#and then i started crying bc im annoying and i think that combined w the stress of all the school stuff i have going on rn šŸ¤”
kuiinncedes Ā· 2 years
#nothing like breaking down crying right before leaving for an exam lol :D#it was fine i just lmfao#my mom called while i was last minute putting stuff on my cheat sheet for exam and i told her i had an exam soon#and she was like its not important ill hang up or whatever but then i was like no its fine#so then she proceeded to tell me my brother's housing situation for next yr rn which was important and stressed me out LMFAO#and then i started crying bc im annoying and i think that combined w the stress of all the school stuff i have going on rn šŸ¤”#i love just suddenly crying very loudly over lowkey nothing and also when one of my roommates is home w her bf#i think literalluy last time this happened it was the same except this time i was downstairs and she was upstairs#last time it was vice versa XD#imagine not just crying when ur stressed rip couldnt be me apparently#im not helping that stress by typing this shit rn ldkfjghkdgbn#ANYWAY exam was easier than i thught it would be :DDD lowkey had the crazy thought while i was taking it and i was like#stuck on a problem but i literally spontaneously had the thought 'this is kinda fun' LMFAO#this class has a reputation for being hard and i have a few friends/mutual friends who've taken it#and when i was like the first exam wasnt that bad they were like . no lol#but this one also wsnt that bad :DDD#FUCKING WISH THAT COUDL BE THE SAME FOR MY OTHER MATH CLASS TT#exam for that one is next week and im literally#its a fucking joke im gonna do so badly TT#ANYWAY I GOTTA READ A BUNCH OF SHIT BY TOMORROW MORNING SO LETS FUCKING DO THAT :DDD#no but the exam actually lifted my mood...... pls..........#maybe also like seeing a friend after it but legit like to some extent i kinda enjoyed taking the exam XD proboably bc i actually knew what#was doing for most of it :D like studying paid off TT#also just the feeling of thinking i didnt do that badly :DDDDD anyway fucking shut up lknfnakjdfngkjfsdglkshfgj lmfao#jeanne talks
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genderfuck-demon Ā· 3 years
1 Month on T
ok so, technically im 1 month and 11 days on T bc i missed my mark and kept procrastinating on doing this thing dklfsjhg but here we are finally ok so, changes...
ACNE. there is so much acne. not a whooole lot like i expected, but i do have some really annoying zits here and there and they're itchy and bleh
my eyebrows are filling in pretty nicely i think
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i have no photos to compare, but i think my jaw looks a bit sharper, less roundish. i have like. a lot of baby fat on my cheeks (which is apparently due to asian genetics) which makes me look super young and i hate that bc everyone thinks im a teenage boy, so im hoping that's gonna change
my skin feels thicker? like. idk how to explain it but it just feels slightly less soft
torso & arms:
acne acne acne acne everywheeeeere pls help. ive been using a bunch of stuff to try to control it, and some of it seems to work, but for the most part, im covered in acne T-T i look like i have chicken pox. if anyone has any tips on how to deal w this, pls tell me
like i said before, my skin feels thicker. and (tw: sh mention) i have a lot of scars and now they feel a bit harder and some of them have cracked and look nasty, so im using a hydrating gel thing to try to keep them soft.
ive been working out, so im starting to see some muscle growth šŸ’Ŗ not a lot tho. still got a long way to go.
here's a picture of my arm flexed and unflexed:
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and here's my abs so far. i have -6 pack T-T
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there's a liiittle bit of growth but not much. also it kinda hurts sometimes so that's uncomfortable
i have a bit more leg hair, but thats about it. i used to have like. none on my thighs and now i do so yay
as of now, my vocal range is Bb2-A5. iirc pre-T it was C3-A5
ohhhh boyyyyyy. im HORNY all the time. im CRYING all the time. im ANGRY all the time. i have a very Fun combination of bp, bpd, and an inner hormone war going on in there fighting for dominance. Think of it like. being on your period while being pregnant and also going through menopause all at once but also like reversed. it's. all very complicated. it's all very A LOT. and like. im a person who cries quite often bc im highly sensitive, but now ive been like. crying every day. im usually dramatic, but now im over the top extra overdramatic. i asked my doctor hey wtf?? bc isn't T supposed to. yknow. do the opposite??? and he said it's fine and it's bc estrogen levels are pretty high rn bc of the ongoing hormone war. this whole emotional dysregulation should calm it's tits eventually.
