#and then a brief overview of The Guys themselves and
moeblob · 4 months
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You know, sometimes you just play an otome and go "that's my son" and then he's the mom of the group. It just happens like that sometimes.
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shortystack75 · 2 months
Another very niche post about Stars Align / Hoshiai No Sora
This one is in regards to the characters' worldviews and mindset, based on a few very specific factors and things I noticed while rewatching it for the 5th(6th?) time.
Long post so its all under the cut
Random people who know nothing about Stars Align can also read if you want to see a loser 21 yr old lose their mind, I explain everything so you'll only be a little lost
Teirlist graphic to grab your attention and more easily show you:
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So as you can see im basing it off of 2 main axis, one with 2 points and one with 3. I'll give a brief little overview of what I mean by each category and then go into why I think each character is in each category. Solitary vs Inclusive refers to how they center themselves in the world, this does NOT mean whether or not they are self centered, it refers to how they view themselves and other people IN the world and whether or not they believe other people can be outside of their mindset, i'll explain more later. "Me vs the World", "Me vs Them" and "Us vs the Them" refers to how the characters view 'sides'. Do I think that character is likely to think of themselves as as singular? than they fall under one of the "Me vs" categories. Do I think the character perceives a specific crowd/type of person to be a 'side' or do I think the character perceives everyone as the opposite side until proven otherwise? that denotes the "vs Them" or "vs The World" part of the mindset I'll start from the bottom up, left to right for anyone who doesn't know the characters or cant remember the names.
Starting with Maki Our main character, I put him as Inclusive "Us vs Them" because of a few key reasons we see throughout the anime. For the Us vs Them mindset, we consistently see Maki being a team player heavily in regards to not only the tennis team, but people he identifies or gets along with. Before he ever gets to know Yuu and before they're part of the club, Maki has already mentally categorized Yuu as part of his "Us/We" the same goes for Mitsue after they get along in class. We can actually see him interact with Mitsue before he categorizes her when he bumps into her. He apologizes and makes sure she's alright because he's a good person, but otherwise is off-footed towards her. She's not a "Them" in his mindset, but she's also not yet "Us/We". The main part of his Them" is of course his father and anyone who goes against his "Us/We" such as the bully Itsuki hit with his racket "He had it coming" Isn't something he would say about just anyone. As for the Inclusive or Solitary part, there is NO shot Maki was ever going to be Solitary. He's inclusive because of what i've already said about how he interacts with Mitsue ^. He doesn't just see the world as "Us vs Them" he knows not everyone is against him and his, and therefore not everyone should immediately raise his guard, it's why he's so casual in the first episode while not being necessarily friends with Toma yet. Toma isn't included in "Us" yet. at the start of ep 1, the only ones in "Us" is Maki himself, his mom, and Shou, but he very easily and relatedly lets his "Us" grow throughout the anime. I didn't even mention Arashi but he's another great example showcasing Maki's mindset.
Rintaro So most of the rest of these guys in this category will have a much shorter section than Maki's, mostly because we see less and I have to explain less. It's pretty easy to see that Rintaro doesn't view himself as an island and does his best for the club and his parents. This is all in his small actions and ease around the tennis club, it's hard to say whether or nor Mitsue or Arashi are included in his "Us/We". Similar to Maki, Rintaro clearly has no guard against people other to him and doesn't believe everyone not in his circle is against him.
Yuu I'll be honest I almost put Yuu into the Solitary space, mostly because of their (rightful)fear, but realized that Yuu hadn't put the club or Maki into the "Them" category immediately. While cautious with Maki upon being approached, they quickly categorize Maki as "Us/We" when he is open and kind to them, and when with the Tennis club nearer to the start, it's clear that they don't think of the club as "Them" OR "Us/We" yet. At the start of the anime, the only people in Yuu's "Us/We" besides themself are Toma and their sisters, but much like Maki, at the end the entire Club and Mitsue is clearly included in their "Us/We"
Taiyo Taiyo is mostly a repeat of things I've said about Rintaro, we don't see very much of Taiyo at all but what we do see I've determined to be in this category, and as 3 other people will probably read this I doubt any of you will fight me on it, but you would be welcome to! Even 5 years in the future.
Onto Shingo As the first and only part of our Solitary "Us vs Them" grouping, he kinda makes this category. While having a similar mindset to our other "Us vs Them"s, he doesn't really see people outside of those two categories. As shown with how he interacts with people outside of the club and his family, other people are kinda the enemy to him. He was slightly(not like Ituki and Tsubasa) antagonistic to Maki when he joined to club but swapped him over to "Us/We" seemingly easily, doing the same to Yuu when they become the club's manager. While he has an Solitary "Us vs Them" mindset, he doesn't come across as overaggro to others because he's not a naturally aggressive person, just loud and protective. As a good example, the two boys who appeared in the club room and started to mess with Yuu, their manager and part of Shingo's "Us/Them". He's he first to intervene and does so easily and calmly, Yuu is part of his "Us/We" and these boys are not, making them "Them" automatically.
Up to Istuki Itsuki is in a really interesting spot as an Inclusive "Me vs Them" By having an inclusive mindset, he knows that not everyone is against him and some people are just chilling. He does not have an "Us/We" mentality but he still has friends and people he cares about, shown how along with Shingo, he steps in when Yuu is being harassed. He does it in a more antagonistic way, calling them names with no remorse. Yuu may not be "Us" because there is only "Me/I" for Itsuki, but these two idiots have still come into Itsuki's space, his club room, and are messing with his club member, his manager. Anything like this becomes personal because he's "Me/I" centric which is why he reacts slightly more aggressively than Shingo. However. He doesn't see these as attacks, just slights, because they were against Yuu, not himself directly. The racket incident, were clearly attacks. When two bullies come up to him and bad talk his homelife, he has no hesitation. He talks back, responds once or twice, these are warnings to back off, to reason. These bullies instantly were painted as "Them" as soon as they opened their stupid mouths but Itsuki would have let them go, but they kept talking, kept insulting, kept attacking him. So he strikes to defend himself, with his racket. He feels no remorse, in his mindset this jerk deserves it(kinda did but the racket was a bit much i agree with Maki). We didn't get to see much else of his mindset throughout the anime except maybe how he feels about Nao's mom ("Them").
Onto Arashi! Starting off our Inclusive "Me vs the World" off strong with our dear walking contradiction! To easily sum up his Inclusive part, he isn't actually antagonistic to anyone unless they've recently slighted him, seen as him snapping at Sunaga(his doubles partner) but soon realizing he was wrong to do so and apologizing. While Arashi is very much "Me vs the World", it's not active in his brain at all times. While everyone is against him in a general sense, he doesn't believe they are constantly against him all the time.
Toma! Most of what I would be saying about him is a repeat of what I said about Arashi^ you could argue he's Solitary "Us vs Them" but I just don't see him like that. From how he talks when at the bbq to his surprise at Maki telling him he's having fun playing tennis with Toma, etc etc he's a very lonely boy surrounded by people he doesn't think are on his side and expects one day to be against him.
Up to Tsubasa!!!!!!! I love analyzing Tsubasa he's like a little angry bug to me. Tsubasa has a solitary "Me vs Them" mindset, which means once he's placed you into the "Them" category he doesn't really let you out of it, and upon meeting you he expects you to prove you're not automatically in the "Them" category. Despite not everyone being in the "Them" category, he does not touch a "We/Us" category with a 10 foot pole. Nobody is on his side and he's afraid his own actions will cause people to choose to be in the "Them" category. He didn't look for help from his mom or brothers when his father pushed him down the stairs, he ran. He ran because he had to get away from the "Them" he found his way to Shingo's house, the closest person to an "Us" he's probably ever had, but freaks out upon Shingo actually seeing him and trys to run. He's not running from Shingo himself, he's running from the prospect of Shingo no longer being a neutral, safe, space for him. He's running from Shingo seeing Tsubasa crying and hurt and seeing any reason to slide into the "Them" category. He doesn't know he's part of Shingo's "Us/We" he can't know that. He's used to testing people and see if they leave or push back, he's used to seeing people either fail or not fail. He's not used to people actually winning.
ONTO NAO!!! If Tsubasa is the bug i study, than Nao is the salamander i begged my dad to keep in a lil fruit cup as a kid. Do i know how to care for him? hell no. Do i want him anyway? yes. Nao's mindset knows no neutrals or positives. Everyone is against him in someway including himself. His mother is actively against him, his father is there and does nothing, possibly making everything worse by being around but not around, therefore his mind has taken neutral presences to also be bad. Nao is all about appeasal, about prevention. If he can appease people he meets before they know him than maybe they will just be passively against him instead of actively against him. He lies to Maki and the others to try and appease them, to tell them what he thinks they want to hear. He lies to his mother, in body and mind, tells her what he thinks she wants to hear and pretends to eat he food she makes while he stares into nothing, likely tasting nothing but ash. Taiyo tries to comfort him? He reacts in a way he thinks Taiyo wants, because to Nao he himself is broken and having other people realize this is dangerous and he wants to minimize it. Most of all he lies to himself. He may not even realize he is doing it, like with the infirmary incident, where he convinced himself he didn't know where Shingo's younger sister was. Because he views everyone as against him, he doesn't get them all laughing it off and forgiving him. To him he's messed up again and shown them a broken part of him. He, like Tsubasa, doesn't understand Shingo on an intrinsic level because to Shingo Nao is part of is "Us/We" and Shingo doesn't see Nao as an enemy, as an outsider.
Mitsue :) Lastly Mitsue, Similarly to Nao but with less delusions and mental illness, she views the world to inherently be against her. Unlike Nao, she isn't against herself(most of the time) Maki and the club are good friends to have for her because she keeps convincing herself they're all stupid and incompitant. Whenever Yuu mentions Mitsue actually thinking of Maki as a friend, she always shuts them down and spouts off something negative, putting on a tough front. In her mind they won't become actively against her as long as she is either useful(helping them spy on Joy) or as someone disconnected.
Anyway, if you're one of the 3 people to have read all of this, feel free to argue any of these i'd love to read or debate about it.
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mediaevalmusereads · 1 year
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If We Were Villains. By M. L. Rio. Flatiron Books, 2017.
Rating: 3.5/5 stars
Genre: thriller
Series: N/A
Summary: Oliver Marks has just served ten years in jail - for a murder he may or may not have committed. On the day he's released, he's greeted by the man who put him in prison. Detective Colborne is retiring, but before he does, he wants to know what really happened a decade ago.
As one of seven young actors studying Shakespeare at an elite arts college, Oliver and his friends play the same roles onstage and off: hero, villain, tyrant, temptress, ingenue, extra. But when the casting changes, and the secondary characters usurp the stars, the plays spill dangerously over into life, and one of them is found dead. The rest face their greatest acting challenge yet: convincing the police, and themselves, that they are blameless.
***Full review below.***
Content Warnings: violence, misogyny, suicide, blood
Overview: I followed the author of this book on tumblr way back in the day while she was blogging about her writing journey. To be honest, I didn't have a strong opinion about her one way or the other, but I found the premise of her book intriguing. As a lover of premodern and early modern English literature, I figured I should give the finished product a whirl. Well, I finally was in the mood. Overall, my opinions on this book are a little mixed, but leaning towards positive. While I do think Rio does a good job creating a Dark Academia atmosphere and the emotional devastation of the last half of the book was well-executed, I think her characters and prose leave a little something to be desired. Still, for a debut novel, this was fairly memorable, so it gets 3.5 stars from me.
Writing: Rio's prose has its ups and downs, with some parts flowing quite well and others not so much. When the scenes were full of action (for example, the Macbeth performance and the Julius Caesar rehearsal afterwards), I was fairly engrossed in the story, so I think Rio does best when there are moments of tension inserted into performances or just after (like at various parties).
