#and the sire is from yet another breeder that i like a lot
shepherdenjoyer · 21 days
if the only thing i had to deal with regarding getting a puppy was self doubt i might make it out, but oh my god theres so much going on and yet nothing at all and im bad at making decisions
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photozoi · 3 months
Hi there, I have always loved scrolling your blog, but I just noticed that Mr Mung is growing VERY large!! He’s got such a broad chest, and he’s just SO so handsome, but he looks like a tank for a silken, compared to your other ones and even the photos of him with his mother, especially at his age! You don’t have to answer, of course, but I’m wondering if he was maybe part of an outcrossing project, back to borzoi? Or is he just an outlier/a really big silken? I ask mostly because I prefer bigger silkens 😄 The little ones are cute and sweet, and size isn’t a dealbreaker for me, but my girl just turned 6 and so I’m starting my (likely very lengthy) search for Next Puppy. My girl is 33lbs and I think was the biggest girl in her litter, and ideally I’d get another her size or even a bit larger. Her breeder is amazing but really favors silkens on the smaller end of the scale.
I always wanted a borzoi (which is how I found your awesome blog), I’m just not equipped for a dog quite that large, so silkens have become my breed. I’m so enamored with your bean boy (and his sisters are also super gorgeous)!! If you’d be willing to share any info about his pedigree or his breeder I would be super grateful, but I know that this sort of ask from a total stranger on the internet can be a bit fraught, so I won’t be offended or anything if you decline to answer. I appreciate all the adorable photos you’ve shared of all your crew over the years! Thanks for your time 😊
First of all, Thank You! You are very kind.
Also, some of the Bean Boy's broad chest is floof... he has a LOT of it! (He does have a very nice front though). He is bigger but not necessarily an outlier... Larger Silkens are becoming more and more common, which is not necessarily a good thing but which should make your quest easier. If you like Borzoi then you probably know that a mature male stands at least 28 inches at the shoulder and weighs 75 to 105 pounds (and that females will be smaller.)
At least 28 inches. Most are 31 or 32. But think about that. The accepted measurements for Silken Windhounds (according to ISWS) are 18.5 -23.5 inches (47-60 cm) at the withers. If you follow the written standards for the breeds that means that (using males as an example) there are only 4.5 inches separating a small Borzoi from a large Silken. The larger a Silken gets, the closer it gets to infringing on Borzoi height. And there are a LOT of Silkens out there that are taller than the standard. (We are only discussing size here, not other conformation considerations.) Americans seem to like things large, so we end up with Borzoi like our Jeep (36 inches at the shoulder) and Silkens that do not fit the written standard. My Silken, the Imp, is within the standard for males and yet I hear a lot about how small he is. (Small only in others eyes, NOT in his own.) The Brother is on the large side of the standard, but no one ever said anything about the possibility of his being too big! I have never made a secret of my dogs sizes or breeding (the Brother is a whopping 50 lbs, the Imp is 30, and the Bean Boy is 43 as of this writing) so here you go:
The Bean Boy and his sisters are from a breeding done by Bijou Silkens (dam) and Satsuma Kennels (sire). Bijou is in Oregon and Satsuma is in Washington State. USA. The Bean Boy is on the large side (like his dad!), his sisters are smaller and weigh about 15 pounds less. They all have nice confirmation and great personalities. The breeders are wonderful and easy to talk to, you can contact them on line. Bijou is a smaller breeder as in does not produce many litters, so depending on your time frame you might try Satsuma first. Remember that if a breeder does not have what you are looking for they probably know someone who does. (And don't get me started on good breeders vs producers!) :D
Did that help at all, or did I totally miss the mark? :D
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This ask edited by His IMPerial Majesty, Ruler of ALL the Things and Opinionated Silken.
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moonstruckbucky · 4 years
Rant Fest
So for the past couple of months, my “in-laws” (we’ll call them that even though my SO and I aren’t married *whispers* yet) have been driving me up a wall and then some.
His mom? Super sweet, loving... but a helicopter. And I don’t mean one of those dinky little news helicopters. I’m talking full-out military style, equipped with heat-seeking missiles kind of helicopter. She hovers a lot. Calls my SO multiple times a day, for no real good reason at all except to check up on him. Mind, he’s 30 - he’s a big boy.
Things have been a little stagnant for him since he had his seizure two months ago - he’s stranded without a car (totaled in the accident) and without a license (if you have a seizure MA state law dictates you automatically surrender your license for 6 months). So he’s been getting rides from her when he needs to, or his grandmother. 
(Gonna throw a read more on this puppy. We now resume our regular scheduled dash scrolling).
Anyway. Besides the hovering, which has undoubtedly gotten worse since his accident, she gets a little too touchy with him that bothers me. Pinching his behind (again - he’s 30), and just all over him in general. I get because he’s the first born, she’s probably super attached to him - plus, he fell 15 or so feet when he was 2, so we think that’s what spurred her hovering because at the time I don’t think she was watching him; he ended up spending two weeks in the hospital after bonking his head. She doesn’t really act like this with her youngest son, who’s a year older than me at 28, but because he’s had issues with drugs/drinking in the past, she hovers over him too and clearly doesn’t trust him all that much.
Which, not that it’s my business, I have a problem with, because she isn’t giving him the chance to earn her trust back at all.
Then came Baxter, our one year old lab pup, who we got for free because we studded out our 6 year old male to a guy who’d grown up breeding coonhounds - so a responsible breeder. We took him home over Labor Day weekend last year. From the get-go she was all over us about training him, and what we should or shouldn’t do. A little note: I have my Associate’s in animal care, had to take hours of classes on dog training and behavior, so I like to think I know my shit about dogs, okay? Okay. It bothered the fuck out of me.
Cut to less than a month later, Nick’s grandmother gets out of bed in the middle of the night, takes a wrong turn and ends up falling down the stairs. Breaks her fingers on one hand and doing some other damage to her other arm.
First thing out of his mom’s mouth? “Did she trip over that dog?” I was livid. As if she couldn’t trust that we’d keep Baxter with us in his room at night - he was fast asleep when this happened. Even Nick (SO) was annoyed that she’d asked that.
Jump to this past weekend, and here’s a long background to this event.
About two months ago, Nick’s brother and his ex - not even his girlfriend anymore - decided they were going to get a puppy. Now, I think it was Jake’s idea to get the dog, and then the ex just maybe saw an opportunity to stick around, and voila, their puppy.
Who is a backyard bred pit bull puppy bred by a guy either by accidental pregnancy or because he “just wanted to try and breed his dogs”. Either way, these are key signs of an irresponsible breeder. Next sign? The fact he told them both they could take him at 5 weeks of age. When the normal age to take home dogs is 7-8 weeks. We took Bax home at 7 weeks. So not only is he missing out on crucial socialization skills such as bite inhibition and when to cool his jets with corrections from mom, but he’s incredibly small, the runt probably. And then begin the seizures. 5 week old puppy is now on anti-seizure meds - the same ones Nick is on actually.
What’s worse? Jake and his ex didn’t even pay for the fucking dog - Nick did, because Jake didn’t have the money. Makes me wonder how the fuck they’re paying vet fees for a sick dog.
You angry yet?
Jump to a few weeks later. This puppy is a fucking menace. Has zero bite inhibition and those puppy teeth are like razors. He was actually fucking vicious about it as well. Would only let you pet him so he could turn and nail you. Even. Worse? His “parents” encouraged this fucking behavior! Every time he began biting people, even if he was in someone else’s arms, “mom” would take him from them and cuddle him - thus, if you know a little about dog training, is seen as a reward by the dog. Even when I put him down on the floor when he started biting, she picked him up and cuddled him while trying to tell him “no”.
It doesn’t fucking work like that.
So you’ll understand why I get nervous as he gets bigger around Baxter. Having the reputation pits do (I don’t hate them; I just think not everyone should be allowed to own them if they’re not going to take training seriously - and even then, you can’t guarantee they won’t display some genetic aggression later in life), and I brought it to Nick. He’s convinced they’ll “be fine”, and frankly, I don’t want to take that risk because Baxter? Is a softie. He’s a wimp (sorry bubba, but you are), and he won’t stand up for himself - and I don’t want him to be in that position with another dog’s teeth in his neck, where he doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do. Because by the time he figures it out, he might be dead (I’m gonna cry just thinking of that possibility).
So I keep an eye on them when they play. Jump to this weekend. The whole point of this rant. Sundays are for family dinner, and the puppy usually accompanies his parents. Why the ex still comes to fucking family dinner, I have no idea - she was his plus one to his sister’s wedding, which multiple people thought was fucking weird, myself included. Anyway, our boys are blocked off from the kitchen while we eat so the puppy can roam and we can keep an eye on him.
Then after dinner we let everyone in the kitchen. Well, Hydro (the 6 year old and Baxter’s father/sire) is at the table looking for scraps (bad habit, I know) when the puppy wanders over.
Now, let me mention this: Hydro was trained and raised as a hunting dog, so while he is socialized, he isn’t a very social dog with other dogs or even strange people. When Baxter was a puppy learning about boundaries, he pushed Hydro too far, and Hydro nailed him - picked him up by the head and tossed him. Baxter was fine, but he kind of got the gist. I was concerned, but at the same time I know it’s how a dog communicates enough is enough. Baxter still pushes boundaries but he’s a jerk like that. It isn’t for lack of trying.
So, puppy wanders over to Hydro, who gives a low warning growl to tell him he’s too close, he needs to back off. Adult dogs don’t very much like puppies to begin with because they have absolutely no manners. It’s crucial in dog development for them to be able to be taught by older dogs in their own way what is right and what is wrong.
Well, puppy made a wrong move not backing off, and Hydro snarled and snapped his teeth at him. He ended up catching him on the snout. Puppy starts screaming because he probably hasn’t had a dog do this before, and it’s bedlam. Hydro ducks under the table thinking he’s going to be punished for communicating in a way the puppy will understand. “Mom” scoops up the puppy, in goddamn tears (fucking please), acting like Hydro just tried to maul him. I’m watching this whole thing happen trying not to roll my eyes at everyone losing their minds.
