#and the way loki keeps staring at mobius while he walks away has me
meep-meep-richie · 5 months
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he stays with me
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daisybell17 · 7 months
Fourth if July — Loki [song fic] {PART 4}
(warning: death ‼️)
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Now, where am I?
What Loki did not expect from that day was the dawning realisation of his…true nature. After leaving your grave, he quickly made his way back to Asgard for Thor’s coronation as King of Asgard. It was quite a marvellous day for his brother, and even if some pangs of jealousy lingered in Loki’s heart in his desire to be king, he managed to keep a straight face. In fact he was happier than he expected to be.
The coronation was beautiful. The throne room of Asgard was decorated in all different kinds of designs. It truly was a big day for Thor…which was then immediately ruined due to an unforeseen attack to the palace.
Thor had pinpointed who was responsible for the attack and Loki being the supportive brother he is decided to help Thor with his stupid idea of taking down the Joutun’s. Loki thought it was ridiculous but Thor always gets his way with him.
What he didn’t expect from this journey was for his skin to not freeze up, but instead showcase his true nature…”What in the gods..?” Loki stared at the splotch of blue skin that covered his arm from the touch of a Frost Giant guard. This makes no sense, this isn’t right.
They all returned to Asgard, escaping with minor injuries. Thor was immediately sent to Odin while Loki locked himself away in his chambers, left with his wandering mind and life altering realisations…who was he? Truly and honestly…who is he?
My fading supply
With no one to turn to, Loki had found himself back at your grave “My love…I’m sorry I haven’t visited in awhile…things have…been weird to say the least” He huffed out as his head fell in exhausted defeat.
He walked closer to your gravestone and sat down across. Loki was clearly frustrated, lost, alone…His willingness to keep going, to find purpose again, to find life was all put to a halt once you passed…
This whole Frost Giant revelation has only added onto the stress coursing through his soul. Why was he lied to? Why had no one told him a thing? Did you know? Is that even possible?
“My Love I…I can confidently tell you that life has started shining again…even if you aren’t with me…but I just found something out a couple weeks back and I don’t know to whom to speak about this matter…except you…”
His eyes started welling up with tears, not of sadness, but of anger, of confusion, of betrayal. “I really wish you were here right now…I really wish I could hear your voice again my love because in all honesty, I have no idea where to even begin with this issue and it’s making me hate myself even more…I am the monster my own father warned me about and it hurts…it hurts…”
He fiddled with his fingers and twirled his hair while lost in thought. He thought about you, his life, his place in the universe. Everything.
Loki stayed by your grave the whole day, crying and pleading for you to be with him, just this once? maybe? please? please?
(a/n): hello! yup its been awhile since i updated on this series but life has been busy (+ exam szn) and i wanted to put other fics out there but enjoy part 4!
(a/n): UPDATE — officially i’ve decided to end the series here. I think the story is slowly reeling into Loki’s story already portrayed in the MCU, but if you want some sort of closure to this. No. Loki does not actually reunite with you, your stories end here. The same way he can’t be with Mobius at the end of Loki season 2, he cannot be with you.
Thanks for all the support on the series!
TAGS: @ladychota @scoliobean
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lady-rose-moon · 2 years
My Alternative Variants
Warnings: character death, swearing, mentioned selfcest 🤢, arguments between parents, Loki ruining everything
A/N: this is the third instalment and I had hoped it was the last but nope! Part four shall be coming soon!
Part One | Part 2 | Part 3
Summary: now in the Void, Haven must find out how to survive with the help of a few variants
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Haven heard nothing as she watched her mother die for the second time. After you disappeared, she ignored her father’s scream and grabbed the closest pruning stick, pruning herself in the hopes of following her mother into an early grave. She hadn’t even considered how much it would break her father. 
Snapping her eyes open, Haven heaved a deep breath and held a hand to her chest in agony before whispering into the air, “is this Hel? Am I dead?”
"Not yet," came a voice from beside her and the girl froze, rising to sit on her bum and coming face to face with a man with a horned helmet, "but you will be if you don't come with me."
Groggily, Haven put pieces together that were familiar and she gasped softly, jumping to her knees to stare at the man fully. "Who are you?" she whispered hoarsely, watching the older Loki's face melt into a mournful frown.
"Hello, little one," the older Loki whispered, tears brimming in his eyes as he cupped her cheek, "we aren’t here to harm you, that time has passed. We have to get to shelter before something bad happens."
Haven nodded before taking the man’s offered hand and they ventured through the wasteland. Haven had so many burning questions that she needed answering, she wanted her daddy and her mummy back, she wanted them to give her a massive hug and tell her it was alright. She missed her daddy and Mr Mobius. 
A boy joined their walk after a few minutes and he smiled kindly at her, seeing her tears and gently wiping them away in a gesture that reminded her of how her daddy would wipe away her tears. “You don’t want to cry out here,” the boy whispered to her before pointing to the purple cloud in the sky that she hadn’t noticed before, “that thing senses fear and life and it destroys it. We have to keep moving.”
Haven nodded grimly as she followed the older man to a hatch in the ground. She stared at it nervously before the older man started to climb down a ladder and into it. Looking towards the child, Haven tilted her head to show her uncertainty. Seeing her nervousness, the boy grinned and squeezed her hand. “It’s okay,” he whispered comfortingly, “I’ll go down first if you’d like?”
Haven nodded slowly before the boy walked over to the hatch and climbed down, showing Haven that it was safe and nervously, Haven headed to the hatch opening and climbed down the ladder. When she was safely on the ground, she screamed when the hatch closed above her. 
“It’s alright!” the boy reassured her with a smile, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and squeezing gently, “you’re alright. We’re safe down here.”
Haven took a deep breath and smiled before nodding and holding out her hand to the boy, “It’s lovely to meet you, thank you for saving my life. My name is Haven!”
The boy grinned and shook her hand. His hand was soft and gentle, and his grasp was firm and proper, befitting someone of high status before he became a variant. You studied him curiously, taking in the softness of his jaw, the darkness to his eye that showed that he was battle-hardened from trauma, hair slicked back in a way that you knew was familiar. 
“Loki,” the boy responded with a smile, pulling his hand away to drop into a formal bow, “former Prince Loki Odinson of Asgard. I haven’t been him for a long while. Not since my Nexus Event.”
Haven froze and stared at the boy. But that wasn’t possible, her daddy was never small like her! He was always a powerful mage, always a strong warrior! Confusion ran through Haven’s brain as she stared at the boy named Loki. “Loki?” she whispered, watching the boy’s polite smile drop into a worried frown, “but that’s daddy’s name.”
“Haven,” the old man spoke up from down some steps, settling into a chair and he gestured for her and ‘Loki’ to come over to him, “we’ll explain it in a moment, come take a seat.”
Haven slowly followed the child ‘Loki’ down the steps and took a seat on a pillow in between the seat where the old man was sitting and where Kid Loki now sat on a makeshift throne. Haven stared at the both of them expectantly with a deep frown, “well? Are you going to explain?”
The older man sighed and nodded, leaning forward in his chair to smile at Haven in a way that the child had only seen in her daddy at the TVA. The older man observed how Haven sat and got comfy before gazing over at Kid Loki and beginning to speak, “my name is also Loki. We are variants of Loki. We were sent here after our trials in the TVA. In my world, I was supposed to die by the hands of a very bad man. But I escaped, hid away on an abandoned planet for thousands of years.”
“What happened to mama and me?” Haven whispered sadly, her hands trembling as she gazed up at the older Loki, “did your timeline have me?”
The elder’s face grew mournful and heartbroken as he gazed down at her. Haven didn’t understand why he looked so sad at her question but her heart was pounding and her mind was whirring with the sense of foreboding. 
“Yes,” the elder whispered, “yes, my timeline had you. For a very limited time. Your mother and I were settled in Asgard and we had you. You were our saving grace, our angel, our second chance at life… Unfortunately, Odin did not approve of you and just like Sleipnir, you were ripped from my arms. I only found out hours later that Odin killed you and your mother… promptly after that, Odin ripped any memory of you and your mother from my mind and I only got them back when Odin died.”
Haven stared at the older man in confusion before she felt tears dripping down her cheeks and her seiðr beginning to spark and swirl around her. Immediately, she felt the comforting hug of the older man guiding her power back into her core and his gentle hand brushing away the hair from her face. The girl sniffled as she stared up at the man who had lost her so young and she whispered, “I’m sorry.”
Classic Loki clicked his tongue and shook his head, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead, “it’s never your fault. I missed you. You smile just like your mother.”
Kid Loki took this opportunity to walk over and sit beside Haven, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and grinning as he shook her gently, “guess this means I am your dad!”
The young Goddess released a laugh and pushed the child away from her, rolling her eyes. “No way,” she whispered, watching Kid Loki howl out laughter, “you’re way too young! You’re my friend! I am curious though… What was your Nexus Event?”
Kid Loki’s face turned sorrowful and uncaring as he looked away from her and he mumbled coldly, “I killed Thor.”
Haven gasped and then tilted her head before resting her hand on the child’s shoulder and squeezing gently, “was it that story of you turning into a snake, Uncle Thor picking you up and then you turning back and going “mbleh it’s me” before stabbing him?”
Kid Loki turned to her and frowned as he nodded, “how did you know that?”
Haven giggled softly and shrugged, “daddy always used to tell me that story whenever he was angry with Uncle Thor! He’s still so proud of it even years and years after! I’m sure that you didn’t mean to kill Uncle Thor.”
The boy sniffled before engulfing Haven in a tight hug and rubbing her back gently with a soft smile, “thank you so much, Haven, you deserve so much better than to be here. I wish I could have grown up so I could have met you like Classic has.”
“Classic?” Haven whispered softly, enjoying the comfort of Kid Loki’s arms around her, “you nickname each other?”
The boy laughed and nodded, resting his head on hers with a soft smile, “of course! We can’t just call each other Loki! I’m ‘Kid’ and he’s ‘Classic’. Then we have ‘President’ who is an annoying, bumbling idiot who wants my throne. ‘Boastful’ is out at the moment but he is a peculiar Loki.”
Suddenly, an alarm flared and both variants stood, nodding to one another before ordering Haven stay in the bunker while they find out what was going on outside. When they left, an alligator came crawling over to Haven and nudged its head on her knee in greeting.
Loki didn’t expect to wake up but when he did, he breathed heavily and tried to assess where he could possibly be. “Is this… is this Hel?” he whispered to himself, “am I dead…?”
“Not yet,” came a voice that startled him, it was in front of him, “but you will be if you don’t come with us.”
Loki quickly sat up and gaped at the sight of Classic Loki and Kid Loki standing over him. He quickly got to his feet and looked around with a sad expression, “where are we?”
“We need to get moving, everything will be answered when we’re safe. All you need to know is that if we do not move quickly, that cloud,” Classic pointed to Alioth and snarled, “will destroy us. Its name is Alioth. We need to keep moving.”
They walked for ages, Loki trying to weave more information out of the two of them before they got to the hatch and opened it. Kid went down first followed by Classic and then, half-heartedly, Loki followed them. 
If they were living in such a place then this must be where the TVA sends everyone. That must mean that Haven is alive somewhere, possibly all alone and defenceless! He needed to find her, his seiðr itching to be released. 
“Dad?” came a gentle voice from behind him and Loki quickly turned around to gape when he saw Haven sitting on a beanbag with an alligator in her lap. Upon making eye-contact, Haven gently lifted the alligator and out it down before running over to him and jumping into his arms.
Loki’s arms snapped closed around the small girl’s frame and relief swept over him as he cradled his little girl. His glorious purpose. Loki gently carded his fingers through her hair and listened to her sobbing in relief, her arms trembling and tears spilling onto his green shirt. “kjære skatt(beloved treasure)! I thought you were gone!”
“No, daddy,” Haven wept, her dainty hands clinging onto the God’s shirt as she sobbed, “I just wanted to be with mummy! I’m so sorry! I didn’t even think about you.”
Loki instantly hushed her and swayed with her, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead and sinking to his knees with her in his lap. “Don’t apologise, your mother meant more to you than anything,” he whispered, his fingers trailing up and down her back comfortingly, “we’ll find her. She has to be in this wasteland somewhere.”
Haven nodded and opened her eyes to gaze at her father but her eyes caught onto Classic Loki frowning and turning away from the display of affection, his eyes filled with despair and acceptance that his time to be a father has long since passed.
“Give me a moment,” Haven whispered to Loki before walking over to Classic Loki and hugging his leg. Classic stared down at her in wonder before Haven whispered, “it’s alright, Classic, you may not think so but Kid sees you as his dad.”
Classic released a soft, mournful laugh as he ran his fingers through the girl’s hair, “I suppose you are right.”
Hours passed and ‘Boastful’ Loki joined them with a dead deer. Classic and Boastful skinned the deer and began a fire so that they might be able to eat something proper for a change. 
Over a lovely bit of deer, everyone began sharing their Nexus Events. Kid shared first and then Boastful. 
Haven listened to Boastful Loki explaining his Nexus Event with a brow raised in suspicion, this man was full of himself and knew it. “So, after I vanquished Captain America and Iron Man,” Haven and Loki shared a ‘bullshit’ look, “I claimed my prize, all six Infinity Stones.”
Haven giggled as Alloloki growled in her lap and she tilted her head as she glared at Boastful, “Alloloki just said ‘bullshit’.”
“Well, at least my Nexus Event wasn’t eating the wrong neighbour’s cat,” Boastful sneered and Haven didn’t even attempt to hold Alloloki back when he lunged for Boastful, she only leaned back and watched the chaos of Alloloki attacking Boastful as Classic, Kid and her father tried to pull them apart.
After a few seconds, they pulled the alligator away and it landed, hissing, beside Haven and crawled back into her lap to doze. 
“Tell them your story, Classic,” Kid asked, his legs swept up onto the arms of his throne as he drank the cheap cartoned wine.
“Me?” Classic asked nervously before rolling his eyes, “nobody wants to hear about that.”
Haven watched Loki’s intrigue spike and she sighed, cuddling Alloloki as she heard her father speak, “I would, actually. Um… It’s just… I’ve been wondering, because I’m… Well, we’re supposed to die, right? Thanos kills us after Ragnarok.”
Classic sat forward on his chair and Haven saw how sad he looked at the mention of the Titan. She stayed silent but shuffled closer to Classic for him to find comfort in her. 
“Thanos?” Classic whispered before setting his goblet down, a mournful look filling his face, “in my timeline,  everything proceeded correctly, my entire life, until Thanos attacked our ship.”
“So, you didn’t try to stab him?” Loki asked, his eyes aflame with pure curiosity at the man in front of him. 
Classic chuckled and shook his head, “certainly not. Take no offense, my friends, but blades are worthless in the face of a Loki sorcery. They stunt our magical potential.”
“But they look awesome,” Boastful interrupted with a smirk.
“Oh, yes,” Classic sneered, glaring at Boastful as his eyes swam with the terrors of his old life, “especially when they clatter to the ground just before your neck is snapped. I cast a projection of myself so real, even the Mad Titan believed it. Then hid as inanimate debris. After I faked my death, I simply drifted in space. Away from Thor, away from everything. Thought about the universe and my place in it, and it occurred to me that everywhere I went, only pain followed. So I removed myself from the equation, landed on a remote planet and stayed there in isolation, in solitude for a long, long time.”
Classic took a swig of his wine and Loki hung his head as he sighed, that could have been him. “How did the TVA find you?” he asked softly, playing nervously with his hands. 
“I got lonely,” Classic chuckled sadly and shrugged as he frowned, “to tell you the truth, I missed my brother, and I wondered if he missed me, if anybody else did. But as soon as I took my first steps to getting off the planet, the TVA arrived. Because we, my friends, have but one part to play, the God of Outcasts.”
Loki stared at his elder self incredulously. This man had truly lost all hope. Still, one question lingered in his mind. “But…” he hesitated before sighing and speaking, “but what about Haven and Y/N?”
Classic sighed as he shook his head. Before he could reply, Haven met her father’s eyes with a frown, “we’re dead, daddy.”
That was the final straw for Loki. He slammed down his goblet and slapped his knees before he got up, “I’m going.”
“Going where?” Classic asked, getting to his feet with Boastful and Haven. 
“Out of this place, out of the Void, back to the TVA,” Loki replied nonchalantly, shrugging as he stared at the two variants of himself but also his daughter who was cuddling another variant of himself. “We’re may be good at surviving but we’re also good at escaping,” Loki sighed, “I’d wager that gives me a decent chance as any.”
“You won’t do either, you’ll be murdered,” Classic called after him as Loki walked away. Haven stayed firmly where she was, knowing that Classic was right. He had been here longer than her daddy so he knew more than Loki did. 
Loki ran a hand through his hair and shrugged, “so be it. That was my destiny to begin with. Haven, come on, sweet pea.”
Haven shook her head and sniffled as she shuffled closer to Classic, “he’s been here longer, daddy, he might be right.”
“You’re different,” Kid Loki spoke up from his throne and Haven looked up at the boy with a smile. Hel yeah her daddy was different! He was daddy! “Why?”
“No, I’m not, you see?” Loki replied, walking back to the group quickly, “I’m the same, really. I’m the same as all of you. Have any of you met a variant of us that was born female?”
The Loki’s shared a glance and quickly shook their heads with Classic muttering, “that would be terrifying.”
“Oh, she is,” Loki smiled and Haven frowned at him, seeing the same smile on his face that he would give mummy regularly. The girl remained silent as she hugged Alloloki, hoping that her assumption was wrong. “But that’s kind of what’s great about her,” Loki continued, unphased by Haven’s silence, “she’s different. She’s not trying to take over the TVA, she’s trying to take it down. And she needs me.”
“Bullshit,” Haven snarled, startling her father into staring at her. Tears brimmed in her eyes as she took a step closer to her father, “that’s bullshit! What has gotten into you?! You sound like you’re in love with her!”
Loki’s jaw slackened as he met his daughters gaze and Haven laughed brokenly, shaking her head, “no.”
“Haven-” Loki tried, taking a step closer to her.
“NO! You’re sick! That is worse than incest! My daddy would never do that! My daddy loved mummy!” Haven screamed, not even registering Alloloki’s attempts to soothe her anymore. 
“Your father is dead! As is your mother!” Loki yelled before realising what he said and he shook his head instantly, “Haven, no. I didn’t- I didn’t mean-”
“Yes you did…” Haven whispered hoarsely, feeling comforted as Classic stepped between her and Loki. The girl clung to Classic’s cloak and sobbed as Loki turned and walked towards the ladder that led out. 
Everything happened quickly after that. Loki was thrown off the ladder by raiders and all of the Loki’s were rounded up to stand before Kid’s throne. Haven was silent through all of it, feeling detached from herself as she stood semi-hidden behind Classic. 
“You bastard!” Classic yelled at Loki, catching his attention and facing the elder variant with a frown, “you led the wolves right to our door!”
“We prefer snakes to wolves,” President sneered as he smirked at Classic, not noticing the child hiding herself in Classic’s cloak. 
“I’ve eaten both, they die just the same,” Kid spoke bravely, standing beside Classic to hide Haven fully from President’s sight.
Boastful then held his fake Mjolnir to Kid’s neck and snarled, “apologies, my liege. I betrayed you, and now, I’m King.”
Haven stared up at Boastful and snarled, “I was right. I knew it.”
“About that,” President smirked, stepping forward as weapons were drawn and pointed to Boastful.
“You can’t be serious.”
“Come on,” President smirked, “what did you expect?”
“That was not the bargain,” Boastful snarled at President, uncaring of Classic and Haven glaring daggers at him, “I gave you our location in exchange for shelter and supplies, you give me your army and I take the throne.”
President smirked and hissed, “oh, yes. Not so good a bargain. Here’s a better one,” he cleared his throat and held out his arms, “my army, my throne.”
“About THAT,” another Loki hissed, all the weapons turning to be pointed at President.
“Why you beef-witted, half-faced scrubs!” President bellowed, embodying Odin’s authoritative voice, “we had a deal!”
“Oh for God’s sakes,” Classic hissed, sick of the drama and wanting to protect his daughter from President. 
President heard Alloloki snarl and glared over at him, “why the Hel is there an alligator in here?!”
“He’s a Loki!” All of the Loki’s responded before Alloloki snarled and lunged forward, sinking his teeth into President’s arm and didn’t let go until President pulled his arm off. 
Haven stared at the Loki variant that looked so much like her father as he screamed in agony and everyone began fighting. Whimpering, she weaved through the chaos to try and get to President. She had to help him. 
“Haven!!” Classic called out through the commotion and the girl looked up to see Classic, Kid and the one who broke her trust all standing away from the conflict. She gestured for them to wait before she walked up to President, struggling with an Alloloki illusion.
“Excuse me?” she whispered timidly, watching the man freeze and turn to face her, dagger in his only hand. She stared at the blade and recognised it instantly as the one he gave her from her timeline, or similar to it. “I’m Haven Lokidottir… I can help with your arm…?”
President stared at her for a few moments before nodding and holding out his arm for her. Taking a deep breath, Haven cauterised the wound and watched as his arm became a stump before gold flowed down his arm into a hand. “There,” she whispered gently with a smile, “it’s a prosthesis but it will last for a good two thousand years as if it was a real arm…”
Dumbstruck, President smiled kindly at her and cupped her cheek gently with his golden hand, “just like her mother. Y/N told me that our child would be strong. Shame I was taken by the TVA before I could see you grow.”
With a teary smile, Haven hugged President before disappearing and reappearing beside Classic, taking his hand and walking through a portal to the Void outside.
“Damn it!” Classic yelled, squeezing Haven’s hand, “animals! Animals! We lie and we cheat. We cut the throats of every person who trusts us and for what? Glorious power, glorious purpose! We cannot change. We are broken. Every version of us, forever.”
Haven nodded, clinging to the elder Loki’s hand as she dared not look behind her to the Loki that broke her heart. Still, Kid Loki began, “and… whenever one of us dares to try to fix themselves, they get sent here to die!”
“That’s why I need to get out of here!” Loki spoke up and Classic Loki didn’t miss Haven’s little flinch and whimper as she shuffled closer to the elder, “nothing can change until the TVA is stopped!”
Classic stopped and rounded on Loki, his voice breaking slightly from the levels of pain he knew that Haven was feeling, “and you trust her?”
“She’s the only one I do trust!” Loki shot back, his eyes darting down to Haven hiding behind the elder’s cloak. “And right now,” Loki continued, his voice laced with pain, “she’s our only chance of stopping the TVA.”
“That’s good enough for me,” Kid Loki replied, looking at Classic and knowing that he would listen to the boy. 
Classic looked down at Haven with a frown, “what do you think, pumpkin?”
Haven sighed and nodded, “trust his girlfriend. I want my mama and papa.”
Classic gently ran his fingers through her hair and smiled softly at her. He knew the kind of pain that Haven was feeling, he knew that she felt all alone. Nodding to Loki, he sighed, “alright, we’ll help you. But approaching Alioth is a death sentence. We’ll get you to it but that’s as far as we go.”
Loki nodded and they began their walk toward the purple cloud in the air. Haven kept silent as she walked beside Classic. Loki watched from behind Kid Loki as Haven tapped on Classic’s arm and whispered something to him before he knelt down and Haven crawled onto his back, giggling as Classic stood back up again. 
Loki regretted what he said to her. He didn’t love Sylvie, he was just too shocked by the sound of his daughter swearing at him to even think about forming his own words in defence. The heartbreak in her eyes when he yelled at her broke him even more than he had thought. He was meant to keep her safe but instead, he had upset her and now she was depending on a different Loki. 
“Haven,” the God tried, walking past Kid Loki and trying to catch the girls attention, “Haven, sweet pea, I’m sorry. I’ve been on edge lately. Please, talk to me.”
Haven turned her head to glare at the God, heartbreak, agony and loneliness shining in her beautiful eyes. “Talk to your girlfriend when you find her, Loki. I want my real daddy, the daddy that isn’t disgusting,” she hissed before snuggling into Classic’s back and closing her eyes. 
Kid Loki barged past him and continued walking as Loki followed behind sullenly. ‘This makes no sense. I am her daddy! I helped her with her nightmares! I let her sleep in my bed! I saved her from being reset! I’m her daddy! But… she doesn’t believe that anymore…’
After thirty minutes of Walking, Classic decided to break the solemn silence, “I have to say, it is odd to be walking toward the gargantuan creature. Do you have a plan of action?”
Loki looked over at Classic and racked his brain for an answer away from his thoughts about Haven. “Uh… Get inside, find its heart or brain or whatever and… you know… do it in.”
Kid Loki rolled his eyes as he looked up at Haven, nodding his head towards the Loki with a ‘is he kidding’ look. “I mean…” the boy began before Loki interrupted.
“Okay, just because it’s not complicated doesn’t mean it’s bad,” Loki hissed as they reached the top of a small hill and watched Alioth in the distance.
“But it also doesn’t mean it’s good,” Kid Loki reminded him, rolling his eyes and sighing.
Alloloki growled and Loki smirked down at him before looking at the other two, “see? He’s on board.”
Haven sighed and shook her head, “no. He was praying. He thinks we’re going to die.” 
Loki turned to her and frowned but the girl was already glaring out at the cloud. He frowned and turned to the cloud himself just in time to see a sip land in the valley, the men looking around in terror. “Alioth is like any animal,” Loki explained, staring at the cloud as it neared the ship, “it’ll go after the big meal first and while he’s busy with that, we can sneak around the back and…” before he could finish, Alioth consumed the ship, no sign of life left behind and the ship becoming rusted and old almost instantly.
