#and them as unwilling partners hehe
sykosomatic · 10 months
ugh you always deliver!! im gonna request some nice, tasty angst. so ftm reader finally comes out to his parents after being no contact for two years and they dont take it well at all. by the time he comes home, hes a sobbing mess and just feels terrible. he honestly thought his parents would love and accept him for who he is, and just wishes he wasnt like this.
hannibal and will come home after a long day, and are so worried about him. he explains it to them and they are just hearbroken for him. they take time comforting him until he's asleep.
a week later, reader is informed that his parents have been found dead, hehe. reader is totally unaware of what his boyfriends have done
oooh! love a good angst plot 😭💕
hannigram x ftm!reader (with unsupportive parents)
you’d done the work and put in the time to try and rekindle your relationship with your parents; the threat of losing them, unwilling to understand your transition as they were, was too high not to at least give it a shot. after all, you were already no-contact with them, what was there to lose? so you’d texted them, adding them to a little group chat (against your better judgement, group chats with parents are very awkward, you knew that) and texted them a heartfelt but succinct text message about going to meet up with them and have coffee and ‘talk about things’. they’d agreed.
they didn’t know about hannibal and will; though they weren’t wholly conservative on every issue, they probably would’ve sneered at you having two partners. ‘that’s weird,’ they might’ve said; ‘why not pick one?’
but you powered through and didn’t cancel like you wanted to, meeting them for coffee and bagels at a local cafe within walking distance to hannibal’s place. you’d called his luxurious place home for the better part of the past few months, and he seemed pleased with the idea.
needless to say, skipping past the choked tears and terse nods, your parents hadn’t taken your official coming-out very well. not only were you transitioning, but you were a masculine individual in a relationship with at least one man (you’d only mentioned will, by accidentally mentioning how he liked his coffee the same way your father did) and that was very much displeasing news to them. by the time you’d finally stormed out, tears spilling over your cheeks, they’d made up their minds that they were okay never talking to you again if you were… their words.. ‘planning to be like this forever’.
so you rushed home and slammed the door behind you, leaning your back against the door and trying not to slide down onto the floor as you hung your coat up on the rack by the door.
your partners peeked out from the kitchen, rushing over to you once they heard your woeful sobbing.
“didn’t go well,” you managed to say into will’s chest as he wrapped you into a hug. he and hannibal exchanged a look as you sobbed yourself tired.
the two of them had just gotten home and had been in the kitchen preparing dinner — or, hannibal was preparing dinner and will was keeping him company.
you explained to them, once you’d caught your breath, that you didn’t think it would’ve gone so bad. they were your parents, after all, didn’t they want to have a relationship with you after two years of no contact at all? you’d foolishly allowed yourself to think they’d accept you with open arms and apologize for everything. but of course that’s not what happened at all. you were devastated; why couldn’t you just be cis? you were miserable as you requested — against hannibal’s very serious wishes — to just go to bed without dinner that night, opting instead to just sleep away the misery of your lost relationship with your parents.
hannibal and will took turns visiting you through the night until you finally were able to fall asleep. they would hold you tight and kiss your forehead.
a week later, after you’d finally blocked your parents’ numbers and the whole interaction was starting to fade away from your immediate thoughts, you caught your parents’ names on television. it made you stop in your tracks, turning around to watch the newscast.
they’d been found dead.
you were shocked — it seemed really sudden; like karma had come to them for the way they’d treated you. only a week ago they’d been sneering at your lifestyle, and now they’d been found dead. the newscaster didn’t say anything about the cause of death or anything, just that they were dead.
they were dead. you’d never have to worry about what they thought about you again, you supposed. it felt… good. you were relieved; which is not what you’re expected to feel when your parents died, but there you were.
you told will and hannibal and they expressed their congratulations to you in the form of cooking you your favorite meal and watching your favorite movie. things were good. and you never had to think about what they could’ve been, because it couldn’t have been better than this.
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crinkled-emotions · 4 days
jake + 25 (from the 2022 list) or Jake + 1 (2024 list)
maybe with bradley as unwilling/less than thrilled caretaker if you’d like? (or not i don’t really mind im just happy to be here hehe💛💛)
Anon please know I never forgot this, it just took me so much longer because I dislocated my shoulder at reformer pilates 🤦‍♂️. I also went away for three weeks but that's mostly unrelated.
Jake + 1 "I'm not hungover, just sick" (or vice versa)
I saw twisters before I went to Victoria for a month and GIRL (gn) if I wasn't so stale with my writing I'd be smashing out all the fics about that dude with a huge... cowboy hat.
Resting his body against the doorframe to the ensuite in a move all too familiar, Rooster raised an eyebrow.
"How many did you have last night?"
Hangman, better known as Jake, sweetheart, or asshole depending on who he was terrorising, slowly lifted his head from the toilet.
"Roo, didn't you ever learn it's rude to ask a lady that?"
Bradley leaned down, offering him a hand.
"Nothing's rude when it's you. C'mon, I've got toast for you."
Jake grumbled, wrapping an arm around Bradley's shoulder and letting him take most of his weight as they headed for their bedroom door. His stomach flipped and Jake grasped Bradley's shoulder.
"Stop, wait."
Rooster did as asked, frowning as he rubbed slow circles on his partner's back. They stood still for a moment while Jake tried to keep his insides... inside. Considering it was still relatively early in the morning, they could afford to take the morning routine at a slower pace.
"I'm gonna puke again," Jake complained. Bradley sighed, turning them back toward the bathroom.
Taking a seat beside Rooster in the meeting room, Phoenix leaned over to whisper to him.
"Hangman was really drunk last night; you two good?"
"Yeah, everything's fine. I didn't realise he was that fucked up."
Phoenix sent Rooster a look, reaching for her pen.
"Do you not remember when he landed himself on your lap and didn't say a word for the rest of the night?"
Rooster did in fact remember that; he'd been in the middle of a conversation with Coyote and Bob when Jake had ambled over and plonked himself right on Bradley's lap. He'd then turned his head from the group and stayed there the rest of the night. In all honesty, Bradley just figured the alcohol had hit him a little harder than he'd expected but he couldn't remember Jake drinking that much.
"And then when he puked in the parking lot-"
That Bradley didn't remember.
"Wait- what?"
Phoenix's eyebrows furrowed and she tilted her head.
"Wait; did Jake not tell you?"
"When was this?"
Phoenix thought for a moment.
"It was really early. Fanboy ran back to his truck to grab his wallet and saw Jake tossing cookies."
Rooster checked the time on his phone, glancing toward the door. Jake had said he was going to the bathroom before their meeting but that had been almost ten minutes ago. Phoenix gently nudged his side.
"Go see if he's okay."
"I hate when he doesn't tell me shit. I'll be back."
Rooster stood, grabbing his water bottle from his bag and exiting the meeting room.
The men's room was a little too quiet for Bradley to be confident Jake wasn't in there. For someone who was the life of every party ever, the minute he wasn't feeling well he got... sneaky. Bradley was so used to it he walked to the furthest stall from the entrance to the bathrooms and gently knocked on the door.
"Can you let me in?" He requested. The lock clicked and Bradley found Jake sitting on the closed toilet lid, looking mildly unimpressed.
"Do you know my dump schedule or something?"
"Sure. C'mon, I'm taking you home."
"Did you clear it with Maverick?"
Bradley raised an eyebrow as if to say dude c'mon. Jake stood.
"Fine," Rooster mocked as he put his arm around Jake's waist and led him out of the (mildly disgusting) bathrooms. As an afterthought he swiped his hand across his boyfriend's forehead and Jake instantly recoiled.
"What are you, my mother?"
"Your mom doesn't hold a candle to me."
They shared a look. Jake stepped back into Bradley's arms, silent as the taller of the pair directed them to the exit.
"Now, here's what I'm thinking."
"Wow, did it hurt?"
"That's so cute."
Rooster leaned on the doorframe to the bathroom in a manner similar to that morning with an unamused look on his face, down to only wearing his boxers and a t-shirt. They'd come home and Jake had immediately started vomiting again (in the laundry sink, of all the places) so Bradley had called out for the day, a little worried he'd missed something a little more severe than a mildly unimpressed stomach. When they'd migrated upstairs it had triggered another bout of dry heaving. Jake, having shifted from on his knees by the toilet to sitting beside it with his eyes closed, grimaced.
"If I ever give Tasha shit for puking when she's drunk again, shoot me."
Bradley stopped by the sink to grab a damp washcloth and, in a move he remembered his mom doing when he was younger, gently placed it on the back of Jake's neck.
"Are you going to be a pain in the ass if I take you to urgent care tonight?"
"I suddenly feel better," Jake deadpanned. His eyes remained closed. Bradley sighed.
"I expected as much. Go get in bed, I'll get you water."
Rooster paused, brushing his hand through his boyfriend's hair.
"I know."
It was like the world stopped spinning the second Jake got himself horizontal in bed. He'd been up and down all night, desperate not to wake his insomniac at best boyfriend, making frantic dashes in order not to hurl on the carpet in their bedroom. By the time Bradley's alarm had gone off there had been no hiding the smell of puke in their ensuite and the jig was up. Considering the night before, Bradley had just assumed he was hungover and that was how Jake wanted it. If he was hungover Bradley tended to be a lot less sympathetic and the last thing Jake wanted was to worry him.
Lying flat on his back, eyes closed, he kind of wished Bradley wasn't such a good person. It could be suffocating sometimes, coming from parents who were emotionally detached at best, to someone who loved with their whole heart. When Jake brought up how easy Bradley found it to love people he always credited his mom and her big heart.
"Here, I got water and crackers."
Jake opened his eyes just enough to catch a glimpse of said boyfriend coming into their room, pausing by his side of the bed with something before rounding to Jake and gently cupping the back of his neck.
"Sit up, you need to drink some of this."
Jake did as asked, relieved when Bradley's hand didn't move from it's spot. He offered the bottle of water and Jake hesitantly took a couple of sips, grimacing when it lit a spark of nausea and impending doom in him. When he didn't start gagging again he had another few sips then handed it back to his boyfriend. Bradley sat on the edge of the bed by his legs, squeezing Jake's hand.
"How are you feeling?"
"Rough," Jake finally admitted, "I thought I was hungover."
"I'm sorry, baby, I thought you were hungover too. How long have you been feeling like this?"
Jake shrugged.
"Couple days- the puking started last night, Roos, I swear if it started earlier I wouldn't have been drinking."
"Gatorade coming your way."
Bradley handed over the bottle, cool enough to soothe his throat but not enough to make his stomach hurt. Jake took slow sips, leaning against his boyfriend's shoulder when Bradley shifted to sit beside him.
"I'm just hungover," Bradley scoffed with a snort as he reached for his phone. Jake elbowed him in the ribs.
"Don't be mean, I'm sick."
"And now he's sick!"
Jake levelled his boyfriend with his best innocent face and Bradley sighed as he pulled Jake into his side.
"You're lucky you're not an asshole all the time."
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transformee · 2 years
5th Annual TF Writer Christmas Exchange
Thank you to my new friend @fridayotter for the wonderful story, and Merry Christmas!
Can’t touch this… 😉
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Doug chuckled to himself as he hit send on his latest gym selfie along with an old cheesy MC Hammer gif. Being the alpha top that he was, he loved giving his partner Chase a little lighthearted teasing. Chase had started to work out with him some days to try and put on some real size like Doug, but his progress had been slow. Chase’s one standout asset was just that - his ass - and Doug certainly relished in it as well. He even secretly tailored some of Chase’s workouts to focus more on his glutes. Doug was an ass man through and through, and Chase’s belonged to him. Not that Chase was against it himself. Their relationship worked for them overall, and Chase couldn’t get enough of that feeling when Doug’s alpha cock would work its way through his cheeks. But once… just once… Chase longed to know what it would be like on the other end, plunging into Doug’s muscular haunches. He had topped with other guys before, but never with Doug. Doug was adamant about his position in the relationship, in a nice and caring way thankfully, but he was unwilling to make an exception, even for special occasions. It was the one part of their relationship that made Chase sigh a mix of longing and frustration. He quickly packed that all back away as he heard Doug coming back in the door from his last pre-Christmas workout.
“Cute pic, stud, haha,” quipped Chase as he gave Doug’s ass a playful slap as he headed to the shower. A smirk crossed his face as he had indeed touched that. “Hehe, you know that’s not what I meant, babe…. Maybe one day!”
Chase sighed again as he heard the shower started up. One day…
Christmas Eve came and went with presents opened and merriment had. The winter sun streamed in the window, rousing Chase from his dream. He stumbled towards the kitchen for some coffee when something caught his eye in the living room. There was a single stocking on the floor under the tree with something inside. Doug followed moments after Chase made his way to the tree.
“Morning, Dougie! Hey, do you remember this stocking last night?”
“Morning, babe,” said Doug with a grin. “Nah, it’s not mine. Go for it - all you!”
Chase reached inside and fished out a single item.
“What the… what is Wishing Lube? Cute, haha. I assume you got this for us to play with later…”
Doug had an oblivious look on his face. “Nope, was me,” he shrugged. “Sounds like a gag gift but only one way to find out!” he said with a grin.
“Haha, well how about I wish you finally let me use it and top for a change!”
“Maybe when you really commit to those workouts and get bigger than me, haha. How’s that for a deal?” Chase just smiled. “Bet!” He knew better than to actually get his hopes up. “But in the meantime… I’ve got a stocking you can stuff if you want to give it a try…” Chase playfully traced his finger along the tube as he headed back to the bedroom. Doug sprinted after Chase and tackled him onto the bed with a grin. “Don’t have to ask me twice!”
Clothes flew off, and Chase assumed his position over the side of the bed. He could hear Doug squirting the lube into his palm and moaning as he slathered his stiffening cock. “Mmmm, Merry Christmas to- mmmmm, me!” Doug shoved his rock hard cock into Chase’s ass with a moan as he had so many times before. Back and forth, in and out, he animalistically pumped into Chase, failing to notice the slight wisps of… something swirling around Chase’s body. It looked almost like a frosty mist as it flowed around him, slowly working its magic. Unbeknownst to Doug, Chase’s eyes had long since rolled back under its influence. Doug simply raced towards his climax, feeling a massive load building up. Something about it felt like the biggest cum of his life. It soon became overwhelming as the wisps of frost quickly grew, enveloping the couple. And from somewhere inside that frosty veil, Doug blew his enormous load into Chase’s ass with a roar, and with it went so much more.
“Babe! Babe! Wake up! Doug…!”
Doug startled awake as someone violently shook his shoulders.
“Look at me! I’m huge! This feels amazing!”
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Doug’s eyes went wide as he watched the gargantuan stranger snap his dog’s huge bone in half.
“Who… who the fuck are you?!?! What are you doing in my house?!”
“Babe, Dougie, it’s me! Chase! I must’ve passed out, and when I woke up, I looked this! And you…” Chase’s voice trailed off. Doug sprang up off the bed, but something felt off. He rushed over to the bathroom mirror. “What do you mean??? What about me-“ Doug froze as he looked at his reflection. Sure enough, it mimicked his movements perfectly as he slowly moved his hands around an unfamiliar face and body.
“Wha- wha- I- I’m?!?”
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Doug could only stare at the mirror in disbelief, but somehow he could feel it and knew it was real. His muscles… his height… his age… it had clearly been sapped away, and it seemed like Chase had been the benefactor.
