#and then i get paid to infodump.
absentmoon · 1 year
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Someone talk to me about how crazy ex girlfriend was literally revolutionary television like actually did things I have NEVER seen before especially in that genre
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anglerflsh · 1 year
What were the specifics of these social mind games which you used to avoid paying for food ?
it's not even social mind games I just get lunch paid in exchange of unofficial tutoring (which half the time means I talk to people about like. Descartes or Dante's Inferno)
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chunkecheeks · 11 months
hate knowing i'm a "mid sized influencer" on tiktok i love coming back here where i don't matter and we are all writhing in the dirt just the same
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born-to-lose · 7 months
One day I'm ranting about men with the coworkers and the next I go to physiotherapy and get the cute guy with the musk scent, arm hair and beard stubble
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maeples · 2 years
🧍‍♀️ i may have just accidentally become a research assistant
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autisticmight · 7 months
i was talking at Disabled People Go Outside Adventures Society about how i almost had a panic attack that morning and kept myself together by saying 'bionicle' over and over again, and then this guy i don't really get along with started asking me about bionicle (he seemed to think that krakatoa was on metru nui. i asked him if he was getting confused between krahka and toa and also the literal fucking real life volcano)
he mostly wanted an explanation of the 08-09 storyline, which is apparently when he was interested in bionicle. he wanted to know if Bionicle God was the guy with a person in his mask. and. like. buddy there is so much going on there. three guys wore that mask. one of those guys was just the mask making a body in order to wear itself. used the phrase 'god's defibrilator' in public
anyway he was talking about mata nui in that case
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justporo · 7 months
Date night with Astarion and Tav
I just had an idea. Astarion and Tav go on a night out... But it's a game they play: make it as bougie and flamboyant as possible - without spending a single piece of gold.
You start by stealing each other outfits - or maybe convincing the store clerk that you paid for it already; maybe even returning it after date night to get "your" gold back
You go to one of those restaurants that only do reservations months in advance, convincing the waiter that "of course we have a reservation, do you not know who we are??", then striding in as if you owned the place after you've caused a colossal scene, all heads already turning to you
Ordering the most expensive bottle of wine off the menu and the most expensive dish (although of course Astarion doesn't take one bite) then putting it on the tab of someone whose name you just picked up somewhere or just making a one up on the spot that sounds so important and complicated that no one dares to deny you - or just pretending you don't speak the language and are foreign nobility
You'll have to make run though before you're being found out; surely you're not creating a distraction by knocking over this priceless vase, are you? Or by throwing Astarion's untouched steak to the spoilt lap dogs over at another table causing absolute chaos?
You run or sneak out of there: but not without stealing another bottle of that fine wine (or two)
Bonus points if Astarion has lightened someone's load of jewellery at some point and presents you with a nice gift while running off; "Now's not the time, Astarion!" "That's so bland of you, darling, there's always time for presents!"
Astarion taking you somewhere else after making it out of there "because the night is still young, my heart, we're both beautiful and not at all drunk yet"
He takes you to an art museum and without any real effort picks the lock and you stroll through the empty tall halls looking at the artworks while taking swigs of wine from the stolen bottle
Astarion cannot stop infodumping on you about the paintings and statues; you don't understand a single thing but think it's adorable and you do actually learn a lot
Since no one is there to stop you, you dodge under the ropes, look at the paintings up close, make a game of imitating the faces and postures until you both die laughing
Astarion making you stand on a pedestal where a statue is currently missing from display, then looking at you as if he was taking in an renowned artwork: "Ah yes, my favourite piece of art, so exquisite!"
