#and topped with the mushrooms plus some fresh parsley.....so delicious
boyjoan · 11 months
overnight oats are god's most wretched creation
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comparativetarot · 2 years
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The Hanged Man. Art by Kim Thompson, from Divine Your Dinner.
Magickal Ingredient: Mushrooms Eases fear to encourage adventure
This card may seem morbid, but the wisdom it provides is anything but. The man in question invites you to join him in hanging upside down to change your perspective, widening your field of possibilities. You might notice things from this perspective you couldn’t see before—about yourself and your place in the world. Not into literally hanging upside down? No problem. Anything you do to knock yourself out of your routine will do. Or, you can go straight to the delicious part and eat our mushroom panzanella.
Mushrooms come in many varieties, some more…adventurous than others. While most have specific uses and associations, all are good for coaxing you out of your shell and running wild, so feel free to explore your options.
The rye, mushrooms, and Comté cheese bring earthy depth to this dish, while the tomato vinaigrette keeps it light and breezy enough for a late summer/early fall salad. It’s great to make in advance or for a picnic, but make sure the bread is well toasted or you will end up with a pile of mush. And the riper the tomatoes, the better it will be.
Use any kind of mushroom you like. You can keep it simple with white button mushrooms or get real fancy with a mix of morels and chanterelles. We like to use an assortment of whatever looks best from the market. Roasting time varies according to the size and type of mushrooms—just be sure to roast them until they are extra browned and crisp on the edges for the tastiest results.
5 cups stale rye bread, cut or torn into 1-inch chunks 9 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil ¾ pound assorted mushrooms, halved or cut into 1-inch chunks if they are very large 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional) Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper 3 tablespoons sherry vinegar 1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme or oregano 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard ½ teaspoon minced garlic 1 extra-large tomato, roughly chopped ½ cup grated Comté cheese, plus more for topping ¼ cup roughly chopped fresh Italian parsley
1. Preheat the oven to 400°F.
2. Add the bread and 2 tablespoons of the olive oil to a sheet pan and toss to coat. Spread them out in an even layer and bake until dry and browned, 10 to 12 minutes. Remove them from the oven and let cool for 5 minutes. Transfer to a large bowl. Leave the oven on and hold on to the sheet pan.
3. In a medium bowl, combine the mushrooms, pepper flakes, 3 tablespoons of the olive oil, and salt and pepper to taste and toss to coat. Spread the mushrooms in an even layer on the reserved sheet pan and bake, stirring occasionally, until golden brown and crisp around the edges, 30 to 40 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool for 5 minutes. Add the mushrooms to the large bowl with the bread.
4. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, whisk together the sherry vinegar, thyme, mustard, garlic, and the remaining 4 tablespoons olive oil. Add the tomato and stir to combine. Taste and season with salt and pepper as needed.
5. Add the tomato mixture, the Comté, and parsley to the large bowl and toss to combine. Let sit for 30 minutes before serving.
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paleorecipecookbook · 6 years
The Complete Guide to Herbs: Sto
Herbs are a fantastic way to add flavor to your dishes without disrupting the balance of fats, sugars, and salts. To truly build complexity in your meals, use them to amp up the flavor and health benefits of your favorite Paleo dishes. Knowing how to use them is a simple way to make your dishes shine.
With plenty of antioxidants, delicious flavor, and negligible calories, herbs can be used in roasts, soups, pestos, compound butters, salads, smoothies, and the list goes on! (1) Add gentle, robust, citrusy, or even warming flavors to an otherwise one-note dish. Simply adding something like thyme to butter will impress with its aroma and flavor, for example.
Herbs are not just an awesome addition to your recipes; they can be quite fun and simple to grow at home as well. Herb combining can be daunting, but when a balanced, complementary blend comes together, you can create a symphony in one dish.
Starting and Finishing Herbs
Herbs tend to fall into two primary categories: starting and finishing.
Starting herbs are heartier and sturdier. They are often earthy and can even be woody in texture. These sturdy herbs are great to use at the beginning of a recipe—especially when heating or using in a stock or sauté—so that they may impart their flavor early in the cooking process.
If you use these starting herbs toward the end of a recipe, they haven’t had the time to break down and become palatable, nor have they had the chance to really flavor your dish.
Herbs that work best for starting include:
Bay leaf
On the other hand, some herbs are delicate and best grown at home to pinch from a pot for immediate use. Herbs like this are best used raw and at the end of a recipe so as not to bruise, wilt, or lose their flavor.
Herbs that are better saved for finishing include:
How to Store Your Herbs to Last
No one wants to feel like their herbs are being wasted, whether homegrown or purchased. Most recipes use just a few sprigs or leaves, and the rest may sit for some time. These little greens wilt and go bad fairly quickly when not stored properly, so here are some tips for getting the most out of your herbage.
1. Clean Your Herbs
Always submerge your herbs when washing. Fill a bowl with cool water and agitate the herbs gently. Lift from the water and let dry on towels in a single layer, patting off excess moisture with another towel. You can also use a salad spinner if you prefer.
2. Store Tender Herbs Like a Bouquet
For most finishing herbs, you can trim the stems and pick off any discolored or wilting leaves. Put about an inch of water in a jar and store like a bouquet. Cover your bouquet with an overturned baggie and adhere with a rubber band. Store in the fridge. They will keep for two to three weeks.
Basil is an exception to this rule, as you can store it like a bouquet on your counter or windowsill. Enjoy the nice smell!
3. Store Leafy Herbs in Glass
For leafy herbs, pick the leaves off and discard the stems. Alternatively, you can save the stems for stock. Wash and dry your leaves gently, then add to a paper towel-lined glass bowl or container. This storage method encourages frequent use, since they’re ready to go. Herbs will keep for two to three weeks.
4. Store Sturdy Herbs in the Crisper
Lay out long sprigs of rosemary or thyme in a single layer on a slightly damp paper towel. Gently roll them up in the paper towel and store in a large baggy or container. Keep them in a crisper drawer for best results. They will last two to three weeks.
5. Freeze Herbs in Ice Cube Trays
If your herbs are on their way to the compost bin, or you simply want a super-convenient way to prepare them, whiz them in a food processor and freeze in ice cube trays. These cubes can be kept in freezer bags or a freezer-safe container. Drop into soups and sauces when needed. They will last up to three months.
10 Popular Herbs and How to Use Them
While there are countless varieties of common herbs used throughout various cuisines, here are 10 popular herbs we tend to work with every day. From fresh basil to earthy sage, use this list for inspiration for when and how to cook with herbs.
1. Basil
The prom queen of the fresh herb world, basil is great in a variety of food genres. From Italian to Thai dishes, basil can be found as a main event in some of your classic favorites. Use fresh or dried, chopped, or even the whole leaf for a pretty presentation. Basil is a great gateway herb to start off your experimentation.
When to use fresh basil:
As a finishing herb
Whole or julienned in green salads and fruit salads
With berries and melon
Blended into pestos and dressings for salad
In dips
Blended into legume-free hummus (like cauliflower or sweet potato hummus)
Pulsed in a food processor with nuts, garlic, and olive oil
With heirloom tomatoes
In stir-fries and recipes that use coconut milk, like soups and curries (opt for Thai basil here)
When to use dried basil:
As a starting herb in tomato sauces and sautés
In Paleo mayo with fresh garlic to make a sauce and dip for fish
In Paleo mayo for dipping with sweet potato fries
2. Tarragon
Tarragon proves your culinary chops. Once you start slinging tarragon around the kitchen, people know you really mean business. With slight vibes of licorice and grassy-sweet notes, tarragon is unmistakable when added to a dish.
When to use fresh tarragon:
As a finishing herb
Sprinkled on top of hot dishes after cooking
With shrimp or prawn dishes
Mixed into grass-fed butter to create a compound butter for fish, shellfish, or steak
Chopped and added to chicken salad with grapes and walnuts
In hearty dishes, like stuffed mushrooms, meatballs, or stuffing
When to use dried tarragon:
As a starting herb
In a dry-rub for pork loin and chops
3. Sage
Sage offers the most earthy and comforting of flavors. It is used ceremoniously and medicinally, specifically for digestive and premenstrual discomforts. There are several varieties of culinary sage, including purple sage, pineapple sage, and even wild sage that grows in dry, upland areas.
When to use sage, fresh or dried:
As a starting herb
To garnish meat and vegetable “noodle” dishes
In a red wine sauce
In pork dishes
Rubbed over roasted chicken
Steeped and simmered for brines and stocks
4. Thyme
This delicate herb transcends boundaries; it is sturdy enough to use at the beginning of a recipe, and delicate and vibrant enough to use at the end. Lively yet delicate in flavor, thyme is popular for good reason. Thyme is antiseptic and antibacterial, and is good for indigestion. The aroma of thyme is even said to be mood-enhancing.
When to use thyme, fresh or dried:
As a starting or finishing herb
Added to flake salt for a compound finishing salt for dishes
With honey for an herbaceous, sweet drizzle over meats or fruits
As a garnish
In cashew “cream” sauces
In sweet baked goods like breads and muffins
In roasted golden squash dishes
As a rub for meat roasts
In stews and stocks
5. Dill
Dill is a feathery, pungent, and fresh weed. The flavor of dill is unmistakable, and of course, it might remind you of pickles. Dill loses its flavor rapidly, so opt for fresh dill only. Its lovely yellow flowers are also edible and can liven up your dishes!
When to use fresh dill:
As a finishing herb for maximum flavor
In green salads
In tuna salad with capers and lemon
With carrots, roasted or in chilled carrot soup
With cucumbers, radish, and cabbage for a slaw
In creamy Paleo salad dressing
With lemon and fish
In soft scrambled eggs with cured or smoked fish
6. Chives
Chives have a light and onion-y flavor. Their tasty purple flower blooms should not be missed. Chives grow like weeds, so they’re wonderful to bulk up your home garden. Chives might be the missing element to make a good dish a great one. Like dill, chives are best fresh, so skip the dried version altogether.
When to use fresh chives:
As a finishing herb
Sprinkled over deviled eggs
In salads
Blended into dressings
In spreads and dips
To top soups, chilis, and curries
In shellfish dishes
7. Parsley
Flat-leaf parsley is the most recognizable and available herb on the market. The flat leaf variety offers a palatable, strong, and almost celery-like flavor. Plus, it adds a vibrant pop of green to any dish. It boasts many health benefits and should perhaps be classified like a vegetable because of its nutritious elements. Parsley is great for heart health, circulation, and detox.
When to use fresh parsley:
As a finishing herb
In stocks and bone broth
In herb-based salads
As a base for pesto with pecans
In soups and stocks, for garnish
In compound butter
With fish dishes
With lemon and chicken
Fried in a high-smoke-point oil for a crunchy garnish
8. Rosemary
Rosemary is intoxicating and pungent. The smell has even been said to boost memory and alleviate stress. Rosemary has an astringent and clarifying effect; it is used frequently in hair styling, facial care, and other beauty products. It grows as a sturdy bush and holds up well through the colder seasons. Some varieties even have small edible flowers, too.
When to use rosemary, fresh or dried:
As a starting herb
As a finishing herb, when chopped very finely
With whole roasted chicken
With sturdy white fish
With pork chops and tenderloin
With roasted sweet potatoes
As skewers for kebabs (the sturdy stems)
Steeped in olive oil and used as a drizzle
9. Sorrel
This wild herb is foraged and can be found in your very own front yard! Sorrel is tangy and lemony, and most tender and tasty in the early spring. While not typically found in grocery stores, it has been around for ages. It’s popular in older cookbooks and recipes due to its major health benefits. Sorrel is high in vitamin C and good for cleansing the blood; it was frequently found in many 20th century herbal remedies. Always opt for fresh sorrel.
When to use fresh sorrel:
In green and fruit salads
In Paleo cream sauces
With seafood
In soups
Juiced with other vegetables
10. Mint
Mint often gets overlooked in the savory world. Yes, it’s delicious muddled into your mocktail and added to iced tea, but it’s also excellent incorporated in savory dishes. Mint comes in several varieties and grows fast, so allow for lots of space or plant in a pot to contain this prolific plant. Always use fresh mint.
When to use fresh mint:
In Asian-inspired dishes
Added to green or fruit salads
In smoothies
With cacao nibs and powder in baked goods
4 Popular Herb Blends to Get You Started
You don’t have to opt for just one herb per dish! These blends are classics and improve any of the suggested dishes with their complementary flavors. Bonus: They all work in several applications, from currys to salads.
1. Fresh Basil, Mint, Cilantro
This blend lends itself to Asian-inspired dishes. If you are making a Thai or Indian curry, this mix offers bright and complex flavors. It’s also great in coconut milk-based soups and sauces along with ginger root and lemongrass.
2. Oregano, Basil, Marjoram
This trio is fantastic when added to a tomato or cashew cream sauce over zucchini noodle pasta, or used to top a cauliflower Paleo pizza crust. It also pairs wonderfully with dishes that use olives and capers. This blend is great steeped in olive oil for a finishing drizzle on salads and savory Paleo breads, too.
3. Dill and Chives
Keep chopped dill and chives in a little container in your fridge and sprinkle over scrambled eggs, fish, salads, and atop just about every soup and stew!
4. Sage, Lavender, Rosemary, Thyme
This elegant blend is a showstopper. Use as a rub for whole chicken, or over pork loin and roasts. It’s also a great rub for roasted summer and winter squash, carrots, and Portobello steaks.
Bottom Line
There are so many herb varieties to choose from. Experimenting with them, growing them yourself, and practicing different ways to make your meals exciting is a surefire way to keep your healthy lifestyle interesting and tasty.
(Read This Next: How to Grow a Garden Anywhere!)
The post The Complete Guide to Herbs: Sto appeared first on PaleoPlan.
Source: https://ift.tt/10qRbxJ
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sweeetchillies · 2 years
This simple Indian-style basil spaghetti recipe is one to keep in your back pocket for busy evenings. It’s quick, easy, and requires minimal ingredients—and most importantly, it’s absolutely delicious! Plus, you can customise it completely to suit you by adding in your favourite herbs and veggies—this recipe is a good base for you to turn it into your perfect dinner!
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Here I tried a simple Indian tadka style, making it more lip-twisting and more grounded.
To make it Indian style, you don’t need extra spices, it’s just a replacement for what we use in general.
But, you can also make it more aromatic by adding extra herbs. Try adding some finely chopped thyme, oregano, and parsley in with the basil for more of a delicious fresh herb flavour. This would also be delicious with a few halved cherry tomatoes and black olives!
Replace regular salt with herbs or even lemon salt for an extra depth of flavor! Obviously, you can still use regular salt for the pasta water, but a sprinkle of infused salt on top won’t do any harm!
Add in some chopped onion, chopped shallot, or garlic chives for some extra texture and more of an onion-garlic flavour. Obviously, this pasta already uses plenty of garlic, though, so if you prefer things less garlic-y, then this isn’t the best route for you.
A little bit of fresh lemon juice and zest at the end would also bring another element of freshness and lightness. However, you don’t necessarily want to bother zesting a lemon and squeezing out (probably half of) it for this dish—hence why it’s an optional extra.
80 grams (3 oz) of spaghetti
4-5 cloves of garlic, very thinly sliced or smashed.
1/2 teaspoon chilli flakes
Chilli oil
60 grams (1/2 cup) grated parmesan
1 bunch of basil, very finely chopped.
Salt and crushed black pepper, to season to taste.
2 cups milk
1 tablespoon flour
Salted butter (I used Amul butter)
Mushrooms -finely chopped
2 processed cheese slices
Extra Veg
You can add in almost any veg! For example,
Chopped cherry tomatoes right at the end.
