#and then by the end of it he has the prosecution pissing themselves
waitineedaname · 4 months
oh my god. wait. modern au wei wuxian where he went to prison, and when he gets out he works his ass off to become a defense attorney. he's smart as hell and loves finding loop holes and calling people out when they're breaking their own rules. he'd be a fucking menace in the courtroom.
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
I’ll never forgive him who has put meg through two years of trauma that he caused and made her look like a liar when he was the one who shot her. I wish He and his fans a very rih(as in rot in hell) Same thing with Drake , Joe budden , Zach Campbell, Lebron James , Mariah the scientist, Dababy, Dj akademiks, 50 cent, all the media outlets that were slutting themselves out for this piece of trash by spreading misinformation and lies about his trial so much that they didn’t care about being ethical or professional (the fact that two white women and crime journalists were more accurate than “black” bloggers is just whewww I’m pissed) and everyone else who ever doubted her and I meant that with the upmost disrespect. Like seriously they can all burn right now, heck I’ll get the matches and kerosene and fry them arssholes myself.
Meg tried to protect him until he opened his mouth. The DA prosecuted him and she was still treated like a villain instead of a victim/survivor. Absolutely DISGUSTING. That man brought his child to court as a prop for sympathy knowing DAM WELL he was guilty 🤡. I pray that Meg and any woman/man dealing with domestic violence, are able to move on and heal. Stay strong, keep your head up, and make yourself a plan to leave. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
It’s crazy the amount of people who defended this violent troll over a black woman who literally got shot by a grown man. I’ve never seen a domestic dispute where people cancel a victim over a crime that is not only proven, but also completely logical considering his past. And people keep saying it’s the end of her career which sadly might be true cause we live in a backwards society but imagine being thrust into the spotlight right after you lose the only person you had and why you started rapping , your mom, and then being around a bunch of snakes and your sex life outed in front of the world to see for clout whilst in the midst of going to court for being attacked. And I’m sure it wasn’t a good feeling for her to know that she was gonna be locking up a man for a long time but she didn’t have no choice. If Meg didn’t press charges the state would have . She had no control over the outcome or even the investigation. Yeah she lied but I do believe she did out of fear because anything she did or said got back lash. I was even annoyed with her at points even tho I’m always gonna be on her side and the victims side. A recent phone call got leaked pretty much sealing the deal and I still see people refusing to give up their pride and still calling her a liar.
Imagine if your daughter got shot in the foot ? I lost my dad at 20 so I know Megan was extremly lost and just doing everything she was told to do bad influences or not. People don’t know that feeling of not being able to ask your parents for guidance or to just hold your parents for strength , you constantly just gotta think “ what would my mom or dad do” . She was hella young like 22 I believe. Until people have lost a parent they don’t understand how deep it can change you . Meg is a victim legally and figuratively but she’s been treated like a suspect this entire time.
Torey is a felon, torey has attacked people for not shaking his hand, he breaks gun charges , he fights in clubs, he’s very volitile , he is not a good person so why people defend him so heavy is lost upon me . Honestly I believe it’s just out of spite
He should have been deported long ago….you should not be allowed to commit all of these offenses and be able to stay here. You cannot behave like this in any other country and expect to stay there….. and his father can’t even raise his child right like You mean to tell me Tory’s daddy couldn’t rear his own son but wanna blame others for his failure as a father? Mane GTFOH!!!
This is the result of what happens when he had no one in his life to hold him accountable. He also fumbled every opportunity given to him. The shooting was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Now, he’s facing the consequences. And he deserves it.
He has no one to blame but himself if anything Dude's his own worst enemy🤬
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“You can drop the robe now. You no longer wear clothes unless I tell you. You are no longer a man. Come over here and let me inspect your work. Pretty good on the chest area. There’s still some stubble on your balls. Armpits are good. Turn around show me the cunt. Go on bend over. Nice and smooth. Oh wait, you missed a few hairs on your taint. You know, your pussy is so nice. I mean while you were screaming from me smashing your cherry last night you probably didn’t know that it took my cock pretty well—nice and tight yet didn’t strangle me....
"Ok turn back around and kneel in front of me, eyes down, knees spread. You did an ok job shaving yourself considering the hairy beast you were. I always have my cunts shave themselves on day one. Don’t worry, the stubble will be taken care of pretty soon. You aren’t the only new slave I have procured. You will meet him soon and you and it will shave each other completely hairless. There’s one final thing I will have you do as a free man is to take that dog collar on the table behind you and put it around your neck, lock it, and hand me the key.
"It’s amazing everything you have done here, you have done on your own. You are the one who shaved your body. You are the one who offered me your cherry. You are the one who offered your tongue for me to sit on. You are the one who is giving up your freedom to me. You signed a power of attorney to me. Most importantly, you are the one who confessed to me that with your help, your son embezzled just over half a million dollars from my business…. Now put that collar on…. Everything you have done so far has been recorded on a hidden cam. Hehe, I fucking love playing the part where you have your very hairy legs in the air begging me to ‘Please fuck my cherry cunt.’
"Now hand me the key. I am in control of everything now. I call all the shots. You are to do as you are told. That’s an electrified dog collar. If I press this button, like this. You immediately fall to the floor, just like that. And with that, I take a six foot three two hundred sixty-pound man and turn him into yet another ass eating slave cunt. All I had to do was to promise not to seek prosecution of your son…. Now get back into kneeling position…. Don’t worry I will definitely live up to my end of the bargain. With the power of attorney, I will get back my money once I sell your house, new car, and new boat.
"Man, you are literally giving up everything for your only child not to go to jail. Jail can be pretty rough for pretty boys like him. He would be some man’s bitch in no time. He would be made to lick the shitholes of some big hairy men. Then spit roasted by other inmates with gigantic dicks. Hehe. Your face tells me everything, you don’t like the thought of him being raped over and over by huge cocks. Well because of you selflessly giving yourself to me, I’m not prosecuting him.
"Speaking of gigantic dicks, you have a hog yourself. Normally I put a cock cage on every piece of slave cock. I’m the only man here. But I think I will keep yours free, for now. I think it would be fun to watch you tear up some slave’s cunt. Don’t worry, I’m still going to use your cunt though. And don’t worry about not having a hard on…. Stand up slave. Look to the sky. Hold still…. Damn this is a big dick. Don’t fucking move. Just a little pin prick. There! I just injected your cock with a drug to give you a steel hard-on for a few hours. It’ll take a few minutes to fully kick in. Give it a tug. That’s it. Jack it off. That is one slab of man meat. I may turn you into a fuck slave. Shoot up your cock, and make you fuck slave after slave for hours. You know, even if you cum, you don’t lose your hard on. You can continue to batter cunt after cunt. You are getting really hard now.
"Follow me back in the house. Put the robe back on and leave it untied. I want your battering ram pointing forward when we go to the playroom. I have this other slave who turn himself in a couple nights ago. That fag could suck like a pro. His cunt is silky smooth offering just enough tightness to drive my cock wild. I want to see it stretched around both our cocks. Unlike you, he’s definitely been getting plowed by men on a regular basis. He knows how to please a man. He’s going to require very little training…. Well damn! You are steel rock hard. That is a huge fucking dick, bigger than mine. I can’t wait for you to tear this faggot up. If you want to keep that dick, be as rough and brutal as you can. Smack him around. Piss on him. Treat him like shit. That’s what he needs. If I sense that either of you two are not performing to the levels I am demanding, both your collars will shock the hell out of you two. Yes, I had him put his collar on yesterday, just like you did ten minutes ago. Also just like you, he shaved himself. You two will get to shave completely each other once we are done. And just like you, he signed every thing away to me. You want to know the big difference between you two, other than his pecker is rather small? You gave up everything to prevent your son from being prosecuted for embezzlement. And he gave up everything to prevent his father from being prosecuted for embezzlement. That’s right, go in there and rape your son. I’ll be watching my first father/son fucking with my finger on the trigger. Now go on.”
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burnmyloveaway · 3 years
So another DGS 2 rant...
I appreciated how Gina and Maria - two teenagers - dealt with the truth about their idols coming out.
Gina couldn't accept it at first but she trusted Ryu and once it has been demonstrated, she still mourned for Gregson, respected him, and decided to keep his memory alive by keeping up where he left off and following in his footsteps as a fellow detective (in training).
Maria held so much esteem for and was so proud of her Mama. She was amazed at the fact that Dr. Sithe was present and took part in such historical events. She grew up in the same environment being taught by her and got enamored with a job for which she is truly passionate.
Both girls understood that when their idols have been stopped or when the truth about them came up, it was because other people were doing their jobs, there was nothing to be taken personally, even if it hurt (whereas Gina couldn’t accept it at first, Maria says she didn’t want to know what her mother really did).
Both girls have been able to discern the right from the wrong and to see that Gregson and Dr. Sithe made horrible mistakes, but they didn’t hold it against them, they still loved them despite everything.
The best thing though is how neither Gina nor Maria kept Gregson and Dr. Sithe on a pedestal.
It's interesting (and sad) to see how Kazuma and Barok - two grown adults - still very much hold Genshin and Klint on that pedestal, instead.
The circumstances that led them where they ended up were surely tragic, but so is the fact that they chose that path.
Both of them had families to take care of, they were both family men, husbands, and fathers but instead of cherishing all the good things they had, they both let themselves get engulfed by the same darkness.
The game wants (?) the players to feel sorry for them, Barok and Kazuma have no apologies and forgiveness to offer to each other but if Klint was a murderer, so was Genshin, so why doesn't Kazuma see it?
Sure, the way Genshin got betrayed and killed was horrific, unnecessary, undeserved, and absolutely enraging but that doesn't nullify his guilty in taking someone else's life. To put a stop to The Professor's killing spree wasn't his duty.
And what about Barok?
In his will, Klint declared himself the Lord of the manor of the van Zieks estate, which would hint at their parents being dead (in the DLC Barok mentions having inherited a silver chalice from his father, but in case 2-3 he says a murdered took Klint away from us... ?).
If it's indeed the case, that would mean that Klint wasn't only his older brother but the very person who raised him which would make sense, considering that Barok said Klint was his "guiding light" and that he didn't know what to do or where to go after his death.
Again, the game presumably wants the player to feel sorry for Klint as well, but while four on five murders were carried out due to Vortex/Stronghart’s coercion/extortion giving him no other choice, the first of these murders was voluntary. Just because he’d been extorted that doesn’t completely exonerate him either. He was a murderer through and through.
The worst thing is that he probably left a 23 y.o young man completely alone in the world. While he certainly wasn’t a child, a 23 y.o is still too young to prosecute the worst criminals around. Barok had already been targeted before the whole Reaper conspiracy, too, what made Klint think he could keep up with that entirely on his own?
The line “It is my fervent wish that my unspeakable deeds should not hinder your advancement” pissed me off, to be honest. Like, what? So you justifiably get your baby hidden so that she doesn’t have to live as the daughter of a murderer but you hope your brother can keep up in that direction? Does he really have to? I don’t know, to me, it was a pretty egoistic thing to say, as if the truth couldn’t have hurt and compromised Barok, too.
Klint certainly couldn’t predict that Vortex/Stronghart would have used his brother like he did but damn, it wasn’t so difficult to imagine that if he set his sight on him he couldn’t somehow do the same with Barok as well, c’mon.
Klint had to make a very difficult choice in his last moments and while he managed to get his child saved, he left his younger brother completely alone at the mercy of Vortex/Stronghart and of bloodthirsty criminals who just couldn’t wait to manipulate and kill him. It was because of Klint that Barok remained in danger, totally isolated and unable to trust anyone for ten years, something like this would fuck anyone up. And while Klint would have never wanted anything like that nor did he do anything like it on purpose, his action had very serious and dire consequences on his brother’s life.
And Barok still holds the same older brother who ruined his life on that pedestal!
When after his trial he quotes Vortex/Stronghart’s on how to fight the darkness you have to become darkness yourself he says that those are the words of a coward, but why can’t he see that his brother pretty much thought the same thing? So Vortex/Stronghart is a coward but Klint isn’t?
Barok’s biggest problem is exactly this and so is Kazuma’s. They’re now stuck together while Barok feels mortified for events that he had no control over whatsoever and Kazuma is full of grief and has no forgiveness to offer, except it is against the wrong person.
Just because they’re respectively Klint’s brother and Genshin’s son it doesn’t mean that they have to bear the burden of mistakes that weren’t theirs but sadly, none of them seemed to realize this at the end of the story.
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cabensonsgirly · 3 years
👼These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends (Multi-Char)[NSFW]👼
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Multiple SP characters x fem!reader
Xandra, Billie-Dean, Ally Mayfair, Anne Gillette, Audrey Tindall, Wilhemina Venable, Ellie Staple, Diane Sherman, Mildred Ratched.
👼Slice 2👼
Co-authored with @billiedeannovak ​ even though she’ll deny it.
👼Wordcount: 1530👼
👼Published on AO3: Read Here👼
👼 Taglist: @mrsdeanhoward @okpaulson 👼
👼 Content (some for later parts): Super Au, dubious consent, slow-burn, manipulation, face-slapping, drug-use, alcohol, smut, cunnilingus, strap-on, cum, choking, degradation, sex-work, court, bruises, spit, mommy kink, daddy kink, humiliation, public sex/teasing 👼 
👼She rolls her eyes and lets out an annoyed sigh, she was not interested in this man in the slightest and he wasn’t even that good in bed, it was his money she was after, and she would leave the relationship with all of it after they get married. He had been talking about marriage for the past few months seeing as they had been together for a few years, completely unaware of how disinterested she actually is. Anne was not a woman to fall in love, nor was she the type of woman to settle down and get married. 👼
Rita leads Anne from the courtroom, the pair laughing quietly and talking amongst themselves as they made their way to an elevator. Rita gestured for Anne to enter before she went to herself, “Rita!” the older woman fights the urge to roll her eyes, telling Anne where she was to go and how to get there before she closes the elevator door. She turns to face the woman who yelled her name “Oh what a pleasant surprise, Detective Benson. What do I owe the pleasure?”
