#and this wouldnt be the most extravagant use of said money
Do you think since Kaiba has so much money an tech that he could have came up with such believable proof that santa exists (if they celebrated ig) bevause it made Mokuba happy that it was hard to convince Mokuba he doesn’t exists. Like he would be like mokuba it's time to tell you truth samta isn't real and mokuba would pull up years of like security photoage or like the time to the north pole to see santa and his elves and kaiba is just trying to tell him it was all fake but it all looked so real and he just did to good of job of making mokuba that he couldn't make him not believe. I like to think he had to fake Santa's death.
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skeilig · 2 years
ooo could you elaborate on lalos contradictory traits?
oh certainly! part of what i meant was just, when writing fic, it's easy to fall into characterization traps like character A is outgoing and loud and impulsive! and you go too far in that direction and flatten them out, and basically I think Lalo is a very BALANCED character which is a better description than contradictory. But anyway, elaboration -- this got insanely long and i'm embarrassed so UNDER THE CUT
One, his outward extrovert-ism vs. the fact that he's pretty much a loner without many (any?) strong/close relationships. he acts all personable with everyone at the cartel pool party and especially Eladio but is clearly very insecure about his standing with Eladio (the extravagant gift, nervousness about how Nacho will come across) -- and then once he's betrayed he goes right to "FUCK ELADIO!" loll. It took him a while to warm up to Nacho and even once he did he still treated him more like a chauffeur than a friend... Hector is his closest relationship, and, well. that's pretty bleak. enough said.
+ as a sub-point, his loudness/talkativeness vs. silence, which is something i consciously remind myself of when writing him in fic. let him have moments of reticence and silence, and not always be talking because.. that's how he is in the show. Like his most famous scene is him mostly not saying anything. He's generally pretty moody and I like that these "contradictory" traits basically just depend on his mood, i think that's good character writing.
Two, impulsiveness vs. discipline. Moments of impulsiveness mostly arising from frustration, like when he road-rages the random guy in the parking lot, when he kills TravelWire Fred, arguably Howard, I guess we'll see how that plays out lol. But he's also able to exhibit incredible patience, and spend 4 days in a sewer watching a laundromat through binoculars and he only went slightly insane. and that time it was personal so imo the original all-day chicken farm stakeout is more impressive. he just did that on a whim, basically. wouldnt you kill for that level of focus and follow-through...
Three, and I've talked about this before, IS LALO ACTUALLY CHARMING OR IS HE JUST HOT AND LOUD?! does he actually CHARM people?! in most of his scenes he's interacting with people who already know who he is and therefore 1) are afraid of him and he enjoys making them squirm by being "nice" with a menacing undertone but everyone in the situation knows what's actually going on and it's not "charming," it's basically torture which is, to be clear, VERY hot and funny of him (this is most clearly evident in every jimmy scene), 2) if they're not AFRAID of him, then they're sick of his shit (gus, bolsa, nacho) and Lalo knows this, so he's also not really trying to CHARM them he's just being annoying on purpose, for sport. when he's interacting with people who don't know who he is, there are a couple instances of people finding him a little off-putting and possibly dangerous (fred travelwire got a bad vibe immediately LOL good instincts, also the one staff person at casa tranquila who apparently saw the evil depths of his eyes and got spooked), so i think the only actual instances of him CHARMING people are: Don Eladio*, Margarethe**, and some of the people from his hacienda (but this is sort of complicated since he also gives them MONEY/dental care.. so.) Anyway, we see people being weirded out by/scared of Lalo far more than we see them being charmed by him so I rest my case: Lalo is not ACTUALLY charming, he's just hot and loud.
*Eladio footnote: I think Eladio likes Lalo well enough but at the end of the day it's about money so it doesn't really matter how cute and funny Lalo is :/ I hope Eladio orders/signs off on Lalo's death, btw, this is my top choice ending for him.
**Margarethe footnote: I like to think Lalo overestimated his own ability to charm in this scene. He clearly was expecting to be invited in and WASN'T... he's so used to getting what he wants because everyone is afraid of him/being paid by him that he gets that confused with actual charisma. which he does not possess :/
ANYWAY, yeah, Lalo. he's so sexy and pathetic and weird and funny and off-putting and scary, everybody likes him but nobody loves him, he's the specialest guy in the world to me 🥰
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d-noona · 4 years
Chapter 7: Fairy God Mommy
Jung Hoseok x Reader
Reader as Kang Hyeonji
SUMMARY: When Kang Hyeonji transformed herself into a striking redhead, the entire male population of Seoul stood up and took notice. But her make over was for Jung Hoseok’s benefit alone. He began to show interest in the new look but not in the way she wanted. Suddenly he was over-protective, perhaps a little jealous. It seemed that the idea of having a relationship with her couldn’t be further from his mind. The girl however wants more. So it was time for an ultimatum. If Hoseok didn’t want Hyeonji to lose her virginity to another admirer, he had no option but to make love to her himself.
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After that nothing could have made Hyeonji happy, not even when Mrs. Jung returned with her still apologetic mother in tow. Amazingly, Zil was thrilled by the idea of becoming Mrs Jung's cleaner, then estatic when Hoseok explained his refinancing offer.
"Isn't that wonderful news Hyeonji?" Her mother exclaimed. "Now we wont have to have a stranger in the house. And you'll have money for yourself for a change."
Hyeonji smiled and said yes, it was wonderful. She smiled all through lunch and laughed when the four of them moved Mrs Jung's living room furniture to new spots, then have to move everything back again to their original places when the end result did not please Mrs Jung's creative eye.
No one would have guessed how wretched Hyeonji felt. She was a past master at hiding her feelings, especially around Hoseok. But her heart grew heavier as the hours passed. By afternoon tea, she was exhausted with the emotional strain of pretending to be bright and breezy when inside she was shattered. Hoseok's getting back with Tinashe the following Sunday was the final straw.
His eagerness for their reconciliation had been palpable, his body language reeking of sexual frustration as he'd spoken of his time away from Tinashe. He could not wait to jump back into bed with her. Hyeonji could no longer fool herself. Any attention he'd been giving her had been the result of his boredom, not because of any suddenly selfless maturity.
"You won't forget about the refinancing," she reminded him stiffly when it came time for them to leave.
"Not at all. In fact, your mom is going to provide me the relevant papers this very afternoon. I'll collect them shortly, Zil, and have Sejin get onto it first thing this week, then I'll bring up whatever needs to be signed next Saturday." As Hoseok elaborates what he plans to have his secretary do.
"You coming home next Saturday, are you?" Hyeonji asked with a weary resignation. Normally, the thought of Hobi being around thrilled her to pieces. Now there was no pleasure in the news, only the cynical thought that of course he was coming home. Had nothing better to do till Sunday, did he?
"Yes, I've been invited to speak at a local business awards dinner on Saturday night. I'm also presenting the prizes" he says.
"How nice." Hyeonji answers blandly.
"Why don't you take Hyeonji, Hoseok?" His mother suggested. "The invitation says "and partner"."
Hoseok's instant frown was enough to turn Hyeonji off the idea, despite her stupid heart giving one last feeble leap. His eyes turned her way then travelled slowly over her. She could actually see his brain ticking away. Dear old Hyeonji doesn't look half bad now. She wouldn't be an embarrassment to take, not like she would have been a week ago.
"Would you like to go?" He asked her. "It's a black tie, so you'll need a dinner dress."
Hyeonji steeled herself to do the one thing she'd thought she would never do. Reject the man she loved. "Thank you Hobi," she said with superb indifference, "but I have other plans for next Saturday night."
His brown eyes instantly clouded a small stab of triumph lifted her spirits momentarily., quickly followed by a much stab of despair. Tears threatened and she just had to get out of there. Panic had her glancing around for her mother. "Ready to go home Mum?" She asked, determined to keep up the false gaiety to the bitter end. "I have quite a bit to do before the working week starts tomorrow."
"My working week starts tomorrow too, doesn't it Mrs Jung?" Zil returned happily.
"Indeed it does."
"Thank you so much," Zil went on, clasping her neighbor's hands with her own with rather touching gratitude. "For lunch. And...and everything."
Mrs Jung smiled and patted Zil's hands. "It's I who's grateful. I've found myself a wonderful cleaner and a new friend as well. See you in the morning Mrs Kang."
"And I'll be seeing you later Mrs Kang!" Hoseok called out as Hyeonji shepherded her mother out of the house. "To get those papers."
"What nice people they are," Zil said on the short way home. "And wasn't it kind of Hoseok to help us out with that money business?"
"Yes, it was." Hyeonji admitted, but tight-lipped.
A silence descended between the two women as they made their way inside, but Hyeonji could feel her mother watching her.
"Why didn't you say yes when Hoseok asked you to go out with him?" Zil asked once they were safely alone in the kitchen. "It...it wasn't because of what I said earlier, was it? About not being...well...pretty enough for him? Because that's not true, Hyeonji. You're plenty pretty enough. And he really likes you. I can see that now. He could hardly take his eyes off you all over lunch, and then later he..."
"Oh Mum, please," Hyeonji begged. "You don't have to lie. You were right the first time."
"No, darling. I wasn't. I was wrong. Very wrong. And I'm thoroughly ashamed of myself. I was feeling sorry for myself, and I was afraid. Yes, afraid." She repeated when Hyeonji's eyes widened. "Afraid some man would snap you up, looking as you do now, and I'd be left all alone in this world."
"But today opened my eyes there's Mrs Jung, a widow like myself, but she doesn't sit around feeling sorry for herself. Besides her writing, she plays golf and bingo and bridge. And she doesn't tie that boy of hers to her apron-strings, either. I can see its up to me to make something of my life for myself. I know becoming a cleaner isnt much but at least I'm good at it, and it's a start. I might even go to that hair dresser of yours with some of my cleaning money and become a blonde!"
"Oh Mum!" Hyeonji exclaimed, a burst of very real joy dragging her heart back out of the doldrums. "You've no idea how happy you made me, hearing you say that."
"Do you forgive me for saying those awful things to you, my dear? I didn't mean them, you know."
Hyeonji couldnt help but relent. "Of course, I forgive you," she said gently. "I love you Mom."
"Oh Hyeonji," her mother crude, and threw her arms around her daughter.
Unfortunately , it was not the best of time for Hyeonji to be hugged. Her mother's display of affection tipped her over the edge on which she'd been balancing for several hours., splintering the brittle control which she'd been holding in her misery. Her shoulders began to shake as sobs racked her whole body. "Oh my daughter," her mother groaned, and hugged her even more tightly. "Dont cry, darling. Please dont cry. Oh, you make me feel terrible. If only I hadn't said those awful things, you would have probably gone out with Hoseok when he asked you. It's my fault!"
"No, it isn't," Hyeonji sniffled when she at last pulled out of her mother's arms. "Hoseok only asked me out because Tinashe's trying to prove some point or other and she's refused to have anything to do with him for a month. But come next Sunday they'll be back together again, as thick as thieves. Who knows? If she plays her cards right he might even ask her to marry him."
"What rubbish!" Her mother pronounced firmly, startling Hyeonji. "Hoseok is not in love with that flashy bit of goods. No man in love with one girl looks at another girl as he looked at you today."
Hyeonji was dumbfounded. "But I...I didn't notice him looking at me in a special way..."
"Then you're as blind as he is, my girl. You made a big mistake refusing to go out with him next Saturday night. Now listen here; when he comes over to pick up those papers, you tell him you've changed your mind and you'd like to go after all."
"But...but..." Hyeonji stammered.
"NO buts. You said he's not getting back with that Tinashe till Sunday. Make the most of what time you have!" Zil pushed Hyeonji with both her arms on her waist.
"I was just going to say I don't have anything to wear," Hyeonji smiled weakly.
"Well, that's easily fixed."
"How? Hoseok's accountant can't get us anymore money immediately. And I'm not taking the cleaning money you earn, Mom. No way. One hundred dollars wouldnt be nearly enough anyway," she added with a sad sigh. "A dinner dress, complete with shoes and bag doesn't come cheap these days."
"Would five hundred dollars do?"
"Five hundred! But where?... I mean..." Hyeonji surprised at her mother.
Zil smiled her pleasure at her daughter's surprise. "You're not the only one who has rainy-day money stashed away, my girl. Come this way."
Hyeonji followed, fascinated, while her mother led her upstairs and into the master bedroom where she proceeded to lift up the mattress and draw out a battered brown paper envelope. She opened the flap and tipped the contents out onto the patchwork quilt. Notes of all sizes fluttered down, mostly fives, tens and twenties.
"I used to hide this is an empty washing powder box in the laundry when your father was alive. But now its safe enough out here. I know there's at least five hundred dollars, maybe more." She gathered the money up and pressed them into Hyeonji's hands. "I want you to buy yourself a dress which will knock Hoseok's eyes out!"
Hyeonji hated the wild rush of elation ehich flooded her heart, for she feared she was setting herself up for a disaster of monumental proportions. No matter what her mother said and no matter what dress she brought, how could she seriously compete with Tinashe? It was like comparing a nice little house wine with a top brand french champagne. Tinashe's extravagant self fizzed sparkled. She was special-occassion lady whereas she, was the common, everyday, value for money variety.
When Hoseok looked at her he only ever saw a familiar face. And everyone knew what familiarity bred. Contempt. Never chemistry.