okay hhhhhhhhhhhh i thiiink that's it for my 1 month changes. if i forgot anything i'll update this.
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muertaheux Ā· 4 years
Post J call (19/05) [diary sub.]
Ā  4 days of no sleepĀ  has meantĀ  unblocking+subsequently spending a lot of time thinking about or talking to J the past couple days.Ā Ā  but damage doneĀ  & now that I know that this man has stopped doing all the things he was supposed to do continue doing once we were completely over; ensuring that he does those things again feels like my responsibility!!Ā 
-SO! An attempt at digesting some of the most jarring things he said since instantaneous reflection/clarity was impossible !! -
ā€œwhen you first wanted to end things there was no doubt that youā€™d be coming back out hereā€
like thereā€™s a pandemic and i have no reason i need to go back to the bay as itā€™s alll online now ??
ā€œsee Iā€™m not even in LA!! I chose not to be for you!!ā€
Weā€™ve had no contact for months and I had no idea he still mainly lived in Oakland?? So that cannot be put on me?? ALSO literally one of the last things I had said to him was about how at least now he can live in LA & something to the effect of how he should try + actually enjoy the lifestyle now?? LA bitches always made me feel a way & a lot of the LA guys he worked with or just at different events were just a lot???
ā€œHow can you act like this is the way its supposed to be with us?? If you just decided that thereā€™s not even a chance anymore than thatā€™s fucked up that you gave me false hopeā€
WHAT THE FUCK. Itā€™s certainly not healthy to entertain possibility of reconciliation, for plenty of reasons but especially as heā€™s not risen to the occasion of doing what he needs to do! I didnt leave him high and dry as he has the blueprints, tools, and resources now. Literally last night he was texting acknowledging how weā€™re both not ā€œwholeā€ and it seemed he got that we must be separate but I guess not?? I didnā€™t give him false hope???
Damn like I was still balancing my own academic + professional + personal obligations and mental health ?? I will do basically anything for someone I love and as his gf ended up taking on quite a bit . But I was 21/22 w. a rigorous course+research load,demanding job, & my own traumas & mental illness to manage??? I loved tf out of him but I am too young & too shaky myself for the dynamic we had to have been sustainable?? I donā€™t regret putting him onto therapy+psychiatry & the business/financial resources/techniques but being his buffer for the industry stuff in LA was exhausting & fucked w me. I hate almost everything about LA& I get that heā€™s more introverted than me + has wild imposter syndrome but he was the one who had a right to be there Iā€™m not even remotely connected to that field and again I despise most of the LA bitches- Iā€™m in my early 20ā€™s obviously I would still have wild self esteem issues etc?? I would literally be crying for a good portion of the drive or flight down there almost every time after the first one. But as he would literally run every single business decision or interaction by me & even once the money started coming + he had validation regarding his skill set, for awhile he still would beĀ  second guessing the creative aspect of it; Ā  and he only really trusts & is out of his shell completely with his Oakland friends, people in LA/anyone he works with he views strictly as clients/collaborators - he wouldnā€™t go to anything he needed toĀ  in LA if I wouldnā€™t come with him. Okkk yes he was ode loyal/ attentive to me as well as supportive + invested in my stuff & we really protected/looked out for one another in different ways, so itā€™s not that he was undeserving.. I just canā€™t be or do everything for someone!!! I also would not even have chance of being close to happy if I stayed in states now that I am completely disillusioned with medicine ??
