#and the thing to be linked in my head but boy howdy is that an expensive little stack on my bookcase
gliphyartfan · 11 months
@yanderelinkeduniverse @stars-for-thought @imprisioned-in-the-hole @screaming-until-god-hears-me @crestfallenmermaidan @ice-cream-writes-stuff @linked-heroes @eternadreeblissa
Howdy Howdy! Boy this one should have been posted a few days ago! Sadly I got rather sick and then how to deal with a few other things. I'm good-ish now!
But it's here! And I shall be taking a victory nap as a reward!
This one ran away from me. Did not expect it to follow the path it did. But it happened and I accepted my fate.
(Note to self: Never write about deities, they take full control of the majority of the story, making me write more than planned while they take center stage 😤)
What He saw was the sight of battle.
What He smelled was the scent of blood.
What He heard was the sounds of combat. 
What He felt was the ground rumble below Him and the shifting of the winds. 
Felt the scent of smoke and blood fill His lungs and escape. 
Before Him, beasts that cried for flesh. 
Behind Him, He sensed terror, caution, and pain. 
He did not need to look around to know why He was released. 
Unrestrained beasts that needed to be culled.
The Young Vessel's desire for their deaths urged him forward. 
Yes. He understood well His purpose for being called. 
He raised His sword, uncaring of the sight of beasts instinctively cowering before him. 
It was not an unusual sight for Him.
It was only natural that the weak kneel before Strength.  
It was the way of War. 
The weak bow to the blade. 
But foolishness comes to the weak sooner or later, shown as one of the beasts became brazen enough to charge forward, it's allies even more so as they followed suit.
He hefted His blade above His head. 
And the hoards quickly fell to His might.
There is a eternal repetition in battle. Repetition in war. 
Use your weapon. Kill your enemy. Move on to the next. 
The methods that war is waged may change as eras pass, but remove all the ideologies that each side has, and the bare bones of it all is the same as the very first war to ever be waged. 
There are the Victors, and there are the Defeated.
 All of them have blood on their hands. 
Gods are no different from mortals in that aspect. Despite what many, divine included, may say otherwise. 
If it were not so, the Fierce Deity would have no need to exist. Perhaps he would have long been granted the Fine Rest all souls earn inevitably. 
Imprisonment within the mask did not mean death of who He was. Even within the wooden cage, the Drums of War called to Him constantly. 
Battle urged Him to come. To lay waste against those He would claim as enemies. 
Having a hand in Majora's death was a satisfying return to the mortal plane. 
But to bond with the young vessel that He laid claim to. A soul that could hold His power without risk of corruption. It lead much change for Him.
He sensed the Soul long before he ever step foot in that place of mourning and memories. Sensed the touch of divinity that coated his soul. (A touch that displeased him, though he had not yet known why) 
A seemingly fragile shell with a Soul that wielded such uncanny Strength. 
The boy had been far from his reach when he had first been made aware of it's presence, yet the boy's soul strongly reached for Him, as if it had known Him longer than the mortal shell had lived.
Many times the connection they held, fragile as it was, would strengthen without warning, then weaken after some time. 
The sense of Divinity would ting within those moments. 
The soul echoed it's emotions to Him when their connection grew during those times. 
What emotions they were. 
The force of them all pulled at His attention, left Him unable to return to the silence that his prison wrapped Him in. 
Turbulent. Like a raging storm. 
Yet at some point, it dulled. Repressed itself deep within. Yet with focus He could feel the raging force within longing to be released upon those that had wronged it's shell. 
 The urge would sometimes overtake the boy.
When it did, the feeling of loss would overwhelm them both. It was an agony that He felt through his incorporeal being every single moment until the connection would fade back to fragility.
Soon the connection no longer fluctuated in strength. 
But it did grow closer. 
and with it's nearing, it was inevitable that He would come to learn the reason behind the turmoil he perceived within it.
Young, weary yet hardened eyes took in the lands that held his prison. 
Lands that did, yet did not, exist.  
Still, those same eyes took in the life in this world, saw it with familiarity that one his age should not have. 
He was a shell that was Weak. 
Or so He had thought. In the beginning, at the very least. 
He had not meant to speak to the boy when he sent foot within the land of timeless death, merely choosing to speak into the silence, aware that any answer would not be made. 
Yet He had not been displeased when the boy answered Him back without a moment of hesitation. Even less displeased when the boy was unbothered by His return to silence.
He watched how those eyes remained dulled and unfeeling as the cycle of repetition continued. 
 They did not waver even when He spoke to the boy.
And still He watched. Witnessed the cycles repeating themselves, over and over again in this Timeless land.
The boy collected the masks, assisted every person that he could, and with each mask granted to him, their connection strengthened. 
A question asked by Him for every moment the child Fell to the First Day. 
The child would answer without fear or question. 
The child who opened his very soul to Him.
It was...interesting...to watch this strange boy, to be allowed to witness all that made him who he was. 
To see the vessel grown to match the strength of his Soul, to sense His claim over him within those memories despite never having claimed him before. 
To witness the battles that had Once been fought by his hand. 
To see others with souls as strong as his. Hardened through trials that no mere warrior could face without becoming corrupted.
To see them all slowly soften within the presence of a mere mortal girl. 
She was a curiosity at most. Though an ignorable presence at minimum. 
A being from another reality all together. One that does not have active gods nor active magic. 
The world may have arose from Chaos but magic has always rested against the surface of the lands. To know of a world that exists without such foundations...that was what caught His eye. 
He supposed the girl had a way with words and actions. Easily able to ease the sorrows of His Vessel and his companions with well meaning acts of kindness. 
A maternal hand. Perhaps a touch uncommon for a woman of her age without young ones, but not out of the ordinary for someone to be naturally caring. 
She was a curiosity. But a dull one. 
In the beginning. 
Yet he watched the memories that may as well also be His as His Vessel sharpened his blade and slaughtered all those that dare endanger her. 
How he and his companions nearly tore one another apart in a bid to claim a place within the one who's heart they desired to protect and cherish. 
It was then He began to focus on who the woman was.
This woman was knowledgeable as a royal scholar, wise with words in a way that even the most experienced ambassadors could not best. 
A heart that opened itself to those that had good souls yet a steel gaze that was ready to pierce anyone who would dare to fool her. 
In a way, all that was lacking was physical strength. 
It was utterly fascinating to witness. 
The souls of the Hylian Lands, they grew too used to peace. Rarely was war fought unless the Demon heir rose to bring it forth. The souls here preferring to stay in their ignorant comfort as the Goddess sent her Chosen Sacrifice of the era to do her bidding. 
Yet this one soul, one without magic nor blessings... 
Yes...He longed to see how much this woman's strength grew. 
This woman was not as fragile as He first assumed. 
He wondered, how she would take to the blade. 
Perhaps a spear? Nothing so fragile as a Bow nor dagger. No, this woman would not be pleased fighting at a distance. 
He wondered what expression she would show as she felled her enemies? 
What gaze would pierce her dying foes as she cut into their flesh? 
She was truly an...enigma...
Fragile yet strong. 
Heart of kindness yet a heart willing to steel itself in the face of adversity and manipulation. 
The only true reason His Vessel and his brothers succeeded in hiding the actions they committed, was simply because she saw no reason to suspect them. 
They would not have done so well, had she viewed them as adversaries. 
Indeed, The being that He once was, in a time no longer existent, had assumed too hastily.
 She was a match for Him and His. More so than any of the Goddess' blood. 
A soul worthy of His blessing and protection. 
It would indeed take a strong soul to attract the hearts of those who the Goddess of the Hylian land would dare claim as Hers.
A sense of peace was instant her presence, one that His Vessel had never held before. 
A peace that spread amongst those His Vessel eventually claimed as Sword Brothers. 
Yet...even the Deity of War knew such peace was always at risk of being ripped from mortals who were not cautious. 
And inevitably, the woman was stolen from them. (From Him.) 
His Vessel and his brothers broken by her absence. (His immense displeasure at their failings) 
Then...power. Much of it. Colliding and mixing in ways such differences each power held should not. 
And then...His Vessel woke again. Body once more that of a child. 
Awakening just as He took notice of the sudden connection that they shared. 
One that should not have existed, yet had always been there.
It seemed the Vessel was as aware of their connection as He was. Perhaps that familiarity was enough for his mind,unbalanced as it was, to hold on. 
He supposed His being had been used for worse purposes before. He saw no shame in a fellow warrior finding a semblance of grounding within the presence of a comrade. 
When the moment came that his wooden prison was placed in his Vessel's hand, their connection solidified instantly. 
Odd it was, to feel such a...sense of rightness. 
This...was His Vessel. 
How the boy relaxed upon wielding His mask. His power, His Being, coursing through his mortal veins, as the young Vessel's form adapted to house His soul. 
As it was always meant to. 
( When He returns to His prison at the end of their battle with Majora, He ponders what thoughts would fill the Great Ones of the Beyond. Should they ever learn of the Goddesses' actions? What would the Great Ones think of the Divine Maidens, sending infants to fight Their wars?)
He recognized the souls approaching Him from His Vessel's memory.
Where the other warriors treaded cautiously around Him, these souls walked without fear nor arrogance. 
His Vessel was not pleased by their presence. 
(his hurt echoing through Him at the sight of them.) 
'Leave.' His Vessel's presence echoed within him. 
His Vessel? Unwilling to face them? Those that his heart claims as his own? 
Unwilling to face the possibility that they would view him with unfamiliar eyes? 
(Such an strong yet vulnerable soul His Vessel was.)
It was rather humorous to note. 
The two warriors drew near and stopped before Him. Each standing a bit further away as if in respect of His Presence.
Murmurs from the surrounding troops gradually spread out over the temporary encampment.  Easily ignored, He did not care for any attention paid His way.
He awaited their next action, silent as he was gazed upon by those that may or may not know Him and His well. 
The two sides stared at one another, His mind immediately noted similarities between the two men and his Vessel.
Both possessed powerful souls, His Vessel's own soul calling out to it's brethren. 
Their bodies relaxed, their hands visible. As if to assure him that they mean no harm. 
But their eyes, such gazes hid many intentions. Yet they were clear to Him with ease. 
...No, it was not that He was able to see their their facade. It was that they were not bothering to hide it from Him. 
They sought Him-sought out His Vessel whilst playing the part of oblivious men. 
And the intimidated men surrounding them, all were blind by such a weak farce.  
It seemed they were done with their inspection of Him as He was with them. 
The younger one took a step forward but was stopped by the elder one's arm. 
The elder one ('Captain' His Vessel's thought echoed through Him.), stepped forward, closing the space between then til he was naught by a few feet away. 
"May your sword never dull." The warrior greeted him, the corner of his lips turning upward in a faint smirk. 
"Though if it must dull, May it dull after your enemies are long since slain." 
It seems His Vessel saw fit to teach them proper greetings. Curious. (As was the surprising echoing from His Vessel.) 
"Captain," one of the men in the crowd whispered toward the elder warrior, "He's dangerous! Ally or no, we can't risk antagonizing him!"
Without a hint of regarded to the whispered warning, the captain pressed his sword hand horizontally across his abdomen, bowing deeply to Him. 
"We are honored by your presence, Great Deity, and your assistance in winning this battle." The captain spoke, voice calm and respectful "May we prove ourselves worthy of your continued favor in this war."
"...You speak well." Amusement sparked within Him as the men surrounding them jumped at His voice. 
Yet His Vessel's brethren were not phased. 
"I am honored by your acknowledgement." The captain replied smoothly, "I was taught well by a most trusted comrade." 
His Vessel had indeed taught him well. Not many would greet Him with such respect and sincerity. 
Even if His vessel was still displeased with the situation at hand. The urge to leave pulsing through their connection. 
...He naturally chose to ignore it. (The annoyance that pulsed soon after indicated that His Vessel was very aware of his intentional ignorance.) 
He observed the captain, noting His Vessel's emotions as he watched the man straightened. 
 Peace mixed with quiet joy. Yet also anxiousness and frustration. 
Truly was His Vessel willing to hide away in order to avoid facing what troubles him? 
Always so childish when it comes to matters of heart and soul. 
No matter to Him, He had no wish to linger amongst solders who could not muster the courage to look Him in the eyes. 
'I've faced my share of battles today.' He spoke to His Vessel, pulses of confusion and sudden panic swept through Him as He reached up and covered His face with His hand.
'Now you face yours.' And He released His hold on His Vessel, His power being pulled back into His wooden prison. 
Warriors watched as a bright flash of light consumed the surrounding area, exclamations filled the air yet the light faded as quickly as it appeared. 
Where the Fierce Deity once stood, now the men saw- 
"Is that a child?" 
The young boy, perhaps a bit younger than the Hero of Winds, stood there, mask in hand. 
Bafflement clear on his face as he stared straight at the Captain. 
"Hello Hero of Time." Warriors greeted him, a hand resting on his hip, his words inciting more whispers. 
Time blinked repeatedly, lowering his gaze to the mask in his hand. 
Slowly, his gaping mouth twisted into a scowl, and without a moment of hesitation, he threw the deity's mask to the ground before him. 
"Damned God!" He exclaimed angrily, even as the surrounding men because to quickly step back, faces rapidly paling at the young hero's actions. "A devil more like! Always putting me on the spot when I least want his damned input!" 
Warriors chuckled, which slowly turned into a laugh. 
Wind behind him, biting his bottom lip and trying to stay silent despite his shoulders shaking from his own laughter. 
"Oh, I haven't laughed like that in ages!" Warriors commented, still chuckling as they settled in a isolated corner of the encampment. 
It had taken some time to calm his men, but eventually he had managed to guide Wind and Time away with him. 
"They all looked like you insulted their mother." Wind snickered, legs kicking against the crate he sat on. "Then again, they'd probably look less insulted if you had." 
"Moments like this makes me wonder why I let that one put me in the spotlight." Time grumbled, sitting on the ground and resting against the crate Wind sat on. 
