#and then they do. they get the greatest person they've ever known back.
cute-as-buttons · 8 months
could not resist trying my hand at a drabble after seeing this post by @wanderingbards
spoilers for act 1 under the cut!!
(no traps here.)
“we're good, mira.“ you smile. ”see? everything's fine.”
you stand there, and a moment too late you realise that maybe, just maybe, you'd perhaps been wrong.
and as you live through the novel experience of your body being crushed by a rock, you feel a tug on your stomach. And-
[loop 1]
you sleepily open your eyes. your body feels sore.
were you on the ground too long?
you close your eyes again and breathe out. around you, you can hear the chirping of birds, and you know just a few moments away, is the bright and chattering town of dormont, who've still managed to keep up the levity even though the world might end tomorrow.
but it won't. because you and your friends will stop the king and save vaugard.
after all this time, your journey is nearing its end.
you smile, thinking of how much they've all grown since you've known them. you've been travelling for as long as you can remember, and while your memory has never been your greatest strength, you do know that this is the happiest you've ever been.
the sun is shining, peaking from behind the clouds, the air is warm and you and your party will make sure that the warmth carries over into tomorrow.
you will win. you have to.
(get up, siffrin. you have a country to save.)
you dust the stray leaves that found your way onto your cloak and hat when you hear a voice calling out your name.
oh, yeah it's almost midday, you probably overslept. oh well, you had a nice nap.
you yawn and call out.
“i'm here!”
you barely get in a “hey, mira-!” she crushes you in a hug. you stiffen, your arms hanging at your sides. you don't know how to react.
is…this the first time she's done that? hugged you?
huh. weird.
she pulls back a second later, and you're about to crack a joke when you see her face.
mirabelle has always been an anxious person, but this feels…different. somehow.
she's always been anxious, but right now she looks terrified.
“i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to touch you, i was just so afraid i wouldn't find you here-” she says, clasping her hands together. she looks like she's about to explode in a ball of anxiety and burst into tears.
(didn't mean to touch you?)
you're so confused.
“hey, hey, mira,“ you say, gesturing to her. ”slow down. breathe with me?“
you put your hand on your chest and gesture for mirabelle to follow.
deep breath in. deep breath out.
you smile a little at her when she stops shaking.
she nods.
”okay, now, what's wrong? what happened?“
something about you is bothering her. but you don't know what.
”i…“ mira looks at you, almost like she's in…awe? “do you not remember?”
your breath catches at that.
(what is it, what did you forget this time? was it a birthday, an anniversary? what did you forget??)
mirabelle looks upset.
(You need to rectify your heinous crime right now.)
“no, of course i remember,” you say quickly, trying desperately to figure out what you might've forgotten. “we were supposed to meet at the clock tower, and tomorrow we go and defeat the king and save vaugard! right?”
you look to her for confirmation. she looks at you like she's going to cry.
”wait,“ you say, shaking your head in confusion. ”what did you mean that you were “afraid you wouldn't find me here”? i told you guys i'd be here if you needed me right?“
(did you forget to did you forget to did you forget to did you-)
something in mira's face changes. she sighs and shakes her head. you're so so confused.
and you can tell that mira doesn't seem to be in the mood for answers. you get it. so…
”did you,” you start, smiling a little. a little smirk just to let her know you're teasing. “fall asleep and have a nightmare?”
it's an out, and she takes it.
she shakily nods and tries to laugh. it comes out more as a whimper.
“yeah, i guess that must've been it,” she says. “i'll be in the town if you need me.”
you watch her leave.
something is going on with her, and you don't know what it is, but you intend to find out.
maybe something happened while you were asleep. you should
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boylikeanangel · 1 year
can you please share a bit more of your thoughts on the spoilers? i haven't seen them anywhere and it would be nice to know them coming from you
hiii tumblr mobile does not give timestamps for asks so idk if this is in regard to the spoilers from the interviews or the screenings but all my thoughts are kinda connected to both so SPOILER WARNING FOR THE FIRST TWO EPISODES OF SEASON 2 UNDER THE CUT LALALALA
I don't even know where to start like. I have been in a state of shock all day because literally everything my friends and I speculated about is real. literally all of it. all of our wildest theories about aziraphale and crowley's first meeting were confirmed by the fans who saw the screening. I have never won this fucking hard and ive won AT GOOD OMENS OF ALL THINGS. 2022 me would be laughing. june 2023 me would be laughing. two days ago me would be LAUGHING. I genuinely think this may be one of the best seasons of tv ever guys
like. do you understand. how much this changes. how our understanding of crowley and aziraphale's dynamic throughout time has been totally flipped on its head. aziraphale approached crowley first. crowley was the one who sheltered aziraphale with his wing. so eden was aziraphale returning the favour. DO YOU UNDERSTAND. AZIRAPHALE FELL FIRST. HE DIDNT TAKE SIX THOUSAND YEARS TO CATCH UP. HE HASN'T BEEN CLUELESS THIS ENTIRE TIME. they've literally been connected this entire time, right from before sides or the concept of evil or hatred or enemies were even invented. of course they'd never buy into the whole "hereditary enemies" thing. AZIRAPHALE KNOWS HIM. HE KNOWS CROWLEY. HE'S ALWAYS KNOWN HIM.
and it doesn't even feel like a retcon. it doesn't feel like we need to ignore a bunch of stuff from season 1 to accept or enjoy the added content this season. it's literally just. more shit to help quantify the depth of their love for each other. their connection over countless millennia. I mean if you go back to the very first scene in season 1, aziraphale literally does a double take when crowley appears next to him. that's him realising who it is. he fucking recognised crowley and freaked out for a second. that's why he didn't hear what crowley said!!! he was processing!!!! AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON HOW MUCH MORE SHIT FROM SEASON 1 HURTS NOW. AZIRAPHALE PLEADING WITH CROWLEY BECAUSE HE WAS AN ANGEL, ONCE. CROWLEY WANTING TO TAKE AZIRAPHALE AND RUN AWAY TO LIVE IN A GALAXY THEY HELPED BUILD TOGETHER. AZIRAPHALE ALWAYS TELLING CROWLEY NOT TO QUESTION GOD AND BEING SO AFRAID TO DO THE SAME BECAUSE HE KNOWS THAT'S EXACTLY WHY CROWLEY FELL IN THE FIRST PLACE. it's not retconning its just making everything worse!!! azcrow is canon and everything is worse now!!!!!!
the biblical minisode. well. I cannot think about that without having to pace around my house like a person going into labour. I literally stress cleaned my entire house earlier to distract myself from thinking about it. crowley has always always ALWAYS protected aziraphale. always. literally the only reason aziraphale has never killed anything is because crowley has protected him from ever having to do that. crowley's dedication to preserving aziraphale's goodness and allowing him to be his own definition of angelic/holy is the greatest act of service he could bestow upon him and it makes me SICK because him pushing aziraphale to kill adam in 1x06 after all that shows just how desperate he was. both of them realising and understanding at the exact same time that the only person in the universe who really understands them or knows what they're going through is the other, the only person they can rely upon is the other, its just. we've been so wrong. about aziraphale. about the extent to which he knows how important crowley is to him. he's always known. he's just been so afraid. him being prepared to fall to keep doing what he believes is right is so fucking heartbreaking and weve done him such a disservice all these years for calling him naive and mocking him for being slow on the uptake. HE'S ALWAYS KNOWN. HE JUST COULDN'T DO ANYTHING WITH THAT KNOWLEDGE. AND THAT'S SO MUCH WORSE
basically I have never been more scared in my entire life because if they packed this much into the first two episodes and it was deemed tame enough to show ahead of release then what the fuck is in the next four. what are we getting ourselves in for . it's really dawning on me the scope of what this experience is going to be and I simply dont think im going to survive it. again I never expected any of this. this was my definitive "high hopes low expectations" season of tv and it's now it's shaping up to be one the best things I've probably ever seen in my life and. it's cognitive dissonance in its crystallised form. how did we fucking get here.
in conclusion
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
What if sherriff reader saved one of the bandits…? maybe carried them bridal style… 😳
Fuck- their lungs were on fire; a flame that disbursed through their entire body. The lone band coughs and wheezes; their meak attempts at freeing themselves proven pointless as rotting wood press down on their chest. The face of the person they tried to dethrone mocks them with a permanent grin. The bandit spits at the poster followed by a groan of pain.
It was both a harmless, and ingenious idea in their mind. Due to the sudden tragic passing of the last head, your town was in need of a mayor. There were just two proper candidates and only one who ran for office, the loved and respected sheriff, and some rich bastard who's been trying to get their hands on the town for yours. The voters choice would have to obvious if both parties were to play, but alas the one who had the people's favor and sense to run this place wanted no part in that job.
Some were understanding, while others rioted in secret. They despised the idea of anyone in office but you. You may reject it at face value, but you're the backbone of this community and the hesrt of many. This group was made up of none other than the band of pests that caused most of the issuses you had to deal with. You know better than everyone it's the only life they've ever known, but it's also the crutch they use to get closer to the greatest treasure of all. You.
Unlike previous casualties, the soon to be mayor was a hard cookie to reach. Surrounded by guards at every hour, and hauled up in the self built mansion in the center of nowhere. While the others planned to get to them, a few bandits stranded from the group to carry out ideas of their own. Vandalism, lies, threats, destruction of property. This attacks were taken in hope it'd prevent them from ever stepping back into town, but now it seemed like it would stop one of them from ever getting home.
"What do we have here? An idiot lost from its flock of bigger idiots?"
The bandit struggles to look up at the person, shadow blocked by the beady sun. Despite the condescending tone, it was the hum of an angel. They roll up their sleeves with a heavy sigh.
"Alright, let's get you out of here and to the hospital. Don't have to tear you a new one because you've done that already."
