ charm are eternal and pure. Jongdae and Jongin would be risking their godly life if a promise like that was broken. He wasn’t lying.
You were all on edge, the air within the car growing tense as Baekhyun approached the Utah state line. His hands gripped the steering wheel with great force, his knuckles turning white. “When we get there, we have to ditch this car.” He hadn’t said anything all morning. 
He looked so frazzled, his hair messier than you had ever seen. He was wearing a gray hoodie, black jeans. It was unlike Baekhyun to be so uncoordinated. You slowly reached out your hand, placing it on his thigh, giving it a small squeeze. He glanced over at you, taking the hand you had placed and bringing it to his lips. You had spent many nights with Baekhyun, from passionate love to calm nights with sweet words. He’s more of a suffer in silence type, which you had caught on many years before. You knew he had a lot to say, but we would never say it. Not in front of your friends, at least. 
As Baekhyun began to wind up the scenic route of the mountain, you could tell his heart rate was rising as he leaned forward, his eyes focused on the curve in front of you. Your own heart began to race as Baekhyun frantically started his sentence. “When we hit this turn, we jump out the passenger side. I’ll slow down enough so we don’t get injured.” 
“Woah woah! Jump out?” Chanyeol panicked. We didn’t even have enough time to brace ourselves before Baekhyun pulled on the stirring wheel, our bodies thrashing to the side.
“NOW!” Baekhyun yelled, reaching over my body and swinging the door open. He was quick to wrap his arm around my waist, launching both of us out of the car. He was so graceful with every move, every stride. He calmly landed on his knee and left foot, gently placing me down next to him. “See? Not a single scratch.” 
“Yeah,” Jongin groaned, pushing Chanyeol off of his body. “For you.” You couldn’t help but let out a laugh as the two boys began to bicker about how it was the other persons fault for not being more coordinated. 
“Damn it,” Chanyeol wined. “I didn’t even get to finish my coffee.” You rolled your eyes as he sulked behind you, following up a small trail not far from where Baekhyun had dumped the car. Just as you were about to make a comment, you tensed at the sound of crunching leaves behind you. You stopped dead in your tracks, trying to focus on where the rustling was coming from. “Do you hear tha-”
“Shh,” you were quick to cut him off. You continued to listen, your mind racing with ideas of how to take care of the situation. Your mind raced with images on who it could be.
The council. US Secret Service. A demonic creature.
Your eyes fluttered shut, your mind beginning to clear as you tried to relax and observe your opportunities. Your father had taught you many strategic moves, from stealth to quick attacks from behind. And just like that, you heard the steps grow closer, louder. You didn’t need to turn around to make your move. You grabbed the reached out arm, swinging the body over your shoulder, locking him in an armbar.
“What the hell, Sehun?” You scolded, tightening your grip so he knew you were upset with him. 
“I’m.. Sorry.. I heard.. The crash.. I was.. Damnit Y/n let go!” You released your grip, getting back up on your feet. You brushed the loose dirt off your leggings, an arm reached out for Sehun who reluctantly took it. “I didn’t mean to sneak up on you.” 
“Yeah you did,” you responded, glare intense. 
“Yeah, I did.” You couldn’t help but let a small smile creep across your face as Sehun smirked at your comment. “And I should’ve known you wouldn’t let me get away with it.” 
Sehun joined your group, trecking with you up the small trail. He led the group to a rather large cabin that was actually in the middle of the woods. It was miles, if not hours from nearest convenience store. It was isolated, just as suspected. 
“Welcome,” Jongdae greeted the group. He stepped aside, leading you into the grand living room. It was beautiful, to say the least. The decor ranging from old renaissance paintings, vases, emerald green trim around the furniture, brick walls form a fireplace in the center of the home. Jongdae led the way towards the kitchen, a map already laid out on the middle table. “I found this map in the basement of one of my dad’s hideouts. It’s a full map that shows you where you can find other gods, goddesses, sirens, centars, you name it. It’s how he would know whether or not to avoid a certain area or if he was safe to pass through. And check this out. Y/n, hold your necklace orb above the map.” 
You took the necklace from your neck, letting it dangle like a pendulum above the paper. Suddenly, the map disappeared with the image of Earth and appeared a map of Olympia. The necklace orb lit up with a blue aura as if it was releasing some sort of steam. You looked down at the map, a small blue dot mirroring the color of your orb. “That’s your father,” Jongdae smirked. 
“No way!” Chanyeol exclaimed, taking his own orb from around his neck. He mirrored your movement, focusing on the orb in hand. It lit up with light pink aura, changing the map once more. This time, it took us to the moon. “Of course she would stay out of this.” 
“This way, you can tell how close the troupe is. Baekhyun and Jongin will most likely be able to see troupes whereas Y/n and Chanyeol are able to see their parent.” Jongdae wrapped up the map and handed it to Baekhyun.
“Why is that?” Baekhyun asked, confusion visible across his face. 
“Your mother, as well as Jongin’s, have created army type troupes with their power. Your orb can trace those powers no matter who it’s passed to. Also, this is the only map of it’s kind. My father became obsessed and had to hide it from himself.” A map that can tell you where gods and goddesses are. Or at least their power. “I have marked your first location on that map. As soon as you leave here, the map becomes yours and I am unable to take it back. You have to keep this promise. Baekhyun,” Jongdae reached his hand out, his necklace dangling from his middle finger. Baekhyun followed his same motion, his orb shining a deep hot pink, Jongdae’s being white. “Promise you won’t give up. Promise your love is real for Y/n and that you will protect your friends. If broken, your rings will dissolve and the map will disappear and return to me. Keep your promise, you will be safe and your journey for Hera will be met with success.” 
“I promise,” Baekhyun answered as soon as Jongdae ended his speech. You could see Baekhyun’s eyes glowing the same color as his necklace, mesmerizing, to say the least. Jongdae smirked, putting his necklace in his pocket. 
“True honesty,” Jongdae shook his head. “So pure yet so rare.” 
They say those with intense power who hold true honesty within their hearts are to unlock their full potential when asked to keep a promise. Their eyes glow the color of their aura, unleashing an inhumane strength. The only descendants you had heard to contain this power was those of Aphrodite and Hera herself. Honesty and loyalty were very big within the community. You had just witnessed true honesty for the first time in the flesh. 
And it was Baekhyun promising his love was real for you.
Baekhyun looked over at you, his eyes still burning the bright pink. “Incredible.” You turned to see Sehun shaking his head in disbelief. “They say that those who descend from Aphrodite contain an incredible power that is only shown when they’re honest.” Your heart raced at Sehun’s words. “And when they’re truly in love.” 
“I plan on marrying you,” Baekhyun had yet to take his eyes off you. You grew flustered at his words, feeling your whole body shiver as he inched closer to you. “After we find Hera and the ban is lifted, I want to make you my life partner as soon as I can. That is a promise.” He wrapped his arm around your waist, the other pressing your head in his chest. You knew he was being honest based on how brightly his eyes were still glowing. The warm embrace of his hug made you feel incredibly safe, finding so much comfort within him. 
You knew the more time you let slip by was more time for the council to catch up to you. You felt the anxiety bubble at the thought, your mind racing. 
“Jongdae,” Jongin spoke barley above a whisper. You could see the nerves engulfing his body as he fidgeted to form his sentence. “Can I ask about-” 
“Your first stop,” Jongdae winked. “You’ll see her then.” Plum. You remember the conversation you and Jongin had before you had set off on your journey together. Was she going to remember him? Does she look the same as before? You knew the consequences yet you were more scared than Jongin seemed to be. “Alright. This door here will take you to the base of Mount Fugi in Japan and from there it’s about 30 miles into the woods. Use your map if you get lost but I’m sure Kyungsoo or Plum will find you before you make it within a 10 mile radius.” 
You all followed Jongdae out the door, being met in a huge basin of a beautiful mountain. It was raining, the clouds cast a dark overcast. It was a breathtaking view. “Oh and before I forget,” Jongdae started. “Kyungsoo and Plum were told to battle anyone who tries to pass, bound by a promise they had made to the Nature Goddess, Gaia who is also their mother. I told them about you guys and your journey but that by no means they will make you an exception. Knock one out or capture them both in order to pass. They will give you what information you need if you succeed in beating them.” 
“That doesn’t seem too complicated,” Chanyeol replied. He gripped both mine and Jongin’s shoulder, giving us both a sturdy shake. “We’ve got two badass fighters on our team.” You looked over at Jongin, his face pale. 
“Jongin?” You asked, trying to read his expression. 
“I wouldn’t be too confident there,” Jongdae laughed. “This is their terrain after all.” And with that, Jongdae retreated back in through the door, leaving the four of you alone in the middle of the grass field.
“What does that even mean?” Chanyeol asked, scratching his head in pure confusion. 
“It means you could possibly die if you let your guard down.” You turned around, being met with an unfamiliar face. He was short, shorter than you at least. His black hair falling ever so lightly in front of his eyes. He wore what looked to be a samurai outfit, but only the cloth material. “You must be who Jongdae was talking about. It would be smart to use your orbs against me.”
Jongin and Baekhyun were quick to materialize weapons from their orbs, taking a stance in front of Chanyeol and myself. “He’s being serious,” Jongin pointed out. The look in the unfamiliar mans eyes was soul pericing. You knew his action were based on his eternal promise. He was confident, as he should be. This is what he’s trained his whole life for. 
But you had also trained for this.
With this being his own area, you knew his strength could be stronger than if it was on an even battlefield. You had to think quickly and rationally in order to not hurt yourself or your friends. You mirrored the image of Jongin and Baekhyun, materializing the weapon you felt could hold your ground. Your father’s Triton. 
“Well,” the man smirked. “Let’s begin, shall we?”
