#and they just. had business meetings every morning but otherwise kept to their small groups
nicossunshine · 5 months
It’s definitely been mentioned before but I love the idea of the 7 + Nico on the Argo II just doing dumb kid/ teenager stuff??? Like yes they’re all powerful demigods on a dangerous quest but they’re also a group of teenagers (some as young as 14) with ADHD and minimal adult supervision.
You’re telling me during a quiet shift on night-watch Leo and Frank didn’t snicker whilst daring each other to spit off the side of the boat?? Like imagine Percy and Jason having a game of ‘who can yell this dumb phrase the loudest without laughing’, or Piper and Annabeth borrowing Hazel’s drawing equipment to do ‘portraits’ of each other, or Hazel and Nico both awake at 3am making crazy concoctions with the unlimited food in the ship’s cafeteria. Meanwhile Coach Hedge is running around yelling stop it shut up don’t waste perfectly good pancakes building a food castle
You’re telling me no one packed a deck of cards for this journey? They didn’t have a single UNO tournament?? They didn’t all set up their sleeping equipment in the mess hall for a sleepover one night???
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rumbelleshowdown · 2 months
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Author: sourcherryjam
Group: Final
Prompts: Baby milestones. Panic, expect, ambition, compact. Treasure.
The Treasure Hunt
Belle held the compass out in front of her, hand on her hip. The needle pointed at Mr. Gold, standing behind his desk and watching her, somehow both with bland disinterest and a little hint of panic.
“You’re not serious,” he said. 
“You can see it with your own eyes.” She pointed at the compass needle. “You’re involved.”
“I’m not participating.” 
At the town meeting that morning, the Storybrookians in attendance had all received what Belle could only describe as a message from above that they needed to find the self-destruct diamond or their town would implode. Belle hadn’t known that towns could implode, or even that there was such a thing as a self-destruct diamond, but here she was, standing in Mr. Gold’s shop with the compass that had appeared in her pocket as if by magic—magic!—because it had led her right to him.
“Why not?”
“Everyone in this town expects me to solve all their problems, dearie,” he said. He folded his hands over the glass counter, but kept his eyes on the compass. “Well, today, I’m closed for business.”
Belle snapped the compass shut. “Closed for all business?” 
It wasn’t many people who could set a verbal trap for Mr. Gold, but then Belle suspected, after months of popping by to admire a set of first edition Jane Austens and, subsequently, chat, she could only trap him because he allowed her to.
“Have you finally come to make a purchase, then?”
“No.” She leaned onto the glass, careful not to smudge it. “I was thinking a deal.”
When he grit his teeth, eyes straying toward the compass, she knew she’d won.
“This is hardly a victory,” Mr. Gold muttered as Belle sat on a towel in the sand, sifting through seashells. 
“It’s a baby milestone.” She discarded a small, broken one. “We solved the riddle, we should feel good.”
“It’s not solving the riddle until we have the next clue.” 
Belle hummed but otherwise ignored him. He’d been crabby at every stop they’d made, from the library to the grocery, but he’d driven them to each one without protest, limping out of the car and watching her flit from place to place, rubbing shelves and walls and furniture to see if anything caught her eye. The compass had so far led them nowhere else, just kept spinning toward Mr. Gold whenever Belle tried to use it, so she figured that clue was done.
“Move over, this is taking forever.” 
Belle hardly had time to register that Mr. Gold had spoken before he was folding himself onto the towel with her. He’d abandoned his jacket in the car long ago, but the image of him in most of a three-piece suit sitting on a towel on the beach, one Oxford-clad foot stretched out so his leg didn’t cramp, would not be leaving her soon.
“That’s the spirit!” She scooped up the pile of shells she had yet to sift through and dropped it between them.
While she picked through every shell, studied every crack, ran her finger over every crevice, Mr. Gold just stared at the pile, eyes slightly narrowed. She wished she could read his mind right then.
“There.” He flicked a few shells off and pulled out what looked to Belle to be a normal, if slightly shabby, clam shell. “That’s the one.”
She picked it up and ran her fingers along the grooves, into every crack and crevice, and then felt a slight pulse. He was right.
“How did you do that?” she asked.
“I trade in precious objects, Miss French.”
That wasn’t so much an answer as a statement of fact, but she didn’t press. Time was running out. 
Shell in hand, she took the compass out of her pocket to see if this would make a difference, but all it did was continue to point at Mr. Gold. Useless. 
“Okay.” Belle pocketed the shell. “I think we need to go to the woods next.”
She hauled herself to her feet and then offered a hand to Mr. Gold. He could have gotten himself up, she was sure, but instead, he took her hand, allowing her to help.
By noon, they’d collected the clam shell, a compact mirror, the leaf from a fiddlehead fern, a handful of loose tea leaves that Mr. Gold stuck in an Altoid tin, and a perfectly spherical rock that looked like someone had taken an ice cream scoop to the sidewalk.
“Does it not bother you that the supposed end of our town is being thwarted by nothing more than a glorified treasure hunt?” Mr. Gold asked as they drove back to his shop. 
It did bother her, actually. It bothered her every time they collected a new, nonsensical item, every time they saw another team out and about.
“Well, what else can we do?” Belle asked. “I’m not just going to sit back and watch my home implode.”
He glanced at her, and she thought she saw the beginning twitch of a smile. She had grown to recognize the expression in their short, almost daily at this point, chats. 
“If we are convinced that this magical divine hand of fate is, in fact, real, and if we are convinced that, if we do not solve this series of inane riddles by midnight, we’ll be destroyed, then I think we need to stop solving the little riddles and try to solve the big one.” 
“I like it.” Belle straightened up. “Ambitious.”
“I’m nothing if not ambitious,” he said. “Besides, the clock on your deal is running low.” 
Belle pursed her lips. Being ambitious herself, she’d only begged Mr. Gold for six hours of teamwork. She hadn’t expected to be creeping up on hour four feeling no closer to the end. “I only traded you for a favor sometime in the future. I’m sure we can work out an extension arrangement.”
He smirked, a much more common expression, though she’d never seen him so friendly.
“I’m sure we can.”
“If it’s a diamond,” Belle said, pausing between fries. “Then maybe we should check where diamonds are.”
With her time extended and Mr. Gold assured of two favors, they’d swung by Granny’s. Granny Lucas was so busy, she’d just made to-go containers of grilled cheese and fries, handing them to everyone except Mr. Gold, who she charged full price for both of them.
“I was thinking the same.” He drove with one hand, sandwich in the other.
“Mr. Gold?”
“Do you really think there’s some sort of doomsday diamond in Storybrooke?”
“I never rule out anything.”
Belle watched him, slowing down her chewing to study his profile. He still wore his waistcoat  and sleeve garters, but throughout the morning, his tie had come a little loose, his hair had gotten a little windswept and salty at the beach, and now he ate a grilled cheese for what she imagined was the first time in his prim and proper life. 
In all her time in Storybrooke, she’d never imagined Mr. Gold would let his guard down enough for her to see him like this. 
She snuck the compass out of her pocket and opened it. The needle was already pointed at Mr. Gold.
They stood at the mine entrance, all the trinkets stuffed into Belle’s pocket. She had no idea if this was it or not, but it felt momentous, like once they stepped into the darkness, nothing would be the same.
She hoped Storybrooke would still be there.
“Is it good or bad that we’re the only ones here?” Belle asked.
“Neutral,” he said. “I’m sure Regina will think of it soon.”
Belle nodded. Whatever happened, she had done her best to be the hero that her town needed. 
“What if we’re not the only ones here?” She inched closer to him without thinking, gripping his cane arm.
He looked down at her hand with an expression she couldn’t read—or maybe she could, but she was afraid to at this moment, standing in front of their possible doom. 
“Then we’re not the only ones here.” 
She nodded. “I’ll go in first.”
“No.” He withdrew a small pistol. Had he been carrying that around all day? In his pocket? “I’ve got better aim.”
“You don’t have to do this.” She gripped his elbow. “You stay outside. I’ll go in.”
He cast her a wry look. “I’ve only broken one deal in my life, and I don’t intend to break a second.”
“I guess I’ll owe you a pretty big favor.” She attempted a smile.
“Two pretty big favors.”
That startled a laugh from her, and maybe she was crazy, but she could have sworn that a faint pink tinged Mr. Gold’s cheeks. 
“Wait.” She tugged back on his arm, though he hadn’t moved, and then pulled the compass out of her pocket. “I just want to check one more time.”
He lowered the pistol. She opened the compass. The needle pointed at Mr. Gold.
“I can’t believe that the divine hand of fate would drop a compass into my pocket from nowhere and it doesn’t even do anything.” She snapped it shut. 
“Maybe it only works once for a person,” he offered. “Here, let me try.” 
She could have let go of him, but instead, she waited for him to stick the pistol back in his pocket—his pocket—before handing it over.
When he opened the compass, she couldn’t see over the lid, but she could see his jaw clench. He looked at her, then turned his back to her, shaking the compass.
“Well?” she asked. “Is it pointing at you still?”
“No.” He didn’t move.
“What’s it pointing at?” She tugged on his sleeve and, slowly, as though it took great effort, he turned back to face her, snapping the compass shut. 
“What’s that information worth to you?”
Taken aback, she let go of his sleeve. Why was he suddenly being difficult? He’d been so accommodating all day, even tromping half-crouched through the woods until they found the exact fiddlehead they needed.
“What’s it worth to me?”
He shrugged, his bland expression back. He could have slapped her. “Either you want to know or you don’t.”
Something like fire bubbled up in her. Maybe she could open her mouth and scorch him. 
“How could you do this to me? Right now, at the end?”
He shrugged again. “We don’t know this is the end.”
“Fine, give it to me, and I’ll go in by myself. You can leave.”
She tried to snatch the compass from him, but he held it out of reach, fending her off by barely moving his cane. How was he so much more agile than her? 
“I’ll tell you what.” He held the compass above his head. Her fingertips just barely touched his wrist. “If you check it one more time where I can see, I’ll tell you what mine said.”
That knocked the wind from her sails. She dropped to her flat feet. “Fine. Hand it over.”
He did without comment or complaint, and she threw the lid open with more force than was probably warranted. The needle wavered a bit, but still pointed solidly at Mr. Gold.
“There. Are you happy now?”
But when she looked at him, his expression was unlike anything she’d ever seen. He might have been about to retch. Her anger evaporated. Mr. Gold wasn’t trying to be difficult—whatever he’d seen had scared him.
“Where did yours point?” she asked.
“A deal’s a deal, isn’t it?” His voice was softer than she’d ever heard it, tinged with something like anguish. “Have you figured out what it’s meant to point at yet?”
If a deal was a deal, why did she still not know where the needle had gone for him? 
“I don’t know,” she said. “It pointed at you and you brought me here, so maybe it’s not about the doomsday diamond at all, but the thing I needed most to get there?”
“I don’t think it’s about the diamond,” he said. “If it was, we’d have seen other people wandering around with their nose in compasses, or maybe a map.”
What was he getting at? Belle knew she was clever, but she felt daft then. “Okay, so—just something I needed most?”
He shrugged. “Perhaps.”
“Mr. Gold, I’ve never raised my voice to you, but I think I might. Where did it point for you?”
His lip twitched, the familiar gesture putting her on more even footing. “It pointed at you.”
She opened her mouth to say that of course it did, if they were meant to be on this treasure hunt together, it made sense that the compass would point to one another, but then it sunk in. What if, like he said, the compass wasn’t about doomsday? What if whatever force had dropped the other clues had dropped this in her pocket as some sort consolation for the end of the world? A way to allow her to spend the whole day with Mr. Gold?
“You need me?” she asked. 
“It would appear so.”
She pursed her lips. “Mr. Gold, don’t be so stubborn.”
He smirked, but it didn’t reach his eyes as he watched the compass. “Sorry, dear. It’s in my nature.”
Well, it was in hers too. Emboldened by the fact that he hadn’t yet fled for the car, she took a step toward him, then another, then touched her lips to his. The ground shook.
He didn’t move, and she pulled back.
“What are you doing?” he asked, hoarse.
“If we’re going to die, and we both agree that we need each other, I think we should kiss at least once.”
“Do we?” he asked. “Do you? Agree?”
“I agree.” She kissed him again, and this time, he slid his free arm around her waist, and she cupped his cheek, and then the ground shook so hard they both fell over. Belle managed to grab him so that she took the brunt of the fall instead of him and his bad leg, and when the world stopped shaking, he did not look pleased.
“Belle,” he said, filling her veins with warmth. “Now you’re hurt. What have you—”
A high-pitched whine screeched from the mines, and they both hunched. Belle grabbed his tie and yanked him to her.
“What are you—”
“Kiss me again, it’s working!” 
Maybe it was presumptuous to think that pressing her lips to Mr. Gold’s had anything to do with stopping the end of the world as they knew it, but as she did it a third time, she couldn’t have cared less.
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ceciliablossoms · 3 years
sazerac with zhongli, diluc, and kaeya? congrats on 100 followers!! 💕
Thank you so much! 💞💞
Sazerac: “I don’t… feel very….-”
TW: Mentions of Alcohol Consumption and Intoxication (Diluc), Mentions of Injury (Kaeya), Mentions of Illness (Zhongli)
It was little before midday when they met up for their daily luncheon. Zhongli was already sitting at a table on the restaurant patio waiting for them, already having ordered their beverages as they both always got the same thing every time without fail. They were running a tad bit late, however, he paid no mind since he knew they were quite busy.
He drank from his small teacup as he waited, and it wasn't until they called his name that he looked up. They were jogging in his direction, dominant hand up in the air in an exaggerated wave. With a chuckle, he returned the wave, albeit more proper. He knew though, that something was wrong the moment that they sat across from him.
They had a sweaty sheen to their skin despite it being chilly out and sported a tired look on their face. At first, he chalked it up to the word they had been doing but the lack of appetite the food was served confirmed some suspicions. They hardly touched any of their food despite it being such a small portion and he eyed them with worry.
After the meal, he had proposed that they go home and rest a while but they happy insisted on walking with him back to the funeral parlour before doing so. But the walk was a struggle for them. Their movements were sluggish and they had trouble keeping up with him.
They grabbed his sleeve and tugged on it gently to grab his attention. He glanced over at them, his expression turning to one of surprise when he saw how much worse they had looked now than they did earlier.
“I don’t… feel very….-”, They promptly fell over.
He was quick on the draw and caught them before they hit the ground. He scooped them up gently as to not jostle them too much and touched his forehead to theirs. It was very clear that they had a fever but when he felt how warm their skin was, he realized how bad the fever actually was.
With great care, he carried them home and lied them down in their bedroom then immediately set out to speak with Baizhu about getting them some medicine. He also alerted Hu Tao to the predicament which she allowed him to take care of.
When they awoke, Zhongli was at their bedside, with a novel in hand. They looked around and took in their surroundings, relaxing when they realized that it was just their bedroom. The moment they made a move to sit up, the book in his hand was closed on the bedside table and he was gently pushing them to lie back down.
"Now, now, you mustn't overexert yourself. You will only feel worse if you do not rest. Stay put." He left the room only to return with a small bowl of water, a clean towel, and the medication Baizhu had prescribed earlier. He propped them up so on their pillows so they could take their medicine then immediately lied them back down.
They watched as he dampened the towel in the bowl before wringing it out. A soft sigh escaped their lips as he placed it over their forehead. The cold water did wonders to cool them down. He returned to his seat at their bedside.
"If there is anything at all you need please do not hesitate to let me know."
They smiled. "Thank you, Zhongli."
The evening was in full swing, all the usual customers in their usual seats ordering their usual drinks. It was Diluc's turn behind the bar tonight, and as irritated as he was by the drunkards that didn't compare to the irritating he felt when the bard walked in with them on his heels.
Diluc heaved a sigh as the two took their usual seats at the bar, unknowing that this would turn out how it always did when Charles was present. They would tag along to make sure Venti wouldn't drain Diluc's entire stock of wine and pay for whatever the bard couldn't, so DIluc wouldn't be mad. Then Venti would persuade them to drink with him, and they were such a lightweight that they would end up getting so drunk they blacked out.
He rubbed his temple as Venti ordered his usual favourite but served him nonetheless. They noticed how annoyed he was already and tried to spark up a conversation with him to ease his nerves.
He visibly relaxed, mostly doing the listening as he never was one for talking more than he had to. Occasionally, Venti would interrupt to tease them or order a refill, and every time he did they would hand Diluc more Mora to which he would roll his eyes.
"You should be making the bard pay for his own indulgences." He commented after Venti's 9th refill. At this point, they were getting tipsy too, as the bard would occasionally offer them a drink of his alcohol.
"It... It's fine. I don't... mind." He could tell that they were trying their hardest not to slur their words
He had hit his 13th a while ago and was even more giggly than normal but otherwise still relatively sober. They, on the other hand, were rather inebriated, their sentences completely incoherent. Diluc had long since cut Venti off, highly irritated that he continued to share his booze with them.
Their voice was quiet when they spoke, “I don’t… feel very….-” The faceplanted onto the counter, the noise of their head hitting the bar startling both men. That was when Diluc closed the bar, forcing everyone to leave immediately and with gentle hands scoops them up and carries them back to the winery.
The next morning, the headache they had was the worst one they think they've ever had, and they held their head in their hands. The curtains were still closed to limit the light exposure as post hangover sensitivity can be an issue and on the nightstand were pain killers and a glass of iced water. They downed both needily and stayed in bed not quite trusting their legs just yet.
Not longer after Diluc came in with a small tray in hand, figuring having the maids do it would be strange to them, "Do you think you can eat?" He kept his voice down so any loudness wouldn't make the migraine worse.
With a hesitant nod, they gave him the okay and he set the tray of food in their lap. The portions were small so it wouldn't make them ill. Their stomach churned but they ate nonetheless, albeit extremely slowly.
They thanked him quietly and he sat on the foot of the bed with a nod. "You needn't let that bard talk you into drinking if you can't handle it."
With a sigh, they nodded slowly, already knowing that Charles had told him of the previous encounters. They took a slow sip of water. "I know..."
He waited until they were finished before taking the tray from them and setting it on a dresser near the door. "Is there anything you need?"
They patted the spot next to them, "Will you stay until this headache subsides?"
He nodded again, sitting next to them, wrapping an arm around them as they curled up against his torso.
The task was simple. Just the normal routine of clearing out some hilichurl camps with Amber then report back to the Headquarters. The two slip up, Amber took everything to the right of the bridge and they took everything to the left.
The Whispering Woods were relatively empty but beyond that was a different story. There was a large gathering of hilichurls and it seemed as though multiple tribes had converged into one. They watched for a bit from the bushes before deciding to clear out the massive group.
Having dealt with many hilichurls in their time they didn't think that solo clearing the camp would have been that big of a deal. What they expect, however, was to be completely and utterly overwhelmed. The smaller hilichurls and samachurls was no issue, but the sheer amount of mitachurls began to cause problems.
There were many at a time, swinging in sync from different angles in an attempt to cut them down where they stood. Adrenaline pumped through their veins as they fought with vigour. Mitachurl after mitachurl was slain and even after Amber had come to aid them they were still slaying the beasts.
Amber was worried, to say the least with the amount of dirt and grime that coated their clothes. They insisted, however, that they weren't injured as they felt no pain. The two went back to the town together, and they had said they would take care of reporting to Kaeya as Amber had stated she was hungry. The duo parted ways.
They found the walk to the headquarters to be more burdensome than normal, movements usually more sluggish. They ignored the worried glances from passersby and continued on their way. By the time they had entered Kaeya's office, their skin was significantly paler, all of its colour drained.
They called his name as they entered, ready to give the report when a sharp pain made them gasp. Kaeya looked up from his desk, expression changing to one of shock. They had been unaware that they had been bleeding through their clothing. He quickly stood and caught them as they fell forward.
“I don’t… feel very….-”
He keeps forces a smile and keeps his tone level, "Stay awake, hm?" but it all crumbles the moment they fall unconscious.
He called for either Wyratt or Wood down the hall as he placed his hands on their injury to staunch the bleeding. The blood was seeping from a gash on their side that he was assuming they didn't feel because of adrenaline. The two knights ran in and he demanded they fetch one of the sisters immediately. The two jumped at the tone of his voice, scrambling to the church.
He didn't know if he was angry with them for being reckless or the mitachurl that gave them the injury but regardless he was. Scooping them up with one hand he applied pressure with the other, deciding that he would at least try to meet them halfway as other Knights ushered away any prying eyes.
When the sisters got their hands on them, they were in shock, namely Barbara who was very clearly stressed out by the look of their injury. They were sweating and their skin was clammy. She worked diligently to clean and take care of the injury as best she could to get them into a state where they could be taken back to the church.
It took a while but she succeeded, stabilizing them and carrying them as carefully as possible to the infirmary in the back for the cathedral. Hours passed before they awoke and their pain was unbearable. Kaeya sat next to them, feet kicked up on the foot of the bed. He stood the instant he noticed them wake up.
The relief in his eye showed exactly how he felt despite not showing it outwardly, "How are you feeling?"
"Much better." Their voice sounded weak and they were still very pale.
He grabbed their hand gently, placing a kiss over their knuckles with a light chuckle, "You gave us all quite the scare." He flashed his usual smile but it was also noticeably relieved. The report could wait. Their recovery was more important.
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Irresistible Danger - Part 60
Synopsis:  After being caught outside the compound on your own, Negan decides to punish you in the best way possible ;)
Words: 3,229
Warnings: nsfw, smut, swearing
ID Masterlist can be found HERE
Masterlist of all my fics can be found HERE
Author’s Note: We’re back! Omg y’all...I finally have a path to the ending for this fic! After this chapter, I’m planning for there to be 5 more chapters until the end, which will give ID a total of 65 chapters. I’m still working on writing and editing these last chapters, but I’m pretty confident in that timeline :D I also plan to post each Friday again, so there should be chapters now through September 10th, if all goes according to plan. 
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You woke with a smile the next morning, partially because of the happiness filling your chest like a balloon. The other part was because the warm body behind you, accompanied by a rasp of beard on your shoulder and soft lips on your neck, signalled that you weren’t alone. 
The florid orange rays coming in the large windows told you that it was still early, the sun barely risen above the horizon. Turning over onto your other side to face Negan, you took in his tousled hair and heavy-lidded gaze. 
“Mornin’ doll,” he said, voice raspy with sleep. 
“Morning,” you whispered back, pressing a kiss to his irresistible mouth. “No crack-of-dawn meetings today?”
His lips quirked against yours. “Nope, thank fuck,” he murmured, before rolling atop you and spending a good portion of the morning taking you apart with pleasure, then putting you back together piece by piece with cuddles and toe-curling kisses. 
When he later glanced over at the clock and saw that it was almost 10am, he gave a groan and flopped onto his back with a forearm covering his eyes. “Much as I’d love to stay here all day, I gotta go with a couple Saviors to check out one of the nearby outposts. They reported some concerns about their fucking security measures, and also requested a few more men be stationed out there to help divvy up their shifts, so I wanna go see if there’s any fucking issues for myself.”
While you felt a tiny thrill that he was so willing to tell you this information, to let you know about his duties as leader, you also had a moment of worry about him possibly assigning more men out to work the outpost. “Is that the one you brought Simon in from a couple weeks ago?” 
Knowing exactly where your thoughts were headed, he said, “Don’t get your fucking panties in a bunch, doll. If the outpost needs more hands, I was planning to send a couple of my newer Saviors.”
Pleased at this response, you smiled and leaned in close so your mouth was hovering mere millimeters from his, before whispering, “I’m not wearing any panties to get in a bunch.” 
Before he could react, you rolled out of the bed and strode to the bathroom, putting a little extra swing to your hips. The growl and unmistakable rustling sound of sheets being thrown off was your only warning before Negan scooped you up into his arms and marched into the bathroom. 
An hour later and you were both sufficiently clean (after first getting extra dirty against the shower wall), and you saw Negan off from his rooms with a kiss and warning to be careful. He gave an arrogant smirk at that, which got him an eye roll and playful shake of your head as a response. 
You watched as he strode down the hall towards the staircase, shoulders encased in leather and his whistle echoing off the walls. While they’d never dare ask him about it, you couldn’t help but give a little smile at the thought of his men wondering why the hell their usually punctual leader was almost ten minutes late to leave for the outpost...and why he seemed so happy about it.
~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
Unable to contain your excitement over the events of the night before, you headed over to Ben’s room not long after Negan left. Thankfully he was there, having just returned from finishing up serving breakfast. His roommate was out this time, so you were able to huddle across from one another on his bottom bunk and catch him up on your conversation with Negan.
Ben listened intently, mouth slowly falling further and further open as you went on. When you got to the part about Negan admitting he wanted only you, and called you his partner, Ben let out a whoop of joy and threw his arms around you in a hug. 
“I knew it!” he exclaimed. “That big lug is head over heels for you.” 
The two of you chatted happily for a bit, before you left and wandered back down to your own room. It had felt like forever since you had a chunk of time to just relax in your bed without over analyzing or stressing over something Negan-related. Gone was the weight of that padlocked box of questions, which made both your brain and subconscious very happy. The three of you snuggled up on the bed and spent the next couple of hours finishing your re-read of Harry Potter before it was time to head down to the kitchen for dinner prep. 
Today’s menu consisted of lasagna using leftover deer meat thawed from the freezer, with the signature side of rolls. Trixie had unofficially promoted herself as being in charge of roll duty, making sure the dough was the right consistency and the ovens at the perfect baking temperature. She wasn’t rude about it, but the little bit of authority she showed when instructing another staff member how to properly knead the dough seemed to fulfill her need to be seen as a knowledgeable and important part of the staff. And in all honesty, none of her feedback to the others was incorrect, so rather than reprimand her or say she was out of line, you had caught her eye at one point and given an almost imperceptible nod of approval. This caused her smile to beam so bright that it was a wonder you didn’t need sunglasses. 
As it turned out, you weren’t the only one who had noticed Trixie’s presence and been keeping a stealthy eye on her. Andrew, a member of the food prep crew, had been not-so-subtly following Trixie with his gaze lately, and today was no exception. He was an attractive man in his early 20s with shoulder-length black hair and kind brown eyes, a much more appropriate candidate for Trixie than her previous choice.
It seemed safe to say that Trixie was aware of the attention as well, as she found every reason possible to flounce past where Andrew was busy loading trays of lasagna into an oven. At one point, she even stopped to chat briefly with him, and out of the corner of your eye you saw her toss back her head and laugh at something he said. If it seemed a bit overly dramatic to you, well, Andrew didn’t seem to mind. In fact, her reaction caused him to fumble with the tray of pasta he was holding, almost spilling the entire thing onto the ground. He thankfully saved it at the last second, otherwise you would’ve had to interrupt and lecture the two of them about focusing on their work and not chit-chatting. And you didn’t want to do that, not when Trixie finally seemed interested in a guy more her age who was actually available and seemed to genuinely like her. 
Despite your initial tension with Trixie, you now realized that she had just been struggling to find where she fit in, to feel like an important part of the community. She’d initially been scooped up and led astray by Amber, but thankfully she had found her way back on the correct path and was making progress at getting along with the others, rather than isolating herself and using condescension as an emotional wall. Someone like Andrew, who was kind-hearted and considerate, not to mention absolutely captivated by her, was exactly what she needed. 
Focusing your attention away from young romance and back to meal prep, you spent the next forty-five minutes making sure everything was baked to perfection before sending out the first trays of lasagna and rolls. However, your mind kept randomly returning to Negan, almost unable to contain a secret smile each time you remembered where the two of you now stood. The usual worry and second-guessing had been replaced by the stability of knowing how he felt, and each time you remembered his words from last night a flutter of butterflies went off in your stomach. 
Negan had told you this morning that the outpost he and a small team of men were going to was less than an hour’s drive from the Sanctuary, so he planned to be back around dinnertime. Sure enough, about 20 minutes into when the first round of food was being served, you saw a small group of Saviors enter the cafeteria and settle down at a table. You guessed that they were the ones who had been out on the mini mission, and breathed a sigh of relief at seeing them back safely and with jovial expressions on their faces. You could always tell when things went wrong on a run, due to the overall aura of the men who returned, but this time they were smiling and talking animatedly with one another. Hopefully this also meant that Negan was in a happy, and perhaps affectionate, mood when you went to visit him later...