ā€œThatā€™s insane that youā€™ve been able to move on like this thatā€™s so fucking ode [my name redacted]. I bet you were fucking other people when were togetherā€
What. the . fuck. I WAS NOTHING BUT LOYAL WHEN WE WERE TOGETHER AND UNLESS I WAS IN CLASSES OR WORKING WE WERE TOGETHER!! I actuallyĀ  have never spent so much time with one person (and didnā€™t even mind it) before or after him. He knows I never cheated on him smfh he hurled this same accusation back in the winter after I started hooking up with someone again. So I donā€™t really get why heā€™s even acting like this is brand new information because the inciting incident for me to cut him off completely a few months ago was how he was handling me hooking up with someone. Donā€™t ask questions you donā€™t want the answer to tbh??
Also if it wasnā€™t for pandemic or if he was IN LA as a single man, Iā€™m sure he wouldā€™ve ended up with at least someone ?? Yeah heā€™s not a hookup kinda guy but if he was taking the same drgzĀ  but Im not there than Im sure heā€™d have plenty of bodies, heā€™s objectively gorgeous to the point that people are wild confused by his personality & mannerisms.
ALSO weā€™ve been broken up technically since the fall!! Iā€™ve hooked up with TWO people, which is my prerogative?? I could hookup with a ton of people and it would still be well within my rights as in no way are he and I together ?? It doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t care or love him at all but itā€™s literally mid- May?? I get that heā€™s mainly upset that the person I most recently was with is the guy from Feb. What I didnā€™t count on or realize was that I had given J enough info that combined with his naturally sharp memory heā€™d piece together that the Feb/recent guy is the last person I was in love with before the relationship w J. Once he figured that out he was pressing for more info but I never give out names from situations anyways & I actually had to aggressively ask him if he enjoyed being hurt or something because thereā€™s no reason he needs to fixate on this ??
ā€œthis is so fucked up youre not gonna give us a chance to say goodbye for real?? you promised me that it wouldnā€™t be the last time we saw each other , was this your plan all along ? i canā€™t believe i really thought you were gonna come back . iā€™m so fucking stupid. when i heard about schools, even graduations, going online i convinced myself that you still had to come back here or that youā€™d find a reason. what the fuck rachel! what am i supposed to do?ā€
Ok he started off yelling (for him) there but once it was just crying i got that his abandonment issues are triggered & thatā€™s definitely valid but he canā€™t guilt me into coming out to Oakland & based off the past couple days he is not in a place that I can trust myself around. Weā€™d definitely end up fucking & probably doing drgz & there would be no closure weā€™d just have intense /cinematic experiences that will make separation that much harder AGAIN. We can bring out the best in one another but we also bring out the absolute worst!! We canā€™t forget the truly fucking horrible parts of our relationship and how out of control it was. Love is not enough!!! The way we loved one another was all consuming & that doesnā€™t work when thereā€™s soooo much individual healing+ growth that needs to happen.
of course i still love him as well , but i canā€™t even remind him of that as itā€™ll then be ā€œso youā€™ll come back?ā€ fuck like people can love people and know not to be with them!! if i was in a better place maybe iā€™d think about it; but iā€™m so far from where I need to be. ofc I miss a lot about him and the relationship but itā€™s more detrimental than it is beneficial!! itā€™s not like he didnā€™t have his grievances too he just doesnā€™t keep them in perspective in this type of situation . like yeah we coexisted extraordinarily well & never had little arguments over dumb shit/ needed a break from one another; but when we would fight it would be a massive aggressive blowout. ok great we didnā€™t find one another annoying but also we were respectively v fucking triggered by some deep rooted behavior (i.e our respective parents +trust issues, ptsd and psychosis manifested completely differently; bc of our constant proximity to one another - my BP was on full display multiple times; i accepted he was set on carrying but it was ultimately more like stockpiling ; we both at times did reckless things which made us obsess over the otherā€™s safety [mine mainly in mixed or manic states] ; different attitudes/approaches to drgz) . the codependency was in some lights eventually p unhealthy , especially as eventually down the road itd be impossible to accommodate that degree of attachment to one another!!