However, I also think Rio could have done more to show rather than tell. Because this book is told in first person, our narrator, Oliver, tends to be very straightforward about what he is feeling as well as side comments about background or context info. Personally, I felt like Rio could have held back a little more or been more abstract about how characters were feeling and acting.
Furthermore, I had some mixed feelings about using Shakespeare quotes as dialogue. Looking at the author's note in the back, it seems like Rio took this quirk from real-life grad students she knew at King's College. So while I don't doubt that some people do this, in a novel, it comes across less as realistic and more as pretentious. Maybe that's the point; after all, most of these characters aren't "good guys" and Oliver does say at one point that the school felt like a cult. But for me, I couldn't quite determine if Rio was deliberately creating a pretentious atmosphere to heighten the Dark Academic mood or if she was simply showing off her knowledge of Shakespeare's works. Either way, I felt the quotes a bit over-used and would have preferred if they were sprinkled in less liberally.
Overall, though, I did like the pace and the ease at which I could move through the novel. I was able to read this book fairly quickly, and things were straightforward enough that I never felt confused or lost.
Characters: There are a number of characters in this book, but I'm going to focus on the 7 protagonists, just to keep things brief (ish).
Plot: The plot of this book follows fourth-year theater student Oliver Marks as he and his classmates defend themselves from a bully while putting on Julius Caesar at their exclusive, elite arts school. (Obviously, it's a little more complicated than that, but I'm trying to avoid major spoilers).
This book is strongest in the second half when all the students grow more and more tormented by their actions and begin fracturing. Rio does a fairly good job of showing how characters began acting irrationally, and in a lot of ways, their descent mirrors some of Shakespeare's works.
I also thing the devastation of the end worked out well, and it was heightened by the emotional tension between Oliver and James. I do want to caution readers that if you're sensitive to the depiction of deaths of queer characters, you should skip this book. But personally, I found it somewhat fitting given the subject matter and the thematic connections to Shakespeare's works.
The main part of the plot that I didn't think flowed well was the beginning. The beginning was a little awkward in that Rio spoon feeds us a lot of information: characters narrate their family situations one after another, like Rio just wanted to get it out of the way. On top of that, there is a scene where one of the instructors interrogates a student until they disclose their greatest strength and greatest insecurity. To me, this seemed a lazy way to communicate characterization, and it almost soured me on the rest of the novel.
As a unit, I really did like the idea of these 7 characters essentially standing in for archetypes. I think it meshed with the themes of the book fairly well, and I liked the easy companionship that a lot of them had. I also liked that their relationships were often messy, especially during the second half of the book; it made them more interesting and when they began to break down, it felt all the more chaotic.
As individuals, however, I think things get a little murky.
Oliver, our narrator, is somewhat of a blank slate in that he doesn't seem to have a very defined personality, but maybe that's the point. He's stereotyped as the "support" or even the "nice guy," and there were times when I could see that shine through. He does seem to care about his friends and does admit to being naive, so I don't want to give the impression that he's entirely without merit. The main thing I didn't like about him was his attitude towards his sister, who has an eating disorder. He's not very considerate of her, and while I can understand being upset that his future at school is financially threatened by her, he snaps at her and says some pretty awful things. He also seems to characterize his family as awful, and while I understand the negativity there, compared to other characters, he has somewhat of a normal suburban middle class family. His whining about them, then, felt entitled.
James, Oliver's roommate and best friend, is stereotyped as a heroic figure, and I could see some of that come out in his actions. What I liked most about James, however, was his relationship with Oliver; the two are best friends, but there are times when their closeness tipped over into homoerotic and romantic intimacy. I enjoyed the tension there, and it did make for a more devastating ending.
Meredith, who is figured as the temptress, could have been written with a little more grace. While I think it's ok that Meredith exists as a sexual woman who is anxious about people overlooking her as a person, it also seems like the narrative does just that, at least until the midpoint of the novel. I very much did not appreciate the misogynistic comments thrown her way, even if they were partially in jest. Her character grew on me more in the second half, though, so she wasn't all bad.
Wren and Philippa are a little harder to define. Wren, I think, is supposed to be the ingenue, but it was hard to see that in the way she was written. Philippa is described as someone who is always overlooked, and I think parts of the narrative do a good job of showing moments when she has a great impact. As individual characters, however, I felt like there wasn't much to distinguish them.
Alexander is a character who is always typecast as (I think) a fool, and off stage, he seems to be mainly defined by his excessive smoking, drinking, and gay sexuality. I didn't quite know how to react to him, in part because his hedonism felt repetitive, but his drug use in the second half made some sense, given all that was going on.
Richard, the "bully," was interesting in that he was simultaneously loved and hated. I liked that the other characters had a complex relationship with him; they agreed he was a phenomenal actor but also loathed his ego. They see him as part of their group and as a friend, but also frequently argue with him. Having this complexity meant that I couldn't quite see him purely as an antagonist, and I like living in that delicious grey area.
TL;DR: If We Were Villains suffers from a few missteps (mainly prose and some characterization), but is rescued by the deft handling of a friend group's ultimate descent into madness. While I think Rio could have done some things to reduce the appearance of pretense and more solidly set up the exposition of the novel, this was a fairly solid debut that delivered an emotional punch towards the end.
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sparkiekong · 11 months
Halloween Movie Review (2023)
Did this last year and maybe the year before, but I can't find it... I watch scary movies all month and give you a brief overview. It's become a tradition for me... Some are craptastical...some are not so bad, but here's what I got so far.
The Appendage (2023) Hulu
3/10 – (-7 cause I didn't like it.) Bit cheesy in the way of monsters, it’s like 80s movie magic. The premise was about negative self talk being a bad thing and making a monster from it via chimera dna. Interesting premise, but poorly implemented. No pet death, no kid death. Bit of blood and guts.
No One Will Save You (2023) Hulu 5/10 – (+4 for interesting film process, +4 for actress and -3 cause I had to read up the producer’s explanation of the ending. Suspenseful, not scary… Interesting because there was all of two words spoken in the entirety of the movie. Not like A Quiet Place, because it wasn’t sound based, but it was very emotive. The actress did a good job emoting but the story premise sort of fell flat. Not her fault though, she did good with what she was given.)
No pet death, no kid death - Interesting and weird premise about suffering and conversion from an invasion force learning human culture.
Mirrors (2008) Max – HB0 7/10 – (-3 cause it's older) Kiefer Sutherland – Mystery movie about mirrors. It was a pretty good. No kid death, no pet death, but the kids were potentially going to be harmed. Interesting movie about mirrors and a demonic influence...not sure how this one got past me in 2008.
The Pyramid (2021) Max - HBO
3/10 – (+3 for the Anubis and Set) awful script, decent set, budget blown on a cool Anubis looking monster. Acting was not good... don't watch it.
Prey (2020) Hulu
3/10 (+4 pts for the accuracy of First Nation Comanche Peoples and -1 for being a crappy movie about toxic masculinity)
• The only thing I liked about the movie is that it gave some backstory on Predators. Would have liked a movie about that more than anti-toxic masc-crapfest.
• Canine death (Not the dog, but a wolf) - Animal Death • Lots of gore • The First Nation Comanche portrayal historically accurate. • Dumb toxic guy trope… historically accurate I suppose in this context. Besides jerk trappers... First Nation Males gang up on a female who kicks their chief’s ass… Said toxic males don’t listen because she’s a girl… historically accurate I suppose in this context. • Bunch of toxic males picking on lesser animals to prove their badassery… historically accurate I suppose in this context. • Having personal problems why Predator(s) keeps coming to a place where they get their booties kicked in most situations because they themselves are so toxic they don’t see females as a threat… sick of seeing this trope. Plenty of males find females intimidating these days.
Talk to Me - (2023) VUDU 8/10 Genuinely spooky! (-2 for the brutality... that was crazy unnecessary)
• Brilliant piece - Kids find a embalmed hand of a psychic medium and then use it to get a high off of getting possessed for 90 second. • Brutal piece – Sort of a Shock and Awe piece in the brutality. • Teenager dies - Kid Mutilation (sorry it’s a spoiler…) It’s sort of necessary for the story, but maybe not so necessary to see it. He lives… • No canine death - Animal death (by car)
---- Hell Baby (2013) Hulu – Defined as a Horror Comedy
6/10 - (-4 for the mentions of gentrification of a black neighborhood) Supposed to be a funny campy trip about a couple due to have babies and buy a house to remodel. • No canine death (one avian) • Little bit of devil baby violence
I See You (2019) Netflix 7/10 - (-3 for Helen Hunt's face... she's scariest thing in this. Sorry Ms. Hunt... you shouldn't fight aging.) Overall it's not a bad movie...
Home invasion and kidnapping - teens get shot, no animal death
The weird thing about that one was there were people living in the walls. Called it Phrogging. Where you sneak into someone's place and crash there for a few days without anyone knowing you're there but there was a twist at the end, so it spun back around to being somewhat decent.
Incarnate (2016) Netflix 7/10 (-3 for trope of no one listening to easy instructions.) Had some Constantine vibes, standard demon hunter type trope. Why do scary movie characters never listen?
• Demonic possession movie • No canine death - Kid sorta beat up a little because he was possessed • Stupid people not listening to instructions.
The Nun 2 (2023) Vudu
7/10 - (-3 for weird tie in to explain why Irene was important.) Not bad. Good tie ins to the Warrens universe... actually would have liked it if the two movies had been one movie instead.
• Finished the story from the first one so if you haven’t watched the first, watch that one first. This one will make more sense. • No canine death. • Bullies – Typical school mean girls • No child death
The Ritual (2017) Netflix
2/10 - I despise this trope. Getting lost in the woods and then deciding to keep doing the exact opposite of what you should be doing if you're lost.
• Group of British fellows go on walk about through spooky forest and get lost • Like Blair Witch, but with a creepy monster and a cult • No canine dead, but dead animals here and there. • Monster was cool. Reminded me of Wintekowa from Conrad's Stevenson's Paranormal P.I. game.
The Boogeyman (2023) Hulu 7/10 - (-3 for lack of genuine unique spook... everything was telegraphed I could see it happening before it happened.) Stephen King story... overall not bad, bit dark themed with a family recovering from a parents death • Kids get harmed but no dead • No canine death or animal death • LOTs of fire… • So so… not incredibly scary, but good chiller/thriller
The Hole in the Ground (2023) Max – HB0 5/10 - (-5 kinda boring to start... got better at the end so... very slow burn)
A story about changelings
Friday the 13th Part 1 Uncut + 2-4 Vudu
7/10 - (-3 for age) I can't say anything bad about these. Yeah, they're old and that means the the movie magic isn't great, but it's just .... CARNAGE ... and for the time these were top of the line scary. I bundled these together because they're all basically the same.
• Cult classic had to watch some of it on Friday the 13th that happens in October… that’s like a rule or something • Standard slasher horror film • Nudity, savage deaths, some trope-y stuff but if you've never seen them, you should watch them at least once if you like horror movies.
The Immediate F troop....
The Lure (2015) – HBO Max – sadly no dubbed version – Kong doesn’t like to read while being scared. It’s a shame because I wanted to see mermaids as monsters.
Hellhole (2022) Netflix – Polish with no English dub.
The Empty Man (more like Empty Movie) 20 minutes of distant / semi-serious gazes while their friend stares into oblivion to get to the title… yeah… no.
Oracle (2023) HBO Max -So bad that I didn’t finish it.
Skinamarink (2022) Hulu – What? Ok… so this is too Indy for me. House with kids trapped inside??  dad missing, no way out?? Had old video tape / found footage vibes. Coulda been cool, but 14 minutes in, it’s just basically looking at a dark room with maybe 10 words so far. NEXT!
I would love love LOVE to watch the scary movies outside of the US, but it's a FLAW of mine... I can't read and be scared at the same time. So I could read the text, but then I miss the spooks... or I could watch the spooks and miss the text. So I have to fail them... I need dub versions or I can't pull them out of the F troop... sorry.
