#and then I can’t decide cause it’s 4am and I’m sleepy and high
rosicheeks · 2 years
I ship you and brutalfxcking 👀
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^^ my exact reactions when I think of @brutalfxcking
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excujeemi · 3 years
D R U N K [ Ray X Reader ]
Age: around 18 Genre: Fluff Warnings: UHhh, adult jokes (??) and mentions of alcohol
Simple, you know, you were graduating high school and moving on to college of course there'd be parties. And there's only three words to describe this party you're in? Wild as fuck. Man, some were playing beer pong, some were making out, it was just so chaotic you don't even remember as to why you were here in the first place... Oh yeah, your parents forced you to get some human interaction every once in a while.
You thought this party would be very shit and unenjoyable but look at you now, everyone around you was cheering you on to chug , c h u g  , c  h  u  g . And chug you did.
You were already dizzy but you know this is that moment, that sweet moment of youth (??) perhaps and there's the adrenaline and the feeling that you're on top of the world, it's like you can just do anything you want for example, peeing in your annoying neighbor's backyard but let's not take that idea personally-
You were just about to open another bottle of alcohol but then someone stopped you, a hand gripped on your wrist which surprised you, you looked up to see whose hand it was and saw Ray frowning. That's typical, when is he not frowning anyway.
Well, Ray is one of your closest friends, your parents are also both close to each other so it just makes sense. And Ray being the most trusted person of your mother, she asked him if he could pick you up since it was getting kinda late. You know if they were just gonna end up worrying about you then why even force you to get some of that, "human interaction", they're just  exaggerating.
"Oh, hey Ray my beloved , what're you doing here?" You smugly asked as he helped you stand up but your feet kept on tripping and so you slipped, with your hand on Ray's shoulder causing him to fall on top of you while the people surrounding you both were teasing you, you felt Ray's hot breath hitting your neck while his large hands were supporting your back to protect you from directly falling. The close space between the both of you caused Ray's face to turn into a tomato, red flushed cheeks, wide eyes, he lowkey wished you both could stay like that for more time. "You idiot, get up already its almost 4am." He says as he quickly got up and tried to take your heavy ass up. "wAiT, mY bAg and mY phOne, And mY StufF are-" "Shh, shh. I got them all now shut it." He says as he shows you your bag from his other hand, he opened the door with his foot and kicked it close. "Hey Ray, aren't you getting to close, haah~?" You seductively whispered in his ear making him blush for the second time. He rolled his eyes, 'Patience, you must stay calm.' He thinks to himself. "Haah~?" Okay, he decided that was it. "Why don't you walk by yourself then, the parking lot is still quite far from where we are, walk by yourself good luck tripping over everything." He lets go of you while you had trouble tryna regain your posture. "I can walk, don't-d-don't you underestimate the power of this wild creature." You pointed to yourself while making a karate pose.
Ray was annoyed, his eye was twitching and he really did want to abandon you there. "Okay, I'll lead the way then." After a few seconds, everything was going well, he takes a few glances back at you to see how you're doing because apparently if you trip and die he'd be blamed  by your parents. Then he saw you weren't by his side, well obviously not because you kept on slowing down but you really were out of his sight and this worried him by a lot. 'If only Emma and Norman were here to back me up with this dumbass' But for real, he was worried, it had only been a few seconds--what if someone took you or something. He ran a few steps back and looked everywhere and there you fucking were, talking to a celebrity cardboard cutout. "Oh my fucking gosh, this dimwit. Y/n!" He sighs as he massaged his temples. He ran to you and pulled you by your arm. "Ugh, stOp, I'm still flirting with this hot man." You whined as you tried to wriggle your arm out of Ray's hand. He didn't know whether to leave you alone or laugh at you there. "You blockhead, that's...that's a Justin Bieber cardboard cut out for fuck's sake..." Ray was about to explode at this point, you were making him want to combust. "Please, dOn't take me way, I have no flirt with!" "I'll flirt with you all you want just--let's go already this is so embarrassing!" He said to improvise but your drunk self actually believed that he'd flirt with you. "Really?" You asked and he just nods while closing his eyes, annoyed. "YaaaY~, Ray my beloved will flirt with me, I'm the happiest person in the worlll ever." To be honest, Ray would love to hear those words while you're not drunk but he can't help but blush again remembering what Norman used to say, "Drunk people always say what they truly think." He shook his head and as soon as you arrived at the parking lot, he pushed you gently into the backseat. Thankfully, you spent that whole time without saying anything, you were literally just staring at the car's ceiling like a dead person which was creepy. He arrived at your house and it seemed that everyone was asleep so he had to use the spare keys he has. He then opened the door, carrying you bridal style and the hallways were quite narrow so he felt sorry whenever your head hit some walls or table. 💀 lmfao. He carefully placed you on your bed, while you were almost sound asleep. Boy, times like this remind him of deep in love he is with you. You know maybe he should just confess of something.
