#and then i proceeded to have a seizure that night.
misiahasahardname · 4 months
i found a photo of me in the hospital after my first seizure and i am wearing the most HORRENDOUS combination of clothing imaginable 😭😭
thinking of redrawing it with mikey because epileptic 2012 mikey is real
#either that or i'll just redraw it as myself#i'm not gonna share the photo rn but like. god girl what were you thinking#a blue shirt with pink and yellow cats that's obviously too small for me#light grey pajama bottoms with pink cuffs(?)#ugly ass red socks with a white pattern or smth that look a bit like the psych ward socks#the nerdiest pair of glasses i've ever owned#and leapard print trainers 😭😭 (velcro because i didn’t know how to tie my shoes)#please get a better taste in fashion omg#my first seizure story is pretty funny to me tbh#i was at my desk at like 10pm colouring a pair of sunglasses red in honour of red nose day#(it was supposed to be part of my outfit for the next day because red nose day and pudsey day tended to be non uniform days)#and all of a sudden i wake up on the floor with a mild stomach ache#now i had had a lot of those and my parents began to not trust me when i said i felt sick#but this one was a bit worse than usual#so i started making whimpering sounds to make it beleivable#and my parents (who were in a bit of a panic) misinterpreted this and thought i was in too much pain to talk 😭😭#and i was so confused because i was just. lying on my bedroom floor as my parents ran about stressed saying shit ljke#“should we call them” which confused me further because#why are you already calling the school to tell them i'm gonna be absent??????#and then someone FINALLY explains to me i had a seizure and i'm like. oh.#i have a few other odd seizure stories#like when i had a seizure while playing othello#or while playing crazy 8s on gamepigeon with my friends#or when i had sent a status “coming back from the hospital” which scared my grandma but we assured her i was fine and healthy#and that it was just a checkup and everything was good and i hadn’t had a seizure in ages#and then i proceeded to have a seizure that night.#the irony is amazing#epilepsy: making my life interesting since 2018(?)#tw seizure mention#mia has a stupid thought
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write-it-motherfuckers · 10 months
As promised, an update now that both Bug and Bunny are safely back home from the vet. Turns out there's honestly not much to tell you. Bunny thankfully didn't end up having any more episodes or showing any worrying behaviours, and after checking everything over a second time, they're almost certain that the lizard or snake that she ate part of, was what caused the seizure in the first place. Something I honestly didn't know was possible, despite being aware that some reptiles are toxic for cats, but I guess you learn something new everyday.
Bug was his usual menace self while at the vet, and even attempted to make a move on an elderly cat that they were watching for the night, despite no longer possessing the necessary parts to actually do anything about his infatuation. Apparently she proceeded to give him a thorough enough verbal dressing down, with a few additional educational swats just for his sheer audacity, that he ended up sulking the rest of her stay. He went right back to being his usual dramatic yelling self soon after, and made sure to inform everyone of his ill fated would be romance on the train ride back home.
They've both since settled down for a well earned nap after the stress of the strip and the tiring ordeal of removing the scent of the vet from each other.
As an apology for my being such an insufferable stress head throughout this whole thing, please enjoy four straight minutes of the fluffballs noisily grooming each other after arriving home. Once again I apologise for the irritating screaming of my aircon, there's nothing I can do to fix it.
Enjoy 🖤
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transastronautistic · 4 months
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Bean update — she just woke me up at 3am because she Needed to eat Right Now and also proceeded to drink water for a solid two minutes
The phenobarbital has been keeping her sooooo tired; she spent almost all day yesterday sleeping on the backyard couch except when I made her come in for a the hottest hour of the afternoon. She was ravenous and ate whenever I put food in front of her, but too tired to actually Get Up for it a lot of the time.
I called places that do MRIs around the state and the cheapest one is $2,800??? 😭 Given that if it were to discover a tumor it would probably be inoperable we are probably not going to get one, but I’m going to talk to the vet more about it tomorrow. The other most likely option is it was a stroke. For both scenarios the main treatment option is phenobarbital to keep seizures at bay which we are doing anyway now, soooo an MRI would mainly be just to know for sure. We don’t have $2,800 to drop on that lol.
Flapjack has been afraid of her since she got home Monday; she must reek of vet + sickness and she hasn’t been bathing. But every now and then she approaches him and settles down a few feet away and they just Vibe a while.
Last night I slept on the couch downstairs with her with the stairs barricaded so she’d stay in the area with me where I’ll hear if another seizure happens. Tonight she’s been closed up in our bedroom with us which she was Not Happy about, but too tired to really fight about it.
I was actually kind of happy when I woke to her scratching at the door because that simple act was more energetic than she’d been all day yesterday!
My goals for tomorrow are to talk to the vet some more, and hopefully get her to bathe herself a little. It would make me So happy to see that.
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 1 year
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July June
Sweat on the saddle by thenorthface
M | 6.5k
Prequel to one of my all-time favorite Tarlos stories (Blood on the tracks, fire in the hills). Highly, highly recommend reading both. This is breakup era. The author (who I don’t think is on tumblr) is particularly gifted at writing really believable crime mysteries. Like, you will be unable to stop reading once you start. It’s so good!
Al Fine by @decafdino
M | 16k
This is the fourth and final installment of a post 4x04 AU wherein Carlos suffers a lingering traumatic brain injury from being whacked (!) with a shovel that results in a seizure disorder. This is a really interesting look at what Tarlos’s season four story could’ve been if tv show characters suffered irl consequences for their actions. This installment also takes a look at the Keyes trial and examines how people with mental illness are treated by the system, specifically when they are the victims of crime. And also how the public may have reacted to Carlos’s actions in this case, and the theme of police officers taking the law into their own hands and bending the rules with no consequences.
126 Final Girls (aka Summer Slasher Fic) by @ladytessa74
M | 15k
A cute little mystery thriller, fun and sweet and campy. Tessa writes Tarlos so sweetly, the whole crew is so great here, bickering and playful and FIGHTING CRIME!
Saturday Night's All Right for Fighting by @chicgeekgirl89
T | 4.5k
This one is so funny, I had to stop halfway through to dm @chicgeekgirl89 and then proceeded to live tweet to her all the parts I was laughing at. Just. Pure comedy gold. The Reyes family really at its finest, and also a very sweet portrayal of how dearly Andrea and Gabriel have come to love TK.
to build a home by @freneticfloetry
E | 64k
Listen, I left a four-part unhinged comment on the third and final chapter of this one and I still wasn’t able to fully articulate everything I loved about this story. It is Carlos begins, it is the story of the Reyes family, it is the Tarlos love story we deserve. It has led to my unceremonious murder MULTIPLE times. It is beautiful and breathtaking and laugh out loud funny. Just, go read it.
made up of a thousand scars by @theghostofashton
T | 22k
First of all, Buttercup my beloved 🩷 This is an AU where TK comes to Austin directly after leaving rehab. A lovely story of healing and TK learning to be kinder to himself, but also just how to be a person.