Without another peep from their savior's beside the occasional grunt, the weight of the billboard is left off the bandit. They gasp for the air rapidly filling their lungs, turning over to the side. They've unknowingly made things for themselves, as two arms cushion their back when they roll back. Lifted up, that obnoxious sun circles their saviour's head like an angel; their head rested on the deity's toned bicep. Their face glows almost as warm as it as their eyes adjust to the light. Was this heaven?
The bandit gleefully throws their good arm around your neck, squishing their face against the exposed skin. This was a page torn straight from their fantasies. They wanted to kiss you. The wanted to kiss you, and love you, and ride off into the sunset in your arms; but you'd probably drop them like a hot coal if they tried any of that. Their head was spinning, but it wasn't from any pain.
"I knew you'd come for me."
"I got a call about some moron chopping down a posterboard."
"Sticks and stone, sheriff."
You raise an eyebrow. "You seem to be pretty lively for someone who got crushed. Maybe I should put you down."
Truth be told, the bandit was feeling better already. Their ribs were probably bruised and their arm was definitely broken, but they've been through worse. They've ran like a gazelle with a twisted ankle in the past so this was nothing.. a little acting couldn't fix.
They go limp against your chest, trying not to faint from the strum of your heart. "Actually... I'm banged up real bad, sherif. I think you'll need to carry me to a doctor long as they can reach us in your house."
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The Torys are crumbling from within like a house of cards built on a bouncy ball, and seriously -wtf is going on? There's rumours of letters of no confidence in Rishi already. What do the MPs want?? Some mystical leader that doesn't exist? Did they all adore Boris and now if they can't have him they don't want anyone? For them to be floundering so hard just seems nonsensical. They've done nothing for months. Why are they falling apart so hard??
Because they've self-selected for incompetent stupidity.
The thing you have to remember is, bigotry makes you stupid. By its very nature. It's the act of believing a pre-decided set of stereotypes rather than actual facts or nuance, and refusing to see the latter even when it's right in front of you. The longer you do it, the stupider you become. This is why the greatest bigots say the most off-the-wall unhinged stupid things - they've practiced hard, and trained themselves to be stupid.
So, now imagine the Clown Prince of Bigotry became PM. Who is he going to raise to the top in his government? Intelligent folks who point out when he's wrong? Or fucking knuckle-dragging morons with the kick reflex of a donkey every time anyone says the word 'Europe'?
And as the less stupid fall in favour, and the fucking plant-slow people rise, what are you left with?
Three factions. The intensely stupid, who are high on power and now think that shrieking and stamping their feet will make everything go their way. The moderately intelligent, who are a tiny hated minority with no voice. And the new and incompetent, who only joined recently and still lack experience given that this shit show is all they've ever known.
So now, the first group are still sending letters of no confidence, and will continue to do so until they get Boris back
The second are keeping their heads low and just doing their best as MPs for their constituents
The third are utterly lost, and don't know what to do.
And after three years of Boris personally making these divisions run as deep as he could (so that he could reign supreme and uncriticised), no one can agree on who should be in charge and what they want next
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
smick + mick never wins a WDC
"I won't get it."
Sebastian opens his eyes to the dark. There is a light in the room, coming from the light outside. Seb likes to keep a porch light (it makes everything feel like it should be, homely and comfortable and as it is supposed to be, like he always thought home should be, like he read in the books when he was small and hiding under the covers and he didn't want to go through his car books again, in the stories there was always a porch light on waiting for whoever came home last) and its light spills into their bedroom.
He keeps his breathing steady. If Mick wants him to hear this, he'll make it known. He'll grab Seb's hand, or nudge him, or wake him up in some other way.
The room stays silent for a moment, and then Mick says it again.
"I won't - I won't get it."
I know, Seb wants to say. I've always known, ever since we drove together that year, my last and your first. I've known ever since you were a child and I was watching you in karts with Michael next to me, proud as he ever was of you. I knew it back then because he was proud of you like a father is supposed to be proud of a son - without any expectations of what that son will do, or was able to do. And Michael knew too, that you weren't like us. That you were gentle, and kind, and that you would never be a champion.
He breathes evenly, makes sure to let out a mumble as he thinks I've always known you'll never get it. You're too good a person, Mick, you're not a bastard, you don't have the instinct to smash and crash and burn for it. You don't want to hurt anyone, you don't dare push the limits because you know what pushing the limits means. You know what it gets you, you know the consequences, and you could never bear bringing someone else the desolation that going over the limits has brought you. And that is your greatest strength as a person and your worst weakness as a racer. And you, you're a driver only second, or third, or maybe even fourth. You're a son, and a brother, and a lover all before you're a racer, and that means you will not be a champion.
Mick sighs, and Seb waits. If Mick wakes him up, he'll reassure him. He will lie, and he will lie well, because he's learned to lie at the feet of the best and he will make Mick believe the lie, because the truth serves nobody at this point. He has been lying to Mick their whole lives, about so many things, because Mick needed to be protected and saved from all the pain that Seb could spare him, so lying to Mick comes as second nature to Sebastian now. Sebastian will lie, and he will lie magnificently, and he will kiss Mick softly and hold him gently and cook him breakfast in the morning, and life will go on as it always does.
Mick sighs again. This time it's a different sound. This time, it echoes with acceptance. It makes Seb angry, and sad, and if he dared admit it to himself, just a tiny bit disappointed.
Sebastian feels Mick move closer, so he affects only waking up now. He opens his eyes to half mast and mumbles "Love? What," but before he needs to take the charade further, Mick shushes him.
"It's okay," he whispers, fitting his arms around Seb in a maneouvre they've done a thousand times. "Sleep."
Sebastian relaxes in Mick's arms. "Love you," he mumbles, because he has to, but mostly because he wants to.
"Love you too," Mick says, and buries his face into the junction of Sebastian's neck and shoulder.
Sebastian falls asleep thinking of Mick.
He dreams of Michael.
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shadysubject06 · 3 months
Uhhh I have no idea how much you know about this AU so I wanna give you a rundown if thats okay and I was gonna do this in a dm but it felt too long so I'm doing it! in an ask!
I wanna go character by character of the main ones but first thing to know! Duckburg and St. Canard are different kingdoms, they're the two main kingdoms & St. Canard are. the bad guys pretty much. Their nobility is all basically F.O.W.L. and they're ruled by a certain King Starling. They've been teasing at war with Duckburg for years now.  Another thing is that clone and Negaverse characters all exist independently with the others, for clones they aren't clones they're just regular existing people like Mads has. a childhood he was a kid he doesn't even meet Gyro until he's in his mid 20s (ages are changed here too I think Gyro's like 35). And as for Negaverse people in this universe there just happens to be two people who look similar and sometimes have similar names and opposite personalities.  I was gonna say the last thing to know is about the magic but I already told you about that :3
Mads- pretty much like the main character of this au? St. Canard is known for their assassin cult, it's the reason nobody wants to go to war with them because they have these silent killers who have never ever missed a target. They're very shrouded in secret and nobody knows much about them.  Guess who is one of them! Mads! He grows up being horribly traumatized by the experience (everyone there is) but it's everything he knows and he doesn't realize how bad it is. so. one day he's given a mission into Duckburg, where he gets too big of a taste of freedom and decides to never go back. Through too long of a series of events to relay here he ends up in the duckburg king's prison where the king takes an interest in him as he's finally caught one of St. Canards famous assassins. Uhhhhhhh silly things ensue and. they end up married.
Nega Fenton- Named simply Fenton Crackshell here to distinguish him from the other Fenton, he's the king of Duckburg! He was formerly a lord under the previous king, Nega Scrooge (who I don't have a distinguishing in-universe name for yet), who was a horrible tyrant who ruled with a bloody iron fist. NFenton overthrows him and becomes king, and he's much better than the last, and he’s good, but not the greatest. He rules with absolute cold logic and does whatever for the Greater Good no matter the sacrifice, though he does what he can to minimize that sacrifice. He's also known for having a bit of a temper and being a little vain. Spending all day interrogating his captive assassin means the questions get more personal, and someoneeeee starts to fall in looove 👀
The Blue Phantom- I have most of their stuff on artfight but yeag they're second hand to the king, they'd inherit the throne if anything happened to him (before Mads shows up). They're the overpowered royal wizard (though they have witch magic as well) who is in charge of any of the castle's magical output (for example there's like. cleaning spells on the rivers all throughout the kingdom so it's drinkable, and that means Blue's in charge of stuff like that). They're not born royalty though.
Nega Gyro- Distinguished in-universe so far by just calling him Lord Gearloose, he was a lord who served under NScrooge alongside NFenton, and now is NFenton's advisor! He's nice but a little shady, in some versions of the au he ends up evil and betrays them all <333 He is the only one with a braincell in the nobility but nobody listens to him because they think he's uptight and controlling.
Gyro- A witch inventor (commoner!) who creates crazy new spells, he was causing such a ruckus in the kingdom with his spells going wrong that he eventually moved outside of the city (which is on the edge of the kingdom, so mostly outside the kingdom as well) for his safety. There he lives in the woods and is allowed to do whatever he wants to do with spells.
Fenton- Gyro's former apprentice turned partner who went with him when he left the city. Gyro doesn't go into the city much anymore so it's Fenton who does, he goes to the markets to sell their spells and they actually have a pretty good business going! Boyd lives with them too but I don't have a backstory for him yet, idk how they acquired this child.
Della- She was a knight who served under NScrooge, and when NFenton led an uprising against him, she stood with Scrooge. Not because she was loyal, he was horrible, but because she wanted to stay on the winning side and didn't think NFenton would win. He did, and he was mad that she went against him so he took away her title and sent her home. The triplets were little at the time (under the age of 5) and she was never around them with her work, so it let her go back home and be a mom. She lives on the edge of the city so she's close friends with Gyro!
Black Heron- she is just kind of. pure evil in this au and I love that for her. If Mads is the main character in this au then she's the main villain/antagonist. She was his old instructor back with the assassins and essentially where he gets most of his trauma from. He was her favorite pupil so she pushed him the hardest and wanted him to be the best, no matter what. Now that he's left she absolutely hates him, and will do whatever she can to get him back at her mercy.