It was as if your thoughts had conjured the man himself. You were out in the cafeteria with a large water pitcher, making rounds to refill empty glasses for people, when a hush in conversation made you still and look up.
And there he was, standing at the entrance to the cafeteria with his signature leather jacket unzipped just enough so that the edge of a white tee peeked out over the top. He scanned over the tables like a king surveying his domain, looking both intimidating and absolutely delicious with the arrogant way he held himself, as if he had no cares in the world but was also ready to take on anything.
When his eyes landed on you, those sinful lips quirked upwards at the edges, and you swore that even from the distance of half a cafeteria you could see his golden gaze light up at the sight of you. He moved, striding with determination and purpose to close the space between your bodies. The breath caught in your chest at his beauty, at the raw masculinity and almost animal magnetism that surrounded him. 
He stopped mere inches away, and you gazed up at him in both welcome and a bit of confusion. Trying to act calm and unaffected, and not show how much you wanted to grin and launch yourself at him, you said, “Welcome back.” 
Your eyebrow cocked in question when he shook his head with a low chuckle. “Oh no, doll, that won’t do at all.” And with that, he wrapped an arm around your waist and lowered his head...
And kissed you in front of the entire Sanctuary. 
A wave of shock jolted through you, at the same time as your body automatically responded, molding itself to his. Your brain was flatlined on the floor from the unexpected move, while your subconscious ran around it in circles screaming with excitement. 
You could practically feel all the astonished stares from community members, as they watched their all-powerful leader break one of his cardinal rules and kiss you to within an inch of your life. And dear god, what a kiss it was! His lips were firm yet gentle, his tongue just barely tracing your bottom lip, as if he couldn’t help but steal a little taste. He wasn’t holding back, and the primal part of you recognized that he was publicly staking his claim for all to see. There could be no question after this moment that you were his, and that he wanted everyone to know it. 
When he finally pulled back, you could only look up at him with what must’ve been an utterly dazed expression, if his pleased smirk was anything to go by. Glancing to his left and then right, his brow furrowed and expression turned serious as he bellowed, “What the fuck are you all looking at?”
His words had the desired effect, as eyes dropped back to their plates and the community stuttered back to action, obviously trying and failing to act like something monumental didn’t just happen. You’d have given a lot of points to know what they were all thinking, but you didn’t see any angry expressionsand no one had said anything or acted out of line, so hopefully that was a good sign. 
Negan’s warm hand rubbed comfortingly up your bare arm, and it was then that you noticed he didn’t have his gloves on. That also sparked the realization that he wasn’t carrying Lucille, which was strange since he always had her on his person when making an appearance in front of the community. 
Now that you’re thinking about it, did he even have her this morning, when he left?
You thought back to when you had kissed him goodbye and watched as he walked down the hallway. Surely he’d have taken her with him to the outpost...but you honestly couldn’t remember seeing her up over his shoulder. You had to just be forgetting, because there was no way he’d leave her behind. 
That train of thought was brought to a halt when the hand on your arm trailed down along your waist and settled possessively on your hip. “I wanted to put in a request for one of your staff members to bring two servings of dinner to my room, for Simon and yours truly.” 
Before you could ask if he needed time alone once you were done with dinner, he provided the answer. “We need to go over the fucking outpost inspection results, but I’ll come and find you once it’s done.” It was the second time he’d done that today, answering a question before you had the chance to voice it out loud, which was a sign of how well he was coming to predict your thought process. 
You were still a bit in shock at all of this, especially how he was discussing his evening plan with you so publicly and audibly, as if to show that you were more than just his in a physical sense. He was broadcasting to the community that you were what he had already told you last night: his partner. His voice had been low enough that only the nearby tables would’ve heard, but you knew every moment of this interaction would be spread across the entire community within minutes after he left. 
Giving a smile and trying to look like ‘yep, this is completely normal, no big deal, I am totally not internally screaming with joy and wanting to climb his fine ass like a tree’, you replied, “Of course. I’ll have it sent up immediately.”
“Thanks, doll,” he said with a final smirk. Then his face morphed back into the intense, badass expression of the Sanctuary’s leader, and he strode out of the cafeteria. 
You were left standing there, still a bit shell-shocked by what had just occurred, but also giddy as hell over it. That emotional high was only slightly dimmed by the awareness that now, with Negan gone, you were the sole center of everyone’s attention. A quick scan of the cafeteria showed that most community members were trying not to openly stare. However, the lack of chewing and frequent side glances thrown your way as your legs finally unfroze and started back towards the kitchen were proof that they had all seen Negan’s display of affection. 
While the rest of the community might’ve at least been making a feeble attempt not to obviously stare, the same couldn’t be said of the kitchen staff. At least a couple of them must’ve witnessed what happened when serving trays of food, and those members must’ve scurried back to the kitchen to report it to the others. Every single one of them was staring in wide-eyed silence with a mixture of shock and fascinated curiosity when you walked back through the swinging doors. 
Even though your face felt heated and you were a bit off-kilter, you still managed to sound slightly firm when announcing, “Alright folks, back to work. And no, I don’t want to talk about it.”
You breathed a sigh of relief when they didn’t argue, but a couple of them did give knowing grins, Trixie included, though at least they all seemed good-natured about it. Trying to act as though your world hadn’t just been spun off its axis with that public kiss, you went over to Ben, who was the only one that had stayed fairly composed the entire time. In fact, his eyes danced with mirth and he was obviously trying to hold back a smirk, so you felt only minimally evil when telling him of Negan’s request that two servings of dinner be taken up to his rooms for him and Simon. Ben gave a playful glare when you told him to take up the food himself, saying it loud enough that some others heard, making him unable to say no without looking a bit suspect. 
When the tray was ready to go a few minutes later, you quietly murmured to Ben as he passed by on his way out of the kitchen, “Say hi to Simon for me.” The words caused a hint of pink to flare in his cheeks as he gave a halfhearted glare. You almost felt guilty for teasing him, but knew Ben would more than forgive you when Negan came through on his promise to get Simon his own room.  
Though the kitchen staff still threw glances your way here and there, they quickly fell back into their usual routine and no one made any direct comments. You were safe from scrutiny...at least for now. At least no one seemed to have any extreme concerns about what had happened, making you wonder how many of them had suspected what was going on between you and Negan before now.
Once dinner and cleanup were over, you headed back up to your room. Negan had said he would come find you when he was ready, so you planned to just lay back and relax until then. 
Oh, who were you kidding. After that kiss, you were totally going to sit on your bed and think about all the dirty things you wanted to do to him the moment the two of you were alone. 
Trying to convince yourself that you could be at least semi-productive and pretend to have a hobby other than fantasizing about the leader of the Sanctuary, you pulled the copy of Harry Potter off your bedside table. You were just opening to the first page, planning to restart it again from the beginning, when a firm knock sounded at your door. 
Pulse jumping with excitement, you rose from the bed and didn’t even hesitate to cross the room and reach for the doorknob. It never occurred to you that it might be anyone other than Negan, let alone for it to be the last person you’d have ever expected to see at your door. But things had been going so well today that it was almost as if fate was bored with your happiness and wanted to add some drama to the mix. 
Totally ignoring the warning prickle that ran up your spine, you opened the door with a welcome smile. It quickly died on your lips at the sight of who was standing on the other side, hands on hips and eyes throwing daggers your way. 
It was Amber...and she looked pissed.
~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
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peachyteez · 4 years
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this fox hybrid was brought into the recovery facility covered in scratches, whip marks, blood, and every other injury you could imagine. due to this, yeosang has trouble trusting humans, as he was afraid they could just hurt him all over again. until he meets jiyu, his “angel nurse”.
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✧ taglist: @defsoul15, @jaeminpeachy, @joongiebug, @sunsethw4, @t-tbinnie, @chanyeolol, @danibookmarks, @hello-its-ya-boi. @murralyn, @alienmashup, @panini, @moon8894, @koasworld, @taetae123094, @luv3rxcha, @treasure-hwa, @etherealbyeol, @hwaseongzzz, @lovely-sanie, @orbitiiny, @pirate-of-the-dark-seas, @babydolljo, @ms-starlight, @everrrlasting, @bls-luv-me, @atzgiggle​, @arohabyeol, @rainbowmagicpixecorn​, @soverystupid​, @ayetothezee​
feel free to let me know if you would like to be part of the list! :)
✧ notes: yeosang deserves all the love and chicken in the world, and that’s final :<
✧ WARNINGS: mentions of illegal businesses, and brief mentions of injuries and blood
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“mingi, i don’t think that’s a good idea,” seonghwa fretted as he watched over the bunny in the kitchen. 
“trust me, hyung! i know what i’m doing,” mingi reassured. 
“no, i’m telling you; it’s not ready to—”
paying no mind to seonghwa’s warning, mingi took the spatula, wiggled it under the still-cooking pancake and proceeded to flip it. since it wasn’t done cooking, the batter was still runny and it splashed everywhere once the pancake hit the pan. 
“—flip...” seonghwa trailed off after witnessing the depressing scene. mingi let out a sheepish chuckle as he nervously side-glanced seonghwa, who had his head down in slight disappointment.
“this is why we need jiyu in the morning...” hongjoong mumbled from the couch, yunho nodding along with him while trying to suppress his laughter. 
seonghwa grabbed the paper towel roll and handed it to mingi, who silently started wiping off the batter that splashed onto the stove. “it’s a miracle she’s not witnessing any of this right now otherwise we’d be banned from the kitchen.”
at the same time of the four of them struggling to make breakfast, jiyu felt an ominous feeling in her gut while at work. “i hope they’re okay,” she scratched her head before continuing to type up medical reports for their new incoming hybrids. i did leave a note telling them i had to leave early, but i didn't have a lot of time to make them breakfast...i hope they don’t burn the kitchen down...
the telephone on her desk rang, snapping her out of her worries. she cleared her throat and picked up the call. “hello?”
“hey, ji,” yeonjun’s voice sounded from the other end. “how much space is there left in the hospital and feral wards?” he asked. in the background, jiyu could hear frantic movements and growls. she furrowed her eyebrows. just where was yeonjun? he only left with the rescue team to pick up the new hybrids that were supposed to be admitted into the recovery center. 
“there’s still quite some space left even after the new group of hybrids,” jiyu skeptically answered. “why? and where are you and the rescue team? you were supposed to come back a while ago. the pick-up center isn’t that far from here—”
“long story short,” yeonjun interrupted, “we came across a group of hybrids on the side of the street. poor guys were pretty...battered up and not in the best condition. hence the growls you hear, but we somehow managed to convince some of them we wanted to help.”
jiyu nodded as she processed the information. “so along with the new patients, we have more?” she asked, pulling up a software on her monitor that allowed her to see the available space left in the recovery center. “how many are there?”
“about six,” yeonjun said. “we had to anesthetize two of them since they came for our heads, so they might end up in the feral ward while the other four just need to be hospitalized and psychologically treated.”
jiyu quietly sighed. “alright, i’ll get their documents and rooms ready,” she said before hanging up. stretching her arms above her head, she sent off a quick text to the group chat to let the four hybrids know that she would most likely be coming a home a little later than usual. 
for the next hour or two, jiyu frantically ran around the facility center prepping the rooms for the additional six hybrids: sanitizing, cleaning, and getting new bedsheets and pillows for six rooms proved to be harder than she had anticipated. not only that, she also had to write up their facility registration documents.
by the time yeonjun and the rescue team came back, she was already exhausted and it was only noon. she greeted the new hybrids before showing them to their designated rooms. out of the bunch, she saw six hybrids covered in gashes, dirt, and even blood on their body and clothes. she frowned and grimaced at their condition before carefully taking the four conscious, yet skeptical hybrids to their rooms. as for the two hybrids that were deemed feral, she and the other caretakers carefully took their unconscious bodies to their rooms and laid them down on their beds. 
jiyu had to admit, one of the unconscious hybrids caught her attention. he seemed so ethereal and elegant, despite being asleep and covered with injuries. after helping all the new hybrids settle down and treating the six’s injuries, jiyu ungraciously fell into her chair and let out a tired sigh. “kudos to the staff that clean and prepare all the rooms for the hybrids,” she mumbled as she laid back in the chair.
yeonjun sat down at his desk. “sorry about the last minute additions,” he sheepishly said. “but they looked like they would’ve passed out any second.”
“it’s fine, i probably would’ve done the same,” jiyu reassured. “do you know what happened to them?” 
“there was a squirrel hybrid; i think his name was taehyun. all he said was that they came from a breeding facility, but it was illegal, so...” yeonjun trailed off. he didn’t have to continue for jiyu to understand. 
jiyu bit the inside of her cheek at the news. an illegal breeding facility is no doubt connected to the black market, which makes tracing their location difficult. much like the blood pirates that hongjoong came from. “if they escaped, then we might have to double up on security again. there’s no doubt they have target on their backs,” she said, rubbing her forehead. 
being part of an elite recovery center as kq meant they sometimes dealt with dangerous situations regarding the hybrids they take in. it wasn’t unusual for the recovery facility to deal with a few dangerous people here and there that demand their hybrid back, despite them being the reason their hybrids were there in the first place.
“yeah, i’ll let the patrollers know,” yeonjun said. “we split the six up amongst the caretakers,” he said as he looked over the registration documents. “you got the fox hybrid. we don't know their names yet.”
jiyu remembered the fox hybrid that had captured her attention as they were bringing him to his room. there was an aura about him that drew jiyu in—perhaps it was his well-defined features and elegance as a fox hybrid. 
suddenly, the office door slammed open and chanhee, frantic and out-of-breath, peeked in. “jiyu! the fox hybrid is awake, but he’s on a rage and none of us can calm him down!” he explained.
jiyu immediately shot up out of her seat and ran out the office towards the feral ward. “got it, thanks chanhee!” she called out to him as she ran pass him. approaching the room the fox hybrid was assigned to, she pressed in the code and the door swung open to reveal the hybrid curled up in the corner. it looked as if a tornado had come by with how scattered and messy everything was.
the fox hybrid’s pupils were dilated, a sign that his fox side had taken over to protect him from harm. jiyu took the time to observe his features: he had a blonde mullet that accented his golden fox ears on his head, and his facial features reminded her of a statue with how define and sharp they were. 
she stood outside the room in case he came running for her. surveying the mess in the room, she sighed. “i cleaned the room two hours ago and now it’s a mess,” she tiredly commented to herself before figuring out what to do about the hybrid in the corner. he was eyeing her like how a predator would eye his prey. 
strange enough, his gaze reminded jiyu of seonghwa when the first met. 
she put her hands up to show the hybrid that she was unarmed and harmless. she took small steps towards the hybrid. “calm down, buddy. i won't hurt you. none of us will, actually. if we did, we would’ve done something when we had the chance.”
the fox hybrid paid no attention, only growling louder at her words. suddenly, without warning, the fox hybrid shot up from his sitting fetal position and lunged at jiyu. grabbing the anesthetic syringe from her breast pocket (that she luckily kept in there for emergencies), she loosened the cap before pushing the hybrid back towards the bed with all her force. luckily, caretakers were trained on how to safely deal with a feral when they attack. 
the fox hybrid swung at her with his other clawed hand, but missed when jiyu leaned away. pinning the struggling and growling hybrid to the bed, jiyu uncapped the syringe and plunged the needle into his arm, injecting the anesthesia into his bloodstream. a few seconds later, the hybrid’s struggling lessened and he fell unconscious once again. his claws slowly disappeared, his nails and fingers returning to human ones.
falling over next to the unconscious hybrid, jiyu closed her eyes for a second from exhaustion. “i just got deja-vu from that...” she mumbled before standing up and tucking him into bed. his sleeping face was so peaceful and calm, unlike a few minutes ago. 
“he’s like a carbon copy of seonghwa,” she mumbled as she took one last look at the sleeping hybrid before closing his door. “only a fox.”
that night, when she came home, anyone could feel the exhaustion radiating off of her. after tiredly greeting the four hybrids who were watching tv, she immediately went to her room and fell onto her bed face-first. the four carefully peeked into her room.
“ji, are you okay?” hongjoong hesitantly asked. none of them have ever dealt with an exhausted jiyu before, so they were unsure of how to approach her. 
jiyu gave them a thumbs up, not lifting her face off the bed. “just dealt with a seonghwa junior today,” she said, her words muffled by the mattress, but they caught it.
hongjoong, mingi, and yunho gave seonghwa a confused stare, while seonghwa was confused himself. he stared back at the three and pointed to himself. “i have a twin?”
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ellewords · 3 years
I think if Tsukishima was in the theater department, he’d probably be part of the tech crew. Probably the sound system, ya know? So he is there for every rehearsal making sure the cast is heard well and that everything run smoothly. And I can just imagine him being the person who adjusts the mics for everyone, and every time he gets the cast to speak so he can readjust, he has really snarky, bland conversation with them. Like, he’s up in the sound booth, and he has the cast going one by one and he’s just spouting stupid sh*t at them as he casually adjusts their volume.
(“Wow, and here I thought you couldn’t get any louder. What a treat.” / “Sorry, what was that? Couldn’t hear you over your mumbling. Speak up, would you?” / “Look at you go, getting it right on the first try. Miracles really do happen.” / “—yeah, okay, I’m done with you. You can stop talking now, thanks.”)
And his dryness takes some getting used to, but eventually everyone gets used to it and they just chalk it up to him not caring about the club and being annoyed constantly. But a lot of them are really confused because Tsukishima doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to keep doing anything he isn’t interested in??? And he keeps coming back??? Even when Yamaguchi isn’t around??? So he has to like it a little bit, right???
They don’t find out the answer until after the cast and crew party after the last production of his high school career has wrapped up. He’s spent the entire party against the wall looking sort of indifferent to everyone unless they come up to him and engage directly. Every once in a while, he takes a lap around the room looking bored as ever, but in his wake, tiny little gifts start appearing in people’s bags. Just little treats they had mentioned liking at some point during rehearsals. No one puts two and two together, but some people do notice his tiny smirk whenever someone realizing they have a gift.
Later that night, as the party is ending, he offers to stay behind to clean up, and as the numbers start to dwindle, he even urges the others on clean up duty to leave. He puts on some music for himself, and he slowly starts to clean up after everyone. Eventually he slows to a stop when he notices how quiet it is, and then... he starts to cry. They’re happy tears, mostly, but he can’t hold back his emotions anymore. Three years of this, and it meant something to him. He doesn’t realize how much until then, so he just cries, and he doesn’t even try to hold it back.
When he is finally finished cleaning, the tiny bit of redness under his eyes the only indicator of his emotional slip, he trudges over to his belonging so he can head out. On top of his bag, though, he notices something: a small strawberry shortcake. There’s a sticky note on it that says “Tsukishima, thanks for the present! Enjoy! :)” but no name. He huffs in annoyance but he lets slip one of his more genuine smirks. It looks like someone had noticed, after all.
This is all over the place as I read it back, but hopefully it still makes some sense. Anyway, hope you have a good day!!!
— from elle ! gahh anon this was so good, i loved it so much (*゚▽゚*) the bit with the cast party and tsukki giving out little gifts to everyone actually made me grin, that was so so cute that i just had to write a lil scenario in yn’s pov and got carried away again ;) tysm for this anon, i hope you are having a wonderful day <33
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you notice him, in the far corner of the living room, eyes weaving through the several dancing bodies, occasionally taking a sip of whatever was in the plastic cup in his hand. occasionally his gaze would meet yours and his brow quirks up, you catch the smallest hints of a smirk on his lips. you shake your head, continuing your conversation with yachi and kageyama.
every now and then tsukishima would leave his little corner, and the hopefully romantic part of you wished he was making his way to where you stood —leaning against the kitchen counter, nodding your head to the beat of whatever song hinata and yamaguchi decided to belt out on karaoke.
you dismiss the thought the second he walks past you to the sofas, where most everyone’s things casually laid around, no one was exactly there to watch it. but you all trusted each other enough so it wasn’t an issue.
it was around his fourth lap when you finally decided to march up to him, when you notice him discreetly place something in your bag on that very first lap. you try to mask the nervousness with a look of indifference — though you’re sure it only made you look sick more than anything.
“what are you doing?”
“enjoying the party.” he deadpans, employing the slightest hints of a teasing tone.
“standing in a corner and walking around every fifteen minutes is not enjoying a party.”
a low chuckles escaped him, had it not been for the close proximity between your bodies, you wouldn’t have heard him at all. “have you been watching me, ln?”
“what would you do if i was?”
tsukishima shrugs his shoulders, “it’s none of my business what you decide to waste your time on.”
“why ask then?” you noticed the way he kept his hands behind his back, slowly moving towards the end of the couch. “got something to hide from me, tsukishima?”
you’re unsure where this sudden bout of confidence had come from. in the years you’ve known him, you’ve only spoken to him in group settings. and he doesn’t exactly hold back on the snarky comments either. maybe it was the fact that it had been the last performance of the year, of your high school lives. maybe it was because this was the final cast party, and everyone else is too drunk on excitement and energy to notice the conversation the two of you were having. maybe it’s because you were hiding something behind your back too.
“and if i do?”
you think it’s a smile that crosses his face for a split second, the lightest flush that slowly covered his cheeks. just as you open your mouth to reply, he turns away from you, his hands empty. “i’ll see you around, ln.”
you huff, your brows furrowing as tsukishima started to move away. but not before he calls out, “oh and yn?”
“what is it?”
he doesn’t even turn to face you. but if you listened hard enough, you could hear the smile on his face. the hesitance too. “you shine on the stage, you belong up there. don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.”
a groan left you lips once you realized that you had forgotten your little pamphlet from the final show — having everyone from the cast and crew sign it. you wave yachi goodbye as you rushed back to yamaguchi’s, hoping that it was still on the kitchen counter where you had left it.
the last thing you expected was tsukishima in tears.
they didn’t necessarily look like sad ones, a small smile on his face as he wiped away the wetness that stained his cheeks — a song from the first musical the theater club had ever performed playing quietly from the speakers, almost inaudible. part of you wanted to run to him, ask him what was wrong. but you stayed rooted in your spot, watching the way his chest heaved, the way his cheeks reddened.
tsukishima shook his head, like he was snapping himself out of a trance, and made his way to his bag. you hold your breath, you didn’t want to be there when he finds it. so you ran, careful not to make a single sound.
come monday morning you see tsukishima in the halls, a keychain of a small strawberry shortcake hanging from his bag — one that accompanied the actual dessert that you gave him. he sees you too, a small keychain of your favorite dessert made of clay hanging from your school bag.
there’s a flash of recognition in both yours and his eyes. tsukishima sends you a small nod, in return you give him a smile. his heart flutters, more than he’d care to admit, wondering why he waited so long in the first place.
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a question: the haikyuu characters have to put on a play! what’s going on? |  written on the margins masterlist
taglist : @haikyuutothetop @crystal-lilac @tobioespresso @sushijimawakatoshi @itsmeaudrieee @pantherhappy @jesssobs​ @mysticstrawberryballoon
join my hq taglist here. <3
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Orpheum's Tales: Music of the Night
[featuring the Shaymin crew from @shaymincafe ]
A morning breeze sweeps along the quiet forest of Floarama Town, Orpehum's usual abode when he is alone by himself. After all, the town was special to him, a second home. This town is where his constellation appears first every night.
The bard plucked a few strings from his lute, a morning routine he so regularly performed. A good note would be a blessed day but a bad one would be a tragedy … an omen even. Fortunately, the Victini deity would smile upon him as the lute produced a perfect note.
He sighed a breath of fresh air, relief overcoming him as the day would proceed as normal, for him at the least. Donning his trusty bard hat, off he went to meet someone, another Shaymin as he was taking flight towards the rendezvous.
The gentle breeze made the journey quite refreshing, after all … no one would knowingly dwell into turbulent weather, especially a deity like him. As he took flight, he was in the form of a wisp, vibrant green with wings similar to a Yanma for he wouldn't just reveal himself to mortals just like that.
Moments passed before he could finally see the rendezvous from afar, vaguely sensing someone waving towards him. Realizing it was a familiar face, he immediately went in and landed in front of her, giving her a bow as soon as he returned to his Shaymin form.
"Orpheum! Glad you could make it!" A Shaymin in a vibrant pink hue gleefully greeted the bard with a smile.
"Good morning, Rosemary. I too am glad to be here." He nodded to himself, his face a vibrant glee, and looking around the place. "So this is your ... what was the word … Cafè? Sorry, I have been too accustomed to the word tavern."
"Yes, it is! Shaymin Cafè~ not the most subtle name we can think of but it does attract quite the crowd." She giggles and motions for him to follow her. "Come! Let's introduce you to the others"
"Right now, you say?" He looked a bit nervous, his audience usually consisted of only one but to a few 'mon of his kind? He isn't used to that kind of stage but he internally reigned in his thoughts and smiled. "Sure! I am excited."
The doors to the cafè opened, immediately getting the attention of everyone inside. Rosemary was the one to enter with Orpheum following close behind, his lute perched on his back as an archer would their quiver. There was silence as the rest of the Shaymin staff immediately averted their attention towards Orpheum.
"Everyone, meet Orpheum! Better give him a warm welcome because he is a special Shaymin~" Rosemary broke the silence as she winked at them and gave him an introductory pat on the back.
"Greetings! Greetings!" He gave them a bow and a huge grin trying not to break the otherwise momentum that Rosemary had set. "Orpheum the Blossoming Bard, at your service!"
One of the Shaymin finally took interest, narrowing her eyes as she approached Orpheum. She circled around the bard as if to do a thorough inspection. "A bard, aye? … sing a song for us why don't cha." Shiso, the purple one, commanded as she crossed her arms and looked at him intently.
"A song? Yes yes of course! I actually have a short one I made en route here … it's supposed to be about this cafe." Orpheum's ears perked up, immediately getting his lute and clearing his throat a bit. "I hope all of you enjoy~!"
"Go ahead. We'd love to hear it!" Rosemary smiles, eagerly waiting to play his song as the rest of the staff.
"Okay here goes …" He plucked a few notes and began to slowly gain momentum as he started to sing the piece he created.
Come one, come all!
There is a place for all!
Come one, come all!
Everyone is welcome, big or small!
Smiles, smiles are all abound~!
With happy thoughts all around!
We are always ready to serve you.
For we treat you as family too!
Come one, come all! The cafè is open!
A place to bring family or a friend!
Come one, come all! It's a party!
When you join us at the Shaymin Cafè!
He gave a bow after he sang as he always did with every performance he made. Just before he did, he can already hear applause from the group, one even cheering gleefully.
"Woooh! Great song, dude!" Chicory, the blue one blurted out, eagerly waiting to request an encore.
"Impressive. Looks like you're an a-okay then." Shiso shrugs smirking as she hugged Pumpkin, the orange one next to her, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Pumpkin here seems to like it too." She looks over at Pumpkin with a nod of approval.
"Simply wonderful, Orpheum! Bravo!" Rosemary cheered gleefully, enjoying the performance wholeheartedly like the rest of the staff.
"Thanks, everyone! My heart is filled with joy knowing all of you enjoyed my song." He says, visibly blushing at his newfound audience. "It isn't new that I get applause but it always is overwhelming for me."
Rosemary stood up from her seat, looking like she was about to say something important. "Alright, everyone! Cafè is opening in half an hour, be sure to make this ready for the customers like you always do!"
The staff immediately started tidying up the cafè, with Rosemary on her way to put the specials on display outside and putting the open sign but not before she looked back at Orpheum with a reassuring smile.
"Welcome to the Shaymin Cafè"
He smiled for a bit while looking a bit conflicted on something as if pondering upon a certain thought that's been on his mind. He followed Rosemary and called out to her. "Rosemary!"
The pink Shaymin immediately turned to face him, looking confused at his sudden urgency and wanting to know what was up. "Yes, Orpheum? You need anything?"
"I was just thinking if I can take a stroll for a moment? Perhaps, more than a few moments to be precise?"
"Sure but … is everything alright? You maybe need some tea to help calm yourself down?"
"No no, please save it for your patrons. I may need some time for myself, worry not … I'll be back before you know it~" He gave her a reassuring smile as a small gust of wind blew around him.