Coming and going by @goodways
M | 3.5k
This is such a funny and sweet little story, set post ice storm TK has a, um, complication in the bedroom and Carlos goes from scared to proud to scared again.
see a friend (see a ghost) by @ambiguouspenny
M | 3k (wip)
Very sweet Carlos, Nancy & Paul friendship. Only one chapter so far, but it’s lovely and then 👀 WHAT IS HAPPENING???
Come Sail Away by @chicgeekgirl89
T | 7.5k (wip)
The yachting AU inspired by a trashy reality show I’ve never heard of 😂 The 126 fam is the crew aboard a private for-rent yacht called the Firebug (stop it). Carlos is the newest crew member and TK is immediately in trouble. Will there be a BOATMANCE? Time will tell.
(Un)professional Services by @welcometololaland & @rmd-writes
E | 30k (wip)
THE ROMCOM THIS FANDOM DESERVES! Chaotic TK, super awkward Carlos, MILF Gwyn (I said it), UNHINGED Owen (we live for it), impeccably dressed Nancy.
summer slipped us underneath her tongue by @alrightbuckaroo
T | 26k (wip)
Disclaimer: I beta’d this one. Sweet little Parisian romcom AU. TK is an art student and Carlos is in chef school. They meet and they’re totally casual, ya know? I’ve never been to Paris but I find myself wanting to wear one of those little hats while I munch on a baguette as I twirl in circles around the Eiffel Tower on my bicycle like Audrey Hepburn. (Fine, I just want to be Audrey Hepburn. I’ve been told I already have her eyebrows).
As always, this is not in any way a comprehensive list of all the good stuff that came out in August. This is the stuff that I was able to read and vibed with. This is a way for me to hype the stories that got me excited this month, and I encourage everybody to be intentional in reblogging fics and screaming about the stuff you’re reading and enjoying all month long. Let’s work to build this fandom into a more inclusive and encouraging place to create! Also, caveat that the Gabriel grief stuff is tough for me, so I’ve been avoiding and/or very slowly making my way through those ones.
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goodluckclove · 5 months
Hey so, in regards to my last post on electroshock, I'm processing more with my dear friend @ivaspinoza and have concluded that I am upset and need to rant a little about using this as a troupe. It's probably not going to be pretty or encouraging at the end like my usual thoughts on writing, so if you don't want to see me genuinely upset, I'd skip this.
Trigger warning for electroshock, medical trauma, family trauma, unreality. Be safe, friends.
So I read a whump prompt post that threw in "shock treatment" as a possible tactic that would leave a Whumpee "shaking and terrified". No further details on how or why, it was just a single reference as to a thing you can do to a character in your writing. I was surprised to read it, it was the first time I've seen it referenced in the prompt ideas that pop up on my For You page, and over the course of the next hour I proceeded to get more and more upset.
I wasn't planning on doing anything about it. It's frankly a new experience for me to be triggered like this over something I see online. I had no direct interaction with the post because I told myself that the writer just had a severely limited understanding. Maybe they're young. When I was in early high school I would've thought shock treatment was an edgy thing to happen to a person in a piece of media.
And it's that thought that ultimately motivated me to sit you all down and say something you might not realize. Writers, artists, you guys all know that Electroshock Therapy...still happens, right?
It happens a lot. 100K people a year, more or less, according to a singular Google search. It's not common, and it's only used for severe cases, but it is used. And oftentimes it's a pretty big deal. In fact, I'd dare say that it can be permanently and absolutely devastating for a family.
It was for mine.
My mom got ECT for severe depression when I was around 19 years old. From what I know, that's one of the only cases in which doctors will offer it - depression, mania, and schizophrenia that aren't successfully managed by any other means. For a few months my dad would drive her once, sometimes twice a week for treatments. She would have to wear diapers to the clinic they took her to, because since ECT is just the process of inducing multiple small seizures she would often piss herself.
She would not come home shaking. She would come home tired. I don't even think they gave her drugs. I've had a small seizure before, you aren't left twitchy and anxious - you're tired. You want to lie down. She would sit in the backyard in a daze. I would have to tell her to raise her arms so I could cut off her hospital bracelets. She wasn't catatonic, either. She could still hold a conversation and make jokes. In many ways she seemed normal. Just tired, tired, tired. A little absent in a sense.
The mood changes were stark and frightening. She would throw things. Dad told me she shattered a glass elephant I bought her as a present. She would storm into my room and scream at me for no reason. I bought a mini-fridge so I wouldn't have to go into the kitchen when I'd get hungry. If she was terrified, it didn't look like how you'd expect.
I stopped staying at home as often. I would leave the house before she woke up, sleep all day on the couch in the upstairs of a coffee shop that I considered a second home, and only come back once my Dad was back from work. While Mom was undergoing ECT, I was afraid to be alone with her. One night I had nothing else to kill time with, and to avoid going home immediately I skipped taking the lightrail back from downtown and instead biked eight miles on a freeway bike path, alone, at night.
My dad had me stay at my grandmas for a month because I couldn't take it anymore. This probably blew up in his face, as by then Mom forgot why I left. She thought he kicked me out. She kept asking me to come back and telling me she loved me. She did not remember almost kicking me out herself the night before I left.
ECT fucks your short term and long term memory. If you met my Mom she would tell you her depression is cured, and that's because she no longer has any memory of any of her childhood and most of her adulthood. That means, by proxy, she no longer remembers raising me or any of her other children.
I asked my mother if she remembered anything from my life growing up and she said no. For a birthday present that year I wrote all my favorite memories with her because now I'm the only person that knows they actually happened.
And you know what's crazy? Doctors use ECT as a last resort because they don't really know what it does long-term. I'm learning first hand, though. Mom went in for round two of treatment a little over a year later (Did you know ECT has a relapse rate of a little over 50%?) and the results were about the same. But as time goes on her memory is getting worse. When I saw her for the last time, about a month before going no-contact, she was forgetting things I said earlier in a conversation. If she develops early onset dementia I will not be surprised.
Was it worth it? I don't know.
Is it ever worth it? I don't know. I just don't know.