Gandra- Also an assassin, Mads' childhood best friend! (she also may or may not be blind in this au im still thinking on it) She grew up in the same year as him, they shared a bunk bed. They were really close, but the assassin group forbids close relationships and even friendships are frowned upon. This is so they don’t form a closer alliance to each other over their instructors or their cause. Because of this the instructors started doing little things to force them apart, making them work different places or creating a rivalry between them.  By the time Mads leaves in his 20s they are very strained, they barley talk to each other. They really stopped talking when Mads was 18 and moved out of the girls’ sleeping quarters, which meant they couldn’t stay up late talking before bed anymore.  They still care for each other but again it’s incredibly strained. 
SO THOSE ARE THE MAIN CHARACTERS- that does give you some hints at the lore too- timeline wise it goes NSceooge is overthrown by NFenton, Blue is appointed royal wizard by him before he’s even coronated (he meets them in the castle dungeon, long story). Five years later Mads shows up and starts living in the castle, and two years after that there’s a big magic plague which introduces Gyro and Fenton who have a cure. They left the kingdom before NScrooge was overthrown, so they’ve been living in the woods for over 7 years at that point. Anything additional to the storyline will have to happen sometime after the plague fiasco. 
Here’s what I’ve been thinking for her, and ofc you can change however you want, but that when Gyro left the kingdom for causing problems Dol was right there with him.  However she wasn’t one for hiding out in the woods so she moves on into St. Canard, where she is also quickly caught by the nobility for her spell problems. There they realize rather than imprisoning her they can use her, and she becomes some kind of court inventor/witch/wizard/healer, either one or all three. It’s a cutthroat environment but she thrives there, and is given whatever kind of funding she wants. 7 years later, after the plague, she is sent on a kind of diplomatic trip back to Duckburg, and stays at the castle there for a while. She’s not really loyal to her kingdom but has it too good to defect (and mayyyyybe secretly is scared to) so she doesn’t want to leave but she knows how bad they are there, and in some ways she eventually becomes a double agent for Duckburg. So she wouldn’t entirely be a trickster character (probably a little tho-) but I feel like I would want her to be treated as such in the narrative? She’s kind of just a third party with a hand in each world, doing mostly her own thing without entirely bending to the whim of either party. She is just Hanging Out and meddling here and there. So technically she still has to behave according to st canard (because they have an evil king with an army of assassins), but acts in the story like she doesn’t. 
Anyway!!! That’s what I was thinking but ofc do whatever you want! I like the idea of her saying in the Duckburg castle for a few weeks on some kind of business, and I thought it would be funny if Mads doesn’t like her for some reason at first. XD Probably for petty reasons but they eventually become friends :3  Lmk if you have any questions or anything :3333
(One last thing- when Mads was captured by Duckburg he was scheduled for an execution, and as the interrogations kept going on it kept getting pushed back. It was never officially called off it was just rescheduled until no one cared anymore. So because of that everyone just thought he was killed eventually, and stopped caring. BECAUSE OF THAT. St. Canard think he’s dead too, so they’re not looking for him. So when Dol shows up he also has to do what he can to notttttt be recognized) 
SCREAMS AS YOU KICK IN MY DOOR WITH A HISTORY LESSON LDSKNLKDSFNL I was reading this and cross checking it with your dms on the magic system like I was studying for a polisci test. But probably better than I did for those because I failed that class…..
Firstly, congrats on writing three pages of lore in a Tumblr ask! I pasted it into Google docs to read it better cuz my eyes suck skdfnlsdf. I do really quick wanna drop some of the ideas I had for Dol, just in case there are any pieces that you might like to incorporate into the story somehow. I’ve been developing her a lot for the original story I’m working on and I can even finally share an old piece of her DT lore that I never got around to actually using in anything! 
In her DT lore I was eventually gonna reveal that she was either the lead researcher or one of the researchers that headed the cloning project that F.O.W.L did when they made Webby and then later May and June. She stayed on for a while because they said they had info on where Gyro was, but when she figured out that they had no intention of sharing it she escaped after a battle with Heron. Newton was also gonna be one of the cloning experiments, as they would have definitely have tested the clone tech/magic/whatever they used on some random dna first before going with their end game. Dol took him with her because she didn’t want to leave him behind in case F.O.W.L decided to get rid of him now that they knew the cloning stuff worked. 
I’ll try not to ramble too much on this one or I’ll end up writing like…20 pages. In my story Barely Baphomet the world is inhabited by toons of all kinds, but the world they live in has areas that are different genres, and certain toons can’t travel to genres that clash with what they are (example: if an object head toon went to an area that was non fiction, their head would turn unsentient and their body would have no head, killing them.) Dol ends up studying biology in a genre state where there are no slapstick toons (the name for object head, sentient object, and generally all rubberhose toons) and there’s a popular theory in those areas that slapstick toons aren’t truly sentient, but have learned how to mimic the behavior of sentient toons in order to play pranks and cause problems. Long story short, Dol ends up doing tons of experiments on these "unsentient" slapstick toons trying to find a way to transfer their long lives and logic-defying abilities to the more modern toons. She finds out she’s absolutely committing war crimes on sentient people, and then blows up the research facility when she discovers that the “director” of the place is something that…was never supposed to exist the way it does in the place they are.
So her heart’s in the right place, but ultimately she puts her goal before the people she’s supposedly chasing it for. Is what her character arc seems to always boil down to. 
For royalty au I was thinking of something definitely with a plague doctor kind of vibe. I was going off of the assumption that you might not want to have her be related to any of your gang since she’s not a canon character (also I thought that NGyro was Gyro because I totally didn’t catch that you had multiples in there lksdnflsndf) so I had this kinda half-baked idea that she either grew up in a village that was wiped out by plague, or she was working to try and stop the spread of them (normal plagues, not magical). Dol decides that if they can’t stop disease, why not just figure out how to bring people back to life? So she starts experimenting with spells and potions and such on dead bodies, usually resulting in an undead situation or something worse. Maybe she’s found a way to siphon magic out of people and is mixing lots of magic together for more powerful (and unstable) spells/potions, if that’s possible. I thought it would be funny if either she was found by any of the cast either because there were reports of graveyards being dug up and they went out to investigate, or she’s been secretly experimenting in the dungeons somehow for who knows how long (assuming that people in the dungeon die there a lot, because then she has a great, close-by supply of research cadavers!) I would think that a magic plague, even if it was over when she showed up, would have her working more out in the open to a point where she’d draw attention to herself.
I see her as either being disillusioned with healing as a practice, or she needs to be reminded of how big of an impact healing has on someone(s), even if it can’t fix everything. Either she’d only have witch magic, or she would have both but primarily focus her attention on using witch magic to tamper with potion ingredients and such. I don’t wanna make her too overpowered or anything!
Also yes, I would love for her and Mads to be friends, especially if he’s still as sassy as he is in your main aus kdsnfklndsf. 
If she's not an agent then she'd at the very least be some kinf od person of interest. I can imagine that St. Canard would see potential in having a witch on their side that seems pretty blase about what you can and can't do with magic and flesh. For Duckburg...maybe they'd just try to keep her busy (they could never keep her busy in a way that is not concerning skdfldnflksnf)
Those are all of my thoughts and things and odds and ends, let me know if any of these sound good, and if not I hope it was at least a fun read!
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tobiasdrake · 10 months
Halara's turn for one final hangout sesh. Hopefully they won't break my kneecaps for failure to pay my debt.
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Public space. This is good. It's hard to murder me in a public space. Then again, this is the same cafe where Fubuki drowned half of the clientele, and they still speak of her in glowing terms as the greatest barista that this place has ever known. So.
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Oh shit, that is what this conversation is about. Look, if you give me a few more days, I can arrange for travel out of town. And then it won't be a problem anymore! For me. Specifically.
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That's not true. I have a great plan. A fantastic plan, as a matter of fact. My plan is to hope the collapse of civilization happens soon and wipes out my debt so that I no longer have to repay it. Like most people struggling under late-stage capitalism!
My backup plan is to eventually die, causing all of my lenders to get screwed. *smug*
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Because this is an elaborate ruse to justify a social call. Halara doesn't have friends. They have debtors. And they don't hang out with debtors. They meet to discuss the debt with their debtors.
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Notice how they didn't answer the question? "Why are we meeting to discuss the debt in the cafe instead of the office?" was the question, but Halara explained the unbolded part which was never in question to begin with. They're waffling around the subject.
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*nods sagely* Ah, of course. The Neo World Program.
Wait, no, what are you talking about? What kind of program is it? Like a social program? Magnifying glasses for tots?
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Of course. Of course this is about cats. What else would it be about besides cats? Cats are Halara's hyperfixation. I love it. I'm about it.
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I love this side of them. They shake people down for money so they can privately fund a feline rescue program. That's the best kind of awful.
Gentrification would hit different if the mafia was chasing you out of your home to build a wildlife refuge. Or an animal shelter. Or one of those puppy therapy places where you heal people's trauma by playing with cute baby animals.
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Halara has put me into financial debt to fund their kitty dreams. And now, as a sincere gesture of our growing friendship, they've asked me to one day inherit their emotional debt to cats as a concept.
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Asking the important question here. You're not offering me something; You're requesting that I take on your burden.
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Okay but still. Does it, though? C'mon, Finance Them-slice. Meet me at the negotiating table here.
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It's so hard to say "You are my friend and I value you" in too cool for this room language. Halara is attempting to have an intimate moment without compromising their hard-forged image and it is not going well.
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And now that this incredibly awkward moment is here, they flee back to the comforting shelter of our meeting ruse. ^_^ Sure, buddy-pal, I'll get on that once of these days.
Can you imagine how heartbroken Halara would be if Yuma did somehow manage to pay his debt? How would we ever hang out together if they didn't have this excuse they could make for it?
