#it’s the ‘this is the most natural progression of our relationship and it makes sense and it fits’ vs the jedi guilt of it all :)
sunaluv · 2 years
WAG: A wife or girlfriend of a sports star
Featuring: k.sakusa, r.suna
[ushijima,atsumu] vers.
Note: happy new year! I love how I posted like 5 things then dipped but I wanted to write some more on here 😭 enjoy!
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You had met sakusa whilst he was making a name for himself. He wasn’t as big as he was now, but his name would be floating around the internet somewhere.
That’s actually how you first saw him. One of your friends had shared a photo of his in a groupchat, and the whole chat was going crazy over this insanely hot insanely talented upcoming volleyball star.
Of course you found him attractive, but you were absolutely certain he would be yours. There was no mindless attraction. You geniuinely believed your friend had just send your future husband directly to you.
She kinda did tho
Flash forward a couple months, you were doing some early morning shopping as one does. The store was quieter, everything’s was in stock. It was perfect. It was SO PERFECT.
because just as you were picking out snacks for your apartment, you saw a masked man dressed in a black hoodie that may have been a bit to small for him, seeing as you could make out the definitions of his muscles through the fabric.
You knew that man from anywhere, after all you had only been dreaming of him for the past few months.
Not wasting this opportunity, you bravely approached him, making small talk about the stuff you were buying.
‘This was no one and done situation though, ‘you thought.
The next store runs, you slowly grew closer, sometimes going to the shop only to talk to him.
He eventually gained the courage to ask you on a date and from there your relationship progressed until you took his last name.
By now, sakusa was bringing in BANK, not that that was the reason you were with him but still.
He vowed to spoil you like you deserved whilst you were in the talking phase, and boy did he keep his promise.
Eventually, you quit your job after your husbands persistent pleads that he makes enough money to support the both of you. All you had to do was support him in his games.
And with your new free time, you were seen at the majority of them, looking pretty on the Jumbotron with your hair done, dressed to the t with the finest jewelry, the most noticable one being the gold necklace with his jersey number on it that sat in between your collarbones.
Naturally, you gained your own cult following on social media, and you were often photographed at games and events due to your great fashion sense.
Speaking of
You met the rest of kiyoomi’s team at an MSBY exclusive event, aswell as the other wives and girlfriends of the players.
Sakusa loves you dearly and will spoil you at every given chance.
You and suna were highschool sweethearts
You had supported him ever since the inarizaki days and continue to to so as he plays for EJP.
People have known about you for YEARS. It was almost like you grew as he did.
But it was mainly because he still has the cheesy romantic highlights of you from inarizaki, so as he gained more followers, more people viewed the highlights.
Even if they didn’t, his actual feed is full of pictures of you.
When it comes to spoiling you, he sees gift giving as more as a thank you or appreciation for sticking with him all these years, because you played a big part in shaping his career too, looking after him when he didn’t.
That being said he really does appreciate you, shown by the various Swarovski crystals adorning your neck and wrists, the sleek sports cars he bought for you claiming ‘they’re our children’, or the random, but costly furniture you obsess over dotted around your shared penthouse.
The man introduced you into a world of luxury and endless princess treatment, and vowed to never take you out of it.
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wildemaven · 4 months
first anniversary | dieter x poppy
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A Sweet Creature
Ava Greene sits down with actor and friend, Dieter Bravo. Hollywood’s new leading man gets candid about life in front of and behind the camera. He talks about his latest movie, his commitment to his sobriety and his newest role— husband?!
Ava Greene: You're approaching three years sober now, how are you feeling?
Dieter Bravo: Probably the best I’ve felt in a long time. Sobriety is a day to day progression that I take very seriously, and I try to not lose sight of that even when I’m having bad days. Though, I’m grateful bad days have been few and far between at this point in my sobriety. I can attribute that to the support system I have built for myself through friends, family, my sponsor that I still work with and most importantly my wife who keeps me grounded daily. They all continue to keep me in check and remind me how awesome my life is, especially right now. Staying clean is a full time commitment, and it’s really a beautiful thing.
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AG: You followed in your famous parents footsteps by going into acting and your career and struggles with sobriety have been well documented but your parents have rarely commented publicly, are they supportive of your work and your journey?
DB: For me, I don’t need them to make a show of it by commenting or sharing their thoughts publicly to know they support me. There was a point in time where they did all they could do for me, but ultimately it had to be my choice to make the decision to get clean. Thankfully, we’ve been rebuilding our relationship over the last few years. And being in the public eye for most of our lives, the last thing we want is for outsiders thinking they have a say in our lives. In short, yes I have very supportive parents in all aspects of my life and I’m so happy for that.
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AG: This is your second project since rehab, are you viewing this as a comeback or a fresh start?
DB: Comeback? I didn’t know I left… Kidding! Sure, some might say it’s a comeback. A fresh start. Whatever analogy best fits the narrative is fine by me— and I don’t mean that negatively in any sense. I mean, you’ve known me long enough to know I just try not to focus on any of that stuff, messes with my fucking brain waves. I just see it as me doing what I love with a new perspective and a different approach to choosing what projects I’m going to give my time to than I have in the past.
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AG: What can you tell us about this project and the character you're playing?
DB: I had the best f*ckin’ time while shooting this film— sorry, but the emphasis was needed. I was really drawn to the vibrancy that this script evoked, even with the serious nature of the storyline and characters. I couldn’t stop thinking or talking about for weeks afterwards. I’d sit with my wife at breakfast and we’d discuss the script and my character for what felt like hours. I knew after I heard her feedback that I needed to be apart of this film— she might have said I’d be stupid to say no to it, in her own loving way.
The film is really about the process of rediscovering yourself. Navigating the challenges that come along with being at your lowest point and leaning on the ones who have been there for you. It’s about finding love in its purest form when you never thought you were deserving of it.
I found bits of myself in this character as we were filming, it was very much a cathartic experience for me. I guess you could say it was art imitating life in a weird way.
AG: There's already been some buzz about this year's award season, do you think this is finally your year?
DB: Ooooh! Is it too presumptuous for me to say yes?! I’ve started dusting the spot where I plan for it to go. I sound like some sort of pompous idiot! Now no one is going to go see it!*
I take it back!
In all seriousness, ‘cause I’m sure Poppy and my agent will be rolling their eyes when they read this. If all I get is a couple nominations, that alone feels like winning. A shiny statue would be nice though— just saying.
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AG: You've talked often about your love of art and you recently purchased a gallery. Are you planning to publicly pursue other creative endeavors?
DB: I won’t be joining American Idol anytime soon if that’s what you’re asking. Oh, you weren’t referring to my ability to hold a note during our many karaoke nights— noted!
How did you put it? Other creative endeavors? I’ve got a few art pieces in the works right now that I’m itching to dive back into when I get home. I’ve got a major gallery in LA lined up later in the year for an artist spotlight exhibit, they’ll be housing some of my work through the next year. Shoutout to my wife for getting that all lined up while I was away shooting this film.
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AG: What's next for Dieter Bravo? Any other projects lined up you can tell us about?
DB: I’m looking forward to some downtime I have coming up. Poppy has the summer off, so we’ll get to finally live that newlywed life. Settle into the role of doting husband while she does her thing at the gallery.
AG: Off the record, if you got married and didn't tell anyone I will kick yours and Poppy’s ass!
DB: We’re celebrating our one year this month actually. We eloped quietly last year right after we got engaged— wanted to keep it to ourselves for a little while. Which reminds me, you and Bryony should hop on a call with Poppy after this. Seeing as I let the cat out of the bag and this is our announcement— surprise!
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Huge shoutout out to @gnpwdrnwhiskey for allowing me to borrow her Ava from Conversations with a Movie Star for this. Ava was so gracious and even wrote the questions herself. I’m so grateful for Lellen and all her support and advice she had given me throughout the writing process of Sweet Creature!
Sweet Creature Celebration
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skrrts · 4 days
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Home Is ✧ yunho version (oneshot)
✧ gn!reader x jeong yunho ✧ genre: non-idol, slice of life, fluff, romance ✧ word count: 1,2k
You have found the love of your life, and now the two of you are ready for the next step in your relationship: moving together. Neither of you can wait to finally be able to spend every day together but it's out of the question ... the whole progress looks a lot more casual and aesthetical on social media than it actually is. Chaos. You can't wait to finally be done with unboxing the last pieces of clothing and get comfortable in your new bedroom but then there is Pudeongie, who had been banished to now spend his days in the armchair in the corner of the room. Why do you feel so judged and how come Yunho is so cute about this?
a/n: #3 of the little mini series and can't believe we already wrap it up next week, September really passed by so quickly. it just made sense to give this plushie some screentime, he's very loyal with his life on yunho's bed
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Did you always own that many sleeping shirts? You sighed as you looked at the box, still trying to somehow shove them all into the corner of the wardrobe. Yunho had been humble, just as always and he owned so few clothes that you wondered how he always looked so fashionable while you had so many and still failed to ever put your mind on outfits. Maybe you should have bought a larger wardrobe after all.
You loved your new home and after weeks of hard work, there really only had been a few details left until the two of you finally settled. The apartment belonged to one of Yunho's relatives and thanks to that, instead of being forced to rush and get all done in a weekend, the two of you took the time, setting all up and making tonight the first one where you would sleep here.
The stunning new large bed was the highlight of the bedroom and your amazing boyfriend had given in to your wish for one of those bed canopy decorated with fairy lights.
Everything was perfect, if not for the judging glances of a plushie that was now sitting in the small armchair in the corner of the room.
The plush dog had been the very first thing you noticed when you stayed at Yunho's place for the first time. Your boyfriend had been more of a minimalist and allergic to colors, so the brown plushie had been a hard contrast to all the greys and black of his room. Yunho said that it was a gift from a good friend, handmade and based on a silly design he came up with.
The plushie had been there from the beginning of your relationship, it napped in bed with you but after moving, it felt natural that it received a new place. Now, why did you feel so watched and judged? He shared years with Yunho, it was time to grow up!
You blushed, clearing your throat for your silly thoughts when the door opened and Yunho, came in, balancing a tray with cups. The smell of pumpkin spice latte and fresh brownies from your favorite bakery immediately made you smile as you only moved a little. Your boyfriend sat down by your side, smiling.
"You stored in clothes all afternoon. I thought it was a good time for a break. I made sure to take a photo of those cat cups so Wooyoung would stop texting us if we finally tried out his gift," Yunho laughed as he offered one to you. Ah yes, your friends had the most interesting presents to celebrate how two of their closest friends finally moved together after more than five years of dating.
You carefully sipped on it: "Thank you, this is so nice... I never really had carpet before but I can see the benefit now."
You chuckled and Yunho smiled, moving closer so he could hug you from behind, eyes wandering over your bedroom.
"Mhm, not that cold flooring will ever stop me from kissing you just at every corner and spot in our little home."
His words were full of pride, you loved how domestic Yunho was. He really embraced building all of that furniture together with your dad and starting to cook for you, making little snacks, and taking over chores you didn't like.
"Our home is almost perfect," you mumbled placing the cup down. Yunho blinked, tilting his head: "Almost? What's missing, love?"
You pouted a little: "Not missing, it's just him. He makes me feel so guilty."
You pointed toward the plushie and Yunho's gaze followed, blinking before laughing.
"Pudeongie? What has he done?" that cute little smile already hinted he knew it was just a silly moment.
"He judges me, look at him! He has been kicked out of bed and I am not sure if he will ever forgive me," you pouted again and Yunho couldn't stop himself from smiling.
Your boyfriend stood up, picking up the plushie to move over, sitting by your side again.
"I believe, this is just his resting face, like Woo. Look at him! He's all soft and loving!"
Yunho pouted cutely as he hugged it tightly and you couldn't stop yourself from rolling your eyes playfully, giggling.
"Of course, it hasn't to do with you being biased at all."
He loved that plushie and so did you. Of course, it had been part of many fond memories of your relationship.
"I am sure, it will be a change but he will get used to it. In fact, maybe all he needs is company!" Yunho winked and tilted his head slowly. You sipped on your cup again, before placing it aside.
"He is very handsome. So fluffy and tall, maybe I should take him to bed with me tonight, for the best cuddles!"
Now it was Yunho who was pouting: "Hey! The first night in a new home is important... I am very fluffy as well."
You couldn't hold back a laugh, placing a kiss on his cheek and then on Pudeongie's. "I think, you might be right and it's a draw. So what do we do about it?"
Yunho smiled at you, before slowly standing up and placing the plushie carefully back on the armchair. Then, he walked over to one of your wardrobes and pulled out a big body pillow, taking a marker and drawing an adorable face on its cover before placing it next to his plushie.
"There, all he needed was the perfect one by his side. I am very knowledgeable of just how that is what one needs," he insisted. You joined his side and he hugged you without hesitation.
"Very true. Maybe we can get it some fluffy ears too, so they match better," you looked up to Yunho who looked fondly at you.
"I am very blessed that I am loved by a person who accepts my fond former roommate," he whispered and kissed you. This was silly but you'd not want to have it any other way.
You sat down again, this time on his lap, offering him a few bites from the cookie he brought.
"Mh, the bakery at the corner of the street is really nice. We should invite Seonghwa next time, they sell really delicious-looking slices of strawberry cake."
Yunho was comfortable, he rambled on, and shared his explorations with you and what he liked about the new neighborhood. It warmed your heart to see him getting used to living here with you as quickly now.
"If we do that, he might come over often to visit," you chuckled.
Yeosang and Yunho had been living together since starting college and just remained that way long after picking up their jobs. When their contract had come to an end, it made sense for them to move on and it must be quite a change for them.
You intended to give Yunho just as many special memories in this place.
"Now then," you whispered, grinning.
"Shall we go on and give them some privacy? I feel, there is quite a long list of things I always wanted to do in our first home together," you teased and Yunho looked at you, winking.
"Well, since the list is so long, we better get started."
He took your hand and pulled you along, the bedroom door falling shut behind you.
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bambi-slxt · 5 months
🤍𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 ~ 𝐩𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞🤍
𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕡𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕠𝕝𝕠 𝕩 𝕗𝕖𝕞
word count: 1.2k
genre/tropes: second chance, romance, lovers to strangers to...?
warnings: smut, gaslighting, dumbification, slight degredation if you squint, nothing super hardcore.
pt two pt three
notes from bambi: this story starts off with chris and fmc as children - the smut does not happen here. obviously. enjoy!
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I should have known the love of my life wouldn’t be someone who smacked me on the head with a meter stick, but I was thirteen and Christopher Sturniolo was cute. What was I supposed to do?
With science class almost over, students lined up at the door and ready to leave, Chris decided to enact his genius plan. He didn’t hit me hard, just enough to get my attention, and it worked–I turned to face him, shocked and a little curious. Above my head, the wooden stick, behind me in line, Christopher Sturniolo, though I wouldn’t learn his name until the next day. 
