#and then this one line made me go 🤔🧐
twilight-deviant · 8 months
Fisk in Echo
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Wanted to make a long post detailing my personal thoughts on Fisk's representation in the Echo series. I won't comment a lot on the series as a whole. It was good. Not gonna call it my new favorite show or say it breathed new life into an MCU that seems like it wants to die. But a good watch. Even if I did hope it would break more of the MCU mold with its MA rating.
But Fisk! Put Vincent D'Onofrio's Wilson Grant Fisk on my screen, and I'm there, bells on.
This is just... a dumb long post I had to write for me. You can read it or parts of it if you want.
Willie on Willie Violence
They're never gonna tells us why MCU Fisk had Ronin kill Maya's dad. Stop asking. They're not gonna say. No, they're not gonna tell us why Clint did what Fisk asked either. I said stop asking.
They really reduced what could have been an important relationship between Fisk and Willie into literally nothing. Per the comics, he was Fisk's first friend ever, his enforcer. Nothing? NOTHING?! Also they changed his last name from Lincoln to Lopez. (Apparently, heroes can only be born from a married, two-parent household? Didn't know the MCU was Catholic.) "How much agency can you remove from one man?" MCU asks and answers.
I'm not saying the comics knock it out of the park with motive. The reason Fisk kills him is still vague. (Meaning the MCU had the chance to pick up the slack but just left it there.) Vague is still better than ignoring it entirely.
I assume comic Fisk was betrayed by him in some way. And while it doesn't take much provocation for him to kill his employees, I like to assume the motive was a little more substantial for a friend.
This is why these series need to be treated like television (instead of long movies) and given more than a handful of episodes.
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Maya vs Daredevil
A pretty good fight scene, definitely. Even if it is intercut with special effects instead of practical effects. I've seen people make that complaint, and it's valid. I can't decide if the inclusion of a fight between them is meant to be a bone thrown to Daredevil fans, a nod to their fight in the DD comics with Echo's origin, or both. 🤔 But since this is a post about Fisk and I'm a Fisk/Matt shipper, moving on.
Ehehehehehehe~ 😈
"None of my men have ever held their own with him like that. You did better than even I expected."
So... in preparation for DD: Born Again, I have been (and honestly, still am) unsure of where the canon will be coming from. Disney recently pushed the Netflix-verse as legitimate, but I know it has to have a point where that will break off. There's no way it can be a 1:1 continuation. So while we can be a little more bold injecting DD canon into the MCU, I'm not getting carried away yet.
Anyway, the uncertainty of Born Again has made my shipper heart wonder where/when Fisk and Matt's relationship will be. Until Echo, I questioned if it would be scorched earth, start all over, meet for the first time again. But Fisk's line establishes he is at least aware of Daredevil. They have some form of history. I'm interested and anxiously waiting for specifics to unfold. ✪ω✪
In the meantime, it's nice having confirmation that both Fisk and Matt survived Thanos's Snap and existed in those 5 years. 😈 Not only does that play into the hand of my current fanfic, it doesn't outright contradict it either. In fact, it's kind of fun imagining an AU where Matt works with Fisk and then laying it over this Echo scene. Daredevil just so happens to be at a location stalking Fisk's competition? On the same night Fisk sends in his daughter*? Hm. Suspect. Certainly he's not ensuring her safety by sending no-kill boy. 🤔🧐 Ignore me. I'm making an AU of my AU over here. 😂
*[I actually have a hard time letting go of Fisk's role as an adoptive father in the comics versus "uncle" in the shows. I can't let this go. Maybe even... won't let this go?]
So here's a very small nod that even I missed at first. In Maya's 2007 past (in Hawkeye and Echo), she is attending a regular, non-deaf school. Her dad says it's because they can't afford better. (Surely there are programs with grants? Whatever.) Now cut to 2008. Fisk picks her up from school, showing that she is on his radar and he is taking a more active role in her life. A testament to that? Maya is now wearing the uniform (with crest) of a private school.
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Fisk isn't the best at love, and there's no denying that. (Look at Richard's life.) But it also can't be denied that he immediately took an interest in Maya and improving her situation. He loves in his own way.
Anyway... so this scene confirmed with its "2008" that Fisk has been active in New York for yeeeears. Literally since the beginning of the MCU itself. I won't say it changes a lot since DD 1x01 mentions the Chitauri Invasion of 2012 and how Fisk grew parts of his empire with construction companies rebuilding from it. But confirmation is nice, ya know. And it shows that even though Fisk's name was unspoken in 2015, he had already been in some form of power for at least 7 years.
And then, of course, the whole "beat up the ice cream man" thing. 🍿 I mean, again, Fisk's methods are not always right, but he will protect those he cares about and punish those who hurt them. And he will be excessive about it. RIP Anatoly. 💐
I see people, even writers, make excuses for Maya's action in this scene, for kicking the man. "Children watch and copy everything." Sometimes, yes, but children know the difference between right and wrong. Children don't just mimic bad actions. What I'm saying is I'm not going to pretend Maya didn't have a touch of dark side in her with or without Fisk.
There's no denying she is much darker and more ruthless than her comic counterpart. My mouth was quite agape to see her hurt the woodpecker and then lie about it. (There's a certain classification of people who hurt animals as children. 🤔) Not even Fisk was prepared for that part of her. Calling for another jacket, telling her not to be afraid. He thought of how other children would react and got it wrong. He wasn't wrong to think she would have an aptitude for bloodshed in her adult life.
I love Fisk calling her out in this episode, that she always knew what he was and that she killed for him without compunction. There was no remorse in the flashbacks. Per Fisk's own words: "You knew what you were part of at every turn. All the people you killed for me, did you plead for their lives?" There was no disgust towards Fisk until she found out he had her father killed. One of the (I think) producers of the show says he considers Maya a villain. Aight. I think she's more of an anti-hero now, but I wouldn't call MCU Maya an outright hero, I don't think. Remains to be seen what she does with herself.
Me watching the interpreter taken away: "Not the plastic hallway!" 🙈😂
DD S3 Fisk really found an MO he could live with. lol. No one else can but...
This old man is adorable wanting to have weekly dinners with his daughter. (✿◠‿◠) You definitely leave a girl wondering where Vanessa (even a recast Vanessa) is, but okay. Now invite your other three kids on Sunday. Pfft.
I can't believe the MCU made Fisk switch out his beloved Bach for Schubert's Ständchen. 🤣🎧 (That's okay. I actually like it more. Shh.)
The Man in Red
Is it such a silly stupid thing for me to grin about the fact that the first time we "officially" see Fisk in the series, he is wearing red? Yes it is silly and stupid. Imma grin anyway. 🙃
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Sir, that is... that is Daredevil's color. Sir. Sir! 😆 (Fisk said, "Daredevil wore white in the comics. Something must be done.")
Fisk Not Learning ASL
Okay so...
I think this is one of my two big sticking points in Echo's writing for him. I've already ranted to my friend about it over several texts. Fisk spoke more sign language in Hawkeye than he did in this series, and it's not like the why is some big mystery. It's sloppy writing, right? Right. It's a shortcut to contrast Maya's family in Fisk versus her biological family. Writers were like, "What's a quick, easy way we can show Maya's family does care for her more than Fisk even though they abandoned her after her mother and father died and offer nothing for it but an, 'I'm sorry'? Ooh, I know!"
Chula hated Willie enough to blame him for Taloa's death and cast him out at the cost of losing her granddaughter. "I'm sorry." Henry left her in NYC after Willie was killed, even knowing he was leaving her with Fisk. "I'm sorry." But everyone still speaks fluent sign language after 20 years, so they're better than Fisk. Did you get that? We want to make it very, very clear so you get that. 🙄
I have trouble conveying my frustration with this writing choice in words. At the very least, it's "tell, don't show." I don't need it spelled out that ordinary people are better than a serial murder crime boss. Neon sign flashing "Duh!" No one needed that spelled out!
And It was bad enough how blatant they were being, okay, but when they had Maya mention it outright at the end, word-for-word conclusion, oof. It's so... novice league. I almost get secondhand embarrassment from their ham-fisted delivery. Geez.
This man speaks Mandarin, Japanese, and some Spanish. For personal interest. He could learn ASL. You can believe the absolute worst in him and still believe he'd learn it as a method of manipulation, to make Maya think he cared. You actually have a larger burden of proof coming up with any reason why he wouldn't learn. "He doesn't care enough about her." Where's that judging cat picture saying "Pathetic"? I mean, I can sit here all day pointing over and over again at the fact he spoke more ASL in Hawkeye. So he... regressed... between series because he cares... less for her now?
Wait... he suffered a gunshot to the head. You don't think... *gasp* Maya hit the exact spot of his brain that held sign language? It's all coming together.
Uuuuuuuuuuuugh. We all have those bad writing moments we just ignore, and this is one of mine. Echo wanted a villain but they were too afraid of humanizing the one they yoinked from Daredevil. Get on their level, you cowards.