"Well, it seems he simply wanted you to stop trying to hide away." Warriors suggested, reaching behind him and unclasping the waterskin from his belt and holding it put to Time.
"Here, I doubt all that fighting in this soot filled air has done your tongue any favors." 
Time eyed the hand before accepting the waterskin and taking a drink. 
Silence reigned in their small corner.
Wind humming quietly as Time stared at the ground at his feet. 
"...How have you been, my sword brother?" Warriors asked watching as Time set the waterskin aside as he shifted slightly against the crate.
"...I suppose I could be worse." Time replied.  "I've been better, considering I don't feel quite as alone anymore."
"It's a nice feeling." Warriors agreed,  smiling at his brother fondly.
Another silence reigned as Time stared at the ground.
"…Do you want to talk about it?"
"What is there to talk about?" Time said, "I woke in a body I had long thought I would never be forced to wear again. Forced to see the faces of my allies look at me with unfamiliarity. To bow my head towards the Goddess' heir.  To journey again through places I never wished to traverse again." Time spoke through his teeth, his breath escaping in a hiss. 
"All while trying to differentiate between truth and fiction within the confines of my own mind." He laughed bitterly. 
"No, I don't have much going on in my life." 
"Well pardon me for assuming you've been struggling." Warriors commented sarcastically. 
He expected no answer to that but instead received only a scoffed laugh as Time leaned back against the crates once more. "Of course not. It would just be foolish on my part to assume otherwise, when the last time I was faced with the reality of a future that does not exist."
Warriors fell silent.
"But...you know it happened." Wind piped up. "We both remember it too, three for three. So that means the others must remember too." 
That earned an agreeing hum from Time who didn't utter anything else.
"But why didn't you find us?" Warrior continued, "Why not find us so you could share your burden with ones who knows what it feels like?"
"Because I... couldn't burden you with something as trivial as-" He cut himself off, "-I mean-" 
Time sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. When he opened them again, his expression was solemn, his youthful face contrasting with such an old expression.
"I'm...nowhere near the end of this curse." 
"How long will it be for you both, before we are all united once again." He asked, "One? Two? A few years at most?" 
Wind and Warriors stayed silent. 
"But what about me? Trapped in a child's body once again, and every aspect that comes with such a curse." 
"Pardon if this may sound offending, but is it truly as bad as you say?" Warriors questioned.
"You are not the one who must wait decades to reunite with everyone." Time snapped, turning his gaze away from them to glare up at the darkening sky.
"I logically thought of all the benefits that came with this circumstance of renewal. What I could improve from my previous path. What I could change." Time left out a quiet laugh, face twisting into a weak smile before it return to the frown it had.
"I tried to see everything from the perspective of someone who could return to our goddess with strength and wealth that would benefit her and her happiness." He shook his head, eyes closing. 
"But it was not returning to my past that hurt. Nor was it that all my efforts in the previous life was erased like wind blowing away words written in sand. To be looked at with pitying eyes who only see a child, no matter the efforts I do to prove otherwise." He opened his eyes, tears glistening at the corners and threatening to fall. 
"What truly hurts is the length of time that I must wait to return to you all. Not to even bring up the length until we reunite with our beloved." 
His eyes burned as the two other men stayed silent and patient.
(He hadn't even realized he had started shedding tears until Wind's hand gently rested on his shoulder and squeezed it tight.)
His voice broke as he spoke, though he swallowed down the emotion before letting out another sob.
"There's nothing I want more than for us all to be reunited again, even moreso being reunited with our beloved." He whispered, "Yet I can barely handle it. The pain, knowing I'll spend decades waiting for my comrades to come together once more. In a way, seeing you both now is like salt on the wound, a wound that is then grind down by one's heel." 
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes tightly, as a choked laugh escaped his throat.
"I'm sure you heard of the failed assault against the sorceress' forces? The one led by the Lieutenant General Doza?"
"He tried to lead an assault through the Palace of Twilight, right?" Wind  stated, "And failed half way through, along with the slaughter of most of his men. . After that, he sent a message requesting for rescue and stating that the sorceress' forces are stronger than ever."
"Which they now are, thanks to his disregard of the warnings they received." Time spat,  eyes opening wide as his tone went sharp and cold.
"He also claimed that he was 'caught unawares', and that if he had be 'properly forewarned', he would have succeeded."
"Something tells me he had been forewarned." Warriors remarked calmly.
"He was," Time answered, "By me." 
"...What?" Warrior frowned.
"Before he neared the palace, I had crossed paths with him. I recalled you mentioning last time how the previous assault also failed and I had approached him with 'advice.'" He explained with a scowl. "He laughed at me and told me little children should not play at being a soldier. He ordered some of his men to escort me to safety while he marched his men forward." 
"That arrogant-" Warriors pinched the bridge of his nose, exhaling sharply. "Seems the death of his captain took the last of his senses. I lent him some of my men. The very same ones who lost their lives there."
"The attack failed against the sorceress, as expected. The only reason there were any soldiers left to save was because I requested reinforcements after I was shoved to one of the far bases." Time continued.
"Didn't really stick around to see if they came in time, left as soon as I sent the message." 
"That explains why I was praised for my foresight in the rescue." Warriors muttered. 
"I knew how to make it seem like you wrote it, so I took advantage of that." Time sighed. 
"Lives lost due to arrogance and overconfidence in one's position. Worst part? He'll never admit to it. Even if I had been an adult." 
"Men like him never want someone else to order them around." Wind commented. "Is that why you've been sticking as the Deity?" 
"He's imposing enough to make sure no one tries to treat me like a child." Time answered smoothly. 
"Yet you were hoping that you could use him to bypass speaking to us." Warriors placed his hands on his hips, Time looked away. 
"I already told you why." 
"Yes, but why didn't you try talking to us sooner?" Warriors demanded. "The failed assault happened two weeks prior, where were you?" 
"Does it even matter?" Time asked tiredly. 
"Not particularly, but I'd still prefer if you would at least tell us why." Warriors said.
Silence reigned for awhile.
Finally, a sigh left Time's lips.
"I was scared." He admitted.
"Don't tell me neither of you were scared at the possible idea none of us remembered." Time scoffed. 
Silence descended upon them once more.
"I was terrified." He confessed quietly, "I was petrified of facing you both, of seeing your faces look at me with unfamiliarity." 
He rubbed his cheek with his hand, "I could barely stomach returning to my child's body. But seeing you both look at me with unfamiliar eyes? That would have broken me." 
"But we do remember." Warriors quietly stated, taking a step forward. 
"But I didn't know that yet, did I?" Time smirked weakly at him. 
"Believe me, hearing you greet the deity as you did and knowing you could only do so if you remembered." He sighed calmly, "It lit my heart with so much joy." 
"But then I suppose I became a coward in the time we have been apart. Here I was, willing to hide away so you would not see me like this." He motioned to himself. 
"So I attempted the coward's way out of speaking to you." He snorted softly. "And you saw how that turned out." 
Warriors took a step forward, then another. Slowly making his way to Time and kneeling before him. 
"I'm sorry my sword brother." Warriors said softly, making Time look at him. 
"Why are you sorry?"  He frowned, looking away again.
"If I'd known it meant you this much pain, I might have stopped and thought things through better." He shook his head.
"No..I-" Warriors sighed, "I'm sorry that out of all of us, you suffer the burden of years. Something no sword can defeat. That you would be left alone in your era with no true support. With no one who could hear your words and know it to be true." 
"I don't deserve such understanding, or apologies." His hands balled into fists, knuckles turning white and turning almost translucent under the strain. "None of us do for our arrogance." 
"None of us do," Warriors repeated in agreement, "But that doesn't mean we shouldn't be forgiven. Or rather, cared enough about, to forgive ourselves."
"We...have much to atone for. For trying to trap our beloved in a cage of our own making." He continued, "And for not being able to see it until it was too late."
He reached out slowly, taking hold of Time's shaking hands, and gave them both a gentle squeeze, Wind's hand never having left Time's shoulder. 
"But we are here. For each other. And we will stand beside you, until it is time for us to part once more." He slowly leaned his head down, pressing his forehead against Time's. 
"And when we reunite once again. We will stand by you, always. Just as you would always stand by us." 
Time stared at Warriors, mouth slightly agape.
His eyes shone bright with unshed tears 
Time blinked rapidly, the tears spilling freely. Warriors reached up and pulled him, and Wind, into a hug, letting Time bury his head in his chest and hold on tight.
"Let me go. Please." He said through his tears.
"Please Captain-"
"Let us have this." Warriors pleaded softly to him. 
"We won't let you go." Wind agreed firmly, burying his own face against Time's shoulder. "We don't want to, not when you need this as much as we do." 
They felt Time shudder against them, and soon, he nodded. 
 They held him closer, silent as they soon heard his sobs grow louder and louder.
"I'm sorry." He sobbed, pressing his face against Warriors' tunic. "I'm sorry." 
"We're here." Was all that was said in reply. 
Time said nothing more as he continued to cry. 
Allowing himself to finally let go within the arms of the few who had his complete trust.
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macabre-discotheque · 9 months
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it has been awhile since i posted anything vista alegre related lmao
ANYWAYS i did some interpretations on how I see the characters in my head. Mostly using the descriptions in the fic as a base and then putting some of my own little headcanons into it while still trying to stay true to the descriptions
also obligatory link to the (now deleted) fic cause of my [nonexistent] contract lol
out of the designs, if wally wasn't my favorite by default, I'd say I was happy with how Barnaby's design came out, even if I wish I made some changes. Mostly cause I kinda limited myself with Holly's design lmao.
but like here's an alternate version i did under the cut + rambling
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so like, holly is an interesting character writing wise. Cause like I absolutely hate her as a person but from a writing and design standpoint she's just so interesting. So when I did the way my brain ACTUALLY sees her, which is like just kinda exaggerating some things about her more like the dress and turning her fur collar into a straight up fur coat (that i imagine she wears in the epilogue except its bigger and MORE obnoxious)
anywayys 🤭🤭🤭i got a lil something something that's been cooking for awhile and i'll hopefully pick it up and finish it by next month so here's a lil sneak peak as a treat 😁😁😁😋😋
i can't say it'll be colored or clean and all cause i've been burning out kinda easy lately so I'm trying to go at my own pace!!
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weridpersonhelp · 1 year
Red Phone [6]
Previous - Next?
master list!
warning: slightly scary, first-time horror writer, stalking, confusion, gramma and spell mistakes, screaming, getting up a horrible hour of night, neurodivergent reader, slow burnish? , x reader, children, puppets, curse langue, music, be ready for cringe!
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“Safa you’re not going to believe what I’m going to tell you!”
“Okay but first I need to share what a found on that welcome home show! It turns out there is a website on it! It has the neighbours and everything, in fact they have a mission of finding all lost information on the show! It was started in 1969 and ended in 1974. The company says it’s because they ran out of money but there could have been a different reason, I mean it was doing extremely well, and people from all different ages loved it even parents. I’ll send you the link, anyway what was it that you wanted to tell me?” by the time she was done I had run upstairs to my room and shut the door slowly making sure it didn’t creek.
“Huh? Oh! Well, there was this weird phone that kept ringing in my grandma’s remember and how grandma acted weird about it?”
“yeah girl! Who was it? And old friend of your dead grandpa?! A mysterious man wanting to talk to you grandma? A murderer?!?!?!” Safa asks in excitement.
“umm, not exactly maybe the last one. But I picked up the phone last night and answered-“ Safa gasps dramatically, while she processes what happened. While she does that I open out texts and type in the link she sent me.
“No fucking way, who was it?”
“his name is Wally, and he was looking to speak to my grandpa. I explained how he passed he shocked, then explained he wanted to ask him something, I don’t know what. But then went to ask if my grandma was their but I said she was busy. Knowing if I told her I picked up she would of killed me, literally. He asked who I was I said only my name. but he seemed like a nice guy, he plays piano and paints, also he’s in a different time zone then us!” I explain to her, though I know safa is going to be a bit of a worry wort about it. But that’s one of the things I love about her, how she was so caring and worried about me. If I was being honest she showed me more care then my mother has ever done in a life time.
“Y/n this man could be 30! Hell, if he knew your grandpa then be in his late 40’s or just getting into his 50’s!” Safa says as I spin around in the wheely chair.
“it’s not like we where flirting, he was just very easy to talk too!, he’s going to call tonight again!”
Y/N! This is not a good idea!” “
“oh, come on Safa, it’s not like he knows where I am. If he did he would of come here a while ago and talked to my grandma instead of calling all the time.” “Y/n this could be an old man, this isn’t safe in the slightest. I know I can’t stop you but promise me you’ll be careful? Try not to share too much information about yourself and ask as many questions as you can. Example how old he is!” Safa scolds me.
“He’s homeowner age! Plus where 18 we can date older guys now.”
“Yeah but not too old, we don’t want to be a sugar baby already! anyway have you checked out the website?”
“What’s wrong with being a sugar baby but any ways. Yeah, it’s very well done, I haven’t watched all the episode yet but it seems like they have done pretty well.  Who’s your favourite neighbour?”
“Eddie’s cute but Howdy is so hot-“ “SAFA HE’S A CATERPILLAR!”
“SO?!?! THEIR PUPPETS! IT’S NOT LIKE THEY ARE REAL AND WE COULD MARRY THEM OR SOMETHING!” I shake my head at my friend choice in men, or puppets? caterpillars?
“You have interesting taste my guy-““Says you! Your taste in guys is not better than mine!” Safa says trying to defend herself, I roll my eyes at my friend though she can’t see them I know she knows.
“I like men who are tall! Human- ““What about Neteyam-“ “Do not bring the boys into this.”
Safa cracks up laughing, knowing very well we have similar taste in guys. After she was done laughing, I closed the website before adding it to my favrioutes.
“Anyway, again with the old man- ““we don’t know if he’s actually an old man yet!”
“Still, ask him for his actual number maybe? Just remember to be safe, I don’t trust him.”
