#and the one after it was in some ways worse
f1goat · 2 days
his stripper + lando norris (one shot)
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In which Lando his friends take him to a stripclub, where he meets you. He's quick to come back weekly, every Tuesday you're his. But when he comes another day and finds you on the lap of some other guy, something in him snaps.
fem!stripper reader x lando norris
trigger warnings: stripper reader, sexual content, smut, a bit of unwanted physical contact (nothing much!) + not proofread as usual
masterlist - playlist
the first time at the stripclub
He’s nervous. This is nothing for him. The whole setting is wrong and puts him off. His mood is getting worse instead of better, but he can’t tell his friends about that. They tried, they really did. After Lando told them about being a bit miserable since the break up with his ex, they tried everything to cheer him up. Nothing really worked. Clubbing all night whenever he could, didn’t do the trick. Flirting shamelessly with every girl he saw, also didn’t work. He believes that tonight is some last option. A ‘if this doesn’t work, nothing will’ kind of option. 
But, this is a fucking stripclub. It won’t help him feel any better. To be honest, it only seems to make things worse. 
Lando looks at every small detail in the club. The atmosphere makes him even more nervous. It surprises him that there are many young guys who seem to be around his age. He always thought there only would be older guys. He takes a sip of his drink. It seems to be some strong cocktail with whiskey. He doesn’t like it. 
“You’re looking as bitter as that drink,” one of his friends tell him jokingly. 
Lando soft sighs and nods, “Maybe you’re right,” he says. 
“Just enjoy this mate,” another friend says. 
Lando tries to think about words that can tell his friends that he won’t enjoy this, but he doesn’t want to sound ungrateful. Before he can think about the right words, he’s distracted by the music becoming louder. Almost ashamed he starts to look at the podium, where you enter the place and greet everyone with a timid smile. 
You aren’t what Lando thought a stripper would be. It’s almost as there is an innocence hanging around you. He almost feels like he has to save you from this place. What’s a girl like you doing in a place like this? Lando already starts to feel infected with the thoughts about you. He’s already feeling you enter his mind and making a long term place for yourself.
That can’t be good.
He keeps looking at you. Even if he wanted to, he couldn’t tear his gaze away from you. Everything about you is beautiful. You aren't a model like his ex, but maybe that’s what he likes most about you right now. There’s some sort of natural beauty hanging around you. And in combination with the innocence look on your face, it makes you way too dangerous for him. He should look away from you, leave this place and never come back. But Lando already starts to feel addicted. Fuck, who are you?
“I told you he’d like her.” He hears one of his friends make a remark to another one. He wonders if his friends came here more often. Have saw you before. Maybe even touched you? Fuck, he almost feels himself getting mad at only the thought.
You’re a stripper. He needs to remind himself about that all the time. But when he sees the way you’re moving on the stage, his opinion changes again. You’re not simply stripping like earlier girls on that stage did. It’s almost like you’re performing some sort of art. 
He really is losing his mind here.
Lando looks at all the movements you make. He watches how you slowly tease the crowd with your movements. When you unclasp your bra, Lando almost loses it. He doesn’t want you to show everyone even more of your body. A relieved sigh is leaving his mouth when he notices the nipple stickers on your boobs. 
The short skirt you’re wearing is next. Slowly you turn yourself around to give the crowd a sneak peak. Lando wants nothing more then to feel your ass. When he sees what you’re hiding on the short skirt, he wants nothing more for you to sit in his lap. Eventually you lose the skirt as well. Lando feels in some trance while staring at you. Why can’t he function like a normal person anymore?
When the first girls danced on stage, he couldn’t care less. But with you? He can’t seem to look away. His friends notice it as well. It’s probably even worse then they already expected. Lando doesn’t pay attention to them anymore, until you leave the stage. He can barely withhold himself from throwing money on the stage as well. It seems rude to do so, even though it’s your job. 
Would it be a sin to get you alone with him? 
The next girl shows up and starts her routine, but Lando has lost his focus again. He’s focussing on his friends who are making fun of him for liking you this much. It annoys him how he doesn’t even know who you are, what your name is and how he can see you again. 
“We have one more surprise for you,” his best friend, Max, tells him. Lando gives him a strange look. What is he talking about? Instead of getting an explanation, there’s showing up someone in front of him. It seems to be one of the security members from the club. “Suzuka is ready for you,” he tells Lando. 
“Go with him,” his friends encourage Lando. He feels strange. Who’s Suzuka? Is that a nickname from one of the strippers? Of course his friends picked someone with a name who’s connected to formula one. He sighs, but he does follow the security member. What if it’s you? He needs to know for sure.
In a short amount of time he has followed the guy to a smaller room. There’s no one around yet. The guy tells Lando that Suzuka will be here any moment. It makes him nervous. When he looks around in the room, it’s clear that it’s used for the more private dances. Fuck. He doubts about leaving this room, this place and his friends, to go home. But the small chance of you being Suzuka stops him. So, he takes place on the small couch that’s standing in the room. 
When the door opens, he’s surprised that it is actually you. 
Apparently his friends know him ever better then he already thought. They did pick out the right girl. 
From up close you look even more beautiful to him. Lando again feels like he’s entering some sort of trance. You walk closer towards him. It makes him nervous. What does he need to say to you? He doesn’t even know what’s going to happen next. Is he getting a private dance? Or are his friends just pranking him? 
“Hey,” you softly greet Lando. It amazes him that you still seem shy and timid. He thought that was an act for on the stage. “Hi,” Lando greets you back with even more nerves. 
When you show Lando another small smile, he feels like he’s going to lose it. He needs to feel your body against his. He needs it. Now. His dick has already hardened up and is pressing painfully against his jeans. 
“I need to inform you about the rules first,” you tell him a bit less timid. It’s almost like a business transaction right now. “You can’t touch me unless I give permission first, which I normally don’t. When the time is up, it’s up. No begging for more. This is just a lap dance. Don’t ask for more, because this is all I do. If you want more, find another girl.” 
“You only give lap dances?” Lando asks you. 
“Yes,” you confirm.
“Thank god,” Lando sighs. 
He doesn’t know where this reaction is coming from. He’s just glad that other guys can’t touch you as well. Before you can ask him about his reaction, there’s a slow song starting. Apparently it’s your sign to start dancing. In no time you’re closely pressed up against his body. Slowly grinding your ass against Lando his body. It takes a lot from him to stop himself from touching you. 
Lando doesn’t know how to act. The moves you’re making are making him lose his mind. It’s insane. He wants to touch you, but he can’t. There’s nothing more he wants then to press his lip against any place of your body. To discover your body with his hands. To do whatever you allow him to. But he doesn’t make any movements. He lets you do your thing. He can’t however stop himself from questioning you. 
“What’s your real name?” He asks you when he notices that the song is about to end.
You grind yourself on his clothed dick and even let out a soft moan. Something that surprises you as well. Normally you absolutely hate doing this part of your job, even saying no whenever you can to the private dances. But this guy, he’s doing things to you as well. And that without even doing things.
“I’ll tell mine in return,” Lando tries to convince you. He doesn’t know that you know who he is. You know a lot more about him then he suspects at this point.
“No need Lando,” you tell him. You see how his eyes widen from the surprise. What you don’t see is that Lando feels like he’s really losing everything right now. It sounds heavenly to hear you say his name. “But,” you continue with a soft voice, “if you promise to keep it a secret, you can know mine.”
“Promise,” Lando quickly says.
The music has stopped in the mean time. You know that you have to leave this room, but before you actually do so you move closer to Lando once more. 
“It’s y/n,” you whisper in his ear, “and maybe if you come again, you can figure out some other things about me.” 
It’s the first time ever that you ask someone to come again. 
You really hope you’ll see Lando again. 
the second time at the stripclub
It surprises you when the following Tuesday Lando is already back in the stripclub. You wonder if it’s for you. Or is it just a coincidence? It doesn’t take you long to notice him. He’s early and it seems like he’s alone this time. Before you can think about it in any more details, you’re already distracted by the others girls in the dressing room with you. 
They have seen him as well. It’s not that weird for a celebrity to be seen in this stripclub. It’s Monaco after all. Charles Leclerc has been here a couple times as well and many non formula one related celebs as well. But still, it seems like your coworkers have found some interest in Lando as well. They keep talking about his good looks and how they would drop everything for him. How he can have his way with them, even discarding the rules of the club. “If he wants to fuck me, who am I to say no?” One girl even jokes.
It makes you annoyed in some weird way. Before you had a small bit of hope for Lando to pick you again tonight. But now you realize that last time his friends chose, this time he’ll probably try someone else. Maybe even one from your coworkers who doesn’t follow the rules. 
While standing in front of the mirror you decide to change your outfit again. Now that you know that he’s here again, you have another outfit in mind. It’s a bit more orange then what you’re wearing now, some may even say that it’s more papaya. 
Lando has already made sure that you’re his after your show. The small room from before has been booked again. Since he met you last week, he couldn’t stop thinking about you. He needed to see you again. So, here he is. This will probably be the last time, he just needs to prove to himself that you weren’t that special. He hasn’t been this close with another girl since his ex, that must have been the cause for his extreme reaction. 
When you show up in a tiny papaya dress on the stage, Lando has lost all his earlier thoughts.
Fucking hell. He was so wrong. You’re more then special. You’re everything.
He watches your show. He can safely say that he didn’t even miss a millisecond. He saw everything. He couldn’t even tear his eyes of you if he wanted to. 
After your show he’s quick to walk towards the same room as last week. This time he can find it himself. When he’s standing in front of the door, he suddenly starts to feel nervous. Isn’t it weird what he’s doing? What if you think he’s creepy? 
Before he can back out, you’re already opening the door for him. You’re glad when you notice that it is him again. 
“You’re back,” you softly state.
Lando can only nod. 
“That’s great,” you tell him with a smile.
When he walks inside the room with you, he can’t stop focusing on the way your ass bounces every time you take a step. It’s making him even more aroused. When you take him towards the same sofa as last week, Lando lets you. He sits down and waits for the music to start. He waits for you to start dancing again. 
You position yourself on his lap. The music can start any minute, but before you want to do something else. Carefully you take Lando his hands into your own. You place them on your own body. Lando is quick to show you a confused look. 
“Don’t make it inappropriate,” you joke, but there’s a truth hiding into your words. Lando nods quickly. He doesn’t move his hands. The feeling of your soft skin underneath his hands is already enough for him. Softly he holds your waist, waiting for you to continue.
Then the music starts. Lando loses himself in your moves, but he makes sure that his hands stay on your waist. It surprises you. When you’re done a few minutes later, Lando has many questions for you but has no idea with which one he should start. Eventually he asks you the worst one.
He doesn’t need to explain himself, you know what he’s asking. 
“Money,” you answer as if it’s the only possible answer. For you it is. 
Lando grabs his wallet, doesn’t think about his next movements and gets all the cash he has out of it. He gives you all of it. You don’t know what to say or do. Thankfully you accept it.
“Take the rest of the week off please,” Lando softly asks you. Then the lights in the room are going on again. It’s your sign to leave. You do however nod at Lando his question. 
“Next week, same time?” You ask Lando jokingly before leaving the room. This time it’s Lando who shows you a nod.
You’re boss is ready to kill you when you tell him you’ll only work on Tuesdays from now on. Lando his money is maybe not enough to make such a decision, but you’re sure about yourself. You’ll manage. 
the fourth time at the stripclub
Every Tuesday he’s here again. Always at the beginning of the night. He’s the first one to book you for a lapdance. He’s also the only one you agree to. You guess that he pays your boss good money, because the guy doesn’t even complain anymore if you deny other guests. 
Last weeks you have gotten to know Lando better. Conversations are still small and awkward, but you have the idea that you’re getting somewhere with Lando. Before you always went to the stripclub because ‘you had to’, now you’re looking forward it. Lando changed things for you. Even the dance you perform for everyone is almost nice now. You love the feeling of Lando watching you. It even makes you feel kinda aroused. 
Sometimes you can’t stop staring at Lando when you’re dancing in front of the crowd. It’s insane how he makes you feel. Is it weird that it almost feels like you’re crushing on him? That must be weird.
“Babygirl,” Lando greets you happily when you walk into the room. You’re quick to greet him back and give him a small hug. Lando smiles at you. He can safely say that Tuesday has become the favorite day of his week. Sometimes he thinks about coming more often, but he barely can. His schedule is busy and there are a lot of races. It may be only Tuesday that he sees you and he doesn’t even speak to you for a long time, but he really likes it. Maybe he can even say that he likes you. Not that he’s surprised about that, it was pretty clear after the impact you made on him the first time.
Slowly you move your body over Lando. You let your ass grind on his cock. Lando feels it hardening underneath your touch. Things feel different today. It almost seems like you’re doing even more then the other times. You make sure that with every move, you make contact with his crotch. Shaking your ass as sensual as you can.
When you turn around and take place on Lando his lap, he lets out a moan. Normally he has to take care of himself after what you’re doing to him, but this time he already starts to feel close to an orgasm. You grind yourself on his lap. It makes him insane. When you grab Lando his head and softly move it to your neck, the hint is clear. Lando let himself explore your neck and shoulders. He presses soft kisses against it.
It seems like you want him to enjoy things even more. His hand, which was earlier sneaked around your waist, is now in your hand and on it’s way to a new location. Lando lets out his hardest moan so far when he feels your boob in his hand. Carefully he moves his hand underneath your bralette. 
“Can I?” Lando asks you just to be sure. 
“Yes please,” you’re quick to reply.
That is everything it takes for Lando to start exploring your breasts. You let him know that he can use his other hand was well. He’s quick to do so. Softly he kneads your boobs. It earns him a soft moan from you. Something that only motivates him to continue his movements. He gives one of your nipples a soft pinch, it causes you to let out another moan. 