He smiled and tucked in some hair behind you ear. Very wholesome situation, well until you tugged his arm for him to come closer so he thought you had something to say, when he finally got close you wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him tightly which shocked him by a lot. It was comfortable to be in your arms, if only he could stay there a bit more longer. :'). "H-Hey what are you trying to do? Let go of me, Y/n." He softly whispered, his hot breath hitting you once again but a bit more closer which caused you to hug him tighter. "Dream on." And since you really wouldn't let go of him, and he didn't have enough will to force himself out of your hold, he decided to just stay there. It was 4am and your warmth was more than enough to make him sleepy. Next morning: You woke up with someone in your arms, it was very comfortable. 'Oh it's just Ray..wait what--RAY??' "HOLY SHIT RAY! WAKE UP! WAKE-" His hand covered your mouth as his half-asleep eyes stared at you. "What are you so loud in the morning for?" Man, his morning voice could kill. Shaking your head quickly to shoo away the simp thoughts, you built up the courage to ask him this one cliche question. "Di-Did we perhaps, you know? Do the thing?" Of course Ray was not dumb but he can be an ass. Smirking, he asks with an innocent tone, "What do you mean by thing ?" "Oh my--you know what I mean! Stop acting dumb-" "Oh you mean sex?" He stared at you for a while, keeping that smirk of his on his face while seeing you so flustered and red. "Why do you have to be so blunt, this is why I hate you.." You said as you buried your face into one of your pillows. "Chill, woman. We didn't do that. You did do something dumb last night though." He chuckles as he removes the pillow away from your red face. "Please kill me--what is it?" "Well you just flirted with a Justin Bieber Cutout, nothing new." "I really did that?" You cried as you started mentally smashing your head on a rock. "Yes, yes you did." As soon was those words of confirmation came out of his mouth, you started getting flashbacks again, "Dude, I'll never be drunk again." "That's a good idea. But if you never get drunk again you might never hug me again the way you did last night." 'The way I did last night?...' What did he even mean by that... "What do you mean?" "Want a demonstration?" ..... THE END lol bye this was so bad ahvdusvud - Follow me on wattpad - @excujeemi Join my discord server !! https://discord.gg/wXSuKBXMXt
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“Gentle” (Drabble #10)
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28. “I’m still sore from last night”
35. “Well good morning to you too.”
39. “I’ll be gentle, promise”
53. Bedroom
102. Overstimulation 
A/N: It’s been a while guys, I’m sorry. But here’s the next drabble!! I did not proof read this because it’s 4am at the time I’m posting this and I’m taking my ass to bed. Enjoy.
Hints of the sunrise pierce through your drawn curtains, slowly illuminating the quiet bedroom. The soft light causes Jimin to stir in his sleep, an uncomfortable grimace disturbing his peaceful face. He tosses and turns a bit before finally giving up and deciding to leave dreamland and re-enter the reality if your shared bedroom, peeking his eyelids open to be greeted by your beautiful face. It’s only then that he fully becomes aware of the cause of his discomfort, a distinct throbbing coming from his groin. The material of his boxer briefs strain against his raging erection, restricting it painfully as it twitches for attention. He sighs and looks back up at you.
You were out cold, probably exhausted by the intense activities from the night before that lasted hours. Actually, it was only a few hours ago since then, but Jimin hadn’t been able to get those lewd images out of his head all night and now he was faced with a terrible situation. He knew you hated when he woke you up, especially when it was for something unnecessary, but he felt like this was a emergency that was well justified, so he pushed his guilt aside and leaned forward to wake you. His gentle voice barely penetrated the fortress of your dreams as he whispered into your ear, calling for you quietly like a child afraid to wake up their parents after having a nightmare.
“Babe, I need help.” He whispers, watching you face for a reaction. “I’m so horny right now.” 
At this, you turn your back to him, still deep asleep and uncaring of his problems. A heavy breath leaves you as you settle back into the bed, curling yourself into his chest when he instinctively throws his arm over you. You’re so cute right now, so comfortable and carefree, while Jimin suffers silently and watches you ignore his pleas. Getting closer to your ear, he tries again.
“(Y/n), please.” He says a bit louder, grinding his hips into you from behind. You can feel how hard he is as he rubs himself against your bare ass, nothing on your body but one of his oversized shirts. The circular motion of his hips and the rasp of his voice rouses you from your sleep and you grumble.
“Jimin, stop, I’m trying to fucking sleep.” You hiss, jabbing him in the ribs with your elbow, yet still burrowing under him for his warmth. He frowns at your stubbornness.
“Well good morning to you too.” You can hear the sarcastic tone in his voice and for some reason that pisses you off, you wish he would just shut up and let you rest. “Babe, I need you, it’s an emergency.” 
Jimin whines pitifully behind you and you almost want to give in to his desires. The hardness pressing into you feels hot and veiny, even through the fabric covering it, and you know it probably hurts to be left in that state, but you can’t seem to care enough to actually do something about it, your exhaustion becoming your main priority. Last night, Jimin went really hard. He left marks and bruises everywhere, thrusted into you with all of his strength, made you cum so many times, and when you couldn’t take any more you could tell he could still go for a few more rounds. His sex drive was inhumane, insatiable, and you just didn’t have the energy to keep up with him. You thought he got the hint when you passed out after the third or fourth round, forcing him to call it quits for the night and clean you up, letting you finally close your heavy eyelids and rest in his arms. Apparently not.
“Jimin, I can’t take any more, we went at it all night...” You reply in an even whinier voice than him, although you can’t ignore the wetness beginning to form between your legs from the rocking of his hips.
“I know, baby, but I’m so hard it feels like I’m going to explode,” He pants into your hair, letting his eyes fall closed. “I just need to be inside you again.”
