#and then 2 years later he's like i was right he really is just like sabo
awakenedevildays · 10 hours
「bites and 'I love you's」 Art Donaldson x F!reader
you can read the other parts here!
Art loves to bite you. 
It's something you found out pretty quickly in your relationship, but no matter how many times it happens it still surprises you. 
The first time it happened you were dating for 2 weeks, you were laying on his bed, belly down while reading a book to entertain yourself until Art's arrival from practice.
When the door opened you were too immersed in your book to notice and Art closed the door quietly behind him after stepping in the room, the tennis sack dropped on the floor next to the desk as he walked towards you on the bed. 
He sat down and you finally noticed his presence "hey baby how was pract- OW" you yelped as his teeth sank on your shoulder, not in a painful way but the surprise was still there. 
"What the hell was that for Art?!" you laughed and turned your head around to look at him, Art still sat on the edge with his arms resting on your sides.
"I'm sorry you just looked so bitable" he said and kissed the spot where the bite mark is, Art wrapped his right arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him and rested his head on your shoulder, a devious glint in his eyes as with the free hand he closed the book in your hands. 
You turned around on your back "how was practice?" you repeated and kissed his lips to greet him.
He returned your kiss and smiled gently, moving to lay down next to you. He was clearly tired, practice went long today, and laying down on the bed next to you, wrapping both arms around you to pull you close to him seemed to relax him enough to finally close his eyes "I'm tired and I stink" he said softly, burying his face against the crook of your neck.
"I can tell" he pinched your waist at that and you whined "keep your teeth and fingers away from me!". 
He laughed softly with that, shifting and laying fully on top of you. His head on your chest, his right hand moving up and under your shirt, resting against the skin of your side while the fingers of his other hand traced little patterns on your stomach "but you're so fun to bite and pinch" he teased, lightly biting your chest, just above your breast.
"no, no I have to go, I planned a dinner with Tashi tonight" you pushed him off of you until he is kneeled between your legs.
"Nooo, c'mon, can't you cancel your plans and stay with me for a bit? I wanna spend some time with you before I go shower" he whined and grabbed your arms, trying to pull you against him again.
"I can't, I haven't seen Tashi outside a tennis camp for what it feels like years". 
"Now you're overreacting, maybe a few weeks". 
"Exactly almost years" he laughed and pulled again your arms to make you sit in front of him. 
"Can't you spend an hour or two with me before seeing her?" he asked and you looked at the clock and sighed. 
"I really can't, but I can come here after dinner and sleep here tonight" you proposed with an encouraging smile on the lips making him hum thoughtfully, clearly not fully satisfied with that proposal, but the offer for you to stay the night was enough of a win for him.
"Promise you're coming later? And not going back to your dorm" he mumbled against your neck before he suddenly but very lightly bit your earlobe.
"pinky promise" you kissed his lips once more before standing up "but I expect you to be clean and scented when I come back, or you'll sleep on the floor" he laughed, sitting up properly on the bed.
"Of course baby, I'll shower and be all clean for you" he said with a smile on his lips "now go, get out of here before I change my mind" he teased, smacking your ass lightly.
you laughed "see you later, bye!".
"have fun baby". 
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Another time it happened you were trying on some clothes in your dorm room, Art sat on the edge of your bed while looking at you in the dress you just bought, it was beautiful, you were beautiful, "what do you think?" you asked twirling around in front of him.
"you look stunning baby" his arms and legs opened for you to get between them, his hands immediately went to rest on your hips while his gaze moved over your body, taking in the way the dress hugged your curves and accentuated all the right places.
"you could wear this to meet my parents" he mumbled with a smirk on his lips, his eyes met yours.
You laughed at that "yes, if I want them to look forward to you breaking up me" he looked at you confused and you simply turned around to make him look at the back better. 
He hummed "yeah, definitely too short for that" he pulled the fabric as down as possible "but you look amazing".
He moved his hands up and down your legs, admiring the view from behind while the dress rode up, going up your thighs until most of your legs were exposed, you smiled "thank you baby, but I could wear this for a date" you looked at the mirror, too focused on thinking for something to pair it with. 
"love the idea".
"I could pair this with the black heel- ART" you felt a sting on your left butt cheek and you quickly left his arms, your hand going to cover the sore spot, he laughed when your turned to look at him, face shocked.  
"it looks way too good in that dress, I couldn't help myself" he said in between laughs.
"Stop biting me Donaldson! I mean it" you said but there isn't real bite in your tone.
He stood up to walk towards you "what? Maybe you simply should stop looking so pretty" he teased you.
Your hand in front of you stopped him "no, no stay back you're scaring me" you said between laughters "you're sleeping on the floor tonight" he grabbed your hand swiftly and bit your wrist as softly as possible. Then, he made you turn around, back pressed against his chest and arms wrapped around your waist, his eyes looking at yours in the mirror. 
"Will you let me sleep with you again if I promise not to bite you while you sleep?" he asked and you pouted a bit, pretending to think about his offer for a moment before nodding reluctantly.
"I guess so, as long as you keep your promise to not attack me at night like some feral animal" you said with a fake pout.
He huffed and mumbled a small 'fine' against your neck and you patted his biciep around your waist "now, let me try the other two dresse- ART!" he smiled sheepishly after releasing your shoulder "you never said anything about not biting you outside the bed" he winked. 
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"Art. Don't be ridiculous. I said 'I love you first'" 
The two of you are laying in your new bed, naked skin pressed together as the early evening sunlight streams in through the gap in the curtains. The air around you feels warm, the room is filled with the sound of light-hearted bickering.
"and I told you it's not true, I did!" he exclaims and you pull away from his arms to turn and look him in the eyes. The sheets around you ruffles at your movements and Art gets more comfortable against the mattress, the sheets are covering his lower parts of him and leaving his chest naked, one hand on his stomach while the other is still under your head, his fingers lazily playing with your hair as he lays on his back now.
"why are you lying? it was our four months anniversary and I told you I loved you during the picnic at the beach!" he just shakes his head, his eyes stared lovingly at you. 
"that was the first time you said it to me, I told you waaaay before that" you raise your eyebrows in disbelief, a mix of irritation and curiosity in your expression.
"Okay, fine. If you're so sure you told me first, then when exactly did you say it? Surely you can remember the circumstances of such a monumental moment" you shoot back.
He ignores the irritation in your voice and begins to talk "we were in my dorm room, you were reading a book in my bed and I had just returned from my training... you looked so beautiful and I couldn't help it, we were together for two weeks" you frown and lift your bust to rest on your elbows, eyes looking at the wall in front of you like it can help you remember that moment.
"Wait, I think I remember that day" you say, your eyes still fixed on the wall in a thoughtful gaze "I do remember that I was in your bed, reading a book and that you had just gotten back from practice... but I don't remember you saying anything"
"well, technically I didn't say it... I bit you" you blink at him.
 "you bit me" he nodded proudly. 
"how was I even supposed to understand that was an 'I love you'?!" you are flabbergasted. 
"I do it all the time!".
 "yes but it doesn't mean 'I love you'" you laugh incredulous. 
"for me it does!"
"for normal people it doesn't!" you can't believe what he is saying. He seriously thinks that biting equals an "I love you".
"Okay, hold on. So, you're telling me that every time you bite me, you're actually telling me that you love me? I thought you're just being playful..."
He shakes his head, a smirk playing on his lips. He clearly thinks that it's a reasonable assumption "when I first wanted to tell you... I felt like it was too soon and I didn't want to scare you away so I sticked to bites" he explains. 
You can't help but roll your eyes at his logic. It's silly but also kind of sweet. 
"So instead of just telling me you love me like a normal person, you thought resorting to biting me was a more reasonable approach?" you ask, trying not to laugh but failing miserably. He looks at you obviously proud of himself and you shake your head in disbelief at that, god how you love him. 
You hide your head in his neck, arms wrapped around him and his around you, his naked skin against yours comforting. You can feel his heartbeat close to your ear, steady and strong. He sighs contentedly and rests his chin on the top of your head, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on your back.
Suddenly, he feels your teeth sinking softly in his neck before nibbling it over and over again, his smile grew wider and his heart exploded of joy. 
His lips moves closer to your ear, his breath warm against your skin as he whispers softly in it...
 "I love you too". 
Art loves to love you. 
Do not copy or repost.
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darsynia · 2 days
Adversarial 1/? (Bucky/Mechanic!Reader)
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MCU MASTERLIST | RO ROLL MASTERLIST | gif by @dailybuckybarnes
Summary: The textbooks all say that finding your soulmate feels like figuring out your place in the world, something you’ve always thought was utter bullshit, but--
…but your soulmate has a mechanical arm
Word Count/Warnings: 4,000 | explicit sex
As 2/7 of my birthday fics for @ronearoundblindly, adVERsarial is a Soulmate AU 'enemies to lovers' with a brash, outspoken f!reader. Stay tuned for more, and feel free to drop a comment if you'd like to be on the tag list!
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“Are you the lead mechanic? Stark said I could find them here.”
“I am, and I’ll be honest, I’m more than a little bummed out that those aren’t the words written all over my mitt, here,” you tell Captain America, holding up your (grime-covered, unreadable) left hand.
A ripple of… something tugs his eyebrow upward for a few seconds, and he smiles politely. “I get that a lot.”
You feel the burn of triumph in your chest and move in for the killing blow. “Oh really? I wish you’d kept a list, Rogers, because I’d love to meet more female mechanics.”
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Your soulmate can go straight to hell.
First of all, your Words are written on your fucking hand, and it almost takes up the whole thing! Who the fuck thought that was okay?
Schools don’t let you cover your hands, did your jerkface soulmate ever think of that? No? Classic.
Oh, and then there are the bullies. So. Many. Bullies. Telling the new kids to come up and say the words to greet you was predictable, but exploiting teachers’ inherent laziness-- ‘but Mrs. DoNothing, I was just reading the words off her hand!’ --was icing on the shit sundae.
You graduated from that hellhole, moved as far away as possible, and got a job that would cover you in gunk so you wouldn’t have to think about your Words every single day.
Now it’s seven years later and your boss asks you to come along on his fancy-ass job at the Avenger Hideout in upstate New York. You’re sure you’ll be kicked to the curb when you meet Stark himself, though. The man is snark incarnate, and you can rarely pass up an opportunity to mouth off.
“‘Sit down and shut up if you want to stay alive,’” he quotes, right after the handshake. The smug look on his face is warranted, because working with the Avengers is one of the few times your soulmate words apply to regular life.
“Yeah I’ll stay standing if it’s all the same to you,” you smile, with too many teeth and everything. You usually choose something more spicy, but you really want this job. Besides, Stark’s soulmark words are well known, so you don’t have to speak to history here.
“As long as you keep your death wish to yourself like everyone else in the asylum, we’re cool. Welcome aboard.”
The Avengers Compound is pretty sweet, actually, and your coworkers don’t seem like the typical stooges. It takes almost a month to persuade them that you really do enjoy the dirtiest, toughest jobs, and after that everything is smooth, filthy sailing. It’s always a good day if you end it needing a long, hot shower and half a bottle of degreasing soap.
There’s an iPad mounted within floor-view for people to text you if they need something. It doubles as your personal DJ, so when the sound cuts out, you slide your ass out from underneath the Quinjet you were servicing to find a pair of boots standing next to it. As you rise gracefully (read: clamber) to your feet, their owner speaks.
“Are you the lead mechanic? Stark said I could find them here.”
“I am, and I’ll be honest, I’m more than a little bummed out that those aren’t the words written all over my mitt, here,” you tell Captain America, holding up your (grime-covered, unreadable) left hand.
A ripple of… something tugs his eyebrow upward for a few seconds, and he smiles politely. “I get that a lot.”
You feel the burn of triumph in your chest and move in for the killing blow. “Oh really? I wish you’d kept a list, Rogers, because I’d love to meet more female mechanics.”
Until this point, he’d been holding himself like the soldier that he is, with the same stiff courtesy you’d seen from his rare television appearances. That all falls away, now. Rogers clears his throat, hitting his fisted hand on his chest as though knocking loose his initial impression of you, then extends that hand out for you to shake.