Or was that how he'd seen her in the past? Dared she hoped that her new look had evoked a new appreciation? Hyeonji had told the truth when she'd said she hadn't notice Hoseok looking at her differently today. But after his news about Tinashe she'd been too upset to notice anything, and had avoided Hoseok's eyes as much as possible.
Could her mother's observations possibly be correct, or was she just trying to make her daughter feel better? She'd been guilty over her earlier less than generous remarks. Hyeonji didn't want to keep her hopes up. And yet, something was stirring within her soul. Something she'd never felt before. Something rather wicked.
Tinashe had called her a sly piece. Maybe she was right, Hyeonji thought with a steeling of her spirit. Because I am not going to go quietly, Tinashe, darling. Neither am I going to let you have Hoseok back without a fight. Come Saturday night, I'm going to use every female trick in the book.
The trouble was...she hadn't read that particular book yet. She would have to depend on her feminine instinct. The front doorbell ringing startled both of them. "That'll be Hoseok," Zil said urgently. "Now drop that money and go down and talk to him while I get those papers he wants. Tell him you've changed your mind about Saturday night, and ask him what time he wants you ready by. Be cool, though. Not overly eager."
Hyeonji shocked at her mother "Mum, you sneaky thing!"
"Well there is no point in being easy. Any girl who looks as good as you do can pkay a little hard to get. Besides, men never want what they think they can have, gratis. They like a bit of a challenge."
Hyeonji went down stairs shaking her head. Who would have believed that within her own shy reserved mother lurked the makings of a femme fatale? Heaven knew what would happen if the Kang widow became a blonde!
Hyeonji summoned up a pleasant smile to answer the door, resolving to watch this time for any sign that Hoseok looked at her differently in any way.
"Hello there again," she said. "Mum wont be a minute with those papers. Look, about next Saturday night Hobi, that was rude of me to dismiss your very nice invitation out of hand. I know what its like to go to these things alone..."
She didn't actually, because she's never been to an awards dinner. But Hyeonji had never lacked imagination. Just think of all those times Hosoek had made lover to her in her mind. Unfortunately, she began thinking of one those times right at this moment. It was her favorite scenario where Hoseok was concerned. He would bring her home to this door after a serious date and there would be much kissing and panting on the front porch. When she finally unlocked the door, he would push her inside, then scoop her up into his arms and carry her upstairs to her room where a three-foot bed was no barrier to true love.
Her mouth dried as she thought of their naked bodies blended tightly, writhing together. Her brown eyes glittered as they began unconsciously to rove over the object of her desire. Before they reach his waist, Hyeonji swallowed then cleared her throat. "Er...could I possibly change my mind and say yes?"
He stiffened. He actually stiffened. Why?
"Is there a problem with that?" She asked airily, even while her heart was thudding. He stood there frowning at her. The atmosphere on that doorstep was suddenly charged with a quite alien tension. Hyeonji didnt know what to make of it except that she found herself holding her breath.
"Hobi?" She choked out.
He seemed to have to shake himself to answer her. "No." He muttered. "No problem. I'll look forward to it."
Hyeonji had to be careful not to let all her breath out of her lungs in a rush. "Fine," she said with a small smile. "Well, where is this dinner and what time should I be ready?"
"Its being held down at the League's Club, in the Admiral's Quarters. The dinner starts at eight. Pre-drinks at seven thirty. I'll pick you up at...say...seven?"
Hyeonji nodded "I'll be ready. And thanks again for helping us with the finance business."
"My pleasure." He answered.
But it didn't look as if it was his pleasure. Not at all. He hadn't smiled once since she'd opened the door. Hyeonji could not make head or tail of his mood, except that it was obvious he had mixed feelings about taking her to that dinner.
She prayed his reluctance was because he'd begun to feel things for her which he found confusing, and not because Tinashe might get jealous if she ever found out. Her mother's arrival at that point steered the conversation to a less stressful grounds. Hoseok left a couple of minutes later and as Zil closed the front door she threw Hyeonji a questioning glance. "Well? What happened? You both seemed tense when I came down."
Hyeonji shrugged. "I don't really know. I told him I changed my mind about the dinner, and he agreed to take me, but not with great enthusiasm. To be honest, I think it worried the heck out of him."
"Well that's better than indifference, Hyeonji."
Nodding her head Hyeonji agreed "That's what I was thinking."
Zil patted her daughter's back "Only time will tell."
Chapter 08
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iamsonyeondone · 6 years
heir!seventeen // jeon wonwoo
♥ fluffy
♥ 2.3k words
♥ summary: falling in love with your best friend was quite inevitable but confessing your feelings was a choice - but that’s not how your friends see it
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ok so being the only child and only heir to your father's company is absolute shit
you have to go to these obnoxious parties all the time and personally get to know the sponsors and partners of the company for future references
and sometimes its nice to see familiar faces
but 90% of the time its an old guy who looks like he might die any minute because their wives planned the murder
ANYWAYS, its rare to go to a party and see someone your age
so whenever you do, you always make the effort to get to know them
and one of them in particular, has been going to the same parties as you
and look who it is!! jeon wonwoo who now becomes your partner in crime whenever you guys attend the same party
and it also helps that his father is one of the closest partners to your father's company
so you guys see each other almost all the time
and it's been going on since you were old enough to grasp about financing and stuff
aka since you were 13
most of the time, you try to run away from your father's watchful eyes and go sneaking around with wonwoo if there's good snacks around
and sometimes he'll bring his best friend jun because he knows where all the good stuff is placed
no, not alcohol i don't allow underage drinking in my christian suburbs
but more like those extravagant desserts that chefs make for the restauraunts in the hotels
"wonwu, you already took 2 of those and i only took one you greedy butt >:(("
"buts its too good D:"
"fine then you'll have to ask the chef for another one since you ate the portion we were suppose to cut in half"
and it's a never-ending cycle of sneaking around and finding good places to hide from these people full of money
because all they ever talk about is growth, expansion and partnerships
and its much more interesting to listen to wonwoo's point of view
because he doesn't only talk about the positivities but also other things he have suspicioned about the other companies
like theres this one dude who only speaks to the higher ups and suck up to them
and even 13 year old wonwoo caught sight of him and told his dad about how fishy the guy was being
a year later and the man was arrested for illegal money lending
and hearing his stories are way more interesting than having to focus on just one aspect
because wonwoo CAN talk alot if its something he's interested in
so sometimes he makes references to games whenever he sees fit because its way more easier for a teenager to understand
and he's generally really nice and open-minded for a scrawny 13 year old
so when the both of you got enrolled into the same high school and knock into each other during orientation
the both of you were so delighted!!
so delighted to the point you almost screamed and embarrassed him in front of a huge crowd of a thousand people
and he doesnt look any different than the suits he wear but he looks more like his age with the uniform on
and so did you!!
from then on, the both of you introduced each other to one another's friends
and had lunch with each other's mutual friends
and it's way more comfortable than the stuffy chandelier-lit halls you've gotten used to
but the both of you agree that the melon bread sold at school tasted way more better than the desserts at the hotels
its way more simpler than having to disect some kind of sphere structure with a concocted cream in it or something
and sooner or later, your friends have come to realize how they feel left out when the both of you talk about the parties
and they don't mean it in a rude way!!
because seeing the both of you light up about a topic that you guys simultaneously had in your heads is like watching some kind of twin telepathy
and sometimes soonyoung likes to tease wonwoo that the two of you were so similar to the point that you guys might end up dating
and soonyoung says it when you're not around because that one time he did, the both of you didn't talk to each other for a whole week just to 'prove' to the others that you guys weren't alike at all
and papa scoups didn't like seeing wonu get more frustrated when they play games together at his house
and also mainly because they keep losing even if their opponents were terrible
so papa scoups did his job to give soonyoung an earful and make sure he doesnt bring it up around the both of you again
and tbh, ever since that day, you couldn't really see wonwoo in the same light again
you could still remember how he looked like when he was a quiet 13 year old
but he seemed more dashing and charming than he used to be
even in the school uniform, he looked as heart-throbbing as he did when he wears his black suit to the parties
and you just push those thoughts away because wonwoo?? the guy you nerd out with?? looks damn hot?? i dont know her
and wowee, the same goes for wonwoo
because he's finding your laugh to be more addicting even if you snort from time to times
and the way your eyes crinkle when you smile so wide and it just clenches his heart
mmm love me some best friends pining for one another
but you guys try to avoid the thoughts and continue your normal routine as if nothing happened
the both of you think you guys are doing Great™ at hiding your feelings but ooo boi
its always either one of you admiring each other subconciously
and always bringing up about the other person when they're not around
and your friends are all getting really frustrated because why aren't you guys feeding them #powercouple content??
so being the best friends that they were planned a little something
they planned that soonyoung would bring up the dating topic again but with a twist
it is for you guys to prove to your friends that the both of you didn't look good together
aka give it a damn try or neither one of you will know you airheads >:((
but of course with papa scoups permission because they wouldnt want to have to deal with a nagging old man in a teenager's body
so the plan took place during lunch and just when the both of you brought up about a past event, soonyoung brings up the topic once more
but jeonghan was quick to interrupt and add on the extra spicy details ;))
and the both of you are like "FinE but We'll sAy wE toLd You sO whEn iT doeSnt woRk oUt"
so you being competitive holds wonwoo'ss hand, startling him and turning him bright red as you turned your head towards jeonghan with fire in your eyes
"stop looking at me like that, your new boyfriend wonwoo will get jealous," jeonghan teased as wonwoo has his mouth gaping like a goldfish
and the thought of him riles him up a little but not to the point where he got really annoyed
so he simply brushed it off and confidently said that "they can do whatever they want, it's not like we're super entitled or whatever,"
and you're just like riGht you guys aren't 'actually' dating
but it wouldn't hurt if you saw it that way right?
from then on, wonwoo would try his best to surprise you with something before class, like melon bread or your favourite drink
and then he would just internally scream because he's always been doing that anyway
and walking you to your next class?? he's also done that ever since the first day of school
and he's trying to think of something else he could do to surprise you while he waited for your class to finish
but then a guy from your class walks over to your desk with a smirk grin, hand on your desk as he bends down to see you eye to eye
and you're like??? we've never spoken to each other since the term started?? what do you want from me??
and this guy just has the audacity to look you up and down like a piece of meat
and Let Me Tell You, when wonwoo saw how that guy didn't give you respect and the space that you desperately needed
he barged into the class and peeled the guy away from your desk
"what matters do you have with her?"
and the guy scoffs, sending him a side eye "who do you think you are? her boyfriend or something? the last time i heard, she was single and not dating her best friend,"
and taking advantage of his fake title, he grabs you bg the waist and brings you closer to him
"you must've heard that a long time ago. they're mine, so if you could kindly back off and mind your own damn business,"
AND EVERYONE IS OOING SO LOUDLY that the guy just staggers backwards and with that glare that wonwoo was shooting at the guy, he backs off and bows down with an apology
and he's so lucky that the class had already ended because he just whisks you away from the crowd
because he's blushing bright red and turning sweaty with all those eyes at him that the pits of his blazer might just soak through
oh boy your heart is beating so loudly that youre afraid he might hear
dont worry his heart beating pretty loudly too
and you're just so surprised by this confident wonwoo that you couldnt help but fall deeper in love with him
would it be like this if the both of you actually dated?? to be treated so lovingly by someone you loved with all your heart??
but everything soon grew awkward once again as he let go of your hand and clear his throat while you brushed through your hair
“im sorry-” the both of you simultaneously apologised, earning a confused look from wonwoo as you blushed furiously under his gaze
“what are you sorry for?” he inquired
“it’s just- you having to rescue me from that weird situation,,,”
you trailed off before wonwoo lets out a soft chuckle
“how many times have i saved you from a creepy jerk at a party? Im just doing my job as a best friend,”
and then it hit you
is that all he ever saw you as ?? a best friend ??
“wait what?”
and without you noticing, you had spilled the words and feelings you had kept for so long
“I- I’m sorry Wonwoo i dont know what got over me, just forget it. we better get to class,”
but a hand tugs you back away from wherever you were running to as your face collides into something, or someone
and a pair of arms prevents you from escaping as your surprised yelp was muffled by his chest
“Do you want this to be an actual relationship?”
and you’re speechless
because one minute he’s saying you’re his best friend and now he’s saying about making this real
“wonwoo- please I just- we’re friends and we wanted to prove we were just that-”
“then are you going to ignore my feelings? for the sake of proving to people that we don’t have something that’s obviously there?”
he spoke up, bringing you to face him as you held your breath from the short distance between the both of you
“i can already feel them saying i told you so,” you trailed off, your eyes trailing down to his lips and back to his glistening dark eyes
“at least I’m not single at the end of the day, unlike those losers,”
he chuckles, bringing your face closer to his until both your lips touch and melt at the contact
“i tOld yoU So,” a voice echoed through the hallway as you see Minghao and Jun running through the corridor, assuming that they were going to spread the good news to the rest
“looks like I have an actual date to the parties now”
and your relationship from then on was pretty much the same
except the feeling of sneaky arms around your waist when youre talking to another heir at a party and the dominant gaze you felt beside you
or the fact that wonwoo now leaves cheesy post-it notes on your favourite bread and drink when he has to rush to his own class
ps he makes sure he writes them before he goes to school because yknow the boys will never let him live if they saw those cute notes
because he’ll either write his favourite lines from books that reminded him of you or add gaming pick up lines that you may or may not understand
but you know he puts efforts in those so you always give him a peck on his forehead or his cheek to show your appreciation
because jeon wonwoo isnt the type to naturally show his affection
and because pda isnt really his thing
but dont worry because he showers you in kisses and cuddles you as much as you want when the both of you are alone 
aka whenever the both of you sneak out from parties or when the both of you meet up at each other’s houses
just saying but both your parents fully support this relationship because it ensures that this partnership continues for the next generation
like they are So totally not planning your wedding already they are obv yall are so cute wtf
a/n: i finallly got my laptop back but i don’t have as much motivation or inspiration to write so if you guys want to send in requests, feel free to do so ^^
109 notes · View notes
Ballinger Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76821
"Ballinger Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76821
Ballinger Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76821
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Cheapest tow truck insurance?
progressive quoted me around 600 a month, are there any other companies that would be cheaper? i tried travelers, allstate, state farm, geico, ETC. most don't cover tow trucks. it doesn't have to be a name brand company. any suggestions?""
