#and then there is Dapper's message
qsmprambling · 11 months
Wait Bolas tried to recruit Tubbo???
Thank you Tubbo for saying you wouldn't betray your team and when Slime and Cellbit said they betrayed him he said "They're just misunderstood!"
Everyone in Soulfire had reasons for their actions yesterday, and Tubbo knows that even if he's upset/frustrated. Even if it wasn't the case, why take the leader away from a group of 12 when only 2 of them caused an issue? Don't try and break up Soulfire like that!
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thepenguisalive7 · 11 months
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Red words
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qsmpcryptid · 6 months
With Dappleduo releasing playlists I'm reminded of when everyone's spotify wrapped was dropping and Richas showed Dappers wrapped to Pac, who said something like "Oh he listens to gamer music", and Richas misheard and thought he said "gay music", and then proceeded to hand Pac this
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A screenshot of Richas telling Dapper that Pac called his music gay.
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bigboobyhalo · 1 year
all the brazilians and their egg: *fucking dying*
meanwhile, dapper:
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valictini · 4 months
It's more of a bitter than a sweet ending for a lot of people's egg arc. I'm glad they could at the very least have a send-off in character, but yeah, as a fan, it's sad to know we won't see these eggs again. Still, it's their choice, and I 100% support them in their decision. Thank you, admins, for all the memories o7
Paradoxically, though, it also offers me some sort of peace for Pomme and Dapper's departure. I still think they should have been contacted, even if it were to be officially let go... but knowing that the qsmp can't afford even the most popular egg actors (at least, i assume that's what the current situation is) makes me glad that Lumi and Shade stopped waiting for an answer and moved on when they did. They were never coming back, and them letting go of the studio first truly was the best solution for them.
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 8 months
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backfromtwitterforw · 9 months
"Do you think tio Bad and Dapper are also at the other side of the world, with the same habits ? O_O And missing us?" - Richas to Pomme
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q-starhalo · 1 year
Hm, that's odd. Only Tallulah, Chayanne, and Ramon have left messages. Will the others put some tomorrow?
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qsmprambling · 1 year
Thinking about Dapper's sign again and how so much is said with so little...
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The text on the sign is clear, saying that Dapper misses everyone, even his uncle Foolish who he always jokes about but clearly adores. But to those who don't know Dapper it's a bit strange, right? That Dapper would mention everyone generally, and specifically Foolish, instead of his dad? But really... it doesn't mention Bad at all exactly because of how much Dapper cares. Because just like his dad, Dapper hides how deeply he feels and often struggles to express himself, choosing instead to mix his genuine feelings with humor.
The sign is a message to everyone, it expresses his true feelings in a limited way, but the brownies... Those are a secret message to Bad, and Bad alone.
Because the only one who understands what those actually mean, and how deeply they cut, is Bad. Only Bad now knows that even in this situation, where the kids are kidnapped or fleeing for their lives, in danger and afraid and unable to come home... Dapper is thinking about how much pain their disappearance is causing Bad, so much so that when given the chance to send a single message, Dapper, in typical Dapper fashion, figures out a way to send two.
And they are 'I miss you'
And, to Bad alone, 'I'm sorry'
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look at this dapper man
what could i possibly add to this to make it any better? already PEAK content. i love him
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jrwiyaoi · 1 year
dapper should keep calling skeppy the mom of this family it’ll make my dragon design funny
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lee-is-emo · 1 year
For some reason it's so weird to hear people who aren't Canadian talking about Canada
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bigboobyhalo · 1 year
I am having no fun right now I DON’T CARE ABOUT THE CODE I CARE ABOUT DAPPER
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royalarchivist · 5 months
Bad: I don't think we've reached an ending, but we've reached an end for some things. [...] There are no permanent endings, Chat. There are no permanent goodbyes. Only goodbyes for now. Only goodbyes for now, ok?
Bad talks a little bit to his chat about the Egg admins leaving, and the future.
[ Transcript ↓ ]
Bad: All right, Chat. I need to have a serious talk with you for a little bit. Here Pepito, I'm gonna keep riding! Sorry Pepito, I’ll keep riding. I'm gonna have a serious talk with the Chat since we got 12 minutes to kill.
But yes, Chat. Yes, some of the… Eggies are leaving, which I know is a really sad thing to see following such a fun and happy day of Murder Mystery, which was really fun. And I know– as far as I know right now, just, I'm aware that I was– I'm aware that Pepito— er, not- sorry, Pepito is behind me, see Pepito? He's right there.