“Wha- how-?” Doug stammered. Chad threw up his massive shoulders in a giant shrug. “How should I know? One minute we were having sex like normal with that Wishing Lube and then…” Chase’s voice trailed off as they both instantly thought the same thing. It couldn’t possibly…
“Where is it?!? It has to be here somewhere!” Doug barged past Chase, bouncing off him in frenzy before pouncing on his prey on the bedside table.
“To Chase. From Santa. Use responsibly. Effects may last for up to a week?!? The hell…?!?”
“I dunno! I thought it was from you. And you’re the one who used it, remember? Calm down. We’ll figure this out!”
And with that, somehow, some way, Chase’s words washed over Doug, dissolving away the moment of panic and uncertainty. “Yeah, you’re right. At least I’m still cute!”
Chase’s eyebrow shot up at Doug’s remark. Cute? He had never referred to himself that way before. And why was he suddenly so calm? “Are you sure you’re OK? You seem… different all of a sudden…”
“Yeah, babe, I’m fine! It was just a shock at first. Who knew that stuff could actually work?”
It… worked? Chase’s mind started racing. Had he really made this happen somehow? If so… he had to test it.
“Hey, so, ummmm, do you remember our bet, Dougie?”
“Bet? What bet? I don’t…” Doug paused as he realized what Chase meant. “Ohhhhhh, that. I, um… hmmm, well I guess a deal’s a deal?” Part of Doug couldn’t believe what he was saying, but another part of him was curious. Chase was definitely bigger than him now, and what would it feel like to have this monster boyfriend inside of him? “I guess I can make an exception given the circumstances, but only til this wears off!”
“Sold!” Doug was quickly tackled onto the bed with ease by a gleeful Chase. They pretended to wrestle for a moment, not that it would have been a contest at that point, before Doug found himself bent over the side of the bed just as he had done to Chase so many times before. He found himself surprisingly excited though. He had never bottomed before, much less with someone as big as Chase had become. A familiar squirting sound snapped his back to reality as Chase lubed up to fulfill his wish.
“Just go easy on me, big fella!” Doug joked. “This is a first for me, so- aaaaAAAHHHH!” Doug yelped in surprise from the unfamiliar sensation as Chase plunged into his virgin hole. “Oh Jesus! Shit shit shit!” That was all Doug’s brain could process as Chase’s thick cock rammed his prostate on repeat. Is… is this what he had been missing out on all this time??? I… I could get used to this! God, I wish this could go on forever! The men moaned together from their new perspectives as those nearly invisible traces of frost blew lightly through the room, shifting reality ever so slightly in response to Doug’s newfound desire. The increase in his moans was definitely not slight however, as Chase exploded into Doug’s for the very first time. It went through him like a wrecking ball, both physically and mentally as his knees buckled, and deep down in his soul, his old preconceptions of being an alpha top shattered like glass as the men collapsed on top of each other once again.
The rest of the weekend went largely the same way, save for a few changes that went unnoticed by either man. With Doug’s cherry popped, he found himself craving the sensation of being filled up to the brim, and with every load that Chase pumped into him, slowly but surely, his past desires to top simply melted away. And with every time Doug felt that climax inside of him, those cold wisps of magic passed by once more. As his inhibitions about bottoming fell away one by one, aspects of reality shifted as well, balancing back towards a happy medium of the mens’ desires. The new Chase remained as he was, but Doug began to change. After one round, his glutes grew rounder and stronger. The next, some of his previous bulk began to return. And some more. And some more. Before long he was almost as muscular as he was before. However he was so happy and content with his new dynamic, Doug however didn’t even notice. Everything simply felt right as his beard started to return with some flecks of gray. A few days later, the last bit of lube remained. By the point the wishes of both men were perfectly in sync. Rather than returning to his former height, Doug’s age grew instead as reality snapped into place one last time. Chase ultimately got what he wanted in his new size and alpha top role, while Doug received what he never knew he desired. When the last traces of magic dissipated, Doug stood proudly as a power bottom muscle daddy, and all was as it was supposed to be…
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icey--stars · 4 months
first off, i love you. thank you for the excitement XD
okay, the full overview of the idea is to be a sister to aelin or eris. onto the individual things... hehe. just did it in bullet points for my own sanity. (i went overboard, but YOU ASKED! i was having fun XD)
also please nobody steal these ideas without asking 😭 because i really like how unique i made it and i DO want to post it eventually
Aelin's Sister:
first off, she's the older sibling
i actually fully wrote out a timeline for this particular one because i felt like i had to get the ages right and stuff sooo lemme just give you this first off and then go over the points
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basically, i named the OC "Aeress" because yes. had to keep the "AE" vibe going.
Aeress is 9 when Aedion is born and 14 when Aelin is born
At the age of 21, however, Aeress basically went missing. She was with her family (mom and dad) in the Whitefang mountains when a tribe attacked.
She was determined to be dead after being missing for an entire month
HOWEVER, the real story is that she was captured.
Here's the actual written version:
“When I was in the White Fang Mountains, just a simple vacation if you remember, sidekick, a wild tribe attacked us. Humans, all of them, but some had ice magic. We defended ourselves and the guards got Mother and Father to safety. However, they didn’t notice me getting grabbed and thrown on the back of a horse, bleeding from my calf that’d been cut.
“They took me, traveling far. I healed myself when I could, but they put me in iron after the leader realized that I was with them. There was no returning me without full blown war, so instead they faked my death. They took me as a war prize and a slave.”
“For a year, they kept me in the Ferian Gap, hidden in the tunnels there. They didn’t even notice when I Settled. I was to mine ice for them, and to appease them. It was impossible for me, an untrained idiotic princess, to escape, so I stayed and waited. My chance came soon after when magic fell. I’d been unchained with only iron cuffs on at that moment. I ran in the chaos of the mountains shuddering, to where the witches trained. A mountain in the Omega.”
“After that, with magic gone, I was not skilled enough, I felt, to leave the Ferian Gap, and brave Adarlan with the news I spied on from the tribe. I survived off of them for a good six years, unwilling to brave the valleys and predators without my magic and without any skills of survival. I was untrained and very killable at that moment. I did my best with a sword I stole, but… an untrained arm can only do so much. The mining helped slightly, but not enough.
“Anyway, six years later, humans appeared at my little mountain hideout. These were the humans who created and tested out the current wyverns of the witches’. However, I was still a goddamn idiot, so I got captured. I was a prize for the wyverns and they didn’t even know who I was. But they kept me alive, so I lived like that for a little. 3 years or so, which wasn’t that bad. 
“The wyverns were useless for a while, but the humans seemed to not think of me like a slave after a little bit. I was a partner, who helped a little to improve them. Though, I never dared with their dark magic. 
“When the witches came, I escaped. And got captured again, by a Blueblood coven. I was pissed, but I was given as a prize to Petrah, the Blueblood Heir. Quite a nice female, actually. She wasn’t as bloodthirsty as the rest. She knew who I was based on scent, I think, but she never told anyone. 
“I stayed in her room and one day, she decided to teach me to fight. I learned later it was because of a foolish hope beginning in her heart. Of freedom. Then she taught me to ride wyverns, showing me in secret the beauty of a wyvern. One day, during the day of the games where the covens fought for Wing Leader, I tamed my own wyvern. His name is Ryder. Pitch black, small-sized male who was fast. Perfect for what I needed. 
“When the Yellowlegs witches went to Morath, I followed. I blended in quite well, actually. I could pretend to be a servant to the witches and a witch to the humans who knew none the better. When they flew for Adarlan, I escaped. I flew for Terrasen.
“From there, I supported the war as a healer,” I finished. “Took some time to build enough courage to see you, but I wanted to make sure I didn’t compromise your position on the throne, little flame. You deserved to rule. More than I ever did. I know a little about your history as an assassin, and I know you knew how to fight. How to lead, when I heard of your court. And I knew Terrasen was in good hands. I can offer you advice for the finer tuned things of ruling, but leadership was never my forte.” ("you" refers to Aelin)
So basically, that's that. that's how I inputted an older sister into the mix
HOWEVER! Aeress is the exact reflection of Aelin in power. She has majority water (like SUPER powerful) and a tiny bit of flame. Barely a candle light.
This is also where I inputted a very cool concept: the reflection of the powers means that if either of them died, they would've known because the little tiny bit of the power (aelin's water, aeress's fire) would go to the other sister. my previous-self explained it better so here:
“I knew, Aelin. I knew you were alive. I knew because of the goddamn magic in our veins. The small bits of our magic that we can barely use… the water piece you have… if it had come to me, I would’ve known.”
“But magic-”
“That feeling transcends magic being gone,” I cut her off. “It is a deep feeling, of something being lost and gained at the same time. It is rare for any fae to feel, but sometimes, when the magic is reflected, it happens.”
however, some cute things I think you'll appreciate are the NICKNAMES!!
Aeress calls Aelin "little flame" BECAUSE AWWW
And she calls Aedion "sidekick" while he calls her "Queen Bee"
And also like Aeress and Rowan actually get along so well
Aeress is kinda like Aedion in that way and saw Rowan as this powerful ancient fae warrior and is very surprised to find him to be quite chill. she's nervous at first and basically is like "Rowan, if you don't want your mate doing this then just tell me... I'll get away right now-"
but Rowan, at the end of what I actually have written (it is not being finished considering it has no plot XD), basically ends up making them siblings. brother-sister bonds!!
Also Ryder is the cutest wyvern of all time- the one that Aeress gets. pitch black, small, but fast and agile as hell. but he's quite literally a teddy bear. he likes cuddling. he's a ferocious beast who cuddles.
anyway let's stop talking about aelin's sister and get onto ERIS'S TWIN!
Eris's Twin Sister:
I wrote the most for this part, but I have the least amount of worldbuilding for it.
basically, it's a secret twin thing.
please note that "Merle" is the Lady of Autumn!!
“When I was young, I was married off to Beron Vanserra. I was soon pregnant with my first child. But what the healers told me only days before the birth was that there… I had twins. Fraternal twins. They didn’t tell me out of fear before then, but I knew right then and there, that I had to save them. Get them out of the Forest House. Both of them, if I could manage.
“Beron wanted the genders, so I told him one. It was a male. When I gave birth, I kept Beron out for a few days while I recovered. Long enough that he was antsy. I… I gave him the male because he’d wanted a son and winnowed the female to an old friend’s barn and left it, content with wards of warmth and a pacifier.”
Basically, that "old friend" is named Martha and raised Seraphine (OC for THIS one XD. nickname = Sera).
BUT... then Eris kills Beron. And the magic doesn't go to him and he goes on a hunt to find it.
Seraphine, however, has found herself bowled over and now with double the amount of power she had previously.
Now, mind you, she's quite ADHD, so she's not super confident, but she's stubborn as fuck.
Eris promises to help her as much as he can because he's ACTUALLY a good bro and doesn't want to make the same mistake with Sera as he did with his brothers.
Eris helps her get settled in, and Sera manages the court basically by signing random shit and having him help her because surprisingly, their goals align. like making the poor less poor
Sera has a lot of the skills required to be a High Lady, like writing, so luckily, she's quite good at what she's doing.
Eventually, because Sera is very forgetful and disorganized, they get an assistant, an older nanny figure who basically helps manage Sera's day so she doesn't get overwhelmed.
BUT! hehehe... Eris and Sera want an alliance with the Night Court.
The NC doesn't want her to die before their meeting, so they send Az to basically secretly protect her.
however... Azris is canon in this universe. Seraphine gets jump scared by Az because Eris basically wants to make sure that she knows the plan. and that plan is to reveal their mate bond at the meal >:)
Honestly, the NC is pretty chill about Seraphine. Sure, she's nervous, but everyone's pretty chill.
Rhys tries to read her mind one time cus he's suspicious, but they move past it. (Sera can shield her mind well) honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Rhys would be scared in that moment.
Azris revealed... WOOOPEEE.
Anyway, that's basically that besides me quite literally just going off on an Azris spree and writing a wedding/mating bond scene 🤦
I went overboard, but honestly, these might be full-on wips probably never to be posted, but they're so much fun to tell you about.
thank you for the ask my beautiful anon. i love you.
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hime-bee · 10 months
i’ve been thinking about something for a little bit now. What would yandere/obsessive Lucas look like?
Anon, that is a good question, actually!!! Now, these HC's are all a what-if!
Yan!Lucas would be very on the down-low, to the point that he's able to appear normal to everyone around him
His behavior would still be the same, but his thoughts would be what becomes distorted and perverted
Yan!Lucas is the imaginative type; he likes to fantasize about what would happen if he were to become possessive with his partner and keep them all for himself, unwilling to let the rest of the world experience their loveliness
How would you respond if he got a nice, big cage for you and filled it with all of your favorite things? Would you hate him if he took up all of your free time whenever you had it? Do you love him, and only him?
He's fully aware that these thoughts aren't normal, of course... Regardless, he may drop a suspect line or two in a joking manner, like: "Come here for a moment, love. Hm? Oh, it's nothing, I just wanted to see how this collar would look on you is all. Hehe, I'm joking, I'm joking." (He's not)
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dilucs-princess · 7 months
ooh i like domi too, and never see any reader stuff/fics for her! do you have any headcannons (nsfw or otherwise) that you've come up with or just think make sense for her?
Hi hi yes!! I have lots hehe
NSFW under the cut
Dominique de Sade NSFW headcanons
Defo has a bit of a mommy kink. Whether calling somone that or being called, either way hehe (mommy issues lol)
If she had a male partner, she would be very dominant. However, if she had a female partner, she would be submissive
But honestly, just wants you to be happy!
She would be against biting/marking in bed, doesn't want anything to happen that you may regret when you're not lust-driven
But she would be into spanking/punishments and wax play. She loves the pain and power it has/brings. It's something special to her. Only you can make her feel like that or vice versa
She is very good with her tongue/mouth. Will spend hours on her knees, overstimulating her partner and watching them squirm, desperate for her hehe
not a fan of using her fingers but will if her partner asks for it, She just doesn't see the appeal, she uses her hands for everything, it's not intimate
Willing to try everything, at least once. Doesn't really have any limits, just wants to be experimental hehe
She can cry very easily, she's vulnerable like that! So even if she is fucking you, she will most likely cry hehe
Aftercare with her is amazing! Where she may be unwilling to accept it, she loves giving it out! Loves cuddling her partner, washing them over and making sue they are hydrated too!
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dementedspeedster · 2 years
picklebird for the ship meme hehe
Accepting || Send me a Ship and I'll Tell You...
@curaetive @volucerrubidus​​ (feel free to correct me)
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“I still don’t appreciate you calling me a pickle.“
who hogs the duvet
Thad definitely pulls it toward himself if he’s cold, but even if he does he’d still cuddle up close to Tim.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
Tim. Thad wouldn’t have thought to do something like this until Tim started texting him or calling him and asking about his day, but once Tim does then Thad would return the gesture and pick it up as a habit himself. Not only to return the gesture, but because he’s actually interested in what Tim has to say. (Also Tim’s days must be much more interesting than his own at times). Also on the rare occasion when he lets himself Thad would call Tim if he was ever just feeling lonely or wanted to hear his voice.”