Caramelized, chopped onions
Boiled corn or baby corn
Halved, pitted black olives at the same time as the basil
Thin strips of bell pepper (green, yellow, or red) 2-3 minutes after the garlic and chilli flakes have started cooking.
Replace spaghetti with pasta, pasta shells, and courgette (zucchini) partially or completely.
Add in some fresh spinach towards the end (or right at the end, depending on if you like it wilted or not).
Replace the chilli flakes with a deseeded and finely chopped red chilli pepper.
See – pretty much limitless! You can make this garlic and basil pasta as healthy as you like, really. Plus, it means that you get so many different variations, each with the same cooking method, so that it’s super easy to change it up and have something a little different, even in the evenings when you’re absolutely exhausted!
1. Bring a large pan of salted water to a boil and begin to cook the spaghetti.
2. In a separate pan, heat the chilli oil over medium heat, then add the sliced garlic cloves, mushrooms and basil leaves. Cook until it’s golden brown.
3. By this time, the pasta should be cooked. Drain it and add it to the pan.
4. In a separate pan, take butter and flour and, on low heat, cook them. Once it turns brown, add milk to it slowly and at the same time whisk it in order to avoid any lumps.
5. Once creamy, at this stage, add your veggies, pepper, salt, oregano, and cheese slices and give it a good whisk.
6. Keeping the heat on low, add the spaghetti and stir to coat the spaghetti evenly. Turn off the heat and stir it gently. Serve with parmesan and basil on top.
A simple and quick basil spaghetti recipe with plenty of flavour. It’s cheap, easy, veggie-friendly, and perfect for when you need an easy weeknight dinner and doesn’t want to turn the oven on! Plus, it’s single-serving, so you don’t have to worry about leftovers.Did you make this recipe?
Please let me know how it turned out for you! Leave a comment below and share a picture on INSTAGRAM with the hashtag #sweeetchillies
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vitabenedetta-blog · 6 years
Travel Eats
Good news! Traveling has been scientifically proven to increase happiness, decrease depression, and chill you the F out. While it is important to be grounded, traveling is a big part of finding out who you are and what environment fuels your inner fire. Plus, experiencing different cultures is invigorating AF. So for all of you that want to get out and explore the borders of this world, I have put together a travel eats guide to all the fabulous food from your home base and beyond. Enjoy! 
The Guide 
$: least expensive 
$$$: most expensive 
Apothik Food Truck $ 
La Crosse, WI 
Calling all Lax residents! Apothik Food Truck is a must try during the summer and fall seasons. The lovely humans behind the truck value: supporting local businesses and farmers while serving up delicious food! The menu changes each week to reflect seasonality and availability of different ingredients, so if you see something you like on the menu, make sure to get it while you can. You can find them at the Cameron’s Park farmer’s market, affordable and in walking distance for all you fellow college students.☺ 
My go-to: CHEESY MAC! 
5 Cheese Sauce, Diced Tasso Ham, Fresh Herbs, Crispy Crumble, Diced Bacon
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Chipotle Chicken, Chopped Kale, Roasted Hot Sauce, Lime Cilantro Crème, Pineapple Pico De Gallo, Melted Pepper Jack, Corn Tortilla 
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The Mint $$ 
La Crosse, WI 
Oh you fancy huh? The aesthetics at The Mint are on point. Everything from the furniture, to the glassware, and to the food is practically flawless. Toto, I don’t think we are in La Crosse, WI anymore. This is truly an experience you do not want to miss out on. Teaming with The Root Note, The Mint is a farm to table restaurant serving up all the local goods right to your plate. If you are on a budget, I highly recommend taking advantage of Sunday Craft Cocktail night. The craft cocktails are only $5 and appetizers are on sale. 
Chef’s Daily Selections, Pickles, Mustard, Bread
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Letherbee Gin, Grapefruit Crema, Grapefruit, Rosemary Syrup, Peychaud’s Bitters 
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Vida Mezcal, Yellow Chartreuse, Aperitivo Select, Lime 
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Howie’s On La Crosse $ 
La Crosse, WI 
A La Crosse classic (most likely right outside your door step). Howie’s has great grub, drinks, games, staff, and an awesome patio. If you have not been I am honestly concerned. Oh, and do I even need to mention the bloody mary bar. YUM! Happy Hour is the perfect time to put down your schoolwork and head over for some student deals. I mean we are only students for four years, so we might as well soak up the discounts while we can. You are bound to run into some of your classmates working at Howie’s and most likely some of your professors throwing one back at the bar. There are enough TV’s at Howie’s that you will never miss a second of your favorite games. 
Cheddar Cheese, Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato, Red Onion, Garlic Mayo, Sweet Potato Fries 
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Ecker’s Apple Farm $ 
La Crosse, WI 
Because what is better than a caramel apple tossed in M&M’s? Ecker’s Apple Farm is stunning to say the least. Plan on spending the afternoon. With a beer garden, live music, apple picking, yard games, and plenty of grub you are not going to want to leave. Their mission is to bring you unique, quality craft beers from around the country and serve them up cold while you take in the view of the beautiful farm. I’M DOWN. It is a fall destination in La Crosse. 
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Black Coffee and Waffle Bar $$ 
Minneapolis, MN
Did someone say waffles? These waffles are like no other. They are seriously FUNKY and out of this world. The interior of Black Coffee and Waffle Bar provides an awesome space for students to chillax and enjoy a drink and a waffle. I mean, what could be finer? Every month they introduce a new specialty waffle. I promise, the drive is worth the overpriced waffle and the Instagram picture that comes with it! 
Cheesecake, Strawberries, Graham Crackers, Whipped Cream 
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Hola Arepa $$ 
Saint Paul, MN 
Started from a food truck now we here. The vibes up in this joint will take you away on a Latin destination vacation. The specialty here: Venezuelan stuffed arepas! Arepas are made from cornmeal dough, formed into patties and cooked on a griddle. Then, they are stuffed with meats, veggies, cheeses, and topped with homemade salsas! Their mission is to make food from scratch with a whole lot of love. I recommend sitting on the patio in the sunshine! 
Tamarind Vinaigrette, Housemade Chorizo Sausage, Pepitas, Caramelized Onion Jam, Manchego, Radish 
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Tomato, Sweet Corn Salsa, Citrus Onion, Radish, Arugula, Chipotle Aioli, Yuca Fries 
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Pig Ate My Pizza $$ 
Robbinsdale, MN 
Besides like the cutest name for a pizza place ever, Pig Ate My Pizza was named one of the best pizza places in the US by Time and Food & Wine magazines! They are serving up rotating craft pizzas and over 16 local tap brews! The atmosphere is unexplainably awesome, so you will have to go check this one out yourself. Checkout their website for a little sneak peak (the marketing is phenomenal). 
My go-to: PIGGY PIE 
Deep Dish Meat Lovers! Brioche Crust, Pork Lovers Sausage, Pepperoni, Bacon Emulsion, Toasted Black Pepper Fennel, Oregano
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Velvet Taco $ 
Chicago, IL
Let’s taco bout it people! In the heart of the windy city, Velvet Taco is a counter service setting, whipping up some of the most BOMB margaritas and tacos on this planet. With over twenty varieties of tacos, they will assure that you have never had a taco like this. At Velvet Taco, food is art. Let’s go, the flavors await. 
My go-to: FISH N’ CHIPS 
Curry Mayo, Malted French Fires, House Shred, Beer Battered Atlantic Cod, Pea Tendrils, Flour Tortilla 
Crisp Tenders, House Buffalo Sauce, Danish Bleu Cheese, Ranch Crema, Carrots, Micro Celery, Flour Tortilla 
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Real Good Juice Co. $$$ 
Chicago, IL 
Itching for something a little healthier to cure your Sunday scaries? You have found the place. Real Good Juice Co. serves up good juices and smoothies that are organic and locally sourced. The juices are cold pressed which means they retain 100% of the enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. The company is a huge supporter of Chicago’s Old Town community and contributes a percentage of juice sales to local charities! They don’t stop at serving juice. They also sell bowls, a variety of toasts, salads, and shots. It’s a Win Win. 
Banana, Cacao, Almond Butter, Almond Milk, Honey 
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Firecakes Donuts $$
Chicago, IL
Hellzzz to the yeah! These donuts are on fire! Firecakes believes that everyone can use a sweet treat to get them through the day. With the craziest flavors, your taste buds will be wanting more. These donuts are fried in a large cast iron pot of oil over an open fire and sprinkled with all the sugar and goods one could ask for. They even have gluten free and vegan donuts! 
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Summer House Santa Monica $$$ 
Chicago, IL 
An escape to the warmth and laid-back vibes of the West Coast. The atmosphere is beachy AF. They promise that no matter the season, no matter the weather, you will be transported to the warmth of California at Summer House. I felt like I was Serena van der Woodsen from Gossip Girl, no lie. If you have ever dreamed of your bridal shower, this is that dream. To be honest I barely paid attention to my meal, I was too caught up looking around at all the VIBES. 
My go-to: RICKY BOBBY 
Hank’s Vodka, Fresh Grapefruit Juice, Lime, Strawberry Air
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San Giorgio Pizzeria $$ 
Milwaukee, WI 
Neapolitan pizza dough, made fresh in seconds, right before your eyes in a wood-fired oven! I have had a lot of pizza in my life, and this is by far my favorite. That is saying something people, you must go. The chef sits five feet in front of your table while throwing dough and firing up some incredible ZAA. Head Chef Gino Fazzari made this an unforgettable experience (he even bought my boyfriend and I special shots on the house). I would go back a million times. 
San Marzano Tomato, Fresh Fior Di Latte Mozzarella, Prosciutto, Fresh Basil, Arugula, Extra Virgin Olive Oil 
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Logan House Coffee Co. $ 
Denver, CO 
The vibes are too real people. This place is like an indoor farmer’s market. Make sure you give yourself enough time to really explore. The staff members are super DOPE and are jazzed about talking coffee with customers. 
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Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory $ 
Vail, CO 
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! You will never want to get ice cream elsewhere after trying Rocky Mountain. This is mainly because of the cones. Have you ever seen something so beautiful? In the heart of Vail Village you will feel like the cutest snow bunny with one of these cones in hand and the mountains right above your head. If you are a chocoholic you NEED to check this out. 
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Blue Moose Pizza $$ 
Vail, CO 
Want to eat pizza while looking out at the Vail Village Slopes? Yeah, me too. This was some of the most exotic pizza I have ever had. Flavor overload in the best way possible. If you go during off-season you won’t even have to wait for a table. 
Sautéed Mushrooms, Truffle Oil, Parsley, Parmesan, Garlic, Olive Oil, Mozzarella, Goat Cheese 
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Now that your taste buds are basically exploding, it is time to get out and explore. Gas up your vehicle, book that plane ticket and Airbnb and be on your way. The flavors await! If you try any of my suggestions make sure to tag #vitabenedetta and let me know about the fabulous foods. 
Until next time. What are some of your favorite travel eats? Comment below.
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dailyhealthynews · 3 years
Grill These 8 Veggies at Your Next Barbecue
Burgers, baby back ribs, and sausages may get the most attention on the grill, but how about we make room for nutritious vegetables? Combined with minimal preparation – we’re talking high quality olive oil and spices, that’s it – grilling elicits the flavors of vegetables in a way that will surprise and delight your palate. Plus, grilled vegetables are great additions to salads, cereal bowls, sandwiches, or on their own.
If you are looking for the finest fresh products for your next barbecue evening, stop by ALDI, the low-cost leader with an abundance of fresh and organic products – perfect for all your outdoor celebrations. Then heat up the grill, take a spatula and throw the vegetables on the grill below.
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Jeff GiniewiczGetty Images
Take a bite of these grilled green stalks and you will be instantly seduced by this summery side. Brush with Simply Nature organic extra virgin olive oil, sprinkle with your favorite spice (garlic salt from stone mill with parsley?) The fiery charcoal underworld. Close the lid and 6 to 10 minutes later your asparagus will be crispy, smoky and subtly sweet.
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Getty Images
A newly invented carrot? After spending some time on the grill, you too will become a believer. The texture is different (softer and less crispy than raw) and the taste is enhanced, now permeated by a sweetness from the caramelization. Drizzle the immune-boosting carrots with olive oil, season with Stonemill Himalayan Pink Salt and place on the grill for about 5 minutes on each side, turning occasionally if black spots appear.
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Frank Schiefelbein / EyeEm
It can be the favorite vegetable of keto diet enthusiasts (and the people who love them), and for good reason. But other than the health benefits, the ivory clusters on the grill just get better. Our recommendation: serve them in steak form. Simply cut a head of cauliflower vertically into 1 “to 1½” thick slices. Place on the grill, brush the top with a mixture of olive oil and lemon and season with salt and pepper. Grill for 5 minutes, then turn over and do it again on the other side.
Cherry tomatoes
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zi3000Getty Images
“The heat from the grill enhances the inherent sweetness of cherry tomatoes,” says cookbook author and dietitian Matthew Kadey. “These mini-flavor bombs provide the body with some of the antioxidant lycopene that has been linked to a number of health benefits.” He recommends skewering the tiny kebab-style balls and leaving them on the grill until they bubble , about 3 to 4 minutes on each side.
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Anton Eine / EyeEmGetty Images
As the days get longer and temperatures rise, cravings for grilled corn on the cob become irresistible. You should soak the peeled corn in cold, salted water for a minute or two – it adds moisture to the kernels and prevents too much charring – dry them thoroughly, then brush them with a melted garlic butter. (Pro tip: If you don’t have fresh garlic, you can replace it with Stonemill garlic powder.) Place on the grill for 10 minutes, turning occasionally. The result is a crispy, smoky, sweet and delicious call for summer feast.
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Ray KachatorianGetty Images
These super healthy green vegetables get a bad rap and are sometimes referred to as “boring”. But put the lush trees on the grill and you can say goodbye to boredom. After you’ve cut the broccoli into florets – cut the thick stems off so they’re about the size of a golf ball – brush it with olive oil, sprinkle with a little salt, and let it stand for 30 minutes. Then roll each rose in a bowl with grated Parmesan cheese and grill directly on the wire rack, about 8 minutes on each side. Once on your plate (and especially your taste buds), this grilled broccoli could become your preferred preparation for summer and beyond.
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ZoryanchikGetty Images
Mushrooms go well with almost anything, but bring them to the grill to rediscover this delicious spore. Sprinkle with balsamic vinegar and salt in a bowl and mix well. Skewer mushrooms of a similar size on pre-soaked wooden sticks and then place on the grill on each side for about three minutes.
Sweet potatoes
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Richard Hartog
Why grill or even boil normal potatoes when you can enjoy the deliciousness of sweet potatoes? The sweet nutritional upgrade of french fries, these wedges are the sweet, tender companion you’ll want to serve all season long. Drizzle a few thick slices with salt and olive oil, then grill directly on the grid, 4 to 6 minutes on each side. Skip the ketchup and serve with barbecue sauce.
This content is created and maintained by a third party and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may find more information on this and similar content at piano.io
source https://dailyhealthynews.ca/grill-these-8-veggies-at-your-next-barbecue/
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livehealthynewsusa · 3 years
Grill These 8 Veggies at Your Next Barbecue
Burgers, baby back ribs, and sausages may get the most attention on the grill, but how about we make room for nutritious vegetables? Combined with minimal preparation – we’re talking high quality olive oil and spices, that’s it – grilling elicits the flavors of vegetables in a way that will surprise and delight your palate. Plus, grilled vegetables are great additions to salads, cereal bowls, sandwiches, or on their own.
If you are looking for the finest fresh products for your next barbecue evening, stop by ALDI, the low-cost leader with an abundance of fresh and organic products – perfect for all your outdoor celebrations. Then heat up the grill, take a spatula and throw the vegetables on the grill below.