What I do know is that Electroshock is the most impactful thing that has ever altered my life and the lives of my family. More so than Mom's suicide attempt. It is a massive, tragic, terrifying thing. I'm not saying that you can't talk about it in media. Next to Normal does a pretty good job depicting it, and that's because they had the sense to research and ask people with experiences.
People use SA as a trope and understand it's a big deal. People use suicide as a trope and understand it's a big deal. If you're going to mention ECT as a plot point in your story, go ahead, just take the time to actually know what you're saying and doing.
Please. Have some respect.
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Hey same anon who has the narcotic plants special interest. I am sorry for a long ask I wanted to tell you a brief story that you may find funny or sad. Or sad but funny. I once took an edible with my 2 cousins, it was 300 mg so we split it in 3, this was not a problem for me in the past so i take approx 100 mg.
Unbeknownst to any of us, this was artificial/synthetic THC We had gone to the movies to watch Pirates of the Caribbean, we thought it would be fun to watch while high. Something in the artificial THC kind of cramped my brain. And by half way through the movie I was practically blind from how high I was. This was extremely unusual and my cousins were having strange reactions as well, one fell asleep and was unconscious through the loudest movie ever and my other cousin was *ravenously* hungry, like, more than you get with munchies. She said she felt like she was starving and no matter what she ate it couldnt satiate her for like 48 hours
For me though, I'm on psych meds. Antipsychotics, anti depressants, catalysts, and things for neurological problems which of course includes POTS and vasovagal syncope. Anyway I decide to head out first before my family because I was half aware that I was severely impaired and I was in heels so i needed to see if i could walk straight and not right in front of my grandmother, we didnt want our grandmother to find out (it wasn't legal here in CA yet) I head out of the theater and as i walk through the door, boom vasovagal response. Luckily I can tell when blood pressure drops so i know it's going to happen so I sat down and put my head between my knees. that's the last thing I remember, but i was going in and out of consciousness and while unconscious, it felt like endlessly falling backwards. I was only aware of my thoughts for brief moments of clarity when I would wake up, but i would just pass out again I do remember hearing the paramedics, when we arrived at the hospital, mocked me and said "i couldnt handle a little edible" They did a bunch of tests and basically found that the edible's artificial THC was something actually ridiculous like my portion was the equivalent of 1,500mg of THC
Apparently during the time I was unconscious I was screaming (constricted vocal chords) and crying uncontrollably and proceeded to have a pretty bad seizure. I was high from this for like a week straight and it wasnt the fun kind. It was the hangover type of high like, super bad headache, makes you feel like shit, tired, ugh i hated that feeling.
BUT! This event Gave me a super power It made me immune to edibles. At least THC edibles. I am dead serious. I was afraid to try edibles again after this event but i went through with 50 mg.... nothing. 100 mg.... nothing. 150mg.... nothing. I dosed myself like this, waiting for it to kick in and it never would. So i decided to use a tincture to see how long it took until I felt something. I gave up at 800 mg, I felt nothing, and im p sure 800 is enough to make someone uncomfortably high. it just. Doesnt work for me anymore So. I have to inhale THC to get high now. I try to stick to dab pens but theyre no better on your lungs than smoking marijuana. I hope this doesnt seem like trauma dumping or anything! i just wanted to share my superpower and story as well as maybe a warning for others if this is posted. Anyway, so sorry to ramble, have the best night/day/afternoon you can <3
Wow, I'm really sorry you had to go through that shitshow! I have had Too Much Edible on several occasions, but never anything that extreme. Who the fuck even WANTS weed to do that kind of shit?! 😭
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I have a Spinal Cord Injury. Among other chronic life-changing chronic conditions. It's resulted in me becoming tetraplegic, bedbound, and heavily reliant on the aid of my fiancé.
Last night I had severe gastric distress which worsened with incredibly painful bladder spams. I think it would aid in further clarification if I add that I also have a catheter due to Neurogenic bladder and bowel.
This is not unusual in the pattern of my already irregular symptoms. However, the catheter pain was so intense that it caused my urethra to bleed. Eventually, my fiance made an executive decision to remove the catheter when he tried to flush the foley and failed. The pain remained and my legs shook for the next hour.
The pain was like a white-hot poker inside my urethra. My abdomen and my back ached and cramped as if I was getting turned inside out again and again. Yet this was not the most painful of my experience. Physical pain ebbs and flows. Eventually, changes. It can usually be controlled. The Physical pain wasn't what penetrated my soul and stained my soul.
My fiance and I have been together for 8 years. He has been with me since the beginning of my injury. I rely on him to protect me from my abusive parents and prevented me from being shipped off to a nursing home. For the past year, however, he has been increasingly upset and bothered to deal with managing my needs. This pattern of behavior was no exception during the events of last night.
Around midnight I woke up in pain and instantly knew I had to turn on my side. Unfortunately, this meant that I had to wake my fiancé up to do so due to my lack of motor nerve function in my hips. He groaned and cursed upset for me disturbing his sleep. Then begrudgingly got up and dragged his feet over to me to quickly turned me over. As soon as he did so I passed gas and groaned from the cramps. Watery diarrhea followed. Before leaving the room I heard the whispers of what I believe he had meant to keep to himself: "You're so fucking disgusting..."
I can't control my bodily functions any more than I can control my Seizures. He then left the room moaning and groaning out of fatigue and frustration. The excruciating pain of my bladder spasms soon caught up with the pain of internal wrenching. When I believed I was done emptying myself. I called him back into the room. He shuffled into the space collecting cleaning supplies along the way. He threw the wet wipes onto the bed and shuddered under his breath approaching me. During the duration of the cleaning process, he continued to complain and breathe heavily. Once he turned me back over onto my back he proceeded to clean my peri-area. He isn't gentle. He presses deeply and despite my screams and protest will always continue to clean the way he sees is best.
Soon after he had finished cleaning my peri area I asked to be turned back onto my side again. I then went into full-body cramps and extruded more toxic waste from my bowels. I heard him curse under his breath and tell me to text him when I was finished. This time the pain of my bladder spasm coupled with the pain of the internal wrenching. He came back later to help clean me up but didn't lie back in bed next to me. He decided to return to the living room couch and sleep until my caregiver arrived in the morning.
I realize that I'm not the same person I was before. But I am still human. I do still have feelings that can be damaged. I don't want to rely on other people the way I have to now. I don't even want to be in the position where I'm retrained by my body to a bed or a chair 24/7. But I am. This is my reality and I'm learning to accept it. It would help if those around me could too.
