#and then claim that she is now a girlboss. or a mom friend. that is not a person. that is not a person!!!!
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flowerhierarchy · 2 years
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these past few sessions have been,, rough for van, to say the least.
the major things happening with van recently include:
- accidentally proposing/marrying a fey girl they just met due to a cultural misunderstanding
- divorcing said fey girl they just met out of panic
- severely hurting her feelings bc of this; turns out due to not technically having a soul, leiliana would have been able to leave the feywild due to the bonding of their souls through marriage, and that had just been snatched away as quickly as the offer was extended to her, so she remained trapped
- after a lot of emotions and actually talking about it (and also being tricked into re-proposing by goopy, who claimed van was committing sacrilege by divorcing leiliana) the two of them decided to remarry “as friends” so leiliana would be able to leave
- i’m sure you can see exactly where this is going
- fast forward a bit and rosie and wendy both get kidnapped by the cult (who ends up leaving behind 14 year old ares, the new jadestone) leading to van calling their mom (cerillia, goddess of justice and balance and shit) and the party ends up in COURT. AGAIN.
- after seeing how terrified van is of yan (jasper’s mom and one of van’s many abusers from the cult) leiliana has a girlboss fey moment where she gets both yan’s and atticus’s names. so yeah slay
- after the first trial (rosie returns!) cerillia suggests to van (who is very distraught at the fact that they were unable to protect wendy) that the party very legally destroy the documents that contractually bind wendy into being det’s vessel, because documents that don’t exist don’t hold up in the court of law now do they. she also stated that the documents would be in det’s realm
- on a more wholesome note, van met cadel, cerillia’s husband and technically their dad. god of war. cerillia and cadel are also married as best friends ☺️☺️ but at this point it’s becoming increasingly clear that van and leiliana probably like each other as a little more than friends
- cadel gives van a cool as fuck jericho sword (haha get fucked jasper) as a ✨bonding✨ moment
- fast forward to the next morning where van gets blasted in the head with encyclopedic animal knowledge from solomon, due to a bit of a misunderstanding with stevie
- cue van’s new special interest in animals
- they get to det’s realm, where van nearly gets eaten by demon jasper
- as it turns out the documents weren’t even there, and everyone is just traumatized and/or nearly dead for no reason. including leiliana and jury, who had 1 and 5 HP left respectively
- van, distraught by what felt like a betrayal from both jasper AND cerillia, the one who sent them to this hellscape in the first place, very angrily shuts the both of them out. they have to call for sebastian to get leiliana medical attention, as well as get their arm fixed up. as it turns out, adrenaline really is one helluva drug when your arm is literally crushed
- quick wholesome intermission where they get to infodump about wolves to leiliana, who is traumatized but no longer dying
- they don’t sleep that night. they try, but paranoia doesn’t allow sleep. they take a point of exhaustion.
- at some point during the night they have a funky little ✨mental breakdown✨ due to Everything, hence the uhhhh new haircut pictured above
- they keep watch over leiliana the rest of the night. since they now share a soul, when leiliana wakes up she’s hit with every emotion that van felt throughout the night, which is. a lot. to say the least
- they are forced to go to breakfast by rosie. after breakfast, the party splits off to do their own thing. van returns to their room w leiliana to infodump about frogs. they’re able to take a small nap when leiliana sings to them
- they’re startled awake by an announcement over the godly intercom system. turns out that helena, thomas, and lawrence (jasper’s dad) have arrived to add onto the list of people that We Fucking Hate
- helena beats the absolute shit out of thomas. our party bard, @rain-falling-on-fresh-roots, was helpfully playing tom and jerry screaming sound effects while this happened. this was going on for ten real life minutes at LEAST
- van is almost convinced to split from the rest of the party to go look for cadel, but ultimately decides against it
- we met two new gods who are able to show us wendy’s location. unfortunately, this triggers an emotional reaction from jasper, who goes demon mode again
- van just barely saves jury from being mauled to near-death by using misty step, something they’ve never done before
- they use their newfound animal knowledge to clock that demon jasper’s behavior is very wolf-like, so they inform the rest of the party that the best course of action would be to intimidate them
- stevie, who has like a +10??? to intimidation casts an illusion of an absolutely massive wolf. in retaliation, jasper uses thaumaturgy to make his OWN illusion of a wolf (it’s got wings and horns and shit. it’s fucked up). but you know what’s better than two wolves?
- van also uses thaumaturgy to make a big ass wolf. this all leads to demon jasper being quelled, for now
so basically a lot has happened. yeah. this is all van specific stuff btw so there’s more stuff and details missing but the rest of the party would be better equipped for that, specifically our DM @moonlightmidtone
but if there are any van specific questions i would love to answer them 😌 i love this sad little kid so much
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Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene was once a darling of the far-right. Apparently not anymore.
Republican Rep. Greene disavowed white nationalist livestreamer Nick Fuentes, who’s now getting cozy with disgraced rapper Ye (formerly known as Kanye), “and his racist, anti-semitic ideology” in a tweet last month. Ever since, Fuentes’ followers—known as “groypers”—have viciously turned on her.
Greene’s tweet was prompted by backlash to a dinner hosted last month by former President Donald Trump at Mar-a-lago featuring Ye, who is in the midst of a very public antisemitic meltdown, and Fuentes.
The dinner catapulted Fuentes into national headlines and exposed him—and his friends in high places—to an unprecedented level of scrutiny.
But Greene’s condemnation of Fuentes came about 10 months too late. She was widely criticized for speaking at his America First Political Action Conference in Orlando, Florida, earlier this year but brushed off the criticism, claiming simply that she didn’t know who he was. (Trump used the same excuse following the controversial dinner).
While Fuentes and his army of groypers might have been OK with Greene claiming not to know him, they were not at all happy about her recent disavowal of him—and say it’s the latest evidence that she’s sold out her far-right fans and betrayed their white nationalist “America First” movement. Only weeks earlier, she rebuffed her far-right colleagues in Congress by calling on them to back Rep. Kevin McCarthy in his bid for re-election as House Speaker.