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Jeff GiniewiczGetty Images
Take a bite of these grilled green stalks and you will be instantly seduced by this summery side. Brush with Simply Nature organic extra virgin olive oil, sprinkle with your favorite spice (garlic salt from stone mill with parsley?) The fiery charcoal underworld. Close the lid and 6 to 10 minutes later your asparagus will be crispy, smoky and subtly sweet.
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Getty Images
A newly invented carrot? After spending some time on the grill, you too will become a believer. The texture is different (softer and less crispy than raw) and the taste is enhanced, now permeated by a sweetness from the caramelization. Drizzle the immune-boosting carrots with olive oil, season with Stonemill Himalayan Pink Salt and place on the grill for about 5 minutes on each side, turning occasionally if black spots appear.
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Frank Schiefelbein / EyeEm
It can be the favorite vegetable of keto diet enthusiasts (and the people who love them), and for good reason. But other than the health benefits, the ivory clusters on the grill just get better. Our recommendation: serve them in steak form. Simply cut a head of cauliflower vertically into 1 “to 1½” thick slices. Place on the grill, brush the top with a mixture of olive oil and lemon and season with salt and pepper. Grill for 5 minutes, then turn over and do it again on the other side.
Cherry tomatoes
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zi3000Getty Images
“The heat from the grill enhances the inherent sweetness of cherry tomatoes,” says cookbook author and dietitian Matthew Kadey. “These mini-flavor bombs provide the body with some of the antioxidant lycopene that has been linked to a number of health benefits.” He recommends skewering the tiny kebab-style balls and leaving them on the grill until they bubble , about 3 to 4 minutes on each side.
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Anton Eine / EyeEmGetty Images
As the days get longer and temperatures rise, cravings for grilled corn on the cob become irresistible. You should soak the peeled corn in cold, salted water for a minute or two – it adds moisture to the kernels and prevents too much charring – dry them thoroughly, then brush them with a melted garlic butter. (Pro tip: If you don’t have fresh garlic, you can replace it with Stonemill garlic powder.) Place on the grill for 10 minutes, turning occasionally. The result is a crispy, smoky, sweet and delicious call for summer feast.
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Ray KachatorianGetty Images
These super healthy green vegetables get a bad rap and are sometimes referred to as “boring”. But put the lush trees on the grill and you can say goodbye to boredom. After you’ve cut the broccoli into florets – cut the thick stems off so they’re about the size of a golf ball – brush it with olive oil, sprinkle with a little salt, and let it stand for 30 minutes. Then roll each rose in a bowl with grated Parmesan cheese and grill directly on the wire rack, about 8 minutes on each side. Once on your plate (and especially your taste buds), this grilled broccoli could become your preferred preparation for summer and beyond.
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ZoryanchikGetty Images
Mushrooms go well with almost anything, but bring them to the grill to rediscover this delicious spore. Sprinkle with balsamic vinegar and salt in a bowl and mix well. Skewer mushrooms of a similar size on pre-soaked wooden sticks and then place on the grill on each side for about three minutes.
Sweet potatoes
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Richard Hartog
Why grill or even boil normal potatoes when you can enjoy the deliciousness of sweet potatoes? The sweet nutritional upgrade of french fries, these wedges are the sweet, tender companion you’ll want to serve all season long. Drizzle a few thick slices with salt and olive oil, then grill directly on the grid, 4 to 6 minutes on each side. Skip the ketchup and serve with barbecue sauce.
This content is created and maintained by a third party and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may find more information on this and similar content at piano.io
source https://livehealthynews.com/grill-these-8-veggies-at-your-next-barbecue/
0 notes
thepingingchook · 3 years
Invest a little time preparing for your travels!
I’m probably preaching to the converted but just so we’re all on the same page, we’re talking about food on the road, not haute cuisine, just simple, yummy stuff. There's so much you can do if you have a huge larder, big fridge and freezer and a stove with oven, but if you don't have those things, or have limited/spasmodic access to fresh food - because you are living the life and travelling away from the pack or you simply want to be completely off the grid, you can live quite well on tinned or packet stuff with some extras tossed in to tart things up. This is not a long term option for me though, it’s just for those times when you’re caught out.
We’re fortunate to have a reasonably sized fridge and freezer (total 185L) plus 75L car fridge/freezer. They have been completely worth the investment for us.
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I know lots of people prepare and dry meals and other food items prior to departure and I do too. Some pies, slices such as zucchini and spanakopita, biscuits, fruit cake, etc
If you're not up to that or can't be bothered, it's still not a bad idea to do a little bit of preparation. Create a little stock of condiments, herbs and spices and the like to add zing and depth to whatever you’re cooking. It's all about pleasure! Here are a few suggestions.
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*Harvest your own herbs or take advantage of times of abundance. You don't have to have a huge garden to produce at least some fragrant herbs for your table. I usually take a huge bag of fresh herbs as well as little bags of a variety that I’ve dried.
*Dry or freeze excess herbs from store-bought bunches as well as your own.
I take frozen sage leaves, fresh bay leaves, Vietnamese mint. Supplement these with a selection of semi dried herbs from the fruit&veg section of the supermarket - parsley, chilli, ginger etc.
*Make sure you have a stock of tiny plastic bags or small plastic containers the kind you get sauce in with your take-away meals, or use iceblock trays to freeze juice or grated goodies. Glass and rough roads don’t go well together.
*Passionfruit - buy them when there’s a glut and eat till you've had enough (if that’s possible) then freeze the pulp or whole fruit.
*Citrus fruits - freeze whole or in segments in their skins. But definitely juice and freeze in ‘serving size’ quantities in tiny plastic bags or in ice cube trays. Before you juice them, however, make sure you collect the zest either with a zester or vegetable peeler and bag that too.
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*Preserve a few lemons and limes - they add fantastic flavour to all sorts of dishes - fish, casseroles, stir fries etc
*Lime leaves - Kaffir or Tahitian limes, freeze well either shredded or whole. Great for curries, soups, stir fries, steamed fish.
*Ginger and Lemongrass - grate or slice then freeze in little plastic bags.
*Dried Mushrooms - blitz a few and package in airtight bags or the like to add to casseroles, soups or to sprinkle on risotto - yum! Use sparingly however as the flavour can be overpowering.
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And no we don’t have infinite space. This is my spice drawer. We had that and the narrow pantry underneath built in to replace the stock-standard wine cooler - we drink red after all! It’s jam-pack with a wide assortment of spices both ground and whole in that little drawer (and I carry a wee mortar and pestle).
*Onions are an essential for us. I carry fresh as well as frozen. Also capers. They’re great in smoked salmon sangers and crispy fried they are a delicious topper.
*Small cans of mushrooms and capsicums can be a useful addition.
If you’re going for a long haul, pack in the extra bits that you might need if you have to make more to keep you going.
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I also pack in bread mixes for when we’re ‘out there’ and the ingredients to cook fruit cake in my ‘DreamPot’.
*As a cute kitchen mate I have a kitchen 'blow torch' - well, that's what I call it. Plug it onto a butane gas cylinder and you can add an extra little je ne sais quoi to a whole lot of things. How about tinned asparagus with melted cheese topping. Of course it's not as good as the fresh stuff! I know that, but hey you're out there in the bush doing other magic things. Or should be!
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And don’t forget to look for local food to supplement your larder. Here we were camped at Cockle Creek in Tassie and gathered enough cockles, mussels and oyster for a sensational meal.
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There are lots of goodies to forage along the tracks but get yourself a good book
And make time to kick back and soak up the magic - save done coals to bake some bread in the camp oven!
Chat another time, maybe from Arnhem Land or the Tanami desert and hopefully with some pix. Bon appetit!
0 notes
thedisneychef · 1 year
What Recipes Use A Lot Of Milk
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Hi everyone! If you're looking for recipes that use a lot of milk, then you've come to the right place. I'm going to share with you some delicious dishes that have lots of this dairy product in them. From savory snacks and main courses to sweet desserts, there's something here for every type of cook! So let's get started and explore all the wonderful possibilities that await us when we add plenty of milk into our cooking. Milk is an incredibly versatile ingredient - it can be used as part of a recipe or simply enjoyed on its own. With so many types available, from whole milk to skimmed and even lactose-free options, we are spoilt for choice! Not only does milk offer great taste but also essential vitamins A&D which contribute towards healthy bones and teeth. Whether you prefer cow’s milk or something more exotic such as almond or coconut milk – adding any kind will give your dish a creamy texture perfect for indulging in. Savory Snacks I love making savoury snacks with milk. From cheesy dips to comforting macaroni and cheese, I find that adding a splash of milk can make all the difference. One of my favorite recipes is for a delicious garlic parmesan dip. It's simple; just mix together some grated Parmesan cheese, sour cream, mayonnaise, garlic powder and salt in a bowl before stirring through enough milk to achieve your desired consistency. Serve it up with raw vegetables or crunchy crackers – yum! Another recipe using lots of milk that I like to make are stuffed potatoes. Start by baking four large potatoes until they're nice and soft inside. Then scoop out the flesh and mash it together with butter, salt, pepper, cheddar cheese and plenty of full fat milk until creamy. Stuff this mixture back into the potato skins before topping them off with extra cheese and popping them under the grill until golden brown and bubbling. Comfort food at its finest! No matter what you’re making, be sure to always use fresh full-fat cow’s milk as it has the most flavor and produces an unbeatably rich texture in both sweet and savory dishes alike. With these recipes on hand there will never be a dull dinner party again! Main Courses I love recipes that use a lot of milk - they're creamy, comforting and delicious. From one-pot meals to slow cooker dishes, there are so many options out there for making something truly special with plenty of dairy involved! One pot meals like macaroni and cheese or chicken tetrazzini are both classic comfort foods that require lots of milk as an ingredient. Macaroni and cheese is simple yet satisfying – just cook your pasta in boiling water while you make the sauce with butter, flour, garlic powder, salt, pepper and plenty of milk. Top it off with some grated cheese before baking until golden brown for the perfect meal. Meanwhile, chicken tetrazzini is great for feeding a crowd since it’s easy to make in large batches! Simply sauté onions and mushrooms in butter then add cooked spaghetti noodles and diced cooked chicken before pouring over enough milk to create a creamy sauce. Bake in the oven until bubbly for an indulgent dinner dish. And don't forget about slow cooker dishes too! For example, try making rich beef stroganoff by simply combining cubed stew meat with beef broth, onion soup mix and sour cream before cooking on low heat all day long until everything has blended together perfectly. Just stir through extra sour cream at the end along with plenty of fresh parsley (for color) before serving over egg noodles or rice – yum! No matter what kind of recipe you go for though, adding more than a little bit of milk will always guarantee maximum flavor plus added creaminess. So why not give one of these ideas a try today? Sweet Treats Moving on from main courses, let's talk about sweet treats! Many desserts require some type of dairy product in the recipe. However, there are plenty of delicious recipes that don't use any milk or other dairy ingredients. Dairy free baking is becoming more and more popular as people become conscious of their dietary needs. If you're looking to satisfy a sweet tooth without using too much milk, chocolate dipped fruits can be an excellent option - they only require a few simple ingredients like dark or semi-sweet chocolate chips and your favorite fruits such as strawberries, apples, bananas, etc. You can also add nuts or coconut flakes for extra flavor. Plus, it's easy to make these with kids since it doesn't involve any cooking. If you want something a bit more indulgent than fruit but still not use too much milk then why not try making brownies? There are plenty of dairy free brownie recipes out there that taste just as good as regular ones. Just make sure to use quality vegan alternatives like almond butter instead of cow’s butter; coconut oil instead of vegetable oil; and non-dairy milks like oat, soy or almond milk instead of cows' milk when following these recipes. With all these options available, you have no excuse not to indulge in some deliciousness even if you’re avoiding dairy products! So go ahead and treat yourself – whether it’s by having some fun dipping chocolates with the family or getting creative with plant-based replacements when baking up a storm in the kitchen – and enjoy every moment! Beverages I love a good beverage, especially when it's made with creamy milk! From lattes to bubble tea, there are some amazing recipes that use this versatile ingredient. However, if you’re looking for something dairy free, I have the perfect solution – bubble tea! Not only is this delicious drink easy and fun to make at home, but it also offers great variety. Bubble tea can take on many different forms depending on how creative you get with your ingredients. To give your homemade version an extra kick of flavor, try adding freshly brewed green or black tea as well as sugar syrup or fruit juice. For the best texture and taste, don't forget the classic tapioca boba pearls. Simply add these little balls into warm water and let them soak overnight until they're ready to be added to your cup of bubble tea! To really bring out all the flavors in your bubble tea concoction, top it off with rich almond or coconut milk. The result? A smooth and refreshing treat that will satisfy even those who prefer their drinks dairy free! Healthy Alternatives Many recipes call for milk, from cakes and puddings to soups and sauces. However, if you're looking to explore healthier alternatives or want to avoid dairy altogether, there are plenty of unprocessed substitutes that can be used instead. These range from nut milks like almond milk and oat milk, to plant-based proteins like tofu cream and coconut milk. All these options provide a great dairy free alternative while still giving the desired texture or flavor in your favorite recipe. It's worth noting that many store bought nondairy milks have added sugars or preservatives which may not necessarily fit into everyone's health goals. Therefore consider making homemade versions using nuts, grains or legumes as the base ingredients with some water and a pinch of salt. This allows more control over what goes into each batch so you know exactly what is going into your meals. At the end of the day it all comes down to personal preference when choosing an alternative for your recipes - whether it’s something already at hand like low fat yogurt or soy sauce, or something new like vegan cheese or cashew cream - try experimenting with different flavors until you find one that satisfies! Frequently Asked Questions What Is The Best Type Of Milk To Use For Cooking? When it comes to cooking with milk, there are a variety of options available. Skimmed milk is the most popular choice for those looking for low-fat alternatives as it's much lower in saturated fat and calories than whole or reduced-fat milks. Alternatively, alternative milks such as soy, almond and coconut are becoming increasingly popular due to their unique flavor profiles and health benefits. Ultimately, the best type of milk to use will depend on what you're making – so make sure you choose one that works well with your recipe! How Much Milk Is Necessary For Each Recipe? When it comes to cooking with milk, the amount necessary for each recipe really depends on what you're making. For example, if a recipe calls for baking something like cheese sauce or macaroni and cheese then you'll likely need more milk than say a muffin that only requires a couple tablespoons of milk. If you're looking for substitutes for cow's milk, there are many options including nut milks, soy milk, coconut milk and even oat milk. Depending on your cooking method you may be able to successfully substitute one type of dairy-free alternative in place of cow's milk. Are There Any Dairy-Free Substitutes For Recipes That Use Milk? If you're looking for plant-based alternatives to use as a substitute for milk in recipes, there are plenty of options available. Popular substitutes include almond milk, coconut milk, and oat milk. These dairy-free options can be used interchangeably with cow's milk in most recipes, although it is important to note that they may have different consistencies or tastes than regular milk. Ultimately, experimenting with these alternative ingredients can help you find the perfect fit for your recipe! Do All Recipes That Use Milk Require Refrigeration? When it comes to recipes that use milk, not all of them require refrigeration. In fact, many dairy-free milks and milk alternatives can be stored at room temperature until opened and will last for several months unopened. These types of non-dairy milks are becoming increasingly popular as people look for healthier options or those free from certain allergens. So if you're looking for a recipe using milk that doesn't call for refrigeration, consider trying out one of the many dairy-free milks or milk alternatives available today! How Can I Make Recipes That Use Milk Healthier? If you're looking to make recipes that use milk a bit healthier, there are plenty of options! Whole wheat can be used in place of white flour or breadcrumbs. Plant-based milks like almond and oat are available as substitutes for cow's milk, while low-fat versions can also help cut down on calories. Additionally, look for ways to reduce fat content by using reduced-fat cheeses and yogurt instead of full fat varieties. Finally, adding vegetables to your dishes not only adds flavor but helps balance out the amount of dairy products being consumed. Conclusion At the end of the day, milk is an incredibly versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of recipes. Whether you’re looking for something savory or sweet, there are plenty of options available to suit your needs. With just the right amount of milk and some creativity, you can make delicious dishes that will please everyone at your table. When it comes to cooking with milk, I always try to use the best quality ingredients available. That way, I know my meals will turn out great every time. Furthermore, if I want to healthify a recipe that calls for milk, I look for dairy-free substitutes or add extra vegetables instead! Read the full article
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olgagarmash · 4 years
Quinoa is often called a “superfood,” but you can think of it as a hard-working everyday staple for your healthy recipes.
