#and then a back injury ended that
no one hates Kevin James as much as he seems to hate himself. the Paul Blart movies are written BY him! they are both just 1.5hrs of belittling his own real, human body! a body that, honestly, is not even that fat. like i wouldn't really give a dude that size a second thought, but Mr. James puts on clothes 1-2 sizes too small and then writes hours of jokes about disgusting and vile he is. that man is not doing well.
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hinamie · 27 days
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I'll give them shelter like you've done for me
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mimimar · 5 months
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finally completed my comic based on the song ivy by taylor swift!✿ please zoom in to read the text and see the details~
you can get the digital zine pdf here! it includes extras like character profiles, costume design, more art of willow and ivy, zine-exclusive sketches and an illustrated guide to the symbolism of all the flowers in this comic.
you can also get prints of individual pages here!
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solkipp · 3 months
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my friends and I made a cccc swap au -> @high-voltage-archive
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radio-writes · 6 months
It's about time for your blood to spill + you should sleep + we were soulmates
(Congrats on the 300 followers btw!)
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Now, The Echoes Interlace
300 Followers Event
Warnings: Blood, physical injuries to reader, ambiguous major character death(s), angst
Tags: Alastor x reader, gn reader, relationship can be read in any way
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"You always have looked so pretty in red, Al." You hummed as your combed your fingers through his soft hair. You pressed your fingers against his scalp, lightly massaging against his antlers.
The light static that varied in volume crackled. "Fuck you." Alastor managed to say as his head laid on your lap.
His smile was strained—present, of course, as it always was, but strained. The trail of blood from his mouth dripped from his chin, joining the warm pool under both your bodies.
"Rude." You scolded him. Your breath coming out in a hiss as Alastor dug his claws into an open wound on your leg. 
"Must you continue to hurt me? You're already dying." You glared down at him as you would at a misbehaving pet.
You leaned forward, easily removing his hand from your body without much of a struggle. He only had so much strength left after all. 
"Fuck you." Alastor repeated, static morphing his voice this time around.
"Yes, well, I get that you're mad, Al." You continued your casual tone. "But it was about time for your blood to spill, don't you think?"
You grunted as you leaned your back against the cold wall again, sighing as the tension on the wound across your stomach was lessened.
"Fuck me, yes yes." You cut him off. "Save your strength or you'll die out faster."
Alastor didn't mean to listen to you, but he just felt far too tired to argue otherwise.
Your hand returned to his head, damp with sweat and blood, and yet somehow still so adorably fluffy. Leave it to this guy to still look so presentable even when dying a second time around.
Your fingers scratched at one of his tufts of hair, causing it to give a slight, involuntary twitch.
"So they are ears." Your voice was soft. "I always assumed but was never really sure, you know?"
Alastor didn't respond. His red eyes continued to glare at you.
He adjusted his hands to lay over his chest. A weak attempt to slow his loss of blood. He didn't even have enough energy to press on it anymore.
"Hey, Al." You wheezed, breath slightly knocked from you. You had adjusted the way you sat so the demon could lay more comfortably on your lap. "Do you remember how we first met?"
"You told me that cheesy pick up line. How'd it go again?" Your hand paused as you tried to remember. 
A rather dashing demon slid up to you at the bar; charming, sharp smile, on full display. You've seen all sorts of sinners by now, but none so happy while rotting in hell.
You expected him to sell you drugs, or quite bluntly tell you to sleep with him. What you got instead was a very corny: 
"You must be buried treasure, because I am absolutely digging you." You let out a tired laugh, hand continuing to pet Alastor once more.
The sound of static crackling again was the only response you got. You think it meant fuck you. 
"Well you must be treasure as well, Al. Because it seems I'll be burying you tonight." You met Alastor's harsh glare with a soft smile.
"What? That absolutely was funny, you can't deny it." You defended yourself.
Alastor didn't think him dying was funny at all, actually, but he didn't exactly have any energy left to say that.
His smile was a tight, close lipped one, but you see his lips try to curl just a tiny bit in what you assumed would have been a snarl. 
"You always thought I was hilarious." Your own hand moving over the gash on your neck as if it was a mild inconvenience. You titled your head as you looked down at the demon on your lap. "What changed?"
Alastor merely glared at you.
Your eyes traveled down his body, staying on the deep wound oozing across his chest.
"That's not fair, Al." You laughed tiredly, eyes staying on his bloodied torso. "I always thought you were incredibly handsome—sinfully so really. But your attempts at killing me never changed that."
"Fuck you." The static over his voice was gone now. His tone was as spiteful, angry, and condescending as always, but much, much weaker.
Your eyes drifted back to his face. His smile was still present, but his lovely red eyes seemed more unfocused than they were a second ago.
Your hand in his hair stopped their movements. For a moment, the world was still as you wondered if your company had already left.
