#and then he doesn't feel emotions for the next 35 years
psalmsofpsychosis · 5 months
real talk though; if i could surgically remove the Bruce & Alfred scenes out of Gotham TV and make an entire separate Batman project out of them i would, because they're so distinctly different from the rest of the show and from the common Batman comic narratives, it floors me everytime. If we take the whole show as a body, the heart is placed in Bruce Wayne and it bleeds into his relationships with people, but most importantly with Alfred. It's such stark and exciting constrast to how Batman comics generally portray Bruce Wayne or the Batman persona; Gotham!Bruce is so tender and bare and transparent, heart beating and bleeding so close to his skin, you can see when it taints through his shirt, and his moments of absolute irrational sentimentality are not played cheap or like missteps in a planned protocol rational persona, they're utterly sincere and every emotion he expresses is as integral to his character as his moments of analytical calculation.
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dalchiid · 1 year
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𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 35
A story of obsession, fear, and lust. You're a maid whose Masters forbid you in meeting their guests for the night but your luck runs dry when you run into them and catch the attention of Lord Hoseok himself. He's smitten from the beginning and thus, your fate has been decided.
Pairing: Yandere Vampire Hoseok x Fem/AFAB Reader
Word Count: 6,610
Warnings: 18+, Yandere, Obsession, Possessive, Angst, Fear, Blood, Biting, Dub-Con, Eventual smut
Will add or remove warnings based on what's in each chapter.
I do not condone the behavior being exhibited in my work. This is solely for entertainment purposes and I hope if any of you are ever in a situation like this that you have the chance and ability to run away from it. Take care out there.
DO NOT copy, edit, or repost my work anywhere.
Chapter 35 Warnings: Yandere, Possessive, Obsession, Small Mention That Alludes to Incest, Slight Angst, Things Get a Little Steamy but No Smut
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The next day you feel empty inside. You woke up with Hoseok wrapped around you as usual and you have to pry him off so you can get up to use the bathroom. You still feel tired and wish to stay in bed all day and night but that's due to yesterday's events. From the woman you rescued to Jimin's confrontation. You're having a hard time finding the right emotions to feel right now because of that and you don't know what to do about it.
When you're done you slip into bed but Hoseok is too knocked out to realize that you're back so he doesn't pull you into him. You quietly grab your phone to see it's seven in the morning and it makes sense why he's still asleep. You take the time then to search a few news outlets to see if you can find anything on the woman you and Hoseok found yesterday. You type in whatever you can think of to type. From woman held hostage to Hoseok's name to see if there are any results and you do.
'Mystery Woman Rescued by Lord Hoseok'
You blink a few times before continuing the read.
'Shortly after 6:00 P.M. a woman (name kept confidential) was seen in the streets afflicted with wounds. In nothing but her undergarments she was found by Lord Hoseok of the Bangtan clan. He rushed and carried her to the hospital where she was treated and a story was weaved.
The woman was in captivity for over a year, she claims. The person responsible for this - her brother who used her for his twisted fantasies.'
You close your eyes for a moment as you take it all in.
The woman you found yesterday was held hostage by her brother? And you have an idea of what they mean by twisted fantasies. It makes you feel sick.
'In a brave attempt to escape the woman waited until her brother was not home to untie her straps with her teeth before she made a run for it.
When asked by police where the location she was held at is she directed them to a secluded log cabin where her brother was nowhere to be found.
A conference on the matter will be held at noon today where the suspect's identity will be revealed. All in the hopes of bringing him to justice.'
And to finalize the article it reads:
'Lord Hoseok has been contacted via email for an in depth look of his view of what happened but he has yet to respond back.'
You roll your eyes.
Getting Hoseok's point of view on this is just stupid to you. Sure people don't know what happened leading up to the woman's rescue. Only you and Hoseok knew but people don't actually care. They're just interested to know how their Lord managed to find and help the woman because in their eyes he's a celebrity of sorts and if there's one thing about celebrities it's that they aren't treated like every day people. They're just there to be gossiped about.
You pull out of the article and scroll down seeing similar counts of Hoseok being a rescuer. You continue to scroll until you see one particular title that makes you freeze.
'Lord Hoseok Spotted With a Potential Love Interest'
You hurriedly click on the link and you're brought to a page that makes you feel sick.
There are pictures of you and Hoseok together. Some with you both hand in hand. From shopping to enjoying a meal together. The most recent being you two at the movies together.
Your hands begin to shake as you scroll further down the page.
'Lord Hoseok has been seen with this woman shrouded in mystery on several occasions. Together they go on dates as seen by the public.'
What follows are tweets and comments from blogs about you and Hoseok. Some ranging from gleeful point of views and others in disinterest saying as long as the two of you were happy then that's all that matters. There are some comments though that have been made that shows they don't like the idea of you two together. From calling you a gold digger while others in a fit of jealousy call you ugly.
You bring your phone down onto your chest and bring up a hand to your forehead. Your eyes are squeezed shut as you will yourself not to cry.
This is one of the worst things to happen to you. People know about you. They know your face so when it's time for you to escape if you try and seek refuge from Hoseok - the same vampire who will more than likely come for you - who is to say anybody will be willing to help you?
You think back on how Namjoon and Taehyung acted when that one guy threw his drink at you. How Namjoon threatened him. Who's to say Hoseok will be any better. Will he demand and threaten others to give you up?
You bite your bottom lip to stifle the sobs that want to be released. You're feeling so overwhelmed. You just hope and wish things will get easier for you because you can't take it anymore.
Exiting out of the article you place your phone back down on your nightstand and get up to go to the bathroom to wipe your face and blow your nose.
You feel miserable and when you turn on the light you see how red your eyes are from crying.
"Fuck," you mumble before resting your arms and head on the cool counter top.
You needed to get it together before Hoseok wakes up and starts asking questions. It's the last thing you wanted right now because you think that if he does ask questions you just might snap and you know whenever you do show some anger and defiance towards him it ends badly.
After the incident last night you hardly talked to him. You were so frustrated that he controlled your mind and it showed. He would still try to talk to you and the longer you stayed silent the more irritated he became. The night quickly turned into an early bedtime for you so you didn't get to eat again. Hoseok was so upset with you that after he gave you your high he demanded you both go to bed early. You kept your back towards him and at first he didn't hold you but you recall when you were half asleep hearing him sigh and wrapping an arm around you. Now he's fast asleep while you're losing it in the bathroom.
You push your hair back before getting another tissue to clean up and turn off the light before leaving. Your steps are as quiet as can be as you make your way back to the bed. You slip beneath the sheets and before you can fully settle in Hoseok's arm wraps around you again.
"Where were you?" His question comes out soft and groggy.
You bring the covers up under your chin. "Bathroom." It's all you can say.
He hums and draws you in closer to his front. You're practically chest to chest with your head tucked into his neck.
After a moment of silence he speaks. "What time is it?"
"It's around seven."
He hums again before kissing your forehead. "Let's sleep some more."
You don't say anything in response but you close your eyes.
It takes you a little while to fall back to sleep. Hoseok is knocked out and you can feel the little puffs of air across your hair when he slightly snores. He's comfortable unlike you so you turn around and angle your pillow so that your head is resting on it but you're also hugging it.
You try not to think about the thoughts that have been plaguing you ever since you read those articles. All it's going to do is stress you out. You try your best but you're hit every now and again by those unpleasant thoughts. It hits you hard enough that you don't hit a deep sleep. It's very light so when you wake again you don't feel fully rested. If anything you feel worse but there's not much you can do about it.
You reach for your phone to check the time and you see it's 1:32 in the afternoon. You sigh as you place it back down and it seems like your movements have alerted Hoseok because he begins to stir before giving a loud yawn.
His hand comes to rest over your back where he scratches it lightly. The feeling sends goosebumps across your body but you say nothing as you come to rest more comfortably on the bed.
"Hey baby."
You turn your head towards him and grit your teeth. He seems to notice the way your jaw flexes beneath the skin because he eyes it and gives you an unreadable look.
"Are you still upset," he asks.
You look away towards the ceiling and it's answer enough for him.
He sighs and sits up and rests a hand on either side of your head so he can hover over you.
Your eyes shift to the side to avoid his face but he just leans over more so he can be in your line of sight.
"Don't be like this," he says.
"Don't be like this," you ask in an incredulous manner. "After what you did? After everything you have done to me?!"
A frown makes it's way across Hoseok's expression. "Don't start."
You push him back as you go to sit up but one of his arms moves so it can rest across your lap. He keeps you caged like this which leaves you feeling suffocated by his presence.
"How do you expect me to be calm after everything?" Your words leave you soft and exhausted.
Silence fills the air after your question.
You don't dare look his way but you know he's staring at you. It leaves you feeling nervous and you begin to pick the skin around your nails as anxiety starts to unfurl within you.
He doesn't seem like he wants to torture you any longer with how quiet he was being because he leans in and places a kiss onto your cheek.
"Everything I do I do for you. For us."
Your eyes slowly begin to water. You want to deny him but if there's one thing you've learned about your time with Hoseok it's that as much as he annoys you you're actually scared of him. He's not entirely delusional. He just expects you to follow along with him until you finally fall for him. Him controlling your mind last night when he knew what you were about to do - it goes to show that he knows you don't want him like that. That you'll jump at the chance of freedom if you could. He's just holding on to hope that you get it together for his sake.
How dangerous is that? To know that what you expect - what you want isn't a part of the norm. To think that by pushing on forward no matter what will ultimately grant him his desires. It doesn't help, you think, that you fall before him every time with just a kiss. You let him do to you what he wants for the high but you also know you're not fully consenting because you're not entirely yourself when the high hits. A tear escapes you at the thought followed by another one until they fall from you in droves.
You hiccup before you cry fully and end up curled in Hoseok's arms as he draws you in closer to him. His hand reaches for the back of your neck where he squeezes it in what he thinks is comfort. Either that or it's a sign of possession.
He runs his lips over the top of your head in soft kisses and all it does is make you cry more. How many times have you cried already because of him? How many times have you cried over changes in your life because of him? Him, him, him. It's always him. You don't know how much longer you can hold off on escaping. You're waiting for the right moment but what if it never comes? What will you do then? Namjoom is here but you can't exactly run into his arms because no one, especially not Hoseok, will accept you and Namjoon being a thing. Just thinking about it sends you into an even bigger fit and you can't stop crying.
Hoseok doesn't shush you gently like he normally would. He just holds you close until all that's left are little whimpers and sniffles. It takes you a few more minutes to calm down but by then you feel empty inside.
When he pulls back he cups your face with both his hands and angles you up to look at him. His eyes roam over your features with a small pout to his lips as he frowns before he leans in and places a kiss to your lips. Another one and then another one.
"Things will be easier if you just accept things as they are, Y/N." He brushes his lips across yours. "Just accept it."
Your eyes shut where a few stray tears leak from them to come down your face. When he releases you you open your eyes and watch as he gets up from bed and stretches.
Just like that. As if nothing had happened. He acts nonchalant as he starts his daily routine of getting things ready for a shower. Your eyes wander around aimlessly - too spent to care for anything or anyone before you. You just are. You exist. Miserably.
He's back and forth looking through his closet for clean pajamas and when he finds them he lies them out on the bed. But before he can head back to the bathroom he pauses and looks at you.
"Are you fine with staying in here or do you want to leave?"
He's giving you an option? Oh.
You shrug your shoulders.
Hoseok sighs before resting his hands on his hips.
"I need to know so I can get your clothes ready." Pause where he nibbles his bottom lip. "If you want after breakfast you can go to the library. If Namjoon is available."
Namjoon? You would like to see him but right now you're not in the mood so you shrug your shoulders again.
Hoseok sucks his teeth before grabbing the sets of pajamas he lied out and taking them back in the closet. All in exchange for clothes to wear outside but you note something. The shirt he pulls out doesn't belong to you. It's a slightly baggy black shirt and around the collar written in red is the word 'Yours.' You know it belongs to Hoseok and you know he's purposely making a statement with you wearing it but you're too empty to care right now. Otherwise you would have made a face and probably would have convinced him to let you wear something else. Now though you just let it happen because your need to fight at the moment is nonexistent.
You hear him call out for you and so with a deep sigh do you get up and head into the bathroom. He's already brushing his teeth and you follow suit with a sullen look that doesn't pass him by. He keeps an eye on you as you try to ignore him but you know your change in mood is affecting him in a way. It's making him more clingy when he pulls up behind you to hug you after you're done brushing your teeth. Even in the shower he holds you close as the water cascades down his back.
He leans his head down to kiss the juncture between your shoulder and neck where one of his many bites lies.
"I love you," he says. "I hope you know that."
You don't respond. Instead you reach for your loofah and begin to pour soap onto it.
You know Hoseok can tell you're ignoring him but he doesn't let up. He takes your loofah from you and lathers you up with gentle touches. You let him but when it comes to washing your private areas you put up a resistance. He's not unfamiliar with washing you there but when you're fully capable of doing it yourself you make it known with your actions. He doesn't fight you on it as he begins to lather himself up and from there you two focus on yourselves before you're done in the shower.
Getting ready after is quick and you wear the shirt he gives you acting like a leash you're sure because even when he's not around everyone will be able to smell and see him on you in so many ways.
Before anything else is done Hoseok walks up to you and cups your face so he can lean in and kiss you.
"Hey," he starts. "I have no problem leaving you in the library today with Namjoon." His thumbs caress your cheeks as he licks his lips. "Just... just stay close to him, okay?"
You know what he means by that. It means don't run away.
You give him a slow blink to which his face switches into one of worry. He licks his lips again before leaning in to kiss you. The kiss is long and hard and when it's time to pull back it's done in hesitancy. He stares at you for a minute more before he says "Okay" in a hushed voice.
Grabbing your hand he leads you both out of the room to the dining area to eat your breakfast. Some of his brothers are already there. Seokjin, Namjoon, and Jungkook. You're a little surprised by the appearance of the youngest as he normally doesn't come around this early into the day. He doesn't look the least bit tired and you don't know if it's because he had a good rest or if he pulled an all-nighter that hasn't hit him yet. Either way he's here.
Hoseok pulls out your seat like usual before his own is pulled out. No one says a word at first and you don't look either of the mens' way as your food is fetched. The silence is a bit awkward for you but thankfully Seokjin goes to fill it.
"So how are you two? We didn't see you late last night."
You tense a little but your face remains devoid of emotion. You wonder how Hoseok will answer this.
"Y/N was a little tired so we went to bed early."
You scoff internally because of course he'll lie.
"That's too bad." Seokjin says. "You missed quite the shit show last night."
Hoseok hums.
His brother sits up and takes a sip of his drink. "Yeah. Jimin had a few choice words directed towards me and Yoongi."
Namjoon clears his throat. "Jimin is just upset because of the punishment."
"Well if it's because of that then you have nothing to worry about." Hoseok says. "When we came home he snapped at Y/N."
A frown mars Namjoon's face. "Why?"
"He blames her for what happened between them."