I cannot stress enough how amazingly wonderful this website is for getting you past triggers that you do not wish to see. There's ALOT of triggers covered here. So you can check a movie before you buy now.
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misculenica · 2 years
Dreadwolf Speculation - Protagonist + Companions (Part 1 - long post)
Let me start by emphasising that this is purely my own speculation given what we've seen in the trailers, teasers, concept art, and the most recent leak we've had regarding gameplay (curtesy of reddit about a month or so ago). Feel free to disagree, propose your own speculations, and most of all, enjoy the freedom of deliberation!
Part 1 - The Protagonist.
I propose that the new protagonist of Dragon Age is called Rook.
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A rook, below a wolf, as seen a few years ago. Mark Darrah tweeter images of this red book back around... 2017/2018 (I think this time period, I'm not a twitter person). This is pretty significant in my eyes, given the recent leaks from reddit that triggered the memory of this image.
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This is a cropped still from one of the leaked images of the early alpha gameplay.
There's a character called Rook (and we'll talk about Davrin in Part 2...), confirmed - I completely believe these leaks are real. Given the significance of the rook image above, back from 2017ish, I feel like it'd be odd for a companion/side character/even a notable character to have such prolific imagery... So that stands to reason, the next main character will be Rook.
But let me give you a brief overview of a rook;
a rook is a piece in chess; it may move any number of squares horizontally or vertically without jumping (oh maker, bioware, please), and it may capture an enemy piece on its path; additionally, it may participate in castling (castling is a special move between the rook and the king that both gets your rook into play and shields your king via a switcheroo, basically (poetic given how Rook will swap places with the Inquisitor against Fen'Harel - it's actually really interesting ((I swear)). It's the only time in chess where you can move 2 pieces at once, and where the king can move more than 1 square!). The rook is sneaky, fast, and good for infiltrating the enemy and forcing them to move.
I also find it interesting how you start chess with 2 rooks... Perhaps that will mean nothing, but perhaps not....
Now, let's consider a rook; the bird;
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A rook is a very sociable/gregarious member of the Corvus family (crows, esssentially), who are rarely found by themselves. It should also be noted that wolves and ravens have a distinct but unusually friendly/symbiotic relationship (ravens are also of the Corvus family) - I just think that's neat, considering the dread wolf.
I really like the bird symbology - especially having a previous bird protagonist (Hawke, of course!).
; Leliana also keeps corvids as her messengers. (wait... red book with a rook.... red rook.... where have I... Ohh)
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Hahaaa.... I'm not done!
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See those black feathered arm flaps? Am I connecting the dots? (You ain't connecting shit, Nae)
I suppose you all are thinking the same/similar thing; this is an antivan crow.... this is maybe zevran.... No. It is not. Why is it not? Let me pull up the evidence; concept art (soo reliable).
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Please note, the anitvan crow to the left - ready to grab the palanquin holder- servant guy. And on the right, at the front... The character from above - similar in design, but the crow lacks the arm wing flapy-dealies. Let me zoom in on them both so you can see.
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Alright, they are rather similar in design. But the right looks much more like the wine drinking guy. (Note that the one on the right looks male, and the one on the left looks female - could that imply these 2 are the male/female variations of our next protagonist? Or... Is this the 2nd rook on the chessboard I mentioned? Is the other rook going to dieee??? Tin foil hats for everyone!).
That's all I currently have on the protagonist! Hope you got as much out of this as I did!
Part 2 - Companion;
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placegrenette · 1 year
Every Ninety One Song Reviewed: “Biz,” 2023
“Bız,” released ahead of the album Gap, 2023 Music credits: Dulat Mukhametkaliev (ZaQ), Daniyar Kulumshin (Bala) Lyrics credits: Dulat Mukhametkaliev (ZaQ) Music video director: Askhat Bayanov
(Brief pedantic editor’s note: the song’s title is not “Biz,” as I originally wrote it, but “Bız," since the new Kazakh Latin alphabet uses the dotless I. If you speak American English, it sounds like the middle I in “bit,” so you were probably pronouncing it correctly even though I technically wasn’t spelling it correctly. If there’s a way to update the Unicode in the post title I don’t know it.)
At last we have the slightly-delayed pre-release single to the long-delayed album. It will make no difference in the long run, but for posterity’s sake, Ninety One originally said the music video would come out the 25th (the song was already available on streaming platforms by the time of the announcement), then changed that to the 26th, then had to make a sheepish Telegram post saying well actually the 27th, and finally released the darn thing after 11 pm Almaty time on the 27th. They’re not doing fantastic with meeting deadlines they set themselves, of late. But it’s a minor series of flaws, really; growing pains. I hope someday we get a little bit more of a glimpse into what it takes to take an enterprise like this running.
On to “Bız,” which has arguably the same relation to Gap as “Su Asty” did to Qarangy Zharyq and “Men Emes” did to its namesake EP, and those are big shoes to fill. “Bız” has less going on, both musically and lyrically, than either of those two. It’s a fun little hype track, especially when ZaQ decides to experiment with a goofier flow: “How you forgot about ME? Мығда NineTY? O-N-E?” But it’s not as lyrically ambitious; it’s basically a platform for the guys to talk about how awesome they are in the face of, once again, Vaguely Defined Adversity. The closest we get to anything substantial is ZaQ’s “My style is not accepted by your generation,” which is weak sauce when you consider what he brought to the table in “Men Emes.”
The other slightly worrying issue with “Bız” is how much it feels like Zaqira and the Three Singers. That may partly be due to circumstance: I’ll go ahead and speculate that Alem’s TV commitments meant he wasn’t available for much of the MV filming (which is why there are about three solo shots of him total) and Ace has been trying to slay the logistical hydra of the album release and tour setup (which may help explain why he looks so tense and preoccupied during his verse, especially in contrast to Bala’s looser performance). And ZaQ’s brain as Ninety One’s principal philosophical engine is not new. But they have been riding hard on We Are a Bonded Foursome for a year now; if they let ZaQ get out too far ahead without some obvious attempts at balance they risk doing some harm to that brand they’re so carefully cultivating.
Fortunately this is a pre-release, not a title track. I think they played the MV just right, for what it’s worth. Although Askhat Bayanov is still at the helm (and Nurs Bazarbay is director of photography, and Nurila Shakirova is producer and first assistant director, and Adil Kazkenov has a backstage credit -- anon, I still owe you that staff overview, as practically everyone I would mention worked on this video), we don’t have any callbacks to the symbolism-filled promo videos. It’s Ninety One in space, dancing and looking hot. They’ve actually never done a dance-performance-focused video before; it makes sense to do it now, as a calling card, before we get to the meatier (hopefully) content of the album.
How’s the Hair/Styling? Good! Bala’s undercut suits him, and in truth Zhadra has been doing especially well by her husband of late. Shame we couldn’t get a lingering shot of Ace in the tiara, though. Should You Start Here? I think I’m going to prefer “Gap” as an introduction -- we’ll see -- but as Boastful OT4 goes, this may outrank “Bata.”
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sekhithefops · 1 year
Elon Musk's Steady Descent into Madness Masterpost
Because I realized just now I posted a bunch of these things documenting the catastrophic fall of Tweeter and its descent into being a letter from the ass end of the alphabet, I figured I may as well put all these in one place.
Elon Musk Got Sued For Violating a Disabled Worker's Rights
Musk Initiates Rate Limits Because Reasons
Oops Turns Out There Were No Rate Limits, He Just Didn't Want to Admit He Fucked Up Again
Musk Writes Stoner Poetry to Try to Explain Away Rate Limits
Twitter is Losing Advertisers in Droves, Known Human Trafficker Andrew Tate Profits From the Few That Remain
Zuckerberg's Answer to Tweeter, Threads, Launches. Somehow its Even Worse
Musk Threatens Legal Action Against Zuckerberg Because He Thinks Owning Twitter Means He Owns the Concept of Social Media
Legal Eagle Weighs In on Musk's Suit Against Zuckerberg for Threads
Musk Wants to Rebrand Twitter as "X" Because He's Actually an Edgy Teenager from 1999
Wait, He Was Serious About Rebranding?!
Oops, Turns Out Rebranding as X Now Means Zuckerberg Can Sue Musk!
Gee, I Wonder Why Twitter X is Having So Much Trouble Keeping Advertisers
The Blue Check is Now Such a Black Mark That Musk is Letting Users Hide Them
Musk thinks Blocking people is a bad idea, so now nobody can block because he's a fucking sadist.
Three years of internet history just went poof. Intentional act or did Musk just fuck up again?
Approximately Half of Musk's Followers on Twitter are Bots
Musk goes to a video game tournament, it goes as well as you might expect.
Musk wants to paywall all of Twitter/X, make it so you have to pay to use it at all.
Musk decrees that news articles shared on Twitter/X will no longer display headlines, just pictures. Why? Not a single godsdamn clue.
Linda Yaccarino says "advertisers are returning to X." Linda Yaccarino is a big stinking liar.
Musk's multitude of moronic changes makes a real world tragedy even worse by preventing those who relied on Twitter for news from getting any credible information.
With Misinformation flying everywhere following an attack on Israel by Hamas and their retaliation against Gaza, Musk cracks down... on nudity.
Musk throttles traffic to Patreon as well as several other sites in his completely doomed attempt to turn Twitter into "X, the Everything App."
Musk begins charging new accounts $1 a year and requiring a phone number to "help combat spam," because the armies of $8 verified checkmark bots have proven that this works... wait, that didn't sound right.
The EU tells Musk "fix your shit." Musk tells the EU "Screw you guys, I'm going home."
An investigation reveals that 74% of the misinformation and propaganda spread during a recent attack in the Middle East was spread by Verified Users on Twitter. Oops.
A year after Musk's takeover, Slate reviews everything he managed to fuck right up.
Musk states that the smoldering remains of Twitter now known as X would become a dating site. How? Fucked if I know!
Musk is sued by a prominent critic who exposed what anyone with two working eyeballs could have told you: that Twitter is overrun with hardcore Alt-Right lunatics and its entirely Musk's fault.
IBM pulls advertising after they put their ads next to blatantly pro-fascist/neo-nazi propaganda. CEO Linda Yaccarano swears that they are trying to combat such things on Twitter, Musk however endorses them because its fucking Musk.
Twitter's CEO, Linda Yaccarano, is being advised to step down as staying as CEO is doing irreperable damage to her reputation. Meanwhile as companies like Disney, Apple, IBM, and the entire European Commission bail on advertising Musk's fanclub try (and fail) to fund Twitter themselves.
Musk sues Media Matters for pointing out that his failing social media site full of neo-nazis is full of neo-nazis. Meanwhile advertisers continue to flee in droves.
A brief overview by TechDirt as to why Musk's "thermonuclear lawsuit" is a laughable mess that not even Harvey Birdman would take seriously.
In response to advertisers fleeing Twitter, musk has only this to say: "Go fuck yourselves."
Slate posts the question: "What if Musk is doing this on purpose?"
Techdirt posts the answer: "He's not doing this on purpose, he's just gone completely bugfuck nuts."
Legal Eagle of Youtube fame analyzes Elon's "Thermonuclear Lawsuit" which turns out to be exactly what you thought it was: utter crap.
Elon paid a shitload of money to create Grok, his own AI abomination, and it turned on it's master.
A leaked document confirms what we all suspected, Musk has severely weakened moderation tools and intentionally allows anti-semitism and anti-LGBTQA+ posts to run rampant.
Musk reports over one billion video views on Superbowl Sunday, but an independent study shows that 3/4ths of them were likely bots.
