#and they said yes !!!! and they asked if they could call me their datefriend (i said yes of course)
radiant-flutterbun · 2 years
Mason’s Brightside Part 7
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A few days passed and Mason’s wrist was still in bad shape. Blanche worked on it as best as xey could using everything xey knew from years of training all throughout Sornieth. Xey claimed he was improving, but whatever the improvement was was so minuscule it made no difference to him.
“It will take time,” Blanche reminded him yet again, xeir tail flicking. “Trust me when I say you don’t want me to rush this.”
Xey were good at numbing the pain though. He was thankful he never felt more than a dull pain from the shattered bones.
Perryn visited him often too, which made his heart flutter every time. Often they would just sit beside him and chat or crochet. They got him to talk a lot about the comic he wanted to write, and he was all too eager to share.
“And that’s when Skylar realized… wait sorry that’s a pretty big spoiler.”
Perryn paused their crocheting, “Aww come on Mace, you’ve already told me so many spoilers, I want to know what happens!”
Mason shook his head. “No nope. You’re going to have to find out when I’m able to make this story come to life properly.” He glanced at his bandaged hand.
Perryn followed Mason’s eyes. “It will happen,” They reassured him. “And I can’t wait to read Blackberries properly.”
Mason blushed. And then he frowned.
“Hey Perryn?”
“Why do you keep visiting me? Don’t you have better things to do?”
“Like I told you before, I like you Mace. I like being around you.”
Mason’s blush deepened.
Perryn tapped their claws together. “Mason… I’ve been meaning to ask you something actually…”
“You have?”
“Are you… Attracted to me?”
Mason blinked and began to speak but the words caught in his throat. “A-attracted to you?”
Perryn looked away, there was a noticeable blush from under his fur, such as around his nose. “L-like romantically?”
“Oh no… I totally read this situation wrong didn’t I? Karyu always said I was bad at this stuff.”
“Wait… Are you trying to… Ask me out?”
Perryn nodded. “Would you like to be my boyfriend, Mason?”
“I…” Mason stammered. “Wow. I didn’t expect this.”
“I’m sorry. I’ve made things awkward. I shouldn’t have said a-”
“Yes! Yes Perryn yes!” Mason’s blush covered his whole face, even through the feathers. “You just caught me off guard! Because I always thought you were too good for me. I really didn’t think you felt the same way.”
Perryn let out a breath. “Oh good! Haha wow. That was scarier than I thought it would be.”
“So, do I call you my boyfriend or datefriend…? Because I know you’re not exactly a man but-”
Perryn smiled. “Either is fine! Because I can be both! I’m not a man but also kind of? It’s hard to explain. But you can refer to me as both!”
“Ok! Good to know, because I don’t ever want to do anything that would make you upset.”
“Then you can start by not being down about yourself Mace. I’m not ‘too good for you’. I’m not perfect. And you’re not selfish or a coward. Got it?”
“But you are too good for me. You’re out here putting your life on the line for strangers and making blankets for them in your free time!”
“Hey. No. I said none of that. You’re braver than you think, Mace. I don’t know how many others would actually go through with facing an Emperor head on. That takes guts, and you actually did it.”
“I only did it to impress you though.”
“You didn’t need to do anything to impress me, Mace. I have been enamored with you since the moment we met.”
“Y-you were?”
“Yep. I’m surprised you didn’t notice. Skydancers can usually sense others' emotions. Maybe it’s because you’re an alien? Now that I think about it, your antennae are all bent. I wonder if they’re broken?”
Mason felt his antennae with his good hand. “It wouldn’t be the only part of me broken.”
“Hey now. What did I just say? Don’t call yourself broken.”
“Are you sure you want to be my datefriend? Because I’m a fucking mess. Maybe this isn’t a good idea. You shouldn’t be involved with me. I’ll just ruin your life.”
“Yes I’m sure. Because I’ve never met someone so thoughtful, so creative, so cool! And you’re really handsome too.”
Mason looked up at Perryn. “You think I’m handsome?”
“Of course! The most handsomest boyfriend I could ever ask for!”
Mason smiled.
“And you have the best smile. I love to see it.”
Mason laughed. “Stop. If I smile too much then how am I supposed to keep my grumpy reputation?”
“Well maybe we’ll just have to change your reputation. Oh! And I got you something,” They rummaged around in a bag they had hidden behind their crochet bag. They pulled out a container and when they removed the lid it was revealed to be a salad full of fresh vegetables. “From now on you don’t ever have to eat another animal. I’ve got you covered.”
“What!” Mason felt his stomach growl looking at the food. “B-but how?”
“I did some bargaining with the longneck clan I get my yarn from.”
Mason frowned. “So you went out of your way just to accommodate me?”
“Of course! I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
“But I don’t deserve this.”
“No one should be force fed things they don’t want to eat, for whatever reason.”
“No, no, no. Now I’m taking up your time and resources and I… I feel bad about that.”
“Don’t. This is basic decency. And the hard part is already over. Now I’ve got a system set up. It’s not a big deal.”
“Thank you,” Mason gingerly took the salad from Perryn, but before he touched it he took a deep breath and looked at Perryn. “I still feel like I don’t deserve this. I know, I know. I shouldn’t feel that way. I have… A lot to unlearn. It’s just… Hard to stop thinking like that.”
“It’s ok Mace. I understand. Now enjoy your meal. And thanks for being my boyfriend. I’ve got to go now, but I’ll be back sooner than you think. I love you!” He disappeared out the door before Mason could process those last words.
He felt like he was floating.
A week had passed and Mason still hadn’t fully processed that Perryn was now his datefriend. Perryn was spending more and more time with him, and Mason was starting to notice a difference with his wrist. Blanche’s healing was working.
His wrist was still in no condition to use it for holding anything, but he was able to leave Blanche’s tent with Perryn and walk around the camp now, as long as he was careful not to put any weight on his wrist. The fresh air felt nice. And Perryn always had something new for him to eat, always fruit and veggies of course. He felt a lot better now that he didn’t have to eat insects anymore. It quieted the intrusive thoughts too. Mostly.
You don’t deserve this.
Shut up.
You’re going to hurt him. Just like Jeb.
Shut up!
“Mace?” Perryn looked over at him, their brow furrowed.
Mason jumped. “Oh! Sorry. I… zoned out.”
“I noticed. You get trapped in your head a lot, don’t you?”
“I… Yeah I guess you could say that.”
“Would you like me to break you out, like I just did?”
“Uh… Yeah actually. I’d appreciate that. Thank you.”
“No problem. Anything for my super cool and handsome boyfriend!”
Mason smiled. “Aww stop it. You’re making me blush.”
“Aww gross. Look at these two lovebirds.” Karyu landed next to Perryn and Mason, in their demigod form. Lazarus landed not long after.
“It’s downright sickening.” Lazarus said with a sneer.
Perryn rolled his eyes. “And what do you two want?”
“Nothing. Just seeing what my BFF is up to.” Karyu said.
“I’m just spending time with my boyfriend. Do you have a problem with that Karyu?”
“Still can’t believe it was him you fell in love with of all people.”
Perryn narrowed his eyes. “Care to elaborate, friend?”
Karyu sighed. “It’s just… Look, I've been in his head. I’ve seen his dreams. Dreams are like warped memories. They show what the dreamer fears. What they’ve done. What they’ve been through. And Mason’s got bite, as I’ve said before. He captured a god and tortured him. That takes guts. The kind of guts it takes to take down that.” They glanced at Luminax in the distance. “But a partner? For my best friend? Oh no.”
“And he didn’t turn out to be all that useful anyway. He’s weak. And now he’s just distracting you.” Laz said.
Perryn lashed his tail. “Who I decide to date isn’t either of your businesses!”
Karyu sighed. “I’m just worried about you, Perr. You haven't seen what I’ve seen come out of his head.”
“Maybe you should stay out of other people’s heads then.” Mason growled.
“Exactly,” Perryn agreed. “Need I bring up how we met, Kar?”
The demigod frowned. “No.”
“And besides, dreams are not reality. Whatever you’ve seen I’m sure is either an exaggeration or the partial truth. I like Mason, and I trust him. He’s who I want to be with. And if you don’t respect that, then I'm afraid we can’t be friends.”
Karyu twitched their ear. “Fine. Fine.”
“Now I think you owe Mace an apology.”
Karyu sneered. “No way.”
Perryn snarled, showing their canines. “Apologize.”
Karyu glared at Mason. “I’m sorry. Darling~” They smirked at Mason’s glare and then turned to Perryn. “Am I good?”
Perryn rolled their eyes. “I’m still mad at you, and that was not a true apology and you know it. But yeah. You’re good. You know I don’t like to stay mad at you. Just. Please mind your own business when it comes to my romances? Ok?”
Karyu flapped their wings. “Fiiiinnneee,” they took off.
Lazarus was still there, flicking their tail. “I hope you don’t expect me to leave so easily.”
“Of course not,” Perryn said dryly “You never make anything easy, Laz.”
“I just hope you don’t expect Mason to stay after his wrist heals. If it were up to me, he’d be out of here now. He’s useless and just taking up resources. And now he’s distracting you, who we actually need!”
“Ok first of all, don’t you dare call him useless. Second, he’s not taking up resources. Third, he’s not distracting me. And forth, fuck you.”
“Bold words, but no substance. He can’t fight or gather resources with a broken wrist, therefore he is useless here. Food and Blanche’s time, energy, and medicine is going to him. He’s taking up resources. You’re spending time with him instead of preparing to fight Luminax again. He is a distraction.”
“Just because he can’t contribute to the Guild in those ways right now, does not make him useless. He has value as a person. And he isn’t even eating from the Guild’s food stores at the moment. I’ve been getting him his food! As for Blanche, that’s why xey are here! When xey joined xey were prepared to heal any Guild member. That’s xeir job, and yes Mason is still a part of this Guild! And I am still training plenty. We just have more downtime than you’re used to because Modify and Unweder are crafting a new plan. Because someone fucked up our last plan. And no it wasn’t Mason. It was you.”
Laz snarled. “Sorry. Didn’t quite catch that.”
“If you weren't so focused on trying to make Luminax into one of your zombies, you could have created more zombies to distract them. Then they wouldn’t have spotted Mason and hurt him!”
“What! I cannot believe this!” Laz stomped a foot and then took off in a huff.
“Good riddance,” Perryn twitched their tail and then turned to Mason. “I’m really sorry about those two. Especially Karyu. You’d think as my friend they’d be happy for me but no.”
“It’s ok. Thanks for defending me. It was really sweet of you.”
“Of course! What sort of datefriend would I be if I didn’t stand up for my boyfriend?”
“But I can’t help but think that they kind of had a point.”
“Don’t you dare call yourself useless because-”
“No. It’s not that. Karyu is right to be distrustful. What if… What if I hurt you?”
“Do you want to hurt me?”
“No! Of course not. Never.”
“Then you won’t.”
“The intrusive thoughts?”
Mason looked away.
“If they upset you that much, that means you don’t want to do whatever they’re telling you. You’re not a bad person for having them, and I know you would never intentionally hurt me.”
“But what if I accidentally hurt you?”
“Then i’ll forgive you. Because it was an accident.”
“... Oh.”
Perryn smiled. “Now, I was actually planning to take you out on a date but Karyu kinda killed the mood. So I’ll leave it up to you.”
“Wait. A date?”
“Yep. You want to go?”
Mason nodded. “Yes, yes definitely. Please.”
“Oh yay! Then let’s go!” He took off with Mason following.
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Day 7 - Roommates/there was only one bed/creators choice
"Okay! This is the last box from the truck!"
"What is it?"
"I dunno, it's Bart's, and I can't read their handwriting."
Tim walked over, looking at the cardboard box in Kon's hands, tilting his head to read the label.
"Oh, it's like clothes and blankets," he said, pointing towards the stairs.
"Okay, where is Bart anyway?"
"They went to get dinner," Cassie responded, looking over from where she was rearranging the living room, with occasional input from Tim, who was setting up the wifi router, because that was the most important thing.
"Of course they did."
Kon carried the box into the bedroom, setting it down against the wall and then walking back out, over to Tim.
"What do you need, babe?"
"Uh, I don't know. Ask Cassie," Tim responded, barely looking up.
"How about you go start assembling the table, lord knows we'll need that first."
"Yes ma'am."
Kon followed orders and walked into the kitchen, finding the kitchen table that had been disassembled when it was delivered. He found the toolbag and sat down, starting to piece it together.
The four of them, Tim, Kon, Bart, and Cassie had all decided to move in together, and after much debating, they ended up settling in San Francisco, because they were close to base, and Kon and Tim were both going to a college there. The apartment they got, mostly thanks to Tim, was huge, two floors, three bedrooms and three bathrooms. Now you may be thinking, three bedrooms isn't really enough for four people! And you're correct, however, three of those four were hopelessly in love and were all snuggle bugs, so all they needed was a big bed and they were set. Cassie was not involved in this relationship, but still loved her dumb best friends, and was more then happy to move in with them when the invitation was offered.
"Hey! I'm back with food!"
A burst of red light zipped through the kitchen and take and bake pizza boxes were left on the counter in its wake.
"Bart!" An alarmed shout echoed from Tim, followed by a dull thud.
"Bart!" Cassie's was more of an amused complaint.
Then the red streak was back, plopping itself down in Kon's lap.
"Hello angel," Conner replied, amusedly, he set down his tools and wrapped his arms around Bart, hugging them tightly.
"Watcha working on?"
"The table. Cassie wanted to be able to actually eat like civilized people."
"Does she even know us?"
Conner laughed, kissing Bart's cheek.
"Why don't you start unpacking the dishes?"
Bart jumped off, and ran away to snag a box. They started unpacking them at what seemed like a hazardous speed, but Kon knew they were being careful. He just returned to attaching the base of the table, making sure it was tight before standing and setting it up, placing the chairs around it and then gathering his tools.
"Aww, hey, guys come here!" Cassie called.
When Kon and Bart entered the living room, she was in one of Tim's boxes, pulling out pictures and other decorations.
"Look at how tiny we were!" She exclaimed, holding up a couple pictures.
The first few were of them when they had just started Young Justice, just the four of them. Bart, still absolutely tiny, was even smaller, they looked like an actual child next to Kon in all the photos.
"And look at this one!"
She held up a photo of Tim and Bruce, both in formal wear, Tim with his hair recently cut short for the first time, and properly fitted in his first suit.
"Oh my God."
Kon snatched it, staring at tiny Tim. "Babe! Look at you!"
"Kon," Tim whined, grabbing at it.
Bart snatched it and zipped across the room.
"Look at the tiny closeted baby," Bart cooed, grinning with glee.
"Oh like you were any better!"
"And besides, he had literally just came out?" Kon said with a laugh, walking towards the box to look at more photos.
"Yeah as trans! Not as gay though."
Tim lunged and snatched it. "If you two are done in the kitchen, why don't you go start unpacking your clothes and stuff."
"Okay!" Bart zipped over and jumped up on Kon's back. "Let's go!"
Kon laughed, carrying Bart upstairs. They got through all of one box of Kon's clothes before Bart kept pulling them on and causing Kon to simultaneously get annoyed and laugh. About the time Bart had four or five of his shirts and hoodies on, Kon grabbed them and pinned them to the bare mattress, kissing them and then pulling off a shirt, kissing them again, and then pulling off one more, doing this until he reached Bart's original shirt.
"You're forgetting one," Bart said with an impish grin.
They both looked up to Tim who was standing in the doorway, shaking his head.
"I knew you guys wouldn't get any actual work done."
"I think he's jealous," Bart whispered, grinning still.
"I'm not- no. Can we just actually unpack?" Tim asked, sentences a little clipped, less amused then he usually was by their shenanigans.
"Baby, are you stressed?" Kon asked, not moving from his position, holding Bart down.
"A little okay?"
So they obeyed orders and started nicely unpacking, hanging up clothes or putting them in the dresser, while Tim went about making the bed, getting the sheets all smooth and nice and arranging the obscene amount of pillows. By the time they had gotten mostly done with Bart's stuff, they had gotten bored and zipped downstairs to annoy Cassie.
"You guys have too many clothes," Tim said with a huff, looking at the mostly full dressers.
"You say as if my clothing is not going to be stolen by both of you. Besides, most your clothes hang up."
"Yeah, you're right."
"Come here, Tim, take a breather."
Kon reached out, grabbing Tim and pulling him with his TTK, until he could physically grab his wrist and pull him down onto his lap.
"It'll be okay. We don't have to unpack everything now, yeah? All your books and stuff can stay in their boxes for the day, we can do those tomorrow."
"I just don't like things feeling incomplete," Tim sighed out, glancing away.
"It'll be fine. It'll give you something to do when you're struggling with insomnia," Kon promised, kissing him, a hand sliding up under his shirt, fingers brushing over layers of scars hidden there, two particular scars far more important than others.
Tim sighed and pulled away, plopping his head down on Kon's shoulder.
"I'm tired."
"I know."
Conner gently rubbed his back, resting their heads together.
"What else absolutely needs done?" Conner asked.
"The bathroom, and I need to get my clothes out so they don't wrinkle even more."
"Okay. I'll go do the bathroom, you do your clothes and then we should eat."
Tim nodded in agreement. He pulled away, kissed Conner lightly and then sliding off his lap, turning and starting to pull clothes out of boxes, and hanging or folding them as appropriate. Kon made his way into their bathroom, finding the one box of supplies for it and starting to unpack it, putting all the appropriate supplies in their places. They all had their various bathroom routine type things that were in little travel type bags, that he just set on the counter and left alone for now.
He got done before Tim, so he went to the kitchen and turned on the oven.
"Watcha doing?"
Kon jumped and looked over at Bart who appeared next to him.
"Starting dinner."
"Oh! Good I'm hungry."
"Bart, you're always hungry," Cassie said, walking in.
"I knowwwww," they whined, dramatically throwing themself at Kon, who laughed and easily caught them.
"I vote after dinner we go get some groceries," she said, looking at their barren fridge.
"Why don't you take Tim with you?" Kon suggested. "He's getting pretty stressed. Bart and me will stay here and finish unpacking the kitchen."
"Is he okay?"
"I think so, I dunno, I didn't press him too much."
Cassie nodded. "I'm gonna go unpack my things, don't destroy anything while I'm gone."
"We won't!"
Bart squirmed until they could slide out of Kon's arms. "I'm gonna go set up the PlayStation."
So Kon was left alone in the kitchen. He waited for the oven to heat up and then put the pizza's in. Tim came down at some point, unsurprisingly wearing Kon's previously discarded hoodie. He went and curled up with Bart on their huge sofa, Kon smiled at them softly, standing in the doorway and watching as Bart played The Outer World's, their head against Tim's chest, whose arms were wrapped around them.
"Watch your left," Tim murmured softly, nose pressed into Bart's hair.
"I see it," came the equally soft response.
Bart only ever seemed to slow down like this when Tim needed them like this. Kon knew bursts of energy would be coming later, but for now he'd enjoy this sweet moment.
Dinner was eaten with an episode of Queer Eye playing, and then Cassie managed to convince Tim to go shopping with her. As promised, Bart and Kon cleaned up from dinner and then finished putting away all the kitchen supplies. They then took the enormous amount of cardboard moving boxes to the nearest recycling station. When they got back to the apartment, they curled up on the sofa to wait for the other two to get back, turning on some evening crime show just for kicks.
Later that evening, after groceries got put away, and everyone had taken showers and gotten ready for bed, Kon found himself with the task of catching Bart, who had in fact, as predicted, gone spastic. Tim was already in bed, granted he was just working, but at least he was in bed. Kon tried to catch Bart, who kept phasing past him, for almost five minutes before he finally just immobilized them with his TTK and then scooped the limp speedster up, carrying them upstairs to their room. Cassie was in there, talking to Tim. Or more of talking at Tim.
"Konnnn," Bart whined, yet wasn't trying to struggle, Kon knew this because he was no longer having to restrain his datefriend.
"It's time to go to bed," Kon told them, gently laying them next to Tim.
