#and then the last one? hoo boy the savoring THE SAVORING
ohtendril · 4 months
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There was something heartbreaking in the way she was gazing at him, as if she might die if he didn’t kiss her. Not from heartbreak, not from embarrassment—it was almost as if she needed him for nourishment, to feed her soul, to fill her heart.
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charcadett · 2 years
Kissing Headcanons (Gender Neutral)
Characters: Katy, Brassius, Larry, Tulip, Grusha, Rika, Hassel, Geeta, Jacq, Saguaro, Clavell, and two endgame spoiler characters at the end. If you know, you know.
Okay, tried to do something shorter than the last one so I can do more characters without getting carried away or overwhelmed. It’s surprisingly hard not to go off on a tangent every character, hoo boy. Especially because I love them all so much. I want to try and solidify my interpretations as much as possible. Anyway! Throws this at you.
- Katy’s favorite kiss is a quick peck on the lips.
-Short, but sweet. Literally. You can taste powdered sugar on her lips from the last pastry she ate. She’ll laugh through a blush if you mention it.
- Katy won’t indulge too much PDA, especially if she’s working, though if you catch her in a particularly affectionate mood, she’ll kiss you between batches for Patisserie Soapberry. Her lips are soft and she leaves flour hand prints on your shirt.
- Brassius is a biter. From small nips on your bottom lip to hickies along the column of your neck, he really enjoys leaving a mark of some sort. He says it's his final touch to a masterpiece.
- His favorite way to kiss you is passionate, tangling his fingers in your hair to guide you along his pace. He got clay in your hair one time and it took an hour for you both to wash it out.
- Kisses you in public whenever the mood strikes him. Sometimes, when the sun hits you just right and makes your skin glow, he’s so overwhelmed with emotion that he absolutely has to kiss you. He finds your startled expression particularly attractive.
- Larry is a lazy kisser. Slow and sensual, he likes to savor you.
- He’s very touch-starved. Unconsciously, he’ll trail his hands all over your body, though not with sexual intent. It’s more to make sure you’re really there. When you brush against his skin, Larry’ll shiver almost imperceptibly.
- If you pull away, he will follow your lips with his eyes closed. Even the smallest kiss will seem intimate with him. He isn’t one for quick pecks, Larry can kiss you for hours.
- Kissing Tulip is guaranteed to make your head spin. You can smell her perfume and taste her lip gloss. The skin of her cheek is like ivory against your palm. She doesn’t give you even a second to find your footing.
- She’s dizzying. Her acrylics massage your scalp, sending shivers down your spine. So gentle, until she nips at your bottom lip hard enough to draw blood.
- Tulip isn’t one for PDA, though she likes to leave a lipstick mark somewhere visible, like on your cheek or on your collarbone.
- You’d think his lips would be cold, but they’re rather warm hidden behind his scarf. A bit chapped, though.
- He might feel like he has something to prove. Grusha’s kisses are a tad aggressive, pressing his body as close to yours as possible. If you make even the slightest noise, he’ll grin against you.
- If you kiss him over his scarf, he’ll pout. Although, he will insist that he doesn’t. Not only is it easy to prove him wrong, but very funny as well. Grusha will be much more dominant than he usually is when he eventually gets an actual kiss out of you.
- Instead of kissing you, Rika tends to swipe her thumb across her bottom lip. If there’s one thing she likes, it’s to tease you. You’ll have to beg if you want a real kiss.
- She’s gentle and kisses you slowly. While she usually takes the lead, she won’t deny that it’s a pleasant surprise when you take initiative.
- Rika is very laid back when it comes to PDA. If you’re comfortable with it, that’s great. If you’re uncomfortable with it, no problem. She’s more than happy to kiss you behind closed doors.
- Kissing Hassel is always a bit awkward in the most endearing way. He never knows where to put his hands, his nose knocks into yours, and he uses a little too much tongue. It’s sloppy but always passionate.
- He puts everything he is into it. All his emotion, all his desire for you; Hassel tries to channel it all in a single kiss. Likes to press his forehead against yours and breathe the same air. It’s intimate, and he enjoys any chance to be as close to you as possible.
- In public, he will kiss your temple greeting/farewell. Otherwise, he will brush his knuckles against your cheek with a fond smile. He’s a sucker for classic romance.
- Geeta doesn’t kiss you often, though it’s not from a lack of desire. Like battling, Geeta simply can’t hold back when it comes to you. She will never be able to get enough.
- Give her a small peck on the lips, and her gaze turns longing. As you pull away with a smile, her hand will trail from your cheek to your shoulder and down your arm until you’re out of reach.
- Once at home, she will ask you if you would like to continue where you left off. If there’s ever a way or a time to tease Geeta, it’s then.
- Jacq is ticklish. It doesn’t matter where you put your hands; he’ll always end up giggling against your lips. Even if you let your arms hang awkwardly by your side, Jacq will be so giddy that he still can't stop laughing.
- If you kiss his neck, he’ll blush so hard his glasses fog up. Always returns the favor. For every kiss you give him, he’ll give you two more. This always ends in a competition that leaves you both holding in snickers and gasping for air.
- One time, when he forgot his lunch and you had to drop it off in the middle of his homeroom class.The kids started chanting for you to kiss. It was a quick peck, but you both consider it one of the funniest and most embarrassing moments of your relationship. The kids still tease you when they see you in the halls.
- If there’s one word to describe Saguaro, it’s domestic. He cares deeply about how students perceive him and will kindly ask you to keep PDA to a minimum while at the academy.
- He likes forehead kisses. Saguaro is a big man, and it’s more than likely that he’s taller than you. If you want to return the favor, he’ll bend down with a fond smile.
- If he’s feeling playful, he will offer you a spoonful of food he cooked and kiss you instead of giving you a bite. Your reaction always makes him chuckle.
- Clavell is particularly fond of pressing a gentlemanly kiss to the back of your hand. He’s old fashioned, and you’d be hard pressed to get any other form of PDA from him besides occasionally linking arms.
- Prefers more chaste methods of showing affection. Rather than a peck on the lips, he will press a kiss against the edge of your mouth. Almost on the cheek but a bit more intimate than that.
- Somehow, he would get more flustered than Jacq if any students teased him about your relationship. If a group began chanting ‘kiss! kiss! kiss!’ at you both, he would simply disintegrate.
AI Turo
- Turo is not particularly affectionate, nor is he very emotional. He treats kissing as a scientific endeavor, more for you than himself. Though he won’t deny the lightness in his chest that comes with making you smile. Meticulously categorizes all your reactions. His favorite kiss is whatever you prefer.
- His tongue is electric. Literally. Once, he shocked you by accident, and it startled you both. After that, he’s much more hesitant to indulge in that specific method, but if you insist, he wouldn’t have the strength to deny you for long.
AI Sada
- Like Brassius, Sada bites. Those fangs aren’t just for show. She will leave your lips pleasantly sore and bruised with the most self-satisfied smirk on her face. Sada knows what she wants and knows exactly how to move her lips to get you pliant.
- While Turo is a bit more reserved, Sada has no such qualms. She will kiss you every chance she gets for as long as you’ll allow. All that time spent in The Great Crater, and her missed opportunity to go to the past, has made her desperate to indulge every chance she gets.
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marta-bee · 3 months
Aldarion & Erendis continues to be an absolute banger of a story.
When ten years were gone since [Aldarion's] sailing Erendis at last despaired, and believing that Aldarion had met with disaster, or else that he had determined to dwell in Middle-earth, and also in order to escape the importuning of suitors, she asked the Queen's leave, and departing from Armenelos, she returned to her own kindred in the Westlands.
I don't know if it's the asexual in me resonating here or if I've just been asked entirely too often by relatives who I was seeing, when I'd get married etc, but hoo-boy do I identify with Erendis here! That "in order to escape the importuning of suitors" really had me smiling.
But once you get past that, her whole reaction here is just so sweet! She's a noble woman but not with excessively good lineage, with this beauty that's rare and obviously highly sought-after. Her whole job societally is to marry and produce an heir. She's a real star of the court and probably has prospects way beyond what anyone could have expected for her. Aldarion is probably dead. She's also getting older even by Numenorean standards, and there's every chance she's "withered on the vine," so to speak. She's still being "importuned" by suitors. Marrying one of them would be the most rational thing any woman in her position would do.
But she asks to go home and leave them all behind. She loves him for him, and if she can't have Aldarion she doesn't seem to want anyone else. Be still my heart!
And just below in the same paragraph:
Greatly was Meneldur comforted at Aldarion's return; but he rebuked him for his rebellion against king and father, thus forsaking the guardianship of the Valar, and risking the wrath of Ossë not only for himself but for men whom he had bound to himself in devotion.
Sir. Sir. You were the one who withheld the king's blessing. Erendis snuck one by through a loophole, and then you explicitly forbade "all the women of his house and of the Venturers" from even putting a bough on the ship. The whole unblessed thing is totally on you.
By God, does Aldarion come by it honestly.
I'm not saying Meneldur didn't have a point, and that he didn't have a certain duty to be seen by the Numenoreans on Numenor and to situate himself in the whole Numenorean political scene. He had a lot more to do, to prepare for a successful reign someday, than looking at pretty women's faces and choosing a wife. As if there was really much of a choice after Erendis risked Meneldur's wrath to bring the garland before the previous mission; somehow I can't imagine that not stealing at least a piece of Aldarion's heart.
So, yes, Aldarion is being a self-indulgent and not tending to his duty. Yes, he's risking his life for something he personally really enjoys rather than what's actually best for Numenor. But Meneldur, honey, there is a logic to blessings and Valar-given protections, and you are flaunting it.
Then Aldarion was chastened in mood, and he received the pardon of Meneldur, who restored to in the Lordship of the Ships and Havens, and added thereto the title of Master of the Forests.
Ah, well, if that's all it took. A little obeisance, a little ego-stroking, and out pops a whole new title.
Idiots, the both of them, that's all I'm saying.
I think I'm done for the night. This is all too good not to savor it.