Namjoon's frown grows deeper at this. "It's his fault for even starting it."
"You know Jimin has never taken the blame for anything that he does. Isn't that right Jungkook."
The brother in question shrugs his shoulders at Seokjin. "Jimin is Jimin," he says.
"Can we stop talking about this?" Your words leave you hushed.
You really wish everyone would stop talking about your situation with Jimin as if you weren't here. It just sours your mood even more.
"My apologies, Y/N." Seokjin doesn't sound the least bit sorry. "We'll discuss this another time."
"Sorry Y/N."
Your attention is drawn to Namjoon who gives you an apologetic look. You don't give him a smile or anything and to that his features turn to one of worry.
Your food is brought out and placed before you. You half-heartedly use your fork and knife to cut the pieces apart. You could care less for food right now but you eat to sustain yourself. No longer because you enjoy it but because you need it. It catches Hoseok's attention and he places a hand over your thigh where he squeezes it for a moment before rubbing it. It doesn't bring you peace so you pull your leg away from him.
His hand slips away before he clears his throat and goes back to his breakfast.
The air is filled with chatter again but thankfully it's not about you. Seokjin seems to always have something to talk about. Whether it be casual talk or gossip. Especially gossip.
"Did you know you know who did this?"
"Did you know you know who did what?"
He speaks on endlessly especially if it's at the expense of others. His brothers are as much of a victim to his talk as much as a stranger is and they just let it happen because that's just who he is and that's just who they are. You don't think you could ever get used to that.
"So," Hoseok starts up as the conversation dies down. "Namjoon are you busy today?"
The man in question hums. "I do have something to do but if you need me I can put it to the side for today."
"Oh I was just asking because of Y/N."
Namjoon looks at you and raises his brows. "Do you want to go to the library today?"
You look at him and back at your food you're hardly eating. When you do this you miss the pleading eyes Hoseok shoots his brother's way. Namjoon catches it and nods to himself.
"We can go to the library, Y/N. If you want we can go after you're done eating."
"I'm not hungry," you mumble.
"Then would you like to go now?"
You shrug your shoulders.
No one tries to make you eat your food nor do they say anything about how distant you are but you're sure Seokjin will talk about it the moment you leave.
"Well," Namjoon says. "Let's go then."
He stands up and waits for you at the door but before you can follow him a hand stops you. Hoseok looks at you and he looks worried.
"Hey," he says. "I'll see you later, yeah?"
You only nod before he leans in for a kiss. You try to pull away but he holds you by the back of your neck. It makes you grimace and out of breath until finally he releases you. You're quick to stand up then and step out of the dining room with Namjoon on your tail.
The tall vampire doesn't say anything to you as you make your way to the library. He doesn't touch you either. He just trails behind you until you reach the room and sits in his usual spot as do you. He purses his lips before sucking his teeth a few times.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
You look up at him and shrug. "It's nothing."
Namjoon raises his brow. "If it were nothing you wouldn't look as gloom as you do now." He reaches his hand out. "Talk to me, princess."
You stare at his hand for a few seconds before you go to grab it. His fingers close around you and he holds you tight. The feeling of being grounded to something - someone makes you realize that you're not as alone as you feel and tears start to spring in your eyes.
"Hey. Hey it's okay." Namjoon stands up so he can come around and kneel next to you. "Talk to me. It's okay."
You sniffle and look down at your conjoined hands. When you take a deep breath in it's followed by a sob you're trying to keep in.
"I don't know if I can keep doing this."
Namjoon squeezes your hand. "Do what?"
Your other hand comes up to press against your forehead as you lean your elbow onto the table. "Hoseok," you whisper. "I don't know how much longer I can deal with him. I just - I don't want to be around him anymore. I want to..." You stop yourself before you can say more.
"Do you... do you want to run away?"
He's asked you this question before. You were hesitant at first. You still feel hesitant but you feel like you can open up to Namjoon more than you could before so you bite your bottom lip and give a single nod.
Namjoon sighs before bringing your hand up to his lips where he kisses it.
"I'm sorry," you cry.
"No no. Don't be. If anyone should be apologizing it's me."
You frown. "This is Hoseok's fault. Not yours."
"I know but he's my brother. Maybe if we had nurtured his problems a little less you wouldn't be feeling what you're feeling now." A pause. "You probably wouldn't be here either."
Your eyes draw up to him as a tear escapes. "I wouldn't have met you."
"I know but you wouldn't be as miserable which is the most important part of all."
There's a silence that fills the air now as Namjoon comforts you. It takes you a couple of minutes to calm down but he's with you every step of the way. His one hand holding yours while his other wipes away your tears.
"Do you need a tissue," he asks.
You nod your head.
He kisses your hand before standing up. "I'll be right back."
Releasing your hand he goes to leave the library and leaves you alone to stew in your thoughts.
Was it a mistake to let Namjoon know you wanted to escape? You're not sure now. He did his best to comfort you and you appreciate it.
It's true that you wouldn't have met him if things between you and Hoseok were different. You would have preferred that but a small part of you is happy to be here because of Namjoon alone. He's made you feel things you never thought you would. You always thought you'd forever be alone with nothing but your work to keep you company, but he's made you feel and believe otherwise. You're thankful for Namjoon. You really truly are.
After a few more minutes Namjoon returns with a tissue box he places before you. You go to grab a few to wipe your eyes and nose as the vampire pushes your hair back from your face.
"Feel better after letting everything out?"
You look up at him and nod.
He smiles at this before bringing you into a hug. Your face is pressed against his stomach as you wrap your arms around his waist. Being close to him like this brings you comfort and so you hum in content.
When he pulls back he looks down at you with both his hands cupping your face. You smile at him and he smiles back.
"There we go," he says. "That's better."
Your smile grows wider and to this he chuckles.
"I like it when you smile."
Warmth spreads across your face and ears. He leaves you speechless but it doesn't stop him from complimenting you.
"You're really beautiful you know that?"
You look away from him but he's not having it.
"Hey. I'm serious. You're beautiful."
With hesitant lips you talk back. "You are too."
Namjoon smiles and leans down to kiss your forehead.
"So. Is there something you want to do today?"
You take in a deep breath before releasing it into a sigh. "Can you read to me?"
"Of course."
"But," you start. "Can we go somewhere more private?"
His brow raises in question. "Where would you like to go?"
You don't want to be locked up in here where Hoseok can easily find you. You want to be somewhere where you and Namjoon can be free with one another.
"Can we go to the gazebo?"
His other brow joins the one he kept perked up. "Yeah. Yeah of course we can do that."
You give him a grateful smile.
"Let me just get the book we left off at reading."
And he's quick to get it. Afterwards you follow him out to the garden and into the maze. His one hand holds the book while the other rests on your lower back. It feels like it's been forever since you were last in this maze. You don't remember the way through but Namjoon remembers well. He is in no rush as be guides you and you're quick to reach the gazebo where you sit on the cushioned bench and him by your side.
"Comfy," he asks.
You nod.
"Good." He begins to flip through the pages until he finds where it is that you left off. "We'll start off here then." He points to the text.
His deep voice lures you in and you can freely imagine the characters in the book interact as they do. At some point you rest your head on his shoulder and he pauses. Without a word he angles his body where he can rest his back against the gazebo and maneuvers you so you can rest your back against his chest and can follow along with his reading as you gaze at the text.
It's comfortable like this. After starting off having a shitty day Namjoon like a hero swoops in and makes things better for you. Even if it's only temporary you enjoy yourself.
You close your eyes and take in your surrounding through smells like the garden around you and Namjoon's soft scent. Your ears perk up here and there as Namjoon speaks and feel the cool breeze that you're thankful for in this Summer heat. Here and now you can imagine it's just you and Namjoon. Nothing to ruin your day. No one to ruin what you have now. It's nothing but peace and when you least expect it you start to doze off. Namjoon seems to realize this from the sound of your breathing and your heart beat begins to settle for a softer pattern and so he chuckles. The sound startles you a little and you look up at him with a questioning hum.
"You're falling asleep on me," he says.
"Sorry." You burrow your face closer to his neck. "I just feel so calm out here with you."
You nod your head.
Namjoon hums. "You know what will make this better?"
He places the book to the side and grabs your chin so he can angle your face towards his own.
"Kiss me."
Without hesitation you lean in and he meets you halfway.
You're absorbed by the feel of his plush soft lips while his hand that held onto your chin moves up to cup your cheek. Your lips move in tandem and you feel so free like this. Engulfed by everything and anything that is Namjoon and you feel the need to have more of him.
Your tongue peeks out to run across the seam of his lips. He pauses and breaks your kiss apart so he can lean his forehead against your own. You try to press your lips against him again but he pulls back.
"What's wrong," you ask.
His eyes are closed as he takes deep even breaths.
"You know if you kiss me like that you're going to feel the high."
He was right but you shake your head.
"I don't care."
He chuckles. "I won't be able to control myself afterwards."
"I don't care," you say again.
His eyes open. "Say that again and I'll do whatever I want to you."
His thumb rubs against your lips where you nip the tip of it.
"I don't care."
Namjoon gives you one last long look before he kisses you fiercely and you react in an instant.
You wrap your arms around his shoulders as he leans you back onto the bench. Your lips part as do his and immediately you feel the high once his tongue meets yours. You whimper in his hold to which he growls something possessive. It sends goosebumps all along your body.
Your legs come up to wrap around his hips where settles between them. He keeps a bent leg angled towards the floor because he's too large to fit both of you like this on the bench and just the idea of that makes you moan into his mouth.
Namjoon pulls back to look at you as your eyes glaze over due to the high. You look thoroughly fucked and he hasn't even done anything else to you yet.
"Look at you," he says. "Do you want more?"
You whimper. "Yes."
He leans forward to lick a vertical stripe over your lips before shoving his tongue into your awaiting mouth.
You feel bliss and you want more. You never thought you'd be able to experience this without Hoseok and now that you can - knowing you're experiencing this with someone you like - it's sending you to orbit. Even more so when you feel something hard press into your stomach.
Namjoon pulls back again to watch you as you writhe beneath him. He kisses your cheek and he decides he'll wait for you to come down to talk to you again.
The high feels so good and washes over you in waves of pleasure. You feel like you're on top of the world and you can't have enough of it. When you do start to wind down you sigh and blink a few times as the hold Namjoon's saliva had over you starts to dissipate. It's a shame to have to come down but when you do you give Namjoon a smile. One that he mimics adoringly.
"You good," he asks.
"Yeah. Yeah I'm good."
He pecks your lips before resting his head into the crook of your neck. You hold him close and wiggle a little underneath him to which he groans.
You freeze. "Are you okay?"
He hums. "Yeah just..." he pauses and adjusts himself through his pants. "You got me a little worked up there."
Your face heats up as you bite your bottom lip. "Do you want me to help you with that?"
"Fuck Y/N you can't just say things like that." Namjoon groans.
"Why not?"
"You have no idea how badly I want you to help me with it but now is not the time."
You pout and when he looks at your face he makes a sound that's a cross between another groan and a moan.
"If Hoseok has an issue with you smelling like me as is can you imagine how he'll feel if I were deep inside of you?"
The idea of that brings a kind of pleasure to you and when you least expect it arousal pools out of you and you know he can smell it because he curses under his breath.
"You're going to be the death of me."
You giggle. "What happened to you saying you'll do whatever you want to me?"
His brow raises. "You're being a bad girl, princess."
Your hips buck up into his. "I like it when you call me that."
"Fuck." He rests his head on your shoulder. "Keep up with that and I'm taking you up to my room and finishing this off."
"Would that be so bad?"
He laughs. "Oh you're a really bad girl."
You join in with his laughter.
"But seriously." He pulls back. "We shouldn't right now. Hoseok is too close to do anything else. It's already bad enough that you smell like me. Now you're going to have to change your underwear because of how divine you smell right now."
You bite your lip and hum. "I should probably wash up a little, I guess."
"And brush your teeth too otherwise he'll really know we've been up to something."
The thought brings a frown to your face but you understand him. So when he lifts himself off of you you stand up with a stretch.
"Will you come with me," you ask.
"If that's what you want."
You nod and he smiles.
"Then let's head back inside." He stands up with the book in hand and places a hand on your lower back as he leads you two out of the maze once again.
The two of you are quick to sneak off towards Hoseok's room. None of the maids acknowledge you two but it makes you a little paranoid that they'll talk about how close you and Namjoon are. You try to ignore it as you're about to slip into the room but you stop when Namjoon doesn't follow you.
"Aren't you coming in?"
"I can't," he says. "If Hoseok smells me in his room he'll be suspicious."
He's not wrong so you try not to pout as you step inside.
You're quick to undo your shoes and pants so you can slip off your underwear. You throw them into the hamper and grab a fresh new pair. You hope Hoseok won't notice. Just to be sure you put on a pair that is the same exact shade as the one from before before slipping your clothes back on.
The next thing you do is brush your teeth. With how possessive Hoseok can get you know you have to be careful. You wish you didn't have to do this even thougn it's for precautionary reasons.
If you want to keep seeing Namjoon you know you have to do this.
Once you're done you leave the room to find Namjoon leant back against the neighboring wall looking down at the back cover of the book. When he sees that you're out he smiles and stands up straight.
You nod. "Yeah. Do I smell different?"
He mimics your nod with one of his own. "Sha'll we head back to the library?"
You frown. "What about the gazebo?"
Namjoon walks over to you and leans down to your ear. "If we're in a secluded area like that again I just might take you right then and there."
Your heart skips a beat and he notices it because he smirks.
"Let's head back then," he says.
You listen to him but try your best to keep the thoughts of him having you from clouding your mind lest you have to change your underwear again.
You have to admit that you are a bit worried about Hoseok finding out about you and Namjoon. You can't imagine what he'll do to you if he were ever to find out. In all honesty you're playing with fire, but despite the danger you can't help yourself. Being with Namjoon has really upped your mood. Just earlier you were shut down and distant. After crying it out with Namjoon and having him stay with you these past couple of minutes you felt better. You recall admitting to him about you wanting to run away but he hasn't judged you about it. If anything he's just grown more disappointed in Hoseok rather than you. It warms your heart but you know being careful is the number one thing you should be worried about because if it all goes to shit seeing Namjoon again would be the last thing Hoseok would allow you to do. It scares you a little bit but you know you can do this. If Namjoon can keep it together so can you and so you will. Even if it's the last thing you'll ever do.
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black-arcana · 4 months
BATTLE BEAST's NOORA LOUHIMO Shares Message In Support Of Pride Month
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BATTLE BEAST's Noora Louhimo has shared a message in support of LGBTQ+ Pride Month. Taking place in June, Pride Month is a time when the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community, their supporters, and allies come together to celebrate love, diversity, acceptance, and unashamed self-pride.
On Saturday (June 1),Noora took to her Instagram to write: "WONDERFUL PRIDE month for LBTGQ+ communities and everyone who agrees for equal love, self and sexuality. I hope that one day we could live in a world where equality would be the norm in all communities.