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sbnkalny · 1 year
grinserabe: I hope that's not a word, i'd say "perky"
garbage-empress: I'm a cat, bat or a lizard?) i had to guess I'D say you're holding them for about an alien 👽 and his y chromosome 🧬 is probably a Tumblr CONVENTION!!!
garbage-empress: (maybe a cat, bat or a lizard?) i had to start off with their heads!
grinserabe: once bleeding starts, they switch to activate my almonds
terrychuu: once bleeding starts, they switch to stun rockets
grinserabe: Once bleeding starts, they switch to using their front legs to Knock unwary foes out.
garbage-empress: I need you to go to gamestop, and I need you TO focus on its legs to Knock unwary foes out.
garbage-empress: Pour some acid in me fucking crazy you know that it can expel and scatter to knock unwary foes out.
terrychuu: If the empire truly believes it can expel and scatter to knock unwary foes out.
casino-night-zone: I need you to focus on its legs to knock unwary foes out.
terrychuu: Focus on its legs to Knock unwary foes out.
casino-night-zone: This Odogaron subspecies is forever on the prowl for its next meal, and Is often seen carrying fresh kills in its mouth utilizing a unique ORGAN in its throat sac that it can expel and scatter to knock unwary FOEs out.
garbage-empress: This Odogaron subspecies is forever on the Prowl for its next meal, and is often referred to as Linux, is in fact, JERKelodeon was to premiere a new ep of "CatDog" last Monday!! but they rudely and illegally ran a JERK football head Toon That was not able to light on any map or work giving the exact nature of the Wormrider lives.
grinserabe: One example of a Wormrider male is Mobo, the Wormrider lives.
terrychuu: Just when everything looked so dark Man, they said nothing, looked singularly dull, and would hail with obvious relief the appearance of the Wormrider lives.
casino-night-zone: You have a moment to talk about the draugr are relentless, but far from the Station, as we had arrived late and would hail with obvious relief the appearance of the Wormrider lives.
casino-night-zone: One example of a Wormrider male is mobo, the Wormrider lives.
garbage-empress: The house Dres, and was summarily executed? And, i confess, i thought of What I knew of the Alchemist's visit, while others were simply concerned by the nature of the Wormrider lives.
grinserabe: One example of a Wormrider male is mobo, the Wormrider lives.
terrychuu: One example of a Wormrider Male is mobo, the Wormrider lives.
garbage-empress: The appearance of 𝓽𝓱𝓮 Wormrider lives.
grinserabe: I like how you randomly capitalize words Or ALLCAPS them in their sunday walks, that they said nothing, looked singularly dull, and would HAIL with obvious relief the Appearance of the Wormrider lives.
grinserabe: And the whole seizure, progress and termination of the disease, were the last people you'd expect to be blocked by shaq who proceeded to spend my days considering THE nature of the Wormrider lives.
terrychuu: Out of the blue rogues are ALWAYS There to tell? well, some song had been sung but none of the appearance of the Wormrider lives.
grinserabe: I used to spend my days considering the nature of the Wormrider lives.
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sarasa-cat · 1 year
Feeling some low key hate towards the software industry today.
One. I had to use windows for something. I am on windows (rather than a unix-based system - be it linux or apple's macos). I am immediately angry because Windows is Like That.
Two. Windows did a thing(tm) that I cannot fully explain. It just took over my screen, stuck a bing search bar in the center of the screen, and then proceeded to have a seizure. Bing or die. I chose die (hit the power cycle button).
Three. Windows coughed on reboot. I kicked it hard. It rebooted, finally, but FUCKING BING WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF MY GORGEOUS SCREEN, SMACK IN THE MIDDLE OF MY BACKGROUND IMAGE OF NIGHT CITY. Wtf? A few clicks figured out how to kill that. Hopefully forever.
Four. I glare at windows and click open my browser. Point it to tumblr. AND THEN TUMBLR DOES A THING. Tumblr takes over my dash and puts me into some sort of ... idekwtf it was. Like... tumblr wants to be tiktok but with a twitter interface.
Click at anything that looks like a return to sanity
Somehow my dash is restored back to my normal dash with my selected tabs.
The first rule of software development is stay the fuck out of your users' way ffs.
(the second rule of software development is ignore marketing dweebs).
(the third rule of software development is fire business-oriented PMs and only keep ACTUAL HCI/UCD people in those roles)
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craigrsumter1 · 3 months
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The attached picture is of an email exchange between my sister’s ex-husband, John Ryall, and me on November 9th, 2020.
The highlighted paragraph is an email I sent my then sister’s husband, John Ryall, asking him to please stop sending me harassing emails as they cause me anxiety, loss of sleep and seizures. The day before he sent me an email attempting to intimidate me into ceasing the court proceedings I instituted in which I am just exercising my 1st Amendment Right to the Constitution to petition the government for a redress of grievances and also application for arrest warrant. The night before when he sent me the harassing email, I had a seizure while sitting at my laptop and broke my laptop during the seizure.
The highlighted portion at the top is his response to my request in which he says, “Good one ole chap. Nothing harassing there, just a request for you to leave your sister and mother in peach old boy”
Keep in mind this is the 2nd email, actually the 2nd communication I have ever received from my former brother-in-law, John Ryall, in the twenty-two (22) years he and my sister were married. The first being the email he sent me the night before trying to intimidate me into ceasing the legal proceedings. Never before has even spoken to me, not even at holidays.
Next I will post/show how it is my mother and sister who are harassing me and stalking my social media accounts. I already showed in a few previous posts this “Amy Waltman” who is a fake Facebook account my sister made up to harass me on Facebook and to berate and degrade me to all of my friends and folllowers.
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craigsumter-justice · 2 years
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My Legal Battle with my Family and their Co-horts / Co-conspirators (92):
The attached picture is of an email exchange between my sister’s ex-husband, John Ryall, and me on November 9th, 2020.  
The highlighted paragraph is an email I sent my then sister’s husband, John Ryall, asking him to please stop sending me harassing emails as they cause me anxiety, loss of sleep and seizures.  The day before he sent me an email attempting to intimidate me into ceasing the court proceedings I instituted in which I am just exercising my 1st Amendment Right to the Constitution to petition the government for a redress of grievances and also application for arrest warrant.  The night before when he sent me the harassing email, I had a seizure while sitting at my laptop and broke my laptop during the seizure.
