#and there's more to noco then just This
tdnoco · 2 years
Noco and Me
noco scratches a particular itch in my brain see, when i was in higschool i had a gay crush on my straight best friend. and even though we had been friends for Years, because of my crush, i would never hug her. it felt like i’d be... imposing myself on her. i was always worried i’d make her uncomfortable. that it’d be predatory or smth. i was so worried about being rejected and also so sure that i was stupid for even having these feelings for someone who was Straight, and yet also desperately hoping that i’d be wrong, and she Wasn’t straight after all. and that’s a big reason i like noco. if we look at that sleeping kiss scene, yes it’s a joke, but it was also one of my worst nightmares. that i’d accidentally let myself go, that i’d do something horrid and unconsensual. (i never did, and i also don’t believe that noah had any longing for cody before that scene.) but still, the scene represents that fear. A gay accident that feels like being Outed, that affects somebody “Straight.” i still can’t watch that scene without skipping it, without cringing, without feeling embarassed. but if you look at what happened to noah afterwards - he wasn’t punished. Cody didn’t treat him with fear or anger or anything. In fact, Cody doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t bring it up, he doesn’t demand apologies (though it would be in his right too). It seems like he genuinely doesn’t mind, that he understood it was an accident. He holds no ill will...and i don’t know. To me that feels so... kind. Maybe this betrays my lack of standards, but for this guy to just effortly brush off noah’s gay mistake and not be mean about it... feels so generous.  Noah is not barred from hanging out with Cody, he’s not ostracized. Nothing happens. In fact, Cody minds so little about this incident, that he falls asleep near/with Noah again. Like Cody just cares so little. Like - Noah isn’t uninvited from the sleepover even after the incident. And that just feels so welcoming. I don’t know - noco just really assauges my gay fears. Also because Cody like... looks/feels straight, I can project my own conflicted feelings of pining for someone I can’t have onto Noah. (who is just very easy to project onto in general)
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nocofamilyau · 2 months
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may or may not be based on a true story
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starryluminary · 4 months
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Don’t know if I can deny
A Sudden Desire
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I have shipped Noah with probably everyone on the cast at some point.
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Why are there so many ships for Noah Total Drama? Like you have your basic ones, Noco and Nowen, and then you have Alenoah (which is like, one of the most written about TD ships on ao3 so I count it as a main), and then there’s Nemma. And people ship him with Izzy and Duncan too. And I’ve seen a lot of stuff for him and Sierra as well?? Like why do we give this loser so many partners. Is it just vibes or am I missing something?
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epim3des · 6 months
just saw the chaos on AO3, if needed you can block + mute noahsolosyou
muting hides their works, bookmarks, etc. and blocking will stop them from commenting on your works + replying to your comments (blocking may not be required but precautions are a good thing) 👍
(this might not be useful in the long run but its all i got, since AO3's whole thing is not doing any censoring on media so basically filtering the person is the best bet here)
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eavee-ry · 10 months
i actually have some questions regarding island of the slaughter as I'm wanting to do a sequel/spinoff fanfic but I want to make sure not to mess up your vision.
Are the spirits trapped to certain parts of the island unable to move about or are they able to move about the island freely (they just can't get off)
Are they hostile and bloodthirsty towards everyone that enters the island now like the man that killed them or was McLean just marked for death because he was the one that caused the whole situation in the first place?
(to kind of go with the above) if say a castaway were to end up on the island would they need to follow the rules to avoid risking the spirts' wrath or was that all essentially and elaborate prank to mess with Chris's head before doing him in in?
Are there any canon Island of the slaughtered ships I need to keep in mind?
Could someone in theory repair the spirits?(unsew Owen give Heather a body al la reverse headless horseman ect.)
Sorry for all the questions I just want to make sure I get this right. 😅
Okay you really are invested with IOTS TYSMM
1. The spirits are able to move around freely, but their designated places are like their home (or spawn point idk😭)
2. The campers weren’t familiar with Alejandro nor Sierra, but still, they may come as hostile if they feel threatened— so yeah, pretty much anyone who would enter the island would be at risk of dying in the campers’ hands if they break their boundaries (Chris is their #1 target though)
3. Same answer as #2!
4. There aren’t any ships canon in IOTS but Duncan and Courtney! I’m quite fond of NoCo in the story though, but it can be viewed as a friendship or more.
