#and then the walls come crashing down and THIS IS WHAT LED ANAKIN OFF THE PATH OF THE JEDI
fives-lover · 9 months
Chapter 8: Rebels
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Ari marched herself to the bridge, stopping behind Anakin as a call with other Jedi ended. “Permission to join Generals Kenobi and Windu on the ground, sir?”
“Ye- wait, what? Why?” he turned around, studying her.
“Those are my people down there. I will not sit around up here and do absolutely nothing about it when they’re down there starving or dying if they're not already being captured to become worthless slaves. I know what those sleemos do to my people once they’ve been ‘bought’.” She stared at the dusty planet below, trailing the large cracked lines along the desert surface.
“Ari, come walk with me.”
“Yes, sir.”
They left the bridge before more nosy men around them began listening, wandering for several minutes. She wasn’t sure what to do with herself as the silence crept on, feeling heavier with each step. Finally, Anakin stopped and broke the silence, “Ari?”
“Yes, sir?”
“Relax.” She took a breath and went back to her usual posture, not realizing how stiff she actually was. “I know how much your people mean to you, even if you haven’t met any of them before, since you grew up on Coruscant. I sense there’s more going on than that though. What’s on your mind?” He leaned back against the wall and crossed his arms, patiently waiting for an answer.
“I don’t even need to use the Force to see that there’s something bothering you.”
Ari scrunched her eyebrows in confusion, “Sir, I simply want to be there for my people, I’m sure you or Ahsoka would do the same. I can't just abandon them and leave them to fend for themselves without at least trying to help.”
He huffed out a small chuckle, “Ahsoka would for hers. Me, probably not. But this isn’t about us.” Anakin looked around, thinking. “Alright, I’ll let you go down there. Master Windu would be the best bet if you want to help find the rebels he’s been looking for. Promise me something first.”
“Thank you, sir. Anything. What do I need to do?”
“Promise me that you won’t let your emotions get in the way of your mission.”
“Yes, sir.” Ari turned and quickened her pace, going straight for somewhere to grab a medic pack and a blaster.
Ari stepped off the ship, immediately blinded by the sweltering sun above her, as Mace Windu greeted her. They were there to enlist the help of Cham Syndulla and his band of rebels. She didn’t know what to expect, but she knew she’d have to trust the men around her – even if she’d just met them.
“General Windu, where are we going to even start looking?” Ari asked, still not entirely sure how they were going to be able to track her people down.
He stopped short and knelt on the ground, running his fingers through a patch of indented dirt. “We’ve been looking for them this entire time, Lieutenant. I don’t believe we will be needing to anymore soon.” He looked up as the group of troopers watched the surrounding area when they weren’t staring at the multitude of gravestones in front of them and pointed toward a piece of a crashed ship. “The people fighting here ride creatures native to this region. These tracks are fresh and heading down there. They can’t be far.”
“Sir, are you referring to the blurrgs?”
“Yes, Lieutenant. Why do you ask?”
“I’ve read that those creatures can be very fast. They could be further away than you think.” Ari looked back down to the tracks, following the direction they led with her eyes as she scanned the area they would be heading for any signs of the rebels.
“Yes. They can be quite fast, which means we will need to keep moving and follow this trail quickly.”  Mace nodded and continued walking.
The group made it down to the ship wreckage and hid for cover as a droid patrol group started going by. The clones around her got antsier as they got closer, but Mace waved them down. Ari wasn’t sure why he didn’t take the droids out. She could only come up with a couple of explanations when one of the men asked why they didn’t shoot. Mace was correct in his feeling that the rebels would take them out anyway and that they weren’t going to be needing to look for them anymore as a group of Twi’leks quickly surrounded them, some were on blurrgs while others weren’t.
Ari had a blaster in her face as Mace calmly attempted negotiations with the surrounding group. She did her best to control her breathing so she wouldn’t panic.
How the hell can Rasha do this shit every day and be fine?!
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solasan · 2 years
thinkin bout sobi first kiss drama no one look at me
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the-last-kenobi · 3 years
I love your writing so much!! If you’re still taking requests, could you do 9 with Obi-Wan and Anakin?
Thank you!! <3 And of course! I hope you enjoy.
From this various prompts list.
Set after The Wrong Jedi arc. And it’s way... way longer than I meant it to be. Whoops. I told myself, make this one short. Actually a prompt fill. And then I laughed at myself and wrote a fic and I don’t know exactly how long it is because I was too scared to look at the word count.
I tagged it as long post so I hope those of you who aren’t in the mood for my rambling bs are as to skip it!
I will add a reading cut when I get my hands on a laptop.
When Skywalker stormed into the training bay, his fists clenched by his sides, troopers scattered out of his way like silver-fish before a Bloodfin.
Even without Force-sensitivity, it was impossible to miss the potent fury rolling off the young General in waves, almost visible on the air, scalding anyone who got too near. His eyes glided right over the Clones, however, and fixed on a single figure standing alone on a mat, performing a slow exercise.
Anakin strode over to the edge of the mat and stamped his foot on the edge, twisting it a few inches just as the other man’s foot came back down from a stretch. He slipped. At the last second he caught himself, turning on the spot to regain his balance.
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan spoke calmly, as if nothing had just happened. As if his friend wasn’t glaring at him with rage and disdain.
“A duel,” said Anakin, in a tone that brokered no argument.
General Kenobi’s face tightened slightly. But he nodded graciously and summoned his lightsaber to his hands, drawing backwards towards the opposite wall and raising his blue blade in a low Soresu opening.
Skywalker waited only half a second before launching himself at the other man in a blur of blue light and red-hot anger.
Cody, watching from the wall, clasped his hands behind his back as he watched the two Jedi spar at bewildering speeds.
Dizzying swirls of colliding blue light. Last-moment maneuvers, a blade hot as a sun missing moving limbs by inches. Skywalker always on the offensive. Kenobi always giving ground.
Obi-Wan’s eyes widened slightly as his entire body trembled under the weight of a blow that could have removed his head from his shoulders had he not blocked it; his own serenity seemed to shrink in the face of Anakin’s fire and desperation.
There was a blur of motion, and Skywalker stood triumphant as Kenobi crashed to the floor with the younger man’s saber an inch from his chest.
Obi-Wan stared up at his friend. “Solah,” he whispered.
For a moment more, the scene hung suspended. The lightsaber burning close, too close, to Obi-Wan’s vulnerable body, Anakin looming over him with anger in his eyes.
Then Anakin turned and stalked out of the room, leaving his former Master on the floor with a faint scorch mark on his pale tunics.
“Sir.” Cody strode over to his General immediately and helped him to his feet, watching him wince, feeling a surge of helpless anger at the nagging realization that he had never anticipated a time when his General would be hurting because of Skywalker. “Sir.”
“Cody,” the Jedi said wearily. “I need to get up to the bridge.”
“You need to see Hoop,” said Cody, referring to the 212th’s medic.
Obi-Wan shook his head. “No. We’re still two days out through hyperspace and we need to find a way to make contact with the ground troops on Ryloth before we go barging in.”
Cody clenched his jaw but assented, knowing that there was no dissuading his General, not now. He had just one more thing to say.
“General.” He waited until Kenobi looked at him. “You threw that fight.”
Obi-Wan inhaled slowly, a look of what his Commander recognized as pain — grief — flickering behind his blue eyes. “Anakin needed the win,” he said quietly.
The second time Anakin Skywalker stormed into the training bay, everyone moved aside to watch even before Obi-Wan had turned around to greet his former apprentice.
Men from the 501st and the 212th, thrown together on this joint mission as if to both aggravate and soothe the hurt of Ahsoka’s departure, stood side by side and watched as their Generals flung themselves into the fight as if lives depended on it.
As Kenobi let Skywalker take the offensive. As he let Skywalker come to the edge of victory again and again and then held him off at the last second.
As Anakin’s rage grew, as he began to resent Obi-Wan for dragging the battle out and denying Anakin the victory he craved and deserved. Holding him back as always.
As for the second time Kenobi threw the fight in a way that Anakin didn’t notice.
Letting him walk off with his rage dispersed for awhile, the relieved and triumphant victor, while the bruised and shaken loser climbed to his feet and went back to work with an air of gravity around him. As if Obi-Wan had absorbed the weight of his friend’s anger and carried it like a shroud.
Maybe he did.
The third time Anakin confronted Obi-Wan, he won by punching Obi-Wan in the face.
The fourth time Anakin confronted Obi-Wan, he won by burning his leg from hip to ankle.
The sixth time Anakin confronted Obi-Wan, he won by pressing his foot down on the other man’s throat almost to the point of unconsciousness.
The eighth time, he won by knocking Obi-Wan’s lightsaber from his hands and driving him back against a wall with his own saber at Obi-Wan’s neck.
“You have to stop,” Hoop said.
Obi-Wan shook his head. “He... needs this.” A hiss escaped his lips as the medic dabbed bacta along the abrasion above his eye, the bacta he had tried to say he didn’t need.
“He needs a therapist and an ass kicking,” retorted Hoop, disregarding standard respect. He didn’t care about protocol in general, and certainly not when his General turned up every other day — usually dragged in by Cody — with bruises and cuts and strained muscles.
Obi-Wan only shook his head again.
Cody, Rex, Hoop, and many of the others had hoped that the battles on Ryloth would serve as a good outlet for General Skywalker.
They did.
But it wasn’t enough.
Fighting what felt like a futile war for the planet’s freedom, being back on Ryloth yet again, and the gaping hole in the 501st where Ahsoka had once stood only seemed to drive Skywalker’s pain upwards. And for Anakin, all emotions led to rage, eventually.
He could not stand the depths of his emotions, the dark days, the low times. If he was not happy, he chose rage over sorrow.
And there was so much sorrow.
There was a two-day reprieve after the campaign on Ryloth. Temporary victory had been purchased yet again with the blood of the natives and the GAR, and the 501st and 212th departed for another campaign halfway across the galaxy at once.
And for two days there was time to rest and think.
And then Anakin stalked into the training bay again. Not finding Obi-Wan, he waited for him, and as soon as the older Jedi entered the room, raised his lightsaber in an Ataru salute.
The thirteenth time Anakin challenged Obi-Wan, they dueled for over three hours, and both fell exhausted to the ground.
The nineteenth time, Anakin left Obi-Wan with a leg broken in two places. Cody had to physically restrain Hoop — and himself, frankly — from jumping General Skywalker and throttling him.
The twenty-eighth time, Obi-Wan’s guard slipped, and Anakin’s saber drove straight through Obi-Wan’s thigh. A mirror image of the wound Dooku had inflicted on his other leg, a lifetime ago it seemed, back when they had been on the same side.
Were they still?
Anakin’s face had dropped with shock at the injury, and before any of the men could react, he had picked Obi-Wan up in his arms and rushed him to the med bay.
And then the Council called to speak with Kenobi privately, and Anakin’s rage and hurt against them for their role in handing his Padawan over to the authorities rose up again like a serpent reading to strike.
The thirtieth time Anakin challenged Obi-Wan, he fought with his left hand, as if taunting his Master that he was still superior.
The thirty-sixth time Anakin challenged Obi-Wan, the older Jedi fought back, taking the offensive just long enough that it seemed he would be victorious — and then something in Anakin’s face broke. Grief and dismay were revealed in the cracks of his wrath, and Obi-Wan retreated again, and then fell.
The fortieth time Anakin challenged Obi-Wan, he was met with silence.
Anakin stared, his saber already lit in his hands, as Obi-Wan stood up slowly from where he had been meditating.
He dragged himself to his feet like a man on the verge of collapse, but he was as irritatingly graceful as ever, composed, serene. Anakin’s hands tightened on his weapon.
“Well?” he prompted.
Obi-Wan said nothing.
He looked down at the floor, and some of his burnished, ruddy hair fell over his eyes, concealing his face from view. Anakin waited impatiently. A strange feeling rose inside him, something nauseous and uncertain, and he did not want to know what it was.
“Well?” he demanded more aggressively.
Obi-Wan swallowed hard and looked up at him.
And Anakin was struck by how small his Master looked.
Shorter than him by a few inches, yes, but somehow that larger-than-life quality that hung about the man had fallen away. He looked tired. Beaten, humbled, hurt — like a child, like a man driven to the edge and then over it without anyone pausing to take notice of his fall.
His blue eyes were shattered by unshed tears.
Anakin recoiled.
“I can’t,” Obi-Wan croaked. His voice was tight as a wire, strained with the effort of holding back tears. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Anakin. I... I’m too tired to be your emotional punching bag today.”
“Obi-Wan—” said Anakin, not even knowing what he was going to say, and stopped there.
“I’m sorry,” Obi-Wan repeated. And he sounded it. Looked it. Was dripping remorse into the air like a sky about to storm. “Please. If this is what you need, I can keep doing it, but I just need today. I need a day to breathe. And — and if you’re —”
A tear trickled down over one cheek and into his beard. Then another.
Anakin was watching with his expression frozen between anger and shock.
Cody leaned forward as if about to spring. Rex’s hand settled on his shoulder.
“If you just need more time, I’ll give it to you,” Obi-Wan whispered. “But if you’re angry enough to strike me down unarmed... do it. I don’t — I don’t want — I can’t —”
Cody jolted under Rex’s grip.
And still, Anakin’s saber blazed in his hands, casting Obi-Wan in blue light, reflected in his shining eyes.
“I can’t,” Obi-Wan said helplessly.
Anakin hesitated.
Conflicting emotions ran across his face one after the other, grief chasing pain chasing anger chasing despair chasing rage, like shadows passing over deeper waters.
He raised his saber a little higher.
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stolen-pen-name23 · 3 years
Hi Katie!! Congrats on the one year of writing🥰!! Can I request a number 28 with Padme and Obi-wan? Maybe he ended up on Naboo somehow after an awful mission and she was there to make sure he was okay?
Hello hello, my friend and thank you!! prompt fill from these prompts//prompts now closed
In what I'm sure will be very surprising to you all, what I intended as a 500-word fic turned into 2.6k, so I've posted it on Ao3, but the whole thing can be read below the cut!
Read on Ao3
Here ya go!
“I’m really sorry to ask this of you, but I quite literally need a place to crash.”
Padmé took in the blue, glowing form of her husband’s master and sighed. “Well, if you’re going to crash anywhere, Master Kenobi, I suppose I would rather it be here.”
“Thank you, Senator Amidala,” Obi-Wan said cordially. “It will be a controlled crash, I assure you. Really more like a bumpy landing than anything. I’ll keep it on the runway. All will be well.”
“Right,” Padmé sighed. “I’ll have firefighter droids on standby.”
“It is good to be cautious I suppose,” Obi-Wan admitted. He turned to the side and coughed into his elbow.
“Are you alright?” Padmé asked, concerned.
“Never better.”
Padmé narrowed her eyes at him, but his face remained impassive as always.
“Well then, I guess I’ll see you sooner rather than later.”
“I’ll see you soon, Senator,” Obi-Wan said before he shut off the line of communication.
Padmé’s lips tightened into a thin line as she worried over the Jedi that was about to fall at her feet.
“See you soon,” Padmé said to an empty room.
He’ll be fine. He’s Obi-Wan. He’s always fine.
And he was fine.
The ship crash-landed, but as far as crash landings go, his went pretty smooth.
Padmé met him at the wreckage of his ship.
“Always a pleasure to see you, Senator,” Obi-Wan greeted cordially as he crawled out of the smoldering remains of his starfighter. Grease was streaked on his forehead just over his eye and his cheeks were flushed.
“Are you quite alright, Master Kenobi?”
“Yes, though losing my only means of transportation is not my ideal situation.”
“You are welcome to borrow any of our—”
“I appreciate the offer, but I’m afraid Anakin was quite insistent that he pick me up. Funny how he never volunteers for such things when I’m on other planets isn’t it?”
Padmé gave him a nervous laugh.
“No matter. It is easier than having to bring an extra ship back..”
“Yes, of course,” Padmé said quickly. “I suppose you’ll be needing a place to sleep then?”
“I can make do just about anywhere,” Obi-Wan said. “But if you are offering a room, I will gladly accept one.”
“Of course, Obi-Wan. You are always welcome in our halls. Or in this case, the Lake House. I think you will be more comfortable there.”
Obi-Wan glanced at all the onlookers gathering around the fallen ship and the senator and the Jedi standing beside it.
“This Lake House you speak of… Are there fewer people there?”
“Then, by all means, take me to it.”
They walked side by side, though Obi-Wan followed her lead. She did not miss the way Obi-Wan kept his gaze away from the numerous onlookers.
Padmé laughed to herself.
“Is something funny, senator?”
“Oh, nothing. It’s just, for a people person, you never seem to really enjoy being around them.”
“Who said I was a people person?”
“Oh please, Master Kenobi,” Padme said. “You cannot tell me you are unaware of your own silver tongue? They don’t call you the Negotiator for nothing.”
Obi-Wan rubbed his beard as if pondering the thought.
“I don’t know if that necessarily qualifies me as a people person.”
“I’ve seen you at senatorial dinners. You’re good with people. You know how to talk to them.”
Obi-Wan blushed. “I suppose certain diplomatic skills are necessary when you’re a Jedi.”
“Don’t be so modest. The ability to work a room is one that doesn't come naturally to most. You would make a fine politician.”
Obi-Wan’s expression turned sour. “You insult me.”
“All I’m saying is you’re good at getting people to give you what you want. And don’t even get me started on all the flirting you do, I mean—”
“Fine, I won’t,” Obi-Wan said quickly. “Your point has been made.”
“Good, as long as we’re on the same page.”
Obi-Wan smirked but stumbled over his feet. Padmé reached out for him and clutched his elbow. He steadied himself and shook his head.
“Obi-Wan,” Padmé said. “You didn’t hit your head when we landed, did you?”
“No, no of course not.”
“Good, I wouldn’t want a concussed Jedi on my hands. Though it would not be the first time,” she smirked.
“No, it would not be,” Obi-Wan smiled back.
The senator and the Jedi reached a speeder with a driver and a guard in the front. Obi-Wan opened the door and Padmé slid into the back seat easily. Obi-Wan followed right behind her.
“It is not a long drive to the Lake House,” Padmé said. “I’m sure you’re eager to get some rest.”
“Quite,” Obi-Wan said, rubbing his eyes.
“Are you sure you’re all right?”
“Yes, Senator. No need to worry over me.”
Padmé did not agree with his sentiments, but she did not argue with them either. Instead, she remained silent the rest of the ride to the Lake House. The cool, evening breeze blew baby hairs out of her tightly pulled-back bun.
Padmé turned back to Obi-Wan, but he was slightly slumped over and fast asleep. She quietly snapped a holo photo of him and sent it to Anakin.
Her message to him read: “I have your Master. He’s my hostage now.”
“Oh, so you’re going to make me pay a ransom? What do I owe you?” Anakin replied.
“Oh, I’ll think of something, love.”
“Looking forward to it. I’ll be there in the morning. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Padmé snapped her comm shut and smiled to herself. She was glad Obi-Wan was not awake to see the stupid grin on her face.
“Master Obi-Wan. Wake up,” Padmé said quietly, shaking the Jedi’s shoulder. “We’re here.”
Obi-Wan blinked at her groggily. “Where…?”
“We’re at the Lake House.”
“Oh,” Obi-Wan said. He yawned and blinked tired eyes at her.
“Come on. You’re exhausted. Let’s go inside.”
Obi-Wan nodded in agreement and followed Padmé out of the speeder and into the Lake House.
“This is a beautiful home,” Obi-Wan said, casting his gaze across every wall and wooden beam.
“Thank you, I would offer to give you the full tour, but you look dead on your feet.”
Obi-Wan smiled gratefully at her. “Perhaps in the morning, Senator.”
“Perhaps,” she said. “Let me show you to your room.”
Padmé led him up the staircase and guided him to the guest suite. She opened the door and motioned for him to come in.
The room was one of the largest in the whole home. Large tapestries with traditional Nubian art adorned the walls and a large bed with a white duvet was centered against the back wall. Bay windows overlooked the lake and had a bench seat for guests to curl up in a quiet place for reading or meditation. In other words, it was the perfect place for Obi-Wan.
“This is more than generous. Thank you, Padmé,” Obi-Wan said, taking in the opulent room before him.
“Anytime,” Padmé said. “Do you need anything else? Do want something to eat before you go to bed?”
Padmé did not miss the way Obi-Wan’s skin seemed to pale at just the suggestion. “No, thank you. I’m not very hungry.”
“All right,” Padmé said suspiciously. “Have a good night, Obi-Wan. Sleep well.”
“You too, Padmé. Thank you again for your hospitality.”
“There is no need to thank me. Naboo owes you a great debt for your actions here all those years ago. And you are my friend. Only my friends are allowed to stay here,” she grinned.
“It’s good to have friends, Senator,” Obi-Wan said, though his tone was more subdued. “Goodnight, Padmé.”
The door clicked softly behind him and Padmé was left alone in the darkened hallway.
The Jedi were not the only ones who got bad feelings about things.
Padmé fretted around in her kitchen, unable to go to sleep with the feeling that something was wrong with Obi-Wan. She scrubbed at her counter, the marble already spotless and shining, and tried to think of an excuse she could use to check on him.
Her eyes landed on a red tea kettle and she smiled.
Padmé had her plan.
Padmé knocked on the guest suite door and waited for a response. If he didn’t answer, she would simply leave the steaming mug on the nightstand and leave. A simple, innocent plan.
She knocked again and when no response came, she opened the door just a crack.
“Obi-Wan?” Padmé questioned softly as she peeked inside the darkened room “I brought you some tea.”
A quiet murmur is the only response she received. Padmé stepped into the room and turned on a lamp.
He shifted, but his eyes remained closed. Discomfort was evident in the set of his jaw, even in sleep.
Setting the mug down, she approached his bed and took note of the sweat dampening his hair and the flush high on his cheekbones. Sighing, she sat down beside him and pushed his sweaty hair off of his forehead. His skin radiated heat.
There was something wrong with him. Her instincts had been right after all.
Obi-Wan tossed his head to the side and let out a soft whimper. A soft, but desperate sound that sent alarm bells ringing in Padmé’s head. “Obi-Wan, wake up.”
His eyes remained firmly shut and the quiet, pained whimpers continued.
“Obi-Wan, please, it’s just a nightmare. Wake up.”
Padmé grabbed hold of his shoulders and shook him until fever-bright eyes stared into her own.
“Your Highness,” Obi-Wan said. “You have to get out of here, it’s not safe. My Master and I…” Obi-Wan’s eyes narrowed in confusion. “My Master and I…”
Padmé’s heart sunk. “Obi-Wan, you’re sick. You’re in the Lake House. Everything is alright, we’re both safe.”
“Your Highness?”
“Yes, Obi-Wan. It’s all right. I’ll be right back. I need to get you some medicine. Just wait here.”
“It’s not safe.”
“Yes, it is. Just wait here.”
Padme rushed back down to the kitchen and dug around for some fever reducers. Finding what she was looking for, she raced back up the stairs and returned to the guest suite.
“Here, take these,” Padmé said, handing Obi-Wan the pills and the mug of tea. “You’ll feel better.”
“Padmé?” Obi-Wan asked, confusion still lacing his tired voice.
“Yes, it’s me, Obi-Wan. Just take these.”
Obediently, Obi-Wan swallowed the pills. Padmé took the mug from his hands before he could spill the hot tea on himself and she set it to the side once again.
“There you go,” Padmé said soothingly. “Lay back down. That’s it.”
“Not safe,” Obi-Wan insisted, though his resolve was weakening.
“Just go to sleep. I’ll protect you.”
Her words seemed to soothe Obi-Wan. The fear that left him rigid and tightly coiled seemed to drain from his body as his muscles and jawline relaxed. It was not long before Padmé’s order to sleep was heeded.
True to her word, Padmé watched over him until dawn broke.
The morning brought recovery. Obi-Wan’s skin lacked the pallor of the ill and his eyes were clear of the feverish glaze.
“Goodmorning, Master Kenobi,” Padmé said when his gaze landed on her.
He blinked at her in confusion. “Senator Amidala. Why are you...?”
“You’re sick. Or you were. Your fever broke this morning, but I think you should still take it easy.”
“When did you… I thought I was alone?”
“Forgive me for intruding on your privacy, but I couldn’t shake the feeling you were unwell.”
“Did you stay here the whole night?”
“I’m sorry, Senator. I did not mean for you to…”
“Save your apologies Obi-Wan. I am happy to help. I just wish you had told me you were ill sooner,” she said. Her lips tightened in a thin, disapproving line. “I knew something wasn’t right.”
“You sound like Anakin with all of his unhelpful I told you so’s.”
“Still, you should have told me you were sick,” Padmé protested.
“I did not think it was that bad,” Obi-Wan said. After a pause, he added, “until I woke up with you sitting right there.”
“It never starts bad, does it?”
“No, it never does.”
“Obi-Wan?” Padmé asked, her tone changing from teasing to concerned.
“Yes?” Obi-Wan asked, though apprehension filled his answer.
“In your sleep, you… you were having a nightmare. You called me your Highness. You brought up your Master.” If she did not know him, Padmé might not have seen the way his eyes darkened or the subtle clench of his jaw. “Do you want to talk about it?” she added on.
“Not particularly.” The sheets began to twist in his hand.
“It might be good for you, you know? To talk about it with someone who isn’t… well… Anakin.”
“I do have other friends, I’ll have you know,” Obi-Wan said indignantly.
“And do you talk to them?”
The way he looks down at his hands is answer enough. “It’s just… being on this planet, and what you said about Naboo owing me a debt. I guess it just stirred up some memories that I think were compounded by the haze of fever.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”
“It is not your fault.”