I reached for the nefarious weapon and he tilted it upward, just out of reach. A game. I liked games. I batted the air as a grin spread across his lips, still keeping his makeshift flirtation device out of my hands. A laugh escaped me and his eyes seemed to sparkle.
I thought about that interaction for the rest of the day–what did it all mean? The minds of the male species is almost incalculable in regards to flirtation, especially in middle school. But god, he managed to be the cutest kid around with that curly brown hair, with his uneven teeth that added such charm to his smile, his playful nature, and oh, his confidence–I practically ran to science the next day.
“‘M Chris,” he said, sitting behind me at the next table over. 
“You hit me yesterday,” I replied with a faux pout. 
“Had to get your attention somehow.” He hung one arm over the back of his chair and looked up at me through devastatingly long lashes. “Did I hurt ya?”
I sniffed. “No. Could have said my name like a civilized creature.”
“What is your name?” Chris asked smoothly–I walked into that one.
I told him and he tasted it on his tongue for a moment. “Nice to meet you,” he murmured and reached out to shake my hand. 
I pulled my ruler out of my pencil bag and handed it to him instead. “For the next time you need my attention.” His jaw dropped and his eyes got that sparkle again. Turning back around, I felt my stomach drop into a flurry of butterflies. By the end of class, I had his number, and before the week was out, I began to sit with him, his brothers, and his friends at lunch.
Our relationship progressed quickly, as most in middle school tend to, and he asked me to be his girlfriend three weeks later. 
I remember sneaking my phone into bed with me so we could call at night. He used to make me laugh so hard I thought for sure I’d wake my parents up. I remember going to the library with him so I could read and he could get out of class and nap on the beanbags (or give me my first kiss behind a bookshelf and a dandelion he found outside). I remember helping him in science when the formulas didn’t make sense or when he got tripped up on food webs. I remember cheering for him at Friday pep rallies when he would run out into the gym with his team, and later that night while I wore his jersey number at his game. I remember all of it. 
We stayed together for three years, Chris and I. His brothers and I hung out all the time. I became a regular at the Sturniolo house, dog-sitting Trevor on the off-chance that no one was home, spending weekends at the beach house, learning how to play Mario Kart from Justin, helping Mary Lou make dinner, Jimmy even taught me how to swing a golf club (or rather, he did his absolute best and demonstrated the patience of a saint–I didn’t learn shit, golf is hard).
I got my driver’s license a month and three days before Matt, which meant that for a month and two days, I held the illustrious title of Triplets + Nate’s chauffeur. An utterly thankless job, if you had asked me at the time, though now I would give anything to drive the boys around again. Chris broke up with me the day before Matt’s drivers test. I never found out if he did it then on purpose or not.
It took me a while to feel upset about it, if I’m being honest. We felt that we wanted different things in life, and that was all there was to it. I hugged him before I left class and he hugged me right back before we split down the hallway. The rest of that school year I was plagued from all sides about our relationship–”Why did you and Chris break up?”, “Did he cheat? Did you cheat?”, “What did he do to you?”, and the worst, “I bet you wanted one of his brothers instead.” Chris took a lot of heat for it as well and as a result, we stayed apart for a long time. 
We didn’t speak again until the summer before senior year. My life changed twelve times over between our last hug and the night he called me again. I’d had birthdays (my 18th was quite the event, my friends and I made friendship bracelets and stayed up until 2am), wonderful opportunities (substantial scholarships to our local college, all in my degree), terrible losses (I spent a week in a hospital for a rather severe injury), and had all but moved on. I felt like he made a mistake of some kind by dialing my cell–surely an accident on his part.
I sat in my room with a towel on my head and a bag of snacks in my lap. “No one told you life was gonna be this wayyy…” I hummed, crunching on a pretzel. “Oh my god, moisturizer.” I shoved the bag aside and reached for my bottle of lotion–I should have done this an hour ago. Spreading the sweet-smelling cream over my leg, I didn’t hear the buzz of my phone the first time. I didn’t even hear it the second time. It wasn’t until Joey Tribbiani plopped himself onto the couch in Central Perk on the TV and I opened the bottle cap over my shoulder that the vibrating device touched my skin and I must have cleared three feet of air between myself and the mattress. Lotion went flying, my remote fell into the abyss, my hair tumbled out of its now-disheveled towel, and I sat panting, poised to strike, staring at the screen.
Incoming call from: Christopher Sturniolo
Why? What does he want? I didn’t move as his name scrolled slowly across the top of my phone. If I let it go to voicemail, maybe he wouldn’t call back, and it would just be an accident. My phone ceased its’ buzzing and I picked it up with shaking hands, pausing my TV. Another vibration–a voicemail. Tapping on the notification, I held it up to my ear and Chris’s voice flowed over me.
“Hey…I’m sorry to call like this, I know it’s late but, um…can we talk?” He paused, his breath crackling through time and space and the 3.7 miles that lay between our houses. “I didn’t know who else to call. You don’t have to respond, if you don’t want to. Yeah. Bye.”
I set my phone on my thigh.
Don’t do it.
I stared blankly at the wall.
You don’t need this right now.
I looked down, clicked the telephone icon, raised the phone to my ear, and clutched my fist into the blanket.
Son of a bitch.
It rang all of twice.
My breath shook. “Hey, Chris.”
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request to be on the taglist under this post right here
@pinksturniolo @malirosee @st7rnioioss @nonat-111 @cindylcuwho @evie-sturns @h3arts4harry @fanficsbymia @dazednmatthews @sturniolo-rat @mattsmad @sturniolo04 @bellasturn @blahbel668 @yomamaslays4lyfe @stasiesturn @pleasantlycrazyworld 
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psychopomp-recital · 5 months
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𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝
Let’s talk about working with the Water Element; divination, magical waters, workings and cultivating a relationship with it and its spirits.
🎶Sharing my experiences and thoughts, don’t rely on just this make your own experiences and thoughts.🎶
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How do I grow my relationship with Water itself?
Begin opening yourself up to it more and incorporating it into your daily life. When I began building my relationship with it this is what I did:
To be done over a months period
Washed my hands & face with cold water when waking up and letting them air dry as much as possible.
Brushing out my hair and braiding it, picturing my hair flowing like a river with every movement of my fingers.
Beginning my day by intentionally drinking a glass of water, sitting down to really appreciate it and how it aides your body. I like cold water because you can easier feel it flow through you, I also like charging it beforehand.
Visit as many water sources as possible during this period. I am lucky enough to live by the pacific ocean and I would go and swim in it everyday to cultivate my relationship. However, if that is inaccessible for you there’s options such as sitting by a public pool, taking a bath, standing in the rain, eating your lunch by a river, etc.
While you’re spending time with water just talk to it. Tell it stories, sing it songs, ask it questions, water is living and it longs for a connection.
Record your progress throughout the month either in written journal entries, scrapbooking, or digital trackers. Just have a way for you to look back at how you’ve changed during this period.
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Examples of Magic that can include water:
research topics
Magical or Blessed Waters
Baneful Folk Workings
Release / Banishing Spells
Water Plant Workings
Elemental Spirit Magic
Death Work
Charged Sprays
Travel Magic
Weather / Storm Magic
Shell Magic (like crystal magic)
Carromancy (wax in water)
Magical Baths / Showers
Glamour Magic
And Much More...
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What can I benefit from working with water?
Regardless on where you are from, what path of life you are following or anything else we are connected by our need for water. It is not only our connection to other humans but our connection to the natural world as well. It makes up 3/4 of our planet and 60% of your body. You can get a better understanding of yourself just by going back to that fundamental need to sustain yourself with water as a life-force. The element itself is well known to be a very introspective force and most spirits representing or associated are similar (spg). When you are inviting it into your home you are inviting that connection and energy in too.
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Water takes life without discrimination, just as it gives life. Working within that provides a confidence and at least in my experience a sense of balance within ones self. If you are feeling like you are being tossed by the path of life, as if you are a lone ship at a storming sea, this might be your sign to stop fighting the current and start moving with it. If you can make the waves move at your asking then what is there to stop you.
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hy·dro·man·cy /ˈhīdrəˌmansē/
divination by means of signs derived from the appearance of water and its movement.
Some argue this is the first form of scrying Hydromancy is a very useful tool. It can be done with natural bodies of water, or things like tubs, cups and bowls. It can be frustrating to begin so this is how I would begin if I were you: (works better with an established connection to water)
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Go somewhere quiet and still, I prefer outside at night but do what is safe and comfortable for you.
Prepare your space and yourself however you normally would set the tone for a divination reading. Some choose to say a blessing prayer, drink a divination tea blend, or anoint themselves with particular salve or oil. I will usually ritually prepare myself (let me know if you want me to go more into this).
In a shallow dark colored bowl (or scrying bowl), pour your preferred water of choice. I usually go with waning moon water.
Relax and begin to gaze into the water. Let yourself open up to messages. Sometimes it comes as scenes of images, or a shape or even words that can come through.
Write down anything you receive to interpret later on.
If you are struggling try this ritual but use the light of a candle or the moon to interpret those shapes. Or meditate with the bowl and pour it out onto the ground and scry the shape it leaves behind.
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Magical Associations
✦ Death & Life ✦ Duality ✦ Change ✦ Rage ✦ Grief ✦ Peace ✦ Creation ✦ The Moon ✦ Ice ✦ Emotions ✦ Mental Health ✦ Cleansing / Purification ✦ Storms ✦ Distaster ✦ Dreams ✦ Cancer / Scorpio / Pisces ✦ Psychic Abilities ✦ Shape-shifters ✦ Travel ✦ Corrosion
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Irish Divine Beings Associated
✦ Brigid (keening mother & keeper of the sacred well) ✦ Boann (river personification) ✦ Aengus (The Young Son) ✦ Lir (sea personification) ✦ Manannán mac Lir (son of the sea)
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pubbamoon · 3 months
Destiny Matrix Chart of Thewizardliz
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Hi and welcome! Today I want to show you how to analyze someone's Destiny Matrix chart and I'm gonna choose Thewizardliz as an example. Thewizardliz is a well-known influencer who makes affirmation videos on social media where she talks about self-love, confidence, manifestation techniques etc. Her birthday is officially confirmed, so she was born on January 1st, 1999. I hope you'll enjoy.
Liz has number 6 at the center of her Destiny Matrix chart, which means that she's communicative, loving, caring and sensual. The Lovers is the 6th card from Major Arcana, which makes sense why she prioritizes relationships. Venus rules over the number 6, which makes her naturally beautiful person who seeks aesthetics and pleasure. The negative sides of this number could be being sensitive to criticism or having people pleasing tendencies.
Since she was born on January 1st, she has number 1 as the significant number in her chart, being placed at her Crown chakra, making her natural leader and manifester. Number 1 is related to The Magician card and her stage name is basically the wizard, which makes sense a lot. Her natural abilities are taking initiation of her life and manifesting everything she wants to, which is the interpretation of The Magician card. 1 plus 1 equals 2, making a number 2 as a significant number for her Crown chakra too. Number 2 is ruled by the Moon, is related to The High Priestess card and is in tune with the feminine energy, making Liz an emotional, sensitive and intuitive person who seeks for a balance and harmony in her own life.
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Having two 8's at her Third Eye chakra could mean that she has a strong intuition when she's balanced, organized and when her life is in harmony. She might intuitively know whether some people are right for her or not, 'cause the Justice card is about seeking the truth and looking for something that's right. The Number 16 at this same chakra means that she's a naturally spiritual person and uses her intuition as her guidance, especially when she's in some kind of destructive phase of her life.
Since she's best known for her motivational speeches, her state of the Throat chakra was the most interesting part to me. So, she has two 7's at this chakra, which means that she's very direct while communicating. The Chariot is a very ambitious card and people with this prominent arcana in their chart are mostly the leaders who inspire others. Number 14 is also significant for her Throat chakra and the Temperance card is about inspiring and healing others. So, it makes completely sense why her words are so motivational to the other people.
The Heart chakra represents our heart's desire, what makes us feel happy and joyful. Liz has two 13's at this chakra and number 13 is related to the Death card, which is about transformations. She might be someone who always needs to progress and to change her beliefs or her overall life to feel happy. The number 8 as an overall number at her Heart chakra means that she might need a balanced life in order to feel happy and joyful.
At her Sacral chakra, which represents creativity, sexual energy and emotions, she has numbers such as 18, 16 and 7. Number 18 is a very mysterious number and it's related to The Moon card, which is about illusions. Speaking of her creativity, she has always been questioned about her editing abilities and how she even got this successful. Number 16 could mean that she get emotional whenever she's in at her destructive phase. The number 7 means that she's very business-minded when it comes to her creativity. Maybe that's why she got so famous by posting videos, 'cause The Chariot card is about ambition, strong will and victory.
The Root chakra represents our foundation and what makes us grounded. Liz has numbers like 12, 10 and 22 at her Root chakra. The things that makes Liz grounded are healing journey, practicing self-love (number 12, The Hanged Man) receiving opportunities and success (number 10, Wheel of Fortune), the changes and adventure (number 22, The Fool). The negative sides of these placements might be her acting as a victim, being depressive, behaving restless and living an unbalanced life.
To summarize, she's an intelligent individual who has a lot of ambitions and strong will. She has a strength within her and is most likely a workaholic who always finishes her own tasks easily. She's a business-minded person with a lot of knowledge and wisdom to share, especially to other people.
Her karmic tail code is 18-3-12 and it's being called as 'Physical Suffering.' This tells me that she had a traumatic and abusive childhood and she needs a lot of healing because of that. She possibly had a feminine energy around her (especially her mother) who teached her to be a people pleaser or to sacrifice herself for others. This also tells me about having a fear of rejection or wanting to escape from the abusive environment.
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Now, I want to deep dive into her love life. As you can see, I marked her love line with black color. Her love line code is 18-7-7. Number 18 shows why she struggles in relationships and it could be because of her having a fear of rejection or being delusional about her perspective about love and relationships. Again, this number represents escaping tendencies as well.
Number 7 at the center of her love line is the most significant number of her love line and it represents what type of a partner she needs to have. I remember watching her video on YouTube about not dating broke men and she said that she needs a man who's in his masculine energy and who can provide for her. That is basically the interpretation of number 7 and The Chariot card. She really does need an ambitious and successful partner who's a natural leader tho.
She has another number 7 in her love line, which talks about where she may likely meet her partner. She might find her partner at s workplace, gym, a party or in any kind of place where there's a lot of movement.
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The next marked line is her money line and the code is 7-5-16. Number 7 at the beginning of her money line can mean that she might have a career where she can use her leadership skills and her vision. It can indicate a successful career too.
Number 5 at the center of her money line is the most significant number for her career path. She may teach others, be a mentor or just spread the knowledge in general, which is an interpretation of The Hierophant card. This number also shows how she's so influential to others. People with the prominent number 5 in their Destiny Matrix chart tend to influence other people somehow.