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
I feel like they’re both creative with gifts in their own way. Instead, of one being more creative than the other I think that the other typically comes up with a gift idea that the other would have never considered in their life.
who gets up first in the morning
I think this can go either way since both of them lead structured lives. I can see them both as early risers. Thad definitely can be as he seems the type to be one to go on early morning runs and would come back before his partner gets up (this fact also isn’t helped because he’s speedster). However, I can also see them both being the sorts to stay in bed longer because of their work as a hero/villain which involves staying up late. So it might just depend on how they spent the previous night. Or they’re both mad individuals who work endlessly and deprive themselves of sleep, which I wouldn’t put past them either. (Though once they’re done with whatever is keeping them up they should absolutely end up asleep/cuddling on their couch/in bed).
who suggests new things in bed
I really can’t say for certain. It can probably go either way for them?
Like maaaaaybe Thad would? (also depending on their relationship at that point). Though he can be reticent and unwilling to share his emotions, honest thoughts, and wants to the point it essentially takes the jaws of life to get it out of him (or just confronting him about it. He gives in pretty easily once he’s called out).
who cries at movies
I don’t think either is one to cry at movies. But I can see Thad tearing up when a movie topic hits very close to home for him. And maybe the same can be said for Tim.
who gives unprompted massages
As they get further in their relationships and more physically affectionate I can see them willing to give the other a massage if they were sore or just requested it but unprompted I feel like neither is really the type for massages.
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
They both do, but in different situations. Thad would absolutely fuss about Tim if he was sick and just avoiding resting for a few days in favor of working. Thad would be too concerned about him and force him to rest even to the point of just staying by his side/hanging out on his bed (kinda like an overgrown cat) to make sure he got sleep and rested. He’ll tell him it won’t kill him to take a break for a couple days.
I can see Tim fussing with Thad similarly but when he’s injured and needs to heal up, but doesn’t want to stay still.
So both of them would fuss.
who gets jealous easiest
Thad. He just wants one person in his life that is ‘his’ in a way (and cares about him more than, well, honestly than they would about Bart) and he would particularly feel that way about his partner.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
Neither has an embarrassing collection of music. I don’t think either is embarrassed by their taste in music and probably has a wide selection of music between them.
who collects something unusual
Neither seem the type to be collectors. Thad doesn’t really collect anything other than information on other people. But I’m not certain that Tim is much of a collector either?
who takes the longest to get ready
Tim, but only because Thad has super speed, so everyone in contrast is slower than him. Though ignoring his speed I think both of them are not really overly concerned with their appearance. Like they’ll dress up if they’re going out or to a gala or some other event, but they’re not fashion icons in my opinion.
Thad’s definitely not the fashionable sort or one who spends too long on his appearance. The thing he probably cares about most is his hair.
who is the most tidy and organized
I think Thad is, but I’m not sure if Tim is the tidy type or if he’s more haphazard with his organization.
who gets most excited about the holidays
Tim. Because I think Thad doesn’t really have any reason to be excited about holidays because he’s spent so many of them either on his own
who is the big spoon/little spoon
In my mind Tim is the big spoon and Thad is the little spoon typically (regardless of the height difference), but I can also see it going either way for them. Just whatever is most comfortable for them at the time or whoever wants to cuddle up to who at the time.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
Oh, they both are absolutely competitive. I love how their competitive spirit just sparks something between them. It’s fun for them, it’s a way to bond, it’s more about the experience between the two of them, and reason to bond as well. It’s just very fun and interesting between them and one of my favorite things I’ve discussed with North about Tim and Thad.
who starts the most arguments
Hhhhhhh...Thad. He can be aggressive and he does have a temper when it comes to certain topics/situations.
who suggests that they buy a pet
North and I have talked about this before and I love this idea so much! It’s Tim, but instead it’s a stray ginger cat that Tim picks up. Thad’s initially not on board with getting a et but warms up to them eventually and this cat essentially becomes like a child to him. It’s very cute. And it’s going to pick up Thad’s bad habits and beg for food.
what couple traditions they have
North and I have also talked about this a bit! This relates to their competitiveness and basically they have their own little competitive games that they do and that are very sweet and fun. like one game they have is showing off “embarrassing” photos (though it’s really only embarrassing to them like photos of TIm in glasses while he’s at Brentwood and Thad fast asleep, etc.) while they’re at a gala or a party. It’s really just to show off the other, but it’s a game to them as well as they try to one up the other/just show them off (and it also just shows their affection for each other.
what tv shows they watch together
Doctor Who.
what other couple they hang out with
Now that is real good question. I think once people are cool with Thad they could hang out with Tim’s friends and their significant others or Thad’s friends and their significant others. Before that I think the closest they can get is by interacting with Thad’s friend’s who probably wouldn’t give him or Tim a tough time for dating/being in a relationship.
how they spend time together as a couple
I can see them spending time going out, maybe going on walks, carnivals/fairs, Thad just whisking them off to somewhere private and things like that, but also just spending time at their own place. Either watching Doctor Who, or just doing their own thing in the same room. They don’t even have to be doing something together.
North and I have discussed this in detail, but I do really like that the idea that they watch Doctor Who together and Tim tells Thad all about the plot and the characters, and which parts are the best as they watch. It’s so cute and I love the sharing and telling each other their interests.
who made the first move
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“I, uh, I...” Thad stutters out, “I think I did. Technically?”
who brings flowers home
Tim! I think Thad would too on special occasions like Tim’s birthday or Valentines Day, but I mostly think Tim would be more spontaneous in general,  but also likely to do it because of this note.
who is the best cook
Thad, I think would have more experience cooking for himself since he’s been on his own longer, but also because he’s a speedster and need more food. By no means is an expert on everything, but he gets by. He’s more skilled with savory foods/dinner in contrast to baking or sweets.
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nonotranslates · 3 years
ARB Event Translation: Decisive Battle of a Billionaire: Second Part ~Duelists on the Board~: Chapter 6
Best enjoyed alongside the game itself, the movements and expressions etc adds a lot to the story. [Link to Gameplay Video]
Translation for Chapter 6 - A personality that can't leave one alone
???: Are you alright?
Jyushi: Uuuu…… Hic….. Hic…...
Rosho: If you don’t mind, can I help you?
Jyushi: Hic…… Hic…… Ah, you’re…… Osaka’s?
Rosho: You’re….. if i’m not wrong, Nagoya’s......
Jyushi: Why……. are you here…..?
Rosho: I wanted to say that’s my line, but... why were you crying?
Jyushi: T-That is…..
Rosho: That is?
*screen blacks out as Jyushi explains*
Jyushi: —and that’s the case…...
Rosho: I see. That can’t be helped, just a case of bad luck
Jyushi: Because of that, I’m at a loss on what to do...
Rosho: …...I have a suggestion for that
Jyushi: ?
Rosho: I was troubled too because I couldn’t join the event. If you’re alright with it, do you want to join it together?
Jyushi: Eh…… W-With me?
Rosho: I’m not saying you must though…..
Jyushi: T-That’s not it! I’m not unwilling at all! Rather, I’d say you’ve helped me out here
Rosho: That so. Then, it’s an OK?
Jyushi: Yes! Please take care of me!
*scene change to inside venue*
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Jiro: Huh~ There sure is quite the crowd here
Saburo: What carefree things are you saying…? If there’s more people here, our chance of winning will be low
Jiro: I get that—. But, what does a giant ‘Life is Game’ even means…?
Saburo: Seems like there’ll be an explanation of the rules after this so we’ve gotta listen carefully
Moderator: Everyone who have gathered here at the venue! Thanks for waiting! The explanation of the rules will now begin!
Jiro: Oh! Seems like it’s starting!
Moderator: Now, please pay attention to the screen!
Monitor: “The game is different from the family version of ‘Life is Game’, as participants will be working together with their partners towards the goal”
Monitor: “Scattered within each space is contents that allows you to attack other players”
Saburo: There’s offensive elements? This is the best!
Monitor: “Trip other players down, and walk towards a better life. This game is just as what this sentence says.”
Monitor: “Everyone, please collaborate with your partners, kick down other players, to grab victory!”
Saburo: This sounds interesting, doesn’t it!
Jiro: …...It’s a game that reveals one’s personality, huh
Saburo: Jiro! I’m the brains here! Don’t give me complaints about the things I say!
Jiro: Dude, did you read the rules properly? It’s written that we’re supposed to work together, didn’t it?
Saburo: Your judgement and whatnot will surely be wrong anyway, so just listening to what I say will be fine!
Jiro: Y-You goddamn brat……
Dice: Ah? Are the over ones there the Ikebukuro siblings?
Saburo: You’re Arisugawa…… Dice?
Dice: Yup! You guys are joining too huh
Jiro: You guys too……?
Gentaro: Even though they mentioned to work together, there’s already a falling out this soon…… it’s as if one team is already out of the game, isn’t it
Jiro: The hell was that!?
Gentaro: Oo scary scary……
Jiro: What a condescending attitude
Jyushi: Eh! The guys from Shibuya and Ikebukuro……?
Rosho: …...Coincidences keep happening, huh
Saburo: You guys are Osaka’s and Nagoya’s…… Why are you here…...?
Rosho: We grouped up due to some unexpected events. Since we’ve joined, we will be seizing for victory *Note: I don’t know how to phrase it in English without sounding weird… like, since they took the trouble to join, they can’t be losing now right?
Jyushi: The one who will be getting the prize will be us!
Gentaro: We have no plans to lose too, you know. Right, Dice?
Dice: Hehe! When it comes to winning, there’s no one whose guts can compare to mine!
Gentaro: No one was talking anything about guts though……
Jiro, Saburo: …...
Dice, Gentaro: …...
Rosho, Jyushi: …...
Link to Chapter 7
Link to Masterlist
Insightful Jiro, Saburo being excited about being able to attack other players lol, sweet Rosho-Jyushi interaction....... I love them. Special mentions to asshole Gentaro and cinnamon roll (dumbass) Dice. ARB events are getting so much better since the launch.....
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years
Do you welcome Your Turn to Die asks?
If so, how about YTTD boys react to Reader dieing? You can make that death as bad as you want (slow, instant, etc)
Why? Cus some agnst is good, hehe
Oh always!!
“N-No, c’mon [y/n]..you can’t just give up now! After we just got here!”
It’s unfortunate how a hardly-noticeable trap spelled the end of you--before you even got to the Main Game Miley was blabbering on and on about.
Joe isn’t sure whether to get help or not, so he stays with you, trying his best to figure out a way to stop your bleeding.
But it’s no use.
He beats himself up for being useless--for failing to protect you--but you take his hand and reassure him it’s alright.
“Just look out for Sara...sh-she needs you now more than ever..okay?"
At first..he couldn’t comprehend you dying.
Thankfully it wasn’t a bloody and painful death, but you were still suffering despite your attempts to cling to life.
He approaches you, already crying as he apologizes for not protecting you. But you reassure him he did his best, and you already felt better because he was by your side now.
He promises to become stronger and to escape with his newfound family...for your sake.
You weakly pet his head one final time, and as your hand becomes limp, Gin panics and tries keeping it on his head, shakily asking you to continue.
You never do.
He never should’ve let you get so close to him.
Not because of you potentially betraying him, but because he didn’t want to grow so attached to someone he could lose at any time.
But when it’s your turn to die (lol), he panics and deactivates your collar, begging you to run and save yourself. 
Instead you stay in place, refusing to abandon him, and your stubbornness frustrates him.
“S-So that’s it?! You’re just gonna give up and die here?!” He shouts with tears in his eyes.
You reassure him it’s okay. You’ll only suffer a worse death for breaking the rules, and you tell him not to hold onto anger at the others for their votes.
He couldn’t look away from your execution, and that bitterness remained in his heart for a long while.
He tried not to let your death shake him.
But it was clear he was very broken up over it..despite how calm he seemed on the surface.
Only Sara caught a glimpse of him shedding tears as he knelt by your body--bloody and ruined from the execution.
This was all the more reason to backstab Asunaro. He didn’t want this...he didn’t want any of this.
Could you have been saved? Could trading cards with you have changed your fate?
He didn’t know the answer but..one way or another you’ll be avenged.
‘Damn this organization’
You just needed help with one last attraction. That's all you asked for.
It was Quick Draw--and when a gun had to be drawn, Keiji froze in panic, unwilling to shoot.
Unfortunately that brief moment of hesitance was long enough to allow the monster to strike.
He shouted at you to run while he fought back against it, somehow killing it and clearing the attraction.
“I-I did it..hah..that was a close one. Alright now where’s....?” 
But as he turns around, he sees you on the ground--your motionless body impaled by a sword.
He’s utterly devastated, feeling like he’s to blame for not protecting you like he promised--even though he only expected people around him to die.
And by the time he makes it back to the lobby, he already collapsed from his wounds and the grief.
In the Room of Lies, Alice was panic-striken about where his real sister was. But when Ranger presented her head to him, you could tell that couldn’t actually be Reko. 
There was no blood. It had to be another one of the lies.
Yet the ex-prisoner took the bait...a decision that would’ve cost him his life had you not grabbed the head as it detonated.
Your hands became bloody stumps, and your stomach had a gaping hole in it.
Yet you refused to focus on the pain, only smiling as you saw the real Reko emerge.
Your final wishes were that they reconciled and survived the game together, before you finally succumbed to your wounds.
Alice is heartbroken and conflicted about why you’d sacrifice yourself for a murderer like him..but he’s gonna carry on your wish no matter what.
You find Q-Taro trying to use the vending machine, and he explains the supposed “escape” it would grant him.
But it was odd he never mentioned this to anyone. So you can’t believe him when he said he’ll get outside help.
Ranger soon informs you two of the consequences of him leaving alone: the death of everyone else.
You beg the baseball player to reconsider---only to be horrified at his remorseful expression as he puts the final token into the machine.
Then your collar beeps rapidly, sending you collapsing to the ground as a poison within it slowly kills you.
Q-Taro has immediate regret, especially as the confused and panicked screams of the other participants reach his ears. 
But he can only mumble apologies as he rushes through the door...and you laid dying, feeling betrayed.
No..how could this happen to one of his beloved students/acquaintances??
In the test run of the voting system, he didn’t think there would be any lethal consequences for whoever had the most votes.
He was among the people who voted for you after you pleaded with him to do so. And only moments later did he watch the collar burn your head right off your body
Was he a killer? Just because he respected your wish?
No, he couldn’t be. It was that foolish doll’s fault for not saying anything.
He’s gonna be shaken up for a while, but he has to be strong--for his students and the other young ones who just witnessed something so brutal and traumatizing.
Rio Ranger
You failed an attraction, the monsters overwhelming you and your partner. While they already died, you lived long enough to see Ranger enter to take an item from them.
But he sees you and shows a frowny card. “Wow you bastards died to the easiest attraction?! That’s pathetic!”
Even as he scorns you, he seemed to be upset. Despite all his jests, you were kind to him no matter what, and that kindness made you more..."tolerable" than the others.
He didn’t know why he felt so damn guilty, especially when you offer your bracelet/necklace.
“N-No..you can’t just give me that! You’re stupid for thinking you could befriend us dolls to the end!”
“I may be stupid, but..at least I tried..” You smile as your dying breath creeps out, while Ranger stands there in distraught, before taking what you offered him and quietly leaving.
When the book Obstructors cornered him after the group failed to ward them off, you made either an incredibly brave or incredibly stupid decision:
Shoving him out of harm’s way and letting them attack you.
The pain of their sharp teeth tearing into your flesh was agonizing as you hit them with all your strength--until you had no more.
Hayasaka couldn’t believe you’d sacrifice yourself for him....he was a doll! He could’ve withstood it! 
You weren’t even his partner. So why did you....?
He probably would never understand, but he was alive thanks to you....and he won’t forget that.