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creylune · 2 years
i just finished the story of pokemon scarlet.... bro that last chapter is no joke........ i’m in shambles....
it feels very conflicting though because on one hand i don’t think a pokemon game has made me feel this way since black/white and that is saying a LOT, black was one of my first pokemon games that i played during summer break as a 14 year old and it changed my life. altered the trajectory of my life if you will.
with previous more “recent” titles like sun/moon, oras, sword/shield, of course i got caught up in them and enjoyed them, but i didn’t get super emotionally attached to any characters. lillie is an exception but in comparison to what b/w made me feel, s/m was only like, 60% the way there, and sw/sh would be like 20% (as fun as the game was, it was over fast and i didn’t feel like i was savoring it as much). also i don’t knock on sw/sh for its length, as short as it is, pokemon chiefly is a kids’ video game and usually the bulk of the hours you put in is for completing the dex lol. but yeah, the writing in sw/sh didn’t feel that memorable nor did it have much emotional impact on me.
spoilers for scarvio below
with scarlet, aside from nemona (lol, but i do like her), the subplots for the rivals really tugged at my heartstrings... i didn’t really care for team star when i started their missions, after all i don’t care about getting LP or extra TMs when my team is already good, but as i continued with it i was like... ah... bonds of friendship is the true power... *tear running down my face*.
i cannot believe game freak has managed to make me feel for a boy what i did for n. this is saying so much if you know me and how insane i can be about n. game freak said here is a boy you will react to in a way that parallels how you reacted to n a full 10 years ago. both the 🥰 and 😭 emotions. THE ABANDONMENT ISSUES... AND THEN HE’S DEDICATING HIMSELF TO HELPING HIS DOG RECOVER?????!!! i was specifically targeted...
i also lost my childhood dog at the beginning of 2022, who in a way mirrors what mabosstiff is to arven for me... my dog was the only one in the house i could feel understood and loved by while i dealt with childhood trauma. so you know of course that would do me in emotionally T_T
there is also the whole gap moe and kinda grumpy but sincere senpai but he’s relying on you thing that makes me *clenches fist* but that’s besides the point
i was already enjoying myself taking my time with the gyms, team star, titans, exploring everywhere to get pokeballs/items, trying to complete the pokedex, shiny hunting and what not, so the final chapter really took me by surprise since i didn’t fully know what to expect...? i already liked the main cast but i didn’t feel a deep connection to all of them as a group because the subplots are all standalone/focused on each individual character. i did see all my friends sobbing over the last chapter (censored for spoilers obv) but man... they were right... i was surprised by how in-depth the section was. i’d say if you don’t explore too much (which is what i did on foot regrettably, takes 10x longer) the chapter is maybe 3ish hours long? which isn’t super long, but the dialogue sprinkled in really fleshes out the characters and establishes a bond between them that feels incredibly real and believable, even in the context of just a pokemon game. that’s what really took me by surprise.
i’m gonna be honest for the majority of the chapter my mouth was just open and i was like
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and that’s even WITH seeing vague spoilers/hints and some screenshots out of context. so i had some vague idea about what was going on but i was STILL surprised by the turn of events and how ... like... everything fit together in a very believable way. and another thing, with most pokemon games all stakes depend on you as the player for whatever plot there is (stopping team aqua/magma, saving the world, stopping some capitalist dude, etc.) but the stakes in scarvio felt so much higher. obviously you know you’re going to save the day etc. but in the midst of it i was like 😳 hello???? bruh?
i joked to a friend last week about this being game freak’s answer to botw (he hasn’t played scarvio) but i’m ngl this takes it beyond what botw did for me... botw’s magic lies in the beauty of its world and fucking around, and maybe some of the npcs (like, yeah, i did get very into the bits of lore and link characterization of it, i won’t downplay that) but i feel like the plot and characters in scarvio are just so... polished? of course the games are different and have different purposes. but it managed to make me experience a hint of the youthful wonder and hope i felt as a 14 year old playing emerald and b/w all day and night long during summer vacation again... it’s that essence that really stands out. IT’S THE FOUND FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE ESSENCE OF YOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINDING YOUR TREASURE/WHAT YOU CHERISH MOST IN LIFE AND HOLDING ON TO THAT AS YOU FACE THE FUTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but all this just makes me incredibly sad because you know this game was rushed to hell to meet a deadline. and that’s disrespectful to the amount of love and thought put into this game’s worldbuilding, characters, and story. they deserved the time needed to ship the game in its best form, not the buggy state it’s in. all the fantastic aspects of the game are marred by bugs, glitches, and the fact that the switch is constantly struggling to run the game--my game crashed at least two times, and i feel like that’s lower than others’ experiences (luckily i didn’t lose any significant progress both times, but the fear of the game crashing did hang over me anytime i ran around or even talked to the pokemon center person 😭). even the credits lagged for me and i was like ... this doesn’t ruin the immersion but i’m smiling wryly to myself rn.
i 100% don’t regret buying and playing the game but i do wish i’d been able to buy and play the game in better circumstances... i was vehemently in the “i refuse to buy it right now in the state it’s in and contribute to the message to the pokemon company that this speed of putting out subpar quality games for faster buck is ok” but i caved because i saw my friend playing it (she caved because her boyfriend got it). 😔
anyways expect arven fanart eventually lol
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glowingbadger · 3 years
Okay, so I had a thought for our dear fox boy, Kurama.... Imagine, "trying" to tease him by going down on him only to suddenly switch it up and go down on you instead, especially when you least expect it as revenge. You're on the phone with your best friend and suddenly he's there between your legs, but you can't say anything or let your friend know.
Oh-hoo, a most excellent concept, friend- and actually plays into a couple things I've written about Kurama before too, so I guess I should have seen this coming xD
Also this all just reminded me that I HAVE to do some sketches of the YYH boys in late 90's fashion. Ugh, what absolute icons.
Kurama (YYH) x AFAB Reader
NSFW 18+ v
Kurama's hair splays out across the pillow, making him look for all the world like a lounging ingenue in a romantic painting. Still, those emerald eyes level on you with a sharp cunning that tells you clearly where you stand. He wears a subdued smile that someone who didn't know him might find pleasant, charming- but you know what the grin of a fox spirit really means.
"Feeling rather bold today, aren't you?" he says, his tone light and conversational, even as your hands run down his chest and the toned contours of his abdomen from atop his clothing.
"Well, it doesn't seem fair for you to call the shots all the time," you reply from your position straddling his hips. You like to think you sound the part of the confident seductress, but your heart leaps every time you meet Kurama's calculated gaze. You may be in the "dominant" position, but you know you haven't nearly tamed him. For now, you'll just have to try to push him a bit further.
You kiss a slow and deliberate path down the center of his torso, undoing the buttons of his shirt one-by-one, and revelling in the feeling of firm muscle shifting and flexing at your touch. Kurama lets out an openly pleasured sigh, and doesn't shy away in the slightest as your hands reach the front of his jeans. With a playful little hum, you run your hand up along the bulge of his stiffening cock beneath layers of fabric. Very subtly, his hips shift up towards your touch, and you bite at your lip as your eyes flicker up to his yet unreadable expression.
"You must be much more sensitive than you let on, Kurama," you tease, tracing his length with a single finger, "You're already this hard, after all."
Just as you'd started to feel sure of having the upper hand, he props himself up on an elbow to observe you between his thighs. One hand reaches down to caress your cheek, ending at your chin, where his thumb runs the curve of your lower lip.
"Of course I am," he replies bluntly, "It's only natural when I desire you so ardently. Besides," he goes on, his grin curling into a smirk, "If your aim is retribution for all that I've done to you, then I imagine I have quite a thrilling evening to look forward to."
So much for flustering him, or even just getting him to act a little bit shy. Your cheeks burn hot, and you mumble,
"Should have tied you up. And gagged you, while we're at it."
"Hm. Perhaps you should have," Kurama replies casually.
This bastard. Is it really this impossible to gain the slightest bit of ground on him?
Impatient for results, you undo the front of his jeans, and tug them down with his boxers, freeing his impressive member from its confines. Kurama continues to watch you comfortably as you take the base of his cock in hand and slowly drag your tongue up the underside of his shaft. You can feel it twitching and swelling in your hand, hardening to its full size before too long. Frankly, you've half a mind to climb onto his lap and ride him then and there. He does so love to tease you- the chance to have him now without the usual exercise of restraint is undeniably tempting. For the time being, you satisfy yourself with gently licking and kissing his twitching manhood, letting the warmth of your breath and fleeting touches gently stimulate him.
He is clearly enjoying himself; aside from the soft murmurs of pleasure he grants you as your tongue circles the crown of his cock, his direct gaze hasn't wavered for even a moment. Still propped up above you, he absently strokes your hair in one hand as half-lidded eyes watch your attempts to provoke him.
"You mean to tease me, I see..." he says softly, his tone only hinting at his amusement. Even better concealed is the heady arousal building at his core- his desire to break this arrogant facade you've put on, to see you crumble back into obedience at his hands.
And as if by divine providence, his opportunity arrives.
The phone at the bedside table rings, and you pause to glance up at Kurama. Only the glint in his eye hints at his plan at first- but then, as you watch in disbelief, he picks up the phone before it's finished its third ring. He sits upright as he greets your friend on the line, and your body feels hot and cold all at once.
"Hm? Oh, yes- right here, in fact. One moment."
Kurama meets your eyes with a smirk and offers the phone to you with his hand cupped over the receiver. Your face is burning red, and you grumble near inaudibly,
"No fair!"
He gives a short laugh, tucking away his still-hard cock and then fixing his clothing with his free hand as he says,
"I apologize if I have ever given you the impression that I am 'fair' by nature." All at once, he catches you around the waist and pulls you down onto your back on the bed. You resist crying out in surprise, if only because when you look up at him and see the smouldering heat in his eyes, your breath catches in your chest. Then, without a word, he hands the phone to you. Biting nervously at your lower lip, you take it from him, clear your throat, and say,
"He-hey! How's it going?"
Your friend immediately launches into an excited ramble about the finale of a show she's been following obsessively for the last year and a half. Honestly, you should have expected this call- stupid of you to think you'd have the evening free with the finale airing. As she goes on about how "so many of her predictions were dead-on," Kuramas hands run indulgently down the contours of your body. Your heart races, and you can't help tensing, arching up against him just a little. Then, he's working your pants down off your hips, and you give him a pleading look that he meets like a stone wall.
"-- I mean, can you believe it?! It's like, exactly what I said would happen!!"
"Yeah, that's, uh," you struggle to keep up, but your eyes are fixed on Kurama lowering himself between your bared legs, "that's pretty wild..."
With a placade grin on his face, he kisses a trail down the inside curve of your thigh, his touches delicate and yet unreserved. Your eyelids flutter half-shut, but you force yourself to- more or less -follow the thread of your friend's rant. That is, until you feel the sting of Kurama's teeth at the soft flesh far up the inner curve of your thigh. He sucks a dark love-bite to your skin- one that you know will remind you of his presence there for days to come. Still, you manage to camouflage your gasp of shock and pleasure into a sudden cough.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, totally! Sorry, don't mind me- go on!" you babble out your reply in a hurry, knowing you won't be able to trust your voice when Kurama continues this torment. He chuckles silently behind his hand, and you pout uselessly at him. Rather than acknowledge this, he refocuses on his task as the phone rant continues. You do your best to keep a consistent stream of "Oh, yeah?" and "Wow, crazy!", all while elegant fingers spread your lower lips and warm breath teases your over-sensitive body. Then, without warning, his tongue glides firm across your aching clit. Your thighs twitch in around his head and you arch up from the bed.
"Woa--! That's... incredible!" you translate the gasp you desperately want to let out into a perhaps overly-enthusiastic reply. Fortunately, your friend is too caught up in her finale recap to police her own excitement, let alone yours. Still wearing that cocky smirk, Kurama pushes his hair back behind his ears, then returns to tease your clit with the tip of his tongue.
He doesn't let up after this, and frankly, your impulses are torn. Part of you wants to be as subtle as possible, to silently endure the slow, luxurious movements of his lips and tongue pulsing against your cunt and stiffened clit. Another part of you- the part you're fighting to subdue -wants to grab onto that silky red hair and grind against him, to rush yourself to your climax and to spare yourself further torture. But you and Kurama both know you won't be able to keep quiet if you do. So you fuss anxiously with the phone's tangled cord, shifting and squirming on the bed beneath him and biting back pleasured gasps and whimpers.