Loki stared at the cloud in shock before pulling himself together and whispering, “okay…maybe we uh… think a bit more about this, huh?”
Haven and Classic turned their heads to glare at the buffoon that had started this mess. Gone was the caring, funny man from the TVA who had saved her. This man felt totally different, it was as if his personality that he had before had been sucked out of him in favour of this idiot. This wasn’t her dad, of that Haven was certain. 
Something on Kid’s detector caught his attention and he turned to look into the distance, “car.”
“What?” Loki asked, turning to look out into the fields with Classic and Haven.
“Along the horizon,” Classic murmured, eyeing the car approaching them with growing distaste.
“Is that bad?” Loki asked, tilting his head.
Kid Loki shrugged and looked up at Loki, “well, usually means cannibalistic marauders or cannibalistic pirates.”
The car drew nearer and Loki sighed, “delightful.”
Slowly, the car came to a stop and someone stepped out and slammed the door and Haven wasn’t surprised when Loki whispered ‘Sylvie’ and sprinted off. Hurt, she cuddled into Classic and sniffled. 
Classic began walking with Kid towards the car and Haven looked up to see someone else stepping out of the back door to the car and her heart stopped. Her outfit was in tatters, the horns on her head were a murky green and looked corrupted but Haven knew her when she saw her.
Alight with joy, Haven screamed ‘mummy’ and teleported off of Classic’s shoulders and into the grass, running for all she was worth towards you. You knelt down with your eyes open as Haven flung herself into your arms and sobbed into your shoulder. You gently rocked her as you rubbed her back and whispered gently, “shhh, baby, mummy’s here…”
Haven sobbed and gripped onto the armour that you were wearing, tears flowing out of her eyes like rivers. You gently held her close to you as you smiled. This was all you had wanted. Ever since Loki’s death at the hands of Thanos and seeing what the Dark Hold could do, seeing Haven in another universe. You had only wanted to have your daughter and your husband. 
You slowly rose to your feet with Haven cradled in your arms as you smiled brightly. The blackness of your fingers didn’t deter your daughter from embracing you, the evident corruption didn’t stop her, and the tired and drained look in your eye wasn’t scary for her. You were her mother. The mother she needed. 
“Y/N…” came a broken voice and you looked to your side to see Classic Loki staring at you and Haven. 
You tilted your head curiously before looking up at his horns and your heart stopped, “L-Loki…?”
“Norns, Y/N!” the elder smiled, pulling you into a hug and being careful not to squash Haven in the embrace, “I’m so sorry.”
You looked up at him and laughed as you shook your head, supporting Haven with one arm to gently cup his cheek and watch him lean into the contact as he used to. Tears formed in your eyes as you laughed, “you got old, Lokes.”
The elder glared down at you and rolled his eyes before guiding you along with the others to find shelter. 
You watched the Loki that had come running down to the car walking ahead with Sylvie. The female Loki variant had expressed how she thought she might have found Loki when she pruned herself and you were beyond bitter. You remembered that Loki from when you hid in Ragnarok but got pruned because you let your guard down. “What’s going on with Sylvie and Loki…?” you asked timidly, your jealousy bubbling inside you.
Haven scoffed and turned to glare at the one that betrayed her and the blonde Loki with pure malice in her eyes, “they’re in love. He didn’t even try to deny it when I called him out on it.”
Your eyes gleamed a poisoned green as you glared at Sylvie as she strode next to your husband. You had fought for so long to have Loki back and now that you had a chance, he was a whimpering mess for a variant of himself? Unacceptable. “Don’t worry, Haven,” you purred with a smile, “mummy will do something about this.”
You set up a refuge in a dilapidated building and Classic helped you build wards around it to deter Alioth if he came a-knocking. Haven was happily sat between Mobius and Classic, helping the latter skin a freshly caught deer to roast over the fire. You saw Loki stand up and walk outside, sitting at the borders of the wards and you spotted Sylvie watching him longingly. Clicking your tongue, you snarled at Haven, “wait here.”
You stalked outside and sat down beside the God, your brows furrowed and your seiðr burning in your veins. Loki looked over at you and his brow raised in surprise and you smirked, “what?” you spat with pure venom in your voice, “did you think I was Sylvie?”
Loki flinched and looked away, setting his jaw and clearing his throat, “it’s nothing.”
“Løgner,” you sneered, staring the liar right in the eyes, your eyes aflame with heartbreak and fury. “You broke that little girl’s heart, you tore yourself away from her with this,” you growled, your nails digging into your knees, “she’s a variant of you. Can’t you see how fucked up that is?”
Loki scoffed and looked away from you, “you wouldn’t understand.”
“I wouldn’t understand?!” you gaped at him, tears filling your eyes as you laughed hollowly, getting to your feet and sneering at him, “Haven was right. You are toned down, you are horribly different, you’re not the God of Mischief.”
Loki rolled his eyes and got to his feet too, glaring at you as his hands gleamed with power, “what am I then, Y/N? You can’t always have me! I’m allowed to love other people!”
You eyed his magic furiously, your hands gleaming as you summoned your own balls of energy into your hands with a snarl, “imagine taking her to meet your parents!”
“Don’t-” Loki snarled, his eyes slowly beginning to glow with power. 
“‘Oh hello, mother, father, meet my girlfriend who is also your daughter in a different universe! I’m fucking myself, isn’t that great?’” You smirked before dodging out of the way of a green blast and you pulled your hair up into a bun, “that’s it! Fight me!”
Loki threw another blast at you and you dodged again before you threw one at him, smirking as it hit his chest and pushed him two steps back before he sent a rope of green your way and pulled your legs out from beneath you, causing you to scream as you fell but you opened a portal and fell through onto your feet two strides away from him. 
Your seiðr hummed in your veins at the relief of being used again as you and the variant fought. You hadn’t realised that you had begun crying somewhere through your battle and your final blow sent Loki down onto his back. You straddled him and held a dagger to his throat. Huffing a breath, you snarled, “yield.”
Loki panted beneath you before getting to his feet and scowling at you. “Whatever you tried to achieve, it wouldn’t work,” he snarled, beginning to stalk off in a different direction.
Solemnly, you bowed your head and sighed as you whispered, “I know.”
Hours later, the group was ready to face up against Alioth. They were ready to fight and ready to win. Mobius had left to get back to the TVA and apprehend Ravonna and attempt to make her see sense. 
Before anyone could speak or take a step, someone fell from the sky and landed with a thud behind Classic Loki. Alarmed, the elder turned to observe the person who had fallen and his heart caught in his throat when he saw that it was an older version of Haven; possibly around seventeen or eighteen which meant she was over a thousand years old in Asgard’s eyes. . 
The girl began to wake up and Classic gently supported her head, checking her over for any injuries before helping her to her feet. Teen Haven stared at the group in shock before her eyes rested on Loki and you and she grinned, running over and pulling both of them into a group hug, “you’re alive!! Those soldiers took mum and I got worried when they stabbed you with that glowing stick, dad, but we’re all alive!”
You instantly melted into the hug as you ran a hand through the girl’s hair before glancing at Loki and seeing him looking away from Teen Haven with a broken expression on his face. You hardened your expression and pulled away from Haven, pressing a kiss to her forehead before whispering, “that is not your father. He was sick enough to fall for himself.”
Teen Haven’s expression soured and her arm pulled off Loki’s waist in order to step away from him and she glared at him before turning to Classic. “You,” she breathed, tilting her head curiously at his attire, “you helped me.”
Classic bowed his head and smiled at her as he half-shrugged, “I had to make sure my daughter was alright.”
Teen Haven’s eyes widened before she released a hollow laugh and shook her head. “This is trippy,” she grinned before her eyes landed on Haven clinging to Classic’s cloak and her heart dropped at seeing her younger self, “oh my gosh. I do look like dad… hey baby Haven, I believe you’re missing something.”
Haven watched as her older variant conjured up the dagger that Loki had gifted her for her birthday and the child’s eyes gleamed happily, “my dagger! Thank you!”
The teen variant smiled and ruffled the child’s hair before standing beside Classic and glaring up at Alioth. “Judging by the way we’re all standing, we’re going up against that thing, correct?” the teen asked, her hands igniting with a stunning blue hue that burned green at the tips.
You took a moment to admire your daughter’s seiðr before nodding and conjuring up a sword. “We’re glad you’re here, Haven! Both of you!” you grinned before heading down the hill with the group. 
“I can enchant it if I get close enough!” Sylvie yelled over to Loki over the sound of Alioth in the sky. Her fingers were glowing green and you scowled when you saw Loki’s affectionate nod before he ran in the opposite direction to distract Alioth for her.
Haven let go of Classic’s hand in order to walk over to you and clasp her hand in yours, smiling up at you brightly, “they’ll make it. The female might need some help, I doubt she could do it on her own.”
Everything seemed to be going well before Alioth caught onto Loki’s ploy and began heading for Sylvie. The 2012 Variant realised much too late and broke out into a sprint towards the female Loki but she had enough time to transport Kid, Classic, both Haven’s and you away from Alioth’s path before she was consumed by the raging beast. 
Loki froze in his tracks as he stared at where his variant should have been and tears sprung up into his eyes before a hand rested on his shoulder and he turned to see Teen Haven smiling at him before she reached out and grabbed a tendril of Alioth’s clouds. Storing away his grief for later, Loki shook his head and yelled, “I don’t think I can do it!”
“You sod!” you yelled from beside Haven, leaning forward to glare at the God, “you’re as powerful as Classic and that’s fucking powerful! Now grab this fucking cloud and grieve later!”
Sighing, Loki reached out and grabbed the tendril as the enchantment kicked in. His eyes fluttered shut as his magic pressed into the creature and it screamed before everything was quiet.
“Open your eyes,” you whispered to him, your hand replacing Teen Haven’s on his shoulder and when his eyes slowly opened, you gestured towards the marble building in the distance and the long stream in the air around it. 
Teen Haven took a step back with a grin and shrugged, “I guess I’ll leave you guys to your journey!”
Your expression saddened at the news that Teen Haven wasn’t coming along. “Don’t you wanna come with us?” you tried, reaching out to her.
Teen Haven shook her head and smiled as she walked over to Classic and held his hand firmly, “I already have my home. I could never wish for anything else…”
Everyone nodded and watched as Teen Haven, Kid and Classic turned away before the Teen turned to Loki. “And Loki?” she smiled, the expression filled with a threat, “she was playing the long con. It wouldn’t have worked.”
With that, the three disappeared in a flash of green.
The citadel awaited the three that remained and Haven grasped onto your leg as you walked through Alioth and onto the uneven ground that housed the grand manor.
Loki suddenly caught your wrist and hung his head when you turned to face him. Nervously, he took a few steps closer to you and cupped your cheek before meeting your stunned glance and he whispered gently to you, “I’m sorry. I saw what you went through when we enchanted that monster. I saw what you did for me… I never got to meet you but… can we start over?”
You nodded with a smile before stepping back and holding out your hand, “pleasure to meet you, I am Princess Y/N Lokiwife!”
Chuckling, Loki grasped your hand and pressed a kiss to your knuckle and he watched your body shudder, “a pleasure to meet you, Princess, I am Loki Odi-no, I am Loki Friggason.”
You smiled and then your expression turned sour as you turned to face the citadel. “Let’s go find who’s behind this whole shitshow,” you growled out.
With a smirk, Loki walked forward, up the uneven steps to the door. “Let’s get our home back,” he whispered, knowing now that his glorious purpose was and always would be you and Haven.
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shelleylovesloki · 1 year
Time in Flames
Summary: Estrid Odrsdottir has experienced much tragedy in her life. When her fiance, Prince Loki of Asgard, is executed in front of her very eyes, she swears vengeance on those that took everything away from her. After killing the All-Father, she is taken into TVA custody only to be thrown into a mission to hunt down and stop a man similar to her, a man that has lost everything.
Mered Rainer, an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., finds himself a wanted man when he finds out the the organization has been infiltrated by Hydra. Hunted by the Winter Soldier, Mered finds himself in the hands of the TVA when he kills his would be assassin. Teaming up with a few variants, he plots a way to escape the grasp of the Time Variance Authority without much luck. Can the two find common ground in order to save the known multiverse?
Warnings: Character Death, Cursing
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Chapter 3: The Deal 
What was left of Estrid’s scream left her mouth as the soldier shot her once more with the gun that had froze her in the first place. The young princess collapsed to the floor, her vision dancing with stars. Lights blinded her as she slowly lifted her head off of the hard concrete surface. Footsteps sounded in front of her as a moan left the woman's mouth. By Estrid’s best guess, there was another presence other than the man and woman who had taken her ungracefully away from Asgard. 
“Agent Mobius, she is secure like you asked, sir. Although, there was some resistance before transport.” The man’s voice said from nearby. 
Her head tilted up as her arms let her slowly lift herself into a sitting position. 
“As long as she has arrived unharmed. Her profile said she was…unstable.” Another male voice said. 
Estrid could tell he was nervous, his demeanor and tone radiating unease at her presence. Her vision finally began to clear revealing a man with salt and pepper hair spiked with hair gel and a mustache on his upper lip to match. His blue eyes turned to her, noticing her attention on him. Estrid glared at him, her lips curling into a snarl. 
He had ordered them to take her away from her home. 
She was here and not with her fiance because of this Agent Mobius. 
The soldiers beside him turned towards her, their hands immediately grasping their weapons. One was holding the gun while another held a baton that glowed an eerie orange. 
“Hold your fire! Don’t attack!” The man named Mobius commanded, standing in front of her to block the soldier's aim. 
Estrid slowly rose to her feet, her head pounding almost as fiercely as her heart. Her brown eyes glowed an almost hazel tone in the lamplight as she glared at the three. 
“You imbeciles think you can keep me here? I will burn this place to the ground and watch you burn with it!” She snarled in Old Norse. 
The female soldier frowned, her brow knitting in confusion. 
“What is she saying?” She asked Mobius. 
The Agent only smiled as he stared at Estrid. 
“What you’d expect her to say.” He slowly began to walk up to her, and Estrid continued to watch him. 
He pulled out a remote and clicked a button. The young woman felt a buzzing sensation around her neck and reached toward the originator of the problem. There was a collar fastened around her throat. An electric energy seemed to emit from the little electronic box at the end of the leather and metal device. 
“Leave us. She won’t cause that much harm with the collar around her neck.” 
Estrid stared daggers into the two soldiers who put away their weapons and left the room. 
Once the doors shut behind them, Mobius spoke once more, “Estrid Michelle Sigrid Odrsdottir. Second in line to the throne of Vanaheim and ex-fiance to Loki Laufeyson.” 
Estrid’s attention shifted at the sound of Loki’s name, let alone the sound of ex in front of the title fiance. The mind altering numbness was returning to taunt her like a bad dream as she watched Mobius sit down in a nearby chair. Her hand involuntarily went to her chest only to find nothing there. Her face paled as nausea began to gnaw at her stomach. 
Where was it? No. They couldn’t have taken it. They wouldn’t. 
Estrid’s eyes grew wide as her breathing became uneven, the breaths shallow and fast.
 “Looking for this?” Mobius said, making her look at him. 
Hanging on his fingers was a gold chain with a beautiful silver and gold banded wedding ring attached. There were two gems protruding from the center, a amethyst and an emerald. It was Loki’s and her colors. Seeing her engagement ring in his hand made Estrid snap, launching forward with only one goal in mind. The agent only clicked a button on his remote, sending a shockwave through the young Vanir. 
She screamed in pain as her body convulsed from the electricity that began coursing through her veins. Estrid fell to the  floor like a limp doll, her head centimeters away from hitting the concrete. After a few moments, the shock finally stopped letting her catch her breath. Footsteps sounded from above her, causing her to look up out of breath. 
The Agent stared down at her unamused but not exactly enjoying what he had just done. 
“Are you done?” He asked like a parent silently reprimanding a small child. 
Estrid gritted her teeth as she reached to swipe the necklace from his hand. Mobius only moved it out of her grasp. 
“Ah! Not so fast.” He monotoned lightly causing the princess to snarl. 
“Bacraut! Return my property or you shall pay!” 
Mobius tsked as he looked down at her. 
“Language, Princess Michelle. I just have a few questions for you. Then I will return your engagement ring. I promise.” He said softly as he knelt down beside her, offering her his hand. 
She glared at him and the hand he was now offering for her to take. 
Slapping his hand away and slowly getting to her feet, she replied, “Don’t call me that. You don’t deserve to.” 
Mobius retracted his hand and shrugged. 
“Fine. Then what shall I call you?” He asked, pocketing her ring. 
“Estrid. You deserve no more than that for stealing my property and taking me away from my home!” She snarled 
“Alright then Estrid. Let us get down to business.” He said, gesturing towards the nearby chairs underneath a table. 
The princess silently complied and followed him over to the table and chairs. Taking a seat in front of him, she watched him open up a folder with her picture attached to the front. It was her mugshot. They must have taken it when she was frozen in time. 
She could only catch a few details attached to the mugshot, like her age, sex, birthright, etc. Estrid felt like a prisoner in a cell and technically she was. She clasped her hands together upon the surface of the table, staring down the agent intently. If they wouldn’t be forthcoming with her, she was just going to have to get the information one way or another. 
Mobius didn’t trust her, but he radiated a desperate man who was in need of something. That was why they had taken her. Well, besides the timeline debacle at least. 
“What do you plan to do with me? You seem pretty eager to put me to work through your meager manipulation. Must be important.” She said 
Mobius smiled softly before staring back up at her. His blue eyes stared into her light brown orbs. 
“You catch on fast, but I am not shocked. We’ll get to that part after your interrogation. But first-” 
He leaned towards her, reaching out and swiftly plucking one of her brownish-red hairs before Estrid could react. 
“Ouch! What was that for?” She commanded, glaring once more. 
“For your Time File. I need a branch of DNA to make the system register your line.” He said putting the long hair into the machine nearby. 
Estrid watched him curiously. She watched as the contraption sort through the components of her hair and projected a glowing purple door in front of both Mobius and her. 
“After you.” He gestured with a polite smile toward the purple doorway. 
Estrid growled and slowly got up from her chair. She walked toward the door, stopping curiously in front of the digital looking entryway. Slowly sticking her hand in, it quickly went through, shocking the young Vanir woman. She removed her hand, pinning it toward her chest before feeling fabric on her wrist. Looking down, she saw a part of an old dress she had worn in her younger years. Returning her gaze back on the door, she took a shallow breath before walking through. Estrid cried out as she came out the other side and was amazed to find herself back in Asgard. 
She was out in the Courtyard of the palace to be exact. Estrid looked down and gasped to see herself in the beautiful Vanir gown she had worn the day she had arrived in Asgard. Her mind suddenly drifted to the scene she could remember within this garden. Looking up, she saw the fountain and to her right was Loki, his nose in a novel walking in her direction. Her heart stopped at seeing her deceased fiancé for the first time in years. 
Oh how she yearned for more time with him. But instead of running to him like she wanted to, she turned towards the fountain. Walking over to the large stone fount, she sat upon its ledge, fiddling with her fingers. Borr, one the first All-Fathers of Asgard, stood over her in statue form, his likeness watching over her from afar. 
An apple suddenly fell out of the tree above and hit her on the head, causing her to growl in pain. Rubbing her head, she began to bend down to pick up the apple, only for a hand to beat her to it. Estrid’s heart skipped a beat as her eyes met Loki’s deep green orbs. 
“You seemed to drop this.” 
She thanked him softly and took the fruit from his hand, only the trickster didn’t let go. Estrid raised a brow, confused at his action. Loki stared at her, his book held close to his chest. She noticed it was an old spellbook. 
“You practice magic?” She pointed out, gesturing toward the novel. 
Loki’s cheeks flushed a vibrant red before he replied, “I know a little yes.” 
A bright smile crossed her pale make-up covered face. 
“Seidr is my favorite pass-time at my home. I didn’t know Asgard was teaching their Princes its amazing prowess.” 
The trickster chuckled uncomfortably. 
“Well, not exactly. My mother teaches me what she knows. My brother on the other hand wants nothing to do with what my father calls “woman's magic” quote-on-quote.” 
Estrid felt her expression change, disappointment coursing through her veins. 
“Oh.” She said as he finally let go of the sweet fruit. 
Estrid only dropped it back onto the ground, not caring much for the apple in her palm. Turning back towards the fountain, she went to sit back down on the ledge. Only she felt a hand, gingerly grasp her arm. 
“Wait! I didn’t mean to offend you-” 
The young prince tripped over her apple and slammed into the young Vanir princess, making Estrid gasp as she held onto his chest plate to stabilize herself. But that did little as the two lost their balance and fell into the fountain. Estrid squealed in surprise as she sat soaked in the water next to the young prince. She could remember this day perfectly. 
It was exactly the same. 
Loki was just as speechless as they sat without words in the water together. Estrid huffed and tried to get to her feet, only for her dress to pull her back down. Apologizing profusely, she felt him stand up beside her and help her out of the fountain. The young princess gasped as he lifted her into his arms. She automatically wrapped her arms around his neck for support as he climbed out of the water. Once they were both on the concrete once more, the Prince of Asgard put her back on her feet. Dripping wet and embarrassed, she wrung out her brownish-red hair which had fallen out of its braid in the water. 
“Here,” Loki said softly, waving a hand. 
Estrid felt her clothing and hair dry, surprising her. She looked at the young prince, who was still sopping wet. He was picking up his spellbook, his pale face now red in his own embarrassment. 
“I am sorry for disturbing you, princess.” He said with a small bow, refusing to look at her. 
Loki quickly walked out of the Courtyard before she could say another word. It was their first meeting. 
After falling into the fountain and drying her off, Estrid had found herself smitten for the younger Prince of Asgard. It had been an ironic meeting that should have driven her away from him. Instead, she was touched by his kindness after accidentally shoving her into the fountain. That action had blossomed their relationship for the future. 
The scene suddenly shifted to the Asgardian palace. She was leaning on her balcony. By her estimation, it had been almost three months since the day she had met Loki. Ever since then, she had not seen the raven haired prince. 
Thor was everywhere, greeting her, trying to get her to join him and his friends for an outing. But Estrid never wished to be around them. Thor was a nice guy. She just couldn’t see him that way. 
Looking up at the stars, she was mesmerized by their beauty. There was something about those sparkling diamonds in the sky that drew her attention upward, her eyes always sparkling with amazement at their shine. 
“The stars are beautiful tonight.” A smooth voice interrupted from behind. 
Estrid turned in surprise to see Loki standing a few feet away from her, a timid look upon his face as his hands were clasped formally behind his back. The Vanir princess nervously bit her lip as she turned her full attention on him. 
“What are you doing here, my prince?” She asked, keeping the formality between them both, unsure how exactly to react herself. 
Loki stared at her, his gaze hard yet inviting. 
“I wanted to talk to you regarding our incident within the Courtyard.” 
Estrid shook her head before slowly beginning to walk toward him. 
“Prince Loki-” 
The young Asgardian only stopped her, slowly putting up his hand in a motion for her to stop. 
She obeyed his command. 
“I am truly sorry for what I have wrought upon you, Princess Estrid. My behavior was out of line. I understand if you wish not to see me again during your visit.” 
Estrid pursed her lips as she quickly walked up to him. 
Loki looked down at her, shocked at her frustration. Her gaze met his as her hand came towards his cheek. Grasping his face gently, she kissed him softly without words. But the trickster read the message clearly, slowly bringing one hand towards her cheek and the other around her waist. 
Pulling away, Estrid looked at him, seeing his emerald orbs staring in anticipation for her next words. More than anything the osculation had left him confused. 
“Your actions have not offended me, my prince. I was touched at how much you cared, and how you made sure the situation was rectified after. You have heart. And it has captured mine.” She admitted, making the God of Mischief’s eyes go wide. 
He blinked in surprise, trying to fully assess her words. 
“You…love me?” He questioned softly. 
Estrid nodded, a small smile lifting the corners of her mouth. Loki smiled, truly happy at this turn of events. 
The scene shifted once again. Estrid felt her emotions beginning to get the better of her. 
Why was Mobius making her relive these memories? Did he desire to torture her? 
Suddenly the scene was in a grotto. She was standing by the same fountain in the Courtyard, only a magnificent garden had been erected there, filled with blooming flowers. Nearby a bench sat underneath a beautiful oak tree. It was her garden. 
Loki had surprised her with the grotto on their one year anniversary. His mother Frigga had helped him convince his father to make a section of the ground their grotto as a gift. Estrid missed her everyday. Frigga was truly a light that shone in the dark, brightening everything around her. The garden symbolized their love and reminded her of the day they had met. 
Sitting on the ledge of the fountain, she opened a book and began to practice her seid. As she worked on making a nearby flower bloom, Estrid had no idea who was quietly coming up behind her. 
“There you are darling.” His voice said, making her smile softly and put down her spellbook. 
Turning towards Loki, she saw he was dressed formally, not in his usual Asgardian armor. Estrid turned a brow up, trying to figure out why he was dressed in such a casual manner. 
What was the occasion? 
But she already knew. 
This version of herself had yet to experience this event until now. 
“Hello mischief.” She smiled as the trickster leaned in to kiss her, “Odin finally let you out of the meeting with the Light Elves?” 
Getting to her feet, she dusted herself off. 