McCarthy is viewed as an establishment “RINO”—Republican in name only—by many in the far-right, but Greene knows she needs him on-side if she wants to regain her committee assignments, which were stripped from her in 2021 after her statements on social media encouraging violence against her Democrat colleagues. So palling around with white nationalists, as she’s done in the past, may not be the best idea if she wants to claw back political cachet—especially given the rebuke of far-right candidates during the midterms.
“She’s just weak. She goes and says something edgy to get attention, and then when the pressure comes, she buckles,” said Fuentes on a podcast after Greene’s disavowal of him. “You know, she’s gonna be a MAGA-mom and QAnon and all that, and then the second Kevin McCarthy reprimands her and she loses her committee, she goes and apologizes.”
Fuentes also mocked Greene’s dreams of becoming the face of “Christian nationalism” in the U.S. “How are you going to be the face of Christian nationalism when you’re a divorced woman, girlboss,” said Fuentes. “I’m so glad I don’t have to pretend to support that anymore.”
He’s also taken to calling Greene “Large Marge” and is encouraging his followers to heckle her at events.
Far-right activist Laura Loomer also announced that she was done with Greene. “MTG is no longer an ally to America First,” Loomer declared on Telegram. “She may have claimed to be so that she could climb the political ladder, but she has shown she is all talk and zero action, unless of course the action is selling t-shirts and wine glasses.”
“You are their slave Marjorie, a slave to the Democrats and the Media that you constantly talk about,” wrote Holocaust denier Vince James. “By that statement [disavowing Fuentes] it just got to show you're living according to the rules of their game, that they've completely rigged against us."
“Here’s my take: grifters are gonna grift, and it’s just sad that we have to go through that kind of betrayal,” said far-right groyper Dalton Clodfelter about Greene on his podcast.
Greene has only doubled-down on her condemnation of Fuentes and his ilk since her initial tweet. Last week, Fuentes and Ye appeared on Alex Jones’ show for an hours-long broadcast featuring unbridled anti-semitism. Greene said that she’d watched some of that and described Fuentes as “immature young man” and “racist.” “What has he ever done in his life?” asked Greene. “He knows nothing more than anyone else.” ​​
“I was concerned about some of the statements being made, Nick Fuentes being there as well,” she said. “The antisemitism, that has got to stop. It’s out of control, and we have no place for that anywhere in our politics or anywhere in our country.”
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Greene then undermined her own statement with some “whataboutism” and tried to deflect blame by accusing Democrat congresswoman Ilhan Omar of antisemitism. (Similar accusations have followed because of her criticism of the Israeli government. She has apologized and has spoken out against rising antisemitism in the U.S.).
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yanderelovlies · 2 years
To give you a short while to relax, let me tell you a story on how I got into the deep deep deep rabbit hole of fucked up romantic fiction 😀
So I loved to read story books when I was around 4-5th grade. I was good with my english for a country that doesn't speak it much (philippines) and joined several writing and reading contests and spelling bees.
But all the books I read with thin and colorful and had pictures, I wanted something large and thick(lmao) and tons of complicated words to practice with. And my grandma at the time had her own little library in her house and she would give me access on tons of books, she didn't say anything about me reading murder mysteries and horror genres... But what intrigued me, was this one book.
I forgot what the title was but it had a mature warning in it with sexual and horror themes. I was so fucking innoncent at that time cause i didnt know what the word sexual meant and at this age my mind could visualize shit better than other kids *cough* maladaptive daydreaming *cough*
The plotline was about a female detective in the 1950s and when solving for a case she always senses someone was following her and thinks it was the suspect of the crime she was trying to find answers to. It wasn't the suspect unfortunately, but a stalker who yanks his meat whenever he hears the detectives voice on the radio.
And OH MY GOD. Something horrible sparked in me. It was two things, one, gay awakening cause the detective was a total girlboss, and second, my obsession with problematic men. I couldnt understand the hanky panky scenes BUT THE WHISPERING AND THE TENSION BETWEEN THESE TWO OUTSIDE THE HANKY PANKY MY GOD
I read that for two years until I discovered yanderes, otome sims, fanfiction.net, wattpad and ao3 but durring those years i had forgotten about the book's title.
And i wanted to find it but unfortunately grandma passed away due to old age in 2020 and her house was in a custody battle between my dad and aunt because grandma never put who would inherit the house in her will. Just divided some fortune between children and grandchildren.
It was also in the will that I would get all of her books (and her amoire that I used to play dress up in and various handbags which was very slay because she had taste 💅) but it wasnt all of the books.
I knew because she had more than two boxes worth of it. She had a bigger collection than any of her friends and coworkers back in the 1960s, her mini library was filled to the brim with books, not a shelf with a single crevice,but all I recieved were 57 books. Her murder mysteries and erotic novels but I never found the one that got me into the rabbit hole..
And the end. Hope you enjoyed :) tell me if you want a vague description of the book cause I read most of it and some lines definately be fic material 👀
Sincerely- Murder Mystery (MM) Anon, a follower since your first work
First off, I love how your grandma nutured your love for reading. My mom did the same for awhile until I had books like fucking everywhere in my room. Though I find a little odd, she would let you read a book like that 👀 or maybe she didn't know, and that's why you didn't get it as an adult?? I kinda wanna know now lol
Also, I didn't get into creepy stuff till I was in my teens (I'm calling myself out and saying creepypasta oop). Like legit when I was younger, my mom put on 1968 Night of the Living Dead movie on me and my brothers request claiming "we were old enough." I stayed up all night that night watching outside my widow cause I knew for SURE zombies were gonna rise at any moment. I also could not listen to any metal music....I was a very scared kid....
I didn't get into erotic literature until I was sixteen or so. I can't think of an incident that stands out because, really, I didn't know anything and just read basic shit. If it had extra tags of kinks and shit I didn't read it.