“I don’t know... I’m still sore from last night.” You say quietly, contemplating whether or not that was a good idea. Your body still felt numb and your hips and back hurt from being bent in so many different positions, if he decided to go hard again you were sure you’re legs would be out of commission for at least the next week. You turn to face him, looking into his eyes with worry.
“I’ll be gentle, promise.” He voice sounds sweet, hope in his tone from the prospect of getting to fuck you again. His lips land on your forehead to seal his promise and you finally give.
“Okay, fine.” You purse your lips into an unsure line as you watch Jimin discard his underwear, reaching into your bedside table for the box of condoms. He turns back to you, the foil in his hand, and you attempt to work him up by grabbing onto his length and giving him lazy strokes. 
He sighs upon contact, closing his eyes as you continue rubbing his sensitive cock and spreading the perfuse amount of precum leaking from it. But just as he starts enjoying it, your grip becomes weaker and your hand almost stops moving, causing his eyes to open. The sight in front of him is almost comical, and he can’t even be angry. You had fallen back to sleep, eyes closed and lips parted slightly, still holding onto his member. Jimin wants to be frustrated with you, but you’re so darn cute he can’t stay mad for long.
With a soft smile, he removes your hand, placing the condom back on the table with a defeated huff. He reviews his options once more. He could wake you up again and stick his dick into you before you have the chance to pass out again, but what if you get mad and refuse him this time? The only other option was for him to take care of it himself, something he maybe should have done in the first place. It was an undesirable outcome, but he was desperate.
Skimming his hand down his body, Jimin reaches for his reddening cock as it screams for attention, grabbing it at the base and running his small hand up the length of it. It feels so good, not as good as it would have felt with your hand or mouth, but it felt good enough for a hiss to escape his lips. Setting a leisurely pace, Jimin works himself until he can feel his muscles tensing, a thin layer of sweat forming on his skin. The room is brighter now, the sun rising higher into the sky, and now he can see your face clearly, using his view to push him closer to the edge, but he doesn’t want to cum like this. He hates the thought of cumming all over himself, in his own hand, when you were laying right next to him and could be helping him out. When you could be putting your beautiful mouth to good use or letting him cum inside you. With a frustrated sigh, he lets go of his length, your presence suddenly off-putting as if he were doing something wrong. 
Jimin looks you over for a long minute. He had to find a way to convince you to let him fuck you— to give him the relief he craved so bad. He thinks for a while about your personality, how would he get what he wants in a normal situation? The simple solution is to make it about you. He has to make you want it or want to reward him. And after such a long night, you deserved it anyway.
Removing the blankets from your bodies, Jimin rolls you onto your back and ghosts his hand over your clothed abdomen, fingers finding the hem of your shirt to lift it high enough to expose your breasts. He can see your nipples slowly harden as the morning air hits them and he wants nothing more than to play with them, but he knows they’re probably sore from all of the attention they got last night. Still, he leans forward and flicks one with his tongue, circling it gently and kneading the other one with a tender hand. The sensitivity has you squirming in your sleep, thighs unconsciously rubbing together to ease the growing arousal at the apex of your core. Upon seeing this, Jimin can’t stop the smirk that crosses his lips, satisfied that he can still work you up in your sleepy daze. 
“Jagiya, you should wake up soon and let me fuck you.” His words fall on deaf ears, however, your expression remaining unchanged and unbothered. 
Jimin is determined though and he let’s go of your breast to trail his hand lower along your skin, fingertips gliding down the soft flesh of your belly until he’s reached the apex of your thighs, smirking dirtily when he cups your sex and feels the slickness there. Pressing himself impossibly closer into your side, he looks down at your face, licking his lips when he spreads his fingers along your folds to gather your wetness. Using his wet fingers, Jimin spreads it up to your clit, rubbing soft circles into it with two of his fingers, a technique he’s seen you use on yourself various times. He increases the pressure of his fingers gradually, watching as your breathing gets a little bit heavier and your head lulls to the side facing away from him. He uses this to his advantage to attack your neck, planting more kisses on the bruised skin and soothing over the marks with his tongue. You sigh contently at his ministrations, but still remain dormant, even when he presses down harder with one of his fingers and flicks your clit in skilled motions. 
An inaudible growl reverberates in his chest at your stubbornness. He knew you were a heavy sleeper, especially when you were tired, but he thought you would have woken up by now if your increasing wetness was anything to go by.
Time for plan B, he thinks.
Climbing down your body, Jimin makes his way between your legs. Bending your legs up toward your chest, he holds them apart and takes in the mouthwatering sight before him. The morning light makes your glistening folds look so much more appetizing, he can see the way your arousal seeps down slowly and covers the entirety of your pussy, your lips and clit shining also from the sloppy work of his fingers. Your outer lips are tinged pink and appear slightly swollen, reflecting the abuse they took from his cock all last night, and it only makes him want to taste you more. 
His resolve crumbles and he finally dives in, using his tongue to spread you open so he can access your dripping slit. He laps up everything that flows from you, your sweet nectar making him groan and delve in deeper to the point where he’s full-on making out with your lower lips. Jimin licks and sucks at your folds, loving the way you coat his face and drip down his chin. Looking up at you, his eyes never leave your face. He catches the way your lips part farther to release heavy pants and the slight twitch of your eyebrows when his nose grazes your clit. Your chest rises and falls faster now, and he’s confident he can wake you up this way. Sucking up the droplets of your juices that dribble out of you, Jimin redirects his attention to the cute pink love button placed at the top of your pussy. 