Loki followed her lead as he replied, “Actually, Thor helped me sneak out. There was something that I needed to do.” 
Estrid looked at him accusingly, knowing of his desire for mischief. 
“Loki…what did you do?” She said like a parent calling out a child. 
He chuckled in deep amusement at her response. 
“It’s not what I did, Michelle, but what I am about to do.” 
She looked at him, her hardened face softening at his words. The trickster took her hand in his, gently caressing her palm with his thumb. He slowly got on one knee, causing the Princess of Vanaheim to gasp, a hand covering her mouth. 
“Estrid Michelle Sigrid Odrsdottir, I never thought to have found someone to love me for me. You are the light within the tunnel of darkness that has surrounded me in life. I could not ask for someone better to have helped me conquer that abyss. And now that we have been together for a part of our lives, I have realized that I want you to be with me for as long as we both live.” 
Tears appeared in Estrid’s eyes as he pulled out the ring that was now on the necklace she wore around her neck in remembrance.  It was beautiful. The dwarven craftsmanship was unlike any other smith within the Nine Realms. He must have gone to many lengths to have this ring forged. 
“So, Michelle, my love. Will you marry me?” He asked her softly. 
Removing her hand from over her mouth, Estrid nodded, happy tears freshly running down her smooth pale face. 
“Yes. Of course I will.” She replied. 
With a huge smile of his own, Loki took her into his arms, twirling her around in the grotto. His lips met hers with newfound love and excitement before setting her back onto the ground, gently pulling away. Holding up her left hand, Loki slid the ring onto her ring finger, making her his fiance. It was the last sweet moment within her life. That was the last memory that filled her being with giddiness and love. Estrid knew what happened next. She did not wish to relive it. 
The scene changed once again to her dismay to a crowd of people all around her in the village square. She immediately shoved past them, desperately trying to get to her fiance and stop this madness. Once she had finally shoved herself to the front, the first thing she was met with was the block. It was clean, ready to start the day's executions. 
Chains rattled from nearby, causing her attention to shift. What she saw shattered her heart. It was her fiance, his face bruised and bloodied from the abuse that the einherjar had inflicted upon him. She wanted to run up to him and take him away from Asgard, from Odin. 
How could he kill his own son? 
People began to boo and jeer around her as Loki was brought up to the block. His eyes which were once so vibrant and full of mischief were now dull and full of sorrow. It killed Estrid. 
“Loki…Loki!” She screamed, running forward to try and stop the proceedings. 
Her fiance looked up, eyes wide at her. 
“Michelle…” He croaked, voice full of fear. 
Einherjar sprung into action, grabbing her by the arms and holding her back. Shrieks began to leave her lips as she began to fight against them. 
“Michelle…please.” He begged softly, his voice coarse and rough compared to its once smooth and gentle melody. 
She wailed as she looked at him desperately, her bottom lip trembling and tears streaming down her pale cheeks. 
“Don’t cry, my love. We shall meet again. Hel shall allow it.” He reassured her as his head was forced onto the block. 
“NO!” She cried as the executioner raised his axe. 
“I love you, Michelle.” Loki said before the axe came crashing down. 
Estrid wailed in agony as her legs collapsed out from under her. The guards followed, allowing her to fold into herself as she mourned her lover. 
Odin had taken her life that day. And after his betrayal, Estrid vowed to have her revenge. 
The scene went black as she came crashing out of the glowing purple doorway. She grunted as she fell to the ground, tears streaming down her face. Footsteps quickly walked up to her as the doorway closed behind her. Hands helped her back to her feet, and Estrid looked up to see Mobius holding onto her. 
“Why? Why would you have me relive that?” She demanded with agonizing emotion. 
The agent looked down at her. His gaze was neutral but his eyes conveyed conviction. 
“Because I needed to see if you were the right variant for the job.” 
Her tears suddenly stopped as she stared at him. 
“What?” She quietly asked. 
Mobius smiled softly as he let her go. 
“The TVA has lost a few variants after they were taken into our custody. We need a team of variants to track down these rogue variants, and I think you can help us find one of them.” 
He explained, wiping away her tears, she softly asked, “What variant?” 
Mobius pulled out a mugshot from his shoulder pocket and handed it to her. Estrid shakily took it, turning over the thick waxy photo in her slim fingers. To her horror it was her fiancé, only it wasn’t. 
This Loki looked older, with slightly longer hair and a black goatee. His bluish-green eyes glared at the camera as his lips were pursed in rage. 
“Your fiancé.” Mobius replied. 
Estrid looked up at him and laughed loudly, her fingers clenching onto the photo tightly like it would incinerate in her hand. 
“My fiancé is dead. I watched him die.” 
“In your world, yes, Loki is dead. But in the infinite other universes beyond your reality he is very much alive and in this case a threat to our well-being.” 
Taking a shaky breath in, she shook her head. 
“So what? You expect me to hunt him down and talk him into turning himself in? He doesn’t know me.” She said, 
“You won’t turn him in by yourself because you will have other variants to help you.” 
Estrid raised a brow, yet again confused at his words. This place kept confusing her further and further. 
“What makes you think I will help you? There’s no benefit for me. I’ve already lost everything,” 
Mobius went to answer only for her to finish his thought before he could even start it. 
“And if you threaten me with death, just know I already desire just that.” 
The agent closed his mouth, pursing it into a thin line. She gave a small smile at his frustration. It was a small victory. So much for trying to intimidate her. But his frustration seemed to turn into a bright idea, causing him to smile and causing Estrid to glare at him. 
“What if you could have your fiancé back?” 
“Go on.” She replied slowly, crossing her arms over her chest. 
“You could change this variant's mind. He has lost his own lover, a variant named Maaike Odrsdottir due to his negligence. She is very similar to you, Estrid, a Princess of Vanahiem, daughter of Queen Freya and King Odr. You could fill a void in his heart that has been causing him to destroy the sacred timeline. But in order to do that, you’ll need help.” Mobius explained. 
“What kind of help?” Estrid asked suspiciously, 
Pulling out an electronic device, the TVA agent began to type in something to a small golden gadget. A hologram of a variant came up. It was a man with long wavy red hair and some very familiar bluish-green eyes that gave off the same mischievous energy as her late fiancé. Something was familiar about him that Estrid couldn’t quite place. 
“My team has been monitoring this variant for a little while. L-001, Loki Laufeyjarson. The first Loki to ever exist on the sacred timeline. Recently his timeline has been close to red lining multiple times.” Mobius said. 
“So you want me to go in there and find out what he’s doing?” She asked dismissively. 
The agent shook his head. 
“No, I want you to go into his timeline and pull him out.” 
Estrid’s eyes grew wide. 
“Why? What kind of help is he to find the rogue variant you want me to tame?” She demanded, uncrossing her arms as her fists clenched tightly at her sides. 
“He knows everything about himself even if certain information changes by timeline. He could help you hunt this variant, sniff out his hiding spot. All you would need to do is go to the specific point in the timeline that he begins to red line and pull him out without anyone detecting you. You bring him back here, and we’ll process and interrogate him before moving onto another variant that could help our plans.” 
Estrid frowned, 
This didn’t seem right. They are just using people to get closer to the objective. 
“No, take him here, interrogate him, put him into your system, but I will not cast him aside. Maybe we’ll learn more from him if he is allowed his own personal freedom.” 
Mobius went to argue, only to nod. 
“Alright. I'll bring you a fresh pair of clothes, and we’ll get started.” 
Estrid looked down to see a beige jumpsuit with an orange collar underneath the collar locked around her neck. It probably would be better to dress less like a criminal when walking freely around the TVA. 
“Yes…” She agreed quietly. 
Mobius began to walk away only to turn back around. 
“Oh, and I almost forgot,” He said, reaching into his pocket. 
He pulled out her necklace, her engagement ring staring back at her. He handed her the golden chain, and Estrid palmed it. 
“Here’s your ring back. Thank you for your help, Estrid.” He said softly. 
The Vanir nodded and watched him walk out of the Theatre. Looking down at her ring, she smiled before returning the jewelry around her neck, safe and sound. 
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spilledkauffie · 3 years
Pairing: Loki x FemaleTVAWorker!Reader Word Count: 1.5k T/W: just something cute A/N: finding Loki & helping him with the TVA transition
P.s. this is just for fun, I’m not trying to be technically accurate in how said abilities come about. This is just something I’m trying, we’ll see how it goes!
Ch.1 | Ch.2 | Ch.3 | Ch.4 | Ch.5
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The TVA was abuzz with agents running hither, thither, and yon to try and find the most recent Variant they had brought in. You’d already heard who it was and that he was giving everyone quite a time with his cooperation, or lack thereof. Walking down the dimly bright hallway, you sidestepped to avoid a team of hunters on their way to a new location. You smiled recognizing a familiar face jogging up to you.
“Have you seen him?” Mobius asked, only mildly frustrated; he never raised his voice, especially at you.
You smirked and shrugged, keeping your hands in your pockets, “I haven’t, but newsflash, I could’ve told you this was going to happen.”
“Yeah, well,” he said through gritted teeth, “it happened,” he added, stepping around you to meet up with a squad. 
Despite being assigned as only an agent, you had a special gift of being able to sense what was going to happen. Of course, the TVA loved it when they felt they could use it, but they also hated it, especially when you suggested something dangerous or out of the question to the authorities, reminding you that: ‘you aren’t a Timekeeper and cannot actually see the future.’ Which was true, you had to admit it as far as you knew your predictions and information was all off feeling, but there was something to be said for your feelings never being never wrong.
Coming to the room the Variant was last seen in, you looked left and right, entering cautiously. Sure enough, you had found exactly what you expected to find, Loki, alone with the Tesseract. On the sound of you closing the door, he startled, looking up and immediately defensive. You stayed where you were, not wanting to give the impression that you were there to intimidate. Loki eyed you up and down, he had to admit you were the most beautiful being he’d seen in a long time. 
“Looks like you found what you were looking for,” you nodded towards the cube at his feet. 
“This- this useless,” he picked up the Tesseract and gestured it around, nonchalantly. 
“Well,” you shrugged, “that depends who you ask, why you want it, and where you are, Loki. Oh, and when you are.”
He shook his head, setting the cube down again, “but here- here infinity stones are used as paperweights,” he tilted his head at you, “honestly, who are you people?”
“We’re the TVA, we-” you began, but stopped when he scoffed and combed his hands through his hair looking away. You bit the inside of your lip, wishing you could tell all, but no doubt you’d be fired for that. Approaching him, he glared at you, he was on the defense and you couldn’t blame him after what Mobius and the TVA had done in such a short time from apprehending him. 
“Have you been to see a doctor?” You asked, observing some bruises and cuts across his face, not from the TVA of course, that was the Avengers’ doing, but it was worth asking.
“What? No, I am fine,” he rolled his eyes, “I don’t need one, if I could use my powers, I could fix it anyway.”
“Fix it? I thought you were fine?” you tilted your head, still standing in front of him. 
He sighed, clearly exhausted, putting his head in his hands. Fingers gripping his raven hair. Approaching calmly, you sat beside him, with the Tesseract situated between the two of you. You looked at its mesmerizing blue glow, it was beautiful as they all were. 
Suddenly Loki lifted his head, soft smile as he looked at you, “Madam,” he began, and you raised your eyebrows, “you seem an intellectual individual, far smarter than any of your coworkers, you are far more beautiful than any,” he took a pause, “I believe there’s been a mistake, and perhaps,” he moved closer to you, making you look down, before back up, well aware of what was happening, “perhaps you could help them to see their mistake.” 
Quirking your lips, unable to deny he was very charming, you tried not to smile. Instead you put on a wince, “I’m sorry, I thought they told you,” you said very gently, making him furrow his brows, you lifted your shoulders, whispering, “magic doesn’t work here.” 
“Oh for-” Loki said exasperated, “that wasn’t magic!”
“No,” you laughed, eyes crinkling with your accompanying smile, “but that was laying it on pretty thick.” 
He exhaled deeply, “it wasn’t all a lie,” he admitted, perking a brow, glancing at the floor.
You stared at his neck for a moment, not in any particular manner, but another smile pulled at the corner of your lips. 
“What?” Loki almost flinched as he asked upon noticing your gaze, still figuring out what the TVA’s intentions were for him kept him on edge. 
“I just noticed you got the collar off,” you looked up to his eyes, gesturing to your own neck with a finger, “most people don’t even try, but it's quite easy, as you’ve found out.”
Loki straightened up, dignity returning, “well… I’m not some animal, I’m a-“
“A god, right,” you nodded, finishing his sentence. Swiftly Loki turned his head to completely face you, confusion was stricken across his expression, but then you smiled again, this time at him, were you mocking him? No, you sounded like you believed him. Why were you smiling? Your presence wasn’t like the rest of the TVA—
You leaned in closer to him, telling him in a whisper, “I never liked the collar either.”
“You- wh-,” he stuttered as you kept eye contact, clearly stuttering was not in his nature, he didn’t like being confused and scared, he didn’t like not having the upper hand, “what you weren’t ‘born behind a desk,’ bred to loyally serve the Timekeepers?”
You quietly laughed at the seriousness in which he used air quotes, shaking your head, “goodness you sound like Miss Minutes.” You met his gaze, “no,” you left it there for a while, he relaxed, dropping his hands. He was actually relieved to hear that you weren’t, and he wanted to hear more. 
“Go on,” he said in almost a question, with ‘please’ attached. 
Sighing, you complied to explain, “once upon a time, I got a little too interested in a Time Stone we had come in.”
“But magic doesn’t work here-“
“No, it doesn’t,” you looked over, meeting his eyes again, you enjoyed looking at them, “I took it from the TVA after they brought me in, I thought it could be my way out, but it backfired,” you quirked your lips, looking down at the ground, “too much pressure on it and. . .it shattered,” you paused blinking, “I was exposed to an energy I can’t explain and it gave me something I can’t explain, but,” you sighed, straightening up, “the TVA found me, reset the timeline, and took me back in for examination.”
“And what- now they hired you?” Loki asked, his tone wasn’t exactly soft, more shocked at their recruiting choices. 
You returned to the present, coming out of your own flashback, “now,” you smiled widely, “I’m of more use to Mobius than he’ll ever admit.”
There was silence, and you let it remain, assuming Loki had a lot to process. 
“Why are you telling me this?” he squinted. 
“Because you have power and potential that could change history, if only you-” 
With a sudden motion the door flung open, and Mobius, wary at first, made his way in. Upon seeing you, he let down his defenses.
“You found him I see,” he put his hands on his hips, a stance that almost made you laugh, at least internally, “didn’t feel the need to tell me?”
“I knew you’d get there eventually,” you nodded. 
“Unbelievable, Newsflash, actually it is believable and that’s the problem-” Mobius muttered to himself as he left to inform others that Loki had been found and detained again. 
“Newsflash?” Loki questioned, looking over at you, you just shrugged, “you sound like quite the handful yourself,” Loki actually smiled at you; you returned the smile, nodding to yourself. 
“Look, Loki,” you started, pressing your palms together, “Mobius has a lot of faith in you, and I know you don’t believe in trust, but we’re about to trust you very much,” you saw he opened his mouth, you waited, eyebrows raised as if asking ‘yes?’ but he silently answered by shaking his head, allowing you to continue, “I know you’ve seen and been through a lot today, I won’t lie, I was confused when I came here too, but this really is bigger than anything you could imagine. We need you,” you furrowed your brows, speaking from your heart, “more than you know.”
“Well, it’s nice to be needed,” He bobbed his head with a smile spreading further on his lips. “I believe you,” he said, soft eyes suddenly looking at you, “I just can’t- believe all. . .this,” he lifted a finger and made a circle, looking around, ”not yet anyway.”
You smiled, throwing him a wink, “give it time.”
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liz-allyn · 3 years
shudder, part 5/6 [agent mobius x gn!reader]
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After disaster places your life in danger, Mobius makes a consequential choice.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Series Summary: Pre-Loki series. You are one of the most dangerous variants the TVA has ever recovered, but Mobius knows what makes you tick. Five times he made you shudder, and the one time you returned the favor.
Words: 4k
Chapter Warnings/Tags: Language; Graphic Violence; Whump; Angst; Panic Attack; Hurt/Comfort; If the movie Titanic stresses you out too much-this isn't for you, chief; Mobius x reader
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2889. Hell was erupting on the planet of Olympus-V in its final hours.
A fierce rainstorm barreled down on the alien world’s rocky cliff face. A dangerous surf crashed on the rocks, the sea threatening to scale the cliffs. The sky glowed crimson, illuminated by a Red Giant that was hours from its own collapse. The red light gave the rainstorm an eerie hue. It looked like it was raining blood.
The landscape was crowned by the fiery wreckage of an alien ship. It was the intended getaway vessel of a dangerous variant that managed to escape your team through a hijacked Time Door. Your team followed him boldly, not realizing it was never a getaway. It was a suicide mission. And you walked right into a kamikaze attack.
The variant was dead. Eight other Minutemen were dead. Your still-sorta-new analyst partner was dead. B-15 was badly wounded and unresponsive. You and C-20 were stumbling through the corridors of the ship, both sporting nasty head wounds, as you dragged-carried B-15 towards refuge.
Catastrophe was a mild description, never mind the looming apocalypse outside.
“Help!” another voice rang out from the distance. It was U-91. “Somebody help me!”
You turned towards the sound of the man’s voice, stopping in your tracks. You looked at C-20.
The ground beneath your feet was subtly moving, quaking the ship with every inch. The rocky soil beneath you was giving way under the weight of the wreckage. You and C-20 knew that soon the ship would be a fireball at the bottom of the cliff. But you couldn’t leave him behind.
“Go,” you ordered. “Get her outta here.”
You turned around and rushed back into the smoke and flames. C-20 watched you anxiously as you disappeared. She carried on her rescue mission, dragging B-15 towards a temporarily opened Time Door that would lead them safely back to TVA HQ. It would stay open, as long as the ship didn’t crumble down the cliff.
You were alone again, covering your mouth with your jacket sleeve, following the painful groans as they grew louder.
“I’m over here!” U-91 hollered, his voice echoing down a corridor that was bent nearly vertically. You spotted his position, flush against the ground, but you would have to scale walls of the hallway at a steep angle to reach him. “I’m stuck on something!” he shouted.
“Hang on!” you replied. You approached the base of the corridor with trepidation. Carefully and quickly, you began to climb up the hallway via the walls. You gripped door frames, pipes, handles - anything that you could use to scale the corridor.
“Where’s A-19,” the Minuteman shouted about his partner. “I can’t find A-19!” He sounded panicked, which was never good.
“Hang on, I’m almost there!”
“Did you find A-19?”
You didn’t immediately reply, seeing from your vantage point what he could not. U-91 was less than 10 feet from you, and was truly “stuck.”
His leg was impaled on a ripped pipe that had torn away from the wall in the crash. He was hanging there helplessly by his limb. You winced at the sight and scanned your eyes over the area. You locked on to another gruesome sight: the body of his partner of many years, A-19, crushed by a beam just feet away..
“I c-can’t move,” U-91 said with a choked-out sob. You’d never seen this hunter anything less than tough-as-nails. But now he was weeping. “I-I… I can’t find A-19.”
“It’s okay,” you said as calmly as you could.His wailing broke your heart. “I’m going to get you.”
The final hurdle was going to be just that. You needed to jump up and reach the top of the doorframe to be able to free U-91. You glanced down the corridor warily.
The ship growled impatiently as it shifted another inch.
You used all your strength to leap up in the air and catch the doorframe. You’re pretty sure you sprained your shoulder, if you hadn’t already in the crash. You struggled to keep a firm grip as you shimmied to reach him.
While supporting his weight, you pulled the pipe downwards and freed him. His weight fell on you, unleashing cries from you both. But you didn’t let go.
U-91 looked at you blearily, body wracked with pain and exhaustion. He froze. His eyes went black. You knew exactly whose body he could finally see.
“No,” he cried out pitifully. “No!”
“We have to go!” you implored him. “The ship is unstable and we’re going to fall.”
He couldn’t take his eyes off of his partner’s body.
You held him tightly, and looked down the corridor to where you began. This part was basically a giant slide if you aimed just right. Just like at a water park. Piece of cake.
You said a brief prayer and leaned U-91’s weight across your chest as you both slid down the walls of the corridor. You landed with a harsh thud and U-91 cried out again in agony.
You looked up at the Time Door, still open where you left it - where C-20 and B-15 had already made their escape. It was just you and U-91 alone. If you ran now, you could make it.
“You did this,” you heard U-91 moan beside you. He was delirious; you could only imagine the immense physical and emotional pain he was in. “We should’ve never followed you—”
His sentiments burned like acid, but you shook them off. “Come on!” you hissed, using all of your strength to pull him onto your back. Your shoulder was buckling from the weight, still ravaged from your last injury in the field.
Maybe you were bad luck. Maybe U-91 had a point.
“I need you to walk!” you ordered him.
“You killed us,” U-91 repeated through chattering teeth. “You killed us...”
You tried to throw him on your back and carry him fireman-style towards the exit. Four steps in and you lost your balance. Both of you fell to the ground as the ship started quaking. This time, it didn’t stop.
You felt a strong hand grip your upper arm and yank you to your feet. For a moment you expected to see C-20 back to rescue you. Your heart skipped a beat at who you saw instead.
Mobius pulled you up close until you were nearly nose-to-nose. You gaped at him like a literal deus ex machina come down from the heavens to deliver salvation. He wasn’t supposed to be on this mission. He wasn’t on the mission. How did he get here—?
The Time Door. He went through the Time Door. He came there for you.
“We gotta move!” Mobius shouted as the vibrations jolted you both into action. He reached down and grabbed hold of U-91, and you grabbed the injured man’s other side. It was much quicker to carry the man down the hallway until you were steps away from the time door.
Then the ground shifted, and your world was upside down.
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When you came to, the first thing you felt was the cold. You were laying on the ceiling of the ship.
There was a voice echoing— Mobius’ voice. He was crouched down over you shouting something that you couldn’t hear.
You noticed his TVA flank jacket and tie. Paired with the mustache he looked like a detective on a procedural cop show. This stupidly-handsome, hero time cop walked into an apocalypse to save you, now stared down at you with wide, terrified eyes.
That’s when you realized you couldn’t move.
“Stay with me,” he implored, as he lifted your head out of the water.
With your ears clear, you could finally hear the chaos around you. A symphony of groans from twisting metal squealed and cracked through the halls of the ship. You could hear another crushing sound on top of the din. Rushing water.
You lifted your head to see why you were cold. You were laying in rising water with your hips pinned to the ground by a fallen steel door. Mobius was pulling up on the door desperately trying to free you.
Your heart began to pound.
The ship had fallen off the cliff into the ocean below. You were now sinking, the wreckage falling deeper into the sea, with you trapped inside.
You saw water rushing in through the hallways, filling all the corridors. It surrounded you. It was going to bury you.
“Agent Mobius!” you heard from a distance. “Get through the portal!”
You turned your head to see two Minutemen shouting as they dragged the injured U-91 through a flickering Time Door. They were so far away.
“Get help!” Mobius ordered frantically. “I can’t lift it off of her!”
“We can’t keep it open!” one of their voices echoed back. “Sir, you gotta get out bef—”
The door shorted out and vanished. And now, you were both trapped. .
“Mobius…” you exclaimed, barely able to breathe through your terror.
The water was rising quickly. Mobius glanced down at you again, and he reached down deeper to get a grip on your restraints. You both struggled and grunted, but the door only slid a little further without freeing you.
You were allowed a little more space to breathe, and were able to lift your torso a little higher out of the water. The relief was short-lived. The water was flowing rapidly and neither of you were strong enough.
“Damn it!” he roared in frustration.
You glanced around frantically and spotted an opportunity. “Look! There!”
He followed the end of your finger to a pipe nearby. He was on his feet immediately, kicking the piece of metal loose as you continued to try to push the door off of you. Once he broke the pipe free, he brought it over to you and stuck it in the space between your body and the watery ground, driving it down deep beside your leg. He gripped the pole tight and lifted with all of his might.
You pushed up on the door as he shouted, his muscles burning. You were shifting and thrashing like a fish in the frigid water until you were finally able to pull your hips out. You kicked furiously in the tiny crawl space until your legs were freed.
Mobius dropped the weight, and collapsed on his hands and knees. You were reaching for him desperately, your fingers aching to hold him. He wrapped his arms around you, embracing you tightly, as you both kneeled in the ocean water.
A sob escaped your lips as you buried your face in his neck. “You came back for me…” Your body shook as you cried like a child.
He tightened his hold on you and you felt the hair of his mustache graze the delicate skin of your neck.
“Of course,” he replied.
You wanted to hold onto him forever, letting the tears flow freely down your cheeks. It was the greatest act of love that anyone had ever shown you. And it was about to be the last.
Your eyes focused ominously on other imminent danger pounding its way through the doors.
“Moby...” you shuddered as he pulled you up to your feet. The water level was crawling up your thighs, rushing in from everywhere.
He snapped into action, grabbed you by the wrist, and pulled you back down the (inverted) hallway where the Time Door once stood. You took giant strides to push through the current towards a less-submerged part of the corridor.
It became easier to run, but everywhere you looked, your nightmares were coming to life. Your brain began to cease; your mind locked up. You were being paralyzed by terror.
Mobius was shouting something again, but you only caught part of it.
“...outer ring of the ship. If we swim we can make it.”
