#and then sonny and luca too
andersdotters · 9 months
The interesting thing about Spina Di Rosula is that while they are an organization that seems like a force for good for the most part (despite having a mafia aesthetic), they also hire "cleaners" and set bounties wanted dead or alive.
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astrxealis · 2 years
YES YES YES I DO 🥺💖 mostly the en branch but a bit of jp too <33 HEHEHE !!! who are your favs? 👁✨
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toruvi · 3 days
officially bought all my cosplays for ax........i dont wanna think about how much money i spent on them............haha..........
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kanekoii · 8 months
How do you think Luxiem and Noctyx would react to collabing with the Reader who is a popular indie vtuber and their kamaoshi?
lyra’s notes -> methinks…you should read and find out
pairings -> luxiem, noctyx x gn! indie vtuber! kamioshi! reader
!! since this is intended to be romantic sorta, reader is male in uki’s part !!
genre -> scenario
song -> don’t wake me up - jonas blue & why don’t we
warnings -> they all have a crush on u, food in mysta’s part, joking mention of death in fuglur’s
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he’s going full adorable fanboy about it, screaming with joy when you agree to collab with him and freaking out over it on his twitter- i mean x. xitter. he will be so stoked about the opportunity to talk to you in person when he usually just lurks in your chat. he’ll take the opportunity to flirt with you and try to show off a little bit, only to fail miserably and be met with a laugh. yet he still made you laugh, so mission accomplished. he was so excited to collaborate with you and make you laugh, and he’s sure to ask to collab in the future.
compliments. so many compliments. he’ll straight up tell you how excited he is to work with you and how you’re his kamioshi. ike will be sure to tell you how adorable he thinks you are and just how much he genuinely admires you. he is so absolutely smitten that poor boy can barely handle talking to you without blushing or getting flustered. the more times you collaborate, the more used to it he’ll become and the more he’ll start to hint at his crush on you.
he didn’t even believe you’d ask. you’re his literal kamioshi and you asked to collaborate with HIM of all people? he’s absolutely grateful for the opportunity to work with you and be able to talk to you more than just occasional comments in your chat when he’s not streaming. it was an off-collab too, so you’d be seeing him in person to see if he was just as pretty off camera as he was on. someone (me) akasupa’d and asked to give opinions on each other and the revelation that you loved his content just as much as or even more than he loved yours had his heart soaring.
he would get SO flustered and nervous before you hop on call together to play the horror game he had chosen. it would likely lead to poor boy getting more scared than usual just because he’s nervous to be talking to someone he admires that much for the first time. he would most definitely try to flex his math skills too as some weird way of trying to gain your attention. every time he makes you even smile with his silly comments, his heart will soar out of pure pride.
he’s keeping it cool. or at the very least, he’s trying to. he knows his personality type doesn’t appeal to everyone and he’s so happy when he finds that you actually enjoy his loud yet introverted personality and his weird antics. the stream you did together was you teaching him how to cook without poisoning everyone. please teach him how to wash rice properly and how to cook it without the starch water. please i’m begging teach him how to cook and he will be so happy, bragging to chat that he learned this recipe from you.
hooligan wants to play co-op rage games with you just to see you mald and absolutely lose it. hear me out, what if he invites you to a crab game or among us collab and introduces you to everyone and he gets teased for teaming with you and trying to essentially carry you. instead of die for nari it’s die for you. he will see to it personally that you win every game you play together just as a little chance to impress you and get you to smile. that would make him SO happy.
cutie will be so taken aback to see you in his chats sometimes, so a collaboration would be more than heaven to him. he looks up to you and your content so much that he’s sure he’s dreaming when he has a full conversation with you on stream. your collective chats ship it SO much. imagine all the ship edits when you do a stream together in person as an off-collab.
(male reader for this one) he would definitely do a baking stream! much like the ones he’s done with his fellow nijisanji en members, he gives vague instructions and you try to figure it out from there. while uki is muted, his viewers would be subject to comments about oh my god he’s adorable he’s trying so hard to make me happy. ugh boy is down bad and let’s just say there will be so many more streams like that in the near future <3
he’s SO insanely shy and nervous it’s adorable. though, as the stream with you goes on, he becomes less nervous and goes back to his normal silly self. if he needs to, he’ll break out the mickey voice to make you laugh but that’s a last resort. his personality compliments yours in such a way that it’s just so enjoyable to watch, and he’s such a comforting person to be around as well.
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hearts444karma · 2 months
「 𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐖𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐔𝐏 !」 ☆彡 headcanons.
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just gentle and soothing. tbh making you fall deeper asleep rather than waking you up. once you’re awake they’ll probably give you a kiss as a reward to start your morning.
ike eveland, vezalius bandage, shu yamino
will bother you. scratch your feet, tickle your face with hair, kisses all over your face. just enough of that and you’re sure to be awake.
vox akuma, reimu endou, alban knox, ren zotto, shu yamino, kunai nakasato, aia amare
TOO SOFT. doesn’t have the heart to wake you up. you look so peaceful <33. but if it’s important they’ll caress your face and softly shake you awake.
scarle yonaguni, ren zotto, rosemi lovelock, sonny brisko
they’ll shake you awake first then leave to get themselves ready. if you’re not awake by time they’re done, they won’t hesitate to snatch that blanket and pull you out that bed.
fulgur ovid, enna alouette, ike eveland, uki violeta, yu q. wilson
them being loud wakes you up already. if that doesn’t do the trick they’ll probably lay on top of you.
claude clawmark, luca kaneshiro, doppio dropscythe, reimu endou, vantacrow bringer
most likely knocked out with you for the cuddles <33 or will wake you up with the smell of them cooking breakfast (could wake up to a wonderful or burnt smell-)
fulgur ovid, sonny brisko, hex haywirye, luca kaneshiro, finana ryugu, alban knox
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hannahlovesluca · 7 months
Hi!!Can i ask for LUXIEM(or just ike) hcs with an s/o who's just insanely good at suika or puyo puyo even though they just played the game once or twice?:D
i had to write this ASAP i love writing ab reader playing games LMAOO
Luxiem + S/O who’s good at Suika
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• he’s mediocre at suika, so normally he wouldnt join any tostus while the other is playing (i hardly see him join totsus in general so-)
• however if its YOU whos hosting any kind of tostu or just anything, HES JOINING INBA HEARTBEAT
• yk how he is with ike? all simp-y and always looking for a way to spend time with him? yeah he does that to you too
• anyway, when he sees you get 3000+ points your FIRST TIME PLAYING
• his face: 😧
• he probably doesn’t believe that its your first time LMAOO - you probably have to prove it to him off stream somehow
• if you’re his kouhai: “y/n, i’m your elder you can’t be embarrassing me like this…”
• if you’re his senpai: “…you know what they say; the elder, the wiser.”
• “oh god, please don’t bounce up…” “PLEASE BOUNCE UP FOR THE LOVE OF GOD” - guess which one is vox
• anyway, afterwards, he’ll probably force you to watch him play fnaf afterwards so he has sone sort of pride in being able to out-do you somehow
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• the mf sings to try and distract you to get you to mess up
• change. my. mind.
• “country rooooaaaaadssss, take me hooooooooome, to the plaaaaaceeee i BEEEELOOOOOOONGGGGG”
• getting 3000 first time hes just like ?????
• probably has that one face with the wide eyes and mouth wide open (like that one clip of sonny during the game show off collab w/ noctyx)
• and if you’re like him and start spewing nonsense to focus better, he’ll be laughing so hard
• “hey, chat, do you think anal hurts that bad?”
• “what???”
