#send HALP
angelxd-3303 · 2 years
Big fan of the fact that canonically Luigi can breakdance.
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Go white boy go
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syneester · 2 years
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(there's just inches in between us i want you to give in, i want you to give in)
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edupiii · 3 months
i think it’d be funny hehehehehehe
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Tera belongs to @/dronebiscuitbat (i didn’t wanna @ them again cause i don’t wanna annoy her, but go check out her stuff!)
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helloliriels · 3 months
There once was a girl named Liri
Who took herself seriously
'Til she stumbled upon
This Sherlock × John
As depicted by the BBC
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oddarette · 4 months
Help me decide?
I'm having a botanical/art crisis. This may be my last year ever in CA as we are likely getting PCSed(Permanent Change of Station) soon. To honor the state where I spent most of my life, I want to do a series of southern California plant illustrations. I'm torn however. I originally wanted to do native CA plants, but after photographing, cataloguing, and researching many of the plants I had selected during my time hiking around socal, I've found many of them are not actually native. This begs the question. Should I do justice to the reality of what I've seen and enjoyed during my time living here by including non native plants and still calling them CA plants, or do I offer an idealized version of native CA plants even if it's not what the reality is when you are in the wild.
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alexismusictrek · 4 months
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Ms. Ma’am needs to have several seats. She ain’t got no business making us fall all over ourselves like this👀🔥🤌🏼☠️
Mommy. Mary.
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besaya-glantaya · 4 months
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moonbaby26 · 5 months
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Get you a man who can do both. Batshit patricide, fratricide, and every other -ide one day…chilling with a good book, some wine, and music the next.
(No, please don’t. I kid. Run. Run fast and far! 🫣)
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sen-su-a-li-ty · 1 month
My biceps are destroyed
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dreamingticklee · 1 year
when you remember tickly teasy things that have been done to you and start giggling and hiding your face in a pillow cause even the memory is too much to handle
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burntblanc · 3 months
So I sit down to write, furiously determined to put words on a blank page.
Then I get hung up on the font not being the perfect fit for the story and proceed with spending an hour scrolling through Google Fonts, most of which I've already downloaded, and I never end up writing.
Does this happen to anyone else? Or something similar?
P.S. -- Send help and oatmilk chocolate please.
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a-s-levynn · 1 year
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withoutalice · 19 days
am I supposed to be this bad at ultrakill
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alexismusictrek · 7 months
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Yesterday, today, and tomorrow👀😏💖
#KateMulgrew & #MaryMcDonnell make me one grateful af lesbian💯 So beautiful to have such grace to look up to🙏🏼
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yorshie · 10 months
Me *Writing*: I will keep Raph sweet. Sweet Raph. Raph being sweet.
Raph *smirks* : sweet, huh?
Me: …..I’m in so much fucking trouble.
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lillybearrie · 5 months
Guys- guys! I need to talk about this because omfg arararara
Ok so I was watching sherb's most recent hardcore stream, or more accurately got not even a minute in and ran to Tumblr because I have thoughts, and maybe it's because I just binged Icarus's pov post-centross death but the first like 30 seconds or so of the hardcore stream made me realize the difference between someone like hardcore!Sherbert and Icarus.
Icarus is in a deep state of self loathing and needing to grief so so many things so many people they need to process so so much but their own father has convinced them that it's pointless that it's not worth it that they should just focus on other things like helping him in his endeavors and so they don't and instead they bear the weight of this feeling of guilt and dread that they carry it around all day every day and they use it like armor because they don't have much else anymore. They pour all of the doubt they used to have into blind faith in fable's cause because they will not process and they will not grief over the fact that in only the past 4 months they have either indirectly or directly been at fault for 2 of their friends deaths and that their very existence prompted the destruction of so many peoples lives fable caused the resets for them to save their life fable destroyed reality over and over and over until the universe was delt what is likely irreparable damage all for them and honesty we really don't talk enough about the guilt they must carry for that. Icarus wakes up and even if it's been a few weeks is immediately so so tired the weight of everything going on in their life waking up with them waking up with the voices that constantly tell them what they already know the voices the yell and scream that their wrong that their hurting people again that their acting corrupted The voices that never shut up day in and day out. And they stretch because sometimes keeping a routine in times like this is key to keeping sane and yk stretching is just generally a good habit. Their alone except for the emotionally distant basterd of a previously immortal man that dares call himself a father ( we're not gonna talk about how the stuff he instilled in ick when they were little influenced a large part of how the corruption presented itself in them during season 1 because this is not that post but if it was I would have so many words you don't even know) life right now is one big distraction and when it's not they either have a break down or they're chasing the next distraction and you can see that when they wake up because you get 2 kinds of Icarus in the morning angry Icarus who will take it out on quixis or us because they need that emotional release and we're easy targets or planning Icarus who is only thinking about what they need to do today they do mindless chores or talk with co-workers or are figuring out how to complete task fable asks of them.
Hardcore!Sherbert on the other hand is for better or worse alone completely and utterly aside from the things their's not a single actual person in their life. they farm they build they vibe and weird shit happens around them sometimes and they hear voices, they wake up and look forward to the next day even when they've been asleep for months they look in the bright side "not a bad thing tho it's important to get your sleep" they are so... free in comparison with Icarus and you can hear it in the way they talk its lighter you can see it in they way they move it made me realize how little Icarus actually truly smiles nowadays hardcore!sherbert has their fair share of struggles don't get me wrong but at they end of the day they're happy they enjoy life for the most part.
And Sherb does such a good Job acting out this fundamental difference between these two variations of the same guy. I go ababababa it think it's neattt anyway go appreciate Sherbertquake56's phenomenal acting after this long ass post psychoanalizing they way their minecraft characters wake up which is a total sane and normal thing to make a Tumblr post about at 4 am mhm
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