In turn you make him pose next to one of those noble portrait paintings and call him "the most beautiful thing ever created"; he grins and makes a stupid joke but you're pretty sure you see the pointy tips of his ears turn a little pink
You end the night by climbing onto the roofs of the city somewhere, sit there with what's left of the stolen wine, maybe play a drinking game, sitting there in your fine stolen clothes and watch the night slowly become less dark while your hearts are filled with light
I -uh- *puts it on the pile of fics I have to write* *sighs* This was mean to become like a headcanon post - it became the outline of a fic somehow, oop
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jame7t · 2 months
question from someone who checked out from infinite a while ago; has 343 even added anything beyond cosmetics and forge assets in the past year? feels like anytime I see a new update it's just forge maps they're putting in the queue
as far as i know there's been like, little to nothing. Some "new" gamemodes but it's still just adding stuff from previous games. 3 years into its life cycle. The game is ostensibly on life support aside from the frequently (and loudly) updated cash shop. Like, when a game wants to be a live service, it should justify a cash shop via actual content drops. Helldivers 2 releases monthly mini battlepasses & still manages numerous free content drops each month. Plus, it's prices are not absolutely divorced from reality. Sure, Helldivers is also 40 dollars, but it was a complete game on release and Helldivers' cash shop respects the fact that i've paid 40 bucks already.
Like, here's a wonderful selection from Halo Infinite's cash shop during the flood event:
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These are 20-22 dollar armor sets. Also, Halo Infinite is "Free to play" but the campaign alone is still 60 bucks. "Okay, so the campaign being separate from multiplayer means those 60 bucks means a much larger campaign, right? No, because of course it doesn't. Halo infinite's campaign is technically larger in the sense that it has wider areas, but with less enemy variety, a complete lack of dynamic set pieces, literally three types of environment, & kind of a shit sandbox compared to previous games, it feels MUCH smaller. So, I paid 60 bucks for Halo, and because Halo says anyone can play for free now, all the people who bought campaign are now also stuck with the free to play prices, which is terrible. Also, to reiterate: Why are there 20 dollar armor sets in a game. why do you get to pay 22 dollars to havbe the flood shit on you. these items are priced like the game gets actual updates. Halo infinite has not received a (fun) new weapon since launch. (They added the bandit, which is a scope-less DMR from previous halo games, then added the bandit EVO, which is a variant so boring that i refused to google the difference at the time of writing this.) Anyway, Helldivers 2 cash shop costs like 2-3 bucks for armor sets, some show up cheaper. And the currency you buy them with? Incredibly easy to earn.
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sorry for doing my gaming rant. if you want we can call it an infodump & we can pretend i said all this on the lap of a cooing milf who is voluptious &cares deeply about how mad i am at video games
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petite-gloom-mail · 2 months
from “stop changing systems you’re being wasteful” to “enough with the filofax content it’s monotonous”. gosh it’s like these anons are getting paid for making up reasons to hate. the absolute absurdity of their opinions and entitlement…
please keep making the kind of content you want to make! i’m sure i’m speaking for a lot of people when i say the filofax infodumps have been my favorites. and i’m very thankful to you for sharing your process and thoughts behind everything, because it has helped me with my journaling practice (and, in turn, with my mental health) tremendously. hope you have a nice day <3
the irony of this was not lost on me 🫡
very glad to know you’ve been enjoying the filofax updates, thank you anon. worry not, i will continue to make them and share about my general journalling practice- thank you for your encouragement and support. appreciate it very very much
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littleguymart · 9 months
about this blog!
welcome to @littleguymart! This is a blog of cute little guys sourced from eBay listings. I also run @littlefleamart and @littlethingsmart.
You can reblog as much as you like, and go as far back in the archives as you like. Feel free to infodump or share stories about your little guys in the tags. I also take requests, but as inspiration. This blog is for people to enjoy!
Check out people's fanart here and feel free to tag me in it!
If you're looking for help finding a specific guy, see my masterpost of search tips here.
I choose listings based on the vibe of the picture, not the price, so it’s often worth it to search for similar items and see if there’s something at a lower price if you’re looking to buy a friend. I also tag cheaper friends.
Please note that I am a part of eBay's affiliate program, which means if you click a link to eBay from this blog and make a purchase, I might get paid.