Number 16 at the end of her money line means that she might work well as a spiritual leader and she basically is that. She always motivates other people through her affirmations and mostly says to the audience something that might be a little bit uncomfortable to many of these people to hear, because The Tower card represents changes that need to happen and it's mostly relates to the extremes.
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The next thing I'm going to do is to analyze her generational lines from both of her mother's and father's sides. Male generational lines represent the gifts and karma from her father's side. Her father may encourage Liz to be more diplomatic (2), to take more risks (22) and to be open to hang out with other people (6). She might have a natural inherit intuition and an adventurous spirit from her father.
Female generational lines represent the gifts and karma from her mother's side. Her mother probably encourages her to always have faith in herself (11), to always change and progress in life (13) and to be a people's person (6). She might have a natural strength, adaptivity and understanding of other people from her mother.
The Soul Searching number can be described as her Life Purpose 1 or her life purpose at her earlier years of her life. Her Life Purpose 1 number is number 6, which relates to The Lovers card. At her earlier stage of her life, she needs to maintain a positive relationships with other people and to learn how to be around other people as well.
Socialization number can be described as her Life Purpose 2 or her life purpose at her later years of her life (it probably starts at her 40s). Her Life Purpose 2 number is number 12, which is associated with The Hanged Man card. At her later stage of her life, she needs to release old beliefs that don't serve her anymore and to embrace the new beliefs that makes more sense to her. She may already do that.
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The last number you see in this last picture represents her overall life purpose. We can find out this number by adding up two life purpose numbers. In Liz' case, 6 plus 12 equals 18, which means that her overall life purpose number is 18, which is associated with The Moon card. It means that she's very mysterious person with a lot of intuitive abilities. She might also be a very creative individual and has clear imagination. This number can tell that she may be prone into illusions and into escaping tendencies, especially when she's around negative and abusive type of people.
This was the Destiny Matrix chart of Thewizardliz. I hope you enjoyed it. If you wants to book a Full Destiny Matrix Chart Reading with me, this is something that you can expect. Anyway, I wish you all had a wonderful day and week ahead. See you soon!
Best regards, Paky McGee
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ficretus · 3 months
Some time during Vacuo, Jaune intercepts Cinder
Jaune: Not gonna let you have Summer Maiden power Cinder.
Cinder: So you have anticipated where I would be. Astounding, albeit natural. After all... we are not so different you and I.
Jaune: We are NOTHING alike!
Cinder: What do you mean, we both killed a Maiden and penetrated Nikos.
Jaune: I didn't want to kill Pe... Wait what, I never... ahem... I did no such thing with Pyrrha.
Cinder: Really?
Jaune: Why would you even think that?
Cinder: She was practically throwing herself at you. No matter, I will simply rephrase it. *clears throat* We both killed a Maiden and penetrated that Schnee girl, we are not so...
Jaune: Nope.
Cinder: Not even her? Then what was all that handholding at the bridge? Fine, but then I am running out of our mutual penetrations, and for your information I have never penetrated Little Re...
Jaune: Could you stop speculating about my love life?
Cinder: I cannot believe this Arc. I at least thought you were competent in that field. Well then, I am stuck. I prepared this whole monologue but it appears your incompetence will once again ruin everything, unless... Tell me about your childhood Arc!
Jaune: What? I'm not gonna talk about my life story so you can...
Cinder: *creates a glass swords* It is not really a request Arc.
Jaune: So what exactly are we doing here? I am gonna talk about my childhood and you are gonna try to find a parallels between us?
Cinder: Correct.
Jaune: I was raised in Vale...
Cinder: Does not work.
Jaune: As member of famous Arc family...
Cinder: No.
Jaune: I have seven sisters...
Cinder: Sigh... wrong number. But do tell more about them, I am sure we can find some parallels there.
Jaune: I guess we are making some progress. My youngest sister is...
*2 hours later*
Jaune: And Saphron then moved out to Argus, got married to Terra and has a kid named Adrian. Any parallels?
Cinder: *murmurs* Was she gay? I suppose that is entirely speculative. *clears throat* It appears there are no parallels. Tell me more about your relationship with your sisters? Was it cordial, neutral, antagonistic?
Jaune: They were fine. I guess they would pick on me from time to time, made me wear pigtails several times...
Cinder: Stop, what was that?
Jaune: Pigtails?
Cinder: Yes... pigtails... of course, now it all makes sense. *clears throat* We are not so different you and I, we both killed a Maiden and wore pigtails as kids.
Jaune: That has to be the most superficial parallel of all time.
Cinder: Shut up Arc. Now that I have established parallels between us, we can finally commence this duel. But I do warn you, it is gonna end up just like all of our previous encounters.
Jaune: Bring it on.
*reinforcements come in*
Ruby: Great work Jaune, you held her off for two hours. No idea how, but great work nonetheless.
Cinder: Two hours?! Oh... I see. So you lied about not having penetrated Nikos and Schnee to bait me into asking pointless trivia about your family while others fought off Grimm and Crown members.
Ruby: Ew, too much details.
Blake: Not enough details.
Nora: Jaune, you dog
Weiss: I wish...
Cinder: What a deception... I guess we truly are not so different you and I. *flies away*
Ruby: So Jaune... wanna explain what just happened?
Jaune: Cinder showed up spouting movie villain monologue insinuating things about my love life. Then we talked about my sisters and how they made me wear pigtails.
Emerald: As someone who worked for Cinder for years... that sounds completely made up.
Ruby: Fine, keep your secrets Jaune... *walks away*
Jaune: *thinks to himself* Why do I have a sudden urge to tell Emerald to shut up and then brood. Oh no...
Cinder: *voice in his head* We are not so different you and I.
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mint-yooxgi · 2 years
{6} - Morning Mist - Yandere!Dragon!Ateez X Chubby!Reader
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Yandere AU & Dragon AU
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst
Pairing: Ateez X Reader
Words: 8,054
Warnings: Blood mentioned. Threats. Depictions of a panic attack near the end. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: Here it is!! The next part which turned out much longer than I anticipated!! I’m super happy with how it turned out, and where I ended it, so I really hop you like it, too!! We’ve got some relationships progressing this chapter, so yay!! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy~
Also, gentle reminder that I do not do tag lists.
Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Mini Masterlist
It’s late into the evening, the moon already high in the sky when you sense eight presences approaching fast. You think nothing of it, knowing the extra wards you’ve placed over your house will protect you if anything were to happen. Still, they’re probably just flying in overhead. It has happened before.
Pushing your stool back from the counter, you let out a yawn. It’s getting late, and you are feeling quite tired from the day, so you opt to head to bed for now.
Just as you grab the oil lamp to begin trudging the short journey to your bedroom, a loud thump sounds on your backdoor.
A low sigh escapes your lips as you turn towards the sound, knowing that someone has just attempted to break through your door once more. At the eight presences you sense just outside, you know exactly who they are, too.
Frantic knocking begins to sound on the door in the next second, and you nearly blink in shock. Faintly, you hear Jongho calling out your name.
“Are you in there?” His voice sounds worried. Desperate, even.
Wordlessly, you swing your door open, oil lamp in hand.
Worried faces greet you in response, though the further back you look at the eight males, the more grimaces appear than anything. Yet, that’s not what draws your attention most.
Resting in Jongho’s arms is San, body twitching as blood drips down his face.
“What happened to honeysuckle boy?” You quirk a brow.
“We don’t know,” the male with the mole beneath his left eye replies, gripping something quite firmly in his hand. “He was working on this, and then just collapsed.”
He presents the vile in his hand to you, and you eye it cautiously before swiping it away from him in an instant. They hardly even see you move.
Flicking the cork off the top of the vile, you gently swirl the liquid within, allowing the scent to fill your lungs. Your nostrils flare, eyes flashing in recognition.
“And what are you hoping for me to do?” You quirk a brow, receiving low growls from both canary man and the eldest you saved three weeks ago.
“We were hoping you could help him,” the chestnut haired male, Hongjoong, steps forward, eyes pleading. He raises his palms towards you in a sign of surrender, showing you that they mean no harm.
“And if I refuse?” You counter.
Hongjoong gets cut off by both canary man and the eldest as they growl once more.
“Then, we’ll make you help him.” The eldest threatens, eyes flashing gold beneath the moon. A threatening step is taken towards you, and your brow quirks.
“I’d like to see you try.” You hum, amusement dancing on your features as you lean your shoulder against your wooden doorframe.
Hongjoong pushes Seonghwa back, stepping forward once more. “Please. I know we didn’t get off to a great start, but he’s our brother, and we didn’t know what else to do. You’re our only hope.”
You sigh. “How long has he been trying to brew and dilute frost berry leaves properly?”
This time, bloodroot boy is quick to answer. “He’s been trying for two weeks.”
“Two weeks?” You reply, incredulously.
“Ever since you denied teaching us,” your brow quirks at his use of that single word, “he’s been attempting different mixtures and remedies to no success.”
You take another small sniff of the vile, letting out another sigh.
“Get him inside,” you motion behind you with your head. “Only you three are allowed in with him. You four can wait out here.”
“Like hell we’re doing that-“ the eldest begins to protest before you’re cutting him off with a sharp look.
“Do you want me to help him, or not?” Your eyes flash. “I have every right to refuse you, and send you on your merry way. Especially since you’ve all now broken your deal with me.”
Smartly, he remains quiet.
“That’s what I thought.” You huff, stepping aside briefly to let Jongho, Hongjoong, and bloodroot boy inside your house. “I will leave the door open, but do not attempt to enter. You won’t like what happens then.”
Irritation flashes across the male with the birthmark’s face, while canary man and the eldest both scowl at you. The only one who nods his understanding seems to be the tallest of the bunch. The one of whom you threw your dagger at all those weeks ago.
“What are his symptoms?” You pose the question to the three males, watching as Jongho places San delicately on top of your centre counter.
“Loss of consciousness, vomiting, convulsions,” bloodroot boy lists, a hint of panic in his voice.
“All conclusive of frost berry poisoning,” you nod, setting the oil lamp down and moving quickly around your kitchen. “Do you know what else he’s been adding to the mix?”
“Ash root,” bloodroot boy continues. “Pine, salt, juniper leaves, and honeysuckle.”
You turn to look at the male, eye wide in slight horror. “Is he trying to poison you all?”
“He’s been obsessed with creating new concoctions ever since he met you.” Hongjoong replies, meeting your gaze.
“At least tell me he was brewing these things outside. In open air.” Your back is turned to them as you pull supplies down from your one cabinet.
The way they remain silent is answer enough, and you swear under your breath.
“Have you all been breathing the fumes in, then?” You pose the question, shifting to grab a jar of what appears to be honey from the cupboard.
Again, they opt to say nothing. Yet, when you turn your head to look at the three of them, you notice bloodroot boy and Jongho nodding their heads, somewhat solemnly.
“He got the brunt of it, though.” Bloodroot boy mutters, glancing at San with nothing but concern in his gaze.
San begins to wheeze, his body convulsing on top of the counter as his torso begins to twist in the opposite direction as his legs.
Your eyes flash, and Jongho swears he sees a hint of panic cross your features for the briefest of moments before you settle yourself back into a neutral expression.
“One of you needs to apply this to his chest,” you toss the large jar with the thick, golden liquid at the three of them. “It will help him breathe better.”
Bloodroot boy is the one that catches the jar, immediately twisting off the lid and gathering some of the paste onto his fingers. The subtle scent of lavender, honey, and mint fill the room.
The sound of tearing fabric reaches your ears and you turn just in time to see Jongho ripping through San’s shirt.
The moment the substance touches San’s skin, his entire body trembles. As the paste is spread, his breathing seemingly comes easier, no more ragged pants escaping his lips.
“The smoke inside his lungs is choking him out. That mixture can only do so much,” you say, grinding some herbs together in your mortar just like that night weeks earlier. “You’re lucky none of you are experiencing any symptoms, yet.”
“We didn’t know-“ the man with the mole beneath his left eyes begins.
“This is what happens when you mess around with mixtures you have no idea how to brew,” your sharp gaze is on him in an instant.
“We wouldn’t be in this mess if you hadn’t denied us in the first place!” He counters, voice raising in anger.
Your lips tighten into a thin line, shoulders slumping slightly. “I know.”
The three males remain silent, briefly sharing a look with one another.
“I didn’t realize he’d be desperate enough to attempt brewing things on his own.” Keeping your voice low, you pause your movements for a brief moment. “He should have been more careful.”
A hacking cough is heard from San, his whole body shaking uncontrollably as his eyes remain closed.
“What’s more surprising is that he is the only one that seems to have any knowledge of herbs and remedies out of your entire clan.” You motion to San with your chin, walking over with your mortar and pestle, and placing them beside his head.
“Hey-“ bloodroot boy begins to protest.
“At least you were conscious enough to bring me a sample of what he had been working on.” You briefly meet his gaze, a nod of acknowledgement being sent in his direction.
A nod of which that has the male swallowing thickly, the hint of a blush creeping up his neck.
“You mentioned last time you had the ability to manipulate liquids,” you turn to meet the chestnut haired man’s gaze. He nods. “Can any one of you manipulate wind?”
“Yeosang can.” Jongho replies without a second of hesitation.
Grabbing your mortar in hand once more, you nod, walking over to your open doorframe. Once you’re standing in the entranceway, you notice the two tallest pinching at the bridge of their noses, eyes squeezed shut as if they’re in pain. Even the eldest seems to be absentmindedly rubbing at his wrist. The same one you broke all those nights ago, after he went for your back a second time. 
You sigh, managing to draw their attention.
“Which one of you is Yeosang?” You scan over them all briefly.
The man with the birthmark’s eyes narrow suspiciously, his arms crossed over his chest. “I am.”
You nod once in understanding. “You are needed. Trade places with bloodroot boy.”
“Why should I listen to you?” He replies bluntly, distrust clear in his eyes.
“Do you want your brother to survive, or not?” You counter, gaze already shifting to the canary man. “Light this.”
Extending the mortar out to him, you notice the male crack an eye open in your direction. Pure irritation is on his features as he grits his teeth, taking a step towards you along with Yeosang.
“Are you experiencing a headache? Or is it bordering on a sudden migraine?” You question, shifting your gaze between the two tallest males.
“Don’t worry about it.” Canary man replies gruffly, reaching over and igniting a small flame on the tips of his fingers.
You quirk a brow at his stubbornness, watching as the herbs within the bowl catch fire, smouldering in the next moment as smoke begins to rise steadily from the mixture.
“We both have suddenly gotten migraines, it seems.” The taller of the two wisely replies, a hiss escaping him as his head throbs.
“You’ve all been exposed to frost berry toxins. Mixed with ash root, it doesn’t surprise me.” You reply with a hint of a sigh. “It will effect all of you differently, depending on how often you had been exposed to the smoke, but migraines are one of the lesser known side effects. You all should rub some of the paste bloodroot boy has on your wrists, and the sides of your neck to help dilute the toxin from you bloodstream.”