I feel terrible for Hydro, so I’m the only one (even Nick wasn’t assuring him he wasn’t a bad dog right away, and that dog is attached to his hip) worried about Hydro. So I give him love and attention and tell him he’s okay, he’s not a bad dog. You can’t punish a dog for communicating that he’s had enough, for setting his own boundaries - and “mom” coddling the puppy isn’t helping him either, but he did learn. He was a little nervous about Baxter approaching him, but I’m glad his instinct wasn’t to bite. Had Hydro wanted to hurt him, he would have.
The puppy has to learn - even Baxter was trying to get away from him and everyone was just letting the puppy leap at him. Now granted, I read this morning you shouldn’t do that - if your older dog is trying to get away, you need to separate them.
Anyway, the family, besides Nana and Nick, kept giving Hydro wary glances every time he entered the room in case he was going to just up and attack the puppy. Which pissed me off.
What made it worse? Nick’s mother claiming Hydro wasn’t “socialized”, and the fourth time she said it, I corrected her with, “He’s socialized just fine. The puppy has to learn that dogs have boundaries. Not all of them are going to be like Baxter.”
(Spoiler alert: he would’ve learned this had he been allowed to stay with mom those extra 3 weeks)
So I’ve come to the decision that when Nick and I move to Maine next year, the dogs are staying home, and I’ll be minimizing contact between them. I don’t trust at all that they’re going to take the puppy’s training seriously, especially for a breed that’s so stigmatized like pit bulls. 7% of the dog population and they’re  number 1 in fatalities? There’s something wrong there. 
Anyway, this is my giant rant that’s been building up.
OH, and when we move to Maine, I’m going to do a happy dance because it means Nick’s mom can’t drop in unexpectedly all the fucking time and disrupt my domestic life. I can’t wait.
Uh, yeah, so y’all asked for it and here it is. Go wild on feedback, thoughts, agreements, whatever.
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horsesarecreatures · 4 years
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Plakat (Aswan x Pchelka) - Arabian Stallion
The Return of the King by Betty Finke
“Back in the early 1980s, the show scene was booming across Europe. Those years saw the birth of ECAHO, the European Championships, the All Nations Cup, and the World Championships, and along with them came the first international superstars.
One of the biggest of them all was a radiant white stallion named Plakat. Foaled in the (then) Soviet Union at Tersk State Stud in 1970, by Aswan out of Pchelka, he was the chief sire at Bluebell Arabians in Holland and a true showring phenomenon. He was about as close to perfection as you could get: he had type, he had excellent conformation and legs, and his movements were second to none, regularly drawing a full set of top scores. Please note that this was back in the days when show horses were expected to trot a full round without breaking into a canter and/or circling, and handlers could and did run fast enough to make it work. It’s a knack you rarely see today.
Plakat’s handler was a young man named Eric Dorssers who could, indeed, run very fast. The two of them began their careers together, and they were and remained an inseparable item. Together, they embodied the living nightmare of all competitors, because they were virtually impossible to beat. How could you? Plakat was very hard to fault, and once he moved, all was lost anyway. You simply couldn’t match that. It even worked if he didn’t show everything he had. Yes, we all know the judges aren’t supposed to know who the horses are, but you could as little mistake Plakat back then as you could mistake, say, Excalibur EA or Wadee Al Shaqab today. He was Plakat. He got his top scores anyway because everyone knew he could move, even if (very rarely!) he didn’t.
Maybe there is something to the expiration date theory, at least on an emotional level. It can get a bit exasperating to see the same horse win over and over again, and Plakat won all the time. I have to confess that from a certain point, whenever he would turn up yet again to beat some other horse that I was rooting for, I’d disrespectfully think “Oh no, here comes the marzipan pig again!” I should explain that Plakat was invariably shown in somewhat over-abundant condition. To put it bluntly: he was too fat. It didn’t keep him from trotting up a storm, though.
Plakat won his first championship at Aachen in 1983 and remained a firm fixture both at Aachen and other major international shows for four years. In 1987, he won again at the All Nations Cup as well as at the European Championships, and, having won everything you could possibly win, went into retirement at last. After all, he was 17 years old and his sons and daughters had already won World Championships themselves. He had nothing to prove anymore. It was time to give others a chance.
But five years later, when the All Nations Cup came around again, something unexpected happened: Plakat returned to the ring. Those of us who spotted his name in the catalog among the senior stallions rubbed our eyes in disbelief. Surely not? He’d been gone for five years. He was — check this — twenty-two years old! It had to be a mistake.
But it was no mistake. The last class of the show, and there he was, of course with Eric Dorssers. A vision in white, as before; and yet unlike before, because for once in his career he was truly in perfect condition, not an ounce of surplus fat on him. He looked nothing like twenty-two. He moved nothing like twenty-two. He was Plakat, he was the king of the ring, and the king had come back to claim his rightful place, which was head and shoulders above everyone else. He did it. He beat the entire lineup of top stallions that had come to rule the ring after him. And everybody, but really everybody, cheered like crazy.
That wasn’t quite all of it, though. After the show, there used to be drinks in the ring for exhibitors and visitors, and another unexpected thing happened that year. Eric brought Plakat along to the party, where he cheerfully mingled with the people, met his admirers, and even gave a spirited ride or two. Yes, that particular All Nations Cup 25 years ago was truly an occasion to remember. It also proved what the old adverts for a certain brand of Scotch Whiskey used to say, that “you can take a white horse anywhere.” You certainly can, when it is an Arabian!
On this unprecedented high, Plakat retired from the showring again, this time for good. I saw him one more time, six years later. After his owner’s death, he had found his final home, appropriately, with Eric Dorssers. When I last saw Plakat in the winter of 1998, he was fat again, as well as shaggy, dirty, and happy. He didn’t look like twenty-eight. His back was straight, his legs sound, his eyes bright. I’m sure that after a good clean-up, he could still have beaten a lot of younger horses.
But why should he? He’d been there, done that, got the trophies. If any horse had earned an honorable retirement, it was Plakat: the perfect example of everything a champion can and should be, with all the essential qualities of an Arabian horse. This especially includes those qualities you don’t see on the surface: soundness, disposition, longevity. Without those qualities, success on a scale like this would have been impossible. But they don’t appear on any judges’ score cards, so it is up to the breeders make sure they are not forgotten. After all, without them an Arabian horse is no more than a pretty face — a pretender at most, never a king. Plakat was a king, one of the first and — to this day — one of the greatest.”
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gonna-pop · 5 years
uhh I would love to hear ur thoughts on that prompt as it has.... taken my interest as well..
thank you for enabling me, anon.
under the cut bc this is a little extreme even for me (cw: incest, noncon, forced pregnancy, references to underage sex):
Armitage had his first child at 15 -- after his first heat came upon him unexpectedly, and he wound up tied on the knot of a stormtrooper cadet in a supply closet.
he never saw the child after it was born; it was promptly whisked away into the stormtrooper training program, its “acquisition” information scrubbed from the official record.
since then, as expected of an omega who has reached reproductive maturity, he’s popped out a baby every 18 months or so (he’s allowed approximately nine months to recover before getting knocked up again -- a longer reprieve than omegas of lower status, including stormtroopers and junior officers).
a proven breeder, Armitage given birth eight times by age 30. he’s is considered an exemplary omega -- a true patriot, committed to the First Order.
meanwhile, his alpha father, Brendol, has been sniffing around ever since Armitage’s first heat. it’s no secret that Brendol wants to breed him. he only managed to sire one child, and he’s got it in his head that impregnating his son will result in a child who inherits his most essential qualities -- a better version of Armitage, closer to Brendol’s ideal.
incestuous couplings are not encouraged in the First Order, but they’re not forbidden, either. in fact, it’s expected to a certain degree: the fledgling First Order was composed of a relatively small group in its early days, omegas are rare, and instincts are powerful. it’s only natural that some... indiscretions occur.
the thought of being mounted by his slob of a father is nauseating to Armitage, but there’s precious little he can do to protect himself -- except ensconce himself with another alpha at the first sign of heat, making sure that he’s safely impregnated before his father has a chance to get him alone.
that’s how he winds up in bed with Kylo Ren, who had only recently defected from the New Republic. neither of them expected 
not yet fully understanding the First Order’s culture, Kylo reads into the situation too much at first. he thinks it means more than it does that Armitage is carrying his child, not yet realizing that most officers do not raise their own offspring, but instead put them into the stormtrooper program or the creche, where they would be raised for several years, until they were school-aged.
but in time, Kylo comes to understand, and even adopt the First Order’s ways as his own.
Kylo and Armitage prove to be a compatible breeding pair -- twins are born of their first union.
they formalize their mate bond three months after the birth of their twins. it’s a relief to Armitage: now he knows who will sire the rest of his children. now he has a strong alpha to defend him against others who might take an interest, including Brendol.
and then Kylo leaves for a mission, and Armitage goes into heat -- alone, defenseless, practically delirious.
he could fight off one attacker in his current state, perhaps, but not two, and Brendol was smart enough to bring Pryde with him to Armitage’s rooms.
there’s no recourse to be had, for no crime was committed: Armitage went into heat, therefore it was imperative that he be impregnated, even against his will.
and he is impregnated. by the time Kylo returns to the Finalizer, three weeks later, Armitage has confirmed the pregnancy. termination is not an option, under First Order law; he has no choice but to carry to term.
Armitage had expected Kylo to be appalled -- in the New Republic, incest is a terrible taboo. but bizarrely, Kylo doesn’t seem to mind. if anything, he appears excited by this development. the taboo is fascinating to him, not repulsive.
so... that’s just a lot of background lol.
the rest of my ideas for this story are vague at this point, but I have these mental images of poor Armitage -- humiliated and sick with shame, growing round with his father’s baby. even his own mate doesn’t understand the nature of his distress, too busy pawing at Armitage’s swollen belly and breasts.
I’m picturing him standing on the bridge in the later months, enormous, his back and hips killing him, knowing that everyone else knows exactly whose child he carries (because, naturally, Brendol announced their fruitful coupling).
please let me know if you have other aspects of this au that you’d like to explore, or certain scenarios you’d like to see. I’d love to dig in deeper.
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fan-clan-fun · 5 years
a large koi approaches you...
