#<-(taunting one of the big bads for them to attack ME and getting someone else hurt by dice decision)
vaguely-annoyed · 4 months
well well well, if it isn't the feelings i said weren't that deep
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forgetful-nerd · 8 months
I fully believe that if rottmnt came back (or, ya know, just continued as it should have), the mud dogs would’ve become the most inconvenient, pain-in-the-ass, reoccurring villains ever.
Mikey is out doing a simple grocery store run? Malicious Micky stole all the ingredients he needs from every store in town just to make the most atrocious meal known to man. And when Mikey tries to stop his unholy abomination of food—he somehow gets doped into diving headfirst into Mickey’s vile concoction, and it takes him weeks to get the smell off his shell.
April has an important test tomorrow? Dastardly Danny found a bazooka and made it her entire neighborhood’s problem. And when Donnie is pulled in for reinforcements, Danny ends up snatching some of his tech, and they go on a wild chase throughout the city as Donnie tries to pry his new inventions out of Danny’s hands, and Danny continuously evades him. By the end of the chase, Donnie does get his tech back, but Danny gives him the slip. And now he is stuck being blamed for millions of dollars worth of property damage and has to run for his life to evade the mob of angry New Yorkers.
Leo is attending a Jupiter Jim convention? Loathsome Leonard is there stealing every collector's item that Leo wants to purchase, and no matter how hard Leo tries to get someone…ANYONE to notice the blatant thieving…no one believes him as Leonard is slick and (surprisingly) charming. This leads to Leo getting lectured by security about making false accusations as Leonard smugly grins at him as he snatches another piece behind the security guard's back, with Leo having the biggest “are-you-fuckin’-kidding-me” face ever.
Raph wants to enjoy a quiet night to himself? Well, that’s too bad. Heinous Green just robbed a bank and, while making his escape, he threw one of the bags of money he was carrying at Raph, which makes Raph an unwilling decoy for the police. Raph spends the rest of the night trying to clear his name as he evades the police, and Heinous Green continues to commit crimes while framing Raph for them. And on top of all of that…..Heinous Green is a big shit-talker. So, whenever Raph is face-to-face with him, Heinous Green taunts him and gets under his skin, causing Raph to lose his cool, fall for his traps, and get framed for more crimes.
All of this culminates into the boys becoming so fed up with the mud dogs that any time they see them, it leads to a fight.
Until one day, while outside enjoying their day, they hear the mud dogs conversing in a dark alleyway. With each turtle having a personal vendetta against the gang, it doesn’t take much for them to agree to a sneak attack on the crew. With each turtle taking positions to block all exits from the alleyway, they spring into action. The rise! Brothers, thinking that they’ve finally gotten the jump on the mud dogs, throw themselves into their attack full-force.
Except, it wasn’t the mud dogs they were jumping. It was the 2012 TMNT boys. This is the start of their first inter-dimensional encounter with their counterparts.
And they are about to get off on the worst foot imaginable.
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0mysteiarchives · 5 months
Heya! May I request a yandere!Firefly "protecting" reader from the big bad Sam? This Stellaron hunter keeps attacking you no matter where you go... but luckily, Firefly is always there to somehow save you while Sam is out of sight.
You don't know what you did to inquire Sam's spite... but all you know is that Firefly is the only chance you have of surviving... Just don't notice the fact that Sam always "attacks" when you're displeasing your savior.
"My Savior." Yandere!Firefly x Reader
"Won't you forgive me? Oh why? Oh why? Can't you see I am your savior?"
a/n: did my best to interpret it as best as i can (didnt understand it at first, but figured it out after :>), and hopefully this satisfies your request !! (i got a bit dry and silly in the end mb anon) this request contains: yandere themes , in a sense? manipulation(guilt tripping) , reader is easily angered and with sass , oh and they can fight :3
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Getting into a disagreement with Firefly is the last thing you'd want to do.
You've been trying to lessen the arguments the two of you have been having, yes, but you can't help it sometimes and let your emotions take control.
"Can't you just stay right now? I promise we can talk this out!" She grabbed your wrist with pleading eyes just before you walked out the door. She's been awfully clingy now that your previous argument had ended and you were in no mood to deal with this right now. You shook your head.
"Sorry Firefly, I just need some space right now." You looked at the doorknob as you tried to downplay her request and hopefully get the approval to go.
Unfortunately, you didn't. You felt her grip tighten on your wrist.
"Please! I just want you to stay!" She kept begging you to stay and honestly? It only added to your not-so good mood as you let out a frustrated sigh and forcefully take back your wrist. "I told you, I just need time alone!" You didn't bother hearing what she had to say and quickly left.
The streets of Penacony were very noisy this time around: laughter, loud chattering, and more rang in your ears. You didn't bother fussing about it and just tried to block it out of your head.
You decided to walk to a more secluded area, however you feel someone watching you from afar..
If this was the first time, you would have been uneasy and nervous. But it's not like it is anymore. At this point, it was a regular thing when you're out all alone.
You stopped walking and pulled out your weapon, turning around to nothing, but you know he's here, just waiting for a time to strike.
"Is this the one time you're willing to talk about the things out or what?" It felt great amusing to taunt this 'enemy' of yours (even if you've never done anything to provoke the Stellaron Hunters), but truthfully your hands were a bit shaky and your grip on your weapon was tight.
You've come to many close encounters of death because of them, sometimes leaving you mildly injured with bruises and burns on your body.
In a blink of an eye, they stood not too far away from you. If appearances can make you feel intimidated, then whoever is in that mech armor is going to be the reason of your death, even with a simple glare.
"Well, at least I know we still won't be on good terms after this..Still don't know what I did to your group though." You sigh and get yourself into a fighting stance, preparing yourself as the hunter lunged towards you.
As expected, you were overpowered.
You staggered onto the floor, trembling as you looked up at the Stellaron Hunter who remained unharmed.
You did manage to dent a bit of the armor though, so that's one achievement before you die.
"Can't believe i'll die before apologizing to Firefly" You hissed at the searing pain throught your body. "I feel bad for lashing out at her now, even if I wasn't in a good mood she didn't deserve that.."
You felt lightheaded, everything started to be a blur in your hands and at this point if you could possibly pass in your sleep, that'd be for the better.
Oh wait, you're in Penacony.
..Alright, maybe this wasn't a good time to be joking around, but whatever distracts you from the incoming feeling of what might be a deep sleep. At this, you let yourself fall, tired from the fight.
Last thing you were able to see was the perpetrator leaving you at the scene.
"[Name]..please tell me you're alright.." You hear a familiar voice beside you, opening your eyes to also a familiar person.
You tried to embrace her in a tight hug, however your scars say something else. "Ack!-" You hiss and glance at your now bandaged injuries.
"I found you passed out on the floor, I got worried and carried you home.." She spoke as she gently held your hands this time. "I'm sorry..I- I should've went after you and apologized-"
"No!" You cut her off, cupping her cheeks with your bandaged hands. It did make her flinch but she relaxed from your gesture. "I didn't mean to lash out at you! I just..wasn't in the mood...."
You trail off on your words, shaking your head. "All I just mean to say is, i'm sorry. I didn't mean to lash out at you and I'd hate to see you blame yourself for it."
Firefly's gaze softened as she wrapped you in a hug, as you return the gesture. In the end, she nursed you back to good health and you owe her for that.
"But..why is it always when you disagree with her, Sam attacks? "
Oh well, you're too tired to think about it right now; and you'd like to avoid ANOTHER fight right now.
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flowery-laser-blasts · 2 months
I guess at one point he did feel bad about how he treat Drew but since he was his daughter’s arch foe he felt he couldn’t reestablish his friendship since. Maybe he might try to make amends once Kim decides he wasn’t her enemy anymore.
I'm not entirely sure if there was a friendship to begin with nor that James considered Kim at all in this regard. It's about him. James, like Drakken, has a big ego and he is both childish as competitive. The latter two don't have to be all that bad but it adds into the whole thing.
"Well, you know, Kimmie, back when I was in college, I had a group of friends, my posse, if you will."
In the context that James starts with, yes: Drew is part of the friend group, but what dynamic/hierarchy does this friend group have? Sadly, some 'friend groups' have a person that ends up being the butt of a joke or the errand boy and I feel like Drew fits this glove.
"In those days, I wasn't exactly a ladies man."
Yeah, okay and so James relied on someone else (Drew) to do it for him. Drew might've been the one to suggest getting them dates, but none of them thought to just... Idk, come with him? Or ask more???
"Hmph. What did you expect? He cannot even come through with a date for himself."
Oh shut the fuck up Ramesh, as if you could do any better. Sure you have a right to be disappointed, but if you didn't have faith in Drew then why go through with it and wait? You could've gone out of your way to secure your own date but no.
To me, this shows that ALL of them have (and always had) no expectations of Drew because none of them defends him. No one goes against Ramesh: "Oh don't be like that, it's nice that he suggested it" or "Maybe we should've all gone with him" OR ANYTHING; They all silently agree instead. What kind of friend group is that? Sure you might have your own insecurities but it's easier to blame it on someone else right?
"Drew dropped out and we never saw him again. I don't think he ever forgave us, and in some small way, maybe we never forgave ourselves."
"For just a giggle fit?"
"No, no, Kimmie. We laughed for days. Long and loud, with youthful abandon."
This, right here, makes my blood boil. The sudden change in James' tone of voice. He goes from regret and shame to telling Kim that he made fun of a guy for days while smiling and chuckling. Could this be a nervous response? Maybe, but if that were the case I would've expected it to be delivered differently. To me this sounds like James recalled the memory fondly. In the "boys will be boys" kind of vibe, yuck. I also think that there was way more going on prior to the Bebe situation but the Bebe situation is a personal attack for Drew and the final straw because he LOVES android type of robots (he perfected Bebe and the Synthodrones after all).
"Poor Drew. Maybe if we hadn't laughed at him back then, there would be one less mad scientist running around."
Way to go sounding 'wise' at the end there. You guys were still laughing at him WHILE TWO OF THE TREE WERE CAPTURED??? HELLO??? AM I MISSING SOMETHING? HOW DO YOU PINGPONG FROM TAUNTING THE MAN TO "Alas, sadly there's nothing we can do anymore. That wicked villain is beyond helping".
You can FUCKING APOLOGISE JAMES. Show, in front of your daughter, that you've LEARNED from your mistakes and that you ARE the better man. Drakken doesn't have to accept your apology, but at the very least it shows that you have changed and matured into a better version of yourself! Your two lapdog friends surely would follow you if you made the first step.
"Maybe we never forgave ourselves" Fucking BOO-HOO James. When in this entire series did this ever happen. He's NEVER shown to have actual regrets regarding Drakken. James is too prideful for that.
I believe that the only reasons he says that he regrets the Drew situation is to 1. Make himself look better in front of his daughter and 2. Make Kim feel like she has to give Ron, an actual friend, a chance. Otherwise she might actually feel bad.
Last but not least:
"My teenage daughter is not afraid of you. Why should I be, Drew?"
"I hate it when you call me that! I am not the man you knew in college, Possible."
"Still can't get a date, though, I bet."
James is captured and tied up. He's still pushing Drakken's buttons. Maybe this is how he responds when he's nervous? I doubt it. James, despite his situation, probably still feels like he has the upper hand and that his daughter will save him before anything happens. Good wins over bad, right? James never had any regrets because: Drakken being a villain (that keeps on failing and losing from his teenage daughter) confirms to James that Drew Lipsky was a bad person anyway and making fun of him therefore has been excused.
Maybe I'm biased and blame James way too hard because of my own bad experience with fake friends who treated me like trash and maybe I excuse Drew too easily, because I too was overly passionate about things and had a dire, almost desperate need to belong to a clique.
I can't tell you what the average guy friend groups are like, so maybe that plays a role as well. I only know one of them (all a bunch of nerds in different geeky fields) and they seem healthy.
But like, James is an adult. He can make adult decisions. That's all I got to add to it.
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THANK YOU @caramelcheesegay FOR COMING UP WITH 90% OF THESE, ILY<333
-“Can’t stun me if you can’t hit me! I’m a freakin’ blur, dipshit!”
-“I am ALWAYS gonna dodge that. When will you LEARN, man?”
-“Oh, oh, oh! I’m STUNNED at how bad you’re doin’!”
-“Don’t swing your puny stick at me, maggot! You come from fake America!!!”
-“Get off the battlefield and go play some hockey, weakling!”
-“Aye, I bet you thought it’d be easy ta kill me, didn’t’che? Well, iaarrghhnnn *snore*.”
-“You call tha’ a grenade?? Me blind Mum farts worse than that wee thing!” 
-“Don’ come a’ me in those ghoulish boots lad, I’ll blast ‘em right offa yer feet!” 
-“You’re just a little piece a’ sentry fodder now, aren’t’cha?”
-“You make for some real shitty target practice, son.”
-“Tell me ‘bout those stun grenades sometime, yeah?”
-“Ha! Leetle bug man is crushed. Like bug. Leetle bug. Feed you to Archimedes, Buggy.”
-“Small jumpy man- not Scout? There are two small jumpy men???”
-“You think loud noise and bright light are enough to take down Heavy??? I am killing you now!!”
-“Oohoo! Free organs! Young, too!”
-“Ach, that reminds me- I need to feed my birds.”
-“Ohhh, sorry little boy! Go play with your crayons, ja?”
-“Piss off, y’ jumpy git. Bloody grasshopper…”
-“Awh, get quicker next time, won’tcha?” 
-“Dead like a ‘roo on the side o’ the road!”
-“For someone named ‘The Rogue’, you are certainly a pack thinker.”
-“Oho! I am *stunned* by your lack of skill!”
-“Not so *Dexx*trous now, hm?”
-“No runnin’ in the halls, freshman!”
-“Bonk? More like thonk, eh? ‘Cause that’s the sound your hollow head makes when I hit ya!” 
-“Hah! Too slow!” 
-“Y'know, a 3" piece of rubber can do a lotta damage, Trench Monkey!”
-“Hah! Oh, I mean- I'm sooo soooorey aboot tha', Bud! (snicker)”
-“A cat on a sloped roof is braver than the entire U.S. Military, Booklicker!” 
-“Ack! Sorry, Firecracker!” 
-“Oh shit, I think I’m still on fire. Damn it, these were my favorite pants!” 
-“Hey we're, uh, still on for s'mores later... right?”
-“Pen's mightier than the sword, cyclops! Get it? 'Cause I'm an artist and you- yeah, nevermind”
-“Someone must have put a little sleepy sauce in your mickeys, bud, ‘cause you are NOT on top of it today!” 
-“Smile and wait for the flash!” 
-“Somebody order ten thousand pounds a’ dead weight? (Snort)” 
-“It’s really hard to miss your pressure points, y’know.” 
-“Move it, ya big lug! You’re in the way!” 
-“GRENAAAAAADE! I WIN! Ya proud of me, da-uhhh.. dude?” 
-“See ya round, Daaaeengie! I said Engie. Short for Engineer. That is you. You are- I’ll go.” 
-“Bam! And another one down, and another one down! ANOTHER ONE BITES THE BO STAFF!!” 
-“oohohoh, Maybe I can try some experiments on you this time!- Y'know, put your lessons to good use!”
-“Doc, you seriously gotta take care of your health. Damn hypocrite... (Mocking voice) 'Do az I say, not az I do!' my ass!”
-“Guess that's what happens when you don't follow your own advice, thanks for the hands-on lesson!”
-“There, away from the noise now! Just how you like it, Dee!”
-“You may wink at your opponents, but ya gotta take the shot as well, y'know! Can't charm 'em to death!”
-“I just... un-cozied your... camper. I'm having a bad day please be nice.”
-“Crisse de connard! -Aheh, not used to gettin' berated in your own language, eh?”
-“Va te faire foutre, merde de con!”
-“Bein Tabarnak, it feels good to turn the tables! Hah, deserved!”
Taunt ideas:
-Using the Bo-Staff as a microphone
-Using the bo-staff as a rifle(making fun of sniper)
-Juggling the stun grenades, almost dropping one and catching it in time before glancing around to see if anyone saw him and putting them away again
Strat (@emotionally-stressed-strategist):
-“How are you this bad? I’m dominating you with a PEN, Rogue, A PEN.” 
-“Rock, skull. Man down.” 
-“One less dot on the map- don’t come back, yeah?”
Arrow (@emotionally-dead-archer):
-"Hah! Gotcha! Oh, gotta love a little sibling rivalry, am I right?"
