#and then getting random headaches and visions of the dude who burned your home out of no where
ff7boi · 5 months
think it's crazy that cloud was convinced that he wasn't a real person sometimes,, like shinra and sephiroth fucked him up so badly that the end product was a mentally broken cloud who genuinely believed he was never real and just essentially a lab experiment like how badly you got fuck with someone mentally to get them to that point man
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darawonplease · 4 years
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✵ ch.3 – blackout.
「 ☽ Ian's POV」
「 Ian, you’ve hid in your apartment for a week now, are  you alright?」
「 Dude, we need you at the studio」
「 I’ll get your lazy ass myself, I fucking swear」
I scrolled through the DPR group chat out of pure boredom, nothing more.
“450 missed messages, huh?”.
Quite a rare scenario, I was the person who usually spammed nonstop in our group chat, bothering the others.
I threw the phone over the coffee table in front of the leather couch where my body was laying, restless, completely drained. Like a stalled car I was stuck there, my limbs dangling down, almost touching the ground.
The sun splashing into a bundle of warm colors was a view I enjoyed quite a lot from my living room’s large windows. I almost refused to acknowledge how stunning that was just to keep lurking in the darkness, tucked away from any worry.
Defeat left such a bitter taste in my mouth. Our label was going through some rough times and I had abandoned the ship and retired in the comfort of my home for the time being.
I had felt strange ever since Chaerin left for LA. An eerie feeling stalked me each and every step I took, not allowing me any peace.
I looked over my shoulder, my home was completely trashed. Plastic bottles and takeaway boxes were scattered on the floor, my bed undone, all of the surfaces covered in dirty clothes, used glasses. A crack house would’ve been 10 times more hospitable than my apartment.
Maybe it was Chae’s sudden departure or maybe I was just exhausted by the useless amount of editing I did for some - now cancelled - DPR projects. A lethal mix of both certainly put me at my knees when it came to my psychological and physical health.
Overworking was my way to keep my mind busy and forcefully kick out any thought regarding her absence. It worked for a while until that day. The blackout.
I could sense a growing tension that took over me the moment I got into a fight with Dabin.
I couldn’t believe I had let myself get into those conditions. I was forced to contain my rage and melancholy inside the walls of my house; it was the only way to protect the people around me from my mood swings and irritability and, ultimately rest for a bit. I felt like shit.
With the last ounce of strength in me, I dragged my body over to the bathroom.
The mirror’s image told me that wasn’t me. That wasn’t Ian. Ian wouldn’t go into hiding in times of need. Ian wouldn’t get into violent fights. He wouldn’t disrespect his friends. That was the worst version of Ian. The scruffy looking hair, the unshaven face, the deep dark under eyes sitting under those dim eyes, the healing bruises on the cheek. I despised what I saw.
A deep voice started echoing in my head suddenly.
you’re pathetic.
fucking look at yourself.
you look like shit.
I firmly held my head between my hands, my brain felt like imploding in that instant. My hands started trembling out of control. I watched them twitch like crazy, completely powerless over them.
The more I tried to make up the details of my face in the reflection, the blurrier the vision in front of me became.
“Fuck… not again”.
I woke up, strangled by the warmth of my dirty sheets. The stank of cigarettes and whisky choke me, almost making me gag.
“I need to change these”. I immediately thought to myself as I shoved them away from my body.
That persistent headache finally ceased to bother me; its intensity was nothing compared to the one I had the night before.
I slowly turned my head to the right, the blinds cut through the sunlight, just letting a couple of rays penetrate in the dark room as the day was breaking in.
I followed one of the gleams until it hit on tan bare skin.  Someone was lying on the other side of my bed.
A woman with platinum hair cascading on her pale face was still fast asleep beside me.  
I flinched at the sight of her unfamiliar features and covered my mouth to prevent myself from waking her up.
“Who is this person?” - I thought to myself, as I panicked to get out of bed. I needed to wrap my head around what was happening.
I desperately tried to cling onto the blurry, fleeting memories that vanished in the distance the more I tried to recall them. That now familiar feeling of loss slowly ate away every bit of my sanity.
how did this person end up in my house?
and in my bedroom?
did we…?