“What?” you blinked incredulously. He pointed towards a submerged hallway. A water-filled tunnel into the deep darkness. You looked up at him with wide eyes, horrified at his suggestion.
“The ship’s emergency systems would’ve opened the door passages in the event of a crash,” Mobius rushed to explain. “The way should be clear. If we swim now, we can make it out of the ship and up to the surface.”
You were shaking your head, trembling uncontrollably.
“We can do this,” Mobius breathed, pulling you towards the deeper end of the water.
“No-no-no,” you shrank away from his grip. “No, please, no..!”
“We don’t have a choice!” he exclaimed, wrapping his arms around you. He took a breath and calmed himself once more, “We’re running out of time.”
“Please, don’t make me!” You were crying again. “I-I-I can’t, I’ll drown.”
“No, you won’t—”
“You don’t know where you’re going! You don’t know if there’s even a way out!”
“We have to try,” he explained, meeting your pleas with calm declarations. “If we don’t, we’re gonna die in here. The more we wait, the deeper we sink.”
He had stopped pulling you towards the water, but he wouldn’t let you pull away. He held your body close to him, and for a moment you thought he’d drag you under. He was begging you not to give him a reason.
“Please icanticantocant…” You gripped his chest desperately.
His hands went to the sides of your head, a placating touch matched with a stern voice. “Look at me,” he ordered. He was once again that person that you’d met in the time theater: calm, compassionate, but equally authoritative and focused. “Look at me,” he repeated. You did, and that was the last time he’d ever have to give you directions twice.
You reached up and covered his hands with your own as he held your face. His dark orbs were gentle as they drew you in, hypnotizing you into a vague sense of calm.
He was reading you again—reading and dictating the pages of your mind, writing miracles in the margins of your nightmares.
“You can do this,” he declared with resolve. He whispered to you at a frequency you could hear, even over the crashing current. “You’re the best hunter we have. I’ve seen what you can do.” He gazed at you like he could see the sun rise through your eyes. “You can do anything.”
Your heart swelled and ached.
“I swear to you,” he said softly, as if in prayer, “you will make it to the surface.” He touched his forehead to yours as he wiped the tears from your face with his calloused thumbs. “You’re not going to drown.”
He sounded so confident. Like it was already written and he’d read it many times before, and this was all just another page in the chronicles of the Sacred Timeline. You wanted to believe him. He was asking you to believe him.
That was the moment you realized it.
He was the only thing in the universe that mattered to you.
You couldn’t fathom a version of your story without him in it. You believed in him. And even if he was wrong, it was worth dying for.
You wanted to cry out; to tell him all of the things you felt for him - that you loved him, and would die for him, and wanted nothing more than to be back in his bed at the TVA where he could hold you and tell you that the nightmares were over and that you were safe with him.
“Okay?” he said to you, his eyes fixed.
You blinked at him, and gave him a gentle nod. “Okay.”
He took your hand in his and walked you into the icy water. You were soaked already but your body jolted from the shocking cold.
“We need to slow down our heart rates,” Mobius explained. “Preserve the oxygen a little longer, alright? So we’re going to take five deep breaths - together, then we go under, okay? I’ll give you the signal when it’s safe to breathe.”
You nodded, despite your terror. You couldn’t take your eyes off him, trying to burn into your memory every line and curve of his face.
“Just don’t leave me behind, okay?” you pleaded with him meekly. You didn’t even think about what you’d said until it was done. His eyes softened as they rested on you. “Promise you’ll stay with me?” you asked.
He contemplated you, then reached out and pressed a gentle kiss on your forehead.
“Always,” he promised.
You both turned towards the water, then back to each other. “Okay, five deep breaths,” he instructed. “In and out. Through your nose.” You filled your chest with air and exhaled deeply.
“That’s one,” he counted. “Pull in from the diaphragm.” Mobius rested his hand on your stomach and watched it move with your next inhale and exhale.
“Two.” Another deep breath. He removed his hand from your belly and grasped your hand. There was no way you were going to let it go.
You were gazing into his eyes again, losing yourself in their warm earthy tones.
“Four. One more, in and out.”
You pulled the air in through your nose and out through your mouth, in sync with him.
“Five. Deep breath.”
You filled your lungs as tightly as you could, and dived beneath the surface with him.
It was so much darker than you’d expected. You might as well have been swimming through a starry sky, and in your mind that’s what you wanted to pretend. There were brief flashes - sparks from blown fuses, mostly - that would illuminate your surroundings. You pretended they were flares from stars dying out as you swam through the milky way.
The water was so cold. It was the kind of cold that your skin doesn’t acclimate to. You started counting in your mind as your feet kicked. You weren’t sure how long you'd been holding your breath, but you’d only made it down the first hallway. Mobius pulled you around another corner, continuing on to some blind destination.
How did he know where he was going? You didn’t let your mind dwell on it, as you felt your heart start to pound under the exertion. He knows about space ships, probably an expert. An expert on space ships and jetskis.
Down another corridor. It was getting darker. Were you supposed to be swimming up, or down? You were moving so slow although every muscle in your body struggled to propel you forward. Maybe the cold was slowing you down.
Your chest was burning.
Mobius was still kicking and pulling himself through the water, holding your hand tightly. He was a strong swimmer. Fit for his age, which was… 1,000? Time moved differently in the TVA, so you didn’t know. He was moving slower now, you noticed. Or maybe time was slowing down. Maybe you were drowning already.
God, your chest hurts.
You reached another intersection. He hesitated, looking back and forth briefly. Your mind registered the brief pause, but before you began to panic he pulled you along.
The stars had all gone out. It was so dark.
You kept thrusting your arms deeper through the water, picking up the pace. They were burning from lack of oxygen, but it only made you fight harder.
Mobius pulled you to a stop and you went through another door. It was an elevator shaft of some kind, and the sparks above illuminated the path forward.
Bright lights were filling your gaze, but not from the sparks.
You kept kicking. You could see light. Red light.
Mobius is pulling you forward now. The opening is right there. You’re almost out of the ship and can see the red glow of the surface.
Every thrust of your arms makes them weaker. Like you’re swimming in molasses.
Your lungs are on fire. You’re kicking freely past the confines of the ship. The surface is getting brighter. How deep were you - maybe 40 feet? 30 feet?
You weren’t going to make it.
You were running out of air fast. Your body was beginning to convulse as Mobius held you against him. The world around you was getting brighter and darker.
You weren’t going to make it. You were running out of time.
Mobius stopped his upward push and for the first time you could feel he was losing it too. He let go of your hand, but grabbed the sides of your face. His mouth was on yours, and he gripped the knape of your neck.
That’s when you felt it. The double-squeeze. The signal.
You breathed inwards instinctively before you realized what he was doing. He emptied the last bit of oxygen into your lungs and you felt his grip soften.
It wasn’t much, but it was enough to save you from blacking out. You felt his touch disappear. Your hand shot out through the water and gripped him by the arm. You turned your gaze up to the surface and kicked as hard as you could, reaching up for the sky.
No, no, no, no, no.
You were busy trying to convince your mind that this wasn’t really happening. That Mobius was not limp in the current beneath you. You climbed furiously upwards. 15 feet. 10 feet. 5 feet.
Your head ripped through the surface as you gasped for air, choking on the blistering pain. Rain pelted your face as you kicked to stay afloat on the surface. “Mobius!” you cried out as you dragged him up above the water. His head rolled back in a way that gutted you.
You glanced around frantically as a wave crested over you both, filling your mouth with sea water. You spat as you broke through the surface again, kicking even harder to keep him afloat.
You started swimming towards the shore. The tide allowed you to ride the current most of the way. It was dumb luck. You probably would have drowned otherwise.
You held Mobius tight, fighting to keep his head above water, as another surge pushed you forward. A beachhead at the base of the cliff was visible in your sights. One more wave and you both washed up on the crystalline white sand of the shore.
Every muscle in your body throbbed, but you didn’t stop. You squirmed to your feet and dragged your partner with all of your strength further up the beach.
He wasn’t moving. You crouched down beside him, your body shaking with terror. You dropped your ear to his mouth.
He wasn’t breathing.
“No... no, Mobius...”
Your teeth were chattering cold while hot tears flooded down your cheeks. Your mind struggled frantically to process a solution.
You stacked your hands firmly in the center of his chest and sat up on your knees, counting each compression under your breath.
After the count of ten, you tilted his head back, opening his airway, pinched his nose and breathed deeply into his lungs. Tears were falling freely from your eyes onto his face, and you choked back a sob after your second breath did not resuscitate him.
“No,” your voice was thick with anger. “No - you promised me.”
You repeated the process of CPR, compressing his chest and breathing into his mouth to no avail.
“You promised me, you son of a bitch,” you hissed. “You promised you’d stay with me!”
You shoved the heel of your palm into his chest even harder. Your shoulders were filled with a strength that the rest of your body was drained of. This was worse than heartbreak. Your soul was crumbling.
“Please don’t leave,” you were begging. “Please come back... Please, I need you...”
A cough sprang forth from his throat as water shot up from his mouth.
The rush of joy winded you and knocked you to your elbows. Mobius turned his head and expelled the rest of the sea water from his lungs, coughing harshly, his whole body shaking.
You were shaking too, not just from the cold.
“God,” you breathed, overcome with immeasurable relief. Hearing him gasp for air was the closest you’d ever come to heaven.
You laid your head on his chest as silent cries racked your body. You were now a disciple, a humble and devout witness to whatever miracle brought you two together. You squeezed your eyes shut as you listened to the sound of his heartbeat, the gentle sound of each blessed breath. And you worshipped him.
“S-See,” he said with a cough, that sly smirk on his face. “To-toldya w-we’d make it.”
And for that comment, you were going to kill him.
Part 6
A/N: Ok kids, the next chapter is straight up hard R-rated. Like X-rated. Like. The. Whole. Chapter. I’ve never written anything like this. And it’s long! Is that weird? I keep thinking 4k words of smut is like… whoa… Your thoughts in the comments, please. Part of me also just wants to cut the smut in the middle but that would be cruel, right?
Did you like this chapter? Reblog & let me know! If you're not tagged, it's because I couldn't tag you.
@generalhugzzz @isaxbella749 @yodaboo @aloyssia
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nattyslover · 3 years
two wise unknown people
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picture NOT mine credit: @castielbarnes
loki x gn!reader
f l u f f
warnings: loki episode 3 spoilers!!, mistakes?
wc: 2k
Today has been a hectic day so far. First started off with a few minute-men,Mobius and Loki alongside you going to Alabama 2050 to try to catch the variant in an apocalypse but went downhill when you got enchanted by the variant and then got passed out. The only thing you can remember was being picked up bridal style and carried through a portal going to the TVA. Once Loki followed the variant and ended up in the TVA he gently woke you up telling you to follow him. Loki grabbed his daggers from the locker hunter b-15 stored.
Following Loki through the halls of the TVA, minute-men on the ground passed out, or they looked passed out. When you caught up with the variant, Loki and her started to fight. Loki got thrown, you tried to stop her before she killed him. Throwing a few punches here and there, and dodging a few you wrapped your legs around her neck and flipped her to the ground were you grabbed Loki’s dagger and brought it to her throat leaving her defenseless. out of breath you opened your mouth to say something but was interrupted by Ravonna and two minute men on both of her sides with those look alike glow sticks. While you looked up at Ravonna, the variant got a hold of the dagger and flipped you on the group about to stab you but Loki came up from behind her and got the TemPad and opened another portal underneath all of you and fell through.
You ended up on a moon called Lamentis-1 2077 where a planet was going to destroy everything and everyone. The TemPad is dead and needs to be charged but in order to charge it, it needs to have a lot of energy. You found out the variant is now named Sylvie or wants to be called that. You still didn’t trust her since she tried to kill you multiple times but yet again you fell in love with a man just like that. You found out that there is an ark where people are getting on in order to escape this coming disaster. You will have to take a train to get there.
Loki disguised himself to look like one of the men guards and took you and Sylvie as “hostages” to Shuroo by orders. One of the men in charge of looking at tickets wasn’t buying all of that and just as your cover was about to be blown, Sylvie touched his arm and enchanted him so you could board the train. And that’s how you ended up here, on the train going to the ark to charge the TemPad to get back to the TVA.
The doors slowly opened, and stepping inside the train there were people that you could tell were high class. The walls were green and there was a small bar in the middle and all around the room were tables with booths. “Good evening, passengers. Hi.” Loki said to everyone while still holding you and Sylvie by the arms. Sylvie sits down in a booth, and you follow by sitting on the opposite side of her.
“Um-“ Loki starts hesitantly, “Uh look, I can't go backwards on a train.” You snickered at that trying to cover it with a cough. Loki looks at you glaring but with a small smile rolling his eyes before Sylvie starts to talk.
“Well, I never sit with my back to the door.” She says, turning her head away.
You scoff, “what? there are doors on both sides.” Loki said, looking around.
“Oh, just sit down.” you told Loki, grabbing his arm and yanking him to your side.
There was little silence before Sylvie spoke up. “FYI that wasn’t even a plan.”
“Oh really?” replied Loki. “plans have multiple steps, dressing as a guard and getting on a train is just doing a thing.” said Sylvie with a scoff.
Loki shifts his jaw, and about to open his mouth but is interrupted by you.
“Oh, are you a bit tired? feel free to, you know, get some rest.” you tell Sylvie after you see her yawning.
She glared at you before grunting and rolling her eyes. “I can't sleep in a place like this.”
“You can’t sleep on a train.?'' Loki asks. “No, I can’t sleep around untrustworthy people.” she replies leaning over the table staring Loki right in the eye. “Oh right, is that me?” “You feel free to take a nap.” “No you can.” “I already told you I can't.” “Right because untrustworthy people.” you had enough of their bickering.
“Shut it!” you whispered and shouted at the pair. they both stopped and looked at you. ”Just shut it.” you tell them again before leaning back and taking a deep breath.
Sylvie looks out the window while Loki keeps staring at you. “What?” he doesn’t respond, he just keeps looking at you. “Why are you staring at me like that?” you ask. He just smiles and taps his shoulder, motioning for you to lay your head on him. You comply and lay your head on his shoulder while he grabs one of your hands and holds it under the table before he kisses your head.
Seconds later you fall into a deep slumber. Loki looks down at you with a loving smile thinking how lucky he is to have you even if your relationship isn’t a romantic one. He tore his gaze from you to Sylvie, “So, where’d you learn to do the..” Loki motioning his hands while he speaks. “You know, the… whatever i-“ “I taught myself” Sylvie interrupted Loki, knowing what he’s asking.
Loki's eyes went wide. “You taught yourself?” he asked in disbelief.
“Yeah I did.”Sylvie replied, shaking her head.
“Do you just go into their minds and project some sort of illusion?”
“It’ll be easier if i just-“ bringing her hands to Loki’s head.
“Enchant me and take the TemPad and lead me out of the train? No thank you.” Loki tells her slapping her hands away but being careful so he doesn’t wake you.
“Well then don’t ask.” Sylvie leans back with an emotionless expression.
“You almost woke up y/n by the way.” Loki informs her, looking down at you sleeping still.
“Did not.” “Did to” “Did not” “Did to” “Not” “To” “Not” “T-“ they were interrupted by you stirring a little bit while still asleep. Loki let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding before getting the last word in. “Did to.”
A lady comes by the table a few seconds later asking if anyone wants champagne. “Champagne?”
“Ah yes, thank you very much.” Loki says to the lady without hesitation.
The lady moves over to Sylvie where she replies with a dull answer, “No i’m good thanks” with no emotion.
“Oh i’ll take hers, thank you” Loki grabs the other glass of champagne and with that the lady walks away. Sylvie looks at Loki with a raised eyebrow, questioning him.
“For y/n when they wake up” Loki says knowing what Sylvie was asking about.
“Cheers,” Loki says, clinking the two glasses together, “To the end of the world.” Loki takes a sip.
“I pity the old woman who chose to die, don’t you think?”
“She was in love.”
“Mmm-, she hated him”
“Maybe love is hate” Sylvie replies back smirking.
Loki conjures a quill and paper. “What was that? ‘love is… love is hate.’”
“Oh, piss off!”
Loki makes the items disappear before going back to the subject of love while pouring your glass of champagne to his.
“Is there a lucky beau waiting for you at the end of this crusade?” Loki asks while raising the glass to his lips.
“Yeah there is actually.” She responds easily.
“Oh,” Loki takes a sip.
“Managed to maintain a quite a serious long-distance relationship with a postman while running across time from one apocalypse to the another.” Sylvie says sarcastically.
Loki chuckles lightly, “Witch charm like that who could resist you?” Loki jokes.
Sylvie smiles a little looking down before looking up at Loki, “How about you? wait, don't answer that you have y/n.”
Loki's eyes went wide,“What? I-I dont- me and y/n we aren’t together.” Loki is a stuttering mess.
“You aren’t? Really? I don't buy that.” Sylvie says slightly surprised. “Y’all are practically in love with each other, I keep catching you staring at them and vice versa. Y’all have the love look in your guys eyes when one looks at the other, quite frankly it’s sickening.” Sylvie says, gagging a little but smiling.
Loki turns red after he hears that. Has he really been that obvious of his staring problem? Has he really been that oblivious to not notice you staring at him? Do you know he stares at you? Do you feel the same as him? No you couldn’t possibly feel the same- could you?
Loki's brain was hurting from overthinking and asking himself over and over again if there is a chance you could feel the same as he does for you. Loki takes a deep breath before looking at you then back up at sylvie.
“Why don’t you tell them?” Sylvie asks before he has a chance to speak.
Loki thinks for a moment, remembering something he read that stuck with him, “‘Friendship Or Love... It's really hard to choose, though sometimes friendship ends in love. If romance ends, it's hard to return to friendship.’ but also ‘Over thinking ruins you, ruins the situation, twists things around and just makes everything much worse than what it actually is’ do you know the two people who said that?”
Sylvie shakes her head no. “Two wise unknown people said that. Not knowing that their words would relate to almost everyone who is in love with their best friend but doesn’t want to ruin the friendship if something happens.” Loki is rubbing his thumb on your hand looking down at your sleeping figure. “To answer your question ‘why don’t I tell them?’ it’s because I overthink and because I don’t want to ruin something so great just because I want something more. I would rather stay friends forever than get into a relationship not knowing if it will last forever.” Loki says honestly.
Sylvie doesn’t say anything for a few seconds and just looks between you and Loki. “That's with every relationship.” Loki looks up, encouraging her to continue. “Whether it's friendship or a romantic relationship you don’t know if it will last forever. no one does.” Sylvie laughs a little , “Not even the time keepers. you know why? because they can’t decide your future for you, no one can, only you.”
“The timekeepers know everything.”
“Do they? Then why are you here? They didn’t know you would change the timeline and come here did they? The time keepers didn’t plan on having you at the TVA. So who says they know everyone's futures? Because from the looks of it, they don’t know everything that happens in the future.” Sylvie finished with a sigh.
Loki stares at Sylvie, surprised that they had this conversation with each other even though not even 24 hours ago they were trying to kill each other and now they are talking about love and being honest and open.
Sylvie shakes her head before clearing her throat, “I need to get rest so you do your thing and i’ll do mine got it?” Loki nods and Sylvie gets comfortable and closes her eyes.
Loki just sits there looking at you before him, getting comfortable himself with your head still on his shoulder, closing his eyes and letting rest take over him in a matter of seconds.
You open your eyes looking at Sylvie before looking at Loki, slightly shocked because of two things. One they had a full conversation that didn’t include any arguing or childlike behavior and two you just heard your best friend talk about his love for you.
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bleufrost · 3 years
There's Just Time (A Loki x reader Fanfic)
Chapter One: We've Met Before
Summary: You were an explosion waiting to happen who found love in the arms of a hurricane. Loki saw you as an angel that calmed his demons. For you, he was a savior that taught you to trust your abilities, yourself, and others. When he died, you were broken. You clung to any hope possible and watched as it all fell away. With nothing left, stories from your youth flooded back of a mysterious force that controlled time and space, and you knew that you would do anything to see him again...even if that something meant teaming up with the Time Variance Authority to capture the man you love.
A series of murders catch Mobius' eye. A familiar face catches yours.
Words: 3,118
Warnings: grief, mentions of self harm, death
If you'd searched the whole wide world
Would you dare to let it go?
The pews of this church were far less comfortable than you could have possibly imagined. You let your feet dangle for a moment before pushing them up on to the pew in front of you. A bored yawn echoes in the empty halls and your eyes fall closed as the workers around you continue to struggle to make sense of the scene. When you try to breathe, you notice that the air is far too still.
“It’s great to see you making yourself useful.” The soft sound of shoes stop steadily next to your seat. With an annoyed huff, you push your feet down and sit up, looking at Mobius.
“I could be far more useful if you’d let me use my goddamn powers.” He sighs and stares down at his watch. “You know I can’t do that. Now come on, you’re a smart kid. What does this all look like to you?”
Your eyes don’t leave him for a few seconds. There was a time where you would have tried to run off; take what you needed to jump from place to place and find Loki on your own. Not now though. You know these people are far more powerful than they let on. You know that you need them if you’re ever going to see him again.
With that in mind, you walk over to the candlelit section, Mobius following closely behind. The bodies are spread out on the floor, each with wounds in a pattern far too familiar. Gunshots were never your forte. Stab wounds on the other hand, you were taught well by the best on how to both treat and inflict.
“They were stabbed.” He nods and squats down to inspect the wounds of one body more closely.
“They’re all consistent with the others. Look at the position of the bodies.” Your eyes glance over each of them. Some look defensive, but in a sudden way. Almost as if…”They didn’t know something was coming to them until it was too late. It was a blindside.” Mobius rises and pats your shoulder. It makes you uncomfortable, he’s trying desperately to be your friend and you don’t really know why. You both knew you weren’t here because it was your first option.
“That makes six attacks this week.” Your fingers tingle with the need to feel something. If you could just tap into the energy here, it could make everything so much easier. There is endless knowledge in the atmosphere of a room, especially one where such horrific things occurred. It was infuriating that they you couldn’t use a part of yourself that you had learned to depend on.
“Those are just the ones we know of.” Mobius walks around the side of the room again, just in time for your frustration to bubble over. You stare him down and, even without your abilities, you know he can feel the anger that courses through you.
“I thought you guys were all knowing.” You step toward Mobius and one of the soldiers lifts his gun. Mobius quickly puts a hand up to order him to stand down. He walks closer to you, arms up in attempt to defuse the situation. His patience pisses you off even more.
“This is a variant we’re talking about. You know better than most that those aren’t so well regulated.” He watches you closely as your jaw clenches. He’s right and you know it. It’s just felt like an eternity since any sign of Loki has come up. You were on edge, without your powers, and working with people you didn’t fully trust. Playing it cool was the only way to keep your position as Mobius’ partner though, and you had to remember that.
“Right.” You nod and turn away right as the shuffle of feet sounds from down the hall. A small child runs by and Mobius follows, along with a few of the crew. You’re not so quick to see what’s going on though. Right now, you need to think. The bodies around you were alarming. The stab wounds even more so. There was no way that Mobius didn't recognize the same signs you did, but you weren't about to broadcast it with the small chance that he didn't already know.
You had been working with Mobius for a little while now. You weren’t exactly sure how long because time has a weird tendency to move differently at the TVA. It was long enough to establish that, while you weren’t the most fond of him, he held a certain faith in you that the others lacked. Still, something was off, you just didn’t know what yet.
That’s what made all of this even more concerning. If your suspicions were even close to correct about the recent murders…you knew where your loyalties were held, and it wasn’t with Mobius or the TVA. Loki was somewhere out there. For a brief moment, before you had your powers stripped from you, you could almost feel him. It was the connection to his energy that tethered you to him when you first met, and it was a similar one to what called you to him back at the revisit to New York. There was something that kept hope in you that he was still alive, and the feeling stayed with you until the moment you entered the TVA.
Every once in a while, out here in the field, you think you can still feel little shards of it.
Your mind stops wandering when you see Mobius take something from the child to be examined. It was a little blue package, but the glowing teeth on the child are what really catch your eye. You make it just in time to see the kid point out the stained-glass imagery of the devil. Horns protrude from his head like a crown. It all felt too familiar: the god-like being, horned crown, stab wounds, and tricky nature of a blind attack. The anger, the mistrust. Your eyes can’t seem to tear away for a second, but when they do, you can’t help but stare at this kid. Something was definitely not right. Why was he so calm?
Mobius watches you from his place by the doorway and takes it all in. You can see it when you look back at him; the knowing look he gives you. It’s unsettling to think that your thoughts are so easily deciphered when you don’t have your shield to hide behind. He doesn’t ask any questions though, and for that you’re almost grateful. He says something else to the kid, but you aren’t listening anymore.
“Alright, let’s head out.” Mobius takes your arm and guides you back to the main hall. Part of you thinks these little gestures are to establish trust. Mobius truly has given you no real reason to dislike him. As a person, he appears inherently good. Without your ability to read him though, you never know what to trust. The fact that they seem adamant to keep them from you, while not his decision, makes you weary of the whole organization.
“Any of that seem odd to you?” He looks between your face and the rest of the room quickly. You know he’s trying to make it seem like he’s not watching you that closely, even though he is. Keeping your face as steady as you can, you choose your words carefully. Focus on the gum, not the horns. Not the stab wounds.