I did not like Halara when we first met. Matter of fact, I accused them of murder. Said a lot of unkind things about them in the process. But they've grown on me a lot as I've gotten to know them and see behind the veil.
Suffice it to say, it's not that I don't like Halara but rather that I don't like Halara's persona. There's a genuinely interesting person hiding beneath the theatricism of a callous, unfeeling capitalist. They pretend to be a much shittier person than they actually are. Not unlike Desuhiko, as a matter of fact.
Fubuki's still my bestie but Halara's become my favorite character. Assuming the Master Detectives don't get killed off in a bloodbath of a finale, Halara's the one I'd be most interested in seeing a "Where do they go from here?" sort of sequel for.
The fact that they're our team's #1 cop-smasher helps too. I could watch Halara take apart Peacekeepers all day.
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pigeonwhumps · 8 months
Immortal Cannon Fodder masterlist
Taglist: @extrabitterbrain @wolfeyedwitch @fuckcapitalismasshole @ghost-whump @whump-tr0pes @rainbowsandwhumperflies @painful-pooch @i-eat-worlds @a-funeral-romance @rainydaywhump @whumpinggrounds
Phoenix gets imprisoned overnight in the HAL prison cells. For Lian, it's one surprise after another.
Set soon after Alicia's torture.
CWs: imprisonment, villain whump, mentioned institutional whump (kinda?), implication of microaggression against asexual person, past torture and death, mentions of interrogation, implied beating, mentioned drugging, past blackmail
Phoenix! You're early for your visit, don't you usually come on Fridays? And you've brought someone new to visit? asks one of the friendlier prisoners. Wildfire. Telepathic. Low-level criminal. Stronger powers than he's let on to anyone but Phoenix (they're honoured, really). He bats his eyes at the guard holding Phoenix's shoulder. It's quite dark in here, which is presumably why Wildfire hasn't noticed their wrists. Phoenix usually brings a lantern covered in red cellophane.
Wildfire must say something to the guard because he says gruffly, "Stop flirting. It won't work."
Phoenix bets he's turned bright red.
Wildfire stopped flirting with them when they told him they were asexual. It's nice to have someone listen.
The guard unlocks the cell. "In you go, Phoenix. I'll be back to let you out in the morning. I'll tell your team where you are."
Wait, what?
Phoenix holds up their wrists on the dim glow filtering in from the tiny window.
"Thanks," they murmur, as he unlocks their cuffs and places a nightlight in their cell. Then he pauses and rolls his eyes.
"Yes, I'll get you a damn nightlight too."
Oh yeah, the flirting's working.
The guard locks the cell door and begins to walk away.
"Wait!" calls Phoenix. The guard pauses and turns. "Why are you, um, being so nice?"
It's a dangerous question but it's true. They can easily break out of here, shouldn't they have been given a sedative or something to block their powers or something? For that matter, shouldn't they been given it as soon as they were arrested?
"Because if that woman had said to me what she did to you, I'd have done the exact same thing."
He leaves the room.
What did you do?
Phoenix takes their time positioning themself relatively comfortably on the mattress, legs pulled up to their chest and arms around them, tapping their feet nervously.
I punched a member of upper management, thinks Phoenix loudly. Okay?
Wildfire pauses, taken aback they think.
Can I...
Go ahead.
Wildfire passes the news down the line, and Phoenix can hear when it reaches each person. Finally, when it gets to Vulture, at the end of the block, she says thoughtfully, "I shouldn't be surprised. You've always had hidden depths."
"You've only, um, you've only known me a few, um, months."
There's the sound of footsteps on the stairs and the whole block tenses. Phoenix scrambles to their feet. Everyone there knows what some of the nastier guards are capable of.
As the person reaches the bottom they pause, and in the light Phoenix catches a glimpse of pink hair.
He rushes over to their cell. "Firebird! You're uninjured?"
"I'm fine." Well, they are now. In the rush to cuff them before they did any more damage someone caught skin in it, but the guard was quick to rectify it once he noticed. There's a possibility they've got a lump on the head too. But there's nothing bad. "And you can, um, call me Phoenix in here."
"Are you sure it's a good idea, a bunch of powerful villains knowing your name?"
"I'm offended that you think I'd do anything to them," replies Vulture, and she actually does sound a little offended.
Lian sighs. "Phoenix, she's one of the greatest supervillains this country's ever seen."
"I'm flattered."
Phoenix shakes their head. "Never mind that now. How's Alicia? Has she, um, woken up yet? Is she going to be, um, to be okay?"
"Dr A thinks she'll be fine. Physically, that is, she was tortured so who knows what her mental state will be like. She's not awake yet, but they're weaning her off the medicines keeping her in the induced coma, so apparently she should be awake in about a day or so. So you might be there in time for her to wake up. And in the meantime the rest of us are taking it in turns to sit with her."
"You remember she, um, needs an AAC board until her device is fixed? And she's touch averse? And–"
"Hey, hey. You told us all this." He catches their hands through the bars. "It'll be okay. We know what we're doing. Besides, you might be there anyway."
Lian waves off their apology. "I have some food for you, since the guard said you missed mealtime. It's from the vending machine, I would've got you something hot but I don't think a plate would fit through the bars of your cell and I don't have your lock picking skills."
Lian passes a pasty and a packet of crisps through. Phoenix almost smiles.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome. Now tell me. How did you befriend all these villains and why is Wildfire in my head giving me a shovel talk? And what are you in here for anyway?"
Wildfire, get out of his head. To Lian, they say, "You know I, um, I had to go to that stupid meeting? Well, I, um, punched one of senior management. She said I, um, I shouldn't have gotten Alicia out of there without prior approval, because, um, it might've let villains know who I am and obviously as one of their more valued assets I'm more important than, um, an unarmed civilian who happens to be my sister, and I shouldn't have, um, killed Villain because it'll bring unwanted attention, even though, um, again, an unarmed civilian and my sister's life was at stake! He would've killed her!"
"Who exactly did you punch?" asks Lian curiously.
Phoenix winces. "The, um, the director?"
"Damn. I'm impressed."
She deserves worse.
"You're impressed? I thought you might, um, say I shouldn't have, um, shouldn't have done it."
"Well that'd make me a hypocrite." Phoenix frowns. "I tried to attack the board of directors when I was 15. I found out they blackmailed my dad into infiltrating Razor's base. They killed him."
"I'm sorry." There's nothing else to say, really.
"Yeah, well." He coughs, voice thick. "So. How do you know all these villains? And how are you friends?"
I'm starting a conference call.
Phoenix nods. "Lian. Um, prepare yourself."
"For what?"
Hello. There should be Phoenix, Elemental and Vulture in here with me. Are you there?
Wait, what? Since when were telepathic conference calls possible?
Why am I last? This is about me, I should be first.
Phoenix can sense Wildfire rolling his eyes. Vulture, shut it. Elemental, do you really think I revealed the full extent of my powers to HAL? I'm not that stupid.
I was the one who arrested Wildfire, starts Phoenix. A few months ago. I was feeling a bit guilty about it so I went to visit him. And I saw...
They trail off. How do they describe it? Vulture takes over, faux-nonchalance in their thoughts.
There's no cameras down here. No surveillance. And some of the guards... they're not too fond of us, to say the least. It was one of the worst ones on shift that night. There wasn't much light, but Phoenix apparently created an illusion of fog around them and when he was confused, knocked him out with his own baton.
Fucking hell, Phoenix, thinks Lian.
Phoenix shrugs. It was the right thing to do. Despite what anyone might've done, they're still people, fundamentally, with human rights who deserve to be treated humanely. I had a red torch, and I could barely distinguish the blood from its light. Took forever to do the makeshift bandages.
They're good to us, is what I'm saying, explains Wildfire. Brings us good food and extra water, treats our injuries from beatings or 'enhanced interrogation'. Helps when people have withdrawal symptoms from the sedatives or they're forced to have power blockers or sedatives of any kind or even if they're just scared. And they're good company too. Others help, but they're mostly more brusque, just doing what they need to and leaving. Plus, they can't pick locks.
Lian looks at Phoenix with such awe it makes them blush. I take it this isn't officially sanctioned?
Neither part. But if it's useful I'm not sure how much they'd object if they knew.
Lian switches to talking out loud again once they've stopped covering the sensitive topic.
"You're in here overnight, right?"
"Would you like me to stay?"
Phoenix glances at the dim nightlight and the darkening night sky outside the window. And the relatively small cell. They shiver.
"If it's not too much trouble."
"Of course not. They'll know where I am."
"You were the distraught teenager, right?" says Vulture suddenly. "About fifteen years ago."
"Huh. I wondered what was up. This is why I became a villain."
"Sure," mutters Phoenix sceptically. It was nothing to do with power or rebellion at all.
Lian settles down outside of the cell and there's quiet for a while. Then Phoenix, mustering up all their courage, says, "I'm sorry. About Villain. I didn't... he tortured my sister because he thought it was me, and then he kept going after she was unconscious, and I was trying to save her but I got a bit too angry. I'm sorry."
We understand. Right?
"Yeah. Yeah, of course. It's not like I've never killed."
"Reassuring," mutters Lian.
You're not going to be able to make the visit this Friday, are you? asks Wildfire sadly. It's in two days time.
I– well, I mean. I'll try.
Your sister needs to come first. We'll survive for a week.
Phoenix nods. They feel a bit guilty but... Alicia does come first.
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luanoalaalatoa · 2 months
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Welcome to Aurora Bay, Luano Alaalatoa! I couldn't help but notice you look an awful lot like Jason Momoa. You must be the forty-five year old landscaper. Word is you're spritely but can also be a bit abrupt and your favorite song is Whole Lotta Love by Led Zeppelin. I also heard you'll be staying in Seabrook Quarter. I'm sure you'll love it! @aurorabayaesthetic
content warnings - parental death.