Long time no see! Sorry this took so long to respond to!
it seems to be wanting to tell you something…
feel free to take ur time on this, no rush. but i come in peace with another character to be reviewed once again.
Name: Koi
Gender; Male (trans man)
Age: 3 years
Appearance: Koi has long fur, with tufted ears and long whiskers that show off his Maine Coon ancestry. He has a good bit of muscle to him and is large in size. His eyes are a striking yellow color. He sports several small scars on his pelt and has a recent just-healed cut on his nose. // Note: Koi is a black silver classic torbie with white.
Solid start, looks like a Kittypet turned warrior possibly.
Personality: Koi has a way with words; being flirtatious and silver-tongued has its pros and cons. He isn’t afraid to be overly charismatic if it can get him what he wants. Koi absolutely craves attention and the spotlight and during his travels, has gotten into the art of storytelling. His words captivate audiences and entrance cats. While he enjoys the company of others, he often gets irritated by them if they’re clingy or follow him around for too long. Koi likes his alone time and will not hesitate to let someone know if they’re overstaying their welcome. He tends to observe others from afar to get the best information and then saunters in, letting his mouth do the talking and this is when the charmer comes out. Koi is shrewd and calculating, often taking time to think of the best plans - however, he has a tendency to get too comfortable in said plans and has had quite a few backfire on him - often resulting in his exile from a group or a friendship cut off. As far as Koi is concerned, it’s best to look out for yourself and not worry about others - and so, he does.
Interesting. I can see where a lot of his personality traits come from his history as a show cat. I actually really like how you did his personality, it follows really well for his background so far as I can tell. I also like that he is a story teller, his more unique appearance and size likely help his image and his beautiful colors probably helping his charisma.  
Clan: N/A (note: Koi has attempted to join several clowders around the area, but has always been either kicked out after he caused a fuss or he’s left on his own. Recently, he’s joined up with a gang of other toms and so far - he likes it)
Rank: N/A - though if given a title, would be considered in “bruiser” in his gang.
Interesting, I’d love to hear more about this group of toms.
-Sire: DreamCoons Follow the Sun (Tiny): Tiny was a cream silver tabby with hazel eyes. Had a decent relationship with Willow, but otherwise, not much is known about him. He’’s now retired from breeding and is living a nice retirement life with an older couple, but his bloodline runs through several of his kits at DreamCoons.
-Dam: DreamCoons Satin Bonnet (Willow): Willow was a black classic tabby with yellow eyes. Willow was a kind yet stern queen, who quickly let her kits know that they were the best of the best. This resulted in a rather inflated head, at least in Koi’s case. Koi was kept with the cattery instead of being sold as a pet, for his color and looks were very desired. He and his mother grew very close and formed a strong bond. Willow taught her son much of the show ring and both cats were strong participants (and winners!) in the shows that they would go to, establishing a good reputation.
Siblings: Many
- I was going to include history, but this is long enough for now i feel. All I will say is that Koi eventually is placed in a home because his owners try to breed him to produce kits for the cattery - and Koi is not one bit happy about that. He gets very stressed out and eventually, his owners decide it’s best to rehome him.
- Koi goes on to live in a home and at first, he loves it bc he gets all the attention. However, I do want him to eventually end up on the streets but I’’m not sure how to go about it. That being said, when he does finally end up wandering the streets (which he loves, bc freedom!!!), his owners + breeder are out looking for him, putting up posters, there’s a reward, etc. So, yeah he’s not getting away that easily.
- He’s in the same universe as Todd and Copper, if u remember them.
So yeah, lmk what U think! i really like him, but i def feel he can be improved upon. thanks for taking the time to look at him. c:
What you have so far is a really solid start! Id love to hear more about his history though, because definitely it would be interesting to see how he got away from his owners and managed to stay away. Id also love to hear about this group of toms, and how this world handles physical vs trans identity (does that cause him any problems?). His personality is actually pretty well fleshed out, and honestly the only part I feel could be improved on is his history and what he is up to now.
Thanks again for sending him in!
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maisietheyellowlab · 6 years
2018 - the year of puppy??
Soooo the koolie breeder I’m in contact with, wrote to me a few days ago saying that she’s breeding a blue merle girl out of her first litter in 2014 (from the parents I met 2 years ago and LOVED them) with her red tri boy with a really easy going and calm personality and asked if I’d be interested in a puppy of theirs. Had to wait a few days so I could think it through clearly, bc my puppy fever mind would just respond YES GIMME ONE NOW I NEED IT. The puppies would be born in february/march wand would go to new homes in april/may, so it could work. 
In summer I’ve been offered a wonderful puppy sired by this same dog and another dam, but couldn’t take him bc mental health and everything was just messy. I’m at a much better place now, will probably start working again bc my energy levels are almost back to completely normal, and other life circumstances are proving to be much more stable. 
I don’t have a job yet but I’m applying to some, and I think I’d have enough time to get some back up money for the pup by then + use some savings. I’ll also be working on finishing my last semester and BA so that’ll be some extra work, but I got a "student w long term illness” status this year (which mostly just protects me from automatically failing in case my attendance in lab classes is lower than required if I get sick or w/e) so my school work can be a lot more flexible. It would be more stressful with a puppy but I think it’s doable and also PUPPY! I mean Maisie was 4m/o when I started my psychology program and my attendance was nearly perfect AND I worked around 12hrs/week.
Speaking of Maisie, we do need to brush up on some aspects of training (mostly proofing recall and llw, generally just need to get her to be more reliable), but she’s very easy to live with, I think we have a good bond, she has a very good off switch and has never not liked another dog, so I think I could trust her to not become a total ass if she got a little sibling.
idk I’m rambling, I really want this puppy, but I’m a little anxious about it. I have a much better feeling about it than I had last summer at least. Also future puppy mommy is so cute I wanna die, she’s perfect.
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justslowdown · 7 years
i’d like to upload entire textbook chapters and link to every study i’ve read on this but i don’t have time and yall don’t have the patience. i’ll focus on the role of genetic diversity in canine immune response, since i put my foot in my mouth earlier, but there’s plenty of more general links at the end.
wish i could go into what i’ve read over the years regarding livestock and endangered species (the body of research is MUCH larger) but this is already gonna be too long **EDIT** ok i added a couple since this got notes! 
to sum up earlier events: i don’t think it’s absurd that i was interested in an observation that tightly inbred dogs were more likely to die from distemper than crossbred ones back in the day  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but i should’ve been clearer about why i found it fascinating.
“To select against one gene, we remove a dog from the breeding population, and all of the good genes it might have go with it. You don't notice losing the immune system genes; they don't produce a coat color, or prick ears, or a better topline that you can see and evaluate. You will only preserve the genes of the immune system if you are preserving genetic diversity in general, by using a breed-wide strategy of genetic management” an entry level ICB article about immune system health and inbreeding
tons of articles and studies after the cut, mostly focused on haplotype diversity. some info on the effects of inbreeding depression on litter size, longevity, as well as info on hybrid vigor, population genetics and inherited disorders in dogs. to round it out there’s now articles and research on conservation biology and livestock breeding.
as i said in another post, this is settled science. still, many dog breeders justify half-sibling and even father-daughter pairings, or repeated linebreeding over generations which leads to the equivalent of sibling pairings, etc, by saying they “know their lines” and that linebreeding will “bring out the best and the worst.” it does a hell of a lot more than that.
 playing with genetics without fully understanding them could prove catastrophic for future generations of dogs (and already has for plenty of breeds). we can’t see the forest for the trees. “perfect” conformation and show ribbons aren’t worth it (besides, perfection is impossible! only breeding the best of the best won’t lead to perfect dogs, it will lead to unhealthy ones with drastically limited gene pools) (“bettering the breed” is 100% subjective)
onto links... “The practice of inbreeding to improve breed traits has inadvertently led to a reduction of MHC diversity within the individual breeds” here’s an article on MHC haplotypes and the role of genetic diversity in immune function, specifically about collies
“There is a large degree of inter-breed variability, but often limited intra-breed diversity, of DLA haplotypes”
yet a diverse combination of these haplotypes (different from each parent) is necessary for robust immune function...
“DLA haplotypes: STR loci linked to the DLA class I and II genes were used to identify genetic differences in regions regulating immune responses and self/non-self recognition. Problems with self/non-self recognition, along with non-genetic factors in the environment, are responsible for autoimmune disease” from here
study indicating that immune function is linked to DLA/MHC haplotypes in dogs. and another.
“There have been many studies of MHC in wild and/or endangered animal populations [blogger note: most dog breeds would be considered endangered due to effective population size] and there is evidence that a certain minimum number of different haplotypes may be necessary for long term survival. If only a few MHC haplotypes exist in a breed or species, the risk of the entire population being wiped out by a new disease is probably very high” this article which is actually about poodles
not specific to immune health but good info nonetheless:
an opinion piece by Terrierman though imo it focuses too much on deletrious genes and not on the finer aspects. good crash course though
this ICB article on hybrid vigor is good.
actually a lot of ICB articles apply here...
why dog breeders need to understand population genetics
this one focuses on inherited disorders
data on the effects of inbreeding on lifespan and litter size compiled here
a compilation of studies from a controversial “dog health activist” Jemima Harrison (Pedigree Dogs Exposed, which is a lil fearmonger-y but great documentary nonetheless)
“The litter size decreased and the percentage of puppies born dead increased with increasing inbreeding coefficients of the puppies, dams and sires” study here
“The least inbred group survive, on average, 14 years -- approximately 4 years longer than the most highly inbred” genetic diversity/inbreeding and longevity in poodles
“Unfortunately, we cannot breed animals based on a single gene - the genes come as a package. We may inbreed and rigorously remove pups with PRA or even their parents and littermates from the breeding pool. But remember inbreeding tends to make all genes more homozygous. In at least one breed, an effort to remove the PRA-causing gene resulted in the surfacing of a completely different and previously unsuspected health problem. It is easier and faster to lose genes (sometimes very desirable genes) from the breeding pool when inbreeding is practiced than when a more open breeding system is used” great article, mostly about COI, but touches on disease expression and the importance of genetic diversity in wildlife conservation breeding programs
not dogs, but a genetic diversity crisis is happening in cheetahs and it’s affecting immune systems. how many dog breeds have gone through genetic bottlenecks just like the cheetah? “A lack of genetic variation causes the cheetahs' immune systems to fail, as indicated by their bodies' failure to reject the skin grafts traded surgically among captive cheetahs in the second phase of the study. A virus that caused feline infectious peritonitis at the Wildlife Safari a few years ago almost wiped out the cheetahs there, and it is feared that if a foreign virus got into Africa, cheetahs could not cope”
**EDIT** and here’s some more on conservation and livestock bc i can’t help myself!
“High levels of inbreeding can result in reduced genetic variation, low reproductive performance and increased cub mortality, as well as reduced immune competence” inbreeding depression in lions
inbred wolf population collapses
conservation genetics
“In general, inbreeding results in an overall lowering in performance: vigor, disease resistance, reproductive efficiency, and survivability. It also increases the frequency of abnormalities” article on breeding strategies in sheep
similar conclusion as the sheep article above but an actual study, focused on dairy goats
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lolcat76 · 7 years
Hallmark prompt: I watched a modern day Pride and Prejudice with puppies. Woman takes care of puppies and ends up training them for dog shows; man is the nephew of the woman who owns the puppies and an occasional dog show referee
Oof, this was a hard one. I am fine with incorporating zombies into Pride and Prejudice, but dogs was a LOT harder. I hope you like it, Nonnie!