“Yeah, the gum was weird as shit. Definitely not the usual candy for this time period.” You brush his arm off of you and move your body around to feign looking over the church in attempt to hide the action. “You never know though, they might be more modern than we think.” He watches you with a straight face that breaks out into a smile instantly. Mobius nods and grins at you.
“I agree. No time variance there.” His voice is sarcastic and playful in that moment, but his face falls serious again. “What about the devil?”
You do everything in your power to not flinch or make any indication of discomfort at the question. “What about the devil? I feel like it could be a clue, but it could also just be some kid who learned from a very early age that any evil is done by a creature with hooves who lives in hell.” He continues to watch you and you continue to be as nonchalant as possible.
Finally, he nods. “Maybe.” Mobius turns and you pause to breathe for a moment before following him back to the TVA.
Upon your arrival, things move incredibly fast. Thoughts of the case are abandoned in favor of a much more urgent matter.
A call came in immediately. Before you even had a moment to settle yourself back into the usually stale atmosphere of TVA headquarters, Mobius was rushing you into a room. You almost miss the fact that the air is not stale in the slightest; in fact, it almost felt as though it was crackling with electricity.
“I need to know that you won’t do anything stupid.” The words left his mouth with urgency. The constant glances over his shoulder to the awaiting hall a clear sign that he knew something you didn’t.
Your eyebrows scrunch in confusion, “What are you talking about?” He turns and paces the floor. Once. Twice. Three times before his movements halt.
“The Loki you know isn’t here. He never will be. You understand that, right?” His device flashes in his hand. You don’t know what the flashes mean, but you do know what he’s implying. Loki’s here. Somewhere in this building. In the same general place that you are. Loki is here.
Mobius continues to wait for a response. His foot taps with impatience. “When I took you in, we promised each other that our partnership wasn’t over when we found him. You can’t go rogue on me or this is all over for everyone, do you understand?”
Your breaths come out in rapid little puffs as your mind tries to wrap itself around the unspoken truth here. Mobius is right in theory. This isn’t the Loki you knew at the time you lost him originally. This Loki is still afraid. He’s angry, hurt, confused, and so far from trusting you. Where Mobius is wrong though, is in thinking you aren’t familiar with him at all. You know Loki in all forms, and if it takes a little extra time to make up for lost memories, that would be more than okay with you.
“Hey, I need an answer.” Mobius’ voice was barely registering with you, but you heard it. He’s on edge and you almost panic at the thought of potentially not seeing Loki as soon as possible if Mobius doesn’t think you can handle it.
“I understand and I’m not going to do anything stupid.” You can’t speak the words fast enough and as Mobius searches your eyes for any sign of deceit, you know all he sees is honest desperation. You would do anything to be with him again. That’s the truth.
With an affirming nod, Mobius leads the way to a section you recognize as the courtroom.
The air here is thick, almost unbreathable. The crackles turn to little sparks as you near the doors. How is it that in a place that banishes magic, Loki can still make the ghost of yours come to life? To say that you aren’t prepared to see him again would be an understatement. You traveled through time itself to be near him again, but the prospect of achieving that goal never actually felt like a fantasy you could fully entertain. How very like him to bring your wildest dreams to fruition in the most obscure of moments. Your thoughts all come to a sudden halt when you hear the faint sound of the most narcissistic angel to ever utter a word.
“…because they traveled through time. No doubt in a last ditch effort to stave off my ascent to god king,” Your mouth falls open in silent shock. Of course the first thing you hear from him in years is an accusation, you assume, to have you arrested instead of him.
Your gaze falls on him and you feel a weight lift off your shoulders as you see him, truly see him, moving, speaking, and having just as big a flair for the dramatics as usual. He’s here. He’s alive. He’s okay.
Mobius nudges you to follow him and you both attempt to silently take your seats in the rows lining the courtroom. Your heart pangs as Loki mentions Tony, but you sit and listen, nonetheless. He continues to argue with the judge, bringing up your old team and reminding you of just how much things have changed irreparably.
“Perhaps you can provide me with a task force and resources, and I can return and eliminate them for you.” His hands are spread confidently, but they immediately fall when you let out a short laugh. The comment caught you off guard and a part of you loved that he still thought he could squash your team so easily. Even after all that happened in New York, he never gave up and you loved that about him; even if his determination was a bit misplaced at the moment. Loki is nothing if not confident in his abilities to charm and disarm.
Your hands fly to your mouth immediately when you realize that the majority of the courtroom is staring at you.
That’s when it happens. His gaze pierces into you like a dagger, sharp and oh so welcome to do whatever damage it pleases. Your hand goes down, stopping at your chest where you can feel your heart pounding. Tears slowly well up in your eyes, but you blink them away as quickly as they came.
Loki tilts his head to the side subtly. You know he recognizes you and you know your lame attempt to hide your pain and love was seen right through. He doesn’t say anything though. Even though he was just offering to hunt your team down for sport and turn you in to gain his freedom, he says nothing to indicate you should be on trial. Instead, his eyebrows scrunch together, and he continues to stare at you. There seems to be a hint of sadness in his eyes, but you know you’re just imagining it.
The judge clears her throat, calling the attention of the room back to her. Loki’s eyes slowly move from yours. You continue to watch him though. It isn’t irrational to fear he might disappear at any moment. Not with him, and definitely not here.
You barely listen as he learns many of the same things you previously did about the Time-Keepers and his inability to use magic here. His attempts to conjure his daggers pulls your focus, but not in the same way a conversation would. No, you swear that you feel the frustration and utter helplessness that courses through him. You know the feeling, but this rushes over you just as fresh as the day you lost your powers. You can't be feeling it from him though, and that is reestablished in your mind as his magic fails to conjure.
What does call your attention is the sentencing that Loki receives and the sheer panic of potentially losing him again. You move to rise, ready to put up a fight because you know that being this close and failing is not something that you want to survive. In that moment, you don’t care if they kill you instantly. You just can’t live in a world without him. Not again. If you could find a way for him to escape, a way to feel him one more time and know that there is a chance that he could be okay, that he could live and learn to love again…well, death wouldn’t be so bad at all.
Before anything could happen though, Mobius pushes you back into place with a firm hand and rises. He runs over to the stand, speaking to the judge in whispers that you can’t decipher. Your lip trembles and you choose to scan the room for an escape route instead of focusing on Mobius, and Loki’s impending doom. When you find Loki again, his eyes are fearful and searching just like yours. You’re too preoccupied to notice when his worried gaze lands back on you. You don’t see when the fear slips from him and turns to calmness for a reason that he can barely understand.
The few seconds that Mobius spends by the stand feel like a lifetime, but his words are worth the wait.
“Alright, Loki you’re coming with us.” You have never felt more grateful for the man in your time here. Mobius takes hold of a collared Loki and guides him to the door. Loki shrugs his hand off and glares at him. “Who is us?” You take that as your cue and rise to fall into step on the opposite side of Loki.
Loki’s eyes find you the moment you’re next to him. The first time you met back in New York, you were young and still in training to fight. They had put you in the field out of desperation. When you came face to face with Loki then, you had felt small and insignificant. His confusion when he wasn’t able to control you had sparked a subtle interest in him, but you were still just an insignificant child in the eyes of a powerful god.
Now, standing next to him, you didn’t feel small in the slightest. You felt just as powerful as he had taught you to be. Even if he didn’t remember the endless time you spent together, the nights you cried over the torment your powers put you through and the days he could barely see himself through the monster he thought he was. Even if he had no memory of picnics in the park, dark nights spent teaching you to dance beneath the stars, movie nights, and laughing as you screamed lyrics at the top of your lungs in an effort to get your family to sing along (Tony, Wanda, and Thor often did); it was okay. All you needed was each other. The rest would fall into place.
“Hi. I think we’ve met before.” You give him a smile and continue walking beside them. Loki’s eyes don’t leave your face and you feel him staring as you all leave the courtroom behind. Finally, he shakes from his thoughts and offers you a soft nod.
“Yes. I believe we have.”
a/n: ahh first chapter done! I really hope you guys like this. please feel free to leave any feedback/suggestions you have to make my writing or story better. I appreciate any interaction so so much xx
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bingoluka · 3 years
Need You
Summary: After a case gone wrong, and an injury left unattended, Loki realizes that even Gods need somebody.
Notes: Includes wound depiction and good ole' angst! Also a lil' Wowki but I'm a little bitch baby.
When he said it hurt like hell, it hurt like hell.
Each case tended to go wrong in its own unique and terrible way. Whether one of them leaves with a torn shirt and headache, or a deep gash and a broken spirit, one thing was certain; that Mobius and Loki looked out for each other.
Though, Loki would hardly admit he had grown quite fond of the man he called his partner.
Beyond that, he would hardly admit when he really, truly needed his help. He was independent, he knew this, and sometimes asking for the help or pity of another more than once seemed too much mental strain- for both him and whoever had the bad fortune of being alongside him. He hadn't realized the severity of the injury at the time, as a large piece of metal tore away at his abdomen while swimming from an impending tsunami. His magic had already begun to heal him, fixing the initial trauma while the freezing water numbed him.
He has assumed the blood in the water hadn't been his.
Now there he was, wandering aimlessly along the TVA corridors, wishing desperately he could lay his inhibitions to rest all the while sparing his friend the worry. Though, he knew it was unlikely.
The air felt cold against his skin, each step sending a fiery blast of pain across his stomach and up to his back. He grimaced. Pathetic, he thought to himself weakly. Who are you without your power?
"Loki? Loki!"
His voice sounded distant at first, so much he grew concerned he had never heard it at all. A sharp exhale left Loki's mouth as another pang sent shockwaves through his body.
"Oh no- oh no-!"
He stumbled, his legs crossing wildly over each other and he fell into the wall next to him. He began to sink to his knees, the pain becoming overpowering as he fought to stay present. How was it getting worse?
He realized then the wound no longer felt cold. It felt hot, burning as fresh blood spilled from the wound. Loki realized then how little healing had taken place.
"Loki? Hey, hey look at me."
Mobius's voice was soft, calming as it was fearful. Loki wanted to melt into the other, hide from the agony.
"I-I'm sorry," he gasped. "I thought it had healed- I thought- I thought it wasn't this bad-"
"Shh," he whispered, keeping a steady hand on Loki's back. "Loki, can you walk?"
Loki stopped for a moment, his eyes falling to the ground in shame. His breathing was already erratic, jumbling his thoughts and rationality to the point he wasn't sure of anything. He looked up at Mobius now, his eyes scanning his for a sign.
"Come on."
Loki hadn't realized how many people were there with them. Maybe it was adrenaline, or his partial loss of vision from the wound, either way, the voices began to filter in at that moment. Agents and hunters, some workers he had never seen all gathered around them. Mobius had taken one side, while a hunter had him on the other, leading him out of the hall when his body began to go limp. He fought against it, begging himself to stay upright just long enough to prove he was capable. But he wasn't, and they knew this. His knees buckled beneath him, sending both him and the other two staggering forward with an "oh-!"
He could feel them ease him to the ground, pain shooting through him again as he made contact with the floor- causing him to cry out.
"We need to address the wounds here," Mobius said, his voice sharp and heavy. "He's deteriorating, either we let him use magic or we heal him ourselves."
"We can't just let that happen, we have to be outside of the TVA," someone said. "We need to take him somewhere else."
As they spoke, others had taken to pressing against his wound to suppress the bleeding. At first, it was agony. But after a while, he felt a warmth come over his body, a peace he had never felt as the pain melted away. He knew it wasn't supposed to happen, Mobius frantically calling his name being a sure sign, but the relief was something he couldn't deny.
"Loki! Stay with us, come on-"
Before he slipped into sleep, the last thing he saw was Mobius over him, eyes wide and brimming with tears. God, he was tired. But he regretting falling asleep all the same.
"If I would've known he was hurt, I wouldn't have taken my eyes off him, what more is there to understand?"
Mobius looked at Renslayer for a moment. Defiance wasn't typically in his nature, though he'll admit his actions spoke otherwise. He was more a calm deviant, not driven by a harsh nature but rather a calm and collected one. She sighed, resting her pointer and thumb on the bridge of her nose.
"I know, I know. But we can't have events like that happen, Mobius. Half our team was distracted, imagine if the variant had struck then?"
"You know I respect you, Renslayer. I really do, I admire you and you know that. But this just seems wrong, he's still a person," Mobius said, frowning. "I know in the grander scheme of things we have a lot to worry about but I saw humanity out there. A collective force of good working toward an unspoken goal."
"Which is?"
"Making sure variant or not, we're taking care of each other."
Loki woke on the couch that night.
Wait, couch?
He had expected to still be on the floor. Though he knew Mobius would never, it wasn't out of the picture that another agent might let him stay on the ground. After all, they weren't too fond of him. He went to stretch, the sharp pains from his stomach stopping him in his tracks as he remembered why he was there.
The room was dark, dark enough that beyond his fixed point on the couch, Loki could hardly see a thing. A voice pierced the air, causing him to jump.
"Hey, how are you feeling?"
As Loki realized who it was, he sank back into the couch.
"Fine," he mumbled. Mobius raised an eyebrow.
"Really? You didn't seem too fine back there when you were bleeding out in the halls of the TVA."
"Well, I was," Loki snapped, staring up at the ceiling. He realized how foolish he sounded, but at that point, he didn't care.
"Loki, what happened on that mission?" Mobius asked gently, ignoring the other's outburst. Loki sighed a bit, trying to shift his position.
"I didn't-" he cut himself off with a wince as he moved wrong, the pain burning at first, then turning into a dull ache. Mobius looked down at him worriedly.
"I didn't think it was that bad," he said hurriedly. "I was so cold from the water I didn't feel it. I just assumed the blood hadn't been mine."
It was grim. The idea of the blood in the water was so common for that moment, so anticipated that he had nearly bled out yet speculated it was from somebody else. It brought into focus the severity of even human apocalypses.
"But the blood," Mobius said, frowning. "I should have been able to see it on your shirt when we got back. I didn't see any."
"My magic had healed it for the most part," Loki said. "Just not enough. Once I returned it must've begun to reverse."
As Loki spoke, he noticed Mobius reaching for the hem of his shirt. He quickly blocked his hand with an offended "Hey." Mobius chuckled, shaking his head.
"I'm just trying to see it, come on."
"You don't need to," Loki glared. But of course his efforts didn't deter Mobius, who kept his steady gaze.
"Loki," he said gently. "Come on, let me see."
Loki sighed, wordlessly lifting the hem of his shirt to reveal the array of wounds, accented by the much larger wound that ran across the bottom of his abdomen. He heard Mobius's breath catch.
"Geez..." He murmured, gently brushing a finger across the uninjured skin, which even then was sore.
"Why didn't you say anything?" He asked sadly. Loki cast his eyes to the side.
"An unspoken rule amongst warriors in Asgard was to each their own. It wasn't uncommon to receive wounds in battle, it was seen as noble to keep them to yourself."
"Well, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard," Mobius said with raised eyebrows. He added a hasty, "No offense."
"No, I agree. They were all morons," he said lightheartedly.
Mobius laughed now, bowing his head as he did so. Loki smiled a bit, still somewhat troubled by the pain but not enough to mention it.
"This is your apartment, then?" He said, trying to initiate conversation so Mobius wouldn't see as he began to sit up.
"Hey, not so fast," Mobius said, placing a hand on the small of Loki's back. "Your powers may be back, but you have a ways to go."
"I'm alright, really."
"I'm beginning to think that phrase holds less ethos each time I hear it."
Loki huffed, barely managing to sit all the way up. He looked around the room as his eyes adjusted. It was a small apartment, most of his items being placed in the living area. Books, dusty empty bottles, wooden furniture accented with water stains and loose change. The carpet was plush, he noticed, like something you would see from the nineties. It was all very cozy and welcoming.
"Sorry about the mess," he said, assuming that's what Loki had been looking at. "I didn't really have time to clean."
"Mess?" Loki frowned. "Mobius, you bring me into your home and you really assume I'm going to judge the state of it?"
"Well, to be fair, I don't get a lot of visitors," he smiled. "Now you need some rest, alright?"
If Loki had just an ounce more strength, he would've shot back some snarky response. This time, however, he found himself too tired to think of one, so instead, he flashed a quick smile.
"I'll be here if you need me."
If you need me.
Loki pondered on the words for a while. Maybe it was the way he said it, or the weariness finally catching up with him. Before he never would have admitted he need someone, much less someone with no relation to him. But in that darkened room he gathered he had a change of heart. As he felt himself slowly fading into the warm embrace of sleep, he felt a hand run across his head, gently brushing his unkempt hair back in a stroking motion. He wanted to open his eyes, to see Mobius, but he stayed still just long enough to hear the words,
"Glad you're alright, Lokes."
Before contently falling asleep.
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nincompoopydoo · 3 years
Tumblr media
PAIRING: Loki Laufeyson x Female!Reader WORD COUNT: 3.1k SUMMARY: Through guessing games and walking on eggshells, it’s you and Loki that dance the strange choreography of two curious minds trying to figure out the other. A/N: Slow moving chapter! If any of you speak Norwegian and know that sentence is wrong, please tell me! I took a risk, not sure if it's worth it. Anyways, I promise there’s more stuff coming in the next chapters. Tell me anything about this chapter, what you love, what you hate. Enjoy xo gif from this gifset by@marvelheroes WARNINGS: Swearing? More paperwork. support my writing through ko-fi💖 MASTERPOST ; MASTERLIST
The narration of Miss Minutes accompanying the grainy animated graphics of a training video on how, why, and when a branch of a timeline is reset seems to be the source of Loki’s absentmindedness. If he is typically referred to as outrageously and mostly unnecessarily communicative, it is his mind that beats his mouth—the tumult of his thoughts is loud and overwhelming like the people who amass at taverns every evening to drink themselves silly whilst singing jolly drinking songs until the wee hours of the morning. Except, his thoughts are far from jolly. He, mastermind of language and a silver-tongue, has no words of any language to describe the complexity of his mind with accuracy.
Kraftig regn som faller i en fossende elv.
Like heavy rain falling on a cascading river. Water from the sky on water streaming through the ground—thunderous raindrops from above against the river that strikes every rock of every winding turn.
Those were the words of his mother.
Maybe, that’s how his mind should be described.
It’s the mechanical creaks of spinning wheels against the polished floor that pulls him out of his thoughts and finds that he had been staring blankly at a page of men riding jet skis of a magazine he'd nipped from the stack of junk on Mobius’ desk for the last minute or hour. A second or a day? He isn’t sure.
Time works differently at the TVA.
“Hey Casey,” he hears you chime, the cart squeaks as it pulls to a halt. “Do you have a paperweight or something I could use?”
There’s a sound of rummaging as the clerk searches the drawers. Loki restrains the urge to look.
“Uh, yeah...Here.”
Probably an infinity stone.
The clerk then wheels by, pushing the evidence cart as he casts a cautious glance his way.
Right. He did threaten to gut him like a fish earlier on although the threat was not as deadly as he intended but proved to be surprisingly effective. Yet, Casey is probably the type to be afraid of his own shadow, he would comply with any sort of threat even if it isn't death.
Pathetic. But amusing.
The training video continues to play in the background, and Miss Minutes’ stupidly charming and cheery voice is starting to sound like gibberish to him. At this rate, it’s white noise to him—attention elsewhere but somewhat listening to a certain extent. He loves multi-tasking and isn’t afraid to admit he’s great at it though it likely plays a huge factor in contributing to the uproar of his brain. It’s why he doesn’t get any sleep for most nights.
There’s just...so much to think about.
And now, it’s filled with the reminder of how you met another version of him. Somewhere. Sometime. An inferior Loki, obviously.
Suddenly, the jet ski magazine becomes less interesting, his mind fleeting.
Discreetly, he spins in his swivel chair and sees you through inked writings and diagrams on the glass partition of your cubicle. Your coat’s discarded, and you have your sleeves rolled up, looking less formal, less tense than before. Yet, still as fierce with that constant scowl of your brows. He watches you bring your fingers to scratch the left side of your cheek and notices a vague resemblance of a fading scar.
He hadn’t seen that before.
The glowing orange hue of the soul stone sits idly on top of a stack of papers beside you.
Loki makes some sort of contemptuous noise in his mind at the sight.
The TVA is a strange place. The thought of a cosmic organization that overlooks all of the time doesn’t make it any less weird and neither do the uniforms—dull color combinations and collars that never seem to end. And the Time-Keepers, well, he isn’t sure what to make of that. Things are a little too straightforward, too simple for handling such a complex matter of the universe—Time. It doesn't make sense.
You spark his curiosity. You had a connection with him. Another Loki trusted you to a certain extent. He wonders what makes you so special, that Mobius was willing to try everything to convince you to help.
He also wonders what your name is.
The clearing of his throat comes off as a sudden and disruptive sound that resonates clearly through the somewhat silent environment of the office floor. A subtle way to gaining your attention although it's proving ineffective. You continue to flip through documents, scribbling notes on a notepad.
He wheels his chair closer to you. For a moment, he catches sight of a white mug amongst the mess. It says, 'Rocket scientist at work.' There’s no way a person as intimidating as you have that kind of mug.
He clears his throat once more.
Still nothing. It’s like he doesn't exist to you.
Then, he notes your vague attempt to fight down a growing smile.
Oh. Oh. You—
He scooches closer and taps on the glass partition a little too aggressively.
“I know you can hear me.”
His tone comes out in a sing-song manner. Finally, your eyes turn up to meet his. They are different from when you first saw him emerged into the hallway. Less angry and shocked. Now, you just look unimpressed.
Loki somehow thinks it’s a great idea to charm his way to you.
A grin finds his way to his lips, curving widely with oozing allure.
Or so he thinks.
“Pardon me, but I believe we haven’t properly met and I didn’t catch your name earlier on.”
You don’t say anything, only blink in response.
Tough crowd.
Loki shifts in his seat.
“...What is your name?”
He articulates his words with care, and he doesn’t know why he finds it a need to tread lightly around you. Like with a touch, you will transform into a fiery beast from his childhood nightmares and eat him alive.
You and Mobius are polar opposites—personality-wise. It’s a wonder how the two of you get along.
Do you scare him? No. Definitely not.
Do you intimidate him? Perhaps. But, he will never admit it.
Maybe it’s the way you’re gazing at him with that constant, deafening deadpan look.
Then, you finally give him an answer.
And with that, you're back to scribbling notes on a notepad.
Loki scoffs silently to himself.
Well, that turned out to be completely pointless.
He turns his back to you, returning to scanning through Mobius' jet ski magazine within his grasp.
Loki doesn’t see how you’re now staring at the back of his figure, tapping your pen against the notepad absentmindedly.
Curious minds think alike.
You needed a change of scenery.
With all the noise of the muffling narration of the training videos from Mobius’ desk, you began to feel like you forgot how to do your job. The only job you were created for. The disturbance seems to be putting your brain into a frenzy and it’s preventing you from getting your head straight on report protocols. Trying to think of better words to describe the things you’ve seen on Sakaar that weren’t words that meant trash and didn’t end up sounding unintentionally sexual, is where you draw the line.
Times are hard for the variant turned analyst.
The archives are serene amid your solitude. Extensive tables hidden between shelves of identical-looking binders that expanded throughout the hundreds of floors of the building. The spot that overlooks the three looming statues of the Time-Keepers is your favorite. The occasional swish of a passing elevator calms your nerves from all the frustration and pressure ever since you were released from your arrest. You’re just happy to be somewhere familiar although it’s not home.
Although all distractions are gone, you manage to find new ones as you gaze at the glowing ‘357’ signage from across the building as you decide to let your thoughts run for just a little while. You feel like you’re looking through foggy glasses and your brain feels like it’s about to shut down any moment.
Dream away the pain, then.
Then, you hear a voice from afar. Two voices. It’s Mobius; you’ll recognize that quintessential Texan accent anywhere from the times he would rave about a new jet ski magazine he’d found on a mission...something along those lines.
Much to your chagrin, you also hear Loki with that irritatingly posh accent of his.
You should probably move somewhere else. Run and hide before you're being pulled even more into this mess because you know Mobius is trying to get you to spend as much time with the variant turned analyst to gain trust.
You’re still not sure how it’s helping with his case. Loki has better trust in Mobius than you as far as you’re concerned.
Before you could even gather the mess of your files, the two men you’ve been trying to escape are already by the desk you’re sitting at. You suddenly notice the stack of files on the other end of the desk, not remembering seeing the archivist putting that there.
“Let me park ya at this desk and don’t be afraid to really lean into this work...”
You look like a deer caught in the headlights, signaling to Mobius that you really don’t want to share a desk with Loki. He continues to speak to him, ignoring your silent plea. Then, he gestures to the seat across from you.
There’s still time to leave.
Mobius addresses you with the stretch of his pointer finger.
“You, keep an eye on him. I’m gonna get a snack.”
Well, too late.
With a turn of a heel, you and Loki watch him walk away and pass neverending shelves of the archives. Once again, the two of you are left alone in the silence and the white noise of the TVA.
You meet each other's eyes at the same time, struck with the thought that you and he will probably be seeing each other a lot until the Loki variant is arrested. Plus, you’re tired of giving him the cold shoulder although you believe he deserves it.
This is a different Loki. The one who’s still power-hungry. The one who still wants to rule.
Time to start fresh.
You notice he now wears a jacket, a color somewhere between green, grey, and brown with a striking image of the TVA’s official badge above his chest. The lapels of his jacket jut out in an attempt to replicate his sense of pride and confidence.