I thought I would share a bit of myself since you were nice enough to share about yourself, but I would like to hear about this book! Maybe it will give me some inspiration 💕
Oh! And that last bit about your being around since my first fic astounds (in a good way!) me but makes me happy. Thank you, love 💕💕💕
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goldryush · 2 years
the y/n(s) ::
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y/n (girlhelp) : 2nd year literature major at NU!!(it's neo university alright, no one's going to new york uni here😭), is a good student and craves academic validation, takes theatre as an elective!!, puts the hopeless in hopeless romantic, is in her manga male lead era and willl not hesitate to kabedon you if you are close enough, has a cr*sh on the guy who sits behind her and sleeps through his major classes <\3
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mark (onyour_mark) : also a 2nd year literature major at NU!! and takes music as an elective. the guy who sits behind y/n and sleeps through his major classes, has so much potential to be a straight A student but um- yeah. idolizes Sailor Pift!!, is on stan twitter because "defending Sailor online isn't enough i need a g*n". streams Sailor's music all night while catching up on his previous lectures😭, he's that typical y/n from fanfics who is a little clumsy but is loved by literally everyone ♡ (note that his main and stan account are the same!!)
the moment!! Sailor Pift ::
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Sailor Pift OR should i say nix😳 : she RICHIE rich! 2nd year music major in NU!! but doesn't attend because of her busy schedule as the most sensational popstar. got famous overnight for performing an original song while wearing a blonde wig when she was in high school and has been an undercover singer with the help of her friends since then because she was afraid of being treated differently if people discovered her real identity</3. the only people except her friends who know about sailor's real identity are her parents, who helped her focus on her musical career while managing studies from home. she is a self producing artist, so give some respect to her >:( . y/n and her have known each other for the longest time and are besties. sometimes, when she's out with her friends as Sailor in public, they also wear a disguise along with her.
note : this oc was inspired by @njmverse and her alter ego, yes you guessed it right, is based upon Taylor Swift AND Hannah Montana and i love this oc sm🫶
girlbossers (yn hype squad) ::
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jeno (jeneow) : 2nd year biology major in NU!! emo. has two cats, Ruby and dali, respectively. spends most of his time studying in his room and his friends *cough* nix *cough* Take care of his cats sometime. is a part-time worker at the yogurt shop. refuses to hang out with friends because he has "work" but goes to every sailor concert to support his bestie</3.
chenle (elnehc) : second year music major in NU who actually attends classes. met nix on their first day of uni after which nix never attended uni againn😭. used to help nix with her classes and gradually started hanging out with the rest of the squad, and that's how he learned that the most renowned popstar of the country is none other than his bestie. was really shocked at first but started going to the concerts in disguise😭 updates nix with the classes and uni gossip. is here for the food and drama</3.
jisung (ameanoacid) : second year chemistry major in NU!!. runs a chemistry pun page on Twitter by day and handles the social media handles of THE Sailor Pift by night. helped nix to post that og song on youtube back in high school and that is how he ended up being the official unofficial social media manager of Sailor Pift and definitely not because her fingers once slipped and she accidentally posted a picture without her signature blonde wig on the official account. gives unnecessary love advice to get jeno to confess to his crush.
mark's emotional support package ::
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renjun (yellowCard) : he doesn't needs a backup, he's going to NU >:( ; yeah he only watches 2000 romcoms or barbie movies and nothing in between and elle woods influenced him so much so that he chose law as his major and is now in his second year(no he didn't follow his ex to the uni!!/srs). has known mark since high school. claims to be good at debates, but no one knows if it's true. is the mom friend and is overprotective of his children. made hyuck take english literature as an elective course just to make sure mark doesn't sleep through his classes. very loving, very appreciative in general and knows sailor's music but doesn't like how his friend focuses his energy more on defending someone, who probably has her company to deal with everything, online - instead of talking to actual people irl.
jaemin (imaej) : used to accompany mark to sailor pift's concert in their freshmen year, and that's how he became a fan(he's what twitter stans call a ✨casual stan✨). made his twitter account only to drag mark on the tl but ended up advertising his photography skills. pretended to be Mark's lawyer in front of his English professor to get him out of detention back in high school and that's when he decided he should do law and con people (haha /j haha unless ☺️).
hyuck (fullsums) : has known mark ever since elementary school. is the biggest barbie : life in a dreamhouse enthusiast. majoring in business studies from NU!! has turned his major into his entire personality. was a literature kid back in high school, and everyone expected him to either choose literature OR environmental studies but shocked everyone by choosing business. was really happy when renjun asked him if he could choose literature as an elective to make sure mark doesn't doses off during lectures, but shh!! everyone believes renjun made him decide on his elective, and he lets it remain that way.
yangyang (yangsquared) : met renjun in his freshman year of college through a mutual friend, and since then, renjun, mark, hyuck, and jaemin have been his ride or die. is a film major in NU!! can and WILL use the actual conversation between his friends in his scripts. mean girls enthusiast, his favorite was gretchen because she was so fetch!! is y/n's distant cousin, but they don't meet up often because of very different majors, which is why his friends have no idea that he's related to you in any way.
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Sweeter Than Fiction : a mark lee smau
summary : where you have grown a certain liking towards the boy who sits behind you in literature class, but here's a thing, you've never talked to him face to face. chaos unfolds when you try to befriend him in your own unique way!!
pairing : mark x fem!reader
themes : social media au, university au, fluff, crack, mutual pining, strangers to friends to lovers, hannah montana-ish au
masterlist 》 next
taglist : @njmverse @jeonsy98
© 2022 goldryush on tumblr [all rights reserved]
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aashi-heartfilia · 3 years
One of my favourite things about Fairytail is the representation of female bonds:
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Meta ahead.
Like you often see Lucy and Erza sharing one braincell, Lucy and Wendy doing fun activities together, the bond between Mavis and Zera, Lucy and Cana. It is genuine and not just for the sake for having female characters but real friendship.