This is why my posts are tagged 'paid link'. Rates are about 1-3% of the items list price. If I do get paid, that money comes from eBay, not out of the seller's pocket.
eBay does not choose any of the listings I post and I'm not their employee. I started doing this because I enjoyed eBay-blogging for years, and this way I get some money out of it. If you want to avoid affiliate tracking, you can clear your browser's cookies, try a privacy extension, or wait 24 hours to make a purchase.
If you do happen to get a buddy, regardless of if you used the affiliate link or not, tell me and it’ll go in the adopted tag! i love it when people find a friend that makes them feel nice and especially when they show me.
As always, please don’t buy stuff on eBay if you can’t afford it or it stresses you out. Little guys are very cute, but they can look after themselves. If following is too much of a temptation, it’s okay to unfollow.
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wellabridgemeprincess · 2 months
Dunno if someone asked you this, but what inspired you to create Well Abridge Me, Princess in the first place?
God okay, long answer
well my YouTube had started tanking
which was an emergency when I lived in the most expensive part of the US
but kind of a blessing in disguise when I moved to a developing country and didn't need to make nearly as much money
because if the algorithm wouldn't promote anything I do anyway, then I literally have to make whatever I want
but as a people-pleaser who spent a lot of time in the closet, I didn’t fucking know would be the most Me thing ever
and after using voice acting as a tool to help millions with issues processing reading with Lost Legends, and working directly with Strong Bad on the podcast, I didn’t have any career goals left
so I did A LOT of soul-searching
every time I worked on a project, I paid attention to when I was having the most fun
In the Pirates of the Caribbean Real-Time Fandubs, I loved making my aesthetic and queer identity the centerpiece that everything else fell around
on Mystery Shack Lookback, I loved making jokes like Dog With A Pod that were basically only funny to me and Ella, and yet surprisingly not getting complaints like I would have on YouTube
when I made a Doremi Abridged One Shot for my wife's birthday, I was shocked I didn't get as bored editing as I usually do
and it became clear that my ideal project would be an Abridged Series based on a swashbuckling property in which I voice a non-binary character and/or a woman
and remembering how excited I sounded infodumping about Legend of Zelda in the PinesQuest podcast episode, there was an obvious answer
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one-vivid-judgment · 2 months
Hi hi! An aquarium date h/cs with Joongi and Tomi pls! Thx! <3
My baby boy and my wife whom I love dearly ����💙 (and want to see get destroyed in a sexy way)
Joongi Han
- He probably has never been to an aquarium himself. Only ever seen it in movies and thought it looked pretty, but never actually gone to one because work always comes first. He doesn't even take that many days off to begin with. 
- His face visibly lights up when you ask if he wants to come to the aquarium with you. "Oh, of course, I'd love to" he says, but you can tell he is vibrating from excitement when you hand him the ticket. 
- Get ready for him to start infodumping if he sees a fish he has eaten before. He can go on and on about nutritional value and health benefits for hours if you let him, and even if he has never eaten a specific kind, he can always start speculating. You'll have to beg him not to ask for clownfish next time he goes to the fish market. That is NOT food, Joongi. 
- Absolutely fascinated by the sea creatures. He never had a proper childhood, never did any activities like this ever and only really started doing fun things when he met Kasuga. Needless to say, he LOVES it. Expect him to ask to come to the aquarium again. He probably loves the dolphins—they are beautiful, but also very fucking unhinged. Sounds like someone you know, actually. 
Eric Tomizawa
- He knows his way around Hawaii like the back of his hand, so you bet he knows an aquarium or two. He used to go with Marie all the time, since she loved it so much, but to be honest, he always paid more attention to her reactions than he did the animals, the lovesick fool. 
- It doesn't go any differently with you, honestly. He knows he is supposed to be watching the jellyfish show, but he'd always end up looking at you instead. You're so fascinated by the little guys, and really, if he wants to see jellyfish, he can swing by Aloha Beach whenever, so why not get his fill of your beautiful face? 