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witch-chester · 5 years
Where Mischief Lies Pt. 2
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Seeing the black impala almost brought tears back to Mariah’s eyes. She had been waiting outside her motel room since Dean had sent her a five minute away text and she all but launched herself into his arms the moment he got out of the car. It really should have bothered her how much comfort she got from this man she barely knew, but the feeling of his hands stroking her hair and rubbing her back eased away the tension in her body.
Dean let her go, touching her face briefly with a few words of comfort before she greeted his brother. hey all went into the room and Mariah curled up at the head of her bed while the boys looked around. Dean saw the map and blood covered pendulum laying on the floor. “What’s this?” A silver knife was close to it so he picked it up. It too still had fresh blood on it.
“Oh,” Mariah help up her badly bandaged hand. “I did that. Spell to help find her.” She tucked the bloody hand back under her arm. “Didn’t work.”
Dean cursed and walked over to her, pulling her hand so he could look at it. Numb to everything at that point, Mariah didn’t fight him. Sam was at her laptop looking through the same articles she hadn’t bothered closing. “You guys were hunting demons?” He asked.
“Not really. Just looking for cases close by. Just happened to be a whole lot of demonic,” she said without looking at him. Her attention was focused on Dean while he unwrapped her sorry attempt at helping herself. The cut across her palm wasn’t very deep but it had been difficult to wrap one handed.
“Was it a demon that attacked you?”
Mariah did look at Sam then. “We aren’t idiots. This room is warded against demons.”
Sam help up his hands. “Ok. Sorry. Just trying to help.”
Mariah sighed. “I know. I’m sorry I just feel on edge.” She looked back down at her hand. It was still bleeding and Dean gave up trying to fix her patch job and took the soiled gaze off all together.
Dean got up to get more first aid items. He didn’t like how pale Mariah was. She wasn’t as put together as she normally would be. Makeup faded. Hair down and messy. She was still a looker but he knew what it meant for her to be like this. He paused a minute, thinking hard about how he could possibly know her state of mind from just her face. Not wanting to think to much about what it could mean, he grabbed the bag Mariah must have pulled out to fix her hand the first time and went back to the bed.
He knelt back down and took her hand again, tugging it gently so she would turn to face him. She relented and let her legs fall on either side of him as he cleaned and rebandaged her hand. He noticed color on her legs. Tattoos of the planets and moon phases decorated with watercolor splashed around them were bright on the ivory skin of her thighs. Dean had noted vine like tattoos on her wrists that he didn’t remember but has written it off at being unobservant. But he knew he would remember ink on her legs.
Sam was back to asking her questions. He was trying to track Kit’s phone. Mariah was arguing that she had tried it. Something was blocking all forms of trace. Magical and technological. His odd knowledge of the witch’s feeling and moods aside, he knew his brother better. The two of them were bother getting frustrated with one another and Dean tried to diffuse the situation before it turned into something.
“You have tattoos,” Dean said off handily.
Marathon blinked. “What?”
“Tattoos. You didn’t have them before.”
Mariah raised an eyebrow. Dean was focused on her hand and his tone seem neutral. He was trying to distract her. She smiled just a little. “I did actually. I just used a spell to glamor them.”
“Why? It’s nice ink.”
“Tattoos are easier recognized than a face.”
Dean pursed his lips and nodded. He tied off the gaze. “There.” But he didn’t let go of her hand. Her fingers were like ice. “We will find her, Mariah. I promise.” His green eyes were warm and it made her smile for real. “Thank you.”
Dean stared at her a long minute then cleared his throat. “Any luck, Sammy?”
His brother shrugged. “No. I really don’t get this. Some guy with powers that you say can’t be a witch just pops in on two witches by accident?”
Mariah bit her lip. “It might not really be by accident. He was looking for us. Or rather, looking for Kit.”
Dean’s brow furrowed. “You said you didn’t know him.”
“I don’t. But Kit might have.” She was playing with one of the several rings on her fingers, not meeting either of them in the eye.
“What’s going on Mariah?”
She sighed and said, “Last month at the auction, Kit kinda stole a necklace.”
She flinched at Dean’s shout. “She said it could be dangerous. It had Enochian symbols carved into it.”
Sam held up a hand. “Enochian? As in the language of angels.”
She nodded.
“Kit can read Enochian?”
Again, she nodded.
The brothers exchanged looks. Then Dean growled out, “Cas!”
Mariah stood up. “What’s wrong?”
Before they said a word. A man in a long khaki trench coat with dark hair and breath taking blue eyes was standing behind Dean.
“Yes Dean?”
Mariah reached for her gun but Dean help up a hand. “It ok. He’s a friend. Kinda. Cas, this is Mariah. Mariah, the angel Castiel.”
Mariah stared for a long minute, eyes shifting between all the men in the room. Then she burst into a fit of giggles, plopping back onto the bed. Cas looked confused. Sam looked nervous. Dean looked concerned. She might have finally cracked.
“Mariah, what’s so funny?”
Mariah tried to breathe and answer Dean. “Y’all are fucking with me right?”
“Mariah, this isn’t a joke.”
Her giggles stared to fade as she took in their faces. “He’s-he’s not really an angel.”
No one smiled. No one even moved.
“He can’t be an angel!” she shrieked.
“Why not?” asked Cas.
“You’re to pretty!”
“Mariah!” Dean put his hand on her shoulders. She looked like she was going to cry again. The events of the day seemed to be to much for her. “I’m getting you food.” Mariah was still staring wide eyed at Castiel. “Hey, let go grab some food.”
She blinked a few times then focused on him. “I’m not hungry.”
“You need to eat. I saw the bag from earlier. You barely touched it and it’s cold by now. You can fill Cas in then I’m taking you to get something in your stomach.” Dean didn’t want her to get hysterical. Food was the best distraction.
Mariah stared at him. His green eyes were hard and she knew he wound or give up. Stressed and to drained to argue she just nodded.
The feel of silk moving against her skin as she moved was making Kit feel on edge. This was Mariah’s field. She couldn’t flirt and be coy. Dazzling strangers in fancy gowns and glittery jewelry. She much preferred using her magic or her fists. She wasn’t girly in the slightest. Kit peeked once again at one of the many mirrors that line the obnoxiously large dining room. Loki had also glamored or spelled or whatever he had done makeup onto her face. Her eyes were smokey and winged like a cat’s. Lips full and slicked a dark plum.
She took a deep breath and tried to suppress her anxiety. Moving the gold plated fork around the butter seasoned vegetables and perfectly cooked steak. Everything smelled delicious but the churning of her stomach made her afraid to take a single bite. The glass of bubbling champagne was completely out of the question.
“I said dinner in exchange for answers,” Loki breathed from across the table. “Not staring at you fidget and move a perfectly good porterhouse around.”
She glared at him. “Maybe being kidnapped ruined my appetite.”
He smiled. “You’re a guest, not a prisoner.”
“Still doesn’t change the fact that you knocked me out and brought me here against my will.”
He sighed heavily and set the flute of champagne down. “If I give you a few answers will you calm down? You look ready to crawl out of your skin.”
“Maybe. Let’s see.”
“Ok. Ask away.”
“What are you?”
He laughed. “Going for the kill are you?”
“I told you. I’m Loki.”
She rolled her eyes. “So I’m just supposed to believe that you are the trickster god Loki?”
“You’re a witch and a hunter. Is you’re mind really that small.”
“Bitch!” Kit gripped the fork tightly in her fist.
“Oh, did I hit a nerve?”
Kit dropped the fork and shoved herself back from the table. “Where are you going?” Loki called out after her.
“Fuck you and your answers.”
“Wait!” He was right next to her grabbing her arm. She turned, gripped the wrist that was holding her and rolled him over her hip. There should have been a loud thud of his body hitting the marble, but the room stayed silent.
“Well.” Kit turned and saw him leaning against the table. “That was fun.” He was smirking and once against sipping his champagne.
Rage boiled and quickly killed her anxiety. She wanted to punch him but the stupid look on his face told her he like making her angry. “Did you have a reason for bringing me here, or are you just playing with me?”
She really wanted to smack that stupid grin off his face. How did Mariah deal with these creeps.
“Take me back, I don’t care what this stupid necklace has to offer if it means I have to deal with you.” She started to pull the necklace over her head.
“Alright. Alright. I’ll stop. Just keep that on.”
“I don’t want it.”
He shrugged. “To bad. It’s yours now.”
“What the hell do you mean by that?”
“Sit down and I will actually give you answers. No more games.” He placed his hand over his heart. “Trickster’s honor.”
“That means bullshit.”
He winked at her. “Take it or leave it buttercup.”
“Stop with the stupid nicknames too. My name is Kit.”
He nodded. “Kit. Understood.”
Kit huffed and dropped back into her chair.
He didn’t sit. He leaned over the back of the high backed chairs and stared at his hands. Kit figured he was trying to figure out how to answer her questions without really answering. Years on the run and watching Mariah run dozens of cons, she knew that face. “I’ll ask a simpler question if who and what you are is so difficult.”
He looked up and smiled at her. “Go ahead. I promise to answer this one.”
Kit narrowed her eyes and thought hard for a minute. “What is the point of bringing me here? I was willing to give you back the necklace but you said no. If it’s no longer the reason then why?”
He tilted his head. “I told you. I am very intrigued by you.”
The twists and knots filled her stomach again. “But I don’t understand why. Explain what so intriguing about me.”
“We might not have time. I told your friend I wouldn’t have you out for to long.”
“Can the sweet talk.”
Those hazel eyes sparkled. “You are fascinating! Such a beautiful woman that hates being treated like a queen.”
“I’m a hunter. Not a queen.”
The smile grew and he said, “So fascinating. But to give a more specific answer to your question.” He moved and sat back down. “I brought you here because of the necklace.”
Kit gritted her teeth. “You just told me to keep it.”
“Not to take it from you. To see what it chose you.”
“Chose me?”
Loki nodded. “You’re a smart witch. Despite what I said earlier I know you are. That necklace has a protective charm on it.”
She nodded. “Yeah I got that from the Enochian.”