""Which monthly expense is more expensive: car payment with insurance, or health insurance?""
Wining and dining, or health insurance? Travel and accomodations, or health insurance? Cigarettes or health insurance? Street drugs or health insurance?""
Cost of car insurance?
I am a 17 year old female. No crashes, good driver. I just got enough money to buy a car, and need to pay for the insurance. I Dont know how much money that would cost. I hear its diffrent everywhere, but what is the adverage for minnesota would you say? I'd appreciate it! thanks :)""
I'm 17 and looking to buy a toyota supra 1993 model.do you know any cheap insurance companies UK only?
I'm 17 and looking to buy a toyota supra 1993 model.do you know any cheap insurance companies UK only?
Car insurance question.?
I was involved in an accident recently. The other driver ran a red light and totaled my car. There were no witnesses or cameras. The other driver claims that I was the one who ran the red light. This is not true. The police report was finished today and it came back in my favor. I only have liability insurance so I am waiting to hear from the other driver's insurance company on whether or not they are going cover the cost of replacing my car. Do you experts think they will cover my full costs? Thanks, Eric""
""Honda Sport 1.6 Insurance for an 18 years old, second driver...?""
I am looking to get 2004 Honda 1.6 Sport and I am only 18. My dad is planning to be the first driver and me as a second when it comes to the car's insurance. Guys, how much do you think the insurance would cost us?""
For what reason would i not qualify for unemployment insurance in California?
i was recently let go from work. so, for what reasons could i not qualify for unemployment insurance? and for what reason could i qualify for it?""
State Farm insurance ?
I work for state farm insurance, what do other insurance companies say about us? not what policy holders think but what other companies only""
Cheap goods in transit van insurance?
anyone know of any budget goods in transit insurance?
How much money is aviation insurance for a single engine prop for a student/new pilot?
I am a student starting my private pilots coursework and I am curious as to how much aviation insurance would cost if I buy a plane (4 seat single engine prop) in the next year or so....what would be a normal range in price for standard grade coverage??
Can I keep my life insurance?
I'm not going to get medical insurance from where I work at. It includes life insurance. What I want to know is: Since medical and life insurance are combine, do they naturaly cancel since I don't enroll for it? Do I get money back from my life insurance? Can I switch that life insurance to another company?""
""What company can I use to purchase private dental insurance in Seattle, WA?""
which dental company can I use to purchase affordable dental care privately, not through an employee? For anyone age 18 and over and would cover basic dental visits and surgery such ...show more""
How much would it cost for car insurance for a second hand classic car for a 17 year old?
Hey, I'm turning 16 in September 2012, and being a boy I am already thinking about my first car. I'm hoping to start work around November-December and am hoping to earn around 1500, which fits perfectly into my price range of 1000 -�� 2000. Recently I've been thinking down the more 'Classical Route' (extravagant, I know) and found Classic Cars for around this price at www.carandclassic.co.uk I've had my eye on MG mgbgt or Triumph Spitfire and similar. I can afford something like this. The only problem that faces is me now is Insurance. I know that insurance is really quite expensive for this type of car ESPECIALLY for my age. However I have heard that insuring a car at my age is expensive regardless of the type. It's really the only set back for me. I'd love to hear from you how much it would cost to insure this kind of car for my age, as well as any personal experiences, alternatives and any other advice. Thanks. :)""
""Americans only, How can we get health care affordable to all.?""
weather, it a one large insurance company big, as a Government or a socialism type system, or even a military type system, we need something instead of this Republican/Dem do nothing talk show. were going into the 21 Century. to have a mess like we got , people cant even afford to die. And all the one talking in Govt. have their family covered, so it no big thing to them. We haft to get a handel on it to even think of controlling DEBT at all. It and oil what cause the national DEBT to get out of control.""
Does anyone know of an affordable high risk car insurance co. in Calgary Alberta?
Does anyone know of an affordable high risk car insurance co. in Calgary Alberta?
Homeowners insurance vs. property taxes?
which typically costs more homeowners insurance or property taxes?
Young drivers car insurance!!?
I am 17 at the moment but planning on getting the insurance when i turned 18 at the end of this month to make it that bit cheaper, I already own a Renault Clio (1.2L, 16v, 02 plate). The cheapest quote ive got is 4,000 (300 a month) and that's with co-ops new fit smartbox for young drivers, and i also have my dad as an additional driver and my mum on it with her provisional licence and I really just cant afford that price, any ideas on what i could possibly do?""
Is there such thing as any car any driver insurance? How do I get it?
I have four drivers in my family and at any time 3-4 cars. Is there an insurance policy that allows the drivers to be interchangeable? Or is there a policy that doesnt depend on who's driving what car with just a standard rate? Ideally I'd like to nominate anyone to be able to drive any of the cars depending on the situation. How do private car garages/dealers sort out their insurance? They have changing cars and drivers so it seems! Thanks for any help!
Proof of Insurance for Driver's Test?
My Dad bought me a car about three days ago and the dealership said they will insure the car for 14 days while my dad gets insurance through his company. I might take my driver's test tomorrow and I want to use this car for it. If I show the dmv the insurance papers the dealership gave me, will that count as proof of insurance for my road test? Thank you.""
How much does moped insurance cost?
i am 15 and live in new jersey. i want to attach a 49cc engine to my bicycle. i have done a lot of reading on the subject and have come to find out that this qualifies as a moped. in order to ride it on the street, one of the requirements is insurance. I just want to know how much it costs before i put any money into it. thank you for your help!""
What to do when the other person doesnt have car insurance?
Back in December a friend of mine backed into my car while drinking. he did not have insurance and still does not. i told him i wouldnt do anything as long as he fixed the dent. he has still yet to fix and is trying to get away with not fixing it. what should i do? small claims court?
Why should the government force us to buy car insurance?
If its wrong for the government to force us to buy health insurance, is it also wrong for the government to force us to buy car insurance? I mean.... in both cases, if you don't have insurance and something goes wrong somebody else is going to have to pay for it.""
Car insurance in California?
Is it true that if you are financing a car you HAVE to have car insurance??
What legally and financially happens if your car is totaled? How much would insurance go up?
Would it be better fiscally to not tell the insurance company? What are they suppose to do if your car is totaled? I have Geico.
Am I eligible for unemployment insurance in Alaska if I am a full-time student?
Am I eligible for unemployment insurance in Alaska if I am a full-time student?
Ballinger Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76821
Ballinger Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76821
Car Insurance?
Ok, first does anyone know which states do not require car insurance? Second question is do you have to have full coverage on a financed car? No silliness here real answers.""
Multi car insurance ?
hi, we are a large family and constantly using each others cars. does anyone know where i can get insurance for a fleet of vehicles we have in the family . by fleet i mean at least 8 cars. all drivers over 25. many thanks .""
How much will insurance cost for a motorcycle in CA if im 20 years old ?
i wanna get a ninja 250cc as my first bike but read that some people pay like 3k for insurance on a bike. ive only had one speeding ticket with my car about a year or so. Im gonna be 21 in about 6 months if that makes a difference.
Why should my family's insurance go up if i get a car?
I'm 17 and am currently on my parents insurance plan, so there are 3 of us with only 2 cars. I'm listed on the truck, b/c it has more horsepower. I'm about to buy a '92 Prelude, and they said the insurance would go up about $122 for 6 months. This doesn't seem too bad, but if i'm now driving my own cheap car, why is that a greater risk than driving the truck with full coverage, not just liability? It seems like it should almost go down, because there's a lower chance that i will crash up one of the more expensive/higher hp cars. Is that just the way it works or is there a better option for me? My agent also said my own policy would make it even more expensive, which i could see, because we wouldn't get the multiple driver or car discount.""
Best insurance for car sharers?
I want to share a car with my friend, its her car and we will share tax and maintenance but the big problem is insurance. In the worst case scenario of my having an accident I don't want to jeopardise her no claims discount I ideally would also like to build up my own no claims if possible. Can we do this on the same policy? Does anyone have any ideas about the best type of policy to get? I thought I could just get my own separate insurance but apparently it is illegal to have two policies on one car. I am confused and I dont want to end up getting into a tricky situation down the line with a friend if we havent thought it through properly, any ideas?""
Anyone have a cheap insurance for a young driver?
I am 23 and I got my license dec 2013 Clean driving record so far I own a hyundai accent 2005 Anyone has a cheap or affordable insurance and is young too? I am in California. Orange County to be specific.
Health insurance cards?
I need the template for a state farm health insurance card or the information, thanks""
Getting homeowners insurance in florida?
I'm considering a move to Florida sooner or later, but I wanted to ask a quick question about insurance. I'm in Mobile, Al., and it seems the region has had some skyrocketing insurance costs, both premiums and deductables. A major factor in this is the hurricanes we've had in the past six years, give or take (Yes, i know there are more factors involving costs, the overall economy being no small part). In fact, many areas can't even get insurance in the first place, because no company will write a new policy. Does Florida have the same problem? In the past decade, the state has seen much more of its share of natural disasters than my home (my city hasn't had a direct hit from any of the major storms)""
Insurance on a 2003 Ford Mustang Mach 1?
How much would insurance be on this car? I'm 16, almost 17, in Arizona, by the way. The car has a V8 engine.""
""My dad is the main driver on vehicle insurance, and i am the named, am i aloud to drive the car more than him?""
Ive just passed my test and looking for cheap ways to get cheaper insurance. Can i do it so my dad is the main driver and im the named, but i will be using the car much more than him? is this illegal? The car is in his name and everything but didnt no whether he has to cover more miles than me in a year with it being in his name? thanks""
Where can i get less expensive car insurance for an 18 year old student with a 2000 mustang?
Well this may sound like a long shot, but I just recently bought my son a 2000 Ford Mustang, Now its insurance time, hes 18, gets A's in school and has had drivers ed. Why do the quotes from Progressive and esurance estimate its going to cost nearly $500 a month, even with a 1990 honda junker it still cost nearly $400 do these prices seem reasonable, i can't recall them being that high, when i first got insurance, thanks.""
Insurance on a Motorcycle.?
I am 16 and I am wanting to purchase an '08 250 Ninja. What would I expect to pay every year in insurance? I live in MS if that would make a difference in insurance.
Insurance's on a 16 year old driver?
i am 16 years old and i am looking for cars.. i found a used 2006 audi a6, i really like it and i want it to be my first car!!! does any body know how much it would cost too insure me under it ??????????""
Can you get your Lexis-Nexis insurance score?
I recently got a quote for auto insurance, and the company said they used Lexis-Nexis insurance score - am I entitled to get a copy of this report for free? If anything on it is wrong, can I have it changed?""
""Ok, car insurance questions..?""
we have car insurance through a really CHEAP company, not a big name one. When we signed up, the do the multi car thing, but they add all the cars under one name and the others as drivers. We had a relative come stay with us, and they added their car and name to our policy, than they moved and registerd the car else where, the policy is under our name, with them as a driver, is this legal? what should we be doing, the policy is good for like 6 months .""
What lowers insurance for a car?
I am a 21 yr old male, and I know that I fall under the category of drivers who are not married, male, below 25 so insurance will be more expensive on me. What I want to know is what features make a car insurance less expensive? I know one big one is that it is a sedan and not a coupe. What else? (What are the big insurance savers?)""
Going on my grandmothers car mobility insurance?
Hello, I'm 17 soon, male and living in the United Kingdom. If I was to buy a car and take out insurance, the prices would go through the roof and we don't have that much of a budget to spend. However, my grandmother is disabled and her husband drives a car. So, we concluded that it would be best for me to go on my grandfathers insurance to keep the insurance bill down? Is this a good idea? What are the downsides of this? However, my mother was talking to her friends in work and they said if my grandmothers cars is a Mobility Car I can go on their insurance for free? Is this correct? What is my best option here? My mother nor my father drive and the only person in my family can drive is my grandfather and he hasn't claimed on his insurance for over 20 years. How much would it cost me if I was to go on my grandfathers insurance (Say if he never had a mobility car) and would it be free if he did? Thanks in advance.""
What to do when switching car insurance?