Olivia shakes her head, jaw set firm as she stops in front of Rita “What the fuck are you doing? The evidence shows that she was the one that set the crime up! Who cares if Prestwick was blackmailed!? Gillette killed her damned parents and you know it. Just because you have some vendetta with my team doesn’t-“
Rita laughs, shaking her head with an amused smile on her face “How many times must we do this, Olivia? It is my job to defend people regardless of what they do, just like it is your job to investigate crimes ethically. I know I’m doing my job to the books; I can’t say the same about you. My advice, lie back and pretend like you’re enjoying it. You’ll last longer.” She steps into the elevator after the doors ding open, she turns to give the detective one last cursory glance “You lost, Benson.” She states before the doors close.
It doesn’t matter whether she believes Anne killed her parents or not, the woman had paid her generously to defend her and she was going to do just that. Nor does it matter the two have history, it didn’t impact the case or her ability to do her job. She was looking forward to the end of it though so she could finally actually enjoy a quiet drink without the guilt of knowing she should be working instead.
Once the doors open, she makes her way quickly to where Anne should be, letting out a breath of relief when she sees Anne sitting back in one of the seats, her blazer draped over the back of it. “You really think I’d risk doing a runner after the absolute field day you had out there? Ms. Calhoun I’m offended” she laughs, a coy smirk tugging at her lips “I’m saving the energy for once I’m cleared of my charges. How does that sound? You come back to the estate and unwind, just like the-“
Rita hushes her, swatting her arm lightly as she takes a seat opposite the blonde “Ms. Gillette! The walls have ears.” She shrugs her blazer off as well and leans back in her seat, propping her elbow up on the armrest before leaning her head against it, a small smile on her face as she looks at the woman opposite her.
“I never thought I’d be defending you in a murder case too, Anne. It’s one thing helping you get out of minor assault charges, but for a double-homicide?” She lets out a laugh, shaking her head “That is something else entirely. You were always one to make a grand show of things though, hm?” Rita quirks a brow at the blonde, a faint smirk tugging at her lips which earns an eye-roll and scoff from the blonde.
“Oh please Rita, I’m hardly as dramatic as that Tindall woman. Now, after this is all over, would you like to join me for drinks? Nothing else will happen, just an extra thank you for your hard work.” Rita sighs quietly “I can’t- I owe Novak a round after being so rough on her in court. She’s an amazing lawyer and a hard-worker, I’d rather not burn that bridge.”
Rita’s phone buzzes against the table and she immediately grabs it, turning the screen on to see the message before her eyes dart to Anne’s “They’ve reached a verdict, Ms. Gillette” she breathes out, a very faint hint of a nervous waver. “Well then, let’s get this over and done with.” Anne stands up and puts her blazer on, doing a button up in the middle then brushing some of her hair behind her ear. She follows Rita out of the room and down the hall to the elevator, this is the first time since this case started that she feels genuinely nervous- Not that she committed the crime, anyone would be nervous if they were in court.
Rita gives Anne’s arm a gentle squeeze before they exit the elevator and make their way into the court room, both ignoring the glares coming from the prosecution as they take a seat behind their table. “All stand for the Judge.” They do just that, Rita glancing at Casey out the corner of her eye, noticing how tense she appears before they take their seats again once the Judge has sat down.
Court:                 Will the jury foreperson please stand. Has the jury reached a unanimous verdict?
Foreperson:          Yes.
                                  CLERK TAKES THE VERDICT FORM
                                     AND HANDS IT TO THE JUDGE.                              
Rita rests her hand on Anne’s thigh, giving it a reassuring squeeze upon noticing how anxious the woman was before returning her hand to rest on the table with her other one.
Judge:                    The jury find the defendant not guilty. The defendant is free to go home. Lets hope we don’t see you in this court again, Ms. Gillette. The jury is thanked and excused. Court is adjourned.
Anne lets out a shaky breath before standing up and throwing her arms around Rita in a tight hug, repeatedly mumbling thank you to her. Rita returns the hug before pulling back slightly, gently wiping away the few tears that had spilled onto Anne’s cheeks, giving her a soft smile “I told you that I’d make sure you were found not guilty, Ms. Gillette. I’m a woman of my word, you should know that by now.”
Anne smiles back and lets go of Rita before running a hand through her short blonde hair “A miracle worker.” She glances over Rita’s shoulder and sees Casey watching intently, a disheartened look on her face before returning her gaze back to the woman in front of her “I should get going, it looks like Casey wants a word with you and she definitely looks like she needs a few drinks. I’ll see you around, Rita.” She kisses the woman’s cheek in farewell before taking her leave, feeling considerably lighter and more free now that the case is over.
Once she is out of the courthouse, she takes out her phone and calls her boyfriend- well, he thinks he’s her boyfriend, but she really couldn’t care less. “Hi darling, you’re talking to a free woman. No I’m not upset you couldn’t be in court, it would hardly be a good look for a detective to be seen on the alleged criminal’s side. You can make it up to me tonight when you take me out for dinner- Yes Yn can come along too, she is your daughter after all. I will take her shopping for something nice- I won’t be spoiling the girl. She needs nicer clothing to go to the restaurant I have in mind. Don’t worry- I already told you I am not going to spoil the girl. I don’t like repeating myself so it would do you some good to actually listen. I’ll pick her up from university and we’ll go from there. Mhmm, love you too. See you tonight.”
She rolls her eyes and lets out an annoyed sigh, she was not interested in this man in the slightest and he wasn’t even that good in bed, it was his money she was after, and she would leave the relationship with all of it after they get married. He had been talking about marriage for the past few months seeing as they had been together for a few years, completely unaware of how disinterested she actually is. Anne was not a woman to fall in love, nor was she the type of woman to settle down and get married.
“You better not fuck this family up too, Ms. Gillette” Anne turns to find Olivia walking towards her, thoroughly pissed off “Yn is like a daughter to me, so if I find out you do anything to upset her-“ The blonde gives her a bored look “Do you have nothing better to do, Olivia? Were you not listening to what the judge said? I’m an innocent woman, so no, I didn’t fuck my family up, daddy did when he killed my mother before himself.”
She takes a step closer to the brunette, a smug smirk settling on her face “You may be like a mother to her, Olivia, but unlike you… I actually am her step-mom, something you will never be. Now, this may be a surprise to you, seeing as you’re someone that never works, I have things to do including taking Yn clothes shopping for our celebratory dinner tonight. You’re not invited.” She fakes a pout “How unfortunate” before laughing and making her way to the car that was waiting for her before getting in, telling the driver where to go.
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the--sad--hatter · 6 years
Name Calling (26)
PAIRING - BUCKY X READER (female reader, no physical descriptions)
DESCRIPTION -  In which the ongoing and bloody war of words between you and Bucky turns in your favor when a disgruntled one night stand of his lets slip a secret when you run into her in the elevator… Now you have all the ammunition you need to destroy your enemy but you don’t plan on killing him quickly. Oh no, Bucky Barnes was going to suffer and you were going to enjoy every second. You just didn’t count on how much you would enjoy it.
Current Word Count -  74,382
Chapter Twenty Six - The Cat's Out Of The Bag
The Avengers were gathered in a meeting room in the tower, waiting on Ross. The mood was sombre. Their friend had just been dragged away to be put only god knows where and they hadn’t had the chance to explain to her why there was a video of her killing and nearly dying that existed to be leaked online in the first place.
“Who leaked that footage?” Sam asked the question they were all wondering.
“Docherty. He has to have been watching her, or having people do it for him more accurately.” Steve guessed.
“Why leak it today? Why now?” Rhodey enquired.
“She’s his Vernichtung, his little world ender. Having her being hailed as a hero must have pissed him off.” Tony said wearily.
“This is good. We’ve been looking for a way to get to him for a long time and we had nothing. Now he’s shown a weakness, something we can exploit. The angrier we make him, the more likely he is to make a mistake.” Natasha reasoned.
“First we have to get my little girl out of Ross’s clutches. I don’t trust him any more than I do Docherty.” Tony snapped.
“He’s right. Ross has been trying to get his hands on The Hulk for a long time, god knows what he’ll do with Vernichtung.” Bruce agreed.
“The X-Men said they would gave her sanctuary but that only works as long as nobody knows she’s with them. They won’t help break her out. The Avengers can’t be seen doing it either. I’ll have to take the fall for this, I’ll take her and we can go into hiding. Cap can you contact T’Challa? See if he can help?” Tony asked, pacing as he made plans.
“I’ll think we should take a page out of Romanov’s book and fight Docherty with his own tactics.” Bucky spoke up for the first time.
“That’s not a bad idea. It’ll push Ross into a corner and put Docherty off his game at the same time.” Steve mused.
“Plus it will put Docherty’s face on the map. It’ll be much harder fro him to hide.” Natasha added.
“For those of us not following?” Sam probed.
“The Vernichtung Files. We release them.” Bucky said.
“That’s the worst idea I’ve heard all day.” Rhodey stated.
“You want to expose Kit Kat to the world like that? No.” Tony said firmly.
“Tony the whole world knows what she can do and who she is. So let’s show them how much she’s endured and how many times she said no to using that power to hurt anyone.” Natasha said diplomatically.
“She’s a hero, we all know it. It’s time the world did as well.” Steve added.
Everyone but Tony and Rhodey looked convinced. Tony looked frazzled and torn but before he could press further, Secretary Ross came sweeping into the room.
“Where the hell is my kid Ross? You have no right to take her away like that, she gets to have a lawyer. As her father, her next of kin I demand to know where she is.” Tony insisted.
“You aren’t in a position to be making demands, any of you. You harboured an unregistered powered person and took them on active missions. If a fraction of what is on that footage turns out to be true, you’ve been sitting on the human equivalent of a nuclear bomb.” Ross said, his voice dripping with unbearable smugness.  
“Then slap me on the wrists, put me in the naughty corner, prosecute me if you like. I don’t give a damn. I want to know where my daughter is.” Tony yelled.
“Oh there will be ramifications, for everyone. The UN will not let this slide.”
“You mean there will be ramifications for Stark and myself.” Bucky spoke up,
“I beg your pardon Mr Barnes?”
“There’s nothing on that video to suggest any other member of The Avengers knew about her. Matter of fact, Tony didn’t arrive until after. Maybe he didn’t know either.” Bucky said smoothly.
Ross’s jaw worked furiously as he tried to catch up to what Bucky was implying.
“The only person you can say with absolute certainty knew about Miss Starks abilities was me.” He continued.
“That’s not going to look good for anybody. Prosecuting a man you only recently pardoned. I’d hate to be you in that scenario.” Natasha said, catching on.
“Oh no, you can not spin this to your advantage. You really think you’re going to get away with this? The evidence speaks for itself.” Ross sneered.
“Speaking of evidence...” Dr Banner spoke and everybody turned to look at him. He smiled softly with a mischievous glint in his eye.
“Were you aware that Benjamin Newlands was creating a deadly virus to unleash on a well populated country? Doesn’t he have an uncle on the UN council?” Bruce continued.
“He does, his father in law sits on the council as well.” Natasha added.
“In case you were wondering, yes we do have evidence. Irrefutable in fact. There’s a witness who worked on the virus, a paper trail showing Mr Newlands plans for after the virus was unleashed and a sample of the virus itself.” Bruce concluded.
“And you want to know the kicker Ross, the final damning fact? It was ‘deathwave’ who infiltrated Newlands home, destroyed the facility and obtained the virus so a cure could be synthesized.” Natasha said, hitting the final nail into the coffin.
“So you currently have the hero who discovered a traitor in the UN in your custody.” Steve summarised.
Secretary Ross had gone pale. They had him over a barrel and he knew it.
“It’s a good thing you decided to utilise a valuable asset to weed out the traitor and saved millions of lives in the process. Of course you had to hold off on having Miss Stark signing the accords, this whole sting operation only worked so long as nobody knew who she was. This was well played Sir.” Rhodey said diplomatically.
They all held their breath while they waited to see if the Secretary Of State would take the bait. He could take the messy path and throw her into a cell despite the backlash he would receive or he could go along with the plan they had just laid out. Turn her into the hero who saved the Accords from being tainted by War Crimes and Genocide.
“Before you say anything else Secretary Ross, there’s something you should see.” Natasha said.
Everyone looked at Tony and after a long moment he nodded.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Breaking News! More details on the story of ‘Deathwave’, Tony Stark’s illegitimate daughter have come to light.” The news anchor announced.
“Well the cat is well and truly out of the bag now.” Rhodey remarked.
“We made the right move, now that crowd outside who already think she’s a hero is going to grow exponentially. Show people footage of a scared little girl standing up to a bully and then have The Secretary Of State announce she was secretly working for them to single handedly take down a madman who wanted to kill millions and by this time tomorrow the whole world is going to love The Newest Avenger.” Clint said.
“We made her The Media Darling and Dr Jack Docherty public enemy number one in one fell swoop. I’d call that a win.”
“Yeah, now all we have to do is find a way to explain to her why she doesn’t remember killing 200 people or being shot in the heart.” Sam snapped bitterly.
Bucky had had enough of listening to them all congratulate themselves and bicker. It was going to be a lot to process for her and forgiveness for all they had done wouldn’t come easily. Everytime he got somewhere with her something got in the way and he was sick of it.
Would this be the final straw? Would she give up on him, on them? Would she go back to hating him?
“WHO WAS IT?” Tony yelled, storming into the room.
“Wasn’t me.” Clint said immediately.
“Who was what Tony?” Steve asked calmly.
“Ross just called his men to have her released and brought back here. Only he can’t do that because someone broke her out of custody.”
His revelation was met with silence.
“Nobody wants to fess up?” Tony pressed, slightly urgently.