"Okay if you say so. Guess I'll see you around." With Rosemary's wave, Orpheum immediately turned into a wisp and rode along with the wind, letting it carry him towards someplace else.
It was now nightfall, as the cafè was still bustling with patrons but no sign of Orpheum anywhere. Admittedly, Rosemary was getting concerned for him but she kept that to herself while she worked the tables and managed the patrons like the rest of her staff.
"Psst hey, Rosemary. Where's that hotshot Shaymin you were talking about?" Vetle was there as always, raising an eyebrow as he asked Rosemary about the supposed 'guest' she was advertising just outside of the shop. "I'm just waiting here."
"He'll be here soon, Vetle. Don't you worry." Her smile was hiding that concern still bubbling inside of her as she silently scanned the room for at least a teal-colored wisp. "Just sit back and rela- huh?"
She felt a gentle breeze going through her fur as she turned around, trying to spot someone from the crowd of patrons in the various tables laid around but there was still no sign of Orpheum. She can only do nothing but hum her worries away only, why does it feel like her hums had a rhythm to them? As if there was something or someone playing?
It seemed like she wasn't the only one that would notice it as a small crowd would soon form as almost everyone was turning their heads toward what seemed like someone plucking the strings of a lute effortlessly. Rosemary went towards the crowd of patrons and staff alike to see what was going and that's when she saw them.
A stranger was there playing a teal-colored lute with black-gloved paws as the crowd watched on in awe, daring not to say anything during the performance. They wore a black Venetian mask that covered the upper part of their face, while their body was adorned in a turquoise long coat laced with lacey green accents along with teal pants and black boots.
The stranger was just sitting by themselves on one of the tables and somehow inconspicuously slipped out of sight and started playing as if to make a dynamic entrance of sorts. Either that or the people were too busy minding their business to notice a well-dressed musician enter the shop and take a seat.
After a while, the stranger seemed to stop playing presumably because they were done with their tune and had a mysterious smile as he got up from his seat and bowed to the newly formed audience.
"Greetings, greetings! I am Favonius, Bard of the Blossoms! I'm sure you have been waiting for more than a moment for me but now … I shall now begin~"
It took a few seconds for Rosemary to realize what she should be doing but she immediately got up to the front of the store and called the attention of the patrons.
"Yes! Please settle down, everyone, and sit tight. Service will still continue while the performance is going on. Hope you all enjoy~"
Immediately as everyone did settle into their seats, all eyes were on Favonius as a mix of expressions gathered within the audience. Most were of course intrigued by his presence after all, if that initial introduction was what's to come what more could he show for a full performance? Favonius smiled as soon as they were now eagerly waiting for him in silence and with a single strum of his lute, he now started to a tune to which he would sing.
Lucete, Lucete Stellae …~
Our hearts flutter each night and day.
Lucete, Lucete Stellae …~
Beckoning to us the hallowed way.
When the night is cold and barren still,
With dark hearts of ill will.
Something within us will start to burn,
Igniting for what we really yearn.
We have triumphed, every one of us,
Our trials never left us in the dust.
Our stories, written in our memory,
As it was always meant to be.
Bless the light, as the torch ignites,
To our journeys and fights.
From within our grasp to far off lands,
Making every victory grand.
Even when fear looms and doubts arise,
Triumph comes at a well-fought price.
Even when we ourselves have faltered,
Sacrifices will be honored.
Lucete, Lucete Stellae …~
May the light bring us the way.
Lucete, Lucete Stellae …~
To brave the night and seize the day.
The room filled with praise from the audience as Favonius made a solemn bow, holding his hat to his side right after strumming the last tune to his song. He definitely felt satisfied knowing he would make everyone's night.
"Thank you, my fabled patrons. Thank you! I hope you all enjoyed the show for tonight but for now, farewell and have a good night."
Favonius immediately exited the stage and disappeared into the cafè exit giving everyone a swift wave and flew off towards somewhere else. A few patrons were able to witness Favonius exit but all they saw outside was a wisp that sort of disappeared into the wind.
Soon enough it was time for the cafè to close while the patrons were still talking about the performance earlier on their way out the exit. Rosemary and the other Shaymins were just cleaning up after such an eventful night as they too were talking about the performance but more importantly, Favonius themselves.
"Man, that thing earlier was pretty unexpected! Even my boyfriend agreed it felt almost like a dream …" Chicory exclaimed while he was sweeping the floors looking towards Vetle, a teal-colored Shaymin leaning against a wall. "But still, that was pretty cool! How did you even contact them, Rosemary?"
Rosemary was just as confused as Chicory when she was asked that, she was by herself and looking towards the windows when she was snapped out of her pondering. "Huh? Oh … you know, I have some connections." Rosemary smiled nervously knowing that she had no idea where he came from.
"Hmm …? You don't look so sure … was he just a stranger? Because it's not usual for you to just invite someone willy-nilly like that …" Chicory raised his eyebrow, stopping what he was doing as he was really eager to know.
"Umm you see … I …" Just as she was about to say something, a gust of wind blew into the inside of the cafè, the very same gust of wind that alerted them to a familiar presence but no tune was to be heard. This time, there came a knock on the cafè door followed by a greeting.
"Greetings, fellow Shaymins. May I come in? I hope I am not interrupting closing hours …"
"Not at all, Favonius. Please come in!" Rosemary breathed a sigh of relief, finally able to at least ask them about what happened, and crossed her arms. “Take a seat … you have some explaining to do.”
“Ohh … my apologies for the commotion earlier, madam~” He bows his head and removes his mask revealing who was behind it all this time. “I … tend to be nervous in front of a large crowd.”
“O-Orpheum!?! All this time, you were Favonius? Wh-why didn’t you told me …?” Rosemary was utterly shocked at the revelation, so was Chicory and the rest of the Shaymin present. “Wh-why did have to hide like that ...? Explain yourself.”
“W-well you see, I’m not really adept at showing my face to a large audience … and your establishment attracts such a crowd. I’m afraid I must don an outfit to appear mysterious. Otherwise, they will eventually know that I’m a deity…” Orpheum stammered in his words, really hoping that his act wasn’t a grievous fault.
“Wait am I hearing this correct? You’re a god!?!” Chicory was barely listening to Orpheum’s whole explanation and instead focused on the part where he mentioned he was a deity. “Are you kidding me!?!”
Chicory’s excitableness did make Orpheum at least for at least a little bit as he smiled. “Yes, I’m a deity. Perhaps it is time to let all of you know. Rosemary was the only one who knew.” He looked over at Rosemary as she gave him a reassuring okay gesture. “But if I did show my true face to a large crowd, there would be consequences. I hope all of you understand why I did that earlier …”
Rosemary would then put a hand on his shoulder and smile. “Of course it’s fine! Let’s just let be our little secret. Right, guys? Especially you, Vetle. Don’t you go around and spill the beans.”
“Yes! Me and my boyfriend here are 100% in it for this little secret! Right, Vetle?” Chicory piped in as Vetle gave a shrug, presumably as a way of approval. “Yeah yeah, whatever. I won’t tell if it means I get the front row seats.” Vetle added with a smirk on his face.
“Me and my girlfriend also agree. Your secret’s safe with us.” Pumpkin also added to the conversation as Shiso gave a nod. “Don’t you worry a thing.”
“See, Orpheum? You’ll be just fine. After all, Shaymin’s gotta stick together.” Rosemary then smiled, Orpheum shedding a tear and let out a sigh of relief.
“Thanks, everyone … truly this has been an eventful day. But I am grateful for every one of your understanding. But alas, I must take my leave for now. Have a good night. It has been a pleasure meeting all of you.” With that, the Shaymin bard exited the café but not without giving a wave from his hat and letting the wind carry him back towards the forest.
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nohoney · 4 years
Do It For Me - 3.2
warnings: 18+, drug use, toxic relationships, polyamory, brief mention of assault
“He said he’d do anything for me.”
He leans forward, his forehead bumping against yours and his hand cupping your cheek. Your breaths intermingle in the small space between each other, your lips just a few precious centimeters away from Keigo’s. “Of course he would dove, you deserve so much. You’re just so… so fucking…”
3.1 ✧ 3.2 ✧ 3.3
Touya is better at checking up on you if you accompany him to a house party, Keigo keeping you company sometimes like tonight as you walked through the front doors. You take a quarter of the ecstasy Touya gave to you earlier and Keigo takes a half, just like the first night the two of you rolled together at a house party. More than likely he’s selling whatever he got in that case just last week. Touya always deals sober, he needs a clear mind when he goes out to these functions but he’s happy to see your little high-off-your-ass self enjoying your roll. The way you tousle your own hair when you vibe to a song, that look of wonder as you just stare off into space, and just how fucking adorable you are in general.
It’s not like you roll every single time you attend a house party, sometimes it’s just drinking or maybe a little bit of weed or a few lines of coke, but your eyes had zeroed in on a particular someone a few minutes after you walked through the doors so you decided that you just wanted to relax. It doesn’t necessarily make you anxious or afraid seeing this particular person but your communication was broken in an instant the last time you had seen them.
Your eyes glance at one another, much too quick for Touya or Keigo to notice, but eye contact is made.
Ecstasy should distract you right?
Well, it’s more like Keigo distracts you and the ecstasy just helps.
So Keigo mingles with the other partygoers while he keeps you close to his side, keeping an even conversation that would seem normal had you not been so touchy with him and him returning those affections without breaking eye contact with the people he speaks to in the moment. He gives light warnings when you get a little too handsy, and you swear that you’ll be good if he just gives you another kiss or feeds you another stick of gum or even tilt the water bottle towards your lips because you’re too lazy to do it yourself.
You get some weird looks at first but when they’re told that you’re rolling, it’s an immediate and knowing ‘ahh’ that comes from them. You don’t care about their looks or stares, Keigo’s got you safe and sound. But you do get some looks when Touya comes to your side for a brief break to check on you and you ask him for kisses also. When you’re lip locked with Touya and also switch off to Keigo, it causes some murmurs for the ones who bother to pay attention. Sure there have been lots of instances where three people are making out together or something to that effect, but they could all swear that ‘Didn’t Dabi just come out from one of the rooms with a girl?’
And it captures the attention of one individual in particular.
Touya has to return work, assuring you for just an extra minute longer before depositing you back to Keigo and with a simple order, “Be good.”
He walks away, you lean against Keigo again, complaining that you want to go outside because it’s too hot inside the house. But going outside serves another purpose because you know that Touya is busy talking and dealing and you need to have this conversation where you know he and a certain other person won’t overhear it. In the backyard there’s a game of king’s cup going on, a fire pit with a small circle of people nearby, and a little group of people that are smoking together. But you pull Keigo to the furthest part of the yard, a decent distance away from everyone. Sure you could have just stuck by the door and talked quietly enough but it wasn’t a risk you were willing to take because anyone could come out.
Keigo sits on the grass and pulls you to sit in his lap, making sure you’re comfortable and that you take a sip of water from the new bottle he just got.
“You got something on your mind dove?” he asks.
You nod your head and glance back towards the house briefly before looking back at him, just enough light for you to see how big his pupils are. You’ve got a better handle of yourself while on ecstasy but you’re not brave enough to take a whole by yourself just yet, still working up the nerve to at least take a half. Never mind about the ecstasy, you have to tell Keigo something. You take a few seconds to collect your courage and tell him, “My ex is here at the party, the most recent one.”
Golden eyes widen slightly in surprise. “Oh… does Touya know?”
You never talked about your ex in detail with Keigo, just a general overview of how things weren’t working out but that was it. Touya didn’t know all the details but he knew just enough, the relationship lasted almost a year and by the halfway mark things were starting go south between you and your ex. It worked out for you anyway because you didn’t want to talk about your ex in general, just enough to get it off your chest and let your boyfriend know. “Touya doesn’t know what Jun even looks like, he didn’t want to see a picture at all.”
“Yeah, that sure sounds like him. So how do you feel about Jun being here? How exactly did things end between you guys?”
It was great with Jun at first, meeting through a mutual friend and getting to know each other before making it official. You always understood giving your past partners space and time to do their own thing, everyone is entitled to their alone time. The issue was that further down the relationship, Jun could not and would not manage his time well with you and eventually just revealed altogether that he didn’t want to put the extra effort in anymore.
“We haven’t even dated for a year, why are you taking us so seriously?” he asked when he looked up from working on his car when you confronted him in his garage.
“I’m your girlfriend, there shouldn’t have to be a threshold for how serious our relationship should be based on the passage of time. Why are we even seeing each other if you don’t want to try to make it work?” you huffed and leaned against the wall of the garage and had crossed your arms. “What are we even doing?”
Jun had sighed and grabbed a rag to wipe the oil off his hands. “(Name), it’s not that I don’t want us to work, it’s that you are getting so hung up on some of the menial shit that it makes me not want to be with you as much. We hang out, we cook dinner or go out, and then I go do my thing. And all I hear from you is that we don’t talk enough or that I don’t separate enough time for you. You’re fucking yourself in the head and working yourself up.”
“You are not being good to me! You used to want to talk to me all the time and wanted to know what my free hours were so that you could be with me. Now it’s the bare minimum you give and you act like my feelings are an inconvenience to you!”
You and Jun had argued for a solid hour before you stormed off, it was the last sober conversation you had with him. You had gone out with friends to a club afterwards, drinking away your frustrations and wondering why you were with a guy who had consciously chosen to not put you first. It hurt way more than it should but only because you kept on sloshing shots back. You were getting shit faced, all the people dancing in the club and getting in your space, the strobe lights providing a certain atmosphere to your fucked up state of mind, and then Jun had shown up. He claimed that you had texted him to come but you were drunk as hell, pushing him off when he tried to pull you out of the club.
Instead you screamed at him, hands around his throat as you pushed him to the wall and told him that you wanted to kill him. He must have been high on something because the sober Jun wouldn’t have allowed such a thing, he had smiled and breathlessly laughed that he was all yours to kill. You kissed him, rum and tequila clouding your judgement, even though you called him an asshole, you ground yourself against his body. In your mind, all you could think that this was over and this would be the last time.
You woke up in his bed the next morning, looking at him for just a few minutes before getting dressed. His number was blocked and whatever belongings you kept that were his were sent back to him. He hadn’t bothered to seek you out after that one last fuck, it hurt a lot at the time that he didn’t even want to rectify the way things were left off. But you got over it eventually because you accepted that not all conflicts would have closure and you met Touya just a little over a year later.
“Wow, I’m sorry things ended that way dove. Sounds like he really didn’t deserve you though.” Keigo tells you, the slightest hint of anger in his eyes. Someone like you should be treasured but he can’t help but feel grateful that things didn’t work out because otherwise you wouldn’t be here right now with him, Touya would wholeheartedly agree. “You sure you’re okay being here with him in the same house?”
“Jun’s not a bad guy, he really isn’t. We just clearly weren’t on the same page and I was pushing for a relationship that showed pretty early on that we were on different wavelengths. I’ll be okay, I have you and Touya and that’s all that matters.” you tell Keigo as you peck his cheek, forgetting about the shadow of the breakup with Jun and tenderness pouring out instead. Even with the hiccups and arguments with Touya, he’s given you more than Jun ever did. “It’s just us, Jun doesn’t matter.”
Keigo couldn’t have said it better himself and he thinks it’s a good time to continue the roll, holding up the half of the tab to you. “I think you’re ready to take a half baby bird, you can handle it.”
The two of you pop the remains of your tablets, wash it down with water and then just a quick peck on the cheek. You sit outside the yard longer and just enjoy watching the outside activities from afar, the cheers and jeers when someone is forced to drink after fucking up their turn in the drinking game, different people go to hang around the fire pit and stoke the fire, two guys even came to chat with you and Keigo for a few minutes and they bid goodbye when its their time to leave the party.
You’re practically giddy with excitement as you see Touya approach you, taking another break from the party as he sits down with you and Keigo on the grass. You move to sit on his lap and tell him that you took a whole half of ecstasy, to which he just chuckles and tells you, “That’s my girl.”
“You guys ever think about what kind of super powers you would have? I already know what powers I think you guys would have.” you tell the boys as you trace the lines on Touya’s palm and look to them. You chew on the gum in your mouth for a few seconds before asking, “You guys wanna know?”
“Of course baby bird, tell us.” Keigo is massaging your calves, attentive as always while Touya has his free hand smoothing up and down your back. They really do spoil you a lot…
“Okay, so at first I thought Keigo’s super power would be like being really fast because, you know, Keigo likes to do a lot of stuff fast and makes it look so easy. But I started thinking that maybe it wasn’t completely right, like maybe some kind of thing that can be really fast. I don’t think Keigo would be a power type, like he’s not weak by any means but he would have more proficiency that makes his powers really impressive.” you lean against Touya and curl against his body. “I think that he’d look so cool with a big pair of wings on his back, like huge red wings with all these feathers that he can control at will, like being able to call them back individually and collectively. So like if you sent out too many feathers out you wouldn’t be able to fly unless you call them back. And I think if you had to choose your super hero name, it’d be Hawks.”
Keigo is amazed as he listens to you. “Wow (Name), sounds like you put some thought into mine but I actually kind of like that. What made you decide all that?”
“You like eating a lot of chicken, so an avian-like power just seemed really fitting.”
Touya laughs in mock at his friend, not even fighting back as Keigo punches him in the arm.
“She gave me bird wings! At least she didn’t give me a bird head!”
“I almost considered it.” you chime in.
“Dove… that’s not right.” Touya continues to laugh, trying to stifle it behind his hand and control himself. “Grr… well what did you think of for Touya?”
You look into Touya’s eyes for a few seconds before answering. “Touya’s was pretty obvious to me, I think he’d control fire. But not regular fire, he’d be able to summon really strong blue fire from his hands. It’d be like crazy destructive because blue flames are the hottest, something to do with them being a complete combustion as opposed to other types of flames that are incomplete combustions. But because blue flames are so hot, it’d be a crazy bad drawback to Touya’s body because he’d overheat and he probably wouldn’t be able to fight for long because he needs to cool down.”
“Oh? No ice power for me to counteract overheating?” Touya asks, actually invested in your choice of conversation.
“Nah, it didn’t really seem fitting for you. Plus that’d be like a cheat because that means you get two powers while Keigo only gets one.”
“I’m good enough to have two fucking powers. But mine is better than Keigo’s anyway, way fucking cooler than having wings.”
“What? You’d rather be able to start forest fires over flying? My power is way more awesome, I get to fly and control all my feathers!” Keigo boasts about the fake powers you thought he’d have while you were high out of your mind a few times. “I say my powers are way better, I think I’d win in a fight against your stupid blue fire.”
Touya clicks his tongue and lets you leave his lap as you go to lie down on the grass in between them, looking back and forth between your two favorite boys. It’s cute that they’re getting so caught up in the conversation and actually debating who’s powers would be cooler. It almost makes them seem like they’re kids in elementary school.
“Obviously I have more power compared to your stupid chicken wings. You heard her, you wouldn’t be a strength type.”
“But I would have proficiency so that means my techniques would be perfected over just brute force.”
“I’d like to see how fucking proficient you are with your little shit feathers when I would just burn them off you.”
You have a feeling this debate would have gone over for a while if a few guys from the party hadn’t started calling Touya over. So he leans down to give you a kiss, intending for it to be quick but you grab the collar of his shirt, making out with him for a few seconds before he pries your hand off his collar and stands up. You whine when he starts walking away but you have Keigo as always to take care of you. “Keigo, gum please.”
“Alright spit out the old one here.” he tells you as he holds out the palm of his hand. He’s unbothered as the chewed gum lands in his palm, just tossing it somewhere over his shoulder and feeding you a new stick. “Well that was fun while it lasted. I’d have to come up with some counterpoints if this ever comes up again.”
“Mm-hmm… was fun listening to you guys.” you nod your head, quiet for a few seconds before moving onto something else. “I thought Touya was going to tell me he loved me a few days ago.” Keigo looks down at you, his hand coming to your forehead and his thumb rubbing smoothly just right above your eyebrow. It’s a weirdly comforting sensation and you hum in content. “I’m not upset that he didn’t say it but I think he said something that comes pretty close to it for the time being.”
Keigo nods his head, having had plenty of conversations with Touya in private and watching him struggle to articulate what exactly he feels for you. It’s good to know that he’s slowly getting better at being emotionally available for you. “What did he say to you (Name)?”
“It’s not like something crazy romantic, like a soliloquy or monologue from Shakespearean plays or whatever. It was really simple and it’s just the way he said it… it just kind of stirred something inside of me.” you sit up to look Keigo in his eyes. “He said he’d do anything for me.”
He leans forward, his forehead bumping against yours and his hand cupping your cheek. Your breaths intermingle in the small space between each other, your lips just a few precious centimeters away from Keigo’s. “Of course he would dove, you deserve so much. You’re just so… so fucking…”
Between you and Keigo, you’ve breached the line of platonic when you had that first threesome. It borders on romantic at times with still a hint of platonic, a certain fondness that Touya isn’t capable of. You think you might be in love with the both of them but you’re unable to measure exactly the distance of that love still. You’ve said ‘I love you’s’ while rolling but that’s what ecstasy does to everyone, makes a person love everything and everyone rather loosely.
Keigo dominates you in the kiss, different than the sensual make outs you’ve engaged in before. Ecstasy is more associated with deep emotions and sensuality rather than just sexual desire. But goddamn he’s getting hard in his pants and he wants to fuck you so bad and if you were just his, he wouldn’t mind just taking you right there on the spot. But you were Touya’s first and his friend would never tolerate letting you be seen naked by other people, would probably break his arm if he found out he tried such a thing. “Wanna get fucked song bird?”
You dumbly nod your head and spit out the gum were you chewing, already stroking the outline of his cock through his pants.
So Keigo pulls you to your feet and you’re unable to grab the water bottle that was brought with you outside. You try to tell him as he drags you back inside the house but he’s moving fast, probably so that no one will have a chance to see his dick print. You whine as he stops suddenly and push onto his back, and you’re about to whine at Keigo but then you’re on the move again. There are a few people upstairs, just drinking and chilling, probably a couple or two hooking up behind closed doors. You’re not certain if this is an Airbnb or if it really is someone’s home but you don’t ask any questions when you’re pulled into a random bedroom.
Normally you’d be very against having sex in someone else’s bedroom, a bathroom or in a closet of a house is fine, but you’re not really thinking about the consideration of who’s bed this might belong to. Not while you’re getting undressed and desperate for Keigo to keep on kissing you as he pushed you on the bed, bent over it and ass out. You fists the sheets in your hands when you feel his mouth against your pussy and eating you out, you feel like you’re wetter than usual and you think it might be from the ecstasy, you never really thought about it the few times you had Touya fucked while rolling. You’ve had friends tell you that they’ve struggled to have sex while rolling but it’s never been a problem for you so far.
“Keigo… Kei, it’s so good.” you whimper as you reach behind and spread your ass cheeks for him. It encourages something new, Keigo’s tongue licking up from your pussy and circling the tip of his tongue against your asshole. Touya’s played with it and fucked your ass before but he’s never actually eaten your ass. So it’s definitely new as Keigo spits on your tight rim and licks you up and down. “Oh god…”
You can hear knocking on the door but your blissed out brain prevents you from being embarrassed about the position you’re in. Keigo can just tell whoever is on the other side to go away.
“Fucking hell, my horny little princess just wants to be stuffed so much. We just fucked last night and you wanna go again?”
“Touya…” You move to sit on the edge of the bed and open your arms to him. “How did you know we were here?”
Touya doesn’t hug you like you hoped he would, he just pushes you to lie back on the bed as he shrugs off his jacket and undoes his belt. “Keigo said you want to get fucked, stopped by me while you were on your way up here and told me to come by in five minutes so I’m here to do that.”
“Thought you were busy…”
“Oh? You don’t want me here?”
The thought of Touya leaving makes you sit up and whine petulantly. “No! No, I want you here! I want the both of you to fuck me!”
“That’s our little whore, always hungry for cock.”
You nod in enthusiastic agreement.
“Let’s make it quick, shouldn’t be in here too long.”
Keigo gets to go first, spreading your legs and making you lie on your back. Your pussy flutters around his cock, groaning when his hips are pressed against your ass. He holds your legs up, ankles in his hand as he starts fucking you. Everything feels so good ecstasy, especially sex as you’re swimming in a warm pool of orgasmic water. When you look up into his golden eyes, it almost makes him falter. He drops your legs and hovers his body over you, his arms braced just above your head as you share eye contact with one another. Everything feels heightened, the pleasure and the fondness for Keigo rises. “You feel good Kei…feel fucking good…”
His cock is bottoming out and you mewl even louder, body feeling feverish but you feel no urge to want to cool down. He talks so much about how pretty you are and that you’re such an angel, all sugar sweet and sentimental. “I wanna eat out this sweet cunt and fuck you until you don’t have anymore goddamn thoughts in your pretty little head.” he’s panting, looks like he won’t last much longer because shit it’s all so overwhelming. Keigo is all you can feel and all you want in this moment. His movements are desperate, pounding you so hard the bed creaks. “My pretty baby bird— fuck!”
You had reached up to his shoulders and dragged your nails down his back and it drives Keigo mad, his eyes briefly rolling to the back of his head but regaining his composure long enough to drive himself into you. You cum, of course you cum, but now you know what it’s like to get fucked by Keigo while rolling. His cock pulses as he finishes in you, thick ropes of semen stuffing you full. When he pulls out, it leaks out onto the bedsheets and you should be more mindful because this might be someone’s bed but you can’t bring yourself to care.
It’s Touya’s turn as he takes Keigo’s place and throws your legs over his shoulders to start brutally pounding you with an enthusiasm that matched Keigo’s but not the same sentimentality. He slides in easily thanks to the cum that was already stuffed in you and doesn’t waste any time. This fucking isn’t exactly kind, Touya isn’t rolling like how you are, but you’ll take any kind of fucking from him in this moment. There’s no sweet words from him, it’s all filth; “So goddamn horny all the damn time, I swear you could be a professional whore with how much you love getting dicked down. You just love being a fucking sex doll, you fucking live for getting your pussy stuffed with cum until it overflows out of you and even then you’ll beg for more!”
You want to scratch Touya’s back too, he loves the pain of your nails making him bleed, but he’s standing up right away from you. Even as you beg for him to come closer so that you can hold him, you can see that he has no intention of giving you what you want. So you have one hand playing with your tits and the other on your clit as Touya uses you shamelessly, wailing as he pummels his cock into you.
The music downstairs is loud but you wonder if you’re louder than it, maybe the people downstairs can hear you screaming how you love cock and that you’re cumming all over Touya’s cock.
He’s panting hard as reaches a hand forward and chokes you while he cums… hard. It’s surprising to see Touya with so little composure, he really must have enjoyed himself.
“Fucking hell, you realized how much you were cumming and what a slut you sounded like? I could barely— fucking hold myself together.” he pants, wiping sweat off his brow and kissing your ankle before setting your legs down. “Fuck… I need water.”
Lucky for you guys, the room you entered has an en suite so you can just drink straight from the faucet instead of wobbling downstairs to get a fresh bottle.
The boys are able to recuperate faster but you still need a few minutes so you tell them you’ll meet them downstairs. After a much needed potty break, you splash your face with cool water and then cup your palms together for it to pool in your hands, leaning down to sip from it. It’s refreshing, quenches your throat and cools you off a bit. Looking into the mirror, you see that your pupils are still as big as dinner plates and you smile at your own reflection. “Fun…”
Another drink of water from the faucet and you decide it’s time to exit the room, getting dressed and smoothing down your hair the best you can. When you open the door to leave, you’re taken aback to see your ex on the other side. He looks the same like the last time you saw him, though he gels his hair a little bit differently now. He looks unsteady on his feet, probably drunk, so you steady your hands on his shoulders and help him inside. “Jun…”
“Whoa… (Name), sorry I didn’t know you were in here. Was lookin’ for an empty room to take a nap…” he explains himself, leaning some of his weight against your body. You help him to sit at the computer chair by the desk in the room. “I can fin’ another room.”
“Ah no, I was just leaving. Just um… I wouldn’t go on the bed.” There’s an obvious wet spot on the bed from where you had cum, Keigo and Touya’s semen leaking out in globs out of your pussy before you cleaned up. “And maybe air out the room too.”