I am planning on switching car insurance providers b/c: 1.) My car got stolen 01/25/2013 and I only had liability coverage (car was a 1996 Nissan Maxima) 2.) I was hit in October 2012 and it was not my fault and received settlement money b/c my car was deemed a total loss 3.) With that money I put a down payment on a used car this past weekend b/c now I truly had no car 4.) I now need full coverage to my current policy and replace the old car with the newer one but the 6-month premium is too high. While shopping around for car insurance, I found an auto quote that was A LOT more affordable than if I were to stick with my current insurance. With that being said, I had a lot of questions. I got into a car accident in May 2012 and it was my fault. No one was hurt and no air bags deployed. My insurance paid the damages. Now, if I cancel my policy with them, does that mean that I have to pay the insurance company back the money for the damages they covered to the other car? My other question is how much information do I disclose when applying for a new auto policy? I have of course included the at-fault accident in May and I also included the accident that was not my fault. Before these 2 accidents, I had one just one that was in a parking lot. The other driver and I were deemed both at fault, 50/50. Damage to his car was around $700. That was 3 years ago. The insurance company I was looking into said online to include accidents that were at least 51% your fault and accidents that weren't your fault too. Do I include this accident too even tho it was 50/50? My last question is about speeding and points. I my first speeding ticket in June 2012. I got a reduced fine and went to traffic school so it wouldn't show up and get a point. Once again, while looking at auto quotes, they asked if I had a moving violation which includes speeding. Because I went to traffic school and everything, do I tell them about that too? Despite the bad luck I've had this past year with my driving record, I only have one point. The 50/50 accident will be off because it's the 3rd year. I live in CA and got this info from the DMV website: The length of time depends on the severity of the offense. Most points (illegal turn, not making a complete stop, driving over the speed limit, etc.) and/or accidents will stay on your driver record for 36 months (3 years). I've included the link: http://www.dmv.ca.gov/teenweb/more_btn6/points/points.htm Any advice and suggestions is greatly appreciated! Thanks!""
Cheap 125cc Bikes to Insure?
Anyone know of 125ccs cheap to insure. By the way does 3 points on my license affect insurance quotes that much??
""Heath insurance, where to get it?
What kind of health insurance is for a 2 years olds? And where can we get it? Thanks !!
Do you think car insurance should be mandatory in all of the United States?
I live in Wisconsin. Car insurance is not required for cars trucks and anything else on the road. I think this is wrong with medical and car repair bills being so expensive these days. Worst part about it is some of these non insured people drive like lunatics and if they do hit you they have nothing to even sue them for. I think it's disgusting.
How much does it cost to cancel motorbike insurance in the UK?
If you've been with them say 2-4 months. Also does it make a difference if its Third Party, Third Party Fire and Theft or Fully Comp? Its on a 125cc and the insurance is going to cost approx 300. Thanks""
Does Home Owners Insurance Decrease with Property Value?
As we all know the property values continue to plummet. If my property value has depreciated a significant amount will my Home Owners Insurance be less due to the decreased value? Logically I say yes but I am a new homeowner and am unsure.
Car insurance price for 17 year old?
I've got 2 questions cropped into 1 1st question, im looking to buy a Ford Fiesta HOPEFULLY after i pass my driving test. Ford Fiesta 1.2-1.6 litres. 2004-2006 model. Insurance price to a new 17 year old male driver living in northwest london where not much vandalism/problems occur compared to other towns. Car will be on off road parking overnight. Whats the approximate insurance price im looking at? 2nd question being that if anyone had recently taken the theory test. Is it hard? Easy? Thanks in advance""
Car Insurance?
I'm an 18 year old male. I have the good student discount and took Steer Clear (a program from State Farm that lowers your insurance) and I pay $114 a month. I am a part-time driver on a 2005 Chevrolet Cobalt and I don't have any tickets. Is this too high for me?
Ballinger Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76821
Ballinger Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76821
Mom forgot to list me as a driver on car insurance?
So i've been driving four years , and i'm about to buy a new car as a 20yr old. I call to get a quote, and they tell me i'm not listed as a driver on my mom's insurance. What does this mean?""
What records are checked when deciding car insurance rates besides DMV/Previous insurance????...?
I know that there are many factors when car insurance is decided.. I understand the thing with age, sex, previous evidence that you are risk factor more accidents... however I was wondering because I have gotten into accidents when I had no insurance/the other person only had my name.. since this was all they had, was it till recorded somewhere, will this affect my future rates????...""
Whats the cheapest insurance company in NYC?
Whats the cheapest insurance company in NYC?
Is there a difference between homeowner's insurance and mortgage insurance?
Is there a difference between homeowner's insurance and mortgage insurance?
Will my auto insurance rate go up? (Ontario)?
I got a ticket for making an illegal U-turn (2 demerit points). I am an occasional driver with a G license. My insurance is with Allstate. Will my insurance rates go up? Let me kno if you have any experience with Allstate, like if you got a ticket (what was it for?) and if your rates went/didn't go up (how much?). Thank you""
What is the difference between term insurance and whole life insurance?
What is the difference between term insurance and whole life insurance?
Can i get driver insurance without owning a car ?
from who and roughly how much ? I've got a clean record.
Fast cheap automatic sedan?
Im looking for a first car. I need a 4 door sedan because insurance is cheaper, I need an automatic car because manual seems hard. How long would it take to learn stick shift by the way? Price rage is $12,000 at the most! I've been looking at the Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V, MazdaSpeed Proteges, and Volkswagen GTI. I realize that some of them are manual.""
""Can I drive without insurance, if the car itself is insured?""
It's my dad's car. The car is insured but i am not, as in. I use to be on the same policy as my dad, but now i am off of it due to money problems. But the car I drive is insured under my dad. Is it legal to drive it? (CA)""
What is the approximate insurance cost on a vw polo X registration for a 17 year old?
hi just want to know how much roughley the insurance would be for a VW Polo on a X registration plate please
I am 18 and car insurances are too fukcing high (UK)?
hello, my first car will be a peugeot 1007 and most of the quotes offer me 5000 pounds which is a super joke because its impossible for me to afford it and also my mom. I'll be the first one to drive in the family and we badly need a car soon because its so hard to carry a 100 kg. sack of rice for 3 miles from the shop to the train station from the train station to our house with a return ticket. plus also, my mom's been cycling to her work for almost 10 years now and she's getting old and the least i could do is drive her to work. 1.) so my question is, why is this rule or law so much biased and stereotyped against the youth? isn't it time to change our perspectives, to be quite frank the youth of today are a lot more intelligent than the previous generations. 2.) why are car insurance companies and the UK government such a dick? 3.) why aren't there any activists protesting about these prices? that's all thank you.""
Can anyone tell me what company provides affordable health care?
I am researching health care plans, and they are all too expensive. I have to buy it for me and my soon-to-be wife. We both have costly pre-existing conditions, and no one seems to cover that at an affordable price if at all. I was hoping someone could tip me off where to buy a good health care plan.""
Health insurance for individual?
Trying to find the best plan for myself. I am 30 yr old female self employed. I have an ok job right now so a high premium is not going to work. But I am fairly healthy and never really go to the doctor. I guess I need insurance for those what if moments that I hope never happen. Also I live in Pennsylvania. This is what I have found the HMO premiums are just too high but none have deductibles. The PPO plans all have deductibles but the premiums are lower. PPO Deductibles $2500 cost $188 a month,20% coinsurance $5000 cost $164 a month, 20% coinsurance PPO Advantage Deductibles $1500 - $142 a month, 20% coinsurance $2500 - $120 a month, 20 coinsurance Right now I'm leaning towards the lowest deductible advantage plan at 1500 @142 a month and a 3000 out of pocket max. It seems reasonable all the preventative care, primary and specialist are all copays w/out deductibles so say I never go tot he hospital I'm basically just paying a monthly premium and the copay. My issue is I have gone uninsured before and knock on wood nothing happened never even needed to use a cvs minute clinic. But as I approached 30 I realized maybe I should get health care for myself just in case. I do have the !500 set aside in an account that was supposed to be a splurge fund for vacation but now it may also just be a medical fund. Anyways, based on the above all co-pays are $30 and $50 for specialist. Do they sound reasonable?? Insurance is so hard to understand *sigh*""
""What is the best and cheapest car insurance for a 20yr, female living in Michigan?""
My dad is making me pay my car insurance and i dont kow where to start. I heard about something called PLPD, what is that and is it expensive? what are some other cheap places for car insurance in Michigan. Thanks!!""
Car insurance for a road-trip? HELP!?
My friends and I are going on a road trip for 5 weeks from San Francisco to New York and are thinking of buying a car for the duration that we're there. Obviously we'll need car insurance, however how would we go about it when we aren't American nationals and don't have an address there? We do have full British driving licences. ANY help would be much appreciated.""
What if I cause an accident but the car insurance is not under my name.?
Well I hit someone and in my car but the insurance is under my mothers name only.The other driver and his passenger are riding in car that does not belong to both and they are not under the insurance of the car.Sadly the passenger was complaining about a neck injury so they called the cops and an ambulance.What happens then?
What is the average cost of insurance for new drivers in Massachusetts?
During late November, I will be receiving my license and will have the responsibility of paying for my own car as well as insurance. At that time, I will be roughly 16 and a half years old. I am looking to purchase a late 1990's Honda car but can not narrow it down further as I do not know specifically what car I will have. I heard during my drivers education class that grades effect your cost of insurance. I am a straight A students that takes challenging classes as well as having a part time job. I live in a city environment in Massachusetts with a population of less than 50,000 residents if that matters. What do you think will be roughly the cost of insurance for my situation?""
Is car insurance sexist?
im a guy trying to get a car and am being penalized on car insurance being quoted 10k for a 400 car yet the insurance quoted offers the same coverage for only 5k if i selected gender ...show more
May have a preexisting condition and i need affordable insurance?
i may have a preexisting condition i will find out monday ,anyway we are on a month to month with a high cobra premium and it is kicking our butts my husband's job closed after 20 yrs we both are not working and if i have a condition how do we pay for it, how can i get i get affordable health with no job .help somebody i feel for people i feel for everyone who needs health care and can't get it what a shame i pray that i am well and the doctor has good news for me so everyone please pray for a good outcome when prayers go up blessings come down and i need your prayers i love my yahoo family some people are rude but for the most part real decent people live here Sorry for my jumby words""
Do you still have to be added to your parents car insurance if you just borrow their car?
I don't have my own car yet, so ill occasionally be borrowing the car. Do I still have to be added? We have All State if that helps.""
Can i use my car insurance to pay for damage to my car?
Some idiot decided not to own up to denting my car at the weekend, so now i am left to foot the bill which judging by the damage is not going ot be cheap. The moron whoever he/she is has dented both passenger side doors. As i have never been in this situation i am not sure if i can use my car insurance to pay for the damage, especially as i dont know who damaged my car in tyhe first place. I am fully comp with Tesco.""
What can i do person has no insurance?
had accident person had no insurance
Car insurance accepting no claims when not been on a policy for 2 years?
I need car insurance with a company who will accept my 9 years no claims from 2 years ago, does anybody know any companies who accept this??? thanks""
About how much does auto insurance cost per month for someone who's 30 years old & drives a small basic car?
I know this varies by situation........but give me an educated guess. I'm looking for the MINIMUM premium; just the portion that the law requires you to buy. Not the portion that requires you to insure your own car....but to insure the person you hit. How much does that cost?
I drive without insurance and got a speeding ticket ...?
Okay guys, I'm in a very tough situation right here. & before I get to the question, Yes I know I was stupid and I have learned my lesson. Okay, I'm 18 years old and had my license for almost a year now. My dad lets me drive his car (which is under his and my moms name) ... he knows I don't have insurance and still lets me drive (I guess it's because he's too cheap at the moment) ... One day I was coming back from college and got on the interstate to get home faster. Speed limit was 55mph but I ended up going 78mph (I live in Virginia by the way) ... Luckily the cop didn't mark me for reckless driving, just speeding. I showed him my registration and stuff during the time I got stopped but he didn't say anything about me having no insurance. I checked online and my fine is $200 for speeding ... My question is whose insurance will go up?? I don't have insurance ... will I get in trouble? I didn't tell my dad yet because he'll kill me. Thanks.""
Ballinger Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76821
Ballinger Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76821
Is it shameful to let your son/daughter go without health insurance?
When I turned 21, I got taken off my parents' health insurance. I did not have a job at the time, and could not afford to buy insurance on my own, so I was forced to go without it. Well, I became very sick and was hospitalized for 4 days with food poisoning. The hospital bills total around $50,000, and I was denied Medicaid because I was paying $1400 a month in rent (money I accumulated through prostitution, if you want the truth), and the hospital's social worker felt if I could afford $1400/month in rent, I could afford the hospital bills. Friends of mine at the time were really hard on my parents, especially my mom, saying what kind of a lousy mother would let her son go without health insurance? No editorial comment from me. I'm just curious what other people think. Do I have lousy parents because they let me go without health insurance?""
""I need auto insurance, I am 17?""
Ok, So I really need auto insurance, Looking to spend a good price per year for insurance, what is the cheapest insurance company??? How much do you pay per year? Thanks, I am tring to get insurance asap!!!! Thanks.. I need to drive to school and I am a senior""
Car accident involving two parties with same insurance company?
Hi there, My dad was involved in a car accident where the other party was at fault in WA state. Both parties have same insurance company. The Insurance company deemed the car as a total loss and sent a check of $4000. Meanwhile my dad had to go to a doctor because his neck is super stiff. Did anyone have similar experiences? $4000 isn't enough for a new car, and they can't afford car payments at this time (my mom has was just laid of), should we get a lawyer to contact the insurance company to demand higher compensation? Thanks!""
Need advice suing homeowners insurance?