When the music ends, the two of you don’t even notice. Lando is focused on you. Your focused on Lando and his touch. It’s a loud knock on the door that brings the two back of you back to reality. You know it’s one of the security guards, who’s telling you that the time is up. 
Fuck. You think it, Lando says it. 
“Fuck,” Lando mutters. 
“It’s more for extra time,” you softly tell Lando. 
“Since when do you do extra time?” Lando asks you, referring back to his first meeting with you in which you told him that time’s up means time’s up. 
“Do you want to masturbate or do you want me to help you out?” You ask Lando. 
It’s almost unrealistic how hurried Lando gets to the door. He’s quick to open it, put some money in the worker his hands and slams it close again. Now he can only hope that he didn’t hear you wrong. 
He’s rather quick to find out that he heard you correctly. You’re dropped to your knees and sitting in front of him. When Lando was talking with the security member, you appeared to pull off your bralette. Lando can’t stop looking at your boobs. Since when is he this easily affected by only boobs? Lando almost feels ashamed for himself. He feels like a teenage boy.
You help him to undo his belt in the mean time. Lando pulls down his pants. His boxer stays on - for now he guesses. You press a soft kiss on his member through his underwear. Then you take it in your hand. His boxer doesn’t stop you from stroking his boner. Lando is quick to let out a couple moans caused by your movements. 
It’s the first time you’re doing something like this in the club. You know that other girls use this as a way to make even more money. Crazy enough, this isn’t about the money. You really want to make Lando feel good right now. 
He might have felt like a teenager before, but when Lando feels himself getting so close that he’s about to cum in his underwear - he really thinks he’s acting like one. 
“Fuck y/n,” Lando moans when his orgasm hits him. 
You can only smile proudly when you feel the wetness coming through his boxers.
the seventh time at the stripclub
You’re always happy when it’s Tuesday and you’re waiting for Lando again. After the first time you helped him getting off, things have changed between you two. You might not have kissed yet or have sex, but his dick has been in your hand and mouth a couple times now. It’s even arousing for you as for him. 
“Hey,” you greet Lando enthusiastically when you walk into the small room and see him sitting already. Lando shows you a small smile while greeting you back. His tone is less enthusiastic then normally. You wonder what’s going on. There’s barely time to figure that out. The music is already starting and you move yourself around Lando.
“You don’t have to,” Lando tells you. Confused you back out a bit and look at Lando. There’s something wrong, but you can’t figure it out. Lando does however pulls you closer towards himself and positions you on his lap. It’s nothing new that he touches you. Since the second time you danced for him, you allowed him to. 
“What’s wrong?” You eventually ask Lando. He even seems sad how longer you look at him. 
“I won’t be coming for a couple weeks,” Lando explains, “I guess three weeks?” 
“Oh?” You’re quick to match Lando his disappointed voice. Why isn’t he coming the next couple weeks? You wonder if it’s something you did. What if he’s never coming back again? 
Lando quickly notices you disappointed look. Is it bad that he kinda likes it? Not that he wants to disappoint you, but he’s glad that he isn’t the only one who doesn’t like this. Maybe he can finally state that there’s something more going on between the two of you. 
“It’s the triple header princess,” Lando explains to you, “After that I’ll be all over you again.” 
“Deal?” You jokingly ask.
The music has come to end end in the mean time. You hear the last tones fade away. It means you have to leave this room, but you don’t want to. Lando doesn’t remove his hands from your body as well. You can’t look away from him. Then Lando does something unusual. He softly grabs you chin and gets your face closer to his own. 
“Can I?” Lando asks you. 
You can only nod. Then you notice Lando coming even closer. His eyes are pretty from this close. You notice all kind of stuff. If you wanted to, you could count the small freckles on his face. But Lando is quick to snatch away your attention. Softly he presses his lips onto yours. 
It feels good. Almost too good. You know that you’ve never kissed with someone like this before. Lando seems to be careful with you, something else then your used to from exes. Lando is enjoying it too. He can’t seem to pull back anymore. If it’s up to him, he stays like this for the rest of the night. And maybe longer. 
When you slowly pull back from Lando, he’s quick to send you a questioning look. “The time,” you softly whisper. Lando nods understandingly. 
“I’ll see you when I’m back,” Lando tells you.
Before you can anything, Lando adds something else.
“I promise babygirl.” 
“I already can’t wait for you to come back,” you confess. 
That causes Lando to press another soft kiss against your lips. 
the eight time at the stripclub
It’s Sunday night. Lando couldn’t stop himself. After his race he barely made time for the press and the debrief from his team. He could only focus on getting home. Or better said, getting back to you. Last three weeks have been killing him. Every time he had a moment free, he could only think about you. And not in the way your body feels on his own, or about your magical hands and mouth that make him cum as if he’s a teenage boy experiencing his first orgasm. No, he can’t stopt thinking about how he feels while he’s with you. 
Now that he thinks back at it, his friends did find the solution for his bad mood when they took him to the stripclub. They might have thought that it was because the activity, but they brought him to you. 
Lando is pretty sure about his feelings for you. He thought about telling you about them when he saw you the last time, but he didn’t dare to. Now however, he’s sure that he needs to tell you. He needs to get you away from that terrible strip club for the rest of your live, so you can be his. 
When he walks into the stripclub he’s quick to try to book you for a lapdance later tonight. It annoys him when he hears you aren’t taking those tonight. Lando is quick to wonder if you’re already booked? Fuck. He barely thinks about things like that because it makes him so upset every time. He knows you’re a stripper. Other guys have seen your body barely clothed, maybe you even gave lap dances to other guys - maybe you’re doing that right now. Lando tries to shake off the terrible thoughts. He needs you to be his.
Only his.
In the mean time you’re making yourself ready for a night as bottle girl. It isn’t your normal job. Normally you don’t even work on this day. But, because you needed a favor from your boss for upcoming Tuesday you had to do this in return. You have decided that it’s one of the last times. The favor you needed was the small room for the same amount of money Lando pays normally, but then for the whole night. It’s the last time you plan to be here. You need to tell Lando about your feelings, then you need to quit and watch how things will go.
The only reason you kept the job for this long, is because of Lando.
When you walk outside the dressing room and start to waitress for your first table, you’re quick to feel annoyed. You boss coupled you at the worst table. It’s one of the tables that has the highest price, which causes the guests to think everything is about them. 
Lando looks around and wonders if you’re even working tonight. He doesn’t know your schedule. He doesn’t even know your phone number. Why didn’t he ask for that before? He doesn’t take a seat, he keeps looking around in hope to find you. 
It doesn’t take longer then ten minutes before one of the guests from your table starts to act inappropriate. “I believe you can make those other tables wait for a moment,” the guest tells you while gesturing you to take a seat next to him. You softly sigh but give him what he wants. In no time his arm has found a place on your shoulder. It makes you uncomfortable. You want to stand up and leave again, but the guy holds you on your place.
“Maybe you can give me a lapdance princess?” The guy asks you. The nickname annoys you. It feels wrong. You start to miss Lando even more. “I’ll pay you a lot for it,” he whispers as if it’s a secret. You try to deny him, but he has already pulled you until his own lap. You squirm while trying to get away from him, but the guy only likes that more. 
Lando realizes that he has gotten in a more private area from the stripclub by now. He has never seen this part before. It seems more luxurious then the rest of the place. He guesses this is for the guys who spend a lot of money here. Not for someone like him, who’s only spending money because he fell for one of the girls. He walks around, but doesn’t suspect to find you here. 
Then he sees you. It seems like you’re sitting on some other guys lap. Lando doesn’t even notice the look of discomfort on your face at first. He can only think about getting you away from there. This will sound crazy and way too possessive, but he needs to figure out a way to get you to quit from this awful job. He needs to find a way to make you his.
One of the guys on the table is the first one who notices Lando. “Hey Lando!” He yells enthusiastically, “Come join us.”
It’s that moment that you notice Lando as well. You try to get off the lap from the guy, but he still has a firm grip on you. He doesn’t let you go. Lando notices it. He even starts to notice the uncomfortable way you’re sitting and the annoyed look on your face. He can barely withhold himself from calling you one of his typical nicknames or your own name.
“Come here,” he instructs you as polite as he can manage, “You’re forgetting about my table. Everyone is thirsty.” He is lying and he can only hope that everyone will fall for it. The guy seems distracted and you use the moment to get out of his grip. Quickly you stand up and walk towards Lando. You’re so happy with him right now that you can kiss him. 
Not that you don’t want or can’t do that any other moment.
Lando doesn’t think anymore. He feels your presence next to himself. It makes him glad. The jealousy that has builded up in his chest seems to get a bit smaller again. He does however manage to instruct you something else.
“Tell your boss that you’re quitting and then meet me at the entrance.”
You can only nod at Lando his instructions. He seems a bit mad, but you aren’t sure if he’s mad at you, those guys, your boss or someone else. His jaw is slacked and a fierce gaze is found in his eyes. He looks when you walk to your boss, he notices the way the man his face falls flat - probably because he won’t get Lando his money anymore and then he sees you turning around again. That’s his sign to get to the entrance. 
When he sees you coming towards him a bit later, Lando is quick to grab your hand. “You’re coming home with me,” he tells you. You can only nod.
the first time at Lando’s place
“Fuck,” Lando curses, “The things you’re doing to me.” His lips are dragging on your neck. The elevator ride seems to be never ending. Lando his hands are all over you. “It’s unfair how fucking beautiful you are,” Lando continues, “Need to feel every part of you.” 
You’re thankful when the elevator reaches the right floor. Lando doesn’t give you the chance to walk for yourself. He picks you up and walks with you to his own apartment. Within the first seconds that you’re inside, Lando is already walking towards his bedroom. He drops you softly on his bed and hoovers above you. 
“Lan,” you softly moan when he softly sucks on the skin by your neck. 
He moves and presses his lips on yours. The kiss isn’t soft. It’s hard, rough and shows you exactly  how much he has missed you lately. His tongue is fighting with yours for dominance, something he wins in only seconds. Lando lets out a soft groan when he releases himself from you. 
“You’re mine,” Lando grunts. He almost says sorry after saying that. An ashamed feeling starts to creep up on his chest. But when he hears a soft moan leaving your mouth, he starts to feel less nervous about his remark. “Yours,” you even tell him with a soft voice. 
“Yeah?” Lando asks you. He needs to make sure that he heard you right. In the mean time he focusses on getting you out of your clothes. Not that you’re wearing many. 
“Yes,” you confirm. 
Lando pulls you on top of himself. “I want you to dance like normally,” he instructs you, “I want to feel your naked body on mine while you do so.” You’re fast to remove his clothes as well. All your clothes have piled up on the bedroom floor. Lando lets out a soft moan while he feels you grinding on his dick. 
“Feels even better like this princess,” he moans. 
“You know,” you softly say, “I was earning a favor from my boss tonight. Had planned a whole thing for you this Tuesday.” 
“Yes,” you admit, “We had the room for ourself for the whole night. After that I was planning to quit.”
“Was it a goodbye for me?” Lando asks you confused. You lower your body. Softly you grab Lando his boner. You align it with your entrance before lowering your body even more. When Lando his dick enters your cunt, you let out a hard moan. Lando moans as well, but he keeps waiting for your answer. Were you going to say bye to him? Forever?
“It was not,” you confess, “I hoped it was a hello for our new life together.”
Your words silence Lando for a bit. He has no idea what to say. You slow down with your movements. Lando keeps thinking. Does this mean what he thinks it does? You like him? You what to explore those feelings for him? 
“I like you babygirl,” Lando confesses, “I really do.”
You increase your pace. Riding on Lando his dick while confessing how much you like him too. “You’re made for me,” Lando moans while he feels close to his orgasm, “Fucking made for only me.”
In only minutes the two of you focus on the way your orgasm hit. Lando groans. You let out a self yelp. Lando shows you a small smile, you return it. 
“You do realize that you’re my girlfriend now, right?” Lando asks you jokingly. 
“Duh,” you reply with the same jokingly tone. 
Lando presses his body close against yours. In some weird way he can’t wait to tell everyone about you. He’s never leaving you again for three fucking weeks. It’s only the conversations with his friends who were here with him the first night will be a bit different. But he doesn’t care about things like that. He can’t wait to show you the world. 
Lando presses a soft kiss against your cheek. “But, you can’t forget how to dance like this,” Lando tells you, “You really need to keep doing this to me.”
“Idiot,” you laugh.
“Maybe you need to practice again?”
Lando has your on top of himself in no time again. 
a/n: a small smutty one shot for you guys :)) for now i'll focus on my mini serie 'the roommate' again, but you can always send requests xx
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moondirti · 2 days
privateer! johnny mactavish, whose only job is to raid and rob foreign vessels under arms, taking them for condemnation and their crews as prisoner for exchange. he isn’t a pirate per se – he really prefers the term corsair, if the letter of marque framed in his cap’s office has anything to say about that—
finds a stowaway on his very own ship. clever little thing must have wormed her way through from another vessel during one of their assaults, because gaz makes good work of checking for hitchers before they sail off. she’s malnourished, dangerously close to developing scurvy, arms bruised in a way no bird’s should be. hair matted, face caked in gunpowder and salt. she can hardly voice her pleas when he comes across her while looking for extra ammunition.
but there’s no need to worry. johnny’s a good man, from a good name. sure he might look a little crazed, sea legs and beard veiling the hero underneath – as though he were just another buccaneer who paves their life’s path taking from innocents – but he only does so to those who deserve it. promise.
and you don’t look like you do. virtuous thing. pretty thing, like a fresh-shelled pearl who has yet to be polished. he won’t tell the crew about your transgression. in fact, he won’t tell them anything about you at all; especially not simon, who treats him as though he were nothing more than an extension of himself. no. this is for him, and for him alone.
he’ll keep you in his room. give you a nice place to rest. feed you orange slices until the colour blooms behind your cheeks. give you baths with a washcloth when he can. checks what all the fuss is about when you cover your tits protectively – he’s only cutting the dirty garbs of ye – to discover that, so long as he assures you that what he’s doing is in your best interest, you’ll let him get away with anything.
like stuffing his nasty fingers in your cunt, tongue notched down your throat to muffle your cries. like feeding you his cock after successful raids, the cork off a bottle of rum plugging your tight ass shut. like folding you in half and jackhammering into your womb, months worth of pent-up sexual energy laying itself onto your poor body.
all the while – as you grow more wary, exhausted – his delusion grows worse.
because what kind of alternative fate would you find out there, with the brutes he calls friends? better off with him, lass. even if you are constantly dripping cum, growing dizzy in his bed while he’s away. at least he was taught how to treat a woman right.