Silence rests between them and Padmé searches for a way to fill the void.
“I do have a question for you,” Padmé finally said, lightening her tone once more.
“I’ll do my best to answer it.”
“Do you think that there is a possibility the ship malfunctioned due to… I don’t know… user error?”
“No, not at all.”
“Really? You don’t think that perhaps, maybe, just maybe, you were feeling so under the weather that you failed to notice the hyperdrive overheating? A simple fix if found early?”
“It’s not that simple,” Obi-Wan said defensively. “Anakin just makes it look simple.”
“Uh-huh,” Padme said. “Of course.”
As if the act of speaking his name summoned him, Anakin strode through the door.
“Hello Anakin,” Obi-Wan greeted, sitting up on his elbows.
“Master. Senator,” Anakin said, bowing slightly. “I was looking for you downstairs. I didn’t think you would be here. In the same bedroom. Together.”
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes.
“I was sick, Anakin,” Obi-Wan said, sparing Padmé the burden of explanation. “The good senator over here sacrificed her night of rest to ensure my health, though it was unnecessary and I would have been just fine.”
“He was delirious!” Pamdé said in defense.
The rigid line of Anakin’s shoulders softened. “Are you all right, Master?”
“Perfectly fine and quite ready to go home.”
Anakin narrowed his eyes. “I don’t know. You seem a little pale. Maybe we should wait a day before travelling back to Coruscant.”
Obi-Wan scoffed.
“Yes, you are still a little pale,” Padmé said, only looking at Anakin and his conspiratorial grin. “One more day of rest wouldn’t hurt.”
Obi-Wan sighed and flopped back down on the bed. “I’m not winning this one, am I?”
“We care about your health, Master,” Anakin said innocently.
“Mmhmm I’m quite sure that’s what it is. Very well. But we are returning tomorrow.”
“Of course, Master,” Anakin said. “Now get some more rest.”
Obi-Wan made a face at them both as Padmé practically pushed Anakin into the hallway. The door closed softly behind them, but it sounded louder in the quiet of the hall. Anakin grabbed her hand and pulled her down the stairs. When they made it into the kitchen they erupted into a fit of giggles.
“Well Senator,” Anakin said, grabbing her hips and swaying her around the kitchen. “It looks like I have a little time to pay my ransom.”
“Good,” Padmé said. “I was concerned you weren’t going to pay up.”
“I’m true to my word, my love,” Anakin said, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.
Padmé smiled. She let Anakin twirl her around the kitchen, knowing full well that it would not, could not, last. She soaked up every fleeting moment with him and refused to think about the inevitable tomorrow where they would once again be parted.
It didn’t matter. This moment was enough.
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One More Night
Pairing - Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
Summary - While wandering around town with your partner, you run into an old flame, Obi-Wan Kenobi. He needs your help, and even though you have your reservations about helping the Republic, you agree. But when he lets slip the reason he hasn’t contacted you in so long, you can’t help but question everything you thought you knew about his feelings for you. 
Word Count - 5,806
Warnings - Smut 18+ only! 
It took you a grand total of about two minutes for you to realize that you were being followed. It would have been less time, but you had gotten distracted by a fight breaking out between a Togruta and a Rodian. The dark robes were unmistakable though after you had turned three corners, and they were still behind you. “So how long have they been following us?” You asked the blue Twi’lek walking with you. 
“Oh, around five minutes. I was wondering when you’d catch on.” She said, smirking over at you. 
“You could have told me.” You replied, rolling your eyes at her. 
“What would be the fun in that?” She asked, her fingers tapping at the weapon clipped to her waist. “You take left, I take right?” 
“Have fun.” You replied, winking at her before you darted left and took off at a run. 
Your assailants hadn’t realized that the two of you had noticed them. That much was clear by the momentary panic and destruction they caused at your actions. You didn’t stick around to watch, but you could hear it behind you. You took off down the alley as fast as you could, dodging in and out of store fronts and trying to confuse the attackers. When you managed to get on top of a roof, you glanced down and discovered that the two that had been following had split up when Na’lona and you did. There was now only one that seemed to be tracing your steps. 
You weren’t about to stick around and find out who it was though. Taking off at a run, you kept going, changing up your path every few corners so it was never the same until you were sure you weren’t being followed anymore. You took a deep breath, leaning against the wall of an alleyway. It was clear that you were getting way too old for this running around business. 
That was when you heard it. The hum of a lightsaber. You didn’t even have to open your eyes anymore to know who it was, but you did anyway. After all, who would want to pass up the sight of looking at Obi-Wan Kenobi, breathless and disheveled after chasing you for the past ten minutes? “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” You said, letting your eyes wander his form, from the messy hair and rosy cheeks, all the way down to his heaving chest and powerful stance. 
It was easy to forget about the lightsaber pointed at your chest. “Did you have to run?” He asked, ignoring your taunt and sounding exasperated. 
You cocked an eyebrow at him. “Getting old, Obi-Wan? Last time I saw you, I seem to recall you having plenty of stamina. Of course that was about a year ago.” You took a great deal of pleasure at the sight of his composure faltering for a brief moment as his cheeks, already flushed with pink, darkened. 
The hum of his lightsaber disappeared as he deactivated it, and instead of the usual quip back, you frowned as he took a step away from you. “A lot can happen in a year.” Obi-Wan replied. 
“Ah yes, a War torn Galaxy, droids everywhere and Clones led by the former Peacekeepers now turned soldiers. Should I call you General now?” You teased him,  biting your lower lip. 
It had been so long since you had seen him, you had forgotten how captivating those vivid blue eyes were. You couldn’t take yours off them, not that you wanted to, so you didn’t miss the way they followed your movement. “I’d prefer if you didn’t, but it’s nice to see some things never change.” 
Torn out of the bubble that the two of you had created for yourselves, you both glanced behind Obi-Wan to find the other brown cloaked figure running towards the two of you. At about that time, you caught sight of Na’lona on the nearby roof, everyone else oblivious to her presence. She sent you a wink, and you watched in amusement as the other Jedi that had been chasing her fell over a box that had not been there moments ago and crashed to the ground. 
You couldn’t help but let out a snort as Obi-Wan shook his head. “Is that your Padawan?” You asked. “The Chosen one you’re always complaining about?” 
“That would be him.” He answered, watching as the boy you remember being called Anakin stood up. 
He looked back and forth between Obi-Wan and you, then at the ground where he had been moments ago. “Master, is she a Jedi? Is that why you didn’t want to tell me about her?” 
A snort left your lips as you looked at Obi-Wan, trying not to laugh even harder. “He thinks I’m a Jedi? Na’lona, did you hear that? He thinks I’m a Jedi.” You called in the direction of your friend, watching as Obi-Wan’s expression changed at the name. 
She appeared a few feet in front of you, landing with a delicate grace that left no doubt as to who was the Jedi here. “He’s not the brightest is he?” She asked, and then turning to the man in front of you. “Master Kenobi. It’s been a while.” 
“It has indeed.” It was hard to describe his tone. There seemed to be many layers to it, regret, disappointment, and even a hint of intrigue. “How, may I ask, did the two of you come to meet?” 
“Well, that’s a long story, Obi, and by the efforts you’ve made to talk to me so far today, I get the feeling you don’t have time for such a thing.” You had to admit, you were curious. It had been a long time since Obi-Wan had sought you out, and in the midst of a war, you couldn’t help but wonder what could be so important that he would have to take time from the battlefield to find you. “So let’s cut to the chase here. What is it that you need?” You asked, raising your eyebrows at him. 
One of the things you liked about Obi-Wan was that he never attempted to beat around the bush with you. He never tried to soften any sort of blow because he knew how much you hated it. This time was no different. “The Republic needs your help, and if you refuse, I’ve been ordered to arrest you.” 
Oh it had to be bad then. The Republic hated you, as they hated all smugglers. If they were in need of one, they must be very desperate indeed. Looking into Obi-Wan’s light eyes, you could see the pleading there, and you knew he was begging you not to make this any more difficult than it already was. If it had been anyone else they sent, you might have fought, attempted to escape, but it was Obi-Wan, and you had never been able to deny him anything. “It doesn’t seem as if I’m being given much of a choice then.” 
The relief in his eyes was palpable, and his whole body seemed to relax somewhat as he turned to Na’lona. “You know, the Order could use someone with your skills again Na’lona. We need Jedi like you -”
“And return to the Order that abandoned my Master? Not a chance.” She replied, her face hard as she looked at Obi-Wan before looking at you once more. “You’re on your own for this.” 
As much as you hated to be without your partner these days, you could understand her reasoning. The Jedi Order and her did not have a good history. In fact, it was so terrible that she had rebelled from the Order all together after her Master had been murdered, and the Jedi had done nothing about it. She wasn’t a Sith by any means, but she no longer believed in the ways of the Jedi, so going back for her would not turn out well. “Keep the ship safe for me?” You told her. 
“You got it,” she agreed, thankfulness in her eyes as she took off down the alley in a sprint. 
Obi-Wan moved to go after her, but you grabbed his wrist. “It’s me, or neither of us.” You told him, your voice hard. While you would do a lot for Obi-Wan, betraying your friend would not be one of those things. 
He stared at you for a moment, and you had that feeling you always got when he was gazing into your eyes, as if he was reading the deepest parts of your soul. After a few moments, he nodded, and you couldn’t help but sigh in relief. Of course that turned into a frown as you heard a clicking noise, and looked down at your now bound hands. 
“Is this necessary?” You asked, rolling your eyes as you held them up. 
Obi-Wan smirked at you, looking more like himself than he had the whole time he had been standing there. “Appearances of course. I’m sure you understand.” 
You scoffed. 
It was impossible not to stare as you made your way onto what must be the largest ship in the Republic Fleet. As a Smuggler, you had come across your fair share of large transport ships, but this? This was like nothing you had ever seen before. Gleaming silver metals, smaller ships, clones in white armor with various other colorings running around and checking systems . . . it was a whole different world. 
“I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you speechless.” Obi-Wan’s amused voice said behind you, his hand a soft pressure against the small of your back as he urged you forward. 
His words pulled you out of your trance, and you turned around to grin at him. “Come on now, Obi-Wan, don’t settle yourself short. I seem to recall a few times when I was speechless around you. Most of them involving that talented mouth of yours on my -”
Obi-Wan pulled you against him so fast, you lost your train of thought, the smile vanishing from your lips as his presence took up every one of your senses, his eyes once more locked on yours in an inescapable grasp, his scent of sunshine and linen filling your head, his sturdy body pressing against yours while his voice silenced the rest of the ambience in the room. “I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t be so callous speaking about our history in front of everyone.” 
You attempted to regain control of yourself, but it was hard to do when he was standing so close to you it took over every thought you were having. When he spoke though, it reminded you of why it would never work between Obi-Wan and you in the first place. “Ah, of course, wouldn’t want anyone to know that the great, handsome, General Obi-Wan Kenobi had lowered himself to sleeping in the bed of some Smuggler.” You said, some of the fire being taken out of your tone by the breathless quality of your voice. 
If you hadn’t been so caught up in looking at his eyes, you would have missed the flash of disappointment in them. “You know that’s not the case.” He insisted, but before you could make another response, he had turned you back around and led you along the ship. 
Almost immediately you were rushed into a hologram meeting with Obi-Wan, Anakin, some clones, and several members of the Jedi Order. You didn’t say much, observing instead of butting in with questions to annoy them. Obi-Wan’s words had intrigued you, and you couldn’t get your mind off them and their possible meanings. For the past year, the only conclusion you had been able to draw from Obi-Wan’s lack of contact after your week together was that he had been embarrassed it had occurred in the first place. It had hurt, but you were a strong person and had gotten over it. Now, it was as if your galaxy turned upside down, and you had more than a million questions for the Jedi who stood in front of you, regal and elegant, but with a tenseness in his back that you couldn’t ignore. 
Obi-Wan had said a lot could happen in a year. You couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to him. 
“-you’re responsible if anything happens, Obi-Wan.” The words caught your attention and made you look up to see a hologram of Mace Windu lecturing Obi-Wan. 
His gaze shot over to you, lingering there for a moment as you looked into each other’s eyes for a moment. He then turned back to the hologram with a nod. “Understood,” was all he said. 
“Then the plan begins tomorrow. May the Force be with you.” Obi-Wan nodded, and the hologram ended. He gave a couple more orders to some of the other people in the room, and then he turned to you. “I’m afraid we don’t have much in the way of quarters, but there is a small room we’ve made available for you to sleep for a few hours until we reach our destination.” 
There was a quip on the tip of your tongue, but your mind was still too filled with trying to come up with reasoning for Obi-Wan’s actions for you to say it. Instead you nodded, and let him lead you out of the chambers, and into a small room with a tiny bunk. 
“There’s a refresher through that door.” He pointed out to you. “If you’d like to get cleaned up.” 
You nodded, not saying anything, and your lack of words seemed to confuse him. 
“You’re being uncharacteristically quiet.” Obi-Wan said, raising his eyebrows at you. 
Shrugging your shoulders, you sat down on the cot, frowning at the uncomfortableness you could already sense, “thinking.” 
“Ah,” you expected him to inquire what about, and it seemed as if he wanted to, but then he pulled himself back with a slight shake of his head. “Well, I’ll leave you to it.” He started to back away, but you reached out, grabbing a hold of his hand. 
“What you said earlier, that being embarrassed of me wasn’t the case . . . what was the case?” You asked him, unable to keep the question inside of you any longer. You had to know. It would haunt you until you did. 
For a moment, it almost looked as if he wanted to reach out to you, and your mind flashed back to a memory of him doing that very thing a year ago, the brush of his fingers, the pressure of his body against yours and those blue eyes lighting a path to some of the best pleasure you had ever known to this day. 
But he resisted, and you watched as he took a step back. “Jedis aren’t supposed to form attachments, and I was already far too attached to you.” Obi-Wan told you, and while you had no Force abilities to know otherwise, truth rang in his voice. 
His words rendered you speechless, every word that you had told yourself to get over the time the two of you had together crumbling around you like a ship had blasted right through it. He used your silence as a means to leave, a small, sad smile on his face as he did so, shutting the door behind him and ending the conversation. 
It wasn’t fair, not when you still had so many questions for him. 
You waited about three minutes before you decided to follow him. It took you an embarrassingly long time to discover where he was staying on board, but after a plea to one of the clones, you found yourself knocking on the door. 
He answered, and not only did he answer, but he answered while wearing nothing but what you assumed were his sleeping pants. Seeing him like this once again threw you back into memories that you had such a hard time trying to forget. When he called your name though, it threw you out of your daze, and you shook your head to clear your mind. “What are you doing here?” Obi-Wan asked you. 
“You can’t walk away after saying something like that. Not after spending a year avoiding any and all contact with me.” You told him, crossing your arms over your chest. 
For a moment, it looked as if he wanted to argue, and indeed, that’s what the Obi-Wan you had known would have done, but instead he sighed and moved away from the door, giving you enough room to pass. “Would you like anything to drink?” He said. 
But you didn’t respond. When he had turned away from you, you couldn’t help but glance at his muscled back, and gasped in shock. 
It was covered with scars all in various degrees of healing. It was the type of scars you had seen on the backs of slaves that you had given passage to. It was whip marks. 
“Obi-Wan . . . What the hell happened to you?” You finally managed to speak, hurrying towards him and reaching out to touch the scars, but stopping at the last moment. You didn’t want to hurt him if they were bothering him. 
His tense shoulders dropped somewhat as he turned around to face you. It was clear that he was attempting to reassure you, but nothing he could say could do that after you had seen the marks marring his beautiful skin. A small, insincere smile formed on his lips. “It’s been a long year.” 
“Don’t give me any of that cryptic mess. Those are marks I’ve seen on slaves. Who did this to you?” You found yourself growing a mixture of angry and worried. Obi-Wan had said earlier that a lot could happen in a year, and you were now beginning to realize how much. 
“It’s none of your concern.” He replied, shaking his head at you. 
“Afraid I’ll find them and kill them?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest. 
Obi-Wan’s answer was quick. “Yes, and I don’t want any bloodshed on my behalf.” 
The two of you stared at each other, stubbornness on both of your faces as your eyes looked into the others. Eventually the resolve in his made you sigh and drop your arms. “Do you have tea?” You asked. 
He seemed a little startled by the change in subject, but nodded. “Yes, I’ll start the kettle -”
But you shook your head. “Not to drink.” You walked over to his cabinets until you found the box and began creating a mixture you had learned years ago. “It’s to help you. Some of those still look irritated.” 
“That’s unnecessary I have -”
“If you won’t tell me who did this to you, it’s the least you can do.” You told him, not leaving him any room for argument. Which he normally wouldn’t care about, but it was a testament to how much he must be hurting that he didn’t. The thought of anyone hurting Obi-Wan made you so angry your hands shook as they stirred the mixture. You knew the man could protect himself, and that he didn’t need you defending him by any means, but the fact that someone had hurt him to this degree made rage boil inside of you. Obi-Wan was such a good and pure man . . . how could someone ever do harm to him?
It was times like these that you were reminded of how you never would have made it as a Jedi. You let your emotions get the best of you way too often. 
Focusing back on the task at hand, you finished the mixture and instructed him to sit down in front of you. “Why haven’t you gone to the Medbay to get these healed? Doesn’t the Republic have enough funds to heal their saviors?” You asked him as you scooped some of the ointment into your hands and warmed it up with your hands. 
You watched as Obi-Wan gripped the chair in front of him, and though you couldn’t see his face, you knew that his jaw was tense. “Some scars are worth remembering.” He answered. 
Almost as if you had no control over it, your eyes drifted down to your arm where a small scar ran across the front of it in a horizontal line. A scar that Obi-Wan had been with you when you got. That was a memory you had no desire to forget any time soon. “I guess you’re right.” You answered in a soft voice as you laid your hands on his back and started working the balm into his skin. 
As soon as your hands touched the top of his shoulders, he tensed, and you froze, wondering if you had done something wrong, and you yanked your hands away. “I’m sorry,” he said, glancing back at you for a moment. “Your hands are cold.” 
Except you knew that they weren’t. You didn’t point that out, nodding instead and as soon as he turned back around you got to work once more. Taking a glance at the scars, you decided to start towards his lower back where the scars had begun to fade and work your way to the top where they were the darkest. Your hands were gentle as you studied the marks, and the more and more you looked at them, the more certain you were that they were from whips. 
What had the Republic been sending him to do? 
“Obi-Wan -” You said, not wanting to break the quiet of the room, but unable to hold it in anymore. 
But he stopped you, and you watched as his hands tightened on the chair in front of him. “I don’t wish to speak about it. Please.” He added on, a pleading to his voice that you couldn’t ignore. 
You wanted to argue. You wanted to make him tell you, but you were no Jedi, and there had been a time when he had respected your wishes of not wanting to tell him something. The least you could do was return the favor now. 
So you got back to work, your hands working the balm into his skin, and you noticed with every passing second Obi-Wan became more relaxed, sinking into the chair in front of him, a soft sigh escaping his lips. 
While you emptied the last of the bowl onto his back, you couldn’t help but notice his reaction, and almost without you noticing, your hands began doing less of spreading the ointment, and more of massaging it into his skin. 
His reaction was immediate. Obi-Wan’s head dropped forward, resting on his hands as his shoulders slumped. You felt his back rise and fall under your fingertips with a shuddering breath as you continued a path from the small of his back up to his shoulders. 
You let your eyes trace the length of his back. Overall, everything looked the same as it had before. He had a few more scars, but mostly, it was as you remembered. Except this time you were seeing it in the light of his room instead of in the moonlight. 
It had been as electrifying then as it felt right now. 
“What do you remember about that night?” You whispered, not wanting to break the moment, but desperate to know if he was feeling the energy, the tension, rising in the room like you were. 
It took him a few moments to respond, and for a brief moment in time you thought he might have fallen asleep under your fingers, but then he spoke. “I remember everything.” He replied, as quietly as you had spoken. “How bright the moon was . . . How hot and humid that planet got . . .” 
Yes, you remembered that too. It had been a full moon lighting up the sky, and you also remembered stripping out of as many layers as you could, hoping for a little relief. Not to mention it had the added benefit of making Obi-Wan blush, which you now knew, wasn’t from the heat alone. 
He hesitated for a moment, and you felt him take a deep breath, as if unsure whether to say the next words. “I remember thinking how, despite the circumstances, I was the luckiest man in the Galaxy to be trapped there with someone as intriguing and beautiful as you.” 
His soft spoken words had your heart pounding. From any other mouth, you wouldn’t have hesitated one moment to believe they were a line, but . . . Obi-Wan didn’t have that ability. You leaned forward, your lips so close to his ear, you saw shivers erupt across his skin. “What are your thoughts now?” You asked him, desperate for his answer. 
“They haven’t changed,” Obi-Wan replied, this time without hesitation. “That’s why I’ve avoided -” 
You distracted him by placing a soft kiss against the spot beside his ear. 
He murmured your name, almost like a plea. “This isn’t a good idea.” 
“Well, I’ve never been a fan of good ideas. Especially when it involves Jedi.” You teased, leaving even more kisses on his neck, all the way down to his shoulder. 
In a move that left you breathless, Obi-Wan spun around, his hands gripping your wrist that were in the air from moments ago when they had been placed on his back. “I’m not supposed to form attachments. You know that.” 
“So don’t,” You said. “We’ve done this already, why can’t we do it again? You didn’t form an attachment last time.” You, on the other hand, were a different story. 
He was shaking his head before you had even finished your sentence. “I was . . . I was naive then. I believed as long as you didn’t have any genuine feelings for me, I could avoid my own.” 
Obi-Wan thought you didn’t . . . How could anyone be with a man like Obi-Wan Kenobi, see the kindness in his eyes, feel the gentle reassurance of his touch, the softness of his lips and not develop feelings for him? “Obi-Wan, I’m afraid if the only reason you didn’t develop an attachment is because you thought I didn’t . . . We’re both doomed.” You whispered, your eyes drifting to those full lips for a moment. 
His head reached out, resting under your jaw and tilting your chin up until you looked him in the eyes. You could see the war raging there in those deep blues as he stared at you. You wished you could be a Jedi in that moment, seeing what was going on in his head. “So be it,” he said, and in a sudden movement, tugged you into his lap by your hand and leaned forward to capture your lips in a deep kiss. 
There was no hesitation in your response. You kissed him back with a year’s worth of tension, memories and dreams that had built up since the moment that the two of you had separated. Never did you think there would be something that would have such a profound impact on you as Obi-Wan Kenobi, but here you were, melting and longing for everything he could give you. 
His lips were as soft as you remembered, though the ferociousness in his kiss would make you think otherwise. He was as talented in his kiss as he was at sweet -talking the most stubborn of politicians, thorough and persistent with the perfect amount of pressure. When he pulled away, you were breathless, chasing his lips for more, but he shook his head. 
“I want to see you,” he whispered, his fingers tugging at the buttons of your loose shirt, his eyes begging for permission which you gave readily. 
Once again you were amazed by the composure he was able to keep while he rid you of the rest of your clothing. You were nothing less than a panting mess under his touch, and his fingers were steady as they could be until he made you stand up so you could remove your pants and underwear with them. You started to move back into his lap, but he stopped you with his hands on your hips. 
You felt heat rushing to your face as you watched him take you in, his eyes moving over every inch of your exposed body, almost as if he was searing the image of you into his memory. Finally, he leaned forward once more, pressing a soft kiss to your stomach. “As beautiful as I remembered.” He whispered against your skin as his lips traveled up your stomach and to your chest where he enclosed your nipple in his mouth dragging his tongue across it. 
Gasping out his name, your head fell back in pleasure because the talents of this man’s mouth could not be overstated. “Obi-Wan . . .” You gasped out, your hands finding his hair and giving it a sharp tug. 
He let out a grunt, and tugged you once more into his arms, this time standing up and depositing you onto his bed as if you were made of glass. You licked your lips as you watched him finish undressing, as gorgeous and . . . large as you remembered, if not more so. 
He didn’t make you wait, climbing on top of you with his lips resuming their previous position on your breast. Maker he was so . . . good. He had ruined you back then, and you had no doubts in your mind that he would do it again tonight. 
You couldn’t wait for it. 
Your whole body began to tingle as you felt one of Obi-Wan’s hands moving from where it had been on your other breast, down your stomach until it slipped inside of you. He looked up when he realized how wet and eager you were for him, sliding up your body once more until the two of you were face to face. “Maker, you’re incredible.” He said, and leaned down to capture your lips in another kiss. 
Wrapping your legs around his waist, you let him set a slow rhythm as he added another finger inside of you, your hips moving in time with him. You couldn’t control the whimpers you left against his lips as he teased you with his pace, never speeding up and leaving his fingers inside of you just long enough to want more. It was the most pleasurable torture that you had ever been through. “Obi, please,” you murmured when he pulled away, your fingers digging into the sheets surrounding you. 
“What do you want, darling?” He whispered, his nose nuzzling against your own, his fingers slipping all the way out of you. 
You groaned at the loss, your hips arching up to try and catch his fingers again, but he kept them right out of your reach. So you decided that two could play at that game. You reached down with one of your hands and took him in your grip, brushing him up and down your wet slit. “I need you inside of me,” You murmured, watching his face as his eyes closed at your manipulation. “I’ve been thinking about how it felt for months, Obi-Wan.” You told him, moving your hips once more so nothing but the tip slipped inside of you, causing him to let out a groan. “Do you remember how amazing it felt? Nothing’s ever felt as good since -” 
Your words ended in a loud moan as Obi-Wan took matters into his own hand once more and sheathed himself inside of you in one smooth motion. “Your fingers?” He murmured, pressing kisses down the side of your neck for a moment before whispering in your ear. “Or someone else?” 
