#and theres still snow on the ground
ganondoodle · 9 months
some more ideas for the totk rewritten project (botw2);
underground general ideas i thought about what to theme the underground after, and since its vaguely like underwater in canon i thought id push it much much further, you cant actually dive and while id love that i do want to stay within a certain possible range of it still being a sequel to botw and somewhat based on totk- so im putting the low gravity effect away from the sky and instead in the underground, the ENTIRE underground, that way it is distinctly different in the way you have to play since you gotta work around the low gravity effect, the entire plant life and enemies will also be based on deep sea creatures- anglerfish like ones that half burrow and lure you with their light, those fish (or are they worms?) that hide underground as soon as you step too close, maybe they hide initially but only to make you go closer and try and snatch at you
much more glowy things too, basically everythings got some sort of light on it, there are different creatures flying around that all feature some sort of glow, so there is stuff to see but you cant immediately know what it is, theres a unique kind of plant that when you bother it spews out a dark cloud of spores (kinda like in tp) that dims any light you had; there are some landmarks you can activate or repair with the help of zelda but there is no way to illuminate the entire map and the lil light ferns expire slowly too
i also want it to be way more wet, not full with water but maybe a thin layer of water at most places and some drops from stalactites that fall constantly
there are shadowy ghosts there as well but they CAN aggro (still working on it), either by taking a weapon from their grave or some other things; also considered them or some other enemy that stalks you for some time and the only clue you get is maybe double sound of your steps or something at the very edge of your screen but you can never catch it when looking around (i dont want to make it a horror game but do want the underground to stay as creepy as when you first get down there), something elusive and shadow based that is rarely encountered but stays creepy for longer than the miasma hands sicne it cant get stuck on anything and the only way to be safe is while in the air
maybe some miasma reanimated corpses of ancient shiekah killed when the ancient hyrulean king turned on them (only foudn in the underground in this way; there are others but unposessed in alot of the broken shrines and old laboratories so seeing one suddendly move and crawl after you is probably pretty scary, kinda like the vroken guardians sometimes being still functional)
the dongos are the main friendly animal you can discover there and tame (still working out more details) they can climb around, always emit a little bit of light and the shadow enemy wont latch onto you as long as you are near a dongo, maybe even most enemies will leave you alone if you are riding one, as they are slower than horses, with the exception of gigamas (or a similar enemy ill redesign for that) as they are the natural predator of dongos; when you get to close to one it will react to it and if a fight is initiated it burrows away (you can call it and it comes back to you if you are out of range of that enemy)
tameable animals since i played skyward sword recently i just realized again how much fun it is to fly on a bird, sicne im already dividing the three map layers a bit more i thought it would be cool to make these layers more distinct, in some part by the tameable animals- the sky has birds (based on dinosaurs), the surface has horses, the underground dongos- neither of them can follow you to one they dont belong and the way to call them switches as you switch layers
im not sure yet if those birds should be ridable or are only able to give you a small boost upwards when you call them
magic bar so instead of actual batteries i planned to, as i said before, to put that into links shiekah arm prosthetic, and instead of giving you literal battery symbols on the screen it would be a bar right below your health and next to the symbol of the current selected arm ability
krog seeds a bit more to the krogs- as i said before they are no longer the way to make your pockets bigger- among an armor set i also thought about making the most expensive reward OR the end reward for finding all of them be the eponator zero- maybe it went missing during the cataclysm and maronus (engl. hestu) finds it at some point, so you get your bike back but its locked behind something bigger so you are unlikely to exploit it early on
(EDIT) (forgot to mention the dragons- im putting them each in one layer of the map- eldra in the underground bc gan is there and youknow, demise coming from the ground and fire being associated with the ground etc, farodra on the surface GREEN etc, and naydra in the sky, bc wisdom and owls and gods and all that weeeeee)
(on a sidenote im also thinking about ditching the building mechanic to some extent since i dont think it fits very well as a whole and it makes it too easy to completely skip stuff- i want the main way to move things or to get around be the hookshot/grappling hook part of links arm; still working on all that though .. so far it does seem likely like it will be much more limited)
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vintageghoststories · 2 years
anyways i care abt wtnv as a person who lives in a small town and is queer bc Yes Its Terrible but its My Home and i love it despite how much i fucking hate it and how much i wish it could change . Like Odifgtghhgjgj ALSO. with strexcorp and how many "outsiders" are coming into small towns to get away from city life Unknowingly Bring That City Life With Them and ruining the culture of the small towns And Also Capitalism Bad . like yeah they were so fucking right abt thatactually .
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warcats-cat · 11 months
There's not a lot of kids in my neighborhood but so far there have been FOUR being tired around in cars and vans "because of the cold"
Bitch back in my day we dressed in cheap ass princess costumes with no coat and we WALKED whether or not it was SNOWING!!
Uphill both ways!!!!
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hetheyshe-remade · 11 months
it's still snowing outside this morning
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scottstiles · 1 year
why the fuck is it as soon as its possible to open a window around here the bloody nOISE has to start right away liek?!?! you can’t give me ONE FUCKING WEEK of peace before you start ripping up the street or blowing away the trash with some fucking wind machine like?!?!? GIVE IT A REST WE JUST WOKE UP
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ascendandt · 2 years
i love galway hes my silly baby who is afraid of the snow
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blackmoldmp3 · 9 months
i should do resolutions on my birthday. april babies rise...
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haojun · 10 months
Its currently 24°F outside and my roommate and i have yet to turn on our heat for the season.... perhaps we should have last night before bed....
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sirompp · 1 year
oh no
its coming
taking me over
#around halfway through the year i get bitten by the fucking holiday bug#like. i suck so bad at all the commitment and the decision making and the asking to go to stores and the buying#but the vibes... oh‚ the vibes are immaculate#and when its nearly summertime...you dont have yo worry about any of those things..!! u can just relish in the Vibes#i say that like i worry at all. im in mid december like yippee!!! theres snow on the ground!!!! and all the houses have lights up!!!!!!!!#im walking outside like lalalalala the world is so beautiful!! and then my mom asks if i want to go shopping and i collapse like a particle#i just love literally everything about christmas#except the um. part where i have to do things#i wish i could do things without doing them you know?#like give people gifts without having to decide what theyd like best and then find it and buy it#ooooooooooo i wanna wear warm sweaters and drink hot coco in front of a fireplace with candles and decorations all around sooooooooooo bad#candy canes and marshmallows and red and green jellybeans#one time it snowed like. eight feet where i lived. that was so much fun. apparently it sucked for everyone else but i had a GREAT time#i wish itd happen again we made like a snow tunnel base in our backyard it was sooo cool#this is so stupid. literally a month and a half ago i was lamenting how the snow hadnt melted yet and i was so sick of it#THERE IS LITERALLY STILL SNOW OUTSIDE ACTUALLY#very little#BUT ITS STILL THERE#AND IM HERE#LONGING FOR HOLLY JOLLIES#hey wait#hey wait a minute#whats stopping me from just doing it all anyway#??? i can eat candy canes and jellybeans any time of the year#i can make food and make toys and give them to my friends literally any time i want#why dont i.#i mean.#its. past my bedtime rn.#so like i cant do it NOW#but.
