#and these are still real and valid problems with ai art!!!
noctfury · 1 year
Adobe being evil about copyright law does not magically make the current state of ai art okay guys
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not-terezi-pyrope · 8 months
Ok. It's pretty clear you are more welcoming of AI, and it does have enough merits to not be given a knee jerk reaction outright.
And how the current anti-ai stealing programs could be misused.
But isn't so much of the models built on stolen art? That is one of the big thing keeping me from freely enjoying it.
The stolen art is a thing that needs to be addressed.
Though i agree that the ways that such addressing are being done in are not ideal. Counterproductive even.
I could make a quip here and be like "stolen art??? But the art is all still there, and it looks fine to me!" And that would be a salient point about the silliness of digital theft as a concept, but I know that wouldn't actually address your point because what you're actually talking about is art appropriation by generative AI models.
But the thing is that generative AI models don't really do that, either. They train on publicly posted images and derive a sort of metadata - more specifically, they build a feature space mapping out different visual concepts together with text that refers to them. This is then used at the generative stage in order to produce new images based on the denoising predictions of that abstract feature model. No output is created that hasn't gone through that multi-stage level of abstraction from the training data, and none of the original training images are directly used at all.
Due to various flaws in the process, you can sometimes get a model to output images extremely similar to particular training images, and it is also possible to get a model to pastiche a particular artist's work or style, but this is something that humans can also do and is a problem with the individual image that has been created, rather than the process in general.
Training an AI model is pretty clearly fair use, because you're not even really re-using the training images - you're deriving metadata that describes them, and using them to build new images. This is far more comparable to the process by which human artists learn concepts than the weird sort of "theft collage" that people seem to be convinced is going on. In many cases, the much larger training corpus of generative AI models means that an output will be far more abstracted from any identifiable source data (source data in fact is usually not identifiable) than a human being drawing from a reference, something we all agree is perfectly fine!
The only difference is that the AI process is happening in a computer with tangible data, and is therefore quantifiable. This seems to convince people that it is in some way more ontologically derivative than any other artistic process, because computers are assumed to be copying whereas the human brain can impart its own mystical juju of originality.
I'm a materialist and think this is very silly. The valid concerns around AI are to do with how society is unprepared for increased automation, but that's an entirely different conversation from the art theft one, and the latter actively distracts from the former. The complete refusal from some people to even engage with AI's existence out of disgust also makes it harder to solve the real problem around its implementation.
This sucks, because for a lot of people it's not really about copyright or intellectual property anyway. It's about that automation threat, and a sort of human condition anxiety about being supplanted and replaced by automation. That's a whole mess of emotions and genuine labour concerns that we need to work through and break down and resolve, but reactionary egg-throwing at all things related to machine learning is counterproductive to that, as is reading out legal mantras paraphrasing megacorps looking to expand copyright law to over shit like "art style".
I've spoken about this more elsewhere if you look at my blog's AI tag.
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topoillogical · 2 months
I kind of want to make a list of axes upon which people criticize AI, and rank how much I consider each criticism valid. I'd have to do research of course. But some examples could be like:
"Waste of water" (pretty bad complaint, coolant water gets reused and i doubt its potable anyway? but like i said id do research)
"Waste of energy" (this one seems like it might be FACTUALLY accurate but i still think its a bad complaint if it is what it says on the tin. One prompt uses the energy of ten google searches??? thats like nothing people do so many fucking google searches a day. AI is a small portion of a larger problem and its silly to focus on it)
"Plagiarism" (mostly very untrue, especially abt large models. Very uninformed complaints 90% of the time. But... also kind of true? people do make specific models fine-tuned to rip off a specific persons brand or style or voice. so. mixed bag)
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Moriarty (TNG) as good AI Art
I got to Star Trek The Next Generation season 2's Elementary, Dear Data in my rewatch and I couldn't help but notice how the holodeck actually nicely represents the current state of AI art in its process to create Moriarty.
At first, Data and Geordi ask for a "Sherlock Holmes mystery", so the holodeck simply provides one, verbatim -- Data has obviously already read it, and so he immediately solves it. Geordi is furious and leaves immediately, because Geordi doesn't have great characterization in the show proper, and lives in our heads as a better character.
But the point Georgi tries to make eventually is that this isn't a "real" mystery if Data already knows it, and it goes kind of unspoken that the Holodeck didn't create anything new, it just regurgitated what it has without any remixing or any real reason to go through it again.
Then Pulaski gets involved and tries to prove Data can't really do anything novel -- they ask the Holodeck for an original mystery "in the Holmesian style", and what does it do? It just copies and pastes different portions of Sherlock Holmes novels into the same document, and makes it a "new mystery", while still clearly being just a hackjob made in a hurry with no sense of aesthetics or direction.
While it might have been enough for Geordi or Pulaski, Data is a machine that can recognize patterns much better, and he immediately understands that this is just a combination of patterns he already knows, and once again he immediately solves it because he knows the original mysteries. But this time, Pulaski points out: this is a fraud! This is not what a real story is like! Holmes would never do this, he would actually think about the novel stimuli reaching his brain!
And I think it's really interesting how Data, a fellow machine, cannot immediately tell what Pulaski is saying. Because for Data, aesthetic don't actually make that much sense, at least not in season 2. He can't tell a good story from a bad one made out of different pages of different stories, because for him, it's all about patterns. Just like the Holodeck, Data does think this is good enough, and confronts her about it. I mean, what else is the Holodeck supposed to do other than recombine what already exists?
It's not until Geordi stops asking the computer to make a story and instead asks for the computer to make a character that the plot actually moves forward, because at that point they're dealing with emerging narratives that arise from the fact that Moriarty is now a hyper-intelligent AI that is free to do its own plans, regardless of what Sherlock Holmes story he's from. While Moriarty may be a repetitive character, his new reactions are not, and that's good enough that it becomes a massive problem that threatens the safety of the ship.
Before, when it was being asked to make derivative art, the Holodeck performed exactly to task -- but the result only really worked on people who either 1) did not understand art at a deeper level than the superficial, and 2) did not know the original art that well. The art that it spat out was valid, it was working, it was logically sound and fit together more or less well enough.
Pulaski, however, immediately understood that this result was inferior to the sum of its parts. She respects the character of Sherlock Holmes; she goes on a little explanation about the character's relationship to the human soul and how that's the actual point of the books, as opposed to just the simple puzzle boxes that Data (and, to some extent, the Holodeck) seems to believe they are.
And I just think that's just a poignant take that easily translates to the current state of art and artificial intelligence -- there is actually no value in derivative AI art that simply copies and pastes parts of other pieces of art into one straight line, regardless if it's an image or a story or anything like that. Yes, you can get some praise from people who either don't care or aren't familiar with the originals, but people who are actually into the art form -- the ones who have proven they are invested and are ostensibly the ones you're trying to catch as a steady audience -- will recognize and be bored by the result. There's no rhyme or reason to how a machine adapts a story into another, there's no aesthetic sense that makes it interesting to the human psyche. It's just a fast food version of art that doesn't really do anything for you, and you'll forget it in five minutes. Pulaski is not offended by the attempt, she's positively amused that an AI tried its hardest to make a Sherlock Holmes story, one of the most by-the-books and predictable mystery formats known to British literature, and the best it could do was just copy what's already there.
But when it's just a collection of ideas and vague directions that then go forward on their own, that's different. Moriarty is not an AI creation of the Holodeck -- he was given a push and then allowed to go wherever he wanted. He was not even a proper villain by the end of it; the combination of things Moriarty was resulted in a curious, driven, machiavelic yet ultimately sympathetic man, who just wanted to continue living and creating his own, original story, not based on anyone else's. The Holodeck's greatest achievement wasn't making an original story, it was making someone capable of doing that on their own, without having to refer to anything else.
There are entire Youtube channels right now that make a lot of bank by using these emerging language models to help them tell a story -- DougDoug has dozens of videos of him and his chat going on wild adventures aided by text AI that doesn't actually write a story for them, but instead simply provides direction for them to make their own decisions and their own stories. It's a genuine way to improvise and give the onus of planning to something else, especially when the story isn't the point, but the experience is -- just like the Holodeck!
I'm not saying AI art is eventually going to reach that point by itself, but I do think there's something to be said about just hitting random on a trope generator that gives you, the author, different ideas so you can write a story yourself; or even just rolling the die to see what happens to your characters as opposed to painstakingly arranging your story like a hand-made garden.
Star Trek constantly showcases characters like Data, Moriarty, The Doctor or Zora as more than the sum of their parts, and it's always because they are able to be more than simple reorganization of previously experienced stimuli. They are able to make choices that don't have to happen, but that they want to happen.
Don't get me wrong -- AI Art, as an institution, is corrosive acid and will kill entire industries. But the fact we skipped straight into the hellish capitalist version of that means we never got to fucking play with it. We never got to just use it as a stepping stone or something to unclog the sink when you have writer's block. Instead of going in random adventures with a Moriarty who can actually react and develop something akin to a character, we're getting a thousand offers to buy books that are just combinations of different novels on Amazon, with no way to really filter them out other than our own eyes.
