#and theyre like. no? and then they spend lunch trying to figure out who it was
oofuri2003 · 2 years
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as promised - the phone charms comic!
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hopefully-hellbound · 2 years
M!Bailey x gn!Angel!PC
Bailey has one orphan that he can't stand because theyre always so nice and pure, and he's a bastard. Goes too far one day.
Noncon, purity loss, hurt feelings, noone is happy at the end, bastard bailey, a lil longer setup but eh
Bailey always fucking hated you.
Stupid little goody two shoes, who put him on edge more than a lunch date with Briar or Remy. Bailey knew those bastards were up to something, always were, but you... You he couldn't quite figure out, ever.
What could one think of someone who can remain so sweet in a town this rotten?
From the moment you came here, to his orphanage, you were the sweetest little thing, coming to Bailey at stormy nights asking for a hug, promptly getting doors slammed shut in front of your face. Working as a tutor since you were a child, using the little money you earnt to buy chocolates for the whole orphanage on Valentine's and Christmas - Bailey included. His always ended up right in the trash, it wouldnt be the first or last time someone tried to poison him.
You'd always come trottling to him when someone would break in, you had no fighting skills, no way to defend yourself - an absolute idiot who gave their pepper spray to their stupid friend Robin. Bailey thought you would get your head out of the clouds once youre eighteen and rent starts, but nope, didn't fucking happen!
He couldn't wrap his head around it, how you managed it, how you stayed clean, pure, good. He purposely barged in while you bathed multiple times, and there weren't any bruises on you, not even a chastity belt to protect you! He charged up his rent, no way anyone can get 2k a week in this town without getting their hands dirty!
And yet, here you were.
For twenty bucks a week youve rented a patch of Bailey's yard to make it a garden, and you sold the pretty flowers you grew there - vegetables were for the orphanage, and you didn't want any money for them, despite how suspicious he was. You pranced around with that fucker Avery once a week, you got money from the church, you worked at a local shelter and on some farm outside of town. And you. Stayed. Pure.
Worst it was, you still liked Bailey! You still came to him with problems he didnt care about! Still brought him the stupid chocolates and flowers twice a year even if he threw them away right in front of you! Still had that stupid, stupid smile on when he barked something at you and you replied.
Bailey could swear he saw a halo if he glanced at you from the corner of his eye.
And god, he hated it with the core of his corrupt soul.
He doesn't know what made him save you that one day.
He was just going around, trying to get his semi-monthly shopping done, annoyedly carrying bags of clothes for youngest orphans home. Little bastards had a lot of hand me downs, but he still paid for the basics of what the ones underage used. He was just considering calling up Leighton and trying to negitiate that uniforms would be given in school for cheaper, but then he heard a muffled scream come from an alley nearby. And while normally Bailey wouldn't think twice of it, he walked past it and from the corner of his eye, recognized that golden shine of a halo that was never there when he tried to check.
The men trying to drag you in a van weren't hard to politely convince to let go of you, they ran, clutching their bloody noses and dragging the friend who tried to kick Bailey in the balls to the hospital - maybe if theyre quick enough, he'll get to keep his leg intact.
But Bailey turned to you when you grabbed for his shirt, face burried in his clothes as you cried. First time he saw you cry, perhaps. He certainly didnt remember any others.
"Im sorry... im sorry im so-o-orry, they just showed up-"
Bailey doesnt hug you back, just awkwardly tells you to be more careful next time and dont waste his time again as he pushes you away.
And he would leave, he's already turnt to leave and spend the rest of the week wondering why the fuck would he save you, you of all people, when he heard you sniffle and he looked over his shoulder.
He shouldn't.
He really, really shouldn't.
Because there it was, that smile that always pissed him the fuck off, it still shone through your tears, still made you look so fucking angelic.
"y-yeah... t-thanks dad, i'll be more careful..."
And because of that one, single, forbidden word, Bailey snapped.
Your halo breaks when he shoves his cock in your tight, almost dry hole.
You sob and beg and nearly gag, but Bailey is enraged, hands on your neck choking you so hard your vision is so blurry you can barely see his face. Knuckles still bleeding from when he saved you, just minutes ago.
Bailey cant stop, your pleas for mercy are music to his ears, symphony for the supressed part of him that raged with envy every time he saw you and your stupid, happy grin. Every time he thought you'll finally see the world for what it really is, see Bailey for what he really is, but...
He guesses now you do.
He fucks you raw and hard, and soon you don't even have the voice to continue begging him to stop. Or maybe you've just realized that he won't.
Part of him that's not completely enchanted by just how good your virgin hole feels like vaguely registers your shopping bag thats laying where you dropped it. Little chocolates and wrapping paper fell out of it. That's right, tomorrow's Valentine's.
A sting of guilt strikes Bailey for the first time in decades, the simple thought of you getting him those stupid chocolates every year.... Suddenly thrusting into you doesn't feel as good anymore. He thought he would enjoy seeing that sparkle die in your eyes, but all he sees are tears and a reflection of himself.
Your guardian.
Your caretaker.
Your da-
Bailey drops you like a sack of potatoes, jerking off to quickly finish on your face. Suddenly every second feels wrong, every moment that should bring him sadistic satisfaction just makes him feel like shit. It's a feeling he doesn't like, just like how he doesn't like the look of betrayal on your face.
Maybe you'll learn now, he thinks bitterly, about trusting people.
He leaves you there in the alleyway, torn clothes and covered with his semen, to walk home on wobbly legs if something else doesnt snatch you up first. Bailey wishes it would, he doesn't want to ever see your hurt eyes again.
When Bailey finds little chocolates on his doorstep the next day, he doesn't throw them away.
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aesterblaster · 3 years
When they realize theyre in love hcs <3
Characters: Bachira, Isagi, Rin, Reo, Nagi
Note: gender neutral reader
Is all over you..this man has no shame
It's kinda obvious to everyone but him
And one day you don't show up to school and the whole day he's kinda bummed out
He can't help it! He's too busy thinking about if you're ok
One of his classmates makes an off hand comment along the lines of "Tsk, you really have it bad for her don't you?"
Kinda panics for a moment because...does he?
The more he thinks about it the more it makes sense so when you do come back he's kinda stand offish at first and suddenly really akward and blushing
But eventually, he comes around and is back to normal, just with a bit more intention to his touches and comments now
When he realizes he likes you you two are waiting inside the library for the rain to stop so you can get to lunch. You make some cheesy joke about not minding spending extra time with him and boom he starts blushing/stuttering
Tries to rationalize it
Becomes wayyy more observant about you
You have a favorite subject? Suddenly he knows everything about it
Suddenly remembers your birthday
Tries to make it less obvious though
Would literally pine after you for years before ever telling you
Fear of rejection go BR
Lowkey never realizes he likes you..this man lives in constant denial
When you two play a mock soccer match during a free period and you actually win by a sliver but don't rub it in his face, he kinda feels his heart speed up and congratulates you for not being so "lukewarm"
You do a little laugh and rush off to your next class and he's just left there like "well that happened"
Tries to avoid you after that bc he doesn't want to admit he likes you
But when you two do meet, he asks a lot of really observant questions
Vaugeposts about you on social media
His friends def try to convince you to hang out with them more and he hates them for it
You probably catch on quicker than he does himself lol
He kinda has a love at first sight moment when you get the top grade in your class by some miracle
He thinks he's smooth as water so he like walks up to you after class and congratulates you
And you're like "who are you???? tf"
When I tell you his attraction goes through the roof bc you have no idea he's like..a billionaire
Tries to be around you all the time and is really over the top with his gestures
Introduces you to Nagi lmaoo
Really mushy and firmly believes you two should date eventually
Probably has your wedding planned out, broski is fast as hell
It takes a lot to catch his intrest so you probably had a high score on like all the games at the arcade or something. He's running from game to game trying like hell to get #1 again.
You're just watching the chaos unfold in the corner lmao
I mean eventually he figures out it's you and has an "oh shit theyre hot" moment
Gets very in-the-zone playing arcade games with you and you two end up with a bunch of tickets
He offers to get you something with his tickets too because "you beat me anyway."
When he finds out you two go to the same school he starts hanging out with you a ton
You lowkey would never know unless he told you bc he has no energy to be over the top
But his hints that he likes you are very subtle and nice [ex: letting you borrow his stuff]
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rxttenfish · 2 years
i think my ideal for miravi, is they unintentionally go from strangers to annoyances to acquaintances to friends to lovers, and if you ask either of them when theyre on the verge of going into the next step, they will VEHEMENTLY deny it.
namely, i think they have to start out poking and prodding and annoying each other. like, theyre both PROUD. theyre both stubborn, and they are superficially very different from each other with different aesthetics. 
miranda mostly has issues with already assuming she's superior to people (and especially people she doesn't know yet) and will unintentionally show it a lot, and being underestimated and put down is the kinda shit that REALLY gets on aaravi's nerves. 
they also generally like challenges. aaravi's fairly obvious, and miranda likes to feel like a conquering party. she comes from a militaristic kingdom, she likes forcibly exerting her will and superiority, she likes KNOWING how to destroy someone and ruthlessly executing it.
however, at this early stage of just knowing each other, they havent really sunk under each other's skin yet. 
miranda in particular- she doesn't like feeling like her hand is being forced. she's all about power and control and, namely, she doesnt actually go all out when she's actually upset by something? i've noticed this a lot, but while miranda has all the power and position of vera and possibly even more, when she's actually angry or hurt, she tends to... close off. pout, i guess. she only ever gets elaborate and extensive in her cruelty when she feels confident about it, and tends to close off otherwise. 
to her, this is more about fun. she's not really feeling anything more complicated than a cat wanting to push a glass of water off the table. this annoyance and this pride sits more in the realm of dramatics and being able to make a show of it without actually risking her pride, and having aaravi push back just makes it more enticing for her to try and figure her out. its purely skin deep.
which is crucial when it comes to aaravi too then, because miranda stops when it starts to go too far. she doesnt actually want to hurt aaravi, not in any way that she can't justify as just being a good time. 
miranda does actually care a lot about the people she spends time with and is clearly trying to make them happy, but she's not very good at figuring that out so far or understanding a lot of intricacies of it. im thinking a lot about the bad review lunch event with miranda and liam, but im also thinking about liam's prom king ending, or zoe's totem ending, or the cockfighting event with her and damien. miranda has a lot of the WANT to be good, but doesnt know how to navigate being good or what goodness even means. 
aaravi, in being the kind of bitey person who will ABSOLUTELY push back and bite back and make it very clear when miranda has gone too far, mostly out of how often she has been mistreated, makes it very clear to miranda what's going on and when she's done something wrong. 
something that miranda can actually understand, and realize that she's made a mistake, and because she has this want to BE good, WILL go back on and realize when she's made a mistake. which further helps in letting aaravi enforce her boundaries in a way thats actually pretty safe, and shows that people ARE willing to work with her and respect her boundaries and what she needs and wants. if the monster stops and tries to help you after it hurt you, you pretty quickly figure out it was an accident, and it wasnt what they were wanting to do. it also means they're willing to listen to you and work with you, not against you.
which generally leads into friendship. 
theyve actually got quite a bit in common from there - you cant convince me that miranda entirely doesnt know how to defend herself (and, for all my problems with it, the bellanda ending does show that miranda knows how to handle herself in combat), even if she might not WANT to do it or think a lot about it, she can still hold her own. 
