#how did i get here i really rambled pffft
qsmprambling · 11 months
Wait Bolas tried to recruit Tubbo???
Thank you Tubbo for saying you wouldn't betray your team and when Slime and Cellbit said they betrayed him he said "They're just misunderstood!"
Everyone in Soulfire had reasons for their actions yesterday, and Tubbo knows that even if he's upset/frustrated. Even if it wasn't the case, why take the leader away from a group of 12 when only 2 of them caused an issue? Don't try and break up Soulfire like that!
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autisticempathydaemon · 2 months
Alas, I have sent in a very long anon so I apologize ahead of time. But I hope these help with the pairing lol *** What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why? Sabrina Carpenter- Espresso. Such a good summer song.
What is your Enneagram type? I think type 6? I don't really understand them that much
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why? Not really? I used to be really into them but I haven't been watching much youtube lately. Attention span go brrr. Someone would have to sit with me for me to be able to concentrate.
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend. Didn't have one as far as I remember. But I attempted cause I thought it was the normal thing to do.
What is your go-to way to fall asleep? Shutting my eyes and maladaptive daydreaming to sleep.
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?) I quite like my real name. I feel it suits me surprisingly well so I wouldn't change my name. Maybe add a middle name though.
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why? Oh boy, hm. I think my favorite would have to be Hush at the moment, but I also really enjoy Elliott's videos.
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.) I think they all have their merits honestly. If he were still present, I would say Marcus cause he always weirded me out a bit, but if I had to pick a current one? I'd say caller dude. I don't understand but I respect game lol
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to. The Untamed. I watched it so many times it's ridiculous. I also read Manhwas/Manga a lot so there are many of those I know like the back of my hand.
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend? Hmmmm. I think I would love to be friends with David and Asher. They seem like a riot together. I only don't add Milo here because he makes me blush so I'd fold for him too easily.
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.)
PFFFT. I do. Music and stories I want to write but can't find the right medium to get it done. Real-life people know I never speak about my creative stuff but don't know about my online life as far as I know, so it's comical to them to hear how many stories are up in my brain at once.
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
Pass, I don't drive and rarely go to gas stations. But I'd say if I had to, the places I go often have great slushies/slurpees
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment. 
Random on my phone or spotify because I can't be bothered to find actual playlists 😅
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why?
Romance novels/manhwa/mangas. God I love seeing people love each other, especially if it starts off bumpy. But if it ever happened in real life I'd be so confused and not know what to do lol. Also, I would probably turn as red as an apple if someone found out about it without me telling them.
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are!
I indulge in a lot of creative stuff, but I am also slightly sickly so my patience with myself is less than I would give other people in the same position as me. I'm attempting to remedy that but it's difficult to give grace to yourself sometimes (ˉ▽ˉ;)...
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The way you describe yourself as easily flustered and blush-y makes me want to pair you with someone who’ll push those buttons, I’ve got to admit- Vincent, specifically.
I like his flirty, Edward Cullen-esque facade and the dorkier, tenderer interior for you, you know what I mean? Like, he’d flirt and poke fun and smolder as he does, but I think he’d have a good sense of when to stop, when you’ve had too much. I also like him for you as Type Six, the enneagram that desires security, reliability, someone steadfast. Vincent, that blessed simp of a man, is an emotionally dependable, loyal lover on top of being a sap and romantic which works well since you also strike me as a romantic.
Your life together is very fun- as fun as constant, light teasing from Vincent can be. He loves a lot of the same things you do, like manga and danmei. (My Vincent is Chinese, as is William, so he’s especially attached to danmei and historical dramas.) He loves peeking over your shoulders, reading the dialogue in a smooth, smoldering voice and then kissing your cheeks when he makes them glow. He’s a little stinker that way, but Vincent definitely knows to be more genuine and sincere when you share your creative work with him. He’s incredibly supportive, buying you whatever tools and/or instruments you might need until you find the medium you like best.
The hungry heart, the roving eye/ Have come to rest, do not apply/ The frantic chase, the crazy ride/ The thrill has gone, I step aside/ And I'd believe in anything were it not for you/ Showing me by just existing only this is true/ I love you, I love you without question, I love you
As an 80’s kid, Elton John (and the Road to El Dorado soundtrack as well) feel like a good pick for him, you know? Very classic, timely, nostalgic. I like it for y’all specifically because of the vibes, because it reminds me of this lover that lived this crazy existence, lived hard and fast without knowing what it was all for, until they met the person who it was all for, until Vincent met you.
In that same vein of thought, Gavin is a strong, cute contender though I don’t think he would have quite as much of a grasp on your comfort levels and moods like Vincent would. In the opposite vein, the other arm if you will, I like Morgan for you. He’d be a good match for a Type Six, and his vibes just suit you; it’s hard to explain why.
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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fateinthestars · 8 months
Yeesh has it really been nearly a week since I did a review/ramble post for SCM?
Well as I've replayed some stuff as I'm working on something (I fear due to the way I've decided to do it in the end that it's gonna take a while!), I may as well cover one of the ones I replayed yesterday...
So let's cover 'Whispers of Love from the Stars'
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This set includes stories for: Leon, Scorpio, Teorus, Dui, Huedhaut, and Ichthys
Spoilers under the cut
Whispers of Love from the Stars
This whole set goes into specific human myths to do with the constellations and it's rather interesting to see some more of those combined with the Gods' reactions to them.
LEO: Catching Lions with Honey
I'm struggling to think of stuff to say about this one (especially without switching the mature filter on) but the other Gods getting MC into awkward situations in Leon's route does feel rather common!
Ichthys, Teorus, I really think you ought to find a way to apologise to MC.
SCORPIO: Under an Aphrodisiac's Spell
Oh for goodness sake MC! The last thing you saw Scorpio doing was making something. Dui told you it was a poison. Why the hell did you even pick that glass up?!
Still Scorpio was straight and to the point and helped quickly. I am wondering how this would have gone down had it happened with one of the others.
(Yeesh for that matter considering what God's poison does to Humans, what would Zyglavis have done in this situation if it was early on in his route???)
TAURUS: Sweet Prince, Take Me Away
Pffft. Okay this might be one of my favourite Teo stories but I have to admit it's not really because of Teo.
I would say I don't want to spoil the beginning but I think as long as you've played any main story it's pretty damn obvious who the Teorus at the start of this really is.
And I'm still laughing at the fact that a major part of what gave him fully away (even if MC already had doubts) was using his own full name rather than the nickname Teo would have used.
It is interesting that Ichthys does make so many mistakes here though... usually he has impersonating the others voices and mannerisms down really well. The food thing I'm not surprised at, but not thinking about the fact that Teo calls him Ikky? I wonder whether that implies Ichthys doesn't actually really like that but doesn't bring it up with Teo because they're friends and he just lets him do it but might not from anyone else. (Actually Teorus seems to have an ability of getting the others to let him call them by different nicknames - Scorpio doesn't pull him up on calling him Scorpy but the one story where Ichthys does it he bit his head off!)
GEMINI: Lost Between Two Stars
And now we're onto the first of the three in this set where MC isn't dating the God in question yet.
This is a nice sweet trip for MC and Dui with quite a bit of insight into how Dui feels.
I'd be interested to know whether anyone read this one before they read Dui's main story, because the 'dream' sequence in this probably hits slightly differently depending on how much of his backstory you are aware of in advance.
AQUARIUS: Intoxicated by the Deep Blue Night
Ow, my heart. *hugs Huedhaut tightly*
The start of this is an interesting talk between him and MC, and of course Hue knows the human myths for his constellation well because, well, he's Hue... but then suddenly everything is focussed on the past and you can really feel the heaviness in Hue's heart, especially as this is set pre main path.
Sometimes it feels really hard to not want to go and find Hue and just shout tell her! at him. 😅
This does have one of my favourite light-hearted moments though, and that's this:
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Pfft oh Hue. 🥰 Guess I was right in my post where I basically said it felt like sometimes you should ask Hue and Karno to step away from the others to trick them into having a break.
PISCES: The Tangled Red Thread of Fate
Oh I utterly adore this chaos. Yes it's another Ichthys story before he's with MC but this one really does feel like it could have been the start of something.
Although, Ichthys? You really do get a rush out of infuriating Scorpio don't you? There was no reason to use that specific thing to act out the myth!
I adore Hue's reaction to the situation in this too. (Although his comment about fate specifically? My heart's breaking again...)
Attempted ranking thingy:
Odd, the three that are pre-relationship on the top? But I think even though these are really close together in enjoyment level (apart from maybe Leon's) for me, that those three are the highlight of this set. Scorpio's also adds some interesting lore which is probably why I've put him just above Teo's even though here Teo is charming and sweet and even Ichthys' prank can't really dampen his mood because it showed him how well MC knows him.
Those top three though: Dui's is almost like a missing piece of a jigsaw puzzle that rounds off the start of his path nicely. An actual attempt to suggest to MC that there is a problem and what she would think if she knew... Ichthys' is the least consequential of the three but there's just something here that really sparks for me (I do wonder whether that is partly due to Hue's reaction - it's almost like he's realised something has started between the two of them and is happy to step back and watch. Like you get in some of the other main paths - he never interferes but is always making sure in his own way that MC is happy and not in danger)... which leads us nicely onto Huedhaut's own story - it just encompasses everything Hue is as a character in one short burst: from his vast knowledge (even of stuff like human myths) to his winemaking abilities, to his sarcasm (but ability to stop when he realises he's taking it too far), all the way to his complete and utter inner turmoil at having to see MC every day knowing something that he doesn't dare bring up but still cannot stop himself from vaguely murmuring stuff related to his secret.
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melodiclune · 9 days
Snow snow snow this is a free space for u to ramble about tea
What's your fav kind
How do you take it
Etc etc :D
Share some of ur fav mugs?:0
Oh my gosh. Tea my beloved. Okay so my favourites are chai, general black tea, green tea, and earl grey. I've tried chamomile but it's not really my thing?? And I've wanted to try fruit teas for agessss but I haven't gotten around to it yet!! And I need to try more floral teas, I've not tried enough. My favourite fruit is apple, and I've heard that an apple tea exists but I've never been able to get my hands on a packet. Tch. Some day!!!!
As for how I take it.. really it kind of depends?? Like. On my mood, how tired I am, on what tea I'm drinking and what it goes best with and how much I have with me. My go-to is chai, which is milk + tea. If I'm feeling adventurous I'll make myself masala chai which is milk + tea + spices.
I've got soooo many mugs back at my parents' place but I don't have many ceramic mugs actually with me at this moment. I've only got this one white one with a floral design on the side with me here. And and I've got this steel travel mug which has a lid to it that really helps if I'm running late and needed tea or coffee on the go!!
Yes I mentioned coffee. Yes I drink both. I am, unfortunately, not a supremacist. Pffft.
Thank you for the ramble ask lmao I hope you liked my tea info dump. Fun fact I did my high school chemistry final project on the caffeine contents of tea. Lol
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Of course, right after starting an accountability blog, I get a nasty cold that wiped me out. And unfortunately I'm still not 100%. I might try to do a light workout later, but as decorating for Christmas about did me in and my mum and grandmother had to finish for me, I'm not keen on pushing it too much.
If I do, I will post it no matter how small, but, in the meantime, I figured I'd give a list of people that have inspired me in my workout/fitness journey and links to their content and such like that. I really struggled for a long time trying to find fitness people that are the typical fitness gurus that you readily find on youtube and instagram, etc. Or ones that talk about getting skinny, etc. My main goal with fitness has always been to gain muscle so I don't exactly vibe with perky people telling me how to lose weight in thirty days. I could care less about my hip dips and belly. I want to be able to bench press my boyfriend if I get bored enough to or (less sarcastically) do any work on the hobby farm I dream of starting someday without assistance.
So, without anymore rambling, here is a list of people I follow that give me inspiration to go for my fitness goals in the order that I locate them in my insta following list:
Tatum McCann (she/her) - @tatumtots37 on instagram and link here for youtube (I have not watched her youtube channel yet just her insta content, but I know not everyone is on there so i'll give yt links where I can).
Jordan Maron (he/him) - many of you probably grew up with CaptainSparklez! I've watched his content since before pffft I don't even remember. Well before Mianite at least and I was there when he started getting into fitness. He was definitely my earliest inspiration to get fit as he kept going past just getting in shape and going for healthy muscle mass as a hobby as much as for health itself. I will leave a link for his lifting channel but it is pretty much dead lol. But he does still occasionally post reels on his insta @jordanmaron.
Gordy Bravo (she/her) - @bravobuilt_fit on instagram. She does not have youtube channel that I am aware of. She does have her own website where she sells fitness programs, etc. Though I have never used it or even checked the website out cause I have authority issues. If people tell me what to do, it's very likely that I won't do it. Hence why I curate my own routine as I go. BUT her content on insta is fantastic. She's very charismatic and natural and it makes her content very approachable.
Lauren Pon (she/her) - If you love anime memes, video games, and want to get muscular, you need to follow her! She's hilarious and sweet and makes lifting (she's a powerlifter) so unintimidating. She's on Insta (@laurenpon), YouTube, and twitch! She's also on tiktok, but i'm not on there really and her linktree is not working. However, her @ is the same across the board so I assume it's the same on there.
Maya Davis (she/her) - More anime vibes, cosplay, and bodybuilder! Her insta is @mayatheamazon and that's the only platform she has as far as I'm aware of. She also has an Insta for her fashion tho. She's a fashion student and the fits are always on point!
Tabi (she/her) - Her bio says it best, Fitness and Anime! Her insta is @tabi.lift (tiktok is the @tabi.fit as is her backup insta) and she's on youtube. She also does cosplay.