“Either,” you answered without hesitation, letting out a gasp as he began grinding his hips against yours so he could hit that special spot inside of you. “Nothing’s as good as you.” You gasped, nothing but truth in your words as Obi-Wan met your gaze once more. 
“You’re going to get me in trouble.” He murmured, looking down at you with a tender look.
You returned his look with one of your own, your hands slipping back into his soft hair. “From what I know about you, Obi-Wan Kenobi . . . You love trouble.” 
He shook his head at you, that pretty smile on his face, and leaned down to capture your lips once more, silencing your moans somewhat as he began a much faster pace. It was almost relentless, the way that he pounded into you now, as if he had built up so much tension he had been waiting to release it. You weren’t going to complain because with every passing second you felt yourself get closer and closer to the edge, doing your very best to keep up with his pace, and by the tension in his arms and stomach, you could tell he was feeling the same. 
Unlike any other lover that you had, that cared about that of course, he did not have to ask if you were close. It was almost as if he could read your mind, and part of you wondered if he did a little when his finger began rubbing that pleasurable little spot, knowing how much pressure to add to make you topple off the edge into an oblivion of pleasure, shuddering and shaking while he silenced the moan of his name with his lips. 
His hips kept up their relentless pace, though they were much gentler now, chasing his own release. After a few more thrusts, you could feel him to start to pull away from you, but you stopped him. While it wasn’t smart, you wanted to feel him inside of you for as long as you could. You half expected him to deny your wishes, but he was as far gone as you were, and with one last snap of his hips, he buried himself inside of you, groaning against your lips as he let go inside of you. 
Satisfied. Completely and totally satisfied were the only words you could think to describe yourself as Obi-Wan caught his breath and began pressing kisses down your chin as he recovered. You let out a few noises of contentment as he did, enjoying the soft touches as he pulled out of you and headed to the refresher, returning with a wet cloth that he began to clean you up with. His touch was so gentle, as if you were so delicate, much different than a few minutes when he had been pounding into you with a pace you were sure would leave you sore tomorrow. 
Oh tomorrow. 
Obi-Wan tossed the cloth aside, sliding back into bed as you turned on your side and wrapping his arms around you, burying his face in your neck. 
You couldn’t help but let out a soft laugh as his beard tickled your skin. He squeezed you tight for a moment at the sound before pressing a gentle kiss to your skin. “So . . . you haven’t lost your stamina after all.” You teased. 
This time it was his turn to laugh.
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Attachment - Chapter One
- to clarify, you are an adult in this story. also, im sorry my writing is so bad and that i have not proofread this very thoroughly, but hell, this isnt my job and i dont have to be good at it -
word count : 1.5k
warnings : none, i think
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From the start, your relationship with Master Skywalker was unorthodox. Yet the bond you shared was a strong one, though it started strangely.
He had been showing you to your quarters after your fateful meeting with the Jedi Counsel. After the excitement of the day, you were more than ready to take a much needed rest; the emotions which you had ignored rising up through you. It seemed as if your new master sensed this, as he didn’t attempt to make conversation. It was you who talked first.
“I killed him,” you said. (e/c) eyes still staring at the floor, you didn’t notice his clear blue gaze settle onto your bowed head. “The man who killed my mother.” Though you paused, as if to allow him to say something in response to your confession, Anakin stayed quiet. What could he say? ‘Me too’? For he had done the same thing on Tatooine on that awful day when his mother was taken from him.
“I didn’t have to…I did it because I wanted to,” you looked up at him this time, your soft eyes staring into his steelier ones. You both stopped, standing still in the middle of the halls of the Jedi Temple. It was a moment of understanding, and the way your (h/c) locks cradled your face made Anakin feel calmer than he ever had before.
Yet as your bond grew brighter, Anakin and Padmé’s slowly dimmed. He was given six weeks leave from the war in order to train his new padawan, which he had originally planned to spend with his wife as well. Yet as the days drifted by, he found himself wanting to leave your side left. By the third week, he had stopped sleeping in the secret apartment he and Padmé had shared. The Chosen One didn’t understand it; how he had longed for Padmé only weeks ago and now had no desire to see her.
Perhaps it was you. Or more specifically, the fact that you knew of his and Senator Amidala’s forbidden relationship. Anakin still didn’t understand how you found out about them.
You had been early for your training, as always. Master Skywalker, though he tried, could never get to the training room before you. And as always, you were meditating upon his arrival; Anakin swore he had never met a Jedi who enjoyed meditating more than you.
“I thought Jedi weren’t allowed to have attachments,” your voice was soft and just as lovely as ever when you spoke to him, your eyes meeting his own.
“We’re not,” Anakin responded with a classic smirk gracing his handsome face.
“Then how come you're married to Senator Amidala?” You didn’t expect your question to be answered, clearly, as you stood up from your cross-legged position on the floor.
Your master’s head whipped up, following your movements as you walked to get a training staff to practice with. “I...H-how do you know? About Padmé and me?”
(e/c) eyes stare down at the dueling staff, giving it a gentle twirl in your hand. “I don’t know. I just...knew,” you paused, turning to look at him again. “And it’s ‘Padmé and I’, not ‘Padmé and me’.”
But was it really just the simple anxiety of having another person know of them? Anakin wasn’t so sure. After yet another fight with Padmé, he had gone to the only person who he could vent to - you, which then led to a late night sparring session.
Elegant blue clashes with the brilliant emerald green of your own saber. Over and over again they collide in blinding fury; both fighters stay on equal footing until Master Skywalker slashes unexpectedly at your shins. Just in time, you jump, landing with practiced grace on the hilt of his weapon. Twisting his wrists to angle the glowing blade up into your back, Anakin swings again. Jumping over his head, you dodge the fiery cerulean sword before wrapping your legs around his throat. Your master falls backwards from the unexpected shift in weight. The wind is knocked out of you as you crash onto the ground, but a second later you find the strength to summon the saber which had fallen from your master’s hand. You swiftly straddle him, and with a saber dangerously close to both sides of his throat, Anakin concedes to you.
“That was quite the impressive fight,” Obi-Wan Kenobi says. The bearded man had been secretly watching your entire battle with his former padawan; he’s impressed by your dexterity and skill after only a few months of training.
“Thank you, Master Kenobi,” you say, bowing to him.
“How does it feel to be beaten by your padawan, Anakin?” He asks with a smirk which only widens as he sees Anakin’s frown deepen.
“You should know very well what that’s like, my former master,” Anakin retorts. You laugh sweetly, snorting slightly as you try desperately to breathe between giggle fits. Both blue-eyed men watch as you chortle with softened expressions.
“Master Skywalker’s only mad because he hasn’t won against me in a week,” you declare proudly, twisting around to face Obi-Wan. “Even if it’s probably only because I know his fighting style so well by now.”
“Well then, would you care for more of a challenge?” Master Kenobi asks, noticing but ignoring his former padawan’s glare; the bright smile you offer him being far more captaving.
“It would be an honor, Master Kenobi.”
The fight was a long one, both of you being skilled fighters despite your short time training with a lightsaber. It ended with you yielding after being pinned against the wall by the older man with a saber at your throat. Anakin watches with resentment as Obi-Wan steps away from you, allowing you to move away from the wall.
“You certainly do have a strange fighting style, padawan,” the bearded man comments; your style was different from other Jedi - instead of relying solely on your lightsaber like most, you used it as a distraction to try and get in more physical attacks in order to disarm your opponent. He guesses it was due to what you learned before arriving at the Jedi Temple.
Sliding your lightsaber back into place, you smile up at Kenobi. “I’m not sure if that’s meant as a compliment or an insult, master,” you say in amusement. Obi-Wan finds the sparkle in your eyes as you meet his own intoxicating, and shocked, he looks away.
The Chosen One glares at his former master, a grimace etched into his handsome features. He doesn’t understand the feeling of boiling resentment in his gut, nor why he wants to shove Obi-Wan across the room - anything to get him away from you. “It’s late,” he says, hopefully without any annoyance he felt evident in his voice. The way you look up at him, almost shocked as if you forgot about him, only serves to aggravate him more. “I’ll walk you to bed (n/n).” It wasn’t often that your master used his nickname for you in front of others, and you silently wonder why he does now. You decide it’s because he’s more comfortable around Obi-Wan than any other Jedi.
“No need, Anakin, I can accompany your padawan to their chambers. You should keep training if you hope to beat your apprentice again,” Master Kenobi responds with a smug grin, his azure eyes slyly glancing at his former padawan.
“But they are my apprentice, Obi-Wan. I really must insist on walking them myself.” For a few moments their eyes met, both men waiting for the other to back off. After some seconds of tension, two sets of blue eyes break way from each other and to your giggling figure.
“Boys, boys, you’re both pretty,” you say facetiously, rolling your (e/c) eyes at their antics. “You can both take me to bed.” Both men stammer, a heavy blush on their faces as they stutter vehement denials of what you insinuated. Nevertheless, once you walk out the door, both follow behind you quickly in order to catch up.
In the halls, one on either side, you three chatter on about nothing in particular - missions and tales of their heroics being the men’s favorite thing to talk about as they subconsciously try to one up each other. “In the end I destroyed 42 droids, even without my lightsaber,” Anakin brags, glancing down to see your reaction.
“Really? Because I seem to remember having to save you as you hid behind a rock,” Obi-Wan corrects him, smiling when you laugh at the two boy’s banter. The bearded man easily avoids the foot Anakin puts out to try and trip him as pay-back.
“Well,” you start, stopping in front of your bedroom, “this is me! Thank you both for walking me back, masters.” You bow to the knights respectfully.
“It was nothing, young one,” Master Kenobi responds.
“Yeah, no problem at all (n/n).”
The two men, left alone in the hallway outside your room, stare at the door you had just walked into. “Remember, Anakin,” Obi-Wan starts, “Jedi aren’t allowed to have attachments.” His voice is even, thanks to a great deal of effort on his part. With tense shoulders and a frown that settled on his face once you were out of sight, he looks over to his former padawan.
“Are you reminding me, or yourself?” Anakin says coldly.
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siennahrobek · 3 years
Working with Obi-Wan Kenobi’s grand padawan was…different. He had heard a lot about Skywalker and Kenobi as a team through many forms – propaganda, gossip, billboards, reports, victories, losses, campaigns. They were a popular topic. They seemed to pull off some of the most insane mission parameters and come out alive from fighting varying horrifying villains and Separatists, darksiders and Sith.
Feemor quickly figured out Ahsoka was quite a bit like Anakin Skywalker. Which sounded awful, now, knowing what he had done and what he had become, but he had meant it in a better way. At least, nothing that extreme. She was fast paced and protective with a strong sense of justice and a decent moral compass. She didn’t seem to understand some of the intricacies of governments, politics and the war effort, she cared about the people. She seemed to go back and forth between cynicism and belief in people. It was an interesting combination.
He wondered if Obi-Wan could help her smooth out some of those more high-strung tendencies.
Then again, Feemor didn’t really know Obi-Wan very well either.
Feemor and Ahsoka spent most of the evacuation helping groups of people and shuttling themselves back and forth with supplies. A few recovering 501st and a of couple Coruscant Guard had joined them on one of the trips. They had lost Rex quickly into the evacuation, before even their first trip back to Ahsoka’s ship. Luckily Feemor had spotted what had happened with him and had to quickly explain to a near panicking Ahsoka that he had simply helped a padawan carry a trooper to the medical bay for surgery when she noticed his absence. He was probably still there.
“Are you going to take a shuttle to Obi-Wan’s venator?” Feemor asked quietly. It was their first trip back to the 332nd venator, their shuttle piled full of supplies, clothes and other resources. A few soldiers came along with them, although huddled in the back with one another. Some of them were a little too scared to be hanging around Jedi at this point. It wouldn’t be long before everyone was packed onto the ships of Obi-Wan’s forces, ready to flee away from their brainwashed friends and the Sith wanting them dead for no other reason than existing.
“I want to,” Ahsoka replied after a hesitation. She didn’t look at him. She was piloting, Feemor had gotten the impression she wouldn’t have led him pilot, even if he had tried. “I want to see him. I want him to tell me everything is going to be okay. I have so many questions. I want him to have the answers,” she paused and glanced down. “I know he won’t.”
Feemor didn’t reply, just kept his eyes on her, soft and understanding. What did one say to that?
Ahsoka just looked up into the stars once again, determined driven into her expression. “But I should stay with the 332nd. They have been burned enough by the jedi.”
He wasn’t sure what that meant exactly, as it seemed that the 332nd, although betrayed by Skywalker by brainwashing their brothers, had been, at the very least, kept away from that horrible end. Skywalker was only one jedi. What other jedi could they have been burned by?
“Will you?” her voice was quiet and a bit sudden after the stretched silence.
“Maybe,” Feemor shrugged. “Even if I don’t the first time, it isn’t a long trip to Kamino. I need to talk to him, at some point, but I don’t think there will be a good time any moment soon,” he admitted.
The young togruta glanced at him. “You haven’t taken the moment in, what? Thirty years? You never know when you will lose the chance forever. Do it quickly, Master. Before it is too late and one of you is gone.”
Rex jogged up to them and silently helped pack up their shuttle. He hadn’t said a word until Feemor had tried to strike up a conversation on the ride over to the 332ndship but Rex kept his answers to a bare minimum, mostly one-word answers. His hands were nearly shaking.
“I saw General Kenobi,” Rex barely muttered out while in the cockpit with Ahsoka and Feemor. The latter figured he was probably talking with her. “He seemed mostly uninjured. It was a little hard to tell because his robes were so dirty. He was wearing his old armor.”
It was the most Feemor had heard Rex speak at that point.
“Is that so. What did you talk about?” Ahsoka’s voice was almost disconnected, like she was talking through a machine. She didn’t sound interested even though Feemor was fairly certain she was.
She didn’t meet his eyes but that didn’t stop the captain from staring at her. He chose his words carefully. “Feelings, mostly.”
“Did you talk about… you know…”
Rex paused and looked away. “Some. You should probably talk about it with him yourself. I think it would do both of you some good.”
Feemor suspected they could make one more trip after this before the evacuation was complete. The end of the conversation was clear.
They had done several trips back and forth but this last one, was alone with only supplies in their cargo bay. They had brought up a few clones but not many, most had wanted to stay with the rest of the 501st, many of which still recovering from short surgeries.
He didn’t know how the conversation came up, but he knew why. Ahsoka cared a lot about the clones, especially those under her command. It hurt her, he imagined, watching the ones she worked personally with be brainwashed by her former master. Perhaps it was that reason that she latched onto them instead of the betrayal of her old master. Feemor had his only issues with his teacher, but they paled in comparison to hers. His master just threw him away and got himself killed by a Sith. Hers became one.
She talked, rather ranted, about the unfairness of what was happening with her friends. With Commander Appo and all of the other 501st members that she cared so much about. She talked about the blindness and cowardice of the jedi, just leaving and abandoning them to the fate of a droid, to be used by the Empire for whatever means.
Feemor tried to gently remind her that the jedi were trying to save the helpless and their children. That the jedi do not currently have the numbers or the resources or a plan to rescue them all at this time.
“The jedi will come back for them,” he promised at the end, quiet and gentle. He knew it to be true, the Jedi would come back for the clones, for anyone who needed them. It was a part of their identity, to help those who couldn’t help themselves. But it was even more poignant for the clones, he knew. The Jedi would itch to help them, unwilling to leave their friends to such a fate.
“They didn’t for me.”
Her voice was strained and angry but so quiet, Feemor nearly doesn’t hear her. He understands abandonment. His own master had repudiated for something that not only wasn’t Feemor’s fault, but also something he never had any control over. It never had anything to do with him specifically, it was Xanatos who had ruined it all. And Qui-Gon’s love for Xanatos had just torn the older master apart even more.
He did not remind her that the Jedi did ask her to return.
She was just upset and mixing her feelings, much like any teenager who had been wronged, would.
“They’re just trying to survive, Ahsoka,” Feemor replied, instead. “We cannot help the clones if we are all dead.”
Ahsoka had stopped talking and stared out at the venators they passed, peacefully and ignorantly sweeping the planet, orbiting in a protective barrier, waiting for an attack that would probably never come. Her gaze had settled on one, just a little out of the way, further than the others out in the open space before she turned the controls, sharply curving them towards the ship, instead of away from it.
“Ahsoka, what are you doing?” Feemor asked warily.
The teenager didn’t answer. Instead, she turned the ship even tighter and then straightened out towards the unfamiliar venator.
“Ahsoka!” he yelped. “That is not the ship we want!”
She continued to hold her silence and no matter what Feemor says or does, she continues to fly their shuttle right toward the docking area of the larger venator. She even used the Force to push him nearly out of the chair when he tried to stop her.
“You are going to get us killed,” he hissed. “I’m sure plenty, if not all, of the Coruscant Guards have had their chips activated!”
Swallowing hand, she slowed down, now far too close to turn back now, clicking in comm codes and landing on the outskirts of the bay with a heavy thunk. The Jedi master stared at her, eyes wide.
“We need to get out of here,” he tried again but the togruta female just stood, stone faced and determined. “The rest of the Jedi are going to be leaving soon and we need to be with the 332nd so we can keep up with them.”
“We are going to take this ship,” Ahsoka announced, her tone giving no room for debate. She stood up and grabbed her sabers, marching away. Feemor sighed, running his hands along his face. This was going to be something else.
The clones, so engrossed in their chip activation, had not even noticed the unscheduled landing of an unfamiliar shuttle.
It didn’t stop Feemor from hesitating when they snuck off the ship. As they snuck down the ramp, out of sight, he glanced around. A partially crashed into the wall was a Jedi Delta-7 Interceptor, complete with a dead jedi inside, the bubble that usually encased them in the cockpit broken apart in shards. Neither of them recognized her but she was easily identified as a jedi, even from a distance. She had been shot several times; her chest riddled with blaster shots. Her gorget armor piece had helped her survive, at least until she had got to her ship, but she hadn’t gotten any farther. The engine had been shot out. Feemor hoped she died on impact; he didn’t know if her killers would have had granted her a quick death from bleeding out.
Ahsoka snarled. Feemor looked and felt sick.
A couple of the nonclone natborn officers were laughing on the balcony. The hum and although dulling light were easily distinguishable and identifiable as a lightsaber, whirling and flying through the air. They had taken her lightsaber. They had taken it and were playing with it like it was some kind of toy.
“It’s not even that they don’t care,” Ahsoka choked out, nearly in tears. “They are happy,they are glad, we are being killed off.”
Feemor noticed her use of the term we. It continued.
“We are being killed and they are celebrating…they love that we are dying, leaving our bodies to rot without care, where we are cut down. Distracting us, our ways, playing with part of our souls like children while they murder our children.”
She just cried silently.
“Come on, Ahsoka. Let’s find a place to hide and make a plan.”
The two of them snuck through the halls, barely keeping out of sight of the clones. With nothing in their minds, it was easy to keep their attention away. They didn’t want to see anyone – they didn’t see anyone so using a brief signal in the Force to look away was easy to the both of them.
They hid in a few closets, taking down several key troopers throughout some of the ship during their way to the bridge, stripping them of weapons and communications and giving them heavy sleep suggestions. They would be out for hours at the very least. They had talked about a plan, to take the bridge and use the natborn officers to take over the ship. Lock them all in the bridge, including Feemor and Ahsoka, which would keep the clones out but still safe. The plan hadn’t gotten much further than that.
Nearing the bridge, Feemor had pulled Ahsoka into a supply closet as several officers had passed by. To their infinite luck, the officers had stopped nearby to speak to one another, forcing the two jedi to stay in the closet until they were done with their conversation and passed out of sight.
“Master Obi-Wan will like you,” Ahsoka declared, confidently. Her voice was hushed and subdued, but it did nothing to take away from the sentiment.
“You think so?” A welcome topic for Feemor, to be sure.
“I dragged you into something random and unexpected and dangerous. You tried to talk me out of it but then, eventually, just went with it and helped me,” Ahsoka explained. “Just trust me on this one.”
“I kind of prefer them this way,” one of the officers noted, watching as lines of clone troopers marched, perfect and silent, down the hall. “They don’t talk, pretending to be men. They just do what they are told.”
“Without complaint,” another snickered, giving one of the clones a shove. The man sprawled to the ground, helmet smashing into the floor. He just got up and kept walking again. No one had even flinched.
Both of the officers laughed.
Ahsoka nearly burst out from their hiding place around the corner, but Feemor held her back. They were close but they couldn’t give away their position yet. It would surely get them killed.
He pulled her away, towards the bridge. They were so close.
As they got nearer, Feemor and Ahsoka dipped into an empty room to prepare. “Three guards, all clones,” Feemor reported, taking a glance in the direction. He pulled back as Ahsoka’s lightsaber snapped in her hands, unignited.
“I’m faster,” Ahsoka noted. It was true of course, if only because she was so much younger than him, but he was rather amused at her assumption of his lack of speed. He wasn’t lacking, as he had noted to himself, the only thing she had on him in terms of that was youth. “You handle the guards with sleep suggestions, and I’ll start clearing a path in the bridge.”
Feemor actually found it a tad entertaining and a bit insulting as well that she had to clarify the sleep suggestion part, as if she thought he was going to purposefully murder a couple of brainwashed clones. “We need some of them alive, Ahsoka,” he shot back.
She turned to stare at him momentarily. “Yeah. Yeah. I know.”
Taking the bridge wasn’t difficult. They didn’t see it coming and were completely unprepared for an assault by two jedi. Ahsoka had taken out the communications officer first – all of the bridge had been quickly replaced with natborns, unsurprisingly – and had nearly taken off his limbs. In the end, it hadn’t mattered. He was dead.
A few of the officers did end up dead, mostly due to Feemor and Ahsoka reflecting blaster bolts back at them. The rest had surrendered fairly quickly. Upon ordering communications throughout the ship to be blocked, Ahsoka worked on the technology part of the controls of the ship, while Feemor cuffed and herded their hostages away from said controls.
“Alright,” Feemor smiled, something wicked and cold. “This is how things are going to go. We are the leaders on the ship now. You will stay here for the duration of your stay. You will not communicate with anyone – not that you could anyways – and if you somehow do, upon someone figuring out what has happened because of it, bad things will happen. You will not let any of the clones on the bridge or tell them that we are here. Do you understand the rules?”
Everyone was rather hesitant, shooting him horrible looks but they nodded.
“Fantastic. Then, we can move along,” he turned and walked towards Ahsoka, keeping a blatant eye on their prisoners.
“Ah, Ahsoka?” he questioned. “This was great and all but now we have at least hundreds of brainwashed clones aboard. What are we going to be doing with them?”
Ahsoka just shrugged. “For now, nothing.”
Ahsoka walked towards the holotable in the middle of the bridge, Feemor trailing behind her uncertainly. She clicked in a comm code and Feemor shifted uncomfortably on the other side of the table. He couldn’t believe they had taken the ship. Keeping it, that was going to be another story. He had no idea what she had in mind; what she was going to do with this entire ship full of brainwashed clones. It wasn’t like the two of them could just take them down or something.
Jesse and Echo, if Feemor remembered correctly, popped up on the table in the blue holoform. “Commander!” Echo greeted, easily. “We were expecting you back hours ago! Is everything okay?”
“Just fine, Echo,” Ahsoka nodded, seriously. “Any word on General Kenobi’s ships and the other Jedi around?”
“Leaving quite soon sir,” Jesse responded this time. “The last couple of ships have left the planet. They will be leaving for Kamino promptly. Rex said he is going to stay with the… with the rest of the 501st, Appo isn’t doing so well.”
“We actually suggested it,” Echo butted in. The look on their faces were pained and mournful. Jesse struggled to speak again but once he started, his voice got stronger.
“What about you, where are you?”
“When are you coming?”
Ahsoka paused and took a deep breath. Feemor watched, carefully. “You go on to Kamino without us, boys,” she started.
The other two began to protest, rather vehemently. “Never sir!”
“You really think we would leave without you?”
Ahsoka nearly let out a laugh but settled for a smirk. “Don’t worry. I will meet you on our next destination. Master Feemor and I…. well, we found ourselves another ride.
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tvpeongsstuff · 3 years
Supreme Emperor Obi-Wan Kenobi (part 6)
The stormtroopers flanking Master Unduli drew their blasters and pointed them at her where she was kneeling on the floor. She knocked them back with the force while simultaneously pulling their blasters away from them and jumping up into a defensive stance. Her back was to the wall. The blasters all landed close to her.
"Obi-Wan?" She queried. She sounded calm but Obi-Wan could see the agitation she was venting. "You really need to explain."
Master Unduli looked around warily. Obi-Wan had no doubt that she was looking for an exit and was assessing who the biggest threats were. In no time at all, she turned her full attention to him.
Behind her were the troopers she had knocked down. They were standing back up and dropping into fighting positions, blocking her way out of the main entrance. In front of her were the unconscious guards, Palpatine, and Vader. They had been moved to the bottom of the steps leading up to Palpatine's desk after they had been put in binders. The troopers who had been in the room before she came in had all been milling about finalizing their reports. So, when they turned and raised their blasters at her, they were positioned all over the room. Cody was hugging a crying Appo, in front of the desk, near the chairs where they had done their surgery. The medidroids were hovering above them.
Directly in front of her, Bail was grimacing, clutching his right leg. His foot was bent in a weird way. The ankle looked broken. Obi-Wan absentmindedly reached out with the force and healed it. Bail scrambled out of the way.