No one will ever touch your perfection, DD S1, my beloved.
Sunday Thursday Dinner
Do not let this man into your home. 🚫 He will look at your family photos and identify all of your weak spots.
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jk I do very much enjoy Fisk's wide wandering eyes as he walks around the house, observing. It's so good. It reminds me (if anyone else knows the overlap here) of Vincent's character in Law & Order: Criminal Intent. Goren goes into a room and immediately studies any picture or book or object he can, learning everything about a person. It's exactly what Fisk was doing here, even if for reasons less than wholesome. I love when you can see the wheels turning in a character's brain.
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I can appreciate a subtle flipping of authority between dinners. Fisk at the head of the table with Maya to his right and then the reverse of that. Nice.
Before this, if you said, "Yeah, I think Wilson Fisk would have a floral print picnic basket," you were LYING! No one could have predicted this bag. No one! You might counter with, "Yeah, but he didn't pick it out. A goon just put everything in there and handed it to him." Would you do that? Would you risk your life handing the Kingpin of all crime up the east coast a floral bag? You are so brave. You will be missed.
So there actually are a few bits of the show that make me think, "Okay, maybe Echo writers did watch Daredevil." It's The Little Things (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ When he brought wine, then Maya poured it out and he asked, "What happened to the Lafite?" I was ready to go "Rawr nooo. Fisk's character is supposed to be almost wine illiterate as a nod to his poor, uncultured origin." But wow, they saved it with his very next line being, "It came highly recommended." Okay, Echo. Echo, okay. For this, you get a point.
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Handing the knife to Maya, so... mwah. 💋 It's arrogant, sure, and I'd be lying to say I hated that. But more than that, Fisk really is good at reading and predicting people. Forget muscle strength, THAT is his greatest asset. And he's not wrong. Maya doesn't (then or later) hurt or try to kill him again. He knows what it's like to let emotion take hold in the moment. That's why he understands and dismisses Maya shooting him. But he also knows she has a clearer head now. He feels no danger from her, knows she doesn't really want him dead. And he's right.
"I can't remember a time... when I haven't loved you like a daughter."
I'm glad someone finally said it. Boo on the uncle/niece bit. Not to mention how many motifs of this series hit better and harder with a father/daughter relationship. Tsk tsk.
An interesting exchange here...
Maya: "You isolated me. Told me you were the only one I could trust. But it was all a lie. Even with these contacts, you got them because you didn't care enough to learn to sign." Fisk: "I was there for you!"
✨He is not wrong.✨ Obligatory groan at the ASL mention and... He's not wrong. Like I mentioned earlier, Maya's family abandoned her. Literally the only person who tried to keep up with her was Bonnie (angel), and Maya shunned her. (Which wasn't Fisk's influence because we see her ignoring Bonnie's texts before Fisk had a hand in swaying her one way or the other.) Maya was isolated because her family abandoned her or she cut them off. And Fisk. was. there. for. her. Without him, she seemed intent on ruining her life and getting arrested.
Granted, you'd be justified saying she wouldn't have been in that particular spiral without Fisk killing her father. (Too bad we'll never know why he did it.) But Willie could have died in a manner completely unrelated to Fisk, and her family would have reacted in the same way, not reaching out or being ignored when they do. Do you see what I'm saying? Fisk legitimately was the only person in Maya's life besides her father.
I think about... the people Fisk has told the story of his father's death to, speaking as if this is a true continuation of Daredevil. That would be Wesley (not shown but a given). Vanessa when he wants her to understand him and his past. And Dex, as he pulls the man back from the brink in an effort to make Dex see their similarity and how no one else could understand him like Fisk. (Other people know about it, of course, but I'm concerned with those whom he trusted to tell.)
It seems like the motivation swings between intimate trust and manipulation. Or it could be both with Dex. Honestly, who can read Fisk's mind with absolute clarity? Either way, it's a very small group. It's not insignificant that he tells Maya.
Love Fisk doubling down on "Maya won't kill me." Tripling down? First the knife. Then leaving himself completely unguarded with the door open while she has a gun. Then giving her the hammer and daring her. It feels less arrogant than with the knife though. He still knows she won't kill him, but it also feels less... certain here. But I like him using it as a challenge, as a "Now or never." Kill him already, or stop threatening it every five minutes. Very Fisk of him. 👌
I can't... articulate what his choice of words means to me, but they clutch at my chest as he says, "Free me!" Killing him will not only free Maya to move forward in her life, it will free him. Babygirl, how much do you hate this life you're in? ಥ_ಥ
I think I need to make another Daredevil/Echo gifset. With Fisk here saying, "Free me!" against him daring Matt in 3x13, "Come on, kill me!" (Wilson, do we need to put you on a watch?)
The Little Things (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
I like confirmation that Fisk has a jet in the MCU. There's tiny mention of it in Daredevil 1x11. I want to see the jet. Yes, thank you. I don't know what I'll do with this, but I like having it.
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Post Office
I'm sooooooooo normal about that old man. Really I am.
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I like this scene. No real reason. But it is nice to watch socially handicapped Wilson try and conduct conversation like a normal person. Helping Chula pick up the mail.
I am VERY interested in a blink-and-you-miss-it line from him here. After Chula mentions losing her daughter.
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"Yes, I've lost someone who I loved. It's the kind of pain you never quite get over."
I am gnawing at my keyboard. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?! Is it referencing something we should already know? Is it a nod to something yet to come, something Born Again will expand on? Is he just talking about how he "lost" Maya? Is it about his father? Is Vanessa dead in this universe??? What does it meeeeeeean?!?!?!?!
["Tell me!" Loki gif]
Attempted Murder Spree
My second big beef.
I'm not gonna argue whether Fisk would kill people unconnected to his criminal underworld in order to hurt the ones that are. No, I think they got that part pretty accurate. Evidence abounds in comics and Netflix-verse. If he wants to kill Chula and Bonnie to punish Maya, I'd only ask why he didn't go ahead and round up Henry. This plan totally plays. (Actually, if we used only existing Hawkeye content for this MCU Fisk, it would be... less likely. He didn't threaten or go after Kate at all to get at Eleanor.)
What I find ridiculous is the notion he would attempt a massacre of the entire festival. Uh... what? Someone find me a single instance (comic or screen) where Fisk attempts such widespread death and destruction of innocents. By that, I mean with innocents as the intended target and not collateral damage.
When he bombed the Russians in DD 1x05, people were hurt, but from fallout, not intent. Though there are injuries, I'm trying to think if we get more than one confirmation of death. I don't doubt there may have been more, but... And you may want to point at the attack on The Bulletin, but, though terrifying, only three people died. And I'd posit the extra two were most likely to obfuscate that Jasper Evans was the real target. Unless we want to say Bullseye (Bulls-eye) missed a dozen times.
Anyway, I think this over-the-top plot point is us witnessing an MCU-ification of Fisk. Something they need to quash NOW. It's like... gah, they admit they want his character and want him to be a smaller scale villain, a "street-level Thanos," but they still want the high stakes of "aliens are killing citizens en masse." Well, no. You don't get it both ways. And it shouldn't be that way. Smaller scale means a smaller scale. Reduce everything but write it well enough that you still get that same feeling of anxiety and dread.
The episode plays exactly the same without that bit of OOC overreach. (All it did was give Henry and Biscuits something to do in the climax.) Like... literally. You can cut those scenes without affecting anything. Does that sound like good writing? No. Just like with the ASL bit, I think the burden lies on writers explaining WHY he would do this instead of acting like it's obvious and natural. And just because Maya turned him down? He'll massacre dozens of people? I, for one, am not convinced.
The Trauma of It All
I already talked a bit about Fisk's experience being "healed" by Maya in this post. (By the way, was I the only one expecting it to heal his eye too? Ah well.) I could talk more on my annoyance of super powers that just do whatever the writers want them to in any given situation. But I breathe, center myself, and appreciate what I have been given.
I was pretty disappointed in Fisk's writing the whole episode (see point directly above) until this point. They got me back on board. They made a good decision with this final conflict and NOT having it be a physical one. While it makes Echo's writing feel all over the board, dehumanizing Fisk and the humanizing him again, looking at this one aspect feels so good for his character, for anyone who enjoyed his character before this series. Echo, you get... two points.
Visually, I love it so much. Except for the part where I want to take in every single detail of Fisk's childhood bedroom, but they cranked the fog machine too high. I see he is a Yankees fan (But what about those Mets, Spider-Man?) There's a toy helicopter in the window, a toy airplane on the chest of drawers, and a picture of a plane. Was anyone going to tell me little Wilson likes aircrafts or... There's a jar of marbles, jar of little animals. Very normal, cute room for a boy. Despite the disrepair and decay in the walls. This feels like it leans so much closer to Fisk's outright childhood poverty in the comics than just being lower class in DD.