“You’ve never met him! And I’ve barely even met this guy, he’s calling me to night okay. Don’t worry.”
“DINNER TIME” Mum screams from the kitchen...
“Oh sorry Safa, dinner time.”
“Your fine girlie, remember to ask this guy’s age! And his experiences to know his-“I cut my friend off done with talking about the person who called me last night. I turn off my computer and head downstairs, to a well cooked and delicious meal!
{hi everyone the results are in, and it seems everyone want them to some to life! but i forgot to add a thrid opption where I combined them but meh-
anyways this is where the story will be going, I hope thoese who's option was not picked still continue reading! and thank you for the support i have reviced!
if any of you have sugestion please comment or if you just wanna say hi! Thank again for reading and have a lovely evening.} Tag: @quittingfortgebetter @egg1sblog @ice-cream-writes-stuff @thealreadyunsteadyteddynewpaper @narucore
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
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Kawakami continues to be my stealth fave. When Operation Maidwatch started, I fully planned to skip it entirely because lets be real, the set-up was horrendous. Then I figured that'd be less funny so I decided to try it For The Bit.
So fucking glad I did.
Kawakami is in the hospital after collapsing from overwork. And what do you know but the people blackmailing her show up to say howdy and while she is still in bed ask her when her next payment will be.
fuck stealing their hearts, i'm gonna steal their car and drive it into a river
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I.... think the implication with "sister company" is transferring from the maid gig to full sex work? Which: I'm pro-SW 'til the day I die but this ain't the way, Kawakami, the way is getting these fuckers off your chequebook.
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btw for the side-quests, I love when Reverie is just like "Gimme a full name. Thanks. The Phantom Thieves will handle it." LISTEN. I DON'T CARE. If Ryuji can walk around singing his self-made Phantom Thieves theme song, then Reverie can be an intimidating weirdo to random people.
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this was so fucking funny, Ann and Shiho are having a serious heart to heart and Reverie is just here as extra muscle to help Shiho with the stairs.
I'm very glad to finally see Shiho again though I assume it will be for the last time.
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because I do like Ann a lot! probably more than any of my options so far except maybe Tae, but I don't like her that way, but maybe I would like her that way if I gave her a chance? UGH it's agony but I went with the Just Friends route.
Ann, you are still best girl, though admittedly you finally have competition.
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I did wrap up Ann's Confidant.
As far as the Lovers go, hers is the weakest to me personally. I would rank them Yukari > Rise > Ann. But I think this is because I don't.... understand Ann's life goals. Which may be just my blind spot personally. Ann's dream of becoming a supermodel to inspire people falls kind of flat because I think modeling is an important job and career but I don't.... connect it to like.... inspiration and stuff?
It's so odd it feels like I'm missing something.
But Ann herself, I adore. I would rank her as honestly one of the kindest people in a Persona game, genuinely good-hearted and just seeking a way to harness that.
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New Persona for Ann! Hecate!
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Yusuke visited like every other day in summer vacation, so I got some premium hangout time and managed to max his Confidant out too.
YUSUKE SHOULDA BEEN THE FORTUNE. He makes zero fucking sense as the Emperor. There is nothing about him or his arc that lends itself to the Emperor, but BOY HOWDY does his arc spin 'round and 'round like a perfect wheel.
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After some more artist's block, Yusuke finally puts together a piece for the exhibition run by that one jerk who wanted to package and sell Yusuke like a brand. He takes first place!
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TURNS OUT THAT THE WHOLE BRANDING THING WAS A FUCKING RUSE. The guy truly was invested in Yusuke's success as an artist and came up with the whole branding thing to get Yusuke angry and get his head in the game.
I'm so fucking annoyed that he's the Emperor, I just don't see it, it makes no sense. Better options were WAITING.
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nah only when the game lets me flirt with you even though we're not allowed to kiss. I adore you, Yusuke.
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New Persona Get and WAIT NO GO BACK ugh why is it Susano-o AGAIN? And this Susano-o doesn't look NEARLY as cool as Yosuke's. 8C I will miss Goemon and his cool pipe. 8C
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wait is this just disneyland. /googles. lmao the Maihama station is right next to Disneyland. ahahahaaha
I will be boycotting this destination for the entire game! 8)
what else did I do outside the MSQ.......
OH YEAH I'm allowed to hang with Sojiro again finally!
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he wants money or he'll file for custody for Futaba (where he'll have an upper hand as he's a blood relative and Sojiro is not)
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Futaba actually shows up to bully Sojiro for some food and immediately freaks out at seeing her uncle.
When Wakaba died, Futaba got handed around between her relatives for a while and ended up with severely neglected by her uncle. Then Sojiro stepped in and adopted her.
Like with Kawakami's blackmailers, I want to wreck some havoc on this bastardman.
Sojiro truly is Best Dad, I'm with y'all on this at last. Sojiro, please adopt Reverie. That should be the no-romance end for Reverie, he just gets adopted by the Sakuras.
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I FINALLY got my courage high enough to talk to Iwai the fake(?) arms dealer? AND NOW I THINK I'M DOING CRIMES? i mean uh more crimes. additional crimes. like smuggling weapons?
also like. The Solid Snake/Iroquois Pliskin vibes off this guy, he looks and feels like he just got back from the Big Shell and is laying low until Philanthropy is ready to take out another metal gear.
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However unluckily for him, he's also my literal favorite card in the Majors, the Hanged Man, the card I am the most particular about, so he's pretty much doomed to disappoint me through no fault of his own. Because I'm the only person who actually Understands the Hanged Man, you see. Just me.
Okay that sums everyone up, back to the MSQ.
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sharkneto · 2 years
ok so you’re probably one of the only fic writers i’ve seen that writes five to the point that i can say “oh yeah, this is accurate” so i was wondering if you have any tips for writing him and his pov? i’ve written him before but i always feel like, at one point or another, he’s not five. like he’s fanon five, not canon five. and i was just wondering if you have any tips to make sure that i’m writing him the right way.
also i was rereading shifting mirrors last night and now i want a spinoff series to be made, just so aidan can act the hell out of five again (because the whole time i was thinking aidan would act the hell out of this)
also so we can compare aidan to whoever they get for number and say that they’re both really good
anyway, yeah. if you’ve got any writing tips for five, please lmk. i’m desperate lol
Oh, wow thank you so much! Very validating that my Five feels so Five! Before we jump into the writing stuff, yes to the Shifting Mirror spinoff. I love that fic so much. I always want more Aidan as Five. The neat thing about him being like, a Real Adult now is that Aidan can just play Number. Finally winning instead of losing vs Aidan's inevitable aging.
Now, writing in-character.
I've talked generally about how I approach writing in-character HERE before, but at the end of the day I think it does come down to practice. I've only been writing fic for two years, but I've been making stories up in my head with characters from media in-character for more than a decade before that. It's a dance of getting familiar enough with the original media and the character in-situ to the point of "knowing" them well enough to predict what they would do in new situations. My way of doing this is obsessively watching the Thing and thinking about it for Hours and Hours, which is just what I'm doing anyway because I love the thing/character and I have a Super Normal Brain.
A quick rehash of what I wrote in that above, linked post - it's about being familiar with their speech patterns, what motivates them, their relationships with others, how they show emotions, etc.
(Adding a read-more because boy howdy i got long-winded. Very detailed thoughts on writing Five below. TLDR of it all, writing Five is a balance. He is an old man who has seen and experienced horrific things and his thoughts and actions should always reflect that. He's also spent almost no time in the real world or with people, and he should also reflect that. His logic can be internally sound but backwards. His family is his complete motivation.)
From there, it's recognizing when you're writing something that isn't quite right - which you seem to be noticing if you're recognizing more "fanon-Five" than "canon-Five" in your writing (which, I'll repeat from the other post, isn't necessarily a bad thing. All just depends on the story you want to write and the Five that feels right to you. There are lots of nuanced ways to interpret his character and there's no one Correct Fic Five). But, working to stay more canon-less-fanon, find that point in which you feel it's not Right and work backwards. What point isn't feeling right?
Is he doing something he probably wouldn't do? Is this actually out of character or are the pressures you're putting him under forcing him to act a certain way, in which case he's actually in-character.
If there isn't that pressure forcing his actions, what should he actually be doing with your given scenario? What does that do to your plot? If it completely breaks your plot, you need to go back and add pressures to herd things in the right direction rather than forcing Five (or any character) to act differently than they normally would to get to the next Plot Point. Or, maybe, where the story goes with Five acting as he would makes for a more interesting turn and better overall plot and story. Up to your judgement as the writer.
Is it dialogue? Is he not talking like Five would? For this, I'd recommend going back and rewatching a few scenes (or a whole episode, season, show), get his speech patterns and word choice back in your head.
A general recommendation I have for writing any character in-character is frequent and regular rewatches of at least parts of the source material, so that canon-version stays fresh in your mind around all the creative things you're doing with them.
That's generally just writing Five, but you also asked specifically about writing Five POV, which I don't actually do that often despite always writing about Five. It's tricky, because we have to extrapolate how he thinks from how he acts and talks on-screen (which is why there's no One Correct Fic Five, it's all interpretation). Aidan helps us a lot here with how physical and emotive he is as an actor - we often know exactly how Five feels about anything, which we know colors how he thinks and chooses to act.
The most important thing with Five is to never, ever forget that he is a fifty-eight-year-old man. He's tired, he's old, and he's used to always relying on only himself. He is inexperienced in a lot of the world, he is naive in certain regards because of this, but he is not a child and should not think like one (back to this in a second). He is not good with recognizing or dealing with his own emotions because he's had no experience with them/has been smashing them down deep for decades for survival. His experiences with the apocalypse and the Commission shape his thoughts and ideas a lot, too, so having an idea for yourself on what those times in his life were like for him can help you a lot in making him consistent. I have a whole wip on Five's time in the apocalypse that I'm slowly writing but is more or less complete in my head that all my Fives in all my fics draw from (you've probably noticed the repeat elements of that). He has almost always experienced something worse than what he's dealing with in the moment and that should be reflected in how he's thinking about what is happening around him when there are Problems. If he can downplay how bad a thing is to himself, he doesn't have to be as worried and can have more confidence that he can deal with it. It's a survival mechanism.
Back to the tack I put above, it's to come back to how I, at least, write Five's thought patterns. It's a balance of that he is very experienced and capable and that naivety about how the world works (childish in the sense of inexperience but not in the way he thinks about it). Five is very logical, very methodical, but that logic can be only internally logical. His logic to solving anything is built on habits and limitations of growing up and living completely alone in the apocalypse, so they can be backwards in the real, modern world. Five can be really stupid because he gets stuck on his One Solution. I think letting Five be stupid is an important part of writing him because he does cause a lot of his own problems by getting stuck on one line of thinking. When he hits a dead end he tends to self destruct and Drink, until he or someone else finds him a new thread that might work and then he's off again.
It's all about the balancing between that he is very smart and capable so his thoughts and actions should reflect that, that he's impulsive and very confident (so he is going to act on his first idea rather than necessarily continue thinking to find if there's a better solution; if that fails, then he'll move on to the next idea), and that he is drawing from a very specific set of life-experiences to accomplish things to create his particular brand of logic. I try to hit that in my... I think only few examples of writing Five's POV in Had Worse, A Rusty Cog, and the couple chapters in Sometimes Age Comes Alone.
The final piece for writing Five, which is maybe a headcanon but is so supported in the show, is that he loves a tremendous, incredible, painful amount and his determination is second to none. Everything he does is motivated by his family. His own self-preservation and happiness comes second to theirs, nothing matters more than that his family is Alive. His personal feelings on one thing or another are very low priority when it comes to accomplishing this - he can survive four decades of isolated hell and insanity if it means there's a chance he can get them back, he can kill hundreds of people in cold blood if it gets him to where he needs to go. He doesn't like it, but when has it ever mattered what he likes.
At the end of the day, it's all a big balance that just takes practice to hit. Don't be afraid of rewriting until you've got what you like and there's no one correct way to write him.
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ghosttbeef · 1 year
ok so MAJORAS MASK! I have the 3DS version, and I started it back when i was in highschool, but I didnt make it far (barely defeated the woodfall temple iirc). I just defeated the Great Bay temple and am starting Ikana Canyon, but here's... a rough summary of the journey so far under the cut!
deku link my beloved.......... he is just so small and cute. and haunting but yknow. I love the sound it makes when he walks
i am having a much easier time with shooting this time around- I remember hating the motion control aiming the first I played this, and it's definitely ROUGH on the 3DS, but it comes so much easier now that i've played hours and hours of splatoon lmaooo
i must have completely skipped the deku shrine the first time, or maybe blocked it out. hall of fucking misery. i had to redo this like 8 times
GORON TIME... i stopped somewhere after getting to this area the first time. The gorons are fun i love them.... rolling around also extremely fun.
also I love the giant terrifying masked smithy guy Gabora. I remember very distinctly laughing when i first got there and he flails at you grumbling indistinctly while the chipper shop music plays
this temple kicked my ass bc i thought i was just really really bad at navigation and remembering where things are (something very true about me, it's good i cant drive) but Really it was just because there was a trigger panel on the wall I didn't notice. teehee
i did the goron races several times.... i won it on the last day and then realized i'd need to do it on the first day to be able to upgrade the sword, so i reset time and did it again for the sword upgrade. but then.... baby goron and elder goron still said the same things so i thought I had to like... win again. i did not that did not change anything. I probably did this godforsaken race like 30 or 40 times.
I love elder goron by the way LMAO
also? kinda fucked up that they're expecting me to become their next leader and I can't explain anything. I'm literally just some kid, their beloved hero is dead, and as far as i know their beloved Darmani is just going to disappear again. Like- at least with the Deku, i know there is someone who mentions their son going missing and missing him, but at least it wasn't like... a community figure people looked up to who was missed.