Obi-Wan himself was in front of the holoprojector. He was dirty and sweaty. He was sure he smelled. He was missing his outer robes and his over tunic and under tunic were cut and singed in several places that made it obvious he had been in a fight. He had blood stains and grime all over him. Some of the blood had not come from him but most of it had and had not dried yet. The majority of his wounds had only just healed. The force acting without his input to speed up his recovery. He could barely feel them now.
His hair was unkempt, lanky, and flat. He was one adrenaline crash away from collapsing and looked it - strung out and high. His lightsaber was in its usual position in its holster. He had not drawn it nor would he. But, to someone who had been held captive for years, clearly he was the most dangerous adversary in the room.
"All troopers lower your guns and stand down." Immediate obedience. It felt sick and wrong, twisted. Obi-Wan could see how Master Unduli reacted to his control over the clones. She crouched lower to make herself less of a target; her blaster was trained right at him.
"Master Unduli," Obi-Wan started, "You have nothing to fear. You can leave whenever you want. I just ask that you hear me out." He sensed her disbelief. "Here," He took out his lightsaber and placed it on the ground. "Take this."
She did not hesitate. She called the lightsaber to her and used the force to check if it could turn it on. Master Unduli dropped the blaster and took hold of the lightsaber. Obi-Wan could feel a marginal lessening of her fear in the force.
She sighed. Then all at once her fear vanished. She was shielding herself. She put her hand on her stomach but did not come out of her pose. She could move into Shii Cho or Soresu at a moment's notice. He decided to break the news to her in one swift go.
"I'm the emperor now."
"You're the emperor!?" her shock was palpable. It broke through her shields.
"Yes," Obi-Wan replied.
"How!" Master Unduli practically shouted.
"I would also like to know exactly what happened." Bail said.
Obi-Wan felt like he was in a dream. What type of dream? He was unsure. In the back Cody was holding Appo who had collapsed to the ground in a mirror of how he had held Cody minutes? yes, minutes ago. The other troopers were unarmed but definitely ready for a fight. The author of his pain was unconscious at his feet. His beloved monster brother was getting some much needed rest. And, his friends Bail and Luminara were scared of him.
"I will answer all questions but first all troopers except Cody and Appo must leave the room. And, ZT units must power down." He couldn't risk triggering something in the programming of either group that he could not predict. He waited until the troopers were in the outer room and then he closed the door. He had to choose his words carefully.
"I.....Vader was trying to...draw on the power of the darkside in a fight...which knocked out all the darksiders near him. I was able to use a sleep suggestion on him. He was wide open in the force and I was able to direct his powers a little. He's still draining the darksiders. The good news is, it weakened Palpatine enough that I gained access to his mind and saw snippets of what he has done to the Jedi, the clones, and the republic. I also saw a way to fix my most immediate concern at the time. Now I am going to use it to fix everything."
"How were you able to overpower Vader's defenses and get him to go to sleep?" Master Unduli sounded suspicious.
"Is it that difficult?" asked Bail.
"Yes. Unless the person is weak willed, compromised in some way, or trusts you, it is hard to get them to submit their will to yours. The middle of a battle is not a time when anyone would let their guard drop enough for some one else to impose their will on them. How were you able to get Vader to listen to you?" Master Unduli had not moved out of defense at yet. She was holding the saber with both hands. Obi-Wan did not really want to answer that question.
"Easy. Vader is Skywalker" The reply came from an unexpected source. Appo was sitting up. He had stopped crying and was staring at the bodies on the ground. No, he was staring at Vader. Cody looked surprised. He was not the only one.
"No," Master Unduli breathed out. "Skywalker fell? He's Vader? What did he do?" She put her hand back on her belly. Obi-Wan tracked the motion.
"Master Unduli...." he trailed off. She saw where his eyes were focused. She took her hand off her belly and brought it back up to the saber. She squared her shoulders but said nothing else. He did not know how to finish his question. He glanced away shamefacedly.
Before the silence could get too awkward, Bail responded to her questions. "Skywalker fell and led his troops against the temple. He also strangled Senator Amidala. Obi-Wan.."
Commander Appo interrupted him. "He killed Senator Amidala? I thought he loved her!"
Obi-Wan wanted to protest that Anakin did..does love the Padme. He was just lost in the dark. He wouldn't have done any of the things he did if he had been in his right mind. Vader had made a shrine of her tomb. His latest rampage was because Obi-Wan had visited her. But he was afraid that it was a case of someone protesting too much. He wanted to believe that Vader could love but he had no proof.
Appo came into his line of sight followed by Cody. He was still talking. "Why am I so surprised when he knew we were chipped and he left us like that!"
Obi-Wan took a half step back. That hurt to hear.
"Lord Vader," Appo practically growled,"cares for no one and nothing. We trusted him. He made us think that we were people when he knew we were no better than meat droids! He ordered us to kill children for him! To kill friends! To kill other vod! The Senator trusted him! He was probably controlling her too! She broke free of his mind control and he killed her! He killed her!"
Commander Appo was shaking, he was so angry. He was laser-focused on Vader. Cody was also angry but it was tempered by concern for his brother. Turning to Bail he asked,
"Did you see him do it? Perhaps there is another reason she died. Would he really have hurt his pregnant wife?" Nobody looked surprised. That relationship and marriage really was the worst kept secret on Coruscant.
"I wasn't there Commander but Obi-Wan was. He tried to stop him and their fight put Vader in that suit."
Everyone turned to look at him. Obi-Wan knew what they could see in face, read in his posture. He knew he was venting grief, horror, and despair into the force. Poor Master Unduli, she should not have to feel this. Nobody should feel this. Obi-Wan needed to bury his emotions deep behind his shields until he fixed everything.
"The suit?" Luminara queried. Obi-Wan wanted to look at her. She was curious but she was projecting so much calmness into the force. He wanted to walk up to her and ask her to meditate with him but..his complicated feelings, her condition; it was probably not a good idea. She should not have to comfort him. Just this once he had to be the strong one.
"He needs it to breathe and move. I believe he's a cyborg now." Obi-Wan's voice was monotonous. He had to hold it together.
"Like Grievous? Is that why he felt the need to rely on such extreme measures to beat you this time?" Master Unduli asked.
"Yes...Maybe," Obi-Wan knew he had to explain but thinking of the lengths his padawan went to to kill him made him nauseous.
"Why didn't you kill him? Why don't you kill him now?" Commander Appo was so angry.
"I...couldn't" Obi-Wan wanted to say he thought he had. He couldn't land the killing blow but who survives dismemberment and falling into lava?
"Of course you couldn't! He's your vod. But I feel nothing but loathing for him. I'll do it. you don't know half stuff he's made us do. I'll be happy to do it." Commander Appo said.
To this, at least, Obi-Wan had a response. "I'm sorry Commander, we can't kill him. Without him all the darksiders will wake up. Sidious will wake up and raise his shields. We will lose access to his mind. We have an opportunity now to fix everything. But I can't do it alone. I will need all of your help."
Not the most impassioned of pleas but it was all that he had.
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All That Matters - Ahsoka Brings Anakin Back on Malachor AU Fic
"You don't have to do this alone," Ahsoka implored in what she hoped was a convincing tone, taking one hesitant step towards the man she'd once called her brother.
Her former master, her mentor. Anakin. He'd taught her everything she knew, taught her to be independent, believed in her when no one else would. He’d saved her life, he’d stood by her, he’d been heartbroken when she turned her back on the Jedi order. How had such an emotive man come to fall so far from grace? How had he successfully traded in his gentle, kind hearted, welcoming persona for the visage of a thoughtless, mass murdering machine?
"You fail to understand," he snapped, his voice a jumbled mixture of his voice box and a meek version of his own struggling vocal cords as he shot her down. "I am no longer that man."
There was a frantic sense of urgent desperation to the statement, as if he was barely managing to hold onto his own lie. As if the walls he’d forged over the years were crumbling around him. Ahsoka shook her head vehemently in response, continuing to resolutely approach him with a stubborn determination. Clenching her jaw, she let the hilts of the sabers she was clutching in her trembling hands fall to the floor with a clatter. Discarding her only self defense, stripping herself bare. She noticed his sickly yellow eyes dart towards the source of the noise, registering her surrender before the intense stare returned to capture hers.
"Then explain to me. I'm here now. It doesn't matter who you are, or what you've done. Make me understand."
Ahsoka meant every word, every utterance. He flinched visibly as he took in the weight of what she implied, the eye wide with jaded disbelief and confusion. The terrifying amount of loathing and disgust she'd sensed when she first arrived for the confrontation had all but vaporized. Dissipating as if it had never been there to begin with. Instead there lingered a tense, uneasy sense of dread between them. She wasn't afraid per se, she just couldn't predict his reactions. His behaviour was so far from the Anakin she'd once known. Although, some things remained the same, she could tell. For example, she could still read his exposed eye like an open book. He was wavering, his conviction faltering and she was there to catch him when he fell. If he fell.
She prayed that he would fall.
"But it does. It does matter. All the things I have done… I cannot change what I have become, neither can you. Your efforts are misguided."
He trailed off, finally looking away. Averting his gaze, a distinct sense of shame bled into Anakin’s Force signature. The guilt was suffocating, closing in around Ahsoka as it poured off of him. Crashing in thick waves, dark and deep and overwhelming. Still, she bit her lip and continued to close in. He wasn't making any effort of moving to attack, wasn't attempting to back away. She was vaguely aware of her hand coming up by its own volition to blindly reach out for him.
"I don't care," she assured, but she felt her voice catch in her throat as the burn of tears began behind her eyes.
"How dare you propose that?!" he roared, a static shriek accompanying the booming vocals of the modulator cutting her off; eyes wide and crazed. "Do you even understand who I am? Do you understand what I have done?"
Ahsoka stopped dead in her tracks, swallowing hard. She was almost expecting him to revert back into fervent denial, to shoot her down and once again proclaim himself to be Vader. To once again pretend she meant nothing to him, that their past was nullified and nonexistent. That he had erased her impact on his life.
Instead, she watched the eerie golden glow of his eye begin to diminish. Slowly, as if it were fading and tapering out. As if it were a hue or film, being slowly wiped away. As if the fog was lifting, as if the spell of his self imposed mind control was breaking. As if the facade was cracking, as if he was coming apart. And little by little, a familiar pale blue shade began to emerge.
When Anakin spoke again, his tone was broken and quiet.
“You should be horrified.”
His broad shoulders gave a small wince, before sagging. Ahsoka watched him blink rapidly, apologetic gaze darting all over her face. It hurt. The pain radiating off of him was aiming straight for her consciousness, surging through her like red hot wires. Forcing her to share his suffering with pulses of intense, sharp anguish. She could sense his turmoil, his reluctance, his terror. He was terrified when faced with the prospect of accepting every heinous act he had committed as Vader, every atrocious thing he had done. He was frightened of the need to admit that there had never been a Vader in the first place, that everything was on him. He alone was to blame.
Yet, Ahsoka found she couldn't bring herself to blame him alone. She may resent what he had become, what he had done, but she could never bring herself to hate him. He was still Anakin, and whatever had led him down this path, she imagined it must be horrific. She had abandoned him when he needed her the most, if only she had been there for him - perhaps he might never have stooped so low. Bracing herself, she began to inch closer to him again. Her fingers twitching in anticipation, hand still reaching out towards him. Offering him a connection, a saving grace.
"I killed them... every single one of them. Every Jedi I could see. All of them. I had to, I couldn't stop. I had no choice. I couldn't..."
Even through the malfunctioning voicebox, the way his voice broke carried through as an unnatural, irregular pitching tone.
Blue. His eye was so light, so alive, a hurricane of emotions whirling within its depths. Like a clear, cloudless sky with a thunderstorm lurking at the horizon. Bloodshot, the scleras more pink than white. But the iris was baby blue.
"I know," Ahsoka simply whispered, nodding her head before repeating her words. “I know.”
She stretched her arm out further, taking a couple of more steps as he hung his head low. His gaze falling to the ground, a shudder wracking his large bulky frame. She focused on the eye, or as much of it as she could see when the helmet he wore shrouded it in dark shadows. Just a gentle, barely perceptible grace as her fingertips brushed against the rough fabric of his black cape. He didn't react, and she suspected he couldn't feel it. How much of his body was even his own anymore? Cautiously, she let her palm touch the armour piece before sliding over his shoulder. When it reached his upper arm, she pressed down to offer it a comforting squeeze - hoping he would feel that.
It spurred an immediate reaction. His head flew up, and he reared back as if he'd been burnt. As if her touch stung him. Eye wide open as he stared at her in shock, in astonishment; pleading with her not to allow herself to be tainted by his sins. In defense, Ahsoka held both hands up in front of her; what she hoped to be a reassuring expression on her face. She felt her stomach twist itself into tight knots, the bile rising in her throat. Once again, she was near convinced he would backtrack. She expected him to reignite his lightsaber, to waste little time in dispatching her. She held her breath, waiting fretfully.
Instead, she watched his naked eye slide shut. Instead, she watched as his tight grip on his own weapon loosened. She watched the hilt slide out of his gloved grip. Eyes flying back up to his face, she once again caught him staring at her. His blue eye misty, glazed over. It was only then she caught the gleam of tears pooling at the corners. She watched them gather, watched the unshed beads of water continue to well up.
"Anakin..." she gasped. "Oh, Anakin."
"I killed the younglings. I killed them all," he whispered. "What have I done?"
His voice was so weak, so full of regret and tangible remorse. The voicebox didn't even pick up on it. Only his own strangled, choked human tone piped up. Ahsoka could barely make it out, but she watched in stunned silence as a single tear broke free. Slowly, it made its way down his scarred, deformed, deathly pale cheek. Then followed another. And another. She could see him visibly trembling with the effort of attempting to restrain himself, the effort of holding his suffering back. Keeping it locked up, despite its attempts to overrule his ironwill.
Two steps, and once again her palm touched his arm. Face hard set, despite the stinging salty wetness prickling at the corners of her own eyes, she let her free hand come up. Careful but without hesitance, she gently let the pad of her thumb reach inside the crack of his face plate. She ran it ever so smoothly over his pale damaged skin, brushing away the wetness it found there only for another tear to break free.
"I know, Anakin. I forgive you."
He didn't respond, and for a second Ahsoka feared she had destroyed what little may be left of his fragile sanity. He stood still as a statue, as if the words wouldn't register. Gaze fixed straight ahead, as if seeing right through her. She raised her voice slightly when she spoke up again, desperate to get through to him. She put every ounce of her unabashed sincerity behind the words.
"Anakin. I forgive you."
A hideous sound erupted from him, and she suspected it was a sob tearing its way out. She blinked back her own tears, keeping a hold on herself as Anakin's legs began to buckle under his own weight. Another choked, an erratic static noise the only way in which the modulator could translate the whimpers. Still clinging to him, she had no choice but to follow him down as he sank hapless to his knees; shoulders shaking while the pain, the guilt and the sorrow he must have been keeping bottled up for years broke free. Without second thoughts, Ahsoka wrapped her slender arms around his large frame to her best extent. With gentle hands, she caressed his broad back. She exhaled a stuttering, weak sigh.
"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," he rambled brokenly in a mantra, hoarse and choppy as he cried. "Oh mom, forgive me, Padmé, forgive me...! Ahsoka... forgive me, please, forgive me...!"
"It's alright. I forgive you, Anakin. I forgive you," Ahsoka murmured, a pang of laboured guilt present in her chest but she could do nothing else.
As soon as she'd spoken those words, his hands flew up. Hovering midair inches from her waist as if afraid to touch her, as if he feared he might break her in half if he tried. Anakin, who had always been starving for hugs, for touches, for affection. Why had he deprived himself of physical comfort for so long? She could sense his loneliness, his solitude as clearly as were it her own. Pressing down, she stroked his back more firmly and hummed to encourage, as if to assure him it was okay. She relaxed when his trembling arms came around her in a humble, restrained embrace. It seemed as if he had to relearn how to hold another person all over again.
Anakin still weeping, Ahsoka finally allowed herself to cave into her own emotional overload. Sniffling, she smiled brokenly, keeping a watchful eye on him through her tears. They had so little time, it wasn't safe here. The entire temple was ready to collapse at any moment. Yet, if they died together like this, she wouldn't mind it much. Instead, she clung tighter to her brother, her master, her only remaining family.
Anakin. She forgave him. He was himself again. He was in his right state of mind, no matter how agonizing. No matter how harsh the truth may be.
They were together again. Nothing else mattered.
Found above on my Ao3, and reposted from my previous acc.
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inkformyblood · 4 years
i wish i was only as cruel
Jangobi Week 2021 Prompt #4 Forced to Work Together (Modern!AU, Background other relationships)
Obi-Wan carefully placed his tea down at his desk, the wood highlighted by a chain of rings from all the cups that had come before it, and settled into his seat. His office still felt oppressive to him — inherited quickly from Qui-Gon in the wake of his sudden passing — as it was still fitted with the dark wood and occasional twisted plant that his old teacher had favoured. Obi-Wan had tried to put his own touch on things, but found himself hampered time and time again by the guilt that twisted through his ribs like a living creature, settling to bite at his heart. 
Pausing for a moment, Obi-Wan allowed himself to turn towards the large window set in the centre of the only wall uncovered by bookshelves and disguised filing cabinets. Beneath him, almost hidden through the heavy smog that rose from the twisted roads that could be mistaken for rivers, lay the city of Coruscant, lit in a fire of reds and sickly yellows.
The building, a set of law offices inhabited by every speciality possible, was quiet around him, except for the distant rumble of a trolley passing over one the floors above — the sound filtering down the towering central staircase — and the muted almost bubbling music from Plo Koon’s office two floors down. They had passed each other that morning, the other man smiling at him from behind his brightly patterned mask while his assistant, Wolffe — Obi-Wan had never quite been able to meet his eyes properly — nodded his greetings before readjusting the pile of files in his arms. Obi-Wan had been able to hear their voices, pitched low but he could still hear the note of care twisting through Wolffe’s words, the other man a constant presence at Plo Koon’s side. 
His own assistant, Cody, was one of Wolffe’s half-brothers, proving time and time again that the universe was conspiring against Obi-Wan specifically, and that it truly was a small world for all that Coruscant was filled with people. Obi-Wan was surrounded by the children — the echoes as Jango called them when they let him — of the man he once loved with everything he was. 
Shaking his head to clear the cobwebs of old regrets from his mind, Obi-Wan took a sip of his rapidly cooling tea, letting the slight bitter taste centre him for the day ahead, and turned to the first page of his paperwork. 
“Tea, sir.”
Obi-Wan startled, eyes dry and aching as he blinked slowly, feeling the final lines of text sear into his eyes as he glanced up. Cody pointed towards the gently steaming cup next to his elbow, his brow creased in familiar worry lines, before shifting his grip on the notepad tucked beneath his arm like a shield. With a gentle smile to try and soothe some of the other man’s worries, Obi-Wan reached for the cup, and paused. 
“Sir?” Cody didn’t shift nervously from foot to foot, or duck his head to try and get away like some of his half-brothers would when confronted with Obi-Wan’s reproachful stare. He had never acted that way since the first day he walked through Obi-Wan’s office door, and pushed the older lawyer out for a break so Cody could organise his files in peace. But Obi-Wan knew the look on his face — the slightly widened eyes, the mild look of surprise communicated solely through a slightly raised eyebrow — although Obi-Wan had first learned it from Jango. 
The thought sent a pang of grief through his heart, grief for what could have been, and his nails dug into his palms for a moment before he moved past the emotion, letting it flow through him rather than fester in his chest like a wound. “What is going on?”
“If I tell you, it’s an internal matter—” Cody looked like every word was being dragged out of him, the corner of one eye starting to twitch “—would you let us handle it?”
As if on cue, a crash echoed through the half-open door, followed by indistinguishable yells. Obi-Wan was standing in an instant, moving towards the landing as Cody sighed, a far too world-weary sigh for such a young man, and followed him, moving with an almost military-like precision. 
Sound carried through the floors, and on the landings above and below him, Obi-Wan could see the familiar faces of his colleagues peering down, all to a man pretending they weren’t deeply invested in finding out what was going on. Glancing down towards the entrance, Obi-Wan felt his blood run cold. 
Boil and Waxer stood in the glass entryway to the building, hackles raised and arms outstretched to bar the door from the man trying to argue his way inside. Numa, their adopted daughter, was curled into Kix’s arms, her bright blue braids the only part of her that was visible, the man hovering half tucked into a doorway. 
“Boil, Waxer?”
Waxer turned, using the motion to check on Numa as he did so, and caught Obi-Wan’s eye. Next to him, he could sense Cody’s glare lessen, the other man raising a hand to press it into his eyes next to him. Even Cody’s organisation couldn’t account for the force of nature that was Jango Fett. 
“Is Jango here to see me?” Through the glass, Obi-Wan saw Jango freeze, his arms lowering as he pressed them to his side, but couldn’t make out the expression on his face. Was he angry? Remorseful? Obi-Wan still woke from nightmares of their final parting, the rain crashing down on them both as Jango kissed him once — fierce and desperate, his hand leaving bruises on Obi-Wan’s hip — before he walked away from everything they had built together. 
Waxer looked at Cody first, the gesture small but it spoke volumes, before nodding hesitantly. 
Obi-Wan turned to Cody, catching the rapid-fire flashes of guilt and grief flickering over his face before it was tucked away once more. “I’ll be fine,” Obi-Wan reassured him, laying a careful hand on his arm and squeezing. 
“If you’re sure, sir,” Cody said, hesitancy clear in every unspoken word kept in his chest. 
“Let him up. I’ll see him in my office. I’m sure he would appreciate someone showing him the way.”
It was a low blow, but a deserved one as Obi-Wan saw Jango flinch at the reminder through the glass that while he was slowly rebuilding relationships with his sons — those that would let him following the clerical error that led to their existences — he knew nothing about Obi-Wan’s life anymore.
“Tell your brothers thank you, Cody. And I thank you as well for looking out for me,” Obi-Wan murmured, as the crowd began to slowly disperse, assistants corralling their lawyers back into their offices with a careful word or, in the case of Rex and Anakin, hoisting the man over his shoulder and carrying him when subtlety failed to work.
“I know he’s trying, but—” Cody broke off with a frown and a shake of his head.
“He’s here. I can hear him out, at least.”
“Would you like some company, sir?”
Obi-Wan carefully sat back down in his chair, drawing his cup of tea closer to him. He stared at the dark liquid as he thought, breathing in the sweet floral scent. “No, thank you Cody. I believe this is a conversation best had by ourselves.”
Cody’s frown only deepened, too harsh an expression to have found its place on such a young face, and Obi-Wan sighed softly. “I believe Plo Koon was needing some help?”
It was an obvious ploy, but one he knew would work. Given Plo Koon’s involvement in their own case, all of Jango’s sons had a soft spot for the man, although he often had more than enough help in the form of his ‘Wolf Pack’. 
Cody turned to leave, and tensed. His bulk was blocking most of Obi-Wan’s view of the door, but the atmosphere in the room grew cold. “Buir.”
Jango’s voice was softer than Obi-Wan remembered, tempered by time. Cody’s back stiffened further at the endearment, glancing back over his shoulder at Obi-Wan — worry clear in his eyes — before he marched out of the room. 
Jango’s hair was speckled with grey, and longer than Obi-Wan remembered, curling around his ears. His face was lined and scarred, but his smile was the same — causing Obi-Wan’s stomach to flip reflexively, warmth flooding through him.
“I see you still need to cause an entrance,” he murmured, gesturing for Jango to sit opposite him. The man did so, glancing around the room with equal parts curiosity and apprehension, his gaze never fully landing on Obi-Wan.
“I didn’t want our first meeting back to be like this,” Jango sighed, scrubbing a hand across his eyes, leaning forward for a moment — looking as vulnerable as Obi-Wan had ever seen him, stripped out of his customary dark green court suit — before he settled back in his chair. “I had plans before I, before—” He broke off.
“Before you left shortly after finding out that you had inadvertently fathered hundreds of children?”
“I was a starving student at the time of those “donations”,” Jango snapped, catching himself before he escalated any further. “But that doesn’t excuse me running away.”
“It’s been nearly a decade, Jango,” Obi-Wan said, running a thumb against the faded pattern on his mug, feeling the heat press at his skin. “I thought you were dead. I mourned you.”
“I can’t apologise enough, cyar’ika. I was a coward.” He spat the word with more venom than Obi-Wan had ever heard. “And I will spend the rest of my life trying to correct my mistakes, not just the ones I inflicted on you, but on my children. But, what I came here before is more than that.”
Obi-Wan sat back in his chair, saw Jango flinch at the appearance of his court persona, before the other man straightened in his chair. They had met in court, a courtship of arguments and battles fought with words, coffee and meals exchanged in the dead of night when neither of them could even see straight anymore. Jango had quit prosecuting when he left, fleeing without a word into the night, but he still knew how to pull on that mask, like an old familiar coat. 
They had been legendary, and Obi-Wan couldn’t hide the grin that slipped out. 
“I’m here because I’m being framed for murder. And you are the only person who can help me, even if you must hate me right now.”
“Jango, I don’t think I could ever hate you.”
Obi-Wan sighed, letting his head drop until his forehead was pressed into the soft leather adorning the top of his desk, breathing in the age old scent of varnish and coffee. “I will help you though. But you have to tell me everything.”
Jango could have carved from marble, but he nodded slowly, hands curled into fists so tight that Obi-Wan wondered if they would break. 
