#and then I have some presentation slides and a draft final.
essektheylyss · 10 months
okay alright okay I can get through my workload tonight I absolutely can do it I am going to get through all of these assignments and it will be fine!
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vhagarys · 5 days
Issa Ānogar {My Blood}
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targaryen!siblings x reader, brother!aemond x reader, brother!aegon x reader, sister!helaena x reader
summary: drunken words are sober thoughts. you confess your desire for your siblings and come to find such affections are more than reciprocated.
warnings: canon-typical incest, brother x sister, eventual smut, horny reader!, sexual harassment, possessive!targ!siblings
Your eyes blearily opened as the throbbing in your head began to finally subside.
I certainly outdid myself last night. You groaned as the sun peaked through the curtains.
The prior evening’s events buzzed through your mind. You recalled chugging from your goblet atop the royal table, stuffing your mouth with lemon cakes, your siblings saving you from the pervy Lannister lord.
Your siblings…
A draft from the open windows delivered a cold sensation to your lower region. You pushed off the blankets to discover a large wet patch on the sheets, your small clothes uncomfortably damp.
You had peaked during your dream. Your dream in which you fantasized of your brothers stretching you open with their cocks while tasting your sisters sweet arousal between her thighs. Though the scenarios varied slightly each time, you had dreamt of this many a time already.
“Seven hells,” you buried your head beneath your pillow as you recalled your brazen actions.
They knew. Knew of the desire you had for them. Your cheeks burned at the thought of having to face them.
Perhaps if I lock myself in here for a fortnight they will have forgotten about my declarations.
Nothing ever sounded as appealing as that.
But, your mother’s timing never fell short of impeccable, and a quiet knock was heard at the door.
In a panic, you darted under the sheets, hoping the intruder will not see you and leave.
“My princess,” your handmaiden Elyse said softly, “The dowager queen has requested your presence at breakfast this morning. Shall I run a bath?”
You sighed in relief upon realizing who was there. You were very fortunate to have such a thoughtful and attentive handmaiden. Peeking through the covers, you shook your head.
“You know how I hate the formalities,” you narrowed your eyes at her. A small smile made its way onto her face as she bowed lightly and entered your chambers.
“That won’t be necessary, love. I may request something else though.” Curious, she approached your disheveled form and once in arms reach you dramatically clutched onto her arm.
“I believe I did something foolish last night,” you muttered. Though many may deem inappropriate, you shared many things with Elyse, developing what you hoped was a friendship with each other.
She reciprocated your touch, rubbing small circles on your lower arm. Chuckling to herself, she mused, “This wouldn’t happen to correlate with your indulgence in last nights wine, would it?”
The blush that spread across your cheeks was almost instantaneous. You pulled her down into an embrace, reciprocating her laugh.
“Ugh, I made such a fool of myself!”
Pulling back and observing the pout on your face, she couldn’t help but feel sympathetic for her friend.
Grabbing your hand, she pulled you onto your feet and led you over to your vanity and began brushing through your tangled knots.
“I thought the dress you wore last night was lovely, Y/N,” she divided your hair and started three smaller braids.
You smiled softly and reveled in the heavenly sensation of her fingers combing through your strands.
Once finished, she walked over to your closet and pulled out a satin, emerald gown. She knew how you hated to dress in a corset in the morning, thus she opted for a piece that naturally hugged onto your curves.
While she dug through your clothes, you quickly replaced your wet small clothes, preferring not to be wet between the legs at breakfast.
How she was able to transform you into something presentable, you swore was some form of witchcraft.
Sliding on some wool slippers that disappeared under your gown, you realized you would not be allowe solitary confinement.
Before opening the doors, you reached for Elyse and pleaded, “Stay with me, eat with me please,”
At this, she pulled you into a hug, “Everything will be alright, Y/N. You have nothing to be ashamed of.”
If only she knew, you gulped.
You stared at the doors to the dining room, hoping to the gods to only find your mother inside. The door creaked opened, and to your misfortunate, were soon in the presence of the very group you had prayed to avoid.
Your mother sat at the head of the table with all three of your siblings engaged in some light chatter. They all seemed cheerful as they feasted on warm lamprey pies and intricately baked raspberry tarts. The sight made your mouth water.
Upon hearing the door open, four sets of eyes landed on you.
You prayed no one could hear the loud thrum of your erratic heartbeat.
“Good morning mother, brothers, sister.” You bowed your head lightly before taking your place at the table next to Helaena.
“I trust you slept, my dear? Your siblings were informing me of your restlessness last night when they brought you to your chambers.”
Staring down at your plate, you were more interested in the pastries and fruit than entertaining any sort of conversation.
Across the table, you could feel your brothers gaze drill holes in you.
You cleared your throat, “Yes mother, I apologize for my brazenness last evening. I was just so thrilled of our families victory and indulged too heavily on the wine. It won’t happen again.���
Helaena chuckled and lightly grazed your arm, her touch seared into your skin. “It’s quite alright, dear sister. No one faults you for engaging in the celebrations.”
You shifted your gaze away from her fingers on you to her face. Looking into her eyes, there was no doubt she remembered everything that transpired last night. You offered a half smile before returning to your food.
Aegon couldn’t hide his amusement at your obvious discomfort. He added, “And you looked absolutely delightful, sister. Do tell me, where did you conjure such a beautiful gown from?” He smirked darkly at you.
Awaiting your response, you quickly lied, “I found it in my closet buried beneath some other clothes,” your cheeks were inflamed at your brother’s hidden accusation.
He shook his head, “You know, I seem to recall Helaena wearing a dress almost identical less than a fortnight ago”, an almost sadistic smile graced the kings face.
Aemond watched the scene unfold, almost wanting to step in and tell his siblings to stop their teasing. A more devilish voice in his head wanted to see you squirm, to return the favor from last night.
He leaned forward and folded his hands in front of him. You met his gaze and pleaded with your eyes for him to change the subject.
“I worried for our sister last evening. From now on, I think her intake of wine at such festivities should be monitored closely. I’d hate for something to happen to her,” he spoke to your mother yet kept his eyes fixed to you.
A surge of annoyance flared through you, gripping your fork tightly “I am not a child, that will not be necessary.”
“On the contrary, mandia. After you were nearly assaulted by the Lannister man, it would put my mind at ease knowing someone was watching over you. Perhaps I will accompany you at the next celebration.”
They were ganging up on you, attempting to humiliate you in front of your mother. Their actions only served to confirm they indeed remembered your words from the previous night.
As with many Targaryens, one of the biggest flaws were their tempers. As hard as you tried to refrain from losing yours, Aegon’s patronizing words caused you to snap.
Your fork clanged loudly on your plate as you seethed, prior thoughts of embarrassment long gone.
“Pay mind to how you speak to me, brother. I will not be disrespected.”
Aegon grinned cruelly at your outburst, satisfied for getting a rise out of you.
Your mother quickly intervened, “Enough. The matter is through. Y/N, do not be wasteful and eat.”
You gritted your teeth, the urge to slap each of your siblings the most appetizing thing in your mind.
Finishing your plate in a hurry, you asked to be excused and stormed out of the room. Your siblings all exchanged a glance as you left.
Forgoing your morning Valyrian lessons, you barged through the gates of the dragonpit, calming when you saw your dragon Vermithor.
Sensing your presence, the dragon lifted his head and nudged you with his snout.
You had claimed the ferocious dragon when you were only eight years of age. Since then, you two had developed quite a close bond.
Your mother had screamed in terror when she saw your reaching up to touch the most terrifying of beasts in the pit.
As if sensing your distress, he let out a growl to which you whispered, “Kostagon īlon sōvegon tubī?”
(Can we fly today?)
Spreading his majesty brown wings, he leaned down enough for you to climb on. Soon, you were soaring through the clouds, the transpirations with your siblings long forgotten.
You reveled in the feeling of the cold wind against your face and the freedom of escaping the daily mundanities of the land below.
A sudden twirl which caused you to hang upside down for a moment evoked a yelp from you. You laughed and Vermithor responded with a pleased grunt.
Taking refuge in the misty clouds above Dragonstone, you were blissfully unaware of the larger dragon gaining traction behind you.
Vermithor whipped his head around and let out a warning shriek. This promptly snapped you out of your day dreaming and soon saw the head of Vhagar peaking through the clouds.
“Ziry’s sȳz, ziry’s issa lēkia,” you soothed, though irked at your brother following after you.
(It’s okay, it’s my brother)
Once they were closer, you could make out the shit-eating grin on Aemonds face.
“Sōvegon qrīdrughagon hen īlva, byka mandia?”
(Running away from us, little sister?)
Vhagar let out a roar and attempted to intercept your path, to which your dragon grunted and dived down beneath the clouds.
You were happy the two of your were on the same page.
You pulled the reins towards the left, directing your dragon towards a range of mountains to the east.
“Gaomagon daor mazverdagon issa jiōragon ao,” Aemonds voice descended upon you. A shadow soon encompassed you and knew he was right above.
(Don’t make me chase you)
Vermithor let out another menacing roar, unwilling to submit despite Vhagars sizable difference.
Frustrated, you commanded your dragon to return to Kings Landing, knowing your brother wouldn’t leave you alone if you didn’t.
Dismounting from your loyal friend, you could hear Vhagar making her descent towards you.
Can this day get any worse?, you rolled your eyes.
Eager to lock yourself in the comfort of your chambers, you sprinted down the hall. It was only past noon and yet were exhausted from the emotional roller coaster today had become.
The guards looked puzzled as you approached, however you made no mind and strode past them hastily.
Any hopes of solitude died quickly as a laugh rang through the room.
Lounging on your bed laid your brother Aegon as well as your sister, both who seemed to perk at the sound of you entering.
Your annoyance was palpable. Spinning on your heels, you didn’t wish to entertain any sort of conversation with them and opted to simply relocate.
Suddenly, you collided with a hard presence, body landing with a thud on the cold marble floor. The initial shock quickly wore off and you looked up to find your brother Aemond smirking cruelly down at you.
The pot boiled over. You collected yourself and made to push past him, using as much force as you could muster.
This evoked a chuckle from him as he grabbed your outstretched arms and commanded, “Sit down.”
You wrenched yourself out of his grasp. Feeling like a corned animal, you all but shouted, “Why are you doing this?! Haven’t I made it plain that I wish to be left alone! I do not wish to fight with any of you!”
The lack of response made you throw your hands up and take a seat at your vanity. You cradled your temples with your hands as you simmered.
Your sister was the only one who seemed to take an ounce of pity on you. She sauntered towards you and removed one of your hands from your face.
“Sister, do you remember what you said to us last night?”
You froze.
The tension in the room could be sliced with a knife as they awaited your response.
Too cowardly to admit the truth, you replied with a meek, “no.”
Aegon’s mocking chuckle filled the room and you heard foosteps approach your nervous form.
His pointer finger lifted the bottom of your chin, forcing you to look up to meet his wicked gaze. You shrunk under his scrutiny.
“I think she does remember. Why else would she take such great lengths to avoid us, hm? Tell me sister, have you forgotten the feeling of my cock stiffening from your touch? I certainly haven’t.”
Embarrassment washed over you like a bucket of cold water. Though, you couldn’t stop your core from leaking at his vulgar words.
You craned your neck to look at your other brother, tears starting to teeter over the brim of your lash line.
Aemond observed you. How cute.
Dousing the flame with gasoline, Aegon continued,
“I recall her saying something along the lines of “I only want all three of you, my blood?,’ Did I mishear you, byka mandia (little sister)? Or does my innocent sister want the three of us to have our way with her, hm?”
Helaena played with a piece of your hair, and tugged lightly, evoking a small gasp from you.
“We want to hear you say it, dear. Did you truly mean those things?” a tinge of desperation could be heard in her tone.
You knew you couldn’t evade them any longer. Their heated gazes made your dress unbearably hot. A moth who ventured too close to the flame.
You murmured, “Yes, I meant it.”
She tucked the strand she’d been playing with and slowly her lips meet your cheek, similar to how you had kissed her at the banquet.
“We want you too, sweet sister. Isn’t that right, lekias,” (brothers) she cupped your cheek and the ghost of something mischievous danced across her features.
You look over to your brothers, who seemed enraptured by the scene before them.
“I’ve dreamt of claiming you as ours for quite some time,” Aegon confessed, to which Aemond agreed with a nod of his head.
Was this truly happening?, you feared the gods were playing a cruel jest on you.
A dark shadow loomed over you as your brother Aemond extended his hand to you, which you nervously took.
Once on your feet, he roughly pulled you to him, pressing your bodies together.
The room was thick with suspense, you gasped and gripped his arms to steady yourself.
Strong and sturdy, you felt yourself reveling in your brothers form against your own, you softly bit on your lower lip to stifle your heavy breathing.
Observing this, he pressed his thumb down on your lip, forcing your teeth to release it. Applying more pressure, you instinctively parted your lips.
He was enraptured by your plump, soft mouth. The innocent gaze in your eyes, the way you gripped his arms tightly to steady yourself.
The urge to manhandle you on the bed and claim his rightful place between your thighs went straight to his cock.
You let out a breath as you felt him hardening against you, filled with a sense of pride that you had such an effect on him.
Breaking you out of your trance, he gripped your hips and twisted your body so you were now facing your other siblings. His hands traveled up the sides of your hips, sending shivers down your spine, and soon began toying with the bow on the bodice of your dress.
His stiff member pressed deliciously between your cheeks.
You felt your garments loosen with every pull of your brothers nimble fingers on the strings of your corset.
A gentle voice behind you sent goosebumps down your skin.
“Be careful what you wish for, sweet girl. Get on the bed.”
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part 3??? hmmmmm
authors note: i am a tease
- alice •••
taglist: @sparklywagonghostduck @notsuremarie @suga-baby-darling @arya-brooke @roselyhills @aegonssswifey @minaridior @gruffle1 @eloiseloverwtt
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worldsover · 10 months
Will we ever get a sequel for Heejin's birthday fic? Just asking btw
Sorry. I am allergic to completing tasks to 100%. For example, as I mentioned in its author notes, there was never even meant to be a sequel since this was supposed to be one story, but instead I posted the incomplete version because the alternative was no story for her birthday. That being said, I do at least have a bit more written, so the same thing applies here: it's unfinished, but at least it's something?
Heejin Birthday Fic cont.
~2.5k words, incomplete draft of the continuation to Transcendence/Pareidolia ft. Heejin
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This wasn't fun. Well, it's a little fun. All the games the two of you play.
The best/worst part are all the videos she sends. She starts with the typical: eating an ice cream cone, having cream drip on her fingers; covering herself with oil and rubbing it over her entire body; holding a vibrator to her clit, waiting for your text about what position you want her in; showing her sopping pussy from various angles, and you can tell exactly which angle she sent you and why.
And then her videos get dirtier. There's Heejin on a vertical video, sitting on her bed, dildo deep inside her pussy, just talking. She talks about how she imagines your cock sliding in and out of her pussy, ramming her g-spot and fucking her senseless, while your fingers rub her clit and your mouth suck her tits. You would fill her up with your cum, dripping out of her pussy, down her legs. Then she would get the taste of your cock as she cleans it with her mouth, and how the cum mixing with her juices would taste even better as she slurps it all up. Heejin has a gift for describing things with vivid detail. You never realized just how eloquent her tongue could be. You can't wait until it's on yours again.
There are the times you meet and end up making out and nearly fucking, but you manage to stop. You keep each other on the brink. Sometimes you want to rip each other's clothes off and ravage the other right then and there, and your hearts would race at the thought of all the consequences and dangers involved with doing it outside. But you had to be patient; you were the one who suggested waiting, after all.
But the weeks pass, and you grow restless. You can't wait to claim Heejin as yours, in the most intimate way possible.
And finally, October 19 arrives.
The restaurant is a small, cozy establishment, with warm lighting and ambient music. You and Heejin are dressed in semi-formal attire, and you admire how beautiful she looks in her black dress, with a slit up the thigh that shows off her perfect legs. You're both a little giddy with anticipation. You feel like it's Christmas, ready to open the ultimate present, even if she's the birthday girl here.
As you sit at the table, Heejin's phone lights up with birthday messages from her friends, and you can't help but wonder what they would think if they knew about you two.
"Wow, you're popular."
She giggles. "I know, it's silly. But, it's kinda sweet."
You take a sip of water. "You know, Heejin, it's been fun, these last couple of weeks, edging. I've never gone this long."
Heejin scoffs. "You're one to talk. It's been hell for me."
"I believe you."
You start to eat your food. The flavors are rich and savory, and the portions are generous. The two of you chat about the usual stuff, like work and your family and the newest set of anime coming out, but no matter how you try, you can't resist being glued to her every touch. Her finger absentmindedly twirls around a strand of hair. Her thighs shift in her seat. A napkin wipes the side of her mouth. The candlelight, and the warmth of the establishment makes her glow, and you're hopelessly under her spell.
Of course, her heel brushing against your inner thigh doesn't help.
"You seem tense," she says.
"Great observation."
"You know, for some reason, I don't feel that full, even after all I ate."
"You wanna go to another restaurant or something?"
Heejin rolls her eyes. "That's not what I'm hungry for."
Your mouth rounds to a circle.
She rubs her heel on your pants. "What?"
You throw the napkin on the table and stand up. "Excuse me, I have to use the restroom."
Heejin bites her lip as you walk away. You enter the bathroom. It's its own individual room, fancy and well-kept. You walk up to the sink and splash cold water on your face, sighing.
You use the toilet. Then, you use your phone to find the nearest hotel and its nearest vacancy. Can't even wait to bring her home. You text her your plan for the night.
Seems even that is too much waiting. A knock. She texts you back.
> open the door.
You gulp. You do, and Heejin steps in, her breathing erratic, her smile mischievous. She pulls you by your tie for a kiss, shoving you against the door. Your tongue and hers are tangling, and you reach for her breast. Your knee is lifting her skirt, and she's grinding against it.
"Heejin," you say, "we gotta, we gotta go somewhere else."
"I can kneel here." And she does just that. "We can make this quick."
She unbuckles your pants and frees your cock, your limp-cock instantly hard in the warmth of her mouth, instantly in the back of her throat.
"Heejin, no, wait, we were saving..."
Pop. "Oh, what, like you don't wanna blow your load down my throat and cum all over my tits and face?"
She's pumping, her fingers slick and tight around your shaft, your cockhead rubbing against her face. She sucks on your balls.
"I bet you'd absolutely ruin this fucking dress with your load."
In the next five minutes, Heejin proceeds to slather your cock in her spit while sucking you down with best blowjob you've ever received. Her lips and tongue are tight, and the heat of her mouth and the vacuum of her suction feels so divine around your cock. And her moans, oh, fuck, how you missed her moans around your shaft. The vibrations tickle your skin and your nerves. You're thankful for the door and the weight of your body preventing the two of you from collapsing, because the pleasure is making your knees weak. And if that wasn't enough, Heejin is relentless in her dirty talk and her sucking.
"God, your cock is fucking amazing. I wanna drink your cum forever. I wish you could shoot your cum deep in my pussy, fill me up. I can't wait to get your cock in my cunt."
She bobs faster, deeper, sucking more intensely. You're about to burst. She knows. Heejin reaches between your legs and squeezes your balls.
Then, she pulls back. Pop. "So, where's the hotel?"
You pay for your meals, and then you're on the way to the hotel. It's a short taxi ride away, and the two of you keep your hands to yourself.
Once you're in the elevator, you hold Heejin's waist, and she faces you, giggling.
"What?" you ask.
"Nothing," she says. "Just… happy."
You lean down to kiss her. "Have I told you enough that you're the prettiest girl on the planet?"
"A couple times." She kisses back. "I don't mind you telling me more."
You brush strands of hair away from her face. She puts her hands on your face. Your hand slides up her waist to cup her cheek. She runs her thumb across your bottom lip.
Ding. The elevator doors open, and you step into the hallway. Your room is a few steps down, and you unlock the door.
It's a basic suite, and you don't waste time, dropping your stuff, locking the door, and moving to the bed, pushing Heejin down and kneeling to her height.
She giggles. "Gotta catch up, huh?"
You slide her shoes off her feet, then your own. Then, you slip your hands under her dress and hook a finger on her panties, moving them down her legs. All the while, she takes off your suit jacket and undoes your belt. You move Heejin's panties completely off her ankles. They're soaked. She lies down on the bed.
Your cock is throbbing, but you can't stop staring at the view.
She blushes. "N-no, no more edging. Please. I need to cum, so, so fucking bad. I need you in me, right fucking now."
You swallow. "Don't worry. I'll be inside you soon enough. Just, lemme get a good look of your body first."
Heejin smiles. "My body, huh? What, what's so special about it?"
You're on top of Heejin now, caressing her face.
"Everything," you repeat. You lower your head. "Especially your eyes." You lower your head again. "And your lips." You kiss them. "And your neck." You kiss. She moans. You continue kissing downwards, licking along her collarbone, nibbling on the side of her throat, biting her shoulder. Then you lick the valley between her breasts, pull down the neckline of her dress, and lick circles on her nipples. You hike up the hem of dres to reach a hand to her pussy. "And, this." You rub her lips.