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mybrotherinkarkat · 2 years
Plurality in Homestuck
Homestuck is an exceptionally plural piece of media, though I doubt it was supposed to be. In this meta I will examine multiple examples of both literal plurality and plural vibes. Examples of literal plurality are ones that fit the definition of plurality that I will give below. Plural vibes are characters or sets of characters that don’t fit the definition for one reason or another, but still have echoes of plural experiences
So what is plurality? It’s any experience of being more than one in a single body. This could be more than one person, part, alter, headmate, facet, etc. This group of [insert preferred descriptor] is often referred to as a system. Dissociative Identity Disorder is included under this umbrella, but it’s not the only type of plurality that exists. This site has a good basic overview if you’re new to the concept. I will also link to the definitions of some terms that might be unfamiliar 
Warning that this meta includes brief references to fusion
Now, on to the actual meta
Actual Plurality
The Cherubs
This is the most obvious example. Calliope and Caliborn, like all cherubs, begin life by sharing a body. They trade control of the body (switching) and have obviously different personalities, interests, and hobbies. They share a body, but it would be impossible to (successfully) argue that they’re the same person. They clearly fit the definition of plurality
In terms of whether this is good rep for plurals, I’m honestly going to have to say no. It falls into the trope of the “evil alter”, which is the most damaging media trope about plurality. The evil, murderous system member steals the body from the good, kind one to commit heinous acts? That’s textbook. And don't get me wrong, I’m glad Calliope gets away from Caliborn, but it sucks that she only gets to be happy as a singlet
Sprites Squared and Twice-Protoyped Sprites
This category contains sprites squared, like Davepeta and Jasprose, but also any sprite who was prototyped with two different sentient beings like ARquius, Fefeta, Erisol, etc. We see from their interactions with others that while they’re no longer two separate people, they’re not fully integrated either. They frequently make comments about how one half of them feels differently about something than the other, or talk about themselves as having multiple parts with different opinions. For example, Davepeta talks about having strong gendered feelings from both Nepeta and Dave, and is surprised that neither part of them is conflicted about being attracted to Karkat. ARquius also repeatedly expresses a strong (hah) opinion and then immediately adds something along the lines of “but also the other half of me doesn’t care”. This all feels very indicative of being a median system, an experience sometimes described as being “more than one, but less than two”. A median system is any system that falls in between being a singlet (one person in one body) and having fully separate system members, AKA being multiple. In my opinion, these sprites fit that definition 
Plural Vibes
Dirk, Hal, and Other Splinters
In terms of characters that have plural vibes without being literally plural, these guys take the cake. The concept of Heart players and their splinters is very plural in and of itself, but we also see specific dynamics play out between them that are very plural. While Dirk and Hal don’t technically share a body, they functionally interact with the world in a very similar way. Since Hal is literally Dirk’s shades, they’re always together, much in the same way that two co-conscious headmates would be. They also share a pesterchum account, and have to take certain steps to make sure their friends know who they’re talking to at any given point. This is similar to how members of a system have to navigate messaging apps that don’t have accessibility options for us (shout out to pluralkit). Many systems also message back and forth the way Dirk and Hal do, if they’re struggling with internal communication. The way their friends react is also an unfortunately common experience as well. Jane doesn’t believe Hal exists, and Jake only wants to talk to the “real Dirk”. This echoes how many people don’t believe plurality exists, or prioritize the person they see as the “real one”. Hal struggles to define himself as a person separate from Dirk, and Dirk tries to control Hal so that he doesn’t ruin other people’s image of him. While that’s not a universal plural experience by any means, it’s unfortunately common for the host of a system to attempt to suppress other headmates 
Dirk being able to be awake in both his apartment and on Derse has the vibes of having a liminal front. Some systems have inner worlds that a headmate can be present in while still being in the front/body. In this example, Derse would be akin to the inner world. It’s not an exact parallel, but the vibes are there 
Players and Their Sprites
A number of characters end up with sprite versions of themselves. Davesprite and Jadesprite have the most plural vibes in my opinion, but the way Rose reacts to Rosesprite feels very reminiscent of discovering that you’re plural. Her crisis around not being the only Rose, and not knowing what that means for her, definitely feels like the crisis many headmates have upon learning they're not the only one living in their head
Davesprite and Dave have some of the same vibes that Dirk and Hal have. John makes a comment to Davesprite about wanting to talk to the “real Dave”, a moment I screenshotted on our recent re-read to make a joke about how singlets interact with systems. Davesprite also has issues defining himself as a person outside of Dave. The fact that they spend a lot of time apart kind of interferes with the plural analogy, but the vibes are definitely there
Dog Tier Jade
Jade and Jadesprite are very plural. For Jadesprite there’s also the same struggle to define herself that Davesprite and Hal have, though she seems very firm in being Not Jade. She has a very different personality than Jade, she’s more emotional and less upbeat. She also struggles with existing, and resents Jade for creating her (which is a fucking mood). This echoes the experiences of some tulpas and parogens, which are both headmates who were intentionally created. In this case Jadesprite was created by throwing her dreamself corpse in a kernelsprite, and doesn’t live in Jade’s head, but again, we’re just going on vibes here
When Jade god tiers, she merges with Jadesprite to become Dog Tier Jade. This echoes systems who achieve final fusion, merging into a single person, sometimes known as an empty system. Many systems who achieve final fusion remain in the plural community, and may continue to consider themselves plural
Heart, Time, and Alt Selves
The aspects of Heart and Time both deal heavily in alternate selves. Heart players have their splinters, while Time players interact frequently with their past and future selves, as well as dealing with versions of themselves from doomed timelines. Dave, Dirk, Hal, and Nepeta all show up in the examples given above at least once, and the Aradiabots could be read as plural (though admittedly that one’s a stretch). Either way, these aspects definitely have plural vibes 
This isn’t an exhaustive list, and I welcome any additions from other plural folks. Though as a heads up, I don't tolerate exclusionary rhetoric. This discussion is open to and accepting of all systems. If you start shit, you’ll get blocked
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bluedishsoap · 1 year
toby nat and jeff (the saga)
i keep lamenting about nobody knowing about my creepypasta interps but i realized i could amend that by just Talking about them. so today i’m going to tell you guys the saga of toby,  jeff, and nat (or at least a brief overview of it). would love suggestions for a name i can use to refer to this part of my cpp universe/this trio.. if i find a catchy enough name i will go back and tag all posts about them with it
during the events described in this post jeff and toby use he/him  and nat uses she/they but still considers herself a chick (after the events of this saga they end up coming out as genderfluid and switch to using all pronouns)
heed the content warnings in the tags!
it all starts when jeff, who’s fresh out of highschool, meets natalie after getting a black eye in the mosh pit of a local punk show. nat pulls them out of the pit and has an ice pack on her for this exact situation, and soon they exchange contact information and become friends. nat lives by herself and jeff doesn’t, so he ends up coming over a lot. they dye each others hair and listen to crass and discharge, amongst other bands.
a year later jeff’s starting college, and in my canon he gets horrifically hazed freshman year (they cut gashes into his cheeks, that’s how he gets his signature smile). he ends up killing the perpetrators around a month after the fact. this makes him a wanted criminal, and so he decides he’s gonna gather his shit in a backpack and leave the state. he goes to nat, who is working a shift at this dingy slushie shop when he approaches her, and says “hey. i’m leaving town. i’m giving you until the end of this week to decide whether you want to come with me.”
nat chooses to tag along, and they make it all the way from maine to illinois (you might wanna look at a map of the US if you’re not from here, but basically from the northeast to the midwest) before they run into toby. toby's originally from vermont, but he's been on the road since he turned 17 because he doesn't really have a home to return to; his mom thinks he's fucking dead and so does the government. he's also trying to escape the slenderman's influence because he isn't really up for doing its bidding. (he actually does manage to escape the range of its control, but because he keeps hallucinating it when its not actually there, he doesn’t realize this.)
but yeah. toby runs into nat and jeff and they end up hitting it off to the point where toby starts tagging along on their saga. others have tagged along before and will continue to come and go, but toby nat and jeff stay a trio for 4 years. sometimes people who get in their way end up dying, but they try to make this a rare occurrence so pigs aren’t onto them.
now some of you might be inclined to think this time was as blissful as can be (and of course they did find their own form of joy within their ever-changing circumstances) but all three of them were all suffering from the psychological aftermath of a lifetime of trauma, and a complete lack of mental health support. (which is not fun when all three of them suffer from some form of psychosis). they also find themselves addicted to a large array of substances, the most notable one being heroin. (toby specifically also struggles really bad with alcohol) they each have mental health crises that sometimes come to life-or-death, but even while hurting each other and themselves they stick together. it’s not healthy in the slightest, but it’s the best arrangement they can manage for a good few years.
it all comes to a head when they’re all on a mix of different things, which by itself isn’t an uncommon experience, and neither is the yelling, the rising tension. here’s where i’m gonna have to give a brief rundown of events, because it would take me so long to fully articulate what each person was experiencing in this moment. jeff is going through a really bad psychotic episode and nat only escalates it (she’s usually better at handling this situation, but so much of it is out of her control, out of everyone’s) and it really seems as if she’s mocking jeff’s hazing, as if she’s taunting him for what he’s been through. jeff ends up cutting the same smile into nat’s face, and the rest is a blur for all of them. the morning after, nat wakes up with makeshift duct-tape-steri-strips sealing the wounds on her face, all applied by toby. the three of them are equally mortified at the events that transpired the night before. it is the first time it has really set in that what they have together isn’t sustainable. and for the first time since they all started traveling together nat feels unsafe and scared, the trust she used to have with jeff completely fractured after what happened. she can’t keep staying with him anymore, even if she still considers him their very best friend.
so she leaves, and toby goes with her.
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wuahae · 2 years
how should i start stanning tbz? i watched them on rtk/kingdom and i liked their performances but idk where to start 🫣🫣 pls help
right in time for their latest comeback too.............you’ve come to the right person.
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so in my opinion the best way to get into the boyz is by watching their variety content! usually when i start out these guides i send people clips of their rtk performances but since you've already watched them i can just skip straight to the variety content <3 if you wanted another guide for like . song recommendations from their discography i can do that too! just say the word hehe <3 personally i started liking them because of their variety content and their endless out of context vlive clips LMAO but here's my starter pack:
for a brief overview of tbz: introduction to the boyz
it actually IS brief okay it's just 40 minutes because there's 11 members to get through 😭 it's from 2021 so it's a little old but i'd say it provides a really good basis for future the boyz exploration! you can get a pretty good feel of each of the 11 members and their little quirks from this video, and it's a good mixture of it being a serious introduction (showing them being good at their job) and unserious (showing them being literally just some guys)
optional viewing: the boyz flower snack
flower snack was like their predebut show where they were officially introduced to the world! they're like super young here and while i wouldn't consider this essential media (esp since they've grown so much since then) i do think it's a good pick-me-up because of how feelgood the show is :") it's definitely cringy at parts and you can tell they still have that trainee air to them, but personality-wise i don't think a lot has changed since then till now :"") they're still a bunch of dorks and some jokes are still mentioned now and then (eric doing watermelon cpr)
the two links below are less of a beginner guide and moreso for when you want to dive deeper into each member's personalities and their inner thoughts! personally i would watch the fun variety stuff first and get a feel for each member before getting into the interviews, but you could also watch the photoshoot portions and then watch the variety stuff and then go back to the interviews for more context. any way is fine, it's up to you! - generation z
the guide from above uses the gen z clips for each member but so the photoshoot portion isn't anything new but! i think the full gen z playlist is really worth watching :3 because of the interview format it allows a glimpse of insight into each member, and honestly it was one of my very first tbz media where i started to really Get them ykwim...... the way they answer each question is so specific to themselves and the topics for each interview is very individualized, so even if you don't have the urge to dissect their brain like i do it's still a very interesting (and visually pleasing) watch! and also ..... the iconic juyeon yellow lambourghini clip is from here. for your own viewing pleasure.