“Okay, cyar’ika. What would you like to know?”
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hellowkatey · 4 years
Febuwhump Day 7
Prompt: Poisoning
Read on AO3
A Toast to Diplomatic Dangers
It's difficult to enjoy a nice dinner when everyone at the table is hell-bent on killing you. Anakin isn't entirely sure how or why he and Obi-Wan are sitting here so casually when they figured out not ten minutes ago the dinner party they crashed was of Separatist synthesizers-- murderous ones, at that.
Obi-Wan tried to justify it by saying, "It's social propriety. They think we think they are still part of the Republic, and we just won't let them know otherwise."
It took a moment for Anakin to think through exactly what his former master had even said. "But what is the purpose?"
And then he got that look-- the mischievous eyes and trademark Kenobi wry smile that only ever means he has a plan Anakin won't like. Obi-Wan gives him so much trouble for his plans being reckless, but if only the old man would look in the mirror every once in a while. Sure, his plans can be physically demanding, sometimes dangerous, but Obi-Wan's... they rely on the smallest securities that often the Jedi Master has deduced on his own but hasn't yet shared with everyone else. He once heard Master Windu joke that they are the two extremes on the spectrum of chaos, and he is pretty sure that is the best way to describe it.
"Information, of course."
Fantastic. Risking our lives to satisfy Master Kenobi's curiosity.
Anakin wanted to remind him that 1. they are not shadows and not trained to spy and 2. he has a bad feeling about all of this, but they were escorted into the dinner party before he could make his points. So now they sit there, and it is painfully obvious nobody at the table is pleased with their presence. It's almost embarrassing for the senators how poorly they are containing their disdain for their Jedi guests-- how they got this far without being outed as Confederacy converts is laughable.
But his master persists-- chatting them up as though he is completely oblivious to their curt answers and blank stares. Anakin just sips on his
"... but I do think that last bill regulating hyperspace lanes was quite necessary, at least in the long run. Wouldn't you agree, Senator Zurros?"
"If we expect to be in this war for the next decade, maybe Master Jedi."
Obi-Wan folds his hands in front of him. "Apologies, I saw your name on the supporting document, so I assumed we shared sentiments."
The Falleen senator pauses, receiving looks from the others at the table. "Yes, well, I can have opinions differing... from what still... makes sense, you see."
"Of course, well you are much more acquainted with political processes and the practice of choosing loyalties than I," Obi-Wan says, looking as innocent as possible. Silence falls over the others, and the Jedi Master takes a sip of wine.
Anakin has to hold in a laugh. Obi-Wan is enjoying this far too much.
Serving droids enter the room with plates of the main course, thankfully breaking up the tension in the room. Anakin spies two of the senators on the far end whispering to one another, looking up at Obi-Wan and then to one of the droids. Anakin grimaces. It looks like he will be saving his master again, after all.
"Excuse me a moment," he says, standing up and bowing politely. He feels the stares as he walks off toward the hall, but ignores them.
Fresher? Obi-Wan inquires through their old training bond.
Following a lead. Don't eat.
Oh good. Anakin smiles and rolls his eyes. Even through the Force, where there is no tone, he can still feel the sarcasm. It's admittedly been a while since he's seen this side of his former master. Ever since the war, he's been a lot more serious. A lot more stringent. General Kenobi is a different man than the Master Kenobi Anakin grew up with. It's by necessity, he supposes. Obi-Wan isn't just another Jedi knight anymore. He is a council member, a high general. Sometimes Anakin envies the responsibility and trust the Order instills in him so naturally, but most of the time he is relieved to have eyes off him for once. But right now, General Kenobi isn't here. Master Kenobi is and it's nice to see. A little nostalgic in ways.
He gets out to the hall, but instead of going to the 'fresher, he turns the other way toward the kitchen. He has a feeling if he finds that droid he will also find some sort of command to poison their food or something. It would be enough evidence to arrest them for an attempted assassination, or at least expose them for being traitors. Anakin grimaces at the thought. He doesn't understand the games they play. Join the Confederacy or stay with the Republic, the war will decide who is more powerful. But playing both sides? He doesn't see the honor in being a womp rat.
Anakin knew the hallway was long, but he feels like he's been walking forever at this point. Or maybe the gravity wells have suddenly faltered, and he's walking uphill now.
But that wouldn't make sense. He would hear the crashing of dishes and the paintings on the wall would be tilted. He still has part of his attention on the dinner party and all is calm so far. Anakin wipes a bead of sweat away from his temple, realizing that his hair is clinging to the sheen of sweat across his forehead.
He stops. Blinks. The hallway is tilting, but he has a feeling it isn't a gravity problem. Uh oh, he thinks, and as his knees buckle he sends out a plea of help through their training bond.
Obi-Wan is in the middle of subtly implying that one of the senators attended a particular political rally in the previous cycle when he is suddenly flooded with overwhelming feelings of queasiness, fatigue, and dizziness. He nearly drops his glass at the onset, and he immediately turns to his training bond with Anakin.
He's on his feet in an instant. The rest of the dinner party is staring at him, some with the first smiles he's seen all night, which is not at all comforting to him.
"What is it, Master Jedi?" Zurros says with a look that is far too satisfied to not be involved somehow. He bites back the urge to say a number of damning things about the scheming senator.
"I also will be right back," he says politely before eyeing the Falleen senator severely. Zurros's smile fades in an instant. "You can count on that."
Obi-Wan turns and walks quickly out of the dinner party room. He can feel the muted side of Anakin's bond, and he sends feelings of reassurance through it, though he knows his former padawan may not be able to feel them.
It doesn't take him long to find the young knight collapsed on the ground. Anakin only made it halfway down the hallway. Obi-Wan runs now, falling at his side and rolling him onto his back. Anakin's face is pale and clammy, his breathing concerningly shallow. Obi-Wan swallows hard, picking up his comm and sending the code for an immediate medevac and backup. He turns his attention back to his padawan.
"Anakin, wake up." he urges, trying to wake him. He reaches through the Force and plucks at his consciousness, assessing the extent of the damage. From what he can tell, it's a slower acting poison. It's possible even he has also ingested some and has yet to feel the effects. He picks up Anakin's hand and presses hard against his nail bed. He doesn't react. Possibly a paralytic agent as well...
He can already hear the pounding of trooper footsteps in the distance. Luckily they called for standby back up as soon as they learned of their villainous company. As some troopers with a stretcher come round the corner, Obi-Wan stands.
"General Skywalker has been poisoned by an unknown agent and needs immediate extraction and medical attention," He looks at the group of men led by Cody. "The rest of you are with me." Obi-Wan turns and Cody falls into step beside him.
"The situation, sir?"
"An assassination attempt has been made on a Skywalker. We have cause to hold the senators and their staff present and conduct an investigation into the perpetrator. Blasters to stun, unless deadly action is initiated."
"Yes, General," Cody pauses and then looks up at him. "Have you also been poisoned, sir, or only General Skywalker."
He smiles. Smart man, that Cody. He's picked up Obi-Wan's antics quickly. "If I have I haven't begun to feel the symptoms," he says, giving his commander a side-eye. "But after seeing Anakin's state, I will not be taking my chances on that."
He just doesn't like the medbay. It doesn't mean he has a deathwish, as much as some would like to believe.
They burst into the dinner party room, the senators jumping up in surprise at the Republic troopers that flood into the room with their blasters trained. Obi-Wan smiles, interlocking his hands behind his back.
"I hate to put a damper on our lovely dinner but it seems someone has soiled the wine," he announces, taking a little bit of enjoyment in the outrage on their faces.
"We are senators of the Republic, you can't do this!" Zurros yells as he is placed in cuffs.
"You are suspects of an attempted assassination now. I am implored to remind you of your right to silence, Senator Zurros. For all our sake."
More calls of protest, but Obi-Wan turns to leave the room. Cold sweat has begun to form on his brow, and he is quite determined to not give the medics the satisfaction of carrying him out on a stretcher.
Anakin has a horrible headache when he wakes up. The medbay lighting is never kind, forcing him to slowly blink his way to adjusting to the light.
"He lives," a gentle voice rings out. Anakin rolls to his side, seeing the blurry form of his master sitting on the bed next to him.
"Barely," Anakin groans. "What happened?"
"Poison in your wine. A nasty, but fairly common type, luckily. Kix had an antidote on hand. Those senators weren't exactly criminal masterminds it turns out."
"I could've told you that."
Obi-Wan chuckles. "I'm sure you have many, "I told you so's," for me right now."
Anakin can hear the regret and guilt in his master's voice. It hadn't even occurred to Anakin that any of this would be Obi-Wan's fault, though he hadn't exactly been conscious to contemplate such an idea.
"Someone had to drop otherwise we wouldn't have had evidence to actually arrest them," he pauses. "We did arrest them, right?"
"They are in custody. Two have already confessed to knowing about the scheme."
"They requested immunity, then?"
"Oh of course they did. They're politicians, Anakin," his Master's dislike of politicians is always amusing to Anakin. He wonders what he'll think of Anakin marrying one when he eventually tells him. There will probably be jokes. Lots of jokes. "I still am sorry it had to be you, though."
"Are you kidding? If it was you who collapsed in the hallway I'm sure I would not have the same General Kenobi decorum with those kriffing senators."
Obi-Wan hums with amusement. "I suspect there would be a lot of waving around of your lightsaber."
"We've been over this, it's called aggressive negotiations, and it works."
"Amazing how they don't call you the Negotiator."
Anakin can feel the tension airing out between them as Obi-Wan's guilt fades away. It wouldn't be a mission of theirs if one of them didn't end up in the medbay, anyway... though from the IV in Obi-Wan's own arm, Anakin has a suspicion that he wasn't the only one to get a taste of poison. He decides not to point it out and ruin the mellow mood.
He'll bring it up another time, for sure. Ammo for later.
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Lost and Found
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part 10/10 “a goodbye to anakin skywalker”
previous part
word count 4.1k
an: well guys.. it’s the end of the line for this story. thank you for coming on this journey with me. while you read this, i want you to keep in mind that hope can always live on. you never know what can happen next with this group... xoxo
final playlist
The Clone Wars. It was said to be a war to bring peace to the galaxy, and to put a stop to the scourge that was the Separatist Alliance. The Republic stood for peace, freedom, and safety, and it’s counterpart sought to destroy it. The protectors of these promises were in the forms of Clones, fighting alongside the great Jedi Knights. Peacekeepers thrusted into a war they did not ask for, like the Jedi before them long ago in the Old Republic times. There would always be evil that would try and disrupt the peace.
And it was true. But this war was created by a single man. A single evil.
The Purge has begun.
Dash’s words still echoed in your ears as Fives’ blaster was trained on him. Ripples of pain coursed through your chest and you fought the sensation back to focus on the scene before you. Dash moved to grab his lightsaber and you gripped firmly on his arm with a shake of your head. Fives shifted slightly to glance your way, and you sensed his hesitation.
“Fives,” you called to him. His blaster shifted to point at you and you were taken back, his hands noticeable shaky. “What are you doing?”
“His excellency has executed Order 66,” Fives explained. One of his hands moved to grip his helmet and he tossed it off. Your heart fell at the sight of tears in his eyes. “By order of the Galactic Senate of the Grand Republic, all Jedi are to be terminated for treason.”
His aim came up higher and you shook your head at the sight. Another low rumble came from the outer walls of the temple, and you could hear the footsteps echo from down the corridor you once came down. You moved to step closer, but Fives tightened the hold on his blaster.
“Don’t come any closer,” he commanded you. “Y-You must go. Now.”
Dash tugged on your arm and you met his gaze. With a final look at your friend, Dash and you quickly disappeared down another corridor. Your breathing felt heavy as you descended deeper and deeper into the Sith temple, and you could feel the growing presence of your men behind you. Your comm blinked, indicating messages from your battalion, but you ignored them to keep up the pace with your new ally.
When you entered a new part of the tomb, cries entered your mind and you screeched to a halt. Dash appeared to be looking around trying to regain his sense of direction, but your eyes trailed down another dark path. The cries and echoes felt to be coming from down that way and your feet started to take you there.
“What are you doing?” Dash asked once he noticed your state.
“I have to go down there,” you replied, not even looking at him to respond. Dash shook his head.
“That’s not the way-”
“I’m not looking for the way out,” you snapped and finally turned your attention to him. Dash looked you over with a concerned look, but sighed nonetheless and waved you off. He would at least stay behind and try to find a way out. You turned your attention back to the dark hall and continued on your way.
Each step you felt your legs get heavier. The cries that once eched the walls now seemed to just be apparent in your ears and mind. Shouts, gasps, cries.. And blaster sounds. A foreign sound entered your mind and your legs could move no further, when a familiar drawl spoke in your mind and forced your eyes closed.
“Rise, Darth Vader.”
Your eyes shot open but you were no longer in the temple. The once familiar green land you once frequented was like ash, the once green beautiful foliage was wilting and dying. The figure stood up on the same hill, and you forced a step forward.
“Don’t listen to him, Anakin!”
Mace windu’s voice filled your mind. A scene erupted on your side and your breath caught at the sight. Master Windu seemed to be deflecting a form of lighting from Palpatine, right back at him. Some stray strands whipped around in the air, and Anakin just stood there. There seemed to be words exchanged, but you were too focused on the changing face of the former Chancellor.
Anakin’s voice brought you from your trance and you watched in horror as he sliced off Windu’s hand. Before the scene could continue, it fluttered away like the ash around you. You shook your head as the breathing in your chest quickened, and you turned your attention to the figure up on the hill and took a couple more forced steps up.
“Execute Order 66.”
The words repeated as if they were spoken more than once, around you multiple scenes started to pan out. You watched as familiar troopers around you turned their attention to the Jedi they were with, and aimed their blaster rifles at them. Shots began to fire all around you, and it felt as if they tore through you as well and you fell to your knees at the agonizing pain.
A body fell before you, and your gaze landed on the open, deadpanned eyes that stared at you, but then more fell as you registered the faces with steam from blaster fire coming off them. Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi. Jedi Master Aayla Secura. Jedi Master Luminara Unduli. Jedi Master Quinlan Vos.
Each set of eyes bore into you and you felt the pain course through your body at their loss. Tears stung the back of your eyes as you stood, seeing more and more bodies drop amongst the wasteland around you. Over head, a small star ship fell to the ground and in a fiery explosion, you felt the presence in your heart.
Jedi Master Plo Koon.
The sound of a speeder came from behind you and you turned, watching as another victim crashed in another fiery explosion at the hands of the familiar troopers you too fought alongside.
Jedi Master Stass Allie.
Their images faded away just like the ones before them, but you felt the tears slip down your face. The figure still stood at the top of the hill and you fought the growing heaviness that coursed through you and when you neared you called out.
“What has happened?”
The figure, with hands laced before them didn’t turn to look your way. You tried to take another step up the hill but something held you back. Your fists tightened at your side as you stared at the mysterious figure, and shook your head.
“Anakin Skywalker has fallen to the dark side.”
The voice that filled your mind held no sign of emotion, as before. Something in your heart broke at the thought, and with the image of Anakin’s deeds from before, but you still shook your head.
“He couldn’t-”
Before you could finish your thought another pain filled you, you gripped your head and shut your eyes at the immense pressure that filled you and you fell to your knees once more. The Force was calling out in pained cries and you couldn’t handle it trasping through your heart.
“Master Skywalker, there’s too many of them. What are we going to do?”
Your head snapped up at the younglings voice, and you watched Anakin’s hooded and dark eyes fall over the children. You shook your head frantically and crawled forward towards the scene, tears once again burning your eyes.
No.. No, Anakin-
His blue saber ignited, and startled both you and the child. He lifted the weapon of peace above his head and before he could strike it down you shut your eyes tightly. The sound of young cries filled your ears, the sound of the lightsaber cutting through their flesh vibrated through you and you felt sick. One by one you could hear their bodies fall to the floor like the Jedi before. When it finally stopped you opened your eyes to tears streaming down your face. A youngling laid before you, eyes staring into your soul and you cried out.
Suddenly you were pulled from this place when Dash grabbed a hold of your shoulders. Your eyes flew open and you gasped as the barren sight before you. Dash looked at you in fear and you couldn’t help the real tears that streamed down your face. You shook your head at him and casted your gaze down to the ground.
“They’re all gone.. The Jedi.. The young-”
You couldn’t bring yourself to finish the sentence, but Dash gripped your shoulder a bit. He looked back down the corridor you both came down and then back to you.
“We have to leave, they’re coming,” he told you and you forced yourself to nod. Dash helped you up and both of you hurried back into the main room, and Dash steered you down another corridor. “I have a ship. We can get away-”
“There’s a Republic cruiser,” you interjected as you ran beside him. You could indeed feel the clone troopers behind you, and you had to fight to keep up with your companion. “A number of them really.”
“Doesn’t matter, we can out maneuver them,” Dash said over his shoulder. “And disappear-”
You came to a sudden stop. Dash heard your footsteps pause and he looked back at you, and raised a brow at your sudden hesitation. You hadn’t thought about it.. You were seen as an enemy of the Republic. And Anakin.. Anakin just did these dark deeds.. Did he view you as an enemy as well?
“Anakin,” you finally managed. “I.. He.. What do I-?”
“We can figure that out,” Dash said and you took a shaky breath. “Once we get out of here-”
“No, we.. We can’t.. We need to.. Make it look like..”
Dash let out a small oh when he realized where you were going with your thought. He looked back at the hall that led to freedom and sighed a bit. He took a couple steps to you and grabbed a hold of your shoulders and shook you a bit.
“Just for once throw out the training they put on you,” Dash said with urgency. “If we want to live then we need a plan. But we need to work together to do that. Are you ready for that?”
You nodded at his words. The weight you had been carrying was lifted a bit and put onto him. This dire situation called for what you think that figure had told you. The light and the dark, this needed the neutral of it all. You had to succumb to a bit of darkness yourself if you wanted to live.
But you couldn’t help but question if it was a life worth living without Anakin in it.
“We need Fives,” you told him. “Fives needs to be the one to believe it.”
Dash nodded and he glanced back at the direction he knew his ship to be. “You need to trust me.”
“I do,” you replied and he nodded. Once again, you both ran to the exit, but it didn’t quell your fear.
It was settled.
The Clones would come from the direction that you had come from, they were well on their way you could tell, and you would be here. Dash’s ship would lay at the bottom of the cavern, the edge just before you, and it would seem as if you fell to your death. If anyone came looking.. You figured by that point it would be desolate enough with more sand that there couldn’t be any true indication your body laid there or not.
Still, as you turned your lightsaber over in your hand and Dash boarded his ship, you weren’t sure of this. You weren’t sure of any of this. A part of you couldn’t believe the farce that had become of the galaxy, or your life. You looked out to the horizon and at the sun that was beginning to settle. The ship engines roared to life and the ship rose in the air, only to fall past the edge you would soon be falling over as well.
Anakin had helped you craft these weapons. He hadn’t meant to help you fix the heaviness that came with it, but it looked as if that would never come. Your new life would never come. You didn’t want to know what would happen to Padme and her children, but hoped that they would live happy lives.. Though you didn’t know what the future held at this point.
You bit back the sobs in your throat as your fingers reached into your pocket to pull out the thing you carried with you everywhere. You pulled out the japor ivory pendant you always carried with you, and rolled it over your palm. You closed your eyes and sucked in a breath when you felt a familiar presence in your mind.
When you opened your eyes, the figure you often saw stood before you, cloak blowing in the breeze. You stood from your spot on the ground and clenched your saber and pendant in your hands. If the figure was here, then it was not good news.
“What is it?” You asked. The figure looked over its shoulder at you and turned to face you fully. With a flick of their hands, their hood fell and you were face to face with.. You. You raised a brow and couldn’t help but scoff. “What is this?”
The figure didn’t speak but took a step forward and placed a hand over yours that held the pendant. A few images flashed before your mind, but the familiar voice of your friend is what stuck out to you.
“I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic have fallen with a dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place. This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi. Trust in The Force. Do not return to the Temple…that time has passed. And our future is uncertain. We will each be challenged. Our trust. Our faith. Our friendships. But we must persevere. And in time, a new hope will emerge. May the Force be with you, always.”
You blinked and the figure had taken a step back. The images you saw showed the Temple you once frequented in ruin, and an image of Anakin on a lava covered planet, in a stare down with Obi-Wan himself. You shook your head at the thought that Anakin was so far down this path that even Obi-Wan couldn’t help him. You glanced down to your feet as the figure spoke.
“They’re coming,” your voice came from their mouth. “They must believe you to be dead. Everyone. When the time is right, you must give this up.”
“Give what up?” You asked. You looked up to meet your own gaze, and the figure lifted their hood once more.
“Your connection to the Force.”
You had no choice but to nod, but just as fast as it had appeared, the figure was gone. You could hear the footsteps behind you nearing and you sucked in a breath, and tied the pendant around the saber tightly with the bead it hung on, and closed your eyes in concentration facing the edge.
The Clones came out in dozens, Fives leading them. You kept your eyes shut even when they lined up behind you, and only opened them when you heard the sound of their blasters readying. You turned around and met the familiar helmets of your friends, your family. Your thumb ran over the metal in your hand and looked at the men before you.
“I know you can’t control this,” you mumbled to them. Fives took a steady step forward, blaster still trained on you. “I don’t want to hurt any of you.”
“You won’t,” Fives said. You took a more defensive stance and before the shots could begin, you ignited your lightsaber.
Deflecting the hot blaster fire was harder to do when you weren’t aiming it back their way. You were careful with each swing of the blades, but still had to allow some to hit your body. You knew with each shot that burned your skin, Anakin would feel it. You grimaced and deflected a few more shots, edging backwards to the edge. You felt tears sting your eyes once more but fought the urge and when a shot hit you in the shoulder, you disappeared off the edge.
The air that flew past you felt cold, not helping with the aches in your body. The fear in your mind you were sure reached the man you wanted it to, and the deeper you fell the darker it became. Dash had to be precise in slowing your speeds, and you felt more fearful the closer you came to the ground, his ship nowhere in sight.
Then it stopped suddenly. Your clenched shut eyes flew open and you hovered over the ground. You quickly looked up to see Dash with a strained look on his face. He couldn’t help but let a victorious smile fall over his face as he gently placed your legs on the ground. You faltered a bit as the pain shot through your body, the blaster shots in both your shoulders and on your torso burned, but you had to quell your feelings and thoughts.
“We did it,” he said and you stared at the saber in your hand. You lifted it up to touch the pendant once more and closed your eyes when a couple tears fell. Slowly you dropped the lightsaber and it hit the sand covered ground. You took a shaky breath and looked up at your companion, and nodded.
“We should leave.” You told him and Dash nodded in agreement.
The trek to where Dash had hidden his ship was longer than you thought, but that may have been your injuries talking. By the time you were able to fall into a seat, you had peeled the robe you wore off and tossed it on the ground in anticipation. As you felt the ship lift into the air, your mind wandered to Anakin once more.
That’s why you weren’t surprised to see the scenery before you shift. You now sat alone in darkness, and you ignored the figure that stood before you. You knew what they wanted, but couldn’t bear the heaviness in the air.
“It’s time,” your voice said, though it didn’t come from you. You sucked in a breath and looked up at the figure.
“Will Anakin be alright?” You asked. The face under the hood fell into a frown, your face that was, and you closed your eyes.
“. . . You were the Chosen One! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them!”
Obi-Wan’s voice filled your mind and you gasped at the new pain that filled you. Fire filled your chest and it felt as if your legs and arms were numb. You stood quickly, and were enveloped in a scene that made you want to be sick. Anakin laid on the ash covered ground, arms and legs both gone. Your hand covered your mouth as you tried to move nearer. This couldn’t be true. None of this could be true!
“It was you who would bring balance to the Force, not leave it in Darkness!”
“I hate you!” Anakin cried out. You tried to take a step closer but froze when you watched his body catch fire. You cried out and turned away from the scene.
What came before you next was.. Worse. Anakin laid upon a metal table, wriggling his burned and limbless body as droids surrounded him. He grunted out in pain and you tried to run over. But Palpatine moved before you. The agonizing cries he let out as things were screwed into his already pained body made your heart break more and more. You couldn’t do anything to help him besides watch these pieces be put in place, and then finally.. A helmet.
A hand was placed over your shoulder and your head fell. Modulated breathing filled the space before fading away completely.
“Anakin Skywalker is lost,” the figure told you. You shook your head and looked back up, and they had moved before you.
“Not all of him is lost,” you said. “What if I can-”
“No,” the voice cut you. “There is too much pain in him. There is nothing that can be done for now.”
“So what now? You said Anakin and I must work together to.. To keep the balance.”
“The balance has been lost,” they explained. “For now you must go into hiding. Give up your connection.”
You looked back at the still figure of Anakin’s new image. Mostly mechanical now but it still housed the man you loved deeply. The figure held out something to you, and you teared up at the japor ivory pendant it held. You took it from their hands and held it to your chest.
“How do I live without him?” You nearly whispered. The figure looked at you sadly, but took a step back.
“You’ll find a way. Once the time is right.. Anakin can be saved from the path he has chosen. You must be ready for that.”
You nodded, and the figure held it’s hand out for you. You slowly took it and before you knew it you were back on the ship, and your life with Anakin was over for now.
- - - - - - - - - -
There were a few things that had to be taken care of before Lord Vader could commence his own doings. The shift of the Republic to an Empire has gone according to plan, and the initial stages of the new Death Star had begun. Now, Vader could complete something that troubled him for months. His last connection to the Jedi, Anakin Skywalker. He needed to know what happened.