miranda herself is curious and wants to learn about the land and her friends and experiences outside of her own, and she WILL try things just because the people she cares about are interested in them. hell, she really just likes being included, and so even if she cant cook or doesnt play games, she will still sit beside aaravi and watch her do these things, and she WILL be excited and giddy over even the small things she does. they might not be a lot to ravi, but miranda sure can't do them, and its a lot of smaller acknowledgments and praise that really help. 
its the sense that miranda does look up to her and even trusts her (something that miranda can be too prone to doing - she was deprived of affection too, but she's gone the opposite route from aaravi, now desperate to receive it from anyone she can, which combines badly from lack of experience. not to say bad things havent happened to miranda or that all of her trust isnt hard to earn, she's still from a very backstabbing culture of royals, but people contain multitudes. she can know what to look for in one situation and not know in another, or simply ignore it when she feels compelled to) - and certainly aaravi knows how to get miranda to stop when she needs her to. 
they start seeing pieces of themselves in each other, and letting themselves open up little by little, showing more of themselves to each other and simply trusting the other not to hurt them.
that's why the denial is so bad when anyone else asks about it. 
because neither of them exactly WANT to admit to their weaknesses and moments of weakness, even if it is purposefully showing them to each other and no one else. that act of intimacy feels like a lot and even too much, and directly confronting it is difficult. 
its easier when you feel comfortable, when youre with someone who you feel safe with, and able to handle it at your own pace - but other people pointing it out isnt any of that. 
both of them are very aware of how little words can mean and find more reward in actions, which is why both of them deal with the words of what they are and what they feel last. its almost unnecessary between them, but with other people their walls go back up again and they feel the need to deflect and play it down, even when its OBVIOUS what's actually going on. 
its only after they outright start talking about the other as their girlfriend that that urge really starts to go away, because at that point it doesnt feel like vulnerability anyone, it just feels like who they are and where they feel the best.
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soopysoap · 4 years
Uh, I read your post about having an 80's au for the foreigen kids. And since I'm a Foreigen kids stan, can you tell me more about it?
They're really just random n messy ideas and i forget how many there are but i'm throwing them all here
so the whole thing takes place in highschool and mainly surrounds the cockswolds cotswolds (mainly mark but rebecca is usually there too)
most of them are seniors, rebecca's a junior
mark is an unpopular nerd, therefore the main character because it's the 80s. so is rebecca but she's not the main character
uhh everyone else is kinda just there
like there are no side characters all the foreign kids are kinda equal focus- wise but the main one is mark i guess
like the leader of their group idk idk
estella is the stereotypical rich popular girl, but she's also a closeted lesbian they're all closeted tbh so she's trying to hide that from her mom. Her mom, instead of being all 'Blah blah blah brrak hearts to fuel my life' or something she's just obsessed with status and how popular Estella is. She's always pleased when Estella has a boyfriend, but it's not often. Basically Estella is more smiley and happy than she usually is, but she's stil usually indifferent. Smiles either when she's genuinely happy or wants something. Most of the time she's deadpan or rolling her eyes
Gaydamien is the rich popular jock, his ego is huge. His dad (since he cant be the son of satan in this one) is the principal of their school. He usually gets what he wants, no matter what. Instead of "You dare [insert something here] to the Prince of Hell????" its that but with "Damien Thorn???" yknow because of his last name. He's been dating Estella to boost his ego, mainly. Doesn't realize he likes guys yet. Estella and Damien hate each other, but everyone believes they're dating because they're too scared to say otherwise. They complain about each other to each other AND to people in private.
Pip is just- he's less of a nerd but more of a kid that's just. There. He isn't nerdy but he definitely isn't popular. At all. He's just a pushover man idk what to tell you. He's usually being bullied. He has a huge crush on Damien, because he got him out of trouble with some other jock like. Once. Always gets giggly around him, it's funny to watch. Also very passive aggressive @ Estella because she's dating him. They have very few classes together, but whenever they do he's always like "hey :) so hows damien" and she responds with "why would i know" and he's like "because??? youre dating him???" and she looks really confused for a second and then is like "OH- Oh yeah okay uh. I don't know. So." and then she starts complaining about him or something and pip is all ":) why not just break up?"
Pip also hates Christophe
Which, speaking of, Christophe is also an annoying egotistical jock who plays football with Damien. Damien and Christophe are best friends. Christophe and Gregory are dating in secret
Gregory is the stereotypical gay kid. No other way to put this. If Ryan Evans from High School Musical had a superiority complex. He's a theatre kid, and takes pride in tha- OH MY GOD. Rachel??? Maybe he's Rachel Berry from Glee??? it would kind of work idk,, ok uh anyway yeah he's always bullied for being openly gay and it sucks but he took defense classes in Yardale (yes he's still a transfer from Yardale, yes he constantly mentions it) so he's able to hold his own. But Christophe usually steps in to get Gregory out of there and tend to his wounds.
Rebeccaaaaaa she's the unpopular girl, just started school and doesnt know shit about it after being homeschooled almost her whole life. Has a little crush on Estella, but Estella "Doesn't" notice her. (Estella just thinks of her as some pretty girl who isnt worth her time) Rebecca usually keeps to herself, is usually gossiped about. Estella never gets involved, but whenever she'd get asked about it, instead of defending Rebecca she just says "I hardly believe any of the rumors. She was homeschooled, not taught in witchcraft or satanisim. Or whatever else everyone's saying. Everyone should really calm themselves, if they were so worried about what people thought of them when Rebecca started going here then they should get that in order first before ruining Rebecca's social life. God. You all have to grow up." So, not necessarily a defense but also not an insult. Rebecca still finds it sweet.
Mark is a neerrrrrrd 80s main character. Minus the popular love interest and yearning 😩 And also if the main character had a god/superiority complex.. he's bullied the most other than Gregory, mostly by Damien n Christophe. Girls don't like him, guys don't like him, he really only had Pip and Rebecca for a while. Pip because he's overly nice to almost everyone and wanted to befriend Mark immediately. Usually during lunch Mark sits with Pip and Rebecca. Mark has to hear about Damien all the time from Pip though, so that's annoying.
Uh I know that Pocket is TECHNICALLY a foreign kid but idk shit about him and dont really think about him but he's Estella's cousin and often hangs out with her since he doesn't really have a friend group. He's also really good friends with Pip. BUT since this is a horror au he dies off early
After theyre all friends some stuff happens yada yada yada Gaymien realizes he's pan and has a crush on Pip, Estella takes Rebecca out for a makeover , Christophe gets severely injured because this is a horror au as well, Damien and Pip make out at some point-
Estella and Rebecca both know that theyre Lesbians but they refuse to admit that they like each other
Kinda thinking of this as if it was stranger things or something so i definitely want there to be like... a series of bad events. everyone thinks everythings cool and fine and whatever and there are moments where our group kinda just get to chill n' be kids. idk i just want there to be a falling out in the group and then they all realize they need each other or something dumb like that
also for some fun chill moments we can have estella and rebecca walking around holding hands and laughing n' stuff bc they love each other idk idk
and after the falling out when they all join together again estella is the first to see some scary stuff but she was also the first to drop everyone except damien and christophe (because of her mother) and so she blames herself and doesnt think she can go to them and just has to deal with it on her own
eventually she tells damien who immediately tells pip who immediately wants to get the group together again
everyone's (the cockswolds) are reluctant to hang out again because of the way they were just forgotten so easily, but they go anyway. because of the horror stuff. they both are pissed at estella though
at some point estella gets badly hurt and rebecca saves her and starts nursing her back to health
estella: why are you... why are you doing this. dont you hate me?
rebecca: i'm doing it because i actually care for you, idiot.
estella: i care for you i just... couldnt...
rebecca: what? spend time with a lowlife like me?
estella: you know thats not what i meant-
they go on like that for a little while longer until they wind up confessing to each other "Because I love you! Is that so fucking hard to believe?!" Would be rebecca's and Estella's would probably be "I don't hate you! You're my favorite person, and I hated having to stop hanging out with you! I love you, okay?!" it would be :) fun
damien and estella come out to each other first. well- damien doesnt really come out he just tells her how confused he is and they hug it out and estella tells him she's a lesbian and they both talk a little while longer and decide that breaking up would be the best idea
thats all i've really figured out for sure,, i have some more ideas but this is. a lot already so. i'm just gonna stop before i write too much 👉👉 anyway, anon ily ty for this. also sidenote: the horror stuff has to do with weird sacrificial cults. i know i have nothing for that and really only talked about how everything starts and drama instead of the interesting stuff but 🥴 i have no defense i just love my kids ok drama is fun
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I’m a bisexual girl and I’m in love with Julie so I was wondering if maybe u could write one where the reader thought she was straight but slowly realizes she’s bi and in love with Julie, reader comes out to parents and when they don’t accept she runs to Julie and they kiss and it’s kinda angsty but then BAM fluff
Title: Valid
Request: Yes / No
Word Count: 3234 (!!)
Warnings: homophobia !!, probs not well written angst omg
(A/N): not me saying im back and not being back i hate myself. yall, there’s no schedule i just post whenever im like, active and thats a really bad habbit that i should NOT keep doing istg. also au where the band never died, but theyre never mentioned. anyways ty ty TY to the sweetie who asked for this ! i literally squealed when i read this request. not this being 3k words umm help
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You had your moments. Those weird moments where you didn’t know what you were feeling, especially to the person you were feeling those emotions to. Like this one time where it was a normal day watching Disney Channel and eating pizza (basically living the dream) and then a new movie popped up. “Teen Beach Movie” was the film, and let me tell you, when you saw Butchy AND Lela wearing leather, let’s just say you were confused why felt his way for both of them... it wasn’t right.
No, of course it was right ! You had these feelings for both genders, and your feelings were valid, so why wasn’t it right? Well, it was a simple answer. 
Your parents.
Of course, they didn’t down right say they hated the lgbtg+ community. Although they might as well have downright said that they did, because with the things they say,
“Why do they get a whole MONTH of pride?”
“Ugh, the gays are making it EVERYTHING about them.”
“Do they have to do that in public? Couldn’t they have waited until they got home?”
“Why would they put that in tv?! The kids are gonna watch that and think that they’re gay!”
Obviously you heard their views, and when you started to realize you somewhat fit in their hate demographic, you “decided” that you weren’t going to. And that’s how it has been for a long time.
Ugh, another school day.
“Kill me now.”
You got up your very comfortable bed, and did your daily routine. After you were finished with that and dinner, you were dropped off at the infamous Los Feliz High School. You were then greeted by your best friend, Octavia.
“Hey bestiee.” you joked.
“Hey rat.” Octavia said with the same energy. 
“So, did you finally finish atla last night?” you asked.
“Of course! To have a chance to see my husbands is a chance I’ll always take. Even started watching tlok! Mako does looks scrumptious not gonna lie.” she said, doing that weird tucking her hair behind her ear and having a look of thirst on her face. Its the fact that she basically always does that for me.
“Not you finishing atla AND starting tlok the very same night. I don’t think that’s normal.” you said shaking your head. 
“Lets just say that if I get diagnosed with insomnia, don’t be surprised.”
“I don’t think anyone would be.” you said while the both of you are putting your supplies in our locker.
“ANYWAYS, I’m sorry for you getting moved to Mr. G’s class. I know he can be very mean.” Octavia said sympathetically.