But it was merely for a heart beat, as a ragged breath from his lips snapped time back into motion.
You pealed your fingers from his hair, bringing them down to softly rub your knuckles down his cheek. He doesn't so much as flinch, but, you knew he would have had he been able to.
"Hey, old pal." You cooed softly. "You should sleep, you look so very tired."
His fingers on his chest twitched once, but you didn't get much of a reply anymore after that.
You sighed heavily. Your hands rested on his face as you leaned your head against the wall behind you, face craned upwards to the red sky that covered all of Hell.
Your own eyes closed, realizing just how tired and weary you yourself were.
Still, you were never one to be silent around a friend—or foe. It had always been unclear to you when it came to Alastor.
"We were soulmates, wouldn't you say so, Al?" You continued softly. "But in a funnier way, I think, where we were always meant to destroy the other."
Alastor's skin felt as it always did beneath your fingers. The stench of blood heavy as it always was around him. You felt his familiar eerie presence by you, as you always did.
And yet, you were unsure if he actually was still there. You were quite conflicted about how you were supposed to feel about that, truth be told.
"Fuck you, old friend." You sighed, eyes remaining closed, smile tiredly stretching across your own lips.
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 10 months
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quite simply character of all time to me i keep coming back to doing screenshot redraws of Shiro in fall of the castle of lions & tears of the balmera. episodes of all time to me no notes.
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kiivg · 3 months
Oh my God my soft Geoff ask got soft Geoff art
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.I'll take ANY excuse to draw Geoffrey atm 🥴🩷 Honestly if you're feeling mental i am always down for suggestions ngl.
.And you'll be pleased to know, I did fight Geoffrey without pummeling him into the ground instantaneously, and BOY he got the moves, lots of disco spins with that sword, and his repeater (volley?) crossbow?? HELLO?? I have never seen a more attractive thing in my life. Sad though because I missed out on the lovely voice acting of Geoffrey's absolute fear at becoming an Ekon because I let him live. He's a cutie though 😘👌✨️
.On that note, what is Geoffrey's history with Swansea because "giving him an hour for old times sake" if he decides to hunt Edgar down, what the hell does that mean?? Are they.... did they.... ??????? Am I.... gonna start shipping something stupid............. 🫣.
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tblsomedoodles · 10 months
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Why are you here? Comic
They're dumbasses, your honor. Like, at this moment, neither of them actually believe they're sibling. (Mikey and Leo are dead set on it but these two are skeptical.) Yet they spend two minutes alone and devolve into sibling bickering. something i had not planned on when i went to make this comic. They did this on their own lol!
Bonus Traximus Reaction to finding his ward bickering like a child with one of the newbies
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Honestly, it's actually a pretty important moment for both Rafa and Traximus. Rafa because that's that's the moment they realize Donny has like no self preservation instinct, so if he won't protect himself, Rafa will, while he's around to do it at least. It's important for Traximus b/c for the first time in years, he's seeing his ward acting like a child and he pretty much decides right then and there that 1) They're definitely siblings, and 2) if these 3 strangers actually manage to escape this place, he is making Rafa go with them.
Anyways, here's my little experiment with limited color pallets. I'm not sure i'll do this again b/c it was kinda annoying to figure out the colors first (especially since i knew i wanted both variations of red and purple but couldn't find a good pallet for that. Thus i ended up with this one.)
ps. Donny's shoulder is a reoccurring problem at this point b/c he won't let it rest long enough to heal properly. The injury first happened during "shredder strikes back" events and since Donny decided to start his training pretty much immediately upon getting to the farm house, it hasn't had the rest it needs to properly recover. theoretically, it should be healed by now, but he keeps pushing himself and re-injuring it, a fact he's been hiding as much as he possibly can.
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lemon-wedges · 3 months
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Well here's a suprised update! My zines came earlier than I expected!!! I still have to wait on some shipping supplies and then I can make a proper shop post :D
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zeb-z · 10 months
I just think Tallulah gets to be upset about this. “It’s not Wilbur’s fault” “He’s not a bad dad” “He loves his daughter so much” yes! These are all true! And it’s not his fault! But he’s still not there. And Tallulah has gone through so much and still hasn’t seen him, the one time he was around was the one time she wasn’t, and all she has are letters and “I’m thinking of you always” and things that used to be theirs together, but he’s still not there. She’s waited and she’s been patient and she’s loved him all the same, and he’s still not there. Like yesterday, and the day before, and the day before, from the happy milestones to the traumatic events, he’s still not there.
She knows that it’s not his fault, but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s absent. That in and of itself just adds to the sorrow, because she knows why he’s gone, and she’s been told time and time again it doesn’t mean he doesn’t care, she knows this - it doesn’t mean it doesn’t sting, that it doesn’t hurt, that she doesn’t yearn for her father to be there more than anything in the world, and he’s just not there.