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clonewarsahsoka · 2 years
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apothe-roses · 9 months
Dance of the Sugarplum Prince
Nutcracker!Aemond x Clara!Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: violence, character death, smut, tiddy sucking, oral (f-receiving), uncle-niece incest, unprotected sex, piv sex, breeding kink, possessive Aemond, obsessed Aemond
A/N: I may not be the first nor the last to do a nutcracker au, but I’m doin it anyways! Merry Christmas to those who celebrate!
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. All rights go to HBO and George RR Martin
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The snow falls heavy and thick outside the window. You watch the snowflakes dance to the ground while your family makes a ruckus behind you. The adults Gossip amongst themselves while your brothers laugh and joke amongst themselves. You love your family, but you’ve grown tired of your overbearing aunties trying to set you up with “nice boys” they know.
You notice a figure making their way towards the front door, making your own way towards it to greet them. Right after the doorbell rings, you open the door, smiling at the woman on the other side.
“Aunt Alys,” you smile and embrace the older woman.
“Forgive me for my tardiness, but it’s nearly impossible to make one’s way through that,” she replies, indicating to the storm outside. Other family members come to greet Alys, so you move to the side and let them. She pulls a large case out from under her coat. She reveals several beautifully made dolls, winding them up and letting them dance across the carpet. Your family is in awe. While they’re distracted, Alys approaches you.
“I have a special gift for you,” Alys says. She opens her bag, gingerly pulling out a final doll. He was a beautiful man with long silver hair and black armor accentuated with gold.
“This,” you aunt explains, “is no ordinary knight. He is a prince of a faraway land.”
“Oh Alys, she’s too old for dolls!” your mother calls from across the room.
“Oh, but he’s so beautiful!” you rebut. “Couldn’t I just put on on my shelf and admire him?”
“You can put these dirty dishes in the kitchen,” your mother tells you. You sigh, setting your doll on the windowsill. Alys follows you into the kitchen.
“Perhaps you should’ve brought me a real prince. That would’ve made mother happy,” you laugh. Alys simply smiles at that.
Suddenly, a loud crash sounds from the sitting room, followed by your mother shouting “Luke!” You rush into the room. Your doll is lying on the floor at your brother’s feet.
“It was an accident!” Luke explains. “I only wanted to get a closer look!”
You rush over, picking your doll up off the ground. One of his eyes is broken. Luke apologizes profusely while you carefully extract the broken pieces. Alys approaches.
“I couldn’t find a spare eye, but this should fit,” she says, handing you a small sapphire. You slip it into his empty socket; it fits perfectly. She provides a small strip of black fabric that you use as a makeshift eyepatch.
“Thank you, Alys,” you say, giving the older woman a hug. You don’t notice the worried look she gives your doll.
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Was it midnight already? You must have nodded off at some point. You look down at your prince, admiring his handsome face. Perhaps it’s the dim light, but it looks as though his mouth twitches.
You’re about to go to bed when something moves at the edge of your vision. A small man walks out from under your Christmas tree! For a moment, you think it’s your prince. However, this man has two eyes and looks older. He wears a crown that looks like it’s made of wood. He’s looking around, clearly searching for something. You stay as still as possible, hoping he doesn’t notice you. Theres a possibility you’re still dreaming, but you’re not willing to take that risk.
“Looking for someone, Daemon?” a voice calls out. Both your heads snap to the corner where it came from. Your mouth falls open. It’s your prince! But he’s alive! He approaches the man, sword drawn.
“Aemond,” Daemon greets. “It appears you’ve suffered a horrible accident. Shame. I was hoping for a fair fight.”
“And you’ll get one,” Aemond snaps. At that moment, more figures storm into view. You recognize them as your brothers’ toy soldiers.
“Alright. Two can play at that game,” Daemon raises a hand, and several mice scurry out from nowhere. You clap a hand over your mouth, trying not to scream. Daemon and Aemond draw their swords, circling one another. Daemon strikes first, but Aemond is quick to block. The mice and toys launch at each other. You’re enthralled. Though bloodless, the battle is intense.
Suddenly, Daemon strikes Aemond’s blind side. He’s sent flying to the floor, his sword clattering away. Daemon smiles viciously, standing over his nephew. He raises his sword to strike the killing blow and—
A giant slipper knocks him off his feet. Aemond glances at you, noting you are now missing a slipper. He grins, then springs into action. He draws a dagger, races to his uncle, and plunges the blade into his neck. Daemon never had time to regain his senses before he bleeds out, choking and clasping at his throat. The battle stops. The now leaderless mice scurry off, and the toy soldiers return to where your brothers left them originally. Aemond walks over to you. As he does, he grows until he’s the height of a normal man. You stare up at him, lips parted. He’s tall, and even more handsome as a man.
“You saved me,” he states, kneeling at your side.
“I-it was nothing,” you stammer, blushing. “I didn’t want him to…kill you.”
Aemond’s lips curl into a smirk. “Such a sweet thing you are,” he muses. He reaches out, winding a lock on your hair around his finger. “It’s not every day a man can say he was saved by someone so beautiful or kind.”
Your blush deepens. “You’re too kind,” you whisper.
“You must come back to the castle with me. My family will want to meet the girl who helped defeat my wicked uncle and his wretched mouse army,” he stands, extending a hand to you. You look around the empty sitting room, wondering what to do.
“It’s only for tonight. I promise to have you back by morning,” he assures you. You bite your lip, not noticing the way his gaze darkens. Then, you smile and take his hand. When you stand, you notice how much taller he is. you look down shyly, but he tucks a finger under your chin and tilts your face up to his. For a moment, you think he’s going to kiss you. But then he says, “let’s be off then,” and leads you to the Christmas tree. With each step, you shrink until you can easily walk under the branches.
You spot a castle in the distance. A beautiful red fortress perched on the edge of a cliff, overlooking a sprawling city. The faint ringing of bells can be heard.
“It seems word of our victory has spread,” Aemond observes. “I imagine the celebration is well underway.
“Oh, but I’m not dressed!” you realize.
“Look down, little one,” Aemond replies. You do, and you gasp. Your simple nightgown had been replaced with a beautiful white dress, tied by a large red ribbon. The skirt floats in light layers down to your calves. Your feet are covered by red slippers with ribbons wrapped around your legs.