“Yeah, smells like your pussy, all sweet and sunshine. Makes me nostalgic.”
You don’t know what to say to that; clearly he knows that you just got fucked.
Sure you missed Jun at one point in your life, but since being with Touya he hasn’t really crossed your mind since. You look at him, thinking that there was a time that you really wanted to make it work with him but that feeling was long gone now. So you move to open the window for him to clear out smell of sex… and your pussy apparently. “Okay well… I’m gonna go downstairs. Have a good nap.”
“Hey, stay here for a little. Let’s talk.”
Even though you’re rolling, you know that’s not a good idea. “You look tired and my boyfriend is waiting downstairs.”
Jun looks at you, relaxing against the computer chair and undoing the top two buttons of his shirt. “You talking about Dabi? When I heard he got a main girl I was pretty surprised, he used to have a roster of bitches. Then I heard that it was you and I got even more surprised, didn’t think he’d be your type of guy.”
With a mere shrug of your shoulders, you just tell Jun that it’s been working out well between you and Touya, careful to not use his real name.
“Yeah? Things are good? You ever talk about me?” Jun asks as he taps his feet on the floor. “Or you busy getting double teamed with his friend Takami? Can’t talk if one of them is stuffing your mouth while the other plows you from behind.”
If you didn’t know Jun then you would be offended by his words, but that’s his mannerism of speaking when he’s drunk. So you take it in stride and evenly answer, “You came up a few times in the beginning, that’s it.”
Jun nods his head, swivels back and forth in the chair while his head lolls side to side. “You high or something? Got this weird look on your face I’ve never seen on you before.”
“I’m on ecstasy right now.”
“No shit, really? I thought you were all anti-drugs and all that? At least you were when I was seeing you, I guess Dabi turned you huh.”
You sigh and lean against the wall, fingers playing with the hem of your shirt. “I was against hard core drugs like meth or heroin or PCP… I still am against that kind of stuff. A little bit of ecstasy and coke every so often doesn’t hurt me. I’m not cracked out or popping tablets to the point my body can’t produce serotonin anymore.”
“Mm… I see. So you tried new things since the last time I saw you huh?” Jun sits straighter in the chair, leaning his elbow on the arm rest and resting his cheek in his palm. “Ecstasy, coke… threesomes.”
Jun looks at you, seems to be scrutinizing you under his gaze. “You’re not the only person to be hooking up on this floor. But when I was looking for a room to nap in, I passed by this one and I recognized your voice on the other side. Thought it was just you and Dabi at first but I could hear a third person in there and figured it was Takami ���cause he’s the only person your man likes to hang around. I guess now that you tell me that you’re rolling, it makes sense why you were enjoying yourself so much. I’ve fucked on ecstasy before too, feels pretty fantastic.”
You stand a little straighter and look down at Jun. “Right… well you seriously look exhausted so I better-”
“I realized a couple months after you left why you broke up with me. I realized I was kind of fucked up when I was with you and you didn’t deserve it. You were nice back then, wanted to be with me so bad and I didn’t see it. Any guy who wanted to settle down, you would be the right person to do all that stuff with. You were like the girl next door, perfect to bring home to meet mom and dad. But the way you are now…” Jun stands up from the chair and saunters up to you. “You just looking to get stuffed with cock these days? You really a whore like Dabi said you were? You must be if you’re fucking him and Takami.”
“You’re drunk Jun, don’t say stuff that’s going to make things bad between us. This could be a chance for us to start over.” you press him, not wanting to get into this conversation. “We didn’t exactly leave on good terms so we can build something different now.”
“Different huh? Things sure are different now, you’ve got Dabi to do all your nagging to now right? Or maybe he’s fucked you into a mindless whore that only thinks about getting dicked down.”
You huff and clench your jaw harder than it’s already doing because of the drugs, glaring at your annoying ex boyfriend. “So what? You listened to Dabi’s dirty talk like a pervy little voyeur?” It’s hard to gather up your guts when you’re on ecstasy and honestly a little hard to concentrate but you definitely won’t let yourself be talked down like that and you won’t allow yourself to take this kind of abuse. “You’re a bitch.”
His hand goes for your throat and you’re thrown hard against the wall, stress on your windpipe making you gasp and fingernails dig into your neck. This takes you back to the break up when you did the exact same thing to him; the irony is definitely not lost on you. But even with Jun’s threatening hand around your throat you gasp out, “You’re a pussy.”
“This is kind of like how our break up happened except you’re the one against the wall. How does it feel to be choked on ecstasy? Feel good? Miss my hands?” he asks, liquor heavy on his breath. “You used to be so nice, you know that?”
You’re strangling me you asshole.
If only there was enough pressure lifted off your throat to tell him that, weakly grabbing at his wrist and trying to tug him off.
But it’s a very lucky thing for you that Touya likes to keep tabs on you because you recognize the sound of his boots approaching the door, wondering what’s taking you so damn long. If he sees Jun like this, he’ll for sure beat his ass or worse. Even though you hate him so much in this moment, you’d rather not put Jun or Touya through that kind of thing. So you wheeze out to him the best you can, “Let go… he’s coming…”
The door swings open as Jun takes his hand back and you lower your head down.
“The fuck’s taking you so long doll…” Touya’s voice drifts as he looks at Jun when he enters the room and even though you’re not looking at him, you can see in your imagination that he’s got suspicion in those turquoise blue eyes of his. “Friend of yours?”
What you remember about Jun is that he doesn’t have a lot of tact, that it’d be smarter in this situation to just say, ‘yes, we’re friends.’ After all, Touya doesn’t know his face so he could get away with that and just be on his way. But he’s such a smug shit when he tells Touya, “I’m her ex-boyfriend, Jun. The guy before you, you know? We were just catching up a little, right (Name)?”
“Mm…” you hum, going to Touya for a hug and hiding your face in his chest. Despite the apathetic expression he’s sporting, you can tell that he’s a little disgruntled with Jun already. “Yeah, just catching up. It’s hot in here…”
Touya pets the top of your head and tells you to go to downstairs, prepared to walk down with you but Jun stops him with a question. “Dabi right? Before you go, I was wondering if you happen to have any 2CB I can score? Or maybe another connect I could go to?”
You walk alone out of the room as Touya stays behind to do business with Jun. Keigo waits by the foot of the stairs and when your feet touch the ground floor, you hug him and tell him that you want a drink. “Okay dove, I saw them making another jungle juice so I’ll get you a cup.”
An hour passes and you’re surprised that Touya is going about his business and Jun is mingling with the set of friends he came to the party with. You figure that probably nothing happened despite your ex’s snarky introduction to your boyfriend. Keigo has you in his lap and you’ve been curled against his body since coming back from the room while Keigo is happily chatting with a fellow classmate from one of his lab’s. He’s got one hand around on your thigh and the other massaging the back of your back. It feels good but hurts a little at certain spots and you’re not sure why.
It’s getting close to three and the party is dwindling down, hyped up drinking has turned into chill sipping and the music plays mellow hiphop beats. Last you saw Jun he was standing in the kitchen when you went to go get more water, not sparing him any of your attention as he took a shot of whiskey and chased it with cola. Touya will be done soon, three in the morning is usually his cut off if he hasn’t taken anything to keep him awake.
“Alright you two, let’s get going.” Touya stifles a yawn as he walks up to you, nodding passively at a random party goer that greets him.
You stand up from Keigo’s lap and smooth down your shirt, frowning down at the wrinkles and thinking that you have to go through the trouble of ironing it. “My neck kinda hurts for some reason, I don’t know why.”
“Really? I’ve been massaging you but you haven’t said anything dove. Let me see…” Keigo stands behind you and plants his hands on your shoulders, pushing the pads of his thumbs up into the muscles at the back of your neck. “Is it here?”
“No… more like in the front?”
“(Name), lift your head up. Look at the ceiling for me.” Touya tells you, his voice sounding hard for some reason when it was just a little tired a few seconds ago.
You don’t know what they’re seeing when you look up but you hear a growl from Touya and a gasp from Keigo. “Jesus dude, did you have to choke her that hard?”
“I fucking didn’t.” Touya turns sharply on his heel and walks fast. Suddenly he’s a man on a mission and Keigo is after him and asking what had happened. You take your phone out of your pocket and use the front facing camera to see what they were talking about. You see what they were seeing; purple bruises around your neck in the shape of a handprint.
Jun is fucking dead.
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kurt-nightcrawler · 4 years
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐈𝐈 𝐱 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Request: Aww I loved the one shot with mother nature and Warren! I loved how her eyes turned pink, when she saw Warren! I'd like to know more about them. Could you give us a little fluffy glimpse into their relationship? Thank you, my dear! You're amazing! 💕
Warnings: language, brief nudity, mention of vaping, and underage drinking (everyone is 18+ unless stated otherwise)
Word count: 4.1k
A/N: I haven’t written anything in awhile but I’m trying to get back into things! Also I know this isn’t a glimpse into their relationship but I’m going to write some cute fluffy date one shots for them
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Warren’s heart was pounding as he watched her from across the room. She was all he could think about, the class had no interest for him at the moment. He wanted to spend every second of his day with her, basking in her aura, living through every cliche they checked off together— 
“Huh?” He lost his train of thought and looked up at the teacher.
“What’s so important you’re not focusing on the board?” 
  “Oh, uh, nothing. Nothing, sorry.” A few kids snickered, and the teacher told them to stop, before continuing with the lecture.
“Now, does anyone know when the Cold War ended?”
Warren kept his head down and quickly scribbled down notes. 
(Y/N) raised her hand and was called on. “1991.”
Warren glanced at her again, reality sinking in for him…
Warren and (Y/N) were not dating. They were just friends. 
Sure, they’d kissed twice and held hands once, but so did most middle schoolers in their first relationship. 
Warren sighed and wrote down key facts about the fall of the Berlin wall.
Her eyes never faltered from their bright and soft pink hue when around him though— which meant she still liked him, despite what his mind told him at two in the morning. 
Scott and Jubilee told him he just needed to “ask her out.” 
Easier said than done. 
He didn’t want to just “ask her out”. He wanted to know her favorite color, the handful of youtube videos she would listen to for background noise while doing homework or tending to plants, her favorite comfort meal— Warren wanted more than the usual comfort he had with their friends, sitting in the group, not saying much, zoning out often. (Y/N) trusted him and saw the good in him. Warren wanted to prove her right— that he was more than his past mistakes and scars. 
He needed to spend more time with her, like when they finished their history paper and ate grilled cheese and played never have I ever. 
He wanted more of that, but he had no idea how to ask for it. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” Scott asked for the millionth time.
“I have no interest in a house party,” Warren responded dryly. “I don’t like parties, and I’m trying to quit drinking.” 
“But you hardly ever go out with us!” Kurt complained. 
“I won’t have fun. I have no reason to go.” 
Scott sighed, ready to leave Warren be until someone came into the room.
“Oh my gosh, Scott, Warren, hi!” She greeted them, clearly not expecting to run into them.
“Kurt, Jubilee wanted to borrow your Thriller jacket. Not for tonight, but tomorrow, and I told her I’d tell you if I saw you…” 
“Oh! Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll just give it to her now.” Kurt walked over to his closet. 
“So… Warren…” (Y/N) fidgeted with her hands.
He immediately perked up, “Yeah?” 
“Are you— um, I don’t know if someone already said— but are you going to the party tonight?” 
“Are you?” He was sure she could hear his heart beating in his chest like a drum solo in an 80s hair band song. 
“Yeah! I almost always go to parties.” 
“Oh…” Maybe he would have fun if he went out for once in his life. “Yeah, I’m going.”
“That’s great!” (Y/N) was a little too enthusiastic and tried to hide her excitement with her words. “Um, we could maybe hang out then?”
 “Yeah, yeah, uh, sounds good.” 
“Great! I’ll see you later…” Warren nodded and hummed in reply. Kurt was long gone, having gone to Jubilee’s room to give her his red jacket. 
(Y/N) bid Scott goodbye and left.
“I can’t believe it…” Scott was utterly dumbfounded. All (Y/N) had to do was mutter a few words and just like that— Warren was going to the party. Warren never went to house parties with the group. 
“You never go to house parties.”
“First time for everything… Now get out, I wanna shower before we leave.” 
“Fine, fine.” Scott raised his hands in defense. “I’m leaving.”
Soon as the door shut, Warren ran to the bathroom to shower. 
He began to run shampoo through his hair and lather. Then he moved onto conditioning his ends, letting it sit for a while as he washed his body with soap and an exfoliator. 
Warren rinsed out the conditioner, and hopped out of the shower, scrunching the ends of his hair with a towel. He left them semi-damp and quickly washed his face, brushed his teeth, and put on deodorant. 
He didn’t bother to wrap a towel around his waist as he went to his closet to pick out something to wear. 
“Jeans and a t-shirt?” Warren held a David Bowie tee in his hands, before throwing it on his bed. “What was that thing Jubilee said?... Accessorize?... Do I own accessories?” 
Warren opened his desk drawer to try and see if he even owned any. 
He had a few old chains and some silver rings. 
“These should work… but is a t-shirt too plain? Should I do better? Would a black turtleneck look nicer?” 
Warren put his clothes and accessories on and looked in the mirror. “Yeah, yeah this looks good.” 
Warren dug in his closet a bit more, looking for something specific. 
Cologne. “Is this too much? I never wear this.”  He grabbed his phone and googled “where to apply cologne”. 
He rolled up his sleeves and starting applying a little to his wrists, forearms, and neck. “That should be good.”  Warren looked at his reflection in the mirror, running a hand through his hair before heading downstairs to meet up with his friends.
“She just bat her eyes and suddenly Warren decided to go to the party,” Scott explained to his girlfriend and her roommate as they got ready for the party. 
“Well, he likes her, Scott.” Jean pointed out.
“I’m just shocked—”
“We could get her to get him to do anything…” Jubilee thought out loud.
“Yeah, but (Y/N)’s too nice. She wouldn’t want to abuse the power she has over him, and she’s probably unaware of it anyway.”
“Do we have enough room in the car?” Jubilee asked as she applied mascara. 
“Kurt said he and Ororo were going to teleport and get there a bit earlier than the rest of us,” Scott said face looking down at his phone.
Jubilee rolled her eyes.  
“I think Noah’s going,” Jean offered up as she slipped her socks on.
“I might get him to play seven minutes in heaven with me.”
Scott squinted his eyes. “Noah Fence? He smells like mango-flavored vape.”
“He doesn’t actually vape— his sister does and her car broke so he’s been driving her to swim practice and stuff.” 
“Still, it’s gross.” 
Jubilee glared at him through the mirror, “You’re gross.” 
Jean shut down the argument before it could escalate, “Are you guys ready to go?” 
“Good, let’s go.”
Warren ran into (Y/N) as he was heading to the garage. 
“Hey,” He greeted her. 
“Oh, hi! You look nice...” Her eyes were pink as she looked at him. A constant reminder of the feelings looming over them.  
“Oh— oh. Uh, thanks.” Warren’s face was slightly flushed from the compliment. 
“You smell nice too… Not that you don’t smell nice all the time!” Her eyes went fully purple in embarrassment. “Or that you’re gross— you just smell really nice tonight— um, I’m just going to stop talking. Uh, sorry.” 
“No, you’re fine. Um, thank you.” Warren bit his lip and fidgeted with his hands as he and (Y/N) waited for the others to get to the garage. 
(Y/N) awkwardly nodded and was silent, refusing to meet his eyes. 
Oh god… Warren thought to himself. She probably thinks I look scary… I should have just worn a hoodie and called it a day… She’s not going to want to be around me all night and then I’ll—
As the rest of the group entered the garage Jean interrupted his train of thought to explain (Y/N)’s demeanor. 
“She’s flustered, Bird Brain… She thinks you look hot.” 
“Oh… What?” 
Jean rolled her eyes and called out “Shotgun!” So she could sit next to Scott on the ride there. 
“I’m not sitting in the middle,” Jubilee said as she opened the car door.
“Fine,” (Y/N) sighed. “I’ll sit in the middle… Warren, do you want the left or right side?” 
“I don’t care.” Warren was nervous to sit next to (Y/N). He knew it would be perfect for them to make small talk, but Warren had no idea what to talk about. 
Jubilee sat on (Y/N)’s right, so Warren had to sit on the left. 
“Can I have the aux cord?” Jubilee asked. 
“No,” Scott said, waiting for everyone to put on seatbelts before pulling out of Xaiver’s large garage. “You had it last time, and all you did was play songs from Phinneas and Ferb.”
“Yeah, because they’re major bops!”
“Who’s Phinneas and Ferb?” Warren whispered to (Y/N).
She gasped, “You’ve never seen Phinneas and Ferb?” 
Warren shook his head, “No?”
“What?” Scott asked. “It’s a classic— you know Perry the Platipus and Dr. Doofensmurzt.” 
“Uh…” Warren was extremely confused.
“Oh my god!  We need to have a Phinneas and Ferb marathon! Me, you,” (Y/N) Poked Warren’s arm.  “Pizza, some breadsticks— we could do it next weekend.”
“Sure. I’m not busy.” If Warren knew not watching some kid show about a platypus growing up would lead to him spending more time with (Y/N), possibly alone, he would have said something sooner.
“Were you one of those kids who only watched PBS? Jean asked.
“The channel with all those British dramas?”
“No no, PBS kids— Arthur, Martha Speaks, Cyberchase, those shows?”
“Never heard of them,” Warren awkwardly admitted. 
“What’d you watch as a kid then?” 
“Um, a lot of old black and white movies… Psycho, M, Frankenstein, Vampyr… My mom really liked them, and we had a bunch so…” Warren shrugged. 
“Wait you watched those as a kid?” Jubilee asked. “How old were you?”
“Like eight? I dunno. That’s just what I grew up with.” 
“Hey, so uh, I just googled whatever M is. And uh— what the fuck?” Saying (Y/N) was shocked would be an understatement.  
“Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it? Like, do you need a hug? I’m very worried for you. Maybe we should go home and watch like kids cartoons or something—”
Warren couldn’t understand why she was so upset, but he knew she was extremely bothered. (Y/N) rarely swore. 
“It’s a good movie to teach kids about stranger danger,” Warren explained what his parents told him.
“It’s about a man murdering children!” 
“(Y/N), almost all kids watch a scary movie or two—” Scott misread the situation. “Alex let me watch The Exorcist when I was 10.” 
“Scary?” Warren asked Scott. “I didn’t—”
“What do you know! We are finally here!” Jean cut off Warren, glaring at Scott. 
“Let’s go find Ororo and Kurt— I think Sarah Byer was bringing white claws.”
Warren was a little unsure about the party once he stepped out of the car. He’d worked hard to stay sober for a few months and he didn’t want to break his streak. 
But (Y/N) grabbed his hand as they walked toward the sound of Travis Scott playing through speakers, and he decided to devote his night to her completely. 
After all, she was the only reason he eve agreed to come.
“Ever been to a house party before?” (Y/N) asked. 
“No, but I went to clubs in Germany. It’s the same right?”
“Yeah, I’d think so. Except no one is 21, and there’s chanting depending on if the host’s school won their weekend football game or not.” 
Warren smiled at (Y/N)’s joke. “The drinking age in Germany is 16. I wasn’t even carded when I went to places.” (Y/N) snickered as she fixed herself a drink. 
“That’s Smirnoff, can you handle that?” Warren was concerned, to say the least. He’d never seen (Y/N) drink, or even drunk. 
But you know what they say, “First time for everything.”
“I’m not going to have it without a chaser! Look, I know I don’t really drink, but I deserve this. I had a very hard week— one of the new students set my painting for class on fire, and now I have to start over and it’s worth 30% of my grade. I’m going to let loose a little.” 
Warren sighed, “Just don’t chug it. Speaking from experience.” 
“Thanks, Birdie.” 
Warren’s insides felt fuzzy at the sound of the nickname but blamed it on the loud environment. 
(Y/N) took a few sips before grabbing Warren’s hand again and dragging him into another room of the house. “Come on! There are some kids from Bayville I want to introduce you too.” 
(Y/N) found a mixed group of Xavier and Bayville students and had her and Warren join the conversation.
“Guys, this is Warren,” (Y/N) introduced him to the group.
A few hellos and names were given out for Warren and he just smiled and waved. 
“(Y/N) you look different, like not bad, but like different—” A girl with a split dye said.
“I’ve got more flowers in my hair.” 
“It might be the lighting, but your eyes look different…”
“Oh, uh, yeah…” (Y/N) took a large sip from her cup and avoided the other girl’s gaze as her eyes went from pink to purple. “New color, haha.”
Warren was blushing, thinking it was his fault she was so embarrassed. 
The girl with the split dye looked at him and then it clicked in her mind, “Oh… Oh…! Cute, cute.” 
“Shut up!” (Y/N) joking told her. “We’re just friends…” 
Warren tried to hide his nervousness with a half-assed chuckle, “Yep.”
“Whatever, I’m going to look for Kurt.” 
The girl walked off and several people from the group had wandered away as well. 
(Y/N) took another large sip of her drink. “Um, do you like, want to see what like Jubilee is doing or something? We don’t just have to stand around…” Her head started to feel heavy, but she ignored the feeling.
“Sure. Lead the way.” (Y/N) smiled and interlaced her fingers with his, dragging him into the main room. 
Jubilee was in the den with a few other kids playing truth or dare. 
“Hey, guys, can we join?” 
“Hey! (Y/N)! Sure, but I want an orange.” 
She giggled and sat down on the ground, Warren copying her movement. (Y/N) held her hand out for a moment, focusing on the orange growing in the palm of her hand. 
“Is a cutie good? All I can do right now,” She huffed.
“Yeah, that’s good.” She handed the mini orange over and officially joined the game. 
“Jubilee,” Some guy with glasses and a sports team t-shirt said. “I dare you to kiss Noah!”
“Pfft… Easy.” Noah was sitting to her left, so all Jubilee had to do was turn to face him, grab his shirt, and pull him into her, smashing her lips against his drunkenly and aggressively. 
The group let out drunken cheers and someone even wolf-whistled. 
Warren considered getting a drink, for he was way too sober for all of this. But he remembered (Y/N) had been drinking. A lot. What if something happened to her? What if she blacked out? What if she threw up? Warren didn’t want to risk it just so some silly house party could be more bearable for him. 
“I said kiss him not swallow his face!”
“You didn’t specify.” Jubilee shot back. “My turn!... (Y/N), truth, or dare.”
Someone booed. “She only picks truth.” 
(Y/N) swallowed more of the liquid in her cup before answering. “Nu-uh! Jube, I pick dare.”
“I dare you to take your bra off for the rest of the night!”
Warren’s eyes widened a little as she reached behind her back under her top to unclasp her bra. 
“Wooo!” A few people cheered.   
“Take your top off too.” One of the guys joked. Warren shot him a dirty look and the guy got very quiet and looked away. 
My scary looks actually came in handy. 
(Y/N) and Warren played for a few more rounds, but by then the game was getting kind of boring for (Y/N) and she wanted to do something else. 
“Ooo! Warren they’re playing a really good song, come on!” She dragged him out of the den and to the main room.
He didn’t recognize the song, but it wasn’t bad. (Y/N) quickly chugged everything left in her cup and handed it along with her bra to Warren. “Can you hold these? Please…?” 
Warren couldn’t say no, even if he wanted to. 
(Y/N) started drunkenly dancing along to the beat, having the time of her life. Warren moved a little bit with her, a bit more aware of his surroundings and socially awkward. 
“Loosen up!” She giggled. 
“I’m sober.” 
“Doesn’t mean you can’t have fun! C’mere—” She took his arms and guided them to wrap around her waist, forcing him to keep up with her drunken swaying. She guided his hands down to her ass, despite having her bra and empty cup in one of them.
“Woah!” Warren quickly moved his hands away from her ass.
(Y/N)’s eyes turned grey and purple. “Sorry… I thought you’d like that…” 
“Maybe when you haven’t had two cups full of vodka.”
“They weren’t full. There was lemonade and some mint leaves in there.” 
Warren nodded, going with what she was saying, “Uh-huh.” 
“I’m serious! You— you saw me! What— Whatever… Let’s keep dancing.” 
Warren obliged and they danced together for a few more songs. Mostly just (Y/N) waving her hands around and Warren making sure she didn’t trip— but dancing nonetheless. 
“Hey, I’m—” (Y/N)’s hand flew to her mouth and she stood still for a moment. 
“Hey, hey—” Warren put his hand on her back. “Do you need to go to the bathroom?” 
“No, no, I’m fine! I’m fine…” She tried to drunkenly reassure him. 
“Maybe we should go home. It’s late and I don’t want you to get sick.”
“Aww… Birdie…” 
“I’m going to text the group chat to let them know we’re leaving. We can get an uber or something.”
(Y/N) almost puked I’m taking her back to the mansion.
Get that plussy!, you sexi Draco Malfoy type 
No offense is going home too! He lives near Xaiver’s ask for a ride 
*Noah Fence
 Warren took (Y/N) outside and saw Noah on the front porch. “Hey, Noah.”
“Hey! Warren, right?” Warren nodded.
“Hi, Noahhhhhh…” (Y/N) slurred out. “Jubilee thinks you’re really cute…” 
Noah chuckled, “I know, we kissed during truth or dare. Remember?” 
(Y/N) squinted her eyes, deep in thought. “You did?” 
“Uh-huh...” He met Warren’s gaze, “You guys need a ride?”
“Yeah, Jean said you lived near Xavier’s?” 
Noah nodded, “Yeah, yeah. I live in the neighborhood over.” 
Warren opened the passenger door for (Y/N) and helped her step in the car. 
“You can sit in the front if you want, more space.” Noah offered.
 “I’m okay. Thanks though.” 
“Okay.” Noah turned his car on, the radio automatically playing. He quickly turned it off before backing out of his parking spot and heading onto the road of the neighborhood.
(Y/N) was starting to fall asleep on the ride home. Her eyes slowly closing, and her head falling to the side, resting on Warren’s shoulder. He wrapped an arm around her to make it more comfortable.   
The tension between the two boys made the car ride a bit awkward.
“So… uh, Jubilee said this was your first house party with (Y/N).” 
“Are you guys like dating or…?”
“Um…” No was technically the right answer, but it didn’t feel right. (Y/N) and Warren had kissed, twice. And her eyes were still pink around him no matter what. She liked him and he liked her. 
Warren really needed to grow a pair and just say “Screw best friends to lovers” or whatever he used as an excuse as to why he put off asking her out. 
“It’s complicated…” He told Noah.
“Ah… I see…”
“Yeah, I don’t know—”
“No, I get it. I get it. Jubilee and I never really put labels on whatever we are, and like, I’m cool with it. But it gets weird sometimes. I dunno…” 
Warren awkwardly chuckled, “Yeah… Relationships are… complicated.”
Noah pulled into the front through the gates, stopping his car to let Warren and (Y/N) out. 
“(Y/N)...” Warren gently nudged her awake.
“Hmmm… What?”
“We’re home. You gotta wake up.” 
Warren opened the car and helped her out. “Thanks for the ride, Noah.”
“Yeah, no problem! See you guys later.”
“See ya.”
Noah drove away as Warren and (Y/N) went through Xavier’s garage to enter the mansion. 
“Where—Where’s my bra?” (Y/N) cupped her breasts in confusion as they walked up the stairs to the dorm floor. 
“You took it off and gave it to me.” 
“Oh…” (Y/N) looked at the bra warren had hanging from his forearm. “You can keep it…” 
“I don’t— I don’t have boobs.” 
“Oh…” Her face fell. 
“Ah!” A light went off in her mind. “You have pecs though.” 
Warren blushed, “Yeah, but, you need  this more than me.” 
(Y/N) sighed as she opened the door to her room. “Fine… set it on the desk.” She kicked her shoes off. 
“Want to grab your toothbrush?” He asked.
“I’m tired…”
“I know, but you’ll thank me later if you at least brush your teeth.” 
“Fine.” She grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste out of a bag.   
“We can use my bathroom. That way I’ll stop you from falling asleep at the sink.” 
“Lead the way, Birdie.” Warren obliged, and led her out of her room towards his. (Y/N) quietly linked her pinkie with his. Toothbrush in her other hand.  
Warren’s heart fluttered inside his ribcage. 
He quietly opened the door and turned the light on. (Y/N) followed him inside. 