Quinoa (say it “keen-wah”) is considered a whole grain, although it’s technically a seed. Like other SmartCarbs, it’s high in fiber and low in calories. According to Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, a half-cup serving also fuels you up with four grams of protein—in fact, it’s one of the few plant foods that’s a “complete” protein, including all nine essential amino acids.1
Quinoa has a chewy texture and a lightly nutty flavor that blends well with many other ingredients. It comes in different colors, including red, white, yellow and even black.
Quinoa is the perfect swap for rice in your recipes. However, it’s so versatile that we keep discovering new ways to enjoy it! We’ve gathered this list of two dozen fresh recipes for putting quinoa to work for you, from breakfast to dinner and everything in between.
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On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 PowerFuel, 1 SmartCarb, 3 Extras and ½ Vegetable
Mexican flavors light up all of our taste buds, turning any meal into a fiesta. This simple dish features zesty onions, spicy jalapenos, tangy tomatoes and creamy avocado, blended with fiber-rich beans, chunks of veggie burger and a filling serving of quinoa. Bonus: When you’re done making the meal, you have just one pan to clean!
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb, 2 Extras and ½ Vegetable
Roasting seasoned chickpeas (aka garbanzo beans) crisps them up and infuses them with flavor. Mix them with chopped peppers—both sweet and spicy—cubes of avocado, onions, spices and a cup of quinoa to make a satisfying salad. Each batch is four servings—you can keep the extras in your fridge and bring one along wherever your day takes you.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb and 2 Extras
If you’re tired of the same old salad, try this flavorful combo. It blends the flavors of juicy berries, zesty arugula, tangy goat cheese, sweet corn and sunny lemon vinaigrette dressing with a filling base of hearty quinoa. This dish is a taste of summer you’ll enjoy any time of year.
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On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb
Who knew this list of quinoa recipes would feature chocolate bars? You can have a chewy chocolate bar and stay on track with your healthy eating plan when you make this super-simple version. After lightly “popping” the quinoa to bring out its toasty flavor (yes, you can pop quinoa!), you stir it into a warm blend of real cocoa powder, natural sweetener and coconut oil. Pour it all into a pan and refrigerate, then cut into bars and dig in.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb, 1 PowerFuel
Creamy pumpkin soup, fragrant with spices, warms you up from the inside out. With hearty beans, plenty of quinoa and a dollop of cheese, this version will keep you feeling full for hours.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 PowerFuel, 1 SmartCarb, 3 Extras and 3 Vegetables
Figs are naturally sweet, loaded with nutrients and packed with fiber. They perfectly complement the diverse tastes and textures of kale and arugula, red onion and quinoa. Add creamy cheese and our flavorful vinaigrette to create a salad that satisfies like a whole meal.
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On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 PowerFuel, 1 SmartCarb and 1 Vegetable
Here’s a Flex meal that’s sure to please everyone around the table. It comes with chunks of high-protein chicken breast, tangy tomatoes, zesty onions, tender cauliflower florets and fiber-rich quinoa. Melt mozzarella cheese on top and dinner is ready to serve.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb and 1 PowerFuel
Sweltering days call for light dishes that fill you up but don’t weigh you down. This refreshing salad features juicy, sweet watermelon and strawberries, crunchy almonds, crumbly feta cheese and quinoa that holds it all together. The recipe makes two servings, so you have one to share or to save for another day.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 2 PowerFuels, 1 SmartCarb and 3 Extras
Treat yourself and your family to a taste of the tropics with a meal that’s flavored with real pineapple. Meat lovers will be pleased with the slices of cooked ham and everyone will enjoy digging into the sweet grain salad that includes raisins and carrots, along with the nutty quinoa.
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On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 PowerFuel, 1 SmartCarb and 1 Extra
Take your everyday oatmeal to the next level by adding quinoa and seasoning it all with cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla and naturally sweet maple syrup. Mix in apple pieces and crunchy chia seeds to add more flavor and texture. Best of all, this hot breakfast recipe cooks in minutes in the Instant Pot, so you can enjoy it on even the busiest of mornings.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb, 1 PowerFuel
When you’re ready for a snack that fuels you up and tempts your taste buds, whip up a batch of these simple granola bars. They’re made with just six basic ingredients, including creamy peanut butter, roasted peanut pieces and sweet honey. The recipe makes 10 bars, so you can keep them on hand to enjoy whenever hunger strikes.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb, 1½ Vegetables, 2½ Extras
The best quinoa salad recipes offer you a delightful blend of complementary tastes and textures. In this easy dish, we combined chewy quinoa with juicy cucumbers, along with red onion and fresh herbs such as mint and parsley. It’s filling enough to be a whole lunch but also works as a side to your favorite PowerFuel at dinner.
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On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb, 1 PowerFuel and 1 Extra
Here’s a treat that will satisfy a craving for sweets and nourish you with real food ingredients at the same time. Popped quinoa is the light and fluffy base to which you add rich peanut butter, vanilla, natural sweetener and your favorite berries. Chill the cups in the freezer and they’re ready to eat.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 2 PowerFuels and ½ SmartCarb
If you’re a fan of fried chicken, try this healthier option that’s just as satisfying. The coating is made with high-fiber quinoa instead of breadcrumbs, but the chicken still comes out crispy on the outside yet juicy and tender on the inside. Plus, it bakes in the oven so there’s none of the greasy mess or excessive fat you get when frying chicken.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb, 2 PowerFuels, 1 Vegetable and 2 Extras
Power bowl recipes are all the rage because they bring together all the elements of a healthy meal into one simple dish. This version starts with a base of quinoa and includes super-nutritious kale, fiber-rich chickpeas and tender baked salmon, a PowerFuel that will keep you energized for hours. The simple tahini dressing provides the flavorful finish.
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On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 PowerFuel, 1 SmartCarb and 1 Vegetable
Break up your breakfast routine with this hearty bake. It’s made with cottage cheese and egg whites, tomatoes, onions, spinach and mushrooms, so every forkful comes with a variety of tastes and textures. It’s so filling you won’t think about eating again until lunchtime.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb, 1 PowerFuel and 2 Extras
This mash-up of cuisines features several favorite ingredients in one satisfying meal. In place of the plain old white flour tortilla, you start with nori, the classic sushi-roll wrapper. It’s filled with shredded chicken, quinoa (instead of white rice), avocado slices and asparagus pieces, all seasoned with sweet-and-tangy teriyaki sauce.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb and 1 PowerFuel
If you think all Italian food is heavy and loaded with excess calories, this dish is sure to change your mind. It has everything you love, like mozzarella cheese, tomato sauce and fresh basil, but it also includes veggies like cauliflower and zucchini, and quinoa to fill you up without weighing you down. Each serving has less than 200 calories.
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On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 Smart Carb and 1 PowerFuel
On those days when you need a hearty breakfast to fuel a hectic morning, put the slow cooker to work by making this belly-filling dish. Just add the ingredients, including quinoa, shredded carrots and zucchini, coconut, almond milk and sweet spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg. You get six servings, so you can store the extra in your fridge or freezer for other busy days.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb, 1 PowerFuel, 2 Vegetables and 1 Extra
Want to turbocharge your daily diet with quinoa recipes? This super-nutritious dish powers you up with three potent ingredients—beets, kale and quinoa. But the best part is the taste, with the naturally sweet beets contrasting with the earthy flavor of crunchy kale and the nuttiness of quinoa. Creamy feta cheese and a simple but tasty dressing tie it all together.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb and 1 PowerFuel
Veggie burgers are a great alternative to fatty meat patties, but many store-bought varieties can come with unwelcome fillers and empty calories. With this recipe and cooked quinoa, it’s easy to make your own burgers. We added edamame, the high-protein soybean variety, and savory seasonings, so they’re sure to hit the spot.
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On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 PowerFuel, 1 SmartCarb, 2 Vegetables and 2 Extras
Whether you’re trying to eat more meatless meals or just want to get more non-starchy veggies into your daily diet, this dish will satisfy your hunger and your taste buds. Along with quinoa, it has slices of zesty red onions, sweet peppers, butternut squash and crunchy pumpkin seeds.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 PowerFuel, 1 Vegetable and 2 Extras
Greens like Brussels sprouts and kale are some of the most nutrient-dense foods, meaning they’re loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, but low in calories. We paired them with protein-rich quinoa and edamame, along with sliced almonds and shaved Parmesan cheese, to build a salad that’s as delicious as it is nutritious.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 2 PowerFuel, 1 SmartCarb and 1 Vegetable
When you’re craving the flavors of classic Chicken Parm and the warming power of soup, you’re ready for one of our favorite meals. You get everything you love, including chunks of tender chicken breast, tomatoes, garlic, onions and plenty of melted mozzarella cheese. It all comes together in four easy steps and one pot.
No time to make one of these easy quinoa recipes?
No problem! Nutrisystem delivers delicious meals and snacks that feature this superfood seed. Check them out below!:
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via Wealth Health
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ketoeasyrecipes · 4 years
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Looking for Simple Meal Plan to Lose Weight?
Alright, well it’s safe to say that you won’t find any of these recipes on any diet or weight loss program you’ve ever tried before. Life is short! and I believe that just because you’re trying to lose weight, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be able have a little fun. But what if I told you that you can “have your cake and eat it too”? What if there was a little secret that actually allows you to eat naughty-food and not gain a single ounce of fat, or undo all of the hard work that you have put in along the way.... Well there is, BUT you have to make me (and yourself) a little promise, OK? I’ll give you these undercover “cheat-secrets” but you have to promise that you don’t take advantage of it. This little trick that I use with my in-studio clients only works if you use it sparingly and with precision. Use it too much and your body will get “wise” to what you’re doing and it will lose its magic.
Alright let’ s get into it!
How to“Use”the Simple Meal Plan to Lose Weight?
Before using any of these recipes I want you to wait at least 10 days. This way you will have about a week and a half of resetting your hormones and upping your ability to manage carbs and sugars more efficiently. Also, your 4th weight management hormone “leptin” will be asking for a high-caloric dose to speed up your metabolism and fat burning capabilities. This is key in plateau prevention and energy balance.
On the day that you plan to indulge in any of these recipes or have any sort of cheat, you must create an environment that is ready for the extra calories plus the potential excess carbs and sugar. There’s no specific rule here for exactly what to do with this step, but the bottom line is: Just keep it light leading up to the cheat. Maybe opt for one of the smoothies for breakfast and have a salad-based meal for lunch and then “go nuts” for dinner (vice versa if you’re having a breakfast cheat). Depending on what Phase you are in (Launch or Ignite), you have either one or two meals with “power-carbs” in them; a good idea here would be to sub in some extra veggies (angel carbs) for the starchier, Power Carbs. This will help with “making  room” for the extra cheat meal carbs plus the extra fiber will prime an insulinsensitive environment. If the cheat meal pops up unexpectedly or you fall-off-track one day, just use this idea on the day that follows the cheat. This will help your body counteract all of the sugars and extra calories ingested on the previous day.
This is a little drink that I use sparingly when I know I’m going out for a big meal or a couple drinks. It works unbelievably well and actually programs your metabolism to use any of the “less than healthy” calories for good instead of evil. I’ll warn you, I do get some complaints that this little concoction doesn’t taste too great, but the meal that follows tastes even better knowing that all those calories are going to work for you, instead of landing on your tummy.
Here are the ingredients and of course, the corresponding reasons as to why they’re in there.
¼ TSP Cinnamon Create an insulin sensitive environment.
¼ TSP Ginger  Aids in digestion and help “eliminate” any of the leftover nasties the next day.
2 TSP Lemon Juice  Provides an anti-inflammatory response  and prevents a slowdown in your fat loss hormones
2 TSP Apple Cider Vinegar  Triggers immediate use of stored fat for energy
1 OR MORE cups of water I personally use even less than this  just to get it over and done with in a gulp or two :)
Although this step is optional, I always recommend burning off a couple extra calories on the day of, or day after the cheat. This is kind of a no-brainer but trust me, every bite of that cheat meal will taste better knowing that you “made-room” for the extra calories. Either perform one of the “Movement-Sequencing” workouts from Accelerator, go for a brisk walk, bum around in the garden for an hour – Whatever, just do whatever you need to do to burn a couple extra cals before you dig in. Finally, the closer you get this activity in prior to the meal, the more likely the cheat meal calories will be soaked up by your muscles to use as energy the next day. It may seem like a lot, but as I’ve mentioned a few times throughout, that meal is so much more satisfying and guilt-free knowing that every calorie of that cheat is being put to good use. And to be honest, using each and every one of these steps each time you cheat is going beyond the call of duty, but I like to make sure you’re always covered and have each and every tool you need at all times.
And that’s it. Alright, eat up!
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1. Barbacoa Burritos
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1 dried guajillo pepper
½ teaspoon whole cumin seeds
¼ teaspoon whole cloves
1 pinch “allspice”
1½ tablespoons dried Mexican oregano
1 sprig fresh thyme
1 clove garlic,
¼ cup chopped onion
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
6 to 8 ounces beef (sirloin or roast cuts are best)
Salt and pepper
1 flour tortilla (gluten free if you want to keep it classy)
Beans, rice, or vegetables of your choice
Salsa, for serving
Put the guajillo pepper in a bowl and pour hot water over it to cover. Set aside for 20 minutes.
Grind the cumin seeds, cloves, and allspice in a spice grinder. Drain the guajillo pepper, remove the stem and any seeds, and transfer to a blender along with the ground spices. Add the oregano, thyme, garlic, onion, and vinegar with a little water and puree to a paste.
Strain the mixture through a fine-mesh strainer. 
Season the beef with salt and pepper. Rub all over with the spice paste and marinate for 4 hours, covered, in the refrigerator.
Preheat the oven to 325°F.
In a small roasting pan add the meat. Cover the pan tightly with foil and roast until the meat is fork tender, at least 1 hour, depending on the thickness. Shred the meat with a fork or pull apart with your hands.
Heat the flour tortilla and layer with the shredded meat and beans, rice, or vegetables of your choice. Roll up into a burrito and serve with salsa on the side.
Also try this 18 Quick and Easy Dinner Recipes
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2. KFC™ Coleslaw
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8 cups finely chopped cabbage (about 1 head)
¼ cup shredded carrot (1 medium carrot)
2 tablespoons minced onion
1/3 cup granulated sugar
½ teaspoon salt
⅛ teaspoon pepper
¼ cup milk
½ cup mayonnaise
¼ cup buttermilk
1½ tablespoons white vinegar
2 ½ tablespoons lemon juice
Be sure cabbage and carrots are chopped up into very fine pieces (about the size of rice).
Combine the sugar, salt, pepper, milk, mayonnaise, buttermilk, vinegar, and lemon juice in a large bowl and beat until smooth. 3. Add the cabbage, carrots, and onion, and mix well.
Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving. Serves 10-12.
Also try this 16 Delicious Fat-Burning Healthy Desserts Recipes
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3. Caesar Salad Dressing
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1 cup mayonnaise
¼ cup egg substitute
¼ cup grated parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons olive oil
½ tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon anchovy paste
2 cloves garlic, pressed
2 teaspoons sugar
½ teaspoon coarse ground pepper
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon dried parsley flakes, crushed fine
Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl.
Use an electric mixer to beat ingredients for about 1 minute. Alternatively, you may use a blender too.
Cover bowl and chill for several hours so that flavors can develop.
Also try this 16 Quick and Easy Chicken Dinner Recipes
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4. Blackened Chicken Pasta
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Cajun Blackening Spice
¼ cup paprika
3 tablespoons garlic powder
2 tablespoons celery salt
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 tablespoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1 teaspoon chili powder
Chicken and Pasta Sauce
1 tablespoon olive oil
6 ounces boneless, skinless chicken breast, cut into bite-size pieces
1 cup sliced mushrooms
2 teaspoons Paul Prudhomme’s Poultry Magic
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1/3 cup diced Roma tomatoes, plus extra for garnish
¼ cup Alfredo sauce, homemade or store-bought
1 ½ cups heavy cream
1 ½ tablespoons grated Asiago cheese
For Serving
8 ounces linguine, cooked according to the package directions
1 teaspoon chopped fresh parsley
Do ahead: Make the Cajun blackening spice by combining all the ingredients; store in a tightly covered container until ready to use. (This mix makes more than necessary for this recipe, so feel free to add some Louisiana heat to other dishes.)
Heat the oil in a skillet and sauté the chicken and mushrooms. Sprinkle with the Poultry Magic and cook the chicken all the way through. Add the garlic and diced tomatoes and sauté for another minute.
Lower the heat and add 2 teaspoons of the Cajun blackening spice, the Alfredo sauce, and the heavy cream. Stir well to combine the ingredients, then take the pan off the heat and add the Asiago cheese.
Portion the cooked linguine onto 2 warmed serving plates by using tongs and swirling and mounding the pasta onto each plate. Top with the chicken and sauce. Garnish with diced tomato and sprinkle with the chopped parsley.
Also try this 19 Quick an Easy Dinner Recipes for Every Day of the Year
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5. Spicy Chicken Fillet Sandwich
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6-8 cups vegetable oil
1/3 cup Frank's Original Red-Hot Pepper Sauce
⅔ cup water
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 ½ teaspoons salt
4 teaspoons cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon coarse ground black pepper
1 teaspoon onion powder
½ teaspoon paprika
⅛ teaspoon garlic powder
4 chicken breast fillets
4 plain hamburger buns
8 teaspoons mayonnaise
4 lettuce leaves
4 tomato slices
Preheat 6-8 cups of oil in a deep fryer to 350 degrees.
Combine the pepper sauce and water in a small bowl.
Combine the flour, salt, cayenne pepper, black pepper, onion powder, paprika and garlic powder in another shallow bowl.
Pound each of the chicken pieces with a mallet until about 3/8-inch thick. Trim each breast fillet if necessary, to help it fit on the bun.
Working with one fillet at a time, coat each piece with the flour, then dredge it in the diluted pepper sauce.
Coat the chicken once again in the flour mixture and set it aside until the rest of the chicken is breaded.
Fry the chicken fillets for 8-12 minutes or until they are light brown and crispy. Remove the chicken to a rack or to paper towels to drain.
As chicken is frying, prepare each sandwich by grilling the face of the hamburger buns on a hot skillet over medium heat. Spread about 2 teaspoons of mayonnaise on the face of each of the inverted top
Place a tomato slice onto the mayonnaise, then stack a leaf of lettuce on top of the tomato.
On each of the bottom buns, stack one piece of chicken.
Flip the top half of each sandwich onto the bottom half and serve hot.
Also try this 18 Easy Keto Dinner Recipes You'll Want to Make ASAP
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6. Oreo Cookie Shake
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3 cups vanilla ice cream
1 ½ cups milk
8 Oreo cookies
Whipped cream, for topping
2 maraschino cherries, for garnish
Mix the ice cream and milk in a blender and process until smooth.
Break up the cookies and add to the ice cream while the blender is running on low. Blend until the cookies are pureed—a few chunks are okay.
Pour the mixture into 2 chilled glasses and garnish with whipped cream and a cherry on top.
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7. Buffalo Blasts
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1 Cup Pulled Chicken Breast
12 Wonton Wrappers
¼ Cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese (Optional)
¼ Cup Crumbly Bleu Cheese (Optional)
1 Egg Beaten
½ Cup Flour
1 Tsp Garlic Powder
1 Tsp Cayenne Pepper
1 Tsp Black Pepper
1 Tsp Salt
Oil for frying
Buffalo Wing Sauce
⅔ Cup Franks Red Hot
1 Stick Unsalted Butter
1 Tbsp Worcestershire
¼ Tsp Garlic Powder
¼ Tsp Cayenne Pepper
Make Buffalo Wing Sauce:
In a small pot, combine ingredients listed above and heat until butter is melted and ingredients are mixed thoroughly.
Make Pulled Chicken:
This method can be achieved by slow cooking (best method), pressure cooking, stove top simmer or microwave.
Stove top simmer involves a pan with some water on low heat for 1 hour and 30 minutes.
The microwave method involves a microwave save dish (glass dish) and submerged chicken in water. Cook on High for 10-12 minutes depending on the thickness of the chicken.
Once your chicken has been cooked thoroughly, I actually just use my hands to pull the chicken apart, very similar to how you pull string cheese.
Toss the chicken into a bowl and pour approximately ½ Cup of your buffalo wing sauce and mix the chicken into the sauce Season the chicken with salt & pepper.
Bread & Fry:
Fill each wonton with approximately 1 Tbsp of Pulled Chicken or whatever appears to fit nicely Add just a sprinkle of Shredded Cheddar Cheese or Crumbly Bleu... or both! Whatever you prefer. Wet your finger with water and seal up the wonton much like you would an envelope how you have to wet that sticky thing in order for it to seal... Same thing here.
Get a shallow pan with a ½ Cup of Flour, 1 Tsp Garlic
Powder, 1 Tsp Cayenne Pepper, 1 Tsp Black Pepper & 1
Tsp Salt and mix it all up
Beat an egg in a small bowl or shallow pan
Dip the sealed wonton into the egg mixture and then into the flour mixture. Repeat these 12 times
Get a frying pan or deep fryer with oil and set it to 365°F or medium heat. Fry each wonton until golden brown on both sides. This will take approximately 1-2 minutes.
Plate with garnish, celery stalks and a ramequin of bleu cheese dressing and the remaining buffalo wing sauce.
Eat it and take a nap.
Also try this 14 Easy Dinner Recipes for a Family
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8. Canadian Cheese Soup
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8 tablespoons (1 stick) butter or margarine
1 cup finely diced carrots
½ cup finely diced onion
½ cup finely diced celery
2 to 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
3 cups half-and-half
3 cups chicken broth
2 pounds Velveeta cheese, cut into cubes
1 tablespoon minced fresh parsley
Diced tomatoes
Diced jalapeño pepper (Optional) Bacon Bits
In a large saucepan, heat the butter and sauté the carrots, onion, and celery. Do not brown the vegetables; they should just be soft. Whisk in the flour and stir for a minute or two, then add the half-and-half and simmer over low heat. Don’t let the mixture boil, just let it simmer until it is thickened.
Gradually add the chicken broth, whisking the mixture to combine all the ingredients. The broth should be slightly thickened, like a cream soup. Let it simmer for about 10 minutes so the flour has a chance to cook.
Stir in the cheese, whisking constantly, until it is completely melted. Ladle the soup into warmed bowls, garnish with the parsley and, if you like, tomatoes, bacon bits and/or jalapeño.
Also try this 19 Delicious Vegan Dinner Recipes
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9. Bonzai Burger
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1 pound lean ground beef
Salt and pepper to taste
1 cup teriyaki sauce, divided
4 slices sharp cheddar cheese
8 pineapple rings
8 tomato slices
1 cup shredded lettuce mayo
4 burger buns with sesame seeds
Teriyaki Sauce
½ cup soy sauce
2 tablespoons rice vinegar
1 tablespoon sesame oil
¼ cup brown sugar
1 tablespoon honey
¾ teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon minced garlic
For the homemade teriyaki sauce (use store bought if you like instead and skip a step) whisk all ingredients together in a small sauce pan. Stir constantly while bringing to a boil. Boil for 1-2 minutes. Reduce heat and transfer to a heat-safe bowl to rest until ready to use. on the grill). Cover the grill until cheese is melty (about 1-2 minutes).
In a medium bowl combine ground beef, salt and pepper to taste, and 1/3 cup teriyaki sauce. Mix well, then form into 4 equal sized patties.
Place pineapple slices and patties on a preheated grill rack. Grill patties over medium heat for 4-6 minutes on each side until cooked through to desired doneness.
When fully cooked, turn off the grill, transfer pineapples to a platter or serving tray, and place a slice of cheddar cheese on top of each burger patty (still on the grill). Cover the grill until cheese is melty (about 1-2 minutes).
Assemble burgers by spreading mayo on the insides of the burger burns. Top bottom half of bun with burger patty, teriyaki sauce, pineapple slices, tomatoes, and shredded lettuce. Serve warm.
Also try this 19 Healthy Dinner Recipes Under 10 Minutes
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10. Georgia Chopped Pork
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4 large lean Pork Chops
¼ cup Peanut Butter
½ can Mushroom Soup
¼ cup Milk
1 teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce
1 teaspoon Salt
⅛ teaspoon Pepper
Brown pork chops.
Pour off fat.
Top each chop with a thick slice of onion.
Mix peanut butter, mushroom soup, milk and seasonings.
Pour mixture over chops.
Cover and cook over low heat for 45 minutes.
Chop the pork chops and serve on buns with Famous Dave’s BBQ Sauce.
Also try this 14 Delicious Healthy Recipes to Lose Weight
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11. Pad Thai
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½ cup low-fat coconut milk
6 tablespoons creamy peanut butter
4 tablespoons light soy sauce
4 tablespoons fresh squeezed lime juice
½ tablespoon rice wine vinegar
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 teaspoons grated gingerroot
½ teaspoon red pepper flakes
Chicken Stir Fry:
½ tablespoon canola oil
½ tablespoon dark sesame oil
1-2 teaspoon curry powder (optional)
1 lb. chicken breast or (shrimp), cut up into bite size pieces
6-8 ounces frozen sugar snap peas
1 medium onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
¼ cup dry roasted peanuts, chopped (lightly salted) cilantro
½ lb. cooked noodles or ½ lb. cooked pasta
Combine all sauce ingredients in a bowl; set aside.
Cook noodles or pasta; drain and set aside.
In a skillet over medium heat, cook chicken (or shrimp) and onions in canola and sesame oil. Halfway through cooking, add garlic to pan. When chicken is done, add sugar peas; stir to heat for 1-2 minutes. 
Add sauce mixture and stir to coat chicken. 
Little by little add cooked noodles or pasta; stir to coat. 
Serve garnished with chopped peanuts and cilantro.
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12. Mama’s Meatloaf
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2 pounds ground beef
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon garlic powder
½ teaspoon oregano
½ teaspoon thyme
½ teaspoon basil
¼ teaspoon cloves
1 teaspoon black pepper
1/3 cup parmesan
½ cup bread crumbs
½ cup tomato juice
2 eggs
⅔ cup milk
1 medium onion
½ cup of ketchup
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mince the medium onion very finely. In a large bowl, knead the onion and dry ingredients into the beef. In a separate bowl, whisk together eggs, milk, and tomato juice. Add in the liquid a little bit at a time, mixing the meat with every addition of liquid. If your meat loaf feels too soft, you can always add in more bread crumbs.
Place a sheet of parchment paper on a 9 x 5 pan. Form the meat into a loaf shape on the top of the parchment paper. Spread a layer of ketchup on top of the meatloaf. Bake for 1 hour.
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13. Loaded Potato Skins
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4 Russet Potatoes
1 tbsp Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 tbsp melted Butter
¾ cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese
½ cup Chopped Crispy Fried Bacon
Preheat oven to 425.
Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.
Wash, scrub and dry potatoes.
Pierce each multiple time with a fork.
Rub with olive oil and season with salt and pepper.
Bake for 1 hour.
Allow to cool.
Preheat oven to 375.
Cut each potato lengthwise into thirds.
Reserve middle slice of each for something else.
Use a spoon to scoop out white middles of each remaining slice, leaving about ¼ thickness in each.
Brush potato skins with melted butter and bake for 25 minutes until crisp.
Sprinkle with cheese and bacon and return to oven until cheese is melted.
Serve with sour cream and sliced green onions.
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14. Signature Cheesecake
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simple meal plan to lose weight
¼ cup finely chopped pecans
¼ cup finely chopped walnuts
¼ cup finely chopped almonds
¾ cup finely chopped vanilla wafers
2 tablespoons melted butter
1 ½ lbs. cream cheese
1 1/3 cups sugar
5 large eggs
16 ounces sour cream
¼ cup flour
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 teaspoons lemon juice
Crust Directions:
Mix all nuts and vanilla wafer crumbs with melted butter and press into a 9-inch buttered springform pan, trying to line the sides as much as possible about 1 ½ up the sides of the pan, set aside.
Cheesecake Directions:
All the filling ingredients should be at room temperature.
Beat the cream cheese until light and fluffy with an electric mixer set on low (keep the setting at low during the entire mixing process).
Add the sugar a little at a time and continue beating until creamy.
Add one egg at a time and beat after each egg.
Add flour, vanilla and lemon juice, mix well.
Add the sour cream and beat well.
Pour cream cheese mixture into the springform pan.
Place on the top rack in the middle of a 325-degree F preheated oven for one hour and 15 minutes.
When time is up turn oven off, prop open oven door and leave in oven for one hour.
Remove from oven and let cool then refrigerate for 24 hours.
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virginiaovers · 5 years
4 Easy Japanese Salad Dressings
These homemade Japanese Salad Dressings taste a million times better than store-bought dressings! They are DELICIOUS, easy, and quick to make. Here are 4 of our favorites to dress our salads. I know you’ll love them too!
If you haven’t made your own salad dressings before, today’s recipes will change your life! No, I’m really serious. Homemade salad dressings are not hard to make, and on Just One Cookbook, you will learn Japanese Salad Dressings. What are they, you may ask? Let’s say these dressings are about to be your instant everyday favorites!
Basic Dressing Ratio & Ingredients
My basic dressing formula is 1 part vinegar for every 2 part oil. Some recipes do a 1:3 ratio (more oil), but I prefer less oil more vinegar formula, but it’s always up to you.
Here’s what you’ll need to make the dressings:
Olive oil or vegetable oil for your base
White wine vinegar or rice vinegar
Sugar (read below) for a little sweetness that balances the vinegar
Salt and pepper
And some dressings will include:
Garlic for oomph
Herbs for fragrance
Sesame seeds for crunch
Plus, additional add-ons for variations
You can whisk all the ingredients in a mixing bowl, but I highly recommend getting 8-oz mason jars or 16-oz mason jars. You can put all your ingredients in a jar and shake it vigorously everything has emulsified. If you have some leftover dressing, you can store it directly in the refrigerator! (Picture below: 8-oz jars in front; 16-oz in the back)
4 Easy Homemade Japanese Salad Dressings & How to Make Salad with Them
When you’re in Japan, you will encounter these 4 salad dressings. Sometimes you may get to choose the dressings at the ‘salad bar’ at a family restaurant, and sometimes the dressing is already poured on the salad at a restaurant. Either way, you will see these salad dressings everywhere, so let’s first identify them.