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OBVIOUSLY, I *chef's kiss* at the wonderful homage to the white wall/painting. High school English teachers could have a field day examining the symbolism. In DD 1x03, Fisk says the painting makes him feel "alone," and that emotion is perfectly captured here. We hear his parents on the other side of the wall, in the other room, but Wilson is alone in his bedroom, wanting it to stop.
I hate/love the despair and pain Fisk has being back here. I would never trauma dump on the internet. I'll just say Wilson Fisk continues to be a very relatable character for me. He is, all joking aside, very special to me, personally. And moments like this only strengthen the love I have for him. Also makes me want to slap around Fisk haters who refuse to take the time to understand him. Bah.
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A small thing I like is that Fisk seems able to fully understand Maya in here. Whether because he just, ya know, understands ASL (she unlocked the sign language he forgot since Hawkeye ◉o◉), or because thought transcends speech inside his head, you decide.
(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ
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I could speak for thousands of words and never finish conveying how much I love this scene. It was a very good call to go this route.
I Am Petting the Loyal Henchman
The guy who helps Fisk, who points a gun at Maya, pulls him away, and puts him in a car before the police arrive?
This guy?
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Give him a raise. He's very important to me, I decided. I'm going to call him Carl.
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What are you about, Carl? Are you in it for the paycheck, or are you loyal to the boss? There is a Wesley-shaped hole in my heart that will never fill.
Mayor Fisk
Obviously excited for Mayor Fisk arc. There are a couple comic plots I've wanted to see Daredevil explore, and that's probably at the top of the list. (There is also Fisk and Matt working together in prison, but I'm less than hopeful we'll ever see it on screen.) I have so many questions about Fisk being mayor.
Do you think he'll still offer the job of Deputy Mayor to Matt??? Can he win honestly, or will he cheat? Can they show Fisk stealing an election without referencing ANY current events in the real world? Will the election be at the start of the series or mid-point, or will they save it (hopefully not) for a finale? Will they use this to set up future plots with Fisk?
I'm all abuzz with anticipation.
Only... over a year to Daredevil: Born Again! ╰(*°▽°*)╯
On the very off chance you read all of this post or skimmed it and didn't see me address something you're curious of my opinion on, idk, just let me know. I'll ramble all day. Clearly.
8 notes · View notes
drvirgus · 7 months
The life you dreamed of
Description: Y/n a K-pop Idol of the 5-Member Group Moonlight. But what happens when she falls in Love? How exactly is her life as an Idol and why did she become one?
Idol! Yeji X Idol! Reader
Warnings: Mention of Bullying and Suicide, curse words
Chapter 11:
Laughing, I briefly glanced at the camera and playfully winked before typing a message. Unfortunately, I wasn't sure exactly who I was chatting with. "How much can I drink?" I asked when I received a message. Chuckling again, I took a sip from my drink and replied, "Enough to bring you home."
Me (8:06): Do you have any siblings?
Unknown (8:06): I have an Unnie.
Unknown (8:06): Oops. You weren't supposed to know I'm a woman...😭🫣🤫
Me (8:07): Don't worry, baby. Honestly, that just makes it better for me😜😋🤭
Unknown (8:07): Stop it. I'm really blushing because of you. Let me try to figure out who you are😳😳
Me (8:07): Are you sure you're ready for that? I mean, I could also invite you for a date in person🥰😜🤭
Unknown (8:07): Male or female?
Me (8:08): Female🤓
I looked up at the camera and started to laugh. I ran my tongue over my lips once, saying, "She's trying to figure out who I am," chuckling lightly into the camera. I was sitting cross-legged in a comfortable chair, holding my phone in both hands as I laughed.
Unknown (8:09): I figured as much. Let me guess your age now. Early 20s?
Surprised, I looked into the camera briefly. "She seems really good at guessing. I'm getting more curious," I said as I leaned back further in the chair. "I really wonder what she's saying about me right now," I added, smiling into the camera. The cameraman just shrugged.
My gaze returned to the phone, a smile on my face. There was something exciting about flirting with someone whose identity was unknown.
Me (8:09): Very good. I'll guess for you now and say you're just a bit older?
Unknown (8:10): I'm 23😌
Me (8:10): The perfect age to go on a date with me, Unnie🥰🤭🤭
I chuckled softly. My curiosity was growing steadily.
Me (8:11): Let me ask you an important question. I'm pretty confident that I'll figure out who you are after this question!
Unknown (8:11): Quite self-assured of you. But I'm curious☺️😏
Me (8:12): Do glasses suit you?
Unknown (8:12): 😂😂😂
Unknown (8:12): Someone once told me that glasses suit me, but they would cover my eyes, so I shouldn't wear them🥸🤓😌
My mouth opened slightly. I stared at my phone for what felt like an eternity. Even the cameraman seemed a bit puzzled by my reaction. I cleared my throat and quickly remembered the camera in front of me.
Me (8:14): I know who you are
Unknown (8:14): I doubt that😉😏
Me (8:14): You're tall, have beautiful cat-like eyes, and your expressionless face can be intimidating at times. But you have a very kind heart, and... your fingers, or your hands in general, are larger than mine
Me (8:14): I know exactly who you are
Unknown (8:14): Those are all very accurate guesses. I think I also know who you are🧐🤔🥴
Me (8:15): Are you sure?
Unknown (8:15): With just one question, I'll be sure.
Me (8:15): Go ahead, ask away.
Unknown (8:16): Are you a Mamamoo fan?
Me (8:16): ..... okay. You got it🫡🫡🫡
I looked up at the camera and started to grin. "It's Hwang Yeji from Itzy," I said, and almost immediately, it was revealed who was on the other end of the line. I was absolutely right. It really was Yeji.
After exchanging a few words about how I figured it out and how I felt about it, the camera was turned off. Yeji and I suddenly met outside the room. Her eyes widened just like mine. Nervously, I started to smile a little, and my gaze lowered.
"Y/n," the older one said. It had been days since I had been avoiding her, but those few days had only made me miss her more. It was really difficult to stop myself from texting her...
"Can we talk?" the redhead asked, her face serious. Surprised, I looked at her with wide eyes. "I... I don't know," I replied softly, briefly glancing to the side. Yeji took a deep breath. "It won't take long. Please... don't avoid me, Y/n," she requested softly. I licked my lips slowly, registering the tone in her voice.
Her voice was slightly higher than usual, sounding somewhat sad.
I swallowed as I looked into her eyes. Slowly, I nodded my head. "Okay... Yes, let's talk," I answered now. Unlike before, the taller one didn't smile. She just nodded and immediately started walking down the hallway. I followed her.
Nervously, I rubbed my fingers together several times. "Here," Yeji said softly as she pushed my drink, which she had ordered earlier, in front of me. I bowed slightly and briefly said, "Thank you," causing Yeji to furrow her brow slightly. She sat down right in front of me, her lips pressed together.
"What's going on, Y/n?" she asked as she scrutinized me. My hands gripped my drink. I took a small sip from my straw, nervously biting on it. "Y/n..." Yeji sighed when I didn't seem to answer. I swallowed as I looked at Yeji.
"It's nothing," I replied, causing Yeji to lean forward a bit more. Her arms rested on the table. "Are we... still friends?" she asked, widening my eyes. I looked at her with my mouth open. "Of course," I replied, making Yeji smile slightly. She nodded her head.
She chuckled a little as she let out a sigh of relief. She licked her lips and took a sip from her drink. "Then why... are you avoiding me?" she asked, her voice now quieter. Her eyes narrowed sadly as she looked at me. I swallowed again as I started to laugh nervously.
"I'm... trying to figure out my own feelings right now," I replied. Yeji looked at me for a long time. "Figuring out your feelings?" she asked, to which I nodded. Yeji's eyes widened as she noticed my slightly reddened cheeks. Her mouth opened slightly, and she started, "Do you mean...?" but didn't continue.
Nervously, I looked to the side. "I... need to confront my feelings first before I can continue to be friends with you," I replied, causing the redhead to start smiling. She looked at me, never breaking eye contact. Her hands were now folded.
"What if I don't just want to be friends with you?" the older one asked, causing my eyes to widen. I hesitated and stared at her with wide eyes. "What?" I asked. Could I have misheard that? Could this all be a dream?
Yeji suddenly smiled and burst into laughter, trying to stifle it by covering her mouth with her hand. She cleared her throat shortly after, noticing my hopeful look. My fingers were intertwined, and I just looked at the older woman. "If you need help with that, let me know. But from now on, don't avoid me, okay?" the redhead said with a grin.
My face turned red as I saw her smile. I could feel my heart rate dramatically increasing. To calm myself down, I took several sips of my milkshake. Yeji observed me, a knowing grin on her lips. "What are you up to today? I really hope you're free," she asked, but I shook my head.
"I put on some weight and have to go to the gym," I replied with a pout. Yeji laughed, and her eyebrows raised. She nodded her head. "Good. Let's train together," the older one demanded, but my mouth opened now. "Uh...," I started, and I blushed completely. "I don't want you to think I'm lazy," I said, laughing a bit.
