#and walk tf away from all that smoke for a bit
savagebisand · 8 months
We need to talk about Boeing...
You cannot fool me JoJo. As fortuitous as I feel to see Mond's gorgeous scheming face on my screen once more, I do not believe for one second he is only going to cause mayhem for TopMew. You may argue SandRay have enough to deal with for now drama wise, Rays journey in rehab, whatever Ray's father asked of Sand, the apartment fight. I will simply say to you my brethren, enough is never enough for JoJo. That beautiful conniving bitch. Love that man.
In the preview we see Boeing is causing issues for Top and Mew. in the words of Taylor it was so nice everyone being friends again. There Mew was giving Top a second chance. buT lo and behold there has been a Boeing a Hoeing around these parts. This was not something Mew was envisioning having to intercept on his merry skip of sweet mercy.
But whatever. Mew is gonna do what Mew gotta do. We need to talk about the Boeing of it all more. He's here and he's ready to stir up chaos. He's diving in balls first baby. Clearly quite happy to be Tops on call emergency fuck service when the insomnia pills just won't do it, this does not surprise me one bit. It makes sense to me he'd compete with Mew for Top. Boeing has always been in some pointless game with himself of becoming Tops priority. Or at least something that Top cannot completely let go of.
What surprises me more is that we aren't seeing more drama for Sand with shitty ex boyfriend of the year back in town right when Sand thinks he can finally be the first choice of someone he has come to love. How is this gonna set him back? After all, Top assured Sand that Boeing and him were long done. If Sand sees them together, it's clearly not the case now. How will he digest that? The mere mention of not being enough for Boeing set Sand off on vengeance is my middle name mode not too long ago. He's never been great at holding Boeing accountable for his part in fucking off with Top and leaving Sand in the dirt.
Because here's the thing. No matter how Sand sees it Boeing was not "stolen", Boeing made a choice. And is seemingly still making that choice, Top to the detriment of his own well being every time without fail. I am so very hopeful that seeing Boeing clinging to Tops scraps of attention again will wake Sand up enough for him to get the closure he needs from his ex being around, leave Boeing fiending after Top and come to the realisation that Boeing would've never been right for him. Never would've put him first the way Ray is at least trying to choose Sand's love right now, choose getting better in rehab even though it'll feel like it nearly fucking kills him for Sand's love.
But on the other hand, with Ray away in a rehab, experiencing relapse and withdrawal and having moments where he switches back to the old cold Ray on his journey to find his best healed self, there leaves room for Sand to feel scared and lonely and doubtful too. Perfect time for someone like Boeing to slink on in and play with those emotions... I just really hope Sand shows us how he's never yielded to anyone like he does for Ray with this messy bitch and doesn't give in to Boeing's flimsiness this time around. I want Sand to get the chance to finally hold Boeing accountable for his part in the downfall of their relationship instead of pinning it all on this rivalry with Top.
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ellie with a mean gf!
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(prjoecting like a mf rn...)
a/n - i have been very unmotivated to write full-fleshed stuff so i'm deciding to write drabbles/headcannons for now. also THANK YOU FOR ALL THE ATTENTION ON CH.1 OF GOOD LUCK, BABE! it makes my heart smile that you guys love it so much... also😭😭...: @sweetcici11 srry that i lied and said ur fic would be out a few nights ago. i'm really trying to finish it but i don't want to rush it and it be shitty. i really want it to be enjoyable and as good as it can be. but i PROMISE you it WILL be posted... sooner or later! i also have a few more drafts to finish too, so, i hope you guys like them when they come out!!!!!
content warnings - fluff, i'm a bitch and i want to feel loved and think that someone can put up with my cuntiness😝😝 , over-usage of commas probably, i think they're low-key kind of toxic?!?!?!?! , guys i promise i'm not this bad i've just been pretty insufferable these last few days and need an outlet 😭😭 .
i wrote way more than i thought i was going to...
- you both hated each other at first. ...well actually, you hated her, and she was like, "😞😞" and then got used to it after a while and started being mean back 2 u!!
- dina introduced ellie to you when you both were hanging out with her. "you guys are going to love each other🥰!" ... you didn't 🤗 !
- ellie said hi to you and all you did was look her up and down, stare at her for a few seconds and then turn your head.
- everytime ellie would (attempt to) strike up a conversation you would give an overtly enthusiastic response or just stare at her like she had two heads or just blatantly ignore her. dina is over there like, '😟😟 . can we not have one good day...' when dina would leave for short periods of time and ellie was sure that you didn't like her, she would just talk about anything to get your blood boiling, our girl lllloooovvveessss to push buttons, we know this to be true.
- it got worse yet more tolerable after that. whenever she'd see you at gatherings or parties, you'd do your damnest to stay away from/avoid her. and she'd do her damnest to get you as upset with her as possible. it always ended with not-so-playful not-so-friendly banter!
- you were talking with jesse about something on the couch, and ellie came over and DELIBERATELY, DELIBERATELY... interrupted you 🤗 ! :
you shoot daggers at her face with your eyes, your jaw set hard and your eyes narrowed.
ellie tried to feign innocence, raising a brow at you after she looked over to see your facial expressions long after she felt them.. "what are you looking at me like that for🤨🤨?" , "i was fucking talking, you're being rude." , "if i have to get used to you being a bitch, you got to do the same." , you just huffed at her response and crossed your arms before walking off a few minutes after, realizing that the conversation you were having with jesse earlier was indeed over. ellie smirked to herself, victory was her's!
- she started calling you the nickname brat out of the blue... it blindsided tf out of you. here's the origin story!:
you look at ellie with a disgusted look on your face as she exhales smoke. her glazed over eyes meet yours before she offers the joint to you, out of genuine kindness. "want a hit?" she asked, forgetting how much of a bitch you were for, like, 0.2 seconds. you glare at her for a moment longer before plastering a sarcastic smile on your face, snatching the joint from her fingertips and dropping it onto the floor. you kept her eyes on yours as you stomped and smushed it into the ground.
now she remembered.
she stood up instantaneously, she was pissed. "what the fuck?!" she shouted, earning a few looks from some friends across the room. they strained their necks for a little bit before they saw you, it made sense now, and then turned back to the conversation.
you close your eyes for a slight second as a satisfied smile graced the corners of your lips. "you know i don't smoke, ellie." you responded with in a condescendingly sweet voice.
she didn't even argue with you. "you're such a fuckin' brat." she muttered under her breath before walking away. you had to try your very best to ignore the heartbeat in your pussy. (🤗!)
- she didn't get to see how much effect that title had on you that night, but she noticed afterwards.
- one time you didn't say anything to ellie during a hangout, distracted by someone you disliked more than her. ellie kind of missed it☹️☹️ .
you were brought out of your thoughts when you felt her cold hand touch your shoulder. when you noticed it was her who was doing it, you pulled back with a furrow of her brows. ellie smiled. there she was.
"you haven't said one mean thing to me since i've gotten here. are you dying?"
you scoffed as you pointed in the direction your anger was radiating from. it was a girl ellie saw here and there in jackson, sometimes she was paired with her during patrols, she wasn't crazy about her but she paid no mind to her existence.
"what?- what does this have to do with me-"
"what it has to do with you, is that you should feel honored that i can tolerate you... can't fuckin' stand that bitch."
ellie scoffed before speaking up once more, "oh, c'mon you're being dramatic. don't be a brat."
your eyes went wide for a second and as you turned away, she could see the cheek that was facing her turn an embarrassing shade of red. she found your weakness.
- when you guys started dating, no one, and i mean NO ONE, believed it. (i don't feel like writing how u two got together maybe if y'all like this enough i'll make a full-fleshed oneshot abt it😭.)
- joel saw you guys together... like, not arguing, and HER head on YOUR shoulder... he thought he got laced with acid for a quick second there... jesse felt like he missed a couple chapters and felt very sad that he hadn't caught onto it quicker... and dina was so proud of herself, "told you, you guys would love each other 😁." she's so smug, I LOVE HER!
- she constantly has to reprimand you like you're a child when you guys are around someone you obviously don't like for whatever reason. once whoever left the room, ellie'll pinch your shoulder or your thigh, whatever skin is on display at the moment, not too hard, just to get you to wince a bit. you'll make a face at her afterwards. "ow, what the fuck was that for ellie?" , "we can talk shit when we get home, don't make a scene🙄." you stress her out sometimes...
- just bcs you guys are together DOES NOT mean your attitude has gone away.
whenever ellie and you have gotten in an argument, you're always being extra sarcastic and EXTRA BITCHY just to get on her nerves.
"baby, have you seen my gun?" she asks you, breaking the silence voluntarily as she's two minutes from being late to patrol.
you don't look up to her, you keep on looking at the pages of an old magazine. "idk ellie, did you check to see if it was shoved up your ass."
she just stands there for a second like this 🧍‍♀️ , before sighing and walking somewhere else to find it. "i'll fuckin' deal with you later." she mutters under her breath, obviously annoyed. you smirk to yourself as you flip another page.
- she does love, however, that you've gotten gentler with her since the relationship blossomed between you two. very few people (dina and ellie... sometimes jesse.) can get you to stop, and ellie is proud of herself that she could add beast-tamer to the top of her list of many skills and talents.
- sometimes she has to calm you down, sometimes all it takes is a stare in your direction. ... well, it's oftentimes a glare... you're your own woman/person and a relationship will not restrict you from showing off your talents!!!!!
- ellie has to constantly keep you from getting into arguments that could harm you physically. although your craft of bitchery is amazing, you can't fight to save your life.
she'll be pulling you back like an angry barking dog on a leash.
"i could've fucking took h-" , "you overestimate yourself a lot, baby."
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occamstfs · 2 months
Higher Education
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Bit of a belated 4/20 TF! Reliving the heady days of his weed-filled youth may not help a professor's tenure track. Enjoy! -Occam
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It had been quite a while since Richard had cut himself some slack. He was on track to be tenured and the obligations and rigor involved gave him little time to himself. His department has really become more of a family to him than his estranged once loved ones. He spends more waking hours in this office than any room of his spacious home. Today he’s burning the midnight oil yet again as he mars a doctoral candidate’s thesis draft in red ink.
Seeing just how much of a scarlet mess he has left for this poor student he pauses to make himself a cup of tea. He certainly doesn’t want to be seen as too critical or crotchety, though he feels assured that his students know this. Upon returning to his desk he finds a small wrapped gift box resting squarely on the marked up essay. He knows precisely who it is from and chuckles as he looks at the kitschy weed-themed wrapping paper. 
Picking it up he hears something small and light shake around in the box. The tag reads: “Happy 4-20 Old Man, why not live a little- your favorite Candidate, Mac.” Slowly unwrapping it Richard smiles wistfully as he recalls way way back to when he was in undergrad. Walking down smoke filled dorm hallways bleary-eyed as he contributes to it. Just smoking grass on the main lawn welcoming anyone to open their minds at these little sessions. An alarm goes off on his computer shaking him from his reverie as he sets the gift down to respond to the pile of emails that have accrued today.
Richard begins his cookie-cutter responses to colleagues, scratching backs and brown nosing as need be to advance his own career. Not too long into this dull work however does he begin to smell that unmistakable skunky scent coming from Mac’s half opened gift. He scoffs and rolls his eyes, shocked that his subordinate would fully shepherd drugs into his office before pausing to remember that weed is legal here, in this state at least. He tosses the box in the bag making sure the scent can’t escape as he returns his attention to the ocean of busywork.
He cannot find purchase however as he finds himself impossibly distracted, the tea he made tastes bitter in his mouth and every so often he smells a whiff of the joint hiding in his bag. Richard rushes through a couple of responses before checking the clock and realizing Mac was right, partly that is. He can afford to head out a little early. It is a holiday of his youth after all, he thinks to himself smiling mischievously as he grabs his coat and heads to his home. 