• if you have his fugi on your head whilst streaming he’ll probably pretend to punch it now and then just to get a reaction out of you
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• mf is okay at suika but not like terribly amazing
• that being said hes rooting for you and will probably be so amazed at you repeatedly getting over 3000
• if there ever is a point where you’re malding he’ll either - A: Mald with you - B: Laugh his fucking ass off
• definitely literally says “lmao” if you fail
• will bring up the most random things to talk about!!!
• “y/n have you seen that food theory video where he tried to cook his steak in the dryer??”
• “luca wtf are you talking about?”
• if you recently had an off collab he’ll also be telling embarrassing stories about you
• “[insert fan name] did you guys know that Y/N eats their oatmeal dry?? like no water.”
• anyways all around, hes amazed and he probably sends you a sweet discord message after stream
• “you’re so good at suika!!! :D”
• FOLLOW UP MESSAGE: “ew that was cringe ignore that”
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• he just sucks at suika so hes just like: :0
• “y/n??? this isn’t like…pre-recorded?”
• im running out of ideas for them uhhh
• when you get over 3000 your first try hes genuinely so amazed
• say he has a zatsu the next day, if someone superchats him about the totsu the night before he’ll go on a rant about how jealous he is that you’re so good at Suika
• “yeah, Y/N is like Shu and Mari with Tetris, they need to teach me their ways.”
• “an akasupa! ‘honest opinions on Y/N?’ Good question!”
• and then never elaborates
• uhhhhhh
• will most likely start bringing up either super philosophical topics to talk about or it’ll end up just being about miku
• “yeah- so ike sucks at this game HAHAH-“ *ike joins* “SAY IT TO MY FACE”
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• as soon as you sent the message you were doing a totsu he reacted to the message with that pepe side eye emote they have in the NIJI discord
• probably doesn’t join first, he waits for others
• claude: “y/n how do you feel about patriotism?” shu: “frick the patriarchy” y/n: “????”
• but, if the other leaves and its just you two, since hes pretty good at the game as well, he’ll probably help you with where to drop it
• and again, like luca, will probably bring up random topics
• and ligma jokes
• lots and lots of ligma jokes
• will also send messages in the discord server like:
• Shu Yamino: “y/n is too good someone plz trash talk them”
• Shu Yamino: “oh frick y/n’s good”
• Shu Yamino 👟☯️: y’all cant compare what the flip is this
notice how luca and ike’s are the longest
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shuchu · 2 years
oh and maybe if u dont mind you could add some nsfw headcanons to touching drunk boys at my last request (〃ω〃) u dont have to if u dont want to ofc !!!!!! <333
༶•┈┈┈♛ drunk luxiem & shoto at a party ♛┈┈┈•༶
characters: vox akuma ; mysta rias ; luca kaneshiro ; ike eveland ; shu yamino ; shoto
cameos: elira pendora ; pomu rainpuff ; finana ryugu ; reimu endou ; nina kosaka ; millie parfait ; alban knox ; sonny brisko ; uki violeta ; fulgur ovid
take note: gn!reader ; streamer!reader ; contains NSFW material (minors dni) ; reader is in a relationship with the boys ; all of nijien meets up in person to throw a party celebrating the 1 year anniversary of nijien (to make writing the headcanons a little easier)
author notes: thank you anon for the request & the kind words!! ♡( ◡‿◡ ) your first ask is now in the shadow realm because when i was copying the rough draft onto here from my notes, i accidentally posted the unfinished work with your previous ask (メ﹏メ) but anyways, putting my idiocy aside (≧▽≦). this is my first official nsfw post so i hope that i did well and that this was to your liking! i found this kinda tough to write. i had to think of different party games the boys could play with other nijien members for the sfw part because i didn’t want there to be too many repeats (it gets boring imo). if any of the boys are ooc i’m sorry o(TヘTo). as usual, feel free to leave some feedback and/or send in requests! decorative dividers credit to: @/mykaesu on twt  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
enjoy lovelies! ♡
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you and vox rocked up to the party, fashionably late
a few of the nijien members would come up to say hi to the both of you upon your arrival
you then split up with vox to go hang out and chat with people 
you were in the middle of a conversation with pomu when you hear nina call you over to a table
when you get to the table you see that they’ve set it up for beer pong except that you’ve been told, they put shots of vodka in the plastic cups
you’d be put in a team with alban, reimu and mysta
when you ask, “who’s going to challenge us?”
you’d hear a familiar voice come from the opposite side of the table saying, “and that would be us my dear.”
you see vox, sonny, uki and finana standing opposite the 4 of you, with vox smirking at you
“well well well, if it isn’t my dear boyfriend…ready to be midrunk?”
“such bold words my love, let’s find out shall we?”
you take the ping pong ball and throw it skilfully into the plastic cup at the very front
“bingo, drink up babe.” vox downs it in one go and licks his lips after, looking right at you as he did that
it was vox’s go and he also, got it in the cup at the very front, he looks at you waiting for you to pick it up
you huff and down it in one go as well before moving to the side to let alban have his turn
as the game went on, it was obvious that both you and vox were pretty good at aiming because the both of you were the ones downing most of the shots
in the end, your group won and vox had to down the remaining shots on behalf of his group as a punishment
you walked to vox and smiled, “you have to eat your words now because i won.”
“hmm…i only lost because uki and finana kept missing the balls, alban and reimu were surprisingly pretty good so you had an advantage. don’t let the win get to your head my love.” he chuckles and leans down to give you a kiss
as the night goes on, you and vox had many drinks with your friends, having fun chatting and hanging out with them
reimu, pomu and nina pulled you onto the dance floor to dance and by that time you were already drunk
the four of you were dancing to your hearts’ content before you feel a hand snake around your waist and your back met a firm wall of muscle
“having fun my love?” you hear a familiar voice whisper in your right ear.
you know that it’s your boyfriend, so you smirk, a devious plan forming in your head 
you started moving your hips slowly, swaying to the rhythm of the music, hearing vox groan in your ear
“sweet thing, you better take responsibility for what’s about to come after this.” vox leans down, pressing a kiss to the side of your neck
after a while, you feel something hard pressing against your ass and you smile knowing you’ve achieved your goal
vox spins you around, presses you close to him and captures your lips in a heated kiss
as the both of you are making out, vox slides his hand down from your waist to your ass, gently kneading it 
vox pulls away from you and leads you to a secluded area, he sits down and you straddle him
“now that we’re alone…kinda…” he chuckles. “shall we…continue what you started darling?”
you giggled and started moving your hips again slowly, vox planted his hands on your hips and squeezed, admiring how incredibly sexy you looked right now
vox groaned again and moved his hand to your lower back, pulling you close to him and latching his lips onto your neck, leaving open mouthed kisses on the sensitive skin
you moan softly and tilt your head back, giving him more access to your neck. you feel a slight pain and you gasp, as vox leaves a hickey on your neck
vox kisses up to your jaw then your lips, pulling apart briefly just to say, “we’re going back to the hotel sweet thing, you can’t keep teasing me like this.”
when you and mysta arrive at the party, you’d both go round saying hi and chatting with your friends for a little bit
mysta then suggests that the both of you play some mario kart with shu and luca
you both have such a fun time playing mario kart with them
mysta would mald because he would get last place every cup, making you laugh when he rages
“ohhh COME ON!! i was 1st place and all because i got fucked by so many red shells, i got pushed all the way down to last!”
luca laughs and makes that funny snoring noise from tik tok, “AAAAUUGGGHH.” 
mysta chuckles and makes the same noise too, “AAAAUUUGGGHHH red shells.”
after mario kart, both you and mysta decided to challenge each other to beer pong and to make it even more fun, you replaced the beer with vodka
“ready to get trashed in vodka pong babe?”
“says you, you’re going to be drunk by the end of this from all the shots that you’ll have to down.”