-“Bigger sibling? Not really.”
-“Hey! My aim is getting better! Thanks for the target practice!”
-“I’m done bein’ your wingman if you keep this up.”
-“That’s what happens when you steal my art supplies!”
-“How do you still not have ink poisoning? Dude, seriously.”
-“There! I make for a pretty good role model! You get to see my stuff first-hand!”
-“You're adopted. Sorry.”
-“I think it's almost bedtime, kiddo.”
Jet (@emotionally-broken-robot):
-"Hey, uh, does this count as Softwaregore?"
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Tumblr generated prompt number 5 was for a sequel to Plausible Deniability! Yep, I threw the sequel suggestions into the list for this round, and this wasn’t the only one that got chosen, hehe. There’s no real prompt for these, just me continuing a ficlet. Anyway, now y’all get to find out why I decided to make Gregory fifteen! 
This is a long one, at about 1,400 words. I’m not making it an ao3 one-shot, though. Also. I’m not going to lie. Jason Todd influenced how I wrote Gregory in this AU. Sooo… warnings for a teenager casually talking about murder and committing it (offscreen). 
(title’s a play on “Murder, She Wrote”)
Murder, He Chose
Look. There was no beating around the bush. Gregory had killed before. Like, actual real people. It was a conscious decision he made—twice, going on three times now. He’d only been fourteen the first time, when it was kill or be killed in that dead-end alleyway. Kill or be killed or let the lost little six-year-old be killed. Or worse.
It was kinda a no-brainer. 
Even before that, though, Gregory had developed a bit of a reputation. For violence, that is. He’d been on the streets since he was twelve, when he decided nothing could be worse than staying at home. In some ways, he’d been right. 
But the point was that Gregory had a territory, and he had his people, and even though he was a teenager, he protected both. And they trusted him to protect him. His chosen city blocks had the most young runaways and family units. They knew they’d be safe from the real monsters so long as him and his lead pipe were around.
Vanessa and her sneaky generosity were a huge help for the community, so to say he’d been pissed when he got word that two homeless kids had been killed one night? Understatement. And it happened the next two nights, even though his people got the message to stay away for the time being. 
He liked to consider Vanessa a friend, or at least an ally. Knowing she might have turned on them? It hurt. It wouldn’t stop him from stopping her, but he would’ve been sad about it. 
But it wasn’t her. The reports of a strong, energetic bunny-costumed murderer did not match up with the Vanessa he found in her bed, looking like death warmed over. 
Gregory went to the pizzaplex that next night with one goal: stop the killer. And yeah, considering he didn’t really trust the justice system, and especially not when the victims were a bunch of homeless people, that meant a permanent, “taking matters into his own hands” sort of stopping. 
• • •
“Come out, come out, wherever you are,” Gregory called, dragging his lead pipe along the tiles. “I thought you wanted to play!” 
A STAFF bot swerved toward him, and he gave it a gentle tap to its fragile neck. Okay, less gentle tap, more hitting a home run. 
The commotion drew the attention of the nearest animatronic, Roxy. She prowled into the large hall, expression vacant—the sort of thing you’d expect from a robot, if Gregory hadn’t known better. 
Roxy circled him at a distance. One of her arms had a pretty significant dent in it. Looked like old dogs could learn new tricks. All the bots had been learning things tonight. None of them attacked him mindlessly anymore, not now that they knew better. 
“Think if I hit you hard enough, whatever’s wrong in your head will get shaken loose?” he mused. 
Her head twitched, but she didn’t respond to the taunt. He felt a little bad about the damage he’d caused to the animatronics, since it seemed to him that they were just someone else’s cannon fodder. 
He genuinely hoped they were able to repair Moon. Gregory had been swinging for the heavy-duty ones, not thinking to account for how stick-thin the DAs were. The same hits that only slowed the band down had snapped something in Moon. Something that meant he hadn’t gotten back up.
“Do you and your friends a favor, Roxy,” Gregory said. He kept walking, inexorable in his quest to find the big bad bunny, but that didn’t mean he let the big bad wolf out of sight. He was confident, not stupid. “Tell me where the killer is, and you won’t all be laid up in maintenance for a month.” 
She twitched again, and the glow of her eyes flickered. Roxy stopped skulking around him. Her voice box glitched. 
He was watching an internal battle take place, he realized. She was fighting whatever was making them accomplices to the bunny’s bloody crusade. 
There wasn’t much he could do to help, but he figured a little encouragement never hurt anyone. “C’mon, Roxy, you can do it,” Gregory said. “I know you can win this.” 
Her tail perked up the slightest bit, and it seemed to be the push she needed. “Head on over to the stage, kiddo! The show’s going to start soon!” 
It was similar to Chica’s falsely peppy lines about his parents looking for him, but maybe that scripted stuff was all she was able to slip past her programming. “Message received,” he muttered to himself with a slow grin. He took off in the direction of the enormous atrium. 
Roxy didn’t chase him. 
• • • 
The bunny definitely hadn’t been prepared for one of their victims to fight back. They were on the uppermost mezzanine, fiddling with something in the control booth. They drew a knife as soon as they noticed him, but the costume did nothing to hide the way their hand trembled faintly. 
“We doing this the easy way or the hard way?” Gregory asked, settling into a solid grip on his pipe. 
A hysterical, glitchy giggle burst out of the bunny. “You’re a lively one, yes. You’ll surely feed my master well.” 
They lunged at him before he could even try to find a good response for that. Gregory jabbed forward, forcing them to maintain distance, and then he started swinging wildly, never fully pulling back to wind up. He’d found that this crazy, unpredictable waving of his pipe made for a difficult attack to block or evade. These types of hits didn’t pack a punch the way a good over-the-shoulder swing did, but that didn’t mean they didn’t hurt at all. 
The bunny grunted every time it smacked into them, all the while forcing them back. That knife was looking pretty useless. Gregory snickered to himself. 
Either their impatience or their anger got the better of them because they suddenly tried to shove past his defenses. To their credit, it worked. Less to their credit, they seemed to have forgotten that a pipe was not Gregory’s only defense. 
He skittered backwards at an angle, leaned his weight on his back foot, and sent the outer edge of his other boot straight out into their left kneecap. They stumbled with a shriek, allowing Gregory to readjust his balance and do it again, harder. A sickly snap-crack sent the bunny collapsing. 
And what’d’ya know? Slumping over like that put the bunny’s head right at optimal swinging height. 
• • • 
Officially, the morning crew found clear signs of a break-in and phoned the police, who then found clear signs that someone had been luring homeless folks into the basement to butcher them. They also found the culprit, with a viciously shattered kneecap, bruised ribs, and fractured skull. But it was blood-loss that did them in. Stabbed three times by their own knife; the killer didn’t stand a chance.
Officially, the killer’s last attempted victim, presumably another member of the homeless community, fought back and escaped. There wasn’t enough evidence to find the individual, not with the virus the killer introduced into the pizzaplex, messing with the cameras and animatronics. No one spoke up or came forward; none of the local hospitals or clinics received a patient that night with the speculated injuries of a murder attempt.
Officially, the night guard was quickly declared innocent on account of being off work with the flu. Her apartment building’s security cameras confirmed she hadn’t left on any of the three nights, or at all for that full week. She shrugged over why homeless people might have been in the pizzaplex to begin with, suggesting that they’d realized the night guard wasn’t there and had taken advantage. Good thing she was back on the job.
Unofficially, Gregory didn’t lose any sleep over his actions that night. Vanessa never mentioned his visit to her apartment, and he wasn’t sure if that was because she was holding on to her plausible deniability or because she genuinely didn’t remember it. 
Unofficially, the next time Gregory stopped by the pizzaplex, the animatronics all thanked him, either in words or with food or warm clothes. Even Moon, who hadn’t been damaged beyond repair, thank goodness, and who held no hard feelings. 
Unofficially, Gregory’s kill count was up to three. And he didn’t regret a single one. 
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Shoulder Buddies: Introduction pt. 2
TW relationship drama and discussion of sex.
Natalie (She/her)
Disclaimer (doubles as the master post)
“Really this is how we're starting our morning, again?” grumbled someone right in my ear.
“Good morning to you too, Lute.” I muttered.
“Jill’s door is closed, at least.” Charlie said from my other shoulder.
“At least if Crowley got ‘im, we wouldn’t keep having to chase the furry attention whore around all the time.” Lute grumbled
How is this my angel? I wondered, although I too was tired of chasing Peep around, but feeding him to my ex’s ball python seemed more than a little extreme.
“Seriously? Fuck you, Lute!” Charlie shouted at her, her horns showing up for half a second. Apparently she was a little on edge this morning. I made a mental note to check on her when I had a moment.
 “Enough you two.” I scolded, kneeling  down and looking under the couch.
I could see Tracey’s lavender hair almost directly across from me on the other side of the couch.
Man, is it dirty under here. Who’s turn is it to vacuu- or right, mine. It took me a minute to find him. It didn’t help that he kinda blended in, with his white back half almost looking like the dust bunnies, I needed to vacuum up, and his black front half blending in with the shadow. But I finally found the rascal. I thought that might just be able to reach his long pink tail. I made a grab for it.
He ran out from under the couch, and into my room.
“Dang it.” I shouted.
Charlie and Lute both made similar, although more colorful, exclamations.
“Gosh fucking dang it. You stupid rat.” Tracey practically growled, as they stood up.
We had just made it to the door when my pure cat, Azi, came out carrying a squirming Peep in her mouth like he was a naughty kitten, which I think is what she thinks he is. She padded over to Tracey, gave them a very unimpressed look, and dropped Peep at their feet.
Trace scooped up their rat up before he had a chance to run again. “Bad rat. Very, very naughty. You’re gonna give Mommy a heart attack. You know that? Gorrammit, you dumb ass rat.” Tracey chastised him, all the way back to their room.
Azi rubbed up against my legs, meowing.
I squatted down and pet her. “You're a good girl, aren't you? Such a good girl.”
“A very good girl.” Charlie agreed, jumping on Azi’s head and scratching her behind the ears. Charlie’s red suit made Azi’s already bright white fur, somehow, seem even whiter.
She purred as we pet her.
A moment later I stood up,  “Time for breakfast, Azi Razzi.” She padded behind me as I walked to the kitchen. Charlie, rode on Azi’s head. I pulled the cat food out of the cupboard under the sink, poured some in Azi’s bowl, and then finally set it on the pet food mat, next to the refrigerator. I checked to make sure the water bowl was still sufficiently full. It was. Then I washed my hands and got back to making breakfast for us humans.
“Charlie, are you doing okay?” I asked my demon, who was standing on Azi’s back, knee deep in white fur.
Charlie laughed in a very not okay way. “Not really.”
“No shit.” Lute said.
“Lute,” I said, “Shut up.”
“Charlie, what going on?”
“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it. It’ll be fine.”
“It’s no big deal. Just a little blip. It’ll be fine.”
“Sure it will.” Lute taunted. “Her girlfriend lied to her.” Lute whispered.
Charlie is dating Robin’s shoulder angel Vaggie.
“Fuck you, Lute!” Charlie’s horns came out again.
“Okay, okay.” I interrupted, “Lute, she’s right, this doesn’t concern you.” I turned to Charlie, “Do you wanna talk?”
“Not yet.”
“Fair enough.” I poured the first pancake on the skillet.
Tracey, now dressed in their work uniform, a red and blue striped shirt and jeans, came back out of their room right about then. Emily had gotten her feathers in order too.
I heard Jill’s alarm go off.
I finished pouring the first batch. “Trace can you get the syrup and such on the table?” I have four skillets I use. The two big ones can fit two, or sometimes three pancakes, the others can fit one (I usually make about 3 batches).
“Sure.” Tracey answered
Charlie was quiet.
Emily suddenly appeared on my shoulder and gave Charlie a hug.
About midway through the second batch, I heard Jill’s door open.
“Morning, Jill.” I said, glancing up.
Stu, Jill’s mobility dog, was opening zier door.
Jill followed him, using zier crutches. “Morning, Nat.”
“Steph, still here?”
Jill’s face went red as a strawberry, as did the face of zier angel, Sir Pentious. “You heard us?”
I saw Sir Pentious pull his hat down over his face.
“We both did. ” Tracey said.
Jill’s face went an even deeper red.
“I think the whole apartment complex did.” Lute muttered
I could sugge-” I heard Fizz start to say, right before Emily suddenly appeared behind him and clamped her hands over his mouth.
Jill didn't hear them.  Jill can only see and hear zier own shoulder buddies, which is more than most people can do. It’s kinda sad really.
But Sir Pentious heard Fizz and Lute. He flared his hood for a second, then coiled up so tight he was almost a perfect sphere.
Jill’s shoulder devil, Cherri Bomb, rolled her eyes, “Whatever, loser,” she said giving me an exasperated look. “Though I don't see how you think you can judge, as I recall you're not exactly quiet yourself.
 My face suddenly felt very hot.
Jill’s face went even redder.
Tracey turned and walked quickly back to their room. Smart choice.
I turned my focus back on breakfast, “You could’ve invited her to stay for breakfast.” I said, “After all you’re dating not hooking up.”
“Nat!” Charlie exclaimed.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Lute smirking.
“You just said you were mad I had her over.”
“First off, I did not say that.”
“You kinda did.” Lute snorted.
I ignored her, “I just said I could hear you.  Secondly, I’m still friends with both your dumb asses and, we‘ve been over this before, I don’t care that you’re dating, Steph. However, I don’t know many people who want to hear other people’s… activities, and I’ve dated, and slept, with you both, so it’s doubly awkward.” I flipped the pancakes.
“Prude.” Cherri scoffed.
“How am I being a prude?” I practically shouted back.
Jill jumped and zier blue eye’s got big. Ze knows I can see zier buddies, but I’m not usually this open about it with zier, because ze finds it a bit off putting.
“I am not into voyeurism, Cherri.” I continued, “And I don’t think not wanting to hear my exes bang each other is unreasonable.”
“We’ll try to be quieter going forward.”
“Thank you. That's all I'm asking.”
Cherri rolled her eyes and flipped me off.
Lute returned the gesture.
Charlie looked like she wanted to die, which was kinda how I felt too.
Their was an awkward silence, as Jill came into the kitchen and fed Stu.
“I’ll tell Tracey it's safe to come out now.” Using zier crutches Jill went over and knocked on Tracey’s door. “Coast is clear.” Ze joked, laughing awkwardly.
Part 1
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gay-hoodie-boy · 10 months
Slow days were a given at Mystic Jewels. It wasn't very often someone needed to buy jewelry, especially at prices as high as Echo's mother demanded they be set. Thus, just as always, Echo was half-asleep at the shop counter just past closing, unable to find the energy to lock up. He could at least get away with it since his mother was out of town for once.
It wasn't like anything bad could happen anyway. Inazuma was a mostly friendly community, and Echo's life was dull outside of everything involving a particular oni. Even then, it was him who got and caused all the excitement, not Echo.
Light footsteps snapped him out of his droning of thoughts. "Sorry, we're closed," Echo stated quietly, forcing himself to sit upright.
The trio of masked strangers remained quiet for a moment, their faces impossible to see against the shadows from the lamplight cast behind them.
"Quite risky, to keep your store open after sunset," one commented. "Are you armed?"
"No," Echo responded thoughtlessly, "but I don't normally get visitors at this time anyway."
The unmistakeable sound of a screen door snapping shut woke Echo from his daze, and his voice caught in his throat when he felt the cold steel tip of a sword pressed up to his chest.
"Keep quiet, and we may let you live." The bandit's tone was so cold that it shook Echo to his core.
Just his luck to get robbed on a night like this.
"If we like you maybe you can come with us," another called in a disgustingly sultry tone, making their cohorts laugh.
Echo could only watch helplessly as the other two began pilfering through the shelves and displays, taking whatever they could get their hands on and shoving it into their bags. His livelihood being lost to a bunch of thieves, where would he replace all the materials? What would become of the store's income? What would his mother think? Certainly nothing good or sympathetic, if he would even live through the night to see that...
BAM! Splintered wood shot through the air, and all three thieves turned to face the door.
"HEY! I'm giving you all to the count of three to explain what the heck is goin' on here, or else I'll BASH YOUR SKULLS IN."
Tears of relief fell from Echo's eyes at the sound of Itto's voice.
"Who the hell're you to order us around?" One of the thieves responded, brandishing his sword while the others followed suit.