He must have been on a trip with Mobius to the Renaissance Faire in Wisconsin, 1985. Oh, how you would kill to tag along. Everyone who knows you knows about your obsession with Earth’s music pop culture, specifically the 1980s. It explains the cassettes you have lying around. Your apartment has more of it.
Unfortunately, you're grounded. That's reality.
Thus, you decide that Loki deserves a second chance because he’s also somehow looking at you for some kind of approval. You’re starting to wonder if this is the same Loki that was tapping aggressively on your cubicle earlier on.
With an open palm, you gesture to the empty seat surrounded by stacks of binders and folders. It's the first time he has experienced some kind of acknowledgment of his presence that you weren’t ranting or screaming about. Oddly calm. Oddly inviting. Momentarily, he shifts in his stance, eyes darting between a fading figure of Mobius rounding the corner and to the seat, across from you.
The air is tense. However, still breathable.
Loki slides into the seat, legs shifting under the desk as it brushes against your by accident. You shoot him a pointed look, and he responds with a coy expression, blinking at you innocently. It’s mischievous.
Classic Loki.
You turn back to your case file, ignoring the way his gaze seems to burn holes into the side of your face for a fleeting moment before flipping a binder open from the stack to his left.
You snore when you sleep.
Loki wouldn’t describe it as a snore; it's more of a wheeze. Soft and subtle but it’s there, cutting through the ambiance of the archives, drifting and resonating in his ears. Through turning pages, uttering words to himself for his amusement, and having an irritating lady shush him for that, he realized how it became a lot quieter. The grazing sound of pen furiously scribbling words onto the yellow notepad has stopped.
Then, he hears it. Your pathetic snores. Your cheek is unceremoniously pressed against the back of your hand while the other holds the orange pen that’s still pinned down on the paper, mid-scrawl. The tip of the ballpoint pen sits idly, halfway through the curved stroke of the last letter of the word, ‘debris.’ He cranes his neck, face tilting in an attempt to read the chicken scratchings of your handwriting.
0132: L1190 hauls me through the time door and I miserably land on Sakaar, the planet of wastelands and debris.
You are quite...miserable. In a comical way. And he knows how much you hated your time on Sakaar—Mobius warned him of your apparent irritation in reminiscent of being stranded and then having to resume paperwork immediately. He wonders if he, too, is the reason for another boiling rage.
Apparently, you were pardoned on behalf of not only Mobius but the Time-Keepers as well.
You, an agent, are recognized by the holy and almighty Time-Keepers.
You, an agent, who sleeps with your mouth agape.
The statues of the TVA’s creators loom over him like they’re watching his every step. Every movement. Every lingering thought. Right now, he has the urge to uncover, perhaps deduce, the holes within this whole mess. In a carefully calculated and discrete movement, he reaches to prod you on the forearm. You don’t move.
He prods you again.
You still don’t move.
Now, Loki is trying to chat up the archivist who watches him through narrowed eyes, glasses framing the austere and rigid structure of her face, in favor of files that turn out to be classified.
Classified, classified, classified. Only able to gain access to his own file.
His journey from the desk proved to be useless and unproductive although the much-needed stretch somehow made it a little worthwhile.
When he returns, you're surprisingly still asleep, brow twitching and lips still parted.
Aren’t you supposed to be keeping an eye on him?
The pen you held has now left your grasp, rolled over to his stack of binders. He notices the words inscribed on it, ‘Mars is there, waiting to be reached.'
Through your fury and chaos, he knows there’s a part of you that feels, a part of you that loves. And you love everything about the Midgardians’ space program. It's shown in the way you cling to collected memorabilia.
There are dark circles that adorn your shut eyes, barely hidden under your lashes. You’re exhausted, fractured.
Loki is having a difficult time trying to suppress how he likes the way the frizz of your hair glows against the glowing table lamps from the desk behind you. You’re raw, flaws presented on a silver platter for everyone to see. Maybe, that’s the reason why you entice him the way you do.
He’s staring. Right. Back to work.
Loki returns to running through neverending case files, engrossed in the pixelated monochrome images that accompany the monospace typeface of endless reports.
Then, he sees it.
‘Destruction of Asgard’ in big, bold, and red letters. It glares at him sharply, images of his once divine home of Asgard, crumbling at the feet of Surtur. Buildings, people, engulfed in the flames of the fire demon. The prophecy of the end, Ragnarok—it was meant to be.
His home, it still was. Although an untrue Asgardian.
He knows how it ends. He knows he dies. He wishes his true self, the one on the Sacred Timeline, could have done more.
He doesn’t realize the forming tears that linger. He doesn’t realize that in the sense of premonition, you’ve awakened. He doesn’t realize that even with sleepy eyes, you notice the grief that glints in his eyes.
“Are you okay?”
With three words, you’ve struck him with those eyes that seemed all-knowing. You see through the facade he has created, sealing the true nature of what is truly a child that is afraid of his destiny and to lose all he had ever known. His mother, father, and brother. His people. You see through it all.
You know that face. You’d seen it on Sakaar when he sat at the doorstep of your makeshift home, watching the splintered moon drift through the star-lit sky. You’d seen it in yourself through the dusty reflection of the screen of the tempad.
He longs for home. He longs for family.
For a moment, Loki sees Frigga in your eyes.
Then, his world shifts, hauling him back to reality. It’s you who’s across his way, not his mother. Loki blinks, partly to get his head straight with the excuse to blink away the sting in his eye. He shifts in his seat, rolling his neck and squares his shoulders.
“Yes. I’m alright. It’s just...”
Trailing off, he clears his throat. You follow his gaze and from your spot, you catch sight of those deafening crimson letters. Maybe, it was the spur of the moment. You blame your drowsy state, but there’s a growing warmth that spreads across your chest from the pit of your stomach. It’s subtle, a spark, but evident. Before you know it, you’re uttering words that leave your lips faster than your brain could perceive.
“I’m sorry.”
You don’t know when was the last time you said those words and meant it. Loki doesn’t know when was the last time he’d ever heard those words addressed to him, spoken from the lips of a stranger. Until now.
You mean it. He sees it in the curve of your brows.
Loki swallows, nodding curtly. For the first time, he has nothing to say. And as quickly as the moment comes, he brushes it off and so do you. Whatever is reminiscent of a residing unknown feeling, bubbling within, has disappeared.
He sees your hand reach for the pen and for a while, he thinks you’re about to reach for his arm.
But no, you’re back to scrawling notes on the paper and he’s back to studying useless documents.
It doesn’t take long for the two of you to fall back into your normal antics as you find yourself chasing after Loki, who abruptly left the desk with wide eyes.
Curious minds think alike. Mostly.
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tickle-bugs · 3 years
One of a Kind
@amazingmsme I didn't want to post the thing you sent just because of the minor minor spoilers (I hate that we've lost a grip on spoiler culture on the internet so I am overcorrecting to keep my blog safe!) but what you sent was too goddamn cute. Have an unedited thing I wrote in one go. This takes place in the nebulous, non-existent gap between episode 5 and 6! I still haven't see the finale so....this is canon-adjacent-adjacent I guess. Enjoy!
Spoilers for the Loki series under the cut!
Cataloguing variants had always been time-consuming, but somehow Loki was making it take longer. Mobius knew that Loki should’ve gone through his stack already, especially with his reading speed, but he was just staring at one particular file and huffing at increasing volumes.
Alright, I’ll bite.
“I’d ask what you’re thinking about, but I know you’re gonna tell me.” Mobius thumbed through his file on another Loki, one who’d defected from Thanos in 2012 to join the Avengers. They’d pruned him pretty early. Mobius still regretted not being able to pick his brain for a little while longer.
“These other variants are incredible,” Loki scoffed.
“I agree.”
“I don’t understand it.” He stared at Mobius, brow furrowed, and alright, they clearly weren’t getting any more work done.
“Lokis tend to be extraordinary. It’s kinda a thing with you guys.” Mobius slid his files aside.
“Right, but in comparison, I am at the lower end of the bunch.” Loki frowned, gesturing as if this was a matter of grave importance.
“Okay, you lost me.” He folded his hands on the table and squinted at Loki.
“We have an alligator, an illusionist whose powers dwarfed my own, a child who killed Thor, a President--though I can’t fathom wanting to be a part of the American political system--and an enchantress. Those are the variants that we know about. So why am I here helping you?”
“You’re the best of the bunch.” The simplest and truest answer. Loki didn’t seem to buy it.
Mobius dragged his chair around the table and put it in front of Loki, effectively pinning him against the table--well, he could just stand up and walk away, but Mobius knew he wouldn’t. It was part of their thing.
“What are you doing?”
“Just gettin’ closer.” Mobius slotted his knees between Loki’s and pulled his chair as far in as it could go.
“I can see that. Why?”
“I just wanna be close to you, that’s all.” He gave his best convincing grin. Loki visibly softened.
“Loki, you are a genius with a good heart. You’re here because you are, at least in my book, a hero.” Mobius gave his knee a steady pat. Loki puffed with pride.
“Go on.”
“Wow, you are on a perfect swinging scale of narcissism. From self-deprecating to king of the world in no time flat.” Mobius laughed.
“Thank you.” Loki adjusted his tie, missing or ignoring everything but the word ‘perfect’. Mobius bit his lip on a chuckle--he really shouldn’t inflate an already dangerously-large ego, but Loki needed it, he thought. His confidence was all air, after all--smug posturing designed to fill the void of something genuine. Loki could use genuine, for a change.
He looked Loki up and down slowly, deliberately, and an absurd little idea took root in the back of his mind. It had worked in the Time Cell, so maybe...
“Why are you looking at me like that? Wh--Mobius. Mobius. Stop it.” Loki leaned back as much as he could. Mobius grinned and hovered his fingers just over Loki’s torso, dangerously close. Loki sucked in his stomach, looking frantically between Mobius’s hands and his face.
“This r-really isn’t necessary.” The wobbly smile on Loki’s lips told Mobius the exact opposite.
“Nervous giggler, huh?” Mobius twitched his fingers and Loki jumped.
“Perfect! Then you’ll hear what I have to say.” Mobius set his fingers adrift, passing languidly over Loki’s spots but never landing anywhere.
“Sylvie’s my favorite because she’s wild and unpredictable. I can never quite figure out what’s goin’ on in that head of hers, regardless of her being a Loki, and it fascinates me. You know I love my puzzles, and cracking open her head like a walnut has been a real highlight of my career.” Mobius’s fingers over Loki’s knee got the first giggles to bubble out, sweet and fluttery, and it took all of his strength not to chase them down.
“But you? You’re incredible. Quick wit, a quicker knife hand, and a will to survive that I haven’t seen in--” Mobius whistled lowly-- “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it. Plus, you’re pretty cute. Or, so I’ve heard.”
“You had me wrapped around your finger when we brought you in. I mean, you could talk a desert into bloomin’.” It was the first time in a few thousand Loki’s that he’d genuinely almost been fooled--something about this one, his Loki, just got to him in a way that the others never could.
“I still have you around my finger.” Loki’s smile and rosy cheeks ignited a gentle warmth in Mobius’s chest. Gentle, rolling chuckles flowed steadily from him, walls completely broken down, and if Mobius could keep one memory forever, it would be this.
“Oh, and that laugh. I’m almost jealous. Literal music to my ears. Y’know, the other Loki’s never laughed like this? It was always this fake, snooty chuckle that used to make my skin crawl.
“But not you. You’ve got this damn beautiful giggle. It’s like the old saying goes: every time a Loki laughs, a puppy is born. Or angels get their wings. A little bit of both.” Mobius let his fingers drift upwards to Loki’s ribs and he whined, pitching forward until his forehead hit Mobius’s chest.
“T-That’s not a thing.” The color on Loki’s face had matured into a wonderful shade of cherry, his voice pinching from the sheer volume of emotion--Mobius could actually see him working through it in real time. Another favorite thing that he could never express aloud--how earnestly and easily Loki wore his emotions.
“He speaks!” Mobius swooped his hands in, never touching but threatening, and Loki yelped around some more giggles.
“Stop it.” Loki swiped at his hands, but even at close range, he couldn’t coordinate enough to catch Mobius.
“You’re right, my bad. It’s rude to keep you waiting.”
“Wh--no, nonono, that’s definitely not what I meant--”
“You make it so easy for me,” Mobius sighed wistfully, seeking out Loki’s trick rib as easy as breathing. Loki shrieked, crumpling in Mobius’s arms, and Mobius held him as he deftly took him apart.
“You are a Loki, alright? There’s no doubt about that. But you’re you, and I like ya. Stop worryin’ about the others.” He wormed his fingers under Loki’s arms, then spidered across the backs of his ribs and up towards his shoulders.
“Excellent point. You also have me. That’s a pretty big deal--I’m one of a kind, y’know. Limited edition. So there’s that.” His hands found solace beneath Loki's jaw, pulling forth jumpy squeaks between...purrs? Huh. He made a note of it as he scribbled his fingers up Loki’s thigh, dodging swatting hands like a stubborn bug. Loki pulled his knee up to his chest, head tilted back in open-mouthed laughter, and Mobius followed him.
“Who’s got an ego now?” Loki smirked, eyes crinkled, and Mobius summoned his best dramatic gasp.
“You take that back!”
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monicashipslokius · 3 years
Soulmates Actually Pt 5 (of 6)
(Read Part 1/Part 2/Part 3/Part 4)
Loki drags their hands up Mobius’s front, palms flat against his chest, pressing wrinkles into his white shirt. At Mobius’s shoulders, Loki slides their fingers under Mobius’s suit jacket and eases down Mobius’s arms. Mobius straightens his elbows, and the jacket falls unceremoniously to the floor, a dark mark on the beige carpeting. The green tie quickly follows.
Mobius watches Loki with a hooded, passion-filled gaze as their deft fingers open the buttons of his shirt, one after the next, before it too falls down to the floor.
When Loki’s hands finally touch bare skin, they are desperate for it. They follow the path made when Mobius was clothed, up his chest, over his shoulders.
“Loki,” Mobius says, voice caught somewhere between a whisper and a moan.
Loki wraps their arms around Mobius’s waist and pulls him closer. Loki is wearing their silk sleep-shirt, but the fabric is so thin they can still feel the heat of Mobius’s skin against their own.
Loki drops a kiss to Mobius’s bare shoulder, a line across his clavicle, and then up the side of his neck. Mobius tilts his head away, giving Loki more access.
Mobius’s fingers dance up the length of Loki’s arms. He clutches Loki’s shoulders a moment, bunching the nightshirt as Loki bites gently at the soft spot behind Mobius’s ear.
“I want to do this right,” Mobius says. “It’s right for me, but is it right for you?”
Loki hums, trailing a path of kisses to Mobius’s lips before claiming them. Loki pulls away too soon, and smiles when Mobius leans forward, following them. “You are doing perfectly.”
Another kiss. Two. “Not too fast?”
Loki pulls away again, only so far as to look Mobius in the eye so he will know the depth of their feeling as they say, “If I do not have you this moment, I will burst.”
Mobius laughs, and Loki’s heart swells with new, unknown feeling - pride, happiness, unconditional affection. Mobius has won startled laughs from Loki many times but never the other way around. Mobius’s eyes sparkle with delight, with interest and joy and some pride of his own.
Loki wonders if this is what love feels like.
“Not too fast then.” Mobius’s smile lingers.
“Good,” Mobius says, and gives Loki a shove.
Loki, caught unawares, falls back onto the bed. “Mobius!” Immediate they are on their elbows, watching Mobius step closer, up to the bed, in the open space between Loki’s legs.
Heart racing at the potential, blissful implications, Loki attempts to keep cool and lifts one lone brow. “My soulmate is feeling bold, I see.”
As Mobius’s hands reach for the waistband of Loki’s sleep-pants, Loki gathers all of their willpower not to whimper out, please. Despite their efforts, it still erupts from their throat, a cut off, strangled sound of desperation that makes Mobius’s smile grow into a shark-like grin.
“Your soulmate,” he says, dropping to his knees, “intends to worship their mischievous god.”
Loki has been in many sexy situations across the centuries, but never in their very long life have they ever felt this much longing, this much lust -
No, more than lust. Desire coupled with affection, wrapped up in...
At the first whispered touch, Loki’s thoughts frizzle out, and they do not return for a long, long time.
The apartment’s dark, lit only from the dim starlight peeking through the sheer curtains and the flashing clock on the microwave that neither of them set properly.
Loki’s cheek is pressed to Mobius’s bare chest, their ear over Mobius’s heart, listening to the strong, steady rhythm. Mobius’s breath is slow and deep; he fell asleep hours ago. But Loki, even with their body pleasantly exhausted and their desire temporarily sated, lies awake.
They count Mobius’s heartbeats, but hold their breath for the space between them. Humans are fragile things with such short lifespans. Fifty seems so young, but for Mobius, that is already over half his life.
“I think I should retire,” Mobius said earlier, over dinner. “I’ve worked since I was sixteen. Saved and saved. I’ve got enough investments to see us through for a good long while.”
“You love your work,” Loki said, half-hoping they hid the hope in their voice successfully enough to appear supportive.
Mobius laughed, happy and fond, which perhaps was a reveal all its own. “If I dropped dead right now, they would replace me tomorrow.” He stabbed his fork through a green bean, but he might as well stabbed Loki through the heart. His gaze on the food, he didn’t appear to notice. “It’s not personal. It’s a good company. They’ve treated me well over the years. But... that’s just how jobs work. I don’t know. I have more to live for now than just that. And we can afford it.” He laughed again, softer and sadder. “I want to at least have a few years where I can keep up with you.”
“I won’t leave you behind,” Loki said, and they could hear their own desperation.
Mobius finally looked up at Loki, and even though he smiled, he could not hide the gentle heartache in his eyes. “I’m no spring chicken, Loki. Eventually -”
“Do not finish that thought, Mobius M. Mobius.”
“I’m just saying that -”
“I know what you are ‘just saying’ and I will not hear it. I will not leave you behind, and that is the end of the discussion.”
Mobius’s brows lifted high, and Loki expected further argument. But per usual, Mobius subverted all expectations and laughed again, as happy and fond as before.
“If anyone can figure out a way to cheat death, it’s you,” he said then.
He snores a little now. His arms clutch Loki closer, even in sleep. And Loki renews their vow, quiet in the dark.
“Nothing will take you from me.”
Mobius puts in his two week notice the next day.
The photo of his office building that he kept on the dresser gets replaced with one of he and Loki together - much of the wall space in their apartment does too. Their smiling faces greet them at every turn.
Perhaps it’s narcissistic, Loki wonders, to have that many pictures of them in their own home, but Loki is so unaccustomed to their own happiness, it is like looking at a stranger.
When they tell Mobius, Mobius smiles and kisses them. He doesn’t reply with words, but he does get that far away look in his eye, the one that appears when his joints are too stiff in the morning, or when he wakes up from having fallen asleep on the recliner without having meant to, or when he looks in the mirror at his gray hair and promises Loki, “I used to be blond.”
And though he never says, I want you to have something to remember me by, Loki can hear the words as loudly as if he shouted them.
Mobius taps his finger on the top of the dresser, near the framed photo of his parents. “You know, I only have this one picture of them. Forty years with them in my life, of phone calls and Christmas cards, too few visits. All of it down to one picture and a bunch of fuzzy memories.”
Loki stands beside him, glancing briefly at the photo before staring at Mobius, at the far away look, and the rare-sadness tilting down his mouth. Yet before they can think of something that would bring some measure of comfort, Mobius turns to Loki and says, “Let’s go on vacation.”
Surprise replaces worry, and Loki glances at the smiling photo of Mobius on his jetski. “A lovely idea,” Loki says, and offers a small grin. “I believe I was promised a trip to the ocean as recompense for surrendering dominion over this realm.”
Mobius wide smile returns, and Loki’s grows in victory.
“A man should keep his promises,” Mobius says, and they start making plans.
Two weeks pass, and Mobius's last day at work comes and goes.
“You’ll be sick of me in a week,” Mobius says the first day off, but after a week, and then two after that, Loki cannot get enough of their time together.
During the day, he and Loki talk and go for walks and watch the soap operas Loki pretends to only like ironically but secretly loves.
“Is that Georgina or Regina?” Mobius asks.
Loki, an expert after weeks of indulgence, can easily identify one twin from another. “That’s Georgina. Regina has the beauty mark above her lip.”
During the night (and sometimes during the day too), they lose themselves in each other. Without draining himself at work all day, Mobius has more energy to properly worship his mischievous god, and though Loki will never admit it aloud, they do some worshiping too, of their foolhardy mortal.
Their precious, fragile human.
The longer they are together, the more perfectly matched they seem. And Loki, who has never been in love before, begins to allow himself a moment of soft wonder.
Loki remembers their first touch, the spliced visions of their future, and the way Mobius said, I love you. Again and again, a thousand times in one moment. Loki begins to wish for that... to crave it.
Sometimes they wonder what Mobius saw during the vision. Did Loki say it to him?
They have no idea how to ask without giving themself away.
The night before their trip to California, Mobius and Loki pack clothes into a pair of suitcases. At first they had attempted to share a single suitcase, but quickly deemed that an unwise decision.
“I don’t understand why you need so many clothes,” Mobius said, as his ‘half’ of the suitcase shrank down a considerable margin. “Can’t you just magic your outfit whenever you want?”
“You always wear that same drab suit, despite all the others we procured for you, despite no longer being required to wear it for work,” Loki replied. “Surely that portion of the suitcase is enough for one suit.”
Mobius looked down at the brown suit he currently wore, and though his smile remained, a small line formed between his brow. Loki knew instantly they had pushed too far.
So they cleared their throat and said, “Or perhaps I am doing my best to ensure you spend most of the trip naked.”
Mobius laughed and his brow smoothed out. “Alright, alright. I’ll get another suitcase,” he said, without further prompting.
Now, Mobius carefully folds yet another white shirt as he lowers it down onto the perfectly aligned pile of five exact copies. “I’ve been thinking.”
“A dangerous prospect,” Loki says, tossing a few shirts into their own suitcase. “One that usually ends in anxiety for me.” They say it as a joke. They do not expect Mobius’s quiet in return.
Worried there might still be lingering hurt from the suit remark, Loki shifts all attention to Mobius, and finds him a tangle of tension and uncertainty.
“Maybe it’s not a good idea.” He unfolds and refolds the same shirt. Twice. “Forget I said anything.”
Loki reaches out, takes the shirt from Mobius hands, and lowers it. Then they take Mobius’s hands and turn him toward them. When Mobius’s gaze drifts off toward the kitchen, Loki laces their fingers together and squeezes his hands gently.
“Good or not, I should hear your idea,” Loki says. “I enjoy knowing all of your thoughts.”
Mobius shifts his glance briefly to the photo of his parents on the dresser. “Even if it’s something that might cause you anxiety?”
Loki traces their thumb over Mobius’s. “I believe not knowing would be substantially worse.”
Finally, Mobius looks at them. “Yeah, okay.” He presses his lips hard together as he studies Loki’s face.
The longer the silence lasts, the more worry coils around Loki’s chest until they  feels as if they might explode just from anticipation of -
“I think we should invite your family to our vacation.”
Loki blinks. Waits for the punchline.
For surely Mobius is jesting.
Instead, Mobius winces. “Now that’s a look.”
“You... aren’t jesting.” Loki tries to imagine Odin standing on a sandy Californian beach, but the image is so outrageous, their mind cannot conjure it.
“Look, I know it’s a bad idea. And we can go ahead and never talk about it after this, but...” He glances again at the photo of his parents, and the heartbroken look returns to his eyes. “Too few visits.”
Only one picture.
There are no pictures of Loki’s family. Mobius offered to print a fuzzy photo of Thor from the internet but Loki refused.
“I’m not saying we invite your dad, I know that’s...” Mobius gives Loki’s hands a gentle, supportive squeeze. “But what about Thor? I promised him a jetski ride.” A pause, then softer, “What about your mom?”
Loki can imagine Thor acting a buffoon on a sandy beach - building a sand-Asgard (or attempting to - Loki’s would be infinitely better), racing Mobius on jetskis, swimming out too far and having to use Mjolnir to fly back to safety.
Oddly, Loki can also imagine Frigga, perched on a lounge chair under an umbrella, flipping through pages of a book. She would be the judge of their theoretical sand-Asgard competition and would undoubtedly deem them equal, regardless of actual merit.
“There’s that smile,” Mobius says, drawing Loki back to the now, away from the beach and to their small apartment in Dubuque. “Maybe not such a bad idea after all?”
Hope burns hot in Loki’s chest, even as they say, “They’d never agree, even if we could find a way to invite them.”
“I don’t believe that,” Mobius says, and his confidence further brightens Loki’s hope. He tilts his head. “It’s okay if you don’t want to. I’d never complain about having you all to myself.” He surely aims for a smile, and he gets one. “But... would it be okay if we tried?”
They’ll say no, Loki knows. They’ll never show. But blind hope has them nod their head, just once.
“Great.” Mobius lifts one of Loki’s hands and kisses the back of it. Then he releases them both and steps into the middle of the apartment.
“What are you doing?” Loki asks.
Mobius winks, then lifts his gaze to the ceiling. “Um, hi?” He furrows his brow and glances at Loki. “What was his name again? The guy who’s always watching? Helmdell?”
“Heimdall,” Loki says, “But I’m not sure he’ll appreciate playing messenger for such a silly request.”