As much as Lucy is around Natsu, she never ignores her girlfriends for the sake of it. Lucy even asked Cana to be her teammate during Tenrou trials well knowing that Natsu is stronger and will have a better chance.
And they even succeed they trial with easy...
Such girlboss!
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And even Juvia who gets a lot of sh*t for being reduced to a love interest has solid girl bonds outside of Gray. She's friends with Meredy, Erza, Cana is always teasing Juvia about Gray and especially with Lucy, her bond has came a long way.
And do I have to remind you that Lucy and Juvia did the first UNISON RAID if the series?
A spell that wizards aren't able to master for decades and need an especially close sync bond? A move that even surprised Jellal? Lucy and Juvia managed to do it in the first try!
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And this is after Juvia defeated Keys in Tartaros. Juvia was trying to save Lucy from Keys and when she passed out after the battle, Lucy catches her. When Juvia starts crying, Lucy cries with her.
Wendy and Chelia share quite a spectacular bond along with Wendy and Erza. Chelia was such a friend that knowingly and willingly sacrificed her Magic to save her best friend and defeat a God.
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Even Erza is friends with Milliana and later Kagura and Minerva.
Lucy also has a lot of connections outside the guild, like Brandish which is the daughter of her mom's best friend and her current rival in finding Aquarius's key.
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We have Lucy and Yukino, who are mutual Celestial spirit mages that share quite a history together. She was with Lucy in the GMG and CSK arc and made an appearance in the recent chapter when Lucy had a monologue about her friends.
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Lucy and Mira are also very close. You can see that Lucy finally starts crying after Mira says "Welcome Home, Lucy" because it was Mira that welcomed her to Fairytail even the first time around. She is also the one that gave Lucy her pink Guildmark. Mira has always been a big sister to Lucy giving her advices, looking out for her and the guild.
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She is family.
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And this is why when Lucy says that she's home it contains so much value.
I agree that Ft may not be the best manga out there and many people may disregard it saying it has a lot of Fanservice but you can't deny that it has one of the best representation of female cast in Manga especially when compared to the likes of Naruto or BnHA where some people have claimed pure Mysogyny.
The reason why in the recent popularity poll, the top 3 are all females and the main Shonen protagonist is in 5th spot. Even before it was Erza that was usually on the No.1 spot and now it belongs to Lucy.
So while people say ft treats women with no respect, I say that the real respect is shown in how well they are written and not by the number of clothes they wear.
Cheers! Aashi
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cowteapot · 2 years
Stranger Things HC
Summary: ever wonder what it would be like to live in Hawkins when the world isn’t ending?
All characters x reader (platonic)
Warnings: cursing, substance use, violence, reader is older like let’s say 17-19 area
You’re childhood best friend is Johnathan.
You met the kids through Will and the others through Nancy, you all became great friends
They make you sit through D&D games even if you are interested, these games last for HOURS, it’s hard to even understand how someone could sit in one position for so long. Your character died in the first two hours but you were absolutely not allowed to leave so you really just ended up with your head in your hand, struggling to stay awake
You work at the record store and it’s usually quite except for the group of children that hang around. Max actually buys things, Dustin flips through the records and complains, Lucas sifts through the cassettes and messes up the nice piles, Mike bumps into shelves and makes many messes while talking to El and Will sits at the counter with you apologizing for his friends
Will comes out to you first. You hold him close for hours and reassure him that you will always love and accept him no matter what
Max braids you bracelets and you better wear them all or else she will get aggressive
Eddie and Steve were secretly childhood besties but stopped hanging out after Steve’s parents said that Eddie was a freak and they didn’t like his influence
Dustin always sunburns on the backs of his knees and no one knows how
Max and Eddie are trailer neighbors and Robin lives a few down. All three of them have secret Thursday night movies nights that the rest of the group doesn’t know about because it’s for trailer neighbors + Robin only
No one talks about Steve and Nancy’s relationship, like literally no one talks about it
You teach Max how to be a slightly safer driver but still shes not allowed to drive anywhere when Steve is around
Eddie is oddly clumsy. You’ve seen this man fall up the stairs, fall out of a sitting position and slip on air
Robin claims to like halloween but every time anything slightly scary happens she’s over it
Max likes to drag everyone to Halloween stores around September. Her costumes are always planned super early and her plan for the night usually consists of scaring the shit outta everyone, stealing candy and smashing pumpkins
Study nights are hosted at Steve’s house and he cuts up apple slices and makes little finger sandwiches for everyone
Eddie doesn’t want to admit it but Labyrinth is the scariest movie he’s ever seen even tho it did come out when he was an adult (1986) he had nightmares for three weeks
Hopper basically has adopted Max too
You gave El the sex talk because hopper physically couldn’t. Like the idea of speaking about sex to his child made him sick to his stomach
Dustin’s mom is quite passive aggressive
Eddie’s trailer smells like pee, cigarettes, weed and tomato soup
Steve hates tomato’s, mushrooms, ketchup and milk
Robin once choked on a peanut M&M and now she refuses to eat any kind of M&M
Nancy is allergic to peanuts, idk she gives off peanut allergy vibes
Billy smells weird. Like stale cigarettes, shitty cologne, dry beer and ball sweat
You’re banished from Steve’s car after laughing so hard the milkshake you were drinking shot out or your mouth and all over his window and dashboard
Mrs. Wheeler is a gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss. Like queen full on makes her kids feel bad for needing anything, is always screaming at Nancy and she hates all of you except Steve
Uncle Wayne is the best parent to talk when you have problems, no hate to Joyce but you could talk to Wayne about drugs, sex, police and about anything else and he will never and I mean never be upset or judge. Like Joyce would’ve yelled at you for doing drugs and explain how dangerous they are and Wayne will simply tell you to be safe
Argyle has IBS
Jonathan will physically fist fight you if you put your outside clothes on his bed
Erica is a little evil child. She once went through your wallet and absolutely roasted the shit outta your id photo
Mike once threw up in an empty fast food cup and didn’t know what to do so he hid it under his bed for three months