- The type to get super offended if you point at a random fish and say "This you". Like, okay, a putterfish is cute, kinda? But also, just why? Does he have bug eyes too? Or is it the 'small but deadly' part? Then again, he's probably gonna join in on the "Hey, this fish looks like someone we know" game. That orca is Yamai, that clownfish is Ichiban. You? An angelfish. But only after jokingly saying you were an aggressive ass piranha. 
- Take him to an animal encounter experience and feed penguins or stingrays. He'd be extra cautious at first, because hey, it won't kill him but that stingray over there may not like his face, and that could get dangerous. After that though? He has the time of his life. Those little guys are so cute. You still have a pic you took without Tomi knowing of him petting a penguin with the biggest grin on his face.
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artzychic27 · 4 months
hi, i tried to send this before but my laptop crapped out on me so idk if it went through but
In your favoritism AU how does Lucien fit in? Did Marinette rope him into some prank against Marc but he actually got feelings? as creepy as those feelings are?
Was Marc trying to get help to transfer out of Dupont and Lucien took advantage of that? Because I feel it would be easy for Lucien to win Marc over since he was so isolated and alone, it would be easy for Marc to get attached and easy to control
Does Lucien just not exist in this AU?
Well, let’s put him in and see what happens
Lucien meets Marc after a soccer game between Dupont and Vadim, finding him being messed with by some of Marinette’s lackeys
And Marc is just: “Since when the fuck do hot guys stick up for me?”
Of course, he’s skeptical, but still thanks Lucien, and the two start talking which is the last thing that he wants
But in the end, Marc gives him his number
After a particularly shitty week at school where Marc had his locker and belongings searched once again for drugs, Marc calls Lucien and infodumps about EVERYTHING Marinette’s done
Lucien is absolutely horrified and would rather choke than be in the same room with Marinette after hearing what she’s done to her own cousin of all people… But, this does give him an idea
Lucien takes him out on a “not date,” making sure to go to any places that Dupont students often frequent so they’re seen together
Word gets back to Marinette and of course, she’s furious because how dare Marc hang out with the hottest guy at Vadim when she can’t even make Adrien be her boyfriend?!
She corners Marc at school, demanding to know how much he paid Lucien to go out with him
Marc: Maybe it’s just that, Lucien, unlike you, isn’t a fucking douchebag who gets high off of making others miserable. Think about that, bitch.
She amps up her torment, getting her lackeys to push Marc in the halls, steal his homework, and flush his glasses down the toilet, and Marc almost immediately turns to Lucien for support
After letting Marc rant for about ten minutes, Lucien helps calm him down and then gives this whole spiel about how he deserves better, shouldn’t have to put up with her, and how amazing he is compared to her
They kiss and Lucien’s now got Marc right where he wants him
Weeks later, Marinette is furiously scrolling through Lucien’s instagram (Because Marc has no accounts) at all the couple photos of him and Marc
Marc’s wardrobe as of late starts to change due to Lucien, and when the same guys who used to torment him start flirting with him, he decks them all as a warning
He doesn’t mind it all; Lucien makes him happy, his happiness makes Marinette pissed, so it’s all good. However, sometimes Lucien just says things that make Marc want to put him in a headlock
Lucien: You know, maybe if you were to present yourself more like your cousin, you’d finally have some friends.
Marc: … And maybe if you don’t shut up, I’ll throw you out the window.