“nah nah nah…i’m sure i’m going to win, my aim is pretty good if i do say so myself.”
mysta was able to get the first few ping pong balls in and so did you, however, the vodka shots were impacting mysta’s ability to throw his ping pong ball properly for his following attempts so he ended up having to down more vodka shots
you, on the other hand, didn’t have to down as many as mysta did because he kept missing the cups
you ended up winning and having 3 cups untouched on your side
“what were you saying earlier babe? about winning?” you taunted
mysta hiccups and says, “s-shut up, the alcohol impacted my ability to throw the ball well okay? down the rest of your shots babe.”
“hmm okay, why not?” you say as you pick up the remaining cups to down them
after that, the both of you split off to hang out and chat with different friends, playing different party games with them as well
while you were chatting with nina and uki, you didn’t notice mysta sneak up behind you until you feel his arms wrap around you and his chin on your shoulder
you put your hand on his arm and brush your thumb slowly against it. “hey babe, what’s up?”
“i missed you baby so i wanted to come see you.”
you giggle and excuse yourself from the conversation to tend to your obviously drunk boyfriend
nina and uki see what’s going on, they give each other a look, chuckle and wish you good luck before walking away
you turn around in mysta’s embrace to face him, cupping his cheeks in your hands and giving him a few pecks on the lips. “you’re adorable.”
mysta pouts at that and says, “no i’m not, i’m cool. not cute, cool, babe.”
you hum and giggle at your boyfriend’s words
mysta leans forward to kiss you again, this time deepening the kiss, nipping at your lower lip slightly
when you pull back a little to catch your breath, mysta looks into your eyes, then down to your lips with hooded eyes and back to your eyes before licking his lips. “you’re so sexy, you know that right?”
you chuckle and kiss the tip of his nose gently. “oookay you’re DRUNK drunk…”
“noooo, i’m not drunk” he hiccups. “i…i…i want more…” mysta leans in again to kiss you
he kisses from your lips to your jaw then down to your neck, leaving sloppy kisses on your neck and sucking on the sensitive skin a little, eliciting a soft moan from you
he takes your hand in his and guides it to his crotch, you gasp feeling how hard he is under the fabric
“b-babe, we shouldn’t do this here…let’s continue this back at the hotel okay?” you feel your face burning and you try to pull away from mysta, hoping that none of your friends were watching your obvious pda
after much whining from mysta, you managed to convince him to return with you to the hotel where the both of you continued your fun. wink wonk
“oi, luca! i challenge both you and y/n to darts, loser drinks!” alban shouts across the room.
“sure! we’re coming!” luca grabs your hand and walks to where alban is
“what’s the punishment drink alban?” you question
“tequilla.” alban gives you a cheeky grin
the game commences and the three of you were surprisingly tied in score
“alright one last dart for the each of us” alban announces
alban hits a bullseye, you hit a double 20 and luca hits a single 20
“arrghhh nauuurrr, i lost.” luca grumbles
“you gotta drink the shot of tequilla now luca!” alban says gleafully
luca shakes a little bit of salt on the back of his hand, licks it up, takes the cup and drains it before sucking on a lime
after that, you and luca went to chat with your friends
mysta, elira, pomu and shoto would ask the both of you to join them for karaoke
you and luca would sing so many different songs with your friends, having a ton of fun singing fun songs like all stars, barbie girl and the rick roll song 
you and luca would take turns getting drinks from the bar for each other if the other is singing
luca ends up drinking many mixed drinks throughout the night — vodka cranberries, lemon martinis and espresso martinis
whereas you end up drinking a few sangrias and raspberry cosmopoliltans
you were tipsy at best but luca was gone, he was drunk from all those mixed drinks he was drinking
luca and you were sitting together on the couch, chatting with millie, pomu, finana, sonny, uki and fulgur with a bunch of tequilla shots on the table in the middle in case any of you wanted some
out of the blue, luca leaned to the right to whisper in your ear, “sit on my lap babe, i wanna cuddle you.”
the request seemed innocent enough so you obliged, lifting yourself up and moving to the left to sit on luca’s lap
luca’s big tattooed arms wrap around you once you made yourself comfortable on his lap
you then start engaging in conversation again with your friends that were sitting around the table
luca would reach out to grab the salt shaker and a shot of tequilla with a lime resting on the side of the cup to drink to a few more shots
luca waits till you finish your conversation before whispering in your ear again, “babe, can i borrow your hand for a second?”
you would think that he wanted to hold your hand but luca holds your hand gently, flips it over so your palm’s facing down and pours a small amount of salt on it
luca reaches out to grab a shot of tequilla, licks up the salt on the back of your hand slowly, downing the shot and sucking on the lime that was perched on the side of the cup
after he was done with the lime, he brought the back of your hand back up to his lips placing soft gentle kisses all over
luca turned his attention to your neck, leaving kisses on it as well
“mmm…babe…your skin is so soft, i just wanna bite it and kiss it.” b-boss? o_O
your face burned up from luca’s actions and words, “l-luca, don’t…we’re still with our friends. you can do that later…”
luca hums and grabs your face gently by your chin, turning you to face him. he leans in and brushes his lips against yours slowly, whispering against your lips, “it’s okay, it’s not like they are paying attention to us now. but if you really want we can move to the other side of the room where there’s lesser people.”
you nod and stand up, excusing the both of you from the conversation with your friends
after luca plops down onto the couch, he pulls you onto his lap again, making you straddle him
he leans forward and captures your lips in a passionate kiss, with his hands running up and down your back leisurely
he kisses you till you’re lightheaded and you had to pull back to come up for breath, he chases your lips, wanting more
“honey…i don’t think i can control myself any longer, i want more.”
“l-let’s head back to the hotel then luca, we can continue there okay?”
“babe shall we go play some mario kart? with shu and mysta perhaps?”
“yeah sure babe, let’s go ask them.”
after the both of got a hold of shu and mysta, you guys headed towards the bean bags set up around the tv near the centre of the room
ike looks at you with a playful grin, “you’re going down babe.”
you smirk at him, “oh yeah? watch me eveland.”
the first round, you got 1st place with ike close behind in 2nd, shu in 3rd and mysta in 4th
“oh COME ON! if i had hit you with that red shell just seconds before you crossed the finish line, i would’ve won.” ike grumbles
“sorry ikey, maybe you’ll beat me in the next round.” you taunt
true enough, ike won the second match with you in second, mysta in 3rd and shu in 4th
at the end of the cup, you ended up with the most points, with ike 1 point behind you, shu in 3rd and mysta in 4th
you and ike laugh as the both of you watch mysta rage at losing to shu by a point
ike interlocks his fingers with yours, “congrats on the win my love, would you like some drinks? we can chill at the bar for a little bit and chat with whoever’s there.”
you both head to the bar and you see vox and nina sipping on some cocktails and chatting
you and ike both greet them before ordering your drinks
you got a margarita, whereas ike got a sapphire martini
ike and you sat at the bar sipping and chatting away with vox and nina
after a few drinks you start to see the effects of alcohol hitting ike, he was getting a little louder and bolder as he spoke
ike kept drinking a few more different drinks, ordering a blue lagoon margarita and a lagoon punch, whereas you had stopped for the night, knowing that if you went any further, you’d be drunk
after chatting a bit more, vox and nina took their leave, so did the both of you
you guided ike to a couch where ike plopped down and rested his head against the back of the couch
you chuckled, knowing that ike was definitely intoxicated 
you were looking at your phone, scrolling through twitter and seeing your twitter feed fill up with fan art of all of nijien partying so you like a few of them and retweet a few
“you look so adorable when you smile babe.”
