#and then i can catch up on vol2
plainxte · 3 months
Rules: answer the questions below and then tag 9 people you want to get to know better/catch up with to do the same.
I was tagged by @guiltypleasurefandomface 😘 thank you so much! 💓
Last song: I think I was listening to Tori Amos's 'The Edge of the Moon' a few moments ago 🤔
Currently watching: hmm, I'm still unfortunately deep into thinking about IWTV so that, I suppose
Favourite colour: just one? Impossible! 😁 I'm in love with all the blues, the greens, and the yellows
Last movie: a re-rewatch of Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (I should reread some of the books too, I know)
Currently reading: Bookshops & Bonedust by Travis Baldree. I've been a third of the way through Anthony Horowitz's Magpie Murders for a while...
Sweet, spicy or savoury: mmm, I'm mostly keen on salty things, so savoury it is
Relationship status: tired (sorry)
Current obsession: Queen, always, and unfortunately, my ancient fixation on the vampire Armand has got its fangs claws in me again at the moment
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Last googled: (last DuckDuckGo-ed) online anagram solvers and checking the year that Another World was re-released - yes, it's only been two years but my mind's like a sieve
Currently working on: too many fic wips, and at least as many knitting wips 🫣 (maybe I can actually get some writing done this week? I'd love that)
I'm tagging @freddie-mercury-rising @idontknowhowthisworked @carrrothead-vol2 @i-am-just-a-skeleton @eileen-crys and @pumpkinlilyao3 (only if you want to, of course) and anyone who feels like it 😘
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turningsoft · 1 year
the way i've been gaslighting myself into thinking that byler would never be canon for 4,5 years. the way i was watching s4 vol2 fully believing mil*ven was endgame couple... i didn't ship it. i thought they're exasperating to watch but inevitable, lol. wasn't allowing myself to ship byler because, like, what's the point?
i remember watching mike's monologue, thinking: "this is SO cringey, how did they even manage to write something THAT bad? why is this scene so fucking anticlimactic? why does el look like she ate a lemon when mike says ily? why is nothing working??? HELP, you're ruining a show i didn't even care that much about, but now i'm genuinely concerned how bad it can be at times"
BUT while watching the van scene i was on the verge of tears myself because of how much i related to will and found this portrayal extremely well-done and realistic
the way i was watching the love triangle reunion in the desert and thought: "what the actual hell is up with always including will in the frame? why is willel's reunion exactly the same as mil*even's???" like, i was expecting for them to kiss. not because i wanted to, just in a "get it over with quickly" way
and that's just a couple of things that seemed off to me during my watch as a GA member. there were less prominent ones, and i would write them off as something i didn't quite catch or maybe just misunderstood
tl;dr even general audience members with zero media literacy skills can pick up on the signs something's incredibly wrong with mil*ven in s4. they just prefer not to think of it very hard
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penghusound · 9 months
2017 : "咾​咕​厝 l​ó​​​-​​​k​ó​͘​​​-​​​chhù", 12" vinyl record
ló-kó͘-chhù 一 means, in Taiwanese, Coral House
Yannick Dauby returns to Discrepant for Vol2 of his ongoing study of the sounds and sights on the Penghu Archipelago, Taiwan. Penghu Experimental Sound Studio Vol2 uses interviews, field recordings, found objects and subtle electronic manipulation to transpose Yannick's impressions of the island's natural beauty.
All sounds, field recordings and improvisations on electronic instruments, are from Penghu, Taiwan. Interviews of children extracted from the film "Childhood of an Archipelago 離島的離島", by Yannick Dauby 澎葉生 & Wan-Shuen Tsai 蔡宛璇. The second session of Penghu Experimental Sound Studio was located in Husi village, during Summer and Autumn 2015 whilst the album was assembled in the hills of Taipei, during the Spring 2016
Side A
A great stretch of sea with no rubbish. Oh, and sandy beach, and some marine animals.
Most of the people here catch fish. It is close to the sea here, there are lots of fields. It’s also… quieter. When you go down in the water, it feels really chilly. Very fresh, then very comfortable. When I go to the seashore, I can find black sea cucumbers and sea urchins. I saw a swimming sea slug once. It was red and had white stripes. The volcano erupts, then the lava keeps piling up. Then the lava cools down, and it becomes an island. Then people start living there. After that, more people keep moving here. Some people will also move to Taiwan. That is it. Side B On an island far, far away. And in fact, an island of an island. It’s so close to the sea there, so every evening we have fish to eat. My dad often goes at sea for fishing. During the summer he catches squids and during Winter he catches fish for us to eat. Going out at sea is really exhausting, because the sea is always swaying, so you feel really dizzy. Every time we go, I feel really sleepy. You get woken at night, at dawn, or around five in the morning, to go help drain the boat. Then you go fishing and you have to change spots every day. So my dad spends a lot of money on fuel every day, to go fishing at different spots. Sometimes, he goes to Cimei Island, or sometimes he goes to Huayu Island. Occasionally, he goes into the open waters. If my dad is in open waters then I don’t call him. But if he’s not in open waters, on the coasts of Penghu, then I’ll phone to ask dad, how much fish did he caught today, and if he had already eaten. When my dad enters the harbour, my mom would go to the pier to wait for him, and help him carry the fish. With smaller fishes, she would tell him to sell them in Magong city. Sometimes, my aunt takes a pushcart into the village, to see who wants to buy fish. I’ll help by asking: “How many fishes do you want ?” If the buyer wants three fishes, I’ll give him three fishes. I also ask him: “Do you want big or medium-sized ones.” If he wants big ones, I’ll give him three big ones. Each time, my father makes a lot of money. That’s why I have money to go to school, and to pay the lunch fees. Grandma is growing vegetables. We have a piece of farmland next to our house. My grandma is a bit stiff, so if she needs to bend over to scoop up water, I help her do that. Sometimes, I help her with the watering. There is corn, shallots, as well as some cabbages. ~~~ 
released February 3, 2018
Released as 12" LP 45RPM by DISCREPANT (UK) Mastered and cut at Dubplates @ Mastering by Rashad Becker Release date 31st March 2017
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reidsbuckley · 2 years
mike's s4 body language (vol2)
hello everyone, and welcome to vol2 of my mike s4 body language analysis! before I start, I would just like to thank you guys for all of the love on vol1. it truly means the world to me, and feel free to submit any other things you'd like me to do an analysis on. now onto the analysis.
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vol2 was a whirlwind, to say the least. I know many people (including myself) couldn't watch the rest of the volume without thinking of the painting scene and how they'd used will being gay to further/"help" mlvn (something that I'm still seething about), but in vol2 we actually see a lot deeper into mike's mind that people think. let's go in order, starting with the painting scene.
now I don't know about you, but this scene hit me like a ton of bricks (me being a will kinnie jumped out). will crying, mike not picking up what will was putting down, jonathan catching on to what was happening through the rearview mirror. all of it was just so intense, so let's take it step by step, line by line, screencap by screencap, and really get a sense of what's going on.
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"Can I...show you something?"
in the painting scene, obviously will asks mike if he can show it to him, and mike just nods. his eyes are glued on will's face, only shifting to the painting when we also have it in view, but his eyes quickly go back to will's face. when will hands it to him, mike looks back and forth between will and the painting, a way of asking "...for me?" (despite will literally having asked if he could show him something).
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as soon as mike sees that it's a painting, his face lights up. this is the happiest he has been the entire season, and all because of a painting.
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"This is amazing. Did you paint this?"
so Mike lacks critical thinking skills, hooray, but one thing I noticed about this line is that he uses his Will Voice™ (and if you remember from my last analysis, mike only ever uses this voice when talking with will, to will, about will, something that, in this scene, becomes widely important).
also, the pure joy on his face and hopefulness...it's almost like he needs for this to have come straight from will (something that brings me back to mike's life falling apart after will had moved, the one consistency in his life being him having kept up all of will's artwork...).
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"Yeah, yeah. I mean, El...asked me to. She commissioned it, basically. I mean, she told me what to draw."
The second that mike hears will say that it was el's idea, his excitement over the painting dwindles. he was wanting it to be from will (and it is, but he's so caught up in so many things that he's not able to put 2 and 2 together in the moment).
"Anyway, my point is, see how you're leading us here? You're guiding the whole party, inspiring us. Tha- that's what you do. And see your coat of arms here? It's...it's a heart, and I know it's sort of on the nose, but that's what holds this whole party together— heart— because, I mean, without heart, we'd all fall apart."
this part of will's monologue is about mike (obviously), and mike looks deep in thought, like he's hanging on to every word that will is saying, really taking it all in, living in how will feels about him, how will views him, but then...
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"Even El. Especially El."
...will mentions el and suddenly mike seems less interested in the conversation, slight confusion coming over him. after all, will had just been saying how he felt about mike, but then started talking about how el feels about him. but mike already (or should) knows how el feels about him, so he's not interested in hearing it again. not when he hasn't heard will tell him how he feels towards him in such a long time (discluding their fight, of course).
"These past few months she's been...so lost without you. It's just, she's so...different from other people, and when...when you're different...sometimes...you feel like a mistake."
in this scene we can clearly see through jonathan's pov in the rearview mirror that mike isn't as in tune with what will is saying anymore, like he's trying to distance himself from the conversation now, that is until will says "and when...when you're different...sometimes...you feel like a mistake", mike is looking directly at will, and his facial expression goes from disinterest to worry and concern, glancing up and down, like some outside force is causing will this pain (most likely wanting it to be an outside force because he's fought outside physical demons before, but helping will fight his inner ones would prove to be much harder, even if it can be done, him wanting to be able to sooth will and make him feel okay), and his expression stays this way through the rest and up until the end of the monologue.
But you- you make her feel like she's not a mistake at all. Like she's better for being different, and that gives her the courage to fight on.
at this, mike raises a brow, showing the slightest bit of relief wash over him. "okay, so, will isn't totally miserable, he's not entirely okay, but he's not entirely not," like an "I can deal with this, I can help, I can do something. just being here I am doing something. okay. good. this is good." it is so clear that, in some respect, even if that is subconscious, he knows that (at least a part of) this is about will still.