His eyes widened. “You could read it?”
“Well yeah. I’m the only living witch that I know of that can.”
He stared at her in shock for a long time then simply whispered, “Fascinating.”
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polvillodecanela · 6 years
Winter Craft
Hello! this is for @seablrd for the @caprisecretsanta2018 , please enjoy it.
On a Friday night is when the love potions are at its finest. Auguste knew that. Sadly, for Laurent, Auguste is not very keen of doing errands.
"They live among us."
"My niece was cursed by one of them and now all men leave her."
"We've hired a priest to exorcize the neighborhood; maybe he'll take them out, running."
"Your total is 24.55", the cashier said politely.
"I have coupons, son"
Beep, beep, beep.
"Your total is 15.23"
The tinkling sound of small coins on the counter brought Laurent back to earth.
The market was buzzing with activity at that time of the night. The old woman in front of him was using all her pennies to pay, making them hit loudly on the counter. The cashier was busy and considerably angrier. Meanwhile, Laurent used the opportunity to take a better look at her: Plain, white hair; second-hand clothes (badly trifted) and worn shoes. She looked like a stereotypical witch herself, funny thing. Behind him, a couple was talking about a dinner with friends they will go later. Honestly, Laurent had more important things to do that being there, on an unmovable queue; also, he had four or five things to say to the now retiring old woman: 1. Yes, witches and warlocks live among you, or as his mother used to say "it's those imbeciles who live among us”
2. We are busy people, Karen, we do not have time to walk around casting curses on people. If your niece is left by all men, she must be a repellent person like you are.
3. If you call a priest to perform an exorcism, please make him go to our house so the man could try and cast out a couple of naughty spirits that Auguste let in last Monday who hasn’t let us sleep since.
The line advanced a little, the cashier directed an apologetic look at Laurent who returned the gesture. Now, a girl buying some candies. Laurent rolled his eyes when the girl used the classic I-forgot-my-money play to tried to steal some things. The cashier stopped her quickly and, politely, told her to leave. His eyes weren’t very warm though.
Finally, it was his turn.
"Let's see: Rosemary, Thyme, black tea in leaves, mint, lemons" the cashier looked at him through his red eyelashes, his eyes shining with high interest and a bit of mischief “The youngest de Vere has bought all this, today precisely on a Friday night ", then, he leaned in conspirational. “Who are you enchanting, huh? Is a she? Or, is it a he?”
Laurent felt his cheeks going a little bit pinky. If Ancel could guess what those ingredients were for, he can`t even imagine what would be of his reputation if someone older noticed that too.
"Shut up, Ancel and just tell me the price. "
The redhead giggled childishly.
"Your brother must tell me how to make my love potions more effective."
"Easy. You have to be graceful, not that plain...you've already lost. "
"And that’s why I'll charge you the non-magical fee. Its 8.50”
Laurent left the money and took everything acquired. The list wasn`t complete, though because of course, Auguste loved using Laurent’s precious full-moon Friday time as the errand boy for his next potion.
His older brother had been trying for months - M O N T H S - to have a little toss on the sheets with the guy of the vet clinic, who had come not long ago to the neighborhood. Months using his charms that, of course, would not work in a hetero guy.
But, honestly, who would dare to say Auguste the contrary, huh?
"Laurent!" Auguste had said a few days ago "I have it"
Auguste’s bright blue eyes gave Laurent all the clues to figure what was in his brother’s mind and he was sure as hell didn`t want to know. Sometimes being the smartest in the family was more a burden than a blessing
“A Brain? At last?" Laurent answered without looking up from his book.
A pillow crashed Laurent’s face.
"No, silly little brother” Auguste smiled, “a hair of the handsome Greek boy from the veterinary. He is going to be mine, finally. Nobody resists my charms”
If Laurent had a penny for every time he saw that smile… 
"Let me guess,” he said eyeing one of his brother’s pockets “sleep potion"
"It just took a few drops, no more." he lifted his shoulders as if it was not a big deal "he didn’t even fall off the chair".
Auguste did a show of stereotypical magician and from behind Laurent’s ear, he tucked out a thick tuft of dark long curly hair. He smiled triumphantly. "I'll make him surrender to my feet, you'll see, but before that… I’m lacking something, brother"
Laurent's stomach clenched. He felt the small twist that only meant that something was off as his brother gave him a bright blue look. Bad news
"No," Laurent said authoritatively, chin up.
"I have not asked for anything yet!"
"My answer is no."
"But I have to clean myself and my cauldron for the potion and you know that implies meditation and everything” he paused and did a fashion of remembering something “also, I have to get pretty for my date. So … please?”
"No, and nothing will change my mind," Laurent claimed, swearing to resist Auguste’s puppy eyes. He would die first.
Hours later, Laurent was still wondering how the hell he ended outside, on a perfect full moon night with a purchase under his arm that hasn’t even come out of Auguste’s pocket.
"I swear if Auguste makes me buy him condoms or some shit like that, I'll give him hemorrhoids and the party will be over."
 With heavy steps, Laurent walked towards the Flower Shop. A delicious smell of cinnamon invaded all his senses, that and the smell of new flowers and herbs gave the place an aura of festivity and easiness. Being a frequent costumer Laurent knew almost all the plants and herbs the crew offered there, he always found the ingredients he needed and Lykaios was nice to him, even that time when he went in the morning, the other employee (Erasmus?) were good to him.
Alright, he needed some roses and Damianas. What was a Damiana like? Were they just leaves? Did he need the flower? Many?  A few? In Auguste's chicken scrawl he could only read "a pinch of Damiana".
A pinch.
Damn it. Here is when knowing most of the herbs proved insufficient.
Laurent looked at the counter, completely empty. Probably she was doing inventory or something, he thought with a little bit of concern.
He looked around, just to confirm that he was the only one there, before reaching to his neck to extract a necklace with a navy blue crystal that seemed to hold the universe inside. He concentrated his energy and with a soft murmur said "Take me to the Damianas".
Walking through the small shop, Laurent let the small oscillating pendulum guiding him to some beautiful yellow flowers "They have to be those", he thought happily. He was so aware of the movement of the crystal that he didn’t feel a thing; a really solid bulge what was sitting on the bottom of other shelf so, naturally, he stumbled and fell heavily letting go the necklace that went to the bottom of the Damianas shelf. 
Laurent’s heart sunk as he let out a growl of frustration. The shelf looked heavy and solid and the crack where his chain passed was narrow and dark. He was ready to use a levitation spell when behind him, the thing he stumbled into went up. It was a person. Go figure.
Laurent looked up, up and up to find ... a dimple.
The young man in front of him cleaned his knees, put his hands on his hips and looked down at him, with the most sincere smile Laurent had ever seen, the leather apron resting softly on a thin hip and embracing - very well – his large biceps.
"I'm really sorry,” he said going a little bit pink “ the bell store broke this morning and I haven’t had the chance to put it back again, you were being really silent so I didn’t notice you."
"What about Lykaios?" Laurent said, recovering his voice. He was still sprawled on the floor.
"In maternity license" the other one raised Laurent taking him by the arm as if he were made of paper.
Laurent was a bit dumbstruck. To say that the new employee was big was an understatement.
"Oh, yes, I remember. She was very pregnant ", he said, abruptly. How eloquent.
“Yeah, because of that I'm taking the afternoon shift. Erasmus is in charge of the morning one. You know Erasmus?"
“Yes, of course,” No, he didn’t but maybe just maybe his brain wasn’t working good enough. It wasn’t weird if he had said that he didn’t know well the other boy since he always buys there at night. Why lie, then? Oh crap, he wasn`t being really smart at the moment. It wasn’t ideal.
The guy’s smile grew fonder if that was possible. Where on earth does one find people like this? Laurent wondered. The guy was glowing and the Christmas lights made wonders on his olive skin. And his biceps, he could perfectly wrap his both hands around one of those and still they couldn’t round them completely. Laurent checked if he had his mouth closed.
“How can I help you?" And again that dimple.
The guy’s smile was somewhat fond, weird thing considering Laurent actually kicked him while stumbling. Laurent smiled too, just a bit.
Don’t get too excited. 
"Damianas" he said. The guy’s smile turned playful.
"Here, at the front aisle" He walked to the shelf, the one where his crystal went under. "They are excellent for erectile dysfunction."
Laurent closed his eyes and counted to five before embarrassment made him turn that innocent man into a lizard.
"I didn’t know that. For the record, those are for my brother." Laurent explained, trying to sound less embarrassed that he was. 
"Oh, you should not blush. Many have that problem" he paused." By the way, when you tripped with me I thought I heard glassware. Did I break something?"
"A very old crystal from my family is under that aisle," Laurent said feigning indifference.
Without much effort, the guy pushed the shelf, flowers and all, and yielded it a few centimeters, just so that Laurent could lean and take his crystal. Okay, if Laurent was a little bit dumbstruck at first, now he was really stoned; with his eyes almost coming out of his sockets he inspected his necklace, it was intact and Laurent sighed quietly with relief. The employee returned the shelf to this original position without even breaking a sweat.
Seriously, where on earth does one find something like that?
"Hey” The guy let out an appreciative whistle “that crystal is very cute, matches with your eyes."
It was quite funny to see how the employee went from confident to goo when Laurent combed behind his ear a wild strand of his hair and put on the necklace. Laurent allowed himself to smile, just a little bit more as he curved his lips higher.
"Thanks, for the effort” Laurent got a bit closer “I'll take one of those” he signaled the yellow little flowers that were on a pot “and three roses, please. "
"Only three?" the guy tilted his head. Like a golden retriever, Laurent’s brain prompted.
The man went to do his work, taking a pot with him to carry the flowers.