“Paste?” The eldest nearly sneers, narrowed gaze focussed on the smoking bowl in your hands.
Just then, bloodroot boy decides to exit your house, holding the jar of thick, golden liquid in his hands.
“Once you’re done out here, bring it back inside for the others.” You don’t even wait for a response, turning back around and moving to stand beside San with Yeosang following silently behind you. Lifting your head, you stare across your counter at both him and Hongjoong. “I would prefer if both Renjun and Taeyong were here for this, but you two will have to make do.”
A low huff escapes Jongho at this, crossing his arms over his chest.
“This particular form of frost berry poisoning manifests in the lungs, then attacks the bloodstream. If you want to save him, you will have to listen to everything that I say, and follow every instruction I give you.” You take the time to meet the two male’s gazes before you. “Do I make myself clear?”
“Crystal.” Hongjoong breathes out, almost immediately.
Yeosang blinks, lips tightening into an annoyed scowl as he nods once.
“There is an excess of liquid in his lungs that needs to be removed, but before that can happen, you will have to gather the toxins from the smoke he’s breathed in and dispel it from his cells.” You look at each male respectively. “This is no easy task, and if you’ve never done something like this before, it makes it all the harder.”
“You will both have to work together, simultaneously, to do this,” you continue, meeting Hongjoong’s gaze. “You must gather the excess liquid and hold it in one place while he,” you motion to Yeosang with your chin, “feeds the toxic smoke into the mixture to be able to expel it from his body. Do you understand?”
“Yes.” Again, his reply is instant, and even the nod you receive from Yeosang is a little more firm this time around.
“Good,” you nod once back at them. “I will guide your hands to where the worst of each is over his chest.”
Extending both hands out overtop of San’s body, you offer your palms to both males.
“Like hell I’m letting you guide me.” Yeosang’s eyes narrow sharply in your direction.
“Oh, then you can sense exactly where the toxins have all condensed in his lungs? My mistake,” you move to take a step back from the table.
You see a hint of regret flash within Yeosang’s eyes, but he quickly masks it with that steel gaze of his once more.
“No, please,” it’s Hongjoong that responds, reaching out to you in desperation before stopping himself. Then, carefully, he’s extending his own hands out to you, and you do not fail to miss the way they tremble, “Guide me.”
Slowly, reluctantly, Yeosang does the same, averting his gaze for the time being.
You nod once. “Very well.”
Just as you place your hands overtop of each of their own, Jongho takes a hesitant step forward.
“What can I do?” His voice is a little timid, worry seeping through as he restlessly shifts on his feet.
“See that small jar on the counter?” You motion to the side wth a jerk of your head. He nods, immediately recognizing it as the salve that San applied to Seonghwa’s wound that one night. “Spread some over his head wound, and then once the blood has stopped, and the gash begins to close, bring it to that asshole brother of yours.” A low growl sounds from Yeosang across from you. “It should help with his wrist pain.”
All three males blink at you in mild surprise, but you don’t pay them any mind. Right now, you’re too focussed on saving San’s life. After all, it was your decision that ultimately led him down this path in the end. You owe him this, at the very least.
You spare a glance up, noticing how all three males stare at you in shock. “What?”
Hongjoong shakes his head, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips, “nothing.”
You hum, beginning to guide one of each of the two male’s hands overtop of San’s chest. Softly, you tap both Yeosang and Hongjoong with your fingers to indicate when one is needed more than the other, or to indicate where to use their powers. You even notice Jongho doing exactly as you told him to, the youngest moving towards the backdoor a few minutes later to meet his other brothers outside.
The entire process takes about ten minutes, but with each second that passes, you can all see the way San’s entire body begins to calm down. No longer do spasms wrack his form, some colour returning to his skin the longer you separate the toxin from his body. Not only that, but the longer they all breathe in that smoking herbal mixture, the better they all begin to feel.
A minute later, and you’re pulling your hands away from the two males.
“It’s complete,” you state. “All that’s left is to remove the liquid. I believe you can do that on your own.”
Hongjoong says nothing in response, simply nodding as he begins to move his hands up San’s body. Slowly, a trail of grey liquid begins to seep out of San’s mouth, his lips parted slightly as he now has no trouble breathing at all.
“Where do you want this?” Hongjoong holds the bubble in the air, the smoke swirling within.
“There is an empty bucket just to the left of the house,” you tell him. “I’ll dilute and dispose of the substance later.”
A nod in understanding is all your receive in response as he exits your kitchen, speaking softly to the males just outside your backdoor.
“You should go rub some paste on your wrists now,” you address Yeosang despite your attention being focussed back on San. “Make sure that other one does it, too.”
“What about the sides of our necks?” He crosses his arms over his chest lightly.
“You’ve been breathing in this antidote the whole time you’ve been inside,” you pick up the smoking mortar, swirling the remaining contents and causing the embers to smoulder once more. “You’ll be fine with just the wrists.”
Yeosang takes the time now to observe you carefully. Gently, your fingers press against San’s chest, testing for any final issues before moving to inspect his now closed cut on his forehead. You even go so far as to turn around, grab a cloth, and wet it with some water before cleaning the dried blood from the younger male’s features.
He blinks, mildly taken aback at the care you currently show his brother. Never did he expect such tenderness from you towards one of them. Hell, he didn’t even think you would bother to aid them once more after everything that has already happened between all of you.
Still, you did hurt his brothers, in multiple ways. Even San wouldn’t be laying on this counter right now if it weren’t for you, and for that, Yeosang cannot look past your transgressions.
Saying nothing, he exits your kitchen.
Not even a moment later, Jongho reenters your house, followed closely by bloodroot boy. Canary man attempts to follow, only to hit an invisible barrier as soon as he reaches your door.
“What the fuck is this?” He seethes, hand pressing against the barrier before him.
“I have not granted you permission to enter my house,” you reply bluntly. “Nor may you enter at the moment.”
“And why not?” He scowls.
“Learn to calm that raging fire within, and then I might consider inviting you inside,” you lift your head only briefly to meet his eyes, which flash gold in an instant.
Irritation shines on his features as he harshly slams his fist into the barrier, causing your whole house to shake. Almost instantly, the male goes flying backwards, thrown from where he has been just standing.
You let out a sigh as you turn towards San’s unconscious form once more.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” The eldest’s voice is heard next as he attempts to barge through the open doorway. Anger paints his face, brows tugging downwards in a scowl as he now attempts to break through with his previously injured wrist.
A cry of pain escapes him as he is now thrown backwards from your house by an invisible force.
Instantly, four screeches are heard in the distance.
“Great,” you sigh once more, shaking your head. “I told you that you wouldn’t like what happened if you tried to enter my house.”
“What did you do to them?” Bloodroot boy turns his full attention towards you now, guard high as his whole body tenses.
“Me?” You reply, propping San up with your one arm and noticing how Jongho immediately moves to help you. “I did nothing. My protective barrier on the other hand…”
“You didn’t have one the last time we were here,” bloodroot boy frowns.
“Why do you think I put one up?” You shoot him a knowing look.
He falls silent, contemplating your words.
Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice Jongho shoot you a look.
“I’d really like to hurry this up before my cubs come to tear your brothers apart,” you say, a small sigh falling from your lips.
“Your cubs?” Bloodroot boy straighten in his spot.
“Yes,” you reply casually, bringing the mortar to rest just below San’s chin as you swirl the mixture once more. The smoke gently drifts upwards, filling the unconscious male’s nostrils as he breathes it in. “My guess is there are going to be more than just four to come check on me after being alerted to such an attack on my house.”
“How is this possible?” He frowns, looking down on the ground as Jongho now spares him a somewhat wary look.
However, both males barely have time to say anything else, for a loud gasp is escaping San’s lips as his eyes fling open. He blinks, chest heaving as his gaze darts everywhere around the room for the moment. Even his hands grip the edges of your counter tightly as he sits there, finally able to support himself.
“It’s okay,” your voice comes out tender, soft, as you rub his back and along his spine. “You are safe.”
Quietly, you shush the panicked dragon on your counter, laying him back down for the moment as you check his vitals once more.
San hums, a dopey smile tugging at his lips as he looks at you. “Is this heaven?”
“No, San,” you chuckle, brushing some of his dark hair back that clings to his forehead, both sweat and blood dampening the strands. “This isn’t heaven. You’re not dead.”
A sharp inhale can be heard from the dragon laying down, his eyes shining as he stares up at you in awe. “It must be, for an angel has just spoken my name.”
You blink at him in shock, that cheeky grin still pulling at his features.
“I have been called many things over the course of my long years on this earth, honeysuckle boy, but an angel I have not,” you huff out a laugh. “Are you still hallucinating from the toxin, I wonder?”
The glare that San receives from Jongho is unlike any other, a low warning growl reverberating throughout the room in the next second. One which gets ignored.
San pouts. “That’s not my name.”
“I am aware.” You hum, knowingly.
“Then, please,” he meets your gaze, eyes desperate and pleading, “won’t you grace me with hearing it fall from your lips once more?”
You smile. “You sure are one demanding dragon, aren’t you?”
Luckily, you turn around just in time to miss the way Jongho visibly begins shaking in rage. He nearly smacks his brother upside the head as San sits himself upright, swinging his legs to rest off the side of the counter.
He frowns, looking down at his now naked torso. “What happened to my shirt?”
“It had to be torn off,” Jongho replies through gritted teeth.
“Oh?” San’s eyebrows raise, lips parting slightly as he begins to giggle. “Did My Angel want to see me without a shirt on that badly?” Steadily, he stands back to his feet. “If you wanted me to strip for you, you could have just asked.”
Before the dragon can even take one step in your direction he’s being held back by the youngest.
“Aw, come on, Jongho,” San pouts, turning his head towards his younger brother. “Don’t be like that. You can’t hog the pretty lady to yourself.”
“Why is he acting like this?” Bloodroot boy frowns, watching as you begin to clean up some of your supplies with your back facing them. “Normally he only gets this way when he’s had too much ale.”
“A side effect of frost berry poisoning, and it’s corresponding antidote,” you sigh, wiping your hands on a separate cloth as you see San continuing to smile at you quite dopily. “He’s high off of the solution in a way that prevents him from having a filter right now.”
“How come we’re not affected?” Hongjoong appears in the doorway, a slight frown to his features.
“Joong!” San gasp, wobbling over to the other male in an instant. “Did you know that an Angel saved me?”
“She certainly knows how to perform miracles,” the tallest voices from just behind the chestnut haired man. “Thank you, again.”
You nod your head in acknowledgement in his direction, understanding that he’s not only referring to San, but for fixing his headache earlier, too.
“To answer you question,” you turn your attention to the shorter of the two males standing at your doorway. “The reason none of you are affected the same way he is, is because only he got the brunt force of the poisoning. You all breathed in and ingested a significantly less amount of frost berry leaves than he did.”
Again, San pouts, noticing how you still refuse to say his name.
“Come on, Angel,” he whines, wide eyes shining as he turns his full attention towards you. “Can’t you grace me with the sound of my name falling from your lips once more?”
You move across the room, gentle smile painting your features as you spare a glance at the few males around you. “We were worried about you, weren’t we boys?”
His shoulders slump the slightest bit, still not hearing the desired word fall from your lips.
“We were,” Hongjoong hums, stepping slightly aside as you approach the door.
“You’re lucky bloodroot boy-“
“Wooyoung.” The male cuts you off in an instant, and you turn towards him in mild surprise as he clears his throat. Almost as if he’s composing himself a bit better after the way his eyes flash with something you don’t quite understand. “My name is Wooyoung.”
“Right,” you blink at him once before turning your attention back towards San for the moment. “You’re lucky Wooyoung brought a sample of what you had been working on before you got here. Otherwise, this would have been a lot more difficult than it was.”
You swear a pleased rumble escapes the male across your kitchen at hearing you speak his name. Though, you do not fail to notice the way he seemingly straightens, standing a little taller as your subtle praise washes over him.
A fact which irritates Jongho to no end. However, he knows you’re right. If Wooyoung hadn’t of brought that vile, things would have been a lot worse.
“Oh, come on!” San whines, quite loudly. “You’ll say his name, but not my own?”
Before you can respond, four screeches are heard just outside your door.
You sigh, stepping outside just as eight dragons swoop down from the sky, each targeting a specific male.
“Stand down.” Your voice booms out, commanding and firm.
Jaemin’s claws just narrowly avoid Wooyoung’s head as the male runs outside.
Immediately, eight concerned males are shifting mid-air, rolling onto their feet as they land on the ground. No questions are asked as they surround you on all sides, protecting you without a second thought.
“I thought I told you all to stand down,” you sigh.
“You can’t blame us,” Ten responds, narrowing his gaze at the eldest Hala dragon across from him.
“The first call we heard was silenced by you, but the second and third were much more dangerous,” Taeyong adds, sparing a glance over his shoulder as he meets your gaze.
A threatening growl escapes Sungchan’s lips as he sees the flame headed male attempt to move. One which gets echoed lowly by both Jeno and Haechan in the next second.
“How-“ the tallest male’s brows furrow in confusion, looking around at the eight Neos that stand surrounding you for the moment.
“The barrier.” Yeosang’s eyes widen the slightest bit in realization. Then, he’s inhaling sharply as he turns to meet your gaze. “You’re a witch.”
“What the fuck!” The eldest snaps, a wild look burning behind his orbs.
“How can you be a dragon, and a witch?” San frowns, thinking deeply as he attempts to wrap his muddled mind around this turn of events.
“That’s none of your concern.” Doyoung states, rather pointedly.
“You don’t get to ask questions when you’re the ones who attempted to attack her in the first place.” Deep red eyes flash beneath the moonlight, a snarl painting his lips.
“Kun, it’s-“ you response gets cut off almost immediately.
“So, you’re Kun,” Jongho seethes, his own eyes flashing gold beneath the night sky.
“Jongho, calm down,” Hongjoong hisses, narrowed gaze locked on the youngest as electricity begins to crackle through the air.
You heave a long sigh, placing your hand gently on Taeyong’s shoulder before shifting to place it on Kun’s. “I’m fine, they didn’t come here to attack me.”
“Then what were those two tremors we felt trying to break in?” Ten is the one to turn to you, worry clear on his features.
“Just two uninvited guests trying to barge in, uninvited.” You hum knowingly as both canary man and the eldest scowl.
“You can’t blame us, when our brother was dying on your counter.” The flame headed male retorts, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“Hey!” San draws everyone’s attention to him for the moment, an annoyed frown pulling at his features. “I’m not dead, am I?”
“Once again, we owe you a great debt,” Hongjoong bows to you, surprising even his brothers.
“You saved his life?” Doyoung voices, clear disbelief in his tone. “After everything that clan has done to you?”