"Ohhh, you guys must be new here." Itto swung his club over his shoulder, his free arm on his hip. "Gentlemen, I am the big bad monster everyone is so afraid of, the crimson oni Arataki Itto. And this store? It's MY turf. If you don't wanna tussle with me, I suggest you drop everything and scram."
One of the thieves scoffed. "Rookie." And suddenly they lunged forward at Itto, quick as lightning.
Itto countered just as fast. He dodged the blade and lowered his club to trip the oncoming attack, but was taken off-guard by the second thief. They managed to punch him in the face, causing him to stumble, but he grappled the other, lifted them, and tossed them right into the first.
He ran a fist over his mouth to wipe it off, leaning casually on his club. "Aw, c'mon, that all ya got?" he taunted, his smirk accented by the blood smeared on his lip.
Itto's contagious confidence soothed Echo's fear, and he found himself swooning a little. He caught himself and tried to move, only to have a sword at his throat again.
"Don't move," the bandit growled, then called back to Itto. "Back off or the pretty boy gets it."
The expression that flashed onto Itto's face then was one of the most terrifying things Echo had ever seen. Sheer fury burned in his ruby eyes, his body tensed and sharp teeth gritted with rage. In an animalistic growl, he spoke.
"You just made the stupidest mistake of your life."
With a mighty shout, Itto picked up his club and swung it full force at the thief. They went flying through the broken door and out onto the street, where the previously fallen other two were attempting to escape. One managed to scramble away, but Itto grabbed the other by their collar and drew them close.
"You tell whoever the hell sent ya that if you EVER threaten my gang again, you'll regret the day you crossed Arataki Itto." And then he tossed the final bandit out, where the city guard had already gathered.
Echo was frozen stiff at his counter, trying to register everything that had just happened. He made eye contact with Itto just as the oni turned around, and watched as his whole demeanor immediately softened. "You okay. Echo? Are you hurt?"
It took him a moment, but Echo managed to shake his head no to both questions. The oni put away his club and immediately rushed over to Echo, proceeding to sweep the jeweller up into his strong arms without a moment's hesitation.
Finally in the safety of Itto's embrace, Echo clung to him, burying his face into Itto's shoulder and breathing in his scent. "Oh- oh, Itto... Thank you...!" With a trembling voice, he expressed his relief and gratitude over and over.
Itto only tightened his grip and shushed him gently. "You don't gotta thank me for this. It's okay, I'm here. You're safe now."
Trying and failing to calm down, Echo tried to make a request. "Can- c-can I stay at the hideout with you and the gang, I-"
"Hang on. Bad idea to leave this place unattended," Itto interrupted. "How 'bout I stay with you here at the shop instead? That way I can keep both the shop and the love of my life safe and protected."
Echo laughed weakly, gazing up at Itto in admiration. "Yeah, that- that's probably smart."
"YES! I get you aaaaall to myself," Itto teased with a laugh, which Echo reciprocated.
"Well, I guess a big hero like you deserves a reward, huh?"
The oni smiled warmly and leaned down to place a gentle kiss on Echo's lips. "Guess I do. Good thing you're the greatest reward I could ever hope to get."
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glacierruler · 2 years
@teal-ninja2846 here's your gift for the @sanderssidesgiftxchange I hope you like it!
And a big thank you to @sandersarefamily for being my beta reader.
The Cabin in the Woods
CWs: gore, spiders,
wordcount: 4743
Summary: Virgil, Remus, and Janus live in a run down cabin in the woods. While gathering wood for the fireplace, they decide to split up, and Remus is attacked and hurt. Roman finds him, and brings him to the light sides residence. That's when Roman demands answers from the other two dark sides, and Virgil tells him about the cabin.
It was cozy and warm. He really didn’t want to leave. Especially not back to that rickety old house, the shadows were cold. He was lucky if the stove worked, and if the house didn’t lose more pieces throughout the day, but the beds were the worst. They had springs shoving out, in every which way, the mattresses looked like they were put together with nothing but rags, and there was no way to clean them without breaking the bed more. But they aren’t as bad as the moldy floor. None of his spider friends liked it there anyway. Neither did Remus, which would’ve been slightly surprising to someone who didn’t know Remus as well as he did. So yeah, Virgil really really didn’t want to go to that house. The house all the way out in the imagination, especially not after Roman got him the best hot chocolate. That would just dampen his mood more. And he really didn’t need that. Although, he was dampening his mood just thinking about it. Shaking his head to clear his mind, Virgil looked up at the sounds of footsteps. Patton had just come into the room. “Hey kiddo, just wanted to check in. Also it’s getting pretty dark out, do you want to stay the night in the guest room?” 
“Sure, just let me tell the others that I’ll be here.” With some hard concentration, Virgil links up to the neurons in Thomas’s brain, and goes down one specific path that’s sure to reach Janus. It takes a minute for the link to open, but as soon as it does he hears a voice in his head.
‘What on earth could you want this time? Before you ask, I’m not patching up the hole in your room, you can do it yourself, if you find the boards for it. The ones in the living room are for the fireplace, so that this Imagination winter chill doesn’t freeze us to death.’ 
‘Janus, I’m just here to tell you I’m staying the night in the mind palace again.’
‘Oh, alright, just make sure that you’re here tomorrow, we’re foraging for more wood again. And I need you to make sure that the giant spiders don’t eat us, like they tried last time you weren't here.’
‘Alright. I’ll be there, bye Janus.’
‘Bye Virgil.’
“So I’ve got to leave early tomorrow, for something that I promised the others I’d help with, but yeah, thanks for letting me sleep here tonight.” 
“Of course kiddo, just be careful on your way back. I don’t want you getting hurt in the imagination, those injuries take twice as long to heal from.”
“Alright Patton, I’ll be safe.” With that, Virgil yawns, tired and full from the hot coco in his system. Patton nods, heading up the stairs to go to bed. Virgil had only started getting up when Roman came down the stairs. 
“You going to bed already, stormy weather? I thought you’d stay up all night scrolling through that one website you like.” Roman stated, clearly taunting Virgil.
“Well unlike you, Romano, some of us have important things to do in the morning.” Immediately regretting what he said, Virgil started to backtrack, having only meant to go along with the teasing, and not actually hurting Roman. Clearly not having succeeded by the look on Roman’s face. “Ah, sorry, that wasn’t what I meant.”
“Then what did you mean, emo?” Understandably upset, there was a bite to his voice.
“Fu-uuudge,” Virgil quickly corrects himself, as he glances at Patton who’s still in the room, before starting to awkwardly ramble again. “I should’ve thought out my words before saying them, but what I meant to say was that I’ve got things to do that I need to be even more awake for, not that you don’t have things you need to be awake for, just-”
“Just stop. It’s… whatever at this point.” Roman sighs, as he turns around and slowly walks back up to his room. Not getting whatever it is he came down to get at this point. Virgil looks down at his fingers, and starts picking at his fingernails. 
“ I should’ve just said something about him and his need for beauty sleep,” Virgil grumbles to himself, upset that he’d said something so hurtful to someone he cared about. He looks up as he hears Patton sigh.
“Well kiddo, yeah, you shouldn’t have said what you did, but you didn’t mean it. And you tried to apologize, so it would probably be best if you just gave him time. And maybe a gift.”
“Yeah, that makes sense. I think I’m just going to head to bed now if that’s alright,” Virgil states, getting up carefully -to make sure he doesn’t spill the small bit of hot cocoa in his mug- and starting to head to the kitchen.
“Alright kiddo, I should head to bed soon too, don’t want to accidentally sleep through breakfast again!” With that Patton headed up the stairs and to his room. Leaving Virgil alone with his thoughts in the kitchen. Berating himself even more, Virgil heads up to the guest room.
As he gets comfortable, he thinks about the day that just happened. Overall it was good, he didn’t get hurt in the imagination surprisingly, he got to the ‘light sides’ house safely. Why do they call themselves the light sides? It’s not because they’re good and the ‘dark sides’ are bad, because all three of the ‘dark sides’ are proof that it’s not that. Maybe because of the darker aesthetic of them? That makes sense, but is it correct? Maybe, Virgil would have to ask them to be sure. But that would never happen, too much stress is put into it. While quieting his thoughts, he was lulled into a deep sleep. From the warmth of the bedroom, to the quietness going throughout. That, while usually would spur his anxious thoughts, with the hot chocolate from earlier, it just aided him in getting to sleep.
The next morning he woke up to Janus tugging at the neuron that connects to him. ‘GET UP!!! Do you know how annoying it is to wake you up in the mornings? You were supposed to be here an hour ago! We’re losing time to get logs, at this point we won’t have enough timber to get through the winter!’
‘A. I thought I was supposed to be the anxious one. B. We’ll have enough wood to keep a fire going through the winter. C. I’ll be there in a few minutes. You know, we could just ask to stay in the mind palace. It would make everything way easier. None of them would have to know.’
‘No. Too many questions. Just get over here, and Virgil, how many times do I have to tell you? The less they know the better.’
‘Got it. I will see you when I get there.’
Virgil got up and stretched, immediately feeling pain. He had forgotten to unbind his spider legs, that he was hiding from the others. They were purple with black specks all over them and smooth and currently very very sore. He’d just have to unbind them while he was out looking for logs in the imagination. And he should probably get going soon. It’s a good thing he slept in his clothes.
As Virgil rushed towards the area of the woods that would have the most logs, he tripped. Over what looked like Remus’s limp body. “Remus! REMUS!” He shakes Remus, worried that his friend is dead, somehow. 
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Remus starts cackling. “I got you good, didn’t I?!”
“Oh shut up! That wasn’t funny!” Virgil all but screams at him, tears brimming in his eyes. He gets up and storms off, only to double over in pain. He’d forgotten to unbind his legs. After taking off his shirt, he takes off the piece of cloth that’s currently squishing his legs.
“That’s not good for you, you know. We don’t want them to squeeze hard enough that they go pop again. That took forever to heal.”
“You know what’s also not good for me? FRIENDS WHO PRETEND TO DIE ON ME FOR KICKS!!!”
That shut Remus up for a second. “You’re right, I’m sorry.” His voice sounded small. Meaning that he meant it.
Virgil breathes in and out for a minute. “Look, whatever, just don’t do it again. And tell me where J is and you’re forgiven.” 
“He’s about three miles east of here.”
“Good.” With that, Virgil picks Remus up off the snowy floor, by his green tentacles, and drags him along. After a few hours, they found Janus gathering wood, and joined him.
“Took you long enough. Now let’s get to work.” Janus stated, clearly annoyed that it took them so long to get there.
“Are you sure you’re going to be strong enough to pick up with that many layers on?” Virgil said, clearly taking a jab at Janus. He got a log thrown at him for that. “Ow, okay okay!” With that they got to gathering enough wood for fire throughout the winter.
“It’s gonna snow soon.” Remus stated, as he had a good sense of the weather in the imagination.
“How soon?” Janus asked, eyes darkening.
“Within the next few days, maybe as soon as tomorrow, but today should be okay.” 
“Well, we need to gather all the firewood we need today. After that, we can gather wood, but if it’s soggy, we’ll need to dry it over the fire. Also no hoarding any wood, if your room is too cold, sleep in the living room. We can work on the floor in there tomorrow.” Both Virgil and Remus nod in agreement. Remembering the last time they didn’t have a fire throughout the winter. It wasn’t pretty.
“Let’s split up, we can gather more wood that way.” Virgil said, a little nervous about leaving his friends alone, but they can take care of themselves.
“Sounds like a plan, whoever has the most mangled limbs and logs wins!” Remus shouted, running off.
“You’d better come back in one piece! We don’t have the medical supplies to patch you up again!” Janus shouted after him. With that they all split up. While Virgil and Janus were mostly safe while collecting firewood, Remus wasn’t.
Remus and all of his octopus limbs had gone into the worst part of the imagination. The part of the imagination that he and Roman fought together in to keep at bay. But they also both went in it alone to prove themselves to the others. Well, they had just defeated the giant flubergrouch the other day. A flubergrouch is a mix of fears and creativity, making a strong blobby creature that takes a different shape each time. Anyways, they had just defeated the giant flubergrouch, so it should be safe, right? What could there possibly be to worry about? Well he was collecting wood when it attacked. A snapperbladdle got him, snapperbladdle’s being these kitten-like creatures, who like to eat your organs. While it won’t kill a side, it sure can do some damage. Remus turned around as he heard a noise, not quite realizing the danger he was in. As he saw the snapperbladdle, he turned and tried to block it with the wood he had in his hands, using his tentacles to find something on the floor to fight back with. But it was too late, it tore open Remus’s stomach and started pulling his guts out. The creative side was writhing in pain, screaming out for anyone to come save him. 
The snapperbladdle was feasting on the organs inside of Remus, as Remus kept writhing and screaming for help. As he was screaming, he started to lose his voice, and his consciousness. Remus blacked out because of the pain he was in.Thankfully there was someone who heard him, Roman. Roman who was also adventuring the most dangerous part of the imagination by himself. Slaying foes for fun.
Roman found him within ten minutes. Roman quickly cut the creature’s head off, picked Remus up, and ran back to the mind palace. “Come on, come on, come on, how could you go there alone, that was so reckless, what if this really messed you up. There’s a reason we’re only supposed to go in there together!” As he bursts inside the door he uses the neurons that connect to Virgil and Janus. ‘Come to the mind palace now, I need explanations!’ With that he cut the connection, and got inside the mind palace. “PATTON, I NEED YOU NOW!!!”
Rushing down the stairs, and almost tripping over himself, Patton shouted back, “What do you need kiddo!”
“Medical supplies!” Roman all but screamed. Patton raced over to the kitchen, grabbing the first aid kit that held more than just the first aid, and back to Roman.
“Oh no, kiddo, what happened to him?” Patton was applying first aid, and got the morphine and stitches out. “We’re going to need Logan to inject the bag of morphine into his arm, so give me a minute.”
“No need Patton, I started walking over here when Roman shouted your name. Now I understand you need assistance with the morphine, correct?”
“YES! Less talking, more injecting the meds so my brother doesn’t die!”
Logan walks over to where Remus is lying. “Your brother won’t die, it’s impossible for the sides to die in the imagination. I believe we can only die when our host dies.” As he says this, Virgil and Janus walk through the door, bundles of wood in their arms. They hadn’t had a chance to stop at their house before they got the message from Roman.
“What’s going on, what’s happening,” Virgil asks, starting to panic. It was his fault wasn’t it, he had suggested to split the group up. Sure nothing usually happens, but he should’ve known that Remus couldn’t stay out of trouble. What if he dies? Thankfully Roman grabs both of them and brings them to another room.
“Okay, I have a few questions that need answers now.” Roman growls out, clearly not in the best mood after finding his brother almost eaten to death. “1. Why was he in the most dangerous part of the imagination,” Roman gestures towards Remus, “2. What do you need all that wood for? 3. Why do you have spider legs and eyes Virgil?”
“Well Roman, I can answer all 3 of those questions for you,” Janus drawls out. “1. We don’t know what your brother was doing in the most dangerous part of the imagination. 2. None of your business. And 3. None. Of. Your. Business.” Emphasizing the last bit.
“No, I don’t want an answer from you, snake, I want an answer from Virgil.” Roman spits out the word snake like venom.
Before anything else could happen, Janus violently tugged on the neuron connecting to Virgil, giving Virgil a headache. ‘Don’t you dare tell him anything.’
‘Why not? They’re going to find out sooner or later, you didn’t take up my offer to ask to live with them. I’m sick of needing to gather firewood every winter to keep warm, and what’s the worst that can happen.’
‘I swear to Zeus, if you do that, I will-’
‘You will what? There’s nothing you can do to me, and I am so sick and tired of living in that pathetic excuse for a shack.’ Without another thought, Virgil closes the neuron link that he and Janus were communicating with, before turning to Roman. “Alright, so here are the answers to those questions you asked. 1. Like Janus said, we don’t know what he was doing there. We all split up to gather logs. 2. We need logs because we live in the worst shed in the imagination possible, and we need fire to keep us warm through the winter. 3. I was kind of just made with spider parts, so I don’t really know.” Roman huffed at the info, not completely focused on listening. He turns and goes back to his brother, Remus being the most important person in the room right now. It takes a few minutes, but Remus does wake up.
“How de grugglysplid did I geh here? Coulda sworn I wah lun munch for a snapperbladdle jus a few mints ago.” Remus exclaims, slurring his words a bit from just waking up, the snapperbladdle attack, and the lightheadedness he felt from being on morphine.