1. Italian Dressing イタリアンドレッシング
Don’t panic, if you’re an Italian or westerner. This is how the Japanese make ‘Italian Dressing’ in Japan. If you’re familiar with yoshoku (Japanese-Western cuisine), Japanese has adapted and redefined western dishes that have become uniquely Japanese. This classic recipe is a great example of how an Italian dressing becomes our daily staple.
The quality of your extra virgin olive oil can make a difference, so always invest in a good bottle for superior flavor in your food. The dressing gets its tang from the white wine vinegar and extra punches from garlic and herbs. With a subtle luxurious taste, it goes well on simple salads that highlight a single vegetable.
Extra virgin olive oil
White wine vinegar
Salt and pepper
Herbs of your choice (I use dried parsley and basil)
Salad Idea:
Tomato Salad with Italian Dressing: Chop fresh tomatoes and toss with the Italian Dressing. Chill at least 1 hour before serving. Serve the simple tomato salad in nice glassware for an elegant touch.
2. French Dressing フレンチドレッシング
This French Dressing is another classic western-influence dressing you can find everywhere in Japan. The French excel in simplicity in almost every way of their life, so does this salad dressing! The flavor is mild yet zippy enough to brighten up every salad out there. It’s hard not to adore the effortlessness of the recipe.
Vegetable oil
White wine vinegar
Salt and pepper
Salad Idea: 
Simple Red Leaf Salad with French Dressing: Hand tear red leaf lettuce and top with mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, and avocado slices. Drizzle French dressing for a quick easy salad for the night!
3. Shoyu Dressing (Soy Sauce Dressing) 醤油ドレッシング
Featuring the most basic pantry items from a Japanese kitchen, this Shoyu Dressing is as simple as one can get to dress your Japanese or Asian-inspired salad. The use of soy sauce delivers a blast of umami that is unmistakably Japanese.
Vegetable oil
Rice vinegar
Salt and pepper
Soy sauce
Salad Idea: 
Iceberg Lettuce with Shoyu Dressing: Hand tear iceberg lettuce and top with shredded carrot, hydrated wakame seaweed, cherry tomatoes, and boiled egg. Drizzle Shoyu Dressing to enjoy!
4. Chuka Dressing (Chinese-style Dressing) 中華ドレッシング
The influence of Chinese cuisine, also known as Chuka, is ubiquitous in Japanese cooking. For this Chuka Dressing, you’ll find the ingredients very similar to the Shoyu Dressing above, but it is distinctly Chinese with the addition of sesame oil and sesame seeds. The flavor is a lot more pronounced with the nutty fragrance from sesame oil and crunch from sesame seeds.
Vegetable oil
Sesame oil
Rice vinegar
Salt and pepper
Soy sauce
Toasted sesame seeds
Salad Idea: 
Cucumber Salad with Chuka Dressing: Peel the cucumber skin to create a stripe pattern and cut it half in lengthwise. Slice the cucumber into ¼ inch pieces. Toss the cucumber with Chuka Dressing and additional sesame seeds. Chill at least 1 hour before serving and enjoy!
All the homemade dressings will keep well in the refrigerator. Cover and refrigerate for 7 to 10 days. When your dressing solidifies in the refrigerator, don’t worry! Simply let it rest at room temperature for 5 to 10 minutes or microwave very briefly (about 15-20 seconds) to liquefy the oil again. Whisk or shake to blend and serve!
You really can’t go wrong with these 4 easy Japanese salad dressings. As they pair well with different salads that you throw together even at the last minute, you want to have them in your back pocket. They are my weeknight meal workhorse and I believe they will be yours too!
More Delicious Japanese Salad Dressing
If you’re looking for more salad dressings that keep well, don’t miss my Sesame Dressing, Miso Dressing, Wafu Dressing, and Carrot Ginger Dressing.
Japanese Ingredient Substitution: If you want to look for substitutes for Japanese condiments and ingredients, click here.
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These homemade Japanese Salad Dressings taste a million times better than store-bought dressings! They are DELICIOUS, easy, and quick to make.
Italian Dressing
½ cup extra virgin olive oil ((8 Tbsp, 120 ml))
¼ cup white wine vinegar ((4 Tbsp, 60 ml))
½ tsp sugar
1 tsp salt (kosher or sea salt; use half if using table salt)
⅛ tsp freshly ground black pepper
1 clove garlic ((crushed/minced))
¼ tsp dried basil ((If you use fresh, triple the amount.))
¼ tsp dried parsley ((If you use fresh, triple the amount.))
French Dressing
½ cup neutral flavor oil (vegetable, canola, etc) ((8 Tbsp, 120 ml))
¼ cup white wine vinegar ((4 Tbsp, 60 ml))
1 tsp salt (kosher or sea salt; use half if using table salt)
⅛ tsp freshly ground black pepper
½ tsp sugar
Shoyu Dressing (Soy Sauce Dressing)
½ cup neutral flavor oil (vegetable, canola, etc) ((8 Tbsp, 120 ml))
¼ cup rice vinegar ((4 Tbsp, 60 ml))
1 tsp salt (kosher or sea salt; use half if using table salt)
⅛ tsp freshly ground black pepper
½ tsp sugar
Chuka Dressing (Chinese-style Dressing)
6 Tbsp neutral flavor oil (vegetable, canola, etc) ((90 ml))
2 Tbsp sesame oil (roasted) ((30 ml))
¼ cup rice vinegar ((4 Tbsp, 60 ml))
1 tsp salt (kosher or sea salt; use half if using table salt)
⅛ tsp freshly ground black pepper
½ tsp sugar
1 tsp white sesame seeds (roasted/toasted)
To Make All Kinds of Dressing
Combine all the ingredients in a mason jar and shake really well until everything has emulsified. Serve on your favorite salad and enjoy! Note: You can whisk all the ingredients in a mixing bowl, but I highly recommend getting 8-oz mason jars or 16-oz mason jars. You can put all your ingredients in a jar and shake it vigorously everything has emulsified. If you have some leftover dressing, you can store it directly in the refrigerator!
Italian Dressing
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French Dressing
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Shoyu Dressing
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Chuka Dessing
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To Store
Cover and refrigerate for 7 to 10 days. When your dressing solidifies in the refrigerator, simply let it rest at room temperature for 5 to 10 minutes or microwave very briefly (about 15-20 seconds) to liquefy the oil again. Whisk or shake well and serve!
Shoyu Dressing: grated ginger, grated daikon, yuzu kosho, and umeboshi plum.
Chuka Dressing: grated ginger, minced garlic, Tobanjiang, red chili.
  Recipe by Namiko Chen of Just One Cookbook. All images and content on this site are copyright protected. Please do not use my images without my permission. If you’d like to share this recipe on your site, please re-write the recipe in your own words and link to this post as the original source. Thank you.
4 Easy Japanese Salad Dressings published first on https://zenramensushi.tumblr.com/
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jasonwhorl73-blog · 5 years
Vegan Des Moines: Options in Iowa’s capital
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Please see my Privacy Policy for more details.
Vegan Des Moines round-up including Brightside Kitchen, Zombie Burger, Ice Cream El Michoacano, Open Sesame, and vegan donuts at Whole Foods.
In recent years Des Moines has really stepped up its game where vegans are concerned!
It used to be that when I was visiting my hometown, it was a strain finding exciting vegan-friendly options. But nowadays, the choices are plentiful and growing.
Today I’m highlighting some of the vegan Des Moines options at restaurants, food trucks, and grocery stores.
Brightside Kitchen
Brightside Kitchen is a vegan establishment owned by Deanne & Steve Bryce. It’s tucked away inside of Mercy’s Health & Fitness Center in Clive, Iowa.
They serve plant-based fare for breakfasts & lunches throughout the week. You can check them out Monday through Friday between the hours of 7 am and 2 pm. They also serve brunch on Saturdays from 9 am to 1 pm.
The eatery focuses on whole foods, plant-based cuisine. Order at the counter and then you can eat it at one of the handful of tables or take it to go.
They offer smoothies, soup, salads, wraps, sandwiches, and a bowl of the day that changes throughout the week.
On one visit, I ordered the special – a Mexican-inspired bowl. It was made with seasoned lentils, roasted vegetables, and a fresh green salad.
It was popping with flavor and incredibly fresh. There was enough left over for lunch the next day.
(I enjoyed it so much, I made my own vegan burrito bowl inspired by it when I got home!)
I also had one of their signature BBQ sporc sandwiches at an Iowa Farm Sanctuary event. It’s pictured at the top of this post.
In addition to making some delicious lunches & brunches, Brightside Kitchen offers vegan cooking classes & catering.
Zombie Burger
Zombie Burger is a Des Moines favorite amongst vegans & non-vegans alike.
They have locations in the East Village of downtown Des Moines, as well as locations in Jordan Creek, and the Coral Ridge Mall in Coralville.
(You can read about the Coralville location in my vegan Iowa City post.)
One note about the East Village location – it does get busy. So if you’re going during a popular mealtime, prepare for a wait.
My favorite thing to order is the Undead Glenn, which is the Beyond Burger topped with shredded lettuce, pickles, and vegan zombie sauce. (My husband orders this one with a double patty, like a vegan Big Mac.)
The zombie sauce is similar to a spicy Thousand Island dressing with sriracha instead of ketchup.
I’ve also heard high marks for the Lucile, which is the Beyond Burger topped with caramelized onions, lettuce, tomatoes, red onion, guacamole, and vegan chipotle mayo.
Zombie Burger really gets the Beyond Burger preparation right – crispy around the edges and meaty on the inside. Plus, the bun is nice and fresh. The downtown location also offers vegan cheese for an extra charge.
Order the burgers with a side of regular or sweet potato fries. Just make sure to get them without any non-vegan dressing.
Ice Cream El Michoacano
Ice Cream El Michoacano is a casual, order-at-the-counter restaurant on Merle Hay Road. There are tables for dining in at the restaurant. Or food can be made to go.
It’s a non-vegan restaurant. However, everything at Ice Cream El Michoacano can be made vegan. That includes flautas, sopes, empanadas, burritos, tacos, and velvety refried beans.
They have soy-based vegan meat, as well as vegan cheese that I’ve heard is Follow Your Heart.
You can ask at the counter for a vegan menu, or look on their website. 
Vegan sopes are made with a layer of masa dough that’s been fried into a cup. It’s crisp on the outside and soft on the inside. They are topped with a soy-based meat, beans, lettuce, and vegan cheese.
A super delicious & decadent option!
Vegan flautas are filled with mild potatoes. The fried tortillas are topped with non-dairy cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and avocado. They are served with a fried jalapeño on the side. 
Vegan refried beans are topped with non-dairy cheese and guacamole.
They said that typically they serve a thin avocado sauce as their guacamole. But if you want a chunky guacamole, just ask for the thick style.
The guacamole has lots of bright lime flavors and tastes very fresh. The refried beans are beautifully smooth.
Of course, you can also get tacos. They offer a variety of sauces & styles. My husband is especially a fan of their pineapple salsa. 
Since “ice cream” is in the name, you may be wondering if they have vegan ice cream as well. It’s my understanding that they offer mango chile & lime non-dairy flavors. Although, I haven’t spent a lot of time exploring the ice cream case.
Vegan donuts at West Des Moines Whole Foods
Vegan donuts are a unicorn in Iowa – nearly impossible to come by. While other nearby states like Nebraska, Illinois, and Minnesota have vegan donuts fairly readily available, Iowa isn’t so lucky.
(Although, there is a donut shop in Cedar Falls & Waterloo that has rotating vegan options. I haven’t made it there yet to try them!)
But before you get in the car and start driving for hours to cure your donut cravings, visit Whole Foods in West Des Moines instead.
They are now selling vegan donuts in their bakery. You can buy them individually. Or they sell them in packages of six for $10.99.
FYI: These are not yeast-raised donuts. You won’t find a puffy glazed donut or cream filled vegan long john here. They are cake donuts. I’m typically not a cake donut fan. But for cake donuts, these are quite good & very fresh.
While you are at Whole Foods, pick up desserts from Chicago Diner in their bakery case, Beyond Meat sausages, and Miyoko’s cheese.
Open Sesame
Open Sesame Lebanese café is a located in the Des Moines East Village. It’s a small space, but decorated in such a way that feels like a special, hidden gem.
The vegan options are not marked on the menu. However, when we were there, the staff had no problem pointing us to vegan dishes and/or telling us how to modify non-vegan offerings.
I had the vegetarian sampler plate with hummus, baba ganoush, falafel, tabouli, and dolmas. It is vegan by default.
Everything was excellent, even the tabouli, which I don’t typically like. (I’m not a big parsley fan.) However, the tabouli had a perfect hit of lemon to balance the bitterness of the parsley.
They’re open for lunch Tuesday through Saturday from 11-2, and for dinner from 5:30-9. They are closed Sunday & Monday.
Gusto Pizza Company
Gusto Pizza Company is a non-vegan pizza shop with lots of vegan topping options.
They have four locations – one on Ingersoll Avenue, two in West Des Moines, and one in Johnston. But I’ve only personally visited the Ingersoll location.
Gusto is a great place to go with a group, because there are plenty of long tables. And the menu is huge – meaning everyone can get exactly what they want.
Gusto uses Daiya cutting board shreds for their vegan pizzas. Regular Daiya isn’t my favorite. So I was really impressed by the big improvement of the mozzarella cutting board shreds on their dairy-free pies.
Their vegan topping options include: roma tomatoes, cremini mushrooms, kalamata olives, a variety of peppers, onions (red, green & yellow), Giardiniera relish, green olive relish, diced apples, capers, pineapple, black bean corn salsa, butternut squash, and artichokes.
5 Borough Bagels
One of my favorite low cost things to do whenever I’m visiting New York City is to walk into almost any random bagel shop and get a vegan bagel.
In places like Iowa, vegan bagel toppings are usually limited to peanut butter or hummus. But in New York City, non-dairy bagel spreads abound with fillings like olives and mixed vegetables in their vegan cream cheese.
When I’m in the city, I’ll pick up a toasted bagel, filled to the max, and walk to Central Park to sit on a rock and tuck into breakfast.
Now that experience can be repeated at 5 Borough Bagels in Clive. (Sorry. Central Park not included.)
When owners, Sarah & Toney Chem, moved to Iowa from NYC, they decided to take a doughy piece of the Big Apple with them.
They have two vegan filling offerings – spinach artichoke and cinnamon walnut. Both fillings are tofu-based and taste homemade.
The spinach artichoke spread reminds me of Kristy’s tofu chèvre with a definite taste of tofu and highlights of spinach and artichoke. The cinnamon walnut has big chunks of walnuts and some sweetness to make it more of a dessert-style filling.
They don’t skimp on the spread, which I appreciate. It pushes the bagel into meal category. They can be topped with additional vegetable slices as well.
Toney suggested adding cucumber, tomato, and spinach to my spinach & artichoke spread on an everything bagel. You know how I love a good bagel sandwich. This was perfection.
David opted for the cinnamon walnut spread on a sesame seed bagel, which he also enjoyed. The bagels were fresh and chewy, just like you want.
With the exception of the chocolate chip bagels and cheese bagels, the rest of the bagel options are vegan.
Toney checked with their bagel baker, and she confirmed that the seeded bagels do not include an egg wash. The seeds are applied right after the bagels are boiled.
They also have three types of non-dairy milk available for coffee drinks. Soy, almond, and coconut milk are on the menu. My husband ordered a black coffee, and I went with a soy latte. Both were full-bodied and delicious.
Des Moines Farmers Market
The downtown farmers market runs from the first Saturday in May through the last Saturday in October.