Yeji suddenly burst into laughter. Her entire face lit up as she looked at me. "I won't think you're lazy," she replied, looking amused. I giggled as I started nodding slowly. "Okay, then we'll train together," I replied, nodding my head.
Yeji smiled. "Besides, you haven't gained any weight," Yeji said as she examined my entire face. Then her fingers pinched my cheek. "It just makes you even cuter," the older one added, starting to grin broadly. My cheeks heated up even more.
"If you keep treating me like this, I might have to start calling you Unnie soon," I said, causing Yeji to stop pinching my cheek immediately. She looked at my whole face. "But I don't want you to be my Unnie," I said softly, which made Yeji smile even more. She looked at me. "I don't just want to be your Unnie either," she said just as softly. Smiling, I picked up my drink and took a sip from it.
"I don't want to anymore!" I groaned as I stared at my phone. Yeji beside me started to laugh. "Come on, just 30 more seconds," the older one encouraged me as she watched me struggle to hold the plank position. After those 30 seconds, I immediately collapsed onto the mat.
Yeji smirked and brushed the stray strands of hair from my face. "You did great. Now, it's time for some biceps, hm?" the older one said, pointing to the machine. My mouth opened as I sighed in annoyance. "Why? I already have a strong bicep," I said with a playful grin, flexing my bicep.
Yeji laughed as she touched my bicep. She looked into my eyes. "You... must be really weak, huh?" she said, causing my eyes to widen. Offended, I looked up at her, my eyes narrowing visibly. "I'm not weak. I could even carry you," I replied.
"Could you carry me and then do a few squats?" she asked, to which I immediately nodded. "Of course!" I replied, grinning as I crouched down so Yeji could easily get on my back.
"Afterwards, I want to hear you admit that you were wrong!" I said seriously as I felt her arm wrap around my neck. My hands were now on her legs as I carried her and stood up. "Wow... You're really light," I commented, but then my forehead furrowed. "Why are you so light?" I asked, looking genuinely concerned.
Yeji laughed. Her hands were on my shoulders. "You're saying that now. Let's do some squats," the older one said as she wiggled her legs a bit. I took a deep breath and started squatting. My hands gripped her legs as I pushed myself up repeatedly.
"Okay... It's getting harder," I said, laughing lightly. Yeji just grinned and rested her chin on my head, her arms wrapped tightly around me, causing my heart rate to increase. Nervously, I bit my lip. "Why don't you tell me about your upcoming comeback?" Yeji asked, seemingly trying to distract me.
"Well... We have a whole album planned with about 10 songs... Hanni and Yunjin contributed to the lyrics," I said as I continued to squat up and down. I took a deep breath. "A tour is also planned. Our first real world tour," I added with a slight smile.
"A world tour? That means... we won't see each other for months," Yeji said, pouting slightly. That made me laugh. "We can call and message each other," I replied, and I let her down from my back. I turned to face her, a grin on my lips.
"Will you really miss me that much?" I asked teasingly, to which the older one immediately nodded. My breath caught, and my heart rate increased. My entire face turned red as I glanced to the side.
"Oh," I shyly muttered, which only made Yeji smile.
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onlyjaeyun · 9 months
COLD HEARTS J U S T STARTED AND LMFAOAOAOHDAKDJ DAWG WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THESE GCS 😭😭😭😭 easily one of the most unhinged gcs i’ve ever seen ngl 🤞 first of i cant believe that we’re about to start another smau again god bless you zadie and your unreal brain cells 💯 now the fact that u made the maknae line 4liferz makes me emotional like a lil bitch cuz they have a soft spot in my heart like they’re literally alvin and the chipmunks i LOVE THEM 💔💔💔💔 they’re so cute and unhinged ngl me and riki would actually be besties we would be like this 🤞 forever together forever. LOCKED IN 🔒‼️ second why is everyone coming for my manz jaems 🤨🤨 especially hoon like calm down elsa that’s na jaemin you’re talking about ntm on my boy ❕i love nana i don’t know how im gonna handle him being an asshole 💔 (ik it’s for the plot and it makes everything spicier so im SEATED 🪑) anywho heeseung you WHORE why is this man like this oh lord. idk if you’ve seen that one video of him during their concert where he’s literally signalling girls in the crowd to call him like 🤨🤚 CALM DOWN HELLO???? but that’s literally cold hearts heeseung rn. chill 😨 ANYWHO im so intrigued, perplexed and curious (not sponsored by shinee) about WHY sunghoon & yn had a fight 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨 AND IT MADE THEM LIKE COMPLETELY FALL APART?? like what was it about yall about to have me galloping like taemin 🤔🤔🤔🧐🧐🧐🧐 call me detective conan the way im about to investigate shit like it’s a life or death situation 🕵️‍♀️ (i’m not gonna reach shit.) also STAR PLAYER RIKI LETS FUCKING GOOOO ⭐️ younger brother niki whos literally ready to drop out of the entire team for his sister god i love your mind 🙏🏼 he’s gonna be the star of this smau too i can already tell 😁 anywho moving onto the rats that escaped the sewage what was that girl’s name again??? jakyung?? i gen cant remember is she gonna be our sumin of cold hearts ☹️ man im all about women supporting women and feminism ✊ but girl if this mf turns out to be another pick me sumin & shiah’s love child shit i might actually have to get violent 👊 square up hoe i already dONT LIKE HER AT ALL 🤼 anywho yn pls take the job so ur enemies to lovers arc with hoon can start thank you 🙏🏼
i hope you’re taking care of yourself zadie :D love u sending u so many hugs & kisses ! <3
but firstly thank you SO much for always making my day with your sweet, funny ass messages they're lit my highlight 😭🤍
honwstly knowing you, you'll probably figure out a few bits rather faster bc your brain is like super quick to catch up 👀 can't wait to read your assumptions and ideas !!!!!
and yesss, i haven't included riki in any of my previous smaus so this time he's gonna be the glue of the group!!! and ofc i gave him and yn a super sad backstory to make it even more emotional and i cant wait for you guys to read that!🤍
thank you sm for this baby you made me giggle and ugly chuckle and kick my feet and blush all in the same breath and i love and appreciate you so, so much 🥺🫧☁️
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supersonicob · 1 year
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The day I went (July 17th) they brought the wall down and was doing some last min testing. I can't wait to experience this. I've been uber busy at work and by the time I'm done I'm to exhausted to get out and go. But I'm excited to see what this is like and if they executed it properly. 😮🧐🤔, so far the people who did get to experience it during its "soft opening" have been some mixed reviews. (All the nitpicking douchebags that expect a company to put in every little tiny microscopic thing into a ride as if the company is supposed to have made said ride specifically catered to him or her, are going to have something negative to say. And you know who these problematic nitpickers are when they start a line off with "I personally would have liked to have seen..." or "I personally think the team should have put this or that in it....." THATS how you can tell who ungrateful nitpickers are.) But for the people who are way more open minded and go into a new ride or show, not expecting anything in particular, and accept it for what it is and how it was done and simply say "yay" or "nay", these are the people who are more accepting and grateful that a company is doing all this bloody hard work putting something together for our meer entertainment and they don't have an "entitled" personality. To me people who nitpick every little thing have a narcissistic type of personality or something along the lines of being a spoiled brat. And I say that because, they are similar to the abusive types of personalities where if a humble person is doing something out of the kindness of their hearts for them, they will purposely focus on what was not done right and say its not good enough. Instead of looking at the fact the kind person didn't have to do them a favor out of the kindness of their heart in the 1st place. NARCS are always looking for a reason why you should solely purposely focus on him or her and please ONLY him or her, and NEVER know how to just say thank you when they are being given something and or when someone is being kind to them. They can't just accept something for what it is and move on with a smile. Its one thing to be a critic, and give an opinion but that would mean that said person needed to go into a ride or a show not expecting anything and having a total open mind, and a heart of a child. (As children are not harsh critics and they have this "wonderment" thing going for them, that makes them excited for anything. They don't go into anything with the demeanor of being a harsh critic. And when a person asks them "well did you like it?" Or "so what do you think?" The child will then give their answer. And its not so bloody harsh and critical and rude and doesn't have a demeanor as though the ride or show developers was supposed to have made it specifically for them. Children who are more humble and aren't spoiled brats doesn't have that entitled personality. So therefore their response will be a humble one and not so rude) but these adults now a days literally have this problem where technology has spoiled them rotten and they feel in their minds like theme park developers are supposed to cater specifically to them. Totally forgetting about the blatant fact that its tailored to kids, the target audience is for kids, and kids don't have the harsh critic thing going on. As long as a ride or show has music, is colorful, is jammed packed with action, and excitement KIDS DON'T CARE! They are there to have fun and if its fun then kids are happy! Thats it point blank period. (And I'm not referring to the spoiled brats who feel like everything around them is "so lame" and its hard to please this type of kid because nothing is ever good enough for them and he or she is just miserable in life and "EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD IS LAME"...these would be the kids that grow up into being the annoying adults that "NITPICK" and the annoying narcissist.)