you turn your head around to see ike grinning at you, then, you realise that while you've been looking through all the fan art you must've been smiling
"aww thank you ikey, you're pretty adorable right now too." you giggle
ike turns to his right slightly so that he can face you and moves closer to you
you put your phone away and turn to face ike too
he grabs your chin gently with his slender fingers to tilt your head up slightly and leans forward to gently press a soft kiss to your lips
he pulls away slowly, his hot breath fanning your lips
he looks into your eyes, back to your lips and back to your eyes again before leaning in to kiss you again
ike's hands moved from your chin, down your neck and finally resting on your chest
he brushes over your nipple slightly through the fabric, making you gasp into the kiss
ike takes the opportunity to deepen the kiss, your tongues tangling with each other
ike pulls back just a little to let you catch your breath, he hums and licks his lips, "you taste sweet, sweetheart...i want more of you."
you both scurried back to the hotel as fast as you could wanting to finish what was started
“omg no way, they even have super smash bros? who’s nintendo switch is this? might be vox’s…” you hummed as you look through the different games on the nintendo switch
“let’s play some smash bros then, i’ll go ask 2 more people to join us. wait right here babe.” shu says before walking off
after a few minutes, you see shu walking towards you with luca and reimu walking alongside him
while luca and reimu were picking their characters, shu turned to you saying, “ready to lose babe?”
you roll your eyes and chuckle, “bring it on yamino, let’s see what you’ve got.”
after a minute and a half, luca and reimu were eliminated, leaving both you and shu to face off
you were at a slight disadvantage, left with only 1 stock whereas shu had 2
you charge towards him and just as shu prepares to counter whatever attack you had planned, you jump over his head and dealt a smash attack from behind, leaving shu no time to react
-1 stock for shu, you both were now tied and luca was commentating the whole thing with reimu giggling on the side
shu keeps running after you trying to finish you once and for all with a smash attack but you kept dodging and grabbing power-ups to help you take down shu’s health
“omg y/n how are you not dead yet, what the heck? i knocked you off the stage 3 times now.”
finally you see an opportunity to finish shu, you grab him and do a smash attack, sending him flying off the stage, resulting in a K.O from how low his health was
“oh gosh that was close, one more smash attack from you and i would’ve been the one who lost.” you sigh in relief
you and shu made an agreement earlier that whoever loses has to drink
you look at shu expectantly and shu groans, “fine fine…i’ll go order a drink from the bar. do you want anything babe?”
shu got a purple rain and for you, a sangria
with your drinks, you and shu head off into the crowd, mingling and chatting with your friends all whilst sipping on your drinks and getting more when they run out
shu ends up getting drunk because vox and mysta would get him to drink with them, you stopped 1-2 drinks before shu, so that you could bring him back to your hotel safely
you were an arms length away from shu, catching up with pomu, finana, alban and uki when you suddenly felt shu intertwine his fingers with yours, brushing his thumb against the back of your hand gently
you smile and continue on with the conversation
a few minutes pass and shu moved to stand behind you, wrapping his arms around you and leaving little kisses on your nape
another few minutes pass and people from the group that you were chatting with slowly left one by one to go do something else
you turn around in shu’s embrace to give him a few soft pecks on his lips
when you pull back, shu leans forwards and captures your lips again, kissing you with a bit more fervour
shu holds you and rotates the both of you so that you guys switch positions, you didn’t realise you were standing that close to the wall till your back hit it
you gasp and shu took the chance to slip his tongue in, making you groan softly
as your tongues dance with each other, you moan softly and shu groans a little in response to that
shu pulls back slightly to catch his breath and you do the same
when you open your eyes you realise that shu has caged you in against the wall, one hand on each side of your head
you look at shu and he’s looking at you with hooded eyes. his eyes move down from your eyes to your lips and he licks his lips
“b-babe? are you okay?” you ask him softly
“mhm, yeah, i’m good. i’m very good actually. the sounds you make when i kiss you is intoxicating. i wanna hear more.”
at that your eyes widen and you blush all the way up to the tips of your ears and you struggle to even say anything — becoming a stuttering and spluttering mess
you suggest that the both of you head back to the hotel so that shu could continue whatever he wanted to do in private
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“hey shoto, y/n! come play beer pong with us!” vox calls out to the both of you from the table on the right side of the room
shoto and you walk over to vox, seeing millie, pomu, finana, fulgur and uki surrounding the table
you both say hi to all of them and vox starts splitting you guys up into two teams
you, vox, pomu and uki end up on the same team, with shoto on a team with fulgur, finana and millie
you and shoto both go first, you throw your ping pong ball into the middle cup with ease whereas, shoto missed
“ohhh my god. that should’ve been in what the fuck?” shoto says exasperatedly
vox chuckles and says, “drink up boy.”
shoto downs the beer and hands the ping pong ball over to fulgur
the game ends and shoto’s team has 2 cups more than your team does
uki looks at shoto and says, “finish the beer shoto.”
“wait what? why do i have to?”
“unless you’re a pussy and don’t want to.” uki chortles
shoto tuts and says, “alright fine bitch, i’ll finish it,” finishing the rest of the beer, “there, done.”
you give shoto a peck on the cheek for finishing the beer, he chuckles and gives you a peck on the lips
shoto spots a twister mat and starts pulling you towards it
shoto calls over finana and uki to join the both of you for twister and the game commences once they arrive
as the game progresses, your body is being stretched and twisted in ways that you didn’t think was possible
“your ass looks amazing from this view that i have babe.” shoto smirks
“babeeee.” you whine
“what? i can’t admire my partner’s ass?”
shoto was the first to fall to the ground, getting disqualified. “nah…there was no way in hell i’d be able to move my hand all the way back there and not fall.” shoto huffs
finana was the next to fall and then uki, making you the winner of twister
“pretty flexible huh babe?” shoto smirks at you
you swat at him, getting him to stop. istg this demon slayer hangs out with that demon way too much (≧▽≦)
you both then head to the bar to get some drinks which will help cool the both of you down after playing twister
you and shoto both had about 4-5 mixed drinks, shoto was intoxicated but you were tipsy at best
the both of you had moved away from the bar and were chilling on a couch scrolling through twitter
shoto moves a little closer to you and shows you a very nsfw fan art of the both of you
you gasp and shoto chuckles, “this fan art’s kinda hot not gonna lie. they drew your thighs and ass so well.”
“babeeee!” you whine at him again
shoto leans in and kisses you, your lips moving against his naturally, kissing him back
shoto leans away a little and says against your lips, “i love your ass and thighs, you’re so sexy…”
he then pushes you down gently on the couch and captures your lips again, kissing you passionately
his hand that was cupping your cheek moves down your neck to your waist and stopping at your inner thighs, slowly rubbing it
you moan softly and shoto groans in response
you pull back slightly and breathed out, “w-we should continue this back at the hotel babe…”
“we better hurry because i don’t think i can wait.” shoto says as he licks his lips, flicking his eyes down to your lips
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s-dazzlegarden · 2 years
𝗔 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗼𝗼
"OR YOU'LL WH- Oh hey senpai."
"Oh yeah they get a nice cute hello but I get a shouting match?"
"You were the one who instigated it Mysta."
"You were supposed to be on my side (N/n), what the fuck?!" Mysta's offended face was directed at you as you shrugged non-committedly. Reaching a hand up, you patted Mysta's arm in a half-hearted 'sucks to be you buddy' way before turning to greet Alban.
The younger male immediately pounced on you, embracing you tightly. Unbeknownst to you, the brunet had raised his head to shoot a smug smirk at Luxiem, tightening his hold on you. His actions caused the boys to bristle up at the non-verbal threat.
"Okay! Hug time over!" Mysta loudly declared, yanking you out from Alban's hug. The younger male merely rolled his eyes at their actions before facing you once more.
"So what brings you here senpai?" Alban asked, opening the door wider to allow entry.