It’s your ultimate weakness, this he knows, and he fully intends on using it against you. The first drag of his tongue across it provokes an immediate reaction from you, your legs tensing up just lightly. He circles the swollen bud gently a few times, teasing you before he begins his onslaught, grinning to himself at his sure-fire victory. Hooking his arms tightly around your upper thighs, Jimin uses his thick fingers to spread open your folds before placing one hand low on your pubic bone and pulling up slightly, revealing your sweet pearl to his hungry eyes. When it throbs in need, he unceremoniously swoops down, locking his lips around it and assaulting it with his skilled tongue. 
Under normal circumstances you would be screaming his name by now, probably thrashing wildly at how good the quick movements of his tongue feel against you. His eyes never leave you as he watches your body slowly come to life. He alternates between light flicks with the tip of his tongue and languid hard drags with the flat of it, each movement eliciting a reaction from you. Your back bows off the bed slightly, your head pressing into the pillow at the unidentifiable wet sensation between your legs. Jimin finds it amusing how your stomach muscles clench every time he suckles you between his puckered lips, your tongue peeking out to wet your own from the repeated gasps that you take in. He can see the furrow of your eyebrows the longer he goes, the creases in your forehead deepening whenever he does something you especially like. Every nerve in your body is awake and he’s not even sure if you were really still asleep or if you were just pretending, but he continues anyway, occasionally dipping his tongue down to lap up your juices that are now wetting the bed.
A layer of sweat gathers on your skin and your body feels burning hot. Tiny hums and whimpers come from your throat, audible to your husband but not good enough. He flicks his tongue in all different directions to rouse you from your sleep, your tightening legs letting him know you’re nearing your high, but he’s determined for something else. He moans deeply onto your folds and the vibrations finally pull that long awaited sound from your body, a loud moan ripping from your throat. The noise seems to startle you and you finally wake up, not realizing that the sound had come from your own lips. 
Jimin smiles against you, satisfied with his work as his eyes lock with yours, your head popping up off the pillow to get a good look at what was happening between your legs.  And it was hotter than you could imagine.
The sight of him buried in your cunt, cheeks and forehead shining from sweat, eyes trained on yours, brought out another moan from your lips. He pulls back just a little so you can see his tongue working against you, circling around your engorged clit and bringing you electrifying pleasure. 
“Ah, f-fuck.” You stutter, falling back against the bed and threading a hand through his luscious hair. 
“Good morning, princess.” Jimin lifts his head momentarily to greet you, cockiness dripping from his voice, lust clouding his eyes, but all you do is push his head back to your mound, encouraging him to take you back into his mouth. 
“It feels so fucking good, baby.” You whisper breathlessly, unable to find your voice amongst the overwhelming pleasure. You were close, thighs trembling uncontrollably in his arms, and all you wanted was for Jimin to bring you to your high. And it seemed like he wanted that as well. He drops one of his hands down to his erection, stroking himself in time with the movements of his tongue. His resulting groan has your walls clenching around nothing, and you whine for him to keep going. You try to grind your hips up into his mouth, but he growls and slaps your ass with his free hand. Swiftly, he removes his hand to jack your legs up higher, pressing them all the way up to your chest and grabbing at your hands to signal you to hold them. You easily comply. 
He resumes his hand and tongue with renewed passion, pressing his mouth against you so hard you were sure his lips would be bruised afterwards. But you didn’t care. All you wanted was the toe curling release that was steadily crawling up your spine. Gasps and moans leave you in broken intervals, your fingers digging into your legs and creating deep crescent moons in your skin. Jimin sucks your clit into his mouth and rubs his tongue up it in long, rough strokes, humming against you as you lock your feet around his head, deep groans from you signaling your impending release. 
“Jimin! I’m gonna cum.” Before you can even inhale after your sentence, he breaks away from you, stopping everything altogether. A mischievous glint in his eyes tells you this was his plot all along, and you whine loudly in frustration. With one more kiss to your bundle of nerves, he ducks away from the hold of your legs, a string of his saliva and your slick connecting his puffy lips to your core. Your walls tremble at the loss of stimulation, your orgasm right there, yet frustratingly untouchable. You look at Jimin pleadingly as you feel your high slip away, the feeling more than disappointing to you.
“So as I was saying; I’m hard and I need you.” He says, sitting up on his knees to reveal his raging boner to you. He grips himself tightly at the base, most likely trying to fight off his own high because you know the only place he wants to cum is inside you. 
“Okay, whatever, just fuck me, please!” Your tone of voice shows annoyance and Jimin won’t stand for that. After all, he’s the one that should be annoyed with you since he’s been hard for so long. Lunging forward, he takes both of your wrists into his hands and holds them above your head, leaning over you so his cock rests on your lower stomach and his face hovers only a few inches above yours.
“Not so fast. You were being a stubborn little princess earlier, so now you have to beg for the right to be fucked.” He licks his lips and stares into your eyes darkly, deadly serious about his request. 
“You said you would be gentle.” You whisper through gritted teeth. 