In 2008 lightening strike hit house and since that time we hav had 6 water dameges in the house.Since that time all insurance companies NEVER real INVESTIGATE or find COUSE OF THAT, Finnaly again We have had BLACK SEPTIC WATER n the house 06/19/2012. 9 days after adjuster show and underastimate damages. month after that , after we constantly complain, ask for updated estimate and approval damages so that we hire contractor Property finaly has been inspected again and they find much more damages ( so far $83.000.00 ). House is damaged very much as well as our belongings. All that time from 2008-today insurance companys charged as with deductibles , we spend lot money trying to fix problems, we are darined emotionaly and financionaly. Last year , just after one similar claim ( 01/06/2011 black water flood ) we were FORCED to file for CH 13 that we can at least save what we can save, TODAY, Insurance company with who is house covered has not reacted We think fast enough to save more house and our belongings. Insurance is escaping to cover what need to be maybe replaced( wood entrance door through septic water was running , built in castum made cabinets in master beedroom, cut wall and replaced behind showertubs........) 9 days after that accident we finaly has Insurance attention and the send SERPRO here. Servpro find that water was SEPTIC, Walls need to be Cut ( so far 1 foot from the ground ). When Servpro cut draywalls ut shows that stabs 2x4 has been damaged , they spray them ( we think that they need to replace them )......... We are now in almost two months after accident becouse we do not agree on damages sattlemant. They serve us on 08.01.2012 with activating adjusster process and we do not have money any more to pay for that, OUR HOUSE DURING PAST 4 YEARS BECOUSE OF ALL THIS LOST LOT ON VALUE AND WE WOULD LIKE TO SUE INSURANCE COMPANIES AS WELL AS TWO LANDERS WHO WERE IGNORING PROBLEM IN THE HOUSE. WE HAVE PROOF FOR ALL THIS . IS ANYWHERE POOSIIBLE TO FIND ATORNEY WHO CAN HELP US LITTLE BIT WITH THIS BIG BROBLEM MY HOUSBAND IS 61 I AM 55 AND MY HOUSBAND IS THISE DAY WORKING OUTSIDE FOR AROUND 70 HOURS A WEEK THAT WE CAN PAY OUR RAISING EXPANSSESS. IT IS NOT RIGHT.""
What is the minamum insurance required for a motorcycle in Arizona?
I just bought a bike and am looking at insurance, but don't know what all is required by the state.""
What kind of life insurance should my husband get?
We are looking to get a life insurance policy for my 25 year old husband. We have three young children so we're trying to figure out what would best provide for the family if God forbid something were to happen to him.
What is the procedure to claim insurance for a stolen bike?
my brother's herohonda is stolen ? he has done it's insurance in orientalinsurance company. he has also reported to the police regarding this.the case was happened before 2 and 1/2 months . police could not found it. so kindly suggest the way to claim for a new bike to the insurance company.
Can we also get free car insurance? Obamacare?
we are very poor,,, and quality for free health care with this new plan that tax payers are so nice to pay for,,, can tax payers also pay for my car insurance?""
Car insurance... Who are you insure with/best quotes. Will choose quick best answer.?
Who is the cheapest insurance company o go with for a 20 year old male whom has been driving for 3 years. Getting insure on a mazda 6. Thank you
""Insured car, uninsured driver?""
I have a free-loading bother in-law and I was just wondering. If he uses the family car which is insured but he does not have car insurance, can he be liable in any accident situation? Please tell me yes, so I have a reason to refuse my car to him. Anything from if he is at fault or not at fault, injury, coverage, or settlements... Thanks""
Is there good deals at Insurance Auction Auto Sales?
Im interested in going to insurance auto sale for wrecked and salvage vehicles. My question is are the prices low enough to fix the cars to profit money on! What are the popular cars to buy, fix and resale...I was thinking like civics and mustangs because u see them everywhere you go. Im just wanting to try and new route to make some money, I have experience in body work, welding and painting and can usually find good deals on parts...really i just wanna know how cheap the cars sell for....Note I just bought a Lexus rx 300 from a person who bought it from a insurance auction I paid 1900 for it! Anything Helps, Thanks""
Why is my car insurance quote massive?
Since few weeks im just looking up comparision sites quoting 1.0 engine first cars such as corsa, pug 206, punto, clio, polo etc ( not all of them are 1.0 but from what ive heard it doesnt make that much difference). In fact, i havent got my licence yet but i adjust my details as if I had one already. It was okay when i searched a quote for corsa and polo for provisional - ended up at 1k yearly. Then I've checked full uk at both comprehensive and 3rd party only - prices went up from minimum of 6k up to 30k which is enormous and ridiculous. What might be wrong with that. Most of people says like it should be up to 2 grand, even my instructor said so. Is that my name, postcode, something wrong with cars I choose? It'd be understandable if i wanted range rover or aston martin as first car. Im foreigner, nearly 19, studying and working both full time. It feels like they just picking at me.. Any ideas though??""
Classic Car Insurance for a 17 year old?
im wanting to buy a classic mini (1989) its a 1l what is the best way to go about insuring it..? i've seen adrian flux do cover you if you ring up but its limited mileage, how does that work :) Thankyou very much!""
How much will my insurance premium go down by?
After a years no claims? I'm currently paying 1700 (140 a month) for a 1.2 corsa. Not happy but still. I'm 19 and had my license since June 2008. Had insurance before but never got to the full year as my car broke down so I got rid. I know it's hard to give an exact amount but how much on average?
How much will it cost to insure a motorbike such as cbr600f if im 23 and just passed my test?
And are there ways of cheapening the cost - I really have no clue of how much motorbikes cost to insure. the cbr600f is group 14,which sounds reasonable. Can i lump the insurance with a car thats group 11? i live in the uk.""
""When getting a quote from a car insurance place, do they automatically add you to there car insurance?""
I did an online quote for a car insurance place, and they asked for my name, number, e-mail, address, if I am currently insured, etc. they gave me a total of how much I would have to pay, does that mean I am added to there car insurance? or not?""
Temporary health insurance for southern California? ?
Hello, I really need health insurance for the next 3 months. But i don't know who or what i would go to .I know i will have to go to the doctors for some health issues. But after 3 months ill be leaving the country for an unknown amount of time. So any help would be very appreciated. thank you!""
How much do you pay for Insurance in your state?
I live in New Jersey and the Insurance for an auto is so high here. I pay $168 a month for a 2003 ford explorer that is loaded. I have no tickets, my record is clean. I also have lived in Utah and my Insurance was only $50 a month. Just wondering what everyone pays in different states?""
""I'm 17 and i'm planning to buy a 2 door, 2 seater car, what car is good looking and has the cheapest insurance""
I'm 17 and i'm planning to buy a 2 door, 2 seater car, what car is good looking and has the cheapest insurance?""
Is term life insurance better than whole life insurance ?
Someone on the radio said he didn't recommend whole life . Why is that ? I am 44 years old and am looking for around $50,000 coverage . What companies would be good for me ? Thanks for your help .""
Long term disability insurance?
I am interested in buying long term disability insurance. Anyone has a good company in mind to recommand?
How high will my insurance be?
im 17 and want a 77 camaro, will insurance be high, can i have an estimate?""
How can I get public health insurance in California?
I am a healthy thirty year old male in Marin County, but I've been rejected for health insurance twice now due to a reconstruced knee. What can I do?""
Possible to have such cheap car insurance at 20 years old?
Hello all, i'm looking for car insurance on gocompare.com site and if i'm taking the insurance on my own name, the price comes up at 1,200 for a 1995 Ford Fiesta LX 1.2. I am 20 years old, male and held the licence for 1 year (1 year and 6 months to be exact) and have 0 NCB. Now, here is where the 'cheap' part comes in. The 1,200 was ON me as a prosper and owner of the car. If i put my step dad as first driver (main) and me as an additional driver (second) it comes up as 1,500 for insurance. How is that possible? He has 6 years no claims and held the licence for over 20 years. Never made a claim or had accident. Now if i put my self as FIRST driver and him as SECOND driver, meaning that everything goes on me and i would be getting no claims bonus every year, i get the price at :- 750! Now basically my question is - Is that possible? The companies that are at 750 are Diamond, Elephant, and Admiral. Then the prices goes up to 1,500+""
What is another way to say free insurance seminar ?
My insurance office is going to host a seminar to the public explaining personal lines (home, auto, commercial...) insurance coverage. What is a catchy headline for the flyer?""
Ballinger Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76821
Ballinger Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 76821
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insolvency act indemnity insurance quote
"insolvency act indemnity insurance quote
insolvency act indemnity insurance quote
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car insurance for 16 yr old boy driving subaru impreza WRX?
I want to get a white 5 speed subaru impreza WRX (wagon sport) with turbo (standard). How much do you think this would cost considering that i'm 16 yrs old and the car is white and i get good grades? thanks
Will getting a car permit/License increase tax?
I wanted to get my permit and then license as soon as possible. My mom however says by driving there will be an increase on tax she has to pay. Does she mean insurance? I'm not sure what she means by that, so can anyone explain?""
Site for FREE vehicle history report?
my girlfriend is looking to buy this car, and we took down the VIN number, so we can look up the history on it, to make sure it's good enough to be bought, but i was wondering if you guys knew any sites that had FREE vehicle history report, that you typed the VIN # in, and didn't have to pay for. because auto check, and carfax and some other one, you have to pay monthly for. and i think that's absolutely ridiculous. i just wanna look it up real quick, and that's it. thanks for your help, guys. =)""
Is it illegal to drive without car insurance?
Hi, i was just wondering if it is illegal to drive without car insurance in Ontario, Canada.""
At what point should I call up my insurance company & insure the car I plan on purchasing?
New to purchasing a used car, but I notice that DMV will require proof of insurance when registering the car, and even my bank will need proof of insurance to complete the transaction. Do I call my insurance company to setup insurance on the car before even paying for it!? I don't really understand the process.""
Cheapest way to get car insurance ?
I need to insure my car in order to be legal, but i do not want to pay a lot for insurance if the car isnt worth anything, its not worth much but its AWD and gets me where i need to go. Are there any companies that offer low payments for a piece of paper showing i have insurance that i can show a cop if i get pulled over so i wont owe 1500 bucks to the state?""
Health insurance question?
ok i'm a international student and i just found out that i got a cervical cancer or abnormal cell growth, and i don't have a health insurance and i don't know how to pay for it? if i get a health insurance would it cover it?""
Where can I get best and affordable liability insurance for Photographer?
Need liability insurance for over $1M to be able to photograph Resort weddings. There is xxx companies out there offering insurance but It's hard to choose specially when I'm new in it. Somebody told me to become member of PPA and used their discounts for liability insurance. Thank you very much for your time. Frank
Is this why women have better car insurance rates then men?
Where can I find cheap car insurance for young driver's in Ireland?
I am an 18 year old guy,and I can't find any f****** reasonable motor insurance,because whether I'm 18 or 80 I'm not paying 3/4k a year for a 'in case' situation which is most likely never going to happen-i.e a crash.Because I only see driving as a form of driving,not as 'fun' or showing off.But I need to have a car to travel.""
Using student insurance?
Does student insurance in Canada or USA pay for insulin pen?
What should I do? I got a letter from car insurance company saying they want full reimbursement!?
Okay, about 6 months ago I was involved in a car accident that resulted in both of our cars being totaled. I had to be sent to the hospital and the other person didn't but it was determined it was my fault and I had NO insurance at the time. My parents had insurance on the car but the insurance didn't want to pay for it. The other person had full coverage but now they sent me a letter asking for full reimbursement or else they will file a lawsuit against me! I don't know what to do! I have no money, I'm just a 19 yr old kid that goes to community college with a part time job! What should I do??""
Insurance quote on 1989 Jaguar XJ6 for 17 year old?
Hey, just for the record I'm not buying this car to speed, I just plan on fixing it up and taking it for cruises. Just wondering how much it would be, thanks. Also does it go under classic or historic car insurance?""
How much should i settle with insurance company?
My friend was involved in a car accident sometime in June 2010. The other vehicles driver didn't notice her red light, ran it and hit my frieds car. His vehicle was in the shop for 2 wks and during this time he had to get rides from others. His total med expenses (ambulance, er, scans, dr visits) adds up to about 9000, car damages 3000. The other insurance company is trying to settle for 11500 BUT they are saying that 8000 of that is to repay HIS insurance company. So he is left with 3500.Is this correct or should he ask for more? Please no rude responses.. thanks :D""
Do you need car insurance to drive with a permit?
Do I need car insurance with my drivers permit? I'm 17 and doing have my license yet but I have my permit. I don't know what the law is for Wisconsin. Am I covered as long as the owner of the vehicle is in passenger seat?
How can I lower my car insurance rates?
I'm 17, and got a car a little over a month ago. My car insurance (with Gieco) is $250 a month. My mom's is $100. I'm on her plan, or something. I never took drivers ed (and with two jobs, school full time, and online classes, I most likely never will). I do have all A's though, does anywhere give a discount for that? I've got no tickets or accidents. Please help me find something cheaper!""
I am 18 year old male how much would insurance cost on a 2005 mustang v6 or mustang gt?
I am 18 year old male how much would insurance cost on a 2005 mustang v6 or mustang gt?
1 Day Car Insurance?
I live in the UK and im trying to find 1 day car insurance but im only 20 any ideas please help!!!
Life Insurance?