"Ike and I wanted to come and chat. We haven't been by in a while and it's been even longer since we just sat down and talked about anything. The rest of the boys just wanted to tag along." You shrug, minding not to give any indicators that you knew of the stupid prank.
"Oh you're too sweet senpai!" Alban cried as he fake sobbed into his elbow, earning an eyeroll from you.
"Calm down you over-dramatic pussy. They're here for everyone, not just you. Where are the others?" Mysta quickly interrupted from the living room where he had made himself comfortable.
"They're in their rooms you mangy mutt," Alban snipped, before pulling you to a free loveseat. Once you were seated, he immediately made himself comfortable by laying himself across your lap, stretching out so no one else could seat.
Ike had quickly moved to claim the lone blue arm chair, a book in hand that he had snagged from the bookshelf whilst Shu and Mysta bickered over the couch.
"Wait, guys, where did Vox and Luca go?" You asked, not seeing the two aforementioned members.
"I think they went upstairs?" Ike said, his eyes still glued to the book he was reading. You let out a sigh as you gently ran your hand through Alban's hair, mindful of his hairclips, watching as Mysta immediately scrambled off the couch, calling out for Vox and Luca, Shu following at a safe distance.
"There's the chaos," Ike drawled as he made eye contact with you. Alban grumbled before getting off of you, choosing to go see what the chaos was about and maybe joining.
Patting the now empty seat beside you, you gestured for the novelist to join you, to which he did so without hesitation. Time to snuggle your favourite novelist while you two let the chaos go down. Their problem.
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rosehiroto · 11 months
Hello hello~ here for another niji ask, thank you so so much for doing my Sonny request <3
Anyway back on topic. May i request luxiem with an extremely flirty s/o? Or maybe just one if you dont wanna do all of them. Once again take your time and make sure to take care of urself
Hello anon! Glad you enjoyed the sonny request ♡︎.
Thank you for the wonderful request, I will do this with all luxiem members since this is an adorable request, and thank you for the kind words I sure will you take care as well ♡︎.
WARNING: Please remember that I am writing about Luxiem based on their characters online and not of the people behind their vtuber avatars, thank you!
Mc is non-binary pronounce is they/them
Fandom: nijisanji en.
Pairing: luxiem x mc.
Category: cute fluff, flirty mc.
Flirty affection.
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Luca Kaneshiro
Luca is the type to be completely oblivious to any flirting directed towards him so he most of the time won't notice.
If he does notice he will respond with a 'pog' and he won't show any sort of reaction.
Unless you sit him down face to face and hit him up with the flirting he will be stunned for a second processing what you just said his face will turn bright red.
He'll be pretty flustered especially since it's his s/o his only respond is a soft 'pog' as he buries his head into Mc's neck.
After a while of being with mc he'll get used to the flirty comments and affection mc gives him but it never fails to bring a shy smile to his face and to make his cheeks a soft red as he chuckles in embarrassment.
He gets so used to it, he might flirt with mc back without realizing hitting them with a 'you too!', which works in most situations.
Mc would to need to find new tricks to make him flustered, like teasing him on stream, pinching his cheeks surprisingly gets him a little shy.
Luca is the type to pout and wait for you to flirt with him when you stop suddenly, or when you'd argue about something, he would just sit there and wait for you to fawn over him with a pout on his lips.
When he does get attention, his face lights up and he wraps his arms around Mc's waist, enjoying their attention with a big grin on his face.
Might test out some pick-up lines he found online and would say them to mc and wait for their response, mc responds most of the time with a laugh or a chuckle than mc tells him a better pick-up line and will kiss his entire face, his cheeks would turn red a huge smile on his face as he chuckles at the small kisses allover his face.
Just compliment and love this man, he loves everything you do anyways.
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Shu Yamino
Shu is rather shy when it comes to flirting not knowing how to react, his face turning red slowly as he looks down and covers his face with his hands.
Would appreciate a warning but it doesn't change anything really so he stops expecting one in the first place.
He's just so shy about it at the begining of the relationship, than slowly gets used to it and warms up to the idea.
Might drop a few pick-up lines here and there but would get super embarrassed after, would definitely ask for cringe pick-up lines from mc to use randomly on twitter or just say them in his streams.
When shu comes up to mc saying he's the 'master rizzler', mc is very confused but supports shu anyways.
They'll help him with pick-up lines, how to deliver them, silly things like that until shu comes up to them one day and just says "I've reached my goal as the master rizzler thank you for your sacrifice".
Mc is still confused but smiles and gives shu a kiss on the cheek anyways than goes back to what they were doing.
Even after a while in the relationship shu is still pretty shy about it, he'll just laugh with the most red cheeks you've ever seen.
They grow even darker in color as mc just coos at him and brings him into their arms for a gentle hug.
He'll just mumble against their shoulder incoherently, mc doesn't have the heart to tell him they don't understand what he's saying, so they'll kiss his head gently over and over again until he calms down.
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Ike Eveland
Ike is the best flirt avoider in this entire world, so when he gets another vox flirting with him left and right he just avoids it like normal.
Except his feelings for mc start to grow so their comments start to affect him just slightly, he still moves on from them not even acknowledging them but you'll see how his cheeks turn slightly pink showing he actually got affected by the comment.
When he and mc get together his reactions grow slightly, except of ignoring their flirting he'll smile gently at mc his cheeks slightly red as he looks at them, then back at whatever he was doing.
At one point something mc said made him so shy he just buried his head into Mc's shoulder with a whine.
Mc don't embarrass him please, he's just so shy about it.
As time goes on he gets used to them and his reactions goes back to normal completely ignoring the flirting except this time he'll have a small smile on his face.
Finds it very endearing and might get the confidence to flirt back with mc if he's drunk.
When he's drunk he finds the comments super cute and would go out of his way to say so to mc everytime.
He will then process to compliment mc and flirt with them for about half an hour.
Teach him pick-up lines and he will be even better than you at flirting it's the best thing ever.
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Mysta Rias
Mysta will play it off awkwardly at first face glowing bright red as he laughs awkwardly "you don't mean that" he would say with an awkward laugh.
His face will turn a deeper shade of red when you tell him you mean it with a straight face.
Will mumble a soft thank you rubbing the back of his head and just sitting there than will mumble a weak "you're awesome too".
As he slowly gets to know mc and gets together with them he'll start to get more comfortable with the flirting and will smile shyly at it now, might even pitch in with a few pick-up lines himself.
After he and mc get together he'll grow more comfortable with it, and will start to flirt with mc on a daily basis learning their tricks and using it against them.
Mysta pulls an uno reverse and starts making mc embarrassed by his flirting, then they both will just giggle like highschool girls and just bask in each other's company.
Mc will definitely try to flirt more with mysta and to make him embarrassed knowing that physical touch is more likely to make him shy.
Just hug him out of no where or kiss his cheeks and face, he'll be putty in your hands.
As time goes on flirting will be the norm in their relationship, they could be just chilling on the couch cuddling and they'll start flirting with each other like they just met in the club.
Mysta finds it very endearing as their bond grows stronger as flirting starts to turn into their very own love language.
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Vox Akuma
When vox first meets mc the first thing they both do is flirt with each other.
It's basically like a second language to them at this point from the amount of time they spend speaking it to each other.
Even before they get together they would flirt with each other all the time, which might annoy some people since it looks kinda cringe when you look at it from afar.
When vox and mc get together their flirting grows stronger, and they don't even take it seriously most of the time giggling after flirting with each other.
Both mc and vox find it a cute personality trait in each other and will tell each other how much they love it.
As they both get closer the flirting wouldn't stop, just growing more chill and turning into more compliments then flirting really.
They just love everything about each other and a day doesn't pass unless both of them tell each other how much they love and care about each other.