Your legs are trembling around him and you're positively soaked with your arousal and his saliva. Leaning back on the pillow, you scrunch your eyes closed and take a deep breath.
"Oh- you remember that one voice actor I told you about?"
"Yeah, uh," you struggle to pull your thoughts together, but Kurama nudges the flat of his tongue rhythmically against your clit, and your body is begging for release, "This show... was his first big on-screen thing, right?" you manage to choke out. As though pleased by your performance, your lover gives a soft hum that sends his breath fluttering over your vulnerable skin, then presses more firmly into you. His skillful tongue teases your entrance for a moment, rubbing into you while your muscles tighten, instinctively longing for friction, for something inside, for something to cling to. You're panting silently, biting at your finger to keep quiet while your friend tells you all about her latest celebrity crush.
So close. You're so dangerously close to the rush of your climax. But you hold on, every inch of your body aching with need and restraint. Kurama can obviously sense the desperate state you're in, and you know that he's savoring it. And yet, when you glance down to watch the erotic movements of his mouth, the way his eyes devour you, the way his hands grip at your hips- you realize that you don't have it in you to care about your pride anymore.
"Anyway, they're airing an interview with the cast soon, so I gotta go so I don't miss it."
The words are a beacon of hope, and while your friend apologizes for cutting out so suddenly, you assure her again and again that you don't mind.
"Really, you should... go- uh, go enjoy the thing!"
Kurama's lips seal around your clit and the dearly sensitive surrounding flesh. His tongue flicks across the hard little bundle over and over, his hands firm at your hips, holding you strictly in place. He's not holding back anymore. Your eyes roll back and your body burns, but you keep yourself silent. Just a little longer. Don't let him make you cum- not yet. He feels too good- and you know he wouldn't care if you screamed his name for your friend or anyone else to hear.
"Oh, also, we should totally grab coffee or something soon!"
"Yeah- that sounds really good-!" your back arcs up from the sheets.
"Cool! I'll call again soon, byeeee!"
You hear the click of the receiver on the other end. Your arms go limp, dropping the phone to the floor. Kurama leans over you, pushing himself against you while his tongue works your clit and you gasp aloud for him.
"Kurama! Ohhh... Oh, God- I'm-!"
A tingling, sparkling wave of pleasure explodes from your core and rushes across the surface of your skin. You can't remember the last time you came this hard, and you imagine Kurama can feel what he's doing to you. Your taste coats his tongue, one shaky hand weaves your fingers through his hair as your hips buck towards him. With one last desperate cry of his name, you relax back onto the bed, your boneless limbs making you feel like a puddle of mindless bliss.
Panting, practically gasping for breath, your unfocused eyes gaze up at the ceiling as the last tremors of your climax pass through you.
"Haa... Mm, Kurama..." you whimper out as he places one last kiss to your now soaked folds.
He crawls up atop you, and a gentle hand turns your face to him. His smile is warm and openly affectionate, and he caresses your cheek like a groom at the altar. Looking at him now, it's hard to imagine he's the same man who just put you through that unique form of torture. You're still catching your breath, and when he kisses you with all the tenderness in the world, you can hardly even reciprocate.
"Well done, my love," he says at last, "Do you think you can continue to behave for me tonight?"
Some distant part of your mind realizes that you've been manipulated- that he's utterly dismantled your attempt at dominance. You should be frustrated. You should try to regain the upper hand and show him that he doesn't always gets to be in control. Instead, your half-lidded eyes meet him and you murmur,
"Yes... I'll be good..."
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ohsilverplease · 3 years
three little life updates
1. I'm considering having wls but mostly I am pretty sure I won't go through with it in a year+ when my insurance will pay for it. So I kind of want to stop the process but I don't want to wish I'd kept going a year from now? But I also don't want to do all the things to get me prepared for it AND I keep reading horror stories about the effects AND it's kind of bullshit in a lot of ways especially since I have no comorbidities AND I'm afraid to tell my parents/bf about it because I don't know how they'll react, which also signals to me that it might not be a good course of action for me at this time. But I think about me in 20 years and what my poor joints will be like. But then I think about how I'm about to go to the coffee shop and get my sammie and treat and coffee, and, like, not make any real changes to most of my life. Eh.
2. I got my second and final offer from the foreign service but I am going to turn it down. This time last year I immediately regretted deferring, but it just doesn't make sense for the life I want to have anymore. I will save up my money to go visit the places I want to visit, and in the meantime savor the life and relationships (not just romantic) that I have here. But it's damn hard to close the door on that dream even if I know it's not right for me.
3. (A wholly positive one!) I paid off a credit card today, which gets me at 20% of my debt reduction goal for the year. Thank god I changed jobs! It was a huge huge help to get A) the vacation payout and B) the salary increase. I still have 5 figure CC debt but I'm hoping to get it to 4 figures by the end of the year.
OK four updates.
4. I always struggle to focus on multiple priorities at once, like, for example, weight management and debt payoff, so I'm hoping that I won't be kicking myself in a few months for trying to do both right now. I did have a really good talk with a counselor about the WLS last week and I'm going to make a real effort to find a therapist figure because I think I could benefit a lot from it while I'm on an even keel. So then if my life starts unbalancing I will have that support in place already.
Anyway that's what's going on with me. I helped my friend clean out her parents' house over the past couple weeks and hoo boy did it open my eyes to how much junk I have (and my parents have) and how I don't want to be dealing with all that with any sense of urgency like my friend was. But I still took a couple boxes worth of stuff (mostly kitchen stuff and books that I can immediately take to goodwill after I read) so clearly I'm not too concerned about it. But I'll look at spring cleaning with new, more realistic eyes this year.
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marie-dufresne · 2 years
Hoo boy. I’ll use our main verse for this one since I’ve spent more time daydreaming about that one than the cougar one so far.
�� Any trust they display is fabricated on both their parts. Neither of them are in a position to be trusting of the other. Him, because of his job, and her because of her personal mission.
She’s a stranger in a strange world and the only thing she holds dear is on the line. She’s arriving at ShinRa knowing full well no one trusts her father, so there is no reason they would trust her, as willing as they are to work with her.
In the 4th wall cafe this is particularly distressing because Marie is not often in a position before where she can’t give all of herself to her partner. Even when she shouldn’t, she usually finds loopholes but even then, the only thing she’s risking is her own life and/or mind. In this situation, she’s putting a child’s life at risk.
It makes me even more sad that she doesn’t know Tseng’s true role in the company. Maybe if she did, she would have the courage to trust him more or even go to him for help to bypass the deceptive show she’s putting on. Instead, they do dances of false trust and everything gets worse.
🖤 Any time activities happen in a private space, it’s hers and he doesn’t spend the night. She doesn’t know if that’s just not his style, but she also is aware that she gives off the vibe of not wanting anything more.
Every morning when she wakes up alone she hates herself for it, but she knows it’s for the best. She’s already attached and doing the bare minimum to keep her feelings at bay.
🖤 Thinking that he has a position lower on the totem pole than he does, she spoils him with luxurious gifts and is constantly petitioning to everyone she can to get the man a raise or a promotion (probably amusing when she presents Rufus with her bright idea). She may not be able to show her affection in many of the ways she normally would, but by George she is going to make sure this man is well taken care of in any way she can.
🖤 Marie’s embraces last a long time. Probably long enough for him to get bored. Knowing that either she’s going to finish her mission and vanish, or things will go sideways and ShinRa will do her in, she makes a point of making every moment of touch and affection last. She savors moments of closeness, dragging them out as much as she can.
It’s probably irritating and she likely just comes off as clingy as opposed to deeply sentimental but she can’t help it. The girl is lonely, desperate for love, and doomed for disaster.
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Between The Pipes [Chapter 24]
Rating: M Words: 2390 Pairing: Kristanna Summary: When a new owner takes over the Arendelle Ice Breakers, Kristoff isn’t sure about his future with the team. That is, until a PR nightmare throws the newest member of the media team, who also just so happens to be the daughter of the new owner, right into his arms. Kristoff and Anna can’t even stand the interviews they have to do together… how on earth are they going to fix this mess? Hockey!AU.
[Chapter Index]
Where To Read: [AO3]
Notes: when the gala that was only supposed to be one chapter including smut is now going to span three not including the smut.... hoo hooooo. Hope no one minds lol. 
The ride over had been quick, which Kristoff had been relatively thankful for. The way Anna had shifted had revealed a long, high slit in the skirts of her dress, stopping only inches below the apex of her leg and pelvis, her pale skin a glaring contrast against her dark dress. It wasn’t enough to say that it was a major distraction. 
She had kept adjusting it as she leaned across the car to continue a conversation with Jelissa, but Sven clearly hadn’t missed how Kristoff’s eyes kept darting down to the freckles dotting her thigh. The shit-eating grin that had stretched on his lips only served to piss Kristoff off. He knew he wasn’t going to stop hearing about this tonight.
But fuck he couldn’t stop thinking about slipping his hand under all the layers of skirts and touching her gently, savoring the feel of her soft skin before finding her center and bringing her over the edge with his fingers. It would be so easy…
He sighed as the limo pulled up outside the arena, waiting in line behind other cars to let their riders out on a red carpet, rolled out long and decorated with thousands of lights. A marquee was secured above the entrance, blocking out the usual signage, reading simply The Roaring Twenties.
He supposed they used all their creativity up in designing the theme. 
But he couldn’t lie that he felt himself getting just slightly more excited now that they were here. He watched through the window as some attendees and players walked up the carpet, their photos being taken as they headed inside, and couldn’t wait to escort Anna down the walkway. He knew all eyes would be on her, glowing and beautiful as her dress sparkled while she walked, and he didn’t mind one bit that he was simply an arm to show her off. She deserved to feel like a princess, and he was happy to be her escort.
When they were next in line, Anna and Jelissa made an effort to check one another over, making sure there were no makeup or hair mishaps, and then both turned to face their respective partners. Kristoff couldn’t help but smile as Anna’s knees bumped into his. 
She lifted her hands to straighten Kristoff’s bow tie and he felt his whole face flush. “Hey,” she smiled, resting flat palms on his chest, just like she had on their first night out, and Kristoff prayed she couldn’t feel his heart racing beneath them. “I know I’m probably not going to see too much of you once we’re in there…” Her palm came up to his cheek, pressing gently against it. “I didn’t want to forget to tell you how handsome you look. Like…seriously, you should wear more bold suits more often.”
He couldn’t stop the toothy smile that took over his face.
His hands found her wrists, and lowered her hand before cupping them between his, and placed a tender kiss against her fingers. “Come find me whenever. I can leave for a bit. Sven won’t mind, I’m sure.”
Sven rolled his eyes but agreed as their driver stopped the car and stepped out to come around and open their door. He stepped out first, giving his hand to Jelissa as she adjusted the long train of her gown around her legs. His suit was white with blush pink accents and she wore pinks and golds to complement, and even Kristoff couldn’t deny that they looked perfect together. His fedora sat perfectly atop his curls and she had her hair done in a way that it fell over her shoulder in a waterfall of waves. 
The driver peeked in and gestured for them to exit too. 