I just wanted to hang out with Moriarty.
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mdpikachu · 10 months
yes this is the dante theory list for those who liked this post but im also making it my pinned
First; Hi, I'm Md (they/it/she) and welcome to my autism hole. Boops you. HERE is my art blog, HERE is my eldritch sideblog, HERE is my berserkerlot sideblog, and HERE is my photoblog, HERE is my AO3, HERE is my Flight Rising, HERE is my BlueSky. Okay, now back to the actual post. Limbus FC is C092709920.
Md's hot hot list of Dante limbus theories that I've been sitting on since I started playing
ONE OF THESE WILL BE RIGHT. MAYBE. cut for length. discuss in the comments. contains ruina and lobocorp spoilers. maybe even leviathan spoilers. assume spoilers for the newest content. pinning so i can keep adding to it in the future. (edited 7/7) (up to TKT)
Theory 58, pushed up bc it has potential, 7/7- Dante's name is Da'at or something similar. it's a hidden sephirot. iIT'S NUMBER 10. WAIT THIS FUCKS TO THE TOP OF THE LIST THIS GOES.
Theory 1, from early march 2023- Dante has the option to get their head back, takes it. Human Dante is shown. except clearly hiding unfamiliarity with the sinners. The clock head is still alive. A clock doesnt need a body to live. Human evil dante uses the golden whatever to cause Problems and has the sinners chained to them. vergil is free tho so he can beat down evil dante. (this now works with a canto 5 tidbit where vergil said he'd only step in if "all sinners dead, dante is beaten, and the hands of the clock are about to be torn off".)
T2, 3/12- 9 circles of hell, Dante, and a few subsections. Dante is sinner 10. Charon is also in the divine comedy so she'll get a section. Dante are u lucifer. who is the lucifer of the setting?? i'm saying pre-dante Dante until otherwise noted. (not personally fond of this one)
T3, 3/15- iori saw limbus going a certain way and guaranteed it by making sure Dante got factory reset by force. villain to cause heroism. (dont know enough about Iori for this one)
**T4- Backwards clock relation possible. (possibly canon validated) (even more possible connection as of 6.3)
T5- Saying Dante had a significant other named Beatrice is way too low bar but It's a necessary one. ech
T6- Dante IS Beatrice and given the name of someone else. (too ez)
T7, 3/17- future Dante guaranteeing the future changes by getting past Dante's head removed. issue solved. This one is based on the opening and reading the lyrics real goodly.
T8, 3/20- Dante's head has a lil bit of angelas ai in there. or ayin data. benjamin. any of them. carmen even. fuck whatever. maybe hokma bc ticking in ruina theme. (this one lead to some Better Ideas. see later) (4/7) POSSIBLY SUPPORTED BY 6.2. WHY DID THEY SEE THAT.
T9, 3/23- The three censored letters. B E A, S I N, E G O, A L I, who knows. v e r. could be anything this one is nothing
T10, 3/26- Faust VERY SPECIFICALLY says that brains cant be replaced-- so even if Dante gets their head back, it's incompatible now. (!! this is a Top Theory)
T11, 3/28- Beatrice or someone else died around Christmas, which makes Dante sad even without their memories. The pain exists but the context is missing. (They also seem to know Christmas music without any issue, able to sing along with Charon in their head. This is not addressed in canon.)
T12, 3/30- Beatrice was one of the orphans that died in Leviathan :) the time period matches up. It was around Christmas.
T13, 3/31- HARD LOBOCORP SPOILER. Thinking about In Hell We Live (Lament). "Each loop we live/die thru"? How many times? How many times has Dante done this? Or Pre-Dante, anyway. Faust is probably in on it. The new L corp took one look at what Ayin was doing and went "we can do that too lmao". Losing their memory was a base requirement to prevent madness. I rewrote this theory on 9/19 but added "to prevent a paradox"
T14, 4/18- Less a HC and more a suggestion, just use F Corp's shit to Unlock Dante's memory. If we ever visit District F, you KNOW Faust is gonna keep them on one hell of a tight leash.
T15- Is the Star a Singularity? Did Dante STEAL it? Are THEY the singularity? The clock? This one's too easy too though.
T16, 5/8- WAT IF THE STAR IS LUCIFER. MORNING STAR. CAN MANIPULATE SOULS IN HELL. (weak but proj moon loves their Christian imagery. this will come back repeatedly) not this one. maybe
T17, 5/10- Dante is either connected to whitenight OR a jesus figure (12 apostles, sin, not dying when killed, revives people, etc. the christianity again. it will continue. i already drew plague doc dante.) (4/7, possible but carmen is the lucifer adjacent if 6-34 is anything to go by. jesus is still open.)
**T18. 5/16- Dante's clock hands are made from a Golden Bough. ez. LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOO canto 5.2
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T19. 6/16- This has 0 canon basis but what if Dante was a Bloodfiend, would that be cool or what? They already don't need to eat, but is that from the clock or something else? Do they get IVs with nutrients? How does this work? Idk. I just want Dante to cut their hand open, make giant claws and rip a man apart before eating dirt. Dante can chew on a Sinner as a treat. c: I just want this one.
T20- Wouldn't it be fucked up if Dante found their head and it had either Distorted or was an Abnormality??
T21, 9/29- Religious Bastard Dieci Dante Aligheri.
T22- Dante has gotten Very Attached to the Sinners as their only form of contact while they've gotten themselves together. They recently realized many Sinners are doing this for the end goals, not to be a team. This seemed to upset them. UPSET THEM MORE. DISTORT THEM. DANTE REALIZES THEY'LL ALL LEAVE WITHOUT A CARE IN THE WORLD. Carmen! Come get this bitch.
T23- Actually, Dante should distort for any reason. I Absolutely Understand the Mechanics (lying). Got too depressed, hit -45 SAN and decided they're just a useless tool instead of a person? Absolutely. You're now a piece of equipment. (when Heath asks if they're okay in canto 5 bc they got injured, dante responds "the clocks fine so who cares?") (I now understand the mechanics but want it anyway) They won't.
T24- Building off the previous, they're really starting to believe they're just a tool like how Gregor thinks he's a bug. That Is Not Good For Your Mental Health (garry ib icon.png)
T25- Putting this here just before my fav one, their skin. We never see it, so a list of potential possibilities excluding Being White bc that's BORING: Any POC, ashy skin (like vergil), dark ashy (charon), pure black or close to (a lot of people do this, me included), dark and covered in stars, very tattooed, very mechanical, just outright a robot, bloodfiend again, scarred, frankensteiny, bough roots, fucked up censored, ETC. Based on the few images we have that show anything, it's just pitch black under there unless it's a skinsuit. the rest of them may be any of the above but for now most of these are defunct.
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T26- My Current Top Theory of All Time- Dante is an AI. They have never been human, just machine. At least one of their creators cared enough to do better than Ayin ever fucking did, fostering curiosity and a desire to live in the little AI. Thing is, after Angela, AI became Very Illegal. There's no way their creators survived. L Corp New got them. Old AI Dante was, at their core, still an unfeeling machine that made decisions based purely on cold logic. New Dante is a person that is learning and growing, refusing to follow the colder path at times.
Is the clock part of them? Unsure. That can work either way.
But they're definitely becoming a person who doesn't want every encounter to end in bloodshed and death. Good for them. (this part is correct)
T27- Dante is not Ruina Dante. they didn't get booked. I think they'd throw hands on sight.
T28- Verg/Dante that's all glory to yxxiville
T30- I missed one! Their eyes with a human head. This has a few that rotate. Red eyes, Gold eyes, Gold with the star, heterochromia with only one gold/star and red, pitch black (pre-d), or night sky/star. mix and match. who cares?
T31- I personally like the idea of Dante being a redhead (real red not ginger like ish) but realize it doesn't make much sense. Black hair works too, esp smoky, but they need more color. maybe fire streaks? if POC, maybe dreads?
T32- I am now also accepting heathcliff/dante post canto 5.1 he care so much.... actually just sinner polycule is valid. so is sinner family. both work. the only part I dont like is dante/faust. doesn't feel right. Charon excluded. that is our child. sinner x any other sinner. dante x anyone. including vergil. not charon.
T33- Forgot an old one where I figured Dante was a hacker that got into a Lot of trouble and being sinner #10 was meant to be a suicide mission.
T34- Dante being an ai part 2, having been planted in a body. maybe even a body they knew.
T35- [added to 25]
T36- Memory loss being fully intentional to kill their previous self and only carry over the necessary. A new start.