“Yeah, you were, until I saved you. WHAT ON EARTH WERE YOU DOING ALONE IN THERE!!!” Roman screamed at him, worry and anger clear in his voice. As he said that he reached to shake his brother, thankfully being stopped by Logan.
“Needs woohs.” Remus managed to mumble before passing out again.
“Ah, he should be waking up again in five to ten hours, he did have quite an ordeal. But why would he need wood? Can’t he just summon some?” Logan stated, very much confused as to what was happening. 
“The only wood he can summon is toxic to the lungs if you burn it, and we needed firewood.” Virgil clarified, feeling as though he’s about to be questioned again. 
“It’s because you live in that sorry excuse for a house, isn’t it?” Roman said, remembering what Virgil said earlier. “Why didn’t you just ask to live with us? You know we would be fine with it, right? I mean, we let you stay over all the time.”
Before Virgil can answer Patton cuts him off, “KIDDO WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME YOU HAD HORRIBLE LIVING CONDITIONS!!!! How did we not know?! You come over here all the time, we should’ve suspected something was up!”
“It’s fine Patton, we didn’t really want you to know.” Virgil tries to calm him down, feeling bad for admitting anything to Roman.
“No, it’s not fine. You guys should have a grand place to live, somewhere amazing and wonderful, somewhere that feels like the comfort of a palace. Somewhere that feels like floating on clouds, like a paradise. Not some drab little hut in the middle of a forest. I know, you can live here!” Roman exclaims, getting excited at the idea of his last statement. Imagining all of them living together, in the same house. It would be great, so many more people for movie night. Sure, he had problems with 2 out of 3 of them on a good day, but he could put that aside for movie nights.
“Ooh, that’s a great idea kiddo!”
“Despite the many factual inaccuracies in Roman’s statement, you three living with us sounds like an overall excellent proposal,” Logan states, concerned for the three ‘dark’ sides in the living room. “Especially if your current residence is as uninhabitable as Roman is making it seem.”
“No, we’d prefer to have our own place. Separate from you, in order to avoid any major disagreements,” Janus respectfully declines, not wanting to be dependent on the other sides.
“We can’t let you go back to where you were living before, especially not if it’s as dreadful as it seems? Wait, we never really got a description of the place, could you please tell us. If it’s not that bad, and just a few holes here and there, I suppose that in the summertime I’d feel fine with you kiddos patching it up, and living there. But I don’t want you all to freeze to death this winter because of a broken hut!”
“Patton, they wouldn’t freeze to death, however you do have a point. It would be irresponsible to let you continue to try and patch up your home, especially during the winter time and without another place to inhabit while you’re doing so,” Logan expands upon Patton’s point, his eyes showing concern.
Virgil opens his mouth to say something, but is cut off again. This time by Janus. “While that is a nice sentiment and all, we are doing just fine on our own. And not to worry, it’s not that bad.”
“Riiiight, because moldy floors are safe to walk on, and are generally encouraged,” Virgil sarcastically says, having only said that to get on Janus’s nerves. Purposefully not paying attention to the shocked looks on the faces of the other sides in the room. “Anyways, Janus is right, we can deal with this ourselves, we don’t need any help. It’s annoying, sure, but we can deal.”
“Kiddo, that doesn’t sound safe.”
“I agree with Patton, it sounds horrendous. Why would you want to live there and not with us, in our grand palace of a home.” Roman says, absolutely baffled as to why someone would prefer to live in a moldy hut, rather than an elegant castle.
“Moldy floors could cause a multitude of health problems. It’s not safe for you to go back there. While this place isn’t a palace, like Roman seems to think it is, it is an overall secure place for you to live.” 
“No, we want our own space, plus it’s not unsalvageable.” Janus was quick to argue, not wanting to give up the small shack that he’s come to call home. Virgil on the other hand was debating on living with the light sides, after all he is over all the time anyways. In the end, he agreed with Janus. 
“The snake’s right, we need our own space, away from you guys. Not that you guys aren’t great, but if it’s our own space, we can do what we normally do without stepping on any toes.” As Virgil finishes saying that, Remus’s eyes open, and he’s finally awake. 
“Well snigliprop, what happened?” His words are surprisingly clear for someone who just woke up from immense pain and currently being injected with morphine. Everyone’s a little bit stunned to see him up so soon. 
“BROTHER!!!!!” Roman screams, tackling him. Having been absolutely worried for him. 
“If you’re going to kill me, at least make it gory!” 
“You mean like the snapperbladdle tried to do?”
“Yes, at least my guts would be going everywhere!” As both brothers go back and forth, everyone else breathes a sigh of relief. None of them believed Remus could die, or any of the sides for that matter, but it still scared them.
“Ah, there is something of importance that we should discuss with you too Remus. Why is it that you all want to live in a practically uninhabitable hut?” Logan asks, not entirely sure what else to say in the moment. And this was a matter of importance, so the question is fine.
“Oh, that’s easy peasy lemon queasy, Lolo! There’s just something charming about sleeping on moss! Also we want space to scream our hearts out, literally!” Remus smiles his chaotic grin, the other sides seeing a face full of fangs. 
“Then I propose a solution to this problem, we assist with the renovations of your place, and while doing so we have a campout in the woods!” Roman practically screamed, excited at the idea. No one wanted to shoot the idea down with the stars in Roman’s eyes. He was just glowing at the idea.
“Sure Princey, sounds like a great idea.”
“I suppossse, I shall agree with thisss idea, if it gets you off our backsss.” Janus was slightly elongating some of the s sounds, for dramatic effect.
“Oooh, we can all get tetanus!” Patton grimaced at Remus’s words, but nodded nonetheless.
“Sounds like a great idea kiddo! What do you think, Logan?”
And with the way all the sides were looking at him, how could Logan say no. “That sounds like a,” he takes out his flashcards, “superb idea. Making sure that the others have a suitable place to live is important.” With that, they all packed enough things to last a month, with Virgil, Remus, and Janus insisting they should bring more items, and started to trek through the imagination to the cabin.
When they got there, Roman, Patton, and Logan saw the state of the outside of the cabin, and immediately felt guilty. How could they let their comrades live in such a state? The windows were broken, some of them poorly boarded up. The roof looked like it was about to collapse, the door was barely connected to the house, almost all the hinges on it broken. The light sides decided that they wanted to look inside, and regretted it almost immediately. There was mold on the floor, with some of it climbing up to the ceiling, and the appliances were just horrible. The fireplace wasn't safe to use, the couches were pretty much just springs.
"How could anyone live like this?" Roman uttered out, perturbed at what he was seeing.
“Miserably.” Janus stated, having expected this reaction from the light sides. With that, they all walked back outside the house and started setting up the tents. They’d start the actual work on the cabin tomorrow, when everyone was rested up. Especially Roman, since he would be summoning everything he could to help fix this, and that would take up most of his energy with the amount of work that needed to be done.
The next morning, everything started up. Roman started conjuring the stuff they needed to clean the floors and walls, as that was the first thing they had agreed to work on. After that they worked on patching up the appliances, and then the walls and roof of the house itself. Throughout this they had little tidbits of conversations and encounters.
“Hey Patton, why aren’t you freaking out about my spider parts, I thought you were scared of them?” Virgil asked while he and Patton were dealing with the mold in his room, getting it all up.
“I may be scared of spiders kiddo, but I’m not scared of you. Plus you don’t look like a spider at all!” Virgil gave him a look, raising up his handy mold be gone thingy that Roman had given them, “well okay, maybe a little. The truth is kiddo, when you came in looking all spidery, we were more worried about Remus, so for some reason, it seemed a lot less unnerving than it usually would’ve been.” Virgil nodded, the explanation made sense. And to tell the truth, he was relieved that Patton didn’t freak out about it. They both went back to scraping up the mold after that.
A few days later Remus, Logan, and Janus were attacked by what used to be resting gloevorfolish while they were cleaning the kitchen area. Gloevorfolish are small, light grey, fish-like things with tiny legs. They somewhat resemble piranhas, and they like to bite ankles. After a while of getting their ankles bitten and fighting these things, they finally asked Roman for a fire extinguisher, as Remus had said that it was practically the only thing that got rid of them. Janus started hysterically laughing when it was over with, Remus joined in, and Logan couldn’t help but to crack a relieved smile.
Roman throughout this whole time had been summoning random things that the sides needed in order to get everything done. He had insisted he do some of the cleaning and repairing, but all of them had insisted that he use his energy to summon things. Especially when they got to the stage where they needed some of the bigger stuff. Like beds, drawers, dressers, doors, an oven, and more. And he was so exhausted when he had finished summoning stuff that he had no choice but to take a nap in the tent. However, every once in a while he snuck into the house to clean the mold, or repair the walls. It worked for a few minutes before he was told to go back and rest. However that wasn’t the only thing Roman did, he also went in to tell them to take breaks, as all of them had a habit of getting lost in the work and overexerting themselves. And he did convince them to let him help put the final pieces in place.
As they all put the final pieces in place, they got off the roof of the cabin and cheered, hugging each other and laughing. “The first thing we should do is watch a movie in here!” Roman exclaimed, ecstatic and exhausted. Everyone agreed, what better way to celebrate than a movie night. Proud of all their hard work, they gathered in the dark sides’ living room, and watched Mulan.
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Oh I just read your BSD collab! Fantastic! Just adorable😭✌. That awakened my lee! Dazai craving. Seeing as headcanons are open, can I please request some for lee! Dazai?
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Oo, BSD! I don’t think I’ve written headcanons yet for these two, so this will be fun! I’ve gotcha covered, anons! :D And thank you so much for the kind words!
Below the cut for length!
Lee!Dazai Osamu
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- I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again- if you ask this man directly if he wants to be tickled, he’ll get all sorts of flustered and shy. For a man who’s pride and joy is messing with people, he cannot take what he dishes out.
- Worst spots are his neck, lower back, and armpits. Any of those spots will guarantee a reaction! His neck especially is pretty bad- even something as gentle as taking a pulse there will make him scrunch up and giggle. He’s got a real nice and pretty laugh.
- He’s squirmy- not so much in the “will hit someone” kind of way but in the “if you don’t hold him down right he’ll escape within seconds” way. He’s quick too- the moment he catches on that you’re gonna tickle him, he’s GONE! It’s not that he doesn’t enjoy tickling or tickle fights- he just likes to make his lers work for it.
- Speaking of- unless you go for an especially ticklish spot on him, he’ll taunt you to do better. Even when he’s giggling like mad, he’ll say things like “Nohohohot quite thehehere!” or “Cohoohhome on, is thahahhat the best you cahahahan do?” Go for one of his bad spots and he’ll change his tune.
- Can’t handle teasing at all- not so much baby talk or counting, but direct things like “Oh? Didn’t you want this? You asked me to tickle you, no?” “Don’t start complaining now, you asked me to tickle you!” “Aww, can’t handle a few neck tickles, can you Dazai?” Anything like that and he’s puddy in your hands. You might even get a few soft wheezes!
Lee!Chuuya Nakahara
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- Short king- Gravity man! He’s so freaking ticklish it’s not even funny. Just the threat of them will make him spazz out. Be prepared to get zero gravitated, kicked, or run an impromptu mile ala chasing him down if you want to tickle him.
- His worst spot is his belly. I don’t know why, he gives me ticklish tum energy? Really he’s ridiculously ticklish everywhere, but his belly, thighs and feet are killer spots.
- Has a loud, squeaky, manic laugh that’s full of curses and death threats. He’s also a big squirmer- only not only will he be trying to escape but he’ll also attack you with every limb and joint on his body and even sometimes his teeth. Yes- he will bite you. (how do you think Dazai got all those bandages?) It’s not uncommon for his lers to walk away with bruises and aches somewhere. If he likes you and feels bad, he’ll buy you whatever you want in apology.
- Poking him in the belly will both disarm him and set him off. It’s kinda like a super angry Pillsbury dough boy moment- first he squeaks out a giggle, then he’s raging at you for doing it. If you keep doing it it’s like a never ending cycle.
- Instant revenge type. He’ll immediately retaliate if you tickle him, going for all your bad spots and teasing you to the point of mirthful tears. He’s rather good at tickle fights- he has lots of experience growing up with Sheep and- of course- Dazai. He’s mastered his craft and is not afraid to bust it out at any given time.
Thanks for reading!
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lupuslikethewolf · 2 years
Wordvomit on Lucerys Velaryon
I have… many, many thoughts about all of these characters. I will now be screaming them into the void. Enjoy, maybe. Possibly. If not, I thrive of people’s disappointment in me :D
I think there are two main interpretations of Luc that people tend to see/say: Luc as either a sweet, protective, all-around angel who made mistakes he will never be able to face in fear for his life, or a bitter and vindictive little bitch who’s desire was to inflict pain on Aemond for whatever reason. I would like to say:
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One thing that stays the same is that Luc, as both a child and a slightly-taller child (6/7 & 13/14), loves his family, looks up to his grandparents, especially Corlys, and wants to be the person he thinks everyone expects him to be: a perfect prince, a perfect warrior, a perfect sea-farer, a perfect son, and most importantly a perfect Valyrian. Now, whether people actually expect this of him is a completely different sorry, but it is evident in what little screentime we get of him that he is well-fucking-aware of the pressure of his station (a completely different story than his mother, tbh) and does not think himself able to live up-to that.
What happens with Aemond’s Eye is, in either interpretation, is a turning point for the character.
To start, there is this little boy with hopes and dreams and the idea of a big, happy family, with no idea yet that the actions that make him, jace and aegon laugh, hurt aemond more than they know.
He, alongside the cousins and brother he looks up to as his idea of perfect, discover that, on the night of their aunt’s/mother’s funeral, someone stole laena’s dragon! On top of that, it was the dragon ‘meant’ for rhaena! Then, out walks aemond, who then taunts them (very lightly, this is not anti young aemond) about it. In her grief, rhaena (who is too fucking young to know how to handle grief, and her father is not the best example of it in a million years) attacks what she believes to be the boy who stole her mother’s dragon. He deflects. No one is hurt.
Then Baela attacks. Then Jace. Then Rhaena again. And Luc, watching, joins in, despite being half Aemonds fucking size. Aemond is, for lack of a better word, under attack, by children at least four years his younger and emboldened by their grief.
This is the point where the characterisations start to become clear:
There is one Luc, who watches, sees that Aemond might hurt or even kill his older brother, and uses Jace’s dropped knife to defend them both, enraged by Aemond calling them bastards and by Ser Harwin’s death being mentioned in such a callous way. Later, he hides, scared of his own actions and unable to face himself because of it.
In his mind, he just tore their family apart: Aegon won’t speak to them, both Aegon and Aemond believe them to be bastards, the queen now want’s his eye and he is petrified. The actions he was once told were okay and funny are now being used against him, he is being told are bad and wrong, and he has no idea who he should be listening too, or even what the fuck just happened.
Fast forward years later, he is seeing Aemond again for the first time in nearly ten years. The first thing Aemond does? Stand around menacingly, vaguely threaten them, and wear the colours declaring war against them and their mother. Fun. And most definitely not a safe environment to bring up the incredibly traumatic event that turned Aemond into this person.
Then The Roast Pig happens at the family dinner. Luc watches Aemond, and when Aemond doesn’t outwardsly react, laughs. This… I genuinely don’t know why he does. Best guess? He thinks that, since Aemond now has a dragon and making dragon-less jokes won’t hurt him, the old jokes are funny again.
Aemond does not react how Luc thought he would, and instead insults them all, and eggs on Jace to attack him. A fight breaks out. And just like that, Luc is swiftly reminded that his family is broken, and Luc is the reason. He blames himself. Maybe it would have been different, maybe he could have fixed it, maybe there was another way.
Or, there is another Lucerys:
This Luc, instead of being driven by any urge to protect, it is instead to avenge. This Luc, who watched Aemond call them bastards to their face, attacks because he wants to. He wants this Aemond to feel that pain. He is hurt and he is angry.
This Luc, sees everything in the aftermath, and doesn’t give two shits. He called them bastards, so he deserved it. Luc watches their family get torn apart by the actions of (unsupervised) angry children and can only think that those who got hurt? They deserved it.
Then he sees Aemond after ten years, and Aemond is better than him. Despite being one-eyed, this Aemond is confident and cocky in a way Luc never could be himself and Luc hates that. This Aemond is talented and rides the biggest dragon in the world and still threatens them, makes fun of them, and openly wears the war colours of their would-be usurpers. That makes him fucking angry. Bitter. Hateful.