If someone has life insurance and also has a home mortgage, does the life insurance goes to the mortgage?""
Cheap car insurance for 17 years olds?
Hey i was wondering if anyone know where i could get car insurance for under 1500, cheapest i can find is elephant and that 1500, i have only just passed my test, and i have looked at putting my parents on the insurance too but it doesn't make much of a difference to the extensive prices, its just my car is only worth 1000 and i dont want to have to pay 2000 insurance when my car isnt worth that""
How much extra would it cost to add a 17yr old to insurance? helppp!?
i was wondering how much it would cost if i was added to my dads insurance as the 3rd driver, he pays arounds 400 for the insurance but i was wondering how much it would cost if a 17 year old who just passed his license would add to it. im sure it wouldnt be much as i will be the 3rd driver but im not exactly sure.""
Can auto insurance company refuse to cancel my policy?
I have gotten another auto insurance company due to the rudeness and refusal to switch my monthly draft to another bank. I had one bank and to close due to some suspicious activity that indicated signs of fraud. When I called to tell my insurance company about this the lady was very rude to me and made remarks about not wanting to my payments, I have been on time with every payment. She didn't believe me and told me she would wipe all other accounts that I had with that bank. I truly honestly had to close my account and she won't take the new account. I have already got my new insurance ready to go just need cancel my old insurance. Would I be mean if said I am canceling because someone was rude to me and made my ordeal a joke?""
How much would it cost for car insurance for a second hand classic car for a 17 year old?
Hey, I'm turning 16 in September 2012, and being a boy I am already thinking about my first car. I'm hoping to start work around November-December and am hoping to earn around 1500, which fits perfectly into my price range of 1000 -  2000. Recently I've been thinking down the more 'Classical Route' (extravagant, I know) and found Classic Cars for around this price at www.carandclassic.co.uk I've had my eye on MG mgbgt or Triumph Spitfire and similar. I can afford something like this. The only problem that faces is me now is Insurance. I know that insurance is really quite expensive for this type of car ESPECIALLY for my age. However I have heard that insuring a car at my age is expensive regardless of the type. It's really the only set back for me. I'd love to hear from you how much it would cost to insure this kind of car for my age, as well as any personal experiences, alternatives and any other advice. Thanks. :)""
Will the car insurance pay for my car to be fixed?
i was rear ended. its the other persons fault. the kid that hit me was driving their parents car. the parents had insurance on the car but the kid wasnt listed as a driver. just the mom and dad were. i was told since the car is insured then the insurace will pay for it no matter who was driving. is this true?
Insurance quote for my car?
I looked all over the place and insurance is very expensive or me. I am 17 years old. The car is a 1998 Mitsubishi eclipse gs 2 door. The car is under my moms name. I am currently under state farm and I qualify or the good student discount and safe driver discount on another car. I am currently paying 400 dollars for that car.
insolvency act indemnity insurance quote
insolvency act indemnity insurance quote
Can you drive someone else's insured car without YOU having your own personal insurance in Ohio?
I'm 17 and i get my license the 26th. My mom is now paying off my car but i do not have insurance yet. Is it legal for me to drive hers or anyone else's car that has car ...show more
Student health insurance and graduation?
I purchased a years worth of student health insurance (aetna/chickering), but I am graduating right now..(late December). What happens now ? Will my insurance be canceled or will be cut if the unthinkable happens and the clinic tries to verify my insurance ?""
How much of a role does health insurance issues have with hiring and firing employees?
Group insurance through the employer's insurance plan.
Insurance on mini cooper?
I'm 16, and I want a mini cooper S or a scion tC. It will be my first car. But I was wondering which car's insurance would be higher, and which an estimate about how much it would be. I've never had an accident, and I took driver's ed in school. and I also have a 3.6 GPA.""
""Auto Insurance in Ontario, Canada.?
I am 17years old with a g2 license. I'm wondering if there is any place that will insure me on a 1995 golf gti 4cyl. All the quotes I did range from 455-900 a month which is INSANE! I can't go under second driver period. I need insurance! Where should I go... any good brokers...
Temporary car insurance problem...Help!?
My car has to go away for repair and I don;t know how long its going to take, so I want to get insured on my parents car. Because I am still 20, I cant get temporary car insurance and the insurance policy on my parents car won't insure me as an additional driver because of my age and because the car is fairly new. Any ideas on how I can be insured on this car would be welcome, as I still need to get to and from work! Thanks.""
Insurance on a cr-z ?
i was looking into buying a honda crz and i couldnt get a insurance quote because td didnt kno about this car therefore it wasnt in there records i want it as a daily driver becasuse my work place is in hamilton and i live in missagua its a long trip and a hybrid is what i thought i would buy as my next car and i was wondering what insurance is on this car considering it is a hybrid but is a 2 seater 2 door car please no stupid answers
Where can i find some good affordable health insurance?
i was cut off tenncare in 2005
""Should I get Jaguar car, which one, and how much will I pay to maintain it?""
I want a cool car. I totally fall in love with Jaguar. But, I also dont want to spend a lot on gas and insurance. So, should I get it? I'm 19 years old, male. How much do I have to pay the insurance probably? And what if it's a Volt? Is that better? And how much will I have to pay to maintain it? I'm California.""
Why is car insurance so high in UK?
I want to insure a 1.0 litre 2000 Vauxhall Corsa 3 door. Im getting quotes for 3000 - 5000, does anybody know why this is? Its really annoying now""
Liability insurance rates?
I am trying to figure out what it will cost me to have liability insurance on my company. I am the only employee. I only need it to setup a stand on occasion at different locations. I don't know what a general rate would be, so if anyone could give me an idea, that would be great.""
Named driver had crash. Should I tell my car insurance?
Last year my girlfriend has a car crash, she was not at fault. So she didn't tell her insurance company and claimed of the other party. So she is assuming her car insurance does not know. Now I am looking to get insured on my first car. If I add her to my insurance as a named driver the premium is about 200 less. The problem is she doesn't want me to tell the insurance company that she crashed, as they asked has the named driver crash. I am now worried I were to crash, they would see she had crashed and void the insurance. I am tempted just to get my insurance in my name and pay the extra 200 for peace of mind. She will not under any circumstance tell her insurer she crashed as she thinks her premiums will rise. But I have found out that the insurance companies have a database of all claims, so they can easily find out that she has crashed. She refused to allow me to put on my application for insurance that she has crashed. What to do?""
I want to buy a s10 but is the insurance is high for a new driver?
I'm 15, im a boy, and I want a 1998-2001 s10. I would want it to be a 4 cyl. 5 speed manuel, 2x4, regular cab, tan in color, and I would like to put flow masters on it, lower it 3/4, tint the windows a little, put chevy extreme rims on it, and maybe get 2 10'' inch subs in it. would any of that stuff raise the insuance? And about how much would the insurance cost in that? Please, anything would help. Thanks, Cody""
How much would it cost to get insurance on these mopeds?
Separately, how much would it cost (roughly)? I am doing this for an E-Consumerism project, but I may also want to actually buy the Duke Touring. Can anyone give me a rough estimate, in dollars, for the cost of each? Please leave some sort of source so I know you didn't just make it up.""
Driving Lessons+ Insurance+Car?
when i turn 17 i get about 4,200 . now im wanting to spend that money on something improtant, to me thats a car, lessons and insurance. will i have enough to do this? say i pass etc how much will the insurance cost & the lessons""
Do i need to call my car insurance company?
I was in a car accident today and it was not a small accident. I hit a car on its side. there was an older woman so an ambulance came but she ended up not being hurt, just procautionary. the police were called and they took all my info and whatnot. It was wierd the police did not give me any papers or anything and told me i could leave. they just asked me if i wanted my car towed and i said no. the police officer also told me when i asked him that i dont need to call my insurance company unless i want to make a claim. is that true? i only have 1 way insurance so im probably going to scrap my car. I always thought u should call them no matter what, do you know if i am obligated to call them or will they contact me? location: Quebec, Canada thanks a bunch, Tyler""
Do I really need auto insurance in Miami Florida?
Auto insurance is really expensive, do I really need it? I live in Miami, Florida and prices on auto insurance are through the roof. Can I get in any really serious trouble if I drive without auto insurance for a while until I can actually afford it.""
Car Insurance Issues?
So I've just passed my test, looking to purchase insurance on a car (peugeout 1.1 fever) and the prices they're, sky high! My dad currently has a car with 5years ncb. I figured that if he ends his current policy on his car (which he paid annual for) and begins a new policy for my car using his 5years ncb it would be all cheaper. Then if he started from scratch on his car again. So basically hes ending his policy in order to transfer the ncb onto my car, him being the main, and me being an additional driver and starting from scratch again on his original car. Only query i have is, Is it legal? Is any part of the above illegal? Thanks guys for the help :D""
Do you have to have car insurance?
like the car has liabilty, but i will soon get my liscense and i am wondering if it is required by law for me personally to have insurance.""
When do I sort out car insurance for a car i've bought?
Do I sort it out before buying the car?
What's a good job with good health insurance not needing a degree or experience?
I'm a college student looking to find a good job that has affordable health insurance all on which i can find an affordable place to live. Most factory's that have these benefits start with a low pay rate that doesn't seem worth it (after gas is taken out). Any ideas?
I just got pulled over for not having my seat buckle on and I'm wondering how much my insurance will go up?
This is the first time I've EVER been pulled over and I've had my license for a little over a year now. I get good grades and all that stuff so my insurance is pretty low for the average person right now. I'm wondering how much my insurance will go up? SOMEONE HELP! Kinda freaking out here. :p
Will my insurance go up over one speeding ticket?
I live in Pennsylvania and have Traveler's insurance paid by my parents. About 2 days ago I got a speeding citation. The officer who pulled me over said they clocked me going 74MPH in a 55MPH zone. I did not dispute this because I know I was speeding and who could have missed the huge signs with the posted speed limit. Anyway I am only 17 years old. This is the first time I have ever been pulled over or got in any trouble on the road. Prior to this I had a perfect driving record. My dad has not gotten any traffic violations in over 30 years and my mom has never gotten any violations of any kind. My older sister who is 18 (also on our Traveler's insurance) has a perfect driving record as well. Do you think our insurance rates will go up considering this is my first ticket and everyone in my family has a PERFECT record except for the ticket of my dad's?
How do I FIND affordable business insurance for my cleaning business.?
I live in illinois in a city I am starting a cleaning business I ahve searched the internet and called around to different insurance companys and got a quote from state farm they want $1000 up front for the year and will not take installments. I was under the impression that the insurance I needed was less expensive. hellllp!!! please help me find something better.
What the best insurance company for me?
so I'm 19 and havn't have my licence very long and I drive a race car... but I want good cheap insurance like allstate or statefarm I'm looking for good coustomer service that makes me feel safe... so whats the word... any coustomer service stories?
insolvency act indemnity insurance quote
insolvency act indemnity insurance quote
Help. I've missed two car insurance installments by accident and now they want me to pay the rest in full.?
I've stupidly missed two payments. Not on purpose. I'm pregnant and at college with exams and I'm due in March so my mind is trying to focus on revising, focus on saving money to buy baby things with (which we still need to buy most stuff). and focusing on bills etc. Anyway. How can I still be insured but avoid having to pay them the rest of the due fees for my contract term? An idea I had was to cancel it, and then start new insurance with another company? I would have to pay a new deposit and to cancel the old insurance I would have to pay some money as well. Any other ideas?""
Looking for a good (cheap!) health insurance?
I live in Southern California (Riverside) and I'm on the hunt for a good and cheap health insurance...thought I'd reach out to the Answer's community for help. Couldn't hurt, right? Ideally (in my warped little dream world) I want several doctor's visits for $25 or $30 a visit...and I want a deductible of $5000 or less. Any ideas? I currently have Tonik 3000...and their rates are going up to $102, so I'm hunting for something cheaper (ideally around $50). Any suggestions? I've already looked at all the major ones online....kaiser, uhc, pacificare, blue cross ca.....""
Insurance companies messed up!?!?
Over three years ago, a pick-up truck crushed the entire back-side of my van. Of course, it wasn't my fault and I took care of the situation by calling the truck driver's insurance company. However, when I was going through my auto insurance profile, I saw something weird, a driving history stating that I was at-fault for that accident three years ago. It's very weird because I claimed an accident not on my insurance company, but the truck driver's. What can I do to fix this? Was I paying more premium because of this mistake? Thank you""
Please help answer a health insurance question: group vs. individual?
I'm thinking of retiring early. I would utilize COBRA for the full 18 months. After that, I would purchase an individual plan. I'm extremely healthy, no preexisting conditions. My concern is, if I were to become ill after purchasing the individual policy, could I be dropped? I would, of course, make sure payments are always on time. I live in California. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!""
How do I know if my auto insurance settlement offer is fair?
How do I know if my auto insurance settlement offer is fair?
Can i buy insurance/warranty on beats?
My friend sold me an unopened studio beats. But i want to know if places like best buy can i just walk in and ask for a warranty or insurance? if not can you place help me find a place that i can.
A question about how much will insurance cost?
i am looking at a few cars , toyota mr2 which should be cheap on insurance because it's a classic car and im looking at a renault clio 1.2 now im just wondering because im nearly a 17 year old and wanting to know how much would insurance cost on these 2 cars thanks people""
I want to finance a car. Can the registration and insurance be under my brothers' name?