Tenured he may not be but he makes enough to live incredibly close to campus. It’s about five so theoretically the work day is over anyway, but he lives close enough that should there be need he could easily return. He would be happy to even, he puts his hand in the bag and fingers the ripped paper of the gift box. Patting it as if to say maybe another time, though resolving to chew out Mac for such an inappropriate gift. 
Tossing his bag on a chair and entering his quiet home he pours himself a drink and heads to watch the daily news. As soon as it touches his lips though he spits it out all over himself. It was beyond revolting, for the life in him he can’t figure out why though? It’s what he always has as a treat isn’t it? He wipes up his mess and grills himself as to what on Earth caused him to do that. Going down the list of possibilities he finds himself distracted as wafting from his open bag is the impossibly alluring scent of Mac’s joint. 
For a time he just sits and stares at his bag, mulling over any real consequences there could be to just letting himself smoke just this once. He’s sure his colleague Dr. Bennet can barely go a school week without smoking away at least a day. Flicking the metaphorical angel off his shoulder he decides to go for it. It’s just one joint, what could possibly go awry.
The doctor takes one massive hit and remembers that whatever the kids are smoking today is leagues more intense than the kush he had back when. He coughs heartily and stumbles into his kitchen to get some water, smiling as he remembers the old adage that coughing actually gets you higher. He pours a cup for himself, spilling a tad over the counter and neglecting to clean it up.
Richard decides to throw on a record before returning to his joint once more. God he remembers loving nothing more than just sitting and watching his wax spin on his player as smoke danced in the air. He reclines back and immediately feels more at home. He’s lived here for almost a decade now and never has he felt more comfortable than this moment. He laughs at himself wondering why he’s waited so long to smoke again. Maybe he should text Mac and thank him?
At this his phone rings and he sobers up almost immediately, his first couple hits washed away as he sees a text from his department head. He holds the joint with his lips as he uses both hands to unlock his phone, smoke sailing wistfully past his eyes as he starts to read it. Sitting there looking at the bright screen of his phone alongside the ever increasing smoke though his eyes quickly dry and he sets it down. How important could it be anyway? The workday is over; he is under no obligation to respond, he reasons. Surely it’s nothing. He sets his phone down and goes to lie back on the couch and listen to his old music, taking another massive hit.
He struggles to kick his shoes off as they suddenly grow uncomfortable on his feet, almost as if they were a couple sizes too small, that can’t be right though as if his feet were growing in his old age. He laughs at the idea, picturing clown feet at the bottom of his thin legs, not seeing in reality that his feet are starting to strain his socks. Nor could he possibly notice as their odor begins to mingle with the overpowering smell of weed filling his den.
His phone vibrates again and he furrows his brow before his eyes glaze over as intended. His clothes all over begin to feel a little uncomfortable on his body. He grimaces wondering what exactly the move is before duh, this is his house! He hits himself on his head as he decides to just strip, he was always half naked smoking outdoors back then he may as well do so in his own house. Taking off his clothes he doesn’t notice as there is a skip in the record as it changes, the grooves warp, harden, and shrink as his pristine record collection diminishes into a massive, slightly disheveled CD collection. Richard certainly doesn't notice as he scratches at his chest, the only thought in his head as he rips his joint once more is “Man, I love this song.”
He giggles once more as he hears his stomach rumble and he recalls what a persistent issue the munchies have always been for him. In fact it was one of the reasons he quit back in his grad school, he simply couldn’t afford all the weed along with the food budget that satisfying his cravings demanded. Shouldn’t be a problem now though, he thinks, he is an, uh? Pausing as the haziness sets in his eyes burning pink as the thoughts in his head slow. He’s a professor right? Though his mind slows he continues his steady crawl to raid whatever snacks lie in his cabinet.
There he, surprisingly, finds a stoner’s paradise. The shelves are lined with chips and cheap pastries beyond imagination. He once more holds the joint in his mouth as he reaches deep to double fist some bags of chips, tacitly continuing to smoke as his stomach rumbles in jubilation. In his gluttony he drops bags to the floor and laughs letting the joint fall to the floor wondering if the five second rule applies to weed, guffawing some more. He hears his own voice in his head telling him to keep it down but as if he’s going to listen to that square.
He turns up his CD player’s stereo in protest as his inner monologue grows more agitated. Dude you’ve gotta turn it down, you share a wall with the neighbors. He stuffs his hand in the potato chips and starts devouring them as he reflects on this. Shares a wall? But that would be he lives in a duplex, or wait? He looks around his place and sees it smaller than he remembers it, right? Continuing to scarf chips getting grease all over his hands and face as, so far beyond his notice, it begins to produce more oil itself than it has in decades. 
Continuing to snack he hears his phone ring as his boss is fully calling him now. Stumbling up and over to his phone Richard doesn’t notice as his thighs begin to fill his underwear. He had lost a lot of weight from his long years of working and now that he is finally indulging once more it seems a healthy weight is returning. Rubbing together as he makes his way to the couch, the friction draws his attention to just how pleasurable physicality is when he’s high. Gosh he needed this. 
He grows distracted as he arrives at the couch, his phone stops ringing before starting up again as his Department head calls once more. Seeing her contact picture appear he says aloud, “whatever bitch” laughing like an ass as he hangs up on her and sets his phone to do-not-disturb. Once more there is a buzz in the air as the music set up changes once more. Phone now in hand he starts to play music the only way he has ever known, wrinkles and the few gray hairs that remained totally disappearing from his face as he presses skip on his phone and is awash in adoration as his all time favorite album starts playing. 
He sits there and just takes in the music as he rubs his slightly distended stomach. Grimacing as he thinks he should start hitting the gym. He hears Mac all the time talking about how much he loves hitting the gym high. His heart suddenly flutters as he thinks about Mac and grows giggly again. He feels a pang in his head that such behavior is inappropriate. He is a prof- He’s a? His mind strains to recall what exactly he is. His eyes search the room looking for any hints before landing on the TV seeing the Daily News that has been playing through it all suddenly turn to static before coalescing into the video game Mac was always talking his ear off about in office hours. In the once professors mind though the only thought present is, Fuck! I love this game!
Energy surges through his body as he searches for a playstation remote. His pulse races as his excitement grows and he feels a desperate urge to stretch. He feels as his tendons extend. Rubbing his arms across his torso he feels his increased weight begin to coalesce into firm yet weighty muscle. His hands twitch and scratch against his increasing strength as he controls on the couch, moaning and laughing at just how lascivious this pleasure is, his voice vibrating deeper as the pitch of the song and video game blast louder in his head. Haha wait a second, he thinks, I’m so fuckin’ sore I must already be going to the gym faded with Mac right?
He blushes and stretches some more, feeling his back arch and his tight torso stretches to its limit before surging beyond it. His arms raised behind his head they grasp at air and feel the sought after remote and a hat which he instinctively throws on. Ah this hat is Mac’s isn’t it! He is briefly confused once more as he tries to remember what exactly his relationship is with Mac. It’s? He’s, are they roommates? Rich looks around the room, eyes shifting to where there once was a record collection, no a CD stand? Why would he need either of those though haha, as if Mac’s apartment has space for that!
Mac’s apartment. The thought repeats many times over in his mind and his eye twitches as he feels a pain that the high cannot make pleasurable. Grimacing, he decides to try and focus on the game. Black ink slowly staining his body as he clicks buttons. After little time at all though he realizes, fuck, it’s been so long since he’d hit that joint hasn’t it?
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Pausing his game he uses his bleary eyes to scan his apartment floor for the roach. He didn’t drop it in the chip bag did he? He checks far too quickly to possibly see it before giving up. There’s gotta be an easier way to smoke some more right? Out of the corner of his eye he sees the rocks glass he was using as a stupid smile inches across his face. Through the haze in the room the only thing Rich can see when looking at such a cylinder is a bong. Rich reaches for it, the glass growing taller and embellishing as he does. In a fluid motion he snatches it and starts to stumble around and look for a lighter. 
Lucky for him in Mac’s apartment they seem to be scattered around as if they were decoration. Thinking of Mac his mind is a sea of conflict again and there is a sudden urge, a craving, a need to smoke right now. He lights the bowl and before he even inhales from the beyond filthy bong he is at ease once more. Smoke rocketing into his lungs he holds back a coughing fit before a giggle breaks the line and he loses control. 
Between each cough he feels himself lose something. He sees Mac and laughs at the idea that he could ever be in charge. Mac’s older than him, right? He sees an unfamiliar house that he could never afford as it turns to static and shrinks into a small one bedroom apartment that doesn’t even have his name on the lease. He sees a degree he sees multiple degrees and not only can he not imagine himself having the willpower to get them, he laughs at the idea that he would even want to sit through a single college course. Smoke fills the air as if he were hotboxing the apartment and he rubs his body as hair pushes its way out of his skin. He needs to shave, Mac like him smooth. 
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Feeling his body once more, flexing his bare body against the couch and rubbing his hands across his itchy stomach smiling without a care in the world or a thought in his head he hears a key turn in the front door. His eyes stay closed as his smile grows wider and the only man, the only thing, that matters to him in the world approaches. Mac stands over him, dressed in a suit as he clearly came from the campus and says, “Miss me, Dick?”
Dick’s eyes burst open more bloodshot than could possibly be healthy and he stares wordlessly, longingly, into the eyes of the man domineering over him. He’s a little confused at what the smirk on his face could mean, but Dick is confused most of the time, so he’ll just wait for Mac to explain! 
He doesn’t. Mac leans in close to Dick’s ear and just whispers, “Happy 4-20 Doc. Thanks for giving in.” Then puts his mouth over Dick’s before his mind could even recognize the words being said. He loses control instantly without a hand touches his cock as it expands heartily, no underwear to hold it or his cum back as he forevermore loses control over his mind, of his life. Not that he minds, how bad could life be with someone as nice and great as Mac watching over him! The two continue to make out on Mac’s couch, not caring for the cleanliness of the suit as the bong is knocked onto the table. From now on there is little at all that Dick would care about at all besides his master, his Mac.
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whyse7vn · 7 months
[ ot7 x reader ]
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8 participants - 7 online
jimin: namjoon is having an episode rn
y/n: is it a beach one?
jin: don’t think it’s a beach one
jk: i think we’re gonna go to jail :/
yoongi: how tf did the gc even get leaked?
hobi: it was god punishing us for our sins
yoongi: what
hobi: smoked some weed and god told me himself no joke
y/n: when are you not high at this point…
jimin: did you leak it hobi?
hobi: i’ll leak ur nudes
jimin: you don’t have my nudes
hobi: that’s what you think
jimin: ??
hobi: whattttttttt
y/n: /super srs
hobi: super shy
jin: i don’t like the way he’s shouting at us
jk: wow guys did you know that namjoon smokes crack wow i never knew that joon you smoke crack??? that’s a bit crazy 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨
jimin: yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!
jk kicked tae out of “EXO💜”
namjoon: ?????????????????
jk: he just called me said he has a new number
and to kick the old one idk
don’t shout at me again pls i’m sensitive
i know ur on crack pls don’t do anything crazy to me
i’m sorry
jk added (+82) 2 ******** to “EXO💜”
(+82) 2 ********: hey guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(+82) 2 ******** changed their nickname to “tae”
yoongi: telling you now it’s 110% his fault
jin: so why did u change ur number?
tae: funny story actually!
hobi: dear heavenly father
jimin: watch this story not be funny at all
tae: long story short it was leaked
jk: LOL 😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭🤣🤣🤣
ur right was a funny story
jin: shut up jungkook
jimin: ….
y/n: ok how was it leaked tho?
tae: so don’t be mad at me
but i was maybe at a party last night
and then i was talking to this girl (i only have eyes for u promise)
and i was SOOO sure that i knew her
so when she asked if she could use my phone to check the train times i was like ofc what the heck i’m a nice guy!