"As a woman, I unfortunately still face unequal treatment and a certain kind of sexism seems to be built into people's core behavior (which comes from home education) and some don't even realize they are sexist. Also women towards other women and themselves. For example, it is really sad to see/hear women criticizing other women and their sexual expression or showy appearance/dressing. EVERYONE'S OWN LOOK has been the only way for women to express themselves and their own values since time immemorial. The cloak of shame was not invented by women. But unfortunately, instead of encouraging self-expression, we bark and be mean. What one says about another comes from how you see yourself and your own fear.
"Let's take off those cloaks of shame and burn them at the stake. Let's be on each other's side. Let's be on the side of those who need it. Let's jump into other people's shoes and understand that equal treatment is not an everyday life for everyone, but a struggle for it every day.
"The fact that I dress the way I want, demand respectful and equal treatment, am strong-willed, ambitious and determined, speak up for others and myself does not make me a 'bitch'. Crying, talking about my feelings/thoughts and being emotional to everyone doesn't make me weak. It makes me strong and happy when I am openly myself. At the same time, I want to encourage and support others to do the same.
"THIS IS WHY I HAVE THE BATTLE VITCH HORNS OF COURAGE. And I will always continue to fight for equality. In this world, evil is putting oneself above others, narrow realities and being greedy.
"I hope that I can have at least a little influence on how people treat each other with my own example.
"#pride #equality #humanity #goodvalues #selfesteem #thecloakofshame #proudtobeme #proudofyou"
Louhimo revealed in November that she had been diagnosed with a ruptured left carotid artery, causing the postponement the band's tour. The 35-year-old Finnish musician has since said in an interview that she has "definitely started doing more warm-up before any singing and warming down and taking care of my overall health even more than before." She added: "I really appreciate life more now. I'm thankful for each and every day and every moment that I get to live, I get to love, I get to see. I get to see people. I get to be with my loved ones and with my animals here at home. And now I get to tour in the places that I've always dreamed of. And it's not something that you should take [for] granted."
When Louhimo first revealed her diagnosis seven months ago, she wrote on her social media: "I went to be examined because of a weird pain in the left side of my neck, throat, ear and chin. At ultrasound examination the doctor found the rupture that had already started healing, and he saved my life. I was hospitalized for more exams and finally got confirmation of the situation. I was ordered to have a break on everything that might stress or increase my blood pressure for the next month. Otherwise, I could have a stroke. As you know how passionate I am as a singer and performer, the blood pressure getting high is a guarantee. So, I did not want to take the risk to die with my boots on, not quite yet".
Louhimo joined BATTLE BEAST in 2012 with no previous experience as a metal vocalist but quickly acclimated herself as the replacement for Nitte Valo (a.k.a. Nitte Vänskä).
Less than two years ago, Noora, who in 2021 released her debut solo album, "Eternal Wheel Of Time And Space", under the NOORA LOUHIMO EXPERIENCE banner, admitted publicly that she had been struggling with eating disorders and her weight since she was "a little child" and said that she was "still trying to find a balance." She added that she had "been depressed and anxious sometimes 'without a reason'."
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unlikelyaperson · 2 months
all* of my My Hero Academia OCs and their quirks
*I have more(like 2), but these are all the OCs that fit together in one story, so they will all be posted together.
Notes: Only one of them has a name due to them being considered my main OC, but if you have any name suggestions, let me know ! Also, this doesn't go over a lot of the lore it mainly just focuses on their quirks, and there are 13 different characters
word count: 900 words
cw: Character death (not descriptive)(like just a brief mention)
Group A:
First & Last name: TBD
Hero name: Metal Man (may change)
Quirk name: Metal Manipulation
Quirk explanation: The user is able to manipulate metal
Old mentor of Empath(later Circus 5: Empath)(see Group B)
A rescue Hero
Father of next person
First & Last name: TBD
Hero name: TBD and/or N/A*
Quirk name: Steel Manipulation
Quirk explanation: The user is able to manipulate steel/items that are made of steel
*this person will be apart of an incident that will cause them to lose their father and unable to continue to be a hero (cane user) (had to drop out of Hero school at 16)
((Lowkey gfs w/ healer in Group C))
Will end up living with Empath's family (and semi working for them) babysat Toosoo often
4 years younger than Circus 5/Empath
Late 20s/Early 30s when Toosoo is 15
(Helped train Toosoo for Hero work)
Group B: Hero group- CircusCircus
First & Last name: TBD
Hero name: Circus Zero
Quirk name: Circus creation*
Quirk explanation: The user can produce any item that can be found at the Circus
*His Quirk is a work in progress it might change
Father of Circus 1
Hero name is a pun(?) based of the phrase/term patient zero (because he was the factor that caused Circus one to make the Hero group CircusCircus)
Rescue hero
First & Last name: TBD
Hero name: Circus 1
Quirk name: Domain: Circus
Quirk explanation: The user able to create a pocket dimension that is large circus tent. The user is able to enter at any point but to being others in they have to be within a certain proximity to the user
Leader and creater of CircusCircus (after his father retires)
(Mother's quirk is she can pocket dimensions within pockets and bags)
First & Last name: TBD
Hero name: Circus 2
Quirk name: TBD
Quirk explanation: When the user makes or crafts something whatever the craft is supposed to be the craft gains the properties of said object
Circus 2 can use their quirk but focuses specifically on balloon modeling (balloon animals and other balloon creation)
Can give sentience to animal creations (balloon dog sentience)
Second member of CircusCircus
First & Last name: TBD
Hero name: Circus 3
Quirk name: Bells
Quirk explanation: The user is able to speak and listen through (the chiming/ringing) of bells)
Sibling and twin of Circus 4
Father's quirk was the ability to produce bells
First & Last name: TBD
Hero name: Circus 4
Quirk name: Plant (circus coral bells)
Quirk explanation: The user can create and control coral bells sprouted from their skin
Sibling and twin of Circus 3
Mother's quirk was the ability to speak/listen through plants (coral bells)
First & Last name: TBD
Hero name: Circus 5: Empath (formerly just Empath)
Quirk name: Empathy
Quirk explanation: The user can feel other people's emotions and is able to turn high amounts of emotional energy into objects* that look like they are made out of light)
*The quirk is often just used for weapons and occasionally sheilds due to the quirk needing high emotional input
Ex husband of the blood memory quirk
Toosoo's father
About(/late 30s) 35 when Toosoo is 15
Group C
First & Last name: TBD
Hero name: N/A
Quirk name: Vampire (may change)
Quirk explanation: The user can heal/regenerate when they drink blood. They also gain senses that are a bit better than a regular human. However the user is nocturnal and is sensitive to the sun.
Toosoo's grandfather (mother's side)
He is around 100-something in age
He works as a Doctor (nightshift)
First & Last name: TBD
Hero name: N/A
Quirk name: Blood memory
Quirk explanation: The user can obtain the memories of the person she drinks the blood/DNA of. What/the amount of memories she gets depends on the amount of blood. (Some memories are harder to obtain. Such as memories the victim doesn't want to share.)
Mother of Toosoo.
Works with the police (often the nightshift)
Mother's (Toosoo's Grandmother) quirk was the ability to share her memories
About(/late late 30s) 35 when Toosoo is 15
Doesn't want Toosoo to be a Hero
First & Last name: Toosoo Sotohonzaki (Romaji: Tō sō Soto Honzaki)
Hero name: Intel
Quirk name: Mind Reading
Quirk explanation: The user is able to read the mind of people with a certain distance (20 meters). The quirk gets stonger with either skin contact or blood/DNA.
went to the same school as Himiko Toga
(my main OC)
Depending on the circumstance they can work well with or "avoid" quirk that works with the mind. (Eg: the next person)
First & Last name: TBD
Hero name: N/A
Quirk name: TBD
Quirk explanation: The user can ask a question in their mind and when they make (skin) contact with a person the user will gain the knowledge of the question they asked.*
*eg: The user could ask what a person's Quirk is, then they shake the hand of that person, the user knows what the person's Quirk is.
Works as housekeeping for Toosoo's family
In her late 40s/early 50s (when Toosoo is 15)
Mother of next person (adopted)
First & Last name: TBD
Hero name: N/A
Quirk name: Healing breath
Quirk explanation: The user can heal organic materials with their breath.
late 20s early 30s
((Lowkey dating person with the steel manipulation quirk))
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faegoddessog · 1 year
 Seventy Two Hours of Bliss Ch. 35/41
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Chapter 35: The Road Ahead
Chapter Warnings: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only, Fingering, unprotected PiV, (play safe ya'll) mention of past self harm (There is help for self-harm, Text CONNECT to 741741 ), angst, possessive sex,
Series Masterlist 
Series Summary:
You are neighbors with Austin Butler on the Gold Coast of Australia just prior to shooting Elvis. You become just friends because he is taken. However, after he is single again, you both find out just how attracted you are to one another and things get unrelentingly hot.
SERIES WARNING: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only,  here there be lemons.
Authors Notes: I started writing this while remodeling my kitchen, so that informed the slightly quirky narrative. It starts slow, but once it heats up, it is on fire. I have tried to pull facts from RL as much as I could, but obviously there are some assumptions and flat out dreamy wishes  involved here. 
Chapter 35: The Road Ahead
Late one night in the beginning of July, you are lying in bed unable to sleep.  Austin is conked out next to you, he looks like an angel, breathing softly in the light of your phone. You habitually pull up your email. The top email is from the US Antarctic program. You are suddenly terrified to open it. You toss your phone to the foot of the bed like it’s on fire. 
Shit, it’s here. The thing  you have been dreaming of and yet dreading in the back of your mind is actually here. One long held, life-affirming dream potentially lying in wait at the foot of the bed, another fresh, new, love-affirming dream lying next to you. What if you have to choose between them? You aren't ready to confront a choice like this. 
What if Antarctica doesn't want you and you never end up going. One dream crushed. The other is still here, asleep next to you. 
But what if they do want you. You HAVE to go. This, plus renovating Tom and Rita’s in Greece, will complete your 7 continents. You wouldn't forgive yourself if you give up on your ‘every continent’ goal. It's the one thing that kept you going after facing death, after being broken mind, body, heart and soul. You just can’t, not for anyone, not even for Austin.  But if you go, what will happen between you? Will he still want you, will you still want him?  What if absence makes the heart grow forgetful instead of fonder. You push those thoughts away viciously, your heart rate increasing. 
Oh my god, you don't know how to feel right now, strong opposing emotions stretch your capacity to think rationally.  You swirl perilously close to that blank place of apathy. Thought patterns and emotions you thought you had dealt with, re-surfacing after so many years. The place you fell into when he left while you were still in your hospital bed. That place you went when you were torn apart physically, mentally and that fucker left your heart and self esteem in tatters.  The place of neutral feelings, everything gray and bland.  The place where bright streaks of red welling up on your arms weren't cause for alarm, just a way of feeling something, anything.  The place where living and dying were all the same. 
'Fuck no you don't!' She screams inside your head, color and knife edge emotions brought back into sharp focus, 'We are NOT doing that again! Austin isn't him. He would never do that to you!' 
You roll over and huddle into the angel's chest, hiding from what may be on your phone. Your breath is shallow and shaky. FUCK! Why can’t you just stay in the now. The literal right now, in your little Austin bubble where he is yours (and Elvis’) all day, every day.  What if all this between you is just because it’s convenient? What if absence makes him simply forget you exist? What if someone else, swoops in and takes him away from you while you are gone? You try in vain to take in big, long breaths, attempting to shove those dangerous thoughts out of your head. 
'Shut the fuck up bullshit inadequacy!" She is so much more than just a sex-driven demon. 
You start trembling, clinging to him, hoping it’ll stop before he wakes up.  Damnit, you know better than to get yourself worked up. Fucking anxiety attack. 
‘When the hell did you become THIS girl?’ you ask yourself, ‘Antarctica is your dream!"
‘When you fucking fell in love with that sexy boy right there,”  she states, "when you let yourself finally become vulnerable to someone else."
Woken by your movement and the breath across his skin, Austin folds you in his arms. 
This only manages to make you shake more. Knowing you aren't actually alone here is like permission to let all that has been running around your head leak out. 
“Hey, Kitten,” his voice gravelly with sleep.” hey, what’s wrong? I’m here baby, it’s ok. Shhhh,”
His immediate concern shifts your anxiety into tears. Damnit.
“Wanna talk about it, Kitten?”  he asks, concerned and rubbing your back, ”was it a bad dream.” 
“No baby,” you sob, “it’s this dream…It’s too good…..what if it doesn’t ….” you whimper into his chest, tears wetting his skin. 
“What are you talking about, sweetheart?” he pets your hair soothingly. 
“What if you forget …And someone else,” you are practically hyperventilating and unable to finish your sentences through your sobs, ”So in love ...  how can I … will you want...... how can I face mys- … fuck… why am I so… fuck!" tears stream down your face. 
“Shhhh, Kitten, darling,” he doesn't try to understand, he just holds you close, kissing your forehead, “I love you baby, just breathe.”
Gradually you get your breathing under control and your heart beat slows as the anxiety runs it's course. He sits up, leaning against the headboard, taking you with him. He turns on the bedside lamp, hands you the bottle of water he keeps there and a tissue. 
You blow your nose, feeling a little foolish, and sip the water. 
“Are you ready to tell me what is going on?” he asks as you hand the bottle back to him.
"I'm so sorry baby, fucking anxiety," head hanging and your hand covering your face, feeling a little ashamed.
"Whoa, sweetie," he gently removes your hand and holds it in his rubbing his thumb along the back.  He tips your chin up to look at him, "there is nothing to be sorry for. I am here for you my love, no matter what."  
His loving gaze melts you.  You take a deep breath, then another. You nod and reach for your phone.
“I haven’t read it yet to see what it says, but I got an email from the Antarctica people and um… all my anxiety just exploded.”
“Why anxiety hunny? I thought that would be exciting for you,” he frowns a little, "it's what you've been waiting for." 
“Well, what if they said no, there goes my dream of all 7 continents, but what if they said yes… and I... I leave,” your voice gets shaky again and words tumble out as if they will never be said unless you say them quickly. “What if you forget all about me and I never see you again.  And why the fuck am I being so insecure? But how can I not go, it’s my dream and yes, so exciting and I don’t want to lose you, but… I mean I would never ask or expect you to give up your career and dreams to follow me around the world carrying boxes...“
Austin places one hand on your cheek, arresting your freight train of thought.  “Oh baby, we knew this was coming, and yeah it's a daunting now that it's here, but I would never ask you to give up on those dreams for any reason.  It’s another one of those things that makes me love you," his other hand frames your face, his eyes boring into yours, "Did you hear that? I. Love. You. Forgetting you is simply not possible. Do you think I hand out custom butt plugs to everyone I’ve dated? No. You are so unique and such an amazing human.  And no, I wouldn’t give up my dreams, but I would follow you anywhere and carry anything for you. So instead of what-if-ing, let's see what they actually said,” his deep voice has a calming effect on your nerves. 