T37- Yknow how we never SAW Dante being an upper torso and arm in canto 3? Why? What is being hidden that's so important? robot parts? are you a robot? are you a -
T38- Dante being an artist of any kind. musician, poet, painter, etc. even post amnesia. give em a hobby
T39- Somewhere else I discussed forms that'd be fun for a Dante Distortion but i cant find it so ill reiterate: coffin spider, all around helper clock, useless fucking thing. all of which have gold chains suffocating them and it doesnt fight back. give it morphine
T40- this one's insane but dante's og self being the Player/self-insert. thats why they were "Me" and not "Dante" we're not them. but we also are. (in tkt theres an npc names Mai so like. its close)
T41- This ones a joke but og dantes name actually just being "Me". (but not pronounced that way) (alternatively it was a nickname)
T42- Dante being an interviewer or reporter- A big name one. No wonder they keep secrets like K corps singularity. They can release that publicly later... if they choose to.
T43- RECREATE CARMEN. DO IT PUSSY. That 5.5 Blade scene is Damning as all hell. That or the bough + the monolith had an Interaction.
T44- Dante's internal programming knows the City Lore but Dante isn't allowed to know. The fact so much of that scene was censored...
T45- Dante is Bongbong
T46- I haven't beaten Ruina so I don't know a lot about Constructs or Librarians but like. Maybe they were one of those.
T47- Dante is going to eventually explode (figuratively). Even they can only take so much abuse and bullshit. Self-esteem can only go so low.
T48- Dante being a disaster chimera of stuff. AI made of someone else's brain, in someone else's body, with other stuff installed, etc, etc, etc.
T49- The Star reminds me too much of Blue Star, talking about Sin and such. Maybe it's an abno relating to that. who knows.
T50- Dante is an ID and there's a mirror in their head keeping them active. I hope they do a Charon/Lapis and totally overwrite the og bc the og's an asshole.
T51- Dante's the first successful "new human"
T52- Dante IS fucked up but something in their head hides the fuckedupness from everyone else.
T53- Dante is connected to that "ancient river".
T54- Dante was part of the 13th association.
T55- Dante stops keeping info to themselves so damn often. This is basically a bingo free space.
**T56- The Sinners are using Dante's time CONFIRMED jfc i JUST added this one too. and then tkt just confirms it like a minute later.
T57- Dante is a star. just straight up.
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randomthefox · 3 months
So what do you think about AI songs? You know the songs that characters are singing. something they would sing
I found some that are pretty good
Like Thomas, the tank engine: the story of my life
Sandy cheeks: Before he cheats
And Homer simpson: Big green tractor
And those are the three I found on tictok
I mean, when it's done, right? It really makes it sound.Like the character is really seeing it.But when it isn't it? Just sounds like a robot, with a very static voice
( unless said character is a robot with that type of voice)
I thought you were talking about Vocaloids at first lol
I don't have a bug in my butt about AI on principle, I just find 100% of AI generated pictures to look butt ugly. I seriously have never seen a single one that looked at all appealing on any level. And you can ALWAYS TELL they're AI too. Because they look like ass.
I think most complaints about AI are, like. Stupid? It's always "this is gonna take away my job!" but sweety, if your job can be replaced by a machine, then clearly that job doesn't need to exist. You're not entitled to a paid career in a creative outlet just because you've invested time into the craft. If people would rather use a machine to make something instead of paying you to do it, then either they're poor or you just suck. If it's the former then you're an asshole for complaining about it, if it's the latter then you're just being a whiny little bitch.
The arguments that AI art is committing copyright infringement through unauthorized use and replication of peoples intellectual property IS a valid argument, and legal precedent needs to be established about this AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. I support any lawsuit movement against machine learning software on the basis of copyright infringement and intellectual property theft. Machine learning needs to get express permission from the IP holder and pay royalties just like everybody else.
To that end - I think AI use of voice acting CAN be fine and good and fun. Using machine voices in fan made projects from shit posts to fan games that would never have the means or finances to utilize a real voice actor seems like a positive outcome. The problem again comes in the intellectual property theft. For voice actors, their voice IS their product, it IS their art. And using someone elses art WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT is theft. And it's particularly bad for voice actors nowadays because machine voices are getting so good that you can genuinely mistake a machine voice for the genuine article - and that can have serious consequences for them if their voice is being used in a shitpost and a future possible employer decides not to hire them for PR purposes on the basis of their voice being used in a video that they had no knowledge of. This is different from "your job being replaced by a machine", this is "you lost a job opportunity because someone was fucking around after committing theft of your voice and there was nothing you could do about it"
Machine learning generated content should be practiced with the full knowledge and consent of the artists involved. If you want to make an AI video of Homer Simpson singing Big Green Tractor, then you should need to get the express permission of Dan Castellaneta first, or at least source the use of their character voice from a program that he has given his express permission to letting them use it first. And if he doesn't give that permission, then tough tiddies. That's my two cents on it.
But considering people are already making these things "unethically" and they're out there and there's nothing anyone can do about it, I'll answer the question by saying: no videos like that typically do not appeal to me. I'd rather listen to an actual singer. Machine voices are getting really really good, but you can still always tell. It don't sound right to me. And frankly I don't think I'd be interested in Dan Castellaneta himself singing big green tractor, Homer simpson doesn't really have a very good singing voice.
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j1r4ch2 · 6 months
I'll admit that my opinion is probably colored by the cynicism of never succeeding at making money being a creative and instead constantly scrambling back and forth from various min wage entry level industries just to make ends meet, but i think that the way artists are conceptualizing AI video rendering as the end of the world is kind of ridiculous.
Obviousely the possibility of artistic jobs being downsized is very real. There is a present reality of AI taking good jobs from real people. It sucks. It's awful. Real people are suffering; I'm not denying that.
But at the same time this technological paradigm isn't going away any time soon, and as it is now, is way too resource intensive to replace every artist making a living with thier work.
Maybe someday down the road enough GPU farm services will be widely enough available where it is feasible for companies to use generative AI for all of their media needs, thus eliminating countless jobs for artists who spent decades of their life honing a skill, but if being demoted from a professional artist to a hobbyist is the end of the world for some people I seriously question why they practice their craft in the first place.
If it was always for the money, then let the robots take the burden of performing the role of a artist from you, and please relearn creating just to feel something inside of you.
We've had knitting machines and mass produced clothing and textiles for ages, yet in this day where my car can drive itself, people spend hours learning to do fibercrafts etc. And you aren't hearing about etsy fiber artists making 60k/year from their work yet they still enjoy the creative process of it!
This is a nuanced conversation, and a lot of people in poverty situations are going to lose access to their jobs as it becomes automated away, in a more exponentially growing version of what's been going on since 2008 and even back to the 90's.
Its a real problem, but the majority of creators i see whining about this on tumblr, YouTube etc. are middle class or higher individuals who's only experience in blue collar work is the half year they spent working part time at their university campus Starbucks.
A lot of people think they're mad because automation is threatening the validity of their job, but they're actually mad because they think learning a creative skill makes them better than your average blue collar worker and they're appaled at the idea of being the same as the people who run their electric grids, clean their sewers, and stock their supermarkets.
Theyre just using the cultural backlash against explotative machine learning (which is a justified backlash, it's fucking wrong for these generative models to be stealing existing work of art and incorporating it into its training, that's not what I'm defending here) as an excuse to dodge the awareness that they don't think anyone should be doing blue collar work because surely they never dreamed of doing it.
As it stands now generative AI models are too resource intensive to truly replace the scale of workers people act like they will, and the advancement of ML algorithms has enough real potential to better people's lives that its not going away, so I think aside from doing the work of protecting our existing art with things like nightshade etc, it's important to be realistic and give up the fantasy that we are at war with AI companies, and must win, or even more delusion at war with the very concept of machine learning.
Its reminiscent of people who were afraid of computers in 1995 and now can't function in their daily life without the help of their gen z loved one to help them navigate the most basic of user interfaces.
Society will advance, regardless of how we like it, all we can do is be resourceful about it, and find ways that the advancement benefits us.
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tangibletechnomancy · 10 months
Lately I've been seeing an argument that essentially says okay, well, fine, take away the copy-paste myth and point out that expanding the definition of plagiarism is worse for small artists rather than better, prove you do Real Work AND demonstrate that the argument that Real Work is relevant to the Validity of art is dangerous anyway, demonstrate that the labor issue is one better managed by unions than criminalizing tools, I still won't budge because the reason AI isn't Art, let alone have the POTENTIAL to be radical Art, is because the companies that make the tools are Bad-
But let's look at where else this might apply.
iPads are popular tools for digital art - we all know what Apple's business practices are like.
Adobe is considered industry standard for many artistic purposes, and is otherwise best known for predatory pricing, anti-competitive practices, and lax security.
If we look beyond just 2D painting and illustration, the Singer sewing machine company is responsible for the likely extinction of an entire species.
And, possibly the most egregious (yet thankfully most avoidable) case on this far from exhaustive list: Noodler inks - a popular brand for calligraphy and ink drawing - turned out to be run by a neo-nazi.
Are you beginning to see the problem with "oh, well, OpenAI is an unethical company, so nothing ACTUALLY artistic let alone radical can be made using their products"? Beyond the fact that OpenAI isn't even the only name in the game?
