#taems just : (((((((((((((( bc jonghyun is there and he is not
acebytaemin · 6 months
what did you think about the lines distribution of that cover? less of who sang how much and more who got to sing who, i know i was worried thinking how will they split that song to fit eight people. satisfying to see how they worked it out so well, with the choreo too!
oh i was so skeptical abt jjong jinki and taem’s parts (to me at least there was no way skzies would struggle w the rap parts, but the vocal parts are so intense and demand so much training/stamina that tbh i see no problem in dividing this song among eight people IFJSLKD maybe even ten would work) but to my delight & surprise they did soooo well i think hanji and seungmin did jonghyun justice which is literally THE highest form of praise you could get from me and i’ve only ever said it about taemin. in technical terms i was most impressed by han and lino (the way he ATE taemin’s line? Hiiiiiii also he was the only one who came close to giving me the intensity and sharpness that taemin does the choreo with but im not insane & don’t expect that from anyone bc taemin is actually out of his mind during sherlock but <33333 had to mention), but my dearest part was for sure when chan got to sing the first ‘give it up for stray kids’ i thought that was SO fitting i was hoping they’d give that part to leader guy 🥲 and felix ‘binnatta’ was SO good it made me giggle bc minho’s original is heavily autotuned to make it sound robotic & non human and lix just has a deep voice that gives it that special effect. honestly it hasn’t really sunk in for me yet and i’m sure i’ll have more to say abt it later on but it’s the details that make it so good and i’m definitely beyond impressed by the way they’ve managed to pull this off 🥹
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katrinawritesthings · 3 years
Taemin / everyone; hat-trick; NC-17
harken back to the 3-2-1 music video Behind the Scenes stuff where Taemin was playing with his little Snapback and showing jinx his cool hat trick
also I know it's taem / everyone but Jinx does not get laid so if you were here for that I am sorry lmao
Taemin sighs slowly and gathers up his resolve. A hat trick. Three in one day. He can totally do it. He’s no baby loser boi. He just has to figure out who the most likely candidates are. As he’s thinking, heavy footsteps enter the room, soft rustles of a towel ruffling through wet hair. Well. Taemin smiles lazily to himself. Jonghyun’s easy enough.
Taemin wanders onto the music video set for the billionth time in his new outfit, only glancing up every now and again to see where he’s walking. Mostly he’s paying attention to his hat and his hand, and how to position his hand just right inside of his hat to flip it around and then back up again. He’s getting the hang of it and he has to say that he’s real proud of himself.
“Hey. Baby loser boi,” Taemin turns at Jinki's voice to see him following, leaning curiously to peep at his hand. Jinki nods his head at his hat. “What’re you doing, loser baby?” he asks. Taemin snorts.
“Nothing, Naruto Man,” he says, grinning when Jinki sighs and rolls his eyes.
“You gotta stop calling me that,” he says. “All of you.” Taemin reaches up to poke his headband.
“You gotta stop looking like Naruto first,” he says. Then he backs up a step and shakes his head so he can actually show Jinki what he’s doing. “You just–” he says, and does his little hat flip, back and forth, biting his lip when he does it perfect. “It’s not that hard,” he says honestly, glancing up. “You just gotta kinda whip it, see.” He does it again, faster, and then easily lets Jinki step forward and take it. “Just go fast,” he says, demonstrating with his hand. Jinki takes the hat, sticks one hand inside, adjusts it, and then holds it up, hunched over a little, smug little grin pushing his cheeks up.
“Baby loser boi has a weird shaped head,” he says in a tiny gremliny voice. He wiggles the hat up and down as he says it so it looks like the hat is the one saying it. Taemin can’t do anything but sigh fondly, a lazy smile tugging at his lips.
‘You’re so fucking weird, dude,” he says lovingly. Jinki grins, continuing to wiggle his hat.
“Thanks,” he says. He straightens up and hands it back. As Taemin takes it from him, he cocks a brow. “You know what, though, I bet you couldn’t do a real hat trick,” he says. Taemin frowns for a moment, confused– what he was doing was very much a real trick with a real hat– before realization dawns on him and he snorts.
“You mean, like, the sex thing?” he asks, chuckling softly. “Three in one day?”
“Yeah,” Jinki grins back. “Baby loser boi doesn’t have it in him.” He punches at Taemin’s stomach softly, just bopping him all over, just to tease. Taemin giggles as he swats Jinki's hands away.
“Bet I could,” he says defiantly. It’s not hard. There’s always horny people around. Jinki shakes his head fondly and leaves him to hop up to the music video set.
“Mmhmm,” he hums, in a way that sounds very much like he doesn’t actually agree. Taemin scrunches his lips, puts his hat on over his hair defiantly. He didn’t care five seconds ago but now he is absolutely, one hundred percent going to do this. Then he won’t be baby loser boi anymore but Jinki will still be Naruto Man. That’ll show him.
The next morning, Taemin honestly would have forgotten all about it had he not dreamed of fucking a snapback and woken up with a giant boner. As it is, he scrunches his whole face as he yawns into his hand, then flops his arms over his head. Keeping his eyes closed against the hallway light coming from the door that Jonghyun always leaves wide open, he sighs slowly and gathers up his resolve. A hat trick. Three in one day. He can totally do it. He’s no baby loser boi. He just has to figure out who the most likely candidates are.
As he’s thinking, heavy footsteps enter the room, soft rustles of a towel ruffling through wet hair. Well. Taemin smiles lazily to himself. Jonghyun’s easy enough.
“Taem. Hey.” Jonghyun’s hand jiggles his shoulder gently. Taemin groans in protest on principle, but doesn’t really mind much. Now it’s even easier. “Wakey wakey,” Jonghyun says. “We gotta be at that photoshoot later.” He starts to take his hand away, but Taemin sleepily reaches up and grabs his wrist. He tugs with all of his sleepy strength until he hears Jonghyun curse and stumble and then a heavy weight next to his head, like Jonghyun put his other hand down to steady himself. Then he opens his eyes.
“Jonghyunnie,” he says, smiling lazily up at his bandmate in the semidarkness. Jonghyun frowns down at him, annoyed, blonde hair damp, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. Taemin smiles even wider, dick twitching hopefully under his covers.
“Don’t be a dick, Tae,” Jonghyun huffs. Taemin chuckles sleepily and lifts his other hand to slip around Jonghyun’s neck, to play with his wet undercut.
“How much time before we have to leave?” he asks, trailing his hand over to trace Jonghyun’s ear, to rub gently over his piercing holes. Jonghyun shivers like he always does whenever someone touches his lobes, shivers all the way down his spine and shakes his head just enough to get Taemin’s fingers, but not his whole hand, away.
“An hour, I think,” he says. Taemin celebrates internally. That’s plenty of time. He tugs on Jonghyun again, gets his hands on his waist and heaves him up and onto the bed so he’s on his knees above Taemin’s hips. He’s mildly impressed at how well he managed to do that while barely awake. Baby loser boi doesn’t have it in him his ass. Jonghyun curses again, struggling to steady himself, and lifts a hand to flick Taemin’s nose hard.
“Ride me, Jonghyunnie,” Taemin murmurs. He pulls Jonghyun down flush to meet his body, rolls his hips up so Jonghyun can feel how hard he is. Whatever protestation Jonghyun had in his throat leaves and is replaced with a soft oh, a heavy breath. He shifts to get more comfortable on Taemin and leans his weight on both hands on either side of his head. His eyes are dark as his teeth press deep into his bottom lip.
“Condoms,” he says. Already his voice is breathy and low and Taemin chuckles fondly, reaching up to fumble on his headboard for the line of condoms he bought specifically so he could bang here at the Japanese dorm.
While he fumbles with those, Jonghyun fumbles with his towel, with Taemin’s blankets. When Jonghyun pulls his pajama pants down he doesn’t even have time to hiss at the material rubbing against his cock before Jonghyun is taking him in his hand and stroking him quickly. He grunts in the back of his throat, hips jerking up on impulse before he controls himself and starts up a rhythm, rolling them slowly. Eventually he gets one condom off and rips it open, then pushes it into Jonghyun’s hands so he can do the rest.
He reaches up to feel around his headboard for the lube he keeps around here too. Before he can find it Jonghyun has already pressed the condom to the tip of his dick and rolled it down and then followed it down, all the way down, with his mouth, soft and wet and warm. Taemin’s fingers grip the headboard hard, nails digging into the wood, as a loud noise leaves his throat. He was kind of into this before and planning on gradually easing himself into the mood, but now his whole body flashes with heat and his skin tingles all the way to his fingertips. He’s trying to fuck his cock back up into Jonghyun’s mouth when Jonghyun pulls off with a soft pop.
“Shut up,” he hisses, “the door’s not even fucking closed. Don’t be rude.”
“Fuck, Jonghyun,” Taemin growls in reply. He twists his free hand into Jonghyun’s hair to push him back down, to encourage him to suck him deep again. “You’re so good, fuck.” He forgot just how good Jonghyun was. He hasn’t fucked him in a while. With Jonghyun’s breathy chuckle in his ears he goes back to searching for his lube, fingers scrabbling weakly as Jonghyun sucks him back down, takes him all the way to the back of his perfect throat. When he finally grabs it he passes it down clumsily, smushes it against Jonghyun’s cheek with shaky hands. “Here here here,” he breathes, trying to both tug Jonghyun off of his cock and push him further down at the same time. Jonghyun pulls up just enough to glance at it, licks his lips and wipes spit off of his bottom lip with his thumb.
“Oh, that works too,” he mutters. He grabs the bottle and shifts up to his knees above Taemin’s dick. Before Taemin can even ask what he means by that, Jonghyun squirts a glob of lube into his hand, smears it over Taemin’s cock, and lines it right up to his asshole, shivering as he rubs the head over it slowly. Taemin’s eyes widen and his hands shoot to Jonghyun’s hips.
“Wait, fuck–don’t you–did you–fuck.” Jonghyun interrupts his half baked questions by sitting himself all the way down on Taemin’s cock, no prep or anything but still somehow so loose and relaxed. He wiggles himself on Taemin’s hips with a slack smile, his eyes closed, and he puts both hands on Taemin’s chest to steady himself. Taemin doesn’t even mind that his left hand is still all lubey on his shirt. He paps his hands weakly over Jonghyun’s hips and to his booty, feeling him up, holding him open and running his fingers over where his cock is buried deep inside of him.
“Did you get fucked last night or what,” he breathes jealously. He knows Jonghyun is used to taking dick but all of the times they’ve fucked he’s always had to finger himself at least a little bit to get ready. Jonghyun chuckles softly as he starts slowly riding Taemin’s cock, pulling himself up and then dropping back down at a lazy pace.
“I fucked myself, yeah,” he says. “I do it a lot more often now, ever since I realized you don’t wake up for anything at night.”
“Oh,” Taemin says. “Fuck.” That’s actually pretty hot. Jonghyun panting on his bed just on the other side of the room, whimpering and hissing as he pushes a thick dildo into himself in the darkness. “Fuck,” Taemin says again. His eyes slide shut as he tips his head back into the pillows and wraps an arm tight around Jonghyun’s waist. He finally remembers to start rolling his hips up to meet Jonghyun and they both bite back soft moans at the feeling.