“An entire clan should not be punished for one dragon’s mistake.” You reply, a sigh escaping your lips.
Understanding flashes across all of the Neo’s features.
“You’re too forgiving.” Taeyong comments.
“No, I just don’t believe in unnecessary violence,” you hum, shooting a pointed look at your four cubs in response.
“What were we supposed to do?” Jaemin defends himself, crossing his arms over his chest. “Sit back and wait for you to get hurt again?”
“No, I-“ the snarls that cut you off end up coming from three different males. Two of which completely catch you off guard.
“Who hurt you?” Wooyoung’s lips pull harshly over his teeth, fangs bared as his entire body tenses. Even San look about ready to pounce.
You blink in shock.
“I’ll tear them apart for hurting you,” Jongho snarls, moving to step closer towards you only to be blocked by both Jeno and Haechan in the next second. “Move.”
“You have no authority here, boy,” Taeyong’s eyes flash, stepping towards the three males now standing in a face off as Jongho continues to attempt to get to you however he can.
“Watch it, Neo,” the eldest steps in beside Jongho, his eyes flashing dangerously.
“Try me, Hala,” Taeyong counters, back straightening as he stands to his full height, exuding dominance over the younger male.
“I have been around a lot longer than any of you have on this earth,” your gaze is sharp as you look over all eight Hala dragons in front of you. “Whether I have suffered or not is none of your concern.”
“I couldn’t care less about what’s happened to you,” Mingi sneers. “Nor do I ever want to know.”
“You act as if I have any desire to tell you.” You reply bluntly, blinking at him blankly.
His scowl deepens.
“Now, what am I to do with you Halas?” You sigh, shaking your head. “You cannot seriously expect me to continue healing each one of you every time something happens to you. You are not my clan.”
A brief silence settles over all of you.
“We’ll figure something out.” Hongjoong mumbles, somewhat embarrassed for the moment.
Remaining quiet, Yeosang and Yunho both observe the situation carefully.
“You’re telling me none of you have any basic medicinal training?” Ten voices, incredulously.
“Our two best healers are San and Wooyoung.” Hongjoong replies, and he notices how your brow quirks.
“Do none in your clan have healing abilities?” Kun inquires, eyebrows raised slightly in shock.
Jongho growls lowly in response, receiving a nudge from Hongjoong as the elder comes to stand beside him.
“No.” The chestnut haired male shakes his head. “We do not.”
“And you have a sole reliance on these two, who know next to nothing about remedies and tonics?” You meet his gaze, noticing how he diverts his own in embarrassment in the next second. You sigh, shaking your head. “As one of the top two clans searching for the crown, you should all have at least some knowledge of healing. You are only as strong together as your weakest member.”
“How dare you-“
The eldest’s booming voice gets cut off by eight warning snarls surrounding you.
“Seonghwa, calm yourself.” Hongjoong sighs. “She has a point.”
Out of the corner of your eyes, you see San practically shaking in anticipation off to the side. You turn towards him, feeling how the Neos all finally take note of his lack of shirt.
“Do you still wish to be taught-“
“Yes!” The question hasn’t even finished forming on your lips when his eager answer greets your ears. He clears his throat, composing himself a bit better in the next moment. “Please.”
A wary call of your name draws your attention to Kun beside you.
“Do you really think this is a good idea?” He frowns, concern swimming deeply within his eyes.
“It’s either this, or they keep coming back to rely on me to heal them for every little thing. It’s only a matter of time before I deny them one of these days. I don’t want their deaths on my conscience.” You reply, and you see understanding pass over all of the Neo’s features. You turn back to face the Halas. “If I hadn’t denied San in the first place, he would not have dared try purifying frost berry leaves when he has no idea what he’s doing. He could have killed you all.”
The way you notice San’s shoulders droop in shame has you sighing once more.
“If he had died tonight, his death would have been my fault. If all of you had died,” you address all of them in front of you, “the death of a clan would have been on my hands.”
“No, it’s not-“
Raising a hand, you halt Jongho’s building protests.
“You do not know me, and I do not know you,” you continue, making sure to meet each one of their gazes individually. “However, I will not let my stubbornness and shortcomings cause deaths that could easily be prevented. No matter who you are.”
A sense of relief paints Hongjoong’s face, the gratitude clear in the way his whole body relaxes beneath your gaze.
“I will warn you, though,” your eyes sharpen, an aura of dominance radiating off of you and surrounding all eight Halas in an instant. An unquestionable sense of foreboding and power washes over them, almost immediately forcing them to their knees. “If any of you decide to take my mercy for granted, or so much as dare take what I teach any of you and turn it against me…” your eyes flash the deepest amber they have ever seen in their lives. Comparable only to the eyes of the ancients. “I will end you without a second thought.”
Jongho, Wooyoung, Yunho, San, and Hongjoong all swallow thickly.
“Do I make myself clear?” Your voice booms across the night sky, commanding and firm.
“Like hell I’d want to learn anything from you.” The eldest spits, nothing but venom in his voice.
“Who said I was going to be teaching you anything?” You quirk a brow. “No, if I were to teach you, I would send you to My Cubs to learn some fucking manners first. My offer is only open to San and Wooyoung.”
Sungchan, Haechan, Jeno, and Jaemin all puff out their chests at this, smirking at the scowl sent their way by the eldest of the Halas. The younger two Hala dragons perk up at hearing their names, hearts stuttering slightly in their chests.
“Yet you include all of us in your warning.” Yeosang observes.
You meet his gaze, a slight nod to your head. “It shouldn’t be that hard to figure out why.”
“I appreciate you changing your mind, and allowing both San and Wooyoung to learn under you for the time being.” Again, the chestnut haired male bows to you. “Allow me to formally introduce myself. My name is Hongjoong, and I am the leader of the Hala dragons.”
You briefly give the male in front of you a once over, nodding in acknowledgement.
“Thank you again for saving our brother’s life, and for curing our migraines.” The tallest one takes a step forward, bowing to you slightly. “I am Yunho, and I would like to apologize for starting off on the wrong foot.”
Your eyebrows raise slightly in mild shock, amusement dancing on your features. Especially when you see Jongho move over to nudge his side quite harshly with an elbow.
The taller male shoots the younger a small glare before turning his gaze back to you. “I also want to apologize for calling you a hunter.”
A collective stillness settles over the clearing.
“He what?” Taeyong seethes, snarls escaping all of the Neo’s chests in an instant.
“How dare you compare her to a hunter!” Sungchan spits, words not but poison on his lips.
“Boys.” A sharp look from you is all it takes for them to stand down. Not without some complains, of course. You turn to look at Yunho once more. “I appreciate your apology.”
A low growl is heard from the eldest.
“Have you all been deceived by some spell?” Seonghwa hisses, quite harshly. “Are you forgetting that she is a witch? A huntress who nearly killed me.”
Both Jeno and Ten go to lunge at the eldest, but you pull them back just in time by the scruff of their necks while Taeyong holds back Doyoung and Sungchan. Even both Jongho and San look about ready to pounce on the elder male.
What you are not expecting, however, is to see Hongjoong forcing the eldest to his knees, shoving his face into the dirt without a second thought. The younger’s knee is pressed firmly into the elder’s back, keeping him pinned to the ground.
“I have had it up to here with your whining, Seonghwa,” Hongjoong snaps, voice nothing but a sharp whisper into the elder’s ear. “Swallow your pride for one fucking minute of your life, and take responsibility for your actions. I will not have you bringing anymore shame to this clan.”
Seonghwa can only scowl in response, hunched over in the dirt as Hongjoong slowly climbs off of him. Once the younger male has stood back to his feet, the eldest straightens. He takes a moment to brush the dirt from his clothing before his eyes flash, a low growl escaping his lips. A second later and he’s turned around, shifting immediately and taking off into the night sky, Mingi following close behind.
“I apologize for him.” Hongjoong sighs, turning his attention back to you.
“Apologize for his actions all you want. It does not change what he did.” You reply bluntly. “Apologies mean nothing to me when they do not come from the perpetrator themselves.”
“I understand.” Hongjoong nods once, quite firmly.
“I’m glad.” Comes your dry response, blinking once before shifting your gaze between both Wooyoung and San. “I have one more condition before I completely agree to teach either of you what I know.”
“Anything,” San breathes, taking an eager step towards you.
“And here I was thinking you weren’t going to include me,” Ten chuckles.
The corner of your lips twitch upwards slightly as you spare a glance at him out of the corner of your eyes.
“I will teach you myself if you can survive a week with both Ten and Taeil.”
Confused blinks are all you receive in response.
Wooyoung nearly laughs. “That’s it?”
“You have no idea who you’re dealing with, boy.” Ten grins maniacally, and you can see how unnerved the two males become from that simple expression alone.
“Once you have their approval, I will oversee the majority of your training.” You add, drawing their attention back to you. “Survive, and earn their trust before you can even gain an ounce of mine.”
“We won’t actually die under their supervision, will we?” San asks, somewhat warily.
At the dark chuckle that begins to escape Ten’s lips, each male swallows thickly.
“Oh, stop that, you,” you roll your eyes, shoving Ten’s shoulder affectionately. “You nearly burned the forest down the first time you tried to start a kindling.”
Ten’s mouth falls open in shock, the four of your cubs bursting into laughter almost instantly.
“No one was supposed to know that!” He whines.
“Oh, believe me,” Kun chuckles, amusement dancing in his eyes. “We already did.”
You sense another, familiar presence heading through the woods and towards you.
“Speaking of, did you and Yangs manage to burn the house down with your baking parties?” You hum, a teasing glint in your eyes.
“I’ll have you know our muffins turned out just fine.” Ten huffs, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Yeah, after you burnt the first three dozen batches.” Doyoung mutters, rolling his eyes.
“They were still edible!” Ten defends.
“Barely.” Renjun’s voice coming out from the woods behind you draws all of your attention to him now. “They were barely edible.”
“I take it you were the unfortunate taste tester?” You quirk a brow, laughing when a grimace passes over the male’s face.
A moment of silence passes over you all as Renjun comes to stand directly beside you.
“I take it things went well,” he comments, eye scanning over the remaining Halas that stand just a little ways away.
“No one’s dead.” You hum.
“Yeah! An Angel saved my life!” San replies, almost eagerly. Then, to himself, he hums contently. “My Angel.”
The snarl that tears from Jongho’s throat manages to partially cover the low growl that reverberates within Wooyoung’s chest. Sounds of which that draw a majority of the male’s gazes that stand around them. Though, none of them are as pitiful as Kun’s.
“What?” Renjun teases, an amused quirk to his brow. “You get another male to imprint on you already?”
You smack Renjun upside his head, watching as he brings a hand up to rub at the tender spot in the next second. A small, knowing grin tugs at the corner of his lips as he chuckles.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me,” you turn back to your house, beginning to walk towards your open backdoor, “I was about to head to bed before I was so frantically interrupted.”
“We’ll help you finish cleaning up,” Kun already begins to move beside you, hand pressed low on your back as both Taeyong and Renjun fall into step on either side of you.
Only, Kun doesn’t get too far, for Jongho is stepping in front of him in the next moment, practically shoving Kun off of you in the blink of an eye.
“Don’t touch her.” The youngest’s voice is low, nothing but a threatening growl as he glares at Kun.
A frown begins to pull onto your features just as you go to step away from Jongho. Only, you do not expect for San to be there as well, hand gently finding purchase on the centre of your upper back to steady you.
Your reaction is immediate: a snarl unlike anything they’ve ever heard from you tears from your lips as your eyes flash that deep amber once more. A frantic panic seems to take over your entire body as you slam your back against the closest wall, more snarls escaping you. As hard as you can, you push yourself against the side of your house, eyes wide as tears line your vision.
Warning growls continue to leave your lips, fingers desperately clawing at the wall behind you for support as your breath comes in ragged pants. Your entire body trembles as your gaze frantically darts between each male currently surrounding you.
You look absolutely frightened right now. Akin to a wild animal that has been wounded and trapped, ready to go feral at a moment’s notice in a last ditch effort to protect themselves.
“What happened?” San’s frantic voice reaches their ears as both he and Jongho get harshly dragged away by both Jeno and Jaemin.
At the way Wooyoung attempts to take a step closer to you, Doyoung lets out a loud warning growl. “Stay back.”
“No,” Jongho attempts to push past your cubs to get to you. “Let me through.”
Luckily, with one look shared between Taeyong and Hongjoong, the younger of the two turns to spare a look at Yunho. Almost instantly, the taller male nods, moving to restrain Jongho in his grip in the next second.
“Yunho, let me go.” Jongho begins snarling, thrashing in the elder male’s arms to break out of his hold and help you in whatever way he can.
He gets ignored.
Again, Yeosang remains silent. Stoic. Observing.
Only Taeyong, Kun, and Renjun dare to approach you in this state, hands extended out in front of themselves with their palms facing upwards.
“Hey, hey, you’re okay,” Renjun coos to you in a low voice, noticing how your eyes flit to his figure warily.
“It’s just us,” Taeyong voices softly. “Taeyong, Renjun, and Kun.”
“We aren’t going to hurt you, My Dear,” Kun assures you, tone gentle as he takes another cautious step towards you.
At the low growl Jongho lets out, you’re on high alert once again.
“Keep him quiet.” Renjun snaps, turning his attention behind him for a brief moment.
“How do you expect me to remain calm when the love of my life-“
“If you truly want to help her, boy, then take a breath, and shut up.” Kun snaps, rounding on the younger male.
“The minute I take orders from you is the day I fucking die,” Jongho snarls, unable to control his claws from extending, or his teeth from sharpening into fangs. 
Nothing but anger and disgust courses through his veins as he absolutely glares at Kun for the moment. If Jongho had his way, the dragon would be dead already.
“Wooyoung,” Hongjoong shoots a sharp look at the younger male.
A wordless nod is all he receives as he begins to use his powers to calm his brother down.
“Damn you, Woo,” Jongho’s breathing begins to even out, a sense of serenity washing over him as he feels his whole body begin to relax in Yunho’s arms.
“Why can’t Wooyoung just use his powers to calm her in this state?” San voices the thoughts on a few of his brother’s minds.
“You think he’s the only dragon who is able to influence emotions?” Ten quirks a brow at the remaining Halas. “Believe us, we’ve tried. It doesn’t work when she gets into a state like this. None of our powers do.”
“Some of us have made the mistake of getting too close the first time around,” Haechan replies, somewhat gruffly.
Confusion paints their faces.
Wordlessly, both Haechan and Jeno roll up their sleeves, scars lining their forearms. Though, the worst is when Sungchan lifts his shirt up for them to see four large scars extending from the left side of his ribs all the way to his stomach. As if someone had gouged his side deeply with claws.
“She doesn’t recognize anyone when she gets like this,” Jaemin adds, a worried crease to his brow. “Not since that bastard did this to her.”
“What bastard?” Jongho sneers, though it comes out much weaker than he intends.