“Come on,” Mobius says. “Guy is probably up there all day dealing with huge crises. He might appreciate something lighter for a change. Plus, if anything goes wrong, we can just blame the ignorant human.” He points his thumb to himself.
That this silly human man is so casually willing to bother a god with a party invitation has Loki want to hide their own face in embarrassment and also cover Mobius’s in kisses.
What an impossible fool.
“Mister Heimdall, sir?” Mobius says to the ceiling. “I’m sorry to bother you, I know you're busy. But if you could please let Loki’s mom and brother know that they are invited to come to our vacation in Malibu tomorrow? For a week? If they want to? I’d appreciate it. Uh, thank you.” He lowers his head, frowns, and lifts it again. “You can come too.”
“Mobius,” Loki hisses.
“He can come,” Mobius tells them as he returns to their side. In a whisper, he says, “We can’t be rude.”
Only the most extreme level of willpower keeps Loki from rolling their eyes. “If you were worried about rudeness, you should have invited my... the All-Father.”
Mobius’s smile slips. “No.”
It’s such a sudden turnabout that Loki’s brain goes quiet a moment.
“I’m sorry, Loki. If you want him there, of course, we can invite him, but listening to you talk about him. Even right now, did you hear yourself? You called him ‘All-Father,’ not Dad or Pops or even Odin. So formal. And look at you.” He grabs Loki by the elbows and jostles them a bit, and Loki realizes how tense they’ve been. “Coiled up like a spring about to pop. If this is what just mentioning him does to you, I don’t want that guy anywhere near you.”
Loki loosens as Mobius trails his hands to their shoulders.
“He may be displeased at not being invited,” Loki says.
“We’ll deal with that rainbow bridge when we cross it.”
Mobius rubs Loki’s shoulders, and Loki closes their eyes, putty in his hands.
“You cause infinite trouble for me, soulmate,” Loki says.
Mobius chuckles. “Yeah, but you like trouble. Keeps things interesting.” Mobius’s fingers dig into tight muscle, and Loki lets out a soft, relaxed sigh. “That’s why Regina’s your favorite.”
Loki’s eyes snap open. “She is not.”
“She’s the mischief-maker.”
“No, I assure you, she is far from my favorite. Her plans are so poorly executed that even Claudio, besotted as he constantly is over Georgina, catches wise of her almost instantly. She insults the name of mischief.”
“Maybe. But they wouldn’t have a show without her. She’s the only one who does anything.”
“No, you simply have not watched enough episodes...” Loki stops themself short and stands suddenly taller. “I know what you're doing.”
“You are attempting to distract me.”
Mobius hums, and his little smile turns 100% smug. “It worked too, didn’t it?”
It did, and Loki is both infuriated and endeared at once. “How do you do this to me?”
Mobius shrugs. “You’re pretty easy to rile up.”
“That’s not what I mean, I -” They stop themself again, realizing they were about to admit to... feelings. Dangerous feelings. They swallow down the words they want to say, and say instead, “You infuriate me, Mobius.”
“Yeah,” Mobius says, “But you like that too.”
Loki does. All powers in the cosmos help them, they absolutely do.
They are as besotted with Mobius as Claudio is with Georgina. No, more so.
Mobius is so earnest and good and kind, and cares so much about Loki and Loki’s happiness, that even though Loki is annoyed, they still lean forward and kiss Mobius quick on the mouth.
Mobius closes his eyes for the kiss, then takes his time opening them again. He looks at Loki like they’re the brightest star in the sky, and Loki, chest swollen with an unfamiliar emotion that washes away all annoyance, even the faked kind, pulls Mobius into their arms and kisses him again, more properly.
Overwhelmed with warmth, Loki swoops Mobius up into their arms, mouth pressed against Mobius’s laugh, and carries him to the bed.
In the end, both suitcases end up on the floor, overturned, contents spread out all over, Mobius’s many shirts no longer perfectly folded. The one he was wearing will need some serious mending, buttons all ripped off. The pants are too torn to be salvageable.
Mobius holds Loki close and places soft kiss after soft kiss along their hairline. The space between one and the next lengthens until eventually they stop altogether.
With Mobius’s breath slow and steady in sleep, Loki leans to Mobius’s ear and whispers, “I think that I... I love you.”
“They aren’t going to come,” Loki says in the taxi cab to the airport.
“They surely have other matters to attend to,” Loki says at 30,000 feet.
“I cannot imagine them meeting us,” Loki says on the Californian tarmac,  even as they do imagine it - the four of them with multi-color drinks topped with sliced fruit, curly straws, and tiny umbrellas.
Mobius has not released their hand the entire voyage. “You never know. Stranger things have happened.”
“Stranger than two gods vacationing with their delinquent adopted relative?”
“Sure,” Mobius says with a shrug. “You hear the one about the gorgeous god who found their soulmate in a folksy dope of a human?”
A small measure of Loki’s anxiety melts away. “You are referring to when the realm’s bravest human opened their heart to a broken god?”
“Not broken,” Mobius says, suddenly serious. “Never broken.”
“Mobius,” Loki starts, but in a flash, Mobius easy smile returns.
“Come on. Let’s hit the beach.”
Loki bounces their leg the entire taxi drive to their beach-front hotel. Their suite is large, upgraded last minute at surely no small expense, to a set of three rooms, just in case Thor and Frigga decided to arrive. They change into swim trunks and descend the staircase off their balcony down to the sand. The hotel arranged a series of lounge chairs and umbrellas that Loki is eager to claim, but Mobius pulls them down to the water first.
“We’ve been in Iowa too long. We have to at least touch the ocean.”
Loki accommodates him enough to step into the water, ankle-deep. Mobius splashes in all the way. He dips below the surface, then reappears, drawing closer, soaking wet.
“Do not even think of -” Loki says, knowing what’s coming. Mobius allots them plenty of time to move if they wish, but they do not. Though they do groan in dismay as Mobius wraps them in a damp hug.
“Kiss me,” Mobius says, bright as the sunshine and laughing. “I taste like the ocean.”
Loki does not bother to stop their rolling eyes, even as they indulge him with a kiss. Hm, he does taste a bit salty. But it’s still Mobius underneath.
“Perhaps you are part fish,” Loki offers, teasing.
Mobius’s eyes light up. “Do you think mermaids are real? Mermen?”
Loki, watching Mobius’s youthful glee, has no desire to quash his joy, even slightly. “Perhaps?”
“Oh, man. How great would that be?” Mobius says and releasing Loki, flops back into the water.
Loki can’t help their smile. And they don’t want to either. Mobius makes them feel young again too, full of hope and possibilities. Like they could accomplish anything.
Like defying death.
Their smile slips, but they struggle to hold onto it, not wanting to ruin Mobius’s fun.
But even this trip carries the weight of Mobius’s unsaid wish, I want you to have something to remember me by.
“We will remember together,” Loki says under his breath, as Mobius jumps into a wave.
Then, like a boom of thunder across the beach, roars a voice, “Brother!”
Loki turns to see Thor in bright-colored shorts and a too-small white tank top walking toward him. Large sunglasses hide his eyes, and a swipe of white sunscreen streaks his nose, but his wide smile leaves no argument to his expression. And beside him...
Frigga wears a long, floral sundress and a wide-brimmed hat. Where Thor barrels forward, oaf-like, she moves like the water itself, each step on the sand fluid and careful.
Reality flashes through Loki, stealing his breath. When last she saw them, they were... not...
They have no idea what their relationship could be now.
This was a mistake.
Loki has to run.
They look at the water, but Mobius is too far out.
For Loki to run, they would have to leave Mobius.
Indecision roots them. To stay or to go.
But no, Frigga would not wear a sundress if she had meant only to renounce them. She would not dress as though she intends to stay.
And Mobius...
Loki steels their resolve. How tightly had Mobius held Loki after they fought about his job and he thought Loki gone forever? How many whispered promises had he made since then, of their staying together?
No. Mobius would not leave them. 
Loki will not abandon him either.
Thor reaches them first. “Good to see you again, Loki. Heimdall sends his regards, and his regrets. He could not get away.”
“Oh... uh, of course.”
“Where’s... oh!” Thor looks out at the water. “Mobius! My brother! Stay there, I will join you!” Then he trudges into the water, each step a large splash.
In his place, stands Frigga. Loki stands tall, bracing themself for perhaps-deserved condemnation.
But then their mother lifts a hand and places it softly to their cheek.
“My beautiful child,” she says, and it is enough. It is everything.
Loki falls into open arms, feeling much like a youth again, safe and protected in their mother’s embrace.
“Thank you for inviting us,” she says as she cards her fingers through their hair. “It was a most pleasant and unexpected surprise.”
“It was Mobius’s idea,” Loki admits.
“Your soulmate knows your heart well,” she says, kindness warm in her voice. “It brings this mother peace to see her child so happy. Especially after such a long period of distress.”
Loki closes their eyes and bites back their bubbling emotion. To have their pain acknowledge is almost too much. As to, is having the reaffirmation that they are her child, even now, even after everything.
Loki realizes too late that they are still wet from Mobius’s hug, and pulls away sharply. But Frigga keeps her arms on their shoulders, her smile ever-soft, ever-patient. She holds no harm for them, only kindness. Only joy.
Mobius approaches slowly, kicking gently through the water, creating only minimal disturbance to the water’s surface.
He looks first to Loki, as if studying their face. Loki knows he is searching for distress, that Mobius will rise to their defense with nary a moment’s notice. But he mustn’t see that, because a smile breaks wide on his face as he turns it toward Frigga.
He holds out his hand, dripping wet with saltwater. Frigga glances at his hand, then ignores it and pulls him into a hug, too.
“Thank you,” she says, voice nearly lost among the shift of the waves and the loud beating of Loki’s own heart.
“You don’t have to thank me.” Mobius’s voice is much stronger. “You’re always welcome to... oh.”
She says something else, something Loki cannot hear, something that makes Mobius’s smile soften and his eyes search out Loki’s over her shoulder.
“You don’t have to thank me for that, either,” Mobius says. “Loving them is the easiest thing I’ve ever done.”
Loki’s whole world goes very still.
The sun shines. The waves continue to pound the sand. Somewhere, Thor calls out for them to join him. Mobius looks away from them, back to Frigga.
Loki just stands there, a single word, echoing loud in their head.
Mobius’s voice. Mobius’s word.
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ilomilodailystuff · 3 years
If You Love Me || Sylki Fanfic
...really love me
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Loki x Sylvie fanfiction
dt @entertainmentforgods
(every mean comments about this ship will be deleted. If you don't like this ship, please just ignore.)
They did it, it was over. The impossible had come true.
Their heart beating wildly, the anguish of their uncertainty gradually fades as they understand the finality of it all.
Loki and Sylvie had joined forces to destroy the true mastermind of the TVA. The overpowered individual who pulled the strings behind the curtain.
The Goddess of Mischief dropped her bloodstained sword on the dark ground, making a loud metallic sound. He Who Remains had just gave his last breath.
Sylvie took a deep breath while staring at the inert body of the one who called himself The Conqueror. As Loki stood behind her, he watched her worriedly. She had just accomplished what she had fought for all her life. So many years feeding a justified anger towards one man, for it turned out that the Time Keepers were nothing but a sham. So many years of hiding, of surviving in the midst of so many apocalypses instead of just living fearlessly. Instead of living happily, instead of laughing, smiling, dancing, singing, enjoying the present moment, observing the universe and its many wonders without them being destroyed around her, loving and being loved in return... All of that was taken away from her, because The Ruler had decided to do so. Because only one man had made the decision to sacrifice her timeline and her family and those she loved. She had lost everything as a child, because a human had condemned her existence.
And now, the latter had just died. He had lived millions of lives, and the last had just ended, killed by the vengeful hand of an innocent orphan.
Slowly, Loki moved closer to her as he kept his eyes on her. Then when he was right behind her, he gently took her hand to try to get her out of her torpor. Her face turned to him as her gaze was drawn to the ground. She was still trying to regulate her breathing and realize the previous events.
"Come with me…" He half-murmurs, his blue eyes tinted with green watching his partner's reaction carefully, anxious to see her breaking down despite her strength to contain her emotions.
It was then that she nodded softly, still too absorbed by this decisive moment in her life. Sylvie turns to him with the intention of following him, no matter where he wanted to take her.
A few seconds later, both found themselves outside the entrance to the Citadel.
Loki went down the few steps, before sitting quietly on one of them. His teammate was not far away and she watched him get comfortable, while thousands of thoughts jostled in her mind. Curious, Loki brought his attention to her. When their eyes met, she began her steps to him to sit beside him on the step.
A deep sigh escaped her lips as she sat down comfortably, her eyes fixed in front of her, finally noticing the awe-inspiring beauty of the sacred timeline they both would have admired sooner if it were in a less disastrous context. But now as they ran after time, it was as if it has just stopped.
The variants observed this painting before them, this masterpiece born from space and the end of the universe. For a moment, a pleasant silence rocked them in a surreal dream. Their eyes shine brightly, illuminated by the cosmos and time materialised in a perfectly fluid and sparkling line. But also, their intense feelings took over and tears had formed.
Hesitant but at the same time strangely confident, Loki turned to Sylvie, only able to imagine how she felt now.
"You're okay ?" He dares to ask softly.
Suffering of an internal conflict, Sylvie keeps her eyes wide open and try to look indifferent.
"I accomplished my mission, how do you think I feel ?" She replies naturally, almost on the defensive.
"Relieved ?"
"Yeah, among other things." She confirms with obviousness.
Amused by her slightly aggressive responses which, according to him, are what make her what she is, the god of mischief ends up stretching a tender smirk, realizing that this tone will never leave her no matter the situations in which they find themselves, as dramatic and catastrophic as they may be.
Innocently, Sylvie ends up looking at her partner.
"Why do you smile ?" She asks.
He smiles a little more.
"The real question is... why don’t you ?" Loki retorts, eyebrows raised.
The Enchantress raised her eyebrows in turn, that desperate, lonely look that makes her charm appearing on her face. What to answer to that? She had learned that Loki was insightful about her, but she wasn't used to being the center of attention that much.
"Why seek answers to trivial questions." She asks rhetorically as she looks away from him.
After a while, Loki also turned away, dissatisfied with her answer but still preferring to let go.
"So this is it..." He starts. "It's done."
"It's done." Sylvie asserts, nodding her head a little.
His eyes going here and there, Odin's son was asking himself lots of questions. Including one in particular.
"What do we do now ?" He wonders, seeming lost.
Sylvie took a deep breath again, ignoring like him the future of events.
"Should we go back to the TVA ?" Loki continues, bringing his gaze back to the one person he trusted.
"Why ?" She asks softly. "They don't need us anymore."
"But we don't have to hide." He responds with a comforting smile. "We are their allies."
"Is that what you want, to go back to the TVA ? But to do what ?" She asks again, looking into his eyes.
He thought for a moment, trying to unravel this enigmatic knot, stepping into the unknown.
"The Sacred Timeline is free" He said, emphasizing the first words in an exaggerated and caricatural way. "Maybe once we get there, we can look for another timeline where we can... fit in ?"
A silence took hold of them, leaving for only words the looks they exchanged.
Sylvie then ends up lowering her gaze in the direction of her own hands, revealing between her fingers the object that the Conqueror kept around his hand. The tempad.
"How about we take a break, until one of us finds a place to go ?" She offers softly, lost in thought as she doesn't take her eyes off the object.
"What, here ?" Loki asks, uncertain and surprised by her answer.
"Why not..?" She replies, her eyebrows raised, her mind being elsewhere. "When you've seen thousands of apocalypses, The Void isn't as bad as it seems."
Loki takes the time to consider this idea, thinking about everything else. The members of the TVA, the sacred timeline that has become completely independent, the very few people to which he is attached. They had just accomplished something huge, should they just ignore the multitudes of consequences their act caused ?
"It's over, Loki." Sylvie said, looking up at him.
Again, his gaze plunged deeply into her eyes
"We did what we had to do." She continues, looking serene.
"What if they still need us ?" He asks, referring to the TVA, specifically Mobius and hunter B-15, the only two people who believed in them and offered their precious help.
Sylvie watched the sacred timeline as it gradually divided, and she sighed.
"I am tired." She admits, ignoring Loki's question. "And you ?"
Loki admired the many timelines that continued to split, before taking a deep breath.
"Yes, me too..." He answers softly, releasing his breath, releasing the pressure he had been holding since his arrival at the TVA and which he hadn't known he had kept in him all this time until now.
However, he couldn't shake off his negative thoughts and all his apprehensions about the completion of their mission and the impact it will have on the trillions of people the universe can create. The god of mischief had, against all odds, developed a conscience and a moral code. Yes, they had delivered the world by giving it back its free will. But for some reason that he didn't quite understand, he began to doubt.
And buried into his torment, Sylvie brought a comforting hand to his.
Loki laid his eyes on this delicate hand, yet belonging to that of a warrior, his heart missing a beat at the gentle contact of the one he had become crazy about. In this moment of complexity, in this major turning point for the multiverse, he almost forgot his feelings. He almost forgot the way they looked at each other in the Citadel as they walked into the darkness. He almost forgot the moment she had gripped his hand in the Void, in front of Alioth, hoping to help him unleash his enchantment powers.
Suddenly caught up in his emotions, he looked up uncertainly in the direction of his partner. Then, she gave him a brief smile, but oh so genuine. The same smile she had given him on Lamentis, while everything around them was death and destruction. Apparently everything was written. But he decided to ignore this detail that the conqueror had shared with too much pride.
Still confused by these unusual feelings, Loki returned that affectionate and heartwarming smile. Only, looking into her expressive eyes - but in the greatest secret, a loving gaze- he realized that the very thing he wanted above all now was to never leave her again. To stay by her side, as long as possible, even forever, better than that : beyond death. His desires made him all the more nervous. He never thought he would be so consumed by his moods, let alone by a loving emotion that possesses him more and more after each day he spends in her company. Nevertheless he wanted to seize this desire and make it come true.
This time, it is the TVA that he forgets, it is the universe that he neglect, it is the time that he ignores.
It is his glorious purpose that he gave up, because he found a new one...
"Sylvie..." He said, drunk with love for her. "I..."
"No, Loki, wait." Sylvie interrupts him, being totally lost and frightened at the same time. "I have to tell you something..."
"Yes ?" He asks, innocent, patient, in love.
She looked at him intensely, trying to express herself. Something seemed to upset her. Loki was trying to read into her eyes, to read her face, when no word could break the barrier of her lips. Disturbed by this confession, it turned out that it was getting stuck between the walls of her throat.
So the Prince of Asgard frowned, intrigued by the torture she was inflicting on herself through this mysterious revelation.
"I..." She starts before her lips instantly seal.
She took a deep breath, bracing herself for another attempt, as Loki's piercing, loving gaze dug into her pupils until it consumed her whole being.
When finally, in complete disarray, she ends up throwing herself at his neck.
Her lips crashed against his, tenderly, passionately but mostly timidly. Surprised but more than grateful for this proof of unexpected love, Loki was not long in returning her kiss with just as much fervor.
Sylvie had never been attached to anyone. She never wanted to be weak because of her feelings. She would never have dedicated herself to someone body and soul, for trusting and breaking down the imposing and solid walls she had built around her was inconceivable. And yet, faced with the many selfless acts of the one who had irrupted into her plan, she had found herself giving him importance. She hated knowing that she was only considering trusting him. She hated the fact that he could climb these walls she had locked herself between.
Worse yet, she was terrified to find herself reaching out to help him climb.
Eyes closed, they kissed each other with fragility, embarrassed to feel such intense emotions but oh how much they surrendered to them.
Sitting side by side, they relished this moment of sincerity and calm after all they had endured. The highlight of their journey. The completion of a battle for freedom, the same cause that the rightful king of Asgard fought against to make it inaccessible to the people of the earth. This cause that he finally chose to defend ; for him at the beginning, but for her on the way, and for the others at the end of their fight.
Slowly, they parted. Loki then dared to rest his forehead tenderly against hers. They kept their eyes closed, as if to immortalized this moment in their memories, for who knows what might happen to them tomorrow.
That's why he whispered these few words :
"You're right, I... I'm a little tired..." He admitted again hesitantly, unsettled by this moment of pure sincerity.
Keeping her forehead against his, Sylvie nodded gently, not daring to open her eyes to face the truth she still had trouble swallowing.
"Let's stay here..." Loki continues.
"Only for a little while." She continues nervously, muttering her desires like him, probably too afraid that someone will hear them or too embarrassed to admit she is weak in front of him, while he is weak in front of her.
"Yes, after all... If something goes wrong, they know where to find us, right ?" He responds with a raised eyebrow as he still kept his eyes closed, trying to reassure himself by making excuses to stay.
"Yeah, of course, nothing prevents Mobius from coming back here." She confirmed casually.
"Well, unless... Unless he had to prune himself." He said worriedly. "But it’s not as if we have no way to reach them !" He adds anyway, optimistic and trying not to feel guilty.
“Yes ! We have the--” She mimics his optimism, as she pulls away from his forehead to observe the object in her free hand.
"T-the tempad..." He confirms by muttering and nodding his head, bringing in turn his attention to the latter.
The taste of her lips was still too present on Loki's for him to think properly. However, he was trying.
Shyly, he finally looked at her again, a quiet smile displayed on his face.
Of course, Sylvie had noticed it. How to ignore him ? So, embarrassed, she gave him an uncertain look, having no idea how they should react now. After all, despite their thousand years of life, the variants had never really been devoted to feelings or romance that seemed more than superfluous and unnecessary at the time. Although they were aware of their emotions, repressed or not, knowing how to react to them was still an area to be explored.
The landscape around them gradually brought her back to reality. Then, looking worried, she turned her gaze to the entrance to the Citadel. She remembered the corpse of the He Who Remains, the one who had wiped out her timeline and certainly thousands more.
Loki frowned, noticing the change in expression on his partner's face.
"Are you sure you’re okay ?" He asks once more with patience.
Lost in thought, Sylvie continued to look at the place where everything had changed with a blank stare.
"No..." she sighs slowly.
The god of mischief was envious to possess the complicated mind of his variant for the sole purpose of finding the source of her ill-being. It would be enough for him to touch her to enchant her, now that he knows the secrets of enchantment. However, would he dare ? He hesitated for a fraction of a second, before totally rejecting the idea away from him. He was incapable of defying her trust, for he knew full well that he would risk a lot if he tried. Especially since he was still cruelly lacking in experience concerning enchantments.
"But when I wake up tomorrow knowing that the one responsible for all this horror is only a memory, then I could savor every second of my life." She asserts returning her attention to Loki as if nothing had happened, speaking with confidence and lightness.
Perplexed but somewhat reassured, he just nodded briefly, straining to accept her answer. However, something in him told him that she wasn't being entirely truthful.
"...Glorious purpose." He said, trying to lighten the mood.
"Mh..." She only answers, a quiet smirk nestling in the corner of her lips.
Calm eventually took over. Neither of them spoke, only watching the story of trillions of lives forming before their eyes in those many fluorescent lines.
"We're not leaving." He speaks up, his statement sounding more like a question mark.
"We're not leaving." She repeats with a little more conviction than him.
Slowly, he finally took a light breath, before sighing in contentment.
After an extremely difficult journey that could have cost them their lives, even though the Ruler had decided that they would be spared so that they could both achieve their goal, they were going to be able to rest, they were going to be able to breathe. Because even if the gods have more ability than humans to resist fatigue and pain, they could do nothing before the effervescence of their emotions. And as tough as they could be, they were tired, mentally and physically.
Thereupon, on this mutual agreement, the two variants had decided that it was time for them to rest for a while. They didn’t know what they were going to do. But they had decided to figure this out…
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mimisempai · 3 years
You are worth so much more than the sum of your mistakes
Mobius shows Loki that he is much more than his failures.
Last fic before the episode 03. The next one after it. But don't worry, come what may, our boys will be happy.
1802 words - Rating G
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"Loki?" Mobius walked into his office where Loki was sitting flipping through files.
They were leaving in a few hours for Alabama in 2050.
"Would you mind accompanying me to the projection room? I want to show you something."
Loki stood up and nodded.
"Let's go."
They entered the room where Loki had been viewing parts of his past and future life when he arrived at the TVA
Everything that made him a villain.
He stopped when he saw the projector on the table in the middle of the room.
"If this is to make me cruelly realize who I am, so I can keep me on a short leash before the mission, it's not worth it."
Loki turned around ready to leave the room.
"Loki, no!"
Mobius held him back by the sleeve, Loki struggled blinded by the feeling of disappointment that washed over him.
Mobius wrapped his arms around him from behind and said in his ear;
"Loki, I promise you that it is not about that. This time it's my turn to ask you to please trust me."
Loki stopped struggling and let Mobius pull him into the room and he made him sit in front of the screen.
Mobius stood behind him with his hands on his shoulders and gently asked Loki, "Do you remember what you said you were, in this very room last time?"
Loki bowed his head and whispered, "A villain."
Mobius continued, "And do you remember what I replied?"
"That this was not how you saw it."
Mobius pressed his shoulders and answered, "That's right. And I want to show you why I said that. I'm going to show you two excerpts from your past life and one from your future life.Is it okay to watch them?"
Loki just nodded.
Mobius pressed the power button and resumed his place behind Loki with his hands on his shoulders.
"I can stop anytime you want, you just have to say so."
Loki nodded again.
He saw himself and his brother in their ceremonial clothes just before Thor's enthronement.