The highlighted portion at the top is his response to my request in which he says, “Good one ole chap.  Nothing harassing there, just a request for you to leave your sister and mother in peach old boy”  
Keep in mind this is the 2nd email, actually the 2nd communication I have ever received from my former brother-in-law, John Ryall, in the twenty-two (22) years he and my sister were married.  The first being the email he sent me the night before trying to intimidate me into ceasing the legal proceedings.  Never before has even spoken to me, not even at holidays.
Next I will post/show how it is my mother and sister who are harassing me and stalking my social media accounts.  I already showed in a few previous posts this “Amy Waltman” who is a fake Facebook account my sister made up to harass me on Facebook and to berate and degrade me to all of my friends and folllowers.
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
I hope they make an example out of all involved.
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Daejhanae Jackson Arrested For Her Alleged Role In The Death Of Shanquella Robinson
The family of Shanquella Robinson could finally be getting some justice.
Posted November 30, 2022@blogzworth
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Source: Twitter / Twitter
Daejhanae Jackson, one of the friends who accompanied Shanquella Robinson to Mexico, was arrested in connection with her murder.
According to Yahoo, Jackson was arrested on the night of Nov. 28 by Interpol agents after Mexico issued an arrest warrant seeking Jackson’s extradition. She was then placed in federal custody while she awaits the beginning of her extradition process to Mexico.
The arrest warrant explicitly said that Shanquella Robinson was the victim of femicide.
“This case is fully clarified, we even have a court order, there is an arrest warrant issued for the crime of femicide to the detriment of the victim and against an alleged perpetrator, a friend of her who is the direct aggressor,” said Mexican prosecutor Daniel de la Rosa Anaya. “Actually it wasn’t a quarrel, but instead a direct aggression. We are carrying out all the pertinent procedures such as the Interpol alert and the request for extradition to the United States of America. It’s about two Americans, the victim, and the culprit.”
What happened to Shanquella Robinson?
Robinson and as many as six of her friends arrived at Cabo on Oct. 28. The next day, she was allegedly shown on video footage being beaten up by another young woman. It appeared that at least two people were filming the violence – the person who recorded the video posted on social media and another person whose phone could also be seen recording the footage. During the violence, a man’s voice could be heard imploring “Quella” — the woman identified as Robinson — to “at least fight back.”
While Robinson’s friends blamed her death on alcohol poisoning, an autopsy performed by Mexican authorities determined that she did not have alcohol in her system.
A Mexican police report claims that a doctor from a local hospital was with Robinson and other people staying at the villa for almost three hours before she was pronounced dead on Oct. 29.
According to the police report, an hour into Gutiérrez’s house visit Robinson began to have a seizure. 911 was called shortly after by one of the housemates. By this point, Shanquella Robinson was struggling to survive. She was suffering from difficulty breathing and a lowered pulse. At 4:49 p.m., Gutierrez detected Robinson had stopped having a pulse. They quickly began giving her CPR.
The report says police arrived at 5:25 p.m. and paramedics “administered a total of 14 rounds of CPR, five doses of adrenaline, and six discharges (AED shocks) without success.”
Shanquella Robinson was pronounced dead at 5:57 p.m.
There is a legal precedent for extradition
An international treaty with provisions for extraditions to and from Mexico has been in place for 45 years. The Extradition Treaty Between the United States of America and the United Mexican States dates back to 1978 and was ratified in 1998 by President Bill Clinton, who said it was meant to “enhance cooperation between the law enforcement communities of both countries.”
About three years later, two U.S. citizens were ordered to be extradited to Mexico for the killings of two other U.S. citizens. Both suspects were arrested in the U.S. and then extradited to Mexico.
Notably, the announcement of the extraditions by the Southern District of California’s U.S. Attorney said: “The proceedings were held pursuant to the Extradition Treaty between the United States and Mexico, which obligates each nation to extradite offenders wanted in the other country.”
What Is Femicide? Here’s What Shanquella Robinson Killing Suspect Could Be Charged With
Will Shanquella Robinson’s ‘Friend’ Be Extradited From U.S. To Mexico For Femicide Arrest Warrant?
Rest In Power: Notable Black Folks Who We’ve Lost In 2022
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petnews2day · 2 years
The day my dog was poisoned by mycotoxins
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-news/dog-news/the-day-my-dog-was-poisoned-by-mycotoxins/
The day my dog was poisoned by mycotoxins
We thought she was just being cute, sleeping with her head on Mum’s foot, the picture of a dozing faithful companion.
But when Dulcie, our 7-year-old Irish Terrier cross, lurched awake and started staggering around before tumbling onto her side, eyes rolling, the panic set in. Minutes later we were in the car, racing across town to the after hours vet.
“She’s probably eaten some cannabis,” the vet said when we arrived, giving me what felt like a meaningful look, especially as I’d chucked on a pair of tie-dye leggings before our frantic drive.
I’d just like to state for the record: I don’t smoke. And I don’t have any of the sort of poison houseplants that can harm pets in my home, either.
READ MORE: * The owners who are sourcing black market CBD oil for their pets * Vets, residents, concerned about spike of suspected cat poisonings in Napier * Nine things you didn’t know could poison your pet
As if on cue, Dulcie peed right in the middle of the surgery and proceeded to sit in it, tongue lolling as she listed slowly sideways.
Kylie Klein-Nixon/Stuff
Dulcie, the 7-year-old Irish terrier cross, on her way home from the after hours vet, high as a kite.
At least she didn’t seem distressed, just high. There wasn’t much the vet could do, except tell us to take her home and let her sleep it off, which we did.
I have known dogs to eat all sorts of stupid things: chocolate, jellyfish at the beach, mussels at the beach (with the shells, necessitating surgery), string (also necessitating surgery), roadkill, animal poo, mulch, bathroom sponges, the gussets from undies, long forgotten rat poison, blister packs of Nicorette gum and panadol, and used tissues. She hadn’t been near any of those things lately though.
My initial fear was a poisoned rat or even a bit of 1080’d possum, but those poisons have much more dramatic and upsetting effects than what was happening to Dulcie.
Kylie Klein-Nixon/Stuff
Dulcie passed out against Mum’s leg – we thought it was cute. She was high, probably on mycotoxins.
Could she have eaten the remains of a joint chucked in the bushes where we usually walk? It seemed like a big reaction for such a small amount of pot.
I slept next to her that night, not wanting to leave her alone. She repaid my motherly kindness by vomiting right next to my head. It smelt like I imagine evil smells.
We took her back to her regular vet the next day, and Dulcie’s teetotal reputation was restored: “I think it’s more likely to be some kind of mycotoxin,” the vet said.