Basics -
Full name: Luano Judas Alaalatoa
Nickname/s: Lu
Preferred name/s: Lu, Luano
Gender: Man
Pronouns: He/him
Age: Forty-five
Birthday: June 16th
Zodiac: Gemini
Sexuality: Homosexual
Relationship status: Married to Pablo Alaalatoa
Occupation: Independent landscaper
Backstory -
Luano was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, though shortly after his birth, his family moved to San Diego to chase a business opportunity for his mother; while that didn't pan out as planned, their move quickly led to the opening of his father's business.
Luano's childhood was filled with many wonders, but his father and his art store was by far his favourite; as a child Luano spent countless hours in his father’s art store, learning the craft, and filling the walls with artworks of his own.
Once he reached his tweens, he began spending less time with his family. Instead of helping around the store or playing with all of the new stock, Luano was interested in seeing shows with friends, or spending all day in the surf or somewhere else out in the sun where he thrived most.
The family had always been close yet happy to be independent; there was no issue found in Luano going off on his own, particularly not after his hobbies became expensive, leading him to come back to the store to officially start working there.
Luano, the oldest son of two sons and two daughters, was his father's best friend, and he quickly became his most trusted employee, also. It only made sense that Luano took over the store when his father met an untimely death.
Despite art having never been Luano's greatest passion, his family was always his strongest value, and he put his everything into the store in honour of his father.
The store remained Luano's greatest wonder as it was later the reason that he met his future husband Pablo, who opened a store of his own right next to Luano's.
The death of Pablo's mother marked a new chapter in their lives as it encouraged them to move onto new things, after a gruelling period of Pablo caring for his mother while Luano worked more than ever, both of them burning their candles at both ends.
He passed the store down to his nephew - a true artist who had been working alongside him just as he had done with his own father once - and Luano and Pablo moved to Aurora Bay, where Luano was excited to find himself and his own thing.
After around a year of taking odd jobs and helping his husband establish his new store in the town, Luano opened his own private landscaping and gardening business, finding it to be a much better fit, and a job that he was made to do much more than his jobs of previous.
Personality & more -
Luano has always been an outdoors person, someone who feels his best when in the sun or the water or the grass. It only makes sense that he decided on a career that exclusively deals with the outdoors.
Despite art not being his greatest passion, and that being one of the primary reasons why he changed careers, Luano does draw and paint quite a lot. Most of his pieces are landscapes, or nature related, or work related!
He's an avid surfer, and he likes to live a healthy and active lifestyle - something he did a lot less in his youth when he was known to frequent parties most weekends.
He's a pretty friendly person, someone who finds it super easy to interact with others even if they've not met before, but the older he gets the less he pushes himself to make new friends.
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the-goblin-cat · 3 months
Idk if you've reblogged it yet, but can I get a Duo Interview Hog for Elmondreda & Neville? 🐷🦇🐷
(In this ask game, the two characters are answering for each other, so the answers are less fully true and more insight into the characters' perceptions. good shit)
😇- What's their best trait?
Neville: she has pretty hair.
Elmindreda: (Mindy): His gallant heart is tied with his craftsman's hands
👿- What's their worst trait?
Neville: I hate her entire personality lately but if I had to be specific it's her inability to cope with not getting her way.
Mindy: His lack of forgiveness.
⚖️- Are they a good person?
Neville: Maybe she was once.
Mindy: Too good for his own good.
👁️- Do you really know them?
Neville: Yes. I don't think Mindy ever lied to me, and I was forced to stick with her through her transformation.
Mindy: Yes. I met him before he felt the need to hide away.
👥- What are they to you?
Neville: the person that made me afraid to trust.
Mindy: the person that made me want to live.
❤️- What are you to them?
Neville: her obsession.
Mindy: his once and future girlfriend.
🐺- What animal do they most remind you of?
Neville: it's easy to say spider since that's her vampiric bloodline, but genuinely she is like an orb weaver to me.
Mindy: A raven. Most people think they've seen a raven but they haven't. You don't know until you've seen one.
😘- Are they your type?
Neville: -long suffering sigh- We dated when I was 13-14, I think she made my "type." Long dark hair, beauty marks, etc. But Personalitywise, I'd want to date someone who's the complete opposite of her. Or maybe like she was in the sweet spot, after she'd started coming out of her shell but before she started mesmerizing me.
Mindy: This may surprise you but no. If I ever love again it would have to be someone very unlike Neville, I think. If they were too similar I would compare them, and the new person would have to come up lacking.
😨- What's their greatest fear?
Neville: She used to be really afraid of people. She seemed to grow out of that while we were dating. Now, I don't know, I think she might be afraid of being vulnerable.
Mindy: I know he's afraid of lots of things. I think he might be afraid of me, now. But I can tell he's getting his courage back.
🧠- What's your best memory with them? Worst?
Neville: my best memory would be the time I brought her to a Christmas showing of The Nutcracker at my grandpa's theater. Neither of us celebrate Christmas, but it's a great show, seeing it on the day made it special. She held my arm, eyes wide, and then we had Chinese takeout with my family in Grandpa's office.
Mindy: my best memory is either the day we met or any of the times he brushed my hair for me. At first I was just a messy child and didn't really know how to take care of it, but didn't want to cut it. It was like a cloak and a curtain from the world. He showed me how to take care of it properly and would help me brush my hair. At first I would pretend like I was just bad at it, but sometimes I would just ask him, "will you brush my hair for me?"
Both: my worst memory is the breakup.
👣- How long have you known each other?
Neville: we met in middle of the first semester in freshman year. We met on a wet day like any other.
Mindy: It feels like it's been forever.
🫂- How has your relationship changed recently?
Neville: I feel like I can finally talk to her again, not that I want to, but I can do it without bolting, unless I'm really not in the mood for it.
Mindy: we're making great progress toward reconciliation!
🫡- Are they a good leader?
Neville: well she can certainly get people to do what she wants. I don't think that quite qualifies as leadership though. She'll probably abandon ship once things get rough.
Mindy: I think Neville can do anything he puts his mind to. The question is whether he wants to be a leader, and I know for a fact that he would never wish that for himself.
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utilitycaster · 2 years
I know you've touched on it in the past, and sorry for using your inbox as a sounding board, but as someone who wants to believe Marisha and Laura when they say Laudna and Imogen love each other...I'm a bit disappointed that like...3 or 4 days have gone by in game since Laudna's resurrection and neither has even attempted to make it a point to seek out the other. I could understand if they tried and got spoken over or the plot got in the way, but damn...if someone who I was traveling with and I loved, platonically or romantically, died, id probably make it a point to pull them aside and check on 'em at some point, and the otherside if id died and came back id look to the person I love for comfort.
Hi anon,
So, I am going to answer this as seriously and as respectfully as I can but I do want to note you’ve asked perhaps one of the people in the fandom most skeptical towards this ship; with the least amount of patience just like, in general; among the most willing to get into analyzing fandom response and not just what’s onscreen; and among the louder voices clamoring for more Yios content. So I want to set the expectation that I greatly enjoyed this episode and am a somewhat unsympathetic ear. I am truly honored you wanted me as a sounding board, but also very confused. Unless you want a perspective you know will be very different than yours, in which case, genuinely, mad respect.
(below a cut because this is like a page and a half long)
This was a fast-paced episode that skewed heavily towards logistics, and there were very few opportunities for serious one-on-one conversations of any sort. I also am just guessing here, but I think that Laura is somewhat cognizant of how up front Imogen has been in this campaign in general and specifically (and understandably) during the most recent few episodes, and is trying to be thoughtful about taking up more screen time. Similarly, as Marisha said on this week’s 4-Sided Dive, Laudna feels almost embarrassed at how much work her friends had to go through to bring her back, and is unlikely to ask for more help right now.
Imogen and Laudna’s relationship has always, in my opinion, been marked by their mutual terror of getting too real and actually revealing their feelings to each other; they are, as of yet, wholly unwilling to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known. It feels entirely in character that Imogen’s more than willing to snipe at Ashton or FCG for their good-faith attempts to help Laudna that don’t line up with her own understanding, or to force a potato-based meal on the whole party without even asking Laudna if she’ll be upset by a lobster dinner, but won’t, well, actually ask Laudna if she’ll be upset by a lobster dinner. 
These are two desperately lonely people who found each other and cling to each other, but who cannot have an honest emotional conversation. They apologized for the gnarlrock fight, but never addressed the underlying issues. And with Delilah seemingly gone, there goes that excuse, and if there’s another fight? It’s just going to be between them, and they will need to grapple with it. 
For what it’s worth, I hope they do. I actually would be thrilled to find something that makes me care about Imogen and Laudna as a romantic ship, and I think that if a catalyst (conflict, probably) were to happen to force them both to be even a little honest with each other, it could absolutely blossom into a love both compelling and wonderful. But Laudna’s death is not that thing. They still both see themselves as the protector of the other - in fact that’s likely to have worsened, not improved, what with their respective feelings of guilt -  without ever actually articulating it to each other. They can only talk about their pasts in terms of the immediate actionable items (get rid of Delilah, find your mother). They’ve never, in almost 40 episodes, really talked about how they feel (they've each said more to FCG and Ashton; it's telling that Imogen's greatest moments of honesty are in Imahara Joe's basement in the immediate aftermath of Laudna's death). And without something to force the issue, I think as time goes on it will get harder, rather than easier, because how do you say “hey, Laudna? I hate how my powers make me feel and I’m drowning here and you keep telling me I’m so capable” after 2+ years of tightly smiling and letting it pass? Honestly, it’s telling that the fandom saw Laudna as cheerful in the past, instead of almost manic at times; I suspect Imogen is making this same mistake.