As far as I know, Chat, right now I'm aware of Richas left, or will be leaving, Lullah will be leaving, and I believe Chayanne will be leaving. And… it's really heartbreaking. And it's hard to talk about, obviously, ‘cuz we made so many memories with them over the past year. So… I think, I don't know. Obviously like, there's things I wanna say, things I will say, things I won't say, you know… And I just… I dunno. Right now just gonna… filling you guys in. But uh, yeah, they will no longer be around. So… Yeah, it’s very sad, I’m very sad. But I think… I don't think– or at least I'd say I hope that it's not the end of any particular adventures for them going forward.
And I don't know, we'll see what the future holds for any particular thing. You feel me? Just like– just enjoy the memories today. Relish in the sadness chat. Embrace the sadness for a bit, and understand that like, I think tomorrow will be better, and just give the love and appreciation to the amazing people— give the love and appreciation, Chat, to the amazing people of the project who worked so hard and put their heart and soul into everything they did. All of the Eggy actors, all the builders, all the people who worked on everything. Each one of them. I think each one of the Eggs really put themselves into their characters.
Obviously, in particular, I was particularly close to Dapper, Pomme, and Richas, and I'm gonna miss them the most, obviously, Chat. I don't know personally, I don't know what my– I can't speak necessarily on what my future holds because… you know, in regards to anything ‘cuz I'm just kinda going through the emotions right now and just kind of feeling the emotions, you know?
[Groans] I dunno, Chat. I’m just feelin’ it, and sometimes it’s hard to put things into words. You know? When you’re feeling stuff. So… It's hard to play, uh… it's hard to play Minecraft with, um, with people for so long, Chat. You know, to spend so much time with people. And you guys were here for the ride, you were here for the journey. Don't be sad when a particular ride happens, Chat. Be happy you were able to ride it to begin with. Ok?
I think– I feel– I think personally, Chat, I feel very blessed to have been able to experience the– and do this stuff I've been able to, you know?
[Long silence]
Ah, we're almost there, we're almost there, Chat.
[Sighs, then reads a chat message] “Thank you for bringing us on this journey with you” I don't think—
One: I don't think the journey is over completely, right? I can't say with certainty Chat, what the future holds, right? And I don't know– I don't know what the future holds, Chat. I don't think– I don't think we've reached an ending, but we have– we’ve reached the end for some things, yes. And as for what it means– what I mean by “an ending,” I dunno. We'll see what happens, you know? I think the chapter as far as like— obviously, like… you know, when you graduate school for example, right? It is an ending of sorts. It's an ending of THAT experience, right? The experience that you had with those particular people in that particular place. It's not an ending to those people, or your interactions with those people. You feel me?
[Sighs] There's other things I want to say Chat, but… I’m doin’ my best to just keep myself reigned in a little bit. Guess I'm feeling a little- a lil’ emotional. Trying to reign in those emotions, you know? One day at a time. But make sure you're following, and stick around, because I have a feeling we'll have more fun stuff that you guys will not want to miss. Trust me. Trust me Chat, every day is gonna be an adventure.
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ramons-elevator · 9 months
I think the worst thing about an egg’s death will always be the parent/ caregiver’s reaction to it.
Like Chayanne and Tallulah’s nightmare where Phil was begging and try to coach Chayanne to help get him up only to lay there and desperately apologize to Chayanne as he died
Or Ramon’s nightmare with literally everyone on the server (Max, Leo, Foolish, Quackity, Bad) all running to Ramon, trying to save him. Foolish saying “Did we fail?” when he saw Ramon’s death message. Max trying his best to explain to Quackity that Ramon was safe in his house-he was safe-and that the code shouldnt have killed him. Or Bad staying an hour after, opening Ramon’s door over and over again.
Or Bobby’s death where Roier was telling Bobby over and over again that they shouldnt do the dungeon. Only to lay there and bleeding out, helpless because they were thousands of blocks away. Roier had to lay there and watch his son die, only to die soon after.
Or Juanaflippa’s death when Roier had to yell at Mariana to leave the ship because they were going to die. Mariana sobbing and screaming out for Juanaflippa as Roier drove away.
Or Dapper’s deaths, the satellite dish and the mansion. Bad screaming and running into the mansion even though he couldnt fightr anything just to possibly get Dapper up. Only for them to dig a hole in the ground in the middle of the night with no armor and wait. The satellite dish death with no hope of escaping. Cellbit asking if Bad is okay while Bad gets Dapper’s body. Slowly realizing that this was meant to happen.
Now today with Empanada’s death. Bagi screaming and crying while everyone froze. A mother’s grief unmatched to anything else as she tried to kill any worker in her path. Bagi telling Pac and Fit that she wants to go back to purgatory just so she can kill the eye workers.
I hope we never have to experience any more parent’s grief because it hurts the most
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 8 months
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