Kristoff did his best to exit the car in a seemingly effortless way, but his large size always seemed to complicate it. Holding his hat to his head as he stepped out, Kristoff tried to ignore the flashing lights as he reached a hand back down for Anna.
She twisted perfectly, the slit of her dress showing off her skin and heels as they touched the ground with more grace than he could ever hope to have. It only took a moment for him to remember that she was from a wealthy family and there was a decent chance she had done events like these before. But when she stood up, her skirt billowing around her as she reached for his arm, Kristoff didn’t seem to care at all that she was miles out of his league.
Anna was here with him. And for now, she was his. 
He couldn’t help himself as they approached the end of the carpet. He spun her twice, admiring the smile on her face, and bowed at the waist as he stepped over the threshold, his hand out and ready for her when she skipped the last few steps forward. She followed him through the door, both of her hands resting in his as he stood back up, soft smiles gracing both of their lips. 
“Anna… You-“
“Anna!” Honeymaren came darting up, grabbing her hands out of his, and urged her to follow, the smallest wave of a hello and a goodbye the only thing letting him know that Honey had even noticed him.
Anna waved over her shoulder as she was pulled away, he assumed to get on with some of the recording for IBTV, and Kristoff let out a heavy sigh before another hand clapped down on his shoulder. 
“You ready?” Sven grinned, squeezing once. 
“As I’ll ever be.”
Part of the fun of the event was the gambling - every attendee was given fifty dollars of chips to start, and the more they played, the more the team hoped would sell and therefore be donated to the charity. And since the players were the dealers, it was always popular.
Kristoff and Sven got lucky enough to work the blackjack tables, and they always had lines.
The arena was fully transformed.
The whole right half was now a casino - there were about ten blackjack tables, six for poker, and two for roulette. A few other games sat around the edges, manned by some of the newer players, some spinning wheels with random prizes that cost chips to enter, and even a few unmanned slot machines. A few of the guys were at the auction tables, a few serving drinks, and then a couple more even behind the bar. It was an all-in experience where fans could be close to the players and get to know them a bit better while doing some good and giving back to charity. 
And, as always, there were copious amounts of alcohol. 
Through the night the guys worked one shift, getting half of the night to work and the other half to play - and Kristoff was ecstatic to be on the first shift. That meant he had the whole back half of the evening to have fun with his friends and drink a little and maybe even sweep his gorgeous girl off her feet and, if he had enough to drink, bring her to the dance floor and see how she could move.
The night was speeding by and before he knew it, his shift was done - He hadn’t even had a minute to be sad about not seeing Anna while he was working before Nieminen was tapping him on the shoulder and letting him know he was free to go. It was clear that his backup goalie was a little tipsy, but it was all part of the fun.
He thanked his last patron, grinned at Sven, and ran to find Anna the second he left his seat.
Anna waved over her shoulder as Honeymaren literally dragged her to the back room to get her set up for the opening shots for IBTV. It was a whirlwind as she was escorted around the room with a camera in her face, interviewing attendees and players and directors about how this night had come to be. They shoved a drink in her hand, told her to pretend to drink it and talk up the specialty cocktails before leading her back to the front entrance and having her record a quick introduction and conclusion to the video. 
As worn out as she already was, she was glad that she only had to participate in this for a short while. Then she would be able to spend the rest of her night actually drinking and having fun with her friends.
She heard him before she saw him. Just as they were wrapping up the video’s outro, Anna stood up straighter at the sound of her fathers’ voice booming over the music and practically traveling directly to her. She looked up, meeting his eyes briefly before she smiled and headed his way. He was finishing up a quick questionnaire with Gerda as she approached, and he nodded down at her when she got close enough to hug him. 
“Hi papa.”
It only hit her then that she hadn’t seen him in months. It hadn’t felt that long.
“Where are mama and Elsa?”
He scoffed, and Anna was immediately reminded why it had felt that way. 
“I assume your mother went straight for the bar. Elsa… I’m not sure.” He looked around, his eyes narrowed as Anna bit her lip slightly and stepped back, her own dropping to the ground between them. She knew this wasn’t his scene and she was proud he had shown up, but the suspicious expression that was taking over his features had her nervous and biting at her lip. 
Then she heard her name from a familiar voice, and felt her whole body relax. 
Elsa was coming towards them, a smile on her face, and an icy-blue gown hanging low on her shoulders and trailing on the ground behind her. Anna practically ran at her sister, enveloping her in a hug. “It’s so good to see you, Elsa.”
Immediately her father disappeared, and Anna was almost relieved.
“So,” her sister started, a teasing tone in her words. “Where is this boy toy of yours? It only feels right that I meet him.”
Anna laughed and shoved her sister’s shoulder before looking around for the time, missing Elsa’s eyes glancing up behind her. It was already almost half-way through the event. “Oh, he should be done any minute now!” 
As if on cue, Anna felt a pair of hands wrap around her shoulders, and a warm mouth press against the back of her neck, making her flush from the chest up. 
Elsa smiled knowingly. 
“Kristoff,” Anna sighed, wiggling under his grip just enough to get his attention. “This is Elsa.” She paused to wait for a reaction but wrapped her fingers around his wrist when he gave no sign of caring. “My sister.”
That got his attention.
“Oh,” he started, standing up straighter and moving his palms to rest on Anna’s bare shoulders. “I’m sorry, um, hi.” He reached out with his right hand and let out one awkward laugh when Elsa shook his hand around Anna’s body. “It’s… nice to meet you.”
Anna blushed deeper as Elsa cocked an eyebrow as her eyes moved up and down the pair, as if trying to make something add up. “Yes, Kristoff, I’ve heard… so much about you.” And deeper still.
It wasn’t like Anna had disclosed the size of his cock to her sister, but she was sure she had spilled more details than Kristoff would really want her sister knowing. And she was positive that Elsa wasn’t able to stop those facts from flooding her head again as she looked at the pair of them. It wasn’t like it was a secret that she was tiny next to him, and one could rightfully assume...
“I’m,” hummed, stepping out to stand beside the both of them. “I’m getting a drink. Anna… a cosmo, right? Elsa, would you like anything?”
Elsa smiled and asked for just a vodka tonic, and Anna let out a happy sigh as he pressed a kiss against her cheek before trotting off to the bar. 
And then she felt Elsa’s eyes lock onto her. “I can see why you’re… interested in him.” She winked. “He’s cute. And… larger than I expected.”
Anna rolled her eyes and wrapped her arms around herself, shrugging. “Goalie gear, right? You never know what’s… below it.”
Elsa snickered beneath her hand.
“Shut up.”
It was only a short moment before he came back with their drinks in hand, seeming to be concentrating hard on not spilling them as he made his way through the dark room. He gave Elsa’s hers as smoothly as possible before gripping Anna’s by the bottom of the stem “Here, baby,” he grinned as she took the glass from his fingers. 
He had never called her baby before. Anna felt her heart skip into her throat before she pressed a nervous palm to his cheek. “Thank you, honey.” 
She swore she saw something new glimmer behind his eyes before he ducked down to kiss her, his now free arm snaking around her waist as his other hand rose to the back of her head. This was different. She couldn’t figure out why, but it was, as his lips moved against hers softly and slowly, not rushing, not pushing, just… savoring.
And then Elsa coughed from beside them, causing him to pull away so quickly she thought she might have been on fire. 
Though the way she was blushing this time might have burned her alive anyway.
Kristoff mumbled something along the lines of promising drinks for Sven and Jelissa on the dance floor, and promised to be back as quickly as he could before placing another kiss on her forehead and one more on the tip of her nose as she smiled up at him, her eyes dreamy as a soft smile spread across her lips. Anna wanted nothing more than to follow him and join their friends, but she also wanted her sister to meet them. So she stayed put, eyes following Kristoff as he strutted up to the bar, and only returned her focus to Elsa when she heard her name laughed from her peripheral. 
Elsa’s lips where pressed together now, a smile evident in her eyes.
“So… fake, huh?”
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bocceclub · 4 years
📖 motherhood
📖 worms
I don’t have anything for worms (yet), but hoo boy for “motherhood” here’s one of my all-time favorite passages from Bitter Days:
Ithena’s quarters were just as austere as I remembered them: bare whitewashed walls, and a rug of woven rushes covering the stone floor, the only furniture her plain cot bed, a lit clay lamp on its tall stand, and a cedar chest with a round mirror of polished bronze hung above it. Two stools stood around a small table in the center of the room; she lighted on one like a falcon returning to its handler’s glove.
“Sit with me,” she said, gesturing to the other stool. I shook my head and remained standing, hands clasped behind my back in a soldier’s posture, despite how weak my knees felt. I was tired. Too tired to partake in her mind games.
“Sit,” she repeated, more forcefully, “so that I can have a proper look at you. Indulge the mother who has not seen her only child in nearly four years.”
I pressed my lips together but took a seat. She reached over the table and grasped my chin with a hand whose slenderness belied its vicelike strength, turning my face from one side to the other. Under her shrewd gaze I felt like a prize horse being sized up by a potential buyer. Let me get a look in his mouth; how are his teeth? I tried to imagine how I looked through her eyes—a prince disguised by stubble and sun-darkened skin and hair pulled back in a soldier’s topknot, face drawn and dusty from the long road, a son whose four years away from her had made him a stranger.
After what felt an eternity, she dropped her hand, something akin to sadness softening her stern face. I noticed for the first time the fine lines that had appeared around her eyes during my absence, and the hints of gray just beginning to show at her temples.
“You’ve grown to look so very much like your father,” she murmured.
I dropped my eyes, unable to respond. How did it feel to see your dead lover staring back at you from the face of your own child? And how was I to live with this knowledge, going through each day aware that the ghost of my father lingered on in my flesh and bones?
“Tell me, have you grown tired of playing the soldier yet?”
“Gods, so you’ve inherited his obstinacy as well.” She pressed her knuckles against the lines of her cheekbones, as if to dispel a toothache.
After a moment she straightened in her seat, smoothing the grimace from her face, and reached forward to pour a cup of wine from the jug on the table and offer it to me wordlessly. I took it, and drained the cup in one draught, wishing the dark liquid could wash away the fear and pain and muted horror of the last few days as easily as it washed down my throat.
“If you had taken time to savor that,” Ithena said drily, “perhaps you would have noticed that it’s made from grapes instead of apples, unlike the usual islander swill.”
The flush I could feel creeping over my face was not just the fault of the wine-warmth blossoming in the pit of my stomach. “Imported?”
“From the Fruit Valley of Eshtar, yes. With piracy a growing problem in the strait, decent wine is an ever-scarcening luxury. As are any other Mysskaean goods.”
“Considering what I rode all this way to tell you of, I hardly think lack of grape-wine should be your and your court’s greatest concern right now.”
Ithena sighed, her long black lashes fluttering in irritation, and propped one hand under her chin. “Ithelrel—”
“My name is Tomrin,” I said without looking up, rolling the wine cup between my hands. With my thumbnail I traced the lines etched into the glazed pottery.
She snorted. “You may choose to go by a commoner’s name, and half-swallow your words when you speak, and wipe your mouth with the back of your hand after drinking, but nothing you can do will negate your royal blood.”