(can’t say the same about simon, who hasn’t fallen short on noticing johnny’s shift in behaviour. the new gait in his step, the dazzle of his smile. his bunk’s only a few doors away, after all. some nights, he swears that the creaks of his bed frame are too loud for even the stormiest of seas to spur.)
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sainns · 2 days
7:13PMㅤ✶ㅤ lee heeseung x femreader
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you hate scary movies, loathe them even. hyeju, on the other hand, was obssessed them. so obsessed that she practically dragged you out of the comfort of your shared apartment to the movie theatre because they were going to be having a 'horror movie night'.
why she was so obsessed and why anyone would willingly go to an event like that? you have zero clue.
you couldn't see at all what made horror movies so great that they’re the only genre currently being massed produced within the entertainment realm. surely it wasn’t because the gross amount of gore, the heartstopping jumpscares, or insane— unrealistic storylines.
maybe they just found the actors attractive.
that’s what you chose to focus on, at least. the protaganist is a fairly decent looking guy, almost enough to distract you from the creepy ambience that was making you feel like you were about to throw up from anxiety.
keyword: almost, because as soon as the music spikes and something pops up on screen— you don’t look long enough to see, your eyes immediately squeezing shut— your hand shoots out to grab onto something.
you inhale deeply, trying to steady your breath, hand gripping onto hyeju's. as your heart rate returns to it's normal rate, you loosen your hold on . . . hyeju’s hand?
um . . . no.
what you’re holding does not feel hyeju’s hand whatsoever. hers is much smaller and definitely not as rough as whoever's hand that you’re currently holding is.
you open your eyes and glance to your right, where hyeju is definitely not sitting. instead a guy is there— a very attractive guy, at that— looking down at your hand in his.
eyes widening, you quickly pull away and let out a mumbled apology.
you can't help but internally groan and sink down in your seat, imagining yourself falling into a hole six feet deep. you can���t believe you just embarrassed yourself in front of someone who looked like they could be an idol. first you’re forced to watch an awful movie and now this?
you are not having a good day and you swear it’s going to get worse when you hear him let out a quiet laugh.
he’s for sure laughing at you and he’s going to make fun of you with his friends after the movie is over and you are never ever going to be able to step outside again. at least some good will come out of this— hyeju will never be able to force you out to another event like this one.
except it doesn’t get worse.
instead, he leans closer, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispers, “if you want you can hold my hand again whenever you get scared. i don’t mind,”
you blink, opening and closing your mouth as you try to think of a reply. however, before you can think of something that’s not along the lines of ‘let’s get married’ (you're a weak woman, what can you say?), something else jumps out onto the screen, surprising you for the second time.
unconsciously, you take him up on his offer, your hand finding his once more. to which he responds by lacing your fingers together, giving your hand a gentle squeeze.
"my name's heeseung, by the way," you can feel his smile as he whispers, "figured you should know my name if you wanna keep holding hands,"
sinking down even further into your seat, you feel your face heating up to a degree that could probably rival the sun's.
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note. hi i found this in my drafts and since i have rlly bad writers block here u go!!!! srry for the lazy layout LOL im planning on remaking my current one but i cant be bothered to rn oops
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fuxuannie · 2 days
❥﹒ken sato x gender neutral reader
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✦. synopsis — romantic headcanons about our favourite baseball player!
✦. love mail — i finished the movie and i loved his character development, simply the sweetest thing <3
✦. tags — SPOILERS, fluff, dadgirl kenji, kenji sato x reader, i have not written in several months, i wrote this w my brain off ( ´͈ ᗨ `͈ ) aka i was just SPITTING whatever brain rot came to mind
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I imagine Kenji to be the clingy, but doesn’t want to be type. He loves you, so much, so dearly. But affection isn’t his strong suit, especially not after what happened with his family. He shut out emotions for years, at least towards others. So this feeling of love, a nostalgic one, tends to clash with the walls he’s put up. He’ll hold you in his arms, burying his face in your shoulder, only for hours later to cringe at himself. He’s talked to you about it a thousand times, and he’s listened to you reassure him twice as many. He adores your patience with him, it's something he’s never really had.. especially with so much pressure on his shoulders.
Explaining his identity was surely no easy feat, you thought dating the most iconic and popular baseball players was the hardest thing? Imagine dating Ultraman, who came home to you every other week with some new injury. You always wondered why the reason was so simple for such a complicated wound, “I spilled boiling water on myself,” He explains with burn marks that are far more severe than expected. “I fell down the stairs”, he’ll say after landing in the hospital.. It didn’t make sense. And now that it does and you know the true reasons, your concern is far worse. Though he doesn’t mind the extra attention you give. ;)
Meeting his dad for the first time was.. nerve-wracking. You know how Kenji talks about him, and you weren’t sure what kind of impression you’ll make. But here you were, sitting on a couch and fiddling with your thumbs until you hear a doorbell. Before Kenji could even stand, you rushed to your feet and practically sprinted for the door, only to open it slowly and gently to reveal the kind old man standing outside. “Hello.” Cut to maybe an hour later, you’re laughing at old pictures of Kenji as he sits next to you and an arm wrapped around your shoulder. The two had a long path of forgiveness and understanding ahead, but Kenji appreciated that you brought him and his father together.
Thought the dad was scary? Imagine his daughter. As expected, the moment you walk into the room - distress. Emi’s starting to cry, an unfamiliar presence is in the room and it scares her. You’ve done a few babysitting jobs here and there, and she was really just like a child. Kenji apologized for her outburst and transforms to calm her down, opening the lid and picking her up under her arms. “No no, don’t cry.” His voice soothes her, and almost immediately - she’s okay again. It’ll take a few minutes, it really isn’t long until she trusts too you. Kenji found it adorable, how you played with her so casually.. many would be terrified, and rightfully so - but to him? It just displays your kind heart. My God did he love you.
Remember first headcanon? Right, to add to that, he’s not very good at vulnerability either. He’ll love to comfort you when you cry, or hold you when you need him. But if the roles were reversed? Absolutely not. He’s uncomfortable and you can see it, one look into his eyes and it’s like looking through glass.. he hates being open about his true feelings. Even if it’s with you.. the walls he’s built for 20 years aren’t easy to break, you know? But if you’re patient, and you take your time and say the right words – he’ll crack. And like a dam breaking, the water flows in an uncontrollable wave of sadness. He’ll sob, he’ll break, and he’ll need you more than anything. He doesn’t know how to feel about breaking down, but the way you hold him in your arms and whisper sweet nothings to comfort him, he could get used to it.
But on a lighthearted note, he loves dates! Most have to be in his home, because Emi can be clingy (got it from his dad), but you don’t mind. It’s sweet, he’ll have you play baseball with her or all you do is cuddle ontop of her, it’s the cutest little thing. But other times, when you go out– it’s just the two of you. And upon special request from Kenji for Mina to babysit her while you're there, you two get alone time. and it’s everything to him. The smallest affection has his heart racing like a teenage boy again, wrapping your arm around his, holding his hand, kissing him? Goodness, you’ve got him wrapped around your finger and you don’t even know it. You and Emi are his world, and he’ll do everything to protect it. Other days, you, him, and and his father go out to the home in the woods for some personal time. You get to talk about his childhood with him and you talk about yours. There’s such a tender and unforgettable atmosphere when you’re with them. And you truly feel like you belong.
Overotectiveness, he was full of it. He’s lost so much, and all he wanted was for you to not go either. Nothing, nothing could stop his rage at the idea of you being hurt. You, Emi, anyone else important to him. He’ll take on the world for his family, and by the will of his parents he has. The pain he’s endured, the scars you scold him for so much are for you. If one threat escapes the city, that’s one likely chance he loses you. So he does everything he can to handle it. You’ve never gotten hurt, but the idea of it is enough for him to strive to be stronger.
While recovering from the explosion, you never left his side. It pained you to see him so still, lack of life. He’d usually be pacing back and forth in the room, rambling about something, and when you’d call him a nerd or dork, he'd run to you and playfully attack you with kisses. His arms around you tightly as you two would laugh your worries away, you didn’t have that privilege. You’d either laugh alone or not at all, the pain all too much. When he wakes up, best believe you’re there, and you just cry at the sight of his arms opening. You know his body is far too unstable for a hug, so you squeeze his hand. How grateful you are to feel him squeeze back.
With Mina and Emi gone, the house feels a little more lonely.. but Kenji’s adjusting. Especially because you moved in! He’s able to spend more time with you in bed since he didn’t have to tend to Emi, which was a nice plus. He woke up earlier than you (force of habit.) and he’d just.. stare. Maybe it was a little creepy, but seeing you sound asleep in his arms gave him such joy. He loved the little domestic moments he shared with you, it had him appreciating all the smaller things in life. Like sharing a meal with you, or watching movies together. You made him love the simpler aspects of living.
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ellecdc · 3 days
can i request a hurt comfort (with as little hurt as possible)
where barty either gets a letter from his dad or his dad is just a dick and he goes to reader for comfort
thank you
thanks for your request lovie! and also for your patience in my writing it <3
Barty Crouch Junior x Potter!reader who comforts Barty after a moment with his dad
CW: fem!reader, Sirius spends the entire fic being an absolute pain in Remus' ass, I feel like Barty acts a bit ooc in this (more hurt Barty than angry Barty if that makes sense), I'm also not 100% sure how I feel about this piece so I apologize if it reads weird
“You can always add more layers, right? But you can only remove so many.” Peter explained earnestly.
“Not the way that I do it.” Sirius replied salaciously, earning him a jab in the ribs by Remus. 
“No, I think being cold is the worst feeling in the world.” James offered resolutely.
“Wrong.” Remus drawled without looking up from his book. “I’ve never been more miserable than when I’m overheated” 
“You’re miserable 75% of the time, Moons.” Sirius mumbled; though the words seemed to escape his mouth without his permission because no sooner had he said them was he slapping a hand over his mouth and looking at you with a horrified expression.
“Yeah well next time you’re so cold, Sirius, you can try crawling into Peter’s bed for snuggles.” Remus muttered back.
“What’s the count at now, Pete?” James asked quickly.
“That’s the….eighteenth time Sirius has been put in the dog house.”
“This week?” You asked.
“No, just since breakfast.” Peter responded simply.
“How about you, Trouble? Do you think being too hot or too cold is worse?” Sirius redirected.
“Hot.” You replied as you flipped a page of your book, earning you a snicker from Remus, a cheer from Peter, and grumbling from James and Sirius.
“You only voted that way because I’m your brother.” James bemoaned.
Peter looked between the two of you inquisitively. “Erm, wouldn’t that have put you in her favour?”
You, Sirius, and James all chorused ‘no’ as Remus snorted.
“Siblings don’t operate that way, Pettigrew.” Regulus said from behind you, causing the group to turn towards the entrance of the Gryffindor common room to see Regulus and Barty making their way over.
“Hi baby!” James called over, causing Sirius to make a dramatic gagging sound and Regulus to roll his eyes, though no one missed the furious blush that decorated his cheeks as he moved to sit beside your brother.
Barty quietly moved around the sofa to sit beside you on a cushion and let his head fall onto your shoulder.
“Hey bubba.” You greeted quietly, pressing a kiss to your boyfriend's hair.
You heard a quiet ‘hi tres’ as he pressed a chaste kiss to your shoulder before repositioning his head back onto your shoulder.
“Merlin, who kicked your pygmy puff, Junior?” Sirius asked after a beat of silence, causing Regulus to hiss something at him under his breath and Remus to snap his book shut abruptly.
“Alright, you’re done.” He barked at Sirius before he was throwing his now gawking boyfriend over his shoulder and marching up to the boys’ dorm room. 
You craned your neck to look at Barty whose head was still pointed downward as he fiddled with the bracelets adorning your arm.
Your bemused gaze shot to Regulus who pursed his lips before mouthing ‘dad’ at you. 
You took in a deep breath and tapped Barty’s thigh twice before standing and offering him your hand.
You knew it was bad when he never made eye contact with you as he accepted your hand willingly. 
You knew it again when not one word was shared between the Gryffindor tower and the Slytherin dungeons; nor as you whispered the password to the Slytherin common room and made your way to the boys’ dorm room.
And you knew it once more when nothing was said as you and Barty pulled off your uniforms, changed into some comfies and crawled into bed. 
Barty curled up in a quasi-fetal position on his bed as you mirrored it, your body facing his as you brought one of his hands in both of yours to your chin.
“What’s going on, my love.” You whispered before pressing your lips to his knuckles. 
The only response you got was a quick shake of his head. 
You allowed silence to fall over you for a few moments before you couldn’t stand the anguish anymore.