I wasn’t one who would hook up with random people. I just wasn’t that type of person.
I was definitely too old for that stuff and yet- a naked woman I didn’t recognize was in my bed.
I just couldn’t resolve the mystery as to where I had possibly met her, I could swear I didn’t step out of my house all week for the fear of hurting someone else. No matter how hard I tried to put together the clues around me, the puzzle was missing too many pieces.
maybe she just walked to my place.
what if I downloaded a dating app?
I frantically looked for my phone under the pillows, the bedsheets, in the drawers of the nightstand. With my face squished against the cold floor I scanned under the bed only to find a pile of random clothes that I then started to go through.
There it was, buried under the mountain of dirty garments. I immediately searched for any dating app or messages on my phone to confirm my theory and prove myself I wasn’t actually crazy but to no avail. Of that sort of thing, not a trace.
“Good morning”.
The woman wrapped her arms around me and whispered in my ear with her raspy morning voice.
I froze in place, my mind going completely blank. Having that huge blackout of events didn’t give me any peace but It wasn’t the time to play detective. I had a complete stranger in my bedroom.
“G-good morning”. I forced myself to greet her with a confused smile.
She kneeled to get her stuff from the pile of clothes that stood up at my feet and started dressing up. I immediately turned around in shame at the sight of her naked body, my ears were burning red.
“Why are you so shy all of a sudden, oppa?”.
“Come on, don’t be shy oppa!”.
Chae gently pushed a bowl of rice towards the other side of the table, where I was sitting.
“Just eat to your heart’s content”. She flashed her usual bright smile.
“If I'll find myself at the hospital for food intoxication, I will make your name Chae”.
I pointed at the chef with the spoon in my hand and chuckled, I just loved teasing her.
“Don’t be ungrateful and just eat, will ya?”. She pretended to be offended, crossing her arms and such. It was so obvious that she was anxiously waiting for my critique.
Without further ado I picked a spoonful of fried rice and started munching with no particular expectations. Not because I expected her to be a bad cook, I just didn’t want to put my expectations too high only to be left disappointed.
An explosion of flavors mixed and popped in my mouth. The aroma brought me back to when I was a child and my mom used to cook me a simple fried rice dish before leaving to work. Chae’s cooking felt like home.
I slowly nodded my head in satisfaction and licked my lips.
“It’s… meh-…alright”. I teased her again.
“Alright?! Spit what you ate, this instant!”. Chae threatened me with the wooden spoon she just picked up from the table to hit me on the arm.
“CHAE, OUCH, IT HURTS” - I hurriedly took another spoonful and immediately stood up from my seat, fleeing toward the hallway of her apartment.
“COME BACK YOU IDIOT!”. She chuckled.
The annoyingly loud sound of the intercom made me snap back to reality.
“Hello? You okay? Someone is outside the door”.
The platinum-haired girl waved her hand in front of me to make sure I was listening to her, which I wasn’t until that moment.
I shook my head and sprinted towards the door.
“Come on man, don’t make me buzz for other 5 minutes”. I heard Scott’s stern, yet familiar voice.
I opened the door to find him and Cream on my doorstep, a dead-serious expression plastered on both of their faces. They made their way into my apartment before I could say anything.
“Wait guys I-“.
“Dude, you look like shit”, Cream exhorted, putting his hands at his sides.
Scott looked around my living room, his expression was distorted by a mix of disgust and disappointment as if he walked into a true crime scene.
“What’s up with this Ian? When did you start to smoke legit cigarettes?”.
“Me? You know I don’t smo-“.
He picked an ashtray stacked with cigarette butts from the coffee table and looked back at me with frustration.
“Where does that come from…?”, I muttered under my breath, surprised by the presence of that object in my home.
Cream carefully walked towards the kitchen, almost stumbling in some empty beer cans, “This is so depressing man”, He inspected the empty bottle of what looked like Jack Daniel’s on the messy kitchen counter.
“When did I drink that? Wait guys- “.
“Whoa Ian, are you not going to introduce us to your girl?”.