but she was like taking 7 years to find the train times she was looking for
and when i say she was taking ages she was taking AGESSS
and ofc i was at a party so i was in fact a little drunk
so naturally i needed to pee
and i was NOT about to hold it
when i need to go i need to go
so i left her with my phone to go pee
yoongi: ….
tae: and when i came back
guess what
jk: she turned into an ant???
tae: close but no
i couldn’t find her
jimin: how was that close??
tae: i was all like where did she go???
jk: maybe she needed to pee too
so i like stood there for 20 mins
and then i realised it doesn’t take girls THAT long to pee
like y/n pees in 2 seconds no joke
y/n: ?/?/!£:£,£&,&
jimin: maybe she was shitting
yoongi: why are we talking about girls going to the toilet….
then i was like that’s stupid girls don’t do that 😭
jk: yeah ur silly 😭😭
y/n: ???
hobi: hallelujah amen
tae: so then i started looking around for her
and then i asked hyungsik (was his party)
where ella was (that was the girls name so i thought)
jimin: white ass name
ella??? who is ella???
and i was like the girl who made that really good cake that one time??? with the long brown hair???
and he was like?????
and i was like????
then he was like don’t you mean d?
now i’m confused as fuck like who tf is d??
then he said the guy with the long brown hair who made us that really good cake that one time
so i was like whose ella then???
and he was like idk???
and i kid you not as soon as i started walking away from hyungsik and i saw the ella girl
with MY phone in her hands might i add
so i was like HEY WHO ARE YOU??
then she literally dropped my phone on the cold hard floor and ran away
the end
jk: wow that story was really emotional loved every second of it ❤️
tae: thank you people often tell me i have a way with words
jimin: so this ella girl leaked it then?
tae: i think so it only makes sense
namjoon: SO UR THE REASON THE GC WAS LEAKED??????????????
yoongi: told you
tae: no???
ella was the reason MY number was leaked that’s it
jk: i though her name wasn’t ella
tae: no ur right
y/n: how long did she have ur phone for?
tae: like 2 hours idk
namjoon: 2 HOURS WITH UR PHONE UNSUPERVISED?/):£:£:£,£,&,&
tae: ok she had my phone for like an hour 15 unsupervised
i was there for the first 45
namjoon: ARE YOU STUPID!/
tae: no my iq like 1500
yoongi: -1500
jimin: x 10
tae: why does namjoon keep shouting is he like getting shot at as we speak or something
hobi: oh gracious lord do you hear me?
jimin: tae go on twitter
tae: why
did yoongi unblock me omg? 🥺
yoongi: no.
jimin: just go look
hobi: save our souls oh mighty lord
makes sense tho!
how they find that out??
did you crack out in public or something?
you sniff crack or swallow?
sorry im not used to these type of drugs you gotta let me know how u consume
i’m new to this not true to this >.<
wasn’t he coked out at the airport the other day?
oh wait are coke and crack different??
i’m sorry i didn’t mean to offend u joon
crack users rise up 🙏🏼⬆️ (namjoon)
jimin: scroll down on the dispatch page
tae: omg is there a video of him or something??
y/n: even better!
OUR GC WAS LEAKED????/):)/££::&&:,&&;&;&:££:£:£;£:&;&:&:&:&:&;&;
yoongi: that’s the part that bothers you?
y/n look me in the eyes
jk: ur homophobia ones?
tae: what?
jk: hobi said
hobi: homophobia
y/n: heterochromia?
jin: hippopotamus
yoongi: wow
hobi: yoongi god hates us
yoongi: get a grip
jimin: dramatic lol
im sure people will still fuck with us even tho they know you guys kiss each other on the mouth pop percs and are a little racist
i mean look at nct!
bigbang still have fans right?
i’m pretty sure!!!
y/n: ?????????????????????????????
jk: racist
i hope
i thought jimin was sexist and fatphobic not racist oh my god 😥😥😥😰😰
it keeps getting worse
jin: idk what joons talking about actually this could be the end of HIS career
not mine
see ME personally i’ve done nothing wrong
this is like the start of my career actually
the end is nowhere is sight for kim seokjin
jimin: 12 year olds on twitter are dragging you for hating newjeans
jin: what
jk: wait yoongi broke woozi’s nose???
yoongi: no
y/n: HE DID
hobi: this is the end
jin: did woozi fight back????
personally i think woozi is a good fighter
i’ve said this before small men carry the biggest rage!!!!!
yoongi: idk a woozi
y/n: shut up
yoongi: kisses :3
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yoongi: HUH??????????
namjoon: oh my god i’m gonna shoot you all
hobi: see it starts with holly behind bars then it’s us next
jk: no 😰
hobi: everyone say sorry god
jk: i’m sorry god please forgive me and my friends
yoongi: why did they actually put my dog
behind bars
what the actual fuck did my dog do
who makes these things
why is my dog behind bars
jk: do you think i can survive jail…
tae: ofc i’ll fuck for you!
*fight for you
jimin: wtf????????
tae: i was thinking about y/n sorry
jk: you mean it 🥺
tae: is cheese on the floor?
y/n: what does that even mean
jk: yes 😭
hobi: i see the light
god is that you???
namjoon: ur pissing me off stop speaking
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jk: i’m sorry namjoon 🥺
namjoon: is that sarcasm?
jk: who?
namjoon: all of you can kill yourselves
namjoon left “exo💜”
jin: ok but i didn’t even do anything
tae: so like…. is this fr my fault?
yoongi: yes ❤️
part one HERE
sorry LMAO this is ass whyse7vn funny comeback soon i pray >:(
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @kooksmilitarywife @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @indigobsessed @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @leleluvsbts @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @yojaschill @k4ngelz @junghoseokshusband
278 notes · View notes
hausofmamadas · 1 year
| Our man in Mexico |
Pairing: Andrea Nuñez x Horacio Carrillo
For @narcosfandomdiscord Summer of Smut Alphabet: July 1 - [A] Angry sex
Word count: ≈ 2.5K
TWs: smut, biting, slapping, hair pulling andrea being her bestest, most cuntiest self
“Don’t ever make the mistake of thinking I need you.” After the fall of Escobar in Colombia, everyone's favorite hot-headed, helicopter-shucking Colonel Horacio Carrillo has managed to make it out with not just his life in tact, but with a clean enough reputation to make the DOJ's shortlist of military officials to head up a new military investigation of the alleged collusion between General Jesus Guttiérez Rebollo and the Juarez cartel. He's stationed in Tijuana, Rebollo's last base of operations, where he personally and professionally crosses paths with rebel-with-many-causes journalist Andrea Nuñez, still reporting for La Voz. But when he puts a gag order on all things related to the Rebollo scandal in an effort to protect her, Andrea's fed tf up. And tells him as much. right to his face. Only one question remains: what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? Carrillo fucks around and finds out.
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“Señorita! N— no puedes entrar ahí, por favor! He’s in a meeting. I can’t— If you don’t have an appointment, I can’t let you back there!”
Andrea walked over to the door of the embassy office without a word and barged through, tearing down the hall. The secretary scrambled from behind the desk like a spooked rabbit, little kitten heels click-clacking on the tiled floor as she struggled to keep up with Andrea’s long, steadfast strides. And this, ladies, is why it pays to wear sensible footwear. The poor woman was just doing her job but her frantic puttering and cries of, “Señorita! You can’t be back here!” only served to build the rage in Andrea’s chest more.
She stopped so cold and turned around so fast, the woman’s forehead nearly slammed right into her own.
Andrea crossed her arms. “Mira, vieja. You haven’t even called security, so unless you’re going to tackle me to the ground and throw me out yourself, and—“ she glanced down at the woman’s heels, eyebrow cocked smugly, “—you could try but I don’t think you’d get far in those— I’m getting into that goddamn office one way or another.”
The woman sputtered something unintelligible. Andrea couldn’t be bothered to let her piece a proper sentence together before cutting her off with a curt, “ya eso es lo que pensaba.”
She turned back and kept on tearing down the hallway, closer and closer to the door marked, ‘Colonel Horacio Carrillo’ in block letters that were just as uppity and patronizing as he was. Or maybe it was just because it was his office, the arrogant prick.
Sure, he was a legend back in Colombia. Sure, he helped take down the biggest, baddest drug trafficker the world had ever seen. But if this asshole thought a gag order was gonna fly in the wake of Rebollo’s mess — which, oh by the way, she helped to expose — he was deader than General Jesus Gutiérrez Rebollo’s reputation. She refused to be cowed by the AFO goons who followed her to her car on late nights after work. She certainly wasn’t going to be intimidated by this Colombian haircut. He wasn’t even threatening to slash her tires. So, what was a bit of healthy confrontation between friendly colleagues? Making an appointment would’ve just spoiled the mood.
As her hand landed on the door handle, she smirked at the sound of muffled voices inside. Huh. So, he really was conducting business. In Mexico, “he’s in a meeting,” was usually code for he’s actually chain smoking at his desk, on the phone chatting away with his mistress on company time. But no, it seemed Carrillo hadn’t been dodging the press. Maybe just her calls.
For a split second and against her own will, the image of him sitting at the bar flashed in her mind. The night she met him. Well, not him, him. Not as she knew him now, no more than a stranger, dressed like a dad, but in well-tailored khakis and a grey polo that fit far too smartly for him to actually be anyone’s dad. She’d come to find out he was divorced, no kids, so a dad he certainly wasn’t which, if the rumors she’d heard about Search Bloc were true, made more sense and still wasn’t comforting in the slightest. But she didn’t know about any of that yet.
Around here, strangers in dimly lit bars were seldom safe and fewer troubled themselves to even establish a pretense of safety. But he was a different, safer kind of stranger. She didn't know how she knew but she didn't. He must’ve been anyway, since she didn’t usually make it a habit of taking strangers back to her car after some pleasant, cheap conversation and a few shots of even cheaper bourbon.
And yet, that’s where he ended up. The back seat of her stationwagon, his firm lips encased against hers, breath deliciously hot and sticky on her neck, fingers ruthlessly digging into the flesh of her hips as she ground them down onto his, car windows all smudged with insistent palm prints that said something along the lines of, ‘mmm, that’s right. Yes, just a little closer.’ A couple of months later and those stupid smudges were still there. She noticed them crossly when she’d parked outside, moments before accosting the man’s poor secretary. She'd wondered aimlessly if he’d even know what they were if he saw them. Would she want him to? Maybe that’s why she was in such a foul mood. She didn’t know.
Shaking her head, the indecent image dissolved noncommittally into thick, black ink behind her eyelids, like answers disappearing in a magic eight ball. Outlook not so good, ask again later. Oh whatever, fuck off. I don’t even have enough sense to regret the whole thing. So just fuck off.
The momentum of the door swinging open fueled her ire again, and she breathed it in, soaking it up., letting it fuel her. When the handle smacked against the wall, three heads whipped around to stare at her in shock. It looked so rehearsed, she couldn’t resist the urge to crack a sly smile. Carrillo’s nostrils flared. Yeah, that’s right. Fuck off. She strode between the two suits seated at each corner of his desk, to face him across it. He barely moved an inch, elbows propped up on the armrests of that big, obnoxious executive chair he sat in behind the desk.
Leaning forward, knuckles pressed flat on the papers strewn across like all of it was hers, she said cooly, “Sorry to interrupt, Colonel. But you’ve been dodging my calls, so thought it best to pay you a visit. Call it professional due diligence.”
He was fuming, dark eyes lit with indignation and what else was it? Maybe panic. But all that Boy-Scout-School-of-the-Americas training must’ve kicked in because he didn’t miss a beat. “Mm. Due diligence? About what, exactly?
“To ask you a simple but very important question.”
He waited.
“To ask how— after only a few months, just how is it that you think you already own the journalists in this city? I thought the point of bringing in an outsider was to avoid corruption, not perpetuate it by silencing the people’s right to free press. Or is that how you rolled back in Colombia? You and your Search Bloc.”