“Barty? Please? Talk to me…” You all but begged.
Barty’s breath hitched slightly before he was pulling you towards him from where you were joined at the hands.
Needless to say, you went willingly. 
“What happened?” You whispered as you tucked his head into your chest, wrapping your arms protectively around your boyfriend as if they could single handedly protect him from any negativity the world tried to throw at him. 
You’d certainly try.
“I don’t know why I let him get to me. I-” Barty started, his voice cracking miserably. “I don’t know why I care-”
“Of course you care, Barty.”
“But I shouldn’t!” And though his volume got louder, his tone never grew angry; not at you, at least. “I shouldn’t; he’s awful Y/N, just terrible. And I shouldn’t care if terrible people hate me or wish I was never born or wish I was dead or whatnot. I shouldn’t care if he wants me to be more terrible like him. I shouldn’t care, it shouldn’t hurt-”
“I don’t know why I ever thought managing to receive all 12 O.W.L’s would be good enough for him.”
“Sweetheart, I-”
“I don’t know why I give a shit what he thinks of me when I know-”
“Because he’s your dad, Barty.” You finally got out, tightening your hold around your quickly spiralling boyfriend as he took a shuddering breath. “Because even if you only managed to pass 3 O.W.L’s, even if you dropped out of school to become a hard-done-by ventriloquist performer; he is supposed to love you and he is supposed to be proud of you. That’s why it hurts.”
Your words seemed to be of little comfort to Barty who simply nuzzled further into your chest which was quickly growing damp with his tears.
“I’m sorry, Barty. You’re not wrong for feeling hurt; he’s wrong for hurting you.”
Barty managed to fall into a fitful sleep as you simultaneously thanked the gods for blessing you with parents like Euphemia and Fleamont Potter and cursing the gods for not gracing such luck onto every child. 
No matter, though; you had a plan.
“Goooooooood morning, Siri!” You greeted as you floated up to your most dutiful fellow trickster.
He simply looked at you sceptically. 
“No way, Trouble.”
“Not happening.”
“I haven’t even said anything!” You whined.
“Yes, but you see, I’m on my best behaviour today.” He explained solemnly as the other three marauders made their way over to the table where you had found Sirius sitting alone. 
“Remus refused cuddling privileges last night, didn’t he?” You asked nonplussed.
Sirius harrumphed and sat back in his chair as Remus, Peter, and James all chorused “Remus refused cuddling privileges last night.”
“That’s too bad…” You hummed noncommittally. “I could really use your guys’ help with something.”
“Yeah?” James asked, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees as he considered you.
“With a prank.” You continued, noticing the way both Peter and Remus perked up at the p word.
Finally, you turned your gaze to the eldest Black brother who was very pointedly looking down at the book he’d been studying from prior to your arrival.
“Against a very old, very bigoted, downright horrid Pureblood family.” You finished.
To both your absolute horror and delight, Sirius finally looked up at that; a rather sinister looking smile taking over his face as he locked eyes with you.
“Well…why didn’t you just say so?”
Remus was in the middle of muttering about how it was horribly unfair that he put in nearly three times the amount of effort into his homework only for his boyfriend to earn the same score as him after having hardly read the book at all just as Regulus, Barty, and Evan took a seat at your table.
“Morning.” Barty greeted you quietly as he cozied up on the bench beside you, pressing a lingering kiss to the side of your head before fixing himself up a cup of tea.
“How is it that when McGonagall calls on you, you’ve not got a sodding clue what she’s been going on about, but you managed to get an Exceeds Expectations on your paper?” Remus grumbled before putting down his cup rather more aggressively than strictly necessary.
“Because, Moons; I’m brilliant.” Sirius responded simply.
“You’re a brilliant pain in my arse is what you are.” He grumbled as Sirius beamed at him. 
“I hardly understand how any of you lot get anything done with all the tomfoolery you concern yourselves with.” Regulus mumbled as he fixed himself some toast.
“Tomfoolery. Merlin’s tits, Reggie, come join us in the twentieth century will you?” Sirius taunted from the other side of James, earning him a withering glare from his brother.
“Speaking of tomfoolery.” Evan started as he looked at you with a mixture of pride and suspicion. “Why don’t we go around the table and share where we all were last night? I’ll go first; Reg and I were studying for the alchemy test coming up. Barty?”
You barely had a chance to give Evan a sideways glance before Barty was scoffing at him. “I hardly think that’s any of your concern, Rosier.”
“Nevermind; Regulus and I left you in the dorms and found you in the dorms immediately afterwards; how ‘bout you lot? Oi! Gryffindors! Where were you last night?”
“Head boy duties.” James offered without looking up.
“Prefect rounds and then bed.” Remus explained nonchalantly.
“Following my boyfriend around during his prefect rounds and then bed.” Sirius continued.
“Pete and I played three rounds of wizarding chess and one round of gobstones before bed.” You said flippantly.
“Who won?” Regulus asked quickly.
“Who won the game of gobstones?” He clarified.
You and Peter said “I did” at the same time before whipping your heads to look at each other.
“In what sodding world did you think you won that, Peter?!” 
“Uhm, how about because you’re a cheat?” Peter scoffed back at you.
“Oh, you’re dead. Rematch, tonight!”
“No, not tonight.” Barty argued.
“Why not?” You asked, turning your attention from your faux adversary to look at your boyfriend.
“He’ll be too busy duelling me for calling my girlfriend a cheat.”
“Don’t blame the poor sod for the fact that those two didn’t have their stories straight before our interrogation, Junior.” Evan said with a smirk.
“What the hell are you on about, Rosier?” Barty challenged.
Evan made a noncommittal sound as he tossed a copy of the Daily Prophet in front of him.
In big, bold letters, the headline read “MYSTERIOUS FIREWORK RELATED INCIDENT ENGULFED HALF OF CROUCH MANOR IN FLAMES” before the story continued on. 
An alleged attack was sieged on Crouch Manor in the late hours of the night when charmed fireworks were set off within the Sacred Twenty Eight family’s home. It appeared that the two current residents of the manor were not home at the time of the attack, so though there were no resulting injuries, approximately just under half of the Manor had been completely desecrated by the time the occupants had returned home. 
You and the marauders were all in various states of shoving food into your mouth, speaking to one another about the weather, and other general forms of innocent behaviour as Barty turned to look at you incredulously.
“What did you do?” He asked breathlessly.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Barty.” You said softly; staring intently into his green eyes that seemed to be searching the very depths of yours. 
“Did you do this for me?”
You scoffed in faux derision. “The only thing I did last night was completely annihilate Pettigrew in a game of gobstones and two rounds of wizarding chess.” You continued to deny. 
“Two!?” Peter exclaimed from a few seats away from you. 
“You’re perfect.” Barty whispered at you before you had a chance to start another verbal row with your co-conspirator. 
You took a moment to examine Barty then; a way you hadn’t done since you last left him.
Since you left him curled up in a blanket, cheeks still damp with tears as he no doubt dreamed of his deep rooted hatred of his father.
But right now, today, there was none of that boy; today his expression only held ease, admiration, and hope.
“Well….perfect would have been if the whole manor had gone up in flames but…I suppose there’s always next time.” You muttered as Barty cackled loudly. 
Yes…you decided you would do it for him a thousand times over if this version of Barty was the one that it promised.
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ivyluvsyouu · 2 days
how are the anemo boys when there sick?
𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚'𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒌
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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔: 𝑨𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓, 𝑽𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊, 𝑿𝒊𝒂𝒐, 𝑲𝒂𝒛𝒖𝒉𝒂, 𝑯𝒆𝒊𝒛𝒐𝒖, 𝑾𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒓
𝑻𝒘: 𝑵𝒐𝒏𝒆! 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒑𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇
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Since he's constantly traveling it makes sense that he'd eventually catch some kind of illness from somewhere. When he's sick not much really changes for him. He keeps going with his journey and you're the one who has to remind him that he's sick and he needs to rest. He doesn't argue or protest with you when you tell him to rest, "Alright I'll rest but you need to rest with me"
He thought he'd be better after he rested for a little while, but he woke up feeling worse and you could tell even if he didn't say it. Usually, he's a pretty independent partner but he gets super clingy whenever he's sick. The whole day he was laying on your shoulder and falling asleep whenever he was laying on you and whenever you would ask him if he was okay, he would just respond with a weak "Yeah...I'm fine I just need a minute" you ended up convincing him to take a break and stay a few nights in his teapot with you.
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"Y/nnn I think I'm dying" Your boyfriend complained as he put a hand over his forehead. "Venti, you have a cold..." you responded. He's a COMPLAINER. He has a pretty good immune system, so he doesn't get sick often so when he does, he thinks he's dying.
He's so clingy whenever he's sick. You had to go out for your commissions, and he acted like you were leaving him and never coming back. "Y/n!? You're leaving me here all alone when I'm ill like this!?" He said sounding quite offended. "Venti, I'll be back in an hour..." You responded kissing him on the cheek. "The betrayal!!" he said as he looks away from you. You did feel bad having to leave for a little while when he was sick so when you go home you made sure to give him lots of cuddles and kisses.
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Whenever he's sick, it doesn't matter how bad he feels or how sick he is. He doesn't let it get in the way of his adeptus duties. You practically had to beg him to get some rest and even then, he assured you he was fine. It wasn't till he passed out from exhaustion and overexerting his sick body was when he finally agreed to rest and let you take care of him.
Even while he was resting and letting you take care of him; he would still deny being as sick as he was. "You don't need to do all this for me, I'm fine" He didn't like asking things of you and he felt guilty having you take care of him, it made him feel weak. You however assured him that you didn't mind at all and wanted to make sure he was okay. After you assured him, he felt a little better when you assured him, but it still made him feel weak and like he couldn't take care of himself.
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Whenever he's sick, he usually just sleeps it off and spends most of his time resting. You and Kazuha had been on Beidou's ship for a week or so and your boyfriend started to feel sick last night. You woke up with him laying on your check looking extremely pale. You felt his forehead and he was burning up. You left him alone and let him sleep and he slept half of the day and when he woke up, he woke up with a pounding headache.
He went to go find you and you were sitting on the ship looking out at the ocean. He sat next to you and laid on your shoulder. "Still not feeling well?" you said as you wrapped your arm around him. He shook his head "No.." he mumbled. You frowned and nuzzled your face into his hair. "You should go back to sleep..." you said softly. He nodded and fell asleep on your shoulder.
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He doesn't get sick often so when he does, he usually just takes some time off of work and spends some time at home with his beloved s/o. He drinks a lot of tea to help his throat and he sleeps most of the day until he's feeling better. "I'm gonna go back to bed, babe I love you"
He's pretty normal when he's sick, he's not a big complainer and he can take care of himself for the most part. "No no it's okay I can make dinner, love don't worry" He's back to normal within in a few days and as soon as he feels better, he returns to work.
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Another complainer, He's so grumpy and whiny whenever he's sick. "Y/n..My head hurts..." He's really distant and he mostly just stays in your shared room while he's sick. He enjoys your company of course even if he doesn't admit it, but he doesn't want to see anyone else.
He puts everything he's doing on pause when he's sick. Ever since he left the fatui he's been working on taking care of himself more, and even if he is really grumpy and whiny when he's sick, there is a really gentle and clingy side of him when he's sick. "Y/n..do you wanna go take a nap?"
𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒐 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈! 𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒆𝒍𝒔𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒆𝒆<𝟑
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kaltacore · 2 days
the whole premise of solas & rook dynamic is just comedy gold
you're an ancient god. you fucked up a big deal. twice. now the whole world is broken. you're NOT doing this third time in a row. you take precautions. do damage control even! then varric tethras shows up and pulls some weirdo out of his ass. also very nice speeches right out of one of his books that are supposed to make readers teary-eyed. the weirdo makes you fuck up again and it's even worse now. nobody cares you're a theater kid who speaks in iambic pentameter and also has feelings. they made you feel bad for saving the world! in a way. it's beyond their comprehension. whatever. you can't do shit now anyway. thanks everybody very much.
you're a normal person. employed, even! like, with a job! you're tired after a long day of work and go to the bar to relax, like normal people do. then, varric tethras shows up. like, the bestseller guy. he wants to hire you to go after a god and he's dead serious about it. you don't have anything better to do later this evening anyway, so you agree, probably with intention to find out what kind of elfroot he smokes. there's actually a god. you're scared shitless and try to throw a statue at him, because what else are you supposed to do with a god? ask him nicely to be good because friendship and stuff? that kind of works out, the statue thing, not the friendship one. kind of not, because there are three gods now and none of them seem friendly enough. you pass out.
you're stuck in that asshole's head now. probably it was empty enough so you got sent here, for fuck's sake. it's going to be a disaster because the world is going to shit and this time you quite literally can't do anything about it. unless.
you're stuck with that ancient scary fucker in your head now. he seems pissed and very unimpressed by anything you do. it's going to be a disaster because the world is going to shit and now you have to follow instructions. suggested by the god in your head. who doesn't like you very much. well, you don't like him too! what is he going to do about it now? peer pressure you into being a hero? he probably will, because otherwise, eh. everyone's going to die, aren't they?
good luck saving the world. try not to drive each other crazy. there are evil gods out here, and they're about to make up leeway
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cloudshuffle · 3 days
What are some of the nasty/creepy things they do to reader in the nobility au? Like the book sniffing thing
arranged by least to most creepy >:)
nobility au
something about boothill tells me that he’s not very capable of being nasty. or more like he’s not interested in it? he’s a straightforward guy, much preferring to meet you face to face and be in your presence, even if you do always tell him that you’re busy! he knows that’s untrue.