I widened my eyes at the sight of her; I had forgotten about the stranger in my bedroom for a hot minute.
 A drip of cold sweat dribbled down my forehead as I panicked to recall that person’s name; my mind could only crash into a blank wall.
I paused for an awful lot of time until she interrupted me.
“The nerve! How come you can’t even remember my name? After last night…You know what Mito? You’re a jerk”.
An explosion of pain spread in my left cheek as she slapped me. She then marched directly out of the door, showing me her middle finger as I held my face in agony.
“Man…”, Scott sighed, “I see you’ve been keeping yourself busy lately…”. He pushed aside the stuff occupying the seating surface of the couch and made space for himself.
“Did she just call you? Mito? Ian? Are you into role-playing?”, Cream asked letting out a small laugh.
“Into what?...”.
 “Nevermind”. He heaved a deep sigh and slowly walked towards me, avoiding the trash on the floor like an obstacle course.
I just kept silent. I couldn’t throw a fit again just because I was so burned that I had a complete blackout. I just couldn’t.
“We left you alone for just a week and you managed to turn your pretty apartment into a dumpster”.
“And the girl? You never told me about that pretty blonde girl, did you? Ian you rascal”. Cream grinned, with a proud smile.
“I- I met her recently I guess…”. I lied, not knowing how to justify myself.
Pushing onto his thighs for support, Scott stood up from his seat, “Ian… I know It’s not the best of times for us right now… but hang in there, okay? We’ll get on our feet soon, we do need you though”, He shook my shoulders to make sure I listened to him.
“Yeah sure…”. I just kept nodding.
“You still haven’t talked with Dabin, did you?”.
“I haven’t”. I looked down at the mess in the living room, attempting to avoid his inquisitorial gaze.
A raw and unfamiliar beat started playing out of the blue, interrupting Scott’s soon to be scolding.
“Look Scott, Ian actually worked on something”. He redirected his attention towards me with a satisfied smile on his lips.
Scott raised his eyebrow and looked over the laptop, “Have you?”, his eyes went back to me.
“This? No-”
The strained vocals on the track suddenly became an unsettling background to the messed-up scenario.
 Scott’s scrutinizing gaze felt like a heavy blanket over my body. I could sense the abrupt change of atmosphere, the growing distance between the two of us, the distrust.
“Well, that’s your voice Ian. If not you, who did?”, he smacked his lips.
Cream kept looking around my laptop, “This demo is very aggressive, it’s quite unlike you”, he exhorted.
“I like it, It has character, It’s something different from what you usually write”.
I dashed towards the computer to verify myself.
 「 maybeittookover.m4a」 
“It happened again huh…”. I murmured under my breath. That was the second time an unknown track appeared on my desktop out of the blue.
“Ian? Are you ok? You’re spacing out- like a lot”, Cream tilted his head at me, “Wait, are you high?”.
“N-no, I’m just really really really tired, that’s all…”.
Scott took a short trip to the bathroom only to throw a towel on my head.
“Wash up, we’re taking you to get a breath of fresh air”.
previous chapter. ✵  next chapter. ✵ masterlist
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spruce-button · 5 years
A Scraped YHS Fic
I put about an hour into writing this altogether. I didn't have a plot for it at all and didn't know what i was gonna do with it. I then made a plot for another fic that would have cancelled these 1300 words in five seconds so I'm not going to work on this anymore. I thought about deleting it but figured that someone might want to read this and it could be a intro into my writing. Sorry for any mistakes, I wrote this on my phone. So here you guys go.
     Grian was just visiting. He was going to leave as soon as he could and didn't plan on visiting again. He had things at home to deal with. Yet he went back and got stuck. He couldn't leave now. He was to blame for all of this. Grian had to help Taurtis.
     Or was he Taurtis?
     It doesn't matter. He had to help the person he was supposed to be. He didn't care what he had to do to help everyone he could and fix things. He had to get rid of Sam.
     Oh did he love hearing Sam's bones crack everytime he was pushed off the ladder and he loved watching Sam crawl around the school.
     Grian won't ever admit it, though.