She moans. "What… about that?"
You crawl lower, your face between her legs. You spread her lips, already wet, and you stick your tongue inside her hole. "The prettiest pussy I've ever seen." You lick up her slit.
Heejin grabs your hair and pulls you. "I'm sorry, but I can't wait anymore. Fuck me."
You wipe your mouth. "Yeah, yeah, sorry."
"Just… put it in me already."
You get on your knees and rub your cockhead against Heejin's lips, smearing pre-cum. You rub it around her clit, and she shudders, whimpering.
Heejin pushes on your chest. "Wait, hold on, sit up. I wanna watch. Please. Your cock… entering me. I can't wait to see it."
You nod. Heejin sits up too. You grab Heejin's thighs and spread them. Your cockhead rubs against Heejin's entrance again.
"Holy shit, holy shit," she says.
You lick your lips. You push your cock into Heejin's hole, and your head is swimming in her heat, her wetness. Her pussy is already sucking you in, and Heejin is already moaning, and her whole body is already trembling.
"Shit, Heejin, you're already going to cum?"
She nods. "Yes! I'm sorry, it's just, you're finally, finally inside me. I've dreamed about this, so many times, and now it's happening."
"Me too. It's fine, it's fine." You pull back, and then you thrust again, a bit deeper, and Heejin shudders again. "Holy shit."
You pump slowly, Heejin moaning louder and louder, her pussy squeezing you tighter and tighter. Your grip on her thighs is tight, and you push her down, burying your cock deeper. Her back arches, and you start thrusting faster. You grunt. Heejin's pussy is milking your cock, sucking you deeper, and you're pounding her cunt, her moans and your grunts filling the room, until she lets out a scream, a high-pitched, satisfied noise, and her walls are convulsing. And just as you said, you empty your load deep inside her, rope after rope, a thick batch of semen pooling in her hole and leaking past your shaft.
"Holy… shit," she says. Heejin's trying to catch her breath. She looks up at you, a slight smirk on her face. "You're still hard, right?"
You look down. You're still hard.
Even though her legs writhe and her toes curl, she fucks herself into your shaft, covering it in more and more cream.
"Fucking, hell, Heejin, just like that?" You clench your jaw.
"Yeah. Yeah, we just started. I love watching you pump your cock in and out of my pussy, seeing it get all sloppy."
You chuckle. "Slut."
"For you." She wraps her legs around your waist, her arms around your back. "Wreck me."
You can do nothing but comply. Heejin's eyes roll back, her lips tremble, and her nails dig into your back, and you fuck her, you fuck Heejin, hard. Using your own creampie as lube, your cock plunges and slams inside Heejin's pussy, over and over. You pick her up from the bed and pound into her as you carry her around the room, making loud wet slaps fill the air. Then, you set her down on the desk, gripping her shoulders, and the room shakes with your thrusts.
Heejin screams and babbles. You're about to cum again already, and so is she. You love her expression, like she's completely drunk to your cock as she loses herself to the pleasure of it stuffing her, pushing your first creampie out just to fill her up again. You're sure she can feel your heartbeat from how far your cock is in her womb. You slow down, then you pull out. Heejin's pussy is drooling cum, and she lies flat on the desk. Your head is so light that you only just now realize you're still cumming, so you jack off onto her body, mainly covering her dress in cum, though some of it reaches her chin. Heejin promptly licks that clean.
"Why," she says. "Why'd you stop? You're, you're still hard. Please."
"Turn around. Get on your hands and knees."
She obeys. "Yes, sir," she says, and you like the way she says that.
You grab Heejin's waist, and then you slam into her pussy. Your pace is just as brutal as when you started the night. Turns out that edging for weeks, then cumming inside a woman's tight pussy, then pulling out and painting her in your cum is more than enough to keep your cock rock hard, and Heejin is more than eager to have your cock pounding her hole as many times as you want.
After the fourth round, your fifth climax, Heejin is a mess on the bed, and so is your cock. It's covered in her cum and your cum and some of her saliva, and her tongue is lazily circling your cockhead while she rests her head on your thighs.
"Do you, do you want to keep going?"
Heejin nods. "Why? Are you tired?"
"I mean, I'm pretty sure I have another few in me. But my abs are killing me."
"Oh yeah? You should try doing planks."
"The way you do them? Yeah, ri—" You're interrupted when Heejin climbs up your body and grabs your cock. You flinch. "No, wait, wait, wait. Wait, Heejin."
"Are you afraid?"
You gulp. "Very."
"I promise it won't hurt. It'll be fun."
When Heejin says it, you believe her. "Fine. Go for it."
Heejin grins. "Awesome." As she positions herself over your shaft, the creampie you filled her with starts to leak onto your stomach, and she holds your cock to point it up towards her hole. She lowers her pussy, and your cock enters her again. She rides you, holding your cock by the base so that the entire time, you feel the entirety of her tunnel envelop you, and your cum is squishing all over her insides.
If I do get around to finishing the story, I will probably delete this and the initial version of Transcendence, post the full version instead. Big if.
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hyperfixat · 3 months
found this game in my steam wishlist 😭 i remember putting it in there and i forgot abt it for so long but i got around to playing it and !!! Okay!
So naturally, as one does, i decided to write a fic where u fucking kill yourself Obvious CW for suicide and overdosing on painkillers
(okay there’s kinda an open ending) anyway 1.2k words. GO.
You had no intention of winning your bet. Sure you taunt and tease the reaper, even before knowing who (rather what) he is, but you don’t intend on taking his soul. You wouldn’t even know how to take a soul if push came to shove.
It’s been an idle plan in your mind for years now. Suicide, that is. So when someone contacts you asking for your soul, you assume whatever god was overseeing you had a sick sense of humor.
Honestly, you think this “Grim Reaper” guy is planning on making a snuff film out of you. When you make your first call you think, this doesn't look like the type of guy to make snuff films. Hey, maybe he’s some rich pervert, using his fortune to prey on random people by installing spyware and stalking them before getting his rocks off to their death.
This false impression of Grim comes to a harsh end when he literally takes a stroll inside of you. And does stuff. You’re not quite sure what the hell that was about, but, again, this guy is either death incarnate or way richer than you had initially given him credit for.
You wonder if your ideas are graffitied on your soul, mindscape, wherever it was Grim ventured. It, this cosmically far away concept of the depression you have become, has been a shadow over your life. Surely it stained itself into your very being.
If there was any indication of that you’d like to think Grim would have mentioned the blight bleeding into you. But he doesn’t. So you don’t ask.
All too soon your week is coming to a close. You can’t lie to yourself and say you haven’t been falling for Casper (he had indulged you in his real name), but you’ve been looking for an excuse to do this for years and you won’t let someone you’ve known for less than a week hold you back.
Really you’re doing him a favor.
Maybe you should have done this sooner.
You are meant to be dead. Was it supposed to be by your own hands all along? Were you truly too much a coward until this very day to finally do it?
It’s cruel to leave your pet behind, but you hope they have it in them to forgive you. Grim seemed to think they were cute, hopefully he’ll agree to take care of them. You draft up a message to send to him before you trudge to your medicine cabinet. The value pack of 500 painkillers stares back at you, taunting.
No time like the present. You grab the bottle and take it to your kitchen, pouring a big cup of soda. You want to go out drinking your favorite drink and water is for losers. Popping the child safety lock off you pour out a handful of pills. How many would you have to take to get the job done, you wonder.
Well, it’s not like anyone else needs them, so you go handful by handful and down as much of the container as you can, before your stomach starts to ache. It’s likely the ache is from how full you are, but it could be your system beginning to realize something is wrong with your body, so you slide into your desk chair and open up the chatroom.
Grim is online. He’ll probably rush to your place. Out of excitement? Duty? Fear? Pity? There are too many possible outcomes, but you want to make sure the message gets sent, so you paste it into your chat bar, watching the line flickering at the end, prompting you to either send or type more.
Now your stomach is really starting to roll. You lean over and grab your trash bucket, holding it to your chest. Only when your burps start to taste like stale medicine do you hit the enter bar, sending the message.
Don’t do it.
I’m coming over now.
Hm. That last message forces a chuckle out of you. Does he know what that means? An open contradiction; unless he’s gullible enough to believe it means Keep Yourself Safe.
Yeah, he definitely thinks it means keep yourself safe.
A bit late for that, though.
You have enough cognition to stumble forward and lock your window. A mere glass panel won’t stave death away, but hopefully you’ll have passed by the time Casper breaks it or breaks in through other means. You fall back into your spinning chair, and the momentum slides you halfway to your bed. That’s far enough away where you have a clear view of your window.
With glazed over eyes and a heavy slouch you watch as Casper flies up as if propelled by a very steep zipline. His eyes are wide and alert as he attempts to lift your window, a harsh contrast to your own.
He’s saying something but the window and your brain muffles it, probably telling you to let him in. Tough luck is what you’d tell him if your mouth wasn’t salivating so much. Casper bangs on your window at a frantic and fearful pace. Your emotions are swiftly changing.
You want to console him, hold him and tell him it’s alright. You know this is what you deserve, what’s been coming for you. Though it’s not in your best interest, you think your body is past the point of saving, not without some serious medical know how, so you stumble on deer legs to pop the lock open on the window.
Casper wastes no time in flinging it up and open.
“What have you done?” He’s all over you in an instant. Hands in your hair; hands on your face, peering into your dazed eyes, hands over your chest, hands feeling your abdomen. Casper looks distraught.
“It’s okay.” You reassure him, though your words sound oddly gurgle-y. “You win, it’s okay.”
“I don’t want to win. I forfeit, please, what have you done, tell me, I can fix this.” Casper speaks fast as if the haste with which he delivers his words will somehow fix you. His hands settle on either side of your face. “Look into my eyes, everything is going to be alright. I’m not upset, I’m not mad, please look into my eyes.” His words are like a mantra, and the desperation in his tone makes you compelled to follow his instructions.
The tears in his red eyes refract the light like rubies. You can’t imagine anything more beautiful.
“Can you imagine a bridge for me?” Casper’s hands are shaking against your face, the tremors get worse when you shake your head ‘no.’
“It’s okay.” You repeat yourself. “I love you, okay?” In another situation, far less serious than this, Casper would make fun of your excessive use of the word, but he barely notices.
“That’s alright, that’s alright, just keep looking into my eyes, got it?” Yes, you want to do that, Casper has the prettiest eyes. You wouldn‘t mind them being the last thing you see. That would be a lovely final view, you think.
They are.
the endings i thought of are:
one; you fucking die
two; casper establishes a soul mind link and gives you part of himself to keep your tethered to your body for long enough that you heal and you don’t die
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callme-darling · 7 months
What if we give Vincent some angst, breaking up with him because all he does is work :((
sometimes, love isn’t enough
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word count: 680
warnings: fem reader, angst (i LOVE angst hehe)
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if there’s one thing you understood before getting serious with vincent, it was that his work hours and workload would require a significant amount of his time and attention. you understood that, and you rolled with it. for awhile, at least.
it wasn’t so bad in the beginning. sure, he’d be a little late coming home sometimes, the dinner you prepared having gone cold sitting on the stove. but dinner could be reheated, and he was always present when talking to you, so you let that slide.
but when the late nights in the office began to bleed into reservations planned out months ahead, you couldn’t deny the hurt. or his growing nonchalance to missing milestones; that was when the attitude you had managed to keep began to falter.
you stopped asking him when he expected to be home, knowing that whatever answer he gave you would likely run at least two hours later. for nearly a week you even stopped talking to him, just to see if he’d notice. he didn’t.
thus, your decision was made. you packed all of your clothes and most of your smaller possessions while he was at work. no rush, you’d joke to yourself, there’s plenty of time to leave someone who never felt your absence in the first place. despite your reservations on leaving, it still tasted bitter. your bottom lip quivered as you gingerly tucked the final picture frames in your suitcase.
most of your bags had already been packed in your car, and you were exhausted by the time you got the last one slotted into the backseat. it was dusk and you knew you had a long drive to your friends house.
a handwritten letter sat on the dining table, drafted as a final farewell and touch of love you weren’t sure would even be felt.
forgive me, but this seemed better. i’d rather have you remember me as the coward who wrote my fears rather than how i ruined everything by saying them out loud.
i love you, i do. but i’m afraid i’ve made that love too important. because you’re going to leave me. we can’t deny it, you’re always going to leave. i could feel it already. i’ve never felt more alone than in a room with you. i’m afraid i’ll love you forever and we will never be in the same room again. i know you look at me, but do you still see me?
i think we both deserve a soft epilogue. no screaming, no tears, no chance for a hurtful exchange. so i’ll finish this with a simple goodbye. that would be better than saying something dangerous, like i love you.
a few hours later, when you’re already halfway to the coast of bordeaux where your friend is waiting for you, your phone dings in the cupholder. ‘where are you?’ a few minutes pass before a picture of vincent’s smiling face illuminates the small screen as it vibrates. you let it ring until the screens goes black. a moment later a stream of messages chime. ‘please answer darling’ ‘where are you going?’ ‘answer the phone, please y/n’. then another call attempt. you ignore that one too.
your eyes began to sting as your throat constricts. you didn’t want to leave, let alone leave like this, but you knew yourself too well. if you had stayed, waited for him to come home, you knew you’d stay for good. at least, until it got bad again. and thus, by running away like some coward, you’re escaping a fatal cycle, you convinced yourself over and over again. it was the right move, he’ll move on soon enough, and i will too, the voice in your head reminded you.
what hurt the most, you supposed, was not the fact that you were unloved. vincent loved you, you were certain of that. but it still wasn’t enough. that is where your pain lives.
and for the remaining two hour drive to bordeaux, you wept quietly to yourself, knowing vincent was doing the same in the home you once shared.
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darkwaveho · 10 months
Damage Control
Summary: You went through hell just to get this vacation, and everything has been going smooth but how long will it last?
Parings: Mob!Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Warnings: 18+, violence, fluff, jealousy, hurt -comfort, angst, drug use, alcohol use, bondage, edging, orgasm denial, Oral, fingering, overstimulation, scissoring, tribbing, psychotic le$beans <3
A/n: This shit is long asf lmaoo so if you don't have time to read it in one sitting I would probably wait until you do, buut that's just me idk? never again (unless on A03) anyway, I hope you guys like it and thank you guys for being patient with me. I know I promised this chapter like a year ago but I'm happy to finally post this and get it out of my dusty drafts folder.😂💜
Damage Control Masterlist
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During the whole vacation trip Natasha was insatiable, never letting you get an inch before her hands and lips were on you. she fucked you anywhere she could. That whole situation in the warehouse was a wakeup call for her and she would never take you for granted ever again.
“Tashh, enough.” you whine into the pillow she licks a long stripe up the center of your neck before she bites your skin. “That’s not what you said last night.” she drags her lips against your skin and drips her head down to lower each kiss further down your body. “In fact, I believe the words that came out of your mouth was ‘more, don’t stop, more." She mocks you with pride, smirking against your skin as she travels dangerously closer to your covered sex.
“Shut up.” you harshly yank her hair in retaliation. “Shut me up then.” she smirks after she bites your cheek in retaliation and tugs on your panties you move her hand away from the expensive lace. “I’m serious, I still need to get dressed. we both still need to get dressed” you correct yourself and huff beneath her. “We can stay in and go to the club another night.” you roll over on top of her as she was caught off guard. thinking she’s won you over she places her hands on your hips waiting for you to give her what she wants.
“We’re going.” you untangle her hands from your hips and walk into the bathroom to fully dress yourself. “You know you want to; I don’t even know why you’re denying it right now.”
“We’re not staying cooped up here in the penthouse tonight, Tash. we already missed our dinner reservations.”
“Well, whose fault is that? you’re wearing my favorite set. what’d you expect?”
“I expect you to have some self-control but we both know you don’t know what that is, don’t we?” you snap back at her not caring if you bruised her ego or hurt her for bringing the amber thing back up in her face. Okay you haven’t completely forgiven her; you still threw things up in her face any chance you got, and Natasha couldn’t do anything but sit there and take it. she sighs on the bed waiting for you to return from the bathroom.
She checks her phone for any updates on anything back home. nothing out of the ordinary, Yelena bugging her about when you’re coming back because she misses her bestie and Clint dealing with import deals. She also saw a couple of text messages from Melina. Once she saw the mention of his name on her screen, she shut the whole thing down completely. She needed to take her mind off of it. There was no way she was going out tonight, she wouldn’t be up to partying now.
“Why aren’t you dressed yet?” you stand in front of her on the bed hand placed on your hip annoyance present on your face. say lays there on the silk sheet in her button up blouse that she was too lazy to button up at the moment and no pants. she stands giving you a better view of the lace that pressed against her body. she nears you with hunger and an unwavering gaze. she was mesmerized. staring at you, admiring your beauty. there was also a look on her face that you know too well, something set her off and she needs a distraction, a way to release her emotions.
“Look at you baby, absolutely breathtaking.” she swiftly slides her hand under the tight dress running her hands against your soft skin. “Tash, no. I already said we were going.” you try to remain firm on your plans, she’s done this many times before to sway you into doing what she wanted.
“Please.” you groan from hearing her beg and she knows it’s a weakness of yours. you rarely ever heard her beg. after almost losing you forever she’s wanted nothing more than to keep you to herself in this penthouse. “I’ll make it up to you in the morning, sweet face. We can have our own party right here.” You stand firmly on your decision by unlinking her hands from around your waist. “No, I said we’re going, if you're not downstairs in 10 minutes I’ll just go by myself.” You grab your jacket and make your way to the door.
“You wouldn’t leave me.” She replies with confidence, maybe the old you wouldn’t have but the Amber situation brought things up in a new light you were tired of her shit. You had just as much if not equal power as she did; you were no longer going to let things slide so easily. “I guess you’ll find out in about…” You glance at your phone to view the time. “Seven minutes now.”
Natasha sighs heavily as you leave her alone in the penthouse. She really didn’t feel like going out and maybe she should’ve given you more details about why she had a change of heart but then that meant she had to talk about it. She also didn’t want to spend the remainder of the night alone, so she put the rest of her outfit together, but she didn't rush to finish. Ignoring the time frame, you set for her. She was deliberately ignoring the timeframe you set for her just to remind you of who was still in charge regardless of how sorry she was for her mistake. Natasha is the one calling the shots, at least that’s what she thinks.
She makes her way downstairs coming out of the building as the doorman holds the door open for her. She waits patiently still not seeing the driver's car. She calls you promptly and you let the phone ring on the first call just to be petty. Truth, is you left immediately after you made it downstairs. Telling the driver that you had a change of heart and that you were still going to the club. “Y/n, where are you?” She has to shout into the phone and now it away from her ear as the loud screams and music drum through her ear. “I’m at the club, duh. You took too long.” Natasha goes to yell at you for leaving her. You weren’t even sitting outside for no longer than ten minutes. Her lips part but remain in place as she hears the mentions of body shots. She hears your voice agreeing and cheering on the crowd. “Y/n I swear to god! We’ve been doing so well on vacation, don't do anything stupid to ruin it.”
“It's called having fun Natasha, you could be having fun with me and my new friends right now if you came downstairs in a timely matter.” The only words that seem to register in her head is “new friends” “Listen, very carefully I will leave bodies all throughout this city if I have to, don’t add more deaths to your consciousness.” If Natasha could see your face on the other end of the phone, she would have regretted saying those words to you. She knows how hard you tried staying away from actually getting your hands dirty, not only was Amber a contest reminder of infidelity but a constant reminder that no matter how hard you tried you still had the blood of a killer in you.
“Well, I guess I should tell you to have fun on your Gta rampage then. I’ll see you back at the penthouse.” just as you finish your response the drunken woman you've come really close to in a matter of minutes comes back with your drinks. The only thing Natasha can accurately make out is that it was your turn for body shots. If that meant you licking someone else's body or someone else licking your body, she didn’t know, and she didn't care. It shouldn't be happening. She doesn’t expect the growl to escape her throat as she yells into the phone again, but this level of disrespect was causing her to lose every inch of restraint she's been holding back on this entire trip.
“Bye Tash!” You end the call with a muffled laugh as the phone goes dead. Natasha fumes by the curb, the realization of the club music no longer playing on her phone. Your voice filled with excitement. You, having fun without her. Having fun with strangers. Would you be bold enough to get even with her after everything she's doing to show you how sorry she was? Natasha’s not going to stand here and think about scenarios like that. If this is the game you wanted to play, fine she down to play but she won't be holding herself accountable for what comes out of it. Natasha gathers her thoughts and calls a contact to pick her up. As she sits in the vehicle dangerously calm, and stone faced. The inner part of her is excited. Yes, excited to cause a bit of chaos. She’s been loving vacation time with you, but it wasn’t every day that she gets to go on a rampage. The other non-rational devil on her shoulder keeps repeating that you're pushing her to do this. You want her to act this way. You want to see innocent people die and get hurt. One thing Nat is always good for is making your wish come true.