“I am being gentle, I’m not even touching you yet.” Jimin states, craning his neck down to leave kisses along your cheek and jaw. You sigh.
“Orgasm denial is not gentle.” You grumble under your breath, even though he can clearly hear you.
“Better hurry up, princess, or else I’ll cum without you.” He says hotly, grinding his length against your abdomen, just barely missing your clit. You swallow hard, the ache in your lower body forcing you to push down the last bit of pride you have left after last night, succumbing to his request.
“Baby,” You start, your soft innocent voice causing Jimin to lift his head to look at you. “Please fuck me. I’m sorry for being difficult earlier, I won’t do it again, I just wanna make you cum.”
The obedient girl from last night resurfaces and Jimin smiles fondly, kissing your lips briefly before pulling away.
“Good girl. See, that wasn’t so hard.” He comments, reaching over you for the condom on the bedside table. He hands it to you then sits up on his haunches, watching with glazed eyes as you tear open the package and roll the rubber onto his length. A small groan leaves him when he feels your hands on him, his fingers carding through his hair to push it away from his forehead. 
Once the condom is on all the way, he pushes you back down and wraps your legs around his waist impatiently. You await his actions with baited breath, looking up at him with wide eyes and trying to read him. His pupils are completely dilated, covering the dark brown of his irises. He looks feral and if you didn’t know any better you’d think he was about to destroy you on this mattress. You guess you’ll just have to wait and see— if he ever decides to enter you. Jimin spends this time sliding his tip all along your slit, coating himself with enough lubrication to slide in smoothly, but you can tell he’s also teasing you, working you up until you’re pulling him forward with your legs.
“You ready, baby?” His concern is very touching, he knows you’re sore and he doesn’t want to hurt you, but at this point you don’t care about that, you just want him inside you. He knows damn well you’re ready, and your patience is running short.
“Yes, Jimin pl-“ He doesn’t wait for your further affirmation before he pushes himself in all the way and suddenly you don’t remember what you were complaining about.
“You okay?” Jimin asks, nearly trembling with the effort to keep himself still. You nod.
“Please, just move.” You rush, attempting to buck your hips into his. The familiar stretch reignites the fire in the pit of your stomach and you know you won’t last more than 5 minutes.
The first buck of his hips is gentle and you let out a loud moan of gratification for the long awaited friction. You think he’s just testing the waters a bit, making sure you’re comfortable, but the following succession of thrusts don’t get an harder or faster than the slow back and forth motion he sets. When you reopen your eyes— not even realizing they were closed— you find the devilish smirk on his lips that lets you know he’s not through with your punishment. Of course he wasn’t, you should have known he wasn’t going to let you off that easy. Your walls pulse around him in exhausting intervals, enjoying the way he was rubbing you, yet not receiving enough friction to throw you over board. A whine falls from you once more.
“Jimin,” You beg, jaw clenching in pent up anger.
“Yes, baby?” His arms are shaking above you slightly. He could probably cum right there if you squeezed him the right way, but he was determined to make you suffer and his will power was greater than yours.
“Please, please, go faster.” Tears well up in your eyes as you look up at him, pleading with him to cut the crap and fuck you like you both want. You’ve learned your lesson.
“I thought you wanted me to be gentle? You even asked me twice.” He plays innocent, eyes wide as saucers as he takes in your pained expression. 
“I don’t care anymore, just fuck me. I need to cum, and I know you want it, too.” 
There was no use arguing that being gentle has nothing to do with the torturous pace he’s using, he knows this already and he’s just teasing you, but your tolerance for teasing is gone and you really just want to cum and fall back asleep. 
“You’re giving me permission?”
“Yes. Fuck me.” You repeat, preparing yourself mentally.
In the blink of an eye, Jimin drops down to his elbows and snaps his hips at an inhuman speed, plunging into you with the force of a truck. The wind is knocked out of you momentarily, leaving you with your mouth hanging open in a silent moan. He groans above you, lowering his head to your neck and putting all of his energy into the movement of his hips, chasing the high that’s been elusive to him all morning. His hands move to immobilize you once more, but this time they don’t reach for your wrists, but instead your hands, gripping them tightly as your highs approached.
“Mm, so fucking tight.” He practically growls into your ear, nibbling on the lobe of it and kissing it with his heated pants. His words have you tightening more, your mind running a million miles a minute, all with thoughts of Jimin and how good he’s making you feel. You love being wrapped around each other, both giving and receiving pure pleasure in this intimate moment. Your heart is beating amazingly fast, but you can feel his beating in sync with yours as his chest presses against you, pushing you further into the mattress.
All Jimin can think about is how much better your pussy feels than his hand, his instincts telling him that this is where he belongs and where he should cum, a sense of comfort washing over him at the sound of your whimpers and gasps that seem to encourage him. No matter how much he has of you, he can never get enough.
Soon, you feel your walls clamping down on him, prompting him to lean away from you and crouch on his haunches, pistoning into you with enough power to move you up the bed in steady increments. Just a little bit more and you’ll be free. Just a bit more until you can float on cloud nine and reach your ecstasy. Before you know it, your hand is shooting down between your legs, that are still wrapped concretely against his waist, and you’re rubbing fast circles around your clit, looking for that something to bring you over the edge. Jimin sees this and slaps your hand out of the way, replacing your fingers with his thumb and giving you a look that says ‘That’s my job’. He rubs harshly, pounding into your sore little hole relentlessly as he observes the way your beautiful features contort in desire. The lustful look in your eyes mirrors his and he can’t bring himself to think straight, his body so focused on release.