“That is not our story to tell.” Ten shoots a pointed look around at your four cubs. 
“Just please,” Kun’s voice draws all of their attention to him as he walks back over to where they’re all standing. “If you truly do care for her,” he makes sure to meet all of the Hala dragon’s gazes, holding eye contact with Jongho the longest, “from one male who had imprinted on her, to another: never touch her upper back again.”
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stellarwhisper · 4 months
Uncovering Astrological Meanings: Following Your Life's Journey Through Stars and Symbols
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The North Node is symbolic of a person's life's progress and evolution's path. It represents the knowledge and encounters that a person is bound to have and incorporate into their journey.
Your North Node's location in the second house indicates that you should cultivate a positive relationship with your money, material belongings, and self-worth as part of your growth and evolution. It suggests that the anxieties and concerns you are experiencing in these areas may have originated from experiences you had in a previous life. Developing an independent sense of self-worth is one of the most important lessons you will learn.
Scorpio frequently corresponds with the Death card in tarot, which represents metamorphosis and rebirth. But you've seen quite correctly that an eagle can also stand in for Scorpio. The World card of the tarot deck, which stands for completion and fulfillment, frequently features this artwork. It stands for the unadulterated, innate, and occasionally strong aspects of this sign. However, when Scorpio develops and matures, it becomes the magnificent and strong eagle, a symbol of transcendence, spiritual transformation, and the capacity to fly to tremendous heights.
Those who have Venus in a water sign—like Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces—have an aura that is permeated with heightened sensitivity and emotional depth. They have a natural capacity to make people feel at ease in their company by fostering a warm and inviting atmosphere. They are able to handle social encounters with ease because of their diplomatic and sensitive character, which constantly keeps others' needs and feelings in mind. Their innate empathy allows them to comprehend the feelings and viewpoints of others, which frequently makes them great confidants and listeners. They may be hospitable, but it's important to respect their limits. People with the sign of Water Venus place a strong importance on emotional security and can get uncomfortable if they feel overpowered or invaded.
Pluto, the planet of metamorphosis and profound psychological processes, affects every generation's collective consciousness. A thorough investigation of the hidden spheres of the human mind, including the field of mental health, develops when Pluto is in Scorpio. Mostly born in the range of 1984 to 1995, the millennials make up this Pluto in Scorpio generation. It is true that this generation has been instrumental in raising awareness of mental health issues in public discourse. They have brought attention to problems like anxiety, depression, and a variety of mental and personality disorders, recognizing the significant effects these illnesses may have on both people and society at large.
People who have their Sun in Gemini frequently stand out for their innate intelligence and sharp wit. Their minds are always searching for new information and pursuing diverse interests. Gemini suns are known for their rapid and easy conceptual learning, which frequently gives them the appearance of being inherently intelligent. They have a talent for taking in information and drawing connections between different areas, which can result in a broad knowledge base in a variety of fields. Even though some Gemini suns might not have given traditional academic environments much thought, this does not imply that they are intellectually inferior. Instead, they frequently exhibit intelligence in less conventional ways. They are adept at changing with ease.
Lilith in the eleventh house is a fascinating placement. Because Lilith is located in the 11th home, which is a home of groups and organizations, it can create complicated dynamics with regard to social relationships. Lilith is a representation of our deeper, more hidden wants and impulses. People who have Lilith in the 11th House frequently find themselves in a precarious position. Even if they may have a great desire to participate in group activities and be a part of social groupings, they frequently encounter obstacles or unfavorable reactions from others. As a result, even though they are making an effort to connect, they may feel alienated or excluded.
The North Node (NN) and the Midheaven (MC) have important symbolic meaning in astrology, signifying several facets of a person's development and life path. The Midheaven, or Medium Coeli, is a symbol for our public persona, objectives, and aspirations. It represents our aspirations for ourselves in light of other people's acceptance and acknowledgment. It speaks to our goals and the kind of difference we want to make in the world, which is why it is frequently connected to our professional or vocational choice. Conversely, the North Node signifies the direction of evolution of our soul. It indicates the traits and encounters that, irrespective of social approval or other people's expectations, our soul longs to grow into and cherish during this lifetime.
Saturn's placement in the second house provides fascinating information about a person's attitude toward material stability, self-worth, and belongings. A person may have challenges or barriers in building a sense of material stability, according to the placement of Saturn in the second house. They may experience insecurities and emotions of shortage, which makes them cautious with money and resources. One way this may show up is a propensity toward thrift and financial caution. In addition, for those with this location, self-worth could emerge as a major theme. Individuals could struggle with emotions of inadequacy or unworthiness around their assets or money.
Saturn bring up some important topics and difficulties pertaining to convictions, knowledge, and philosophical endeavors when it is in the ninth house. It can be difficult for those with Saturn in the ninth house to find a philosophy or belief system that truly speaks to them. When it comes to their personal ideals, they could feel unsatisfied or doubtful, and they might start to mistrust the veracity and accuracy of various belief systems. This may result in an ongoing quest for purpose and a need to establish a strong basis for their ideas. Additionally, this placement may show itself as a propensity for inflexible or dogmatic thinking.
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shippingdragons · 8 months
How 'Percy Jackson and the Olympians' pulled off Poseidon and Sally's emotional diner chat
Virginia Kull and Toby Stephens talk about shooting episode 7's pivotal scene.
By Belen Edwards on January 27, 2024
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Percy Jackson and the Olympians is a rollicking fantasy adventure, complete with frightening monsters, high-stakes battles, and gods pulled straight from Greek mythology. So it may come as a surprise that one of the show's best — and most talked-about — scenes is a quiet discussion between two parents.
Of course, these aren't normal parents. One is the Greek god Poseidon (Toby Stephens). The other is mortal Sally Jackson (Virginia Kull), who has spent the last 12 years preparing her son Percy (Walker Scobell) for his heroic destiny — and protecting him from the world of the Olympians.
Like many stories from ancient legends, Sally and Poseidon's relationship is a tragic romance. Separated by circumstances of literally mythic proportion, unable to raise Percy together because Olympian law dictates that Poseidon shouldn't even have a child, their story has no clear solution. Sally carries the burden of the truth about Percy's parentage, while Poseidon is unable to help without endangering both his son and the woman he loves. It's a tough dynamic to understand solely through Percy's eyes, but in episode 7, "We Find Out the Truth, Sort Of," Percy Jackson and the Olympians offers us a bigger window into Sally and Poseidon's connection, in all its painful messiness and surprising beauty.
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"We Find Out the Truth, Sort Of" marks our first introduction to Poseidon and what his relationship with Sally really looks like. Because of this, our first glimpse of Poseidon in the flesh is not some bombastic display of godly power, but of a man and a woman simply talking in a diner about the difficulties Sally faces in raising Percy alone.
"It was a really clever way to introduce their relationship and introduce Poseidon, because it makes them very human," Stephens said of the scene in a video call with Mashable. "It's a domestic scene between a mother and father, and at the heart of it there's this pain. It's a yearning between two people to be connected who can't be, but Poseidon is also yearning to be connected with his son but can't because he's protecting him."
The diner scene was the first scene Stephens shot for the series, yet the chemistry and history between Poseidon and Sally were already well within reach for the actors. "I really liked working with Virginia, and she's a really great actress," said Stephens. "We found that very quickly. The scene just had a very intimate feel."
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Percy Jackson and the Olympians began creating that sense of intimacy between Sally and Poseidon right from the very first episode, with a scene that sees Sally sitting on her fire escape, taking in the rain.
Kull was incredibly excited to see the fire escape scene when she first read the script. "In television, you typically don't have time for things like quiet, ordinary moments. And this seems like a humdrum moment, but I think it tells such a huge story," Kull said. "It's not just Sally sitting in the rain on the fire escape — she's sitting in the rain communing with the great love of her life and the father of her kid, and this is the way that she feels close to him."
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The diner sequence feels like a natural progression from that fire escape moment. Sally and Poseidon are connecting in both, but there's still a distance between them. On the fire escape, Poseidon isn't actually present. But even when he's next to Sally in the diner, there's a tragic divide between them. They're close, but still far apart.
Director Anders Engström achieved this paradoxical nearness by telling Kull and Stephens to play the whole scene without ever looking at each other. For Kull, that became a key to unlocking the power of the diner scene.
"What that did to us as actors was that all of the feelings of, 'I need to see how this is affecting the person that I'm speaking to, I want to know what he thinks about what I'm saying,' we couldn't act on," Kull explained. "Therefore, the desire to be heard, to be understood, and to connect was so heightened and so charged, it was electric. It meant that any bad impulse to 'perform' went away, and I was just desperately listening to and clinging to what he was saying. Even the silences were powerful."
In these silences, where Sally and Poseidon sit shoulder-to-shoulder yet never look at one another, Percy Jackson and the Olympians builds an entire world of a relationship that, up to this point, we haven't fully understood.
"Because Poseidon has been absent for the whole show, the audience is going, 'What a jerk, this guy is this absentee father.' And then when you meet him, you go, 'Right, I get it. It's much more complicated, and actually he really does care,'" Stephens said. "This scene is not in the book, but I think it's needed in the TV version, because it gives you much more context."
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whereserpentswalk · 22 days
UwU your reverence of "nature" as a concept that's thought of unified, possessing certain intentions, and inherently good, is both conservative, and a more secular way of saying the holy spirit. Appeals to nature are the basis for a lot of conservative thought, its what a lot of arguments for things like capitalism and the gender binary are based in. Don't try to make it sound progressive.
Nature is just what exists without human or divine intervention. It's not good or evil. It doesn't contain only pretty things. It doesn't intend things. And it doesn't exist in harmony. It is as much a sperm whale eviscerating a giant squid, or the uninhabitable north pole, or fungus slowly consuming a corpse, as it is pretty birds and flowers.
Humans aren't better or pure in a state of nature. Humans are communal animals, we cannot survive on our own in our current bodies. And treating hunter gathers as closer to nature is a nice looking repackaging of colonial ideas of them not being fully human. Humans have transcended nature. It's part of why we're able to have worship of the gods and things like philosophy to begin with, and why we're able to progress past many of the pains other animals never will. It doesn't make us superior lifeforms, but it does make us unique, and it's also something we can't really go back on.
As a pagan I need to stress that we do not worship nature, we worship the gods. (To be fair I'm very much on the left hand, luciferian/apollonian so I'm more separated from nature reverence than most). If anyone can be said to worship nature it would be the strictest of monotheists. The gods exist, they are real entities, and they are not all in line with eachother, they're individuals, each with their own opinions, and their own unique relationship with nature. Just because you worship Gaia doesn't mean all paganism has to be nature focused. That's like me saying all paganism should be death and memory focused because I worship Hel.
I understand why some find reflection of the divine in the natural world, and I understand why some want to be closer to nature in a world where its being threatened, but it becomes a problem when you act as if the gods themselves are submissive to the natrual world (and useally assume any god who goes agaisnt it to be evil). Because at that point you're just creating a nicer sounding versions of Christians framing every spirit as either submissive to their god, or evil for not being submissive to him.
From a more secular viewpoint don't trust appeals to nature. They're almost always fundamentally conservative and evoking the Christian god by another name. Also don't tell people that pagans worship nature because it's not true for most practices in any meaningful way, saying we worship the old gods makes much more sense, it just doesn't sound as good to cultural Christians.
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outsideratheart · 2 years
Christmas Miracle (Alexia Putellas x reader)
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A/N: This technically is not part of my advent calendar series but you guys wanted angst and who am iIto say no. To the anons who sent requests for this, i hope you like it. I know it isn’t quite what one of you asked for but I did try to use both of them to build the fic.
2022 was a rollercoaster of emotions for both you and Alexia. You had immense success with Barcelona despite failing to complete the quadruple. Then Alexia had her injury the day before your first game with England. Whilst the summer was one you will remember for the rest of your life, it is one Alexia wished never happened. 
Off the pitch you spent endless hours at media events and photoshoots, luckily you had each to lean on when things became too much. 
It was the reason why your final appearance of the year was bearable. FC Barcelona requested that the captains of the female team attend the gala so that they can talk about how the women’s game is progressing. 
By the time the event ends both of your social batteries are drained and you are ready to go home. 
“Tonight has been the best so far” you lean back against the leather seat letting the coldness of the fabric calm you. 
“That’s because it was our first one where the world knows we are together. We didn’t have to hide our love” Alexia rests her head on your shoulder. Her fingers interlock with yours as they lay in your lap. 
There were many reasons why the night was a success but none came close the one Alexia said. The summer was a test for many reasons yet despite this your relationship with Alexia grew stronger than ever. Being in a different country when your girlfriend was going through the hardest time of her live didn’t stop you from being there for her and Alexia’s injury didn’t stop her from cheering you on from Barcelona. It was during the final when Alexia asked you if you she could tell the world about the two of you. You obviously said yes having been waiting for her to comfortable enough to do so. 
“I got to dance with the most beautiful girl in the world and everyone else had to watch on in envy” you recall the moment in your head, it was one that had never happened before. The music slowed yet you and Alexia stayed on the dance floor as you swayed to the beat. The crowd around you becomes less relevant with every verse that is played. 
“We certainly stole the show” Alexia says. 
“What’s next? We are officially on winter break. I didn’t really get an off season due to AMOS cup, I’m ready for a holiday” you ask Alexia knowing that she has been working with your manager, who just so happened to be hers, to make sure you got at least two weeks off. No photoshoots, no interviews, no distractions in the slightest. 
“I’m thinking Australia. Me, you, mum and Alba fly out on the 22nd then have an open invite for anyone to join us between Christmas and new year” Alexia used the words thinking loosely. Truth is she has been planning this for a couple of months. 
“That sounds like heaven” you dip your head slightly to kiss her temple. A smile dugs at your lips when you feel her relax into your touch. 
The two of you sit in comfortable silence as the radio plays a Spanish Christmas song that Alexia seems to know all the words to. You make a mental note to ask her about it later having never heard it before.
You are calm and still in that moment, holding the woman you love but then out the corner of your eye you can see a set of car lights getting closer and closer. You think it is going to stop but when it becomes clear that the driver has no plans to do so, you do what comes naturally. You protect Alexia. You quickly shift in your seat so that your back is against the door. Alexia doesn’t have a chance to question the movement as the car is hit. 
The force of the impact causes the car to roll but enough times that it remains upright. 
All Alexia can hear is ringing through her ears, her vision is blurred but she tries her hardest to come to her senses. She squeezes her eyes shut then focuses on her breathing. When she opens them again everything is back in focus. The sight she saw filled her with panic and struck fear within her. 
“Ale” Your voice is strained and she can only guess how much pain you must be in.
“Baby, you’re ok” Alexia words are more a form of reassurance for her than you.