If she was mean to you or- or she seemed like she was pushing you away it was probably just because she was scared of losing you, just like you're scared of losing her.
with this line, will loses mike again just a little bit. the person will saying these things about not clicking in mike's mind. he knows that what will is saying about el isn't true, because el wasn't being mean to him. she wasn't pushing him away. in fact, she was trying to get them to be closer, wanting him to say one word. one. but he couldn't/wouldn't (at this point). and mike isn't stupid. he may have his dumb moments, and he may be clueless and oblivious half the time, but he is not stupid. so he knows that what will is saying isn't about el, but he's just not clicking that will is talking about himself.
And- and if she was going to lose you, I- I think she'd rather just get it over with quick. Like ripping off a bandaid.
mike takes a big gulp at this. he swallows hard, glancing at will up and down again, the short relief he had leaving just as quickly as it came. he's worried and scared because he knows that will isn't talking about el, but with mike not having been able to put 2 and 2 together quite yet, it is so clear that he is terrified of losing whoever it is that will is talking (whom we all know is will, but mike doesn't).
So yeah, El needs you Mike, and she always will."
when will says "el needs you", mike's takes a deep breath in and it appears that it gets caught in his chest, it having risen but not quite fallen. we don't see his reaction to "and she always will", but when we do see his face again, it is so clear that something has clicked inside of him. he knows something, even if it's not everything that will was trying to convey, but he knows at least some of what will meant, possibly even knows (again, even if that is subconsciously) that will was talking about himself.
the Will Voice™. I can not stress this enough, this is the most will voice that his will voice has been the entire season. like, it's as soft as it was when he said "yeah. yeah, I really do" back in season 2 when he was reassuring will that everything was happening for a reason. and something I like to say about this "yeah?", this specific moment he uses his Will Voice™, because it feels like the only way to really get my point across (and it's something that came to me when I mentioned to my twitter gc for the first time that he used his Will Voice™ in this scene): the yeah was yeahing.
but that's not all. he doesn't just use his Will Voice™ here. no. it is so much more than that, because he's also smiling. a worried smile, sure, but a smile nonetheless, that excitement from when he saw the painting coming back to him because things are starting to click.
so not only did he use his Will Voice™, which he only uses when talking to will about will, but he smiles. take a minute to let that sink in.
mike closes his cheesy grin to a tight-lipped smile, just like the one from season 2 when he'd said the infamous line of "crazy together". the same. exact. smile, only BIGGER, and then he goes right back to ogling at the painting.
now I'm going to skip over the monologue, because I don't feel like watching it again, because there's too many different theories that everyone, regardless of ships, has talked about or come up with, and I'm not getting in the middle of that. this is a fan/ship war free zone, so let's skip straight to the cabin scene, shall we?
so the cabin scene, one that we'd been anticipating since about halfway through the month of june when we got those two photos and a gif leaked (what a time, what a time, what a time). let's start pre-couch.
"Did she...talk to you at all?" "Not much. I mean, a little bit."
So Mike has just confessed his love to his girlfriend, something that she's waited almost an entire year for, but then she doesn't talk to him at all...? and he does seem genuinely distressed over it, which is good, but it comes off more as annoyance than anything else (at least to me, but you can view that bit however you'd like).
"Dr. Brenner says she wasn't ready, and she's starting to think he's right." "That's crap. If it wasn't for her, if she hadn't left the lab, Max wouldn't be alive right now." "I know. She's um...she's never lost before. Not like this." "She'll have another chance." "Let's hope not. Let's hope One is dead and rotting."
Once again, a byler heart to heart starts off as something else, not having anything to do with them and their relationship (and it doesn't at all, but it does show how strong their connection is, and I'll explain why).
"He's not."
Mike immediately snaps his head to look at will. you can see as the gears begin to turn, as everything starts to come back into his mind, as he starts to think about everything that he's seen will go through (after all, he was there by will's side the entire time, all up until they left to go exercise the Mind Flayer out of him and he was forced to stay behind).
Now that I'm here, in Hawkins, I can feel him. And he's hurt. He's hurting. But he's still alive. It's strange, knowing now who it was the whole time, but I can still remember what he thinks...,
we get to see mike's face again after this, and he is terrified. the way he's look at will is with pure fear and worry. he is so afraid and so worried because he doesn't want to have to see will go through all of that again (not to mention his own trauma that goes along with that).
when will says "this whole time", mike even quirks a brow, and you can see that there's anger that begins to bubble up in that fear and worry, because now mike knows, too, that this whole time it was Vecna who had been messing with will's brain, not the mind flayer (because vecna is controlling the mind flayer).
"...and how he thinks...and he's not going to stop. Ever. Not until he's taken everything and everyone. We have to kill him."
at this last bit of will's THIRD monologue this season, we see mike in deep thought, like he's already coming up with a plan while also trying to push down all that emotion he was feeling before and we get to see as that switch flips from clueless and oblivious to protector mode. we get to see as he gets, as finn said, kicked into gear, which is only furthered by the 5 words he says in response.
"And we will. We will."
once again, Mike pulls out the Will Voice™, this scene being a direct parallel to in season 2 when he says "we won't let him" in regards to the mind flayer spying back, and instead of a handhold, we get a shoulder touch. but he's holding onto will's shoulder for dear life. like, look at this:
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like, that has got to hurt. I mean, mike is digging his nails into will's shoulder, all the while his thumb is there in a more comforting manner, and if you pay attention to it he rubs his thumb against will's shoulder lightly, his grip slowly relaxing as will relaxes, too.
mike is trying to hard to make will feel okay here. he is more worried with will in this moment than anything else. he even glances at will up and down again, like he's watching all of will's nervous ticks and watching his breathing, wanting nothing more than for will to be okay. that's what this entire scene is, because it's from his point of view. mike's point of view.
my basic conclusion is, mike started out this season not being himself, struggling without his best friend by his side, but when he sees his best friend he still struggles. there's something more we're not seeing. as the season unravels, he's split in two. one part of him solely focused on el, the other just seeming off. but then the painting scene happens and it becomes clear that he, one some level, feels the same way will does, only furthered by his reaction to what will said at the cabin. all of this tied with what we've been told so far about will's role in season 5, I think that mike himself will have an arc in s5 that covers not only his internal thoughts and realizations (everything from him that we didn't get so see this season), but also his trauma and survival.
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i was watching st s4 with my friends last night (one of them is part of the GA and the other has only seen S1E1) so us watching it was more like a backround thing athat we cracked jokes to. we finally got to vol2 pizza midleven scene where mike was abt to "confess" to el. i assumed they expected mike to finally say ily to el but as he was getting ready to say whatever he was abt to say to her they just interrupted him and finished the sentence with "el i think i´m gay" and boy did i LAUGH. GA not catching subtext my ass.
EXACTLY see if GA can pick up on who mike wheeler is then certain groups of people literally have no excuse 🤨
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spectralscathath · 3 years
What happened to Ruby in your reference sheet by being sliced in half for your Scorruby AU?! The scar and everything!
Okay so Ruby has a bad time in the au. But I can explain. So, the whole being 'sliced in half' thing, that was more of an idea I had about how Ruby's semblance works in this AU.
So I'm putting the image you were talking about under the readmore at the bottom of the post because it's potentially gore although nothing visceral is visible but better safe than sorry, and I'm gonna stress something off the bat: Ruby's not actually hurt and this isn't actually a literal thing. (Yet. Probably. Maybe. We'll see.)
The idea for the discussed sketch was as a way to play around with posing, expression, and what Ruby's Scatter might look like/how it might work, more metaphorical then as something that actually happens (so far).
Scatter, in my AU, is a Transformative semblance, in that it physically alters Ruby by turning her into a swarm of swirling rose petals. My idea was that this semblance starts from the inside out, which is why she was able to be hit in the first place, because she was already disassembling herself into her petal form. So she's actually completely unharmed, she just happened to be up against someone who was fast enough to catch her mid-scatter, mostly for visual flair.
I'm not a fan of the current canon semblance, I think there's too much going on and they've forgotten good ideas for plot relevance. So lets look at some quotes as the show's gone:
Volume 1: Pyrrha says 'Ruby has her speed'
Volume 4: Qrow says 'some people burst into rose petals'
In the vol6 hiatus coming up on vol7 the comics called it 'an ice cream sundae of speed with a little cherry of teleportation on top.'
Volume 7: Harriet said "I've seen other speed semblances before. That's different. I think there's more going on than you think."
volume 8: Penny explains 'Ruby is capable of traveling at an extreme velocity from one point to another by breaking herself down to her molecular components, thus negating her mass and then reassembling them at the destination.'
Basically, Ruby's semblance has, over the course of show, had these points:
short range dash that generated rose petals
able to turn herself into a swirl of rose petals that retained mass and had greater mobility
generated a slipstream if she hit a certain speed (seen in the vol2 food fight and the petal tornado she made in the vol4 character short)
was able to pick other people up, although their weight still mattered (Penny in vol2)
was able to use it for mid-air combat in short bursts, but it was finite and didn't have long distance
could somewhat manipulate the rose petals, able to separate her main mass into smaller masses for evading obstacles
after vol6, it turned into 'a bit of teleportation', and then 'no more mass', allowing Ruby to carry limitless people and go just about anywhere as long as she needs
And personally, I'm not a huge fan of this. I think that they could have handled it better instead of contradicting themselves. They also effectively took out Ruby's three biggest weaknesses: that she has to worry about the weight of people she carries, that she's still solid (just split up over a large swarm), and that distances are a factor. And it makes it less interesting to me.
Honestly Ruby's semblance was just treated weird in general, having it be like her splitting apart into separate parts mid-scatter was special in vol7 when she was doing it back in vol4 felt off. I have no problems with her upgrading her distance on it, I thought that was interesting, but then the teleportation made it weird. We lost the slipstream move she used, which was a complete shame because it was a cool way for Ruby to turn her evasive semblance into offence. And 'mass no longer mattering' was pure 'we wrote ourselves into a corner here's a bullshit 'oh you could do this all along' power upgrade' (coughs at Penny being heavy in vol2 and Mercury kicking her in vol3). Also just the name. Petal Burst. I don't like it, should have kept it as Scatter.
So, ScorpRuby. Her semblance is Scatter. It is a transformative semblance where she breaks herself apart into a swirl of rose petals for a speed/mobility boost that can go in any direction, but is short range with limited distance (though she does learn to hold it for longer, making it about endurance training). She can carry people, but their weight does matter, and more people are harder to carry. It is not teleportation, and she can still be hit, or grabbed, or knocked out of her scatter if she's not careful, because mass still matters (which means she still creates a slipstream she can use). And her petals pick up the colours of people she picks up, because we lost that visual.