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mafanblog · 3 years
Hi guys I’m working on the proof for Marie x Louis, I want to add more sources that you might not have heard about but before I do I want to make one thing clear. The owner of this blog likes both Marie Antoinette and Louis the 16th. I see a lot of things try to demonize either to uplift the other and I’m so tired.
For starters, demonizing Louis for being inadequate, unprepared, and unwilling to rule and consummate his marriage is pure bullshit and reeks of ableism and potentially ace phobia. Was Louis the world’s best leader? No. But honestly he lived in a society where his role was chosen for him and he did the best that he could with he little that he had. His two predecessors had caused a significant drain to France’s wallet. Had Louis been fully capable he still would not have been able to prevent the inevitable French Revolution (maybe pass it on to one of his descendants). There were so many factors other than “hehe he was an incompetent stupid ruler”. Also for the consummation of their marriage NEITHER of them wanted to consummate the marriage. Louis isn’t the only one to blame but more than not gets a lot of the blame because people see him as more unwilling. Neither of them wanted it and they were kids when they married like good for fucking them. Sex brought Louis great pain and he had very low sexual attraction. It feels so dumb to call him shitty for that. I agree Marie shouldn’t get the blame for it but he shouldn’t either. We are more willing to hate Louis for staying celibate than his predecessors for being notorious womanizers. Also there is a lot of fatphobia surrounding the hate around Louis in my opinion. He wasnt great but PLEASE stop making ur reasons for hating him bc of things that stem from fatphobia, acephobia, and ableism.
On Marie’s side there were a lot of exaggerated mistruths as well. She still gets demonized for things she had 0 part in. Her name is literally dragged all over the place even though she personally had little impact on the causes of the Revolution. Literally 99% of the Marie hate stems from sexism and xenophobia rather than her character as a person. People still dont see how charitable, kind, and charismatic she was. She was just literally a woman in the wrong place and time. I’d go more in and pick apart every rumor but thats a lot of work. Also a lot of people dont realize how sexist France was. French courtly gossip was used to demonize the mistress of the king as she would be the “First Lady”, the lady he choose over his politically arranged wife. But since Louis had no mistress a bulk of the bashing fell on Marie. I could go on for days about Marie, French court and all of that but I will spare you all.
In real life worse case scenario of the relationship of Marie and Louis were friends. They got along well. As much as Antoinette didnt have agency over a lot of aspects of her life neither did Louis. You dont need to shit on one to bring up the other yo. They both have flaws and I think its better to use their actual flaws as reasons to criticize them, not their partner.
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moonbeamsung · 4 years
hey! this has been getting popular recently, so pair your moots with an nct fic trope or/and ship them with nct?? i love your works too!! can't wait for the next one :)) heh
(anon, i’m so sorry this took so long! thanks for your patience! this also kinda turned into association instead of ships but i also base ships on similarities? so it works out hehe)
🎄dear moots: think of these ships/mini fics as a small christmas/holiday/end of the year gift from me to you! i sincerely hope you like them, it’s not much but it’s the least i can do to express my gratitude for all the love and happiness you’ve made me feel this year, even if we’ve just recently met! i’m so thankful for all of you and i love you very much!🎄
hi lovely anon!! <3 omg you love my works? that means so much to me, i hope you’re having a wonderful day!! thank you so much for sending me this, i had been hoping to do something like it for a while🥺
for my closer moots, i’m gonna combine these, so i’ll outline a fic trope/idea and the pairing will be who i ship you with! hopefully this won’t become an essay lol. warning: it does
i don’t want to leave anyone out, so for those of you that i’m not quite as close with or have met more recently, i’ll just give you a ship! i hope that’s okay🥺and if i’m still forgetting someone then i’m really really sorry, please let me know and i’ll make sure to add you next time!
read more cut because this is a looooot. open at your own risk and prepare for many many MANY blocks of text... also these are in alphabetical order by url!!
——ships + fics——
@astroboy-lele: a best friends to lovers au with chenle, no doubt about it. furou is one of my closest friends on here and our conversations are almost always chaotic, but when they aren’t, they’re full of love and appreciation for each other because she deserves it! major chenle vibes, they’re both so adorable too. her humor is great, all the jokes we have together make me absolutely wheeze oml. i really don’t know what i would do without her kindness sometimes, when i want to give up at something she’s so quick to reassure me. furou, thanks for encouraging me and for always being such a strong source of happiness🥺also, i hope you never doubt your amazing talents because they are a gift to this world!! but enough with the super deep stuff because this is way too long, so the plot would go something like this: you met one day when you heard him practicing piano in the band room by himself. you’re both shy at first so it’s a blush fest when he notices you’ve been listening to him play the whole time, but one not-so-awkward introduction later, you realize you have some things in common and that you share a class or two. you come over for study sessions & work together on partner projects, conversations lighthearted and full of endless laughter. in addition, you also show your support for each other’s talents and dreams, with him attending your dance performances and clapping louder than anyone else in the audience, and you attending his recitals, heart swelling with more pride and appreciation than you thought was possible. any time that you spend together usually ends with you asleep on his chest while he taps away at a piano app on his phone because he knows it calms you down, humming softly by your ear. as the sunlight streams in from his window and illuminates your face, he takes one look at you and decides that you’ve become so much more than just a best friend to him after everything you’ve been through together in such a short time. but will he ever find the courage to tell you how he feels?
@danishmiilk: i can’t really explain it, but i just picture late nights walking through city streets in a strangers to lovers au with doyoung by your side. xing-yi has a lot of love to give to others and so much to offer the writing community, and also she’s somewhat of a social butterfly, at least i think so! it makes me so happy seeing her interact with her moots and she always looks out for others! i also imagine that she has a cute bunny smile but also maybe not HAHA anyway i just love xing-yi a lot. here’s the fic: doyoung, the one who always seems to know everything, is forced to ask for directions in a foreign city. shamefully standing on the sidewalk, he stops you mid-step with a small hand gesture, because even though he doesn’t know you at all, you look like you probably won’t walk away or dismiss his questions with a shrug. being as friendly and willing to help as you are, you oblige. with an embarrassed scratch to the back of his neck, he admits that he might forget the sequence of lefts and rights you had given him, but you’re unfazed and simply offer to walk him there yourself, since it isn’t terribly far anyway. doyoung, lightly flustered since he’s not quite sure how to thank you for your trouble and feeling bad for taking the time out of your day, fumbles with asking for your number. he’s cute, you think, and before you part you insist on showing him around the city some more before he leaves, glancing at the sheepish but smitten man over your shoulder with a smile as you turn to walk back home, leaving him eager to see you again.
@daybreakx: my first thought was a hogwarts au with kun! ale’s talent in writing is a beautiful hidden gem on this site, and she truly deserves so much more recognition for it. i’m so grateful for how kind she is and i want the best for her and her work always! also, the love letter network that she created to help more writers receive love, feedback, and appreciation from readers is such a generous and selfless thing to do, it shows that she has such a caring heart! all of these qualities make me think of kun, and i chose a hogwarts au because i think she just writes those especially well and hers are some of my favorites! so for the fic: the fates are definitely not on your side today, because all the friends you made on the train ride to the castle have been sorted into different houses than you, not to mention you have almost no classes with any of them. at the same time, you seem to have every class with this one boy, kun. he’s in hufflepuff, the same house as you, and because you’re always paired up as seatmates, you find yourself warming up to him throughout the year. conversations become easier during projects, you start to have study sessions in the common room when exams come around, and as first-year students, you both love experiencing all the new and exciting things that the school and the magical world has to offer together. now, you couldn’t be happier that you were sorted into hufflepuff, because otherwise you might not have become friends (and maybe more..) with him!
@donkey-hyuck: vy is way more hilarious and talented than others give her credit for, and not to mention the way everyone adores her for always being so loving and showering them with her affection and support😭i’m thinking of a sci-fi au with jeno! she’s just so hardworking with her writing and on her collabs, & i think she’s strong-willed because she always pursues her goals no matter what! she has such a bright personality and also, like jeno’s her smile is just the CUTEST thing ever!!!! i will never be over it istg🥺fic: in a world full of new technology and controlled by a government unwilling to remember the past and all its traditions, a band of rebels come together and take it upon themselves to go back in time and discover what their reality used to look like long ago. one fateful day on their quest to uncover the mystery of the past, they stumble upon you, unaware of their cause but eager to join them. you take after one of the boys particularly well, lee jeno. though he’s assigned the role of warrior, he’s well-rounded and could easily succeed at any task the group may need him to complete. extremely passionate about the group’s goal, the two of you share a dedication that only brings you closer with time, working together and just being complete badasses. when you aren’t navigating through streets full of neon signs and angular buildings, you fall into the rhythm of a relationship. though you may not know much about each other’s pasts yet, one thing’s for sure: you can definitely see a future with one another.
@fairvtale: a soulmate au with jisung! i mean, keia is just the peak of cuteness, love, positivity, and everything sweet and nice!! how could i not ship her with the adorable park jisung himself😭she’s so full of compassion for everyone she meets and is so loved and appreciated for not only her great personality but also her talents! now, in this soulmate universe, you and your soulmate share the same preferences! so when you hear someone standing in line ahead of you at the ice cream shop order your favorite flavor, your heart skips a beat. of course, it’s not the first time it’s happened, but something feels different today. when you see who the voice belongs to, you just know that the tall but also shy boy is meant for you, and being brave, you approach the small two-person table he sits down at, making small talk until you both realize that you have a little too much in common for it to be a coincidence... :D <3
@ferie-anon: i’m picturing a bookstore au with shopkeeper!taeil, you just give off really insightful but also curious vibes!! both you and taeil make me think of wisdom(especially with your astrology knowledge! it amazes me so much omg), and also, you both have hearts of gold🥺💝fic: a new book shop opens up in your town, and eager to find a new story to dive into, you enter one day to find taeil behind the counter with a smile on his face that’s so bright you don’t even notice his smaller but adorable stature. he guides you, his first customer, through the rows of books to find one that interests you. since the store has multiple copies, he finds himself reading the same ones that you buy not only to enjoy them for himself, but also because it allows him to discuss them with you when you come in the next time, eager to hear each other’s thoughts and knowledge. your equal love for learning and discovery makes you a perfect match!
@flirtyhyuck: kitty is a literal ray of sunshine into my life, so who else would i ship him with than haechan? (i know i once said jaemin but shh) he is so encouraging, always makes me smile and my heart burst, i’m really thankful for all the times he checks in on me and i just feel very loved talking to him. he deserves all the love in the world, really and truly. for the au, maybe a strangers to lovers with barista!haechan! your favorite cafe has a new worker that’s attracting all the attention lately. haechan makes the funniest jokes and comments at the register, and everyone asks for him to ring them up just so they can laugh at his sarcasm. but he’s also so attentive to each and every customer, making sure the order is nothing short of perfect and exactly what they wanted. you always sit at one of the bar-style seats as you enjoy your favorite drink, legs dangling from the elevated chair as you watch him bustle about behind the cashier station and among the machines & supplies. one day it’s closing time, he’s cleaning up for the night but he lets you stay a few more minutes, something he wouldn’t do for anyone else. leaning over the marble countertop that your cup rests on, he swipes a fingertip through the whipped cream on top of your drink and lightly taps your nose with it, making you giggle endearingly at the ticklish sensation and giving him the courage to ask you out. with a smile, you agree. ‘sure, but let’s go somewhere other than a coffee shop, please.’
@fruityutas: emily (pt 1 HAHA) seriously cracks me up SO MUCH, not to mention she has one the best laughs i’ve heard and it’s super lovable haha. i don’t know what else to call it but i’d give her a wedding date(?) au with hendery! even when i didn’t know her very well and we had just recently met she was super friendly and inviting. for some reason i feel like hendery would also play the sims lol, anyway! onto the fic: when given the opportunity to bring a ‘plus one’ to a friend’s special day, your other friend hendery swoops in with an arm around your shoulder as you reread the invitation out loud, wondering who to ask. not so subtly, he offers to accompany you, and not wanting to be the only one without a guest, you agree to his proposal (no pun intended). dressed in your best formalwear and with stiffly linked arms, you navigate through the ceremony, only loosening up a bit at the reception. hendery is determined to make you smile with his exaggerated dancing, twirling you and making you more than glad you brought him along. you do get a few comments from other guests on what a ‘cute couple’ you are, leading you both to exchange glances before bursting into laughter. it starts to become less and less implausible, though. you catch hendery’s eye right after you find the bride’s flower bouquet in your grasp, suddenly realizing there could be more between you than you realized...
@jenojam: i was totally not influenced by your preschool series at all haha, but a preschool au with teacher!kun comes to mind! vina is always there for me, she’s so caring and attentive to everything i tell her!! i get mom friend vibes i guess, she’s just so sweet and i feel super loved and cared for whenever we interact, i’m really grateful for her endless support🥺for the fic, kun is a coworker of yours at the preschool you teach at. you both have such a strong passion for teaching and it helps you bond, leading to many days spent side-by-side, fondly watching your students play with their friends at recess or do activities and play games in class. even the small children in your class can see how much wider you smile when you’re in the same room. with the sweetest and most innocent of intentions, shenanigans ensue of your well-meaning but slightly mischievous students trying to get kun to confess to you, whether it be by writing a message in sidewalk chalk or making a bracelet out of craft beads for him to give you.
@jisungsmochi: hm, i’m thinking...a high school/college au with theatre kid!xiaojun🥺i ship nat with xiaojun because she’s just the sweetest, she has a hidden chaotic side (imo lol) and just a great sense of humor as well! she’s so fun to talk to and you can’t help but love her🥺picture this: you’re both in english class together, and one day there’s a mix-up. he accidentally grabs your essay and you end up with his script for the school musical. you have no choice but to go to one of his rehearsals to swap them back, but as you’re standing in the doorway, you’re captivated by his performance! little do you know, he’s absolutely in awe of your writing, even in a simple literature paper. your admiration for each other’s talents leads to you sitting in the back of the theater doing your homework every day after school, listening to his voice ring out across the large room, and he gets a confidence boost knowing you’re there watching him act, dance, and sing. he always winks at you from onstage and you’re beyond starstruck every time, your english paper quickly becoming forgotten as soon as he meets your eyes with a charming smile.
@lebrookestore: well, a royal au with prince!/childhood friend!taeyong comes to mind. brooke is a lot like taeyong because she’s so considerate and generous but also can be very professional and calm when she needs to be! (i think i told you already but you have this ~duality~ in a way, like ty haha.) so..you both grow up in the castle, scampering away from the staff in the large hallways and just enjoying the excitement of life. one day when you’re a bit older, you come across a stranger in the forest as you’re exploring. they turn out to be from the next kingdom over, but something about them is familiar: you’re sure you’ve seen a ‘wanted’ poster with their face plastered on it. you manage to warn taeyong in his ear before you hear the stranger’s footsteps speed up, and you both start sprinting as fast as possible. quickly working together since you know each other so well, you devise a plan to get them caught in a tangle of vines you remember seeing on your way into the forest, so you can bring back reinforcements to arrest the dangerous criminal. it works, but instead of turning to give taeyong a high five in celebration, he’s already in front of you and thanking you for your quick thinking with a hug, suddenly realizing that how much he loves you after seeing your brave and clever side emerge, just two of the many traits that made you win his heart.