Korriban radiated a dark power. The temple he walked through matched the report former Clone CT-5555 had stated after the Purge. The former Sith that rested in these tombs voices seemed to whisper to him, though they weren’t statements he was fond of hearing.
“Their deaths fall on you.”
“All the Jedi are perished, including the one you seek.”
“Your anger killed your family.”
Vader ignored the snide comments, making his way down the final corridor until the voices faded to nothing behind him. He came out to the blazing sun and the built up sand on his boots, and looked over the scene before him. The Force always told a story, and this one penetrated him in the same echoes as any other.
“I know you can’t control this.”
Your familiar voice filled Vaders head and his fist clenched by his side. He could see your ghost-like figure by the edge, and the Clones that surrounded you. CT-5555 took a step forward, blaster still trained on you.
“I don’t want to hurt any of you.”
You said it so confidently. Even with the blasters trained at you. Even with these men ordered to kill you.
“You won’t.”
CT-5555 sounded so sure. Vader saw your ghost-like figure take a more defensive stance and before the shots could begin, you ignited your lightsaber. Vader took a step closer as the shots sounded in his mind, and watched your fearful face. The closer he got, the further you moved away. A few shots hit you, and Vader remembered the burning sensation he felt long ago, when this happened. Vader was near your ghost outline, and he reached out before him to graze what would have been your skin, but a shot forced you over the edge.
Vader clenched his outstretched hand. Anger filled him as he peered over the edge, his breathing the only sound on this desolate planet. He opened his palm and held it out in search of what he came for. A few moments passed before a metal hilt flew into his hand and he took a step back.
Vader swiped the dirt off the blade when his gloved hands felt something too familiar. He turned the hilt over in his hand and his mechanical fingers grazed the sweet japor ivory pendant. Under the helmet, his eyes looked over the ivory and they shut firmly. His hand gripped the metal and he turned back to the hall back into the temple.
Vader could finally say goodbye to the man he once was, to the pitiful past he held Anakin Skywalker was no more. There was nothing left to hold onto now.
Darth Vader was his past, present, and future now.
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powerfulharmony · 3 years
Powerful Harmony-Part 29
Padme led Senator Farr out of the way. Anakin, Obi-wan and Ahsoka ran out in different directions as the Benders and their warrior friends fought against the Heartless. They eliminated each of the Heartless one by one. As they fought, everyone stood around and watched them. Another familiar man watched from above, in a secluded room. From inside the building, several others watched; one of them being one other familiar man. Anakin had both hands behind his back as he watched. Senator Farr took 1 step forward, Anakin then held his hand out in front of Farr. Anakin: “Stay back, Senator. These kids are the only ones who can take on these creatures.” Ahsoka: “You mean the Heartless, master?” Farr: “Heartless?” Obi-wan: “Yes, that’s what the creatures are called.”
Little by little, the threat seemingly dissipated, but then more Heartless began showing up, only they were larger. Sokka: “Oh, come on, you’ve got to be kidding me!” Zuko: “Sokka! This isn’t the time for another one of your rambling!” Suki: “He’s right, we have to keep fighting!” Sokka: “How did I get myself into this?”
They went on and continued fighting on. It was not long before the Heartless outnumbered them. Everyone watched in horror as the Benders struggled just to stay in the fight. From inside the building, people kept on watching. One of them stepped back and ran off. Farr: “Isn’t anyone going to do something!?!”
Anakin pulled out 1 hand from behind his back, holding a small device. Anakin: “Already on it.”
He pressed a button on the device. From above, many large containers were brought down. As they crash landed on the battlefield, large piles of rocks of many sizes poured out, as well as many gallons of water. Farr: “What…what did you do!?!” Anakin: “I gave them everything they needed.” Farr: “But…all you did was brought down large containers of rocks…and water.” Anakin: “Trust me, that’s all they’ll need.”
At that time, Katara spotted the water that was brought down. She smiled, stood near the water, then as she waved her arms around, she bend the water towards the Heartless. Everyone but Anakin, Obi-wan, Padme and Ahsoka became startled. Toph felt several rocks near her location and smiled. Toph: “Thanks, Anakin!”
She then did her stances and moved the rock towards the Heartless in an offense style. Aang: “It looks like these Heartless are becoming tougher.” Zuko: “Too bad for them, because I’ve been holding back. Let’s unleash our full power!” Aang: “You’ve just read my mind.”
Zuko and Aang then began to bend, too. Zuko shot out several fireballs from his fists and unleashed flare kicks and Aang created funnels with his hands. Everyone stood in awe on what they were witnessing. Farr: “What are these kids…?” Obi-wan: “These are a unique group of individuals with abilities to control and manipulate the elements to their will.” Anakin: “Where they come from, this is known as Bending.” Voice: “Senator Amidala!”
At that time, another familiar character came running towards them. Padme: “Senator Organa!” Organa: “I saw everything from inside the building. What is going on? What sort of kids are they?” Obi-wan: “Benders.” Organa: “Benders?” Obi-wan: “Yes, that’s what they’re called and there are many others quite like them from their world.” Organa: “These kids are from…another world?” Ahsoka: “That’s right and they were brought here to help us end the Heartless threat.”
Soon enough, the 2 senators spotted Sokka and Suki and noticed that they weren’t bending at all. Farr: “Hey, what about those 2? Why aren’t they doing what those other kids are doing, what was it you called it, again? Bending?” Anakin: “Who, those 2? They’re not Benders.” Organa:“Really? They’re incapable of such powers?” Farr: “Are those 2 from a separate world from the…uh, Benders?” Ahsoka: “Oh, no, they’re from the same universe, it’s just that some of their people don’t have those abilities. Some of them are actually warriors, much like those 2.” Obi-wan: “And incredibly talented ones at that.” Anakin: “Yeah, Suki, maybe. Sokka? Not so much.”
They continued fighting on. Just then, they noticed that some of the Heartless were going after the crowd. Seeing this, Zuko immediately rushed up to them, stood in between them and created a fire wall, separating the 2 group. The Heartless were chased off. Obi-wan: “Zuko! Don’t worry about protecting these people! Anakin, Ahsoka and I will handle that! Just take out those Heartless!”
Zuko nodded then went back to fighting the Heartless with the others.
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stolen-pen-name23 · 3 years
If you feel like it, maybe "You have to help(/save) him! Please!" referring to Anakin, for either Ahsoka about her Master or Obi-Wan about his Padawan?
Thank you for the prompt! I went with Obi-Wan and Anakin as his padawan! // from these prompts // prompts now closed
Obi-Wan can sense Anakin weakening with every hour that passes.
The boy is limp in his arms and Obi-Wan is constantly pushing against their young bond to make sure that it still exists — that Anakin still lives.
“You have to stay with me, Padawan,” Obi-Wan says, his voice betraying his own fears. “Come on, keep your eyes open.”
“Can’t,” Anakin murmurs.
“Yes, you can,” Obi-Wan insists. “Just open your eyes. Look at me.”
“Hurts. Don’t feel good.”
“I know, but you have to hang in there. We’re almost out of here,” Obi-Wan says, hoping he is right.
Evidently, Anakin can sense that it is only that — a hope.
“You don’t know that,” Anakin says. “You don’t even know where we are.”
The boy has him there. He can only guess which direction to go, relying heavily on the Force and hoping that his intuition is correct.
Being lost in the jungle is not the ideal situation. Being lost in the jungle with a young Padawan is an even less ideal situation. Being lost in the jungle with a young and very sick Padawan with no supplies? Well, that is just bad luck.
Very bad luck.
Their ship crashed days ago. Obi-Wan got away unscathed, but Anakin received a nasty gash on his arm — a nasty gash that is now infected. Anakin’s feverish skin burns so hot, Obi-Wan can feel it through his tunics.
Obi-Wan had been able to salvage some water and a little bit of food from the wreckage. The food ran out two days ago and the water ran out this morning. Every stream and babbling brook he passes tempts him, but he resists the urge to drink. Obi-Wan did not have any iodine to treat the water, and even though his mouth feels like it is stuffed with cotton, he knows making himself sick with unclean water will only serve to make the situation worse.
He growls in frustration. Without bacta, without water, without antibiotics, Anakin will not make it to tomorrow. Without water, Obi-Wan will not make it much longer than that.
Obi-Wan keeps moving forward and prays it is the right direction.
His prayers are answered. Or at least, he hopes they are. The forest thins slightly and his eyes land on a rudimentary palisade. Behind it, he can see the sloping arches of roofs.
Obi-Wan finds himself once again praying to the Force. This time, he prays the people living behind those walls are friendly. He conceals his lightsaber in his robe and follows the palisade until he comes across a gate with a metal latch. Tossing Anakin over his shoulder, his shaking fingers work the gate’s handle until it swings open.
The jungle has been cleared to make way for homes and buildings. They are not as advanced as anything that would be found on Coruscant, but they are not as underdeveloped as the rotting palisades or the surrounding jungle environment would have led Obi-Wan to believe.
It is evening, and presumably, a quiet one as no one appears on the gravel streets. Obi-Wan once again relies on his intuition to select a small house. He stumbles over to it and bangs on the door.
No answer.
His fist connects with the hardwood. The last shreds of Obi-Wan’s hope exist behind that door, and the thought of carrying on in search of help somewhere else after coming so far is nearly enough to bring him to his knees. He extends his hand to knock a third time when the door swings open.
“Hello?” a middle-aged man asks, confusion and caution guarding his expression. Obi-Wan can hardly blame him, but desperation has replaced decorum for the time being.
“You have to help him,” Obi-Wan pleads with the stranger. “Please. He’s sick, he’s injured and…”
Obi-Wan sways — thirst, hunger, and exhaustion seemingly catching up with him now that he has found some help.
“We have a healer in town,” the man says without questioning the mud-covered man standing at his doorstep. “Come, it seems you both need it.”
“Thank you,” Obi-Wan says gratefully. He shifts Anakin off of his shoulder and back into his arms.
“I can take him,” the man offers.
Something protective rears its head inside of Obi-Wan. “No, I’ve got him,” he says suspiciously.
The man raises his hands in surrender. “Let me know if you change your mind. You’re not looking too good is all.”
“I’m fine. It’s him who needs help.”
“I’d say you both do. Can I ask what happened?”
“Our ship crashed and we got lost. He’s hurt and I can feel him slipping away and it’s my…”
Obi-Wan can’t finish the thought. His voice is thick with emotion from the stress of the whole debacle and the fear that Anakin very well might not make it even when they do get to the healer.
“You don’t have to talk about it. Sounds like you’ve been through quite a lot. Let’s just find that healer alright?”
Obi-Wan nodded, grateful for the kindness of strangers.
The man leads Obi-Wan to a small, but sturdy-looking building. They rush in and find the healer that was promised.
“Please help him,” Obi-Wan practically begs. “He needs help.”
“Come, young one, bring him here,” the healer responds, gesturing to a bed. “Lay him down. I’ll take a look at him.”
Obi-Wan sets Anakin down and takes a stumbling step backward. The man grips his shoulders and steadies him.
“Are you alright?” he asks, but his voice sounds like it’s underwater.
“Help him… you have to…” Obi-Wan’s knees buckle and he can vaguely feel large hands grab hold of him before he hits the floor.
His legs drag useless and limp underneath him as he is pulled across the room and laid down on a soft surface.
“Anakin…” he murmurs one last time before falling into unconsciousness.
When Obi-Wan wakes, he bolts up where he sits. His chest heaves up and down rapidly. To his side, Anakin lays pale and still as death.
“Anakin?” he asks, panic curling into his voice, his lungs, his very soul. “Anakin please.”
“He’s alive,” the healer from before says as she enters the room.
Obi-Wan’s fears are only partially alleviated. “Will he stay that way?”
“The infection was aggressive, but I have him on strong antibiotics. He is stable and will be fine as long as you keep him on the antibiotics, keep the wound clean and keep him hydrated.”
Obi-Wan lets out a deep breath.
“Now as for you,” the healer says accusingly. “Your blood sugar was very low. You were very dehydrated as well.”
“We were lost. We ran out of supplies,” Obi-Wan offers as defense.
“Really? The boy was not nearly as dehydrated as you were.”
Obi-Wan swallows thickly. “He needed the water more than me. He was sick. I needed him to stay alive.”
“If you died of thirst before him, neither of you would have made it.”
Obi-Wan looks down in shame. “He needs to live,” Obi-Wan says, offering the reasoning for a second time. He cannot call it an excuse because he means every word of it.
“Very well. Just be more careful with yourself next time? He needs you too, you know?.”
Obi-Wan feels a lump form in his throat. “I will.”
There is a pause and Obi-Wan starts to sense a trepidation coming from the woman.
“I know what you are,” the healer says, glancing over at a side table where Obi-Wan’s lightsaber lay. She must have found it while he was unconscious.
“Oh?” Obi-Wan questions, unsure if the people of this planet are for or against the Jedi. Obi-Wan really hopes this isn’t one of those planets that believes the Jedi practice witchcraft and ought to be burned at the stake.
“The people around here don’t really care for your kind.”
So much for that.
Obi-Wan’s chest tightens at the confirmation of his suspicions.
“We sent off one of our own to the Order years ago,” the woman explains. “She died on a mission. It was a long time ago, but this is a small community. It’s hard to forget.”
Obi-Wan wonders if it was a Jedi he knew, or if it was a Jedi who died before he was even born.
“I’m sorry,” Obi-Wan says. It is all he has to offer at the moment.
“Don’t worry, I’ll keep your identity quiet.”
Relief pours into his veins. “Can I ask why?”
She gestures to Anakin. “I would hate whatever family he has left to find out he died on a mission. It’s a tragic thing.” the healer says. “Besides, it is my job to heal, no matter what you are.”
“You’re honorable.”
“I’m just a healer,” she said, brushing him off. “I have already gone to the liberty of contacting your Order. They will come for you and your apprentice tomorrow. Just don’t try to leave here before they come to pick you up. I can’t protect you once you leave these halls.”
The tightness in Obi-Wan’s chest loosens somewhat.
“Thank you,” Obi-Wan says, “for your kindness and for your discretion.”
“Of course. Just don’t make a habit of crash landing on my planet.”
“I’ll do my best,” Obi-Wan says with a weak smile.
The healer leaves and Obi-Wan is left alone with Anakin. He stares at the child lying still in the bed beside him and has to watch for the slight rise and fall of his chest to reassure himself that the boy is, in fact, alive.
Obi-Wan swings his legs over the side of the bed and drags his IV along with him so that he can stand beside Anakin. His legs still feel shaky and his body weakened, but he refuses to leave Anakin’s side.
Eventually, he finds a chair to drag over and sit in. He grabs Anakin’s hand and rubs his knuckles with his thumb. Anakin’s hand is still small and soft with youth. It does not yet have calluses formed from years of wielding a lightsaber as Obi-Wan’s do.
He’s still innocent.
Obi-Wan tries not to think about how close he was to losing Anakin. He doesn’t think he could have taken it — not so soon after his Master and well… it would have been an awfully cruel thing to lose two members of his lineage in the span of a few months.
A soft groan escapes the child’s lips and Obi-Wan perks up.
Anakin scrunches his face up in discomfort.
“Wait here, I’ll find the healer and then—” The little hand squeezes Obi-Wan’s tighter, stopping him in his tracks.
“Master…” Anakin murmurs. He squints and blinks a few times. Anakin’s eyes focus on him and Obi-Wan could swear he saw them light up just the slightest bit.
“Master?” Anakin asks. “Where are we? What happened? Why am I…”
“Shhh,” Obi-Wan says, slowing Anakin down before he can get himself worked up. “You’re safe now. We found our way out of the jungle. We’re going to go home soon.”
Anakin nods, but remains silent
“Talk to me, Anakin. Does it hurt? Are you in pain?”
“No… I mean… a little. Don’t feel that good.”
Guilt pools in Obi-Wan’s stomach and he takes a shuddering breath. “I’m sorry, Anakin. For all of this.”
“Why? You got us out,” Anakin says. “You saved us.”
Obi-Wan looks away. “I also crashed the ship. If I hadn’t, we wouldn’t have… you wouldn’t have…”
His eyes sting and he blinks rapidly.
“Doesn’t matter,” Anakin says, and he is so sure of himself Obi-Wan almost feels some of the guilt melt away. “You got us out didn’t you? And I’m going to be okay. Really.”
“You’re okay,” Obi-Wan says softly, reaffirming it to himself.
“What about you?” Anakin asks.
“What about me?”
Owlish eyes blink up at him. “Are you going to be okay?”
Obi-Wan squeezes Anakin’s hand.
“Yes, Padawan. I’m going to be okay.”
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songbird-wings · 4 years
for the fic prompts: anakin and aayla are about the same age and I like to think they grew up together as their masters, obi-wan and quinlan, were close so I'd love to maybe read something with them being friends and teasing each other as adults. so idk if you want to write something like this but if you do I think it could be cool. love you!!
i LOVE this prompt Maddie! I had so much fun with this one, I really hope you enjoy! (Also read it on Ao3)
Racing Through Memories
Anakin hated library duty. It was boring, quiet, and he hated the stuffy Masters that paid no attention to him when he asked if they needed assistance. This job made him feel invisible. But Master Kenobi always told him it was an important duty given to Padawans his age, and that it would teach him the importance of tranquility, knowledge and practice. That didn’t make it any less boring. 
He sat now in a far corner of the library, eyeing the stacks of papers and holo-disks he needed to organize. They towered above him on his desk, some coated in a thin layer of dust. He wondered if they really needed to be sorted or if Jocasta Nu just ran out of other tasks for him to do. 
“Anakin… psst!” A whisper came from behind him. He spun around maybe a little too quickly, his padawan braid smacking him in the face. His eyes scanned the shelves but he saw nothing. Surely he wasn’t hearing things. Anakin got to his feet and approached the area the noise came from. When he reached the bookshelf he paused, he quickly jumped into the aisle. Empty. That can’t be right, he was sure he heard something. Anakin shook his head and turned back to his desk.
“Hi Anakin!” Aayla greeted quietly. Anakin's shriek however was not as muffled. 
“Aayla!” He lowered his voice, once he calmed down. “Stop scaring me like that. It’s not funny.” Aayla just snorted and skipped over to his desk as he sat back in his chair. 
“I think it’s pretty funny. Besides, it’s probably the most excitement you’ve had after being assigned library duty.” She jokes, running a finger over a holo-disk and scrunching her nose at the dust left on her fingers. 
“What are you doing here? Come to gloat at my misery?” Anakin says with a smirk, using the force to take the top hoploads off their pile and set them in front of him. Aayla chuckled. 
“Not exactly.” He watched as Aayla reached into her robes and pulled out two slips of paper. Tickets. She held them up to her and he recognized them instantly; Podracing.
“Woah!” Anakin gasped, snatching the tickets from her hand. “How did you get these? I thought Podracing wasn’t popular on Coruscant.” Aayla grabs them back, holding them to her chest now. 
“It’s not, at least on top. There's an underground course that you can only get into with a ticket. Master Vos took me to one last year but there was a big crash and he never brought me again, although he kept going without me.” The Twi’lek explained leaning onto the side of the desk. 
“So these are Master Vos’s tickets.” Asks Anakin. She nodded. 
“They are, but he was called away on an assignment and he’ll be out of the system so I thought, why let these go to waste. And then I thought, who else loves podracing?” She takes one ticket  extending it to Anakin. He grabs it and stares at it intently, and then reality set back in.
“I can’t go.” He mumbled, holding the ticket back at her. 
“Why?” Aayla’s brows furrowed looking at the ticket then to him. 
“If Master Kenobi found out I left library duty, and snuck away from the temple to go to an underground podracing match, he might send me back to Tatooine.” Anakin slouched in his chair. 
“Oh come on!” Aayla whined. “It’ll only be for a few hours. No one will know you’re gone. Please, it’ll be fun!” She pleaded, nearly bouncing up and down. Anakin so wanted to say yes. He hadn't been to a podrace in forever. He missed the excitement and adrenaline that came along with the sport. Aayla did say they would only be gone a few hours. Master Kenobi wouldn’t suspect anything. 
“Okay fine, I’m in!” He exclaims. Aayla squealed and then checked the time on the clock above them. 
“Meet me by the statues on the south exit of the Temple in four hours.” She instructed him as she began walking away. “Don’t be late!” 
Slipping out of the library was much easier than Anakin originally anticipated. The librarian was nowhere to be seen and it was late so the isles were pretty much empty. He quickly made his way to the south exit and outside near the statues was Aayla was waiting for him. “You still have your ticket?” She asks, holding up her own. 
“Yes.” Anakin responds fishing it out of his robes. “But how are we getting there? You didn’t forget about that little detail did you?” Aayla scoffed. 
“You think so little of me, Anakin. Follow me.” She said and she led him down the steps of the temple where a speeder bike was parked and waiting. 
“Where did you get this?” Anakin awes, he makes his way over to it admiring the design. 
“My Master gave it to me as a gift. I’m not supposed to use it without his supervision, but, he’s not in the system so he’ll never know.” She shrugged, getting on the vehicle and starting the engine. “Get on and hold on.” Anakin climbed on behind her and gripped the sides of the bike as she drove it into a lane. The bike shook and chugged beneath them and there was a faint smell of burning metal emitting from the engine. 
“You know, if you opened the couplets and tightened the bolts near the exhaust, it would run a lot smoother.” He shouted over the sounds of traffic. 
“Okay, you can do that once you're done with library duty if you care so much about it!” Aayla teased back, steering them down below the surface. They descended further and further, until Anakin began feeling a little anxious. But he pushed that feeling away, and replaced it with his excitement over the podrace. It was darker on this level, the only light coming from the lamps on the streets. Finally, Aayla parked their bike and the padawans climbed off. 
“You didn’t get us lost did you?” Anakin chides, pulling his hood over his face, watching Aayla do the same. She just rolls her eyes. 
“Come on, it’s about to start!” She says and takes off down the road. Anakin chases after her until she stops in front of a building. It definitely doesn’t look like an entire podracing course could be inside it’s small frame. But below his feet, Anakin could feel the ground rumble, just slightly. 
“Tickets!” A raspy voice shouted out from the ticket booth in the front of the building. Aayla nudged Anakin, prompting him to show the ticket. The woman in the booth scanned the tickets and then the padawans. “Watch yourselves in there, kids.” She says nodding in the direction of the door. 
“Thank you!” Aayla told her, as Anakin pushed her way past eager to be the first in the door. On the other side was a staircase that led them down into a large chasm of a room. They seemed to be on a balcony that overlooked the circular podracing course. The room was packed, dimly lit, and smelled of drinks and something Anakin could’t place, but it wasn’t pleasant. He didn’t care though, the familiar hum of the repulsorcrafts racing in the course called to him. He ran to the edge to watch, ignoring Aayla as she told him to wait. 
He found a spot he could squeeze into and looked over the edge at the race. The course was huge, built in segments with different terrain, one sector being desert and another a dense forest. He watched as the repulsorcrafts dodged and weaved at dangerous speeds through the trees and he even cheered with the rest of the crowd once the last racer cleared the forest. He sensed Aayla coming up behind him and he moved over a few inches to give her space.
“You see that one?” She pointed at one of the podracers near the front. Their repulsorcraft was small, and painted in purples and light greens. The vehicle was driven by a Rodian woman and she was picking up speed quickly. “That’s Alvee Chunteff, she’s won so many races down here. My Master is a huge fan.” Aayla explains, shouting over the noise. She and Anakin stand on their tiptoes as the racers round the curve of the course, trying to get a better look. 
“Here she comes!” Anakin says as she passes the racer already in first place, taking the lead. The podracers zoom past them sending a plume of dirt in the air but the padawans cheer anyway. The excitement distracts them, and Anakin didn’t sense the figures coming up behind them before it was too late. Hands grab at their shoulders and pull them from the crowd to the back of the room, cornering them against the wall. They were pirates, drunk pirates by the smell of it. Anakin reached for his lightsaber but Aayla grabbed his arm, shaking her head, no. 
“Hey kiddos.” One of them coughed out. He reached down and ran his finger along Aayla's padawan beads. She flinched away and Anakin stepped in front of her. “Long way from the Temple isn't ya!” 
“Leave us alone!” Anakin shouted to the pirates, there were three of them, blocking any direction he could run.
“Ah, see, that’s just not gonna happen.” The one in front of him laughed. “I’ve noticed ya don’t seem to have any Masters with ya. What a shame.” He shook his head stepping closer. “Do you know how valuable you are to the Jedi, hm? Do ya? How much would the council pay for two padawans to be returned to home safely?” Almost like an alarm going off in his mind, Anakin sensed the one on his left lunging forward and grabbing Aayla, before his hand could even touch her, Anakin reached out and sent the pirate sailing across the room, slamming him against the wall. The room stood still for only a moment until the noises and the movement started again. 
“Run!” Anakin yelled, grabbing Aayla’s arm, taking the new opening he’s created. 
“After those kids!” The pirate shouted behind them. Anakin and Aayla made their way through the crowd, back towards the way they came in, but it seemed more pirates were in the crowd than chasing behind them. Hands were grabbing at them, slowing them down. One grip was a little too strong and the pirate yanked Anakin back making him fall to the sticky floor. He opened his eyes and the pirate's cruel smile was above him. 
“Ay, boss I’ve got-” Anakin didn’t let him finish as he used the force to send him crashing into the ceiling and falling back down to the floor. Aayla came out from the crowd next to him and pulled him to his feet. 
“Let’s go-” Anakin started saying once he was upright again, but he was cut short when he sensed it. Then he saw him. The sound of a lightsaber activating quieted the room.