I think I got off topic, but the point stands, I'm keeping more defined limits on Ruby's semblance, because then it makes the story about finding ways around those limits.
And as for the scars... (warning, getting into some real criticism of the show here that I'll put under a read more if you're not interested in that)
I saw Nora get scars in vol8 that managed to avoid the face because god forbid girls that aren't villains have visible facial scarring. There is a lot of lookism in the show about big scars being Evil and I'm not here for it. Weiss's scar is small and becomes less visible every volume, Blake's scar is also small and easily hidden, Winter could have had a scar on her nose but they were cowards and removed it, and Nora has lots of scars now but they barely touch her face, even though there would have been nothing wrong with that (and they're also quite neat and not visually unappealing and can be mostly hidden under her outfit).
Meanwhile the villains with scars (Ironwood, Tyrian, Adam, Cinder), have big and jagged scars that are very prevalent (when Ironwood's top is off, at least) and in the case of Adam and Cinder take up a lot of their face. It's like a visual shorthand, Adam and Cinder's scars are even given Big Reveals to shock the audience with how 'ugly' and 'deformed' their scars are (a missing eye and an SDC brand).
I think that scars, whether it's having them, or the visibility, placement and size of them, shouldn't be a signifier of if a character is a Good Guy, or not. So I gave Ruby some, because she is the main character of this AU, she is the hero, and she's allowed to have large scars that aren't easily looked over, and the fight where she gets them is both plot-relevant, and for character development. And I think that she still looks cute as hell with them, personally.
Also, yes, Ruby does go through the absolute wringer in this AU, but hey, it's for character development. I swear. (also image here)
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tinycryptid18 · 2 years
ok steddie time travel fic au bc stranger things brainrot has taken over my life (sorry in advance for a really long post):
before i start there are two fics that inspired me for this, and i wanted to tag them. the first is If I Could Turn Back Time I Would Find A Way by MooseMan and Run, boy, run by UnifiedCreations, both on ao3. they both inspired me for steve and eddie's powers, as well as the plan for trapping the demogorgon. they're such great fics, i get excited whenever they update, and this idea i came up with definitely takes heavy inspo from them. if you like this idea and want to read a full fic, definitely go read theirs!
If I Could Turn Back Time I Would Find A Way by MooseMan
Run, boy, run by UnifiedCreations
- after vol2 (yes everything happens exactly like in the show, just more mourning over eddie)
- steve starts noticing strange things happening to him, like managing to catch something falling off the counter faster than he should've been able to, the clock seeming to go even slower at work than normal (bc even tho the world is lowkey ending family video is still up and running and surprisingly robin and steve didn't get fired)
- he's also been getting random nose bleeds, and at first he thought it might have been vecna coming back, but he realized none of the other stuff was happening, and he was fine a week later, so he just ignored it
- the rest of the party noticed how odd steve had been acting, and how he'd kind of been pulling away from them, so they did an impromptu sleepover at his house without his permission to cheer him up (it helped)
- notes about the party: el and mike broke up, johnathan and nancy broke up, argyle is still hanging around after calling his parents to tell them everything's ok & he'll be back soon, and this was his last hangout with the party before he had to fly back to cali
- also the byers will be going to cali next week to move their stuff back to hawkins as quickly as possible, they'll be staying in hopper's cabin until things calm down and they can get a permanent place to stay
- school is held off indefinitely in hawkins bc of the literal apocalypse
- anyways the next morning steve is making breakfast, and el was the only one sitting at the counter chilling with him while snacking on some fruit he had out, when steve knocks over a glass of water onto the floor and it shatters, and bc el has powers too she literally sees time rewind and the glass repair itself
- this is the first time steve had ever done anything super obviously power-y to where he clocked in to what he did, so he's like wtf just happened
- his nose is also bleeding so immediately el is like "brother?" bc she thinks he might be a lab kid
- dustin, lucas, mike, and will basically all walk into the kitchen the same moment el is lunging at steve's wrist to see if he has a number, and sibling-esque bickering is happening between the two of them bc "there's nothing there el!!"
- anyways dustin and lucas see the nose bleed and immediately freak out thinking it's vecna, so dustin starts screaming for robin to find steve's walkman and favorite tape, and the older teens run into the room to see what the fuck is happening
- when things calm down a bit el explains what she just saw and that she thinks steve has powers, so steve has to recount the things he's been experiencing recently
- basically they come to the conclusion (mostly dustin) that the demo bats were responsible for steve gaining powers, bc the was the only one who was attacked by them (who's still alive), who suddenly developed cool powers, and then they start talking about how vecna had his powers without any lab experimentation, and that el's mom had started developing some power-esque tendencies after the experiments, so it's possible that some people just have the potential to have powers and it needs to be awoken in some way, and demon bats could be one way it's happened
- so anyways they decide steve needs to learn how to use his powers, so he can figure out what exactly he can do, and so that he can learn to control them
- the byers, el, and argyle still leave for cali the next day, but they come back the next week in record time, and while they're gone it's up to the boys, robin, and nancy to come up with a plan to test steve's powers (lucas isnt as involved tho bc he and erica are still visiting max in the hospital regularly)
- so it time skips a few months where steve's been learning how to use his powers, but monsters have started coming out of the upside down and they have to keep going around fighting them to keep the town safe (hawkins basically gets set on lockdown, the national guard is there to help, and any civilians left in the town are now in the know about the upside down and fight the monsters too, led by hopper)
- when all of this starts happening it makes steve super fucking anxious, which makes him start to lose control of his powers, the two most notable times being where he accidentally skipped a day ahead, and he accidentally lived a day over again
- the worst was when he was trying to protect el and will from a hoard of demodogs who had gotten through the gates and were actively targeting will for some reason, not el
- steve got separated from them by a demodog tackling him and starting to tear away at him, and all he saw was will dragging away el who was screaming for him, her powers were really drained so she couldn't do anything to save him, and then steve just felt this pulling in his gut, and all of a sudden he was shooting up in his bed on the sunday morning the day before he started freshman year of high school in 1981
- once he processes the fact that he traveled back in time, he feels this sensation like a string connecting him to something else, tugging on him to follow it, so he does, and he makes his way on his bike all the way to eddie's trailer, who's sitting on the porch outside looking freaked the fuck out and chain smoking a pack of cigarettes
- the second eddie sees steve he stands up and runs to him, and the two hug, and steve has no idea what the fuck is going on bc even if he did time travel this far back how could he have taken someone else with him? and why eddie? how? eddie had been dead for 6 months at this point
- anyways they sit in eddie's trailer (wayne was already at work) and catch up on everything, steve explains what happened after eddie died, how he got his powers, what they do, and what led him to losing control of them and traveling back in time
- eddie explains that he did die, but he remembered waking up in the upside down, and that he couldn't really remember anything that happened to him down there, just that he was scared and in a lot of pain, and he thought he had heard vecna talking to him a few times but he didn't know how or why
- they concluded that steve brought eddie back bc he wasn't really dead, and that maybe the whole bats thing was the connection? but neither of them really understood, and they were just happy they were back together and safe
- they start making a plan to fix things so that the upside down stuff never gets as bad, but since it's 2 years away from starting they have time
- they have no way to get el out of the lab, and they feel bad about it, but they know she'll be fine for the most part until she breaks out
- their big plan for now is to bring their friend group together of all the teens, except only eddie and steve are in high school right then, with eddie being a sophomore and steve being a freshman, so they have to wait a year until robin, nancy, johnathan, and barb get to high school
- steve and eddie decide that steve will join hellfire (steve already knows he's crushing hard on eddie, and the fact that he just got the guy back from the dead means that he's pretty much willing to do whatever eddie asks of him, how hard will learning how to play d&d be?)