So when The Roast Pig happens, Luc sees the perfect opportunity to get back at this new Aemond. So he laughs, and he makes sure Aemond sees him do so. Because he wants to hurt Aemond. And he does. But Aemond can now hurth them back, and Luc wasn’t expecting that.
Then a fight breaks out, which was not a good thing, but, shit happens. Aemond got punched. The divide got deeper. Luc stands by his family.
So, in conclusion:
Luc can be a sweet boy who made terrible mistakes with no idea how to address or solve them, especially because at the time, those around him told him it was okay (i.e. the bullying and aegon, and the eye incident and rhaenyra). Luc can also be a hateful and bitter little shit who wants to hurt the man who is out to get them, for reasons it is up to the reader to interpret as either valid or not.
Either way, he most definitely is a Mama’s Boy, who loves his family in one way or another, and most definitely has self-worth and self-image issues rooted in his “bastardry” (which aemond absolutely did not help, but neither did anyone, really) and his own need to be perceived as perfect.
(Final Note: Aemond’s obsession with Luc was definitely gay. No I will not take criticism on this. Hate is not the opposite of Love, indifference is!)
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violetjedisylveon · 1 year
Kadala (Wounded, Hurt)
Bad Batch Loth-Werewolf AU chap 6
Summary: Omega's reached her tipping point and takes the stress out on herself. Unable to do anything, Echo flees the scene and rants to a willing stranger.
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: 🛑big trigger warning, extreme self hate, self harm, child self harm, blood and panic attacks, this chapter is rough, it starts very rough, read with caution and take care of yourself pls🛑
A/N: Omega and Echo are not having fun at all this chapter. Pls don't kill me for this.
Bad Batch Loth-Werewolf AU Masterpost
Omega hadn't meant to let her wolf out.
She hadn't meant to hurt anyone.
She really, really hadn't!
She didn't know how it all happened. She'd been startled and done what felt right. Then she hid under the table to avoid her brothers piercing gazes.
The Loth had come to her, trying to comfort her… maybe it had worked… just a bit… but then the other pup came in.
A violent stab of guilt twisted Omega's gut, she cried out and clawed at her furry arms.
The other pup had been concerned, she was worried, about someone she didn't even know, and Omega had attacked her.
She had attacked someone.
Nala Se and Lama Su and all her instructors would be beyond disappointed in her.
She wasn't even supposed to let her wolf out, much less attack someone with it.
She felt violently sick to her stomach as the guilty blade twisted and tore her insides up. She dry heaved into the toilet, hating the taste of bile and blood on her tongue.
She screamed and tore the fur off her arms, not even caring when her body screamed back in protest of the actions. She clawed and bit at her arms and legs and her stupid tail and everything that was wrong with her.
"I hate it! I hate it! I hate it!" She screeched to no one but her reflection in the tiny mirror.
The being that stared back was nothing like her.
That person, no, that animal, was a violent, uncontrollable monster that attacked people who tried to help it.
It wasn't her.
It wasn't.
She was the oposite of the animal in the mirror.
She wasn't supposed to be like it at all. She had been taught out of the instinctual violence. She was peaceful, controlled, normal.
She was better.
She had been made and taught to be better than the mindless animal inside of her.
Everything about it was wrong!
It was wrong!
It was a mistake that she never should have been born with!
She screamed at the animal in the mirror, it only screamed back at her.
One mistake and everything the Kaminoans had done to make her better than the animal was gone.
All for nothing.
She stared at the animal, she was sick of seeing it.
She squeezed her eyes shut and willed herself to shift, to abandon the wild, violent form and return to something normal.
She opened her eyes to find the same furry, bloody animal staring back at her, its mere existence taunting her with the fact that she was wrong.
She hated her reflection, the undeniable truth it showed her.
She was truthfully no better than the violent monster she harbored inside her.
Omega sank to the floor, sobbing and screaming.
She tore at her monsterous features but the scent of blood was secondary to the overwhelming stench of anger, rage, hate.
She cried and screamed and clawed herself until she fell asleep on the floor.
She continued screaming and hating herself into her restless sleep.
Echo needed to get off the ship.
He couldn't handle it.
He couldn't handle the screaming and crying that reminded him far too much of a violent, dark time for himself.
He couldn't handle the way Hunter was looking at him. His little brother stared at him like a lost pup, begging for help and answers and direction.
Hunter didn't know what to do, none of them knew how to stop Omega from tearing herself apart.
He could hear and smell the carnage going down in the fresher. The only reason they hadn't barged in there was a fear that Omega would bolt somewhere else and get herself into even more trouble.
Hunter's eyes were burning him, all eyes were on him, it was too much.
Very slowly, he stepped back, away from his vod'ika. Away from the overwhelming pain.
He turned tail and bolted out into the village before he could see the looks on their faces.
He felt horrible for leaving Omega and his little brothers, so horrible.
He blindly ran through the streets until he found himself at the edge of the town, near the bakery Naylaz had mentioned.
The building was built into and around a large, twisting tree with bunches of blossoms growing on it.
He forced himself to stop and take a breath and get himself back under control.
Five four three two one. Five four three two one. Five four three two one.
He could see the tree, the blossoms, the bakery, the Spælves wrapping up work inside, the chairs and tables set out.
He could feel the dirt and rocks under his paws, he felt the grass under his tail, and some blossoms landed on his back.
He heard the bakers chatting with each other inside, there was a babbling stream nearby, the soft sound was soothing to his frazzled nerves, and the wind blowing through the branches of the tree above him.
He could smell the sweet and savory aromas from the bakery, and the floral scent of the blossoms.
He didn't have anything he could taste, but he was calm enough now that he didn't need it.
Now that his heart wasn't trying to break out of his chest, he heard everything with far more clarity than before.
He heard soft breathing, it wasn't his. His ear instinctively flicked in its direction, his head followed.
Two glowing spots stared at him.
He recognized the silhouette surrounding it. He'd seen it plenty of times as a pup himself.
A Mandalorian was watching him.
They didn't move despite being very aware that they had been spotted. Their heartbeat didn't pick up. They were completely relaxed.
Odd, most beings freaked out when they saw him. He was a big wolf, and this Mandalorian didn't seem too tall, he was probably taller than them half shifted.
They moved their hand towards something at their side, he growled instinctively. Still they remained completely calm. He glanced at what they had been reaching for.
A pastry box.
They had been eating.
He had interrupted them.
"You, uh, you alright there?" They asked.
They sounded more awkward than annoyed that he had interrupted their meal. He almost answered before he remembered that non-Loths wouldn't understand him. He shifted to his half form, it was the only one he could shift to due to his legs, they were made for his digitagrade Loth form, and weren't well suited for his human form.
"Looks like you had a rough day." The Mandalorian commented.
"That's one way to put it." He grunted.
"Need to talk about it?" They asked.
He glanced at them, they were leaning against one of the tree's roots and using the root as a table of sorts. Most of their defining features were concealed by their armor, the rest by shadow. He could only really tell where they were looking by their glowing eyes, night vision was fairly common for a lot of species.
"You don't mind hearing a stranger's rant?" He asked.
"I asked, didn't I?" They shot back.
"Besides, what better way is there to vent than to someone you'll probably never see again?" They added with a chuckle.
Echo sighed and sat himself down on the other side of the root. The Mandalorian nudged the box towards him.
"Take something, if you want. Good stuff." They said.
He glanced at the box before grabbing a cookie, or something like a cookie, he didn't really know what it was, it smelled good. Still warm.
"My brothers and I have no idea what we're doing." Echo sighed, turning the pastry over in his hands.
"We've got a little sister, we only met her recently, and we don't know what to do with her. She's so skittish and jumpy, and she actively avoids shifting, she treats it like it's a crime for her to do. And she's got some other stuff going on, she can't sit still, she asks a million questions, she interrupts all the time and she has a lot of trouble focusing on things she's not interested in, super easy to distract too, she's really sweet, but there's a lot of things she doesn't seem to understand, it's not a huge problem for us, but it seems like it's hard for her." He said.
"We came here to get help for her, we were told someone would understand it and be able to help her, with all of her issues. We've only been here a day and it's already a disaster." He groaned and put his face in his hands.
"What happened?" The Mandalorian asked after a moment.
"A lot, one of my brothers is really standoffish and he got the person we were meeting with mad, because he's kind of an idiot sometimes, and that scared our sister, and she hid from all of us, then another kid came in and I really don't know it happened really fast but my sister bit the other kid. She didn't even do that much damage but she was absolutely horrified. She ran and locked herself in the fresher where she's tearing herself apart right now. I think she was doing it before too."
Echo took a deep breath once he was done. It felt kinda good to get it all off his chest.
"Damn, sounds like you've got a really fucked up kid."
He shot the Mandalorian a tired glance.
"It's true." They pointed out.
Echo rolled his eyes and glanced at the pastry in his hands. He felt too sick to his stomach to eat.
"I think you need to have a talk with your sister, you need to be very calm and you shouldn't condemn her for what she did. Sometimes you get so upset that the only thing you can think to do is hurt yourself to make it all stop. Pain is very easy to focus on." They paused and chuckled dryly at something only they understood.
He heard a cap twist off and caught the scent of alcohol.
"And wherever she was before you guys clearly did not like any of that wolf stuff you've got going on. Internalized hatred for what she is will take a while to get her out of, and any events where she saw one of you do something violent are definitely gonna be a factor. But you can try to show her the good parts of it, once she's in a more stable mindset. You absolutely need to handle this carefully, you might make it worse." They told him.
They took another, longer drink from their bottle.
"You sound like you have some experience with this." He said cautiously.
"Sure as shit do." They grunted.
Before he could ask any more questions, the Mandalorian put their hand up.
"I'm not here to talk about myself and I don't wanna waste all this in one night." They gestured to their bottle.
"Don't ask." They said sternly.
"Okay." Echo shrugged.
He sat and listened to the sounds of nature all around him, the critters scurrying around, the gentle stream, the soft breeze. It was peaceful.
"I think you might need some of this." The Mandalorian said.
They held two sealed vials out to him, he didn't recognize the sigil on the side, it had been scuffed off in places, maybe to be less obvious. A thick, light green liquid was inside each of them.
"What are these?" He asked.
"Medicine. One's for general anxiety relief, other's for joint pain." They explained.
Each vial was labeled, so he wouldn't screw it up.
"Joint pain?" He echoed.
"Yeah, cybernetics tend to come with a lot of joint pain." They shrugged.
"I'm a doctor, so, I would know." They added when he didn't say anything.
"Did you make these?"
"Yep, bit of a pharmacist and herbalist too." They said with a laugh.
They got up and stretched.
"Well, I hope the situation with your sister gets better, I'm gonna be sticking around for a while so if you need more, I shouldn't be too hard to find." They told him.
He passed their pastry box to them as he got up himself. He was feeling… better now. Not great, but better now that he had talked.
"Thank you, for listening and the medicine, I'm kind of new to all of this." He thanked them.
"No problem, I like to help people." They shrugged.
"See ya round." They gave him a lazy salute and left, heading out across the plateau.
Echo glanced at the two vials they left him with. Now he could do something for his vod'ika. He felt a flicker of hope that this situation wouldn't completely fall apart due to their ineptitude.
Echo was greeted by four very anxious brothers when he got back.
He put his hand up before they could even ask about where he had been and what he had run out for. He made a beeline for the fresher and knocked softly.
He heard Omega's tired, fearful whimper from within.
"Kid? I've got something for you. It's medicine." He said as calmly as he could.
"You don't have to come out, I'll just drop it in and you can lock the door again." He told her.
He waited with baited breath, the latch clicked and the door opened just a crack. He slipped the vial in through the crack, and caught a glimpse of bloody fingers snatching it before the door was slammed shut and locked again.
"Just drink it. It will make you feel better." He promised.
He heard his vod'ika grunt in response.
He turned to his other vod'ika, eagerly waiting for his guidance, even though technically Hunter was in charge, they were all looking to him.
"Met a doctor while I was out. They gave me meds and advice." He explained briefly.
"Right now, I suggest we all try to get some rest and approach this carefully." He said.
"All of us." He fixed Hunter with a stern look.
His little brother looked ready to collapse at a moment's notice.
"Get some sleep, vod. I'll keep watch." He ordered them gently.
Reluctantly, his vod'ika did as they were told and trotted off to their preferred sleeping spots. Echo curled up by the fresher door and listened to his siblings settle in for the night. Omega, at least, had stopped attacking herself.
He was going to take that as a small victory.
That bit on self harm from the Mandalorian is straight from me and my experience with self harming, literally that's (one of the reasons) why I did it, the pain made my negative, self loathing spirals stop cause pain is really fucking easy to focus on, it was very easy to abuse that.
I'm all fine now so don't worry, haven't self harmed in over a year but, oh boy is self harming a wild trip, and all I was doing was scratching myself until I bled. I would scratch my wrists cause it would sting for a few days after🙃.
I definitely don't recommend self harming, but I also understand why you would feel the need to do it.
Hugs or whatever affirming gesture you're comfortable with to all you have either have or thought about self harming.
I hope you all especially have whatever a good day is for you.
I'm very sorry if this chapter triggered you.
VJS Out!
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luminnara · 4 years
She Loves Me, She Loves My Knot | Pro Hero Alpha!Bakugou x Omega!Reader (nsfw, 18+)
hii!! i don’t see many people who write ABO for MHA so I’m glad i found you!!
Can we have a scenario where Bakugou’s omega is generally really tough and seems rather indifferent to everything — however she’s a little afraid of taking Katsuki’s knot for the first time and he tries his best to help her through that process? Sorry if it’s a little obscure but I love the idea of Bakugou being soft and caring but only for his spicy little omega.
Fem reader if you can but if you’d rather opt for gender neutral that’s fine too!! Please keep writing ABO, i love all your things! 🥺🤍
Um hi YES, I really love ABO stuff and I also wanted to see more, so I was like...welp, I guess it’s my time to rise and write my OWN haha! I went with a fem reader for this one, because I feel like that’s what I’m best at writing. If you want a gender neutral version too, let me know and I can post an alternate one!
send in a request here!
Warnings: nsfw, knotting, creampies, some breeding kink
Word count: 2,124
You were a spitfire, and that’s what he loved about you the most. His spicy, fiery little omega, who was better than every other omega to ever walk the earth. From the moment he met you, when he had nearly trampled you in the street in pursuit of an asshole villain and you had threatened to kick in the teeth of the number 4 pro hero, he knew you were something special. Nobody ever stood up to him like that, especially not when he was out on the job, but you? A little omega who smelled so sweet and looked so delicious? You weren’t afraid of him at all. 
He wasn’t embarrassed to admit that he had scented you immediately, his inner alpha getting possessive already. Bakugou didn’t smell any other alphas on you, and he didn’t want to. With his strong, terrifying scent clinging to you, he knew nobody else would try to make any moves, and as you stood there glaring at him, he had given you a smirk, told you to “call my agency sometime, babe,” and then taken off.
Of course, you didn’t call his agency. 
You showed up in person, marching right in and demanding to see him that very evening. Though at first you had seemed angry with him, you quickly told him (with a harsh glare and a snarl that he found absolutely adorable) that he was going to court you, and it was going to start now.
And who was he to deny such a straightforward, cute omega? The two of you were together by the end of the week. 
He almost found it hard to believe that you were an omega sometimes. You were so tough, so unbothered by the world. Whenever you were out and about and you caught an alpha leering at you, you were always quicker than Katsuki when it came to snapping at them to fuck off.
You weren’t the kind of omega who let anybody shove you around, and Bakugou loved that about you. It made him puff his chest up with pride, knowing that he had someone who wouldn’t take any shit. Your scent was strong and your will was even stronger, and he knew that when the time came, you would be the perfect, toughest, best mother to his pups.
You weren’t even mated yet, and he was absolutely sure that you were the one he wanted to spend his life with. You brought out something different in him, some kind of gentle, caring side that he never, ever let anyone else see. You were big and bad, yeah, but he was bigger and badder, and he was always going to protect you, no matter what.
“Babe, I’m home,” he called one night, trudging into your shared apartment. You had moved in together quickly, getting a place in one of the nicest parts of the city.
He heard you coming before he saw you, and before he even had his boots off, you were launching yourself at him. He caught you easily, grinning at the way you peppered his neck and jaw in kisses. It was probably the cutest, least tough thing you ever did, and god, did he love it.
