#and trust me i really appriciate it for what it is i really go crazy for japanese food and jts beauty and techniques and food
bagilgulhaze · 8 months
My biggest secret is I don't even like japanese food that much as food and not as a hobby... like I like it, the way I like almost every kind of well prapred cuisine, even ashkenazi lol. I enjoy all sorts of food and some Japanese foods I'm really fond of (I'm a sucker for natto). But it's just not my cup of tea, like i don't think i experience as great a joy as when i eat proper japnese food but flavor wise? Not compareable to like how i drool at some other cuisines. I'm Middle Eastern, if not for my weird Japanese food hobby I don't see a way in which I'd have ever preferred it over most chinese, thai or Korean, even more so Indian, defiantly not over Mexican (which I know less about, so from approx.) And of course wayyy after my home cuisines. Even italian since it's mediterranean❣️ I'd say a good japanese meal is on par with a good French meal, not my palate, but it can be very, very good and enjoyable.
Like I can't help but remember every time I'm proud of making a fully authentic and precise japanese meal as i sit down to eat it that japanese saying about how the West got the smell (included india as west, so spices) china has the flavor and japan the aesthetics... like yeah...
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‘Til Time Do Us Part - KarlNap (DreamSMP)
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Summary: Karl meets, and eventually falls for a kind stranger. (This is based on time traveler Karl from Dream SMP canon!)
“Where, where am I?” Karl felt his head spinning as he stumbled out of a familiar library. Glancing around he noted the heaps of books stacked on each other, there were paintings of different faces adorned on the walls, and there was a young man sitting comfortably in an armchair, staring right at him. 
“Hi!” The stranger stood up, bunching up the papers he’d been staring at as he moved towards Karl. “You must be new to the library! I’m Sapnap.” the taller man stuck out his hand, Karl carefully took the handshake, noting the warm smile Sapnap was giving him. 
“Do you know exactly where we are?” Karl didn’t quite know the question to ask, he barely knew who he was at this point. But Sapnap seemed kind and welcoming, he gestured Karl to follow him into an adjacent room in the library.
Pointing at a row of maps he began, “you’re in Dream SMP, look, this is where we are. Then there’s L’manburg, or what’s left of it, Party Island, the prison, and ooh! I just put the new hotel Tommy’s building here as well. Looks good huh?” Sapnap gestured wildly around the crinkling brown paper with a beaming smile. Karl studied the map hoping to gain some semblance of knowledge about where he was. But this map practically answered every question he had perfectly; little bullet points made note of important recent events describing actions he had apparently made in the past few weeks. It was a real-life summary of everything, all he needed to know, it was perfect.
“You made this?” Karl gawked at the masterpiece in front of him. Sapnap rubbed the back of his neck, “well I had a little help but yeah! It’s uh, nice to know what’s going on. You- I, I can be pretty forgetful you know?” and Karl couldn’t help but agree. Just ask he began to take another look at the map Sapnap cleared his throat, “would you wanna go check out Party Island? I know you’ll love to see what the llamas are doing today!” and Karl couldn’t deny he wanted to spend time with this kind stranger. 
Quickly they had raced through the SMP to Party Island, Sapnap had led Karl through all the best parts of the world. They stole potatoes from a child named Purpled, sang songs with a strange naked man, and harassed various British children all before ending on the roller coaster in Party Island. Karl had gone from chasing after Sapnap to roaming the world hand in hand in just a measure of hours. As they rounded the day out Sapnap pulled Karl’s attention from the setting sun to his chocolate brown eyes. 
Sapnap looked golden in the warm hues of the setting sun, flames danced in his eyes, and a light reddish color burned on his cheeks. Just staring at the man in front of him Karl felt his own breath hitch. Sapnap glanced down nervously, “I really enjoyed hanging out with ya today Karl, and I was wondering if you’d wanna, maybe, hangout again sometime? And! Also I got this from Puffy!” not leaving Karl a moment to speak he pushed a slightly crunched purple allium flower into Karl’s hands. 
Karl felt warmth budding on his cheeks as he stifled a glowing smile at the beautiful flower, it was his favorite kind too. “Of course I wanna hangout more! We literally had the best time ever, you know all the best places and my favorite things it’s like you’ve known me forever Sap!” Karl grinned up at Sapnap who let out a strangled, but excited giggle. Karl shook his head with a grin and pulled Sapnap in for a hug. “Karl n Sapnap forever!” Karl shrieked into Sapnap’s shoulder, trying to contain his ecstatic energy as Sapnap swayed him back and forth in the hug.
“Forever.” Sapnap agreed. 
“Anyone there?” Karl called out as he pushed open the door to a strange and dusty library. A handsome stranger gave him a dashing grin as he stood up, pulling together the papers he was writing in. 
“Hey! Welcome to the library!” the man stuck out a hand which Karl took with a warm smile. “Have I seen you before? This is crazy but I swear you were like totally in a dream I just had!” Karl looked up at the stranger with a smile, but the man calmly shook his head, “I get that sometimes, but I don’t think so! Name’s Sapnap.” Karl promptly introduced himself as well.
"Say, do you know where I am? My head's kinda fuzzy." Karl gave the kind stranger a sheepish grin, but Sapnap seemed to grasp his question. "Follow me!" Karl was jolted forwards as Sapnap grabbed his hand, pulling him into an adjacent room with a whole wall covered in maps.
With his bearings set he agreed to help Sapnap look for a new trident in the ocean near a place called "Snowchester" it was the least he could do after Sapnap had been so kind to him, it's not every day a man with little to no memories appears in your library!
They spent the day splashing in the waves and resting on the shore. Karl was swept off his feet- twice by the waves and ultimately by Sapnap himself. The taller warrior captured Karl's heart with every blinding grin, flip of his ocean-damp hair, and kind but undeniably flirtatious words.
Come nightfall the two retreated off the coast to what Karl assumed was Snowchester. Spending the night sitting atop a spruce wood roof staring at the stars, Karl found himself more mesmerized by the shining warmth of Sapnap's eyes than any star in the sky.
Sapnap broke the silence, tilting his head to the left to meet Karl's eyes with his, "so, pretty good day huh?" Karl nodded, swallowing butterflies. "We should do this again!" Karl nodded in agreement again, mustering some confidence of his own, "we make a pretty good team huh? I could get used to you by my side." Sapnap just grinned in agreement, scooting closer to Karl, his arm slipping under Karl's head, letting him just rest in Sap's embrace.
Karl smiled at the moon, "this is definitely something I wanna get used to."
Waking up alone always broke Sapnap's heart. Usually there was some poor excuse or sign that Karl was whirled away from him. With a heavy heart he got used to packing up a days worth of necessities for two and heading to the library Karl had built all those months ago.
Except this time when he entered the library, he realized he wasn't alone.
"Quackity? Do you need something?" Sapnap was shocked to see a familiar face at such a secret location.
"You can't keep doing this Sapnap, it's- I don't even know- it's wrong." Quackity gestured to the library as if Sapnap didn't already know.
"I have to Q, what else would I do? Let him try to make it home to a place he's completely forgotten all alone?" Sapnap paused, taking in a shaky breath, "I'm not gonna let him forget our life together Quackity, I can't"
Quackity raised his voice, "like he doesn't forget every damn time? You're sitting here playing make believe with your fiancé! Don't you get tired? Isn't it fucking tiring having him fall in love with you over, and over again? How are you okay with this!"
Sapnap stalked towards his usual desk, collecting all the papers. "I love him Quackity, I'd do anything for him, and I trust that eventually he'll figure this time travel adventure shit out, I'm not gonna give up on our life together! How can you not see that?"
Quackity just rolled his eyes. "Bullshit. This is wrong, you're interfering with Karl's - I don't know - destiny, future, powers, whatever the hell you're calling it now. Sapnap he's gone. Don't you see every Karl you get is different? That's not your Karl anymore."
Sapnap was seeing red. "Get out. If I fucking wanted you here I'd find you. Don't you have banking business to attend to? Can't you let me have the one good thing in my life? He's Karl, he's my Karl. And that's all I need." Sapnap pointed at the door, his hand clenched around the hilt of his sword.
Quackity shook his head but headed towards the door. "You can't do this forever. Don't you think there'll be a trip where he doesn't come back? Or worse, he comes back unable to love you? Arent you just delaying the inevitable?" Sapnap sprung up from his chair, sword drawn, but Quackity quickly slipped through the doorway. "I'm leaving, I'm leaving. Plus, you don't want to miss those precious first words right? I saw your entires Sap, what's today's plan? Tame cats if I remember right?"