I just happened to make it to the Romani Ranch too late to hear Romani's explanation of the Alien Ghost Things so i stuck around, and BOY HOWDY WAS IT AN EXPERIENCE when they just. started fucking descending.
anyway I helped them and it's horsey time
I also did some stuff around town- I have the Keaton Mask (but i haven't finished this questline) and Kabara's Mask. I love that that one just, completely erases and make's Kabara's face just... a fucked up polyp on your head. 10/10
great bay temple time.............................................
Gerudo my beloved :) (even if i had to restart the pirate temple bc of Time)
Mikau is a dweeb i love him. that said, just like with Darmani- FEELS WEIRD and bad that Nobody Knows It's Really Me and that he's dead and gone, and will just vanish. It's really tragic! Especially after getting Lulu's voice back! Fucked up!
fuck the beaver game FUCK the beaver game. I redid phase one like five times and then they said. you have to do it again but harder
Zora link's water movements are really janky- it feels like regular swimming, zora swimming, and charged swimming all work COMPLETELY different but it's not always clear when you're doing which- and the camera is very uncooperative as well, which was felt much moreso in the temple.
THAT ALL SAID I ADORED THIS TEMPLE. Def my fav so far- I know water temples are infamous for being hell on earth but I had fun with this one, and I liked the design of it a lot, and the minibosses were great- especially Wart! Looking around in confusion only to look up and make Eye Contact with a giant horrifying mass of little orbs. EXCELLENT
THAT ALL SAID PART 2. fuck Gyorg. I had to reset time in my first fight with him because the second phase took so long- and even then it still took like...an entire day of slowed-time. Having to wait until he gets close to mines only for him to more often than not only spit out piranhas was infuriating. I understand that a lot of the things I've complained about here are pretty 3DS specific port things, which SUCKS
anyway. ikana canyon time :) i forgot to say, but I got the Garo mask already doing the horse race to kill time for the Romani Ranch events. (Which i also had to try several times... minigames in this want me dead)
paging @neoanimus specifically bc i know you've been enjoying these updates on twitter
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baladric · 2 years
🌟 please ramble about any fic you're working on! For more specific questions tho: how do you pick titles for your fics? Also got any more thoughts about Cala/Beshelar?
somethingsomething pirate au somethingsomething consumes my thoughts somethingsomething fuck i cannot wait to have the time and energy to sit down with it again, because oh my GOD it's just sitting in the doc, paused in the middle of what will be, in reader hindsight (if not also reader presentsight) and absolutely fucking HEARTWRENCHING conversation, and it drives me to distraction a;ldkfjalw;kfdjsf SOON.......... i would extemporize more but i feel like everyone who keeps track of me has heard everything i can really say about it without defeating the purpose of reading the thing!!!!!!
also thinking again about a breath of the wild fic i started this time last year and dropped—mostly in the sense of pining for the lovely little jaunt it was taking me on, not so much in the "gonna FINISH THIS PUPPY" sense! basic plot breakdown on that was og link for real dies during the calamity and botw link has grown up as Just Some Guy and he's just. so fuckin lovely without the burden of heroism???
a thought/grief that uhhHHH Definitely Primed Me for breaking out into the pirate au bc boy howdy how lovely would MAIA be if given the chance to grow up without the burden of Literally Fucking Everything a;dfkljawdf
as for titles!! love that question, and the answer used to be "paw through both richard siken's crush and anne carson's sappho translations until i find something," but is now a lot more in line with a vibe check? like for instance, the pirate au has gone through about 5 different titles, including "a hunger under my skin," "saying your names," and "with a wonder and a wild desire"—but, because titling a thing really seems to come down to being able to hold the thing in our hands and study it as a whole, completed piece, the actual title will come when we've typed the last words and taken a breath. (presently it's titled "maia pIRATE", yes that is case sensitive)
tbh i just have a google doc of song lyrics that punch me in the face at this point, so i can pull something quick in a pinch, such as "all the sinners, saints" and "with a curse and a caterwaul"
and BOY HOWDY do i have thoughts on cala/beshelar?!?!?!!! i swear to god i am gonna roll up with a whole-ass overwrought fic about them, i just. clenches.. fist..... the amount of time i spend thinking about not just the vows nohecharei give to their emperor, but the vows they give to each other, because like. that's just. marriage, buddy. joined for life, to support each other and turn your heads to a shared purpose?? cohabitation??? the promise of a shared tomb???? their deaths belong to EACH OTHER!! their lives belong to MAIA!!!!! they are IN LOVE and FUCKING NASTY EVERY (OTHER) NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!
(i want to write smut i want to write smut i want to write smut i want to wr—)
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wytfut · 1 year
Well...   it obvious, I dwell on topics. Probably too much. But an earworm will get into my itty bitty head.... and will not stop, on and off all day. Sometimes when I come here to write, I come too early. But my head just doesn’t have the patience to wait. Then I end up editing. This very well maybe one of those times.
My topic here, may insult some folks. Not my purpose. And it may look small and petty. Also not my purpose. 
Nothing on this blog site I write is to change minds/insult anyone. Nor is it to make me look better or pity. Its my opinion well thought out or not. Hopefully its somewhat entertaining, and maybe you’ll go “hmmm”....  No, I’m not better than your or anyone else. Please just let me be me.
I grew up in a “hard core” Methodist family. It comes from the mostly German community out N. W. of Grand Island called Boelus, where my blood line comes from. 
Both sets of my farming Grandparents were involved in a big way with the local Methodist church. 
On one side of the family it wasn’t unusual to break into a bible study, or prayer at family get togethers. 
One of my favorite Uncles, was a Methodist Minister. I still admire his history/humor/understanding.... just general presense. This guy.... wow.
As I grew up, attending church was mandatory, until I reached 16, and was working at the local Cooper Lincoln movie theatre. Hours would have me coming home late, and hard to get up early. Yeah, I’ll admit it.. I liked that. 
Previously in time, I was in choir, boy scouts, God and Country, Sunday school, and more at times. Don’t forget communion. 
Once in hi school an interesting Teacher, brought to my attention that maybe Christianity may not be the cure all. Something I had never considered. Being Methodist was very boring to me, and was just something I just had to do, like it or not. Other churches I had attended thru funerals/weddings, I found no better. 
Then in college, one of my classes had a lecture from a civil disobedient Native American. His lecture set me off away from the church far and beyond. Honestly, he didn’t talk much about religion, but he brought forth a lot of questions that I could apply to many things I wondered/questioned in my exposure of life.
Things I ponder. Christianity is a smaller portion, of the world religions than what the churches tend to teach. Islam and Muslims are a much larger portion.
Many religions parallel.... not exactly, but similar. And boy howdy the denominations really do.
Many religions have extreme branches of definition. From peace and pleasure, to blood and destroy. 
I think of these things, and witnessed 2 faced folks attending church regularly...  
In the late 60′s I witnessed the “hippy” generation, and huge numbers of the Church’s youth leaving.
Why do churches have to have sooooooooo  much money?  
With a bit of history diving, churches were very influential in politics, many times thorough out history. The bible has been rewritten, and edited many times. Seemingly to make the rules fit to someone's advantage, other than the gospel/church community? I’m not the best person do define bible verses, but some of the context over the years has changed dramatically. 
As we advance technically, another thought comes about. Church not that long ago, was a source of entertainment/community/linking/socializing with others. Especially before radio and/or TV.  I know of several folks of the older generation, missing church was mentally hard, as they’d miss their friends.  Very similar to today and social media via www. 
How do I roll?  I don’t consider myself a Christian, or affiliated with any other religion. Thats too involved for me...  even stressful now. 
If a person tries thru out their life, to be a good person. I think this is all there is to it. As humans we fall down all the time. but as long as we get back up, and keep trying to do the right thing....   that’s it. Yes, the definition of “doing the right thing” can be all over the place. I didn’t say I was good at this.... 
The people that are very good at this (luck, fate, skill) will be remembered. This remembrance is my heaven. I hope when it all ends, I’m remembered as a good person and there are a few good stories about me.
I refuse to bad mouth religions (I have in humor... sorry), and respect them all. I don’t “pray”, but have been known to talk to myself, or my favorite “past” people. Its obvious, religion works for lots of people, very well. Guess I question to many things.
It gets me by daily. I don’t know of any high anxiety that perplexes me. I feel I have a large community around me. I’ve witnessed this community supporting my family several times.  
And best of all...   I’m a pretty happy kind of guy. 
My luck, I maybe completely wrong... that’s the way it usually works for me. But as a past Methodist,.....   God is all forgiving. So as I stand at the pearly gates, there will be a sign hanging on the podium “walk on in”, there will be no judgement ....   I’ll just be Bruce and walk in... 
Watch your step!
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chrissylives929 · 2 years
Uhh howdy I’ve never used Tumblr before but I’m giving it a shot- as my first post, I give you my first ever attempt at writing a story… Critiques are appreciated
“It happened on a Monday night,” he said, “I was only home for maybe an hour, it was a long day, a lot of exams, I was so ready for this year to end. Didn’t realize how easy we had it…”
“It was almost midnight when I heard my sister scream, she was so easily startled,” he laughed. “There was one time the dog jumped on her bed in the middle of the night, I swear, she probably woke up the whole neighborhood, good times.” His voice grew weaker. “I miss her.” He said, tears growing in his eyes.
“I grabbed my little slingshot, expecting some rat or spider was what scared her, the house wasn’t the cleanest, always had a pest problem. Anyway, I quietly strode over to her room, making sure not to scare whatever came out back to its den. I got to the room and saw some kind of red liquid staining the carpet under the door, thought it was Kool-Aid… thought she had the last packet and wasn’t going to share. Assumed she dropped it when she got scared.”
“The door slowly opened, and out stepped Cait. Her white pajamas were slightly torn and heavily stained. I could see her neck was kind of crooked, as if her spine was trying to escape through the side. I yelled at her for potentially waking up our mom, who had gotten home just before I did. All I got in response was silence. She just looked at me. And that’s when I noticed her eyes were gone, in their place was just a dark, blood-like crimson ball, slowly rippling. I stepped back in horror, looking at her once again from afar. I saw now that her shirt wasn’t simply torn, there was a softball sized hole in her chest.”
“Once I realized what had happened, it was too late. What looked like a tentacle shot out of her chest in my direction. I jumped out of the way, only to tumble down the stairs. I didn’t hit anything important, thankfully, i got up, ran to the pantry to grab a bag and some supplies. I knew I wouldn’t be able to come back here, at least, not for a while, so I grabbed everything I could carry and left. When I got outside I saw a red blob slowly rolling up the side of my house towards my mom’s room… I wish I could've saved her.”
He cuts his story short at the sound of rustling in the bushes. The young man jumps over the campfire and runs behind me. I stand in front of and plant myself to the ground, ready to protect him as if he were my own child, even though I’ve only known him for a couple days. I stand at the ready with my machete in one hand, and a smoldering stick in the other. I wonder to myself what kind of horror I’m about to see, and to be honest, I wasn’t disappointed. The head was a deer’s with antlers made of severed human arms, each twitching in their own sporadic pattern. The head was halfway rotten, but the hands have no sign of decay, almost like some disgusting, flesh trophy. My eyes gaze down, beholding the rest of this godforsaken creature. The body is made up of a human torso linked to the withers of a stallion, both with holes where the hearts used to be, and the hindquarters of a goat with the tail chopped off. A mismatch of moose, bear, and horse legs hold up the revolting thing in front of us. Taking what little time I have before it attacks, I can guess it’s been searching for a new husk for a while. Damn. Just my luck. These… things, invade whatever living thing is around and take what they need as a vessel. Judging by what the kid said about his sister, I’m willing to bet “Cait’s” head is somewhere on a Hog’s body or something. Not that it would change much, the boy was relentless on those descriptions.
The monster stares down at us, huffs, and lets out a shriek that, as far as I know, doesn’t naturally come from deer. How do i even describe this? It doesn’t even make any sense. The scratch was like every donor cried at once, hoping for the salvation of death. Two spear-like tentacles shoot out each of the eye sockets of the buck, coming straight at me. I throw the kid out of the way, step back, and strike the bloody blurs with my burnt branch, causing them to shatter like glass. The beast screams out in pain, and rather than using another tendril to strike, it jumps towards us. I kick it in the “chest” and it fell into the fire, sadly it grabbed my shirt with its antlers and ripped part of it off. That was my favorite shirt. Come to think of it, that was my only shirt.
“I’m gonna kill this goddamn thing, don’t you dare stop me, kid,” I snap at him.
“Yes sir.” He sheepishly responds.
Just as I turn around, another red spear rushes towards me. I jump back just in the nick of time as it lodges itself into the ground, only inches in front of me. In a state of what I can only describe of blind rage, stupidity, and vengeance for my shirt, I throw my machete into the fire, leaving it to cook, and start a full-on assault against this ugly beast. It had already gotten back up and started to burn, letting out another terrifying screech. I’m pretty sure its goal is to make me deaf, ‘cause all I hear is ringing, but I’m a man on a mission, and a little tinnitus ain’t gonna stop me. The beast lunges towards me. I step back and grab my machete from the fire, which, in hindsight, it probably wasn’t necessary for me to shove it in there like that, y’know, because hot metal + skin = big ouchie, at least I got a cool scar now… still… yeowch.
As the monster comes towards me for another strike, I slice the human torso in half, causing the upper part to tumble down and hit the dirt. The moment it hit the ground, the arms, deer head, and torso started to solidify into rock. That half of the monster is dead, even down to the original form, horse half’s still up and at it though.
Good news, it’s blinded since I removed the head. Bad news, it’s in a blind rage kicking around… blindly. I grabbed another smoldering stick, which, in my professional opinion, hurt like shit, and looked for an opening. Once I saw it, I leapt onto the back of the horse, honestly I’m surprised the rotting corpse didn’t crumble under my weight. I clamped my legs around it’s body, I took the stick and shoved it into the open hole, burning the parasite inside. I got off it as quickly as I had gotten on, tumbling as I hit the ground.
