#and they're so nonchalant about it
iftitah · 8 months
i was home on diwali and i wouldn't able to go back till holi what a fucking life 🤣🤣🤣
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prettyupsetnerd · 6 months
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booasaur · 1 year
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Special Ops: Lioness - 1x07
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storybookstr4nge · 2 years
something something Nico's comical lack of self preservation skills stems from the fact that he is basically guaranteed immortality because no matter what happens to him (especially in tartarus) hades would keep him safe/bring him back. and so because of this seemingly positive thing, Nico doesn't value his life whatsoever. and then having will solace show up and is the first person to be like: no, your silly quirky 'if I die I die' attitude is NOT funny and is actually quite CONCERNING and I want to keep you SAFE despite your imperviousness to death. and how this is such a poignant pillar of their dynamic that I don't even think rick realized he inadvertently created. in this essay I will....
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radioactivepeasant · 2 months
Snippets: Free Day Thursday (Second, sillier part to follow Friday)
Poll Results: Trespasser Jak
Picking up from HERE, Jak and Daxter have been taken back to Spargus
The drive back to the city was not quiet. Every couple seconds, the kid with the amulet he shouldn't have had was pointing to something else, talking a mile a minute to the fuzzy orange thing. The red rock bluffs fascinated him. The crocadeer on the clifftops fascinated him. The frith-rotted cactus was interesting to this stranger.
Jak started to lean out of the seat again, trying to take in every speck of the horizon.
"Will you stop that?" Damas asked irritably, "You're going to fall out, and I'm not turning this car around to go get you. What are you so entranced by, huh?"
Jak's enthusiasm wasn't dimmed in the slightest. "After they took us to Haven- I thought there was nothing left out there but wasteland!"
"You're in the Wasteland," Damas reminded him.
Jak stood up despite the driver's protests and clung to the turret gun to watch a flock of birds.
"This place isn't wasted. It's alive."
"And you won't be if you don't sit down right now-!"
Damas’s headache only multiplied -- exponentially. once they had actually returned Spargus.
The stranger gawked at everything, sometimes lagging as many as ten behind to look at the most mundane things. Forges. The communication hub/post office. Leapers. A stray chickalope he tried to pick up-!
Getting him into the Gate District garrison building took five minutes longer than it should've, by which time Damas’s patience was almost completely gone. It was all he could do to keep some modicum of professionalism as he herded the boy and the talking spirit thing into a clean, well-lit room for interrogation. He left them with a stern warning to wait there until someone came to figure out who they were.
Then he left to make a very strong pot of coffee. He wasn't going back in there without it.
He quickly decided that needed another kind of drink when he returned ten minutes later only to find Jak, barefoot, sitting on top of the table like a moody teenaged gargoyle. That ratty blue winter tunic was tied around his waist now, and the loose scarf and oversized undershirt didn't quite cover a surprising amount of scars for someone his age -- or maybe not so surprising if he was an Heir, given the proclivity of Haven to put those through the wringer-
No. No jumping to conclusions.
Old burns on the soles of his feet that looked roughly six to seven years old -- a childhood accident or stubborn adventure, most likely -- were the most benign of them. Damas saw old, healed clawmarks, and strange fractal-like patterns not unlike those struck by lightning, crossing his upper arms, shoulders and chest. Here and there he saw raised lines -- the telltale sutures of do-it-yourself shrapnel removal. Regardless of whose blood flowed in his veins, this kid was a soldier. And it looked like he'd been a soldier for a depressingly long time.
Damas pushed the thoughts from his mind and took a seat in the chair the trespasser had ignored.
"Alright. Let's get this over with as quickly as we can, shall we? I have a lot of work to do today."
"Oh...kay...?" Jak gave him a puzzled, wary look and scooted back across the table to rest his back against the wall. "I mean, I can't answer everything, and half of what I do tell you won't sound believable, but that's honestly not my problem."
Patience, Damas. Inhale, slowly. You're just stressed. You can't kill him if he's related to you.
Damas took an exaggerated breath and folded his hands on the top of the table. "I don't much care about your activities in Haven. My agents deliver news regularly enough. No, I want to know how you opened a locked door with a Seal of Mar on it."