Their fuck is slow and lazy; Taemin is too sleepy to really give it his all and he assumes that Jonghyun doesn’t want to get all sweaty again right after he just took a shower. They get to the nut part anyway, and it’s like a warm flow of lava that rolls through Taemin’s veins and sizzles under his skin. He groans through his teeth as he fills the condom, Jonghyun jerking himself off with quiet, shaky gasps of breath until he comes in white lines over Taemin’s stomach and a little bit on his shirt where he didn’t push it up far enough.
As he breathes slowly and plays little lines over Jonghyun’s skin and waits for his heart rate to go back to normal, Taemin dimly registers appreciation that Jonghyun is pulling the condom off and tying it into a little knot for him. He can never do it with his clumsy fingers, and especially not when he’s all hazy from an orgasm. After he feels Jonghyun lean over to drop it in the shared garbage bin between their beds he lifts a lazy hand to find Jonghyun’s neck and pulls him down for a sloppy kiss.
“How much time until I gotta be ready now?” he asks. Jonghyun snorts, kisses his mouth, the corner of his lips, his cheek, and then licks his cheek when Taemin whines about his lip spit. While Taemin is glaring at him and wiping his cheek Jonghyun checks the time.
“Not enough,” is the answer that he gives. He wiggles off of Taemin and stretches his arms over his head with a pleased squeak, then fluffs up Taemin’s hair and turns to his dresser to find some clothes. “Shower, kiddo,” he says. “I’ll make you breakfast while you’re in there.” Taemin laughs softly as he lurches into a sitting position and rubs his palms into his eyes.
“For what, a ‘thank you’ present?” he asks. Jonghyun snorts again and shakes his head before he pulls a shirt over it.
“So we won’t be late,” he says. “Don’t get cocky just because you got laid,” he adds. Then he pauses, and then a bright little smile pulls up his lips. “Hehe, cocky,” he says. “Cocky, like–get it?”
Both of them sit there in the dark room and giggle at each other until Taemin’s last minute alarm goes off and startles him into scuttling out of bed. In the shower as he soaps himself all up, he smiles to himself. One out of three down and he hasn’t even had breakfast.
His solo segment of the photoshoot done, Taemin leans against the little snack table in the back and watches Jinki do his poses in between scanning all of the staff to see if any of them would be a good number two. Not for the first time does he curse his dick’s inexplicable lust for women that can and will break him in half if he so much as looks at them hopefully. All of the ladies he wants to talk to are way too intimidating and would have no time for his boner bullshit. All of the other ones are probably nice enough but he hasn’t flirted with anyone in so long that he’s not confident that he would be able to do it without fucking up. A few of the guys around are hot also, but all of them are firmly blocked off by the closet door, which is a real shame.
He’s sucking absentmindedly on an orange wedge when Minho comes walking up to grab a snack himself. Taemin gives him an orange smile and a nod of the head.
“Hey,” he says through his wedge. Minho does that silent, breathy laugh of his as he gets to the table. He avoids all of the food and just leans back against it, pulling his phone from his pocket.
“Hey Tae,” he says back. He doesn’t say anything other than that so Taemin assumes he just wants to chill quietly like they do sometimes and goes back to searching for someone to frick. Every so often as he’s looked Jinki has caught his eye between camera flashes and thrown him a smile. They look innocent enough but Taemin knows. He can just tell. He can feel in his soul that Jinki is thinking baby loser boi at him.
He’s probably not, really, but Taemin likes to pretend he is to keep his focus on his goal.
His phone vibrates in his pocket then; he glances at it, pats his pocket lazily to confirm, and then just reaches to throw his orange slice away and grab another one. He's sucking on that when his phone vibrates again. He rolls his eyes at whoever’s texting him. Everyone knows he’s busy and he can’t check his phone during work. Every time he does that he forgets to put it back in his pocket and just leaves it somewhere to be lost forever.
Maybe that pretty light holder, Taemin thinks. She looks equal parts tough and easygoing. She’s also probably the only light holder, though, he thinks, scrunching his nose. They probably don’t have backups for that job in case the main one sneaks off to go fuck a model. Damn.
When his phone vibrates a third time Taemin huffs, reaching to pat his pocket again. He should put it on sil–
“Dude, check your fucking texts,” Minho mutters. He kicks Taemin’s ankle, too, but when Taemin glances at him he’s still blandly absorbed in his phone. Taemin snorts. Oh. It was Minho . Alright then. Wiggling his phone out of his pocket, he puts in his password and then opens up his texts to see what Minho had to tell him that he couldn’t say out loud.
From: Minjo 1:34pm
I’m stressed:(
From: Minjo 1:34pm
Wanna go fuck
From: Minjo 1:36pm
I looked around there’s an empty room down the hall from the bathrooms
“Oh,” Taemin says out loud. He bites back too big of a grin. Oh, fuck yeah. Here he was worrying about who his number two would be, and his number two just came right to him. He didn’t know why he didn’t think of this before, with how many times they’ve done this together. He grabs a third orange wedge and holds it in his mouth so he can use both hands to text back.
To: Minjo 1:38pm
ye sure we got like wat 25mins til th other 3 r dun??
From: Minjo 1:38pm
Why do you type like a twelve year old
To: Minjo 1:39pm
d u wanna get in my butt or wat
From: Minjo 1:40pm
Am I called minjo in your phone??? What the fuck??? Change that
To: Minjo 1:40pm
To: Minjo 1:42pm
quit tryin 2 tke my cell!!1!
To: Minjo 1:43pm
ur wastin time!!!
From: Minjo 1:43pm
You’re an awful gremlin let’s go fuck
Taemin grins wide even as Minho grabs his elbow in a grumpily hard grip and tugs him away from the table. Taking care to stuff his phone into his pocket, he wiggles his arm free and then just slings it casually around Minho's shoulder.
“I love and cherish you a lot,” he smiles. Minho rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
“I know you’re just saying that to be obnoxious, but I also know that you really mean it, so.” He sighs with a shrug. Taemin grins smugly. That’s exactly the reaction he was going for.
He lets Minho carry him out of the main shooting room, passed their dressing room, passed the bathrooms, and into another room down the hall. Looking around, it looks like just another dressing room. Taemin hops up onto the makeup desk, back to the mirror, and smiles lazily at Minho as he peeps around the room for the light switch. When he pops on the dim orb lights above Taemin’s head and looks over, he catches sight of Taemin’s smirk and frowns.
“What?” he asks. Taemin smiles wider.
“How come I’m always the one you go to for dirty little quickies?” he asks. Minho blinks at him, then looks down to push his hair out of his face as he walks forward and pretends he's not avoiding the question.
“It’s not always you,” he says when he looks back up. Taemin cocks a brow, spreading his legs to let Minho stand between them and frown at him close up.
“No?” he asks. That’s a lie. Taemin knows. He knows when Minho and Jonghyun fuck, they take their time, because Jonghyun likes to flutter around in low swooping sweats after and pretend he’s not showing off the finger bruises and hickeys on his hips. He knows when Minho and Kibum fuck they take a while because he can hear them, quiet murmurs and heavy thuds through the wall in the dorm until a sudden shhhh, and then a long while later one of them stepping into the shower. Jinki and Minho haven’t fucked in a while, that’s true, but that’s because they were actually dating for a while and since they fell out of that they’ve been avoiding sex until they can make sure their emotions won’t go causing any problems.
But with Taemin?
“When we fuck it’s always like this,” he murmurs. Minho leans in to kiss him; then he hesitates. They both have lipgloss to make their lips look plush and kissable for the photos and they’re both tired of having their stylists sigh at them for messing it up. Taemin hooks his fingers in the hem of Minho's ugly car print shirt instead and ghosts his lips over his collarbones. “You always drag me off to some dark room so we can get each other off and then pretend like it never happened.”
“You never complained before,” Minho grumbles. One of his hands braces on the counter next to Taemin’s hip, and the other pushes up the hem of his shirt enough that he can get to the zipper of his shorts. Taemin shifts his hips forward to help him out, smiling against his skin and breathing deep. Of all of Minho's endless handsomeness it’s always his scent, the crisp smell of his skin and sweat barely noticeable under cologne and makeup, that gets Taemin hard.
“I’m not complaining,” he says. He trails his own hands down to Minho's shorts to feel up for his dick. “Just curious why I’m apparently your dirty little secret.” It’s kind of exciting, honestly. The other three never get to have this much fun during shoots.
“Well, it was because you were always quiet when we did,” Minho mutters. He gets his hand into Taemin’s shorts while Taemin chuckles into his chest. Oh. “And ‘cause you’re quiet after,” Minho adds. “You know the other three like to brag about sex but I get flustered about it. You don’t care.” He shrugs, and then he pulls Taemin’s cock out and strokes him a few times, and then Taemin stops caring. He guesses Minho was right about him.
He grips Minho's shirt, hissing softly and rolling his hips forward, before he remembers they still have to take pictures after this and just grips his bicep instead. Minho's pulls his hand back to spit into it before returning it to his cock. Taemin shivers, skin tingling all over, and brings one hand to pat his pockets for the lube he brought with him this morning. It’s not in his photoshoot outfit; it’s back in the dressing room in his skinnies thrown over his bag. He curses softly and just continues his quest into Minho's pants instead.
Minho is already fully hard in his hand, which is pretty impressive, considering all they’ve done is bicker and not kiss. He must be extra stressed. How he’s able to funnel any kind of stress or anxiety into sexual energy Taemin has no idea, but he at least he’s learned how to get him off quickly and get it all out of him. He tugs Minho closer, so he can close his legs around his hips, squeezing him just the way he likes, and spits into his own hand to ease the way.
A baby loser boi wouldn’t be so attentive and caring, a voice in the back of his head says, and he smothers his laugh in Minho's ugly shirt.
“What?” Minho hums. He fits his chin on Taemin’s head, his other hand holding him close by the waist, and his hand still jerks Taemin’s cock quick and tight. It would be hard for Taemin to give him an answer even if he had a good one; he shakes his head and slides his free hand down to push Minho's shorts down further.
“Nothing,” he breathes. He cups Minho's balls in his hand gentle, rubbing his thumb over them just the way he likes, and smirks when he hears him hiss. From there it’s simple, routine; they’ve done this enough times to have each other coming apart in minutes.
Minho is so close to him, the skin of his neck right in front of him in the darkness. He’s radiating warmth, smells so good, feels so big and heavy, like he’s a blanket covering Taemin, almost smothering him with his presence. Every flick of his steady wrist on Taemin’s cock makes Taemin suck in a sharp lungful of air. Taemin aches to bite Minho's neck, but he can’t; he aches to bite his own lips, but he shouldn’t. Instead he just chews on the insides of his cheeks, sucking them further and further in as the heat inside of him grows bigger and bigger.
Minho nuts first, which is unusual. Usually it’s Taemin first, but also usually Taemin hasn’t already nutted that day, so. It catches him off guard, makes him pull back and whisper curses as he fumbles to cover the head of Minho's cock, to get as much as possible on his hands instead of on their outfits.
That takes up so much of his concentration that he doesn't even notice the painful grip that Minho has on his waist. When he does notice it, he winces and says, "ow, dude." He never knew Minho had such a death grip. He's always been too orgasm loopy to notice it, he guesses. While Minho puts his hands on the counter on either side of Taemin’s hips instead, catching his breath, Taemin carefully holds his hands behind his back to look at them. Jizz drips down them and almost onto the floor before he twists them to stop it. "Gross," he mumbles this time.