They both went into the bathroom, (Y/N) standing in front of the sink, and Warren sitting on the closed toilet like it was a chair.  
She stood there, looking in the mirror for a moment. 
“You good?” Warren asked, thinking she zoned out.
“Yeah…” (Y/N) nodded. “My eyes are really pretty… I like the pink...” She looked at Warren and grinned. 
“You’re so drunk.” He teased.
“I am.” (Y/N) turned the water on and wet her toothbrush, then put the toothpaste on, before bringing it up to her mouth.  
 She didn’t do a great job at brushing her teeth, her hands tired and she kept laughing at nothing, but she still brushed them nonetheless. 
(Y/N) rinsed her toothbrush off when finished. She yawned, and Warren stood up. 
“Need me to carry you?” He offered.
“Oh…” Her eyes turned purple. “I’m too big…” 
Warren shrugged, “I can lift like five-hundred pounds, you’ll be like a flower in my arms.”  
She looked at him, tired and eyes wide, “Okay.” 
Warren scooped her up in his arms, bridal style, and carried her back to her room. (Y/N) buried her face into his chest, enjoying the moment in a haze. 
Warren left the light off and set (Y/N) on her bed. 
(Y/N) took her pants off, throwing them on the floor along with her top. 
Warren’s eyes widened— he looked into her eyes— avoiding glancing down and overstepping boundaries. 
“Why do you keep starring at my face?” She asked as she plugged her phone in. 
“Uh, you don’t, um… I don’t— you’re naked.”
“Oh! I’m naked!” (Y/N) quickly got under her covers and drew them up to her neck. 
Warren chuckled lightly at her antics, “Yeah. You are.” 
(Y/N) yawned and shifted in her bed, getting comfortable. 
“Do you have water and pain killers?” 
“Uh-huh… my bag.” She mumbled.
“Take those in the morning, okay?” 
“Mhmm…” She hummed.
“Okay…” Warren patted her head. “Goodnight, Flower.” 
Once Warren had left, (Y/N) felt like she melted into mush under her blanket. 
He called me Flower… and he pet my head… I think I’m in love with him…
She quickly fell asleep after that, with the moment playing on loop in her tired mind. 
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• Randvi x female reader 💋
a sapphire for your heart, part IV
Morning found you wide awake and restless. Your bedding was a mess on the floor and you were lying on the fresh straw which filled your bed. Nausea threatened to spill with every little movement you made; nausea from lack of sleep, and from overthinking. But with a bit of effort you managed to push yourself to sit and wash down the bile with a jug full of lemon water.
The day was promising. It seemed a lot of passers-by had stopped by the docks to bring news or tend to various local business, and many curious young men and women were flocking around Reda’s tend of exotic wonders. You made a careful selection of your own items and brought them outside for the visitors to see and admire, and eventually purchase. Saxon women were especially interested in your variety of colorful fabrics; bright teal, gold, and crimson shawls which powerfully contrasted their otherwise somber outfits. But it was your natural charms that convinced reluctant men to buy expensive gifts for their wives and daughters, and by noon you nearly sold out everything you’ve selected for that day.
All, but one.
It was an emerald green, pure silk scarf, beautifully ornate with golden threads and precious garnet beads. You were offered a hefty sum for it, but you declined with a smile and neatly packed it in your bag.
There were several locals and guests in the longhouse, chatting and enjoying the first course of their supper. Among them, you spotted a beautiful Viking with bright auburn hair and a jug of mead in her large hand. She was accompanied by several friends whom she chatted and laughed with; perhaps it was not the best of times to speak with her. But before you could take your leave, a dark-haired woman waved her arm and asked you to join them at their table. Randvi turned her head to look and when she saw you, she smiled the most beautiful smile you’d ever seen. Your heart raced like a hummingbird, sending little thrills of excitement through every cell of your being.
God… you were bewitched.
“You must be Sapphire! I’m Petra, it’s nice to meet you.”
The woman who beckoned you grinned as she made room for you to sit next to her, and right across from Randvi. You fiercely battled to keep your emotions hidden, to appear collected as you spoke with the people who would accompany you the next day in your treasure hunt. You’d be a group of five, with Petra helping you explore paths safe from dangerous wild predators, and the other three were warriors meant to protect you. A small, but capable group. You drank in their names, clashed jugs with them, and with Randvi, and promised a good journey tomorrow. However, there was a troubling feeling gnawing at your thoughts – the fact that she wouldn’t be there with you.
Soon, the longhouse was full of people dancing and singing, and enjoying the pleasant company of one another as they feasted. In the overwhelming loudness of cheering and music, you excused yourself and went outside to get a breath of fresh air. The night was crisp, sobering you up and lessening the ache at your temples.
“Were we too much for you?”
Your heart jumped at the sound of a beautiful familiar voice caressing your ears. When you looked back, Randvi was standing right behind you on the wooden porch. The light from within cast a glow upon her tall, godly silhouette, making her appear holy. You tightened the hold on your bag, momentarily deciding to postpone gifting her the shawl.
“Not at all. It was the smoke, it stung my eyes.” You answered with a smile.
She slowly closed the distance between you, and with a kind palm at the small of your back she encouraged you to walk with her further away from the longhouse. It was a simple, ghostly touch which lasted a moment, and yet it set your heart ablaze.
How cruel fate must’ve been to plant the seed of desire so deep into your core, only to watch you twist and struggle against the shackles of sapphic love. The way Randvi seemed to glow beneath the pallid moonlight was enthralling; the whole blanket of shimmering stars reflected in her deep cobalt eyes.
“How do you like Ravensthorpe so far?”
She asked.
You glanced at her briefly; beside the lingering smell of smoke in the longhouse and her anguished cries in the night, everything was perfect! But you wouldn’t dare say that out loud.
“It’s lovely. I’ve never been to a Viking settlement before. Your architecture and clothing designs are breathtaking.”
“Clothing designs?” She echoed, slightly amused; perhaps it was the mead.
“Yes. The fabrics you use, the intricate patterns and choice of color… the carvings in your shields and weapons. It’s beautiful.” You confessed with a smile. The way you spoke of her traditional wear made Randvi’s mirth dissolve into surprise.
There was a knot in your throat and your chest felt heavy, as if you were about to spill all the thoughts and feelings you’ve been silently enduring since the day you’ve been acquainted with her. The sound of the river reminded you of her pained, secret cries; you wanted to ask why. Yet all you could do was stand very still as you slowly lost yourself in the depth of her intense, beckoning gaze.
“What else do you like?” She inquired as she shifted from one foot to the other and crossed her large arms over her bosom. Her authoritative pose caught you off guard – heavens, she was a force you could not resist. Your gaze lingered on her dazzling eyes, and then slowly followed the trail of her sharp cheekbones and perfect jaw, all the way to her full lips.
“Your spirit.” You answered. “How your people fight – courageous, almost reckless, unified and strong. There’s something about you…”
Randvi’s interest slowly seemed to grow as she listened. You locked your eyes with hers again, and this time you couldn’t look away. It was beyond sinful to have certain thoughts about a married woman, and yet her allure was stripping you of all reason. If Sigurd was there, he’d probably raise a fist against you, and you’d be crazy enough to challenge him.
“I want you to join us tomorrow.”
Suddenly, you spoke.
“On the hunt you mean? I’m afraid I cannot. There is work I must tend to, here.” Randvi declined, albeit she was pleasantly surprised.
“Whatever work you have cannot be more important than such a great find – I want you to be there, to see the gold for yourself.” You felt as if you found a small grip on her will, and you weren’t about to let go. Something burned deep within you; a flame which would consume you whole if Randvi would refuse you again. Thankfully, she promised she’d consider it.
Delighted, you turned your head to hide a smile in the crook of your shoulder. All of a sudden, tomorrow seemed like decades away.
The graceful Viking walked you to each and every house of Ravensthorpe, introducing you to their current stores and notable landscapes to admire. The abundance of colorful flowers and their sweet smell was intoxicating, lulling you closer to Mother Nature’s chest. There was a soft bed of moss right beside the pool at the base of a waterfall, and that’s where you sat down to tell each other stories.
“Norway's mountains are quite treacherous. It snows heavily most of the year, and unless you’re an experienced tracker, you’d surely find your demise in those steep valleys.”
She spoke with a smile as she fondly remembered her homeland. You were intrigued, absorbing every word and watching her attentively as you learned about the Aurora Borealis and the myths of Odin and Freya, and ragnarok. How fiercely Asgard battled against Jotunheim, and how humans eventually outlived both gods and Jotuns. It was easy to picture these fables coming to life when Randvi told them in such refined detail and with so much confidence. There must’ve been a grain of truth to her words.
“Ymir's tear… I would die for that stone. I’ve heard stories of that gem scattered all over Asgard.” You sighed as you leaned back to stretch over that soft moss and gaze up at the night sky, in awe. You felt those precious blue eyes on you, yet you didn’t dare look, fearful that you’d lose yourself in them all over again.
“Sapphire is a very beautiful name.” She spoke, and you smiled.
“That’s not my birth name…” You confessed.
“When I was six years of age, I had this… feeling, as if I knew something was beneath my feet, pulsing, calling me.” You begun your tale and Randvi lowered herself on her side, watching you.
“I had this uncontrollable urge to dig, to see what lured me in and never let me sleep. I broke four of mother’s spoons trying to tear apart the dry, hard soil.” A brief laugh escaped you as you reminisced.
“At last, my older brother stole a shovel from the neighbor one night, and by morning we dug a hole thrice our size. The neighbor was furious, and mother was about to smack us when she saw what we did to our yard.
But then… beneath the damp, muddy floor of the cavern we dug, I felt it again. That urge, that call; I ripped the soil apart with my bare hands, and out I pulled a little satchel. Inside it were two sapphires. I can see them now… shimmering in the light of dawn… they felt sharp and cold, and fit perfectly into my hands, as if they were made for me.” You bit back a smile as you turned your head and saw Randvi, in all of her beauteous glory, propped on her elbow and watching you in awe. Her eyes were just like the sapphires you fell in love with.
“And then?...” She asked with vivid curiosity.
“Mother sold them to buy a farm. And when I was nine summers old, a cart with two travelers stopped by and took me. They promised mother silver, and that I’d be returned by fall with a bag full of precious stones. But… when we returned… We found the farm abandoned, burnt to the ground.”
Randvi’s gaze seemed to soften with sorrow, yet your grin never faltered as you shook your head.
“I kept on traveling, I saw the world. They called me Sapphire ever since, and I forgot my birth name as the years went by… The world, Randvi… it’s so beautiful…” You pushed yourself to sit, drawing closer as you whispered to her.
“Come with me in the morning, let us explore and travel together...”
Her auburn lashes fluttered, as if she was awoken from a trance. She took a moment to think, to find her words or collect herself; but when she turned to meet your gaze again, she answered with a nod.
“I will. I wish to see you dig for gemstones, to see your blessed hands pull treasures free from the earth.”
Your chest swelled with joy, and all at once you were buzzing with excitement.  
-          To be continued…
*part V.
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alto-march-of-death · 4 years
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I’m so excited to finally get this posted! For the secret Santa we did in the server, I got the chance to write this for the lovely @my-mass-hysteria​! It worked out with my Christmas event since she sent in a request that worked with what I had planned! I hope you enjoy this! (Featuring this ↓ request)
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Summary: Asahi plans a lovely date for the two of you, though he knows how you feel about the snow; “It’s too cold,” you always say. He’s hoping that you’ll enjoy it despite the weather.
Pairing: Azumane Asahi x gn! reader (let me know if you see anything that says otherwise)
Word count: ~1.4K
Warnings: none, it’s all fluff
A/N: I also want to say a thanks to @shnnn for putting this whole thing together! You’re an absolute gem and I love you ❤️
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Asahi stood on your doorstep, his coat pulled close around him. His scarf was wound tightly around his neck, and a beanie was atop his head, keeping his long hair sitting around his shoulders; the way you liked it. In his hands were two cups of hot chocolate; one made just the way you like it, and the other for him.
He had spent so long planning this date, booking and planning while you slept, so that it would be a surprise. He wanted it to go perfectly and without a hitch. The usual nerves were starting to get to him, and the cups in his hands shook with just the slightest tremors. 
Once you opened the door, however, those nerves faded away. Asahi knew you got cold easily, and a smile broke out across his face when you walked out in your heavy coat, thick scarf, and ear muffs with matching gloves. 
“It’s so cold,” you whine. “I like you a lot and I know that everything you had planned will be great, but it’s just so cold; almost too cold!” 
“Here, take this. It’ll help warm you up a bit,” he says, handing you the hot chocolate. Once you’re holding the cup, he offers his elbow to you, pulling you closer to his side once it’s looped through.
As the two of you walked, you discussed how the last week had been. You had been busy with your job, and he with his, so catching up was a must. He kept you close the whole walk to the park, which was your first destination. The closer the two of you got to the meeting spot, the more he began to sweat. The person that was supposed to be there hadn’t arrived yet, or at least not from what he could tell. 
“Asahi? Hello? Everything okay,” you ask. He had been spacing out, lost in his own world as you walked. “Thought I lost you there for a minute.”
He rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling a bit. “No, everything is fine! I’m just expecting someone to meet us here, and they haven’t arrived.” As soon as the sentence left his mouth, there was the sound of bells and horse hooves. “Ah, guess I just needed to be patient. Here they come now.”
You turned, not at all expecting what you saw. Coming across the snowy park was a horse-drawn sleigh. Once the man leading the horse stopped in front of you, he tipped his hat, and stepped down from his spot.
“Whenever you’re ready, you can climb on in. There are a few blankets in the seats so that you don’t get too cold,” the driver was telling them. Asahi nodded, helping you up into the seat before wrapping a blanket around the two of you.
It was lovely, the trip through the park and down the nearby streets. Snow fell softly, the large flakes landing in his hair and yours. Asahi was quiet, letting you take in the sights around you. He knew you didn’t much like the cold weather, but he did know that you loved spending time with him, and also loved when he planned dates so he took advantage of that.
He loved the way you looked when your eyes looked at the snow. You would squint, eyes and nose scrunching up when the sun would reflect off of the snow. It hurt your eyes, but you had to admit that it was rather beautiful. It looked soft, and when you lifted your gloved hand to the sky to catch a few flakes, you realized that you were correct. The snow was soft, but it melted almost as soon as it hit your palm. 
Asahi continued to watch you. Small snowflakes would get stuck in your lashes, and you’d blink until they went away. Your cheeks were flushed from the cold, nose twitching every once in a while from it. 
He knew he was in love with you, but every day he found new things to love. Whether it was the way you looked brushing your teeth in the morning, hair in every direction and toothpaste dripping down your chin, or the way you trusted him to hold you while you cried; he loved you, and he loved it all. 
He grabbed your face in his hands, turning you towards him, and planted a soft kiss against your lips. It left you stunned, and a little breathless. It wasn’t that it was rough, just that it surprised you, and it was so gentle. 
His cheeks burned red, ears warm beneath his hat as the blush spread to them. “I’m sorry! I didn’t… I hope that was okay. You just looked so beautiful and I wanted to kiss you! I love you so much and I-”
“You love me?” Tears gathered in the corner of your eyes as he stared at you with wide eyes, realizing that he had let the words slip out.
“I… yeah, I do. I love you a lot. I’ve been scared to say it, for some reason.” He rubbed at the back of his neck. “I shouldn’t be, but I was.”
You wiped at your eyes, tears staining your gloves. “I love you too. I love you so much. Thank you for planning this date, and all of this.”
Before you knew it, he was kissing you again. It was just as the first, but there was less hesitation in the way he slotted his lips against your own. 
When he pulled away, his cheeks were still red, but his eyes were bright. “I hope you don’t think this is all to the date. I’ve got something else planned too! I don’t think you’ll like it as much as this, but I imagine you’ll enjoy it as long as we’re together.”
Thanks to his comment, you spent the rest of the sleigh ride trying to think of ideas as to what he could have planned. You were so lost in your head that you almost spilled your hot chocolate. Luckily someone was paying attention, and Asahi saved it before it could spill in your lap.
The sleigh came to a stop at a large lake. There were couples, groups, and families all skating on the frozen ice. Surely he wasn’t…
But, he was. He pulled a pair of skates from the sleigh for you, and a pair for himself. Where had those even been?
As you laced up your skates, Asahi held his hands out to you. Gingerly, you stepped onto the ice, your hands keeping a vice tight grip on his wrists. Once both skates were on the ice, by some miracle, you were skating.
A laugh escaped your lips. “I’m doing it! I’m skating!”
He chuckled at you, skating backwards while you held on tightly. “Baby, you’re barely moving. Do you want me to let go?” The tightening of your fingers let him know the answer without you speaking it. “Okay, that’s fine. I’m here, I’ve got you.”
After about an hour of “skating”, he decided it was time to go home. You looked tired and sore, and your teeth were chattering. 
You watched as he removed your skates for you, slipping your winter boots back on your feet. Once they were tied and his own shoes had been replaced, he took your hand in his own. His fingers threaded through yours, somehow radiating immense warmth through his and your gloves. 
The walk back to your place was quiet. It wasn’t an uncomfortable one. It was a silence that spoke words of comfort and ease; one that said the two of you were content to just exist in the other’s presence.
The comfortable silence soon turned into an awkward one when you arrived on your front doorstep. Your poor boyfriend; his cheeks were bright red and he couldn’t stop fidgeting with his hands.
You leaned forward, taller than him now that you were on a higher step, and pressed your lips against his softly. “I love you. Thank you for planning this date.”
He cupped your cheeks in his hands, giving you a kiss in return. “I love you, too, sweets. I’ll let you know when I get home.”
As he walked away, you ran your finger over your lips. Snow had never been your favorite thing. It was always too cold, the tiny flakes causing you to grumble. But now, as the snow fell into the strands of your hair, and melted on your clothes, you found that you didn’t mind the snow or the ice, as long as he was there to keep you warm. 
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fijiangecko · 3 years
Maintaining a New Life
Chapter 6 - Search and Rescue
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Read it on AO3 here
A/N: school is over (thank god)
You stood in that doorway for God knows how long. Shivers traveled down your spine when Kuroo slammed that damned door, and slowly the static built over your frozen muscles. How could you let this happen? He’s right, you could’ve just told them and maybe things would’ve been different. If you really did trust them like you claimed, why didn’t you just admit to everyone and ask for guidance? 
Your instincts kicked in. For a long while, you pushed them back and remained the new person you so desperately wanted to keep around. You knew, somewhere deep down, that if you went back to your old self, that would be the only thing they would talk about. That being said, you weren’t going to back down from a challenge or downplay your strengths, but that killer instinct that those bastards drilled into your head needed to take the back burner for a couple of years.
Too bad you pushed your luck and now it was all boiling over.
Your attention was brought back to that pot, and finally when those reactions kick back in your legs carry you across the apartment. Only grab what’s necessary, burn the rest and get the fuck out. Easy enough, considering you always knew something like this might happen. Just like back in the office, you didn’t own much. It was easy to only have a large duffle bag worth of stuff, clothes and sentimental items mostly.
You made a decision when you first left the Port Mafia to keep other things, clues one might say, as to your involvement with them in a separate location. Weapons too; you never knew when you were gonna need some extra firepower.
Anything else in the apartment that you knew could be used for evidence or could lead anyone back to the office you burned with your belongings. Better to be safe than sorry.
It doesn’t matter if he tells them, you think as you hoist the materials into the metal garbage bin in the parking lot. You’d be gone within the hour because either the Mafia is on their way, or Tooru and Hajmie will stop by in the morning. All you wanted was to protect them.
You patched the back windshield up with a bit of duct tape and a trash bag in the meantime. At least it would keep the cops from pulling you over while you headed over to the shop. Glass shards still litter the back seat, but you could care less as you set the duffle in the passenger's seat and start the engine.
With one last glance, you look to your apartment, the nearby trash can as flames lick the edges of the metal. All of your work suits were in there. All the funky ties Bokuto had given to you as jokes every year at the Christmas parties; all of the pens Akaashi and Kenma had lent you; all of the files Oikawa and Iwaizumi had forgotten at your place over the years; all the little sticky notes Kuroo left on your keyboard-
A tear hits your cheek. It’s a shock to your system and it brings you back to the present. You quickly wipe it off and swing the car out of its spot and head off. 
A plan bubbles in the back of your mind. A way to keep everyone out of danger and clear your involvement. You think of the countless possibilities and endings this could have as your drive down the streets. The trees get denser and the sunlight shines through them like ribbons as you speed down the highway, only thinking of how to survive.
The first thing you’d like to do is to fix the damn windshield. Off the top of your head, you can think of a few people that might be able to help you out, just some local shops that still owed you back when you did people “favors” and that sort of thing. Again, not your brightest moments but they were your moments nonetheless.
Memories flood your system of those times. Back when you practically had the whole mafia under you. Every goon, henchmen and officer looked down when you walked down a corridor. Only those on an equal footing or on your personal squad would even bother trying to talk with you.
Not that you were authoritative or anything. Far from it, actually. Out of all of the four executives, you were the most forgiving, the most human. But it was the fact that you were an executive; the shared second in command position for all of the Port Mafia. With a brain and a gift like yours, it was an obvious choice but called for you to make a lot of tough decisions.
“Y/N,” Ushijima greeted you with a bow, and once he stood to his full height he stared directly into your eyes. The vertical distance was pretty large at the time, considering this was almost seven years ago. You remember looking up at him and feeling nothing despite his size and stature. Slightly behind him on the left stood a man, almost equally as tall with bright red hair.
“Hello boys,” a coy smile tugged at the edge of your lips. You used to be so full of yourself, and you roll your eyes at the thought. You were not only the youngest mafia member to become an executive, but also the first female to achieve the position despite who the boss was. Is? Hell if you knew whether that old bat is still kicking it.
Tendou had the tendency to lean over Ushijima’s shoulder and look down on you, almost like you were an animal in a zoo, but you got along with him just fine otherwise. Whenever you guys were in the same room you’d joke around, try and get on Ushi’s nerves but nothing ever seemed to work. On occasion he’d try and get you both to meet up for dinner but you’d always end up busy with meetings.
You saw him as a friend. Someone to kill the time with. Not much else, but you always saw the small shimmer in his eyes when he’d try and make those dinner plans. You felt in your gut that a question might pop up one of those nights if you sat down in a fancy restaurant with him.
“I don’t think Washijo is gonna appreciate you doing all of those construction deals in the southwest.” The redhead sang to you in a tune that was unrecognizable.
“Why wouldn’t he? It’s only making us more money and I did it ‘legally’ this time.” Unfazed by his teasing, you continued into the meeting room and took your place on the left side, by the head of the long conference table.
Ushijima followed opposite of you, taking up the chair directly across from you on the right. The spaces next to either of you that follow down the long edge of the hardwood were left empty, and your respective teams filled in the chairs after that point.
Everyone was dressed up, black and white attire. You always opted for a pantsuit rather than a dress or skirt purely because the port brought in the seaside winds and you’d rather not flash anyone. Oikawa, Iwaizumi and two others sit in their suits further down the table, hands folded and placed atop the table. They made small chit chat with the other squads, Oikawa smiled and bantered while Iwa usually just sat and listened. 
They were members of your personal squad almost the entire time you held the title of “executive”.Them and the two others that sat next to them, Matsukawa and Hanamaki. You kept your personal group small since you’d be around them constantly. Those four were always funny together, always made things lighthearted despite the horrid situations you found yourselves in.
“She’s right Tendou,” Ushijima’s voice could’ve rattled the whole building if he spoke louder. “Out of us four she’s pulled in the most territory and revenue over the last quarter.”
“That’s because she's not doing the best in one category Washijo will strip her title, no questions asked.” Oikawa whispered to Iwa, very cautious of who might hear him. From what you can remember, a fair amount of the members weren’t as progressive as you had hoped when you first joined, but it didn’t stop you from climbing the ranks.
Your thumb beats against the steering wheel at the memories. Were you really happy then? Were you really doing what you wanted?
It’s taken you years to find the answer, but you’ve concluded that both are no. You hated working for them. You hated the senseless murder, especially if it was for a bullshit excuse like “it’s all for a better Yokohama”. To hell with it all, you’d tell yourself after spending nights hiding in homes that were starting to fall apart. For half a year you lived as though the modern world didn’t exist, all by yourself. You would only go into town to buy groceries or if it was absolutely necessary. 
It was a sad life, but it was better than living in a high-rise apartment where goons would pretend to be buddy-buddy with you just to up their rank. It was better than pretending to care what that old fool had to say about your operating style and the fact you didn’t do anything “by the book”.
Your thumb stops drumming a while ago and your fists tighten around the wheel, knuckles turning red and white as you press your skin firmly into the rubber. The morning rays dissipated a while ago as well, the sun fully shining her light down on the city. The further you drive, the more recognizable the area becomes. Dreary, dark streets turn into buildings and stores with an even darker past. Your stomach churns with every old memory seeping back into your brain, only the faces of the agency members keep you going as you pull into an all too familiar lot.
Iwaizumi’s hands run through his dark hair, gripping the strands and pulling them as he looks at the disaster around him. Chairs broken into pieces, glass shards all across the floors, papers littering every nook and cranny of your apartment. Nothing was salvageable. Anything you had bought was destroyed either by your own hands or someone else's.
Oikawa dug through the cabinets and drawers to find anything that could be an affirmative that this was the Port Mafia’s doing, or at least give them an idea of who it could’ve been. The dumpster fire outside was obviously your doing, either of the boys recognized that in an instant considering it was all of your clothes and it was practically only embers by the time they had gotten there.
Hajime’s heart is pounding heavily in his chest. He was the one who protected the ones he cared about. That was his gift and his duty to you all, and he failed miserably at it since you’re gone and now everything is on fire (literally and figuratively).
“They left the stamp!” Tooru stumbles over bits and pieces of debris as he rushes to show Hajime the small insignia that was left on a scrap of paper. The Port Mafia always left them at raids so either rival gangs or the police knew exactly who beat them to it.
Iwaizumi snaps out of his little trance, the iron grip on his hair loosens enough for his hands to run down the back of his head to the base of his neck. It wasn’t exactly what he wanted to hear, but it narrowed down some of their options.
He grasps the small paper and double checks it to make sure every design detail was exactly the same, that this wasn’t a dupe or some imposters work. Tooru watches with careful eyes as Iwa mimics his exact same actions from just moments ago.
Kuroo walks up to the complex, hands in his pockets and head hung low. After being told off by Takeda, he was instructed to go help look for you. Since you’re all still on a case together, and “regardless of personal affairs”, you were all assigned to this case for a reason, or that’s what he said at least.
In his mind, Kuroo is in the right. He has every right to be angry with you. For three years you withheld that one of the greatest crime organizations was a past employer. I must be the biggest fucking joke. 
He knows deep down that this is all just pain coming out as anger. He just lost one of his best friends, one of the few people in his life that he genuinely cares about enough to hang out with on his days off - and one of the only people he’s been interested in years.
Everytime he thinks about your laugh, or your little smile when you finish a stack of paperwork, his heart hurts a little more. The tightness in his chest is something he only experienced when his parents divorced when he was eleven, but it wasn’t even bad compared to now.
How could he not be angry?
Once his feet hit the asphalt of the parking lot, he finally glances up and realizes the chaos around him. The pile of garbage in the bin was merely smoldering at this point. He looks to the apartment and notices the two figures standing in the living room, which he can see through the window. Both seem to be inspecting something in the palm of Iwaizumi’s hand, unaware that Kuroo is standing in the parking lot.
“Guys…?” Kuroo’s voice is soft as he passes through the threshold into your apartment. “What the fuck is going on?” Iwaizumi and Oikawa turn to face him immediately, not expecting anyone else to be here and they certainly were not expecting it to be Kuroo.
“Y/N’s gone.” Tooru speaks clearly as he glares daggers at the man who dared to speak against you only thirty minutes ago. Iwa crumples the stamped paper in his hand and clenches his jaw.
“Yeah… I can see that.” Kuroo’s eyes shift between all corners of the room, processing every bit of information his eyes came across.
Hajime nudges Tooru with his hand (rather harshly but the anger wasn’t directed at him) and he walks out of the apartment, shoulder checking Kuroo as they pass by. There was nothing more for them there, and now Tooru and himself are going to have to think of a way to find you.