“Those padawans are more trouble than they’re worth. I’d leave them alone if I were you.” Obi-Wan's voice filtered over the crowd. Anakin was torn between running into his Master's arms, or running away back to the Temple. He wasn’t given a choice. “Anakin, Aayla, you’re leaving. Now!” Anakin could feel the disappointment seeping off of Obi-Wan and it made every step towards his Master even more difficult. The pirates ran past them and the Jedi Knight, back towards the staircase. Obi-Wan pointed in that direction. “The speeder is waiting for you outside.” Aayla and Anakin shared a solemn look before following his orders and exiting the podracing rink. 
On the way back to the Temple, it was Aayla who apologizes first, admitting that it was her idea and that she was sorry. “It is not my place to tell you your punishment, young one.” Obi-Wan said to her. “That will be your Masters decision once he returns, as for you, Anakin.” 
“I’m sorry, Master. It won’t happen again.” He mumbles to Obi-Wan.
“Oh, I hope not.” The Knight replies.
“How did you find us anyways, Master?” Anakin questions him as they pull into the Temple hanger bay. 
“Maybe next time you decide to slip out on your Jedi duties, you do it in a place that doesn’t have so many cameras.” Obi-Wan smirked, stepping out of the speeder. He winked at his apprentice and then pulled Anakins robes tighter around his shoulders. 
“I’ll take that into consideration, Master.” 
“It’s Starork taking the lead now as he passes Ikti around the bend, this is a close one folks, it’s too early to say…” The announcer is drowned out by the shouts of the crowd around them. Anakin cheers and gives a high-five to his padawan as the racers continue. 
“So, how’s your first podrace going, snips?” He asks her as they settle into their seats, Aayla emerges from the crowd and sets the overpriced snacks onto their table. 
“It’s amazing! I can’t believe you did this when you were a kid, Master!” She exclaimed over the noise. “I didn’t know you were such a fan, Master Secura?” 
“Oh, your Master and I would always sneak away to races growing up. One time, we ran into pirates while we were down here. Alone. We were very lucky Master Kenobi found us in time.” She explained. 
“Alright, you don’t need to give her any ideas, Aayla.” Anakin rolls his eyes. 
“Pirates?” Ahsoka sat up in her seat. “I want to hear about that!” Anakin shakes his head.
“Like I said, you don’t need any more reckless ideas in that head of yours.” He says sternly, taking a sip of his drink. “Now c’mon, we’re missing the race.” He motions them over towards the edge of the course. 
Ahsoka eyes Aayla once her Master is away from the table, pleading with her eyes. Master Secura laughs at her eagerness. “I’ll tell you the story later, young one. When your Master isn’t around to add in his own version.”
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pulpwriterx · 4 years
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Rey decided to stay on Tattoine.
The desert, after all, was her home.
Poe went back into the spice business, and even branched out to include good booze and cigarillos.
Finn joined him in yo ho, you ho,  a pirate's life for me.
And in their business?
They needed a good scavenger.
A year or  so went by.
Finn and Poe bought themselves a posh bachelor pad in Anchorhead, but Rey preferred solitude.
She knew that that both of them would have been willing to give her a shoulder to cry on, and the benefit of a man's company.
But after the way Ben died in her arms, Rey wasn’t ready to hold a man, again.
The old Skywalker farm didn’t look like it, but it was a nice place to live.
It had been Ben’s home, after all. 
He had left the outside looking run down and desolate, like no one lived there, but past the blighted door in the dusty courtayrd, it was a different story.
Typical Ben.
When you took off his mask, he had another mask on beneath that, and beneath that was a big story, a tall tale, and a pack of ever-evolving half-truths and outright lies.
He had restored the old farm, on the inside, and underneath, where the farming equipment and tanks had been, he kept a smuggler’s treasure trove.
Tunnels filled with all kinds of swag, from booze and cigarillos to old Rebel Alliance and Imperial Uniforms, and less innocent cargo like crates of blasters and pallets of coaxium.
There was also five years of food and supplies, and one of the tanks had even been converted into a vault. It was full of credits, black molded chests of Imperial gold coins, money from all over the Galaxy.
Ben had left the farm, and all it’s contents to Rey Skywalker.
He had also left the Millenium Falcon to Rey, but she hadn’t the heart to fly the ship she loved so much.
With both Ben and Han Solo dead, neither with a final resting place?
The ship was like their tomb.
The Falcon, and Ben’s secret refuge, with it’s hidden treasures; they were all, in some strange way, his legacy.
When Rey wasn’t whizzing around the stars with her friends, she led a peaceful, solitary life as the guardian of the legacy of the family that gave all for the peace that finally broke out in the Galaxy.
Besides, she wasn’t wholly alone.
Poe always let BB8 go with her, to keep tabs on her, and Threepio and Artoo were glad to finally get to go home.
It was a special place for her.
In the two years between when she and Ben killed Snoke, and when they killed the Emperor?
They used to meet at the Skywalker Farm.
Their bonds remained unbroken, even after she had rejected his offer to join him,  and they had grown closer, not just through the talks, and the laughing, and the stories, most of which were lies.
Pointing fingers.
Stamping feet.
Breaking things.
Throwing shit about.
Lightsaber duels.
Even the bad times, even the shit times were precious to her, now.
Rey would sit, quietly, watching the twin suns, and think about the past.
Like the time they had a horrible fight through their bond, and called each other vicious names, and threw things at each other, and smashed up their own gear, in a rage.
But then Ben had said.
“I need to see you in person, Rey.”
“Why? What can we do in person that we can’t do through our little talks?”
“We can make love. Don’t you want to? I do.”
“There is nothing like love between us, Kylo Ren!”
Ben had given her the Solo shrug.
“Then we can fuck. I'd rather fuck. I was just trying to be chivalrous.”
And somewhere in their laughter, they had agreed to meet at the Skywalker farm, on Tattoine.
Rey had no idea that Ben had a home, and it became their refuge.
Rey would lie there, in Ben's big, brass bed, and close her eyes and think about when he was there, beside her.
Those stolen days and nights where they would laugh, and fight, and screw, and cuddle under the fur blanket in the cold desert night and plan for a future they both knew would never happen.
Sometimes, she could almost feel his big body, lying there beside her, and she could smell his scent.
Hear his voice.
Feel the way her little body had moved under his big, strong hands.
Of course she would also lie there and think about their lovemaking and take care of her business.
She could have had Finn, or Poe, but Ben was like an animal, like a man in the state of nature; he had been born without shame, and he had unchained a passion in her that Rey had never known she possessed.
Not that she had been a prude, but her interest in men, and her occasional dealings with them had been, well, ordinary.
Now who the hell would she find to satisfy the unchained, shameless desire that Kylo Ren Ben Solo had awakened in her?
Rey often cried, bitter tears.
But that was life.
Love is death, life is pain, and somehow you muddle through.
In the second year since Ben died, Rey was walking down a busy street in Anchorhead when she saw Chewie.
They hugged, and Rey was truly happy.
She took him to Poe and Finn's and they tried to get information out of him, but Chewie would only say he was working.
As he left, he asked Rey a very honest question.
“Are you happy?”
“I am content, Chewie. I have friends, work, a place to live, enough money, and I have peace.”
“But are you happy?”
“No. Happiness died with Ben. A lot of things died for me, with Ben. Love. Hope. Any interest I had in men, poor Poe, and poor Finn. But I still have life. And I can still enjoying being content with it.”
A few nights later, Rey had a dream about Ben.
It was a wild, sweaty, deeply pornographic wet dream that she woke up from in the throes of the kind of an orgasm women could only have in their dreams.
Or, if they were lucky, with bad men like Ben Solo.
She sat up, throwing the blanket off.
Rey's heart sang an aria.
“Ben! You found your way back? When will I be able to see you?”
But there was no reply.
Leading her to believe, alas, it had only been a beautiful dream.
When he had come to Oneness with the Force, Ben Solo found trouble in Paradise.
Master Yoda thought he was ready for the next step.
Master Obi Wan argued that he was too young, and had resolved none of the conflict that had brought him to ruin.
Master Anakin was more direct.
“Though a man, he is still a child. And his life has been suffering and tragedy. He is young, he has found love, and we should not cheat him of the life he has fought so hard to win. Send him back. Let him be Ben Solo, and live his life. He has many years to find the New Path.”
Ben tried to speak, to say what he wanted,  but found he could not.
“Young though he is, yes, but what life for him? Redeemed from Kylo Ren in our eyes. But what of the material world? If return he does, atone he must. But a bullseye on his back there will be!” Yoda insisted.
“That is a problem, Anakin.” Obi –Wan agreed.
“Then we will send my grandson back without healing his body. It will be broken. He will atone with his suffering.  We will send him to a distant planet to make his recovery, alone. Dependant on the charity of strangers he once oppressed.  Then let him make his way to more familiar planets, back to his identity and his home.” Anakin suggested.
“That sounds reasonable. We will give my namesake a test. But, Kylo Ren is dead. Ben Solo should not have to pay for his crimes. Then we will make it so the memory of his mask is preserved in the minds of all. But not his face. “ Obi-Wan suggested.
The others agreed.
“Speak now you may, young Skywalker. Until you find your way back, Skywalker shall you be called. Well? Back do you wish to go?” Yoda asked.
“Yes, Master Yoda. Back I wish to go.”
“Humor you have. Need it, you will.”
“But will I have to endure doctors? Needles?”
“Fear in your face, I see? Tortured you were, young Skywalker? Then your fear you must overcome.  Back you still wish to go?”
“Yes, Master Yoda. I will face my fear.”
“And Ben? No cheating? If your women, strong in the Force as they are, happen to find you? Or your family? We won’t keep them away. But if you call to them? You forfeit this chance.” Anakin told him.
“Wrong that is! In his sleep, will young Skywalker’s soul cry for help! No. Also must we use the Force to interrupt his bond. Until his test is finished. Though he will call? No answer will we allow to come.” Yoda decided.
“I agree. Only by doing the evil that Kylo Ren might have done will you forfeit your chance. Good luck, Ben.” Obi-Wan said
“I have always been with you, my grandson. If you need my strength during your trial? I will answer your call.” Anakin assured Ben
Then, Ben  fell into something like sleep.
He had a horrible dream, of waking up bloody and bruised on collapsing Exegol, limping or crawling out of the cave he was in, and then escaping in the still flyable remains of a crashed X-Wing
He woke up in a bacta tank, and panic seized him.
He started banging on the glass walls, screaming through the breather in his mouth.
The noise brought a Rodian in a white coat.
“Hey! Hey Dan, the big guy is awake! By the Force, he looks terrified.”
A guy his age with a moustache rushed into the room.
“Then let’s get him out. It’s OK, big fella. You’re safe. You’re in a Resistance hospital. There’s no more First Order. Nobody’s going to hurt you, here. Hurry up, Needo, help me, before he cracks the tank!”
The machine Ben was suspended from pulled him out, and he ripped all the wires off of his body, and crashed to the ground.
“No! No doctors! Get away from me!” he shouted.
Reduced to crawling away.
But there was nowhere to go.
“Its OK. There’s no torture droids here. You don’t have to get any injections. We're not going to bring you to the point of death, then put you in a bacta tank to fix you up, and then do it again.”
“You know about that?”
“The Empire did it to me the first time. I have a scar like the one on your other leg. But mine is only a few inches long. You must have really suffered.” The grey haired man said.
“I did. Where am I? Who are you? How much longer will this plexi-cast be on?”
The Rodian came with a long orange smock with the Resistance symbol on it, folded on a wheelchair.
“I’m Dan Antilles. I’m your doctor. You crash landed here, on Hoth. And you need another three weeks with that cast. Let me help you up. Now you might want to put this smock on, big fella. This is the size we usually use for Wookies.”
The Rodian helped Ben put the smock on.
It had long sleeves and it was fleecy and soft on the inside.
“I know you want crutches, but the break in your femur was bad. So, if you like being in the shape you’re in, and you want that leg to hold you up, later? Wheelchair. Nobody has to push you if you’d rather wheel yourself.”
Ben sat in the wheelchair, lifting his leg onto the platform for it.
“I can wheel myself.” He said.
“Good. I’ll show you around the place, and back to your bed.”
“Do you have a name, Big Guy?’
“Ben. Ben Skywalker.”
“Are you a Skywalker from Tattoine or a Skywalker from Arkanis?”
“Both. My grandfather was from Arkanis. His father died, and his mother became an indentured servant on Tattoine. We’re free, now, though.”
“Yeah, my family are from Corellia, but most of by father’s war buddies were from the Outer Rim. Tattoine, mostly. OK, Ben. It’s good to have you back. You scared us a little; we thought you might leave.”
“Me too.”
Watching it snow.
Lying propped up on pillows, leaning against the wall, last cot on the ward.
A cot with a big “W” on it.
For Wookiee.
Techanically, Ben was a Wookiee, when Chewie became his godfather, he was adopted into Chewie’s clan.
Ben was thinking about Kashyyyk, actually, while watching it snow.
Thinking about how he might still be welcome, with Uncle Chewie.
Trying to get his spoon under the cast, to scratch his leg.
Watching it snow.
Blanket up to his chin, one knee up.
“...so, what happened was, there was like, a reason why Ben Solo killed Kylo Ren. More than just, you know, the war. Ben Solo and Kylo Ren, they were at the Jedi Temple together. They were friends. But they had a lightsaber fight over either the Force or a girl. I hear different things. And that's’ why Kylo Ren wore the mask because Ben Solo cut his nose off and scarred up his face...”
“Zak, can you stop talking about men? Why do you think I have my blanket pulled up?”
“You thinking about your nurse?”
“Can you stop talking to me? Forget it.”
“Sorry, Ben.”
“It’s not your fault, Zak. It’s this place.”
He looked out the window again.
“I think about your nurse, too. She’s a big girl. She has to be six feet tall. And, like 200. But it’s in all the right places. And she’s a Twi’lek.” Zak said
“I’d like to jump into that girl and drown. Why isn’t she your nurse?” Ben asked
Zak shrugged.
Ben heaved himself off his cot and into his wheelchair.
“Well, I think I’ll go try to take a piss without pissing all over myself.”
“Good luck, man.”
The days bled into each other.
Ben finally looked inside the chest, under his bed, on the ward.
In the chest was his lost lightsaber, the blaster Uncle Lando had given him, his blaster belt, his lucky Sabacc dice, a couple of pair of coveralls, his boots, an X-Wing helmet, a money belt for under your clothes that had 500 credits in it, and a mess kit.
The X-Wing helmet had a number on it.
His Uncle’s.
“Humor you have. Need it, you will.” Ben muttered.
The plexi cast on his left leg came all the way up to his balls, and his leg always itched like it was on fire.
Meanwhile, no one asked him if he was related to  the Jedi Master Luke Skywalker.
When two weeks, and then two more passed and no celebrated persons came to claim him, people assumed that he was some distant relation.
They didn’t release him until after the cast came off, in another week.
Nobody had come for him, and he didn’t call for anyone, so he just left on his own, on a transport with hundreds of other displaced men and women with nowhere special to go.
The tiniest hint of a fly in the Force Ghosts’ ointment came around the time that Ben was leaving the Resistance Hospital.
General Leia-Organa Solo, also Senator Leia Organa-Solo, returned to her office on Coruscant as Senate staffers were packing up her things.
One boy almost dropped a picture of her, and Han, and Ben, and Leia caught it.
“Don’t look so frightened. I’m not a ghost.”
“But you’re dead, Senator?”
“I’m a Skywalker. We don’t just die, like other people. We have many deaths and many births, and live many lives inbetween? Less philosophically? I have too much to do to die just now. Maybe in another forty years, or so.”
The next day, after her first appearance in the Second Republic Senate, to announce that she was running for Prime Minister, Leia had an unscheduled visit in her office from Wedge Antilles.
“This had better be really important, Wedge.”
“I think it is. I don’t want to get your hopes up, but I was talking to my son, last night. He saw your broadcast and it made him think of a patient of his. A man his own age that hasn’t been far from his mind. A big guy, about two meters, nearly six and a half feet tall. Long dark hair. Dark eyes. Had lots of battle scars. This kid landed a burning X-Wing on Hoth, came out of it with his flight suit in shreds, dragging a broken leg, raving about Exegol, killing them all, and finally being a free man. Spent three weeks in a Bacta tank, recovering from a whole slew of injuries, and another three weeks in a cast up to his nuts. The patient said his name was Ben Skywalker, that his father was a Corellian starpilot and his grandfather was a Skywalker from Arkanis who grew up on Tattoine. As soon as the cast came off, Ben Skywalker got on a transport with a bunch of other kids with nowhere to go and no one to see, and left the planet. And it wasn’t until Dan saw your broadcast that he made the connection, and called me about it. Does that sound like anybody you know, Leia?”
“It does. I’ve been sitting here all day, full of blind, stupid hope. Thinking that if I’m alive, then Ben might be, too. Waiting for that call.”
“Who the hell else would it be?”
“I don’t know, Wedge. But it sounds like he’s running.”
“You need help chasing him?”
“All I can get. We need to find this Ben Skywalker. But if he is my Ben? What the hell do we do, then? Poe Dameron and Rey spread it all over the Galaxy that Ben Solo fought and killed Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren, and then he died and became One With the Force. And the smart little bastard wore a mask, most of the time.”
“Let it go, Leia. Any way you slice the pie? Kylo Ren is dead. If Ben Solo isn’t? Give him a chance. He killed Snoke. And the Knights of Ren.  He saved Rey. He saved you. And he helped Rey kill Palpatine. I think he deserves it.”
“Well, Chewie will be happy. I’ll talk to him, first.”
As soon as the transport landed, Ben began his wandering.
At first he figured it as a kind of  penance, for his many crimes.
He stopped wearing shoes, or cutting his hair and beard, and all he wore was a black hooded robe, closed with a belt from which hung a metal bowl and cup, a holstered knife, and his lightsaber.
At first Ben just begged, and wandered, changing his robes for coveralls and working on freighters for his passage from planet to planet.
But as time went on, he slipped into a lonely madness.
He took to standing on streetcorners and preaching about the evils of the old world.
“Stop and look at me! I am the mistakes of the past! My mother’s brother tried to murder me, and I murdered my father in turn! With these hands! These hands! This creature you see before you was once a man! Envied by Men, desired by Women! Who desires this creature, now? Who envies this wretch, now? Who?”
By this time a small crowd would have gathered around the very tall, very gaunt man, with wild eyes and a booming deep voice inside a nest of black hair and black beard.
“It was not the Force that did this to me! No, it was the order than we tried, for centuries to put on it. Dividing it, and ourselves into Dark and Light. Jedi and Sith. Empire and Republic. First Order and Resistance. It was this blasphemy against the balance and unity of the Force that brought our Galaxy into three generations of interplanetary war! And this Second New Republic is built on the truth! The truth there is no Dark, or Light. Jedi, or Sith. Only the Force, United. As it lives in all of us, and everything! As we find the balance, within ourselves, in accordance with our form and our nature. But I know there are those that preach the old heresies. When you hear them, think upon me!”
That’s when he would unbuckle his belt and take off his robe, showing them all his scarred, gaunt, filthy body.
Ben had even made the scar of the wound that Rey healed in the ruins iof the Death Star appear in his flesh.
“Stop and look at me! I am the mistakes of the past! My mother’s brother tried to murder me, and I murdered my father in turn! With these hands! These hands! This creature you see before you was once a man! Envied by men, desired by Women! Who desires this creature, now? Who envies this wretch, now? Who? Look on me and know it is time for old things to go. You must let the past die! Kill it, if you have to! Look upon me, and remember my words.”
Sometimes they would throw money in his bowl, sometimes throw things at him.
He hoped that a crowd would martyr him, but no one ever took him seriously enough to kill him.
He slept in alleys and doorways, stowed away on ships, and felt less than human.
Ben’s will to live left him as his madness spiralled out of control. He hardly ate and hardly slept, and his starving body devoured fifty pounds of his flesh, leaving him wiry, rawboned and gaunt.
He hardly felt human, or even humanoid, anymore, because  he was hairy, and smelly, and filthy, and he scavenged through garbage to eat,  like some wild animal.
At the end of a year, he ended up on Tattoine, intending to make a grand end to it.
He would give his sermon, throw off his robes and slit his wrists and his throat with a dirty piece of glass from the street.
But another vagrant warned him that the city fathers of Anchorhead had recently hired a former First Order officer as their chief of police, and although the new Chief understood smugglers were the lifeblood of Anchorhead, he was cracking down on street crime, con men, muggers, preachers, pushers, unregistered whores, and so on.
Ben quietly wished his former comrade well, and gave up the ghost.
But life clung, annoyingly to his skeletal frame.
He lay in the same doorway for three days, and three nights, and on the third night he knew that he was near death.
He saw  a bluish light in the cold, dark desert night, and rolled his eyes upward.
The face he looked into was very much like his own.
If not for the fair hair and light eyes, it might have been his face.
Ben knew his rescuer, immediately.
“Grandfather. Have you come to take me home?”
“No, Ben. I have come to comfort you, in your suffering. I understand suffering. I understand the peace that comes from enduring suffering, and triumphing over it. But I want you to live. You have suffered enough. I release you from the restraints that we have put on your bond with Rey Skywalker. Call for help. I will wait with you, until she comes. Rey will take you home.”
“Rey. Rey, I need you.”
Rey sat up in the dark, and knew this was no dream.
She saw and heard Ben; she saw him through their bond.
But what she saw and heard was horrible.
His face was drawn and filthy, and the hand that reached to her looked skeletal.
He was swathed in a filthy robe, lying in a dirty doorway, in a back street of Anchorhead.
“I see you, Ben. I hear you.”
“Help me, Rey. I want to come home.”
Rey jumped out of bed and threw on her clothes.
“I’m coming, Ben. Wait for me. Don’t leave me, again!”
Rey stopped her speeder by the dirty doorway and was surprised to see the tall, broad-shouldered hulking Force ghost of Anakin Skywalker.
Gently, he picked up his broken, emaciated grandson, and carried him to the speeder.
“Master Anakin!” Rey gasped.
She watched him wrap Ben in the blanket she had brought, and gently lay him in the back seat of the speeder
“Take my grandson home. And don’t let him out of your sight until he’s well, again.”
“But I don’t know anything about healing! I don’t know who to call! I don’t know what to do! Someone has to help us!”
“There’s an old man living in my friend Ben Kenobi’s old shack. He claims to be a Jedi Healer. I will go there, now, and send him along to the Skywalker Farm. I am sure that he will be able to help you.”
Anakin Skywalker walked off towards the moonlit desert, and dissappeared into a little whirly of wind-driven sand..
Rey sped home, in a hurry.
Threepio helped her to carry what was left of Ben Solo into the house.
“Shouldn’t Master Ben have a doctor?”
“No, Threepio! No doctor! No medical droid! No bacta tank! No needle!”
Ben was terrified, but it was the first time he had spoken.
Rey was glad that he was alive enough to speak
“Alright, Master Ben. No doctor. Master Rey, what about the man in the kitchen.”
“He’s not a doctor. Master Ben hates doctors. Don’t talk about doctors! Help me get Master Ben into the bathroom, and tell that man to start doing...whatever it is he’s going to do. Have Artoo heat up some batha broth for Master Ben. Then you and Artoo go back to the shed. It’s too much for you.”
Rey slammed the door on the dithering droid, and went through the bedroom and back into the bathroom.
Ben had managed  to get his robe off and get into the bathtub.
He was covered in bruises and scratches, and you could see his ribs and his hipbones.
What was visible of his face out of the rat’s nest of tangled hair and beard was suffused with all the misery the human race had ever endured.
Rey turned the water on.
“Let me die, Rey. Now that I’m home. I don’t want to live.”
“I want you to live, Ben. This is my miracle, not yours.”
“Grandfather wants me to live. Do you? Really?”
“Yes, Ben, I do! I love you!”
“Then maybe I will live a little longer.”
He lay quietly in the warm water as she scrubbed the dirt off of him, and didn’t protest even though she had to wash his hair and comb the tangles and rats out with oil  several times, and then wash it, again.
It was either that or shave his head.
One of the Skywalkers had left his straight razor there, and Rey had polished it and sharpened it; why she wasn’t sure, but now she carefully shaved the filthy, matted beard away from Ben's gaunt face.
“Don’t shave it all. Kylo Ren didn’t wear a beard.” Ben told her.
It was the only thing he said, but his sad eyes watched her movements.
She helped him get out of the tub, and dried him.
“Thank you.” Ben said.
Ben leaned heavily on her as they made there way into the bedroom; he was still much larger and heavier than her.
But Rey didn’t complain.
She propped him up with pillows, and fed him sips of milk and sips of broth.
“Glass.” He said.
She handed him the glass of milk, and he gulped it down.
“Don’t, Ben, you'll get sick!”
He reached for the bowl, and sniffed it, like a dog, then put it back down.
“No. Meat.”
“You’ll get sick!”
Ben slammed his fist angrily on the nightstand.
Bellowing  like an angry Wookiee.
A Wookiee.
Chewbacca was Ben's godfather; he had been adopted into Chewie’s tribe, and had a Wookie name.
Angry Wild Warrior.
But she didn’t know where Chewie was and Han and Leia were dead.
“Alright, Ben. Your Uncle Chewie taught me how to make a Wookiee stew. I’ll fix you some meat.”
Rey went out into the kitchen.
She felt helpless and alone.
I don’t know him. I don’t know him, at all.
Rey closed her eyes.
And she called to Master Leia.
As usual, there was no response.
Then she called to Master Luke.
“I’m right here. I told Ben Kenobi, and Master Yoda. Make sure Ben is with Rey. Father agreed with me. They didn’t listen.”