Steve called all of his friends over to his house because his dad hugged him. It was genuinely a very depressing party
Every time hopper cooks everyone needs to smile and nod while choking down the meal
Jonathan says things that cause an extensive amount of concern, “I think we should start legal euthanization at age 65”
You can’t help it but when Eleven was going through her a few words era you couldn’t help but laugh especially when hopper told you about her whole ghost thing
max was a little middle school drug dealer. Girl used to steal loose cigarettes and pills out of the medicine cabinet and sell them
Joyce is a clueless queen! You’ve come over with Jonathan higher than a kite and devoured everything in sight while opening cans after cans of soda and take one sip before leaving it somewhere and she just thinks you both had a long day
Nancy gives everyone makeovers
Max is a little pissed off human and sometimes you just make her sit down and drink an apple juice cause she gets aggressive
You were Dustin’s first kiss at the winter dance and you earned him some street cred for bringing someone older and kissing them
Steve will never let you live down your kiss with Dustin even tho it was literally a peck on the lips
Eddie once called max “carrot top” and you all had to physically detain her after she chased him down, tackled him and rubbed his face into the ground
Our beautiful baby boy Will has smoked weed and when he confessed Johnathan was upset but you and argyle were up and screaming within seconds about how you were right because that missing Joint Johnathan blamed you two on smoking was stolen by his own baby brother
Mike is a little shit head. For a solid month he carried around water balloons in his backpack and threw them at his friends whenever he got the chance but he eventually stopped after Max held his head in the sink until he almost passed out
Everyone goes to Lucas’ games and cheers him on like the proud little family you are
Dustin can’t lie for shit
You’ve caught Hopper beating his meat in his office and you cried while he apologized over and over again
Joyce is a pumpkin spice queen. Halloween is coming and mama Byers has cute little orange and brown decorations with so many pumpkin spice candles it’s all anyone can smell due to it burning into their nose hairs
Steve has a box of tissues and wet wipes in his car for El when she gets her nose bleeds
Lucas doesn’t do blood. Someone’s bleeding? Boy is passed out
Holly barks.
Ted has hit on you. Many times.
Argyle and Johnathan have made out in a high state
Nancy gave El a makeover once, one time. She did the works, hair, makeup, and clothes but when hopper came home to his little girl with lipstick and a dress on he lost his shit, never again.
Robin has intense arachnophobia. Like the sight or even mention of spider she’s lost it, itching her body and looking around for the bug
Nancy has a gun chest. You saw it one time while at the wheeler house when the girl was searching for her lipstick and walked over to her bed, pulled out a large wooden chest, pulled the key out from her shirt where it rested on a chain and unlocked the large chest. Probably fifteen guns sat in it, she reached in and fumbled around before pulling out the tube, you stood behind her in shock
“Nancy. WHAT THE FUCK?!”
You got Will absolutely fucking annihilated one night after he begged you and Johnathan to let him share a beer with you guys. You agreed but one turned into two and two turned into the boy fast asleep on the bathroom floor
Lucas has this little girl scream that everyone finds hilarious. You found it out after a long Halloween night, everyone practically crawling back into the Byers residence when out of no where a masked figure pops out of the bushes and yells, Lucas in his fright screamed at the top of his lungs which scared all of you more than the figure. The figure pulled off its mask to reveal max who stood with her mouth agape staring at her boyfriend. You spent the rest of the night trying to scare him again
Robin gets everyone Christmas presents. They may not be as extravagant as Steve’s presents but they’re thoughtful, she got Nancy gun cleaner, Johnathan a rolling tray, Steve got Farrah Fawcett spray and so on
When Billy was still kicking it he loved rom coms and chick flicks
Steve’s Bi. He is and I don’t care what you have to say
Robin tried to smoke but a single cigarette caused her to go into a coughing fit until she puked
You, Steve and Eddie share the children. Like you each have a day as if you’re a divorced throuple co-parenting. One day someone’s on snacks, someone’s on the head count and entertainment while someone else drives and it switches on days
You three have definitely pretend you were the parents of the kids when out in public. Using excessive pet names and telling the kids to go see “mommy/daddy” just to see the rise it got from people around you
You tried to take everyone to see a movie like in theater and it was a shit show. Dustin wanted the sour patch kids but Lucas was eating them, Will didn’t want to sit so close to the screen, El didn’t like how cold the theater was even tho you told her to bring a a blanket, Max fell asleep, Mike kept asking questions, Eddie was yelling at Mike, Steve got up and left and you were on the verge of crying. You all never did that again.
Mike has ADHD
The kids are kind of scared of you when you get pissed at them. Like sometimes when you’re not there Steve threatens to call you
Steve has coffee with Joyce and they talk about being moms
Hopper likes to tickle El. He loves to see her squirm and scream through deep belly giggles as she kicks her feet and tries to fight him off
Eddie peed the bed till he was 13. Sometimes still does.
You gave El, Max and Erica the period talk like the whole talk. Explaining tampons, pads, cramps, hygiene and all that goodness. You made sure they were prepared with their own little period bags and that they knew what to do in case of an emergency
Steve is Reba. He’s a single mom who works two jobs, who loves his kids and never stops
Hopper asks so many questions when he finds out Robin is gay. He’s not asking them to be weird it’s just he has a daughter and he wants to know these things just in case she may or may not like girls
Hopper also had you give him the period talk, he now fully understands the difference between flows, best aid for cramps and how to get blood out of anything
One time while watching a true crime documentary Argyle and Jonathan saw that they caught a guy because of what he was buying at a hardware store, they didn’t believe it so they bought as many ‘serial killer’ things they could at a hardware store to see what would happen but the girl at the checkout stand just thought they were building a sex room
Will, Mike, Dustin and Lucas sneak behind the curtain at family video, ya know the one where they show pornos and old guys go wack off in a room together? Yea the snuck into one of those, Will didn’t really want to but his friends were going so he went but anyway it was really awkward when Steve pulled them out by their shirt collars and kicked them out
Dustin’s mom listens into all of his calls and it’s gotten to the point that when ever one of the group calls they say hello to her
Lucas’ mom is an essential oil mom and he’s not allowed to have sugar
You and Eddie have a mutual agreement that if you’re not dead, in jail or married by 30 you’ll marry each other and raise cats
You obviously aren’t gonna be marrying each other….