“How…?” you start to ask, the question dying on your lips when you look up and see Aemond had changed as well. He’s wearing a black and red jacket adorned with golden epaulettes, and also matching breeches and shiny black boots. His hair is loose, and the swath of ribbon covering his eye is replaced with a proper eyepatch.
“Come,” he requests, extending his hand. “We don’t want to miss out on the festivities.”
The walk to the castle is filled with merriment as the small folk throw flowers over your heads and dance and cheer. Inside the castle is even more merry as ball is in full swing. You spy the king and queen at the end of the hall, their matching silver hair catching the light.
Aemond leads you to the middle of the dance floor and leads you in a waltz. The night passes in a series of twirls and lifts, until a hush falls over the crowd.
The king leads his queen off the dais into the center of the crowd. Everyone pushes back, forming a wide berth around them as they lead a solitary waltz. You feel a large hand on the small of your back.
“Come with me,” Aemond whispers. His breath tickles your ear.
He leads you out of the room. The two of you race down the halls. You haven’t felt this exhilarated since you were a child chasing your brothers outdoors.
You’re lead into a bedroom that you presume is his. You don’t have time to take in the decor, as he grabs your face and kisses you hungrily. You kiss him back, hands tangling in his soft hair.
He deftly undoes the bow on your back. He tries to untie the laces, but he gets impatient and just tears your dress open. You gasp as your dress falls from your body.
Aemond scoops you up and lays you on the bed. He looks over you like a lion about to devour his kill.
“Have you ever been with a man before little one?”
“N-no,” you stutter, causing him to chuckle.
“Well,” he starts, “allow me to show you.”
He tears the rest of your underthings off, leaving you bare before him. Without breaking eye contact, he takes one of your nipples into his mouth. Your head rolls back as he sucks on the sensitive flesh, kneading your other side.
“So beautiful,” he gasps, switching to the other tit.
“So perfect.” He trails kisses down your torso. He fingers swipe through your folds. He brings them to his lips and sucks them clean; his eyes roll back and he groans.
“I knew you’d taste sweet,” he purrs. He lowers his head to your mound and drags his tongue through your folds. You gasp and instinctually shy away, but he pins you with this hands on your hips. You can only moan as he relentlessly devours your cunt.
“M-my prince…”
“Aemond. Call me Aemond,” he breathes, sending a shiver through you. You feel your peak approaching, closer and closer. It’s just about to wash over you when he pulls away. You whine at the loss of stimulation.
“The first time I make you come, it will be on my cock,” Aemond states, once again leaning over you. He sheds his clothing with ease. He’s truly one of the most beautiful men you’ve ever seen. His cock is long and thick, and already leaking. He strokes himself as he gets into position.
“What if it doesn’t fit?” You ask innocently.
“It will fit.” He replies. “I’ll make it fit.”
He angles his cock and enters you with one sure thrust. You gasp loudly, clinging to his shoulders.
“Gods you’re tight,” he whispers. He begins to rock in and out of you, setting a steady pace.
“So wet, and I’ve barely touched you. Such a needy little thing. Absolutely begging to be fucked.”
You babble incoherently in response. Aemond chuckles and starts playing with your pearl.
“Already cockdumb are we?”
He pinches your pearl.
“I could keep you here you know. Fuck you—breed you— day and night, until your belly swells with my child. You’d like that wouldn’t you? My perfect little princess. My broodmare. Mine.”
You’re a little frightened by his declaration, but you’re to overwhelmed by pleasure to do anything about it. You can only lay there as you climax, the pleasure melting your bones and heating your blood.
“That’s my girl. That’s my good girl,” he groans, and you feel his cock pulse followed by a sense of warmth. He keeps his cock plugged inside until he starts to soften, then he pulls out. You feel a mixture of your fluid and his seed leak out. He hold your legs open, admiring the sight. Then, he lays down, pulling you into his arms.
“You’ll want for nothing. I’ll make sure of it,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to your hair.
You lay against his chest, and it isn’t long before sleep claims you.
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“Sweetheart, wake up!” you hear your mother call. You reluctantly open your eyes. You’re in your own bed, in your own room.
“I don’t mean to rush you, but we have some surprise guests waiting downstairs,” she pulls open the curtains, and you wince at the sudden brightness.
“Get dressed quickly! I need to get back downstairs!” she rushes out of your room, closing the door behind you.
At first, you don’t move. There was a heaviness in your chest. It had all been a dream. Of course it had been a dream. Mice soldiers, living dolls, and princes could only be the product of dreams. This is the real world, and there are guests waiting for you.
As you get dressed, you realize your prince doll is nowhere to be found. You must have left him downstairs.
Voices could be heard in the sitting room as you make your way downstairs. Unfamiliar voices. You round the corner and freeze. Sitting around the room are three very familiar faces.
“Darling, these are my half-siblings.” She leads you to the Sugarplum King. “This is Aegon,” then to the Queen, who smiles sweetly at you, “Helaena,” then finally to the most familiar of them all, “and this is Aemond.”
He takes your hand in his, planting a kiss on your knuckles. You stare up at him with wide eyes. He’s wearing an eyepatch. Over the same eye your brother broke. Was he hiding a sapphire under there?
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” you breathe.
“Please, the pleasure is all mine, niece,” he purrs, looking at you in a way an uncle should never look at a niece.
“What happened to your eye?” Luke asked abruptly. Jace whacks him on the shoulder, admonishing him.
“It’s alright. It was an accident long ago,” Aemond replies.
“Oh, let’s not dwell on unhappy memories,” your mother says, turning to Helaena. “How is Alicent? It’s been too long since I’ve heard from her.”
The conversation carries on, but you’ve stopped paying attention. You’re not looking at him, but you feel his gaze on you. Just as intense as it had been when he made love to you in your dream.
A dream.
It had only been a dream.
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lilysleftshoe · 1 year
noah kahan and hozier are like if early/late fall both came to life as people. noah kahan is early fall, theres still enough warmth and just a tiny remnant of the chaos of the summer but you need a light cardigan and a good sturdy pair of sneakers to walk outside with. hozier is late fall, frost starts forming on the ground in the mornings, and a very light dusting of snow is on the forecast. it’ll be melted in an hour, but the trees leaves are no longer orange, instead they’re crunchy and brown.