     It was quite refreshing to see after hearing the blood hit the ground after Rowan was stabbed.
     He'll forget about it at some point. Well, he hoped he did.
     Grian's throat was burning and he wanted to die. His throat was closing up around the sharp plastic he was swallowing. His tears were pouring into the cuts on his cheeks and into his mouth. His tears tasted better than the plastic and stomach acid.
     He hadn't eaten anything other than plastic and stale, crumbled chips in weeks. He was desperate for anything else. Grian was going crazy and he wished for Rowan's help. Or anybody's validation. Maybe just a carrot.
     He felt so frail and useless. He was nothing.
     And you better not forget that.
     He was pressed up against a wall again. This one was so much colder than the one in the kissing shed. It was in a house he didn't want to be in and he was hearing voices he didn't want to hear. This wasn't right. He deserved it, though. 
     "What's up with Taurtis? He's so weird."
     "I don't know, dude. He's been acting so weird lately. I think he's gone a bit crazy."
     They would start laughing later. It was a little too much for him. He couldn't move himself from the corner. His hands were shaking and he couldn't feel his hands. The plastic hurt so much.
     Grian's heart was racing by this point and his vision got sharper. He rubbed his eyes, they stung. He was so tired.
     He woke up to Sam kicking his foot. His back hurt and he wasn't registering what Sam was saying to Jerry, but he got up anyway.
     He never wanted to wake up.
     In his dreams he felt safe. There were people who still cared for him and gave him proper attention. It was in a world that didn't exist and where he found people he loved. He had friends there.
     At some point during the day Sam had swung his arm around his neck and squeezed a little too hard for a little too long and he developed bruises. Okami was concerned when they got to school and told Rowan, but they didn't do anything. Ellen took him home and helped him. That was enough for now.
     He sat next to his girlfriend quietly. She didn't really talk and Grian had no reason to. She gave him some sort of warmth and he loved her but it wasn't enough for him. He would never tell her. He had no right to tell her what he wanted when she had been so kind to help out while the adults did what they could from afar. Sam ruined his life and he couldn't take much anymore.
     Silly visited him the next day when Sam and Jerry disappeared. It was comforting knowing that there was someone else there for him. With each day he was becoming more like her and she seemed to be more open to him. That was also nice.
     She brought kind words with a kind voice and apologized on her parents' behalf, they hadn't been there for him much after Rowan was stabbed. It was too dangerous for the family. Silly assured Grian that they were getting someone to help him. Someone who was more capable of protecting and comforting him. He was glad. He wouldn't have to deal with Sam much longer.
     When Sam and Jerry got back they were off. Sam was irritated and Jerry seemed upset, which scared Grian immensely. He was scared of what would happen to him.
     Jerry went off to bed but Sam stayed up. He said that he needed to spend some alone time with his best friend.
     "Taurtis you are making our new friend feel unwelcome and I don't see why you have to go and do that." Sam's words were simple and terrifying, Grian has heard them so many times yet they keep on getting worse with each passing day. He constantly thought about them and how they were affecting him.
     "I don't mean to." They had a script now, the conversation would usually end like that. With Grian's half apology and Sam going to bed, but Sam sat down on the couch.
     "I'm going to need more than that Taurtis. It's not enough. You're absolutely worthless." That he was.
     "Well-I I am having a hard time. This is a little much for you and you won't admit it." Grian didn't know exactly what to say exactly, Sam broke off of the usual script. Grian was thinking for himself at that moment and he felt like he had crossed a line.
     "Taurtis, I'm going to need you to try a little harder you're being a terrible friend and your not acting like yourself, go and eat your Toritos."
     Grian was lost. He needed to go home, to his actual home he left with his parents and back to his cat that he missed so much. He was forgetting what it was like to be happy or be with someone who he cared for and each conversation pushed him further down the rabbit hole. God did he miss his cat.
     He wanted something good from this place. He wanted at least one good memory that wasn't tainted in blood soaked sand or manipulation. He knew that was too much to ask for. It was hopeless.
Chapter 1
Taurtis' sweat bands were starting to get sticky and smelled absolutely terrible. Grian's wrists were too small for them and definitely not made for him. He didn't fit them but Sam made sure that he'd grown into them.