The heat in my cheeks continued to rise. My eyes wandered the room of their own volition, as if seeking an escape from her relentless gaze, and lighted on a bare patch on the wall above the bed. A shudder ran through me. That space hadn’t been empty the last time I had been in this room, nearly four years ago.
The tapestry. She’d taken down my father’s tapestry, the one of the raven with its great wings spread, beak open in mid-cry, that his mother’s mother had woven and given the two of them on their wedding day. The tapestry I’d spent my childhood staring at in wonder, drinking in its tessellating patterns of blood-red and rich yellow and deepest indigo as my father told me the Thaish story of Ko the trickster, half-man and half-god, who’d been trapped in the form of a raven as punishment for stealing fire from the gods to give as a gift to humankind.
Hot anger roiled in my chest as I turned to meet my mother’s eyes. “You say this, and yet you have no problem denying my islander blood.”
“It is because I must,” she said in a hard voice. “Do you know how the Nimenai resent your very existence, how much they loathe the thought of a half-Thaish sitting on their throne? I raised you with your own good in mind, trying to shape you into as much a full-blooded Yianlai as I could. Letting you embrace your father’s people would have armed my family with too many ways to tear you apart.”
Despite my resolve I could not help but flinch in the face of her cruel honesty, the careless evocation of my father’s ghost putting a bitter taste on my tongue. She must have seen how sore a blow she had landed, for the severe line of her brow smoothed, and she reached her hand out to mine across the table. I didn’t move it away, but neither did I respond to the pressure of her fingers curling around mine. I simply sat, a dead weight in my stomach as I fought to keep my face a mask, fought to keep anything she might use against me from crossing it.
“Everything I did was to protect you,” I dimly heard her say. “I know you think me cold, unloving, but I had to become so to keep you safe. To be both Kair and mother to a halfblood is a difficult line to tread."
I regained enough control to retort between bared teeth, “Try being the halfblood.”
She withdrew her hand as if I had stung it.
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annakie · 5 years
Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears
Just got back from seeing it.  Thoughts (with spoilers) below!
I watched Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries 4 or 5 years ago when it was on Netflix because a few of my friends were into it and hoo boy I loved it a lot.
I mean, it’s pulpy, it’s a show you REALLY don’t want to put too much thought into while watching it, the mysteries (and especially solving them) rely too much on coincidence / being in the right place at the right time, etc.  But it’s a BEAUTIFUL and fun and generally feminist and progressive show, especially set when it’s set, with so much chemistry and CONSTANT SEXUAL TENSION between the two leads that I slow-binged it, an episode or two a day, so I could savor it better the first time through.
So I was super excited for The Crypt of Tears!  I somehow missed the Kickstarter, but as soon as I saw there were tickets available a couple of weeks ago I bought one, and it was only showing for ONE show which was like 70% sold out when I bought my ticket. 
All week long, going to see Miss Fisher on Friday night was my light at the end of the tunnel, and after I got home last night I was exhausted.  So I checked online, and Lo!  A whole lot more showings were scheduled now for over the weekend!  So I decided to just get a ticket for today, as well, and let the fact that I left my paid seat empty last night make up for missing the kickstarter.  Today, in 30% full matinee, I watched the movie instead. (Also I wanted to go today instead of last night because Social Distancing, I bought tickets online, avoided touching everything possible, santized my hands, and where I was sitting there was no one else within about fifteen feet of me.  I only spoke to my waitress.)  
I mostly loved it!!  
First, the bad --
The science on MFMM had always been iffy in places (I rewatched the first couple and last couple of episodes over the last couple of days to refresh myself on the show since it’d been years), but I don’t recall it ever being truly supernatural.  So I really didn’t love that they veered into supernatural “mummy’s curse” territory on this one.
I’m also not sure that they made the whodunit really pay off, either.  Honestly, the mysteries are always the least important part of the show for me (enjoyable, but not what I’m There For) but overall the ending to this one felt particularly weak, whereas I was following what was up pretty much the whole way through until that character showed up at the end.  
I loved Shireen, but didn’t care one way or the other for the rest of the guest cast.  Like they were good!  But just not that memorable... which I think was mostly due to...
...my last big complaint... the lack of Hugh/Dot/Bert/Cec and no Mr. Butler or Mac at all.  I appreciate that they wanted to make the movie more of a world tour than a group hang in Melbourne, but I loved the supporting cast a lot, and while it was nice to see that Hugh and Dot were getting along well and Bert and Cec were around, that 1-minute cameo was not enough.
Now... The Good --
The locations!  The makeup!  
***THE !!!WARDROBE!!!***    
Just what we expect from this show.  And the dialogue was a bit cheesy but also very snappy where it should be.  Loved it. 
The action and the sets were bigger and beautiful, too.  Some of the desert scenes in particular were breathtaking.
For about a minute I was Mad that it appears Jack didn’t go after Phryne like she asked him to.  Ok I stilllll want to know why not.  I mean did she land to drop her dad off in England then immediately turn around and marry the Maharaja and send Jack that letter?  He was supposed to chase her... what exactly DID happen after the credits rolled on the show?!
But then I was like “Oh yeah, I’m watching Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries here.  If they DIDN’T torture us with Phryne/Jack sexual tension as long as fucking possible then I don’t know what this show is.”  So I just relaxed and enjoyed the chase.  And I LOVED that this time it was Phryne chasing Jack a little more than the reverse.  Well, I mean, emotionally.  He was, as always, running behind her a lot.
So, of course, the Phryne/Jack stuff was the heart of the show.  And it was delicious.  I was internally screaming “NOW KISS!!” in every scene with them together.  
But I also loved that they were fighting in their way, mostly about the things they SHOULD be figuring out together.  She does do things impulsively and expects him to just blindly follow.  He does need to trust her a bit more.  But hey they were talking about it.
And then that final scene with the tents in the desert (and a brief aside, this is the kind of thing you really can’t think too hard about while watching MFMM... why were they back in the desert?  Where did they get the tents?  Why even have two tents?  Who set them up?  Where did all the furniture come from!?)
OK wait let’s detour this, too.  In rewatching the final ep of the show I’d forgotten about how terrible their first kiss was.  I mean it was GREAT with Jack driving to the airstrip, the two of them running to each other, the Romantic Overture... and finally they kiss and... “HEY WILL YOU TWO HURRY IT UP!?”  they fucking... had her father interrupt their first kiss?  We waited three fucking seasons for this kiss, it could have been the ONLY TIME we ever saw these two Actually Kiss (not the fake-hiding-kiss) and they had to make her dad yell at them and interrupt the entire thing?  Oh man I’ve always hated that so, so much.
So after making us wait another hour and a half here... that final conversation and kiss and subsequent conversation / knowledge that they’re heading to bed together for I guess the first time(?) was really, really great and perfect and the sigh of relief after 3 seasons and a movie we needed.
And they set it up for another one as a coda.  That’s cool.  If it happens, I’m all in.  Someone tell me if there’s a kickstarter.
Just... set at least some of it in Melbourne so we can see the rest of the crew a little bit more?
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big-low-t · 5 years
Needles at the Mall
Clink. Clink. Clink.
Over and over again. Every day. Clink. Clink. Clink. He listened to the needles and any other metal objects on the grounds as they got unceremoniously picked up by the electromagnet he was using. The steel-lined shoes he had to wear were already making his feet hurt today, but he had to have them on to avoid getting pricked by an infected needle.
It was really nice, he thought, that they gave away free needles to the junkies. It was even more nice that most of the junkies apparently had no use for a trash can or one of the many needle disposal bins around the clinic.
Clink. Clink. Clink.
The clinic building used to be a shopping mall. He used to spend a lot of time there with family and friends when he was younger.
He remembered one time he was with a friend, was it Todd? Rod? Sometimes he couldn't remember old friends. Some fade away. But that day he was sitting in the food court finishing up his drink, shooting the proverbial shit with Todd when a girl he knew walked over and started talking to them both. He joked about something, the girl, god only knows what her name was, said he was so sweet and funny and kissed him on the cheek. It wasn't anywhere near a “boyfriend/girlfriend” type of kiss, but it was the closest thing he had ever gotten to this point of his young life and he savored every second of it. She was cute anyway, but out of his league for sure, or at least he thought so. He thought everyone and everything was out of his league those days. But for a few brief moments he thought he was worthy, thought he might at some point in his desperate life find a girlfriend, and maybe, just maybe, before he turned 60, get to touch some of those soft bits that made him feel light headed and loopy.
All that new-found confidence was put to the test twenty minutes later when they were walking towards the record shop. Several girls his age were coming up an escalator and the second one back looked at him. Right directly at him... and she smiled. She smiled. The prettiest smile he had ever seen in his entire life. The prettiest red curly hair he had ever seen, the prettiest... “Hey, dude, watch out, we are at the record store” said Todd, breaking him out of his daze.
“Hey Todd, that girl smiled at me, I swear she did.”
“Well dumb ass, go talk to her” said Todd
“I, well, err... umm... I wanted to see if that new Mindset Stinger 99 album was out.”
“Dude, you are hopeless,” said Todd as he shook his head and they both walked into the record store. He seemed to remember buying an album that day. He also seemed to remember never talking to that pretty girl or ever seeing that glorious smile or that shiny curly red hair ever again.
Clink. Clink. Clink.
He emptied the needles and trash in the truck and went back to where he left off. He remembered loving this town. Absolutely one hundred percent thinking this is the place, THE place he wanted to live in forever. As he looked around now everything seemed old, run down, faded. Like the place was just barely holding on to the fabric of reality. One stiff breeze might blow the whole thing down as if the town was nothing but movie set building fronts and poorly made props. Boom. Gone. Would that be such a bad thing? He wondered about that.
Clink. Clink. Clink.
Back at it now, a few old soda cans, more needles and eww a pile of something a person or maybe a large sick animal defecated onto the ground. This was turning out to be a good day already. What happened to all of this? Why didn't he finish school? Why did he take this job? Was his Mom really going to kick him out of the house?
Clink. Clink. Slush. Scrape. Eww.
He drifted back to the old mall, the old days, the old friends. He laughed when remembering one day when him and (For the love of all things was it Steve? Brian?) “My mind is shot, like I don't eat enough carrots or something. Wait, carrots are... oh boy. Fudge.” He mumbled to himself. “What is good for memory? If I could remember maybe I'd get some of it!”
That one day at the mall seemed weird. The people walking around were different. One guy had a Civil-War cap on, a denim jacket and no shirt underneath. The fellow beside him was wearing overalls and well-worn work boots. Honest to god he heard several “Yeee Haaas” yelled inside the place that day. He walked onward and saw another guy. This prime specimen of six foot six inches of big boy took the cake. He was wearing ripped up jeans, black boots and had a confederate flag draped over him like Superman wears his cape. “Super Redneck?” he thought. He laughed but quickly looked away because a fight was the last thing he needed. He started thinking he didn't fit in at the mall today and that if he said something bad about country music, Chevy pick-up trucks or chewing tobacco he would get his ass kicked. As him and his friend, (whoever the hell it was), headed towards the exit he finally saw it. A sign listing events at the Coliseum. Tonight Hank Junior was playing. That sure as shit brought them there good ole' boys down from the hills and out of the hollers.
Clink. Clink. Clink.