(Hint: "And yet you live in a society! Curious! I am very smart!")
Microsoft, Adobe, Apple, Google, Amazon, etc. are NOT actually Better companies than even OpenAI. Tools being made by garbage people and companies does not change the value of the work done with them.
Some people make what they can with what they have. Some people strive to make the most ethical individual choices they can with their tools. Some people try, but find that the choice is between a tire fire, and a burning tire factory (we all know that the consumer electronics industry is a nightmare; anyone who owns a graphics tablet is in this position at best). Some people have no idea what's going on when it comes to making their tools, not for lack of caring! Some people even choose to use products made by unethical companies - obtained legally or otherwise - in a way that very deliberately flies in the face of everything that company stands for.
For me, while they'll never be my first choice (for enshittification reasons as well as ethical ones), I'll still buy Singer products if I have an emergency and they're the only game in town too. I'll still use my Google Android phone to draw on manually and take photos with while I'm out and about.
And I'll still use AI for my surrealism, because it's REALLY damned good for that.
If we've debunked all the other myths about why the tech is seeecretly inherently evil, then I just plain don't see a difference.
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lilyoffandoms · 1 year
I saw that AI post (unfortunately). Maybe you didn’t see it because it only has a few notes because most people here have working braincells and know AI is horseshit. I blocked that person after seeing it. I’d seen them post a few AI stuff here and there and tried giving them the benefit of the doubt, but then to see a post defending that garbage and linking bullshit articles they found to support their shitty narrative so they can give themselves and their mutuals an excuse to post stolen content? No. Blocked.
I always try and give people the benefit of the doubt but to look into it and still come to the conclusion that, as it is now, it is a positive thing within the art community? That’s just wild to me!
You can find the opposite of any position on the web. My real problem isn’t with generative AI, it’s with people saying it’s art, and how we as a world are allowing it to continue unchecked.
It’s not art. It’s content built off of stolen property.
If I want art, I want art from a person. Why should I bother enjoying something someone didn’t create? I want real human creations, not machine stolen content!
I wish people would talk to artists who have had their art consumed by these generative technologies or writers who’ve had their words fed to them.
If you want to think it’s all good and fine, be my guest, I can’t stop ya. But don’t call it art.
It’s content and it’s disgusting!!
Also, let me guess? The articles they posted argued:
AI’s not theft.
AI’s not against the law.
AI’s not hurting anyone.
AI enables anyone to be an artist.
AI tech is just another form of creation.
AI’s no different than any other automated processes and technology that we’ve adopted.
AI’s no different than any number of previously unacceptable art forms that are now consider art.
Tell me I’m wrong? I know I’m not because these are tired old excuses that only take into consideration what the technology does for the consumer not what it does to the artists it consumes.
For some, it’s all about themself and their instant gratification and validation. People are freakin selfish sometimes!
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plungelo · 1 year
in several of her essays, Deren brings up an example of a technique used in WWII documenting. cameras would be attached to the gun of a plane and would record when the trigger was pulled. it's sort of the machinery/advancement in technology element that's associated with film taken to a logical conclusion––for her time.
i feel like a lot of what Deren is talking about in her essays isn't just the validity of film as an art form––which, to this day, most films still barely scratch the surface of representing in her terms––it's the culture of her the post-WWII time when everyone was having some kind of identity crisis because of how much the world changed after that war––both technologically and worldly. i'm pretty sure she even writes at some point that film should be used to express the feeling of this time in human history.
but since then we've had the Cold War, the internet, Columbine, 9/11, the 2007 global financial thingy, Trump, pandemic. shit's kind of weird now. plus, human progress is measured by the complexity of our technology, and it's way more complex than the shit they came up with in WWII.
film as a technology has also evolved a lot. so much so that AI and CGI can create entire realities that do not exist. new functions of film like that are inaccessible to the amateur. while in some ways it can be disheartening to not have access to the same technologies, it should actually be liberating.
Deren's thoughts on amateur filmmaking in particular really shine through in today's context. back then, it was quite expensive to make a film. now, it's easier than ever. and yeah, big movies today are used to dispense corporate ideologies, but film is now one of the most democratized mediums––second only to photography.
this means that the technical skill aspect of filmmaking that always made it so difficult to get into is now basically not a problem. this is obviously why film school has become a more real thing over the last thirty years. but the new generation––i'm in that––who has the technical skills down either use it for documenting or imitating. it's so easy to make a movie nowadays and yet the medium is still mostly literature, rather than taking advantage of the opportunities film offers.
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heyassbuttlmao · 2 years
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I posted 4,352 times in 2022
That's 4,352 more posts than 2021!
159 posts created (4%)
4,193 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,221 of my posts in 2022
#art <3 - 223 posts
#spn - 77 posts
#supernatural - 75 posts
#the boys - 65 posts
#my faves &lt;3 - 57 posts
#the boys spoilers - 39 posts
#destiel - 23 posts
#ow - 23 posts
#dean winchester - 20 posts
#castiel - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#are no different than the characters they portray as mentally ill™️ because no that's different our characters just have daddy issues and
My Top Posts in 2022:
fic masterlist
I only ever post my fics on ao3, because it's where I read fanfic, but I figured I should at least link them here, so viola, have a post about my spn fanfic I've written (I'm not bothering to link all the stucky I write here because I do not think y'all care, but that is on my ao3 too if you want to check it out)
yes all my fic titles are song lyrics shut up
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hand me a pen and I'll rewrite the pain - complete, 37k
domestic destiel fluff, but also mostly family angst lmao. instead of bringing just mary back, amara also brings back john, and dean has to grapple with the fact that oh shit he was actually a very shitty father. (also she brings back bobby and charlie because I say so)
i'll take my chances on the curb here with you - oneshot, 1.8k
finale fix-it. aka the finale didn't happen and they get cas back. aka post-confession destiel reunion + first kiss
i've got this sentimental heart that beats - oneshot, 4.5k
outsider pov about one of sam's friends from stanford running into him years later. mostly just fluff and me getting overly invested in this oc by accident
running through the numbers in my phone - oneshot, 700 words
sequel/companion to i've got this sentimental heart that beats. literally just sam's other friends from stanford spamming his phone after getting his number from the oc from the last fic. because I could
show me the rivers crossed, the mountains scaled - oneshot, 2.5k
first spn fic I wrote, was supposed to be a destiel fic but cas isn't even in it whoops. (destiel is still the ship but like,,,, only mentioned ghdgghsd). anyways what this actually ended up being was sam and dean running into each other at a gay bar and awkwardly coming out to each other as bi (I'm not even necessarily a queer sam truther so I have no fucking clue where this fic came from lmao)
33 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
also also ALSO thinking. thinking. cas fucking letting go, pushing dean away from him, in purgatory. making sure dean saves himself but not letting him save him. and dean fucking convincing himself he was the one who let go, not cas, because that was easier. it just makes me wonder what dean told himself after cas pushed him away in 15x18, to make it easier than admitting to himself that cas loved him so much he would die for it
45 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
my suggested posts rn are SO funny and also so valid
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See the full post
53 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
ngl but I don't get why so much attention is being placed on whether AI art is "real art" or not instead of??? the fact that it's using stolen art?? like that feels like the actual problem here for me???
71 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
84 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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stevensavage · 5 months
Light The Ugliness On Fire To Warm Ourselves
(This column is posted at www.StevenSavage.com, Steve's Tumblr, and Pillowfort.  Find out more at my newsletter, and all my social media at my linktr.ee)
The latest news about our oncoming future of AI generated soulless media has got me and my creative friends talking. We’re swearing, too, but the conversation is quite intelligent between the occasional profanities
My good friend Serdar notes in an excellent post that you have to drive out ugliness with beauty. If you keep showing off the ugliness, the awfulness of things, it creates pathologies, a tunnel of crap, even if its in mockery. Trauma tourism of our culture is still traumatic after all, and we hunger for actual good stuff - so make something good damn it to squeeze out the ugly.
I agree with him for the most part, but sometimes you can use the ugly.
Now in my own work, even that which responds to trends (like some worldbuilding books), the goal is to get people to write good things. I want something that adds to the wonderful of the world.
But you’ve also noticed some of my sarcasm or parody here, or in my fiction. It occurs in some of the more experimental art and writing I do (currently) under pen names. There is a part of my work that uses the terrible and sad things of the world as fuel, and I think that is valid – when done right.
There is value in mockery, and parody, and response. From Mark Twain to Dave Barry, Terry Pratchet to Chuang-Tzu, people have made works both timeless and calling out people and organizations and ideas that need to be skewered. Sometimes you create beauty by giving the ugliness a good drubbing- hell, no small amount of Punk music fits this category.
The problem is this is really hard to do. If you’re going to make beauty from ugliness, then you best make sure you’re up to the task and you want to do it. Not everyone is, and that’s fine - for instance Serdar and I have different backgrounds and inclinations. Or in short, I’m the sarcastic and parodic one, meaning our friendship is sort of a Road movie that happens very slow.