Grian was bothered that he couldn't think for himself, so he thought about it constantly. He was in high school, he shouldn't have to worry about abuse from his friend's, he should be worrying about who he was going to hang out with next or his girlfriend that he hasn't been able to even look at for a week. It got so bad that in the few breaks from his thoughts he would wonder if she actually existed. Surely the girl he liked with the purple hair and one less eye was real, right?
Ellen was one of the only lights shining through the blinds in Grian's mind. He couldn't not have her. She had to be real. But she wasn't and he now knew this. He was alone.
Silly helped out, though. She gave him support and soft laughs. It never lasted long.
Oh God he was stuck down Sam's rabbit hole and it was getting deeper and darker every day.
There was no Taurtis to help him anymore.
The concrete started to hurt Grian's feet after an hour of walking around town with Sam, Yuki, and Jerry. Yuki had been trying to get sam to buy her food for ten minutes now and Sam had surprisingly been ignoring her squeal and whines. It gave Grian a headache from his place behind the three so it must of been so much worse up ahead.
Yuki eventually gave up when Jerry asked Sam if they could go to the manga shop. She knew there wasn't any good food around the manga shop and the only snacks were JerryKats and Toritos and she refused to even look at the things. If Grian had the choice he wouldn't go within ten meters of either but he didn't. 
He tried his best not to pay attention to what Sam was saying anymore, it was all useless or aggressive and hurt people who were hearing in and he didn't want to be hurt anymore. Today, though, was strange. He couldn't help but listen. Grian didn't know exactly why but it was probably Sam' glances around the area when they would pause their walk or the strange panicked changes in their route to downtown and the random cuts through people's lawns.
"I swear to god someone is watching us, Jerry. I bet Taurtis back there is trying to do something weird, let's ditch him." Sam whispered something else to Taurtis and they ran from him. He was too frail and exhausted to run with them but he still tried to catch up, he didn't know what he'd do if they left him. He failed miserably and eventually lost his footing and fell into a bush in front of a small store.
Grian sat there, confused and dizzy. His lungs hurt and refused to get up. He much rather sit there full of dread than die in the middle of an alleyway he'd eventually pass out in if he continued.
His skin became raw and red from and the tiny scratches made by bush twigs and his shirt tore. Sam was going to kill him.
A few people passed by the half asleep Grian before Okami found him and called for her husband. Rowan came and helped Grian to the school. It was safer than Sam's house. Grian couldn't go back there for a bit in his current state, he needed to be patched up and to at least sleep in a chair instead of a room corner.
Grian had gone to sleep and Rowan left to go make actual food for him as Okami watched him. She had always felt terrible for leaving him at Sam's house and not helping him and she knew Rowan did too, it was just too much for Silly and they needed to protect their daughter. They did what they could for the time being and tried to get anyone to come help them. It was very difficult.
Grian slept for a very long time. Rowan's food had gone cold and Okami had to leave, but Rowan stayed, he failed Grian once before and couldn't do it again.
The morning was better for Grian.
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maryjvnes · 7 years
i don’t want to be a superhero (4/?)
summary: you’re a new enhanced individual in new york that has the ability of pyrokinesis and telekinesis who gets on tony starks’ radar after you saved his car from crashing. meanwhile peter becomes interested in you.