5. No i like bullying them
6. I know IOTS is “all over the place” since it was just a thing I made for fun, and I understand if people get confused! I just really like it when viewers can interpret some of the open-ended stuff
also I love the theories that you guys made! they’ll never be confirmed though since I gave up on the series now😥
also i’ve seen people say Alejandro and Sierra were the killers even though they first arrived on the island with Chris (you can make AUs of it dw, just don’t claim it’s true😭)
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perpetualexistence · 3 months
Alenoah Hypnosis Corruption AU, where after Alejandro hears Noah call him an 'eel dipped in grease', Alejandro makes a deal with Noah... If Noah lets Alejandro hypnotize him into not saying the truth about Alejandro to anyone again, then Noah won't get eliminated... However if Noah refuses to get hypnotized, then Alejandro will hypnotize Owen instead, after Noah's elimination... Noah hesitantly agrees to be placed in a trance by Alejandro... Alejandro tells the hypnotized Noah to be loyal to Alejandro! 🍥
So, funny story anon. I don't really have any more ideas I could add to this lovely idea you've presented...because you've accidentally (I hope) recreated the wheel.
You've also accidentally awoken the essayist that has realized she has the opportunity to share things she knows. So, with that in mind:
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(I don't mean for Lisa to be mad. I am genuinely excited to share these things with people who potentially don't know them. I just couldn't find a better meme.)
Feel free to read under the read more for fanfic recs followed by my own personal thoughts about the Alenoah hypnosis corruption and why I love it so. I'm basing my knowledge on what I've seen on Tumblr and on Ao3. If you feel like I've missed anything, please let me know!
First the elephant in the room: the horny fics.
Yes, the earliest examples of Alejandro using hypnosis on Noah were smut. No, I'm not about to link them for what I would hope to be obvious reasons.
To be clear, I've got no problem with people who do have hypnosis as a kink. Everyone's allowed to have or not have a kink so long as it doesn't hurt anybody. To each their own so long as consent's involved.
The problem only starts when you do things like bringing minors into the mix. For what, again, I hope are obvious reasons.
Hypnosis is something that can be used as a great plot device when used for non-horny reasons too, and that's the context we're looking at them here.
So now onto the more palatable dark, horrible things you can do with hypnosis! /aff
The one who started the most recent trend was Creative_Creatures with their fic To Reach New Heights. It's a NoCo fic they started in November 2023 and was discontinued in April 2024.
Alejandro tricks Noah into letting himself get hypnotized, and Noah starts getting more and more corrupted as he grapples with his sense of self and the version of himself Alejandro is imposing on him. Cody starts noticing something's up, and Alien Cody also gets involved in the plot.
There are some moments of OOCness that the author has admitted to. They've also stated that they no longer like the work, hence the fic being discontinued. However, I still think it's worth checking out at the very least as a fic to learn from. It still deserves the credit for being the first to try tackling the subject, even if the result didn't end up as expected.
After Creative-Creatures came Total-drama-brainrot, aka Ophe. For Ophe there's actually a linear timeline for how their fic, Snap, Crackle, and Pop, came to be.
The seed started on January 14th, where Ophe made a stray comment about how the fandom doesn't really address the fact that Alejandro hypnotized Owen, and received a response regarding the negative side effects of hypnotism that Owen could have hypothetically dealt with: https://www.tumblr.com/total-drama-brainrot/739512421490835456/i-was-thinking-more-along-the-lines-of-how-messing
About a month later, Ophe made a seemingly random ask regarding how one would write hypnosis. I may or may not have a footnote in this history as I made a comment regarding To Reach New Heights: https://www.tumblr.com/total-drama-brainrot/741634477880754176/how-the-fuck-am-i-supposed-to-write-hypnosis
A day later they unleashed Snap, Crackle, and Pop, a fic where Alejandro convinces Noah to make a bet regarding hypnosis, and takes advantage of Noah's forced compliance from then on. Though Noah is by no means helpless and finds his own ways to fight back.
The fic only has three chapters written so far with no clear idea of when the next chapter will release. Still, I highly recommend it for the writing and the exploration of the concept.
About a week later, Ayawilliams came into the picture. For those of you who don't know who Ayawilliams is, I'm going to assume you're new to the fandom. In which case, hi! Glad to have you here! They've been shipping Alenoah as far back as 2016 on Fanfiction.net from what I can tell. This was way before it started taking over as the main ship in 2021. They're still consistently writing fic every few days, and through all of this have made a name for themselves on AO3.
If you look through the comments for the first chapter of Snap, Crackle, and Pop you can see that AyaWilliams definitely did take note of the hypnosis fic, and of To Reach New Heights. Almost a week later they delved into their first foray into hypnosis fic: Passive. (Though the main inspiration for the fic is credited to a role-reversal genderswapped fic called Hexxed by lonelybrachiobrute (triceratroops)).