Natasha swears she made it in record time telling her driver to run every red light that tried to slow her down. Her fast-paced steps hold a rhythm as she searches for you within the dark and crowded room. when she spots you by the bar preparing to lay on the counter the rage overloaded as she stomps her way over to you.
“Did you think that was fucking funny?” she adds more force behind the yanking of your neck. She practically drags you to the corner of the bar before a bystander approaches her for her aggressive actions. "Hey, leave her alone!” She naps her head around to face the person who dared speak to her and inserts herself in her relationship conflicts. “What the fuck did you just say to me?” The man doesn’t back down clearly not knowing who Natasha is and what her level of power was. “You heard what I said.” he reaches for you, thinking that you were actually in danger. You’re too buzzed to actually tell him that everything was okay. That and the fact that Natasha was jealous and angry had you wanting to see how things would play out.
Natasha lands a swift and impactful hit to his throat, crushing his air supply momentarily. As the man holds his neck in pain while coughing up a lung Natasha watches him still not satisfied with the damage. “Fuck!” The man cries out in pain. Always the observant one, Natasha picked up the abandoned glass off the bar and in one swift motion she lodged the shattered piece of glass into the man’s neck. Blood splatters out as the man's face raises in panic, he holds the wound on his neck for dear life desperately trying to keep all the blood from flowing out as much as possible. “You crazy bitch.”
The outburst caused a scene within the club, people yelling and screaming from the escalated fight that just occurred before their very eyes.
“What the hell is going on?” The woman's voice sounds louder than the music and the frantic screams in the club. Natasha turns her head with pinch brows as she recognizes the voice. “Long time no see.” she smirks to the woman and you stand there clueless looking back and forth between the two. “I should've known it was you Romanoff, what the hell are you doing wrecking my club?”
“Relax Sharon, it’s just a flesh wound he’ll be fine.” the blonde woman sighs and brushes it off, calling her worker over to clean up the mess. “Come on, let me show you to the VIP section.” Natasha quickly interjects Sharon’s offer.
“Oh that won't be necessary, we aren't staying anymore since this one wanted to get a rise out of me.” she clenches your forearm as she responds to Sharon, an obvious sign that you really made her mad tonight.
“Oh, come on, you can't come to madripoor unannounced, trash my club and then leave, have some class, Natasha. I mean unless you’re still working under Alexei and have no time for fun, or a social life then never mind.” Sharon pokes fun at her knowing she'd get her to stay at least for an hour by bringing up Alexei’s name. She turns away from you and Natasha and halts when Natasha's voice reaches her ears once more.
“We’ll stay for about an hour or so, my sweet face here already started partying without me.” she reminds you of what you did just to make you feel guilty. For making her lash out like that when this was supposed to be a relaxing time for the both of you to reconnect and just enjoy the sense of a normal relationship vacation trip.
“Ah so this is y/n? Had I known that you were in my establishment I would have treated you to a much more luxurious greeting.” Sharon grasps your hand with the utmost gentle care. “I’m Sharon Carter, nice to finally put a name to a face.” You rarely were involved with Natasha’s business. After what happened to your father you tried to block that part of your life out. So, it shocks you that Natasha would mention your name to someone you haven’t met before. “Sup Sharon.” You reply back to her and shake her hand that hasn’t left yours during this whole interaction. She accepts the greeting and releases your soft hand. Sharon turns to Natasha and motions with a tilted head nod for her to follow.
“So, I can count on you to spend a little more for that outburst you caused earlier?” Sharon speaks over the loud music as she leads you both to the top level of the club.
“Well, that depends.” Natasha shouts back and keeps you pinned to her side to make sure you don’t wander off causing more headaches for her.
“On what?” Sharon questions Natasha's response, only her focus was on you and your inebriated, loopy state. “If you keep making sly touches and glances at my girlfriend ” It takes Natasha to yank you by your clothes for Sharon to bring her attention back to Nat’s unamused glare. Sharon clears her throat and rolls her eyes. “Right, I forgot you’re not big on sharing.”
“Let’s hope you don’t forget that again, for your own sake.” Only Natasha could be this unfazed about making threats to Sharon in her own environment. The remainder of the walk was silent apart from the loud music and passing conversations.
“Let me know if you need anything.” Sharon showed you to the table right above the dance floor. Natasha sat down in the booth and drinks were brought to the table immediately. Natasha didn't say one word to you, she spoke about you as if you weren't sitting right next to her silently begging for her to acknowledge you, touch you, look at you or something.
You start thinking that maybe you went a little too far tonight, but then you remember that she had no right to act this way when she was the one who stepped out on you and this relationship. You throw back a vodka shot and stand from the booth. The sound of the glass firmly slamming against the table brought her attention to you, only this time you weren't really seeking for her anymore and she could sense that. The sudden movement of you standing has Natasha's grip on your wrist in an instant. “Where are you going?” Natasha's grip on your arm for the second time that night did not hold back on the amount of strength she used on you. "The restroom.” you reply back to her with gritted teeth and an annoyed attitude. She raises her eyebrow at the tone of your voice, maybe she’s been too soft with you. Let this be no mistake she was sorry for what she did, and she wanted to do anything to make it up to you, but she would never tolerate this level of disrespect, especially in a public setting. You know better.
The image she possessed was everything to Natasha, it always has been and it always will be. She releases you and turns back to her abandoned drink and lights a cigar. Silently telling you it was Okay to leave from the vip section. Sharon comes back to the vip section not expecting you to be absent. “Where’s your troublemaker?” She sits down across from Natasha casually fixing the cuffs of her suit jacket.
“What do you want, Carter?” Natasha takes the cigar out of her mouth as smoke fills the area. “Well, I wouldn’t be a businesswoman if I didn’t at least try to tempt you into something, now, would I?” Natasha doesn’t even hesitate with an answer. “No.” Sharon’s face drops from rejection and Natasha’s blunt but playful response. “Oh, c’mon you haven’t even heard me out yet.” Natasha looks Sharon over for a moment and thinks what warm could it do to at least hear the proposal. “Alright, fine but don’t waste my time.” Sharon smiles as she’s won Natasha over; she also knows the amount of money the two of them could make would have her set for life without any worry.
During that time of discussing business Natasha lost track of time and your absence. She searches the crowd from above until her eyes land on you, on the dance floor dancing but of course you're not alone why would you be when you look that good in a club filled past its maximum capacity. “Nice, catching up with you Sharon but we have to get going now.'' Natasha puts the cigar out and throws back her drink before slamming the glass down against the marble tabletop. The glass cracks from the brutal force but Sharon doesn’t complain about it, she could care less about a glass right now, her mind was too busy focused on her future financial luxury that would be coming her way.
You let the music take over as all the negative energy fades away from your body. You dance close with strangers, well one woman wasn’t really a stranger you met her in the restroom. After a few traded compliments you two have since then become best friends even if she doesn’t know your name. As your body grinds against others without a care in the world you're once again snatched up and pulled away from the dance floor. "Ouch!" You yell out in pain, but Natasha continues on her mission to exit the club with her hand firmly around the back of your neck.
“Get in the car.” she shoves you into the backseat. “Aww are you mad at me baby?” you inch toward her with a condescending pout on your face. You reach for her face to bring her closer, she dodges with ease. Setting her jaw and sticking to keeping her eyes on the window she wasn’t in the mood to play your game.
The moment you were about to cave in and apologize to her, the car door opened on your end, surprising you both. Natasha was seconds away from blowing a hole into the intruders head just because she’s away on vacation doesn’t mean she let her guard down. She was always aware and alert. The sound of the bullet never comes as she blinks away the utter disbelief that someone would be stupid enough to enter her vehicle. It’s the woman you were on the dance floor with.
“Omg I was looking all over for you! One minute we were drowning in vodka, sharing a blunt and then the next you were gone babe by.” She moves the hair from her eyes and leans a little closer to you. She was obviously more drunk than you, not even taking notice of the gun barrel that was aimed at her head. “Omg you found me!” You move away from Nat scooting closer to the other side of the seat.
“Of course, I did! Now why don’t we take this party back to your place, we can have more fun with just us.” her hands start to travel in places that only belonged to the fuming red head seated on the opposite side of you.
“Absolutely not!”
“Cmon Tash live a little, I don’t mind at all” The woman snorts thin white powder from her wrist, that seemed to get Natasha’s attention again but what comes after it has her considering cutting this trip short and ending her no kill rule for this trip. The woman plants her lips onto yours. Humming in delight and moaning in ecstasy. It was quick but calculated so much so that her tongue sneaked its way past your lips for the second time tonight.
Natasha had enough. There was a part of her that thought this through, thoughts of participating in a threesome, thoughts of letting you sleep with someone else for what she did to you, but she could never go through with it, she was selfish and a hypocrite.
Her apology would have to be enough because once again she’s not big on sharing and she’s definitely not big on sharing when it comes to you, she’s had many requests over the entirety of your relationship. All have been shot down over the request and some have literally been shot at for even proposing such a thing. “Get the fuck out!” Natasha shields you away from the drunken woman pulling you onto her lap and raising the gun to a better eye level. “Woah, hey! No need to get violent red. I was going to give you a taste next.” She raises her hands up in surrender. She furrows her eyes and does a seductive motion, slowly lifting her dress up to change Natasha’s mind. “Mm can we take her home Tash?” You bite your lip as you slowly wait for the drunken women to reveal more.
“Don’t move your hands any further unless you want me to chop them off! Now get out!” You can only giggle hysterically at the interaction between the two of them. Natasha smacks your ass to quiet your annoying drunken giggles and gives the woman one last chance to exit the vehicle before the entire back seat interior was covered with her brains. If she even had a brain. She understands the seriousness now or either she’s started to slowly sober up but she doesn’t say anything else as she exits the car finally. “Byee madissyn.” You slur your words as you watch her leave the vehicle. Natasha grabs your face harshly turning you around to face her, and for the first time tonight she looks deeply into your eyes and lifts your eyelids. “Did you fucking take something?” You giggle and mock her as a reply “dId yOu fuckin take something.”
“Relax, it’s nothing we haven’t done before.” Natasha doesn’t need you to go further she can tell by your dilated pupils and the way you can’t sit still in the leather seats. Ecstasy. She knows the signs partly because you’ve done it together a few times when you were younger. She can’t decide if she’s upset that you took it from a stranger or the fact that you took it without her.
“Are you out of your goddamn mind? You don’t even know her!” Natasha shoves you to the other side of the seat and instructs the driver to head back to the penthouse. You've made her mad, mission accomplished but at what cost?
Entering the penthouse Natasha goes straight to the bar by the window, taking her jacket off and tossing it on the bar stool. For some reason it annoys you, how could she be so upset and hurt when all you did was dance and participate in harmless body shot fun. Okay maybe it wasn’t as innocent as you made it out to be but the fact that she was being hypocritical right now only angered you more. “You’re upset about a dance, body shots, shotgunning some weed and some ecstasy pills?” She keeps her back turned towards you as she sips on her drink. You walk closer to her stumbling a bit when you near the bar.
“It was more than that and you know it, the whore even followed us out to the car and had the nerve to touch you! We didn’t discuss anything about bringing a strange whore into our bed!” She deeply inhales and exhales, closing her eyes to maintain her calm demeanor. “Get away from me y/n, I’m not in the mood to even look at you right now.”
“Aww did you not like her touching my body?”
”Y/n” she says in a warning tone, her face is stern but the way her lips pout in a cute way only makes you want to push further.. “Did you not like her lips grazing mine?”
“I’m warning you, watch what comes out of your mouth.” You challenge her, what could she possibly do when she vowed not to hit you in that way again? You brush off her warning threat and you can’t fully blame it on the drugs and the alcohol for what comes out of your mouth because truth be told it’s been on your mind since that day.
“I would hate to see the look on your face when I actually do decide to fuck someone else!” Her hand finds comfort around your throat, your back pressed against the wall as you struggle to breathe. Natasha doesn’t look like she’s letting go of you anytime soon. Being in this position was a sense of deja vu. Being back home in the bedroom after finding out about Natasha's true actions at Tony’s club, but this time it didn’t end with you receiving a slap to the face and a split lip.
“You don’t mean that.”
“Don’t tell me what I don’t m-“ your snappy response gets cut off when you feel the ripped fabric of your skirt. cold air exposing you and the wet spot of your fancy lingerie. “You think someone can fuck you better than me?”
“The way you’ve soaked your panties tells me otherwise, did you like making me mad? You like seeing me go crazy over you?” Your breathing picks up as she moves closer to you. Her lips ghosting over yours. Everything she said was true, you just wanted to be petty tonight, and give her a taste of what could happen if she ever stepped out on you again. There is always someone out there that would kill for a night with you.
“I asked you a question” she tightens her grip on your neck no doubt a bruise will be left when her hand finally retracts from your skin. You offer no reply back to your girlfriend, only smiling menacingly at her and placing your hand on top of hers adding more pressure to your restricted airway. A flash of excitement rushes through Natasha. You weren’t always like this, so willing to initiate certain kinks like airplay. “I know everything about you and your body, I know what sets you off, and I know I’m the only person that can make you cry out to god.” You don’t hide any sense of humility. Smugness plastered across your face. It’s not enough, you really want to push her.
“Unfortunately for you the same can’t be said for me.” You’ve pushed too far deep now. She knows you can find pleasure from someone else. Of course, it won’t be on the same level as her, but your body will react and openly welcome the pleasure. For her it’s not the case, the prime example of that is now dead. The darkness within her eyes had you retreating. No longer wanting to toy with her but the damage was done, and Natasha had her mind set, once she finally had confirmation that you wanted her to lash out at you and use your body to take out her frustrations. Finally, she slams you to the window, not hard enough to truly injure you but hard enough to have more than a hangover in the morning.
Her lips crash into yours leaving your plea unheard. The kiss was rough and messy, as it normally would be in this situation of claiming you. The feeling of her rough hands tearing at the remainder of your clothes.
“Fuck, you know I love this set on you.” She speaks with mesmerized once again as her eyes land on the lingerie set that had her begging you to stay on for the night. It was a midnight black two piece. Mostly basic, Natasha didn’t need much despite her lifestyle, at least when it came to you she welcomed simplicity she found it just as sexy as you dressing up for her but the reality of it all was she just loved you. No matter how long or how hard it’s taken her to admit that out loud and under the circumstances it came out.
“Duh, that’s why I put it on.” You don’t receive any form of reply. Natasha snatches the fabric of your bralette finally exposing your Breasts. Her animalistic growls only increase the burning desire to have her near your throbbing core. She briefly breaks away from the kiss, roughly turning you around to face the bright lights and industrial buildings. Your face pressed against the window and her fingers plunged into your warm cunt without warning. You didn’t need any foreplay, that started the minute you decided to leave her for the club. Riling her up any chance you got. You hoped that she would fuck you, but you didn’t want to be fucked against this high rising window. You teased her, you angered her, and edged her on, now you were just going to have to deal with it and take what she gives you. She keeps a steady and brutal pace pushing you closer to your high and pulling away just at the cusps.
“Hm, Tash- it’s enough.” You reach behind you with intentions to push her arm away. Natasha smirks and forcefully pushes your pleading hand away and plants it against the window as well. She keeps her hand there for extra security, squeezing your wrist as a silent warning not to do it again or to move it. She wasn’t done tormenting you just yet, but she’ll allow you to cum. She lifts your leg and hikes your thigh up for a better angle, adding another finger to your overstimulated hole. She grunts as her breath fans over the shell of your ear.
“Tsk, what happened to all of that mouth you had a few minutes ago? she knows your fear of heights and still proceeds to fuck you against the thick glass. The fear and the pleasure has your mind going foggy, experiencing both at the same time. She pounds into you harder with each thrust reminding you of who you belong to. The thick glass brought some sort of comfort to your skin, cooling it off from Natasha’s burning touch. No words come from you, only panting and whines. Your breath fogs the glass as Natasha keeps her brutal pace, slick runs down your legs . She doesn’t relent until you practically turn into mush against the tall frame window.
As you feel her body weight slightly removed from your back you sniffle as the tears built up in your eyes struggle from falling down your cheeks. The edges her on even more, the sound of you trying to catch your breath and the small sound of your sniffles push her further. She’s definitely not done being petty. She takes her previous position behind you and pulls your back against her front; she grazes her lips against the warm skin of your ear and her raspy voice lights a fire inside of you from anger and arousal. “Who’s the sensitive one now?” You didn’t need to turn around to know she was wearing that shit eating smirk, you didn’t even need to look at her reflection in the smudge stain glass, you could hear it.
You use all the strength you have left on your shaky limbs to push her away. “What the fuck is wrong with you? You asshole!” You wipe the stray tears that fell from your eyes and Natasha only returns a smirk in response before she reaches for her abandoned drink on the bar counter. “Relax, the window is custom made, there are very few things that would make it shatter and our body weight isn’t one of them.” Natasha isn’t hiding her enjoyment right now, it’s on a very rare occasion when you actually cry for her. After the small moment of silence the soreness and weakened state of your body starts to take effect. Your eyes feel heavy and the drugs start to come back in full effect. It's pretty normal for you when you do smoke, not to mention the post orgasm clarity.
Natasha stood next to you the entire time watching you and she knows you had the idea of sleeping on your mind next and that just wasn’t enough for her, she’s still angry at you. Natasha picks you up and heads for the bedroom, she lays you on the bed gently totally different from her aggressive demeanor in the living room. You think she’s helping you get more comfortable, but the light tap against your cheek tells you otherwise. “Oh, no sweet face, wake up we’re not done yet.” She removes your shoes and tosses them to the floor. You hear shuffling around you still not quite aware of your surroundings.
“You’re a hypocritical, psychotic, asshole.” You mumble into the cool air of the night with closed eyes. The small break was enough for you to gather yourself again and you’re still upset about her putting you into danger like that just to get back at you for what happened at the club. She stops unbuttoning her blouse and kneels over your body until she’s face to face with you, her hands softly rub against your cheeks. “Don’t act like you don’t love it.” Natasha takes her clothes off and sits everything she needs on the other side of the bed, the next thing you feel is the bed dipping. Natasha grabs both of your arms and lifts them above your head, the feeling of soft fabric against your wrist causes you to jerk your body. She pays no mind to you as she continues to focus on knotting the fabric and connecting it to the headboard.
Your mind is still hazy, so every little movement Natasha makes is keeping you alert. “Nat, what are you doing?” You say, your voice is scratchy and hoarse. Natasha returns with a liquor bottle, two shot glasses and one regular glass. “We’re gonna play a game, since you’re in a playful mood tonight.” Is all she says before pouring into the two shot glasses. You curiously watch her in anticipation. She kisses up your stomach leaving bites and wet kisses along the way before she stops at your neck and pulls away all together.
“If you spill any of my drinks you lose.” She places one shot glass on your bare stomach as you shudder from the cold glass she sends you a warning sound. “Careful buttercup you don’t want to lose before we even start now do you?” You have to compose the little self control you have left. Her fingers slide against your thighs as they get closer and closer to your sex her smirk grows wider. Her finger grazes your swollen clit and you have no choice but to react causing the drink to shake but thankfully the alcohol remains in the glass.
Natasha crawls up your body and takes the glass in her mouth while remaining eye contact, she doesn’t finish all of it, she leaves a small amount in the glass and removes it from her mouth and pours the alcohol down your body starting from the center of your chest. You shudder from the contact and Natasha doesn’t give you much of a break as she starts her attack going down your body. She follows the trail that the alcohol leaves behind for her with her tongue. Leaving deep marks and bites along the way until she makes it back to your clit with a gentle kiss that leaves you wanting more. She looks up from your clit at the sound of your moan.
“Isn’t this much better than doing body shots with strangers?” You don’t reply to her, your head is too busy wondering how long she’ll keep this game up. She pours another shot but this time she has a new agenda on her mind. She makes her way up your body right in front of your breathless face. “Are you thirsty?” She knows the answer to that question just based on your appearance. The tension in your throat was becoming too much. You need a sense of relief. She takes your head leaning forward as a yes. Just as your lips were about to make contact with the glass, she pulls it away from you and drinks the shot herself and chuckles from the bewildered look on your face. “What the hell Nat!” You don’t even know what number of shots she’s on right now, but it takes a lot for Natasha to be drunk. A drunk Natasha was a completely different story than an annoyed Natasha.
“You still thirsty?” She whispers against your lips. Her stare is intense and intoxicating. You look away from her to show her just how annoyed you are, of course she thinks it’s cute. She refills the glass and hooks her finger under your chin bringing you face to face with her again. She downs the shot once again and tosses the glass across the room. She keeps your face in place as you try no ring away from her. She smashes her lips against yours and pushes the alcohol into your mouth. It’s fast and sloppy, so small amounts of it leak down the corner of your mouth and as Natasha pulls back she uses her tongue to catch every drip she sees.