"Fuck you." Sapnap slammed the door, trying to collect himself. Some disgusting voice in the back of his head was reiterating Quackity's words, telling him all was lost and that he was only setting himself up for false hope. But, it only took a glance at the array of pictures scattered between entires in his own diary to see the reason he fought through every first date.
"Hello! Um, do you know where I am?"
Sapnap looked up from a messy stack of first date ideas and dream SMP memory reminders to see the beautiful man before him.
The moment they locked eyes was the moment that nagging voice in Sapnap's head subsided. Every time they locked eyes for the "first time" Sapnap remembered why he'd fight for Karl every day if he needed to. But, there wasn't time for fawning over the brunette an awkward amount.
"Yup! You're in the library! C'mon, there's a map you'll wanna see- I'm Sapnap by the way! And you are?"
"Karl Jacobs! Nice to meet you Sap! Gimme the tour you clearly know what's up! What do I need to know?"
Sapnap gave his unknowing lover a calm smile, "I gotcha! There's not much you need but here's a good map of the lands!" Sapnap took a moment of serenity to appriciate the gorgeous man in front of him before Karl spoke again.
"I actually think I got it! Anything else in this musty old place I should know?"
I wish you knew how much I miss you.
~ Fin ~
A/N: Poor Sapnap. This gives me 50 first dates vibes. Also I wanted to paint Quackity as a voice of reason/doubt because I think his canonical character is that level of serious and caring for both Karl and Sapnap and I imagine their trio may have split over Sapnap’s decision to continually woo memory-loss Karl, or they could’ve never even been a 3 way thing, it’s up to interpretation. Also, I wanted to know your thoughts! Is Sap doing the right thing? Is he really just putting himself up for more hurt later? I dunno. Hope you enjoyed! Comments n stuff in reblog tags make my day :)))
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zmayadw · 3 years
Here’s the next part.
Have a nice evening!
PART 14        
For the next three days i was trying to keep myself bussy with work, so not to go crazy thinking if Jake will contact me. I wasnt very succesful with it, i kept thinking of him a lot. Did i make it worse with all i said to him? Does he feel the same? What if he doesnt, can i just get over it easy? My mind was a mash, i was going crazy. I barely managed to do any work. And not to mention, those darn phonecalls continued on a daily basis. I really started to get a bad vibe from it, but i couldnt think of anything that would give me a reason for it. On the fourth day, i couldnt stand anymore being in my motel room, so i texted Jessy if she wants to meet me for lunch. She replied shortly after, accepting my offer gladly. A change of scenery will do me good.
I met with Jessy at the town square, and we decided to go to a pasta place. As we sat at the table, and ordered, she looked at me all serious „Whats up, Maya? I can see worry written all over your face.“ I tought if telling her about the calls would be a good thing, she might get too worried for me. After a moment of hesitation, i started. „I'v been getting some weird phonecalls lately, and its driving me insane.“ Jessy looked at me, worry appearing on her face „What kind of calls?“ „Hidden caller calls“ i told her, sighing „It all started a while ago, and i didnt think much of it at first. But then they beacme more frequently.“ I paused for a moment, seeing Jessy getting more upset with it as i told her more of it. „Does the caller say anything?“ she asked. „No, just silence.“ I sighed, sounding tired „I got a bad feeling about it all, Jessy. I dont know why, but something is off with it all.“ „Did you tell anyone else about it?“ she asked, and i knew who she had in mind. „If you mean Jake, no, i havent told him.“ I looked at her, before i continued „Since you mentioned him, theres something else i have to tell you.“ I told her all about that night after i left Aurora. She scolded me for not telling her sooner, but not holding a grudge, considering othere things that wer happening. „So you understand now why i haven't told him anything.“ I said, a feel of desperation taking over me. Jessy looked at me for a moment „I understan.“ She started „But i think you should tell him, Maya.“ „I dont want him to think im pushy, Jessy.“ I said, but she interupted me „Maya, dont be a fool. He can help you with this. Heck, he's the only one from us all that can actualy be of any help.“ She looked at me, pleadingly „Please, Maya, promise me you will contact him. Today.“ I couldnt say no to her, and she was right. Jake was the one person who might help me with this. I sighed desperatly „Alright, Jessy, i promise i'll contact him.“ „Today.“ She added, and i replied „Today, yes.“ Neither of us had much of an apetit afterwards. She walked with me to my car, giving me a tight hug „Everything will be ok, Maya.“ She said, giving me a reasuring smile. „I hope so, Jessy.“ I opened the car doors. „Call me if you need anything, and i mean anything. I'm here for you.“ „Thanks, Jessy, i will.“ I said to her smiling, waveing her goodby.
When i got back to the motel, i sat at my bed, holding my phone in front of me, just staring at it. Four days passed since that night, and he still hasnt contacted me. But Jessy was right, Jake can help me. I opened my phone, entering the chat with him. „Hey, you there?“ i wrote, and pushed send. I got up from the bed, and started walking arround the room nervously, still holding my phone. When the sound of a new message beeped fom it, i almost dropped it.
Jake: Yes, what's up?
Maya: I need your help
Jake: Is everything ok?
Maya: Not really..
Maya: Is it possible for us to meet?
Maya: I really dont want to go about it over the phone.
Jake: Alright.
Maya: Cafe Rainbow?
Jake: Meet you there in an hour?
Maya: Yeah, great.
Maya: Thank you.
Jake: No worries.
                                  Jake is now offline
I decided to walk there, clearing my head on the way a bit. I took my stuff, and left. As i was walking towards cafe, i hoped the atmosphere between Jake and me wont be aqward. I was stressed enough with those calls. The day was sunny, so i took my sunglasses with me, even tho the sun wont be out for much longer. I got there a bit earlier, and sat at the table outside, ordering a coffee. It passed a few minutes maybe, when i saw Jake comming my way. He sat down accross from me, and ordered coffee, too. I took of my sun glasses, and I guess my face showed all the worry and tiredness, because i could see Jake's face getting all serious. „Is everything alright, Maya? You look terrible.“ He asked me, worry in his voice. „No, Jake, everything is not ok.“ I said desperatly. I started explaining him all about the calls, him listening intensly to every word i said. „Alright“ he said as i finished „So just the calls happened, nothing else?“ he asked me. I looked at him, sighing „You think im over exaggearting about it, dont you?“ He looked at me, softness in his eyes „Hey, i can see this is bothering you, so, no, i dont think that.“ „It does bother me. I have a bad feeling cravling at me every time my damn phone rings.“ I said desperatly „I'm on a verge of breaking.“ I slouched tiredly at my chair then. Jake nudged me on my knee „Hey, it will be alright.“ He gave me a reasuring smile „We will figure it out.“ I looked at him „Thanks, i really appriciate you doing this.“ „No worries.“ He said. He got all serious before saking „ Would you mind if i'd check your phone?“ „Ofcourse not“ i said. I took the phone from my purse, handing it to him, but he smiled „Not like that.“ I looked at him puzzled, before he replied to me „I would like to check your phone internaly.“ „Oh, i see.“ I asked him after a moment „And how will you do that?“ He got a bit nervous.„Uhm, well, i would have to get some stuff from Hannahs place.“ He started „We can do it at the motel.“ He looked at me then, and i noticed him blushing a bit. I smiled inside „Ok, that would be fine.“ And i added, trying to make him feel less uncomfortable by all „I dont want the others finding out about it, eitherway. At least untill we find out more about it.“ He relaxed a bit „Ok, great. Did you came with your car?“ „No, i walked this time. I was stressed too much for driving.“ I told him. „Alright, understandable. Well, you mind if we stop to Hannahs place first, then head to the motel?“ „Sure, lets do it.“ I said, leaving enough money on the table for both of our coffees. Jake wanted to protest, but i shushed him quickly „At least let me do this, as a way of a 'thank you'.“ He smiled at me „Not necessary, but alright.“ I smiled back, leaving the money, and we left.