As the sarcastic one, here’s what I think makes a response-to-ugliness work as actual, positive, creative work.
First, it has to timeless in its own ways. There’s little value in speaking to the event of the moment without context or depth. The more the thing you’ve decided to “take on” is connected to the big picture, the better. I recall an essay in the Chuang-Tzu on warriors (albeit one clearly written by one of his followers) that had me outright laughing at the end, even though the tale was perhaps two thousand years old.
Secondly, a work of mockery or parody has to be relevant, and this is the paradox that affects many a writer. You have to know the subject matter enough to make what you create more than just saying “see how dumb that is!” I mean I can watch many videos mocking an unwisely-constructed electric truck that seems designed to kill people. But in-depth understanding is valuable because then I understand.
Third, such work has to be human. Ridiculing something or someone is easy, any bully can do it. I want to understand people, their reactions, their experiences. Ever read a good essay or book on the economic impacts of some horrible government choice on real people and felt it? That’s what you want. That’s what art does - it gets the mind and heart going.
Finally, it has to be actually good. You can’t rely on someone else being terrible to carry your work. I learned this lesson from podcasts and youtube videos that did critiques. The truly good ones have good hosts, providing smart analysis, and were people I’d listen to or watch if they spoke about good things.
If you create beauty out of ugliness, you need depth to really do something that will squeeze out the ugliness. For all he took on, the late Sir Terry Pratchett’s books are things of beauty, even when addressing issues from racism to economics. Any ugliness is but fuel for beauty – in the right hands.
If you can’t do that or don’t want to, then fine! We all do our parts to make the world a more beautiful place - and that’s needed today more than ever.
Steven Savage
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blogchaindeveloper · 6 months
ChatGPT and the Art of Conversation: Navigating AI-Generated Chats
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Conversations in the digital age aren't restricted to human interaction alone. Artificial Intelligence-driven chatbots and virtual assistants are revolutionizing online interactions. A notable name in this domain is ChatGPT. The ability of this cutting-edge AI chatbot to converse with humans has been making waves. But how does ChatGPT work its communicative magic, and how can people become adept at using its capabilities? Explore the field of artificial intelligence and learn how to become a certified chatbot specialist.
Learn how AI certifications, such as the ChatGPT and Chatbot certifications offered by the British Council, can help you master the art of AI-generated chats
The Ascent of ChatGPT 
ChatGPT has garnered notable attention and recognition for its conversational abilities. It results from intensive training on large datasets from the internet, allowing it to comprehend and produce text responses that resemble a human's. In contrast to other chatbots, ChatGPT exhibits a dependable method for meaningful and coherent interactions. However, what distinguishes it from conventional chatbots is its capacity to process and respond to user inquiries with a level of sophistication that approximates actual human conversation.
Real-World Utilization
ChatGPT has applications for a wide range of domains. Here are some examples of how it's being harnessed:
Content Generation: ChatGPT can help create text-based content, including authoring blog posts, articles, and marketing copy. It is a valuable tool for content creators because it can produce coherent and contextually relevant material. 
Customer Support: Many companies use ChatGPT to answer customer questions and offer assistance. It can provide real-time assistance to clients by answering common questions and difficulties. 
Language Translation: Thanks to ChatGPT's multilingual capabilities, communication barriers between countries can be broken down. 
Conversational Marketing: ChatGPT may interact with potential clients on websites, respond to their questions, and lead them through product or service details, all while improving the user experience. 
Gaining proficiency with ChatGPT's features is crucial for navigating AI-generated chats. This is the point at which chatbot certification is valid. A ChatGPT certification program, like the one the Black Community Council offers, gives people the skills to use this technology effectively.
A certified chatbot specialist acquires proficiency in creation, deployment, and upkeep. They are a valuable asset to any organization looking to integrate AI chatbots into its operations because they understand how to tailor chatbot interactions to specific business objectives.
ChatGPT and the State of Translational AI Using powerful engines such as ChatGPT and others, translational AI significantly impacts customer experiences (CX).
Of course, specific problems and areas still require development, but the advantages of this technology are clear across numerous industries. It's altering how we go about things, especially in customer service and travel orchestration. Its main selling points are the benefits conversational AI offers in terms of efficiency and improved client experiences.
Businesses may significantly improve their customer experience (CX) by combining machine learning engines with natural language processing (NLP). These engines, including GPT-3, GPT-4, and others, have unique qualities that can be used for various tasks and situations. Utilizing these engines' full potential while controlling messaging and brand representation is crucial for businesses. Platforms that provide this turbo-charged conversational AI and the necessary infrastructure to handle it well contain the winning formula. 
The Exciting Prospects of Conversational AI and ChatGPT 
If you've ever engaged in a conversation with a chatbot that seemed shockingly human, there's a reasonable probability that you were speaking with an artificial intelligence (AI) system. The technology underlying these chatbots, conversational AI, has been steadily advancing and changing how humans interact with digital systems.
Conversational AI aims to create conversations that seem authentic and human. The system employs natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning methodologies to comprehend and react to user input that emulates human speech.
Conversational AI is growing at a speedy rate. It encompasses chatbots and intelligent virtual assistants. Between 2020 and 2025, experts project a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22%. Numerous factors, such as the growing use of chatbots in enterprises and customer support applications, contribute to this rapid growth.
Chatbot adoption in business and customer service is already a common practice, and in the next two to five years, their use is anticipated to double. Companies are realizing the importance of chatbots in enhancing customer interactions, automating routine tasks, and offering round-the-clock customer support.
There is evidence to support ChatGPT's potential impact on conversational AI. Its natural language generation capabilities allow for the development of chatbots that are more adept at understanding human intent and emotions. Thus, more personalized and exciting conversations between users and AI-powered devices are made possible.
With the continuous advancement of technology, there is immense potential for ChatGPT and conversational AI in general. How we communicate with machines in the coming years will undoubtedly change due to these technologies, which are on the verge of enabling even more sophisticated, effective, and human-like interactions.
People can become proficient in conversing with AI chatbots such as ChatGPT through appropriate chatbot certification and training. The importance of AI certification is indisputable. Platforms such as Blockchain The Council offer comprehensive programs for artificial intelligence certification, including a wide range of topics, such as chatbot certification and training. These certifications validate your experience and open doors to career opportunities and AI-related entrepreneurial endeavors. 
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ladylaviniya · 8 months
I wholeheartedly agree with your stance on AI "art" being violating and problematic.
However, I do have a problem with the way you stated that even though you know MBB to be an adult, she is still Eleven from ST and a minor in your eyes.
She's 19. She's engaged. Because of her career she is probably more independent than anyone of us was at that age. And I do think that perpetual viewing of actors as 'stuck' as a character they once portrayed is problematic.
This is what happened when people thought "omg Hannah Montana has gone nuts" or "what happened to the sweet Demi Lovato?" Or anything else involving child actors.
What happened? They grew up.
Other than that, your point about AI generated images (I'm not even calling it 'art' anymore) stands. It's creepy and violating, especially because AI is getting 'better' (= more accurate) and I'm honestly afraid that before long we will have full-on deepfake porn videos with actors who never asked for that shit.
That said; it does raise the question with me whether or not a similar stance is warranted against NSFW artwork or smut with the actors rather than portrayed characters as the subject. (I've never been a big fan of RPF, and I don't think I've come across "real person fan art", so I can't really say with certainty if it would make me uncomfortable. But the AI things... They just make my skin crawl.)
You make a valid point!!! Warning long ass post reply below.
The Millie thing I think is more my personal view of her physically. I think I view Millie as still a young child is because of her youthful face and the characters she plays. I'm 22. It's still so hard for me to think she's only 2-3 years younger than me. To me she still looks 16. Very young. If she had a sex scene in the next 5-10 years I might still be inclined to turn away. She definitely has accomplished a lot.
I just cannot physically imagine her in sexual light at this present time. She has child like appearances other than when she's dolled up from a magazine shoot with Photoshop and then appears borderline age appropriate.
The same can be said for actor Bella Ramsey who is 20 years old, they have a very young look in appearance and have played many roles depicting them as younger than their original age. But both of them definitely deserve to be admired and respected to the work they've contributed.
So being told there's ai images with "white sauce" on her face makes my insides churn. Either a very young fan has generated that or someone's computer that might need to be investigated.
I never really knew who Hannah Montana was until wrecking ball (wasn't allowed to watch tv a lot growing up as a kid. And I was always told she was a slut in the tv show which is why I wasn't allowed to watch it -by gross male family members.) and I didn't know who Demi Lovato was AT ALL until the drug scandal- that's how I learnt about her music because they played it on the news. I was probably 13-14 at this time. But I think I understand what you're comparing...I think?
Like how Billie Eillish showed her body off when she was 18 and the internet went crazy, but to be fair I also thought she was in her 20s and was shocked when I found out she was only a little bit younger than me.