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the only bad thing about being the person in this corner of the spaghetti western fandom who reads all the novelizations and tells you if they're worth it or not, is that they can be very difficult to find and like twenty to twenty-five dollars a pop for sixties-seventies mass market paperbacks that were never intended to be read more than once
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urwelcomeforthis · 3 years
Alex’s tattoo shows up the day after she punches Marcus Hinkle.
He had been picking on Kara in the hallway, dangling her math book above her head, taking advantage of his summer growth spurt.
Kara still doesn’t know what possessed Alex – Marcus Hinkle had been a thorn in her side since she had landed on Earth and started school a year ago, but whatever the reason, today was the day Alex couldn’t take anymore.
Eliza had been furious. Jeremiah had been (not so) silently proud.
Kara didn’t know what she had felt, really. Especially not when she asked Alex why, and the older girl had just shrugged and said “You’re my sister. It’s what we do.”
Up until this point being sisters meant fights in the hallway over the bathroom and ignoring each other at the dinner table.
Apparently, things were changing.
Kara is just waking up when she hears Alex’s hushed “What the hell?”
“What is it?” She asks, groggily sitting up and wiping at the sleep in her eyes.
Her sister is holding her forearm up, frantically scrubbing at a spot right in the middle, her eyes frantic.
“I don’t…. I don’t know! It’s like a tattoo but I didn’t get a tattoo! Fuck, Mom is going to kill me.” Alex sounds panicked as she continues scrubbing at the spot, and Kara feels her heartbeat speed up.
“You had a tattoo just appear on your skin?” Kara asks slowly, her mind suddenly far away on a planet that doesn’t exist anymore, in a culture she had been forced to leave behind.
Alex stops scrubbing and looks at Kara with a piercing gaze. “Yeah. It’s some funny symbol too, like the way you used to write before you learned English. Did you do this to me?”
Alex leaps off the bed and crosses the room in two quick strides, arm held out like an accusation.
Kara shrinks in on herself a little but nods. “I think so. I didn’t know it was possible here, but well, on Krypton when your soul mate reveals themselves, a tattoo linking you appears. I should have one too, somewhere, if you do.”
Alex stops dead in her tracks, her eyes wide. “Soul mates? But we’re sisters! That’s so gross!”
Jumping up from the bed, hands held up in surrender Kara hastens to explain further. “No! Not like that, I promise! Back home, people had different kinds of soul mates. Sometimes it was the romantic kind like you talk about here on Earth, but other times it could just be a compatible soul, someone who was meant to be a part of you.”
Alex still looks wary, if not relieved, as she tentatively holds out her arm. “So, what does this mean? What kind of soul mates are we?”
Stepping forward Kara delicately traces the symbols on Alex’s forearm. “It literally means “sister of the soul.” Je shesur. The symbol after it is unique, the way we would know we were linked. If this had happened on Krypton it would mean we were soul sisters. Not from the same parents but family just the same.”
Alex nods. “And here on Earth? What does it mean here?”
“The same thing. At least that’s what it means to me.” Kara refuses to meet Alex’s eyes, not sure she wants to see what waits for her there.
There’s a long minute of silence after Alex takes her arm back. The clearing of her throat brings Kara’s eyes up from their place on the ground.
“Where’s yours?” Alex asks, eyes burning with curiosity.
Kara shrugs. “I don’t know. It’s not on my arms like yours is. It must be hidden. Can you look on my back?”
“Sure.” Alex nods. “Lift up your shirt.”
Kara turns and tugs her shirt up and over her head. It takes a moment, but she hears her sister gasp followed by the feel of fingertips against her left shoulder blade.
“It’s the same as mine.” Alex says reverently, and Kara closes her eyes against the emotion welling up there.
Who would have thought she would get to have this piece of home?
“So, I guess I’m stuck with you. For like, ever, huh?” Alex smiles once Kara has turned back around.
Kara grins back. “Yeah, I guess so.”
Alex shrugs. “Could be worse. But you have to tell Mom about this, because she’ll never believe me, and she is going to be pissed that I have a tattoo.”
“Sure, I can tell Mom.” Kara grins, a piece of her heart settling in place. She hasn’t felt at home on Earth, not really, but at this moment she feels like it isn’t all that bad.
The next person to get a tattoo is, interestingly enough, James.
It doesn’t come when they’re dating, or whatever it was that they were doing, no.
It comes after he has revealed himself to be Guardian, and he and Kara have the biggest fight of their friendship.
Kara wakes up the morning after tired, groggy, and more than a little cranky. Its as she’s stripping down to get in the shower that she notices it – the Kryptonese scrawled along the inside of her right bicep.
Throniv Shesur. Protector of the soul.
Kara heaves a deep, deep, sigh and grabs her phone.
She meets James at the DEO, both tentative around each other after the yelling match of the day before.
“So. I woke up with a tattoo. Kryptonese. Any idea what that’s about?” James looks smug, like he’s won some kind of battle with Kara and god, at that moment she wishes they were in the training room and she could just punch him.
“Yeah. I did too. It means “protector of the soul.” She crosses her arms against her chest, desperately trying to hold onto her anger from yesterday but the wide grin on James’ face is making it hard.
“I know. I asked Clark first thing since I figured you’re still pissed at me. He was a little surprised, but he translated it for me.”
“Where’s it at?” Kara asks, still pretending to be upset but truthfully it was hard given the glaring message from home telling her that James was meant to be Guardian. That they were meant to protect each other. Protect others together.
“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.” James says with a waggle of his eyebrows and that’s what finally breaks Kara, a laugh ringing out across the room.
It wasn’t who she expected to have a tattoo, not in this way at least, but if it had to be anyone, she’s glad it’s James.
Mon-El doesn’t get a tattoo. Kara wishes she were more disappointed.
The last person to get a tattoo is someone Kara had desperately hoped both would and would not get a tattoo.
For a long time, she feared what that tattoo would be, if it were to happen. She feared having to explain it, having to explain herself.
She had checked with Clark a few times, when paranoia would get the better of her.
No, he always told her. Lex did not have a tattoo. They were enemies, yes, but it hadn’t been decided by destiny or fate. It just was.
That mollified Kara because she couldn’t stand it if she and Lena were to become Clark and Lex. She would fight against it, fight against fate to keep it from happening.
And then, well. It kind of happens anyways.
They aren’t enemies, not really. Lena just hates Kara and aims a few Kryptonite cannons at her and tries to mind control the entire planet, but really everyone is allowed a brief lapse of their sensibility, right?
And what matters is she came around, in the end.
It did take time, however, for them to build back to what they once had. It was different now, but in the way that things once broken and fixed usually are.
It was better, if anything.
They were back to shared lunches and dinners, quick breakfasts and coffee breaks. They were back to game nights as partners and movie nights as friends, and the occasional sleepovers as best friends.
Things were finally back to normal, so of course Kara had to go and absolutely, irrevocably, mess it up.
It was Alex’s fault, really.
If she hadn’t said anything, if she hadn’t asked Kara what was up between her and Lena lately, Kara probably never would have stopped to think about it.
She never would have stopped to think about the way her heart sped up when Lena entered a room, or the way her palms got sweaty when they hugged, or the way she just could not stop staring at Lena when she laughed at game nights.
But now she had thought of it and had come to the very scary conclusion that she was in love with her best friend.
Her best friend who didn’t have a tattoo.
She would, after all this time, have a tattoo, the tattoo, if they were meant to be together, right?
Kara mulls it over for weeks. It haunts her. She asks Lena about tattoos, and if she has any.
She learns that yes, in fact Lena does have tattoos and boy howdy one of them is on her lower back and it is seared into the back of her eyes now that she has seen it.
But she doesn’t have any kryptonian tattoos, which is really what Kara was aiming for.
Much like it was Alex’s fault that Kara even realized she was in love, it’s also Alex who reminds Kara of one important detail.
“Well I didn’t get my tattoo until after I punched what’s his face. Maybe you have to tell Lena how you feel and then she’ll get the tattoo.”
Kara feels dumb struck, right there on her own couch, because of course, Alex is right.
The tattoos always come after the person has already revealed themselves.
Then of course comes the true fear: what if she tells Lena and she still doesn’t get a tattoo?
That’s the question she’s mulling over the next night as she and Lena sit on her couch watching some documentary that had been put on Netflix.
Lena looks beautiful, face bare of makeup, hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun, glasses slipping down her nose.
She’s eating a piece of pizza, a rare treat after a long week of work, and Kara decides that it doesn’t matter if Lena doesn’t get a tattoo.
She’s hopelessly, desperately in love with the woman and she can’t let a tattoo that may or may not come dictate her life.
“I’m in love with you, you know.” Kara blurts out, like this isn’t a life changing moment, like it’s the easiest thing in the world to say. (It is.)
Lena chokes a little on the bite she was swallowing, her hand coming up to her chest as she sets down the slice.
“Excuse me?”
Kara laughs. She’s never felt more free than in this moment. “I’m in love with you. I just thought you should know.”
Lena looks at her, shock written all over her face. “Oh. I guess that’s good.”
“Just good?” Kara nudges Lena’s thigh with her knee.
Lena shakes her head. “I mean it’s more than good, considering I’m in love with you too.”
“Yeah?” Kara could float up to the moon, she thinks.
Lena smiles, nose crinkled. “Yeah.”
It’s the next morning that Lena calls and asks if Kara can stop by. She has this tattoo she didn’t have yesterday, right on her ribcage, and it looks like it’s Kryptonian.
Kara frantically searches her own body, finding the script on her hip, on the left side.
Zhao Shesur. Love of the soul.
It took them five years to get to this point, but Kara knows, this moment was more than worth the wait.
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noisyquokka · 3 years
For Charity ~ Streamer!Eric
pairing: Eric x gn!Reader (Ft. Sunwoo & SKZ Felix)
genre: just some comedic fluff my dudes
length: 3.4k
warnings: N/A
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Gist ~ Taking care of a very stubborn Eric after coming home to find him streaming for hours without any food. And clowning on his gaming skills~ but it's all for a good cause!
A/N: Howdy, friends. It's been a -- hot second 🥴 -- since I've last posted, but here I am with a random one-shot that I had started months ago. I felt like now was the perfect time to post it in honor of one of my favorite boy's birthdays, and while we're at it, maybe actually doing some good this holiday with some charity!
I'm talking about✨Thankmas 2021!✨ You can find out more by clicking the link, but this year is focused on raising money to build houses for those in less fortunate situations. I'm pretty sure donations are accepted up until the New Year so if you can give even a dollar or two, it would help out those less fortunate. Charity is something very close to my heart and I always love being a part of something as big as Thankmas was this year. Anywho, that's enough from me, I think. I proofread this at 3am so apologies if there's still a few errors /.\
When you came home from running errands, the last thing you expected to walk in on were the sounds of a defeated man.
You set the bags down on the kitchen counter, glancing around the apartment. It was clear nothing had been cooked since you left with no evidence of dirtied dishes anywhere.
No response. Well, unless frustrated groans were considered a response. You sighed, glancing down the hallway.
Eric had told you he was gonna be partaking in a charity stream with friends today which was the reason for your going out. You'd had some things to get done but you also didn't want to be in the way. What he didn't mention was what genre of games he'd be playing. All you knew was he usually enjoyed himself. Today was an exception.
"Dude, that's a dead-end," Felix said, watching Eric's character fall off the platform for the umpteenth time.
"Yeah, thanks, Captain Obvious." Eric's jaw tensed, trying his best to focus on the game and not his friend's laughter. "These controls suck!"
"No, you just suck at the game." Sunwoo quipped.
"I don't suck at the game, I'm just getting used to the controls."
That was a lie. They'd been playing this game for roughly an hour and Eric had gotten considerably worse at the game. No one genuinely complained, only teased. After all, him dying to his own stupidity was pretty good content which, in turn, garnered donations. It's safe to say everyone but Eric was having fun...
"Jesus, am I gonna have to carry both of you through this entire game?"
"What do you mean carry both of us!?" Sunwoo chastised, pressing the jump button to kill his teammate. Felix's suffering wasn't enough to satisfy Eric, who could be heard mashing keys through the mic. Hysterical laughter ensued at the sight of his character jumping off the platform and Eric groaned, throwing his hands in the air.
"I don't know how to play this game!!"
He was so infatuated with trying to beat the level that he didn't hear the door creak open. You leaned against the door jam for a moment, taking in the scene before you. It was clear Eric was in a lazy mood today, evident by the sweats and hoodie he donned since the morning. You quietly padded across the floor, stopping behind your boyfriend's chair. If he hadn't been so focused on the game, Eric would've probably noticed the comments in the chat that signaled your presence. Your fingers found the band of his headphones, sliding them off of his head. He turned his attention to you, the harsh glare on his face softening slightly once he saw you. That didn't go unnoticed by you, however.
"Jesus, what's got you in a tizzy?" You questioned, stepping back with wide eyes. A quick glance at the computer monitor and you recognized the platforming game instantly. "Ohhh, Bloody Trapland?! I love that game!" Eric turned his head back to the monitor with a frown.
"You've played this game? It's actually hell incarnate, I can't get the controls to work right!" He said, frustration clear in his voice. You raised a brow, gesturing for him to scoot over. Instead, he rolled his computer chair back and patted his lap. You sat down, fingers finding the keys on the keyboard to control the tiny pink character that Eric had picked. With a glance at the second monitor, you noticed the Discord call up, Felix and Sunwoo's names on the screen.
"Hey, Lix... Woo..." You said into the mic, hearing both of them greet you through the headphones hanging from your boyfriend's neck. At that, Eric turned the volume up on the headset, loud enough that both of you could hear.
"Finally, some good fucking gameplay!" Felix said, watching as you jumped and dashed across a cavern of lava.
"Dude, shut up! That was a lucky shot." Eric muttered, wrapping an arm around your waist. His eyes focused on the chat comments and donations coming in, smirking at his fans who were clowning on his bad gaming excuses.
"Hah, lucky shot? Says the one who couldn't finish one level!"