And it’s all true. Mr. G is basically known for being modern day Snape, favorites and all (especially to the popular kids). Considering you were fresh meat to his class, you were not looking forward to the inevitable insults. 
“Ugh, don’t remind me. I can NOT stand the fact that I wasn’t even in his class in the first place, thinking I was safe, and then I got moved!” you yelled.
“I know, I know.” she said while putting her hands on your shoulder. “(y/n), if he even BREATHES in your direction, just tell me and I swear the next time I see him its on sight.” Octavia said with a very stern look on her face. “Honestly I can’t believe that the principle wouldn’t fire him, he has enough complaints for at least a suspension.”
“O, what would I do without you? And besides, don’t blame her. She genuinely tried to fire him. But I heard that he lawyered up to the point where he was basically untouchable.” you said.
“We lost.” “We truly did.”
Right after that conversation, the bell rang. 
“Good luck (y/n)! I love you !!” said Octavia while going to her 1st period class. 
“I love you too!” you yelled back.
Oh lord. Please please make this class bearable.
You walked to the door, and took a deep breath. As you went inside, not one second went by as you already got a taste of his scrutiny.
“Well well, if it isn’t the newbie! (y/n) (y/l/n). Just pick an empty seat as that’ll be the only way you’ll get someone to sit next to you.” he chuckled
You wanted to die right then and there. 
And it got worse as the whole class seemed to find that insult funny, considering that they all laughed. 
“O m gosh, Mr G. That was your best one yet!” said Carrie. Of course she had something to say. Not one situation where she kept her mouth shut and yelled her commentary to everyone in the room.
You shuffled your way to the back of the class, to find an empty seat next to this girl. She looked familiar, but not to the point where you knew her name. Though you wished you had. She looked quite.. pretty. With her amazing hair, and her beautiful eyes. Not to mention her face in general..
NO !
No. Of course you had these thoughts of her, she’s just naturally pretty, anyone would’ve thought that. You then put your backpack behind the seat and proceeded to sit down next to her. A few moments passed of you sitting next to the girl, until she said,
“Sorry about that. Mr G. can be very mean sometimes to everyone, -not that that’s okay!” she stuttered. “It’s just, don’t take it personally.”
“Er- thanks.”
“I’m Julie by the way! What’s your name?”
“I’m (y/n).”
“Nice you (y/n)! With each other, I promise you, we can get through his class.”
You smile at her. And Julie smiled back. of course she had to be nice too!
“Well Ms. (y/n), Ms. Molina, talking in my class? I’m not even mad, just surprised! Ms. (y/n) actually found someone to talk to!” said Mr. G.
Aaand of course, he has something to say again.
“I’m surprised she has anything to say at all, considering the amount of times you had already talked down to her. Just simply leave her alone.” said Julie with assert. 
You were shocked to say the least. And it showed to, having a look of disbelief all over your face.
“Um, wel- uh, Ms. Molina, keep that mouth closed, if you don’t want to spend your lunch in detention.” said Mr G. 
You were honestly very glad that she stood up for you in that moment. A little too glad, because in that time, the feelings started to flood in.
Of course, why wouldn’t it! She was just simply nice to you and you had already developed whole feelings for her! But was it exactly bad? Sure, your parents deemed that it already was, but that didn’t mean that you had to. This is who you were, a human being with valid feelings, and there was nothing wrong with that. So with this whole situation, you said with a big smile,
“Thank you.” 
Hey, you never said you were good at speaking with other people. But I don’t think it mattered to Julie, because she had returned your smile, and in that moment you realized you can find yourself deeper in love.
The two of you really had bonded during class time. Sure, you can say that you both flirted but you were never really good at figuring that out, even when you were flirting with boys (it had always been Octavia’s job to figure that out.) But considering the things she said to you.
“I love your hair!”
“You have very nice hands.”
“Your eyes are a beautiful shade of (y/e/c).”
After class, you both knew that you liked, liked each other. But that's where the hard part came in, actually confessing. To be totally honest, you could barely manage confessing to a boy, imagine with Julie? Although you were happy to know that Julie had already thought about this, because when you both walked out the door, she took your hand and guided you to the music room, where the both of you were alone.
Both of you were facing each other. You could tell she was nervous, cause she was playing with her hands, and didn’t seem to try to make eye contact with you.
“(y/n), I know we just met this class,” she said, both chuckling, “but would you like to get coffee with me sometime?”
Oh boy, she actually asked you out! Don’t get you wrong, you were happy! In spite the fact that you had your parents to worry about. So with that, knowing all that was at risk, you still said with full confidence,
“I would love to.”
Julie gave you the biggest smile you had yet to see. She moved a strand of hair out of your face and then proceeded to hold your hands.
“It’s a date! How about at 4 after school?” she said.
“The perfect time.”
After exchanging numbers, you both felt ecstatic, the both of you just left the room with the biggest grin. You couldn’t believe that you had gotten a date with Julie! Now I know that you’re gonna say that you should’ve told Julie about your situation with your parents, but she looked so happy that you couldn’t possibly have ruined the moment with that.
After that amazing moment, you had managed to spot Octavia in the hallway. You walked up to her like you normally would, though this time you had a scared expression. You had never come out before. Though you thought the possibility of keeping this from your parents, this wasn’t something you could keep from her. So walking up to her, you just blurted out the truth, without a second thought.
“Hey! How was Mr-.”
“I’m bi!”
She seemed stunned after a second, but only a second as she bursted out laughing out of nowhere.
“Oh my gosh, the way that was the way you came out to me! It’s the disorganization for me.” said Octavia, while wiping her tears away.
��Wait-, you don’t care?” you asked confused.
“Do you want me to be bothered or something?” she asked in a more sarcastic tone.
“Well no- it's just- I don’t know, I was just scared I guess.”
“Listen,” she said sternly while again putting her hands on your shoulders as a way to comfort you. “I will love you no matter who you love. Understand?”
“And I you. The problem is my parents. I know what they think of people like me, and it’s not good. How am I going to survive this ughh.”
“They’re your parents, I’m sure it’ll be a shock to them, but if they truly love you, they’ll accept you.”
“Thank you Octavia, what will do without you?”
“Hey, that’s what I’m here for.”
After you finally finished your classes, you nervously went to the front of the school to wait for your mom to pick you up. You felt so nauseous, to the point where you were sure that you were going to throw up right there. After waiting for 5 minutes, your mom pulled up. You got in the car and you felt so nervous that you were just silent the whole car ride. Your mom for sure took notice.
“Hey sweetie, you’re alright?” said your mom.
“Yeah, I just don’t feel so well.”
“Oh, are you alright? Did you eat something bad maybe?”
“Yeah, probably something during lunch.”
And after that the conversation fully stopped as your mom noticed you were not in the mood to talk.
You finally got home and you felt even worse than before. You dreaded this moment, and just felt like passing out. As you got inside, you quickly went inside your room, not bothering to say hi to your dad. You put your stuff on the ground and just started to really think about this.
They’re my parents! Like Octavia said, they should still accept me, I’m their child. And if they don’t? They have to, right?
You finally built up the courage to go outside your room and go to the kitchen, where both of you parents were.
“Mom, dad? I need to tell you something.” you said, basically shaking.
“Sure, what is it sweetie?” said your dad.
And without a second thought, you just blurt it out?
“I’m bi!”
It was dead silent. And that scared you. 
The part that truly scared you? Hearing the words that you had been dreading to hear.
“You’re pranking me, right?” you dad chuckled, as if it was a joke.
That’s when you started to get a little irritated. You knew how your parents were, so this reaction was inevitable. So considering all the preparation, you still got mad. 
“Why would this be a prank?!” you said with an “attitude” (that’s what your parents would say at least, although you were just simply defending yourself).
“Honey, as much I love you, this isn’t natural.” said your mother with a normal tone, which you could argue was just as scary as an angry tone.
“If you actually loved me, you would accept me as I am!” you said, starting to actually get aggrieved.
“Don’t yell at your mother like that!” said your father, who actually stood up from his chair.
“I wouldn’t need to be yelling, if you would actually accept me for who I am, not all this!”
“LISTEN, I’m sure this is just a phase. You either change your ways or you are no longer considered my daughter! No daughter of mine would feel such a disgusting thing!” your father yelled.
That’s when you lost it, you knew that no matter what you did, they would never change their way. That’s why you just let it out, because they would never change their way, so why not just let it all out?
“You know what?! I’m going to leave! I rather be homeless than to live in a house with you two! My two parents who don’t even accept me, WHO DON’T MAKE ME FEEL LOVED OR VALIDATED!” you yelled.
At that point you were shaking and crying. With the anger that you were feeling inside you didn’t even think to get any clothes or basic necessities, you just grabbed your phone and just ran out with your parents yelling your name. But you didn’t care, you were not going back there, that’s for sure.
After that horrible fight, you went to a park that was near your house. You went inside a private bathroom that was thankfully unoccupied, cause if it wasn’t, you were pretty sure that you would’ve broken down right then and there. Once you had gone in there, you surprisingly didn’t cry. You just held it in, and really thought about your situation. You realized that it was pretty stupid of you that you didn’t get your belongings and then left the house. Oh! And that you were pretty much homeless.
After a good thinking session, you did the most sensical thing you could do in that situation. 
You called Julie.
Now I know what you’re thinking! ‘Why Julie, why didn’t you call Octavia instead?’. Well it was pretty simple, you just desperately wanted to see Julie. You pressed on her contact, not really knowing what was coming with it. What if she thought you were weird? What if she laughed at you? What if she felt weirded out with you and then blocked your number? What if-
“Julie?” You sounded pretty distraught, so it wasn’t surprising when she sounded concerned herself once she heard your voice.
“Hey, is everything alright?”
“Julie, this might sound really weird, but something really bad happened and you were the only person I could think to call! If you’re busy I’m sorry I won’t-”
“Hey! I’m sure everything’s going to be fine. Where are you?”
You took a deep breath, you were just thankful she didn’t block you right then and there. “I’m at the park in (street name).”
“Okay, just stay right there and I’ll come and get you.”
When the call ended, you walked out of the bathroom and sat on swings, waiting for Julie. After you waited, for what seemed an eternity, you saw her.
She spotted you in the swings, and gave you the sweetest smile. She walked closer to you and stretched out her hands, which you took. After just staring at each other, she gave you the biggest hug, which (not gonna lie) you just really needed. Much to your disappointment, she let go of you, she swung an arm around you, and started walking to her house. The both of you didn’t say anything, but you guys didn’t need to, the peaceful silence was nice.
The both of you then arrived at her house. That’s when you started to panic, you weren’t looking forward to bother her family. 
“Are you sure we can go in the house?” you asked 
She gave you a chuckle, “I think we can go to my house.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to bother any-”
“Hey.” She proceeded to grab your hands and then moved to cup your face. “Everything’s going to be okay, my dad and brother aren’t home, and even if they were, you would absolutely be greeted with open arms.” she said,
You both went inside the house and then inside Julie’s room. She motioned to sit on her bed and you did. She sat next to you and then held your hand, intertwining with each other.
“It’s okay, you can talk to me.”
You took a deep breath, and just let all your feelings out. “It’s just my parents were never really supporting of the lgbtq community, so it was stupid of me to actually think they would have any other different reaction. And the fact that they would react like that? To say such cruel things? I just..- I don’t know, is it wrong for me to feel bad?”