“Miss me or Somethin’?” He teased, kicking his shoes off and carrying you to the bedroom.
“I had the day off and it was boring as shit,” you said bluntly. “I’ve been horny all day without you around to help...”
He paused, taking a whiff. “You’re not in heat. You just like me that much, omega?”
“Don’t be a dick.” You nipped at his jaw sharply and he recoiled.
Some alphas would never let their omega treat them like that, but Bakugou? Oh, he loved it.
He grinned, tossing you down onto the bed before you had a chance to take a chunk out of his face. “So needy...bet you spent all day touchin’ yourself, thinkin’ of me...”
“No I did not,” you huffed indignantly, looking up at him. “You think too highly of yourself.”
He laughed. Your arousal was hanging heavy in the air, betraying your words. The smell of it was like a drug, and as he inhaled, you could see Bakugou’s pupils dilate.
The sight turned you on even more, warmth pooling between your legs as your cheeks flushed. Scarlet eyes, calculating and predatory, pinned you down, holding you in place as your boyfriend grinned, exposing his big alpha fangs.
Fuck, he was hot.
“Sounds like you need to be reminded why I’m your alpha, baby.” He growled, crawling over you.
"Fuck, Katsuki,” you whined as he attacked your neck, biting at your scent glands and grinning at the way you squirmed.
He sucked your skin between his teeth, working at it, determined to leave covered in hickeys for the world to see. You didn’t have a mating mark yet, but oh, did he love making sure that everybody knew exactly whose omega you were.
You bit your lip at the dull pain, back arching up off the bed slightly. “K-Katsuki...”
“Hmm?” He looked up at you. “Look at you, so pretty and flustered for me already...what a good little omega...”
He knew exactly how to tease you. You spent all day sassing Katsuki, showing him how independent you were, but deep down, he knew you needed him just as much as he needed you. In the bedroom, he could make you absolutely melt with only a few words, and it was one of his favorite things to do.
“I can smell how much you want me,” he purred. “So desperate, so needy...”
His fingers slipped up under your shirt, pushing your clothing out of the way as his hands found your tits. He gave them a generous squeeze, grinning when you let out a loud gasp. He could play you like a fiddle, and he reveled in the sweet noises you made for him.
Your hands reached for him, tugging at his pants. He took the hint and stepped back, giving you a heated look that said “clothes off. Now.”
A few moments later, you were both naked, a tangled mess of sweaty limbs. Katsuki’s arms were wrapped around you, holding you close, your nails digging into his back. If he noticed the pain, he didn’t act like it, always allowing you to practically shred him to bits while he pounded into you. Secretly, he loved the marks you left, admiring his back in the mirror whenever he thought you weren’t watching.
You felt the head of his cock nudging at your pussy and moaned eagerly, burying your face in his neck.
“What do you want, baby?” He asked.
“Come on,” you whined.
“Tell me what you want,” he grinned, holding himself still.
“Katsuki!” You bucked your hips, trying to get closer to him.
He held you down. “Use your words.”
You dug your heels into his lower back in an effort to push him in, but he was too strong, resisting your attempts with a smug look on his face.
“I want your cock!” You finally relented, letting out a needy whine that you hoped would sway him.
“Good girl,” he growled, rolling his hips forward.
You shuddered at the feeling of him entering you. No matter how many times he fucked you, you would never be able to get over how big he was. It was part of the reason you hadn’t taken his knot yet, always asking him to pull out before it could swell. As he bottomed out inside of you, you were reminded of just how thick his cock was, and how much thicker that knot had to be.
As tantalizing as it was, it was also terrifying.
“Fuck,” he grunted, holding himself above you with a hand on either side of your head. “God damn, you feel so good...I’m not gonna last long at this rate, fuck...”
You were like putty in his hands when he talked like that. His voice was already so deep and rough, but his sex voice was godlike. You whimpered beneath him, tightening your legs around his waist as he pounded into you, clinging to him for dear life as his thrusts grew harder and harder.
“Katsuki,” you gasped, voice muffled by his neck.
“You like that?” He growled, slamming into you hard enough to scoot you up the bed slightly.
“Yes,” you moaned. “Yes, yes, please...more...”
He moved his head, tongue swiping up the side of your neck before he took your lips in a kiss. You whined and moaned into it, your skin heating up as you felt yourself unraveling, and when you finally did, you were seeing stars. He barely even had to try, and Bakugou gave you the best orgasms of your life.
Your walls squeezed around him as he rode it out, trying to milk his cock. It was good, it was delicious, it was too much for him to stand.
“L-let me knot you,” he moaned low in your ear.
You were coming down from your high, head feeling fuzzy. “Hm?”
“I wanna knot you,” he repeated, more impatient this time. “Please.”
You were beginning to snap back to attention again. “Katsuki...”
“What’s wrong?” He panted, trying to taunt you like usual. “You scared or somethin’?”
When you bit your lip, he slowed his pace, looking at you seriously.
“Really?” He asked.
You nodded hesitantly, cheeks burning with embarrassment.
“You’re afraid of my knot? ...why?”
“You’re just...really big...” you mumbled, looking away to avoid his eyes. “It’ll hurt...”
“Hey,” he said gently, rocking his hips against yours slowly now. “Look at me, babe.”
He took your chin in his hand, turning your head.
“I’m your alpha.” He said roughly. “And I’m gonna take care of you.”
The look in his eyes made your heart flutter. “But...”
“I wanna knot you.” He said again, dipping down to nip at your earlobe. “I wanna fill you up...”
A shiver flew up your spine, that familiar tingle returning to your groin. Fuck, just his voice could make you cum, practically...and honestly, you were aching for him to knot you. You wanted to feel full, to be as close to him as possible.
“Be gentle?” You asked.
“Of course, baby.” He kissed your jaw, his hand slipping down to hold the side of your neck as he quickened his pace again. After only a few moments, he growled, leaning back and pulling out, leaving you feeling painfully empty. “Roll over.”
You obeyed, turning onto your stomach. When you moved too slowly, Katsuki pulled you up by your hips until you were on your hands and knees, ass presented for him.
“Gorgeous,” he growled appreciatively, guiding his cock back into you and moaning when he sank in even deeper.
You moaned loudly, burying your face in the pillows as he began pounding into you again. Your thighs were already quivering, and when you felt his fingers rubbing at your clit, you immediately lost it.
“Fuck!” You cried out, clawing at the bed. “More, please, Katsuki—“
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he moaned, teeth sinking into your shoulder as he pushed into you hard.
You felt his hips stutter before he held you against him in his vice grip, breaths ragged in your ear as he let out the loudest, most delicious, breathy moan you had ever heard. He pumped his seed into you, giving a few sharp thrusts as he emptied himself.
Then, you felt it.
“Easy, baby,” he said lazily, leaning against you as he tried to catch his breath.
His knot was swelling, stretching your pussy in a way you had never felt. You whimpered nervously, swallowing hard as you tried not to freak out. You were waiting for pain, but while it was beginning to feel impossibly tight, it...wasn’t terrible.
“That’s it,” your alpha crooned, smoothing a hand up your spine. “Fuck, you even take my knot so well...”
You started to relax as you calmed down, your body allowing his knot to grow to its full size. It was big, huge, even, but as Katsuki guided you to lay down on your side with him, you were beginning to feel smug. Yeah, you had the best alpha, and he had the best, biggest knot.
“How’s it feel?” He asked, pressing a kiss to your neck.
“Mm. Not bad.” You replied. The post sex haze was beginning to set in, and you were growing tired.
“Good girl.” He nuzzled against your scent glands, inhaling deeply. “Knew you could take it no problem.”
“I wasn’t even really worried.” You lied, trying to sound tough.
He snorted a laugh. “Yeah, right.”
You snuggled back against him. “I like it.”
“Yeah? Good. Because I am never going to stop knotting you now.”
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writing-reaper · 2 years
Bound through the Force
The Bad Batch x f!OC Mara
Description: Mara finds comfort in her new companions. She just hopes when they learn who she is they won’t hate her.
Note: Mara is oddly ignorant. Lots of flashbacks, the 18+ was just me trying to be funny
Warnings: trauma, gore, death, suggestive 18+, panic attack
Part One — Part Two — Part Three (here)
“Position one!” A voice shouts from the dark. Her vision was blurry, she could barely make out the figure of her friend. “You are here today to stand the trial. Whoever wins today shall live to serve tomorrow! The one who loses shall take their final breath today.”
Her vision begins to clear, the adolescent figure of her companion standing across from her began to clear. The purple skin glowing beneath the spotlight. Pain blossoms in her chest and yet she hadn’t been injured.
“It’s heartache.” She remembers her friends voice. It was nothing more than a ghostly whisper within her ear now. “That pain you feel when you’re about to hurt someone that you don’t want to. It’s heartache.”
“Make it go away.”
“I can’t.”
“Pick up your dueling swords and raise your weapons.” The two pick up their weapons, raising them until they brush together. “With this trial you shall prove which one of you is prepared to serve this community and which one is ready to sacrifice their life for it.”
“Promise me something.”
“If I lose the dual…”
“Live for me.”
“Begin!” It wasn’t difficult. The sword went flying within only minutes, barely any injuries made to either’s flesh. “Position one.”
A draw, neither wanted to win, neither wanted to lose. This would never work.
“Begin.” The fight commenced and with her companions sword flown away, she purposefully tripped into her sword. Mara stood frozen. Why? Why would she do this?
“Congratulations Mara. You will continue to serve our community.” The elder said before approaching. The elder’s walk was slow and taunting.
Mara’s grip tightened on her blade as the other was lifted one more. With one clean swipe, the blade cut through her companions throat. Blood gargled in her mouth as life slowly left her wide eyes.
“How can I live when I died with you?”
“Priya.” Mara sighs out as tension built in her brow. “Priya!”
Her eyes shoot open, her body jolting violently as the surrounding objects fall with a crash. Mara gasps for air, panting as tears fill her eyes.
“Heartache.” She whines, gripping her chest and curling up into herself. Why did emotions have to hurt?
“You better not be breaking anything up there!” Cid calls from outside the door before it flew open. “Maker, what’s with you?”
“Emotions are painful.” She answers, a wince in her words. Cid nudges her lightly with her walking stick and Mara whines.
“Yeah… look. Uh… maybe get a stuffed animal? Might help you sleep and not have a séance in the middle of the night.” Cid suggests. “You’re going to end up hurting yourself and I’m not footing your medical bill.”
“Where do I get a stuffed animal?”
“How would I know?! Ask the big guy, he has one.”
“Ok.” Mara says before rising to her feet and moving to walk past Cid.
“Not right now! Go to sleep!”
“Right…” she answers with a short laugh. Eventually, Mara fell asleep with little resistance from her body.
In the morning, Mara sits at the counter with some food she made in her newly stocked kitchenette. Unfortunately, the sink was broken so she had to do dishes in the refresher, but Cid said to ask Tech about it.
She pokes at her food, not very hungry after another restless night. Not to mention the full plate of food Cid had given her yesterday. She still wasn’t used to eating a full meal, even after all that time on Kamino.
She still remembers her days with the cadets. The first while of training had confused her due to the lack of aggression from the Jedi. It was especially odd, having been told her whole life that Jedi were ruthless killers. Mara knew now that that statement was nothing more than projection from the heartless society she was raised.
Mara had been conflicted the first week, being told to help train these children yet she couldn’t. She had been trained through violence, every screw up she was whipped and beaten, every screw up the cadets made were forgiven and told to show improvement.
Instead, she watched, for months. Then, she met Omega. A bubbly little girl who was way too excited to meet her, some former assassin with little to no regard for peoples life. But Omega showed her that wasn’t true, as did all the children she had spared before, as did the child she almost lost her own life for to save.
Omega showed her how to be gentle and show compassion. And though Mara still had much to learn, she had become more willing to learn than she ever had before. Weakness was no longer kindness, weakness was found in isolation and Mara was weak. She’s weak now and she was weak then.
“Mara!” She heard the child cheer. She lifts her head up from her plate and sees the girl enter the parlor. Omega greets her with a hug as she tended to do since the day Mara first introduced the form of affection.
An odd reality, she’d be the first to admit, but Omega was just as uninformed on affection as she was. Mara only knew about hugs thanks to Priya. And Omega knew of them thanks to her.
“Hello, love.” Mara greets with a small smile. “How was your night?”
“It was good. Me and Wrecker watched a holofilm. How was yours?” Omega asks, messing once more with Mara’s hair, the long red locks moving with her fingers.
“It was alright. Did some more cleaning upstairs, found out the sink isn’t working and now Cid wants me to find something called a “stuffed animal” to help aid me with my insomnia.” Mara informs.
“I could help you find one!” Omega answers excitedly. “There’s still some places in the market we haven’t been to yet!”
“And perhaps I could take a look at your sink before you leave.” Tech pipes up. “It should be a simple fix really, the water may just need to be rerouted or the pipe needs cleaned.”
“Alright.” Mara answers, getting up after setting Omega down. She grabs her plate of food and motions to the back hall. “It’s still messy, but Cid also told me not to move anything of hers without permission so there’s really only so much I could do.”
She leads him upstairs, Omega following behind the two of them. Up the stairs lead to a red door with some scratched off paint revealing the brown wood beneath. Mara opens the door to reveal a mostly cleaned area. Boxes filled where the living room would be, what empty space was there had a dusty side table, her armor, and weapons lying on the ground.
Mara walks into the kitchenette which looked out to the living room over an bar counter. She noticed that the two had stopped to look at the items on the floor and fear twisted in her stomach.
“Is this your old armor, Mara?” Omega asks, lifting up the helmet. She puts her head in it, the helmet too big for her head, covering half of her neck.
Mara grits her teeth as anxiety pools into her stomach and her heart aches once more. Her head felt like it was spinning. She walked over to the child and knelt down, removing her old helmet from Omega’s head.
“Yes.” She answers, setting the helmet back where it was and steering their attention back to the kitchenette.
Tech furrowed his brows at her, looking between her and the armor before quietly walking over to the kitchenette. He set his own helmet on the counter before kneeling down and taking a look at the sink.
Mara turns her focus back to Omega, finding the child looking at her with a worried stare. She pulled her lips into a tight smile, trying to reassure the child.
“Tech, we’ll be right back.” Omega informs, grabbing Mara by the hand and leading her back downstairs. She takes her to the bar. “Can you get some water?”
“Sure?” Mara questions. Had Omega really dragged her down here to get her a water? Mara fills a glass of water, not noticing the looks she was getting from the other men in the parlor.
Omega lead Mara to a booth to sit down and gave her a hug. Mara returned the hold and looked at the water she had just gotten the child.
“Omega, what are you doing?” Mara questions, sounding absolutely dumbfounded by the child’s actions. Omega frowns and puts a hand on her cheek and wipes something.
“Mara, you’re having a panic attack.” She informs, wiping her another tear from Mara’s face, listening to her shaky breath as her body shook almost violently.
“What?” She exhaled and suddenly found it hard to breathe. Mara grabs her chest, feeling her heartache return. She looks at her hands that were shaking so much that she was relieved she’d set down the water. “Why can’t I breathe?”
“You’re going to be ok, you just need to calm down.” Omega answers in a calm voice. Mara nods and goes through some breathing exercises, but no matter how hard she tried. “It’s ok to cry.”
“N-no I can’t.” She inhales sharply, her throat burning up so bad she wanted to cough.
“No one’s going to judge you for crying.” Omega soothes, placing her hand on her shoulder. “At least drink some water?”
Mara sucks in a breath once more and nods, picking up the glass with her shaky hands and taking a sip. And as her breathing finally begins to calm, the ext thing she felt were eyes. Eyes all over her.
“You’re pathetic.” The elder scowls. “Little toy, crying doesn’t stop the pain. Being successful stops it.”
Burning, her flesh burning and she screams out in agony, whatever breath her lungs could release in that moment stolen away by the air around her. Her chest burns, her back burns, her eyes burn.
“The wood that falls enters the fire pit, young one. The wood that stands will stay a hundred years.” She says, her wisdom sounded like bullshit now, but back then, Mara could only pray she didn’t fall again, she didn’t want to go in the fire pit.
“I don’t understand.” She whispers, her voice shaky. Omega’s grasp tightens further.
“It’s ok, it’s ptsd everyone who’s gone through a traumatic experience has it.” Omega tries to comfort.