"Wait, what?"
Well, that got your attention. Eric? Your video game-loving boyfriend who was good at almost every game he's ever played!? Unable to finish one level in Bloody Trapland? That sounded nothing like him.
"This game has bad controls." He said, keeping himself busy with the audience's comments. You scoffed, getting the character to the end of the level.
"Babe, we've both seen our fair share of bad controls! If I could play this at ten years old, no problem, then you can play it at twenty!" You muttered, really starting to focus on the game. "Besides that, aren't you like... a professional gamer or whatever?"
Eric rolled his eyes at the sound of the guys praising your trash talk. You turned your attention to him, chuckling at the look he gave you. He felt purely defeated with this game. He sighed, adjusting you on his lap so he could try the next level.
"That's a real low blow, babe... Of course, you could beat it! If you played it as a kid you'd remember some of the mechanics of the game." He tried to sound casual about his jab but you heard the whiny undertone in his voice.
"Aww, baby!" You cooed, cupping the side of his face. "At least your bad gameplay makes up for all the donations coming in. Your rage is all for a good cause." He frowned at your hand that patted his cheek, hearing his friends still cackling in the background.
"I have to say, dude." Felix breathed out, trying to calm his laughter. "It sounds like you're just making excuses."
"I'm not!" Eric groaned, jaw tensing as his character once again dove face-first into the lava. He felt purely defeated, watching his friend's characters jumping around on the platforms at the other side of the level. It was as if those pixelated little shits were mocking him.
"Alright, alright," You chuckled, pulling Eric's hands away from the keyboard. "As entertaining as this might be, let's take a second to compose ourselves for Eric's sake."
You could tell he was trying not to show his full frustration on stream. He wasn't exactly a rage gamer type of guy. But right now, he was tense. You'd never seen Eric rage. Maybe only in a joking sense, but never seriously. You sure didn't feel like witnessing it right now. You also weren't sure if he heard you, watching him place his fingers back on the controls. Your hands found his again, pulling them towards you.
"Hang on a sec, babe. Take a breath." You said, lacing your fingers with his in an attempt to calm him. This time, he did as you asked, taking some time to calm his nerves as best as he could. After a few moments, his fingers found which keys he needed on the keyboard, pressing down to bring the small character to life once again. You knew Eric could get through one level. Sure, the levels were a bit challenging but it was nothing he couldn't handle! You watched as he managed to wall-jump up the cavern and panic dash to not die from a ball of lava. At this, you threw your arms up in celebration, wrapping them around your boyfriend's neck.
"See! You did it ba-"
You were so close to finishing your praise. So close to giving him the biggest smooch on the cheek. But Eric's suffering wasn't over yet, according to Sunwoo. You glanced at the screen as soon as you heard the laughter from Discord, both boys losing their goddamn minds. Then your eyes glanced at the main monitor; the reason for the hysteria. Eric's character was no longer in the spot he'd managed to get to. Instead, Sunwoo's blue character stood in his place, surrounded by the pixelated blood of his teammate. Your smile fell.
"I might kill..." Eric muttered, leaning back in his computer chair. "Guys, I-I might kill."
"Alright, you know what, you've been streaming for..." You squinted at the screen, "fucking hell, 5 hours!? And you haven't eaten?"
"How'd you know?"
"The lack of dirty dishes in the kitchen."
Eric stayed silent. He had to admit, he was hungry! The mere thought of food had his stomach grumbling but he wasn't very worried about that right now, focusing back on the game. You couldn't allow that, however, grabbing his hands and sliding off his lap.
"Nooo, baby, hang on!" Eric whined, trying to unlatch your fingers from his. You hummed in disapproval, taking the headset from around his neck.
"You need to eat, Er. You haven't eaten all day." You said, trying your best to usher him out of his chair. "I'm sure the boys can keep the stream going until you come back!"
"Y/N's right, bro. Go eat, you gotta stay sharp for the rest of the stream!" Felix said, finishing the level they were on. Eric sighed, closing the game hesitantly.
"Fine, but I'll be back to kick some ass!" He said, both of you waving to his audience before he set up his highlight reel for the next fifteen minutes. You reached for his arm, pulling him towards the kitchen.
It didn't take long to figure out what to eat, Eric insisting on something quick and simple. You rolled your eyes but shoved a couple of microwavable dinners in, grabbing two sodas from the fridge.
"Hey babe, check this out," Eric said, sliding his phone across the table. You picked it up, recognizing the social media app as Twitter. He'd pulled up his notifications, all of them recent. Your eyes scanned each one, noticing a pattern; you were mentioned in a good handful of them. You tapped the first mention that caught your eye, reading the message to yourself.
"So Y/N just broke into Eric's stream to teach him how to play Bloody Trapland and get him to eat and my week has been made!"
You chuckled, scrolling through more wholesome responses.
"Just wanna say a big thank you to Eric's S/O for taking care of him! We all know he deserves a break sometimes."
"Y/N and Eric need to do more streams together cause they're so freakin' adorable!"
"Everyone say thank you Y/N for taking good care of our gamer boy!"
You couldn't help the infectious smile that spread on your face. Eric's fans were always so supportive of him, including his relationship with you. He interrupted your scrolling, setting your food down in front of you.
"Okay," He took his phone from your hand, ignoring your protest, "Time to eat!"
You scoffed but grabbed your utensils, mixing up the microwave dinner well before digging in. A comfortable silence took over the space for a minute or so until you spoke up.
"The fans are right, you know," You shot Eric a teasing grin, blowing on your food carefully. He rolled his eyes at your comment, taking a swig of his soda.
"And what exactly are they right about, my dear?"
You chuckled at his term of endearment, noting the mocking tone laced in his voice. It was obvious he was still a little butthurt about his gaming skills, especially the fact that you were playing better than he was. You shifted your gaze back to your love, a smile gracing your lips.
"You do deserve a break. And before you cut me off-" You said, quirking a brow his way because you knew that he was about to do just that. "-and say you'll be off all week, I'd like to reiterate that you deserve a break, not just around your birthday and the Holidays."
Eric sighed, shaking his head at you. You knew him too well. He loved what he did, of course, but he realized that sometimes he didn't take care of himself as well as he could. It seemed as if it was a part of the streamer lifestyle; you just keep going and never stop and settle down. He was more than thankful to have you around on days like today. You kept him grounded and stable to the 'here and now'. Even though he couldn't always admit it, Eric needed that. He needed you.
You brought him out of his thoughts when you reached for his hand, lacing your fingers with his. There it was; that warm and fuzzy feeling that he got whenever he found your gaze. And that smile. Oh, that smile of yours! Eric swore it was his kryptonite, the one thing that could bring him to his knees. And-
"Eat up, you dork! You'll have all the time in the world to admire me later." You laughed, tapping him on the hand before you got up to rinse out your bowl. Eric couldn't help but chuckle to himself. Did he really just lose himself in his thoughts twice?
He quickly finished up his dinner, sliding out of his seat and placing his own bowl in the sink. It had been almost twenty minutes since he left his stream, but he wanted to properly thank you first. You had made your way further into the apartment while Eric was busy, although there weren't too many places you could have gone. When he stepped into your shared bedroom, he expected you to be laying in bed with a book as you normally would have been in the early evening. However, you were nowhere to be seen. He tried your office next, but again, no sign of you. A sigh left him, wondering where in the world you could have been. Until...
"Ah, Crap!"
Eric heard that. His brows knitted together, turning out of your office doorway to glance down the hallway of the apartment. He was as quiet as a cat, stalking down the hall with slow steps, eyes narrowed in a mischievous manner as he came up to his recording room door. Quietly, he turned the doorknob, pushing it open slowly to peek through the crack.
You jumped in the computer chair, turning to the doorway where your boyfriend stood leaning against the doorframe. His lips curled into an amused smirk, arms crossed over his chest like a father finding their kids sneaking around for Christmas presents.
"What, you thought you could steal the love and adoration from my fans?" He asked, walking up to his desk. You laughed at his pettiness, feeling his arms lift you from the chair so he could sit down himself, resting you back on his lap.
"It wouldn't be too hard if you keep playing this game!" You joked, finishing the ninth level for the team. Felix and Sunwoo could be heard chuckling in the background once again, and Eric rolled his eyes. Enough was enough, he had to shut you three up now.
"Now that I've eaten, I'd like to think that my gaming skills are back to normal, thank you very much!" He said matter-of-factly, grasping your fingers in the same manner as you had done to him earlier that evening. You turned to the now confident-looking boy, shooting him a challenging grin.
"Alright, then." You gestured to the keyboard before you, settling your hands in your lap, "Go ahead, Mr. Gamer Boy! Let's see if you're as good as you insist you are."
Eric chuckled, knowing your words were all in good fun. He found the right keys, waiting for Felix to load the next level.
"Maybe we should go back to a lower level?" Felix asked, mockery laced in his tone.
"Oh, shut up and go to the next level, dude!"
The three of you laughed in unison, earning a scowl from Eric. He'd never hear the end of this if he didn't manage to clear a level, so there he was, hyperfocused on his dashes and jumps and timing everything so he could get to the opposite side of the sandy level. Of course, there were a few mistakes here, a few mishaps there, but overall he managed. He noticed how you tried and failed a few times to distract him, whether it was subtle jabs and pokes into his side or a hand on his forearm. None of that worked though, as he was too focused on the task at hand.
"If you manage to get over here, I won't spare you." Sunwoo quipped as Eric's pink character got closer to the end platform.
"When I manage to get over there, I'm gonna use your dumb blue face to finish the level!"
You chuckled at Eric's confidence, watching as he dashed across the sandy void and landed even closer to his streamer fiend. Sunwoo scoffed through the discord call, and even though you couldn't see him, you could tell he was wearing that familiar teasing grin on his face.
"Well then, wise guy. Come and get m-"
It was then that the pixels exploded, what was once a blue little character was red splatters all over the dry desert platform. Replaced by none other than the pink little character that Eric had chosen, quickly scurrying to the left of the screen to finish the level. You couldn't stop the smile that spread on your face at the sound of Eric's celebratory cackle. His hands fisted the air as he laid back in his chair, eyes closed in bliss from finally beating a level. Finally!
"God, it took you long enough!" Felix chuckled, waiting for the game to load back to the level select screen.
"I can still kill you, y'know." Eric sing-songed, and as you turned to him, you saw the content smile on his face. Felix sighed in mock relief.
"Oh, if it'll get me out of this perpetual hell faster, please!"
"Alright, you two! Simmer down!" You laughed, taking control of the character once again. "Eric, are you gonna play?"
"Honestly, I never wanna touch this game again! I might implode on myself." He muttered, inviting you and the boys to laugh at his dramatics. Real classy, you thought. His arms wrapped around your torso as you focused on the game, leaping and wall jumping to your success.
"You beat one level! That's not very Gamer Boy of you, babe!" You teased. He rested his chin on your shoulder, shrugging slightly.
"I enjoy watching you play more, and I think chat does too." He said, eyeing the chat going crazy over the commentary between not only Eric and his friends, but you two as well. "Plus, the donos aren't doing too bad! We're almost up to 30K."
"Damn, I think it's all Y/N's natural talent oozing through the stream." Sunwoo quipped, trying his best to focus on the game, "There's no way Eric's gameplay is bringing in that much money-- Hey!"
"I'm sorry, bro, you were in the way!" You laughed, dashing under a boulder. "But please, continue about how naturally talented I am!"
Chaos ensued once again, laughter mixing through the discord call as the three of you played while Eric watched intently. And more chaos ensued as the little characters did their best to not perish from saws or boulders. Or their God's stupidity, because all of you were just mashing keys to get to your collective destinations.
"Honestly, Y/N, why don't you start streaming yourself?" Felix asked. Your eyes widened at that. You? Streaming? You hadn't really thought of it.
"That could be a lot of fun, honestly!" Sunwoo added. You heard Eric chuckle behind you.
"The only reason you say that is because you know they'll carry your sorry ass in any game!"
"No!" Sunwoo's tone gave him away and you laughed, shaking your head.
"I guess I could think about it. Eric would have to give me a few tips since I'm not a professional streamer like the rest of you." You smirked, trying to focus on the game whilst catching the response from chat on the other monitor.
'Ok, but actually-'
'MORE Y/N! MORE Y/N 🥺🥺🥺'
'If there aren't couples streams, I'll perish!'
It seemed as though most of Eric's chat was hellbent on the both of you streaming together. Even if it meant just you two streaming on his channel more, it brought a smile to your face.
"Chat seems interested." You heard Eric's amused tone behind you, his arms tightening around you. You hummed in response, still focused on completing the level to move onto the next world.
"Well, we'll just have to see what transpires!"
Kinda left this open for a Part 2 👀 Lemme know what y'all think and I may do a Part 2 although let's be honest, I'll most likely do it anyways
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laf-outloud · 3 years
Jared Padalecki - Solo Panel Denver Con 2021 Favorite Bits - Part II
Sorry it got so long! Here's Part II (and here's a link to Part I)
Something he's good at, but embarrassed by - he knows exactly where this question would go and looks to the drummer and just shakes his head!
Answer is: Super Smash Brothers for Nintendo64. Favorite character, Pikachu - and now I need a gif on repeat of Jared saying Pika!
When did he finally understand Sam Winchester as a character? (Great question!)
Jared learned along the way, but really cemented in Sacrifice. Where his motivating factor was his desire to not let his brother down. As far back as the pilot he went with Dean because he didn't want to let his brother down.
Go-to Karaoke song - Jared doesn't really have one, but he's a fan of Saved by the Bell and Dennis Haskins did Karaoke all the time. Jared got up and sang with him! (Video please!!!)
Senior Quote - Jared: "I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken," (jokingly) Favorite: "Pain is mandatory, suffering is optional." It's an optimistic, inspiring quote. "If you see pain for what it is, you don't have to let it make you suffer."
Also - "Congraduations!" (Another rimshot - 7 to 1 for Jared)
How to build optimism and hope in kids. Jared mentions that Odette is a handful. Are we surprised? LOL!