Hannahs apartment wasnt far from the cafe. I told him i'll wait for him outside, and he went in to grab his stuff. He came back shortly, his backpack over his shoulder. „Alright, im ready.“ He said, as he got back to where i was waiting. We walked in silence, when my phone rang. I took it out of my purse, and tensed when i saw it was one more of those hidden calls. Jake took the phone from me, answering it. „Hello?“ he said, looking at me, as i waited impatiently . He said 'hello' few more times before the call was ended. He handed me the phone back „Dont worry, this is all probably nothing.“ He told me, giving me a reasuring smile. „I really hope so.“ We continued towards the motel. As we got there, i unlocked the doors and entered my room. Jake paused a bit at the doors, and i chuckled at him „Well, come in, I dont bite.“ i said. He shook his head smiling, saying as he stepped inside „You sure?“ „Well, you will just have to trust me.“ I said teasingly „Or would you rather prefer for me to leave a chair for you outside, so at least you can sit while you work?“ „Ha, thanks, but i'll take my chances inside then.“ He said, grining. He was so sweet, i couldnt belive he was here with me. I tensed at the tought, and quickly glanced arround the room, sighing with relieve i actually left it tidy. I got to the desk, moving my stuff away „Here, you can use the desk.“ „Thanks.“ He sat down and started taking his stuff out from his backpack. He took out his laptop, wich was waaaay better then mine, and some other gadgets i had no clue what they were. „Uhm, power plug?“ he asked, and i replied its behind the desk. He pluged all he needed, and started his laptop. It was interesting seing him like this. He was doing what he does best, and i could see seriousnes and dedication in it. His laptop booted, and he turned to me „Can i have your phone, please? And turn it off.“ I took my phone, turning it off, giving it to him. He took it and plugged it to one of the gadgets, wich was connected to his laptop. He opened some program on it, and started typing something on the keyboard, not even glancing at it. I just stared at him in amazement. To him, this was like playing a piano, he could do it with his eyes closed. He finished after a few moments, turning to me „Well, now we wait.“ „And what is it that you are looking for?“ i asked him „And, please, explain it to me as simple as you can, this whole thing is a nuclear sience to me.“ He smiled at me „ Well, simply saying, im checking if your phone was 'hacked' somehow,tempered in any way. But, that will take a while. I wanted to check it thoroughly, so it will take longer then usualy.“ „Alright, thank you for a simple explanation.“ I smiled at him. „You're welcome“ he replied. „Well, since this will take a while, we could order a pizza or something?“ I asked. „Sure, i could eat something.“ „Great“ i said, adding „Uhm, since my phone is 'under maintanance', could you do it?“  „Oh, sure.“ He smiled „What kinda pizza would you like?“ „Oh, whatever, as long as its not too spicy, or with exotic fruit.“ I shuddered at the last tought. He laughed, his laugh ringing to my ears like a beautiful melody. „Good taste.“ He said. „Want a Cola with it? Or anything else?“ „Cola is fine, thanks.“ I said. He fidgeted for a while with his mobile, setting it down on the desk „Ok, done. Should be here in about 40 minutes.“ „Great.“ I started „Amm, do you mind if i take a shower while we wait for it?“ He looked at me, his eyes getting some special glow in them, something i havent noticed before. I felt the heat spreading through my body, as his gaze intensified, when he finaly said „Ofcourse not, go ahead.“ He started „I'll be right here waiting.“ I smiled, turned to grab some stuff from the wardrobe, before going to bathroom. Jake was watching me the whole time, and i had a feeling i was burning now. I entered the bathroom, closing the door, and leaning agains it from the inside. What the heck was that, i tought to myself, This was new. And i liked it. Could it be, i tought, that my little monologue from that night initiated something? I looked at myself in the mirror, realizing i was grinning like a mad man. I turned the shower on, taking my clothes off, and steping inside.
When i was done, i putted fresh clothes on and left the bathroom. Jake was still sitting behind the desk, checking something on his laptop. He turned to me as i stepped back into the room „Feeling better?“ he asked. „Yes, definatly.“ I told him smiling, sitting on the bed.. „Thats a nice pendant arround your neck.“ He told me. „A gift from someone sepcial?“   „Yeah, as a matter of fact.“ I said smiling, my hand automaticaly reaching for it. I told him how my mom always liked clovers, and about giving me that pendant, saying it will bring me luck and keep me safe. „Thats kinda like my lucky charms.“ I said smiling. But my smile faded, and i said gloomily „Kinda ironic at the moment, wouldnt you say.“ Jake got up from the desk, sitting next to me on the bed. „It's not.“ He said „Nothing happened that would make you say so.“ „Nothing happened 'yet'.“ I said, sighing, leaning my head on his shoulder. Just being this close to him made me feel better. His presence made me both aroused and calm at the same time. My hands wer resting on my legs, and he putted his hand over mine „Nothing will happen, Maya, i promise you.“ His hand was so soft and warm. I closed my eyes, just enjoing this moment, taking in deep breaths of him. The pizza guy knocked at the door then, and i cursed under my breath, moving my head from his shoulder. I wanted for the moment to last a bit longer. Jake looked at me, giving me an akward smile, his face showing he was sharing my resentment by the knock. He got up slowly, going for the door. He gave the guy some money taking pizza and drinks from him. I moved myself to the head of the bed, adjusting both pillows on the bed frame. „C'mon, lets eat while its still warm.“ I told him, tapping with my hand other side of the be. He came to the other side of the bed, putting the pizza on the middle. He handad me the bag with the drinks, and i took them out, placing them on the stand next to my side of the bed. He took his sneakers off and sat on the bed. I handed him some napkins from the bag, and we opened the pizza box. It was late already, so i turned the night light on the stand. I grabbed the tv remote „Want me to find some silly movie?“ I grined at him. He chuckled „Sure, why not.“ I switched through programmes, stoping on some movie we both agreed to just leave it on. We just watched and ate in silence. We finished the pizza, and i got up moving the box from the bed, handing him his drink. He took a few sips giving it back to me. With pizza box gone, we both stretched on the bed, and i switched of the light. I adjusted my pillow, Jake doing the same, and as he did, our heads touched at the top. I smiled, looking at the TV, feeling my eyes becoming heavy. „This is nice.“ I said after a moment, yawning sleepely. I could feel Jake smiled „Yeah“ he said „It really is.“ His hand found mine then, and our fingers intertwined. I moved closer to him, turning on my side, placing my head on his chest, not letting his hand go. He hugged me with his other hand, pulling me even closer to him. I closed my eyes, letting his breathing and the sound of his heartbeet lulling me slowly to sleep. Before sleep took over me, i said almost whispering „Good night, Jake.“ He gently kissed me on the forehead „Sweet dreams, Maya.“
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unseelie-bitch · 4 years
Season 2 Episode 24: Desperately Seeking Bloom
Very descriptive title, I imagine the episode'll be exactly what it says on the tin (but also surely you know where she is like Darkar has Bloom and he has a massive castle so...)
Stella REFUSES to let Amore go
Even Digit says pixies go sorry Techna
Techna just in the background laughing about Brandon's fear of Ammentia is honestly iconic
So uh what happened to that test everyone has to pass to go to the Under Realm... does that just not matter any more because last time I checked Techna, Flora and Musa never passed it
Layla is the only capable person on this mission why did you have to send Brandon and Sky with her
The Trix!!
"How fast can we destroy that ship?" "In like a second but that wouldn't be fun" "you're right, let's make them suffer" all three of you are SO edgy and yet you're my three favourite characters. Now what does that say about me as a person? Oh, right. That I'm gay. Carry on
Oh shit Bloom's tied up
Fake!Avalon's voice is horrific, thanks
Oh are we getting back Dark!Bloom? I feel like that's the only way she'll use her power for you
Lol Ammentia's got some new rules
Sky really said "jk jk... unless"
L i g h t e n i n g s t r i k e
"He's still in love with me so that's why he's acting out" Brandon is 100% there like 'thank god this time I have witnesses to Ammentia's particular brand of crazy'
Really appriciate the consistancy of Layla being very good at deplomacy and dealing with stuck up royals thanks to her upbringing
"I don't like to fight girls" fuck off Brandon every woman in this room could kick your ass in two seconds flat
I love that she just believes Layla's an excellent warrior. She just doesn't trust the men and honestly? She's right
Meanwhile, Icy's freezing the ship in place while she makes a giant ice mallet over it. Of course
Icy I hate to break this to you but even in context "let me... tuck you in" is NOT a threatening villain line
Maybe you shouldn't have reversed the dark!Bloom spell the first time and then you wouldn't be having this problem now would you Darkarse
Ammentia really just tried to stab Brandon in the face
Brandon why did you insult her husband you fucking moron UGH I hate this man
Layla just drinking tea and watching Brandon get murdered? A++
"Hugs are by appointment only! Won't warn you again!" The cheery demeanor only made this threat scarier 10/10 Ammentia, keep it up
Icy's fully just slowly freezing them to death
Stella you're burning through the vines holding up the massive chunk of ice but other than that? Amazing job sweetie
And out in the nick of time
Sorry professor dickwad used to be a CLOUD SPIRIT??? Oh my god
Lowkey love the Trog
"I read this article that said most girls wish guys would groom their eyebrows!" Okay first of all, who are you and what have you done with Riven, and secondly, he's correct
Techna and Timmy kissed. I mean, I'm glad she's happy? Ngl the only one of the boys that doesn't annoy me is Helia but the jury's still out
Oop Faragonda's going to shadowhaunt
Um this is brainwashing and torture... is that allowed in a kids show? Yikes
AYYY DARK!BLOOM'S BACK (I love her wings omg)
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nureyevv · 5 years
Rita Detective Agency vs The Man Without A Name
When Rita first joins the crime crew doesn’t trust Peter Nureyev one bit
Of course back in those days she knew him by another name: Rex Glass
She hadn’t seen him since he’d stolen that Martian mask all those months ago
And, though the boss had found him annoying, she’d thought he was plenty charming. Sure he was a criminal, but there was no reason to be so judgmental!