“They’re your family, of course you would have this sensation of feeling bad. But I just want you to know that they’re in the wrong, not you. Any sane person would think that, everyone just wants to be accepted. Just know this,” she said while leaning closer, your hands still intertwined. “you are valid, so many people love you no matter who you love.” she said while moving a strand of hair out of your face.
You continued to smile, but looked into Julie’s eyes with so much adore. And the best part was, she was looking at you the exact same way.
Without a second thought, you decided to just go for it. You kissed her. The kiss was passionate, and sweet. Julie then gave soft kisses to you cheeks and knuckles, murmuring comforting words such as “it’s okay” “you’re alright” “i’m here”. 
After pulling away you both looked at each other, and then you offered your favorite pastime.
“Can we go to sleep? I just wanna sleep the stress away.”
Julie chuckled and then agreed. You both got into a position of Julie laying down while your head rested on her chess, and her holding you. While you were half asleep, you said those three words,
“I love you.” 
You were half asleep, so you didn’t understand the severity of the action, but before you fully drifted, you heard these words coming out of her mouth.
“I love you too.”
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longingkisses · 4 years
some vincent/shakespeare hc’s because they deserve the world, actually >:(
ever since the the drunk on your love event i have never known peace. i regret not collecting the theocona and leocomte stories but hey what can you do when ur broke amirght? well at least these two were pretty early on so i really must stan. no spoilers for their routes as well, so uh. :) rated general, just fluffy all around. love yall hhahahaha xoxo 😎
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honestly, the way they got together is probably some deep dark secret. it’s a lost cause to ask shakespeare, and asking vincent just gets nothing but a nonchalent smile
no, seriously. vincent will probably react with a dreamy smile, slight blush and just trying to get words out from him feels like a sin because well- the dude's just lost in the sauce. the love sauce
because of this, theo lives in paranoia. what happens when his older brother goes off on his own? apparently he starts dating the murder(?) vampire that mom and pops warned you about
when they first start dating though, nobody really knows for sure. the playwright comes often more for lunch and vincent goes out on his own more, but it wasn’t enough to draw that much attention.
but theyre not ashamed of each other. vincent is absolutely willing to kiss shakespeare at any time of the day and if that's how their relationship is found out, so be it
safe to say, theo cried in anguish for about 3 days. if he even sees a cheek kiss from the two he blacks out for hours
and once theo finds out, EVERYBODY knows. a lot of them are alright with it, just a bit cautious.
unsurprisingly, its theo, comte and leo who are the most concerned.
theo is... self-explanatory. a younger brother has to cope with his older brother dating somehow though.
comte is MAMA. in his own way he tries to figure out how the two are doing, feeling, and how the hell this happens.
vincent unironically thinks so highly of shakes. once comte asks, the painter practically lights and goes on about how 'passionate' that will is, how he admires the other's work ethic, overjoyed how the will also enjoys spending time with him...
it makes comte's heart melt. this count knows damn well how vincent deserves to be happy, even with the resident more like neighboring drama queen
and when comte turns to shakespeare... oh god
bring up vincent to willy shakes and the dude goes full gas on the ballads. a lot of ballads. vincent as the dazzling sun, light of his eternal life, most curious dear vincent-
anyway, comte leaves happy that his sons are happy. that's all that matters. even if he totally has some backup care plans if things go awry, because they might. who knows with shakes honestly
and then... leo. leo and vincent are art buddies, and even then leo is also quite protective of the vamps. its a dad thing
he just tells vincent to be careful, and only vincent. the playwright tends to just avoid leo at all times, but the message is very, very clear. no correspondence needed.
other than that, the two are very much in their own world
they always share their pieces with each other. when shakespeare comes up with a new script, he's always ready to regale it with vincent
likewise, vincent starts showing all his paintings to shakes like he would with theo.
at times, when vincent has no idea what to name the piece, shakespeare is actually willing to a hand at naming them. his suggestions are always met with an angelic smile.
to pay back for those favors, vincent is also completely willing to paint sets for his boyfriend. although its very serious work, considering just how much shakespeare cares for his plays.
but william doesnt complain. what his love does is always breathtaking, and there's a hint of pride that lingers in his heart when the audience murmurs about the beautiful sets.
such things begin happening way more often. in fact one day, will just asks vincent if he wants to move in with him
to his dismay, vincent does refuse. the painter isnt quite ready to leave theo just yet, more likely until younger bro is alright with their.. arrangements. those brothers need to work on some issues, in william’s opinion, and while it would serve as good script inspiration...
he just cant do it. not even the possibility of a when comes into mind
but the promise of having a future together definitely excites the both of them. it motivates them to work harder than before, and its just nice to have a semblance of a purpose
but for the meantime, the two are totally content to have a sleepover at shakespeare's villa. just themselves and their thoughts..
the two can totally just deal with the vincent search party in the morning.
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jojosbizarrefanfics · 4 years
aizawa x reader fic where theyre both teachers and their students try to pair them up?
this prompt is so cute!!! love me a sleepy burrito man
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“(YN). G’morning,” Aizawa said with a nod. You leaned against the counter with him by the coffee machine; this was where the two of you usually began your day.
“Morning, Shota,” you said. “You ready for this field trip? I sense our kids are up to something.”
Aizawa rose a brow while he sipped his coffee. Your Quirk of supersonic hearing meant you were up-to-date in all of the student gossip whether you liked it or not, and Aizawa only cared about it if it involved him directly. He knew you knew this, so his attention was already piqued.
“What kind of something?”
You sipped your coffee then said, “I think they’re hoping to play matchmaker instead of focusing on the exhibit. I heard a group of them talking about it.”
Aizawa laughed. “This should be interesting. Thanks for the head’s up.”
He’d never admit it, but he wasn’t completely opposed to the idea — he’d been wanting to ask you out for coffee beyond the teacher’s lounge, but you two had become such good friends since your start at the high school as the 1-F teacher and he wasn’t able to get a good read on you.
“Figured you’d appreciate being in the loop,” you said with a shrug. “Not that the girls think I’m in on their plan, either, but hey.”
The museum had a huge sign advertising the exhibit traveling around Japan: hero costumes and tech through history. Your classes were paired so your support kids could see what heroes they might be working with, and hopefully both would be inspired by the exhibit and each other.
You could hear the whispering of your girls along with a few of Aizawa’s students as the two of you joined your groups for a final headcount, and then brought them through the museum. It was a guided tour, so you and Aizawa just had to stand in the back and make sure no one tried to pull anything stupid. Your hearing and Aizawa’s ability to stop a Quirk in action made you two an unstoppable chaperone duo, and every student knew it; people still talked about how Mineta ended up face planting the dirt once when he tried to attach himself to your chest when Aizawa caught him.
The field trip was largely uneventful, much to your pleasure, and your group’s lunch break was first. The museum had a built in cafe, so the teens broke off into their cliques at each table while you and Aizawa enjoyed a small two seater booth in the corner where you could keep an eye and ear out for your students.
Shota was about to say something, but stopped himself when one of the boys from your class approached your table.
“(YN) Sensei?”
“What’s going on, Hiro?” You asked casually. You spoke to your students like a friend unless they lost that right; Shouta enjoyed seeing you interact with them. You were a natural.
“C-can I ask you something personal? Our secret?”
“You can ask me anything, Hiro. Our secret,” you reassured him. “Everything ok?”
“Yeah. I... I think I have a crush on one of the girls. She’s in 1-A, though, and I’m just support. I don’t know how to tell her.”
You sensed this was part of the students’ set up, but you figured you would let them get away with it. “First of all, you are not just support,” you said as you set your chopsticks down and turned to face him more properly. “Ask Aizawa Sensei if you don’t believe me. Support makes it easier for them to do their jobs.”
Aizawa nodded. “She’s right.” He hoped he managed to suppress his smile.
“What does she like?” You asked.
“I... I think she likes flowers. And sushi.”
“Ask her if she’d like to get some sushi one day, and get her some flowers if she says yes,” (YN) advised. “I know some guys like to take the mean approach, or act aloof, but trust me. Girls don’t like that.” You made a bit of a scrunched up face as you said that, and it made both Hiro and Shota chuckle.
“Should I tell her I really like her? Or just ask her on a date?”
“Start by asking her on a date, and if it goes well, you can tell her over sushi,” you advised. “And remember, Quirks don’t completely define our worth. Ok?”
“Thank you, Sensei!” At that, Hiro scurried off to chat with his friends.
“You eavesdropping?” Shota asked.
“Oh, yeah,” you confirmed. You shot him a wink as you sipped your tea. “Making sure they don’t have anything more sinister planned for us. That was admittedly cute, so I can’t be mad at them yet.”
“What’s the verdict?” Shota asked.
“When we pick back up and go through some of the women’s costumes, Ashida’s going to ask you which ones you think I’d look pretty in,” you reported. “I think they’re trying to inspire you to ask me out.”
“Well, this is unfortunate,” Aizawa said a bit bluntly. He saw confusion wash over your face, so he added, “Now if I decide to ask you out for coffee some time, you’ll think their plan worked and question my sincerity.”
“What are you getting at, Shota?” You asked, taking another sip of green tea to hide your blush.
“That I like working with you because I enjoy spending time with you,” Shota said. “And maybe I’d like to spend more time with you.”
“Like a date where you bring me flowers and confess your crush over sushi?” You teased.
You were surprised when Aizawa flatly said, “Exactly.”
Lunchtime was up, so you didn’t have a chance to properly respond. You simply gave him a, “We’re not done here,” and he understood.
Ashida did, in fact, try to coax Aizawa into saying which costume you’d look prettiest in. He stayed cool, collected, and seemingly disinterested though, not giving the girls any satisfaction
“Who cares?” Shota would say with a shrug. “They’re better suited when practical. Don’t you think?”
You’d agree, and the girls would try again. After the fifth outfit, they gave up.
When you returned to U.A., you saw all the students off safely - the school was still on a bit of a high alert after all of the recent events - back to their dorms. It was just you and Shota now as the buses drove away.
“For the record,” Shota said as he nudged his elbow into yours, “I think you’d look pretty in all of them.” In a moment of boldness that surprised even himself, Shota left a chaste kiss on your lips, tickling your upper lip with his stubble, and then began to walk away with his hands in his pockets.
You stood there, stunned, feeling your feet frozen. You were processing everything from the day, but managed to call after him.
He stopped and turned to look at you. He looked ready for rejection but still maintained some confidence. “Hm?”
“Pick me up at 6:30 tomorrow night?”
Shota grinned. “You can count on it.”