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imaginesig · 2 months
"He laughs at all my jokes / and he says I'm so American"
Zak O'Sullivan x driver!reader
Logans grid kid might be more patriotic than him. Reader is an American menace to the f2 grid, her bf included, who uses Oliva Rodrigo to cope (and Kimi has been demoted to f3 and Olivias release schedule for Guts is wrong). Based on this prema video
there is a criminally low amount of fics about this man
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liked by zak.osullivan, kimi.antonelli, olliebearman, and 892,293 others
ynln totally sleighed it
tagged sister_username
dinobeganovic girl you slayed that house
ynln SLAY 💅
dinobeganovic slay 😵🔪
ynln oh
olliebearman mate what is that third picture? The dirt??
ynln chief I live in the southern US we dont get snow here
olliebearman what a sad winter
sister_username we ate the first pic up
ynln its a christmas miracle, my sister being the only one who's nice to me
zak.osullivan cant wait for you to see a REAL winter wonderland
ynln id take my dirt covered ground over your royal snow anyway 💪🇺🇸
zak.osullivan says the girl who flys out the 28th
user1 "were you silent or silenced" @/ynln
ynln gagged to silence ✋😔
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ynln posted 2 stories!
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caption: (1) thoughts and prayers as I head into enemy territory (2) 🇺🇸→🇬🇧
oh fuck off
I can hear your gremlin cackle from here
heyyyy you're supposed to love me
I do
I love you and all your gremlin traits
im blocking you and visiting Harry Styles instead
like he would take you in
anyway please call me when you land, I'll be waiting to pick you up anyway
but just in case
ofc baby
get some rest
I love you ❤️
I love you too❤️
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liked by user4, prema_team, olliebearman, and 891,923 others
ynln theres snow-where better than this
tagged zak.osullivan
Logansargent beer in the snow 10/10
Ynln thank you thank you
Olliebearman “I’d take my dirt covered ground over your Royal snow any day” you sure girlie??
Zak.osullivan she’s been swayed
ynln I’m just a girl
Zak.osullivan my snow angel ❤️❤️
ynln ily 🤭🤭
Kimi.antonelli snow angels?? Are you 5
Zak.osullivan our entire yard was filled by her alone
Ynln excuse me, I’m enjoying my youth and I will grow into a happy adult with no regrets
sister_username nice to see you’re having fun without me
Ynln get a hot European bf then we’ll talk
user1 stop I love this
user2 if Y/nZak has no fans I’m dead
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liked by Ynln, user43, user32, and 828,992 others
zak.osullivan "I want your midnights"
tagged: ynln
artgp_offical new year, new us!!
ynln "but ill be cleaning up bottles with you on New Years Day" ❤️
Zak.osullivan ❤️
ynln boy do i know how to take a photo 🥵
Ynln I can cook and clean
zak.osullivan no you can’t
Ynln I can bark
Zak.osullivan please don’t I believe you
user1 Y/n is a prime example of the duality of man
user2 she said what were all thinking
user3 this is so Y/n coded
user4 oh he def had help with this post
user5 thank you Y/n for the middle pic
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ynln posted 2 stories!
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caption: (1) 🎶 New Years Day by Taylor Swift (2) New year, minimal headache
Well hello
Didn’t expect to see my abs and underwear on your public story but here we are
let me show the people what they lost
How about you celebrate that win instead of dm-ing while laying next to me
now I have to bleach my eyes
what better way to start the new year than with new vision
could've still done without your bf's stomach but ok
you'll live 😘😘
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liked by user1, paularon_, user43, and 918,929 others
ynln shes back and ready to show these Europeans how its done
tagged no one
user1 QUEEN 🇺🇸🦅💪
Ynln “salute to me I’m your American queen” T.S
Kimi.antonelli nope
Olliebeaman absolutely not
Zak.osullivan keep dreaming babe
paularon_ id rather die
dinobeganovic I’ll crash myself into the barriers instead thank you
user1 ummm hello???? I didn’t mean to assemble the avengers💀
logansargent f2 grid menace is back 👏👏👏
Ynln gotta show them a good ole ‘merican time
user2 making that smoothie recipe rn
User3 omg update me on how it is!!
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zak.osullivan posted a story!
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caption: I was bamboozled into matching
“Bamboozled” sure
Stfu 🙄
I can’t believe you put up with it
rest assured I’ll be checking what’s under your sweatshirt from now on
I’m blocking you
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liked by user3, user8, user32, and 819,929 others
f2_updates: Y/n L/n has won the first grand prix of the season!! Did you enjoy her victory radio as much as we did??
Tagged: no one
user2 never a doubt she’s Logan’s grid kid
user3 at this point I think dating a Brit just eggs her on
User4 not the tik tok audio 💀💀
user5 her engineer is so done with her
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liked by paularon_, ollliebearman, user82, and 918,929 others
ynln first race back and WE GOT THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER PLAYING! Lets see if we can keep it going 🇺🇸🦅🎆
tagged prema_team
Prema_team perfect season start 🤩🤩
Logansargent OH SAY CAN YOU SEE
Logansargent you were great! Definitely a race to be proud of
Ynln thank you Lo!!!
Zak.Sullivan I’m proud of you love
Ynln ❤️❤️
user1 what is that last photo 💀
Ynln me dramatically blaring Dolly Parton
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Time skip-- a few races
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liked by ynln, artgp_offical, user3, and 918,929 others
zak.osullivan MONACOOO COME ON 🏆🏆🏆
tagged artgp_offical
olliebeaman you’ve never sounded more American
Dinobeganovic put this girl in a frat
Logansargent I have to agree…
ynln my own grid dad betrayed me
ynln 15 to first??? YOU MAD MAN
Williamsracing we agree 👏👏
User1 get this man in f1
User2 id love to see it
ynln I LOVE YOU❤️❤️❤️❤️
Zak.osullivan I LOVE YOU TOO ❤️❤️❤️❤️
olliebearman congrats man!
dinobeganovic impressive race
paularon_ it was nice to share a podium
Logansargent calm down before you take my seat
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liked by sister_username, prema_team, user8, and 918,927 others
ynln MCDREAMY oops I mean ZAK GOT P1 IN MONACO!!!! I AM SO SO PROUD OF YOU!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH (oh and I got p4 yadda yadda…)
tagged: zak.osullivan, prema_team
Zak.osullivan even in my time of victory I lose to Shepard 😔😔
ynln someone had to keep me entertained while I waited for all your media to be done 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
Zak.osullivan thank you for all your support!! You raced a wondeful race, congrats on p4
Ynln I love you (but your race was better no need for a pitty congrats)
sister_username congrats Zak!! The Y/n family was cheering you on
ynln this L/n was also cheering you on!!