the most boothill has done was follow you around, sussing out your daily schedule with ease. he is a bounty hunter, after all, and a high-profile little miss such as yourself is no trouble for him at all. he tells himself that he’s just another bodyguard, protecting you from the shadows, but all the while he longs to be out in the daylight, enjoying the town with you.
boothill’s not so much creepy than persistent to me, like a puppy left out in the rain that you really can’t adopt but keeps returning to paw at your door. and eventually you have to give in some time, which brings him more joy than anything else in the world.
yes, apart from the book sniffing, i imagine he does a lot of sniffing besides, like burying his nose into your hair or kissing your neck and inhaling deeply. (isn’t it said that women apply perfume where they want to be kissed?)
if we want to talk even creepier, maybe he once snuck into the laundry under the guise of ensuring the maids were working and nabbed a piece of your clothing. doesn’t need to be your underwear - i imagine he’d be happy with something more innocent, like a glove. it’s oddly romantic, the way he holds it to his face while sleeping, like it’s your real hand he’s holding.
in the grand scheme of things, i think aventurine isn’t that bad. it could really be worse.
he watches.
truly, he stands in corners and shadowy alcoves, doing nothing but watching you go about your day. he pops up in places where you least expect him, like, say, the stables. and when he’s cooped up inside the palace with paperwork to do, sunday contents himself by watching you from the windows, laughing and chatting with friends. you’ll often feel someone’s gaze prickling on the back of your neck, but when you look around, you won’t be able to find anyone there. one of sunday’s many talents.
you’d better bet there’s been at least one occasion where he watched you take a bath - god knows how, but at least he did it with a lot of embarrassed blushing on his part. not to say that that’s stopped him ever.
there’s something very special to him about being able to inspect you like an unrefined gemstone under a magnifying glass. 10/10 would not recommend him in your house.
dr. ratio
now hear me out. he is not only a nerd, he is also a nerd with an overinflated ego. meaning that he can, and will, gaslight you into thinking he’s normal.
this sounds ridiculous but stay with me.
you’re having your typical one-on-one lesson with dr ratio. aventurine isn’t present as usual because he’s just going to be a nuisance, so it’s just you and your demanding tutor. he gives you some time to write up a short paragraph, and you lower your head and focus on the assignment.
ratio comes over to see what you have so far. he makes a brief comment. you nod and move to make changes. and suddenly you freeze, feeling fingers on the back of your neck.
you face feels hot. had you imagined it? wasn’t that a completely inappropriate move on his part? should you speak up?
as the professor moves toward the front of the classroom again, he acts like absolutely nothing just happened, raising an eyebrow. “are you feeling alright? your face looks warm.”
and you shake your head quickly, fanning yourself in embarrassment. no way he’d have the nerve to do something like that to do you. after all, he was your tutor… he’d be smarter than to jeopardise his position like that.
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barcaatthemoon · 5 hours
bad girlfriend || alessia russo x reader ||
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you and alessia get in a fight when you confront her about neglecting you.
you were utterly exhausted. it was your team's first practice of the season with your new coach who wanted to see your team reach the wsl. there had been offers to play in teams that had already made it, but it would have put distance in between you and alessia.
a part of you wanted to tell yourself that you didn't want the distance to put strain on your relationship, but you knew that alessia would break up with you before you could even finish telling her where you'd be. she couldn't be bothered to keep your relationship going if you moved away.
"are you fucking kidding me?" alessia grumbled at the sight of you splayed out on the couch. you let out a whine as alessia stomped past you. all you wanted was one day where she wasn't acting like an ass at home.
you had no idea what had gotten into her lately. alessia had been sweet at first, but once you got serious, she stopped caring. the longer that you stayed, the worse she treated you. there were often moments where you stopped and wondered if she just wanted you to break up with her. she'd look like an ass if she broke up with the social media sensation who was trying to get her team promoted.
"did you even get anything done today? the house looks like shit," alessia said. she dropped down onto couch. she pushed your legs away, careful not to sit on them. "it would be nice if i didn't come home to a mess like this all the time."
"it would be nice if you spent some time with me, but we can't all get what we want, now can we?" admittedly, it wasn't the most mature response, but you were sick and tired of being the adult with alessia. not only was she actually older than you, but she was always the perfect gentlewoman whenever other people were around.
"oh i'm so sorry. do you want me to quit playing at arsenal and join your little pipe dream pretend team?" alessia asked you. you clenched your fists at your sides and shot up from the couch. you stormed off towards the bedroom with alessia shouting after you about how immature you were being. all of her little comments died down as soon as she saw you walk out of the bedroom with a packed bag.
"i'll be back for my things tomorrow," you told her. alessia jumped up from the couch and sprinted to stand in front of the door. "alessia, move out of my way please. i need to go."
"no, i don't want you to. come on, this is a stupid fight. i'm sorry, i didn't mean what i said to you. i'll help you clean up and we can watch love island together. just please, don't leave," alessia fell onto her knees in front of you. you felt a bit bad, but you shoved right past her with your bag to leave. you didn't look back that night, you couldn't have without turning yourself right around.
"you said what to (y/n)! i should kick your fucking ass right here blondie!" alessia flinched at the sound of katie's voice. it was nothing compared to the glare she was receiving from leah. "are you mental? why would you ever say that it her?"
"i was mad, it just slipped out. i didn't mean it, not at all. i'm such an idiot," alessia cried. she had made it three days without you at home before she completely broke down. alessia didn't know whether or not to count herself lucky that katie and leah had been lingering in the locker room when alessia had her little tantrum.
"you're a dickhead, that's what you are. i don't know (y/n) very well at all, but i know that she's given up a lot to stay in london with you," leah told alessia. "i don't know what the hell is wrong with you, whether it's stress or your fucking ego, but you need to apologize."
"what can i do to get her back?" alessia asked. katie and leah shared a look, one that told alessia all she needed to know. you weren't hers anymore, not after what she had said to you. there was more than that, months of neglect and harsh words building up. alessia would consider herself lucky if you ever agreed to speak with her again.
"i'll be checking on the little chick, and if i heard that you've said anything other than that you're sorry and it was all your fault, i'll shatter your fucking knees," katie threatened. alessia jumped out of the way as katie moved past her, no doubt with her phone out to check on you.
"if she does take you back, don't make this mistake again," leah warned. alessia knew that already, but she still took leah's words to heart. she wanted a second chance, one that she wouldn't let waste for anything.
you hated being alone, but you hated living with your sister and her boyfriend even more. martha was great, but nick was an asshole. he got on your nerves like nobody else. you didn't think it was possible, but you almost missed being ignored by alessia over having to sit through nick's constant chatter for another night.
you pushed that thought out of your head as you pulled up to the training facility to see a familiar car in the parking lot. "alessia, what are you doing here?"
"i wanted to speak with you, but i don't know where you're staying," alessia said. she looked nervous, something that you weren't used to seeing on her. "can i start with apologizing because i am so sorry. i'm sorry for all of it. i shouldn't have ignored you for starters, and i shouldn't have said that. i'm sorry that i lied to you too."
"what did you lie about?" you asked her. suddenly, you were afraid that alessia had been hiding some big secret from you and that was why she had been so distant.
"i said that what you were doing with your team was nothing, and it's not. it's important, and i can't wait to play with you in the wsl," alessia said. she reached out to grab your hands, as if that would fix everything.
"alessia, you can't just come here, apologize, and expect us to be okay. do you have any idea how badly you've hurt me?" you asked her.
"i can't imagine what i've done to you. i can't explain why i ignored you, but i won't let it happen again. it's been a week, and i've never felt more miserable. i miss you so much, and i just want you to come back home with me," alessia said. you hated seeing her upset, even after what she had done to you. despite everything, you still loved alessia.
"a week. i'll come home for a week, and we'll see how things go from there. do anything like this again and my first call will be mccabe," you threatened. alessia nodded, already well aware of the things katie planned to do to her if she broke your heart again.
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poppy-metal · 3 days
dad’s best friend!patrick letting you stay at his apartment when you get into a fight with art…. i’m thinking you snuck out and returned to find art sitting on the couch, waiting for you to come back. just screaming and yelling at each other, you’re throwing things at him. he calls you reckless and a child and idiotic. all things he’s called patrick before. banging on patrick’s door after you drove your car 20 miles over the speed limit from your house to his apartment building. he opens the door all angry because who the fuck is banging his door down at one in the morning. he’s less angry when he sees it’s you but he still says “why are you here????” in that gruff just woke up voice. when you stutter and look up with him with those big wet eyes and say “i just… i need you right now” he can’t find it in himself to be angry anymore, just pulling you into this apartment and wrapping you up in his arms when you cry into his shoulder. the same arms that held you like this when you scrapped your knee when you were eight, the same arms that held you on his shoulder at one of your dad‘s matches when you were six. just so familiar and comforting and warm. crying and saying that art just “doesn’t understand me.” he “doesn’t get me.” but patrick does. you may be his best friend’s daughter but he sees you and he gets you. he’ll hide you in his apartment for as long as you want, saying that you’re not there when art inevitably knocks on his door a day later.
- ⭐️
he really is just a sap for you :((( can't turn you away even when its the one thing he should do - should call art right away, because he'd be worried sick by now but. he sees himself in you, he remembers being called immature and reckless and all sorts of stuff by people who just didn't understand that he wanted to live life to the fullest - because what was the point of feeling all that shitty stuff, of slowing down just to appease other people and stop you from doing what you wanted - yeah, he was more responsible now, but still. at your age, it should be all about impulsivity and the rush of being alive.
and then there's the worse part of him that cant turn you away because you're just..... you came to him. you had to have a bunch of other friends you could go to that would be better, but it was him you turned to. it was him you looked up to. admired. it was inappropriate and wrong, the way you felt about him, but fuck. it felt good. it felt good to be needed.
he lets you stay. puts up less of a fuss about it than you thought he would, but that's probably because of the tears. he makes you a spot on the couch and when you pout and say its ungentlemenly for him not to give up his bed he just looks at you. says, "we both know you want to be in my bed for alot more reasons than comfort.", and well. he's not wrong. you definitely would have touched yourself if you had slept there. humped one of his pillows.
still, you manage to haggle one of his shirts from him - claiming your clothes were to uncomfortable to sleep in - and he'd tossed you one of his old tennis academy shirts. the fabric stretched out and worn. it dwarfs you when you slip it on, reaching your knees. its not as good being in his bed would have been, but you still drag the fabric over your nose in the middle of the night and inhale his scent while you touch through your wet slit - stroking and petting. you suck the fabric into your mouth too, imagining he just wore it and you could suck his sweat from it - pull it into your mouth. you imagine him in his bed just a couple doors down from you - sleeping on his stomach in just his boxers - fuck, maybe naked? - the strong expanse of his back, the thickness of his thighs. you imagine how he'd react to catching you masturbating in his shirt - if he'd get angry and call you a bad little girl. would he flip you over his knee, beat some sense into you? would cant stop from pulling the shirt completely over your head as you drench your fingers, pumping them in and out of your wet pussy as you think about being completely covered by patrick - pressed down and pinned with nothing to do but take in his musk and let him inside your tight body -
you cum sticky and wet all over your fingers. the bottom of his shirt damp with your juices. the apartment is quiet. you wonder how long you can take being around patrick zweig and not break - you feel like if he doesn't fuck you soon, it'll kill you.
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kyliekast · 2 days
continuing this —
one day, in the locker room, after everyone else has left, tashi approaches you. you’re topless, sports bra exposed, but she doesn’t seem to care. she has this coolness about her, like what she’s about to say is more important than the fact that your cleavage is out, or like she’s gonna say something wordlessly. you brace yourself for an ass-beating, have been for weeks.
“you should come to this halloween party with me. it’s at my boyfriend’s frat.”
you blink, but fuck, this is the first time she’s spoken to you, and you’ve been subconsciously playing for her approval for weeks, cheeks flushing courtside every time she grunts. “okay,” you say without thinking.
she gives the details, but you pointedly don’t receive her number. just the date, address, and her costume, only because you asked: serena’s pink and white 2004 outfit.
art and patrick are matching, vampire and werewolf. patrick hadn’t even asked if you wanted to match, so fuck it, your costume’s petty: a playboy bunny, headband, red leotard, and all, accompanying his girlfriend, who he still somehow thinks you don’t know he has. he can take a picture, make it last longer.
when you arrive, tashi’s already waiting at the door. her outfit’s fitted, and her skirt is shorter than serena’s, a bit too flimsy for her gazelle legs. her sneakers are platformed, and she stands an inch and a half taller than usual. you gulp when you see that her nipples are hard through her top.
she guides you inside, mixes you two some drinks. patrick normally makes you do shots off the rip. she makes you both pretty lemonade-vodka mixers, asking you how much you want, if you even wanna be drunk. you’re coasting at a comfortable tipsy when you see patrick across the room, staring at you both. he's a poor excuse for a werewolf. all he did was go shirtless with raggedy jean shorts, and his nights usually end like that anyways.
he and tashi keep mouthing at each other, squabbling noiselessly:
what the fuck?
what are you doing?
tashi rolls her eyes and gets on her tiptoes, scans the house, then points at art, who’s across the room with some tri delt girl. “there’s your boyfriend.”
patrick surely can’t hear her, but you do and laugh into your cup.
she’s not laughing. when her eyes settle on you, they burrow, brows a furrowed arch. it’s the first time she’s really looked at you, and she doesn’t bar anything. her eyes on your chest, your hips, your ankles, clasped by your heel straps. she subtly skates fingers down your back and grabs your leotard’s bunny tail. “who’s this for? my boyfriend?”
she knows. you freeze.
tashi continues, husky, “he doesn’t know what to do with all this.”
when she has you in a hall closet, leotard pulled to the side as you grind on her tongue, you think, he doesn’t.
tashi’s intuitive with sex like she is with her tennis, all of it second nature. when you start getting close, she seems to realize and pulls off. you whine, but she replaces her mouth with her fingers and smiles up at you. “does he go down on you?”