I also know that a significant portion of the fandom is obsessed with this ship, and Laudna has some very…passionate fans, shall we say. But I don’t actually think the cast is terribly obsessed with this ship. Which isn’t to say they do or don’t like it or that it will or won’t happen in canon! But it is to say that the cast is well aware that this is Critical Role and not the Imodna Show. The fandom may forget, but the cast is quite aware that there are five other characters and twenty other one-on-one PC relationships that exist, not to mention that Imogen and Laudna do in fact exist as individuals with lives that do not solely revolve around each other.
I should also for that matter just note that I outright detest the dual and probably intertwined fandom trends of “My ship characters ONLY care about each other and no one else in the party” and “The plot should stop short and everyone should focus on my favorite character,” and here’s the thing: the plot did, in fact, stop mostly short and everyone did focus on Laudna for most of the last four episodes. And to be clear, focusing on bringing back Laudna makes perfect sense, and I'm not saying that you're doing this. But it does mean my patience for “but what about Laudna” is, right now, at something of a nadir. I would like to see the focus shift to other characters for a bit and, as mentioned, I think the cast is also cognizant of that.
The last thing I want to cover is that look, you’re on anon, and I don’t know you, and I am not positioning myself as a paragon of 100% healthy coping mechanisms and radical emotional honesty, and the fact that my favorite characters per campaign have been, respectively, Vex, Fjord, and Ashton is fairly revealing. But: would you reach out to your closest friend after a wildly traumatic and destabilizing event if you explicitly saw yourself as trying to make their life better than yours had been? Would you do this in the wake of a second tragedy with a permanent dead body just before you got on a long distance flight to Math Orc City, after having been tasked to kill your murderer? Or would you perhaps be kind of subdued withdrawn? Because I’d be the latter, and, having been openly frustrated with Laudna in the past, I love Marisha's choice to play Laudna this way and think it feels very real and interesting.
So to sum it all up: if you don’t have Imodna-colored shipping goggles onto which you have glued horse blinders to block out the rest of the party, this episode was great. I think that the choice to neither have Laudna reach out to Imogen, nor Imogen reach out to Laudna, nor for any real Laudna-centric conversations with anyone to have happened yet is very understandable for many in and out of game reasons. (This is already too long so I’m not even going into depth about how Bells Hells is very closed off as a group but: they are and that’s relevant) It’s absolutely valid if you’re disappointed, but I do not share this disappointment, even a little bit.
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tanoraqui · 2 years
"Shattered Heart at the Foot of Your Throne" for the fic title game?
ok obviously I have to respond with some sort of fealty kink. But which couple...
S & D Tier has been updating daily on youtube lately, which prompted me to read a bunch of fic, so let's say: au set in a low fantasy world equivalent to Arthurian legend, wherein there are knights and feudalism and magic is known but restricted to wizards, witches, fae and the occasional magical artifact, usually obtained on a quest.
For mumblemumble reasons, Morgan is King (gender-neutral) of a small kingdom, and for related and/or different mumblemumble reasons, Alex is their top knight (also gender-neutral). Morgan is Morgan; Alex has every nigh- or genuinely magical ability ever ascribed to a medieval knight - can go 9 days without sleeping or breathing, catch an arrow in midair and throw it back, personally slew a dragon by wrestling it nude and biting out its throat, etc.
The Catch, relative to canon: Morgan is generally known as just but merciful king, clever in diplomacy and mighty on the battlefield to protect and uplift their people. Alex is generally known as the greatest knight ever, obv, and good and true and ok a little zealous in battle, but also merciful, honorable, etc.
Then the kingdom of D-Tieria is threatened, perhaps by the much greater kingdom of Rooferia! Oh no, what will we do! But never fear, Morgan has convinced would-be Emperor Rex to winner-take-all single combat, just the two of them, no substitutes...but really it's just a delaying tactic, they know that winning would just make Roofer angry, and killing him might work but more likely his many ambitious potential heirs would try to prove themselves by conquering D-Tieria when he couldn't...
And, Morgan confesses to their most excellent and loyal knight in private, they've never actually killed anyone before, despite general assumption, and they really REALLY don't want to.
"...I could do it," Alex offers. "I've been...hiding something, too. Kinda the opposite thing. I love killing people. I mean, I REALLY love it. And I am SO good at it. Most of the time when I go on solo quests, I get the magic goblet or whatever in like a day, and then I use my magic to travel abroad and just go on murder sprees? I'm so sorry for lying to you about being good and noble and all that, if you want me to leave, I'll go - but I'll destroy Rex and his whole army on my way out, if you want - "
"Alex!" Morgan interrupts their nervous ramble before it can gain too much steam. "I...kinda guessed? And I'm not sending you anywhere except at Rex's armor, if you truly think you can best them."
"What? How? The guessing, now the besting Rex's people - that'll be easy."
"You lick your lips every time you get blood on them, and look hungry for more."
Alex internally: They look at my lips!
Morgan internally: Please do not ask how much I look at your lips.
Then Alex got to single-handedly salughter an army, and they both lived happily ever after. Then end!
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derangedthots · 2 years
Hi again! I’m sorry if you’re like annoyed with me at this point but I’ve just reread the second chapter of courting and realized that Aemond’s scent was never mentioned other than a brief breeze of Jasmine? (And blood obviously, he needs to control his anger soon, Jace won’t let that fly for long)
and also I was like wondering between them who’d be the jealous one once they get together? Cause we know that Aemond has issues and how he hates how everyone is like around Jace all the time but does that get better after they end up together or does Jace end up being the possessive jealous type? I kinda hope it is him? Aemond would love it.
I hope it’s not too spoilery but a part of me thinks his scent is at least? Keeping everyone on their toes about it until he does and it’s something so soft and soothing I think contrasting the bloody smell of his anger. I’m gonna have ti go back and read the first part to see what Alicent and Viserys smell to narrow it down now 😂
If you couldn’t tell how obsessed I am about this story yet, I’m so sorry. It’s only gonna get worse as I reread it to tide myself over until the 3rd Ch 😅 so close to reciting the whole thing by memory
Anyways I hope your days are going good!! 🥰
nooo i could never be annoyed i promise, it makes me really happy to see other people as passionate abt this story as i am. it's like the greatest sense of achievement and motivation for me don't worry♥️♥️
aemond's scent oof yes i've been skirting around that very intentionally but you're on the right track with the soft and soothing thing (if only he would be honest+stay calm enough to his natural pheromones come through, aemond pls🥲🙏🏼)
as for who's the jealous/possessive type btwn them, personally i think they both are but in different ways? like aemond is the more immediately reactive of the two but when stuff starts bothering jace ooo baby boy WILL make it known(we do have to remember who raised him😭) and let's just say both of them are enthusiastic with their reminders. future-wise, i feel like the worst of the jealousy evens out on aemond's side bc yay for maturity so when he does get jealous it's just for shallow reasons and never bc he actually thinks jace would ever betray him like it. similarly, jace trusts aemond too much to really doubt him like that once they've worked through all their stuff so when he gets jealous it's also for petty reasons and not anything srs (but the 'makeup' sex is kinda bomb LMAO)
i too pretty much had the whole thing memorized while i was writing it so twinsies😂 but ahhh if you notice any inconsistencies i tried to catch them all - i def missed some tho - and i've been slowly doing more thorough edits every day so apologies ahead of time if a few things seem off for now😅 (oh but all the major stuff is already there so no worries it's just tiny details/grammatical errors)
thank you and i hope your days are going good too!! take care of yourself♥️♥️♥️
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dreamypomme · 2 years
Why I've been quiet on Tumblr and Discord
Hello guys, I feel like I owe an explanation on me being MIA for a while. It's a few things.
My mental health, which hasn't been the greatest this year if I'm being honest. It ultimately affected my productivity to work on things as well as my interests in certain things. I've had my ups, but I've had a lot of downs. I'll be okay though, I'm getting reevaluated in February.
In relation to my mental health, I stepped away from fandom spaces due to the increase in toxicity. I'm not talking about just the NiGHTS fandom, it's a lot of fandoms of things I like. I just want to make it clear that I've long gone past caring about shipping unless it's with my own characters, and I don't want to be labled within what I like within a certain fandom. No, I'm not a "proshipper" or an "anti-proshipper." Please don't call me those things.
I've also been quiet in the NiGHTS fandom because, if I'm being honest, it has been kind of ruined for me and my friends. I'm not naming anyone and no, it's not anyone who is well known or popular in the fandom. Please don't go after anyone. Basically, I made my NiGHTS discord as a smaller alternative for my friend who gets overwhelmed in big servers and help them meet other fans much easier. It's also just exciting to create a server for people to find and join (though we did find some creeps there but they've either left or been yeeted.) However, we had some trouble with a member who has made us, and other members, personally uncomfortable. From their disturbing headcanons and lusting over other's sonas to their inability to control their mental health (for lack of a more polite term), they've essentially made our server a less fun and enjoyable place to be and it actually made one of our mods leave. This left a bad taste in our mouths and while I do think about deleting the server, I've been told there's still some activity in there and I don't want to cut anyone off from each other. But It still makes me afraid to be in my own server and be in the fandom.
In much lighter events, I've also been focusing away from fandom because I want to work on my original projects and friends' projects, especially since I'm thinking about going back to school and see if I can get into the School of Visual Arts in New York City. Fanart can be fun, but I also want to go forward with my art and take it to another level.
I think that's about it. I still like NiGHTS and I owe the fandom a lot, but with the things listed above, I may not be as active as I'd like to be. I'm not dead, just going to be focusing on other things. If you want to see more of my art, my main Tumblr is where I occasionally post art @madiness-art. My discord is also Pomme Dork#8911 if you ever want to contact me there.
Maybe I'll revive myself, but in the meantime, take care everyone.