- this would mean that steve wouldn't be hanging around tommy and carol anymore, and wouldn't become king steve, so that saves him from getting that asshole reputation, and then they'd have an excuse to try to become friends with their newly freshman future friends the next year, under the guise of asking them to join their club (eddie in the past had formed the club that year anyways, so it was bound to happen)
- steve also decides to take up babysitting, mostly hoping to watch over the kids in the party, but he wouldn't really complain about watching other kids around town too, bc turns out he actually enjoys taking care of kids, but then this will give him the excuse to hang out with the boys sooner so he doesn't look creepy
- anyways the only stuff from this year that will get elaborated on is the first day of school with steve dumping tommy and carol for being shitty friends, and then getting recruited to the hellfire club, the first hellfire club meeting with steve where the other members kind of protest the douchey freshman at first until they realize he's actually cool, and then eddie finding out he has powers when he gets startled one day in the parking lot after a late hellfire club meeting, and all of the car alarms in the parking lot (there were a decent amount bc there was a band concert going on that night) started going off and a few lightbulbs in the parking lot exploded
- also i wanna add in a chaotic scene where steve is babysitting dustin, and they're being their usual selves
- the next year starts with steve and eddie testing their powers out in the quarry, mainly eddie bc his are very explosive (im getting inspo for their powers on the fics if i could turn back time i would find a way by mooseman for steve, and run boy run by unified creations for eddie)
- then it shows eddie inviting nancy, barb, johnathan, and robin to hellfire (only robin and johnathan end up joining, robin bc she found out steve was in it, and after sitting behind him in click's class for the first week she was like why tf is this jock playing d&d, i need to know) (steve is still a jock, on the basketball and swim team, he's just not hanging around douchebags anymore, so he's even more likeable at school now bc of it, and the king steve nickname has a bit of a nicer meaning to it)
- johnathan almost didn't go, but he mentioned the club to will and will looked so excited at the thought of other people than his friends playing d&d, and how cool it would be to join when he got to high school, that johnathan went, even if it was just a way to get will to sit in on a meeting eventually, and even to just learn more about the game that made his brother so happy (joyce and lonnie had just split up earlier that year so johnathan was being a good big brother to will)
- steve still starts becoming friends with nancy, and by association barb, bc steve and nancy were in the same math, and steve asked nancy for help bc he was struggling (even tho they had just gone through a whole year of high school again before, he still was struggling in school bc it had been a long time for him since he graduated and everything he knew just vanished, plus he's dyslexic bc i say so)
- nancy starts crushing on steve bc this steve is nice and sweet, but steve is lowkey and oblivious bc he is having very gay thoughts for eddie, and they're dancing around each other even tho they've been in the past together for a year, and eventually it's robin later in the year who gets them together
- the last thing shown in this year is a d&d game hosted by eddie for the younger kids over winter break at steve's house with the rest of the hellfire club, where the kids become honorary hellfire members, and will gets announced as the first legacy member, bc when he joins when he gets to high school it will be the first time a relative of a hellfire member has joined the club
- nancy goes along with mike bc their mom would only let him go to a strange older kid's house if nancy was with him, which is when nancy starts really becoming friends with the other older teens bc they seem super cool after this
- basically the kids love eddie
- after this party is when steve and eddie finally get together after much pushing from robin, bc the sight of eddie being so good with the kids makes steve want to spill his feelings to eddie
- the next year opens on november 5th, 1983, the day before will goes missing, where eddie and steve are hanging out at his trailer making a plan to keep will safe the next night, and to find el soon after
- the main parts of the plan are that steve will be over at nancy's studying the next night, and he'll offer to drive the kids home instead of them biking, and that when he drops off will he'll hang around until johnathan or joyce get home, and he'll be prepared to fight off a demogorgon just in case
- eddie will be searching the woods near the lab for el during this, and then they'll meet up the next morning when eddie takes steve to school to discuss any further steps depending on how successful they both are (maybe not the best plan, but it's what they came up with)
- so steve takes the kids home the next night, and after he drops off dustin and is driving will home, he swerves on the road bc he sees a figure standing in the middle, so when he gets to wills he immediately goes in with him and locks the doors and looks for the closest available weapon, a lamp
- when they realize the thing is trying to get to the house, will mentions the gun in the shed, so they rush to get it, but then weird light flickering starts to happen in the shed, and the lock on the door that they had done once they got in the shed unlocked in a way that steve knew demogorgons couldn't do, and when the door opened he did see a demogorgon, but he saw vecna behind him (it wasn't actually vecna there, he was just projecting his image, also no vecna doesn't remember the future like steve and eddie, i just love the theory that it was really vecna who took will, but that since he physically couldn't get out of the upside down, he was guiding a demogorgon to do it for him and making sure the demogorgon didn't just immediately eat the kid, bc he'd always been planning on trying to find a vessel and will was the perfect candidate. he didn't kill steve tho bc he sensed that steve was like him (like el did) and so he took them both, not after steve got injured trying to fight back tho)
- so both steve and will are in the upside down
- things go the same mainly that morning with joyce reporting will missing, but since karen wheeler told her steve took the kids home, she told that to hopper too
- johnathan was gonna look for steve at school the next morning but he couldn't find him, and then eddie came up to him clearly freaked out, asking if he'd seen steve, and when he said no, eddie ran out of the school to report steve missing too (he knew where steve was, but if he didn't report no one would, since steve's parents left for their trip early that week)
- steve's car was not at the byers even tho that's where he left it, the lab had already tracked the demogorgon to the byers house, realized the two had been taken, and crashed steve's car on mirkwood to make it seem like something happened, and they were gonna plant the bodies in the quarry later in the week to explain why they disappeared
- hopper had already been getting ready to leave to find steve and talk to the kids when eddie came into the station freaking out about steve being missing, and when hopper implied that maybe steve ran away, or that he took will for some reason, eddie kind of blew up on him, and told him that he knew steve wouldn't do that bc they were in love and he knew steve better than anyone
- hopper calms him down, assures him that he'll find steve, and starts the search, starting with talking to the kids
- this sets the kids off to go find will (and steve this time) in the woods, but eddie runs into them (looking for el but claiming to have joined the search party), and they all find el, and eddie goes with them to mike's basement (he would've taken them to the trailer but wayne wasn't working that night, so they wouldn't have privacy)
- eddie explains to the kids everything then, showing off some of his powers (only by making the lights surge a little, he doesn't wanna break anything or do anything too destructive, and el helps him by floating stuff)
- the kids are skeptical for a bit (minus dustin who thinks everything is super cool, and is mostly mad steve and eddie never told them anything), but basically they all make a plan to rescue will, starting with filling in the other teens
- the next day eddie, who brought the idea up to nancy and she thought it was a great idea (all the older teens, even barb, knew eddie and steve were dating so she's very understanding why eddie wouldn't wanna be alone) to have a get together at her house to comfort each other, and she invites johnathan
- johnathan is already lowkey in love with nancy at this point, and after telling his mom, and her telling him to go and that she'll be fine, and that she's glad he has friends who care, he goes
- that's when eddie fills the older teens in on everything, and they really start forming a plan.
- the main points of the plan are:
- 1) figure out where steve and will are hiding in the upside down
- 2) make hopper suspicious of the lab faster by sabotaging the bodies the lab is gonna plant, taking pictures of the lab people dumping the bodies and giving them to hopper anonymously, and making an anonymous call about suspicious people by the quarry before the lab can send out that one guy to "find" the bodies
- 3) fill in mrs byers when the time is right, make sure she's had some contact with will in the upside down and is willing to listen to them
- 4) collect weapons to fight the demogorgon
- 5) trap the demogorgon (most likely at the byers house, but just in case figure out where exactly steve and will are, and contact them to fill them in on the plan) and sneak through the gate it makes, pull will and steve out of the upside down, kill the demogorgon, and close the gate it leaves (if it doesn't close after the demogorgon dies, or if it stays open too long and other things try to come through)
- 6) figure out how to get the lab off of el's back, that part of the plan would have to wait bc eddie doesn't know what really even happened, neither does steve, and they had both been planning on dealing with that after making sure will didn't get snatched, which didn't end up happening
- the others agree to the plan, and so the next day the kids kind of just continue on as normal, but of course they break el into the school so she can use the big radio so they can get proof of life for will and steve, bc lucas is still skeptical (and rightly so, all of this is batshit crazy)
- nancy and robin go after school to buy the weapons, and start assembling things so that they'll set up their trap faster once the time comes, they also send in the anonymous call once eddie and johnathan give them the signal (every group has walkies at this point, steve bought a bunch a few weeks before bc he figured it'd be necessary)
- eddie and johnathan hide in the woods to sneak pics of the lab being sketchy at the quarry, and eddie uses his powers to get the bodies out of the lake, they cut into them so the stuffing is clearly visible, and they put them back then get the fuck out of there, they develop the pics at the school, and then drop them outside of hopper's house, then go check on joyce
- when they go to check on joyce she had just been talking to will with the alphabet christmas lights, and she had run out of the house bc he told her too, and eddie checked inside the house to make sure it was safe, then they took joyce inside and explained everything, with the help of steve who was using the lights to communicate to them
- meanwhile, hopper had just gotten back from visiting the lab, and was frustrated by the lack of rain on the security camera, and he'd just gotten back from the library too after looking at records on the lab and finding out about terry and jane ives, when he sees the envelope sitting inside on the floor right by his front door
- he didn't get the chance to look at it bc he got called to the quarry, but he took them with
- after pulling the fake bodies out, he was confused af, and he finally opened up the envelope to see the pics, so he drove to joyce's to let her know what happened and show her the pics, and tell her that there was something fishy going on, he was gonna tell her that he was gonna go visit terry ives, and maybe try to break into the lab, but when he got there johnathan and eddie were there, so they filled hopper in, and even tho he was ver skeptical, he agreed to the plan and they set it up for tomorrow, at steve's insistence once he found out eddie had already used his powers a lot that day
- so the next day, which should be thursday, november 10th, the whole party plus barb (no erica, she hasn't been filled in on anything yet bc she's too young, but she will be in a few years) gather at the byers house and set up
- the plan (which i am using if i could turn back time i would find a way by mooseman as heavy inspo, bc it was done very well) is that eddie and joyce are gonna go into the upside down to get will and steve, hopper and johnathan are gonna drive the demogorgon down into the hallway where the bear trap is set up, and nancy and robin will shoot flames and a gun at it to keep it down, while el stands near the gate in case she needs to close it, and the boys and barb hide in the bedroom at the end of the hall (joyce's room) at the insistence of everyone, bc the kids are too young, and while barb didn't want nancy going into this without her, she was still too terrified at the moment to actually face the demogorgon
- everything goes off without a hitch, until they're getting will and steve back through the gate, when demodogs and demobats start making their way over (they accidentally stepped on a vine), and eddie makes joyce take them through first while he tries to hold them off
- eddie manages to blast away a wave of demodogs and demobats with his powers, and then steve (who's not in good shape but is like "no more self sacrificing for my boyfriend") with el drag eddie through the portal, and el begins to close the gate (eddie finds out then and there that he can transfer some strength to el to help her close it) but a demobat got through and went for steve, ala season 4 which brought up some bad shit for steve, but basically johnathan and hopper help him take it down, and then in a burst of adrenaline from steve, he grabs a machete and chops off the demogorgon's head once it broke free from the trap and tried to hurt robin