Amber (she/her) - She's a weightlifter with more anime vibes and cosplay (are you sensing a theme here? I did not realize anime was the way to my muscle building heart until i started making this list xD). Her insta is @amberthevalkyrie. She's also a fitness model.
Serena Abweh (she/her, i think passed on a couple tags she's used, but if I'm wrong pls let me know!) - very meme-y powerlifter and artist! Her insta is @rena_serenaa. She also has a youtube channel.
Leigh Laurel (she/her) - Lots more bodybuilding, anime, and cosplay! Her instagram is @fitmissfilipina.
Patty aka LEAN BEEF (she/her) - if you're this far and you are aware with anything on that side of the internet, you already know who Patty is or atleast have seen her in fitness edits, etc. She is the person that I saw and went yep, that's it, we're fucking doing this! She's so badass and makes fitness so fucking approachable! I absolutely love her content! I watch her insta religiously and her youtube anytime i want to learn new techniques (especially with mobility training) or just relatable fitness content. And of course there's more anime and cosplay! xD She's also on twitch. Her insta is @leanbeefpatty and I'm pretty sure her tiktok is the same but her linktree is not working so don't quote me on that. (I will say that she has programs for food, working out, etc but again I have issues so I've never looked into them.)
That's all for now. I will update this list as I find more (or if I realize I missed any) as we go!
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erensnubs · 3 years
Eren x GN! Reader
Content: a half asleep author, fancy words, lots of angst, more in eren's point of view? Just a little drabble for y'all
"I'm a such a fool Eren."
Eren raises an eyebrow at you, "I already know this, why tell me now?"
He scoffs a little at your proclamation and you allow yourself a little giggle.
"I don't know, why I said that. Honestly-" you tell him, reclining yourself on the couch.
"Pffft, I know you wanna tell me!" He says laughing. Eren punches your arm as you dramatically clutch your rib.
"Ow stop it, I have a glass in my hand, Jesus Jaeger!" You snort.
Eren's eyebrows wiggle, a horrible but succesful attempt to tell you what's on your mind.
Because let's be honest, Eren Jaeger is the actual fool here.
Eren was fascinated with you. Even years after freshman year of highschool, when he decided to sit down next to person who always argued with the devil's advocate in history, he is still blown away with your words, thoughts and actions.
How could one person take in the world at such a fast pace and be able to transform it into something mysterious and weird and to him, something so beautiful? The fact you rambled about mysteries, was a mystery to him and Eren just had to know, had to pry a little into that peculiar way you look at life, only if it was for a little bit.
Eren would do anything to just see a little bit of what your amazing mind can do. And for that, he is a fool.
"Okay, okay," you set down your glass on the side table.
"You know how during prom, you asked me, out of all the friends you had, who would I sleep with?"
Eren nods, a smile dancing on his lips at the memory, "Yeah and you said yourself, because technically I didn't specify if I could include you."
You chuckle, "Yeah. I did."
Instead of a smile on your lips, they curled downwards, like the memory in itself felt sour.
"Woah what's with that expression," Eren says, poking your cheek.
You don't react at the feeling, and Eren seriously suspects he did something wrong.
"I was going to say something else you know," you say, slowly.
"You were?"
"Yes. I was gonna say Jean," a side small resides on your face.
Eren looks at the floor and back to you, jade eyes desperately searching for yours, for something.
He doesn't know what.
You look back at him and he swears this isn't the you he knows. The lifeless, regretfull you. The sad you.
"And I... I remember that right as I was about to say it, I caught him on the corner of my eye-"
You gesture with your free hand, pointing at your temple.
"And he kissed- he kissed Mikasa. Right here," you sniffle and your fingers came in contact with your lips.
You press the tips against them for emphasis, "Right here."
Your voice cracked and your fingers stayed, the other gripping the stem of the glass strainingly so.
"I tried not to be bothered by it. But by the end of the night, I just had to leave."
Eren nods, his throat getting tighter. Emotions were swirling inside of him. Anger at Jean, anger at you for not telling him, anger at himself for not even bothering to ask you.
But mostly guilt. Eren Jaeger was guilty of being a little too late, to steal your heart.
And if the look in your eyes said anything, your hearr belonged to someone else, even if that person could never give you the love you truly deserve.
"Why didn't you speak up about it any sooner?" Eren says, and he pauses because he doesn't know if he's saying it to you, or himself.
"Well because I always thought me and Jean would have more time. We were going to go to the same university together until-"
"Jean and Mikasa wanted to cohabit," he says, finishing your sentence.
You smile sadly, "Yeah. That's why I ultimately came to this school. Just needed someone that I knew."
Your smile points to him and Eren can't help his heart from swelling at your statement.
"You know, I'm being selfish right now, I know you had feelings for Mika too."
In truth, Eren's feelings for Mikasa died down once he realized he really loved you. Mikasa's love was a mixture of obligation and unrequited pining. His feelings for you was something so out of the ordinary, that yes, you did start off as friends but he fell down the rabbit hole named you and didn't mind at all.
And you were wrong. Eren Jaeger was the selfish one. Instead of letting you be truly happy, and with the one you love, he's kept you to himself, albeit at a distance, but to himself.
So Eren Jaeger decided to be selfless and let you go.
"[Name], if it's any help, Jean and Mikasa. They broke up a few weeks ago. The cohabiting was a mistake, at least that's what Mika told me, and they decided to just be acquaintances."
Your eyes light up just a little and through all of Eren's pain, he still feels like a child when he sees that smile.
Eren pulls out his phone and sends you money. A ping alerts you and you look at him confusedly.
"Mikasa sent me money to go travel and see them. I think you should go," he says softly.
Eren's eyes line up with yours and he gives a small nod, almost saying it's okay, i'll be fine.
And he will be. Eren Jaeger will be okay as long as you're happy. It's been that way ever since, and it will always be that way from now to forever. He will watch you learn and grow, and fall in love with someone else and he will still be the same star-stuck 14 year old who saw you in that library.
Because he loves you and instead of being selfish and lash out, he will be the bigger person for your sake, for your happiness. If Eren Jaeger was given the opportunity to turn back time, he'd do it all over again because every waking moment with you was as precious as every star in the sky and he could not afford to lose it. Not one bit.
Yes, Eren Jaeger is a fool, but he was a fool for you. And to him, that was better than being nothing to you at all.
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2-cute-4-school · 4 years
𝘕𝘊𝘛 𝘋𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘬𝘪𝘥𝘴
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requested by the lovely @m4rshm4llow​ (*ૂ❛ัᴗ❛ั*ૂ)
Mark Lee
i think mark is quite good with children too when he’s not frozen in awkwardness
but i wouldn’t trust with him alone with a kid for too long tbh
like i see him as someone who could probably entertain a kid for a couple of hours succesfully but taking care of them?? yeah no (˵¯͒ བ¯͒˵)
so let’s say he had to tag along with you to babysit because he didn’t want to waste any time he could spend with you *let my boy receive his love*
but he’s not thaaaat excited he just hopes that the kid will get K.O.-ed early in the night so he could have some alone time with you( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°).... TO CUDDLE ya nasties
so when you arrive at your cousin’s house and you come in
he surely DIDN’T expect a kid to literally throw himself onto you and cling to your legs while chanting your name o(*^▽^*)o
the only way you can get him to detach so you can walk is if you pick him up in your arms
“y/n, who’s he?” mark just stares at the chubby finger pointed at him and produces an *HIGHLY AWKWARD* smile like (*′☉.̫☉)
“oh this is mark, my boyfriend”
*silence* “ew”
now hold on rewind
did a kid just ‘ew’ at mark (。☉︵ ಠ╬)
and then he had THE AUDACITY to cling to your neck while rambling about his new robot toy and mark had to THIRDWHEEL the entire night
now he’s sure you have superpowers how could you tame that!!??!?! even haechan could be considered mild in comparison to... this ʕ •̀ o •́ ʔ
he’s pouty the entire evening while you play and take care of the newly spawned devil in town who HOGS your attention the entire time
so when he finally runs out of energy a bit later than mark would have hoped for, he’s quick to envelop you in his arms and drag you into a well deserved cuddle session ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
“what took you so looong?”
“sorry sorry, i had to look under his man for boogeyman”
“pffft i think boogeyman is the one looking under his bed for that kid”
but he does melt when he remembers the way your eyes sparkled as the child giggled excitedly on your lap while imagining himself in the picture too (๑°꒵°๑)・*♡
Huang Renjun
renjun as we all know is just a bit short tempered so i’m not sure where he stands in his relationship with kids 눈_눈
but also he brings up his younger cousins quite often and he seems very fond of them whenever he talks about them
so i guess he likes kids but like good kids ya know Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
so let’s say you’re shopping in like one of those bigger supermarkets
and you hear cries
your mother instincts literally GO OFF LIKE CRAZY
renjun doesn’t even have the time to blink before you’re dragging him in the direction of the noise with such precision you might as well have a radar at this point ᕕ༼✿•̀︿•́༽ᕗ
turns out a little girl was lost between the tall aisles
renjun is a lil bewildered cause what is he supposed to do? not like he’s tall enough to see other the aisles in his dreams maybe
but you seem to know EXACTLY what to do as you crouch down in front of the girl and speak to her so gently not even renjun can hear properly
and then as if nothing happened she stops crying
just like that so renjun decides to try his luck too o|◕ˇ▽ˇ◕|ツ
“come on, let’s go find mommy and daddy”
and lemme tell ya the little girl sprung into your arms and clung to you with everything she had as she mumbled into your neck
“i only wanna go with miss” (つ﹏<)・゚。
his eye twitched a lil ngl (;¬_¬)
and that’s how you end up taking a stroll to the announcement desk with a whole child gripping onto your hand
renjun would have never imagined his grocery run to turn into this
he only wanted some damn carrots not a frickin child ಠ╭╮ಠ
thankfully it didn’t take long for the parents to run over and thank you for returning their child safely but there was only one problem left
getting her to let go of you
that was a whole ass dramatic goodbye
poor renjun was left exhausted after this he gave up any grocery run he intended to do and dragged you home pronto (ノTдT)ノ
he admires you so much for how you handled the situation and how you seemed to be so natural and in your element he can only think of how great of a mother you will be in the future with his beside you hopefully
Lee Jeno
one word, his greatest asset: PATIENCE
i see jeno as a man of patience which is more than just helpful when it comes to handling children ❀.(*´◡`*)❀.
he’s also volunteered in all these programs that involved children and he did really well if you ask me soooo he’s a good ally to have (︶.̮︶✽)
and you really REALLY want to volunteer together at one of those like emergency centres for children or something
and who is he to deny his love? he couldn’t have even if he wanted to, you’re too cute in his eyes so he lets you get your way anyway
so before you step inside one of the caretakers gives you some advice
warns you that the new kid, a little girl still in primary school, is still very closed off and wary of everyone
but as you step inside the kids get drawn to you like moths to a flame, swarming around you and asking you questions while dragging you in the living room to play with them
jeno just trails behind, watching the entire commotion with his soft eye smile as he understands (◍•ᴗ•◍)
he knows that you just have a way with people, he’s been in the same position mesmerized by you, it’s one of the reasons he loves you so much and seeing you so purely happy surrounded by children
MELTED HIM ♡(.◜ω◝.)♡
eventually you drag him into the happy circle too and he seems to fit in just right by your side with giggling children everywhere around you
he ends up using his muscly arms ᕙ[ ˵ ͡’ ω ͡’ ˵ ]ᕗ as swings
“hey!! i’m stronger than you!!! let’s have a fight!!!!”
you just giggle as you colour some pictures with a few kids but stare at your boyfriend from the corner of your eye
jeno is so simply happy and comfortable he doesn’t even notice when you disappear from the crowd at first
but when he does his eyes search wildly for you like a lost puppy Σ(゚ロ、゚;)
but then he spots you
curled up on a small couch in the corner of the room, deep in conversation with the new girl whose eyes seemed just a little brighter as you clutched her hand in yours warmly 。゚.(*´◡` )
and jeno just realises again
you’re just working your charm once again and once again jeno falls for you for the nth time, deeper than the last time and lighter than the next
Lee Donghyuck
this manchild right here smh ୧༼◔益◔୧ ༽
now don’t get me wrong i’m pretty sure he’s decent at least with children
given he has two younger siblings and he often talks about hanging out with his little brother also have you seen that vid with the little girl?? the was he talked to her ⊂(♡⌂♡)⊃
buuuut BUT he’s also DYING like a fish out of water without attention
so when he invites you to tag along to his hangout with his lil bro
he didn’t expect TO BE THE ONE THIRDWHEELING!!!! (╬ಠ益ಠ)
you keep feeding and pampering his brother who basks in your full attention half because he loves it half because he loves the annoyed look on hyuck’s face
“babe i want some kimchi too” (*゚∀゚*)
“oh!!! sure, i’m sorry for hoarding it all”
and as hyuck awaits with his eyes closed and his mouth open with a pleased smile
you plop a bowl of kimchi in front of him and turn back to his brother as he tugs on the sleeve of your shirt
hyuck, muttering to himself: ‘i should have left you home, you lil brat, both of you traitors!!!!!’ (ノTДT)ノ ┻┻
he pouts and sighs dramatically with crossed arms the entire night while watching you interact oh so sweetly with his little brother
but he can’t deny the warm feeling of fondness swarming is his chest seeing you get along so well with his family and being so genuinely happy when you’re with kids
still complains to you when he gets you alone
“i can’t believe you love my brother more than me!!! ME, YOUR SWEET LOVELY CUTIE BOYFRIEND!!!” ‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
“first of all, i wouldn’t stretch it that far-” “how is that stretching-?!??!”