Will a car dealership allow me to register the car under my brother? I want to put the car in my brothers name because the insurance will be cheaper. His credit is in better than mine.
Questions about insurance in NJ?
I just got my probationary license in NJ, and have a couple of questions about insurance. My parents have put me on their insurance plan and today i was given two POI cards-- one for each of their cars. Now, the problem is that I mostly plan to drive my grandmother's car. She lives with us and is getting to the point where she does not drive much anymore. She was told by her insurance company that i do not have to be put on her plan because we live in the same house, but i'm just curious how i would go about proving that i am insured if i ever got into an accident in her car. Can i just hold on to a copy of my POI from one of my parent's two card (in my wallet) to show a police officer, or do I need something specifically for that car? Thank you for the help :)""
How much for motorcycle insurance?
I am a 17 year old male and interested in getting my motorcycle license and am wondering if anyone has a rough estimate for insurance cost. I plan to get something small for my first bike, such as a honda rebel 250 or a suzuki tu250. I will use it for leisurely driving in a rural town. I have a valid NYS license and currently have not been in any accidents.""
Will I be covered under my moms car insurance?
Alright I am 18 and I live with my mom. My car recently stalled out and there is something wrong with the engine. So my mom has AAA auto insurance, and I am covered by state farm which is my dads insurance. We are in California, and I wanted to know if I would be covered if I were to drive my moms car until mine is fixed. I know that if you live in the same household that you wouldnt be covered, but my insurance has my dads address under it. So do you think I would be covered?""
I got a ticket for jaywalking. Will it affect my insurance?
I live in California and was wondering if I should just pay it? I'm just wondering if it will affect my insurance but it wasn't a traffic ticket and I'm confused.
Teenage car insurance?
Well im 15, gonna be 16 in 2 weeks and Im about to get a car. How much will the insurance be? I live in Arizona, have straight A's and am a girl and the insurance im gonna have has benefits if you have good grades and its cheaper if you're a girl too. So I would like an idea of how much it would cost monthly? The car would be a 1990 toyota camry 4-cylinder""
Insurance (and more) for new driver in Ontario?
So, I'm going to take my written test (G1) tomorrow and I'm looking ahead trying to figure this out. I plan on taking a MTO certified course to be able to take my G1 exit driving test in 8 months. I have a car lined up that will practically be given to me in 8 months. I'm 30 and living on my own. Will I be able to get insurance on a car with only a G2 license? Will I have to pay through the nose for it? Would it be legal and/or cheaper to have my dad buy the car and put it and me on his policy? Would I live to be living in the same household as him? Any other ideas, issues, or options I should be aware of? Thanks a bunch.""
Will my mom's car insurance go up because of my speeding ticket?
Ok...I was driving my mom's suburban truck...I was doing 45 in a 35. I am not on my mom's insurance but the ticket is in my name in my mom's truck. The ticket is 81.50...I only had my license for a year...my mom never had a ticket...ever...so her insurance is like cheap...she gas state farm...will her insurance go up? I don't want to tell her.
Is insurance higher for a Grand Prix gt coupe?
In a couple of days I am going to be getting my license and on craigslist their is a Grand Prix gt coupe but my mom doesn't really want me to get it because she says the insurance is going to be high because it is considered a sports car is that true?
Ways to make car insurance cheaper?
I know this question or something similar has been asked a lot but i'm 18 and i've just passed my driving test and i'm looking for insurance. I have 2000 saved up and all the quotes i've been given are around this, I know i'm not going to get it much cheaper than this. Does ringing up the insurer and saying you've been given a cheaper like for like quote etc. work in getting the price down? And what companies are recommended for younger drivers? Thanks :)""
I bought a stolen car and the insurance company offered me to buy again at a high price?
I bought a Audi 05 reg for 13k privatley that turned out to be stolen. The insurance company have now offered me 15k a ridiculous amount of money to buy it again, that they say is non negotiable. Does anyone know if I can get it cheaper maybe the insurance company is trying it on as they know I want it, or shall i let it go to auction and try and buy it back then.""
If I dont pay my car insurance on time can my car get towed?
I am with country wide insurance and I am two days lare on my insurance abd I live in n ew york. Can my car get towed? What penalties will I face?
Motorcycle Insurance?
I would like to purchase a motorcycle this summer, something between 500 CC and 650 CC. I was wondering what my insurance rate would be. I am 19 years old and currently pay 2000 a year for my 06 Subaru Impreza. I have a clean driving record and currently have nationwide insurance.""
Who generally has the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
I need a place I can trust. My state farm insurance guy who does my car put an offer on the tabel that was huge. I'm 23 years old, male, great driving record. I feel like he is trying to take advantage of me with the price. it was going to be $800 a year. Also, what is the bare minimum you need to ride a bike? Medical, liability? Any tips are greatly appreciated. Thanks. -Mike""
Does motorcycle insurance cost the same as car insurance?
Currently 18 years old and was looking for a car but I am also interested in motorcycles. The bike would be a 1979 Honda Twinstar 185. I just wanted something to zip around in in the city. Would it be less considering if I crash there isn't much to repair? or more because I am a teen? I currently pay $150 as a secondary driver on my dad's car insurance. I know there are a lot of factors to determine price but how much of a difference is it normally?
Insurance rates-will they increase with 1 speeding ticket-58 years old?
will my insurance increase with one speeding ticket? i have aaa auto insurance
Can my Storage Company force me to buy their Insurance?
I have had the same storage place for over 10 years now, and recently they have been charging me an extra 9 bucks a month to have their insurance. I do not want to have their insurance ( or any insurance for that matter) and wanted to know if I legally have to pay this or if they are doing something illegal? They also charged me for a month that earlier than what they said I initially had to start paying.""
Is there any way a 16 year old minor can get car insurance in his own name in SC?
From what I have read it seems like all I have to do is get my parents permission to get my own plan in my name and that's it. And if you can please give me some car insurance agencies that will give minors car insurance. thank you
insolvency act indemnity insurance quote
insolvency act indemnity insurance quote
Motorcycle insurance?
about how much should it cost?
Home owners Insurance can't afford - help?
a year ago I paid off my mortgage and now I have property taxes which I pay in installments and now home owners insurance, there was enough left in escrow the first year for the mortgage company to pay the property taxes rhe first year, but now I realize I cannot afford the home owners insurance / I'm in a low income job , and it's $600 a year - If I were to cancel the home owners insurance until I get finish my degree to become a teacher in three years would I encounter problems with an another insurance company to get home owners insurance once they know I've been without HOI for say 2-3 years? or what would happen - see I hsve property taxes, hoa do every month etc and I'm living paycheck to paycheck I have car ins cause it's the law / can I just cancel the HOI just for three years until I make more money? advise please""
How much would my insurance cost with 5 point on ds?
How much would my insurance cost with 5 point on ds?
""My car's engine died, therefore I never renewed my car insurance. How can I get my DL reinstated?""
In the meantime, I moved. Even though I provided the agencies with my new address & my email address, I was never properly notified from the insurance company or the DMV office. Now, I discovered my driver's license has been suspended for lack of car insurance. If my car was operable, I would have renewed my insurance. I've always had car insurance, just thought it would be no big deal not renewing it. Also, I have a bill from my auto mechanic stating my car has engine damage and needs a new engine. Is there any way to correct this without paying the reinstatement fee to the DMV? Thanks for any advice!""
Do Americans want Gov't run healthcare like medicaid and medicare or do they want affordable health insurance?
Do Americans want Gov't run healthcare like medicaid and medicare or do they want affordable health insurance?
Insurance companies for a 18 year old new driver?
Ive just recently passed and im in need of a insurance company good for me. Money is tight as im a student and so i need something cheap. Ive been on money supermarket and its hasn't helped much.
Is it possible to get affordable life insurance and dental insurance if i am not employed?
.........and if so, roughly how much money would this cost per month?""
Whats the best dental insurance to cover for braces? AmeriPlan?
braces for adults in general...? and what exactly is AmeriPlan... if they are not insurance...what are they? and are they dependable?
Can we have the car in one name and insurance in the other name?
My boyfriends car is in his dads name. Does anyone know if we could keep the car in his dads name but get the insurance in my boyfriends name???
Car Insurance question?
ok so im a newbie teen at understanding all this so this may sound dumb. When you get car insurance is it insuring the car? or are you getting it to insure you AND the car? my mom said something about adding me onto her insurance as a driver so under her policy that she has she would just add me as a driver? like can someone help me understand like the basics please.
Car insurance claim?
Around a month ago already my passenger side car window got shattered. It's still intact, just completely spidered out. I had been on my thirty minute break from work and parked near the grass side of my apartments. My window was actually rolled down half way too. While inside my apartments ( we live on the first floor very near to where my car was parked) I remember a guy mowing the lawn around the apartments. When I went back outside to go back to work I had saw my window. We know for a fact that the lawn mowing guy ran over a rock and it had hit my window, but we didn't actually see it. Again, my window was rolled down a bit so if someone wanted to break in they could have. I have called the apartments on several occasions and they said they would get back to me on the lawn mowing company so I can make a claim. Still never have. This was almost a month ago. What can I do? If anything since I didn't physically see it? I also only have liability coverage on that car.""
I can't get insurance because I'm not a full time college student what can I do to get insurance?
Ok I'll try to explain this as best I can...so I'm a part time college student and I can't get insurance because I'm only a part time student and I have to be a full time student taking 12 credits to get insurance. I think my doctor is talking about health insurance. I don't know anything about insurance because my dad takes care of that. I can't afford to go to school full time and I don't know what to do.
Is this reasonable amount to pay for term life insurance?
Term Life 30 yrs, $150,000 at $36 monthly...I am 26 years old an in reasonable good health --- non smoker, no dieases, hospitalization (aside from pregnancy), and no alcoholism....if this isn ot reasonable please give me a range that I should be looking for....""
How can I get access to affordable US Health care as an American who lives in France?
It has been almost 2 years and I really feel like there is something not right with my health but the doctors in France aren't listening. I have swollen lymph nodes for over a year now. Some disappear, then reappear in different locations. And I am very fatigued and have itching behind my knees at night that wakes me up. Yet there is not a rash nor insect bite. It seems like the doctors in France rely strictly on complete blood counts for everything and if your blood tests are normal, then there is nothing wrong with you. I wonder if it would be the same in the US system, considering France was the winner of the WHO's Best Medical System in the World award. Shoudl I purchase an insurance plan on the web and seek treatment in the US?""
How much does a broken wrist cost after insurance?
I have a paper from school and in it I must in include all details of a situation. My story line includes a child breaking their wrist. I was wonder what someone would have to pay after insurance? If you could help me be detailed as much as possible like how much would it be for like x rays, doctor visits, medicine, etc. I've never broken anything so Im a bit lost. Even just a average estimate would be appreciated.""
Wat is da average cost of car insurance for a brand new car driven primarily by a teen?
How much is your car insurance? Do u have full coverage? What company do u have?
What state u live in? Do u also have Roadside assistance?
Insurance for a 17 year old male for a Peugeot 205?
I'm turning 17 soon and was wondering if it would be any good to get insurance on a Peugeot 205 or would I be better off getting the classic mini rover.
How much will my car insurance cover damages to the other car?
I backed into a parked car and apparently broke the tail light and a small dent on the bumper; my car didn't have a scratch. I freaked out and left with out leaving a note. About an hour later I get a phone call from police saying I need to come back to the scene. I came back and told them the story of what happened. The guy I hit agreed not to press charges and the officer agreed not to arrest me for hit and run as long as I provided my info. So I cooperative and provided my insurance info. I'm fully covered. Will my insurance company pay for all the damages to the guy's car or only a portion? So far I've only received a phone call from my insurance company that I have $500 deductible. And I have yet to hear from the guy for repair estimates.
A question about car insurnace?
Hello, I just paid my car insurance......the lady said I should get my own insurance so I can start getting my own discounts , I am 30 years old and both my sisters (32 and 28) are on my mom and dad's insurance plan too, we get a multi line and multi car discount that adds up to about $40 dollars every 6 months for me.....I was in a hurry so I didn't really ask why but was wondering about it after I left.....I pay $112 every 6 months so $40 extra would be kind of crazy wouldn't it? Just wondering why......thank you.......""
Insurance company offering me a check to settle? What should I do?
I was in a car accident, where the other driver was 100% at fault. We both have the same insurance. They reimbursed me fully for my car, reimbursed my employer for health expenses (I assume) and I didn't get hurt too bad min the accident besides some whiplash and scrapes on my hand. Today, I get a call and an offer of a $250 check for the inconvenience of being in an accident. It sounds kinda fishy, I thought this case was closed long ago, so I told her to send the offer, in writing, describing the details of this inconvenience check. What exactly is going on here and why would they feel the need to randomly cut me a check? Something doesn't add up.""
350z/RSX Owners - Insurance question?
I'm thinking of getting either the 03 RSX or 350z early next year but some people tell me that insurance will be quite high even if its just liability. So if you own either one of the two, how much do you pay for insurance? I know mine would be slightly higher since I'm only 22. Thanks for any help on this. :)""
My car insurance policy was cancelled due to non payment can my vehicle be towed?
i found myself in a tight position and was unable to pay my car insurance and it was cancelled i curently have no insurance ...can my vehicle be towed?
What is the average price of business insurance?
What is the average price of business insurance?
How much are you paying for car insurance?