Thor was taking his helmet presented to him by a servant.
Loki looked at him and said with a half smile, "Oh... nice feathers. "
Thor laughed wryly before replying, "You don't really want to start this again do you?
Loki protested, "I was sincere. "
"You are incapable of sincerity. "
"Am I?"
" Yes "
Loki looked at his brother with affection and replied very seriously, "I've looked forward to this day as long as you have, my brother, my friend. Sometimes I'm envious, but never doubt that I love you. "
Thor put his hand on his shoulder and said softly, "Thank you."
Loki could hardly swallow the lump that had formed in his throat.
They may have clashed often, they may have been on bad terms when Loki ran away, but Thor was the person he missed the most since he was here.
Mobius paused and stood in front of him, kneeling down to be at his level.
He simply placed his hand on Loki's arm and asked, "Do you think someone who shows such brotherly love is a villain?"
Then he stood up, not waiting for an answer and pressed play again.
The scene was happening in Odin's room.
Odin was staring thoughtfully out the window and then turned away. Frigga sat in a vanity and tried different earrings before the mirror.
Odin asked her, "Do you think he's ready?"
"He thinks he is. He has his father's confidence." answered Frigga gently.
Odin retorted,"He'll need his father's wisdom."
Friga laughed and answered impertinently, "And his humility?"
Then Frigga added, "Thor won't be alone. Loki will be at his side to give him counsel. Have faith in your sons."
Loki could not remember ever having witnessed such a scene between his mother and father. He had never imagined his parents discussing Thor and him in this way, it was strange in a way. He had felt like he was witnessing a private scene. But to hear his mother talk about him in this way was beyond comprehension.
Mobius simply said to him before the footage continued, "Do you think a villain would inspire such faith in him from his mother, who is not even of his blood, do you think a mother would put her trust in one brother to support the other if deep down she thought he was a villain?"
The question hung in the air as the video resumed.
When Loki saw the scene beginning to unfold before his eyes, he protested and wanted to stand up, "Mobius, I've seen it before, I know this is the scene where I die!"
Mobius put his hands on Loki's shoulders again and said, "Look at it again this time, please. I really think you need to see it to the end."
Loki was talking to Thanos, "If I might, interject… If you’re going to Earth, you might want a guide. I do have a bit of experience in that arena."
Thanos glared at him and replied "If you consider failure experience…"
Loki, losing none of his cockiness, answered, "I consider experience, experience. Almighty Thanos. I, Loki, Prince of Asgard… Odinson… The rightful King of Jotunheim, God of Mischief, do hereby pledge to you, my undying fidelity."
Thor squinted and noticed a dagger in Loki’s hand. Loki attempted to stab Thanos, but failed.
“Undying. You should choose your words more carefully."
Thanos tightened his hold around Loki’s neck.
Loki made eye contact with Thor before Thanos increased his force on his neck.
He struggled to articulate, "You… will never be… a god."
Thanos snapped Loki’s neck, killing him then added, "No resurrection this time." before disappearing.
Loki closed his eyes, unable to stop a tear from rolling down his cheek.
Mobius leaned over and said softly in his ear, "Loki, watch, I know it's hard, but please watch."
Thor was crying, "No… Loki…"
He was then released from his binds and crawled over to Loki’s body. He laid his head down on Loki’s chest, shedding tears.
Mobius knelt before Loki and took his hands, "Loki, after this, after many twists and turns, Thanos has lost and you played a part in his loss. Your death played a part. But more than that, after all you've been through, all the times you've faced each other, do you think Thor would have cried for you like that, if you were a villain? Loki, you are worth so much more than you think you are destined to be."
Mobius wiped away Loki's tear stain with his thumb and let his hand linger on the god's cheek.
Loki asked him in a slightly hoarse voice, "But why show me this, why would you want to convince me of the opposite of what you wanted me to recognize first."
"Oh no Loki, I never wanted you to think you were a villain, I wanted you to see that you were not the one you insist on parading to the world."
Loki protested, "But you told me I was born to cause pain and suffering and death. That's how it is, that's how it was, that's how it will be. All so that others can achieve their best versions of themselves. "
"Yes, I told you that not because I think that's what you are, I was just showing you that that's what you were limiting yourself to because you yourself think you're only capable of that. Because you want to rule so badly, that you don't see that you are made for bigger things. You asked me to trust you yesterday. I did because Loki I have faith in you and since you've been here you keep proving it. In your own way. Because you are undoubtedly the god of mischief. Unique. Not. A. Villain."
Mobius took his chin and placed a kiss on his forehead before standing up.
"I'll leave you alone for a bit, let you take some time to think about this, I'll come get you before the mission briefing." he headed for the door.
"Yes." Mobius came back to him as Loki stood up.
"I don't know why, but I really, really want to believe you."
Seeing a man as powerful as Loki, showing so much fragility and hope at the same time, Mobius thought he had never found him as magnificent as he was at that moment. He felt blessed that Loki had exposed such vulnerability to him.
"It's not an easy road, Loki, but it's worth it.It's not easy being a man, but that's why it's so wonderful when you manage to overcome the obstacles. Don't forget that you are not or no longer alone, I will be there every step of the way.  You just have to find the right direction."
Loki nodded and chuckled, "I don't know what deities decided to put you on my path, but I'm glad that it’s you."
He felt blessed that Loki would show such vulnerability.
"It's not an easy road, Loki, but it's worth it.It's not easy being a man, but that's why it's so wonderful when you manage to overcome the obstacles. Don't forget that you are not or no longer alone, I will be there every step of the way.  You just have to find the right direction."
Loki nodded and chuckled, "I don't know what deities decided to put you on my path, but I'm glad that it's you."
For once since the beginning of their strange relationship, Loki took the initiative and kissed Mobius lightly before stepping back."Go, I'll stay here for a while, a god of mischief can't show up with swollen and red eyes, there are limits to the lack of decorum."  He finished by winking at him.
Mobius chuckled before leaving.
Once the door closed, he whispered, "Me too Loki, I'm glad fate connected us."
"Loki! Wait!"
Loki was standing in front of the portal through which the woman had just disappeared and deep down he knew he was going to have to follow her.
Not because of all the bullshit he had spouted at her just before.
Not because of his personal interests, well not only because of his personal interests. He was Loki after all.
But because of the man who was running towards him shouting.
Because Mobius had seen in him more than a glorious purpose.
Because even if it was for his personal interests, Mobius had needed him.
Because Mobius had made him see that he could be a better version of himself.
Because Loki was starting to believe it.
So as he turned to Mobius who was running towards him he put everything he could into his eyes.
Believe in me!
Then, reluctantly, he turned away and went through the portal.
The whole serie here : The story of Loki and Mobius
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carissimipaixao · 3 years
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─ T̷̞̾̌H̴̩̃͊Ȓ̴̡͙̰̄̿Ō̷̰̮̉̈U̸͗͛͜G̷̛̟̥H̷͎̿͛ ̴̝͔̍ͅT̷̡̘̙̋͒̓H̴͓͑̾̚E̸̼͕͊ ̶͚͙̬̍̅Ŵ̵̠̮O̸̬͊͝R̸̭̋̒̎L̴̥̺͎̋͆̑D̷̻̟͔̀͝L̸̼̈́́͋ͅḮ̵̺́N̵͓͖̪̕Ĕ̸͇͂͠S̵͓̤̑̓
published on: september 23, 2021
pairing: okabe rintarou & reader
word count: 1.8k+
gif credit: me!
note: had this laying around and thought it’d be a stupid idea to let it go to waste. so, here you ago! by the way, this is a crossover with loki (2021), because, while rewatching steins;gate zero, something clicked in my monkey brain.
additional note: everyone (but okabe) is speaking english, thus the western-style of okabe’s name popping up here and there. no loki involved, i’m afraid. just good ol’ mobius and the tva, whose building i still don’t know or understand.
The intercom on the desk beeps.
Mobius immediately reaches for it, although his gaze never strays away from your own. ‘Yes?’
‘We’ve got an issue.’
The man’s shoulders drop with a heavy sigh. ‘We always have an issue. What’s the issue?’
‘A prisoner has escaped.’
You raise an eyebrow, unable to keep the interest and curiosity from your face. Mobius notices. He puts the intercom away as he stands. Mobius walks around the table and pulls out a key. Once your handcuffs click open, he ushers, ‘Time to go.’
‘And where are we going?’ You ask, rubbing your wrists.
‘Well,’ he starts, ‘if there’s something I’ve learnt from you, it’s that you can’t be left alone for too long.’ He winks and knocks twice on the table, before moving to the door. ‘Let’s move.’
You don’t hesitate.
As you scroll through the hallway, meeting the skeptical but wary eyes of many soldiers, Mobius reaches for his intercom. ‘Who are we looking for, exactly?’
‘Rintarou Okabe,’ a hunter replies. You raise your head at the name, and you swallow dry. ‘A variant from Beta Worldline.’
‘Oh, at least it’s not from Alpha,’ he chuckles. He turns to you, mouthing “crazy”. But, you don’t care enough to ask for an explanation.
No. Suddenly, all you care about is wrapping your hands around the throat of that one variant. No matter the worldline, no matter the timeline, he is still the very same — the same scumbag who has blessed your days with blood and scars.
‘What do we do?’
‘Track him,’ Mobius says. ‘But, whatever you do, don’t engage with the variant.’ His gaze is back on you. ‘I have a plan.’
‘What are you planning, exactly?’ You snap, narrowing your eyes. ‘If you think I’m going to help you—’
‘I’m afraid you don’t have much choice, D6.’ The man is already inside the lift, holding the door up for you.
You have already stopped walking, crossing your arms. ‘What makes you so sure I won’t just kill him?’
The sudden question makes him hum in thought, before he tilts his head and points to the collar around your neck. ‘That will keep you from doing as you please. I know how you feel about Rintarou—’
‘You don’t know shit.’
‘I know a lot of things about you,’ he says, but his tone makes her believe he has said that line many times before. He pauses, staring at her face. ‘But, looking at you now, it’s clear to see you are dying to see what this is all about. You want to see a familiar face, because you find comfort in what’s familiar and close to you. Isn’t that why you joined the organization?’
You tense up.
‘Right, sore spot,’ he mumbles. ‘Well, come on. The quicker we find him, the quicker we can go back to our pretty game of twenty questions.’ The intercom begins beeping once again, and he instinctively reaches for it but doesn’t answer at first. No, he keeps staring at you with this expectant look on his face. ‘What do you say?’
You glance to the side, only for a moment. You are curious to know where you are and how this whole place works. You want to know what the hell is the TVA and who is behind it, just so you can go home — once and for all. Most importantly, you want to know why Okabe, of all people, would be here. Then again, perhaps he was here for the same reason as you were. For a crime against the sacred timeline.
Whatever that means.
You finally respond by entering the lift and watching the doors close in silence.
Mobius, next to you, answers the intercom, smiling faintly.
‘Sector Nine,’ the same hunter quickly announces. ‘He is moving towards the Northern balcony. We are keeping a safe distance from the variant.’
‘Good job,’ he praises. ‘We’re on our way.’
The older man presses a button, and the elevator quickly begins its descent. You take a deep breath, clenching your fists by your sides — your normal reaction to when you are nervous or anticipating conflict. Mobius glances at you, observing, but turns back to the doors. For some reason, the silence feels welcoming. But, it doesn’t last long.
As soon as the doors open, a robotic voice welcoming you to Sector Nine, Mobius all but rushes down the hall, having turned right. You follow him closely, rolling your shoulders, and observe the multiple posters that line up the walls, as well as small monitors which display the current state of various worldlines.
‘Here’s what I want you to do,’ Mobius begins. ‘I want you to approach the variant, and I want you to be calm.’ He gives her a look.
You frown. It’s as if you’re being scolded by your mother, all over again.
‘Chances are, Rintarou will see you and think you’re just your Beta self. He will calm down, he will let you get closer.’
‘Do you really think he can be that easily convinced?’
‘If you play your role right, which I know you will, then yes,’ Mobius reassures. He places a hand on your shoulder, stopping you as you approach the end of the hall. ‘I want you to get close to him. Make him calm down, and just be patient and selfless.’
‘I’m not—’
He shushes you gently. You pause, and his lips turn upwards into a smile. ‘Despite what you’ve gone through with the organization,’ he starts, his voice lowered into a soft whisper, ‘I know you haven’t changed that much. I know you’re still you, deep down.’
Who are you, exactly?
The man suddenly presses something onto your hand. ‘Be careful.’ He raises his hand towards the entrance of the balcony and nods approvingly. How can someone you have never met in your life and, yet, someone who seems to know you so well be so positive? How can Mobius, despite knowing your deeds, be so encouraging, expecting the best of you?
He may be disappointed.
You peek around the corner, through the arched doorway. You swallow, upon seeing a figure stand in what appears to be awe and shock. Your eyes roam the figure, up and down, and, as they fall upon the messy hair, you recall the faint memory of grabbing onto those black locks, shoving his head back and pressing a knife to his throat.
Take it easy, you tell yourself.
You step out of the hall and quietly begin to walk into the room. The variant remains oblivious to your presence, and you know it is due to your training and experience when it comes to sneaking behind your targets. He exhales shakily and he leans to support his weight against the railing, his head dropped.
The sight makes you stop.
Somehow, you have never seen him look so defeated.
You understand that he may be feeling just as lost as you are, but, there is something about Okabe — about this variant, you remind yourself — that pulls slightly on your heart strings. He looks like he has given up, like he is ready to embrace whatever is thrown at him.
It unsettles you.
You glance over your shoulder and find yourself sharing a look with Mobius, who gives a firm nod before disappearing around the corner once again. You roll your eyes and turn back to the variant. You take another set of steps forward, although, this time, you are bolder. And, it earns you the response you had expected.
He spins around, his eyes wide and fearful.
You frown, tilting your head to the side. ‘...Okabe?’
The young man opens his mouth to speak, but all that comes out is a strangled breath, broken and confused. Even from the distance between you two, it is easy to see how he shakes.
You slowly approach him, your eyes fixated on the way his body grows even stiffer, on the way his eyes wander across your face, down your body. He seems to be in search of something, you conclude. But, you’re more worried about his stance, about how he may react to you.
You don’t know him, not as much as you feel like you know him, despite how similar they look. In the man that stands in front of you, you see nothing, however, that reassembles that blunt and cold person that you have been fighting for a long time. There is no emotionless stare, no chin held up high, no weapon in hand. He looks normal, perhaps as normal as both of you would have been — or perhaps how you are in another godforsaken worldline.
He calls your name, and the vulnerability makes you flinch.
‘What—why?’ He mutters. 
You only feign a gentle smile.
He stares at you, as if he is looking directly into your soul. You begin to think that, as you had suspected, he knows you are not who he thinks you actually are. But, the silence is killing you, more so than the pain that is clearly visible in his eyes. Something must have happened.
‘Okabe,’ you call.
Somehow, those words make the young man’s walls finally crack and, before you know it, his arms are wrapped around your body. You are stiff in a flash, but he doesn’t appear to notice. No, he is more preoccupied with pressing his face against the crook of your neck, as he leans against you.
‘You’re here,’ he whispers, breathlessly — and you hear his voice crack. ‘You’re here and you’re safe.’
‘From what?’ You ask, lowering your voice. Yet, despite Mobius’ request to play your role, you find yourself unable to embrace the man, even if your heart has broken a little bit. Maybe, you look just like your Beta variant, but you would never allow yourself to be as passionate and vulnerable as she.
Especially to him.
He still hasn’t answered your question; instead, he presses his face harder against your skin and you feel something wet dripping down your neck. He’s crying, you realize. But, why?
‘Okabe,’ you slowly raise your arms. ‘Everything’s okay.’
He sniffs, refusing to move away.
‘It’s okay,’ your lips curl into a calm smile. ‘Sleep.’ The Beta variant of Okabe pauses, and you repeat, ‘Sleep.’
When he opens his mouth, a confused sound escaping through, it suddenly morphs into a strangled scream.
He goes stiff and begins to fall back, his muscles completely paralyzed. You only watch, clear disinterest in your eyes. Okabe gasps for breath, as he lays on the floor. ‘W-what?’ He attempts to speak louder and clearer, but you realize that whatever tool you just used is too strong for even someone as Rintarou Okabe.
‘Sleep,’ you say the same word, and your voice is harsher, your eyes colder. His gaze is stormy — confusion, betrayal, shock. You don’t know which one hurts you the most, but you tell yourself that you aren’t supposed to care, even if he was a low variant of your enemy. ‘Sleep, Okabe.’
Mobius appears by your side, and both of you tower over the Japanese young man as he tries to fight off the inevitable. His eyes swin between you two, but, before he can say anything, they close and his body finally stills.
‘Good job, D6.’
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wolvesandpetals · 3 years
Postscript. Part 2 of 3.
Loki x Sylvie "Our divorce never went through" Modern AU. Angst, Rated T.
Masterlist of my fics here.
He meets her again next week, same place, same time. This time, he doesn't buy coffee, just donuts.
She sits down with a fond smile. "You've grown your hair out", she comments, remembering the short brown mop that is now long and black.
His smile is tight, and he doesn't speak. He digs into his briefcase and wordlessly pulls out the papers and a pen.
It hurts how he wouldn't even talk to her, but she knows it's what she deserves.
She picks up the pen, ready to sign and get it over with. The familiar proximity to him, combined with the unfamiliar coldness, makes her feel things she can't quite describe. She feels like she might break in his presence, and she needs to get out fast.
"Don't you want to at least read that first?" He asks, amused.
She shakes her head, and continues signing.
"How do you know I'm not making you sign your possessions away to me?"
"Enough!" She finally snaps. She closes her eyes, willing the tears back. "I was twenty-one, I was scared, and I was foolish. I made a huge mistake. Do you have to keep reminding me of that constantly?"
A solitary tear slips off her left eye, and Loki melts. He is defenseless against her tears, his carefully acquired armour insteantly falling away. He has never been able to see her cry and sit idly by. "I'm sorry." He says at once. He lets out a small, nervous laugh. "I guess I'm still a little bitter. I don't know why. It was so long ago."
She takes in deep breaths, trying to calm herself.
"Do you want something to drink?" He asks hurriedly.
She shakes her head. "That's not a good idea."
He pauses. It's a decision he has to make within the next ten seconds, and he does. He picks up the papers, and puts them back inside his briefcase. Sylvie stares at him, perplexed, as he orders two coffees for them.
He smiles softly. For the first time, she notices the wrinkles that are starting to form around his eyes. Time, it has been kind at least to his physical appearance. "How have you been?"
"I'm okay." She says quietly. "I've been... busy, I guess."
"Travelled the world?" He asks. That was one thing she wanted to do, one reason she wanted out. He told her he'd go with her. "You go, I go", he said. But she didn't believe him.
"Yes." She says sadly. "The world gets old quickly though."
"Really?" He asks, a little surprised.
She nods. "Everywhere I went, I just-" she hesitates. She really doesn't want to confess, it hurts her pride. But this might be the last time she's seeing him, and if she doesn't say it now, she will never get another chance. "I travelled from city to city, country to country, and the only place I wanted to be was back at our old apartment in The South Bank."
He's stunned by her unexpected confession. "I moved." He informs her. "I couldn't stand to be there after you left."
She nods again, forcing a smile on her face. "Did you ever go back?"
"I couldn't." He tells her honestly. "I dropped out of college, as you know, moved in with my brother, and started a business. I've been working on it since."
"What kind of business?" She asks curiosly.
He ignores his lawyer's voice in his head warning him not to disclose anything about his financial situation. "A bar."
She laughs. "You always did love your alcohol."
He chuckles, a hundred memories flashing back.
The very first night he saw her was at a bar. She was with her friends, and he was with his, and he asked for her number. He kept texting her right from the moment, until his friends teased him mercilessly and he had to pause for a while. They talked till 4 am that night, till his cell phone died.
Their first kiss was also at a bar. They were out with their friends, drunk out of their minds, and though they had both agreed to take it slow, she cornered him near the basins and pleaded. "I can't." And he understood. He felt it too, the need to crash his lips against hers.
"You're mine." He had told her one everning, while she rested her feet on his lap and leaned back against her chair. She had nodded, flushed. Right there in the open rooftop bar, she knew, she would never be the same again.
"I need you." And off to his dorm it was.
"What about you?" He asks.
"I am a stunt coordinator now." She says proudly.
It's his turn to laugh now. "You always did love your daggers."
There's a silence that's comfortable, and Loki takes a moment to steal a glance at her. She's still just as beautiful as he remembers, and it hurts.
"How are your parents?" He asks.
"Fine." She says with a smile. "How are yours?"
"Same." He doesn't elaborate. He always had a strained relationship with his father, and that hasn't changed.
Sylvie steadies herself before she asks the next question. "And is there a future Mrs Loki in the picture?"
He shakes his head. "No."
"Really?" She asks, surprised. "I'd imagine there would be a line of men and women."
"Yes. There have been a few." He confesses, and she feels her heart sink, until he speaks again. "But nothing real."
She nods, knowing exactly what he means. "It's been the same for me." She tells him honestly.
The waitress calls his name, and he gets up to grab their coffees. Sylvie watches him leave, his silhouette the sole object of her focus as everything else fades away, and suddenly she realises exactly what has been missing from her life.
Loki hands her the coffee. Sylvie takes a sip, burning her tongue a little.
They used to do this every single morning in the campus. Meet for coffee, talk about everything and anything in the world. It was their thing. She hasn't been able to have a cup without thinking of him ever since.
"Thor's married now." He says, rekindling the conversation.
He shakes his head. "Jane. He met her a few years ago."
Sylvie stares into the brown of her coffee, stirring it and watching it swirl, like the thoughts in her head. She never thought Thor would marry someone other than Sif, but she guesses people are replaceable.
She is irreplaceable.
One day soon, Loki would marry someone that isn't her. The thought hurts more than it should ten years later.
It hurts to look at him and feel the same surge of feelings that are supposed to have gone away. After all, it was her decision to end things, and she has no right to feel this way now.
She wonders if he-
"Do you remember Mobius?" He asks abruptly, before she has a chance to truly indulge in the thoughts in her head.
How can she forget? He was a senior, and one of Loki's best friend.
"You'll never guess what he does for a living." Loki says, grinning.
They used to play the guessing game, and she'd always lose, but she wants to try nevertheless. "FBI Agent?"
"No." He says, his grin widening.
"Boy band manager?" She tries again. Finally, her eyebrows rise in curiosity, signalling her defeat.
He looks excited as he says the words. "Jetsky salesman."
"No way!" She laughs. "Those things still exist?"
"According to him, they do." He joins her laughter. "According to him, they sell."
"I don't believe him." She says bluntly.
"Neither do I." He agrees.
She glances at him, then at the campus grounds outside the window. There are more trees now, and more students, and more shops with "Free WiFi" signs. "This place has changed quite a lot."
"Ten years." He whispers. "Everything changes. You've changed."
She knows she has. But she's curious to see the changes in the eyes of someone who once knew her best. "Me? How?"
He shrugs. "You're... less wild now."
She snorts. "I assure you, I'm not."
"Less headstrong then." He corrects. "Less impulsive."
She doesn't respond, doesn't tell him he's right. Instead, she says, "You've changed too. Less... mischievous."
She's right. When she left, she took that part of him with her. For the next few months, he was severely depressed, barely coping. Mischief was the last thing on his mind.
He takes the final sip from his cup, and hers is empty too. He picks them up and throws them in the nearby bin, and the dreaded moment arrives again. He pulls the papers out once more, and she steadies herself.
"Do you ever wonder..." She stares into the distance, unable to look him in the eyes. "What would have happened if we had met a few years later? When we were older and wiser?"
"All the time", he admits. He has pictured a hundred different scenarios in his head over the years, where they stumble upon each other, and their romance awakens one more time. He also pictures scenarios in which they meet differently, and at nights, while he locks up his bar, sometimes he can picture her walking in for one last drink.
"I'm sorry." She tells him sincerely. "I shouldn't have given up on us so quickly."
"We wouldn't have made it if we kept going." He counters. "It would be toxic. We would have resented each other more."
"Do you resent me any less, though?" Her voice is timid, young.
"I don't resent you, Sylvie." He clarifies. "I just... I just don't think I can relive that hurt again. It was the worst phase of my life."
She nods, and picks up the pen, ready to sign. He places a hand over hers, stopping her, and she knows he feels the familiar jolt of electricity too, but neither of them dare to comment on it. "I'm sorry too." He tells her sincerely. "We got married too young. I shouldn't have proposed so soon."
She gives him a tiny smile, and continues signing away. He looks at the menu on the wall, so that he isn't staring at her. He reads the name of each item but comprehends nothing at all, his mind focused on one thing and only one thing.
It takes less than ten minutes for her to sign all the papers and for him to put it away in his briefcase. They both get up, knowing it's time to go their separate ways again.
"Take care of yourself", she says, teary-eyed.
And he can't help it. He can't resist the temptation to hold her in his arms one last time. He hugs her, tentatively at first, then tighter when she reciprocates. It lasts longer than what is appropriate for two people who are now strangers. When they part, tears are falling down her cheeks and clouding up his eyes.
"Take care of yourself, too." He tells her, his voice hoarse with emotions he's struggling to hold back. He holds out the door for her this time, and walks her to her car, and for the second time in his life, watches her drive away from him forever.
(To be continued. Don't kill me.)
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