- be your own king
speaking of viewing pleasure. this is very reminiscent of the gen z photoshoots but instead of doing video format interviews they decided to do it through written form instead! here is the thread for all the translations, but a few are missing bc their accounts got deleted :( for the members that got deleted, i found hyunjae's, but i can't find jacob's anywhere :( but basically the entire format of the interviews were that the members would write the interview questions for themselves, and then they'd answer them. i think because of this a lot of them have spoken about how much they liked this interview, because it let them reflect on themselves a lot! they were also a lot more comfortable with this interview compared to gen z because gen z was like ,,, their first time every doing something like this, but with byok the combination of having experience and writing their own questions let them be a lot more relaxed in the process ^^
weekly idol eps to watch: stealer era | thrill ride era
the stealer era episode is just soooo ... JWJSADJFL like they start airing out their dirt on national tv (younghoon and sunwoo get the brunt of it) and for a bonus johnny and haechan from nct are special mcs in this ep! the thrill ride era episode is so cute lolll it shows the individual traits of each member so well... like eric is there being a social butterfly and golden retriever right from the start and then juyeon is just being thrown boyfriend material scripts so he can act them out with hyunjae LMAO it's just a total mess but it's very... them. they have a few other weekly idol eps from other eras so you can definitely check them out too, but personally the stealer and thrill ride eras are my favorites to watch and rewatch ^^
dive studio podcasts: kevin | jacob | eric | english line
this is just a lot of fun to watch! they're definitely a lot less serious than the gen z and byok interviews, but they're still a good insight into how the english members came to become a part of tbz! a lot of fandom jokes come from here (mostly about how eric is friends with his friend's dad, jeff) but overall it's just a good time! they are Just some guys /pos.........
come on the boyz!: summer rpg | in nyc | godsaeng
there's another original come on the boyz series but i ... haven't watched it yet so 😭 i can't recommend it in good faith BUT the ones on here are stuff i Have watched and they're all very very cute :") tbz are like 1thek's sons HAHA so they have a lot of 1thek variety content but each one obviously has a different concept to it! they're sorta all in the name but personally my favorite is godsaeng :"") maybe cause it was the most recently filmed (and even though eric was still on hiatus during this time :( ) but it's just soooo fun and all the members are so goofy and lame and it just feels like you're watching a bunch of friends go on a 3d2n road trip together 🥹 the members' personalities really come out in all the installments and the editing is just so funny from the 1thek staff LMAO its just a lot of fun <3
for vlive content:
honestly my best advice is to watch those edit/compilation videos that fans make on youtube! they're such a good way to get the best highlights from the vlives without wasting your time with like. 1-2 hour long lives HAHA my recommendations for channels to browse through are jellykims, txtbz, and jichangminluvr! you can probably rabbithole through the yt algorithm from there HAHA you'll have lots of fun i promise <3
there's obviously so much more content that i think is worth watching but this is just the starter pack that i think makes a pretty good beginning on stanning the boyz !! if you have any more questions or you want to talk about any of the members pleaaasseee let me know!! i'm always so so happy to talk about tbz HAHA i'm a fairly new deobi myself (its only been a couple months) so i'd love to have other deobis or aspiring deobis to talk to and/or convert!! thank you for trusting in me with this starter pack LMAO please update me on how it goes and if you start stanning ^^
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thepodcasthoard · 5 months
Most Effective Podcast Intros [Free Templates & Scripts 2024] Buzzsprout
Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 l Part 4 l Part 5 l Part 6 l Part 7 l Part 8 l Part 9 l Part 10 l Part 11 l Part 12 l Part 13 l Part 14 l Part 15 l Part 16 l Part 17 l Part 18 l Part 19 l Part 20 l Part 21 l Part 22 l Part 23 l Part 24 l Part 25
The twenty-sixth article Sydney gave me is from buzzsprout. The article has a youtube video embedded in it, so you can check that out if you're more of a visual or audio learner. The article is all about how to introduce each episode of your podcast.
Music or sound effects are optional, but they're a nice touch. Just make sure they match your vibe.
Your name, the name of the podcast, and tagline however aren't optional. They're what let your listener know what you're all about and give them a name to go along with the voice.
Then the article recommends a brief overview of the episode. This doesn't mean you have to include spoilers that would give someone every answer they're looking for, but it helps. It's a teaser! For example, if you have a guest, it's good to tell the listener who they are.
The next point to keep in mind is how the audience will be helped by listening to your podcast. People listen for themselves, and you should say what they'll gain from listening.
Another optional aspect is a call to action. But keep in mind that your listener will have no loyalty to you if this is their first experience with your podcast.
The final optional aspect is a disclaimer. This is not a CTA, it's a CYA- cover your ass. If you offer any advice, this is a good way to make sure people know that you may not be an expert and the advice may not work in every case. For example, if you run a legal or therapy podcast, you may want to let your audience know that they're general tips and they should seek individual and professional help if necessary.
The article also includes some helpful templates.
The first template is:
“Hey, guys! Welcome to the Smart Dog Podcast, a show that helps you train your dog and answer all your training-related questions.
I’m your host [host name], a professional dog trainer with over 15 years of experience in the field.
In today’s episode, we explain why some dogs are harder to train than others and help you demystify the mind of your dog so you can read his cues and train him successfully.
Let's get started!”
[sound effect]
The second template is:
[intro music]
“Hey, everyone! Thanks for tuning in!
This is the Smart Dog podcast, a show for dog trainers that aims to give simple answers to all training-related questions.
I’m your host [host name], a professional dog trainer with over 15 years of experience in the field.
In today’s episode, we explain why some dogs are harder to train than others and help you demystify the mind of your dog so you can read his cues and train him successfully.
For more tips and tricks on training your dog, follow me on Instagram at [social media handle] or sign up for my newsletter at the address in the show notes!
Without further ado, let’s dive into the episode!”
[sound effect]
The overall tips the article provides are to keep the intro short, keep music more quiet than your voice, and to make sure any music you use is safe to use (for example, not copyrighted). The article even links some 'podsafe' music, but I'll leave you to follow the links from the article in case the writer gets a kickback.
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gatewaymiral · 2 years
Bellhop movers cincinnati
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The job market and the economy: what does the money look like in Ohio? And, we can’t forget about Cedar Point… the roller coaster capital of the world… it has set a world record with 71 rides and 17 roller coaster that will scare the living daylights out of you. Thousands of folks visit the island every year to ride around on golf carts, eat great food and drink. It’s called Put-in-Bay, and it sits in Lake Erie. For example, there is an entire island dedicated to total awesomeness. Then, of course, Ohio is filled with little gems scattered across the state. For one, the state has some pretty stellar cities in Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Columbus (more on all of those down below) and it offers a relatively reasonable cost of living, even in the larger cities that we just named. So, we’ll just highlight the most impressive aspects about the state. The list of pros of moving to Ohio could go on forever. But, and this is a very big but, they’re making a comeback… in 2016 the Cavaliers won the NBA championship and Baker Mayfield looks like he might be the QB the Browns have been waiting for. And, while there are a lot of great things about it, the winter’s are as cold as your ex-lover, and the sport’s teams have had a history of being quite bad. Their reasoning for Ohio being the third worst? And we quote, “Getting LeBron back only further cemented its position as the Florida of the North.” Come on guys you’ve got to give us something better than that…Īnyway, we’re not blind, Ohio isn’t perfect. As you can imagine, this hurt Ohioans… and to rub some serious salt in the wound, The Thrillest named Ohio’s arch-nemesis… Michigan as the “best state” in the United States.
The cons of moving to Ohio… the cold weather and the professional sports teams.Ī good while back, The Thrillist ranked Ohio as the thirst worst state in the United States, behind Florida at position number one and Delaware at the number two spot. We’ll give you the bad news first, that way we can end with the good stuff. Thankfully, the good heavily outweighs the bad in The Buckeye State. What are the pros and cons of moving to Ohio?Īs with any state, there are some great aspects about Ohio, and then there are some not so great ones. This longing for flight seems to be a gene unique to Ohioans… twenty-five of NASA’s astronauts hail from The Buckeye State… and yes, this includes Neil Armstrong. Wilbur and Orville Wright, the fathers of flight, were born and raised in Dayton, Ohio where together they dreamed of putting a man in the air. It’s ironic to hear folks call Ohio a “Flyover state” because if they have ever stepped foot in a plane, they have the “Flyover State” to thank. Not to mention, many Ohioans claim that their state does “Autumn” the best… a quick Google search, and we can’t argue with them. But, Ohio’s stunning natural landscape is just the beginning of the many aspects that make this state a hidden gem in the Midwest. Ohio as a whole lives up to Churchill’s bold statement, decorated picture perfectly with tiny towns, lovely foliage, waterfalls (and more waterfalls), flowing rivers and streams and 110 natural lakes. When Winston Churchill paid Ohio a visit, he fell in love with what he saw in Cincinnati, the third largest city in the state, describing it as, “the most beautiful of the inland cities of the union.” To say Ohio is breathtaking is an understatement. Ohio… Autumn looks dang good on you.Īnyone who has ever called Ohio a “Flyover State” finds themselves eating their words if they ever visit. Looking for Long Distance Columbus Movers? A Brief Overview of Ohio 1. Kick your feet up and let’s explore the incredible state of Ohio (oh, and by way of introduction, we’re Bellhop-Cincinnati movers, Cleveland movers, Columbus movers, Hamilton movers and movers throughout the country). Regardless, we’re glad you’re here, and we have a lot to share with you. If you’re reading this right now, you’re either considering moving to Ohio or you just really love learning about new states. That’s why we’ve created this blog to answer all your questions about Ohio, in hopes that it will become your next adventure! Especially if you don’t know what it has to offer. If you are considering moving to Ohio, you might have some concerns. Is moving to Ohio right for you? We’re here to help you figure that out.
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vishnoikumar · 2 years
University of Kalyani Admission, Courses, Fees Structure, Entrance Exam, Result 2022, Placement
Introduction: University of Kalyani Admission  2022-23 ?
Hello guys today we will discuss about Kalyani University Application Form. of Kalyani is an Indian public university established in the year 2015. It is located in Kalyani, West Bengal, India. The university has the distinction of being one of the few universities to have been established in India after independence.
The University of Kalyani offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in various disciplines such as engineering, science, humanities and social sciences. It also offers a few short-term courses such as summer courses and distance education programs.
The University of Kalyani Admission 2022-23 is a step that the university has taken to ensure that it remains relevant with the times.
The university has always been a pioneer in the field of education and research. It was established in 1920 and since then, it has been on the forefront of change.
University of Kalyani Admission 2022-23 will be offered through two different pathways - direct admission and open merit. Students who choose to take direct admission will have to complete their application form online while those who choose to take open merit will have to submit their application form through offline mode.
The University of Kalyani is a private university located in Kalyani, West Bengal, India. It was established in 1982 by the Government of West Bengal.
This article provides a brief overview of the admission process for the University of Kalyani for the year 2022-23. The article also provides information on how to apply, what documents you will require and what grades you should have to apply for admission.
University of Kalyani Application form 2022-23
The university was established on 8th September 1961 by an act passed by the West Bengal Legislative Assembly under the leadership of Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy, who served as its first Vice-Chancellor until 1967.
The University of Kalyani is looking for applicants for the 2022-23 academic year. The application form is available in PDF format from the university's website.
The University of Kalyani application form is a two-page document that requires applicants to provide their personal information such as name, date of birth and current address. It also asks for details about the applicant's parents and their educational background, as well as their interests, hobbies and career goals.
The application form also includes questions about how long an applicant has been studying at school or college, what subjects they have studied in detail, what they hope to study in Kalyani and why they would like to study there.
This form can be filled out by applicants themselves or by a parent or guardian who will then need
The University of Kalyani application form is available to download on the official website. The application process requires applicants to submit their qualifications and experience.