@navyhyuck: vee’s name has basically become synonymous with happiness at this point, hearing from her in my inbox/messages or seeing a post/work of hers on my dash is so comforting and makes me smile more than she knows. since she’s the epitome of sweetness, i’ll say a bakery au with jaemin! i really appreciate knowing someone like her, and the encouragement she gives me is so heartwarming🥺the way she sends asks in the mornings makes me feel so ridiculously loved and at ease, her presence in itself is a gift to this site. tumblr really doesn’t deserve her!! i’m so happy that we’ve grown close and i don’t know what i would do without her and her kindness in my life. fic: you sign up for a baking class at a quaint, local pastry shop to learn how to make desserts and treats, since baking was a hobby you had enjoyed as a child with your family and now you hoped to learn how to do it on your own. little did you know that your instructor would be even more saccharine than the sugary treats you were making. his flirtatious nature leads to many mishaps in the kitchen as you get distracted while trying to follow along with the simple directions, instead making a mess of the icing and sprinkles and nearly confusing the measurements of ingredients. he finds it adorable, though, and towards the end of the session he sneaks a bite of one of the french macarons you put together, a bright smile lighting up his features as he compliments you on it. he teases you by reminding you to pay more attention next time, and with a comeback so quick that even you’re surprised, you take him up on that offer, implying that you’d be back for another class soon. “good. we’re making crème brûlée next week,” he informs with a wink as you both part ways. boy, was he sweeter than sugar.
@orange-nimon-cross: yunha deserves someone who knows the true her and has always been by her side, so i’d say a neighbor/boy next door au with winwin/sicheng. her personality is unique and complex like sicheng’s, and like him i also admire her for lots of reasons, such as her honesty and the pride she takes in writing as well as her passion for it in general. she’s very sweet, so supportive whenever i need it, and deserves so much more recognition for her beautiful work!!💕fic: your neighborhood holds a classic and oh-so-cliche summer block party every year, the smell of smoke and sounds of laughter moving through the air and into your open window. when a bad day gets you down and you hesitate to join in the festivities, sicheng is the only one who can get through to you, not forcing you to talk about anything and just sitting beside you on your bed in silence, which seems to be the most comforting thing anyone can do at the moment. when you tell him you’re ready(which he asks you to confirm many times, because that’s just how much he cares about you and wants you to be fully comfortable and okay), he takes your hand and leads you outside and onto the burning asphalt of the street with other friends and families, the blissful feeling of summer putting you at ease and the gentle evening breeze carrying away your cares with it. and like a springtime flower, although one season late, your relationship begins to blossom into one full of even more love and consideration for each other than it was before.
@radiorenjun: a doctor au with renjun! angie is slightly (okay, very) chaotic but also very lovable!! i don’t know if she’s an aries but she gives off serious aries energy. she’s confident and optimistic and really approachable! i’m so happy she reached out to me one day and we became friends from there🥺in the fic, renjun is a resident at your hospital studying under you and learning the ropes of being a doctor. when you first met each other, you actually mistook him for a coworker with how professional he seemed, but the confusion made a small, adorable blush rise to his cheeks. shy and timid at first, he takes notes and helps you do your job without complaint. when you offer part of your routine to him, he gratefully accepts and does the task perfectly, growing more comfortable in his position and relationship with you as he receives more opportunities to show his skill. sharing stories and experiences from medical school on your lunch breaks and smiling when you finish each other’s sentences about patients and their prescribed care, you realize that you’ve fallen for the soon-to-be doctor, and that no stethoscope could possibly measure the beating of your heart around him.
@rouiyan: so you know how you said you were excited for my wip that’s a strangers to lovers au with animal shelter worker!jeno? that’s what this is(loosely anyway)!!🥺ree reminds me of jeno in the fact that she’s such a sweetheart in every interaction with anyone, it feels like you’ve been her friend for ages! and then you look at her writing that’s just so damn good and sophisticated and i’m always so amazed with everything she puts out, just like how jeno’s talents amaze me as well! now for the fic: your beloved dog runs off in the park, but luckily a boy walking nearby lunges for the leash as it drags behind the animal. you thank him repeatedly, and he explains that the little puppy might have tried to leave your grasp only because she wants to make a new friend. the park is full of other dogs, after all. he mentions that he works at the shelter nearby and suggests that maybe you should adopt a second one to keep her company. not seeing any reason why you shouldn’t, you meet him the next day and spend time together picking out a new puppy. many more days are spent giving the fluffy little animals lots of pets and scratches behind the ears, and playing with them. you’re not sure what’s cuter: the dogs, or jeno’s eye smile.
@ru-lin: (the fic was kinda inspired by what you told me about your job in our messages the other day hehe) i’d say a christmas au with mark! ruth is so considerate and a pleasure to talk to, we actually have a lot in common! she’s very warm and caring and always looking out for others. i can tell she really values her friends and they’re so lucky to have her, she’s just so sweet all around! talking to her makes my day a lot brighter whenever we interact🥺fic: during the holidays you always work at a christmas market, helping customers pick out pretty much anything they could ever want that’s associated with the chilly month and all its festivities. when a shy boy that’s adorably awkward and clumsy stumbles into the shopping area, you bite back a small laugh at his endearing hesitation to ask for assistance. speaking up first, you ask if there’s anything he needs and he explains that he’s looking for the perfect tree. with a knowing smile, you lead him down the rows of tall pines and firs and any kind of christmas tree you could possibly imagine. when his eyes land on one that he likes, his eyes light up with excitement, and you help him load it into his car. as mark is halfway home he curses, realizing he forgot to pick up a wreath as well. he knows it’ll earn him a playful scolding from his group of friends, but if it means another chance to return to the market and see you, it’s worth it.
@rvse-hvvck: i feel like i ship so many people with jaemin but it’s just because they’re so especially full of kindness and love for others, and ana is no exception! i’d give her a matchmaker au with jaemin! ana is so incredibly selfless and her heart is so compassionate, it’s crazy. i really look up to her in a lot of ways! the first impression she made on me was already a great one because i saw so many writers receiving her beautiful love letters, and from that moment alone i could already tell how much she strives to be kind and generous in everything she says and does. i hope she knows how much everyone truly adores her and is grateful for her, because she really makes the world a better and brighter place. (if you’ve seen the movie clueless i guess this fic is sorta similar!) so, you’re the resident expert on relationships among your school community, always trying to pair up people with similar interests or that have a lot of chemistry together. it brings you joy because you love seeing your friends laughing and smiling with their partners, but you feel a twinge of sadness at the same time. when jaemin, the boy you’ve liked for a while, comes to you for advice, you push down your feelings for him and send him on dates with anyone you can think of. the whole time though, he’s only had his eyes on you. he has always admired your altruism and your dedication to making others happy. it hurts him to see that you’re not even giving yourself a chance, so with a simple but heartfelt confession in the school parking lot at sunset, he helps you realize that you deserve a love like you’ve helped so many others find.
@sly-merlin: talking to simmi is always something very healing (like yuta’s smile hehe) so i’d definitely give her a secret agent/spy au with partner!yuta! she is so friendly to anyone and everyone, she gives off this warm and loving vibe like that of an old friend🥺she’s also extremely dedicated to her studies and works so hard. everyone adores her, and seeing her talk about things that make her happy is just the cutest thing ever! simmi, you truly have everyone’s heart!! now for the fic: you and yuta are both spies, partnered up for a very important and serious mission. only problem is, he’s never been the serious type. he teases you for being so uptight, but you genuinely don’t know any other way to approach a mission. along the way though, he manages to teach you how to have a little fun with your job, even if it means lots of close calls and sticky situations that force you both to begrudgingly (well, you more so than him) pretend you’re an oblivious couple in order to escape suspicious eyes. eventually, you find yourself becoming less and less unwilling to throw a casual arm around his shoulder, even when you aren’t at risk of being caught on your mission. maybe he isn’t so bad after all... :)
@suhpressed: a strangers to lovers au with theatre usher!johnny. so you know how johnny’s like an older brother to mark? i get major comforting and warm big sis vibes from elaida!! i would ship her with johnny because they’re both such selfless and caring people! she’s not afraid to speak her mind, and she always looks out for others with kindness and encouragement! as for the fic: you’re finally attending a broadway show you’ve been dying to see since, well, forever. this really cute usher helps you find your seat, but in a rare stroke of clumsiness, he bumps someone with a glass of wine in their hand that ends up staining your blouse a dark red. like the gentleman johnny (you can see it on his nametag) is, he promises to buy you a new one, and writes his phone number on the show’s program. you enjoy the musical, but the digits scribbled down next to the performers’ names prove to be more distracting than you anticipated. throughout the show you’re really jittery, excited to get back home so you can text him. in addition to replacing your ruined shirt, he also invites you out for coffee over the phone, you agree, and you both hit it off. the rest is history! the way that you met becomes a favorite story among your friends and families, & they never miss a chance to tease you two about spilling drinks.
@tyongxnct: elida, where do i begin🥺right away, i think of an idol au with taeyong. she is just so caring and supportive, she likes or comments on my posts and can make me smile with just a few words!! i remember one time that she said she was lucky to have me as a moot and it really warmed my heart, i’m so so lucky to have her too! i can tell she’s passionate about writing and that it brings her so much joy! i wish her only the best in life always <3 in the fic: during a tour, nct 127 stops in your country for a few nights of concerts, and in the midst of the excitement on the way back from the venue, taeyong gets separated from the rest. in an unfamiliar environment, he begins to panic as he remembers that he left his phone on the tour bus and has no way to contact his manager or fellow members. you, while familiar with and respectful of the group but not an avid follower of their music, catch sight of the lost and more than frazzled man as he frantically paces along the sidewalk, trying to recall his surroundings when he exited the bus hours ago. had it not been for your observant gaze, you may have missed the small group logo on his white shirt, letting you know who he was. determined to ease his obvious nerves by helping him find his way back, you lend a hand by approaching him and asking what he remembers. despite only being given a few details, you know the area he describes, quickly leading him there and reuniting him with the rest of the group. more than grateful, he offers you a ticket to the last show there, and hopes that it won’t be the last time he sees you.
@yo-ddream: a childhood best friends to lovers au with jungwoo! emily (pt 2/granny okay sorry i’m done) also feels like somewhat of an older sister to me, she gives great advice and always seems to have a story to tell from her working adventures lol. she’s very witty and extremely kind!! i guess i get jungwoo vibes because at first she seems quiet, but once you get to know her and she opens up a bit you see her fun personality and humor shine through when you talk to her :) she’s also honest about what she thinks and doesn’t sugarcoat it, something that’s very much needed in a person! okay, onto the fic: you and jungwoo grew up in the same neighborhood, going to the same school, getting your first part-time jobs at same store a few blocks down from your street. your lives have been intertwined from the start, but when a family matter pops up, it threatens his place by your side in almost everything you do and puts your friendship and undisclosed feelings for each other at risk. both working up the courage to confess as time ticks down and it gets closer to the day he’s meant to move away, you spend every moment with each other enjoying life’s little moments, the simple things like watching the sunset on a park bench or taking a walk down the sidewalk of the town shopping center. in an extremely convenient stroke of luck, he gets word that things have been sorted out, and the move is off. in both of your delight at the news, you feel like nothing can stop you. you blurt out the same three words at the same time before launching your arms around one another. if it’s you and jungwoo against the world, so be it, because not even the universe had the heart to separate the bond between you.
@zzzzzcakes: zel🥺she’s always been super supportive of me and my work, i’m happy she left feedback on a fic of mine because i might not have reached out to express my gratitude for her words and gotten to know her otherwise! she’s very kind and positive, and seeing her posts and reblogs make me laugh all the time :D i’d say a grocery store au with sungchan. (hear me out i know you must be going ‘huh?’ but trust me on this one! in that recent post you made you said something about shopping carts, and it made me think...see where this is going? haha ANYWAY!) so sungchan is the newest employee at the supermarket where you work. he’s the go-to person to call when someone can’t reach an item on one of the highest shelves, earning bewildered stares from customers and coworkers alike. he always has a joke up his sleeve or a clever remark to make about the many challenges of working in retail. you take a liking to him for how down-to-earth he is and despite all the occasional sarcasm coming from him when you’re both in the break room, he’s very helpful whenever he’s needed. he also admires how focused you are on the job, ringing up endless items and bagging groceries until your hands hurt. whenever he strides down an aisle near the register you’re working at that day, he doesn’t hesitate to send a wave and an endearing grin your way. it’s the moments like that with him that get you through your shift and keep you going. it’s no surprise when you reveal to the rest of the staff that you’re dating. of course, the perks of being employees mean that you can spend many late nights racing each other in shopping carts at the back of the store near closing time and other mischievous activities of the sort, laughing when your manager scolds you over the loudspeaker system without a care in the world.
@badwithten: zoe is someone full of both humor and heart, a combination that immediately reminds me of lucas, so i’d 100% ship her with him! she’s given me really good advice and encouragement to stay true to myself, something i can also see lucas doing, and i’m very grateful for her wise words :) and like i said, her heart is full of love and she’s so kind to everyone!
@bucchinct: i’m not sure if we’ve ever interacted, but i always see your posts on my dash and you reblog so many artistic and pretty things/pictures, which makes me think of jaemin and his hobby of photography! so i would ship you with him ^_^
@du0tine: i’d ship solange with ten, for a number of reasons! one, the fact that she mountain climbs for a living and is so dedicated to/passionate about it is something extremely admirable and amazing, so she comes across as very brave and adventurous! also, she’s not afraid to tell others her opinions and that honesty is really refreshing to see! and her blog themes are super artistic which reminds me of ten as well. she just seems like a great person in general and i hope to get to know her more!
@ethaeriyeol: i haven’t really talked to bea much, but i know she is good friends with a few of my other moots so i think that says something about the kind of person she is! i would ship her with jaehyun, she seems really professional (and lowkey intimidating but you didn’t hear it from me) but also very sweet and welcoming and i imagine they both have the cutest smiles, with or without dimples, hehe.
@euphoricdreamies: i’d ship maddy with chenle! she has such a great sense of humor and it’s so much fun to read about her oc’s, i love keeping up with the plots! i’ve followed her for a while but we just recently started talking, she’s very friendly🥺maddy’s just been nothing but nice to me, and i feel like she has a sarcastic and witty side. also, she deserves so much more recognition for her talent and i think everyone deserves to read her amazing work!
@felixn-recs: it’s been a while since i talked to you, but i’m really thankful that you left some of the first feedback i ever received on my writing! i know for a fact that authors really appreciate you and the kind feedback/support that you show their works. this eagerness to show writers your encouragement and praise makes me think of mark for sure, so i would ship you with him!
@fullsuhnny: angelina seems like the type to be somewhat reserved, but still very generous and selfless towards others, reminding me of kun! when she interacts with people she’s humble and sweet, and i enjoy seeing her reblogs pop up on my dash. i think she’s a wonderful friend to everyone and i hope to become closer with her in the future! also, her blog theme is so cool and aesthetic hehe :D
@gowonhatesyou: renjun all the way, krystal always makes me and others laugh so much with her humor and her entertaining personality. but at the same time, while she can be chaotic and sarcastic, she’s also extremely loving and sociable. i can tell she cares a lot about those around her and wants only the best for them! i really value her friendship🥺
@heartyyjeno: i’d ship alesha with jaemin, she’s so much like him to me. first of all, because she would do anything to make her friends smile or brighten their day! she has a warm personality that makes others feel very loved. she’s also very determined and perseverant, because when things get tough she doesn’t give up and continues to pursue her dreams and do what she loves, even when it may be difficult. i’m positive that everyone she knows appreciates having her and her endless kindness in their life! <3
@injunified: nathalie is really sweet and generous, and i’m really happy that she’s started posting more of her works recently, they definitely deserve all the recognition that they’re getting and more!! i don’t know her super well but she’s a great friend to have, so I’d ship her with winwin/sicheng! i hope she can continue writing because she definitely has a lot of talent for it🥺
@jaeminscoffee: lyra is very warm, friendly, and she was eager to get to know me when we first met, so i would ship her with johnny! i really enjoy talking to her, and she’s also very down-to-earth! she never hesitates to show her appreciation for her friends and followers, and i really look up to her for it🥺
@lovelygalaxy333: lilly is so so lovable and sweet, i would definitely ship her with shotaro! my heart literally threatens to explode whenever i talk to her, and she reblogs the cutest, kindest things! like shotaro, i just wanna protect her because she’s such a special soul and also very positive! even if she just sends a simple ‘hello’ in my inbox from time to time, it puts the biggest smile on my face and i’m so grateful for her!