“i’m sorry i’m sorry, my sweet lovely cutie boyfriend, i just missed him, he’s so cute and i haven’t seen him in so long and he seems to grow so fast every time we meet” (oꆤ︵ꆤo)
NOW hyuck is real soft how can he be mad at you when you’re THIS ADORABLE AFSKSGDFSAF-
hyuck just presses a sweet smooch to your temple and mutters
“he only acts that cute with you, he’s a devil at home”
“sheesh, i wonder who he takes after” *pointed look* (¬ε¬ )
Na Jaemin
my man here will most likely compete with YOU for the CHILD’S attention
it’s like GAME OVER for him if a child rejects him ε-(≖д≖﹆)
he’s never gonna get over this betrayal from both sides
so let’s say he takes you with him when he offers to babysit a cousin or neighbour idk you get where i’m getting at
and he’s already ‘play buddies’ with him as jaemin likes to put it (,,꒪꒫꒪,,)
and you’re slightly acquitanced with him from a previous visit to jaemin’s house when you coincidentally met
so when jaemin opens the door and announces his presence LOUDLY, the little boy doesn’t waste A SECOND to waddle in the hallway and meet you both ლ(^ω^ლ)
and jaemin crouches to meet him midway and-
and he *swooshes* past jaemin and into your open arms while giggling
jaemin, a lonely man in the middle of a hallway: (ಥ⌣ಥ)
the entire day, your boyfriend tries to steal the kid’s attention or bribe him over with sweets or toys
now you’re wondering who the real brat is
is salty about the UTTER rejection but also can’t help but watch you both so fondly with a proud hopefully in future for real fatherly smile (*ૂ❛ัᴗ❛ั*ૂ)
“are you practicing, y/n?”
“practice, are you practicing?”
“for...?” ∑(´△`○)
“ya know” *wiggles eyebrows* “taking care of our future children”
“learn how to control your own brat at home read jisung first and THEN we can talk, jaemama”
jaemin can’t believe this low blow, how could you after everything he’s done: cooking for you, taking you on bike rides even though he was the one who wanted to, even buying pads!!! or even worse!!!!! STRAWBERRY YOGHURT!!!!!! ∑(゚台゚lll
he’s still pouty as you all put on an animation and snuggle a blanket
but then!!!! you fall asleep with the little boy in your embrace
and jaemin!!!!! just!!! CAN’T!!! stay mad!!!!!! cause you’re both just SO absolutely irrevocably CUTE!!!!!! ♡( ૢ⁼̴̤̆ ꇴ ⁼̴̤̆ ૢ)~ෆ♡
so he just HAS TO lay a *meaningful* smooch on your forehead as he sleepily moves closer to you both, one arm wrapping loosely around you while the other caresses the child’s head, lulling the both of them to sleep his protecc instincts kicked in y’all
Zhong Chenle
he has already expressed his wish to have a family someday since he wants to live the same happiness his brother does with his own family
which i think is ABSOLUTELY PRECIOUS
and we all know he’s WHIPPED for his nephew ˞♡ฅ(ᐤˊ꒳ฅˋᐤ)
but unfortunately
that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s good with children yet
let me give you a context over here
so he’s left alone for a short while with his baby nephew which shouldn’t be too bad since technically chenle is an adult at least legally okay??
and right things are all good until BABY STARTS TO CRY i’m talking about the actual baby here although chenle might cry too at this point
and chenle just PANICS when he realises that just shushing won’t work and whacking a hand over his mouth *cough* like he does to jisung *cough* isn’t an option (╬⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾ Д ⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾)
but thankfully, you’re there!!!!!!
“may i?” you ask chenle as you stretch out your arms in his direction
chenle has never passed over anything faster in his entire life џ(ºДºџ)
so when you coddle the baby in your arms and just gently bounce him a little he just settles down so cutely and most important QUIETLY as he stares up at you with curious eyes, small fingers curling up around a necklace swung around your neck or just the fabric of your shirt
chenle is all like (๑•́o•̀๑)!!
and he watches with eyes even more curious than his nephew’s eyes as the baby slowly dozes off peacefully in your arms (꒡ ω ꒡ )zzz
it just hits him just how natural the scene looks
he approaches carefully once he’s sure his nephew fell asleep and lays a gentle hand on your head as he peers down at the cute chubby baby face
“you’re a life saver, how did you even manage to do that?” ◎ܫ◎
“you know, i have to take care of you all the time so-”
he flicks your forehead faster than you can finish that sentence
way to ruin a moment (oT-T)
but *SIKEEE* the baby fusses a little as soon as you frown and chenle immediately freaks out
he showers the spot on your forehead with kisses and his nephew settles down once again as you smile at him proudly ໒( ͡ᵔ ▾ ͡ᵔ )७
chenle rolls his eyes as if he doesn’t wish for this scene to become familiar to him sometime in the future
Park Jisung
this chick is still a baby who barely hatched
so he’s still in CONSTANT WONDER of the world ༼ つ ◕o◕ ༽つ
and in this episode of ‘jisung the explorer’ he’s discovering... ACTUAL babies
so you were on a date at the local mall when you met with a family friend of your mom’s who was struggling with her fussy baby girl in a carrier while trying to shop for some baby products
so you offer to watch over the girl until her mom finishes up (•́⌄•́๑)૭✧
but just as you’re about to attach the baby carrier to yourself, an old woman asks for directions around the shop
so you pass the baby to jisung for literally a minute to show the lady the way └(>ω<。)┐
and jisung is HIGHKEY PANICKED
he holds the baby by the underarms at arms length and obviously she doesn’t enjoy that and just starts wailing in the middle of the shop
and people just... stare (,Ծ_Ծ,)
and jisung is all like ‘IT’S NOT MINE!!!!! AND I’M NOT STEALING OR MISTREATING IT EITHER!!!!!!’
the moment you’re back in his sight, he’s THRUSTING that tiny loud bald creature in your arms it’s a child jisung ║ * ರ Ĺ̯ ರ * ║
and he expects for you to panic too but right away
the baby quietens down as you cuddle her close to your chest and coo softly in a hushed baby voice
and she plays with your shirt while you glare at your boyfriend (눈_눈)
“y/n, you sorcerer, how did you just shut it off?”
“i didn’t ‘shut it off’, she’s a baby not a tape recorder”
“oh REALLY, i couldn’t tell the difference for a moment there”
you just might consider returning jisung and keeping the baby( ಠωಠ)
he watches in wonder as you entertain the baby for the next few minutes until her mother comes back
and he swears his heart skips a beat when he sees your smile widen with tenderness once you get a small giggle out of the baby (*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)
he supposes maybe she isn’t so bad since she makes you so happy
even though she was louder than even chenle which is an accomplishment at this point
and when jisung notices your slight pout once you gave the baby back and parted ways he makes sure to shower your face in kisses until you regain the same smile that made him fall so deep in love with you
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your-world-with-nct · 3 years
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— guess who’s finished high school 😳😳 expect more content soon hehe <3
💌 • 3:43pm
“did they really have to do this, right here, right now?” you rolled your eyes at the couple embracing in the middle of the hallways after the whole scene that had just taken place, scoffing at the amount of phone cameras pointed towards them, mentally taking a note to ignore your socials that night in order to avoid being bombarded by promposal videos.
“oh, come on, even you have to admit that was cute, didn’t you see the sash he put on her?” bestfriend!sungchan nudged your shoulder, gesturing vaguely at ahn yujin spinning around and showing off her silver sash to the crowd of cooing classmates surrounding her and her boyfriend.
as you maneuvered your way through the swarm of people, using your best friend’s height to your advantage and barging past everyone to get to the school gates, “ugh, i just don’t get what’s so appealing to have to answer such a personal question like that in front of, what, half of the student body? and, not to mention how inconvenient it is for others since they always block the corridors or the classroom - i swear it’s their goal to close off all exits so you’re forced to watch that– no words, just that.”
although sungchan was used to your absurd antics and your strange rambles, this was a new weird, even for you, “first of all, they’re a couple, so there was a very small chance yujin would’ve said no, and she was probably expecting him to do something like that anyways. second of all, what do you have against promposals? i thought you were, like, a sucker for romance.”
you initially sighed at the thought of answering his prying question, but you eventually gave in after taking one look at those sparkling doe eyes of his, “i mean, i still am, and i didn’t have anything against promposals, that is, up until about two weeks ago.”
you paused to gauge sungchan’s reaction, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion because, surely, if something big enough to convert hopeless-romantic-y/n into promposal-hating-y/n had happened recently, you would’ve told him about it. he gave you a slight nod, hinting at you to carry on as you two ventured out of the gates on your way home.
“you know how i’m performing a duet with lee heeseung at the summer show? yeah, so while we were rehearsing our duet in the practice room, he was warming up his voice as usual, nothing weird about that, you’d think? then he starts playing this soft melody on his phone and he’s, like, singing along to it.
“i only clocked on that it was some sort of love song during the chorus, but then he stops singing and lets the instrumental play, pulls out a rose from his bag, holds it out to me and asks me to go to prom with him.”
you couldn’t help but fake-gag at recalling the memory, before being met with yet another puzzled expression from sungchan, “wait, what, that’s actually so cute, though! how in the world could you reject that? especially from one of the most talented and handsome guys in the school?”
“i-it was just, like, i know it was cute and all, and i hated saying no to him after all the effort he put in, but... it just wouldn’t have felt right going to prom with him, not when i’d much rather go with someone else,” you muttered the end of your sentence under your breath but, attentive as ever, sungchan managed to catch the incoherent mumble nonetheless, blinking, once, twice, three times to make sure he wasn’t just imagining you saying that.
after you had gone silent for a few moments, avoiding the boy’s gaze by staring at your feet and mindlessly kicking the rubbish on the ground, he was sure that his mind wasn’t fooling him, “i-is there, uhh, who do you– umm, hey, say if... someone, hypothetically, asked you to prom, like, in a non-exaggerated way, would you, would you say yes to them?”
‘great job, sungchan,’ he scolded himself internally at how blatantly obvious he was being, wincing at the fact that he had just completely embarrassed himself, looking back up after hearing a light chuckle escape from you.
“i mean, not if it was just anyone, but i would appreciate not being bombarded with a promposal, it would definitely increase the chances of me saying yes, to say the least,” you shrugged, averting your eyes from the pavement under your feet and smiling at sungchan, who was currently fighting with a tree branch that he just walked into, “pffft, you good there, sungie?”
he gave you a quick ‘yup’ and a thumbs up, raking his hands through his hair in case there were any leaves left in it, shaking his head like a dog that had just got out of water, “cool, cool, so, umm... prom?”
“yeah, what about it?” you hummed, stopping to reach and flick the lone leaf that sungchan missed out of those fluffy brown locks of his.
he froze in his place, not only because of the sudden eye contact, but also because what he’d just said had completely gone over your head, “i-i meant, i was asking, you know, what if, you and i–”
his speech dwindled to nothing short of a whisper, yet you had never wanted to hear anything more than you did right now, “go on, you can say it, sungchan.”
“would you like to, uhhh, go to prom, y’know... with me, together? as like, my date?” sungchan bared a toothy grin at you, scratching his nape out of nervousness.
you rolled your eyes at seeing your usually-loud best friend so sheepish in front of you, your heartbeat speeding up as his cheeks got redder the longer you stayed silent, “of course, i’d love to,” you giggled as he let out the breath even he didn’t know he was holding, ‘now that’s the only type of promposal i’d ever accept.’
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ramonahblog · 2 years
CBS Ghosts Review Ramble
Season One, Episode Seventeen: Attic Girl
Spoilers below the cut. 
Starting off in 1987. What year did Arrow-Guy die? Before or after or the same? 
Also stereotypical creepy setting despite it being the Woodstone Mansion.
Huh, I know there are a lot of myths/legends which are essentially “if you do anything more than lightly kiss as a teenager, you die,” but there is one specific one I’m thinking of. Where the guy gets out of the car while the chick is like “no” and she hears trees scraping the roof and she eventually gets out and the “Tree” scraping the roof was her murdered boyfriend’s feet all this time. Or she tries to get out only for her dead body to fall down from the roof. Cause that latter one makes so much sense. 
I know it said chainsaw killer but that’s what I thought of. Also damn, the casting credits really spoiled that, huh? 
Hetty hoping to possess someone again. 
“You actually booked a guest?!” Hetty giving off a surprise pikachu face here. I don’t even like Pokemon, I just like that meme. 
“You get to use that like two more times,” - Sam. Sorry, Sam. But when you ask your spouse to literally commit corpserobbing, that spouse gets to use that an infinite amount of times. Especially if they did it. 
Also I love how all the other ghosts are like “fair” when Jay responds as to why he gets the nicer chore. 
Here’s Stephanie. I can’t remember if I posted on tumblr or just said it in discord but I did say that if the show went with the expected ghost for Stephanie to have a crush on (Trevor), I would laugh. So *laughing*. 
Sam is like “WHY YOU NEVER TELL ME THERE WAS A GHOST IN AN ATTIC?!” but trying to be polite. This is twice now that the main ghosts haven’t told Sam about the other ghosts. I don’t want to make that two-nickel meme but just know that’s what I’m picturing. Feel free to make the meme yourself. 
Trevor’s face when Hetty goes “and Trevor has a crush on her” 
Okay so I’m assuming the Sam-Stephanie conflict comes from Stephanie’s  - omg I want to shorten her name so badly - crush on Trevor. And also, just letting you know I wrote Sam-Steph before realizing I had no idea if Stephanie was right (listen I was not kidding when I said I was awful with names) and that was not a good combo. 