How much are you paying for car insurance?
insolvency act indemnity insurance quote
insolvency act indemnity insurance quote
0 notes
d-noona · 5 years
The Make Over
SUMMARY: When Y/N L/N transformed herself into a striking redhead, the entire male population of Seoul stood up and took notice. But her make over was for Jung Hoseok’s benefit alone. He began to show interest in the new look but not in the way she wanted. Suddenly he was over-protective, perhaps a little jealous. It seemed that the idea of having a relationship with her couldn’t be further from his mind. The girl however wants more. So it was time for an ultimatum. If Hoseok didn’t want Y/N to lose her virginity to another admirer, he had no option but to make love to her himself.
Jung Hoseok x Reader
Auth Note: It's good to be back.
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Chapter 07 - Fairy God Mommy
After that nothing could have made Y/N happy, not even when Mrs. Jung returned with her still apologetic mother in tow. Amazingly, Y/M/N was thrilled by the idea of becoming Mrs Jung's cleaner, then estatic when Hoseok explained his refinancing offer.
"Isn't that wonderful news Y/N?" Her mother exclaimed. "Now we wont have to have a stranger in the house. And you'll have money for yourself for a change."
Y/N smiled and said yes, it was wonderful. She smiled all through lunch and laughed when the four of them moved Mrs Jung's living room furniture to new spots, then have to move everything back again to their original places when the end result did not please Mrs Jung's creative eye.
No one would have guessed how wretched Y/N felt. She was a past master at hiding her feelings, especially around Hoseok. But her heart grew heavier as the hours passed. By afternoon tea, she was exhausted with the emotional strain of pretending to be bright and breezy when inside she was shattered. Hoseok's getting back with Tinashe the following Sunday was the final straw.
His eagerness for their reconciliation had been palpable, his body language reeking of sexual frustration as he'd spoken of his time away from Tinashe. He could not wait to jump back into bed with her. Y/N could no longer fool herself. Any attention he'd been giving her had been the result of his boredom, not because of any suddenly selfless maturity.
"You won't forget about the refinancing," she reminded him stiffly when it came time for them to leave.
"Not at all. In fact, your mom is going to provide me the relevant papers this very afternoon. I'll collect them shortly, Y/M/N, and have Sejin get onto it first thing this week, then I'll bring up whatever needs to be signed next Saturday." As Hoseok elaborates what he plans to have his secretary do.
"You coming home next Saturday, are you?" Y/N asked with a weary resignation. Normally, the thought of Hobi being around thrilled her to pieces. Now there was no pleasure in the news, only the cynical thought that of course he was coming home. Had nothing better to do till Sunday, did he?
"Yes, I've been invited to speak at a local business awards dinner on Saturday night. I'm also presenting the prizes" he says.
"How nice." Y/N answers blandly.
"Why dont you take Y/N, Hoseok?" His mother suggested. "The invitation says "and partner"."
Hoseok's instant frown was enough to turn Y/N off the idea, despite her stupid heart giving one last feeble leap. His eyes turned her way then travelled slowly over her. She could actually see his brain ticking away. Dear old Y/N doesn't look half bad now. She wouldn't be an embarrassment to take, not like she would have been a week ago.
"Would you like to go?" He asked her. "It's a black tie, so you'll need a dinner dress."
Y/N steeled herself to do the one thing she'd thought she would never do. Reject the man she loved. "Thank you Hobi," she said with superb indifference, "but I have other plans for next Saturday night."
His brown eyes instantly clouded a small stab of triumph lifted her spirits momentarily, quickly followed by a much stab of despair. Tears threatened and she just had to get out of there. Panic had her glancing around for her mother. "Ready to go home Mum?" She asked, determined to keep up the false gaiety to the bitter end. "I have quite a bit to do before the working week starts tomorrow."
"My working week starts tomorrow too, doesn't it Mrs Jung?" Y/M/N returned happily.
"Indeed it does."
"Thank you so much," Y/M/N went on, clasping her neighbor's hands with her own with rather touching gratitude. "For lunch. And...and everything."
Mrs Jung smiled and patted Y/M/N's hands. "It's I who's grateful. I've found myself a wonderful cleaner and a new friend as well. See you in the morning Mrs Y/L/N."
"And I'll be seeing you later Mrs Y/L/N!" Hoseok called out as Y/N shepherded her mother out of the house. "To get those papers."
"What nice people they are," Y/M/N said on the short way home. "And wasn't it kind of Hoseok to help us out with that money business?"
"Yes, it was." Y/N admitted, but tight-lipped.
A silence descended between the two women as they made their way inside, but Y/N could feel her mother watching her.
"Why didn't you say yes when Hoseok asked you to go out with him?" Y/M/N asked once they were safely alone in the kitchen. "It...it wasn't because of what I said earlier, was it? About not being...well...pretty enough for him? Because that's not true, Y/N. You're plenty pretty enough. And he really likes you. I can see that now. He could hardly take his eyes off you all over lunch, and then later he..."
"Oh Mum, please," Y/N begged. "You don't have to lie. You were right the first time."
"No, darling. I wasn't. I was wrong. Very wrong. And I'm thoroughly ashamed of myself. I was feeling sorry for myself, and I was afraid. Yes, afraid." She repeated when Y/N's eyes widened. "Afraid some man would snap you up, looking as you do now, and I'd be left all alone in this world."
"But today opened my eyes there's Mrs Jung, a widow like myself, but she doesn't sit around feeling sorry for herself. Besides her writing, she plays golf and bingo and bridge. And she doesn't tie that boy of hers to her apron-strings, either. I can see its up to me to make something of my life for myself. I know becoming a cleaner isnt much but at least I'm good at it, and it's a start. I might even go to that hair dresser of yours with some of my cleaning money and become a blonde!"
"Oh Mum!" Y/N exclaimed, a burst of very real joy dragging her heart back out of the doldrums. "You've no idea how happy you made me, hearing you say that."
"Do you forgive me for saying those awful things to you, my dear? I didnt mean them, you know."
Y/N couldnt help but relent. "Of course, I forgive you," she said gently. "I love you Mom."
"Oh Y/N," her mother crued, and threw her arms around her daughter.
Unfortunately , it was not the best of time for Y/N to be hugged. Her mother's display of affection tipped her over the edge on which she'd been balancing for several hours, splintering the brittle control which she'd been holding in her misery. Her shoulders began to shake as sobs racked her whole body. "Oh my daughter," her mother groaned, and hugged her even more tightly. "Dont cry, darling. Please dont cry. Oh, you make me feel terrible. If only I hadnt said those awful things, you would have probably gone out with Hoseok when he asked you. It's my fault!"
"No, it isn't," Y/N sniffled when she at last pulled out of her mother's arms. "Hoseok only asked me out because Tinashe's trying to prove some point or other and she's refused to have anything to do with him for a month. But come next Sunday they'll be back together again, as thick as thieves. Who knows? If she plays her cards right he might even ask her to marry him."
"What rubbish!" Her mother pronounced firmly, startling Hyeonji. "Hoseok is not in love with that flashy bit of goods. No man in love with one girl looks at another girl as he looked at you today."
Y/N was dumbfounded. "But I...I didn't notice him looking at me in a special way..."
"Then you're as blind as he is, my girl. You made a big mistake refusing to go out with him next Saturday night. Now listen here; when he comes over to pick up those papers, you tell him you've changed your mind and you'd like to go after all."
"But...but..." Y/N stammered.
"NO buts. You said he's not getting back with that Tinashe till Sunday. Make the most of what time you have!" Y/M/N pushed Y/N with both her arms on her waist.
"I was just going to say I dont have anything to wear," Y/N smiled weakly.
"Well, that's easily fixed."
"How? Hoseok's accountant can't get us anymore money immediately. And I'm not taking the cleaning money you earn, Mom. No way. One hundred dollars wouldnt be nearly enough anyway," she added with a sad sigh. "A dinner dress, complete with shoes and bag doesn't come cheap these days."
"Would five hundred dollars do?"
"Five hundred! But where?... I mean..." Y/N suprised at her mother.
Y/M/N smiled her pleasure at her daughter's surprise. "You're not the only one who has rainy-day money stashed away, my girl. Come this way."
Y/N followed, fascinated, while her mother led her upstairs and into the master bedroom where she proceeded to lift up the matress and draw out a battered brown paper envelope. She opened the flap and tipped the contents out onto the patchworl quilt. Notes of all sizes fluttered down, mostly fives, tens and twenties.
"I used to hide this is an empty washing powder box in the laundry when your father was alive. But now its safe enough out here. I know there's at least five hundred dollars, maybe more." She gathered the money up and pressed them into Y/N's hands. "I want you to buy yourself a dress which will knock Hoseok's eyes out!"
Y/N hated the wild rush of elation ehich flooded her heart, for she feared she was setting herself up for a disaster of monumental proportions. No matter what her mother said and no matter what dress she brought, how could she seriously compete with Tinashe? It was like comparing a nice little house wine with a top brand french champagne. Tinashe's extravagant self fizzed sparkled. She was special-occassion lady whereas she, was the common, everyday, value for money variety.
When Hoseok looked at her he only ever saw a familiar face. And everyone knew what familiarity bred. Contempt. Never chemistry.
Or was that how he'd seen her in the past? Dared she hoped that her new look had evoked a new appreciation? Y/N had told the truth when she'd said she hadn't notice Hoseok looking at her differently today. But after his news about Tinashe she'd been too upset to notice anything, and had avoided Hoseok's eyes as much as possible.
Could her mother's observations possibly be correct, or was she just trying to make her daughter feel better? She'd been guilty over her earlier less than generous remarks. Y/N didn't want to keep her hopes up. And yet, something was stirring within her soul. Something she'd never felt before. Sometjing rather wicked.
Tinashe had called her a sly piece. Maybe she was right, Hyeonji thought with a steeling of her spirit. Because I am not going to go quietly, Tinashe, darling. Neither am I going to let you have Hoseok back without a fight. Come Saturday night, I'm going to use every female trick in the book.
The trouble was...she hadn't read that particular book yet. She would have to depend on her feminine instinct. The front doorbell ringing startled both of them. "That'll be Hoseok," Y/M/N said urgently. "Now drop that money and go down and talk to him while I get those papers he wants. Tell him you've changed your mind about Saturday night, and ask him what time he wants you ready by. Be cool, though. Not overly eager."
Y/N shocked at her mother "Mum, you sneaky thing!"
"Well there is no point in being easy. Any girl who looks as good as you do can play a little hard to get. Besides, men never want what they think they can have, gratis. They like a bit of a challenge."
Y/N went down stairs shaking her head. Who would have believed that within her own shy reserved mother lurked the makings of a femme fatale? Heaven knew what would happen if the Y/L/N widow became a blonde!
Y/N summoned up a pleasant smile to answer the door, resolving to watch this time for any sign that Hoseok looked at her differently in any way.
"Hello there again," she said. "Mum wont be a minute with those papers. Look, about next Saturday night Hobi, that was rude of me to dismiss your very nice invitation out of hand. I know what its like to go to these things alone..."
She didnt actually, because she's never been to an awards dinner. But Y/N had never lacked imagination. Just think of all those times Hobi had made love to her in her mind. Unfortunately, she began thinking of one those times right at this moment. It was her favorite scenario where Hoseok was concerned. He would bring her home to this door after a serious date and there would be much kissing and panting on the front porch. When she finally unlocked the door, he would push her inside, then scoop her up into his arms and carry her upstairs to her room where a three-foot bed was no barrier to true love.
Her mouth dried as she thought of their naked bodies blended tightly, writhing together. Her brown eyes glittered as they began unconsiously to rove over the object of her desire. Before they reach his waist, Y/N swallowed then cleared her throat. "Er...could I possibly change my mind and say yes?"
He stiffened. He actually stiffened. Why?
"Is there a problem with that?" She asked airily, even while her heart was thudding. He stood there frowning at her. The atmosphere on that doorstep was suddenly charged with a quite alien tension. Y/N didnt know what to make of it except that she found herself holding her breath.
"Hobi?" She choked out.
He seemed to have to shake himself to answer her. "No." He muttered. "No problem. I'll look forward to it."
Y/N had to be careful not to let all her breath out of her lungs in a rush. "Fine," she said with a small smile. "Well, where is this dinner and what time should I be ready?"
"Its being held down at the League's Club, in the Admiral's Quarters. The dinner starts at eight. Pre-drinks at seven thirty. I'll pick you up at...say...seven?"
Y/N nodded "I'll be ready. And thanks again for helping us with the finance business."
"My pleasure." He answered.
But it didn't look as if it was his pleasure. Not at all. He hadn't smiled once since she'd opened the door. Y/N could not make head or tail of his mood, except that it was obvious he had mixed feelings about taking her to that dinner.
She prayed his reluctance was because he'd begun to feel things for her which he found confusing, and not because Tinashe might get jealous if she ever found out. Her mother's arrival at that point steered the conversation to a less stressful grounds. Hoseok left a couple of minutes later and as Y/M/N closed the front door she threw Hyeonji a questioning glance. "Well? What happened? You both seemed tense when I came down."
Y/N shrugged. "I don't really know. I told him I changed my mind abiut the dinner, and he agreed to take me, but not with great enthusiasm. To be honest, I think it worried the heck out of him."
"Well that's better than indifference, Y/N."
Nodding her head Y/N agreed "That's what I was thinking."
Y/M/N patted her daughter's back "Only time will tell."
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