He tossed the last of the refuse into the back of the truck, put up his tools and took off the thick rubber gloves he had to wear (Safety Rule 11C, hazmat protection essentials) He laughed as he remembered the training videos for Blood-Born Pathogens. The one that apparently was made when the mall was still alive and kicking. The girl with the big 80's hair was yelling at her boyfriend because he didn't follow the safety rules and now they both had Hepatitis C, or B or whatever letter it was. Funny as hell video. “How could you do this to me Johnny?” the girl had yelled. Were all the guys named “Johnny” in those safety videos? It seemed that way. Wished he could remember his old friends names as good as he could remember that stupid ass video.
He sighed and drove over to the spot by the river where he had to clean next. Got out his lunch bag, pulled out his simple sandwich, drank a Yoo-Hoo chocolate drink and ate a handful of cheese crackers.
This is the life, he thought, looking around at the fading city. This is the life.
Clink. Clink. Clink.
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Connecting the Light - A Kingdom Hearts Fanzine Work
Did I tell anyone I participated in a Kingdom Hearts zine?
Last month, @destiny-islanders and @novallion organized what was probably one of the biggest Kingdom Hearts events in all Tumblr: a special zine called The Ties That Bind Us, celebrating the much anticipated release of Kingdom Hearts III. I’m happy to say that I submitted a piece, and I am finally sharing it with my followers.
For the zine, you can get the download link here.
Connecting the Light
The power to connect. Hearts that rest and take refuge in mine. That’s what they said I can do: that I have the power of connection to other people’s hearts. But will it protect my friends when they need it the most?
Sora was ready to leave Destiny Islands once again, but this time, instead of looking for his friends, he would be saving people connected to the one residing in his heart. And the owner of it, too.
Call them ‘future friends,’ as Sora liked to think of them.
After all, if they were Ven’s friends, then by extension, they were his friends too. He just hadn’t met them yet. Or, at least, that he knew of.
He stared off into the setting sun on the beach, the one that left trails of orange on the surface of the ocean. The boy listened to the waves intently, wondering when would be the next time he would hear them again. Hoping it would be these same waves he would hear again, and not the ones in the Realm of Darkness.
“Sora?” a soft voice spoke behind him.
He turned to find Kairi standing there, giving one of her bright smiles. Very appropriate for a Princess of Heart.
“I thought you guys had left already,” she said as she walked to stand beside him.
“Riku needed some extra time before we left,” Sora shrugged. “I think he’s not very sure about our next adventure.”
“Oh,” Kairi uttered, her brows furrowing. She turned to look at the sunset. “He still thinks he’s not worthy, doesn’t he?”
“I guess,” Sora sighed. But he quickly grinned. “But don’t worry. I think this test is just the thing he needs to prove how strong his heart really is.”
Kairi giggled. “Yeah. At least he will have you there to remind him…” She paused. “Sora?”
“Don’t ever let him forget it: that he is also part of the light, no matter the darkness he has fought inside him.”
Sora blinked at her. Slowly, a smile curled his lips, as he looked back at the sunset, placing his hands at the back of his head.
“Don’t worry. I won’t let him forget.”
“I thought you’d be on the gummi ship by now.”
Both Sora and Kairi turned to the new voice, only for both of them to let out sounds of surprise.
“You cut your hair,” Sora commented.
“It was getting a little long for my taste.” Riku shrugged, walking closer to his friends.
“It suits you,” Kairi giggled. “I’ve been thinking about doing the same thing.”
“It bodes well, when you’re trying to start anew,” the young man said, now standing next to the other two, lightly stroking his hair.
“Great! You’re going to pass that exam with style now.” Sora playfully punched Riku’s bicep.
The young man chuckled, right before turning his gaze to the sunset. “You really think I’ll pass, with all the darkness I let in my heart?”
Sora and Kairi exchanged looks, instantly nodding in understanding.
“What are you talking about? Of course you’ll pass!”
“You’re gonna do great!”
They spoke at the same time, both with a sense of purpose, including Sora making a fist of confidence. The reaction was so strong that Riku was startled by their enthusiastic support.
“You have us,” Kairi added.
“And King Mickey, Donald and Goofy,” Sora continued. “You’ve got plenty of friends rooting for you.”
“Right,” Riku chuckled. “My friends are my power. That’s what you said before, right?”
Sora nodded. “Right.”
The trio turned back to the light, seeing the last bit of the sun sink down the horizon. Knowing it would be a while before they got to see it together like this again. So, they cherished the moment, savoring every second of it.
“We should get going,” Riku said quietly.
“Yeah,” Sora whispered.
As the two boys turned to walk away, Kairi spoke up.
“Make sure you two come back here,” she teased, placing her hands on her hips and leaning forward.
Sora grinned. “We will.”
He then practically jumped as he placed his arms around Riku and Kairi’s shoulders. Riku got dragged down by Sora’s short stature.
“I promise that no matter what, we’ll always come back here, to this island, and hang out. Like old times. No darkness involved.”
Kairi giggled, while Riku let out a short laugh and shook his head at his always optimistic friend.
Someday, it’ll be me, Terra and Aqua. We promised we would find our way back to each other, that our wayfinders would guide us, and keep us together in our hearts.
And someday, I’ll see Xion again. And we’ll go back to that clocktower to eat that sea-salt we loved so much. And maybe this time, Axel won’t have to keep any secrets from us.
Someday, we will reconnect.
Personal A/N: I cannot even begin to describe how much this series means to me. I have been playing Kingdom Hearts since I was about 12 years old (I am about to turn 27 next month). I remember watching Disney Channel and seeing an ad for the first game, and I immediately fell in love with the idea of Disney characters mixed with anime characters.
When my sister and I got the game, we still didn’t have memory cards for our PS2. So you can imagine my frustration when I had to turn off the PS after I heard Tarzan say “Not Clayton. Hee, hoo, hoo ha ha” about 10 times.
But after getting memory cards, this was the first time I ever took the time to complete a game at it’s fullest. And for once, uncover secrets my sister never did (she was usually better at videogames than me).
It was the first time I had ever felt I had some unique achievement that no one else I knew had. That I was good at something I normally wasn’t. I remember gaping the moment I beat Sephiroth and saying “never again”, without knowing I would beat his ass again in Kingdom Hearts 2 later on. It was the one series I played over and over again, trying to get better and better with each playthrough. Even as I turned into adulthood.
Sadly, that PS2 stopped working properly over time, and I was too broke to buy any consoles, like a PSP or a NintendoDSi. So, for the longest time, I missed out on the games. From then on, everything I knew about the games came from Wikipedia.
That was, until my boyfriend (now husband) gifted me a Nintendo3DS for our 9 month anniversary, with Pokémon Y. Finally an adult with a part-time job, one of the very first games I bought for that 3DS was, of course, Kingdom Hearts 3D. I took my time playing it, but unfortunately, I was unable to finish it because one of the buttons stopped working properly. The one button one smashes the most to beat Xehanort in the end.
So when I finally saved enough money to buy a console, you bet your butt that I bought a PS4. While there were other games my husband and I were interested in (like Monster Hunter World, the remakes of Crash Bandicoot and Spyro, among other games), there was one main reason I bought it for: Kingdom Hearts.
Because I grew up with this series. Because they gave me a sense of supporting friendships. Because it was beautiful. Because it made me feel whole. Because they made me feel capable.
And when I saw PSN was selling the All-in-One Package, I didn’t need to think twice to buy it. And the second those games downloaded, I opened the very first Kingdom Hearts game, I started crying like an idiot. Because finally. I finally had them with me again. And I could finally experience some of the stories that I had only read about.
These 14 years have been an emotional roller coaster. But this last month really takes the cake. I cried so hard with the new game, from beginning to end, and I am so happy I got to see and experience it. I, personally, feel Kingdom Hearts III was so much of what I wanted it to be. I experienced so much old and new, at the same time. The added pieces of Disney were fantastic, and once again, it proved that Kingdom Hearts is so much more than just a crossover. It’s more than its gameplay and companies. It is a piece of us, that helped forge who many of us are now.
Kingdom Hearts is, and forever will be, the greatest game in my heart.
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junghelioseok · 7 years
↳ a celebration is in order.
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   ◇ jungkook x reader    ◇ smut    ◇ 1.7k [1/1]
notes: whoever decided that periods should be a thing deserves to fall off a bridge. monthly bleeding blows. if you prefer to skip the light period-related humor, feel free to start reading below the break. ^^
also, i have such major issues writing kookie in smutty scenarios. like, he’s just a baby boy in my mind and i’m not sure how this filth even came about. i’m sorry. anyway.
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It’s on a particularly lazy Saturday evening, deep blue and hazy, that you realize something wonderful. “I’m free!” you exclaim joyfully as you burst into the bedroom where your boyfriend is, drawing out the last syllable until you are short of breath. 
Jungkook is actually home for once, this weekend being one of those rare occasions where he’s both in Seoul and not at the studio with his members. Sleepy eyes crack open and he raises a brow at you from his spot on the bed where he had been dozing with his laptop beside him, the screen dark and forgotten. 
You flop down beside him unapologetically, bouncing up and down. “My period’s over, silly,” you inform him like it’s the most excellent thing in the world (which it probably is), bopping him on the nose cheerily. “Freedom at last!” 
He chuckles. “Sounds like we need to celebrate.” 
“Mm,” you hum, curling up against his side and burying your nose in the crook of his neck. One of his arms comes up to wrap around your shoulders and you sigh happily, nestling closer to the warmth of his body. “I’m just glad I can sit normally again.” 
“You know what I’m glad about?” he asks, a mischievous glint in his brown eyes. 
“Hmm?” You don’t see the wicked smirk Jungkook sends in your direction, but you certainly feel what he does next. His hand slides into the waistband of your sweatpants, finding its way to your clit. A gasp escapes you as he pinches it gently, turning into a moan as he teases your entrance with those devilish fingers. 
“I’m glad I can do this again,” he murmurs, lips brushing against your cheek. 
A breathless little laugh escapes you as he continues his ministrations. “It really must’ve been an agonizing time for you,” you joke, wriggling a little as a finger slides inside you. The sensation of being filled, combined with his thumb on your clit, sends your body into overdrive and you come undone with a gasp, collapsing back against the pillows. 
“Probably not as agonizing as it was for you,” Jungkook says as he withdraws his hand, looking very pleased with himself. 
You laugh. “Wait, are you talking about my period, or about not being able to have sex with you?” 
A grin. “Both.” 
You peck him on the cheek affectionately. “Sorry, Kookie, I like you a lot, but the last thing I want is a dick inside me when there’s blood coming out of my hoo-ha. Nothing personal.” 
“That’s fine,” he replies with an amused smile. “I’m starving. Want to order pizza?” 
“Sounds good to me. You know what we can do while we’re waiting for it to get here?” 
The wicked little grin he sends your way tells you that he knows exactly what you have in mind. 
Jungkook is finding it very difficult to concentrate on ordering dinner with your lips wrapped around his cock. It’s all he can do to keep his voice even as he speaks on the phone, silently cursing the technical difficulties that have rendered his favorite pizza place’s online ordering system useless. “Hi, I’d like to place an order for delivery?” 
You swirl your tongue around him gently, smirking when he hisses through his teeth. 