"Here," Minho mumbles back. He pushes himself up straight (Taemin quickly moves his hands away so he doesn't get any on the back of his ugly shirt). Digging in his pocket, he pulls out a packet of tissues and hands one over. Taemin takes it gratefully, wiping his hands clean, and then accidentally rips it in half when Minho starts jerking him off again. He whispers another curse, heavier this time as his hips jerk up, and brings his hands back down to the counter to give himself something to hold onto.
Minho is smirking at him, so he rolls his eyes and then closes them, tilting his head to breathe out slow towards the ceiling. When he looks back down, he frowns because Minho isn't there anymore. But his hand is still on Taemin’s cock, which is even more confusing. Looking even further down, he's surprised to find Minho on his knees between his legs.
"Hey," he says, voice shaky, panic rising in him as Minho licks his lips. "Don't, hey, you're going to get–" Minho kisses the head of his cock, mouth so soft and pretty and red and sticky with lip gloss, so sticky his bottom lip takes longer to leave than the rest of his mouth. "You're going to get in trouble," Taemin whispers, breathless. "With– stylist, you're going to–"
"That's fine," Minho says, and then his mouth is around Taemin’s cock and the breath is catching in Taemin’s lungs.
This isn't fair, this isn't fair, this is so not fair. His hands twitch, jerk, want desperately to tangle into Minho’s perfectly styled hair, but they can't. He can't fuck his hips up in this position either. He can't even pull his own hair. All he can do is sit here and take it, sit here and slap his hands desperately on the counter while Minho bobs his head further and further down onto his cock.
It gets lost a lot in all of the hype around Taemin's lips, Jonghyun's a close second, but Minho really does have the perfect mouth for sucking cock. His lips a perfect circle, thick and soft but still able to stretch thin in the most gorgeous way, lip gloss making them glisten and leaving messy smudges all along the shaft of Taemin's cock. His jaw sharp but his cheeks soft, perfect when he sucks and hollows them out, perfect when he goes slack and takes Taemin far into the back of his throat. His eyelashes, short but still long enough to fan out pretty over his cheeks with his eyes closed. His short brown hair just long enough to fall perfectly messy over his forehead.
Taemin would be able to come just from watching Minho suck dick, so it's a miracle honestly that he lasts even a couple of minutes before he covers his mouth with his still sticky fingers to muffle his grunt as he finally releases into that perfect perfect mouth.
He leans far back on his hands after, relaxed, boneless, limp like a little noodle boi, eyes closed again as he smiles at the ceiling. This turned out so much better than he expected. A hand tugs at his shirt collar; he lets Minho pull him to sit up straight, and then leans forward until he's leaning against him, nuzzling his cheek into his neck and smirking as he curses and quickly tries to hold his weight.
Minho gets him steady after a moment, then pokes his sides, but Taemin is too lazy to be ticklish right now. He just fumbles between their bodies to put his dick away and then slides off of the counter, giving Minho a lazy hug. Minho hugs him back, of course, warm and snuggly and perfect.
"You're welcome," he mumbles into Minho’s ugly shirt. Minho's laugh rumbles in his chest and Taemin nestles closer until Minho gently pushes him away.
"You too, Taem," he says fondly. "Let's get back before they notice we're gone."
"Okie dokie," Taemin giggles, letting Minho wrap an arm around his shoulders and lead him first to the bathroom to clean up and then back out onto the set. He's extra bubbly now, and not just because he got his dick sucked.
Two down, one to go, and he has the whole rest of the day to do it. This should be a piece of cake.
It's not a piece of cake.
Or, rather, it's like a piece of cake that Taemin tried to make himself, by which he means, it's an absolute disaster with no usable results.
No one else at the photoshoot was interested. No one even noticed his attempts to flirt, except the one girl that did and just looked him up and down, rolled her eyes, and walked away. And then it's not like he was going to hook up with anyone at the restaurant they all hit after, or during the radio show when they barely showed up on time and then left as soon as it was over. He was hoping they could at least hit a club or something after that since they had the rest of the day free, but all three of their managers shot him down when he asked. Even manager Minho, and Taemin thought he was his favorite.
What's worse is that he thinks that Jonghyun did go out club hopping with Minho and they just got away with it by saying they were going to go find a convenience store really quick for some snacks. Taemin doesn't know what kind of convenience store involves selfies sent to the group chat of a dance floor and cute babes, but he does know that if all he had to do was lie then he wouldn't have asked the managers in the first place.
Now he's just here, at the dorm, alone, because he was too bummed about not finding a number three to want to go out to dinner with the other members and the managers and have to look at Jinki's smug ass face. At least he's here alone in the dorm for a while which means that he can spoil himself in the bathroom. He's already helped himself to one of Jonghyun's face masks and is very much appreciating his nice soft skin while he looks through all of the rest of the crap that they buy here in Japan every time they come and then forget to pack up and take home later. Maybe he is a sad little baby loser boi but at least he has cucumber–
"Oh– jesus, you're still in here?"
Taemin jumps as the bathroom door suddenly bangs open, knocking over half of the bottles and creams on the counter, Kibum watching all of them clatter into the sink or onto the floor.
"I'm not picking all of those up," he says. "Have you been in here this whole time?"
"Fuck you," is what Taemin decides to reply with. He can spend as long as he wants in the bathroom. He didn't even think he'd been in here for that long. "You guys already finished dinner?" He asks.
"Yeah, but then all of the old men wanted to go to a bar, but like, a boring one, and the other two wouldn't tell me what club they were at, so I came back here to shower."
"Hmm," Taemin says, and then Kibum invites himself inside without asking. Taemin kind of just lets him, stepping aside and scratching the back of his head awkwardly. He guesses he doesn't really have a right to kick Kibum out of here, either.
He also guesses, in a moment of dawning realization, that if Jonghyun and Minho are still at the clubs, and Jinki and the managers are out drinking, and Kibum is here, and he is here, then. Him and Kibum are both here. Together. Alone. He watches Kibum go back on what he said not even a minute ago and start picking up all of the bottles in the sink, putting them back nicely, and bites his lip.
It's still today. It would still count. Kibum likes him. Taemin annoys him, and Kibum says that he doesn't like him all the time, but he does. Taemin knows it. The two of them have fucked before. What's the worst that would happen if he asked? Kibum calls him a gremlin and makes him go away? Kibum does that to him all the time.
Besides, it's not like he's going to get another surprise extra last chance like this tonight. He has to take this one, legally, or else he will definitely be baby loser boi. Forever.
"Hey, do you want to fuck really quick?" Taemin asks. Just like that. No context or preamble or anything. Kibum doesn't need it.
Kibum does, however, stop where he's leaning close to the mirror, makeup remover wipe halfway to his face, and turn to look at Taemin.
Taemin smiles back hopefully, doing his best to look like a cute gremlin instead of an annoying gremlin. He doesn't think it works, because Kibum rolls his eyes and looks back to himself in the mirror.
"Why are you so goddamn horny today?" He asks, swiping the wipe over one eye. "First Jonghyun and you not knowing how to close a fucking door this morning, and then I know you and Minho snuck off during the photo shoot, and everyone saw how desperate you were to hook up with one of the staff." He pauses there to throw Taemin a quirked eyebrow in the mirror. Taemin scrunches his face at him. Rude. He doesn't need to be judged. Any more than he already is being. He doesn't need extra judgment just because he got shot down by a hot girl.
Kibum folds his makeup wipe in half and starts rubbing away his other eye. "Why do you want a hat trick so bad?" he asks.
And that actually gets Taemin to pouting. He wasn't that obvious, was he?
"Jinki told me I couldn't do it," he whines. "He told me I was baby loser boi."
"Oh my god." and now Kibum is laughing, choking on it almost, turning to shove Taemin's shoulder, all of his previous emotions replaced by surprise and joy. "I was joking, dude, are you serious?" And then, when Taemin puts his face in his hands, wallowing in the shame of his mistake, Kibum laughs even harder. God. Bad. Everything about this situation that Taemin has made for himself is bad now.
"I'm leaving," he says, turning to leave with his face still in his hands. "Goodbye don't talk to me–"
"No wait, come back," Kibum says quickly, through his laughter. He grabs Taemin's arm and tugs him back. "I'll fuck you," he says.
"Really?" Taemin asks, hopeful again. Like, really really? If he agrees to fuck then Taemin doesn't mind about being laughed at anymore. Kibum nods, shrugs, pushes his fingers through his hair, gosh he's so pretty sometimes.
"Yeah, sure," he says. "Jinki made like a hundred puns at dinner and I know he was doing it just to be annoying. This will get him back good enough for me."
God, Taemin loves how much being petty can really bring people together to do great things.
"You have condoms, right?" Kibum asks. "I wouldn't put my dick raw into your ass in a hundred years."
"Yeah I do give me a minute," Taemin says quickly, bolting happily out of the bathroom. He doesn't even care that Kibum just insulted his bootyhole. He makes extra sure to grab the lube, too, since apparently he's bottoming, and then scuttles back. When he skids into the bathroom he also kicks a bottle of perfume still on the floor, and he very easily ignores that in favor of bouncing on his toes and showing Kibum .
Kibum, already back to wiping his makeup off, gives him a quick once-over, eyebrows raised, and then nods his head towards the shower. "I need a minute," he says. "Get the water warm for me."
And Taemin almost blasts off into the stratosphere right there because not only is he getting his hat trick, he's also getting shower sex. Fuck yeah. Dreams do come true.
He cranks the water on hot, throws the lube and a condom square onto the shelf in there, and strips. He makes sure to do so in a way that is annoying and showy so Kibum has to notice him in the mirror, but not so obnoxious that he changes his mind. It's a very delicate balance that Taemin has perfected. When he's done, he checks the water, decides it's warm enough, and slips in, pulling the curtain closed behind him.
Since he's here, he shampoos his hair and slorps some conditioner through it, and from there it's easy. All he has to do is finger himself a little bit– he's no Jonghyun– and get into the mood. He grabs the lube, pops it open, and starts working on working himself open. It's a familiar enough feeling; he prefers topping because it's easier but he always does love the stretch, the pressure, the feeling of being so full. He thinks bottommy thoughts as he goes to really get himself all worked up: hips between his legs, hands on his butt, calling shotgun, fingers in his mouth....
The tiniest moan spills from his lips as that thought really gets to him. He puts two fingers into his mouth, sucking on them, leaning on the cold tile wall, rocking his hips back onto his fingers while his half chub immediately jumps up to massive hard-on.
"Hey, don't nut in there without me," Kibum calls.
"Hurry up," Taemin whines around his fingers.
Kibum takes his sweet time, so much so that when he finally does peel back the shower curtain and step in, Taemin is practically desperate, not that he’ll admit it. Kibum’s smirk says that he knows anyway.
Thankfully, he's nice enough to not make Taemin wait any longer, and all he says is a confident "hey" before one hand is on Taemin's hip and the other is tugging his hand away from his booty by the wrist. He pushes Taemin's chest fully up against the tile wall, so cold and hard compared to the soft kisses he drops onto his neck.
"Did Jinki bet you anything for this or is it just a pride thing?" he asks under Taemin's ear. Taemin, so focused on the big hand on his hip, the hard cock pressed against his butt, the snap of the lube bottle as Kibum slicks himself up, has to think really hard about what all of those words mean when they're all put together like that.