@meraki-mark: li is very humble and friendly, so i would ship her with xiaojun! she also seems somewhat quiet and calm to me, i was almost intimidated when we first interacted haha. something i admire about her is that i believe she’s the kind of person to truly be dedicated to writing what she wants and not just for the sake of notes! that kind of commitment is really nice to see :)
@minyusa: whenever i see miku on my dash, she always seems to be showing her support for a work or conversing with a friend. she’s there to lend some encouragement and sweet words to those that need it! her good-nature and pure thoughtfulness reminds me of jeno. she’s so nice to talk to and deserves love, no questions asked! you’re a very genuine and warm-hearted person, so i’d ship you with him~ (^ν^)
@moonlightjeno: we don’t know each other very well but just from looking at luna’s writing, i think the types of fics and aus she writes are very diverse and unique! her well-rounded work makes me think of haechan, so i’ll ship her with him! i believe we have some of the same moots so she seems very kind and social as well!
@neonun-au: okay, maybe it’s because ‘multitudes’ has been on my mind ever since i read it but my first thought was to ship mads with taeil! her writing is so elegant and beautiful, i’m so glad her work gets all the recognition that it does! as silly as it sounds for me to say, even her sh*tposts seem sophisticated for some reason hahaha. she’s just so sweet, talented and always so gracious!
@peachjaem00: lou comes across as very laidback and charming, two things that remind me of yangyang! she’s a pleasure to interact with, and i feel like she has a lot of friends, i mean, who wouldn’t want someone like her in their life? she’s such a supportive and inviting person by nature, and i can tell she works hard and puts so much effort into her writing because it’s so good!!
@prettyjaems: i believe i said it once before so pardon the repetition, but whenever i interact with mona i feel loved and cared for like nobody’s business😭which immediately makes jaemin come to mind. she doesn’t hesitate to show kindness to anyone and everyone, but also has a quiet and focused side at times, and i think as a person, she has so many great qualities that balance out and make up her considerate personality! she’s also really motivated and organized with her writing, i hope to learn a thing or two from those work habits of hers :)
@rueyins: one fateful day when i was craving some good old interaction, rue reached out to me just to say hello and ask how i was doing, something that makes me think of taeyong! i really love how caring she is towards everyone she knows, and also her music taste is great, which also makes me think of taeyong, haha🥺the way she looks out for others is such a special quality to have, i’m so glad we’ve become friends!!
@vitamarkie: i would ship kay with mark! i see her interact with her moots a lot, and she just seems very loved all around by everyone that knows her! also, she writes the softest, prettiest, fluffiest stories, and for some reason i think of the fact that mark once said he wanted be an author when he grew up. her skills are seriously amazing and, just like i admire mark for his talent, i admire kay a lot for hers!
@whathamelon: hmm you have a good sense of humor and also seem very friendly because we have some of the same moots! you’re also not shy about showing appreciation to your favorite fics and authors, so i would ship you with johnny!
@yunwoo: i feel like anna is on the soft-spoken, quieter side but still very very sweet, so i would ship her with jisung! she’s really lovable and so comforting to talk to, even though we don’t know each other too well yet. just from her blog she seems so adorable and i want to hug her and talk to her more🥺also her aesthetic is the softest thing EVER i love it so much!!😭
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bubblyani · 5 years
The Flannel Giant
(Flip Zimmerman x Black!Female Reader)
A Flip Zimmerman One Shot
Rating: Mature
Request: flip zimmerman x black! female reader ?? it could be literally anything im just so desperate 😞💕 thank you if you do and even if you dont thanks for writing ! - @pastelhybristophiliac​
Author’s Note: This man is a literal thirst quencher. So this fic did not take long to form. I did take some time to write it cause I wanted it to be as perfect as it possibly could be. Plus, my very first Black! Female Reader fic. Hope y’all enjoy!
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Colorado Springs Police Department.
The sign just said it all.
Exhaling deeply, you began to walk towards the building. Your steps were slow, as if you were doubting yourself. And you could not help remembering the phone conversation you had with your friend Patrice an hour earlier.
“But Patrice! Why do I have to be the one to do it ?” You asked.
“Because you’re the one who saw it happen...” She said, “We can’t just let this go...” persuasion was strong in her voice.
“I know ...but-“
“Do you not want to go to the police Y/N?”
You paused. For she caught you there. “Maybe...” You began, as you twisted the phone chord “Can’t trust those pigs”
 “Not all of them are...” Patrice said, “Ron isn’t a pig. And even his coworkers are nice”
You scoffed. “Maybe that’s cause they all know you through Ron”
“Just go will you” Sighing, you nodded to thin air. “Fine”
Unwilling to break the promise, there you were, walking towards the building. With another deep breath, you entered with a cause.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Ma’am? Can I help you?”
A man in uniform inquired upon seeing you in the hallway. Directed towards the Intelligence Division, you stood there confused in the hallway. You noticed his name tag: Sgt Trapp.
“Uh yes Sergeant...” you said softly, entering the room he gestured you into, “I’m here to see Ron Stallworth”
“Oh, I’m sorry but he’s not in today” Sergeant Trapp replied.
As you glanced upon the empty desk next to you, you realized he was right. Embarrassingly, you sighed heavily. But that realization came at a cost when there was a room full of men at work, possible detectives typing away reports in their typewriters. Yet now, they were all looking at you.
Except one particular person, who kept  busy with his files.
All this staring made you quite uncomfortable. But being a black woman, this was nothing new.
“It’s just that...” you began “I was told to give a statement...” you continued, “... about the attacks that ...that happened last Friday” taking a deep breath, You added , “...during the Black Student Union meeting”
Suddenly, the sound of scribbles were stopped, and the occupied man looked up from his files. As you only saw his back, you could only notice the full head of raven locks that was filled with.
“Flip...” a grey haired man addressed the raven haired man, “...aren’t you working on that case too?” Standing up, Flip finally turned to face you.
“Yeah. Why don’t I-“ He paused, a few seconds upon seeing you, “...take...your statement” He said softly, his eyes never leaving your sight.
It had been a while since a man had left you with quite an impression. You thought you were so hard to please.
Until that very moment.
He was taller than the others in the room, almost gigantic. His dark blue flannel shirt along with the leather holsters complimented his wide shoulders perfectly. With his raven long hair elongating his face, you swore you were breathless.
And surprisingly, you weren’t intimidated by the room anymore. 
“Flip Zimmerman...” he said in his deep, soothing voice, “Please. Take a seat” ushering you to Ron’s seat as the sergeant pulled it out for you.
“Thanks...” you replied, “Y/N Y/L/N”
Like a spell wearing off, the others quickly resumed working as Detective Flip Zimmerman took your statement.
His pace was comforting, you felt calm. You answered all questions with confidence and detail. But at the same time, you wondered how you were able to maintain that whenever he looked at you. You could tell he listened to you with intent. And whenever he was not jotting down notes, his eyes were always on you. 
“...and just like that...they just ran off from there” you said, crossing your legs.
Reaching out to one of his files, Flip took out a photograph. “Did they happen to look like this?” He asked, showing it to you. In the effort to being polite, you merely leaned forward to look. Your eyes widened.
“Yeah! They’re the ones!” You replied with enthusiasm.
Snapping his fingers, Flip nodded. “Knew it!” He said, looking at his partner, “Jimmy, Ron was right...” he muttered softly.
Jimmy looked at you. “Okay...” he said, “Thank you Ma’am for coming in...I think we got all that we need”
“We did?”
“You did?”
Realizing you and Flip both inquired Jimmy in unison, you could not help but stifle a chuckle. And you hide it well. Clearing his throat, Flip began as he looked back at you.
“Yeah...we did” he said, standing up, “Thank you...Miss Y/L/N?”
Smiling warmly, you stood up in kind. “Yeah ...Miss Y/L/N...” You said, as you exited the room.
Smiles were abundant on your face as you walked out of the precinct, which was quite the contradiction compared to a few minutes before. Quite the interesting interaction it turned out to be. And you weren’t the only one to agree.
“Man...” Jimmy began, watching you walk out, “She is a beaut, huh?” “Mmm...”
Flip merely acknowledged as he sat down. Looking at his partner, Jimmy was no fool to not notice.
“Well well...look who’s getting chummy now?” he said, inciting a chuckle out of Flip.
“Fuck you, Jimmy” he said while laughing, trying to hide his subtle blush.
“No really Flip...“ Jimmy teased, “I’ve never seen you like this...”
“Fuuuck Youuu!” 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Days went by. And all was just as it should be. You carried on with everything.
Except, there was a new distraction in your head.
Detective Flip Zimmerman. The Flannel Giant.
The mere thought of him made you smile to yourself every single time. So much that sometimes you’d get in trouble when others asked you what was wrong.
“Y’all! she found herself a brother to love. All good!”
You’d smile shyly and cleverly move on to another conversation. You did not know how everyone would feel about you having a soft spot for a white man. Let alone a white police detective. But it wasn’t for you to choose. You couldn’t steer the heart. The heart steered you. And you did not mind. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The soapy bubbles covered your hand like a glove as you washed the dishes over the sink. The radio softly played in the living room on a Thursday afternoon.
The ring of the doorbell forced  you to finish the washing with haste. You wondered if it was Patrice, needing a textbook for class. Wiping your hands with your apron, you opened the door, only to find yourself lose your breath.
For it was Flip Zimmerman standing there.
“Ms. Y/L/N” he said softly, giving a soft smile. You involuntarily smiled back.
“Hey” you breathed, “Wait! How did you know where I live?”
“You gave it to us...” Flip said, “When you came to the precinct”
“Oh...of course”you chuckled embarrassingly at your own carelessness, “Please...come in...”
You found it surprising how you just let him in without even asking the purpose. He was just that easygoing.
“I’m sorry about this I was Uh...washing dishes...” you said embarrassingly as you invited him to sit on the sofa.
“Yeah Hehe...I can tell...” Nodding, Flip chuckled, watching you toss away the apron and sit on the armchair across from him.
The detective had come bringing forth good news. The two perpetrators behind the attacks were indeed members of the organization. Thanks to your valuable information they were arrested and will be tried. A huge wave of relief washed over you upon hearing the news. You couldn’t help but clasp your hands together with happiness. 
“Oh, Detective Zimmerman, this is just wonderful”
“Flip...” he corrected in an instant, “you can call me Flip”
“Okay...” you nodded, “Flip” you added with the sincerest form of affection.
With lips parted slightly, Flip nodded back. As if he was in mid contemplation.
“Anyways, Thank You very much for your cooperation Ms. Y/L/N”
Your heart sank upon hearing those words, when he stood up to leave.
“I-I’m so sorry I couldn’t even offer you a beverage” you said, standing up“You came all this way-” “Oh no no...” shaking his head, the flannel giant responded, “I was in the neighborhood”
Unwillingly yet enslaved to politeness, you made your way towards the door.
With your grip on the handle, you knew this could be the last time you’ll ever see him again. The case was closed, faster than you imagined.
“Thanks do much for coming, Flip” you said, halfway opening the door. “My pleasure, Ms. Y/L/N”
“It’s Y/N...”  this time you took the opportunity to correct him. “Y/N...”
His voice, you never heard it softer than you did just then. Standing merely inches away, he stood so tall before you. As your heartbeat began to quicken, as your cheeks started to burn, you knew the effect this man had on you was no joke. You did not want this to be the last time.
With the blink of an eye, his face seemed to appear centimeters away ,only to glue his lips on yours. And that was when you knew he felt the same.
The kiss was gentle. It was sweet and innocent. His facial hair sent shivers down your spine. But that just the first taste.
Lips were met once again for more experimentation, signaling your hand to push the door back and lock it tight.
The silent attraction that was developed between both parties from the first meeting seemed quite evident now.
Flip’s masculine hands made themselves home on your waist, moving behind to grab onto your buttocks. The way his hands felt you, made the white cotton of your short dress seem nonexistent when he pulled you closer to him.
Jumping into his arms felt effortless as he held you with ease. With your legs wrapped around his waist and your arms around his neck, you were comfortable as expected, body lines fitting with his like puzzle pieces.
The sounds of heavy breathing and kisses began to infuse with the soft sounds of the radio. Making himself comfortable on the couch, Flip was hospitable with you straddling him.
The kisses grew heated as his tongue caressed your own, deepening its connection and weakening you by the knees. Your moans echoed within him, urging you to hold him tightly by the collar. Indulging in pleasure, your body was naturally inclined to roll your hips against him.
But, all plans seemed to fly out the window when the telephone rang loudly, forcing both of you to pull away with surprise. Stretching out, you clumsily grabbed the phone.
“Y/N? It’s Patrice”
“Oh hey!” You greeted her breathlessly, keeping your balance as you held on to Flip.
There was a slight pause.
“You alright?” Patrice sounded serious as she inquired , “You sound weird”
“Yeah yeah I was just uh....dancing”
Covering the bottom half of the phone, you playfully slapped Flip on the shoulder in order to stop him from breaking into loud laughter.
“Oh...anyways, you coming tonight for the party-”
“I’m busy...” you cut her off, “Sorry Pat. Busy night tonight”
Finally hanging up, you blushed deeply upon seeing Flip‘s eyes that burned with desire. For there you were, with lips so swollen, straddling a man you barely knew oh so casually. Shyly, you allowed yourself to fall back on the couch next to him.
“Well...” Flip began, panting “this was-”
“....unexpected?-“ you guessed, panting alongside him.
“...Great...” clearing his throat, he revealed his final answer ”...this was really great”
Giggles erupted out of you in response , only to stop when he leaned towards you. Fully meaning well of what he just expressed, his lips greedily captured yours, enabling you to catch his scent easily while doing so.
“Bet your partner is wondering what’s taking ya so long to get back” you breathed into his lips, as he pulled away once again “Do you think he knows something’s up?”
“Maybe..” he said, staring at the wall ahead of him in thought. “Or maybe...with the case successfully solved, you invited me out for a drink....” Flip added, looking back at you, fueling inspiration, “...only if you wanted to-”
“I want to...” Your answer, it was so quick, so certain. And hearing his response was simply worth answering.
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how about work it, remix, and swap for whoever you'd like !
Another round of several, hehe - thank you for all of these, Bing!~
I think I’ll use my selfship with Luna for these, if that’s alright - I know I’ve already answered Remix for us, but this was the only ask that asked Work It, which I really want to explore if that’s okay!
(question source: “Okay Hear Me Out, Ask Game” by dragonsmooch)
..These got long, I apologise, so I think I might put them under a readmore.