“You want more Detka?” She still remains close to you as she reaches over to grab the bottle of alcohol off of the small cart. You only silently nod eagerly, wanting her to do it again. Except this time she hooks a finger underneath your chin tilting your head backwards and tips the bottle over. She notices the sudden change in enthusiasm at the change of direction. She can only laugh at you and your expressions but she can’t get too lost in it. This was a punishment after all. There was no time to be soft, at least so early into things. “Don’t pout.”
The next time she reaches for a shot to place on your stomach she sits the bigger glass on your stomach as well. She follows it up with dropping a few pieces of ice into the glass. “Nat you’re not being fair” frustration grows more when you realize this was a losing game either way it went. It’s not a game at all, it's a punishment of overstimulation. She pulls the wand out and turns it on to the highest level, your moans rise in volume at the first touch. “What was that I can’t hear you?” She keeps a firm grip on the toy and doesn’t relent on the pressure against your clit. “Fuck” you whine from the overstimulation, your legs are numb, and you no longer have the strength to try closing them from Natasha's access. The drinks spill over your body and the sheets Natasha takes in the sight with pride even though you’ve clearly just lost she has not intent on letting up on this game “You lost, baby and you’ve made such a mess.” She taunts you with fake concern as her hand stays firm and she starts moving the toy against your folds.
“Natasha, please.” She pouts at you with her fake sympathy. “Natasha please, what?” She gave your messy pussy a break by turning the level to the lowest Instead of taking it away completely. Your facial expressions plead more towards her than your words do. “Y-ou made your point, okay? now can you please- fuck! untie me?” She hums, weighing her decisions on if she thinks you’ve learned your lesson or not. Not really though because once Natasha Romanoff’s mind was set on something she made sure to go through with it no matter what. She took a little bit of pity on you right now but she really wanted to see this through, plus she was beyond turned on. She’s just stubborn like that.
“You know I don’t like pity cards and you know I don’t like cop outs, but nice try buttercup. You take what I give you and be happy with it.” If you were truly in unbearable pain, you’d use the safe word or Natasha would notice your breaking point and stop everything immediately. “Besides, don't you want to cum?” You growl in frustration as you glare at her, forgetting about the tight silk fabric strained against your skin you hiss in pain after your little tantrum. Natasha chuckles as she presses the toy firmly back into you. “You’re worried about me hurting you, it looks like those are doing it all on their own.”
“Mmh- h-how much longer are you gonna keep me like this?
“Until my feelings are no longer hurt or until I’m satisfied enough with how puffy and messy your pussy gets for me.” You were about to say something until the sensation of the wand tapping against your clit and the curl of Natasha’s finger entering your hole sent you further into ecstasy “Oh! Oh my-“ your fingers clench hard around the fabric of the restraints. “You know you haven’t even said sorry.” The look you gave her made her laugh but you can tell that she was being serious, maybe you did cut a little deep with your words knowing she has abandonment issues among many others. “I’m sorry, please. I’m sorry Tash.” You desperately apologize to her and she gives you no sign that she’s acknowledged it. Natasha turns the toy back on but not to the highest level and trails her tongue to your throbbing and neglected hole. She teases you for a moment by swirling her tongue around the hole before she spreads your folds, dives in and fucks you with firm and fast strokes. The sound of your wetness egging both of you on even more.
Every stroke and flick of her tongue was so intensifying that you forgot all about the silk fabrics restricting your hands from her grasp. Your body jerks from overstimulation but hearing the sound of Natasha’s praise filled moans made up for it. You ignore the stinging pain as the pleasure was much more overpowering. Just as you were getting used to the feeling of being on the edge again Natasha abruptly stops and pulls away from you with your juices smeared over her face. She enjoys the baffled look on your face right now. “I hate you.” You say, breathlessly while glaring at her as your legs shake uncontrollably with the loss of another orgasm.
You both know that’s not true she is using this moment to trap you, she wants to get a reaction out of you, she wants you to beg her to fuck you after you’ve been pleading with her for a break. “No, you don’t.” She places a soft but burning kiss on your skin while doing absolutely nothing to hide that smug expression from her face. You arch your back off of the bed, the sensation is now becoming too much to withstand. Natasha takes note of it and silently looks at you for any signs that you are at your limit. You wrap your legs around her as tight as your worn-out limbs will allow. “Keep going daddy, I’m okay.” Natasha’s strong hands have to keep you in place as she devours what belongs to her.
“Naat” your voice was finally at its breaking point. Worn out and hoarse. Natasha doesn’t budge, she keeps her focus on gaining her pleasure. “Hm fuck, just hold on a little longer” she thrusts against you groaning just how you like it, breathlessly panting with extra rasp in her voice. The moment her breath fans against your earlobe you felt your control slipping away. “Hold on for daddy?” She hooks your leg up for more security. Her fingers would surely leave behind imprints from the way she’s pressed her fingers into your soft thighs. “You feel so fucking good throbbing against me.”
“Just for me” she whispers the words out loud more so to herself than to you, but you respond to her anyway.
“Uh huh” you nod with eagerness as your nails claw at her skin. Natasha endures the stinging pain as she gets lost in the feeling of your warm slick. “Say it!” The sound of her hand making contact with the side of your ass jerks your body. “Just for you! Fuck, just for you!” You cum before Natasha does, you were already worked up and well spent she however still had energy left to use against you. Anger and jealousy were always a motivational boost for Natasha’s sex drive weirdly enough. As you lay there catching your breath Natasha’s movements slow down only for a moment before she’s repositioning herself on top of you. She finally frees your hands from the silk binds. Quickly massaging your wrists and leaving a chastise kiss on them. She spreads your puffy folds and begins angling herself against you. “Tash.”
“You can take it.” The sigh of relief and pleasure that takes over Natasha’s face was definitely worth the soreness that you will feel in the morning. She positions her clit against your dripping hole, she slowly pushes into you. The warmth of your pussy against the tip of Natasha’s clit was pure joy, she doesn’t do it often, or rather she didn’t really have time to do anything other than a quickie. Her mob activities and her regular nine to five businesses were always top priority now with new goals and a clean slate she wouldn’t dream about leaving you and your feelings out of the equation anymore. Especially not if she gets to fuck you like this more often.
Natasha snaps her hips forward, with each thrust your tits bounce in perfect rhythm. Her thrusts start slow but firm, until she can no longer hold on. Even though her entry point was small it didn’t take away the indescribable feeling of you sucking her in. Natasha pulls back for observation and once she sees the tip of her clit still inside of you something snaps inside of her. The perfect bounce of your tits soon starts to become erratic and sloppy just as Natasha’s thrusts. The loud sound of skin slapping, and wetness was almost enough to drown out anything else.
she buries her face into the crook of your neck, her muffled moans send the last bit of sensation you had left through your body. You don’t move. All of your limbs were non-functional at the moment, your bodies are still pressed together, and you hope to the highest heaven that Natasha meant what she said this time because you could still feel her throbbing against your folds. Your warm juices continue to flow as you watch Natasha come down from her high. “That was so hot.” She bites the side of your neck and soothes it over with her tongue. She takes a moment to place soft kisses anywhere she can on your body. You lay there in comfortable silence as you bask in the warmth and affection, she’s showing you right now because you truly don’t know how long it will last. How long this side of Natasha would stay before she’s back to her cold and set ways of thinking.
You fought off sleep as long as you could, but you were no longer winning the fight, Natasha obviously notices you trying to keep yourself awake. She makes quick work of cleaning you up, during your moment of dazed and fuzzy afterglow you only come down when you feel her in the same area she just abused. “Fuck off tash.” You limply try swatting her hands away from your cunt. Natasha scoffs and chuckles in the same breath. “Shut up and stop squirming. I'm cleaning you up, I should leave you a mess for what you did tonight.” She slaps your pussy once just to add on to the ‘asshole of the night award’ and you call her a bitch which only makes her chuckle. You know it’s a lie, Nat has never deliberately skipped aftercare with you. Only in times when she had to rush out unexpectedly, back when she was still in training to take over the business. Back when your relationship was in an awkward place.
During your small moment of reminiscing, you feel the bed shifting. The warm heat of Natasha’s skin against yours and the faint feeling of her breathing gets you to crack your eyes open to be greeted with her patiently awaiting your gaze. “Hey.” Your groggy greeting is cut off forcefully by Natasha’s lips smashing into yours. She pulls back looking you over as her nimble fingers ghost over your skin, over every mark on your neck and chest. She’s satisfied with her work tonight. She gives you a few more kisses before pulling you close to her side of the bed and turning the lights off. “Y/n.”
“Hm?” You hum in response while she rubs your back soothingly. “You're the only one for me." She wants to say, “I’m sorry I fucked up for me to realize that.” But she doesn’t want to get deep into that conversation right now. She doesn’t want to be vulnerable and open; she'll save it for another day. “Sleep.” Not long after that you were out cold.
The next time you shift in bed your eyes are halfway open. You notice Natasha is still sitting up with her back against the headboard talking in a hushed whisper. She hears you stirring beside her. She doesn’t want you awake, she doesn’t want you to hear the conversation. Panic bells sound off inside of your head anytime she gets a phone call in the early hours of the morning. “Let me guess, vacation is over.” Your voice still dripped with slumber but it wasn’t a question it was more of confirmation, confirmation that usually results in you being tossed to the side and neglected. Natasha pauses the conversation you weren’t too focused on trying to hear. You were nearly on your way back to sleep. “No, baby, just go back to sleep.” She gives you a soft kiss to distract your curiosity so you fall asleep without any hesitation or any push back.
The next time you wake up you hear voices, and you feel yourself being moved around. The cool breeze hits your face, but you still remain with low lidded eyes. You’re not in danger, you would know if you were. The hands that hold on to you and occasionally caress your face weren’t unfamiliar ones. You could spot them instantly; you drift back off to sleep with the reassurance of a body nestled close to yours and warmth radiating into you. You wake up feeling the aftereffects from the evening you had last night with Natasha. You stretch your arms out while remaining to keep your eyes shut. You feel the bed for Natasha’s body and freeze when you come up empty. She wasn’t here.
You vaguely remember being put in the car and seeing your luggage being carried out of the penthouse. You sit up in bed with pinched brows after you’re aware of your surroundings, you search for your cell phone and find it on the side table plugged into the charger. Most of the messages were from Yelena and a few emails about your new night club. You were just about to call Natasha’s phone to demand answers about the change in location when you heard voices above you on the top deck of the yacht. Not only is Natasha standing there but she has Bucky and Clint with her as well. This was supposed to be a trip away from the mob life and that includes them. You storm up the last few stairs towards her. She knew you’d be yelling at her sooner or later after you woke up.
“Are you fucking kidding me? I thought this was our vacation time?” You cross your arms as you await her answer while also being aware of the extra bodies that were not supposed to be present. “Good morning to you too honey, I slept great thanks for asking.”
“Don’t fuck with me, I’m not in the mood to play with you right now Natasha.”
“We’re still on vacation…this needed to be dealt with immediately.” Her response doesn’t do anything for you to ease up on her. “Oh, c’mon sweet face, I thought this would be better by settling this here so we wouldn’t have to cut our trip short.” She rubs your waist and kisses your face hoping it will cool your temper. “You couldn’t have handled it at the penthouse?”
“You’d rather have me do that in a place where we lay our heads?”
“Natasha, we’re in fucking madripoor! Shit happens here every hour on the hour! Packing me and our things away at the ass crack of dawn for this? was not necessary!”
“Will you relax? You’re always complaining about me being romantic. Well, I was trying to be spontaneous while also getting things done efficiently!”
“Nothing about this is romantic and your whole excuse is a cop out.”
“Surprising you with a morning on a yacht isn’t romantic?”
“Don’t condescend me Natasha, it was the way you did things while also having an ulterior motive behind it.” Natasha grabs your hand before you walk away from her. Linking her fingers through yours and somehow your eyes drift up her body just in time to see the flex of her muscles in the tank top she was wearing. “Calm down, have some breakfast. I have all of your favorites prepared Already. This is not the end of our trip, it's more of a small interruption.” “Fine.” You turn your face away from her and start moving towards the kitchen area for some breakfast. if you were going to be around for this you were not doing it on an empty stomach. Natasha stops you and places her lips to the shell of your ear. “It won’t take long I promise.” She kisses your neck. “We can go back to our room and make that champagne and ice bucket useful, hm?”
“No, absolutely not you’re not touching me after last night, I’m still sore.” You brush past her as she scoffs and glares at you, you can say that now but maybe when she’s finished, you’ll change your mind. Natasha walks back to the group at the seating area and picks up a few pieces of fruit as the paranoid man sits in silence. “It’s my understanding that I haven’t received your payment.” She holds her hand up when the man attempts to speak, no doubt to apologize or make an excuse for his actions. “I don’t want excuses” Natasha doesn’t like pity and she doesn’t like excuses. You'd be lucky enough for her to even ask you for a solution instead of killing you. Charles stupidly ignores her response hoping she’d be able to understand when she hears the full story and his side of things.
“We’ve been having a tough time at the shop and-“ Her fists cut his words short he wasn’t even aware of when she stood up to even get near him. “I thought I just said I didn’t want to hear any excuses.” Natasha sighs with disappointment as she checks her nails like the narcissist she is. “You interrupted my lovely trip with my sweet face over there.” She points to you while you sit at the counter sipping your orange juice. “This was not the way she was supposed to be waking up, Charles. Do you understand my dilemma here?” The man hesitated to answer Natasha. The question was dripping with a sexual undertone, not knowing if he would end up with a bullet between his eyes for answering truthfully. “I-“ Natasha delights in his uneasiness to reply, one wrong word would set her off completely, changing the mood of this meeting. “It’s okay, you can answer.”
“I understand, trust me.” He takes a little too long to turn his attention back to her. So, she grabs him by the collar. “Aren’t you going to apologize?” She tilts her head hovering above him. “I-I apologize for the intrus-“ the back of her hand makes contact with his face. “Not to me you fucking idiot!” She grabs his face and turns it towards your direction. “To her.” You grow awkward with the man’s eyes on you while you are trying to eat. “I’m sorry.” “She can’t hear you! Say it louder!” You heard his apology but you wanted to be left alone for now. After having a week of silence and wild nights with Natasha you weren’t ready for things to start going back to normal. You weren’t ready to go back home and fall into the same pattern again. “I’m so sorry” fully catching your attention you flip him off in response and go back to eating and drinking your juice. He turns around to look at Natasha for what to do next. She insists on him trying again for an apology. Shooing him away with her hands. He moves further into the kitchen area as you eat your breakfast. Unfazed by his presence. “Um miss I wanted to sincerely apologize for-“ his apology was stopped abruptly when the weight of the waffle iron collided with his face. “What the hell!” He shouts out in agony clutching his broken nose on the floor.
“Why the hell are you in my face? You already ruined my morning, now you’re going to ruin my breakfast too?” You grab him by the collar of his shirt. “No, that was not my intention.” Even if he was telling the truth, you were still pissed about it, so you use this opportunity to use him as a punching bag. Throwing multiple punches to his already broken and bruised face. Clint once again steps next to Natasha. “You just gonna let her do that? We don’t need him dead, Nat.” Natasha looks at Clint with a smirk on her face. She honestly loved that you let out your dark side more now. “I suppose you’re right, but I just love seeing my sweet face go sour and bad for a bit.” Clint makes a face of disgust.
“Please spare me the details of you and y/n’s psycho relationship dynamic, I already told you that you two need therapy like yesterday.” She rolls her eyes and walks away. You stop your attack on his face and you hold him up by the collar of his blood-stained shirt. The small blade presses against his skin; you trail the sharp knife down his cheek and stop at the curve of his neck. “What type of work do you do?” He seems caught off guard with that question as he nervously licks his lips. He doesn’t know if he is supposed to look at you or keep his eyes trained on the cabinets. “I own a butcher shop.”
“Oh, this is perfect.” You take pride in his blatant display of confusion and fear. “You cut and trim meat all day, what’s so hard about that?” You don't give him a chance to reply to you, not that he would even dare try to respond to that loaded question. “Since you’re a butcher I’m sure you’re aware that a single incorrect cut could ruin a good piece of meat.” He stares up at you in pain and confusion as you tilt your head adding more pressure behind the knife. Natasha arrives in the kitchen area just in time.
“Okay, that’s enough, buttercup.” She pulls your back to her front and holds you in place. “Put the knife down.” She rubs your body soothingly to bring you back to a calm state. It takes you a few seconds, but you eventually flick the blade back into its safety pocket and place it into Natasha’s hands and let the man go in the process. As she puts the small knife in her pocket Natasha looks down at the bloody figure on the floor. “I know how much you wanted to cool off a bit, I don’t know what possessed him to bother you.” She snuggles her face closer to your neck inhaling deeply, She loved the scent of you. As Natasha was distracted the man quickly defended himself once again.
“You literally told me to come over here and apologize!” He shouts out at her stupidly once again not knowing how dangerous that is. “No, I don’t think I did, actually.” Instead, she replies back with a cool and calm demeanor she wanted to see if you’d attack him again. ”Yes you did!” Charles shouts back defensively and Natasha kicks him in the face “Shut up!” You crane your neck to watch Natasha’s body language. “Don’t listen to him baby Especially since I know how grumpy you get when something interrupts our plans.” She softly kisses your neck when she’s done telling the lie. You take a moment to look down at your silk pajamas and groan frustration.
“He got his blood all over my new pajamas, now we have to buy another set of matching ones.” Natasha just chuckles at your response. Blaming that poor man for getting blood on your expensive robe when you were the cause of it being there in the first place. She loved it. Part of her wished your father would’ve made you more involved with the mob activities like she had to. She would’ve had this sight of you way early on into the relationship, but she loves you just the way you are right now. “Don’t worry about it. We can buy all the matching pajamas you want, I’ll take care of it.”
“Yeah, you will especially since this is your fault for sending him over here in my goddamn face in the first place.”
“See, I told you!” You both speak at the same time. “Shut up!” When the man quiets down Natasha doesn’t try to deny it this time she just laughs and pulls you closer to her. Of course, you knew she was lying. “I’m sorry, I just thought you wanted to let some anger out and I was clearly right.”
“How thoughtful of you.” You gently pat her cheek. “I know.” She leans forward placing her lips on yours. She growls in surprise when you take control, shoving your tongue down her throat. Backing her up into the counter and harshly biting her lip. “Don’t tease me right now dekta.”
“Can you two stop sucking face? We have import shit to deal with here!” Bucky was getting annoyed. From the time being wasted and just from seeing you two showing public displays of affection. You clench your jaw, looking over Natasha’s shoulder. Who the hell did he think he was? You pick up an empty champagne flute and launch it at Bucky. “Shut the fuck up!” He dodges the glass before it makes contact. Clint pulls Bucky aside with force. “You seriously need to let it go, Buck.” Clint harshly whispers to him. He snatches his arm from Clint and goes to sit down on the padded couch. Seeing him be seated like a good little guard dog that he should be. As Clint snatches the man from the floor and away from the kitchen area you focus back on your girlfriend. “Finish everything up here and I’ll be downstairs. Don’t take too long though, I’m not promising to keep my hands off.” You slide your hand underneath the silk waistband of her pajamas. Natasha’s eyes blown wide, she couldn’t wait to get this over with to have you screaming out in pleasure and pain once again. You bring your hand back out into the open. Natasha licks her lips at the glistening wet slick dripping down your fingers. You place your fingers on her lips. She welcomes them openly, sucking the flavorful juices off your fingers. You lean in ghostly whispering against her lips.
“If you get this handled quickly the next time, we kiss I’ll have the taste of your cum on my lips.” Her breath hitches and she’s more determined to get this shit done now more than ever. Hell, she might even give him more time and just have Clint and Bucky take Charles back home. That would be the only time she would show forgiveness. The only time she’d be so lenient to someone who wronged her.
Natasha makes her way back to the seating area; she makes a show to whistle from your previous actions. “Yeah, she’s pissed. I was going to put on a show for her but I’m feeling merciful and gracious.” She pops a few pieces of fruit in her mouth and turns directly to face the bruised and bloody man. “So, let’s talk about how you’re going to move forward to get me the money that I’m owed and how you’re gonna pay extra for this inconvenience, shall we?”
They found a way to come to an agreement and the instant that the problem had been solved Natasha jumped up from her seat with haste and intended to run downstairs to you. “Natasha, we have another problem.”
“No, we just fixed it…any other problems can wait until tomorrow or until I officially return from my vacation.”
“Uh, Nat you’re not listening…”
“And you’re not listening to me Clint, this trip was to make things up to y/n, and I don’t need calls interrupting the time I made for her. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have holes that I need to fill downstairs and you’re making me late.” Clint visibly gags and Natasha’s satisfied with his reaction to walk away from him to leave him with that burning image. “Jesus! Keep that to yourself I swear to God I’m this close to ditching my earring aids whenever I’m on duty! and I’m serious Nat it’s about Alexei.” Just as she was walking away from him she stops in her tracks as soon as he mentions the name. She slowly turns around to face him and a silent Bucky. “What kind of problem is it?”