Max has a collection of knives that is quite concerning but hey at least she’s got a hobby
Dustin’s mind was blown when he first saw Rocky Horror Picture show. He ran to the record store and asked if you had a copy of the soundtrack which you responded with a “it’s been out for like 10 years man. No?”
Eddie worships the ground Meatloaf walks on. Not the food, the musician (rip)
Steve LOVES Grease
Nancy is secretly a little metal head
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Hey can we please hear more about the dnd campaign?
Of course! I assume this is about the slenderverse campaign I run, so I’m gonna talk about that, but if you wanna hear about the other campaign I’m a player in feel free to ask lol
So we play every Wednesday, we’re about ten sessions in, and I’ve got four players, all playing fucked up teenagers living in a tiny ass town in Ohio in 2016. They’ve all got custom subclasses based on the EMH Everyman play character archetypes. 
We’ve got Kaesy, an orphan living with his ex-FBI agent grandmother who now runs a bakery. He’s a conspiracy theorist with a cryptid themed podcast. He used to live in New Jersey with his parents until they were killed by the rake. He’s the party’s Voyeur and he hasn’t quite figured it out yet but he has some childhood connections to the EMH crew. The party has fully taken to calling Habit his best friend bc out of everyone in the group he’s kinda the one Habit has taken to fucking with the most, to the point that they're like fully penpals at this point. They fully just text each other and it’s so fucking funny bc I can tell that the party is lowering their guard around him slowly while I know full well that he is like. the main antagonist of the campaign.
There’s Abigail, who happens to also be an orphan who’s parents were killed by the rake. Abigail and Kaesy’s players fully separately both wrote backstories in which their parents were killed by the rake. The funny part is that Kaesy’s player doesn’t know shit about the slenderverse, so he fully did that shit on accident, while Abigail’s player fully knew what he was doing. Anyways, Abigail’s parents raised her like fully off the grid in the woods, and now that she lives with her uncle, an ex-college professor turned cop, she is only going to school and participating in society as a whole because legally she has to. Her inventory looks fully like a normal dnd character’s inventory, weapons and rope and torched and shit. Not a single school supply. Her player is the only one who knows slenderverse lore and also she keeps finding lore shit and then hiding it from the rest of the party bc none of them trust each other so that’s been really fun. She is the Firebrand of the group and ended up connected to all this shit a) bc of her family’s connection to this town the party lives in, and b) bc her uncle fully used to be a film professor in Alabama and may or may not be in some way connected to Marble Hornets. He’s slowly started to take on the sort of vibe of The Guardian archetype (bc our pc who took that subclass hasn’t quite fully played into the vibe) so you can see where that may or may not be going lmao
Then there’s Logan, who is one of my personal favorite pcs. He is a fake-woke hypebeast vlogger/streamer with a kind of neglectful family. He used to live in New Jersey with his father until his father died and he moved in with his mom and her girlfriend in Ohio. His mom gives off like girlboss silicon valley business woman vibes and everyone thinks she’s a higher up in some big cosmetics company up in New York. Which. Uh. Between you and me, is not the case, at all. She’s fully a part of ‘The Family” from Whispered Faith, and spends all her time that she claims she spends on business trips to New York in New Jersey. She is so incredibly neglectful and may or may not have something going on with Lexx <3 Anyways I am entirely planning on making Logan a Carrier to pit them against each other. Don’t even get me started on Shelly, his mom’s girlfriend back in Ohio, I fucking love her and she’s never done anything wrong in her life. But yeah, Logan fully like tries to sell his merch in the hallways at school cause he couldn’t figure out how to set a merch website, and constantly lands in detention for it, and like hangs out with all the popular kids even though they’re mean to him. He once started explaining fnaf lore to one of the other pcs in the middle of an emotional argument and then somehow managed to actually make it work to get his point across, and he carries around a shit ton of youtuber books and like entire packs of lacroix in his bag. He’s the Everyman of the group.
Lastly we have Jasmine, who is so incredibly annoying and so incredibly fun to fuck with. Her dad is the mayor, she’s student council president, she gets straight A’s, she volunteers at the church on the weekends, and she is such an entitled and overly sheltered asshole. She is supposed to be our Guardian, except that she has separated herself from the party in such a way both emotionally and physically you would never be able to tell. So at this point I’ve just started manifesting a religious trauma fueled Alex Kralie arc for her. Her father canonically had a scandal before the last election in town where he was caught kicking a dog on camera at a campaign event and if that doesn’t say enough about what’s happening in her family I don’t know what else you want me to say. Jasmine’s absolute ability to be the most frustratingly annoying character to work with possible is the source of the campaigns long running ‘roll to spontaneously combust’ which has recently come back to haunt me. You can read about that here lol
Things have been really fun so far, they spent the first few sessions running around the eastern US trying to get back to Ohio after a mix of a slenderman encounter and some Habit fuckery landed them in Alabama along side two other NPCs, Mr. Laurel, a first year art teacher who was in charge of them in detention when shit went south, and Mae, a mysterious classmate of theirs who was later found out to be related to Alex Kralie. They met a lot of people along the way, namely Habit, Tim, Skully, Stan, and Patrick, and eventually ended up back in their small town in Ohio, where some of them have started trying to figure out what the hell happened to them and some of them are trying to go back to normal. And by some I mean exclusively Jasmine is trying to pretend nothing ever happened and it is going incredibly badly for her on a number of levels, meanwhile the other three are starting to uncover the mysteries of the town but have gotten no closer to figuring out why the hell this is happening to them. 