Your eyebrows skyrocket at just how much grease he’ll end up with if he goes through it, but Captain America’s outstretched hand doesn’t waver.
It’s time for you to knock loose your first impression. You give him a respectful nod and grasp his hand firmly. The grip slips as you shake, but you don’t offer any apology, and Rogers doesn’t seem to need one, not even when there’s a squishing sound as you both disengage. You take pity on the man and snag him a blue towel from your workbench.
“So, what do you need that Stark couldn’t Lord it down here and ask for himself?”
The towel is doing nothing. “We’ve got a mission coming up that will involve some repair work mid-way. Refugee camp in the middle of a regional conflict, with aggressors who like to send self-destructive drones to ruin our day. Army thinks it’s cheaper if it’s us, and not them.” He gestures towards your large tool bag. “We’d like to get in, get fixed back up, and get out in a hurry, and Stark says you’re the…” he pauses.
“Say it.”
“‘Gremlin’ for the job,” he says, apologetically offering back the newly-soiled towel with his still-soiled hand.
“Sounds about right. Have his Jeeves give me the details, yeah?” You start whistling as you scooch back down to finish up the job you’d been working on when Rogers had come in. It takes a not-inconsiderable amount of time for him to walk back out, and you count that as a win.
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They were… not kidding about the danger of the mission.
The trip out had been unpleasant as hell, gaining you some unwanted on-the-job experience with what it’s like being motion-sick under fire. As expected, the vehicle is hit by two diligent little destructo-bots, but you take care of the first one handily. Getting the second off and its damage mitigated is made more difficult by the urgency in the comms.
The team is on the way with the refugees in tow, and they want to take off as soon as they get back. Doing that with unknown damage is a terrible idea.
“All right, you heat-seeking little bot-barnacle, you ARE coming off, even if I have to pry off a panel of the ship to do it!” you snap, five minutes later. You're bluffing, since can’t even tell if the damned thing’s done any damage or if the sum total of its effect is ‘skewering the hull and sitting there smug as hell about it.’ The team is getting closer and closer, and the pounding of your heart is so loud you can hear it like a drumbeat in your ears.
They turn out to be footfalls, not your heartbeat.
A metal hand appears out of utterly nowhere and grabs the attack drone, ripping it out of the hull and throwing it with enough force to send it a half mile away. You’re left with your mouth hanging open as the owner of the hand (the arm. It’s an arm, and it’s the most gorgeous piece of machinery you’ve ever, ever seen) turns to face you. He’s wearing tactical gear and a sour expression, and every one of your blood vessels have converted themselves to gasoline at the very sight of him.
“That’s quite an arm you’ve got, soldier,” you quip.
His face twists into fierce fury as he points to the ramp leading into the Quinjet. “Sit down and shut up if you want to stay alive.”
For once in your life, you do what you’re told without complaint or combativeness. The phrase ‘internal combustion’ has never been so apt. The textbooks all say that finding your soulmate feels like figuring out your place in the world, something you’ve always thought was utter bullshit, but--
…but your soulmate has a mechanical arm.
The rest of the team shows up mere seconds later, and from there you’re caught up in the whirlwind of weight balancing, choosing what to ditch to fit every last person in the vehicle. For a few crazy minutes, it seems your grouchy soulmate might be left behind to fend for himself (you have no idea who he is, but you’re completely certain this man could wipe out the entire platoon that Rogers says is heading their way), but you and Stark figure out an overspeed hack that can work for just long enough to get somewhere safe.
You’re too busy keeping your ride in the air to think about anything else, and once you’re all back on solid ground, disembarking is a madhouse. You and Stark are the last two off the thing. He flips up his helmet and gives you one of his thousand-watt smiles.
“Great job today. Forgot to tell you Barnes was with us for this one.”
“Barnes?” you ask, distractedly running your calloused fingers over the rift where the perfect man had pulled out the drone. It looks like a patch might work, rather than having to get a piece machined. 
“James 'Bucky' Barnes. The Vodka Popsicle?” Stark comes over and makes a show of frowning at the way you’re just shrugging. “See, if you were fun, you’d be pretending you have no idea so you can milk me of all the good nicknames.”
The soulmate thing is burning a fuse in the back of your mind, and you don’t have enough left in your tank to banter. “I really don’t know, Motor Mouth. I just kept my head down and did my job.”
You smack the hull of the Quinjet and start toward the elevator bank, secretly pleased with your own stupid nickname. ‘Barnes’ sounds familiar, but you can’t place the name.
“Come on, CS, you had to have seen his arm!”
This stops you in your tracks so quickly you can almost hear the record scratch sound. Right at that moment, you realize where you heard the name Bucky Barnes: in your high school history class! This has to be fake, some stupid Superhero hazing or something.
You spin on your heel, about to accuse Stark of only remembering the name because he had a hot teacher that day, but at the very last minute you remember his father was a WWII war hero. Fine, you can go with 'snark overload' instead. “Friend of your dad’s, then? What happened? Time machine?”
“Fascist Russian trauma, actually,” he says, herding you into the elevator. “JARVIS, can you take over? I need to fly home to the Missus.”
“Wait, Stark--” He’s in the air before you can finish objecting.
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One enlightening elevator ride later, you make your way to your workshop in a trance. This whole thing is a coincidence. It has to be. The man has gone through hell, vanquished hell, joined its army only to claw his way out... and his reward is what?
“Took you long enough,” a voice says from the darkest corner of the space. You don’t have to guess who it is. There’s only one person it could be.
“That’s funny as hell in context, you know that?” Shit. Even to your own ears, you sound defensive. “Look,” you rush to add. “I picked this job to keep my Words to myself as much as possible, and I’ll keep doing that. I don’t want anything from you.”
You’re lying. You want a look at his arm like you want coffee in the morning, like you want air in your lungs after a brutal run. If he were anyone else you’d be planning a charm offensive, and you’re not what most people would describe as charming.
“One problem,” Barnes says, stepping out of the shadows with his flesh hand outstretched toward you. It’s so cinematic you forget he’s basically danger incarnate-- and then he makes contact.
Pleasure sizzles up from his grip on your wrist, skin to skin, soul to soul. It’s mind-numbing in the same way as the aftermath of an orgasm, so similar that you stumble a little bit when he lets go only seconds later. You’ve only read about Sensitivity or seen it depicted in movies, and neither did the full glory of it justice.
“Holy fuck,” you whisper. 
He doesn’t look affected at all. “Yeah. One hell of a weakness.” 
You go from shaken to pissed faster than the Quinjet hits cruise speed. “Get the fuck out, then! My workshop is invite only.”
“Is that right?” Barnes asks, insultingly unphased. Your arms are crossed, and he just glares right into your eyes and taps one perfectly articulated metal finger on the newly silver Words on your hand. “Stark’s AI updated our medical files. If you’re unconscious, this gets me into your hospital room. That’s invitation enough.”
Fucking great. “Well, either knock me out or fuck off, then, Barnes. I have work left to do.” Your gut is twisted metal right now, jagged and raw from disappointment and desperation. This man is a legend, a warrior with a marvel of machinery for an arm and a past that would make the devil blush. He doesn't want you, and he shouldn’t, he shouldn’t. With misery staining your heart black as old oil, you stalk over to the nearest workbench before he can tell how upset you are. 
“It’s not personal,” he says flatly.
Soulmate words are as personal as it gets, which means he’s saying it to fire you up. You won’t rise to the bait. Most people are uncomfortable with silence, but you use it as a weapon. The minutes tick by as you clean off the work table, with no other sound than the clink of metal on metal and the slide of heavy tools on the hard, solid surface. 
Soon, all that’s left is a bucket half full of sand. At least this is simple and easy to understand; a cheap, abundant material used for friction, stability, and sometimes even a mold to pour hot metal into. As you burn away your fury with your impossible soulmate staring silent holes into your back, you wonder whether you’re half as valuable to him as this.
“Look. I don’t want or need--”
You shove the bucket off the side of the work table and spin around, your next words practically exploding out of your chest. “You think I don’t know that? I get it. I’m nobody. Neither of us want--” He’s advancing on you and you hop up onto the surface of the workbench, primed to kick, scratch, and scream if he tries to melt your brain again with your goddamned soulmate connection. 
“Jesus. Just-- stay inside, will you?”
With those cryptic words, Bucky Barnes walks out.
You’re speechless, and the worst part is how much your body is craving the glorious, drugging feeling of his touch on your skin.
JARVIS calls out your name just as you force yourself to assess the sand mess you’ve tantrumed everywhere. Your ‘what?’ is as short and annoyed as you can make it.
I thought you ought to know that Sergeant Barnes spent his time after leaving the Quinjet checking on your safety. He requested I adjust the camera angle to more fully catch the doorway to your room, requested the visitor logs--
“Which you denied, yes? Yes?” you snap, gripping the broom handle like it’s your soulmate’s neck.
Of course. Despite his assertion, mutual consent is required for such things, barring a formal, legal relationship.
“For the record, it’s bullshit that it took until 1973 for that.”
I heartily agree. As I was saying, Sgt. Barnes took it upon himself to--
“Blah blah safety, you win the award for meddling, JARVIS, but what I really need from you is a magical ability to clean up this mess.”
Deepest apologies, but there is a purpose to this endeavor. The door to your suite did not meet Sgt. Barnes expectations, regarding your safety on-site.
“What the hell are you-- Wait.” You drop the broom and head out, speaking angrily up at the ceiling as you stalk down the hallway. “Tell me there’s still a door there, JARVIS.”
I’m afraid I cannot.
“Yeah, you should be afraid!” you hiss. “Tell me where he is or I’ll take a blowtorch to the wiring in the server room.”
Stark’s damned AI doesn’t even have the grace to sound concerned. 
I see why some say you have a fiery temper. Sgt. Barnes is in one of the basement sparring rooms. Shall I arrange for an elevator?
“I’ll walk, thanks.”
The bank of exercise rooms is open to everyone on campus, and the doors only close when there’s someone in there. That makes it easy to figure out where to knock.
The door swings open, and your mouth runs dry.
Barnes is sweaty, wearing only a black tank and tight pants, and the harsh hallway light glistens on the metal of his arm. You’re completely certain that touching it will feel just as good as the skin-to-skin contact earlier. You drift forward, captivated, and the door shuts behind you. The clicking sound brings you back to furious reality.
Through gritted teeth, you say, “You. Owe. Me. A. Door.”
He scoffs silently, looking you up and down as if gauging how little effort he’d have to expend against you in a fight. “Stark owes you a door. I just proved that.”
“What the fuck gives you the right--”
Barnes interrupts not with words, but with quick, jerky movements at his waist, unbuckling, unzipping, and shoving. He slaps the flat of his palm against the Words on his bare thigh and says, “This. Every single woman I came in contact with was in danger. You’re not secure here.” He strips the pants off completely and throws them into the corner of the room before advancing on you, somehow just as menacing in briefs and a tank. “Not until we get this out of our systems.”
He’s lithe as a cat, and you’re only able to stumble back a few inches and scrunch your eyes shut before he encircles your wrist with one hand. 
The cool metal is soothing despite being inexorable. You suck in a surprised breath and open your eyes just in time to watch the clever shit that is your soulmate dip his head to kiss you.
The pleasure is sudden and devastating. Your heart seizes up, stutters, and starts sending napalm through your veins as he walks you back against the wall and presses the full length of his body against yours. If each touch is a contact high, these kisses are full-throttle erotic warfare, with your brain offline and your hindbrain keening. You 'fight back' with everything you have, fingernails scratching at the back of his neck, teeth grazing his inner lip, all with your Words pulsing encouragement on the back of your hand.
If you’re not careful, this soulmate bond will acid-etch the narcotic joy of this moment right into your heart.
As if he can hear your thoughts, Barnes lets out a deep groan and pulls back to look you directly in the eyes. “This is a strategy, not a relationship.”
You’re touch-drunk, but you’re not in love. “Look, Deathsquad, I only want you for your arm.”