It is a truth universally known in the dog breedingcommunity that a breeder in possession of a bitch must be in want of a goodsire.
This truth was well fixed in Bill Adama’s mind, never moreso now that his prize bitch was coming of age and ready to be bred, but he nolonger had a good sire in his line-up (Godrest you, Searider, he muttered to himself), and his old friends on the dogshow circuit didn’t have another golden retriever that was the equal to hisbest girl.
“Hey boss,” Kara huffed, “did you know that the Roslins areretiring Darcy from agility?”
He looked over the pages of his book to the floor of hisliving room, where his two favorite ladies were currently locked in battle.Kara seemed to have the upper hand, but Bennett was strong and stubborn.Eventually, one of them would run out of the room, rope toy in hand, bouncingand wagging at finally winning tug-of-war.
His money was on Bennett, but he wasn’t counting Kara outjust yet. His assistant was wily and not above cheating, if the biscuitsbulging in her pockets were any indication.
“You know I don’t keep up with agility,” he said. Or the Roslins, he implied with hisgruff tone.
He’d had more than enough of Judith Roslin, back in the dayswhen he first started showing dogs. She constantly scored his dogs lowest inthe breed category, and even Searider, the most beautiful dog Bill had everseen, barely made it to the middle of the score sheets in the group categorythe last time he’d come across Mrs. Roslin.
Of course, Searider did snap at her when she cupped hisballs, but Bill would probably have done the same. The woman had ice for blood,and he wouldn’t want her cold fingers anywhere near his nether regions either.
“I’m just saying,” Kara said, followed by an oof and a sharpyip, and the blur of gold tearing out of the room. “Damn dog,” Kara muttered,then pushed herself up and tried to brush off the fur that was now coating hertank top and jeans. “I’m just saying that if you want a good sire, Darcy’s abeautiful dog.”
He’d rather take his chances with Saul’s three-legged rescuemutt. Collins was ugly as sin, and too fat to mount the stairs, let alone hisgirl Bennet, but at least he was a good boy.
A good boy who never failed to dig his nose into the crotchof anyone who walked by, but a good boy nonetheless. Bill couldn’t blame thedog for his poor manners – Saul would probably have done the same, if he were adog and could get away with it.
“Lee’s been having good luck with Bing,” he said. “Thinkmaybe that’s the way to go.”
Kara wrinkled her nose. “Oh, well, if Lee says.”
Someday, he’d have towade in to the middle of whatever made his son and his assistant hate eachother so much, but today wasn’t going to be that day. He closed his book andtossed it on the coffee table. “If you’re done letting my dog embarrass you,maybe you could go outside and start working on what I pay you for?”
She gave him a grin and a sloppy salute, then whistled.Bennett and Sam came tearing into the room, tails wagging madly. Time fortraining, and training meant food. She opened the door and jumped out of theway of the quivering masses of fur, then followed them out to the practicering.
He stood at the window and watched her take Bennett and Samthrough their paces. Maybe his dogs weren’t up to the Roslin standards, and maybehis assistant wasn’t either, but the three of them were more than enough forhim.
He’d have been happy to take his coffee out to the yard andenjoy watching Kara put his kids through their paces, but supplies were runninglow. He needed to make a run into town, to pick up organic, grain-free dog foodfor his pups and some non-organic tequila for his assistant.
He’d just hefted the last bag of dog food into his cart whenhe realized that he wasn’t alone in the aisle.
“I suppose you need all that,” she said, glaring between himand the now-empty shelf.
“I suppose I do,” he agreed. She was pretty…maybe prettywasn’t the word. Strong bone structure, good hips. Silky hair, and if theslight snarl she gave him was any indication, great teeth.
You’ve been raisingdogs too long, Old Man.
Maybe just long enough – he knew a biter when he saw one. “Tyrol’spretty good about orders for his regular customers. Tell him what you need, andhe’ll get it for you.” He gave her a nod and shoved his cart toward theregister.
Cally was working the register, so he had to hear every lastsecond of her last trip to volunteer at the shelter before he made it outsidewith his purchases. He popped the liftgate on his old, beat-up Cherokee andthrew the bags in. It wasn’t until he slammed the gate that he realized that,once again, he wasn’t alone. The Range Rover parked beside him was occupiedwith a dog who was whining for attention and an owner who was bitching on hercellphone.
“No, they’re not getting another delivery until Wednesday.Of COURSE I told him who it was for.” He didn’t need to see her face to knowthat she was rolling her eyes. “Some other guy swooped in and took all thefood.” Another pause. “Well, what was I supposed to do, tackle him to theground and steal his cart?” She sighed again. “He didn’t look like the type ofguy to be reasoned with. He looked like the type of guy who’d punch a woman inthe face and steal her purse.”
Well, that was new. His ex-wife certainly had plenty ofcomplaints about him, but never that.
He unlocked his door, torn between getting in heading to hisnext stop and listening to the end of the conversation. The dog in the passengerside of the Range Rover, though, had other ideas. He worked his nose out thewindow and licked at air, and Bill couldn’t resist. He scratched the boy on hischin.
“Excuse me, can I help you?”
He looked up, only to catch her staring at him. He tugged atthe dog’s ear. “You have my sympathies, pal,” he whispered to his new caninefriend.
“Darcy,” she snapped, and the dog jumped over the console tothe driver’s seat. Bill couldn’t tell if it was his paws or his flank that hitthe steering wheel, but he couldn’t stop a laugh at the blaring of the RangeRover’s horn that effectively ended the phone conversation.
“Sit.” She was bossy, all right. The dog sat, and Bill wastempted to do the same.
“Back.” Darcy jumped into the backseat. Back was good advice– back to his Jeep, back to his house, back to his dogs. Back away from thewoman who was glaring at him through two panes of frosted glass. Bill was nevergood at taking commands, though. Giving them, yes, but taking them?
“He’s a good dog,” Bill said mildly.
“He’s a hungry dog.”
“Maybe get here earlier next week, or make friends with thelocals.”
She clutched her purse, pulling it a little closer to herchest. Strong, deep chest.
Oh, who was he kidding.She had a nice rack.
“See you around,” he said. He gave her one last smile beforehe got in his Jeep. A quick glance in the rearview, and he saw that she was stillstanding, still glaring at him, as he pulled out of the parking lot.
As he was heading down the street to the liquor store, he couldn’thelp but admit that Darcy was a fine looking dog. Maybe trying to sire him withBennett wasn’t the worst idea he’d ever heard.
And even if it was, he might just enjoy hearing JudithRoslin’s trainer tell him that.
Ten years after the divorce, Bill was still trying to smooththings over with his kids. It was easier with Zak – though how, for the life ofhim, he’d managed to sire a son who had cats, cats of all things, was beyond him.
Lee, though, stubbornly following in his footsteps. Raisingdogs even though Bill didn’t think Lee’s heart was in it. Lee should open ashelter, not worry so much about bloodlines.
Bing, poor Bing, was proof of that. Physically, he was abeautiful dog, but mentally…Bing was dumb as a bag of rocks. He humpedeverything – legs, pillows, his grandmother’s rocking chair. Even Bennett couldsee it. Every time Lee brought his pride and joy to Bill’s house, Bennett hidunder Bill’s bed. And when she ventured out for her dinner, Bing came chargingup to her, a whirlwind of drool and yips and…seriously, Lee, humping thekitchen table?
Bennett put him into his place with a few snaps, sendingboth Lee and Bing into hiding in the living room. Bill pulled Bennett onto hislap and gave her a good belly rub.
He liked a woman whose bite was worse than her bark. Muchlike Judith Roslin’s trainer.
“It’s ok, baby,” he whispered as he scratched Bennett’sbelly, “He’s not the man for you.”
He wasn’t a fan of dog parks, but Kara was gone forvacation, and his stubborn dogs wouldn’t listen to him. They sat and waggedtheir tails while he pointed to the practice ring. Sam rolled over and lickedhis balls. Bennett dug her nose into his pockets, and he could swear that sheglared at him when she realized that his pockets only held his wallet and someloose change.
“Dog park?”
It was a good thing his Jeep was 20 years old; otherwise, hemight have been annoyed by the paint scratches they left in the door.
Sam took off after the pack as soon as he opened the door atthe park, but Bennett sat by his feet, waiting for him to throw the ball he hadclutched in his fist. He waved it under her nose, teasing her until she waschasing her tail in anticipation.
Dogs were so easy.
He cocked his arm. “All right, girl. You ready?” He gave afew teasing thrusts, Bennett’s feet leaving the ground each time. “Go get it!”He let the ball go. She was beautiful as she ran, her perfectly bred legschewing up the distance. She was a nose away from the ball when another dogswept in, and damn him if he didn’t bring it right back to Bill, Bennettsnapping at his heels the entire way.
Bill sighed. “Darcy.”