I should probably stop rambling here lmao cause this post is getting really long but like feel free to send me follow up questions about the town or npcs or encounters they’ve had so far because I could literally talk about this forever
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trvelyans-archive · 3 years
i am on my hands and knees begging for u to tell me about lila and margot 🙏
jasmine.............. thank you for this gift
under the cut because i expect it’ll get very long <3 :) update after i finished writing: it is, in fact, very long and also took me over an hour. so. take that as whatever sort of warning you might want.
let’s start with margot !
she was born to a couple of really young parents who..... did not want to be parents. at all. they were still in the party-and-get-drunk phase of their life and didn’t want to have a kid to worry about, so a large part of her childhood was spent couch surfing between relatives, mostly her grandfather.
they were really close! he would help her with her homework, they would cook together, he would let her drink underage so that she was well-versed in beer by the time she was like. idk. 16 lol. but she felt closer to him than her own parents, who were good when they were around but. they mostly weren’t around <3
when she was 19, her grandpa starting showing pretty serious signs of memory loss and whatnot and eventually had to be moved into a home. she was living with him by that point, so she had to continue to spend a year or so of her adult life couchsurfing. it didn’t help that she was in school full-time to get an engineering degree of. some kind. i think mechanical engineering. idk. and didn’t have a job, so to pay back her roommates she took up a majority of the housework as well as picked up odd jobs on the weekend. her grandpa’s health continued to decline through this time so she didn’t actually mind being busy because then she. didn’t have to think about it at all <3
and then.............. when she was 20......... her boyfriend of a year  suggested that she not only move in with him but that they get married and margot, who has never had stability ever in her life, jumped at the opportunity !
after she graduated, she found it incredibly hard to find a career (even though they were in the same program and He had no trouble finding one), so she was back to not working but her husband didn’t mind and he supported her whole-heartedly. during this time she started running and then eventually started going to a gym with a couple of her female friends from their neighbourhood! she would also spend a lot of time at her grandpa’s but his health was still rapidly declining. eventually her now-husband said that she should probably stop visiting him and margot was like “.... ok i guess”
And then. :)
she kept spending time outside of the house and started taking self-defense classes with a few of her friends and her husband was started to get very antsy. he wanted her to be at home, told her that he didn’t like her going out at night or, eventually, at all, and would find ways to keep her home every night so she didn’t go out. during this time he also started getting. um. very manipulative. he was easily triggered into starting arguments. so she increased the frequency of her self-defense classes and, eventually, they became Very Useful in an argument with her husband. so. we hate him :)
after that she filed for a divorce, moved away and changed her name to her late grandmother’s last name. she started working at a gym in her new town and eventually decided to open her own ! she had gotten the building about 2-3 weeks before the outbreak hit and didn’t have any furniture or equipment of any kind, so she met up with 2 middle-aged women from her old gym and they travelled together until one of them was bitten in a fight with walkers and dragged into a big crowd of them to be eaten and the other one was bitten and margot had to shoot her when she got zombified and tried to attack. :(
that’s where i have left off for now but i am going to develop her More the more i watch the show !!!
okay. backstory over. now for the fun bits:
her faceclaim is mackenzie davis specifically in terminator (without the. lines on her arms and whatever idk what those are) and this picture is the most margot-vibe imaginable.
the haircut was an incredibly recent choice but it came in handy during the outbreak because she didn’t have to worry about keeping hair out of her face. girlboss !
she is 6′2 :) her and her husband were funnily enough the 2 tallest people in her graduating class
she spoke occasionally to her parents after graduating and moving away but they fell out of touch a year or so before the outbreak began and she......................... unsurprisingly doesn’t miss them at all
she has 1 keepsake and it’s an old keychain of her grandpa’s and if anything happens to it. she will kill everyone in any room and Then herself !!!
she likes to where tank tops to show off her big arms. is this very ergonomical in the apocalypse where zombie bites can kill you instantly ? nope! will she do it anyway to intimidate people ? yup!
she Cannot cook. at all. she lived off of take-out and microwavable meals for the first 20 years of her life and then she always had someone else making food for her until she moved away on her own when it was back to takeout.
on the topic of food :) her fave foods are mac and cheese with breadcrumbs and meatlover’s pizza !
she will do literally anything for a good beer. anything. she keeps an eye out for them every time she goes scavenging in buildings and will try to get at least 1 bottle per trip. girlboss !
she cannot sing. in fact she’s not just average, she’s Terrible. she can, however, play mad guitar because her grandpa taught her.
now onto miss lila :)
she was born in a town a couple over from rick’s and was the younger sister of 2 ! she had a really great family and a very very happy childhood :) her dad was a wildlife rehabilitator and her mom was a landscaper who took a lot of pride in their nice big backyard and garden and Land where they. you know. rehabiliated the wildlife and what not
she worked a lot with her dad and mom at their wildlife centre and also helped her mom garden a lot (their house was on the same property as the centre so it was a nice big plot of land). she took a lot of interest in rehabilitating animals and it sparked a very early childhood interest in Caring for things (namely little wild critters) which extended to her helping out little kids on the playground when they got scraped knees and things. she always had a package of bandaids in her backpack from second grade on. an angel <3
in her final year of high school she had a very quick fling with a boy from her high school that ended… poorly. and then she got pregnant! which she. Did not expect. nor want. nor need in her life because she was planning on moving to atlanta to go to medical school and kickstart her career. her sister, who had recently dropped out of school and lost her job, decided to Take One for the team and claim the baby as hers so lila could go to medical school and stuff. their parents promised to take good care of her and they all made a plan to hide lila’s pregnancy from their town (although i’m sure literally everyone knows anyway) and then she moved away in the summer after giving birth to go to school
she quickly finished up her nursing program but was out of job for a few years until she got a job offer to be the nurse at king county elementary school aka the school were one Carl Grimes goes to school. she moved there in may and one night, when her car Squealed to a stop in front of a dog who had run away from his home and was being chased by. Um. a certain sheriff’s deputy who was intending on bringing the puppy back home <3 they got to talking and. Well. the rest is history…..