Kibum scoots him half a step forward and the tip of his cock brushes the wall, a full body shiver running down his spine.
"He," he manages, "he called me baby loser boi."
"So you’ve said," Kibum hums.
"I'm not baby loser boi," Taemin pouts.
"If you say so," Kibum says, and then, instead of letting Taemin reply, he lines his cock up to his asshole and pushes all the way in in one smooth, slow, perfect movement.
Taemin groans low in his throat the entire time.
When Kibum bottoms out, he hums happily, hooking his chin over Taemin's shoulder. Taemin can feel the smile against his jaw as he asks, "you good?"
Taemin isn't good in the sense that he feels so fucking perfect and he got himself so fucking worked up that he feels like he's about to explode already, but he is good in the way that he knows Kibum means, so, panting, trembling, he nods and rocks his hips back and says, "yes, yes, fuck me, come on.”
Kibum kisses his jaw, says, "good," and then straightens up, leans back, pulls his cock out, pushes it back in almost agonizingly slow.
And that, Taemin remembers suddenly, is the thing about fucking Kibum. How he has so much practice and control that he can almost drive Taemin up the wall. He can almost overwhelm him, almost make him absolutely lose it, and it's that same, consistent almost that makes Taemin sure that he's doing it on purpose. He knows Kibum could nut him out of his own brain in a heartbeat if he felt like it and knowing that gets him, without fail, every single time, shivering with anticipation that maybe Kibum will actually do it one day.
Not today, though. Today he goes slow, lazy, fucks in hard and deep and takes his time doing it. Taemin can't tell if it's because he's tired after a long day or because he wants to tease him but either way, if Taemin goes through another minute of this he'll be dangerously close to begging. It's just so good, the stretch, the push and the pull, the contrast of the cold wall and the hot water and Kibums warm skin, his hand smoothing up his back and cupping his jaw, thumb at the corner of his lips.
Taemin turns his head, just to try to suck Kibum's thumb into his mouth, and somehow manages to lose his balance at the same time. Kibum catches him, chuckling, teasing, as he whines about it. Taemin is both thankful and not thankful for that; sure he didn't fall and crack his head open on the tub, but now Kibum's hand, thumb included, are around his waist and that is way too far away from his mouth. He needs something in his mouth, on his mouth, something to play with, something to suck on, he needs, he needs–
"Kiss," he says, trying to turn around in Kibums arms. "Kiss, Kibummie, I want kiss, please–" and just like that, Kibum is pulling out and turning him around, though instead of leaning in, he pushes Taemin gently so he's touching the wall again. His back not used to the sharp cold of it, Taemin hisses, arching away, into Kibum's big hand that pushes him right back. He's smirking, too, the dickhead, and he doesn't do anything else other than wait for Taemin to calm down and relax against the tile.
Then, eyebrows raised, fingers styling Taemin's hair not out of his face but pulling it to hang in front of his eyes, he says, "You're always so baby when you bottom, Taem."
"Only when it's you fucking me," Taemin says, and then, to avoid dealing with the embarrassment of that blurted admittance, grabs Kibum’s face and presses their mouths together.
It's a very weird and awkward kiss until Kibum stops laughing into his mouth, and then it gets very warm and good.
So good that, as soon as Kibum grabs one of his thighs and hikes his leg up around his waist and starts fucking him again, it only takes Taemin another minute or two before he's gasping and shuddering through his third orgasm of the day.
He does his best to not go limp and instead clings harder to Kibum, letting him keep going, enjoying the aftershocks, the extra sensitivity, and moaning softly into his ear the way he likes the most. It does the trick; before long, Kibum's own orgasm hits and he's probably pressing bruises into Taemin's waist as he fills the condom.
Kibum always takes what feels like forever to come out of his orgasm brain, but eventually, after a while of Taemin petting all of the hairspray out of his wet hair, he sucks in a big breath against his neck and says, "Hey, when you're bragging about this to Jinki tomorrow, make sure you tell him I did it specifically to piss him off."
"Sure," Taemin laughs. That's fine. A favor for a favor. No problem.
"Good," Kibum says. He steps away and turns them both in a circle so Taemin is closer to the shower curtain. "Now get out of here," he says.
Taemin obeys without protest. Well, almost. He makes sure to reach around and cop a feel of Kibum's booty before he steps out of the shower.
Outside, dripping onto the bath mat, smirking at Kibum's indignant grumbling, Taemin lets the accomplishment fill up his entire body. Hell yeah. Fuck yeah. He did it.
He did it!! He did it he did it he got his hat trick! He does a little happy dance to himself right there in the middle of the bathroom, just because he's so overjoyed at actually pulling it off that he can't not. Hell fucking yeah. Baby loser boi his ass. He does have it in him and he is not a baby loser and Jinki– and Naruto Man– can suck his ass.
He looks around the bathroom, pushing his hand through his hair and looking for a towel, and then stops when his hand immediately feels gross and greasy. Looking at it with a grimace, he sees goopy white and remembers. Oh yeah, right. Conditioner.
"Hey let me back in," he says, pulling the shower curtain open and inviting himself in without waiting for Kibum to answer.
It's a variety show filming and then back home the next morning, and he doesn't wake up until Jonghyun wakes him up again, so Taemin doesn't have alone time private enough with Jinki to brag until they're sitting in the airport cafe waiting for their plane to board.
They're split between two tables; Kibum, Minho, and the managers at one, and Jinki, Jonghyun and Taemin at the other. Jonghyun is absorbed in his phone, headphones in, so as soon as Taemin gets his coffee and sits down, he leans obnoxiously against Jinki's shoulder and smiles very close to his cheek.
"Yes, baby loser boi?" Jinki asks mildly, not looking up from his own phone. He smirks as he says it, but this time, Taemin does too.
"Ah, but, see," Taemin says, leaning harder to really get his attention. "I am not. Baby loser boi. Factually. Scientifically proven."
"Yeah?" Jinki asks, raising his brows. "How do you figure that?"
"Because," Taemin says, "i did it."
And now Jinki finally looks away from his phone. Clicking it off, putting it in his pocket, and taking a sip of his drink, he turns to put his elbow on the table and face Taemin. Taemin faces him with his greatest accomplished smile. He is very proud of himself and he is not going to hide any of it.
"Did what?" Jinki asks. To reply, all Taemin does is tap the brim of his snapback. The same one that he was wearing two days ago, that he "forgot" to give back. Jinki glances up at it, then does a double-take, eyes going wide. His mouth pops open in a silent gasp before he all at once leans close and squints and whispers, "you did not."
"I did, though," Taemin says. And then he absolutely revels in the absolute befuddlement on Jinki's face. The confusion. The disbelief. The incredulity. He loves it.
"With who?" He demands, except he’s still talking in a low tone, so the severity of it is lessened very much. Again, Taemin chooses to point instead of reply out loud, and he watches as Jinki follows his finger around the little cafe to each of their members in turn. "Jonghyun barely counts, it's supposed to be a challenge, he would bend over for any– okay, yeah, Minho is fair– how the fuck did you get Kibum to--? Wait."
Jinki whips around with one of the sharpest frowns Taemin has ever seen on his face. "You were actively trying to get a hat trick yesterday and you fucked everyone in the band except me? Me? The one that knew what you were doing? The one that would have been the easiest to convince? Hello?"
"My dude, the entire point was to be petty," Taemin grins. "Why the fuck would I let you get in on it?" Jinki was never for a millisecond on his list of potential fuckees. No way would Taemin give him such a good time after he called him baby loser boi and said he had a weird shaped head. "Speaking of," he adds, remembering his promise to Kibum last night, "Kibum said he did it specifically because you were pissing him off at dinner."
Jinki whips back around to find Kibum and frown at him, though he does it so dramatically that Taemin is sure that he's just doing it to be funny. For a moment, he seems confused, but then a familiar look of realization dawns on his face and he just looks proud of himself instead, raising his eyebrows at their bandmate. Kibum senses his gaze and looks up, looks between the both of them, and then a knowing smirk pulls up his lips. He gives Jinki a delicate middle finger and then an even more delicate wave before he turns back to his own conversation and Jinki turns back to Taemin.
"Worth it, honestly," he says. Taemin snorts. Of course.
"Anyway," he says. "You have to admit that I'm not baby loser boi. You said I couldn't get a hat-trick and I did so clearly you were wrong." Jinki was wrong and Taemin was right and he deserves to have that acknowledged.
"Mmm, actually," Jinki hums. He pulls his phone out again and starts scrolling through it, despite Taemin's immediate releaning upon his shoulder. "I think my actual words were, ‘baby loser boi doesn't have it in him to get a hat-trick.’ Not that you can't get a hat-trick because you are baby loser boi. So you are still, technically, baby loser boi. However." He holds up one finger before Taemin can even do more than furrow his brows and open his mouth in outrage. He smiles at Taemin from the corner of his eye. "I will concede that I underestimated you and that baby loser boi does have it in him."
“Hrmgrmgh.” Taemin grumbles to himself, pulling away from Jinki's shoulder to slump over the table and press his cheek into the grubby plastic. He guesses. If that's as good as he's going to get. Then he's going to have to accept it. And just make sure the terms of his redemption are clearer next time. "Fine," he mumbles.
Then, looking at a stray strand of blond hair on the table, he smiles to himself and adds slyly, "Naruto man."
Jinki's sigh is, Taemin thinks, an even greater satisfaction than he was hoping for in the first place.
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kil9 · 4 years
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1eos · 4 years
my mind registers that taem is an attractive human but like also im physically repulsed by the mere thought of him having sex. my brain can't put the scene together. black screen.
OAKGJKJKHLJHKJJHAAKLH stop literally me when i used to stumble upon those weird ass horny taemin imagines all the time. just static in my head. once i even had a dream that i was trying to flirt w jonghyun but he was ignoring me nd taemin was all up on me nd he licked my ear nd i started crying in my dream bc i was so turned off nd grossed out 😭😭😭😭😭😭 
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How SHINee Would Impress Someone They Admire
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he was out with some friends at a karaoke bar
they were gonna wait for you to show up, but they weren’t really that shocked when you texted to say that you were stuck in a meeting.
not that they minded, but you were definitely an devoted career woman. and as much as they supported you… they really wanted to party
so a few drinks later, somebody dared Jinki to perform a shinee song
he didn’t need much convincing tbh
he was singing “married to the music.” and maybe it was the alcohol speaking, but he was convinced that this was going better than most concerts
then, like a k-drama come to life, he made eye contact with you. 
jinki a l w a y s liked you. and he didn’t know why he thought dancing would impress you? like you were the only person in the bar wearing a suit, and he thought the way to your heart was through his obviously exemplary dancing talents
honestly he wasn’t that surprised when he landed on his back with a loud thud. but that didn’t stop him from laying there and laughing like a fool until he was swept off the stage by some of your other friends. 
but he was surprised when you pat his back to say “you did a really good job, jinki!”
once he sobered up, he realized you were probably just saying that to be nice
but at the time, he just said “yeah! yeah you’re right! i was amazing before i fell on my butt!” followed by the quirkiest giggle ever
thankfully, awkward cuties are just your type lol
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jonghyun didn’t actually know what you looked like or what you sounded like
so how could he explain his attraction to you?
it was the content of your written letters– the way you eloquently expressed yourself
and the way you trusted him with some of your deepest thoughts even though you never met
he actually started sharing your quotes and insights on life over the radio
phrased it as “my friend says…” and wondered if you were listening, if you would be happy to hear him refer to you so fondly
he decided he wanted to reply to your letters, so you could know how much the correspondence mattered to him
you mentioned that you often wrote to him while watching the sunset, and Jonghyun was like “wow! so romantic!” and probably smiled like a child
that was when he realized how much he really, really liked you
anyway, he went to write his letter at the nearest park bc he knew he could sit there and watch the sunset
that way, it would feel like you were close, even if you were far apart
and he just knew that girl sitting on the bench, scribbling away on a piece of paper, was you!
how did he try to impress you?
he just smiled
he already knew you were destined to meet
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it started as genuine artistic appreciation
he just really, really liked your most recent fashion exhibit & kinda refused to wear anything that didn’t have your name on it
key was too ready and too willing to hype up your talents… literally nobody would ask on variety shows or during radio interviews & he’d be like “oh yeah, these shoes were designed by y/n, aren’t they the best?”
he was so enthusiastic, in fact, that people started to think you were a thing
so Key claimed with a very well hidden blush that he didn’t even know what you looked like lol 
he was outed by an evil minho/taemin tag team literally 2 seconds later, and thus it became public knowledge that key liked you
so imagine his excitement when he received an official invitation to one of your fashion shows!