 “I AM A GOD” - Alberta. Also love the fact that it is Alberta who is heard. Also does this still count as a new power? I feel like it doesn’t count as a new power because Alberta’s power has always been related to her voice. I don’t think it counts as a new power. It’s too similar.  
“Yes, I went down a rabbithole,” - Jay. Mood. Rabbitholes are sneaky. 
“Oh, a ghost Prom cause that doesn’t sound like the title to a horror movie,” - Jay. He’s killing (pffft accident, I swear) it this episode. Damn it google docs, I DON’T NEED THE FUCKING IN. Maybe I should just risk tumblr and its poor saves again. 
Lol Isaac getting Alberta to ask how Hamilton died. Apparently multiple times. 
Hetty is 100% down to be Isaac’s wingEwardian. I hope she actually is Edwardian and I did not fuck that up.WingVictorian just sounds weird. 
Ooof. No. 
I like how the other ghosts were drawing a hard line at no mean pranks (too bad they had no context so it comes across cruel anyway). Also love the fact that Pete (hey I got it!) is nowhere to be seen. 
And he is so confused. Also love how the other ghosts are immediately wtf? And are like “Stephanie no” once they have the context and immediately go to Sam to apologize. 
Lol at Trevor admitting he hadn’t gotten it. 
“Trying to defend you Sam, not making it easy,” - Pete. 
OMG, omg. I just realized Sam’s reaction to Trevor’s dating profile in Jay’s Sister is a lot better (worse?) with this context.  
Good try, ghosts. Kinda making it sound like you planned the whole thing out here. All you did was call Stephanie on her bluff about the “no one allowed at prom” thing. 
Alberta lol. 
“How are we even related?” - Hetty. :D
“Sucked off at prom? I suppose anything’s possible,” - Hetty. I’m laughing. My humour died at twelve and is now a ghost. I’m laughing. 
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A totally self indulgent compilation of my favorite works on this blog of the year June 13, 2020 - June 13, 2021
The following lists are all in chronological order according to the date each post was first published.
Top 10 panel edits:
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#1: It's our first morning
Date: Aug 20th, 2020 Time: ~ 2:18 h I really like how this one turned out!!! The 2020 Emma b-day edit has a lot of major panel redraws, but this is probably my favorite. I I really enjoy how I made the shadows work!! And the ear banfage looks pretty neat. Nice!!! Immagine
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#2: Norman birthday edit 2021
Date: Mar 20th, 2021 Time: ~ 2:21 h Awww, soft Norman :') There was a bit to redraw, but I think everything turned out pretty neat!!! I believe everything works out fine. Though looking back at it, the part of the ID I added is definitely top small :')
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#3: Manga dub: Yuugo gets knocked out
Date: Mar 27th, 2021 Time: ~ 5:05 h Here start the Manga Dub redraws to which I gave my everything ahah. This one turned out nice! I think the shoes turned out particularly good eheh. I like how Yuugo's clothing lineart- for the texture, I wanted to go for something heterogeneous, but I'm not fully confident in the final result. Gilda looks very rushed but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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#4: Manga dub: Yuugo makes his dramatic entrance
Date: Apr 5th, 2021 Time: ~ 4:02 h This is pretty cool!!!! The coat took ages to redraw, but sis it turned out perfect!!! I'm very proud of this.
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#5: Manga dub: RayGildEmma hug!!!
Date: Apr 9th, 2021 Time: ~ 1:31 h Awww, a beautiful panel I was really happy to have the chance to redraw. Taking into account what there was to redraw, I'm actually surprised with how little this took! Ray's backpack was a pain to make, but I think it turned out fine. I'm very happy with Emma and Ray's heads!!
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#6: Manga dub: Formalities
Date: Apr 12th, 2021 Time: ~ 5:31 h It is not always easy to give sense to Demizu's perspective, but I do my best!!! In this I am *so* happy with how Don and Ray turned out, they look neat! The background on the other hand... It took hours to make ahah. I'm not fully confident in the perspective, but I'm happy with the details I've added- I really did my best to make it look like athe other manga panels and I think it paid off!!!
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#7: Manga dub: We may be weaklings, but we're still alive
Date: Apr 30th, 2021 Time: ~ 1:37 h This little Emma is so cute!!!!!! I think the redraw turned out pretty perfect. I'm really satisfied with how this one turned out, and it's such a cute little Emma!!!! She's so brave and optimistic, I love her. It's a shame this panel didn't make it to the episode :')
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#8: Manga dub: Goldy Pond Gang
Date: May 7th, 2021 Time: ~ 8:44 h lmao This is probably the panel redraw I'm the most proud of ever :') Just think everyone turned out very nice!! The ceiling is not exactly perfect, but it still works somehow. I'm very happy with how Gillian's back turned out!! I don't really like the fading effect on the right, but 8h in I got pretty tired of working on this ahah
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#9: Manga dub: This is Goldy Pond
Date: May 21st, 2021 Time: ~ 1:29 h I'm very glad for how the Manga dub has been challenging me to learn to redraw backgrounds, something I had quite literally never tried before. It can be a little frustrating, but it's so satisfying to see the final cleaned piece!! With this panel, I also learnt to use copy and paste, which is something I had never done before beyond texture
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#10: Manga dub: Good morning doctor
Date: May 21st, 2021 Time: ~ 3:42 h This is another background that turned out pretty good!! That one Norman is one I knew I would have had to fully redraw sooner or lager- the background was a bonus ahah. I'm very happy with the final result!!
Top 5 edits as whole:
#1: The Promised Neverland manga ending edit
Date: Jun 14th 2020 Time: ~ 12h 41min (5h 45min of cleaning panels in the edit + 5h 37min of cleaning panels that didn't make it to the edit + 1h 19min of resizing) + time spent cleaning panels I've deleted the file of so I can't see lmao This is overall very nice!!! The concept of an Emma evolution through her back is cool, and I think overall the edit turned out very aesthetically pleasing. The concept idea came to me while I was working on the 2019 Emma's birthday edit, a long time before the manga ending announcement- back then I wouldn't have imagined using it in occasion of the manga ending, but I think it ended up making a nice tribute. The colors add a nice touch, since so far my edits had always been black and white- it makes a sweet closure. To make that edit I selected 76 panels of Emma framed from her back; I plan to make other versions of that edit using the discarded panels eventually!
#2: Emma - Chapter 181: Beyond Destiny
Date: Jul 12th 2020 Time: 2h 57min My last edit for the manga 🥺🥺 I think this one is my very "manga ending edit" because to me it really signed the ending of weekly chapters and their weekly chapter edits. It makes me a little sad to look at it, but it's also, I don't know, kinda sweet to see how I grew both in my panel cleaning and as a person since I first started my blog. I'm glad I got into TPN!
#3: Emma birthday edit 2020
Date: Aug 22nd 2020 Time: 8h 54min This one turned out so well!!! Though I used the same concept for all the trio edits, I think this one is the best one. The two panels on the left / two panels on the right alternation combo never fails ahah. The colors are nice (shout-out to my sister for making me a palette), despite the fact that it was hard for the lighter ones to make them work with the images without having those disappear. I'm very satisfied with the panels I chose for this, I think they work really good together! Also, it got me very happy to read everyone's comments saying they liked the fading effect in the last panel :)
#4: Emma + Eyes Close Ups [1/?]
Date: Jan 24th 2021 Time: 5h 55min This one was really nice!! Another idea I got when working on the 2019 Emma birthday edit I was glad to finally execute. Started the edit in September, finished it in December. I'm overall very happy with how it turned out... I hope I will be able to make more in the future!
#5: The Promised Neverland Parallels → (9/?) » 114 // 122
Date: Feb 23th 2021 Time: 5h 7min (panel cleaning only) Aaaaahh I really like this one!!!! A parallel I love very much, and I'm really happy with how the edit turned out. All the hair redrawing looks neat!!!! The gif is maybe a little excessive, but I think overall it's a nice edit. I like it!!! Fun fact, I completed it on August 26th 2020, but I couldn't find the right moment to post it ahah.
Honorable mention: The Promised Neverland Parallels → (5/?) » 08 // 16
Date: Aug 30th 2020 Time: 2h 52min (Second picture cleaning only; I deleted the first picture art file so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) I don't have much to say about this one except!! It turned out very nice!!!!! Love the pen lmao.
Top 10 analysis:
Too many analysis,,
#1: Post chapter 181 Emma analysis
Date: Jul 9th 2020 Mmmh a nice analysis. I think it was important for me to put down in words what I think of Emma's characterization and the manga ending, so I'm happy I did it!
#2: A long Oliver analysis because I love him very much
Date: Dec 6th 2020 What can I say I just love Oliver tons 😔😔💕💕 This was very fun to make!!!
#3: TPN s2 previsions
Date: Jan 14th 2021 Really love the effort that went into this + me proving that 11 episodes GP could have possibly worked + it's just a lot of fun to read again after s2 ended pffft
#4: More s2 delusional previsions lmao
Date: Jan 27th 2021 I think the points and previsions I made where pretty neat!! In my defense, it was pretty impossible to predict the anime would have ended with this season. I always feel honoured when friends and Anon ask for my opinion, I'm like "you wanna know what I think? Wow. I'm flattered (◍•ᴗ•◍) " Thank you to anyone who ever sent me an ask!!
#5: Why Emma not wearing pants is 𝕨𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕘
Date: Jan 29th 2021 Really proud of this!!! Pants Emma is important!!!!!
#6: Post episode 5 manga Emma analysis
Date: Feb 4th 2021 A depressed analysis, but a necessary one 😔
#7: Norman analysis
Date: Feb 12th 2021 I love him!!!! And I'm happy I eventually got to put down in words what I love about his character. The day I posted this ww3.readneverland was in maintenance so I couldn't use the volume scans for it- the thought of that post having fan edited and fan translated scans still haunts me
#8: RayDon rambles
Date: May 12th 2021 I had a blast writing this and like. It's likely the post of mine I reread more often of them all. I love this ship tons!!!!! I'm satisfied with how I put down in words what I like about them. I LOVE THIS SHIP
#9: Chapter 58 analysis
Date: May 23th 2021 I've wanted to express this concept since like the first time reading the manga- I'm so happy I finally did!!!! This concept is one of my absolute favorite things about tpn- the feelings that people are good. The concept that kids who got to live in an healthy and supportive environment will always be inclined to kindness and altruism, because humans are just inherently good. From the Three Character Classic: “people at birth are inherently good”. I want to have faith and courage to hold on the goodness in myself, and to hold on the goodness in the world, no matter how difficult it to do that (Chloé Zhao).
#10: Norman and Lambda squad relationship analysis
Date: May 24th 2021 I think this was a pretty sharp analysis and I like what I did with it!!
Other stuff:
#1: Krone birthday edit
Date: Jul 15th 2020 This edit is so good ;; Like not perfect since it was my first attempt at coloring gifs but still I believe it turned out so good ;;;;;; The time and effort that went unto this is crazy, but... Maybe I'm happy to have dedicated time to something I like for a satisfying result.
#2: Get to know my ship- Wolfpack Trio
Date: Aug 24th 2020 Uuuh a good post. A good ship.
#3: Gilda + blank glasses
Date: Aug 27th 2020 This is such a cute nice compilation!!! I love looking at it. A few panels are missing but still :')
#4: Apollo Ray AU
Date: Sep 7th 2020 (Though it was written Sep 2nd 2019 lmao) I'm so happy I finally gathered the courage to post this 😭😭 I really enjoy what I did with this AU, so this one and its other installments are all posts I have a lot of fun rereading. More than everything, I was astounded and overjoyed by the positive response it got: that gave me tons of confidence to put my ideas out there, no matter how unique they sound!!! Here's to hoping I will be able to post my RayEmma Hadestown AU, by other big AU from late summer 2019 :')
#5: TPN timeline project
Date: Dec 2nd 2020 This is like. I don't know it's a lot ahah. Arguably the project I'm the most proud of ever making. I'm just so happy of all the months long hard work and of the final result!! The post didn't receive much response (though the ones I got were extremely kind and sweethearted so that totally makes up for it), but in the end I don't really mind? I'm just so proud I accomplished that idea :')
#6: TPN calendar
Date: Jan 4th 2021 A nice sum of the tpn timeline + everyone's birth dates!!! I really like how it turned out visually. It's a cute little tpn calendar!!!
#7: Ray smiles compilation
Date: Jan 17th 2021 Ray's smile. That's it that's the post :')
#8: Trans Oliver headcanons
Date: Jan 24th 2021 MMMH really like this headcanon I think about it a lot
#9: Thoma and Lani theory
Date: Jan 28th 2021 I really don't want to brag but this is the best joke I've ever made :')
#10: My TPN AUs
Date: May 10th 2021 Ok you gotta admit those are very good AUs, I'm glad to have made a list out of them!!!
#11: Ranking Emma promotional art outfits
Date: May 16th 2021 This is one people seem to have liked a lot which makes me happy ahah. I'm glad to know we can all agree Emma deserves more pants outfits!! Please stop it with the gendered clothing :') This is the post I want to be remembered for
#12: TPN musicals AU part 2
Date: May 20th 2021 A GREAT POST I can't stretch enough how happy I am with those character-song associations. I hope I have time to make a part 3 in the future!!
#13: TPN Drive folder
Date: May 30th 2021 This was born as a way for me to have all the tpn extra contents easily accessible, but I'm happy to have shared it with people- I hope it will turn out to be useful to others too!
