#and then for my own solo projects...
purityvalentine · 5 months
i want to do more covers.
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yukipri · 6 months
I finally got a beta for my fic!! May I introduce: Sabo!
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For his first time editing, he deleted my entire chapter and instead wrote:
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Wow, he can type with his ass. Skills.
April Fool's (but he really did type that)
Cats tag: #YukiPriASLKittens
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✧✦✧ “Fragments” - episode 9 ✧✦✧
No courage to stretch out your hand (yet)
Raha’s teal eye looks out of place among all the warm colors, which is unintentional and totally not some kinda foreshadowing :>
New reader? episode list on tumblr | webtoon
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Books of 2023. ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SOLITUDE by Gabriel García Márquez.
Currently reading! This has been languishing on the TBR for a While™ and came highly recommended by a bookstore coworker. I'm only a couple chapters in, so far, and the family tree is ~Messy~, but the prose is lyrical and lovely!
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magentagalaxies · 4 months
update if you're anxiously awaiting the follow-up to my post from last night: i went to the open mic and performed one of my aubrey monologues!! tbh this performance was the best any of my aubrey performances have gone so far (tho to be fair that's a bit of a low bar. i don't mean to be self-deprecatting or discredit the people who have seen my performances so far and liked them, i'm mostly judging from how it feels to be performing which doesn't always line up with outside perceptions etc.)
idk if it's at a level yet where i'd want to post the video bc there were two main spots where i know my pacing could have been better, and also the audience barely laughed (which was fine bc there was barely anyone in the audience and they were spread out throughout the room and people tend to not laugh as frequently when they're by themselves) but that might make the audio seem weird
but as for positives: most of the people at the open mic had their notebooks/papers/phones/etc. with them bc they were trying out new material and had to check it as they went, which is a fine and normal thing to do, but it really made me stand out that i had my monologue completely memorized (which was very cool bc like. yes i've done the uncle reg monologue more than any other but i have revised some pieces so they were new, and i didn't even practice the monologue at all during the day leading up to the open mic! it's just in me!)
i still need to work on my physicality a bit more but wow this stage made such a difference. for one thing it's the first actual deliberate performance venue i've done aubrey at (i had three shitty classroom performances and one at a coffee shop which even tho it technically had a stage in the corner it clearly wasn't the main purpose of the room). and even more important it's a stage i've performed on so many times in a different context (with my improv troupe) that i felt more comfortable walking around and using the full space rather than standing still
interestingly even tho i was definitely an outlier in many ways compared to the other comedians (youngest performer, only performer who's not a cis man, potentially the only queer performer tho i can't be certain of that since i don't know some of the other comedians on that level) i actually really loved that contrast bc it brought more energy to my piece (and i have a high tolerance level for cishet men, especially in comedy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i am who i am).
surprisingly i was not the only "extra" comedian (as in, a comedian that requires things other than the bare essentials to perform their set) but that's just bc my favorite improv scene partner was also performing tonight and he did a whole bit that involved a candle, two lighters, and a tarp, which made my character-schtick seem average in comparison lmao
i'll probably do another one when i can (they're the first thursday of every month, i might be in toronto for july's show but i'll probably be around for august)
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mythesque · 4 months
i genuinely cannot pick a favorite out of tsukasa's commissioned songs. ive been just laying here for like half an hour, listening to all of them, picking them apart, turning them around in my brain but it just feels impossible to choose haha like the closest thing to a conclusion ive been able to come to is that its not 88☆彡 but i still love that song!!!! but the other three i can listen to any one of them and plausibly be like "oh yeah this could be my favorite." filament fever and mr showtime occupy a more similar space in my brain like the reasons i like them are more similar than the reasons i like tondemo wonderz, so i could almost say those two are tied for my favorite but then it feels so wrong to not also pick tondemo wonderz and so we are right back where we started w a whole three out of four being my ""favorite"" and basically the moral of the story is tsukasa has good commission songs LOL
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debdarkpetal · 1 year
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Freddie with Rudi Dolezal.
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ankhkheperure · 11 months
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Day 16: Angel
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suga-kookiemonster · 10 months
me, a person who knowingly hyperfixates on things i like until i basically start to hate it but is always somehow still surprised when i follow that exact pattern: wow, i guess i really put miles on my ateez playlist, huh 😳
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sparklecarehospital · 2 years
Is sparklecare on hiatus because you’re working on karmageddeon?
no, but i am working on it because i have free time and want to produce and work on some sort of content
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hazardsoflove · 2 years
thank god julie decided to play me all of stomachaches last time i visited
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furykept · 2 years
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if anyone is interested though, i have been testing out a solo muse on her own blog to see if i am comfortable writing in the fandom again, and i've decided that i am, with some extra care in curating the dash! so i can be found on @distortedbeat. just be warned that it's bnha, so. tread with care please.