She is frozen. What does she do? Does she try to move you? No, in the TV shows they say never move the person as it can cause more harm. There is a deep wound on your side no doubt from the car hitting you. She reaches one arm behind your head whilst the other one applies pressures in hope of stopping the bleeding but she feels warm liquid on her hand which is near your head. When she pulls it away her hand is covered in blood.
“Can you lean forward for me?” 
You eyes fail to focus as they stare into space but you do as she says. When you do Alexia can see a cut on the back of your head. This only fills her with more panic as she knows head injuries are very serious.
“Are you both ok?” The driver, who has managed to get out of the vehicle, asks the two of you.
“I am, I think. Y/N is hurt badly, she has cut to her side and a deep cut on the back of her head. It could be worse I don’t know. What do I do?” The panic grows tenfold as Alexia says your injuries out loud.
“Alexia are you hurt?” the driver asks.
This earns a scoff from the midfielder. How could he not see the shape you are in. Why would he ask about her and not you.
“She is hurt” it is all Alexia can bring herself to say.
“I know and I have already called 112. I have told them that Y/N is injured but they asked me about you”
This made more sense.
“I’m ok, I think” Alexia looks herself up and down and repeats her words.
“You have” you cough suddenly “a cut on your eyebrow”
If the situation wasn’t as serious Alexia would have laughed at your selflessness. Here you are, clearly in pain with god knows how many injuries yet you have taken the time to check her out.
She wants to make a clever remark but when she looks back you she see’s your eyes slowly closing, as if you cannot take no more. The pain rushing through your entire body is becoming too much to bare.
“No, No” Alexia begins crying as the severity and the possible outcome of this becomes real.
“Y/N, baby, mi amor, mi alma” She uses every nickname she have ever given you in hopes that one will register.
“I love you Alexia” It was said like a last affirmation of your love for her “If this is where my story ends then I want you to know I have loved every minute spent by your side and I wouldn’t change it for the world” a single tear runs down your cheek and Alexia is quick to wipe it away.
“Don’t cry for me baby. Focus on the good times we have had, they are ours and will stay with you until the end of time” 
Those are your last words as your body succumbs to the pain. 
The paramedics arrive not long after. As they load you into the ambulance the driver, one that the team had used and who had gotten to know you and the rest of girls well, tells Alexia that he called Jonatan and he has let the team know what happened.
The hospital waiting room is eerily quiet as multiple families wait for updates on their loved ones conditions. Alexia is sat alone in the corner, her hands stained red with your blood. The white trousers she wore are now more pink. Her mind wanders to what happened. She soon finds herself angry with you, which angers her more given the current condition you were in, you chose to put yourself in harms way to safe her. It reminds her of when you were watching some action film, the name escapes her but she remembers you saying that you would sacrifice yourself for her, you said you would take a bullet for her, she never thought for a minute that you would ever prove this to her.
She is so caught up in her own mind that she doesn’t see that she has company.
“Ale” Alba takes a seat near her sister.
The feeling of comfort that her little sister brings shocks Alexia but in that moment she has never been more grateful for her.
Words fail Alexia as every negative emotion rises to the surface. Her body racks with sobs as Alba pulls her close whilst fearing the worst.
“Is Y/N —“ Mapi cannot say the words out loud in fear of getting the answer she didn’t want to hear.
Ingrid pulls her close now knowing how her girlfriend would react if the worse were to have happened to her best friend.
“No, No. Y/N is fine. She is the strongest out of all us. Tell her Alexia” Pina all but begs.
Still, Alexia cannot bring herself to face the team. She cannot look them in eye and say that she is reason why you are in surgery, all because you made the split second decision that her life holds more value than your own.
“Alexia” Leila whispers as she crouches down in front of her friend “are you ok?” 
Again Alexia didn’t expect it. Why was she getting asked about herself when you were in much worse shape. Then it hit her, the nurses must not have told them anything about your condition, they weren’t family. At least not according the the hospital. 
“It was bad Leila. There was nothing I could do. One minute she was holding me then next thing we got hit by a car. She’s hurt Leila, there was so much blood. Her side and her head” 
The team hang on Alexia’s every word as they get told what happened. 
“She is alive, yes?” Mapi asks and for the first time since entering the hospital she has hope. 
“She’s in surgery” Alexia looks up and faces her team “she was unconscious when we got here but the doctors said she had a heartbeat” 
“That’s good Ale” Alba tries to reassure her sister. 
“No Albs, you didn’t see her. She said goodbye, like she was already giving up” 
The girls listen in shock. You had never given up on anything in your entire life, you were too stubborn to do so.
“Y/N doesn’t give up and she won’t leave, not without living her life with you. She has plans for the two of you Alexia. She has told me over and over again about how she plans on marrying you and having a family with you. How one day your children will celebrate with you both as you win games and trophies. Trust me Alexia, she has plans for the two of you and she won’t leave this earth having not done any of them” Mapi uses every ounce of positive energy she has to reassure your girlfriend knowing that you would do the same if you were in her position.
“I don’t if we will get that future maps. I know this is hard for you too, I know she is your best friend and I know that you must be just as scared as I am” Alexia stands for the first time since the team arrived. She stands so that she can embrace her in a hug.
“She’ll be ok Alexia. Our Y/N doesn’t give up without a fight. She needs us to be strong because she can’t” Mapi responds.
The team sit, pace and stand in the waiting room as the doctors work on you in the operating theatre. A hour passes before they see a man, in his late 40s, dressed in scrubs approach them.
“Are you the family of Y/N Y/L/N?” the surgeon asks and everyone nods in response.
Alexia is front and centre as she listens to him explain the surgery and what is next for you.
“I know it must be scary but the surgery went well. She had a brain bleed and some internal bleeding, both of which we were able to control rather easily but due to head trauma she is in a coma” 
Upon hearing this several girls gasp in shock whilst Alexia’s face remains stoic. 
“A coma?” she needs him to confirm what she heard was correct.
“A medically induced coma. Head traumas can be difficult to recover from. You don’t realise how much we use our brain because the tasks come so easily to us. Y/N needs to heal before she come back to you, ok?” 
“She is going to be ok though? The crash was bad, I thought I was going to lose her” 
She can tell the doctor is thinking carefully about his response. The chances of recovery were high but the truth is they won’t know how well the surgery went until you wake up.
“Your girl is a fighter Alexia” 
What she does next is unexpected. She pulls the doctor into a hug, thanking him over and over again for saving you. He of course says it part of his job and that the hard part is all on you. Visitors are allowed and he explains that due to the circumstances and with it being the holidays he will allow everyone in to see you.
“You go in first Ale” Alba hesitantly pushes Alexia towards your room.
Alexia froze at the threshold almost as if she was waiting to be let in. There you laid, unconscious, helpless and unrecognisable. If you were to ask anyone who ever met you and they would say that your eyes were unforgettable yet in this moment as your eyes remain closed Alexia tries and fails to remember what they looked like. The tube that was helping you breath causes a level of panic and fear inside Alexia that she never thought possible. 
When she plucks up the courage to enter the room she doesn’t go straight to you. Instead she chooses to stand at the foot of your bed, her mind running a hundred miles an hour as flashbacks flood her mind. 
She has seen the movies so she knows that she should talk to you and that could help but in there moment she is speechless. 
Then she sees your personal belongings on the table beside you. In the clear bag was your jewellery. Some was what you wore for the gala but what she wanted the most was your everyday Jewellery. Your necklace and the ring you always wore on your middle finger. Every since you met you had these items having been given them when your grandmother passed away. 
She proceeds to place the necklace around her neck and places your ring on her finger. The small sentiment brings her peace having it feel like part of you is with her. 
“Mi alma” she takes a seat beside you bringing your cold hand to her mouth as she places several kisses on the back of it. 
”You talked about our story ending but it is only just beginning. I have so much planned for us, you have to wake up that I can show you” Alexia wipes her nose “Please Y/N”
You don’t answer her, how could you. 
Alexia is alone with for you almost half an hour. Alba knocks gently on the door as not to scare her sister. 
“They can come in” Alexia says like she knows what her sister is about to ask. 
With that rest of the Barcelona girls enter your hotel room. Some go straight to your unconscious form, others watch from afar. 
It’s when Alexia sees Mapi frozen in the door way, much like she was, does she move from your side. 
“She saved my life Maria” Alexia confesses almost like it was a crime. 
“I know” the defender nonchalantly replies. 
“It something she would do. She loves you and I could tell my the way you were acting that there was something more to it than just a car accident” 
“I’m so mad at her. Is that wrong?” Alexia knows that she shouldn’t be mad that you saved her live but the cost of that it sit well with her. Should the worse happen, how could she live with herself. 
“Oh I’m mad at her too Ale. When she wakes up she will have us both to deal with” Mapi tries to lighten the mood knowing that the alternative wasn’t an option. She had to remain optimistic and plan for the future. A future in which you wake up. 
Hours pass, the moon takes place of the sun in the sky and the team get told that visiting hours are over. Unfortunately these rules applied to Alexia regardless of how hard she argues. 
“Ale” Alba grabs her sister’s shoulder “you’ll go home, get showered and get some sleep then we will come first thing in the morning”
“I can’t go home. I can’t go back to our home without her” the vulnerability of Alexia’s current state is not something Alba is used to. 
“Then we will go to mama’s and the three of us will come here together tomorrow”
And that is what happens day in and day out. The Putellas women visit in the Morning, the doctor allows Alexia to stay throughout the day and then the team visits in the afternoon. 
4 days after the accident, the doctors are happy with your progress so they take the breathing tubes out. The hope that was slowly leaving Alexia get reinstilled. 
Everyday Alexia talks to you. She tell you stories about what has been happening in the world. She shares her favourites moments that the two of you have shared over the years. Mapi brings in her iPad and talks you through the tattoo designs she has come up with, even stating which ones you should get. 
When Christmas Eve comes the energy amongst the team is down. So when Jana and Bruna suggest decorating your room for when you wake up everyone agrees it’s a good idea. 
Alexia allows it but doesn’t join in. Every year the two of you decorate your house and doing it without you feels wrong. 
“Mija, why aren’t you helping?” Eli asks as she sees her daughter sitting outside your room instead of with you. 
“I can’t do it anymore” she runs her fingers through her hair in frustration “I have tried to be positive but what if she never wakes up or worse what is she—“ 
“Ale you can’t think like that. Y/N is strong. From what you and the doctor have told me her injuries are bad which is why it is taking so long for her to heal” 
“I really love her and I don’t think I can do this without her” Alexia collapses in her mum’s arms as once again her emotions overwhelm her. 
“I know you do and I know she loves you. Your story isn’t over, this is just a story you will tell your children” Eli says. 
“I will not tell my children how their mother almost died protecting me” Alexia is quick to respond. 
She hopes to never talk about this every again. Once you wake up this can be put in the past. 
“I spoke to the doctors. They said I can stay here tonight with it being Christmas Day tomorrow. Will you and Alba come visit us?” Alexia asks her mum. 
“Of course. Who needs Australia when we can come to the best hospital in Barcelona?“ 
Her mothers joke causes Alexia to laugh maybe more so than necessary. She couldn’t believe how much had changed in just under ten days. You are suppose to be in Australia right now and instead you are fighting for your life. 
When the next morning arrives Alexia feels hopeful for the first time since the crash. It wasn’t just ‘you will be ok’ hope, it’s something different, something more powerful. 
“Merry Christmas Y/N” Alexia kisses your temple. 
“I don’t know what you have got me this year or if you even had the chance to get anything but I want you to know that the only thing I want is for you to wake up. These past ten days have been the worst in my life”.
She wipes her tears for the umpteenth time. 
“I need to see your beautiful eyes, hear your infectious laugh, I need you Y/N” 
Alexia goes to her bag to get your present. The small black velvet box which she had bought almost a year prior is held firmly in her hands. 
“I had plans Y/N” Alexia opens the box to reveal the silver band with a small diamond in the centre. 
“Alba helped me pick it out so I know you’ll like it. She misses you by the way, mum too and Nala, Ay Dios Mío she has no idea what is going on” 
“I love you with all my heart and I planned to go into 2023 with you as my fiancée” Alexia pulls the ring out of the box as she plays with the diamond. 
She then places it on your ring finger, breathing a sigh of relief when it fits perfectly. 
“You suppose to ask me first” your voice is hoarse. 
You slowly open your eyes, squinting slightly due to the brightness of the lights. It takes a few seconds to realise where you are and how you got there but then you remember. 
“The crash. Alexia, are you ok?” You reach for her face. 
“I’m ok, thanks to you. You saved me Y/N” 
You see Alexia start to get emotional. A sight that doesn’t get easier no matter how many times you see it. 
“Come here mi amor” you use all of your strength to move yourself across the bed so she can fit. 
Alexia wants to argue. She wants to tell you to be careful but she is craving your touch. So she buries herself into your side. 
“Careful. That hurts” you tell her and her hand reaches to where the wound on your side is. 
“There was so much blood. I thought I was going to lose you” Alexia has told many people this but it is much harder saying it to you. 
“Hey. We don’t have to talk about it. Let’s talk about this” you hold your hand up for the two of you to look at. 
The ring was beautiful. 
“I bought it last year when we were in Dubai. I was waiting for the right time to ask you” 
“And you thought that now, in a hospital, was the right time” you tease her. 
“I never actually asked you” Alexia rises to the teasing. 
You raise your eyebrow in response. A smirk pulls at your lips as you wait. 
“I love you Y/N. I had so much I wanted to say but I don’t want to waste anymore time. If I have learnt anything in the last few days it’s like life is short and I don’t want to spent another day without you as my fiancée. Y/N Y/L/N will you marry me?”
“I will” it was the easiest answer you have ever given. 
When Alexia shifts her weight you know what is coming. The kiss is likr something you have never experience before. The passion in it makes you emotional and when you feel Alexia’s tears on your cheek you know she must be feeling the same thing. 
“I wished for a miracle and here you are” Alexia pulls away. She lets you hugs her, hold her in your arms whilst reassuring her than you are ok. 
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astropookie · 2 years
Venus signs at different degrees 💕 pt 3
Requests 🌂 pt2
This picture is from Pinterest.
