#and then: Liz fucking Truss
eternaleve · 2 years
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double prime minister event is in the cards, i have done the maths
ETA: This post continues to be spread and spread and spread, which is deeply funny to me, so I’d just like to plug the work of 350.org, Tree Aid, and Survival International, if you’re that way inclined. I’d like to think the continued success of this post might spread lols and good in the world :)
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“I’m a fighter not a quitter”
- Liz Truss, less than 24 hours before quitting
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astrangertomykin · 2 years
"The lettuce won" is a phrase that is so bizarre without context and the fact it's referring to the state of our country's political situation right now is honestly appalling
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sourcreammachine · 11 months
one year since the funniest thing to ever happen
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embeedoesstuff · 2 years
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The lettuce is a surprise
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thelandofbritain · 5 months
Good grief... this stupid woman Truss is a danger to Britain and the whole world.
A failed Tory prime minister who only lasted a few disastrous weeks in office, but who managed to crash the British economy in that time, now suggests Trump should win?!
She shouldn't be allowed out into the community, never mind being given political power.
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To all the Americans worrying that Kamala won’t be a good first female president, don’t worry it can’t be any worse than the UK’s three attempts
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qqueenofhades · 2 months
Also, the idea that we might not (WON'T) have to compromise on getting our first female president by her being a conservative republican 😍
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weaverhornet · 2 years
as awful as it's actually been to live through, liz trusses 45 days in office is objectively hilarious on reflection. girlie walked in, had three quiet weeks of royalty circus when the queen kicked it, proceeded to immediately crash the £ by making economic plans so bad that every single market in the world went What The Fuck, spend a little under a month scrambling and back pedaling and changing ministers and desperately trying to cling onto power before finally dramatically resigning after 45 entire days (the shortest time of any prime minister ever) and starting a panic 7 day long leadership election just so that the Tories can try and avoid calling an actual general election. good job everyone
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top-the-cat · 1 year
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victusinveritas · 1 month
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pers-books · 6 months
Liz Truss’s bid to ban trans women from sports runs out of time after MPs discuss ferrets instead
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Left: former PM Liz Truss. Right: two domesticated ferrets (names unknown) Getty/Wikimedia Commons
Former UK prime minister Liz Truss’s recent attempt to ban transgender women from female spaces ran out of time and will now not be debated after MPs joined forces to “talk it out” for five hours, including discussing ferret name choices.
Truss, the UK’s shortest-serving prime minister, sponsored the bill – entitled the Health and Equality Acts (Amendment) Bill – saying it would define sex in law as biological and, in her view, end the “absurd and dangerous situation where biological males self-defining as females can access girls’ and women’s toilets and so on – as well as sports competitions”. 
In recent months, Liz Truss has become increasingly vocal over trans issues and has aligned herself with hard-right groups and figures, even appearing at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in the US state of Maryland last month, where she claimed that “trans activists” had infiltrated the UK’s civil service.
One of Liz Truss’s allies, Secretary of State for Trade Kemi Badenoch, slammed the “filibuster”, saying that Labour MPs had used parliamentary time to discuss ferret name choices instead of “protecting children.”
Champion said: “I am interested that my right hon. Friend is keenly mentioning ferrets at every opportunity that she can get in this debate, so let me just put it on record that my brother had a ferret called Oscar.” Eagle replied: “My hon. Friend now has that on the record. I do not really know what else to say about that, except that I am sure that Oscar brought her brother great joy.”
Conservative MP for North Devon Selaine Saxby also joined in the Animal Welfare debate after she was asked by Ms Eagle whether she had ever owned a ferret, “and if so, what was that ferret’s name?”
Saxby replied: “That is an excellent intervention. I will come to ferrets, but unfortunately I have not had the pleasure of one at home myself.”
At one point, the Animal Welfare debate segued into a discussion of the soap opera Coronation Street, with Labour MP for Chester Samantha Dixon saying: “Is my hon. Friend aware of a recent Coronation Street storyline on precisely this issue? It involved the indomitable Evelyn, who is, of course, played by Maureen Lipman, and covered the issues around puppy farming. It was a strong, educational storyline.”
A bill aimed at ban conversion therapy failed to move through Parliament on Friday 1 March for the same reasons, after a debate on it ran out of time: with anti-conversion therapy ban MPs, including gender-critical Labour MP Rosie Duffield and several Conservative MPs, similarly accused of ‘filibustering’.
Were it not too early in the morning for it, I'd be HOWLING with laughter at this!
Here's a suggestion - instead of hounding trans people, do something about the number of children being groomed online!
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geekysteven · 2 years
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[Image description Stock photo of two business type people shaking hands. Woman on the left has Liz Truss' face, man on the right has William Henry Harrison's face]
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lost-carcosa · 1 year
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There’s a reason people call her Thick Lizzy
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salamander18 · 2 years
quick britain update for the americans:
the prime minister just resigned after just under 2 months in office after she crashed the fucking economy and by next friday we'll have a third prime minister this year. the main 3 options for pm are
1. a mop head who partied while ppl were watching their nans die over zoom
2. the richest member of parliament who's wife doesnt pay taxes on overseas income (over £2,000,000)
3. a literal fucking facist who called climate protesters "tofu-eating wokarati"
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mcknitface · 2 years
would like to draw everyone's attention to dutch newspaper de Volkskrant who ended their article about truss' resignation by comparing 10 Downing Street to an air bnb
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"...10 Downing Street, which to all staff is beginning to take on the character of an air bnb."
this country is a joke and an embarrassment and I can't wait to be rid of it, either by scottish independence or emigration
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