Barnes’ smile is like the sun coming up, damn him. “Fuck me enough to get past Sensitivity and I’ll let you have a whole afternoon with it.” As if to emphasize how much you’d both enjoy that plan, he slides his flesh hand past your waistband and grabs your ass, holding you steady for the twist of his hips.
Your smarts are offline, your lungs are at half capacity, your cunt is criminally empty, and you fully understand how people end up falling for stranger soulmates, if this is what Sensitivity does to a person. 
“Fine,” you snap, hoping to hell you sound less needy than you feel.
The two of you glare at each other for a charged second, and then there’s a race to strip the rest of your clothes off. Not even sixty whole seconds later you’re kneeling on a thick floor mat, more nervous and excited than you’ve ever been in your life, damn him. Barnes comes up behind to set a warm, drugging hand on your hip, and then it’s bliss, sexual rapture from the very first thrust.
“Fuck, that’s insane,” he rasps into your ear, his right hand coming down hard on the mat beside you as he curls over and into you. “Perfect,” Barnes breathes, the word almost a whine, like he’d tried to hold it back and couldn’t. 
You’re almost at white-out, already seconds away from the kind of orgasm that rearranges a girl’s blood chemistry, but you can’t let this one go. Arching your back and leaning to the side, you rock your hips in a cadence that unbalances the two of you just enough to force him to brace with his left, instead. You’re moaning insult-adjacent nonsense syllables now, but you gather enough willpower to clutch his metal hand with your marked one.
“Now it’s perfect,” you grit out.
Barnes’ sexy chuckle in your ear sends you into a black-out orgasm for the ages.
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You wake up alone, which feels like a statement, but you notice when you roll over that you’re not sticky. The clothes you’d torn off and thrown in wild abandon are folded next to you, too. You scramble to put them on, stepping curiously into the shared adjoining bathroom to find a wet washcloth draped over the towel rack and a sticky note marked with a large B on the mirror.
“Don’t get sentimental on me, asshole,” you mutter as you snatch it off.
Crankshaft:  Don’t get sentimental on me.  Wednesday at 4? B
The words are printed, even the B, meaning that while you laid there naked and insensate, he’d gone and printed something out instead of just waking you up. On top of that outrage, someone’s told him your nickname, which for some stupid reason feels more intimate than anything that just happened. It’s something that’s just yours, not influenced by stupid-ass destiny genetics, and if he tries to use it verbally, you’ll… you’ll… You sigh. There’s not one thing you can do to influence this guy, except possibly make him angry that you exist at all.
One big Sensitivity-struck security risk, that’s what you are.
You’re about to crumple up the note when you see it’s got something else hand drawn on the back, a sequence of numbers and letters in a jagged sort of rectangle. The shape looks familiar, but you’re sated and stupid after however long without caffeine. You gather up your things and make the walk of shame back to your apartment, realizing when you’re almost there that the fucking door is probably still missing.
It’s not. There’s already a brand-new door there, and on it is another sticky note. This one’s just the hand drawn shape and accompanying symbols. You snatch it up and go inside, vindictively locking the door with both locks until you remember Barnes’ whole thing about safety.
With a sour feeling in your stomach from doing exactly what he’d want you to, you lay both notes down to examine the shapes, finally sketching them out on a third piece of paper.
The numbers and letters work out to be a room and floor number, probably for his rooms here at the compound
Combined, the shapes look just like the plating for his metal arm
You refuse to be taken in by this, even if it is right up your alley.
At your service, Miss.
“Will you locate a small, neutral space for a… meeting between myself and Sgt. Barnes tomorrow at four, and let both of us know the location once you’re finished?” There’s no way in hell you’re doing anything that even hints at girlfriend behavior with this guy, so no bedrooms. What’s between you is literally just biology, nothing more.
If you insist.
“I do. And don’t use my nickname with him. He doesn’t deserve it.”
The singing in your veins makes a good opposing argument, but that’s just biology again, and you won’t be swayed by it. The only thing you’ll be swayed by is his marvel of arm engineering. Everything else is just window dressing to help get you through the absurd pleasure-bond shit that comes with soulmate biology.
You skip dinner and go to bed early, dreaming all night of the purr of Barnes’ muscles over and against you, the gravel-drag of his stubble on your skin, and the hum of an engine starting to rev.
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to be continued...
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penkura · 1 day
last forever [9/13]
Summary: Zoro only offered to marry you to keep you out of an arranged marriage with a man much older than you. You agreed with the caveat of ending it via annulment once you received word from your parents regarding the original engagement, despite your growing feelings for your close friend.
Pairing: Zoro x Fem!reader, mentioned Sanami later (like epilogue later so chill)
Warnings: Marriage of Convenience, Fake Marriage, referenced sex (waaaaaay later on), mutual pining, Zoro is bad at feelings but what's new there, eventual romance I promise, mention of past attempted assault (I'll warn in that chapter), creepy older dude later on
Note: Post-timeskip, go let's go. Of course, they're a little older now, we know Zoro is 21, so Reader is now 20. :) This chapter IS shorter than the others that are left, but that just means we're getting into the better parts of the story. I really can't wait for you all to see what's next. :)
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[Ch. 1] ● [Ch. 2] ● [Ch. 3] ● [Ch. 4] ● [Ch. 5] ● [Ch. 6] ● [Ch. 7] ● [Ch. 8]
It’s been a long time since you’ve felt such strong anxiety about seeing people, not since the last time you’d met with your parents’ chosen fiancé for you, but it’s come back in spades at the thought of seeing your crew again after two years.
At the thought of seeing Zoro again, more than anything.
The thought of him deciding to dissolve your marriage when he sees you again is the main source of your anxiety, what you try to push away as you leave the lovely group of swordswomen who took care of you for the last two years, those who you’d told about your situationship with Zoro wishing you the best as they dropped you off. You hope no one is jinxing anything, but still feel nervous every time you see someone or something that could be Zoro as you go about, looking for things to purchase and for your friends.
When Nami and Usopp find you, the happiness between the three of you makes all your worries and anxieties dissipate for the time being. Both hug you so tightly, a three-person group hug, you almost cry out of happiness at seeing them again, before Nami starts fawning over how you look so much stronger yourself. She can’t believe how different you seem! She adores your outfit of course, a fitted tank top with knee-length shorts to match and ankle boots, your beloved sword from Elias still attached to your hip. You tell her how wonderful she looks, giving Usopp the same compliment as the three of you start making your way towards Sunny, running into a distraught Chopper who you’re able to calm down after an explanation of the fake Starw Hats on Sabaody.
Chopper gives you a big hug and lets you carry him the rest of the way, its like you have a child but you don’t mind it. You’ll baby Chopper all he wants, it’s the least you can do after he’d taken such great care of you all as your crew’s doctor before you were separated.
Once you make it to Sunny, you’re glad to see your ship and home is safe, and receive compliments from Franky and Robin regarding how more grown up you look. You are twenty now, after all, but it makes you smile shyly and your face feel warm as you thank them both.
After Chopper leaves to retrieve the missing members of your crew once Brook arrives, you start to feel your anxiety creep in again, Robin noticing right away and giving you a soft smile.
“Zoro will be glad to see you again.”
“You,” you gulp a bit, smiling nervously now, “you think so?”
“I do. You two have been close since I’ve been with everyone, I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you’re well.”
You really do hope Robin is right, especially when you hear Chopper calling for you all, the large bird he’d left on returning now with Luffy, Sanji, and Zoro aboard as well. You surprise yourself by not crying when you see Zoro, instead grinning brightly and joining Usopp at waving widely to the three of them, shouting their names.
It slightly catches Zoro off guard to see you so happy, but still makes him keep his own smile on his face when he sees you. Robin is correct, though Zoro doesn’t know that, but he is truly glad to see you’re fine, you look so much stronger than two years ago, and seeing how you keep yourself up on your feet when Luffy flings himself down to give you a hug, he’s even more impressed. He wants, needs, to talk to you alone, but after making it on deck, Luffy still hasn’t let you go, Zoro realizes its going to be a bit before he can take you elsewhere to talk, especially so once Sanji recovers from his nosebleed and also gives you a hug. He turns to fawning over you like Nami did, telling you how lovely you look.
Zoro can’t disagree with that statement.
He gives you time with Sanji, who continues to talk to you and tries to tell you about his own two years, until he notices you’re constantly glancing past him, and he knows exactly why.
Sanji smiles at you, before taking you by the shoulder and pushing you towards Zoro, essentially telling you to go see your husband already, he’s been waiting for you to be free so you could talk maybe. It makes you smile at him before you finally walk over to Zoro, who had turned to leaning against the rail with his arms crossed and eyes closed, until you tap his shoulder and he opens his one good eye to see you.
“Hey there.”
You feel nervous, for some reason, before you notice the scar over his left eye finally and tilt your head.
“What happened with your eye?”
“Training accident,” Shrugging, Zoro stands up straight and you realize he’s gotten slightly taller in the last two years, he notices the same for you but you’re still shorter than him, “Come with me for a bit, yeah?”
Nodding, you follow Zoro up to the crow’s nest, the two of you briefly talking about your two years. You’re amazed to hear he trained under Mihawk, while Zoro is beyond impressed you ended up in a village for swordswoman. He knew you looked stronger, he can’t wait to see how much better you’ve become with your sword.
Once you’re both in the crow’s nest, before you can say anything else, Zoro surprises you this time but hugging you as tightly as he can, which you return once you’ve shaken off the shock that he’s initiated this. You thought the two years would make the two of you drift apart, not being around each other or anything, but perhaps you’d just been paranoid the whole time.
Don’t cry, I don’t want to cry right now…
“I missed you.”
He’s making it difficult for you not to cry, so you just nod a bit, biting your tongue to keep from crying.
“I missed you too, Zoro…”
Neither of you say anything for a while, you’re impressed the rest of your crew hasn’t tried to bother and bring you both back down with everyone, but you’re also grateful for it. You both need this, just some time together, time alone, it’s probably not enough time to discuss your marriage and what’s next, but you don’t really care that much.
“I…I love you…”
Zoro nods, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead briefly.
“I know.”
That’s enough for you right now, it still makes you smile up at him, before you frown a bit, causing Zoro to raise an eyebrow at you.
“My parents…they still want me to go back and marry him…”
“Oh yeah?”
You nod, staying quiet for a moment before you sigh and lay your head back against his chest and gripping his top while he strokes your hair a bit. He may not agree with what you’re about to say, but after two and a half years, your marriage could only be ended by divorce, a thought you’ve hated since this came into being. You even hated the thought of the annulment plans, and now, you two only had the choices of divorcing or staying married.
“I don’t want a divorce…”
“We’re not gonna. Not now,” Zoro hugs you a little tighter, one arm around your shoulders and the other around your waist as he gives you a kiss on the top of your head, “I won’t let anyone take you away from the crew, even if we stay married forever.”
“Thank you…thank you so, so much, Zoro…”
“Of course. I’d never let anyone force you into anything, wife.”
You think Fishman Island was one of the fastest “get to city enter battle” events you’ve experienced do far, maybe second only to Sabaody. Your crew was separated almost immediately, you ended up with Nami and she took you to the shops right away, demanding discounts and trying to put cute clothes on you, things she swears Zoro would probably like to see you in with a grin while you shy away and push her off a bit. Admitting to her and Robin that you’re in love with Zoro might have been a mistake, but at least you have people to talk to about the situation.
Of course, though, nothing is easy as a member of the Straw Hats and you all quickly are defending the Ryugyu Kingdom from Hordy Jones, fighting off masses of Fishmen to protect yourselves and the innocent citizens of the kingdom.
While you don’t take out anywhere near as many enemies as Zoro or Sanji, you still fight enough to help keep them at bay, getting some compliments post-battle from your crewmates and some of the citizens. It makes you feel both shy and proud at the same time, your two years of training weren’t a waste after all, even Zoro can see the changes in your fighting style and how well your attacks land now. You don’t look as nervous as you used to either, despite the confidant air you’d put on back then. The little bout you two had when you asked to stay with him, he saw you shaking so badly because you were scared but also still recovering from being sick, you tried your best and Zoro could see that, it’s part of why he had no problem with you following him, especially once you let him start teaching you more about swordsmanship.