Nobody spoke up and a chill ran up Bucky’s spine. If none of them had broke her out, then who had?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You slowly roused from a deep sleep. The last thing you remembered was a lot of screaming, a klaxon blaring and a flash of red. You shot up into a sitting position, taking in your surrounding rapidly.
You were on a tatty sofa, springs digging into you. The room was musty and well lived in to put it politely. The door was kicked open loudly and your kidnapper/saviour came literally skipping into the room.
The defensive stance you sprung into was instinctual but the red spandex clad figure ignored it and held out something to you.
“Who the hell are you?” You snarled at him.
“I’m Deadpool sweetcheeks, and you should really already know that but the author really wanted me to say it out loud so there was no confusion for the readers so I’ll let it slide.” He announced tearing open the foil wrapped Chimichanga and taking an obscenely huge bite.
“Alright Deadpool, did you rescue me or kidnap me?” You enquired.
“Technically both Princess Peach. Ooooh, that’s what I’ll call you from now on since I’m not allowed to say your name.”
“Alright… what?” You were utterly lost.
“Quick note. The last person to rescue you adopted you so by those rules, you have to call me daddy. Or Daddypool.”
“I am not calling you Daddy.” You insisted with a confused grimace.
“Daddypool it is.” He said, clapping his hands together in excitement.
He leapt onto the couch you’d woken up on and struck a heroic pose.
“Now let’s end this chapter so everyone can mentally prepare themselves for the upcoming grand adventures of the dynamic duo…. Princess Peach and Daddypool!”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Short but important chapter... I really really hope you like this. It's a creative gamble on my part. Please like it!!! *sweats nervously*
@nerdandproud-86 @harrison-shot-first@chook007@thejourneyneverendsx@thelostallycat@inquisitor-selvala@the-corruptor @iovher@kendrawr-kitkat@phoenix-whiskey-tears @the–real-wombat@buckitybarnes@fairislesheets@angieptt@meganjonezzzz
@dugan365 @fluffeh-kitty@memanda17@krystallynx@theonelittleone
@piscesbarnes @free-as-fishes@tarastudiesalot@captainamericasbeard
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cottonwren · 5 years
Fingers / Karl + Ada Shelby
Summary: It turns out that Ada’s affinity for fingers is a genetic thing, because the Shelby family are now sat in Karl’s headteacher’s office listening to what their Karl has done.
Words: 1127
Karl is twelve when he bites his first finger off.
He has no idea why he’s in the headteacher’s office, and the other boy isn’t. He also has no idea why half of the Shelby family are sitting there, happy as larry. His mum is the most surprising one, to be honest - shouldn’t she be mad at him like she was when he drew all over his bedroom walls? But no, no. His mum is sat with Tommy, Finn, and Arthur, and they are all doing their best not to laugh.
“Ms Shelby, your son has bitten off the finger of another child, as we told you on the telephone. Normally we would force him to do lines, and have that be the end of it, but your son has refused to speak at all since we brought him in. He is a cause for concern, and we wondered if you were thinking of putting him into… special education.” The stodgy headteacher droned on, the offensively fake toupee on his head only adding to the caricature of a man.
“What did this child do to provoke you, Karl?” Ada asked, ignoring the man in
front of her. She’d raised her child only to act out when it was needed, so what could have provoked him to bite a finger off?
“He said that Dad died because he didn’t love me. And he said some other stuff. The bit about Dad, is the reason I bit him, though.” Karl admitted, a lump in his throat as he admitted it. He had no pictures with his dad, and no memories with him - he just had to go off what everyone else said, and be happy with it. Most people knew that, and it was obvious.
“As you’ll agree, Ms Shelby, though what the young man said was nasty, it did not make him deserve to lose his finger” The teacher cut in, making Ada glare. Tommy put a hand on her shoulder, trying to get her to calm a little. Two fingers in a day would be a record, and Tommy didn’t think it was necessary for it to be broken.
“I think you’ll find that if my son bites off a finger, the person to whom the finger once pertained deserved it,” Ada hissed at the headteacher. “And, to pick up on your last statement, my son is not going to a special school. My son is a rational, compassionate boy, and I will be pulling him out of school until the unjust punishment has passed.”
“Truance will be prosecuted, Ms Shelby, I’m sure you understand that. The law is a nuanced thing, I wouldn’t expect you to understand it. Truance is whe-”
“-I know what fucking truance is.” Ada seethed, holding onto the handles of the chair, knuckles  turning white. “You must think I’m stupid. I think you’re lucky that you haven’t lost a finger before.”
“Excuse me?” The headteacher asked, gobsmacked by the well dressed woman’s crude language.
“If you ever suggest that my son is special again, I will make sure that you can only wank with your pinky finger. No change there, though, by the looks of things. Karl, c’mon, we’re going.” Ada got out of her seat, getting closer to the man with every scathing word. She balled her fists into his collar, pinning him against the chair.
In her peripheral vision she could see Finn walk out with Karl whilst Tommy and Arthur stood by her. Ada felt powerful on her own, but with her family? She felt like a warrior.
“I  trust we won’t have any issues again, Matthew Walden.” Ada spat, and then let him go, turning on her heel and leaving with her brothers.
When they all hauled themselves into a car, and they were far from the headteacher and his newly formed piss stains, the three brothers burst out laughing.
“What are you lot laughing at?” Ada asked, wrapping an arm around Karl, who was laughing too.
“You, then! Thought you were gonna kill him!” Arthur laughed, turning to look at her from the passenger seat. “Good on you, Karl - we’re all proud of you.”
“You’ve not broken the record, though.” Tommy commented, making Karl quip his head and Ada’s cheeks filled with blood.
“What record? Mum, what’s he on about? Did someone else bite someone’s finger off? Uncle Arthur? Did you bite someone’s finger off?” Karl asked, hating not being in the know.
“Oh, it wasn’t Arthur.” Tommy grinned, driving into watery lane.
“You, uncle Tommy?”
“It was me, Karl. I’m not proud of it, and I wasn’t at the time.” Ada lied, remembering the time she bit off a teacher’s finger at the age of nine.
“You were!” Tommy protested, laughing “Your mum was nine, and she bit a teacher’s finger off.”
“Shelby blood!” Arthur cheered as they parked in watery lane, They were staying together for business reasons, and it was only coincidence that Karl had gotten into some trouble.
Later that night, when Karl was settling down for bed, Ada watched him drift in and out of consciousness. She talked to him in her softest voice, trying to lull him into sleep so that she could go sit back down with her brothers. Normally she’d just let him be, but he wasn’t in his own bed tonight and Ada didn’t want him to feel unsettled.
“Mum? Tommy was joking about you biting off a teacher’s finger, right?” Karl asked, looking at his mum. He’d never considered the idea of his mum being violent, but it would make sense. Not to him, though, or Jessie. Or to family.
“No, love. I did it. Doesn’t mean that you should, though. If someone says anything about your dad, or me, or Jessie, or any of us, you tell them to fuck off and then you tell me.” Ada told him, leaning against the wall. “You’ve got a bright future, Karl, don’t let some arsehole ruin that, yeah? That’s my job, and all of your uncles, and Pol. We’re here to look after you so that you can focus on being the intelligent young man I know you are.”
“Okay… Thanks.” Karl hummed, closing his eyes for a second. “Night, mum.”
“Goodnight, Karl.” Ada smiled, turning the light off and closing the door behind her, creeping down the stairs.
“Well, now my son’s got a taste for fighting.” She announces as she sits down next to Finn.
“Takes after his mother, then.” Tommy snarks, handing her a glass of gin “Try it.”
“Thought you were going to take that teacher’s eyes out, fucking hell.” Arthur chortles, watching the fire.
“Deserved it. Suggesting that my son’s fucking special.” Ada grumbled, sipping the gin. “Really sweet, Tom.”
“Too sweet?”
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Spinning Out
on ao3
He finds out from the news. It isn’t even him who sees it first; they’re in a hotel somewhere in Canada, not far off the Atlantic Ocean, all still overstimulated from the concert that afternoon which ended an hour ago. The last vestiges of caffeine have yet to work themselves out of Klavier’s system and he’s doing laps around the room while Daryan throws things at him when in a voice unusually subdued his best friend says, “Hey, Klav, have you checked the news?”
“Early this morning; what about?” he asks, and that was the last moment that his life was normal, inasmuch as his life was ever normal, which it wasn’t. But this – this was the second before he hit the ground. Icarus, golden child, a cliche; he flew away from a cage to chase the light but the only thing there to catch him were the broiling waves.
Daryan puts his tablet into his hands and the body of text blurs as he scrolls back up to the headline. He catches Gavin in the text, wonders what he’s done; when he reaches the top he sees that it’s a local Los Angeles paper that isn’t a tabloid. The other Gavin, then, doing as he does, and Klavier doesn’t need his friends pushing his brother’s shadow back down on him.
The headlining act, bold letters: Defense Attorney Kristoph Gavin Arrested for Murder.
Klavier sits down on the floor.
A damning lede: Kristoph Gavin was arrested at the district courthouse this morning on charges of committing murder in the early hours of the morning Friday, and the details, always the devil in the details, it goes on, it continues, like a sick joke taken just too far to be funny. Mr. Gavin, 32, was at the courthouse to assist as co-counsel to the lead defense attorney for the case, Apollo Justice, 22, a junior partner at Mr. Gavin’s firm. Over the course of the trial, the details which came to light pointed to the innocence of their client, but a far more likely culprit in the defense attorney himself.
He closes his eyes. Did Kristoph keep his frightening calm even as the jaws of the law closed in around him? Was he calm when he murdered another person, too, or was it spur-of-the-moment, a most dire expression of the rage that Klavier has always believed his brother harbors within him.
The court record suggests that Mr. Justice’s position as the lead defense was a last-minute switch as requested by the defendant, Phoenix Wright…
The tablet slips from his hands and he thinks to just leave it on the floor and himself leave, run away from it all, but he can’t ignore the growing sick feeling in his stomach, nor that name.
Mr. Wright, 33, was formerly known as a defense attorney of some renown before his disgrace almost exactly seven years ago, in which he was found guilty of presenting forged evidence in a trial and was subsequently disbarred.
They don’t mention that it was Kristoph Gavin’s own brother who caught Wright in the act of such. And no one knows that it was Kris who had that information to begin with. Did Wright find that out and frame him as revenge?
Still becoming public is what exactly is the evidence which placed such suspicion on Mr. Gavin.
Why wasn’t his first thought that Kris was framed? Why wasn’t his first thought denial? Why, until he saw Wright’s name, was he willing to accept it?
Further details about the victim as well are not yet known; the police gave his name as Shadi Smith, of unknown age.
This is a developing story and will be updated.
“I have to go back,” Klavier says, eyes closed again so he can’t see the look that Daryan must be giving him, pity and concern and now disappointment, surely, as he goes on to drag him out of the sky with him. He drops the tablet on the floor and stands, pressing his hand over his eyes, suddenly feeling the crash from the caffeine. “I need to go.”
“Right now?” Daryan asks. “Seriously, dude?”
“Now, or tomorrow, I have to – tickets, tickets, cancel everything, refunds, I won’t be mad if you and the guys find a singer and go as the Gavinners Without Gavin but we’re not fucking charging people for that, I’m bailing I’m sorry—”
“Why don’t you not do anything until later, or tomorrow?” Daryan says, which is a good idea, which means that in this exact moment Klavier does not want to hear it. “Because you’re seriously just going to drop us, and everything, because—”
“Because my own brother fucking murdered a man, yes, I am!” He believes it. Why does he believe it? Wright is involved; it can’t be legitimate. Wright isn’t allowed to be legitimate because that only fucks up everything more than it already is. “Because I’m a prosecutor and my brother is a defense attorney and murdered a man!”
“At least wait for the evidence, dumbass,” Daryan says, and Klavier stops at the door, realizing he’s right, wondering if the two in the room next door have already heard him yelling.
“I – you’re right, technically, but—”
“No, just stop there.” Klavier turns around, back against the door, watching as Daryan retrieves his tablet and sets it on the table. “I’m right, no technicalities. Wait.”
“I can’t wait.” Tomorrow, the trial is going to be tomorrow, won’t it? Planes back to LA aren’t in short supply, and he’ll gain back four hours crossing time zones. He could be there for a 10 am trial start. “If he’s being falsely accused, framed, I have to go help him. If he – if he—”
“If he really fucking just went and ganked some rando—”
“Then I – then my brother’s a murderer and I can’t just go on like nothing happened—”
Like the world hasn’t fallen out from beneath his feet.
“Sure you can,” Daryan says, far too blaise, and Klavier wants to scream at him. “When’s the last time you talked to Kris? What’s he done for you lately?”
When was the last time he talked to Kris? He doesn’t know – he doesn’t know. They don’t keep in touch; he doesn’t keep Kristoph updated on where in the world he is traveling now. They used to text daily while Klavier was studying in Germany. Kris was the first person who heard that Klavier had passed the bar and gotten his badge. They’re brothers but they were friends. It was why he didn’t question the information he got about the Gramarye trial. It was from Kristoph; of course Kristoph is a reliable source.
After, though – after, the lack of verdict haunting him, that was when he started to wonder. Of course Wright forged the evidence; unquestionable. That has to be true. Klavier needs it to be true. But why, how, did Kristoph know? And it was like he read Klavier’s mind, knew his doubts – and that old bridge between them he thought so sturdy burned instead. Which one of them struck the match?
“He’s still my brother,” Klavier says. He slides back down to the floor. Daryan is flopped on one of the beds, hanging half over the edge, looking over to Klavier.
“What’re you gonna do? You’re a prosecutor. You’re not just gonna march in there and demand to prosecute your own brother?”
“No; I wouldn’t make it back in time.”
“And, oh, maybe a billion other reasons why that’s not gonna work,” Daryan says.
He’s right, again. No one would trust Klavier not to have some sort of bias if he went in and insisted on prosecuting Kristoph’s case. If he was assigned, fine; he could try and be objective. But to actively seek that out -- no, they would think one way or another, he wanted to tilt the verdict.