Marc eventually dumps his sorry ass, but not before kneeing him in the nuts because he KNOWS damn well that he deserves better than some manipulative bastard
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fuckmeuselessdegen · 1 month
been thinking a lot about whitney and my pc, whom of which is named daiki, and the idea of forced piercing. it’s sort of like his forced tattooing event, but with an ear piercing instead. huge infodump under the cut :P
it’d be right afterschool, and daiki is about to head off to do his usual money making activities (skulduggery and whatnot), but then whitney comes around and stops him at the gate. he’s sort of like “hey slut! we’ve got places to be!” and starts dragging daiki along to high street, while daiki is sort of resigned and is like “ugh, fine.”
by the time whitney drags him into the shopping centre and to the tattoo parlor is when daiki starts to get worried. sorta starts to stop in his tracks and looks over at whitney hesitantly, saying “are you making me get another tattoo…?” since daiki already has a whitney tattoo on his shoulder.
but whitney, being the little shit he is, just grins at daiki and is like “nope, even better. we’re gonna get your ears pierced, and i’ll even be paying for it. aren’t i such a good boyfriend?” (to which daiki recoils at whitney calling himself his boyfriend. they’ve got a complicated relationship to me, i’ll probably rant about that in a later date—)
and daiki becomes even more wary. tattoos are one thing, but PIERCINGS? daiki doesn’t really mind tattoos, hell, he’s already got around 3-4 on his body in various places. but a PIERCING?
“i’d rather get a fucking tattoo on my forehead than have my ears pierced,” daiki says. whitney sort of raises a brow at him and laughs, saying “you don’t have a choice.”
he pushes daiki into the tattoo parlor and at this point, daiki is heavily debating on either fighting whitney or just sprinting the fuck out of there. but in the end, he’s just like “fucking… fine.” he’ll fucking get the piercing. he’s not paying for it and he’s gone through much worse pain, what is one little earring gonna do?
20 minutes later, and boom. he’s got a piercing on one ear lobe. just one, because daiki thinks that if he gets another on his other ear, he’d actually tear up. and during the piercing process, whitney just stands there, arms crossed and smirk on his face, clearly enjoying the power he has and daiki’s reaction.
and guess what? he even picks out a stud for daiki, isn’t that cute? he’d probably pick out a black or silver stud for him, all paid with his own money. isn’t he just the sweetest thing? (cue daiki in the background fighting for his life on the piercing chair, his nails digging into the arm rest.)
by the end of it when everything is finished, they swagger out of the shopping centre, and whitney is very pleased with the end product. can’t help but check out daiki and thinking about how they sort of match how. it’s cute.
he leans in and nips at the earlobe which daiki got his piercing on, making him flinch because i know that hurts like a bitch.
“i knew you’d look sexy with a piercing. i’ll see you around, slut. don’t go taking it off, or i’ll kick your ass,” whitney says, pushing past daiki with a playful shove of the shoulder and leaving him standing on high street, wondering what the fuck he’s gotten himself into.
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phoenixyfriend · 4 months
I’m honestly so burnt out by *gestures at everything* that I really appreciate your posts cause you’ve explain your research and goals for finding non biased stuff and then you just. Collate it with sources and like. I don’t know where you’re getting the energy but WOW you’re amazing 🥹 & thanks 🙏
About two months ago, I started listening to politics podcasts from big names like BBC and NPR in order to understand enough of what was going on to even have an opinion. I added more variety as I went on, and I'm now listening to more politics than I am music.
The thing is, I am... undiagnosed but most likely autistic. When I learn things, I want to share them. Tumblr is great for infodumping. Also for complaining, which I do a lot of as well.
I also left the private sector because I was so frustrated with feeling like I wasn't doing something worthwhile.
I have a job where I do something I feel makes an impact, but it still doesn't feel like enough.
The result is my infodumping politics on tumblr with an activist lens in hopes that I can make a difference and get all this bitching out of my head and somewhere useful.
Will I burn out? Maybe. Am I being paid? I think I've made about thirty dollars on blogging in the past month, so no.
(That's fine. Donate to PCRF or MSF, it'll do way more good that way.)
But for now, I have a lot of information in my head, itchy writer's fingers, and a chip on my shoulder about proving that I do in fact know what I'm talking about and absolutely work from a place of compassion, both of which people tend to throw doubt on.
...so yeah, it's the probable 'tism, the need to make a difference, and pure spite.
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