It has a festive, fair-like atmosphere with food vendors, locally grown produce, live music, arts and crafts. It’s a great place to meet up with friends and enjoy the summer vibes.
Grab a smoothie, juice, or raw tacos at the Fresh Café & Market tent at the corner of 3rd & Court Avenue.
Malo is a Latin restaurant in downtown Des Moines with a nice outdoor patio and a few menu items that are vegan upon request – including a portobello taco & crispy onion and avocado taco. 
The onion & avocado taco is vegan by default. It comes with fresh avocado, chipotle crema made with cashews, pico de gallo, and crispy onions like you might find on green beans at Thanksgiving.
The Portobello taco is vegan by request. (Just ask them to leave off the queso fresco.) It’s topped with guacamole and salsa roja. The Portobello mushrooms are marinated in a spicy chili sauce.
All of the tacos can be served on corn or flour tortillas.
I was prepared to have the avocado tacos be my far and away favorite, but the Portobello mushroom tacos came in for a surprising win. They had a good spicy kick to them and a well-rounded flavor.
Cool Basil
For more of a sit-down restaurant vibe, Cool Basil in Clive is a great option.
While this Thai restaurant isn’t entirely vegan, they’re happy to prepare dishes without fish sauce, oyster sauce, and eggs when possible. You just have to ask.
Plus, when you get your receipt at the end of the meal, the words “no fish sauce, no oyster sauce” are printed right on it.  That gives some assurance that the message got through to the back of the house.
They don’t offer seitan.  However, tofu is available or they can replace meat with extra vegetables.
I like to get something different every time I go, as there are plenty of vegan-izable options to go around to vary your order.
Fong’s Pizza
Fong’s Pizza has a few locations – downtown Des Moines, Drake area, Ankeny, and Cedar Rapids. It is a quirky, divey restaurant, specializing in unusual pizzas.
They have one listed vegan pizza on the menu, or you have the option of building your own.  The white crust is vegan, but the whole wheat isn’t since it contains honey.
They offer Daiya for vegan cheese. Or you can go cheeseless, as is my preference. For the base, you can go with marinara or olive oil.
When we were there, we ordered one half and half pizza. Mushrooms, tomatoes, bell pepper, and onions on one side. On the other, sauerkraut and potatoes.
The potatoes taste like they are simply blanched and sliced, as opposed to being browned on the stove or seasoned in any way. The pizza was pretty bland.
But if you happen to be in Des Moines, the atmosphere is fun. And they have late hours, which is nice.
Another pizza option in downtown Des Moines is Blaze Pizza. They also have vegan cheese on the menu, and they cook them in a brick oven. Although it is a fast food-style pizza experience, I actually prefer the flavor of Blaze Pizza over Fong’s. Read all about Blaze Pizza in this post on vegan fast food.
For a sit-down option, Centro in downtown Des Moines has some vegan options.
Tofu gnocchi is on both the dinner and weekend brunch menus. The dish includes lots of vegetables in a coating of garlicky olive oil.
When I had this dish, I found it to be inoffensive but dull. It reminded me of something you might get a hotel restaurant, where they’re feeding a lot of guests from around the globe and don’t want to be too daring with flavor.
Although I almost never use one in a restaurant, I was glad there was a salt shaker on the table to add something. I’ve heard that asking for marinara sauce instead makes for a more tempting dish.
Centro has pizzas on offer, which can be ordered without cheese. David went that route and ordered a tomato, basil, and mushroom pizza. He also got a small salad on the side.
He liked the wood-fired flavor of the crust, but didn’t think it would be a pizza he’d go out of his way to get again.
Centro offers brunch on the weekend. And it’s one of the few places in town that has a tofu scramble. It’s served with potatoes & fruit.
Des Fresh Foods
Des Fresh Foods is a vegan food truck in Des Moines.
The menu & location changes, of course, but has included things like a chick sandwich, mac and cheese bites, summer squash tacos, street corn, and lotus cookie.
I recommend going early, as when I went it was near the end of the night. And they were running out of food.
Check out their Instagram or Facebook page to see where they are and what’s on offer.
Other vegan Des Moines resources & news:
Veg Life Des Moines
VegLife Des Moines is an awesome non-profit that hosts vegan meet-ups & potlucks, restaurant tours, and a yearly Vegan Fest.
Connect with them on their website or Facebook page to keep up with the events they are organizing throughout the year.
Dirt Burger
A new vegetarian restaurant, Dirt Burger, is slated to open on June 14, 2019 in the East Village. I’ll add details once I’ve had a chance to visit!
Originally posted June 2014. Content updated June 2019.
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Source: https://cadryskitchen.com/vegan-des-moines-iowa/
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turkeyfeet8-blog · 5 years
Vegan Des Moines: Options in Iowa’s capital
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Please see my Privacy Policy for more details.
Vegan Des Moines round-up including Brightside Kitchen, Zombie Burger, Ice Cream El Michoacano, Open Sesame, and vegan donuts at Whole Foods.
In recent years Des Moines has really stepped up its game where vegans are concerned!
It used to be that when I was visiting my hometown, it was a strain finding exciting vegan-friendly options. But nowadays, the choices are plentiful and growing.
Today I’m highlighting some of the vegan Des Moines options at restaurants, food trucks, and grocery stores.
Brightside Kitchen
Brightside Kitchen is a vegan establishment owned by Deanne & Steve Bryce. It’s tucked away inside of Mercy’s Health & Fitness Center in Clive, Iowa.
They serve plant-based fare for breakfasts & lunches throughout the week. You can check them out Monday through Friday between the hours of 7 am and 2 pm. They also serve brunch on Saturdays from 9 am to 1 pm.
The eatery focuses on whole foods, plant-based cuisine. Order at the counter and then you can eat it at one of the handful of tables or take it to go.
They offer smoothies, soup, salads, wraps, sandwiches, and a bowl of the day that changes throughout the week.
On one visit, I ordered the special – a Mexican-inspired bowl. It was made with seasoned lentils, roasted vegetables, and a fresh green salad.
It was popping with flavor and incredibly fresh. There was enough left over for lunch the next day.
(I enjoyed it so much, I made my own vegan burrito bowl inspired by it when I got home!)
I also had one of their signature BBQ sporc sandwiches at an Iowa Farm Sanctuary event. It’s pictured at the top of this post.
In addition to making some delicious lunches & brunches, Brightside Kitchen offers vegan cooking classes & catering.
Zombie Burger
Zombie Burger is a Des Moines favorite amongst vegans & non-vegans alike.
They have locations in the East Village of downtown Des Moines, as well as locations in Jordan Creek, and the Coral Ridge Mall in Coralville.
(You can read about the Coralville location in my vegan Iowa City post.)
One note about the East Village location – it does get busy. So if you’re going during a popular mealtime, prepare for a wait.
My favorite thing to order is the Undead Glenn, which is the Beyond Burger topped with shredded lettuce, pickles, and vegan zombie sauce. (My husband orders this one with a double patty, like a vegan Big Mac.)
The zombie sauce is similar to a spicy Thousand Island dressing with sriracha instead of ketchup.
I’ve also heard high marks for the Lucile, which is the Beyond Burger topped with caramelized onions, lettuce, tomatoes, red onion, guacamole, and vegan chipotle mayo.
Zombie Burger really gets the Beyond Burger preparation right – crispy around the edges and meaty on the inside. Plus, the bun is nice and fresh. The downtown location also offers vegan cheese for an extra charge.
Order the burgers with a side of regular or sweet potato fries. Just make sure to get them without any non-vegan dressing.
Ice Cream El Michoacano
Ice Cream El Michoacano is a casual, order-at-the-counter restaurant on Merle Hay Road. There are tables for dining in at the restaurant. Or food can be made to go.
It’s a non-vegan restaurant. However, everything at Ice Cream El Michoacano can be made vegan. That includes flautas, sopes, empanadas, burritos, tacos, and velvety refried beans.
They have soy-based vegan meat, as well as vegan cheese that I’ve heard is Follow Your Heart.
You can ask at the counter for a vegan menu, or look on their website. 
Vegan sopes are made with a layer of masa dough that’s been fried into a cup. It’s crisp on the outside and soft on the inside. They are topped with a soy-based meat, beans, lettuce, and vegan cheese.
A super delicious & decadent option!
Vegan flautas are filled with mild potatoes. The fried tortillas are topped with non-dairy cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and avocado. They are served with a fried jalapeño on the side. 
Vegan refried beans are topped with non-dairy cheese and guacamole.
They said that typically they serve a thin avocado sauce as their guacamole. But if you want a chunky guacamole, just ask for the thick style.
The guacamole has lots of bright lime flavors and tastes very fresh. The refried beans are beautifully smooth.
Of course, you can also get tacos. They offer a variety of sauces & styles. My husband is especially a fan of their pineapple salsa. 
Since “ice cream” is in the name, you may be wondering if they have vegan ice cream as well. It’s my understanding that they offer mango chile & lime non-dairy flavors. Although, I haven’t spent a lot of time exploring the ice cream case.
Vegan donuts at West Des Moines Whole Foods
Vegan donuts are a unicorn in Iowa – nearly impossible to come by. While other nearby states like Nebraska, Illinois, and Minnesota have vegan donuts fairly readily available, Iowa isn’t so lucky.
(Although, there is a donut shop in Cedar Falls & Waterloo that has rotating vegan options. I haven’t made it there yet to try them!)
But before you get in the car and start driving for hours to cure your donut cravings, visit Whole Foods in West Des Moines instead.
They are now selling vegan donuts in their bakery. You can buy them individually. Or they sell them in packages of six for $10.99.
FYI: These are not yeast-raised donuts. You won’t find a puffy glazed donut or cream filled vegan long john here. They are cake donuts. I’m typically not a cake donut fan. But for cake donuts, these are quite good & very fresh.
While you are at Whole Foods, pick up desserts from Chicago Diner in their bakery case, Beyond Meat sausages, and Miyoko’s cheese.
Open Sesame
Open Sesame Lebanese café is a located in the Des Moines East Village. It’s a small space, but decorated in such a way that feels like a special, hidden gem.
The vegan options are not marked on the menu. However, when we were there, the staff had no problem pointing us to vegan dishes and/or telling us how to modify non-vegan offerings.
I had the vegetarian sampler plate with hummus, baba ganoush, falafel, tabouli, and dolmas. It is vegan by default.
Everything was excellent, even the tabouli, which I don’t typically like. (I’m not a big parsley fan.) However, the tabouli had a perfect hit of lemon to balance the bitterness of the parsley.
They’re open for lunch Tuesday through Saturday from 11-2, and for dinner from 5:30-9. They are closed Sunday & Monday.
Gusto Pizza Company
Gusto Pizza Company is a non-vegan pizza shop with lots of vegan topping options.
They have four locations – one on Ingersoll Avenue, two in West Des Moines, and one in Johnston. But I’ve only personally visited the Ingersoll location.
Gusto is a great place to go with a group, because there are plenty of long tables. And the menu is huge – meaning everyone can get exactly what they want.
Gusto uses Daiya cutting board shreds for their vegan pizzas. Regular Daiya isn’t my favorite. So I was really impressed by the big improvement of the mozzarella cutting board shreds on their dairy-free pies.
Their vegan topping options include: roma tomatoes, cremini mushrooms, kalamata olives, a variety of peppers, onions (red, green & yellow), Giardiniera relish, green olive relish, diced apples, capers, pineapple, black bean corn salsa, butternut squash, and artichokes.
5 Borough Bagels
One of my favorite low cost things to do whenever I’m visiting New York City is to walk into almost any random bagel shop and get a vegan bagel.
In places like Iowa, vegan bagel toppings are usually limited to peanut butter or hummus. But in New York City, non-dairy bagel spreads abound with fillings like olives and mixed vegetables in their vegan cream cheese.
When I’m in the city, I’ll pick up a toasted bagel, filled to the max, and walk to Central Park to sit on a rock and tuck into breakfast.
Now that experience can be repeated at 5 Borough Bagels in Clive. (Sorry. Central Park not included.)
When owners, Sarah & Toney Chem, moved to Iowa from NYC, they decided to take a doughy piece of the Big Apple with them.
They have two vegan filling offerings – spinach artichoke and cinnamon walnut. Both fillings are tofu-based and taste homemade.
The spinach artichoke spread reminds me of Kristy’s tofu chèvre with a definite taste of tofu and highlights of spinach and artichoke. The cinnamon walnut has big chunks of walnuts and some sweetness to make it more of a dessert-style filling.
They don’t skimp on the spread, which I appreciate. It pushes the bagel into meal category. They can be topped with additional vegetable slices as well.
Toney suggested adding cucumber, tomato, and spinach to my spinach & artichoke spread on an everything bagel. You know how I love a good bagel sandwich. This was perfection.
David opted for the cinnamon walnut spread on a sesame seed bagel, which he also enjoyed. The bagels were fresh and chewy, just like you want.
With the exception of the chocolate chip bagels and cheese bagels, the rest of the bagel options are vegan.
Toney checked with their bagel baker, and she confirmed that the seeded bagels do not include an egg wash. The seeds are applied right after the bagels are boiled.
They also have three types of non-dairy milk available for coffee drinks. Soy, almond, and coconut milk are on the menu. My husband ordered a black coffee, and I went with a soy latte. Both were full-bodied and delicious.
Des Moines Farmers Market
The downtown farmers market runs from the first Saturday in May through the last Saturday in October.
It has a festive, fair-like atmosphere with food vendors, locally grown produce, live music, arts and crafts. It’s a great place to meet up with friends and enjoy the summer vibes.
Grab a smoothie, juice, or raw tacos at the Fresh Café & Market tent at the corner of 3rd & Court Avenue.
Malo is a Latin restaurant in downtown Des Moines with a nice outdoor patio and a few menu items that are vegan upon request – including a portobello taco & crispy onion and avocado taco. 
The onion & avocado taco is vegan by default. It comes with fresh avocado, chipotle crema made with cashews, pico de gallo, and crispy onions like you might find on green beans at Thanksgiving.
The Portobello taco is vegan by request. (Just ask them to leave off the queso fresco.) It’s topped with guacamole and salsa roja. The Portobello mushrooms are marinated in a spicy chili sauce.
All of the tacos can be served on corn or flour tortillas.
I was prepared to have the avocado tacos be my far and away favorite, but the Portobello mushroom tacos came in for a surprising win. They had a good spicy kick to them and a well-rounded flavor.
Cool Basil
For more of a sit-down restaurant vibe, Cool Basil in Clive is a great option.
While this Thai restaurant isn’t entirely vegan, they’re happy to prepare dishes without fish sauce, oyster sauce, and eggs when possible. You just have to ask.
Plus, when you get your receipt at the end of the meal, the words “no fish sauce, no oyster sauce” are printed right on it.  That gives some assurance that the message got through to the back of the house.
They don’t offer seitan.  However, tofu is available or they can replace meat with extra vegetables.
I like to get something different every time I go, as there are plenty of vegan-izable options to go around to vary your order.
Fong’s Pizza
Fong’s Pizza has a few locations – downtown Des Moines, Drake area, Ankeny, and Cedar Rapids. It is a quirky, divey restaurant, specializing in unusual pizzas.
They have one listed vegan pizza on the menu, or you have the option of building your own.  The white crust is vegan, but the whole wheat isn’t since it contains honey.
They offer Daiya for vegan cheese. Or you can go cheeseless, as is my preference. For the base, you can go with marinara or olive oil.
When we were there, we ordered one half and half pizza. Mushrooms, tomatoes, bell pepper, and onions on one side. On the other, sauerkraut and potatoes.
The potatoes taste like they are simply blanched and sliced, as opposed to being browned on the stove or seasoned in any way. The pizza was pretty bland.