she was a very beloved member of the staff and kids would often fake sick just to come to her office and get a sucker and she grew esp close to the grimes family :D after a couple of years living in king county she got a job to start working at some fancy prep school in atlanta and decided that actually she might want to. You know. start being a mom now that she was finished with school and had a career. so she moved away from king county at the end of the next school year and was unfortunately in atlanta when it was bombed by the government at the start of the outbreak so she and her daughter and sister all died :) and that’s that !
some fun facts because that was a very depressing end to her story:
she always has suckers in her office at school and her favourites are the watermelon ones.
she can often be found gardening in her backyard or watching the birds in the trees like a little nature baby !!!
she is very meticulous about planning. she Does have a daily agenda. she Will kill you if you touch it. shane likes to leave her little notes in it for her to find when she’s at school. sometimes they are not Just cute. she usually erases those.
she likes collecting ugly thrift store paintings of animals and hangs them up in her dining room and she Does think they are incredibly funny.
she is a vegetarian !!! very unwavering about it. shane finds it annoying because he’s good at cooking steak but she just has a salad and then they’re both perfectly happy <3
sends basically everyone she knows a Christmas/holiday card every year. even the teachers at the elementary school who don’t like her and or barely talk to her !!!
she is a terrible maker of tea and usually forgets about cups before she’s even halfway through them (thank god for her). makes everyone tea when they come over except shane (stupid ass) because he doesn’t like it and usually people just politely swallow it even though it’s too steeped or. sorry idk how tea works. she just Makes It Bad ok
she perpetually forgets to do laundry. Most of her non-scrubs have dirt stains or dressing stains or whatnot (except for her Really nice clothes) which is why she tries to buy a lot of patterns. makes things easier to hide <3
and that’s it for now !!! i have so much other lore for them but i will stop here for now :) thank you very much if you read this also i’m very sorry i have twd brainworms i cannot help it. anyway ok that’s it thanks love you bye
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samirafms · 3 years
[ sahar luna, cis female , she/her ] have you seen SAMIRA  FARAS lately ? yeah, i heard they're 22 years old and a SOCIALITE now in charleston city. i mean, i don’t know if it’s their GEMINI vibes or that they’re -MANIPULATIVE and -SECRETIVE but also +FLEXIBLE and +CUNNING, but they remind me of MONEY by LISA. here’s to hoping they don’t cause too much trouble around here. (J, 21, she/her, gmt +3 )
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hellooooo everyone it’s j yet again , coming in HOT with a new muse ( correction new mess ) but anways you know the drill so like this or message me on discord @ jules#6729  if you’d like to plot  
you know me and my obsession for pinterest boards so click here to find it 
before i start with all the talking here are some quick facts 
dob: june 6th 1999
lives with her mom only , father is unknown ( at least that’s what her mother says ) 
no other siblings aka shes an only child ( of her mother ofc ) 
moved to charleston at the age of 10 so she’s been around for about 12 years now 
nicknames: mira ,sami though she prefers to be called by her name instead of nicknames 
dyes her hair a lot like but prefers being a brunette 
is pansexual
before we get to samira’s birth , we have to go back to where it all starts with the young alia faras , a woman born in charleston with dreams of becoming a world-famous actress , and a drive so big as if there wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do in order to achieve it . it was at the age of twenty-four when samira’s mother packed everything and her beloved charleston to achieve the hollywood dream. but things didn’t exactly start off as good as she hoped for , one audition after the other , the rejections kept coming and coming as if there was no end to it . but alia never stopped dreaming , she knew there was someone out there who would be willing to give her a chance and so here he was , a beautiful man by the name of REDACTED , whos promises were so big that she couldn’t say no to an offer like his. not only was he kind , but the missing ring on his finger could only mean that the man was single, and before you knew it , the man who was willing to help her become the star she is destined to be he also suddenly became her other half , her soulmate . this relationship was like no other , he cared about her so much , in a way no other man did before him . 
months go by but the mans promises never come to realization , she never got the roles she wanted , but hey at least they loved each other right , there’s still time for her to shine , she’s still young after all . and before you know it the young woman had not only fallen head over hills for this man , but was also bearing his child  , news that ware supposed to tighten her relationship with this man and maybe seal it forever , her fairy tale world suddenly crashed as the man revealed that he already had a wife and children of his own , and alia and her child had no place around him anymore . and here she was pregnant and alone , about to face a life she wasn’t prepared for . 
the first nine years of samira’s life weren’t too good . her mom was working two jobs so she can pay their bills , she was often left with one of her mom’s friends/neighbors since samira’s mom didn’t exactly have the time or money to be a mom . but it all changed suddenly when on her 10th birthday , when her mom rushed home and packed their bags , claiming they were going to a much better place and so charleston was introduced . suddenly their small apartment was gone  , instead the two lived in a big house filled with everything one could imagine . ever since then samira and her mom have been living a pretty lavish life , with neither of them having to work at all , but the question still remains , where does all their money come from 
ok ok so you’ve guessed it probably but basically mommy went all girlboss and threatened samira’s dad for money or else’s she’ll ruin their picture perfect fam . and since the mystery dad is a pretty big deal he started paying an allowance of sorts where he pays them a huge amount of money so they keep everything under wraps  
girlie is very that bitch , shes obsessed with herself 
sis is secretive af like she doesn't share much about her home life even to her closest friends 
shes spoiled rotten by her mother 
get extremely mad when people ask where the money comes from like just dont 
is willing to do anything to achieve her goals 
can easily persuade people to do dumb shit with her 
you know me always down for brainstorming but here’s a few quick ideas 
ride or dies ; exes on good / bad terms ; fwb , one-night stands / hook-ups ; enemies ; enemies to friends and vice versa ; childhood friends ; - aka the ones i had on romeo im sorry but my mind = blank 
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