“Yesss, ah—c-could I get one medium sausage pizza with a side…” Jungkook trails off when he feels your mouth tighten around him, breath catching in his throat. “…side of breadsticks,” he grits out. 
Your tongue traces the vein running along the underside of his erection, tantalizingly slow. Jungkook struggles to focus on the voice on the other side of the line, barely processing what he’s being asked. 
“Sure. The address is…” He barely manages to string the numbers and street name together. Between his legs, you begin a leisurely bobbing rhythm, intent on driving him to the edge. “Yes. That’s all. Thanks, bye.” He ends the call as quickly as he can, dropping his phone and throwing his head back against the pillows as you increase your pace. Your fingers twist in the material of his pants, pushed down just enough to allow his cock to spring free. 
Just as he’s about to come undone, you suddenly pull away, regarding him with a wicked little smirk. “I’m impressed that you remembered your manners there, Jungkook,” you tease, rubbing circles into his thighs. 
He lets out a surprised huff, frustration lacing his voice. “That’s what you’re choosing to pay attention to right now?” 
You adopt a look of feigned innocence, as if your lips aren’t still slick with saliva and arousal. “Oh? Is there something more pressing that I should be attending to?” Ever so slowly, your hands inch closer to his erection, savoring the way his muscles tense underneath your fingertips. Carefully, you straddle his lap, hands coming to grip his shoulders as you grind down on him. 
Jungkook shakes his head and releases a breathless laugh, one hand resting on the small of your back as the other tilts your chin toward him, bringing you into a kiss. His languid tongue tangles with yours, and you can’t help the moan that escapes you. “Don’t you think you’re teasing me too much?” he murmurs, pulling away momentarily, his warm breath fanning your cheeks. “I already let you come once.” 
“That’s true,” you admit, trailing a hand through his hair lazily before planting a light kiss on his waiting mouth. “You’re always so good to me, Jungkookie.” 
He flashes you a little grin, the one that always reminds you of a rabbit. “So you’ll stop teasing me?” he questions, hands sliding down to your waist and toying with the hem of your shirt. 
You hum agreeably, trailing your lips along his jawline. “Mm. But you better take off your clothes before I change my mind.” 
“You first?” he requests boldly, and you grin, allowing him to tug your shirt up and off. 
“I suppose.” 
Jungkook makes quick work of your sweatpants as well, sliding them off your legs and tossing them to the ground. Before he can reach around to take off your bra, however, you stop him. 
“Later,” you say shortly, guiding his hands to his own shirt. Obediently, he pulls it off, revealing the hard, toned expanse of his chest and abs. You smooth your hands down his torso, reveling in the way his muscles twitch underneath your touch. Reaching the waistband of his jeans, still bunched up around his hips, you breathe, “Let’s get these off, too.” 
“Your wish is my command,” he murmurs, letting them slide off and onto the floor, leaving him bare underneath you. No matter how many times you see him like this, you aren’t sure you’ll ever grow used to the sight—tousled hair and flushed cheeks, his body pliant and ready. Your core aches at the sight. 
Your boyfriend seems to sense your body’s reaction to him, for his hands are on you again, unhooking your bra and peeling your damp panties away from your skin. “God, Jungkook…” 
“Yes, {Name}?” he asks, blinking innocently up at you. 
You don’t answer. Instead, you rock your hips sharply against him, pinning his cock between your swollen sex and his stomach, sliding wetly against the hard shaft in long, sensual drags. He lets out a strangled groan, fingers coming up to curl around your hips as you continue riding him, splaying your hands on his chest to maintain your balance. The pressure is beginning to build in the pit of your stomach, coiling like a spring. 
“I want to be inside you,” Jungkook rasps lowly, his heavy gaze fixed on the way you’re moving above him. He’s rolling his hips in time with you now, and with every stroke, the flared head of his length slides against your clit. You’re already sensitive from the first orgasm Jungkook gave you, and that, combined with his sinful declaration, is enough to make you weak in the knees. 
“God, yes. I want you inside me too,” you breathe, moaning as your core clenches around nothing, your body aching for release. The words have hardly left your mouth, when Jungkook is suddenly tilting you forward into his chest, his cock sliding inside and filling you to the brim. A choked moan escapes your lips at the sudden surge of fullness, and Jungkook can only groan harshly in response as you seize around him, mumbling half-coherent, fragmented praises about how good he feels. 
Your thighs are quivering now, unable to support your full weight as you grind against him. Jungkook seems to sense this, for his fingers tighten around the curve of your hips, holding you up as he begins rolling up fervently to meet you, lips parting with another low groan. 
“Kookie, kiss me,” you gasp out, fingers tangling in the soft hair at the nape of his neck. 
He does. His lips crash against yours, all tongue and teeth and fire, swallowing down your moans and cries. Every push of his hips drives you closer to the edge, the hot, full weight of him dragging inside you setting your nerve endings alight. Your body trembles—tenses—and then you’re coming, clenching in spasms around Jungkook’s cock. His hips stutter slightly at the tightness, but he is persistent, relentlessly drawing out every bit of white-hot pleasure from you. 
You can no longer hold yourself up, folding over in exhaustion as Jungkook’s pace becomes sporadic, the wet draw of your body driving him to his own sweet release. Warmth floods you, and it’s all you can do to rock against him languorously, milking him for all he’s worth. He chants your name as he comes down from his high, dark eyes opening tiredly to regard you with satisfaction. 
“Ah, we really should do that more often.” 
Laughter bubbles up in your chest as you nestle against his sweaty, spent body. “It’s been less than a week since we last had sex,” you tell him pointedly. 
“That’s too long,” he responds immediately, giving you an impish grin. 
You open your mouth, about to retort, when there’s a loud knock at the door. “Go get the pizza,” you say instead, arching your back and stretching languidly underneath Jungkook’s heavy gaze. “Round two can commence after dinner.” 
You’re pretty sure you’ve never seen Jungkook move more quickly in your entire life.
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janetgannon · 7 years
Falling in love with Alaska all over again
The wind was up and lunch was on the stovetop when I hoisted Yahtzee’s mainsail outside of the tiny cove and community of Meyers Chuck in Southeast Alaska. Whitecaps crested the wave tops and when I looked south and saw a long line of rain enveloping tall, snow-capped mountains in the distance, I knew more wind was coming.
Accordingly, I tucked a single reef in the main and after turning north and easing the sail out, Yahtzee gathered speed and shot forward with a rush. The real wind came shortly after I finished my lunch, and with it came a drizzle that turned into a steady rain. Soon, the seas in Clarence Strait were whipped into a frenzy and Porter and I shared “Whoo-Hoos!” while surging down the waves.
The hop up Clarance Strait from Meyers Chuck to Coffman Cove.
With a favorable current, and breeze that eventually topped out in the high 30s and low 40s, we zoomed north at a brisk pace and even hit 14 knots on one big surf. Our destination hadn’t been determined when we left but by late afternoon a safe harbor was on the mind and we ducked into Coffman Cove on Prince of Wales Island. Except for what we’d read in the cruising guide, we knew virtually nothing of the place and were surprised to find a near empty marina sitting in front of a quaint Alaskan town.
Finding True Alaska
It’s days later now and I’m still smiling about the whole experience. Yes, the sailing has remained awesome since arriving in Alaska, but our time here has become more about the places and people along the way — about slowing down and connecting with the wilderness and communities that are inextricably woven within it.
We weren’t in a rush to reach Alaska, but by the time we got here we’d put in a fair amount of miles and decided it was time to take it easy and soak in a destination we’d dreamed of. When we bought Yahtzee five years ago, sailing to Alaska was a goal. A dream. We didn’t know when it would happen, how long it would take or what the actual route even looked like, we just knew we’d get there. Being that we’re not the type of sailors to sit at the dock and ramble on about fixing our boat and half-baked aspirations for what we’d do with it, we chipped away at the dream and made it happen. And here we are.
Flying our Alaska state flag from Yahtzee’s rig with pride.
For boaters, reaching Alaska from Washington via the Inside Passage can be daunting. It’s far. And at times, it’s not easy. While cruisers make the trek north every year, sometimes over and over again for many years, many leave the Pacific Northwest and turn left to head south without ever seeing Alaska, which is an absolute shame.
For the crew of Yahtzee, though, the voyage has been more than just a trip north. We did it in an unconventional way and are making the experience all our own. There aren’t many other northbound boaters around, the recreational fishing crowd has yet to arrive and cruise ship season is in its infancy, so we’re basking in what it means to be here early — enjoying spring southerly winds, open wilderness and meeting hearty locals who are getting their first taste of visitors after a long winter. 
Mountain views fill the horizon everywhere we go.
For Jill, Alaska is her home state, which means that being here amongst its mountains, trees, water and residents is a homecoming. Born and raised in “The Last Frontier” by adventurous parents that drove across the United States and Canada in a converted school bus in the mid 1970s, built a house with their bare hands and then raised two children is about as Alaskan as you can get. Throw in the fact that their family staked claims on a gold mine in the Alaska Range north of Denali National Park, which her brother still has, and we’re talking full on Alaska pride. And if one thing is certain, it’s that Alaska is a VERY prideful state.
One happy Alaskan.
For good reason. Few people live in this humongous state and even fewer are born and raised here. It is a place that is truly like no other and the residents who call it home are equally unique. From the moment we tied to the dock in Ketchikan to clear customs we’ve been welcomed with open arms by nearly everyone we’ve come in contact with. This reception was most evident at our stop in Coffman Cove. It was pouring buckets and blowing a hooley when we happened into the harbor and from the moment we stepped foot across the road from the marina we were treated like family.
Literally, a sweet couple and their endearing neighbor encouraged us to come in, dry off and share laughter and tales of how we’d arrived here. It didn’t matter that we were wearing sodden foul weather gear, the four of us were invited in for fresh chocolate chip cookies and tall glasses of milk. It was like a dream.
After exchanging stories and hugs with our new friends Dick, Deb and Dawn — the later of which cruised around the world on a sailboat in the 80s — we moved on for a walk down “main street.” Clearly the new people in this town of 120 residents, our family was embraced by everyone we met and the boys were like little magnets of energy.
Porter, Dick and I hanging on Dick and Debbie’s porch.
Over the next two days, passing motorists stopped to introduce themselves and ask if we needed anything. We were welcome to help ourselves to lettuce from the school’s greenhouse, and bikes were loaned to Porter and Magnus by the school’s teacher. I shared more laughs and stories over beers while paying for our moorage at the town’s only bar. And when Jill and the boys savored story time at the library, I got a bunch of work done on the town’s coveted WiFi hotspot.
Porter and Magnus playing at the town’s basketball court.
But it was our friends Dick, Deb and Dawn who made the stop a real treat. Kindred spirits who’d lived lives of adventure as sailors, fisherman and outdoors people, they are the real Alaska. Their generosity in sharing all the amenities of their homes, tips on the area and more than anything, warm smiles and genuine attitudes, was immensely rewarding and appreciated.
Dawn, Magnus, Porter and Jill saying “Until next time!”.
THIS! This is Alaska. I love it. I can see why Jill’s parents loved it.
And it’s no wonder I fell madly in love with an Alaskan.
Read More Here ….