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91062854-ka · 2 years
Ichika [Voiced by: Saori Hayami (Japanese)/Brina Palencia (English)]
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Kanji: いちか
Rōmaji: Ichi ka
Also Known As:
Ichika Sakamaki
Lady Ichika
Lady Sakamaki
Mama/Mother (by Akemi and the Sakamaki and Mukami brothers)
My dear, my love (by Karlheinz)
Age: Unknown
Status: Alive
Personal Information
Human (formerly)
Ethnicity: Japanese
Gender: Female
Blood Type: O
Hair Color: Platinum blonde white
Eye Color: Gray
Fourth Wife of Karlheinz
Baker (formerly)
Flower shop worker (formerly)
Sakamaki Family
Her parents' bakery (formerly)
Her aunt's flower shop (formerly)
Karlheinz (husband)
Akemi (daughter)
Shu (stepson)
Reiji (stepson)
Ayato (stepson)
Kanato (stepson)
Laito (stepson)
Subaru (stepson)
Ruki (adoptive son)
Kou (adoptive son)
Yuma (adoptive son)
Azusa (adoptive son)
Richter (brother-in-law)
Unnamed father (deceased)
Unnamed mother (deceased)
Unnamed aunt (deceased)
Hobbies: Baking, reading, taking care of flowers, playing with her children, singing, playing the violin
Favorite Food: Chocolate chips
Ichika is the fourth wife of Karlheinz and the mother of Akemi Sakamaki. She is also the stepmother of Shu, Reiji, Ayato, Kanato, Laito, Subaru and Kino, and the adoptive mother of Ruki, Kou, Yuma and Azusa.
Ichika has been described by her stepsons, adoptive sons, her daughter, her husband, or anyone who saw her as the most beautiful woman they've ever seen, even more beautiful than Cordelia.
She has long wavy platinum blonde, white mid back hair and has grey eyes. She wears a light grey dress with three roses embellishment by the left side of her waist. On her right arm, she wore a long black see-through glove that was similar in style to the straps on her dress. She also wore a black necklace on her neck.
As a village girl, she once wore a simple sky-blue casual dress with white shirt underneath and a while apron and black no heel slippers with her long hair tied up into a long single ponytail with a few hair strains out before she lets her whole hair down after she married Karlheinz.
Village girl outfit:
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Formal dress:
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Ichika is very kind and motherly to the young Sakamaki and Mukami brothers and later to her only daughter. Ichika is said to possess an inner beauty that even death could not steal. Being beautiful inside and out, Ichika is very caring and kind to anyone she meets. She is sweet and friendly to all living beings and cherished all lives around her. She takes pride in her baking and enjoys making sweets for the people. Ichika is also very faithful towards her royal husband and treats him with respect. 
However, Ichika did show to fear him due to the fact that he is the Vampire King and what he might do to her if she makes one mistake to upset him even after she became a vampire. Her greatest characteristic trend is her motherly love towards her children, giving her stepsons and adopted sons real motherly love and loving them and her daughter as a real mother despite not being their real one to the Sakamaki and Mukami brothers. Ichika's sweet and kind nature had often clash with the other wives due to their parenting behavior towards their children. This shows that Ichika won't get along with parents who puts their own needs and interests above their children.
Ichika was born and raised in a small human village in Japan with her mother and father and aunt. During her life in her hometown, Ichika took a liking to reading and wanted to learn how to play the violin and sing, so she can sing along to any music she listens to for entertainment. Her aunt always tells her from a young age not to trust men since there are some who wants to take advantage of women, Ichika didn't understand at the time, but listen to her aunt regardless.
She found that what her aunt meant when her music teacher her father hired tried to take advantage of her, sexually whenever they were alone together, however, she listened to her aunt's warning and tries to avoid him when their lessons are over, her former teacher almost sexual assaulted her after he snapped from being tired of her rejecting him, but her father came home in time to stop him, fired him and called the police to arrest him, she was only 13 years old at the time.
When she was 16, a man who was a secretary to a powerful duchess hired her to be his assistant when he visited the flower shop one day, so she starts helping him and earning a well pay money, however she began to realize that, like her former music teacher, he tries to get her for her looks and body as well and tries to avoid him whenever they were alone together. When he tries to sexual assault her, the duchess came to his office for important papers and saw this and called out guards to stop him, fired him on the spot and had him arrested.
Since then, Ichika began to develop a strong mistrust of men growing up, with the exception of her father. She became well known in her village for her talents and being an excellent baker and working at her aunt's flower shop, but she is mostly well known for her beauty. All the women in the village are secretly jealous of her as all the men wanted her as their wife, but she always turns them down, believing they only want her for her looks and not for herself due to her past trauma.
At some point, Ichika caught the eye of the Vampire King himself when he was visiting her village one day. Karlheinz was supposed to be incapable of love, but from the moment he lay his eyes on Ichika, he feels attracted to her and was unaware of it, until he discovered the men of her village wanted her as their wife, realizing he wants her for himself as his fourth wife.
Ichika, at first, rejected him, believing he only wants her for her looks just like the men before him, but after she found out what he really is, she grew afraid and tried to avoid him, however Karlheinz managed to convince her to marry him, and even though she knew he has three wives, she eventually married him with no other choice and after they got married, she said her goodbyes to her parents and aunt, and became the stepmother of the Sakamaki brothers. Her marriage to Karlheinz did came with criticism from many people because of her status born as a commoner and as a human. 
This earned Ichika many jealousies from the female nobility who saw her as an unfit wife for the Vampire King. Soon enough, Ichika became very close to her stepsons, showering them with motherly love they never got from their biological mothers, such as teaching Shu how to play the violin, spending time with Reiji, and playing with the triplets and Subaru.
Ichika even gotten close to the Mukamis after her husband saved them from an orphanage when they were humans. At some point, she met Kino and tries to visit him as much as she can to spend time with him. Ichika was heartbroken when she heard her parents and aunt passed away from an illness and the ones who comfort her for her loss was her husband and her sons. The Sakamaki and Mukami brothers all begged Ichika not to leave them, but she told them she can't promise them that due to her being a human.
At some point after Beatrix and Christa's deaths, Ichika became terminally ill with an unknown disease, and Cordelia seize this opportunity to finally get rid of her since Ichika was going to die soon by her illness, believing she would finally have all of Karlheinz's attention since whenever he comes to the house to visit, he would mostly spend time with Ichika. Cordelia and Ichika were arguing about Cordellia's treatment towards the triplets again before Cordelia mortally wounded her and drank her to the point of death.
Ichika tries to run away from her and fortunately for Ichika, she found the room where her stepsons were. When they saw her and the state she was in, they quickly rushed over to check on her while asking her what happened, she told them Cordelia was trying to kill her and while the triplets went to deal with Cordelia, Reiji, Shu and Subaru took her somewhere safe so Reiji can treat her injury.
After the triplets took care of Cordelia by killing her, they appeared in Ichika's bedroom just as Reiji asked Ichika why Cordelia tried to kill her after he treated her injury. Ichika reveals to them that she is slowly dying because of her illness, and Cordelia wanted to get rid of her, so she can get their father's attention for herself. Soon Karlheinz appeared, heard what happened and approached her to see if she was alright, to which she reassures him she is, but Reiji said that she was running out of time due to her illness.
Hearing this and not wanting to lose his favorite wife, Karlheinz offers Ichika a chance to live by turning her into a vampire, after some convincing from her husband and stepsons, she finally accepts his offer and Karlheinz turned her into a vampire. Making the Sakamaki brothers happy now that they won't lose her, along with Kino and the Mukami brothers who heard about it. Soon enough after her transformation, Ichika gave birth to a baby girl name Akemi a year later.
Karlheinz is Ichika's husband. Ichika is Karl's favorite wife. Ichika is very faithful and loyal to her royal husband. Karlheinz was supposed to be incapable of love, and yet when he first lay his eyes on her, there was something about her that attracts him so much to the point where he wants her for himself as his fourth wife. Ichika does eventually marry him, but only out of fear of what he'll do to her after she found out what he really is.
So even she does admit that he is very handsome, she only fears and respects him, especially after finding out he killed the two men who tried to sexually assault her when he found out what they tried to do to her from a young age, so she doesn't really love him, and he knows it. He tries to make things comfortable between them to make her feel safe and less tense whenever they're in the same room together, so whenever Karlheinz visited, he always brings and gives flowers to Ichika and the meaning behind those flowers are 'love'.
Akemi Sakamaki 
Akemi is Ichika's biological and only daughter. She loves her child very much and is happy to bring her into the world. She would teach Akemi how to sing and wants her to be happy, but not being spoiled. But Akemi doesn't know that Ichika made a deal with Karlheinz that she'll give birth to her in exchanged for Laito's freedom from his imprisonment.
Shu Sakamaki 
Shu is Ichika's eldest stepson. Ichika cares about Shu, despite not being her biological child. She was also the one who told the butler to give her the puppy that Beatrix wants to get rid of, so Ichika can give him back to Shu to take care of together in secret.
Reiji Sakamaki 
Reiji is Ichika's second oldest stepson. Because of Reiji being heavily neglected by his mother, Ichika tried to show him with motherly love to make him happy. Ichika is the only one Reiji has a soft spot for, besides Akemi.
Ayato Sakamaki
Ayato is Ichika's third oldest stepson. Ichika always tried to let Ayato see that he was already the best. She also stands up for him to Cordelia so he can have more time to play with his brothers and focus on his studies later on or for the next day. She was also the one who taught him how to swim after saving him from drowning in a lake by Cordelia, because of this, Ichika is very protective of Ayato and tries her best to make sure he stays away from Cordelia as much as possible.
Kanato Sakamaki 
Kanato is Ichika's fourth older stepson. Kanato took a quick liking to Ichika and soon began to seek her attention. He enjoys Ichika's baking and the sweets she makes whenever they're together. He always says Ichika is the best baker and she always makes the best sweets. She always makes sure he stays away from Cordelia as much as possible after she saw him bleeding his vocal cords out from singing too much to Cordelia, and caught her and Richter having sex while he was playing with his Teddy, because of this, Ichika is very protective of Kanato.