“I… I just have to go back.” He doesn’t have a good reason. It’s a flight of fancy to think there is anything he could do, but in his heart he knows he needs to go back. “I need to. I’m going.”
Daryan seems to realize that he’s talking to a wall. “Sure, but two things. First, wait for some fuckin’ evidence before you start making calls, and two, you’re on your own when you do.”
“What?” Maybe if his head weren’t spinning he could figure out what Daryan was referring to.
“I mean, telling the other guys, telling the fans, fucking up everything – I’m not taking the heat for you on this one.”
“I wouldn’t expect you to.” They’re both silent. Sometimes they can say things in the silence but right now Klavier feels like he is looking at his best friend through a haze. “I’m sorry,” he adds. Daryan says nothing. “I’m sorry, but I—”
“Yeah, yeah, don’t start the self-flagellation.” Daryan rolls over so that he’s staring at Klavier upside-down. “I’m pissed at you but I’ll get over it. Save it for everyone else.”
“He’s my brother. I have to go.”
“Dude.” Daryan’s hands start moving around, patting the bed, like he’s looking for something to throw. “I said, save it. We’re not cool but we will be.
It feels weak, given the situation, but he doesn’t know what more to add. Daryan topples off the bed, grabs a pillow that was on the floor, and hurls it at Klavier. When Klavier gets it out of his face, he is grinning. “So if I got arrested you’d drop everything and come running too, right?”
Klavier rolls his eyes and tosses the pillow back. It does not reach Daryan. “You won’t because where are you that I’m not there to stop you doing dumb shit?”
“Well, maybe while the rest of you are hoofing it across the pond for some leg of a tour—”
“Nobody says ‘across the pond’.”
“Oh, you’re one to talk about people ‘saying things’, you fake Eurotrash piece of shit.”
Klavier laughs, and Daryan does as well, and for the briefest of moments, he can forget. Daryan is the one who sobers first. “It’s like, a week left this part of the tour. Wait that long, at least.”
He’ll still have to cancel everything down the line, starting with June, but just a week is –
— enough time for a sentencing.
“I don’t know.” Klavier pushes himself back onto his feet. “I… we should probably talk about this as a whole band.”
“Group meeting about what to do about Gavin’s douchebag brother!” Daryan yells at the wall. Klavier steps forward and grabs the pillow and swings.
He agrees to stick out the week, faced with the full pressure of the rest of his bandmates, which he starts to regret as the news articles updates and the evidence against Kristoph reads thin, even for an article for the layman concerned more with informing the public that he did it than explaining in depth how that conclusion was reached. He drafts an email to the Chief Prosecutor and then tables it. He drafts an email to the band’s manager and publicist and tables it, then sends it ten minutes later. He writes, rewrites, and rewrites again a tweet before deleting it. Daryan watches him, faintly bemused.
“Dude,” he says, “you don’t gotta… rehearse and re-rehearse every single fucking little thing. You’re so…” He trails off, searching for a word.
“Don’t you dare say ‘anal’.”
“Real mature, Prosecutor Gavin.”
“You happen to be laughing as well, Detective Crescend.”
“Perfectionist,” Daryan says, throwing a pen at Klavier. He has no idea where that pen came from. “Micromanaging stick-in-the-mud.”
“Maybe I should make it a video announcement,” Klavier says. “More personal, more genuine an apology. Family emergency, gotta put the breaks on the tour—”
“Family emergency, my brother’s a headass.”
“—because my brother’s a tire fire and I have to go back to LA—”
“An absolute shithead.”
“Quite the douchenozzle. Quite the nozzle of a douche.”
“I can’t believe you write our lyrics.”
It makes him feel a little better, for a moment, like he’s trying to stop the rush of blood from a bullet hole with a cork. It’s not going to work but it’s the right shape to give him the impression of helping. His heart is hemorrhaging on the floor of some shitty Russian dive and calling his brother an asshole is an asprin for the internal bleeding.
He doesn’t even know what the fuck borscht is.
He googles it.
Wait, he does, actually. He had it or something like it in Borginia.
“Get a grip, Gavin,” Daryan says, leaning over his shoulder and looking at what the laptop screen now displays.
“I have a grip.” And he does, but in a way that his life is spinning out of control so fast that rather than breaking free of his hands it has pulled him, clinging to the last vestiges of control, along into the vortex. He goes back to his email. It’s been seven minutes since he emailed his manager. That’s enough of a warning before he puts in a call. “I’ll do the video,” Klavier says. The Gavinners have a social media manager as well, but Klavier has always liked taking pictures and video and dumping them online himself. He should probably at least put in a warning before he does this time. “Once I make these calls.” He made a list. He’s already misplaced the paper.
“You want me to start drafting your note cards?” Daryan asks, ducking under the desk and retrieving for Klavier the sheet.
“I’m not writing fucking note cards. I can speak off-the-cuff.” He wouldn’t be a prosecutor if he couldn’t.
Daryan raises an eyebrow. “Shit, dude, you’re not gonna meticulously overplan your big public apology? You’re more fucked up right now than I thought.”
Klavier flips him off as he leaves for an empty conference room. He shuts himself inside to put in the calls, one by one, to everyone who keep the wheels greased, everyone behind the scenes who are about to find themselves in free-fall – and while he’s on the phone having hard conversations he could make one more. He’s a prosecutor. He wouldn’t have to pull many strings to get through to—
No, no. He’ll wait for him to call.
(Kris never does.)
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dgcatanisiri · 2 years
Not sure how I feel about the alternatives to the ending of Cyberpunk, though. Like, letting Johnny have V’s body is a straight up “LIKE. HELL.“ for me. I mean, I don’t even like this character, why would I let him get a second chance that I am never at any point convinced he deserves? Especially at V’s expense - like, POV tunnel vision here, sure, but why is one of them any less deserving than the other, particularly considering that Johnny died decades prior, while, even if you want to get technical, V’s been dead since they get shot in the head in the course of the game - V’s “death” is like dying on the operating table and getting resuscitated, while Johnny’s been in the ground for decades.
Honestly, the endings where they take over at Afterlife honestly feels the truest for how I’ve rolled V in my mind... Except to do that, I’d have to hand off control of V’s body for the sake of the endgame, and... I think that’s bullshit either way. Like, if this is V’s story, why are they forced to be in the backseat for the finale?
And just... There really is no way that I trust Arasaka no matter how you shake it out, I’m not inclined to side with them.
Like I said before, the idea CDPR seems to think with going to the Aldecaldos means is that V is breaking free of all ties to the system and leaving Night City behind because it destroys all it touches. But the thing is, that’s a superficial read of not just the situation but cyberpunk as a genre.
Because I see going to the Aldecaldos as saying “it’s not about tech, it’s not about corps, it’s about people. It’s about connection. It’s about trusting the community rather than the corporation. It’s about saying that what matters are the people beside you.”
Basically, my ideal ending is that V doesn’t JUST go to the Aldecaldos, but gets all the various factions in Night City to recognize that there’s more between themselves than there will ever be between them and Arasaka and the corps, and make it a true revolt. Particularly in that they’re doing this all FOR V, that they’re all putting their trust in this individual who has done more for them all than the corporations have or will. Like, make River into a faction leader as well (he’s a representative of the “good” cops in Night City, even if he basically ends up losing his badge by the end of his storyline, so he’s made connections and gotten the other decent cops in the force to come together as a way of setting an example of what, theoretically, a good police force would be - show of hands, who DOESN’T think that Arasaka has a shitton of crimes that they’re paying off actual prosecution of?), hell, have Judy’s friends from the Moxs and Clouds form up as a method of giving this favor to V, and... I honestly don’t know how to fit Kerry in to this arrangement, maybe a private security force or something? I don’t know, Kerry’s honestly an awkward fit for a lot of things in this game to me...
Either way, the idea is to show the importance of human connections in the face of technology. It’s not “technology consumes your soul,” it’s “we live in an interconnected world, and we have a responsibility to take care of one another.”
In essence, it’s being the change that Johnny Silverhand could never be, and, thematically, why Night City HASN’T CHANGED since he died - Johnny made his assault on Arasaka to take the company down basically as a big middle finger to the corpos, and pretty much because he’s a self-serving jackass who was pissed off by them, convinced that they wanted to come after him through Alt, paying no mind to what she contributed - Arasaka probably only had a page’s worth of a file on him, but Alt is the kind of person they certainly had a novel’s worth. V succeeding where Johnny didn’t is showing why, by doing things for these factions, for gaining their trust, forging connections, making them all be inspired enough to do the right thing.
I think the problem here really is that CDPR never really decided whose story they really wanted to tell, V’s or Johnny’s, and they seemed to try to do both, but really... Johnny ends up hijacking everything. Even if you don’t believe that him being voiced by Keanu influenced the storytelling decisions and focus, I think that they’re really screwed the pooch when they decided that Johnny’s arc mattered as much as it did, because it basically shoves V out of the spotlight to the point that they’re basically a bystander in their story.
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noirandchocolate · 6 years
Here’s my alternative Invader Zim species swap AU:
Dib is a 12-year-old Irken child in training to be a Scientist/weapons developer but he hates it and wants to be an Invader because he’s fascinated by non-Irkens.  He does a lot of research about foreign aliens and tries to convince his classmates that some of the wild stories Irkens tell about these inferior species (as entertainment) are actually true--because some of them are.  Meanwhile Dib’s teacher scolds him and tries to get him to focus on his training, because young Dib is really smart and a quick learner, and kind of a prodigy when it comes to inventing and building things.  Eventually though, Dib decides he’s had Enough! and executes a daring plan to steal a voot runner and go explore some other planets for himself!  
On the way, he literally runs into a slightly younger child named Gaz (another science/technology trainee who’s known in the training unit for being able to beat anyone at any video game and for designing a highly deadly security system for her belongings).  Guards notice both of them are where they shouldn’t be, so Dib just sorta grabs Gaz’s hand and drags her along.  They DO manage to escape into space!!!  Gaz is pissed off and beats Dib up, and in the course of the two bashing about the ship’s cabin, they accidentally put on the autopilot, disable the manual controls, and set course for...you can see where this is going.  Gaz is even more pissed than ever before.  
Once their voot crashes on Earth, Dib figures that hurray!  He WILL be an Invader after all!  Luckily this voot was meant for an actual Invader and there’s appropriate technology on board for creating a base, etc.  Time for infiltrating the human school system, which makes sense because they’re actually kids!!  Dib is more interested in researching these strange foreigners and their culture but figures he could probably conquer this dumb planet for the Irken race no problem.  However he sometimes gets real distracted by human paranormal lore because he assumes a lot of it is true and finds out that some of it actually is--as he always believed about other aliens!  It’s so great to be RIGHT about things!  Meanwhile Gaz is in charge of maintaining their base’s security system and just thinks humans are stupid.  The only way this AU doesn’t end in a week with Gaz conquering Earth is that she discovers Earth video games and gets obsessed with them.  Seriously it’s a handwave but that’s all I’ve got at the moment.  Meanwhile there’s also the fact that again, Dib’s a child, so lack of knowledge and experience gets in the way of a lot of his conquest plans.
MEANWHILE!!!!  Red and Purple are twin brothers from an extremely wealthy family of decadent layabout capitalists who think money, power, and fame are just their birthright, and because this version of Earth is just as stupid as real Earth and canon-IZ-Earth, they’re co-Presidents, because of course they are.
Zim’s a 25- to 30-year-old cafeteria worker at Dib and Gaz’s school because he fucked up at being a weapons developer for the military and (accidentally) assassinated President Miyuki and Vice-President Spork, which is how Red and Purple (somehow next in line due to having positions in Congress I guess) became in charge.  But what Zim really always wanted to do was be a spy, so R&P being themselves decided it would be really funny to, instead of having him prosecuted, tell him he has to go ‘deep undercover’ on a mission of the utmost importance.  Y’know.  Serving bratty kids disgusting goop at a school.  When Dib shows up in the lunch line, Zim figures out he’s an alien and decides THAT must be why his PRESIDENTS assigned him to this place!!!  
Zim and Dib still fucking hate each other’s guts and Dib believes Zim might be a genuine threat to his faux-Invader mission because he does get in the way a bunch of times because he’s trying to impress R&P (who don’t give a shit and don’t believe him that D&G are aliens anyway).  Zim sees Dib as the only thing standing in the way of his career as an illustrious spy.  Gaz doesn’t care and Zim takes quite a bit longer to even notice she’s an alien because she’s better at being an Invader than Dib even though she’s like.  Eleven.
Gir is Zim’s absolutely disgusting dog.  Eventually there’s an episode featuring Tak as an Actually Good Spy that Zim screwed over in college somehow.  The Tallest back home is Membrane, who does NOT want to hear about Dib’s paranormal stuff or really about humans at all, and just wants him to come home and do Real Science for the Irken military!!  Miz Bitters is still Miz Bitters because Miz Bitters is an inalterable truth of the universe.
That’s all I’ve got for now thanks for coming.
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quranreadalong · 7 years
Given that half this surah involved recounting various incidents of Allah committing genocide, it probably will not surprise you that we have far more bad ayat to cover than good ones. 55 more of them, in fact.
7:4-5 sets the tone for the surah, with Allah bragging about how many towns he’s terrorized and destroyed. Towns of disbelievers, of course. 7:9 (and 7:53) reminds us that the act of disbelieving destroys one’s soul; 7:27 and 7:30 later remind us that the disbelievers are friends with devils.
In case you hadn’t already gotten the message, 7:32-33 tell us yet again that only Muslims go to heaven, because people who “lie” about Allah are sinful. If that still wasn’t enough for you to get the message, Mohammed then launches into a long-ass diatribe about the disbelievers. Those who deny his revelations are going to hell (7:36). They will be made to testify against themselves before Allah (7:37). Generation after generation will be thrown into The Fire for their disbelief (7:38-39). They will never be allowed into heaven and will be forced onto the “bed of hell” (7:40-41). Believers will taunt the disbelievers from heaven (7:44-45). The disbelievers in hell will beg for water, which will be denied to them, because they denied Mohammed’s revelations (7:50-51).