user2 I love that Y/n and her family were pulling for Zak more than Y/n 💀
user1 ugh we love a supportive gf
User2 God its me again🙏🙏
User3 when is it my turn
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liked by Oliviarodrigo, liakblock, elvirahallqvist, and 918,928 others
ynln Happy Guts release to those who celebrate! "All American Bitch" will be my personality from this moment forward
tagged: lettiemng, elvirahallqvist, hamdaalqubaisi_offical, liakblock
olivarodrigo wrote it just for you 🫶💜💜
ynln screaming crying throwing up I love you so much
olivarodrigo i literally love you!! My fav driver
user1 girlie just barley made the teenage cut
ynln 19 is still a teen ☝️🤓
paularon_ as if you needed any more reason to be more American
user2 omg this was a group I didn’t know I needed
user4 it seems so random but I love
user3 please give us content🙏🙏🙏
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liked by Zak.osullivan, user1, user3, and 918,829 others
ynln traveling the world with my world 🇪🇸
tagged Zak.osullivan
Olliebearman boo 🍅🍅🍅
Kimi.antonelli 🧀🧀🧀
ynln i can never win with yall
Olliebearman yall 🤠🤠
ynln get out of my comment section
Zak.osullivan I love you
ynln are you sure?? You said no to taking the cat
user1 “my world” I’m crying
user2 as much as i love American menace Y/n i LOVE soft y/n
user3 omg did you name the cat??
ynln ummmm of course, it’s Brick
user3 idk what i expected
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liked ynln, dinobeganovic, user43, and 918,892 others
zak.osullivan adventure buddies for life 🤝🤝
tagged ynln
ynln deal 🤝
user1 i love that they both posted a solo pic of the other
user5 top tier photography on both ends
user2 the middle pic 😭😭😭
user4 oh to be looked at the way either of them look at the other
user3 those olives looks good as hell
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ynln posted 2 stories!
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Captions: (1) for the record I am NOT happy to be in Silverstone on 4th of July weekend (2) OLIVA YOU HAVE TURNED MY WEEK AROUND
oh no
oh yes
and I thought the 4th was proper punishment for all your terrorizing
queen liv said no💜✨
call it good karma
im so excited
Me too!! I'm sad we won't get a listening party again
same 😭
my pre-race playlist just keeps getting better 😌
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liked by ynln, prema_teams, user4, and 923,029
zak.osullivan best way to end a home race?? his and hers 1-2
tagged: artgp_offical, ynln, prema_team
artgp_offical we agree!!
prema_team couldn't have said it better ourselves
olliebearman id rank that at bloody brilliant 👏🍾
user1 y'all live for a Ferrari 1-2, I live for a ZakY/n 1-2
user2 the "his and hers" has me crying
user3 strong race!! I hope you plenty of family and friends cheering you one
ynln what a race!! I was so nervous you'd overtake me in those last laps
zak.osullivan believe me I tried, if you weren't so damn good at defense
ynln 🤭😘
user4 I know she was just messing around for practice but Y/n looks so good in that blue suit
user5 the best part was she wore that to celebrate Zak's home gp
user4 stop thats so cute
user6 I agree she looks beautiful
user7 prema retire the red rn
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liked by olliebearman, user54, liakblock, and 928,924 others
ynln what better way to celebrate 4th of July than forcing the US national anthem to be played (I love you Zak and im so proud but Brits gotta know their place)
tagged: zak.osullivan, prema_team, artgp_offical
user1 I still cant believe she wore that sweatshirt around Silverstone
user2 see I want to be surprised but honestly im not
logansargent ultimate checkmake! You've made me proud kid
ynln ss this and hang it in the Louve 🥹
zak.osullivan you are incredible!! I'm proud to call you mine
ynln even when you lose
zak.osullivan fuck that im blocking you
olliebearman I despise everything you do
ynln screw me then for getting team points (and congratulating you on p3)
olliebearman the boys dont fw americans
ynln one of your boys fucks an american
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ynln posted a story!
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caption: My new national anthem has dropped!! 🎶 So American by Oliva Rodrigo
did we finally find our song??
I think we did babe
am I gonna have to see you and Zak be all gushy to this song
its been on repeat
oh my spotify wrapped is messed up
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liked by ynln, zak.osullivan, user43, and 923,923 others
zak.osullivan you're just so American
tagged: ynln
ynln screaming crying throwing up
ynln I didnt even ask you to do this
ynln I love you so much
zak.osullivan I love you (and your entire range of emotions)
olliebearman mission success?
zak.osullivan mission success.
ynln wot
user1 the Olivia quote???
user2 I think she knew deep down it was never her and Louis's song
user3 omg imagine Y/n and Zak dancing with Louis at an Oliva concert
user4 Y/n would die happy
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liked by sister_username, user4, user1, and 928,382 others
ynln "he's like a poem I wish I wrote"
tagged: zak.osullivan
user1 omg the 1D phone booth
Ynln I had to make my pilgrimage
Olliebearman glad to see you’re embracing real culture
Ynln a drink cup full of canes sauce IS real culture
user2 stfu I wasn’t prepared to a domestic ass today but where we are
user3 might sleep in traffic fr fr
sister_username if y'all dont get married I will kms
user4 same girl
user5 we got a L/n on our side
ynln oh hello to you too
zak.osullivan no pressure ig
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117 notes · View notes
reidmania · 3 months
Description ;
Reader goes a little crazy over Christmas in July while shopping with Spencer, and he just enjoys seeing her happy and excited over something so small
warnings; literally none…? Its just fluff, maybe slightly hints towards fem reader but im really not sure. Spencer being pussy whipped and a money machine idk)? Mentions of christmas (?)
an ; reader is literally me, i go nuts over anything christmas bc im a christmas gal!!
“Come onnnn spence” The beg comes out as a whine. Your hand interlaced with him as you tug him down the aisle of the store. He followed along with little resistance, because how could he say no to you? Although his lack of enjoyment in the said activity, watching you smile and get all worked up over such a little thing made his heart warm.
You really didn’t mean to end up in the decor aisles. You didn’t mean to become a victim to the Christmas in July scam, but when you saw the life size nutcracker staring you down from across the store — how could you help it?
Spencer didn’t even try argue with your obvious excitement the minute you laid your eyes on the very themed aisles. He didn’t try to fight your tug on his arm as you aimlessly wandered towards it.
“Theres still five months until Christmas honey” He reminded you as your hand disconnected with his to pick up a small snow globe, one with the gingerbread man standing inside it. He watched adoringly as you shook it softly.
You paid no mind to his dismissal, Instead placing back the snow globe as your eyes caught something way more interesting, a small gasp left your mouth as your eyes widened excitedly.
You reached down a shelf to pick up what seemed to be a wooden like village, only when you switched the small tag that said ‘light me up’ and combination of colours covered the small wooden village, making your eyes widen even more as you looked at Spencer.
His eyes were already on you, a soft smile on his face as he watched you get all excited.
“Look spence!” You said, holding it out with two hands, your face holding a beaming smile. He just shook his head, a smile mirroring your own. “I see it, Honey. Its very nice” He said, purely validating your excitement.