I still find myself uncomfortable even sexualising 33 year old Thomas Brodie-Sangster 😵‍💫 he still looks 13 to me!!!
For years people used to Photoshop actors faces into photos of pornos, I had issues with that.
The difference when it comes to art? Yes I think some people can be disturbing. We have Rule 34 for a reason guys. However the difference is that the art is usually not "realistic." We can tell it's hand drawn whether digital or hardcopy.
AI is luckily easy to spot usually. But it's too close in resemblance to these real people. A lot of porn websites have resorted to using AI, which is why I have a massive issue with this too. AI is two minutes if writing a description and having a computer generate. It's impulsive and dangerous.
Deepfakes, they've already made pornos with Scarlett Johansson, Taylor Swift and Katy Perrys faces I believe. There was a massive scandal when a man used the face of his female best friend in a deep fake porno because he had a "unrequited crush" for her and when she discovered the deepfake video on his computer while he was busy, she left and took him to court over sexual violation and privacy policies. It was HUGE. i hate Ai and Deepfakes.
There's even a constant debate on pedophiles using AI and Deepfakes as a means of gaining CP without soliciting CP... (I say guillotine their cock, hands, burn off their clits and spoon out their eyes with a melon ball scooper spoon but hey that's me ✌️ barbaric barbie.)
The difference between NSFW smut fics and AI porn, is:
1. Smut takes effort and time to write. AI writes and steals content for you. There's no creativity.
2. Because it's a written fic, they should have warnings and tags. It should be noted in RPF that the actors are not the same as your write them to be. This is why I changed a lot of my rpf into the characters they play.
3. Fics require imagination. AI is visual. No one can police your genuine imagination.
4. There are actors who have been uncomfy or flushed at the sight of themselves or the character version of them in NSFW Situations. Loki the pole dancing art and mpreg were show to Tom Hiddleston, who had a chuckle and many emotions of confusion with disgust and horror. I can imagine many actors would prefer to see an effort in art and literature when it comes to evil things instead of just some half baked computer program that creates lewd and anticlimactic imagery.
The only time I have ever excused it's use was for the chance to see my dads face move again because I don't have many videos of him, and as morbid as it is there's a comfort to seeing him smile in ai moveable photo scanning apps. But to many others this would be considered disrespectful to the dead and to be honest I would side with them if it came down to banning ai and Deepfakes forever.
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majorprojectalex · 1 year
Forefront research AI
AI is a controversial subject in the artist community, as it is associated with a lot of fears about artists becoming obsolete and loss of work, but is also seen by others as an opportunity for innovation and more creative output. So, I wanted to see what artists at the forefront of the field.
The END for concept artists? Will AI replace CONCEPT ARTISTS? - YouTube
In this video, Trent Kaniuga, an exoperienced concept artist, and founder of 'Aquatic Moon' discusses the topic of AI in relation to artists.
He generally takes the stance that AI will not replace artists, as it doesn't have the capacity to work with as much nuance as humans, and that artists best course of action right now is to adapt to it and use it for their advantage. He sees it as a way to generate more ideas rather than a threat to artists. Ultimately he believes that AI will lead to the expectation for artists to work faster, however, that won't be a problem because AI will enable them to increase their working speed.
He also supports that this should encourage artists to put more value in what makes them unique.
While I agree with some of his points, this still kind of rubs me the wrong way, as I think he is dismissing a lot of valid concerns about AI.
How Will AI Art Impact the Concept Art Industry? DON'T PANIC - featuring @AdamDuffArt - YouTube
In this Video Hardy Fowler (who I mentioned in the previous post) has a discussion about AI with Adam Duff, a successful fantasy Concept Artist, Art Director and Art teacher.
I found their discussion a lot more nuanced and I felt that they put some of my feelings about AI and what it could do to words. Similar to Trent Kaniuga they acknowledge that it could be used for innovation and Duff doesn't really seem to be threatened by it. They even bring up the comparison people make between the rise of AI and the rise of digital art. At some point, Digital art was looked down upon in the same way AI is now. Fowler concludes, that while as a digital artis he feels hypocritical saying it he doesn't view AI as real art, since it's basically just typing up a description and typing a button. I have some mixed feelings about this, as the definition of art is pretty murky and subjective, and effort doesn't necessarily correlate to artistic value. I personally see it as art, even if it feels weird and unnatural as Fowler and Duff agree, However, what I think is a more important part of the discussion is how this will affect artists. Similarly to Trent Kaniuga they advise getting familiar with it, in order to basically "know your enemy", even though it feels somewhat uncomfortable to Fowler. However they acknowledge that it could lead to less jobs for concept artists, with entry level positions being affected the most, as those are the types of jobs that AI could potentially do better than more complex roles. This would create an even larger entry level barrier for concept artist which I find really sad, (since the industry is in need of more diverse voices), and unethical. However, Fowler reassures the viewers that the job market still seems to be healthy at the moment.
The ethics of AI art is another thing that they touch on. They also mention Greg Rutkowski, the most invoked AI artist, who is really upset about his art being used to train AI without his consent. Fowler even mentions how he saw some AI that was trained in his art style and he really hated it.
Overall I do find the rise of AI pretty worrying but I don't want to be too defeatist about it either. I can see how it would be smart to get a bit more familiar with it , and I as a consumer should take this as an opportunity to support indie creators and projects more.
The END for concept artists? Will AI replace CONCEPT ARTISTS? (2022). YouTube. 1 July. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPYslj4GzS4&ab_channel=TrentKaniuga (Accessed: 23 August 2023).
How Will AI Art Impact the Concept Art Industry? DON’T PANIC - featuring @AdamDuffArt (2022). YouTube. 20 October. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6w43_WxH3tU&ab_channel=HardyFowler-DigitalPaintingStudio (Accessed: 23 August 2023).
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hanzi83 · 2 years
It’s Been a While But It Will Be Weaponized Regardless
It has been a good 3 years almost since I have done my last blog. I have been working on a podcast that no one really listens to but still have the consistent hate monitors who will always stalk everything I say, they have the satisfaction with knowing that no one will ever give a shit about whatever “imaginary” problems I have while my aesthetic continues to look pathetic, and I am supposed to be happy with what I have left, so people can use me because they know my future trajectory before I do, and I have to sit there with delusions thinking the world is after me and even if these thoughts are not valid to the online contingent who swear that online shit is not funded government propaganda from all angles, and all there is left is faction warfare, these people have mentally fucked with me and put so much into perpetuating negative shit about me, so it is the only thing that exists, they can literally have, what I perceive to be, fed accounts who literally get on the internet and build cults online and funded behavior in the real world, and have more sports entertainers who are funded to help manufacture consent, horrible or good shit with these culture wars, and already me publishing this shit on Tumblr is gonna already have online factions to roll their eyes because the cool online contingent can decide what is and what is not cool, because you know there is nothing cooler than funded under cover right wing accounts doing all their work on substack where the new right has located to, if they don’t already have a fucking Rumble account. I know the responses to this blog, if there are some, if I make valid enough points in my own delusional way, there will be no response, not an on surface response, they will do the usual gossiping and organizing chaos in private because they will find any reason to get radical and have people invade my space, compromise people in my life to ruffle my feathers, because everyone has to fucking prostitute themselves to be part of the “elitist” squad, where people are the most morally corrupt, and do unethical shit on a daily basis but get triggered that maybe 15 people listen to my podcast, or that I am storing AI art on my social media to give some activity, having all these resources and connections, this is what triggers them, so tell me how come people with nice aesthetic, and are allowed at these elitist events, politicking to fuck your favorite industry sex worker, you have the aesthetic of a normal family and yet you will still be mentally ill to have fed like behavior and monitor someone like me, this isn’t just a me thing, see I could cash in and focus on my fucking trauma and the underhanded mafia shit that I think has helped suppress me, so everyone becomes this character on a fucking documentary because the system will always profit off your trauma, if they can’t find a way to find an angle and profit, they will fucking not give a shit, but it is fine because all this torment that I feel I have endured the last 15 plus years, I know that others are going through it, some of them have become public figures where they have to regress and become a caricature, some are really obvious but other online social climbers are just as much the establishment even if they call out the liberal shit that exists, more apt to say maybe neoliberal pro establishment shit, so automatically you can’t think alt media personalities or online accounts are not compromised, and while there is genuine shit they talk about, not everything they say is on the up and up, no one is consistent, you point this shit out, they have their cults online and feuding with each other, they are beholden to entertainment because it helps manipulate and manufacture consent for their view point, and if they don’t get on a writing team for a project, they will then shit on things and none of it is under good faith. So my point is that everyone who has severe mental illness, because we are in a mentally unwell society, and that is why no one’s aesthetic impresses me because people either suffer and are suppressed with mental illness, or you cross over into a clique and start doing mentally ill things with your vast resources and power that you continue to accumulate, some of you don’t want to do the shit you do, and because I have avoided selling my soul and not being completely compromised, even though being a mentally ill dumbed down guy not knowing shit, I was easy to persuade and manufacture consent with, and that is what online shit is, that is why everyone who has inside knowledge, know the world is going into a far right wing direction and everyone is finding their meeting spot to agree that “wokeness” has gotten out of control, now I have no proof to back me up, but if you have spent the last decade or so to discredit me for my mental illness and weaponize people online or in my life to give me mental abuse and humiliate me because people are more infatuated with becoming sitcom characters or sports entertainers, then let a mentally ill fat man have his mentally ill theories, I am not relevant, you guys have gone above and beyond to make sure I am not to be taken seriously. So why not have my mentally ill theories, no one on the surface will pay attention, if they do they will make the usual “Wow this guy can’t get over the Stern Show” I have tried, I could’ve done the fucking easy thing when doing a shitty podcast and make it about the Stern Show all the time, but I choose to do my theories about wrestling or other pop culture