part one
part two
part three
“a blue energy? like wanda’s?” peter asked, hanging from the ceiling. “that’s what bruce said. they haven’t wanted to answer any of my questions.” you said, watching him. a few days had passed and you and peter became friends, of course peter was still kind of shy but he was opening up and asking questions instead of just listening and nodding. you came to accept you had a crush on him. how couldn’t you? he was cute, smart and didn’t seem to mind that you could throw and set things on fire with your brain. but you didn’t want to make anything weird (or weirder) so you just tried to ignore your feelings while you talked to him. “well… have you tried recreating it?” "uhh.. i passed out last time and my brother threatened to cut off my phone. and tony was really serious about me not trying it. i’d rather just my old brain strength.” he smiled and laughed at you for being so simple. peter actually thought you were so cute and was thrilled that you actually wanted to be his friend. he thought the kitchen incident exposed how he felt to you but lucky for him, it seemed like you didn’t think much of the fact that he talks to his best friend about you on the phone. he couldn’t help but feel shy around you but tried his best to be confident. "you know, when you first got here, i was really jealous of you.” he said jumping down to sit on the couch next to you. "jealous of what?” you asked. "mr. stark always showed interest in you from the jump. he always talks about you and actually tries to… be there for you?” peter’s cheeks were red and you stared at him in disbelief. "peter… i saved the guy’s life. he’s just a little thankful but that doesn’t mean he’s choosing favorites. tony talks about you too! dude he built you two suits worth millions of dollars! he always listens to your voicemails, and i know because i’ve heard, and he trusted you enough to fight with him in berlin when he barely knew you. besides i’m not a superhero. when i leave, you’ll still be here by his side and he knows that.” you felt weird saying your last sentence, you weren’t sure why you brought that up and you weren’t sure why you felt some type of way. "when you leave?” he repeated. "it’s bound to happen when i feel like i have total control over what i can do.” you said quietly. “you’re fine with not doing anything with what you can do? you can lift tons and control fire and you’d rather live your life as a regular person? pretending to be regular?” peter’s voice got more serious as he went on which started to make you uncomfortable. he was judging you and it made you mad. you felt your head get really hot and hoped you could control it. "i never wanted this… whatever it is. i don’t want to be a super hero! i don’t have the same drive you or any of the other avengers have to save people. i just want to learn how to live without hurting or freaking out the people around me.“ you clenched your fist as you felt more and more overwhelmed. peter was right in front of you and you didn’t want to hurt him.“and when the bad things happen?? you’re just gonna sit at home and pretend you can’t do anything?” peter wasn’t backing down on his argument and it annoyed you too much. you felt your emotions break from your mental grip and your hair shot up in flames, making peter jump off the couch. "this is what i mean! i’m not a hero!” you felt like crying but instead of tears falling, the fire covered more of your body and you couldn’t stop it. before the flames could reach your knees, tony, wanda and adrian walked into the room and adrian ran to you. "hey hey hey hey, it’s alright, it’s okay! i’m here! you’re fine, just cool down, just breathe.” adrian grabbed your hands and tried to calm you down. it was unknown to the both of you why it never burned him when he grabbed you while you were like this but his touch made you feel cooler and you came down from your outburst "there you go, you’re fine. think ice.” he said, ready to catch you. you were always so weak after a full flame panic attack you could barely walk. "what the hell did you do?” tony was pissed and only saw one person responsible for this. i- i don’t know! we w-” peter still shocked and scared from what just happened couldn’t think of what to say. "you knew she was recovering from an incident, parker! what if she were to drop right here? that would be your fault! did yo-” tony was ready to pop off on peter until you spoke up. "it wasn’t his fault. it was a random outburst. we were just talking when it suddenly happened. he had nothing to do with it.” peter looked at you and back at tony then back at you. he was surprised you didn’t blame him. "are you sure?” tony asked you while looking at peter. "yeah, i guess we should practice on me controlling this more.” "i guess we should. go get some rest, we’ll talk about practice tomorrow.”
adrian walked you to your room and you laid down on the bed. usually by now you were knocked out, but everything peter said replayed in your head. you weren’t afraid of the fire to come because you were out of juice anyway. but it still felt like a punch in the heart. "what happened?” adrian asked, sitting at the foot of your bed. "like i said, we were just talking when it happened.” you tried to play it off even though you knew he knew you were lying. "yeah right. what did he say that pushed you?” “it was nothing. he just… didn’t understand why i didn’t want to be on the team. it annoyed me and then it all happened too fast.” you felt bad that your feelings got to you so quickly and wondered how peter was feeling. "are you sure it was just the words he said or also that it came from him?” "what do you mean?” adrian put his hand on top of yours and let out a soft laugh. "it’s pretty obvious you… like him or whatever. i could see why him judging you would overwhelm you.” "i thought you would set him on fire yourself if you knew.” you said, remembering what he said what seemed like a long time ago. "well i can’t do anything if you’re trying to set him on fire yourself.” you laughed a little but thinking more and more of peter made you sad again. "it’s also pretty obvious he likes you too… and it’s obvious he doesn’t know what to say to girls. he’ll apologize.” "but he wasn’t wrong! that’s the thing! he told me the truth straight up to my face, adrian. i’m over here planning on going home to be normal after i’m done here. i’m never going to be normal! i’m always going to be able to lift tons and control fire! and when the bad things happen…. it’ll be my fault if i don’t do anything.” now you started feeling actual tears fall, which surprised you. crying isn’t something that happened to you a lot. "so what are you trying to say? you want to be a superhero?”