#14: TPN s2 recolorings
Date: Jun 12th 2021 A more diverse children cast is good for the soul :')
That's it, this year was really fun!! Thank you to everyone who supported me through it, I can't express how grateful I am for all the kindness and validation I received. Here's to many more months in the fandom!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
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pilot-boi · 4 years
Snowed In
The first snow of the school year was shaping up to be quite the storm. Not the blow your house down kind of storm, but definitely the bury your house in mountains of frozen water kind of storm.
Ren just wants to get some studying done if he can, and then stay in before the snow buries the whole campus. But he might not be getting buried alone, which might be less irritating than he thinks.
(Secret Santa for @katmotif )
Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful. And since we’ve no place to go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
The sky was growing dark outside, and stars would be twinkling into view if it weren’t for the thick blanket of clouds cushioning the sky. The air was crisp and cold, warning of frost and even colder weather to come.
After days of threatening, and warnings from the campus weather service that nobody heeded, the clouds that had been looming all week were finally fulfilling every student’s wish. Flakes of snow drifted silently from the heavens, dusting the roofs of buildings and cars alike.
While it was getting dark, it was not quite late enough for the streets to be abandoned. So occasionally a car would trundle past, making spotlights in the snow with its headlights. Or a particularly unlucky student would be seen trudging back to their dorm room through the gathering drifts.
One such student was Lie Ren, who was shuffling back to his dorm after a day of studying at the local coffee joint. As soon as the flakes started actually accumulating, he’d waved goodbye to his roommate Jaune, who was one of the unlucky employees, and had headed out the door.
Ren didn’t have a car, and he usually elected to walk around campus instead of employing some sort of transportation. So if he wanted to make it back to his room before the streets became completely un-navigable, he unfortunately had to leave much sooner than normal.
Jaune was not going to have fun biking back through all of this, poor guy.
So there Ren was, messenger bag slung over one shoulder, scarf wrapped tightly around his face, and water soaking through his shoes and into his socks. His breath fogged up the air in front of his face, and, more annoyingly, also fogged up his glasses.
Who needed eyesight anyway? He was seriously debating just taking them off, if only so he could freaking see.
Reaching his building, he swiped his card at the door, waved at the desk attendant, and hiked up all the flights of stairs to his room. He should have the room to himself for the rest of the evening, since Jaune was likely to be occupied at his job for the remainder of the night.
Ren wanted nothing more than to just sit at his desk with a cup of tea and let his mind relax into the comforting haze of schoolwork he already knew the answers to.
All his hopes were dashed when he got nearly tackled to the ground by what looked at first glance like a high-speed ball of cotton candy.
“Reeeeennnn!!” yelled the cotton candy ball, who revealed herself to be Nora Valkyrie. “You’re back already?” she demanded, already dragging him back into his dorm room.
“Nora? How are you here?” he asked, allowing himself to be dragged out of the hallway, through the common area, and into his room. “Did you bully Jaune into giving you his key? Again?” he continued, sighing slightly as he shrugged his scarf off his shoulders.
Nora pouted and plopped herself on his bed, kicking her legs petulantly. “Ren, do you have so little faith in me? I would never! Such baseless accusations, how could you?”
“Nora.” He wasn’t even looking at her as he took off his coat, but he could feel her rolling her eyes at him.
“Okay fine, yeah I did,” she replied, grinning cheekily. “But I promise it’s the last time!”
“Really?” he commented, grabbing his electric kettle and leaving Nora alone in the room to fill it with the water he needed. He didn’t believe her in the slightest. “I don’t believe you in the slightest.”
“Weeeeellll...” he heard Nora trail off noncommittally, in a way that didn’t get Ren’s hopes up at all. “I promise it’s the last time I steal Jaune’s room key!” Ren leveled an unconvinced look at her as he came back into the room. “No really, it is! I’m gonna get Ruby to 3D print me a copy in her next lab!”
She seemed extremely proud of her solution to the problem of how she was going to continue to break into his room. “Nora, I don’t think that’s allowed,” he reminded her, settling the kettle back onto its stand and setting it to boil.
Nora waved him off. “Pffft! Sure it’s not allowed! But it was either this, or breaking out the lock-picking kit Sun got me for my birthday.” Ren reminded himself to remind Jaune to complain to Neptune to yell at his boyfriend for giving Nora the disastrous present. “Besides, you never answered my first question!”
“Which question was that, exactly?” he asked, pulling out a couple of mugs, green tea for him, and specifically the box of non-caffeinated hot chocolate for Nora. Ren’s chances of getting any actual work done were lowered drastically by Nora being here, but they would be non-existent if she managed to get her hands on caffeine.
“Why you’re back so early!” she reminded him, stealing the container of marshmallows before he could stop her. Popping a few in her mouth, she commented, “I thought I’d be waiting around for-EV-er for you!”
“Have you been here that long already?” Ren asked, raising a fond eyebrow at her. He casually pulled the box of marshmallows back out of her hands and ignored her when she pouted. “If you eat all of these, there won’t be any left for your cocoa.”
“So what? They’re still ending up in my belly where they rightfully belong.”
“Now you’re ignoring my question.”
“Hmm? Oh right!” She bounced on his bed, kicking her shoes off to join Ren’s pair placed neatly at the foot of his bed. “But yeah my construction class got cancelled so I got done early. But you usually don’t get back until like freaking midnight!”
It was true. As much as the coffee shop was rarely quiet and he tended to get less work done than he would like, even there he still managed to get sucked into his work and not notice how much time was passing.
More times than not one of the employees would have to usher him out with a sheepish and apologetic smile because he was keeping them from closing up.
“So what’s the deal with that?” she asked, flopping onto her back to stare at him upside down. “Why’re you back already?”
“It’s snowing,” Ren replied simply, nodding at the darkening sky outside his window and the flakes that drifted past. “I wanted to get back before the roads disappeared,” he explained, lifting the whistling kettle off its stand and pouring twin streams of hot water into their mugs.
“What?!” Nora exclaimed, tumbling off his bed and somehow miraculously landing on her feet in a show of nimbleness that definitely would’ve eluded his roommate. “It’s snowing and you didn’t tell me?!”
Ren rolled his eyes at her mock display of offense, hand pressed to her chest and everything. “How was I supposed to know it was going to snow today specifically?” He set his tea to steep in one mug and poured a spoonful of cocoa mix into the other. “You’re the one who’s been waiting all week for this.”
He passed Nora her mug, who had to stop her bouncing to save herself from the burns the sugary drink would definitely give her despite her love of it.
Finally settling down at his desk with his bag and his books and a mountain of papers to finish, Ren got to work on his work. Not his work for work, of course, but damn if his psych professor didn’t make that class feel like a full time job anyway.
Nora started telling him about her day, and his mouth tilted up into a smile in spite of himself. After about a minute her mug was already empty, refilled twice more, and then abandoned. She set it next to his, and without thinking he removed it from the paper she’d set it on, and rotated it so that it faced the same way as his own mug.
Out of the corner of his eye, Ren could see her pacing back and forth and making huge gestures with her arms as she explained some disaster that a fellow stage hand got into. Ren knew that Nora knew that he was only half-listening, but he loved hearing about her day more than he was ready to acknowledge.
He’d comment every so often, and her eyes would light up every time he responded. Even the glimpses he got of her bright-eyed freckle-faced smile were enough to warm him more than the tea ever could.
After about a half an hour of no interruptions, filled with blissful quiet, productive work, and no cocoa refills, he started to get suspicious. Nora not babbling extensively was… oddly off-putting.
It was like when a canary suddenly went silent in a coal mine. You knew something had gone terribly wrong with the universe.
But honestly what was most strange was that he missed her rambling. Ren would’ve thought that she would distract him, but somehow the silence of his room was more deafening than she ever could have been.
He didn’t know how, but he’d gotten used to her stream of consciousness. And now with it gone, when normally he wouldn’t have even noticed that it was happening, its absence was louder than her actual speaking.
Unable to focus on working now, for reasons that eluded him, he sighed and tilted back into his chair. It was really coming down out there, he would barely see the sidewalk outside. And judging by the sky that he couldn’t see, night had well and truly fallen.
And then his eyes landed on Nora.
She was laying sprawled on his bed, one arm looped around his pillow and one hanging over the edge. Still fully clothed, red hair falling like a halo around her head, and completely and utterly asleep.
Well that explained the quiet.
Ren just stared at her for a moment, struck dumb for reasons he couldn’t quite articulate. Something about how he was just now realizing that he’d never seen her quite this peaceful before.
Still fully mobile off course, not even sleep could down Nora Valkyrie completely. Even as he watched she rolled over, pushed the pillow she was holding off the bed, and grumbled something about pancakes under her breath at now finding the pillow missing. Or maybe it was at the missing pancakes, who could say.
But she seemed calm. And exhausted, now that she was keeping still enough for him to really look at her. Dark circles painted the pale skin beneath her eyes, and her naturally frizzy hair stuck up more than even it normally did.
Ren stood up, took one step towards her, and hesitated.
Should he wake her up?
No. He couldn’t wake her up, especially not now that he saw how much she needed the sleep. And, he glanced out the window again, especially not now that the snow was making it dangerous nigh impossible for her to walk back to her own dorm. Even if she wasn’t exhausted Ren didn’t know if he’d be comfortable with her walking back alone in this weather.
And she looked so comfortable, so who was he to move her, really?
Sighing, Ren resolved to let her stay sleeping in his bed and also resolved to bunk on the floor. Or maybe he’d borrow Jaune’s room, as it looked like his roommate had given up on returning home.
After one final sip of tea, he pulled the drawstring to close the blinds and clicked off his lamp. Now the room was lit only by the cool light of the moon. Nora’s hair shone like fire.
He pulled his sweater off, determined that at least one of them would be going to sleep tonight in the correct attire, and folded it neatly. He climbed up onto the bed, intending to pull the blanket more firmly around Nora’s shoulders before leaving, but instead he yelped when she grabbed him and pulled him down.
Lacking the pillow she’d been holding, it looked like she’d made do with him.
Ren froze in her grasp, only remembering to breathe when he saw that she was in fact still asleep. Freckles like a million constellations layered on top of each other speckled their way across her nose and cheeks. Her eyelashes were long and a paler orange than her hair.
Without thinking, Ren wriggled one arm out of her tight grasp and brushed a stray lock of hair off her face.
He froze again, flushed as deep a pink as his eyes, his arm hovering in the air above them. Why the hell did he do that? What if she woke up, what would he do then? What if-
Nora mumbled something else under her breath, and Ren calmed down. He willed the flush out of his face and in froze. Good. Still asleep.
And he was still trapped, but there wasn’t much he could do about that now. Actually...
One arm was pinned to his side, but the other was now free, and having already decided to not wake her up, he instead pulled the blanket up the rest off the way to cover them both.
Shifting as much as he could, he got comfortable and resigned himself to a long night of probably no sleep.
Nora’s grip relaxed, and she nuzzled into his chest. Maybe she somehow knew that he wasn’t going anywhere. This warmed Ren more than the blanket was, and a soft smile spread on his face for a person who was too asleep to notice.
Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad.
The snow fell outside, blanketing the world in white flakes. Ren would normally have watched them drift past his window, but he was already fast asleep.
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fateinthestars · 9 months
Hmm how about another review/ramble post for SCM? Let's cover this one today:
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'His Divine Succor'
This set includes stories for: Leon, Scorpio, Zyglavis
Spoilers under cut.
Just to put some context here cos the title doesn't tell you much: a collaboration at MC's work falls through and she could do with some cheering up. These are also from the God's POV.
Pfft. Karno I think you might regret saying the normal gods can't keep up with Leon's speed, especially as he literally suggests out loud that you mean his usual slacking is just the right speed for everyone else. 🤣
Okay leaving that aside, Leon's very good at reading MC. He notices immediately that something is wrong.
Man I'm supposed to be talking about Leon but I keep getting distracred by Karno in this one... I mean...
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Pffft 😂
This whole Leon and Karno interaction is rather sweet actually.
Where was I? Oh yes, Leon helps MC feel better in typical Leon fashion.
It's kinda amusing how he doesn't like anyone else being responsible for her mood either. Like how dare someone cause something that mean she's unhappy in his presence. 😆
One interesting character bit I do want to mention though is when MC says that a Wishes God can't punish someone, Leon's retort is he'd get 'Ichthys or someone' to do it for him...
Now then, yeah he added or someone to it, but why did he specifically choose to single out Ichthys? I guess because at this point he's far calmer he's just hinting to MC that he isn't being serious?
Anyway, I'm afraid I think I'm more enamoured with the Leon and Karno interacrions with this more so than the stuff with MC. 😅
Aww poor Scorpio. He wants to help but also doesn't want to do the wrong thing.
Also the sheer audacity of the King in this one, especially considering what he's like in Scorpio's path. Grrr....
The King's part in this one raises all sorts of questions actually, like why was he talking to Teo and Ikky to find out about this and why is it Dui that has to tell Scorpio the King wants to see him?
Why am I asking these questions? The answer is as obvious as it always is: He's bored isn't he?
Still, it's nice to get just the softer side of Scorpio for the majority of the story for once.
Poor Zig. He asks MC immediately what's wrong because he's straight and to the point but as per usual his work commitments are an issue.
He's so upset with himself for not listening straight away.
Plus really he's an utter sweetheart here. Especially the way in which he utilises his shadow.
Oh sweet protective Zyglavis 🥰
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Poor Zyglaivs' internal battles with himself. No wonder his Promise of Infinity story turns out the way it does.