The kid looked surprised, and then intrigued.
"Mar? Wait, really? He made it out here too?" Jak looked almost impressed. "Huh! Guy got around!"
"Answer the question."
The orange one answered in the kid's stead.
"Jak here's got the distinct misfortune of being descended from the guy-"
*Allegedly," Jak interrupted. His voice was distinctly harder than before.
"What "allegedly"? Dragging me into the frickin nightmare tomb wasn't enough for ya?"
"Everything we know about that guy we got from Krew, or Samos," his companion argued, "And most of the Oracles didn't bother to warn us that Samos was lying to us our whole lives. So no, I'm not taking that on faith."
Clearly this was a sore spot for the young man.
It just so happened to also be a very sore spot for Damas.
They were just going to act like they so happened to "conveniently" let slip that this boy was supposed to be related to him? Did they think he was a fool?
"What are you playing at?" he snapped, startling them both. "Do you think I am so easily taken in?"
"Tell me, boy," Damas said, much more quietly, "What makes you either brave enough or stupid enough to try to pull that story with me?"
And Jak blinked at him with eyes that were a little too familiar. Wide. Full of shadows and pain and anger but still clinging to the vestiges of innocence. He narrowed his eyes and tilted his head.
"Um. Who? Are you?"
If this was a con, the kid was a decent actor, Damas had to give him that.
"You're telling me you're a survivor of the House of Mar."
"No? I said other people told me I was related to that guy. People with a vested interest in controlling me."
Jak scoffed bitterly and spread his arms wide.
"Little "abandoned" orphan boy kept isolated to train as a soldier, so he wouldn't know what they planned for him. Wouldn't run. And then magically suddenly he's heir to the worst city on the planet? Give me a break. The guards in Praxis's lab came up with better lies than that."
Damas wanted to agree with the kid. He wanted so much to agree with him. Whatever else he might be, clearly Jak was not the kind of person who bought into delusions of grandeur. In fact, he sounded like he actively resented the thought. Damas could appreciate that. Rot, he could even sympathize with the kid.
He had opened a sealed door.
And the river-weasel had just said something about a Tomb.
He really really didn't want to be right, but if they could give an accurate description of the Tomb at some point, that information would be pretty hard to fake.
"Why did they think they could pass you off as Haven's heir?" Damas asked bluntly.
"Because I can make old Precursor crap work, I guess? And the Oracles like me." Jak folded his arms and shrugged. "They're useless when it comes to actually protecting anyone, but at least they tried to help after the fact. More than most hu'mens did."
Oh. Alright, okay. Maybe he's a sage prodigy and he's never been trained. That would make sense-
"Pal, the Oracle called you a "chosen one". That's gotta mean something."
"Chosen for what? Time looped torture?" Jak's entire posture had become rigid. He was beyond agitated, but Damas couldn't quite pin down if it was anger or fear or something closer to grief.
"....I...sorry." The orange one looked down, clearly ashamed. "That's- fair point. I won't bring it up anymore."
Damas didn't want to hear another word of this. Not one. Without stopping to think lest he talk himself out of it, he drew a knife from the back of his belt. The boy tensed even further, looking like he might snap as he watched Damas pull a sheet of paper haphazardly from the notepad that came standard in all the interrogation rooms. Damas ignored him and placed the tip of the blade to the pad of his thumb, pushing until two large drops of blood dripped onto the paper. The boy's tension eased slightly, but he still looked vaguely alarmed.
Damas wiped the blade and, steeling himself, held it out hilt-first to Jak.
"Your turn."
Jak glared at him.
"Are you nuts?"
Damas remained stonefaced. "You want to prove those people wrong? Blood comparison. Computer will be able to identify if it matches old records or not."
"Then why'd you cut yourself?" Jak challenged.
"Control sample," Damas answered shortly, staring until the boy gave in and set the blade against the tip of his little finger.
He declined to specify whether he meant for or against.
Jak twisted his pinkie between his fingers and let a single drop of blood fall onto the paper. He narrowed his eyes at Damas.
"And this is supposed to take...how long?"
"Two months if they're not busy."