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idolpyre · 1 year
headcanon &. destiny
⠀ ⠀★  send  headcanon  +  a  word  and  i’ll  write  a  blurb  about  it  !!
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⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀whenever i think of minjun, i immediately think of the quote :
" this was always going to happen. she's been dead since the beginning. "
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀just because i think his destiny has been sealed ever since the day his father died. minjun was destined to follow him into the grave. maybe he stood a chance, his career was already dying enough, so maybe he didn't have to go with it but — his fate was definitely set in stone as soon as jiwoon had joined no spin. this is how he'd die. and there was nothing minjun could do but blame himself for whatever jiwoon had become, unaware that there was a darkness within that boy long before minjun even met him, that he couldn't have helped him if he tried.
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀it also makes me think of this beautiful reply eggy ( @allkilled / @obituaried if ur not following them literally what's the point ??? ) wrote for me that to this day still FLOORS me because it just !!! it fits everything that became of minjun !!
" and what can I say of you? Burned too bright before you made it? Your soft heart ate you alive from the inside out, and the industry swallowed you up long before I could sink my teeth into you. "
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀minjun has been dead since the beginning, has been a victim of the industry long before he was jiwoon's. he was destined to burn as bright as his fleeting career had, a supernova for the masses to witness in all of his glory. he can only hope that his destiny has left a long lasting impression on those that supported him, that his fans think of him and feel warmth, and that they remember him for what he was, and not what he became.
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be-good-to-bugs · 2 years
:) thank u project diva mega mix for saving me this year i owe u my whole life
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luke-shywalker · 4 days
let me know if you need anything
“Hey, Solo!”
Ben looked up. The sudden motion triggered a dull ache in his right eye—he winced.
“Uh—sorry.” Amalia came to a halt in front of him in the grass. The tall, bulky Togruta girl always looked like she was going to barrel right into you, but always managed to stop a few inches short. Back when they’d hated each other, Ben had thought this was some kind of intimidation tactic. But now that they were something like friends, he realized that she was just…well…awkward as heck.
Amalia peered at him and at his covered eye, then tapped her own cheek. “You look like one of the deep space pirates.”
“Wow,” said Ben, deadpan. “I’ve only heard that about five hundred times since I came back to Jedi school.”
“What’d they do to you, huh?”
Ben juggled the air with his hands, trying to figure out how much detail to go into. “Uh…they cut my eyeball open, and sewed a synthetic band into it to hold it together and make it stop falling apart. Basically.”
“Whoa. Sounds gnarly, dude.” Amalia paused. “…Can I see?”
Ben laughed. “Bro. Do you want to see?”
“I mean? Kinda? Will you like, die if it’s exposed to air?”
“Listen, I’ll show you, if you want to freaking see so bad.” He lifted the patch. He had to manually pry his eyelids apart—they were still swollen. He closed his left eye, just to see how well he could see her—everything was sort of a bright, slanted blur.
Amalia made a face. “Ew. It’s all red. Is that blood? Nasty. I see a coagulated mass of—something. There is straight-up slime in your eye, dude.”
Ben put the patch back on. “Yeah—I’ve been trying to, like—cry it out, but I can’t think of anything sad enough to make me cry. I dunno. I’ve had a hard time feeling emotion lately, in general.”
He said it, and then realized he hadn’t wanted to say it. He backtracked as quickly as he could.
“But now that you’re here, Mal, all I gotta do is look at your ugly mug,” he quipped.
Amalia rolled her eyes so hard she pretty much just rolled her whole head. “Hardee har har. Have you looked in a mirror? Geez, Solo, you can’t say shit like that to girls.”
“Oh—you’re a girl? Oh my Force, I didn’t realize. Sorry, miss.”
She wound up and punched him in the arm. Hard.
“Ow! Bruh. I’m already injured.”
“Well, you weren’t injured enough,” Amalia huffed. “Fixed it for you.”
“I’m telling Uncle Luke.”
“Yeah, go run and tell your Uncle Luke. Pissbaby.”
Ben tried to think of something clever to retort, but then his eye started hurting again, and he felt kind of sick. He hissed and lowered himself down into the grass, which seemed to initiate a truce.