What a happy start to the surah!!!
At this point, the surah transitions into Prophet Dodgeball mode, throwing a shitload of stories about prophets telling people to stop being disbelievers, them not listening, and then Allah killing them at you. Noah is first. Noah tells people that he fears Allah will punish them if they don’t stop disbelieving (7:59). But they don’t, so Allah drowns them all in 7:64.
The next story is of the prophet Hud. “Stop being disbelievers,” he tells his people, but they don’t stop, so Allah kills them in 7:72.
Following Hud is Saleh, the one with the magic camel sent by Allah. Saleh tells people not to touch the camel, but they, being disbelievers, don’t listen and kill the camel. So Allah kills them too in 7:78.
Next is Lot, the Sodom guy. In 7:80-81, Lot expresses great displeasure that the people of Sodom are gay. Allah then kills everyone in the city besides Lot and his family (but excluding his wife) with a rain of brimstone in 7:83-84.
After Lot comes Shuaib, who has the same story: people are disbelievers, Allah punishes them (in 7:91-92 he sends an earthquake to kill them because they did not believe Shuaib). 7:93 tells us that Shuaib doesn’t care, since they were disbelievers and all.
Allah then explains in 7:94 how, every time he sends people a prophet, he also sends them misery. Then he switches it up and sends down goodness instead of badness, and gets pissed off when the people refuse to thank him for these mind games, so he takes the goodness away as punishment for being disbelievers (7:95-96).
Allah’s punishment for the disbelievers can come at any time, states 7:97-98: while they’re sleeping or awake. Anyone who thinks that they’re safe from his wrath is doomed (7:99).
As we have seen several times before, Allah seals people’s hearts so they cannot heed prophets’ warnings (7:100). If you disbelieve once, Allah curses you to disbelieve forever (7:101). (This is repeated in 7:146.) Seems a bit dickish. It’s okay, though, because most of the doomed disbelievers were wrongdoers anyway, according to 7:102.
That was a 17-ayat-long rant, if you hadn’t noticed. But back to Allah committing collective punishment. 7:130 has him sending a famine to the Egyptians to punish the pharaoh, then 7:133 brings up the various plagues (locusts, etc). The story ends in 7:136, with Allah drowning the Egyptian army.
Later in Exodus Abridged, Allah says that the whole persecution thing was a trial from him (7:141) and Moses says that the wrongdoing Hebrews (7:148) who became idolatrous will be destroyed (7:139) by Allah’s wrath (7:152).
The works and deeds of people who disbelieve are pointless; they are hellbound no matter what, according to 7:147.
Two more tales from the Moses days: first, the Jews are told to enter a city and say a certain prayer. Some of them say something else instead. 7:162 informs us that Allah sends “punishment from the sky” for this transgression. Then Allah gives the Jews fish on the Sabbath (when they aren’t allowed to fish) and no fish on other days (when they are) in order to test them, in 7:163. Allah punishes those who don’t want to play his bullshit fishing minigames in 7:165, with 7:166 informing us that they were turned into apes.
 7:167 is a hilarious ayah that states the following:
And (remember) when thy Lord proclaimed that He would raise against them till the Day of Resurrection those who would lay on them a cruel torment. Lo! verily thy Lord is swift in prosecution and lo! verily He is Forgiving, Merciful. 
Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful for sending the Jews enemies forever because... their ancestors fished on a prohibited day and stuff.
In 7:168, we are told that Allah scattered the Jews and has tested them repeatedly to bring them back to loving him. Just for good measure, Mohammed’s contemporary Jews are called greedy in 7:169.
One last Exodus-era story: there’s a prophet (traditionally Balaam, the guy whose tongue fell out) who Allah favored with revelations, but he turned to disbelief. 7:176 compares him to a dog and says that disbelievers are like him, as they are also evil (7:177). But also they are sent astray by Allah according to 7:178, so is it really their fault? (7:179 suggests the answer is yes, they’re going to hell!)
And those who deny Our revelations - step by step We lead them on from whence they know not. I give them rein (for) lo! My scheme is strong.
Following that, 7:186 says that no one can help those Allah sends astray.
Finally, 7:202-03 says that evildoers (like those who ask Mohammed to prove he’s a prophet) are misled by devils.
So... that’s six separate incidents of Allah punishing specific groups of disbelievers, from Noah’s day to the days of Moses, not including the ones Allah will punish in Mohammed’s day.
The following ayat condemn disbelievers to hell and pinged our kuffar hell counter. They will be copied and pasted word-for-word. Given that Allah preferred to just murder disbelievers instead of waiting for them to die and then punishing them in this surah, this section is surprisingly short! It does, however, contain an enormous 6-ayat rant.
Say: Such, on the Day of Resurrection, will be only for those who believed during the life of the world. Thus do we detail Our revelations for people who have knowledge.
But they who deny Our revelations and scorn them - each are rightful owners of the Fire; they will abide therein. Who doeth greater wrong than he who inventeth a lie concerning Allah or denieth Our tokens. (For such) their appointed portion of the Book (of destiny) reacheth them till, when Our messengers come to gather them, they say: Where (now) is that to which ye cried beside Allah? They say: They have departed from us. And they testify against themselves that they were disbelievers. He saith: Enter into the Fire among nations of the jinn and humankind who passed away before you. Every time a nation entereth, it curseth its sister (nation) till, when they have all been made to follow one another thither, the last of them saith unto the first of them: Our Lord! These led us astray, so give them double torment of the Fire. He saith: For each one there is double (torment), but ye know not.  And the first of them saith unto the last of them: Ye were no whit better than us, so taste the doom for what ye used to earn. Lo! they who deny Our revelations and scorn them, for them the gates of heaven will nor be opened nor will they enter the Garden until the camel goeth through the needle's eye. Thus do We requite the guilty. Theirs will be a bed of hell, and over them coverings (of hell). Thus do We requite wrong-doers.
And the dwellers of the Fire cry out unto the dwellers of the Garden: Pour on us some water or some wherewith Allah hath provided you. They say: Lo! Allah hath forbidden both to disbelievers (in His guidance), Who took their religion for a sport and pastime, and whom the life of the world beguiled. So this day We have forgotten them even as they forgot the meeting of this their Day and as they used to deny Our tokens.
he whom Allah sendeth astray - they indeed are losers. Already have We urged unto hell many of the jinn and humankind, having hearts wherewith they understand not, and having eyes wherewith they see not, and having ears wherewith they hear not. These are as the cattle - nay, but they are worse! These are the neglectful. 
Well then.
I have good news and bad news. The good news is that the next surah is way shorter than this one, and also contains less genocide.
The bad news is that it’s called “The Spoils of War”, and yes, it means literal war booty!
Join us tomorrow for the rules of distributing shit you’ve grabbed from your vanquished foes!
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benchgenderstudies · 7 years
The Misandry of Norming Sex By Antirape Females Too Cowardly To Not Confront Enabling/Triggering of Rapists By Female Models
by Michael Bench, MEP, GCERT
 DISCLAIMER: This article is not a circumvention of consent. The matter at debate is whether a rapist can be identified with a gender or sex , they are first a criminal and not to be generalized with the generalized concept of "male". Rapists that are infact of the male sex are not being protected as victimized by their triggered stimulations. Instead a rapist is acknowledged as voluntarily choosing to be motivated in the crime of rape and other sexual violence, or unable to inhibit such drives by nurturing, beliefs of entitlement to coitis; not sex;  or genetic defects of additional arousal of the hindbrain pons,and  subcortical areas.
Women, you have rapist enablers among you and I don’t mean victim blaming
The United Nations Arms Treaty (UNODA)  preamble states:  " The states party to this treaty …. Bearing(sic:Bear) In Mind that Civilians, particularly women and children, account for the vast majority of those adversely affected by armed conflict and armed violence,"  The document was written as if to archetype the entire Earth's male population as third world. Of course males are also among the vast majority injured in conflict.  Don’t ever fall to the stupidity that only one male archetype exists. Those of low education reading the document are led to presume their lives are excluded from innocence. 
Males in protective militias in remote villages are most certainly injured by armed violence. We've had two world wars by which very few of the combatants were female. Males are most certainly among the victims.  Males-of-color are shot for wearing gang colors without being affiliated with gangs. Male are shot for being alleged sideboys of a cheated-on wife.  
Take this matter to heart. If a male is told there is no empathy for his plight, he first resents the origin of the concept. Everyone has expectation to raise weapon in defense.  If to have a weapon he becomes as evil as his oppressor; then the oppressor is projected upon the masculine gender role. In this document it was done so recklessly and without concern to norms of the first world. The crimes of Stuprum and Raptus are each early identities of the nonconsensual assault relating to the genitals and coitis. Rape has been a crime consistantly prosecuted among actual Citizens of a country at least as long as the times of Emperor Julius Caesar and Hammurabi. It transitioned from a respect of property to seeing the female of a hominid personification. A personification in flesh and blood that conservatives still refute despite their love of corporate personification.   If there are subsets of rape demanders, they do not represent the average first world male.
 The Steubenville date rape/gang rape story raises the failures of teens. Teens are not men and while they may very well be the result of the parents nurturing, the fundamental effect of politics declaring gender roles is in play. In the 2016 election , Ohio was listed a redstate. In 2012 and 2008, Ohio was listed a Blue state for Obama. Keep in mind the gerrymandered boundaries of these districts has been a constant factor. State voting trends are no longer a reliable statistic. If antirapist activist will make a media statement, lets keep in mind the target of that message are not men no matter how the football coach chooses to identify them in the locker rooms.
 I've chosen to directly confront the sexism and misandry of females taking direct attack at males as presumed rapists and not at females for being rapist enablers.  The signs at Pro Choice rallies read " My body, my choice". I very much agree. The concept does not extend to " My clothes , my message". No way, girl. If females will be taking the political fight against rapists then her reluctance to attack the fashion model industry is sorely a failing grade.
 The Following Images are Guess Jeans Ads:
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How usual is that pose, women? Is that a pose you feel is Femininity?  As I'd be quoting the well know rap group 2LiveCrew, that pose is known as " Head Down, AssUp, (that’s the way we like to f**k). The following image is not a Guess Jeans ad. It’s a comparison shot of this pose.
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Again, Women, is this a usual pose of comfort when not doing yoga? Perhaps its called the " how I feel sexy looking for my contacts"? No. In reality, both these poses sell sex and affiliate sex with a type of clothing brand. The brand logo includes messages of sex.
Another Guess ad has a female laying on the ground with her pants partially unzipped.
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 A female being marketed Guess jeans is given an empathic cue that femininity looks like this. Really? Was she posed by a female? This models name is Hailey Baldwin. Is it a pose females would want normed as their identity? 
 Who is making most of the decisions of advertisement staging?  Can we definitively say this image of a female with no top in a jean jacket was not ever intended to appeal to males? All I have to do is compare attention rates between males and females as who gives the image more time. I repeat again, the clothing and its message are not owned by the female and no argument of body consent can change that. Consider the message a socialized message; a trigger of attention. My angle is females are either naive or blissfully stubborn that their choice in clothing has no effect on the people around them relative to the messages made of brands or the genre or clothing the genre represents. Exhibiting cleavage is calling attention to it . If its being flaunted then flaunting is happening.  Common themes of selling clothes suggest they should take the attention of everyone in the room. 
Don't even try divide the female fashion model from the system of profiling women as sex objects.  I can only summarize the choice to do otherwise as either confirming or insisting women are cattle of their own devices. Since fashion models themselves have chosen money over integrity, so falls the tv anchors waiting out one pissed off victim. A payout settlement continues to be a more preferred outcome than justice. Either Professional Women who allegedly report news don't know how to report a rape or they consciously choose their profession despite its incompatible standard at no point being confronted when absolutely called for. I'm not so certain Rosa Parks is the same women to confront a white rapist but ,damnit, its very clear Caucasian women keep nodding and valuing their credibility under the dome of harassment. Among celebrities, personalities and anchors the professional white female is a classist before a feminist. A sycophant for her own camera angle.
Now I will interject my own findings that the permission of bikinis and thongs but not nudity leads to call a fetish of the female body. For whatever reason the sexualized nipple is that of a taboo. Or instead her unclothed portions are considered the christian parts and her nipple is isolated to ridiculous concepts of traditional housewife nursing. I call this phenomena of creationist hypocrisy “ Nipple Suspense Fetish”.  Its hypocrisy for the same antinude beach protestors are off to the strip club once their wives are in for the night. 
Females want to insist rationalizing consent with the males among them has something to do with convincing rapists not to be criminals. Criminals are criminals; either they opt to be or the don't. Rapists are opportunists. If the girl wearing all black most easily blends into the shadows of streetside bushes and she's wearing ankle breaker heels, she has most certainly made a message of opportunity about herself. A Criminal opportunity, not a sex opportunity. Our problem of defining rape is a label of sexual assault. Its not. Rape is Victimizing Autoeroticism. It’s a Violence Against Women Act. Rather our congress should have the sense to pen an END VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ACT, idiots.  
If beauty is a status of comparison to fashion models then fashion models must bear some serious antirapist hate for being objects. They let themselves be seen as easy, for excusing their own health for the needs of a haute couture dysmorphic designer. A few years after the fashion model admits 'suffering from depression' , she plays a shield for a broken industry plagued with sex trafficking, sexual harassment, statutory rape, anorexia, prostitution, and worse of all the monopolist insider status of the waif somatoform female herself. She's in it for herself and lets the predators run free to sack her competition for work. The fashion industry is rape enabling. Don't let these current stars of the runway take a smug activist role. The backstage area of the fashion runway is diseased with the profiteered oppression of women. Expendable  women, as the slasher flicks will have them. In one day and out the next as the fashion industry will treat its designers and its clothes hanger people. 