"If you can see someone who's different than you and still love them and accept them for who they are, life is bountiful and your options for happiness is endless."
Also read Dr. Suess. I concur!!!
Jared saying Howdy!
Jared's favorite version of Sam is Soulless Sam. He was a difficult puzzle to solve. Jared wants to use his own experience to create the character and the only thing he could latch onto was math. He also talked about Forensics in High School (going from one character to another.) He demonstrated and it looked very much like what he did with Sam and Gadreel.
Trust-fundy Sam had really tight pants!
Go-to for low self-esteem: Refers back to previous quote. Two thoughts - Go Inward (meditate) or Go Outward - Do something nice for someone else.
Jared blames Jensen for any pranks/farts around James Marsters (but was impressed with him for doing a speech in one-take - reference a Jim Beaver style professional). Loved that Jim Beaver is a style!!!
Helping young men be emotionally vulnerable (in an alternative high school). Jared's nice about it and talks about allowing a safe space for listening, but (my own opinion) he is not a psychiatric professional! Please save these questions for the professionals, not actors.
With a fan who's exceptionally nervous, he asks her questions to help it along. He's so nice! She asks if Sam's traits show up in Walker, but Jared tries to make each character separate, but sometimes writers see Jared behind the character and start to write to that. There may be Jared-isms written into Walker.
If SPN came back, how would it and would Jared be involved? Jared would love to see the boys again. Jared has some ideas (as do others). He'd like to do it.
Create a character for Stephen Amell on SPN Jared's pals with Stephen, who's pals with Ackles and they're all pals! Stephen would need a character with dry wit and that he couldn't stand on a step. (Jared pisses him off with his height! LOL!)
Clif comes up for the last question - Jared references Folsom Prison Blues.
Jared has special friends everywhere!
LOL! Jared hugs Rob, but goes under and Rob goes over! How does that even work with the height difference?
He always does a great job of interacting with the audience members and letting them speak as well (even if some of us want more Jared talking and less audience talking). While I wish there were some deeper questions, I do appreciate the love the fans had for him and the lack of controversial questions! Jared did a great job!
(For sample questions that could be asked at future cons, click here.)
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bibbawrites · 4 years
I Want Your Midnights - Owen Joyner x Female Reader (SMUT - 18+)
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Request: NONE 
Word Count: 2568 words
Summary: You bring your boyfriend Owen home for your family New Years party, which ends with you getting a little more than a New Years kiss 
Warnings: swearing, mentions of drinking, oral s*x (both male and female receiving), squirting, slight overstimulation 
A/N: this is literally just 2.5k words of self indulgent babble lol so this idea came into my mind and I couldn’t get it out, i know i should be working on requests but i just had to write this, sorry!  as i said, this is very self indulgent, the way new years is described is exactly how my family and our neighbours (who are close friends at this point lol) celebrate each year so i couldn’t help myself  sorry for any typos, its 4am lol  hope you enjoy it! 
Tag List (let me know if you want to be added, removed or if you change your url): @happinessinthedarkesttimes​ @littlemissaddict @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic @headheartbellarke @lovesanimals​ 
Every single year your family celebrated New Years Eve exactly the same way. 
Your neighbours across the road would set up a table and chairs on their driveway, and your family and your next door neighbours would head across the road for a barbeque and drinks under the stars, with the Christmas lights that covered the three houses shining in the darkness. 
And then after food the kids would always head inside to play a board game or battle it out on Just Dance, only stopping at midnight to watch the New Years fireworks go off and to run around with sparklers. 
That’s how New Years had been for as long as you could remember. Only this year, things were going to be slightly different. 
You were bringing Owen, your boyfriend of just over a year. You had celebrated New Years apart the year before, opting for a text to wish each other happy new year instead. 
But you’d been dating for over a year now, and you couldn’t wait for Owen to meet your friends and family, and have the chance to ring in the new year together. 
Owen pulled his truck into your parent’s driveway, parking before turning to you, his eyes full of anxiety. 
“You’ll be fine, they’re all gonna love you.” You assured him, grabbing onto his hand. He bit his lip. 
“There’s just so many people to remember.” He sighed slightly. “Give me a recap?” 
You nodded. 
“So you know my family’s names, right? Mum is Alice, Dad James, brothers Tom, Will and Lucas.” You said, and he nodded, so you continued. 
“Rose and Max own the house we’re going to, and their daughter is Sophie. Then our other neighbours, the ones next door, are Graham and Pam, and their daughters Violet and Bella. You’ve met Violet, she’s my best friend, remember?” Owen nodded again. 
“I think I’ll survive your family, it’s just everyone else I’m worried about.” He told you. You rubbed your thumb over the back of his hand. 
“It will be okay. I’ll make sure to introduce everyone when we get over there, okay?” You said, leaning across the car to press a soft kiss to his lips. “Now we should probably get inside and see if Mum needs help with anything.” 
You climbed out of his truck, walking around to his side of the car and waiting for him to hop out, grabbing onto his hand when he did. He locked his truck and with a last reassuring squeeze you were leading him around to the front of your house. 
“Do we knock?” He questioned as you reached the door. You giggled and shook your head. 
“Knock knock!” You called out, opening the front door. 
“It’s open.” Your mum’s voice called back from the kitchen. You led Owen down the hallway and into the kitchen, smiling widely when you saw your mum and dad stood behind the bench. 
“Look what the cat dragged in.” Your mum joked, and you dropped Owen’s hand to give her a quick hug, then your dad next. When you stepped back he grabbed onto you again. 
“Mum, Dad, this is my boyfriend Owen. Owen, this is my mum Alice, and my dad James.” You introduced. 
“It’s very nice to meet you sir and ma’am.” Owen smiled, and you squeezed his hand to reassure him. 
“Oh please, call us Alice and James dear. It’s so nice to meet you, I’ve heard so much about you I feel like I already know you.” Your mother laughed. “This one never shuts up about you.” 
You pouted. 
“Don’t expose me.” You said. Owen grinned. 
“It’s okay baby. if you asked my mum she’d say exactly the same thing.” He told you and you smiled up at him, before turning your attention back to your parents. 
“Is there anything you need taken across the road?” You asked and your dad nodded. 
“We were just about to take the chairs over, do you want to tell the boys and we’ll all head over now?” He suggested and you nodded, dragging Owen behind you as you went to find your three brothers. 
After introducing Owen to your brothers and collecting the chairs from your garage, the seven of you headed across the road to where your neighbours had already set up the table and barbeque. 
“Hello everyone!” Rose greeted from her spot next to the table with Sophie, as you made your way up the driveway. 
“Ooh we’ve got a ring in.” Max joked, coming over from his spot behind the barbeque. 
“This is my boyfriend Owen.” You introduced. “O, this is Rose and Max, and that’s Sophie.” You pointed to each one as you said their names. 
Owen waved shyly and Rose smiled. 
“Don’t be nervous, we’re all very nice.” She said and Owen smiled back. You placed your chairs down at the table, before turning to find your other neighbours heading up the driveway. 
Violet was the first to reach you, throwing her arms around you. 
“Hey friend!” She exclaimed as you hugged her back with one arm, your other hand linked tightly with Owen’s. She pulled away, grinning happily at your boyfriend. 
“Hey Owen it’s good to see you again.” She said, pulling him into a hug too. You giggled at the slightly shocked expression that covered his face for a few seconds before he hugged her back. 
“Nice seeing you too Violet.” He replied. She turned to her family. 
“This is Y/N’s boyfriend Owen. Owen this is my mum Pam, my dad Graham and my sister Bella.” She said. Owen smiled at them. 
“Howdy.” Graham greeted, while Pam and Bella just waved. 
“Now.” Your mum spoke up. “Should we get this party started?” 
Everyone settled in quickly, loud chatter filling the air as the sun went down. The three fathers headed over to the barbeque, Owen joining them tentatively, and you watched from your chair as your father handed him a beer and made sure to include him in the joking. You smiled, watching your boyfriend visibly relax which could have been because of the alcohol, but also could have been because of the fact that he could finally let go of the fear of being rejected by your friends and family. 
“So Y/N, how did you meet?” Rose questioned, drawing your attention back to the women who were sat around the table. 
“We met through a mutual friend, he was having a little halloween party and invited me and introduced me to Owen and we hit it off and started dating a few weeks later.” You explained. 
“When was that?” Pam asked. 
“Last year. We’ve been dating for a year and a month or so.” You told her. They all nodded. 
“He seems like a good one.” Your mother said and you smiled, looking over to where Owen was stood, laughing at a joke Max had made. 
“He is.” You agreed. “He’s a very good one.”  
The dinner part of the night went well, everyone loudly joking around. Owen had fitted in well, confidently adding to stories and asking questions, and you couldn’t help but smile at how perfect the situation was. 
After dinner, as per tradition, the kids of the three families headed inside, leaving the adults to sit and chat. You dragged Owen inside, sitting together on the couch as the younger kids decided what to play. 
“Why don’t we go back outside and play hide and seek?” Bella suggested and when everyone agreed you all headed back outside and down the driveway onto the road. 
“Oldest counts first.” Sophie said, and Violet groaned loudly before covering her eyes and beginning to count. You grabbed Owen’s hand, pulling him with you. 
“I have the perfect hiding spot.” You told him, dragging him up into your front yard and into a small space between your house and a large bushy tree that concealed the two of you perfectly. 
“You’re not scared of spiders, are you?” You questioned, and Owen’s eyes widened. 
“I’m scared of all bugs, you know this.” He exclaimed in a hushed voice. You pulled an apologetic face, before an idea popped into your head. 
“I know something that will keep your mind off it.” You said, before pulling his face down to kiss him passionately, slipping your tongue into his mouth. He groaned, pulling your body against his as he kissed you back, the two of you lost in your own little world. 
“Ew oh my god, get a room!” Violet’s voice came and you and Owen jumped apart quickly. 
“Shut up.” You replied and Violet laughed. 
“Whatever. Found you, go join the other losers in the street.” 
Midnight finally came around after hours of running around, playing Lego Rock Band on Xbox, and playing the family friendly version of Cards Against Humanity. 
Everyone regathered in the living room, watching as the timer on the tv counted down, and you all joined in noisily. 
“5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Happy New Year!” You all cheered, and you grinned as Owen pulled you in to a soft kiss. 
“Happy New Year O.” You mumbled against his lips. He smiled as he pulled away. 
“Happy New Year.” He replied. 
After exchanging well wishes with everyone you decided to head home, accepting your mother’s offer of staying the night in your childhood room. 
You watched as Owen pulled his clothes off, leaving him in just his boxer briefs. 
“Happy new year indeed.” You joked, your eyes raking his body. He blushed, stepping closer to you. 
“Your turn.” He whispered, pulling on your dress and helping you take it off, leaving the two of you stood in just your underwear. 
“Does your door lock?” Owen questioned softly, reaching out to run a hand down your side. You swallowed as you shook your head. He made a sound in disappointment. 
“Guess we’ll just have to be careful then.” He said, closing the gap between you and lifting you up to kiss you. Your legs wrapped around his waist as he spun around, placing you down onto your bed and climbing on top of you, reconnecting your lips. 
You ran your hands through his long hair, scratching slightly on his scalp, causing him to moan into your mouth. He grinded his hips down into yours, causing you both to gasp at the contact, your kiss getting steamier by the second.
Owen broke the kiss, panting slightly. 
“We don’t have a condom.”  He muttered.
“That’s okay.” You kissed him softly. “We can improvise.”
He raised an eyebrow.
“Oh yeah?” He questioned. You nodded, pushing him off you and forcing him to lay back on your bed. You palmed his dick through his underwear and he groaned.
“Fuck Y/N.” He muttered. You shushed him.
“Don’t want to be caught, do we?” You said, before pulling at his underwear, letting his dick spring free.
Owen moaned as you lent down, licking a single line up his dick, swirling your tongue around the tip.
“Make sure you’re quiet for me baby.” You instructed, before taking his dick in your mouth, putting as much in as you could without choking and wrapping your hand around the remaining part. Owen’s hands tangled in your hair as you bobbed your head, licking and sucking on his dick and occasionally scraping your teeth gently along it to hear his shaky gasp.
“I’m close baby.” Owen warned eventually and you tapped on his thigh to let him know it was okay for him to cum, a signal you had been using since the first time you messed around with each other. You continued to bob your head, humming against his dick which was all he needed to tumble over the edge, his hot cum filling your mouth as he moaned into your pillow to stay quiet. After working him through his orgasm you pulled off his dick with a satisfying pop, before swallowing his cum and leaning down to kiss him.
“Your turn.” He instructed once you broke apart from the kiss, flipping you over so that you were laying on the bed. He quickly undid your bra, throwing it to the floor before kissing his way down your chest, pulling one of your nipples into his mouth. You bit your lip to hold back a moan as his tongue flicked at your sensitive nipple. He pulled away, before repeating the same actions with your other nipple, and once he was satisfied he began kissing his way down your abdomen, stopping only to pull your panties off.
He spread your legs before making himself comfortable between them. He lent down, sucking a hickie into both of your inner thighs.
“Owen.” You moaned quietly and he grinned up at you.
“That’s it baby, you ready?” He asked and you nodded.
“Please.” You said, your tone verging on begging.
He grinned again, before burying his face in your pussy, his tongue flicking at your clit as you bit into your pillow to stay quiet.
“Delicious.” He commented cheekily, before slipping his tongue inside you, his hand coming up to massage your clit as he tongue fucked you.
“If you keep doing that I won’t last.” You warned and he ignored you, his tongue flicking faster.
“Owen.” You groaned, as he moved his mouth back to your clit, sucking it into his mouth. “I’m gonna...”
You were cut off by your orgasm shaking your body, moaning quietly into the pillow.
Owen looked up at you, giving you a cheeky look before continuing his assault on your now extremely sensitive clit.