Eventually, her breathing calms and the tears stop. Mara never had this happen to her before. Why was it all coming back now? And why so aggressively?
“Do you want to go to the market still?” Omega asks, uncertain if being around people would help her or not.
“Yeah. I’ll be fine.” Mara answers, brushing her hair back. “I’ll go change then we can go.”
“Do you want me to come with you?”
“I’ll be fine, thank you Omega.”
Mara comes back down moments later in a sleeveless black turtleneck, red leather pants and a black leather side pouch that wrapped around her torso and thigh. Her hair was done back in a high braid, her bangs framing her face.
However, what caught the batch’s attention was the scars littering her arms. There was no clear area of skin, just scars tinted pink and grey with slight browning around the edges of some. Peaking out from beneath her shoulder was a white burn that went slightly down her right arm. With the majority of hair out of her face, they could also now see the scar that went from right beneath her left eye to her cheekbone.
“You braided your hair without me?!” Omega whines, earning a laugh from the woman.
“What the kriff happened to her…?” Wrecker whispers to Echo.
“I have no idea.”
“Ready to go then?” Mara asks, a gentle smile on her face. It was like nothing had happened.
“Yup!” Omega answers. “Hunter? Wrecker? Are you going to come with us?”
“Yeah! Maybe we can get some Mantell Mix!” Wrecker laughs.
“I’m coming to make sure you don’t get lost again.” Hunter answers with a nod.
“Lead the way then.”
The group left the parlor, on their way to look for a stuffed animal and perhaps something else. It wasn’t long till they wound up walking past the Mantell Mix, making Wrecker and Omega run off. Mara sighed out a laugh with a fond smile. 
“She’s a good kid.” Hunter speaks up, side eyeing the woman who always seemed to stare so lovingly at his little sister.
“She’s wonderful. I’ve learnt so much from her.” Mara answers, turning her gaze away from Omega to meet his gaze. “It’s clear that she adores you.”
“What?” Hunter questions, surprised by the sudden shift in attention.
“I have found that children mimic behaviors of those they see as guardians. They want to learn to be like you.” Mara rambles, before looking at him once more with a sincere gaze. “I am glad she found you. You seem like a good influence for her.”
“Thanks, but I think she really adores you. You’re all she’s been talking about since you arrived.” Hunter retorts with a chuckle. Mara smiles and drops her gaze before it falls.
“It felt horrible leaving. She deserved more than me and she still does. Attachments had always been frowned upon in my life and I understand why. But there wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t think of her and how much I wanted to see her again.” Mara brushes the loose strand of hair behind her ear. “I must admit that I’m afraid you’ll take her away from me. However, I’d understand if you did. The world has changed, things will get harder. I fear the day she truly learns that.”
“Why would we take Omega away from you?” Hunter questions.
“If it was necessary I’m certain you wouldn’t want to take me with you. I haven’t seen your ship, but I can only assume it’s a military shuttle and not entirely made to live in, there’s already six of you.” Mara answers, not wanting to tell him that she was a killer and that they might be afraid of her.
“I can understand why you’d think that. I don’t think anything like that will be happening soon. However, I do believe we’re going to find out if seven people on a ship is too much. Cid asked us to take you with us on a mission. An easier one to avoid any extreme situations, but still a mission.” Hunter explains.
“Of course Cid wants me to.” Mara laughs. “I’m not sure how good of an idea that is. I’m used to working alone.”
“I’m sure we can figure it out. Everyone usually has a task of their own to handle, but we’ll still be working as a group.” Hunter continues, he kind of hoped to learn more of her through this mission. Her fighting style mainly.
“I find comfort in your confidence.” She smiles at him, one that Hunter couldn’t help but return.
“Mara! You have to try this!” Omega says, running over and shoving the box in front of her. Mara smiles and picks up a few pieces before placing them in her mouth. They were sweet and a little salty.
“It’s wonderful, love. But you eat it.” Mara says with a small wink. As soon as they start to walk again, Mara spits the pieces out.
“Don’t like it?” Hunter questions, stifling a laugh to avoid drawing attention from Omega.
“It’s too sweet.” Mara answers. “I don’t want to upset my stomach.”
“Mara look!” Omega calls, running over to a stand with toys. On one side of the store there were a bunch of stuffed animals, but on the other…
“I don’t think we should stop at this stand.” Hunter says to Omega, trying to steer her away.
“Why not? We were looking for stuffed animals.”
“It doesn’t hurt to look.” Mara says, just as confused as Omega.
“Wrecker look! They have another Tooka!” Omega exclaims.
Mara took her own look at the stuffed animals. They definitely weren’t animal carcasses like she had expected. She heard the shop keep clear her voice.
“I think you might be more interested in what I’m selling over here, miss.” The woman states, nodding her head to the other side. Mara follows the woman who begins to point out everything. “You can use any of these with your boy toys, or even by yourself. Built in vibrator calls for more pleasure.”
“I’m sorry, what? They’re not toys.” Mara states firmly.
“Hah, sorry hun, I didn’t mean it like that.” The woman laughs, unsure if Mara had been pulling her leg or was actually upset by the phrase.
“What even are these?” Mara asks, completely baffled as to why she’d want these oddly shaped objects.
“If you get one I’m sure one of your mercenary friends will help you find out.” The woman winks once more.
“Alright. Maybe some other time. We’re just looking for stuffed animals.” Mara answers, confused and uncomfortable. She walks back over to the stuffed animals. They were all too small for her. If the purpose of these items were to hold them, why would they be so small? Perhaps these ones were just for children.
“See any you like?” Hunter asks, looking a little flustered.
“No, they’re all to small. I would rather hold my pillow.” Mara answers, crossing her arms in a silent pout.
“Wrecker’s doll is the size of his hand and it works for him. Think of it less of size and more as something you find comfort from both visually and physically.” Hunter suggests.
“Do you think there will be another stand selling stuffed animals?” Mara asks, looking over at the man. “Why’s your face all red?”
“Oh I’m fine, just a little overheated.” She could tell he was lying, his usual cold stare or warm smile turning coy. “I’m sure there’ll be another stand. Just got to get these two to move on.”
“Come on you two, let’s keep browsing. If you really want something we can come back later.” Mara speaks up, her voice lightening up. Omega lingers for a second longer before standing beside Mara and Hunter and holding both of their hands.
“Come on Wrecker!” Omega calls, earning an upset whine from Wrecker who pouted all the way to the next stand. “Oo! This one has a red Tooka!”
Mara goes through the stuffed animals once more. Then, she saw it. A purple Tooka doll with a black heart in the center. Memories flooded back to her once more, warm ones that made her heartache once more, but this time in a nice way.
“Find something?” Hunter asks, noticing her staring at the doll. Mara nods, silently and picks up the doll. It was soft, a little rough even. The stitches were perfect and the small patched on heart was cute. “Are you going to get it?”
“Yeah.” Mara waves the man running the shop over and Mara makes her purchase. He offers her a bag, but she declines, continuing to hold the small stuffed animal.
“Awe! Cute! What are you going to name it?” Wrecker asks, loudly.
“Priya.” Mara answers, brushing over the Tooka’s ears reminding her of her old friends lekkus. Perhaps she could add her own bits to the doll to further represent her old friend.
“Who’s Priya?” Omega asks as they begin their walk back to the parlor.
“An old friend of mine.” Mara answers, thinking fondly back to their time together.
Mara found herself not as restless this night. Her body relaxing as she holds the small doll. She brushes her thumb over the beaded eyes and placed a gentle kiss to the dolls head.
“Hey.” Priya’s voice enters her mind as she closes her eyes. She remembers the firm yet soft feeling of her chapped lips against her forehead. “Everything will be ok.”
@mybigfatspoonielife @gjrain20-starwars @goddess-of-congeniality
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unohanadaydreams · 3 years
As the name suggests, I'm always thirsty for the Big Guy 😉 I wonder how Kenpachi would react if Ikkaku found a piece of your lingerie in the barracks, but no one knew about your relationship?
The idea of Kenpachi being viewed as sus for fucking a 4th member fuels me so ofc. This got out of hand but I fully blame the energy IkkaYumi brings to anything ever and not myself. Thank you for understanding.
Features: smut (18+) at the mid-point, IkkaYumi being real <3 for the majority of it, and sub!Kenpachi (☆ω☆), also idk maybe some minor angst but like made Seggsy.
Kenpachi Zaraki x f!reader (and IkkaYumi...mostly them tbh.)
Ikkaku slapped the door open with loudest ‘OI’ he could muster. The paper of the door ripped somewhere along the way as it slid open, the wooden frame wobbling as he stepped into the room.
Despite the noise, Yumichika’s hand stayed steadfast as he finished smudging eye shadow on his outer lid. Another ‘OI’ sounded, but no hand shook him or foot kicked at him while Yumichika held a brush to his eye.
Glacial, he finished blending the color until he was satisfied--rinsed the brush--set it to dry. Through the mirror in front of him, Yumichika looked to Ikkaku’s reflection only after admiring his own.
The lacy scrap of undies in Ikkaku’s hand lifted Yumichika’s brow.
“I thought you hated when I wore those,” he said with a sniff, turning to get a better look.
Ikkaku rubbed at his bald head, “yah think that because I do.”
Yumichika gestured for the undies and Ikkaku threw them. “And yet?”
“Yet, I found ‘em anyway!” Ikkaku fell into a wide squat, his hands fisting into the fabric of his uniform over his knees. “In the captain’s office.”
They stared at one another, both settling deeper into their feelings.
“Ikkaku, you must be joking,” Yumichika said, holding the undies against his arm. “This color makes me look positively jaundiced.”
“You think captain gives a shit about color theory?”
Yumichika threw the lacy bit of bullshit at Ikkaku’s face. Smiling when they landed on his dumb, shiny head. “He won’t even let me do his hair, Ikkaku. Your delusion is exhausting me.”
“Yes, Ikkaku. Then, they’re not mine. And they’re someone else’s.”
Ikkaku pulled the undies from his head, squinting at them. “Huh.”
Rising with a flourish, Yumichika let the sleeves of his robe billow behind him as he went for the cabinet to rummage for sake. Possibly a new boyfriend.
He came back after a few gulps, offering Ikkaku the bottle only after giving him a sound kick to the head that sent the man flopping to the side.
“Hey!” Ikkaku steadied himself with one hand and rubbed where he’d been kicked with the other...undies still in hand. “Ya can’t blame me. No one else around here would wear that shit.”
Yumichika gave a flat look. Took another gulp of sake. Sighed heavily as he sank to Ikkaku’s level.
“Which means they belong to someone who would,” Yumichika offered along with the sake. “Someone from a different division.”
“Must be serious,” Ikkaku said, sake dribbling down his chin. “Never found anything in his office...ever.”
Yumichika kissed at the trail of sake and took the bottle back once he’d settled into Ikkaku’s lap. “That means whoever it is will be back. And now we know what to look for.”
Ikkaku grunted, shoving his tongue in Yumichika’s mouth before the man in his lap could swallow his sake, not pulling away until he’d swiped as much alcohol with his tongue as he could.
“That shit ain’t good enough for you, anyway.”
“I know,” Yumichika said softly, tone at odds with him rising to stand, heading for the door.
“O--” A raised hand stalled Ikkaku from pointing to his tightened hamaka.
“Fix my door first, dumbass.”
Ikkaku lowered from his tip-toes, a man afflicted. “No way.”
“I told you,” Yumichika said in a hiss. “Not just from 4th division, but a pencil pusher.”
You looked like the kind who’d scramble to bring an 11th division soldier any impossible request they bullied you for. The quintessential mouse every self-respecting soldier was inclined to paw at.
“Don’t look so fucking smug, Yumi,” Ikkaku grumbled, peeling off the wall and pulling Yumichika back towards the training grounds by the back of the puffed-up peacock’s uniform, right at the lower back. Yumichika had just gotten his fifth pay-back punch in when they hit the gate that separated captain’s estate from training ground.
Theirs might have been the only captain so enamored with battle that he’d moved his quarters as close as the captain general would allow. If it weren’t for the bullshit ‘housing codes and regulations’, Ikkaku was sure the house would’ve been on top of the large rectangle of packed dirt that served as the largest training ground in the entire division. 
Once they’d hopped the low wall, more meant to keep Zaraki’s house away from the grounds than to keep his underlings on the grounds away from him, Yumichika fell on the nearest bench to fix his uniform.
“Well now what?” Ikkaku rubbed at his side, knowing he was going to need to stretch soon or the tight knot Yumichika had punched into his side or even a night drowned in sake wouldn’t numb it when he collapsed in his futon.
Yumichika didn’t look up from retying his stiff, decorative obi but his face softened, “Now that we’ve been successfully nosy? I was thinking that new, chic sushi bar near the 1st. The one where all the wait-staff look just as yummy.”
“No I, mean--yeah, we’re definitely going,” Ikkaku said, his previous thought tripping over the vision of pretty smiles from androgynous beauties. “But, what do we do about the captain?”
“Well, I’m not going to say anything, but I also have tact. And grace,” Yumichika shrugged, fluffing the bow of obi.
Ikkaku kicked dirt and tensed forward at the shoulders, like he planned to lunge and attack. “I ain’t no fucking snitch and you know it. Don’tcha?”
Sliding forward, Yumichika massaged at Ikkaku’s tense shoulders, rolling his eyes. “I wasn’t saying you would. Just that you’re tactless. And might on accident--which makes you an idiot, not a snitch.”
“Damn right,” Ikkaku grunted, anything but Yumichika’s agreement sliding off his bald head like water. “Wouldn’t snitch for anything. But what if someone else finds out? Like a captain or something. We can’t kill one of them and--”
“Oh, stop worrying about it,” Yumichika said, interrupting and pulling at Ikkaku’s arm--he was hungry, both for refined food and beauties. “No one who wants to live will chance Kenpachi asking for a fight. Or that Captain Unohana; she seems vicious in a way more of our men should be. Such grace.”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re right,” Ikkaku nodded, letting himself be dragged off for sushi, sake, and sublime wait-staff. Still, there was morale to think about. No hardened warrior of the rukongai wanted to hear their fearless leader had a weakness for...the weak.
There had to be something more to it but Ikkaku wasn’t going to dig more into his captain’s business. He was more than happy to put the shovel down and follow Yumichika, even as the truth sat uncomfortably at the base of his skull.
You were weak in all the ways shinigami measured such things--swordsmanship, spiritual pressure, and kido were subjects you studied more than you practiced, let alone pulled off. But you had enough power to pass school and be sorted into the 4th division ranks, where you excelled.
An aptitude for medical procedure, surgery, and technology was what garnered you not just safety, but respect among your peers.
As for the other divisions? Well, you had some friends in 12th who fully understood your position.
Kenpachi Zaraki? Certainly wasn’t someone who could relate to you.
But, that was fine.
You preferred your men muzzled, anyway.
“Too bad, Cap--tain,” you breathed, stretching his title with your tongue playfully. “I was hoping they’d find out everything.”
Pulling yourself up, one fist over the other, by the leather leash tied taunt around Kenpachi’s neck, you delighted in seeing the muscles there strain to accommodate your weight and the need for breath at the same time.
You pressed your lips against his ear after admiring the rough line of his mouth being forcibly split open by a ball gang, pretty, pink, and yours. “Can’t you go faster?”
His answering grunt was followed by his body pressing into yours quick enough turn your teasing into moans. That’s what you liked most about Kenpachi; he was always striving to be better and exceeding expectation.
it would be effortless for him to put his hands on you without permission or rip out the ball gag, but he didn’t. Even when you met in a grimy bar close to the 11th, too drunk to realize who’s thigh you were toying with, his attention to what you wanted was surprising.
You panted, toes curling as he hit that lovely spot only he ever had, “H-hands on hips.”
So eager, he kneaded from the tops of your thighs to your hips like dough, obviously glad to be rewarded. You were eager too--for the angle. Your hips tilted upward gave him more depth and your fingers tightened on his leash.
There was no need to command for more, because he was giving you his all. And he kept going until your scattered breathing paired with the tight heat he was pounding into you snapped all at once, so intense that your eyes watered.
While you basked in the trembling after shocks, catching your breath, Kenpachi went still.
Until you said, “Sit on floor.”
The bed creaked and rose as he left it, leaving you to collect yourself in peace. When you rose to sit, he was kneeling on the floor, his cock hard and bobbing above his thighs.