Rey opened her eyes.
Master Luke was sitting at the table.
“No matter where I go? I always seem to end up, right back here. On Tattoine. Now I’m here in the same house.”
“You’re the JedI Healer? When did you come back?”
“Right after I thought I died on Ahch-To. I got the same treatment Ben did. It wasn’t my time. I wasn’t ready. Next thing I knew, I was alive and well, and back on Tattoine. In Ben Kenobi’s hut.”
“I wish I would have known you were so close by.”
“I wish I would have told you.”
“Master Luke, did you ever take care of someone in Ben’s condition?”
“I don’t know what Ben’s condition is.”
Rey explained.
“I have seen men as sick as Ben, and I’ve tried to heal them. Some get better, Rey, and some don’t. They have to want to live. But I’ll do everything I can for Ben. Before I founded the new Jedi Temple,  I studied Jedi healing. I wanted to save lives to atone for the hundreds of thousands I had taken. And I have taken care of Ben when he’s sick.  And I also know how to get him to take medicine. You make something he likes and put it in his food.”
“But we don’t have any medicine.”
“I brought some.”
Master Luke reached into his pocket and got a white cylinder, which he put in Rey’s hands.
She opened it.
It was full of capsules.
“What are they?”
“No. The green capsules are vitamin pills. The orange ones are bacta. Just pop them open and put them in the stew I’m going to show you how to make. It’s a Wookiee recipe that Ben likes. Chewie showed me how to make it.”
Master Luke made a stew with bantha broth, vegetables, a whole nerf tenderloin, and potatoes.
He showed her also how much of the pills to put in.
“Don’t let him gobble it. Feed him a spoonful or two, and wait a half hour, to see if it makes Ben sick. If not. Let him eat the whole bowl. Don’t give him any more tonight. If he’s not sick, tonight, he can have three of these big serving bowls, tomorrow. It’s not too much. Ben’s almost the size of a Wookie, so he eats like one. If his stomach is still alright, tomorrow, then he had have some bread, too. And don’t give him anything to drink but blue milk. If his stomach gets upset, crack one of these purple capsules into some blue milk, and get him to drink it. Make some more of the stew after this pot runs out. After a week, Ben should be able to eat normally. Don’t expect him to gain weight all at once. And don’t overfeed him. The bacta and vitamins should make him well in about a week. But it might take a couple of months before he gains his weight back.”
“Is that a good sign?” Rey asked.
“I think so.  Don’t tell Ben I was here. We’re still not on speaking terms.  I’ll come back to check on him, another day. Oh, and one more thing. As soon as he feels better, he’s going to want to make up for the time you two were apart. That’s not going to happen for him, with his body in the state it’s in. Tell him to be patient. When he’s healed and gained some weight? I’m sure everything will straighten right out.”
“I wish Ben had a Jedi healer to stay with him, tonight.”
“He has one. You are a Jedi. And you have healed him, before. But be careful, Rey. Ben’s life force is at a low ebb, and he’s very sick. You can try to ease his pain, but don’t try to heal him, entirely. It would drain too much life out of you.”
Master Luke got up.
“This is the no fun part, Rey. Ben needs you, now.”
“I don’t mind at all, Master Luke. Ben is alive. I still feel better than I have for a long time. I have hope.”
“That’s good, Rey.”
Luke stood up, as if to go
“Uncle Luke? I know you’re there. I feel your presence.” Ben called out
They both froze.
“I’m sick, Uncle Luke. Are you a Force Ghost, or are you the Jedi Healer that Grandfather was going to get to come here and help me?”
“I’m the old hermit down the road, Ben. Do you want me to come to your room? I know we didn’t part on good terms. But Rey’s nervous about being alone with you, tonight.”
“Would you mind staying with me, Uncle Luke? Everybody else is dead.”
“I don’t mind at all, Ben. I’ll stay here as long as you want me to. I remember where my room is.”
As Master Luke had suspected, Ben wanted to gobble the food.
His instinct to live and his hunger had overwhelmed his will to destroy himself.
“No, Ben.” Master Luke said.
More patiently than Rey would have, as he moved the bowl away.
Ben tried to grab at it.
“No means no. Don’t get grabby with me.”
“But I’m hungry!”
“You can’t gobble the food up, Ben. You’ll be sick, and that might kill you!” Rey told Ben.
It was a very long half hour.
Ben kept trying to get the bowl, and Master Luke gave it to her and she had to move away from the bed.
He cried.
“Don’t cry, Ben. If you feel alright, you can have the whole bowl, soon. And another glass of blue milk.” Rey assured him.
“I’m hungry! I’m fucking hungry, and I’m  too weak to get out of bed and take it! Where’s my mother, Uncle Luke? Why won’t she talk to me?” he sobbed.
“Your mother is...always with you, Ben. And you’ll get better. Rey and  I will make sure.”
The half-hour passed and Luke gave Ben the whole bowl of food, and a glass of blue milk.
“Eat slowly, kid. You start gobbling, and I’ll take the bowl away.”
As he ate, slowly, for once, Ben told them what he had done for the past year.
“Why?” Rey asked.
“Rey! Don’t ask why. Ben is suffering. He doesn’t need a reason.” Luke told her.
“I have one. I was asleep in a bunkhouse, with a bunch of other men on this freighter. And I realized that killing Snoke, and his troopers, and all his toadying fucking followers I killed on my way to slaughter the Emperor didn’t make up for killing my father. Sure, Snoke influenced me. Told me to do it. But I had a choice. And I chose to kill him. I killed my father. Whenever anyone would say that to me, that killed my father? I would just think, no, Snoke made me do it. But I did it. I did. I killed my father. I loved him more than anybody in the world, even though he was kind of a shitty father, and sometimes I hated him for it. And I killed him. In such a way that he doesn’t even have a grave. When I realized all of that? It broke my mind.”
Ben snapped the wooden spoon in half.
“Just like that.”
He handed Rey the bowl and the empty glass.
Luke took the spoon, and put both halves in his hand, and closed his palm.
When he opened it, the spoon wasn’t broken.
“Your mind will heal, Ben. Just like this And before this year is out? You will see Han and Leia again. I don’t know how. But I know you will.”
“I did see Dad. He forgave me. I just can’t forgive me.”
“Ben, you saved me. You saved the Galaxy. Without you I could never have defeated the Emperor. You’re a hero. Han is proud of you. So is Master Leia. Stop torturing yourself.” Rey begged.
“Ben, you said it was time to let old things go.You’re not taking your own advice.  This is how the Sith broke you. You don’t have to break yourself. You’re free. You won.” Luke told him.
“I’m tired. I think I need to go to sleep. I had better try to get to the bathroom, first. Rey already has to take care of me like I’m a baby. I don’t want to piss the bed like one.”
Ben managed to totter into the bathroom.
Rey wanted to hover over him, but she knew he was humiliated that she was seeing him like this, at all.
She waited.
He made his way slowly back to the bed and lay down.
“I’m going to go, now Ben.To my old room.  I’ll be back when you wake up  to see how you are.” Luke told him.
He put his hand on Ben’s forehead.
“Sleep, now. And have good dreams.”
Ben fell asleep.
Rey walked back to the door with her Master.
“Will he die in his sleep, Master Luke?”
“No. Sleep will heal him. We’ll let him sleep as long as he wants to. I think I’ll go say hello to my droids. Let them know that they’ll be coming with me, when I go home. I could use the company. And you have Ben, now.”
“They’re your droids, Master Luke.”
Master Luke opened the door and walked out into the courtyard, and beyond.
She watched him, retreating into the setting suns, heading for the old shed.
He wanted to help Ben, but also?
He was glad to be home, in spite of himself.
Rey understood.
She went back to the bedroom.
Rey got undressed and got into bed with Ben.
She pulled up all the covers, so he would be warm.
He woke up, for a moment.
“I haven’t slept in a bed since I left that freighter. And I haven’t slept in my bed, here, for what seems like an age. I think I might sleep for a long time.”
“As long as you need to, Ben. I’ll be here.”
Rey stayed awake until he was asleep, and for a hour afterward, making sure he was just asleep.
But then she fell asleep, too.
Ben slept all through the way through another day, until the morning after that day.
Rey kept checking on him, and so did Master Luke,  but he moved around in his sleep, and he snored, and once he got up and drank some water, so she knew he was just sleeping.
That morning he walked stiffly into the kitchen, dressed in a baggy cream tunic and brown trousers.
He had a cloth belt wrapped many times around the waist so that the clothes, although they were the right lengths for him, didn’t fall off him.
“Ben, those are my father’s clothes.”
“I know. They were still here, when I came here. I wear them, all the time. The desert preserves things.”
He had bathed, and dressed but he hadn’t shaved.
“I’m growing a goatee. To distinguish Ben Solo from Kylo Ren.”
“Everyone knows that Ben Solo killed Kylo Ren. Nobody’s going to come after you, Ben. You’re a free man. You earned it.” Master Luke told him.
There was a weird sense of calm, and dignity about Ben that she’d never seen in him, before.
He thanked her politely when she gave him the serving bowl of stew with the serving spoon.
Rey had gone out and bought the most fine, expensive loaf of rich, black, seeded bread that she could find, and put it on the table.
Ben snatched up the heel, and turned it over in his hands, and then he put it under his nose and sniffed it.
“I don’t remember the last time I had bread that wasn’t stale. Or mouldy.”
He ate the slice of bread, slowly.
Rey wanted to cry.
There were tears in Master Luke’s eyes.
But she didn’t want Ben to become hysterical.
So she carried on eating her cereal and blue milk.
“Have another piece. With your stew.” She encouraged him.
“Chewie used to make this for me. When I was a kid, and I’d get sick. It’s a Wookie recipe.”
“I know. He taught me how to make it.” Master Luke told Ben.
After he ate, Ben got up and walked out onto the hot sand, barefoot.
Rey supposed he was used to it, by now.
But he came back.
“I have to get used to boots again. I still have mine.”
Ben didn’t like to stay inside, too long.
He got restless.
And when he slept at night, it was like he was dead.
After a week, Luke was right, he was much better and he had gained some weight.
Before Master Luke went home, he brought Obi-Wan, to talk to Ben while Luke was giving him a final once-over.
Their Master returned and brought Obi-Wan with him.
He spoke with Ben while Luke was examining him.
“Were you seeking a vision, Ben? Or were you trying to be a vision?” Obi-Wan asked.
“I was trying to be a vision. I wanted to spread the word about the New Path. And the Force United. And to warn people not to go back to the old ways. I wanted to use my body to show them. So I made all the old wounds and scars reappear.”
“You’re on the right path, Ben. But you must not use suffering to make your point. Yours or that of others.” Obi-Wan told him.
Ben nodded.
Master Luke pronounced him much better.
He took Artoo and Threepio and went home.
After that, Rey and Ben were on their own.
Ben quickly started getting his body to do what he wanted, again.
He took long walks in the desert.
After two weeks, he was running, in nothing but a pair of shorts, running over the burning sand, barefoot and mostly naked.
But he stopped being antsy when he was in the house.
Rey had to go buy some food, and Ben wanted to drive her speeder to Anchorhead.
When they got to the store where she bought the bread, and the old baker saw Ben, he came out from behind the counter.
“I can’t believe it! Young man, what’s your name”
“Ben Skywalker.”
“Was your grandaddy Anakin Skywalker? Son of Shmi Skywalker and Kylo Skywalker, who died a warrior on Arkanis, and that started all the trouble his family got into?”
“That’s me.”
“I knew your granddaddy, then. We were both slaves, here. The Jedi took him away to become one of them. But he wanted to be a pilot. Me, I got sold to a baker. Now I’m a free man and this is my shop. But Ani used to come here to visit his mother. You look so much like him. Is he still living?”
“No. But he became a pilot. And a Jedi. He died a Jedi, at the end of Clone Wars and became one with the Force.”
“I suppose that’s what he wanted. But it still makes me glad I became a baker. Did you go to that Jedi Temple? Out on Yavin-4?”
“I did. But it wasn’t for me. Too may rules. So I left, and stuck with what I love. The stars.”
“So, you’re a starpilot too? Good for you, son. Ani would have liked that.”
“I’m sure he does.”
Time passed them by.
Ben continued to fight his way back from the brink of death.
He fought so hard, and regained his physique and his strength so quickly that Rey began to suspect he was healing himself, using the Force
Ben had always been strong in the Force, but he had become both more accomplished and more powerful than before. There was a new light in Ben's dark, ancient eyes, and a new kind of power animated him.
The Force was with Ben, but in a form Rey had never encountered.
But, neither she nor Ben were thinking on that, or the New Path of the Force United that they were, arguably supposed to be making a way for.
No, the weightiest problem at the Skywalker farm was much less cosmic.
Most people did not know that Rey and Kylo Ren had been star-crossed lovers.
And no one knew that it wasn’t just one last kiss that Ben Solo bestowed upon Rey before he died.
That was the elephant in the bedroom.
She was asleep.
“What, Ben? Have you been awake all night?”
“I can’t sleep. What if I killed it?”
“Killed what?”
“My cock.”
“I’m sure you’d be fine with another woman.”
Ben hadn’t heard that.
“How could I just let it go, like that? Fuck, I haven’t even jerked off for six months! I don’t even remember the last time I got hard. I killed it. I lost my mind, destroyed my body, and killed my cock. And I’m ugly again, and I disgust you.”
“Ben, you are not ugly. You have never been ugly. That’s all in your mind. Go to sleep.”
“Then why are you so cold, all the sudden?”
“I didn’t want to hurt you. You were like a human skeleton.”
“I’m fine, now.”
“Go to sleep, Ben.”
Ben swore.
He got out of bed.
“Where are you going?”
He jerked the bathroom door open, angrily so that the knob smacked into the hole it had already made in the wall. 
“Fuck it! I'm going to go into the bathroom and try to get it up for somebody I know who cares about how upset I am, and wants to try to make me a man, again! Me!”
But then?
He had a better idea.
And he got back into bed with Rey.
“Wait! I know what this is about. You think the last time we fucked, it killed me. That you killed me. Now, you're afraid if you touch me again, I’ll just die. Right?”
“Ben, I…you did die.”
“I was going to die anyway. I figured I might as well die hard.”
Rey couldn’t help laughing.
A little.
“Besides, how many times have you tried to kill me? As many times as I told you I was going to fuck you whether you liked it, or not. Funny how it always seems to turn me on when you try to kill me. And when I act like I’m going to fuck you whether you like it or not? You always like it. The first fight we ever had? I wish I knew that you almost cutting my face off with a lightsaber was foreplay. If I had? Instead of offering to show you the ways of the force, I would have told you that if you came with me, I was going to tie you to a table, again, and slide my tongue up your sweet Rebel cunt.”
In several years of very dirty talk, and horrible arguments and insults, that was both the dirtiest and the most horribly insulting thing Ben ever said to her.
She slapped him in the face, and he laughed.
“Don’t you dare, Ben Solo!”
“What? Don’t try that high and mighty shit on me. I’m the guy who fucks you. I know what you like. And you know, you never asked me what truths I brought back from the other side.”
He pulled the covers off the bed, and grabbed Rey by the ankles and pushed her legs open.
“Never gave a minute's thought to the Force United. Or the new path. But I’m not going to make the same mistake twice. I’m not gonna ask you if you want me to teach it to you. Because I know what you want from me.”
Ben put Rey’s legs around his shoulders.
“I’m just going to slide my tongue up your sweet Rebel cunt. I know you like that.”
If Ben's intent was to inflame them both?
It worked.
He rose to the occasion, and Rey felt anything but cold.
She was still in the throes of the orgasm he gave her as he was sitting up at the bottom of the bed, saying:
“Hard as beaker fucking steel. It worked!”
It had.
“Ben, you horrible bastard, I’ve wanted you so much for so long!” she told him.
“Yeah. I know.” he told her.
All around the Skywalker farm you could hear the sound of a woman, screaming
And a man’s savage, guttural voice.
“Do you feel it now? Do you feel the raw power of the Dark Side?”
The woman’s screams grew louder and the man uttered a deep, dark, Satanic laugh.
He pinned her to the bed with his big, powerful body, and she locked her arms and legs around him screaming every time he thrust into her.
“Can you feel my power? The power of the Force United? Is this the way you want to get fucked, little scavenger? Fast and dirty and hard?”
More screams ripped from the woman’s throat.
“Yes! Yes! I feel your power. Your power! More!” the woman sobbed.
“My power? Who’s power? Say it! Fucking say it!” the man ordered, snarling through gritted teeth.
“Ben Solo! Oh, gods, gods, Ben fucking Solo!”
The woman screamed for joy, the man gave voice to another guttural laugh, and it resolved into a roar like the sound an angry Wookie makes before he tears your arms out and beats you to death with them.
Then, it was quiet, again.
Rather prudishly, Rey pulled the covers up to her neck.
In contrast, Ben lay on top of them, naked, his arms behind his head, his eyes closed, a happy,  untroubled smile on his face.
“That was worth fucking waiting. You are one hot little piece of ass, Little Rebel Girl. You had better come out from under those covers. I’m not done with you.”
“Can’t I go back to sleep, now?”
“Ben, you don’t understand. You were born without shame. I’m embarrassed. People don’t…I…I mean, I enjoy making love as much as, well, any woman, but…you have no idea what I am on about, do you?”
He turned on the light.
“Rey, I understand your ‘Who? Poor little me?’ act is what’s kept you alive through all these years, and it keeps people out of your hair. But don’t play it on me. I know better. I’m also the guy who fights with you. At your side and as your opponent, remember? So you can mince around Tattoine, acting like you are the little scavenger, a little war widow, just getting by, spending her life in elegiac genteel exile. Living with the memory of her lost love. But we both know it’s bantha shit.”
“Oh, really? And how would you know, Ben?”
“Rey, you slapped my face in a room full of smoking corpses and pools of blood and told me to quit fucking talking and kiss you. Then you wanted me to fuck you, on Snoke’s throne. You hardly gave me time to get rid of the mess and drape the curtains over the throne!  I mean, there I was, on my knees, with one foot resting on a dead man, and you’re pulling my hair and calling me a Sith bastard and telling me you’re going to come in my mouth, so I had better lick it up. Then, when I got up? You would have thought I poured honey all over my cock the way you went after it. You broke the zipper on my pants, getting it out. I had to hold your nose so you’d open your mouth so I could pull my cock out, because I thought if I came in your mouth before I fucked you, you’d cut me in half. I mean, I could hardly believe my luck.  I felt like the luckiest man in the Galaxy. Who knew you were the kind of girl who loved to give head and liked it doggie style on the throne of the Supreme Leader? I thought I might have been in love with you before that day. After? I was done. You had me. For the first time in my life, I was crazy in love.”
Rey bit her lip, to keep in a laugh, a scream of outrage, or both.
“I was carried away in the moment.” she sniffed
“This went on for longer than a moment. Hell, the first time I told you I could take what I wanted, you looked at me like, oh, Daddy, let’s fight first, and I might kill you later, but take me now, I’m all yours.”
“So what if I was immediately attracted to you? A lot of women have been!”
“Not when they were strapped to a table, killer. Rey, I was your enemy. I was the bad guy you were fighting against. I gave the orders that almost wiped out the whole Rebel fleet! And even after that, you came here to meet me every chance you got! And we never talked, here.  We talked when we were light-years away from each other. When we were together all we did was fuck. I was the Supreme Leader, I could do what I wanted. Go where I wanted. Nobody questioned me. I killed three generals who asked me what my business was with the Rebel girl. Those bloodless Imperial fucks stopped asking me stupid questions about my Little Rebel Girl after that. You were training to be a Jedi. You were the big hero of the Resistance. And you risked all that to come to Tattoine and fuck me out in the desert. When you had two guys, right there, who would have dragged their balls over hot coals just to get a shot at you. How long did the moment last? Two or three years? That’s a long karking moment, isn’t it?”
“It’s because I love you, Ben.”
“I love you too, Rey. But you are not a poor, meek, winsome little scavenger. You are a hot-blooded Force warrior. A two-tone, blood-glutted, cock-hungry hellcat who likes fast ships, bad men, high adventure, a damn good fight, and a real hot fuck. Be who you are, Rebel Girl. Some other guys might get turned off by that, but I’m Kylo Ren, remember? I love it when you’re bad. Hell, I killed myself at Exegol, satisfying our mutual battle lust. But I figured, what a way to go!”
“That’s why I was never going to touch another man, ever again. I killed you, Ben.”
“I came, and then I went.”
Ben laughed.
“It’s not funny! You gave me life and I took it back from you!”
“You didn’t kill me, Rey. Sheev Palpatine killed me. I knew I was going to die in that cave. I knew it before I brought you back. But I thought, hell, if I have to die, I might as well do it after a great victory in battle and a great fuck with the Valkryie I love. My Little Rebel Girl. And it’s not going to happen again, because I am now the most powerful Force sensitive being in the galaxy. Well, next to you. So do me a favor, and drop the act. It turns me off, and you’re insulting yourself.”
“Ben Solo, you are such a bad man!”
“Through and through. Did you think Kylo was the bad guy and Ben was the good guy? The best you can say about me is that I’m the good bad guy. Rey, my father was a ruthless pirate.  My grandfather was Darth Vader. I’m bad right down to my bones.”
“You wont tell anyone else about me, will you, Ben?”
“They already know. They’re just too terrified to argue with you. Damn, I have to piss.”
He got up and went to the bathroom.
Rey shifted around a little.
Thinking about what he had said.
Ben came back to bed.
He got under the covers, kissed her, and rolled over on his back and shut out the light.
Rey was a little disappointed, until Ben hauled her on top of him.
“OK, Rebel Girl! Your turn to be on top!”
The one thing that people all the way to Anchorhead would tell you about Ben Skywalker was that he had to be related to Ani Skywalker, because he looked just like him.
His hair and beard were black, and hsi etse were dark, but other than that, he was Ani all over again.
He wore the same kind of desert pilot’s clothes; in fact, Ben and his wife were poor; he might have been wearing Anakin’s clothes that he found at the old Skywalker moisture farm.
Young Skywalker and his wife, who was a nameless scavenger from Jakku before he gave her his had come right from the wars.
Ben had lived out on the old place for years, but during the wars, he was always coming and going. 
When he came to the cantina in the village without his wife?
Once he had a few pitchers of beer, he'd show you all his scars.
Take his pants down and everything, and the foolish boy didn’t wear underwear.
He had moods, but those scars meant he came by those moods, honestly.
He said he was a pilot, but all he seemed to be doing was getting his old wreck of a ship fixed up.
You might see him, running through the desert, barefoot, bareheaded, and slathered with sun protection, wearing only a pair of regulation Imperial exercise undershorts.
When he got to the village, he’d stop by the cantina for lunch.
“Training. I eat too much, and I drink too much, so I have to train like a goddamn Sith just to keep from turning into a big day tub of guts. That, and the Little Rebel Girl I married? She’s horny as an Askajian whore with a Twi'lek mother. She was a real killer, in the wars. If I ever quit banging her two, three times a day? She’d burn down the planet. But she keeps me in shape. Best exercise there is. Doing push-ups with girls. Before I met Rey? Hell, I had two or three women a week, just to keep me happy. Hell of a woman, my Little Rebel Girl. Better run home before she thinks I’ve got a girl on the side.”
Then he’d drink another pitcher of blue milk, finish his four sandwiches, and run home.
But what Ben was most famous for in the village was fighting a full grown Wookiee, and winning.
He made a lot of money doing it, too.
Ben Skywalker was the local character before the war was over, but taht wa sto be expected.
He was a Skywalker, after all; they were all characters.
In short?
Nobody suspected a damn thing.
After having lived by her wits from the time she was 14, and then becoming a Jedi, a warrior and the savior of the Galaxy?
The last thing Rey thought would make her happy was being a wife and keeping a house.
But somehow, just now?
It did.
At first Ben's moods were a problem, but when she discovered there were four of them, it became manageable.
Brooding Mystic, Wild Man, Happy-Go-Lucky Pirate, and Sexual Death Star.
Sometimes all in the same day.
And she had to admit, the fact that Sexual Death Star was a regular daily mood made it easier.
Ben naturally had a lot of stamina, and he was well endowed, but Rey always thought he had made sure to become a good lover to make it up to a woman for his moodiness.
But Ben knew himself, he had stocked his home with all wooden plates, bowls, and cups, and a stoneware pitcher that she he said he had thrown at a stone wall before buying.
So he got mad, sometimes and threw things and yelled?
It didn’t bother her.
Ben was always hungry, so he was always cooking, and there was always enough to eat.
They stayed in bed for days, sometimes, making love, and being goofy and just being together.
And she had not just a room, but a whole farm.
She and Ben had cleaned it up, and fixed everything, and even the old rusting farm machinery looked like art.
Ben worked on the Falcon, his ship now and there was a lot of work to do, because Rey had let it sit for a year.
Ben talked about getting in touch with “Uncle Chewie” he was thinking about getting back to work, with Rey as his scavenger.
He had a scheme in his heart, and that was a good sign.
But neither of them were ready to leave.
They went to the market in the old speeder, and brought fresh bread, and sometimes, when the moon was bright they had lightsaber duels out in the desert, and then they’d make love like lions, under the stars.
The stars that still belonged to them.
It was a beautiful little life, with just the two of them, but one day, the west wind from out behind Tattoine’s twin suns blew Chewbacca in to Mos Eisley, and there was a radio message from him.
He was coming out to the Skywalker Farm, and when he got there, they should be on the Falcon and ready to go.
Rey knew, then that everything was about to change.
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