- after everything calms down will and steve take turns showering off the upside down gunk, get some soup from mama byers, and promptly pass out (will in joyce's bed and steve in johnathan's), the others clean up the demogorgon and demobat, get something to eat, and all crash too, promising to get more filled in on all the fuckery tomorrow and figure out what to do about the lab and explaining steve and will's reappearance then too
- the kids, including el, take over will's room, robin, steve, and eddie are in johnathan's room, joyce, will, and johnathan are in joyce's room, and nancy and barb take the living room, with hopper staying up in the kitchen to take first watch bc he doesn't trust that they're all safe just yet (eddie was planning on getting up to take the next watch from him so hopper could get some sleep, but he had exhausted himself and he just wanted to cuddle with his boyfriend and his boyfriend's emotional support lesbian)
- now i feel like im getting a little lazy with the problem solving when it comes to the lab, but i dont even care bc im just gonna do what i want, but basically the next day hopper, joyce (who didn't really wanna leave will, but with all of the people there she was like ok alright), and steve (who they had tried to tell him no bc he was going mama bear mode and he was gonna take that lab down), they all go to the lab to threaten brenner to call off the search for el, let her live with hopper and be a normal kid, cover up for will and steve disappearing, provide everyone involved (but especially will and steve) with some seriously needed therapy
- brenner declines and tries to kick them out, but owens comes in & gets brenner removed, and is like "yknow what, fuck it, i never liked the whole child experimentation thing anyways, we'll just fake "eleven's" death and we'll get some documents set up so hopper can officially adopt her in a few months while everything settles"
- he comes up with a story to explain will and steve's disappearance, and basically makes up some crazy murderer escaping from pennhurst and stumbling upon will and steve in the road, and taking them to some abandoned cabin in the woods to eventually kill them so they don't go to the police and get him locked up again, and the thing the cops pulled out of the quarry were the guy's shitty attempts at dumping fake bodies of them to throw off the police, but hopper got suspicious and found them, but steve had already knocked the guy out bc he'd been about to hurt will, and so hopper arrested the guy and took will and steve to the hospital, and then when the guy got locked up again he committed suicide (a batshit wild cover up, but i thought steve being a town hero would be fun after all of this, and honestly it made the rest of everything ive planned flow in a way that i liked)
- so basically after the story breaks the news steve's mom finally comes home, hopper had been trying to get a hold of his parents the whole time but they weren't getting the messages
- and it's just steve's mom bc his dad is a bastard, but im gonna make his mom try to be a bit better after this than she has been
- so she's all happy steve's ok, and giving him some much needed attention from his actual mother
- and when his dad finally gets home he doesn't really give a shit, but he keeps up appearances that he's proud of his son
- and it makes things awkward bc for the first time since he was 12, his parents invite his extended family to thanksgiving, which there's family beef so they haven't gotten together in like 5 years
- steve hates all of his extended family, he just sort of vaguely remembers his aunt on his dad's side being pretty chill
- when they all get there tho he realizes she's definitely a lesbian and that's why she's so cool (she's living with her roommate in a big town, no kids, no love interests, and has been for years), so she immediately likes her (last time he saw her was in the first timeline when he actually was 12 so it had been a while, and he had a shit gaydar at that point so he didn't know)
- but steve's trying to deflect his family's intrusive questions about his kidnapping, and trying to make his younger cousins feel more comfortable bc this event is very stuffy, but he does have a heart to heart with his aunt, who's spending the long weekend in the guest room, about eddie and she's like "if my brother ever kicks you out for being gay you are more than welcome to come to my house, and then i'll go kick his ass"
- then the story flashes forward to a week before christmas, where steve's parents throw a flashy christmas party to show off how grateful they are that their son is home, and they actually invite the byers which they'd have never done before, as well as a bunch of other rich families (so nancy and mike and their family are there), and basically it just shows some shenanigans between the present party members hiding from the party in steve's basement and playing board games and being besties
- then it shows steve the day after christmas being dropped of at the byers house by his mom (he had broken his arm in the upside down and it was still not 100% healed so he can't drive himself, plus she wanted to give gifts to the byers and hopper) for a christmas party for everyone involved with the upside down
- and basically while his mom's there it's awkward bc she's making some lowkey backhanded compliments, and her gifts are money for them while making comments about how they need it, so the whole thing is awkward
- but then she sees eddie and goes over and hugs him and thanks him for reporting steve missing and for looking out for him, which is wild bc even tho eddie doesn't have as bad of a reputation in this timeline as before, it's still not great, so mrs harrington willingly breathing in his direction is a shock to anyone
- and it makes steve a bit emotional bc even tho his mom has no idea they're dating, it's still his mom showing some approval of his boyfriend and all he's ever wanted is for his mom to be accepting of him
- but anyways so they all have a nice christmas and they all sleep over, minus hopper and el who go home (el has a short social battery at this point and she's like, i love you but i wanna go sleep in my own bed, which same)
- so then that's it for 1983, and in 1984 it speeds up to the day before max gets to hawkins, which is sometime in late october, and it shows max entering hawkins with her family in the car, and she seems a little anxious, and when they've emptied the move in truck, she tells her mom that she's gonna skateboard around and explore town a bit before she unpacks, and since they showed up on a weekend her mom's like "sure kid go nuts, be home before dinner" bc they don't know about what happened in hawkins last year, so no caution
- so then she skateboards off, immediately heads for steve's house
- steve and eddie were hanging out there, since steve's parents were gone for the weekend (his mom only hovered around him til mid february before she started joining his dad on his business trips again, so they were barely ever home once again, and steve was taking the empty house as an opportunity to spend the whole weekend with his boyfriend)
- and he'd lowkey been feeling weird since that morning, just a weird feeling in his stomach, and when the door knocks he answers it and it's max, and she remembers everything
- she explains to them that she's woken up in california in 1981 with the last thing she remembered being losing her fight with vecna (she has no memories of the hospital), and at first she thought she died and was reliving some memories, but turns out she traveled back in time. she hasn't immediately rushed to hawkins bc she had no idea if anyone would remember her, so she just vibed in california (and put billy in his place so he wasn't being as much of a dick to her), and she figured when she got to hawkins she'd start meddling to make sure no bad shit happened, but when she entered the town she felt a tug that she was compelled to follow, and she followed it to steve's house
- eddie and steve were super happy to see her, but now they were even more confused on how steve had brought her back in time with them, and they figured they'd bring dustin up to speed and bounce theories off with him, but since it wasn't urgent at the time there wasn't a reason to
- as far as steve was aware there hadn't been any signs of upside down bullshit yet, though he was antsy bc if it was gonna happen then it was coming soon, but for now their plan was to get max integrated into the younger kid friend group before explaining to them all who max was and what to possibly expect next, and they were planning on taking it slow bc billy was still an asshole so they had to be careful
- the last thing i thought up for this was a scene where max introduces herself in her science class with dustin, and dustin is like "holy shit she's cute" and max is like "ah yes dumbass number 2, good to see you again bud", and then another scene of steve driving the kids (el included bc she's now started at hawkins middle, going as jane hopper) to the arcade and dustin asking steve questions on if they ever found out who mad max was in the future, and if it was the cute new girl who showed up in his class, and steve was like "please stop asking me questions about the future just so you can find out who's kicking your asses at dig dug"
- this scene at the arcade, and wherever steve will be hanging out while waiting for them, would be good to a) introduce billy to some of the older teens bc he'd just dropped off max too, and im assuming steve's gonna meet up with his friends somewhere nearby while he waits for the kids, b) maybe do some mind flayer shit, like setting up for that, but i cant decide whether i want it to be will who's possessed, steve who's possessed, or eve both. or maybe they both show signs of potential possession, but then later only one of them gets actually possessed, idk yet, but i still wanna work in dart somehow, and the part where max is driving steve's car, just like in different circumstances bc eddie, steve, and max know what's going to happen, and have already been changing things, and wanna avoid most of the upside down disasters obviously
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applebeeslover · 2 years
there needs NEEDS to be more killjoy comics
ok i get the wait between the california issues and national anthem issues was like 7 years but i need more to read NOW i havent been able to pick up a book in likeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 8 years but these comics made it possible again for me. I am illiterate therefore can only rely on children’s picture books and comics to look at pictures and make up stories to go along with said pictures and i want a story with AWESOME COOL MULTI NEON GAY COLORED CHARACTERS not elephant and piggy playing catch with a snake so i think if we all devote some money to the cause ( pay me ) we can get more killjoys comics i just need 80 grand and ill get more killjoys comics i will just spawn them into existence ( 1am rant vol2 )
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illumiiiz · 2 years
HEY ANGELS 💕💕 sooo starting today im gonna be avoiding all social media like the PLAGUE until I’ve had a chance to fully catch up on Stranger Things, cuz as you can see even the tumblr site is showing ads for it and i really, really, really dont wanna have anything spoiled for me :’) and s4 vol2 is coming out tmrw so there’s almost no chance of being on social media and ✨ n o t ✨ hearing spoilers flnakxfn
soooo y e a h stay safe and take care loves!! <3 if im not back and posting (ir)regularly in a week’s time pls assume i’ve been kidnapped by Vecna :)
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krismatic · 4 years
Thoughts on rwby so far???
So I started Volume 6 today and well... I really love the series
I keep seeing in like the comment sections of the characters trailers and music videos that it “used to be good but got ruined in the later seasons” and stuff like that but... I’m not seeing that at all?? Nothing terrible in terms of quality has really happened, maybe I just have low standards. I’m also only at Volume 6 so maybe it’s yet to happen.
Anyways, that aside, it’s super fun to watch and the music... is SO GOOD. From Shadows and the openings from 1-4 are my favourite songs.
At first, Weiss was my favourite, but that only lasted for the first half of Volume 1. Then I didn’t have a favourite... and now it’s Blake. I really love her design and character! She’s quiet and finds it hard to trust people, but the people she does trust, she really cares about. A ton. She’s just 💖💖💖💖💖
I really love the relationships between the characters as well! Pyrrha and Jaune (I hope I’m spelling these right) Blake and Yang (I am LOOKing 👀💖 in a gay way) Yang and Ruby, Weiss and Ruby, Nora and Ren, Sun and Neptune (or as my friends and myself like to call them, Monke and Ninja), and also Sun and Blake! They’re so good!
Honestly I could make an entire post about Blake and Yang’s relationship. It started out with that one scene back in Vol2(?) when they were talking about their pasts together... that was what made me start to ship them. There’s all these little things, where they help each other in small ways, and understand each other more. In Vol6, Blake makes an effort to help Yang with her luggage, to try to help “make up” for leaving her and the rest of the team. Of course, in Vol5, Yang gets mad at Blake because she isn’t there and she’s so concerned about her. She’s mad that Blake left them and went away on her own again.
And well... Vol3. The fall of Beacon. Adam cutting off Yang’s arm while all Blake can do is watch, because she’s been stabbed as well.
That whole scene was...
Adam: “I’ll destroy everything you love...”
*camera shows Yang*
Adam: “Starting with her!”
That was... oh boy. Very dramatic and IT HURT A LOT TOO.
Blake crying over Yang and saying “I’m sorry.” hurt so MUCH.
....okay rant over. Didn’t mean to write that much but I CARE THEM.
Anyways... I’m hoping I’ll be able to catch up to the current volume soon!