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c-optimistic · 4 years
Hi C-Optimistic, Anon here to help you out of your angst woes. 😔 As for a prompt idea, how about this: Post 100th episode, Lena says f**k this s**t im out and f**ks off to Ireland. Just leave National City and all the drama, finds a quite cottage in the countryside, and get her head on straight (Lena POV).
hey anon, I appreciate you
“Villain,” she muttered to herself as she put the car in park and got out of the driver’s seat, slamming the door shut. “I’ll show you villain,” she continued mutinously, stalking over to the only building for miles.
“Uh, Lena, don’t you think maybe you should—”
“—I should what?” Lena demanded, not pausing for a moment. She pushed the door to the building open, using a little more force than strictly necessary, and stepped inside. Instantly, she coughed at the dust, looking around at the ramshackled cottage with a little bit of distaste. “I thought it would be...more homely,” she said, all her anger dissipating at the sight of her new residence for the foreseeable future.
“You bought an abandoned cottage in the middle of nowhere and you thought it would be homely?”
“It’s not the middle of nowhere,” Lena said immediately, defensive. “This is the countryside. It’s in the country.” She sounded weak to her own ears, and she knew her stalker had noticed, because she let out a soft sigh, coming up behind Lena and reaching out—almost as if she wanted to touch Lena’s shoulder.
“Lena, come on,” she said, in her annoying soft voice, “I know you’re upset, but come back home.”
“Home? Anywhere you are is not home,” Lena spat, turning to glare at her stalker. “Why don’t you just leave me alone? You’ve made yourself perfectly clear. I’m done with Lex, I’m done with you, I’m done with it all.” She gestured wildly at the dilapidated cottage. “I’m having an early retirement.”  
“Lena, please—”
But Lena was unwilling to listen.
“Leave,” she hissed, eyes narrowed, shoving her stalker in the chest when she didn’t immediately move. It was like pushing at a boulder. “I said go, Kara!”
And finally, with slumped shoulders and a sad sigh, Kara listened.
She noticed Kara skulking about not a week later.
Lena had bicycled down to the nearest town, enjoying the excellent weather as she rode, her thoughts on her list of things she needed from the market. There were supplies she needed to order as she continued to work on her cottage, but there were also some in-season fruits she waited all week for, still excited at the prospect of freshly picked berries.
(Not for the first time, she wished her own garden was further along, and that growing things wasn’t so...slow.)
Kara was at the market.
She wasn’t being sneaky. Not really. She was ambling about, charming the locals with her bright smile and excited questions, blushing profusely when a little girl accused her of looking familiar, almost like Supergirl. (“Pffft,” Kara had said loudly, her voice unintentionally carrying over to Lena as she tried to hide her awkwardness and failed, “that’s a strange thing—what an interesting—what would she even be doing...nooo, I look like me. Just like me.”) She clearly wasn’t attempting to hide her presence from Lena, but Lena—who remembered quite clearly telling Kara to leave—was annoyed.
So she settled on ignoring Kara’s presence entirely.
It worked, for the most part. She did find her eyes straying at one point, when Kara was busy with a little boy, her eyes screwed up in concentration, her tongue sticking out, as she attempted to fix whatever toy she’d accidentally stepped on while failing miserably at following Lena covertly.
(It wasn’t until much later, when Lena was fixing herself dinner back at her more rugged than ramshackled cottage, that she wondered if Kara had done it all on purpose. The following loudly from a distance, never approaching, never making actual contact.
To suggest her friendship and presence would go nowhere, while also respecting Lena’s boundaries—making it quite clear she would not approach unless Lena initiated the contact.
It made Lena roll her eyes, a traitorous smile tugging at her lips.)
In her third week of solitude, Lena woke up one morning to letters.
A large stack, resting innocently behind her door, held together by a waxy piece of string she recognized from the town’s bookstore. Lena looked up and around her property, but she saw no sign of blue and red, so she bit her lip and picked up the letters.
It took her another whole day before she was mentally ready to open them.
They were from everyone—or, for the most part, that was. Letters from Nia, from Brainy, from Alex and Kelly (the way that letter was worded making Lena think it was written by Kelly), even a letter from J’onn. They were apologies, pleas for her to return, admissions of fault and guilt, and one (clearly written by Alex alone, without Kelly’s soft touch) that brought up all Lena had done and how that was painful too. Nia had given updates about National City, Brainy talked about some ideas he had for some of Lena’s R&D projects—abandoned, she supposed, now that she was here and Lex was still back in National City—and J’onn wrote about heroes and M’gann, and those who managed to buck what everyone expected them to be, just to be who they actually were.
The absence of Kara, in any of it, was glaring. No mentions of Kara (or Supergirl) in the letters, none of them written in Kara’s neat, loopy hand, not even a whiff of anything to do with the reporter, even though she was the only one who could’ve brought all these unmarked letters to her doorstep.
For whatever reason, it made Lena angry. She had been stalked and followed, Kara popping into town every time she happened to be there, but she couldn’t get a single, measly letter?
Well, she would show Kara, she thought to herself as she folded all the letters back up and shoved them in the envelopes. She would show her.
“You,” she told Kara unceremoniously in the middle of town—in the market, right in front of a stand full of cabbages—eyeing her former best friend with as much heat as she could muster (which, well, wasn’t much), “are such an idiot.”
And then she left.
Kara followed.
It took a few days, but the next time she saw Kara, it wasn’t as she hid behind locals and pretended to be endlessly interested in fresh vegetables. It was outside her door, moments after a soft knock.
“Hi,” Kara said, not quite meeting Lena’s eyes. “I brought you some things I thought you might miss from National City.” (An enormous bag was at her feet, full of what looked to be books, some tech Lena had been tinkering with in her spare time and had left in her apartment, photos and the like, and even takeout from Big Belly Burger.)
“Right,” Lena said slowly, letting out a breath. “Thanks.”
(If Kara expected to be invited in and was surprised when she wasn’t, she didn’t show it. If anything, she looked pleased at the two words Lena did speak.)
“Right, well. I’d best be off. Alex is making me spend time with her and Kelly. She says I’ve been distant lately and she doesn’t like what it’s been doing to our work relationship. By which I think she just misses me, but doesn’t want to admit it,” Kara rambled, taking several steps back as she spoke. (Lena missed that, she realized suddenly. She missed Kara’s stupid quirks, her soft voice. No matter how tainted their friendship now was, she still missed her best friend.)
Kara’s fingers had reached up to her glasses when Lena found her voice.
“How did you find me?” she asked, swallowing a little bit, wanting to hide just how much she wanted the answer to this question. “I took so many precautions, to make sure Lex couldn’t track me. New bank accounts, buying this cottage in another name….” She trailed off, suggesting all the work she’d put into finding this cottage without anyone knowing. “So what did I miss? And why hasn’t Lex been here yet?”
It was a mildly suggestive question—what did you do, she wanted to ask, but didn’t. What did you do that made Lex not find the same thing that led you here? What did you do to Lex?
“I didn’t find you because of a paper trail, Lena,” Kara said, her tone changing so much that Lena felt her heart pound harder and faster in response. “I don’t think you made any mistakes.”
“So how did you find me? You were at the cottage the same time I was. How?”
For a moment, it didn’t look like Kara would respond. But then:
“When I’m overwhelmed, especially by noise, I latch onto things that are familiar and comforting to me,” she explained slowly, shaking her head when Lena tried to interrupt. “I listen for Alex’s voice, Nia’s snores, and um,” she paused, her cheeks flaming, “your heartbeat.” She fiddled with her fingers, not meeting Lena’s eyes anymore. “Since we, well—I’d been listening to it more often. And then one day it was gone from National City, and I panicked, so I started searching for it...and found you while you were on your way here.”
“You found me by my heartbeat?” Lena asked, incredulous.
“It’s one of my favorite sounds,” Kara said, clearly without thinking, her hands nearly flying to her mouth and her eyes widening in panic. (And Lena’s traitorous heart pounded harder and harder in response, as if crying out for Kara to hear it.) “Lena,” Kara continued after a long moment, “are you planning on staying here?”
(Lena wondered what this was. A question for a question? Answer for an answer?
Or was it what it actually sounded like? Kara, her former best friend, longing to have Lena come back.)
“I don’t know,” Lena answered honestly. “There’s nothing for me to go back for.” She managed to leave off the yet, but just barely. Oddly, Kara didn’t seem to notice, if her crestfallen expression was anything to go by.
“Okay,” she said, nodding curtly. “I understand. I’ll leave you, uh, to it then.”
“I could use company. Sometimes. If you’re free,” Lena blurted as Kara bent at the knees and one hand went up to her glasses. “It would be...nice, I think.”
And Kara’s blinding smile was answer enough for Lena’s unasked question.
“How are you all managing without me there, anyway?” Lena asked some weeks later, somewhat used to their new give and take, somewhat used to Kara’s presence in her small cottage, feeling safe enough to ask and her curiosity finally getting the best of her.
Kara didn’t even look up from the recipe she was trying to work out, biting her lip as she leaned closer to the book, her forehead resting on the page, as if she hoped she’d learn how to cook through the power of osmosis.
“Not great,” she answered honestly, not looking up. “But that’s to be expected.”
“What does that mean?”
Kara pulled away from the book, eyeing Lena oddly, as if she was missing something obvious. “It’s crazy that you don’t see how important you are to m—us.”
Lena didn’t comment on Kara’s slip, nor did she allow herself to think about how it was her personally that mattered, and not her contributions, in Kara’s mind.
At least, she didn’t allow herself to think about it too much.
“Sometimes I get bored out here,” Lena admitted.
“I could bring you more things to do. More of your projects, more books?”
“That’s not it,” Lena sighed, pushing a cup of tea Kara’s way. Her cottage was homely now. Full of light and flowers and smelling of freshly baked cookies. She wondered why it didn’t feel like home unless she was sharing it with someone else. “I supposed I’m jealous. Of you and the others,” she clarified at Kara’s curious look. “Game nights and lunch and all that? I miss it.”
“Oh. Well, you’re not missing much.”
“We haven’t done any of that since you left. It’s not the same without you.”
“Why do you keep coming back?” Lena asked one day, months down the line. Kara was helping in the garden, mud drying on her forehead where she wiped at it with the back of her hand. “Surely there’s something else you’d rather do. What about that guy, the one who asked you out?”
“Who?” Kara answered absentmindedly, tugging on a stubborn weed. “Ohh,” she continued, laughing a little as it finally clicked and she used a bit of her super strength, the weed flying out of the ground. “I always forget about him. Is that terrible?”
“Kara,” Lena admonished, waiting for an answer to her actual question.
“I don’t know what to tell you,” Kara admitted, leaning back so that she was sitting on her heels, turning to face Lena with a frown. “This is where I want to be.”
“Are you just here to convince me to come back?” Lena asked, several hours later, when the two of them were at her small table, having dinner. “Is that it?” (Fear made her ask. Anxiety made her ask. Curiosity made her ask. But also...well, hope made her ask.)
Kara was silent for a long moment, then she let out a deep breath. “I think, in the beginning. Yes. I kept coming because I wanted you to come home with me.”
“But now?”
“Now, I just want you to be happy. Wherever that is.”
Lena nodded, looking away from Kara after a moment. “National City was never my home,” she said, unsure why she said it, why she didn’t explain when Kara’s face fell but nodded knowingly.
“I get it,” she said, tone sad, but eyes flaming with promise. “I’m glad you made a home here. And I’ll keep you company as long as you’ll have me.”
No, you missed the point, Lena wanted to say. This cottage wasn’t her home either.
She didn’t worry when Kara didn’t visit for a week. She didn’t even worry when it stretched out for two. There was always something going on in the world, and she knew she couldn’t monopolize Kara’s time. But when two weeks stretched into a third, Lena knew something was wrong.
It was confirmed the moment she entered town, and walked into the nearest pub, seeing nearly half the townsfolk in there, all of them watching the television screen intently. Lena followed their gaze, and immediately, her heart sank at the breaking news playing out on the screen:
Supergirl still missing, traces of kryptonite at last spot she was seen
Lena turned around and rushed to her cottage, biking furiously, grabbing everything she needed for a trip back to National City.
Back to Kara.
After days of furious work, helping Alex and Brainy, allowing Nia to bully her into a nap, sighing in resignation when Kelly mediated an awkward hug between herself and Alex, and avoiding J’onn’s knowing gazes, Kara finally woke up.
She was still groggy, but a smile immediately tugged on her lips the moment her eyes fell on Lena.
“Am I dreaming,” she asked, holding her hand out for Lena to take, seemingly shocked when Lena actually took it, “or are you actually here with me?”
“I had to come back home,” Lena whispered, heart thudding in her chest. Kara’s eyes shut, even as her smile grew wider, and Lena knew she understood.
National City was never her home. Neither was that cottage.
Kara was.
(And from the way Lena’s heart pounded when Kara’s fingers intertwined with Lena’s, well, she didn’t think that would change anytime soon.)
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Lamia Drama Part 10
I don’t think there’s anything impenetrable to non-DnD fans here... But here’s some basics on the classes anyways:
Monks are fast and good at fist to fist fighting, barbarians are tanky berserkers, sorcerers have inborn magic, druids have nature magic, clerics have god-granted magic, warlocks make pacts with patrons, fighters just got good with weapons and standard melee fighting.
Again, I’ll tag and link properly later, gotta go get foooood. But nothing majorly angsty anyways.