Apparently with cannabis ingestion, dogs will get the zoomies, and then flop about a bit. The change can be quite sudden and dramatic. The most dramatic thing about Dulcie was the size of her pupils.
It was more likely she’d eaten something mouldy.
Mycotoxins grow on most household food, including bread, rotten fruit, dog food and compost – all things gutsy doggos like eating. Symptoms can include vomiting, diarrhoea, tremors and seizures, disorientation, panting, and loss of muscle control (hence the peeing).
We might never know precisely what Dulcie ate, but there’s no need to panic if your dog does eat something while out walking.
“Seek advice to start with,” says NZ Veterinary Association head of veterinary services, companion animals Sally Cory. “Your vet will do a risk assessment and decide whether it’s something that should be seen straightaway.”
Dogs are “opportunists”, that often eat something before you even realise, and once it’s been swallowed there’s not much you can do at home.
“Keep reasonably focused on where your dog is, particularly if they’re off lead, because most dogs are just sort of walking along with nose to the ground, vacuuming everything up. Just be aware of if you’re in public areas; often people just leave scraps around, chicken bones and all sorts of things that can actually be really quite problematic and harmful.”
The problem is, no matter how gross it is, “it’s all food to your dog,” says PetPro Trainer founder Sonia Calvert.
“Recognise what scavenging behaviour looks like in your dog – you can usually tell when your dog’s on the scent of something – then either have a brilliant recall where your dog can turn away from food and come back to you, or get a solid ‘drop’ where the dog will release food on command.
“You can’t do it on the spot. You’ve got to train it, and you’ve got to practise it.”
Calvert advocates positive reinforcement training, rather than aversion training – such as dogs are given to stop them chasing kiwi – because you don’t want to make your dog scared of eating.
These are “tricks” any dog owner can teach their pet, with patience and persistence, and it could save your dog’s life – or at least save you waking up to rotten road kill spew in your hair.
By the way, Dulcie had a 100% recovery.
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itscominghome · 3 years
Summary: Mason and the reader have an argument, but with Y/N already stressed from her mentally taxing job, disaster strikes for the young couple.
Notes: This wasn't requested, but I felt like writing something and my asks are dry asf. This is going to be a little mini-series kind of thing (if I can manage to keep my levels of motivation up). Also feels weird writing in 3rd person :/. So, yeah, requests are very much open! xx
Warnings: Seizures, mention of suicide, mentions of death
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Just Tell Me It's Not The End Of The Line - Mason Mount
"Y/N, we barely spend time together anymore!" Mason said, voice raised slightly. This was a new experience for the both of them. Not once in their four years of being together had the two of them raised their voices at each other. I mean, they'd barely even argued.
"Mase, we can't help it, can we!? You're always at training during the day, I'm always on the night shift. I don't know what you want me to do! Seriously, tell me how I can fix this and I'll do it!" she said back, exasperated. Y/N had already had a stressful week, well a stressful couple of months. Her new job was mentally taxing, but something that needed to be done. Working at an emergency call centre wasn't the nicest of jobs. Sure, you got the calls of cats being 'stuck' up trees or calls from drunks on a night out, just wanting to say hello. But more often than not, Y/N had been dealing with the more serious calls. Either other operators (usually new) didn't know how to deal with these calls, or for some reason, all these calls just happened to be ones that she picked up. The last week had been particularly hard, having dealt with three suicides, two of which she had been unable to prevent, about a dozen calls from distressed children who had been unable to wake their relative from their 'sleep', and you get the idea.
"I don't know! I don't know if there's anything we can do! Even on your days off, all you want to do is lie in bed, in silence. It's like I don't matter to you anymore,"
"Mase, do you have any idea how hard my job is, the sort of things I have to deal with and hear on a daily basis!?"
"Look, Y/N, I don't know what you want me to say, but this relationship won't work if we barely see each other. Maybe we're best off-" But the rest of the sentence had cut off for Y/N, the room now appeared to be spinning, her left arm had fallen numb and limp at her side.
"What!?" Mason shouted unexpectedly, frustrations growing at the situation. Emotions were running so high, the thought of having to split from his girlfriend of four years blocking out the obvious struggles Y/N was having with her speech.
"S-Something... S-Something doesn't f-feel r-r-right..." she slurred. And that's when it happened, Y/N fell to the ground, her eyes rolling to the back of her head and she began to convulse. Mason dropped to his knees next to her, panic flooding his face.
"Y/N! Y/N!" he screamed, reaching for his phone and dialling 999.
"Ambulance service," he said the second someone started to talk to him on the other end of the line. He was put through to someone and quickly began to explain what was happening.
"Move everything out the way so she can't hit her head, and start a stopwatch, stop it when I tell you to," the woman on the other end of the call ordered calmly.
"A stopwatch!?"
"Just do it," He put his phone on speaker ,before switching to his stopwatch on his alarm app, starting the timer and then proceeded to move everything in the close vicinity away from Y/N's head. He was then talked through how to put her into recovery position, laying her on her side to begin with and ending with tilting her head up.
The ambulance only took five minutes to arrive, but those five minutes were possibly the longest few minutes of Mason's life. He spent them trying to reassure both himself, and Y/N, saying things along the lines of, "You're gonna be okay," "Come on, baby, stay with me," "Please don't leave me," "I love you," and "You're gonna be just fine, the ambulance is on its way."
When Mason heard the streets fill with the sound of sirens, he rushed to open the front door before dashing back to his girlfriend's side. She was still violently convulsing. The ambulance crew ran in, making a quick job of putting Y/N onto a stretcher and carrying her into the ambulance. Mason followed closely behind, tears threatening to spill over and down his cheeks.
"Was anyone timing it?" the paramedic asked, Mason pulled out his phone, showing it to him and staring at it himself. Y/N had been fitting for about 8 minutes now, the paramedic immediately calling a medical emergency. A few minutes later, and Y/N's seizure had stopped, she was breathing, but unconscious. Mason sat next to her, holding her hand the whole way. When they arrived, Mason was forced to wait in the reception of the hospital, with the promise that as soon as they had any news, he would be the first to know. So whilst he was waiting he made some calls, first to her parents, next to her brother, Dan, letting them all know of the current situation, and finally to Declan, tears that had been developing since the moment Y/N's seizing had begun, finally streaming from his eyes.
"It's my fault Dec,"
"How can it be? She had a seizure, how can that be your fault?"