You walked to him slow, nails scratching through his rough, black hair as you circled behind him. “Such good work,” you praised, “Just like always.”
Trailing down to the buckle, your fingers made quick of his ball gag, parting it from his teeth gently, and tossing it on the bed.
“What do you want me to reward you with, Kenpachi?” You asked him, only once you’d come to face him, your hand urging his jaw up, his eyes on yours.
“To get off,” he said, shameless.
You hummed, “then do it.”
Frowning, Kenpachi leaned his face into your touch. “I want you to.....please.”
The word ‘please’ was said slow, his eyes leaving yours several times before he said it. You wondered how many people Kenpachi Zaraki had ever asked, for anything. Let alone, with manners.
You kissed his nose, finding the almost demure behavior cute, “Then I will. Lay down.”
He did, his arms behind his head, like he napping under a tree instead of waiting for your hands to give his weeping cock relief.
You took your time, teasing him with sensation by spitting into your hand and giving him light rubs, again and again until his hips lifted off the ground.
The lacy bit of pink undies that stretched tight over his thighs, were yours too. And you peeled them off, throwing them toward the ball gag as his breathing grew heavy in the air.
Perhaps you deserved less teasing, but you couldn’t resist dragging out the fun a touch more, one hand fondling his tightening balls while the other scratched lightly at his inner thighs.
His breathing was catching on groans and audible ‘ah’s that had you biting your lip. Thigh’s clenching, you finally began circling the tip of his cock. Soon, you were giving him his first pump, slick hand trailing his length from tip to base in smooth, steady motions.
Straddling his thighs, you took advantage of the position and put both your hands to work, gripping him harder but keeping the same pace.
“Look how hard you are,” you cooed, hands pausing as your thumb circled the slit topping the bulbous head of his cock. “Do you want to cum for me?”
His, “yes,” was immediately pushed from his heaving chest. You hummed, so tempted to climb on top of him fully. But, that would be a kind of weakness you didn’t allow yourself.
Kenpachi’s lone eye struggled to stay open as you lowered your lips to kiss the tip of him. You rose back up and licked them as he watched, his pre-cum salty as it settled on your tongue.
You couldn’t call him unraveling under your firm, fast touch seeing him at his weakest. But, you were certain it was a kind of vulnerable he seldom experienced. Even his arms had come from behind his head, his fingers flexing around air while he struggled to keep them away from you. His hips began bucking with such strength that you were forced to tighten your thighs around his to keep your place.
Desperate, is what he was. For you to give him what he worked for.
And, you did.
His cock pulsed as you wrung his orgasm out, thick ropes of cum falling over his sweaty stomach and dripping down your hands. His moan was loud, deep, and reverberated through out the room like a cry of victory.
You kept stroking him until he was completely spent, until he made a sound almost like a whine.
“I need--”
He sat up, setting you on the floor before padding to the bathroom, and coming back with a damp cloth. “Here.”
“Thank you,” you said, keeping your eyes on your hands as you willed yourself to calm down. His orgasm had made you want him again, badly. But you had things to do. He had things to do.
What you had with Kenpachi was strange and tenuous. And your smug confidence drained a bit as you cleaned yourself and him, until you were almost unsure.
What now? You’d never even seen his house before this. Always in more public places, where you parted almost immediately after playing with him.
“You want these back,” he asked, lifting the ball gag and undies in one hand while pulling back the blankets on the bed with the other. The leash was already on the bedside table, his neck angrily red still.
If you took them, you wondered if it was all over. “No, you should. They’re easy enough to clean.”
“...You sure?”
You nodded, not so attached to a couple cheap props that you’d be wounded if something happened to them. “They’re all yours.”
Shrugging after a moment of silence, he gestured with his head to the bed, “unless you wanna take a shower first.”
“I’m fine for now,” you responded, climbing under the blanket, more confused than obedient. “Are you tired?”
“Enough to sleep.”
The bed dipped from his bulk, forcing you closer. He tossed an arm around you, so you could get comfortable against his side. You lay your head on his chest, eyes still open, listening to him breathe.
At first, you’d thought maybe it was all a joke. That Kenpachi Zaraki was trying to trap you into....something, like those men who feigned nice before using all their muscle to force you to bend as they wanted. To teach you a lesson for trying to dominate him.
You didn’t delude yourself into thinking you had real, tangible power of him or any man you’d toyed with, after all. Just something momentary, like a brief understanding.
But you felt less cautious as your eyes drooped shut and your thoughts circled around his intentions. He always approached you and asked, vague and gruff, ‘here good?’ And you’d find a closet or office or twisty alley that would do.
This time, you asked him. And he took you to his bedroom, compliant as ever, waiting for you to sprinkle nice words in his ear, for you to give him pleasure for being his best.
Drifting off to the rise and fall of his chest, you wondered if things like that meant so much to him.
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jiminrings · 3 years
OKAY LISTEN idk if someone or you already planned sth like this but how about y/n finally decides to confess/tell jk but someone else claims to be her before she could do it so * cue to the angst bc y/n sees the whole thing/she hears from her friends * and ofc koo eventually finds out bc that b*tch doesn't even have the fucking lunchboxes 😑
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cold senior!y/n x stem major!koo masterlist :D
stem koo's the three-peat king for having the best research papers, but he's the worst when it comes to believing the right person
"i think i'm gonna tell him."
you say it to no one in particular, really, but you hear yoongi rISING from his nap on the couch
it wasn't meant to wake him at all
it was just an epiphany of sorts that popped into your head
physically felt as if your head would just bursT if you didn't say it out loud to affirm your own thoughts lmao
"for real???" he's rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, very evident that he wouldn't wake up to finish his thirteen pending assignments but he 10/10 would wake up to hear your epiphany
yoongi is awake for the action!!!! lmao does professor roux from calculus think that he wakes up at the morning and doing shapes (or whatever they teach at calc) is the fIRST thing in his mind????
"interesting," he nods solemnly when you nod your head, reaching out for a fist bump before he plops to your shoulder, "i suggest dressing like a virgin wearing H&M when you confess. it would hit close to home."
yoongi's the touchy affectionate one between the two of you but you'll forgive him bc he's still sleepy
jungkook doesn't look like a virgin wearing H&M :((((
his clothes aren't from there lol
"say that you're a top verified contributor both in quora and brainly."
"nice idea," you snort as yoongs genuinely thinks that it'd get jungkook to propose on the spot, "but no cigar."
"pretend to love big bang theory."
"you're getting onto something here."
"your hobby is fact-checking rick and morty."
"yoongi wow you are on fIRE today-"
"your guilty pleasure is not wearing protective gear during experiments."
"where is this coming from??"
"OH!!!! i'll pretend to mug him or something and you can attack me!!!"
yeah yoongi's train of thought just crashed
you were pretty sure he was going on a science theme there wHY DID IT DERAIL
yoongi looks confused because you look confused, as if he didn't just give you the mindblowing idea,, free of charge
lol but no he really didn't
"i'm not doing any of that shit, yoongs."
"oh yeah???" he squints at you and hollows his cheeks, taunting you entertainingly while he worms his way to your lap to nap again
"what are you planning to do?"
holy sHIT this is nerve-wracking
she feels like she's gonna pass out the whole time that she's been rehearsing this in her head
she's been waiting outside the classroom for twenty minutes now and the bell finally rang and she can't believe it!!!! omg is it game-time now
everyone's filing out of the room and she could just feel that jungkook would come out of the room last-
you could do this!!!!
everyone's filing out of the room and you know in your heart that jungkook would stay behind, his routine being to politely chat with the professor before he leaves
you're a lil nervous alright
you're scanning the room and there's only a few people left and your eyes instinctively go to the mini desk next to the door and-
goddamn it
yesterday was when coach jeong was mad because someone from your team just hAD to bring beer!!! and not even have the common sense to put it on a discreet thermos or sth and you know!!!! to not drink it in public or in front of the coach!!!!
doing laps on the oval field will now make you hurl on command just by thinking about it
you physically did not have the cognizance to go and fetch the lunchbox to wash it,,,, or like even move at all
how are you gonna swipe the lunchbox now? now when the professor's packing up, jungkook's loitering around the classroom, and there's this girl who's-
who's this girl??
fuck it!!! here goes nothing
she's stepping completely into the room and making sure her block heels generate enough clacking,, hands already moving in practiced moments as she attempts in making it seem like she's rushedly putting the lunchbox bag into her tote — as if it's from there, and she's always done this
jungkook hears noises coming from the back of the room, eyes widening before he comes up the stairs in record time
"no. get your own."
he grips the girl's wrist, about to pry off her hands from his lunchbox
he hears her giggle sweetly, the melody being something he's heard before
"i did. after all, i did get you these."
hyeji's a pretty girl!!! a nice girl in jungkook's year that wears fit dresses and cartier bangles :D
she stands out really, sometimes literally because she appears in the school's flyers and advertisements
"hyeji," jungkook breathlessly connects the dots including the fact that she looks caught in the act; holding his lunchbox, her tote bag open, and a peek of another completely different lunchbox in her other hand, "i-it's been you this whole time?"
hyeji blushes, sheepishly tucking her perfectly shiny and neat hair behind her ears, "you caught me then."
kook laughs both in nervousness and giddiness, pushing his glasses up and suddenly conscious that he should've worn contacts, "b-but how? we don't share this class."
hyeji bursts into a giggle, blushed cheeks staining further than the five minutes she tried getting the perfect amount
"r-right! kinda amazing what depths you'd go for a person you like, hm?"
jungkook is about to pass out
a situation that he likes and is too giddy to find a reply for
he apparently doesn't need a reply, because a chair scrapes harshly against the floor and it brings him down to reality immediately
you cannot fucking believe what you just witnessed
you stand abruptly from the seat you've been frozen in with a great deal of urgency because you cAN'T stand to be in this room any longer
they actually forgot that the two of them aren't alone
that you're still here
little miss hyeji's just as shocked
you feel stupid and even more stupid that you're still holding a stupid notebook you even decorated
it has a doodle in the front and all the remaining pages are of the copies you've replicated on jungkook's sticky notes — the same ones you've been trying to make perfect just for him
"y/n!" he sputters when your backpack accidentally leans too much to your side and hits him on the way out
you’re feeling everything but fine and god you just hated that you always willed yourself to move oN
you’re beyond mad when you put on your jersey!!!
you’re irrevocably dejected when you put on your cleats!!!!
you feel cheated on when you zip up your duffel and walk all the way to the field!!!
it’s a combination of the type of frustration that makes you want to move plus the type that paralyzes you, the whole thing unlike anything you’ve ever felt before
you’re clearly in your head and frankly, you’re just too good
too good that there's no game at all because the only thing happening is you scoring
there's no passing going on or the sort
everyone is just :O looking at their captain to be in the most furiously determined state that they’ve ever seen you in
you don’t even realize that you’re the oNLY one moving in the whole field
“alright, alright — jesus christ! go to the bench and sort your head out, captain,” coach jeong literally has to JOG over to your spot to jolt you
oh there he is again
jaehyun just had to bench you didn’t he
sometimes it’s lost on you that jaehyun, just like seokjin, used to be your senior
he hated juniors with a burning passion and you’re the ONLY one he’s taken a tolerance for
((you lent him your umbrella and it coincidentially had to be a bad day for him tHEN that made him like you))
you’re having none of it though because this time, you’re the one who has the bad day and the captain title does nothing to appease you
“sure, coach.”
you mumble just as lively and walk to completely the fURTHEST side of the bleachers, being so far out that you could barely see your team
what are you supposed to do? simmer in the thoughts you so badly didn’t want to have in silence??????
the voice you least expected to hear perks up right next to you
what the hell is jungkook doing here now??
he looks lost, two hands clinging onto his backpack straps before tentatively looking at you again
“did i do anything to upset you?”
so he wants to ask that?
you snort automatically, suddenly wishing that you didn’t walk this far because you can’t make an excuse that jaehyun’s calling for you
"because my bag accidentally hit you on the way out? no, jungkook."
jungkook knits his brows in question, seemingly take offense to what you’ve just said to hom
"we're not exactly associated for me to be mad at you, are we?" you emphasize even further, not caring the least bit that your words have an edge to them
he deadpans, pursing his lips before sarcastically smiling at you
".... so you're upset at me?"
jungkook takes your silence for him to delve further, not paying attention to how your eye is begging to twitch at him
"i asked if i did anything to upset you, and you said no. but that doesn't necessarily mean you aren't. you could be upset at me even if i didn't do anything to you."
you sound like a real fucking nerd jungkook
"do you have any idea how condescending you sound right now?"
kook barely has a solid inch on you yet the nagging feeling that he’s belittling you makes you grip your fists tight, posture wavering
"so you do admit that you're upset at me?"
he’s not the most patient person either but something about you and the situation right now just makes him tick a little faster
your eyes narrow at what he’s aiming to get at, your hand on your hip feeling heavy at this point
"what does it matter to you if i'm upset or not? we are not-"
"i am associated to you!!! even to a degree!!! you walked me home!"
jungkook is the one who breaks first and he doesn’t look fazed to have opposed you so loudly, still standing by himself
"i would walk anyone home."
"no you wouldn't-"
"i would walk anyone who was as vulnerable and as anxious as you were, jungkook!!"
it is true
you’d walk anyone home within reason regardless if they were jungkook or not!!!
the guy in question only looks at you straightly, brows not stubborn but still just as unrelaxed
"good to know. then you're not upset at me, and i didn't do anything to upset you."
you only say just to spite him, about to turn your back and leave him completely to go back to your practice game
jungkook surprises you again and flips a switch just as quick as your mini argument of sorts escalated
"anyways!! i'm sorry for being a little off when i interviewed you that day. i got a 100 on that assignment, by the way :))"
what’s he still doing here?
he’s talking about his grades and whatnot to you as if literally twenty seconds ago did nOT happen!!
"why are you still-"
"and the one who's been giving me my lunchboxes confessed to me today!! for hyeji to be the girl giving me them, it makes perfect sense."
you shrug away the weirdness that jungkook’s moved on from the argument as fast as this, trying a take two for a peaceful conversation
this time, you’re the one who unknowingly flips a switch at her name — something so foreign and sudden yet something you quickly grew to hate
"i wouldn't be so trusting if i were you."
that seems to hit a nerve on him again, making him scoff in reply
"good thing you aren't me then."
what is ON with him????
"watch it. i'm your senior, kid."
you’re more irritated than the first and second time around that you’ve been agitated this day
"why? are you normally this self-absorbed that you wouldn't trust a girl who's confessed??"
you aren’t the most selfless person ever but god do you know for a fact that you’re not vain as jungkook’s insisting you to be
you hate him.
you hate this version of him that isn’t the same jungkook you’ve known to like ever since the start of the semester
"same thing as polygraphs not being a hundred percent reliable. anyone could tell the truth as long as you ask the wrong questions," you detail on further because jungkook loves details, right? might as well give him several
"or did you even ask?"
jungkook scowls as if you’ve insulted his mother and his entire lineage, face contorting into everything but warm
"what does it matter to you? didn't you just tell me that we aren't associated? why are you projecting all your moaning on hyeji?"
"you know what? maybe i am associated to you. i think i'd also tell this to everyone i'd walk home — maybe you shouldn't be too trusting, huh? maybe you shouldn't just let anyone walk you home."
the tears this time are more insistent to come out this time but you’d rather dIE than for jungkook to stain your pride like this
"no one should walk me home, besides you? is that what you're trying to say?"
for fuck's sake you aren't even finished with your point!!
before you could continue, jungkook shakes his head at you — the most disappointing shake of his head that it curses you soft
"what am i even doing? you wouldn't understand."
he closes the distance that’s been alarmingly shorter throughout the whole time, jungkook being the one to break it
"because no one gives you lunchboxes. no one exerts effort in making you cheerful — no one wants to go the extra mile for you, and no one wants to walk you home."
he's insulting you right to your face and that’s when your dam breaks, lips quivering impossibly as you stare him down with a genuinely pained gaze you didn’t know you carried
"you wouldn't know what i feel, because no one likes you."
jungkook gets the last word in.
he leaves you in the same field he's first approached you in nervousness.
today, he leaves it differently.
sweat isn't the only thing on your face but instead it’s the frustrating hot tears you haven’t had in awhile
your fists are balled but there's no power to the anger behind it
you’re almost always alone outside the company of the closest friends you’ve ever had — but this is the only time that you truly felt that you are alone.
today's a good day to give up on jungkook.
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