100% clears his plans bc he thinks this is his one chance to meat his fashion idol (you)
he was only a little starstruck when he met you backstage, so he jokingly volunteered to model for you
he didn’t really think you’d take him up on the offer, but here he is– strutting down a catwalk in an attempt to impress you
but he still looks cool bc it’s Key lol
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minho really likes to show off, especially at anything remotely athletic
so when he was rushed to the medical tents, he swore that he was fine, he hadn’t hit his head THAT hard, and he should totally be allowed to resume playing immediately
but you were the on site nurse, and you were not buying any of it
you couldn’t tell if his impassioned rambling was the result of an abundance of adrenaline, the blistering heat, or an actual head injury
so you calmly told him to just sit down bc “nobody would ever forgive me if I let Korea’s Charisma run around with a concussion”
tbh once he saw you, Minho was much less eager to rush back to his game. but when you called him Korea’s Charisma? actual hearts gathered in his eyes lol
& although he was letting you take care of him, Minho couldn’t let you think he was a weakling
so while you asked him all sorts of questions to assess his injury, he made a conscious effort to sound tough– by deepening his voice, obviously!
and he was honestly a little disappointed when you dismissed him from the tent
in a final attempt to make a lasting impression, he winked at you before running back to the game
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taemin had known you forever
years ago, jongin introduced you as his older friend and, if he was honest, Taemin was immediately smitten
but he didn’t realize how much he liked you until you were all grown and you said, “you’re so cute, taeminnie!”
and he was like?? what does that actually mean??
cute like a child? or cute like you would be willing to go out with him?
if you ~liked~ him, wouldn’t you call him handsome?
AND, most importantly, when had you ever called jongin cute?
this is what Taemin thought about around you. he was pouting so, naturally, you gushed “you’re so cute, taem!”
and you probably tried to pinch his cheeks because why wouldn’t you? taemin is absolutely precious!
and he just kinda leaned out of your reach, and he looked up at you with some expression he learned from filming some of his (provocative) music videos
“still wanna call me cute, y/n?”
he was a shameless flirt, but at the end of the day, taemin couldn’t shake his youthful charms– and you wouldn’t want him any other way!
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somaybeimbiased · 6 years
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SHINee 5 | FlowerBois AU
Shinee high school flower boys au. where 2min looks like a couple (they like each other) also 2min : Come on we are just best friends! since kindergarten. (the dumb pair / also high fives when the teacher says some word in the sexual education part.) Jongkey (are together) has so many fans. Onew hits on teachers but everyone thinks he is a innocent bunny. plz! I love your woks so much! u r so amazing!     -I dont remember who sent this soz
This guy
THE guy
A senior student who is like one of the most well-liked students in the school.
Nice to everyone
Especially the teachers ;)
But not like just any teachers, mostly the teaching assistants
Lowkey loves making them blush and stuff when he gives them compliments
Always early to class with an apple and a cheeky wink for them
But really just a good student so no one says anything
They just dress really cute and are really sweet and they love soft things
Jinki realllyyy likes being able to express himself freely with his best buddos
Like before meeting Kibum and Taemin he never would’ve been comfortable wearing pastel colors
But after becoming their friend and learning about how they are so comfortable not conforming to gender stereotypes
Kibum smacked the back of his head “It’s not like we are dressing like girls! We just think cute things can be for boys too!”
Then it all made sense and Jinki was on board.
Like “yes please lets dye my hair i’ve always wanted it to be a more pinkish red color~”
He also gets into colored contacts.
Jinki is just a huge popular softie who everyone seeings as the image of innocence.
Oh boy when this big softy transferred to this school and showed up on the first day wearing a oversized pink sweater he expected one of many things to happen
What he didn’t expect was to be in the same calculus class with a cute nerd wearing fake glasses and a floral button up how invited him to eat lunch with his friend group at lunch.
Yes pls omg
He fit right in with the nerd’s friends and was introduced to all of them, the nerd, or Kibum, has such a nice group of friends and Jonghyun knew he wanted to be apart of their flowerbois group.
Only knew Kibum for like a month before the younger asked him out and omg yes pplsss
Jjong is so soft for love and he loves Kibum so much and ugh
They are so in love and grossly soft with each other that the entire school soon knows that twoMOREof the flowerbois™ are dating
He is really just an average student who loves his new school because no one bothers them here. He isn’t sure if it’s because they have a cool senior student in their friend group, because all of them have such cool ‘i don’t care attitudes’ or because Minho is a really intimidating flowerboi™
But he is just so happy to find a place be belongs plus he got 3 best friends and a cuttteee boyfriend out of it.
Him and Taemin started the flowerbois™ because neither of them ever really cared about how other people thought of them.
Best friends since elementary and they are still super close even though Taemin is a year younger (Sophomore)
He is known for his many styles of fake glasses and impeccable style. But also for his ‘don’t care attitude’
He has always liked things considered feminine, and one day him and Taemin went to the mall and just decided to buy some sweaters out of the women’s section.
The rest is history.
Really enjoyed teasing Taemin about his neighbor, Minho who had a crush on Taemin since forever and would stare at him when he wasn’t paying attention even though they were friends since like kindergarten
Also liked giving Onew crap about liking older women, just for kicks and giggles.
What he likes most though is Jonghyun.
The little pup in his big pink sweater made his heart fly out of his chest the first time the met.
Forced the elder to become friends with him and his pals
The rest was history,, and Kibum could not be more happy with the way high school is going for him
Definitely the leader of their little flowerboi™ group
The hard Flowerboi ™
Like lowkey just joined the group at first because a lot of people were paying attention to them
And he didn’t think they could really protect themselves from the people who disliked them
Like mayyyybe Jinki and Kibum, but he knew his best friend wasn’t really cut out for that
He also mostly joined the group bc Taemin and Kibum started it, but mostly for Taemin.
He had had a thing for him since they were in kindergarten together, and he saw him all the time because he was also close with Kibum.
So after Jinki joined he also hopped on the wagon, even though his style of flowerboi is a little edgy also.
But at least now he has an excuse to spend even more time with Taemin and talking to him
Everyone thinks they are together, and even if they hold hands sometimes, or maybe makeout when they are alone, they haven’t defined anything
So they just deny it when someone brings it up.
But him and Taem are big goofs and like messing with the others in the group bc they are the youngest.
Honestly the softest.
Loves wearing soft whites and cream colors.
Just really enjoys showing his feminine side to people.
Kibum really helped encourage that out of him from a young age.
He was so grateful when Jinki decided to join their group and embrace himself
He was also really touched when Minho joined them, he knew it wasn’t 100% Minho’s style, but he was so glad he could spend more time with his crush
Definitely denies it when people say they are together, even if he 100% wants to be. He just assumes dating him would be too flowerboi ™ for Minho to admit
Also his parents are hella catholic and wouldn’t accept it :/
But at least he can be himself at school without caring about people judging them.
He stopped caring a long time ago, but he also knows that mango would stand up for him.
Really glad when Jonghyun came to their school because it changed Kibum a lot.
It was the first time he’d seen his best friend so happy.
And that made him so much happier.
What more could he ask for?
See More of My Work on My Masterlist
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endlessfics · 8 years
jongtae (girl!jonghyun) | pg-13 | 476 words | same au as twelfth floor (it plays out 6 years before it) 
a/n: it’s crazy how much i have on this au rip yet it’s all mostly taemin-centric
taemin thinks that maybe he wants to make something special out of the fact that he lost his virginity.
taemin thinks that maybe he wants to make something special out of the fact that he lost his virginity. the girl, junghee, she kept asking – kept probing.
if you want to save it for someone special, we don’t have to do anything, we can just talk.
she had told him as if she expected him to stop her. taemin wasn’t sure how to take the situation when she patiently waited for him to at least say something. that moment, the thought of friends crossed his mind while he looked into her gentle, big eyes. his hands were firm on her waist.
by waiting for someone special, taemin would make something petty into a big deal. he doesn’t want that.
by waiting for someone special, there would have to be someone he could share it to.
by waiting for someone special, he would have to have friends.
friends aren’t a thing for taemin – he had only his father. his father wasn’t a friend of sort, nor a dad. they aren’t biologically related. he was just adopted and distanced away from.
but taemin didn’t want to talk. junghee offered they would just talk instead but he couldn’t say anything, as if his mind wouldn’t let him speak. her eyes were expectant on him and his gaze straight on her chin – he couldn’t meet her eyes.
eventually, his hands slipped in under her shirt and he pulled her closer again to the way it was just a few minutes before she interrupted them. he liked touching her skin, it was soft, it was warm. he enjoyed pressing his mouth against her neck while her hands held onto his shoulders. he really did enjoy it. all of her was soft but he kept it to himself.
he found himself at a loss of words afterwards, yet she cupped his cheeks and kissed him slowly – as if trying to compensate for the fact that she wasn’t someone special to him, he assumed.
a few days later, where he is now, in his room, he thinks of the concept of virginity. he thinks that maybe he wants to make something special out of it – maybe he wanted to have saved it for someone special, but there isn’t anyone special in his life nor could he see there ever being anyone.
he did feel like he was missing out. he’s nineteen after all.
it’s close to midnight. he’s sitting on the edge of his bed and he pulls on his fingers absentmindedly. his father’s asleep and he is also supposed to be asleep but his mind is stuck on the idea of that he’s missing out.
deciding to push useless thoughts out of his head, taemin closed his eyes and fell back on the mattress. he takes a deep breath.
he’s doing good without anyone special in his life.