Amalia leaned down. “You okay, bro?”
“Are you still allowed to train and stuff?”
“I’m not supposed to do any ‘strenuous activity’ for four weeks.”
“Well, you were never getting any, anyway,” Amalia snickered. “Now you just have an excuse.”
Ben wrinkled his nose. “Ew. No, I mean…”
“Does lifting rocks with the Force count as strenuous activity? You’re not technically lifting them physically.”
“Eh. I always give myself headaches when I do that normally, anyway, so…maybe just littler rocks.”
“When are you gonna be able to see again?”
“Out of this eye?”
“Yeah, well, which eye do you think I’m kriffin’ talking about, dumbass—“
“I don’t know.”
“…Damn.” Amalia sat down next to him. “Sucks.”
“Yeah, I mean…I know it’s gonna be months. Maybe a year. And I don’t even know if it’ll ever be the same. Probably not.”
Amalia twitched her lips to one side. “Does it bother you?”
“Like, what, the pain? Or…”
“No, like…losing your vision. Like, coping with the loss.”
Ben shrugged. “…I dunno. Sure ain’t the biggest thing I’ve lost. It’s hard, I guess, knowing you’ll never be the same, but…I was already never gonna be the same, so…” He trailed off.
Amalia nodded at the horizon, picking a blade of grass apart with her fingers. “Yeah…I get how that is.”
They sat there in silence for a few moments. A low breeze came and rustled the grass.
“…Maybe I’ll gain some kind of extra Force sensitivity,” Ben said hopefully. “To compensate. Or something.”
“Yeah,” said Amalia. “Or…maybe you won’t, and you’ll just be half-blind.”
Ben threw her a tired glance. “Thanks, Mal. You’re a real pal.”
“What can I say? I try to offer a realistic outlook on life.”
“But, for real though…let me know if you need anything. Okay, Solo?”
Ben raised an eyebrow. “Like what? Another punch in the arm?”
“Well, yeah, if you need that, I’m your girl. But, uh, seriously. Like if you need to talk, or…” She gestured vaguely at nothing.
“No offense, Mal? But you are not great at talking.”
“Hey. Never said I was. Just said that I would. Or if you wanna, like, just go throw rocks in the pond together, or something. Go look for weird bugs. Climb that cliffside Luke said not to climb. You know?”
Ben smirked. “Ha. Okay. Yeah. Gotcha. And then I’ll bang my head real hard, and knock out my other eye.”
“Exactly. You get me.” Amalia stood up and dusted the grass off her tunic. “Well…I’m on kitchen prep with Fannie and Meliko tonight, so…guess I gotta go. Do an extra meditation for me, will ya? Fannie drives me nuts.”
“Really? She’s so nice.”
“Yeah,” Amalia scoffed. “That’s what drives me nuts.”
Ben snorted. “Well, okay, Mal. See ya at dinner, then, I guess.”
“Will you see me though?”
“Dude, shut up!”
#looking into the multiverse and ben solo’s eye gets fricked up in every one#except for the askbensolo canon because. yeah I project onto him but that would just be embarrassing.#amalia#my writing#ben solo#askbensolo#(kind of)#ok what I don’t get about my own au and my own oc is:#amalia is supposed to be Luke’s first and best student but like. how.#her character is so…not light side so how was she the most accomplished jedi.#me. explain.#maybe she just knew all the correct jedi teachings but never figured out how to implement/embody them#maybe that was what was so frustrating for her. knowing all the right answers but not feeling like it clicked for her.#anyway so I know there are canon jedi students now but I MADE MY OCS FIRST BEFORE THAT#that makes my OCs more real than the canon ones. that’s how that works.#nah just kidding but what I mean is I’m too attached to my OCs now to get into the canon jedi students#sometimes…I wonder…if ben and amalia are shippable#I think she kinda likes him#I think he sees her as one of the guys#I think they would be extremely toxic to each other and it would never work#I think they’re too similar of people and don’t have enough to offer each other as complements#and also that they’d literally kill each other#it would be hilarious if they like. tried dating once.#and then for the rest of their lives joke about how terrible of an idea it was#amalia’s such a disaster. like. even worse than ben. somehow.#I honestly kinda hated her for a long time#mostly because she’s based on me in ways that I hate lol
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leatherbookmark · 4 months
hypocrisy hours because i was in the "ehh i don't get it" camp back when hobi released jitb but omgggg how can you not vibe with rpwp, it's so vibrant and funky, it follows its own path and color without caring for the trends, it fuckssssss
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