"There we go,” he said. Dimpled smiled and all “they are 20 but since we are arriving at Christmas season, I leave them at 15. Now, a piece of advice: for whatever you are going to use them, use the leaves, not the flowers, uh sorry, for whatever your “brother" is going to do. Have a nice day"
Giving thanks, Laurent left the florist with more than one curse in mind for Auguste.  When he arrived, the smell of too many candles gave him nausea. Auguste was out of control. However, Laurent left the purchase on the dinner table and went to his room. He had been doing a study in his dream-journal and did not want to lose the connector wire.
Four books later he felt those little electronic touches of his brother's powerful magic. Apparently, whatever Auguste was doing was ready. He had completely forgotten to tell him the matter of the leaves.
"Damianas," he said as he heard a knock on the main door.
A curly haired tall and muscly man, with the expression of who prefers to be literally dead that there, found him in the entrance.
"Good evening," The strange said trying his best to sound kind or polite. Laurent frowned. The animosity was mutual.
"Oh, Nikandros, good evening" Auguste exited the kitchen with a thermos under his arm and wiping his hands with a cloth, like an older woman, his voice sounded like cheap silk. Laurent rolled his eyes. "We're leaving; I made some tea for us later."
Auguste gently guided Nikandros with a soft but powerful grip on his shoulder towards the exit.
"Laurent" he whispered, before following. "if everything goes well, do not wait for me tonight" and then, without any shame he had the audacity to wink at him.
"TMI, Auguste, TMI"
It didn’t go well. Crying, Auguste told him the next day that in his carelessness, the thermos that contained the powerful potion went to the floor spilling everything; how the potion stained Nikandros’s pants; how he almost killed him at dinner with an almond and how Nikandros had said goodbye rather coolly and with reason, honestly.
"Can you tell me how he agreed to go out with you in the first place?" Laurent said patting his brother on his head, trying to ignore how stained with mucus his t-shirt was.
"He lost a game of cards against me," Auguste admitted.
"Oh, you mean that you made him lose a game of cards against you."
"Those are meaningless details”
A week later, Laurent was heading back to Ancel’s store. The redhead was looking curious through his long eyelashes, taking note to see what else Laurent acquired to use it to his benefit. The old woman from last week was also there, taking a pancake mix.
Laurent smiled mischievously. He concentrated strongly on the package the old woman had in her hand, thought of sand, ashes, earth and finally, tasteless dietetic sugar. He felt a bit of his power leave his body as he spelled.
"I hope that thing tastes like shit". The old woman didn’t flinch. She didn’t even notice.
The line at the market moved faster this time. The old woman did her share about the failed exorcism. False, the naughty spirits were actually gone. Thank you, old repellent woman please enjoy your shitty pancake mix.
When Laurent put his items on the line Ancel let out a gasp “This is the first time I saw you buying the same ingredients twice. Did your brother fuck it up? How?”
“That’s none of your business, redhead” 
“Oof, he fucked up badly since you’re this angry. Here, I’ll give you a discount, pay me 5”
“That’s the magical fee” Laurent arched an eyebrow
“Ugh, you got me. I really can’t offer discounts”
That made Laurent Laugh.
“Nice try. Call me next time you’re doing free readings” Ancel’s green eyes shined with interest.
“Are you asking me for a reading? Is about a someone?”
“Don’t ruin my good mood, I warn you”
Ancel showed his hands in surrender. Someday he will be able to know some dark secrets. For now, he smiled and proceeded to register the next person’s items.
The bell of the flower shop worked on this occasion. Mr. Dimple was at the counter making a beautiful arrangement, wrapping in soft blue butter paper roses of many colors.
"Hello!” he beamed, once he saw Laurent. “What a pleasure to have you back, how can I help you?"
"Good afternoon, I would like again ...”
To Laurent's surprise, Nikandros went through the door as if his life was depending on it. His hair was a little disheveled and his expression somewhat lost. Laurent noticed a silver ring on his ring finger that was not there before, the engraving familiar to him. Auguste's sigils, probably a B plan. Bile gathered in his mouth as a headache started.
Nikandros stopped dead at the door when he noticed the blond young man, looking angry and flexing his hands with intention.
"Nik, good night,” The employee (Damianos) said, smiling “It's almost ready".
"Your name is Damianos" Laurent said, still looking at the ring. He was feeling a bit dazed, was it the cinnamon?
"You are Auguste's brother." Nikandros crossed his arms.
"Auguste?”  Damianos blurted out as Nikandros directed a cold stare at him, too late. “The guy you’ve liked since always and that always ruins your dates?"
"The what now?" Laurent directed his entire attention to Nikandros. It had to be a joke.
It wasn’t. The story took two hours in where it was clearly established that Auguste does not have the faculties to read people. Laurent was on the verge of crying for multiple reasons, all the lost afternoons of shopping, for nothing. All the "Laurent, stir the potion clockwise, not the other way" or "Laurent, do I look sexy or nah?" and "Laurent, I ran out of candles "at 2 in the morning. All because Auguste could not understand that not everyone who liked him was going to kneel and ask for his hand on a date.
He was almost dissociating when the comment reached his ears like a bomb.
"Double date, but not like a romantic double date but like a fun-with-friends double date, okay?"
"You were not hearing?" Damianos said kindly. He really looked like a Golden Retriever.
"Oh, yeah sure" he lied. Without knowing he had dug his grave.
"Then" Damianos gave him a paper with a number, most likely his phone. "Text me?"
"Sure" He almost ran out of the store "Thank you, Damianos."
"Call me Damen, please.”
Damianos took Laurent’s hand gently, smiled – with that goddamm dimple of his – and winked, mischievously. Laurent heard Nikandros sigh behind him “And I’m being serious, call me."
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ssportsnews · 3 years
Jeon Hyun-moo and 'Lee Hye-sung' to get married next year?
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'Talk Fa One 25 O'Clock' fortune tellers predicted the wedding date of Jeon Hyun-moo.
In the JTBC entertainment program 'Talk Pa One 25 O'Clock (abbreviated as Talk Pa One)', which was first aired on the 2nd, the appearances of Talk Pa One in six countries, including France, China, the United States, Japan, Australia, and Italy, were on the air.
The first Talkpawon to be introduced was Mr. Moon Ju, a Talkpawon from France. He has been living in Paris for 31 years now and is a 6th year creator with 200,000 subscribers. He introduced himself, "My parents majored in sculpture, so they came in 1988, and I was born in France."
The second Talkpa One was Han Ye-rin, who has been living in New York for 3 years. She is currently attending the Manhattan School of Music Department of Vocal Music. He even received her congratulations when he announced the casting of her opera heroine. Han Ye-rin surprised the MCs by splendidly digesting one verse of Christine's number in 'The Phantom of the Opera'.
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The third Talkpawon was Hyun Jun-yeok, who has been living in Rome, Italy for 20 years. Sir, a 12-year veteran guide, he is serving as the head of the tour guide. He introduced himself, saying, "When I say the general manager because of the drama, I think he's old, but he's 30."
The fourth talker was Sang-Hoon Shin, who has been living in Brisbane, Australia for 6 years. He is a trainer who took first place at the Australian ICN Natural Championship, a global fitness competition. He showed off his cute charm by doing a V pose instead of a muscle when the MCs asked for a pose.
The fifth Talkpawon was Yoo Jaeyun, who has been living in Tokyo for 7 years. After he entered Waseda Graduate School, he said he was working as a Korean language instructor. The MCs expressed keen interest in his warm appearance, saying, "It seems that you went to the shop alone", "Isn't he wearing lipstick too red?", "I think he also put on eye makeup".
The sixth correspondent was Shin Ah-reum, who has been living in Beijing, China for three years. Yang Se-chan introduced him as "a mother's daughter who entered Tsinghua University, a prestigious university after two years of studying abroad."
The 'Talk Fa One Direct Buy' corner has been on the air. The first item was fortune telling. Talkpa members from China, Japan and France have been looking for fortune telling in the New Year. Shin Ah-reum, a talker in China, said, "The first start of the study of Myungri is in China. I met a fortune teller in person and watched the orders of the MCs." “I came here to see a fortune teller using a necklace called pendulum,” said Yoo Jae-yun, a Japanese talker. “There are a lot of people who think of Tarot when they talk about French fortune telling, but I have come across people who watch contemplation,” said Munju Moon of Talkpawon, France.
Monad analyzed Jeon Hyun-moo's contemplation, saying, "He is a person who has nothing to worry about. He has a steel-like side. Nothing is impossible for him." Japanese fortune teller Rosarimo said, "I have good luck with money. However, it is recommended to save rather than spend a lot." Chinese fortune teller Cheon Ryeong-zi said, "It's the key to becoming rich. But money is often lost. You must save."
Regarding love & marriage luck, a Japanese fortune teller said, "Unfortunately, I don't see any luck in marriage this year. The wedding date is likely to be next year." A Chinese fortune teller, Cheon Ryeong-ja, also analyzed that "there is a good chance of getting married next year." French contemplative Monad said, "The wedding will happen soon. There is a person who loves Jeon Hyun-moo very much. That person is a man," he embarrassed Jeon Hyun-moo.
먹튀 검증,먹튀 사이트,먹튀 검증 사이트,먹튀 제보,먹튀 신고,먹튀,토토 사이트,카지노 사이트,바카라 사이트,파워볼 사이트,먹튀 검증 업체,먹튀 검증 커뮤니티
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Six of Cups
Autor’s Note: I’m supposed to post three stories for a school project, and this is the first one! I had a lot of fun writing this, and I hope you enjoy it! Please pm me if you have any suggestions/corrections/etc. Have a good day!
This was inspired by The Snow Queen, by Hans Christian Anderson. My Grandma used to read this to me and my siblings when we were little, so it always has a special place in my heart.
This is cross-posted on AO3 under the same title.
“What are you looking for?” Mrs. Heks asked. I turned to face her, tearing my eyes away from a stuffed crow. The scent of lavender hit me like a bus, making my eyes water.
“Excuse me?” I raised an eyebrow.