 Cheapness follows their type; from designer to intern. Cheap on raw textiles, the designers exploit smaller women. Cheap on materials, some runways crumble under the anorexics. Cheap on integrity, fashion models hide their abusers and callers. They want to keep working for their fame. Not ever did they consider their absence in front of fans would raise questions and an adequate time to socially indict their harassers. Where's the courage, models? So you call yourselves feminists. Pornography actresses and nude models have a content specific sliding scale to be scorned as well.
 Yes, there are rapists out there. They have their preferred porn. In Japan an anime character sports the power of "time stop". Approximately 12 years ago there was 5 or 6 timestop porn videos. Now it’s a thriving category. Rape fantasy was already a theme but not nearly so blurring of morality as the timestop porn genre. Rape is making a comeback through the concept of unaccountability for crimes. Raping women isn't the only thing respondents admit in online surveys. What they would do if they could stop time. Included to the list here is a followup survey of what would you do if you could stop time. Quora respondants tended no inclination for rape or those particular entries were flagged and removed.  List as enclosed:
2. https://www.quora.com/What-would-you-do-if-you-could-stop-time
5: https://www.xvideos.com/video26366617/969c277     I insist you evaluate the entirety of the time stop genre.
 The Giant Bomb forum was quite different. Respondents generalized being a male inclined them or forgave them to believe nonconsensual  sex was inbounds. They were yet not a majority. Plenty of others suggested crimes of looting and robbery.  The anonymity of the internet has plenty of openly candid and exaggerated expressions. As for entering a female while she's 'frozen in place' could be agreed the paramount concept of objectification.
 I'm including snips:
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I have to remind people the effect of identity anonymity is miscontexting rapists as appropriate and nonrapists as admitting to a fantasy. Its not a rape fantasy but they are addressing a situation of  a female they did not end up becoming intimate with. I would say its not an average male who literally fantasizes consent statements into their fapping session. Much of the consent is implied by nonverbal communication such as reciprocated affection and repertoire. As that may be the case and I've certainly not forced myself into someone, how does consumer advertising with the female body miscontext nonverbal cues. I feel we have to draw direct aim on marketers changing nonverbal communication about sexuality.
 Lets hit the direct topic of "look how she was dressed, she was asking for it.". People of low education and low experience with interviews would say something of incompetence. The female wasn't asking to be raped. Even the interviewed witness who said " she was asking for it" did not implicitly mean the female asked to be raped. What is implied in that context is a female drew attention to herself. Among those that did find appeal of her clothed or almost clothed body was the attention was thereof a rapist. Y'know; The criminal. How overlapping are the Ven circles rapists and alcoholics? Very. A rapist alcoholic would most certainly blame the female because an alcoholic never takes responsibility for anything.
 In a Psychology Today web article by Dr Leon Seltzer The Triggers of Sexual Desire: Men vs Women,  the author spends time addressing an Ogas and Gaddam research determining "males have more connections to the subcortical reward system than females do."  The 2011 publication " A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the Worlds Largest Experiment Reveals About Human Desire"  had some valuable statements that Seltzer and I determine need to be forwarded to the population at large. By my own determination, female oppression could render a circumstance that women’s subcortical connections decreased over the turn of industrialization and formalized classism.
 The webarticle indicated Ogas and Gaddam found male arousal to be a solitary affair separate from seeking relationships.Each existed in parallel. "He gives no thought to actually sharing his erotic predilections and experiences with friends." Strike another point for me in calling a rapist an autoeroticism based criminal. A males libido is said to be "ignited" by a particular image or stimulus after websurfing through porn images and videos. If that is true, (certain) males might have a heightened sensitivity  toward stimulus like the hair trigger of war PTSD. A car backfires and the veteran dives for the ground. Conditioned aboriginal times of mesopotamia might have lingering ambush attack phobias/traumas that make rapist demographic similarities seem scattered and inconclusive. Rape might be genetically affixed to those males with extreme sensitivity to images or videos to which they find most arousing. Its not an excuse, however. How politics fits into that schema I can only jab at.
 Among a few other points, Seltzer also addressed the males authenticity cue of the research. Males had to feel the pleasure a female received from him was real. We already have cases of the male gender role being nurtured in sport to continually persist at goals. Sometimes males mistake the living being and her free will as an object to be harassed/persisted until she gives in to the fatigue of effective frequency. Heck, effective frequency is how the American election system is corruptly organized. The finger keeps pointing to a common element of subjective self entitlement fraudulent validity despite no supporting facts.
With that in mind, a male's hangup to persist or harass a female might be rooted in continually stressing or seeking the favored characteristics that ignited their interest. Ogas and Gaddam can be made a reference of sex harassment motivation inquiry. If the male’s mind of relationships and libido are separate occurrences, each have appeal with the same female and inquire for her attention twice as often for its own authenticating and empathic gratification. The well male is seeking to authenticate his libido with the effect on the sexual partner. The rapist only “ruins” the victim as a cum dumpster of his autoeroticism
I want to have an eyebrow raised at Weinstein then as if to fap infront of an unwilling actress, some term of unwellness wanted regard. Perhaps coerce physical interaction with his naked bits? He demanded not to feel embarrassed but conclusively did the opposite for himself. It seems he's age obsessed about his sexual performance that he intended to validate it for himself with witness instead of rely on continual meetings and seduction. Anyone not especially desperate might consider casual ease more effective if he had empathy at all. For the fapping in front of the actress matter, Weinstein's behavior reeked of psyching himself up for sexual dominance like a pathological liar opting to gouge out his eyes and ears and seek his wants obliviously.  
Male cues of rape and sex are being blurred. If you are a female, you consideration of being observed has some conditions of what marketing brands and logos you adorn yourself. These are not your logos or ad messages. Sex and violence sell. When you put sex and violence together.. generically.. sex leaves and what remains is rape. Males are definitely a conduit of marketing females bodies so females marketing their bodies had better find some space for your criticism. Models are rape enablers continually absent or avoiding dispute the ad content. To chose not to blame the models and other forms of female induced misogyny is a halfassed ethic. Do you know what the end road is for half assed people? Its not default rape; I'll say that. What it is IS NOT BEING RESPECTED.  Rapists don't respect women or consent and that’s not a males guilt when he's not the criminal. No Mas.  
 Females, do be more objective about what you are confronting in the effort reducing rape. ie . Did you take the time to contact actresses that participated in rape simulation porn? If not. Amateur activism isn't going to be much effective. As I mentioned in the beginning, If insisting what we live in is a rape culture and to generalize all males as part of the problem of rape.. then in your overt smear is the writing of the narrative of male to only be rapists by your lack of seeing anything else. I hope you notice your voting rights and those males that would push off a beater. We’re a society better than that on whole. There are subgroups to focus on; attack even. So do be more direct for your own credibility. republicans asserted themselves a pro rape subculture. Their god made rape a divine act.  No wonder obstructing birth control is called the war on women. Is all you do for war is raise signs? 
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sartle-blog · 7 years
The Handmaid’s Tale: Art History goes Atwood!
In her seminal 1985 novel, The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood paints a nightmarish picture of a post-democracy America. Christian fundamentalists and misogynist despots have scapegoated radical Islamic terror as a pretext for suspending all civil liberties. Environmental irresponsibility has led to toxic food and water and a drop in fertility rates. Female bodies are commodities controlled by the state, gay people and abortion doctors are prosecuted according to Biblical law, and people of color are deported to uninhabitable “colonies.” In short, it is pure fantasy with no relation whatsoever to our current political climate.
Surely it must be The Handmaid’s Tale’s quaint escapism that has made Hulu’s recent adaptation of the novel into the most hotly anticipated series of the season. It might make a light diversion if, in the words of our supreme leader, you’re “sick and tired of all the winning” we’re doing. To aid your diversion, I’ve compiled some examples from art history that prove the hostile patriarchy presented in The Handmaid’s Tale is just a feminist myth, with absolutely no grounding in Western culture.
Handmaids of the Good Book: you won’t see this on VeggieTales!
Dante’s Vision of Rachel and Leah by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, in the Tate Britain.
Margaret Atwood prefaces her novel with a passage from the Bible:
“And when Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister; and said unto Jacob…Behold my maid Bilhah, go in unto her; and she shall bear upon my knees, that I may also have children by her.” – Genesis 30:1-3.
In ye olde Holy Land, Rachel and her sister Leah were sister wives who were also literally sisters. Both married Jacob, patriarch of the 12 Tribes of Israel. The fertile Leah bore him six sons, whereas Rachel had difficulty conceiving. Luckily, biblical patriarchy had a cure for that; namely offering your enslaved women as vessels of childbirth for your husband to inseminate. Rachel’s handmaid Bilhah bore Jacob two sons, who Rachel claimed as her own. Just when everything was going so well, Leah and Jacob’s son Reuben decided he wanted in on the action.
“And it came to pass, while Israel dwelt in that land, that Reuben went and lay with Bilhah his father’s concubine.” – Genesis 35:22
Reuben brought dishonor to the family by plowing with his father’s heifer, but Bilhah, the passed-around handmaid with the “for rent” sign on her womb got the real raw end of this sick family deal.
This ancient stone carving of a woman squatting in childbirth in the arms of midwives invokes Bilhah bearing “upon [Rachel’s] knees,” and Atwood’s description of mistresses holding handmaids between their knees during sex and labor.
There are no new ideas in Hollywood the Bible
Don’t think that Bilhah’s story is unique in the Bible. A similar story has been an inspiration to artists for centuries. Abraham, father of Israel, was married to Sarah, reputedly the most beautiful woman in all the world. After a lot of wandering in the desert, Sarah was getting on in years and was still childless. Solution? Offer up her Egyptian handmaid Hagar to do the dirty deed for her.  
“I pray thee; go in unto my maid; it may be that I may obtain children by her.” – Genesis 16:3
Hagar by Edmonia Lewis, in the Smithsonian American Art Museum.
Edmonia Lewis, a female African American sculptor of the Civil War period, certainly had reason to be interested in the narrative of an enslaved African woman subjected to reproductive abuse. White male European artists had also long been fascinated by the story, possibly more captivated by the bizarre kink factor than issues of subjugation.
Sarah Leading Hagar to Abraham by Matthias Stom, in the Gemaldegalerie.
We’re talking about Western-European art history here, so Hagar is of course an alabaster-skinned blonde. Even Edmonia Lewis used the colorless power of marble to give us a racially ambiguous Hagar. The Bible tells us she was Egyptian. History tells us she may have been black, since Egyptian slaves were typically prisoners of war captured from Nubia and other parts of predominantly black Africa.
Miraculously, Sarah did get pregnant in her old age, and consequently said to Hagar, “Beyotch, get the f#ck out of mah tent!”  so Hagar and her son Ishmael were banished into the desert.
Detail of Hagar in the Wilderness by Camille Corot, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Presumably, Hagar is grieving because she and Ishmael are lost in the wilderness, but her face says, “No, I’m pissed off because this is the thanks I get for all the gross old man sex.”
Sally Hemings: An American “Handmaid”
Thomas Jefferson by Mather Brown, in the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery (left). This portrait of an eighteenth-century, mixed-race woman (right) gives some idea of what Sally Hemings might have looked like.
Sally Hemings makes a disturbingly cohesive follow-up to the biblical prototype of a captive African woman forced to bear children. Confederate Civil War diarist Mary Chesnut was brutally honest in her assessment of black-white concubinage in the antebellum South, and her association of slavery with patriarchal marriage in Judeo-Christian culture:
“Like the patriarchs of old, our men live all in one house with their wives and their concubines…this is not worse than the willing sale most women make of themselves in marriage…The Bible authorizes marriage and slavery…poor women! Poor slaves!”
Sally Hemings made headlines recently because PBS controversially labeled her as having had a 40-year “relationship” with Thomas Jefferson, whom she bore 6 children. The critics are right that an enslaved person is incapable of a consensual relationship, not to mention that Sally was a minor (by modern standards) when a middle-aged Jefferson started sleeping with her. In the least sinister of a multitude of horrifying scenarios, captive women were coerced into sex with their masters. In the worst cases, they were violently raped. But is it fair to say that Sally’s was the latter case? It should be noted that she chose to leave France, where she was free, to return to Virginia with Jefferson when he promised to free their children. This is not a justification. Slam Poet Clint Smith poignantly asks,  “…did you think there was honor in your ultimatum?” The fact that Jefferson never freed Sally herself, even on his deathbed, speaks to a twisted dynamic of control.
This Portrait of Dido Elizabeth Belle and Lady Elizabeth Murray in Scone Palace, attributed to Johann Zoffany, evokes the conflicted situation in which Sally may have found herself. Dido, though not enslaved herself, was the daughter of a British officer and an African slave. This portrait reflects her experience as a beloved, but not quite equal member of an elite white family.
The irony of Thomas Jefferson, who proclaimed in our Declaration of Independence, “all men are created equal,” owning and sexually abusing slaves speaks for itself. We should neither defend nor deny the heinous circumstances of his fathering children with Sally Hemings, but this remarkable woman endured a lifetime of bondage and produced generations of American families. Why not regard her as what she is? One of our founding mothers, as worthy of respect and study as Abigail Adams or Martha Washington.
Is Sally not, in a perverse way, the story of America? Are we a nation founded on freedom, or on concubinage of enslaved women? Michelle Obama is descended from both slaves and slave masters, and as first lady, woke up every day in “a house that was built by slaves,” (the White House). What is that if not a testament to who we are as a nation, at once powerfully inspiring and deeply unsettling. Margaret Atwood’s novel of a crippled American civilization surviving on the backs and bellies of captive women has never been more relevant, yet perhaps it is as much a story of where we are, as where we came from.
Don’t take my word for it, decide for yourself. Tune into The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu, or better yet, read the book!