You’ve definitely improved from the shaky, scared girl he met four years ago.
You feel like Zoro hasn’t changed at all, despite the scar over his left eye and definitely becoming bulkier, he was still the same to you. Still makes your heart flutter when you watch him fight, he still checks on you after fights, it makes you happy to see he’s still the same. He’s still Zoro, of course he wouldn’t change.
“Hey, come with me for a minute.”
During the celebration that’s being thrown for you all as thanks for saving Fishman Island, Zoro takes your hand leads you off again, just the two of you. It makes you comment that if he keeps taking you away from everyone, someone is going to get the wrong idea, but Zoro just shrugs it off. He doesn’t really care what others think still, you’ve always known that.
Once you’re far enough away from everyone, he guides you to sit beside him before surprising you with what he says next.
“We should talk about our situation.”
The fact Zoro actually wants to discuss what’s going to happen next is the surprise, but you still nod, agreeing with him.
“Change your mind on us divorcing?”
“No, I haven’t,” Zoro brushes a bit of hair behind your ear, placing his hand on your cheek which makes you smile at him, “We’re not divorcing unless you want to, but…I think we should try, you know, dating, or whatever you want to call it…”
You blink a few times, completely confused and shocked before tilting your head.
“…huh? You…what?”
“What, you suddenly going deaf or something?” Zoro pinches your cheek a little which makes you wince and pout, before giving him a glare that makes him smirk at you, “We should try a relationship, forget your parents and our original deal. I…I want to try being your boyfriend.”
You really didn’t expect this, you first thought,  like you asked, that Zoro had changed his mind and decided he was done with your fake marriage, but instead, he actually wants to give the two of you a try. Wants to see if this might be something that really could last, not a temporary solution to your personal problems.
While you think it through for a moment, you barely register that Zoro is starting to look nervous, something you’ve never really seen before. Once you make up your mind, before he can say anything more, you lean up and kiss him, pulling away with a smile that Zoro returns.
“I’d love to give us a real try, Zoro.”
Everything is going to be okay, you’re sure of it.
Sanji and Nami can see a difference in your and Zoro’s relationship quickly after you leave Fishman Island. As you approach Punk Hazard, Zoro doesn’t really let you go, keeping you near to him even as you all draw straws and you end up being one of the group to stay on Sunny and keep watch. Neither of them say anything when he pulls you aside once again, but the smile you have while you talk to Zoro tells them both everything is fine, especially when you nod once more and hug him, which he returns to their surprise.
The two look at each with questioning glances, trying to see if you’ve said anything to the other, but both shrug. Truthfully there’s not been time to talk to either of them, and when the group Zoro’s a part of leaves, the two drag you to the kitchen and start asking questions, which causes you to laugh, but Nami doesn’t really think it’s funny.
“Come oooonnnn,” Nami leans against your arm, giving you a pout, “You guys are acting weird, you can’t tell us something isn’t going on.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Nami.”
The blush on your face starts to give you away, and Sanji figures it out, giving you a slight grin.
“Did he finally tell you he likes you back?”
“Mm…something like that.”
“Are you guys dating then?”
“Maybe~” You’re not very good at being coy, to the point Nami gasps and shouts that she knew it before hugging you tightly while you laugh and Sanji sighs, still smiling.
“About damn time. That stupid mosshead, taming two years to tell you anything.”
“Well, all he said was that he wants to try a relationship, so that’s what we’re doing.”
“So he’s your boyfriend!” The little squeal and giggle from Nami makes you join in. “Finally, I told you he liked you back!!”
“Yeah, yeah, you were right!”
Sanji is quiet while he watches the two of you for a few moments. He really does hope that you and Zoro are going to be okay one day, that he’ll stay your husband and neither of you has to deal with the divorce papers or anything like that. He doesn’t want to watch another couple in his life break down, even as you two are just starting out.
Well, minus your two and a half years of actually being married, even though it hasn’t been a real marriage yet. It still isn’t, as you explain after a bit, but your friends seem to get it. You still want things kept under wraps, until Nami brings something up.
“Yeah…umm…about that…”
You give her a confused look as Sanji sighs again.
“Luffy kind of told everyone that didn’t know. It was the day Franky was making comments about you and mosshead being in his bed.”
Groaning, you lean back in your seat before nodding.
“All right then…let’s keep me and Zoro dating between the four of us then?”
“A good idea.”
“At least we can keep a secret.”
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tarasmithshifts · 3 days
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𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐑. 3 years 𝐀𝐆𝐄. 17-20 𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐏: sirius, remus, james, lily, peter, dorcas, marlene, mainly people from gryffindor and ravenclaw
「 ✦ 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓼 ✦ 」
— ୨୧₊˚ click here to read part 1 of my last update
— ୨୧₊˚ click here to read part 2 of my last update
i will write this storytime in 3 parts probably, i am noooooooot ready. NOT AT ALL.
be ready for 2 next parts because in this one nothing really happened, there was nothing crazy or something. let's say it's an interlude to the next 2 parts 🌷🌷🌷
「 ✦ 7th year ✦ 」
𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮 - 7𝓽𝓱 𝔂𝓮𝓪𝓻
summer - sirius got his own place to live
summer- i bought a house in yorkshire
september - june -> final school year
july - odd proposition
okay so as we know we are in year 1977!! my last year at hogwarts with marauders :'( literally one of my best shifting experiences was hogwarts with my boys and girlssss
okay let's go because this is gonna be crazyyyyyyyyyy
— ୨୧₊˚ last shift update ended in may and here i just wanted to say that i of course graduated!!! i just don't like wasting space for that info bc it's so obvious lmaoo
okay soooo i bought my house, as well as sirius!!! we got money from Alphard, who passed away and we split the money in half. i afforded a cottage in yorkshire, where i moved on in july, i was contacting with remus through letters, also because war intesified. then one day in the beginning of august he appeared at my front door and i kneeeeeeeeew something was wrong. and i was like "what is going on???" he asked if he can come inside, i said he doesn't have to ask and that he can ofc come inside, we sat in my living room and HOLY SHIT
lyall lupin is dead y'all.
my jaw was on the floor. and he didn't show any emotion while he was saying me that. and i was there. DEVASTETED. apparently death eaters killed him when he helped some aurors with their job outside of london, and he said that he just got the news from ministry.
and we sat there.
in my living room.
in silence.
gosh you should've seen him. i was not prepared to this at ALL. AT ALL.
so uhhh we decided that he will stay at my place for few days (he stayed with me all summer hahaha) the next day we went over to sirius to tell him, as he knew lyall as well. during next week remus planned, but it was right before full moon so i said to him that i will take care of it. i didn't want him to stuggle even more. full moon happened on 16 of july, remus was in worse state that i expected but we got through it :') the funeral happened few days later, it was a small ceremony, without anybody around us. in documents it was stated that lyall had a heart attack so there wasn't any problems with people thinking about how he actually died. he was buried next to hope lupin :(
we spent whole summer at my house, sometimes visiting his to clean up or move some stuff, and sometimes we visited boys and i went over to lily 💗 i don't have much to talk about here so i'm not going to describe anything lmao
and one of the things that we do at my house is listening to remus mum records from the opera 🥲🥲🥲🥲 it’s so cute and i can confirm, his mum was AMAZING
also i forgot to say that during summer sirius and james encountered two Muggle police officers on FLYING MOTORBIKE. are you kidding me LMAO 😭😭😭
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in this school year most of the time we spent learning for our finals :')
i needed to pass 5 N.E.W.T.s so i had a lot of work to do, as i wanted to become auror in the ministry.
also many people we knew from ministry was dying because of war, all of them were mentioned in daily propet, we read it DAILY. we didn't care for it earlier, but from that moment we read it religiously.
i think that we were also scared that there will appear a name of someone that we knew personally.
hogwarts was not the same that year.
also james and lily were made head boy and girl of gryffindor! james was super proud of himself and at the beginning he was telling EVERYONE around how cool he is. and lily is super happy with him which i'm so THANKFULLLLLL they are so cute you need to believe me lmao 💗💗
me and remus were helping each other A LOT during this school year, because of n.e.w.t.s i saw that he was super stressed about them :/
alsooo we had inter-house quidditch cup!!! we had some changes in positions, me and sirius took beaters positions (which is pretty funny because years later fred and george weasley had this position too, and they are also twins lmao) arthur browne took the keeper postition, james, geoffrey fawley and marlene were chasers, and phoebe dawson was a seeker.
also regulus became captain of slytherin team, and gryffindor lost match with them, so we were super angry but it is what it is lmao 😭
also boys did not spend that much time with each other, all of them became more serious about their future (okay, maybe except sirius lol) so they were not doing that much pranks etc. i spent more time with lily, she helped me a lot with potions too, also we sat together on potions because slughorn LOVED HER. literally she was his pearl in the eye,he invited her to his partys etc, gave her books she could learn from even more, which helped me not her LMAO 😭😭😭😭😭😭
ALSO from funny things that happened, one night after mine and sirius' birthday, we were sitting down in boys dormitory, me, ofc marauders, marlene, lily and dorcas, there was silent moment and sudenly dorcas went "is it only me or dumbledore is gay" AND WE WERE LIKE "WHAT" and we had full debate if he is gay or not LMAO and yup the verdict was that he is gayest of all gays ever LMAOOOOOOOOO 😭😭😭😭😭😭
DADA - i totally slayed this one HA
POTIONS - it went better than i thought, so i'm safe with this one
CHARMS - it went even better after dada exams because i was sure it will be easier than dada one, and i was right
TRANSFIGURATION - thanks to mcgonagall, without her i would be screwed with one lmao
HISTORY OF MAGIC - okay this one went worse than i expected but i still got E
CARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES - this one was HELL. literal HELL TO ME because i did not like this subject and learning it for n.e.w.t.s was a torture, but i passed it with E
me and remus decided to move into my house together :')) so did lily and james, they bought a cute house at godric's hollow 💗💗💗
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me and remus lived in yorkshire, we used teleportation to see sirius, peter, james and lily from time to time. in the middle of july sirius appeared at our door. we were at home, so we let him in. and he started yapping about some kind of order, he was talking so fast we literally had no idea what he was saying. when we sat him down, he started from the beginnig, and he told us about the order of pheonix. that dumbledore is looking for people that are talented and brave enough to fight against voldemort. and that he wants to prepare us before dumbledore will appear at our door. he said that he already joined the order, as well as peter. he started telling us who already is there, and that he wants to give us more time to think because albus wants immidiate decision.
so after sirius left me and remus were talking for HOURS about what should we say to dumbledore after he will appear. and we both agreeded that joining order will be the best decision for us. we could finally help in war, and not only help other wizards but also save muggles.
in the evening somebody appeared at our door. we heard the teleportation sound outside. out there it was very dark, like every light on the street disapeared. remus told me to stay inside and opened the door by himself with his wand raised, but he only saw dumbledore, and immediately lowered wand. dumbledore looked at him and just said "if it wasn't me, you would be dead already remus."
i stood in the kitchen but observed the whole thing, and finally stood outside so albus would see me too. "you should ask me a question" said dumbledore, still not coming inside. i just stood there and waited for remus to say something, and remus finally spoke "who told severus snape about the secret" obviously he was telling about the prank, dumbledore only smiled and said "oh of course mr. black" and came inside. he looked around and i showed him the way to living room. me and remus sat on the couch, while dumbledore sat on huge armchair that we bought recently. "you need to be more creative next time" he said "they can get such and information" and after that he started to TALK and when i say talk, he talked for like about 30 minutes NON STOP. about the order, about his trust in us, about the need of our magic, about the importance of defeating voldemort. and after he stopped talking, he just looked at us, and we both immediately said "yes".
and from that moment, nothing ever will be the same.