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trashpandaorigins · 5 years
Things I Noticed About Gamora & Rocket in GOTG:
Rewatched parts of gotg last night in the name of research for my current WIP The Body Keeps the Score, a fic exploring Gamora and Rocket’s friendship. I noticed a couple of things that were really heartfelt. The thing is these two don’t interact much, but when they do it’s telling. The thing I love the most is that their dynamic says a lot while saying very little. It’s subtle. Here are some of my observations:
1) Rocket just flings himself at Gamora during their Xandar chase/fight scene?? Like he doesn’t even use his stun gun or anything he just runs and jumps, or leaps off of Groot’s shoulders and launches himself at her, hoping his arms are long enough to catch around her torso and throw her to the ground? It’s really funny, he just charges at her.
2) A few moments later Gamora chucks him into a glass wall like he’s made of paper and subsequently easily shoves him to the ground. Trying to loose him rather then actually attack him.
3) Rocket has clearly heard of Gamora before the movie begins w/ his “Yeah, I know who you are. Anyone’s who’s anyone knows you are.”
4) Gamora is the ONLY Guardian to actually call Rocket by his name after meeting him. Peter calls him a raccoon and Drax calls him a creepy little beast but Gamora shouts to him during the prison escape scene by his actual name.
5) Gamora reaches out w hand to help Rocket up as he climbed over Groot to get to the main tower in the Klyn. Rocket takes her hand without comment or some smart retort.
5) When Rocket turns off the anti-gravity it’s Gamora who is impressed w/ his plan. I love the little smile she gives him, looking over his shoulder down at the computer. It’s very validating of Rocket’s genius that he’s more then a strange augmented animal.
6) During the bar scene where Rocket breaks down and yells, “he called me vermin...she called me rodent!” You get w shot of Gamora turning from Drax to Rocket. She looks surprised to be called out but then immediately feels bad, even ashamed that she called him that. From this point on throughout Vol2 IW and EG Gamora is AGAIN the ONLY Guardian who never ever calls Rocket any names after that. In fact when Nebula calls him a fox in Vol2 it’s her who vehemently defends him with, “he’s NOT a fox!” Despite the fact that they were still mad at him for the batteries.
7) “I didn’t ask to get made...” the shot goes again to all of them and Gamora’s face is something I never got a good look at until now. But boy, does she look empathetic and like she understands.
8) You can also see Gamora between Groot and Rocket during the “We are Groot,” scene. It’s blurry but she’s there. She’s closer to the two of them then Peter or Drax and thus she had to witness that exchange of Rocket pleading w/ Groot not to do this.
9) When they all reunite at the Nova Corps there’s a brief shot of Gamora looking down, smiling so sweetly at Rocket holding Groot’s twig in the pot. She just looks so loving and admiring at them.
10) Rocket tries to reason w/ Dey about stealing Gamora smirks and actually reaches around to gently press Rocket towards the ship. Not only goes he let her do this but he goes w/ her and continues to laugh and joke w her.
11) Gamora’s hand pating Drax’s shoulder as she walks by is so brief but so wonderful as those two have come the farthest from hating each other to now being friends.
12) Gamora also watches as Baby Groot wakes up. Again I’m just the way she conveys so much w/ a smile is so touching and you can literally see Rocket’s chest inflate w surprise and shock when Baby Groot wakes.
Suffice to say Rocket and Gamora have a really interesting dynamic and friendship. Both have been abused and raised by people who turned them into living weapons. Both are running from their past, both have cybernetic enhancements and both of them put on a harsh front to mask their emotions. While the same could be said for Nebula, Gamora’s empathy and compassion balances Rocket out and encourages him to also be more empathetic. I really love the two of them and hope to see more fics exploring their friendship!!
Read The Body Keeps the Score on AO3 or on my blog! #thebodykeepstheacorefic
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chrisrainicorn · 6 years
So, what Pokemon do you think Team RWBY and Team JNPR would have if they could have them? To make this easy, let's just go with one that would be a Pokemon that walks alongside them in their journey.
Oooooo boy this is gonna be a long ride! I have spent too much time thinking about that since I started watching RWBY lmao, so ill try to not type a full book about it dshjg
So with team RWBY, I’ll start with Weiss cuz she was the first one that stopped to think about this months ago. Her main would totally be an Alolan Ninetales! It’s perfect for her not for just it’s typing and looks, but because Weiss’ fighting style and Ninetales usage in real competitive battles are incredibly similar: they can be fast sweepers (Snow Warning + Blizzard - and for Weiss, just look at the vol2 train fight really) and amazing support for their team (Aurora Veil and the supporting Glyphs).
For Yang, my first pick would be an Infernape, Fire/Fighting is a perfect type combination for her, the flaming hair/head comparison, and both Blaze and Iron Fist as its ability are super fitting… really, I don’t think it needs more explanation skjhgsd but I would also give her an Arcanine maybe… mainly because it would it would look good together, just imagine how badass Yang riding one would be!! Also little Yang with a puppy is adorable. Of course, she can have both, but I’m not sure which would be her main.
The main reason I talked about those two first, it’s because I actually have complete drawings of them as trainers! I never posted here tho… I want to do that when I have the complete team. But you can see them at my DA
Weiss / Yang 
I’ll put the rest under read more because this is gonna be long as hecc. I have a conflict about Ruby’s, an actual full backstory for Jaune, and I’m Arkos trash so it’s going to have a little bit of that too lmao
Ok, continuing… Blake… Obviously, it would be a cat pokemon. I wanted one that was good at using Substitute, to make a reference to her semblance. I went through every cat pokemon, but most of them weren’t bulky enough for that… then it hit me and I felt stupid dkghds Umbreon is not exactly a cat, but it’s cat-like enough and viable sets with Substitute actually exist! And her Eevee would totally have the ability Run Away before evolving.
Ruby was the most difficult one for me to pick a main, she can have a Roselia or Scizor but I was like… eh. I wanted a Wolf pokemon for her, to make a reference to her inspirational fairytale. I see a lot of people picking Zorua, but really…. aside from color scheme they are nothing alike, it would be more fitting for Emerald or even Neo.
Then the image of Ruby with a Rockruff came to me and I flipped cuz that would be so adorable??? And I was like THAT’S THE ONE.
Then I got conflicted about what it would evolve into. Ok, hear me out, if you were looking at it’s colors, Midnight form would be the best. BUT it’s fighting style is all about waiting, taking damage and lashing out after, its personality is too aggressive. Ruby is all about speed and the sweetest thing… so no…
Also, it’s the only form that doesn’t learn the priority more Accelerock, the one thing that would make it fast, and Ruby’s Lycanroc would totally have that move. So if I had to pick one, it would be the Dusk form I guess… I actually looked at the description of the form’s personalities at Bulbapedia months ago sdjkgh and thought that Dusk was more fitting for her. (Also Dusk is a special form for protagonists only lmao and Ruby sure is one) 
Now JNPR! I actually have more than one pick for each one of them.
Ok… I want you … To just imagine… kid Ren and Nora traveling together… with a cute Ralts and a baby Elekid with them… just… imagine that…
Ren’s Ralts would totally evolve into a Gallade, Psychic/Fighting is a perfect type combination for him. It literally has green blades on its arms!!! And who keeps his green blades on his sleeves??? No coincidence!! Riolu/Lucario are also super fitting in my opinion, because of the Aura stuff, but Gallade would be his main
Nora’s Electivire would be a powerhouse! Motor Drive as its ability to reference her semblance. As scary it might look, I headcanon that it would be a total sweetheart tho sjkdgh Because I have one more thing for Nora… a Dedenne, and you don’t want to mess with that tiny rat! Small, but it eats the tears of its opponents for breakfast, and it will kick your butt!
Pyrrha would have most OU/Uber team ever! She’s a champion of various tournaments. Her main is a badass Garchomp, but with personality, that’s similar to its trainer. Also, she would have a shiny Aegislash, steel type, blade and shield… I think it fits. Probably has a mega evolution… Mega Garchomp is actually worse than the regular one so maybe another pokemon of her team. She would totally have a pokemon that’s like… I know it’s definitely not the thing that you will see in competitive battles, but she doesn’t care, she has it because she likes it… I just can’t think which pokemon that would be tho…
Oof… now Jaune, his main would be a shiny Chansey. The backstory that I have is that he found a small Happiny in the woods next to his home when he was just a little kid. There were rumors going around the town that there was a super rare pkm there, the Chansey line is already ridiculously special… and shiny above all that? So people were crazy to catch it.
So little Jaune found the Happiny all tired from running away and ended up befriending it. Helping it hide and find food, visiting her every day on her little hideout at the woods. He didn’t know the pokemon, why it was so wanted, and had no clue that it was a shiny (after all, the colors barely change).
After some time tho… some people found out about all of that. Little Jaune stood between the people and the pkm. The Happiny, seeing how her friend doing his best to protect her, evolves right on time (i know it needs an oval stone, Jaune probably gave one to her after doing some search and finding out that Happiny likes carrying one on their pouches). She puts the trainers to sleep with a Sing (after telling Jaune to cover his ears ofc sksklfj) and after they were safe, Jaune insists that she runs away, people knew, they were going to wake up soon and the little woods on the back of his house weren’t safe anymore.
But Chansey doesn’t want to leave, she grabs an empty pokeball from a sleeping trainer, and offers to Jaune so he could catch her. Jaune doesn’t have the age to be a trainer yet, and even if it’s his dream, he doesn’t think he would be a good one, still, he catches Chansey and they were always together ever since. (i wish i could draw a comic about this someday…) 
His team would be more support based. His confidence can get a little down because most of his pokemon aren’t those super strong attackers or competitive material - he will learn that it isn’t all about attacking tho (especially with Pyrrha’s help), and he grows into an incredible strategist. I like to think that he also has a Pachirisu, just because he is Pyrrha’s partner, and you absolutely don’t want to get into a double battle with Garchomp and a Pachirisu against you! 
ALSO HE TOTALLY WOULD HAVE A SCORBUNNY!! Probably named after a cereal mascot and damn I really want to draw that someday sgkjhsdg
The last thing… One day while I was thinking about options for Pyrrha’s pokemon, I was just looking for one with a matching color scheme, to then see if it fits her after.
I stopped at Ho-oh, and without even hesitating I thought “That’s more than fitting and she would totally have one its op but she’s badass enough for it and there is no convincing me otherwise.”
So yeah! I like to think that Pyrrha is Ho-oh’s “chosen one”. She doesn’t own it in a pokeball, but she had its protection and has permission to use it in battle sometimes.