He knit his brows and, as if he just remembered they were there, glanced at the two men still seated, who watched them with a combination of confusion and the voyeuristic enthusiasm of a housewife watching her favorite novela.
“Gentlemen,” Carrillo cleared his throat and motioned to the door, “we’ll have to pick this up later.” His jaw hardened, eyes moving from the door to Andrea, going from resigned to livid in mere seconds. “It seems, despite her due diligence, Ms. Nuñez must not be that great a journalist because she doesn’t know how to take ‘no comment’ for an answer.”
That was a low fucking blow and he knew it. Well, what the man lacked for in hospitality, he more than made up for in emotional range. One of the men tipped his hat as he stood up and gave a sheepish shrug before heading to the door. The other nearly tripped over his chair on the way out, seemingly unable resist the temptation to observe them with wonder like a couple of zoo animals. Two fingers to her forehead, Andrea gave them a tiny salute filled to the brim with disdain.
Once the door closed, she rolled her head back around to face Carrillo, who looked like he could throttle her right there.
“If I were a man, you’d hit me right now, wouldn’t you?” she said like it was a dare. Ignoring the blaze of shock all over his face, she continued to press, still leaning over the desk. “You didn’t answer my question.”
Carrillo opened a drawer and rifled around for something. He came out with a pack of cigarettes, pulled one out, lit it, and then leaned back in his chair with a heavy sigh.
He took an infuriatingly long drag, and exhaled the smoke in her face, so that an opaque cloud now filled the space between them. On purpose. Naturally. This wasn’t his first rodeo with angry reporters. But this was his first rodeo with her. She straightened upright, waiting for him to speak.
“Well, before I can answer that, I have a follow-up question.”
She crossed her arms, swinging one hip out to the side, “O, sí?” inviting him to continue treading on dangerous conversational ground.
Nodding, “Sí, sí,” he flashed a cynical smirk that dissolved into a glare as he looked up at her and gave a perfunctory tap of his cigarette into the ashtray on his desk. “Just who the fuck do you think you are, barging into my office like this?”
“Just who the fuck do you think you are, putting a gag order on all press inquiries relating to Rebollo’s trial?” she shot back.
He dragged long and deep from his cigarette again like it was an oxygen mask, then said dismissively, “It’s a big case. A lot of moving parts. You know the judge makes that call, not me.”
“Wow, you really must believe I am that bad at my job if you think I’m naive enough to buy that bullshit. As if you have no sway with Mexican judges who can be bought for less than a few pesos.” She laughed bitter as battery acid, “Venga ya pues. No me shingües con esas mamadas, cabrón.”
There was a beat of silence before he stood up, stubbing his cigarette out in the ashtray, saying through gritted teeth, “No. I don’t think you’re bad at your job.” He rolled his eyes, grumbling, “That’s the entire problem. Cierto? Sí porque eres una cachorra con un pinche hueso entre tus dientes.”
Her eyes narrowed. What the fuck was he playing at paying her a compliment like that.
“What? What am I supposed to say? Thank you?”
A tacit desperation crept under his glare now, an equal measure of anger and pleading for her to understand.
Oh, no. That’s when she put it together. Oh, hell no. Her face fell and she dropped her arms to her sides. No. No, he didn’t. He wouldn’t dare.
“No. No me digas que t—“
His glare melted, eyes full of nothing but pleading now as he stepped around the desk to join her on the other side.
“Okay, yes I talked to the judge. But Andrea, I only sugges—“
“No.” She backed away, dropping her bag on the ground. “Don’t do that. You don’t get to say my name like you know me well enough to patronize me this way.”
“You have to underst—“
“Understand?? What do I need to understand??? Hmm? What? That I might get hurt? That my job is dangerous? That journalists in this town have a short fucking shelf life? Or oh, that you what? You care now? You’re what? Trying to protect me?”
“Look, Andrea.” She wished he’d stop saying her name. “I know you're tough. You can take care of yourself. But this is bigger than you and you're not bulletproof. The pockets this Rebollo had his hands in? They’re more dangerous than some thugs following you to work or harassing you in the street. They’ll ruin your reputation, your livelihood, take anything you have, maybe even have you killed.”
“That’s never stopped me before.”
Carrillo pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “Andrea. After you’re gone, they’ll come after your colleagues, friends, family.” She could tell he was growing more defensive by the way he strained to keep his voice level. “Corruption on this scale does more than just ruffle feathers. The more you uncover, the further you dig, the easier it is to bury you and anyone you care for. And that’d be too hard to bear for anyone who might be starting t— well, maybe— who does care for you.”
Her chest burned. She was roiling with indignant fury, practically breathing fire, nostrils flared, hands balled into fists at her side. Este pinshe pendejo. They’d been working together for weeks now, and not once did it step outside the confines of professional conduct with the exception of the— well, it was just the one time. She’d assumed they were moving on because of course they were. What was one night in the backseat of her car when they were nothing to each other? Nothing. But now this, all of a sudden, out of the blue. Why? Because. Because he cared. Well, he’d neglected to fill her in on the feelings and the caring before taking it upon himself to violate a boundary, meddling in her work ostensibly on her behalf.
Oh, she was positively— she wanted— but no, she couldn’t— oh, but she fucking could though. She would if she could— she really could actually fucking punch him.
As she stood there, vibrating, ready to go nuclear, he stepped closer. “Now who’s the one who wants to hit someone?”
Barely beyond strangers, and yet, he understood her implicitly. It only made the whole thing all the more aggravating. He stepped closer again, until they were nearly chin to chin.
“Do it.”
She looked up, stunned. “Excuse me?”
“Do it,” he said again quietly, eyes virtually unreadable. “If that’s what you really want. Hit me.”
He was inscrutable. There was no more pleading. No humor. No anger either. Something else. Something baser. She thought about those smudges on her car window.
Her hand moved so quickly, he didn’t even have time to flinch. She slapped him. Hard. Hard enough to send him back a couple of steps. The blood rushed to his cheek, angry and red, as he turned back to face her with an expression of something like dazed admiration. He began to speak but before he got a word out, she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him close to bury him in a kiss so deep, the force of it nearly hurt her teeth. She inhaled the rumble that escaped from the back of his throat like it was a breath of life, before breaking away and shoving him back to sit on the desk.
Hooking his fingers in the belt loops of her jeans, he yanked her close, positioning her between his knees. She felt a tug at her hair as he pulled out her hair band. Catching his hand on its way down her shoulder, she brought it around her waist, sinking into another brutal kiss that had them both gasping for air. As one of her hands slid up the back of his neck, fingers threading through his hair and the other traveled down to palm the bulge in his pants, his hips bucked against hers and she felt a sharp sting as he bit her bottom lip. On reflex, she scrunched her fingers in the hair at the base of his neck and pulled so hard, he hissed.
Oh yeah, that felt good. She’d liked how it sounded and how he looked, head back like that, chin up, throat exposed. Getting lost in those deep, dark brown eyes, she kept him pinned in that position, regarding him for a moment. She suddenly found herself thinking about those nature documentaries on the Discovery Channel, ones where the lions take down gazelles, sharp canines puncturing their throats right there. His skin tasted salty as she tongued his neck in that very spot. If she were a wild animal, he’d be bleeding out on the floor for what he’d done. Trying to save the poor damsel-in-distress reporter from her own recklessness because oh, she can’t possibly know what’s good for her. That wasn't what it was until he made it that way. Co;onel Horacio Carrillo, our man in Mexico, nothing but a mouse in her trap.
Then she said, sincere but grave, “Don’t ever make the mistake of thinking I need you. I’ll never need you.” To soothe the wounded expression on his face, she planted a soft kiss on his mouth and trailed a few more along his jaw, mumbling as her lips made their way back down to his throat, “And that’s exactly why you love this.”
taglist: @drabbles-mc @narcolini @ashlingnarcos @cositapreciosa @narcosfandomdiscord
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eddies-house · 1 year
California Dreamin’
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Chapter Two - Milkshakes & Sunburns (18+ ONLY)
Ch. 1 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4
Modern!Eddie AU - In which Eddie travels to California searching for something more out of life. And then he meets you.
Warnings: mentions of drug use and alcohol, reader being insecure, mentions of a deceased parent, eventual smut in future chapters, let me know if I missed any :)
8.8K words
Eddie x Reader, Friends to lovers, Slow burn
<;- Prev | Next ->
Note: So I got carried away and just kept writing. Also got a bit discouraged but that’s ok cause I kept writing anyway 😅 I’d love to know what you guys think about it. I’m trying to better myself as a writer and I figure the only way to do it is to write what I want and post it even if I’m scared. Also it’s like a fanfic so who tf cares it’s just fun.
The mornings in summer were cool and a blessing before the hot California sun seized the rest of the day.  Birds chattered in the distance and lawn mowers hummed, giving off the scent of fresh cut grass.  The smell of bacon and the clatter of pots and pans snaps Eddie out of his slumber.  
Wiping drool from his mouth, he sits up throwing the sheets off of himself, his unruly curls sticking up in every direction, bangs smashed to each side of his temples.  
Stretching with a deep groan, he swipes up his shirt off the floor and tosses it on.  In the last few days he fell into routine with the household.  Breakfasts at the table rather than in a rush on his way out the door,  assigned chores, and of course a phone call to Wayne every other day, providing him updates on how he’s been doing so far.  
Wayne had been worried about Eddie prior to him leaving Hawkins.  His nephew wasn’t doing so well or at least that’s what it looked like in between all the drinking, smoking, and restless nights, hearing Eddie in his room every evening, doing anything but sleeping only for him to emerge in the morning with purple eye bags and bloodshot eyes.
It got to a point that Wayne didn’t know what to do anymore and god forbid, he wasn’t going to let his nephew, practically his son, drink himself to death.  Smoke himself out of reality.  Disappear right before him.  
Wayne was never one to bring up emotions or ask for help but he sure as hell wasn’t going let this continue.  Cringing at the thought of asking for any type of help or advice, he forced himself to call up the one person who might understand and be able to offer a smidge of hope to him.  Maybe tell him that his nephew isn’t too far gone and that he can get out of this rut.    Anything.
That’s when he called up Marlene, one of his oldest friends.  “Mar, I just don’t know what I’m sposed’ to do.  He’s walkin’ around damn near lookin’ like a corpse.”  He explains through his flip phone.  She suggests getting him professional help, therapy, something.  Wayne sighs, shaking his head.  “Y’know we don’t got the money for that.”  She then offers something that Wayne sees a glimmer of optimism in.  
She brings up an idea to have Eddie come stay with her, as long as he needs.  “He should get out of there, it won’t help if he has to be faced with harassment every day.  I think all the drinking and drugs provide him an escape.  If we get him out of there it could help.  He could find something out here, figure himself out.” She says.  Wayne is hesitant not because he doesn’t trust Marlene but he doesn’t trust people.
People have always made Eddie feel like the freak, the outcast, the murderer’s son.  Everywhere he went he was met with unforgiving stares, individuals whispering about him as he walked by, men of the town would even start fights with him.  Just to assert their dominance over him as if to say “know your place”.  Although they wouldn’t always win, Eddie was lean but he was strong.  Growing up in the trailer park had its perks and being able to pummel someone to the ground when he needed to was one of them.  
Wayne knew Eddie could hold his own physically but mentally he knew it destroyed him.  Being held to a standard that his father set when he was only seven stuck with him, Wayne knew even if Eddie never talked about it.  Refused to talk about it.  
So when Marlene awaits an answer on the other end of the phone, all Wayne can think about is how wrong it could go should someone out in California figure out Eddie’s past and treat him how he’s always been treated.  But then he envisions how right it could go too.  Eddie could start fresh, he’d have Marlene and Jocelyn and wouldn’t be completely alone, experiencing something other than Hawkins all by himself.  All he knew his whole life was Hawkins AKA Bigot Central.