You gaze up at him, whole body tingling with the promise of your impending orgasm, the vice grip your walls have on him only serving to heighten both of your pleasure. You’re practically screaming at the intensity of his thrusts, the sound of his balls slapping against your ass adding to the cacophony of noises filling the cool air of the room, along with the dense smell of sex that seep from your every pore. Jimin’s fingers expertly flick at you and you feel like you’re losing your mind as the ball of fire in your stomach condenses, threatening to burn a hole straight through you. With one more gasp, you feel it slowly start to spread until it erupts all at once, skyrocketing you into eye-rolling, back arching, earth shattering pleasure. 
You squeak Jimin’s name, air refusing to flow in or out of your lungs, releasing your legs from their death grip to lay limply to the sides of him as your entire body shakes. Jimin moans at the sensation of you spasming around him, forcing his hips to go into overdrive to join you in your relief. His fingers never stop, still gliding over your slick clit with intent even as you start to float down from your peak. He watches you squirm, the aftershocks of your intense orgasm visible from your heaving chest. A guttural groan finally leaves you when your lungs work again and your first instinct is to push his hand from you, but he doesn’t budge, a dark look overtaking him. He needs your tightness to ride him out to his high, and the way you constrict with every pass of his thumb is just what he needs to get him there.
You begin to whine from oversensitivity, shuttering as your nerves drown in the sensations, trying so hard to push the offending object out of your body, but it only makes him go harder. Jimin is aware that you’re reaching your limits, but he can’t seem to stop his hips, eyes closing when he feels his balls tense. You twist your hands into the sheets to keep your sanity, hoping he cums soon so you can regain the ability to think again.
“Almost there, princess.” He rasps, forcing the words out of himself and hoping they’re coherent enough for you to understand. All you can do is nod, so you nod fiercely. His thumb falters, his concentration stolen by the pressure in his dick, and suddenly he’s pulling you up by the arms, wrapping them around his neck once you’re in a sitting position on his lap. You’re disoriented briefly, completely blindsided by the onslaught of sensations, and it takes you a while to notice your back is no longer on the damp sheets of your bed. Jimin’s cock feels so good inside you, yet your body protests every intrusion, your sensitive walls being stimulated in ways you’ve never experienced before. It almost hurts, but it feels too good to be called pain, something your brain can’t even begin to comprehend in its fucked out state.
He bounces you with ease, hands gripping your ass with all his strength so he can meet you stroke for stoke with the upwards thrust of his hips. You whimper nearly every time you make contact, but he can’t seem to hear it, his mind going blank in bliss. Your chin rests on his shoulder and it’s only until he feels the wetness of your tears sliding down his back that he snaps out of it, but only partly.
“(Y/n), a-are you-“
“I’m fine, baby, don’t stop.” You interrupt, wanting nothing more but to feel him let go. Although he’s worried about you and his worst fear is pushing you too far and hurting you, his hips never slow down— in fact— they get even faster, motivated to reach his end as quickly as he can. He squeezes you tightly to him, holding you still and thrusting wildly up into your dripping heat. Your fingers comb through his sweaty hair, the comforting feeling of your nails on his scalp enough to send him tipping over the edge. “That’s it, cum for me.” You whisper seductively as the first spurt of semen shoots into the condom.
Jimin seals your hips to his, fingers digging into the delicate skin of your hips as he finally reaches orgasmic release. A loud groan of you name drags out from his parted lips, and you swallow the noise with your mouth, grabbing the back of his neck to bring his lips to yours. The satisfying twitch of his member as he continues to dispense his load makes you smile into him, a feeling of accomplishment filling your chest for having survived your lover’s morning escapades. When you pull away, you give each other tired smiles, thoroughly fucked out.
“Fuck, Jimin, you have the stamina of a god.” You breathe, barely having enough breath to laugh with him. 
“Isn’t that why you married me?” He asks, showing you his boyish grin when you weakly hit his chest.
“I’m starting to regret it.” He rolls his eyes at you, but you just lean forward and kiss the tip of his nose. An exhausted look paints itself across your face and he gently lays you back, pushing strands of hair from you eyes before slowly pulling out and disposing of the condom. 
When he returns with a cloth to clean you off with, you’re almost already asleep, eyes just barely cracked to look at him. Every part of your body aches and your battered lower lips throb uncomfortably from use. But Jimin smiles at you affectionately, cleaning you as softly as he can before climbing in bed behind you and wrapping his arms around your front. 
“You did so well, jagiya. Sorry if it was too much.” He whispers into your hair. You shake your head.
“It wasn’t too much, I’m fine.” You reassure quietly, already drifting into sleep. “But promise you’ll let me rest this time.”
“Of course,” He giggles. “Goodnight sleepy head.” And with that you drift into a well deserved sleep.
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lady-fiona-rossi · 7 years
Romantic politics
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King Hong Kong
My first experience in Hong Kong when I landed at 2am was a reminder of the privilege I had in Seoul by having Ben by my side. As soon as I hopped in the taxi, I tried showing the driver the number to call for my contact at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, who I was told to call so they could give directions to the driver. But he didn’t speak English. The person at the airport spoke some English, and she tried to communicate to him whatever she thought I was saying, but he didn’t call and just gestured me to get in the car, which was a cherry red, little sedan with the driver’s seat on the right instead of the left. It being 3am by this point, after customs and bags and all, I just went for it and hoped things would work out.