Laito Sakamaki 
Laito is Ichika's fifth older stepson. Ichika enjoys playing with Laito and is very kind to him. She was the one who gifted him a fedora hat, and he wears it all the time and treasures it. Ichika is very protective of Laito and wants him to stay away from Cordelia as much as possible. She defends him against Karlheinz when she told him that Cordelia was the one who made Laito have sex with her and started an incestuous relationship with her.
She was able to convince him to set Laito free from his prison, but in exchange to give him a child of her own. Laito felt responsible for Ichika giving up her virginity to Karlheinz in exchange for his freedom, but Ichika reassures him not to feel guilty since she knew she'll lose it to Karlheinz sooner or later. Because of this, out of all the Sakamaki brothers, she is closest to Laito the most because she knew what it's like to almost be used as an object due to her past trauma.
Subaru Sakamaki 
Subaru is Ichika's sixth younger stepson. Ichika loves to spend time with Subaru and encourages him to play with his half-brothers at a young age and was always by his side when his real mother is not around. Subaru is very kind to Ichika and enjoys her company as they would walk around the gardens when it was just the two of them. She would always tell him he is not a monster, and he is not powerless, hideous and polluted whenever she heard him calling himself those things and tells him he is a beautiful and kind boy who deserves to be loved and happy.
Kino is Ichika's youngest stepson. Ichika is the only wife that discovered about the illegitimate son of her husband. However, Ichika is loving to Kino and treated him with kindness. Because of this, Kino plans to let Ichika, and later her daughter Akemi, live once he gets rid of the vampire race for her kindness and motherly love for him.
Ruki Mukami 
Ruki is Ichika's eldest adoptive son. At first, Ruki was a bit distrustful of his new adoptive mother because of his trust issues towards women after he was abandoned by his real mother, but eventually grew to respect her. He was actually surprised when he found out that she has distrust issues towards men and yet she was loving towards him and his brothers, but is understanding when Ichika didn't want to tell him the reason why.
Kou Mukami 
Kou is Ichika's second oldest adoptive son. Ichika is very kind to Kou and wanted to help him overcome his tragic past. She was also the one who taught him how to sing. Kou adores Ichika and loves her as a mother he always wanted, he always seeks her attention and whenever she visits, he would always run up to her to be the first to hug her. Because of this, out of all the Mukami brothers, she is closest to Kou the most because she knew what it's like to be used and only be liked for her looks due to her trauma.
Yuma Mukami 
Yuma is Ichika's third younger adoptive son. Yuma was at first distrustful of his new adoptive mother. But he soon learned that she once lived a normal human life before she met Karlheinz. After finding out she loves flowers, he began to plant some in his garden with her, seeing how she doesn't mind gardening and because of this, Yuma begins to enjoy her company as they would plant flowers or fruits and vegetables together whenever she visits.
Azusa Mukami 
Azusa is Ichika's youngest adoptive son. Ichika tried to help Azusa with his problem of feeling pleasure from pain. Azusa feels unease because he never had any parental love before in his whole life as a human, but after receiving motherly love from Ichika, he begins to crave for her love and is always happy whenever Ichika comes to visit.
Richter is Ichika's brother-in-law. Ichika despises Richer for traumatizing the triplets by sleeping with Cordelia in front of them numerous times. However, she is unaware until later that she found out Richter has romantic feelings for her and is conflict on who he loves more: Ichika or Cordelia. When she found out, she didn't feel the same way due to her distrust of men after how she was treated in the past and remains loyal to Karlheinz.
Cordelia and Ichika did not get along together. Ichika strongly disapproved of Cordelia's treatment towards the triplets and wants them to stay away from her as much as possible. The two wives were rivals of who was Karlheinz's favorite wife, though Cordelia was the one who started it, and Ichika always ignores her when it comes to it. But Karlheinz always favors Ichika over Cordelia, because of this, Ichika uses this to get Cordelia into trouble whenever she does something inappropriate to Ayato, Kanato and Laito, knowing he always sides with her. Since Ichika is more beautiful than Cordelia and gets more gifts and attention than she does, Cordelia easily became very jealous of her.
Beatrix and Ichika did not get along together. While Ichika felt sorry for Beatrix due to her being bullied by Cordelia, she didn't like Beatrix favoring Shu over Reiji and they would often argue on Beatrix's treatment on the two older sons.
Christa and Ichika did not get along together. Ichika did feel sorry for Christa due to her poor mental health because of Karlheinz and what he did to her that caused her to be in the state she was in. However, Ichika didn't like that Christa took it out on Subaru whenever she has her episodes.
Like all vampires, she has an inhuman strength as well as increased speed (less than a pureborn vampire), increased vision and hearing, and smell. Being a vampire, she also has fast healing, though it is slower than a pure blood.
She appears to be capable of teleporting from nowhere in an instant.
Impure vampires do not have the same amount of skills like pure ones, nor do they possess their own magic, however, Karlheinz borrows some for her, such as a protective barrier and bat familiars.
However, due to being a former human, Ichika is quite used to things like daylight and human food.
• Ichika's name means "one thousand flowers".
• Ichika is the only wife who didn't come from a noble background and was a human.
• Ichika is a good swimmer after being taught by her father, and passes that knowledge to Ayato after saving him from drowning by Cordelia.
• According to Karlheinz, the Sakamaki and Mukami brothers, and Kino, Ichika's scent is as sweet as candy.
• Ichika has a beautiful singing voice, Karlheinz even said that she sounds like a siren singing.
• Ichika was only bitten twice by Karlheinz; the first time was in front of his younger brother out of jealousy and possessive when he saw Ritcher trying to charm her, and the second time was during the progress of turning her into a vampire.
• According to Karlheinz, Ichika's blood is the finest blood he has ever tasted.
• Ichika wears a beautiful golden ring with an enormous red ruby jewel that's shaped like a rose on her left ring finger, this represents how she belongs to Karlheinz forever.
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cleake · 4 months
hi! can you do a fic or hcs about Neville having a crush on his male best friend? like they're both kinda unpopular losers so they've stuck together throughout the years and Neville tries to hide his feelings for him because he's shy and nervous it'll ruin their friendship (maybe some internalised homophobia or fear since it's set in the 90s who knows)
(thank you!!!)
Hi, hi! I like this idea a lot. I hope that you will like it :) (I also forgot that Tumblr exists, sorry for the long wait)
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Being friends is easy, at least most of the time. You get to be with your favourite person. You can talk to them, tell them anything, and always come to them when you need help. And they will always help you because you are friends. But when does that line cross? When does friendship become something more? And what is that something more? Why does it happen? To whom and where? What actions can be considered friendship, and what is the other thing? How can you tell if something is more than a friendship? How can you stop seeing someone as your friend and maybe something more? How can you love your friends without loving them with all honesty? How does it work? Why does it happen? And why does it happen to Neville?
You two have been friends for a long time, two boys standing together against all the rest of the world, it seems. You two always have stuck together, always been together, from the first moment you saw each other. Is that destiny? Is that a provided friendship? Is it more? Who knows? But to Neviile, it felt like fate. It felt like you got brought to this world for him and him alone. Is that something more than friendship?
He has always been in awe of you. You were the most fantastic person he had ever known! Or at least the one he had ever known. He never had a lot of friends. But that didn't matter to him because you were the greatest. You were his ideal of a brave person, a brave young man who faced lots of difficulties in life. Yes, you had moments of failure and sadness, but they never held you back. You had people who disliked and openly disgraced you, but you didn't care about them. But, most importantly, you never turned your back on Neville. You have always been there whenever he needed someone. And that was the most beautiful thing anyone had ever done for him.
You and Neville. Neville and you. It was such a thing for Neville to have you as a friend. He was always grateful for your time and company, for your compassion and loyalty. Neville had never experienced those things and was so happy you gave them to him! But maybe he liked you so much because you were the only one. The only one who was kind to him. The only one who was his friend. But then again, he didn't have a problem with that. He was the happiest to call you his only friend, his only, his only boy, no one else’s.
And Neville was happy. Very happy.
It was so natural for you two to hang out, and talk to each other about everything your minds could understand and see, sharing moments of vulnerability and trust in ways that many people wouldn't understand. Neville felt like you were his safe place, his home, his boy that he could always nuzzle in a warm embrace that felt true and tender. Neville slowly started to wonder how your lips felt and how they could kiss his, how would you kiss him? But that's just theoretical speculation, nothing real.
You two would often sit together on the school’s porch, talking and smiling together, sharing soft glances and brief touches that seemed accidental but felt like held secret intent. Neville would feel his heart beating faster in your presence, loving your smile, your voice rumbling deep in your chest that echoed sweetly in his eyes, your delicate eyes, skin, and hair, all so inviting and warm. Almost as if they belonged to him alone, as if he was the only one to understand the meaning behind every little detail of your features. He almost wouldn't notice some Griffindors passing you two to only stop and stare, perfidious grins on their lips and eyes glaring at you two with malicious goals. Neville and you only noticed them when they started to speak, their voices loud and ridiculous as they started to call you two “fairies”, sitting next to each other like two girls. Neville felt his heart clench in his chest and his eyes remorsefully glanced down while his lips twitched, the laughter and giggles of the Griffindor students made him feel embarrassed. But then he was broken out of his shame when he felt your soft hand over his, your fingers gently intertwining with his making his mind ease and his heart breathe freely. He shifted his shy eyes towards you as you scolded the stupid Griffindors with confidence only you had, making Neville smile softly. The boys made a few more comments, mocking you two and the way you held Neville’s hand but they moved on, getting bored with harassing you both. Neville felt relieved, staying only with you again, safe again. You looked at him with the caring eyes that you'd often offer him and asked him if he was alright to which Neville nodded his head. Both of you smiled again, your hands staying linked between you two in a soft and gentle embrace and Neville was happy again with you. You leaned towards him and pressed a sweet peck on his curly locks, making him pause for a moment as he processed your gesture, his heart beating faster with hope. He smiled and kissed your head in return, causing you to chuckle happily.
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