She watched Mistah Steel’s face when they saw each other again, though, just before they left mars, and she was quick to figure out what had taken place between them, though
See, there were these face stealin’ moon dogs that lived near jupeter— she’d learned about em in one of her shows— and basically they could mimic any face they saw in order to trick unsuspecting people into becoming their dinner— in one episode a face stealer had taken the face of someone’s beloved BUT when it saw how much Justin (that’s the hero’s name of course) loved his husband the face stealer ended up Falling! In! Love! with Justin instead of eating him and it was all so tragic and romantic, but of course Justin couldn’t go on without the real Mika—
Anyway OBVIOUSLY mistah glass had been mimicked by a face stealer and sworn the boss to secrecy, but even if he fooled everyone else, he couldn’t trick Rita!
So she got straight to work. At first she just tried to use some of those classic face stealer catchin questions, ya know, how many limbs did your mom’s mom have, how do ya feel about boiled eye balls, the usual. Not-Glass was good though, too good
Plan B was less exciting. She just hacked his comms to check his search history for face stealer forums. That was easy enough.
Or at least, it should have been easy enough. Even though she knew Glass hadn’t been involved with Dark Matters for over a year, gettin into his comms reminded her of patching the boss through to that old friend of his who worked with them now. Every time she got through a layer of security codes another popped up in its place. She almost couldn’t make it through.
But she was Rita, so of course she did. Glass’s comms themselves were even stranger than his security, though, mostly because there was nothing there. Who went through all that trouble to hide nothing? She didn’t know, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t find out.
Even if the guy had virtually no viral footprint, there was one footprint everyone had. The real kind! So maybe it wasn’t the most “formally worked in law enforcement” thing to do to break into Glass’s room on the ship but... well she was curious! What else could she do?
Hacking the ships door system was easy enough, but figuring out when Glass would be out of the way was much more difficult. Eventually, though, Buddy sent Glass with the boss to stock up on supplies on a nearby planet. They pained look on mistah steel’s face wasn’t lost on her, but she liked to take things one mystery at a time.
Glass’s rooms were.... well they were something. For such a well groomed man he was quite the slob if she was honest. Little papers scattered the room, crumpled up into loose balls. Upon further investigation she found that most of them were just pen doodles, and she could appriciate a fellow artist. She even found a couple that reminded her vaguely of the crew. One stick lady had Vespa’s bright green hair, the next was marked by jet’s enormous stature. She found a few of the boss and even one of herself, which she pocketed.
She moved on to investigate Glass’s desk. Oddly enough, most of the drawers were as empty as his comms. One had a tube of red lipstick, another held a couple of creds. The most interesting thing she found was a book that she saw, when she opened it, had been hollowed out to hold a single knife. It wasn’t a completely unexpected thing to come across on a ship of criminals but still. This guy was weird.
Maybe a bit sad too, though. His room was cluttered, but mostly by trash. It didn’t seem like he actually had a lot of anything except maybe clothes and makeup. It wasn’t a big room, and Glass— or whoever he really was— still couldn’t fill it.
It was as she contemplated this that she noticed a note left haphazardly on the desk. It was written in elaborate cursive script, but the bottom half of it had been scribbled over till it was no long legible. What she could read, however, was enough to grab her attention.
“Juno, my love—“
She had just put two and two together when she heard the sound of footsteps outside the room.
“We aren’t going to be able to work together like this, Peter,” said a familiar voice through the wall. She recognized Mistah Steel’s distinctive tone.
The response was so cutting she almost couldn’t place it. “We’ll have to figure something out I suppose, because I’ve said I don’t want to discuss it. Goodbye, detective.”
The owner of the second voice— Peter according to the boss, though her mind yelled another name— did not wait around for a response. The door to Mr. Glass’s room slid open and her face stealing suspect slid inside. He let out a tired sigh and rubbed his temples. Then, he saw her.
His eyes were wide, but his voice was calm, albeit a bit strained. “Oh, Mrs. Rita. I wasn’t expecting you... Pardon me, but just how much of that did you hear?”
She gaped at him. “It really is just like Justin and Mika!”
His stolen eyebrows furrowed together. “Excuse me?”
“You’re Mika, ya know from the shows! Except you’re not Mika! And you ain’t whoever that Peter is either!”
“I can’t say I’m following—”
“Hush! You won’t trick me with your face stealin tricks! I ain’t gonna let ya fool the boss either, bub, so don’t even try it! No wonder Mistah Steel’s been so distressed, with you walkin around with his beloved face and stolen love notes!”
At that, the thief seemed to flush as his eyes darted towards the paper on the desk. “I knew I should have gotten rid of that... no matter now, though, I suppose the secret is out. I am still curious about the ‘face stealer’ comment, however.”
Gracious as she was, Rita provided him with an extensive description of Justin and Mika’s tragedy. She was used to the boss being so uncultured, but even for a people eatin trickster it was hard to believe he’d never seen it. Unlike Mistah Steel, however, Fake-Peter listened intently and never even cut in with a sarcastic comment. She had to admit, it was pretty refreshing.
When she’d finished, he regarded her with quiet amusement. “Well. That is very exciting, but I’m afraid the actual story is much less interesting. With the cat out of the bag, though, I might as well enlighten you.”
Rita wished she had brought snacks with her cause Mistah Peter’s story was almost as good as any of her shows. Martian artifacts and death trains, a tragic romance— the drama of it all was too much! But most shocking of all was that everything he said made sense with what the boss had told her about his disappearance the year before.
“Huh. So no face stealers then?”
“I’m afraid not,” he answered.
“Well that’s pretty unfortunate.”
Mr. Peter nodded in solemn agreement, but Rita didn’t intend to let her snooping go to waste. “Well, face stealer or not, you have GOT to tell me where ya got this color” she said, holding up a vial of nail polish she’d come across.
He grinned, apparently happy to brag about his collection. “It’s from earth— made from snake venom they say,” he explained. Then, when he saw her excitement, suggested: “you could try it if you’d like. I happen to be a certified nail technician on six planets.”
She grabbed his wrist and led him to the table, the theif letting out a small yelp as she exclaimed “oh boy I thought you’d never ask! I can show you some of that face stealer show too— I got it downloaded on my comms of course. And I expect more inside secrets on the boss, he drives me crazy with the whole mystery man thing, like jeez Mistah Steel I didn’t know your favorite color was such a sore spot—“
She went on in that manner for about fifteen minutes.
Peter it seemed, was a very good listener. Rita liked that in a person since she considered herself a very good talker.
“Oh dear! He didn’t just— Miss. Rita this is quite the show!”
“I know!!” She exclaimed, grinning. She could get used to this, and by the looks of it, so could Peter.
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its-3am-sadness · 4 years
getting lost up in the past— this is what I found
Friday February 1st, 2013:
ugh..im sitting in third hour..i wanna cry, but i cant theres to many people..
can anyone really save me? ..no.. noone ever can.. i just wanna be happy, truely always happy.. )': ughhhhhhhhhhhh! i gotta go..
Monday February 4th, 2013:
holy shit that was a longg weekend.. i almost cut saturday.. i got a new razor & everythingg.. Jake told me to go chuck itt in the snow, soo i did, but then on sunday i went & found itt.. soo i have itt in my ipod case like my other one.
I stayed up till 3 saturday nightt watching 'Enchanted' i love that movie now (: and i sent Jake a 7 and a 9 page text.. he was asleep though..but his best friend is a girl & i have nothing at all against that, i don't have a reason to hate her at all, i havent even met her, but i still am so super jealous.. i hate that they hang out and slepover together and i dont know, i trust him.. but look what happend with the last guy, i trusted him with all my heart, i never thought he would cheat on me and he ended up fucking his ex-girlfriend and lying about it.. im so scared.. i dont wanna be here.. i was thinking saturday & yesterday how i wish i was single just so i don't have to be so paranoid..but i love being around Jake that i wouldnt dream of ending it..