You open the phone, then shove it over to him, “You read it, I’m too nervous.”
He nods, licking his lips. He is nervous too. He scans the email. 
“They want you baby,” he smiles up at you.
“What?!” you snatch the phone from him. The email says you are the primary applicant for the Antarctica position you interviewed for last February. They want you on the winfly to prep the station for the austral summer influx.  Your contract would run until February with an option for longer should you choose. Because of quarantine procedures and mandatory training you will have to leave in two weeks. They want an answer in 48 hours. 
“Oh fuck, two weeks, I thought I’d have longer than that.” You look up at him with tears threatening.  You don’t even know how to feel; elated? sad? scared?  “Should I tell them yes?” you ask, all nerves.
“Um, you had better! You would never forgive yourself or me if you didn’t,” he knows you so well.
“Fuck, you are right. I would end up so pissed if I told them no," you realize that saying no for him would drive an inevitable wedge between you, "I guess I’m going to Antarctica!” the excitement starts to seep into the cracks left behind by the anxiety.  
“I’m so excited for you! You are gonna crush it!” he grabs your face and plants a kiss on your lips, then pulls you close for a hug. 
“I’m going to miss you so much though babe,” you say into his chest. 
“Kitten, it’s not even a year, we can handle that. Besides,  in this day and age, it’s nothing. I’ll call you all the time,” he tries to reassure you. 
You pull away from him, forehead crinkled and look him dead in the eye. 
“Oh, Austin, there is no cell service there. They barely have internet. That’s why I’m scared you’ll …. “ you let your sentence fade off. It’s stupid, the idea he’ll forget you, but the fear of losing him is bigger than you ever wanted it to be. This is why you have not gotten involved with anyone for so long. Fear of losing... again.  
“Ok then, we will do it old school and I’ll write you letters,” he smiles, undeterred, “and if they don’t have mail I’ll use a carrier penguin.” 
This makes you crack a smile. 
“Kitten, something you may not have realized about me, when I fall in love, I do it hard. And nothing and no one is going to change how I feel about you,” his hands are cradling your face, thumbs wiping away stray tears, “got it baby?” 
You just nod, holding his hand to your cheek. 
He kisses you lovingly and sweetly, then deeper more passionate but still tender. He pushes you onto your back, rolling on top of you. His weight comforting as his tongue gently explores your mouth. He kisses you until all the anxiety is washed away, replaced with pure undiluted Austin. 
“Do you want me, Kitten?” he whispers, pressing his stiff cock against your thigh, ”can I make love to you?” 
“Please yes,” you whisper back, legs spreading to make room for his hips. His mouth is on your neck, kissing and gently sucking as his hardness finds its way inside you, filling you. It feels so blissfully good. He moves in you in this sweet, gentle way. He is unhurried.  Each instroke is strangely soothing to your soul. Things have been so surreal in the world, but this, this moment, is as real as it gets. 
In the morning, you get an appointment with your therapist. You hadn’t needed a session in a while. She is, luckily, available because of the time difference. You give her the rundown of the situation and how those self-destructive thoughts surfaced again.
She talks about how something so traumatic never really leaves you, and it’s normal that they arise from time to time, triggered by similar strong emotions. You talk about Austin, about how deeply in love you are with him, how you are afraid of losing him,  all the things he did and said when you were having your breakdown. 
“You have come so far from the girl who first told me she would rather die than fall in love again. He sounds like a good one. Have you told him about what happened?” She asks. 
“Not exactly, he knows I was in an accident, he knows I was engaged. But not the whole story, it’s just not come up,” you say. 
“You should tell him, give him some context for your fears,” she suggests. 
You nod, she has a point. 
After you end the session, you and Austin facetime to your Uncle Roy. He agrees to let Austin stay in the apartment rent free. 
“I like that there is someone there during the pandemic” Uncle Roy says, “plus Austin is like family now.”  Just as he says that, Marissa walks in.
“Daddy, can I borrow the…” she looks at the screen, “Why are you watching an interview with Austin Butler?” 
Oh shit. 
You whisper, ‘Marissa’ to Austin. He raises his eyebrows as if to say, ‘you ready for this?’
Well, here goes nothing! 
“Hey Mar!” you pop your head into view. 
“It’s your cousin and her boyfriend in the Aussie apartment,  Mari Bear,” your uncle has no idea that the cat is out of the bag. He doesn’t even know there is a cat OR a bag. 
Marissa just stares at the screen, mouth agape as Austin puts his arm around you so you can  both fit into the phone screen. 
“Wait, YOU’RE THE FRENCH WOMAN?! How the hell!!” She squeals, grabbing her phone. 
“Put the phone DOWN Mari!” you say threateningly. Mari freezes. “Uncle Roy, thank you so much for being so cool about this, I need to talk with Mari girl to girl  for a second.”
“You two and all your girl talk, since you were kids,” he waves his hand, shrugs and steps out of the room. You step away from Austin. 
“Listen Mar,” you voice lowered conspiratorially, “we are not ready to go public with this so if you or anyone you know or that follows you even so much as hint that you know the identity of the ‘French woman’, anywhere online and I will 1. Never you let you meet Austin in person and 2. I will tell EVERYONE about what happened at the lake and I mean everyone.”
“You wouldn’t dare!” Mar gasps, looking around to make sure her dad isn’t near. 
“Like hell I wouldn’t. That is how important this is to me, and yes, I still have the negatives,” you remind her.  
“Okay, Okay! Well when you are out, can I have a big reveal for my channel?” She asks, trying to bargain. 
“How about this, if you keep fucking quiet, we will set you up with his publicist and we will work something out.” you say, walking back to Austin, giving him a thumbs up. 
“Holy fuck, I’m freaking out right now!” Mari exclaims as you lean up against Austin.
He gives her a little finger-tip wave.
“Hey Marissa, nice to meet you. Thanks for keeping this on the DL, for us. We really appreciate it,” he says in his interview voice,  giving her a winning smile. 
“Oh, of course Mr. Butler,” she is all flustered. 
“It’s just Austin, but thank you,” he nods his head. 
Once you get off the phone, you glance at Austin. 
“You handled that well, what did you say to keep her quiet?” giving you a side eye.
“Well, I’ve been handling Mar our whole lives. I love her cuz she’s family, but she has trouble with boundaries. I have dirt on her that she doesn’t want out. And um…  I told her we’d hook her channel  up with your publicist when, and if, we are ready.” 
“Hmm, alright, I’m not sure how she will feel about that, but we can talk,” he says. 
“Yeah, oh fuck, I didn’t think, will your publicist follow her socials? I won’t be able to with no internet,” you ask. 
I will call her later and we will talk about it,” he smiles at you.
For the next two weeks, any time not spent  filling out forms and packing things either for storage or Antarctica is spent with Austin. He still studies Elvis every day, not wanting to lose his momentum. You try to find the right time to tell him more about what happened with your ex, but it never seems right. You cook together, watch some of your favorite movies, you take moonlight walks on the beach and the sex… oh my god the sex. 
You have been trying out your hand at mixed drinks for the past several nights. Tonight is gin night. You have about a week until you leave.  You are both on your way to being tipsy, having tried a  Tom Collins  then Negronis. You had just made two shaken gin martinis and  clinked them together, feeling super fancy.
“I have a prezzie-prize for you babe,” you say, feeling goofy. You reach into your bag and pull out a post mailer. “I had the mail wrap it for you.” You giggle at your own joke and hand it to him. 
“OH! A present! For me!!” he exclaims, being silly himself.
He tears open the package. It’s two pairs of Meundies boxer briefs. The first one has martini glasses with the words ‘extra dirty’ on them. Two little olives are cuddling in the glasses with a little heart over their heads. Yeah, you might’ve timed this with your drinks on purpose. He looks at the second pair and then at you.
“You didn’t” he says. You just nod with a huge grin on your face They are light blue and covered in unicorns with rainbow manes and tails, just like your favorite panties. He just laughs and hugs you to him. “I love them hunny."
He insists that you two go up to the rooftop with your drinks. 
You grab blankets and toss your drinks into to-go cups with lids. There are no lights up there, just the ambient light of the city. He stands there looking out over the ocean, sipping his drink. You slip under his arm. It’s a little chilly, maybe 15C, the breeze from the ocean making it feel a little colder. 
“I know I’m a little drunk, but I want the world to know that I love you, Kitten.” He kisses you softly,  then holds his drink up and yells at the top of his lungs “I, Austin Butler, love this woman right here!”  
A distant ‘good for you! Now shut up!’ bounces off the buildings.  
You giggle as he sits on one of the lounge chairs, laughing. He draws you down on his lap, straddling him. 
“I love you too, so much it kinda hurts,” you admit.
“Hurts? No, no baby,” he shakes his head, putting his drink down, ”I don’t want you to hurt, only feel good. Here let me kiss it and make it better.” He leans forward filling both his hands with your breasts and plants a kiss in the middle of your chest, on your heart. 
Your fingers play in his hair as you lean down and breathe deep the scent of him in the cool night air. Filing it away in your memory as best you can. 
“All your kisses make me better, darlin’,” you mutter, kissing the top of his head, feeling the gin seep into your brain.
He takes your cup and sets it down next to his.  You wrap the blankets you brought around you both. He cradles your jaw and your lips meet.  You moan against his closed mouth, inhibitions evaporating. You are both just a little clumsy from the alcohol, but the ‘whiskey kisses’ are divine.  
“You are so hot Kitten.  I had a dream the other day that I fucked you up here,” he murmurs against your lips, hand rubbing against your clothed crotch. 
“You dream about me?” you had no idea.
“Oh yeah, all the time. Why do you think I wake you up with my cock so often. Damn, I’m gon’ miss that,” he presses his face to your breasts. 
“Tell me your dream, baby,” you cradle his head against you. 
“I was young Elvis,” he leans back looking into your neckr eyes, “and you were an adoring fan, sittin’ on my lap just like this, arms around me, only you had on a little skirt with nothing on under.  The sun was sinking and you glowed as I slipped into you. And now I’m gonna slide into you right here,” he says, “make you a puddle in my lap.” His hands undo your bra under your shirt with only two tries. His lips and teeth are against you. 
Your insides clench tight, juices starting to flow. 
“I would be disappointed if you didn’t,” you say, rocking back and forth onto his swelling bulge. His hands slide into the waistband of your pants. You try to get your pants off of one leg. In your haste and clumsiness, you end up falling off his lap onto the grass, taking the blankets with you. You both start laughing. 
He helps you up and you wiggle out of your pants. You straddle him again, re-settling the blankets around you both. His hand slips up your shirt to palm your breast in circles, watching your brow furrow in desire and your teeth capture your bottom lip. He gives you a naughty little grin and lifts your shirt over your tits. Gathering your breasts together with both hands, he licks your nipples. The cold air makes the flesh pucker. He pulls one into his mouth sucking hard, making you drop your head back and moan. Your hands curl up into his long hair, grasping him to you. His tongue is like fire licking your belly. 
Your hands push between your bodies, unfastening his fly and reaching to pull him out. He helps, his big cock already stiff and upright. 
“Do you see what you do to me, my beautiful Enchantress?” he motions to his cock, “Even tipsy as I am, I’m hard as hell for you.” 
“What I do? Feel what you do to me,” you lift up to give him space to reach between your legs. “My god Austin, just the mention of putting that gorgeous cock in me, made my cunt drip in anticipation. I want you so desperately.” 
He slips his dexterous digits between your folds. 
“Oh fuck baby, you are one horny minx aren’t you,” the corners of his beautiful mouth curl up and his demon gazes up at you. He begins to curl his fingers, finding the spongy, rough section on your front wall.
You are shaking, not from cold, but from eagerness. You love him inside you; want him like this always; always inside you somehow; always wanting you.  Your juices run in a runnel down his fingers and into his palm. Low moans flow from you.
“Oh my god,” you cry out, louder than you meant to. 
“Now, now Kitten, Are you gonna be quiet for me?” he asks.
“No,” your tipsy self answers honestly with a little giggle.
"Well that guy," he points over his shoulder, "might yell at you." 
"Fuck that guy," you shrug.
"No thanks, I'd rather fuck you." He pulls you into a passionate kiss. You grind your pussy into his hand.
Suddenly you are both overcome with desire. 
“Get that cock in me,” your tone demanding against his lips. 
He nods, holding himself by the base as you lift up. He positions himself at your opening and you grind down onto him in circles. Your moans mingle in your kiss.
The little pocket between you where his cock had been lying in wait, was chilly, despite all the blankets wrapped around you two. He feels cool inside you, so you can only imagine how warm you must feel to him. 
“Oh yes,” he moans, the alcohol hindering his usual verbal restraint, ”take all that cock like a good girl.” 
He feels so good inside you.
“Aw, I like being naughty though,” you retort, smiling at him and sliding up and back down onto him, wetness covering his cock.
“Who’s naughty Kitten are you then?” he asks, his voice deep.
“Well, let me see…” you joke, continuing to ride him. 
He tightens his grip on your hips, stopping your movement. 
“Who’s are you?” his eyes are suddenly serious and piercing. The tipsiness slows your brain just  enough that you don’t see the insecurity in his face until he thrusts hard and deep into you, bringing your senses into sharp focus. 
“Oh fuck,” is all you can say. 
“Who’s dirty girl are you?” he asks, louder, thrusting again. 
“I’m yours, baby,” looking into his eyes and finally seeing his seriousness.  
“Who owns this dripping, hot, wet, pussy?” each descriptor punctuated by a hard thrust into you.
“Oh Fuck, you do!” it would hurt if you weren’t so fucking turned on. 
“Who does?” he asks
“You do Austin. It’s your pussy.” 
“That’s right,” his voice is raspy, as he pulls your hair out of your face,  “You are MY naughty little Kitten. My dirty girl. All Mine!” 
“All yours baby,“ you say, rocking him in and out of you, “All yours to finger, to suck and lick, all yours to pound, yours to play with.” 
You press yourself close to his chest, pulling blankets up and around you both again. “Please, please don’t stop fucking me.” 
“Never,” he says through clenched teeth. 
His hands grips your legs, his hips raising and lowering his cock in and out of you. Your hand is braced behind his neck, forehead to forehead. He is steadily fucking you. 
“Oh god, I love it, I love that,” you moan in his ear, unable to stop words spilling out your mouth. 
Your knees are sliding wider and wider apart, wanting him deep, wanting him to slam into your clit with each thrust.
“Your pussy, your pussy, your pussy”, flows out your mouth. 
You are so close to the breech, mouth open. He can tell you are close so he quickens his pace. Your top teeth sink into the fleshy part of his shoulder, pussy clenching down.
“Oh Kitten, my dirty girl, I love fucking you,” his voice husky and low. His hips jerking roughly into you. 
 “Oh god, yeeeeessss,” you scream, arching back, his words triggering pelvic spasms around the stiff rod he is torturing you with. A closed-mouth high-pitched wail sounds out your nose as you gyrate on his cock through an orgasm.