The University of Kalyani offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in different disciplines, such as management, education, engineering, humanities and arts. The university also has research centers in various fields including applied sciences, social sciences, natural sciences and humanities.
The university was established in 1959 by the Government of West Bengal through an act passed by the West Bengal Legislative Assembly with the aim of providing quality higher education to students from all parts of India.
Conclusion About University of Kalyani 2022-23 ?
It has been determined that the University of Kalyani is one of the best educational institutions in the nation. It provides a diverse selection of undergraduate as well as graduate level courses. It attracts a significant number of students from various parts of India.
One of the most prestigious educational establishments in India, the University of Kalyani is a multidisciplinary research university that offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in the fields of science, the arts, commerce, law, and management. Additionally, it is regarded as one of the most prestigious educational institutions in India for the field of medicine.
It has been established that Kalyani University is among the most prestigious educational institutions in India. It holds the third place spot among all of India's other private universities and the fourth place spot among all of India's other universities.
The university provides students with access to a diverse selection of undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degree programmes. It is home to a number of research centres and institutes that concentrate their attention on a variety of subfields of academic inquiry.
The primary campus of Kalyani University can be found in the city of Kalyani Nagar in the Indian state of West Bengal.
The year 2022 marks the founding year of the University of Kalyani, which can be found in the city of Kalyani in West Bengal. It is regarded as one of the most prestigious educational institutions in India and confers bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees.
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celestial-martian · 3 years
Moon in the Signs and Houses
Hello, loves! 💜 Thank you guys so much for the support on my first post. I was not expecting that 😂 I hope you all are staying safe and doing well!
For this post, I’m going to describe a brief overview of what the Moon represents, the Moon in the signs, and the Moon in the houses. I’ll be basing most of my responses off of my experience since my friends and family members have almost each Moon sign. I hope you guys enjoy this!
What the Moon Represents:
How we experience and regulate emotions
What we need to feel secure and safe
Our relationship with mother / feminine figures
How we connect with others
Our intuition
Who we are alone (how we act unconsciously)
Our instincts
How we nurture ourselves
Our emotional habits
Our inner child / innate temperament
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Moon in Aries
I know someone closely with an Aries Moon at 0°, which means they express this placement at its purest energy. Aries Moons can be intense. They always want to be busy, oftentimes physically. Without something to do, they feel restless so they create projects / activities for themselves. They live in the moment. My favorite thing about them is their playfulness. They might like to roughhouse with their friends, family, or significant other. They love to joke and make others laugh. They’re very observant. They could be crass at times, just for fun 😂.
They have this youthful, energetic, playful energy to them that others might not understand and perceive as childishness or immaturity, but those Aries Moon have a serious side, too. They know when to work and when to have fun. People with Aries Moon typically have strong opinions about things and they aren’t afraid to express them. They might have a hard time handling their emotions, but this also depends on the house placement and aspects. This is fiery energy, so they could experience their emotions strongly but move on from them quickly. Can be quick to be defensive and get impatient. Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of action and drive, so with the Moon here these are their basic instincts. Very hardworking. Lots of natural inner strength.
Moon in the 1H
They could be the type to wear their emotions on their sleeve. Others might read their emotions easily. Very reactive. They could also express themselves quite naturally and freely. Might take on more of a Cancerian appearance. Larger, roundish features. They have a comforting, caring aura to them that others feel drawn to. This placement could also be difficult because the Moon is our private life in the house of the public and appearances. It could be hard for them to have privacy.
Moon in Taurus
Strong inner resolve. They are probably very grounded and stable when it comes to their emotions. They could approach emotions logically since this is an Earth sign, but since Taurus is ruled by Venus, they probably do so with grace. Very romantic and sentimental. Another hardworking placement. Might feel like they connect with others through affection. Probably does not appreciate being surprised. Good instincts.
Their inner child might be somewhat subdued or they don’t express this part of themselves often. Might be private when it comes to their emotions. They might mull over their emotions for a while, and they probably are really shaken by change. Needs stability, routine, and dependability to feel safe and secure. Very committed to whatever they set their sights on. They probably know what they need to feel safe since this is a fixed Earth sign - this will probably not change often. They’re a good person to go to for advice. They have a calming, down to earth energy about them. Very trustworthy.
Moon in the 2H
This individual could find that expressing their emotions, expressing themselves, or helping others express their emotions is financially lucrative for the native. This person’s natural emotional state is grounded and stable. Definitely a sentimental placement. They have a special attachment to their possessions since they remind them of memories they hold close. Emotions could be valuable to them. They probably like someone who makes them feel secure and safe. How they earn money might relate to emotions and the ability to nurture and care for others.
Moon in Gemini
Their intelligence is a core part of who they are. They can pride themselves on their intelligence. Might view emotions analytically. I hesitate to say they don’t like emotions and are flighty because I feel like that’s a stereotype. However, Gemini can indicate youthful energy, so it’s possible they can handle their emotions immaturely. Gemini’s can be contradictory since they’re represented by the twins. Maybe Moon in Gemini handles their emotions better than others think or vice versa. Or as they grow older the way they approach emotions changes vastly.
Someone with their Moon in Gemini probably likes to talk about feelings in general since Gemini is an Air sign and ruled by Mercury. Gemini is mutable so their emotions probably also change quite frequently. Could be moody in a restless way. Might feel comforted by conversation, humor, thinking, and learning. Maybe even uses humor as a defense mechanism. I can see them being interested in learning about their emotions or others’. Might overthink their emotions, making them feel overwhelmed or stuck. Probably feels misunderstood often. Moon in Gemini likely can see emotions / emotional situations from many different angles.
Moon in the 3H
Very good at articulating and explaining their feelings. People probably come to them for advice because they give off comforting vibes when it comes to emotions. This could also make someone in-tune with other’s feelings since this is a social house. This native likely feels very close to their siblings or neighbors. Might write about emotional things. Probably good at poetry. They could help others heal by speaking or writing about difficult things. Might feel connected with others easily. Good memory.
Moon in Cancer
This is a very strong placement since the Moon is in its sign of ownership. Intuitive, moody for real lol, very caring and warm. They make people feel comforted by their presence. Might feel like they’re here to heal others. They can naturally get in touch with their moods and others’. It’s possible their emotions might be overwhelming and intense since this is a Water sign. Could be empaths or highly sensitive people. Very accurate intuition. Can also be defensive or “crabby” when upset. When hurt, they could retreat to protect themselves or lash out harshly.
Their family probably played a very critical role in their lives, or they want to protect their family. It might be hard for them to let things go. Cancer Moons could tend to accumulate things to feel secure. They probably like to spend a lot of time alone. Very creative placement as well - they might express themselves through something creative. They feel most secure and safe in their home or with people who make them feel at home. They need someone who they can trust and to bond deeply with, and when they do, they’re very committed. They could struggle with creating and upholding boundaries with others. You deserve empathy and care, too. Take care of yourself also, love.
Moon in the 4H
Very similar to Cancer Moon. This is a powerful placement for the Moon. Might feel particularly attached to their upbringing in a positive or negative way. Lots of nostalgic vibes. Might hang onto the past. Very family-oriented. Could feel at home when they’re loving or nurturing something / someone. Might live near the water. They could also take great care of their home. Might feel like they’re meant to have a family, or they could create their own family of friends and loved ones. The water houses are typically private, so their emotions might seem closed off to others until they feel comfortable around them. I know someone with this placement and they like to spend a lot of time by themselves. They will always protect their loved ones.
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Moon in Leo
I get dramatic emotions from this placement. Their feelings probably feel larger-than-life and expansive. Could express themselves passionately. They would probably be great actors since they have a theatrical nature already - but not necessarily since this is the Moon we’re talking about which is our private self. Probably secretly likes to be the center of attention. This placement is the meeting between Leo, ruled by the Sun (our ego), and the Moon (our emotions) so their emotions could be tied to their ego, or they might know themselves well or identify strongly with Leos. Very prideful, too.
They like to lead and be in charge, and they might understand this instinctually. Could get energy from making others laugh and entertaining them. This could be how they show their love and affection. Probably also got a lot of attention as a child. They likely have a close relationship with children. Also uses creative hobbies and interests to soothe themselves. Strong-willed. Highly likely they have a protective instinct to take care of their family. Probably bossy. When they’re hurt, be rest assured, they will let you know 😂❤. Very stubborn. They might surprise others with their inner strength. Giving and generous.
Moon in the 5H
Might find it easier to express themselves and show how they care through art or their hobbies. Could be known for how they express themselves. The 5th house adds warmth to the Moon sign. Children, creativity, and entertainment will play a large role in their life. Emotional needs are tied to playfulness and self-expression. These people know how to enjoy life to the fullest. Very romantic also. Could have a rich inner life.
Moon in Virgo
These people love to help others - this is truly what makes them feel fulfilled. These people can also be bossy :) Conscientious, dedicated, and helpful. They could use work to cope with emotions or to distract from them. Could work in a career that requires them to be nurturing and empathetic. Organized or just dislikes clutter. This can definitely be a perfectionist placement. These people place so much value on their work. They want to continually improve and be noticed for their dedication.
They're also very observant, more so than people think. They notice subtle changes in people’s moods and words. Probably very private about their feelings. They believe in the separation of emotions and work, or they want to keep their private life private. Could be good at compartmentalizing things. Also could look at feelings more analytically, but since Virgo is ruled by Mercury and is a mutable sign, they could overthink things quite often. Because of this, they can become their own obstacle. They definitely feel secure and safe when they’re prepared because it makes them feel in control. Moon in Virgo loves feeling useful and needed. They will freely help others and wish to be recognized for their efforts.
Moon in the 6H
Routines and work give them comfort. This can be a workaholic placement. They need their career to be meaningful and to help others in some way. They want their home environment to be clean and clutter-free, or they have things arranged in a specific way. Could base their worth on how useful they are to others in low states. Their emotional state can affect their health easily and they can be very physically sensitive to their mood changes. Could be very in-tune with their senses. Mix of mental and emotional strength.
Moon in Libra
This is a very romantic position. Probably romanticizes love and relationships or thinks about these things often. Their emotional wellbeing is tied to other people since Libra represents relationships with others. They probably have a strong sense of right and wrong, but can struggle making clear decisions when it comes to their emotions. In low states they might overemphasize the importance of relationships or feel like they need to be in a relationship to be whole. Remember we are whole all on our own ❤. They are probably also very invested in matters of justice or try to look at emotional situations fairly. Might support others through relationship issues. People with this placement also might be a little gossipy or be very interested in other people’s relationships. Probably has a natural affinity for business. Feels safe and secure in relationships.
Can use their gifts of finding harmony, peace, and balance in their emotional life. Could want to please people enough that they put others' needs above their own. Might struggle with setting boundaries with others, but when they do, this will help them find the balance they seek. They are probably comforted by conversation and support or encouragement from others. Libra is also a cardinal sign, which means they possess leadership skills and are action-oriented. Moon in Libras will learn how to balance other’s needs and their own. In their natural state, they could be flirtatious, gracious, and charming.
Moon in the 7H
Might find they're emotionally fulfilled and secure in relationships, marriage, or contractual relationships in business. These individuals place high significance on relationships with others. Could possibly even struggle with codependency, but not always. They might feel like they need to be around other people quite often and probably don't like being alone. Could feel like they need balance when it comes to their feelings. Instinctually wants cooperation and might assume a mediator role in tense situations.
Moon in Scorpio
These people have an intense and tumultuous inner life. They could seek emotional intensity or powerful experiences. They are highly connected to their feelings and intuition. They probably read other people’s emotions astutely and like analyzing others. It would probably be hard to lie to someone with this placement because they can read people’s true intentions accurately. Their emotional life can go through many transformations or the way they process emotions does. They are probably very self-aware and in-tune with themselves. There could have been something severe, extreme, or intense about their childhood or mother figure.