Mc and vox are a very affectionate and lovey dovey couple and they never deny it and just tell people about it all the time.
If they argue about something they will both sit on different sides of the room glancing at each other every once in a while with a pout on their face.
It will end up with both of them apologizing, and then cuddling and complementing each other to absolutely no end for the next day or two.
They love each other very much and they'll never grow tired of it or try to hide it.
Thank you for reading all support is highly appreciated ♡︎.
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justblades · 2 years
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♱ WARNINGS : MDNI. somnophilia, public sex, food play, unprotected sex, not proofread.
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MYSTA - as he bends you over the glossy marbled kicthen counter, he bites back his moans of satisfaction while he thrusts into you with an unrealistic speed that matches the gasps you continually breathe. long nails digging on the flesh of your skin, you couldn't oppose mysta's rush of libido so early in the morning since you liked it this way. starting the day with mysta's dick always feels different, and you're living for it.
IKE - the morning is allotted for shopping and groceries but the moment you got dressed up to head out, ike's eyes start to scan your body, examining every nook and cranny. he'll give you back rubs in the beginning until his hands land on your lower region, oftentimes teasing to get a reaction. he loves it when you do it in the couch of your living room while the rays of sunlight peeks through the unfolded blinds; basking in its golden gleam as sticky sweat glisten the both of your skins.
SHU - it's always you who's whipped for shu's touch once you peel your eyes open and turn to see his pretty face first thing in the morning. you'd even give him blowjobs to wake him up to start the day, and much to your satisfaction, he rails you just like how you want it too. shu prefers to do it in missionary to see how much your expressions would twist and change depending at the pace he's going. the sessions always end with his cum pooling in your chest, drizzling your skin beautifully.
VOX - prone bone with vox's hard dick as soon as you wake up is a masterpiece of its own, considering how it feels heavenly. you've always acknowledged the fact that vox's cock is always hard as a rod whenever the sun is shining and when you're there on the bed, on his mercy. everytime he dicks you down every morning, it feels as if half of your energy to be spent for the remaining hours are gone already.
LUCA - while eating breakfast, the playful male would sometimes smother you with his food to tease. he licks the syrup off the corner of your lips and one thing leads to another— luca flicking his tongue at the slit of your genital as his muscles flex from the movements. it was a sight to behold you couldn't hold yourself back from being slutted out by his veiny, girthy dick. willingly riding his thighs, toying with his erogenous zones, just so you can rile him up more.
ALBAN - morning showers with alban are moments you hold dearly to your heart; an additional reason of why is that quickies in the bathroom feels the absolute best with him. letting the shower waters stream down your naked bodies, he heeds no attention to it nor bothered to turn it off, he is just so focused on making you and himself feel good that any other distractions aren't of importance to him.
FULGUR - he's a risqué man, he would make you lean on the bathroom walls of a restaurant for a breakfast and fuck you on the spot even though the constant worrying of someone knocking on the place constantly creeps in your minds. nonetheless, you still have a good time reveling in the sexual episode. from then on, you start to hope fulgur would take you more often to restaurants every morning, feeling full in the stomach and feeling full in your walls as well.
SONNY - sonny who always wakes up earlier before you in the morning as it was a part of his hard habits— finds himself getting lost in your features and body he'd love to mess with first thing to do when you wake up. sonny would palm through your hard buds and sex to stimulate you in some way, resisting the urge to fuck you right there but miserably ways. you'd be awoken by the feeling of being filled inside your clamping walls to see sonny's soft yet horny side so early.
YUGO - you'd always approach his fatigued figure every morning as he spends restless nights creating different beats, music and songs to his liking. as a way to calm him down and get him to rest, you'll tease him as a first step and get him to have sex with you, doing all of the work while he sits there on his swivel chair, navy blue hues darted on you; panting loudly to try and catch his heavy breaths. after every session, you'd assist him to lay on the bed to reward him with a good morning rest.
UKI - uki and mornings isn't the best combination for purity as uki's libido is at its highest scale once he peels his eyes open groggily. uki will always wake you up with open mouthed kisses and soft, short-lived touches, the sort that you'd always yearn for no matter how many times you experience it. uki usually milks you dry from his long stamina, even though you're there, mewling and whimpering, he's there with a deceptive grin watching you feel esctasy from his body.
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my masterlist !
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gou-jo · 2 years
truth or dare gone wrong
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characters: luca kaneshiro, shu yamino
summary: you and your boyfriend are invited to the party then your friends decided to play a truth or dare. you decided to rile him up during the game, wanna see the “unhinged” side of your boyfriend (and he immediately realizes your intention too and decides to play along).
warnings: dom! luca, dom! shu, female-bodied reader, nsfw, suggestive themes, consensual acts.
a/n: i just want to indulge myself since people seem to rarely write about vtubers? well, just let me have my fun here by writing my own stories lmao. anyway, english is not my first language, excuse for some grammar mistakes. i actually was about to make shoto too, but... I FORGOT THE PROMPT KSKSKSK. gonna write it when i remember.
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luca kaneshiro.
you and luca arrived quite early into the party and you two immediately mingle with your friends, asking for their well-being.
some of your friends are playing games and video games like mario cart, twister, uno, monopoly, etc. while some of the others are just talking, drinking, or karaoke-ing.
luca went to joining finana, pomu, shu, and sonny. playing a little prank by jumpscaring the girls.
you decided to just talk with uki, fulgur, vox, enna, and nina.
alban: “hey, let’s go play truth or dare! who’s in?!”
he shouted using mic that is supposed to be used for karaoke. but oh well, it got everyone’s attention.
you, luca, fulgur, vox, mysta, enna, finana, alban, nina, pomu decided to join the game. the others gonna watch and capturing your embarrassing moments.
all of you have done from the least to the most embarrassing things that can be done there.
the alcohol in your systems help you with that too.
feeling a lil bit naughty, you decided to just glomp onto your boyfriend’s lap, sitting there comfortably and once in a while wiggling your hips to make yourself more comfortable.
not for luca though, you keep pressing on him like that. he’s suffering.
again, the alcohol inside your (you and your friends’) system surely help.
luca groans quietly right near your ear, making you shudder in wants.
wiggle your hips more, just for more friction.
he decides to hold you down in a tight grip with his arm.
“do that again and you gonna pay for your action.”
luca might seems so bubbly and innocent most of the time, but when you rile him up fyuuuh say hello to the mafia.
you ended up ignoring his warning.
“guys, i think y/n and me gonna go home now. she’s drunk.”
and with that, you two immediately went back home.
“Aah! L, Luca.. no more..” You moaned meekly, unable to break free from his tight grip that gathers both of your hands above your head. He keeps pounding onto you, setting on a rough pace without giving you any break. You can’t even remember how many time you’ve came—all you know is that your body is so sensitive under his touch, probably from the alcohol you’ve drank before.