So when I finally make time to go back and experience it my child within will be in the forefront and I will accept it for what they have put in front of us and say either "yay" or "nay" simple enough. Much like what I did for the Jimmy Fallon ride. Im not a fan of that for the simple fact its not based off a movie. The theme parks slogan is "come ride the movies" well mr Fallon IS NOT A MOVIE. SOOOOOOO how the hell did he get his own ride? He doesn't create movies either. Now back in the day we had that Mr Alfred Hitchcock experience. Why? BECAUSE HE WAS A FAMOUS MOVIE DIRECTOR, HE ACTUALLY MADE MOVIES THAT PEOPLE LIKED AND ENJOYED. THE MAN WAS POPULAR. SO IT ONLY MADE SENSE THEY CREATED SOMETHING FOR HIM. But this Jimmy Fallon guy is so far from mr Hitchcock. So for that reason alone I don't like it. It DOES NOT FIT THE THEME OF THE PARK AT ALL. (And not to mention there are some of us who don't even watch his show. Like myself 🤷🏾‍♀️ I could care less about talk shows) anyways I've rambled long enough, time for me to go to work. Who all has experienced this ride yet? And what do you think?
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I think a coworker suggested I find a significant other on my yearly evaluation.
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enigmaticxbee · 2 years
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✖️✖️ 10x02 Founder’s Mutation
The one where... a doctor’s experiments on kids with genetic mutations, including his own, make Mulder and Scully think about William.
Best: Mulder: You’re never “just” anything to me, Scully.
Worst: WHY doesn’t Scully have her name on the door - WHERE IS HER DESK?!! This makes me FURIOUS. Ughyfcggbhjjhb!!!!
✔️ Flashlights
❌ Woods/Desert
❌ Slideshow
✔️ Autopsy
✔️ Evidence Disappears
❌ Scully Misses It
❌ Mulder Ditch
❌ Sunflower Seeds
❌ Voiceover
✔️ Catch Phrase: (TTIOT)
✔️ Scully is a (Medical) Doctor
❌ Mulder is Spooky
❌ Scuuullllaaaaayy! Muullllderrrr!
❌ Fox/Dana
✔️ Inappropriate Touching (that I am here for)
✔️ Casual Scully
✔️ Casual Mulder
❌ Trench Coats
❌ Bad Tie Watch
✔️ Glasses Watch 😎
✔️ Taking! It! Personally!: Mulder & Scully
50 States: DC x102 (44/50)
Investigate: Together & Apart
Solve Rate: 50%
✔️ Bechdel Test
MSR: 🐝🐝🐝
Goriness: 👽👽👽👽
Creepiness: 👽👽👽
Humor: 👽👽
Rewatch Thoughts:
William check-in: The incubator conversation outside the hospital is SO clunky…. My baby, Scully? And it’s not like the idea that William was the result of experimentation is new - it’s threaded throughout seasons 8 and 9, Scully should not be shocked about this line of investigation. So much exposition needed to get revival viewers up to speed on William 🙄
Break-up check-in: It makes me sad that even in their dreams (or nightmares) Mulder and Scully imagine themselves to be raising William alone. They can’t share their grief over the loss of their son, or even imagine themselves as a family. But there doesn’t seem to be any tension or issues working together… Why bother with this breakup if they weren’t going to do anything with it?? They didn’t have to be split up for William to be a fissure within their relationship.
I believe this was originally the 5th episode in the production schedule, which I guess is why their return to the X-Files feels so low key here. Guess Skinner just made them Special Agents again!
Mulder: How do you know that? Scully: I’m old school, Mulder - pre-google. Lol poking fun at how much random knowledge they needed to have in the original run to keep the plot flowing. (Never mind Scully GOOGLING HOW TO DO BRAIN SURGERY in IWTB - no, I will never let it go)
GaY pAniC
Scully’s back in the autopsy bay 🥰
It feels weird to see Mulder and Scully in these big SUVs instead of their FBI rental sedans…
Skinner playing both sides as usual, but he brought them back to dig things up, not to play by the rules. It still just doesn’t feel plausible to me that they would rejoin the FBI after everything that happened. Wouldn’t it have been more fun if they were trying to investigate from outside the system and going to Skinner for help and insider access? (See This from next season, I wanted more of that!)
Scully’s worked at Our Lady of Sorrows hospital for 7 years? 🤔 But IWTB was 8 years before this 🧐 Who knows how time works in txf universe.
Oh hey Doug Savant! I don’t think I’ve seen him in anything since Desperate Housewives.
I know some of the genetic disorders the kids have are real disorders - are all of them?
The plot of this episode really bounces all over the place - especially with the detours to remind us about William. Lotsa leaps in logic needed to get to the janitor being the founder’s son.
Why is Mulder the only one who hears the sound? Is Kyle trying to send specifically him a message? Why him?
Bad things happen when the birds gather. Lolololol
I do love me some hurt/comfort and protective!Scully though
Why is the little girl blond in the flashback and has black hair in present day 🧐
I’ve always been into stories about super kids escaping from evil captors who want to exploit their powers - Escape to Witch Mountain was a favorite of mine.
Mulder imaging what it would be like to raise his son really gets me 🥺 - given the way he lost his whole family there’s so much to explore in his hopes and fears… I wish we got more but I do appreciate that we get this little bit.
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tired0artist · 3 years
| Screaming at the same sky |
Bucky x Reader | tinder date
The person responsible for this idea —> @tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar
Maybe some spoilers for FATWS!!
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She sat at on her bed, listening to music while scrolling through tinder. Her eyes hurt, from how many times she rolled them at the ridiculous pictures people were posting.
Like. Was that a butt or a very close image of your god awful biceps?
Guess, no one will ever know.
After a hundred picture of man with a dead fish, she swore that she was done. Until she stopped aggressively swiping left, as finally after centuries wasted on this god forsaken app, her eyes met with a normal looking picture.
She let out a small laugh, seeing the man’s awkward smile as he sat on a stool in some restaurant. The picture obviously wasn’t a selfie, but rather taken by someone else.
After biting her lip, to stop herself from smiling at the adorable man she scrolled down a bit to see his info.
James, 106
She snorted loudly, it seemed that James had a sense of humour.
Brooklyn, NY
my therapist thinks this could be good for me.
The veteran part made her slightly worried, but after looking at his goofy attempt at a smile, she shrugged with a chuckle and swiped right.
What shocked her was the notification about them matching.
She stared at it for a long moment, seeing their pictures side by side with a giant and happy sign.
Bitting her lip once again she went into their chat and after a moment of thought she smirked writing.
Me: “so... I guess you got a senior citizen discount. wanna share it with a poor student in need? lmao 😂”
Right after she sent it, her face went red from embarrassment. She hit her head on the wall, because really. Finally she found a guy who doesn’t have a fish or muscles in every photo and she needs to fuck it up with a stupid joke?
Just as she was about to have a mental breakdown, she got a response.
J: “sorry, no. also, what’s L M A O ?”
Immediately she started laughing, at the message and the way he carefully put space between the letters as if writing a code.
Me: “lmao means (laughing my ass off)”
J: “oh. sorry, I’m not good at all the short versions people use nowadays”
Raising her brow she wrote.
Me: “nowadays??? damn, you really sound old. but it’s alright, not everyone needs to be a social media fan 😇”
J: “yeah, I’m more of a in person type of guy when it comes to interacting”
Me: “that’s okay, I’m the same to be honest. especially after spending hours trying to figure out if I’m looking at someone’s butt or I don’t know what, like seriously what do people think when the post pictures like these??”
J: “I was thinking the same thing. most of the time I don’t know what I’m looking at. so your picture was really refreshing for my brain”
She blushed with a giggle, writing back.
The two ended up messing each other until late evening, her cheeks were hurting from how much she was laughing and smiling. She didn’t notice how late it was until, her phone was almost dying and she glanced at the time.
Me: “oh shit! it’s so late! I didn’t even notice 😅 my phone is literally dying 💀”
J: “oh... I didn’t notice either. sorry for keeping you up”
Me: “it’s fine, you’re just so fun to talk to I guess. but still I have few assignments to do, before going to bed 😬”
J: “anything fun? 🤔”
Me: “look at you go with the emojis!!! you go old man 🥳!! but to answer your question. it’s an assignment, nothing about that word says “FUN” 😪😪”
J: “again with the old man? you know what, I’m gonna own it at this point 😎. and I guess you’re right, it’s not fun at all. but what’s fun these days, anyway”
Me: “ohooo I’m feeling a “back in my day” line coming 🧐😂. and hey, dancing is cool, netfilx and chill is my life motto at this point, also pizza. pizza is the meaning for my life 🙏🍕❤️”
J: “let me tell you that “back in my day” things were more fun. and people dance these days? more like jump around 🙄”
Me: “oh you wanna go? I’ll show you dancing mister 💃! I’m a dancing queen 👑”
J: “don’t believe it, until I see it doll”
She blushed and grinned at his old school nickname. It was so cute, it made her chest flutter with emotion.