“not like this.” patrick eats pussy for himself, his own ego. tashi eats pussy like it’s just another friday. she thumbs your clit and pushes two fingers inside, pummeling the spongey bit of your pussy. “oh — oh, tashi — i’m really close, need your mouth — ”
“my mouth, bunny?”
you quiver. “yes, yes, your mouth, please — ”
“‘cause it’s better?”
you cum with her name on your mouth and your pussy tremulant, her fingers rubbing inside while her lips work outside, tonguing every inch of your cunt.
when you see her at practice next, she doesn’t wave back. you tell her good serve, and she doesn’t say anything. you try to talk to her in the locker room, and she shoulder checks you on the way out.
a week later, you find a note in your locker: my dorm, eleven tonight? — t. her dorm number is scrawled below next to a little heart, so small it could honestly be a slip of her pencil.
oh my god. she’s worse than patrick.
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l0tt1emy · 9 hours
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Art Donaldson x Fem!reader
warnings: Infidelity(tashi doesn't give a damn) I mentioned tashi more than I would like!! Smut
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₊˚⊹⋆ Can't help but get clingy with you even when you're around tashi
₊˚⊹⋆ Who already knows that Tashi noticed the way his pupils dilate whenever you appear in front of him and don't say anything
₊˚⊹⋆ Who spoils you and recognizes this, always being mocked by Patrick about how you commented about wanting a watch and the next day having it in perfect condition on your wrist
₊˚⊹⋆ He insists on having you in the front row, so you can see him win or lose, as long as you have the best view
₊˚⊹⋆ He started winning more games after you started watching him play, Tashi doesn't complain and doesn't even hesitate to invite you when she can to watch him
₊˚⊹⋆ That he can't help but be worried when you leave without warning, calling you, sending you messages and even thinking about the possibility of coming after you, wherever you are
₊˚⊹⋆ He's an idiot and every time he finishes playing he comes to hug you, no matter how sweaty and disgusting he is, he knows the difference in strength between you and him, and he knows that you would never be able to get out of his grip (he just doesn't hug Tashi because he knows she would punch him
₊˚⊹⋆ begs you to try playing tennis, which doesn't happen because even though he plays weakly with you, you can't catch the ball at all
₊˚⊹⋆ He loves to grab you, no matter if you're in public or alone, when he sees you he just runs to your small body in contrast to his, and hugs you, your face hitting his chest
₊˚⊹⋆ Can't even hide how he hit the tip of the racket against him crotch every time you leaned over to get something he needed
₊˚⊹⋆ Who started winning over and over again after you started rooting for him, always looking at you and looking for validation and a thread of pride in you, like a puppy wanting its owner's attention.
₊˚⊹⋆ Who spied Tashi telling you that if you were having sex, or he was in love with you, it didn't matter, as long as you supported him in whatever he was doing because only then would he be able to win
₊˚⊹⋆ Who gave subtle hints that he wanted you to wear shorts and tight skirts, making a point of buying from the best brands and giving them to you as gifts with some stupid excuses like "Tashi had seen them in a store and gave me the idea of buying them for you" you don't even bother to pretend that you believed it, how are you going to believe it when he is stuttering, while his fingertips turned white from squeezing the straps of the bags with different short clothes
₊˚⊹⋆ That every time he wins a very important match he runs to you and Tashi and casts glances in silent permission to hug you
₊˚⊹⋆ begged you to join his team, Damn, he had money left over to hire 10 helpers but he insisted on hiring you to do what? get him water, accompany him?
₊˚⊹⋆ Who is noisy, you've always known that, and he knows that, always whimpering when he kisses you, and it was worse when you had sex, feeling tears streaming from his eyes whenever he was close to cumming, as he grabbed your waist and put his face in your neck
₊˚⊹⋆ Who needs to hear or tell you every minute that he loves you while he fucks you so hard and squeezes your wrist so hard that you know it will leave ugly marks that are difficult to hide
₊˚⊹⋆ During the day, he calls you different pet names like darling, baby, candy, or something so outdated that you'd want to vomit if he wasn't the one saying it, but while you're fucking he gets worse, whines for hours about how you are so good to him, and how you are the love of his life
₊˚⊹⋆ he is the definition of "make love" he doesn't curse you, and he treats you so well that it hurts
₊˚⊹⋆ loves eating you out, he simply gets drunk on your pussy, pulling you to his face and eating you like he's been hungry all week
₊˚⊹⋆ Always comes up behind you and rubs the visible bulge in his shorts against your ass, he has no shame on his face
₊˚⊹⋆ He rolls his eyes and moans very loudly when he cums, he simply can't control it and his body has a life of its own
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The only real thing in here is you and me
•Summary: you are having a nightmare and Satoru is there to reassure you as the good and caring boyfriend he is
•Feat: Satoru Gojo x Reader
•Content: fluff, hurt/comfort, protective Satoru, insecure reader, Satoru being the perfect boyfriend
•Author's note: since I'm person who usually has nightmares and wakes up in the middle of the night scared and needs to be hugged, I decided to write this if some of you feel identified 🥹
•If you want to get added to my taglist, let me know in comments
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That is how you are feeling at this moment. All your beloved relatives left you to rest in peace in the other side. But that wasn't the reason why you feel that way. You assumed that day would come so you were kinda prepare to say goodbye to them.
You feel alone because of him.
Because you had never thought that among all the people, he would let you at your mercy in this hard path called life.
It's worse than being all alone because of his eventual departure; he left you because he was tired of all of your problems: your complicated relationship you had with your parents before they passed away; your anxiety issues, low self streem and the bad conception you had of your own body; you never loved what you looked like in front of the mirror.
He was patient, comprehensive and caring everytime you came up with any of the topics mentioned before.
But he got tired; tired of each quarrel about how stubborn you were, how you didn't believe all those compliments he gave you, how beautiful you were to his eyes: you believed he was lying like everyone else did during your life.
You always thought he was like them; saying those beautiful words only to make you feel good, cared... loved, so you wouldn't complain about your look nor feel alone ever again.
You were standing in your house entrance dressed with one of his oversized shirts, seeing how his tall frame was walking across the street, to the opposite direction to your house: he was leaving you.
"Satoru, please! Don't leave me!"
You were shouting to him, tears falling down from your swollen eyes, having a tiny hope he would turn around and come back home. You hoped this was a joke, a really bad one: after all, he was the king of jokes.
But seeing your desperate shouts were causing no effect on him, you surrendered; you immediately fell on your knees, head in your hands, crying, sobbing, feeling how your heart was breaking in tiny little pieces because after all these years, he abandoned you. The only thing he had promised not to do so. He lied... as everyone did in your life
"Satoru, come back..." you were repeating to yourself, eyes fixed on the floor in astonishment, still believing this was a dream, you even pinched your cheeks but,then, you assumed this was the most real thing you ever lived through.
It's a quiet and peaceful night, the room being lighten by the moon, the soft summer breeze moving the curtains while the white haired man, who barely gets some sleep, is looking at your sleeping silhouette, spellbound; he is tempted to trace your pinky cheeks with his long fingers, thanking the gods for letting him to have such a wonderful, kind and ethereal woman by his side.
He is also happy that you let him in, to get to know you more, your secrets, insecurities, your anxiety issues and mostly your low self esteem. He was always aware of when you were feeling uncomfortable or uneasy by only looking at how you usually furrow your eyebrows with disgust and that is when he immediately knows that you are not okay anymore.
He would instantly drop everything he was doing, even canceling meetings with the higher ups so he can spend the rest of the day with his girl, spoling her with her favorite snacks, cuddling in bed while watching her favorite movies/TV shows but mostly; being with you when you most needed him.
Suddenly his daydreaming is interrupted when he feels you started to move in the middle of your sleep, droplets of sweat in your forehead, making some strands of hair stucked to it. You were babbling nonsense; at first he decided to ignore it since you usually have dreams like that, but when you screamed his name in a terrified way all of sudden, that really caught his attention.
By the time you are slowly realizing that all was a nightmare, you feel those familiar arms around you, his chest pressed in your back, feeling his increased heartbeats and his head buried in your neck. You can't help but start crying because you thought your worst fear came true.
You felt relieved, it wasn't.
"Shh shh, it's okay, baby. I'm here" he whispers to your ear, your body still trembling, hard breaths leaving your mouth, shock running through your body, like you were paralyzed. "It was a bad dream, sweets. It wasn't real. The only thing that is real in this room is you and me" he says this giving your cheek smooches as you begin to calm down.
"Toru..." your voice trembles, tears showing at the corner of your eyes, all that you want is being wrapped in those arms, the ones that always make you feel safe, loved and most of all, that the strongest sorcerer, the love of your life, Satoru Gojo, your Toru, is by your side another day.
He breaks the embrace and move in the mattress so he can be in front of you, to do what he does best: to be there for you.
"I'm here, sweets" he cups your face so you are looking at his cerulean eyes filled with worry.
It breaks his heart to see you at such vulnerable condition, being aware of he wasn't able to do something to prevent you from having that nightmare.
He put a strand of hair behind your ear in a delicate way as if you were about to break in tiny little pieces, without breaking the eye contact.
Satoru won't ask you about your nightmare, but, he can guess it was related to him. It's not the first time you woke up in such state; the first time you did it, it turned out you dreamt about Satoru dying in your arms after visiting him in Shoko's infirmary due a bad injury during one of his missions.
It was extremely hard to him to calm you down after you told him every detail of it, so he didn't want you to freak out again, you have already dealt with too much pain during your sleep.
"I'm here, love. I'll never leave you by your own. I never break my promises, especially if they involve the love of my life, you" he says giving a sweet and gentle kiss in the tip of your nose, then, in your left cheek, the other and finally, in your lips. He was pampering you with all the love he has for you, his everything.
It was a kiss filled with love, devotion, adoration but mostly, with care. You close your eyes, your chest inflates with a warm feeling that you only feel with Satoru; you will always feel safe if he is by your side.
"Let's go to bed, baby. Try to get some sleep, and remember, I'm always here no matter what, okay?"
You nodded and let Satoru tuck you in, covering your body with the sheets and then he did the same placing himself behind you, hugging you from behind, wrapping his arms around your waist, his hands placed in your low belly. His face was buried in the crook of your neck, feeling his warm breathing.
That is all you needed. To feel alive, to feel safe, to feel this is real
© GOJOSATORUBRAINROT— do not plagiarise, repost, use or translate my works on any platform.
Taglist: @shogunish @msjellyf1sh
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Fem!Reader X Male Werewolves
Word Count: 4580 Explicit: Yes. Warnings: Size difference, dubcon, noncon, threesome, knotting, oral knotting, breeding, marathon sex, somnophilia.
Summer. What everyone looked forward to. Warm sunny weather, longer days, chances for beautiful outdoor activities, the works. Granted, the heat could certainly get to you, but it did at least die down during the night, so you tended to get out during the evenings for either a walk or a run, depending on how active you felt. You usually turned to go back home right as the sun went down, so you never took your chances.
Not that you ever thought you were in any danger. You knew the people here and this was a very small rural neighbourhood. Everyone knew everyone and everyone looked out for everyone. You were really only close with a few people, though you lived on your own. You worked a bit of a ways away from here, but that just made the disconnect from work that much better for you.
It felt like you could actually leave work at work, so to speak.
Aside from your acquaintanceships with the locals you’ve cultivated over the years since you’ve started living here, you’ve made friends with two lovely gentlemen around your age who share a home together – Riley and Eric. You’ve been at each other’s places enough times that you could confidently say that they were friends. They had a friendly and playful rivalry with each other.
You tried to spend equal time with both of them. After all, you didn’t want to make either one of them feel like you liked one of them more than the other. They were different, but you liked them both equally. Riley was usually the one that found it difficult to decide what to do when the three of you hung out while Eric was usually the one making suggestions. Riley was the one who usually asked you what you wanted to do since he had trouble deciding while Eric was the one who offered you things to do before asking.
They had a dynamic that worked, you supposed. Truthfully, you couldn’t imagine having one without the other. They came as a set in your mind and the last thing you wanted was to make either of them jealous – they did tend to get into play fights quite often, but never enough that it wasn’t easily forgivable or that they actually hurt each other.
It was somewhat endearing. Sometimes they fought over you and it made you feel a bit guilty, but you didn’t actually mind it.
Somewhere deep down inside, you had a bit of a crush on them…but you didn’t want to separate them or pit them against each other, which was why you never acted on your feelings in any capacity. You liked the dynamic the three of you had as friends and you didn’t want to ruin that.
During your evening run you started a bit later than you wanted, said men stared at you as they watched you go down the trail from your house. The full moon was beginning to properly rise and their feral and wild instincts were already making their burgeoning drives and instincts that much worse as they began to fight each other, yelling about who should get to court you. It didn’t help that they practically salivated over the way your athleisurewear hugged the curves of your body so perfectly.
It wasn’t long before they had fled their home together, dashing out the back door and running across the yard into the woods where they knew you were waiting. It was no use fighting each other, they were in the same pack and competing against each other wouldn’t do their dynamic any favours. Though it didn’t make any sense in their human brains, in their werewolf brains, it made perfect sense.
Whoever caught you first got to claim you as their mate.
You, naturally, were completely unaware of this. Every time the full moon came around, they weren’t available and you just assumed they were busy and had some other activity they participated in. You couldn’t blame them, of course. They had lives outside of you, after all. Obviously.