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ambitionsource · 4 years
Heyy can i ask for a bonus content of rl and da first double date, like riley freaking out and lucas being like chill you know them and stuff
so this has been sitting in here for like months, thank you for your patience if u are still out there anon!
it’s definitely not a question as to whether or not rl and da are each other’s go to double date duo. it’s easily confirmed and in some ways always felt like an inevitability. it really does stand to wonder, as riley did in cruel summer, if things would’ve been different in s2 if she had dedicated more time to befriending asher and dylan as individuals rather than sort of knowing them through lucas -- if that friendship had been cemented earlier, perhaps the chain of events could’ve been shifted or changed entirely. it’s something to muse about, for sure. it’s especially true of dylan and riley, who we’ll see in s3 have built a quite close friendship and rapport in such a short amount of time. this is, again, bc they’re the definition of kindred spirits.
but yeah, back early in the summer of love, i don’t think such an easy friendship would’ve felt so guaranteed. yes, there’s always been some kind of magnetic draw from riley to lucas and the two of them, but she doesn’t know if that’s a) reciprocated and b) plausible. like i don’t think she worries that asher and dylan won’t like her, since they basically already all know each other, but its that feeling of like... you know. kind of like you said, just stressing that it will feel awkward or stilted and won’t just click into place
the key to this, honestly, is dylan. because even though asher and lucas can be as non-problematic as possible and lucas can assure riles up and down it will be fine and asher can express little to no apprehension towards the whole idea, both of them are... how do i put this. off-putting, in their own respective ways. i think lucas and asher are both extreme creatures of habit and so even if riley is welcome in their circle now, neither of them know like... how to Act to make that clear. they’re not going to much change their own behavior, which doesn’t make it abundantly Clear that riley is a very welcome new player. like asher will treat riley normally and be nice to her and enjoy her company you know, but he won’t be like RILEY IT’S SO AWESOME THAT YOU’RE HERE.
dylan, on the other hand, DOES have that energy. so that first afternoon in june when they decide to all get together and go drive up to the hideout and spend some time chilling there, dylan is completely on his a game. he just knows how to make someone feel welcome and comfortable, so he puts all those skills to work when they come together. asher and dylan pick riley and lucas up and he’s immediately visibly excited to see her, greets her eagerly, even tells asher to get in the back so riley can sit in the passenger seat up front with him. this is honestly a smart move, because it allows for dylan and riley to converse a lot more easily and doesn’t make the lack of interjection from lucas or softer tenor of asher’s contributions to the conversation feel as noticeable. so dylan asks riley a million questions the entire drive up there -- which is still a new journey for riley, because lucas has only shown her how to drive up there like once at that point -- while asher and riley pass control of music back and forth.
i think the thing that helps too in terms of making the whole thing feel more natural is the fact that it doesn’t FEEL like Two Couples Getting Together. it just feels like a group outing. like cause dasher have already been a unit but in tandem with lucas for so long, so it feels less like they’re two separate halves of the group and more just a... harmonious quadrilateral. also bc both of them are relatively informal and unconventional pairs, it doesn’t exactly feel like a Date. you know what i mean? like they’re not at all dressed up or acting like it’s this big serious outing, they’re just hanging out as friends that just happen to be two couples. so in a way, riley can prioritize her focus -- like rather than thinking about the Date aspect of it and how she needs to act with / around lucas (which at this point they’re still trying to get used to and navigate + explore, they’ve only been Together for like a couple weeks), she can focus on building her rapport and friendship with dylan and asher
and that’s basically how it goes. they get to the hideout, the boys kind of give her the unofficial “tour,” and then i figure the group of them were planning to picnic up there since they’re all kind of outdoorsy people to a degree and it’s not a broiling hot june afternoon and its nice and shady in the hideaway. so they all brought along pieces for the meal (where lucas got his contributions, they don’t ask, though they all can make assumptions -- in a week or so he’ll be teaching riley how to shoplift make up and small items out of convenience stores so) and then just chill and chat while they eat. and i think that would start out a little awkward for riley, just because the three of them have such an established rhythm and rapport and she has to figure out where her voice can chime in, but she gets the hang of it pretty quickly and by the middle of the meal she doesn’t feel nearly as nervous anymore
then i figure dylan and lucas decide theyre going to go check if the trail nearby is decent for a good post-lunch walk hike type deal, so asher and riley clean up together and that’s her chance to get a better reading on where she stands with asher. and when it’s just the two of them i think asher would get more shy, because that’s just who he is, but riley pretty quickly figures out that its not a fruitless situation between them here. like she can earn asher’s trust and become a closer friend with him, it’s just obviously not going to be as simple and nearly effortless as with dylan (both because he’s so sociable and also because, as they’ll come to truly know very soon on the road trip, they really are just kindred spirits as said above). she’ll have to take things bit by bit with asher and earn his favor with time, and she can work with that. she’s definitely starting off in NEGATIVe territory, like he does already like her company, its just about weaseling her way into his actual deep friendship territory which is very hard to break into with asher.
i think, on a slightly different angle, though i don’t think he would show it lucas would be equally nervous about the whole thing. not because of like, his own presentation (since he’s definitely the one with the most established credit with all parties involved), but because i think he worries that for some god forsaken reason they won’t like each other. this is kind of funny just given the fact that he is like the most polarizing and hard to swallow figure of the four of them LMAO, but also like i get it. its not a realistic concern, but its the kind of one you get when something very important is about to happen, like what is the worst thing that could happen in this scenario. and considering how crucial both riley and dasher are to his life, it obviously feels very... major, whether or not they can intermingle in a way thats natural and positive and ideally, good enough that people want to do so more often
lucky for him, he actually had nothing to worry about
-- Maggie
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jihyosforehead · 5 years
can i get some seulrene angst please
delicious yes i got u (fair warning this is pre long!!!)  …
seulrene meet in their university library
irene is sitting alone at her regular table, trying and failing to study for her advanced statistics test
in the middle of daydreaming about dropping out, seulgi turns up asking if she can sit at irenes table bc everywhere else is full
irene blinks and stares dumbly bc seulgi is lowkey the most adorable human being she has ever seen (the sweater paws are doing something to her heart)
and irene is distracted because seulgi is watching her lecture, knees pulled to her chest, elbows propping her head up, the tips of her fingers peaking out from her sleeves. irene feels her stomach flip uncomfortably
seulgi comes to her table again the next day and the day after that and at the end of the fourth time they sit together, seulgi starts leaving irene little snacks and finally introduces herself after realising she doesnt actually know irenes name
eventually they hang out outside of the library and realise they have mutual friends (seulgi with wendy and irene with yeri; and yeri and wendy with each other)
one day their whole group was meant to hang out but literally everyone bailed citing “personal emergencies” but seulrene didn’t realise this until theyre sitting in a cafe just the two of them
and it’s awkward at first but irene makes a joke about their friends being dumb and they go into this whole tangent of stories about their lives and they look at the time and they might as well get dinner since it’s late and they still wanna continue their conversation
irenes never met a person who could make her scream laugh so loud that people start staring
irenes regular table at the library becomes irene and seulgi’s regular table at the library and somewhere between that day in the cafe and right now, thursday afternoon approximately 3:43pm, does irene realise she has the biggest fattest crush on seulgi
and so she remembers seulgi’s fav snacks, remembers when seulgi’s tests are and helps her study for them, remembers her favourite movies and exhibitions she wants to see, remembers where she always loses her keys and has a sixth sense for when seulgi’s about to trip over her feet
and seulgi for all her clumsiness has a knack for understanding irene’s cold front and chips away at it, and it’s too late for irene to realise that seulgi has crawled her way into her heart and taken up permanent residence there
(she thinks she doesnt mind it)
seulgi runs off to the bathroom for a second and the open notebook catches her eye and irene finds herself picking it up to look at it more closely and it’s a drawing of her, looking otherworldly, almost unreal and irene is shookt. the book slips out of her hands and it lands on another page and it’s irene sipping some coffee, she flips the page and it’s of irene taking a nap, flips the page and it’s irene laughing - the notebook is snatched out of her hands unexpectedly and irene looks up to seulgi is standing there red-faced, stammering, apologetic and horrified but at the same time shes trying to be stern like “you cant just look at peoples things without permission! !!!1!” but irene is just like “this is how you see me?” and it’s a soft™ moment and seulgi has developed foot in mouth syndrome and is like “well yeah! u kind of mean everything 2 me u absolute dumbass !!!”
they start dating - to absolutely no ones surprise
their first kiss is in the middle of a lowkey night, theyre watching movies on irenes laptop in her dorm and sharing a blanket - tbh irene stopped watching the movie about 20 mins ago in place of studying seulgi’s side profile in wonder, her fingers twitching trying not to brush the strand of hair away from seulgi’s forehead. she settles for arranging the blanket more securely around seulgi’s shoulders just in case shes cold, you know? seulgi’s watching her the whole time and when irene looks up, seulgi’s eyes are just sparkly with fond affection and maybe love? but that thought is quickly cut off when seulgi presses her lips to irenes, so softly and gently and carefully that irene feels tears prick the corners of her eyes, she feels like shes going to break
but after that theres so many kisses. kisses in the library, forehead kisses, kisses before class, after class, any time in between; did well on a test? a kiss! did really badly on a test? a kiss!! maybe even an extra one! courtyard kisses, kisses in irenes dorm, in seulgi’s dorm, kisses at breakfast, lunch and dinner, just so many kisses!!
it’s a quiet sunday and seulgi and irene are redoing irenes dorm because seulgi scuffed the wall so badly it needs repainting and why not make a day of it? so here irene is, painting the wall, where it meets the floor bc her gf is clumsy but she is adorable and irene is in love, she thinks she’ll remember this day when theyre old and wrinkly and married
irene notices seulgi pulling away, distancing herself, acting weirdly guilty about something? irene thinks maybe shes done something wrong? is seulgi getting tired of her? tired of the relationship? it goes on for awhile and theres a heavy tension between them so thick, it’s almost tangible. and then one day when seulgi’s bailed on another date, irene shuts down. doesn’t know what to think. maybe seulgi doesnt love her anymore? maybe shes bored? irene knows that sometimes she can be really heavy handed with her affection but ever since seulgi’s pulled away, irene figured that maybe she wants space
seulgi turns up at irenes dorm, uninvited. irene swings the door open to find her gf looking equal parts sheepish and guilty. but shes holding a bag of food from irenes favourite restaurant, irene lets her in.
seulgi explains, hand rubbing the back of her neck, that when she gets into a funk, she just needs to go off and think on her own and is apologising for shutting irene out. irene is quick to forgive her. but as the night goes on, it’s clear that seulgi is feeling guilty for some other reason and when asked, seulgi just. she looks so sad
“a few weeks before we met, i applied for this arts school and i got a letter about 2 weeks ago saying that i got in. it’s really competitive and they only have a few spots available for international students and I didn’t think I’d even get in and I forgot but i got in. I got in,” seulgi whispers. almost as if, any louder and the words would be real.
“did u think i was going to beg you to stay here or something?” irene asks, softly. seulgi frowns deeply.
“no. i knew you were gonna tell me to go. but i don’t want to go. i want to be here with you,” seulgi tells her, desperately, voice cracking.