"Only if Timmy comes to bed with us," Bart whined, flopping over against Tim.
"Bart, you know that's not fair to him," Kon said softly.
Bart just pouted up at Tim, getting in the way of his work until he had to look at the ginger. He just chuckled.
"I'll try."
Cassie gently shoulder bumped Kon as she passed.
"Night guys! Don't get too wild!" She called with a giggle, waving over her shoulder.
"Night Cassie!" They all called together, watching her leave and shut the door.
Tim closed his laptop as Bart snuggled under the covers next to him, and Kon pulled off his hoodie, waiting for them both to be ready before flicking off the lights and getting in next to Bart. There was no hesitation to squish Bart in the middle of their cuddling.
"Night, Bart, night Tim," Kon murmured softly, giving them each a kiss.
"Night Kon," they both murmured back, more tired then either realized.
Kon just chuckled, throwing an arm across Bart until his hand was resting on Tim's waist. He heard Bart's breathing soften as they drifted off to sleep, but Tim stayed tightly curled around Bart for a while, indicating that he was still awake. Kon didn't try talking to him, knowing that this happened a lot and eventually he'd drift off or get up and go find work to do in another room. Kon did eventually drift off to sleep, but his dreams were full of nightmares and he kept waking up.
Unsurprisingly, one of the times when he woke up, he found Tim missing, but he didn't go searching, just moved to pull Bart closer to him again. The speedster immediately snuggled back into him, not disturbed at all by the shift in position. And Kon just slipped back into sleep as easily as he had woken from it.
The next morning he found that Tim had replaced Bart, snuggled up against him, face on Kon's bare chest. One arm was over his stomach, his leg over Kon's. It didn't seem very comfortable but Tim was sleeping peacefully, his cheek squished up by Kon's pec.
Kon chuckled to himself and carefully, using his TTK, moved Tim so he was laying on the mattress instead of his own body. He slipped out of the bed, leaving Tim with a kiss on the head, and then he headed out after grabbing his phone.
Downstairs, Cassie was already making breakfast. She glanced up at him and rolled her eyes.
"Kon, am I going to have to deal with you coming down shirtless every morning?"
"Maybe?" Kon grinned at her. "Where's Bart?"
"Out for a run, I think."
Kon hummed, pouring himself some coffee, then walking past Cassie and stealing a piece of bacon.
"Hey! Asshole!"
Conner just laughed and stuck his tongue out at her. She shook her head.
"How was the first night in the new bed?"
"Oh it was fine, I guess? Nightmares."
She hummed sympathetically and glanced over at him. 
"Did they others-?"
"I think Bart was out of it, but Tim was gone a lot."
"Checks out, I woke up at one point and saw some lights on out here, so he was probably working."
"Was anything else put up? He might have been unpacking," Kon asked with a chuckle.
"Didn't notice, just came right in here."
Kon and Cassie chatted for a bit while she made breakfast, just about random things while Kon checked all his phone notifications.
After a bit, Bart returned from their run, hot and sweaty and carrying fresh donuts. They just kissed Kon on the cheek, hip bumped Cassie and disappeared upstairs to take a shower. And when they returned, Tim was stumbling after them, rubbing his eyes tiredly. 
"Hey! Good morning, handsome," Kon called, reaching out to tug Tim to him, pulling him close and pressing his head against Tim's chest.
Tim just rubbed his eyes and leaned into him, reaching a free hand up to run it through Kon's hair. He mumbled something that vaguely sounded like good morning, and Kon just chuckled.
"Bart, baby?"
"Can you get him some coffee?"
Bart quickly fetched Tim his lightly sweetened coffee in his favorite Nightwing mug, and Tim kissed the top of Kon's head before moving to sit at the table by himself, rubbing his eyes. Bart and Cassie quickly plated breakfast for everyone and they all started eating together for maybe the last time in a while. Cassie would be starting working here soon, Kon and Tim's college started in the next three weeks, and Bart was still trying to decide what they'd be doing. But eventually, adult life would catch up with them, and they'd be no better then their mentors.
So they took it nice and slow and enjoyed their breakfast together.
The rest of their day was slow and easy and was mostly just more unpacking. They met the other Teen Titans at the base for dinner, and spent all evening with them.
And the next morning, when Kon woke up to the sound of sirens, Bart and Tim were on the other side the bed, tangled together, peacefully sleeping through the wailing. Kon just smiled and got up, quietly changing and then slipping out so he could jump off their balcony, going to save the day, as Superboy always would.
@core-disaster-week-2020 originally written for @hyperactive-lectiophile
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chibimultishipper · 5 years
If you want to, some domestic Zerhys fluff would be so nice
(Sorry this took a minute! Here you go!
Zer0 opened their four bright red eyes groggily at the sound of an alarm.  Normally they would wake up naturally before their alarm went off.  They were usually an early riser, but all they wanted to do currently was stay in bed.  They heard Rhys shift next to them in response to the noise.  Quickly they turned over and turned off the alarm clock.  
They had a mission with Axton, Krieg and Maya today.  It wasn’t a huge mission, but it involved killing a bunch of bandits and a little vault hunter bonding was always an added bonus.  Normally, they would jump at the chance to get out into the field and do what they do best, killing.  See, they never really felt comfortable staying in one place.  Even when they still lived in Sanctuary and had a small little abode to call their own, they never stayed long.  It was always just a place to rest and refresh.  Catch a few Z’s here, have a quick meal, take a quick shower and then continue on their way.  They never stayed home for long.
But that was all before Rhys.
In the beginning of the their relationship their mindset had stayed the same.  Even after accepting Rhys invitation to move in, they would stay home long enough to eat, sleep, bathe, maybe have some quick cuddle sessions, and then they were on to their next kill.  Hell, they saw Rhys more in his office than they did at home.
But then the strangest thing happened.  Whenever they were gone for too long, they would feel… empty.  As if there were missing something.  At first it was just slightly uncomfortable, but the longer they were away the more it hurt.  While on missions Rhys would always call them or send texts if they were unable to talk.  Those little interactions would somehow simultaneously ease the pain and make it hurt even more.  However when they returned home to see Rhys’ excited face, not only would the pain disappear but it was replaced with such a large amount of love and adoration that all they wanted to do was spend time with Rhys.
When they discussed it with Maya and Axton one time, Axton had laughed at them before realizing they were serious.  Upon that realization, Maya and Axton had exchanged glances.  
“It’s because you miss him.” Maya explained.
“You know, because you love him.” Axton added. “You do love the kid right?”
Zer0 had nodded, they had already known that for a long time.
Maya then hesitantly asked. “Have you never missed anyone before?”
Zer0 had to think about it before responding. “I have, but I have / not experienced it like / this.  It’s unnerving.”
Axton laughed again. “I forget that this is your first partner.  You’re basically experiencing every teenage first love scenario as an adult.  God that is both hilarious and sad I can’t-” At this point Axton had his face on the table in front of them, unable to control his laughter.
Zer0 gave a [>:(] in response.
Maya tried to hide her quick chuckle as best as she could. “What Axton means is, if you have more questions like this you can come to us anytime.  Or maybe just me next time, I can’t guarantee any advice out of him will be helpful.” She muttered slapping the Commando on the back of the head.
“Point is,” Maya continued, “what you are feeling is completely normal.  It just means you don’t want to be apart from him for too long.  Some distance in a relationship can be a good thing, but not making time for each other can be stressful for both parties, remember that.”
After that conversation, Zer0 had made an active effort to go on less missions and spend more time at home.  Surprisingly, the usual stir crazy feeling they felt dissipated.  They still had some moments of being antsy, but for the most part being home felt more comfortable than it ever had.  Rhys seemed to appreciate the extra attention as well.
As time went on, their need to stay home increased, but they still never hesitated when a mission came up. Killing was still one of their favorite past times after all.
That thought brought them back to the present.  It was 5:00am, they had a mission with Maya, Axton and Krieg and then didn’t want to get up.
They turned back over in bed to see Rhys staring at them with sleepy eyes.  It was very clear that he was still tired.
“Are you leaving?” He asked laying fully on his right side.  Rhys waited a moment for Zer0 to turn on their communicator.  They had an implant which allowed any thoughts they choose to emulate into human speech patterns.  Their actual voice which Rhys had claimed to love did not have the full capacity to speak as humans did.  They could force their voice to make coherent words at times (They remembered the time they said Rhys name brokenly and he yelped in excitement) however saying full sentences was difficult.  They usually turned it off at night due to the embarrassing realization (pointed out by Rhys of course) that they talk in their sleep.
“I have a mission.” It wasn’t a yes or no answer and Rhys seemed to have caught on.
“With Axton right?” Rhys asked grabbing one of Zer0’s hands with his left one.  His right arm was on it’s docking port, leaving his shoulder port bare.
“Yes, Maya and Krieg will be / attending as well.”
“Hmm.” Rhys hummed rubbing the palm of Zer0’s hand with his thumb causing the assassin to melt.  “Is it important?”
Zer0 knew what he was asking. “… Not really. Just a/  mission picked up by Axton. / He asked us to join.”
Rhys looked up into their eyes. “Soooo that means you don’t need to go right?”
They did this dance any time Zer0 had an early morning mission and didn’t slip out while the former Hyperion employee was still sleeping.  In cases like this, Zer0 would always end up going anyway.  Sometimes, if Rhys was really persistent they would stay for an extra 30 minutes or so, but never anything more than that.
Today Zer0 felt differently.
“No, I suppose not.” Zer0 stated, reaching over to the night stand to grab their Echo.
Rhys blinked, still a bit groggy before sitting up quickly. “Wait, just like that?”
Zer0 nodded. “Yes, just like that.  Why?  Surprised?” They asked after sending a message to the three other vault hunters that they would not be coming with them.  They were confident they would be fine without them.
“Pleasantly surprised.”  Rhys added with a yawn.  He grabbed Zer0 and brought them back down to lay with him.  “Zer0 skipping a mission? Are you really my datefriend? Did someone replace you in the middle of the night?”
“I can change my mind.”
“Noooo shhhh.” Rhys whined, already half asleep. “It’s too late you already canceled.  We will… celebrate… confetti and shit…” Rhys muttered eyes slipping closed as he held the assassin close to him, his head buried underneath their neck.
Zer0 couldn’t help the small laugh the escaped their communicator.  They turned it off once again before slipping back to sleep next to their boyfriend.
Zer0’s eyes shot open hours later to find their boyfriend missing.  They were surprised they slept through the movement, what was with them today?  They looked at the clock.  10:00am.  Rhys usually leaves for work around 9, he probably left already.  Zer0 feels kind of annoyed they didn’t get a chance to say goodbye, but it was their own fault for sleeping in so long.  
They heard movement from outside the door and began reaching for their sword underneath the bed on instinct.  They paused however, when they saw Rhys holding a tray of food.
Zer0 tilted his head, clearly confused.  
“I took off work!” Rhys stated as if reading the other’s mind.  He brought over the tray of food to the bed and sat it on Zer0’s lap.
Zer0’s helmet wasn’t on their head, but it was on the nightstand.  They turned on their communicator implant again and a question mark displayed on their helmet.  [?]
Rhys grinned. “Are you kidding me? We finally have a day to ourselves!  This never happens!  Vaughn and Yvette will be fine without me for a day.  I think.”
Zer0 was sure it would be okay.  They weren’t close with either Vaughn or Yvette but they knew they were both very capable people.  “And you made breakfast?”
Rhys nodded. “Yeah! I mean you do so much for me all the time and with our schedules we never have time for romantic stuff like this.  I mean, the last romantic thing we did was when I asked you to accompany me to that abandoned Atlas building to find some old weapon specs and there happened to be an entire field of a flowers right out a romantic comedy movie right next to the base.  My point is, we don’t really have time to just, be a couple I guess.  I know it’s stupid but, I like doing dumb couples stuff with you sometimes.  I don’t know, I guess that’s pretty sappy huh?” Rhys laughed nervously.
“It is.” Zer0 confirmed. “But I love it.” [
Rhys’ eyes lit up. “Really?”
“Yes.”  Zer0 took a bite. “It is very good.” [ :) ]
Rhys gave a sigh of relief. “Good, awesome.  I could never replicate your cinnamon bun recipe, but I figured I couldn’t go wrong with bacon and eggs.”
“You didn’t even burn it.  I’m impressed.” [:D]
“Hey! I’m not that bad at cooking!”
“You’re not great.”  [ :) ] Rhys pouted in response.  “You’re not eating?”  
Rhys shook his head at their question.  “No, I already ate, I just really wanted to give you breakfast in bed.”
“I’m swooning. ” [:O] Zer0 dramatically placed a hand to their forehead to reiterate their comment.
Rhys snorted and nudged them. “You’re so goofy!”
“As are you.  You’ve been staring at me eat the entire time.”  Zer0 pointed out.
Rhys’ face began heating up. “It’s because I love the way you eat! It’s so cute.”
“Assassins are not suppose to be cute.“ [>:(]
“But you’re cute! Like when you eat and when you drop your haikus when talking to me and when you speak with me using your voice, and when you make those cute chirping noises, and when-”
Zer0 placed one of their hands on Rhy’s mouth. “Please stop.”  Zer0 asked, their hlement displaying a blush emoticon [>////
“And that! That’s like, 100% cute!” Rhys said removing the other’s hand from his mouth.  To be fair, Zer0 wasn’t trying that hard to actually silent him.  
“You’re very embarrassing.  Remind me why I am dating you again?”
Rhys smiled.” Because you love me.” He said, reiterating the fact by sneaking a kiss on Zer0’s mouth.
“Oh is that it?” Zer0 joked earning another nudge from Rhys. “I do suppose I love you. A lot.”
Rhys smile softened. “I love you too.”  His voice was filled with so much love it almost made Zer0 want to shy away.  Instead their helmet displayed [>//// again.  “Anyway we have the whole day together! What do you want to do?”
[… ] Zer0 put hand to their chin in thought before displaying. [8==D] and [(*)] back to back, earning a flick from their partner this time. “We did that last night!” Rhys commented.
Zer0 laughed. “Let’s make fun of some bad romantic comedies.”
“Yes!”  Rhys yelled pumping his fist in the air. “You are the best date friend ever I swear.”
“I try.”
The couple spent the rest of the day together, doing stupid nerd stuff and being cute.
(Hope you enjoyed! Quick headcannons I have to explain anything that may have been confusing.
Zer0 is able to communicate through communication implant that allows them to pick what thoughts to say outloud and it will translate into actual listenable language.  This communicator is connected to their helmet which allows them to do emoticons.  When their communicator is off their helmet does not display emoticons.
Since Zer0 actively chooses which thoughts to say and what to keep to themself, them “talking in their sleep” is their thoughts and dreams just unconsciously coming through their communicator, which is why they now turn it off at night.
My headcannon appearance for Zer0 is basically the way their suit is shaped is pretty much 100% accurate to the way they look except they have leathery skin.  Their face has a mouth with very sharp teeth and they have four bright red eyes.  
At this point Rhys and Zer0 have been dating for a while so Zer0 takes off their suite when sleeping next to Rhys, however they still leave it on in most scenarios, even when just walking around the house.
Zer0 will drop his haiku based speech sometimes. Mostly if he’s really surprised by something or super comfortable around a person.
That’s it I think! Once again, if you see any pronouns slip ups please let me know immediately!  Please feel free to send me more prompts!)
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anxious-aloe · 5 years
Part 2: Beautiful Thing by Grace Vanderwaal
tw: mild swearing, anxiety, hospital, insomnia
You think that you know my heart
And you probably do
Mavis was still too sick to go home, so Jo stopped by every day after their job at the garden center of Home Depot. A small collection of flowers were slowly stretching their petals on the windowsill of her hospital room. 
So I'm always with you
I could stay with you for hours
She drifted in and out of consciousness for a few days, while Jo hovered nervously. They hadn’t slept peacefully in quite a while. Anxiety was making its comeback, as it did every few months. 
In an empty room
And never get bored
Never have nothing to do
Every time Mavis opened her eyes, a new drawing of some sort rested on her bedside table. Most times it was a diagram of something such as a flower, or a human heart. She always smiled softly when she saw these little notes, because you could tell how Jo was feeling just by looking at them. Occasionally, they would be decorated with splashes of watercolour paint, telling Mavis her datefriend was in an uplifting mood that day. 
You're my other half
You're what makes me me
Jo hummed as they went about watering the plants at work. They couldn’t imagine life without Mavis, but sometimes she was hard to help, so they turned to keeping the buds blooming and the fruit flowering. 
What makes me smile
When I fall down and can't get back, get back, get back up
On my feet
Jo walked into Mavis’s room, setting their things down and helping Mavis sit up. “So,” Jo said, straightening the artwork beside her bed. “The doctor said that you were supposed to try and move around a bit today.”
“Yeah, I know,” Mavis said, running a hand over the cast on her ankle. “I can try, I guess.” Jo grabbed a pair of crutches and brought them over to the bedside. 
Without you here I am boring
Something inside you is triggering
Mavis was a bit excited to finally be able to get up; she had heard the nurses say that if she could move and her concussion healed, she could go home soon. But she was also scared, scared that she was going to let Jo down. She really couldn’t stand to disappoint them. 
It makes me myself
Makes me funny, you're a beautiful thing
They stumbled down the hallway together, laughing and getting dirty looks from the older nurses, but the younger staff smiled at the couple. Mavis didn’t falter once, just kept going back and forth on the crutches. 
We're a beautiful thing together
Back in the room, Jo pinned Mavis up against the wall and slowly kissed her. “I love you, and I am so, so proud of you,” they whispered into her ear. 
“I love you too.”
Even when the weather is low
You're a beautiful thing
It was lightly snowing that night when the doctor cleared Mavis to go home. She was hesitant and nervous in the car, which Jo had gotten fixed, but she wasn’t driving, so she felt a bit better. 
We're a beautiful thing together
Even when the weather is low
Despite their small frame, Jo was able to lift Mavis out of the passenger seat and carry her inside their little house. Laughing all the way, they crashed onto the couch, Mavis staying put while Jo gathered the rest of the luggage from the car. 
We find the rainbow
Up in the sky
The aroma of freshly baked zeppole wafted through the house. Mavis inhaled the sweet scent. “Jo, I didn’t know you could bake.”
“I can’t,” they said, lifting a box of flowers onto the table. “Remember the Great Cake Incident of 2017?” Mavis grimaced, remembering the flaming curtains. “Skye stopped by to say-”
“Sup, bitches.” Wheels clicked across the tiles of the kitchen as Skye rollerbladed into the living room. Jo sighed.
“-hello.” Skye maneuvered up to the couch and Mavis hoisted herself up. 
You'd say don't you cry, it's all gonna be alright
“I thought you might want something sweet,” he offered. Skye was dressed very masculine today, a good indicator that he was a he today, even though Skye never really cared what you called him. He held out a platter filled with deep fried dough coated in cinnamon and powdered sugar. Mavis picked one up and took a bite. 
“Have you gotten better?” Mavis wondered. “These are so good!”
“Thank you! I’ve learned not to put sugar on a hot burner.” Skye hugged her and finally sank into a chair. His piercing gaze looked into her soul. “You are going to be okay.”
If we ever gone through a fight oh that would be bad
'Cause you know all of my secrets
But I know all of yours
Mavis was a bit taken aback by this comment, but Skye had an aura of knowledge and a general Addams family vibe, with his black hair dyed lavender on the ends. She felt tears spring to her eyes, and she quickly brushed them away. Jo came back into the room and sat down next to Mavis, stroking her hand softly. 
We make hours turn into seconds together
The three of them talked on and on, until the snow was deep enough to be buried in. Skye checked his phone. “Sorry, y’all, I have to go. Dan’s expecting me.” He got up and grabbed his backpack. 
“Dan or Jack Daniel’s?” Jo cracked a smile. Skye shot them a dirty look. 
“Both. Hope you feel better, Mavis.” He grabbed his bag and skated out into the snow. 