He agrees and from there, he has to prepare to bring up the concept to Eddie.  It would only work if he was on board.  The idea of conveying his worry to Eddie in words was terrifying.  Munson men didn’t talk about feelings.
That evening when Eddie stepped into the trailer after work, kicking his heavy oil covered boots off, Wayne sat up from the couch.  “Ed, I need to talk to you.” He demands, gesturing to the spot next to him.  Eddie gives him a suspicious stare, pulling his hair out of the low bun he sported.  He slowly makes his way next to Wayne, plopping on the couch, the springs squeaking in protest.  
“Now, m’ not gonna get mushy with you but here’s what I will say.” Wayne starts.  “What you been doin’ lately ain’t good for you.  Drugs, drinkin’, work, repeat.  Comin’ home all banged up and bleedin’.” He explains, blue eyes staring straight into Eddie’s.  “Wayne we don’t need t—“ “I’m talkin’, son.  And you’re gonna sure as shit listen cause it’s what’s good for you.” Wayne is firm with his words.  Eddie’s lips press into a tight line as he waits for Wayne to continue.
“I get it, this town hasn’t been good to ya.  But that don’t mean you get to act like a goddamn college kid every night.  I figure there ain’t really any way to stop you but I talked to Marlene—“ “You called Marlene!  Why the fuck—“ Eddie is cut off again.  “She thinks it’d be good for you to stay with her for some time, however long you want.  Get away from these people, figure yourself out without havin’ to confront a mob everywhere ya go.”
“Wayne I can’t even afford to live in this shit hole of a town, how am I gonna pay rent out on the west coast!  Are you trying to set me up for failure!?” Eddie seethes, hands grabbing at his curls in distress.  Wayne feels hurt by his insinuation at first but comes to the conclusion that Eddie is scared, having known nothing but this small town his entire life.
Wayne closes his eyes and exhales.  “Ed, we’re tryin’ to help.  Marlene isn’t chargin’ rent, you just gotta help out.  Y’know chores.  Earn your keep.  She wants to help.  She knows how these people can be, she experienced it firsthand too.”  He says.  “I’m not charity—I-I’m not—“ Eddie struggles to find words.  “You’re family to her, Ed!  Remember!  Her and your mom, they were there for each other and that also means she’s there for you too.” Wayne voices, attempting to keep the emotion to a minimum.  Eddie’s big brown eyes soften and he slumps back against the couch.
He has no words and he refuses to go into this territory.  He can’t.  Without another sound, he stands up and heads to the bathroom, slamming the door to signify that this conversation is over.  
Wayne feels defeated and hopeless.  The rest of the night carries on, he eats one of his TV dinners on the couch watching Jeopardy like every other night.  Eddie is still in the bathroom, the sound of the shower is heard from where Wayne sits, the pipes singing through the walls.  Eventually the water turns off and minutes go by.  Eddie emerges from the bathroom, curls dripping and a towel around his waist.  He focuses on Wayne with intensity before softening his features ever so slightly.  “I’ll go.” He states before padding off to his room.  
He’ll never admit it but the smallest smile graces Wayne’s face.  
 Downtown is much busier than back home.  Cars are constantly speeding past, traffic builds up at the lights, and there’s a man selling fruit on the corner.  Eddie has witnessed so much in so little time as he walks along the damaged sidewalk.  So far he’s handed his resume to four auto shops.  Jocelyn assisted him in creating one that would stand out and highlight his skills.  
He finishes handing in the last copy to one more shop before they hire him on the spot, letting him know he starts on Monday.  Things are okay, things are going to be okay, he reminds himself through his doubt. 
On his way out he bumps into something, another body, shorter than him.  You let out a small chirp as you attempt to enter the shop but instead collide with something firm. 
“Sorry-“ you both say simultaneously.  You look up to find none other than Eddie Munson, now grinning down at you.  He smells like tobacco and something wood-like you can’t quite put your finger on.  It’s nice.  His curls are as wild as when you met him a few days ago.  “Hey.” He greets you, his eyes have a twinkle in them and you’re in a trance.  “I was just—“ you begin to stumble over your words.  “Something wrong with your car?” He asks.  “Y-yeah it’s making all this noise and I put off taking it in so… that’s what I’m doing…now.” You awkwardly answer.  
He leans in toward you before quietly saying “I could take a look at it.  If you want.  I won’t overcharge you unlike some—you know maybe we should talk outside.  I don’t wanna get fired when I haven’t even worked a shift yet.” He ushers you back out the front door of the shop, the air conditioning vanishing as the heat takes back over.  “You sure?  You don’t have to.”  You fiddle with the car keys in your hand.  
“Yeah it’s no problem.  You can drop it off at Mar’s and I’ll take a look at it when I get back.” He assures you.  “Wait, did you say you work here?” You backtrack.  He’s squinting at the sunlight as he answers.  “Yeah, just got hired actually.  Just don’t tell em’ I stole one of their customers.” He raises his brows and gives you a stern look although you can tell he’s playing around.  “Noted.” You agree, your face feeling hot and it’s not just from the sun.
There’s a silence among the two of you, you awkwardly shuffling your feet on the concrete.  “Not gonna lie, I don’t have shit left to do til’ Monday.” Eddie breaks the silence.  “So I could just take a look at your car now.” He admits.  With that, he follows you in his van back to Jocelyn’s house.  Meanwhile, you’re giving yourself a mental pep talk the whole way back, simultaneously scolding yourself for being so uncool.
Condensation drips down the tall glasses of lemonade as you carry them out from the house to the front yard where Eddie’s head is tucked beneath the hood of your car, the mid-afternoon sun blazing.  
Except when you left a few minutes ago to get him and yourself something to drink he was wearing a shirt.  Now he’s all sweaty, tattoos littered along his torso and chest, his hair in a low bun with some strands escaping to frame his angelic face, and his happy trail on display.  His rings are discarded on a small workbench he found next to the house that he had dragged over.
He’s gorgeous, lean but not pumped with muscle.  His arms aren’t bulging but the flex in his bicep when he moves his arm a certain way does things to you.  He has a rag hanging out of his back pocket, covered in grease.  The image before you is nothing like you’d ever seen before.
You try and shake the thoughts forming about him in your head, setting the glasses down on the workbench.  “Mar made some fresh lemonade with the lemons out back, so I brought you some.  Hope that’s okay.  Or I could get you water instead.” You watch as he tinkers with something in the engine, his tongue poking out the side of his mouth in concentration.  
“No, no, that’s perfect.  Thanks—fuck.” He grunts out of frustration.  “I’m gonna need to get a new part for your car.  Sorry about that, Peach.”  Peach?  “Probably not gonna be able to use it for a couple days til’ I find what I need.” He finishes.  You nod in understanding.  “Why—why Peach?” You ask timidly.  He shrugs.  “Just seem sweet is all.” He smiles and glances at you for a brief moment as he messes with something else in the engine.  “Like a peach.”
“Jocelyn’s got a nickname too.” He continues, voice somewhat muffled since he’s hovering over the engine again.  “Oh?” You urge him to complete his thought.  “Yeah, fuckin’ grumpy ass.” He turns to you, a playful smile tugging at his lips.  At this you laugh.  “Do you know the shit she’s given me in the short time I’ve been here?  Almost beat me to a pulp for taking too long in the bathroom. I mean Jesus Christ.”  Eddie’s rolling his eyes dramatically.  “She has a way with words.” You state, watching as he finishes up and closes the hood.  
His hands are covered in black streaks, some sneaking their way up his forearms as well.  “Well, so do I.” He says, taking the rag out of his back pocket and wiping his hands off.  As he turns his face to the side you can’t help but notice a little silver hoop earring dangling from his ear.  
There it is again, that hot and heavy feeling.  You feel your cheeks starting to tint pink and you can only hope that he doesn’t notice.  “But I’ll—uh let you know when she’s done.” He taps the hood of your car twice with his hand.  “If you’re okay to leave it here.  Really wouldn’t recommend driving it home at this point.  Could’ve fallen apart on you at any moment, Peach.” He enunciates the nickname with a grin.  This is so embarrassing, you can’t stop the color from taking over your cheeks, can’t even look him in the eye with how charming he is.  
“Yeah, no for sure.  It’s not like I drive to work anyway.” You say crossing your arms nervously.  He grabs his shirt from the workbench, draping it over his shoulder before grabbing the glass of lemonade, taking a long gulp.  And god, how could he look so good doing the most mundane things?
“Well I’m gonna go get cleaned up.  You need me to drive you home or are you gonna hang here?” He asks.  “I uh, think I’ll just hang out til Jos gets home.  She should be here soon.”  You take a sip from your glass.  Eddie gulps down the rest of his lemonade, some of it escaping the glass and trickling down his chin and to his chest.  Why was everything he did so erotic to you?  
“Thanks for the lemonade.” He says, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, a small smile appearing.  His face is flushed from the heat, lips a pretty shade of pink.  You can’t seem to respond before he’s sauntering back into the house, leaving you a flustered mess in the yard.
You’d been waiting around for Jocelyn in the garage for around an hour before texting her, asking her where she was.  Her college classes should have ended already.  She responds letting you know that she was at the library with a study group, not sure how long she’d be.  
Sighing, you kick your feet up on the coffee table.  Guess you were going to have to find something to do with your evening which wasn’t uncommon.  You always hung out at Jocelyn’s even if she wasn’t there, busying yourself with playing with the dogs or helping out Marlene, even working from your laptop.  
Jonathan would probably also be at the study group which meant Argyle would follow him and Will and El wouldn’t be coming around tonight since he was their ride.  In a way, you felt like everyone had a pairing or a group.  Jonathan, Argyle, and Jocelyn were always on campus together, always exchanging inside jokes from classes or something that happened that day.  Will and El, while they were a little bit younger, both being 19, they were also taking courses at another campus a few cities over.  And then you just had work.
Sometimes you couldn’t help but feel that your decision not to go to college hindered your social life but it wasn’t even that.  Everyone was around all the time regardless of their class schedules.  If they weren’t at their classes they were almost always in the garage.  It had to be the dynamic set out from the very beginning.  
You were the quieter one, the more soft spoken one, the tie breaker if Jonathan, Argyle, and Jos got in an argument over something and couldn’t make a decision or if Will and El were bickering about where to eat.  Your role was essential when Jonathan and Will got into disagreements however those never seem to end seeing as they’re brothers.  Something in you just felt that while Jos was considered your best friend, you just weren’t bonded to everyone in the way that they were bonded to each other.  Will and El were inseparable but it didn’t feel that way with yourself or anyone in the group. 
It wasn’t to say you didn’t feel loved by your friends because you did.  There was just something missing, a void that wasn’t being filled no matter how hard you tried.  No one would ever notice but you were drowning in self doubt and lacked the confidence to swim back to the surface and ask for help.
In the distance, the sky is fading into hues of purples and pinks, a cotton candy mess of clouds consuming the skyline.  The day is coming to a finish as the city just beyond the view of the reservoir glimmers like a jewelry box.  You can just barely see it from where you’re sitting but it's still hypnotizing.  Life still continues even into the dark of the night, the hustle of people working their night shifts prominent among the millions of lights in the distance. 
“Hey, where is everyone?” Eddie strolls into the room, breaking you from your provoking thoughts.  His hair is damp and he’s wearing a black muscle tee and some black basketball shorts.  Some small tattoos are scattered throughout his legs.  His curls look fresh and not as frizzy as before and he smells faintly of aftershave.  Not the gross kind that’s too strong but just a subtle scent.  