These individuals are cautious when it comes to sharing their feelings with others and probably analyze ahead of sharing this information whether they think someone is trustworthy. They might like to keep their feelings to themselves, and whether or not they view this as being secretive, others probably see it that way. This is the type of person to have a very close group of people they share things in their life with. They deeply bond with people and place very great significance on these connections. When they open up, this is very meaningful and should be taken seriously. Probably likes to be alone since this is how they recharge. They can be misunderstood, complex, and alluring individuals.
Moon in the 8H
This is a very complex house full of depth. Individuals with their Moon in the 8H are probably very spiritually connected, emotional, and can attract many transformative experiences in their life. Mature, sensitive, and serious could be words used to describe them. They might be comforted by their interests in taboo things, through spirituality, or through sex. Interested in the occult. Protective over their emotions. Emotional intelligence. Others might tell them their secrets. Their intensity attracts attention.
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Moon in Sagittarius
These people are free-spirits at heart. Their independence and sense of adventure are a core part of their personality. They need freedom to express themselves. They probably feel safe and secure learning new things or expanding their interests. Their emotional life is likely very changeable (Sagittarius being a mutable sign) but their emotions are strong and short-lived (fire element). Can generally be very happy and easy-going, but can get easily restless if they aren’t doing something engaging or stimulating enough. They may want their home to be a bright and welcoming space.
Will probably go through life always learning and teaching themselves new things. They could enjoy teaching others, and this could give them a sense of fulfillment and gratitude. Might not know how to handle their emotions at times, and can be prone to escapism. This placement can be very optimistic and good at giving advice as others see them as wise and knowledgeable. While they might enjoy expressing themselves creatively, they probably do so sporadically. These people like to live in the moment and don't take life too seriously. They love to make others laugh, and probably find deep enjoyment in carefree moments.
Moon in the 9H
They might search for emotional meaning through the world around them or feel deeply connected to a greater purpose. They could be very interested in learning about their emotions and who they are. Their emotional life can be very expansive and their beliefs philosophical. They might teach others great things when it comes to nurturing, loving, and caring for themselves and others. I wouldn't be surprised if they study emotions or something relating to the mind like psychology.
Moon in Capricorn
Their emotions could be very stable and they might view them matter-of-factly. They could seem cold to others. Their career is a very important part of their life. They need to feel useful and productive. They are very down-to-earth and reliable. They might not seem like a very emotional person because they hide their emotions behind sarcasm and an impassive exterior. But like everyone, they go through mood changes. I can see this placement being very hard on themselves. They probably have high expectations for themselves and others. Might criticize themselves for not being busy enough, resting, or not having a goal they're actively working toward.
They could dislike emotions because they can’t control them. Most likely they don’t care for frivolousness and can be very serious. They probably grew up quickly or were told they seemed very mature for their age as a child. They connect to others in practical ways. Can feel secure when taking action or working toward a specific goal. Their work ethic can be relentless and they possess a great amount of inner strength. This can be a placement that uses work to substitute dealing with emotions. These individuals could possibly believe in the value of tradition and most likely do not like change. Respect is very important to them. Could be cool under pressure.
Moon in the 10H
This could also be a workaholic position. These individuals find their inner fulfillment is tied to their career. Their career and working diligently gives them a sense of security and is emotionally rewarding to them. They could be a nurturing, gentle, and caring presence in their workplace or others see them this way. Could find their private life becomes very public. A mother or feminine figure might play an important role in their career.
Moon in Aquarius
I see this placement as being very in-tune with other people and observant since Aquarius is an air sign. They’re probably very interested in other people’s emotions and how people think. Their emotions can be unpredictable and complex, and possibly so can their upbringing. Can view their emotions objectively and/or analytically. Needs freedom and independence in life, so these are things that make them feel safe and secure. They like knowing they don’t have to rely on other people and can create their own path in life. Could feel like they don’t fit in, but might also take pride in their uniqueness. Could tend to idealize emotions.
With this being an air sign combined with a fixed nature, this person is very strong-willed and mentally competent. They likely try to rationalize their feelings instead of letting themselves feel them. Their private life can be unusual or unique in some way. They probably can be private and share personal information selectively but others see them as very sociable. They have a curious mind and heart. They feel a strong urge to help the collective and those in need. They could have a humanitarian cause they feel passionately about that aligns with their core values. These people are very loyal and trustworthy.
Moon in the 11H
This is someone who feels called to help those in need. They probably feel rewarded through serving others. Could be the emotional rock in their friend circle. They feel a strong need to belong and be a part of a group. They could take into account the needs and emotions of a group easily. Moon in the 11H might seek external validation often. They could feel safe and secure when they’re around others.
Moon in Pisces
This individual is probably very self-aware and emotionally intelligent. Sometimes their emotions might confuse or overwhelm them. They experience things very deeply and passionately. They’re probably very reactive to their emotions since this is a water sign. They could be empaths and feel others' emotions ridiculously easily, soaking up the energy in the room like a sponge. It might be hard for them to create these boundaries between their emotions and other people’s, but it’ll be important for them to do so otherwise they’ll become too drained.
They like to keep their emotional life private and can seem very dreamy. These people are so creative and intuitive. Others might find it hard to understand Moon in Pisces feelings since Pisces is ruled by Neptune, which can create confusion and illusions. In my experience, it’s true they can seem a little “spaced out” but they’re just focused on their own vivid inner world, and that's what makes them unique. These are very compassionate and loving individuals. Very genuine. With this being a water and mutable sign, their emotions may be subject to change very frequently. They likely need love, compassion, and depth to feel safe and secure.
Moon in the 12H
Their emotions will be hidden from the public eye. They could often find themselves often lost in thought or daydreaming. They could have psychic experiences through their dreams or meditation possibly. They feel comforted when they’re in their own world, being creative and utilizing their intuition. Their emotions can either be hidden from themselves or they instinctively know how to tune into their emotions and the emotions of others. Emotions can be turbulent.
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Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to comment your Moon sign and house💕
With love,
~ Celeste 💜
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liongoatsnake · 3 years
So Our Multiple System Got to Watch The Movie, Wolf…
 … and it wasn't terrible. A brief overview on our first impressions below the cut.
  Us As People Watching A Movie - Our multiple system watched it with a number of other nonhumans, therians, and otherkin while in a chat. The movie was fairly entertaining. Not amazing, but fair. Not bad for an indie movie. The characters, especially the antagonists were very one note and flat; but we can't decide if we disliked that or liked that about the movie. The several species dysphoric characters were interesting. (Rufus is a good boy and deserves head pets! We had feelings for the squirrel guy and parrot girl (forgot their names) too.] Apparently a guy whose helped actors act more like animals helped train the actors for their parts and it shows. Their mannerisms were better than we expected. The movie was a fair bit over the top but it still wasn't a terrible movie.
Course there were some things about the movie that felt lacking. The ending was… okay? Kind of sudden and felt like it cut off too soon? We also felt like the introduction to the lion guy towards the end didn't do anything? But those things didn't ruin the movie for us.
  Us As a System of Nonhumans Watching This Movie - Honestly, we felt things in this movie. Like "oh that felt relatable" or "oh yeah, mood" kind of stuff. Exaggerated to a more physically obvious and artistic degree but it still felt relatable. Like yeah, real-life therians don't act like how the characters physically act, but how they acted felt like how our system feels or thinks sometimes.
 The movie didn't always land but for a movie made by non-kin people and played by non-kin people we surprising let a lot watching this movie. Like some of the things said by the characters didn't feel terribly off from what we might hear on a forum or whatnot. Like at one point the panda girl character talking about how people describe themselves in a number of ways and how describing themselves as animals is just another way of expressing some inner truth (or something like that). Also at one point, a journal entry/poem of Jacob's is read and it feels very relatable.
 The movie is far from a great and accurate representation of species dysphoria, but it still made us as watchers feel things in regards to our own species dysphoria stuff.  
  Us As A System of Nonhumans Watching Non-Kin People Reacting To This Movie - A LOT of non-kin seem to be reading this as an allegory for being transgender, maybe in some ways it is even if that wasn't intended. It certainly felt like it with how the Zookeeper and assistant woman kept enforcing that they were a "girl" or a "boy" rather than just impressing upon their patients that they are "human." Like, at several points when the Zookeeper and assistant woman are having a "you're not a [insert animal], you are a [human]" they almost always say "boy/girl" which made it feel like they were pressing something gender related more than just strictly animal related.
 Also the reviews coming in the for this movie seem to show just how little mainstream people are aware of actual species dysphoria. So few seem to catch that species dysphoria is actually a thing.
  Us As A System of Nonhumans Thinking About This Movie's Impact on the Alterhuman/Nonhuman Communities - This movie really, really feels like it will quickly be forgotten in the near future. We have a hard time imagining this movie having a notable long-term impact in the communities with many nonkin associating this movie with anyone who comes out as being alterhuman/therian/otherkin/etc. It's not getting shown in a lot of theaters and it doesn't look like it will it's just getting that much attention.
 It also felt like any non-kin who does watch this movie and remembers it later on - they might have some wrong impressions about species dysphoria but the people with species dysphoria were the good guys/victims/sympathetic characters.
    Final Thoughts - The movie movie-wise wasn't GREAT but it also wasn't BAD either. Kind of mediocre indie stuff. The movie was far as representation of was "meh;" we felt sympathetic and "that's relatable" feelings watching the movie but we wouldn't call it an accurate movie portrayal by a long shot. We don't have any strong fears of this movie negatively impacting species dysphoria’s acceptance by wider society in the future.
 Overall, we will likely buy a copy of this movie once it comes out on DVD.
 - Ocean Watcher, Sky Singer, & Earth Listener
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nunchiimagines · 4 years
OT7 Request
When You Get Into A Fight With The Maknae Line
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Requested By: Anon​
Request: Hey could you maybe do a ot7 one shot where reader and maknae line get into an argument and hyung line try and resolve it ( could you make it super angsty with some fluff at the end you don’t have to if you don’t want tho) P.s. i love your writing 💜💜
— Pairing: BTS x Reader
— Genre: Angst, Fluff
— Word Count: 2.8k
— Warnings: maknae line say some fairly mean things to reader :(
Here’s request number 3.....AFTER SOOOOOO LONG!!! Please enjoy it this overly late piece! I’m not sure if it’s angsty enough for you anon but I hope it will do! Thanks for requesting!
Things had become a bit hectic as of late and it was to the point where the guys barely had any time off throughout the entire ordeal. Countless photoshoots, rehearsals, meetings with brands, overview of their music, planning for interviews, and so SO much more. You did your best trying to conform to their crazy schedules, hoping to provide some form of comfort or peace of mind when they were given their brief breaks.
However, sometimes during times like this, you were put in a position where you didn’t even see the guys at all for a day or two. So you would try extra hard to do whatever it was they needed, when they needed, without any questions. Even if that meant sucking up to their snapping or irked attitudes when it became too much for them.
You’d be lying if you said that those particular moments didn’t hurt your feelings slightly but you also knew that it was coming from a place of stress, tiredness, and even aggravation from having so much pressure placed on them in such a short amount of time. You knew they didn’t really mean what they said or truly felt that way towards you either so you always just dealt with it when it happened. It’s not like it happened a lot, it was rare really. But just as you go out of your way to understand that they are merely human, sometimes it feels like you are not given the same courtesy.
Today was one of those unfortunate days where your own patience was put to the test.
The staff had split the boys up into two groups for the day. The older members were to do individual interviews that would be later written and posted on weverse for their most recent album while the younger members were prepped and tailored for their second set of concept photos. Once completed the two groups would then switch their tasks and then come together for group photos as well as subunit photos. You were given the liberty to stay with the maknae line for the time being but something felt off.