“We should pre-buy everything, we can start putting stuff away!” You almost begged. You switched off the tag, yet still holding it close to your chest as your eyes scanned the aisle for other things that may just need to come home with you five months in advance.
“Do we now?” He asked, eyes never straying from you as he stood with the basket in his hand, just watching you darlingly. There was not a single thing he adored more than watching you in your elements, watching you get all excited and childlike over the littlest things such as cute Christmas decorations or a little puppy on the street.
You nodded excitedly, picking up a dancing reindeer teddy, you cooed at it as your feet pattered across the ground excitedly. “If we do it now then we don’t have to do it then!! And it’s cheaper now!” You tried to convince.
Although you didn’t need to do anything to convince him, Spencer would do absolutely anything to keep that big smile on your face, absolutely anything, if he had to spend hundreds of dollars on Christmas decorations to do that, he would do it a million times more.
“They are the same price” He pointed out, just to challenge you slightly, see how far you were willing to argue to get what you wanted, even if the answer was already a yes — it was already a yes before you asked.
“And if I remember correctly, which Im certain I do, you said this in January as well” He said softly, taking the wooden town you had been holding onto from your hands, placing it in the basket you were holding onto, — to sidetracked by everything else in the aisle to even notice.
You hummed, smiling sheepishly. “Well yeah— But they were actually cheaper then because they were trying to get rid of all the Christmas stock they didn’t sell. I was doing us a favour!!” You explained as you picked up and shook another snow globe.
Spencer didn’t even get a chance to answer before you were gasping, pulling a candle away from your nose. “Spence!! You have to smell this!” You said excitedly, shuffling towards him to hold the candle in the Christmas decorated jar up to his nose.
He inhaled shortly, before scrunching up his eyebrows and nose. “What is it?” He asked.
You hummed seemingly as you read the label, “Gingerbread and candy cane” You said, taking another long sniff of the candle before looking up at him again.
“We need it.” You said, He raised his eyebrow.
“Do we?” He asked.
You nodded, “Of course we do! When else will you get a gingerbread and candy cane scented candle at the low price of — 7.99, Its on sale spence!!” You said, taking a moment to read the price.
Spencer smiled, shaking his head as he watched your features light up. “Alright, Go nuts.” He couldn’t help it anymore, how was he suppose to stop his darling baby from getting everything that was bring such a joy to your face, he could practically feel it radiating off of you.
Your eyes widened with excitement as you turned to look at him. “Really?” You asked excitedly.
He hummed, letting out a soft ‘mhm’, which earned him your arms tight around his torso, holding his body close, before standing on your tiptoes placing a gentle kiss against his lips.
“Thank you” You smiled excitedly before turning around to continue looking down the aisle, Spencer followed you, everywhere you went. The smile never left his face as long as there was a matching one on yours.
The basket in his hands grew heavier but nothing extreme as you continued finding items you and Spencer most definitely needed for Christmas.
Checking out — you quickly realised you may have gone a bit nuts as the total price only grew higher and higher, the excitement in your chest dumbled down slightly.
“Oh spence!” You whacked his arm gently as you watched the total add up quickly, he let out a soft ‘ow’ even though you were sure it did not hurt whatsoever: “What?” He asked, turning to find the wide smile no longer on your face.
“Whats wrong?” He asked.
“It’s so much!!” You exclaimed. He squinted looking at the total on the screen before shrugging, tapping his card.
“It’s not that much, Plus, it makes you happy. If I gotta spend three hundred dollars to see you get excited like that id be spending it minutely.”
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binniebakery · 8 months
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nonidol!au soobin x gn!reader fluff established relationship ♡ Summary: based off of taylor swift's lover !!! soobin is being the gentleman he is, neither of you know how to not be sick🤨 ♡ Warnings: tall soobin agenda??, reader gets called cute, someone's a little sick smh, lmk if theres something im missing! ♡ A/N: second fic wow.. l! this was a little self-indulgent but I really hope yall enjoy! idk if someone has done this before im sorry adsfasdf this song smacks and soobin is so lover coded i had to put my thoughts down asap (erm also not proofread so!!! 😻😻)
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You were never really a morning person. It was a Saturday, why would the sun be so cruel as to wake you up as it shone through the beige curtains of your bedroom? As soon as your lashes fluttered open you realized that the blanket had been pulled away from you, only covering half of your shivering body. Sure winter was coming to an end soon, but snow still covered the ground outside and the warmth of your sleeping boyfriend’s body seemed more inviting than ever. You flipped around to catch Soobin softly asleep. His hair was messily fluffed around as one arm rested above his head, the other mistakingly holding on to the bunched-up blanket that was meant to cover your side of the bed instead of holding you. You couldn’t possibly be mad at someone for stealing your blanket when he slept like such an innocent angel. After all, you knew any other time he would be willing to give you the entire thing just for you to stay warm. And there’s this dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear.
Smiling as you wrapped your arm around his side, you leaned in to press your forehead against his. Of course, just softly enough so he wouldn’t wake up. The sun’s rays hardly peeked into the room but it was enough to perfectly land on his features and highlight his button nose as Soobin occasionally sniffled in his sleep. His dark hair and lashes a lighter color from being showered in sunlight. Work had been stressing him out more than usual lately and he finally was able to get a few days off. Just in time for him to start catching a cold. Luckily, you being the cautious couple you are, were able to catch the symptoms in time and he had been recovering quite quickly. That’s when it hit you that you needed to walk to the nearest market to restock the tea he had been drinking for dear life to help with his scratchy throat.
You pressed a kiss onto his forehead and as carefully and quietly as you could, sat up from your bed. Right as you were about to slip a foot onto the cold floor, you felt a large hand lazily reach for you, lightly dragging an index finger down your arm in soft protest. “Mm hey, where you going?” a soft mumble could be heard from the once sleeping giant that lay beside you. You turned to see Soobin forming a soft pout. “Just to the store really quickly Binnie. Need to get you some more tea for your throat.” you responded, softly poking his doughy cheek. “So.. you’re going without me?” his pout was now more prominent than ever, cutely contrasting his deep and groggy voice. “Soobin, you’re still recovering. I don’t want to reverse that” you sighed. Your boyfriend was now tugging at the hem of your sweater. How can someone be so endearing? “It’s fine, justmythroa-” he wasn’t even able to finish his sentence as he coughed and reached over to grab the half-empty water bottle that sat on the nightstand. Can I go where you go?
“Please.. I feel fine I swear y/n. I’ll wear a mask and everything. Can’t have you going by yourself.” he pleaded with a soft smile. You knew Soobin was clingy when he got sick, but it was obvious this time that he wanted to make up as much time as he could for how busy he had been the past month. How could you say no? Can we always stay this close? You made sure your boyfriend was wrapped as tightly and warmly as possible. Holding onto him tightly as you walked down the street. The urge to constantly adjust his scarf every few seconds scratching at your brain. You looked up at him to see Soobin smiling fondly down at you. “What? Toothpaste on my mouth?” you tilted your head. Soobin chuckles and shakes his head. “No, you just are extra cute today, nothing new.” Forever and ever.