Darcy dropped the ball in front of him, his tail scratchinga pattern in the dust. Bennett sat next to him, and the two dogs stared up athim, just waiting for another crack at the ball.
For a second, he could imagine the beautiful puppies they’dmake. All broad heads, firm muscles and gorgeous, feathered coats.
“I’m beginning to think you like tormenting my dog.”
And then he remembered why it was never going to happen.
She stood behind him, long legs in jeans and a crimsonsweater that set off her reddish hair and her ivory skin. He had two kidshimself; he knew that making babies had absolutely nothing to do withbloodlines and everything to do with hormones, but privately, he acknowledgedthat her parents deserved a pat on the back for combining their DNA to createsuch a perfect specimen.
“I’m beginning to think you like ignoring your dog.” Hetossed the ball again, and the two dogs took off after it. “Leaving him in thecar, or abandoning him in the park to pick on the first bitch he sees.”
She sniffed. “Your dog is hardly the first bitch he sees.”
If he had two brain cells to rub together, he’d have leftthat one alone. “Judith Roslin’s dog. No, definitely not the first bitch hesees.”
She let out a sharp whistle, and Darcy came running. He satpatiently by her side, and she leaned down to kiss his muzzle. “I’ll tell mymother you said hello, Mr. Adama.” She snapped her fingers, and Darcy trottedafter her to the parking lot, no doubt back to the fancy Range Rover.
Bennett brought the ball back and dropped it at his feet,then settled with her chin on her paws. If he didn’t know better, he’d say shelooked a little woebegone at losing her playmate.
So, Judith Roslin’s exquisite bloodline wasn’t limited togolden retrievers. “Trust me, girl,” he said, “that one is nothing but trouble.”They both watched as the Range Rover pulled out of the parking lot. “Nothingbut trouble,” he repeated, as Bennett whined at his feet.
He had his hands full, and he only had one damn dog enteredin the show. Kara was supposed to meet him in the grooming area at 9am. She wasnowhere to be seen. Lee had planned to take Bing out for his first showing, buthe couldn’t find the two of them either.
Lee was a grown man, and Kara was a grown woman, Bill keptreminding himself. His job this weekend wasn’t to babysit them; it was to getBennett to the ring. At least Bennett was exactly where he needed her to be,right at his feet. “It’s almost showtime, girl,” he said. He flipped throughthe paperwork. Breed group at 10am in ring 3. Fine, he could find that. Heskimmed through the rest of the paperwork until a name caught his eye.
Golden Retriever BreedGroup: Roslin
Great, just great. He might as well pull Bennett out of theshow now and find his wayward children. Bennett wasn’t going to win, not withJudith Roslin judging the group, but at least the loss would be less of adisappointment than Lee and Kara.
He didn’t know which was worse, not finding them andworrying about what they’d gotten up to, or finding them and knowing for sure.Either way, he was glad he’d bred Bennett for her looks and not for her nose,because he just didn’t want his best girl to sniff out his son and hisassistant in the middle of a brawl. Or worse, in a broom closet somewhere.
“Ready, girl?” he asked, and Bennett gave a low whine inresponse. He hadn’t taken a dog into the ring in years, not since he’d hiredKara, and he only hoped that he didn’t embarrass himself in the process. Withany luck, the crowd would be too busy watching Bennett to take any notice ofthe old, bow-legged man running her around the ring. He shot one last text tohis assistant and made his way to the ring.
Plenty of good competition, he could see that from thestart. He’d been competing with most of these breeders for years, and maybe it wasjust his age, but the trainers kept looking younger and the dogs kept looking…well,not younger, but shinier. The entire ring reeked of hairspray and coconut oil.Good god, people, these were dogs,not Victoria’s Secret models. Feed ‘emright and give ‘em a good brushing, and if that didn’t do the trick, maybe youwere in the wrong business. He took his spot in the lineup and set out in aslow jog, praying to anyone who’d listen that he didn’t fall flat on his facein front of Judith Roslin.
He put Bennett into a sit and looked up at the judge. NotJudith Roslin, not this time. Oh no, it had to be her daughter. Because gettingreamed for his dogs’ deficiencies by one generation wasn’t enough for him. Hewaited patiently for his turn, then led Bennett up to the judging station.
Laura took a few steps toward Bennett, but before she couldbegin her physical exam, she turned to Bill. “Is she going to bite me?” shemuttered under her breath.
“Maybe. Are your hands cold?”
Laura smiled at him. “I’ve been told many things about meare cold, but my hands have never gotten any complaints.”
Of that, he had no doubt.
Laura ran her fingers through Bennett’s coat, tugged at herhips, and checked Bennett’s teeth and ears. Through the whole process, Bennettnever moved a muscle. Bill had to hand it to his girl, he didn’t think he’d beso calm if Laura Roslin had her hands, cold or not, anywhere near his flanks.
“Around the ring,” she said. He was so preoccupied withthinking about her hands that he stumbled right off the bat. He could only hopethat she was only judging his dog, and not her owner.
The first two dogs she pulled out for placing weren’t asurprise. Dualla’s boy – Bill bought his first dog from Dee’s father, and hehad some of the best stock around. And that smug bastard Zarek. Bill had alwaysthought that dogs were better judges of character than people, so how Tom Zarekhadn’t been eaten alive by his own pack was beyond him. He expected Cain’s dogto be pulled third, and by the way Helena was tugging on Pegasus’s lead, so didshe.
“Number 8,” Laura said. She snapped at Bill and pointed tothe center of the ring. Oh, Laura’s mother was going to give her hell for this,but Bill was just too proud of his girl to care. He led Bennett into the centerof the ring. She’d placed. He was beyond proud of what she’d accomplished.
Laura studied the three dogs in front of her, then made anote on her score sheet. “Number 8, Number 3, Number 12.”
Holy shit, Bennett justwon her breed. He leaned down and kissed the dog on her beautifullysculpted head. He was half tempted to kiss the judge too – more than half, ifhe were honest with himself – but she was already out of the ring and off thefloor by the time he collected his ribbon and his schedule for the workinggroup showing.
The working group was the last showing before Best in Show,so he had all night to rub Bennett’s belly and thank her for making a washed-upold man look like he still had it. He was almost done packing up his groomingstation when his phone rang. Lee.Well, it was about damn time.
“Where the hell are you? You blew Bing’s first showing, andyou know nobody’s going to forget that.” Bill loved his son, he did, but he couldn’tfigure out how Lee could just be so…uncommitted. If he didn’t want to raisedogs, fine, then he shouldn’t, but Bill was losing patience with watching hisson half-ass his way through life.
“Listen, Dad…don’t get upset.”
Yeah, if he weren’t upset before, he sure as hell was now. “Aboutwhat?” he snapped.
“Kara’s here with me. I know she was supposed to be at theshow, but…Dad, Sam got out last night.”
“What do you mean, Sam got out? Kara’s apartment is barelybigger than my bathroom. How the hell did he get out?”
His son sighed. “I don’t know. She thinks she maybe didn’tclose the door all the way when she took out the trash. We’ve been looking allover town for him, but we haven’t found him yet.”
“I’ll head home. Maybe he’s there.” Bill disconnected thecall and slammed the phone in his bag along with Bennett’s brush. Dammit, Kara.He hefted the bag on his shoulder and turned, only to run smack into LauraRoslin.
“Sorry,” he growled as he took a step back.
“For a man who just won his first breed group – ever, if Irecall – you don’t seem to be too pleased.”
He apologized again. “I am, really. Thanks. But my trainerlost my other dog.”
Laura’s face softened, and she reached out to rest a hand onhis arm. Even with his mind running in circles about where Sam could be and howbadly he wanted to kill Kara, he could still appreciate the fact that she wasright – her hands weren’t cold at all. “I’m heading back to see if he found hisway home.”
She dug in her pockets and held out a small card. “If youneed my help, just call.”
Bill tucked the card into his jacket. “Thanks.” He tugged onBennett’s leash and made his way to the exit.
“I mean it, Bill,” she called after him.
After he found Sam and ripped Kara a new one for losing hisdog, he’d have to take her up on that.
Three hours later, he was sitting in his living room,Bennett’s head resting on his thigh, trying to figure out his next move. Leeand Kara were still searching out the likely spots to find Sam, and as much ashe wanted to go out and join the hunt, he knew that dumb dog of his would mostlikely find his way back to his food dish. “Maybe I should have bred you foryour nose,” he said, giving Bennett a scratch behind her ear.
He was just about ready to pull on his boots and head outwith a box of treats when the doorbell rang. Please let it be the kids, he muttered.
Well, it was oneof the kids. Sam, covered in mud and looking entirely too pleased with himself,was on his front porch. Accompanied by Laura Roslin and Darcy. “How did you…”
“It appears your Romeo here came in search of a Juliet. Iwent out to feed the dogs and found him digging a hole in front of one of ourpens.” She shrugged and gave a little chuckle. “Do you know how high the fenceis surrounding our property? He had to scale twelve feet to even get in.”
Sam wagged his tail, too full of himself to even care thathe’d given Bill even more gray hair. “He didn’t…”
“No, he didn’t. Not only was his lady love not in heat, she’snot even a lady. Poor Adar was less than pleased with Sam’s company.”
“At the moment, I can understand the feeling.” Bill steppedback from the door and gestured for Laura to come in. Sam bounded in, almostjerking her shoulder out of its socket and knocking her, once again, right intoBill. He grinned at her. “The least I can do after letting my dog defile theRoslin Kennels is offer you a cup of coffee.”
She patted his shoulder. “The least you can do is offer me adrink.”
Laura was settled into his couch, Darcy curled up at hisfeet, when Bill finally remembered that he should probably call Lee and Karaoff the search. Then again, it might be good for them to sweat it out a bit. Hepoured another small measure of Scotch into her glass. “I really do need tothank you for today. I don’t know what got into you, but I’m grateful for thewin.”
She studied him over the rim of her glasses, reminding himof every single one of his boyhood teacher fantasies. “I didn’t do it for you,Bill. I did it because Bennett deserved the win.”
“She’s a good dog,” he agreed. The dog in question paddedinto the living room and pawed at her bed. After she got herself settled, Darcyleft Laura’s feet and curled up next to her.