The weight of the world feel like a feather
'Cause we're holding it right in our hands
Mavis shifted on the couch until her head was in Jo’s lap. “Um,” she said. “Do you wanna talk about it, or-” Jo placed a hand over her mouth. 
“Give it time. You need to rest up and heal so that we can be stupid together again.”
“But right now, we need to binge watch Supernatural and eat zeppole.”
You're my other half
You're what makes me me
Both of them woke up the next morning tangled in each other, and Netflix asking “Are you still watching?”. 
What makes me smile
When I fall down and can't get back up, get back, get back up
On my feet
Mavis tumbled off of Jo onto the floor, watching the ceiling fan lazily spin. She smiled when Jo laid down next to her and they stared into nothingness together. Their fingers intertwined and they fell asleep on the cold floor. 
Without you here I am boring
Something inside you is triggering
Jo woke up alone, and that scared them. “Mavis?” they called out. 
“Yeah?” They let out a sigh of relief. 
“Nothing, baby.”
It makes me myself
Makes me funny
Hours later, Jo was whipping up a “light pasta dish” that consisted of six boxes of penne, three jars of sauce, and five tomato plants. Luckily, Danand Skyrae were coming over as well. “Hey Jo,” Mavis said, scrolling through her phone. 
“Why was six afraid of seven?”
Jo looked suspiciously at her. “Because seven eight nine?”
“Yes. And why did seven eat nine?”
“Why?” Jo laughed, waving a slotted spoon in her direction. 
“Because you’re supposed to eat three square meals a day.” Mavis waited until Jo got it, and stifled her laughter. 
You're a beautiful thing
We're a beautiful thing together
“You little panatta!” Jo screeched. “Merda santa, where did you come up with that one?”
“Stop speaking Italian, you know I can’t unders-”
“Oh you can too, we’ve been dating since high school and I only spoke Italian then!” 
Even when the weather is low
You're a beautiful thing
Mavis was silent for a few seconds before launching into another joke. “Why did the chicken- JO!” she yelled, laughing. “That noodle was still hot!” 
“Sorry, baby, but something has to shut you up!”
We're a beautiful thing together
Even when the weather is low
Skye and Dan walked in just as Jo was about to throw another noodle at Mavis. 
You and me
Together, we'll forget what we have been told
We'll live in our own dream world
“Uh,” Dan said cautiously. “Should we go?”
“No! Daniel, sit down and serve yourself up, you need a break from takeout and ramen.” He obeyed, as well as Skye, who was wearing a short skirt and tights. 
You and me, forever
We'll forget what we have been told
We will take on the whole world
Over dinner, Dan discussed how bad politics were getting, Skye talked about the many different ways to discreetly murder, and Jo was whispering Italian into Mavis’s ear the whole time. Their little group was so diverse it was strange how they all fit in together. 
Without you here I am boring
Something inside you is triggering
It makes me myself, it makes me funny
Hours later, a scene unfolded as such: Skye, sitting cross-legged on the table, being dared by Dan to chug straight alfredo sauce and Jo, sipping wine and playing Scrabble with Mavis, putting a mix of Italian and English down. 
You're a beautiful thing
We're a beautiful thing together
Even when the weather is low
Eventually, they all decided to have a sleepover at Mavis and Jo’s place, turning the living room into a pillow fort and watching horror movies all night. 
And that's a beautiful thing
Mavis awoke the next morning feeling warm inside, and she knew that she made the right choice by staying on Earth. 
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lesbianoctoling · 6 years
Agent 8 is crushing on Agent 3 hard and doesn't know how to confess to her. She then comes up with an idea to make use her poetry skills. But she might need some help??
A/N: I got...Really, really into this. I want to thank my lovely datefriend for helping me tho! They even wrote the poem and rewrote a few parts for me!! They have a fic on AO3 that you should totally read if you like my stuff, I’m just sayin...
Anyways, if you enjoyed this please reblog it and give it a kudos on AO3! And feedback is always appreciated! ♥ 
“Aww, Eight, that’s called a crush! You have a crush on Agent Three!”
“A… Crush? But I don’t want to crush her!” Agent Eight squeaked.
Pearl peaked her head into the living room where Eight was having a conversation with Marina.
“Not literally, Eight,” The inkling put a tray of drinks on the coffee table, “It means you’re in looooveee~”
Pearl’s teasing made Eight blush and turn away, despite not really knowing what she meant.
“Pearlie! Don’t tease her, she’s having a hard time…”
“W-what does crushing someone have to do with love? O-of course I love Agent Three, but I don’t…”
Marina cracked a smile and Pearl snorted.
“Oh, Eight, sweetie,” Marina put a hand on the younger girl’s shoulder, who lifted her head. “A different kind of love. You know how Pearl and I are?”
“Well uh, yeah…But ‘Ree and I are already kinda like that, so-”
Pearl took a seat next to her girlfriend, grinning wide. “Nah nah, you two are nothin’ compared to us—“ Marina elbowed Pearl’s side, “Er, I mean. Think of those cheesy movies you watch all the time. The ones with the kissing.”
Eight’s eyes widened and her face turned a bright shade of red, making Pearl break into a fit of laughter.
“I- Well I wouldn’t, I mean, I kinda want to, but I don’t…” Eight sputtered.
Marina giggled. “You should tell her. Sounds like you’ve felt like this for a long time.”
Eight buried her face in her hands. “B-But…”
Pearl’s laughter stopped abruptly, and she cleared her throat. “I’m pretty sure she feels the same way, kid.”
Eight peaked through her fingers. “Really? You think she would?”
“Oh, Eight, you have no idea. She looks at you like you’re the most beautiful cephalopod in the universe!” Marina said, clasping her hands together dramatically. “But we won’t force you to do something if you’re not comfortable with it.”
“But,” Pearl interjected, “Ya never know if another girl might just… Swoop right in, and take her.”
Eight lowered her hands and avoided eye contact with both of them, attempting to register what she was feeling and what she should do.
“Well uhm… What should I try to do then?”
Eight stayed up all night, brainstorming and writing all her feelings down. She woke up in an uncomfortable position on her desk, drooling on a notebook and paper.
She paused for a moment, looking out the window beside her. The sun was just rising and the sky was an orange-pink colour. When she realized what she was doing, she leaned back and stretched with a loud yawn. She then collected her scattered belongings on her desk.
In front of her was a piece of pink, cutesy expensive looking stock paper.
Scribbled on it was cursive inklish, accompanied by small doodles of an octopus and a squid surrounded by hearts and stars.
The octoling smiled to herself as she read it:
Yellow is what I saw when I came here,
It was the welcoming sun when I found my freedom
Yellow is in your eyes when you’re near
You make my heart beat quite like a drum
My heart unsteady, will I be ready?
To be in your arms, when the time comes
When I’m with you, I always feel steady
There’s a pull on my heartstrings, a melody strums
Normally, the girl had a talent for conjuring poems on a whim. She would take her journal almost everywhere she went, and wrote short poems about things she saw in Inkopolis or whatever was on her mind. But this poem wasn’t exactly like the others - it had to be perfect; she had to put her hearts into it and everything. Eight found herself staying up until 4 am in order to achieve this.
Agent Eight read it over and over in her head, rewriting it countless times in order for it to meet her standards. She read it out loud, adding in extra words or taking a few out. She tried to incorporate more rhymes but a few of them fell flat. Finally, she wrote one that she loved best.
Despite that, she felt a lump in her throat and her stomach twist in knots.
What would Agent Three think of it?
Would she even like it? Would she understand it? Is it not straightforward enough? Maybe she should add more hearts — or perhaps a flower or two. But what if Agent Three understood it and didn’t like it?
What if she ended up hating her or thinks she’s disgusting?
The octoling shook her head and pushed the negative thoughts away. She had to try at the very least. She was terrified, but she still had a chance according to Pearl — and Pearl always gave her good advice.
Pushing herself away from the desk, she set off to do her morning routine and text Agent Three (even if it did take her almost half an hour to press the send button), asking her if she would like to practice aiming in a private battle today.
She received a reply rather quickly, something she didn’t expect as Agent Three isn’t normally awake for another few hours. Eight wondered if this meant she pulled an all nighter again. She made a mental note to pester Three about this later.
She opened her messenger to reply to her friend.
E 7:23AM: Good morning! If you are not busy, do you want to play target practice in a private battle this afternoon? 🐙🔫
T 7:56AM: why is the octopus pointing the gun at herself
T 7:56AM: who gave her that anyways
T 7:57AM: thats dangerous
E 7:59AM: She’s holding it, silly. She wants to practice, too! 💪🏻🐙
T 8:01AM: o ok
T 8:01AM: what a determined octopus
T 8:01AM: determinpus
E 8:02AM: ? I don’t get it.
T 8:05AM: …
E 8:06AM: Oh! I get it now! lol!!!!
E 8:06AM: She is a determined octopus! You mixed the words together. You’re so clever. 😙
T 8:06AM: aaa
T 8:07AM: yes
T 8:07AM: anyways sure we can pb
E 8:10AM: Yay! What time? 🐙⏱
T 8:13AM: is an hour from now ok
T 8:13AM: i might turf after so
E 8:15AM: Yes, yess ! See you there! 🐙♥️
When Agent Eight closed her phone’s messenger app, she lifted a hand to find her cheeks burning and sore from blushing. Agent Three is just too cute and she felt so lucky. Everyone else found the inkling to be silent and intimidating, but in reality she was a huge softie that only a select few people got to see.
And she happened to be one of those select few.
Agent Three impatiently checked her watch as she waited outside the private battle lobby she reserved almost 10 minutes ago. In one hand was a suitcase containing her charger gear, and next to her feet was a duffel bag full of different outfits she thought would be useful.
It had been over an hour since her octoling friend asked to meet her there. She checked her messages and the time again. No, Three was on time. Why was Eight so late?
A bead of sweat dripped down the inkling’s cheek. The octoling was never late, and she was sure there was a logical reason for her to be this time, but what if —
“‘Ree!” Three heard from behind her, making her ears perk. Just before she could turn around, she felt warm arms wrap around her torso from behind. For a moment she stiffened, but as soon as she registered who was behind her her body relaxed.
“Ree, goodness, I’m so sorry I’m late!” Eight said, leaning back to look at Three – who had now turned her head to face Eight – but still holding onto her. She really had no sense of personal space.
“It… It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” With gentle hands, she grasped the octoling’s arms and free’d herself from the other’s grip easily. She swore she heard the other whine, though. “What happened? You’re usually early.”
“Oh, well I, ah,” Eight’s tentacles moved inwards and outwards, like they were trying to grab onto something as she spoke. “I got a little sidetracked after strolling past the new stores downtown! There was a comely little antique shop next to the new confectionery and —“ Realizing she was beginning to ramble and use words the inkling doesn’t seem to know, she slowed down. “I just got a little distracted is all, haha.”
“I see,” was all Three managed to comment. Eight’s rambling was absolutely adorable to her, especially when she got excited, so she really didn’t mind. “Do you want me to set it up?”
“Oh, right, yes, of course!”
The two stepped forward to the lobby’s station, with Three setting the battle up using a tablet beside the door.
“Do you want to play target first?” Three asked as she looked for a decent map, eventually settling for Sturgeon Shipyard. Their target practices considered of one person playing “target” on the alpha team, using a brush to zip around the map while the player on bravo tried to splat them with a charger.
“I always play target first,” Eight replied, followed by a giggle, “I want to snipe first this time.”
“Alright, then. Let’s get started.”
The two of them played for over an hour and it was clear they were both getting rather tired.
Eight was winning the nonexistent competition so far, getting almost 20 splats on Three every time it was her turn. It was a bit unfair, really — she had always been good with a charger, and she certainly knew how to use an e-litre.
Three, on the other hand, was clearly struggling and needed this practice far more than the octoling did. She was used to only really using one type of weapon: a standard splattershot, or maybe her heroshot. While she was talented with those weapons, she found herself fumbling with the charger and having difficulties holding it correctly.
The inkling was getting frustrated, and Eight had to make a move soon before the other called it a day.
But she had an idea. It was a mischievous one, sure, but she knew she could get a few giggles out of Three if she did it and initiated her plan at the same time.
Eight smirked to herself, slamming her inkbrush down in front of her and running just outside of the charger’s range. She stifled a giggle when she heard the inkling jump down from her perch to pursue her, not actually expecting Three to take the bait.
She ducked behind a wall on her side of the map, not bothering to hide in her ink. She had a death grip on her inkbrush, her hands sweating and shaking. Her plan was starting to seem like less of a good idea now, and all the potential negative outcomes flowed through her mind. She was so confident a moment ago, why was she now so afraid? She couldn’t wrap her head around her own emotions, but she knew she was starting to doubt herself. Despite this, she decided to ignore the rampant thoughts.
Eight took a deep breath and peeked over the wall. Three was in the middle of the map, aiming opposite of Eight’s position. She couldn’t help but giggle at the sight, Three looked so silly — she was supposed to be one of the strongest inklings in existence, yet she was completely unaware of her surroundings despite her serious, concentrated demeanour.
Of course, she still heard the octoling and spun around to shoot. Fortunately, she missed. Eight used this as a time to strike and ran zipped towards the inkling, zig-zagging away from her attempted shots.
She turned quickly and circled the other agent, once, twice, three times before slipping something in her pocket and darting away. She didn’t get very far before she felt a concentrated shot on her back and the world going black — and when she opened her eyes, she had respawned on the other side of the map.
Shaking off excess ink, Eight laughed nervously and ran back towards the middle.
“‘Ree, good job! You finally got me!” Eight giggled.
Eight’s heart stopped when she saw Agent Three standing still. Upon looking closer, she realized Three was already reading her note. She dropped her inkbrush and slowly approached the inkling, her feet like concrete and her heart beating in her ears. She could feel her arms shaking rapidly as butterflies formed in her stomach and flew all the way into her chest.
“Um… Three?” She squeaked as she finally stood close enough to her.
“Eight, what is this?” Three asked. The inkling seemed mildly confused as she gazed at the note, straightening it with her hands.
“Oh, ah, well, you see…” Eight stammered. Her tentacles began to contract rapidly as she searched for words to say, struggling as she did so. “You’re really important to me so, I thought maybe, I could—“
“It’s really nice.”
“—I could make something for you and — oh! It… It is?” Eight felt a wave of multiple emotions flow course through her body. She was relieved that the inkling didn’t seem upset, but she also had trouble figuring out just how the other may feel as well, bringing her a sense of excitement and fear to what Agent Three might say.
“Does this mean that you, uh…” Eight mumbled, trying to figure out Three’s thoughts.
“Well, it’s a pretty poem,” Three nodded. “You’re always so good with these. I don’t know if I really get it, but the little drawings are really cute.“
Eight’s hearts sank again.
She didn’t… understand it? Even with the pink cardstock, stickers, and little doodles she drew on it?
Eight felt like she was going to cry, but instead she took a deep breath.
“I uhm, Three…” She began, gently pushing the card out of Three’s focus. She made direct eye contact and felt her face heat up. If she wanted to get the message through, then perhaps she’d have to be straightforward. “I wrote it because I-I…”
She looked away and fumbled with the hem of her shirt. This was harder than she expected. Eight felt like there was something caught in her throat, unable to escape.
Suddenly she felt something warm touch her hands. When she looked down, Three had put her hands in hers. “Eight, are you okay?”
The octoling bit her bottom lip and looked back up, not exactly making eye contact this time but still keeping her attention focused on the agent.
“I have a crush on you, Agent Three. I really, really like you.”
Three’s eyes widened and Eight noticed her cheeks begin to flush red. She saw surprise, fear, and excitement shine through the other all at once. She wanted to back away and hide, and she attempted to do so, but Three gave her hands a reassuring squeeze.
Seconds passed, but they felt like years. Neither knew what to say or how to react, all they knew was that the air around them felt different, and now things were different.
Three was the first to break the silence, mumbling something Eight couldn’t hear.
“What was that?” She said, just above a whisper.
“I have…a crush on you, too.” Three repeated, looking away as her face turned a bright red.
Eight smiled. She smiled almost as big as she did when she first reached the surface. The inkling felt the same way, she didn’t think she was weird, she liked her too and now…
“That makes me so happy,” the octoling whispered, leaning her head onto the other’s. Three didn’t flinch or lean back, welcoming the act. She could feel the inkling’s nervous breath on her face. “You make me so happy.”
Three was overwhelmed with emotions. She wanted to play it cool, to act tough and not embarrass herself. But in reality, she wanted to skip and jump for joy.
“Wh-What now?” Three said.
“Well, uhm,” Eight’s eyes fell onto Three’s lips. “Can I… Can I kiss you?”
“You don’t need to ask,” Three smiled.
Eight found herself giggling, heat rising to her chest. She pulled Agent Three closer to her, closing the gap between both of them as they stared into each others eyes. Agent Three’s yellow reminded Eight of the sunset, warm and welcoming like when she first set foot in Inkopolis. And through Three’s eyes, Eight could tell she was trying to mask her shyness to no avail, making her heart swell with how cute the inkling was. It was just a few moments that they stared into each others eyes with hesitation, until Eight leaned in closer and finally pressed her lips against Three’s.
The kiss was a little awkward, but Eight could feel her heart bursting like a blaster shot. Even though their teeth clashed together and the kiss was overall messy (causing both of them to giggle), it was unlike anything the cephalopods have ever experienced before in their lives.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 6 years
Haven Raised- Chapter 3
On AO3
Summary:  Harry's life is completely changed when his aunt and uncle are forced to take him to a funeral at a relatives. Now being raised by Primrose Evans, her sister Grace and the citizens of Havenfall, his life is going to be a roller coaster.
September 2012
“Please don’t mess up your clothes!” Prim called out to Harry who was rolling around with Spot. “We’re having family photos today!”
“Sorry, Mama!” Harry said, sitting up and rubbing Spot’s head. Prim shook her head and adjusted her hair as she waited for Grace to finish setting up the camera. She ran back with a grin and sat down next to Prim, Harry running over to jump in their laps.
“Alright- ten- nO! SPOT!” Grace shouted as Spot jumped up onto their laps as the Camera began to flash steadily.
Looking at the photos, Prim had to say it was the best family photo she’d seen.
Spot had jumped on them and knocked Grace over so she laid on the couch, the dog licking her face while Harry laughed in glee and Prim covered her mouth, eyes alight with humor.
It was perfect and one she did not put into the special potion to make it move.
It was perfect as it is.
October 2012
“I wanna dress up for Halloween this year,” Harry said to Prim as she worked on some bank statements from Gringotts. She’d encouraged the goblins to buy shares in the muggle world and it was making good money.
“... You sure kiddo?” Prim asked, pushing her glasses up.
“Yeah. I… is it bad that while I was happy to mourn them last year it’s…” Harry hesitated, trying to find the right word.
“Not as strong of an emotion?” Prim asked. Harry shrugged. “...Harry, you don’t need to mourn your parents as… people…” Prim frowned. That sounded weird. “That sounded strange.”
“A little,” Harry admitted. Prim hummed. “I mean, I liked our memorial last year but I don’t… want to do it this year? I wanna… dress up. Have fun… I miss them but…”
“You miss the idea of parents more than the actual parents,” said Prim. Harry looked surprised at her. “What? In the wise words of JD, I know stuff.”
“Is it wrong?”
“What?! No!” Prim said, shaking her head. “You didn’t know them. Not really anyway. Maybe if you were older I would wonder what sort of parents they were you don’t mourn them but… you don’t need to mourn them more than you have honey. No one gets to tell you when to move on, and no one gets to tell you that you need to keep mourning.”
“...Thanks.” Harry said softly and Prim beckoned him closer to kiss his forehead.
“So what do you want to be for Halloween?”
“I dunno. I want Spot to come with me though.” Prim chuckled and nodded. “Hmm, maybe a ringmaster and Spot can be a wolf?”
“Sure honey, we’ll figure something out.”
“He’s a strong kid,” Razi said as Prim cleaned the floor. She had no idea how Razi became her go-to for family talk after a year, but she didn’t mind. She liked the man- he was kind and sweet. “So, ringmaster costume?”