“Nobody comes here unless they’re looking for something.” She blew out a puff of smoke, and I wrinkled my nose as the smell mixed with her floral perfume. “Or someone.” I rolled my eyes. Her greying hair was tied in a loose braid that dangled to her waist. A quartz necklace dangled from a rusty chain around the fortune-teller’s neck, matching the crystal beads that decorated the string on her glasses. Mrs. Heks was wearing a large, floral apron with too many pockets to count. When I finally made eye contact, she was staring at me over her half-moon glasses. I stammered out a response.
“I don’t actually believe in any of...” I gestured to the pendulums dangling in the window, the purple tablecloth, and the scent diffuser humming merrily in the corner of the room.
“...This.” I finished. The fortune-teller laughed, sitting down across from me.
“Most people don’t, sweetheart.” Mrs. Heks slid a cup of tea towards me. “But you’re still here.” I shrugged, and took a long sip of mint and lemongrass.
“But I’m not here for a reading.” I flipped open my badge, being careful to cover my name. “I hear you hired someone recently. A young man, early twenties with blond hair.”
The fortune-teller froze. I imagined Tanya’s disappointed face, and a wave of guilt washed over me.
It’s not illegal to show people my badge, and I’m not forcing her to answer anything. I thought. My partner’s face didn’t change, so I pushed the image aside.
“A man matching that description has been spotted in the area named Kay Drengis. Did you hire him?” Mrs. Heks raised an eyebrow.
“Is Mr. Drengis in some sort of trouble?” she asked.
“That’s confidential.” I mutter. Mrs Heks shrugged.
“Then I don’t know Cael.”
“Right.” Mrs. Heks didn’t expand, so I scanned the store.
The stuffed crow was directly across the room from me, its beady eyes following me as I moved my head back and forth. Heavy drapes covered the windows; the only light coming from old, twisted candles scattered throughout the small room. Jars of different herbs were crammed onto bookcases with books marked in a language that looked like Latin. I looked back to the other woman in the room.
Mrs. Heks was smiling as I met her gaze, blowing out another ring of smoke
“You aren’t supposed to smoke inside.” I protested weakly. The fortune-teller ignored me, humming a short tune as she pulled a deck of cards out of one of her many pockets. My heart sunk.
“Ma’am, I don’t have time for-” She shot me a glare, and I fell silent. The fortune-teller began to shuffle, and then she spoke.
“There is a lot of blue-eyed, blond young men in this town, including my son. And this isn’t the first time I’ve seen an officer in my shop.” She cut the deck into three, and gestured to the table. “Choose.”
“I’m not here for a reading.” I insisted. “I just need to know if you have seen Kay Drengis.” Mrs. Heks paused, and raised an eyebrow.
“You made an appointment. You’re still getting charged for this, so you might as well humour me.” She waved at the cards. With a sigh, I flipped a card from the first deck.
“Your first card is the Queen of Swords, upright.” The fortune-teller tapped the table in thought.
“It’s just a card.” I grumbled. “And it won’t help me find Kay.” But as I said this, I examined the picture. The painted queen looked like she was in the middle of a battle, her face frozen in a snarl. She held a white sword, snow swirling around her tense figure.
“She represents intelligence and perception. You will need both in your challenges.” Mrs. Heks pushed her glasses up her nose, a strange look in her eyes. I shivered, then drew from the second deck. Her eyes went wide.
“Ooh, this is interesting! The Hermit, reversed.” On the card stood an old woman, standing alone in an overgrown garden. She kneeled before a single rose, face buried in her hands.
“You’ve withdrawn from those who love and care about you. Maybe you haven’t noticed, or maybe you’re aware of the loneliness. Either way, you need to remember to make time for the ones you love.” I thought to my grandmother, alone in my childhood home, but I pushed the thought aside and met Mrs. Heks’ gaze. The strange look had returned.
“What?” I asked, but she shook her head and gestured to the third deck, not meeting my gaze. I hesitated, then flipped the final card.
“The Six of Cups, upright.” Mrs. Heks announced. I glanced at the painting, and my breath caught in my chest. The card featured a young girl and a boy, sitting next to a window-box full of roses. The little boy was staring out from the card, his icy blue eyes an exact match to what I remembered of Kay.
“This card represents nostalgia and naive happiness.” The fortune-teller looked at me over the frames of her glasses. “It can also signal a reunion with someone from the past.” I look back to the card, shoulders tensing. “I did the reading, now will you help me?”
“I thought I already did.” the fortune-teller grumbled. She looked me up and down.
“I sell protective charms upstairs, if you need them.”
“I think I’ll manage.” I grumbled. “Do you know where I can find Kay or not?”
After a moment’s pause, she sighed.
“Fine.” Mrs. Heks stood, and left the room. As soon as she was out of eyesight, I pulled out a wrinkled photo from beneath my badge. I sat on the left, my arm slung around Kay’s shoulders. We were both covered in dirt, a messy flower planter in front of us. My heart pounding, I picked up the Six of Cups. The boy on the card was identical to Kay. I coughed, trying to clear the lump forming in my throat as I put the photo away. Just as I lowered it, Mrs. Heks bustled back into the room.
“You know him personally, don’t you?” she asked, looking me up and down.
“What makes you say that?” I drummed my fingers on the table, and Mrs. Heks cracked a smile.
“You call him by his first name. The officers who came before you were much more formal when discussing suspects.”  She took a sip from her own cup of tea. “I bet your superiors wouldn’t be happy with you using federal resources to track down a childhood playmate, would they?” I dropped my mug. Cursing under my breath, I reached down to pick up pottery shards as Mrs. Heks chuckled.
“Relax, I won’t report you.” Mrs. Heks grinned, passing me a towel.  “I wouldn’t know where to start.” She slid a business card to me across the table. Once I dropped the towel onto the puddle, I looked the card over.
Dronning Law & Associates
Heidi Dronning
“He moved in with Ms. Dronning about eight, maybe nine years ago. He’s her foster son.” Mrs. Heks scowled at this.
“Not a fan?” I asked, dropping the last shards of mug onto the table. Mrs. Heks hesitated, then nodded.
“She’s not the easiest to get along with.” she said simply. “A bit too cold-hearted, if you ask me.” My gaze caught on the Queen of Swords. “Kay was a quiet kid, and he’s an even quieter adult. Whatever you think he did…” Mrs. Heks glared at me above her wiry glasses. “He’s a good man.”
“He’s not in trouble!” I reassured, setting the mug down. “I just need to talk to him.” The fortune-teller nodded slowly, but her eyes were still narrowed.
“How well do you know Kay?” I asked casually. Mrs. Heks shrugged.
“He used to help me unload boxes for my shop, and he used to play with my son, Liam.” She tapped the card thoughtfully. “He didn’t share my beliefs either, but he was always respectful, and willing to learn.” I nodded slowly, giving the painted Kay a final glance. After a moment’s hesitation, I flipped it facedown.
“Thanks for your help.” My voice was quieter than I expected.
“Leave the payment on the table.” Mrs. Heks ordered. I slapped a twenty on the table, and Mrs. Heks started to clear the table. As I was leaving, Mrs. Heks cleared her throat.
“I hope you know what you’re doing, little Gerda.” The fortune-teller chuckled. “Your challenges are only just beginning.” I spun to face her, my blood running cold.
“How do you know my...” My sentence trailed off. The fortune-teller was gone.
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cobaltcaster · 4 years
Making a Decision - A Pendulum Spell
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About the Pendulum
For our purposes in this spell, the pendulum is used for receiving “yes” and “no” answers from your inner self or subconscious mind, aiding you to make decisions and obtain clarity. However, this is the only use of pendulum. People use pendulums for other purposes above and beyond answers. Healers often use pendulums to find imbalances in the physical and etheric body.
One can perform dowsing, which is an old art of searching for things that may be hidden, such as water or metal. Dowsing with a pendulum can also be used to locate people or objects. When I lose something in my house, I take out one of my pendulums and ask it where the lost item is. It points in the direction of the lost piece and, for the most part, it has been mystically accurate. If I cannot find the article within the house, I stand by a window. If it points in the direction of the window, I know it is outside. 
It is also excellent for getting insights as to whether someone is telling you the truth about a given situation. Its ultimate purpose is to be used for questioning pertaining to the present, not the future.
You can use this device alone or with another person. If you are helping another to receive answers, your subconscious will telepathically pick up on the other person's subconscious mind.
Examples of the type of questions that are suited for pendulum use are:
I don't know if the man I am seeing is serious about our relationship ----- is he?
Should I move out of the place I am living?
Will I be happy if I take that other job offer?
Would it be beneficial for me to start this new venture?
Should I be following a more spiritual path at this time in my life?
Remember, use only yes or no questions.
Remember that you are tapping into your subconscious to find out what you really want in life and what will lead to true happiness and fulfillment on all levels. The pendulum is such a wealth of information about present situations, events, and general decision-making, you will feel great relief. You will not have to obsess about people and choices.
To sum it up, use your pendulum when you can't decide what to do about something or when you want to know if someone is telling you the whole story about a situation. If you do ask a question about the future, the pendulum will only tell you what your subconscious wants to happen, not what will happen, and you may be disappointed. Use it properly and you will see its great value and potential.
Protect This Magickal Tool
When not using your pendulum, keep it in a pouch or in some other container. Is not good to leave it exposed to other energies or vibrations. Wash your pendulum with cold water every now and then to clear it and remove vibrations from the last session. I recommend clearing or washing it when you feel it is starting to get chaotic, heavy, or you are picking up uneasy energy, but use your own intuition.
Some people never cleanse their pendulums as they feel it becomes more filled with their own vibrations with each use, therefore becoming more powerful. If someone else borrows it, make sure to clear it after they have used it by washing it or letting it clear in the light of the Sun or the Moon ( new, waxing, or full ).
Working with another person or people is fine as long as everyone is focused on the same question and not concerned about what they will ask when it is their turn. Having others involved can be very exciting and interesting. However, solitary use is recommended for really serious matters. Try both and see what works for you.