Jak unfolded his legs and slid off the tabletop. "Months?! What good does that do me? They'll probably have found a way to guilt me into going back to Haven by then!"
Damas leaned back in his chair and studied the boy with a new perspective.
"You're a runaway. Aren't you?"
Jak scowled and folded his arms.
"I'm not! I'm just...there's something I have to do out here. And I can't go back yet."
Suspicion trickled in cold at the back of Damas’s mind. He folded the edge down over the bloodied paper and tucked it into his belt.
"And what," he asked warily, "is this "something" you intend to do?"
The boy's ears dropped, broadcasting uncertainty despite his belligerent posture.
"I...don't know yet. There's just...something was calling me. And I can't leave until I know what it is."
This boy was going to be a walking migraine trigger, wasn't he? But unfortunately there was a reasonably high probability that he was Damas’s kinsman, which meant that under no circumstances could he just toss the kid back to Haven and say "not my circus, not my moncaws".
Just get through this until the blood tests come back. Who knows, maybe the guy will find a place here in the meantime. Or he might decide to fight the squid and die horribly. One step at a time.
Damas opened the door and beckoned to one of the district guards down the hall. Commander Shui left her subordinates immediately to respond.
Damas nodded back towards the trespasser.
"Have someone show him to the showers. Once he's cleaned up, see if you can't determine his age."
Shui glanced at Jak, but never lost her stoic expression. "Understood. Is he a candidate for the trials?"
Damas ignored the harsh whispering between the boy and the...okay that was called an ottsel apparently. Didn't have those out in the desert.
"I doubt even he knows. For the moment, we will proceed as though he is a refugee."
He sighed.
"I have matters to attend to. Inform me if he causes any problems."
Jak wasn't sure how to feel about this turn of events. Six days of maddening dreams of eco comets and a broken string of beads. Five days of something pulling on his eco core, or his soul, the way the Precursor Stone had.
He wasn't sorry for leaving Haven in the middle of the night. The Grand Council had been getting more and more vocal with their more...Praxian...views on his right to life and liberty, and Samos just kept telling him to focus on what was "more important", fighting metalheads and new Krimzon Deathbots.
When the Call took him down that ancient eco mine, it had felt like an escape. He'd told himself he'd go back after he found what was at the end of the tunnel. And he'd meant to, if only because he thought he had nowhere else to go. After all, Daxter had built a life in Haven. He had a mentor. A girlfriend. A whole business!
But regardless of all the pretty lies Samos and Onin and Ashelin filled his ears with, Haven was not Jak's home. He would not take responsibility for their evil. And even if he was descended from their founder, they all let Praxis kill whatever blood relatives he might've had! They decided the line of Mar had no say in government, so who was Jak to contradict them?
It was strange -- almost unfathomable -- how his perspective could have changed with a rebalancing of eco. The Oracle down in that desert temple, it had pushed through old scars, given him access to light eco, when he'd thought the substance didn't exist anymore. The constant aches that ruled his every waking moment when it was even slightly cold out, the irritability, the burning in his core, it was gone.
How had he become so accustomed to at least low levels of pain as a daily companion? Jak hadn't realized how bad his condition had been until it was gone. And his mind felt clearer than it had in months. Maybe even years. Home was far behind them now. Sandover was forever lost to them, along with all remains of Jak's innocence. Because of Onin. And because of Samos.
Without his thoughts dulled by pain and lack of sleep, Jak thought of his heartfelt thanks to the manipulative old sage and wanted to be sick.
And now he was on an island, eighty nautical miles from Haven. A wild, living, sanctuary of Wastelanders and open wilderness. They called it "wasteland", but Jak couldn't understand why when it was so beautiful.
That Call still pulled at his heart, told him he wasn't done here yet. And he was relieved, because the longer he spent under clear, blue, sky, the more he hated the thought of returning to that corrupted city.
Just because he'd told Ashelin it was worth saving didn't mean he belonged to it.
Damas -- the angry man he'd startled when they came up out of the catacombs -- left, and a well-built woman about his height entered the interrogation room.
"Holy crap, a lady Sig!" Daxter hissed in his ear.