“Good stock, strong lines. They look nice together, don’tthey?” Laura asked, as innocently as if she were commenting on the weather.
“Good God woman, is making puppies all you think about?”
“Well, not all.”She looked at him again, this time with her lips curving into a small smile. “Ijust think that breeding is a topic worth discussing, don’t you?”
He did. He really did. And with the dogs asleep and thelights low in his living room, and Laura Roslin’s long legs stretched out on his couch, herealized that he wanted to do a hell of a lot more than discuss the topic.
As he settled next to her on the couch and pulled her closeto him, he realized that discussion was overrated. In breeding, and in mattersof the heart, sometimes it was better to just let nature take its course.
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Purebred Dog Breeding Today
The breeding of purebred dogs now has become quite intricate as well as in several breeds of dogs there are lots of different breeding lines which produce different kind and characteristics of dogs in precisely the exact same breed of puppy. It has come about because of breeders personel likes and dislikes of some particular kinds, sizes or colours but each breeder of purebred dogs wants to keep in mind that strain of dog breed standard. Does your pet have its own accurate strain characteristics? Does your dog seem to look like exactly what its breed books say it should look like? Does this compare to image of dogs of its own breed of older or famous dogs bred in its own breed? Ultimately does it possess the genuine character for the breed you have? Last but not least is the dog of sound healthier breeding lines?
These are question any breeder or any 1 considering dog should ask himself before they tackle the task of breeding any litter of dogs in almost any breed of dog. If you are able to answer all of the questions above and you've completed at leat some study on your breed of puppy as well as the bloodlines you're working with and also do understand what attributes your bloodline has, exactly what the sire and dam seem like, the grandsire and granddam and farther back good sires and dams on your dogs pedigree. The next thing on your head should be what exactly are you attempting to enhance and exactly what exactly are you trying to maintain on your breed of puppy.
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There are 3 primary breeding methods for breeding dogs or purebreds, line breeding, out crossing and inbreeding. There are a lot of very good books on the market on breeding of puppies and I am not attempting to rewirte some of these within this writing, instead I am trying for you as a breeder of puppies to believe, read and queries what you performing and put on you along with your breeding program. I will discuss soon the 3 means of breeding purebred dogs concerning just lay fourth a manual to breeding better dogs and maintaining some kind of continuous format to make dogs which closely seem like every other, possess the very same traits, temperments and are solid wholesome dogs. Lets us only discuss them soon and see whether I will get you thinking and taking a look at the way you're breeding your own dogs.
Lets speak out cross breeding - This kind of breeding is seen a good deal in puppy breeding were not one associated dogs that are consumed out none associated inventory are bred together and on your puppies pedigree. This sort of breeding won't create great dogs of the identical kind, quality and soundness. Breeding dogs such a way simply contributes to a lot of uncertain factors and may bring in several things a breeder knows or perhaps allow it to be impossiable to pin stage were a feature or difficulty have come out of. Out cross breedings should be accomplished by experienced breeders only seeking to fix a mistake or create a particular improvement in there puppies as opposed to breeder has to be certain the dog or bitch they're using carries this attribute himself along with the line they have been swallowed down by does take this attribute or advancement to the previous 3 generations in there or pedigree in order for it to have some impact on result in creating the want changes, after these puppies out of the outside cross are often bred back to the primary breeding line. Out cross breeding shouldn't be accomplished by new puppy or new comers to some strain and outside cross breeding isn't any way to begin a breeding program if seeking to generate continuous type, character and soundness on your dogs. Even long time walkers have made errors when out crossing and it's the quickest way to modify type, temperament and soundness in any breeding program in almost any breed of dog. I allways urge you to educate yourself, understand your breed of dog, do a little creation research and also at leat learn fundamental genetic knowledge or do some studying before you start to devour some breed of dog. Additionally seek the support of additional powerful breeders in your breed of dog which have been around awhile, many good breeders are prepared to assist and give guidance to each of novice puppy breeders and new comers.
Lets discuss Line Breeding - Line reproduction is that the breeding of associated puppies swallowed down by a specific breeding line of puppies. Many breeders believe line breeding is near breeding of associated dogs and it needs to be prevented. Nothing is further from the fact. Excellent line breeding will create your very best dogs that will in return create even greater dogs if done correctly. Line breeding will provide you a lot higher continuous results making dogs of the identical kind, size, caliber, characteristics and temperments. That's if the breeder is starting out with what being great and also the line there jumps straight back into is great with things they need in there breed of puppy. Line breeding will immediately demonstrate a breeder how great the line of puppies they're working together is but line breeding will even demonstrate the breeder some defects or issues they could have in there breeding program. There are lots of formulations online breeding and those are talk in several fantastic books on dog breeding, there are various level's of line breeding too. So it isn't my attenion to enter these formulas . Yet two that have demonstrated quite sucessufl to me personally over the years are if you strain a grand dauther for her dams sire, (i.e. grandsire) that does require some innovative planning and does demand both puppies to be of very higher quality with all the great traits you would like and inside there strains standard. Half borther and half sister breeding using an outside cross line at the center of the pedigree has also demonstrated very excellent results in case the dogs used are of really great quality, noise and have good temperments. Line breeding does need knowledge and research. Its is allways recommended for you due this prior to any breeding of puppies. Line breeding in the majority of instances will create you greater and greater quality of puppies at almost any breed so long as you're starting out with quite good bred inventory of this breed of puppy you're working to breed. Line breeding was demonstrated by many leading breeders and high kennels across the world among the greatest methods to create better dogs.
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Lets discuss Inbreeding - Inbreeding is your exact close breeding online bred stock to one another. Example of the are litter brother to mess sister, Sire to daughter, or mother to son, etc.. This sort of breeding shouldn't ever be accomplished by many. Some exact expereienced breeders may occasion pull on a inbreeding to put in a feature or kind however compared to breeding of those dogs down from that stage has to be used cautiously and inside the goals for which they have been bred for. Inbreeding is just for quite knowledgeable long time walkers to under take as this kind of breeding will really complete the excellent traits in addition to bring any undesirable traits or difficulty to a very large level. Inbreeding has yet create some quite great excellent puppies that have in return create other really large quality puppies however many inbreedings because effects in breeders need to put down several dogs also and it's not for the weak in mind. Inbreeding isn't a recommended type of breeding dogs anticipate in some very experience breeders apps, usually completed one time just for this 1 purpose.
The breeding of purebred dogs shouldn't be dismissed, and each breeder should always work to get as much understanding as they can on there breed of puppy, its kind, breed standard, soundness and wellbeing not to getting its authentic temperament. Bearing this in mind and do your own reseach for a puppy breeder it will guarantee that you just breed better and wholesome dogs for several years to come. After all breeding prue bred dogs is an actual art form and breeding better dogs must be you aim. Do not buy you next puppy from just anybody, seek a fantastic breeder of the breed of puppy you need who's existed and breeding for some time. You'll be much happier with your pet buy and so will your pet and puppy be more joyful and healthy for a lot more decades to come. Nowadays most good breeder also supply health warranty's on dogs they market and superior breeders stand behind there puppies since they understand what's gone into making them.
Can you reseach, read about your breed, talk to breeders, you'll be happy you did!
- Ed Strand is the breeder of the world famous line of this Guardstock Staffordshire Bull Terriers, he's been involed with breeding them for more than 30 decades. Guardstock Staffords has create the exact first BIS All Breed Winner at Staffordshire Bull Terrier History Champion Guardstock's Red Atom, who's among the most time winning Staffordshire Bull Terriers, in addition to several other leading winning Staffordshire Bull Terriers throughout the years. Ed and wife Donna have been involed with American Bulldogs for nearly ten decades now and breeding them since 2000. Ed and Donna have a passion for the Australian Shepherd breed where they've been involed in and breeding for over five decades now.
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Fighting Chance Sought For White Boxer Pup.
At that point there are actually the crazy colours readily available at These doggie dyes come in searing colors like los angeles la lime, stand out star pink, astonishing orange, tango turquoise, golden yellowish, creature ofthe night red, and violet. Having said that, melon is also a natural diuretic, which indicates unless your pet dog is straining to urinate, this should merely be actually offered occasionally. Many individuals possess yet another trust, if they will definitely feed a dark canine at night, at that point that pleased dog will secure all of them and their house along with ghouls. Folks that are actually trying to find pets to participate in a selection from pet sporting activities, as well as folks are finding a dedicated and nurturing buddy, must have numerous traits right into point to consider when they are taking a look at showline German guard puppies offer for sale. The breeds utilized to generate try this website canine were, the Titan Schnauzers, Rottweiler's, Airedale and the Russian water canine. The most ideal idea is actually to possess a dog training dog collar attached to a short leash and also have actually the lead held through someone else while you carry out the unclean, or well-maintained, work. I wish that you didn't presume your good friends might teach you effective ways to take care of a dog. When you adopt a new puppy, ask the pet breeder for a health and wellness certificate, or have her accept permitting you take the puppy dog to your vet for a checkup prior to purchase. Considering that they are actually developing as well as developing swiftly at this time, puppy dogs eat a lot more, get rid of additional fats and have to do away with much more regularly in comparison to a grown-up White German Guard. Michelle Johnson is actually highly valued in her neighborhood on her knowledge of pet dog treatment. Discover more regarding miniature pets Stop by our website where you may find out all about canine pounds as well as just what it may do for you. When that pertains to rice products you may choose coming from wild rice, white colored rice and rice wheat bran. Morris points out some of the reasons why Richard Nixon had the capacity to record the general public's creativity when he was actually up-and-coming was actually because of his pet. Inning accordance with the United States Kennel Nightclub the Pomeranian is actually one of the a lot more prominent canine species in the United States, regularly in the leading 15 enrolled AKC canine types over the final 10 breed ranked # 13 in the 2008 ranks, having attained the very same rank in 2007 as well as 2003. During exceptionally cold weather, take the pet inside your home till the climate warms up again. In many families, the individual dwellers perform certainly not discover that their pet is actually defending room till the canine becomes completely out of control. Although this form of pet parasite is actually certainly not as usual within this nation as the tapeworm or even roundworm, poisoning from this dog parasite should still be actually alleviated. This is an uncommon problem and is mainly only found in program dog collections, this is thought that disorders may be traced back to one pet, which won at the Westminster Kennel Nightclub as well as happened to come to be a leading sire. Your pet dog doesn't search for his food items as well as doesn't possess liberty to choose just what he eats. The Boston ma Terrier (# 17) is actually a wonderful little bit of dog which despite its name is not one from the terrier pet breeds. Customers have to understand precisely just what they are actually acquiring before they pay out a ton of funds for an unusual" colored canine of any type of species. The Anatolian Shepherd pet dog was actually established to be powerful and independent, behind securing its own owner's groups without individual help or even instructions. Once your dog is in the tub you should ensure to clean water over their entire physical body.