shit and see the grand view of the sports entertainment parody we live in, while we continuously further ourselves as a society to sports entertain our ways into fascism, normalizing fucked up laws while perpetuating the sensationalist bullshit from the entertainers who I feel are just as much government tools, it is only obvious when it is a liberal, but someone who caters to the right wing online means that they are the only truth tellers, the Stern Show trolls attack Howard under the guise of him being a liberal and I personally don’t believe that, and before I continue, I know writing this shit, it will make me more of a taget, if it isn’t regurgitating the narrative of the Stern show about it, it is gonna be predictable quotes from me from the show, and then some of them will start incorporating that they are watching me and monitoring me, and if they are just trolls, at the very least these are professional adults in the real world instilling fear in a mentally ill man, they will say I have not gotten over the show for writing this blog they will pretend not to read but instead of admitting what I am writing is triggering them, they will then just generalize it and make fun of my looks, I rather look like shit and have my soul than being a caricature online for a sub reddit and message boards for the most irrelevant radio show on the planet, a lot of you partake in th same conversation, this is the most excitement the show gets because I will address this shit, I don’t give a fuck about my reputation, I am not afraid of being canceled, cancel culture to me is a right wing marketing tool that disguises itself as a left wing thing but it is designed for people who get “canceled” to make a deal with right wing fundamentalists to keep your name out there and you can justify why the heel turn needed to happen, because we are living in a pro wrestling storyline, we have taken all the entertainment we have consumed over the last 30 years and have rebooted it into our society. I used to have desire to be “famous” and hang out with celebs, but most of these people are broken souls themselves, and they just recruit new cult members because they are glorified superheroes, it is like the televisions how the Boys, at least from my perspective, these people will never be mentally well, they will make people’s lives miserable or they will become miserable, and I try not to shit on others but when people shit on me and constantly think I should take it, then I bring up valid points towards their sociopathic behavior, suddenly they all play pussy and take it to heart and have a blind grudge against me for life, my mental illness has made it possible for me to take in every single emotion on loop every fucking hour, there is a constant playlist of disrespect I have taken playing in my mentall ill head, and I still manage to mentally be more powerful than people like, they have the advantage of having resources and connections and the hivemind and the plants to boost their shit up, I have felt the lowests of the lows mentally when I didn’t sell my soul and because they got mad at that, they made sure to make my aesthetic as someone who lives in his parents basement, and having every negative aesthetic of what you would describe a right winger, but they can’t get me to be a right winger, they hate me for knowing the internet has been designed to push people more to the right. 
I don’t know why I broke for a paragraph now, I am not really a good writer with the sophisticated structure that you would get from professional writers but it felt like a good time to actually space this out otherwise this entire thing is gonna be a run on sentence, I know most people who hate me will monitor this, so maybe I am trying to make it as uncomfortable for them, they will judge the layout that I didn’t update or anything, but I will use this fresh paragraph to question what kind of people are behind this, because for someone who is irrelevant and useless, I have sure as hell made a lot of enemies, whether it is people from my past who will constantly hate on anything I do or say and are not satisfied flexing their accomplishments and what cool shit they have done, if there is a chance for someone to fuck me, and trust me the list is not long, and it is mostly fetish shit from people who want to say they got to fuck an ex whack packer from the Stern show, there will be jealousy over that, like it is like they pushed me out of the way to not to experience anything good and when I do, they get upset, and there goes their narrative that I don’t go outside or talk to women, even though it is probably for the better I am not a desirable in the dating scene, because I have had mental illness problems, I never thought I would be living this long and I wanted to die like 20 years ago, but for some reason, whoever makes the decision for this planet, decided to keep my useless ass out there, I am supposedly owed a lot of money because my trolls have taunted me with me being fooled into signing a power of attorney and all the calls and other shit have gotten me payment but I don’t have control of it, so they make it seem like I am useless but then want to be associated with me because they know about future money coming my way? It makes no fucking sense, there is a lot of people online and other avenues over the last several years that have needed me, but they can’t admit my full value but they get mad if I don’t give into them, they don’t like that I actually think freely, and I know people who now say they are “free thinkers” are normally people who think because they have woken up to legacy media and institutions being complete and utter shit that their online narratives mean a fucking thing to me. Those online narratives on corporately run platforms, that is where you get the real truth, no billionaires could fund narratives, did you know the MSM tried to censor the MSM, they didn’t want you to know, even though everyone on television and who has a large podcast were talking about it.  But the reason I am writing this, is because first of all, I have not written one in a long time, and I figure more people will probably read this, so this is kind of a mix of shit I talk about on the podcast and I know the podcast is not being propped up because I do it on my own and do it in the angles that I want to do it with, and it is a big no no because even though the system can’t admit they listen to the podcast, they are aware and they need people to step in to get me on their platforms, because someone has to limit my thoughts because I might make a thought and put it out there that might have valid points even though the theories I have, I can’t prove, I now being a conspiracy theorist is now a right wing thing because they are able to manipulate it while legacy media continues and transparently goes into the gutter with their narratives, and anything they are right about, it is out of preservation even though the alt media accounts and sports entertainers think because they call out the MSM that anything online is completely fucking true, so the credibility that the online figures have is that the MSM hacks will call them out but they do it under the guise to get you to be pro corporate, but that suddenly means I am supposed to agree with other white supremacist right wingers who will pretend to be anti establishment, when the establishment is probably funding them, but they said anti war shit, that would have meant more in the 2010s, in the 2020’s, everything is inflated as a WWE title reign. Everyone has a show, everyone has a narrative, everyone is someone the media doesn’t want you to know about. I really don’t know what the point of this blog was, but god dammit it felt good to write this and not stutter out my points, I will say over 430 episodes in doing the podcast, I am proud of the work I have put in, I know people won’t think putting hours into content is nothing to be proud of, especially if no one in the masses are listening to it, mostly hateful agents are listening and taking notes of when they can strike, since they have tried to show and threaten they will eventually try to kill me, you can look at the thread on twitter, or hear my podcast where I talk about what I have been through, I don’t think anyone will give a shit and this is not gaslighting anyone to give a shit, I have come to the realization I will never have anyone on my side because I am not funding them, since people can’t get on my good side, they will want to align with me because they know there is an audience that hates me and will always be there to fuck with me, so they need to fund my future opps, they don’t like that I don’t want anyone to write me comedy bits because I am not saying others aren’t funny, but I am not a very useful person, and the only thing I have is kind of being funny, it kind of helps that I look funny and I don’t want contentious people who always want to duke it out because they are tyring to gain clout, or I don’t want someone laughing at everything I fucking say, but I want to do that shit on my own, for an entertainment form that is supposed to not be taken seriously, people put so much political shit into the comedy elements, if someone is not over enough or respected, they will get people not to purposefully laugh, and when people do and for shit that is not as funny, it is like people can give you residual laughs because your status is supposed to be a fucking funny guy. And they always want you to go more regressive and find your Dennis Miller moment, or your Jay Leno moment, you have to regress and become the old man yelling at the cloud, or in Jim Bruer’s case, someone who squawks to mock the vaccinated, and the people who support him by political alignment, have to kind of hesitate to laugh, and then the Jay Leno element, of becoming a middle of the road comic who doesn’t take any hardlines on anything and you are used as fodder for conservatives edge lords to goof on you, like you know how everyone goofs on Jimmy Fallon or other SNL people for fake laughing, when literally everyone edge lord comic has to laugh at their favorite comics and everything they say is apparently funny, and sorry that shit is impossible, the funniest person on the planet is not gonna have a 100 percent hits with their jokes, it only becomes noticeable when you are supposed to hate someone. I don’t know where this blog is really going, I just wanted to vent about shit in written form, and maybe there one person who still subscribes to my shitty tumblr who didn’t know I had a podcast, most people don’t but I will tell you I like the shit I do on that shit, a lot of people won’t but I feel I have approached it from a different angle in how analyzing the discourse like it is pro wrestling and how we are basically the entertainment, that is why people get defensive about their entertainment, all of it has some propaganda but we will be willing to excuse, it feels like the storylines are now going on social media, it is like Hollywood is producing our political climate, and booking it like wrestling because the end result is supposed to be a fucking civil war that right wing personalities are promoting every day and we are not supposed to take it seriously because the obvious shitty legacy media are the ones who will do it while doing a pro empire narrative, and then people who used to be socially conscious will then make it seem like “Isn’t it ironic the right wing are the ones standing up to all of this shit” like the game hasn’t been advanced 20 steps ahead, and they can manipulate our viewpoint, people who claim the MSM is the biggest threat, and to an extent to who they answer to, they are, but acting like personalities on substack or Rumble are not because they say some anti war things, AOC can’t take a shit properly without Jimmy Dore kicking down her door and getting in her face about how the shit smell doesn’t feel authentic, but this guy will pull his pants down and wiggle his body while Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson play patty cake with his man pussy while he lowers his gaurd because he thinks the Boogaloo Boys are not racist because they didn’t come across as the stereotypical white supremacist, like they are not capable of intellectualizing it and actually getting agents from other minority groups to become their tokens. And some of these post leftist people, then do what corporate democrats do, because if you say “Hey I don’t think it is a good idea to be associated with white supremacy” they will then shit on you for questioning their narratives. I don’t fucking know. 