Shawntay said i should tell him about how i feel with him & his besty, but i idont wanna be the dumb bitchy girlfriend who is all 'you cant talk to girls-blahh blahh blahhk' shitt, ya know?? So ima just leave it to myself because i don't care..
im really trying not to cut.. Tabby (my ex's girlfriend) told me that it takes 21 days to break a habbit & we both last cut on the 22nd, soooo we'll see how that goes..
on wednesday it'll be me & jake's 4 months.. & next thursday is valenitines (how ever you spell itt) day and i wanna get him something.. hmm..
my tits now have names.. right one is Adam & the left is Ryder (:
I love him, my baby. <3 soo much.. </3
Wednesday February 6th, 2013:
today is 4 months with my baby!! i love him sooo much. dude. <3 he is so amazingg. i just want to push him in the snow and kiss him and be crazy. i am crazy about him.. like super crazy aboutt him. <3 i dont wantt him to be taken awayyy! ):
Hunter said he was going to ask me out last week on friday on the bus.. god he's a douche.. he broke my heart so many countless times and just left.. and my ex. my good lord, he is such a dick. im sick of them both fucking with my head and heart. ive moved on and it Shawntay's words 'have a new life with a better guy'.. god i love her. i dont know where i would be right now if it werent for her.. <3 i love you shawny'z forever <3
Friday February 8th, 2013:
well..i almost cut last nightt, i didnt but i was aboutt to.. im not taking my meds, im just throwing them in a bag & ima sell them.. they weren't working anyway soo..
Im seriously so sccared that Jake's going to leave me.. even though he says he's not going to an yada yada yada, but still.. im paranoid.. it's just who i am... i love him with all my heart though.. ya know??
im diguesting..im a whore..a damn slut.. in love with a guy who prolly cant stand me.. im fucking pathetic.. why..why..why would, HOW could anyone like me, or put up with me.. i mean, what the hell..im a little ugly bitch. a fat, pathetic, stupid, idiotic, loud, sluty little damn bitch...fuckkkkkkkk.
Monday February 11th,2013:
well..i hate myself. terribly. fucking. little. cunt. thats what i am. a fucking bitch. a pussy, more like a pair of balls.. pussy's are actually quite strong.. so im a pair of balls. GROSS!.. i like pussy better.. whatever. so anyway.. i hate how much of a bitch i am. im so mean to everyone. im not good enough for shawntay. i dont deserve jake and i feel like i treat both of them like shit.. i dont mean to. they're both my whole world..damn.. i couldnt live with out both of them.. i really couldnt.
Conversation on Saturday Night:
me: how isn't it? if you go then you wont have to worry about me.
Jake: ill worry more
Jake: yeah i will
Jake: why cant i?
me: Because..you just cant. you shouldnt. its not worth it.Never. You should leave before you get hurt.
Jake: this isnt about right now anymore is it?
me: i guess not..
Jake: cause ive told you before im not leaving unless you stop loving me ima be here for you until you dont want me to and ima be with you till you break up with me, i love you and im gonna stay through thick and thin. you wont hurt me. You wont.
Baby i friken love you and i wanna be with you no matter what im yous i dont want anyone else but you and im gonna stay okay?
Me: i hurt everyone. i want to be with you. i am in love with you. but i am so hard and difficult. i push every single person away because i just tear people down. i dont want to do that. You are so amazing and that cant die.
how can i call that mine? that is a way to good for me kindda guy.. ive fallen in love with him. but he is way to good for me.
Tuesday February 12, 2013:
i almost cut last night.. i lost it and i started crying terribly. my mother is such a damn bitch. i cant handle her anymore.. she's having surgary on the 25th of this month.. but shes forcing me to appologise for being 'rude' to my brothers wife.. fuck that.. she told me i didnt appriciate anyone.. you dont tell someone who hates themself, who seriously cant stand to look at herself or hear herself, you DONT TELL THEM THAT THEYRE NOT FUCKING APPRICATIVE! what the hell.. so i have anger issues so i flipped out, not to her, just annonmusly over facebook & shes not even my friend on there so fuck her. seriously. and my mother is sticking up for HER, an not ME. bitch.. i have enough shit i dont need to deal with this, its from over a month ago.. i hate my mother.. she fucking came running downstairs screaming at me for taking something that i really didnt.. i didnt even know what she was talking about.. why... im always to blame. FUCK HER! god... she makes me want to kill myself. she thinks that i look up to her and that she's this perfect little angel and does everything for me.. but all she does is make me feel like shit.. i mean we have our moments that we get along an laugh an are friends. when we're friends we're totally fine, but than she turns in to over protective bitch mode.. i hate itt.. i dont wanna stay after school to get extra help.. and shes fucking making me. i hate it. i hate her. i want to get the fuck away. HELP ME! i need to be saved.
Wednesday February 13th, 2013:
theres not a lot of time to write here today...i only got about 3 minutes.. but damn.. i wanna die.. im not going to stopo myself tonight if i wanna cut. i gotta do it.. its to hard. my parents and my one brother are douches..they fucking dont know when to stop making me feel like shit.. i hate it. goddamn.. i cried so much last night.. i wish i were alone.. it'd be easier not to worry about hurting someone.. i hate myself. im absolutly disguesting. fat, ugly and just so gross.. i hate what ive become.. i cant stop myself. it's who i am now..
my razors fell out of my case this morning, it was scary i thought that someone was going to ask me what they were when i bent to pick them up.. i was so shakey.. i hate myself. ughhh. fuck. i hate everyone, my self the absolute most though.. good bye..
Thursday Febraury 14th, 2013:
well.. i stopped the 21 days last night.. 16.. 2 on my thigh, they're small. and the rest between my two arms. im such a fail..
Jake did the cutest thing ever.. he put a bunch of choclate kisses in my locker & taped it saying 'i <3 u' i keep blushing today.. i just told someone i like they're hat & he said he liked my face, i blush to much, i dont like him even, but it was kindda a compliment, soo.. *sigh* i hope shawntay doesnt get mad at me.. i told her i cut in our notebook, i havent told jake & im nott gunna unless he asks.. i cant tell him.. i HATE THAT THEY CARE!!!!!!!!! ugh... i just hurt eveyrone.. i make everyone want to kill themselves.......... FUCK.
ive been handing outt 'my little pony' valentines today.. only 4 gurls, and like 15 or more guys.. the girls are Shawntay, my friend Kenzie, Tabby & Heather. God.. all of them are so FUCKING gorgeous..ugh.. i seriously wish i could be even half as pretty as them.. Shawntay, everything about her is perfect, i wouldnt change a thing. Perfect long hair, flawless skin, perfect body.. McKenzie, she's in love, happy, so beautiful. Tabby, SO gorgeous, i find her easy to talk to and i think we could be pretty good friends. i love her hair.. i want it terribly. and Heather, her makeup, my lord is it always so damn perfect. no flaws to it, always perfect all the damn day long. She may be a bitch sometimes, but she's also hillarious as fuck. i could see me an her being better friends then we are, but not anything long-best friend. but damn.. i wish i were them..
Friday February 15th, 2013:
last night i broke down terribly and cried for hours.. i could stop. my douche fuck parents.. goddamn.. i wish i could just love them and call it good. but my mom comes down and bitches about facebook.. so now i have to delete it.. god. she controls every damn thing of my life.. she doesnt even know what tumblr is or instagram & she fucking wants me to delete them. HELL TO THE FUCK NO! dumbass. i hate her.. she ruins my life..
Tuesday February 19th, 2013:
okay..well this is reallly really stupid.. but on friday, i realized that with my ex boyfriend, he fucked her while we were together & i had sex with him countless times after.. so now i obviously did something wrong. it showed me how worthless i am & how much i seriously fuck people up..it's all my fault. i loved him wrong. i treated him like shit and look where that's gotten me.. im such a pathetic fucking fail of life. i hate myself.. im used and worthless. im the damn slut of the fucking family for fuck's sake!! my oldest brother just got married & the other just got engaged.. ugh..
ive been starving myself latley too.. it's kinda hard because i love eating, but ive been not eating lunch for about a week & i rarley eat at home soo..
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VIXX Reaction: Another famous idol flirting with their s/o despite their s/o making clear they aren’t interested (request)
The audacity of this- this- this man.
Never had he ever encountered such a situation. The incident itself almost caused N spit out his drink. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Did he really hear Himchan ask you out right in front of him?!?
