#and the wheel alignment
pampinto · 1 year
I am starting a new job on Wednesday and I am absolutely terrified.
Its my first time working as Pam, and I'm really not sure what to expect (I came out midway through my 4 years at my last job, but kept it to myself due to the culture and some of the comments made by other staff members.
They have asked me to bring a photocard ID, and I applied to have my drivers licence changed to my name, however because my deed poll was signed by someone who lives at my address (not a relative) it was returned rejected. So now I am going to have to bring my deadname passport and a copy of my deed poll. I REALLY don't want to give out my deadname to anyone but now I am going to have to.
I have also only ever worked in uniform, and now I have to buy work clothes. I haven't bought clothes in years, I am physically anxious whenever I go into a clothes shop. Not only do I not know what I am looking for (what the fuck does "You can generally choose between business-formal, business-casual, and smart-casual attire" mean). My friend was supposed to go shopping with me on saturday but they cancelled bc the trains were all rail replacements.
I know I am going to be really clocky and gross (its been super hot recently here and its made me sweat profusely and I am breaking out so much).
I'm also in the process of changing my anti-depressants and currently I am in the process of cutting down what I am currently on. I haven't left my room in several days. I am constantly having suicidal thoughts.
My housemate said she was going to move out at the end of October, which I really need to happen bc living with her is driving me crazy and I only feel safe/ comfortable in rooms other than my own when she is not in. She needs to give 2 months notice and she hasn't and I am worried she is going to continue being here, my new job means I am going to be at home more and working from home which really isn't ideal with her about.
When I left my old job of 4 years, my boss didn't even say goodbye to me. I worked there throughout the entire pandemic when a team, formally of 5 was turned into a team of 1 (me). I worked while recovering from several assaults, the death of both my grandparents (I had to fight to get leave to go to the funeral), homelessness, depression, loosing a vast majority of my friends when I came out, England loosing the euros. and nothing, no thanks for working here, not even a good luck, fuck I would have settled for a "good ridence".
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unproduciblesmackdown · 2 months
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just in time to spin the prompt / inspiration wheel via @lotrmusical for the 1 year anniversary of watermill theater lotr musical today:
the way louis maskell says "mr gandalf—please" with a laugh in his voice as he kneels next to sam to "protect" him from being turned into anything unnatural
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highladyluck · 1 year
Trying to imagine darkfriend!Egwene and my brain just spits out an error message
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brushes-of-sage · 7 months
Also I suddenly need to read some TFP Megatron & Ratchet fics - the familiarity between them is too obvious not to be explored
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screambirdscreaming · 2 months
I've found it useful, over the past several years, to pay more attention to the seasonal changes. Not just the gestalt of the season, but the specific timing of things, the changes in the sun angle and day length. Which of course means marking the equinoxes and solstices, the longest and shortest and middlest days. But also - and actually more informative to me - the days halfway between these. Around the solstices, the day length is changing very slowly - a week passes with little difference. Around the equinoxes, things are shifting fast, from one week to the next the change is palpable. And the tipping point on this curve is halfway between.
For example: halfway between the fall equinox and the winter solstice is Halloween. And on Halloween I'm often sitting out on the steps watching the evening progress, and dark is certainly coming before it's terribly late, but there's still an appreciable amount of evening - not like in December when you step outside at 4 pm into practically full dark. And it used to be that sometime in November the dark would catch me somehow off guard - how little daylight is there now? But these days, I'll sit outside on Halloween thinking "it's getting dark pretty early these days, huh" and then remind myself: you won't see this much light again til February. We're going into the long dark now. And it helps me, to be prepared for it. And it makes it feel more real and solid, on winter solstice, to say we're halfway through it - when I've been watching for it the whole time, and not still scrambling after being bowled over by the dark sometime in late November.
And then in February, on groundhogs day, you're at the halfway point again. After weeks of slow lengthening you're finally gaining daylight fast enough to notice. Regardless of what the winter weather is doing, light is coming back.
And then there's the equinox, and halfway after that is May Day - the start of the long days of summer. If you're watching for it, there's a sweeping change in growing things around this time - I don't have exactly the words for it, but everything is rising to meet summer.
And then there's summer solstice, when the sun gets so high that the shadows all change places and the days are so long it's almost too much. And it's even a relief, a week or two later, when the sun's dropped enough that things don't feel quite so seared.
And the long hot days drag on for a while. Long enough that it starts to feel a little antsy for change, like you've held your breath for too long. Like you're forgetting something, or running out of time, but you're not sure what for.
And then you're like oh: it's the first week of august. The other turning point day, the one with no modern name or tag-along holiday. And I don't know, but it feels fitting somehow. Like this restlessness is the space of an unmarked holiday. Like something I should know what to do with but I don't.
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individuating · 10 months
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tielt · 1 month
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A Jeep Wrangler was in for a wheel alignment Tuesday afternoon. The front caster needed to be adjusted.
In addition to checking the caster, we make sure the camber and toe are within the correct parameters. 
When performing tire alignments, our technicians also confirm that parts aren’t bent or broken. They measure the ride height, too.
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kiki--vivi · 11 months
ngl i'm out here basically just manifesting ryeji as the 4th gen moonsun FDGHSFHGH
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boobachu · 4 months
Broke until the 1st
and like, the only thing I have left to eat is a box of chicken broth and rice.
So if anyone'd like to help a disabled transgender gal and her also disabled mom for food it'd be awesome.
Like dude it sucks living in a rural town like all we got is family dollar and the cheapest thing that would sate my hunger is like five dollars and it's a bag of chips.
And it's basically $10 to go to the hub town in gas, and also I'm out of gas so it's just god.
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ghwosty · 5 months
had to make multiple responsible adult purchases in a short span of time and can't afford a rock n disc until next pay day, 129 dead 900 injured
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scouting4love · 5 months
Image of the mechanic watching me humming a song while swinging my feet back and forth, blissfully unaware of the ungodly price of maintaining my car
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hyasinttis · 5 months
^___^ my partner wants to take me to the fair and buy me pickle ice cream
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ragingsagittarius · 6 months
when i predicted this was going to be a long week that wasn’t an invitation to get into a car accident
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vulpinesaint · 2 years
gender is so funny. y'all really identify yourself with one thing or the other and actually feel connection to those two constructs? that's fucking crazy
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divorceblogger · 1 year
personally I think they should never put rand in red
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