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from the concerned ontae anon (again): thank you for soothing my worries! it makes sense that it’s smth like jinki seeing taem on his music show but not coming out bc he was jinki and not onew. which were taemin’s words! they were also all over each other during tsol era. it’s just easy to forget when jinki is an enigma (and i love that about him!). thanks for sharing the pun translation too, i hadn’t seen it before! and to the other anon for the reminder! i really appreciate your patience
ontae are such teases by being incredibly affectionate & exceptionally private. we know they excercise(d) together because kibum told us. but we also know they are incredibly close by all the times they've been caught hanging out together outside of the group, how jinki was the first to voice support for taemin's stepping out into solo work, how taemin c a n n o t make it through a promo cycle without bringing jinki's name up somehow. it'll happen, context be damned.
the point is, after all they've gone through with cold war, jinki's voice, the scandal, the loss of jonghyun, i think the army would have to work pretty damn hard to break their bond. & we've all seen how stubborn taemin is. 😉
wow. i do go on, lol!
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pearlaquahearts · 6 years
this is just a collection of aus I’ve texted @loeyxiu in the past couple of days so i can have them all in one place lol
car crash au: taem gets in a wreck and has subsequent nightmares in which his partners junghee and jinki are in the passenger seat when it happens
magic au: taemin is a phoenix, minjung and gwi are nonbinary witch girled friends, jonghyun is a non-magic human who owns a bookstore and jinki is his partner who sells crystals and herbs and charm pouches and the like. they’re all in a giant poly relationship by the end of it tbh
pornstar au: lol it’s not as secsi as it sounds there’s like close to zero explicit smut but basically taem and minho are pornstars who get paired for a scene where taem bottoms and he’s like “uh, no actually” when he sees minho because “that’s the twink I topped two weeks ago from a club y’all should have him bottom it’s litty” and then they go out for coffee afterwards and become friends. minho meets taem’s boyfriends (jongyu) and taem meets minho’s qpp (key) and they all end up cute friends.
important high school au #1: jjong is dyslexic and taem has aphasia so when there’s assigned reading in class, minho reads out loud to them and jinki teaches them all sign language to be able to understand taem when he’s overstimulated
important high school au #2: one of my most important aus yet where taem/taehyun is the new nanogirl on the baseball team, minho is a trans guy and also team captain, gwi and jonghyun are cheerleaders, and jinki is student president and they’re all best friends/life partners
pawn shop au: i literally saw two seconds of a pawn stars ep. when i was pulling sheets in the hotel i work at and the dialogue made me think of jongtae so
taem: “if I give you seven-thousand for these I won’t be able to eat dinner. what about $6500?”
jjong: “you’re gonna have a $500 dinner? i don’t think so. $6700.”
psych ward au: jjong and taem end up in a psych ward at the same time bc of their depression/anxiety (in taem’s case: a depressive spiral brought on by like seventy different phobias and an increasing lack of control in his personal life), and they recognize each other from school during group and they’re like “same hat? same hat!”
voltron au lmfao: listen, i might never even write this one so somebody take it off my hands I’ll promo you but,,, Black Paladin Jinki, Red Paladin Minjung, Blue Paladin Taemin, Green Paladin Gwi, Yellow Paladin Jonghyun, and Princess Amber who’s a beautiful butch bi Altean with a gigantic crush on trans lesbian Choi Minjung.... also Heechul is Coran thanks for coming to my ted talk
university au: in which taemin is literally me and can’t fill out legal documents without getting massively anxious & sick to his stomach so he has to get jinki and jjong walk him through filling out his fafsa verification and other such documents
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how the different SHINee pairings hug each other?💎💚I’m feeling a lil soft today😌
guess who is also feeling hecka soft today bc Cute English Boy wasn’t wearing his signature ballcap in class today and he looked!!!! so soft with his hair down nd unstyled i Nearly Fucking Cried
jongyu: jinki backhugging jonghyun v softly nd burying his head in the crook of jjong’s neck nd leavin v soft kissies on the skin there uwu nd big spoon lil spooning when jjong can’t sleep with roo as the Littlest Spoon nd when jjong is writting jinki will just kinda come up nd sit behind him nd rest his head on jjong’s shoulder and listen all contet while jjong hums real soft nd jinki probably puts his hands v gently on jjong’s waist just to have even more contact even tho his chest is already flush to jjong’s back
onkey: so kibum’s in the kitchen cookin smth nd jinki has his hands on his hips nd his like… layed against kibum’s back but kibum doesn’t mind bc it’s just real soft nd cute nd then when he’s donw cooking they hold hands which turns into them holding Both Hands which turns into them kissin a lil which turns into them hugging with jinki’s arms around kibum’s waist and kibum’s arms around jinki’s neck with one hand in jinki’s hair n the other grippin the back of jinki’s shirt nd they’re probably like…. gross romantic slow dancing while jinki hums smth
onho: jinki bein tired and :((( so min comes nd pulls him up from the couch nd wrapsa secure arm aroud his waist and takes him out to go walk around the park at sunrise nd they hold hands to Keep Warm nd they go to the lake and feed some ducks nd jinki is sittin between min’s legs nd min is messaging jinki’s neck nd shoulders and jinki is pullin grass out of the ground nd makin a lil bouqette before throwin the grass into the lake nd Starting Again nd they’re not talking or anythin they’re just sittin nd watching the sunrise
ontae: taem hugs jinki all the time it’s just!! v comforting for our anxious boy to have contact Especially with jinki nd so you’ll catch them like… in the grocery store or smth nd taem is huggin jinki with his face buried in jink’s neck bc jinki smells like nice flowery cologne and clean clothes and like a lil sweaty and he just smells…. Like Home and jinki is rubbin taem’s back probably nd smiling uwu really softly to himself bc he Really Really Loves his lil chaotic fairy boy nd just wants him to be happy always nd forever :’)
jongkey: kibum is probably complainin about smth nd jjong just kinda :
jongho: HEIGHT DIFFERENCE jjong is :( tired nd min just kinda D: nd hugs him v tigthly nd jjong rubs his cheeks against min’s chest nd wraps his lil arms around min’s Whole Entire Waist n grabs entire handfuls of the back of min’s shirt and just… smiles heckin softly nd takes some deep breaths nd they just kinda…… keep standin there nd hugging for a whole long gay time
jongtae: taem bein jjong’s child and also The Love Of His Entire Life jjong is always huggin taem like at the convenience store? huggin. backstage at a concert? Super Soft Hugs. ONstage at a concert? Still Huggin Real Soft. all the softest hugs all the time okay they Love each other they’re so so soft @ each other like taem: breathes. jjong: !!!!!! the owner of my entire soul i love u sm im so proud of u my Love
minkey: okay so!!!! backstage @ one of kibum’s shows min came to support His Love nd kibum is lowkey (highkey) real nervous so min !!!!!!!!!!!!! nd hugs him like !!! i love u i believe in u babe ur so talented i know you’ll do amazingly nd kibum sighs into the hug nd wraps his arms around min’s waist too nd probably touchies his butt a bit bc like….. yall but it’s!!! good nd soft nd min is such a supportive bf i love Him
taekey: okay so like,,,, kibum is sittin behind taem nd taem is leanin his back against kibum’s chest nd they’re probably drinkin *soft baby taem voice 6v6* hot chocolate nd gossiping bc That’s Who They Are nd taem is wigglin his lil toes nd when he’s done with his hot coco he takes kibum’s hands nd starts fidgeting w/ them nd they’ve stopped talkin at this point it’s just real soft silence and kibum is uwu watchin taem be real pretty nd soft
2min: so yall these Goofy Boys will be play fighting in the living room nd then min tackles taem to the ground bc he’s Extra and Has To Win nd then taem gets rolled over so he’s on top and they like ?? silently agree to stop fightin idk and they just kinda lay there on the carpet and min wraps his arms All The Way around taem’s waist nd hugs him real close nd taem clutchies at min’s shirt bc :( he wants kissies so min kisses his forehead nd his hair nd his nose nd then taem buries his face in min’s necl like uwu nd they just stay there until min’s back starts to hurt
bonus !!!:
ot5: jjong in the middle nd taem cuddled up to his left arm grippyin his bicep nd rubbin his cheek against his shoulder nd jinki against his right side with his arms around jjong’s waist with one hand also holdin onto one of taem’s pinkies nd another holdin onto min’s hand nd kibum is plastered against jjong’s front holdin him gently with on hand grippin jinki’s wrist with his face buried in jjong’s neck nd min is against his back with his head in jjong’s hair breathing in his eucalyptus n peppermint shampoo nd his arms are just warpped around everyone bc he loves them all so much nd they all love each other so so much 
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bubltae · 6 years
can we see a kids day? (prodigy au) like where onkey are super busy with work so jonghyun, taemin, and minho go to a park or the city or just a movie night
i’d really like to apologize for being inactive for so long. i’ve not been in a good place to write but i’m hoping i can keep being more active now. please request more things for me the write, whether it be about this au or something else.
so when jonghyun and taemin are both in uni (jong is 20 and taemin is 16) and minho is 7 in grade school, onkey starts going on more out of country business trips. y’know bc jong and taem can drive and they take care of minho since taemin doesn’t live at uni still.
and when jinki is in europe for a two week business trip and kibum is at an all day meeting from 5am to 9pm, jong2min are left alone all day. all three are on holiday for the time being and absolutely bored out of their minds.
“dads are gone all day so what are we gonna do?” taemin asks, finally bored of the thousandth episode of god knows what on netflix.
minho shrugs but jonghyun sits up straighter. “how about a boys day?”
“that sounds really gay hyung.”
“shut up taemin hyung. we already know you’re gay,” minho says.
taemin shakes his head. “elaborate then.”
jonghyun smiles widely and taemin feels a bit guilty almost. his hyung hasn’t smiled like that in too long. minho’s too young so he doesn’t get it.
“a brother’s day. we never hang out since taem and i are so busy with school and you’ve got soccer min. but we’re all free today so why don’t we take this opportunity and spend the whole day together.” jonghyun checks his watch. “it’s almost 9. let’s get breakfast and then figure out what to do.”
2min agrees and minho is obviously more excited bc no offense to his hyungs but he’s felt so left out since they’re closer in age and  they go to school together without him.
so in about half and hour they’re at the diner down the street and they’re sharing this great big american breakfast together.
halfway through, minho pipes up. “so what are we doing first today?”
jonghyun ponders the thought. “let’s go to an arcade. i haven’t been there since taem and i were your age min. then ice skating.”
“can we get stuffed crust pizza for lunch?” taemin chimes in.
“but we’re already eating breakfast taem,” jonghyun says.
taemin shrugs. “i like stuffed crust.” he quietly argues with jonghyun about this for ten more minute before the older gives in and they decide on stuffed crust pizza for lunch.
“what else?” minho says, trying not to bounce in his seat like the 4 year old personality he has.
“that theme park in downtown seoul!” jonghyun says a bit too loudly, receiving some stranged looks from nearby customers. he sinks lower in his seat and minho giggles sweetly.
and so they head off to the arcade first, waiting to digest the huge breakfast they’ve had. it’s relatively empty and so all three take their times in playing the racing games, the hunting games and trying to win the grand jackpot of tickets.
“i have enough tickets to buy a thousand of those mini pencil erasers!” jonghyun exclaims. “if we pool all of our tickets together we can get like, a million of those tiny erasers.”
taemin backs up. “oh hell no hyung. i’m not wasting my tickets on some dumb erasers. i’m buying one of those tiny soft dinosaur plushes.” minho excitedly agrees to do the same but with a puppy plush.
after some time spent screaming at the games, they head to ice skating. it’s also pretty empty there so they rent some skates (jong’s treat because he actually has money lmao).
but they spend practically the whole hour falling over like idiots except minho who is actually an ice skating god. while minho is gliding skillfully across the ice, jongtae are hanging to the wall and slipping.