The woods had never been this dark when you went on your evening ventures, before. Then again, you never went out this late, so you supposed you should have expected this. Still, you weren’t afraid. You knew this place like the back of your hand.
What you weren’t prepared for was the sound of howling in the distance as you jogged. That had never happened, before. It stopped you in your tracks when you heard it and it made you second-guess proceeding further. You liked your evening walks, but not enough to risk getting eaten alive by wolves.
Just as you turned to run back the other way to go back home, you saw something that took your breath away and made you freeze in place. Wolves didn’t stand on two feet, and they certainly didn’t have shoulders that broad or hands that big. And the way it looked at you had you trembling in place, its dark fur outlining it against the barest windows to the twilight sky.
Stepping back in fear, you had no idea what to do. Running further into the woods would get you lost and you weren’t sure if you could outrun it…but it was blocking your only way home.
Another howl could be heard directly behind you, practically raising your hackles straight up. Operating on instinct, you made the foolish decision to run, thereby activating both werewolves’ prey drives as they proceeded to chase after you. You didn’t dare look behind you at the risk of slowing down and getting caught and killed by them.
But you never went off the trail, certainly not like this. Unfortunately, your foot caught on a stray root and it sent you tumbling into the foliage, dropping your only light source and leaving you vulnerable. Shocked and winded, just as you were trying to get back up from the ground to try and find somewhere to hide, a paw suddenly shoved your face down into the foliage, making you yelp in shock and fear. For all of your life since you could even contemplate death, you were afraid of something just like this – dying during just an everyday normal activity unable to make peace with it and doomed to just disappear.
And now, that fear was becoming a reality when you could hear the growls of the werewolves and their hot breaths coming towards you and you started to whimper, shaking uncontrollably as adrenaline coursed through your body, heart thundering out of your chest as your cheeks grew wet with mounting fear. “P-please! Please don’t hurt me!”
The moment you began to whimper, one of the werewolves snarled and nipped at the other, causing you to flinch. The other seemed to back down, but the one that reprimanded the other bent down and to your surprise…it started to whine softly, licking at your tears in an attempt to soothe you and nuzzle at you.
It took you by surprise and almost shocked you out of your fear response as you looked up, the lantern you were holding illuminating the werewolf’s face as you stared at it for a moment. Bright yellow eyes stared concerned at you from bright ginger fur.
As you examined it, you realized that you recognized that exact shade of ginger. You couldn’t believe it…! “…Riley?”
Once you called him by name, the man you thought was your friend’s tail began to wag, looking to the other. The other werewolf approached and licked your other cheek, grumbling at you. If the ginger werewolf with yellow eyes was Riley, then the dark-furred werewolf with amber eyes had to be… “And Eric…?”
It seemed that you now knew who they were, so they had to change tactics if they wanted to get what they wanted. Besides, since they had both caught up to you at the same time, they both had rights to mate you. But since you knew who they were, that might complicate things.
You, however, were none the wiser to their true intentions and were just glad that they weren’t going to kill you nor eat you, Eric nuzzling against you as well, now. Your heart was still thumping out of your chest, but you could at least stand up and grab your lantern, getting a better look at them. Even like this, you could easily tell who was who. The fur on Riley’s head had a fluffier and curlier texture while the fur on Eric’s head stuck out messily and unkempt, with that signature rebellious strand of hair draped across his snout as it was when he was human.
Attempting to calm yourself down by reaching up to pet them and scratch them behind the ears, Riley leaned easily into the affection, lowering himself down to your level and practically cuddling you like a big dog. Aloof, though Eric typically was, was not immune to your affection and groaned happily. Both of their tails were wagging, glad to see that their wolf forms didn’t frighten you too much.
More than anything, they were afraid that their werewolf identities would cause you to not want to be friends with them, anymore, hence why they kept it secret from you for so long. They were at least glad that that fear was unfounded.
But…now what? It seemed that you weren’t afraid anymore, but they couldn’t just…take you, could they? Eric would, his primal instincts were difficult to control and stave off while Riley was a bit better at keeping his wits, though not by much, depending on the circumstances.
Though you were happy that they weren’t going to kill you, even admitting that they were really cute like this (you were already imagining cuddling all together like this during the next full moon), you were still wondering why they chased you down. Did they just not recognize you at first? Was there some other reason? Did you mistake their play chasing for a hunt?
As you pondered, the thought occurred to you to actually ask them. They might not be able to answer verbally, but maybe they could still communicate. “So, if you weren’t going to eat me…what did you want with me?”
Riley and Eric shared a look between each other. They weren’t able to think completely logically when they were shifted like this, they shared the same thought. If you wanted to really know, they could just show you. After all, you would probably forgive them afterwards – it wasn’t like they could control themselves like this, after all.
Or you could end up really enjoying it. And perhaps afterwards, if they were lucky, you would choose the both of them as a mate.
Though Eric was typically the alpha in situations like this, Riley was the first to take charge, tackling into you like a puppy in play, heart fluttering when you started to laugh while he play wrestled with you, licking at your face and nipping at your ears and even your neck.
It was such a strange feeling. The fur tickled you and the hot breath on your neck and attention being given to it made you feel strangely warm. This wasn’t right, you shouldn’t feel like this…it wouldn’t be fair to them, especially when they were like this. They couldn’t think clearly, and the last thing you wanted to do was take advantage of them.
But Riley was cleverer than you gave him credit for in this situation. He was deliberately distracting you so that he could hold onto you from behind, wrapping his arms around you and keeping your back pressed against his chest, arms restrained while your legs were free.
He continued to lick and bite at your neck, growling softly as you started to realize you couldn’t move, involuntary whimpers and moans spilling from your lips. This wasn’t right, you had to stop this. “Guys, I…I don’t want to do this to you, I-I mean, it wouldn’t be fair.” You attempted to reason with them, not wanting to hurt their feelings nor offend them. “It-it shouldn’t be like this, I don’t want to take advantage of you. B-besides, I can’t choose between you.”
They both could smell your growing arousal and the human reason they were capable of was starting to die, whatever second thoughts they might’ve had fading away quickly. They only shared a look between them to know what to do.
You didn’t have to worry. There was no reason they couldn’t share you.
Riley went back to giving your neck attention, making you whimper as Eric grabbed at your legs, lifting you up and pulling them apart. They weren’t listening to you! Crap! Were their wolfish instincts really that strong that your words fell on deaf ears?
You supposed you didn’t have a choice, then…you just hoped they would forgive you afterwards for complying with their advances. The last thing you wanted was to hurt them. They couldn’t help themselves, after all…
Hooking his claws into your pants and your underwear, Eric promptly tore them off and growled softly at you. You could feel him sniffing at you and it made you feel incredibly embarrassed as Riley held you firm, still giving your neck attention. You weren’t sure what you were expecting, but once Eric’s tongue met your flesh, you audibly gasped, whimpering and moaning at the sensation. His tongue was warm and…incredibly soft as he lapped at your folds, swiping his tongue up your clit.
Guiltily…you couldn’t help but rock your hips against Eric’s maw. His tongue just felt so good against you and if you didn’t have a choice in this…you might as well make the most of this and then apologize tomorrow in the morning. Hopefully they would forgive you for this…you wouldn’t blame them if they didn’t.
While Eric was gently lavishing you with his tongue, Riley released his grip a bit on you, electing to take your soft breasts in his hands and feel them up, his large handlike paws practically engulfing them. Though, since you were wearing a sports bra, they weren’t as pliable as they would be normally, something that didn’t seem to bode well for Riley as he whined in frustration.
Poor things…maybe this was why they tended to avoid you around this time every month. This was a need they just suffered through and nobody tended to be in the woods at night, so they had to take out their frustrations in other ways.
As guilty as you felt about taking advantage of the situation, the thought of them suffering like this made your chest hurt for them. So, smiling at Riley through your soft contented moans, you made a show of taking off your shirt to give them more access to you. Riley didn’t even wait for you to take your bra off before he was tugging it off himself. He was considerably less careful than Eric was when taking off your clothes, assuming in some capacity that you cared about these clothes, but once your breasts were free, his hands were back on them. You could feel him groan through his fuzzy chest and you could even feel him dry humping against your back as he fondled you.
It was an action that earned him a warning growl from Eric, prompting him to still his hips as he submitted. Riley whined quietly. He knew how aggressive Eric could get when they shifted and the last thing he wanted was for him to take it out on you and then feel guilty for it afterwards. Lord knows what Riley would do if anything bad happened to you because of them.
Squeezing your breasts and softly pinching your nipples between his fingertips made you starts to squirm, the scent of your arousal worming its way further into the werewolves’ brains as they indulged in you. Your soft sounds getting louder as you rolled your hips to the pleasure was such a beautiful sight. They had always admired you, but they never thought they would get to see you like this.
And under the light of the full moon, too. What a true delight this really was.
Once you started getting more animated and showing more reciprocity, Eric took this chance to fully slip his tongue inside of you, lapping at the inside of your walls and suckling at your clit, making you gasp and cry out even louder. Riley’s answer to this was to crane his neck and slip his tongue into your mouth to muffle you, ensuring that no one would be able to hear you and catch what they were doing to you.
All of your senses were being filled, Riley grabbing, squeezing, and pulling at the tender mounds of flesh on your chest while he kissed you (at least as best as he could, anyway) and Eric lapping and suckling at you while he kneaded at your thighs with his claws. You didn’t get a chance to try and deny the invading tongue in your mouth, but you surprisingly didn’t hate the taste.
Enthusiastically, you managed to find a way to properly kiss Riley, a hand on the back of his head with a fistful of his hair in your clutches. To both of their delight, you had reacted better than either of them could have hoped. Maybe there would be room for all three of you together after all of this…
If they managed to get you off of their knots.
Which reminded Eric not to get too deep, as much as he wanted to drive you over the edge and lap endlessly at you, pulling climax after climax from you and drinking your juices. Not when his cock was starting to ache and protrude from its sheathe.
As he pulled away from you, causing you to whine at the loss of sensation, Riley kept your attention on him, grabbing onto your face to keep you from looking in Eric’s direction while his other hand still squeezed and tugged at your breast. As Eric stood up while lowering you to his hips. You could feel the tip of his cock, wet and hot against you against your entrance, and before you could protest or pull away, Eric suddenly pulled you flush against his hips, slotting his cock into you and grinding into you as it slowly came out of its sheathe and filled you up, Riley swallowing down your pleasured and shocked moans with delight.
Once you were pressed flush with his knot, Eric started to properly rock against you, hands gripping your hips tightly as he used you as a personal fleshlight, grunting and growling as his knot slapped against your clit and his balls slapped against your ass.
Finally releasing you and knowing that you weren’t going anywhere, Riley slid out from under you, still holding onto you so that you weren’t just laying on the rough ground. He held you by the arms and as your head hung upside-down, you were face-to-face with his cock, throbbing and veiny and tapered to a tip at the end, poking out from its fuzzy sheathe. You were being held in midair by the werewolf men and Riley pressed his cock to your mouth while you struggled to maintain your breath while Eric was still thrusting his cock into your cunt.
Riley’s cock slipped easily into your mouth, slick with precum and your mouth already stretched from his tongue sliding down your throat. Both werewolves were now growling as they proceeded to fuck you, but Riley was considerably gentler with your mouth, holding you up by your wrists with one hand and the back of your neck with the other. His knot slapped hotly and wetly against your lips just like Eric’s was against your other set of lips.
Like his tongue, you didn’t hate the taste. Salty, musky, but not awfully unpleasant. You didn’t mind this, and the harder Eric fucked you, the closer you were to cumming.
And oh, how they were thoroughly enjoying this. You could feel them twitching and throbbing inside of you as they fucked you, hear them panting and growling the more frantic they got, and though your eyes were obscured by Riley’s balls slapping against your brow, they were watching your breasts bounce back and forth with their movements. It was addictively hypnotizing to watch. But the ache in both of their bellies was getting agonizing to endure…it was time to switch things up.
The pair shared a look. It was time to lock you in.
Pulling his cock out of your mouth, Riley took in the sight of the line of saliva connecting your lips to the tip of his dick, shivering when the night air hit it. Eric stilled his hips as Riley pulled you up, the pair walking towards you to sandwich you between them. They both took a moment to lick and bite at your neck, Eric’s cock still inside of you, though not for long as with painful self-control, he pulled out, leaving you empty and wanting.
Facing Eric, you reached up to pet him behind his ears, pulling him close so that you could kiss him the way you kissed Riley, the darker werewolf growling when he could taste all the mixed fluids together on your tongues, suddenly grabbing your face so that he could explore your mouth more with his tongue, forcing you to practically swallow the squishy and spongey appendage as you moaned helplessly.
In a moment of weakness, Riley couldn’t help himself and speared you on his cock. He wasn’t going to knot you – Eric had already decided that he would be the one to breed you first – but he wanted to feel you around him for at least a moment. Dear lord, you felt amazing.
They couldn’t help themselves. It was now Eric’s turn to enjoy your mouth and your breasts while Riley enjoyed your pussy engulfing his cock. The longer this went, the less reservations you had. You still felt a little guilty for enjoying this so much, but could anyone truly blame you when they were clearly enjoying themselves, too?
It didn’t take long for Eric to pull away from you, grabbing onto your shoulders as Riley suddenly grabbed your hips, hoisting you up towards his face as he slowly lowered himself to the ground, leaning back so that you could lie together stomach-to-stomach.
Being the generous alpha he was, Eric allowed Riley to have a moment with just the two of you, your lips wrapped around his cock and his tongue inside of your cunt. Oh, how you tasted so wonderful and how you sucked him off so good. He couldn’t wait for everyone to completely lose themselves under the light of the full moon.