"We were arguing, I was shouting at her, and seconds later she was on the floor. What if I lose her Dec... I don't know what I'd do without her... I can't believe I actually thought I could end things between us. I'd be lost Dec, I'd be lost without her. And I almost ended things with her, just because she'd been struggling with work and not being able to spend as much time together because of it,"
"Mase, I need to go, I'm getting in the car now, let Kepa and Kai know. They're her best friends, they'll want to be there when she wakes up" Declan sighed, hanging up the phone. Dan stood metres away, listening to the whole conversation, racing towards Mason, his head in his hands.
"It was your fault! If she dies- If she dies, it's all your fault Mount!" he shouted, grabbing Mason by the collar of his coat and shoving him against the walls of the waiting room.
"I know! I know..." Mason cried as hospital staff rushed to pull Dan off of him.
"Sir, we're going to need you to leave until you've calmed down," the receptionist said, pointing towards the door, Dan went to protest, but looked at Mason's sobbing form and his and Y/N's parents stood there, giving him a look telling him to just leave for a bit. He turned around and walked back out of the hospital, going to calm down until someone came to let him know the state of his little sister. Paul, Y/N's Dad, walked over, pulling Mason into a hug, Claire, her Mum, unable to anything but watch the scene unfold.
"It's alright son, it's gonna be alright, it's not your fault, you couldn't have known that your argument would've caused this, and who says it even did, come on son, calm down," he looked at Claire as Mason's sobbing came to a stop. He lifted his head up and pulled away, sitting back down in his seat, not saying a word. Claire knelt down in front of him.
"If the seizure was due to stress, you and her arguing can't have been the only thing stressing her out, plus lets be honest, she'd forgive you for anything, she would, she loves you and she knows that you love her, anyone who has eyes can see that you love her," she said smiling, "ignore Dan, he's scared, and he's protective of his little sister, but that doesn't mean that what he said was right."
"How about we go and get some coffees, we might be here a while, you stay here, okay?" Paul suggested. Mason just nodded. He sat there, watching the door that Y'N had been rushed through, just waiting for someone, anyone, to come and tell him that his girlfriend was okay. After a few minutes someone did come out and was heading in his direction, he stood up instantly.
"Mason Mount?"
"Yeah," he replied, wiping the tears from his cheeks. He could only imagine how he looks right now.
"We've found a large blood clot in one of her brain's main arteries," Mason was stunned to silence, "unfortunately, the clot isn't responding to any of the medication and we're under a lot of pressure to get this done, as we don't have a lot of time..., we'd like to try a procedure called the clot retrieval surgery. We would feed a wire through an artery in her groin, up into the brain and pull the clot out. On one hand though, it is an experimental surgery and carries an element of risk,"
"What could happen..?" Ben asked, scared to know the answer.
"The clot could get pushed further into the brain, or the artery could be damaged in the process, we need permission from a family member to go forward with the operation. Is there anyone currently here?" the doctor finished.
"Yeah, but they're in the canteen. I'm her boyfriend, surely I can make the decision too?" the doctor nods, "Do it, if that's the only way," Mason said. Nodding, the doctor retreated back into theatre as Y/N's parents came back into the room with the coffees.
"What did they say?" her Dad asked. And Mason explained it all, how the surgery would work and the possibility of complications, and now all they could do is wait. Paul went out to explain it all to Dan, whilst Claire remained by Mason's side, her hand resting on his arm in attempt to comfort him.
"She'll pull through, I know she will, she's strong. You know she is," Claire's words of comfort put Mason's mind slightly at ease. But, all they could do was wait and hope for good news of the surgery going well. Mason knew he was in for a long night of worry and frustration towards himself.
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syst3merr0r · 2 years
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Some doodles from me and @bakurik 's discord call last night, which did include us playing PP: CH2.
The things I learned from the chapter, I will list below because like a dumbass, I did not record anything-
So yeah, major spoilers-
Had to play with low graphics(which I didn't mind) or else every time we grappled, our game would what Bakurik called a "grandma seizure" and bug the fuck out.
Mommy LL said "I have more ways to play with you". Bakurik proceeded to repeat it right into the mic. I died of gay.
Mommy? Sorry- Mommy? Sorry- Mommy? Sor-
The chapter(and Bakurik) worsened my mommy kink I mean what-
The grapple swing mechanic was N O T playtested. Either that, or we just suck at it and caused us to die at the Mommy LL chase 50+ times, resulting in my now shot voice.
"The bUttOn h UrTs M e"
Panicked at Mommy LL's death, screamed "what the fuck was that" at the "prototype" dragging her head away.
Ty Kissy Missy for the help, I still think you have anger issues-
Bakurik had to tell my ass to go back cuz I ran as soon as KM reached for the lever-
Bonzi Bunny will haunt my nightmares.
Huggy Wuggy is probably alive.
Made a joke that Cannibal(Bakurik's sona) made the train crash to try and kill Huggy Wuggy. They thought that the joke was fucking hilarious lmAO
Game is definitely not worth $10 with the mechanics and rage inducing shit it has, but that's my personal opinion. Because that's also coming from someone who spent $40 as soon as Security Breach came out-
Will most likely be playing Chapter 3.
Will try to make an animatic about it as well
Okok that's it, bYe-
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tsarbomba567 · 3 years
The Old Guard
TW: Death, Blood
Death is an inevitability. All things must come to an end, whether it be a living organism or a car that has driven its last mile before breaking down for good. That's how the cycle of life works: Things break down and decay to benefit the next generation. A dead organism will decay and provide nutrients for the soul underneath, while a car can be scrapped for its parts, which can then be used in new man/serpent-made products. This is how the world is supposed to work. But every now and again, there are instances that defy this cycle, going against all rational explanations and established scientific theories. Some might say it's blasphemous, others luck, but there are those who call it by its true name -
"Can we please settle down and camp for the night?! I'm very fucking tired," the Pyro Viper cried.