“Class, I guess.” you mutter, taking your legs off the coffee table and sitting up straighter.  “I was just gonna get going.”  Before you can stand up Eddie is slumping onto the couch next to you, a beer in his hand that he had just grabbed from the fridge in the kitchen.  “I don’t bite y’know, Peach.” he pops the cap to the beer off and tosses it onto the coffee table as he takes a sip.  You shift uncomfortably, unsure of how to answer.  “You’re just gonna leave the second I sit down?” he continues, brow raised, offense in his voice.  “Well I uh–no–”  his eyes narrow and then travel across your face as you stutter before he displays a huge grin.  “I’m just fucking around, don’t let me tell you what to do.  I was just gonna chill out here for a little bit.  If that’s cool with you.” he settles back into the couch, resting his head against the back of it.  
“Yeah, it’s basically your house isn’t it?  At least while you’re here, like you live here.”  you manage to say.  “I mean, it seems like you basically live here too and you’ve been here longer so you have the authority to kick me out if anything.” he mentions.  You just nod in response, focusing your sight on a rip in your denim shorts rather than his face.  
You don’t know where it comes from but before you can even think your mouth is already running.  “Have they shown you around yet?  We could like–take a walk and I could show you around the area…I don’t know.”  you offer.  Mentally, you’re now kicking yourself because why would he be interested in hanging out with you for the night?  Why would he entertain the idea when he was probably waiting for everyone else?  
“Let’s go.” he smiles, finishing off his beer and throwing his shoes on.  You’re surprised by his answer, not because you think he would just simply tell you no but because you’re you and he seems enthusiastic if anything.  But you’re boring and that enthusiasm won’t last long, you know it.  That’s how it usually goes, right?
Eventually the gravel is crunching below your heels as you walk alongside Eddie down the driveway.  The air is dry and it's still warm despite the sun no longer hanging in the sky.  Eddie’s hands are shoved in his pockets and as you sneak a quick glance at him from the corner of your eye, you notice a chain with a guitar pick dangling from his neck, the jewelry reflecting off one of the street lights as you approach the road.  
“Do you mind if I smoke?” he asks, pulling out a carton of cigarettes from his pocket.  You shake your head in response as you decide to veer off to the right, the street crumbly from not being maintained for a while.  Eddie follows your lead.  “Been trying to quit so I only let myself have one a day.  You smoke?” he questions, you hear the lighter flickering before he inhales as you keep your gaze on the broken asphalt beneath you.  The scent of tobacco soon fills your nose.  You take slow steps in rhythm with him, lazily shifting from one foot to the other.  “No, I don’t.  Never tried before.  Cigarettes, at least.” you say.  
He just nods in understanding.  “I used to smoke so much, we’re talkin’ like chain smoker.  Shit was nasty.  But I’ve been trying to cut back and quit.  Mostly been smokin’ weed.”  he explains.  “Well you’re gonna love what Jonathan and Argyle smoke.  The stuff you find out here is unreal.” you tell him.  You almost frown at the thought.  It seems like so far you have had the opportunity to hang out with Eddie one on one more than anyone else but you’re certain that will change and once again you will be on the backburner.
“Good cause I’m gonna need it.” he laughs.  You haven’t gotten very far, the house still a couple yards away behind you as you both had been leisurely making your way along the street.  He clears his throat, cigarette hanging in between his fingers, there’s a look in his eye.  You can’t quite pinpoint what it is, maybe a bit mischievous?  “I don’t mean to hijack your tour or anything but let's go over there.” he chimes in, pointing to the reservoir, the concrete part at the opposite end of the field.  There is a ‘no trespassing’ sign displayed a few feet away and a sparkle in his eyes as he looks from you to the sign and back.  
You’d crossed the field a few times in the past to sit on the part that appears to be like a dam with no water to block.  No one’s ever said anything but you feed into Eddie’s antics.  “If we get caught–”  “I’ll go down for the crime, don’t you worry.”  he smirks, throwing the cigarette butt on the ground before stomping it out and then picking it back up, putting it back in his pocket.  You give him a questionable look before he elaborates.  “Bad for the environment…”  You can only laugh in response.
The city stares back at the two of you, lights sparkling as a treasure chest filled with gold and jewels would.  You stand on the concrete dam overlooking the sight before you.  Eddie’s eyes are filled with wonder, huge pools of honey taking it all in.  “Can I be honest?” he says next to you.  “Sure.” you respond.  “I’ve never seen something like this before.  I mean I’ve seen a city before but it didn’t look anything like this.”  he says, his stare remaining in front of him.
“That’s fair, Indiana’s a lot different than here.” you say.  “A lot different.” he emphasizes.  He sits himself down on the ground, bringing his knees to his chest.  You join him, sitting criss-crossed.  Eddie finally tears his gaze from the city, shifting it to you.  “So tell me about everyone.” he says.  “What do you mean?  You’ve met them.” you respond.  “Yeah but what’s everyone like?  I’ve only known them for like less than a week.”  he elaborates.  “Well, you know Jos.  She’s my closest friend.  And then Will and El are like the twins around here.  They’re always together.  El acts like Jos’s little sister and she’s a party animal once you get her started.  Will’s shy around new people but he’s super funny.” you explain with a small smile.  Eddie’s full attention is on you, listening intently.  “And then there’s Jonathan and Argyle, they’re complete stoners.  Will is Jonathan’s brother if they didn’t tell you yet.  Sometimes they don’t tell new people they’re brothers and wait to see how long they can go without telling them, it’s super weird.  Argyle is super chill, he’s usually up for anything.”  you finish.  
Eddie tilts his head to the side.  “What about you?” he asks.  His voice is quiet, almost as if he could disrupt the calm atmosphere you two created.  You stare down at the ground, fidgeting with a pebble.  What about you?  What was there to tell about you?  Not much, you decide.  But he wasn’t going to make this easy and you knew that.  
“I’m just me.” you sigh, giving him a sad smile.  His face falters at this.  “Yeah, you’re you.” he says intrigued.  “Tell me about you.” he pushes.  What were you supposed to tell him?  I have deeply rooted emotional trauma which makes it hard for me to get close with others?  No, he would run for the hills.  “I’m–” you try again, unable to find the words.  “I have to get home.” you could punch yourself for the words that involuntarily left your lips.  You panicked and now you’re going to regret ending the night early.  
“Do you really?” Eddie challenges you, almost as if he can read you like a book.  His eyes are burning a hole in you.  It’s hard to look at him because you know you’re lying and he knows it too.  “Yes.” you lie again.  He looks at you in speculation and sighs, giving in as he stands up.  You follow, dusting your legs off.  “I can drive you then.” is all he says.
Now you worry that you’ve angered him, that you pissed him off and now he’s never gonna interact with you again other than when he’s forced to when everyone else is around.  The fear that you’ve ruined another good thing because you couldn’t get over yourself bubbles within you.
Eddie walks in front of you, making his way down from the dam along the slope of concrete and onto the field, you’re not far behind.  He’s giving you the silent treatment, you think to yourself.  You barely even know him and he’s already done with you.  That is until you hear his voice speak up as he glances behind at you, a smile on his face.  “Thanks for trespassing with me.”  He’s not mad?  “No problem.” You respond confused.
The two of you make your way back to Jocelyn’s in a quiet but comfortable silence, now that you know he’s not mad, or at least not showing it.  Approaching the open garage, you hear voices laughing and bantering.  Everyone must be home.  Sure enough, you and Eddie walk into a room full of your friends.  “Heyyyy!” Jonathan greets from the couch he’s melted into.  His eyes are bloodshot and a grin seems permanently etched into his face.  Looking at Jocelyn and Argyle also attached to the couch, Jocelyn cuddling a pillow to her chest, you realize you just missed their post class smoke sesh.  You’d usually be a participant had you been around but you don’t mind.
Will and El are seated on the cushioned bench on the other side of the garage doing homework.  Will seems reluctant to participate but does so anyway as he shuffles through the flashcards he’s holding.  Highlighters are scattered among the binders littered on the floor next to them.  Will offers a “hey” while El greets you with a “hi” and a wave.
“What’s up?” Eddie asks as he plops himself next to Jonathan.  “Where have you brochachos been?” Argyle questions looking between you and Eddie.  Jos gives you a quick look as if something’s up but you return a stern one back to her so she drops it.
“I was showing him around and he wanted to see the reservoir.” You explain.  “Why the hell did you wanna see that out of all things?” Jos just about yells at Eddie with a puzzled look.  “It said no trespassing so you know I had to.” He smirks.  “Fight the man, dude.” Jonathan fist bumps Eddie.  “Thanks?” he responds.  
“So, Eddie The Wise…” Argyle begins before Will chimes in.  “Hey!  It’s Will The Wise!”  Argyle chuckles mischievously.  “I love riling that little dude up.  His eyes get all big and he starts freakin’ out, it’s classic man.” He laughs a little harder than necessary.  “Whew!” He wipes the tears of laughter from the corners of his eyes while Jos and Jonathan laugh along with him.  “Anyway, how are you liking Californ-i-ay?” he asks.  
“Can’t complain so far.” Eddie replies, and you swear he shoots a glance at you for a brief second.  “Peach has been showin’ me the ropes.” he jokes.  So he definitely glanced at you.  “Who’s Peach?” Jonathan questions, confusion evident in his features.  Eddie gestures to you with a tip of his chin, his lashes are casting shadows over his rosy cheeks, no doubt sunburned from being outside more than he’s used to this past week.  “She’s too nice to everyone!”  Eddie explains.  Jos, Argyle, and Jonathan all share a look, Jonathan wiggling his eyebrows before shrugging it off.  You shoot each of them a glare as you speak up.  “I’m gonna head home now, it’s starting to get late and we have a long day tomorrow.” you remind them of the trip to the beach that was planned.
Eddie drove you home that night just like he did the first time just days ago.  And hopefully there would be many more, you think to yourself.  If you were lucky enough, if you were strong enough to let him in.  If that was even his intention.
“Sunscreen, towels, sandwiches, drinks, and where is my…” El lists off the necessities until she’s looking around puzzled, lips in a pout and eyebrows scrunched.  “My book!” she yells as Argyle mindlessly flips through the pages while he leans against Eddie’s van, back doors wide open as Jonathan is tossing in an umbrella.  El snatches the book from Argyle’s grasp, tucking it into her canvas tote bag hanging off of her shoulder.  “I wasn’t gonna hurt it!” Argyle defends, shoving his hands into the pockets of his bright teal swim trunks.  Scoffing and rolling her eyes, El makes her way back to the house to gather anything else they may have forgotten.  
Eddie passes her through the doorway carrying two beach chairs.  “Good morning, Sunshine!” he just about shouts in her ear.  She flinches, her bangs momentarily falling into her eyes.  “Good morning?” she responds as he continues walking.  “If I have to be up early and ‘get glad’ as Mar says, then so do you!” he sing songs from down the driveway.  She waves him off before making her way into the kitchen where you and Will had been making the rest of the sandwiches for the day.
“You won’t catch me making a bologna sandwich, I’m not doing it.”  Will cringes as you’re handing him the container of meat, all processed and packaged in perfect circles.  “Well I’m working on the turkey ones.” you whine, dropping the container in front of him, returning to your task of smothering mayo along the white sandwich bread.  “And I’m working on the peanut butter and jelly ones.” he puts on an exaggerated frown.  “Will, you’re literally on your last one.” you argue.  Will starts to mimic you in a high pitched voice.  “Oh my god, I’ll do it!” El chimes in with annoyance, dropping her tote bag on one of the chairs near the table, making her way next to you at the kitchen island.
“Who even requested bologna anyway?” El questions as she steals the butter knife from you to slather some mayo on the bread.  You give her a glare but she pays no mind so you drop it, grabbing another knife from the drawer.  “Who do you think?” Will finishes off his last PB&J, pushing the pieces of bread together and packaging it in a sandwich bag and then into the small red cooler on the counter.  “Argyle.” El seethes as she pulls a piece of the over processed meat out of the container, a disgusted look on her face.  They didn’t hate each other by any means but he knew how to push El’s buttons and she did nothing to hide it.