The Wastelander did have a prosthetic eye -- her left, not her right -- of the same make, but that was really the only similarity. She carried herself like Ashelin -- someone in command, used to cooperation if not obedience -- and that alone put Jak on-edge. He met her searching gaze with a hard stare, determined not to be the first to flinch.
"Hm." The woman clicked her tongue disapprovingly.
"I see what he means. When's the last time you washed?"
"Do pools of water count?" Jak asked. If there was sarcasm in the tone, so what? "Expendables don't get time to wash."
"Eesh." The woman curled her lip. "Well that's not going to fly in my garrison."
She turned to shout down the hall, "Strom! Get the rookie to the showers before the flies move in!"
"Oh rot you!"
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poolpvrty · 5 months
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Well, I've been afraid of changin' 'Cause I've built my life around you But time makes you bolder Even children get older And I'm getting older too
The sun, the moon, and their star!
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Something I really find interesting about Don E is that he a) seems relatively squeamish about too much blood and violence happening in front of him considering the line of work he is in, like that's an acting choice that comes up on several occasions b) he also seems really into watching Blaine torment and generally mess with people (especially psychologically) and it makes him so weird.
like, Don in the "zombies tearing up a prison bus" scene:
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Drake's gutshot scene
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Chief's death
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but also:
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you even have that scene where he specifically drags Tanner back to Blaine's office in hopes of ganging up on the poor guy
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also I'm going to argue that this scene - also an example of this dynamic between them
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I don't really have a conclusion to any of this other than -
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but also you get scene like the one where they're torturing Gabriel for the utopium recipe where he's clearly having a good time but also is visibly wincing everytime they beat Gabriel -
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Enemies to Best Friends Forever
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vaguely-annoyed · 4 months
well well well, if it isn't the feelings i said weren't that deep
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melit0n · 2 months
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anarkhebringer · 6 months
Not my older brother introducing me to even MORE genAI bullshit that he got sucked into that draws him away from things he's genuinely super talented at creating himself
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i think about this every day. this is THE funniest fucking thing anyone could have ever complained about. “we need more focus on heterosexual male gamers stop making everyone bisexual” because Anders will flirt with a male player. if you don’t like gay people maybe don’t play gay people games idk. Sorry that the criminal you just hired to help you kill people for money also happens to take dick sometimes. Its a fantasy series are you really that pressed about a wizard who wants to suck you off. you can tell him no.
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mayoiayasep · 6 months
thought about milgram and got miserable over haruka and muu again
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albtrosz · 8 months
#one of the most annoying parts of having bpd isn’t even part of the bpd itself but it's the stigma#and don’t get me wrong this shit is FUCKING HELL and very hard and embarrassing#but the way people think bpd is somehow the same thing as sociopathy or psychopathy is just like ??????????????#and the way even doctors are so sensationalist about it and it does affect your overall hope for how you're gonna be able to#idk navigate life with it. because they make it look like someone who has bpd#is just the worst most difficult and awful human being on earth#like everyone else isn't difficult everyone else doesn't struggle w emotions or relationships or abandonment#and the way they approach it truly makes you feel like you're damaged for life and you're broken and you're doomed#i could go on and on about how this is just upsetting and like sometimes when people learn that i have bpd they're surprised#because i keep a lot of things and feelings to myself because i don't want to be the stereotype#i'm venting but what i mean is that i think the stigma around bpd just makes everything harder#for instance i feel the need to be centred because otherwise i'll be perceived as a bpd stereotype#so i can't get angry i can't get upset i can't get sad i can't miss someone i can't need someone#i can't fear not having someone in my life anymore i can't fear being alone and so on#i have to be manageable and cool and nonchalant and complaisant all the time#sometimes i feel like i'm not allowed to be a person BECAUSE i have bpd#but yeah i'm yet to learn to not give a shit about how people perceive me but there are days that this is harder than others
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mossmotif · 10 months
sitting on nanami's lap...................
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singswan-springswan · 2 years
Merkel obviously knows about her sisters cosmic powers, and doesn't think much of it since she grew up with it. But what about Ahsoka and Rex? Did they know and how did they react?
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