The nerve of this “fellow idol”. Himchan was very well aware of your relationship status being that he said hi to both of you as the two of you walked in together, your arm wrapped around his.
N’s first instinct was to shove Himchan nto the table of finger foods behind him. Sadly, he couldn't, there were too many eyes watching.
Immediately N’s gaze went over to you. Your face was blank. It was almost as if you didn’t hear what Himchan asked.
“So how about we go out some time?” himchan repeated himself, using a chuckle to hide his embarrassment over having to ask again.
“Oh you were serious? No.” you said bluntly.
N watched with a smile as Himchan’s head swung back. It was as if he never heard the word “no” before. “Um, excuse me?” Himchan carried a tone as if he were offended.
“You heard the lady.” the words fell out of N’s mouth so fast and he was quick to stand between you and Himchan. It was too late to stop himself now. “She said no!” he said with a taunting tone.
“Babe, you take me home?” you asked from behind N.
N couldn’t hold back the smile that grew on his face as he glared at Himchan. “As you wish.” he replied grabbing your hand and leading you out the ballroom.
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Even with the crowd of people surrounding them, it was obvious to tell what was going on. It hadn't even been ten seconds into leaving you alone and someone already hovered over you. He could read RM like a book. The way he smiled and stood over you like a vulture, the guy was obviously trying to make a move on you.
“Here we go again.” he thought to himself as he made his way over to the two of you.
He was used to it all by now. Guys, even girls, constantly gaucked at you, some having the confidence to try and ask you out. He understood though, you were hot. Sure it was hard to deal with at first, everyone eyes always on you (even though he was supposed to be the famous kpop idol) but hey, it wasn’t your fault. Besides, you were the one he could call his. No one else could say that.
“Here you go.” he said casually as he now stood besides you and handed you your drink. He could feel RM’s piercing side stare. It was liked he considered him to be competition.
“Thanks!” you smiled a smile of relief. He knew you were glad that he was back and he could be a distraction from the awkward.
“What’s up Namjoon?” he asked. He did his best to play everything cool. There was no point in getting jealous over anything. He trusted you and your relationship so there was nothing to be worried about.
Suddenly RM’s vibe changed. He was no longer so predatory over you and switched to his camera ready persona. “Oh hey! So you and Y/n know each other?”
“Uh, yeah, for a while now.” he said vaguely.
“Yeah, we’ve been dating like, what? Six months now?”
You brought up that fact so smoothly. It was hard for him to not crack a smile.
Rm’s face fell. “Dating? You guys are dating?”
“Yeah.” the two of you said in unison as Ravi’s hand slid protectively around your waist.
“Oh… that’s cool… Well… I  gotta get back to my group now. I think Jin is waving me over. See you later Wonshik.”
Rm walked away so fast, Ravi didn’t even get a chance to say bye back.
“...So what did I miss this time?”
You just shrugged. “He was trying to asking me out to lunch.”
“Oooooof course he was.”
“Hey don't be getting jealous now.” you said, wrapping your arms around him.
“I’m not… but now that your plans seems to be free, how about we go out to lunch tomorrow?” he joked.
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“Taekwoon!” You said in a warning tone.
He had yet to let go of you. No matter how much you asked him to stop, he continued to drag you our the party and back to the car without a word.
This behavior didn't surprise you. He tended to pull this childlike tantrum whenever he wasn't happy about something. The thing that was making you mad was the fact that you didn't know what he was upset about. You've already had a “conversation” with him over these outburst of his, but apparently he still wasn't keeping to his promise of taking everything out first.
“Taekwoon, talk to me!” You demanded, planting your heels into the ground and refusing to take another step.
Finally he stopped, letting your hand fall out of his as he stood still like a statue in his spot.
“Why did you drag me out of the party this time? I was literally in the middle of talking to Mino when you dragged me out!”
He said nothing. Instead he looked down at his shoes,playing with a loose pedal.
“Taekwoon, just talk to me! Why is it so hard for you to just say something!”
He let out a sigh of frustration before he decided to finally use his words. “... He was flirting with you.” He mumbled.
“I said he was flirting with you! And right in front of me! And you kept going along with it!”
“He wasn’t flirting!”
“Oh yes he was! I know how idols flirt and what he was doing was flirting!” His voice had grown harsher in tone now.
It was time to tone thung down. “Babe,” you said softly. “If he was flirting, i genuinely did not know he was.”
Again he was quiet.
“How many times do i have to tell you that, if you are upset about something, you need to tell me about it? I get that you were probably upset about this, but you could have excused us and told me what you noticed.”
“You’re right… I’m sorry.” he said, going up to you and giving you a hug.
You were reluctant to give him one, but you did so anyway. You didn’t get to see him alot and there was no point in using this time fighting with him.
“Do you want to go back to the party?” his voice was soft, still filled with shame.
“Nah I’m kind of tired, we can go back home and watch a movie there or something.
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Considering how BTS blew up, Ken appriciated the times that he bumped into Jin. It was hard enough hanging out between schedules, so it was cool that BTS attended the MAMA after party as well. On top of that, Ken was able to sneak you in to the party. What a lucky man he was, his good friend and his girlfriend at the same event.
“So where’s this amazing girlfriend of yours. I’ve been dying to find out who you are this crazy over.” Jin said.
“I think she is sitting back at our table. Come with me.”
The two of them walked around the dance floor and over to VIXX’s table where you were waiting for him.
“She’s right there, in the red dress.” he poitned out.
“Wow! She’s pretty! Seems like Jimin thinks so too.” Jin laughed.
Just then, Ken saw as Jimin sat down next to you already chatting up a storm.
At the sight, Ken was by your side in the blink of an eye. “Hi babe.” he said obnoxiously, wrapping his arm around you for Jimin to see. “Oh hi Jimin!” he said with a fake smile. "I didn't see you there.”
“Hey Ken.” Jimin said, suddenly so quiet in his prescence.
“I see you met my girlfriend!” Ken soncitnued. “Babe, this is jimin, but I figured no inteorodcution is needed. Jimin, this is my girlfriend, y/n.”
“So she’s your girlfriend I assume?” jimin asled sarcastically.
“Yes! Thanks for noticing? What gave it away?”
Jimin only rolled his eyes, so used to how Ken can be. “Hey you hear that song? It’s my favortire Im’ gonnag  dance. Nice meeting you Y/n. see you later Ken.” Jimin said as he walked away.
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It was an honest mistake, it had to be, anyone could have done it. In this case is just so happened to be the one and only Gdragon, but hey, no one is perfect.
It’s not like you and Hongbin dated that long. Two months wasnt too big of a deal. Besides the two of you weren't even public yet. Which was why you came into the party as a plus one with one of the stylists and not as his date.
But now here hongbin was, watching you in a room full of idols being hit on by one of the most famous in the history of kpop…
“I don't know whether to be offended or honored.” he thought to himself. Sure he was pretty upset about it, but if the number one person on Earth was after his girlfreind,well, that meant Hongbin was the luckiest person on this world for getting to be with you.
Regardless if who was hitting on you, were still his and he intended on keep it that way. Very hesitantly did he get his feet to move in your direction. The closer got, the better he could hear the words beign said between the two of you.
“So, hgow about you come over sometime?” THe look in Gdragon's eyes was so seductive, even Hongbin was falling for him.
You however, stood like a soldier. You're body was tense and unmoving. “Well, um, I don’t know…”
“Aw, why not?” he asked with a sly smile as his finger went to move a lock ofy our hair out of your eyes.
“Um hi! Excuse me.” Hongbin’s voice interpuprted.
Gdragonns unamused eyes fell on him , and Hongbin’s blood ran cold. “Yes?” he was asked in a dark tone.
Immediately he began to laugh nerviously. “Hi again- didnt- I mean- I wasn;t tryto to interupt you Mr.dragon, sir, but I just… I just thought I’d- uh- steal my girlfriend  for a dance.” he mumbled.
“Oh… girlfrined?” gdragon went back to having his eyes on you. “I see someone else got their hands on you before I could. Aren't you a lucky one Hongbin? Well, I’ll let you two be. But y/n, if things dont work out, give me a call.” he winked before walking away.
The two of you stood in silnce for a moment.
“I can't believe that happened.” he said, breaking the silence. “Gdragon knows my name!”