Some people ask if it is better to work outside or inside. It is up to you. However, I must tell you the night of a full Moon is incredible! The pendulum just really “sings.” You don't have to sit outside on the full Moon ... just feel the energy.
Making a Pendulum
You can very inexpensively purchase a pendulum at a New Age gift store or Internet site, or you can make your own. It is basically a device consisting of a weighted object that is suspended by a string or chain above a target or fixed point ( see above image ) that swings back and forth under the influence of gravity.
They are often made of gemstones, like amethyst or clear quartz crystal, as well as glass, wood, brass, and other metals. You can convert a necklace with a pointed gemstone to use as a pendulum. You may decide to use a cross, ring, or cork ( wide side up ) that is attached to a single chain or string.
Necessary Enchantments and Magickal Tools
The tools necessary for this spell include any tools you have chosen for your formation as described below.
You will need:
a pendulum
a piece of paper or cardboard with a circle drawn on it ( This is used as a target. )
Utilize anything that will represent a defined target and can be set flat on a table or floor. I have seen the use of quarters, buttons, or even the holes of a compact disk!
Candles You will also need three candles: one white and two purple. Place the white candle at the center point of the triangle in front of you and your target and the other two behind you in either corner of the triangle. Formation All spells should begin with casting a circle, which is your shield of protection. If you're using a triangle or square, you can cast a circle first as then cast your formation within it. Best formation for the spell is the triangle. Cast your formation ( using methods described here ) using a wand, a knife, an extended arm with fingers pointed, salt, or other material items you may have chosen.
Direction to Face The spell is most effective if you are facing north. Arrange your candles as stated above and any tools or enchantments that will be in your formation so they will be in front of you when you are sitting facing north.
Moon Phase This spell will work best if cast during the full or waxing phase of the Moon because you are trying to bring something to a fullness, a clarity as the Moon moves to fullness and clarity.
Day of the Week The most favorable days of the week to cast this spell would be on Sunday or Monday, but it can be performed on any day of the week.
Optional Magickal Enchantments
The following items will add a deeper dimension to your spell and help you focus yourself more fully, but they are not necessary and the spell can be cast even if you don't have these items available.
Gemstones The best gemstones to use for this spell are amethyst and clear quartz crystal. If using additional gemstones other than those recommended in your formation, place them in front of you. Incense Incense that will enhance this spell would be frankincense, jasmine, and sage. Place incense in a safe place within your formation if you like; however, start the incense outside of your formation.
Music If you like music and will not find it distracting, you might want to play something instrumental that is low frequency, peaceful, and soothing. Whatever you are comfortable with will be best.
Before You Start Your Pendulum Session
Make sure you have no distractions. Turn off phones if possible. Play soothing music. Keep the lights dim. Wash your hands or shower before you begin. Light incense if you are using it. Gather everything you need and have it close at hand. Draw your formation.
Now is the time to light the candles. If using two candles, place one on each side of the target card. If using three candles, create a triangle around you ( if sitting on the floor ), or create a triangle with candles in front of you on a table or platform. There is a power in threes. The point of the triangle should be in front of you.
Ask your higher power to allow the information to flow through you.
How to Use Your Pendulum to Obtain Yes \ No Answers
Place your target card in front of you.
Hold the pendulum suspended from one hand with the point approximately one inch [ 2 cm ] above the center circle on your target card. You can bend your elbow or keep your arm straight; it's easier to bend your elbow. “Still “ the pendulum so it is not moving. Sometimes saying something like “quiet,” “still,” or “stay” works. You can say this out loud or to yourself.
Once you have gotten the pendulum to stay still, you will now determine what direction yes and no are. This will be different every time. Hence, I do not put yes or no directions on the target card.
Ask a question you know the answer to must be yes, such as, “Is my name _____ ?” If you gave your real name, it will point in the direction that now will determine yes.
Next, ask a question you know is a no answer. This is swing in the opposite direction of yes. If it does not, try again until you get clear directions for yes and no.
Now you have determined the direction of yes and no for this particular day or night. Your direction may change daily, so do this procedure each time. It is not necessary to do it after each question ----- just every twenty-four hours or more.
Once you go through this setup procedure, you can ask all the questions you want. ( However, don't go overboard! ) If you find the needle of the pendulum is going in circles or in a direction that makes no sense, stop and start over. If it still continues, put it away and attempt again on another day. For the most part, you should not encounter that problem.
If you notice your hand shakes or moves a bit, don't be concerned. Your subconscious motivates the brain to send a type of electrical impulse to your hand, therefore moving pendulum. Remember, this is a device to help you get in touch with your subconscious. If you want one thing and the pendulum tells you something different, you need to think about the message your inner self is trying to convey.
Example: The man I have been dating for three years is a “free spirit” who does not like to work, has no ambition, uses me, and I think sees other women on occasion. However, I still love him and I can't help it. Will he change and is he the one for me?
If you want the pendulum to say yes and it says no, consider the reason for the different point of view. Maybe there is something you're not admitting and you need to deal with it. I think you get the point!
Conclude with any statement that signifies closure of the ceremony in your mind such as, “And so it is,” “Blessed be,” or “Amen.” Now extinguish your candles and release your formation.
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mama-m1na · 5 years
Three Rings: Chapter 1
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It was a surprisingly nice morning in Temecula, California.
The sun was hidden by light grey clouds and there was a nice breeze going by compared to the usual bright and dry weather in June.
A teenage female let out a yawn as she made her way down the street towards the park just down the street from her home.
She wore a dark plum, knee-length dress with black wedges and had a brown, leather purse across her body. Around her neck was a pentagram necklace with purple gems and on a shorter chain was an amethyst pendulum with a small charm with a ‘T’ displayed on it. On her left pointer finger was a gold ring with three small diamonds on it; which, was a gift from a friend. Hanging from her ears were a pair of silver, hoop earrings.
Her black hair was left down for the day to just reach her thighs and the length of the dress allowed a decent amount of her golden-brown skin to be left visible as her brown irises speckled with golden flecks were turned down to the screen of her phone.
‘I’m going to meet with the council right now,’ she sent into her discord server before placing her phone back into her purse.
Quickly looking around to make sure no one saw her, the ravenette went behind a fence and headed under the bridge which went over a ditch in the middle of her park.
Going to the second column, past all of the random graffiti, she found a symbol etched into the concrete of three crescent moons tangled amongst each other surrounded by a larger circle.
Taking one last look at her surroundings she held her right hand over the symbol and said, “Lacus.”
It felt as if the floor disappeared from underneath her feet as the surroundings disappeared from around her before changing to the scenery of the entrance of a train station.
Putting her hand back to her side she was about to enter the building when she caught a glimpse of her reflection in a window.
“Ugh,” she scoffed looking at how one of her eyes was open slightly wider than the other, “I look so dead inside.”
Taking a small booklet from her bag that read ‘Magical Registration: Identification Card’, she opened it and swiped it over the scanner at the turn gates before walking through and entering her train which had arrived on time for once.
Upon taking her seat the female sighed as the train began to move before taking out a tube of concealer from her purse and a compact.
Using the mirror to see, she put concealer on her eyelids before blending it out with and air puff.
She then put away the tube of concealer before opening the second part of the compact to reveal a small eyeshadow palette and got an eyeshadow brush from her purse before using a light plum shade all over her eye.
After making sure it was even she pulled out a liquid eyeliner and applied it extremely carefully due to the fact she was in a moving vehicle.
It took about forty minutes for the train to get to the ravenette’s stop and she just spent the time responding to people on her discord server.
Resurfacing from the subway, the ravenette found herself standing in front of a building with Roman styled columns and a large sign that read ‘Magic Registry’.
Once again taking the green-covered identification card the female entered before showing it to the secretary who sat at the front desk before being led to a conference room at the top floor of the building.
Upon opening the door the female earned the attention of six elderly looking creatures already sitting at the circular table in the center of the room.
“Hello Ms. Ibadora,” a woman covered in scales greeted, “It’s nice to see your actual face for once.”
“Yeah well I decided to actually try on my appearance today and thought it would be a waste to cover it with a mask,” the ravenette chuckled before taking a seat closer to the door, “So why am I being called in today?”
“We have another job for your circus,” a man with pointed ears said handing the girl a file from across the table, “This one is much more important than the previous jobs you’ve handled.”
The teen’s eyes widened as she read over the contents of the file before she looked up and asked, “Are you sure you want the Three Ring Circus to handle this one?”
“Do you believe you are incapable of completing it?” a human woman asked causing the ravenette to shake her head.
“That’s not it,” she explained, “We’re a group of reject, teenage witches and wizards… Are you sure a job this important should be given to us?”
“I’m sure you’ve handled it much worse,” a human man chuckled, “We let you stay together as an official guild for a reason.”
It was silent as the seventeen-year-old thought about her options.
“Alright,” she finally said slipping the folder into her purse which didn’t show any sign of holding anything in it, “We’ll get it done as efficiently as we can.”
Saying her goodbyes the female exited the conference room and was about to leave the building until the secretary called for her.
“You should probably take this as well,” the woman said handing the ravenette a long envelope.
“A wand permit application?” she read with a raised brow.
“Your old one is about to expire isn’t it?”
“Oh, you’re right well thank you.”
“No problem, see you next time, Ms. Ibadora,” the secretary said earning the attention of a young male walking down the hall.
‘Ibadora?’ he thought with wide eyes walking after the ravenette who had just walked out the doors of the building.
“Kitsami, wait!” he called just as the female was about to descend into the subway again.
“Hm?” she asked looking up to see a familiar looking elf in a Royal Guard’s uniform which consisted of a red, blue, and gold outfit paired with white gloves and boots with a blue cap.
“So it is actually you,” the blonde male stated looking down at the slightly shorter female.
“I’m sorry do I know you?” she asked as the wind picked up a it causing her raven locks to flutter slightly.