“u huge idiot, do u think that i wouldnt wait for u??? i would wait forever u huge dumbass!!!!”
the evening takes an obvious downturn. but they try not to notice. the next few weeks are seulrene trying to spend as much time together as possible. irene is trying her best to memorise what seulgi feels like in her arms; how she breathes when she’s asleep; the noises she makes when irene is pinning her to the sheets, marking her neck purple with bruises; how seulgi looks like shes close to tears when irenes made her laugh so hard that she snorts; the little fond sighs seulgi sends irenes way when she catches her staring over their morning coffee; how small she looks in an oversized sweater with the sleeves engulfing her hands completely; the way seulgi’s hands feel, fingers threaded through hers; how she likes to kiss irenes shoulder when theyre in bed; how for some reason when seulgi eats chewing with her mouth open it’s adorable instead of disgusting; and how irene is constantly brushing crumbs off seulgi’s clothes. irene tries her best to remember the slip of seulgi’s spine; the way she looks fully sated and satisfied; how seulgi’s eyes, dark and wide, always regard her with warm, open affection; how they can lay side by side in bed saying nothing for hours but irene doesnt need to hear words to know what seulgi’s feeling
but irene knows it isnt enough
because 2 weeks later, seulgi’s on a plane to paris with irenes heart in her hands and the kiss they share in the airport feels bitterly like a final goodbye
seulgi lands and sends irene photos of her food and the buildings and the friends she’s already made. and irene smiles wistfully
they facetime, and send each other texts every few hours, and schedule “dates” but the distance is so palpable that irene feels her heart ache something new whenever she sees seulgi’s red-rimmed eyes, yawning while sipping on a huge mug of coffee
“we should break up,” irene says. she can feel her heart crack at her own words, the tears visible on seulgi’s lashes even through the shitty facetime quality
“w-why?” seulgi sniffs
“because this isn’t working for us, this distance is going to ruin us completely,” irene finds herself saying, voice wooden and stiff. and she knows shes right because she knows seulgi’s grades arent as good as they could be and irene has failed a test and an assignment already
“wait for me,” seulgi is begging and irene is nodding her head frantically, promising tearfully over and over again that she would wait forever if she had to
so they break up that tuesday night, seulgi in paris and irene in korea. this has to be the worst facetime she’s ever had in her whole life.  
it hurts like nothing shes ever imagined, irene thinks shes never cried this much in her life. and she thinks shes doing well but she catches a whiff of seulgi’s perfume on her hoodie one day and it starts a fresh wave of gut-wrenching tears and her heart cracks into tiny, little pieces all over again
they don’t speak for literal years
but irene knows seulgi’s doing pretty well; she’s already held a few exhibitions, according to wendy. irenes graduated and doing okay for herself at a nice cushy job
wendy didn’t tell her that seulgi was back in korea though, but irene is pretty sure seulgi is back because she would recognise that laugh and perfume anywhere
seulgi turns around and her eyes finds irenes and seulgi is making a beeline towards her. irenes pulse is jumping erratically
“hey irene, it’s been awhile,” seulgi says, giving her a warm look. she looks older. more mature. holds herself like she knows shes grown up. but, irene thinks, fondly, painfully, her voice is exactly the same. wraps irenes name in her mouth exactly the same as she did 6 years ago
“hey,” irene replies, with a smile of her own.
“i want to introduce you to someone,”seulgi says, a grin turning up her face, and beckons a tall, intimidatingly beautiful woman over, “this is sooyoung,” seulgi’s smile grows even brighter and irene feels her heart plummet, connecting the dots, “my fiancee.”
“o-oh, it’s very nice to meet you,” irene is saying, trying her best to sound sincere but she sounds so monotone and robotic and wooden, her throat is closing up and her heart has almost stopped completely, and she has to leave before she starts crying all over seulgi again
so maybe seulgi moved on without telling irene
and maybe irene never moved on. and maybe irene had always waited around for seulgi
maybe waiting forever wasn’t a good idea after all, irene thinks wryly, sitting in her apartment alone, uselessly wiping hot tears from her face that don’t seem to stop no matter how much she tries
irenes not sure how, but it hurts more than that night 6 years ago and shes never felt a pain so profound that it goes all the way to her bones; shes sitting on the floor crying and she feels so ridiculous for thinking this but shes looking at the spot where the wall meets the floor and she realises she didn’t paint it very well
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tex-studmister · 5 years
Charthur for the ship asks
heyy sorry this took so long but thank you for the ask!!
i apologize now if this seems incoherent bcus im bad at writing and it is also 5am-
also sorry if the organization of this seems off I changed it to help me be able to write it better!
Gives nose/forehead kisses:
Both of them do both tbh, but Charles will do more forehead kisses than nose kisses and I see Arthur doing a decently equal ratio of the two.
Gets jealous the most:
I’m gonna say Charles on this one. Neither of them really get jealous per se, and it’s an extremely rare occasion if they do, but I feel Arthur would just kind of get. Sad? rather than jealous while Charles is more “hmmmMMMM” kind of? Bad explanation sjdghks 
I definitely wanna see the conversation about Charles Chateney to Charles sgjlsdjklf
Takes care of on sick days:
So I’m gonna go with AU style of Arthur has TB but like. it didn’t get the chance to get That Bad (bcus one can live with TB but arthur just got rly fucked over by guarma and R*) and so they are living on a homestead. its mainly arthur but im doing both bcus i adore sickfics and there isnt enough of charles getting sick and arthur taking care of him
so arthur is more likely to be down with something bcus charles never wants to see it worsen. Arthur is decently okay at hiding he’s sick, but once Charles is even slightly suspicious it’s all over, arthur is dragged to bed and is Not Allowed To Work 
arthur complains about the mother-henning but he secretly is flattered that charles cares enough to spend this much of his time on him, HIM of all people. He is of course embarrassed but this is a No Self-deprecation Zone, and charles assures him that he is important to him, he’d much rather be here, making sure he’s okay than doing anything else.
On the other hand, Charles is a lot better at hiding his illnesses. Arthur has gotten good at figuring out he’s sick, but Charles is particularly good at avoiding arthur if he can tell he’s Suspecting. Of course, it eventually comes to a head whether it be Charles’s condition worsening to where he can’t ignore it or Arthur finding him and returning the favor for when he was ill. 
Charles is the worst patient EVER, even worse than arthur. He’s constantly wanting to do things, get up go places, arthur feels like he has to tie him to the bed to get him to rest. If he isn’t trying to escape or go do something, that’s when arthur knows its Not Good and probably should look into finding a doctor
i adore sickfics and it shows sjdkgsldkg
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day:
I’m gonna casually change beach to lake bcus i dont see them ever going to a beach skjdglk
I’m gonna say charles bcus i can see arthur fishing (i love fishing in game dont @ me) and while charles can fish, he doesn’t prefer it so he does something else, but eventually pulls arthur into the water especially if it’s been a hot day. with permission of course, unless arthur was being cheeky earlier. Then it’s payback time sjdgds
Brings the other lunch at work:
Charles, bcus im projecting onto arthur by giving him my inability to tell when im hungry after a certain point dfjdfgjlk
Tries to start role-playing in bed:
hmmm,,,,,, i actually dont know on this one?? i think itd be a standoff on who would come out and say it to the other. I’m gonna say charles just bcus arthur may just be too embarrassed
Embarrassingly drunk dancer:
both of them they are a right Mess when they’re drunk together but they love each other and theyre just so affectionate with each other and dance and jsut,,,,have fun
arthur tried dipping charles when they were both drunk and they just both fell over HDJSLKG
Firmly believes in couples costumes:
I don’t think either of them would FIRMLY believe but I think for certain ones they may just be “heh we should do that” 
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas:
Arthur, definitely. my arthur maxed out the camp in chapter TWO you really think he’ll abide by that rule?? tbh it may be an add-up cost tho if he’s making something for charles, just needs materials or a professionals touch on certain stuff
Makes the other eat breakfast:
Charles because,,,,arthur just straight up cooked meat over a fire and ate it off the knife no spices nothing,,how,, and tbh i love the idea of arthur liking baking more than cooking
Remembers anniversaries:
They both do bcus theyre SENTIMENTAL and SOFT
Brings up having kids first:
Arthur. Eventually I image arthur told charles about Eliza and Isaac, so kids are a bit of a touchy subject for him I think? I feel like Charles would respect that and wait for arthur to say something or at least wait for him to sort his feelings out bcus arthur clearly wants a kid, but hes,,,,just not ready to say it aloud yet.
Kills the bugs:
Both of them, but Arthur won’t touch spiders. Meanwhile, centipedes/millipedes are a No for charles
First to define them as a couple:
I’m dumb and confused on this one does this mean who first calls them a couple? im gonna go with that
you bet ur ass its Dad AKA Hosea he knows his son he has EYES 
hell he knew it before arthur did tbh, ribbing him gently after the hunting trip, while arthur, who Still Doesn’t Realize is just ????? what
hosea subtly gave charles info on what arthur likes and where he is if charles is looking for him, mentions arthur may be wanting to avoid camp go take him hunting will you? 
Who hides their guilty pleasures longer:
Arthur, this dude barely talks about anything that he encounters outside of camp and barely thinks of himself first as someone who should Get Good Things 
Snorts while laughing:
Charles has the snort laugh dont @ me
arthur has the more wheezing laugh and theyre both CUTE
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
consider an au where five fucks up the equations again and when he successfully transport all of them to the past he has absolutely no recollection of the future. now that theyre adults the sibs get to see five protect them live and realize that holy shit five cared for them more than they thought. so now five is like holy shit my sibs are recognizing my efforts and are visibly showing that they care and the poor boy is clueless cos???
oh man can you just picture their alarm when they realize that this is baby actually thirteen Five just like surprisedpikachu.jpg
also i’m 100% going off on my lessons learned ‘verse here so I’m gonna reference some stuff from that eyyy
They end up in the past, they’re all freaking out and Five is passed the fuck out with blood dripping from his nose and looking like death warmed over. They ended up like uhhh maybe a month after Five left the first time so they just kind of carry Five up to one of their rooms to hide him while he’s unconscious because it’s the middle of the night and thank GOD their dad doesn’t happen upon them
Vanya wakes up first and they managed to calm down that freak out and there’s a lot of hugging all around especially with Allison and Luther awkwardly apologizes for locking her up and turns the whole atmosphere awkward
“If he doesn’t wake up in a few hours I’m getting Mom” - Diego, probably
and Five blinks awake and they’re all immediately crowding him, and he swipes at them half heartedly and they’re all like “Five what the FUCK did you do can you get us back” and he’s just like “…did Dad make me jump too much again? Why am I in Klaus’s room?”
cue surprisedpikachu.jpg
They ask him what he remembers and Five is like?? Did I hit my head when I collapsed again? He swipes at his face and grimaces at the blood but doesn’t look surprised
(”What the fuck does he mean, again?” Ben hisses at Klaus towards the back of the group, “Why isn’t he freaking out more?”)
They do tell him that he brought them back from the future. They tell him everything after a quick argument about communication and the chance of him telling Dad (Five, on the bed, is unimpressed - as if he would tell Dad fucking anything he didn’t have to) so they tell him everything. They have proof as well! Because Vanya has powers
Five believes them, because the last thing he remembers is planning to time travel and he’s missing a wholeass month of memory when they locate something with the current date on it and is like “i fucking gueSS” and is probably pissed about the fact that he doesn’t remember the future tbh
and they’re all planning to camp out in Klaus’s room for the night but Five is the one who reminds them all that they’re thirteen and on a schedule now and they have to act like normal while Five tries to figure out,,, how to get his memories back he guesses? They don’t want to leave him alone and he’s really confused and like “i’ll be fine guys??” but is pretty confused at how concerned they’re being (”Your nose is still bleeding!” “i have tissues in my room for it don’t worry” “this has happened before?” “sometimes when i overexert myself, yeah”)
nobody except Five realizes that hey, they’re back and according to the rest of the world Five disappeared for a whole month. So Five doesn’t bat an eye when he arrives at breakfast and Reginald yells and demands he attend special training and everyone else is horrified. Klaus makes a snarky comment and Five practically hurls himself across the table to make a scene and cover it up by yelling something readiness to try time travel again and gets his special training time doubled
after breakfast he turns on Klaus with flashing eyes because Klaus is apparently an adult and should know better!! He literally whisper yells that thirteen-year-old Klaus knew how to keep his head the fuck down and does he want to get extra training? No! No he doesn’t! Just growling about how his siblings need to relearn the status quo or they’re going to make his job so much more difficult - 
“Your job?” They ask, alarmed and confused and Klaus has wilted entirely because he’s suddenly remembering just exactly what his special training looked like (not that he ever forgot but for a moment he’d still thought he was in a world where Reginald had no power over him) but Five deflects and says he has to go to training and for fucks sake to keep their heads down and not to let Dad know that they’re hanging out with Vanya or act overly attached with each other because that’s just asking for trouble 
they look confused and Five just sighs and is like “We’ll go over camera blindspots together later I guess, meet in Luther’s room”
“Hey,” someone asks, “What was Five’s special training?”