On your way back to your apartment, you felt your own throat begin to feel sore and itchy. Most likely due to the reason that you weren’t wearing a scarf yourself. Not wanting to alert the overprotective giant bunny walking beside you, you (not so) discretely coughed into the arm that wasn’t currently wrapped around your boyfriend as soon as a loud gust of wind whooshed by. On instinct, Soobin immediately stopped in his steps. “Did you just cough?” he said as he stared you down. “No- I-.. okay yes sorry I just don't want you to think I’m si-” Before you could continue you felt warmth wrap around your neck. “Binnie! What are you doing?! You’re going to get sick again!” Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand? “Hey, hey, don’t fuss you need it more, I already feel better just being with you. Plus, we’re already here.” Soobin pointed out as you realized you were only across the street from your apartment. Smiling softly, you intertwined your cold fingers with his warm ones as you finished your journey back home. Or you could say home was right there in that moment, holding you close and offering his scarf.
With every guitar string scar on my hand take this magnetic force of a man to be my, lover
As your boyfriend quickly put the laundry away, you were just about finished making tea for the both of you. Pouring the tea into your favorite mugs, you felt a warm pair of arms wrap around you. Soft music played on your tv speakers as the snow began to fall outside. “This might be the last time we get snow this year..” you mumbled as Soobin rested his nose into your hair. “Mhmm.. how’s your throat bunny?” he responded. “Hmm.. you know I think I need a kiss better from someone.”
Soobin chuckled, a light smirk on his face as he turned you around to pull you in. “Well, maybe I shouldn’t. After all, you’re getting sick, I’m getting sick-” he teased. “Oh can you please just shut up and give me a kiss” you laughed as you pulled him in. Just like every kiss you had with him and every kiss to come, his lips were sweet and inviting. Your arms wrapped around his neck as he leaned down to wrap his around your waist and lift you up. Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover Sharing soft laughter and light touches, you both remained protected and oblivious to the harsh cold outside. Winter was getting warmer, not because of spring, but because of your lover.
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ilylovelyz · 1 year
⍣ ೋ Doughnut
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˚ · . sakusa x afab!reader
: ̗̀➛ mutual pining to confession, a lil angst with happy ending, mentions of neglectful parents, first kisses, hand holding, non descriptive casual making out, prt 1.
the longer the wait, the sweeter the kiss.
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sakusa sighed with anticipation as his eyes focused on the familiar park ahead of him. did he get the time right? he asked himself nervously, stopping ahead of the staircase he's stepped down many times. 11:11. he refers back to the time you wanted to meet up at the park, around 11.
whilst it is extremely late, it's not uncommon for this time of year. it's new year's eve, many are awake, either at home cozy with their heaters and TV, waiting for the new year's countdown, or they are out and about at lively food stalls and centers with the best sighting for fireworks.
what sakusa is doing is the opposite idea of a new year's eve activity. while he certainly wasn't opposed to the idea of staying inside with his blanket and heater, and he definitely did oppose the many swarming crowds. instead, he was meeting up with you at a near abandoned park.
as he finally stepped down the walking steps, his eyebrow furrowed at the sight of a few dozen people standing around for fireworks. seems like this place isn't as forgotten after all. he kept his black gloved hands in his pockets, nose occasionally snuffling due to the cold.
what once felt like a short five minute walk turned into what felt like was an eternity of walking. maybe it's because it's almost pitch black dark, nothing illuminating except the full moon that the pathway to the usual meeting spot looks longer. who knows.
but what he does know was that when he saw you, standing there in your pink yukata in the snow, was he will either be leaving with his heart either broken or fulfilled.
he stops a little five feet away from you, which felt a little unusual considering all the work the two of you had put in just to make him feel comfortable sitting on the bench with you. you're not sitting on the bench either, which just made him feel even more uneasy about the whole thing.
with your somber expression, you looked up at him, "happy new years kiyoomi." he silently nodded at that. his cheeks flushed at his awkwardness, it's like day one all over again. "h-happy new years to you too, y/n." he muttered out, eyes slightly furrowed at the notice of you using his full name.
it was still between the two of you again until your eyes perked up at the sudden snowfall. "it's snowing! how pretty.." you cooed, eyes glinting as you smiled softly, a small hand of yours reaching out for a snowflake. there's thousands of things that sakusa considers pretty right now but he can't find the urge to say how pretty one is in front of him.
his eyes travel down to study your yukata, which has the base color of a baby pink with floral prints. once again, you never fail to amaze him with your seemingly perfect photogenic aura, you look as if you belong in one of those raunchy love animes that he could never sit through without facepalming at the cheesy love cliche.
your attention shifts over back to sakusa, hand reaching out for what he can only guess is his. "walk with me, kiyoomi." silently, he allows you to take his hand within your own, guiding him wherever you want to go. he doesn't know where, but he wants to trust you do. his forehead stresses at the thought of you potentially leading him to who knows where, you never had a good sense of direction.
albeit, he swallows the lump in his throat down, he thinks theres a 60/40 chance of you getting the two of you stranded somewhere, not a single cell in your brain actually working. luckily, you just seem to be guiding him little ways away from the park, towards the nearby abandoned play-ground.
"a play-ground? what are you planning y/n?" he bluntly says, following you towards the sand and snow filled play-ground, watching you with a confused face "i think this is a better spot. i used to come here after you would leave during the earlier days." you say, careful to set your wooden geta shoes on the cement framings of the play-ground.
he followed you around mindlessly around the actual play-grounds equipment, careful to duck under the jungle gym and slide. then suddenly you were speeding up. okay, he sped up too. despite your much smaller frame, you did walk considerably faster than him. without knowing, he walked into your trap; a game of tag.
without realizing, he was almost chasing you around the play-ground equipment. almost eating shit twice, his legs slid amongst the sand/snow combined ground as he chased you. climbing up the jungle gym, lungs used to this heavy exercise, he chased you until you reached the slide and slid down, giggling and snickering at his dumbfounded face.
as he hurriedly stepped down the jungle gym's steps, it was like a lightning strike had hit him. "tag?!" he yelled out, "y/n?! you're not serious." he said, eyes crinkled with annoyance. this is the angriest he's been at you in a while, it's a bit of a surprise. you only chuckle in amusement at his annoyed pout, not fazed at all by the much larger man.
you deemed enough wad enough, walking towards the old swings on the side of the play-ground. not minding the way your yukata climbed up your bare legs, you pointed to the swing next to yours as you hopped into one. "sit." you said, bare legs swinging back in forth with excitement.
he couldn't only sigh with defeat as he begrudgingly set himself onto the swing next to yours, cringing at the way the rusted metal struggled under his athlete height. it was once again silent between the two of you, his ears growing deaf at the sound of metal scraping against metal. was i brought back to the times of hell again?