“I’m Fidel Einnor, I was in the same year as you in the Trinity Institute,” he explained as the light of recognition flashed through the female’s eyes.
“That’s why I thought you looked familiar, it’s so good to see you again!” she chirped embracing the male for a moment, “You’re part of the Royal Guard now? Congratulations! It must have been a hard thing to do after just graduating.”
“Thank you, and it really was,” he chuckled, “So how have you been, I haven’t seen you since you graduated early after 9th grade.”
“Well, since then I’ve been a Peacekeeper  for the past three years and I’m also the Ringmaster of the Three Ring Circus,” she said brushing her hair behind her ear.
“A Peacekeeper?” he asked with a small frown, “since you were only fourteen? Isn’t that dangerous?”
“Says the one who’s in the Royal Guard at seventeen? You’re seventeen now right?” the ravenette retorted, “plus it isn’t that bad once you know what you’re doing.”
“The Royal Guard doesn’t have to go out into the other world and try to keep both worlds safe,” the blonde sighed, “We only stay here.”
“That’s probably why they let me become a Peacekeeper then,” she shrugged, “Considering I didn’t even know this world existed for half of my life. I just knew plain old everyday human life and that I had to hide magic otherwise my parents would call me a freak. Hell, even now I’m being called a freak here because I’m the first witch in my clan within the past ten generations and now I’m the clan head so… Fuck…”
She took a deep breath before taking out a sticky note from her bag and writing something down before handing it back to the male.
“Text me so we can talk again later, I need to pick up a book and I want to get there before it gets flooded with teenagers,” she smiled before descending back down into the subway to wait for her train.
When she emerged from under the bridge the ravenette crossed the street to get to the bus stop and wait for her bus.
When the vehicle arrived she pulled out her student I.D. that read ‘Rhamina Miyu; Grade: 11’ and showed the bus driver before paying her reduced fee.
As she found her seat, the ravenette sent a text in her discord server.
'So we all got another job,' she typed while looking out the window of the air conditioned bus, 'And we're being transferred to Japan.'
Within moments of sending the message she was getting bombarded with questions about their new job and how they were even going to get there. 
The ravenette merely shook her head at all the questions and told them that she would give them details at their next practice which was in two days.
Once at her stop Rhamina got off and walked across the street to her local Barnes and Noble.
She spent quite a bit of time browsing through manga but also looked over some of the stationary they offered.
‘Forty-five dollars for a traveler’s journal?’ she thought looking through the nicely made, leather journal, ‘I could make this for cheaper and better suited to my needs.’
After purchasing the latest volume of ‘Children of the Whales’ and a brush pen, the teen walked over to the craft store behind the chain bookstore to get the supplies she was looking for which were leather fabric and elastic cord.
Once the female got home she immediately got set on making the journal by first making the journal inserts from paper and cardstock she already had then made the cover using the leather and elastic cord.
After the two pieces were finished she just slipped the inserts into the elastic bands in the spine of the leather cover and also slipped her Magical I.D. in it for safekeeping before taking out her wand permit application and filling it out with green ink.
The next day for the female was just spent looking up schools in the area of where they would be stationed as to not draw attention to themselves as a group of sixty teenagers randomly showing up in Japan.
As she did this she mentally thanked her parents for not living in the same house as her.
Her father lived with his new wife in Washington state after he divorced from her mother but also had a house he kept in Japan from his time being stationed there in the U.S. Navy.
Her mother was also in the Navy and was currently on a ship in Hawaii.
Both of her parents were quite appalled upon finding out that she was a true witch, even going as far as keeping her true name from her until she found out from her outside family, but eventually her father began to grow accustomed to the idea and slowly began to support it.
Rhamina’s mother on the other hand… Well, she hasn’t actually spoken to her mother in almost three years. They’ve only contacted each other over email and even then there was almost no emotion behind those words.
Calling her father, Rhamina asked to use the house in Japan for the time they would be working there and he agreed.
The rest of the day the female just read over the files and took notes in the new journal she had made the day prior.
At around four o’clock she received a call from one of the members of her troupe.
“Hello?” she asked as she finished up a sentence she was writing before cracking her back over the chair at her desk.
“Mina, G-lo wants to know if you want to come over to the park cause his phone is like dead,” the voice of her friend, Jamie, requested.
“Sure,” the ravenette replied as she began to put the papers away, “I’ll be there in a bit, I just need to change.”
After ending the brief phone call, the ravenette made her way to her closet to change out of her house clothes into a plum colored shirt and a pair of bleached, denim shorts.
She then put the journal into her purse as well as her phone before heading out of her house, making sure the doors were locked. 
It took less than ten minutes to reach and find the pair of fourteen and fifteen-year-olds sitting at a table under the sun.
“Mina!” called the taller blonde as she ran up to hug the upperclassmen.
“Hi, Jamie,” Rhamina greeted before turning to her fellow Filipino neighbor, “and hello to you G-Lo.”
“Hi, Mina,” the taller male greeted before the trio began to walk around the almost empty park.
“So, are we really being transferred to Japan?” Jamie asked once they reached a more secluded part of the park.
“Yep,” the ravenette replied popping the ‘P’ at the end, “According to the case report there are a lot more magical anomalies in Japan than there should be, even for an Asian country. Our job is to actually find out what’s causing it, report it back to the Council, and put a stop to it rather than just apprehending someone.”
“So we’re getting an actual job is what you’re saying?” G-Lo asked as the wind blew past them.
“Aw, and I was just getting used to Temecula!” Jamie pouted slightly before asking, “What about school?”
“Well, I’ve already contacted the Trinity Institute about that and they’re sending some professors to a local high school for you guys so you’ll be fine,” Rhamina explained, “Oh, that reminds me, make sure your wand permits and Magic IDs are up to date. As soon as we get there we won’t have much free time.”
“Mina, you’re so lucky graduated early and don’t have to deal with school anymore,” G-Lo said earning a chuckle from the said female.
“I don’t have to deal with school anymore but I have to deal with being a clan head while being completely disliked by almost everyone in the magical community for existing,” she retorted, “I would honestly take that over school though, it’s funny making adults get so frustrated over me but not being able to do anything about it because the council favors me.”
“Yeah, that is funny,” G-Lo chuckled remembering the stories of the times Rhamina had been in meetings with said adults.
When their walk was over Jamie was picked up from the park by her mother and the other two walked back to their kuldesac together since they lived in houses right across from each other.
As soon as the female had changed back into her house clothes she looked at the case reports and just knew she would need to make copies of them for the others in the troupe.
Instead of using her printer and wasting ink the ravenette decided to use a spell to have one of her pens copy down all of the files word for word, and image for image.
Normally she wouldn’t resort to using magic for something so mundane but she didn’t have time nor the heart to do it any other way.
The next day the teenager begrudgingly woke up early and changed into an anime t-shirt as well as a pair of normal denim shorts with her normal wedges.
Checking the time to see it was around eight in the morning she sighed before getting her chia pudding that she made the day before as well as her purse which had her traveller’s journal in it.
Immediately she left the house locked the door and called G-Lo; while, walking over to his house.
“Hello?” he asked groggily, making it obvious to the female that he had just woken up.
“Jello, it’s already eight o’clock, the meeting starts at nine and the bus will be here in fifteen minutes.”
“Wait, shit! That’s today!”
The ravenette chuckled when the line went dead and five minutes later the teen appeared at the front door of his home.
“You forgot didn’t you,” Rhamina accused as they began their walk to the bus stop which was on the opposite side of the park.
“I set alarms but they didn’t go off,” he replied brushing his unstraightened hair out of his face while they waited in the shaded area.
When the bus came around the two presented their student IDs before paying and taking a seat.
Rhamina uncapped her Chia Pudding before pulling out a spoon from her purse and beginning her meal.
She tried to offer some to the fifteen-year-old but he denied it saying he was just going to buy something from the stores across the street from the high school. 
At eight forty a multitude of students had gathered at the still locked gate of the performing arts wing of the school and were complaining about how the school never let’s them in on time.
“Fuck this,”  Rhamina hissed as she made her way to the gate with her pendant glowing a light purple.
Along with that her eyes were glowing a soft gold color and her hair began to float as her raised her left hand.
With the snap of her fingers the ravenette then pulled the gate opened without the silent alarms going off as her hair fell back down and neither her pendant or irises glowed.
“Mina!” a female called with a surprised/scolding tone.
“What?” she replied as she pulled over a nearby garbage can to keep it open, “We have an important meeting today and need to get started as soon as possible.”
“But we’re Peacekeepers!” the same female voice said worriedly.
“We only get in trouble if we get caught now get in the fucking gate,” Rhamina said pointing at the other kids already walking in.
“Good, someone already opened up the way to the tent,” she said as she walked through the open door of a classroom only to end up in the inside of a circus tent.
After waiting about ten more minutes Rhamina stood up from her spot on the ground and called, “Hey, Band!”
“Hey, what?!” was the simultaneous reply she got before everyone stopped talking and the tent became silent.
“Can someone shut the tent?” she asked glancing at the open archway before a short male closed the door causing it to phase out leaving a closed tent flap in its place, “Thank you, Zack.”
“Now!” she said snapping her fingers once again causing rows of desks to appear in front of the seats where the audience would usually sit, “As you guys are taking your seats what are the status on the recent missions we were given?”
“Trumpets finished their mission with no problems!” a Mexican female called giving a thumbs up.
“Alright, thank you Vivian,” Rhamina said before turning to another section of seats, “Everyone else finish?”
She earned a series of positive responses and nods before opening her purse to take out her traveller’s journal; however, she kept it open near and on her as she cleared her throat.
“Okay, now that basic stuff is out of the way, onto why most of you were actually excited about a meeting for once,” Rhamina said as multiple folders began flying out of her purse and landing in front of each occupied seat, “If you checked the discord server then you’ll already know that we’re going to be transferred to Japan for awhile and those are copies of the case reports for this job of ours.”