「 ✦ end notes ✦ 」
gosh i finally published this
HELLO IM SO BACKKKKK and i can't wait to tell you more, because this was super short and it was just the beginning of spiral chaos that will happen, so BE READY.
anyways, IM SO HAPPYYYYY and i can't wait to tell you moreeeeeeeeeeee 🌷💫💗
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krulersblog · 1 day
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Emmet looked Jay up and down in the locker room. He had him on his knees, staring at his feet, unable to move or think or do anything except slowly become more and more mindless as his hypnotic feet melted his brain and his powerful foot musk made him more and more obsessed and addicted to Emmet's feet.
"What to do with you, little foot boy?" Emmet thought out loud, "I could shrink you down and make you serve my feet as a tiny for the rest of your existence? You, in my socks all day, just being crushed by my foot and cleaning my sweaty feet."
Emmet waved his hand over Jay and watched as Jay began to shrink, slowly becoming smaller and smaller and making him more and more tiny. But he just wanted to show Jay the control he had over his body and the absolute power he held over Jay now. So once Jay shrunk to the 2 foot mark Emmet stopped his microification and kicked him over onto his back.
"I am your god now, little one. Somehow, you will serve my feet like all the others I've collected before you." Emmet pushed his foot down onto Jay, his foot now covering the entirety of Jay's torso. "You look so cute beneath my huge feet, little guy. I caught my brother looking at my feet once a few years back, I did the same thing I'm doing now to you to him. I made him so small and weak for my feet, then I slowly pushed my foot into him and molded him into the perfect insole for my shoe. He wore out a year later, so I turned him into a small vile of my foot sweat. Now he sits in my drawer, just being the essence of my feet."
Jay was trying to fight back, but he couldn't. Every rebellious thought was instantly wiped away by the overwhelming power of Emmet's feet. The idea of serving them forever, smelling them, and licking them, or being changed into something to serve his feet, it felt too good.
Emmet smirked, "Maybe I should let you have the same fate as my brother. I'll flatten you down with my soft, sweaty soles and turn you into a soft plush fabric and mold you to be the perfect insole. And you'll mindlessly serve me by comforting my soles and toes as I walk around or work out..." Emmet slowly moved his toes up to Jay's nose, watching Jay take a slow inhale of his foot musk, watching Jay slowly fall deeper and deeper and more and more for his feet. "Then once you wear out and your mind is gone, I'll turn you into a vile of my musky foot sweat, so you can still always be a part of my feet."
Jay's mind was breaking. All he wanted was to serve his new master forever and ever, anything to just exist with Emmet's feet forever and ever.
"You know, you are really enjoying yourself. I can feel your hard on against my heel. I could always just keep you as you are, and you could just be my mindless and obedient foot slave. Brainless and loyal, only existing to serve and comfort my feet." Emmet pushed his heel down onto Jay's cock hearing him gasp slightly feeling his power over him growing stronger and stronger.
"Oh shit, I just remembered." Emmet said teasingly, "I did this to you for a reason! Right before you came in, my gym sock, formerly my ex-boyfriend, ripped. So sad, he was soooo comfortable. But hey, that's what happens to clothing, ya know?"
Jay lightly moaned, his body feeling much lighter as it began to take on a red and white hue, feeling his skin become softer and softer.
"So anyways, I need a new sock. You, my little toy, are going to be that sock. I know you love my feet, I made sure of that. And soon all you'll be is a pathetic piece or fabric destined to be completely ruined and destroyed by my godly feet. Awe, look at you shrinking and forming around my toes. You already feel so comfortable."
Jay felt his body begin to wrap itself around his new home at the foot of his perfect godly master. His face forming around his toes and soles, his cock being pushed into and changed by Emmet's sole, and the rest of him wrapping up Emmet's heel and calf.
"Hah, there you go, just my sock now. Enjoy my foot musk dude, as its the only think youre gonna experience for the rest of your existence. That and your other job of taking in all of my foot sweat. Fucking loser! Haha! Anyways. Enjoy it, your new life, cause I'm sure in a few months I'll add you to my used and destroyed sock collection."
Emmet smirked and tugged his new sock up his leg, wiggling and flexing his toes and soles. "Ah yeah, so comfortable. You're so much better like this dude."
After that Emmet put his sneakers back on and started his 5-mile run home, breaking in his new slave, who was in a state of pure ecstasy and bliss.
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I have a lot to say about Husk for about 2-3 months now and I really don't know where to start. Que a lot of rambling that I hope comes out coherent.
I think the best unique thing about Husk that I love is the fact he can potential crossed paths to most of the sinner characters we were introduced, in their living life. He was born between Alastor and Angel birth years. I did the math on this once but I can't be bothered with it now. I think Angel and Alastor were about a decade-possibly 15 years apart, while Husk was in between. So they were from the same generation.
The thing that sets Husk apart from the other characters, was he actually grew to an old age. While the others died relatively young or midlife.
The fact that Husk was a world traveler means he wasn't stuck in the city/town/state he was born in like the others may have been. Increasing his odds to cross paths with the other sinners.
I like to imagine that Husk has some type of butterfly effect of the other characters lives that he unintentional and unaware he caused that lead the sinners lifes to what they are.
I lowkey headcanon (not seriously, just for funsies) as weird parody of an guardian angel. Here me out. He not a guardian angel tho. I love his avian cat design. But admit it, its freakin weird he has wings as a cat right?
The only ones we see with wings are the royalties of Hell (Can the Ars Goetia fly?) the sins...and angles.
Beside Valentino. But Val sort of makes sense...hes a moth. Moth has wings by default. Husk is a cat, yet he has wings? It also makes sense why Val is a moth. Granted I think a prostitute be more moth like...standing by a street lamp on a corner street at night. THAT makes sense. But given, Val a pimp...I guess it works for him too.
So Husk, a cat, has wings...makes me think why he has wings in his afterlife. Seems like a random thing to be given when it seem to be reserved mostly for royalty and wings seem like it be a huge advantage to have in Hell when most sinners don't get it. Must be some type of reason Husk has them. But alas I don't know or we probably never know beside cool character design.
Now, going on with this weird wing thought...and my lowkey non serious headcanon (Which im 100% isnt going to make canon), Husk is some unintentional weird type of opposite effect of an guardian angel.
Husk with his potential of crossing paths with a lot of the sinners we know, I think it be hilarious if he butterfly effect that he indirectly caused their path towards Hell or death. Like for example, he gave Nifty directions that started a weird Rube Goldberg machine situation of cause and effect that caused that directed her to find a man she became obsessed with and stalked then eventual murdered. Husk involvement is completely indirect but at the same time, the vent would never would happen if he wasn't involved.
Moving on from his living life to his afterlife.
Husk died in the 70s and the pilot 2019. Alastor was missing for 7 years (starting 2012), I vibe that Husk been under Alastor ownership for quite awhile before that. No later than 2000 but I'm fairly sure he was owned much before that. But I'm going with the minimal amount of time of Husk soul being sold. So Husk was able to fall, rise to overlord fairly quickly only to lose the status just as quick. His reign was very short lived. The rest of the time was serving under Alastor. That's quite a wild ride in a span of 30 (But I personally believe its much shorter) of unbounded soul years. Which seems a lot of years, but when you have eternity to live out the rest of your life, its very little.
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I don't question how Husk was able to become overlord so quick. He a master magician...so very good at sleight of hand/cheating as well as lifetime gambler. He able to keep a stoic expression to minimize his own tells, while being very perceptive and skilled at reading other people very well. He can easily win and work with and manipulate people desperations of gambling their souls to him without much risk to himself. He can easily play hand in his favor with his skills and the rare chance he can't, he can fold and cut his losses before it gets to deep.
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However, what had him lose it all. Because I doubt someone was better at cards then Husk. Especially in Husk own house. I don't doubt Alastors good at cards. But I don't think Alastor skill at cards is greater than Husk. To the point Husk lost everything to him including his own soul. I think they both cheat if they play a game together. In fact I think they have play a game, with intent of cheating and trying to catch each other in the act. Its their own game while playing a game, knowing each other enough that they will cheat and it brought a new level of fun trying to catch each other while not getting caught themselves. It probably became a own special drinking game, that one has to drink when they got caught. But I don't think Alastor the reason why Husk lost everything.
I think the reason Husk lost everything in Hell as quickly as he gained it...is by self destructive depression. Husk was the cause of his own downfall.
I only suggest this because...how else an extremely skilled card player who also skilled at sleight of hand, will lose hand after hand in his own gambling house?
My other clue is this:
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Along with his heavy drinking. I think Husk always been a heavy drinker but it hit a all new level when he lost his love and became extremely jaded by the event.
I think Husk had found a very special someone and something happen to them. Be it died during an extermination or been betrayed by them, etc. Or it may be someone in his living years and something reminded him of them and triggered a downwards spirals for him.
Mostly, I think he caused them to leave him or indirectly caused them permanent death, etc. and he filled with self loathing, regret and remorse. Because he did love and care for them...but he fucked it all up due his own self-centered, selfishness and greed at the time. The pain caused him to close off his heart to avoid feeling that loss again and drink himself stupid to avoid feeling anything or to quiet his self hatred thoughts.
I believe the lost of them sent him a destructive spirals of depression. He started drink insanely heavier, which impaired his judgment greatly and just grew apathetic.
Enter Alastor and the lost of Husk soul
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Alastor may have very well manipulated and cheated his way with the impaired Husk to gain his soul. Very possible. Especially the way it was pictured in the flashback. Alastor symbols and lit up eyes and extended antlers along with a sinister smile as well as Husk stunned expression of his loss of the game.
I don't think that how it went down. I can't remember the exact wording but it sounded like Husk turned to Alastor for help. It was a last resort, but Husk was desperate enough to go to it.
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They were both overlords at the same time at one point. Alastor and and Husk was good friends once. Maybe, not close like Alastor is with Rosie but still good friends. Alastor probably took a liking to Husk as he from the same generation. I also assume Husk appear around Vox falling out with Alastor as Husk and Val fell around the same time. So Vox probably started befriending Val and helping Val with his rise to overlord. I can see Alastor do the same with Husk just to spite Vox and cause him to be jealous. But even if it started as a ploy to upset Vox, Alastor probably end up liking and growing fond over the cat. Playing hands and having late drinking and jazz sessions and such. Alastor appreciate Husk blunt and often correct observations and insight.
So when Husk was clearly not doing well and smarten up enough to seek Alastor for help. I think Husk knew the rate he was self destructing he was going to lose it all, including his soul. So he went to Alastor and struck a deal before Husk truly got in a shitter situration with a shitter dealer that he would regret much more.
Because let's be honest. Husk knows what he was getting into when he offered his soul. Think about it. Even if Husk had an impossible high number of souls...say a billion. He lost a billion souls by suddenly being bad at gambling. Even if the pot is a billion souls that he want to regain back, its not worth the risk of betting your own soul. Even if your got an amazing hand...Is it worth the risk during a harsh losing streak playing against another overlords as an opponent?
Husk knew he was going to lose his soul with his spiral. He knew what he was getting into. He an overlords himself. He may have treated his own souls more poorly than Alastor himself. I don't think Husk was cruel... I'm sure he had his own moments like Alastor and had causes. I do think he was a apathetic/detached master. The souls he owned was just a commodity he use for gambling. When sharing his retelling to Angel about this. He sounded remorseful that he betted souls like they were just an object and not a precious thing. I think he only felt that way AFTER his own soul did not belong to him. That's when he realized what a shitty and dick move it was to prey on desperate souls and pass them around when it should been obvious.
Husk collected souls to use as a commodity. Husk preyed onto the sinners desperation and addiction to get them.
While Alastor, I don't think he really cares about hoarding souls. He powerful enough without them. BUT if an opportunity reveals itself, he take advantage. But he only does it with quality souls that has real potential and use. He a quality over quantity man.
Husk knows what it means to sell one's soul. Yet he still offered it to Alastor. Because despite the rep Alastor has being ruthless, Alastor is probably one of the "kinder" overlords to have as a master. But Husk only knew that by insider information by witnessing himself by hanging out with Alastor and possibly glimpsing how he treated his contracts. Which appears not to be much different than any other sinner.