You finish off the sandwiches just as Jocelyn stampedes down the stairs wearing her black denim shorts which used to be jeans but she cut them at the knee and a cropped white band shirt, showing off a hint of her torso.  “Let’s go, losers!” She grabs her sunglasses from the counter and heads toward the door.  “Be safe!” you hear Marlene yell from the top of the stairs.
Everyone meets up at the end of the driveway, piling into the van with the beach essentials.  There are no seats in the back so you just grab a spot where space is available.  Eddie drives and Jonathan calls shotgun.  The engine is rumbling to life and before you know it you're on the road, only a 30 minute drive around the mountain and through the coastal cities.
The air is more crisp than inland and it's still overcast since it was still early.  Families walk along the sidewalks, dads carrying foldable lawn chairs and pool toys, moms herding the kids while carrying diaper bags and other miscellaneous items.  The chatter in the car was continuous throughout the whole drive, the seven of you leaving no room for silence.  Except for of course when you all stopped for a mandatory gas station run, leaving everyone with their selected snack and drink before heading down to the beach.  It was a ritual you all had.
The parking lot comes into view and so does the open ocean along with the sand you couldn’t wait to dig your toes into.  The water is a deep blue compared to the lighter blue of the sky.  You spot the pier and the little diner at the end, hoping you’d get to treat yourself to a milkshake later on.  Eddie had to circle the parking lot a few times before actually finding a spot.  “It’s baby’s first beach trip!” Jos yells as she crawls toward the front of the van, slapping her hand on Eddie’s shoulder.  He rubs his shoulder, putting the van in park and not even a second later everyone is rushing out of the van.  
You can hear the waves smacking the shore, smell the salt in the air, you can almost feel the cool water against you as you play in the waves and even taste the saltwater when you get hit in the face by one that was bigger than you estimated.  But first you have to help with carrying everything from the van down to the sand which is the worst part.  But not as bad as having to lug it all back at the end of the day.  You opt to carry one of the smaller coolers and some towels, everyone else finding something to carry.  It was nice having so many people though, you didn’t have to make multiple trips.  Unlike the time you, Jocelyn, Jonathan, and Argyle went to the beach and overpacked, the four of you had to make two trips out of it between the beach toys, a tent Argyle insisted on bringing, chairs and food, among other things you can’t even remember.  
The shore was populated with families and groups of people seeing as it was a Saturday in the beginning of Summer.  The sand was warm, almost hot on your feet.  Jonathan managed to point out a spot that would fit your group perfectly among the crowds.  It was a little ways down from the pier but not too far, complaints were still heard from Jos and Argyle though, they just wanted to drop everything and run into the water.  Towels were laid out, the coolers were set in the sand near the foldable chairs, and a colorful umbrella was propped up.  Everyone claimed their respective spots to lay out for the day in between swimming and playing in the sand.
El situated herself on her towel underneath the umbrella, pulling out her book as she laid back.  You decided on a faded Star Wars towel, setting your bag on the corner and pulling out some sunscreen to apply to your face and body.  Will held his hand out for some as he claimed the towel right in between you and El.  You obliged, squeezing the bottle of lotion onto his palm as you spread it along your cheeks and nose.  Jonathan and Argyle were already throwing a frisbee back and forth, not even shedding their shirts yet.  Jos sat in one of the beach chairs with her shirt discarded in her back pocket, now sporting a neon orange bikini top with her sunglasses sitting comfortably on her face while she basked in the sun.
With another glance around at your friends, you can’t help but notice one is missing.  That is until you shift your gaze toward the water where Eddie is already standing just before the very shallow part where the tide rises up and down.  The sun is starting to overtake the overcast morning, bringing with it a bright Summer day.  There’s a slight breeze and with it, the occasional mist of sea water.  His curls are dancing with the wind as he overlooks the water.  He hasn’t even taken his black converse off yet, wearing a ripped up black muscle shirt with ‘Metallica' across the chest and black swim trunks.  
You avert your gaze as he begins to turn back around toward the beach towels.  You remember what Jos said in the car and gather that he’s probably never seen an ocean before.  He kicks his shoes off and lifts his shirt over his head, tossing it at Jocelyn’s face and yelling “come on!” before running back down to the water, this time stopping until it's at his waist.  Jos throws the shirt down on the chair next to her, tugging her shorts off and then running to the water as well.  She reaches Eddie and without hesitation, pushes him forward, sending him face first into one of the waves.  You laugh to yourself at the sight but when you don’t see Eddie resurface for a few seconds your heart drops.
Suddenly he pops up from beneath the water, shoving Jos into another oncoming wave which causes her to lose her balance and land ass first as the water rushes over her.  Their shouts and giggles are muffled by the sound of the crashing waves as well as Will chattering next to you about some new movie he wants to see.
With courage, you decide to join them inviting Will and El as you stand up and discard your shirt and shorts.  El declines, too engaged with her book but Will agrees and follows.  The water is ice cold and shocks your body as you take your first steps along the wet sand into the water.  But in contrast to the hot sun blazing from above, it also feels refreshing.  As you approach Jos, a splash of water meets your face causing you to gasp.  “Shit, sorry!” Eddie apologizes.  “Yeah sorry, Peach!” Jos emphasizes the nickname, this brings a blush to Eddie’s face but he’s hoping the sun has already burned him enough to cover it.
Scooping up some water with your cupped hands, you toss it at Jos but it does little damage since she’s already been engulfed in the waves and you’re still halfway dry.  She starts doing the same, cupping her hands and flinging the water at you, your skin slightly stinging at the cold shock.  “Jos, it’s cold, it’s cold, okay—okay!!” You surrender, throwing your arms up in front of you to shield yourself.  “Get in dummy!” She splashes once more.
Eddie is standing near you, pulling a piece of stray seaweed out of his curls, his face wrinkled in concentration while his torso is glistening with seawater, sparkling even as the sunlight beams off of him.  His chest and arm tattoos are on full display and you subtly try and take them in, your attention drifting to the black widow just below his collarbone.  As you scan over the artwork, Jocelyn is now peeking behind Eddie at you, gesturing that she was going to push him yet again.  Except this time she pushes him straight into you.
The next thing you remember is slimy skin on skin, the sand scraping against you as your back crashes against it along with some making its way into your swimsuit bottoms, and the loss of breath from the impact of another body on top of you.  Eyes scrunched shut and hands clenched, you realize just who is on top of you can you can’t seem to face reality.  The tide continues rolling in, covering everything but your face, however you did manage to ingest a large mouthful of seawater on your tumble down, leaving you with a salty aftertaste and sand particles wedged  in between your teeth that you might still feel in a few days.  
Exhaling a deep breath, you convince your eyelids to flutter open and above you is none other than Eddie, arms on either side of your shoulders and stomach touching yours, a little too intimate for your comfort.  His large deep brown doe eyes are looking directly at you with surprise in them, seaweed still hanging from one of his curls.  You could swim in his eyes if the world around you paused and he allowed it.  
“Um—“ you begin, slowly sitting up.  He takes his weight off of you and starts to back up on his knees.  “I’m—she pushed me—I’m so sorry.” He stumbles over his words while running a hand through his tangled hair, his fingers getting caught.  “No it’s okay—“ “Here.” As he stands up he offers you his hand which you now notice is naked without his chunky rings.  His grip is firm but somewhat gentle, you could feel that he was trying to be careful.  As his fingertips graze your wrist while he pulls you up, you note that they are slightly rough, most likely calloused from playing guitar and his work as a mechanic.  
“Thanks” you mutter almost under your breath, brushing some of the wet sand off of your legs.  Eddie still appears to be flustered, his stare not once leaving the water in front of where he’s standing.  Everyone else seems to have already moved on from Jocelyn’s stunt, continuing to play in the waves as you recover from the awkward interaction.
Jonathan sneaks behind Will, a beach pale in hand while he silently fills it with water and then dumps it over his head with a maniacal laugh.  They’re now the center of attention as they wrestle in between the waves.  You’re thankful since it seems no one is going to mention what just happened.  What was an innocent joke to Jos and your friends was actually a huge embarrassment in your eyes and your heart was still racing at any attention it may have brought to you.
Everyone took a break from crashing into the waves and messing around in the sand to eat lunch when the sun reached its peak in the sky.  El started passing around sandwiches, asking each person what kind they requested for the day before delicately handing it to them along with a bag of potato chips.  Jonathan tossed beers to Eddie and Jos, offering one to yourself and Argyle but the two of you declining.  Argyle opted for a more natural substance whereas being under the influence of anything in public made you anxious.  
By this point, Eddie’s shoulders, face, and torso were as red as a lobster since he neglected putting on any sunscreen.  Everyone else's faces were sun kissed and slightly pink but nowhere near as bad as Eddie’s wicked sunburn.  Your skin felt warm even being sat in the shade of the umbrella, taking Will’s spot next to El.  Tan lines began forming, your hair was filled with sea salt, and it officially felt like Summer with the smell of coconut suntan lotion and hotdogs on a grill nearby filling your nose.
Will and El finished off their sandwiches and raced towards the water and not long after everyone else was wrapping up and scarfing down the last bites of their lunch.  “I’m gonna go grab a milkshake from the diner, anyone want me to bring anything back?!” You shout as you throw your clothes on, not even bothering to button the denim shorts since you’d be back in the water soon enough anyway.  “We’re good!” Jonathan shouts back with a thumbs up just as Argyle dunks him underwater.  
“I’ll tag along if that’s cool.” You hear from behind you, not even realizing Eddie had still been lounging in one of the beach chairs with a beer held between his fingers.  “What, so you can get even more burned?” You joke as you fish some cash out of your bag.  “Ha.  Ha.  Very funny.” He deadpans.  His hair is twice as big as it normally is, the seawater giving him some added volume and his curls are extra coiled.  Freckles are starting to appear more prominent along his nose and dusting just under his eyes along the tops of his cheeks.  He almost looks like a surfer, the ones who are out every morning waiting to catch the biggest wave and you wouldn’t guess that he was from a small town in Indiana just by looking at him.  Except for the fact that he has a massive sunburn, that’s what gives it away.
“Let’s go.” You nod toward the pier, sliding your sandals on.  He throws his muscle tee back on but leaves behind his shoes, opting to walk all the way to the pier barefoot.  “The grounds gonna get really hot.” You warn him as you start making your way over.  “Psshh I grew up barefoot, especially in the Summer, I’ll be fine.” He waves you off.  
The walk to the pier took about five minutes and you smiled to yourself every time Eddie let out a “shit!” under his breath.  He may have underestimated the power of the California sun on the sidewalk that runs alongside the beach.  Reaching the pier, you step onto the dark wood and head for the diner at the very end.  Men are fishing on either side as you pass by, their poles resting against the railing.  
The diner is small and can only seat so many people on the inside.  It appears to be older with the wallpaper peeling and the cushions of the stools coming apart, the foam peaking through.  Despite this, it’s as popular as ever.  Every table is filled and the counter is fully occupied as patrons sip on their milkshakes and stuff themselves with burgers and fries.  You can smell the grease from the kitchen, your mouth watering even though you’d just eaten.  But the idea of a cookies and cream milkshake is far more enticing at the moment, creamy and delicious, your go to treat.  
“Hi, what can I get you?!”  The cashier behind the counter greets you with a grin.  She’s a small enthusiastic woman with her sandy blonde hair clipped up and wearing a t- shirt with the diner’s logo on the chest.  Sandra, her name tag reads.  “Just a cookies and cream shake please.” You request kindly.  “Make that two.” Eddie slaps down a $20 on the counter.  “Oh you don’t have to—I wasn’t expecting you—“ “Already done.” He smirks as the cashier counts out his change, handing it back to him.  “I’ll have those out in a few.” Sandra says as she returns to the kitchen window, shouting out the order for two milkshakes.