Kuroo remains in his spot as a weight starts to bear down on his body. The couch he crashed on when he was too drunk, the table you guys mulled over paperwork together - the apartment he had made so many memories in was completely destroyed.
He couldn’t help but start to think that this might just be his fault. He left you last night in the exact spot he’s standing in right now. Yes, he was upset. What you two had built was entirely based off of trust, and Kuroo hasn’t trusted someone that much in a very long time (Kenma can attest to that). 
You deemed that information as potentially harmful to him, and he told you that you had no right. What kind of idiot am I? As he looks around the space, he realizes now just how dangerous this all really is.
Iwaizumi stomps his way back onto the main roads and keeps a hand clutched around the stamped paper. “Who the hell does he think he is?” The question wasn’t directed at anyone, but Tooru knows this is how he expresses his anger without going to the gym.
“Takeda probably sent him since everyone at the agency still doesn't know what’s going on.” Tooru pulls on his jacket and follows Iwa down the sidewalk.
“Better off just leaving us the hell alone. Ukai and Takeda aren’t stupid and they both know something has always been up with Y/N. As soon as we came into the picture I’m pretty sure they picked up on us being involved with her too. Kuroo shouldn’t be sticking his nose in this,” Iwa huffs, but Oikawa makes the motion to start talking before he is swiftly cut off. “And I don’t give a shit what Y/N told him. The only reason she did so was because she had too after last night. There was no way for her to cover up that encounter with Tendou and you know it.”
“Do you think she would’ve kept it from them forever though?”
“I don’t know. She’s never really told us why she left in the first place, but Y/N was with the Port Mafia for years. Most of her teenage and early adult life was spent with them before she just up and left.” Iwaizumi shoves the paper into his pocket as he talks, also placing his jacket over his shoulders. He guides the pair back to the subway station.
“Guys!” The two stop walking for a moment, each processing whose voice was calling out but once it registers that it’s only Kuroo, they continue down the steps into the station. “Wait up!”
Their pace picks up as they pull out their passes to scan and get through the bars as quickly as possible. Too bad Kuroo’s legs are long and he catches up to them in the nick of time. Just as Tooru swipes his card, Kuroo is hot on his heels as he fumbles around to find his own train pass. “Wait- please.”
Tooru can tell that he’s desperate, but when Iwa glances over his shoulder to check on the situation Tooru can see the anger starting to bubble up again. His own stomach churns at the thought that Kuroo can just switch on a dime if need be. That even though you explained everything to him, it still took seeing all of the damage for him to realize what kind of scenario this really is.
“Please Oikawa,” Kuroo grabs his shoulder once he makes it past the turnstiles. “Let me help you guys find Y/N.”
“And why the hell would we want your help?” Ignoring that he called for Oikawa, Hajime fully turns around and marches over to Kuroo. Although he is shorter than both of them, Hajime has this air about him that says I will kill you here and now depending on how you answer.
Kuroo’s chest pounds against itself. He snapped out of his own thoughts pretty quickly back at the apartment and realized that you could actually be hurt. This wasn’t just something nonchalant, there was a reason you kept this from him. 
After coming to, he figured the only thing he can do in this situation is to find you. Iwaizumi and Oikawa were involved in this somehow. There was a reason they weren’t at your apartment last night having that same discussion. “I know you two are the only ones who are gonna be able to find her-” he pauses to take a few deep breaths “-and I owe her an apology.”
“No shit you owe her an apology after all of the fucking chaos you caused back at the office. You’re lucky I didn’t deck you in your fucking chair.” Iwaizumi steps closer to Kuroo, almost chest to chest, and stares right into his irises. 
Oikawa grabs at Iwa’s bicep and tugs him back. “Let’s just go Hajime.” Iwa snarls and stomps away.
“Please…” Kuroo can’t mess this up, he knows that. This is the only shot he has at finding you is by getting in with these two. “I know I screwed up.”
Oikawa slows his pace, listening to the pleas of someone he once considered more than an acquaintance. His mind is telling him to follow Hajime and find you as quickly as possibly, but he also knows in his heart that Kuroo meant well. You trusted him enough to explain everything to him.
“I don’t know if Y/N’s dead.” Kuroo’s voice cracks as he thinks out loud of what might be. “I- I know I messed up really bad but I need to know if she’s okay.”
“Look,” Oikawa stops fully and turns his head to speak, “most likely she’s not dead since there weren’t any signs of struggle at the apartment. Her car was gone and her personal belongings were either missing or charred in the trash can in the parking lot. The mafia just destroyed her house, but my bet is that she’s still alive.”
Iwaizumi had stopped walking as well, listening to Kuroo’s plight. Although he was full of anger, he heard the crack in his voice. He hears his pleas and Hajime is torn on what is the right decision.
The three are silent as civilians walk past them, hurrying from one train to the next. Hajime takes a deep breath and rubs his eyebrows with the index and thumb of his right hand. “You have a lot of shit to make up for and explain after this morning, especially if you’re gonna help find her.”
Oikawa and Kuroo look at him in shock. “So I can come-”
“We’re still working on a case together and Y/N is a part of this.” Iwa cuts him off with both his words and a glare. “Nothing more. Once we know she’s alive we’re done. We’ll do what we have too, but you don’t get to go any further than that. Y/N wanted to protect you and everyone at the agency, so the least you can do is stay out of all of this. For her sake.”
Wordlessly, Kuroo nods and the pair in front of him start to walk further down the pathways, hopping onto a train and heading into the city. Hajime’s expression is stern, Tooru has an air of uncertainty about him and Kuroo clenches his fists around nothing, wondering where you could be and what’s going to happen now.
“Where are we going?” Kuroo asks once they all press themselves amongst the crowd of people.
“Back to the agency. We left some of our gear there and then we’ll have to stop by Iwaizumi’s house to get some more.” Oikawa looks around the train cautiously.
Kuroo opens to speak again, but then closes his mouth. That just means I’ll have to explain what’s going on to everyone else. 
“Everyone there has had their suspicions about Y/N and the both of us, so it really doesn’t matter if you tell them we’re ex-members as well.” Hajime outright confirms the next thing on Kuroo’s mind. He had the intention of asking, but wasn’t sure how to bring it up in conversation. “I’m getting in and getting out as quickly as I possibly can. I don’t owe these people any explanations as to why I’m choosing to find Y/N, or why this matters to me.”
Respectable is the only word that comes to mind when Kuroo thinks of Iwaizumi. He’s a gentleman, chivalrous and makes good on his word. Although he has a mild temper at times, Kuroo has never known him to say something he does not mean.
“Y/N may have been our boss, but she cared for us more than anyone in that damned organization ever would’ve if we stayed. We owe her a lot, and finding her and helping her can only pay a small portion of that back.” Oikawa pipes up, sprinkling more bits and pieces of information for Kuroo to pick up on. “She’s like a sister to me and it would kill me to know that she might be out there, struggling when I could’ve helped. The same goes for Iwa-chan.”
The rest of the train ride is silent between the three. Kuroo tries his best to wrap his head around everything that has happened in less than twelve hours. Not only was it revealed to him that you were an ex-mafia member, but two of his other co-workers were as well, and you used to be an executive. You ran a portion of the city for years, Iwaizumi and Oikawa working under you until you left for unknown reasons and joined the Armed Detective Agency sometime later.
You were one of the most powerful people in Yokohama, but why did you leave it all? What drove you out? Oikawa didn’t really give a reason as to why they left, but it was related to you in some way.
Walking in the agency doors with a new perspective gave Kuroo an icky feeling. Everyone in the office turns to see who it is, and their eyes go wide when the three figures walk through the door. Oikawa and Iwaizumi beeline it over to their desks and start to rummage through the drawers and shoving things in their pockets. Kuroo stands awkwardly by the door before walking slowly over to his belongings and picking up what he thinks he’ll need.
Bokuto and Akaashi watch him carefully, waiting for an opportunity to ask what was happening. It was Ukai, who walked into the main office right after the front door slammed shut, that broke the deafening silence.
“My office. Now.” The three halt their movements for a moment, knowing the order was directed towards them but each unwilling to actually make their way over. Surprisingly Oikawa moves first, eyes watching the ground as he moves to follow the blonde. Iwaizumi and Kuroo follow shortly after, the other detectives shifting slightly in their seats to try and get a better position to listen in.
Ukai’s private office space only had two guest chairs, so Kuroo was forced to lean against the back wall as they held conversation.
“I’m assuming that under all the circumstances brought up today, Y/N wasn’t at her house and now you’re all back to try and find her.” Ukai’s eyes shift around the room, glaring at each of them individually but lingering on Kuroo’s a split second longer than the others.
“That would be correct.” Tooru confirms. He never feared vocal confrontation since he usually charmed his way out of things, but this was a situation he knew that required a certain level of honesty.
“So she’s not dead, just missing, and your plan is to find her and then what?” The butt of his cigarette package is beaten at the base of his palm before he opens the backing and pulls one out. He lets the question linger in the air for a moment before placing the filter to his lips. A small black lighter that’s usually kept in the desk drawer is rummaged out before flickering to life. Ukai takes a long drag in, and slowly exhales the thick smoke into the cramped room.
A noxious smell enters the senses of every other man in the room, each scowling when they realize that the air conditioner isn’t running and the windows are shut. Ukai’s set on getting his answers, one way or another.
With a light cough, the charmer opens his mouth once more. “Y/N must have a plan if she decided to burn everything and run. Once we find her, Iwaizumi and myself plan on helping her in whatever she decides. Kuroo will be returning to the agency. Depending on what happens with Y/N we may or may not be coming back.”
The end of the cigarette burns bright when Ukai inhales. He’s attentive to every word and weighs the possibilities in his mind, although he knows that two of them have every intention to find you regardless if Ukai wants them too.
“Is her apartment gone?”
“No, just trashed from the Port Mafia.” Oikawa speaks again, knowing that Kuroo is in no position to speak and Iwaizumi would rather be out looking for you.
“You said she burned everything, is that correct?”
“Yes. She burnt her personal belongings and took her car. There was nothing left in her house at the time of arrival but the furniture was smashed to pieces.” Tooru’s mouth dries as he speaks, taking a breath to swallow his spit and think of his next words. “We think that she left her apartment right after she explained everything to Kuroo and the mafia found her address a few hours later.”
Using his better judgement, he thought it would be better to be upfront about everything than only tell Ukai bits. After working with him for so long, Oikawa knows that Ukai isn’t a fool.
A beat of silence passes over them. Ukai takes into consideration all of his options, or what he can control. Kuroo looks down at his hands and remains passive; Iwaizumi doing the same but shaking his leg, hoping that the time would pass quicker so they can get out there and start searching.
“Do you think you can actually find her?” The cigarette is only a butt now, the ashes have been tapped into a tray sitting on the edge of Ukai’s desk, who stares into the stern irises of Iwaizumi. He matches the intensity and responds without hesitation.
“Yes. It might take a couple of nights, but I doubt she left the city.”
Ukai runs his tongue across his upper teeth, lips shut as he looks at this rag-tag team sitting before him. Three men who want to find you desperately, two with the same intent and the third still a mystery to him considering the events from just an hour ago. “I want reports on everything once you get back.” Kuroo’s head snaps up only to find the Ukai is looking between them as he smothers the cig in it’s ashtray. “Go find her.”
23 notes · View notes
rosaliepostsstuff · 3 years
Chapter 13 - Of varying challenges, unexpected outbursts and nightly excursions
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series masterlist
warnings: mentions of food and eating, sexual references, alcohol and underage drinking
word count: 3706
tags: @gloryekaterina ; @thatguppienamedbae ; @sagittarius-flowerchild ; @scoobiessnacks ; @pandaxnienke ; @harrysweasleys ; @ickle-ronniekins ; @hufflepuff5972 ; @calmspencer ; @izzyyy-1 ; @amourtentiaa ; @thisismynerdyself ; @hufflepuffalice ; @barneswidow ; @lumos-barnes ; @slytherclawbitch ; @weasleygrapes ; @famdomhideout ; @mollenniumfalcon ; @accioweaslcy ; @freddie1978 ; @weasleysprofessionalhoe ; @lunarlovegoodx ; @lalasunny ;
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Morning took you by surprise. You couldn’t remember laying in bed much before falling asleep, or the very moment itself. It was almost as if you blinked, though when you opened your eyes it was 8 hours later.
All of last evening felt surreal. How could it be? After weeks, or months even, of emotional swings, you’d finally confessed to George? And he confessed back? Your best friend of over 6 years..?
You couldn’t fully cross out the possibility of the last couple of months being a wild fever dream.
“Morning,” Alicia muttered sleepily, following with a yawn. “You awake..?” “Mhmm… good morning,” you replied.
Angelina was already up and dressed. She was sitting by her desk, and once you saw her mischievous smile when she turned to you, you knew last night really had happened. Because this girl was just as excited about you getting the boyfriend of your dreams, as yourself.
When you walked down the stairs, the boys were already there – Fred and Lee sitting on the back of the couch and George standing in front of them. They were laughing about something, you were graced with the sound and the sight of George’s laughter the moment you stepped into the room, for a lovely start of the day.
Once Fred noticed you, you waved at them as a greeting. George’s facial expression mirrored yours - a dreamy smile, widening with every second and every step you took in his direction. Fred and Lee left, having said hi to you, muttering teasingly about letting the lovebirds have a moment to themselves.
“Morning,” you said, beaming at him with your arms outstretched. You didn’t particularly lean in to kiss him when you approached him, but George clearly went in for a hug. “Morning, love,” he replied, squeezing you tight against himself. You felt a tiny pang of disappointment in that millisecond; wondering, whether you should’ve kissed him yourself right away if you wanted to, or if maybe, he’d kiss you in a moment. Being in a relationship was a new thing to you on its own, let alone being in a relationship with George.
Yet he leaned back with a shy smile, his hands were slowly sliding back along your sides, probably ready to let go, perhaps to take your hand. He looked as if he was about to say something, but he didn’t, noticing you glance at him expectantly without even knowing. “Hmm..?” he mumbled and you felt yourself blush a bit. You couldn’t really give this one a surprise kiss, either, with his height. So you looked at him cheekily, puckering out your lips.
You saw the realisation flash through his gaze, then a glimmer of his confidence exhibited in a small smirk. He leaned in and kissed you sweetly on the lips.
“I keep forgetting I can just do that, now,” he chuckled, before giving you another kiss on the cheek. “Not only you can, but I’d also say it’s encouraged,” you said shyly, lowering your gaze for a moment and biting on your bottom lip. He gave you an appraising sort of look with a defiant smile, standing back straight.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he said, giving your waist a light squeeze before letting go, to take one of your hands as the two of you went on your way to the Great Hall. “Did you sleep well?” “I did, actually. Very well, even. And you?” you questioned back with care. “Mhm,” he nodded, “wanna hear what I dreamed of?” You giggled. “I don’t know, do I?” you quipped, giving him a suggestive look.
He choked a laugh, looking at you surprised. He cleared his throat, before explaining himself – “it was all decent.”
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“I’m worried he’s just saying that,” you admitted to Fred and George, sitting by the breakfast table. Lee sat separately, with his girlfriend, so you were left alone with those two.
In the beginning, you found yourself speaking to George quietly, sometimes even in a whisper. You were conscious about how you referred to him, as did he, avoiding pet names that would otherwise slip your tongues. For a while you ate mostly in silence, Fred’s eyes kept glancing between you and George as if looking for some physical changes in you; like huge, flashing letters saying ‘I’m in a relationship’. Yet no matter how hard he looked, the two of you looked just the same as 24 hours before – excluding your facial expressions and general demeanour.
This prompted you to try and shift the atmosphere a bit, thinking of a new conversation topic. That’s how you started talking about how the three of you disappointed Lee as a group of friends when he wanted to introduce his girlfriend to you officially. Since then, you had all apologised, and Lee being himself – did not hold a grudge for long, but you still felt bad.
“Why would he,” Fred shrugged, “if he says he forgives us, then he forgives us.” “Granted, he did call us a couple of interesting names in the privacy of our dorm room-“ added George, to which Fred quickly interjected “-and interestingly, he seems to have left you out in that,” turning to you. “… To his own luck,” muttered George. “Anyway, he had his rant, he’s not hiding his feelings.”
“Nonetheless, we should probably make up for it. And we still haven’t even met the girl,” you pointed out. “True…” George agreed. Fred craned his neck, looking around the great hall. “You think they’re eating in a broom cupboard? I can’t see him anywhere… and I wanted to see what she looks like…”
“Let’s just meet up in the Three Broomsticks, then,” George proposed. “… treat them both to loads of butterbeer..?” you added. “Yeah,” he mumbled, clearly finding this the best solution. “Freddie?” He shrugged. “Sounds good to me.”
With that bit settled, you were still left with a whole day on your hands, torn between your sense of responsibility – with a few homework assignments left to do, and there was always some studying to be done – and spending time with your boyfriend.
“D’you have any plans for today..?” you asked George. “Nothing in particular, why?” “I should do some schoolwork…” “We’ll probably just hang about, mess around…” George pondered. “… do some work, make some business…” added Fred. “Yeah.” “I think I’ll go to the library after lunch, then,” you decided, practising some self-discipline.
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Almost a couple of hours of sitting in the library passed before you started to seriously doubt your self-discipline. The assignments you still had to do seemed less and less grave, you were more and more sure, that the time you had left was more than plenty. Just a bit more, and then we’ll take the rest of the afternoon off – you told yourself, planning out your presentation for ancient runes.
Sucked into your work, used to people walking around the library to access the books they needed, you hadn’t noticed a familiar pair of footsteps approach you.
“Everything going well?” George asked, sliding into the seat next to you and effectively startling you. “Good Merlin!” you exclaimed, yet cautious enough not to attract Madam Pince’s attention. George rubbed your shoulder apologetically with a sheepish smile. “It’s… alright,” you answered, not mentioning the fact that you were about to give up. “Want any help?” “Help..? You want to help me with my homework? And how’s yours going?” you snickered. You had usually been the one to nag George about completing and handing his assignments in, as both he and Fred thought that their presence in class alone exceeded expectations. “I’ll have you know that I’ve been on top of my homework lately, handing everything in, on time, like a good boy,” he defended himself, holding a hand over his heart, as you hummed in acknowledgement. “Thank you, Georgie, I’ll be fine on my own with this.” “’kay then, I’ll just keep my girl company,” he concluded.
You felt your heart flutter at being called his girl, thinking this would really take some time getting used to. And you knew one thing for certain – you’d have to do some more work now.
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The next day, more like usual, you woke up before the boys. Not all that hungry, you decided to hang out on your own in the common room a bit, in case they did come downstairs before the time for breakfast would be over.
Fred was the one to wake up first, while George slept in on a Sunday morning. He walked downstairs and the two of you went to have breakfast on your own.
Once you were sitting by the table, you felt one thing hanging over you – no matter how awkward it may have seemed.
“You know he thought we were going out?” you blurted out without providing further context at first. “Like, you and I, actually seeing each other,” you muttered as if the concept was possible only in some totally alternate universe.
Fred snickered quietly. “Thanks, love.” “Oh, you know what I mean.” Fred smiled to himself at how much he did know, that George thought him and you were a thing; the image of drunk George trying to fight him still quite fresh in his mind. No point in telling you that. “Yeah. Being a teenager in love seems like a real pain in the ass, makes me glad to be single.” “Really..?” you asked with a hint of disbelief in your voice, and Fred shrugged.
And you realised, that suddenly, all that pain in the ass was irrelevant to you. Being a teenager in love meant the constant possibility of stupid misunderstandings and pointless jealousy, causing so much emotional pain – you’d gone through so much of it in the last months, yet the morning you woke up as George’s girlfriend, all of that seemed tiny in comparison to the happiness and excitement that love brought. It seemed irrelevant.
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Excitement made your heartbeat slightly faster, as you made your way to the Three Broomsticks with George and Fred – about to meet Lee and Tara, his girlfriend.
You had been informed, or rather threatened, by Fred, that should you and George act too couple-y during that meeting, successfully making him an absolute third wheel, he’d convince Tara that you’re actually a throuple. Neither you nor George would put it past him and you’d rather spare yourself the awkwardness of explaining to the girl that your boyfriend’s twin brother is just a nutter.
When you arrived, Tara and Lee had already been inside, saving a booth. You immediately recognised the girl, and as the conversation slowly unravelled, you understood more and more, why the relationship had been secret for so long.
Tara was a 7th year Hufflepuff who you shared a few classes with, yet you’ve never exchanged a word with her. Mostly because of the fact that the girl kept to herself. She was clearly very shy, especially if one’s used to being friends with George, Fred and Lee. She warmed up, though, and you quickly saw just how sweet of a personality she had. You had to keep yourself from ‘aww’-ing, seeing her and Lee together. Though you couldn’t help wondering - how the relationship came about.
“Soo… how did the two of you meet?” you decided to ask and you could see the girl blush a bit. “I… I lost a bracelet in the quidditch stands once, and as I kept looking and looking for it, Lee came to help me,” she explained. “I thought she was cute, I couldn’t not try my luck. So I kept going after her in class until she agreed to go out with me.” “I thought you were nice, I was just… shy,” Tara giggled melodically and you couldn’t fight the grin off your face. At some point during that story, George’s hand snaked behind your back to rest on your waist and you felt content.
Going back to the castle you concluded, you wouldn’t mind if Tara made a permanent addition to your regular group of friends.
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On Tuesdays, you had charms before lunch. George had moved to sit next to you permanently and behind you, past Alicia, Angelina and Fred, sat Tara next to Lee.
Charms lessons were never particularly organised, Professor Flitwick, even though a brilliant teacher, did not have the talent of keeping a class quiet, like Professor McGonagall or Snape, for example. Most times, the lecture part of the class was somewhat civilised – most people were listening to whatever Flitwick was teaching (at least with one ear).
But that day, no one seemed to pay attention to the man pouring his heart out at the front of the class. Students were chatting, reading magazines, playing exploding snap or practising spells – completely unrelated to the lesson’s topic.
You were guilty as well, charmed by George’s handsome face you sat pretty much with your back turned to the Professor. You were giggling at your boyfriends jokes as he held your hand upon the desktop, playing with it. He even brought up the topic of Valentine’s Day coming up in less than two weeks, when an unlikely event happened.
Professor Flitwick had had enough. You were quite sure you had never heard him produce a sound as loud as when he yelled at you all. His usually immaculate hairstyle became dishevelled as he let go of all his pent up emotions.
Once he was done shouting, the class was silent like never before.
“It is high time you all learn some self-discipline and organisation and do something productive in your 7th year, NEWT-level class. You will make groups or you may work alone if you like, and for next week’s class, I want each group to invent a charm. I expect to have each group’s composition on my desk, by tomorrow afternoon,” he instructed sternly. “Class dismissed.”
With your jaw still slightly opened, you glanced to your side at George. His eyebrow was raised and he seemed almost impressed. Turning to your friends at the back, you involuntarily spoke in almost a whisper, even as most people were already shuffling out of the classroom. “Do we work together? The five of us..?”
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Inventing a spell was quite simple, but still not easy. It’s not something that’s taught usually, either. Tara, Lee, Fred, George and you were currently sitting around a table in the library, trying to come up with what kind of charm you could even invent, for a start.
“That’s rubbish… there’s already a charm for everything..!” Fred complained, tapping his fingernails on the table. He was right, everything you came up with already had a charm for it. “Let’s invent a charm that you can use instead of having to shower,” Lee proposed with enthusiasm. “Good luck with that. If it were so easy, you think no one would’ve invented it already? There’s a scouring charm, but no charm for washing your own stinky body?” you said pessimistically. “How about a charm you could dry your soaked robes with? There’s the hot air charm, but what if we made something that would make the water just vanish, or evaporate instantly?” George elaborated. “But what if you miss? Especially while we’re inventing it, we’d need to test it, and what if you hit yourself instead of your clothes..?” Tara interrupted, her face showing slight terror as she was probably imagining the possible outcomes.
“We need something simple…” you muttered, deep in thought, and deep sighs from everyone around followed.
Instead of sitting in a circle, sighing without any outcome, you decided to start with some theory. You all shuffled around the library, looking for books with information on inventing spells you could learn something from. It was quite a sight, seeing Fred and George buried in books. With all that new knowledge, you decided to call it a day, planning to meet up again over the weekend, hoping to come up with some ideas over time.
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Friday evening marked a whole week since you and George had started dating. Angie and Katie thought it’s been far too long since you had some proper girl time, so you decided to have a little slumber party.
You were just finishing up setting up the pillows and blankets so that the four of you could sit comfortably on the floor in the middle of the room, when Alicia stepped inside, clutching a few fire-whisky bottles in her hands.
You stared at her with your mouth slightly open as Angelina emerged, clicking her fingers in approval. “Don’t you have some quidditch practise in the morning or something?” “Nope,” she replied defiantly, looking at you with mischief written all over her face. You could’ve expected it to be that type of girls’ night.
The alcohol burned the back of your throat in the beginning, but as the conversation went on, you started enjoying the warming sensation and the fire-whisky began to go down like a soft drink.
“But hey, hey hey… elephant in the room,” Alicia pointed her finger upwards, looking at you. “… hooow is it, dating your perfect boy?” Angelina asked, draping an arm over your shoulder and accentuating the last couple of words. You giggled dorkily at the thought. “It’s… awesome.” “Just awesome?” “Shh- shh… how’s his kissing?” Angelina questioned further, lowering the tone of her voice. Your face went even hotter if that was possible. “Ugh- it’s out-of-this-world. Seriously, I didn’t think snogging could feel this good,” you replied, a bit abashed, thinking dreamily of your boyfriend's lips in your drunk state.
“And have you…” Angelina trailed off. “…tried the hokey-pokey..?” Katie butted in, wiggling her eyebrows. “…the dance of the beast with two backs..?” giggled Alicia. “Gosh, no! You perverts..!” you laughed at them. You felt slightly nervous at the mere thought of doing such things with George. “I’m still getting used to holding hands and kissing after being in the friend zone for so long, I think I’d end up with a heart attack..!”
After that, the fire-whisky drained quickly. You got bored with party games, and when someone, not quite clear who, suggested getting some snacks from the kitchens, suddenly everyone was on board. It was past curfew, you slipped out of the almost deserted common room and the sight of empty castle corridors apparently woke up the sense of adventure in your drunk group of friends. Naturally, even though you tried to keep quiet, you weren’t really aware of how loud you were still being. And you weren’t even going in the right direction, not that any of you had noticed.
But when Katie thought she’d heard a noise, all of you panicked. You ran for your life for a while, just to realise you had lost your friends after a few minutes. Terrified, you walked up to a corridor intersection to scope your way out, when you heard someone running from behind you. It was dark and you forgot to bring your wand from your room, you pressed your back against the wall, feeling your heart about to stop.
Then a hand grabbed you by the wrist, pulling you towards one of the corridors. “Come on..!” whisper-yelled a familiar voice, bringing a bit of comfort, even though you still had no clue what was happening. George dragged you into a broom cupboard some distance away, quickly locking the door behind you.
He loosened the panicked grip on your wrist and stood fully facing you know in this tight space, holding his hands up on the wall above your shoulders. “Georgie..?” you whispered, still not fully certain. “That’s me, baby, but shh…” he shushed you, and a second later you could hear quick, uneven footsteps behind the door, then slowly fading away. Whoever that was, only passed by the door.
“Georgie?” “Hmm?” “I’m very drunk,” you blurted out, suddenly feeling the need to be completely open and honest with him. He held in a laugh. “I… I‘ve noticed.”
Since he was standing so close anyway, you wrapped your arms around his middle. Your head fell to rest against his chest on its own, feeling sudden tiredness wash over you. His hands slipped down the wall to wrap around you too.
“Why were you wandering around the corridors in the dark?” he asked. “We tried to get some snacks from the kitchens.” “You realise you’re on the complete opposite side of the castle..?” he said, to be met with silence. “…Nevermind.” “How did you find me?” “Fred, Lee and I were setting something up when we heard you all in the distance. Then I saw you run off in the other direction for no reason, so I ran after you.”
You felt stupid now, trying your best not to think just how stupid the sober you would be feeling the following morning.