“fucking fuck,” taemin mutters, tightly gripping the nearby wall. jonghyun is not far behind him. “hyung, why did you ever suggest doing this?”
jonghyun stumbles and hits the ice again. “because i thought it would be fun. didn’t think. it would be so. fucking hard,” he says, stopping every couple of words because he’s hurting and focusing on not spending the rest of the time on the damned ground
they spend some time there, minho laughing at their failure and then decide to get the stuffed crust pizza before going to the amusement park. jong packages the rest and then they drive to the amusement park. it’s mid-afternoon now but they opt to go anyway bc who cares tbh? onkey hasn’t asked or sent texts so jonghyun assumes it’s fine. his phone is running low on battery so he shuts it off.
taemin is a bit reluctant to go on the infamous ride of the park: screamin’ in seoul. it’s windy and loopy and huge and the idea of riding it is making taem a bit lightheaded. jonghyun and minho are practically dragging him to the line and when they reach the front, taemin is considering backing out.
“c’mon hyung! we’re sitting in the front!” minho squeals, pulling taemin to sit in the middle of the three seated row. taemin is lowkey stressing.
once they’re seated, it takes about ten minutes before the cart starts moving. it pauses, a countdown commences and the ride takes off at unimaginable speeds. taemin starts to scream in pure terror along with jonghyun. minho is shouting in excitement.
taemin stumbles off when the ride ends, clutching onto jonghyun. minho is cackling in  joy. “jesus f. christ,” taem heaves. “i’m done. i’m done i need a churro.”
so they get a churro and lots of snacks, ride a couple more rides and play games before the night ends. jonghyun drives everyone back. taemin and minho pass out in the backseat together. the oldest smiles contently.
when they get home, kibum is pacing the living room frantically with the phone pressed up against his ear.
“jinki. i’m freaking the fuck out. they’re all gone. the door was unlocked when i got home and jonghyun isn’t answering his phone. what the hell do i do?”
jonghyun mentally slaps himself. he forgot to lock the door when they left and his phone died. perfect timing. he steps through the door, both hands occupied by holding the hands of 2min, who are barely awake.
“dad?” he asks carefully.
kibum turns towards the sound and immediately runs over to hug all three of his sons. he releases and an expression of anger overcomes him. “where the hell have you been? you’ve had me worried sick!”
jonghyun squirms. “we’ve been hanging out all day. i forgot to lock the door. and my phone died.”
kibum shakes his head but a smile appears on his face. “you were hanging out together? all three of you?”
jonghyun knows where this is going. kibum is going to get all sappy about how all three of the brobros are getting along yada yada. he’s praying kibum is too tired from his meeting to say anymore.
“yes dad. we were,” jonghyun says, grinning stupidly. “it’s been a long day so i’m heading to bed. besides, minho’s sagging and my arm hurts.”
kibum stops him. “whoa whoa. that was irresponsible you know, leaving the door unlocked and not telling anyone where you went. you’re grounded. we’ll discuss how long when your dad gets back.”
jonghyun sighs. of course. 20 years old and he’s still getting punished like he did when he was in grade school. he shakes his head, smiling tiredly. carefully, he tucks his little brothers into bed and then heads over to wash up and sleep.
he’s grounded but he’s full and happy as he drifts off.
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acebytaemin · 6 months
already sent one with MY name however.. if you want to... Perhaps the name jonghyun deserves a little shoutout in playlist form 🫶🏻🩵
please this is so 🥹 ofc. let’s hope we do it justice come on now!
J - juice by shinee (the way he could jump on that track and devour it with seemingly zero effort. also i have a feeling he’d love it the song the choreo everything)
O - our page by shinee (ah do i even need to elaborate. the entire chorus when all four of them sing together: ‘the beautiful words you've left behind / are like a poem and have become a song / we raise our voices high / knowing that it'll reach up to where you are / when the stars fade, will it all be forgotten? / you were so special to me, so I hold you close / this page in the novel has yet to end / i want to stay together until the end’)
N - neverland by holland (honestly anything by holland just to have him know there’s an openly gay kpop artist like. can you imagine his reaction oh i can’t think abt it too much right now but. yeah.)
G - GUILTY BY TAEMIN (YOU KNOW HE’D GO FAWKING CRAZY FOR IT HE’D BE DOING THE GUILTY CHALLENGE EVERY SECOND of every day like can you not see this guy decked out in metamorph merch screaming his lungs off when taem shows up hanging from the ceiling oh i can literally see it clear as day) (honorary mention to gravity by shinee <33333)
H - heartbreak by minho (COMPLETION OF THE SHINEE PLAGIARISM SERIES!!! ace base face voice chase BABYYYYY ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥)
Y - you & i by shinee (this song makes me cry literally every single time. it’s out of this world how much they love him and i really really would want him to hear the part that goes something like ‘i know you meant it when you told me to take care / i’ll let you go easy, please don’t think you’re stepping on me/hurting me’)
U - universe by exo (this and been through from the same album.. no elaborating if you know you know 💙)
N - neverending story by skz (selfish reasoning bc skznee agenda is always on plus he loved ballads and this is one of my favorite ballads)
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What do you think SHINee’s best live performance is of your fav song? What are your favorite Kibum looks (airport, fashion week, era, etc)? What SHINee lyrics resonate with you most? What play do you wanna see Key in most? How do you rank the members; vocals, visuals, sex appeal, humor?
Oh my gosh so much whoever you are you’re a blessing!
I’m not sure what their best live performance is bc all of them are god tier but my personal favorite is Odd Eye! Bc body rolls and eyepatches!
What SHINee lyrics resonates with me the most? That’s gotta be “ring ding dong ring ding dong ring diggy ding diggy ding ding ding” ....Just kidding but tbh I know there are deeper lyrics (hidden in the ballads I don’t listen to) but honestly, “You make my life colorful” is exactly how I feel towards SHINee so... I’ll go with that.
This is a big question oooo. If he were to reprise a role, I would want him to do Bonnie and Clyde again and I would want to attend... Bc I want to hear him sing Raise a Little Hell goddammit. But other roles I thought of were Billy Flynn in Chicago, Emcee in Cabaret, Alexander Hamilton would be funny since he was Usnavi in In the Heights and they were both written and played by Lin-Manuel Miranda, uuuh maybe the Baker in Into the Woods, and I think he’d make an interesting Sweeney Todd. And those are just a few.
Okie here are my lists
Vocals - JJong, Onew, Taem, Key, Minho (But honestly they’re all fucking amazing). Visuals- Kibum, Taemin, Jonghyun, Onew, Minho. Sex appeal- I’m ace honey, they have none with me. Humor- KIBUM (it’s what made him my bias tbh), Minho taemin, jjong, Onew (tbh they’re all hilarious let’s be honest, after Kibum that list is just their names in a random order fdgfd)
Um, i may actually just make a separate post for the Kibum looks because tumblr keeps crashing whenever I try to add pictures I’m sorry fhgfdgdsg there are so manyy
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1eos · 4 years
Ok ur right abt taemintss YOURE SO RIGHT!! Not to mention They were also the ones contantly in fyjjongs' inbox constantly comparing jjongs and taems solo career when both of them has been very supportive of each other. I used to feel guilty not liking taemints but theyre literally so annoying. The grudge i have has been pent up for too long
all fans are annoying don’t get me wrong but the victimhood taemints perpetrate......insane. nd i remember that! like i remember seeing taemints try to start beef w blingers when jonghyun got his solo nd trying to say he was copying taemin nd that his shit wouldnt be as good yadda yadda. nd ofc blingers fought back like why are u pitting bad bitches against each other? taemints have always been annoying but after 2020 its to the point where im just DONE. they want taemin to be an underdog so bad but then won’t stop bragging abt his accomplishments or ppl liking him. but just bc taemints r wilding this yr that does not mean i am not looking at the stupid shit other shawols have been up to
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eorumverba · 7 years
Hi I really love yours and @taeminuets coven au! I wanted to ask if you had any facts or info about the characters? I really love all of them!
♡♡♡ so we havent really gotten around to writing out the backstory and by we i mean sarah bc this au is like 90%, but here are some headcanons:::
taem has always been soft for jonghyun from the beginning (and vice versa). even though jinki could make taem feel calm or trust around him, he doesn’t, and its jonghyun that he ends up running to (literally) first. whenever jonghyun asks why it was him taem chose to trust so wholly from the beginning, taem just grumbles and doesn’t answer, or hedges around with a half-assed answer about jong being the first witch he’d seen. call it attraction or instinct, there’s just a bond that jongtae have with each other that’s maybe even deeper than any of the other relationships in the coven. taem definitely isn’t as free with his affection or trust as jonghyun is, and he can be catlike (whether that means elusive or snappish or affectionate), but no matter what mood he’s in, he loves his coven to death and would do just about anything to protect them. he’s also very weak for head pets, soft blankets that smell like jonghyun, vanilla ice cream and warm sunny spots around the house.
key doesn’t just do teas as potion. teas are their signature, but they do anything aromatic, really. lotions, perfumes, teas, bathbombs, candles…their little shop is run from home, and most of their products are tested by their coven: drinks to cure headaches and salves to heal wounds, candles that exude peace and happiness, bathbombs that help the skin stay soft (especially during the winter). A lot of the stuff they make is just for fun, and they don’t really need the money, but it’s something to do, and it’s something that helps other people. They try not to make anything that will alter people too much: no love potions, for example, but if there’s something little that they can do, they’d be glad to do it. They definitely have issues with their body, and even though Jinki knows them best and always knows exactly what to do for and with them, the others always help. Minho always knows when to bring the others close and when to make sure Key is left in peace, and Taemin is always ready to shift and purr against Key’s stomach when their cramps are at their worst, and Jonghyun always always always gives little kisses and touches to cheer them up.
jonghyun had always kept to himself before the coven was formed, granting wishes unconsciously and staying up far too late and far too often. He can’t really remember the exact moment when he realized that he was a witch, just knows that he’s always had his powers. He writes songs a lot, many times for big name companies (SM) from home, sending out lyrics and compositions at 2, 3 in the morning with taem curled up asleep in his lap. he’s kind of insecure about a lot of things, and the whole coven knows that, but only taem really knows how much and how deep those insecurities are. jonghyun is close with everyone, affectionate and soft and sweet for them all, and even though he’s the second oldest, he’s their baby. he’s definitely had crushes on all of them at some point in time, and he’d absolutely date any of them if they asked, but he likes what they have now, where they all belong to themselves and to each other. sometimes, when he’s overworking himself because there’s so much to do and so little time, taem will shift and purr against jonghyun’s stomach, and he’s so warm and soothing that jonghyun always, always ends up falling asleep. jinki or minho will always come and check on them if that happens, take jonghyun’s notebook and laptop away, make sure they’re both comfortable, tuck them in with a blanket and pillow and leave them in peace, make sure they’re not disturbed. jonghyun’s also more than a little bit in love with all of them, but that’s just his little secret.
minho had been the last one to be added to the coven even though he could’ve been the first, could’ve found them all out years ago. his magic has been with him all his life, taking shape in the form of dreams, in intuition and instinct. he’s always known throughout school that this couldn’t be it, and there’s always been this itch and tug beneath his skin to travel, to go somewhere and find someone and do something. it wasn’t about a girl, he was sure, and it wasn’t rebellion, it was just something that he had to do. And then the visions and the dreams and the instinct had sharpened into Knowing, and by then, it was time to start planning to meet up with his coven, already four. it’d been just jinki and key first, and then jonghyun, and by the time taem had agreed to be in their little coven, it was time to go as well. minho often appears calm about most things, but there’s something scary and overwhelming about knowing, about being able to see possibilities for just about everything, but there are ways to distract him from that, and that’s what draws him to key. key’s always been magnetic, that ever-present blur in the corner of his inner eye, and even being near them makes minho forget for at least a moment what he is and what he can do. the sex just strengthens that effect, so it’s a clear win-win for both of them.
jinki is the one that’d started the coven, the eldest, their unofficial leader. he’s kind of like the glue that holds them all together, pushing calm and peace into them during the stressful times and making sure they’re all good at any other time. he tries not to manipulate their emotions too much, even if it’s to something good, mostly because the emotion he presses into them doesn’t ever stick. his little massage parlor is mostly for fun, something he does because he’s always been told that he has ‘magic hands’, and now he’s getting paid to make people feel good with his hands and his emotions. it’d been hard work, learning everything, but it’s more than worth it, and now jinki knows a thousand ways to make all of the others melt under him with just his hands. that, he’d be happy to do for forever, just for how relaxed and grateful and soft they all feel when he’s done.