 Even if you wanted to, you can’t stop your hips from moving, jerking,  grinding onto him.
“You’re so fucking perfect baby, cumming on my cock like that. God damn,” even through your orgasm you recognize the deep desire in his voice. 
He lifts you off of him.
“Nononono don’t stop” you whine.
“Never, baby,” he slides his legs to either side as he pushes you back to lie on the foot of the lounge, the blankets behind you. You don’t even feel the cold. Your legs are  up by his shoulders, throbbing pussy exposed and open to him. 
“Do you want my cum?” he asks, his voice harsh with desire, his fingers flicking across your clit.
“Yes, yes, yes,” is your breathy reply, 
“Say it, Kitten. Do you want my cum?” he asks again, placing the tip of his glorious self at your opening.
“Fuck yes I want your cum Austin, please, I need your cock in me, fuck me please” you beg, your filter totally gone. “Please give me all your cum right here,” you tap out little slaps on your pussy. 
With you so lascivious under him, so lustful with need, he can’t hold back.  With a groan, he immerses himself in you. Immediately charging towards his own orgasm with fervor, hands on your shoulders, pulling you towards him. 
“Oh God,  fuck,  you make me cum so good! You make me cum so good! You make me cum so good!” your strings of words getting higher in pitch, on the brink of cumming against his onslaught. His hands slide to either side of your head. Forcing you to look at him. 
“Who’s pussy’s gonna cum?” he says through gritted teeth. His head is still, but his hips are pitching into you with such force, only his hands on your head keep the vision of him from being a total blur.
“Your pussy, baby, yours. You fuck your pussy so good, so good, so good, so fucking good.” Like a deluge of water dropping on you all at once, another orgasm slams into you, making you writhe under him, teeth imprinting onto his hand to muzzle the sound of your screaming. 
“That’s my girl. Cream that cock, dirty girl, fuck you feel so good,” he moans. Crest after crest of your orgasm seizes his cock, bringing him closer to baptizing you in his cum. 
“Who’s dirty girl are you?” he urges, wanting to possess you.
“I’m your d-d-d-d-dirty girl, I’m your dirty girl,” you stutter and moan out as you ride the wave of shivering pleasure. “Give me your cum. I want it, I want it in me!”
“It’s yours baby, it’s your cum, only for you Kitten,” he is pounding you hard, fast, head tucked down into your neck and shoulder.  "Oh Fuuuuuck, yessss!”  hisses out of him as he pushes deep and fills your pussy. “Oh  Gawawawad!” his whole body seizes on top of you.
Your arms and legs clutch him to you.  You are overwhelmed with emotion, everything you’ve been holding back about leaving welling up with your enormous orgasm.  
He  sits back in the lounge chair and pulls you and the blankets against him. You don’t realize it at the time, but his deep shaky breaths are hiding his own emotional overwhelm.  
After a while,  how long you can’t say as time feels fake,  you are curled up against Austin half naked, both of you calmer and somewhat less drunk. 
“Are you awake Kitten?” he ventures quietly and a bit nervously. 
“Yeah,” you answer, sensing something is off, “you ok?” 
“I, uh, I need to say something and um… I don’t want you to take it wrong,” he begins.
You sit up in his lap to look him in the face, suddenly terrified of what he is going to say.
“If you are breaking up with me…” your mind falls to the worst thing you can think of at that moment.
“What? NO! No, no!” he interrupts you, a look of horror on his face as he grips your outstretched hands. 
“Jesus,” your eyes close and you breathe a sigh, “what is wrong with me?” you mutter to yourself. You know what is wrong, it's time to tell him. 
“Oh babe,” he cups your check, “there is nothing wrong with you or with us. I just need to…” He hesitates.” Ok, there is a part of me that is so excited for you to live your dream. But there is also a chunk of me that doesn’t want you to go,” his forehead creases and furrows as he admits this to you. “And to be clear, I’m not asking you to give it up, I just need to be honest and present with my feelings. I know it’s a scary pandemic world right now, but I wouldn’t trade this time with you for anything. I’ve fallen so hard for you, I don’t know how I’m gonna do this without you. And what if you meet someone else? I know it’s stupid but you’ll be down there so far away and I can’t call. That's why the possessive stuff during... “ he bites his lip. ”What if… I have this weird fear that what if what we are feeling for each other doesn't translate to being apart? What if we can’t do this?"
You reach up, smoothing his forehead with your thumb. You hadn't realize he was feeling insecure too.  
“Same baby,” you say simply, “on all accounts.  I am excited AND I don’t want to leave. I’m also terrified that you will find someone else in the months that I am gone, I mean you are a sexy heartthrob of a man in the public eye, women and men must fall at your feet. I’m not sure how I’m going to cope without you either. I’m just hoping that we will both be so busy we won’t have time to dwell on it. And, I like being your dirty girl." you smile. 
"Listen Baby, I need to tell you this,  just so you have some context," you take a deep breath and forge ahead, "Do you remember I told you about the guy I used to flip houses with,” Austin nods, his face intent with listening. “Well, we were engaged when I had my accident and when he found out that I couldn't have kids, he came to the hospital the next day and broke it off. He said he didn’t want to drag it out, but that kids were the priority for him and he didn't want to waste any time finding the real mother of his children."
Austin looks appalled by this. You just nod.
"I was crushed, I was nothing but a baby factory in his eyes.  By the time I was out of the hospital, he had moved out of our apartment,  divided our holdings in half and left with no forwarding address or number. IHis family wouldn't take my calls. I didn’t get the chance to have any closure.  I slipped into a deep depression, feeling no self worth.  I started cutting myself just to feel something, anything. "
"Oh baby," Austin strokes your hands, empathy and concern on his face.
" Yeah, it was bad. I had a lot of therapy and meds. I slowly realized the gift of getting away from him, he would have never loved me for me. The continent thing was born when I started my own remodeling business, initially as a way to get away from that past. It grew into a passion. This dream has healed me in so many ways. I became an independent, curious, educated citizen of the world again.  It allowed me to meet you. I didn't think I’d ever let anyone this close to me again, but with you it was so damn easy I didn’t have to think twice.
“So yeah, I am afraid of losing you and I’m sorry I let my insecurity jump to conclusions. Will our relationship stand being apart? Babe, there is only one way to find out and it’s walking towards our fears.”
He nods again. You take another breath, and grab both his hands.
“I do know this: I’ve been ‘around’,” you admit, “ I’ve dated a fair number of people, and, honestly I’ve slept with a fair few more. Not one of them holds a candle to you,  to how you make me feel, the things you do to me. I have never before found what we have right here,” you move your clasped  hands up to each of your hearts. “I had given up on trying to find someone, until you. I am in awe of you Austin Butler and it blows me away that you consent to be with me.” 
“Consent? Kitten, I WANT to be with you. Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me all  that, especially the cutting, that can be hard to share.  I see why you responded the way you did, it makes a lot of sense. You have been through so much, seen so much of the world and have done it with grace and kindness and strength. You are amazing and brave and so fucking sexy. I will state for the record that I don’t care if you can’t have kids.  I want YOU, just as you are. You bring parts of me out that I didn’t know I had and I can’t keep my hands off you. I’m not going to deny the ego boost of getting that kind of attention from the public but at the end of the day it’s not fulfilling. It’s not THIS, “ he grips your hands back, “I am astonished that YOU are willing to be with ME, and I just want to be enough for you.”
“We are a pair, aren’t we,” you chuckle, shaking your head, “here we are worried about the same things, and each of us feeling insecure about not being good enough for the other, yet so over the moon about one another.”
“Well when you put it that way….yeah, “ he smiles, “I think we need to tell our insecurities to shut the fuck up and agree that we are more than enough. See through love’s eyes, instead of fear’s.”
“One hundred percent agree,” you smile at him, “and however we end up communicating over the next 7 months, let’s just be as honest as we can with each other. I mean if we decide it isn’t working, I’d rather not be delusional.”
“I don’t like to think about that, but I’d much rather be honest, so yeah,” he nods his head.  
“And,” you put your forehead to his, “I will make this promise to you: once Antarctica is over and I finish Tom and Rita’s, if you still want me, I will follow you to the ends of the earth.” 
“Take out the insecure ‘if you still want me’ part and it’s a deal,” he smiles at you.
“OK,” you breathe, starting over, “once Antarctica is over and I finish in Greece, I promise I will follow you to the ends of the earth.” 
“Not unless I follow you first babe,” he pulls you into a sweet kiss, hand on your chin. 
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cchickki · 1 year
OC Dani infodump
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Long time coming for my friends in the Uncharted Discord, sorry it took forever
under the cut because there's a lot lol
"disclaimer" below:
okay first Dani is from my uncharted fanfiction series. originally started in 2016 my first story finished in 2017 where i had planned to make a sequel but didn't start it until this year. the original story and the sequel follow the events of Uncharted 4 and The Lost Legacy, the AU follows uncharted 4 during the prison in Panama but doesn't follow the same timeline.
go to resources:
the original story from fanfiction.net: (x)
part ii of the original story: (x)
new au: (x)
more about Dani including fanart drawn by other artists: (x)
photograph inspirations I used for Dani: (x)
me and a friend of mine back when uncharted 4 first came out helped me create Dani. note: we were two very mentally ill girlies, so a lot of the themes can get very heavy. a lot of trauma so trigger warning!
okay now onto Dani:
name: Danielle "Dani" Adler (married last name)
age: in the original story she's a couple years younger than Rafe, so in her early 30s. in the AU she is the same age as him, so born in the 1970s. (Rafe is estimated to be 35-38 in during the events of Uncharted 4)
ethnicity: Peruvian (mother's side) / Italian-American (father's side)
birthplace: around/outside of Pisac, Peru
zodiac (sun): Pisces
eye color: brown
hair color: dark brown/black
*Her parents met while her father was in Peru investigating the Inca ruins. Her father is how you'd describe Sully or Nate in the same profession.*
more random facts about Dani:
Dani is a martial artist practitioner of soo bahk do (she's a skilled fighter)
Not a good climber
Spanish is her first language, but she speaks multiple languages
She’s left handed
Missing her left ring and middle finger (original story)
Area of study: Ancient East Asian/Buddhist Art - also Inca Empire
how she got involved with the adlers
Dani's father, while decent at his job of artifact collecting, often had issues with biting off more than he could chew. coupled with gambling problems and double-crossing, he would find himself in hot water more than once. He was recruited by the Adlers for his expertise when Dani was a baby. The Adlers became his main clients, but he would borrow a lot from them, so a debt had to be settled.
My old friend and I are huge fans of Titanic, so picture Cal and Rose for this next part. Took heavy inspiration from their relationship in the movie without even realizing it at first lol.
Dani isn't given much choice and has to wed Rafe. Their marriage is more of a "business transaction" how I would describe it. Although they grew up together and do genuinely get along, there isn't exactly romantic feelings there.
In the main/original story they have two children.
Holden Adler (son, deceased)
Vera Adler (daughter)
What drove the final wedge in their marriage was the death of Holden. To put it briefly from one of the chapters in the story: He died tragically in an accident under Rafe's care. Dani fled hiding and becoming estranged. To protect her daughter her cousin Sophie has custody.
Their relationship in the AU will be a bit different.
Dani's personality:
"unreliable narrator"
book smart
Those are the main words that come to mind while describing Dani. Obviously traumatized from different events in her life, she often has issues with regulating her emotions and cries easily. Most of her life has been out of her control so she often listens to others when they tell her to do something (within reason) and can be easily persuaded and can flip-flop.
She keeps peoples at arms length at first, but once she befriends them and builds a relationship she tends to give them the benefit of the doubt. Very empathic, she can feel when the tone and mood shifts without anything being spoken.
Since Dani was pretty much groomed into the thief/artifact seeker lifestyle, she specializes in that, specifically in ancient East Asian arts and history. She would go on "jobs" because she either had to pay off her father's debts or because the Adlers wanted their hands on something.
Her focus can also wane due to her traits of suicidal ideation and fear from scary loan sharks (amongst other things). Because of this she can be both physically and emotionally absent as a parent, especially after the death of Holden it was extremely difficult for her to cope.
In the original story and the sequel, Dani narrates the story from her point of view and leaves a lot about her past, her motives, and even keeps certain things like her children a secret from the reader and the characters in the story. That's why I labeled her as an unreliable narrator.
She’s currently living with her cousin and daughter in the Philippines, making being an active parent her main priority.
Dani's relationship with Sam:
Working on doing a more in-depth analysis of their relationship with the new AU.
Sam and Dani get along well from the start. Both emotional, they sometimes clash, but there's no denying their attraction to each other. Dani loves how he was able to find freedom in his life, and how passionate he is about Henry Avery (for example), and that he actually likes what he's doing, it's not a forced chore or just a job to him. Sam likes to flirt with Dani a lot, and she doesn't know how to really respond to it.
Unsure how to label their relationship, they kind of have a friends with benefits thing going on? Dani's convinced she has real feelings for him, but her lack of experience with actual healthy relationships might have her perspective warped.
in conclusion
Dani is a complex and deeply flawed character who experienced a lot of trauma, and doesn't often regulate her emotions in the healthiest ways. She is going through a lot of growth and is coming back mentally stronger than ever, the first step was finally cutting off her parents and making peace with Rafe (kinda) before his death (in the first story). In my original efforts to keep her as authentic/real as possible, and to prevent her from being a "Mary Sue" (super outdated term now that I don't agree with) I might have went a little too hard on displaying her weaknesses in an attempt to keep her more grounded. I had a lot of feedback from the community at the time that seemed in favor of this, so I kept going. I'm going to be taking a slightly different approach in the AU, but I'm going to keep her mostly the same.
I don't know what to say, I love flawed characters and Dani is my broken baby.
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thecatamaranlad · 1 year
OC dump 2 shameless boogaloo
Setting: in this weird fantasy world (or, you know, set of worlds) I wrote about having made up a bit ago. Vibe: Idunno, man. Fantasy world? Steampunk in some places and swords-and-sorcery in others? Also it's fucked up as hell and half the characters commit war crimes, cos I'm me, you really shouldn't be surprised at this point. (They're also a pack of queers. Shocker.) OK, BLORBO TIEM: in order of appearance/reference, at least in the current draft.
Liyanei Lazhel (aka Ailina Yara) (she/her, 18 at start of story): A murderer, drug addict, polyglot, and sister. She doesn't think she's had other choices if she wanted to survive. She may or may not be right. She may or may not get a chance to prove it, or prove she can do differently the next time.
Eimra Lazhel (she/her, 16): Liyanei's younger sister. A witch who shouldn't be where she is. A healer with unlikely fire magic. Fiercely principled but has never really had to lay down her life for them -- but Liyanei has never let her make that choice for herself so far.
(moar blorbos below cut!!)
Lady Kylit (she/her, 50something): A warlord and powerful witch in the midlands. Has some sort of agenda beyond kidnapping and enslaving children for her own gain, probably, or at least she did once. May or may not be still alive after an attack on her fortress.