I know Alastor performs horrendous acts. He goes on killing sprees, probably enjoys torturing people. But I don't think he does it to his own souls. Because, TBH, people who do that want to feel powerful and they do it with people who cant fight back. Alastor is already powerful. He doesn't need weak prey and why damage his own property when no one can stop him from breaking someone else's? Alastor is so powerful that its boring. Where's the fun and entertainment when everytime you "play", the game is stuck on easy mode and the opponent is knocked out of the ring within minutes. Heck, Alastor gets even less than that. He just looks in their directions and people forfeit. Alastor wants the thrill of a challenge and exchange wits and banter. So he seeks stronger opponents to fulfill is needs for carnage and havoc. Not some frighten, defenseless slave.
Alastor not a good man as he willing to commit terrible acts and enjoys it. But from what we seen, hes not a bad man's as it appears he doesn't attack without cause or reason. He has no interest in sex so he not going to force Husk into sexual acts. Alastor may have his contracts to demeaning things or just do things for shits and giggles and entertainment but overall, hes tamed to souls he own. (The souls he doesn't own that pledge their service and loyalty however...is another story) Alastor pretty much just let his contracts do what they please as long as they respect him and do what he commands as he needs them. Which, honestly isn't much. Alastor seem to summon his shadow minions over his soul contracts because it seems less of a bother to everyone while Alastor remains more in control of the situation. It's simply less chance of error if Alastor used his shadow minions that act on his will vs some contracted soul who most likely is performing half heartedly as they are forced to do something they don't want to do. He use the contracted soul for a long term project since it would take too much power and effort to maintain and sustain his shadow minions over a extended time. It seams Alastor only have souls as a resource an a backup reserve. More of a "better have it and not need it then need it and not have it." Alastor even gives them task that align with the skills they are good at. I think part of it is because Alastor is also on a leash so as much as he denies it, he has empathy. But he will still utilize the resource when needed but overall he self reliant and a lone wolf and rather no really on people if he can help it, even if he does own them. I also think he knows Overlords and soul ownerships sort of go hand and hand. But I think soul ownership leaves a bit of a sour taste in his mouth. Not because of his own soul but being a mixed man in the 30's....its very likely he had some heritage on his precious mother side of ancestral slaves. So, Alastor understand the necessity needs of ownership for survival and advancement in Hell, but still has a distaste to it.
Granted we don't see how Alastor (beside with Husk and Nifty)or anyone besides the Vees, interact with their contracts, and we know they treat their people poorly. But I think from what we seen is Alastor is very mild. Including the scene he threatened Husk.
Mind you, Alastor was giving clearly giving clues he was already agitated before that interaction. He was essential a growling dog warning he was going to bite if it interactions going to continue. His snapped his neck irritatedly along with a clearly exasperated "what is it" that didn't have a radio filter when he addressed Husk when Husk went to get his attention. Husk was trying to warn Alastor about Mimzy but it was clear to even someone who doesn't know Alastor...(and Husk knows Alastor well) that Alastor was already on edge. Yet Husk continued to push forward. Even then...Alastor kept composure. Laughing off and dismissing Husk concerns. It was when Husk muttered a jab about sensitive personal information (One that I'm sure Husk wasn't even originally meant to know )about Alastor that anyone could have overheard if they were near, and that same sensitive information promised to trigger Alastor...THAT'S when Alastor became terrifying and threatening. So granted, no one deserve what happened to Husk when he was threatened but at the same time...it was Husk own undoing at the moment. Husk muttered that jab to Alastor that antagonize Alastor to reacted harshly. Husk was lucky that Alastor restrained himself ONLY to threat....Alastor gave Husk mercy by warning him to watch himself because next time would be the last time.
So Alastor is rather mild with his demands with contracts for the majority of the time but when he isn't, he very brutal but he usually given a cause to turn.
So Husk offered his soul to Alastor knowing what it would mean to sell his soul. Specifically chosen Alastor because, it would surprise to anyone to hear, is the lesser form of evil in such a situation. He sold his soul while he was somewhat lucid and not completely impaired to work out a deal that doesn't completely screw over Husk. Place some terms and agreements. I do think they did play a hand and wager, either to finalize a clause they couldn't agree with and use the bet to finalized it or just have Husk go out a way he comfortable with. Alastor may also play some mild manipulation but I don't think Alastor preyed on Husk as its implied. Alastor was sought out for a reason, and on Alastor part, an overlord soul is too tempting to resist. Especially being handed on a silver platter. If Alastor wanted to decline the offer, for the unlikely name of friendship, knowing it would ruin it. It wouldn't have done any good in any scenario to decline. If Husk was worry about losing his soul due to his own destructive impairment, might as well gain something from it and offer some protection to a friend then lose out on a quality soul, instead of watch from afar the downfall of his friend which he probably won't see again afterwards. It also strategy. It either gain a quality and powerful soul to his collection, or lose out and someone else has it...that could be potential be used against Alastor, along with any possibly knowledge Husk had gathered on the Radio Demon. So even if it wasn't tempting or desirable, its about survival.
Naturally, their friendship has soured greatly since then. Because, how can it not? I don't think Husk hates Alastor. I know the fandom believe he wants him dead. But Husk is just being jaded and surly. Husk didn't treat Alastor more venomous than any other resident when he was introduced. Husk is also comfortable enough to voice his less than kind opinions about Alastor or to Alastor. Husk doesn't act like a terrified servent in Alastor presence. (Unless he knows that Alastor in bad mood and looking for a cause for someone to be his punching bag), The two act like longtime friends but one is grumpy because he there out of reluctant obligations and just frustrated, annoyed and just tired of this shit of Alastor antics that hes forced to endure. Alastor seem to treat Husk more friendly, which to be fair can be an act but I think it part genuine.
Out of the two of them, its Husk that reminds everyone that Husk is on the Alastor leash. Alastor not the one that usually "putting Husk in his place", Husk the one that normally does it. If anything, I think Husk hate and angry with himself that everything is is own undoing. Frustrated and annoyed by Alastor who amused by it. Alastor is also just a reminder how low Husk became. It's easy to blame Alastor for his problems and even understandable that he does. He does blame Alastor for his current predicament at times simply because its just easier to do so and feels better to blame someone else to be the cause of your problems but ultimately, Husk knows he brought it all on himself and I think that's what hurts and bothers him the most.
Husk wants his soul back, but I don't think he wants Alastor to be dead for it. Tho, I think Husk feels that's the only way to get it back at times. But despite it all, he cares about Alastor. Even if its begrudgingly. I think Husk also knows its better to have as Alastor as a great ally than an enemy, even a dead one to gain his soul back. Husk is wise, even is Husk gain his soul back, regain his full power and strength it still fails to compare to Alastors own power. Husk knows there are greater foes that Husk cant compete and defend for himself or his newfound family against, but Alastor can, even if Husk doesn't fully trust Alastor. But Husk trust his own experience and knowledge of Alastor to guess his motivations and intentions.
I think Alastor called upon Husk to the hotel to bartend, because A) He knew from their former late night hang outs that Husk can make great drinks. but B) Husk also has wisdom and experience that can fulfill Charlies needs and benefit for the hotel. Husk has skills on perception and reading people from gambling. Husk knows about losses, knows the woes of losing his soul, knows about addiction, lost of love etc. I think Alastor pulled Husk to the hotel not only because Husk has skills that can be utilized to help but I think Alastor knew Husk can benefit from the hotel to be the sinner Alastor remember he use to be. Not the "husk" he became. Alastor doesn't believe in redemption, at least one that send someone to Heavens gates. But Alastor can see the possibility of rehabilitation. Something Husk could benefit. He lowkey subtle hinted it at the pilot. "I thought you be perfect to man the front desk as the job seem to be made for him" (At a rehabilitation hotel) Husk is not going to work on himself because Alastor commanded him to be. So Alastor has Husk station there with the possibility and off chance of Husk getting help even if its through osmosis from the sidelines. May even warm up on the idea and want to better oneself. Guess what...its working. Alastor won't admit his underhanded method of helping. He has a reputation of being ruthless to maintain after all.
I think its also why he pulled Nifty. He using her skills but also figure a place like the hotel is one of the few place that accept Nifty the way she is and let Nifty develope friends and family that would embrace her. I think Nifty was a lonely soul and she just TOO much for most sinners to handle. But at the hotel, she can be welcomed and be herself. It also a place Nifty would enjoy to be in. She a simple girl. She likes to clean and kill bugs. A large building will grant her that.
Alastor even try buttering Husk up and get Husk more comfortable with the idea of working at the hotel by offering him cheap booze free of charge. Alastor didn't have to care at all and can just say "I own you so...tough shit." But he did try to get Husk to warm up to the idea despite Husk not having a choice in the matter, and wanted to at least ease his grumpy avian cat into the change.
If Alastor care so much why doesn't he release them? One might ask. Beside overlords being super possessive and Alastor being a control freak? I think for Nifty, She doesn't want to and she needs the protection.
Husk...I think Alastor fears with their soured friendship, there is nothing stopping Husk to reveal any or all his sensitive knowledge about Alastor if he not bound to Alastor and forced to be silent by it. Husk is probably the only one that knows about Alastor own sold soul beside the one he sold it to. Alastor confines to Rosie but I think he still restrained himself real intro personal stuff. Husk is probably Alastor other confident (Tho, probably not by choice by either, Husk being forced into now, and Alastor lips being loosen by Husk made drinks combined with the comfort and nostalgia he has with the cat while inebriated. Which he rarely indulges in because of that fact, but still does on really hard days and regrets the things that slip but at least Husk can't tell a soul on Alastor command.) Information can be such a powerful tool that can be weaponized. Husk knows things about Alastor that would just completely ruin, may even destroy him or actually bring Alastor to his final demise. Also, small part and Alastor won't admit it, he values Husk perceptive insight and Alastor trust him to be his eyes and ears.
I'm sure there's more I wanted to say. But I'm sure I ramble incoherently enough about my thoughts on Husk.
What do you all think?
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joyish-little-boy · 7 months
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Hahaha i wonder what Luffy was thinking about when he heard about the situation on WCI...
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If I had a nickel for everytime one of Luffy's blond S-named loved ones with a royal/noble background got kidnapped by their shitty father via holding hostages, for the purposes of being married off to gain political prestige/power fathers I'd have two nickels-
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undyinglantern · 1 year
the amount of surprised pika “wait people actually shave their arms?” comments on posts about body hair are so funny like I unironically am so happy for you that you weren’t laughed at by a classmate for having hairy arms “like a man” in like 4th grade this is why I wish body hair conversations would stop centering around armpit hair
#okay that’s the tldr but the way I actually remember it is that the classmate (a boy) pointed out my arm hair and ask why so hairy#and I genuinely was so confused I was just like idk??? and then later at home that day I asked my mom about it and she was like#It’s bc your dads side of the family is hairy so then I later talked to that guy again like ‘I take after my dad’ or whatever#And /then/ is when he laughed and was like ‘but you’re a girl’ about it#Granted I’m non-binary but like I didn’t know that in elementary#Plus I didn’t stop shaving until around mid 2010s and was still self conscious about it for years#Like I remember feeling embarrassed during college (2018ish) if I had to use the rest room and someone else was in there when I would roll#My sleeves up to wash my hands#Anyways I eventually stopped caring about it sometime within the last year or 2 but see how long that took? It really shouldnt#Like some of us just genetically have more darker thicker visible body hair than others and we shouldn’t be shamed for it#One thing at a time though because even I’m still working through leg hair shame#I don’t shave them anymore but I also haven’t worn shorts outside of my bedroom in years#I’ll literally switch into shorts if it’s too hot right before bed and switch back into pants before stepping out of my room in the morning#I’ve been feeling cute the past few days and it’s starting to warm up again plus also had a convo w mom recently so#I might change that soon but only within the house still bc baby steps <3#Anyways I’m just rambling now so I should stop. Good night !!
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hqmillioncorn · 2 months
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Our wishes shall come true, amidst the light and dark.