Previous Beginning Next
           Keith took a deep breath as everyone settled around the table, hands stuffed firmly in his pockets. A mixture of excitement and nerves were bunched up inside his soul and he hoped Alex couldn’t feel it, though she seemed genuinely clueless so far. Either that, or a far better roleplayer than he anticipated. The tip of his tail was sweeping back and forth on the floor as he scratched lightly at the insides of his pockets, desperate to find some way to dissipate some of his energy. Still, he wasn’t going to start until everyone was settled in.
           It was a round table, easy to see everyone. Keith had offered Alex a spot on his left. Oozy was sitting on her left, then Nikolai, then Liam, then Hux, then Keith. Trousle had claimed the middle of the table.  
Most had already gotten their drinks ready, but Hux was buying some chips from the vending machine… Or rather, he was convincing Nikolai to buy him chips from the vending machine, given that he was the one who actually had a paycheck. Alex had bought herself a tea from the vending machine and Liam had prepared his “Health Potion” which was really just an extra-sour red cherry slushy. Also…
“I’ve brought you all some snacks, no need to thank me,” Liam said, plopping a Tupperware full of chocolate and peanut butter no-bake cookies on the table. He crossed his arms and smirked, head held high.
Alex did a double-take, looking at her bag, “When did you…?!”
Keith stifled a laugh, “Liam, no.” He was pretty sure Alex intended to share those anyways, and his own mouth was already watering, but still.
           “Liam yes!” Liam said, cackling dramatically.
           Hux already had a cookie in his mouth.
           Nikolai lightly swatted him, “Ask first…”
           “What,” Hux said through a mouthful of cookie. “They’re to share.”
           “I mean, yes… Go ahead, but not gonna lie, I’ll probably eat way too many by myself,” Alex said, grabbing a cookie.
           “See?” Hux said.
           Nikolai rolled his eyes and politely took one – he didn’t care much for sweets, but wouldn’t turn it down. He gave one of the smaller globs to Trousle, and Keith took that as a go-ahead. It practically melted in his mouth, cocoa and peanut butter melting into a sweet cream as the oats gave it just enough weight to count as solid matter. It was deliciously rich, not over-sweet, but still very much a dessert. He was tempted to reach for another, but maybe he should hold back…
           Well Alex has already gotten a plate and taken four, so no reason he can’t have another…
           “How did you do that by the way? I didn’t even hear the zipper,” Alex said, looking to Liam.
           “A great hunter never reveals his secrets~”    
           “He’s sneaky, you have to watch out for him,” Nikolai said. “But speaking of which, I was actually thinking of trying out a rogue…”
           “Daaaang. Playing against type?” Hux said. “Ain’t like you to be anything but a healer.”
           Nikolai shrugged, “I figured I’d give it a try.”
           “Respect,” Hux said. “That said, I’m making a Totem Barbarian.”
           Trousle rolled his eyes, “You never play anything else!”
           “It works, don’t it?”
           “It’s boring!”
           “I have to agree,” Liam said. “It’s like you’re just playing the same person every time…”
           Keith decided to cut in before this could get ugly, “Let him play what he wants.” If Hux wanted to play the same character with a name change, then let him. It’s a game, might as well have fun with it.
           “Thank you,” Hux said.
           “Alex, what’re you thinking?” Keith said.
           “I mean, I’ve got a lot of characters I could maybe use? Do you have a setting in mind, or…?”
           “Go nuts dude,” Keith said. “As long as it ain’t completely broken, I’m down for most things.”
           Alex’s face lit up. “In that case… Gimme a minute here.” She pulled a notebook from her bag and started scribbling furiously, making little bullet points, rambling in words, all sorts of things. It was a chaotic, disorganized mess, and Keith could absolutely feel the excitement pouring off of her, making it even harder to sit still. Apparently she felt the same, her foot was shaking a mile a minute, and any time she wasn’t writing, her pencil tapped against the page.
           Trousle slithered over, peaking at her notes, and Liam leaned over smiling like a cat with a canary. They were probably happy to have another roleplayer at the table.
           Hux, however, was glaring at Alex’s foot, “Can… can you not? Like, that’s kinda distracting.”
           “Hmm?” Alex said. “Ah… sorry. Which part?”
           “Stop shaking your damn foot.”
           Alex nodded, crossing her legs. Keith bit his tongue – it was a reasonable request, but he was tempted to hiss at Hux. He dug his claws into the insides of his hoodie instead, feeing the fabric catch and finding the little hole he’d worn in his left pocket. It didn’t feel like enough, he wanted to move, wanted to do something to let out some of this pent up energy – since when did he have this much anyways?
           Alex started rocking in her chair, making it clack as it hit the floor – it was off balance – and some of his anxiousness subsided as he listened to the steady rhythm of clacking.
           “… dude,” Hux said. “That’s not any better! That’s actively worse!”
           Keith was tempted to tell him to shove it up his ass, but thankfully Nikolai spoke first, “Just let her. No one else is bothered, are you?”
           “Nope,” Keith said.
           Trousle and Liam shook their heads.
           “Do you want me to do this somewhere else?” Alex said.
           “Yer fine,” Keith said. “Whatcha thinking about anyways?” Change the topic…
           She perked up a little at that, looking over her notes, “I was thinking maybe a warlock contracted out by the Fey? That seems kinda obvious though, so I figured, why does it have to be a warlock? I’ve already made a lot of those anyways.
           “So, like… Here’s another idea. Maybe my character got traded away as a kid? Like a changeling sort of thing! They’ve lived with the fey for a lot of their life, but didn’t have the magic they did since they’re just a normal human. But they’ve had some opportunity to learn since, y’know, they’ve lived in fae realms. I’m thinking maybe the magic infected them somehow and they ended up a wild magic sorcerer? Or maybe got CURSED and ended up a sorcerer! And maybe they’ll meet the person who replaced them one day, and they’re used to contracts and stuff, and, uh…
           “It’s still kind of rough. I put this together in, like, five minutes guys.”
           “I think I can work with this…” Liam purred. “I want to play the changeling that replaced her character in the mortal realm.”
           “OH THAT’S REALLY COOL!” Alex squealed, bouncing in her seat.
           “Dude, you can’t have all the fae abilities, y’know that, right?” Keith said. He tended towards rule of fun, but there still had to be SOME boundaries…
           “I’d be disappointed if you did! At least, not right off the bat. My character’s been raised as human and only knows of the mortal realm. Perhaps a fighter… With shades of sorcerer. We can work it out.”
           “I like it! I might change my class though, is that okay?” Alex said. “I’m not really sure which to use for this…”
           “Can I be a fairy companion? Maybe I was sent to watch over Liam’s character and that’s how he started finding out about his heritage? Or to protect him? Maybe he’s important!” Trousle said. “I can take healer and support! Maybe a cleric? Or a druid! Yeah! A druid!”
           Keith grinned, these guys were putting it all together themselves! “Y’know what, go for it!” This was practically writing itself…
           “In this case… I think I’ll play a rogue who specializes in shady political dealings. Particularly fey contracts,” Nikolai said.
           “Sounds perfect to me.”
           “I, uh… I work for Nikolai’s dude. Contracted barbarian, I guess,” Hux said. Roleplay was never his strong suit.
           Keith nodded, “I’ll get to drafting stuff…. And Oozy?”
           … Oozy yawned, waking up from a half-doze. “Hmm? Oh… sorry. Yeah, I made one while you guys were talking.” He slid a character sheet over.
           Keith raised the ridge of his eye-socket, “A gnome monk?”
           “Yep. It’s gonna be terrible.” He grinned, a twinkle in his eyes. “Or more accurately… A G’nome G’ninja.”
           “Pffft. Perfect,” Keith said.
           Looks like they had a campaign.
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maythefandomsbwithu · 4 years
Tattoo artist/ florist au part (1) 2
Sumarry: As it turns out, both Jaskier and Geralt have some very perceptive women in their lives. Jaskier vents about his crush to Ciri while Yennefer tries to pry something out of Geralt about his.
As it turns out Ciri was extremely perceptive and knew something was up the minute she walked back into the shop. Jaskier was standing in the middle of the floor leaning on his brush with that lovestruck look on his face that she’d seen a million times before.
“Who do you have a crush on now?” She demanded, rolling her eyes as the brush slipped from its position and he almost fell.
“What? Me? A crush? Pffft, don’t be ridiculous Ciri, I’m too old for crushes.” He babbled in his defence. Damn her, smart little shit. He needed to get off this topic before she could weasel the truth out of him. She had a knack for reading him like a book, just like her mother. “Anyway, where’s my coffee, I’m thirsty.”
“Yeah you are thirsty.” Ciri snorted at the affronted sound her uncle made as he snatched the iced coffee form her and took a gulp. “It’s the hot tattoo guy from next door, isn’t it?” She asked, innocently sipping on her frappuccino.
Jaskier promptly spat his coffee all over himself, all over the floor, and almost all over Ciri, if she hadn’t tactically stepped back before she said anything. “What? Hot...Tattoo…Don’t be…CIRILLA CINTRA!” He spluttered. He knew by the smirk on her face that he wasn’t fooling her for a second. “How do you even know about him? I only just met him! And what do you mean hot? He’s waaaay too old for you!” He fussed about trying to find something to clean himself with as Ciri just laughed at him. Little brat.
Ciri was in stitches. Jaskier was so easy to wind up. “I saw him walk out of the shop, like, two seconds ago, genius. And I’ve seen him around, he does work next door you know.” She sassed him. Of course she’d seen him, the guy wasn’t exactly hard to miss. “And as for him being hot, I’m seventeen not fucking blind. And I meant that you thought he was hot, judging by that dumb, lovestruck look on your face.”
“I did not have a dumb, lovestruck look on my face.” Jaskier huffed, crossing his arms like a child. He almost felt betrayed that Ciri hadn’t told him about the new neighbours if she supposedly knew so much about them. Especially when their new neighbour was so hot… Fuck! He could see Ciri giving him a sceptical look. He stuck his tongue out at her. “I didn’t. I was just… thinking.”
Ciri snorted, “Yeah, thinking about how hot he is. You’re not fooling anyone, uncle Jaskier, least of all me.” She rolled her eyes once more for good measure and went to find a mop to clean up the spilled coffee. When she came back Jaskier was dabbing at himself with a tissue absently, with that dreamy look in his eye again. She gave an extremely put-on long-suffering sigh. “Okay, tell me about him.” She demanded.
His eyes snapped up in surprise. “What?” he squawked. “What do you mean tell you about him?”
If Ciri rolled her eyes any harder she’d flip the world upside down. “I mean you need to vent and I’m volunteering to listen to your lovesick ramblings.” She finished cleaning up the coffee and hopped up on the counter. She shuffled to get comfy. “Okay, now go.”
His mouth flapped open and closed like a fish before he gave in. This is what they did. If either of them found a new interest or had a bad day or, in this case, had a crush, one would listen while the other vented. He trusted that although she may ridicule him, she would take his secrets to the grave. And he hers. His thoughts drifted back to Geralt. He hardly knew the man but he was intrigued. He wanted to know more. He wanted to know the person behind the frankly gorgeous exterior. “Where to begin?” He sighed.
“Maybe with his name?” Ciri suggested cheekily, earning a pointed look form her uncle which she returned with a more mocking air to it.
“Geralt Rivia.” The first time the name passed his lips it was like opening the flood gates for a multitude of romantic fantasies. It was like he was an enamoured tween, scribbling Geralt’s name with his in a secret note book over and over with pink sparkly gel pen that smelled like strawberries surrounding it with love hearts and flowers. He didn’t even realise how caught up in his thoughts he’d become until Ciri cleared her throat.
Oh gods, her uncle had it bad. He’d only met the guy once but he couldn’t even say his name without drifting off to Lalaland. She tried hard not to scoff at him, she was the one who you would expect to sigh dreamily over boys, not him. “So, he has a name. Cool. And?” She made a sort of ‘get on with it’ type gesture.
Jaskier made an affronted noise. “And? And! Have you seen him Ciri? He’s magnificent. He looks like some kind of lesser known deity, and I would happily bow down and worship him.” Now he was getting started, he couldn’t stop the stream of Geralt’s praise that flowed form his lips. “Don’t get me started about his hair! I bet when its down its soft and flowy and frames his face perfectly. I could sit and play with it for hours. I know he’s not my usual type but come on! He’s got a kind of rugged charm about him, with his tattoos and his muscles and his jawline, ugh I could cut myself just looking at that jawline. And he’s, how the kids say, thicc.”
“Uncle Jaskier!” Ciri exclaimed through her giggles. Old people trying to be cool were hilarious. “I knew I’d regret teaching you modern slang.”
“Hey, I’m cool! I can be down with the kids.” Jaskier grinned at her. “With your meemees and your snappy chats.”
“They’re called memes Jaskier! And you know that!” Ciri countered, still laughing. After they’d both recomposed themselves after their fit of giggles Ciri leaned back on her hands and grinned at her uncle. “Are you done with your ode to Geralt yet or do you have more to add?”
“I’m sure there’s more I can say. Where was I? Ah, him being thicc.” This caused another round of giggles between them. “Seriously though Ciri, he has no business being that handsome.”
Ciri rolled her eyes again, seriously that girl is going to get eye strain, like damn! “Okay, he’s handsome, I get it.” There was only so much she could listen to. “So why was he even here?”
“Alas my knight in ripped jeans didn’t come to sweep me off my feet, if that’s what you mean. He came for inspiration for a tattoo.” Jaskier sighed, wishing he had been the reason for Geralt’s visit. However, this made him remember something that gave him back some of his enthusiasm. “But he’s coming back my dear Ciri! Perhaps it was fate that we had no sunflowers left because he’s coming back on Monday when we restock!”