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Aquarius venus at 0°
0° indicates that the energy of the sign in that specify planet intensifies. You evidence all those traits of the sign, in a very pure manner. This degree is “The Ingress” degree -“when the planet moves into a new sign”-, people born with this degree in a personal planet are considered new souls, they’re beginning something new, not lived before. Why do I recall it? Because they have to experience a large journey, full of errors and learning. In this case, everything that Venus and Aquarius rules. How we approach in relationships -attachment to others-, what give us pleasure, our ability to attract -and what we’re attracted to-, arts, gifts-how we spend money-, between others (Venus). It’s about to discover yourself in this field, and could be that this one take an importante role in your life. Aquarius: humanitarian, independent, original sign -I’m gonna pass this part because- OMFG I CALL YOU OUT STOP CHANGING FOR YOUR PARTNERS -too personal🧍-. A partner is someone that appreciates and loves you; would call you out every fucking error you do that you think it’s correct, would encourage you to change and progress, to not stay in one stage of mind and to LET YOU BE YOURSELF. Someone that accepts you, even if you’re too quirky, cringe and unique, no one can handle you -sure you think like that don’t deny it🌝-, with your fucking stubborn opinions and self. Since 11H rules Aquarius, it makes sense. 11 house stellium people have something called people-pleaser illness. With all your heart you wanted, want or would want to be part of a group, community. In this case, you change yourself to fit in what your partner would like to. THATS NOT THE WAY. Without counting that, they want you to appreciate -not appreciate, being on your knees- to their future-thinking self. They want you to admire their mindset so much. Their god complex is tremendous. Don’t lie to me, at least one time you -the ones that are reading this- have been attracted to that detached/aloof approach, nature. It’s their thing. That’s what call the attention -the hoes-. I imagine this placement as a “friends to lovers” quote: they need you to be one. If not either they’re going to put you first or their friends -most common-, no in between. It stressed me how tf they’re so logical, and with this degree GOD, it’s going to be VERY difficult if you want to have an emotional conversation with this person. They process every feeling into logical -unless they have a dominant water/fire chart-, and they expect you to act the same. I’m not gonna keep describing them🙄. If I do I’m gonna throw up a paragraph and call out all their things. Just be yourself, be fun, have fun, admire them, tell them how you love their mindset, that it’s superior, give them space and BOOM💥 you got them -just kidding but yes🤪😧-.
Leo venus at 5° 17° or 29° (leo degree)
If they love you, everyone will know. They would like to, to presume you, to people know you’re with them: showing their intentions and their dynamic towards and with you. Showing how they act and treat you normally. They’re fun to be with, they are popular -and if they’re not, people know about them or sympathize with because of their charismatic nature-. They are self-expressive. They want to be with you all day, but it’s their way to show you interest, that they want to know you more, they want to experience every moment with you. Because they’re SO LOYAL. And they’re the type of lover that catch you and never let you go. Unless you don’t value how they treat you -because of all the people they could easily get, they wanted YOU. They fucking know how to get what they want-. If you don’t point out how good they’re, if you don’t do an amount of effort to know them, to counteract the way they love you and treat you -couldn’t be in the same extrovert and enormous way they do, but in your way (in a nature and not forced)-. It’s really important to mention this: people constantly treat leo venus with a fake smile or an attitude that’s it’s pretended to counteract the fact that leo venus + leo degree are this spontaneous and charismatic people. It’s not nature -the way other people respond to them-. And people with this placement -I think- is so tired of others acting like that. So if you want them, show yourself, your true self, the way you naturally are, it doesn’t matter if you’re totally opposite compare to them. They would really appreciate someone being true to themselves and showing that they care about them without trying to copy their attitude -being people pleaser-. They need someone that loves them in their way, that’s how they need to be loved. But yes they need A LOT of expressions of approval coming from their partner. You’re never going to get bored. If you like going to multiple places, try new things…The little joys with them and the caring moments would be IT. And with double leo energy, it’s TREMENDOUS: you view the love they have to you million miles away. If you’re someone that can’t take them, just don’t. 😟
Scorpio venus at 10° or 22° (capricorn degree)
First of all, mommy?? daddy??? whatever you are just-no, im gonna control and stop myself-. Just 🥵-nah im joking but YOU ARE SO ATTRACTIVE. I would say “imo” but you give THAT aura, THAT vibe that make people fall/drool for you -but also depends on the personality of the person..-. Scorpio + Capricorn, the combination screams dominant. I’m gonna let you think about it… Their dedication towards their partner is incredible -and in a different way towards their loved ones-. Their commitment is in ANOTHER LEVEL. I warn you, if you love your freedom, your space, this people is not for you😄. They are SO controlling, they LOVE having control -they won’t admit it, they couldn’t even be aware of it-. They want to know where you were, who you talked to, every detail about your life before they met you. But before everything, with this capricorn degree, they’re cautious, they take their time getting to know you: they want to be 100 % sure/decided before they take the next step. They’re so brave for going full, 100% when it comes to someone they love. To protect them, to make everything they can to make sure they are safe, comfortable, in their best; to please their needs -and them-. Also they are going to present you to their family and friends, they’re showing you -they need their approval and them to know about you-. If they are with you, they’re fucking serious, they want to build something with you… I love that their way of loving is not forced: it’s shameless, showing all that necessity towards you and then acting all fearless. You would feel SO LOVED, but that love will be felt -as it’s so intense, it would come with hard feelings, such as negative and positive-. If they hurt you, your heart will burn and if you feel loved by them, you will fly -I don’t know if I’m making myself understand-. With this degree they want to be seen as they’re fine, that they are stable, they don’t want to be seen as vulnerable. This combo increases traits that both of these signs share: controlling, trust issues and slow-burn -another quote because it describes perfectly how I imagine a relationship that would benefit them and I have read a lot of fanfics these days-.There could be disagreements coming from jealous. Trust is key. Growing it -the trust- could be difficult and even when you have a healthy relationship with them, the jealous will always be present. They just want to keep you safe you know? 🤗😆Look it that way. But being serious, your perspective of them could change or open your mind viewing all the things this placement have to went through -and don’t view it like “😢oh poor baby🥺”. NO. They hate that and so do I. Embrace them, be proud of them, for how they could overcome those situations and now are here-. I’m going to tell you a secret and don’t tell them I told you🤫: you’re so fucking special to them, they don’t want anything to happen to you, NEVER. They don’t want you to feel even an aproximity of pain they had to felt. It would take time, so they can finally realize and accept that errors would happen, and that you must have your own experience to grow. So please, they love you and they could not be direct about it, but it’s their way to care about you. Don’t force them when it comes to express their worries/traumas, it’s SO difficult to them -also they will cut you off with their words and will be really cruel-. It’s okay to feel that way, just make sure you put an effort in getting better and let your partner -and the ones that surround you- know, let them know what you need: could be space, that’s difficult for you to talk about those topics, etc. Let them know.
•This is based on my personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
•English is not my first language.
•I’m not a profesional astrologer, I just love astrology and I’m willing to learn.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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trigunwritings · 2 years
*pulls up a chair and sits down at your plant reader post* I am here for this and wanna hear more of your idea! If I had to pick favorites from the current post, it'd be the courtship and terrforming idea. Last Stampede ep def implies that independents have their own abilities, so a terrforming one would be cool as heck. Also, I just love alien courtship tropes.
Thank you!! I’m absolutely feral about exploring and developing fictional species, since it’s a ton of fun to throw ideas at the wall to see what makes sense—especially when it comes to romantic behaviors and such :3c Sci-fi is my preferred flavor of worldbuilding after all, so the idea of Stampede plants being explicitly non-human aliens offers up so much potential that I just can’t leave it be 👀
I prefer to think that plants, like humans, are fully capable of evolving to better suit their environment—perhaps even faster or more drastically than what most people would expect from them. This could easily account for the birth of Vash and Knives, as it would make sense to develop an appearance that allowed them to better blend in with humans; this could be interpreted from the perspective of prey trying to escape the attention of a predator, or perhaps even the opposite: a predator trying to hide among its unassuming prey.
Given the lacking records of non-independent plants becoming aggressive to the humans who rely upon them, most people tend to believe the former opinion, though there has never been any hard evidence either way. A majority of people—even prior to the great crash—don’t even believe plants to be sentient creatures.
Some people theorize that plants were not truly created, but instead originate from a parent alien species that humans had come into contact many generations prior to the SEEDs ships departing earth. Other people even think that plants aren’t from our dimension at all, which could explain why they are capable of creating all manner of organic material from basic forms of energy in a way that seems to defy the laws of physics. The truth has long been forgotten regardless, lost in dead memories or destroyed computers when the ships crashed upon Noman’s Land, and most people don’t have the time or energy to research such useless information.
Nonetheless, these details may point to plants trying to evolve past the tools they were originally created to be, perhaps if only to communicate with humans themselves; its hard to tell if the relationship is truly symbiotic or not, especially when plants themselves are so alien that few people have actually never seen one’s face before. Do they want to protect the people whom rely upon them for their livelihoods? Do they yearn for freedom from the boundaries of their glass enclosures? …Could they even survive the world beyond it?
This in the end leads me to an interesting concept; a non-independent plant metamorphosing into a form that appears to be human, but only on the surface. Like a chrysalis, it is simply to protect them from the harsh world beyond their cage—the only environment they were ever designed to thrive in. Imagine this plant having to learn how to be human, but also how to hide their abilities from those who might try to use them like a tool—perhaps this plant has inadvertently evolved into something incredibly powerful, capable of creating not only water and food, but terraforming swaths of the desert landscape.
Perhaps this plant is the next step in the natural progression of their species, which itself has somehow decided that the next step is not simply surviving on their new host planet, but transforming it into a truly habitable planet according to what very well may be written in their DNA.
And that is exactly what I picture the reader being; a plant that is somehow able to take a human form (much to their confusion and fear, its like suddenly being born into conciousness) and escape the confines of their glass bubble, all while trying to make sense of the powers they hold and desperately trying to find others like them in the hopes that they aren’t alone.
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bluegekk0 · 6 months
does hallownest have pride parades?
Oh that is a pretty interesting question, I'd love to ramble about this. I'm going to say that no, they don't, but not because their society would be against it. Quite the opposite, actually.
The way I imagine it, their culture is far more animal-like than ours in many aspects. They do have morals, obviously, and more complicated social structures and views that distinguish between those who break the law and those who follow it. That being said, it's far from what you see in our society - they don't have an elaborate justice system, so for example, a murderer will simply be executed for their crime without an extended trial, and killing someone in a fair duel doesn't raise any eyebrows. Death is a part of their life and it's not as big of a deal as it is for us, humans. Though things like murder and other serious crimes are frowned upon. The laws are in place to maintain order and peace between different species that coexist, and embrace progress, even if many of their values do not overlap with ours (for example, in some cultures, eating other sapient bugs isn't even considered a crime, though naturally that wouldn't fly in most places).
I mention this, because those kind of animal-like views also contribute to how they see concepts like gender or sexuality. While reproduction and having offspring is an essential part of an animal's life, individuals that engage in behaviors outside of the norm aren't ostracized, discrimination simply isn't really a thing. And I think this aspect would carry over to those living in Hallownest and many other lands in their world. Relationships between different species are generally widely accepted (as for how that even works when it comes to producing young, I won't get into the biology. "It just works" as Todd Howard would say) And similarly, a same-sex couple or someone who explores their gender in ways that go against their biological sex would not be frowned upon, it would simply not be a big deal for most.
I say most, cause I do imagine there are some species/cultures where such behaviors would be questionable at best and treated with hostility at worst. Perhaps some of them put great value in relationships that result in offspring, maybe their mating rituals are so essential in their culture that couples that can't perform them the way it's intended are seen as outcasts and shunned. As an example, I actually have lore that touches on similar concepts with my Lurien interpretation - his species is extremely rare, encouraging relationships only within its kind that can produce children, and its quite unique wedding traditions put a massive emphasis on their sexual dimorphism, which unfortunately leads to discrimination against those who don't fit those norms.
But those would be a minority, and I think most of the communities living in Hallownest would have a much more accepting view on same sex couples and so on, in many ways thanks to FPK's accepting and open nature. Ever since he became the king, he encouraged peace between different communities and believed in a united society, where bugs reject their brutal beastly instincts and instead live as one big community (though unfortunately that part backfired, leading to hostility towards those deemed as "beasts", propagated among the upper class of the City). A naïve view, perhaps, but the bugs still followed the ways of their king.. While he himself struggled with his own sexuality for many years, primarily due to his lack of experience with relationships, he's always been supportive of those who openly embrace their identities.
And because their society has never dealt with substantial discrimination, there was also no need for events such as pride parades - to them, love is love no matter what, so there is no need for specific holidays. If there is a day dedicated to love, then love of any kind is celebrated.
I hope this makes sense. I think their society being so much more accepting than ours despite its animalistic ways is quite interesting. Not to mention, there's a lot of comfort to be found when exploring a world that simply welcomes queer identities as part of life. You might get stabbed and robbed by a bandit in the City if you're alone at night, but at least you can hold hands with your partner and not get called a slur. Love wins ♡
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 9 months
WeLL here we are...i want to write s/t quick to remember the year by. cus 2023 was probly one of my most significant years of life, even tho from the surface it may appear not much changed for me, 2023 laid the foundation,,,
firstly, january 2023 i began learning to make music, which is crazy like!!!! it has absolutely given me a new reason to be lieve in myself like i nvr had b4. its like unlocking a new area of my heart, and inutuion.. its so FUN, so so fun ohhh the fun i have, provides me w a brighter outlook for the future as i will always have this melodic part of me activated,going forward. ive learned so much in just a year. idk i just love it it makes me feel wise and complete i feel like an alchemist. i cld rly say a lot on the sense of security music has made me feel in my heart :'0 but i have some other things to get to;
summer 2023 i started doing yoga which has also changed things for me dramatically i think ive released a lot of built up stagnant energy from my body & aura. since i started i feel immensely more balanced n able to work thru my emotions as they come up. ngl when ppl used to recommend me to try yoga i thout it was hippie shit but its real lol.. im finding sm contentment in day to day life than i ever thought possible, easier time being present, yet another thing i will continue for the rest of my future that 2023 has given me.
these r good things but it must b said that this year has been Soooo rough for me in certain ways, mostly due to interpersonal relationships.. some ppl had to b let go from my life this year in ways i rly wasnt expecting & for a lot of the year things were just, foggy. however as things draw to a close im feeling immensely grateful like.. every1 im close to rn are all peaceful souls & we uplift each other, i see now why the ones causing drama naturally had to fall away. even if it was painful process im feeling so supported rn, & reciprocated TwwwT <3333
idk it just felt like as i was progressing w musical understanding, yoga stuff , as well as the past few months trying to use tea and herbs to get my organs in order, i feel that.. my energetic field is rly repairing itself & so a lot of old attachments just cant keep up anymore.
i have to say, well, erm, i am really in love w slimbo and its different than anything ive ever felt in my life. we've been in love for a long long time & i dont talk about it often as i am protective of this love. but god, its just, the purest bond ive ever known and our love for each other is deeper all the time. we r both life path 27/9 & the first time we met it literally felt like.. reuniting, it felt like a celebration..i had never noticed such warmth from someone. i cld never be in such a secure place rn if it wasnt for slimbo & every day im so grateful like dude i owe you my LIFE. idk how to explain it, we are just One. slimbo is my angel i cant wait to spend 2024 & forever with <3
if u read this far....ur a true PMDhead, thanks for being oomfies w me out here on the big wide web, i hope you bloom this year, & this can be a shift in the right direction for all of us <3 i believe palestine will be free. happy new year everyone, GANBATTE VIVA 2024 <333 -PMD9LL
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