Time passes longer than you would’ve liked but once again you were used to it. This trip did nothing but show you the reality of your life and your relationship. You could never truly get away from this lifestyle. You quickly change into normal clothes, your mood has drastically changed and the likelihood of your girlfriend returning to you anytime soon was uncommon. As expected when the bedroom door opens you know it’s Natasha and you know she’s come to tell you the bad news but what she doesn’t expect is for you to already have the bags packed and ready to be put into the car. Her apology falls dead on the tip of her tongue as you cut her off before she even had the chance to release it. “I don’t want to hear it.” Your response is cold and calm, two signs she’s much familiar with now, you could snap at any moment. Which furthers the internal need to be close to you she knows there’s a chance of a fight happening, an item being thrown at her hell you could be hiding a knife somewhere just waiting to make your move. She ignores her thoughts and cautiously takes small steps towards you at a time.
“Hey, it’s another emergency that needs to be addressed and it’s much bigger than what happened this morning.” You don’t say anything to her as you sit in silence on the edge of the bed. She tries to be near you to bring you some sort of comfort, but you stand up and head for the door with your luggage in hand. “I told you I don’t want to hear it; I don’t want to hear excuses.” Natasha already felt bad and now you’re using her own shit against her which makes her feel even worse. She reached for you hoping you’d let her explain the situation further. Maybe it’ll ease the pain if you knew just how dire it was to fly back home. All she got in return was a stinging slap to the face before you stormed out of the room with your luggage completely. Natasha wasn’t expecting it but she isn’t mad at it, you’re upset, angry and hurt. She knows you’re not letting it all out, so a slap to the face is something she’d have to endure. She grabs a duffel bag and tells Bucky and Clint to get the rest of the luggage as she follows after you.
You remained silent in the car as Clint and Natasha discussed business matters. You settle for keeping your focus on the car window knowing Natasha is staring at you intently waiting for you to address her. To say something. Anything. She leans closer to you, and you counter her movements by sliding closer to the door. She tries again by placing her hand on your thigh to silently apologize for cutting the trip short. You remove her hand immediately. In your eyes it looked like she lied about what happened earlier, which in truth she didn’t lie, things just played out that way. How Inconvenient for her. She leaves you to deal with your emotions and goes to her phone texting Yelena about your incoming attitude and about this meeting that Alexei demanded to have.
You make your way onto the private jet, and you still have not said one word to Natasha other than your outburst from earlier. You flop down in the seat after taking a sucker from the candy bowl and popping it into your mouth. Natasha brings two champagne flutes over as she sits next to you. She asks you something and your only response is to grab the abandoned pair of headphones and turn the volume up to true maximum level to drown out her repeating apologies. “Can I have some?” She removes the left side of your headphones to speak directly into your ear. When she has your attention, she nods to the candy that’s in your mouth. You roll your eyes and hand her the bowl only she never reaches for it. Instead, she goes for the sucker in your mouth, and she reaches for the end of the stick. Lightly tugging on it for you to release it from your tight grasp. Making a sound of annoyance and disapproval you swat her prying hands away.
“You’re not gonna share with me?” You once again shove the bowl of candy near Natasha, and she still doesn’t budge. That’s not what she wanted. This was her way of getting you to interact with her. To acknowledge her. It’s not the first time something so childish as candy could bring you back from a fit of rage and anger and back into her embrace of understanding and forgiveness. A little lighthearted interaction to let her know how deep in shit she was truly in once the two of you were back home and things went back to the everyday routine. Natasha makes a disapproving noise and tosses the candy bowl on the empty seat next to her. She’s had enough of your attitude and your unwillingness to hear her out, this wasn’t like any other excuse that truly needed her presence. Natasha quickly grips your face and turns your attention back on her.
“I didn’t plan this. Trust me I would rather still be on that yacht with you right now, but this is serious." You shrug her off of you, annoyed with her cryptic responses, she never really goes into detail about why things were serious or so urgent that you sit at the dinner table alone most nights. You remove the candy from your mouth and lick your lips, an action Natasha focuses on intensely. “You still haven’t told me what’s so serious that you cut our vacation short, a vacation I only got because you let Stark get in your head and you couldn’t keep your hands off of an attention seeking whore!” Your voice raises in volume and Clint and Bucky share a look but they remain in their seats unbothered. They’re pretty much used to the outbursts between you two and they’ll only intervene if Natasha tells them to. Meanwhile you lean away from her and place the candy back into your mouth seemingly being done with this conversation. Natasha rubs her face harshly and exhales a deep breath that she’s been holding since she got the news. Natasha calms her nerves trying to stay on her new path by managing her temper. She’s trying her best to communicate properly. “It has to do with Alexei.”
“Alexei?!” You could’ve cut the inside of your mouth with how fast you pulled the candy out of your mouth from hearing his name. She nods her head and swigs down her champagne. She was nervous. “You know just as much as anybody how dreadful this surprise meeting is going to be for me.” Natasha hasn’t spoken to Alexei directly in a long time and she hasn’t seen him in the flesh for even longer. The two of them never got along and when Natasha started to rebel against him and his orders, that caused the drift between them. The final straw that broke the camel's back was her continuing to defy him by being in a relationship with you. Once he found out about you two, things changed. He treated you differently, he deemed you as a distraction to his daughter. Of course, his attitude could only be expressed slightly back then with your father still being around and being the man in charge but once he was murdered, Alexei didn’t hold his tongue any longer. He had free reign to say anything he wanted. He Finally got to release the built-up aggression that built up over the years starting from the moment you came back, and the moment Natasha set her eyes on you.
The harsh and cruel words spewing out of his mouth no longer held back in the depths of his throat. The words remained there from the first day he caught you and Natasha together. The memories brought back pain not just yours but Natasha’s as well. You saw how she was treated by that man for as long as you’ve known her. You finally turn your whole body to her and the first thing you can see is the sincerity in her eyes. “I know.” You say with softness and love. You hold your hand out to her and she doesn’t touch you. You move your hand closer to her, placing it in her lap. “Are you gonna hold my hand or what?”
“That depends if you’re gonna slap me again or not.” You shake your head ‘no’ in response and she links her fingers with yours. Now you feel bad for slapping her knowing she has Alexei on her brain already, that abuse was enough on its own, even though your feelings and reaction was valid you needed to apologize. “I’m sorry for that by the way.” You use your other hand to rub against the cheek you previously struck. “No, you aren’t.” She cracks a smile and you return the same mirrored emotion back at her. “Okay, maybe not completely but I’m sorry for not hearing you out earlier.” You slowly exhale, lowering your gaze down to your abandoned hand on Natasha’s lap. “I was just really starting to get used to this kind of lifestyle.”
“You’ve always had a luxury lifestyle, what are you talking about?”
“Not that, I meant being normal. Having a normal and domestic lifestyle, that doesn’t involve waking up to random strangers in our living room or having to be pulled away from vacation after the shit I had to go through to even get here.” You take a brief moment to calm down. You weren’t trying to start another argument with her, not after you know what awaits her when this private jet lands. The mindset and preparation she has to readjust to. You feel the warm embrace of her hand in yours. Natasha gives you a firm and comforting squeeze before she finally links her fingers with yours. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, I know I’ll never be able to truly escape it but it would be nice to put things on pause more often and just...get away.” You look to Natasha to answer your response as if your statement was a question. She understands perfectly without the use of your voice. She’s known how long you’ve wanted to get away and it was always put on the back burner, had she known that a vacation trip meant this much to you, your passport would’ve been overfilled with stamps by now. She feels guilty for neglecting you and not being attentive to your needs. All she had to do was make a call and everything you wanted would be everything you’d have. “We’ll take more trips…I promise.” You give her an annoyed look, it's something you’ve heard before and you’d rather not hear the lie again. “I’m serious, if you want to take a trip just book a flight or call Fitz to have the jet ready and we’ll go wherever you want.”
“Tash, you talk a sweet game, but we both know how this will play out.”
“I’m making changes, I’ve put in the effort and I’ve owned up to my mistakes. I’m being serious, I really mean it this time.” You hum with satisfaction as you see new determination in her eyes. Your hand tugs the collar of her shirt forward, you hold eye contact for a moment before your lips ghost over hers. “Next time something like this happens just tell me straight up, and don’t start with apologies. Do you understand Natalia? She smirks against your lips as they slightly graze each other. “Yes, my love.”
“Good.” You say, softly and finally lean forward to peck her lips you pull away way too soon for Natasha to even get started on her attack. You pull away with a smug smile while Natasha licks her lips tasting the remnants of sweetness from the cherry blow pop, she was practically begging for moments ago. “I’m stressed out over here and you’re teasing me?”
“You’re right” you go in for another kiss, but this time Natasha pulls you in and holds your face in place as she deepens the kiss. It’s sloppy and desperate, which is another silent sign that means she needs comfort and support right now. when you try pulling away again, she places her hand around your neck giving you a subtle squeeze as a warning to keep still. Natasha makes sure to savor the artificial flavor as she strokes her tongue around every part inside of your mouth. The noises you two pull from each other caused Clint to fully turn his hearing aids off and Bucky turns his headphones on max volume to drown out the lewd sounds. When she finally lets you come up for air, she admires your dazed expression and goes back to drinking her champagne as if nothing just happened.
“You just tried to kill me!” You say as you finally get the sensation of oxygen coming in again. she chuckles and turns her head towards you. “It’s your fault for not sharing with me.” Is all she says before shrugging her shoulders and sighing before she makes a move to get up. You quickly place your hand on hers stopping her movements, a silent question hung in the air about why she’s leaving her seat. “I need to plan things out with Clint and buck” you move your hand and silently nod in agreement but before she leaves you beckon her with your finger for one more kiss which she happily obliged to.
After a few playful nips and bites, you both pull away and you place the blow pop against Natasha’s wet lips. “I also forgot to mention that Alexei is meeting at our house tonight for dinner.” The moments of normalcy and domestication were over, now things were officially going back to what you've been used to since you were born. You just hope and pray that no one ends up dead but maybe that's asking for far too much when Alexei is at the center of the equation.
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kalims · 2 years
‎˃ ᵕ ˂ . . "I hope you know that the things I do for you are all in the name of love."
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simple acts of love,
guess what I found DEEP, DEEP in my drafts.
characters. dorm leaders
includes. gn reader.
cw. short scenarios, bruh this was literally so deep like i was still rosestadt when I made this.. not proofread or changed at all since I made it.
note. no use of any names, only titles to fit in more with the gender neutral theme, since I know some people may know yn or name as an entirely different character.
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riddle rosehearts — making their favorite kind of tea / coffee.
a clink makes riddle tear his eyes away from the history book he was previously skimming over. the action of his jaw chewing immediately ceased at the sound, leaving the taste of his favorite tart lingering inside his mouth.
dessert. it was always his favorite part of a meal, even if he didn't have much freedom to actually consume them in his childhood.
riddle finds himself looking at the prefect of ramshackle wearing a calm expression on their face, they present a relaxed exterior—and in their hand, is a cup of steaming, hot, lemon tea.
"prefect, what's this?" he blinks, slowly, and innocently. riddle leans over to let the aroma of the tea enter his senses. and when he does, there's only two cubes floating around the liquid.
and then there's a realization. "wait.. this is.." #339 your after-meal tea must be lemon tea with 2 sugar cubes.
you smile. "for you. your after meal tea should be lemon tea, right?" there's a moment of silence that ensures, before riddle answers slowly.
"ah... yes, I'm suprised you remember." he clears his throat. gladly lifting the cup up with the use of his fingers, and of course. leaving his pinky sticking out, it's the only proper way to drink tea after all.
the laugh that you release makes his face a little warmer, he isn't sure if it's because of you or the hot gas the tea emits. "well.. I don't really remember all the rules, I just happened to remember you mentioning it. that's all."
riddle presses his lips together. gripping the handle a little tighter. you were actually listening to him? what a joy, you should have been sorted to heartslabyul! he must make an appeal to crowley after this. "hm.. this is most appreciated, thank you prefect."
but for now..
you walk around the table until you're near enough to be able to lean and see what he's reading. "what are you reading?"
his answer is immediate. "I'm going over topics for the upcoming exam—" riddle pauses, and looks over at you. "—would you like to join me?
leona kingscholar — covering them with a blanket whenever alseep.
"ah.. he fell asleep again." you mumbled, trailing off for a second to admire leona's features. he probably was a pretty popular guy back in his home if he wasn't scowling so much.
you wrack your mind for the item you've misplaced. didn't you leave the blanket folded on the bed? you wonder. carefully sliding off the sleeping lion's head off your lap and into the couch, watching him grumble and stir.
please don't wake up.. you internally pray. sighing in relief when you finally slip away without disturbing his slumber. (which you'd like to differ.)
after making sure your legs weren't as numb as before, courtesy of leona laying on it for hours. only letting you leave when you needed to pee, trying to tell you to hold it in so he can 'sleep better.'
you peer inside your bedroom and marvel at the horrible generosity crowley gave you, you aren't really in the position to complain since you'd be homeless if it weren't for him. but now you wonder if leona would let that even happen.
the door would probably fly off its hinges if you pulled any harder, a few cobwebs around the corners you couldn't reach and there's rust forming around the metal surfaces of the room. barely noticeable but if you come closer it's definitely there, the room looks relatively okay compared to the other rooms of ramshackle.
you quickly grab the blanket atop your bed, snuggling closer to the cloth gently tickling your face. it's soft and comfortable, perfect for a nap.
leona's sleeping figure comes to view after passing by a few rooms, ramshackle was bigger than you'd thought when you first gazed upon it from the outside. his position still stayed the same as it did the last time you saw him a few minutes ago, probably too tired to even move.
creeping closer to the unsuspecting man, you switch off the lights. humming softly at the way the darkness wrapped around you like a veil, casting a soft atmosphere across the room. and then finally, draping the blanket across his body, stretching it all the way just below his ankles. since you knew he didn't like both of his feet absorbed in the whole thing cause it might get too hot.
in fact he didn't bother with blankets much so you figured that you'd bring him one anyway from how cold it was in the winter. even when there's a fireplace just a few distances from you, the frost still somehow paves its way.
winter in this world was kind of a hassle since you had to shovel your way through patches of snow unless you wanted to get stuck inside the building. you found out the hard way after you got buried in a mountain of snow after opening the front door.
you sigh and shake your head, scratching your head from the memory. as you stand up you're suddenly bounding towards the couch at an alarming speed, so fast that everything actually blurred.
you took a few moments to register that you're laying down, cocooned in leona's arms. his breath tickles your neck as he nuzzles further in, providing you with the warmth to finally relax.
as some kind of bonus you aren't sure he's even aware of; his tail, usually swaying comfortably behind him is now wrapped around your leg as some kind of unconscious affection.
how do you get out of this? well it seems like he was aware and read your mind. "you don't."
azul ashengrotto — popping into each other's zoom calls.
monstro lounge is pretty chilly. you think, he was pretty picky about his circumstances. you slide a finger over a surface and finding not a single dirt in it. but its expected when he's a merman.
you look up. marveling at the various fishes swimming around the ocean, of course. taking a second to admire the many coral reefs, all different in shape and color.
the lounge was pretty quiet. given when it's so early, the only reason you're only actually in here in the first place. was because you'd fallen asleep, waking up in azul's bed. the man himself sleeping on his side of the bed, leaving a big space between the two of you as if he was nervous to be in the same space as you.
leaving out the sounds of water flowing. there's also the eery laughter of two twin eels, that signals nothing good is ever gonna come out of it. and of course:
azul's voice, loud but oozing with easy confidence. which you're not even sure if it actually is after the whole overblot thing.
you curiously stare at the hall where you know leads to his room. if you focus you could hear.. "headmaster, with all due respect...." and then you bleurgh, is he talking to crowley? well it wasn't your business anyways..
so you let the intrusive thoughts win as you creep closer to the door of his room, there's a small opening as if it was begging for you to peek through, and you do.
you see azul seated on his chair, wearing his dorm uniform when it isn't even a school day as he talks actively to his monitor, and on his screen is a layout of all the dorm leaders you've come to know.
riddle is nodding attentively, speaking when necessary. leona is laid down on his bed, looking just about ready to drift off. kalim is showing the camera a bright smile as jalim urges him to listen in the backround.
vil looks like he's looking at himself in the camera more despite looking at the screen. idia's camera, of course being off. and malleus not even being present.. he probably got excluded in the invitation as usual, but you aren't even sure if he owns a phone, much well know how to use it.
crowley is also there but whatever.
you quietly slide inside. hastily passing behind him, praying you didn't appear. the meeting does go on, until kalim speaks. "wahh!! was that the prefect?"
azul blinks and turns in confusion. counting in his head that all prefect were in the call. when he sees you, his mind just blanks for a second so he just dumbly stares.
you wave awkwardly. "hi.." kalim returns the favor tenfold. "hi prefect!!"
"what's the prefect doing there so early?" riddle's voice fades into the room and azul forgot how to lie for a few seconds.
"hm? oh ah... well.."
somehow the dorm meeting whose main topic was originally planned to be for school. ended up with you being the topic.
kalim al asim — running to them, picking them up, and spinning them in a circle.
in a hallway, kalim can be seen walking. there's a content smile on his face, a little duller than his usual bright one but a smile regardless. all in vicinity of the boy openly stare at his obvious upset mood.
there wasn't a jamil in sight which is strange since the classes of second years usually end at the same time, unless one of the professors had something to say.
ah... what do I do? I haven't received a letter from my family as usual.. kalim sighs solemnly, his shoulders further drooping. just the thought of his siblings makes him a little lonely.
if jamil was here he'd probably say. "kalim. you received a letter from your family three days ago." ah, he could almost hear his voice!
your head pops out from a pillar, grim following right after and as if some kind of butterfly effect, ace and deuce's heads pop up a second later. you all whisper vigorously.
"that's dorm leader kalim.. he looks upset!" deuce mumbles. ace just rolls his eyes and snorts. "yeah? way to point out the obvious genius."
they start bickering.
"why are we here? there's a lotta' food in the cafeteria and we're missing out.." grim says, then he looks at the pair. "oi! you two, you're gonna expose us!"
grim joins the bickering and you facepalm. it's a wonder kalim doesn't notice the chaos a few distances away from him..
you beam. "guys! I have an idea!" at your statement they both pause and look at you skeptically. "what?"
"sorry not sorry to say this but your ideas aren't exactly the best."
"who saved us from that one time in the mines?"
you join the bickering for a few.
that's how you ended up sprinting across the halls at a speed you didn't know you possessed. eyes locked in on the turban wearing man, kalim continues to trudge towards his next class unknowing of the chaos as usual.
"kalim!" the boy stops and turns around in confusion. nonetheless there's still a freindly look on his face, which soon turns into more confusion when he spots you making a beeline for him.
the next second he feels you collide into him, the air is knocked out of his lungs briefly and he feels himself hoisted up in the air and spun around while being hyper aware of your close, discret snuggling.
when his feet touch the ground there's an obvious lift to his mood. "that was fun!! let's do it again!!"
"wait I haven't worked out muc--"
you're both on the ground now.
vil schoenheit — doing your makeup together.
there was always a saying. beauty is pain and you wholeheartedly believed it when you witnessed the whole backstory to vil's overblot. but now..
now you start to regret believing it because why does your brows even need to be perfect!? you side eye the mirror. it looks perfectly fine!
in his fingers lay a tweezer, and in between the tweezer is the sacrifice from your brows. "stop jumping around so much, I wouldn't wanna mess this up." vil scolds. choosing to not comment on the fact that you scooted away from him.
"ouch.." you're trying to resist to tear up. immediately scooting away from vil once you feel the awful, stinging pain from your eyebrow. he casts you a half hearted glare.
you narrow your eyes at him. "is this really necessary?" you question seriously. vil raises a brow, somehow making him look more sassy. "there isn't beauty without pain, this is a necessity."
you both stare in silence, neither giving up before he eventually sighs and rolls his eyes. "hmph. fine, we were done with that anyways." vil softens up. giving you a taste of mercy before grabbing a tube of eyeliner and beckoning you to come closer.
you oblige cautiously and place your hands on your lap, sitting idly as the pleasing sensation of the brush is felt ok your eyelids. from your unoccupied eye, you give a moment to admire his concentration.
wow he's.. "beautiful, hmm?" a look of confidence is paired with the air vibrating around vil. you nod mutely, not sure if he's talking about himself.. or you, most probably the first one.
vil stands up and grabs your wrist in a firm, tender grip. he leads you in front of a mirror, wearing a triumphant smile as he admires his work. "now you've grown, potato."
"are you gonna harvest me now?" you joke and his face drops. "...what? no."
idia shroud — bailing them out of awkward social situations with a specially-designed system of code words and hand motions.
anyone has the one time, sight of a lifetime of they catch eye of the ignihyde dorm leader. more looking like wanting no more than to just melt into the wall itself as idia presses himself further to the corner.
his fiery hair shrinks the more the random student—too enthusiastic for his taste, talks animatedly in a way that even he struggles to keep up. usually idia thinks he's good at multitasking since he could read subtitles while taking note of a particular fight scene.
but this was way too hard..