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Training Your Pet dog With Disturbances
If you find on your own in the spot where you perform certainly not definitely know if you need to acquire Canidae Pet dog Meals or even Food For Mutts, you should recognize because both from these labels are great for your pet. A dun color likewise provides another clue regarding just what their correct color is actually when they're reproduced, as a dun-colored dog will certainly sire black pups when mixed with a fawn-colored Whippet, Recommended Webpage while a fawn or brindle mating will definitely never ever cause dark new puppies being born. If you obtain your pet dog off an animal store, he stems from a lawn dog breeder or a puppy mill, the puppy has possibly not had any sort of socializing and also could possess been actually reared in a crate where he has actually been actually playing in his stool. I think the very best pet dog to use that, nevertheless, would certainly need to be a Boston Terrier that visited doggie pre-school with Classical - he possessed the cheekiest face I have actually ever observed on a pet as well as would appear thus cute in this particular April Fools Day household pet tee shirt. Workman (Like Pet dog Like Owner: See Exactly what Your Pet Claims Concerning You) designs that a survey needs to be actually generated enabling would-be canine owners to they answer concerns concerning their desires resulting in far better suits and also less pets will be sent back to the extra pound. A growing number of dog managers are using pet dog harness since the style and comfort have improved dramatically over the final few years with flashy vivid colours being the favourite from plaything pet managers. Due to the fact that this is a temporary condition, as soon as your fee" is maded, you could opt for not to have any more, if you determine that having a dog is certainly not the ideal trait for your family. A lot of Labs are going to make good watchdogs, however few are worth just about anything as a guard dog. Pitskys are attractive dogs, frequently along with very striking eyes, as well as may help make splendid is certainly not a purebreed, instead this is actually a crossbreed pet dog. I adore possessing a fantastic excuse to put on amazing clothing on different ocassions and I make certain your canine is going to enjoy this too. There are people who respect for a specific breed from canine goes far past a fanciful urge. Some dog species naturally are actually elegant and also rather unresponsive, Some dog kinds are actually really obedient and pleasant, Yet other breeds may be very persistent as well as scaddle. Here at Specialist Pet Section, we are experts in guarddog and our team have a wealth of adventure in teaming up with all sorts of clients to ensure that their residential property or business properties remains secure as well as protected at all times.
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bunniwithmonocle · 7 years
Cougar Stuffed Animals
Publisher: Angeline Hope No residence is ever actually complete without a couple of stuffed toy animals laying about. Whether or not they are for a child and their bedroom/playroom or part of an grownup collection, stuffed toy animals deliver both warmth and security to all who select to have them. Writer: Angeline Hope A lamb stuffed animal is just not specifically reserved for the Easter holidays. Like all plush toys, it can be given at any time of the yr. It happens to be a preferred stuffed animal because it is so gosh darn cute and cuddly. It additionally reminds us of newborns (given lambs are infants themselves), which is why a lamb stuffed animal is often given as a reward to new mothers and their babies. Publisher: Angeline Hope The whale most acquainted to folks is the killer whale. Whale stuffed animals are giant, overgrown 'teddy bear' types of plush, which are ideal for hugging and snuggling with. Publisher: Angeline Hope Regardless of their unbelievable measurement and peak, giraffes are graceful animals that roam open grasslands in Africa. They are the animal which frequently draws massive crowds at zoos and animal parks because of their unusual seems to be. As is the case, a giraffe stuffed animal usually finally ends up within the car journey home.
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What about orange or Descarga banana peels? Even should you feed citrus peel or banana peel to your chickens, you may find that they will eat the remaining fruit from the peel however go away the precise rind or peel on the flooring of the chicken coop. Like us, chickens love the flesh of most fruits, but don't tend to like the peels. These peels are higher of placed in the compost somewhat than within the chicken coop. Can chickens eat potatoes or potato skins? Chickens will fortunately eat left over chips or mashed potato or even potato skins, although some chickens are discovered to be fussier than others. The part of the potato that should not be given to your chickens is the potato pores and skin if it has gone green. The green indicates that the starch has begun to be damaged down right into a toxin. This green on a potato signifies the toxin 'solanine' (though the green itself is chlorophyll and is in itself harmless). This toxin is a glycoalkaloid poison present in species of the nightshade family, to which the potato as well because the tomato and others belong.
To fly with pets you need to make a reservation for the pets on the airplane (most planes solely carry up to 6 animals). This means it's important to call the airline and e-book over the phone (dearer). If the second airline is Finnair the nice lady on the phone cannot make the booking and suggests you telephone the Finnair office. The number for the Finnair workplace in Santiago is answered by an initially friendly but increasingly offended receptionist at Bavarian Cured Meats who assures you that she cannot help with your reservation. You then get in touch with Finnair by way of Twitter who provde the helpline number which does not work from Chile. Then ask Girlf. (bless her coronary heart) to cellphone and she'll discover that Finnair cannot help if the first flight is booked with a special company. They'll advocate that you simply speak to a travel agent. Strive to remain calm. Dehydration, in consequence, generally is a hazard. Within the summer season months, always keep a substantial water supply for them to allow them to stay hydrated. Make sure the water is clean as effectively. Give the chickens loads of shade as they roam of their space. Ventilation needs to be supplied throughout the pen if a run just isn't present. Hens don't lay as many eggs in a heat wave. If you're encountering this, you is perhaps stressing out your chickens with all that heat. After the heat begins to decrease a bit, they'll begin to put eggs more normally. Within the occasion you see exacerbated conditions, watch the chickens for a while. What do you see? Within the occasion that your chickens are acting unusual or growing colds, be certain that the chicken in question will get remoted from the others. Present the feed and water to that animal separately as nicely.
Even though the trucks are massive and highly raised, there is still a danger of operating into each other. Thus, this often provides an incredible quantity of entertainment. The new previous time is taking over the nation known as mud bogging. Mainly all that is needed is a truck and loads of dedication. Click here to observe mud bogging videos. Log in or Create Account to publish a comment. Publisher: Wayne Allen When you desire to get somewhat deeper into the mud bogging manner of life, their bogging web sites have a whole on-line group to join. 4-wheeling articles, personal blogs, articles and mud bogging videos are available to observe and skim. Although these videos are shot by amateurs, you actually get the sensation of being there with them. Publisher: Wayne Allen Ought to one be a fan of monster trucks, eventually one becomes a fan of mud bogging. This isn't the case, as animals like rats and chimps do certainly self-administer. Normally it solely requires one or two exposures to a drug that causes pleasure or euphoria, after which animals will self-administer when ready to take action. Even if a substantial amount of the proof supporting drug addiction in animals has been acquired from laboratory experiences, substance abuse does occur within the wild and therefore it is possible that addiction does as well. There are a variety of chook species that purposefully eat euphoric substances and then perform ritualistic and bizarre dances, there are moose that get drunk on fermented fruit, and other mammals have been identified to eat hallucinogens. But regardless of whether or not human or animal, the results are all the time the same: deterioration of bodily and mental well being. If this describes you or somebody you love, take motion now and converse to an knowledgeable at our Florida Drug Rehab Middle - widely thought-about some of the successful in the nation. Click here to examine your insurance, ask a question or request a call back from Restoration First's drug rehab.
To begin with, I really feel like I haven't been blogging on our farm weblog as a lot as I want to. We now have just been actually busy this summer time and I'm keeping a baby/pregnancy blog as nicely, which is sucking a number of my time and inventive juices. Between the two blogs, it will already be my 156th entry for the year and we're only half way via! So anyway, we added a brand new face to our farm this week. Bangle as Noah likes to name her due to a white fiber bracelet round one among her ankles. So far she is doing great on our farm and fitting right in with the remainder of the herd. I borrowed the images from our buddies at Oak Haven Alpacas (and another farms together with Magical and CCAPS) as a result of I haven't had time to get out and take pictures of her yet. This additionally means there might be fierce competition in the ring. The Strays are going to have their palms full at the present. Along with exhibiting our 4, they will be exhibiting 6 of their own and will likely be entering 2 of ours and 1 of theirs in the Get of Sire class for our shared herdsire Smokey. We are excited to see how everyone does and are anxious to see if any of our animals earn ribbons. RVs), but this yr we determined to splurge and get a lodge. We are going to once more be taking Jolie, Paisley, d'Ar, and Riph to this present along with 2 pacas from Oak Haven Alpacas. We are going to also be volunteering at this show. We always volunteer to do shade checking as it's a great way to satisfy a whole lot of different breeders and to get your fingers on a whole lot of other animals, together with the competition. We have tons to do earlier than the reveals, including halter coaching our four pacas that we can be taking. I hope they're all a breeze this yr. We are going to see how everyone does on the shows this spring and after a busy summer time of birthing will look into collaborating in some fall exhibits.