“He never talked about it,” Ben whispers back, “But sometimes he’d be hurt afterwards.”
“Fuck,” is the general sentiment shared by everyone, even though they have all 100% been hurt in this household before
They don’t see Five for the rest of the day and get progressively more antsy when he doesn’t show up at lunch or dinner until they’re all crammed into Luther’s room and there’s a blue flash and Five is on the floor gasping, there’s blood dripping on the floor and they watch in horrified silence as Five pops his thumb back into its socket with a grimace and a familiarity that alarms everyone
and without letting anyone speak, Five launches into where the cameras are, where the blindspots are, going over their daily schedules just in case his siblings have forgotten, and basically telling them that if Dad notices how attached they are to each other then he’ll do something about it “ - so keep a low profile and don’t piss him off for fuck’s sake”
“you literally purposefully pissed him off at breakfast” one of them points out
Five rolls his eyes, “if i didn’t then klaus would have gotten special training, wouldn’t he? and you know his training leaves him a fucking mess”
Klaus is all teary eyes and Five is uncomfortable and the others are just like,, hey,,,, we’re older that you, you don’t need to protect us,,,, and five rolls his eyes and is like ‘apparently i’m 58 and you guys suck just as much at self preservation as you did before you came back i though being a grownup was supposed to make you smarter but clearly you live to prove me wrong’
Five pulls some bandages out of thin air and starts wrapping his wrists with an air of practiced competence which brings attention back to them
Allison is quiet for a beat before thoughtfully saying “you know, we could just kill dad” which makes half the room choke on their own spit and the other half it kind of like you know what?? hell yeah 
“We can’t kill Dad.” Five says with a confidence that says he’s thought about this before, at length, which makes everyone turn to him, “If we kill Dad then we go into the foster system and get split up, Mom and Pogo don’t have any legal existence so can’t claim guardianship. But we could… run away.”
Before anyone can say anything, Five has jumped away and a minute later he’s back with a shoebox and a hopeful look and everyone is shocked when he opens it and provides fake IDs and cash and there is literally no way Five could have gotten this box between them coming back in time and this moment which can only mean that he had this before he left the first time which has all sorts of sad implications
Klaus at the very least bursts into tears and hugs Five who frowns and looks confused as though he can’t fathom a reason why his brother would hug him over this and no one is really dry eyed, Ben 100% gets on Five’s other side to join in this hug
“I know it’s not enough money,” Five says, shifting uncomfortably as Klaus’s grip tightens, “But the IDs were expensive and in a couple of months I’ll have it back anyway - ”
“Can’t Allison just rumor him?” someone says, but Allison frowns and lets them know that Grace is programmed to do… something if Allison rumors Dad, because Allison’s rumors won’t work on her. And no one wants to hurt Grace…
“It’ll have to do” Someone says, because honestly they aren’t going to stay under the roof for a moment longer than they really have to because Ben DIED here and they already had a breakdown over his existence and Five turned up injured after training, and Klaus’s training traumatized the living fuck out of him, and there are a lot of reasons to get out of the house
why do all my recent aus end up with them running away though
BUT YEAH that’s what I have they spend like, a whole day and half in the house before deciding there is no possible way they can do this again and Five is a baby and they’ve already learned a whole lot of terrible things about their brother that no one bothered to pay enough attention to the first time because they were all dumbasses caught up in their own little worlds
just a whole bunch of teenagers on the run while Five attempts to figure out an equation to fix his memory issue (is it just repressed?? did his older self’s consciousness perish? is there a block?) while the siblings have to deal with Commission agents (when the commission can find them that is, without trackers they have to rely on field agents spotting them) as well as avoiding notice by the authorities, training Vanya, and getting food/money
(and also actually get to know each other all over again, because future them weren’t close and clearly they’ve never really known Five)
just a good family adventure with occasional murder and dealing with their individual traumas and issues
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ozzytalks-moved · 5 years
we doing a shipping meme uwu
WE DONT JUDGE ANYONE HERE OKAY. NO ATTACKING PEOPLE FOR WHAT THEY SHIP. ok cool. also these are headcanons of mine,, :) (also theyre in high school and creature feature happens in high school but shush spoilers for the au 🤫)
purple (pinkish tbh) - yEs!!!!!!!
red - thats cute
blue - meh
yellow (ik thats orange but theres no yellow and i want it to look nice) - friends
black - N O P E
(things may look confusing so im putting down where things go/what things are)
Tumblr media
lets start with
Billy/Kid - after kid saved billy, they're as close as ever. i imagine him to be really happy when he finds billy and lily in K2.
Kid/Nugget - Nugget feels like Kid is very reliable and trustworthy and Kid normally defends him from everyone (much like billy used to before he went missing)
Lily & Kid - i feel like lily is very very grateful for kid helping her find billy and then assisting them in saving the kids in the principal's lab in their 2nd school. they value their friendship a lot due to how much theyve been through.
kid & jerome - kid lets jerome confide in him a lot after his dad's death, its not often but they consider each other as friends.
Nugget/Billy - Nugget was always defended by Billy and always sat with him at lunch and in morning time, Billy was his first actual friend.
Nugget/Lily - Nugget has confessed to Lily a number of times, and after she kissed his cheek, something definitely developed. they decide to take things slow. (in the au theyre only friends sorry but nugget still likes her)
Ozzy/Ted - ted never wanted to hurt ozzy, he just thought that was what felix wanted. he always adored ozzy and tries to talk to him as much as possible, (their first date is a one on one study session in the park)
Ted & Felix - they never got on in kindergarten, but upon high school, they found they preferred sticking together and getting on more. ted helps felix with his emotions, and felix helps ted with his ptsd. (ted has ptsd after surviving the fall and the spiders dont come for meeee). they still share a room and sit together at lunch
Ted/Felix - no. just stop. stop. get help.
Ted & Penny - they're best friends, speaking to each other about everything and everyone (who they have crushes on). penny sometimes sleeps over and they like to annoy felix by staying up making popcorn, watching movies and trying to put friendship bracelets on him. penny makes a new friendship bracelet for ted every week. (she calls him theo)
Felix/Billy - ShUsH. im working on an au where they meet and felix ends up falling for him.. dont judge me :,) it will all be explained soon i hope in the (secret) au im making that i hope no one else has already :))))))
Monty/Jerome - when monty sees jerome weeping about his dad, he wheels himself over and offers him yo-yos chocolate and tissues with a shoulder to cry on. they end up spending more time together until they finally confess
Lily/Cindy - cindy was always jealous of lily's prettiness, and tries to get back at her. she realises her feelings when she finds lily in the bathroom and decides to be nice for once. they end up kissing and cindy avoids her for a while until lily confronts her about her feelings and they work it out.
Lily/Billy - S T O P I T . GET SOME HELP.
Carla & Buggs - its a simple friendship, Buggs brings contraband to Carla, Carla gets them past Penny. Buggs can't help but catch one-way feelings though.
Carla/Penny - despite penny not approving of carla carrying contraband, she always lets carla off the hook and she has no idea why, she cant figure it out. carla always tries to ask her out on dates but penny just thinks theyre hanging out
Carla/Monty - in this au, the date didnt work out, so they became business pals instead, with carla bringing monty some new items to sell everyday.
Penny & Buggs - despite her taking his knife, Buggs likes Penny as she doesn't talk about his weight or life at home.
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thethespacecoyote · 6 years
A little late, but here’s Day 4 for @kyluxromanceweek with “Secret Crush.” More office AUs, because why not. 
Hux can’t help but scowl when he returns to his cubicle, fresh cup of coffee in hand, to find a little wrapped box sitting just in front of his keyboard.
He narrows his eyes at it, as if his stare could wither the sparkly red bow sitting innocently atop the shiny golden paper. It’s not the first strange gift he’s received in the past few weeks, and honestly? They’re starting to wear on his nerves.
He growls as he sets his steaming coffee cup on the desk and picks up the box, looking down his nose at it as he turns it over in his hands. Of course there’s no tag. Whoever is doing this clearly doesn’t want to be found out.
Hux shakes the gift, considering just dumping it in the trash and forgetting about it altogether, but instead he pulls at the red bow and slips it off before tearing into the paper. Beneath he finds a silky red box, a name Hux recognizes from the high-end grocery store he occasionally frequents scrawled in gold on top. He pries open the lid and wrinkles his nose at the fancy chocolates nestled inside—the kind of heavy, indulgent sweets that Hux hardly partook in. He scowls and stuffs them into his laptop bag, trying to put the gift far from his mind so he could get the afternoon’s work done.
Whoever thought it funny to play such a joke wasn’t going to get a rise out of Hux that easily.
The following day Hux returns from a trip to the bathroom to find a single rose, lovingly wrapped in red ribbon, siting in his mesh pencil holder. Hux frowns, plucking the rose out and peering around the wall of his cubicle to where Phasma sits at her desk, phone cradled against her shoulder. She shoots Hux a quizzical look, signing off from the call and setting it back in its cradle.
“What is it?”
“Did you see who left this?” He brandishes the rose at her, eyebrows furrowed. She glances at the rose for a moment, before smirking.
“You got an admirer?”
“Of course not,” Hux hisses, shaking the stupid flower. “Someone is obviously trying to make a joke out of me. Make me look like some kind of lovesick fool.”
Phasma laughs, turning around in her chair to face him.
“You know, most people would be happy to get free gifts, even if it was from a stranger.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Lighten up a little.”
Hux scowls, folding his arms.
“I’ll ‘lighten up’ as soon as I figure out who is doing this. I want you to keep your eyes and ears open next time I leave my desk, see if whoever they are shows themselves.”
“Yes sir,” Phasma taunts as he storms back to his cubicle, stuffing the rose in one of his drawers before getting back to work. He gets up to grab coffee , but to his surprise and slight disappointment no new gifts grace his desk, and Phasma tells him she didn’t notice anything.  
When Hux comes to work early the next morning, there’s a massive bouquet of roses sitting daringly in his chair.
The gifts only grow more extravagant as the days go on. A little gift bag filled with delicate macarons and rolls of fruit pastilles. More flowers, this time a striking bunch of black lilies. A half-sized bottle of Prosecco. A small porcelain figure of a cat—which, despite himself, Hux actually likes, and sits on the little shelf above his computer as soon as he unwraps it.
And still he’s been unable to figure out who’s responsible, or why they’re doing it.
He’s sure it must be a prank, but there’s no one in the office he believes would go to such lengths. These kind of gifts are expensive, nothing even the most dedicated would throw away on some silly joke.