"hello!" idia flinched at the uncharacteristically loud tone you spoke it. the student however, blinks and turns to you with a raised brow. their attitude does a complete 180° but you admit you'd grown used to it.
this is a school for villians after all. they probably didn't want to talk to a nobody like you.
since the student seemed lenient on giving you the lesser treatment you just opted to ignore their existence and look straight into the anxious eyes of idia.
you beam a forced smile. "idia!—" but then the student interrupts you again, with a slight chilling persona. "excuse me. would you mind?" then they turn to him again.
contrary to their previous attitude they switch their personality again..
idia stares right into your soul. a silent plead. help me.
you cringe, hand switching into various hand motions when the student turns their back to you. idia's eyes widen in astonishment and understanding, his flames seemed a bit brighter. if you ignore the slight tinge of pink.
he nods at the student who seems ecstatic by his non-verbal response nonetheless. "i-...um... I have to go attend... a, b-birthday party for the reindeer? " idia mumbles out through clattering teeth.
it seemed like a question rather than an excuse so you started wildly gesturing—the student still unknowing of you. be more confident, relax. "I-I'm going to a birthday party!"
he adds after a long silence. "...for the reindeer!"
now he seemed way too excited.. you facepalm, opting to just leave him alone and gesture for him to take a leap of fate and start running towards you.
the student blinks and suddenly they're the only one alone in the hallway.
"wait... that was the prefect of ramshackle?!" a scream of despair.
malleus draconia — tracing the veins on the insides of their wrists.
his hands are humongous. you muse. absent-mindedly toying with his fingers as you stifle a yawn. malleus hums, using the hand that you weren't occupied with to wipe away the tears that formed after your yawn.
affectionately of course.
but then again. you presume that since he's a dragon and all its expected, given his height was already quite abnormal from the start. up close, he's larger than expected.
it's funny. the literal guy feared by the whole school is letting you toy with his hands..contrary to the rumours he was a pretty nice guy! if you look past his intimidating persona atleast.
but you do get their fear of him. weird as it sounds.. malleus really is quite scary. even worse when he's somehow angry. with his tall exterior, emerald eyes that usually seems so dark, and the horns. it makes him look..
so beautifully dangerous.
you turn malleus' hand. immediately catching eye of the prominent veins, kind of flexing under the weight of your grip. you can feel the thrum of his pulse through your fingers.
"do you feel that?"
"..I believe so?" he looks more entertained than you.
you mumble. "why is it so.. long?" you gingerly rub the vein, you can almost feel malleus vibrate, seemingly pleased.
note. i just saw it when I was cleansing my drafts.. actually say thank you to ellie since they are wholly the reason why it gets published in the first place. again, NOT CHANGED AT ALL since I wrote it months ago
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kayleighwinchester · 2 months
((It's been a long time coming, but I finally finished another of the drabble drafts I have rattling around for @artyandink's Jensen-a-thon! This one is meant to prelude Rocks and Rom Coms and Long Story, but can certainly be read separately! I present to you: Stanford-Era Dean being the socially-inept, ill-adjusted boy I maintain he would be.))
What would arguably be the most important day of your life, looking back, was an entirely average Monday; it was one that would even count as a bad day.
You went to class – you were running late, and it was only the first week. You had lunch at some overpriced cafe on campus; another several hours of classes that made a headache start to throb at your temples; as rain began to pour down as you walked home, you ducked into the nearest building – a run-down looking gas station that, really, had no business keeping their prices a solid ten cents higher than everywhere else in town – to wait it out.
He was leaning against the counter beside the display of brightly colored lottery adverts and scratch off tickets, brows furrowed as he stared out at the rain, grumbling about how he’d “just waxed the damn car–”, his eyes fixed on a sleek black muscle car safely hidden beside pump three from the sudden downpour. It seemed he was stuck there, just like you were, if his muttering was any indication. His green eyes darted to yours as the bell above the door jingled cheerfully, and the sour expression on his face lightened just a bit. “Kind’a wet out there, huh?” He asked, lips quirking into a lopsided grin as he took in your damp clothes and disheveled hair.
“Usually what happens when it rains,” You quipped, making a bee-line for the line of coolers, grabbing an overpriced bottled iced coffee. You heard him snort out a laugh behind you, and you couldn’t help but grin as well, idly wandering toward the aisles of snacks.
The sound of the rain on the roof was getting louder, not quieter, and the realization struck that, unless you wanted to arrive home entirely soaked to the skin, you were likely going to be stuck there for a while. Grabbing a bag of mini-donuts, you made your way to the register where he was still leaning, arms folded, on the counter, sliding your newly acquired snacks toward the register.
You reached into your pocket, digging for your wallet.
You paused, dropping your backpack down to one elbow, digging through each compartment.
As you wracked your brain to try to locate your missing wallet – and more importantly, your money – it hit you. You’d spent the batter part of the previous evening indulging in a bit of retail therapy, and your wallet was probably still on the coffee table, right next to your laptop. The realization was a welcome one in that you knew where it was, but an incredibly inconvenient one in regards to where it wasn’t.
You looked up at the cashier – a girl a few years younger than you, who was staring at you with a bored, unamused look. “I, uh – I’ll just put those back,” You offered sheepishly.
“I got it.” You startled slightly as the man beside you leaned forward, casting you a wink and another brilliant grin, sliding a ten across the counter. His eyes cut back to you, that million dollar smirk not fading as he offered his hand. “Dean.” He supplied.
“Y/N,” You introduced, before quickly adding, “Look, I left my wallet – I don’t have any way to pay you back.” You slowly took the bag the cashier offered, shaking his hand with your free one.
“‘S fine,” The man – Dean – waved your concern off with a hand. “It was, what, ten bucks tops? ‘S fine.” He flipped briefly through the change he’d gotten back, counting, and – “Yeah. Seven fifty. Not gonna miss it.” He smiled over at you. God, that smile was borderline disarming. “‘Sides, I can think of a few ways for you to pay me back.”
There it was.
You grimaced slightly, and he seemed to realize his misstep, holding up his hands immediately in surrender. “Not what I meant,” He said quickly, a sheepish expression immediately darting across his face – you got the immediate impression that wasn’t a line he’d tried before, nor one he’d actually thought out before he used it.
God, he had no idea how to talk to women, did he? “Alright,” You said slowly, reaching into your bag to fish out the bottled coffee, giving it a few shakes before you opened it. “What did you mean, then?”
“I was just thinkin’ – I dunno. Coffee, maybe? Real coffee, not that,” He cast a stare at your bottle like it had personally offended him somehow. “And – hell, it doesn’t look like ‘s gonna stop rainin’ any time soon. Maybe I could give you a ride home.”
Your first instinct was the logical one – a very firm thank you, but hell no – but the words didn’t come out. Instead, you let your eyes wander over his expression. If you had to guess, he was around your age - give or take a year or two. He didn’t seem threatening. He seemed awkward. Not for the first time, you were reminded of the boys you’d had classes with the last two years – freshly out of high school, full of faux self-confidence and one-liners they’d snagged from suave action heroes that always got the girl.
You glanced out the window at the rain, which seemed to have no intention of slowing – let alone stopping – any time soon. “Weren’t you just complaining that you just waxed your car?” You pointed out, taking a sip of your coffee.
He gave a one-shouldered shrug, leaning his weight against the counter. “S’pposed to give it an hour – she should be fine.”
“She?” You quoted skeptically, earning another sheepish grin. You took another sip of your coffee, glancing down into the bag at the paper bag of mini-donuts, considering your options. Your shoes and socks were already soaked through, squishing uncomfortably as you shifted. You could wait out the rain – which didn't seem like it would stop any time soon – or you could take your chances ending up on some daytime crime show like your mother loved to watch so often.
You glanced back up at him – he'd gotten a scratch off ticket and was slowly working his way over it, one of the quarters from his change gripped between a thumb and finger, his lower lip caught between his teeth, his eyes flitting back up to yours. “Yeah, alright.” You finally conceded. “Any funny business, and I'm tucking and rolling.” You warned.
Dean gave a wide grin, one that sent a flutter of butterflies through you. “Deal. I won't even lock the doors.” He raised one hand – the one still holding the quarter between two fingers – in a teasing promise. “Just let me finish this –...” His face, scrunched up (adorably, though you would never admit as much) in concentration, lit up as he scratched off the remaining few squares of his lottery ticket, one fist pumping briefly in the air. “Score!” He grinned over at you. “What’d’you say we stop for that coffee first?” He asked, proudly holding up the ticket.
He was still grinning ear-to-ear as he held the door open, the bell jingling overhead, before he followed you out into the rain.
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therentyoupay · 17 days
Hello, Kris! I think I might’ve already gotten the gist of it, but it’s been some time. What exactly IS Academia Mode? Are you still in school, or is this your actual job, and it just happens to be involved in the education system?
Many thanks!
hahah no worries!!! that is a good question 🤣😭😭🙏 for me, academia mode is currently finishing the 5th and final year of my doctoral program and includes (but is not limited to lol):
data collection, analysis, write-ups
writing python programs to support my data cleaning, data coding, stats, and data analysis/visualizations
applying for GRANT MONEYYYY
submitting abstract proposals to conferences (and applying for MORE GRANT MONEYYYY)
reporting research findings (writing journal article manuscripts, preparing conference slides)
writing my actual dissertation manuscript lol
supporting and instructing my research assistants
sharing my research with mainstream public audiences
writing my non-fiction book based on my ongoing dissertation research
teaching classes, grading papers, holding office hours, fielding emails, writing letters of recommendation for all sorts of students' fellowships/grad admissions/grant applications, teaching students how to strategize their personal statements, grant purpose letters, and other aspects of apps, etc.
peer-reviewing others' journal manuscripts, providing feedback to colleagues (blind review or not)
assisting with my advisor's research and textbook manuscripts (proofreading, copy-editing, internet sleuthing, finding more up-to-date citations, occasionally writing rough drafts)
writing chapters for edited volumes on various topics
READING. all the time. reading new literature and research articles constantly. ALL THE TIME. writing 1-pagers and mini-annotated bibs for future lit review use, etc.
WRITING. all the time. professional-speak, academic-speak, insructor-speak.
getting paid to travel to conferences to present my research (GRANT MONEYYYYYY)
by may 2025, i'll be a Ph.D.!!!!!! [screams]
academia mode! ✨🤣🤣🤣😭🤣💕 every day, i think about how lucky i am that i get paid to do what i do 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 hope you are having a magnificent day, and thank you for the ask!!
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
We're a Family Part 13 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: I may be a bit tipsy so forgive me lol Alas I bare you this chapter <3
Warnings: Steddie X You relationship, Smut and fluff with a dash of angst at the beginning, the boys talk about their dads briefly near the end, handcuffs are introduced 😈, I think that's it lol
Word Count: 5322
“What the fuck are we doing here, Y/N. You’re lucky I even came without a lawyer.”, Charlie sighed as he slid onto the chair in the bar you invited him to. You sat there trying to appear as calm as possible as you smoked your cigarette. 
“We need to talk.”
“Yeah, we do. How dare you pull a stunt like that with my son! I know that isn’t—”
“Charles, shut up. Shut. Up. I’m not here to fight with you or play games. We need to talk about Dylan and what’s best for him.” You slide a piece of paper your lawyer had drafted in front of him, allowing him to read it as you took a sip of the liquor in your glass.
“Fuck you. No. I’m not fucking signing this.”
“No! No… I’m not… I can’t.”
“Charlie… he loves you so much. You have no idea but… he’s not a little boy anymore. He’s going to be 13 next year! I gave you so many chances and each time you weren’t there. He deserves better than this and somewhere inside I know you know that.”
His eyes start to fill with tears but he pushes them down. He can’t seem weak right now. 
“I’m his father, Y/N.”
“Since when, Charlie? You missed so much. Birthdays, holidays, school functions and baseball games. He’s already started trying to shave his face and he’s been trying to work up the courage to ask a girl he likes on a date. Dylan tried to call and asked to visit but each time you weren’t available… I’m not saying he won’t change his mind as he grows up about wanting to see you but right now… this is what’s best.”
He reaches for your pack of cigarettes, scoffing as he takes out one and lights it. “These are the guys, right? You used to always smoke the lights when we were together.”
You softly smile in his direction. “Yeah, I steal them from Eddie so I can maintain the illusion that I don’t smoke anymore especially if I don’t buy my own pack.”
Charlie chuckles and your heart breaks. It’s the first time in almost 10 years you’ve seen him genuinely laugh like that.
“I tried, Y/N. I really did.”
“I know… by doing this…”, you point to the paper. “You’ll be doing the fatherliest thing for him that you have ever done. That way… he can finally stop hoping and focus on being a kid.”
 His jaw tightens as he reaches for a pen, staring at the document before him, hands shaking as he signs his name. 
“Tell Dylan I love him…SO fucking much.” With that he quickly stands and practically runs out of the building.”
“Dada! Daddy! Wake up.”, Aurora exclaimed as you threw her playfully onto the bed. 
“Oh, Jesus Christ.”, Eddie chuckles when she throws herself down on his stomach. 
“Geez rist.” You narrow your eyes at him as she tries to mimic words. 
“What’s going on?”, Steve rubs his eyes as he sits up. 
“Ro tell them. Say ‘Happy Father’s Day.”
“Appy faters day!”
“Thank you, honey. You’re too sweet.”
She giggles as she keens into Eddie’s chest. “Happy Father’s Day, dad. We got you some presents.” Dylan grins as he sits on the end of the bed and hands them each something. “Both of these are from Ro and me.”
Both men tear into the paper, displaying each gift one at a time. Eddie proudly held his shirt to his chest that read “Heavy Metal Dad” as he beamed at the kids. 
“I love it so much! Thank you, guys. I’m going to wear it out today.”
Steve held up his coffee tumbler that read “Teacher by day; World’s best dad by night.” 
“Oh, wow. Thanks you two! This will be going to work with me tomorrow.”
“Alright, let’s let them get dressed so they can come down and eat breakfast. That way we can take them to the other places, okay?”
“Bye, dada. Bye daddy.” Aurora waves, smiling as they wave back. 
You grin as you watch Dylan and Steve interact with the Hawkins professional baseball players. They were both so animated as they excitedly talked about the game and your son’s stats on the field. Eddie wrapped his arm around your waist as he kissed your temple. 
“Look at our nerds.”, he grins. 
“As usual he planned all this. Dylan thought Steve would enjoy getting to meet the team and play with them a bit.”
“I’m sure Stevie would enjoy anything that boy put together. I know I do.”
“Yeah, well, your present is tonight after we visit grandpa.”
“Ganpa.”, Aurora claps. You plop her on her feet as she tries to wiggle out of your grasp to run to her father and brother. “Din. Up!”, she commands as she makes grabby hands towards the sky. 
“Who’s this?”, the player asks as Dylan lifts his sister into his arms. 
“This is my little sister, Aurora.” 
The man grins as he says hello and she keens into her brother’s shoulder before shyly waving. 
“Must be nice having a sibling. I was an only child growing up and it was the worst.”
“Me to.” Eddie and Steve echo at the same time making you laugh. 
Ro giggles, pointing to Dylan as she babbles. “Bra-der. Din…Rara…sis-ter.”
“She reminds me of my daughter. So smart and they pick up everything!”
“She really does.”, you smile as you pet her curls.
“Hey. Do you guys want to try hitting some balls? We actually have some t-ball bats and balls for the little one here.”
The five of you spent the rest of the day at the field playing with the players. Steve helped Ro hit the ball a few times and she was so excited as she waddle ran around the bases. Dylan continued to give Eddie pointers like he did in the batting cage all those years ago and the metalhead continued to pretend like he had no idea what he was doing as he asked his son questions.
“Ganpa!”, Ro screamed as she barreled towards Wayne. 
“Oh my god. Hey, sweetheart!” He pretended to groan as he picked her up. “You are getting heavy. I’m too old. I need you to be a baby again.” She giggled as she shook her head. 
Wayne grinned as he hugged Eddie. “Happy Father’s Day.”
“Happy Father’s Day, boys. You guys look like you’re having a good day so far.”
Dylan excitedly told him all about their time with the players and the fun they had as the man began setting out plates for lunch. 
You guys enjoyed the meal Wayne made and Ro refused to let go of her grandpa even as he ate. 
“Are you guys still doing the word association?”
“Oh, yeah. She’s got the family down for sure.” You begin pointing around the table as she rattles off names. 
“Din. Daddy. Mama! Dada. Ganpa!”
“And who are you?”
Steve laughs as he leans back in his chair. “I love the way she says it.”
“The other day she heard me say Eddie and—”
You gesture towards her as Wayne throws his head back and laughs. 
“Mhmm. Daddy. I’m daddy to you, ya little monster.”, the man smiles as she tries to hide in her grandfather’s lap. 
“So, what are the plans for the rest of the evening?”
“Dylan has somewhere he wants to take Eddie and then dinner after.”, you reply. 
“Have you given them the thing yet?” You shake your head. “You’ll have to text me when you do.”
“Um, what thing?”, Steve inquires. 
“You’ll see.”, you sing as you lean over to kiss his lips. 
Eddie’s entire demeanor changed as he excitedly took his kids hands and ran into the museum. Dylan had found a place about an hour outside of Hawkins that had a lot of the “nerdy” things his dad enjoyed. You and Steve laughed as you held hands following behind them as they looked around. 
“Ah dude, look! They have one of the original D & D game from 1974.”
“That is so cool.” Dylan’s eyes widen as they look over the display. 
“It’s been around that long? I’m surprised I didn’t know about this until after I met you.”
“I was just as surprised, sweetheart.” He grins when you lean up to kiss his cheek.
“Mom! Look!” Your son grabs your hand pulling you into a room full of Harry Potter memorabilia. Even as he got older his love for the books and movies didn’t change. His eyes lit up as he looked over all the trinkets, smirking as he turned to Steve. “Ok. Ro style word associate. Dad, what’s this?”
“Uh…boot key?”
“Close enough.”, he laughs as he points to something else.
“Oh! That one I know. It’s, um, time turner.” The man smiles proudly as Dylan confirms he’s right before pointing at something else. “Um…”
“Snit.”, Aurora babbles as she flaps her hands like wings. 
“Yes! Snitch. Good job, Ro!”
“The three-year-old knows more than you do.”, you tease.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got two of them.” Steve smiles as he playfully shoves you. 
As soon as you enter a room dedicated to Lord of The Rings, your daughter squeaks turning to cling to Eddie’s neck when she sees the big eye on the tower. 
“It’s ok, baby. Daddy won’t let Sauron hurt you.”
“This is a really cool place, Dylan. How did you find it?”
“There’s this beautiful place on my computer called the internet.”
“Geez, Harrington. Did you hear that? It sounded like our wife shrunk and became a 12-year-old boy.”
“For real. You both are so mean.”
You wrap your arms around him as you gently kiss his head. “My baby. You definitely get that sarcasm from me.”
That evening you and the kids made dinner for them which they absolutely had fun watching. Dylan helped you cut ingredients and you gave Aurora the spoon a few times so she could stir the pan in front of you. 
After you guys ate, your daughter fell asleep in her chair with her face covered in pasta sauce. Eddie cleaned her up before quickly taking her upstairs to put her to bed. 
“Actually, we should all head upstairs because what Dylan wants to give you is up there.”
The three of you waited in your bedroom for Eddie to return and as soon as he did your son commanded he sit on the bed next to Steve. 
“Oh shit. He’s upped his kidnapping game to. I think he’s going to murder us, Stevie.”
You jokingly widened your eyes and he grinned as he calmed down waiting for Dylan to proceed. 
“So our son and I have some things to tell you but we ask that you wait until we’re finished before you fully react. Mostly by fully react, I mean getting mad at me.” You guiltily smiled towards them as their expressions became more cautious. “A couple of months ago I met up with Charlie.”
“You what?”, Steve asked with a hint of frustration. 
“Please, listen—”
“I asked her to.”, Dylan cut in. “There’s something I’ve been wanting to do since mom told me she changed her last name. We’ve been talking about it a lot and I asked her not to tell you.” He slowly stepped forward and handed Eddie a manilla envelope. 
They glanced at each other as he carefully pulled a packet out and they both scanned the documents. 
“I…how…”, the metalhead stuttered over his words as you softly smiled.
“Dylan asked me if there was a more permanent way for you two to be labeled as his dad. I asked Wayne since he adopted you, Eddie, and he helped me get some of this stuff together. Like Aurora, I can only put one name there as his father. I thought it only fair to put Steve since yours is on Ro’s but both your names are listed as his parental guardians. That way…if anything happens to me…”
“After you guys sign it and this other paper in the back here, my last name will officially be Munson-Harrington like mom and my sister.”
Steve covered his eyes in his elbow but you saw his chest heave as he cried. Dylan stepped forward and the man immediately took him in his arms, reaching over to tug Eddie’s shirt so he could hug him to. After they pulled apart, you handed them a pen and they signed without any hesitation. 
“I love you guys.”
“We love you to, kid. Now…get out of here before you make us cry again.”