“There should be something in Indianapolis or at the very least something I can cobble together at the thrift store.” Prim shrugged.
“Well, this might work out well. I was thinking of creating formal Fridays…”
“Wait, what?” JD said, coming from the stockroom where they totally had not been paying attention.
“Yeah, like everyone dresses up in a nice formal dress.”
“...We work at a bowling alley,” said JD. Prim scrunched her nose.
“I have to agree. Imagine having to handle all of the customers in a dress.” Prim made a face.
“Come on, it’ll be fun!” Razi said grinning. “It’ll be more interesting than just hanging around all day like we all do half the time.” Prim had to wonder how the hell the bowling alley stayed open some days, given it was true that other then the bar there wasn’t much reason to go to the alley.
“Alright, however, I absolutely refuse to wear makeup for work like this,” Prim said. Make-up was really itchy.
“Ugh, I hate suits.” JD groaned.
“Then wear a dress,” Razi replied. JD blinked.
“Huh, I do look good in them… but they’re always so frilly.”
“Only if they’re dresses like those reenactments or the ones some wear for cosplay or such,” said Prim. JD looked confused.
“Wait, they aren’t like that anymore?”
“Very funny,” Razi said dryly while Prim just stared at the two. What the hell was that about?
Harry was dressed in his ringmaster outfit with a wolf costume on Spot. Grace was dressed as one of those women who rode the horses and did tricks while Prim had been convinced to dress as a trapeze artist. It was Razi who took the photo for them after the family had stopped at the bowling alley to see Razi and JD. JD was dressed as an angel, prompting laughter from Prim.
“If you ever had a halo it was held up by devil horns,” she teased them. They cocked a grin.
“Why Prim, thank you!”
Razi was just wearing a top hat, prompting booing from Grace.
“You need to dress up Razi!” she said, glaring. Razi just smirked.
“I’m fabulous every day of the year. Adding one thing is a costume.” He winked and Harry went pink and scurried away with Spot. Grace withheld her snickers while Razi blinked and then covered his face. “I did not know that.”
“It’s a little adorable,” Prim said with a grin. JD snickered from beside Razi, a big grin on their face. “Please don’t tease Razi in front of Harry or Harry in front of Razi. He thinks we don’t know.”
“Can I tease him when he’s a teen and has a boyfriend or girlfriend or datefriend or whatever?” JD asked with a grin.
“Yes,” Prim said with a snicker. Razi just sighed.
“Okay, it’s a little funny… and I will happily take the place of being Harry’s first crush because again, I am the more fabulous one.” JD looked heavily offended as Prim and Grace left, Harry already outside the door.
Mackenzie was patrolling the town looking for teenage pranksters and gave them a nod.
“Excellent costumes.”
“Thank you, Sheriff,” Prim said with a grin. The group went door to door, Harry eager to get candy and Grace happy she had an excuse to get candy herself instead of feeling too old.
When they got to the doctor’s door, he winced at seeing Spot, but the dog just wagged his tail, much to his surprise.
“Dogs… usually don’t like me,” he said, petting Spot with a big grin on his face.
“If you want I can bring him around sometime!” Harry offered with a smile and Diego grinned.
“Thank you, Harry, that would be excellent.”
At the end of the night they did go back to let Spot play with Diego for a while, Harry falling asleep in the truck as Grace pigged out on her candy and Prim stole candy from the both.
It was a perfect night.
November 2012
Prim walked in to hear two people speaking Hindi and grinned.
“Hello!” she called out in the same language. She heard two callbacks and walked into the kitchen to see Chetas and Harry at the table, a delicious smell coming from the stove.
“Mama! Chetas is teaching me!” Harry said in English, grinning.
“He is doing well learning,” Chetas said in English as well. “How are your lessons coming?” she asked in Sanskrit.
“As well as they can, given I’m older and have a…” Prim frowned.
“Tougher?” Chetas asked, repeating it in both languages.
“Ah yes, that,” Prim said with a nod. “Tougher time learning.” Chetas waved her hand, assuring her she was doing well.
The little Indian woman often came to town to teach Harry and help Prim cook. Apparently, her grandchildren rarely visited and she got bored easily. Prim was somewhat surprised the little old granny could move so well and could drive to Havenfall as easily as she did.
Prim sat in for the rest of the lesson and learned some new dishes for Harry who adored them all. Grace was working that night and she complained about missing out all the next day.
“Does Chetas celebrate Christmas?” Harry asked Prim who frowned as she made dough for dumplings.
“You know… I don’t know.” Prim replied to Harry. “Probably not though. Why?”
“Her grandkids don’t visit much she says a lot. I thought ‘bout having her over for Christmas might make her smile?” Harry asked.
“I think that’s a fantastic idea honestly,” Prim said with a grin. “We can ask her next time we see her, yeah?” Harry grinned and nodded as Prim continued the preparations for the evening. If she hadn’t had Harry, she was fairly certain she and Grace would live off of fast food with how often the two were tired after work, but with Harry neither wanted him to become ill or sick because he did not receive the proper nutrition.
The mailbox lit up and Harry went over to pull out a letter from Remus. With the laws back in place, Remus was forced to only send letters to her again, though half the time it was obvious it was supposed to be Harry receiving the letters.
“Me or you kiddo?” Prim asked as Harry opened it.
“Me!” Harry said, grinning at the letter and going off to read it as Prim finished the dough. The doorbell rang then. “Mama?”
“I will be getting that young man!” Prim called out. She never wanted Harry to answer the door- feeling it would be too dangerous.
She washed her hands quickly and then went to the door, opening it to find Grace at the door, holding a bunch of bags, which was why she rang the doorbell.
“How did you get here from the store?” Prim asked in confusion, grabbing a few bags.
“I saw her trying to fit them onto her bike, so I gave her a ride,” a voice said. Mackenzie Hunt was coming up the steps, having pulled Grace’s bike out of her trunk.
“Thank you, Sheriff,” Prim said, smiling at the taller woman. “Would you like some coffee as a thank you?” Mackenzie shook her head.
“No, it’s fine.” the woman said. “Have a nice afternoon, alright?” She smiled at Prim who smiled right back before she left. Prim closed the door to find Grace grinning behind her.
“I was only going to say that your old crush seems to be back.” Prim rolled her eyes at her little sister’s comment.
“It’s called I have eyes and am super bi, so I can see she’s hot,” Prim replied to Grace. The younger girl pouted.
“You never date,” Grace said. “You’re twenty years old and I know you think people are attractive, why not?”
“Because the dating pool in this town sucks,” Prim said, following her sister to the kitchen where Grace began putting away groceries and Prim began preparing the rest of supper.
“I dunno- I mean you’re close with the town doctor, Razi, JD, and the sheriff. And they’re all hot.” Grace replied. Prim gave her a look. “What?”
“The town doctor who I speak to as a customer, the sheriff who comes in to yell half the time at JD, my boss, and my coworker?”
“Well… they’re hot.” Grace shrugged and Prim sighed as Harry looked up from the letter.
“What are you talking about?” he asked.
“Your crush on Razi,” Grace replied with a grin. Harry went brick red.
“It’s not a crush!” he cried out. “Razi is just super cool okay!?”
“Mhmm,” Grace said with a bigger grin. “So that’s why you neaten your clothing when you see him and make sure to always bring back your history homework for help?”
“Mama!” Harry cried out.
“Stop teasing Harry about his crush Grace.”
“It’s not a crush!!”
December 2012
“Thanks for letting Chetas come to the party, Harry’s excited,” Prim said to Razi. He waved his hand.
“Chetas is more than welcome given she’s helping Harry connect with his heritage.”
“She needs to participate in White Elephant though!” JD said, passing them by. Razi shrugged and Prim chuckled.
“I’ll tell her that. Is Diego coming as well?”
“Yeah, so is the sheriff,” Razi replied.
“What?” Prim asked, tilting her head.
“She works Christmas this year- so I thought I’d invite her to the party for Christmas cheer.” Razi shrugged.
“...did you just use Christmas cheer unironically?” Prim asked as JD raised their eyebrows and stared at Razi.
“Oh shut up the both of you.”
December 20, 2012
The party was rather simple that year, with everyone simply sitting around at the bar and chatting. Prim wore the snowman sweater Grace had bought her, while Grace wore a sweater with a cat wearing a Santa hat on it, while JD pouted about not being able to wear their shirt with a Christmas tree burning on it.
“It’s not really festive,” Prim said.
“Festive?!” JD huffed. “Like the sheriff’s plaid is festive?!”
“It’s red and green,” Mackenzie points out. JD rolled their eyes while Grace snickered. Chetas chuckled from her position on the couch and Prim gave her a confused look. They hadn’t been loud, how could she hear that?
“Mama, can you help me sit on a stool?” Harry asked Prim who agreed and went to help him sit on a stool next to Diego who smiled at them.
“Pleasure to see you too.” Harry pouted at Diego who chuckled. “Not liking I had to give you some shots?”
“No,” Harry crossed his arms and glared at Diego who just laughed. Prim laughed and ruffled his hair as Razi handed Diego a drink.
“Think fast!” Chetas suddenly called out.
 They all turned to see Chetas holding a camera, and she took a photo of them all. Prim laughed as both Diego and Mac protested they hadn’t been ready, while JD just laughed at the whole thing.
“Nice one,” Grace laughed. She took the camera and got Chetas to stand in the photo, taking another photo that was somewhat more refined, with everyone aware of it.
At least until it was developed and you saw JD giving the sheriff bunny ears.
March 2013
“I DON’T WANNA!” Harry shouted at Prim who scowled.
“Well, I don’t care if you want to or not! You have to go to school and apologize to the teacher-” Prim said firmly, hands on her hips when Harry shouted out,
“I HATE YOU!” he stomped off and hid in the bowling alley bathroom, leaving Prim staring after him. She sat on a stool, thankful that no one was in that day.
JD and Razi traded glances, and then JD shook their head and crept off despite the annoyed look Razi was sending them. The man sighed and then filled a glass with water, placing it down beside Prim.
“Here, have a drink.”
“He hates me,” Prim said softly.
“How many times did you say that to your parents?” Razi asked.
“Once and then they died the next day,” Prim replied. Razi did not answer, to busy staring at the back of her head. “...Mostly joking.” Prim said.
“Well, then you know you didn’t mean it, right? I remember saying that to my parents a few times.”
“I’m fairly certain JD means it when they say they hate their dad,” Prim said.
“JD’s case is… special.” Razi replied. “I would not base your relationship with Harry on JD’s with their dad. Do you know why he yelled at his teacher?”
“She dislikes me,” Prim responded. Razi made a face. Sure, some of the hate towards the Evans family was gone from what it once had been, but it was still there. “She doesn’t do anything to Harry but she made a comment about me he overheard and…” Prim shrugged.
“And yet you’re making him apologize?” Razi asked.
“I am angry at what she said, but I also understand that Harry yelling at teachers will accomplish nothing. As well, I wish for him to respect teachers. Yes, she does not like me but she has never let it affect how she treats him. If it did, I would let him scream and yell at her, and report it, but as it isn’t- then he needs to respect her.” Prim said. “She has earned his respect by acting like a teacher.”
“So you’re teaching him respect,” Razi stated.
“As well, I find it funny how most people take my attitude and get confused that I never negatively react to them. It’s hilarious.” Prim admitted, smirking as she turned around to sip her water. Razi snorted at that.
“Trying to teach Harry how to act like you then?”
“More trying to teach him how to mess with people by acting very polite and kind when they are not,” Prim said. “But also trying to teach him that as she has earned this respect, she gets it.”
“Well, I’m sure he’ll understand. Let him cool off a bit and then have another chat.” Razi said. Prim smiled and reached out to pat his arm.
“Thank you, Razi.”
“What I’m here for. Advice and to pay you.”
“You’re good at it.” Prim snickered. Razi rolled his eyes at her and she just laughed.
Luckily, Harry did cool off and they had a long conversation about respect that ended with Harry agreeing to apologize. The teacher was shocked when he did and seemed to treat Prim a little better after that. Prim just smiled when she did. 
It was very satisfying.
June 2013
Prim flipped through the channels on the TV, feeling exhausted. She’d agreed to pull a double shift as there had been four birthday parties booked and Razi needed all hands on deck- especially when it turned out one party had glitter decorations. Prim had tried to wash her hair three times but there was still glitter in her hair.
A documentary about Bigfoot appeared and she grinned, clicking on it. Bad documentaries were her favorite things to watch. As well, it would give her an excuse to avoid sleeping in her room. She still wasn’t used to it.
She was rather absorbed in the documentary when Harry touched her arm.
“Honey?” she asked in surprise. He had red eyes that he rubbed at.
“I had a bad dream,” he said in a soft tone, hanging his head. Prim reached out and pulled him down to sit with her, letting him snuggle into her, holding onto a stuffed stag that Remus had sent him for Christmas.
“Want to watch a terrible documentary?” Prim asked. Harry nodded and the two watched the documentary, giggling at the bad effects until they fell asleep.
Grace took a photo the next morning, one that would join the many on the walls of the two cuddling on the couch.
July 2013
“Happy birthday Harry!” Chetas sang out as she set down a cake that she and Prim had made together. Harry grinned at the group that had shown up. He had a few friends from school, but he typically didn’t hang out with them because he didn’t like how their parents gave Prim weird looks and he hated people being mean to his Mama!
Razi and JD had shown up though, given the amount of time he spent at the bowling alley Harry felt like they were part of his family. Though he did not want to add Razi to the family like that!! It wasn’t a crush!!! It was admiration!
He blew out the candles as everyone cheered around him and his Mama came to kiss his forehead.
He closed his eyes and smiled.
Everything was perfect.
September 2013
“I hate picture day,” Harry grumbled as Prim fixed his hair.
“And I hate that your hair won’t stay flat,” Prim replied.
“It’s the Potter curse Uncle Remus says,” Harry smirked at his mother who just stuck her tongue out at him.
“Maybe growing it out will fix it,” Prim said. Harry immediately perked up.
“Can I put it in a ponytail?” he asked eagerly. Prim chuckled. The crush was still going strong.
“Course you can baby,” Prim said, kissing his forehead. She then sighed. “I give up. Grace! You said you had an idea?”
“Punk rock!” Grace said gleefully as she danced into the bathroom, listening to her iPod through one headphone. She had just bought the new Jonas Quinton album and was thrilled. “Not your style.”
“Okay, one- you dress in pink and blues and soft tones,” Prim said firmly as Grace began styling Harry’s hair in a spiky style. “Second, I do wear jeans and t-shirts!”
“And then you wear things like pleated skirts and blouses or dresses and shawls.” Grace shot back, sticking her tongue out. “I’m more hip than you!”
“I’m 21, you’re 16-”
“Almost 17!”
“Almost 17, that is not much of a difference, thank you.” Prim rolled her eyes at Grace’s face she made as she finished with Harry’s hair and then got him to change his shirt to a black button up instead of the white.
Prim did not mention how much better it looked.
Grace’s smirk made her realize she knew though.
October 2013
“So you hooked up with some guy in Indianapolis and now you’re feeling guilty?” JD asked Prim sighed. “This is weird.”
“It’s not guilt. It’s… being unaware if a… hook up was proper when you have a son.” Prim said. JD rolled their eyes.
“Look, you had fun, right? You enjoyed yourself and Harry was at a sleepover so he was taken care of. Grace is old enough to be by herself- stop feeling guilty!” They threw their hands up in annoyance.
“I can’t just stop JD,” Prim said. “It’s… I don’t know. Should I be looking for someone special? So that I can give Harry another parent?”
“...Prim, you’re 21.” JD said, leaning on the bar counter and giving her a look. “You don’t need to focus on finding the ONE right now or your soulmate or whatever. Yeah, it would be great for Harry to have like a dad or another mom or a… bibi or whatever, but like… real talk? He just needs a stable family and you’re that already. Plus like Razi is his super crush slash uncle which is weird to think about, but yeah. You can focus on having fun and having a few hookups.”
“...His parents did sign him up for some fancy boarding school next year. Maybe I’ll have some more fun then.” Prim chuckled. JD pointed at her.
“See? And really?”
“Harry’s technically a lord though… not really? I believe the title was removed a century ago.” When there was something that had happened with the Black family. Prim honestly had not opened that can of worms after learning some of the more… disturbing situations the Blacks had caused.
“...Bullshit.” JD said. Prim shrugged and they stuck out their tongue, revealing a piercing.
“Didn’t know you had that pierced,” Prim remarked, a little impressed. Other then her ears, she had never wanted any other piercings. Much too painful.
“Oh, yeah. An ex-girlfriend had one and it was wild so I got one.” JD waggled their eyebrows and Prim shook her head.
“...Thanks for the chat,” she said finally. They shrugged.
“Hey, no problem. We’re friends, right?” They winked at her and she grinned.
“I suppose I put up with you enough.” Prim shot back.
“Yay, we’re all a happy family,” Razi said, voice dry as a desert. “Now please get to work.”
“Right away,” both said, sharing grins.
Prim clutched the phone in her hand as she tried to figure out what to do. Harry was sick, while Grace and she both had work. She couldn’t take Harry into work and she couldn’t miss work either- nor could Grace! She was finally being trained as a waitress. They needed to go to work!
She struggled to think of someone to watch her kid, someone who had the day… off…
She dialed a number and prayed it would be okay.
“Yo, this is JD.”
“JD can I ask you a huge favor?”
After explaining the situation, JD agreed and ended up driving up on their bike.
“You have no idea how much this means to me,” Prim said at the door.
“Eh, not like I had anything else to do.” They said with a shrug. “He’s asleep?”
“Yeah, probably won’t wake up but if he does he’ll just want to sit on the couch and watch some show. He’s really into Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood right now-”
“You let him watch that?” JD asked, somewhat surprised she would let him watch such a bloody show. She didn’t seem the type at all. Prim frowned at them.
“It’s not that bad and I trust his maturity level.” Prim shrugged. “Alright, I have to go- there’s a bunch of food in the fridge. Help yourself!” She waved and left, leaving them behind. JD entered the house and wondered what the hell they’d been thinking, agreeing to babysit. Like, sure, they liked the kid but babysitting? Ugh.
They grabbed some food from the fridge and turned on the TV, noticing someone had been watching some sort of documentary about aliens on CrispyFlix.
“Who watches that?” They wondered out loud. Maybe it was one of the late night needing to sleep binges. They flickered through the shows before landing on an anime their sister had said was good. They had plenty to say about Hikari but she had good taste in anime.
Watching for a little while, they heard someone coming down the stairs. Pausing the show, they saw Harry coming down the stairs carrying his stag plushie.
“Hey kid,” JD said, giving the kid a grin. “You up now?”
“Mmm,” the kid mumbled, coming over to the couch to grab a blanket and wrapping himself up in it. JD wordlessly turned the show to the anime he would like. JD had just finished the series themself so it would be interesting to watch it with the kid and see his reactions.
“I like Edward,” Harry said softly halfway through the episode where they meet Greed. “He’s a good big brother.”
“I agree with you there,” JD told the kid. “I do like the Colonel’s alchemy more though.”
“Mmm, I like Mei’s stuff. Super cool throwing knives and directing her power.” Harry said.
“Hey, that’s a good point.”
“And she has a cute panda.”
“Who bites. I like that thing.” JD chuckled. Harry smiled at JD who flashed a grin back. They continued their quiet chatter throughout the episode, Harry gasping in horror at the death of the various chimera in Greed’s base. “Yeah, it gets darker here on out. You sure you wanna watch without your mom?”
“Yeah,” Harry said, sounding a bit nervous but he swallowed. “You’re here, right JD? I trust you.”
“...Trust me with what?” JD asked slowly.
“Being there when it gets dark,” Harry responded. JD stared at the kid, confused and a little touched by the honest words from the boy, though they didn’t say anything. Just swallowed and went back to watching.