By: Griff Stecyk
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michaelfftv · 7 years
I had an idea last year that I would begin documenting America every 4th of July.  I’d take a cultural snapshot, of the country, from the road, as it were.  As I wrote last year, “..the idea for a project came to me a couple of days, or even just the day before the Fourth of July. As photography projects go, the idea was a simple one. I’d simply drive a predetermined route through America, on the Fourth, and document the state of our country on that day”
Last year, I wound through the heart of the Appalachians on what proved to be a cool and dreary, and at times, rain drenched initial adventure. You can read of my honest- and less than bombastic  results- here.
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  The intervening year crept up on me. Obligations were long and cash was short, where should I go to chronicle the state of our country? I didn’t want to skip the piece but going out on an extended trip was out of the question.
Where, I thought, in these insane times can I go, within my temporal and economic budgets to showcase the howling madness that is America under the Trump circus?
It then occurred to me that there are few places as conflicted historically and presently as my home town.  And why leave town especially on the Fourth of July if I could find what I needed right in my own hometown. Remember L Frank Baum’s words at the end of the Wizard of Oz?  ““If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own back yard…..”
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  And wasn’t the Wizard of Oz after all, a political allegory and didn’t my home town know a good political allegory when it saw one. Yep, it was right here in the big nasty that G.W. Bush, in a nationally televised  speech, sold the lie that was the Second Gulf War which ultimately killed hundred’s of thousands. Baum sold the vision of a paradise over the rainbow; W sold the image of  mushroom clouds…
Right here in my home town, Bush knowingly lied by telling the nation that, “The threat comes from Iraq. It arises directly from the Iraqi regime’s own actions — [t]e Iraqi regime has violated all of [its] obligations. It possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons…… .”
Those words could arguably be seen as the downfall of the American Republic. For in knowingly lying to the American people, and sanctifying the greed and bloodshed which flowed from those lies, Bush, and his handlers, made it possible for the rise of the current Trump kakistocracy.
    Trump’s Presidency,  of course, makes the Bush’s administration lies and  deceit look like a suburban Kool Aid stand in comparison.  He came here selling snake oil, a perfect reincarnation of your average 19th century huckster, setting up a Nazi circus, spreading his poison, preaching his own virulent and ignorant brand of misogyny, racism and homophobia.
Speaking to a crowd of rabid white trash, in my home town,  Trump promised that once he was elected that he would, “ask my Attorney General to appoint a special prosecutor to look into her (Hillary Clinton’s crimes, because what she did is a disgrace to the country…”  Of course, as of this date, Poor Donny’s a little too busy to persecute Hillary, what with both he and his AG  being on the run, trying to avoid impeachment and/or arrest and/or jail…. (And as of this date, Trump has also, predictably, turned on his AG saying,  “he wished he never hired him,”).
And this is just the recent past. The truth is that this town has always been the whipping post for the Republican party.  In this town rose the Mapplethorpe charade.  Our history is littered with an endless parade of self styled bad ass Sheriffs and rosecutors- most notably Simon Leis and Joey TV Deters- who have beaten this town, over the decades, like an abused housewife. The list of petty little men who have beat their chest and made political hay by pissing on everyone who wasn’t white and republican is long and plenary.
      Most recently Joey (TV) Deters declined to retry  Ray Tensing, the UC cop who gunned down Cincinnati resident Sam DuBois. Tensing was white and DuBois was black.
Tensing had, in the past written 84% of his traffic tickets to minorities and was wearing a confederate flag T shirt under his uniform when he gunned down DuBois-really.  I’m not making that up.   Deters, who originally feigned outrage, then subjected the cop to a long slow half-assed prosecution which all but guaranteed Tensing’s freedom.
Deters, meanwhile went back to his full-time law practice while still collecting full pay from the Prosecutor’s office.  Which only makes sense, justice in this town has always been a part time deal anyway.  Besides, he earned his pay, it’s not easy to always say one thing and then do the other that’s sort of like two jobs anyway right?
Joey TV ultimately justified his decision by saying that Tensing remains subject to Federal prosecution.  Federal as in tried by the Feds who are run by Donnie (grab her pussy) Trump and his his AG Jeff  (“I thought those guys [the Ku Klux Klan] were OK until I learned they smoked pot).”  Sessions.
    I wonder if the fact that Tensing, Trump and Sessions all buy their white robes from the same retailer constitutes a conflict of Justice. Or maybe I heard that part wrong…..probably not.
And I won’t even start on the kangaroo courts in this town………except to say that as a third generation Attorney in this town, I walked these courthouse  halls for fifteen years, watching people being bought and sold by the corporations which run this town……
My point being, that for far too long, this town has been- from my point of view -home to people with giant mouths and little brains.  It’s been the  nation’s living room for those who love to preach responsibility for others and greed for themselves.
    Cincinnati has been a town that for hundreds of years has served as a mouthpiece for all that is crude and narrow-minded and uneducated about our country. As with most of Ohio, our favorite game  has long been blame the victim.
For as long as I can recall- some fifty years- this town has lived under a dark cloud of racial oppression and monogamy. For as long as I can remember, this town has reveled being the home of  The Man.
From 1995 to 2001 at least 15 black men were shot and killed under increasingly suspicious circumstances by police. By 2001, when Officer Roach killed an unarmed minor named Timothy Thomas, the city had had enough and a four-day riot arose. Eventually the city was placed under Martial Law. As if we were Berlin.
    In the decade that followed, my home town very much became a ghost town.
Fortunately, my hometown is now – ever so slowly- turning the tide against such bigotry and ignorance.
Which brings us to Northside. Northside is a an urban neighborhood five miles due north of downtown.  For a very long time it has been the perpetual island of misfit toys.  A former industrial center along the Mill Creek- a tepid wastewater ditch that bisects the city’s north/south band of industrial production and which runs from north of town, some 30 miles south to just west of downtown . The Mill Creek has been variously claimed and named to be the most endangered river in North America and “a great open city sewer.”
It can be hard to remember, but Cincinnati was, in its day, as blue collar  a town as Cleveland and Pittsburgh.  Most of the factories which made this city were located along the Mill Creek. Powell Valve, Juergon’s, P&G and countless meat packing plants.
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Many of the people who worked and lived in these factories and plants lived in Northside and its surrounding neighborhoods.  In very unlike Cincinnati form, there were black and white, Appalachian,- and in time- Africans and Gays also called this neighborhood home.
They lived together in relative peace, though crime was always a problem. No one belonged to a country club. The racial tolerance which existed was not built so much on any high-minded idealism so much as it was cemented in poverty and safety.  Everyone, or damn near, everyone was poor or scared. Northside became Cincinnati’s first urban gay enclave because gay residents needed a place to band together for safety.
Thus because they did not have a choice minorities in Northside- with many notable exceptions-learned to lived together. White and black alike ate in the cheap diners that lined Hamilton Ave. Places like Park Chili  and the Blue Jay were not so much restaurants, but community living rooms. Everyone knew not just every’s name, but every’s business.
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Diane Coffee- Northside Fourth Of July Festival.
  The houses were urban and modest and the traffic was loud and constant. The main street-Hamilton Ave- led to Pill Hill where the city’s hospitals are located, thus ambulance traffic and sirens were frequent.
In time the neighborhood changed.  Artists came calling because old industrial space could be had cheap and converted to studios.  Maureen Wood, more than anyone else initally made such space available to not just musicians but photographers, painters and writers, such as myself.
Shop by shop, stores opened. Stores which catered to the new customers from outside the neighborhood.  Record stores, like Shake It Records, hair salons like Pinokio’s, cheap restaurants and, in time, several bars that featured local music, normally free, almost every night of the week.
The first of these places being The Comet- which served burritos as big as puppies- and the second being The Northside Tavern.  Both have phenomenal juke boxes and helped Northside to developed a reputation for being a center for all arts and a rare island in the city. Am island which demonstrated racial and lifestyle tolerance.  For many of us, Northside was the pacemaker which allowed us to live in this city of cynicism.
Restaurants like Slims, Bocca and others helped to bring cash from outside Northside into Northside while providing jobs and training not normally found in the neighborhood.
These NST and the Comet not only became important to the local scene, but served as incubators which gave rise to bands and a sound which spread nationally.  Bands of every flavor have played , if not lived, in Northside and went on to achieve national renown, if not fame.  The Afghan Whigs broke through signing with Sub Pop.  The Ass Ponys followed.  There have also been Over The Rhine,  the Tigerlillies, The Greenhornes and The Heartless Bastards.  More recently have been Wussy, The National and Walk The Moon. This is a very partial list.
I have not even touched upon the fact that Cincinnati is one of the founding city’s of rock and roll, nor the importance of King Records and of Herzog Recording studios to Cincinnati as a whole.
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  Slowly this town has crawled from its grave and opened it’s mind-mostly.
Over the years, artists and musicians have ceased migrating from Cincinnati, at the first sign of success, and now play and work here. Our music scene can hold its own with all but a very few cities in this country. Northside itself is in the midst of gentrification. Properties are selling like wildfire even as rents rise. But that’s another story for another day.
No, I realized that there wasn’t any  reason to drive hundred’s of miles to explore the soul of America in 2017. I wouldn’t even need a car as the neighborhood of Northside is barely a mile and half, from the Comet at the top of the hill, passing NST, to Knowlton’s Corner where the main streets of Northside star cross just before crossing  over the Mill Creek.
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  Which is also pretty much the route traced by one of the happiest and funkiest  Fourth of July parades in America.
The upshot of the parade is that there is a community Fourth of July parade which kicks off at noon, on the Fourth, and which travels down Hamilton Ave from basically the Comet toJacob Hoffner Park- Northside’s primary park- located just south of Northside Tavern (NST).  The parade also coincides with a very great three day music festival at the park.
The Parade is pretty much anything goes and anyone is welcome. In addition, therefore, to the usual politicians and marching bands, there are also various absurdist acts such as a men’s drill team which marches with- yes, you guessed it, power tools.
There are also free form surreal self contained universes sponsored by local stores. A There is a post 40 ‘s women’s drill team which marches and dances in sharp choreography, with lawn chairs. There are drag queens and children with puppies and floats advertising various small businesses.  There was a single member of the Northside Air Guitar Society.  There are processions of antique cars, there are firetrucks and people who walk with flags and marchers who wish to make a political statement.
This year one of the largest, vocal, and most diverse crowds- and most well received groups- was the Justice For Sam DuBois.
The largest float, ultimately, came last. A man and his wife and girlfriend drove a Tacoma pickup down the street.. They sat alone, save for a dog that sat between them. In the back was a generator, a sound board, a couple of loudspeakers and two guys with a mac book.
From my vantage point, at the bottom of the hill, about halfway down the festival route, it appeared that something strange was going on at the end of the parade. As the parade drew near it was possible to see that people who had been living the parade route, were coming off the sidewalk, on onto the street where they began to dance behind and around the truck.
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By the time the truck reached my position, there were thousands of people dancing in the streets in a spontaneous free form rave to the  sounds of REM, Marvin Gaye, U2 and the like.  It was also clear from looking at people expressions, and their dancing, that people were seriously moved. They did not stop to consider that they had been sitting in the hot sun for over two hours, no they simply rose and joined, en mass, without thinking.
I joined in photographing the dancers.  Black and gay;  white and Latino; old and young: all were joining in equally.  Dancers swarmed around the truck dancing hard to Marvin Gaye in the hot summer air. By the time that the truck reached the lower end of the parade five thousand people were dancing in the street. The people on the sidewalk looked on, not certain as to how to react. This sort of thing does not happen, on  large public scale, in my conservative town. Especially during these dark days of Trump.
And more than anything, suddenly, and without warning, happiness was in the air. There was the feeling of being let outside on a warm spring day after a very brutal winter. There was a feeling of being 12 and let out of school for the year, there was a feeling of being let out of one’s cage.
There was a an inexplicable feeling which added up to something akin to freedom. Without anyone saying a word, it seemed as though five thousand people came to collectively recall that they need not suffer needlessly.  It seemed, as if,  people were recalling that freedom was possible.  One hoped that this was the being of something. Something new. One had just a brief, but real vision and hope that collective love could vanquish mass ignorance and that love could dispel hatred.
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Maybe if it only took one drunk hanging from a tank, with a bottle of vodka in his hand, to vanquish the USSR; then maybe it only takes one young happy couple, a dog, and a pair of large loudspeakers to push back the miasma of gloom which has fallen on this town.
As the truck reached the end of the parade route, Jimi Hendrick’s Star Spangled Banner cut through the afternoon.
I had the thought that what we needed was not a million people marching on Washington, but millions of people dancing upon the capital.
We need to drape the Mall with loudspeakers and fill the air with the best American music ever written-Louis, Ella, Petty and CCR and The Band.  We need to drowned out our fake government with songs of courage and faith and protest: Who’ll Stop The Rain, Gypsy Biker and Strange Fruit. On Sunday, after we sleep in the mall, we’ll play A Love Supreme, from Vinyl on a turntable placed in the Lincoln Monument.
The current regime, may just have enough support and weapons to withstand wide scale marches, they  don’t have a prayer against all of us united in love and the music of Coltrane and Miles. They can’t stop us from fucking dancing.
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And if we could manage such a thing, how appropriate if  it would start here. How good it would be.
And so it was this Fourth, a klusterfuck of sorrow, though, at the end of the day, there was a gleam of hope, enough to force a smile.
We move forward from here.
A new Post from The Illustrated Essay: I had an idea last year that I would begin documenting America every 4th of July.  I'd take a cultural snapshot, of the country, from the road, as it were.  
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years
Philly's District Attorney Office Responds To Scam Accusations Made Against Christian Entrepreneur/'Sprinkle Of Jesus' Founder Dana Chanel & Her Husband
An Instagram account is exposing Christian entrepreneur Dana Chanel and her husband Donnell Morris, accusing them of scamming money from other Black entrepreneurs and black customers. Now, the District Attorney in Philadelphia is looking for more possible victims. Everything inside…
Christian entrepreneur Dana Chanel (whose real name is Casey Dana Olivera) and her husband Donnell Morris have come under fire for allegedly scamming black entrepreneurs and customers out of their money. Apparently, Dana and her husband are making promises they can't fulfill via their businesses and people are PISSED. 