Minishire Yatarel (he/him, 19/20): A witch raised to kill by Lady Kylit. A few years older than Liyanei. His relationship with her is... complex, toxic, manipulative, and utterly codependent. Also a drug addict. Opinions (of the characters) are mixed on whether he deserves a redemption arc. Probably won't get one anyways.
Maivra (Yatarel) (she/her, 18/19 at time of death): Minishire's twin sister. Dead before the story starts. She was as kind as her circumstances ever allowed her to be. The closest thing Liyanei had to a friend, back then.
Zoyel of the Lake (she/her, 38): An ex-nun/temple mage, current social worker. Physically disabled and dependent on people she'd prefer to avoid. Knew Eimra as a child. Absolutely wrecked by guilt for the same reason she's seen as a war hero by the folks in the city she finds herself in, and trying desperately to find a reason to continue living.
Karal Nayum (she/they, 17): Ok there's not much I can say about Karal that isn't a major spoiler. Sadly. (Karal is. My fave.) A dancer from the Colonies, beyond the Rim. Has a little bit of magic, but not much. An absolute sweetheart who isn't as naive as she appears. I can say that much. :D
Tarlane (Nayum?) (he/him, 35, trans): A dancer and a mage from the Colonies but not born there. Temple taught, but not affiliated. Karal's father, at least in some way. He's got some sort of secret he's trying to protect, but he is open, friendly, and kind regardless. Flirtatious as hell but not serious about it (unless you want him to be ;) ).
These are my Heavy Emotional Processing Comfort OCs. Don’t ask how long some of them have existed it makes me feel old ;3 But they finally have a coherent plot laid out now after [redacted] years, and I might even finish writing the story someday! Lol.
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singsweetmelodies · 2 years
hi katie 💕💕💕💕 can i ask 15, 22 and 35 from the otp asks? 😽✨
hiii darling!! 💕💕 :D yes, of COURSE you can, mwah. thank you so much for asking!! 😘
15. Do they always say 'i love you' before leaving?
awwwh, okay, so, time to dig into the emotions a little bit - i think that they might not do it every time, but there are certain times when they always do it. example: when they part ways after a drivers parade on the sunday morning, i think they'd make it a little pre-race tradition to whisper "je t'aime" to each other. because they've both lost too much to racing, and i don't think either of them could bear the thought of "i lost him and today is the one day i didn't tell him i loved him." so, they don't make that an option - not when it comes to racing; not ever.
when it's just in their day-to-day lives, though? i think that they sometimes do, sometimes don't - for no particular reason, really, just that they're humans, and incredibly busy ones, at that. sometimes, humans just forget things in everyday life. maybe one of them would have to leave at a very odd time for a flight, or rush out to some PR event, or something, and just not say it that specific time. and neither of them minds that much, really, because they both get it. the times they do say "i love you" before leaving is when they're going to be apart for a longer stretch of time, or when either of them is feeling particularly romantic. just, you know. domestic things ❤️
22. What reminds each of their partner?
ahhh, omg, i freaking LOVE this one!! and i am just thinking of literally so many answers now, omfg. i'm going to try and keep this short-ish (the operative word there being try, of course xD 🙈) so the first thing that popped into my mind was, quite simply, the colour red. charles has been with ferrari for so long and he wears the red so well that i think every time pierre sees something that even vaguely resembles the rossa corso red -- he'd think of charles. immediately. also, of course, any ferraris he might happen to pass on the road. and!! oh my gosh!! for both of them - any squid plushies/stuffed toys, or even just freaking calamari in a restaurant. for charles specifically, anything that's like a very CLICHÉ french thing would probably make him laugh, and take a picture, and send to pierre (which counts as making him think of pierre/reminding him of pierre, right?)
so... yeah 😅 i don't think i quite succeeded in keeping that one short, but, well. they just have such a rich relationship and such a long history that i think almost ANYTHING could remind them of each other. even something as small as walking past a shop and seeing each other's preferred brand of toothpaste/favourite treat on a menu/something that could work as a birthday gift... you get the idea. anything and everything ❤️
35. Who's more artistic?
oooohhh, this is such an interesting one! i feel like the easy answer would be "they're both a bit shit, ngl" but that's not quite true. as that one grill the grid challenge last year proved, they're both actually surprisingly more artistic than i thought. like, no, they're not going to be the next vincent van goghs anytime soon, not either of them. but they're not completely terrible. charles even did a reasonably acceptable portrait of carlos recently in that one challenge? 🤔 it's not GREAT, no, but hey, it's definitely better than what i could've done, so.
that still doesn't answer the question, though, so let me do that now: i don't think either of them is definitively better, really. knowing them, they would probably find a way to make it a competition though -- why is my mind thinking something along the lines of them arguing affectionately over who actually did a better design in that grill the grid challenge, and that devolving into who's a better artist, and that devolving into them taking freaking art classes just to prove a point... and then, of course, they both just end up getting a lot better, and actually really enjoying the art. (it would of course endlessly frustrate them that there's still no clear winner. they both just keep getting better and better, at all the different mediums 😂😭) so, yeah. they're dumb, but they're dumb and surprisingly artistic, is my answer xD <333
(obligatory otp asks)
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caixxa · 1 year
hi caixa 🥰!! 7, 13, 16, 19, 28, and 35 for the weird questions ask please? 💗
Baby!! So many!
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
Creating a thing out of thin air with nothing but my imagination and words.
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
Violence is difficult. The action of fighting, physical injury, pain, and I know next to nothing about firearms either. I'm also not very confident in my ability to write sports as action. It takes time.
The romantic style of writing atmospheric descriptions of spaces and nature as a reflection of emotions and inner thoughts is something that comes easily.
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
I don't think I've ever used anything particularly weird.
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
I suddenly remembered I had answered the question once and I'll copy my answer from a year ago here bc my thumbs sre going numb from typing.
I told myself bedtime stories in my head, those that I can remember, from about 7 or 8 years of age. Elaborate ensembles of characters, either completely of my own or characters from a book series. Never wrote them down.
I had a diary, I wrote little poems, my teacher liked my essays at school and the little plays I wrote for my classmates. It was fun.
From then on, I always had some kind of a story running in my mind. Sometimes, I wrote them down; usually not.
University taught me news prose and the value of readability, clarity, and accuracy. Work has taught me the value of good enough and done in time versus perfect.
Now? I gather building blocks called information and stack them together for easy but nutritious servings.
But I also tell myself bedtime stories in my head. Sometimes I type them down to give them a concrete form. I have posted some of them on Archive of our Own.
Where am I going? Where is anybody going? As you see, my friend, time is a flat circle. Maybe I’ll end up writing short sentences about how the day went and simple little poems in a small diary in wobbly handwriting.
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
Answered, Hine in myporn AU sdfies (he'sa major character in two fics). Here's a snippet:
He was right, Roope got him something unmistakably fancy, the aroma of freshly ground coffee under a hint of vanilla and foaming steamed milk is rich and dark and he can basically feel the caffeine injected in his veins.
Roope sits on the other edge of the messy bed, pulls the blanket to straighten it over the sheet. He places a cardboard box down between them and opens the lid, revealing a small selection of fruit, a croissant, sliced avocado on two pieces of toast and a small plastic plate filled with thin green spinach omelet. Roope fishes a wooden fork from the bottom of the box and takes a bite of the omelet.
“Have something,” he gestures with an extended little finger, mumbling through a mouth full of egg. Sebastian pics a grape and puts it in his mouth, starts chewing slowly.
“Isn’t this stupidly expensive?” he can’t help asking.
Roope shrugs and takes another bite of the eggs.
“If I’m down to the last twenty on my debit card three days before pay day, I just can’t care. I’ll rather have something tasty because I’ll be broke anyway,” he says. 
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
The "first drafts are meant to suck, just get it all out" doesn't work for everyone. Some writers work better when they try to get the text right and ready from the start and will rather think and edit as they go. If the only way you get anything written is this, go for it.
Thank you for the ask!
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dandelionlovesyou · 2 years
See I have mixed feelings for this letter fic. Because if peeta did sleep with her mom then I respect katniss' confidence and bravery to call him out on that bullshit and get herself away from him because there is no way in hell I'm sleeping and loving a man who slept with my mom 🤣🤣
If he did then she deserves better in this fic. It doesn't mean I hate the fic, it just means it gives me a lot of emotions that are mixed which is exactly what fics are for lmao. Please don't take it as I hate it!🥺. I'm enjoying this letter fic so far! I'm just really confused on how it's going. Maybe if you could explain a little bit of each one? I'm kinda lost😭😅 and I don't want to make assumptions that are wrong.
Can't wait to read the next letter!😊💕💚🧡
Thank you for reading this fic, Anon, even if it is confusing and uncomfortable =) I'm on edge every time I post a letter. As for the assumptions, go ahead and assume away! I'd love to hear your ideas based on reading just the letters. You can PM me. I don't mind. You're very kind with your comment, and I appreciate it. I'm a little scared with anon asks, but you're alright =)
A little info since you requested so kindly.
Peeta is a nurse practitioner. 35 yo.
Katniss is a nature photographer. 25 yo.
Affair happened 12 years ago.
-- 1st letter Katniss found a picture of Peeta in her mom's house when she visited during the funeral. In my mind, she was cleaning her mom's things when she saw the picture. I really love this picture of Josh for this fic, by the way. lol. Katniss and Peeta have been together for a year prior to discovering the photograph. With that, Katniss got super mad and sent Peeta a message, maybe even called him but didn't let him speak at all, and then she sent that letter. Katniss breaks everything up with Peeta right away.
-- 2nd letter Peeta apologizes right away and profusely. He doesn't deny anything because he loves Katniss and wants her to hear the story of his past. He admits his mistake and recognizes that he hurt her and her family. Peeta asks to meet Katniss face-to-face to explain. Peeta didn't know that Katniss was related to Lavender. This is elaborated further in the third letter.
-- 3rd letter It is implied that Katniss shut Peeta off. No communication/ contact whatsoever, so Peeta resorts to explaining things through this letter. Peeta doesn't deny the affair. The affair happened twelve years ago at a difficult time in Peeta's life. It lasted for two months. They realized their mistake, and Lavender left to go home. They never saw each other again, and Peeta dealt with his difficult life/ shame/ guilt by moving across the country until he eventually got proper help. He met Katniss in Virginia while she was having a consultation for a badly sprained ankle. They clicked and were together for a year until Katniss saw the photograph.
-- 4th letter Peeta is in despair, has been in despair, so he asks for help from Finnick. Dr. Finnick Odair is his long-time best friend. They work in the same hospital. Finnick is his confidant; he is family to Peeta. Peeta's conflicted feelings are seen. He hates himself, but he finds it hard to let Katniss go. He calls himself a selfish bastard who doesn't deserve love at all. It's also implied that Katniss gave him hope. This line says a lot for me: "I wanted to start a family with her, Finn. I never thought I would have that feeling again." Just imagine Peeta losing hope in having a family. And then with Katniss, that was restored. At least until the photograph. There are also mentions of what Peeta did before the third letter and why he wasn't successful in talking to Katniss.
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magicbutsevenofit · 1 year
Chapter 9: Atonement
So, the clergy exam question...Teito says he wants to avenge Mikage and Castor icily responds if he's in such a hurry to die. Teito counters that Mikage died for his sake so he has to avenge him, adding that if Mikage died, he himself no longer has the right to live.
Frau responds appropriately:
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Frau asks if the life Mikage saved is so worthless to Teito. He clarifies that Teito doesn't want to die for Mikage's sake; he seeks peace of mind and to get rid of his negative emotions. He tells him not to run away from living and to live even if it hurts. Protecting the life that Mikage saved is the best way to atone for his death.
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Teito cries how is he supposed to atone by just living. Frau says he needs to figure that out for himself. He then says if Teito goes outside the church now, the military will be waiting to take him back. If he wants to make it to the 1st District, he has to be able to leave the 7th District. Then Castor tells Teito the bishops will help him get his revenge.
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When he passes the clergy examination, he'll get a full pass to all lodging establishments and transportation facilities around the world. That means he'll be able to go through all the district borders of the Barsburg Empire, meaning he can duck the strict inspections from the Imperial Guards. Passing the exam means that he can avenge Mikage by preparing his own assault. The exam is in 45 days. What does Teito say?
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The first exam covers a total of 77 volumes and 7700 chapters of the Barsburg Scriptures. It's a written exam.
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He has to learn all that by heart in half a month. Frau justifiably screams that there's no way he can do it. It took him three goddamn years to do that. Castor says that's because he's an idiot.
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Teito then picks up a books and says he feels like he's read it before. Castor then says he should check how much he remembers. Castor then reads off chapter names from different books and Teito recites the passages perfectly. Apparently, those were lullabies from children's songs that Father always sung for him. Not just through lullabies but through prayers and sleep-talking. He still doesn't know if he can pass though and Frau warns him that the examinators can be bullies.
The second exam is a practical one that uses Zaiphon. They first need to test the strength of his Zaiphon so Castor bitch-blasts him a yard away. As Teito shakes it off, Castor explains that there are plenty of people in the world that you can't protect merely by thinking of them or praying for them. That's why the bishops learn to fight. The clergy, due to being weaker on the whole, need a special staff to channel their Zaiphon better. Zaiphon is the origin of life and it uses life energy. That means that it comes from all living beings of the world. Unfortunately, it can't be used to attack dwellers of the dark. However, if Zaiphon is channeled through the staff, it can catch and nullify Kor. Basically, the staff converts dark beings. Teito tries to use it but if spiffs out; he needs practice. Teito says it was easy to use his Zaiphon through the Imperial Army's weapons because they were mass-produced but the staff is different. He asks who made it and Castor answers a craftsman that comes to the church once a year. Teito points out that the bishops don't use staffs and Castor answers they have their own methods. Anyway, they have to leave to prepare for the celebration for the forgiveness of souls. Castor gives Teito a badge to show proof that he's admitted to the exam. Frau then says that someday, no matter what, people will look to him so he needs to remember to conduct himself properly.
The next day at 4 AM, Teito's duties include: cleaning the hallways, carrying the caustic limeto to each floor (they have 35 floors) and...that's it. After that, the students have free time. Teito uses that time to practice with the staff, Castor helping him practice on a doll (helpfully formed to resemble Frau, you know...for inspiration).
Labrador takes him aside for a break and gives him flower water which is apparently sweet. Labrador says it tastes good to kids who have injured hearts. Teito admits he feels guilty because Mikage risked his family to make sure Teito could stay free but he also explicitly told him not to take revenge so, from Teito's perspective, he can never atone. Labrador explains that Mikage forgave him from the start but Teito cries that he still has to be punished (it's like a priest brought him up or something). Labrador elaborates that Mikage knew if he took Teito back and handed over to the Imperial Army, the bishops would be screwed. Because he loved Teito.