You could tell they were tired, a bit irritated at times, but definitely out of it. You knew not to push their buttons in any way, shape, or form and definitely determined it was best to maybe give them some space in the meantime. However, the photographer for today’s shoot was slowly losing patience. He always seemed to knit pick everything from their forms to their facial expressions. All three of the maknae visibly displayed their discontent with both their performance and the feedback, which inadvertently prolonged the entire shoot. The staff could tell that the frustration was getting to them and suggested to take a break. That was when it happened.
Naturally, being their significant other (and it being obvious that the boys weren’t themselves) the staff had thought it would be best to have you console them in hopes of lifting their spirits. Of course you accepted the suggestion but deep down inside you had a really bad feeling about this. An itch in the back of your mind begged you to reconsider but not wanting to disappoint the staff and having a smidge bit of faith that maybe you could aid them, you still went through with it. So you gave yourself a mental pep-talk and marched your way over to your first target. Jimin.
“Hey, Minnie. Are you feeling okay?” you asked softly, sitting close to him on the bench.
He scoffed, his eyes never leaving his phone as he obviously scooted away from you. You were a bit taken aback by that, him never having done something like that to you before.
“How’s it look?” he pointed out annoyed, the rehashing of his irritation fueling his discontent even more.
“I’m screwing up and it’s making this stupid shoot take longer.” he grumbled.
“Jimin, you can’t be-”
“Can’t be what?!” he snapped quickly, cutting you off.
Your eyes widened, some of the nearby make-up artists stopping and glancing at his outburst. You stiffened, such an aggravated tone pointed at you completely catching you by surprise. You didn’t even know what to say at this point. When Jimin caught the eyes of the neighboring staff members, he scoffed again and turned away from you.
“Can you just leave me alone please.” he said irritated, leaning back and closing his eyes with a harsh sigh.
You looked down somewhat embarrassed and got up.
“Of course. Let me know if you need anything.” you said quietly.
Scurrying off trying to bite back the tears, you accidentally ran into a body. You heard the object in the figure's hand drop, the sound of a thick liquidy substance making a loud splat to the floor. Your immediate reaction was to bow and apologize, never even realizing someone was so close behind you. When you looked up you were faced with a severely irritated looking Taehyung.
“Tae I-”
“It’s fine, just stop talking.” he said without thinking.
You froze, his words taking you a brief moment to just sink in. It felt like another stab to your heart. Another push to the side. Another rift between you and them. Your blood ran cold and you could hear your heartbeat pulsating into your ears. It was a weird sensation, embarrassment and sadness not even coming close to explaining this feeling.
“I-I… Uhm, I can..get you another...one.” you meekly offered.
“Don’t bother. Just sit down and be careful next time.”
He brushed you off and continued past you, not saying anything else. He approached a staff member, requesting another cup of tteokbokki before heading over to sit in the same vicinity of Jimin. You casted your gaze to the ground, biting your lip as a bubbling sensation of rejection began to make its presence known. Taking a deep breath to calm yourself down, you attempted to carry on and find Jungkook.
For some reason, you were more scared to approach Jungkook than the others right now. You couldn’t pinpoint why you felt this way, not that you had the time to, but brushed it off as it being built up nerves from the previous two failed attempts. When you rounded the corner you spotted him sitting on the edge of the table near the window. He looked ethereal with the outside glow haloing around his features, his outfit only continuing to accent this scene before you.
“J-Jungkook?” you called out with a slight stutter.
He barely acknowledged you, a slight hmm escaping his mouth lazily. He looked tired. You approached him hesitantly with a soft smile. Positioning yourself in front of him to get a better look at him.
“You feeling okay? I know it’s been kinda rough the past couple of days but if you need any-”
“I’m fine.” he sternly replied, focusing back out the window.
“Oh, well then…”
Before you had a chance to continue the one sided conversation, Jimin and Taehyung filed in.
“Jungkook let’s go. They want to start back up again.” Jimin said.
“We’re supposed to do touch-ups first.” Taehyung elaborated.
“Sure.” he said getting up and passing you without so much as a second thought.
“W-Wait you guys.” you called out, stopping them all in their tracks.
Jimin sighed as if he was irritated and Taehyung rolled his eyes. You clammed up at their response to you, a lump forming in your throat. Their stares bore into you like you were a nuisance. Jungkook sideyed you waiting boredly.
“Listen, if you don’t have anything to actually say we need to head out.” Taehyung announced bluntly.
“We don’t have time to pamper you today Y/n.” Jimin added on.
“Why don’t you go find and bother the hyungs?” Jungkook suggested without fully thinking.
You froze at their comments. Bother? Pamper? What the hell? You were pretty good at keeping your emotions in check, empathizing the best you could, and subjugating yourself for the benefit of others. But you could only handle so much of doing that before you reached your limit. It felt even worse coming from those who you loved dearly.
The tears felt hot as they traced down your reddening cheeks. At first you, yourself, didn’t even realize what was happening until the look of shock was evident on all their faces. In that moment it was almost comforting to see a different expression from them as the entire time they either scowled or dismissed you. When it contorted to panic an odd sense of satisfaction coursed through you. It was as if they finally realized what they had done. But in reality you were still hurting and pent up frustration spilled out.
“This whole time I’ve been doing whatever I could to make sure you guys felt as comforted and supported as much as possible, even if that meant bending over backwards to get and do what you wanted when and where you wanted it. I’ve allowed you to speak to me however you wanted, even if that meant I was your punching bag for all your cruel words. And I do these things because I know how hard you're working, how tired and stressed you all are, how badly you want to meet the standards and expectations for the fans and the company, and because, most importantly, I love you. But there comes a point in time where I can only handle so much of this.”
Your heart ached but you felt a burden lift off your shoulders at the same time. You were in a state of vulnerability, one that was exceedingly uncomfortable. But you knew you needed to say what you said, even if you started crying like a baby afterwards. It was embarrassing but necessary. Unbeknownst to any of you, Hoseok had approached the area with a wide smile on his face.
“Y/n!” he exclaimed excitedly before realizing the tense situation.
“What happened!?” he said running to you, lightly gripping your shoulders.
You couldn’t control the crying anymore and buried yourself into Hoseok’s chest. He held you in any attempt to comfort or calm you. Yoongi walked in shortly after, eyes wide in shock and horror.
“Y/n?! What happened?” Yoongi repeated.
Hoseok shook his head unsure causing Yoongi to cast his gaze at the younger three who still hadn’t made a move. Guilt was written all over their faces as they’re eyes casted downwards in shame. It wasn’t much longer when Namjoon and Jin entered, becoming just as puzzled by the entire situation. It was with quick thinking that Yoongi escorted you and Hoseok to another area while asking Jin and Namjoon to talk to the maknae line to figure out what was going on.
You always did feel much more comfortable confiding into Yoongi the most when compared to the others and Hoseok always managed to make you feel at ease as well. So when you explained to them what was going on they gave looks of sympathy and understanding.
“Baby, you’re far from being a bother let alone a nuisance.” Hoseok said, rubbing your back lightly.
Yoongi grabbed for your hands, a rare moment for him to display affection so openly. He wiped a falling tear before pushing your chin upwards to look at him.
“Listen, you’re already aware of how much pressure is being placed on us and then how much more pressure we put on ourselves. If anything, you’re a godsend. The fact you’ve kept up with the unpredictability of both our schedules and our feelings is not something most people have the patience to stomach. Quite frankly, it was never fair on you to begin with. And yet, here you are, being the trooper I've always known you to be and still surprising us with how kind, nurturing, understanding, and strong you are.” Yoongi explained.
“It’s not really an excuse but the younger ones have been feeling...a bit overwhelmed lately and have never reached the point of comfortably speaking about it. Jungkook and Taehyung have been tirelessly working on their individual mixtapes, but they’ve been scrutinizing and tearing apart their lyrics and concepts. Then you have Jimin who’s been too focused on nailing down the dance routine for hours on end. He’s skipped meals, lost sleep, and now they’re all dealing with the scheduling of all these events.” Hoseok added on.
You knew they were working hard and were also exhausted but you had no clue the additional stuff they had put on themselves. It’s not like you were with them 24/7. You hated seeing them doubt themselves, ridicule their talent, and improperly look after their health. Your heart sank and the tears were forming again.
“Ahhh, babe don’t cry.” Hoseok said hugging you.
“We need to do a better job at making sure their physical and mental health are top priority. We dropped the ball on this and you had to pay the consequences for that. Please don’t shoulder the blame, you did nothing wrong.” Yoongi stated.
You wiped your eyes and held a small smile.
“Thank you. That means the world to me.”
Just as you guys were finishing up, Namjoon and Jin came walking in.
“Hey princess.” Jin called out.
You blushed at that and nodded in acknowledgement.
“You feeling better?” Namjoon asked.
“Yeah. Much better actually.” you admitted with a small smile.
“That's good to hear. You think you’d be up to talking to the guys for a second?” Jin asked you out of the blue.
You blinked your eyes in surprise. Namjoon quickly took notice of your wavering state and smiled softly at you.
“Y/n, you don’t have to talk to them right now if you don’t want to. We can wait a bit if you’d like.” he offered.
“N-No, it’s okay. I don’t mind talking now.” you agreed hesitantly.
Namjoon nodded and turned his head. The three youngest were peeking their head around the corner like scared children. When Namjoon gave them the sign to enter, they came up to you tentatively. You could tell Jimin had been crying but he was doing his best to hide it. Taehyung had a defeated look on his face, afraid to even meet your eyes. Jungkook lowered his head and rubbed the back of his neck, biting his lip in hesitation as he drifted too deeply into thought.
“I...Y/n I’m so sorry.” Jimin said first.
“I should've never snapped at you. You didn’t deserve that! I was being stupid.” he continued.
“Y/n...what we did was terrible to you. I wasn’t thinking straight and I just...lashed at you and I hurt you. A man would never do that to the woman he loves. And yet I did that to you.” Taehyung added.
“You’re not a bother! You never were! I feel….I feel like I’m the one who’s been a bother and I just projected my own dissatisfactions onto you and that...that’s so unforgivable. The hurt in your eyes was...it was painful and I…” Jungkook trailed off, fighting back the tears of all his frustration.
You stood up and one-by-one you went to each of the guys and hugged them. It was a warm and gentle embrace filled with understanding and acceptance.
“We..we don't deserve this from you.” Jimin choked out.
“Shhh. It’s okay. I understand that it was a lot on you all. More so than normal. You were carrying the burden of everything by yourself and it was too much. Any normal person would’ve snapped by now. Despite what was said to me in those moments, personally I think you guys held back. Which, I’m thankful for, but, I wish you would talk to me instead. It could be to just vent or scream and I don’t have to say anything. Sometimes all we need is a place of acceptance and not a palace for advice. I’ll always be here for you guys just like you’re there for me. You deserve that much at least. Making a few mistakes or slipping up doesn’t automatically restrict you from being allowed comfort or a safe place.”
Jungkook buried his face in the crook of your neck, his sniffling being heard as he held you tighter. When he felt satisfied, Taehyung followed suit and did the same. Your warmth was inviting and comforting and he didn’t want to let go.
“How about after work today, we just take naps and relax a little? Forget about the additional stuff for a few hours and realign ourselves to a point where we feel more us. Nothing strenuous or crazy, just relaxing. Would you be up for that?” you asked.
Everyone had nodded, agreeing to your request with their own comforting and warm smiles. The rest of the shoot and interviews went smoothly and they actually all got off work 10 minutes earlier than anticipated. When you all made it back to the dorms you all washed up and changed into comforting clothes. You set up a nice relaxing fort-like structure in the living area and just sat and relaxed, sometimes talking, sometimes sitting in silence. All you knew was that you all felt content and realized that no matter what type of struggle or hardships are thrown at you, you guys have the capabilities to pull through it successfully.
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