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Size of the Chihuahua – History and Breeding Issues … As Viewed By an Experienced and achieved Author/Chihuahua Breeder/Exhibitor of Benefit
Size ~ Tiny Chihuahuas are a really special breed of pet. The Chihuahua came from in ancient times, now carefully reproduced in the USA since previously 1929. The Chihuahua size initially written by AKC was meant to remain 2-4 pounds, but American breeders tend to a bigger pet dog size for breeding & & revealing and pet purposes. In the UK the Chihuahua type remains the size 2-4 pounds. In other popularized lap dogs, there are size categories. With the Chihuahua haled as the world’s smallest type, this was not yet possible. As a diminutive type, frequently called “the king of the toys”, the Chihuahua is specifically near it’s owner and with a longer than typical life period, and the truth they are primarily indoor pets, Chihuahuas have the tendency to become a real family member. The tinier ones have the tendency to be more vulnerable and breakable. As if royalty, they have an extremely quiet demeanor. The term “teacup” is affectiately utilized by lots of American owners of the smalle variation sized Chihuahuas.The issue of Chihuahua size, and for this reason the term” teacup” has ended up being much of an argument due to the reality American Chihuahua breeders raised the size in their AKC requirement to the 4-6 pound range. Naturally reproducing bigger Chihuahuas can even make them larger than 6 pounds … A few of the size differential was possibly due to the interbreeding with other toy types to acquire the colors, markings and coat variations we see in our Chihuahuas today. The showing breeders have the tendency to argue” there is no such thing as a Teacup Chihuahua”. A favorite expression created Pet dogs aren’t dishes, reveleals a few of the deviant marketing techniques of a few breeders of the larger show specimens, but aren’t they? I’ll enter symantic later … However the Chihuahua size variety is so reasonably large among the pet dogs within the breed and since documents doesn’t specify the size, many pets called a Chihuahua are just not that small, even reveal Chihuahuas. If you take a 2 pound Chihuahua pet dog and location a pet quality type Chihuahua pet that may weigh in addition to as much as twelve pounds, or more, you just do not have the same type before you, yet both dogs could have quickly had AKC documentation in place. Some Chihuahua exhibitors revealed a couple of Chihuahuas that exceeded six pounds, often excused, after the pet reveal judge “pulls the scales on them”, but in some cases with the right handler and judge they finished their chihuahuas’s championships, just making the size problem that far more implanted as a problem, specific for the Chihuahua breed.And having a” program breeder’s” Chihuahua puppy does not plainly specify the size that the mature Chihuahua pet will grow to.
Numerous program breeders of Chihuahuas have actually utilized large women approximately 14 pounders, make their Chihuahua champion breeding stock. Why is this so? Because the Chihuahua seems to decrease in size with the following generations depending upon how it is bred. For that reason you can have a large Chihuahua that is really over 6 pounds in a number of the akc chihuahua pedigrees. This is the true problem with breed. Although it is possible, it is very tough to return wards in size, in Chihuahuas. A smaller sized female Chihuahua can have severe effects if reproduced to a Chihuahua male with really big size. Simply having any pc registries documents in location does ensure a breedable pair of canines in the Chihuahua. Till the windows registries provide sizes as they can colors in Chihuahuas pedigrees there will always be this problem in the Chihuahua breed.The Chihuahua Club of America has released a “teacup declaration” in the current decade, which has actually been gladly manipulated for marketing by breeders of large Chihuahuas.
A number of these breeders, with less than 5 years of reproducing experience, no bloodlines expereince, besides what they bought from somebody, and not offering credit where credit is due to those Chihuahua breeders who really know the” entire fact” about Chihuahua terminolgy … Does one actually require to creat a negative statement or websites to stop other’s terminology, developing Internet FUD( Fear, Unpredictability, Doubt) about any one who uses a term to decribe size? Why would anybody need a marketing term anyway, lovable Chihuahuas, even the bigger ones, offer themselves? Semms to me that people have simply gotten desperate to assault whoever obstructs of them selling or giving away their large Chihuahuas? Right about time all of us got truthful, instead of manipulative and hateful, about Chihuahua size with the public?It’s about time somebody took the lead to talk about the opposite of the coin and represent the thousands of individuals who have had small Chihuahuas, and enjoyed them dearly, enough to the point they picked a colooquial, home word that described how fragile and valuable they really are. Yes, they are absolutely like great china, and great china is breakable. As far as semantics go, a dish or a doll was a woman in the fifties. Was a lady an actual dish? Was a complimentary term that I remember … I personally do not accept negative definitions of any sort in reagrds to describing the Chihuahua. Repent! TheChihuahua is understood as the tiniest canine in the world!Now back to how the Chihuahua is reproduced, as it relates to size.The general guideline this author was informed as a very young breeder, was” outcross for vigor, inbreed for size”. Being that for the a lot of part, the Chihuahua breed is a naturally healthy breed of pet, inbreeding close is not always an excellent concept. Therefore a smarter way to breed a Chihuahua pet dog is to line type the dog’s bloodlines. This indicates you will require to be very watchful of the traits you desire to enhance, particularly by examing the grand moms and dads and great grand moms and dads of the set that is being reproduced. Lots of Chihuahua show breeders have actually had a benefit, at this point, seeing a few of these loved ones at pet dogs shows. That doesn’t suggest that the Chihuahua pet dogs in the show ring in fact produced live young puppies within the small size, either. Many Chihuahua program pets had numerous bigger Chihuahua ancestors.But many more breeders breed the Chihuahua blindly, in reference to size and heritage. Some breeders do not bother to obtain a pedigree on their reproducing dogs. An excellent Chihuahua breeder will constantly understand the pedigree of their pet prior to attempting to reproduce it.
Having the pedigree does not replace real understanding of the size varieties of the canines in it. Another problem related to size is the development rate varies amongst Chihuahuas. Although the breeder can” chart out the weight”, of the Chihuahua pup, as approximated weight at maturity, this never ever is a warranty. The Chihuahua can grow in size, approximately two years of ages, as is true of all types of dogs. This growth rate variablity can alo be seen in size at the pre-birth stage of life, another aspect making Chihuahua breeding difficult. It has beeen the author’s individual viewpoint that there is no chance to forecast size on a Chihuahua with so much variablity in genes, unless one thoroughly line breeds the pet dogs with every ounce of knowledge they can acquire of the size, for even up to seven generations.As a breeder of 9 generations from my own Anika’s Chihuahua Bloodlines, respectfully, I view the Chihuahua size dilemma as pervasive and dangerous when picking an Chihuahua outcross bloodline to join my own Chihuahuas for breeding purposes.
The size problem has actually resulted in Chihuahua breed obtaining the reputaion of being a c-section breed. Consistency and line breeding for size is the only method to avoid the problems we know associated to Chihuahua size. And over my course of years in the Chihuahua breed, I should confess, I have made errors in outcrosses, and likewise had numerous sucesses. Really the term teacup need to have significance when discusses the American reproduced Chihuahua, since to this author, when you have a continuum of size range from 2 pounds to 14 pounds,( and they are out there in the breeding world ), it resembles looking at a pet that is seven times bigger than the smaller pet dog. Simply not reasonable to have both Chihuahuas in one size range. For me, Iat Anika-Chihuahuas, we decided to restrict our Chihuahua bitches for breeding tt between 4 to 6 pounds, line breed and the resulting puppies which discuss 6 pounds, are never cost breeding of any sort.re ever reproduced, never ever revealed and never Here’s what this author did to control size. Taking three of four Chihuahuas related to leading winning Chihuahua lines, related by a typical grand sire of fantastic grand sire, my Chihuahuas were line bred. In the begiin g There were atleast four diffenent sets of bloodlines to combine. The children were thoroughly
outcrossed, with size in mind, to a couple of respected breeders. Then these pets were as well line reproduced. I have actually been lucky for the many part. Throughout my third generation of Anika’s chihuahuas, I observed a couple of extra c-sections. Many resulting extra small Chihuahua women were never ever bred or shown, however put as family pets. There were a few big pets. Generally in a litter of four puppies, there would be a couple of perfect in size range and color and conformation. Regularly using a small male Chihuahua stud does help some, but remember you have to know your Chihuahua’s heritage, most importantly, in terrific information, especially the sizes. Breeding Chihuahuas is a little like granny baking a pie, granny simply understood how, she had done it so frequently. However size is an excellent concern in the American Chihuahua, fondly called” teacup” by numerous Chihuahua owners, who have the luck to get a small appeal. Size can disqualify and even be fatal to live pups … Size is a concern for every single breeder who wants to stay within the Chihuahua Standard.Anika’s Chihuahuas Bloodlines has suggestions to the brand name new breeder, study study. Do not fall victim to viscious chatter and usage lack of knowledge as happiness. Always learn all you can from the Chihuahua breeders that preceded you and your Chihuahuas. big young puppies can originate from small parents, so you need to know the hertiage of size in your breedings, to reach the objective, live pups, excellent pets without birth problems, hopefully Chihuahua show pets withing a good variety of size and a lot more generations of your Chihuahua families for the future and those who will carry the torch for this fantastic, tiny and valuable type of dog, the Chihuahua, none other can compare to. Continue Chihuahua breeders. We need the size to stay little however functional, not the simplest task, it should stabilize with breedability with out compromizing the Chihuahua breed. Denigrating the tiniest size by telling the public what termes they may use is a frivalous effort to manage a market which was boistered by the TACO BELL COMMERCIAL “S improved Chihuahua reproduce popularity in the 80’s and 90’s. Jacqui-Beth-Johnson is a Chihuahua-Enthusiast, Retired Breeder and founder of the Anika’s -Chihuahuas-Bloodlines, which are found throughout the Chihuahua breeders pedigrees across America and in Europe and in the Chihuahua literature, both family pet and show handbooks, photograpgically dominating much of the Chihuahua-Books composed in the last years. Various Anika’s Chihuahuas controlled the show ring and the breeder has rather a resume in the Chihuahua canine world, as is seen in the resume of the Anika-Chihuahuas-Bloodlines Established as an image hobbyist, a number of the Chihuahua pets are now discovered on the internet as well … on FACEBOOK. Chihuahua photography as a hobby in it’s finest type is seen in the charming poses the Anika’s chihuahuas have actually produced the video camera … Love and dedication are inspiring consider the writings of this respected and popular Chihuahua breeder, Chihuahua photgrapher, and now, Chihuahua writer. Featured in the book, Dealing with a Chihuahua, by Margaret Greening, where Jacqui-Beth is estimated in creating the expression term “Chihuahua-ized”.” Have you been Chihuahua-ized?” And in 2011, a post on Chihuahua sizes was released pro bono for the reference book Chihuahua-Champions 2008-2010, Camino Books Inc. May 15, 2011, the short article” In Defense of the Term Teacup, Exposing a Misconception.( searchable on FACEBOOK). Jacqui-Beth has a Masters degree. Photo By Teerasuwat from Pixabay
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