Me: “then I guess I’ll have to make you a believer 😌✨”
J: “looking forward to it, doll 😉”
For weeks they were messaging each other back and forth, sometimes until morning. But now they were doing it all over the phone as James, admitted that he had tinder on his iPad and didn’t want to carry it around with him everywhere.
Neither of them got the guts to ask each other out yet, or ever call each other. Until four am on a monday.
She was sleeping peacefully, when her phone suddenly went off ringing. It made her jump up and gasp as she grabbed the phone still half asleep and answer it.
“H-Hello???” she asked, rubbing her aching chest.
There was a bit of silence, when she heard a male voice ask tiredly “Em.. hi, Y/N?”
Still asleep she frowned asking “W-Who is it?”
“It’s James...” the man unsurely said, as if embarrassed.
The girl immediately was awake as she blushed at his lovely low voice. It definitely suited him “Oh!! H-Hi James! What’s up?”
He was silent, making her think that he hung up on her. But as she pulled the phone away for a moment she saw the call still going.
“James, are you okay? Is something wrong?” she asked gently, worried for a man that she talked to every day.
“I... I em... sorry it was inappropriate. I shouldn’t have called, you have classes tomorrow. Sorry, good night”
“NO! No, wait James!” she yelled into the phone, she didn’t hear him hang up so she continued “Don’t hang up James, I know that you wouldn’t call without a reason. We’ve known each other for almost two months now, you can talk to me. I’ll listen, I swear”
He sighed heavily, as he said “I just... just... didn’t wanna be alone. I-I had a... em... rough night”
She softened at that and looked out her window, to see the sun rising.
“You got a window, wherever you are right now?” she asked him.
With a grin she stood up and opened hers, saying to him “Go and open it”
She heard him move and after a while, the window opened with a squeak.
“Done, what now?” he asked, in confusion.
She laughed “Now, you listen”
As she said it, she stuck her head outside and screamed on top of her lungs “WOOOO HOOOOOOOO!”
The sound echoed through the air, as she grinned and put her phone back to her ear.
“Did you hear that?”
He laughed “Yeah, just like the rest of Brooklyn”
She grinned “Now’s your turn pretty boy. Let me hear you”
His laughter was like a drug to her, as she heard him put his phone down and mumble “Oh to hell with it”
Pulling the phone away from her ear she waited and sure enough, she heard a male voice yell out.
She laughed so hard as she put the phone back to her ear “We’re fucking crazy”
James was also laughing “Hey, it was your idea doll”
Just as she was about to answer him, a window of the apartment next to hers opened. She froze momentarily, before shutting the window and jumping back in her bed as her elderly neighbour yelled.
Apparently James heard it over the phone, because he started laughing like a mad man.
“I am so, so dead!! She’s gonna kill me!” she whisper yelled, with wide eyes.
He stopped laughing, but the smile was evident in his voice as he said “Don’t worry, doll. I’m gonna protect you”
“Thanks, but there’s no protection from Mrs. Garcia! She’ll turn my body into a pizza topping” she said with a groan.
James chuckled “I’m sure we both could take her, when the time comes. I’ll be your human shield”
She grinned “Thank you, so you might as well walk me home from my classes. I’m sure she’ll be waiting for my return”
“Sure, what time?” he asked.
“Oh, you don’t need to!” she said with a blush.
“But I would want to finally meet you, unless you don’t—“
She didn’t let him finish as she said “No! No, I would love to finally meet you I swear. Is-Is three pm okay for you? I’ll be waiting by my university”
“I guess, I’ll see you then. And thank you doll... you’re crazy but it definitely made me feel better. More normal” he admitted softly.
It made her smile as she said “I’m glad. Remember that as long as you have this number you can call me anytime”
“So we can scream out of the window at four in the morning?” he said with a chuckle.
“Yeah, if I survive Mrs. Gracia’s wrath”
“You will” he said with a smile.
“And James?” she said before he hung up.
She smiled and said softly “Just... remember that, as long as we’re screaming at the same sky, you’re not alone okay? I’m right there with you”
He was silent, probably taken back as finally he said softly “I’ll remember. Thank you, doll”
Hours later, she was tiredly walking out of her university building. She didn’t pay attention to the surroundings, as she just wanted to go and get a bus back to her place.
As she walked out on the sidewalk, she heard someone call out her name. She stopped in confusion just to blush red and see James walking over to her.
He looked even more handsome than on his picture. His physique broad and tall, his eyes bright yet cold in colour, his brown hair short making his stubbled jaw stand out perfectly.
James was just... perfect as a whole.
Especially with the bouquet of flowers in his gloved hand.
He walked over with a smile, cheeks red as he said “Hi”
She went ever redder as she remembered why he was here.
“Oh God, hi! I am so sorry! I forgot that we were supposed to meet! I’m just so tired, I am so so sorry! Oh god, I’m so embarrassing...”
James grinned at her, saying “Well, first of all. It’s James and not God, I thought that you knew that already. Second of all, nothing happened. I should be apologising for waking you up this morning”
With a blush she laughed, saying “Don’t, I quite enjoyed screaming at the sky with you”
He smiled boyishly “Me too, doll. It was nice doing it with someone, instead alone” then he looked down at the flowers in his left hand and outstretched it saying “Em... for you”
She smiled at him and accepted the flowers, briefly coming in contact with his really hard gloved hand. But she paid it no mind as she looked up into his steel eyes and thanked him.
James rewarded her with another charming smile and offered arm, as he suggested they get moving.
After that day, it became a norm for James to appear in front of her university and walk her home or take her out to eat. Their texting didn’t stop but was a bit overshadowed by their meetings and phone calls.
It was five months into their unspoken relationship, when the cat fell out of the bag.
She was having a really crappy day, as she walked through the Brooklyn streets towards the only place that would bring her comfort.
While knocking on James’s door, she started fixing her hair that was wet from the rain. As the door opened she only heard James’s scream.
“Fuck! Sam, wait!”
The man at the door looked confused, but she immediately understood as she saw James in a t-shirt. His left black and golden arm visible, all the way from the doorway.
“Oh... shit sorry, forgot about it” the dark skinned man, spoke looking apologetic.
Immediately she pushed past the man and slammed the doors shut, looking at him with an annoyed expression.
“You’re brain dead?! You can’t just open someone’s door! Especially without asking the host if it’s okay!”
Both men looked at her in shock, especially James as a hoodie fell out of his grasp from shock.
“You know?!” both men yelled at her in shock.
She smiled apologetically at James, saying “Figured out a day after our first real meeting. Wasn’t too hard, I’m studying history James. I wrote a 6 page assignment on you, alone”
Sam looked between them and then awkwardly said his goodbye and left, the apartment.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” James asked, looking at her still in shock.
She bit her lip and said “Because, I know you and I know that you needed time to tell me about it. I didn’t want to take it away from you, James. I’m sorry that I didn’t say anything, but it didn’t really change anything in my eyes”
“Well it should, Y/N!” he snapped “I am dangerous! A murder! For most of my existence I was a weapon. The Winter fucking Soldier! It had to change something!”
With a glare she took a step closer to him, just for him to take a step back as she screamed “Well it didn’t! I don’t care about all that stuff, James because it wasn’t you!”
“How do you know that?!”
“Because I don’t think that the Winter Soldier would walk me back home everyday. Bring me flowers. Call me and stay on the phone, if I walked somewhere alone at night. Let me hug him. Laugh at the stupidest things. Make pizza with me at three in the fucking morning, just because I had a bad day. Scream at the sky with me, because he feels alone. But most importantly James!” she walked close to him and looked him straight into his gorgeous eyes “He wouldn’t look at me like I was the last and most delicious salami on his pizza”
That made him crack up and chuckle against his better judgement, as he shook his head “I can’t believe that you said that, as a romantic thing”
She grinned “Did it work?”
James couldn’t keep the smile off of his face as he stared at her, saying “It did...”
“Good. And just so you know. I will yell at you in pizza language everyday, if you don’t start to listen to me”
He nodded and slowly moved to hug her, his face buried in her neck and strong arms around her.
“I can’t believe that I found you through a stupid dating app” he mumbled.
She giggled, rubbing his back “Well. I suppose that we kinda broke the code of tinder dates turning out bad”
“I guess so” he confirmed, while moving back to stare at her.
With a smile she asked “Can I kiss you?”
That took him back, as back in the 40s it was always the man that would ask that question.
“Only if it means that, I get to kiss you back” he said, humour dancing in his blue eyes.
She snorted “That’s what kissing means, James. You need two parties to be interested”
He smiled and leaned down as she leaned towards him.
Their lips met and she could feel the muscles on his back relaxing. They kissed each other slowly, almost lazily but it was plainly perfect.