JD was unaware of Harry drifting off until soft snores came from the kid after a few more episodes. They paused the TV and hesitated for a second, looking at Harry. The kid was sleeping weird and probably would get a kink in his neck if he stayed there longer. And… the kid was a good kid and sick and…
“This means nothing,” JD muttered as they picked up Harry and carefully carried him upstairs. It took a few minutes to find his room, and they paused to see that Spot was sleeping at the end of the bed. The dog woke up when JD entered to tuck Harry into his bed, raising his head. The dog traded a look with JD before going back to sleep.
“Yeah, you don’t say anything I won’t either,” JD muttered to the dog before they put Harry into his bed. They left after making sure the kid was covered. Wouldn’t want him to get sicker.
Afterward, they went back downstairs to pretend it had never happened at all.
October 31, 2013
“I am Dracula!” Harry said in a loud voice, showing off his costume for the bowling alley. Spot wore a pair of bat wings attached to his back and looked done.
Meanwhile, JD was covering their mouth, looking way too amused while Razi was smiling widely and Diego just stared. JD was dressed up as a ‘slutty witch’ as they called it complete with a very short skirt. Razi was again just wearing a top hat while Diego wore his normal clothing.
“Nice costume,” Razi said as Prim removed her witch hat. She had dressed as the Wicked Witch from the Wizard of OZ and was already regretting the paint.
“He's been obsessing over vampires since Grace found this website of vampire jokes.” JD perked right up as Diego groaned.
“Tell us some!” JD insisted. Harry grinned while Prim grimaced.
“Why did the vampire flunk art?” Harry asked.
“I don't know, why?”
“Because he could only draw blood!” Harry grinned as JD snorted. “How did you know the vampire was sick said the nurse. Well, the doctor said, he wouldn't stop coffin!” JD started laughing as Harry continued to state bad vampire jokes, Razi chortling a few times himself while Diego just looked long-suffering.
Prim managed to remind Harry about trick or treating but JD made the boy promise to give them the website he got the jokes from.
Prim was not looking forward to the next few months of work.
November 2013
“Chetas is kinda like my grandma,” Harry said to Prim as he struggled with his homework at the bar. Prim was cleaning glasses, feeling exhausted. She had been working extra shifts as her truck was having issues and she needed the money.
“...Huh, I suppose she is.” Prim blinked. “...Do you wanna call her that?”
“...Nah. She’s Chetas.” Harry shrugged.
“Yeah, that’s true.”
 Diego checked Harry’s blood pressure, Prim sitting in the room quietly.
“Well, looks like another clean bill of health… and no shots,” Diego said with a chuckle. Harry grinned as Prim chuckled.
“Thank you, Dr. Diego!” Harry said in a happy tone, smiling up at the doctor who grinned back.
“Thank you for bringing Spot over to play. I miss having a dog.” Diego told tas he packed his bag with the ease of practice. “Have you thought about doing a sport?” He asked Harry who shrugged.
“I’m going to a boarding school my mum and dad signed me up for at birth. Mama says it’s a really good one. They’ll have sports then!” He grinned and with permission ran off. While his mama always made sure to include him in discussions about him, he also got bored easily and trusted her to tell him stuff.
“Is there any reason you brought up sports? He’s a fairly active child with Spot.” Prim asked the doctor who finished packing his stuff.
“...It’s a small town Miss Evans, and I am well aware of the fact Harry does not have…”
“Many friends?” Prim asked. She tilted her head and gave a smirk, raising an eyebrow. “Is Razi gossiping again?”
“Somewhat,” Diego admitted with a chuckle. Prim shook her head, a fond smile on her face as she rolled her eyes.
“That man. The thing is Doctor, is that Harry is going to be going to a school in England. As well, the school only has physical mail sources as they believe that computers are detrimental to the learning process. Harry’s aware of the struggles it would cause to remain friends and wishes to be alone because of this.” Prim shrugged. “As well, he’s not… comfortable with people still. He prefers his dog.”
“So you don’t push because you worry for him?” Diego asked. Prim nodded.
“Quite right. He’s a good kid and… well, I wasn’t that social either as a child though that was more due to bullying and the… dislike of the town. However, I still turned out fairly all right.” She shrugged again. “I will consider sports or something similar for summer programming if his lack of a social life continues while he’s in England.”
“You’re a good mother, I don’t doubt you’ll do the best you can for him,” Diego told her, nodding. “Have a good evening.”
“You as well doctor, and thank you again for your house calls,” Prim said to the man, walking him out.
“Well, not much of a hospital here in town and I don’t enjoy the thought of a bunch of people coming to my house to spread illness where I sleep.” Diego chuckled. He nodded to her and left the house as she waved him off.
Harry was busy roughhousing with Spot in his room when she checked in on him. She watched for a little while, smiling but she left, sighing.
Was she doing the right thing by not forcing her kid out to socialize? She knew that most experts said that at least one productive after school activity would help Harry in the long run- even if it was something like a swim club where it was more individual focused sports- but she had never really bothered because she knew he was going to Hogwarts.
All she could do was hope he could make friends there.
December 2013
“Okay, worst date go!” JD said, pointing at Razi. It was a ‘staff meeting’ night or a night where the three would just sit around and chat. Razi had started it after he’d noticed the tension between JD and Prim but they never stopped doing them after the two became friends.
“Ugh, okay so it was with this guy and he was very… focused on the idea of being a top?” Razi said, making a face.
“Not one of those types.” Prim groaned, covering her face. She’d met a few ladies who were more focused on being as dominant or as submissive as possible. Some weren’t bad, but others…
“I have no problem with either way but this guy was… he was offended at my height and muscle mass!” Razi rolled his eyes. “It ended with me just leaving.”
“Ugh that sucks,” JD said. They then pointed to Prim. “Your turn.”
“It wasn’t a date but it was a… friends with benefits situation.” Prim began. “It was when I was traveling. I met up with a very pretty woman who was traveling as well and I thought; well then, let’s travel together. We started… having fun together about two weeks in. We both found each other attractive and we both agreed that sometimes it was hard to find a partner while traveling so why not.”
“Let me guess,” JD said. “One of you began taking it more seriously?”
“Yes. We both made it clear that were would break it off or talk if one of us developed feelings. Or that we would never assume said feelings would be returned. We both were aware that…” Prim shrugged. “Well, we were aware humans make unhealthy choices sometimes and that we might not talk or break it off so… we promised. However she…” Prim made a motion with her hand, just waving it. “She decided that I had to have feelings for her and when I broke it off to come back here, she was furious that I was not only breaking it off but also that I didn’t return her feelings.”
“I’ve had a situation like that,” JD said, shuddering. “But again, worst date.”
“You just let me tell my story!” Prim said.
“You offered it, I agree though. Worst date!” Razi said with a grin. Prim rolled her eyes but laughed.
“My date tripped into the waiter coming back from the bathroom and the waiter dumped a hot plate of pasta on me while I was wearing a light blue dress,” Prim said. “Ruined the dress, the guy thought it romantic to go ‘Oh baby, wanna go back to my place to change?’” She mocked the man's voice in her most ridiculous tone, causing JD and Razi to burst into laughter. “Only bright side is I got free food out of that.”
“That sucks,” JD said, still laughing. “And my worst dates usually involve misgendering or people being dicks.” They shrugged as Prim and Razi made faces at that. “Razi’s turn to ask a question!”
“Alright… what is… your favorite take-out order?”
“Razi, ask a real one!”
“What? We’re all hungry!” Prim laughed as the two bickered, smiling at her friends. She hadn’t expected to earn such a bond with them when she first started working at the bowling alley but she loved it.
Chetas sat at the bar, watching as Prim spoke with Harry, the two playing some arcade game while JD and Grace cheered them on.
“She’s a good one.” mused Chetas, accepting the drink Razi handed her. “Haven’t said anything yet?”
“No. We thought it more appropriate to wait.” He replied, leaning on his arms that he folded on the bar. “You tell her?”
“Better to come from close friends than old woman they see once in a while,” Chetas replied. Razi shrugged.
“Well, when the kid goes off, we’re gonna have a chat. Maybe we will, maybe we won’t.” Razi said.
“You mean if the child stays here after the kid leaves. It’s a way to judge isn’t it?” Chetas asked in amusement. Razi shrugged and turned to Diego who had been keeping out of the conversation to give him a drink. He also grabbed the camera to snap a photo of Grace, Prim and Harry laughing as the two stood in front of an arcade machine.
It was a good picture.
January 2014
“I am never going to a New Year's Eve party JD hosts again,” Prim muttered, head between her legs. She was sitting on the couch after falling asleep the night before and had a horrific headache pounding in her ears.
“Hangover from hell, hmmmmmm?” Grace asked in a teasing tone, setting down a glass of water.
“I am never drinking again,” Prim muttered. Harry was being very quiet and she hated it because he had gotten terrified when she came in drunk. He remembered his uncle far too well when he got drunk.
“Or at least not with JD. Razi called and said you matched them shot for shot- and I know they have crazy tolerance.” Grace said.
“Leave me alone,” Prim said. She curled up on the couch and ignored her sister and son as the two giggled at her.
Never again.
March 2014
Harry was sitting in the diner eating a big sundae that his mama had got him for acing his latest science test. Grace was keeping an eye on him with Luce’s permission, the owner still not a fan of the family but she had a soft spot for kids.
The door opened and two men came in, quietly chatting. As it was a seat yourself place, the went and sat down behind Harry.
“Alright, so this place?” one asked.
“Only weird thing is the fog, Dean. That’s the only weird thing.”
“And no big deaths or anything at all?”
“Nope. Just a lot of fog.”
“Alright, do we have a case at all Sammy?”
“A few towns south yeah- missing people.” The door opened then and JD came in.
“Who has the Impala? That’s a thing of beauty!” they called out and the people behind Harry laughed.
“Thanks… uhhh…”
“Name’s JD,” JD laughed. “Nice to meet you.” They came over, stopping to say hi to Harry before they started a conversation with the two behind Harry about cars and bikes. Harry finished his sundae before his mama came into the diner.
“JD, Razi says get back to work before he decides to come after you,” Prim told her coworker who sighed.
“Fine. Have a nice night off Prim. Thanks for the chat, Dean.” JD left with a wave.
“Prim, is it?” asked Dean in a weird voice. Harry turned around to kneel on the seat, looking at Dean.
“Why are you talking like that to my mama?” Prim chuckled and ruffled Harry’s hair.
“He’s being foolish sweetie. And my answer is no.” She told Dean who shrugged. Harry gave her a confused look and she just laughed.
“Yay, my sister gets hit on by a hot guy-” Grace muttered as she walked away.
“She’s underage,” Prim told Dean who raised his hands.
“Whoa, wasn’t going to lady.”
“Just making absolutely sure. Harry, let us depart.” Prim said, ruffling his hair again. The two left, leaving behind the strangers as the mother and son headed to their truck.
July 2014
It was a nice sunny day when the mailbox glowed in the corner of the kitchen. Grace dug through the mail pile that had arrived, grinning when she found one certain letter.
“Mr. Harry Potter, the second biggest room-” she read off the envelope before Harry grabbed it, cheering.
“It’s my Hogwarts letter! I’m going to Hogwarts!!”
I lied. The next two years got squashed together because I couldn’t think of any other cute scenes. As well, first-year happens before Season 1 of Havenfall, so we’ll get through this and then the Havenfall fun starts. As well… I originally was completely sure about where the pairing was going but now I’m torn because I thought of like eight REALLY GOOD plot points for another route and now it’s… gar. At least I have year one first before the big decision.
-I love the MC original outfit but I also love the idea of Prim wearing these super cute prim and proper outfits like *insert links* so… yeah. She wears a wide variety of clothing. She’s just picky about when she wears them.
-The scene with Harry asking if it’s okay if he stops mourning is something I decided on due to far-reaching plot points. Yes, the previous chapter had him mourning but this is due to the fact it was the first time he knew. It’s not… to me, the idea of Harry always mourning his parents as people just doesn’t make sense. He didn’t know them, and here- not only did he get negative and wrong information from the Dursley family, but Prim doesn’t really know much other then Lily was a nice cousin sort of thing. So he mourns the idea of a loving set of parents, but not his actual parents. Add in that Prim is his mom now, and he more mourns the what if, but he’s a kid and bounces back.
-You know, originally I had this huge plot where JD and Prim fought a fair bit because Prim is very much not like JD, but the more I wrote it the more I went: Damn it, I like their canon interaction in all their routes (friends who mess with each other) too much. So yeah, less bickering than I originally intended.
-I know Razi canonly is a fucking brick wall, but Harry is tiny nine-year-old who has gay baby crush on Razi and is OBVIOUS AS FUCK. Running away red because of a gin? Yeah, obvious. Probably had more stuff happen before this and now it’s hitting him.
-The teacher bit… oh, no I’m not stating how the Snape thing will go down. Not at all.
-Ages ago I wrote a one-shot with JD having a tongue piercing and it literally is my favorite headcanon of them. I got told I was the one to be the originator of this and like: what? But anyway- it’s canon. NO ONE CAN CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE.
-Chetas was going to get called grandma but like… I realized while I will be dragging her in and out of the story I kinda like the idea of her being just Chetas? I dunno? She’s Chetas.
-It’s canon that Diego makes house calls and was going to the MC house in his route to give Grace shots for college. As well, it’s mentioned the hospital is a bit away so I assume there’s a small town nearby (but with some distance) with a hospital that most Havenfall folks go to in an emergency, while Diego does act as the general doctor in Havenfall he just makes house calls mostly. (There was a town near mine growing up that did something similar).
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run-on-lightning · 7 years
in which an awkward lesbian teen asks her nonbinary datefriend if they're cool being called her girlfriend
A/N: The other day, I saw a bunch of posts saying they wished the show gave us a scene where Syd and Elena talked about whether it's okay to refer to Syd as Elena's 'girlfriend'. So I took it upon myself to write a fic about it. 
You can also read this fic on AO3. 
The two of them were still giggling and holding hands when they crawled back through the window and into Elena’s room.
‘I can’t believe I have a girlfriend!’ Elena giddily thought. She would have squealed in delight too, if it wouldn’t be so embarrassing to do so in front of-- ‘Oh, somebody pinch me! I still can’t believe Syd is my... girlfriend.’ Elena’s stupidly wide grin faded as her brain caught up with her. She knew she had to ask Syd about it sooner or later, that it was only right to ask instead of blindly assuming things, but she wasn’t sure how to broach the subject without sounding like a clueless nerd.
“Do you really think A Wrinkle In Time is stupid?” Syd asked, startling Elena from her thoughts. They were looking at her with those adorable puppy dog eyes, so eager to hear her real opinion on their favorite book.
‘Puppy dog eyes? Really? Wow, not even ten minutes in, and you’re already a total sap for them. Pull it together, Elena!’ She mentally facepalmed at herself. Especially since she was about to say something that could possibly be a sore spot for Syd. ‘You can do this. Just spit it out.’
Elena tried to school her expression into something more pleasant, but ended up with a face that was torn between guilty and constipated. “If I say yes, are you gonna be mad at me?”
“Naw, that’s fair. Everyone has different opinions.” They bounced a little as they sat down on the bed, still grinning ear to ear. “You’re totally wrong though.”
Elena sighed in relief, sat down beside Syd, and teased back, “No, you’re totally wrong.”
“Oh shoot, you’re right. I guess that means we should break up.” Syd put on an exaggerated pout and playfully bumped against Elena’s shoulder.
“Yeah, maybe we should.” Elena crossed her arms and playfully bumped them back. They kept nudging and bumping each other for a few minutes, laughing and giggling all the while. Once their laughter subsided, Elena said, “Sorry, I know you were joking about breaking up earlier but please tell me you’re joking.”
“I was joking, Elena. I like you a lot. Like, a lot a lot.”
“I like you a lot too.”
They chuckled and kissed and Elena felt her heart soaring once more. Teasing each other, laughing at the same jokes, hugging and kissing... Who would have thought having a girlfriend would be so... so...
Elena moved closer to Syd, taking one of their hands into hers. “Syd, can I ask you something serious for a second?”
“Sure?” they replied, sounding the furthest from being sure.
Elena took in a deep breath, and asked, “Is it okay for me to call you my girlfriend?”
“Yeah. I mean, that’s what we are now... right?”
“No, I meant...” When she saw Syd’s crestfallen expression, Elena scrambled to explain, “No! I didn’t mean ‘No’ like that! I meant, ‘Yes we are, but no, that wasn’t what I was asking!’” She facepalmed for real this time, to hide her embarrassment over the faux pas. “I’m sorry for making this confusing, but I just wanted to know what terms you’re okay with. Like, would you prefer to be called my ‘datefriend’ instead of ‘girlfriend’? Or, I dunno, do you have days when you’d prefer to be addressed with a different name? Or--”
She was cut off with a peck on a corner of her lips not covered by her hand, and her cheeks heated up. She removed her hand to look at Syd. Their face was flushed pink as they pulled away, smiling brightly at her.
“You’re so sweet, Elena,” Syd said. “And I’m glad you asked me about this. Yes, I always go by ‘Syd’ and yes, ‘girlfriend’ is okay. ‘Datefriend’ too, for that matter. I’m comfortable with most terms for either gender, except maybe ‘Sir’, ‘Lady’, and ‘Little Miss Fluffykins’-- don’t ask,” they interrupted theirself, awkwardly fidgeting in place. “I mean, you could ask me anything about what’s okay and what’s not, just don’t ask about that last one.”
“Okay,” said Elena.
“I mean, it’s not bad, really. It’s just super embarrassing.”
“It started when I was four and my Mom saw me making baby noises at our--”
“I get it, Syd! You don’t have to tell me anything,” cried Elena, her hands gesturing in the air, and accidentally smacking Syd on the nose. “Oh no, I’m so sorry! Are you okay?”
“Yeah, ’m okay.” They rubbed their nose thoughtfully. “Doesn’t really hurt. You just surprised me.”
Elena heaved out a sigh. “I keep messing up on this date, don’t I?”
“Nah, it’s okay. We’re good. Lockdown and misunderstandings aside, this has been a good date so far.” Syd smiled so warmly, Elena couldn’t help smiling back.
“Have I told you I like how straight you are with me?” Elena blurted. Then she realized what she’d just said. “I-I meant straightforward! Like honest and frank, that kind of thing! It’s great! You’re great! And I think I should probably stop talking now.”
“Aw, shucks.” Syd cutely ducked their head. “Now you’re just making me blush.”
Elena grinned. “Well, you’re cute when you blush.”
“Aww. If you keep saying things like that, I might ask you to be my girlfriend.”
“I thought you’re my girlfriend?”
Syd chuckled. “Let’s just say we’re girlfriends and leave it at that.”
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katrinawritesthings · 7 years
Jonghyun/Taemin; Problematic Fave (Part 4/4); PG
He still has to ask Key what their favorite song is, too. He’s fairly certain that it’s “White T-Shirt,” but it might also be “Orbit,” because “Orbit” is exactly the kind of gay shit Key is into, even if it is a little slow.
Hey!! Taeminnie again. I’m on my couch writing this, all snuggly in blankies because Spring still hasn’t made up her mind and it’s raining pretty hard outside. I do love the rain, but I prefer to experience through a window rather than in the middle of it. I’m watching Key’s little pups while they’re at work so they’re up here with me. Key doesn’t like them on the couch but they’re really really warm and what Key doesn’t know won’t hurt them. I’ll send a pic for you to see!
Speaking of Key, they told me that they saw you coming out of a recording studio as they were going in the other day. Honestly, at this point, I think their feelings towards you are more complicated than mine ever were. They’re still mad at you in defense of me from nine months ago, but I think that’s mostly out of spite because I told them that they couldn’t stay mad forever. They also lowkey want to book you again for another shoot, really love your little line of accessories, and are extremely bitter that they like more than three songs on your She Is album. They won’t admit it, but ??????fuck i forgot??????? is their favorite song.