Anyways, I didn’t want to do a really long one, I know I am not the most intellectually gifted person, I am someone who has been dumbed down, and have always found himself being lured in with some hivemind group think, and I think because it has happened so many times, now some of the people who have been propped up have become parodies of themselves and caricatures, it does kind of hurt that I have been lied to again, and then they will mock you for being parasocial, even though they are the sociopathic ones who want to grow a cult and shit on anyone who doesn’t fall in line to perpetuate your anti establishment persona,  you just think because you did credible shit in the past, that means you can’t possibly go down a shitty trajectory and become more right wing, and it feels like nowadays the trans issue and the covid issue was by design to get people to go for the money train, the only thing they have to offer you is that MSM is shit, but then they help dumb down the system by pretending they are the ones who are smart, when they are just as compromised and paid to probably pump out a narrative working from a script and if someone takes you off the script, you will respond with shitty sarcasm that you probably had to get assisted from a fucking ChatGTP or whatever the fuck it is, a lot you can’t admit you pay attention to me, you have though it is punishment for me not to get propped up because it is decided who goes viral and who doesn’t, it has been going on for along time, and I have called it out when I was relevant which stunted my growth, and now I have become irrelevant because I don’t get on the same fucking page. So fine, I don’t get boosted up, they still concentrate on me and take pleasure that I have no reach anymore, but it would’ve meant something 10 years ago, now I don’t give a shit if I am alive or dead, and I will tweet into the abyss, but you get mentally ill and get mad at my shit and now because I just comment on the discourse and people get mad at me, they can’t say they are mad, they then go behind the scenes and activate the trolls who are for hire, who have me monitored, they have shown what they can do, they can subtly hack my shit to let me know they can do it anytime, they will report other accounts on my twitter that I never reported, they have one time copy and pasted my past blogs onto the Stern Show sub reddit, before I even posted it, they have shown that, and now that I build up evidence of the organized harassment I am facing, they then want to instill more fear and paranoia, it can be in the comedy scene, the political scene, the wrestling scene, the Stern show scene, I separated that from comedy because nothing the trolls from that fan base have said has been anything remotely funny, if you want a sub reddit where they remix the show’s jokes, go to Sopranos sub reddit, they at least know how to keep it interesting even if at times it can get a little boring, but these people needed a boost of interest to their sub reddit, they can’t admit that I am valuable enough to respond to them, and when I do, they will ignore the valid shit I say and they will fucking continue to downplay me, which is hilarious because they always say they are against Howard, yet they hammer home his narratives about everyone else who steps away from the show, and before I got kicked off from it, they won’t mention that I tried to leave multiple times, and what did that leave me with, a bunch of people from my past who hate my guts and bring me out as a fucking guinea pig but they are ashamed of me to be brought out for important events, because maybe their significant others don’t like me, or I am not an elitist enough, they will bring me out, knowing they have probably done dirty shit, and tell me I am not fucking classy and try to put me in a suicidal rage, these are people who fucking get laid and have inserted themselves into every fucking social gathering and I have to sit there and take in their shitty comedy characters, I know they will hate what I fucking do regardless, but they still will not hesitate to tell me how rich I am even though I don’t have the money, but that is my only use, so they cn fucking be vultures in my life, and anyone else who I don’t see often, will try to vulture their way into my life because they want to play the Howard Stern in my life by funding chaos so I fucking lose it, these people will never be mentally well, and you won’t reflect and apologize of admit anything but you will get on me for being honest about the mental illness and what that entails, being able to explain and articulate how I was dumbed down and fell for propaganda, how I want people who have been oppressed not to be oppressed, it feels like everyone wants to be regressive, and I don’t want to be that, I am not gonna be the hero, but I won’t fucking join a bunch of elitists in being the fucking villain, I would choose death rather than ever be that shit head. Funny thing is 10 years ago, I probably would’ve, because it would be easier but then what, I become more miserable even though my aesthetic is better but then I would recruit people to mentally abuse like every other institutional boss. The best part of this blog, these are just thoughts in my head, I can’t prove anything, I personally think you have all downplayed me for so fucking long that you can’t stand that I will then weaponize it toward you, I know you guys will always fuck with me, anyone I meet will fuck with me, I have no genuine friends in this world, and I don’t give a shit, I am not impressed with how much money you have or how many insiders you are cool with, or what kind of orgies you went to because you compromised yourselves to be initiated into a fucked up cesspool called the system, I know the conspiracy shit will have you labeling me a right winger, but I just think the right wing has been designed to carry the lead so when conspiracies are true, the right wing will own the claim, kind of like people actually want people to move more to the right by design. Just my opinion though. But all the Stern Show trolls and other shit heads who blindly hate me, and have or bully people into thinking they are funny will do the “NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NONONONONONO” audio drop, it doesn’t have as much effect, so now you guys will now have to move plans forward to now put my life in more transparent danger, just like these white supremacist trolls have promoted anti white supremacist tweets from me, and put them up for patriot groups to target me and have me on their hit list, this is the kind of shit they do on the systemic hanzi83 sub reddit, all one word, but they closed that one down so now they do the systemicallyhanzi83, I personally think the systemic Hanzi83 one is private and that is where they do the specific shit, like getting a hold of what I write or what I say and talk about that, one of the white supremacist trolls, there are several, one admits he has child porn on him that he can plant on my shit, there is another one who has some attraction to black people but he projects that onto me because I have spoken out about history of white supremacy and how there is a systemic anti blackness into the system, and he gets triggered by that and he starts projecting that I want to get fucked, like dude this guy has left messages on my podcast where he is drunk after getting triggered by me speaking out against the system, because he is too pussy and had to fall in line and now he is mad I didn’t fall in line and embrace the regressive attitudes, they think because it is the internet that you are supposed to impress them even though you are basically impressing the feds, but these guys are really fucked in the head, and when I suspect people I know, or others in the other industries who get triggered by me, use these shit heads to put more paranoai in me, then you can go fuck yourself. These trolls are looking for a reason for me to snap and say some harsh shit so they can then fuck with my life, this blog is already gonna trigger the fuck out of them, maybe be a better parent, if this is how sociopathic you people will get, I feel sorry for your kids because you will probably fuck with them if they don’t live the way you fucking like. Anyways I better put a stop to this, I just wrote this blog because I know this shit won’t get addressed, they will make mention of it on the sub reddit but then completely just do the usual hacky jokes, it must suck being assigned an entertainment institution to be a fan of and you can only be as creative as the show allows and because Howard is creatively bankrupt, they have nothing to copy off of, that is why they need me to address them even though they won’t appreciate it because they have tried to get me to call back to the show, instead of Howard admitting that he needs me back on the show, he will get trolls to trigger me into calling back, so they can get their freak out, I am the last hope for the show to be entertaining, these people can’t admit they secretly listen to the podcast and hear me kind of giving my theories and they are afraid of me being right in the long run, like I have been about a lot of the overall trajectory. I am not supposed to do that, I am supposed to dumb myself down and regress like other morally corrupt shit heads who think me expressing myself is “sad” . Eat shit, if you are someone who is partaking in destroying other mentally ill people’s lives and they can’t fight for themselves like I can, I hope the worst shit happens to you, you will never be okay mentally, you will be so fucking mentally fucked up for the rest of your life, and when I am gone, you will then have to see who you can trust, it is easy when I am the guy you hate blindly. If you do anything to me, you guys will succeed but my memory will haunt you forever, your nervous fucking system will twitch off my fucking name. Leave me the fuck alone, I know you won’t because you are so soulless you will just act like shit heads, you people trigger people into responding this way and then you play the victim and think now you have to go on the offensive. Fuck it, and fuck you. That is a throwback to the Myspace blog era. 
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