When they pulled away, James stared at her and whispered.
Her eyes sparkled as she said “Bucky”
Bucky smiled at the use of the name, that he grew most comfortable with.
That night, she stayed at his place. Making pizza, dancing around the small kitchen, watching sports and cheering for their team, sleeping on the floor like it was a typical teenagers sleepover.
In the morning as Bucky woke up, he smiled seeing his doll snoring on the floor beside him like it was a normal thing. He reached out to pull her blanket over her exposed shoulder, as he noticed the goosebumps there. Adorably she rubbed her cheek further into her pillow, letting out a small breath.
For the first time in years, he didn’t feel the need to scream at the sky. Instead he lied back down and smiled watching, as the golden hour painted his doll like she was an angel.
And in his eyes.
She sure as hell was.
~the end~
Thanks for reading! It was my first time writing Bucky, so I hope you liked it! Don’t know what to say more, other than I hope that you’re all safe out there and feel good! If you want me to write anything, you message me directly or write the ask thingy (I’m sorry I’m kinda a boomer when it comes to things like these lmao)
Oh and English isn’t my first language, so please don’t go all Winter Soldier 🔪 at me if you see any mistakes 😬
Sending all my love!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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kpophubb · 2 years
Hey~ it's me~
Your Hee Annonie !
Firstly, the way we both just made an entire fic based on that Hoon edit 😩🖤 Secondly, your posts ?? Just ✨️ I just keep finding myself binge reading them. Shopping dates with enha, skinship with Jakehoon, the recs list ? 🤝💓
Also here are soft (?) hour thoughts for you 🤭
So keeping the personality of the intimidating-reserved-confident! Y/n but also make her dominant (NOT IN THAT WAY🧐) (unless 👀)
But I'm not sure who would fit this scenario the most. Or who would enjoy being with someone like her the most in the hyung line 🤔
A non-sexually dominant y/n! Yknow whenever she and enha member walk on the footpath, she always pulls the member towards the inside. At first they're just like ":O???" Because what just happened ? Like ummm very flustered and loved it but also shouldn't they be doing this ??
They try to bring you to the inside part of the footpath, but you just cut them off by putting you hand around their waist, continue walking and change the topic.
The Boys : 😳😧😮🥵😵‍💫🥴
Don't even get me started when you do that. When you put your hand around their waist while walking or standing ...or even cuddling?? The guys just feel like they have ascended to heaven.
One time you wore heels 👠 that made you slightly taller than them (idk about you but I am like 5"11 so if I wore a high heel, I'd be taller than them or the same height at least....) ANYWAY
You wore heels, you two wearing walking towards a restaurant or smth, when you pull him on the inside part of footpath and snake your arm around his waist protectively. You BET YOUR MONEY the boy's legs were shaky.
Legs? shaky. Heart ? Melting.
Brain? Not working. Hotel? Trivago.
Not to mention how MUCH the member LOVE (maybe Jake and hoon specifically)(actually even Hee would seem to enjoy it) (Jay too tho???) (Idk you tell me) when you are protective.
You're not a jealous person. It's just out of pure protectiveness and care. Its just a lot of little things that make them super super blushy and mushy.
Bringing them flowers, calling them your pretty boy/ my boy/ my fav. Your hand around their waist. Fixing their tie for them. Always pampering- not necessarily expensive gifts. You tell them you're going to your workplace/college somewhere (totally unrelated area to a grocery basically) and an hour or so layer call them asking how many bottle/can of their fav juice do they want for their stock up or like snack stash.
They'd be like "weren't you in class /at dentist (or smth)"
And you'd just go "yeah, but I figured I'd stock up your stash while I was out..." And they just ??? Melt?? You always go OUT of your way to make them happy.
The protecting their head from bumping into stuff, grabbing them from their belt loop, fixing their collar, buying groceries FOR THEM, giving flowers.
They're just. Down bad. So bad.
Also also
How are you ?? I hope you're doing well ✌️ how is the scene with Med school going? 🏫
Stay hydrated for clear skin 😌💝
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It’s HEE HEEE HEEE! Without a doubt in my mind, I know heeseung would love this dom y/n so freaking much! He himself said that he’s not very emotionally strong and at secret places like home, he’s actually the youngest and needs the most love & affection. He needs to be cared for constantly and he gets really lonely easily. So I’m sure he would be head over heels for this kind of girl who will be super caring and responsible without him having to ask for it. Keep him on the other side of the road, hold his hands and walk infront of him, do his hair and help him get dressed and shower him with love and you will see how he melts before your eyes.🥺 non-sexual dominance or sexual dominance, I have a feeling heeseung will be down bad for this type of girl the most!!
Next, I think Jake would love this y/n the most? He is very affectionate and clingy and no doubt that he loves people who love him and care for him. So if his girl feeds him, gives him forehead kisses, pats his head and treats him like his baby, I’m sure this loyal puppy will cling to your torso 24/7.🥹 (totally imagining myself here lmao bc I’m that type of person) AND AND as for being possessive? Don’t even get me started THE WHOLE HYUNG LINE would LOVE A PROTECTIVE S/O and find her so cute when she’s being jealous. Hee will immediately melt into your arms and bask you in kisses and call you cute, jake would blush so much and become extra loving with you and secretly hope there are more cases where you get jealous and possessive of him, jay would smile so much and liquify on the inside and constantly reassure you that he’s yours only and hoon?? Oh boy he will be instant K.O. Lmao. Fireworks and bazooka exploding in his chest right there! And his precious eye-y smile and smol dimple will appear in 0 seconds. 💘😳 but let me tell you, he loves to tease people so much so there’s no doubt he will tease you and get you to be possessive more, only to fall in love with your cuteness even more!
Now, coming to you, oh my god girl your imagination is just >.< 💯 your imagines always make my heart flutter so much and I smile and blush and laugh when I read your asks. They’re so long and adorable, and I always take out time to answer each and every line that you say!💖 and WOW 5’11?😳 THAT IS SO COOL AND JUST WOW!! Now I really wanna see you and hug you fr haha. I’m 5’5 inches, bc after all, god made me for my man who’s 5’10 :p (obv talking about jakey here) I’m sure hee would love it when you wear heels and wouldn’t mind at all even if you’re the same height as him. If anything, he loves to feel that cause I just know he loves the feel of someone who loves him and protects him!! Jay would find it real cool, but uhm won’t let his s/o look taller than him bc it might hit his pride lol😆 as for jakey, I feel like he wouldn’t mind and would love everything about you but another one who’s gonna whine if you look taller or the same height as him. Loves his girl feeling tiny in his arms! <3 and SUNGHOON?? Ah boy you’re definitely hoon’s girl. Wear heels with him and he will also wear heeled shoes and sneakers ahaha, and show you off to the whole world how y’all the power, strong couple 😏 help I always imagine you with sunghoon and this type of y/n istg. You definitely give off that attractive, confident, independent y/n vibe for me who HOON WOULD BE A SECRET SIMP FOR!
Lastly, coming to me 😛 I’ve recently applied for visa since my university is overseas. Lmao, my lazy ass is on a vacation for 6 months before staring uni, I intentionally chose the semester next year. Cause life will become really hectic once I get there, and to live in an unknown place where I know nobody will be harder 😣! Ofc being independent and successful is one of my biggest life goals, but something bigger than that is to be happy and make others happy💖 so I’m on a break and making fun memories and doing everything I want to do. Watching dramas, reading books, going out w my best friend, spending time w family, going to the gym, enjoying kpop comebacks and being here on tumblr etc etc. ofc I stay hydrated, I’m very skin conscious bahah I have a whole routine for it :p and I hope you stay too!💘 in case you needed to hear it today, I really love your presence here on my blog sm. you’re so appreciated. Thank you for brightening up my smile with your lovely asks. ಥ_ಥ ♡ I’m so happy you like my fics, I can recommend you my fav written ones if you’d like <3
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milligar · 3 years
First line meme
I got tagged by the wonderful @energievie to complete the first line meme tag. I’m so sorry it has taken me so long 🙈
Rules: List the first lines of the last ten (10) stories you published. Look to see any patterns you notice yourself and see if anyone else notices any. Then tag some friends.
Mickey dashed across the apartment getting to his phone and clicking accept on the call before it went to voicemail. It’s me he calls
“Mornin’ class.” Educating Mickey
The putrid smell of stale piss swirled around the room as Mickey took a seat on one of the brown stools by the bar, the soles of his boots peeling from the floor as he sat. Giving Up
They had just been trying to help out Debbie. Locked in the front Zoo
Dear Little Mickey, Parts of your life are going to be fucking hard. Dear Little Mickey
It seemed like a lifetime had passed since Mickey had last felt Ian’s lips against his. 5 kisses we didn’t see on screen + the aftermath of 1 we did see
When life pissed her off, and at 16 years old life frequently pissed her off, Franny made a point of visiting her uncles. Somewhere To Go
Ian [4:55pm]: let’s go out for dinner tonight 🍣🍱 5 Text Messages + 1 Phone Call
Ian passed the joint to Mickey, their hands grazing casually, a gesture that still gave him the same tingles as when they were teenagers. Always a Thrill
This is it, thinks Mickey. This is it
My thoughts… 🧐
I always thought I started lots of pieces with speech, apparently that isn’t the case 🤔
I write from Mickey’s POV far more than I do Ian’s.