As for me, I think I’ve finally come to a conclusion for my favorite. I know, it’s been, like, three weeks, and I’ve cycled through all of them being my favorite (except “Moon,” and I’ve already explained what was wrong with that one), but I’m serious now. I really think that I like “Dress Up” the most. It feels weird to say that, seeing as how I always liked your softer songs the most, but I can’t deny that “Dress Up” is fun to jam to.
I wanted to tell you again that this comeback of yours has been so good and healing for me. The fun songs, the bright colors, the inherent and blatant queerness of everything, your pink hair…. All of it makes me feel bright and fuzzy on the inside. Before, your stuff would cheer me up just by being gentle and uplifting, but now it cheers me up by making me feel all excited and bouncy and validated. So, thanks for that!
Thank you for letting me love you, too. I know I say it a lot, but it’s just nice to have a fave to think of and love and feel all fuzzy about again. Maybe I’ll get a real romantic datefriend one day and be able to be super gay with them, or maybe I’ll friend marry Key and get all of my emotional fulfillment from that, but until then, it’s nice to draw comfort from you. Thanks for letting me and, really, all of your fans do that. I know it’s kind of part of the job description of being an celeb, but still. It means a lot to a lot of us that you put so much of yourself out there and act as support for us, even from afar.
This is getting kind of long, so I’ll stop here. I know this week is your last week of promotions, so good luck on all of your music shows and I hope you’re having a nice day!!
Love, Lee Taemin ❤
P.S.: If you ever see Key again and they try to give you two dollars, just take it and pretend like you know what it’s for.
Taemin hums to himself as he reads his letter over. That’s a pretty good first draft, he thinks, and he’s pretty sure that his opinion isn’t affected at all by how he’s hanging half upside-down off of the couch and squinting at it on his phone.
Key’s little pupps snooze gently, one in his lap and one nuzzled against his leg. Taemin scrunches his nose. Hmm. Maybe he won’t send Jonghyun a picture of his lower half, even if there are cute dogs in it. That would be kind of weird, he thinks. Maybe he can get Key to--oh, no, he’ll have to scoot them off of the couch before Key comes to pick them up so he doesn’t get in trouble. Dang.
He still has to ask Key what their favorite song is, too. He’s fairly certain that it’s “White T-Shirt,” but it might also be “Orbit,” because “Orbit” is exactly the kind of gay shit Key is into, even if it is a little slow.
Taemin’s left eye scrunches when he reads over the little paragraph about his favorite song. Every time he thinks about “Moon” he feels all gross inside and he should really stop thinking about it, but he just. Wants to passive aggressively remind Jonghyun that it was gross at least one more time in his letters. After this one he’ll start working on forgetting it exists. At least it helps him keep his love for Jonghyun grounded.
“Dress Up,” though. “Dress Up” is good.
The whole comeback is good, and as Temin scans his letter he feels himself warming up inside all over again. A smile cracks open his face, cheeks flushing as pink as Jonghyun’s lovely, lovely, lovely hair. It’s so nice and fun and bouncy and--
“Fuck,” Taemin hisses. He was turning halfway over to smile into his carpet and his legs slipped off of the couch. He crumples gracelessly, grunting softly as he struggles to get his hands under him and push himself up. “God, fuck,” he mutters. Pushing his bangs out of his face, he leans against his couch to just blink for a moment and let the blood rush out of his brain and into the rest of him.
Key’s little pups whine and snuffle at him, Garcons's wet little nose booping his temple. Taemin leans away, then lifts a hand to pet their soft little heads.
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” he tells them. “Mwah.” He kissies Garcons's little head when he keeps nuzzling at him. The press of his lips seems to calm the pup and Taemin vaguely wonders if that has anything to do with the way Key pulls themself out of anxiety attacks with a million little kissies to who or whatever is nearby. Probably.
Instead of trying to clamber back onto the couch, he slowly slides himself the rest of the way off and rolls to lie on his tummy. Tugging a pillow down from the couch, he holds it under his chin as he finds his phone again. A pup hops down from the couch and wiggles to curl up on his butt; glancing over his shoulder, he finds Comme Des. He lazily reaches behind himself to give him a little pat before he looks back to his phone to finish scanning his letter.
Blah blah blah, blah blah dogs, Key blah blah, songs blah, the comeback makes Taemin’s soul feel alive, blah blah… aha. Taemin reads over the next paragraph with his top lip between his teeth. Hmm. Feels a little repetitive in places. He’ll work on that. The P.S. he has to work on too; he wants it to be in the actual letter and not a P.S. He’ll figure out how to add it in without making it seem too bulky or whatever. Besides that, though….
“I think this is good,” Taemin hums to himself. He lifts the phone up to Garcons on the couch so he can see. “What do you think?” he asks. The little pup sniffs his hand and then licks him. Taemin assumes that means “yes” and gives Garcons a little scritch behind his ears. Then he rolls to his back--apologizing again for disturbing Comme Des and letting him snuggle up under his arm instead--and taps his letter to edit it.
Honestly, he missed how fun this was; just sitting here and editing out his thoughts and feelings. Thinking them over and figuring out exactly what he wants to say is so… calming. Even his first letter back where he sent, like, three pages detailing his entire emotional response to everything was soothing. Since he started writing to Jonghyun again his anxiety has been better than it has in months and he’s been able to reason his worries away almost as well as he could before he even got all hecked up in the first place. He thinks he might start up a diary anyway, in addition to his almost-weekly letters to Jonghyun. It might get him back to where he started.
As he’s deleting a word in the third paragraph, his phone vibrates in his hand with a text from Key. He hums. Now would be a good time to ask about their favorite song, yeah, before he forgets again. He opens the texts of the day and scans them quickly: “good morning egghead,” “I’ll bring you a muffin when I drop the kids off,” “do you think thick stripes or thin stripes look better in plaid,” “one of these days I’m gonna say something important and you’re gonna regret letting my texts pile up,” and “wow okay I know I just said that as a joke but I can not Fucking believe this and u gotta reply rn or I’m gonna call you!!!”
“Hmm,” Taemin hums again. He scrunches his face in confusion. What. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen Key use any punctuation in a text, let alone three whole exclamation points. He sits up, resting one elbow on the couch so he can focus better on his phone as he texts back, “Thick stripes and also what’s your favorite song of Jonghyun’s again and also What???”
Taemin isn’t sure if it’s the immediateness of Key’s reply or the contents of it that makes him drop his phone. Either way, he hisses and scrambles to pick it up and confirm that what he thinks he saw is really is what he thought he saw.
It is: Key sent him a picture of them with Jonghyun, like, right next to each other, taking a selfie, together, Key looking huffy and annoyed and Jonghyun smiling gently with one hand kind of blurry in a little wave.
Taemin can’t fucking believe it, either.
“Ohmhy fuc k ign gdo,” he texts back. He is so upset and jealous. What the fuck. This is so unfair. It’s not even that Key is with Jonghyun and he isn’t, or that Key doesn’t appreciate Jonghyun’s loveliness, or even that he’s so far up Jonghyun’s ass again that it burns him up on the inside to not be there; it’s that that morning Key literally offered to take him to work with them and he declined. It’s his own dang fault that he isn’t blushing and smiling and hiding behind Key’s arm with his heart making him all giddy right now.
“I went to a radio station to grab a friend to hang out with and he was here and he says hi,” Key texts him next. Taemin groans quietly and wilts back down to the floor, texting back a single frowny face. Then he throws his arm dramatically over his eyes and whines again. Heck. Hecking fuck. He does not believe. Lifting his arm just enough to see his text, he types “Tell him i’m in the middle of writing a letter to him.”
“I’m not playing back and forth between u two jfc,” is Key’s reply. Taemin huffs, then sighs. Yeah, that’s kind of what he figured they would say. “listen tho he’s trying to give me a free album bc I guess that’s a thing that singers do but I don’t want it so do u want me to tell him to just sign it to you instead,” Key sends next. Taemin gasps this time, suddenly all excited again. He sits up quickly, then grunts and lies back down, pressing his hand to his forehead under his bangs to fight the sudden wooziness. Whoops. Key’s pups nuzzle and whine at him; Taemin doesn’t know if it’s from worry or annoyance at his constant movement.
“Yes pls,” he texts back, and then scoops both dogs up in his arms to snuggle them under his chin. With two soft little fuzzballs against him and the prospect of a bright, shiny, new, signed album coming his way soon, Taemin feels his inside get all warm and fuzzy again very quickly. He’s never been more sure of anything in his life than the fact that he loves his fave and he loves being able to love him.
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ghostwinchesters · 7 years
Eggnog and Lies
part ii, part iii
tags: sastiel, college rooommate au, dean’s coming to stanford for the holidays, sam needs a bf asap, swearing, implied charjo, past megstiel, past samifer i def don’t ship it and it’s displayed vEry negatively, lucifer was manipulative, sam is self deprecating, cas is panromantic (!!)
characters: sam winchester, castiel, dean winchester [mentioned], jo harvelle, charlie bradbury [mentioned], lucifer [mentioned], balthazar, gabriel, meg masters [mentioned]
word count: 2k
AO3 Link
Part II
“Okay, so give me the whole story, Sam.” Jo put a glass in front of him. “And drink up.”
He gave her a confused look. “Eggnog? I think I could use something a little stronger than eggnog.”
She smirked. “Nah, don't worry about that. It's got plenty in it… Now tell me.” Jo leaned against the counter with her eyebrows raised. “Charlie said Dean’s coming tomorrow, and you're freaking out because…” She waved her hand in a please explain motion.
Sam groaned. “Do I really have to talk about it?”
“Hey, Charlie said you needed help finding a date or something, and I'm trying to help you out, but I need some context, Sammy.”
He avoided her gaze and looked around the coffee shop instead. It was some stupid holiday party at Jo’s cafe and Charlie had told him to go. The place was popular around campus and it was busy, especially because of the party and it being Friday night. Alex, Claire, and Jack were busy serving everyone while Jo talked to Sam, which made him feel bad but he knew she wouldn’t stop now.
“It's Sam. And not just a date. I literally need someone who's been dating me for a while. And that's obviously not gonna happen by tomorrow.” Sam let out a long sigh as Jo kept looking at him in confusion. “Yeah, Dean’s coming tomorrow for Christmas. I mean, I didn't even know he was coming until the other day! He originally said he wasn't gonna make it, but Bobby convinced him to take some time off from the shop and…” Sam's voice trailed off.
“Okay, but what's the problem? You and Dean get along pretty well, I thought. And why the fuck do you need a datefriend?”
Sam looked down at his eggnog. “Um, beginning of this year, after winter break, Dean was just kinda worried about me. I dunno. He does that a lot. Especially after last year, and losing Jess…” Sam stopped talking before shrugging. “I mean, I didn’t even have a roommate yet because it’s like people were freaked to stay with me after the fire last year… Until Cas anyway because he obviously doesn’t give a shit about possible curses. Anyway, I started dating Luce in like April and Dean felt better because I had someone, even though he never met him.”
“Yeah, well, Lucifer was a complete and total dick who didn’t deserve you. Glad you dumped him.” Jo winced when Sam looked down at his glass. “Sorry. That’s not his name, and maybe that was a little har-”
“No, no… You’re right. He was a fucking dick and I should’ve broken up with him a lot earlier. I just… when I finally told Dean a few weeks ago, I said I was dating someone else, but now I’m probably just gonna have to tell him that I kinda totally lied and he’ll probably be worried because I lost someone again, and I dunno.” He looked up with a tired grin. “Unless someone wants to fake date me?”
Jo snorted. “Hey, don't look at me, Sammy. I've got a girlfriend. But we’ll see what we can work out. You gonna be picky about who?”
“Uh…” Sam chuckled nervously. “I accidentally said he when I told Dean I was dating someone, and had to keep going with that lie.” Jo groaned and gave him a seriously look. “You have any willing gay guys arou-?” He jumped slightly when someone dropped down on the bar stool next to him.
“Well, I’m gay and possibly willing. It might work?”
“Cas… Do you have any idea what we’re talking about?” Jo asked at the same time that Sam mumbled, “You’re… gay?” He felt himself get excited and happy for a second, but shoved it down, ignoring it.
“Absolutely none.” Cas shook his head and shrugged. “And yes. Well, panromantic if you want to get specific… Anyway. Why the hell do you need a willing gay guy?”
“No reason. You’re already stuck being my roommate. You don’t need to hear about my problems.”
Jo’s eyes lit up and she grinned. “Actually, that could totally work.” She turned to Cas. “He needs someone to fake date him while Dean’s here.”
“Dean… Your brother Dean?”
“He doesn’t want Dean to worry about him after Luce and everything, so he needs to pretend he’s been dating someone for a while. A guy, specifically.” Jo gave Sam a fake smile and he glared at her. “Which means we have fewer options.”
“Okay. I guess I’ll do it.”
Sam froze, staring at Cas, who shrugged. “You’ll… you’ll what?”
“Like you said, I’m already living with you. It won’t be that hard.”
“Yeah, and this way you guys actually know each other, which’ll make it more convincing.”
“Y-yeah.” Sam attempted a smile, feeling nervous. This couldn’t be happening. He’d had a slight crush on Cas for a while, and now he was supposed to fake date him?
“Cas has experience with stuff like this too.”
Cas ignored her and looked at Sam with a small smile. “Only if you want to though, Sam. It’s your choice.”
“Okay, yeah. Why not?”
“Cool.” Cas grinned. “Winter break was going to be boring anyway, so this is good.”
Jo rolled her eyes and snorted. “You guys are both weird, okay? Really fucking weird… And I’ll get you two more eggnogs on the house while you figure this out because you’re also my fucking weird friends.”
Sam shook his head. “No, no. Jo. It’s fine.”
Jo pretended not to hear him and went to make two.
“Good luck changing her mind, Sam.”
“Yeah…” He looked up. “What’d she mean about you having experience with stuff like this?”
“Uh, we went to highschool together, and there was this girl Meg. She was dating my brother Michael but he was a douche and she caught him cheating with her sister, Lilith.”
“Who—shocker—was a total bitch.” Jo put two drinks in front of them. “You guys can go to the back room if you want. It’s quieter. Not as many drunk-on-freaking-eggnog students over there.”
Cas stood up and Sam followed him to one of the couches in the back of the coffee shop.
“Yeah, so she asked me to fake date her as petty revenge, and I agreed,” Cas said as he sat down, picking up where he’d left off. “She was my friend, and it’s not like my brother was exactly my favorite person or anything. And, oh man, Michael was pissed.” Cas laughed, looking up at the ceiling. “We were only gonna do it for a couple months, y’know? But… somehow we ended up dating for real? All through summer break and then senior year.”
His smile faded and he shrugged. “Then college happened. I got accepted here, to Stanford, and she got into Oxford. She, uh, well she said it was fine and she didn’t have to go. But come on. Who are we kidding? Full ride to Oxford? I told her to go. She was smart and deserved it.”
“I’m sorry…” Sam mumbled. “Seems like you really liked her.”
“Nah, it’s okay. I did, but it's been a while. And besides, I generally tend to get attached to people more than they get attached to me.” He smiled again, even though it was tight.
“Okay! So how did we start dating?”
“What’s our—” air quote “—meet cute? For anyone who asks.”
“Um…” Sam’s mind went blank as Cas stared at him, waiting for suggestions.
“You’re helpful.”
Sam made an exasperated noise. “Okay, fine. You think of something in five seconds!”
“Okay, after breaking up with Lucif— Luce, you were kinda moping around forever, so I dragged you out of the house and to the movies and then to dinner. The waitress at the diner thought we were a couple, and we thought it was funny so we didn’t correct her, but then in the parking lot, I kissed you and admitted I liked you.”
“But that’s all true!” Sam whined, shaking his head. “You didn’t think any of that up!” His face flushed and he was thankful that the room was dim except for the Christmas lights strung around the room and single desk lamp on in the corner where someone was actually studying. “I mean, except for the kissing part… And the you liking me part obviously.”
“Yeah, sure, whatever.” Cas laughed. “You can stop blushing, Sam.”
Not dim enough apparently. “I’m not blushing.”
Cas leaned forward and touched Sam’s face with his cold hands. “Pfft, yeah you are. Your face is really warm.”
“Shut up.”
Cas smirked but pulled his hand away.
“Does everyone call him Lucifer?” Sam forced the question out, his voice quiet, even though he’d been wondering for awhile and probably knew the answer.
Cas didn’t answer right away and Sam glanced down at his lap. “All your friends do.”
He met Cas’s blue eyes again.
“You were way too good for that ass. And you’ll always be too good for him.”
“That’s not tr-”
“Yes. It is true, Sam Winchester. I don’t care what he told you, but you are incredible and deserve so much more than him.”
Sam gave him a small smile, knowing that Cas believed what he was saying, but he was having a hard time believing it himself.
They both sat in silence for a little while until Cas came up with a new question.
“We’re gonna have to sleep in the same room, aren’t we?”
“I can sleep on the floor.” Sam shrugged. “Put some blankets or a sleeping bag there.”
“Yeah, no. Not happening, Sam. I mean, come on. As long as you don’t mind, I don’t care either. And your bed’s big enough.”
“Yeah, well, last time we ended up cuddling!” Sam’s voice squeaked nervously when he remembered the night after he broke up Luce.
This time Cas’s face turned red, but he shrugged. “You were drunk and miserable after that stupid party and your stupid breakup. And when I got you home you were already half asleep. You asked me to go to sleep with you with those puppy dog eyes. How was I supposed to say no?”
He broke his gaze away from Sam as two people came into the back room. “Oh. Hey, Balth. Hey, Gabriel.”
“Cas!” Gabriel grinned. “Who’s your friend here?”
“Oh, um. This... this is my boyfriend, Sam.” He scooted a little closer, and Sam held up his hand in an awkward wave.
“Winchester? Your friend who was dating Lucifer?”
“Not just my friends. Apparently your friends even know him as that,” Sam muttered.
“Okay, my fault,” Cas mumbled back.
“So you’re finally dating your roommate, huh, Cassie?” Balthazar asked, giving Cas a possibly suspicious look.
“Yes, yeah.” Cas was trying to pull himself together, but he obviously hadn’t expected having to lie to his friends already. “Dating my roommate!”
Balth still looked unsure but he didn’t say anything about it as Gabe pulled a chair to sit across from Sam and Cas and asked, “How long you been together? And with out telling us, Cas?”
“Uh, five weeks now, I guess.” Sam intertwined his fingers with Cas’s, partially because they had to look like realistic boyfriends but mostly because he was nervous and it made him feel better. “And no one really knows yet. We’re, um, I guess we’re taking it slow. Yeah.”
“When’s the wedding?” Gabriel wiggled his eyebrows teasingly.
Cas, who’d been taking a sip of his eggnog, almost choked. “What? Sam literally just said taking it slow.”
“He’s only joking, Cassie.” Balthazar smirked. “Don’t panic… Come on, Gabriel. Let’s leave the two lovers alone.”
“Ugh, fine. Catch you later, assholes.”
“Uh-huh. See you, Gabe.”
After Gabriel stumbled back into the main part of the cafe, Balthazar gave them a look. “Work on your acts, boys. Don’t know why you’re doing it, but if you want to be convincing... Well, you’re going to have to be a lot more convincing.” He left before either of them could reply.
“Could’ve gone worse?” Sam shrugged and Cas ran his fingers through his messy hair.
“It’s okay. We’ll make this work.” He stood up, not letting go of Sam’s hand, and pulled him to his feet. “Wanna go home?”
“Yeah. Dunno when exactly Dean’s driving up tomorrow, but I should probably get things ready for him.”
Jo winked at them as they walked past the counter, fingers still entangled.