But if you happen to be in Des Moines, the atmosphere is fun. And they have late hours, which is nice.
Another pizza option in downtown Des Moines is Blaze Pizza. They also have vegan cheese on the menu, and they cook them in a brick oven. Although it is a fast food-style pizza experience, I actually prefer the flavor of Blaze Pizza over Fong’s. Read all about Blaze Pizza in this post on vegan fast food.
For a sit-down option, Centro in downtown Des Moines has some vegan options.
Tofu gnocchi is on both the dinner and weekend brunch menus. The dish includes lots of vegetables in a coating of garlicky olive oil.
When I had this dish, I found it to be inoffensive but dull. It reminded me of something you might get a hotel restaurant, where they’re feeding a lot of guests from around the globe and don’t want to be too daring with flavor.
Although I almost never use one in a restaurant, I was glad there was a salt shaker on the table to add something. I’ve heard that asking for marinara sauce instead makes for a more tempting dish.
Centro has pizzas on offer, which can be ordered without cheese. David went that route and ordered a tomato, basil, and mushroom pizza. He also got a small salad on the side.
He liked the wood-fired flavor of the crust, but didn’t think it would be a pizza he’d go out of his way to get again.
Centro offers brunch on the weekend. And it’s one of the few places in town that has a tofu scramble. It’s served with potatoes & fruit.
Des Fresh Foods
Des Fresh Foods is a vegan food truck in Des Moines.
The menu & location changes, of course, but has included things like a chick sandwich, mac and cheese bites, summer squash tacos, street corn, and lotus cookie.
I recommend going early, as when I went it was near the end of the night. And they were running out of food.
Check out their Instagram or Facebook page to see where they are and what’s on offer.
Other vegan Des Moines resources & news:
Veg Life Des Moines
VegLife Des Moines is an awesome non-profit that hosts vegan meet-ups & potlucks, restaurant tours, and a yearly Vegan Fest.
Connect with them on their website or Facebook page to keep up with the events they are organizing throughout the year.
Dirt Burger
A new vegetarian restaurant, Dirt Burger, is slated to open on June 14, 2019 in the East Village. I’ll add details once I’ve had a chance to visit!
Originally posted June 2014. Content updated June 2019.
Tumblr media
Source: https://cadryskitchen.com/vegan-des-moines-iowa/
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olgagarmash · 4 years
24 Simple and Easy Quinoa Recipes
Quinoa is often called a “superfood,” but you can think of it as a hard-working everyday staple for your healthy recipes.
Quinoa (say it “keen-wah”) is considered a whole grain, although it’s technically a seed. Like other SmartCarbs, it’s high in fiber and low in calories. According to Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, a half-cup serving also fuels you up with four grams of protein—in fact, it’s one of the few plant foods that’s a “complete” protein, including all nine essential amino acids.1
Quinoa has a chewy texture and a lightly nutty flavor that blends well with many other ingredients. It comes in different colors, including red, white, yellow and even black.
Quinoa is the perfect swap for rice in your recipes. However, it’s so versatile that we keep discovering new ways to enjoy it! We’ve gathered this list of two dozen fresh recipes for putting quinoa to work for you, from breakfast to dinner and everything in between.
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On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 PowerFuel, 1 SmartCarb, 3 Extras and ½ Vegetable
Mexican flavors light up all of our taste buds, turning any meal into a fiesta. This simple dish features zesty onions, spicy jalapenos, tangy tomatoes and creamy avocado, blended with fiber-rich beans, chunks of veggie burger and a filling serving of quinoa. Bonus: When you’re done making the meal, you have just one pan to clean!
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb, 2 Extras and ½ Vegetable
Roasting seasoned chickpeas (aka garbanzo beans) crisps them up and infuses them with flavor. Mix them with chopped peppers—both sweet and spicy—cubes of avocado, onions, spices and a cup of quinoa to make a satisfying salad. Each batch is four servings—you can keep the extras in your fridge and bring one along wherever your day takes you.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb and 2 Extras
If you’re tired of the same old salad, try this flavorful combo. It blends the flavors of juicy berries, zesty arugula, tangy goat cheese, sweet corn and sunny lemon vinaigrette dressing with a filling base of hearty quinoa. This dish is a taste of summer you’ll enjoy any time of year.
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On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb
Who knew this list of quinoa recipes would feature chocolate bars? You can have a chewy chocolate bar and stay on track with your healthy eating plan when you make this super-simple version. After lightly “popping” the quinoa to bring out its toasty flavor (yes, you can pop quinoa!), you stir it into a warm blend of real cocoa powder, natural sweetener and coconut oil. Pour it all into a pan and refrigerate, then cut into bars and dig in.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb, 1 PowerFuel
Creamy pumpkin soup, fragrant with spices, warms you up from the inside out. With hearty beans, plenty of quinoa and a dollop of cheese, this version will keep you feeling full for hours.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 PowerFuel, 1 SmartCarb, 3 Extras and 3 Vegetables
Figs are naturally sweet, loaded with nutrients and packed with fiber. They perfectly complement the diverse tastes and textures of kale and arugula, red onion and quinoa. Add creamy cheese and our flavorful vinaigrette to create a salad that satisfies like a whole meal.
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On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 PowerFuel, 1 SmartCarb and 1 Vegetable
Here’s a Flex meal that’s sure to please everyone around the table. It comes with chunks of high-protein chicken breast, tangy tomatoes, zesty onions, tender cauliflower florets and fiber-rich quinoa. Melt mozzarella cheese on top and dinner is ready to serve.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb and 1 PowerFuel
Sweltering days call for light dishes that fill you up but don’t weigh you down. This refreshing salad features juicy, sweet watermelon and strawberries, crunchy almonds, crumbly feta cheese and quinoa that holds it all together. The recipe makes two servings, so you have one to share or to save for another day.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 2 PowerFuels, 1 SmartCarb and 3 Extras
Treat yourself and your family to a taste of the tropics with a meal that’s flavored with real pineapple. Meat lovers will be pleased with the slices of cooked ham and everyone will enjoy digging into the sweet grain salad that includes raisins and carrots, along with the nutty quinoa.
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On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 PowerFuel, 1 SmartCarb and 1 Extra
Take your everyday oatmeal to the next level by adding quinoa and seasoning it all with cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla and naturally sweet maple syrup. Mix in apple pieces and crunchy chia seeds to add more flavor and texture. Best of all, this hot breakfast recipe cooks in minutes in the Instant Pot, so you can enjoy it on even the busiest of mornings.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb, 1 PowerFuel
When you’re ready for a snack that fuels you up and tempts your taste buds, whip up a batch of these simple granola bars. They’re made with just six basic ingredients, including creamy peanut butter, roasted peanut pieces and sweet honey. The recipe makes 10 bars, so you can keep them on hand to enjoy whenever hunger strikes.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb, 1½ Vegetables, 2½ Extras
The best quinoa salad recipes offer you a delightful blend of complementary tastes and textures. In this easy dish, we combined chewy quinoa with juicy cucumbers, along with red onion and fresh herbs such as mint and parsley. It’s filling enough to be a whole lunch but also works as a side to your favorite PowerFuel at dinner.
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On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb, 1 PowerFuel and 1 Extra
Here’s a treat that will satisfy a craving for sweets and nourish you with real food ingredients at the same time. Popped quinoa is the light and fluffy base to which you add rich peanut butter, vanilla, natural sweetener and your favorite berries. Chill the cups in the freezer and they’re ready to eat.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 2 PowerFuels and ½ SmartCarb
If you’re a fan of fried chicken, try this healthier option that’s just as satisfying. The coating is made with high-fiber quinoa instead of breadcrumbs, but the chicken still comes out crispy on the outside yet juicy and tender on the inside. Plus, it bakes in the oven so there’s none of the greasy mess or excessive fat you get when frying chicken.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb, 2 PowerFuels, 1 Vegetable and 2 Extras
Power bowl recipes are all the rage because they bring together all the elements of a healthy meal into one simple dish. This version starts with a base of quinoa and includes super-nutritious kale, fiber-rich chickpeas and tender baked salmon, a PowerFuel that will keep you energized for hours. The simple tahini dressing provides the flavorful finish.
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On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 PowerFuel, 1 SmartCarb and 1 Vegetable
Break up your breakfast routine with this hearty bake. It’s made with cottage cheese and egg whites, tomatoes, onions, spinach and mushrooms, so every forkful comes with a variety of tastes and textures. It’s so filling you won’t think about eating again until lunchtime.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb, 1 PowerFuel and 2 Extras
This mash-up of cuisines features several favorite ingredients in one satisfying meal. In place of the plain old white flour tortilla, you start with nori, the classic sushi-roll wrapper. It’s filled with shredded chicken, quinoa (instead of white rice), avocado slices and asparagus pieces, all seasoned with sweet-and-tangy teriyaki sauce.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb and 1 PowerFuel
If you think all Italian food is heavy and loaded with excess calories, this dish is sure to change your mind. It has everything you love, like mozzarella cheese, tomato sauce and fresh basil, but it also includes veggies like cauliflower and zucchini, and quinoa to fill you up without weighing you down. Each serving has less than 200 calories.
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On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 Smart Carb and 1 PowerFuel
On those days when you need a hearty breakfast to fuel a hectic morning, put the slow cooker to work by making this belly-filling dish. Just add the ingredients, including quinoa, shredded carrots and zucchini, coconut, almond milk and sweet spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg. You get six servings, so you can store the extra in your fridge or freezer for other busy days.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb, 1 PowerFuel, 2 Vegetables and 1 Extra
Want to turbocharge your daily diet with quinoa recipes? This super-nutritious dish powers you up with three potent ingredients—beets, kale and quinoa. But the best part is the taste, with the naturally sweet beets contrasting with the earthy flavor of crunchy kale and the nuttiness of quinoa. Creamy feta cheese and a simple but tasty dressing tie it all together.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb and 1 PowerFuel
Veggie burgers are a great alternative to fatty meat patties, but many store-bought varieties can come with unwelcome fillers and empty calories. With this recipe and cooked quinoa, it’s easy to make your own burgers. We added edamame, the high-protein soybean variety, and savory seasonings, so they’re sure to hit the spot.
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On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 PowerFuel, 1 SmartCarb, 2 Vegetables and 2 Extras
Whether you’re trying to eat more meatless meals or just want to get more non-starchy veggies into your daily diet, this dish will satisfy your hunger and your taste buds. Along with quinoa, it has slices of zesty red onions, sweet peppers, butternut squash and crunchy pumpkin seeds.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 PowerFuel, 1 Vegetable and 2 Extras
Greens like Brussels sprouts and kale are some of the most nutrient-dense foods, meaning they’re loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, but low in calories. We paired them with protein-rich quinoa and edamame, along with sliced almonds and shaved Parmesan cheese, to build a salad that’s as delicious as it is nutritious.
On Nutrisystem, Count As: 2 PowerFuel, 1 SmartCarb and 1 Vegetable
When you’re craving the flavors of classic Chicken Parm and the warming power of soup, you’re ready for one of our favorite meals. You get everything you love, including chunks of tender chicken breast, tomatoes, garlic, onions and plenty of melted mozzarella cheese. It all comes together in four easy steps and one pot.
No time to make one of these easy quinoa recipes?
No problem! Nutrisystem delivers delicious meals and snacks that feature this superfood seed. Check them out below!:
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source https://wealthch.com/24-simple-and-easy-quinoa-recipes/
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thetastefulpantry · 8 years
New Post has been published on THE TASTEFUL PANTRY
New Post has been published on http://www.tastefulpantry.com/2017/03/02/a-dietitians-favorite-spring-fruits-veggies/
A Dietitian's Favorite Spring Fruits & Veggies
These days, it may seem that you can get any produce at any time of the year—grapes from Chile in December, strawberries from Florida in February, tomatoes grown year-round in hot houses. Eating seasonally, though, can help you eat local foods, reduce your carbon footprint, save money and the biggest bonus of all—fresh food is more nutritious and tastes better! Produce starts to lose nutrients and flavor after picking so the sooner it is eaten, the more nutritious and tasty, plus when produce travels long distances there is the chance of quality degradation and spoilage.
Growing seasons vary region to region throughout the world and if you live in a cold winter climate you may still want to opt for some tropical fruits and warmer climate veggies, but eating mostly in season is good for you and good for the planet.
Spring is a great time to boost your seasonal eating! My personal goal is to choose what is in season at my local farmers market and supplement with a few tropical items that I can’t do without. Here are my top 9 Spring fruits and veggies:
Cauliflower is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin K, fiber, antioxidants and folate. Cauliflower recipes these days are plentiful, and gluten-free cauliflower pizza is a tasty way to use cauliflower. You can also very simply roast a whole head of cauliflower – just wrap it up in foil with lots of garlic and drizzle with your favorite oil and salt and pepper.
Scallions and green onions are a fresh change from the onions I have been using all fall and winter. Scallions have the same anti-oxidants as garlic and the rest of the allium family, they’re good for your heart, blood pressure and they also contain vitamins A,C, and K. These Korean green onion pancakes showcase green onions nicely.
Artichokes are a good source of iron, potassium, folate vitamin C, fiber and magnesium. Never cooked fresh artichokes before? I love eating roasted artichokes as a healthy snack instead of chips or popcorn – just stuff a bunch of garlic in between the leaves, drizzle with oil, salt and pepper, wrap in 2 layers of foil, and roast at 425 degrees for about 1 hour!
Asparagus, whether white, purple or green, are a good source of Iron, B vitamins, vitamins C and K as well as a prebiotic that feeds your healthy gut bacteria. Check out the Food Lab for shopping and cooking tips and try this recipe for Asparagus Artichoke Mushroom Saute.
Snap peas and snow peas. Snap peas are high in vitamins C and K, snow peas feature vitamin c, iron and manganese. To get a nutrient wallop from 2 kinds of peas try fresh green peas and snap peas in sesame dressing.
Rainier cherries from the northwest are my favorite kind. Cherries have great anti-inflammatory nutrients from anthocyanin, an antioxidant found in red and purple produce. Both Bing and Rainier cherries start their harvest season in May!
Strawberries are at their peak in April. Just 1 cup of these delicious berries meets 100% of your daily Vitamin C needs. I love this Strawberry basil macademia nut salad from Reboot with Joe.
Apricots are a late spring harvest fruit that contain beta-carotene, vitamin C and potassium.
Herbs. Spring brings a burst of flavors with herbs like parsley, mint, tarragon, cilantro, and chives. Garlic scapes, the stalks that grow from garlic bulbs, come into season in late Spring / early Summer. You can eat them raw or cooked, and use them just as you would garlic, but a milder sweeter version.
Veggies like fennel, beets, kohlrabi, cauliflower and broccoli thrive in the colder temperatures of Fall and mature in early Spring. Spring is also the perfect time to up your salad intake! Spring greens like butter lettuce, red lettuce, watercress, arugula (aka rocket) and radicchio add a mix of flavors to my salad bowl. Leafy greens like these, as well as spinach, chard, and kale tend to bolt, or flower, and become bitter after spring when the weather gets too hot.
Quick-growing veggies like radishes and rhubarb are ready to pick in the Spring. Fabulous, fun watermelon radishes, aka heirloom Chinese Daikon radishes, resemble a watermelon when sliced. They are used in this Green Goddess salad created by Heather Cristo along with other spring veggies like pea shoots, green onions, peas, and parsley.
In warmer climates such as in Florida, Arizona, Texas and Southern California, citrus – grapefruits, oranges, lemons – as well as kiwifruit, mangoes, strawberries and kumquats, grow all Winter so are available through Spring. They are all high in vitamin C and in addition, mangoes are high in vitamin A and kiwifruit in vitamin E and potassium.
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