“One more, babe. You should’ve know the consequences of your action.”
shu yamino.
oof, this sorcerer, where do we start?
you two are invited to luca’s birthday party and decided to go there together.
after you mingle with your friends and give present to the birthday boy, you decide to go for a drink or two.
you were sipping your beer when you heard luca suddenly called all of you to gather and play truth or dare with him.
you are about to refuse his idea (heck, shu is here and you don’t want to embarrass yourself? both of you are still in the early stage of relationship).
the birthday boy can only whined at you and beg you to join them.
you sighed, “your wish is my command, boss.” and luca laughed at your remarks.
actually, you and luca has been close friends for long, you were gym buddies too before you finally stop going and decide to just do it at your own house.
no one knows about this, including shu. but you and luca didn’t think too much of it and didn’t feel the need to share the info too.
it’s all fun until the game is getting more and more unseiso.
one time, you decide to choose truth, you don’t want to do an unseiso dare.
your friends booing you for not having the balls to do some dare, after all if the dare is an unseiso one, it’s gonna be a win-win for you and shu?
finana: “okay! i know what to ask. so, is there anyone in this room that have seen your beauty marks, birthmarks, or even tattoo that is hidden in places that only you can see? if there is, tell us who is it?”
you do actually have a small tattoo on your ribs, right under your breast and a mole on your cleavage.
those two are pretty well hidden since you have never wear revealing clothes before, even when you are alone with your boyfriend.
the question finana asked was actually a trap question for both you and shu.
your friends are starting to glance between you and shu, shu just laughed and said: “what? why did all of you looking at me like that?”.
he seems pretty chill and not flustered at all since you both have not go that far.
shu: “i know why you asked that finana, but we haven’t go that far yet.”
finana: “aww what? you guys are no fun.”
after you pondering for a minute, you suddenly remember that there is someone here that have seen your tattoo and beauty mark.
y/n: “well actually there is. it’s luca.”
everyone just went: “WHAT?!” upon the revelation.
vox teased: “shu just getting NTR-ed by luca.”
you immediately yelled: “no! it’s not like that!!” and is too embarrassed to talk, meanwhile luca just pondering for a moment.
luca: “oh right! the mole on your cleavage and that tattoo under your... chest.”
and then, all of your friends are getting more curious of you and luca’s relationship since how can he see something like that.
luca just explained that you two are friends before joining nijisanji, and that you were also gym buddies. so he had seen you wearing sport bras which reveal your mole and tattoo a little.
the game continued and nothing happened after that except you notice that there’s something slightly different every time your eyes meet shu’s.
you’ve ignited jealousy inside the sorcerer’s heart.
“A tattoo and a mole, huh.” Shu uttered the moment you enter your shared apartment. “Uh-huh,” you answered, was quite surprised too since you did not expect him to remember that at all. “Shu, it was a long time ago. Nothing happened between me and Luca.”
“I know that, but can I see your tattoo?”
“... Uh..” Since there is no reason for you to hide it from your boyfriend, you finally start to unbuttoning your shirt just enough to show him your tattoo and mole.
Shu just standing there, admiring your half-naked figure in front of him. He did not utter any word but his hand slowly grabbing your waist. One of his hands starts to tracing the tattoo, while his lips softly kissing your mole before he starts to leave many bite marks on your cleavage.
“I guess.. Now I want to see more...”
It’s gonna be a long night for the two of you.
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cynmixandhisfixations · 4 months
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im so disappointed.
yk, i really loved niji en. luxiem and noctyx especially, before xsoleil came around, was my introduction to vtubers. the first vtuber i really watched i think was petra, but i never followed her.
mysta was the first luxiem boy i watched. that introduced me to vox, then luca and ike, then shu. through vox, i learnt about shoto. soon after, i learnt noctyx had just debuted, and they were having their propnight collab, where i watched sonny's pov. that was what got me hooked. that was the day i started following nijisanji. that's one of, if not the only fandom introduction i can vividly remember.
they didn't save my life or anything, at least i don't think, but i know i would not be here without them. this fandom, along with another that i won't name, was the ones that sparked my confidence to start writing fanfics. that was around the time, too, i started dedicating myself to my original works.
niji en was a fandom i felt genuinely safe in, and that only grew when xsoleil came around. some of my first fandoms were things like undertale, creepypasta, fnaf, mlp, genshin impact, eddsworld, hell, i was part of dreamsmp & mcyt's fandom for the longest time. i'm still into all of the aforementioned fandoms, except for dsmp/mcyt. basically, i've seen some shit. and i don't think i've, ever seen something this bad.
i never thought i'd see a fandom, a community, i love and cherished crash and burn so hard. and so fast.
i think i'm still in denial. i don't think it's really sunk in yet. i could just move on to hololive or vshojo, but it's not going to be the same. it'll never be the same. even if, by some goddamn miracle, nijisanji were to pull through this... it's never going to be the same. i've heard that even the JP side are wondering what the fuck is going on over here.
no matter how you look at it, anycolor is fucked. vox, elira and ike all have permanent stains on their careers, millie and enna probably aren't safe either, and god only knows what niji's gonna do to their other livers. it's gut-wrenching to watch this, and seeing how the fandom is reacting so violently as well...
it stings.
it really does.
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astrxealis · 2 years
i’m mostly knowledgeable on luxiem but i really love noctyx and shld see more of their stuff >< also super in lov w iluna
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futurelabs · 1 year
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tree house in the making 🏠🌳
since it was Luca’s day off, he decided to buy a “how to make your own tree house” kit and, even though it was TOO big for their so small backyard, he went all in and started to build it without stopping! The twins spent the whole day arguining and goofing around, Sonny even called Aurora plantsim unbelievable
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desired-deity · 11 months
Mysta Rias:
August 27th
Luca Kaneshiro:
…currently running away from Mysta
Shu Yamino:
…currently working on spells
Vox Akuma:
…currently being hunted by Shxtou
Ike Eveland:
…currently making a novel
Alban Knox:
…currently on the search for treasure
Yugo Asuma:
…currently making music
Uki Violeta:
Cuddly Touches
Fulgur Ovid:
Cuddly Touches
Sonny Brisko:
…currently looking after Alban
Kyo Kaneko:
Well Looks Like It’s Out!
Just Focus On Me
Screams, Screams, and More Screams!
Tired? Same
Aster Arcadia:
Ren Zotto:
Aia Amare:
…currently with Scarle and Maria
Scarle Yonaguni:
…currently with Maria and Aia
Maria Marionette:
…currently with Scarle and Aia
Ver Vermillion:
Do Your Homework!
Step Back.
Doppio Dropscythe:
If We Ever Broke Up
Hex Haywire:
…currently trying to keep his sanity
Yu Q. Wilson:
We Weren’t Supposed to Meet Again.
VantaCrow Bringer:
Vanta Morning Headcanons
Vezalius Bandage:
Step Back.
We Met Here
The Little Things
You’re so Pretty When you…
Sleep Well.
No More Interferences
You’re so Pretty When you…
Sleep Well.
You’re so Pretty When you…
Sleep Well.
KENJI x Streamer! Y/N
Morning Headcanons
Kenji Headcanons
Because I Love Him
For Me?
Kai Headcanons!
Let’s Rest Together
Let’s Rest Together RERUN
Player Two?
U-San / Unnämed:
Calm Down
Put it down. Now.
I Love You Too Much To Let You Go (P1)
One Couch? Perfect For Cuddles And Comfort!!! (P2)
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typh0nas · 7 months
The Language of Flowers
NijiEN Fantasy Otome AU
Content Warnings: will be added to each chapter if there are any trigger warnings.
Character(s): GN!Reader(no pronouns mentioned), Vox Akuma, Ike Eveland, Luca Kaneshiro, Shu Yamino, Mysta Rias, Fulgur Ovid, Uki Violeta, Alban Knox, Sonny Brisko, Yugo Asuma
Authors Notes: It’s here, it’s here! Sorry for the long ass wait HAHA. I have a lot of projects for now, so I’ll try and add everyone’s route as time goes on. 
11/14/2023: Currently have Vox and Mysta’s chapter 1 out! Will add everyone else’s when i have time :)
You, a royal and the crown heir to the Ninisani Empire. You answer to no one and make your own rules. However, war ravages the country, causing chaos and turmoil. Left with little choice and with much urging from your council, you ultimately decide that the best course of action is to ally yourself with the neighboring Luxiem Regency to help strengthen your army. 
Now, what exactly might you do now?
You stand tall, faced with a less than appealing choice. But the council is unyielding and unwavering and their decision stands firm. 