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Teito then says he's always lived a lie and he has to show Mikage who he really his, his real treasure. Then the Eye pops out in the back of his hand and Frau (who just showed up out of fucking nowhere) says that his escort is here and that's his starting point.
Later on, Teito gets a book from Frau who tells him to return it to the library. On his way, he stops a boy who looks like Mikage only to apologize for mistaking him. The boy sighs, saying beauty is a sin.
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Going on, the boy ends the chapter by saying he is Teito's new rival.
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hannahraehum · 1 year
Casablanca and Lost in Translation
In northern Africa, World War II is approaching, and people are desperate to escape the Nazis. Casablanca, Morocco, becomes a crowded way station, filled with refugees and corrupt officials. Rick, a wealthy man, owns a popular club and gambling establishment called Rick's. Rick faces dishonorable characters like Captain Renault, a corrupt local official, and Major Strasser, a Gestapo member. Rick's life becomes complicated when two people show up at Rick's: Victor Laszlo, a leader of the Czech resistance against the Nazis, and his wife Ilsa. Ilsa, Rick's long-lost lover, she left him years ago and agreed to stay with Rick if he would use one of the letters of transit to help Victor escape. Rick devises a different plan, holding Renault at gunpoint and forcing him to command officials at the local airport to allow Victor and Ilsa to leave together. Ilsa fights, but Ilsa ultimately decides to stay alive without Rick. Rick is forced to kill Strasser to allow the getaway, and Renault seems to turn him in. However, the Captain has a change of heart at the right time, and Rick is saved. This sets up a famous last scene, where Rick says, "Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."
The theme of the film covers an inescapable past, the inability to remain neutral, and the dilemmas of difficult decisions. The cinematography of the movie emphasizes shadows and darkness and shots are framed as sometimes chaotic and abruptly change. The movie reminds me much like a film noir with high contrast and drama to match.
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Lost in Translation - 2003
I have seen this film multiple times and it's one of my favorites. It begins by introducing one of the main protagonists Bob Harris, an older actor visiting Tokyo Japan for an ad shoot for a Whiskey brand. The film alludes to the attitude of Harris as being washed up, and a has-been. Staying at the same hotel, our second main character is Charlotte who is a recent Yale graduate and staying with her husband who is in Tokyo for business as a photographer. The film emphasizes the emotion of Harris and Charlotte to show they feel equally alone and pessimistic about their roles in life and the stage they are at. The two spot each other a few times as they both explore the city and hotel. Charlotte visits a temple alone and calls a friend, talking to her about how she feels she doesn't know her husband and how she no longer feels anything. The two characters spot each other at the hotel bar and things start to kick off. Eventually, after a few days of hanging out and a night out at karaoke, Charlotte and Harris are in his hotel room. They are watching an old film and emotionally confide in each other. Charlotte explains that she's lost and Harris gives her hope that she's not hopeless. By Bob's last day in Tokyo, it's time the two say goodbye and Harris spots her in a crowd. He has the taxi driver stop and he pulls her aside, gives her a kiss on the cheek, and whispers something to her.
The film is almost entirely filmed in natural lighting and on a Kodak 35 mm film stock giving it a very naturalistic and retaining an older style of filming. The muted color palette and compositions of the painting really dial in the loneliness and the feeling of beings small or consumed by a foreign land. The themes of the film highlight loneliness even though you're surrounded by many people, being lost in a foreign country, and themes of age and phases of life. The film utilizes muted colors, quiet moments, and exploration of both relationships and the city itself to hammer home what it's like to be at an impasse, to not know what's next to come.
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inner-community · 1 year
also, idk. i told her last week i think a lot of parts are getting closer. so for instance with the Adult Us, i think it's becoming pretty hard to tell when we are switching? at least for me. i feel like there are hints that something has changed (like bandit will be more irritable when interrupted, jb spouts off intellectual thoughts and is more coherent than the rest but also is compulsively smoking weed, (part formerly known as andie but doesnt like it now because its our Name to people) is very very Polite and reserved...) but i don't think between them there is as much amnesia and it's like... idk maybe more of like a gradient shift of consciousness than flipping a switch. which is good i think!! i do have a hard time telling though if that is really like... an integration step or if i am just so busy i'm not noticing things/keeping myself in this adult mode more often. but i also notice the smalls are getting closer to the adults. (adults using more of the verbage that the smalls do, which helps us ask for things or express needs, and smalls being more involved in Big tasks)
soooooooo idk!!! it's really weird to like. notice this kind of healing i guess?? and i KNOW what a large part of me feeling so good currently is just weather, because spring brings back like all of my vitality, but we had such a mild winter that i feel like it didn't have as bad an effect on me as usual this year i think. sooo idk.
and my problems are mainly just like, interpersonal with my family now. i think a lot of it comes down to not being able to handle when everyone else has unregulated emotions and acts as unpredictable as they usually do, because no one is really working on their issues in a helpful way. and it makes me angry sometimes because i have problems equal to theirs, but i have put in years and years of work into being a better and more stable person. and i have DID!!! (my family definitely all have parts to some extent but refuse to either believe that or work with them. my sister is convinced she can just like. evict one from her head and i keep telling her that is only going to make it harder to integrate later.)
and two things.. my sister acts JUST LIKE my mom. every little thing is a big deal. if someone stands in her way for a second, or she drops something, she starts yelling about how shes "GOING TO LOSE HER SHIT!!!" and if she hurts someone and they comment on it she starts threatening self harm. and then when we have said that that makes it so everyone coddles her she throws a fit about that too. she talks shit about me and my wife in earshot and is mad if we say something. she is unpredictable and makes my dad take care of her (food, weed, cigarettes, driving her places, driving her 2 hours up to her 35 year old boyfriends house.... (she is 21) and if he doesnt do all of these she goes up to her room to scream-sob at her friends.)
and my dad? is just unpredictable and immature and he can't deal with his problems or his kids' problems and he can't just tell them to be fucking adults! (he also financially supports my brother who doesn't even live with him... my brother who refuses to get a job even tho he is 24. and again, weed, cigarettes, fucking gifts for his online friends, he bought him $700 plane tickets last year...)
and then amidst all that. me and my wife pay him when he needs help and we don't ask him for money or to buy us things. and then he is out here telling us we aren't ready to move out. mf we weren't ready to move IN with you!!!!!!!!!!!!! we moved here dec 2019 and were going to near immediately move, but my sister lied that she would be saving money and moving with us, then covid hit, and now we are still here but thank fucking god we HAVE to move because my wife is going to a school 3 hrs away next spring. so he CAN'T do shit to keep us here.
but it's like... HE isn't ready for us to leave. because we are the only responsible adults. but we are desperate to go, our dog causes my sister to be even bitchier so we want to take him out of the situation, we fucking hate how no one will clean up after themselves, and we just want a QUIET AND CLEAN HOME. where people dont scream at us, our dog, the other animals, the fucking inanimate objects, and themselves ALL THE TIME.
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la-appel-du-vide · 2 years
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Christmas 2022
As much as I look forward to Christmas all month long, you almost hope it never really comes so it doesn't have to be over. But it came and went, and was a happy, happy time.
Mom debated what to do this year, since she's obviously living so far away. To make it easier on everyone, she decided she'd just come up north. Her and Dad rented an apartment, so that my sisters had the option to stay with them, but B and I volunteered to host Christmas at our house, since it would feel more home-y and Christmas-y than a random apartment.
Getting off of work on Thursday afternoon was so happy and exciting. B and I got the house cleaned up, and then mom and dad arrived. (They spent the first and last nights of their trip up here with us.) We got all of the Christmas Eve and Christmas food organized, and that was about all we had time for.
On Friday, mom and I ran some final errands, and then we made chocolate crinkle cookies for Christmas Eve dinner. Whit came up, and spent the next couple of days with us too. We finally watched Christmas Vacation (B has never seen it) and Christmas with the Kranks too! So many holiday movies this week.
Then of course, we had Christmas Eve breakfast at Jeremiah's which is such a fun tradition. Mom came to my house afterward to make the soups for dinner, and then we all made the drive to Scott's house. It was a bit emotional for everyone, being our first Christmas Eve without Grandma, but it was still ok. It's good to see Grandpa, but it's really turned into a Scott and Chris family thing, with us as a bonus. It's a little weird. Mom's zuppa is unbeatable though, so that was happy for me. Scott's grandkids reenacted the Nativity, like we used to do as kids, and Grandpa read from his usual book. I sat next to him, so I could see all of Grandma's handwritten notes about when to turn the pages, and what songs to sing, and I miss her so much. Mom cried all through singing Silent Night.
When we got home, we did Christmas pajamas with everyone but Isaac and Allyssa, since they went over to her parents after dinner. Mom did t-shirt pairs this year. Aub and Whit were Heat Miser and Snow Miser. Me and B were quotes from Christmas vacation - "Why is the carpet all wet Todd?" "I don't know, Margot!" Mom and Dad were Christmas with the Kranks (since Mom has watched that movie 35 times this year), and she was the honey-baked ham and Dad was "Blair and N. Reeky." And then the next day, Isaac and Allyssa were the Grinch and Cindy Lou Who haha. But we all had matching black and white pants.
We forgot to have Dad read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas this year - oops - but Aub and Whit and I carried on the tradition of trying to do assisted backflips together. I didn't get dropped on my head this year, but I don't think we were really successful either hahah. We stayed up way too late playing hand and foot, and cooking bus, and then got a very small amount of sleep before Christmas morning.
B and I got up early to do stockings together with Reef. In my stocking was Airhead Extremes, pink starbursts, a Chanel zipper pull turned into a necklace and a book about a puppy during Christmas. In B's stocking was a jump rope, a Chick Fil A gift card, body wash, Reese's cups, Reese's pieces, Andes mints, and goldfish. And Reef got a candy cane rope, peanut butter dipped Milk Bones, a Christmas-colored squeaky ring, a Puppermint Mocha stuffed toy, busy bones, a spiky ball, and a crinkly reindeer. He was so freaking cute, and we later made him a Tik Tok about everything he got for Christmas, and it's pretty much his best video ever.
Then Mom, Dad, Isaac, and Allyssa showed up, and we woke up Aubrey and Whitnie so we could start presents! We opened everything upstairs in the loft, and it was a beautiful, big space that we could all gather. Reef was so happy to be up there, and kept himself busy for quite awhile ripping up everyone's used wrapping paper haha.
I got Stanley cups for Aubrey, Whitnie, and Allyssa. I drew Isaac's name, so I got him a golf range finder. I got mom tickets to A Midsummer Night's Dream at the Shakespeare Festival, and Dad some Nike golf pants. I got B a North Face coat, It Takes Two, Fifa, and Stardew Valley for the Switch, some Nike joggers, a Stuhrling skeleton watch and a Jazz hat.
Mom gave all of us kids a final Christmas gift from Grandma, with a card she wrote on a "You Are My Sunshine card" and that was super emotional for me. The gift was a fuzzy, yellow blanket to remind us of her. Whit gave my mom artwork of Grandma with Jesus, with a little saying underneath it that said something like, "Shining Down on You Until We Meet Again." It was in a beautiful pink flower frame. Mom cried of course. Very sweet. And Whit also gave my Dad artwork where his mom had been digitally added to one of his wedding photos, so that was sweet.
Aubrey gave me smiley face slippers and a cancer sign cup, Whit gave me a new film camera with some film, and gold earrings. Mom got us our new table and chairs, and some Amazon gift cards. B got me a day in Park City to do dog sledding, boots for our Africa trip, mini Gucci Flora perfumes, and Sequences Stacks.
Overall, quite a success.
We cleaned up some of the mess, and then got started on Christmas breakfast - we definitely debated how long we've been having German pancakes haha, no one remembers. But they're the best. And Jimmy Dean sandwiches, toaster strudel, eggs, sausage... the works. It's my favorite.
Then we proceeded to play our new family games and eat snacks, all day long. We got Bites, Anomia, Ransom Notes, and This, That, and Everything. They're all super fun, and we had a great time. We have so much food to eat all day, including chips, cheese, crackers, grapes, candy, sausage, popcorn.... it's just the best lazy day.
I get really sad remembering how great it was, especially now that I've put away all of the Christmas decorations. I wish it could be more than once a year, even more so now that it's so rare to have the whole family together.
What a fun, happy day, and it was a new chance to be the ones to host. (It did feel good to clean the house now that it's all over and done with though, that's for sure hahah.)
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kpop---scenarios · 3 years
Cravings || One
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Pairing: Vampire! Hongjoong x Reader
Warning: None Yet
Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: If you would like to be tagged, let me know!
"Babe, hey babe." Your boyfriend, Chad calls out to you, as you're sitting at the kitchen table, running over over bills again and trying to figure out how the fuck you're going to try to pay everything. You worked damn hard, and barely had anything to show for it. Ever since Chad had moved in a few months ago, without an invitation, you were stressed. Everything had gone up and doubled since he hadn't left, and he also hadn't contributed anything financially towards the household. You paid for rent, utilities, groceries and you even paid when the two of you went out for dinner. Chad worked full time, but where his money was going, you had no fucking idea. He constantly went out with his 'boys' , often coming home obliterated, and just expecting you to have your legs spread open for him when he rolled in, apparently that was your duty as his girlfriend, according to him. As if not contributing and acting like a man child was such a turn on. Not to mention the countless hours he spent on your gaming console, yelling and talking to his friends, leaving you no time to play any games that you like, unless you wanted to wake up a few hours before you had to work to sneak on it. But by the time you got home from work, cleaned up the messes he made throughout the day, made yourself dinner, showered and got into your PJ'S, you were too damn tired to do anything. You knew you had to wake up the next day and do it all over again, so any sleep you got was precious. 
A part of you often wondered why you were in this relationship with him. Maybe you were scared to be alone, maybe you didn't think you could do any better than him, but you stuck with him, because for some reason, you loved the guy. 
"What do you want, Chad?" You sigh, walking into the living room where he's sprawled out on the couch, headset on and his match paused. "I'm trying to figure out bills, you know that thing that keeps us warm, and with light and hot water, that you said you'd help pay and haven't." 
"Yeah, babe, can you go to the corner store and get those Takis, you know the ones I like? The not so spicy ones though babe, cause remember I have acid reflux, and a diet coke." He says, turning back to the screen, laughing at something said through his head phones. 
You could feel the rage building up inside of you, awfully quick, and it was seeping out of you even quicker.
"Are you going to pay for said snacks?" You ask, trying to keep your voice calm. 
"What?" He laughs. "Babe, no, come on. I'm broke. I don't get paid again for two weeks. You know this." 
"You just got paid yesterday." You breathe through gritted teeth. "Where the hell did all your money go?" You ask, your hands balled into fists. 
"You know babe, I had the fantasy football league entry, plus I owed Kyle money for the keg bomber last weekend, and I took the boys out for supper yesterday. Shit adds up." He says, never looking at you, only focusing on the game. 