Work It: Your S/I and/or your F/O(s) are unable or unwilling to continue doing their main career anymore. (Optional: Why?) What do they replace this job with? Alternatively, what is an equivalent of their current job in another time period/setting? - Hmm.. If it’s specifically that Luna has to step down from being the Dark-type Gym Leader, and Adriana is no longer a travelling Pokémon Trainer, then I think it could make sense for Adri to become a Contest Coordinator instead - specifically entering Cuteness Contests alongside her Shiny Pumpkaboo, because hello have you seen those things they’re adorable! And then, Luna is the one who becomes a travelling Pokémon Trainer, and she goes on a journey around either Kalos (since that’s where Adriana is from) or Hoenn (since that’s where Adriana would go to participate in Pokémon Contests). She could well still specialise in Dark-type Pokémon still, so that sort of aspect wouldn’t really change much, especially since a fair few of her current team of Pokémon are found in a number of different regions - Umbreon, Weavile, Tyranitar, and so on.
On the other hand, if it’s that neither of them are able to be Pokémon Trainers in any kind of sense, then.. that would be a lot more interesting, especially when kept in the world of Pokémon since  so much of it revolves around Pokémon, haha. A number of Reborn’s Gym Leaders have other roles in addition to being Gym Leaders (Kiki is the sensei of Apophyll Academy, Ciel and Samson and Terra all perform in the Agate Circus, Florinia runs the Onyx Trainers’ School, and so on), but Luna isn’t one of those, so.. I guess the only other role she has to fall back on is her technical status as a princess, haha! (She says it herself in an interview - her father owns the castle that she lives in, which she supposes makes her a princess, and honestly I’m not going to argue with that logic!) She also acts as the castle’s maid, but.. Luna will always be a princess first and foremost, especially with the also-noble Adri as her partner.
As for what Adriana herself would do, though.. I mean, she technically doesn’t need a career because of her family being so prestigious. The only thing I can think of is that she would get railroaded back into Laverre City itself, and.. maybe end up as some kind of model for or assistant to Valerie, because of Valerie being a fashion designer? Adri really isn’t as hands-on or fieldwork-y as Noire, my other Pokémon self-insert, so I can’t really put her in much of like a scientist sort of setting.
Remix: What are your thoughts on your S/I and your F/O(s) with the same canon but in a different setting? i.e. steampunk instead of modern, fantasy instead of sci-fi, etc. (Optional: Asks can specify a setting.) Alternatively, what’s an aesthetic/style you’d like to see your S/I and/or F/O(s) dress-up in? - I’ve already answered this one somewhere else, I’m afraid! To summarise my response from then.. we’ve both already got some pretty solidly-set aesthetics already, so seeing plays on that (like a cyber sort of thing) could be pretty different!
Swap: Your S/I and your F/O(s) exchange roles for a day, willingly or begrudgingly, casually or through supernatural circumstances. How well (or terribly) does it go? Alternatively, how would things be different if the roles had always been swapped? - well, at the current moment in time (i.e. the end of the most recently-released episode of Reborn), Adriana doesn’t actually have a lot to do, because the only Gym Leader she has yet to face is Saphira, and she can’t battle her yet because her Gym in Labradorra City is still sealed off by a PULSE barrier. (Although.. Adri did fight Noel in completely the wrong place and the battle still counted for all official purposes, so.. technically there’s nothing stopping her obtaining the last Gym Badge. But then I think this game’s Victory Road is only accessible through Labradorra, so that would also stop her.)
And then, Luna gives the ninth Gym Badge of eighteen, so any potential challengers would have had to defeat the previous eight in line first, and.. Shelly and Noel both ran away and went up to Calcenon, Aya’s not taking battles for spoilery reasons, Shade is Shade, and so on and so forth. Therefore it’s very unlikely any challengers would actually be coming through to face her. So, from an if-this-actually-happened-right-this-moment perspective, neither of us would actually have to do much in these roles, haha - but, I think we would actually both do pretty well!
Adriana would probably fare better with using Luna’s Pokémon, compared to Luna working with Adri’s, just because Adriana’s team has a wider variety of types and personalities in it. So, it might be quite hard for Luna to take Adri’s place as the travelling Trainer who saves Reborn, given that she pretty much has the most important part of it ahead of her - the final battles with Team Meteor and finally facing Lin. On the other hand, Adriana used to specialise only in Ghost-type Pokémon when she went on her initial journey around Kalos, and there are a fair number of similarities between Ghost-types and Dark-types (such as the types their moves are super-effective against), so I don’t think she’d find it too difficult to adapt to Luna’s Dark-types. (One of Luna’s Pokémon she uses in the Glass Workstation, her Gothitelle, is actually one that Adriana gifted her in the first place, so there’s always that.)
I hope that is alright! Thank you again for sending all of these in, and I’m very sorry for how long it took me to get to them!
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lantern-inthenight · 5 years
Playing the Vocals (series)
Chapter Three: Power and Control
Pairing: Josh x fem!Reader Word Count: 1430 Warnings: Language, pettiness A/N: Alright y’all, it’s here already!! I’m on a roll with this one, so hopefully I’ll have Chapter 4 up soon (cause that’s where things get turned up to 11 hehe) Also, get ready to stan Miss motherfucking Michaels. Eternal thanks to @sparrowof-thedawn for proofreading this for me <3
Summary: Josh and Reader are competing vocalists at a music college. They are each trying to win a competition as soloists, but their advisor tells them they can only win as a duo. They begrudgingly become partners, but find that they may have bitten off more than they can chew.
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You actually looked forward to practice that Friday. Your short conversation with Josh had given you hope that you might actually be able to get along. You almost felt a kinship with him, even if that kinship was founded only on your shared tastes in music. But still, talking to him had been kind of pleasant.
It was nice while it lasted.
“See, this-- this right here is why I can’t stand you!”
Your shout echoed through the music room, and was bounced back to you with an equally-scathing insult from Josh.
“Well, at least I’m not a control freak!”
Miss Michaels sat at the piano looking tired. You and Josh were in the ninth or tenth round of a shouting match that started five minutes ago. You stood several feet apart, your shared copy of the day’s song (“Almost Paradise” by Mike Reno and Ann Wilson) laying abandoned by the wayside.
“Are you sure about that, asshole?” You shot back, prompting a white-hot glare from Josh. Miss Michaels stood up, exasperated.
“Alright, you two, stop it now.”
But you and Josh were oblivious to her interruption. You got right up in his face, which was slowly turning red to match your own.
“You’re the one that just had to sing louder even though the harmony is supposed to be obvious in that part of the song! But no! You just couldn’t let me have it!”
“Why the hell would I? The harmony should never be louder than the melody!”
“Well, that one is!”
Josh opened his mouth with an angry reply, but your argument was stopped dead in its tracks by a sharp, ear-splitting whistle. You both turned to find your instructor standing next to the piano with a small, metal whistle perched between her lips.
“Jesus,” Josh hissed, as you each placed hands over your ears. Michaels lowered the whistle and clasped her hands in front of her, looking unimpressed.
“When I ask you to be silent, you will listen respectfully. Is that clear?”
You and Josh glared at one another before nodding with matching frowns.
“Aren’t those made for dogs?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Yes,” Miss Michaels replied matter-of-factly. “But I find they work rather well for students, too.”
You and Josh could do nothing but stand there, looking indignant.
“Quarreling like children is not going to win you this grant,” Miss Michaels chastised.. You looked at the floor guiltily, unwilling to look at Josh. The heat radiating off him spoke for itself.
“We’ve already determined your voices are more than compatible. But the two of you need to learn to complement each other and recognize each other’s strengths,” Michaels continued, walking up to you. “...instead of constantly competing. Because that will get you nowhere. Is that clear?”
You and Josh made similar disgruntled noises of admission. Miss Michaels reached for the whistle in her pocket, pulling enthusiastic “Yes ma’am”s from both of you.
“We’ll meet again Monday,” she declared, turning back to the piano. “Take this weekend to... gather yourselves,” she instructed, frowning at you both over her glasses.
“And next week, you will both receive lessons on power balance and control issues.”
With that, she was off. You stood there, mouth open. Josh folded his arms and sighed. When you looked up at him, he looked like he wanted to say something. But you didn’t give him the chance. You turned on your heel and left, fighting tears of frustration.
This was a massive mistake.
Upon leaving the rehearsal, you had called Emily to vent. She listened patiently as you ranted about the day’s events. When you were done yelling into the receiver at no one in particular, she gave you a half-hearted encouragement. But the best thing she could offer was to get you drunk, which you readily accepted.
So the following evening, you put on your tightest skirt, paired with a flowy blouse that you left unbuttoned a little further than it should have been. Emily and your other friends whistled at you when you got in their car, which made you blush. But you were secretly proud of yourself.
It was a glee that left you the moment you walked into the house party to see Josh laughing with a bunch of his friends in the living room.
Emily noticed you glaring, and followed your gaze to the opponent on the couch.
“Oh, shit. I’m sorry, dude, I didn’t know Matt invited him.”
“It’s fine,” you replied, shrugging. “Let’s just drink, okay?”
“Fine by me.” Emily grinned. She led you to the kitchen, where a makeshift bar had been set up. Every surface was covered in plastic cups, mixers, and various bottles of alcohol. You elected to mix some Fresca with the first kind of vodka you could find, handing a cup to Emily before making one for yourself.
You managed to dance for about an hour without event, effectively ignoring the presence of Josh and his brothers. But after several drinks, Emily’s wild side had come out to play. She ended up wrapped around one of Matt’s friends on the armchair, leaving you to your own devices.
You were sitting on the landing of the staircase, looking out over the party and mourning the emptiness of your cup. You were zoned out enough to not realize that Josh was approaching until he was right in front of you.
“Hey,” he greeted, looking a bit nervous. You felt a small sting of sympathy, which wrestled with the pang of annoyance that came at the sight of his face.
“My brothers are completely wasted, whereas I am only a little wasted,” he explained. “Do you mind if I join you?”
You answered with a nod, and fidgeted with the hem of your skirt as he sat down next to you. It was a narrow staircase, and the sides of your knees brushed. You ignored it, and chose to continue people watching.
“I’m sorry about yesterday,” he began. You looked at him sideways, a little surprised. Was he actually trying to be nice? What happened to the asshole you were used to dealing with?
“I just figured I’d take the lead since you missed your cue,” he added, causing you to roll your eyes.
There he is.
“I wouldn’t have missed my cue if I didn’t have to be staring at your stupid face,” you snapped. Josh gave you a smirk, that goddamned smirk.
“Staring at my face a lot, mama?”
Previously, you would have been flustered at the unwanted pet name. But the vodka in your bloodstream willed you to face him directly with eyebrows raised.
“No. But you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
Josh scoffed, shaking his head.
“Please,” you continued, feeling braver. “As if I didn’t notice you staring my ass during my solo. Is that why you forgot the lyrics in that line?”
Josh was silent, and you felt a wave of triumph. You had gotten him.
“That’s what I thought.”
You moved to stand up, but Josh spoke up.
“You watch me, too.”
“Excuse me?”
“I’ve seen you staring at me, too,” Josh reiterated, looking at you with his chin lifted. You shrunk into yourself a little, turning red in the face.
“Well, yeah, you… have a… commanding presence,” you offered, struggling to find words that you wouldn’t regret.
“Oh, yeah?” He looked smug, and you wanted to punch him. So you stood your ground.
“Is it really so hard for you to admit you’re into me?”
The fucking nerve of him. You were speechless. When you scoffed and rolled your eyes, he spoke again.
“Fine, I’ll go first. I think you’re an incredible singer, and you’re insanely attractive.”
Wait, what?
You had to look at him, unsure if he was playing a cruel prank. But there was no lie behind the brown of his eyes. The tiniest bit of heat rose to your cheeks, and you couldn’t tell if it was the alcohol or something else.
“You’re attractive, too,” you admitted. Josh almost smiled. You should have left it there, but the vodka wasn’t done with you yet. The words were out of your mouth before your brain had vetted them.
“If you weren’t such an asshole.”
Josh’s almost-smile fell into a frown. His annoyance, you could handle. What was worse...he looked hurt. And it was your fault.
“Thanks,” he replied darkly, before getting up and walking downstairs. Leaving you alone on the landing to contemplate your mistake. You couldn’t help but be a little angry at yourself.
Monday rehearsal was going to suck.
End note: AHHH What did y’all think?? Please reblog with your opinions or comment below! What do you think will happen in Chapter 4?
Taglist: @kissthesun-fightthefire, @lover--leaver, @myownparadise96, @satans-helper, @songbirdkisses, @bluewillowmom, @sweetkiszkadreams,  @mountainofthesunn, @turntonightfirelight
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kpopaeipathy · 5 years
The sound of (your) music (Suga Oneshot)
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Originally posted by chimchurro
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Fluff, some angst(?)
Prompt: “H-how long have you been standing there?”
Summary: As a Muse of music, it is your job to help your musician find inspiration, but you weren’t supposed to let him see you.
Word Count: 2,714
YoonKook Spring Bingo: Muse AU
Requested by Anon.
A/N: I hope you don’t mind I made it 1st person, and a part of the bingo (it just fits hehe). I also hope you like it ^^ A big Thank You to @hungline for the help, hope we can work together again <3
Being a muse of music has always been a big responsibility, especially if you are Aoide’s daughter, the first great muse of music. I always understood this responsibility. After all, music is much more than the combination of sounds and silence; it is the expression of the soul and the world.
However, understanding the responsibility of being a muse and being a daughter whose mother can be proud of are two different things. Not that I haven’t tried.
All the musicians I was assigned to work with were extremely talented (maybe my mother already knew I would have difficulties), and all I needed to do was blow a melody in their ears when they spent a lot of time without inspiration. Even so, everything always went wrong.
I could hardly hit the kind of melody that inspired every musician, sometimes leading them to a complete change of style, which made it difficult for them to progress in their careers in the human world. I let at least a third of the musicians see me, and two of them fell in love with me in such a way that their compositions totally lost their beauty. And the last musician my mother assigned me to went mad after thinking about the wrong melody I whispered in her ear and ended up in an insane asylum without being able to compose anything else.
My sisters definitely had reasons to be annoyed with me, since they needed to clean up the mess I left wherever I went. It was no wonder my mother got tired and stopped appointing me to her musicians.
So, determined to prove that I could still do a good job and be a good muse of music, I started looking for my own musicians, searching them mainly among those my mother believed were not real musicians, for they came from a different career.
It was then, in search of any musician, that I met Min Yoongi, and for the first time in my life, I believed that my mother’s ability to find the most talented musicians was rusty.
Yoongi used to be a basketball player, but left his promising career due to a knee injury. Without much expectation of the future, Yoongi found his vocation in an old piano that accumulated dust in his house. He then became a rapper and composer. However, many agents underestimated him and rejected him, until a young producer accepted him into his company. But Yoongi had yet to prove he had enough talent to really start his career and make his debut as a musician.
That was the story I heard about him, but it was not that which fascinated me. In fact, I was not even thinking about checking his work when I accidentally listened to his music. And it was like I was coming home.
Since I started working with my mother’s musicians, I had not come home. Unlike what I believed when I was younger, the musicians were not exactly inspired by nature and living beings; they were inspired by their own lives, the lives of their relatives and friends, and what they saw in the places where they lived. Nature was in the background and I could hardly see my beloved home.
Min Yoongi’s music was different. He also relied on his life experiences to compose, but listening to his melodies was like listening to the water flowing through the waterways; his notes recalled the different sounds the wind made when it touched every leaf of a tree; his voice sounded like the purr of a tiger cub who lay down happy to sleep next to his mother. Min Yoongi’s music made me feel at home.