“As you know when thinking of places where magic runs rampant, Asia is at the top with the amount of creatures they have,” she explained earning agreements from the Asian teens in the troupe, “But recently there are an alarmingly higher rate of magical anomalies in Japan and the Council believes there was an interference to the peace.”
“So we’re all going to Japan to apprehend someone?” a smaller girl with curly, purple hair and glasses asked.
“Not exactly. With the extent of what has been happening recently the Council believes it is a group of at least ten people who did it and not only are we tasked with apprehending each of them but we have to fix all the anomalies and make sure they don’t happen again,” the ravenette said looking down at her notes momentarily.
“That’s all?” a male sitting towards the back asked with a shrug.
“Don’t get cocky, Justin,” Rhamina said with her eyes narrowed slightly at the male, “It sounds easy but we have some obstacles.”
“Now, you probably don’t know who they are since I’m sure none of you are as much of a weeb as me-” “Bet!” a Filipino female called from the front row next to a Mexican female with short brown hair.
“But I’m talking about the Sailor Senshi and Phantom Thieves of Hearts,” Rhamina continued, mostly ignoring the interjection of her sibling, “The Sailor Senshi are basically guardians and personifications of various celestial beings in space. They are seen as local heroes and normally we would have to do something about them being so flashy about their powers but it’s too late for that since they have basically become quite normal in Japan so we’re leaving them alone. The Phantom Thieves of Hearts are seen by the public as criminals but they’re only doing vigilante work which is what we used to do before becoming Peacekeepers so we’re just going to leave them alone as well.”
“How exactly are they obstacles, hoot?” another Filipino with short-ish brown hair asked from the third row.
“With both groups acting as the guardians of Japan they might see our presence as a threat and normally we would want to avoid them but with what we’re trying to do it’s inevitable we’ll cross paths with both groups,” the ravenette sighed before cracking her neck, “So we’ll basically try to convince them that we mean no harm and not get in their way and hopefully they won’t get in ours.”
“What happens if they do?” another male, this time Filipino, named Justin asked.
“What happens to anyone that gets in the way of the Three Ring Circus?” Rhamina asked instantly causing laughter to erupt throughout the tent.
“Hey!” the female barked, causing the ground to shake.
It was silent as she continued, “I’m being serious. I don’t want any conflict with them but we have a job to do so if they get in our way we know what to do.”
“Are there any questions?”
A few hands were raised and Rhamina picked her sibling first.
“Yes, Kerstin?”
“So we’re being transferred to Tokyo, Japan right?” the darkette asked earning a nod from the seventeen-year-old, “Where exactly will we be living?”
“I found some decent apartments in Tokyo that will be paid for by the Council and I have a house that you, Sam, Chloe, and Tijarah will be staying in with me,” Rhamina replied before choosing another person for questions.
“Alright!” Rhamina said at around 2:50 in the afternoon, “So we’ll be leaving for Japan in about three weeks so make sure you keep training and make sure all of your documents are up to date with the registry! That’s all for today so you’re dismissed.”
As soon as she said that the kids began to exit the tent and ended up back in the school hallway next to the gate they entered from.
Once it was only G-Lo and Rhamina in the tent she swiped her right hand from left to right with her palm held out causing the desks to disappear.
“Well, since we’re here do you want to go to Round 1?” Rhamina asked as they approached the gate which she now had to lock.
“We have three hours till the bus to take us home so might as well,” the male replied.
With that the two teenagers went on the twenty minute walk from the high school to the mall in which the arcade was.
They spent the first two hours playing arcade games and eating some food before they both decided to go up for karaoke.
“Why did I agree to do this?” Rhamina asked on the stage nervously holding a mic.
“No one else was doing it,” G-Lo reasoned looking through the song book, “Plus no one will pay attention.”
“Oh! I think you know this song!” he stated entering the song number as a familiar drum beat began to play over the speakers.
“G-Lo, you edgy bastard,” Rhamina chuckled as the lights began to flash different colors.
“Ever on and on I continue circling with nothing but my hate in a carousel of agony,” the male started while reading the lyrics from the small screen in front of them as the ravenette had begun the dance in the background, “Till slowly I forget and my heart starts vanishing. And suddenly I see that I can’t break free. I’m-”
“Slipping through the cracks of a dark eternity with nothing but my pain and the paralyzing agony,” the ravenette continued not paying attention to the audience they were gaining, “To tell me who I am who I was uncertainty enveloping my mind till I can’t break free and-”
“Maybe it’s a dream maybe nothing else is real but it wouldn’t mean a thing if I told you how I feel,” G-lo sung again as Rhamina dropped to background vocals, “So I’m tired of all the pain all the misery inside and I wish that I could live feeling nothing but the night.”
“You can tell me what to say, you can tell me where to go but I doubt that I would care and my heart would never know,” the ravenette sang glancing down at the lyrics every so often, “If I make another move there’ll be no more turning back because everything would change and it all will fade to black.”
“Will tomorrow ever come? Will I make it through the night? Will there ever be a place for the broken in the light?” G-Lo sung now doing the dance with Rhamina, “Am I hurting? Am I sad? Should I stay or should I go? I’ve forgotten how to tell. Did I ever even know?”
“Can I take another step? I’ve done everything I can. All the people that I see I will never understand,” both teens began singing as they now noticed the large crowd at the base of the stage, “If I find a way to change if I step into the light then I’ll never be the same and it all will fade to white.”
As both teens danced during the guitar solo Rhamina glared at the boy mentally saying, ‘Liar!’
“Ever on and on I continue circling with nothing but my hate in a carousel of agony,” G-Lo sang with a shrug in response to the ravenette, “Till slowly I forget and my heart starts vanishing and suddenly I can’t break free, I’m-”
“Slipping through the cracks of a dark eternity with nothing but my pain and the paralyzing agony,” Rhamina took over once again now plotting ways to get back at the younger male, “To tell me who I am, who I was. Uncertainty enveloping my mind till I can’t break free and-”
“Maybe it’s a dream, maybe nothing else is real but it wouldn’t mean a thing if I told you how I feel,” G-Lo continued starting to get a bit tired from the performance, “So I’m tired of all the pain all the misery inside and I wish that I could live feeling nothing but the night.”
“You can tell me what to say, you can tell me where to go, but I doubt that I would care and my heart would never know,” Rhamina sung feeling the same fatigue, “If I make another move there’ll be no turning back because everything would change and it all would fade to black.”
“If I make another move, if I take another step then it all would fall apart there’d be nothing of me left,” Rhamina sang as the song changed key, “If I’m crying in the wind, if I’m crying in the night will there ever be a way will my heart return to white?”
“Can you tell me who you are? Can you tell me where I am? I’ve forgotten how to see, I’ve forgotten if I can,” both teens sung pushing because they knew the song was almost over, “If I opened up my eyes there’s be no more going back ‘cause I’d throw it all away and it all would fade to black.”
As the two stood in their final pose, panting, the audience cheered loudly and the ravenette sat down on the stage.
“Never will this happen again!” she hissed at the male while trying to catch her breath.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think they would pay attention,” G-Lo responded as both of them walked off the stage and sat down to get drinks and take a break.
While the two were sitting many people came up to say what a great job they did performing and one of the workers even came by to give them a free ice cream each.
“So, I saw that you finally did a face reveal on your Youtube channel,” G-Lo said as they were finishing up their dessert.
“Yeppers, it was on the ‘Senbonzakura’ video I did,” Rhamina replied throwing away the paper around the cone, “It was so much more editing than I would usually do though so I might just stick to the simple drawings in the background I use.”
That night the ravenette sat at her Wiccan styled altar and picked up her tarot cards after saging them.
She shuffled them with her eyes closed, focused on their job on Japan before drawing the three top cards.
The first was the Knight of Cups, upright. A creative, dreamy individual, the Knight heralds new relationships, and friends. As a situation, he brings that holiday feeling- a sociable, languorous time spent musing on the infinite possibilities of life in a sunshine glow. If one falls for the Knight romantically, he may offer affection but one may feel uncertain about his potential as a long-term partner.
The second was the Six of Cups, upright. Past and present mingle, bringing happiness and stimulation. One benefits from skills acquired and contacts from the past, and appreciate what one’s life experience has brought them. An old friend or other acquaintance resurfaces, and one may enjoy time spent reminiscing. The company and ideas offer a spark of inspiration for future schemes and adventures.
The third was the Ace of Wands, upright. As a symbol of creative masculine energy, this card expresses inspiration and good communication, and favors all new plans and projects. Whether one is setting up a business or hoping to start a family, embarking on a trip away or an artistic pursuit, the Ace predicts great success. It’s the perfect time to take an important step forward.
‘Well, this seems like our mission will go smoothly then,’ the ravenette thought as she put away the cards.
If only it ever went as smoothly as she wanted.
~~~Fin. Chapter 1~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Song Used:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPLxGctIQJE
Dance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgeQPTq2xqk
Image: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/436497388884225850/
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trying-to-witch · 7 years
Witchy About Me
Name: Bree Deities: Mercury is my main man Witch Type: Eclectic witchcraft, with a focus on green, herbal, divination, crystal, and healing magic. (Really a lot more than that, but I’ll cut off my list there) Element: Earth Favorite tools: Oracle decks, incense, and crystals Familiar: I haven’t found mine yet Favorite flower: Lilacs, I have several lilac bushes  Favorite herb: Basil and mint Favorite crystal/stone: Amethyst and quartz Describe your perfect candle: All colors of votive candles! Daily witchy ritual: I send up a prayer to Mercury every morning when I put my caduceus necklace on. Divination method: Oracle cards, runes, and my pendulum. Favorite lunar phase: Full moon Favorite weather: Cool, breezy, cloudy day, usually in spring or autumn. Favorite Sabbat (if you celebrate): Lammas. Favorite magical beast: Gremlins, my house seems to be full of them from how often I lose and find things. Favorite tea: Almost anything, though I usually fall back on black tea.
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