"Miss Babycorn Corn!" Sofia shouted from atop the balcony. "Huh?" Babycorn squinted her eyes and watched as Sofia ran down the stairs of the second floor all the way to the ground to met her there. When she did Sofia pointed a finger at her. "I have decided that I am going to adopt you as my big sister!!" Sofia declared. "There's no need to thank me. " It would be an honor wouldn't it? As that meant that would make Babycorn a Princess just like her. Babycorn, who would find out what the word adopt meant just a few days later, was just really confused.
Lalapril 4/24 Wish
in the middle of the night cherrypit misses his sister and sofia has the solution for all of his problems. trademark princess secret!!
Sofia turned onto her side, pulling up the blanket to try and keep herself warm. Tonight she had decided to sleep in one of the barracks of the Twin Adder since it was one of the few places that had multiple beds to sleep in. 
They weren’t all that comfy but it wasn’t like Sofia wasn’t going to get all that much sleep anyway. Sofia turned onto her other side and stared at the person on the bed next to her’s. 
Cherrypit was sitting with his back turned to her, humming something to himself. It was strange. The singing wasn’t the only thing that was strange but the whole thing was super weird! 
As it turned out the person she knew as 'Cherrypit' was actually borrowing his sister's body. That wasn't even what he looked like!
Even stranger was that his sister happened to be the person that she admired the most. Strangest of all was that Cherrypit himself had told her that he was only two years old?!?!?!
When she found all of this out Sofia had dropped her bow in shock.
Knowing all of that made the sight of Cherrypit hitting all the targets she had spent hours setting up even more baffling. How could a toddler even be capable of something like that?! Even inside a body that wasn’t his. 
Sofia couldn’t imagine what he really looked like. Probably really small, like any other two-year-old that she had seen. She recalled what the other members of the Twin Adder had said about what she was like as a baby. It was always things like ‘I could carry you in one hand’ and ‘You were as heavy as three apples.’ 
“By the twelve, I could have killed him.” 
It was obvious even when they first met that Cherrypit was much younger than her, but how was she even supposed to know he was actually that young. Sofia sat up,  thinking back on one of the first things she had asked Cherrypit back then. Something along the lines of asking where his parents were. 
Apparently Cherrypit’s parents were out there looking for him but he had no idea where they were. That was the big reason why Sofia felt an instant connection to him, having been separated from her own family when she was just a baby. No matter what anyone told her she knew that they were still out there somewhere looking for her.
‘I’ll take you under my wing kid!’ Sofia had boldly proclaimed. 
How was she supposed to know that Cherrypit knew way more than she did!?
Well, in some regards at least.
One thing that Sofia figured out was that Cherrypit didn’t know how to count or read all that well. There were also a lot of other things he just didn’t know or just would plain forget.
In retrospect she should have really gotten the sense something wasn’t right when Cherrypit tried to eat mud off the ground. 
During one of their archery practices Cherrypit had brought up the topic of his sister. Since that moment he never stopped talking about her. All about how he wanted to see her again and how he missed her. So much. 
When Cherrypit just casually mentioned that his sister was one of THE Warriors of Light, well, Sofia must have asked him to repeat himself at least a dozen times just to check if she had heard him right.
Sofia wondered for a moment if she had a lost brother out there looking for her too alongside her parents. That would make him a prince, just like she was a princess. Could he have passed by Gridania at some point? Having any sort of sibling sounded nice. Especially if they were really really cool…
One thing was clear. Sofia was insanely jealous. 
But at the same time, she was glad she wasn’t Cherrypit.
Sofia found it a little strange how Cherrypit sometimes looked at people. Sometimes he just looked scared of them. She could recognize the look, from all the times she had spied over new recruits of the Twin Adder. 
But there wasn’t any reason for Cherrypit to be scared of people just saying ‘Hi’ to him, was there?
Sofia sighed and looked out to the night sky outside. The thought of asking Cherrypit why he looked scared around people sometimes crossed her mind but she didn’t want to pry. Or even worse, learn more things about him that would keep her awake at night even longer than she already was. 
Then, Sofia’s eyes went wide when a sparkle lit up in the sky, trailing behind it was a bright and thin tail.  
“Whoa?!” Sofia scrambled onto her knees and pressed her face against the window. It was almost freezing cold but that hardly mattered right now because if she was right and she saw what she thought she saw then this was big news. “Cherrypit! Do you know what this means?!”
Sofia assumed that Cherrypit must still be awake, since he was still sitting. Little did she know that Cherrypit had made the unfortunate mistake of falling asleep sitting down. Her first clue should have really been that the singing had stopped but there was no time for sleeping! Not right now!
Because when there’s one shooting star another will surely follow.
Sofia practically leaped from her bed onto Cherrypit’s. The force of her landing was enough to send Cherrypit airborne for a few seconds. He opened his eyes and yawned, not particularly caught by surprise. Though usually he was the one doing the bouncing rather than being the bounced on. 
“Cherrypit Cherrypit! Cherrypit!” Sofia called for him in a hushed tone. There weren’t any people in the room besides them but it was late at night and Sofia didn’t want to risk waking anyone up. If it was up to her however, she would have woken everyone in Gridania if she could. It was this important!! 
Cherrypit turned around and yawned, rubbing his eyes. “Soapiea?” He let out another long yawn, “What’s wrong? Everything okay?” If there was something bad going on there would probably be more noise but Cherrypit figured he might as well ask. There were a lot of wrong things happening lately. 
“Quite the opposite actually!” Sofia stood on top of the bed, hands resting on her hips. “The answer to all of your problems has just arrived!” 
Cherrypit looked confused. “What probem?” 
“The problem with your sister! How you wish she was back!”
Cherrypit’s eyes lit up, “Bebes here?!” He zipped his head back and forth, looking all over the room. There was no sign of his sister anywhere. It took him a bit to realize that he was still trapped inside of her body. “Oh…” Cherrypit’s smile became empty. The sudden surge of hope he had just felt was just violently stomped out until it barely remained. 
Sofia took note of how devastated Cherrypit looked. She felt bad but right now there was no time to waste.
Without any time to lose she grabbed Cherrypit’s arm and dragged him to the window. When Sofia saw that Cherrypit was just short of looking out of it she used two pillows to give him the extra boost he needed. 
Cherrypit exhaled his breath on the glass. It fogged up and let him draw a silly little face on it just as Sofia pointed up to the sky.
“I saw a shooting star go across like this!” Sofia moved her finger across the window. Her finger left behind a mark on the window exactly where she had remembered the star falling.
“What’s a shooty star?” Cherrypit had never heard of something like that before.
Sofia opened her mouth, then closed it. She brought a hand up to her chin and hummed in deep thought. “Cherrypit Pit can I trust you with a royal secret?” Normally she wouldn’t dare something this sacred with just anyone but as a princess she surely should have her subjects best interests in mind, right? It was her job to help and protect her people! No matter how small the problem!
Cherrypit looked confused. He rested his head on the windowsill, “Secret? I can keep secret!” He really couldn’t but most of the time he just forgot about them anyway.  
Sofia looked around, seeing if there was anyone else listening in. “I don’t know if this is supposed to work for anyone but princesses or princes but…” It couldn’t hurt to at least give it a shot. Sofia moved the curtains so they could see more of the sky. “In almost all of the fairy tales I’ve read there’s a shooting star in the sky that the princess makes a wish on.” Sofia explained, “I saw one just right now so when another one comes around you can make a wish to see your sister again!” 
“Really?!” Cherrypit could hardly believe it.
“Really! We just have to keep our eyes open!” 
Now that Cherrypit really thought about it, the idea of making a wish on a star sounded a little familiar. He couldn’t really quite remember where he had first heard of it but if he closed his eyes he could vaguely recall someone sitting by him, looking up at the sky and holding their hands together. This person Cherrypit couldn’t remember smiled at him, but they didn’t look happy.
“Cherrypit! Cherrypit! Look, look!” 
Cherrypit’s eyes snapped open just in time to see what Sofia was yelling about. A shooting star traveled across the night sky, twinkling as bright as it could until it disappeared behind the trees of the Twelveswood. He placed his hand on the window, trying to grab onto the lingering glow it had left behind. 
Sofia waved her hand in front of Cherrypit to get his attention. “Here! Copy what I do!” She put her hands together and closed her eyes, “Just do this and make the wish in your head!” Sofia had enough confidence in Cherrypit to keep her eyes closed as she went ahead and made her own wish. 
It was also kind of because she didn’t want to lose this once in a lifetime chance.
Cherrypit looked at Sofia and then looked down at his own hands. His hands looked a lot different than her’s but he still managed to copy what she was doing.
He looked back and forth again and again to make sure he was doing it right. Once he was confident enough he looked back at the sky, where the shooting star had once crossed. 
There was something a little scary about closing his eyes. Cherrypit didn’t like the dark. It really scared him. So much so, that on the rare occasion that he decided to sleep he never willingly closed his eyes. Instead he just waited enough for his own body to do the sleeping for him. 
…But this was for his sister. If there was anything that he proved throughout this ordeal it was that he was willing to do even the most scariest things in the world if it was to help her. 
Sofia slightly opened her eyes just to check on Cherrypit. She had already made her wish so it was safe now. Cherrypit’s eyes were closed and his hands were clasped together. “Wanna see Bebe again…” He quietly said. Sofia thought for a moment about reminding him his wish was supposed to be a secret but if she just didn’t listen then surely it would still count. 
Surely both of their wishes would come true, right?
Surely they would both be reunited with their families. 
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sad--tree · 3 months
well shit. just checked out the lineup 4 bluesfest this year and i may have 2 actually brave the crowds 4 once. there might just be enough ppl id wanna see to make it worth it, altho tbh matthew good is almost enough for that on his own lol coz like. matthew good!!! that's the music of my freakin childhood man!! (*the most canadian sentiment ever)
#but also: ben howard; orville peck; charley crockett; mother mother#and of course. motley fucking crue. for some reason. i mean why not right? lol#ftr no i dont know why its called bluesfest when theres so much non-blues. they DO have blues its just. theres a lotta other stuff.#idk. perpetual mystery here in the nations capital.#i REALLYYYY wanna see matt good tho i was supposed to in 2020 and he CANCELLED instead of rescheduling like every1 else 😭#still might go to mtl in april to see him tho. festival sets are just Not the Same lbr#NOW i just gotta see if any of the artists i wanna see are on the same days..... pls..... so much more cost effective....#my whole life ive lived here and ive never been 2 bluesfest. maybe thisll be the year that changes#hmmm. $280 for a 'pick any 3 days' ticket is Not Bad At All.... definitely gonna b Pondering this further....#tho $410 for a full pass is also not terrible. relatively speaking bc tgats is still Not A Small Amount of Money#not sure the full lineup is worth that 2 me tho#HMMM#anyways hey bluesfest. why the FUCK is your website so bad my god the scrolling lag good fucking lord. what the fuck are u DOING back there#also also. on the topic of music festivals. i KNOW its not coming back but.... heavy mtl return W H E N 🥺😭🙏🔥#i just. wanna go 2 a metal music fest. w/o breaking the bank and/or subjecting myself to festival camping. which i refuse 2 try by myself.#not that we really have that sorta festival here at all but it seems the Really Big european ones are like that and uhhh.#it just seems like A Lot to do that solo. for a first time doing smth.#ANYWAYS !! still contemplating whether i want 2 spend altogether Too Much Fucking Money to see metallica and iron maiden later in the year#like on the 1 hand its A Lot Of Money plus id have to travel (edmonton 4 metallica; mtl or TO 4 maiden)#on the other hand. those guys arent gettin any younger. and the FOMO is unfortunately real af when u never know if theyre gonna retire#or like. DIE. (ok ok or like. idk break a hip or smth lol) ( they arent THAT that old just. u kno. fear.)