It looks like I favour a longer sentence most of the time.
Interesting to see them all laid out like that.
I tag @buffymilkovich @beebabycastiel @gallavictorious @mickeymilkovichapologist @itscurlyclaire @ianandmickeygallavich @depressedstressedlemonzest and anyone else who fancies a go.
So sorry if any of you have already been tagged/done this tag. I am a bit late to the game.
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astrxlis-archive · 2 years
Hello Fox!! ❣️ First of all, i feel so much flattered because i just found out that you've tagged my little gift???!?!?!?! My exact reaction(s): [ 😳🤭🥺😭 ] Well, all i could say is that: Thank you. I'm so glad you appreciate my lil gift! <333 What matters to me is that you get to read it 🥺💗 The anon was totally too stunned to speak after i've seen what you did😂 You're too kind 😭💞
I wanna address your latest piece too. About that, i really go 🤯🤯🤯 with how you try to be descriptive and use some ✨✨✨ words 🙈🙉🙈 My favorite would be Kazuha's! It's just really too good for me 🤭💞💞💞 The way you said "no matter how much he'll declaim poems with his lips, he'd rather seal it over yours". Truly, no poem or haikus that could escape his lips would make him want to repeat them over and over again— unless it's the act of kissing you 😏 Would you like me to give some comment (positive ofc!) about the other three? Yes or yes because i'm boutta do it right now😇
I don't have much in store or something to say tho the way it started with Scaramouche's favorite "part" made me go 🧐🧐🧐 what is this 🤔👀 Next. For Diluc, i liked how warmly the description depicted was. My mind when reading it: ( redirect to— the image of this certain man kissing the back of your hand ). Lastly, for Kaeya. It makes so much sense :D Ears could be associated with "whispers" and/or "secrets". So in this vulnerable part of the body where secrets are shared, he gets to place kisses in yours. He knows your secrets that he only gets to know.
I may have difficulty in feeling things and so mu brain just— "analyze this poetrical piece instead" 🙈 i hope this will make you smile despite the stress everyday gives us :)
— Have a good day! 🍰.
hello 🍰!!!
i've missed you! how are you doing? 🥺
tbh i was a bit afraid of tagging it because what if i was overstepping a boundary? but i loved it so much, and something told me that other people would love it too, so i took the risk. i'm so proud of you and your work 🥹🥹
thank you so much for the comments too 😫😫 i had one braincell left after my midterms that was thinking of scaramouche and his lore and then that happened 🫣 i was so scared of writing kazuha. i still am. he's the kind of person who i'd be intimidated by if he was real LMAO so it means the world to me to read that you think it was the best one 💕💕
about scara's part... that's why i left a warning it might be suggestive, but honestly i wasn't thinking in that direction 😅 my thought process was more along the lines of him having power over the reader, something he enjoys and craves imo, and one of the most sensitive (and dangerous) parts of the body to have exposed to someone else is the neck. there's a whole anatomical explanation for this but eh 🤷😂
about diluc: same 😂😂😂 i literally wrote the image that popped up in my head. and your comment about kaeya's is spot on 😉😉 especially considering how many secrets that man keeps. idk how he survives honestly.
getting a message from you always puts a smile in my face!! also i'll be posting my replies to your previous asks on sunday - i'm doing research for a presentation i have on monday and slowly working through them. the grind doesn't stop after midterm week 🥹
see you soon!! 💕
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akane171 · 2 years
Haha, okay🤷🏻‍♀️🤣🤣
Yes yes, you're right about that, but meeeeeeeeeeehhhh, reading is still more fun and SO EXCITING😍🙈🙈🙈
Haha, I'm not even comparing, just generally prefer reading something else over writing my own stuff🙈 
Ohhhh, one chapter away from the ending? Uff, now THAT is just plainly cruel🙈🙈😖😖 My condolensces!🙈😭
1. We do not have a list, because we aren't murdering anyone (unless it's Rhea, I'd always be up for that😉) and 2. This actually sounds like YOU have a list, you cockatoo-murderer!🤨🧐😖
It is not, you were free to not stare at the naked butt and I even told you about the Karamel vid options, so the choice to watch it was yours 😏😂😌🤷🏻‍♀️
OHHHHHH😂😂 Lol, now that you say it, I guess it really must be confusing af for all non-europeans😂😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Never thought about that😅🙈
Their states... Lol, don't they already have people from all states in "The Voice", "X Factor" and stuff?😅🤔 But oh well, their choice 🤷🏻‍♀️😅🙈
Ohhh, yesss, that ability would be 100% awe and some😍😍💃🏻 (Kinda reminds me of LW's idea to possess a Computer 🤔)
Juup, same😂 I'd just LOVE for him (or any villain tbh) to just go "You know what, fuck you, I'll just get rid of ALL of you" 😂 I still think Alek's words "Fine. Make me your villain" to Alina is one of the best lines ever cause it's so freaking accurate that she's just drawing lines between good/evil and chose him to be the villain in her story so she can justify her own repeated running away and disregard for anything but Mal as being the hero stopping the big bad villain🙄🙄 (Wasting Ben like that would be absolutely stupid! The guy managed to humanize and me people symphazise with his version of the Darkling mostly just with his eyes and expressions, his 'misunderstood "villain" that turns out to have been right all along' would be awesome)
Ohh, I'm so HYPED for the chapter😍😍 PiaD!Eve-inspired Eve can only be BRILLIANCE INCARNATE💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻😍😍😍🙈🙈
Hmm, I hadn't really settled on one particular worst case scenario to imagine, but there were several scenarios I was afraid of in which Rhea just psychologically destroys poor Mon (or Karamel for that matter) in some way or form, because I still think Rhea is the kind of terrible mother whose mere words cut so deep, he'd never recover (and well, words DO hurt more and it's not like Show!Rhea didn't do that, e.g. when she made Mon believe his father comitted suicide because of him...)🙈🙈
Ehh, well at least they did lead a married life? And as I said, there were several versions and I only remember one ending in (a happy) death...? But hey, they might actually turn out happy cause Syaoran and Sakura seemed to be headed towards a bitter end but they AND their counterparts got to be happy, so there's a chance Sorashi would too?🙈
Haha, he kinda always looks good?😂 But I Gotta admit my favourite Mon-El look is probably still earlyS3!Mon with the short, spiked hair and light beard?🤔 Or S2!Mon from the moment he sat on Kara's couch and talked to James&Winn about Latching/hitching? Or arrgghh, no, I don't knoooowww🤔😂
Oh, btw, got another few songs for you:
-"Starlight" by Starset "Everytime" and "Crazy/You Drive Me Crazy" covered by Melissa on Glee (Seriously, listento those two and tell me the first isn't S3!Karamel and the second earlyS2!Karamel, I DARE you😂😂 Oh, bonus: There is even a Karamel video with Mel's version of "Everytime"😍) -Pretty much what feels like half the Songs from the movie "The Greatest Showman"
Anyway, have an awesome day and stay safe😁💪🏼
I think most of us feels like you, still we have to repay the universe somehow, and writing fics is the best thing. Make your own amazing karma! Or in th enext life you will end in fandoms that are not going to have fics at all!
There is special place in hell fro writers who leave their stories like that....
Nah, you and LW are talking about dead animals for soem time, the evidecnes ARE there, so you are both guilty. Even when we talk about spiritual animals. SHAME ON YOU
I wasn't, i just clicked the vid, change the tabs, but in the middle came back there and there was a naked dude drowning in the sea. THANKS
That's why it's so funny xD The only European week on social media, love it!
No idea, but I can't wait to hear all the country songs. I mean, not going to watch, but still, lol
Yeah, she has interesting ideas....
I mean... why to built a nice, well created villain with a motives and basically a good idea, to just waste him on her like that. Just make them win? Why not? Imagine the good guys finally losing. Just like that, the end of story. Evil won. Yay. Why no one writes it?
As for Alex... well, dude is played by Ben so i don't know what they would need to do with him to people dislike him. Eating puppies?
So, i will update tonight! Stane tuned :)
...well, no spoilers, but you kind of hit the nail with your Rhea's analysis.... but there is a twist, you will see xD
Also, I leave a lot of things not told, because I think people's imagination and what they fantsize about some plots etc, can be better what i would write, so I just leave them open space to fantasize... about torturing the characters xD it seems a lot of popel love to do it...
Le sigh....
Yeah, he looked GOOD. And his black Legion uniform. I just wished he smiled more... he looked like a tortured dead man walking most of the s3....
Same! Stay alive! :)
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