“I think we should be clear now. Follow me and try to be as quiet as possible,” he instructed, before opening the door, checking the perimeter and leading you out – holding your hand tight the whole way.
When you stepped into the common room, you saw the rest of the girls already there, waiting with Fred and Lee. “Right, I think you’ve all had enough adventures for one night, don’t you think?” said Lee with a raise of his eyebrows, turning to them. They all just murmured in reply, clearly as embarrassed as you were, then made their way to the dorms.
“I think he’s right, love,” George said to you softly, squeezing your hand lightly, and you nodded, looking down at the floor. “Will you go to bed now?” “Yes, I will.” “And Y/N/N?” You hummed sleepily. “Next time you drink, try to stay in one place, I don’t want anything happening to you, alright?” You felt further embarrassed, but his concern warmed your heart. “I’ll do my best.”
“I love you,” he whispered, cupping your face and giving you a lingering kiss on the forehead. “Good night.” “Good night Georgie, I love you too…” you replied, not really wanting to go to sleep just yet. But he let go of you after that, so with a slight pout, you shuffled back to your dorm for the night.
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My Treasure - William Nylander
Request: Can you do one where you are pregnant with William nylanders baby and getting hate and he makes you feel better
Getting pregnant at 24 was definitely not a part of my 5 year post college plan. Then again falling in love wasn't one of my bullet points either. But when my period was over a week late I knew that everything was about to change. William was thrilled when he saw the bolded word on the pregnancy test, immediately wanting to tell anyone he could. I was a little more hesitant to share the news.
I knew that I wanted children someday and those feelings intensified once my relationship with William became serious, I just figured we would be married and I would be a little more secure in my teaching job before we would add a baby to the mix. We told our families first and they were all excited and happy for us, same with friends and teammates. The real problem came when we started to share the news with the rest of the world. On William's social media everyone was happy for us and wishing us well, but mine is where all of the hate went.
She probably got knocked up so he couldn't leave her.
Hopefully you don't gain too much baby weight, you could already stand to lose a little.
You're not even pregnant with his kid I bet, just went to the guy with the biggest paycheck.
I did my best to delete the comments as soon as I saw them, hiding them from William so he wouldn’t get upset. Some people didn't get the hint after the first deleted comment and I would end up blocking them. Two weeks after announcing our pregnancy the nasty comments were outweighing the nice ones of my post. My pregnancy hormones went crazy one day when my pants didn't fit for the first time of the pregnancy and William was away on a road trip until the morning.
I canceled my plans to go get dinner with some friends and instead had a pity party in some of William's clothes with ice cream and reading through all the horrible things that were being said about me.
I can't believe he is still with her, she is not pretty enough for him.
Fat cow
You are going to ruin his career with the child.
I cried myself to sleep on the couch after midnight and didn't wake up until someone was brushing some hair out of my face. Slowly opening my eyes I saw a concerned William kneeling on the floor in front of me. "Ellie, what’s wrong? Were you crying?" I sat up, making room for William next to me before he pulled me into his lap. "Your friends texted me last night and told me you skipped on going to dinner with them. Is everything okay? Is the baby okay?"
"The baby is fine, I just couldn't find anything that fit comfortably with the bump. I had a pity party with ice cream and must have fallen asleep." Everything I said was true, I just left out one major thing.
"I'm sorry babe, but can I finally buy you some new maternity clothes? Please." He gave me puppy dog eyes as he begged, causing me to laugh and turn to face him more.
"You love shopping more than I do."
"Is that a yes? I'm taking that as a yes. Go get ready, shopping might take all day." With that he was carrying me down the hall, laughing the entire way. When he finally set me down I managed to find a t-shirt dress that wasn't too uncomfortable and proceeded to get ready.
After a full day of shopping William took me out to dinner at our favorite Spanish restaurant. I excused myself after we ordered a bunch of small plates to share to run to the bathroom and when I got back William was standing at the table with a large plastic bag and shaking hands with the owner. "What's going on?" 
"I thought you might be more comfortable if we went home and ate. I've kept you busy most of the day so I know your feet must be bothering you." His tone was off but I brushed it off as we headed out. The drive home was a tense silence without even the radio playing.
I didn't say anything until we were in the apartment and William started slamming cabinet doors as he got plates. "What's wrong?"
"I just don't get why people spend so much time trying to make other people down! Like, what does it do for them?" He had a fire in his eyes I had only ever seen on the ice, and I wasn't sure what was causing it.
"I'm going to some more context here. Did something happen at the restaurant?"
"Before we left the last store I took a couple of pictures for our shopping day and posted them to Instagram. I thought it was no big deal, just sharing what I was up to on a day off. And then when you were in the bathroom your phone started buzzing like crazy so I thought someone was trying to call you. But all of your notifications were for Instagram, and I know I shouldn't have opened the app on your phone but I thought maybe it was your girlfriends' group chat and Sophie finally got engaged." I let out a small chuckle at that, we basically were taking bets on when her and her high school sweetheart would finally take the next step.
"I'm guessing that isn't what you saw." I knew what he was going to say next but I was hoping with every fiber of my being that I was wrong.
"No, I saw the worst of humanity in your DMs. I just- how can people be so cruel?" William slumped into the bar stool next to me at the island as I reached for my phone having to see what was sent to me now. "Ellie…" I ignored his worried warning as I opened up the app, going to my DMs.
Fat cow, you only got pregnant so that you could lock in some who is far too good for you. I hope he sees he could do so much better and kicks you out before that baby ruins his career and life!
So you are just using him for his money. I bet the baby isn’t even his, probably a teammate who makes less. Whore!
Bitch, why are you even with Willy? He is a literal hockey god and from what i can tell you are just some stupid high school math teacher. He can do so much better than you. 
There were over 50 messages just like those, all sent within the last hour. I didn't even dare look at the comments on my latest post, even though it was a few days old the braver trolls put their nasty messages there for the whole world to see.
"How long has this been happening?" I had hopped off my stool, going to plate up the food we brought home and trying to avoid the conversation I knew we needed to have. "Ellie… Please talk to me. How long?"
"Honestly, since we started posting that we were dating. It's gotten worse since we posted that we are gonna be parents."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because part of me thought that if I just deleted the messages and comments that it wasn't real. That if I was the only one who knew that I could just pretend that it was all in my head. Then there is that stupid voice in my head that likes to play up my insecurities, that made me feel like if you saw what people were sending me that you would believe it. And I know that thinking that is stupid and unrealistic but it can sometimes be the loudest thing in there." William also got off his stool, coming to stand right in front of me. He kissed my forehead before cupping my cheeks and holding eye contact.
"Min skatt, never feel like you have to hide this from me. You are the one I am in love with and want to spend the rest of my life with. You are the only one that can make me smile and laugh when I am in a bad mood after a game. You are the only one I see myself growing old, and possibly bald with." I let out a gasp at the word bald, he was so protective about his hair.
"See, the rational part of me knows all that."
"Well, let me make it clear to every part of you. I love you with every fiber of my being and as soon as I meet with your father next week to ask for his blessing, I will be asking you to marry me."
"But I am going to need you to act surprised when I ask." That got a small chuckle out of me. 
"I'll do my best." William's stomach growled then, making both laugh. "Let's eat before your stomach starts communicating with us again." William just nods, a thoughtful look on his face that I'm sure would cause problems later but right now I just wanted to live in the happy moment.
After reheating the food and settling at the kitchen island to eat, I went through and deleted all the DMs and comments. I barely registered what they said as I deleted. What I didn't know was Will was looking at the comments as I deleted before pulling out his own phone. It was only when my phone buzzed with another notification that I found out what he was doing. 
@williamnylander tagged you in a post
The post was two pictures side by side; the first was from our first date at a Christmas market, all bundled up and snuggled into each other as we took the photo in a mirror. The other picture was a selfie he took of us at my last doctor's appointment for the pregnancy, both of us were all smiles as I sat on the exam table with a picture of the sonogram on the screen behind us.
Two pictures of the love of my life. One from our first date, where I was a clutz and spilt hot chocolate all over her light grey coat and she still agreed to a second date. The other from a few weeks ago when we got another look at our baby. 
I can say without any doubt that having Ellie in my life has only made it better. She has become my sounding board for when I'm frustrated, my motivation to score more goals, and my ray of sunshine on any cloudy day. 
I knew from that first date that Ellie was the one for me, no one can tell me otherwise. And now she is carrying our first child. My heart continues to grow and fall in love with this amazing, kind, dedicated, caring, loving, and perfect woman each day.
I am so lucky to spend time with you each day and anyone who says otherwise is wrong and jealous of what we have.
Min skat, I am so excited to watch our family grow and experience the joys and challenges of parenthood with you. Ellie I love you and can't wait to see where we go next. 
The tears started flowing before I even read the caption, the pictures enough with my pregnancy hormones. But the words William managed to write push me over the edge, I was crying at the love he put into the words but also laughing at the not so subtle 'fuck you' to all the nasty people who sent you messages.
"Did I overstep? I don’t want to embarrass you."
"It's perfect. You're perfect. I love you."
"I love you too, and I plan on showing you that everyday. Even if it is something as simple as an Instagram post."
"It's not just the post, it's that you are saying to all the people who see your pictures and then come trash talk to me that you know about them. And that will probably stop some of them from doing it again. And anyone who doesn't get the message gets blocked."
"Good. Now, let go watch some TV and cuddle." Nodding grabbing my plate of food, following William to the couch before curling into his side.
As William pulled up the next episode of a show we were binging, I thought of something. "You never have told me what 'min skat' means."
"It means 'my treasure'. And it reminds me how lucky I am every day to have you in my life."
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cynergy-laughter · 4 years
Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All! Fanfic #3
Garlic Tomato Bisque
(MC x Levi) (MC x Lucifer) (fluff, comedy) (mild language?) [inspired by one of the boys’ D.D.D. Chats where Lucifer was sick]
By: @cynergy-laughter
Word Count: 4,187
You really liked Lucifer, besides all the drama that happened between you two, he was a very sweet, dependable, charming guy. A bit of a sadist yes, but adoring. But now, you hear that Lucifer was sick, in bed, so that’s why he wasn’t at breakfast right now.
“Pfftt Hahahaha! Lucifer is sick?! Oh my gosh, this is too rich!” Mammon chuckles over his food.
“But Lucifer never gets sick, I don’t even think he’s had a cough.” Asmo said, frowning. “I guess there’s a first time for everything…”
“Just knowing that our brother, our eldest brother, is so vulnerable right now… it… shakes me…” Satan said, balling up his fist.
“Yeah, with mirth. You and Mammon are probably the ones taking the most joy in seeing Lucifer suffer…” Belphegor pointed out, “Not that it isn’t interesting to see our brother in such a state… interesting and worrying.”
“And on top of that, Beel is standing guard over Lucifer, it’s both adorable, and sad… to have the second youngest brother protect you… it’s entertaining all on its own.” Mammon snickered as he kept on eating his breakfast.
“Mammon, let’s not forget, Beel works out because of how much he eats, he could twist you into a pretzel and eat you if he wanted to.” You pointed out, making Mammon gulp a bit while Asmo straight up laughed.
“Ahahaha! Chalk one up for [MC]!” He giggled. “But Lucifer’s lucky we’re having a weekend off, otherwise he’d have to miss student council meetings.”
“Well, I’m gonna be playing my game if anyone needs me, which I doubt.” Leviathan said, finishing his breakfast, and getting up.
“Uh-uh-uh, Levi, you are on dishwashing duty this morning.” Satan reiterated. “Dishes, then you can go up to your room.” Earning a groan from Levi.
Soon, everyone finished breakfast, while Asmo and Satan went to go and deliver the leftovers to Beel standing in front of Lucifer’s bedroom door.
But while you were heading back to your room, you couldn’t help but think about Lucifer sick in bed. You wanted to do something for him, and then an idea occurred to you. You headed for the kitchen where Levi was still washing dishes and you looked in the fridge.
“Beel, shouldn’t you be watching over Lucifer’s room? Oh, [MC], it’s you… you come to laugh at my failed attempt to get out from doing the dishes?” Levi said, turning around.
“No, I was just seeing what we have, I was gonna make something for Lucifer for lunch.” You say.
“What? You do know Lucifer is sick, right… like if it’s a cold strong enough for someone like him to catch, you might catch something stronger if you catch it…” Levi tried to warn you.
“Well, he’s not gonna be visited by anyone if everyone is so scared of catching it… I wanna help him feel better.” You say, “I’m thinking about making him soup… but I know it won’t be enough…”
“Well… I heard that Beel’s gonna be taste testing anything that is for Lucifer.” Levi said.
“Yeah, I figured I would make Beel some too…” you trailed off and then you got an idea… “My grandmother’s famous garlic tomato bisque, and a patty melt, with 3 cheeses…” you say with a smile.
Levi blinked. “Patty melt?”
“It’s like a hamburger, but make it grilled cheese style…” you explain.
“Oh… oh wow… that sounds pretty good actually…” Levi said, “something that sounds so normie… sounds delicious.”
“Do you know if Lucifer has any allergies, or does he not like beef?” You asked, excited.
“Umm, not that I know of… I’ve seen him eating steak before…” Levi thought about it. “I think…”
“Close enough! I’m gonna make him and Beel a get-well lunch they will never forget!” You say clenching your fists. You then turn to Levi who seemed to be sneaking away. “Levi! I need your help. Would you come shopping for the ingredients with me?”
“W-What?! Why me? I have streams to do today!” Levi leaned back a bit because you were so close to him.
“Please? I really need your help, I’ll owe you some game time, it’s been a while since we did a livestream together.” You say, you held your hands together pleadingly. “If you help me, I’ll make you your own patty melt too…” now you tried bargaining.
Levi blinked. “W-What? You think I would wanna try one of your weird meat grilled cheeses? Just how old do you think I am?” Levi grumbled, folding his arms and turning his head away from you.
You frowned and sighed. “Okay… I understand… I guess I can ask Belphie or Asmo if they want to go food shopping…” you said as you turned to go and find Belphie or Asmo, when you were suddenly stopped by an exasperation from behind you.
“W-Wait! Gosh, don’t you know a dramatic pause when you see it? U-Umm… Will I get to be the first one to try one of your patty melts?” Levi blushed a bit as he crossed his arms and looked down.
You gave a small smile and held his hands, looking into his eyes. “I promise you’ll have the first melt I make.”
Levi blushes more as he was sharing this tender… normie… moment with you. He pulled his hands away in a huff. “Well, I guess I can spare some time and get to gaming later tonight… but next time, you’re gonna be helping me with a video game release livestream.”
“Deal! Alright, let’s get ready to get shopping to get ready to cook!” You say triumphantly as you grabbed Levi’s hand and rushed out the door with him.
-One Grocery Shopping Montage Later-
You spent a good amount of time shopping for the ingredients, you were happy that Levi had agreed to help you, you weren’t sure how helpful Asmo would have been, but you also knew that Belphie would have slumped down and took a nap while you began cooking. But there was a reason why you wanted someone to really help, and why Levi would be perfect for this.
“I also need a witness, a documenter of sorts.” You said as you put the groceries down on the counter.
“A documenter?” Levi rose an eyebrow.
“Well, this morning, Mammon and Satan were talking pretty mercilessly about Lucifer… I don’t know about Satan, but I wouldn’t put it past Mammon to try and sabotage this and make Lucifer more sick…” You explained.
“Well, in the group chat, Satan was talking about a book about poisons for demons…” Levi said, “So, I wouldn’t put it past either of them…”
“Now that you put it that way, I definitely need you to be my witness. I’m counting on you, Lord of Shadows,” you said, smiling to Levi.
Levi blushes and smiles, “You can count on me, Henry!” He said, clenching his fist, “I’ll go get my camcorder!” He said, heading on upstairs.
You smile as you took out one of your notebooks, and you flipped to a page that had your grandmother’s garlic tomato bisque recipe in. You learned your cooking directly from your grandmother on your father’s side, and she had helped you to keep her recipes alive. She always used to say that her ancestor’s cooking was like a love letter, it had a beautiful presentation, and was full of emotion in every part from beginning to end. You just hoped you could translate the recipe well without her this time. Suddenly, you jumped a bit, feeling a hand around your waist, and someone was pulling you in close.
“What’cha reading? Grandma’s Garlic Tomato Bisque?” Mammon read over your shoulder to which you closed the book.
“Mammon! Don’t do that!” You held your notebook over your chest.
“Heh, sorry, so, what’s all this? You making lunch or something?” Mammon asked, picking up some of the ingredients.
“As a matter of fact… yes, I thought about it, and I wanna make everyone lunch.” You say, “I’m making Patty Melts and my Grandma’s Garlic Tomato Bisque.” He said.
“Patty Melt?” Mammon asked, leaning on the counter, “Excuse me for living but what is that?”
“Picture a hamburger cooked like grilled cheese.” Levi said from the doorway of the kitchen, holding his camcorder.
“Oh? Well then, can’t wait to try it. You will let me know when it’s ready? You know, cause I am your first guy.” Mammon said, trying to get a rise out of Levi.
“Actually, I promised Levi he would be the one to have my first patty melt.” You said, earning a smirk from Levi, and a stunned look from Mammon.
“Ha! Now I don’t regret doing the dishes.” Levi smirked.
“No! No! I asked you to switch dishwashing shifts with me, I demand we switch back!” Mammon growled. “It should be me in your position!”
“You don’t get to change the game when it’s convenient for you! And plus, I got [MC] owing me a hangout day~. So that’s what you get for pawning off your duties!” Levi smirked back.
“Levi… the camcorder?” You ask as Levi set the camcorder up and pressed record on it as he continued the insult match with Mammon.
You sigh and shake your head as you began to start your cooking, starting with the forming and seasoning of the burger patties, making sure they were shaped like ovals so they would fit on the wide bread slices you had. All while you were cooking, you felt someone watching you, and felt someone’s warmth behind you, which you figured out was one of the other brothers, but you were too busy focusing on the patties that you didn’t acknowledge whomst was behind you.
“... And that’s why your feet stink!” Levi fired at Mammon. “They stink so bad, you got a Venus fly trap hacking!”
“Oh those are fightin’ words, your feet stink so bad, when you take your shoes off, the flies die!” Mammon growled as he got into Levi’s face.
“Could you two take your stinky feet somewhere else? [MC]’s trying to cook.” Satan said calmly as he was standing right behind you as you worked on prepping the soup.
“O-Oh… right, sorry [MC]…” Mammon said as he began to leave the kitchen.
“Oh! I’m sorry, Satan…” Levi shied away, following Mammon out the kitchen.
It only took a few seconds before the footsteps came rushing back into the kitchen.
“SATAN?!?!” Both Mammon and Levi shouted in unison.
“You two really are idiots. Letting [MC] cook all by themself while you’re having a little insult fest.” Satan said, smirking, trying not to laugh as he had almost got them to leave.
“You’re the one just standing behind [MC] just watching them cook!” Mammon growled.
Levi realized that they were in the presence of the last two people they wanted in the kitchen right now, so he had to be diligent. “Y-yeah! If you’re gonna be in the kitchen, you’re gonna have to do something to help with lunch.”
“Like saying how badly both of your feet stink?” Satan turned to them crossing his arms.
“THEY DON’T STINK!!” Both Mammon and Levi shouted again. It was at this point of your cooking that you had enough, you hadn’t even started on the bisque yet, and the three of them were standing around having a quarrel.
“ALL OF YOU!” You shout, causing them to turn their attention to you. “I’m already done shaping and seasoning the patties, and I need to start making the soup, if none of you are going to help me, then I need you all to leave the kitchen.”
Mammon, Levi and Satan looked taken aback, they didn’t see this side of MC before.
“Well, I wanna help, what do you want me to do?” Levi asked, walking up to you.
“H-Hey, I wanna help too!” Mammon followed Levi.
“... You know, if you didn’t make a pact with anyone here, you probably would have been in danger of getting hurt…” Satan began, “But… I guess we aren’t earning your cooking if we didn’t help… So you’re making tomato bisque? That’s pretty ambitious, especially for a house of seven.”
“Well, this is my grandma’s recipe, and I wanted to give a lunch that warms the heart as well as your mouth.” You said, softening your smile as you recruited two more brothers to help cook. “I wanna keep my family’s recipes alive.”
“Ah… that is noble of you. Well, I can start chopping the vegetables.” Satan said, smiling.
“Yeah, I’ll start cutting the cheese for the patty melts.” Levi said.
“Umm, I can start buttering the bread, and cook the patties!” Mammon said as the boys started getting everything ready.
It warmed your heart to see that you all were working together. You felt like the head chef, supervising the next three eldest brothers after Lucifer, and you all came together to show how you made the garlic tomato bisque. Eventually, you cooked the patties and started to make them melts.
“Thank you all so much for this… I really do appreciate your help, by the way, Mammon, Satan? Could you go and tell Belphie and Asmo that lunch will be ready shortly?” You asked.
“Why can’t Levi do it?” Mammon asked.
“Because I’m trusting you with this task, Mammon. And you too, Satan.” You replied, smiling.
“Understood, come on.” Satan said, walking out of the kitchen, with Mammon.
You smile and look at Levi. “Thank you so much, I think they were pretty behaved, but check the footage, just to be safe.”
“Of course. Oh, and don’t forget that the first melt and soup bowl is mine.” Levi mentioned as he began to play it back.
You kept your eye on Levi’s patty melt, not wanting to flip it too late or too soon. And at the first flip over, it was a delightfully toasted brown. “Yes!”
Levi smiles as he saw the joy on your face, but then as he played back the video, he noticed you had only made 7 patties… it should have been 8… were you not gonna make one for yourself?
“Oh Levi, here you go, fresh and a perfect toasted brown and cut in half, I hope you like it.” You say, handing him his sandwich and the bowl of garlic tomato bisque.
“Oh wow, it looks so good… thank you, [MC]!” Levi said, closing the camcorder. “And you’re in luck, I didn’t see any sabotaging, but maybe taste the bisque before you try it…”
“Oh right…” you said as you went over to the bisque and tasted it, and you got transported back to when you were sick in bed, and your grandma made you this soup. It made you fall asleep easier, and helped you feel better the next day. You remembered going down to grandma’s kitchen and giving her the biggest hug, cause you felt the best you had felt in your life.
“Hey… [MC]? What’s wrong?” Levi asked, lowering his head to meet your eyes, which he grew misty.
“H-Huh? O-Oh nothing… It just… tastes just like how grandma made it…” you shook your head and wiped your eyes.
“Well, now I’m sold and I haven’t even eaten yet.” Levi smiles, “By the way, how are you going to get past Beel with those sandwiches? He’s eating anything that comes in for Lucifer…”
“Well, I’m gonna cook Lucifer’s and Beel’s at the same time, but then, I’ll cut them both in half, and swap out one of the halves for another. So Lucifer can have some of Beel’s, Beel can have some of Lucifer’s, and They’ll both still have a whole sandwich.” You explained. “And I can show the footage to Beel to back it up.”
Levi blinked, surprised that you thought it through. “It’s pretty scary that you are this thorough… I don’t think even Satan is that thorough…”
You blush and chuckle. “Well, go and eat, everyone will be down soon.” You say, nodding as you shoo Levi off. Eventually, one by one you cooked the patties and grilled cheese’d them, and served them with bisque to brothers who also came down. Soon, you made the last two at the same time, cooking them side by side while the camcorder recorded you. You finally made a beautiful presentation, two halves of each sandwich indicated by ornate toothpicks, two colored red, and two colored orange surrounding but not touching the bowl of garlic tomato bisque. You put it on a tray and made your way up toward Lucifer’s room, where Beel stood guard.
“Oh, [MC]. How are… what is that?” Beelzebub said, giving you a smile, but then it dropped into longing. You swear you could hear his stomach growling.
“Oh, I made everyone lunch, and I made one for you and Lucifer.” You explained. “Four cheese patty melt with garlic tomato bisque, and water with lemon slices because… hydration.” You listed, giving a smile
“... You do know I gotta eat both because of Mammon and Satan. Right?” Beel asked, frowning with an eyebrow raised.
“Well, not necessarily, I cut the sandwiches in half, and swapped the left halves, the soup was made in the same pot and I tasted it. I have recorded footage as well. And even though Mammon and Satan helped, Levi and I made sure that nothing wrong happened.” You say.
Beel blinks, and took one of the plates offered to him and began to eat the sandwiches, he nodded impressed, and then dipped a half of the sandwich into the soup and his eyes widened in joy. “I need more of this soup… and this… patty melt… it’s like grilled cheeseburger… [MC]... I didn’t know you could cook this good…”
You blush as you saw Beel enjoying it so much. Suddenly, Beel opened the door. “Lucifer, [MC] made you lunch, you’ve gotta try it!” He said into the room.
“... Send him in.” Was all you heard.
“Go on in, I’m gonna see if there’s more.” Beel said, running off excitedly to the kitchen.
“There’s more soup, but there’s no more… beef…” you called out but stopped halfway because Beel was already gone. You went into Lucifer’s room, closing the door behind you.
“[MC]... what’s this I heard about you making food?” Lucifer asked from his bed in his dimly lit room, he sounded like he was suffering. He had never had a cold before, and it must have come as a shock.
“Oh, I wanted to help you feel better, so I made you a patty melt, which is basically a grilled cheese-burger, and some of my grandma’s garlic tomato bisque. She made me this when I was younger whenever I felt sick. And I always felt better after.” You said, sitting down on the bed next to Lucifer.
“Oh… I appreciate it, but I heard that Mammon and Satan helped you make it… I hope you understand…” Lucifer said, solemnly.
“Well, I served everyone else before serving you, and I don’t think Mammon and Satan would have eaten something they sabotaged.” You explained. “Please? I’ve been worried about you all day ever since I heard you were sick this morning…”
Lucifer looked at you and his face softened. “Well, if you insist that nothing’s wrong… it does smell good… although I’m not a fan of greasy food…”
“Don’t worry, the grease adds flavor to the bread, here…” you gave Lucifer a fork and knife, to which he started laughing.
“You know me so well.” Lucifer said, smiling, as he took the utensils and began to cut into it.
“You just strike me as the kind of person to eat everything with a fork and knife, you’re not exactly a hands-on eater… oh, and if you want, try dipping the bites you cut into the bisque.”
“... Well maybe I’ll try them separately first before marrying them.” Lucifer said as he was given a spoon as well and began to eat his soup. “Ooh… and you said this was your grandmother’s recipe? Your grandmother knows her flavors, this is delicious!”
“Oh good, I’m glad you like it…” you sighed in relief.
“I don’t like it, I love it…” Lucifer said, smiling at you, “Your grandmother would be very proud of you...”
You blush as you start to feel pretty warm yourself, it felt like Lucifer was holding your hand, or holding you close even though he continued to eat.
After Lucifer has finished his food and his water, he smiled at you, and slightly sniffles.
“Thank you for such a delicious lunch, [MC]. And thank you for such great company… didn’t you make some for yourself?” Lucifer asked, tilting his head.
“Oh you’re welcome! And no, I had a taste of the bisque, and I think that Beel might have eaten the rest of the soup… I’m just glad that you all had yours.” You say, shaking your head.
“I see… I suggest you eat as well, after all, you made us all lunch, you should enjoy your cooking as well.” Lucifer said, holding your hand. “You deserve yours.”
You blush and smile. “I will, don’t worry… now get some rest, and give me a message if you need anything else, okay?”
“Of course, I hope I feel better fast.” Lucifer said, but before you left, you went over and gave him a kiss on his forehead before leaving his room. Lucifer was blushing now, “Heh… I hope I feel better for your sake…” he said after you had already left.
You came out of the bathroom a few minutes after leaving Lucifer’s room to wash your hands, and your lips. Levi was right, you didn’t want to catch the Common Cold 2.0: The Sequel. You smile as you walk back down to the kitchen, and pull out your D.D.D. You were about to call for delivery when you went to the kitchen and you heard;
“Surprise!” The other brothers said as you gasp and almost drop your D.D.D. Mammon was holding up another patty melt while Levi held a bowl of what looked to be fresh garlic tomato bisque.
“W-Wha? What is this?” You ask, going up to them, not sure what to say.
“Well, Beel went Gaga for your soup, and he finished it off.” Belphie said as he pat Beel’s back as Beel blushed and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.