Dylan giggled as jumped off the bed, kissing your cheek, and heading to his room. 
You climbed into the bed between them, giving them each a kiss. “I’m sorry. He asked me not to tell you especially since we weren’t sure about what would happen with Charlie.”
“What did happen?”
You sighed as you told them the story of your meeting at the bar and your ex signing away his parental rights. 
“Are you okay?”, Eddie asked. 
“Yeah…it was hard…seeing the pain on his face. I’ve never doubted that Charlie loved him but…I don’t know.”, you shrug. “I’m glad Dylan feels safe with you two though. He’s not worried about you leaving him or hurting him.”
They smile as Steve tenderly pets your head. 
“Ok, now I have a gift for you two as well so please double check that the baby is asleep and turn down the house while I go grab it!”
“Alright, baby. Dylan is in bed and ready for school tomorrow, Ro is still knocked out, and the door is closed. The floor is yours.”, Eddie announces as he sits on the bed next to Steve. 
“Thank you, my love!”
“Oh, did you hear that, Harrington? My love…I like it.”
You giggle as you poke your head out of the closet. “Shut up and both of you close your eyes.”
“Yes ma’am.” The boys faux salute making you laugh harder. 
They hear a small sigh leave your lips as you gradually shuffle towards. “I’ve never worn anything like this before but I saw it at the mall and knew you both would like it. Open.”
Their jaws drop when they are finally able to look at you. 
The blue lingerie nightie you were wearing showed off your body in all the right places and the lacy part hugging your barely hidden breasts had Eddie exhaling in pleasure. The material flowed like a dress, cutting off just below your waist and you lifted it slightly to reveal a cute pair of lacy blue panties that had Steve’s cock twitching in his pants. 
“Fuck me…Honey, you look—”
“Beautiful…”, Eddie finished. 
You bit your bottom lip as you try to contain your grin. “I got one more thing that I was going to save for someone’s birthday but to be honest I don’t know who I want to use it on more. Or I don’t know, maybe, you can use it on me.”
“Baby!”, Steve chuckles. “You have to tell us what it is first.”
After disappearing to your closet again, you come back out with a small box and hand it to them to open. The metalhead tears it open, both men looking up at you with sudden longing as their eyes clouded over with lust.
“Well, what is it?”, you ask innocently as you giggle in their direction. 
“You’re going to fucking kill us. You know that right?” Steve sighs shakily as he pulls out the black leather handcuffs you had bought.
Eddie smirks in your direction until it slowly becomes his signature toothy smile that you love. 
“Naw, sweetheart, I’m just thinkin’. You walked into a store and thought ‘Maybe there’s something in here the TWO men I love would enjoy but yet you walked out with ONE pair of cuffs.”, he wiggles his eyebrows playfully in your direction. “You said you didn’t know who but you have one of us in mind. Don’t you, baby?”
“I…yeah…I mean…kinda…”, you blush. 
“3, 2, 1…”, Eddie quickly counts down and at the same time you both reply. 
Steve grins as he nods his head. “I’d ask why but it doesn’t really matter.”
“I just…I don’t know. I thought he might enjoy being a little vulnerable.”
“Edward Munson, I swear to God!”, you laugh as your hands cover your face. 
“You, my love, thought of Steve because Mr. Harrington here is definitely the most passionate but for some reason hides it under all that sexy head of hair.” Eddie rose to his feet turning you to take his place on the bed as he tugged the other boy and moved him to face you. 
“Out of the three of us, he’s the most handsy. Stevie here loves PDA and doesn’t mind displaying you for the world.” The metalhead unbuttoned Steve’s shirt, tossing it aside as he ran his palms over his chest and down his stomach.
“Steve also has a tendency to ‘take charge’. Be the big man of the house, making sure everyone including me and you, princess, are taken care of.” The man exhales as Eddie places light kisses along his back, reaching around to unzip his jeans, and slide them down his legs with his boxers. 
“But the main reason is because…” Taking the handcuffs from you, he pulls Steve’s wrists behind his back, binding them together. “…this gorgeous man, while having grown up a lot especially after becoming a dad, still has some struggles being vulnerable. And for us, sweetheart, it’s absolutely fucking sexy watching him surrender it to the two people he trusts the most.”
He sits beside you as he leans back on his hands, looking up at Steve with admiration. 
“He really does look yummy.”
“Yeah, he does.”
You stand to get closer to him, running your palms up his hairy chest to his neck as you lean up to kiss his lips. His arms twitch behind him, desperately wanting to wrap them around you, chasing your mouth as you pull away. 
“Oh, this is going to be fun.” You smile as you guide him towards the mattress, pushing him down onto his stomach. “They don’t hurt right?”
“No. They actually feel comfortable.”
Your fingers run delicately through his hair so you can see his eyes. “If at any point you feel uncomfortable just tell us, okay?”
“Okay, honey.”, he answers before being abruptly turned onto his back.
“You know, we could have some real fun and torture the hell out of him.”
“Eddie, no!”, you giggle.
“Oh, come on. Last time we tried the no touch he lost our bet and jerked off. Now…”, he grins wickedly as he pushes you onto your back as well, crawling up your body before leaning down to kiss you. “…he can’t do that. It’s sweeter to because, sweetheart, you look so gorgeous in this. Imagine if Stevie couldn’t have you while you were wearing it.”
A moan escapes your lips as his hips grind against your own. “Eddie, its both your day, today. He deserves to feel good to.”
“Oh, alright.”
After giving you an obnoxiously loud kiss, he slides off your body and takes off his own shirt, flinging it to the side. The metalhead watches you with a big smile as you roll to your side, tenderly kissing Steve’s lips before trailing your own down his chest. 
A line of spit flows from your mouth as you hover over his cock, stroking it along his shaft with your hand. He groans as your tongue licks his tip, tracing along his veins till you reach his balls.
“Baby, I got this.” Eddie’s eyes gesture upwards and you smile as you crawl up towards the other boy’s face. Straddling his head facing them, you move the silky fabric blocking your core to the side, moaning as he cranes his neck to press his tongue into your entrance. 
“Yes, Steve, baby.” 
He moans underneath you as he wraps his mouth around your clit and you glance up to see Eddie taking the man’s cock as far into his mouth as his throat will allow. Drool and spit drips from his lips and your pussy clenches at the sight. 
Eyes rolling back, Steve aggressively begins shaking his head, devouring you as if you were the last meal he was ever going to have. 
“Oh my god… Don’t… Don’t stop.”, you whimpered as your hips grinded against his face. 
You watched as his hands moved underneath him, desperate to touch either one of you. Your palms pressed against his chest for leverage as you felt him fully try and taste everything that was his. Moaning his name repeatedly, your legs shook around him as you came.
You hastily climbed off him, turning to grip his jaw as you sloppily kiss his lips. His tongue invaded your mouth before he jerked his head back to try and kiss as much of your face, neck, and body he could reach. 
Eddie released Steve’s cock, giving you room as you climb on top of him again and gradually sunk down on to his dick. 
“Fuck me…”, Steve moaned as he lifted his head to watch himself disappear inside of you. 
The other man removed the rest of his clothing and leaned forward to suck on your neck as you slowly began moving your hips. 
“We could still have fun with him, you know.”, Eddie teased. “I mean, doesn’t it kill you at least a little that you can’t touch her?” He chuckled when Steve nodded. “What was that, Stevie? I couldn’t hear you.”
“More…more than…a little. Goddamn, baby, you feel so fucking good.”
The metalhead brushes some of your hair back as his breath tickles your ear. “What do you think, sweetheart? Think we should let him go?”
You reached for Steve’s shoulders, yanking him to a sitting position as your thighs clung to his waist. 
While he waited to be free, Steve dragged his tongue along your neck before latching his lips to the sweet spot on your throat. As soon as the cuffs came off, he wrapped his arms around you and flipped you onto your back, pounding into you almost animalistically. 
He hated not being able to touch you. Not that he didn’t like being restrained but he just loved you so much and not being able to hold you drove him insane. 
Eddie was completely entranced with you two as he stroked his cock watching the man he loved take care of the woman he loved. It was so beautiful and he relished the fact that moments like this only belonged to you three. 
“Steve, please, I’m…” You hand covered your mouth to stifle the moan but he moved it out of the way, replacing it with his lips as he held your face to his. You clung to him as you came, his tongue muffling your whimpers as you came undone. 
Steve’s rhythm stalled as he allowed you to catch your breath. Suddenly feeling a hand on his back, he turned his head to see Eddie behind him who raised his eyebrows essentially checking in. The man nodded before looking down at your sweaty features. 
“Are you ok?”
They breathily laugh as you give them a thumbs up while you continue to pant. The metalhead’s palm glides to the other man’s shoulder as his other guides his cock into him. This was always one of your favorite parts of making love with them. You had always said, even when you first met them, that they both had an energy that was intimidating when it came to them. 
Maybe it was the years of knowing each other or just being friends instead of lovers but anytime they interacted especially in bed it was like looking at a work of art, so gorgeous. Steve’s forehead fell against yours as his face scrunched in pleasure. Eddie’s eyes fluttered shut as he leaned against the man’s back, balancing on his other arm as he began slowly thrusting his hips. 
Your eyes remained open as you tried to watch them above you. Every time Eddie pumped into him, it moved Steve forward thrusting him into you. 
“Does he feel good, babe?” Steve nods at your question as he softly kisses your lips. “Tell me. Tell me, sweetheart.”
He forces his eyes open as he looks down at your face. “Y-you—mmm—you both feel…jesus…”, he grunts unable to finish his thought as Eddie slows behind him, delivering deep strokes that has Steve’s face collapsing into your neck. 
The man winks above you before reaching for both of Steve’s wrists and locking them behind his back. The action causes the boy to fall flat against your body, pushing him deeper inside you.
“Oh my god…”, you cry, covering your mouth again. 
“You okay, princess? St-still with us?”
“Eddie, please. Don’t stop.”, you beg. He obliges, gripping Steve’s arms tightly as he slams his hips into his. Your own limbs cling to the boys as bite into his shoulder, muffling your scream as you cum.
You hold him tighter to you, threading your fingers in his hair as he keens into your neck and grunts loudly into your skin as he warms your insides with his release. Eddie follows a couple moments after, letting go of Steve’s wrists to wrap himself around to his chest as he thrusts his spend into the boy beneath him. 
Panting, he gradually pulls out falling onto his back beside you both as he wipes the sweat from his face. 
“Ow…”, you wince as Steve tries to do the same. 
“I’m sorry.”, he whispers, leaning down to kiss your forehead.
“No, no. Just… hang on a second.” You press your palm against his lower belly, guiding his movements till he’s fully out of your aching core. “You would think after being with you two and having two kids I wouldn’t get sore like this but…”
Steve softly grins as he sits beside you, wincing himself before pulling out the handcuffs he sat on. 
“I like these. We should use more stuff like this.”
“Maybe you two can come with me next time and we can look around. I’m open to it.”
Eddie nods, agreeing with you as he rises to his feet and takes you in his arms, carrying you to the bathroom. Steve slowly shuffles behind and helps you out of your outfit as the other boy get the bath ready. 
All three of you exhale heavily as your skin hits the warm water. 
“I had a good day today.”, Eddie grins as he carefully cleans your body. 
“Me to. I wonder if Ro is going to inherit her brother’s event planning gene.”, Steve chuckles as he kisses your shoulder. 
“Well, you two are really good with surprises to I’m sure she will.”, you smirk.
“Uh oh. I know that look.”, the metalhead tilts your chin up with his index finger. “Time for bathtub therapy?”
You scrunch your nose in his direction making him laugh. “Steve, have you, um, heard from your dad?”
“No and I’m fine with that. Wait, where did that come from?”
“I don’t know…on days like today sometimes my mind wonders and just like with little Edward Munson, I think about little Steven Harrington. I’m so glad your mom came around. I just wish your dad would stop being an asshole and see what we see.”
“Ah, so the follow up question was going to be if I’ve heard from my dad to?” You nod at Eddie’s question. “One of the things I love about you, sweetheart, is your optimism. It definitely grounds us especially me. You know sometimes I can be super cynical.” His grin grows when you giggle. “Now, Stevie, stop me if I’m wrong but we have a family here; two gorgeous kids and you. We’re both finally working jobs we enjoy and love being able to see Ro and Dylan experience things that we didn’t get to. Why would we want to bring our dads into that especially if they don’t want to change or accept us?”
“Aw, honey, our little metalhead is growing up.”, Steve responds sarcastically as he reaches out to playfully pinch Eddie’s cheeks. “He’s right. I don’t want to hear my father’s opinion on me teaching or, hell, even what he’d say about Dylan. Baby, he had a problem with you changing your name. Imagine what he’d say if he found our son will to.”
“Yeah…my mother is probably going to pitch a fit when she finds out.”
“Well, when your mom stops being insane, we’ll take her opinions under advisement.”
“Geez, Ed. Tell me how you really feel.”, you giggle as you splash water in his direction. “How would you dad feel about us? I know Wayne doesn’t care and your mom didn’t seem too either. Then again, she was more focused on herself…”
He gently kisses your forehead before rising from the tub and reaching for your hands to pull you up as well. 
“My dad…wouldn’t care exactly. He would probably have something to say about me and Steve though…”, Eddie eyes remained down cast as he dried you off and then himself before handing the other boy the towel. “He would think he’s being funny but…”, he breathily laughs as he yanks a shirt over your head. You follow him as he goes on the hunt for some shorts. 
“Honestly, I would be more worried about the stuff he would bring into the house. He was constantly stealing things and bringing them home to my mom as ‘gifts’. Wayne said he would steal valuables from his trailer. I image he would take a lot of the stuff we have here. I, um…”, he rubs the back of his neck as he climbs on the bed. “I would also be worried about Dylan. I know he’s a smart kid! Don’t get me wrong but sometimes my dad had a way of talking that would make you think you were doing something innocent and then next thing you know you’re in the passenger’s seat next to him going 80 down a highway as the cops try and catch him for grand theft auto.”
You pull him into hug as you kiss his lips. “I’m sorry, baby.”
Eddie kisses you back before making you laugh as he places obnoxiously loud pecks along your face. “No reason to be sorry.”
He tucks you into bed, crawling under the covers with you as Steve bounces in behind you. You and the metalhead talk casually as the other boy occasionally chimes in, his eyes focused on his phone in front of him. After a while, you fall asleep, curled into Eddie’s chest. 
“Hey.”, he reached over to lightly smack his arm. “What are you reading so intently over there?”
“Nothing.”, Steve smiles. “Just looking up something and doing some math.”
“Is it a big secret? You know if it’s for Y/N you have to clue me in.”
“Calm down. I’m just…thinking.”
“Today and the kids. About how big they are both getting…”
“Aw. Is Stevie getting sentimental?”
“Shut up.”, he giggles. Eddie grins as he rolls over to turn off his bed side lamp and wrap his arms around you.
“I do miss Aurora being a baby. Kind of makes you want another one, ya know?”
“Do you mean that? Would you want another kid?”
“Yeah, sure, one day.”
Steve sighs as he watches Eddie’s eyes drift closed, closing out of the notes he had made on his phone titled “Baby #3: Expenses (Can we afford it right now?)”, and placing his device next to the bed. As he turns off the lights, he snuggles up behind you, reaching over to rest his arm across both your hips. 
@adequate-superstar @kalinaselennespeaks @alienthingstwo
@steddieloverrr @manda-panda-monium
@decadentwombatmiracle @katie-tibo @marsupiooo
@local-stoner-bitch @steamystrangerfics @lunatictardis
@adaydreamaway08 @hazydespair @actuallyspencerreid
@moviefreak1205 @waylandmorgernsternherondal-blog
@kik51199 @strngrlytn @idkidknemore @damon-loves-pie
@k-k0129 @micheledawn1975 @eddie86baby
@justmeandmymeanderingthoughts @3rriberri @sashaphantomhive @chelebelletx @big-ope-vibes
@munsonzzgf @munsonmoonshine86
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asksythe · 1 month
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(Cropped and without background art) NSFW illustration for Lies and his Wife Truth.
A scene in the present timeline. One day before the fateful reunion in Norwich.
Yay! The first successful NSFW Com for Lies!
Lies has two planned sex scenes in its draft. One in the past timeline between Oberon and Titania!Ritsuka (milestone of Oberon's character arc an his rebellion from the world, eschewing his mission to destroy the Lostbelt) and one in the present timeline between Oberon and Ritsuka (milestone of Oberon devolving and sliding back into his monstrous origin and descending into Beasthood). This is the present timeline one.
Haaaa... I am so stoked to finally get this. Maybe I shouldn't have posted even this cropped version and spoiled some details of the plot. But the alternate option of sitting mum on this piece until the story progresses to that point might be impossible for me, considering how excited I am (hahaha!). Plus my memories are just horrid these days.
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tokkibbang00 · 1 year
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synopsis: It's no secret to anyone with eyes that the two of you had something special. But sometimes, special isn't just enough. You think you can stay away and prevent yourself from further falling for Han Jisung. Clearly, you were wrong. No matter how much you try to walk away, he always comes back after you— always comes back to you. inspired by Niki's Backburner.
rating: (n)sfw
pairing: idol!jisung x idol!afab reader, ??? x idol!afab reader
genre: slight angst, hints of fluff (ig), idol!au. (will add more when the story is posted)
warnings: cursing, slightly suggestive, jisung is kind of stupid and is a red flag 😭, kind of dialogue heavy. (will add more when the story is posted)
teaser word count: 407
a/n: i've been posting teasers this week, most of the fics will come out starting next week !! so keep an eye out~ hanji has been plaguing my mind lately and i have a bunch of han jisung fics written in my drafts at the moment. this one is one of them :]] taglist for this is open!! just message me or slide in my asks! my requests are also open 🐰💙
teaser posted: 05-20-23
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You and Jisung have a complicated relationship.
The both of you go way back since you were trainees in JYP. You ended up moving to Source Music a few years later and debuted under Le Sserafim, while he debuted under Stray Kids.
You've been friends with him for 8 years now.
At some point, the both of you were closer than others.
You'd attend their concerts and be the one who waits for him backstage afterwards, congratulating the group. He'd be the one sending you snacks or taking you out to meals in his free time whenever you were too busy to even eat.
When he's out on tour overseas, he'd never forget to get you souvenirs that remind him of you. He would message or call you in the middle of the night just to show you random things he'd encountered throughout his travels.
The both of you had your secret rendezvous in Han River when the nights were quiet. Catching up in life or ranting whatever it was bothering you that day.
It was inevitable that you would fall for him at some point.
You mustered up all the courage that you can get and tried confessing to him a few years ago. He reciprocated your feelings, but it was all complicated due to their dating ban and you were just a trainee.
The both of you decided to stay friends after that. Everything stayed the same. As if you were back to square one.
He and the guys congratulated you when you debuted. They've been in the industry for four years and you finally got to be with them. Jisung's dating ban has been lifted and your company was freer than most.
Maybe you got your hopes up. But even then, nothing has changed.
You and Jisung were at a standstill.
Ever since a year ago, you thought it'd be different. Your lingering feelings towards him were growing and it aches you that you can never really call him yours. You have no right to be jealous whenever you'd see him flirting with other idols backstage. You have no right to prevent him from dating other people.
It's been different with him. As if he forgot your confession and his own from a few years ago altogether.
This time, you swore to yourself you'd distance yourself from him; prevent yourself from developing any further feelings.
But in the end, he'd always run back to you.
It feels like he's been keeping you within his reach, but never keeping you at all.
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NOTE: Characters presented do not represent anyone mentioned in the story. This is a work of fiction and is not real.
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noahtally-famous · 4 months
keith! the throwaway name in tdpi to you; but to me he's an actual character
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younger me is screaming rn, ever since i watched tdpi when it came out, i was super interested in keith as a character (and his dynamics with sky, and with dave)!! finally here we are, some picrews of what i think he looks like & some basic info! (cant do the 16-slide presentation with him rn like i did with gabriel 😔 but maybe i will in the future!)
here's a fic abt him! (plus i do have an rr au idea with him in my drafts)
below the cut are gonna be some keith (and keith & sky) hcs:
-> keith is exceptional in almost any sport he puts his mind to! his favorites are baseball and basketball though. he met sky through a school game and they bonded over their love of athletics!
-> keith never rlly considered sports as a career, he's always default thought of it as a hobby. sky was the one who wanted to take her skills farther, and he did support her for it
-> their shakiness started when sky brought up auditioning for tdpi. keith has heard the shit that happens in many reality shows and worried for her, saying they could try another solution. they argued, sky signed up for tdpi (she said she'll miss him in the audition bc he was filming and it was sort of as a 'im sorry for the fights pls try to understand' thing). however, despite keith trying to understand, he didn't watch any of tdpi until the finale episode
-> as a loyal person in relationships, keith was extremely hurt and upset by sky kissing dave and then leading him on. it made him feel quite worthless, and despite any reconciliations, he knows he can't ever trust her again
-> he doesnt like dave bc the guy went ballistic and put sky's life in harm's way, he considers that a bit of an overreaction on dave's end and he does resent him for believing he played a part in sky falling for him
-> this guy places trust to a high degree, if you break it, you're seeing a different keith
-> he's the type to maybe be good/proficient at chess. might have him be good at it actually!