ok in some way itā€™s romantic or w/e that we literally couldnā€™t be w/o one another at night but also we made it way harder on ourselves when weā€™d focus on making sure we could be with the other at their obligation instead of our respective responsibilities(i.e me always in LA with him, he ended up coming overseas 3x (EU&Middle East) when I was there for work/conference( for countries he wouldnā€™t be able to get into he waited at w/e neighboring one would be safe for him),Ā  based his UK work trip around my exams schedule so he could bring me, brought me to PFW, etc. )Ā  even considering taking space at any point was never a real conversation..Ā  we were genuinely best friends but just bounced back from w/e dysfunctional argument we had vs solving it and weā€™re both mad paranoid people & we need someone to physically be there to feel reassured;on the surface and in actuality in some ways the dynamic was ideal- (regardless tho having someone be your primary safety is hardly fail-safe ).
Both of us are insomniacs & deal w night terrors; but from v. early on we figured out how to handle these things in each other to the point that both of us stopped our respective nighttime vices & could sleep naturally; in the case of night terrors the other person would soothe them back. His overwhelming need to protect found a match with my overwhelming longing for safety even before we knew a ton about one another&the respective back stories. Because of Chantel Millerā€™s assault case that had gone viral(re:the SU Swimmer case) years before, J was convince su at night was dangerous & always picked me up+ put pepper spray canister in my bag literally a week after we first met. When he learned my history/some of the traumas (mainly nyc r**** & parts i shared re:tr********* abroad) etc he was especially ode about my overall safety. (Tbf he has seen a lot in his life but he mistook my taking risks at times as being completely oblivious when most of the times it was because I had assessed the situation and compared to other experiences and I knew I could handle it; ofc for some of the episodic instances it was way more precarious of a situation. )When it was clear that it wasnā€™t just some over controlling maneuver, it was just easier to try and listen to him about which areas and times to avoid tbh& spared the details of my ~pickups~. He didnā€™t need protection in the same way; besides the support/ā€˜protectionā€™ for LA/industry stuff, he needed emotional support/validation, reassurance, and to be nurtured & encouraged.
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pyojihoonmoved Ā· 7 years
0-44 owo
wow, this is payback isnā€™t it. okay letā€™s do it.
0: Height
1: Age
21, 22 in a month i cry.
2: Shoe size
likeā€¦ 9? 9.5??
3: Do you smoke?
no thanks.
4: Do you drink?
very rarely tbh.
5: Do you take drugs?
no thank u again
6: Age you get mistaken for
I donā€™t know? I usually am guessed to be my age or maybe a little older?
7: Have tattoos?
8: Want any tattoos?
yes please.
9: Got any piercings?
yes, just 2 in each lobe.
10: Want any piercings?
cartilage and maybe more, but iā€™ve tried my cartilage twice and they failed each time so idk.
11: Best friend?
you canā€™t make me name just a single one.
12: Relationship status
technically single but unavailable as hecc.
13: Biggest turn ons
yeah youā€™d like to know that wouldnā€™t you, ya nastea .
14: Biggest turn offs
15: Favorite movie
I donā€™t really have one??
16: Iā€™ll love you ifā€¦
you feed me .
17: Someone you miss
no one, atm. well there is someone that comes to mind, a friend I had from middle school to high school
18: Most traumatic experience
I honestly canā€™t reallyā€¦ think of anything like outrightā€¦ traumatic ? ? ? so lucky me.
19: A fact about your personality
iā€™m a pretty resilient person, ig?? i mean if smth gets me down or whatever iā€™m able to move on from it fairly quickly. there are better things to do than to sit and stress over some shit that happened that you canā€™t change.