“Thanks… for the eggnog, Jo,” Sam added, even though it was a lot more than that. “Goodnight.”
a/n: i’m.... not sure?? if this is any good?? but yeah??? there it is?? i hope i’ll have the next part up soon. feedback is appreciated, loves. xxx
Eggnog and Lies Tag List:  @plaid-lover-bay25 @wintersfavoritechild @feathersinthesky @scentedglitterpeace @bernalheights @yifera @teenwolf-theoriginalsgirl @assbutt-still-in-hell @alliekay727 @ronweascly @mylifeisafuckingcrueljoke @ladylilithprime @jazzforthecaptain @lilsliceofpie @youarentreadingthis @otera-kicks-ass @secretlydaydreaminglifeaway @syeriane @nevermeanttofall @waywardtimelord @samspurpletoothbrush @kisahawklin @samflovver @soulless-sastiel @onlyslightlyobsessed1 @just-another-apple-scruff @heyjudecarryonbaby @dazzling-roaring-20s @supernaturalgirl33-blog-blog @italy-kun27 @pewdpewd @xxxcrimson-spyxxx @cat-fellow @thesmellofasinnamonroll @martorada @scentedglitterpeace @all-day-i-scream-about-sports @confessionsofafulltimenerd @devoted-to-boyking-samshine @yuseatonpotter @elliwhat @deadinsidebutliving
If you wanna get added to the tags or removed, hmu! literally so sorry if you were interested in @ladylilithprime‘s thing (because who isn’t interested in their writing?? it’s incredible??) and not mine!!
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frostedpuffs · 7 years
A Simple Suggestion - Ch.3
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A Simple Suggestion Summary: Breaks from patrol often allow time for Ladybug and Chat Noir to talk and be themselves. But when a silly joke starts to seem all that…well, not silly, the two find themselves considering something neither of them had ever before: moving in together. The tricky part is still keeping their identities a secret. Rated: T+ Pairing(s): Ladybug/Chat Noir
Chapter 3 - A Bad Idea Word count: 5,849 Also read on: ao3
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"You're what!?"
Marinette winced at the loud tone of her best friend's voice. Smiling meekly at Alya's face on the screen of her laptop, she nodded. "Yep. I'm...I'm moving out. Soon, actually."
"How soon?" Alya asked. She sat in her and Nino's little bedroom in the apartment they rented in southern California clad in orange fox pajamas, stuffing a bite of her breakfast into her mouth. Marinette chuckled at the sight of her best friend with her curly hair up in a bun and a half-eaten omelet sitting on the desk in front of her. While it was only eight A.M. in California, it was already dinner time in Paris.
"Probably in less than a month," Marinette replied. Pausing to add lace to a design she was sketching, she smiled, listening to Alya congratulate her from miles and miles away. "I think I've decided on the place, too. It's a little away from central Paris but it's roomy and-"
Alya grinned through a mouthful of food. "Do you have any pictures?"
Marinette nodded and opened up her web browser. "Yeah, I've got the website right here. Want me to send it?"
Sending the link over Skype, Marinette blew her bangs out of her face and leaned back in her chair, lifting her sketchbook up to look over the design. It was supposed to be a ladybug-patterned sundress she would wear around the house, but something was off... "Let me know what you think."
Alya went quiet for a moment. Marinette could see on her screen that her friend was looking at something on her own computer, and after about a minute of scrutinizing, Alya's eyes widened comically.
"What?" Marinette asked.
Continue reading on ao3 or under the cut! ↓
"Um…well, for starters, it's a super cute place. Suits you. I could totally see you living in an apartment like that." Alya sat back in her rolling chair and offered an uncomfortable frown. "But, no offense, Mars...nearly three thousand euros a month just for rent? How in the hell are you going to afford that along with utilities and food and stuff?"
Marinette looked away. Right. She'd forgotten to mention that she might be living with someone else.
(Oh god, Alya was going to kill her when she found out that she was going to live with a guy she'd never met!)
"Well…" Marinette said, twirling a loose strand of hair around her finger. "I've already found myself a roommate."
Alya nearly choked on the last bite of her omelet. "What? Who is it?"
Marinette blanked.
How in the world would a person go about explaining her situation? She couldn't just say, "I don't know, he's Chat Noir and his identity eludes me, oh by the way I'm Ladybug so I trust him," could she?
"Um." Marinette blinked. "A friend."
Both girls went completely silent. It reminded Marinette of the old "pin dropping in a room" cliché. Her cheeks flushed involuntarily and she wasn't even sure why. What was the reason for feeling embarrassed?
Alya leaned closer to the screen and gripped the sides of her laptop. Her eyes burned with questions, and her face was frozen in a serious expression—one that made Marinette slightly frightened of her fate. "Girl," Alya said, voice calm. "In the past year I've been away did you get a secret boyfriend that you haven't told me a single thing about? Because if you did oh my god I don't know what I'd do-"
Marinette's jaw dropped. "N-no!" she squeaked. "No, Alya, I'm single. He's not my boyfriend! He's just a friend and I-"
"So it is a he?"
"What does that matter? You know I'm not straight!"
"Well-!" Alya held up a finger and paused. "You're bi. So it could still be a secret boyfriend."
Marinette buried her face within her palm and snorted. "Alya, oh my god. I do not have a secret boyfriend or girlfriend or datefriend or anything. He's just...he's just a friend I've known for a while. You don't know him."
At least, Marinette assumed she didn't. How could she? It was Chat Noir, not a friend from collége or something. Just Chat. Her other best friend. The one person she trusted with her life and the only person she could imagine herself one hundred percent comfortable living with. Besides Alya and her parents, of course.
"I'm offended I haven't heard anything about him," Alya said. She rested her back against the chair and crossed her arms, a playful smile on her face. "What's his name?"
"Cha-" Marinette clamped her teeth down on her bottom lip before she let "Chat Noir" slip from her clumsy mouth. "Chaaaaa….Shhhaaaa...Chad."
Alya cocked her head to the side. "That's an odd name. Is he American?"
"Yes," Marinette answered without any second thought whatsoever. "Moved here...last year."
God, if this ever got back to Chat he'd never stop laughing. It would be a mix of both hilarity and humiliation. At least him "moving to Paris a year ago" was a valid excuse for Alya not to have met him.
"What's he look like?" Alya asked. She stood from her chair to get dressed and threw her pajama shirt onto her and Nino's bed—who was conveniently out of the room—and Marinette was met with an eyeful of her best friend's bare chest.
"Alya!" Marinette laughed. She cupped a hand over her mouth and shut her eyes. "What are you doing?"
Alya's voice rang distantly through the laptop speakers. "Um, I'm getting dressed? Nino and I are actually going to spend the day together for once since he's not working. He's gonna be home any minute and I wanna look cute. Why are your eyes closed? You've seen me naked before. Need I remind you that we've been best friends for six years and have undressed in front of each other plenty of times?"
Marinette chuckled, eyes still shut. "I'm trying to be polite here."
"Yeah, yeah. Girl's polite and all, whatever."
After a few minutes of shuffling and other related noises, Alya plopped herself back down into her computer chair and Marinette finally opened her eyes to see her friend in a red flannel and jeans. She watched as Alya friend ran a brush through her curly red hair, and grinned when she tugged on a knot. A giggle bubbled from her lips as Alya cursed at the hair brush as if it was at fault for the discomfort.
Once the monster of her hair had been tamed, Alya set the brush down on her desk and scooted the dirtied plate from breakfast to the side. "You didn't answer my question, Mars."
Marinette resumed her sketching. It was best to act nonchalant. "What question?"
"I asked what M. Mysterious Roommate looked like."
Well that was certainly a question Marinette hadn't been prepared to answer. Chat Noir was…hm.
Chat was something. Blond with green eyes, tannish skin, tall and skinny like a professional model; skin-tight suit as black as the night; perfect white teeth and a smile as wide as the sun.
Ugh, but that all sounded so fake. What features could she possibly describe without sounding like she was talking about a character from a young adult novel or a celebrity, for crying out loud?
Glancing up at her laptop screen, Marinette ripped the failed design out of her sketchbook and crumpled it within her hand. So much for that dress. It would get redone later. "He's, um...blond. Green eyes. Wears a lot of black? Pretty skinny…"
"Sounds kinda emo," Alya said.
Marinette squawked out a surprised laugh and began a new sketch on a clean page. "He's not emo!"
"How old is he?"
"Twenty." It was one of the only pieces of personal information Marinette had learned about her partner.
"Aw, same age," Alya cooed.
Marinette gave a playful roll of her eyes. It was always like Alya to tease. That was just how she showed her love.
"What kinda stuff does he like?" Alya asked.
The lead of her pencil snapped, and Marinette cursed. "The same kind of stuff I do, I guess? Video games, art, staying up late…he really likes puns, and cats. Oh god, he loves cats. They're like his whole life. He's practically obsessed."
"So he's a furry?"
"No! Oh my god, Alya-"
Alya turned her head to the side as the sound of keys jingling in a door came from another room. "Nino's home," she said, enthusiasm in her voice. "I'll talk to you later, okay Mari? Love you!"
Giving a wave, Marinette returned the sentiment and went to end the call, but-
"Oh!" Alya exclaimed as she threw her purse over her shoulder. Marinette's hand stilled atop her mouse. "I forgot to tell you! Nino and I are coming back to Paris for a visit next month! I can meet your roomie. He sounds cute. We should all hang out and get drinks or something."
Excitement flared up within Marinette's chest before she froze.
Oh, shit, she thought, mind reeling, heart pounding, eyes the size of the moon. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! We can't do that!
How in the world would she break the news to Alya that she couldn't meet her roommate because he was, dunno, Chat Noir? Savior of Paris? The number one flirt in the whole city (she assumed)? Ladybug's most trusted partner and friend?
"Uh…" Marinette blanched. Blinking, she shook her head and forced a toothy grin to her face, nodding a bit too vigorously to be entirely convincing. "S-sure, Alya! Sounds fun. I'm so looking forward to see you again!"
"Kisses!" Blowing a kiss to the screen, Alya reached out and ended the call. The screen switched back to the text chat they'd started up an hour ago.
This was bad.
Marinette's heart felt like it was about to burst from her chest. While she was beyond elated to see her best friend in person again, the fact that Alya wanted to hang out with her and her roommate—Chat Noir—was immeasurably concerning. After all, nobody could find out Marinette was Ladybug, just like nobody could find out Ladybug was Marinette, and the thought that the whole idea altogether was spiralling into an absolute mess made her want to run and hide and- and- she didn't know!
"Tikki," she breathed after a moment. Her head felt heavy and her stomach felt sick. Grabbing a pillow from her side, Marinette stuffed her face within it and screamed. "We're so screwed."
 "I'm beginning to think this is a bad idea."
Adrien snapped up from the roof he'd been lying on and regarded his partner with a startled frown. Her face was scrunched up with worry under the low light of the evening sun, and her gaze was thoughtful as wisps of black hair kissed her cheeks in the faint breeze. He raised a brow as she nibbled on her lower lip. She appeared to be nervous...but why? What was causing her to be so distraught?
"Bad idea?" Adrien asked. "What's a bad idea?"
Ladybug loosened her messy hair from her ponytail before fixing it and attempting to put it up again. It took her a few tries, which was unusual; it wasn't like Ladybug to have trouble with such a simple task unless something was really bothering her. "Us. Moving in together," she said, voice quiet. "It might not be too great of an idea."
Adrien's heart sank like a brick hitting the bottom of the Seine. Ouch. Okay, so...they weren't doing this now? The past three days of planning and talking and figuring it all out had been for nothing? But they'd both been so excited! He'd been so happy to think about the possibility of moving out...being on his own...away from his father's eye...
After a moment of internal deliberation, "Oh," was all he could say.
"Don't get me wrong," Ladybug said, laying a hand on his shoulder. "I want to more than anything. But everything right now is looking so...difficult. And I'm starting to think it might not work out."
"It's not like you to give up so easily," Adrien said. He turned to face his Lady and cocked his head to the side, hoping the hurt didn't show on his face. "What's worrying you? You can talk to me about it, Buginette."
A chilly gust of wind blew past them, giving the air an icy tinge to it. A minute passed, then two, and Adrien was beginning to think Ladybug was going to leave his question unanswered before she finally found the courage to speak.
"I'm just fretting over stuff that doesn't need to be fretted about," she said, sounding defeated. Lowering her head, Ladybug examined her fingers, as if she was trying to find something other than the current subject to focus on. "You know how I get sometimes…"
Adrien hummed thoughtfully. There had to be something rooted within her that was causing her to feel anxiety over the notion of them moving in together. Something was bothering her, something recent, and he wanted to find out what. A calm Ladybug was a happy Ladybug. Poor 'Bug got stressed out so easily these days and he wished he knew why.
Giving his partner a reassuring smile, Adrien patted her back. "Tell me what's bothering you, L.B."
Ladybug was silent for what felt like ages—which in reality was only a minute tops—before she let out a breath she'd been holding and submitted. "I had a Skype call with a friend in America today. She's flying in next month for a visit and wants to meet you."
Oh. Well, that was definitely a problem. Adrien could see why something like that would bother her.
"But she can't," he said. Ladybug nodded in agreement.
"No, she can't. And she's not the only one who will want to meet you. I mean, I don't know how my parents would react to learning they'll never see you—probably not well—and I have other friends who'll want to visit." She laid back against the roof and stared up at the sky. "I'm scared we won't be able to work around that and someone, someday, is going to find out who we are. On accident. And it'll be a huge mess."
Ah. Ladybug was worried about people discovering her identity. That's what this was all about.
"Don't worry, 'Bug," Adrien said as he lay back with her. Their shoulders brushed, and he allowed himself a twinge of delight at the touch. "We've kept our identities safe for six years now. We're good with that stuff. I'm sure our friends won't find out so easily, not if I have anything to say about it."
"How do you know for sure?" Ladybug asked. She fiddled with her gloves and nibbled on her bottom lip in a way that shouldn't have been absolutely endearing.
Feeling his lips curl upwards into a smile, Adrien reached out and placed a hand over her own, hoping to calm her nerves. He gave her knuckles a squeeze, and Ladybug responded with a turn of her head. Her eyes sparkled curiously.
"What's on your mind, Chat?" she asked, allowing him to hold her hand for longer than he'd anticipated.
Adrien grinned. What was on his mind?
Even when she was lost in her anxieties, Ladybug was beautiful. There was no denying that. Her bluebell eyes, the way her dark hair had grown down to her lower back, her voice and freckles and how she always knew what to do. Her bravery, her stubbornness, her fiery personality and her absolute everything…
Ugh. He was so far gone. So gone to the point that he'd drowned in Ladybug and never felt the need to breach for air.
"Nothing about how you're the most gorgeous person I've ever met," he said. Ladybug clicked her tongue and pulled her hand away; Adrien mourned the loss of her warmth. "And I was absolutely not thinking about how I'd love to spend the rest of my life with you."
Sitting up, Ladybug sighed restlessly. "Not now, Chat Noir. Stop flirting."
Oh, well. It was worth a shot. Didn't stop him from loving her. Her feelings were more important at the moment however, just like they always were to him, so the compliments and affections could wait for a better time.
"You okay?" Adrien asked, sitting up with her. "You seem really on edge."
"I'm just so worried," Ladybug whimpered. Her voice cracked, and Adrien felt a deep pang of sympathy. "I'm scared we're going to screw up really bad, like what if one of us sleepwalks when another is awake and we're not wearing masks or we come home at the same time or accidentally see each other when we do, or if something terrible happens to either of us-"
Adrien sat down in front of his Lady and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Woah, hey," he said, tone calm; soothing. "It's okay, Ladybug. We'll be alright. There are plenty of ways to prevent accidental reveals, okay? Trust me. We're gonna be extra careful, and we're gonna be okay. I know that. We're gonna be okay."
"I don't know if I can go through with this."
Scratching at the back of his neck, Adrien frowned. Ladybug had a tendency to be overdramatic and blow things out of proportion from time to time, but hopefully she wasn't saying that she wanted to eradicate the idea altogether. It had already been three days since they had decided they would be officially moving in together...which was plenty of time for them both to think things through and make a decision.
(Well, enough time for Adrien specifically to think about how much he couldn't wait to be closer to his partner.)
"Okay," he breathed, black ears drooping against his hair. He sat back beside her and his tail twitched in tune with his nerves. "If you're not comfortable with it, we can totally call it off-"
Ladybug shook her head. "It's not that I'm not comfortable with it," she said, her blue, blue eyes meeting Adrien's, "I'm more than okay with the thought of us living in the same space. The problem is how we're going to get to that stage. We've still got so much to figure out, and the whole 'can't reveal ourselves' thing is going to make it a whole lot harder."
With a thoughtful hum, Adrien nodded. Things were going to be incredibly tedious. They had a lot to discuss, and even more to think about. "Yeah," he said. "Yeah, you're right..."
A heavy feeling of sadness washed over him.
Who were they kidding, thinking they could move in together at the drop of a hat? Both he and Ladybug knew that there would be trouble behind the idea, and a plethora of difficulties to overcome. At first, it had admittedly been a nice thought, living under the same roof as the girl he loved...but Adrien knew better. He didn't get that lucky.
No, luck was reserved for the Lady herself. But in this case it seemed that even she was getting the short end of the stick.
Still, it didn't stop Adrien from believing.
"We can figure it out," he said, voice full of what he hoped didn't sound like faux confidence. "If we can defeat akuma on a near daily basis, then we can find a way to get this to work, right? We're a team in and out of the masks."
"I hope so, Chat Noir," Ladybug said. She hugged her knees to her chest and rested her head upon them, eyes cast wistfully at the city below. "I haven't told anyone besides my parents and one friend that I plan on moving out yet. I don't know how I'm going to tell my other friends, because they're going to want to visit, and, well...they don't know I'm Ladybug."
Adrien hadn't really given any thought about friends visiting. What would he do if Nino randomly turned up to hang out and he and Ladybug were both home? Would she have to hide in her room the entire time—pretend she wasn't there? That would be tough, and unfair to his partner. It would be her place too, and Adrien didn't want to force her to stay locked in one room just because he had a guest.
"Maybe we can plan around it?" he offered, voice cracking slightly at the end of his question. "You know, make a day where I can hang out with my friends at our place, you can hang with yours...whichever one of us has company gets a few hours alone at the apartment and the other can have a day out or something. I dunno."
A groan rose from beside him. Adrien looked over to see Ladybug throwing herself backwards against the panels of the roof with a soft clunk. "This is so hard," she whined, draping her forearm over her face. "Why can't stuff like this be easier? I just want to move in with my best friend. That's all I want."
Adrien smiled at his partner's dramatics and reached over to pat her on the shoulder with a chuckle in his throat. "We could just disobey our kwamis and drop the transformations right now and be done with it."
"Chat." Ladybug's expression flattened. She glowered at him from underneath her arm. "No way."
"Hey," he laughed with a shrug, "it was just a simple suggestion." Standing up, he brushed his suit off and stretched, mouth opening in a wide yawn before he placed his hands on his hips and let his gaze fall down to the world below. Cars flowed down the street like a river of red and yellow beams. People walked along the sidewalk, entering and exiting shops left and right. In the distance, Adrien could see the Eiffel Tower's lights switch on just as the sky grew dark, and the sound of a jet zooming above caused his ears to twitch.
He needed to be heading home soon. He had a dinner with his father to attend to within an hour. The news of his leave had to be broken somehow, and he'd thought a peaceful dinner would be a nice way to ease into it. He'd admittedly been surprised his father had accepted his invitation for a "family dinner" on such short notice.
"You know," Adrien began. "I think we'll be okay, Ladybug. I know we have quite a bit of legal stuff to figure out, but what's a few signatures and adult conversations? In the end, it'll be worth it. We'll have our own place and be able to do whatever we want. I could eat cereal at four in the morning and nobody would judge me."
"I would," Ladybug snorted. She kicked her legs over the edge of the building and as her eyes met his, she blessed him with a smile. "I think we'll be okay, too. But I have this feeling that even though I am an adult, I'm not-" she paused to laugh, "-I'm definitely not ready to be one. I mean, learning how to do my taxes was hard enough. How do I take care of a place that's mine? How do I handle that responsibility?"
"Same way you do now, I guess," Adrien said as he sat back down. "Wash the dishes after you use them, take out the trash every night, clean your room once a week and don't leave the oven on while you're out. That's what you do to keep a place clean and safe, right?"