The drive went fine, other than some pretty torrential tropical downpour about halfway through. Luckily that stopped when we arrived to the college campus. However, what didn’t stop was the confusion. The security guard at the gate couldn’t quite figure out what I was saying, though she also spoke some English, and started going back and forth with the driver in Chinese. I kept waiting for him to say something along the lines of “OK” and drive through the gate, but instead they just keep bantering. It was hard for me to tell if they were arguing or just baffled, but finally, after rapidly flipping through my mini Chinese dictionary for some words, I decided to try to speak up again. I showed the security guard the map on the phone showing where the dorm was, and then the name of the place. She took my phone, studied it, dragged the map around, and then said something to the taxi driver which seemed like enough to convince him it was time to enter.
We drove up a huge hill, and wandered around in the car for a while before finding my dorm. But the driver was super patient, stopping at multiple buildings to look at the sign before we found the right one. He never yelled at or got frustrated with me, and I really appreciated that kindness, especially because it was 4am at that point.
So lesson here is that traveling without knowing a language and without anyone else who does sucks. I felt really bad for being so ignorant and causing so much confusion for people, and also really helpless to contribute to the solution. It definitely convinced me that for me, traveling in the future will need to entail some language work or some good local friends at all times.
Anyway, after like 3 hours of sleep, the program started this morning. I don’t wanna go too much into detail, mostly cause there’s not too many interesting things and I’m sleepy. But one thing is that the campus here, and the landscape in general, is beautiful. Grassy, craggy hills on all sides, the ocean spreading out around us, the city lit up at night yellow and green and red and white. It’s very humid and hot, like shirt-immediately-sticks-to-your-back kind of weather. And I’ve already met some really cool people, including a woman named Kim who worked as an energy journalist for 6 years, a professor and dragonboat racer named Laila from the Philippines, and a woman from Amsterdam named Lotte who had also been to Buenos Aires and was down to chat about dumpster diving.
There’s def a lot of opportunity here to get to know some cool cats. Just gotta stay awake enough to do it.
<3 Scaht
New Words (these are just how they sound and how I spell them in my head, and doesn’t include tone marks, so be wary)
xie xie- thank you
Ni hao ma-hello
Xizao jian- bathroom
Dianhua- call (phone)
Qing- please
Zai zher- here
Is being a tourist inherently exploitative? Are places that are touristy inherently inauthentic?
These are some of the thoughts that were running through my mind today as we made our way through some pretty tourist trap kind of places. First was the big Buddha, nestled high in Hong Kong’s hills at the Po Lin Monastery. The Buddha was immense and beautiful  as we drove in a our bus around the winding edge of mountains thick with green vegetation and looking out over the bay. But when we got off the bus at the top, the first thing I saw was a shop selling keychains. Turns out the monastery has become a little tourist town, with shops, cheap snack stands and even a Buddhist monk restaurant that we ate at. It all culminated in a crowded, 10-15 flight stair climb up to the Buddha where, surprise!, there’s another snack stand and a little museum about the statue’s creation.
Anyway, it felt kinda weird to be at this supposedly holy site under the looming shadow of the Buddha, and by surrounded by selfie-takers and crying babies. But on the flipside, those tourist attractions develop in the first place because of tourists like me looking for adventure and entertainment. And not just Westerners; I saw tourists from all over Asia and Latin America as well.
The second question becomes: are touristy places inherently “inauthentic”? Is this Buddha less meaningful because lots of tourists come to it, as opposed to a Buddha hidden away somewhere? If it’s still meaningful to the monks at Po Lin and to the many Buddhists who come see it (I did see many people stopping to pray or honor the Buddha), I wonder if it matters that they’re benefitting commercially off of it as well. I wonder what the Buddha’s teaching would say about that.
<3 Scaht
New Words (these are just how they sound and how I spell them in my head, and doesn’t include tone marks, so be wary)
Ma la- Peppercorn spicy
Shir la-Wet spicy (aka it will make you sweat)
Ji Dan Zai- Egg waffle (delicious street food dessert made with waffle batter, coconut and herbs)
Vicky is this cool woman on my trip from China. She’s a couple years younger than me and is from Shenzhen, the city we’re going to next. I had a really cool convo with her today on the bus, which started when she asked me what my thoughts were about LGBTQ people.
I told her I just saw them as people, and she agreed. She told me how she has some gay friends, and how she was open minded to the idea of exploring her sexual identity in the future. We also talked about how most people in China just don’t talk about it if they’re gay, and how when she talked about the concept of homosexuality with her mom, her mom got really scared that her daughter would be gay and that would hurt the way people looked at her.
I also told her about how I started painting my nails and how my Mom had reacted to it with a lot of questions and comments that felt pretty judgmental, to the point where I got kinda made and said to her “Don’t tell me what the fuck to do with my body.” I was surprised at my reaction, maybe because I was sort of unsure why I was painting my nails in the first place. I know I like the way it looks, and I know it was a fun bonding thing with me and Megana. But I guess I wasn’t totally clear on whether I was exploring my gender identity in some ways through it. But I think it did definitely make me feel like I was embracing a more feminine part of myself and that I was taking a risk that felt kinda liberating. So when my mom started responding with that judgment, it both frustrated me that she would judge people like that at all and made me feel personally judged, which hurt.