"Your highness, you must understand that this is what we have determined will help ensure the longevity of the Empire. As the current acting ruler, you must think about what is best for the people...YOUR people.”
You massage your temples feeling a headache coming on. “I don’t understand why I must be wed to Lord Akuma, are we not merely strengthening our army?” Members on the council look around, and you can hear their whispering from where you stand. 
“This is a matter of politics. This alliance will help strengthen our empire and can ensure that we will have the support we need in the coming days of the war. You have seen the effect it has had on the people. Your Highness...they’re terrified, this is for the best. At most, your marriage with Lord Akuma is only on paper. He has already agreed to these arrangements. Must you be so stubborn?” The head councilman shakes his head at you. 
You feel your irritation grow as you stare down the head councilman and he squirms under your gaze. The silence grows in the room as everyone stares at you with bated breath, awaiting your decision. 
“Fine.” Your voice rings loud and clear within the hollow chamber, and you can hear sighs of reliefs from some of the other council members, but you choose to ignore it.
The head councilman rises, a smile on his face, “Oh wonderful Your Highness! We’ll make arrangements for the wedding immediately.” You wave your hand in his direction, tired of his blathering as you turn back towards the door to leave. 
“Do what you must.” You close your eyes, the weight of your situation sinking in. 
Who will you choose?
Vox Akuma {👹🧧}
The one you're betrothed to
“As the current acting ruler, you must think about what is best for the people...YOUR people” Those are the words the echo back to you repeatedly, the head councilman’s voice ringing in your head. You weren’t happy with the council’s decision by any means, but if it meant ensuring the safety of your citizens and it truly was for the greater good then you had no choice but to reluctantly go with his decision. Although this arrangement isn’t what you thought you would end up engaged to someone, you find that Vox is gentle and kind. There appears to be more to him then what first meets the eye.
“That blush on your face is absolutely adorable...it makes me want to ravish you. ....I'm kidding! Naturally I wouldn’t do anything unless you were okay with it.”
{Vox Chapter 1 - [UNLOCKED]} (CW: mentions of being intoxicated)
Mysta Rias {🕵‍♂️🦊}
A lesser lord of the Luxiem Regency, and Vox’s right hand man
It seems that wherever Vox goes, Mysta seems to follow behind him. He’s sort of an odd fellow to you, with the way his gaze lingers on you. But when you catch him staring for a moment too long, he quickly looks away coughing into his fist or brushing his hair back, a faint flush on his face. When asked about it, he deflects with some lame excuse and immediately tries to change the subject. Even with his prickly exterior, Mysta has never seriously pushed you away from him. 
“I guess your company isn’t so bad. Huh? You’re telling Vox about this? N-no wait!”
{Mysta Chapter 1 - [UNLOCKED]}
Ike Eveland {🖋🔷️}
The court scribe
The ever quiet but meticulous scribe of the court. Ike mainly keeps to himself, whether it’s writing away some important on a piece of paper or his nose stuck into some book. He's can be found in the library copying and translating old texts that practically crumble at your fingertips when picked up. If not there, he could be found seated several seats down from you during council meetings to record each and every word uttered out. Though the two of you haven’t spoken much, you secretly admire how hard he works.
“Don’t you know it’s rude to go through someone’s personal things without asking first?”
{Ike’s Route Not Yet Unlocked - English Ivy}
Shu Yamino {👟☯️}
The powerful sorcerer of the court
The mysterious sorcerer that managed to charm you with his spectacular display of magic. You initially scoffed, thinking it was nothing more than a show of sparkles and nothing more. But to your surprise, he manages to find ways to prove you wrong. On more than one occasion Shu has used his abilities to cure your citizens of what ails them, from an normal everyday fever, to even fixing up an elderly council member’s bad leg. You begrudgingly admit that maybe he is someone that you could rely on.
“Want me to show you something cool? No? Well your loss then.”
{Shu’s Route Not Yet Unlocked - White Jasmine}
Luca Kaneshiro {🦁💰}
Your childhood best friend who has a penchant for getting into trouble
Your ever loyal best friend, a notorious playboy with a string of broken hearts left in his wake, even if it’s unintentional. Maybe it was because of his blinding personality and charming demeanor. You’ve always joked that while Luca is the sun, you’re the moon, the counterbalance to his outgoing nature. 
“Hey hey! I know how much you love the flower fields when they’re blooming, but since you’re so busy and can’t see them yourself, I brought them to you!”
{Luca’s Route Not Yet Unlocked - Yellow Acacias}
Fulgur Ovid {⚡️🐏}
The local bounty hunter who comes and goes as he pleases
There isn’t much that you know about him, only the rumors that circulate around the palace grounds, and that he’s one of the empire’s most renowned bounty hunters. From what you’ve gathered, no one knows too much about his personal life. With each lead that you pursue, you find that you’re led on one wild goose chase after another. 
“You’re a strange one. Tell me, why are you so insistent on following me and trying to get to know me?”
{Fulgur’s Route Not Yet Unlocked - Edelweiss}
Uki Violeta {🔮🌌}
The peculiar psychic from the market
One of the best fortunetellers in the city, and generally one of the calmest people that you know, with a soft voice and gentle eyes. You’re a regular at his tent every time you sneak down from the palace. He can see things that others can’t and every persons’ future that he’s read seems to have come true in one way or another. Uki can always be found in that same purple tent in the same spot at the market, tarot cards spread over the table. You curiosity to know more and more about him grows with each visit.  
“Come see me again, I’ll show you more about what your future holds~”
{Uki’s Route Not Yet Unlocked - Pink Honeysuckle}
Alban Knox {🎭🕒}
The cunning thief you found, trying to steal from Vox's treasury
You couldn’t deny that Vox’s treasury was indeed very vast. You happened to come across him one night while you were trying to deposit some of your own valuables for safekeeping. One step into the massive room and you’re making eye contact with a very smug-looking thief. Before you can yell for help, he leaps across the room without making any noise, coming face to face with you, pressing a gloved finger to your lips, shushing you. You’re left dumbfounded and shocked as you watch him bound back across the room, snatching up a few gems in the process, and then swiftly slipping out the window as if he was never there in the first place. It seemed almost as if that was the last you would see of him. Or so that’s what you thought.
“Hehe you’re an interesting one, maybe I’ll just steal you away instead!”
{Alban’s Route Not Yet Unlocked - Morning Glories}
Sonny Brisko {🔗🤲}
The captain of the royal guard
When Sonny became captain of the royal guard, he never expected to become your personal bodyguard, so to speak. But as the acting ruler of the Ninisani Empire, it was only natural that the council would want you to have someone looking out for you at all times, and who better than one of the best guards. And so Sonny would follow you wherever you went, standing silently off to the side. Unassuming until he was required to step in. He would stand guard outside of your room at night keeping an eye out for threats but not daring to step one foot inside for fear of intruding on your privacy. And so he always keeps an eye on you, even if he has to physically restrain himself from chasing after anyone he deems a threat to your safety. 
“It’s my job to protect you and I intend on doing just that. No matter what happens I’ll always be by your side.”
{Sonny’s Route Not Yet Unlocked - Coreopsis}
Yugo Asuma {🎧🎶}
The bard at the local tavern
On one of your regular nightly escapades, find yourself seeking shelter at a local tavern to shield yourself from the rain. The bar, although of modest size is lively and it appears to be a hotspot for all sorts of people from the city. Feeling overstimulated and maybe even a bit overwhelmed, you make your way to the back corner where you feel you won’t be bothered. It’s just your luck that you make eye contact with the bard seated on a stool atop the dingy stage.
“I haven’t seen you before. Mind if I play you a song?”
{Yugo’s Route Not Yet Unlocked - Blue Hyacinth}
@hiqhkey @angelkazusstuff @emissaire 
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