Because I Arkos occupies half of my brain, I like to think that Jaune would eventually be Lugia’s chosen one. Just imagine that… the partners paired with a legendary duo… that’s some soulmates stuff! The legendaries totally fit them more than just color schemes too. Pyrrha has the one more focused on attack and Jaune has the bulky one.
I think… that is all… I have a few more minor headcanons, but this is too big already so I think it’s best if I stop here lmao
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found a site where i can read comic books online and im fuckin finally reading the first issue of vol2 of the weatherman bc they dont have it at the store near me but i do have issues 2 3 and 4 and im fuckin HYPED bc i can finally catch up on it insted of just having them sit on my bookshelf
actually today my friend gave me a comic book about MJ and i’m soooo excited to read it and i’m gonna try to find the place she went to to buy comics bc it was like $2 but normally is $4 and i want more than the (1) superhero comic i was given
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myrtenraphster · 6 years
RWBY Volume 6 Episode 1
Ah yes the classic “start in the middle, then explain how they got here” thing
“Good to see you’re not rusty” Yang pls
“Why is it always something!?” It’s called protag power
“Thank me later!” I MISSED THIS
The colgate move wasn’t a battle move at all
Also confirmed Ruby can fly
Hey look Adam being an edgelord
Dat goat scream
Hey it’s the teaser
“Lost his life while trying to defend the school” U SERIOUS? HE WAS TO BLAME
The sisters being sisters, I love them
And Nora being well... Nora
Ren wanting to go to the beach is a mood
Weiss bby don’t u worry
That lil smirk on Weiss as qrow tears these guys appart tho
Is Oscar becoming wiser a side effect of the ozpin brain tumor?
oh dis gay
Monkey boi is baaack
Neptune... Neptune no
Monkey boi excited to go back home
Aaaaand he made things sad
That song tho
Sun is a good friend, I wanna be that kinda friend.
That’s the kiss everyone was making such noise about? That’s... Y’all extra dramatic af, and need to chill. Das a goodbye kiss.
Neptune isn’t impressed by sun’s bravado after he ditched them
Blake being broody... as usual
Blake no
Blake nO 
Lookit Ruby and Weiss being anime and cute
Qrow being a cool uncle
Aaaaand there it is
It’s Dingus and Wingus againnnn
Dude that mace is cool
Team JNPR joins the battle
Oh no the thing noticed the turrets
Woah, check out the moves on compost boi, he’s really learning.
Dingus is being... a dingus
gOD THE SOUND OF THE BONE BREAKING.... a+ on the sound but it was gross
Ruby using the Talk No Jutsu
Ruby still using Talk No Jutsu
Oh...Blake bby you need help
.Ooooh that song
Compost boi knows how to fight grimm already?
Dude you can see EXACTLY how Ruby’s style is influenced by Qrow’s
This reminds me of the train fight from Vol2
Crescent Rose Mechanism close up? Love it
A very Weiss centered first scene of the OP? LOVING IT MORE
Something tells me this is going to be a very Weiss centered volume aw yeah
Jaune being a goof
Uh oh, that tension between the bees
Oh no... I hope this doesn’t mean Qrow dies... pls... I love trashy drunkle
Hooded figure~
Adam and the villains being meh
Salem being rawr
Ozpin looks noice in the new style tho
I think Ozpin’s shady business is catching up to him and Oscar has to pay for it... that’s... sad
HOODED FIGURE HAS A SWORD?? AND ROBO ARM?? IF IT IS NEO THEN... Damn she must’ve had a rough time landing in a grimm infested vale
A very WR centric OP... I love it but my lil monochrome heart cries
Monty... you’d be proud of this one man, they’re getting closer to reaching your own Montyness
My final thoughts on the episode? God I haven’t been so excited about a volume in a while.
The animation is so much better, they went back to the kind of animation they had during volume 2 and 3 but it looks... a bit more fluid. I love it
They managed to make Jaune goofy again, and not hog screentime, which I really dig. The overall pacing is better. 
Also they managed to show growth on certain characters. Like Weiss realizing she shouldn’t depend on her summons and going back to her usual fight style, and also compost boi being able to fight off grimm without ozpin taking over.
Speaking of fighting styles THEY’RE USING THE STYLES FROM VOLUMES 1-3, Ruby cutting off everything and then double tapping the grimm, Weiss with her speedy movements and constant atacking mixed in with her glyphs, I hope we get to see the Haste glyph again. Blake with the hit and run she’s known for and Yang with her brute strenght being able to casually GRAB AND THROW A GIANT GRIMM LIKE TORCHWICK’S MECHSUIT?? I love
Also in the train scene seeing Qrow and Ruby fighting side by side you can see Ruby’s style based off his, he did teach her and I love that you can see it.
The return of the anime tropes Monty would use like Nora snapping from one place to another or Ruby and Weiss sliding from the side.
I can say that im excited for this volume and I think I can expect it to be as good as it deserves to be... You’d be proud of this one Monty.
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Fighter, Lover - Yondu x Reader
so here’s maybe an idea if you want: like reader gets to be a part of the guardians of the galaxy somehow idk how and then yondu comes along for a mission and sees her fighting and is like damn who is that and they end up fighting together during the fight and they’re awesome and idk what happens after that it’s up to you but yea - Anon
Set sometime after GOTG Vol2 - Yondu lives AU
“Quill come on, let’s go” you called, walking along the length of the Milano from your room to the cockpit, “we’ve been stalling this for 3 days now”
“Yeah, 3 days waiting for Yondu, and now he’s here, so we can go”
You rolled your eyes. You had no idea why Peter had been so insistent about getting his old captain to join you for this mission. As far as you could see, there was nothing that you couldn't handle, and nothing extra the Ravager could bring to the table – that being said, Peter hadn’t hold you much about the guy, actually Peter hadn’t hold you anything at all! It was Rocket who’d told you that Yondu Udonta was the captain of the Ravager ship Peter used to live on.
“Well, someone’s in a hurry” the voice that greeted you was a low, southern drawl. As you stepped forward you saw who it belonged to; this, presumably, was Yondu.
You eyed him suspiciously, having dealt with Ravagers in the past. This one was a Centaurian by the looks of things, a little older, rough round the edges. But Peter seemed to trust him, more or less.
“We either do this today or we lose half the reward.” You said, directing it at Peter who was lounging back in his chair.
“Straight t’ business – I like this one, boy” Yondu chuckled, looking you up and down appreciatively, he held out a hand for you to shake, “Yondu Udonta. So who is this fine young thing and why ain’t I seen ‘em before?”
You laughed at his flattery, and shook his hand. Maybe he wasn’t so bad, “Y/N. Only got dragged into this a few weeks back”
“I wouldn’t say dragged…” Peter said.
“No? Really? Because I would – I was literally dragged onto his ship”
“You were unconscious”
“That doesn’t make it any better!”
Yondu laughed, smirking at you, “Glad t’see there’s someone to put ‘im in his place”
You smiled, “I do my best” you had a look around, quickly checking everyone was ready, or nearly there, “right, we going then?” 
“Yes Mom” he moaned.
You rolled your eyes, taking a seat, “He always been like this?” you asked Yondu.
He laughed, “You ain’t got no idea”
It would take long for you to arrive at your destination – a small space port, recently invaded by a group of ex-military thugs. The owner of the port couldn’t careless, but near the core of the place, was a few crates of very expensive (very illegal) imports, that he wanted back. The job description was simple – get the crates, kill whoever you need to to do it. No problem.
You had zoned out, staring out into space as the Milano kept its course. Yondu was curious. You seemed more level headed than the rest of the Guardians. Initially he’d presumed you were ages with Peter, but looking more closely it was obvious you were certainly older than the majority of them, definitely more mature too. Your species were generally smaller in stature - you were too, but not much more so than the others on the ship, it wasn’t terribly noticeable. As far as he was aware, your species were peaceful too, preferring to keep to themselves. He reckoned you were more of a negotiator than a fighter, you just couldn’t be a warrior. He found himself wondering how you’d managed to get mixed up with this lot.
When you reached the port there was no sign of life, except the light from inside the bar – where the hatch down into the core was, and the crates. Everyone quickly did a weapons check, grabbing extra ammo and whatever else they thought would be helpful, then headed out.
Peter went first with Gamora, followed by you, then Yondu (who stayed oddly close to you), then Drax, Rocket and Groot. Peter threw the doors open, then flanked them inside with Gamora, letting you step in between then, Yondu just behind you, Drax just behind him, with Rocket and Groot making their way to the front. Peter fired his blaster in the air, getting everyone’s attention.
Once all eyes had turn to yous, you stepped up, and yelled, “Listen up!” Yondu jumped, his eyes widening in surprise at the volume of your voice, “You have two options! One – get out of our way and let us get what we came for, or two – die! You’ve got 5 seconds to make up your mind!”
The crowd in the bar were surprised by the intrusion, but it was plainly obvious that they were choosing to fight. Yondu, however, was still staring at you in shock. How the Hell did such a level headed, sensible sweet thing like you, manage to scream your lungs out threatening a small army of thugs? He was impressed.
You drew your weapons, watching as your opponents did the same. “3” you called, “2…1!”
As a whole you jumped forward, Peter and Rocket shooting, Drax and Gamora swing their respective knives and sword, Groot doing his thing too, despite currently being pint size. You caught sight of Yondu’s arrow activating as he whistled, impressed by the technology.
Your fighting style was just a little different. With sharp, spiked, metal knuckledusters slipped onto your hands, you set to work. The metal inlay of your boots also coming in handy as you swung a kick or two. Yondu kept watching you out the corner of his eye – what in the Universe…? He was amazed how easily you took down the men in front of you, the strength of your punches and kicks, your agility at ducking out the way of danger. You were incredible.
Yondu had brought a twin set of guns with him as back up, and seeing the numbers that you were facing, he decided they better get put to use. You’d all managed to make your way in amongst the crowd, taking sections at a time to deal with. Yondu made his way towards the centre of the room, still whistling as he shot and moved. His instincts told him to look out for you, being smaller and leaner than the rest (though you mostly didn’t need it). It was sheer luck that Yondu happened to be watching you when one of the thugs grabbed your ankle as you kicked, making you crash to the floor.