20: What I hate most about myself
a n x i e t y.
21: What I love most about myself
Iā€™m funny? ? ? at least I think so..Ā 
22: What I want to be when I get older
uhhhā€¦ still working on it lmao !
23: My relationship with my sibling(s)
better than it used to be, since weā€™ve gotten older. then again, it was never really bad to begin with, but you know how siblings are with each other when theyā€™re kids. like one time i threw my heavy ass binder at my brother when we got onto the school bus and it hit him in the back bc he was talking shit bout my best friend at the time LMFAO. i was like 10?? at the time?? maybe 11? and he was 12/13?? good times lmao.
24: My relationship with my parent(s)
itā€™s neither here nor there? so i guess its a good one? I donā€™t really feel comfortable talking to them about anything but we donā€™t fight anymore so itā€™s cool.
25: My idea of a perfect date
you know in all my 21 years of life this is something iā€™ve never sat down and actually thought about and visualized? i think just being with the person I like and spending time together and enjoying each otherā€™s company is enough to make the date perfect.Ā 
26: My biggest pet peeves
when people smack their food/gum loudly!!! holy shit!! or when people wanna leave ur door open when they leave. being late as a result of other people like i canā€™t stand being late . people who ask you what yā€™all should get for a meal then say ew when you pitch ideas, even though they hadnā€™t contributed in any other way besidesĀ ā€œhey what do yā€™all wantā€ andĀ ā€œewā€. anw iā€™ll end that there i could go on all day LMAO.
27: A description of the girl/boy I like
WOW where to even. pushing aside like obvious things about how cute/hot she is bc like sheā€™s all of those things (((im very gay))), sheā€™s makes me laugh, makes me feel better when Iā€™m feeling bad mostly over stupid shit, and idk, i feel comfortable with her, to where i can talk to her freely and discuss how iā€™m feeling without being made out to be the bad guy or anything like that. i could spend literally 24/8 talking to her without getting tired of it, which is saying something because there are very few people I can just not only consistently talk to but like look forward to talking to them on the daily. 12312/10 do not regret liking. sheā€™s a very important person to me and even if things donā€™t go further than where they are now, Iā€™d be okay with that as long as I still have her in my life. and i hope she knows how much i love her and one day believes sheā€™s every bit of important as i think and make her out to be because she is, maybe even moreso.Ā 
28: A description of the person I dislike the most
honestly there isnā€™t anyone that I likeā€¦ severely dislike?? people do shit that annoys me and what not but idk thereā€™s no deep seated hatred, only annoyance. ig if I had to answer then the description would be someone that needs to grow the fuck up lmao anw.Ā 
29: A reason Iā€™ve lied to a friend
I donā€™t think iā€™ve ever lied over something serious. like the only time I ever lie is when i make up excuses for why I canā€™t hang out or whatever, and thats only if theyā€™re not a close friend. if theyā€™re a close friend I usually just tell them straight up lmao hey nah im not feeling it.
30: What I hate the most about work/school
school since Iā€™m in it right now, uhhh. everything lmfao. but specifically thatā€™d be the fact that my class starts at 8am. and the textbooks are boring af.
31: What my last text message says
tbh idk bc i delete mine daily and sometimes several times daily so whatever I said last or someone said to me last it isnā€™t there.
32: What words upset me the most
ā€œcard declinedā€ :(((
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
honestly any compliment makes me like c: but when people tell me iā€™m funny/have a good sense of humor iā€™m like extra cccccc:
34: What I find attractive in women
everything . iā€™m gay. i fucking love girls.
35: What I find attractive in men
are they pyo jihoon? if not then nothing lmao .
36: Where I would like to live
I mean?? I donā€™t know?? Iā€™m good with anywhere as long as Iā€™m allowed to have pets and itā€™s like, you know. a decent place.