I think it’d be super easy to be like “well, I’m out of college, guess I’m done with that.” But I don’t think that’s what I want. If it’s something I enjoy, why not keep doing it? There doesn’t need to be a super deep justification for it; it just makes me feel happy and pretty and free. And if I conform, I’m not being true to myself and playing into the dominant masculine narrative. Fuck dat.
So thanks Viki for asking some questions and opening the doors for some enlightening cross-cultural convos. Can’t wait to get some more in as we go.
<3 Scaht
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wanderlustayne-blog · 6 years
  It’s our 5th day back in India…
We arrived in New Delhi at 4am on Wednesday Oct 3rd. Exhausted but glad to be back we wandered the sleepy streets to find somewhere to stay, which funnily enough ended up being where we stayed before we left on our previous visit. – Cheap and grotty, just how Brad likes it haha. –
After getting a good 8 hours sleep we woke up at 12pm and got some bits done then spent the first day chilling and re adjusting. The next day we decided to grab the New Delhi metro to explore a bit further out to a place called Lodi Colony.
Lodi Colony is known for a small stretch of roads between blocks about a 15 minute walk from one market street to the next, where some of the buildings in between have been made into designated canvases for wall art.
Having done it ourselves and explored the area I would highly recommend taking the time to venture out on a half day trip to do it. Especially if you are a fan of grafitti/wall art. There’s some instagram worthy shots to find for sure. – I’m pretty sure we didn’t find all of them either –
You can easily get the metro and walk, or you can take other modes of transport like the tuctucs. But the metro was fast and cheap!
Take some time to explore these streets, see what you find. If you venture out a little more there is a small shanti village we happened to stumble across called Jor Bagh Road (or near it at least) I posted a couple of videos of it on Instagram. Take a look!
Here are some of the awesome pieces we found on our hunt:
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After that day we met with our old pal Rajendra Rawat! – You may remember him from a previous post I wrote way back when from my very first experience in India, you can read it here. – He brought his youngest son along with him and we ate dinner and reminisced on old times and planned a possible trip from Rishikesh to his home town this time around.
We had a bus to catch Friday night from Delhi to Rishikesh so we thought we could meet there after a few days of exploring then head to him home town and back to Delhi together.
We enjoyed our dinner, we laughed and bonded over several Indian dishes, chapatis and tap water. – I thought it was incredibly sweet that they chose to have vegetarian meals for their supper for us, when they could have had meat. Very thoughtful indeed. – We later said our goodbyes and planned to chat about possibly seeing each other in Rishikesh.
We gave this to Rajendra on our first visit 5 years ago!
If you are close to Brad, you will know as well as I do – oh trust me do I know… – that he has a little trouble adjusting to new time zones, new places, his immune system is pretty bad… It stinks! – He jokingly calls it “Reclimatisation fever”, which we later found out that the symptoms he gets is actually a thing! – If I could tell you about all of the different times he has got ill…. I could write a whole post dedicated to it, probably more! It first started out as a joke that he would always need to visit a hospital when on holiday. Then as the years we spent together progressed it then became an actual thing! When we were in Thailand for our honeymoon I had to get a doctor to come visit us because his fever was so high he was delirious and even after that visit I had to take him to mainland to an actual hospital for proper treatment. It was a very scary time and I think a story for another post…
But before I get too off topic, the very same night we saw Rajendra, our first few days back in India, Brad was struck again! We got ourselves to our room and prepped for a clammy, feverish night. His belly started to grumble and cramp and he told me he felt nauseous. We questioned what we did in the previous night and day that could be causing the upset.
“There wasn’t a lot of difference in food we were eating, apart from quantity. Could it have been the Nepali mungo curry from that restaurant around the corner?”
“Was it the delicious Pani Poori stall on the main street? No. It can’t be those, it was too clean and they were wearing gloves handling the food.”
“At dinner Rajendra told you not to drink the water from the jug the man was offering you!” – “It was bottled water, it won’t be that”
Then it suddenly dawned on me…. We had been brushing our teeth with the water from the taps. I remember vividly rinsing my mouth out and thinking how foul it tasted. Then having a flash back of the Inn keeper telling me that the plumbing was not working either…. We had been brushing our teeth, rinsing our mouths and toothbrushes with dirty stagnant water! GROSS.
It wasn’t long after that conversation my belly then started to bloat and cramp too. And before we knew it we were both hit with a mild, but still pretty hideous case of Delhi Belly! We slept for two whole days only leaving once for food at 1am on the 6th of October. It totally knocked us for six and Brad is still recovering. I managed to get away with it a bit sooner than him.
This resulted in us missing our bus to Rishikesh and spending another day in New Delhi to rest and repair.
It is now the evening of the 7th of Oct and we are finally heading out to Rishikesh tomorrow with Rajendra. We are excited!
Updates to come once we hit our new destinations.
Phir melenge, until the next post. x
Exploring The Lodi Colony – Street Art – New Delhi, India It's our 5th day back in India... We arrived in New Delhi at 4am on Wednesday Oct 3rd.
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