Not that he would know. He'd had people to clean up after him all of his life.
(He was too embarrassed to admit that he had no idea how to use a washing machine.)
"I'm warning you now," Ladybug cautioned. "I'm going to set the apartment on fire. Whichever one we choose, it's going down in flames because of me. That or I'll flood the place."
Cocking one of his felt ears, Adrien laughed. So much for reassuring her. "Jeez, Buginette. Have some faith in yourself, okay? Also in me. I can totally keep you from igniting the kitchen or something."
"How? You have no idea how clumsy I am at times."
"I seem to recall that the first time we met, you called yourself maladroit after nearly giving me a concussion with your yo-yo."
Ladybug grinned as she playfully punched him in the side. "You shut your mouth."
"Meowch," Adrien snickered as he rubbed the spot she'd assaulted. Despite her best efforts to be gentle, it still hurt. "You know, I change my mind. I think living with you is gonna be unbearfurble. Absolutely catastrophic. Pawful. A hissterical-"
Ladybug buried her head within her palms and groaned. "Oh my god, one more pun and I'm going to punt you across the city, Chat Noir, I swear to god-"
"Wait," he pleaded, laughter in his voice, "one more, one more. It'll be appawling-"
Adrien squawked as Ladybug began to push him off of the edge of the roof. Oh, now he'd done it. He'd punned too much. He had punned one pun too many. Somehow, he had always known this was the way he would die: from puns. His fate was sealed. Done. Completed. Do not pass go, do not collect the twenty euro reward.
"Imagine the headlines," Adrien said, clapping a hand over his head dramatically as his partner attempted to throw him off of the music shop they'd been resting upon. "Paris' most beloved hero, Chat Noir, was murdered to death last night by renowned super-heroine Ladybug. He was thrown off a building around seven P.M.-"
"Murdered to death," Ladybug guffawed. She paused her attempts at homicide and placed her hands on her hips to squint up at him, chest heaving with laughter. "I'm pretty sure murder and death aren't mutually exclusive!"
"You would know," Adrien retorted with a toothy grin. "You're about to murder me."
(As if Ladybug would ever purposefully harm him.)
"Chat, this is only a two story building," Ladybug deadpanned. "Besides, you have your baton to break your fall. Also your fat ego."
"I take offense to that."
The heel of Adrien's boot slipped on the edge of the roof and he wobbled, teetering over the edge with his arms flailing. His heart leaped and he gasped, but just as he was about to fall Ladybug caught him by his bell. Adrien smirked down at her and felt a flutter in her chest as she returned the expression almost just as flirtatiously.
"How many times am I gonna save your ass, chaton?" Ladybug asked, slowly pulling him down by his bell so she could look him in the eye. "Isn't this the third time this week?"
Adrien's Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. He loved how she teased. Their faces were so close he could practically taste her breath on his lips.
Leaving her question unanswered, Adrien instead chose to grin as his reply. "To be fair, you were the one who attempted to murder me over too many puns."
Ladybug snickered. "I only dislike them because they're terrible. Now, if they were good puns, maybe I'd have a different mindset."
"You know," he said as Ladybug grasped what was essentially the zipper to his suit, "when we finally move into our place, I'm gonna get those magnetic fridge letters and wake up every morning around five A.M. to make a horrible cat pun out of them, just so you get to wake up to a new one every. Single. Day."
"You evil, evil boy," Ladybug snorted. She let go of his bell—which jingled merrily—and crossed her arms, sticking her tongue out in a very mature fashion. "I'll just take those puns and rearrange the letters to make bad words."
"Of course you would," Adrien said, to which Ladybug nodded proudly. "That's why I love you so much."
"Because I would make bad words out of other words?"
He booped her nose with the tip of his finger. "Because you're so creative."
"Stop." Ladybug waved his hand away. She feigned annoyance, but the smile on her face convinced Adrien she felt otherwise. "Shouldn't you be getting home? I thought you told me you had an important dinner with your dad to get to."
"I do," he admitted. "But can't I just enjoy my Lady's company for a moment longer?" Reaching out for her hand, he grabbed it within his own and nuzzled his face against her palm. Even through the fabric of her suit he could feel how warm her skin was. It felt so nice against his cheek…if only he could keep it there.
Ladybug pulled her hand back, pink lips stretched into a sweet smile. "Go on, kitty. Can't be late for dinner."
"Beautiful and punctual. You're out to steal my heart."
Ladybug rolled her eyes. "Leave already, fuzzbutt."
"I'm going, I'm going." Adrien blew her a kiss and stood, walking to the edge of the roof as he made to leave. He hopped onto the ledge, did an exuberant pose just to get some giggles out of his Lady, and extended his baton to his full height before bounding into the air.
Landing on the roof adjacent, he paused mid-crouch and froze as he remembered he'd had a very important question to ask before he left.
"Wait!" he called. He did a one-eighty and leaped right back next to Ladybug, who raised her brow at his speedy return. "I forgot to ask: did you decide between the two apartments yet?"
"Sort of," Ladybug said. She placed her yo-yo back on her waist, which she'd produced as soon as Adrien had left.
"Well?" Adrien asked. One of his black ears twitched with interest.
Ladybug's gaze fell downcast. "I know which one I want, but really, I don't want you paying more per month than I am, Chat-"
"Your happiness is important."
"I'd be happier if you weren't covering most of the rent."
"I honestly don't mind," Adrien assured her. "Look, if it makes you feel any better, I prefer the bigger place too. I've kind of lived in a big house all of my life and to be honest, I would feel super cramped in the cheaper apartment." He reached up to rub at the back of his neck. "But ultimately what I care about most is you being comfortable. If you feel you would be better off in the small place, then-"
"I don't like the small place," Ladybug admitted, quite stubbornly. "Well, I mean I do, but it's just...we would have no room. And since we can't reveal ourselves we really need the space…"
"You've got your pouty face on," Adrien said. He smiled, offering a hand to help his Lady up onto the ledge. She took it and climbed up, but crossed her arms as soon as she righted herself and looked away with her lower lip jutted out.
"I am not pouty," she pouted.
Adrien poked her cheek. "C'mon, Mlle. Pouty Face...tell me the truth. What is it you really want?"
"Food," she muttered, not meeting his gaze. "It's past dinner time and you should be home with your dad."
Adrien laughed. Was she avoiding the subject?
"Besides food," he said. "Which apartment can you see yourself being happier in?"
Ladybug murmured something under her breath. She kicked a stray pebble off of the roof and turned her back to him.
"What was that?" Adrien asked.
She mumbled the same unintelligible reply as before. Her lips were sealed and the brow of her mask was lowered in irritation, and Adrien had to resist the urge to squeal at how absolutely adorable she was in that moment.
Oh, she was too damn cute. She was so cute when she pouted and she was so cute when she wanted something but was too embarrassed to say it.
Was it that hard to admit that she liked the spacious apartment more than the other? Because it was pretty easy for him. If only he could get it out of her.
"Bug-Bug," Adrien whined. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and rested his chin upon her shoulder, head butting into her jaw. "Come on, you can tell me."
"Okayyyy," she admitted with a huff and a stomp of her foot. "Okay, okay. I like the expensive place better, okay? I just feel really bad because if I can't contribute as much as you can, then I-"
Walking around to face her, Adrien pressed a clawed finger to her lips and leaned down to her eye level. "Hey," he said. "Don't you worry your pretty little head, Ladybug. If it's really bugging you that much-" he snorted as her expression soured at his pun, "-then we can figure something out. But have you made your decision? Because I've made mine."
Ladybug hesitated. She blinked, her gaze lowering to the floor...before she met his eyes and smiled. "Yeah. Yeah, I have."
"Good." Grabbing her hand, Adrien placed a kiss to her knuckles. "I've gotta go now, but tomorrow we can meet at the Tower and talk some more, okay? No matter what, the only thing that's important to me is your happiness. Even if we end up in a cramped, one-bedroom apartment with no heat, I'll be happy so long as you are."
Much to his delight, Ladybug blushed. "Fine," she said, looking away. "But we're meeting at six P.M. tomorrow on the dot, and we're going to figure this out. We're a team no matter what, right? Akuma fighting, apartment hunting...both deadly, deadly forces." Her lips quirked upwards into a smile. "I'm actually really excited."
"Me too, 'Bug," Adrien said. "Me too."
Ladybug pulled away from him and gave him a lighthearted shove. "Now go on," she said, grinning. "Go meet your dad and have some father-son bonding time. Talk about cats or Camembert or whatever it is you do."
"Wow," Adrien laughed. He grabbed his baton and gave her a wave. "I'll have you know that the Camembert isn't for me or my dad. It's for Plagg, and you know that."
"Tell Plagg I think he's gross."
"He'd take that as a compliment, Ladybug! You'll inflate his ego-filled head with that talk!"
Ladybug threw her head back with a chortle. "Go already! Your dad's gonna be sitting at wherever it is you live waiting on your slow butt!"
"Fine, fine." With a salute, Adrien extended his baton and prepared to leap. "Goodnight, my Lady. I'll see you tomorrow."
Smiling, Ladybug waved. "Get outta here, you silly cat."
"I'm going," Adrien chuckled. With one last kiss to her hand, he was off into the night, mind already reeling with fantasies about what living with his Lady would bring. The only thing that spoiled those wonderful thoughts was what events would occur during dinner with his father. Cold stares, an entirely one-sided conversation...the possibilities were endless.
His heart, however, pulled him towards the hope that the evening would go well, and that breaking the news would be as easy as pie.
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bestshiptrademark · 7 years
First thing in this blog, I guess. Hi! I'm MyeongJin, 20 yrs old, A.R.M.Y. and potterhead. So there's this thing called BTS Hogwarts! Au which I like to call HBTSAU. One day I was talking with my datefriend and we decided to start writing things about this AU because we both like BTS and we both like Harry Potter and we both like to imagine these scenarios.
We decided so sort BTS in their houses, of course, so we went on tumblr to see if anyone had done that so we could have a base, and get some ideas.
So I wanted to make this post about why we decided each member belongs to the house we put them in, so bear with me, follow my line of thought.
Let's start from Jin? YAS. I mean, he's the oldest, he was sorted first.
Kim SeokJin - Hufflepuff
I guess most of people agree on the thought that Jin is a Puff. But the idea I have of people sorting him as a Hufflepuff is that they don't think he belongs there, but they think that he doesn't belong to anywhere else. There's this thing that people do to SeokJin that I really hate that is underestimating him.  People do that with Hufflepuff’s in general, too. If you're one of these people, fight me bro. Puff's can kick your ass, and I will. Why did we sort Jin in Puff then? Puffs are known for being good companions, loyal, family-oriented, friendly, etc etc etc. Jin is like the mother of the group. He cares about others and is really friendly. We can see in various ocasions that he managed to befriend strangers, if that ain't puff, idk what it is. Also just the fact that even though he's the oldest, he accepts and supports NamJoon as leader is something that makes me think he belongs to the badgers. They don't like conflict, don't really care about being in charge of things, they care about helping the group the way they can and giving the best they have. Which reminds me that SeokJin is really hard-working. He knows that the image of BTS relies also on he's shoulders (as much as the others), so he keeps training to improve himself as a way of making the group (and Jin himself) better. Also something that we really put into thought is Jin love for food. Do you know where's Puff's common room? Besides the kitchen, so he's puff, you're welcome.
In order, Now it's time for my sweetpie, Suga.
Min YoonGi - Slytherin
Nothing new here, right? Though I also think it might be for the wrong reasons, I don't think I've ever seen people sorting him in another house. I think people might sort him in this house for his personality, the quiet, not caring type, always with a frown, not to talk about that if someone had to turn into a Dark Wizard it would be him. But, guys, guys, guys. Do you KNOW Min YoonGi? And do you KNOW Sly’s? Yes, yes, Salazar, Voldemort, Malfoys, but fuck that. Not every Sly is like that, they're not evil just for being ambicious. Let me say that Evil Wizards could be... Hufflepuffs! Yas! (Actually i know a Puff that could be worse than the Dark Lord, but let's not get into it right now). So let's stop right now with the tought that Sly's are the bad guys, they're not. I'LL FIGHT YOU, DEBRA! Why did we sort Suga into Slytherin anyways? Min Suga is ambicious as FUCK! Ever since he began to like music and hip hop, he put goals for himself, and made it happen. He's lyrics about being on billboard, being the best, saying he will conquer the world with his music, his work as a producer, a composer, an amazing rapper, all makes me think he's a great Sly. He wants the world, and he'll do what he needs to achieve that. By breaking the rules if needed to. He says he doesn't want to write just love songs, he has a mindset, he has this message he wants to deliver to his fans, put those words out there, his work is something that he is really proud of and he'll still continue to improve himself so he can reach out to more and more people. Even though he's "royalty" he's still Daegu boy. Suga is not evil, he's not egocentric, he cares about BTS members, the way he can, and the way he feels comfortable. Suga himself said in a interview that he has more of a quiet way of taking care of them,and TaeHuyng made sure everyone understood what he was talking about (by giving Suga a water bottle, as he looked to the other side, impersonating Suga). He want's to help others too. If you know SuRan, you probably know that she said that YoonGi helped her when she was feeling really depressed. Other thing is that he's really soft at core, but he can also be harsh. Just like everyone else, Min YoonGi is a person, he's complex. So as I was rethinking houses, I thought maybe he woulf fit really well in Puff too, but I think he'd prefer Sly, since the reputation of the house is making wizards great and powerful. There's nothing saying he wouldn't use his power to good, and deliver a good message for all those lost wizzards out there. I could go on and on about Suga, since I think i already rambled a lot, but let's go to the next one.
Jung HoSeok - Ravenclaw
Whoa, whoa, there. Hobi? In Ravenclaw? Yes, Debra, fight me. Why does Jung HoSeok belongs to Raven? First of all, let's talk a bit about our Raven house. They're the wise, the creative, known for their knowledge and just, being smart in general. But it's not just that, Ravens are also really open-minded, like to learn, and can be a little strange. And by that I mean a lot strange. They're the strangiest. Not saying Hobi is strange, but boi, those screams (I love them). It's really common to see Hobi as a Hufflepuff. He's a energy ball, lights up the mood, puts others over him, always thinking about the group atmosphere and harmony. Real soft, 10/10 would hug. (Plus, people unerestimate him, it might be one of the reasons why they decide to put him in Hufflepuff [Debra, I swear to GOD]) Why a Raven tho? Calm your tits, Debra, I have a point. The key point to the sorting decision is that Jung HoSeok is a great dancer! Why, you may ask, that doesn't make sense, you may say, but, I swear to God Debra, let me finish. Body expression (Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence, as you might put it) is why. The control you need to have over your body is tremendous to dance like he does. HAVE YOU SEEN THAT? He's from out of this world. BUTT! Not only the boy can dance, the boy can also rap, the boy can beatbox, the boy can sing. I repeat, the boy can sing. For the ones who don't know our little sunshine was supposed to be on Vocal Line of Bangtan Sonyeondan, that changed later, but he still can sing. He's good on everything he does. He puts his heart in it, you can see it. Not just that, but the Interpersonal Intelligende is strong in this one too. Not going too deep into that, but he understands his surroundings and how to act so the mood is good. (I just love him so much it literally hurts)
Kim NamJoon - Ravenclaw
Just like Suga, nothing new. I don't think I've seen Nammie as nothing else but a Raven. Still I'd like to make clear here why we chose that for our precious Monster. Smart AF. Next one.
No, I'm just kidding, Imma ramble here too. Kim NamJoon is often said to be the brains in BTS, he was one of the best students in Korea, he's IQ is really high, his  TOEIC score was excelent when he was in highshcool, he has all this logic thinking (you can see it in action in "Hot Brain: Problematic Men"), BOI, the list goes on and on. But, shockers, that's not the reason why we chose to put him in Ravenclaw. Before you say anything, Debra, that's indeed a good reason to sort him as a Raven, but he could also be sorted in Slytherin, or any other house. We all know that Hermione Granger is really smart, and yet, she is a Gryffindor. The reason that sealed his fate in Raven for us was his (weirdness) creativity and the other types of inteligence we spotted on him. Linguistic Intelligence, as he likes to write, he said he wanted to major in creative writing, he is a composer, a poet, a story teller, and Musical Intelligence, as a producer and rapper. I need to point out the thousands of word plays in BTS' songs. I'll stop here before thinking about Wings theories, Love Yourself theories and the upcoming album "HER" too much.
Park JiMin - Slytherin
I was trying to write this down, but I think JiMin is the only one that we didn't put that much thought into it. I mean, he's quite a perfectionist, he's really harsh on himself, he tends to aim for perfection, nothing is good enough. As we thought of it, he could be in any house, but he chooses to be in Slytherin because of the baggage that being a Sly brings with it. The Sly’s are known for their ambicious and cunning traits, plus they're good leaders, often graduate to be powerful wizards (The Dark Lord (TM) was really powerful, I guess) and also... He's so pretty in silver and green. HAVE YOU SEEN THE BOI? Yes, Debra, we didn't put that much of a thought in JiMin's sorting, but, cry me a table, we don't care that much, it's our headcanon, he fits in Slytherin as much as in any other house.
Kim TaeHyung - Gryffindor
OK, I might have lied. I don't even remember the line of thoughts into sorting Tae. Why is Maknae line giving me such hard time?
*reads the actual texts on Telegram* not sponsored
Oh yeah. We didn't even considered Tae in Sly or Raven. He was the 4th sorted, before him we had Nam, Jin and Suga already sorted. I didn't even notice that we sorted one for each house in order. Our convo about V's house was like. "Puff or gryff?" "Oh, he's too naughty to be a puff (as in a naughty child, that keeps messing things around and being a prick). Also red is his color." "Agreed. Have you seen him with red hair?" "YAAAAAS" "YAAAAAAAAAS" Then we moved onto Kookie, Hobi and JiMin
So that's that. Also keep in mind that my bae (JaeHi) wasn't an A.R.M.Y. when we did this sorting, so they didn't know that much of the boys, so I kept saying things about them and, after long 18 messages for each member and me telling how I loved them over and over, we decided each house. [I showed them this section and they say that as an A.R.M.Y., they agree with evey choice we made. Which makes me happy cause there's no turn back! :D]
Finally, the one that gave us the most headache to sort. (We loved it tho)
Jeon JungKook - Gyffindor
We started this conversation with the statement "Jeon JungKook is good in everything he does." So with that being said, he fits EVERYWHERE. He's really loving and caring of his hyungs, he's a rice cake, he's shy, and likes to be the maknae. He also likes to be SAVAGE_AF(TM), pull pranks and be your general dork we all love and want to attac and protec. He's really fearless, which freaks me out a little bit, like, walking in the dark, grabbing fish with his bare hands, calling JiMin_HYUNG(TM) just JiMin, saying he won't respond to Bangtan's texts cause "they're annoying and he doesn't HAVE to". Also, in his singing carreer, he put his heart there, and spent a whole year away from school to focus on that. The boi has balls. IDK if I could do the same, it's risky. But he dared, thank goodness, and now he's at the top of the world! I can also see him getting triggered a lot. Can it be classified as short temper? Maybe. Which classifies him better for both Sly and Gryff. But since we all see that whole thing people have with Sly's being villains, having bad reputation, stuff like that, and our little bunny, Kookie, being the cute lil' mochi he is [insert JiMin stans' triggered screams here], he'd prefer stay with the Gryff's, having loyal housemates and carrying proudly his lion badge everywhere.
Wo! That sure was an adventure. These are the reasons why we sorted each member into their Hogwarts house. Remember always that it's up to you agree or disagree with us and that's totally fine. It's like sorting yourself, you always have the choice to be somewhere just for the sake of it. Just to be happy. Because you want to.
Also little info, we are curently writing stories with this AU, we have A-Fucking-Lot of thoughts into this, there are things we'd love to share, so if you want to see anything else about HBTSAU, we'll love to recieve asks and sugestions to flesh out this un2verse (REFERENCES) even more.
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