37: One of my insecurities
tbh Iā€™ve been feeling a little insecure about my weight again these days. and itā€™s not like Iā€™m really overweight or anything, like not at all. Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve got a normal BMI or whatever for my age but. i got a lot of shit when i was younger for being overweight, mostly from my brother and his friends and even the rest of my family and so on, so iā€™m a bit ehhh about it.Ā 
38: My childhood career choice
I donā€™t remember?? I think I wanted to either work with the police or be a lawyer or something, I donā€™t know.
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
cookie two step by my love blue bell. aka cookies and cream combined with chocolate chip cookie dough
40: Who I wish I could be
uhhhhhh. i donā€™t know?? Iā€™m alright w/being myself, idk.
41: Where I want to be right now
at home, with blu.
42: The last thing I ate
chick-fil-a. which was several hours ago so i should probabaly make myself food.
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
@pushzeen ;)))))
44: A random fact about anything.
UHHHH. UHMMMM. i.... used to want to learn how to sew?? my grandma even bought me a sewing machine when i was in like 5th grade so i could learn, and we started off by making barbie clothes but then family drama happened so i didnā€™t see her for years. and then a few years back everyone started talking again and so she gave me that sewing machine to take home with me but??? a bitch still canā€™t sew cause she has no idea what sheā€™s doing on her own lmao. so itā€™s just chilling in my closet.Ā 
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epour-anios Ā· 6 years
A long post abt Curology that probably nobody gives a fuckĀ abt but I felt like writing it anyways:
Yo real talk, if you struggle with acne of any kind you should really try Curology (even just try the free trial, you really donā€™t have anything to lose). I never have had severe acne, so I canā€™t speak for curology on that, but I had acne that was moderate and would get pretty bad in cycles which left behind some dark scars and I really struggled withĀ Folliculitis (fungus that looks like acne (which I was so insecure of, I used jock itch cream I bought on amazon to kill the yeast to make it stop, which helped a little but not like curology)). Iā€™ve been using Curology since August and have not really had a breakout of any kind, and if I do itā€™s like one small pimple (probably bc of horomones (mother nature gets the final say) or I skip a couple days of my routine bc it be like that sometimes) that goes aways fast without leaving a scar (if i dont pick at it lol). Iā€™m just working on getting rid of any scars (which is going to take awhile regardless of what product im using, though curology seems to be helping faster than anything ive tried before) and my skin is so clear. I legit havenā€™t worn foundation/concealer (except for undereyes (which I donā€™t even do anymore bc I dont give a fuck) bc I look like i got puched in the eyes sometimes) since probably August/beginning of September. Also, they help you create a routine and give you example products that work. Like my routine now is so simple, in the morning I: wash face with drugstore cleanser, put on sunscreen(the product i use, I love and Curology is the one who recommended it to me) and in the night i: use micellar water if I wore any makeup that day, cleanse w/ same drugstore cleanser, put on my curology, then put on my drugstore moisturizer. I finally know what it means to have ā€œnormalā€ skin instead of dry or oily or combination, and I no longer live in fear of breaking out at any moment bc I know Curology will cure it. I got my sister to try it (she was iffy bc of the price) and she lovesssss it. We both suffer from picking our skin (how we cope w/ anxiety runs in the family I guess) and both our skin is so clear now. The people at curology are so nice and helpful, and you get your own medical provider that actually helps and wants to. My girl Allysen Kelly has had my back since day one and hasnt failed me (or made fun of my consultation and update pics that I look so fugly in). They also gave me a site that is SO helpful called CosDNA (http://cosdna.com) that lets you search makeup and skincare products to see what the ingredients are and if they cause acne, irritation, or just arent good to put on your body (youd be surpised at whatā€™s in your products that you shouldnt be putting on your body). Curology also breaks everything down abt how your skin works and how different products work on