Then why?
Periodically he considers Phasma’s suggestion, that he has a true admirer—but he isn’t exactly well-liked among his coworkers. He’s more than competent in his work but rather cold when it comes to socializing, not interested in gossip or debate with the rest of the office. Hux is the type to keep his personal life far removed from his professional life, disinterested in indulging his colleagues’ incessant need for small-talk.
He can’t imagine any of them wanting to become—romantically involved with him.
So maybe it really is a joke at his expense. Perhaps the entire office pooled their funds together, just to lead Hux on, make him believe anyone could ever be interested in him. Maybe they were just waiting for him to fall for it, so they could
Honestly, Hux can’t wait for the weekend, where he might be free of all this nonsense for two blissful days. He checks his watch as he returns from his lunch break, hoping the next few hours will fly by, so he can spend his time in the solitude of his apartment with his cat and favorite books.
But as Hux approaches his cubicle he stops dead in his tracks, lips parting in surprise at what he sees—not another bouquet of roses nor box of chocolates, but a besuited man with long, dark hair barely tamed back against his head.
Hux recognizes him instantly.
Ren, one of the upper managers that Hux rarely even saw in his department, though he certainly heard plenty of rumors about the man. He apparently came from a wealthy family, and Hux has heard grumblings that may have influenced his appointment. From the few times Hux has encountered him, he seems a touch too changeable for such a position, but otherwise he’d never given the man much thought.
Until now, when he notices the wrapped box in Ren’s hand, topped with the same kind of red ribbon as all the other gifts Hux has received.
“You’re kidding,” is the first thing to come out of Hux’s mouth, in a wholly unprofessional manner but he can’t hold back. He stares at the gift in Ren’s hands, then up to the man’s face, feeling a conflict of emotions roil in his stomach at the amused expression he finds there.
“Nope. Just really good at sneaking around.” Ren smirks, looking quite satisfied with himself. Hux frowns, heart fluttering even as his mind reels in denial.
“I thought this was all a joke…it’s not a joke, is it?” He asks, taking a step back. Ren’s face falls slightly, frowning.
“No? Why would you think it was a joke?” He fidgets with the gift, confident posture taking a slight hit. “Did you not like the things I got you?”
“I—that’s not—that’s beside the point,” Hux stammers, regretting the flush he can feel crawling to his cheeks. “But I didn’t realize anyone here would be…serious about me. Much less a junior manager.”
He’d gone through a list of suspects in his head several times and had at least considered Ren, but quickly dismissed the possibility. Hux can’t wrap his head around the fact that Ren was responsible for this all along—but perhaps he’d been just that good at concealing his feelings. Biding his time, plying Hux with little gifts and presents until he felt confident enough to confront him.
It’s a little endearing—which is not a word he ever thought he’d ever ascribe to someone like Ren.
“I’m serious. Very serious.” Hux takes the wrapped box as Ren holds it out to him. His heart beats a little quickly as he pulls at the bow, taking the little lid off. His eyes widen at what he sees underneath, lips parting in surprise.
Nestled in a bed of white silk are a pair of golden cufflinks, dotted in the center with a dark red stone. Truthfully they’re a little too gaudy for Hux’s taste but he’s still bewildered by the gesture.
Alright. It’s definitely not a joke.
Ren moves in closer, and as Hux inhales sharply he can detect the strong scent of his cologne.
“Wear them tonight?”
“Tonight?” Hux looks up, raising his eyebrow. “What’s tonight?”
“A date. Well, hopefully.” Ren shrugs, closing Hux’s hand over the box. “If you’ll indulge me.”
Hux balks, eyes widening at his audacity. His first instinct is to say no, remembering his plans of solitude and relaxation for the weekend, but—
—It has been quite awhile since Hux has been on a proper date, and part of him feels curiosity at just what further sort of pampering Ren has in store for him. After a moment’s hesitation he composes himself with a nod.
“I don’t have a car. You’ll have to pick me up.” Despite himself, Hux feels his heartbeat pick up in his chest. The grin returns to Ren’s face, looking excited as a schoolboy with a crush.
“Deal. See you tonight, Armitage.” And with an affectionate pat to the hand he turns away and walks away, leaving Hux to ponder over what exactly he’s gotten himself into this evening.
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rxttenfish · 2 years
i think my ideal for miravi, is they unintentionally go from strangers to annoyances to acquaintances to friends to lovers, and if you ask either of them when theyre on the verge of going into the next step, they will VEHEMENTLY deny it.
namely, i think they have to start out poking and prodding and annoying each other. like, theyre both PROUD. theyre both stubborn, and they are superficially very different from each other with different aesthetics. miranda mostly has issues with already assuming she's superior to people (and especially people she doesn't know yet) and will unintentionally show it a lot, and being underestimated and put down is the kinda shit that REALLY gets on aaravi's nerves. they also generally like challenges. aaravi's fairly obvious, and miranda likes to feel like a conquering party. she comes from a militaristic kingdom, she likes forcibly exerting her will and superiority, she likes KNOWING how to destroy someone and ruthlessly executing it.
however, at this early stage of just knowing each other, they havent really sunk under each other's skin yet. miranda in particular- she doesn't like feeling like her hand is being forced. she's all about power and control and, namely, she doesnt actually go all out when she's actually upset by something? i've noticed this a lot, but while miranda has all the power and position of vera and possibly even more, when she's actually angry or hurt, she tends to... close off. pout, i guess. she only ever gets elaborate and extensive in her cruelty when she feels confident about it, and tends to close off otherwise. to her, this is more about fun. she's not really feeling anything more complicated than a cat wanting to push a glass of water off the table. this annoyance and this pride sits more in the realm of dramatics and being able to make a show of it without actually risking her pride, and having aaravi push back just makes it more enticing for her to try and figure her out. its purely skin deep.
which is crucial when it comes to aaravi too then, because miranda stops when it starts to go too far. she doesnt actually want to hurt aaravi, not in any way that she can't justify as just being a good time. miranda does actually care a lot about the people she spends time with and is clearly trying to make them happy, but she's not very good at figuring that out so far or understanding a lot of intricacies of it. im thinking a lot about the bad review lunch event with miranda and liam, but im also thinking about liam's prom king ending, or zoe's totem ending, or the cockfighting event with her and damien. miranda has a lot of the WANT to be good, but doesnt know how to navigate being good or what goodness even means. aaravi, in being the kind of bitey person who will ABSOLUTELY push back and bite back and make it very clear when miranda has gone too far, mostly out of how often she has been mistreated, makes it very clear to miranda what's going on and when she's done something wrong. something that miranda can actually understand, and realize that she's made a mistake, and because she has this want to BE good, WILL go back on and realize when she's made a mistake. which further helps in letting aaravi enforce her boundaries in a way thats actually pretty safe, and shows that people ARE willing to work with her and respect her boundaries and what she needs and wants. if the monster stops and tries to help you after it hurt you, you pretty quickly figure out it was an accident, and it wasnt what they were wanting to do. it also means they're willing to listen to you and work with you, not against you.
which generally leads into friendship. theyve actually got quite a bit in common from there - you cant convince me that miranda entirely doesnt know how to defend herself (and, for all my problems with it, the bellanda ending does show that miranda knows how to handle herself in combat), even if she might not WANT to do it or think a lot about it, she can still hold her own. miranda herself is curious and wants to learn about the land and her friends and experiences outside of her own, and she WILL try things just because the people she cares about are interested in them. hell, she really just likes being included, and so even if she cant cook or doesnt play games, she will still sit beside aaravi and watch her do these things, and she WILL be excited and giddy over even the small things she does. they might not be a lot to ravi, but miranda sure can't do them, and its a lot of smaller acknowledgments and praise that really help. its the sense that miranda does look up to her and even trusts her (something that miranda can be too prone to doing - she was deprived of affection too, but she's gone the opposite route from aaravi, now desperate to receive it from anyone she can, which combines badly from lack of experience. not to say bad things havent happened to miranda or that all of her trust isnt hard to earn, she's still from a very backstabbing culture of royals, but people contain multitudes. she can know what to look for in one situation and not know in another, or simply ignore it when she feels compelled to) - and certainly aaravi knows how to get miranda to stop when she needs her to. they start seeing pieces of themselves in each other, and letting themselves open up little by little, showing more of themselves to each other and simply trusting the other not to hurt them.
that's why the denial is so bad when anyone else asks about it. because neither of them exactly WANT to admit to their weaknesses and moments of weakness, even if it is purposefully showing them to each other and no one else. that act of intimacy feels like a lot and even too much, and directly confronting it is difficult. its easier when you feel comfortable, when youre with someone who you feel safe with, and able to handle it at your own pace - but other people pointing it out isnt any of that. both of them are very aware of how little words can mean and find more reward in actions, which is why both of them deal with the words of what they are and what they feel last. its almost unnecessary between them, but with other people their walls go back up again and they feel the need to deflect and play it down, even when its OBVIOUS what's actually going on. its only after they outright start talking about the other as their girlfriend that that urge really starts to go away, because at that point it doesnt feel like vulnerability anyone, it just feels like who they are and where they feel the best.
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whatwouldteslado · 6 years
hey ford, could i ask for advice? awhile ago i found out that i’ve been lied to for years by many people i trusted. it’s been truly devastating, and i know i need to reach out for help to get thru this, but i’m scared to talk to friends about it. i worry they’ll think less of me for being so gullible and not waking up sooner, or worse, they won’t even care to listen at all. how do i know who i can trust to tell? (if stan also has something to say, i’d really appreciate his input too. thank you)
I’m very sorry that happened to you. 
As far as I can tell, there is no definitive way to tell who you can trust. You can spend several months knowing someone and still turn out horribly wrong about them. I don’t know your situation exactly, but I know a situation like that can make one distrust their own judgement on other people moving forward.
I would suggest trying smaller matters with your friends first, like telling them about forgetting your keys inside the house or missing your final exam due to accidentally spending an extra hour or two on an experiment that just turned up some interesting patterns. If they care about those small things, and listen to you without thinking less of you, then there’s a better chance you really can trust them. 
Sometimes you just have to try... and ultimately see what happens, for better or for worse. 
There’s some trustworthy people in the world, so statistically speaking... Eventually, it will be for the better, but it may be now and if you’ve known them for a while then it’s worth trying.
Although, of course, it doesn’t hurt to try with a few small things first then proceed once you see what happens from that.
-Stanford Pines
-p.s. I’ve asked Stanley to add on below.
if you ask me what it comes down to, its your gut instincts. sometimes theres lil stuff you dont even really pick up but you just get a bad feeling about a person from it.
or you dont
point is if your guts telling you something then chances are theres a reason for it. and yeah sometimes its just you, and sometimes you turn out wrong, but once you find one person then heres the thing.. you got two sets of instincts to help you both out when you need it!!
oh yeah but if someones acting really shady or always seems to want something specific when you two meet up like you buying em lunch or something then theyre probably full of it. best way to figure that out and switch the script on them and see if they try to split on you there
if someone ever thinks less of you just cause you could tell someone was lying to you though then they can shove it. only one person they should be thinking lesser of in that kind of situation and if they seriously think its you then youre better off without them
-stanley ‘puncher of unicorns’ pines-ps if you know where those one friends live keep in mind theres nothing stopping you from going back and punching em. get your new friends to help to make it more fun!
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