“Owen what are you doing?” You questioned shakily. He laughed, the vibrations sending shockwaves through your body.
“Helping you start the new year right.” He explained before returning his attention to your pussy, his tongue flicking at your clit once more.
It didn’t take long for the familiar feeling of your orgasm to reappear, and you warned Owen quickly, gasping when he sucked your clit back into his mouth as a response.
Your orgasm hit quickly, and to both of your shock you squirted all over Owen’s face. He pulled away, staring at you in shock.
“Holy fuck.” He said after a moment. Too exhausted to reply you just nodded.
“Fuck.” Was all you could get out. Owen grinned.
“I didn’t know I could make her squirt.” He muttered, mostly to himself, as he grabbed one of the towels your mother had left out for the two of you to use in the morning, wiping his face and chest with it, before heading back to you.
“You okay baby?” He questioned, wiping your thighs that were covered in liquid from when you squirted.
“Yeah just exhausted.” You said, letting Owen clean you up.
Once he was done he grabbed your underwear from the floor and helped you pull it back on before offering you his shirt he had been wearing, which you accepted sleepily. He pulled his boxer briefs on before pulling back the covers of your bed and helping you in, climbing in next to you.
You yawned, snuggling into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you.
“Happy new year O, I love you.” You whispered.
“Happy new year, I love you too.” He replied, placing a soft kiss on your lips.
You snuggled closer and not long after that you found yourself falling asleep, ready for another new year with your amazing boyfriend.
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princeanxious · 4 years
Why would you hide the Villain remus and Janus thing in the tags, I'd read the hell outta Hero Virgil turned Villain
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you mean this??? shdbic aaa Yeah I want to write it, but i also want to write a lot of things. xD but this is def one of those things i’d love to write a short-ish one-shot about just so I can write it.
can you imagine? Virgil, young and anxious, manifesting powers of the light and dark variety, able to manipulate shadows and summon electricity with such fine precision because he’s spent so long fretting over accidentally hurting someone with it that he refused to even dare try and step into the hero scene until he was 150% certain that he’d trained his powers to disconnect from his emotions so that he’d never have an outburst that could even harmlessly shock or scare someone. He’s so in control over his powers that its to an insane degree just because he wants to make sure he cant hurt anybody on accident.
(complete ramble continued under the cut bc boy howdy this got so long it might as well be its own short one-shot)
And, he’s worked so in depth with his powers because of course he can’t just suppress them!(Suppressing electricity based powers doesn’t get rid of that energy, it just makes that constantly generating energy stay put and build, which makes it even more dangerous when it’s finally released, so suppression is a no go) So of course not only does he work extensively with learning how to control his powers, but also how to healthily use them and expend his energy safely, effectively, and skillfully as he grows into them. Might as well push your limits of learning just how much your power can do if you have to learn how to exist safely around others by controlling it, right?
So, by default, by the time Virgil is both old enough and confident enough in his powers to consentingly apply for registry to the worlds heroes association, he’s both insanely skilled with his powers, and also insanely talented(the equivalent to a child prodigy, not that many people in charge of the worlds hero association believe that, though.). The people who had been interviewing him believed the same, thinking him to be just another super teenager boasting about his skills when they couldn’t even sense his power, thinking that what little power Virgil did have was not even worth bothering to report anything substantial about the interview. That he’d oughta go try the villain’s headquarters, because at least they take in wandering powerless for henchmen all the time.
Virgil, feeling pissed but not quite enraged yet, because what teenager wouldn’t hate it to be so invalidated and demeaned at being out right dismissed as a threat, let alone considered more of an invalid for not having powers, starts to display his power. 
First it’s the main interviewer’s phone that they’d been glancing boredly at, drained suddenly of all power. Then it’s the landline of that specific room, then it’s the lamp, the computer suddenly shuts off with zero warning and nothing of it turns on. The lamp in the corner of the room goes dark, bulb by bulb, and the printer in the room dies. Virgil’s eyes are glowing violet but he hasn’t moved any more than the annoyed twitch of an eyelid. the light’s overhead turn off, leaving the lights in the hallway still on, leaving the remaining light in the room coming from the single window in the room and the open doorway. 
He reaches up a hand, and snaps once, and shadows swallow up the light over the hallway and the window, acting as a wall from the inside and out. 
Now the only light in the room is his glowing eyes.
The second interviewer is struggling to summon fire from her hands to light the room, but it doesn’t work. The energy she’s using to summon the fire is immediately sapped by Virgil’s force, there isn’t even a spark. The first interviewer can feel Virgil’s power now, it’s bright and burning. It’s like he has a core in the middle of his being like a sun’s core because its storing so much power, and the only reason they can see it now is because Virgil’s using his power. He has so much control that even on a nonphysical level it’s nearly tangible, the way that they can see his shadow powers conceal even the existence of his power, now that they know what their looking at.
In mere seconds, this kid has tipped the world on their head and put the fear of god into them, an undetected yet undeniable threat in the making. 
They watch his eyes tilt with his head, and the distinct sound of the entire building powering down is unmistakable, shouts of surprise and confusion due to the failure of the buildings many fail-safes failing to trigger. And then, with another snap, all power is restored to normal in the blink of the eye, all machines and lights are functioning perfectly, not an irregular shadow in sight, and all at once Virgil reads as a normal human teenager, not a whiff of power to be sensed. He looks pretty peeved, though.
“Maybe I will try my luck at the Dark Side then, at least they care about the people that look to be taken in. Let me know if you changed your mind, I’d love to have a do-over. With a different set of interviewers, mind you.” before he walks out of the interview room, off to blow off some steam legally and safely.
Imagine his outrage when a week later he’s served a summons to court, deeming him a “Threat to Society” and “better left in jail until the court can be convinced of his good nature” because he’s an “out of control juvenile gifted with an unprecedented amount of power that he couldn’t possibly control without strict legal supervision and interference and cannot be trusted to continue to exist as a normal citizen until the W.H.A deems it safe.”
Faced with possible lifelong inprisonment and zero control over the rest of his life because an association of supers think that they know better and that he’s some stupid teenager that was set loose on the world with means to only cause catastrophe and devastation, or freedom at the hands of some ambiguously grey moral decisions every once in a while and being treated as a normal human being even if he has to be a henchman to another super for a while? 
The decision isn’t a hard one to make.
So imagine his surprise when he’s not only accepted into the Dark Side after being respectfully asked to demonstrate the full extent of his power and his control over it, but instead of becoming a villain’s henchmen, he instead gains the full title of Villain(with another Villain(Janus) stepping in to mentor him and show him the ropes of the rules and everything), and even further: Gets his own henchmen assigned to him. 
A pair, Patton and Logan. 
Patton has a partial shapeshifting ability, but it only really lets him turn into a big frog man, making him perfect for doing any of the main heavy lifting for the team, and also perfect for protecting Logan when under attack. He’s built like a himbo and is absolutely 100% a himbo, heart of gold, super strong, buff dad bod, the whole sha-bang.
Logan has a power that is one part linked with memory, one part linked with technology. His brain can retain information like a computer databank, and he can get any misfunctioning technology to work if he can get his hands on it or a connection to it. He avoids all the quirks that interfere or damage real databanks and technology(like magnets, water, and short-circuiting) and can semi-directly connect with devices he is familiar with, without having to hold/touch/look at one.
All together, they have the beginnings of a well rounded team: the brawns, the brains, and the leader with plans and the power to make it happen. Even before finding out their reasons for coming to the dark side, Virgil becomes ride or die for them. (And honestly, they’re also pretty ride or die for him too, not even starting with the fact that they’re both like 26-27 and Virgil is an 18 year old anxious mess that had to make the decision over being the bad guy or losing any and all autonomy for the foreseeable future, which is gonna fuck up any kid and young adult’s brain. So, lowkey adopt him as a younger sibling even though he’s the boss of them and just barely taller than them.(Virgil is a tol lanky boi, and while Logan, standing at 5′9″, is but an inch shorter than Virgil at the start, Virgil still has growing room and peaks at about 6′4″ by the time hes 22. Patton at his normal height is like 5′6″, but frog man height is like 8′3″)
Oh, and they definitely make the Worlds Hero Association regret not taking Virgil’s existence kindly, Big Time.
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therenlover · 3 years
Songs From Musicals Y/N Would Sing To The Evans
If fanfictions were musicals, these are the songs I could see the reader insert singing to each of the Evans. I understand that this is cringy but cringe culture is dead, pls just let me enjoy my stupid little daydreams lol. 
Warnings: Mild Language, Brief Mentions of Death (specifically su*cide and murder), Mentions of Cancer, Unhealthy Relationship Dynamics
The songs are linked at their titles!
Tate Langdon
I Dreamed A Dance from Next To Normal
Yes, I am aware that I am taking this song way out of context
No, I do not care. I’m looking at this from simply a lyrical point of view
It has all the sad ghost mommy issues vibes
Like, pre-teen me during my Aaron Tveit phase would have 100% associated this song with Tate
I’m sort of half and half on if Tate would actively try to get someone to die to be with him, which is why There’s A World isn’t included, but I can see someone head over heels in love with him considering death as an option to stay with him forever
This song just gives me the self indulgent fanfic vibes
“I'll wake alone tomorrow / The dream of our dance is through / But now until forever love / I’ll live to dance with you / I’ll dream my love / I’ll live my love / And I’ll die to dance with…”
Kit Walker
I Don’t Need A Roof from Big Fish
Kit Walker is too good for this world, just like Edward Bloom
The thought of him being traumatized and having nightmares after his time at Briarcliff? Heartbreaking. But him coming home after his cancer diagnosis? That hits even harder
That’s when I imagine this song would come into play
Sitting and watching him sleep while crying and singing this song
Because you can’t let him see that you’re terrified of losing him but you can’t pretend you’re not
Kit is one of the only Evan characters I can see having a healthy enough relationship for this song, and that hurts
“All I need is you and you forever / All I feel is true and absolute / I don’t need a legal deed to help me play my part / I don’t need a roof to hold my heart,” 
Kyle Spencer
One Boy from Bye, Bye Birdie
A classic song for a classic boy
Pre-Death Kyle gives me very much high school sweetheart vibes
Like this is the golden retriever boy who would’ve given his girlfriend the pin off his letterman jacket
The song also kind of gives me foreshadowing feelings when it says “one boy to be with forever and ever,”
Like, you loved Kyle. You made him a promise to be there forever
But will you be able to keep that promise after his Frankenstein-style resurrection? Is he really still the same person, or has he changed enough that he isn’t the same Kyle he was before?
Mostly this song is just cute tho
“One boy, one steady boy / One boy to be with forever and ever / One boy / That’s the way it should be,”
Jimmy Darling 
Somewhere That’s Green from Little Shop of Horrors
I have a whole lot of thoughts about this one!!!
Jimmy is attractive, like we can’t deny that, but he’s not really gonna be considered “marriage material” because of his job and his hands
The 50′s are ruthless like that
Imagine, though, realizing that he’s the one you want to spend the rest of your days with despite society’s ideals
Just dreaming of domestic life with Jimmy Darling, that’s the whole post
I know a reader insert would do it to escape the reality of their terrible life because I do it too and I’m a real person
Also, the specific thought of Jimmy doing his very best to be a good dad because of his experiences makes me soft
Also, you can probably think of Dandy as Orin in this scenario, because they’re both terrible assholes
“I’m his December bride / He’s father, he knows best / Our kids watch Howdy Doody / As the sun sets in the west / A picture out of Better Homes and Gardens Magazine,” 
James Patrick March
It’s A Dangerous Game and Take Me As I Am from Jekyll and Hyde
Okay, I know this is kind of cheating but this is my post, so lets pretend it’s not
Relationships with JPM are usually portrayed as extremely balanced and loving with both parters holding pretty equal standing or extremely dark and controlling with James holding full control in the relationship.
These songs fall into each dynamic respectively
It’s A Dangerous Game is that filthy, controlling roll-in-the-sheets song you just need sometimes
It’s also delving into the literal danger
Like, Mr. March is the most prolific serial killer ever. He’s a massive sadist. Being near him while also being alive is a massive risk.
But it’s a sexy risk
Take Me As I Am is the complete opposite vibe while still talking about the exact same dude. 
It’s still a duet, but this one is even, measured, romantic... and all about accepting a criminally insane fiance for all his peculiarities! Perfect!
This is the song where JPM talks about how much he loves his wife lol
Because he might be a psycho, but he absolutely respects and cherishes his wife
“No one speaks, not one word / All the words are in our eyes / Silence speaks, loud and clear / All the words we want to hear,”
“Give me your hand, give me your heart / Swear to me we’ll never part / You know who I am / This is who I am / Take me as I am,” 
Kai Anderson
As Long As He Needs Me from Oliver
I hate Kai Anderson with a burning passion
But this song belongs to anyone who he manipulates into loving and trusting him
It’s just so sad
And it really encapsulates the idea of doing anything for the person you love even if you get less than nothing in return
It’s not healthy in any sense of the word, but it fits
“He doesn’t say the things he should / He acts the way he thinks he should / But all the same, I’ll play this game / His way,” 
Peter Maximoff
You’re The One That I Want from Grease
Who could forget the classic scene in Grease when Danny and Sandy dance through that weird fun house? Definitely not me.
This is another holdover from my Aaron Tveit phase because Grease Live was a masterpiece (it was very difficult to not include more songs he performed, because Evan gives me Aaron vibes) 
I picked this song less because of the actual content, and more because of the vibe
Like, imagine Peter Maximoff learning all the choreography from the movie in his spare time
And he shows off by whipping out the whole ass dance routine with you during karaoke night at X-Mansion complete with leather pants for the both of you
Peter might even let you borrow his jacket as a prop, who knows
It’s just a fun little ditty and it makes me smile
“You better shape up, cause I need a man / And my heart is set on you / You better shape up, you better understand / To my heart, I must be true,”
BONUS CONTENT: Peter Maximoff would sing you One Knight from Wonderland 100% it is just so him please go listen to it
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