your skin. They give you a full detailed description of the ingredients in your formula and what they do to your skin. I forgot to mention that your medical provider prescribes you your own custome formula with ingredients you can only get from a doctor/dermatologist (which is the whole point of curology), so itā€™s pretty much like going to a dermatologist without leaving your house (or dealing w/ annoying insurance stuff). Sometimes I just want to cry bc of how much Curology has saved my skin, i dont think I was aware as to how insecure I was abt my skin before i started using Curology. Itā€™s so nice not having to worry abt putting makeup on or not wanting to look people in the eyes bc your embarrassed abt yout acne. They also sent me cute little ghost pins, stickers, and jelly beans when I got my free trial which was SO cute. And can we just TALK abt the free trial. You legit get your own custome formula FOR FREE the first time ( you only have to pay shipping which was I think $4 for me which I think is a GREAT deal). Itā€™s so heartwarming looking at everyones progress pics (they have a community thingy people put their before n after pics on) like itā€™s amazing how much it has changed some peopleā€™s skin. I know everyones skin is different n using it will be different for everyone, but I felt like I saw changes in the first week of using it (same w/ my sister). I was skeptical of starting it like alot of people bc I was scared that it would make my skin worse (which it might for the first week or so bc your skin is purging all the gross toxin stuff that curology is pulling out of your skin, which will make you breakout n probably cry (dont worry it will get better)) or be a waste of money (if you hate it you can always cancel it, so no money wasted :), but I thought fuck it, itā€™s a free trial and Iā€™ll just cancel it if it doesnt work. They also work with you to create a formula that works, like if the first one they prescribed doesnt work, they help create another one by changing the ingredients and the % of the active ingredients, till they get it right. 11/10 would reccomend.Ā 
Back to flushing out my infected wisdom tooth wound with warm salt water and tending to my betta fish, Jacques Francois :)
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brookesayshai Ā· 7 years
Tag for @mineking2435
tcorny1: Do you sleep on a blanket over your mattress with another blanket on top, or with just one blanket on top of you? Lots a blankets 2: Personally, what do you believe happens when a person dies? ghosts r cool 3: If faced with the opportunity, would you ever kill a criminal whom you donā€™t know if it meant you could get anything you want in return? (Keep in mind you do not/can not know what said criminal has done to become a criminal until after youā€™ve made your decision) nope 4: The funniest nickname you can come up with for __Batman Jesus The Rapist_________ ? (throwback) 5: What type of art could you always appreciate but never see yourself actually doing? Ā realism 6: Youā€™ve been given the option to choose how the human race reproduces. How would we reproduce, which sex would bare children, and how would we bare them? (Eggs, litters, etc) same as it is bc fuck change 7: Whatā€™s the weirdest thing youā€™ve ever experienced, may it be just reading about it or experiencing it in the flesh? uh, discovering this site 8: You can choose any world to go to from any book, movie, video, fanficion, etc, and the option to become the main character. Where would you go, and would you be involved in the main story, or just watching on the sidelines? fallout and both bc i can 9: What is one thing in this world you would get rid of if you knew itā€™d be erased from the entire history of the human race? the emoji movie 10: Describe ____life_______ in your own words. 69 69 11: Youā€™re in hell! One song is playing on repeat for eternity. What song it it? Oh Ms Beleiver
12: You get to create a entirely new species. Describe the name of them and what they look like. purple firaffe w/ monkey head