In a split second the yaka arrow had entered and exited his head, and the body fell to the floor. Yondu had easily managed to shoot himself a path through to you, standing over you and defending as you slowly got back to your feet. You’d hit the ground hard, bashing your head off the metal floor had dazed you a bit. You shook yourself, taking a deep breath and exhaling as you pushed yourself back to your feet, ready to go on. “Ya alright?”
You laughed, adrenalin buzzed from fighting, “All the better for seeing you”
He smirked, “Just the way I like it”
You were standing back to back, shots and punches flying as the arrow zipped through the remaining thugs. You were all making fair progress, the largest ground had surrounded Yondu and you. But as the others finished off the ones they were dealing with, they came and started picking of the crowd you two had gathered. You and Yondu were working together with ease – shots came flying in your direction every now and again, and whoever saw it shouted instructions to the other so they could avoid it, you stuck close to each other, not allowing anyone to get at your backs. You were tactical, telling the other what you were planning without giving your game away. You worked well with one another.
Soon the fight was over. With a swift heel to his sternum, you knocked the last thug to the floor, Yondu spinning round to put a bullet in him.
You looked around. You’d won. You laughed, grinning wide, “Hell yeah” You leant over, leaning on your knees and catching your breath.
Yondy chuckled, “Damn Darlin’, I’m impressed.” with a whistle his arrow returned to it’s holder.
“Thanks” you straightened up again, grinning at him.
He nodded approvingly as he looked at you, “I’d say we make a pretty fine team, Y/N”
“I’d have to agree”
“Hey whatcha say to comin’ out w’ me sometime? Get me know me better” he wiggled his eyebrows at you, and you couldn’t help but smile wide as he sauntered close to you. 
“I think that sounds like a great idea”
Peter was staring on in horror, jaw dropped. No way, no way, was Yondu flirting with Y/N… and she didn’t mind?! No way had she just agreed to go on a date with him.
Without looking round, you snapped, “Shut your mouth Quill” He did it so quickly he nearly bit his tongue.
Groot had climbed up onto Drax’ shoulder, looking down at Rocket he said, “I am Groot”
“Dude” Rocket exclaimed, staring up at him in disgust, “that’s gross, why would you even say that?!”
“Peter?” Drax asked, “If Y/N enters into a sexual relationship with Yondu would that make her your new Mother seeing as Yondu has become your new Father?”
Gamora choked at the look of horror on Peter’s face, “Why? Why? Why the Hell would you even say that to me? Oh my God! That’s disgusting, you’re disgusting!”
“Whatcha think?” Yondu asked you, the cheekiest of grins on his face ,“Reckon I could make y’a Momma?”
You bit your bottom lip, smiling, “I’d like to see you try”
From behind you all you heard was Peter going to walking out, declaring, “I’m gonna be sick”
But Yondu was still grinning at you, “Say, these lot can go get our reward, and we can have a little moment t’ ourselves?”
“At least let me clean the blood of first” you laughed.
Peter nearly screamed, “I am actually going to vomit!” Slamming the door behind him.
You had to say, you were looking forward to this.
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doneses · 7 years
Love Problems
Here’s a birthday fic I wrote for my good friend @bakaqbe. They wanted to a fic of Yang feeling angsty because she has feelings for Blake during the Dance Arc in Vol2. I hope you like it Drey!
She shoved Blake against the desk, feeling a twinge of regret shoot her as Blake glared daggers at her as she got up. Yang stepped forward, noting how Blake balled her hands into fists as she approached. She threw her arms around Blake, embracing her, pulling her close. She closed her eyes and nuzzled Blake’s hair. She felt Blake stiffen for a moment before her body relaxed.
                                        “I’m not asking you to stop,” she whispered. She opened her eyes. “Just please… get some rest.” She leant back from Blake’s shoulder and gazed into her amber eyes. Blake met her eyes and didn’t look away, still looking more than a little miffed. She looked so tired, the bags under her eyes were so deep and her eyes were bloodshot, not doubt from all that time on the computer. Did she have any idea how much it hurt to see her doing this to herself? “Not just for yourself.” Blake’s gaze softened as they stared into each other’s eyes. “But for the people you care about,” she said. She let go of Blake, letting her arms rest at her side, and walked away. “And if you feel like coming out tomorrow,”
                                        She climbed the steps of the bleachers, before stopping and looking back at her. Blake was watching her leave. She flashed Blake a grin, and said
                                       “I’ll save you a dance.” She winked at Blake before turning away and resuming her way up the bleachers.
                                    She exited the room and leaned against the wall, sighing.
                                   Whatever god was out there, she hoped they would let her just have this. For Blake to get better, to get some rest, to realize her team loved her. She raised a hand, curled it into a fist, and rested it over her chest. That she loved her. That she never wanted to see Blake destroy herself again. That she had never told anyone but Blake about her search for her mother, and that she hoped Blake would return her feelings.
                                    She chortled, the laugh devoid of any mirth. Of course not. Blake had Sun. What were the odds a girl like Blake would be gay, or bi? That she had any chance with her. She shook her head. Even if Blake didn’t love her back she would still be her partner, her team mate, her friend. And she would do everything in her power to make sure she was happy.
                                         She got off the door and walked down the hallway, heading towards the ballroom. She had to make sure Weiss hadn’t added those doilies before retiring for the night.
* * *
                                   She ran a hand through her hair, her pulse racing each time the door to the ballroom opened. She and Weiss had to leave early to make sure everything was ready before it started. The door opened and her heart skipped a beat.
                                      She looked absolutely beautiful, a smile on her lips as she saw Yang. Her bow matched her dress; a dark purple, and she had covered up the bags under her eyes with makeup, matching her eye shadow. Her excitement wavered as she noticed Sun’s arm locked around hers. She offered them a smile as they walked up to the podium.
                                       “Glad you could make it!” she said.
                                        “Glad we came!” Sun said with a grin. Blake stepped towards the podium, her smile not leaving her face.
                                        “You said you saved me a dance?” she asked. Yang smile grew, becoming quiet genuine, and nodded her head, feeling heat creep into her cheeks. She stepped away from the podium and held out her arm. Blake wrapped her arm around Yang’s, and led her to the dance floor.
                                        She let Blake take the lead as they danced, mimicking her movements as they danced. She didn’t notice the music, or the couples dancing around them, the only thing that mattered to her right now was Blake.
                                          They twirled, their movements mirroring the others, and when they came up Yang saw Blake grin at her. She grinned back until she realized Blake was looking past her. She turned around and saw Sun walking up to them, holding up a hand in greeting. Her grin fell and she motioned with her hands for Sun to take over.
                                        She didn’t look back as she walked away, Blake’s giggles cutting into her. She saw Weiss and Ruby standing off to the side, watching the dancing couples, and walked over to them, taking a place next to her sister.
                                          “Told ya she’d come.” She said.
                                          “Mission accomplished,” Weiss said, a tinge of satisfaction in her voice. Ruby looked between the two of them.
                                           “So… what do we do now?” Weiss walked off and Yang started to leave as well.
                                          “Just have fun!” she called over her shoulder.
                                          She took the long way back to her podium. Blake was happy and that was all that mattered.
                                           So why does it hurt so much knowing she chose him over me?
* * *
                                 A sigh escaped her lips as she held onto the railing, looking down at the dance floor.
                                  She’s happy with him, move on, accept it.
                                 She heard someone walk up to her and saw red out of the corner of her eye.
                                    “I think we really needed this,” she said as her sister looked over the railing at the dancing couples.
                                     “Yeah.” Her sister lent back. “And you did a great job planning it too,” she said.
                                    Yang reached over and wrapped an arm around her sister’s shoulder, drawing her into a hug. Her sister squirmed as she was pulled into the hug.
                                      “Aw, thanks. It wasn’t all me though. Weiss did a lot too.” Her sister stopped squirming, something in the crowd catching her eye. She looked over at where her sister was looking and saw Weiss and Neptune sitting together, talking, and smiling. She looked down at her sister and saw her frown, at least for a second, before looking away, at something or someone else. She knew that feeling all too well. She sighed and let her sister go, resting her arms on the railing.
                                     “Tomorrow’s back to work.” She said. Her sister shrugged.
                                    “Well, I’m sure we can handle anything that gets thrown at us.” Laughter erupted from the dance floor and she looked down to see Jaune walking through the crowd in a white dress. “Except for that,” she heard Ruby say.
                                        Yang snickered; he must be crazy to wear that, a dress with sneakers? Absolutely criminal.                    
* * *
                                     Yang saw Blake grab a book of the shelf and climb up into her bunk while she fiddled with her scroll. Sunlight from the morning sun shone bright through the open window, a bit of a breeze blowing through the room. Ruby and Weiss were off studying in the library, and they had a few hours till that meeting in the great hall.
                                    After a little while Yang cleared her throat, and sat up.
                                    “Hey Blake?” There was a pause as her partner’s head appeared, her raven black hair hanging down.
                                    “What?” she asked. Yang chewed on her lip and set her scroll off to the side. It was worth a shot. The worst she could do is break her heart.
                                      “Is… are you… are you and Sun serious?” Blake blinked several times as she processed the question. Her head disappeared from sight for a moment before she leapt off her bed, landing in front of Yang’s bunk without a sound. She sat down on the edge of Yang’s bed.
                                     “What do you mean by that?” she asked. Yang swallowed. Was it hot in here?
                                     “I mean… do you like him? Do you want to be with him?” Blake cocked her head to the side.
                                      “Why do you ask?” Yang looked down at her lap and gripped her bed sheets. It was now or never.
                                      “Well. I like you, Blake. Like, a lot. And if you want to be with Sun that’s fine, I can understand why, but I wanted to know if we had a cha-” she felt the words die on her tongue as Blake’s hand rested on her own. She felt her cheeks grow warm and looked up at Blake’s face. She was smiling.
                                      “Yang, Sun’s just a friend. I only went with him because he asked me, and I wanted to make up for how rude I had been to him.” Her grip tightened. “But I really care about you too, Yang. You’re my partner. You were there to get me out of my downward spiral. You didn’t care I was with the White Fang, or a Faunus. I’m sure that there is not a thing you would not do for me.” She leaned forward. “I’m willing to give this a chance, if you are.”
                                        Yang’s heart felt like it was going to burst out of her chest and she nodded, resting her other hand on Blake’s.
                                        “Of course I am.” She said. She rested her hands between them as they sat together on her bed.
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