There was no reason to keep looking if I had already found the perfect musician. However, the fear consumed me. What would happen if I messed up with him, too? I would never forgive myself if I turned him into just a shadow of the musician he was.
So I spent a lot of time just watching him, with the excuse that I was gaining experience, and I was getting to know him enough to give him the right melody when he needed it. But it was no trouble to look at him, for the beauty of his music was reflected in his features, and at each note he played, he looked more handsome.
As time passed and I watched Yoongi training, composing and rapping, I realized that maybe he would never need me. Even so, I found myself unwilling to leave him.
It was only when the producer requested that Yoongi prepare a song to be evaluated, that Yoongi was nervous enough to have a blockade. The song would dictate whether Yoongi was ready to debut or not, and the rapper felt pressured.
I realized that was my chance, that I could finally be useful to the best musician I had ever heard. So even though I had not talked to my mother in a long time, I prayed that she, or Zeus, or any god, could help me get it right the first time, because I did not want anything to go wrong with Yoongi’s career.
I should have guessed that neither my mother nor anyone would help me, but I should have also guessed that my lack of sensitivity would not be an obstacle for a musician like Min Yoongi.
I only realized that I had whispered the wrong melody in his ear when Yoongi spent two days unable to play a single note on the keyboard. I almost burst out in despair, thinking that I had managed to destroy yet another great musician. It was then that Yoongi began to compose.
That song, created with the wrong melody, turned out to be the right song. Just as Yoongi had transformed his urban living into the memory of my house, this time he managed to turn my house into his experience. Somehow, when I closed my eyes listening to his music, I could see the forest invading the city in a peaceful way, as if everything could be in the same place and nothing and no one demanded its space. Everything seemed in harmony.
When the song was ready and Yoongi showed it to the producer and his partners, I was present. And it was at that moment that I realized I could never leave him. Even if I proved to my mother and sisters that I was a good muse, I would never leave him, for I had fallen in love with Min Yoongi.
Yoongi then debuted and released his first mixtape, which was very well received by the public, much to the chagrin of everyone who rejected him. After all the promotions and shows, he ended up getting some proposals for composition and production, and once again he felt pressured.
Although I enjoyed feeling useful to him, I did not like to see him down with the lack of inspiration. So it was an even greater joy to know that I would free him from his sorrow.
On a night that Yoongi was alone in the studio, trying to create something, I decided it was time to try to help him again. Once more I prayed to get it right, and once again I made one of my messes.
I put my hand over my mouth, cursing silently for knocking Yoongi’s tablecloth down. Where was my head to move in that sloppy way?
"H-how long have you been standing there?”
Yoongi’s voice made me turn to him quickly, wide-eyed, comically mirroring his expression. Even so, I could not laugh at the situation, since the fact that Yoongi saw me was very dangerous.
It was impossible to predict how a human could react to the sight of a muse. Because we were basically daughters of nature, our appearance could be compared to hers. That’s why nature lovers fell in love with us immediately, while the more urban people thought of our appearance as an offense and reacted with immediate hatred. One way or another, most of them went crazy. There were few who could react indifferently to our presence.
I did not know what to say. My voice could also cause a problem. Then I stepped back, thinking that I could just run away and fix my mistake later, but I ended up stepping on one of the broken pieces of the ornament. “Ah!” I exclaimed, turning to look at the bruise I had just gotten.
It was not long before Yoongi came to me.
“Are you alright?” he asked, watching my foot carefully.
I was still speechless, but this time it was more because of his proximity than because of his normal reaction to my presence. Normal was not something I would relate to my contact with humans. Again, I should have guessed that Yoongi would not react like other people, after all, everything about him was different.
“I think you should sit down,” he said, bringing me back to reality as he led me to his chair.
Still fascinated, I could only stare at him as Yoongi grabbed a first aid kit in the closet next to his desk and crouched down in front of me to take care of my foot.
I moaned as he brushed the gauze with alcohol into my wound and this caused Yoongi to lift his face to look at me.
“Sorry,” he said, with a smile that lifted only a corner of his mouth. “I guess that’s not what you came in here for.”
It was fortunate that I did not frighten him with my presence, or driven him mad, so I could not risk using my voice. So I just shook my head.
Yoongi laughed at my response and simply looked back at my foot. As he focused on my little wound (which I would never tell him would heal on its own faster than a car race to the hospital), I turned to look at his desk.
Although I had been in that studio many times before, it was the first time I had come close enough to the table to look at his space. Not even when I had whispered the melody before, I had looked at his desk. I focused more on his creations than on the environment around him. But at that moment I could observe, and I found it fascinating how he seemed meticulous about his belongings and how organized he was in his work.
I was so focused watching the beginning of the song he was composing that I didn’t even notice when he finished putting on the bandage.
“Is that why you came?”
I quickly settled into the chair and looked at Yoongi, worried that he might think I was snooping. But what I found was a quiet smile, bordering on pride, but without being presumptuous.
“You came to hear what I’m creating?” He tried again.
This time I nodded, wondering what his reaction would be to my fascination with his work.
“Are you a trainee here?” he asked and I shook my head. “But you work here, right?”
I nodded. It was not exactly a lie. If I considered that helping him was my job and that he worked there, then my job was there too.
“Do you like my music?” The curiosity hidden in the timbre of his voice and in the light of his eyes was what made me break my resolve.
“Yes,” I replied, “very much.”
Yoongi laughed again, half proud, half shy. It was amazing to see how modest he could be despite believing his own music was good. Just like his music, Yoongi was able to make the biggest contradictions seem harmonic.
“May I…” he hesitated, running his fingers over the keyboard next to us. “May I ask why you like my music?”
All the time I watched Yoongi, I never thought he could feel insecure. Pressed, yes; intimidated, perhaps; but never insecure.
“Why wouldn’t I like it?” I asked.
Yoongi’s eyes met mine and it was as if the light of the environment had changed position, because suddenly his eyes reflected hope instead of insecurity.
“Your music reminds me of my home,” I confessed, finally smiling at him, remembering how he made me feel with his creations. “I can close my eyes and see the flowers blooming, preparing to receive the visit of the bees and butterflies that will withdraw their pollen to fertilize the next soil. When I listen to your music, I feel that I’m on top of a waterfall listening to the water hitting the rocks and the wind vibrating in my ears. Your music is everything I’ve always believed music was, a manifestation of life.”
I didn’t even realize I closed my eyes as I told him how I felt when I heard his work. When I opened them, I thought I had finally managed to drive him mad, for he was staring at me with wide eyes and seemed to be scanning every detail of my face.
“Do you live in a cabin?” He asked, proving once again that he would never be like other people.
I didn’t resist and laughed, “You could say that.”
Yoongi pouted and frowned, as if trying to understand what I had said. I just waited, watching him. And we just stood there staring at each other.
Suddenly, Yoongi shrugged and turned back to the keyboard. “Would you like to hear what I’ve done so far?”
I was surprised by his question. I had never seen him disobey the rules either. So I just nodded and kept watching as he began to press the keys on the keyboard.
His fingers floated over white and black so light and yet firm. Even if I didn’t know the notes, it would be easy to imagine the melody he was playing in front of me.
I closed my eyes and let myself be carried away by the sensations that music brought me. It was like climbing on a magic carpet and flying around the world, passing over cities, forests, deserts. I could feel joy, sadness, discouragement and hope. It was like floating among all living beings on the planet, like feeling everything they had ever felt. For a moment, I felt I was capable of being more than a muse, that he could be more than a human.
When I opened my eyes, Yoongi had stopped playing and looked at me with an expression that I couldn’t identify. Even so, as I looked into his eyes at that moment, I felt the same feeling I felt when I listened to his music. I felt as if we could be gods.
“It’s beautiful,” I praised, speaking of the song, but I might as well be talking about him.
“I suppose so,” he replied, not looking away from me. Somehow, I knew he was talking about the song, but just like me, he also thought he might be praising me.
That certainty about what he was thinking about me scared me and I broke eye contact, standing up. Yoongi also got up, standing in front of me.
I didn’t want to say goodbye, I didn’t want to leave. That was the first time I really felt like a muse of music (probably because I had just hummed the rest of the song Yoongi was creating while he played it next to me). But I knew I had to leave.
“Will you come back?” Yoongi knew, too.
I looked into his eyes one more time and realized he didn’t expect a positive response. Somehow, Yoongi knew he would never see me again. That certainty in his eyes broke my heart.
“Of course I’m coming back,” I replied, smiling, knowing it was not a lie, but also knowing that it was not exactly the answer he wanted. “I’ll always come back to hear your music.”
Yoongi nodded and I didn’t wait for another cue to turn around and walk away, the wound on my foot had already healed and had been forgotten. I just prayed Yoongi would not forget my visit.
It was when I arrived at the door that he confirmed the completion of my request.
“Good. Because I can’t be an artist without a muse.”
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lanzhanhoe · 6 years
Wangxian week
Day 3: Soulmates
In the Cultivation world, It’s apparently easy to find your soulmate. Apparently, because it’s just as hard, or even more so, as for non-cultivators to find them, Wei Wuxian thinks.
You know when you found your soulmate when you’re able to see their scars. And of course people would think that, for cultivators, this would be an easy task, having lots of scars in their bodies and all, but it’s not! 
As if cultivators would be showing their bodies off for the world to see, just to find ther soulmate..., ridiculous!
For cultivators, having a soulmate is not a bless, it’s like... an assured broken heart which leads you to be a useless cultivator..., yeah, pretty tragic. Cultivators risk their lives continuallly, and their main priority is to train, be the best and mantain reputation of their clan. Love is not really an important matter, just a burden.
For Wei Wuxian is a different story.
He’s a loud, incredibly talkative, audacious, bold and impulsive young man. The type to lose attention esily, who enjoys teasing and pranking others, a fun lover and a rules hater, always getting in trouble. 
But he’s also intelligent, charismatic, caring and protective, and usually hides those last traits behind a goofy smile and a carefree personality.
And as someone who never completely belonged, one of his most profound desires is to have someone who truly accepts him, lets him be who he is and loves him no matter what. 
He could not give a fuck about what others cultivators think! Wei Wuxian wanted to find his soulmate, for more stupidly romantic as that sounds.
So, that night, when he met that gorgeous Lan cultivator with a boring face, who tried to stop him from drinking the delicious Emperor's Smile. At fist, he could not understand that almost primitive desire to tease him to no end, just to see what expression he could make, how beautiful he could be.
Lan Wangji was his total opposite, someone courtly and righteous, unwilling to bend rules. Always cold and distant, but despite his apparent annoyance at his presence, Wei Wuxian, at some point in his life, considered him a close friend, someone fun to tease and hunt with.
Someone Wei Wuxian eventually pushed away, and gave up in him, because he finally understood that, at the end, Lan Wangji despised him after all.
And then his life went from bad to worse. Wei Wuxian was now The Yiling Patriarch, a demonic cultivator, evil and hated by all. Except for Lan Wangji, who treated him the same as always, wich was actually a relief, even if he knew that Lan Wangji just tolerated him, nothing more.
He slowly drowned in his dark power, losing control, feeling alone and hated, misunderstood and powerless. Alone, alone, alone...
'Go away, go away, go away!- I don't want to hurt you, I'm evil, I cannot control it, it's so hard..., no, stop! help me, don't leave me, I can't do this...'
'Get lost, get lost, GET LOST!- It's late, I lost, you don't need me, everyone hates me, I'm just a burden, leave, leave, leave...'
And he died, miserable, hated and alone. After so much pain, loss and loneliness, it finally stoped. The world was free of his existence, and no one would hurt him ever again.
Sadly, he never got to meet his soulmate...
But destiny had other plans with him, after all.
And at the end he came back, in Mo Xuanyu's body, and he decided to make that sacrifice worth it. He would take this second opportunity and do things right.
And with Lan Wangji, together, searched for the body parts, and in the pace of their adventures, he slowly fell head over hills for no other than Hanguang-Jun, who, he discovered, never hated him after all.
The matter of soulmates was slowly forgotten by Wei Wuxian, it now only mattered to him that his dear Lan Zhan loved him as much as he did.
Until their first, of lots of nights, being intimately together.
Their bodies were laying in the soft grass, both of them out of breath. Wei Wuxian was under Lan Wangji, both lovers kissing each other passionately, tongues brushing against the other, light bites in lips, low moans and breathy little laughs, caused by sweet inexperience and love.
Both, after the long mystery of Nie Mingjue's body and Jin Guangyao's past being resolved, decided to follow their desires for the other, and touch, get to know their partner's beautiful body, loving the sounds and sensation of their lover's skin.
And in that process, Wei Wuxian could not suppress the want to touch that strong, wide back of Lan Wangji, it reminded him of all the times Lan Zhan defended and protected him, and the desire to know how soft that skin would be, made him crazy.
So he lifted up the white clothes, and felt it.
Scars, and lots of them.
He already knew the severe punishment Lan Wangji was put through because of him, and his guilt and lots of love for this man surged.
Wei Wuxian could not believe how lucky he was.
But for the way Lan Wangji tensed, he remembered what scars really meant, and after all those years, he remembered that tiny but important matter.
"Wei Ying..., there is no need to be sorry." he spoke, looking ate him in the eyes.
His ribbon was crooked and his face was just right there, looking at him with so much love and want, it made his heart melt.
"I- y-yes! I already know that, Lan Zhan, ahahahah, but I can't help but feel a little guilty."
"What's wrong?" Lan Wangji noticed that guilt was not really tge problem.
"C-can I... would you let me see them? Your scars, I mean."
But before the other could answer, he was interrupted. "Y-you know what? It doesn't matter! I know is something intimate and you don't have to show me, I'm just being stupid... ahahah..."
"You can, I'll show you." He kneeled in front of him and took his clothes off.
And Wei Wuxian could now fully appreciate the beauty of Lan Wangji's body, and avoided to look at his back. What if he couldn't see the scars? What if what they had was just a mistake?
What if they weren't meant to be together?
But he tried to be brave. If they're not soulmates, who cares? They love each other, have gone through a lot of things together, enjoyed to be with the other, wanted to be by their side.
No one could make him not love Lan Wangji.
So Wei Wuxian opened his eyes, and looked. Lan Wangji's back was full of scars, each of them looked painful, protectiveness and rage surged inside of him.
How dare they hurt his Lan Zhan like this?
Hesistantly, he placed a finger in one of those scars, and caressed it. And he did so whith the other ones. Until he could not resist it, and started kissing each scar he would catch his eyes.
Wei Wuxian hugged him by the waist, and kissed, touched, kissed, touched. It felt as if time stopped, just both of them where there, in the middle of those trees, having this intimate moment.
Lan Wangji let out trembling sighs, enjoying the soft touches and kisses, feeling comforted and loved.
"Lan Zhan," he whispered against his back. "We're soulmates... I can see each one of your scars, and I'll treasure them for tge rest of my life, I swear. I love you so much..." and kept kissing.
"Wei Ying... hah... love you too."
In that forest, they consummated their love. With little whines, trembling sighs, high moans and low groans. The sound of skin against skin and wet kisses.
And incessantly repeated "I love you, I missed you, I want you... don't leave me"
"I won't."
For the @wangxianweek
Late again! Sorry hehe, i had a really busy day ㅜㅜ
Remember! This is not edited, hope you enjoy it tho ^♡^
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