"i used to come here all the time. y'know, when you would leave much earlier than you do now back in the 'early days.'" you said so matter-of-factly. sakusa whipped out his phone to check the time. 11:46PM. "hey it's rude to be on your phone when somebody is talkin' to you!" you yapped, legs kicking back in forth with feigned anger.
he lightly scoffed at your comment before putting his phone away per your request. his legs mindlessly swung softly, finding a weird comfort in the way the swing softly moved back in forth. "..why didn't you just go home?" he asked, the question being one that he's been wondering since the moment he met you.
his practice ends much later than your club gathering does, almost an hour later, so it really made no sense as to why you stayed for so long, it really didn't seem as coincidental. he quickly connected the dots that the answer was maybe a little more than what he expected when you were taking a little longer to respond.
"well.. it's lonely at my house, mama and papa work a lot, so it's really just me. i would come to the park 'n just hang around because just seeing people made me happy." you confessed, swing slowing down to a stop. "and then i met you.. and it made me wanna come around to to the park more, even if i had to wait awhile for you 'cuz it meant i wouldn't have to go home to a empty house."
sakusa looked up at the starry night, feeling a little guilty at your reasoning. while he did know of your parents absence to a certain extent, he didn't know you were totally alone enough that you would just sit outside on a bench waiting for someone to talk to.
you seem to cringe at your own words, hands coming up to touch the warmness of your own cheeks. "it's a little stupid, i just felt lonely really.." sakusa finds himself sympathizing with you, "no, it's not. i understand. err..," he stammers. "i'm actually closer to motoya more than my own siblings."
you seem to relax at that, feet finally finding the energy to swing again. "...and when i met you.. i just felt less lonely."
its silent between the two of you while sakusa took in the words you said. felt less lonely, huh?
he looked back at you, eyes watching your face closely for any sort of reaction or explanation. you still looked as serious as ever though, making sakusa feel like there was a little more to your reasoning. but there is.
his eyes travel down to the bare parts of your skin, yukata sliding lazily exposing your shoulders, riding up to your knees. before he realizes, he's already climbing off his swing while sliding his coat off his shoulders and setting his thick coat onto your own shoulders.
you finally smile at the sweet gesture, hand coming up to touch at the thick material while looking up at him with crinkled eyes.
you looked cold, his eyes silently say.
before he can pull away his hands from your shoulders, you're already holding onto one of them. you sit stilly in your swing, fumbling around with his heavy hand, exploring the deep crevices and scars from what is years of volleyball.
his dedication and commitment is something you adore, you always love enjoying hearing his little volleyball stories and matches. "you're so cool kiyoomi." you coo, thumbs pressing on the side of his palm. you look back up at him, it makes his heart begin beating faster at the sight of your dilated pupils, so full of an emotion that he's come to fear, yet also come to feel.
you then jump down from your swing, standing closely to his chest. you're hugging him, for the first time ever. it's a one-sided hug at first, your hands barely wrapping around his chest and setting on his back, feeling the broad bones. he stands there dumbfounded, not knowing what to do, arms remaining at his side.
you breathe in his clean mint scent, eyes fluttering shut at his warmth, "you're so warm 'omi.."
during that everlasting hug, sakusa thought of what he was feeling. he thought his heart was going to jump out of his chest, almost frightened at the way this situation is going.
but he then asks himself, is it really that bad? if it's bad, then why does it feel so right?
it's much to his own astonishment when he finds the balls to embrace your hug, though still stiff, his arms rest around your neck, as he couldn't wrap them around your waist because you're too short.
but you've seen to have predicted him afterall, as you show no signs of surprise at all, only somehow pushing yourself closer to him. it has him stumbling backwards a few inches, face blushing intensely at the awkward contact.
you're then pulling away from him to look up at him, lips pursed into a fine line and taking his hand inbetween yours once more, as if to plead with him.
"kiyoomi, i know it's really early to say, and i know that this is really confusing and hard for you. i know you're not privy to romance, and i already know you've never even experienced it before," his face insultingly frowns at the last detail, "but please just give it a chance, give me a chance."
you press his hands against your chest, heartbeat strong against them. "kiyoomi, i really i like you, maybe a little bit more than like, so please, just give me a chance to show you how great it is."
his wide eyes look down at yours, lips slightly agape as he takes in your confession. he can't help but praise you for your bravery, it must've taken a lot for you to do this, and yet you did it anyway, something he definitely couldn't see himself doing.
he sighs deeply, looking away so as to avoid contact with your pleading eyes. your figure seems to slouch at that, head dropping towards the ground with defeat.
"o-okay fine, i l-like you too or whatever."
your head shoots up at his declaration, he's almost surprised at how happy you look, swearing he's never seen you so gleaming. you squeal out at that, reaching your arms up to wrap around his neck and attempt to hoist yourself up against him out of pure happiness.
you laugh and squeal, he wants to say it hurts his ears, but he can't hold back the way his eyes are fluttering shut out of embarrassment when he chuckles lightly at your celebration.
he doesn't know if what he felt was fireworks, or if it was the vibration from the actual fireworks exploding when the clock hit 12:00, but something within him set off when you suddenly pressed your lips against his own.
you clumsily push against his much taller frame, the only support you have is the arms wrapped around the base of his neck and the tippy toes you weakly stand on.
before he can even react, you're already pulling away, hiding your face within his chest while he looks up at the bright fireworks up ahead, head dizzy from all the feelings he's experiencing in just a couple of minutes.
this isn't so bad after all.
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
the seasons quickly came and went, and so did the end of the school year. it was now spring, so bright and colorful.
his last year of highschool was an eventful one, he came to appreciate and meet so many new things and people.
he was happy that the school year was ending on a good note, with good people, and with a good future ahead.
he pulls away from you, a string of saliva still connecting the two of you.
it's almost comedic to him, how just earlier in the year he was spitefully condemning those who he thought were silly for falling in love. it's almost ironic.
he lays underneath the heaviness of his duvet cover, hidden away from the bright sunbeams that shine through his window. his fingers play with your soft hair, body laying on top of yours, low black eyes looking down at you with quiet adoration. "i love you 'omi," you purr, impatiently pulling him back in to continue your intimate kissing session.
"i love you too," he softly mumbles against your lips, long eyelashes fluttering shut at the feel of your warm soft lips against his own.
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haha what a ending i was struggling with this 😭 please like and repost
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