"And that's my problem, why exactly? Why is it always on me just because you're not financially stable. Grow up, you're 35 for christ sakes!" You yell. You stomp to the kitchen, grabbing your purse and slipping on your shoes before heading back into the living room. 
"Yeah, she's got her shoes and purse." He laughs. "She's definitely going to get my stuff." 
"You know what Chad? I'm definitely not going to get your snacks, get your own fucking snacks, Chaaad. I'm going for a drink, with my own goddamn money." You spit, storming out of the house. 
You're wandering down the street, like you had been for the last thirty five minutes, and finally you found somewhere that looked decent enough. You walk in, and the lights are on very low, the place is almost dark, had it not been for the red lights swinging above tables, or the string of red lights wrapping around the ceiling. Your eyes wander the open floor of seating as a soft beat vibrates through the building. Every person in here who was sitting with someone was leaning closely to that person, seemingly having an intense conversation. The vibes felt dark and eerie, but you welcomed it, you enjoyed it instead of being around Chad's fuck boy mentality. You walk towards the bar, sliding onto one of the empty bar stools and setting your purse on your lap. Your eyes were looking down when you felt a presence standing in front of you. You look up and see quite possibly the most beautiful man you have ever seen. 
"What can I get for you?" He asks, his voice is deep, yet so smooth and calming.
"Double vodka and coke please, and for the love of god, keep them coming." You sigh. After your comment you see the slightest hint of a smile appear on his lips, disappearing even quicker than it came. 
"Bad day?" He asks, beginning to pour your drink. 
"Bad relationship." You groan. He nods his head as he slides your drink towards you. 
"Wanna talk about it?" He asks, leaning on the bar with his chin resting on his hands as he waits for you to speak. You look into his eyes, and they're so warm and mesmerizing, you felt safe and secure, like you could tell him anything. Which is exactly what you did.
"What's your name?" You ask. 
"Hongjoong." He replies. "You?" 
"Okay Y/N, what's bothering you?" 
"My boyfriend, we've been together for just over a year, and well.. he's something, and not the good something like people usually say. He moved in with me, without even asking me if I wanted to, and I just kind of accepted it. He doesn't pay anything, no bills, rent, groceries, nothing. It's all on me, even though he does work full time. He forgot my birthday, went out and got absolutely plastered with his 'boys'. On Valentine's Day, he took me out for dinner, and can you guess who was there?" You ask. 
"His boys?" He answered. 
"You sir, are correct. I was ignored the entire evening, and then he and his boys left, I ended up paying the bill, and I had to uber home because he had driven us there. Not to mention the fact that he assumes I'm just there for his pleasure, expecting me to be spread eagle for him whenever he decides to show up." You finish, chugging your drink as you try not to gag on the strong taste of vodka. 
"Why are you with him then? He doesn't sound like he contributes to the relationship at all, so why do you stay?" He asks. 
'Honestly, I'm not entirely sure." You answer as he slides another drink in front of you.
"Now that's a bullshit excuse." He replies. "There's a reason that you clearly don't want to admit." 
"Do you ever smile?" You ask him. 
"No." He answers. "Now, why won't you leave him?" 
"Because it's safe, I guess? I don't know if I can do any better than him." You shrug. 
"Y/N, you have no idea how much better you could do." He says. 
From the moment Hongjoong had a whiff of the scent that was coming into his bar, he knew that it was the scent of the one. He intensely watched the door, waiting for the one it belonged too to walk through the door. As soon as you did, it was almost as though his heart could have started beating once again, the ice cold blood that ran through his body could have turned warm just by the sight of you. He isn't sure what it is about you, but he had always been told that he would know when he found the one, and having been alive for over a century, he had just assumed that it wasn't in the cards for him, and now he knows why. Because all his life he had been waiting for you. The person that he would do anything for, the person that he would be anything for had finally walked into his life, and for once he felt an ounce of hope, until, you had mentioned the filthy human you were in a relationship with, not to mention one that treated you like absolute garage, and you had assumed that no one better would love you, but shit were you ever wrong. He was standing right in front of you, and though you had just met him, he loved you with everything he had and would do anything and everything to protect you. 
"I appreciate your advice, Hongjoong, but it's getting late and I have to work tomorrow." You sigh. "How much do I owe you?" You ask, grabbing your card from your wallet. 
"It's on me." He tells you, grabbing your empty glass.
"Well thank you." You smile. "It was nice meeting you." You tell him as you slide off the stool. 
"You too." He says, watching you walk away from him. 
That night when you got home, you couldn't get Hongjoong off your mind, a smile spread across your face as you walked through your front door, and headed into the living room, then it instantly dropped. Chad had not moved from the spot you had previously left him in a few hours ago. "Oh, babe." He says, sucking the cheeto dust from his fingers. "Kyle brought me some snacks, since you threw a huge temper tantrum about my snacks, you can just venmo or cash app him, k?" He says, going back to playing his game. 
You went to bed that night, dreaming of one man, who was not your man. 
Over the next few weeks, you had absolutely no desire to be at home. So you headed to the bar that Hongjoong worked at, everyday after work for a drink, or two, or four. In those weeks the two of you spent an ample amount of time getting to know each other, you were sure he knew you better than Chad ever did.  You didn't want to see Chad, you didn't want to be near him and it was bad enough that he constantly texted you throughout the day, sending you lists of things to buy from the grocery store, as if he wasn't able to do it himself. But much to your surprise, he didn't text you when you never came home with his snacks, he didn't check in with you throughout the day, and honestly it no longer bothered you. 
You felt your feelings for Hongjoong deepen with every encounter the two of you had, every time you saw him it was like nothing you had ever felt with Chad, your emotions were amplified around Hongjoong and you weren't sure how much longer you could keep them hidden. 
"One more." You tell Hongjoong, as you set down your fourth glass. 
You can tell he wants to smile, but he's too good at controlling his emotions. "You've had enough, I'm cutting you off." He tells you. 
You pout, trying to give him your best puppy dog eyes, but absolutely nothing got to the man and it was frustrating as fuck. 
"A bad storm is coming, you should probably get home." He tells you, drying off some glasses. 
"I don't want to go home, he's there." You scoff, just thinking about Chad made you want to vomit. "I guess I could just get a motel room, at that place across the street." You say, pointing over to the run down motel, that had flickering lights, and probably a rat and cockroach infestation. 
"You will do no such thing." Hongjoong replies. "You can stay at my place." He says. "Give me a minute." He walks from around the bar, towards the back of the building, and you can't help but to turn in your stool and watch him walk away, damn he looks good. 
Within seconds he's back, grabbing your bag and scooping you up into his arms as he effortlessly carries you out the door. 
"I can walk." You object. 
"I know." He says, his face stone cold. 
"You're very pale." You tell him, as if he didn't know. 
"I know." He replies, unlocking the door to his car. 
"And you're very cold." You say. 
He sighs. "I know." He finishes as he slides you into the passenger seat of his car. 
As soon as he started his car, the rain began pouring as thunder and lightning jolted the sky. 
"You were right, there's a storm." You say, watching out your window. 
"I know." He replies, this time it sounded different. You turned to look at him, hoping you'd catch him smiling but no such luck. 
He continues driving, taking you out into the middle of nowhere, out of city limits, this was it, this was probably when you died. You panicked slightly but you felt it in your entire body that he was not going to murder you, at least not that night. 
Hongjoong pulls up to a gate, punching in a few numbers to open the gate, which just blocked off a winding road. You squinted as you tried to see where you were going but it was far too dark for you to see anything, until you pulled up to a beautiful mid-century mansion that made your mouth drop. It was absolutely stunning and you couldn't believe that he lived there. 
"Seriously? This is where you live?" You say. 
"MY family, but yeah." He answers, parking the car near the entrance. 
He hops out of his seat, walking towards your side to open the door for you, pulling you inside before you get too wet. He dragged you up a large flight of stairs, not letting you admire the inside of his house. He put you inside a large room, with a large bed and a bathroom ensuite. "There's towels if you want to shower, I'll be back in a bit to check on you." He says, avoiding all eye contact before walking out of the room. 
You let out a deep breath as you take off your heels, unbutton your pants and unhook your bra, placing it all next to the bed. You sit down on the bed in your underwear and t-shirt, wondering what to do, until your phone rings. 
Looking at the caller ID, you didn't want to answer it, but you felt it would be unfair for you to do so. 
"Hello?" You answer. 
"Hey babe, it's me.. it's Chad." He says. 
"I know who it is." You sigh. 
"Look.. I know you've been terrible, oh, wait, I mean I've been terrible in our relationship lately but I want to make almonds." He says. "No idiot, it's amends." You hear from the background. 
"Are you kidding me right now? Do you seriously have Brad over to help you?" You yell. 
"Well yeah, he noticed that we were drifting apart and offered to help me get you back." Chad explains. 
You get up off the bed, pacing on the hardwood floors as you tried to process what he just said to you. 
"The fact that you didn't even notice that we were drifting apart is all that I need to hear. You know what, Chad? I'm done. I'm done with this relationship, I'm done with you. Just get out of my apartment, I'm over it." You yell, hanging up the phone. 
You stand there, taking deep breaths as you replay the conversation you just had, he didn't even care enough to notice that you'd been pulling away. That kind of hurt, but then again it was Chad. He was never very perceptive. 
A knock at the door before it suddenly opens, reveals Hongjoong, walking into the room. He tried to play it cool with the fact that you were practically naked in front of it. 
"I heard yelling. You okay?" He asks as lightning strikes, causing the power to flicker. 
"Chad called, he had his friend Brad over to feed him lines because Brad noticed we were drifting apart." You explain. "But I did it. I ended things." You proudly admit. 
"Good for you." He says, staring at you, while you stare back at him. A crack of thunder hits loudly, making you jump, and within seconds Hongjoong's arms are wrapped around you, like he was protecting you. You look at him and he looks at you, and before you can tell yourself not to, your lips are pressed against him, and he is kissing you back. 
The kiss turns passionate and needy in seconds, both of your desires for one another coming out without any control. He moves you both to the bed, laying you down as he hovers over you, his strong arms keeping him above you. You wrap your arms and legs around him, pulling his body closer to yours, feeling him near was all you'd wanted. His ice cold fingers touch your stomach as he begins to lift your shirt up, you can feel his cock slowly becoming harder. You begin lifting his shirt, when his phone rings. He stands up, whispering an apology before answering his phone, barely speaking any words. 
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I have some things to take care of." He says. 
"Oh, yeah, no problem." You say, sitting on the edge of the bed. 
"Get some sleep." He tells you before walking out of the bedroom door, leaving you alone once again. 
You tried to fight the exhaustion you felt, but it was far too hard. You got snuggled underneath the blankets, watching the door, hoping he would come back but your eyelids got too heavy for you to keep open, and you swiftly drifted off to sleep, finally feeling some peace. 
The warm sun was shining into the room, waking you up. You let out a little stretch before opening your eyes, only to see five men standing around you. You sit up, moving to the wall, as these men stare at you. You looked at them all, and they all looked similar to Hongjoong. Pale skin, dark eyes, dark head, blood red lips. 
"Who are you?" One of them asks. 
"Y/N." You whisper. 
Another one speaks up, looking at the other four men. "Who the fuck brought a human home?" 
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scary-grace · 2 years
i finished reading seeking a friend verse, and congratulations on wrecking my emotions for the next week or so.
Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next -
this is how you began the fanfiction, and when i returned to re-read it, i realised that these lyrics are basically a huge plot point. smart move. two years ago, bard was divorced, and to take his mind off mina, he began dating again. nothing too serious. enter thranduil.
"Our wedding," he whispers, and Bard's heart breaks beyond repair.
chapter 35 toyed with my feelings. i did not expect thranduil's self-sacrifice move, and while i was processing it, you took a total 360. i'm ashamed to say that i was glad when mina was out of the picture, but i'm also willing to say that mina never deserved any of this (could be up for debate, but i read 1/5 of with friends like these and mina was so different back then. i strongly believe that station angband changed her). i'm conflicted about her, to be honest. she was such a fleshed out character, but i was hoping for some sort of confrontation between thranduil and mina. alas, both are understanding and polite.
thranduil adding rocks to mina's cairn was realistic. someone would say that both were ready to enjoy their wedding celebrations, but no, no one should be able to push this sense - this guilt away. i find that thranduil saying that their happiness was costly is very expressive. he grieves for her, too. they reached happiness but due to mina's death.
i admire bard and bilbo's strained relationship, actually. bilbo doesn't let emotions cloud his judgement. he understood why bard did what he did. legolas's and sigrid's on-off relationship was handled well, too! you didn't make this weird or anything.
tess was fabulous! the flirting was top-notch.
i do have some questions, though. i really hope that you answer some.
you gave plausible explanations for mina's and gorthaur's deaths, but we never found the bodies. that's sus. (i'm just scared. the family deserves a sweet epilogue)
i understand that dis is upset, but is there hope that she will be happy again? i didn't like how everyone except dis found happiness at the end of the world. perhaps with friends like these will follow up on her, seeing how the next chapter is about dis? not everything can be sugar, spice and everything nice, but it was still sad.
tauriel told bard to go to esgaroth. why? six months seems a long time, too. i have a feeling that their might be more survivors than the family expects! :)
bard waits for almost two minutes for an infected to show up again and chase the car, but they never return. that's sus, too.
tell me that tilda was the flower girl and that legolas played blackpink at the wedding! tell me!
why does bard's vision twinge at the end?
I adore you for sending this ask/comment/thing, it absolutely made my morning! Thank you so much <3 In gratitude I will try to answer some of your questions:
I believe Bard mentions in the epilogue that they did find Gorthaur's body -- it was large enough that the flash floods couldn't carry it completely away, and I imagined that they buried or burned it as quickly as possible. Gorthaur is absolutely dead, and the days of hyperintelligent variant As trying to suffocate the gang in their own home are long over. As for Mina -- I will indulge in my impulse to be awful and say "no comment", although her direct part in Bard and Thranduil's story is effectively over.
There's an argument to be made that Dis's storyline is the saddest one in the fic, other than Mina's. The chapters in 'friends like these' are organized by how far in the past they begin, and Chapter 2 will cover a lot of Dis's backstory leading up to the collapse, as well as some of what happens afterwards. I do see a resolution of some sort for her, but it may not be revealed until the fic's later chapters.
To answer your third and fourth questions together, there are more survivors than expected -- depending on one's definition of "survivor", and that may require some updating on the part of the characters.
Tilda gets to be flower girl, absolutely. Legolas is afforded the opportunity to play three Blackpink songs of his choice, after arguing semi-successfully that Blackpink played a role in Bard and Thranduil getting together. He plays two at the wedding reception and one (Lovesick Girls) as they head back down the aisle after the ceremony.
The twinges in Bard's vision will be discussed at a later date, although not necessarily through Bard's eyes!
I hope some of these were interesting to you (although I know some were appallingly cryptic). This ask inspired me to get back to work on 'friends like these', so thank you very much for that as well! I don't know if people know how much nice comments like this mean to writers, but they absolutely mean the world to me.
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