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It was the annual company christmas party. It was a celebration of the year’s achievements where every employee of the company and their plus ones partied the night away in a fancy hotel ballroom.This year was the first year that Hyuk actually had a date to bring… well not exactly…
The whole relationship things was a secret, even to the rest of VIXX. As far as everyone else knew, you were just an old friend he invited. It was, you know, the good ole company rules that kept him from telling everyone, plus it had only been like two weeks of dating. He just didn't want to jinx everything by telling everyone about the two of you right away.
For this special night, the two of you went the whole nine yards. You came in seperate cars, walked in at different times, maintained a three foot radius and got through most of the night passing glances and smiles at each other from across the table.
Things were great until a certain idol by the stage name L thought he’d flirt with right within earshot of hyuk. Seems like the famous plus one was also fond of how you looked in your party dress. HYuk was forced to watch in disgust as compliment upon compliment spilled out of L’s mouth. It was hard to to show how bothered he was. He wanted nothing more than to walk up to him and tell him to back off already. But he bit his tongue and kept his cool in front of his bandmates.
Thankfully for him though, you showed no interest in the handsome idol/ A smile spread on hyuk’s face when you interrupted L mid- sentence. and said “Sorry, uh, I have a boyfriend.”
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-Admin Boat
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dratchet-fan · 6 years
So well, I wanted to try a little something since I never do anything for Christmas, or Easter for example. This will be random, but I hope you will find it kinda entertaining at least. XD
A perfect gift – A Valentine's Day story. Written by Troiz
This was the most difficult thing he's ever been challenged to in his whole life. He was standing in front of the door that was the entrance to a very magnificent store that had... Pretty much everything you needed to celebrate Valentine's Day. Now he just had to take the final step and be one of the... Crazy costumers that were rummaging through the merchandise, screaming to each other. Hoo boy. ”Okay... I can do this.” Raphio took a deep breath before opening the door and marched into the store, quickly surrounded by the people of different sizes and shapes, the only thing they had in common compared to Raphio was that they were all women. Before he could start reacting over how they were acting, or over the merchandise that were sold here, he got interrupted by a very cheeky shop-assistant, a girl of course, a fox girl to be exact who weared a big smile. ”Welcome to A-Little-Mor, how can I help you Sir?” She asked with a very entusiastic voice, still smiling at Raphio who realised that he had to answer her question. He stared, still a bit shocked over her acting before finally finding the words. Kinda. ”Well, it's this day today... The day when everyone... Yeah well. I uh.... I need something for someone that's important for me.” Raphio answers while stuttering, before getting grabbed by the wrist of the hyperactive girl. ”Oh, I know what you need!! Follow me!” She chirped, being very eager to sell something so she would get her ”employee of the month” award. Not that Raphio was aware of that part. The only thing he knew was to try not to stumble while the girl dragged him over to a shelf with lots of perfumes. ”Every lady wants a perfume, we will find the perfect scent for you- I mean her, or well, you know what I mean!!” She concludes while preparing herself to make her dream come true, rather than his. ------ 4 hours passed and the perfume wasn't a lucky pick. Neither was the stuffed bears and rabbit plushies, wearing pink frilly dresses with lots of glitter, or the dresses that was in the colours pink and red. Raphio had gone trough most of the stuff that they sold there, but alas no. He still had nothing to give his best (and only) friend as a present for Valentine's day.
This was the day when he was supposed to show that something else has happened after the time they had spent together. After all the wanderings, some fighting (or well, he didn't fought, his friend did that pretty good herself on her own while he tried to distract the others) and learning more about each others different but still similar backgrounds they were good friends now. But could it be something more? Raphio sighed and raised a hand when the fox girl was about to show him many heartshaped balloons and chocolate boxes. No, It still felt so wrong. This wasn't right at all. But it changed when Raphio noticed something he had completely missed. ”Actually... I think I might have found something now.” He says, making the foxgirl happy, but probably not for long. ---- Some more hours passed by and Raphio finally arrived to the cave where he and Neferia had taken as their temporary residence, but he wasn't carrying anything from the store, except for a envelope in his left hand. Yet he looked happy about it. ”I'm back.” He called after entering the cave that were lightened up by candles, almost stumbling over a heap of golden fabric. Neferia who was studying 2 shades of green fabric turned around when she heard Raphio's voice, smiling at him. ”Oh hello, how did the errand go for you? Did you found what you were searching for?” She asked, putting the fabrics away on a box, waiting for him to answer. Which he didn't. Raphio seemed to be a bit... Nervous? But why? ”Raphio...?” Neferia gave him a worried look. He still didn't said anything, just giving her a glance before reaching his hand, holding the envelope to Neferia. His hand was shaking a bit. ”Huh? What is this?” Neferia asked, while she curiously looked at the envelope Raphio gave her. It was creamcoloured and had no special features. Just an ordinary envelope. She looked at Raphio again who made a gesture at her to open it. ”Guess I'll find out now.” She said jokingly, but got silent when she pulled out a card in the same colour from the envelope. It was all blank. Was this some kind of a bad prank? She turned the paper to look at the other side of the card. It was something there. At first she didn't got what it was she was looking at. But when Neferia finally figured it out she gasped and dropped the card, looking shocked at Raphio while trying to covering her red cheeks with her hands. ”Oh... You...” She couldn't end the sentence, starting to look flustered. Raphio was already blushing a lot, crossing his arms over his chest, mostly in a try to make his hands stop shaking.
”I- I couldn't find anything in the stores that you would appriciate so I um... I got another idea instead.” Raphio said, while hesitating a bit. Maybe this wasn't a really good idea after all. Neferia nodded and waved her hand at Raphio to continue while she picked up the card again, then holding it with both her hands like it was a fragile as a butterfly. She looked at it once more, still having blushing cheeks, but she was smiling and actually looked flattered.
”So I guess I um, well... You know...” Raphio had a bit hard to find the words, looking a bit embarrased. But he managed to continue. ”I know we haven't known each other for a long time, but you have showed me more empathy, kindness... Than I have ever got in my whole life. And I appriciate it. You're also trustful, fun to be around and you have so many talents. I mean... You're so good at crafting!  Like... Wow... You're someone I value a lot as a friend but I also... I also... Hm..” He got quiet and scratched his foot against the rocky surface. ”What I'm trying to say is... I...” Raphio started to mumble something, looking away from Neferia. ”I...” But before he could say something more he felt his hands being hold gently but steady by the other riptoc. ”Hey, I have something for you too Raphio. Calm down.” Neferia said with a kind tone in her voice, before letting his hands go again, walking over to a bench to get something and then returns. She took his hand once again, still with her big smile, reassuring him that everything was okay.
”Here you go.” The male riptoc could now see what she gave him. An envelope... ”Huh? But you didn't had to-” Neferia hushed him, and waited for him to open it, while looking very eager too. He obeyed her and started to unfolding the envelope, picking out a card which at first seems to be empty like his, but the other side is another story. He gaped, being really shocked over what he saw, and his blush which had managed to dissapear returned once again. ”You mean...?” He asked, but the answer he got was pretty simple. Neferia took some steps closer to him, reached out her hand and grabbed his with a firm grip. She then looked in his eyes for a few seconds before she placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. Raphio blushed even more, and giggled nervously, but reached out his free hand at her direction, giving her a questioned look as if in asking for permission. ”You may.” Neferia answered, then giggled when Raphio pulled her into his arms, but he was too shy to do more than that. He was holding his right arm around Neferia's waist and his left hand was still holding her smaller right hand. They looked at each others for some seconds, both still blushing until Neferia finally spoke. ”And here I though I was going to be the one that confessed first.” She said jokinly while giving the cards a amused glance. They had ended up falling on the floor, but their love for each other wouldn't end that easy. Heck, it had just begun. ”You did. I never did.” Raphio answered, still blushing, but he gave her a warm smile. ”I... I love you Neferia.” There, now he succeeded in saying it at least! And the reward was being kissed on both his cheeks. ”And I love you too, Raphio.” Neferia happily answered him. The End / A new beginning
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zmayadw · 3 years
Hello, hello!
Time to continue. I’ll post 2 parts again, so lets begin..