The Internet entrepreneur has several businesses in different sectors that include religion (Sprinkle of Jesus), beauty (CurlBible), tax preparations (Jumping Jack Tax), credit repair (Credit Exterminators), and mobile app development (Alakazam Apps).
As you can see, her target market for her businesses are Black consumers. Also, Black entrepreneurs looking to build wealth for themselves are also part of her target audience.
An Instagram account (@danachanelscamming) has been exposing Dana Chanel for allegedly scamming people out of their money. The page has been posting testimonials from people who claim Dana scammed them and they's also shared alleged evidence of Dana and Donnell’s scams. Several people said they trusted Dana and Donnell with their money because they portray themselves as Christians.
The people running the IG account were able to shut down an alleged fraudulent venture Dana was cooking up.
        View this post on Instagram
                  WELP! SHUT IT DOWN. PUT THE WORD OUT, UNTIL WE ALL GET OUR MONEY BACK ANY CELEBRITY, INFLUENCER OR COMPANY dealing with the SCAMILY WILL HEAR FROM US & we will FORWARD YOUR PARTNERSHIP TO THE FEDS FOR REVIEW! So we told y’all a few days ago, Dana was launching a new Scam that she hadn’t made Public yet. She has found a Loan Company called Eaze Consulting Group. Where she will push you to get $5k, $8k loans to finance those trash apps! Well they want no parts of the FTC! Thanks to the Brilliant Women & Men in this community it’s all coming to light! Just for the record we know this is a scam loan company too. But they dumped Dana in order for her scams not to lead to their scams being discovered! And we’re kool with that but the Feds can kill 2 birds with 1 stone . They all need to stop!
A post shared by Dana Chanel The Scammer (@danachanelscamming) on Aug 9, 2020 at 12:26pm PDT
”Dana was launching a new Scam that she hadn’t made Public yet. She has found a Loan Company called Eaze Consulting Group,” the IG account wrote in the caption of a post with receipts. “Where she will push you to get $5k, $8k loans to finance those trash apps! Well they want no parts of the FTC! Thanks to the Brilliant Women & Men in this community it’s all coming to light.”
”Just for the record we know this is a scam loan company too. But they dumped Dana in order for her scams not to lead to their scams being discovered! And we’re kool with that but the Feds can kill 2 birds with 1 stone . They all need to stop!,” the account continued.
A Change.org campaign against Dana has been launched that accuses Dana, her husband and her family for ripping off customers. Below are the allegations made against them:
Stolen money from customers interested in building an app: They will give you a stellar consult then once they get the initial money and "work" begins the true service comes to light. You have no say in the actual design of the app, no say in the features, your calls begin to be limited or ignored, meanwhile you are charged on a regular basis. When you ask to cancel, you are ignored. They make sure to do everything over the phone to reduce a paper trail.
Stolen money from customers of their credit repair agency They begin with the ridiculous promise of raising your credit score hundreds of points within a 3-5 month period (even their contract says differently) for a monthly fee. Once the first or first few payments are made, they stop making contact with you or giving any reports. Many have seen NO change on the credit report or if there was anything that comes off, it comes back on within a few weeks. When confronted about their unethical practices and asked for any kind of cancellation or refund, their first defense is always to ignore. Then to threaten. They have placed negative, delinquent accounts on the credit reports of those who complain. An action that can ONLY be done by stealing your identity and using your SSN and other information to open and ruin new accounts in your name.
Ignored and Threatened victims who have spoken out and asked for refunds for illegal charges on their credit cards or undelivered services. This has been the case for almost every victim of Dana Chanel and her family.
You can sign the petition here.
In the petition, they mentioned "Uncle Magic" the Hip Hop Magician (real name Nakia Rattray) – who has been accused of being a scammer – is her father. Some believe he taught her the “family business.”
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                  The father, Nakia Rattray, AKA "Uncle Magic The Hip Hop Magician" is the one who taught them all how to scam and does much of the negotiation for their various contracts....he is also a clown. Quite literally. . . . .#theshaderoom #thejasminebrand #thegossiptwins #teatenders #hollywoodunlocked #balleralert #DANACHANEL #ALAKAZAMAPPS #PRINCEDONNELL #HIPHOPMAGICIAN #SPRINKLEOFJESUS #milliondollarlifelessons #JUMPINGJACKTAX @satashak
A post shared by "Dana Chanel" is a Scammer (@danachanelthescammer) on Jul 9, 2020 at 10:12pm PDT
  Donnell hopped on IG to respond to the allegations. He said business is booming at Jumping Jack Tax and that's the reason he hadn't been active on social media for the last 28 days. In response to the scam allegations, he encouraged those who claim to have issues with any of the companies to file their complaints via the proper channels. Start after the 2-minute mark below: 
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                  To get more info on the @jumpingjacktax 12 week program to starting your virtual tax business click the link in my bio! Don’t forget to listen to our podcast available everywhere MillionDollarLifeLessons.com
A post shared by DONNELL MORRIS (@princedonnell) on Aug 6, 2020 at 10:21am PDT
The IG account has aggressively been working to seek justice. And their work is paying off. The Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office has responded to the scam allegations and are seeking more possible victims.
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                  • @danachanelthescammer ATTENTION COMMUNITY: The DAs office has responded! Contact Mr. Kellner in the Philadelphia District Attorney's office immediately. Follow these steps to maximize your response: 1. Email - Send him everything you have before you call so he can reference your info. If you got an email from us saying that your information was included in the packet you don't need to resend unless he asks you to. But you still want to email him first so that he can have your contact information. 2. Call him - LEAVE A MESSAGE IF YOU DON'T GET HIM. When you call make sure you ask if he received the email that you sent before. Calling him before you send him documentation and evidence will only delay the process because that's exactly what he's going to ask you for. 3. Follow Up - Make sure you ask if there is anything else he needs from you. This is officially DA OUTREACH WEEK community! Be vigilant! EVERY victim should be getting in touch with Mr. Kellner so he can further the case. What does the DA do? The district attorney is responsible for the prosecution of criminal violations of state law and County ordinances. This includes investigation and apprehension as well as prosecution in court #danachanel #curlbible #alakazamapps #earncompany #creditexterminators #unclemagic #jumpingjacktax #nakiarattray #aprilolivera #caseyolivera #PRINCEDONNELL #Explore #Explorepage #scammeralert #theshaderoom #hollywoodunlocked #cardib
A post shared by Dana Chanel The Scammer (@danachanelscamming) on Aug 10, 2020 at 7:02am PDT
        View this post on Instagram
                  Packages Officially Mailed out to the Alphabet boys-all investigators, FTC, The FBI , the IRS and the Attorney General . No games to be played here! This is not the End! Actually the beginning! The fight continues until all her Businesses have tape on the door & officially closed. Thank You to all the victims who spoke up, unfortunately there will be many more until she’s canceled. Spread the Word. @danachanelthescammer is playing Zero Games #DanaChanel #Princedonnell #cassandraolivera #aprilolivera #nakiarattray #unclemagic #sprinkleofjesus #curlbible #jumpingjacktaxes #creditexterminators #earncompany #scammers #thieves #thecofounders #donnellmorris #princedonnell #alakazamapps #hiphopmagician
A post shared by Dana Chanel The Scammer (@danachanelscamming) on Jul 31, 2020 at 9:54am PDT
Rumors of Dana scamming and stealing started two years ago when Genesis Dorsey – a business consultant, coach, and speaker – put her on blast for allegedly stealing her content and creating a brand with it. Peep her post and receipts below:
I’ve received at least 40 inbox messages about this. At this point I’m just glad somebody is monetizing my content. If...
Posted by Genesis Dorsey on Friday, August 17, 2018
One woman claims she took Dana to court and won:
        View this post on Instagram
                  SHE BEAT DANA IN COURT BECAUSE DANA STOLE FROM HER Another victim @ke.shaa who successfully sued Dana for stolen content. One of the scams Dana and her family do is lure you in to pretend to do your app/promote your product only to steal the idea and profit off it themselves. Many stories of this in our posts. It started with @genesis_dorsey years ago when Dana stole her entire content (check her or our IGTV). DO NOT share any of your ideas with them. Absolutely none. And remember, even if you are a current client DOCUMENT EVERYTHING EVERYTHING EVERYTHING. P.S. even if you have an NDA with her, you can still speak out because the content is bs. Make sure you have a copy of ANYTHING you sign because they forge signatures as well and can create a new document saying you signed it.
A post shared by Dana Chanel The Scammer (@danachanelscamming) on Aug 11, 2020 at 9:16am PDT
Digitial strategist Evelyn Van Der Woodsen (real name Evelyn Atieno) also accused Dana's company as being a scam and more:
OH! Another one, Dana Chanel, I think she has worms for brains tho. She supports trump and panders to Christians + she literally said we should gather money to fund a private prison. Also she was trying to sell $300 perfumes, also her app company is a scam.
— IG: @evelynvanderwoodsen (@evelynvwoodsen) May 12, 2020
Dana and Donnell have not addressed the allegations made against them. They’re still promoting their business on their Instagram and sharing pregnancy updates. The couple recently revealed their expecting a baby boy:
        View this post on Instagram
                  We are sooooo excited to be having a baby boy and so very surprised! Thank you @slaydisplays for such an awesome reveal.
A post shared by Dana Chanel (@danachanel) on Aug 11, 2020 at 6:12am PDT
If these allegations are true… scamming in the name of Jesus? We hate to see it.
  Photo: Dana's IG
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/08/11/christian-entrepreneur-dana-chanel-her-husband-accused-of-scamming-black-entrepreneurs-ne
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itsfinancethings · 5 years
President Donald Trump knows that presidents are ruthlessly judged for fumbling a crisis. President George W. Bush was widely ridiculed for saying “Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job,” to Michael Brown who headed the bungled response to Hurricane Katrina. Trump himself called the botched 2013 rollout of the enrollment website for President Obama’s Affordable Care Act a “total disaster.” In 2014, he said President Obama should be “ashamed” for not blocking flights from Africa during an Ebola outbreak.
As Trump left India to return to Washington earlier this week, the President was furious at seeing the markets tank in response to the spread of the coronavirus — and the warning by his own Centers for Disease Control that Americans should brace themselves.
So on Wednesday, Trump decided to get ahead of the story, calling a rare primetime press conference in the White House Briefing Room. His staff scrambled to put it together. “He was pissed over in India” and felt like his administration was “getting killed” in the press and by the markets about its handling of the coronavirus, says a White House official.
In the hour before Trump walked out to meet the press, he told public health staff he would announce that he was putting Vice President Mike Pence in charge of the coronavirus response, calling on Pence’s experience as the governor of Indiana handling the response to health crises in that state. “It was a game time decision,” the official said.
And during the 57-minute press conference, the President downplayed the risk the virus poses, contradicting his own public health officials. “The risk to the American people remains very low,” Trump said. “We have the greatest experts, really in the world, right here. We’re ready to adapt and we’re ready to do whatever we have to as the disease spreads — if it spreads.”
The decision to appoint Pence and the impromptu briefing seemed to be an acknowledgement by Trump that the threat of the coronavirus poses a critical challenge to his presidency. It comes as he is seeking re-election and has been flexing his power, emboldened at having survived impeachment and the Special Counsel Robert Mueller investigation. His approval ratings — while still averaging below 50% — have ticked up slightly. He’s launched a purge of career officials he believes are disloyal to him. He’s called for two Supreme Court justices to recuse themselves from cases involving him, and publicly pressured the Justice Department to ease up on prosecuting his friend Roger Stone and slammed the federal judge handling the case.
A serious outbreak of coronavirus in the United States would not only derail that momentum, it would put him under unprecedented scrutiny. The series of erratic moves he has made not only challenge long-standing democratic norms, they could be dangerous at a time when the public, facing an emerging public health crisis, is looking for a steady hand in the White House, says Julian Zelizer, a historian at Princeton University. “This is one of those moments where the chaos from the administration and the disinformation has real consequences,” Zelizer said. “It matters that the public trusts what the president says.”
Trump knows the stakes are high, which is why he was walking a narrow line during the Wednesday briefing between offering the concrete action of appointing Pence and trying to tamp down the alarm he felt the CDC had unnecessarily whipped up by urging schools, hospitals and state and local officials to prepare for the coronavirus. He continued to express optimism that the virus could be contained and won’t infect many more people inside the U.S.
That is not a view shared by Dr. Anne Schuchat, the principal deputy director of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), who joined him in the briefing room. When Trump restricted travel to the U.S. by non-citizens who had recently visited China, limited flights and called for quarantining Americans who had recently traveled Wuhan Province, the epicenter of the virus, the administration managed to delay, but not stop, the spread of coronavirus inside the U.S., Schuchat said.
“Our aggressive containment strategy here in the United States has been working and is responsible for the low levels of cases that we have so far. However, we do expect more cases,” Schuchat told reporters during the briefing.
Within an hour of President Trump ending the press conference, the Centers for Disease Control announced that a new case of coronavirus had been confirmed in northern California, bringing the total number of known cases in the U.S. to 60. Officials don’t know how the person in California contracted the virus. “At this time, the patient’s exposure is unknown,” the CDC wrote in a statement. “It’s possible this could be an instance of community spread of COVID-19, which would be the first time this has happened in the United States. Community spread means spread of an illness for which the source of infection is unknown.”
That leaves Trump in an uncomfortable spot. Pence will lead his first coronavirus task force meeting at Health and Human Services headquarters on Thursday, says a senior administration official. White House officials are considering bringing Dr. Deborah L. Birx, who has been the U.S. global aids coordinator and U.S. special representative for global health diplomacy at the State Department since 2014, into the National Security Council to help coordinate the response. But as more cases mount, Trump will have to come to terms with the fact that it’s his crisis now, and he’ll own the outcome.
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