-> he and sky are both bisexual. sky is bi with a preference for women; keith is bi but used to pretend he was straight due to the environment he lived in
-> sky and keith's relationship tropes: friends to lovers, mutual respect for each other, relationship for convenience
-> in actuality, sky & keith's relationship is more of a friendship. they only made it like they're dating bc of their families, and when their individual sexuality crisis came up, that caused some issues. prior to tdpi, sky already had a feeling she liked women, but she kept it to herself; keith, for his part, already was aware of his bisexuality when he and sky started dating but he thought their relationship would "get rid of it". in the end, sky got the courage to push aside the veil in front of their relationship first (hence the dave moments), and keith tried to hide behind their relationship bc he didn't know if he had the guts to confront the implications
-> keith's fully ready to confront/fight anyone who gives him bad vibes and isn't afraid to show that--all except for his father (the man gave this guy too much trauma for that)
-> he got his piercings as a nonverbal 'eff you' to the old keith he used to be. back when he was worried abt his parents judgements and his friends. before tdpi, before sky and his breakup, before he made an effort to come into his real self
-> his mum and he have a complicated relationship. she's low-key homophobic at times that he cant get a proper read on her. but he does love her (def more than he does his dad), and he hopes she's willing to accept him
-> has heterochromia; one eye is dark blue, the other is light hazel (he tends to wear contacts, making it seem like he has two blue eyes)
-> he shaved part of the side of his head in a fit of impulsiveness at a concert with several friends, but then he realized he looks good in it and he likes the style, so he kept it that way
-> the type to wear sweatshirts/shirts/hoodies with lowkey memes on them (as shown in the pics with him wearing the orange hoodie with the two fingers almost touching)
-> he and sky were the epitome of 'what we have is better off as a wonderful friendship than a romantic relationship'
-> he and sky tended to help each other sports-wise in various ways; like she'd play scrimmages with him, and he'd race hurdles with her. this helps both of them grow and bond at the same time. it's a fun pastime they both enjoyed and feel nostalgic for now
-> clothing style: the stuff in the pics, along with jeans (not rlly baggy jeans though) along with sports sneakers or light brown hiking boots
-> one time sky twisted her ankle and refused to get help, and keith had to literally piggy-back her to his car bc she said she "can just walk it of, its fine!"
-> strong emotionally/mentally/physically. more so abt the first two, he's good at hiding his feelings bc of the environment he grew up in and his family (his dad more so). if he and dave ever have a heart-to-heart they can discuss their shitty father figures and how that lack impacted them lmao (the dave in my head has a shitty and distant father)
-> this also makes him more suppressed emotionally and more uncommunicative
aaand think that's all i've got so far!!
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k00297230 · 5 months
Hello you jubilant jaguars!
We've finished our final project and have placed all our things on the wall for assessment on Thursday. I didn't have as much to physically present because I didn't have my larger drawings from the first animation brief.
I've very much enjoyed the animation discipline work we've done and the overall process and pacing of the workflow. It was a little bit jarring in the beginning but once you started getting into it, it felt productive and consistent.
Final Brief "Nursery Rhyme"
I have to admit I was a little hesitant with doing group work that is often either really good or really annoying. I was blessed to be in the former of groups.
In the beginning I was a little withdrawn perhaps because my mind was on CCS and the prompt of
Three Blind mice
Space Age
wasn't something that sparked many ideas for me. I don't have a great pool of reference for space themed bits of media so I didn't feel super comfortable coming up with ideas. The first day we were supposed to make draft scripts to which I opted to do some research instead of. In the beginning it didn't feel like I was pulling my weight as such but during the weekend we had a call on Sunday to show off our newly written script, of which I did do.
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It was my first time writing a script but I was actually really enjoying it towards the middle. I finished after an hour and didn't really revise it because I was occupied with CCS work I needed to get done. There's a couple of things I learned, from the time I spent.
I'm not supposed to write descriptions of shots. (in the beginning)
My dialogue was really long and wordy. (I wanted to get my ideas of characterization across and didn't give myself time to revise and edit it which I would've done usually.
On Monday we finalized the script after taking different aspects of each of our scripts that we liked. From my script they took:
The beginning shots of the space craft showing characterization through visuals.
"Some of the characterization and dialogue ideas such as "is that Russian?"
I spent Monday working on CCS and then on Tuesday my group had storyboard stuff done but I didn't have much of an impact on it besides revising the argument scene between Ridley and Latimer in the buggy. I found myself although not contributing as many new ideas to a discussion but rather looking at the ideas we had and seeing if they fit in with an overall vision. I suggested having an overall theme for the story as it is an Epic and came up with the idea of blind beliefs and the consequences that can lead to.
I knew I had to start pulling my weight for the group and we started doing research. I was put in charge of landscapes as well as spaceships and their interior.
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I found the Observing the Moon book to be quite useful for looking at the Apollo missions, reasons for its' discontinuation and the geography of the moon. Moonshine was a Dreamworks background art book that more so served as inspiration and motivation for my future background work.
We put together a google slide consisting of the research we did and these were the ones I made.
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We then went onto look at style/aesthetic and once again I felt like I didn't contribute much to this discussion although I was okay with going for the Star trek, Akira hybrid we settled on.
We then started going into concept art. I was put in charge of landscapes and backgrounds along with Mik. I focused on the moon surface and the spaceship interior and exterior. I found this youtube video to be quite useful for getting started as I wasn't too confident in my abilities to make background art.
I found this process quite fun in keeping loose shapes with wide brushstrokes and practising stroke economy which aims to show great detail and imagery to the viewer with implied detail. I also tried playing with values. It was also my first time really using the gradient tool which add a little interest to the sky as opposed to just a flat colour.
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I feel like I could've experimented more with composition but I wanted to get more work done so I took one of the compositions and changed the hue/saturation/brightness to show different colours and palettes to see what type of feel we want for the background. I did try and place the ship in different spots to see how it'd look composition wise but that was the extent of it. I settled on a closer view of the ship for my master shot.
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My group liked the bottom three particularly the bottom left purple hue. I then took this and fixed the sky to make it pop more with stars.
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I also spent time working on the space ship itself. I sketched them out traditionally based off the video I had in my research to get used to the shape and structure of the exterior and then went to do it digitally/. I quickly sketched out my shapes and then went over them with a paint brush. I didn't do line art and kept it pretty basic.
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I think I got the basic look of it down here and once again played with the hues/saturation/brightness to see how it would look differently.
I went over it again but took more time to make it fit the Akira aesthetic more. I used airbrushes, with a lack of line and tried to make it more detailed in spots. In the end I finished it early and was mostly happy with the top half.
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Before starting my master shots at home, I wanted to look at other parts of the project for my time in college. I felt like we were lacking some of the civilization development and ideas and started drawing up designs for that.
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Basing it off roman architecture with elements of irish stone carvings with the idea of rat/mice imagery and looking at how a language could be formed from this with writing. When it comes to writing I knew the writing would be composed of scratches as if done by mice. The writing I thought would look like symbols not too dissimilar to kanji or Chinese characters but in a more primal less sophisticated form.
I knew the pillars would be the most opportune asset in our storyboard to illustrate a culture or some form of civilization. I played with shapes and tried relating them to Ryan's work so they would feel connected. (Ryan's work below).
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I then took these designs and tried making very quick digitized versions but I didn't quite like how they turned out. I also tried seeing how their look in a dark environment being lit with flashlights to the same result.
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This was all the concept and design work I was able to get done and I was quite happy with the results. If I gave myself more time to work on this I would've liked to have breached out to other parts of the project such as character work, cave interiors and the city itself. I think it would've been interesting to see what we all would have come up with for each part of the project but with the time we were given I would've liked to have experimented more with composition I think.
After preparing for the pitch presentation I focused on the master shots I was responsible for. I did the exterior of the ship on the moon landscape in the composition I picked out earlier.
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Liberty did the sketch for the interior of the ship taking reference from the video I had seen for research.
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I went over this in my style to keep it consistent. I found this workflow to be more efficient.
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I think a big thing I learned from doing these backgrounds and something to keep in mind for next time is to use darker colours against the light ones to create more contrast and create depth. I feel in some parts of my work certain things don't pop out as much as I would like them to.
We then had our presentation which went well. I wrote down a scripts and practised it multiple times until I felt confident In what I was saying and could talk around it if I forgot any words. I used a Q card to help prompt my sentences with words that I knew I blanked on during my practises written down. I felt my part went smoothly and I remembered my points. I did speak too early for one of my script lines during the animatic but I don't think it that much of an impact.
Coming to the end of this project I learned quite a bit working with my group. I was quite happy with the work I did do and wasn't used to the actual good communication and enthusiasm my group displayed overall. Although I faltered in the beginning, all members in our group felt they had a moment or moments they weren't doing as much. We still covered for each other and always had new work to look at each day. It was really nice to work on something with people who were equally as dedicated to making something together.
If I had to change somethings for next time it would definitely be how much I contributed to new ideas in the group. I did come up with ideas but I felt I kind of took a back seat and looked at the ideas we already had to see if they would fit without coming up with much of an alternative.
I felt also that there were some things I was thinking that I didn't quite vocalise at times but as I grew more comfortable with the group I was more relaxed in sharing my ideas and criticisms.
This might be my last Tumblr post but thank you guys for the support and love you've all given me throughout this journey.
Signing out,
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@taznovembercelebration - holding hands / pushing away
After the swarm of managers and PR experts and hair-and-makeup people that has surrounded Lup for the past hour finally dissipates, Taako pulls up a chair next to her and reaches for her hand.
She takes a break from eyeballing herself in the mirror to give her brother a small, nervous smile. “I’m kinda scared, T,” she tells him, as though he hadn’t figured that out an hour ago.
“You got it,” he assures her. “It’s just a little chat. Fifteen minutes, tops. You’re a great talker and already know what you’re gonna say. Worst that’ll happen, you stumble over your words a little. So what, who gives a damn? You got it.”
Lup doesn’t say anything in response, just squeezes her brother’s hand.
They held hands when they were scared. They always had, ever since they were small. It was always easier to face frustrated directors or daunting public appearances together. It had always seemed to them that no one else understood how overwhelming this line of work could be for a couple of small children.
Days like today, the bright lights and the mic tests and the frenzy of various professionals fussing over hair, makeup, clothes, tone of voice, enunciation… none of it was new to Lup, to either of them. But they hadn’t done a talk show appearance in a long while— not since before Lup’s transition, more specifically. And she’d never done one without Taako.
She’ll be asked some big questions, they know. And it’s fine. She’s prepared with big answers. From the moment she came out, the PR people have been drafting plans to make her transition into some feel-good interest piece for the public to coo about. Taako thinks it’s too big of a burden for a teenager to bear. Be a role model, never say anything negative without some positive takeaway to balance it out. It’s too much responsibility for a kid, he thinks. Why can’t they just let her be a kid?
Taako, for his part, has no interest in being an inspiration to others. If this many people were following him around lecturing him on how to present his orientation in a way that the public finds palatable, he would hurl, or explode, or hit someone, or all three. Lup is infinitely more patient than he.
His stream of consciousness is interrupted when some backstage crew member pokes her head into the room. “Lup? We’re just about ready for you, dear.”
She nods and slides out of her chair. Noticing the pallor in her face, he stands and hugs her gently around her shoulders, careful not to screw up her perfectly pressed outfit. “You got it,” he repeats. “I’m gonna go out there and watch on the monitors, so I’ll be right there. But you’re gonna kill it”
“’Kay. I’m gonna kill it. Thanks, ‘Ko.” She gets on her tiptoes and presses a gentle peck to the top of his head, getting sticky lip gloss in his hair.
“Yuck. That’s enough.” He shrugs away from her. “Gross.”
She smiles. “See ya soon,” she promises, and jogs after the crew member.
As he watches her hurry off, Taako thinks to himself that Lup might just be the strongest person he knows.
Lucretia rushes after Taako as he storms off the sound stage. “The fuck was that?”
“I dunno, what the fuck was it?” he retaliates, without turning around to face his manager. “Because to me, it sounded like a whole lotta real personal fuckin’ questions that I ain’t gonna answer.”
“Perhaps it was, and I had made it perfectly clear beforehand that such questions must not be asked, and I will be having more than a few words with the show about it.” She’s trying her best to keep up with Taako, but she can’t quite match his long-legged stride, and he can hear her breathlessness when she speaks. “But honestly, Taako, what can you expect when you can’t even be bothered to show up for the pre-interview?”
Fury, already bubbling dangerously close to Taako’s surface, starts to flood his conscious thought. “’Kay, that’s fine. Blame it all on Taako. Hear that, world? It’s all Taako’s fault.” Through whatever sliver of rationality remains in his mind, Taako’s aware he sounds like a madman. But in the moment, all he sees is white-hot rage, too blinding for him to care how embarrassed he might feel in an hour or so.
Then Lup steps into his path, and he’s forced to slow his roll before he collides into her. He makes a frustrated “Graaah!” as he tries to maneuver around her, but she grabs his arm.
“What has gotten into you?” She’s making those awful sad eyes at him again. Lately, it feels like that’s the only way she looks at him anymore.
He can’t fucking stand it. Her… pity. It makes him squirm. “Nothing. God. Move, lemme go.”
“I won’t! Please, don’t do this, Koko. Don’t stomp off. Talk to me, let me help you. I miss you.”
It feels like it happens in slow motion, him pushing her away. Really, it’s like his mind and body are separate entities. He should stay, he knows. He should talk to his sister. She’s the only one who has always had his back. It’s not her fault he grew into the person he did, not her fault they’ve never known a moment of privacy. The media vultures, they’ve torn into her, too.
But the rage, the rage overwrites all else. And the way she looks at him like she doesn’t know him anymore, the childish nickname, the fact that somehow she turned out so much better than he did, the implication that he needs help, that there’s something wrong with him, as if he didn’t already fucking know that… it infuriates him.
It’s not a hard push, just enough to free his arm and clear a path. He wouldn’t physically hurt her, couldn’t, couldn’t live with himself.
But the emotional damage is clear. Already, tears are forming in the bottom of her wide, horrified eyes.
It’s not too late, not yet. He could apologize. They could talk. She could hold his hand, the way they used to do when they were little, and maybe she could make it better.
“I don’t need your goddamn help. Stay outta my way,” he says instead, and books it toward the building’s exit, into the cold of the night, away from his sister’s sad eyes, in search of some place where the consequences of his actions can’t reach him
They’re too old for handholding now, anyway.
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frozenwolftemplar · 1 year
Writer's Month Day 4: Memories
Okay, so: I love this prompt. One of my favorite things to explore in fics are how memories affect characters (consciously or subconsciously) in the present. I *have* a draft of a 'Carmen' fic that fits this prompt, but...it needs more time than I can give at the nonce to be what I want it to be. SO: have a shorter one! (and by shorter, I mean 1,100 words instead of over 2,000 🙃)
Fandom: Carmen Sandiego (the Netflix one)
Rating: G
Summary: Kind of plotless to be honest; after Carmen's team gets her back she has a quiet moment to herself and pokes around her room, trying to feel like herself again. Luckily, when memories prove elusive, Ivy's around to help.
Sunset hues flowed over the cityscape, pinks and oranges streaking across the sky and sliding over chrome and steel and glass, cheering the final glories of the day as the sun setting over the bay opposite turned the innumerable windows a dazzling, blinding gold.
It was a beautiful sight, which, Carmen supposed, was why she’d claimed this room in the warehouse as her own.
Even though she couldn’t remember it.
Turning away from the vista, she let her gaze rove over the red-accented room. It was...strange, being back here again after six interminable months unwilling filling the role of VILE’s brainwashed pawn. Strange, because while the room felt familiar, she couldn’t shake the competing sensation of being an intruding stranger.
The assortment of postcards Scotch-taped to the wall from Beijing and New Orleans and Sydney and dozens of places in between; the globe covered in red Sharpie dots; the evening gowns (all in shades of red, naturally) swapping stories of galas and soirées in a closet big enough to be another bedroom; they all felt like they belonged to...someone else, someone who *hadn’t* spent half a year ripping cultural treasures from their rightful places in the world and dropping them with a careless sneer into the waiting pockets of a criminal mastermind quartet.
It was with uneasy steps that Carmen moved about the room, feeling like an out-of-place broken and jagged Picasso pastiache of a person in a Pre-Raphaelite gallery, lightly running a hand along the desk (dust-free, she couldn’t help but note) as she carefully picked through shards of memories for something to make the room feel like hers again, truly, not just from everyone’s say-so.
The open door of the closet beckoned, and Carmen wandered in, and now the exploring hand was ran along the gowns, admiringly (they were *quite* nice and all to her taste), self-consciously (after everything she did, she didn’t deserve these). The susurration of rustling fabric brushed past Carmen, causing some paper shred of a memory to flutter as though under a breeze, but it didn’t lift, staying limp and dejected where it lay.
So much for that.
Sighing, she turned towards the door when a glint from a nearby recess caught her eye.
A vanity table of dark cherry wood, complete with mirror and curved claw-footed legs, sat, dignified and aware of not just its own splendor but that of the richly-attired reflections that had graced its mirror, in a niche. Carmen couldn’t stop the echo of a fond smile that tugged at her lips as she moved to stand in front of it (not sit, even though the cushioned stool was at the ready; it didn’t feel right). *An antique,* the Cleo-trained corner of her mind supplied without a second’s hesitation. Not a particularly valuable one, Carmen noted as she deftly picked out dings on the surface and scratches on the legs, but nice enough to have duly earned its pride of place in her (or, well, former pre-criminal her’s) closet.
Besides, she’d needed somewhere to stash the jewelry.
Even with the pieces of herself cracked and in disarray, Carmen knew without looking that the various drawers and boxes lined neatly across the surface held pendants and rings (never earrings; she only needed one pair of those), chokers and hairpins, and decorative combs whose value had little to do with the rubies and gold filigree festooning them but much to their ability to keep thick auburn tresses tamed and in-place (not that the jewels weren’t appreciated). Her other self had had an eye for jewelry as well (though only as far as its resale value went, never sparing time for anything so ‘frivolous’), so even to her fractured mind the presence of such a glistening array made sense
The bottles lined up in front of the mirror, though...
Picking one up, Carmen studied it. Perfume? She wore perfume? Judging by how the bottle was half-empty the answer was ‘yes,’ but...
Her temple pounded as she attempted mental contortions that had her thoughts twisting in knots, and her reflection wilted in the mirror when the effort failed to yield fruit. But she couldn’t remember.
The bottle itself nearly became a memory as Carmen started. Recovering from her near fumble, she turned to see Ivy leaning against the door frame, smiling softly. She tilted her head towards the hall. “Dinner’s ‘bout ready. You...” sh hesitated, brows pinching with concern. “...doing okay?”
Carmen shrugged, neither a yes or no, but didn’t elaborate, instead electing to hold up the perfume bottle. “Is this really mine?”
Ivy brightened. “You bet it is, boss.” Straightening up, she came fully into the closet and taking the bottle from Carmen. “I don’t think you ever attended a gala without a spritz.” She hummed recognition as she tapped the logo molded into the glass front. “This is one of your favorites. You let me use some once, remember? When we crashed that fancy-pants car party in Dubai.”
Carmen knitted her brows, thinking. Yes...she did remember being in Dubai...vaguely. Rooftops. A blimp. Her shouting angrily at someone (to be fair, though, that happened in a lot of the green-tinted memories). But ‘crashing’ a ‘car party?’
Was that the sort of thing it was even *possible* to forget?
Flashing a grin Carmen’s way, Ivy spritzed the air and sauntered through the mist, striking a pose that was comedically aristocratic. “What do you think, darling?” she said in an exaggerated posh accent. “Aren’t I *fancy?*”
She wasn’t, it was obvious even to the oblivious high heels nestled in their cubbies. But Carmen didn’t answer right away, the heady scent wafting through the closet and across her nose carrying more than indistinct florals. A hotel room, one of the Palm Jumeriah’s finest; her in black and gold and red elegance in front of a mirror, twisting her hair into a knot at the nape of her neck; Ivy in lavender popping in to ask if she looked ‘fancy’ enough; then the both of them were laughing in the mirror as they were both rendered ‘fancier’ courtesy of that same bottle in Carmen’s hands and Ivy acted accordingly, striking that same ridiculous pose.
Something clicked inside her head, and even though she still couldn’t recall the particulars of the Dubai caper Ivy was referring to or the galas the jewelry had seen, the room suddenly felt more like *hers,* and her world, this world of warehouses and charity and fighting the good fight, shone a little brighter, even with the shadows of her VILE self that still darkened her own and guilt that throbbed along with the ever-present headache that had taken up residence in her temples.
Because Ivy has always had a way of doing that.
Carmen felt the tug again, and for the first time in she-had-no-idea-how-long, laughed.
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