13: Youā€™re now allergic to EVERY animal except for one. Which animal is it? Rat 14: Whatā€™s on your mind right now? him 15: Try and describe your closest friend in the silliest way possible. corny 16: You can stop doing one of the followingā€“ Eating, Using the restroom, Sleepingā€“ without any consequences. What do you choose? using rr 17: You have to live on a world famous landmark for the rest of your life. Which landmark would you live on/in? idk 18: You can babysit 6 extremely poilte and kind kids for not very much money or one extremely rude and disrespectful child for a high amount of money for a week. Which do you choose? either or 19: You have to use one word in every sentence for the rest of your life. What word is it? fuck 20: Go on a vacation forever or never leave your home town? im fine w/ hometown 21: What would your character be described as in an upcoming anime? cynical beeotch 22: You get to redesign the whitehouse. Describe how your fabulous revisions would make it look? a maze garden 23: Youā€™re now inhabiting the body of the last person you talked to. Who is it, how how weirder out are you? @mineking2435 24: Add a letter to the alphabet! Whatā€™s its name and what does it look like? bers (idfk) 25: Weirdest fetish youā€™ve ever found out about and how? Foot i think 26: Every mosquito drops dead and they are never found again or every wasp? waspsss 27: Fear you had when you were little that you grew out of? dark 28: The ability to make everyone listen to you when you want to say something or have no one notice you when you donā€™t want them to? 2 29: Whatā€™s your favorite meme? the dank ones 30: Best surprise youā€™ve ever gotten? him :))) 31: Do you no longer listen to a song because it reminds you of someone you donā€™t talk to anymore? kinda, yeah 32: Write a full paragraph about yourself without being negative (or just a sentence if you donā€™t want to write a full paragraph!) I would say something and than, but it doesnt matter or its not important or not that i care 33: Describe the most attractive person youā€™ve ever seen without mentioning their name. Himmmmm mmmm damn 34: Upload your all time favorite picture! cant pic, weā€™re just too cute together 35: You wake up tomorrow and end up having NO responsibilities to do, including work, school, cleaning, projectsā€“ Nothing!ā€“ As well as full access to an endless supply of money for an entire week. How do you spend it? being lazy as usaual 36: Write a plot for a TV show that you would most definitely watch. Drama, romance, action, comedy XD 37: If you had to choose between only wearing shorts and long sleeves or pants and a tank top for all of winter, what would you choose? (No coats allowed or other garments under or over the shorts or pants!) What about my bra? 38: One thing youā€™d love to wake up to? him every morningĀ  39: You can choose to learn one talent to master or choose many talents that youā€™re somewhat okay at. Which do you choose? many ok talents 40: Favorite quote/saying?Ā ā€œGoodnight, sleeptight, donā€™t let the bedbugs crawl into your ear and whisper threatening things that make you question yourselfā€ - Tyler Joeseph 41: You say one sentence to go down in history and be remembered years after you pass, even centuries into the future. Whatā€™s the sentence? Im a god damn mother fucking fishstick, you got dat or naw 42: Favorite video youā€™ve ever watched? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAvxLESWJG8Ā (bc of the one phrase) 43: Type/act like you did when you were 13 and describe your plans for tonight. I will, uh cry myself to sleep (emo phase so yeah) 44: Youā€™re a baby with a very deep voice. What would you say to startle everyone in the room with your very deep baby voice? CHEESY FRIES MOTHER FUCKER 45: Funniest joke youā€™ve ever heard? my life 46: Ever pulled a prank, and if you didā€“ What was it? I told my sister when she got her first period, if she farts blood will go everywhere and her friends joined in on it 47: You can be a human with fur or a dog with hair. Which do you choose? human with furĀ  48: In your own opinion, the weirdest advertisement youā€™ve seen? old spice i guess bc its too wak 49: Did you answer honestly to these questions? yes 50: Your hair can be any color you want, but its permanently there. For an example, you can dye your hair another color after, but the color you originally choose will always grow back in eventually. What color do you choose?
tyedye idfk
Heres some more @mineking2435
When you are old, what do you think children will ask you to tell stories about?
If you could switch two movie characters, what switch would lead to the most inappropriate movies?
What animal would be cutest if scaled down to the size of a cat?
What inanimate object would be the most annoying if it played loud upbeat music while being used?
When did something start out badly for you but in the end, it was great?
What weird food combinations do you really enjoy?
How would your country change if everyone, regardless of age, could vote?
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