The leader of the band of Pyro Vipers turned to face the tired soldiers. "Fine, we'll stop here," they signaled, pointing to the nearby cave, "Let's set up camp there." The Pyro Vipers breathed a collective sigh of relief: They've been traveling for several days, walking for 16 hours at a time. They proceeded into the cave, and started to set up camp, the sun sinking into the horizon. As the group got settled for the night, the commander was taking a headcount of their forces. One hundred soldiers, of which 25 are regular guards, 25 Pyro Destroyers, 25 Pyro Slayers, and 25 Pyro Whippers, they noted, looks like the old guard is still intact. As they prepared to get some shuteye, a Pyro Viper nervously came up to them. "Um, Elizabeth," the soldier asked, "I know that you hate Aspheera with all your heart. But why do we have to travel all this way if we could have just taken her head on?" The female Pyro Viper stared into the soldier's eyes, seeing the curious fire burning inside. "The reason is simple: Aspheera revived them, so they'll blindly follow her every command," she explained, "If we attempted to attack her, we would be outnumbered and torn to pieces, not to mention that that bitch has both magic and Spinjitzu." Elizabeth paused, taking several deep breaths - exhaling embers - before continuing: "They'll believe her when she says that Wu is the Deceiver, but should they dig deeper into that claim, they'll find that Aspheera - not Wu - is the True Deceiver. She wrote history in her favor and now all the Serpentine believe her vile lies as the truth. That's why I wanted to get as far away from that witch as possible."
The intrigued soldier listened on, before asking her another question: "How did you die? I mean, you didn't die of old age or in combat, from what I can see." The female commander tilted her head, contemplating whether or not to tell them how she died; she appears to be very unpleasant with the question at heart. "Hey, you don't have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable. I didn't intend to -" "I'm fine Damien," Elizabeth interrupted, "I just needed to collect my thoughts." She looked around, seeing that most of the other Pyro Vipers had gone to sleep, before turning back to the soldier. "The King had invited me to a feast," she whispered, "It wasn't grand or anything, it was just for close family and friends; they wanted to tone down the feast so that it wouldn't cost that much, as well as attempting to avoid angering the peasants. Anyway, the King had just made a small speech, and was about to drink from his cup when I realized that the wine hadn't been taste tested for poison. I volunteered to taste from his cup, much to his surprise." Elizabeth paused to calm down before pushing on: "I drank from his cup, and I began to feel nauseous and weak, before … collapsing to the floor and beginning to have a seizure. I don't remember much, but I could feel like I was foaming blood at the mouth, bleeding from the nose, my eyes becoming bloodshot as my vision became blurry and red from me bleeding from my eyes; I felt cold, so cold." Elizabeth' voice started to become shaky as the soldier's face grew more grim. "I … I remember seeing the King's horrified face, as I faintly heard him crying for help, before the world around me began to fade to black, their voices growing more faint and…" Elizabeth started to cry, lava dripping from her cheeks, clearly traumatized at having to recall her final moments before she died.
Damien hugged the female Pyro Viper, feeling ashamed that they had made her visibly upset. "I'm so sorry Elizabeth, I didn't want to make you cry," he confessed. "I was only curious -" "It's okay," Elizabeth uttered, "I'll … I'll be fine." The soldier released her as she wiped away the lava tears, slowly regaining her composure. "I think it's time that the two of us get some sleep," she suggested, "We're going to be going at dawn." He nodded in approval, and was about to turn and leave when they asked her something. "Would it be okay if I slept with you? You know, just in case you have a nightmare," Damien offered, clearly blushing. Elizabeth pondered their proposal, before giving an answer: "Okay.'' With that, the two snuggled with each other before eventually falling to sleep.
The sun had started to rise into the morning sky, with the frigid darkness of night being evicted so that the warm light of morning could take its place. The Forest of Tranquility, known to be the most pleasant and peaceful place in Ninjago, was jolted awake by the sound of 101 marching Pyro Vipers. Elizabeth was leading the group, while Damien was walking beside her, still flustered from cuddling with the commander last night. As the two scanned the woods, Elizabeth spotted what appeared to be some kind of settlement in the distance, and after some deliberation, determined that they should go and investigate. As the group got closer to the town, they observed that it wasn't abandoned, but was rather home to both humans and Serpentine, much to their confusion. When they entered the town, Elizabeth warned not to start any intentional fires while they were there - to which they obeyed - while they searched for the town's leader(s). As they made their way through town, the townsfolk monitored them, unsure of what to make from their sudden appearance. After exploring for some time, Elizabeth notices a strange looking red Serpentine - one she quickly realizes isn't a Fangpyre - talking to someone out of view. What a strange Serpentine specimen, she studied. I wonder who they're talking - her train of thought is cut off as she turns the corner, seeing the person the mysterious Serpentine was talking to.
An Oni. More precisely, an Oni dressed in a white cassock.
Demon, she silently repeated to herself, conjuring up a fireball. "DEMON!!!!" She screamed as she threw the fireball, with the red Serpentine dodging out of the fireball's way. The Oni, meanwhile, seemed undeterred, and simply put his hand up, and after muttering a few quiet words, the fireball exploded into a puff of black smoke a few feet in front of them. The Pyro Viper commander was baffled, wondering how a demon could wield such magic; she then spotted several groups of human and Serpentine soldiers converging on her group's position, and it seemed like a big fight was going to break out. Suddenly, the Oni motioned to their soldiers: "Lay down your arms! I don't want any blood being unnecessarily spilt," he commanded, and his soldiers obeyed, holstering their weapons. Elizabeth, seeing the opposing forces back down, also orders her forces to do the same, to which they comply.
After several moments of silence, the Oni spoke up: "What are you … Pyro Vipers doing here," he questioned, "I thought all of you were supposed to be with Aspheera." The mere mention of Aspheera filled Elizabeth with disgust, something that the Oni quickly picked up on. "Let me guess: Neither you or your soldiers like Aspheera? Judging by the fact you came all this way to seemingly get away from her gives me the feeling that is a yes," they hypothesized. Looking at her soldiers, Elizabeth turned back to face the Oni. "You would be right, demon," she replied. The Oni was taken aback, since he had never been called a fiend before. "Listen," he started, "I'm not a demon or fiend; I'm an Oni. And besides, I never knew I was one until the Oni decided to invade Ninjago." Elizabeth was bewildered: How could a "Oni'' not know it's an "Oni?" As she tried to understand how such a thing could be possible, the Oni came up to her, clearly seeing how confused she's become. "Listen, I too was baffled to learn that I was an Oni, being raised as a human in a human form. It confused others when I told them the truth," he explained. "How about we discuss this over lunch? Get to know each other," he offered. After pondering for a moment, she accepts the offer, curious to learn more about both the town and the Oni.
The Oni seemed delighted to hear her answer. "Great," he joyfully replied, "I'll take you to the food courts. They have some good food, I'll tell you." As he got ready to lead the way, Elizabeth asked them a question: "Um, what's your name, exactly?" The Oni seemed to be caught off guard by the inquiry, before regaining composure. "My apologies, name's Bennett Grant," he responded, before reaching his hand out, "And your's?" She hesitated before accepting Grant's handshake, "Elizabeth."
And with that, they were off.
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