“I’m sorry, it was so good…” Beel said, biting his lip.
“And Levi noticed that you didn’t make a patty for yourself, so, he naturally told us, and we decided to go and get the ingredients to make YOU your lunch to us~.” Asmo winked.
“I-I just thought it wasn’t fair for you to make us lunch and not get your own lunch to enjoy…” Levi blushes a bit, looking down.
“You left your notebook in the kitchen so we kind of looked through it… sorry for snooping around your things… but we made you some fresh bisque as well.” Satan said, smiling.
“I hope this is up to your standards, and I hope we did your grandmother’s recipe proud…” Mammon said.
“Yeah, even though Mammon suggested we make this and make a market out of it.” Belphie smirked at Mammon.
You didn’t even hear what Mammon said to that because you were touched that the brothers had come together to make lunch for you. You smile sweetly and took the dishes from the brothers, set them down on the kitchen island and gave them all a hug.
“Thank you, all of you. You don’t know how much this means to me… thank you all so much! Especially you, for all of your help today, Levi…” you said, giving Levi a kiss on his cheek.
“Wha-WhoooOOOOAAA!! What was that for?!” Levi blushed madly.
“H-Hey! Why did Levi get a kiss?!” Mammon’s eyes widened and bared his teeth.
“Cause no one wants to kiss you, scummy Mammon~.” Asmo teased.
“No one asked you Fifty Shades of Pink!” Mammon growled. “And everyone wants a piece of The Great Mammon!”
“Yes, especially those three witches you still owe a debt to.” Satan smirks.
“You know what Satan, I’m getting sick and tired of your mouth, you always got something smart to say!” Mammon stepped up to Satan.
“Well someone has to cut through the idiocy that comes out of your mouth.” Satan crossed his arms.
Belphie snuck your food to you from behind their fussing. “You’d better eat while Beel doesn’t try to grab it.” He said, winking at you.
You smile and head to your seat in the dining hall, and you chuckle as heard them fighting as you are carefully.
“You know what?! I don’t need to take this from someone whose feet stink!” You heard Mammon throw out.
“What does that have to do with anything, Mammon?” Beel asked.
“My feet don’t stink!” Satan growls. “And that statement is irrelevant to the topic at hand, and is proving my point!”
You chuckle a bit louder as you try to calm yourself down to continue eating. “Oh I love it here… Never a dull moment with these brothers…
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
Obscured by Shadows
Now to the last Halloween short! This was prompted by the wonderful @spacalicious and let me tell you you gave me so much I could have written a full on 60k story about it. I didn’t have as much fun writing a story in a long time. That said, this got long, i’ts a bit over 5k and I’m sorry to those who haven’t got something as long, I hope that’s okay. So enjoy this one!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 | AU: Eldritch being?
Nines had always been determined to figure things out for himself. Maybe it was something he valued because he had never been given a real base programming. He knew his model would eventually be used for the military. But Cyberlife hadn’t been able to do more than basic hardware tests on him before the revolution changed the world. He had been informed his prior series had been finished and given a purpose: The RK200 was a caretaker and the RK800 was working for the police. With nothing much to go off of, RK900 had chosen to keep these purposes in mind while finding his own.
He had applied at the police academy immediately after making this decision. He didn’t want to just download a program from someone. He wanted to build his own unique one. And during his time at the academy, he quickly found he liked the challenge of uncovering mysteries. He enjoyed gathering evidence, puzzling together what had happened based on it and uncovering the truth in between sowed lies. It only took him a few years to make it detective and was proud to be accepted at the fifth precinct of the Detroit police department. The Captain had assigned him to Lieutenant Anderson, the officer that had been there the longest, and Connor, the RK800. He was supposed to learn the ropes from them, and Connor was more than glad to show him around.
His predecessor had decided getting to know his co-workers was the best course of action and one after the next pointed out the different persons to him. ‘Okay, as you came in you must have seen the receptionists. The android is a ST300, she calls herself Steph, and the human one is Elisabeth, but everyone calls her Elly. Then we’ve got Officer Collins over there, this is Hank’s desk and mine and there is Officer Willson’s. On the other side we have Officer Person, Officer Chen and Officer Miller. And you already met the Captain. We are a small group, but that’s because SWAT is right there, if you head out this side. Another RK800 is working there, but I’m not on best terms with him. We tend to evade each other. Doesn’t mean you have to though. I can show you around there tomorrow, for now I’ll show you the cells, interrogation room and the meeting room. Then we can-‘ ‘Excuse me?’ Nines felt bad for interrupting, but his eye had fallen on… on what again? ‘Yes? Sorry, I tend to monologue. How can I help you?’ Connor politely smiled at him, while Nines thought about what he had meant to ask about. Connor had showed him all his co-workers and had went on with- right. He looked around again and kept his eyes on the person Connor missed. ‘Who is he?’, he asked, pointing Connor at the man. ‘Hm? Oh. Oh, that’s just Gavin’, the other android waved him off. ‘Detective Reed I believe. He’s an asshole. I met him briefly before the revolution. That was enough to get a clear picture of him. File him under unimportant and go on with it. It’s not really worth knowing the guy, trust me.’ ‘But I introduced myself to everyone personally after the initial briefing’, Nines argued. ‘I believe I must have forgotten him. I at least want to do that.’ Connor shrugged. ‘Fine, knock yourself out. I’ll wait here for you. I doubt you’ll be long.’
Nines made his way over to the man’s desk and read the plague first. Connor had been right: Detective Gavin Reed. ‘Hello! My name is Nines. I’m a RK900 unit and the new Detective. I’m looking forward to work with you!’ He held out his hand and every other person had accepted it and had some niceties left for him. The human in front of him just stared him up and down and grumbled. ‘Phck off.’ Nines recoiled. ‘Excuse me, I just wanted to be nice. I-‘ ‘And I don’t. Mind your own business and piss off!’ Nines knit his brows but remembered Connor’s words. Maybe this one time he could have relied on someone else’s knowledge.
He had returned to Connor that day and the other RK had shown him the rest of the precinct. After that the days seemed to rush past: Nines helped Hank and Connor with their cases and quickly afterwards he had his first very own case. The other two had helped him solve it, but it still was one he had led and found most of the clues to. After work he was driving from one place to the next looking for a small affordable flat, but so far, he stayed in the mostly unused stasis-booths at the precinct or simply continued working. In his breaks he had chatted with his co-workers and learned quite a lot about them. Collins had a sweet tooth, Wilson was almost religiously obsessed with football, Person was spending a large amount of his pay checks on his sister’s hospital fees but according to him she is getting better, Chen loved tea way too much and Miller could talk on for hours about his daughter and wife. Nines was quite content with his life and his choice to join the DPD. He liked the challenge actual cases brought to the table and was in general well-liked. So why was something constantly nagging at his systems, directing his attention to empty spaces on the opposite wall or just letting him stare into the nothing somewhere in the precinct? Maybe something was just wrong with his systems.
No, there wasn’t anything wrong with his systems. Nines had checked as he had entered stasis that night. But that would mean something in the precinct actually let his sensors misfire. And apparently, he was the only one to notice that strange phenomenon. The RK900 still doubted himself as he stepped down from the platform that morning. All his co-workers were competent and attentive people. They should have noticed it if something weird was going on in the bullpen. And there was still the minimal possibility of his diagnostic routines failing him. He would keep this to himself for now and keep his eyes open.
It took him almost a month to lose his patience. The errors and inconsistencies piled up and so far, almost all of them could be chalked up to the one person no one seemed to care about or even notice. Gavin Reed. The strangest thing was that Nines himself didn’t care much about the human. In fact, he only ended up focussing on the man as the number of things he didn’t know about him became suspicious. He had made a point of knowing as much as possible and appropriate about his co-workers. He had learned that helped a lot with work climate and integration. The occasional donut for Collins, a signed picture of a famous footballer for Wilson’s birthday, spending his break with Tina once to check out a local tea shop: That all was something that had made him likeable and made working a pleasant experience. But with how much he knew of them, how little he knew of Gavin was worrying.
Sure, the man was an asshole. But even assholes had personalities. There had to be at least rumours about him. But whenever he had asked someone, he had been given the same answers: ‘Reed? Yeah, he worked here for some time.’ ‘He’s an asshole, it seems to be worse with androids.’ ‘Pfft… Nah, he keeps to himself, don’t know anything about him.’ So he wasn’t alone with not knowing, he just was alone with worrying about that fact.
One quiet day, he decided to do some personal research into that mystery. Every human was known to the world in some way or another. Date of birth. Date of graduation. Date of Employment. Criminal record. Won some small prize in the lottery. An Address. Anything. And that was when things got truly confusing. He looked over at the man and felt how his eyes suddenly darted away to movement that he had thought to see at the edge of his vision. He never managed to look at the human for longer than a few minutes. Something was seriously wrong.
‘Connor? Can I speak with you for a moment? In private?’ Connor looked up from his work, then to the clock. He shrugged. ‘Sure. I can take my break early. What can I help you with?’ They left the precinct through the back entrance to have some privacy and Nines began with a sigh. ‘It’s about Gavin.’ ‘Did he do anything to you? Did he harm you?’ ‘No!’, Nines quickly said. ‘No, he didn’t do anything. But he is weird. I… I did some research and…’ ‘Wait. You “did some research”? What are you talking about?’ Nines held his hands up to calm him. ‘Connor, please listen to me, it will all make sense in a minute. How much do you know about Reed?’ ‘Nothing much, he’s an asshole. Otherwise he keeps to himself. Worked here for a long time.’ ‘How long?’ ‘How should I know?’ ‘How long did Person work here?’ ‘For twelve years, exactly a month from now.’ Nines stared at him triumphantly.
‘Hey, I haven’t looked into his file, okay? Never even talked to him. That doesn’t mean anything.’ ‘Well, I looked into it’, Nines picked up where Connor left off. ‘He doesn’t even work here. Officially. There is no file in the systems for his person, his name is only listed as being employed by the city. There is a birth year at least, but no school. No educational record, no graduation paper. Nothing. There is an address, but the place had been towed down ages ago.’ ‘Maybe he forgot to update it. Or Fowler knows and hadn’t updated his new address yet.’ ‘And the missing documents?’, Nines tried to convince him. ‘What about those?’ ‘Humans can be sloppy sometimes. Especially with bureaucracy.’ ‘May I remind you the entire HR department is run by androids by now?’, Nines threw his final punch. ‘It’s quite funny when you think about it.’ Connor held his head as if he had forgotten he couldn’t get headaches. ‘Nines, you are paranoid. The guy really isn’t that important.’
But Nines didn’t let himself be shut down. ‘There is more actually. Chris complained about the coffee being empty, right? That was yesterday, a Thursday. Correct?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘And I personally restocked Monday the week before! Tina drinks tea, Chris can’t drink too much or his stomach acts up. With the regular caffeine intake of the rest of them, it shouldn’t be depleted yet.’ ‘So?’ ‘Someone drinks an unhealthy amount of coffee, I would even dare say it would kill a human or at least leave them with serious health issues. And only Gavin is left if you keep an eye out.’ Connor sighed: ‘Or someone dropped the package, spilled half of it and cleaned up the mess into the bin.’ ‘Okay, then how do you explain this: Reed is always here when someone arrives. No matter how early I rise from stasis, he is already there. As if he never left. And then sometimes he spends entire days away and no one bothers!’ ‘Vacations and overtime are a thing.’ Nines shook his head. ‘There is no car standing in the parking lot that belongs to him, I looked after everyone was gone. Yet, there is a key to a car on his desk.’ ‘Maybe he parks somewhere else, because he likes to go on a walk after a long day of sitting around.’ ‘Connor!’ ‘No, Nines, you are paranoid. That’s all. You should slow down maybe. Or take some days off. The man is just your regular asshole who is decent enough to be professional and do his job. And that’s all.’
Nines was desperate. He had thought that at least if pointed to it, the other RK would notice. ‘Then what about the fact that I have never seen him eat something once? And he keeps framed pictures of his cats, but he has no cat hairs on himself!’ ‘Nines, please, you need to calm down. If I didn’t know it any better, I’d say you are stalking him. Please stop. Believe me when I say Reed is as unimportant as someone could be. You are certain of the way things seem to be and now you search for evidence to prove your point. But we are detectives. We find evidence and conclude.’ He took a deep breath. ‘I worry for you. Please, take a break from work. How is your house-hunting?’ ‘Haven’t found a flat yet.’ ‘Do you want to live with Hank and me? We could make room for you for a few days. You need to get out of here.’ Nines deflated as he saw he couldn’t win. ‘That’s nice of you, Connor. But I guess I’ll just think about what you said and try to get back to work.’
In truth Nines didn’t think about anything Connor had told him. If anything, his words had only made it clearer to him that something is wrong. He had to take matters into his own hands.
Gavin startled as a coffee cup was put on his desk with an audible thump. He looked up. ‘Hello, I’m Nines. I already introduced myself but we never really talked.’ Gavin stared at the nosey android and frowned. ‘And I already told you to phck off. Nothing has changed since then.’ ‘No need to be so aggressive, Detective. I always see you working. I believe I never actually saw you taking a break.’ ‘Well, I like work and I’d like to get back to it, tin-can.’ ‘Tin-can? Oh, that’s a new one’, the android answered and smiled at him. Goddamnit. ‘Listen, I don’t know what you are on about, but I don’t want to talk. I’ll say it one last time: Phck off!’ This… Nines… pouted at him. ‘Come on, I got you a coffee, the least you could do is answer me one question!’ Gavin sighed and leaned back. ‘Fine. One question. And then you’ll go!’ He hoped his form didn’t show how nervous he was.
‘What do you like?’ Compared to everything he had expected that was quite harmless and caught him off-guard. ‘What?’ The android continued to grin at him. ‘What do you like? Food, hobbies, doesn’t matter.’ ‘Oh, okay, err… I like cats. And… Coffee.’ ‘Are those yours?’, the android asked pointing at the framed pictures. ‘Hey, you said one question, then you’d be leaving me alone!’ The android lifted his hands. ‘Alright, fine. I’m leaving. Was nice talking to you!’
Gavin couldn’t help looking after the machine that was leaving now. Damn nosy androids would be his downfall someday. He turned back to his work, the smell of coffee distracting him. He glanced over to it and finally succumbed to taking and drinking it. He wasn’t ashamed by the fact that he was addicted to it ever since he first tried it in the 15th century. It was one of the pleasant experiences of his existence. He had lived on this world for eons now, maybe he had been around right from the start. But you could only spend so many billion years until you got bored and wanted to try something new. He had lived among humans ever since a massive migration to a continent a large part of the world never even knew about. It was easy to fit in when no one asked where you came from and everyone was eager to start a new life. And Gavin fit in nicely. He sowed enough information to saturate most and those who wanted more he used his powers on to become totally ordinary. So ordinary that most didn’t even notice him. He was living a peaceful life, working on farms, later with railroads and the industry. He liked the concept of lifetimes to justify changing from one job to another and discovering new interesting ways to fake being human. This lifetime he had decided to spend just relaxing. He played the average human that made it Detective and since then worked away solving mysteries and cuddling with cats when coming home.
He couldn’t have known this would be the time humanity decided to change once again. They decided to design machines, androids. They looked human but were designed to obey. Why exactly was it that humanity wished for some kind of slavery every few hundred years? He didn’t care for it too much as they were just machines. Sure, his powers didn’t work on them like they did with humans, but as he was seen as one of them, he could just order the androids to go away and leave him alone. And then deviancy happened. Humans had tried perfecting them so much, they accidentally created life. Gavin knowing humans had decided to wait it out. Too easy he could fake his death and return to his normal existence. But he had been living within them in peace successfully so far. He really didn’t want to change that. So, he waited. Waited until the revolution happened. And too his distress, the androids won.
Ever since he had tried to move on the streets as little as necessary. He spent almost all of his days in the precinct where he was safe from them minus Connor. And the bot he could easily get rid of by changing his attitude to grumpy and abrasive. He thought it might work out. But this new android was a pain in the ass. Nosey as hell and apparently determined to get to know him. Well, someday his luck had to run out and it seemed the time had come.
He spent his remaining day at his terminal, until he felt eyes on him again. He tried to subtly look up and met the damned android’s cheeky grin as he entered the stasis booth. The machine even gave him a little wave. Gavin felt his powers bristling underneath his skin, warning him he had been spotted, but with grit teeth he forced them down. Phck, he needed to relax. He switched off his terminal and headed outside. He hurried through the streets until he finally found an empty back alley without CCTV. It really had been easier in the olden times. Quietly he let go of the charade and got rid of his fake skin. Finally, he could stretch and brush against corners, making natural shadows more refined and let them stretch to take him. Oh, he had missed that feeling. Excitement bubbled inside him as he scaled the city, slithering from one shadow to the next through the narrow spaces in brickwork and underground where there was no connecting darkness to act as a convenient passageway. More than once androids looked towards him, but he just hurried away before they could investigate. Damn machines.
He finally made it home, faster than any car or train could and let himself inside through the letter box. Only then he reformed his human appearance and got to his knees, greeting his cats with maybe one or two arms too many. Not that they would care, they just wanted their pets. Gavin sighed, the fluffy fur under his hands just the perfect way to destress from a long day. He fed them and switched on his stereo to blast music as loud as the cats would allow. He had more than enough time to settle everything with the nosey android. He would be fine.
‘You forgot your keys yesterday!’, he was greeted as he walked into the bullpen. He could only frown at the android standing beside his desk, dangling them from one finger. Gavin saw red and pulled them from the man, maybe having moved a little too fast for a human. ‘Give them back!’ He looked down on them and carefully put them down in their usual spot. ‘How did you come home then? You couldn’t drive with your car.’ ‘I don’t have one, phck off!’, Gavin shouted. ‘Then why do you have keys?’
Phck. He felt his powers acting up, but it only managed to avert the human gazes from the disturbance. The android didn’t bulge. Shit. A human explanation, quick. Oh, right, parents were a thing! ‘They are my dad’s, he… He died in a car crash. They are the only thing I’ve got left of him.’ It technically wasn’t even a lie. Nowadays he often faked his death so he could inherit his own belongings and one of them had indeed been a car crash. ‘Oh. I’m sorry.’ The android really looked like he meant it. ‘I didn’t mean to pry.’ ‘Well then go and-‘ ‘Can I make it up to you?’ Oh phck no… ‘There is a cat café that just recently opened up. I thought-‘ ‘What is a cat café?’, Gavin asked, momentarily forgetting he wanted the android gone. ‘Oh, it’s a regular café, but cats are roaming around. I thought you’d like it.’ ‘I… That does sound interesting.’ ‘It’s a deal then! I’m looking forward to it!’ ‘No, I-‘ But the android had already left. Gavin let his shoulders fall. It wouldn’t hurt playing human for a break, right? He had done so before. Sure, it broke his rule of never mingling too close with humanity, but it couldn’t really go wrong, right?’
It was awkward at first. They had entered and sat down on two comfy chairs and didn’t manage to speak a word until the waiter came. They ordered their drinks and it returned to the uncomfortable silence. Until one of the cats decided to jump onto Gavin’s lap. The android had laughed at his surprised face and Gavin had begun to pet her. ‘You are good with cats’, he commented. ‘Yeah, I love them’, Gavin answered. ‘Just… calms you down I guess.’ ‘I never got to pet one.’ ‘Really?’ Gavin could understand that human lives were short and that not everyone had the pleasure of strolling along the streets of early civilisations and pet every fluffy beast in existence, but it did surprise him. ‘You really have to!’
The android looked around and tried to get the attention of one of the cats wandering about. The look of pure wonder on the android’s face as the cat headbutted his hand for the first time touched something in Gavin and he chuckled. The android looked back up while still petting the cat and smiled back. Only as the cat decided they had enough did the android return to the table. ‘I really wonder why everyone was so sure about you being an asshole’, Nines began talking. ‘I mean, I don’t really know you yet, but you are nice company.’ ‘I tend to keep to myself’, Gavin muttered, looking down on the cat that still hadn’t moved and curled herself up on his legs. ‘Made some bad experiences I guess.’ ‘I think we should do this more often’, the android said. As much as Gavin wanted to, he couldn’t bring himself to truly disagree.
They met a few times afterwards. They often spent their breaks together in the café and with time Gavin thought that maybe he didn’t have to isolate himself all the time. But he always shut these thoughts down and thought of the android as an exception. One evening Nines had insisted to come over and see Gavin’s cats, what had brought Gavin into the zugzwang to explain some of the by now ancient things he had collected over the years. ‘I’m interested in history’, he bluffed. ‘Archaeology is a pet peeve of mine. So I tend to collect.’ Surprisingly, the android had bought it and instead admired his “collection”. It had ended in multiple visits to museums and exhibitions. Not that Gavin really minded. It was a fun distraction and his lie about being a history enthusiast wasn’t that far fetched when he could tell a few first-hand stories from when he had been there himself.
It was about a month later that they had come back from one of these exhibition trips and the android had dropped him off at his apartment. The android had hugged him goodbye, something he would never get tired of, and was about to go. ‘Are you going back to the precinct?’, he blurted out out of nowhere. ‘Yes’, Nines had answered. ‘Detroit’s housing market is awful. Haven’t got a flat yet.’ ‘Do you want to… I mean you could stay here if you want to.’ The android had stared at him wide eyed and Gavin started to regret his impromptu decision until Nines threw him a smile and nodded politely. That evening Gavin ended up on the couch next to Nines watching TV until the android appeared to have entered stasis. In the silence that followed, he began to think about his life choices. What was he doing? He was an eldritch shadow being from the dawn of time. Nines was an android he had no power over. And something was clearly growing between them. It was evident in the way Nines had snuggled up next to him, the cats all over them. This couldn’t work. What if Nines found out? What if he would rat him out to anyone? Humans he could fool, but androids would be able to follow him to the end of the world. He had made a huge mistake.
And still: listening to the hum of the android’s thirium pump he couldn’t find to regret it. Quite the opposite was the case.
The next morning was filled with more excuses. Why didn’t he have a kitchen? Why didn’t he have any food at home? Gavin had mumbled something about always getting something at the food trucks and stressed they would be late. Apparently, Nines took that information with only a sigh, too. One Catastrophe evaded.
Off to face the next one: As they entered the precinct together, Gavin froze as he found his desk occupied. By Connor. And the other android was staring at them with determination. ‘You two. Interrogation room. Now.’ Gavin was about to protest, so did Nines, but the other RK stopped them: ‘I said now!’ So, they trotted over, and Gavin knew he had phcked up. He had set up these rules for a reason. How could he think he could start a relationship with an android would somehow work out?
‘Nines, I believe you now.’ Nines frowned in return as they entered and exchanged a look with Gavin. ‘What do you mean?’ ‘What you told me about him. It’s true! It’s like he isn’t even existing! And everything you told me was true! There are so many discrepancies with him that something has to be wrong.’ Gavin felt panic creeping in. What? What had these two androids talked about? What had he missed? ‘No, Connor, you were right’, Nines disagreed. ‘There is a logical explanation for everything. I was just paranoid, as you said. I just knew nothing about him because I never even spoke with him.’ ‘Oh and now suddenly everything is perfect? What are these explanations then?’ Nines sighed. ‘What do you want to hear from me?’ ‘The keys?’ ‘Memorabilia of his deceased father.’ ‘The cat hairs?’ ‘Either I must have missed something or he had just washed his clothes. Scan Gavin now and you’ll see a bunch of cat hairs.’ ‘What the hell are you two talking about?’, Gavin asked. ‘You are hiding something!’, Connor growled his way. ‘And I won’t rest until I know what it is!’ Gavin took an instinctive step back. Oh no… ‘Connor’, Nines directed the other RK’s attention back to him. ‘I spent the last months with him. He really isn’t as bad as you think and he clearly isn’t hiding anything.’ ‘Oh, is that so? Have you seen his home then?’
Nines puffed out his chest. ‘I have, actually. In great detail.’ He challenged Connor by staring him in the eyes. ‘Wait what?’ That had caught Connor off-guard at least. ‘You two… You aren’t… No.’ ‘Yes’, Nines grinned. ‘And you should trust the android with the more advanced analysis tools that he is as normal as a human can be.’ Connor was left just standing there, staring. ‘I… I’m not convinced, just so you know. But I trust you. Just know that I’ll be keeping an eye on you!’ ‘That’s only fair’, Nines commented, but Connor was already storming out of the room.
For a while no one moved. ‘Should we go back to the-‘, Gavin started, but was interrupted: ‘No.’ Nines pushed himself off the table and leaned against it. ‘The cams are deactivated, and the observation room is empty. No one else can hear us. I’m sorry. I should have told you earlier.’ ‘What should you have told me earlier?’, Gavin asked carefully. ‘I had suspicions about you. That’s why I initially wanted to get to know you better. I pretended everything was alright so you could tell me once you were ready. But I guess now is a good a time as ever: What are you, Gavin? Who are you? The things you own are legitimately old. A collection like this would be priceless, you could sell it for millions. Most of it belongs in a museum. And you don’t even really exist on paper. I couldn’t find your name in any hospital archives from the day you were supposed to be born and you never went to a school. Please, I need to know.’
Gavin sighed deeply and sat down. Should he tell him? Well, he had to. But what then? He guessed a prison to hold him would have yet to be built. And he could always move to another city after faking yet another death. But he didn’t want to lose this. This lifetime was meant to be relaxing and hell, with Nines he had been the most relaxed he had been for centuries. Well, he had to hope for the best. ‘No one can see us?’ ‘No one.’ ‘And no one can hear us?’ ‘Everything said here will remain between us.’ ‘You have to promise not to tell anyone.’ ‘I will as long as my duty as a police officer doesn’t call for it.’
Gavin took a deep breath. So far so good. But promises could be empty and who knew what the duty of a police officer entailed these days. But he knew he was only buying time. And so he began: ‘I am a being that has been around since the dawn of time. I am made of shadows, some worshipped me as the shadows themselves. I don’t even know if that’s true. I’ve been around for a while until I finally decided to try living as a human for a while. And it worked! I was a peaceful part of society since… Well, I took a few breaks but more or less since the 600s? It is hard pretending to be a human if you are immortal, so I travelled a lot and faked papers as much as I could. I don’t eat, I don’t sleep, I like coffee and cats. The keys are from my first ever car, but I hate driving, so I got rid of it by crashing it one day.’ Nines stared at him dumbfounded. ‘I think I need proof, I can’t believe this.’ Gavin sighed and looked at the table. ‘Please, don’t freak out’, he warned, before transforming into his true form. Suddenly half the room was swallowed by darkness and Gavin showed off a bit by extending a few tendrils of shadow towards Nines. The android looked shocked at first, then bewildered and then fascinated. Nines even stepped closer. ‘You won’t hurt me, right?’ ‘I never hurt anyone’, Gavin answered, his voice coming somewhere from his centre that was still hovering over the chair. Nines extended an arm and tried to touch Gavin, who chuckled. His only feature was to consume light, he literally was the personification of the absence of light. What a dork, trying to touch that. For some reason that seemed to disappoint the android and Gavin made an effort reforming his body partially while still keeping his real self exposed.
‘And?’, Gavin asked. ‘What does this mean now?’ Nines was still staring at him. ‘You are beautiful.’ Gavin laughed, but took the android’s hand lovingly. ‘If you say so.’ ‘How did you keep this a secret for so long? Is that why you aren’t noticeable by most? I have so many questions, I-‘ ‘I would say, I explain everything to you at my home where we are safe’, Gavin offered. ‘I want to know what it means first. For us. Does it change anything?’
Nines smiled and came closer. ‘Only that I don’t have to worry about your human lifespan’, he smirked. ‘And that we can spend an eternity forever.’ Gavin sighed in relief and relaxed completely. ‘You don’t know how much that means to me.’ ‘I think I get the gist of it’, Nines shrugged and dove in for a kiss that left Gavin completely unprepared. But he had always been quick to adapt.
It took them a while to get out of that interrogation room, but thanks to Gavin’s powers no one but Connor noticed. Nines just threw him a cocky smile while making a point of sitting down on the free table opposite of Gavin’s.
Maybe Gavin Reed was a man made of shadows. It didn’t change the fact that Nines was completely engulfed in his gloom.
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