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lecliss · 5 months
I've still been fucked up ever since I found out that(according to an actually plausible timeline), Konoha has only existed for like 90-something or whatever years??? It's not like. Fucking 200 years old or whatever. And that Madara died when he was 74 but he had himself hooked up to, fuckin what was it??? The Gedo statue?? A tree?? Whatever. In order to keep himself alive and you look at him all old and crusty and think he's like. Over a hundred at least. But no, that man's 74. He's just an average fucking grandpa!!! And Hashirama had been dead for a LONG while, so he actually died pretty young all things considered. And that also means Mito died like. Fuckin. I'm guesstimating here but in her 60s I guess???? But it's a significant thing that the Uzumakis have longer than average lifespans so like. What the fuck is the average life expectancy in Naruto for this bullshit to make sense???
#ever since i found out mada died at 74 ive been thinking those obi grandpa theories/allegations could actually be true#cuz doesnt he actually call obi his descendant at one point or something??? i mean i do think he meant that metaphorically#but at that age it actually could be possible#mada just woulda had to have a kid later than hashi did to make sense of the age difference between obi and tsun@de#and his grandma from the anime isnt canon so we can discount her in this equation#still fucked up tho over all hidden villages therefore being younger than a century#i think in my head it just feels like kages should be kages from like. their 20s or whenever the get the position#to like. their 70s or 80s or whenever they die#ya know like hiruzen made it to 68 i think??? and only died cuz of oro#but then again he did step down for mina like. 15 whatever years ago if were using 12yo nart for comparison#so going by 'they have the position for like a couple decades. maybe 2 MAYBE 3 then pass it on to someone else'#yeah it would then make sense for konoha to be on kage number 5 within a century#it just. doesnt really occur to me i guess. am i the only one fucked up by realizing this??? or has it always been obvious to everyone else?#granted when i was a kid i was ALWAYS so confused by how there could be a 4th hokage when the current guy is called the 3rd#i just never picked up on the idea that the 3rd returned to the position when the 4th died lmao#so yeah of course this has always gone right over my head#personal
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ziracona · 2 years
Just got called ‘flat ear’ by a Dalish and while it’s not like that’s offensive or hurtful, I’m losing my mind because girl??? I may not be an elf but do my bigass Qunari ears LOOK flat to you??
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I mean. Girl they are JUST as pointy and elongated as yours are.
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thebadtimewolf · 1 year
why r u so mad about ppl preferring ten x madame de pompadour to ten x martha like ten/martha will never be a thing. ten don’t want anything to do with martha. he literally said to her face she wouldn’t replace rose… and she never did… isnt canon enough for you
im glad im only a scorpio on this alone. if martha deserved better than ten then so do all of em but anyway:
this ask is giving 2006/07 i dont want to see tenth doctor in a romantic relationship with a person of color because i can't project myself or relate to them if they arent the very thing being catered to me ever since the silent pictures vibes. u know the same vibe when rtd was told to not regenerate 14 in 13's clothes. just. Ick.
but im not mad. its just interesting for a ship so big as tenrose, it is usually correlated with hating madame de pompadour and/or joan and/or river [though in joan's case they hate her not because shes racist but because shes not rose]
though comics tend to release to combat that in multi doctor stories where they jump through various alternate universes of themselves where the doctor sees themselves settled down with dr. grace holloway (for 8th dr multi doctor stories) and professor melody williams/river song (for 11th dr multi doctor stories) where in those cases, they are frightful of the concept settling down at all. [take note that both times, he settles down in the same house that he owns bc of that unit paycheck on the dl] so i am curious that with this new drs, the equivalent of this would be 13 14 15 being terrified of settling down with rose because they had grown past her as this point.
i prefer the doctor in a polyromantic ace relationship than their umpteenth 🌟tragic heteronormative romance with yt human woman number 23445788764443356743🌟 i want 14 to sweep martha off her feet in pure joy and kiss her passionately while badmouthing tf out of 10 like 9 11 12 13 do with no filter before cradling her like a baby because hes about to crumble under his brand new identity complex and then take her kid to an amusement park and then 14 trips over a brick and dies. hell i rather have nina sosanya play a whole different lady in nod to doctor who recycles their actors trope as a way to introduce a love interest to 14
that amusment park one weirdly sounds like a 8th doctor audio. pls 🙏🏾 dont make it into one i couldnt handle schezro let alone the rest of his content. Empire of the Wolf made me so fucking worried for rose marion tyler like im just she back home 🫣. as for rose tyler from the sea devil universe still out about. whoop his ass. if billie come back as HER? MISS COVER MODEL MISS DICTATOR MISS EMPRESS ROSE?
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i would love for ten to be strictly friends with the new miss empress rose. get that martha karma real quick ehehehehe after all rtd did say they need freema for somethin and im sure seeing 10 get treated the same way he treated martha by no other than empress rose herself -AND THEN EMPRESS ROSE FLIRTS WITH MARTHA??? FINGERS CROSSED??? im just saying that i personally will ride on that for 8 black history months and christmases straight like woo
also real glad it is collectively decided by every one that tentoo is just john smith not corin so yay thanks big finish and titan comics
#{lets see if i can scare this anon away listen i even made a graphic for this damn it. u better appreciate it i went all out for you}#{porn blogs and micro antiblack anons: this is why i dont share my shipping opinions much bc they stick to tv and i stick to everything}#{usually all this i gave to my aunt and we would have phone discussions and she would watch and call be like hey yeah! i see it}#{and she would say: but really it wasnt that for martha. it was the writing choices that was disapproved because not wanting another 💞}#{it went from classism for rose to racism for martha and she points that it wasnt catered to black fans in the rtd era}#{so yeah ten x martha wouldn't be a thing but only because test audiences and fans refused it due to the studios racial bias}#{10 wanted everything to do w martha. he just used rose as excuse and because of that 12 and 13 vocally to his face hates him for it}#{and we all fell for it: everybody did because like 12 said: its the bambi eyes. hook line and sucker}#{he wanted martha the whole time but he kept playing that hot n cold game to the wrong girl just bc it worked on 2 later 3 yt blonde women}#{4 yt women because of miss kylie minogue! all of a sudden he dont know how to counterflirt when a blk woman flirts back?}#{yes thats right im throwing miss claire pope AND IN THE GABBY GONZALES COMIC OF THE PPL OUTSIDE HER FAMILY LAUNDROMAT??}#{but yeah after losing donna suddenly supiciously hes not racist but extremely genocidal to death and death alone like hm.}#{his actions speak extremely louder than his words and in turn so does the fandom and its writers}#{4 yt blondes and hes willing to believe in them despite him having to permanently lose them but completely have lil faith in the blk one?}#{ ten never actually go back to martha. be fair if i forgave the person that enslave her family for a missing year? yeah i wouldnt either}#{we could never be together because of a yt woman i chose to leave behind three times with her mum for 'safety' boy bye}#{and i go around and almost in one whole episode almost left her behind AGAIN for madame de pompadour another blonde yt woman?}#{like i ship them i ship all of em but if they were all hanging off a cliff side? 🤧 😔 we gather here today in the loss of 🌹 and depomp}#{dont worry at least 9 would leap after rose.}#bw: out of ethos#answered#anonymous#bw: long post#{i made a long post just so i surprise you with a cute billie graphic thats all. that the main topic}
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bamboozled-distress · 2 years
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larrythefloridaman · 2 years
google :)
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love u goog <3
#to explain the dotted squares: Why Are You A Redhead When You Are Bing's Clone.#and the other is like. lets get one thing straight i love goog to death everything in season 2? wouldnt change a damn thing#but i feel like the susan thing was resolved too quickly. and his relationship with mac has gone. underaddressed.#goog was raised by dr. order and i love that he defects right away when shown a first glimmer of something more meaningful#it works well to demonstrate the point that kindness is what we're. as people. most naturally drawn to when circumstance allows for it#but i think how easy it ultimately comes to him even when that's challenged by his personal hurt later kinda. cheapens it a bit?#kindness is easy but its also very hard sometimes when we are faced with the desire or need to protect ourselves from being hurt#and susan letting goog get his catharsis from attacking her even though it wasnt Her her that hurt him#is something i feel should've left him feeling a bit more. conflicted a bit longer. the resolution was sweet but not fully earned imo?#and then theres mac. your little brother almost kills you in cold blood chasing the same meaningless victory you were raised to achieve#and then just. befriends your platonic partner's little sister and becomes part of the family while changing very little of his outlook#just changing who he answers to because he got his ass kicked. and you're just supposed to feel fucking NORMAL about that???????#idk just think google should get to bite people and be dysfunctional a little more he was raised by doctor order hes not even two years old#he's a shonen protagonist with anxiety but the anxiety doesn't even really interfere meaningfully with anything narratively best i remember#machi has the excuse of being baby to explain why he's so innocent and even he's distinctly self-centered at times#google is a grown man and chooses kindness every day after he got out of there#and that rules. but id like to see him struggle with it just a LIL more#a bit too much of a perfect victim after he gets out for my taste. i had a similar problem with adora in she-ra#lots of not having a frame of reference for a different normal than theirs but always choosing the Right™ thing to do the first time anyway#but thats a mild 'show dont tell'-y writing gripe#its been a good bit since i watched the eps referenced so my feelings might change when i get to them in my rewatch#i simply think meeting a version of your shitty mom that's largely the same but not shitty should make you feel. a lot of different ways#and we didnt really get to see goog wrestle with that after finding out susan wasnt Really her and i think thats kind of a shame#and i dont remember if mac and goog have even shared any screentime after that time Mac Injured Him Terribly with plus ultra
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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i j u st. want my funny idols jrpg back p ls—
#(link leads to the best song of the game which is sung by characters voiced by hiyoko’s and juri’s vas btw)#(warning: very long rambling in the tags due to my rapidly deteriorating sanity. sorry)#(sorry it’s suiyoubi and this song from the game popped up in my playlist today s o—)#(and also bc i happened to open that ig app and saw the game thief at the top of my dash and i— (ʘ‿ʘ))#im just. aaakajxjsjsjakajsj i’ve been wanting to replay this game since juri’s and chiz’s vas were announced but!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaa—#it’s been 2 years since i lent it out man… i really should’ve asked for the game back before the dude became public enemy no. 1 of the club…#it’s just!!!!!!! man!!!!!! the va crossovers between this game and hw is kinda wackkkkkkkkk#the protag is voiced by chiaki (and later stuff(?) happens and a dude voiced by saku-nii fuses with his body or sth) so he’s chisaku now ig#he’s also very funny in his own right and he fights with sth like a persona voiced by kumamaru#(even though i say ‘persona-like’ those dudes are originally fire emblem (like both the game and the song lol) dudes…)#(though they just act like personas in here so yeah. it’s persona emblem. with idols. and it’s great!!!!!)#his childhood friend is a cute little idol girl voiced by hiyoko’s va and her persona-like thing is voiced by the chiz lol#and there’s also an aspiring actress voiced by juri’s va and the protag’s boy best friend’s persona emblem is voiced by dai ft4#and also!!!! the idol girl’s older sister is voiced by manager uchida’s va and said sister p. much becomes their manager of sorts so i!!!!!#(and as a bonus ken’s og va voices some idol dude in here so he’s here too ig)#i just!!!! really wanna make so many hw aus involving this game!!!! but!!!! i don’t have it anymore aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa#like!!!!! a jk trio idol au??? with manager nagisa??? (and agency presidents chisaku bc lol) and the!!!! the!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaa#im sorry… this game that no one cares about (lol) lives rent-free in my head 40% of the time#is it bc of the jk trio? …yeah… it’s bc of the jk trio…#had i known that dai’s va voiced someone in this game i… prolly would’ve skipped his dialogue less. lol#though wait. waiiiiit. the (equivalent of a) persona user of the dai-voiced character is voiced by koga enstars… and if dai = rei then… hmmm#uaaauauauauauauauauuaa i really should just. be more normal about voice actors… ahahahaha… im so sorry#i just wanted to cry about my 2 years hostage victim of a game cartridge h o w did it end up like thisssssss#to think that the only reasons why i lent it out was bc he was a fellow smt fan… and i just wanted to talk about the game with someone ;-;#not only did he not care that much for the games and songs… he also never gave it back so b s#im sorry. i m having a moment. of crisis. ahahaha… i’ll be less cringe tomorrow i promise (lies)#it is suiyoubi my dudes
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