“Oh joy!” Ciri imitated sarcastically, over-exaggerating the way she bounced in excitement as he had. “Maybe this time you can profess your undying love and ride off into the sunset.” She teased.
Jaskier pouted dramatically and crossed his arms. “Ha-ha Ciri, you’re so funny. I’ll have you know I already have a plan.”
“Really, let me guess.” she scoffed, “You’re going to take him on a moon-lit picnic and braid flowers into his hair. You’ll serenade him as you walk down the beach before dropping to one knee and professing your undying love for him and begging him to elope with you. You’ll be happy in a hidden cottage in the woods while you grow your own vegetables and talk to the forest animals. And even though its hard work and the nights are cold, you won’t care because you’ll have him to keep you safe and warm.” She paused her mocking rant to glance at Jaskier’s reaction. He had his hands on his hips and a was gaping at her. She laughed. “Too much?”
He rolled his eyes. “No, those were all lovely ideas for me to file away for later.” He snarked back at her. “My plan is to be myself and get to know him.”
Ciri’s gaze softened. “Okay, that sounds like a good start.” She smiled. “Just…if find that you really like him… don’t let your pining get out of hand, okay?”
Jaskier’s heart clenched. “Okay. No being a pining mess this time.” He was glad she was trying to look after him. He had been reckless with his heart in the past, too fast to fall in love and too fast to have his love thrown back in his face.
“Sooo...” Ciri broke the moment of silence between them. “Shall we close the shop and get home for Saturday night movie night?”
Geralt couldn’t help it as the corners of his mouth twitched upward as he left the flower shop at the thought of the chipper man he left behind. He took a short stroll around the block, familiarising himself with his surroundings. Although, throughout his walk his mind kept wandering to Jaskier. It was strange. Geralt was a large man, tall and muscular, covered in tattoos and piercings, wrapped in black leather. Now that was enough for some people to stay well clear of him, those with more… conservative, values. And with a glare that could kill at close range and a general ‘don’t fuck with me’ aura Geralt found he intimidated most people he met. But...this adorable man had grinned and joked like he hadn’t been the slightest bit fazed by any of it. He found it baffling, and a little attractive to be honest.
Before long he ended up back at his shop to find Yennefer waiting for him. She was perched on one of the sofas in the waiting area, flicking through her phone, probably updating the shop’s Instagram with new photos of his work. She barely more than looked up at him.
“Enjoy your little walk dear?” she asked nonchalantly, still scrolling through her phone. She only received a grunt in response but Yennefer had known Geralt long enough to understand his language of grunts and hmm’s. She lowered her phone as he sat down beside him. “Did you find any pretty flowers?” she said knowingly.
Geralt’s eyes snapped to meet hers as he schooled his face to appear unconcerned. How did she know? Could she really read him that well? “I don’t know what you mean Yen.” He stated gruffly, pulling his phone out of his pocket so the look in his eyes didn’t give him away even further.
Yennefer huffed out a laugh. “Don’t play dumb with me Geralt. I wondered how long it would take you to notice the boy next door.” She was met with only the sound of Geralt’s fingers tapping at his phone. “He’s cute, I suppose. In a delicate, flower-y kind of way.” She continued, “Not your usual type though.”
Geralt realised then he wasn’t going to escape this conversation. Yen could be annoyingly persistent and it was easier to give in now than waste energy trying to avoid the inevitable. “What would you know about my taste in men Yen? I haven’t had a boyfriend since …before us.” The truth was Jaskier was exactly his type; lithe body and a pretty face, with a charming grin and soft eyes that held just a glint of mischief.
“That’s an exaggeration and you know it, what about… you know… what’s his name? In the band?” Yennefer offered. She knew he was right… in a way. While Yennefer knew his taste in women very well, herself having been one of the women who he’d been drawn to once upon a time however, in the time she’d know him, he had had much more luck with women than men. But that wasn’t to say there’d been no men in his life.
“Doesn’t count. Sleeping with him hardly makes him my boyfriend. He was a narcissistic prick anyway.” Geralt grumbled. That man was definitely not his type, he couldn’t even remember his name, nor did he care to.
“Oh, so now you’re a romantic?” She scoffed. “But you must have found him at least somewhat attractive to sleep with him, right?” She raised an eyebrow. She knew Geralt. He didn’t go around sleeping with people for the sake of it.
“Objectively.” He grunted in response, folding his arms across his chest.
“Objectively, of course.” She parroted back at him. “So, do you find Julian attractive, more than just objectively?” She wore at cat-like grin as she watched Geralt’s reaction intently.
“Have you been stalking me?” he asked suspiciously. His eyes widened. “Have you been stalking him? Yen you can’t just do that, that’s really creepy.”
Yennefer rolled her eyes. “I haven’t been stalking either of you, you dolt!” she smacked him upside the head. “I found his name on the website for the flower shop, which I glanced at out of curiosity. And I knew you’d like him the minute I saw him but I didn’t say anything because if you thought I was trying to set you up you’d decide what he was like in your head before you met him.” She put her hands on her hips and gave him a look that dared him to deny it.
He sighed and scrubbed a hand over his face. Damn her for being right. “Whatever.” He grunted, not meeting her gaze. He knew she would only encourage him to pursue this. He wanted to, but he was afraid. Afraid of having his heart broken again. Of Jaskier becoming just another her. It would be better to nip this in the bud.
“That’s not an answer Geralt.” She pressed, her stare never wavering.
“Ugh!” He groaned, pulling his hair down from its bun so he could rake his hands through it. “Fine. He’s …alright, I guess. Whatever.” He told himself he was only saying it to satisfy her, to get her to drop it. He was lying to himself. Jaskier was gorgeous, but Yen didn’t need to know that or she’d never let him let it go like he should.
Yennefer grinned triumphantly. She knew Geralt better than anyone, he was smitten, she could tell. “See, that wasn’t so hard.” She teased. “Now you’ve actually admitted it, why don’t you do something about it?”
“Yennefer.” He growled in warning. “You know why.” She of all people should know exactly why he was guarding his heart so fiercely. She had been there as he tried to gather up the shattered pieces of his heart and stick them back together. But after something breaks once, it will never be as strong again. There will always be a weak spot, somewhere, no matter how small or hidden it is. Geralt’s heart was no exception. She had been his everything, once. He’d given her everything he had to give but it wasn’t enough. It was never enough. He’d given her his heart and she’d chewed it up and spat it back out at his feet. After months of wallowing in self-pity, he’d finally managed to heal some. Geralt was terrified that he’d have to start the process all over again.
Yennefer’s expression softened as she stepped forward to rest hand on his shoulder. “Geralt. Look at me.” She coaxed his chin up to look him in the eye. “She is gone. That toxic bitch is not in your life anymore. But if you let what she did define who you are now, if you let her stop you living your own life, then you’ll never truly be free from her. And she wins. You need to forget her. I know you’ve been trying; I know it’s hard and you’re not the best at emotions. But if you like him, don’t let anyone hold you back, especially not her.” She felt him tug her into his arms and she went willingly, stroking his hair as he embraced her.
“I’m meeting him again on Monday.” He murmured into her hair. He let out one last deep sigh before releasing her and stepping back. “They’re getting more sunflowers in; they were sold out today. For that floral piece I’m designing.” He was still trying to convince himself that was the only reason.
Yennefer smiled. “Whatever excuse you have to tell yourself dear.” She teased, moving to grab her stuff.
“It’s the truth Yen. Jaskier suggested it not me.” Damn her for being able to see through his bullshit.
Her grin widened. “Jaskier? My, my Geralt, how forward, nicknames and a pre-work rendezvous, I expect you’ll be late on Monday then?” She cackled when he threw a magazine at her off the table. “You can tell me all about it after. See you Monday.” She called, walking out the door before he could protest.
Geralt stood a moment longer before locking the door behind her. He put the shutter down and headed upstairs to his apartment to be alone with his thoughts, which kept returning to an image of sparkling blue eyes and a charming smile. Fuck.
Taglist: @andyet-here-we-are @dandelionslute
@welcometothecolemine @wildlyannoyingdoofus
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pocket-void · 4 years
hey mock i was rereading some of your Marcus ramble and i totally forgot you picture him in the weird funky mafia au can i get more insight on that
Ah yes the vague mafia AU I mentioned. I am shocked but incredibly happy you mentioned that because I did not expect anyone to bring that up frankly. o///O It was a small comic idea I had before my hand went kaput. I’ll talk about that and the AU a bit below, why not? ^///^ The scene went something like this:
Logan is a bar tender at a rather decent food establishment. He’s well dressed, stoic, doing his job and all that.
Marcus is introduced just having a drink and smiling, you know, as he does. He’s dressed relatively casually, with a fedora and an oddly well decorated cane by his side. They have a dialogue exchange vaguely along the lines of:
“Why are you here.” “You don’t sound happy to see me Blue.” “Apologies, that was not the intention.” “Is it a crime for an old pal to visit his friend?” “...We’re not friends.” “Oh Blue, you wound me so. Thought the time we spent together meant something.” “Please refer to me as Logan while I’m at work.” “Or what? Not like anybody troublesome’s around. Are they?” [Note that there are literally people all over the place giving Marcus the eye.] “...Don’t cause trouble in the restaurant Orange.” “Hey hey heeeey, who do think I am? Just some thug off the street? Pffft, naaaah.” The man laughs. “You know me better than that Blue. Come on! If I really wanted to cause trouble,” He stops to pick up his glass as if to take a sip. “I would’ve done that ages ago.” Instead of drinking from the glass he turns around and hurls it full force into the face of someone who was trying to sneak up on him. The glass shatters, the dude is out cold, and the restaurant is silent. He turns back, all smiles, as if nothing happened. “You get me?” “Yeah. Of course...” He leans forwards, resting his chin upon crossed hands. He’s looking straight ahead even though Logan is standing about 3 feet to the left. “You’ll still be my eyes, won’t you Blue?” “...Of course.”
That’s the vague idea anyways. Basically the Mafia AU idea was that Marcus is the head, or some kind of leader, of a really infamous group and Logan used to be his right hand man, though it was more of an informant/bodyguard type job. Logan was also a cleaner, and is still unbelievably good at getting rid of evidence. An invaluable asset. The story takes place at the bar Logan now works at.
Marcus is quite intimidating and scarily skilled despite being blind, and there are a lot of people after him. He fights with his cane and has bizarrely good reflexes. Back in the day tho, it was because Logan would help him out with subtle signals. Which is actually what he did in the bar scene above. (I imagine he tapped the table a few times if it were a comic) People are usually smart enough to not cause trouble at the bar though, it’s like an area of truce for a lot of shady individuals. That, and also Logan will have to deal with it if there’s an issue and that’s not fun for anybody. Or uh, any body, because they will not be found.
Anyways, aside from those two, everyone else is in this AU too. Janus, who goes by Dee, is an information broker and an all around odd guy. Pay enough of a price and he can basically tell you anything about people. He drives a real hard bargain though, get on his bad side and you’ll be gambling with more than just poker chips the next time you play his games. He plays cards and drinks wine with people on some nights.
Remus is kind of a wild card. He’s around just to have fun and cause chaos. He’s friends with Dee and is a uh, Florida Man kind of criminal. You see him in the papers and go “I’m sorry, he did what?”. That kind of deal. He’s less worried about the money and will do favors as long as they’re fun and he gets food afterwards. He also surprisingly does odd jobs all around the city, so he literally has every possible disguise you can think of and it’s kind of hilarious. Yes, he tends to get fired very easily.
Patton is a cop, but like, a really really new cop. Nobody knows what he used to do, they just know that something happened and now he mostly deals in paperwork. He’s a little clueless but he isn’t stupid. There’s a lot of complications and he can’t feasibly try arresting people without putting himself in danger. He befriends Logan rather easily when he shows up at the bar, and despite Logan’s best efforts to convince him to stop visiting, he still kinda does. Patton also works with Dee once in a while, since Dee takes jobs as long as they pay well, and Patton is a cool dude. Remus loves making fun of Pat tho, and there has been more than one occasion with Remus running out of the restaurant with Patton chasing after him. The crime was usually arson.
Roman is a performer at the bar. He sings most nights and does some sort of show twice a week. He’s just a guy trying to get by. He’s one of Dee’s drinking buddies though. Logan gave him the job to help him out, since he’s kind of in debt. Both he and Remus are actually, they’re brothers who aren’t on the best terms but they still work together financially. He doesn’t want anything to do with the more shady side of the business that goes on, but he’s a rather charming talker. He’s surprisingly a bookworm and Logan appreciates that.
Virgil is a journalist. A really begrudging journalist. He rants at Logan nonstop about how ridiculous this city is, and he hates trouble but still won’t hesitate to deck anyone who tries to hurt the people he cares about. He’s only here because Patton’s here and he is Concerned. Basically, if there ever is anyone who’s out to get rid of Pat, they have to get past Virge first. He has a newsboy cap and one of those old fangled cameras. He and Dee are semi-rivals. Remus treats him like a little brother, even though it’s obnoxious and he’s so annoyed at how many incidents were just Remus. Again. But they get along alright.
Emile is the actual owner of the establishment, and he’s literally liked by everybody. He’s often busy with something nobody knows about but he loves dropping in once in a while. He gave Logan the job because he had nowhere else to go, and it’s ironically the safest place he can be.
Remy is also in the AU, he’s an assassin and that’s really all I’m gonna say. Chill dude though.
Point is if you ask me to think about AUs, I will think a lot about AUs. These are just my messy all over the place ideas for it, there’s a lot of possible plot drama and I don’t wanna get carried away here pffft. >///<
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