down the hallway, wanda walked into peter’s room. “no, i’m not here to yell at you too.” wanda said. peter turned around in his bed, he was never going to get used to her reading his mind. "is she okay?” peter asked avoiding her eyes. “she’s fine, she’s strong.” wanda said. she wanted to find out what happened, and although she knew from digging in his head.. his head didn’t explain why. "that’s good.” peter said quietly. “so what happened?” "don’t you know already?” peter didn’t want to be rude but he already felt like shit. "yes but what i can’t make out is if you said what you said because you were actually mad at the fact that she wasn’t going to become one of us or because when she’s done, she would have to leave.” peter snapped his head up at wanda and she raised an eyebrow. "w-what do you mean?” "no one has to read your mind to know you like her. so why don’t you tell me why you got so upset?” peter sighed and tried to think of all the reasons "at first it was because she said she was going to leave. but then it was because she has so much potential and power to be so great and she’s throwing it away to be like… like any other kid. if i wasn’t spider-man… i would do anything to be like her. i guess it made me upset but i didn’t know that would happen. now i just feel bad…” wanda was overwhelmed with all the emotions peter went through to explain and looked away. “explain yourself to her then. she reacted like that because she was upset you judged her. your intentions are good, peter. she’ll understand if you speak with more empathy. maybe you’ll even get her to change her mind.” “you really think she’ll want to become one of us?” he asked. he felt like a little kid but couldn’t help it. he wanted you around and wanted you on the team. "i have a feeling.”…the next morning you woke up with a headache that didn’t surprise you. you got up and went out into the living room and saw the place where you almost really set peter on fire. you looked at it for a moment before vision’s voice shifted your focus. ”(y/n)! i made breakfast would you like some?” peter immediately turned his head from the tv and saw you walking to the kitchen. “go say something.” wanda said quietly. "you’re finally going to ask her out?” scott said, laughing and oblivious to what happened last night. peter ignored him and walked to the kitchen. "would you like a third plate as well, peter?” vision said. you turned to see peter at the dining table and you felt embarrassed. "no vis, i just wanted to talk to (y/n).” peter didn’t break eye contact with you and vision got the message. you set your plate down and peter sat across from you. “look if tony made you come apologize, you don’t have to. it wasn’t your fault. i overreacted an-” "i like you.” peter said. he didn’t know where this confidence came from but he wanted to use it before it went away. "what?” "i said what i said to you because i was upset that you wanted to leave. but then i realized you were going to go home and pretend to be someone you weren’t, when the person you already are is the most interesting person i’ve ever met.” you felt your cheeks heat up and you didn’t even notice that the volume on the tv was turned all the way down in order to listen to your conversation. but peter continued anyway. "i’m not trying to recruit you because i think that’s mr. sta- tony and cap’s job. but you’re really special, (y/n). it would suck to see you throw away what you can do.” you felt like crying while hearing peter talk but you sucked it up and made up your mind. "if i stay even after i’m done… you’ll teach me what it’s like to be on the team?” peter smiled at you and felt the heat that you radiated. "i’m still learning myself but i’ll try my best.” "ha! you lost, scott!” wanda yelled from the living room. "give me my 5 dollars!”
ANNSSKSJ i had bad writers block i have like 6 different versions for this chapter in my drafts smh. hopefully part five will be,.,…..,,,, less messy. 
tag: @nyoomiemaximoff
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