First one :)
PART 11        
Jessy came to Aurora shortly after, finding Phil and me sitting in the booth laughing and chatting. „You two are awfully cheerful.“ She said nearing us. „Hey Jessy“ i chimed back cheerfully „Well, Phil is a good company, how not to be cheerful.“ Phil grinned at her, wich made her look both of us skeptical „Yeah, yeah, if you say so.“ „Aww, sys,  dont be so cruel.“ He teased her. She made a face at him, turning to me „You ready? Im starving!“ „Ready“ i told her, taking my stuff and getting up. „Cya, Phil, thanks for everything.“ I said, smiling at him. „No worries, Maya, glad we talked. Dont be a stranger.“ He said, winking at me as he got up and went towards the bar. „What was that all about?“ Jessy asked as we left the Aurora. „Oh, nothing really.“ I replied, wich made her look at me with doubt. I quickly tried to change the subject „So, where are you taking me for lunch?“ i asked, grabing her under her arm. „I tought some junk food is what we need after last nigh, hamburgers and fries might be a good choice.“ She grined. „I totally agree.“ We walked to the hamburger place, wich wasnt far from Aurora. We sat at one of the tables, and ordered some food. As we waited for it, she told  me how Dan managed to wake up just before she left, begging her to drive his car back, and bring him some food. „He can really drive me crazy sometimes!“ she told me. „Aww, c'mon, thats why you like him.“ I teased, and she laughed. Our food arrived, and we started eating. After a while, i finaly told her, between my bites „I saw Jake last night.“ Jessy almost spat her drink. „What?“ she almost screamed „What? Where? Talk!“ I told her all about it, from the hoodie part, to where i left him standing. When i was done i added desperately „I messed up everything again, Jessy. I didnt hear him out, i was just so tired and frustrated.“ I sighed tiredly „Why is it always so hard with him?“ i paused before i said, sadness creeping in my voice „I just dont know how much more i can go on like this.“ Jessy looked at me, sympathy and care all over her face „I know, Maya. Its hard sometimes, God only knows how much.“ She started „Im just gonna say one thing. Just be totally sure you tried everything there is to get to the bottom of things with him, to be on the clear, once and for all.“ She paused before continuing „I can see how much it pains you, and i see you really care for Jake.“ „I do, Jessy, more then you can imagine. But im tired, so tired of constant fights with him, and not getting anywhere.“ „I know. And i really hope you will resolve it soon.“ She looked at me, giving me a reasuring smile „In the mean time, you can talk to me whenever you need a shoulder to cry on.“ I smiled „Thanks, Jessy. I really appriciate it, you have no idea how much it means to me. Im really greatful to have you in my life.“ She looked at me, took my hand and squeezed it „Im here for whatever.“ We continued with our food. When we wer nearly done, she oredered some food to take for Dan, and when it was done, we payed and left. As we walked back to the Auroras parking, Jessy asked me, all serious „Maya, what's going on with you and Phil?“ I looked at her „Aghh, its complicated.“ She stoped walking, and i did the same „Dont get me wrong, its non of my business“ she started „But to be honest, i've never seen Phil act like this, towards anyone. I think he's really into you, and, well, with all thats happening with Jake..“ „Dont worry, Jessy“ i said „I actually had a long conversation with Phil about all this earlier.“ She looked surprised „He knows  about Jake?“ „Not exactly. I didnt mention Jake per se, but he knows something is happening.“ I paused before continuing „I like Phil, Jessy, and he knows it. But we came to a mutual understnding about it all, so noone could get hurt in any of this mess.“ She continued walking „Aright, thats good. He is a jerk sometimes, but he's my brother, and i do wish him well.“ „I know, Jessy, and trust me, i dont want for anyone to get hurt here. I hope all will get in the clear soon.“ „I hope so too, Maya“ she said, as we came to Dans car „I really hope so, for both your sake, and the others.“ She gave me a tight hug, before entering the car, and smiled „Im here if you need me.“ „Thanks , Jessy, same here.“ She started the car, honking as she drow off , me waving her as i entered my car. Driving to the motel i tought about all that Jessy told me. I hoped she was right, and things will get clear soon. I really was torn inside. I had some decisions to make, and not an easy ones. And i was scared.
When i got back to the motel i realized i left everything in such a mess, and decided to clean it. I collected the sutff  thrown all over the floor. I grabed Jakes hoodie, burrying my face again in it and taking a deep breath. Damn, i tought, i wish i could talk to him, i need to know what will be with us. If there even is a possibilty of 'us'. And all that was going on with Phil was making me confused. My phone rang then, and i quickly put the hoodie on me before answering it. I checked the caller, it showed no number.. Could it be Jake? Then again, why would he hide his number? I answered the call „Hello?“ but there wasnt any replie. I said 'hello' few more times, before whoever was on the other side ended the call. Strange,i  tought, but decided to ignore it, someone probably just dialed the wrong number. I continued with cleaning, realizing i should get some laundrey done. I saw a self-service laundrey in town, i should wisit it tomorrow. When i was done, i decided to try and do some work. I sat at the table, opening my laptop, putting some music on. It always helped me while working, and this time wasnt any different. At some point, i checked my phone ,it was past midnight. Nice, i managed to finish on the project i took, without any interruption. I closed the laptop and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. As i got to bed, i thought of Jake again. I hoped we would talk soon, i meant what i said to Jessy earlier, i really didnt know how much more i can go on like this. I sighed, closed my eyes, wishing sleep comes fast.
           When i woke up i felt quite rested. Even tho my mind was a complete mess, i had a good night sleep. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed. I took the laundrey, grabed the car keys and my purse and headed for town. I parked near the self-service laundry place and took the stuff from the car. Putting the laundrey to be washed, i decided to go for coffe while it wasnt finished. I left the laundrey place, and walked to the coffee shop near by. I sat at the table outside, and ordered myself a big coffee and a toasted sandwich, might as well get some breakfast since im here. I took my phone out checking for some more work and found few interesting ones. Some alone time just working might be what i need now. I checked the news feeds and mail while drinking coffe. Jessy called at some point, telling she will be going to her sister for a few days, apologizing for leaving me on my own. I told her not to be silly, that i'd be working mostly eitherway, so she felt a bit less guilty about it. She promised we'll meet as soon as she's back, wich i acceptet cheerfuly. I was done with coffee so i paid and left. I collected my laundrey, deciding to get some stuff from the store before heading back to the motel, so not to do unnecessary trips to towns center every little while working. When i was done, i got all the stuff and headed back to the motel. I putted the stuff away, and clean laundrey in the closet. I went out of the room to get some ice from the machine by the entrance to the motels office. When i got back, i poured a drink  and took my phone. There was a missed call on it, and the number was hidden. Again? What the heck, i tought. Work was calling, so i dismissed it from my toughts, and focused them on working instead. I worked till late again, before deciding i had enouhg, chrasing to bed.
The next day i spent most of it working. I stopped only to eat and drink something in peace, and i took a short walk to stretch my legs a bit. I took a shower before going to bed, luling my self to sleep with some movie on the tv.
On the next morning, after i got up, i decided to quickly go to town for some fresh coffee. I drove to town, stoping at the caffee and getting myself the biggest 'coffee to go' they had, heading back to the motel. I got back to working, but was interupted by my phone ringing after a while. I checked the phone, and smiled when i saw who the caller was. „Well, if it isnt my favorite barkeep!“ i cheerfully said in my phone. „Hello gorgeous.“ Phil answered me. „Where you hiding at?“ he asked. „Oh, im at the motel. Working my ass off.“ I told him. „I'v been lazy with it lately, so it's taking its tol on me now.“ „Aww, sorry to hear that.“ He said „But, even so, you need to take a break. Bring that pretty ass of yours to Aurora tomorrow night, we'r having a party!“ he said cheerfully, and before i could even start to protest „And i'm not taking a 'no' for an answer here!“ „Aww, c'mon Phil, thats not fair.“ i started teasingly „You took all the fun out of it! I'm good at protesting!“ He laughed „I bet you are. So, see you tomorrow?“ „Ofcourse.“ I said, adding „Hey, Phil, whats the party for, by the way?“ „Oh, right, i keep forgeting you're not from around here.“ He said. „And i tought Jessy might already told you.“ „Nop, she didnt tell me anything, and since she is with your sister, we havent really spoken much these last few days.“ „Ahh, i see.“ He said „Well, in that case, it's the Aurora's opening day anniversary, and its pretty packed for that night,with drinks being cheeper. So be sure to come early, i'll save you a seat at the bar.“ „Thanks, Phil. I'll bring myself and my pretty ass then.“ I said teasingly „Thats the spirit!“ He chimed. „Alrighty“ i said. „See you tomorrow, then.“ „Cant wait.“ He said „Laters, Maya.“ That migt be fun, i tought. And if im lucky, i might finish with work by tomorrow morning, so some fun would be like a reward for it. I continued working, and was happy that i actually finished before i tought i would.I  checked the time. It was almost 3 in the morning! Ohh, guess i would sleep till late again tomorrow. And i didnt mind. The work was done, i had nowhere to rush, some sleep will do me good. I crushed to bed, burrying myself under the covers, sleep coming almost instantly at me.
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