So yes, she gets to be upset, and be caustic, and stomp her feet and write bitter messages, and be angry and vitriolic, because she’s a little girl missing her father, who feels things with her whole heart and soul - and that means she gets to feel the ugly parts of it, too.
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pepperpixel · 6 months
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“put me on a pedestal and i’ll only disappoint you
tell me i’m exceptional, and i promise to exploit you
gimme all your money, and i’ll make some origami honey!
i think you’re a joke!!! …but i don’t find you very
More tagr art!!! Assorted stuff this time! Featuring some cute chibi stuff. Some solo gaz’s, a lil uhhh. Comic of an altercation.. and a very belated Halloween pic I started drawing last Halloween and didnt finish lol. Also featuring lyrics from pedestrian at best cuz that song rllly rlly fits my ver of tak lol.
#invader zim#gaz membrane#invader tak#tagr#iz tak#iz gaz#tak#doodles#there toxic yuri!!! they’re all over the place!!! tak is tsundere insane alien who fueled by revenge it’s gonna be rough!#I think. there relationship would slowly grow and develop as gaz is helping tak w all her injuries#but I think they’d end up having a true true falling out sometime after take fully healed and gets her ship back.#and they’d be split up for a few years maybe? idk how long I’d want it to be. but! yeah.#absence makes the heart grow fonder and makes u realize how fucking stupid u are#and eventually they’d reunite and shit would be better lol#I don’t want them to be at each others throats forever that’d suck lol#theyre just definitely are moments where there at each others throats in the beginning#but they r also moments.. where they both feel true belonging and acceptance. like they never have before… and it blows there lil minds…#I also dO want gaz to go into space at some point w tak cuz that’d be fucking awesome#after they reunite again they can go explore the universe a bit#these r all very half baked ideas btw and also my brains mush cuz ive been drawing all day#so please excuse if said ideas suck. also please excuse all the typos lol#I might change my mind on the them separating idk… or maybe make it a shorter amount of time… idk!! I havent thought thru all this shit lol#it’s not like I’m gonna write a story or actually make a comic I’m just drawing random fanart#I don’t need to have all these thoughts all solidified lol
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etapereine · 6 months
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Into the jaws of Death, into the mouth of hell
The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred, Lord Tennyson | 2024 Paris-Roubaix
All photos © Jered & Ashley Gruber
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saline-coelacanth · 11 months
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Part 2 to that Storm Vessel comic I started working on a bit ago. (Go see part 1 here)
But yeah I just really wanted to draw a scene of Cole and Jay getting to actually talk for a little bit until Jay starts to slowly turn back into crazy mode and he has to leave.
Oh and btw, no, this is not the scene where Jay loses all hope and goes to the endless sea, that happens later in the timeline. I just felt like mentioning it in case some people assumed that's what this scene was. Again, there's a lot of time where Jay is still flying around Ninjago and destroying stuff before he fully leaves.
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sidereon-spaceace · 9 months
torn between wanting to make all my ocs Specialest Little Guys and overpowered VS. the fact I just finished watching all three extended editions of Lord of the Rings and am deeply moved by the struggles and worth of the common man
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nerosdayinanime · 7 months
currently obsessed w the image of giyuu just grabbing sabito's face. squish his face in one hand and wiggle em around bc sabito just lets him
#tomioka giyuu#kny sabito#giyuu#sabito#sabigiyu#sabigiyuu#loserboy giyuu posting#loverboy sabito posting#holding his chin & moving his head this way and that. tilting it up to him or turning it towards him instead of whatevers in front of them#both hand hold cradling his face or brushing one through his hair & tilting it back. sabito just following along every time whatever it is#slow moments when theyre bored not doing anything in particular. in the middle of an argument while theyre still baring teeth at eachother#out in the town and giyuu wants his attention. after a mission looking over for any injuries#sabito yelling @ someone & about to start throwing hands. late at night when giyuu cant sleep & studies him instead#giyuus not vocal and hes not as touchy-feely as sabito is but hes not scared of/averse to touching him#sabito loves it. hes usually super averse to hands coming at his face (too close a call with death) but giyuu would never /ever/ mean harm#he never for a moment feels scared or threatened when giyuu grabs his face#quite the opposite- he feels the most secure in his best friend's hold. even when theyre mad or yelling at eachother#even if giyuu's hand left blood from his fatal wound streaked across his face as the edges turned black#even if giyuu's fingers ended in black claws with too sharp teeth smiling down at him#mm that turned a little darker than originally planned. but u get the idea sabito trusts him & giyuu would never ever break it#also giyuu trusting sabito to not think hes weird for whatever abnormal things he does. sab thrives in it actually#he understands giyuu in a way no one else would & whatnot#giyuu: [grabs him sweet face] [wiggle wiggle]#sabito: [is wiggled] :3
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iristial · 1 year
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