The post Falling in love with Alaska all over again appeared first on YachtAweigh.
from http://yachtaweigh.com/falling-in-love-with-alaska-all-over-again/ from https://yachtaweigh.tumblr.com/post/160488826371
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jeantparks · 7 years
Falling in love with Alaska all over again
The wind was up and lunch was on the stovetop when I hoisted Yahtzee’s mainsail outside of the tiny cove and community of Meyers Chuck in Southeast Alaska. Whitecaps crested the wave tops and when I looked south and saw a long line of rain enveloping tall, snow-capped mountains in the distance, I knew more wind was coming.
Accordingly, I tucked a single reef in the main and after turning north and easing the sail out, Yahtzee gathered speed and shot forward with a rush. The real wind came shortly after I finished my lunch, and with it came a drizzle that turned into a steady rain. Soon, the seas in Clarence Strait were whipped into a frenzy and Porter and I shared “Whoo-Hoos!” while surging down the waves.
The hop up Clarance Strait from Meyers Chuck to Coffman Cove.
With a favorable current, and breeze that eventually topped out in the high 30s and low 40s, we zoomed north at a brisk pace and even hit 14 knots on one big surf. Our destination hadn’t been determined when we left but by late afternoon a safe harbor was on the mind and we ducked into Coffman Cove on Prince of Wales Island. Except for what we’d read in the cruising guide, we knew virtually nothing of the place and were surprised to find a near empty marina sitting in front of a quaint Alaskan town.
Finding True Alaska
It’s days later now and I’m still smiling about the whole experience. Yes, the sailing has remained awesome since arriving in Alaska, but our time here has become more about the places and people along the way — about slowing down and connecting with the wilderness and communities that are inextricably woven within it.
We weren’t in a rush to reach Alaska, but by the time we got here we’d put in a fair amount of miles and decided it was time to take it easy and soak in a destination we’d dreamed of. When we bought Yahtzee five years ago, sailing to Alaska was a goal. A dream. We didn’t know when it would happen, how long it would take or what the actual route even looked like, we just knew we’d get there. Being that we’re not the type of sailors to sit at the dock and ramble on about fixing our boat and half-baked aspirations for what we’d do with it, we chipped away at the dream and made it happen. And here we are.
Flying our Alaska state flag from Yahtzee’s rig with pride.
For boaters, reaching Alaska from Washington via the Inside Passage can be daunting. It’s far. And at times, it’s not easy. While cruisers make the trek north every year, sometimes over and over again for many years, many leave the Pacific Northwest and turn left to head south without ever seeing Alaska, which is an absolute shame.
For the crew of Yahtzee, though, the voyage has been more than just a trip north. We did it in an unconventional way and are making the experience all our own. There aren’t many other northbound boaters around, the recreational fishing crowd has yet to arrive and cruise ship season is in its infancy, so we’re basking in what it means to be here early — enjoying spring southerly winds, open wilderness and meeting hearty locals who are getting their first taste of visitors after a long winter. 
Mountain views fill the horizon everywhere we go.
For Jill, Alaska is her home state, which means that being here amongst its mountains, trees, water and residents is a homecoming. Born and raised in “The Last Frontier” by adventurous parents that drove across the United States and Canada in a converted school bus in the mid 1970s, built a house with their bare hands and then raised two children is about as Alaskan as you can get. Throw in the fact that their family staked claims on a gold mine in the Alaska Range north of Denali National Park, which her brother still has, and we’re talking full on Alaska pride. And if one thing is certain, it’s that Alaska is a VERY prideful state.
One happy Alaskan.
For good reason. Few people live in this humongous state and even fewer are born and raised here. It is a place that is truly like no other and the residents who call it home are equally unique. From the moment we tied to the dock in Ketchikan to clear customs we’ve been welcomed with open arms by nearly everyone we’ve come in contact with. This reception was most evident at our stop in Coffman Cove. It was pouring buckets and blowing a hooley when we happened into the harbor and from the moment we stepped foot across the road from the marina we were treated like family.
Literally, a sweet couple and their endearing neighbor encouraged us to come in, dry off and share laughter and tales of how we’d arrived here. It didn’t matter that we were wearing sodden foul weather gear, the four of us were invited in for fresh chocolate chip cookies and tall glasses of milk. It was like a dream.
After exchanging stories and hugs with our new friends Dick, Deb and Dawn — the later of which cruised around the world on a sailboat in the 80s — we moved on for a walk down “main street.” Clearly the new people in this town of 120 residents, our family was embraced by everyone we met and the boys were like little magnets of energy.
Porter, Dick and I hanging on Dick and Debbie’s porch.
Over the next two days, passing motorists stopped to introduce themselves and ask if we needed anything. We were welcome to help ourselves to lettuce from the school’s greenhouse, and bikes were loaned to Porter and Magnus by the school’s teacher. I shared more laughs and stories over beers while paying for our moorage at the town’s only bar. And when Jill and the boys savored story time at the library, I got a bunch of work done on the town’s coveted WiFi hotspot.
Porter and Magnus playing at the town’s basketball court.
But it was our friends Dick, Deb and Dawn who made the stop a real treat. Kindred spirits who’d lived lives of adventure as sailors, fisherman and outdoors people, they are the real Alaska. Their generosity in sharing all the amenities of their homes, tips on the area and more than anything, warm smiles and genuine attitudes, was immensely rewarding and appreciated.
Dawn, Magnus, Porter and Jill saying “Until next time!”.
THIS! This is Alaska. I love it. I can see why Jill’s parents loved it.
And it’s no wonder I fell madly in love with an Alaskan.
Read More Here ….
The post Falling in love with Alaska all over again appeared first on YachtAweigh.
source http://yachtaweigh.com/falling-in-love-with-alaska-all-over-again/ from http://yatchaweigh.blogspot.com/2017/05/falling-in-love-with-alaska-all-over.html
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yachtaweigh · 7 years
Falling in love with Alaska all over again
The wind was up and lunch was on the stovetop when I hoisted Yahtzee’s mainsail outside of the tiny cove and community of Meyers Chuck in Southeast Alaska. Whitecaps crested the wave tops and when I looked south and saw a long line of rain enveloping tall, snow-capped mountains in the distance, I knew more wind was coming.
Accordingly, I tucked a single reef in the main and after turning north and easing the sail out, Yahtzee gathered speed and shot forward with a rush. The real wind came shortly after I finished my lunch, and with it came a drizzle that turned into a steady rain. Soon, the seas in Clarence Strait were whipped into a frenzy and Porter and I shared “Whoo-Hoos!” while surging down the waves.
The hop up Clarance Strait from Meyers Chuck to Coffman Cove.
With a favorable current, and breeze that eventually topped out in the high 30s and low 40s, we zoomed north at a brisk pace and even hit 14 knots on one big surf. Our destination hadn’t been determined when we left but by late afternoon a safe harbor was on the mind and we ducked into Coffman Cove on Prince of Wales Island. Except for what we’d read in the cruising guide, we knew virtually nothing of the place and were surprised to find a near empty marina sitting in front of a quaint Alaskan town.
Finding True Alaska
It’s days later now and I’m still smiling about the whole experience. Yes, the sailing has remained awesome since arriving in Alaska, but our time here has become more about the places and people along the way — about slowing down and connecting with the wilderness and communities that are inextricably woven within it.
We weren’t in a rush to reach Alaska, but by the time we got here we’d put in a fair amount of miles and decided it was time to take it easy and soak in a destination we’d dreamed of. When we bought Yahtzee five years ago, sailing to Alaska was a goal. A dream. We didn’t know when it would happen, how long it would take or what the actual route even looked like, we just knew we’d get there. Being that we’re not the type of sailors to sit at the dock and ramble on about fixing our boat and half-baked aspirations for what we’d do with it, we chipped away at the dream and made it happen. And here we are.
Flying our Alaska state flag from Yahtzee’s rig with pride.
For boaters, reaching Alaska from Washington via the Inside Passage can be daunting. It’s far. And at times, it’s not easy. While cruisers make the trek north every year, sometimes over and over again for many years, many leave the Pacific Northwest and turn left to head south without ever seeing Alaska, which is an absolute shame.
For the crew of Yahtzee, though, the voyage has been more than just a trip north. We did it in an unconventional way and are making the experience all our own. There aren’t many other northbound boaters around, the recreational fishing crowd has yet to arrive and cruise ship season is in its infancy, so we’re basking in what it means to be here early — enjoying spring southerly winds, open wilderness and meeting hearty locals who are getting their first taste of visitors after a long winter. 
Mountain views fill the horizon everywhere we go.
For Jill, Alaska is her home state, which means that being here amongst its mountains, trees, water and residents is a homecoming. Born and raised in “The Last Frontier” by adventurous parents that drove across the United States and Canada in a converted school bus in the mid 1970s, built a house with their bare hands and then raised two children is about as Alaskan as you can get. Throw in the fact that their family staked claims on a gold mine in the Alaska Range north of Denali National Park, which her brother still has, and we’re talking full on Alaska pride. And if one thing is certain, it’s that Alaska is a VERY prideful state.
One happy Alaskan.
For good reason. Few people live in this humongous state and even fewer are born and raised here. It is a place that is truly like no other and the residents who call it home are equally unique. From the moment we tied to the dock in Ketchikan to clear customs we’ve been welcomed with open arms by nearly everyone we’ve come in contact with. This reception was most evident at our stop in Coffman Cove. It was pouring buckets and blowing a hooley when we happened into the harbor and from the moment we stepped foot across the road from the marina we were treated like family.
Literally, a sweet couple and their endearing neighbor encouraged us to come in, dry off and share laughter and tales of how we’d arrived here. It didn’t matter that we were wearing sodden foul weather gear, the four of us were invited in for fresh chocolate chip cookies and tall glasses of milk. It was like a dream.
After exchanging stories and hugs with our new friends Dick, Deb and Dawn — the later of which cruised around the world on a sailboat in the 80s — we moved on for a walk down “main street.” Clearly the new people in this town of 120 residents, our family was embraced by everyone we met and the boys were like little magnets of energy.
Porter, Dick and I hanging on Dick and Debbie’s porch.
Over the next two days, passing motorists stopped to introduce themselves and ask if we needed anything. We were welcome to help ourselves to lettuce from the school’s greenhouse, and bikes were loaned to Porter and Magnus by the school’s teacher. I shared more laughs and stories over beers while paying for our moorage at the town’s only bar. And when Jill and the boys savored story time at the library, I got a bunch of work done on the town’s coveted WiFi hotspot.
Porter and Magnus playing at the town’s basketball court.
But it was our friends Dick, Deb and Dawn who made the stop a real treat. Kindred spirits who’d lived lives of adventure as sailors, fisherman and outdoors people, they are the real Alaska. Their generosity in sharing all the amenities of their homes, tips on the area and more than anything, warm smiles and genuine attitudes, was immensely rewarding and appreciated.
Dawn, Magnus, Porter and Jill saying “Until next time!”.
THIS! This is Alaska. I love it. I can see why Jill’s parents loved it.
And it’s no wonder I fell madly in love with an Alaskan.
Read More Here ….
The post Falling in love with Alaska all over again appeared first on YachtAweigh.
from http://yachtaweigh.com/falling-in-love-with-alaska-all-over-again/
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