Once Eric grew impatient enough, feeling as though he was going to burst, he pressed himself down against you, properly sandwiching you all together, as he slipped his cock into you again, this time setting a rapid and punishing pace that quickly began to push you to the edge. Riley was suckling at your clit while Eric’s knot slapped against it with each mighty, rapid, and deep thrust while you were being facefucked by Riley. Both of them kept one hand on your hips to keep you in place, Eric used his other to keep himself propped up while Riley used his to keep your head still and in the best position for him to thrust himself into your mouth.
The breath was getting knocked out of you from both sides, sinful wet slapping and slurping noises coming out of you as you were reduced to a double-sided fleshlight for your werewolf friends. The speed and force at which they were both fucking you was nearly unbearable, the thread within you threatening to snap and send you screaming over the edge.
Riley was the first to cum, unable to contain himself as with a harsh thrust, his knot slid past your lips and teeth and swelled up into your mouth, his cock practically halfway down your throat as he whined against your clit, twitching and shuddering as he came. Your mouth and throat were throbbing, his cock pulsing rhythmically in you. You tried your best to drink down and swallow as much of his cum as you could, but it was difficult with how much he was filling up your mouth.
But with horror as you tried to pull away, your mouth was stuck. You couldn’t pull yourself off of him even on the verge of choking. As you started to panic, you started to tighten around Eric, your whining and mewling making aftershocks rip through Riley since he could feel the vibrations through his poor dick, knot firmly inflated inside of your mouth.
You were not going anywhere.
With mounting speed and accelerating force, Eric could feel himself about to release in you, could feel you tightening and clenching around him. You were close, too. He could feel it. He wanted you to cum on his cock and wanted to milk as many orgasms as he could from you while you were knotted together.
The combination of Riley’s mouth on your clit and Eric’s cock pistoning so rapidly into you, you knew it was only a matter of moments before you would fall apart.
And, just as Eric pushed in as hard and as desperately as he could, it was when his knot finally slipped past your walls that you came, squealing around Riley’s cock as you spasmed and thrashed in their grasps, Eric’s knot swelling and locking you in as he tip of him was pressed flush with your cervix, spilling rope after rope after rope of werewolf cum inside of you. Riley did not stop suckling on your clit, Eric still grinding inside of you in circles to draw our your orgasm for as long as possible, your insides a mess of twitches and contractions, almost like they were trying to suck Eric even deeper than he already was.
Once they were finished, you were locked together for quite some time, your jaw particularly sore despite Riley’s efforts to be gentle with you. And just like they intended, they didn’t stop once you all came. No, until Eric’s knot deflated, Riley continued to make you cum over and over again just by suckling on your clit.
Foolishly, you thought they were finished once their knots did deflate and they pulled themselves out of you, licking at you and lavishing you with attention to clean up the mess they made of you. Foolishly, you thought that that was it. That they’d had their fill and it was over.
Until Riley grabbed you and flipped you over so that your back was flush against his chest, again, and his cock was stuffed inside of your cunt, fucking rapidly up into you as Eric took this chance to suckle at your breasts and grind his cock against your naval.
You were going to be here for a while…and now that you were used to werewolf cock, they weren’t going to be gentle with you, anymore.
They were going to keep you here either until the sun rose or until you passed out. Whichever came first.
And even if you did fall unconscious, they would just take you back to their house and continue until morning anyways.
Collateral could wait until tomorrow – that was future you’s problem.
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throneofsapphics · 2 days
finding you again epilogue
Azriel x f!Reader
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summary: after he ended your relationship, you didn’t expect Azriel to pop into your life again - and you’re not happy about it
warnings: implied sexual content
a/n: here's the last part to this little series! thank y'all so much for reading it <3 and thank you to @whisperingmidnights for your help <3
series masterlist
“Your shadow is here,” your sister cooed. 
You groaned. Gods, you were going to kill her. She’d taken to calling Azriel ‘your shadow,’ anytime she spotted some patch of darkness moving - as in every single swaying tree. Sure, it could have been Azriel a few times, but  he had much better things to do than follow you through Velaris on your infrequent visits. He’d made that perfectly clear. 
“Casual,” he’d said. Or had you? Either way, he’d agreed. You both did. 
Pressure built in your temples, the uncomfortable semi-headache that usually accompanied thinking of him. 
A pointy elbow jutted into your side. “There,” she snipped, nose upturned - offended you thought she was lying, perhaps. Or putting on a show. The second option was the most likely, knowing her. 
But you had bigger issues at hand. Mainly the Illyrian warriors strolling down the sidewalk, their massive wings taking up most of the space, females and males alike ogling them. 
You had no right to be jealous. When you were certain you wouldn’t be caught, you ogled them. Any sane person would. Besides, you got to see several of them in vastly different states. 
He knew that scent anywhere. The sweet unfurling of a flower, a step beyond your usual one. Sure, he was already aware of your presence but to scent that, and not even see you looking in his direction. Cassian’s hand on his shoulder was the sole thing keeping him from stalking over to you and winnowing you back to -
“Control yourself,” Cassian snickered. 
He shook his brother off, fixing him with a look that did nothing to wipe the smug grin off his face as he kept going - Right. To. You.
Just like that, he was signed up for dinner with you, your sister, and Cassian. He had a sinking feeling in his gut two parties would be missing. It was something he’d do. 
Az was nearly a millennium old by the time he was convinced to retire. By you, by everyone. To you, in private, he groused about the others' opinions. 
You were surprised by how quickly he agreed to retire to the home you’d created so many years ago. Not Velaris. 
Maybe he craved some peace and quiet as well. 
After all, the two of you managed a ‘long-distance’ relationship. His form of winnowing made the moniker redundant, but you still spent a few nights apart each week. 
Not that it had started as a relationship, not even close. In the moments, those years had been full of turmoil and unrest throughout the world, but you’d enjoyed the reliable banter with him, the push and pull that lasted centuries until there was an intervention. 
Mor had become your friend over the last few centuries, and it wasn’t a surprise that she showed up for you out of the blue. 
The surprise came in the room filled with the inner fucking circle of the Night Court. Well, a good portion of them. 
Rhys had a wicked smile on his face, similar to when you’d received the bargain and your heart caught in your throat. Whatever it was, it wouldn’t be good. 
“Everyone’s sick of you two dancing around each other,” Mor started - and it only got worse from there on. Azriel had inched closer to you throughout it, and at one point you felt him attempt to winnow the two of you out - to save both of you, but the High Lord had prepared for everything. You shot Az a grateful look. 
As soon as there was a pause in conversation, you turned to him. “When is a good time to announce our marriage?” He paled. Just a shade, but you’d made the feared spymaster pale and mother above you’d remember it for the rest of the day. “I’m joking,” you added quickly to the room. 
Less than a month later, the two of you eloped, not telling a soul until after. They had all gloated over how their intervention worked.
taglist: @mellowarcadefun @acourtofbatboydreams @macimads  @sirens-and-moonflowers @tele86 @kalulakunundrum @anxious-study @mika-no-sekai-blog @judig92  @randomperson1234sblog @fightmedraco @caraaaaugh @thelov3lybookworm @tothestarsandwhateverend @fxckmiup @scatteredstardustt @tooweirdtolive-toorareto-die @redcap3girl @boygeniuses10 @anuttellaa @aunicornmademedoit @inloveallthetime @florencemtrash @juniperberriesaries @azriels-shadowsinger @mybestfriendmademe @prettylittlewrites @bubybubsters @emryb @blessthepizzaman @littlelou22 @topaz125 @prrius-tylersapphire  @skylarkalchemist @lilah-asteria @sheblogs @fan-of-many-bands @whatasweetgeorgiapeach  @lipstickmarks @moonlwghts
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nhlclover · 8 hours
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summary: while struggling with your mental health, quinn refuses to leave your side despite your attempts to push him away.
warnings: descriptions of mental illness, behavior and sentiments that resemble depression (although it's kind of vague), crying
word count: 1.26k
It had been a while since you were okay.
Life, recently, had felt like it was trying to suffocate you. The days blended together in a haze of obligations, stress, and an overwhelming sense of inertia. Each morning, the alarm clock was an unwelcome intruder, dragging you from restless sleep into a world that seemed to demand more from you than you could give.
It had been a while since you’d felt this way. And you couldn’t place what had given you this feeling. It was as if the vibrant colors of your world had faded to a dull gray, leaving you trapped in a monochrome existence. The laughter that once came easily now felt forced, a mere echo of genuine joy. Friends and family noticed the change, but their concerned inquiries only added to your burden, making you feel guilty for not being able to snap out of it. So deeper into the hole you fell.
You’d called out of work again, telling your boss you’d come down with the flu which gave you another couple of days to be alone. You’d pulled the covers back over you earlier that morning and found yourself in the same spot nearly fourteen hours later.
The hours stretched and warped in the dim light of your room, a cocoon of silence punctured only by the occasional hum of the refrigerator or the distant murmur of traffic outside. You felt like a ghost haunting your own life, present but not truly living. The motivation to move, to eat, to even turn on a light seemed beyond you. Instead, you lay there, paralyzed by a weight that pressed down on you, making even the smallest tasks feel insurmountable.
When Quinn knocked on the front door of your apartment, at a quarter to midnight, part of him wasn’t surprised to get no answer. It was possible you were asleep after all. However, Quinn knew you and he knew that you didn’t typically fall asleep until well after midnight. He pulled the set of keys you’d given to him for emergencies out of the pocket of his dress pants. He didn’t feel like he was violating your ‘emergencies only’ policy right now.
He knew that you weren’t doing well recently. He’d tried to give you some space, assuming that was what you wanted. But nothing changed. If anything it got worse. He tried to plan dates, but you let them fall through. He showed up at your apartment, but the ghost of you that seemingly replaced you pushed him away.
You then stopped showing up to his games. In two years of dating, you’d only missed a select few home games. And now, you hadn’t been to one in over two weeks. When Quinn heard that you didn’t show yet again, his worry hit a high. He left right after media was over to come check on you.
Quinn shoved the keys in the lock, pushing the door open and stepping inside. It was eerily quiet in your apartment, not even the sound of the television playing broke through. The glow of the city lights filtered through the half-drawn curtains, casting long shadows across the room. Quinn’s heart pounded in his chest as he called out your name softly, his voice barely above a whisper, as if afraid to disturb the oppressive silence. His eyes adjusted to the darkness, searching for any sign of movement, but the apartment seemed deserted.
He took a tentative step through the hall, his dress shoes squeaking against the wooden floor. “Hey,” he called out a bit louder, his voice tinged with concern. He made his way toward your bedroom, the door slightly ajar. Pushing it open, he found you buried under blankets, your unruly hair scattered on your pillows.
“Y/n?” Quinn asked, approaching your bed tentatively.
When he caught sight of your sunken face, his heart ached. The bags under your eyes were dark and heavy, accentuated by your pale skin. You were asleep and Quinn felt bad about waking you, but he wasn’t sure you had ate, let alone left your bed today.
He reached out, gently touching your shoulder. You stirred slightly but didn’t fully wake up. “Y/N, it’s me. It’s Quinn.” His voice was soft and soothing, trying to coax you back to the present. Your eyes fluttered open, bleary and unfocused, taking a moment to recognize him.
“Quinn?” Your voice was hoarse, barely more than a croak. You blinked a few times, trying to clear the fog from your mind. Seeing him standing there, his face etched with worry, brought a rush of emotions that you’d been trying to suppress.
“Yeah, it’s me,” he said, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “I’m here. I was worried about you.”
You scrambled to sit upright, rubbing your eyes with the backs of your hands. “I’m sorry,” you whispered, your voice cracking. “I didn’t mean to worry you. I just… I…”
“Hey, hey.” Quinn said softly. “There’s no need to apologize. I just wanted to make sure you’re okay… Which you’re clearly not.”
You shook your head, avoiding Quinn’s gaze. “No, I’m fine, really.”
Your eyes filled with tears, and you quickly turned your head, not wanting Quinn to see you cry. But he did see, and it broke his heart. He reached out, gently cupping your face and turning it back to him. “You don’t have to pretend. Not with me. Not ever.”
A familiar frustration bubbled up inside you. You didn’t want him to see you like this. You were a shell of yourself, the exact opposite of the person you were when he fell in love with you. Tears began to spill over despite your efforts to hold them back. The vulnerability you felt in Quinn's presence was both a comfort and a curse. You wanted to be strong, to show him that you could handle everything, but the truth was you felt like you were drowning, and you didn't know how to reach for help. It was just easier to keep him at arm's length while you sorted shit out.
“Quinn… please…I’m fine.” you said softly, pushing his hand away from your face. “So just… go.”
Quinn shook his head, knowing you were going to push back. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“Quinn, please, I just need to be alone,” you say.
“No,” he said firmly. “You don’t need to be alone, you just think you do.”
You quickly wiped away the tears that dripped down your cheeks, hating how vulnerable you felt. “You don’t understand,” you replied, voice tinged with bitterness. “It’s just easier this way.”
“Easier for who?” Quinn asked gently. “Not for you. You're hurting yourself more by pushing everyone away.”
He reached out and took your hand, his touch warm and reassuring. “You don’t have to go through this alone.”
The floodgates opened, and you began to cry, the pent-up emotions spilling out in a torrent of sobs. Quinn pulled you into his arms, holding you close, his heart breaking at the sound of your pain. He didn’t say anything, just held you, letting you cry until the sobs subsided into quiet sniffles.
When you finally pulled yourself from Quinn’s arms, your eyes were red and puffy. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
Quinn brushed a strand of hair out of your face, his touch tender. “You’re going through a tough time. It happens to everyone, and it’s okay to not be okay. But you don’t have to do this alone. We’ll get through this together.”
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