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somaybeimbiased · 6 years
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SHINee 5 | Ghost Hunters AU
I redid this early post and I think I improved it, others also requests a couple things about this AU, so I just redid it bc the other one was messy
With increasing reports of things going ‘bump’ in the night, a team of 5 guys formed, and they travel around South Korea. They film their findings and post them on youtube. They have 20 million subscribers, even if they do talk in Korean. (Subtitles my guys) Viewers think they are all v cute and hilarious but also this is the most realistic ‘ghost’ show out there.
Onew- Research Analyst
He was never one to believe in ghosts.
He didn’t even think it was a possibility.
After his mom died and Taemin started blabbering about how mom was still around and that nonsense, it made him hate the prospect of ghosts.
But when his best friend in high school asked him to help out, he couldn’t say no.
His filming was trash, but it got the job done.
It was all fun and games until ghosts actually started moving stuff
The breaking point in his skepticism came when a door slammed shut behind him and locked him in Jonghyun’s cellar.
Might’ve cried a lil
After that, he went ham researching the paranormal.
His and Taemin’s dad is a  cop so he will sometimes ‘borrow’ his dad’s database computer to see if there is any sketchy happening in the history of wherever they are heading.
He was kind of against Key putting the first video on youtube, but it got popular so he forgave it.
Never gets used to the prospect that he has fans who like him the most out of their group. Like he has fangirls
After becoming a hit and getting 10k subscribers with only crappy iPhone videos, so after a while, they decided that they need more people on their team.
Put an ad on craigslist
The only ones who answered were his brother and Minho
Very much against Taemin and his boyfriend? Best friend?  Joining the team.
Thought that Taemin would turn it into a joke
But then he watched his little brother get possessed and he freaked tf out.
Got used to it after a while.
Their youtube channel continued through high school graduation and only got more popular.
They would film on the weekends.
He is really into it after a while and he basically becomes a human dictionary for ghosts
Like, ask him any question  and he will spit out the answer
Minho will only let him touch and cameras and other $$$$ equipment
“You’re the least likely to get scared or get possessed so-”
Except he runs into stuff all the time so?
Like if you think he is clumsy during the day, you should see him try to get around with a night vision camera.
Sometimes he will just trip or fall and Key s c r e a m s
Jinki just kinda laughs it off, bc Key is so jumpy.
But overall he likes being a ghost hunter
Like it’s fun, plus he gets to spend a ton of time with his best pals
Jonghyun- The Leader
Every great story starts with a stupid decision.
Jonghyun’s was letting Key convince him to make and use an Ouija board during a sleepover when they were 13.
He 100% thought it was fake until the planchette started moving by itself even though Key and he were on the other side of the room.
And then him and key just like took the board and put it in the garbage.
But the damage had already been done.
His house was haunted.
Ever since then, he and Key had been trying to prove it to someone that they’d messed up Jonghyun’s house.
They invited Jinki over to try to get evidence on camera
So they made Jinki film using Key’s crappy iPhone and a cereal box voice recorder Key had saved boxtops for.
But then they caught some weird voices and the cellar door shutting on Jinki and they were spooked
Key put the evidence on a youtube channel and people went crazy for it.
They loved the video.
He wanted to make more, so him Key and Jinki tried just them for a year or so before deciding they needed to expand their group.
The ad on craigslist seemed to work bc they got a cameraman and a medium.
How cool are they?!
Once they started getting more and more popular, people would email him about coming to their house, business, etc.
Their youtube views were high too.
He 100% carries around a lil suitcase full of traditional ghost hunting stuff, like an ouija board salt, sage, etc.
Screams in falsetto
Gets scared easily, but is nowhere near as bad as Key
Sometimes Key’s screams startle him more than the spooky ghosts.
He also always gets scratches on his legs?
He can’t wear shorts anymore.
“No, I don’t own a cat.”
Lowkey thinks Taemin might be lying, but only because Jinki said he thinks it might be a coping mechanism.
But then Taemin sprouted off how a demon was following Jjong and has been attached to him since he was 13 and Jjong hadn’t really told anyone besides Kibum and Jinki what happened when he was younger so like
“Wow, okay, accepted.”
Key- The Comic Relief / Face of the group
This guy is scared of ghosts
Doesn’t know why he thought hunting them was a good choice.
Only in it for the potential views at first when they made Jinki film them in Jjong house.
1000% believes in ghosts though.
Made a youtube account for them.
He s c r e a m e d when they went viral
Basically became an instant meme.
Pictures of him screaming and crying a lil are all over the internet.
Any fame is good fame.
100% let it go to his head.
Like, fame didn’t change him, he just got cocky with the ghosts.
It got worse when they really blew up after Taem and Mango joined the team.
Made everyone wear makeup for filming.
M: “I’m behind the camera why do I need makeup?”
T: “Also we are in the dark, I don’t-”
He was crazy for the views and stuff.
A skeptic of Taemin, like legit at the beginning he said they should kick Taem out.
“I can bring my dogs instead. They are just as cute as Taemin and dogs can sense things”
Got possessed once
It was for like 10 seconds
But he didn’t take it suuuper seriously until that happened.
He wanted to quit at first like he walked out of the house they were investigating.
Taemin tried to talk to him about it like
“Bum, I know you’re stressed but like, It happens to me all the time, and I’m fine.”
“No, you’re a freak! That’s why they go to you! If you were normal you would know how I feel!”
Taemin just left, and he ignored Key for 2 weeks straight.
Jjong and Jinki convinced Key to talk to him, bc if they didn’t patch stuff up, they’d lose their cameraman, their medium, and two of their best friends.
Everything was okay after he apologized.
From then on he would bring a doll with him to all investigations
The doll was an old cabbage patch kid
He named her Susan
“The ghost can possess the doll instead of me now”
The doll never actually gets possessed.
But sometimes 2min hide his dolls so he thinks it might’ve worked.
Also the fun cop™
Makes them go to the library before every new place to do research about it led by himself and Jinki.
Takes it suuuper seriously.
“Jonghyun, stop putting paperclips in Taemin’s hair”
“Where did Minho go?”
“Taemin, wake up you’re drooling all over the phonebook from 1987!”
“Minho when did you go get Panda Express?!”
Done with their bullshit
Minho- The Man behind the Camera
Didn’t actually know the others before this.
Like vaguely knew Jinki bc he is Taemin’s brother brother
But he really only knows Taemin, his bestboyfriend
They don’t like labels
One night Taemin showed him a crappy youtube video for three dorks hunting for ghosts.
“Isn’t that your brother filming? I didn’t know anyone could be so bad at filming! Who let that happen?
The film major was not impressed.
Left an angry comment on their video about how they need to get a proper cameraman.
A couple weeks later he was scrolling through craigslist while ignoring his homework and he found an interesting ad.
In search of extra crew to help investigate paranormal
“YO Tae, wanna become ghost hunters?”
Like he was aware Taem had that power, and those three morons needed a good camera guy tbh
Were the only ones serious about answering the ad
Him and Taem got the jobs because they were the only ones to actually answer the ad.
He told them that he was there just to handle equipment and be a cameraman
Quickly given a crash course on the good angles of Kim Kibum
Purposely zooms in on Key when he screams.
He is hella good with the camera work, and he is able to use extra footage sometimes for his film classes.
But he never really gets used to  what happens
Especially when he watches his best friend get possessed the first couple times
Did not cry
One time there was a loud crash in an old house they were investigating and they sent him and Taemin to check it out.
It was a skunk.
So now he always checks the site before setting up.
He also now keeps a few jars of tomato juice in his trunk for emergencies.
Taemin- Mr. Medium
He lowkey resented his brother for starting a paranormal investigation team after teasing Taemin a large portion of their children over Taemin making things up.
He and Jinki were never as close as they were before their mom’s death.
Jinki claimed Taemin was making stuff up, but Taemin let it slide because his mom told him that he was the only one who could see.
Like those rumors that younger kids can see past the physical world but as they get told that ghosts aren’t real and whatnot they lose the ability.
Those are true, but Taemin’s mom being a ghost made it so that he never stopped believing
When they asked Taemin what he could contribute to the team he just deadpanned
“I see dead people”
Jonghyun and Key asked him if he needed therapy.
He almost cussed them all out for being close-minded when they were the ones hunting the ghosts
He is a self-acclaimed Clairvoyant and a Clairsentient
He found out at a young age that he wasn’t normal
His and Jinki’s Mother died in an accident when he was 7
When his father got home to tell him the news
“Don’t joke! She’s right behind you!”
Therapy sucks.
It’s a touchy subject for him to this day.
He has fun with this though, he is able to feel and see the ghosts when they don’t hide themselves
This makes him a valuable asset to the team
Glad that the others allowed his bestboyfriend to be the cameraman too, bc Mango hadn’t shut up about Jinki’s shaking filming.
He instantly became a hit on the youtube channel
He got fangirls from this too.
It’s great to have anyone other than Minho alone believing him.
A lot of comments are about how the hot medium is their favorite and how genuine he is.
Like ‘oh hello, how did all these flowers end up at our house Minho?’
Also, if we talk about Key being a huge meme, we can’t forget about him.
He has a hilarious expression at least 50% of the time.
Gets possessed all the time though
OT4 asked him why he was the one to get targeted all the time
“What can I say, I must just be irresistible”
“They like me because I sympathize with them and my emotions are easily manipulated to suit them”
Also bc he is lowkey into Wiccan charms and it’s only to protect the others from harmful spirits.
Got really hurt when Key got possessed bc he was the one that stopped the spirit from being inside Key for too long, and then after the fact Key hurt him.
He also jokes around a lot outside of the site and when around OT4
Pulls lil pranks on them
But once they arrive, he is all business.
Randomly stares off into the distance all the time bc he sees a ghost
Lowkey afraid of ghosts, but only because he has gotten really hurt in the past from them
Prays all the time to try to protect himself more
/AN// I hope you guys enjoyed! I am wrapping up the semester next week so I’m hoping to start writing more! Thank you <3
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