Passive's a role reversal one-shot where Noah is actually the one hypnotizing Alejandro to be better at the competition for just a small, tiny price.
AyaWilliams liked the idea so much they made a sequel fic set in the same universe during the London episode called Unrecognized Yearnings.
The hypnosis trend of fic came full circule on March 5, 2024 when AyaWilliams wrote A little persuasion. After London, Alejandro threatens Noah into letting Alejandro hypnotize him or else he'd do it to Owen.
Since that fic, there haven't been any new additions to the hypnosis trend for Alenoah.
Which I think is a shame, because I do rather like hypnosis as a plot device. It's a branch of mind control that needs one party to trust the other in order for it to work. It's an exploration of power dynamics, and how they can be exploited and taken advantage of.
And although none of these fics explore it, I also like considering the other side of hypnosis. With the idea that the trust is warranted, and the hypnotizer uses a power that could so easily destroy and corrupt to instead help the hypnotizee achieve a state of calm and peace they didn't know was possible. Or to help them work past their own inner demons by detaching in a safe way, with the ability to ground themselves to come to a better understanding of themselves.
Or as another, more specific, certainly not something I have in mind for one of my own AUs example: Having Alejandro who starts off with using hypnosis merely to get what he wants from people, only to transition as he grows as a person to use it to do something like bring a certain cynic out of a dissociative state induced by personal trauma. And possibly becoming open to the idea of allowing said cynic that same amount of power over him, creating a more balanced relationship founded on trust between the two.
But you didn't hear that example from me.
Hypnosis can be used in multiple ways, and how specific characters use it and react to it speaks so much about who they are as a person. Every way is neat, and I hope to see more of it!
Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk.
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nress · 3 months
more superhero au designs, since I need them for another comic
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I love this au in case u couldn't tell the lore with escope is that they're kinda just a bunch of stupid uni kids who went illegal hero-ing (they sorta act as the dead wife in noahs backstory) speaking of initially he and Alejandro were just friends but i realised im not using Alejandros potential as a villain nearly enough so im actually gonna let him arch villain for once
Also I realized there's not much noco so hopefully if I don't die I'll write a comic for smth more emotionally driven but hey enjoy 👍👍
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nocofamilyau · 4 months
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I sure hope Hijotee is doing well wherever they may be... (21/24)
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starryluminary · 10 months
You think the ski enthusiasts that look up the tag “Noco” on here get whiplash from all the gay
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t4taletyler · 10 months
Noah(TDI) and Queer characters in media.
In 2007 Teletoon premiered Total Drama Island, Apart from that cast was Noah. Noah quickly became a fan favorite along with Cody in the episode 'The Big Sleep' where Noah is shown to be kissing Cody's ear in his sleep, The two wake up and freak out. They quickly run away from each other.
This becomes a running gag of sorts, As in the episode 'Haute camp-ture' We see all the characters who got voted off this far in the show at the resort Playa Des Losers.
We see Noah featured in some of these scenes in the episode, As Noah is describing his experience on Total Drama Island he says he's gotten nothing out of it and that it was completely uneventful to him. We see Izzy pop in and say, "He kissed a guy!" The two bicker back and forth about whether it happened or not, Trent rebuttals Noah's no's with "He totally did" and then shows a flashback to Noah and Cody kissing with Noah saying he has no comment. We see this gag again in Total Drama Action in the Aftermath show, We are introduced to the people who didn't end up making it on TDA. In Noah's introduction, we are shown a clip of him kissing Cody AGAIN. They are also shown sitting with each other in a lot of the TDA aftermath segments.
One question I have is why is this gag shown over and over again? In the episode where it came from it didn't move the plot along, it was just a few-second gag. I feel as if this was hinting at Noah being gay, Freshtv who was producing the series has made gay characters before in their other show 6teen. I firmly believe that Noah is queer-coded at the very least. When Justin is introduced to us in episode one of Total Drama Island we see Noah, Owen and Trent all swoon over him much like the girls
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In the Total Drama flash game 'Oh No U Di'n't' we see Noah say this about Cody
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Though this saying can be said by any of the characters in the Flash game about Cody it sounds the most like Noah, especially with his sarcastic voice. Noah's personality is also a gay stereotype, at least in the first three seasons. In the 2000s typically gay men were depicted as feminine, sassy, and sarcastic. We can see this in TV shows such as Sex in the City and the movie The Devil Wears Prada. Noah emulates a lot of these traits with his sarcastic personality and how sassy he is. He is also depicted as skinny and having a 'girly' scream, shown in the special Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island.
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A lot of these scenes are played as a joke as LGBTQ+ representation was very hard to find that wasn't played as a "haha funny" moment.
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In Celebrity Manhunt we see Cody and Noah parallel two straight pairings in this scene. We don't see Noah actually smile a lot but the times he does we see him with men such as Cody,Alejandro and Owen
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(aftermath show)
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(Newf kids on the Rock)
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(I see London..)
On FreshTV's now-deactivated Tumblr blog, they said in response to an ask about Noah
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This along with the existence of Nemma (Noah x Emma from rr) has always confused me, Why would Fresh TV go back on their character and suddenly change him to be less sarcastic and sassy? I think if they addressed Noah's queerness they would get backlash because he is A stereotype of a gay man BUT! I think the way they did it was actually more harmful to the queer TDI community. It made a lot of Noco,Alenoah and Nowen shippers face backlash till this day. Now with the TDI reboot we finally have two canon queer characters that are dating which is exciting and I'm glad they fought so hard to keep them but i think this was a way to pay their respects to characters they couldn't make queer like Noah and Owen.
Final Notes/TLDR;
Noah is a queercoded character that wasn't allowed to be queer which still hasn't been answered to this day. I hope with future seasons of total drama we will get more queer rep!
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Maybe it's cause I'm an old fandom head and watched this shit when it was originally airing, but I really don't understand the hostility towards Noco. They have little interaction with each other, and the times they do interact is pretty positive. They aren't toxic, they don't absorb the plot like the love triangle, they're just two nerdy ass characters who people think look good together and could have fun interactions. Maybe it's a joke that I'm not getting, but the way people get so angry over Noco is more insane than the shippers
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sierranumberonehater · 2 months
to my great dismay, I discovered that Noah, and Emma, are supposed to be a thing this season (??????????)
Noah, and EMMA, EMMA of all people, why Emma (EW EMMA) Emma is such a bad character, ok?! She’s literally a carbon copy of of Amy from the last season (this one is amy fyi), and you know what? She’s just a shitty cross, between Courtney and Heather, and did Noah ever show interest in either of them? NO! HE DIDN’T! HE FUCKING DIDN’T!!! He didn’t care about any of them! So why is he now getting *googly eyes* over some fuckin’ piece of shit in a dainty little skirt (I forgot that it was kitty who wore the skirt when I made this im sorry i was heated)!?!?!!! Because it’s not in his fucking character, okay?!? That’s not who Noah is! Noah.. is.. a is PURE, and faithful to Cody, because.. because Cody is beautiful, and also pure, and.. together they make NoCo, which is even more pure.. and... and AAAUGH! I feel like this happened, just because.... the producers, of the show realized how much people liked Noah and Owen’s friendship, so they wanted to bring him back, but they needed to add something interesting to him character, to y’know, keep it from being the same thing from last season, so instead of putting in something fuckin’ interesting, THEY SETTLE ON GOD DAMN EMMA! FORCED ROMANCE!!! It... just... I don’t like it! I don’t like it! the only reason that this happened, is because the producers of the show went on the internet, and they saw all this NoCo fanart, this beautiful NoCo fanart, and they said to themselves “we can’t let this go on a moment longer, we HAVE to make Noah straight”, and y’know, that personally OFFENDS me as a human being, because NoCo is what gives me life, and.. and puts MEANING into my soul, and y’know, to have the producers of the show CRUSH my hopes and dreams like that!!?!?!
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r4bidcherry · 9 months
just wanna tell yall alenoah now has more fics on ao3 than noco does ok thats all i wanted to say
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glibble-glonker · 3 months
Izzy ended up on supernanny once cause she kept biting her siblings and trying to run away.
Also as I’m writing this I look over at my foot and it is holding onto dear lift cause I am TWISTING that shit
Ezekiel can read braille
Trent once woke up with 9 games of tic tac toe on his forehead
Izzy and Duncan tried to recreate the Haley dumphy mugshot when they were arrested together
Duncan has a younger sister named Allison (idk why it’s just been boggiling in my mind)
Izzy is the vice president of floptropica
Izzy is (canonically) the BIGGEST noco shipper ever
Cody has the most intense coughing fits known to man to the point where thy tried to take him to the ER cause he couldn’t talk
Izzy convinced Duncan that he had to dance in the “Camp castaways” episode and just showed him the “karma” dance (if you understand why I will marry you)
Cody says “amazeballs” and “awsomesauce”
Izzy’s favourite artist is MARINA and her favourite song is ‘Venus fly trap’
PMO runs in Izzy’s family
There’s more i js got school rn🙏🙏🔥
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