“Why’d you do that?  I have money—here.” You try to place the cash in his hand but he just crosses his arms, hiding them from view.  “Consider it compensation for knockin’ you over earlier.” He chuckles.  You huff out of frustration, returning to people watching throughout the diner as you wait. 
Walking down the pier with your milkshake in hand, you and Eddie slowly make your way back.  The afternoon is just now shifting into golden hour and with it, Eddie has never looked more gorgeous.  At least in the little time you’ve known him.  The sunlight brings out new hues of caramel from his irises, a swirl of golden honey and a hint of molasses evident in them and while his skin is bright red he still has a glow to him.  Lips plump and pink, he wraps them around the red straw while he enjoys his shake.  
“So I’ve never been to the beach before.” He pipes up while he stares at a fisherman reeling in a large catch.  “And while it should suck cause this sunburn hurts like a bitch, it’s been fuckin’ cool.  Your friends are cool, y’know that?” He asks, dipping his finger in some whip cream from the top of his shake and licking it off.  You can’t help but feel insecurity bubbling to the surface within you.  Your friends are cool.  Which meant that he didn’t include you, right?  “Yeah.  Yeah they’re pretty great.” You agree with your best smile.  
“Yeah it’s way different than back home.  It’s kinda like no one really gives a shit what I look like or how ‘scary’ I am.” He uses finger quotes.  “Scary?” You ask.  He nods as he gulps down some more of his shake.  “I won’t get into it but let’s just say Hawkins is probably the worst place to live if you’re me.” He explains simply.  “Actually… It is the worst place to live.” He decides.  “I’m glad you’re liking it here at least.  Are you planning on staying then?” You question as you come to a stop at the pier railing, deciding to remain there until you finish your shake.  The horizon is now transforming into a burnt orange as the sunset just barely starts, still enough daylight left but the sun is slowly making its way down, bringing with it hues of pinks, purples, and oranges.
Eddie gazes out into the ocean before him, his shake now finished as he tosses it in a nearby trash can and rests his forearms on the worn down wood of the railing.  “Dunno yet.” He says honestly, his eyebrows raising slightly as if to question himself.  “There’s no plan.  Just trying to figure shit out.” He admits, a melancholy undertone to his words.  You take in his body language, his shoulders sunken in some kind of defeat and a barely there pout to his lips.  “I think we’re all in the same boat believe it or not.” You try to offer him some comforting words with a sympathetic smile.  He doesn’t give up much more to you as he returns a small smile.  “I think we should get back before they leave us here.” He chuckles, trying to lighten the mood.
But you know.  There’s something darker lurking below his surface.  But who are you to want to uncover those parts of him if you can’t even offer those parts of yourself to anyone?  Why should you be so curious as to what darkness clouds over him when you can’t even confront your own?   
Eddie Munson was unknowingly making you question everything you knew.  And whether that was a good thing or not was something you couldn’t determine right now.  
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gracethyomen · 5 months
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"World on Fire"
a/n: we're getting close to some angst now so everybody look tf out. This bit takes place in the minutes after all the Russian warehouse holdings explode and the aftermath of the attack. While Matt tries to get information out of Vladmir and avoid the cops, Natalie desperately tries to get in contact with him and the gang as well as her niece and sister-in-law.
warnings: Mention of terrorism, mention of death, funeral, loss of a parent, loss of a sibling. Mention of difficult home life. Mention of bombs, explosions, violence.
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The smell of roses could only halfway cover the lingering stench of smoke that covered New York City, creating an uncomfortable mixture of scents that really just reminded Natalie more of death. 
The sound of sniffling reached her previously numb ears as she stood in front of the dug grave. The dark stained wood of the casket glared back up at her like a taunt, reminding her of what was inside. The white rose tucked between her cold fingers felt more like a brick now. With slow, shuffling steps she approached the open grave, fingers shaking as she gently dropped the bloom onto the dark coffin. Where her half brother now rested. 
She stiffened just a little when Eleanor stepped up beside her, looking at her own rose thoughtfully. 
“Kate wants to learn archery.” She murmured softly, not looking up from her hands. “She says she needs to protect us.” 
Natalie sniffed sharply, burying her hands in her coat. “What did you tell her?” 
“That it’s my job to protect us.” Eleanor said coldly, finally looking up at Natalie. Gaze unreadable. “That donor that took on your loans…” She swallowed hard. “Derek never knew how to fix your relationship. You’re ten years younger, different mother… I think he always resented your mom a little after his parents divorced.” Eleanor tossed her rose harshly into the grave. “For him, fixing things meant paying for your dreams.” 
Natalie looked at Eleanor, brows furrowed in question. “Eleanor, what are you saying?” 
“Because he paid for you dreams, I don’t know if Kate will get to live hers.” She hissed, tears brewing in the corners of her eyes. “We’re in debt, Natalie. I’m going to do everything to pull us out of it but it was Derek who put us here. Because he loved you.” 
Natalie felt tears start to roll down her face, her bottom lip wobbling dangerously. “Eleanor, please, I’m-“  
“Don’t apologize.” Eleanor stopped her, turning away from her again to look at Kate sitting with some adjacent uncle. “Don’t say anything.” She sighed heavily. “I’m not going to keep you from seeing Kate entirely, Derek wouldn’t want that. But things have to change.” Eleanor shook her head thoughtfully. “We need some space. To heal, and to get back on our feet.” 
“Eleanor, please, I can help fix this. I’m interning at a good firm, they’ve talked about a job offer. I can help.” Natalie started as Eleanor began to walk away. 
Eleanor turned sharply, staring Nat down with a gaze that looked so hollow Natalie stopped in her tracks and simply stared, tears still falling. 
“Every time I look at you…” She spoke lowly. “All I see are Derek’s mistakes. The mistakes that put me and my daughter where we are today.” Natalie sobbed quietly, “I can’t look at that more often than I have to.” Eleanor hardened her tone, turning back away from Natalie. “I have to look at my daughter first.” 
Nat was jolted from her uneasy sleep by the sound of distant and muffled explosions, at first she thought it was thunder, until she saw the bloom of orange light over Matt’s blankets. 
Scrambling out of the bed, she scampered over to the window, eyes scanning the smoky horizon. So far she counted three fires. Three separate plumes of smoke rising over the skyline. While she watched, another bomb blew, sending flames and debris high into the air. Without thinking she turned, running around the flat looking for her phone. Shaking out her jacket, her pants… Until she found it tucked under her purse on the sofa. Eleanor, Kate, Matt, Foggy, Karen, Kate, Kate, Kate, Kate… Her name overpowered all the others racing through her mind in that moment. She had to make sure Kate was alright. 
Without thinking she dialed Eleanor, waiting impatiently for the phone to ring. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six… 12 times the phone rang and her heart jumped at the click over the line only to fall tragically at the sound of her sister-in-law’s recorded voicemail. 
“Shit.” She whispered, pacing back and forth over Matt’s wood floors, her bare feet thumping softly, so like but also unlike her heartbeat. Strong and frantic rather than steady and consistent. “Eleanor, please, something’s going on in Hell’s Kitchen, I’m worried about you and Kate please call me back.” She swallowed hard. “I need to know you’re okay.” She ended the call with a shaky finger, dialing her niece’s phone next. 
It rang, again, 12 times before an automated voicemail touched her ears and she almost threw her phone in frustration. “Kate, honey, please call me back. Tell your mom it’s important, and stay inside if you can, okay?” She ended the call again, opening Foggy’s contact next, which also sent to voicemail. With a small sob of frustration, she left him a similar message, and another one in Karen’s. 
With a soft cry she threw her phone as hard as she could, the device bouncing off the back cushion of the sofa and landing with a muffled thud on Matt’s rug. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…” She chanted, pushing her fingers through her hair frantically. 
“Please, please, please…” She ran to her phone, dialing one last time. Matt’s phone. As she listened to the emotionless dial tone of it ringing, she heard a soft voice from the bedroom and her heart dropped into her feet. 
She wandered slowly back to the nightstand, tears pricking in the corners of her eyes as she came face to face with Matt’s phone, vibrating gently on the small side table. 
In five minutes Natalie was out the door to Matt’s building, weaving between panicked bodies on the sidewalk and tucking her chin into her coat. She was somewhere between running and speed-walking, barely keeping track of the street signs and only looking up when she wasn’t sure which corner she was on. By the time she reached Park Avenue, she was running, counting doors and looking at the walls of windows until she found the familiar building, stopping in front of the door man who tipped his head and let her in. She thanked him quickly and nearly raced to the elevator, trying to comb some of the stray ash out of her hair. 
When she reached the top floor she knocked urgently, staring at the knocker, her dusty shoes, the carpet, anything but the door itself, nearly dreading but also near begging it to open. 
It finally did nearly four minutes later, and she almost broke down into sobs of relief at seeing her young niece holding the door open for her. 
“Oh my God, Kate.” She sighed, feeling something in her chest give at seeing her safe and alive. 
“You said to stay inside.” The girl said quietly, opening the door fully to rush out and hug her ash-covered aunt. “Aunt Nat, what’s going on?” 
“Just an accident downtown, I got worried.” She soothed, trying to catch her breath. She resigned herself to fail when she saw Eleanor Bishop round the corner to the entryway. 
“Kate, who-“ She paused, registering Natalie in the doorway. “Natalie, what happened to you?” She strode over to the other two girls, taking in her sister-in-law’s disheveled appearance. 
“Can I come in?” She choked, holding back her tears, still coming down from the adrenaline at seeing they were okay. 
“You ran here?” Eleanor scoffed, shaking her head in disbelief. “Hell’s Kitchen is a mile and a half away!” 
“I had to make sure you and Kate were okay.” She said by way of explanation, taking a deep pull from the wine Eleanor had given her. “I saw the bombings and I got so scared-“ 
“Bombings?” Eleanor’s eyes widened. “Shit, Natalie you shouldn’t have left your apartment!”
“I didn’t know how many there were or how far they were spread and I couldn’t get to your phone-“ She shook her head, trying to calm her breathing. “Eleanor I was so scared something had happened to you two. I just needed to see that you were okay.” She downed the rest of the wine and pushed the cup away. “I can leave, I don’t want to be a problem-“
Eleanor met her as she stood, a hand on either of her shoulder. “Hey, stop.” The older woman spoke softly, drawing Natalie’s attention. “There’s no way you’re going back there tonight.” Natalie dropped her head, closing her eyes tightly. “Look, I know we’ve had our differences, okay? But you’re still family. Mine and Kate’s.” Eleanor swallowed, leaving her shoulders to awkwardly grip her hands. “Just stay here for tonight. The fires should be mostly out by morning and it’ll be safer to travel. The police are going to be reeling, it’s going to be chaos out there.” 
Natalie nodded absently along to what she was saying, the energy that had allowed her to get to the penthouse had faded fast, leaving her limbs feeling like lead. 
“I’ll get you set up in one of the guest rooms for the night.” Eleanor hummed softly. “Have another glass if you want, you look like you need it.” 
“Thank you.” Natalie whispered, watching Eleanor turn to leave. 
Eleanor paused, glancing at Natalie sadly over her shoulder. “It’s what Derek would do.” 
Unable to sleep, Natalie had resorted to watching whatever news coverage she could find on the bombings. Nothing concrete had come out yet. 
She sat up straighter at a grainy photo from what looked like a security camera, a slightly familiar black silhouette appearing in it. 
“This was taken just moments after the explosions that stunned Hell’s Kitchen earlier tonight, pulled from a security camera.” The newswoman droned on, and Natalie cupped a hand around her mouth in shock. Matt. That was Matt. “Authorities believe this man is responsible for the bombings, possibly as a part of an ongoing feud with the Russian Mob.” 
“Oh my God…” Natalie whispered, only breaking from her trance when her phone started to ring, piercing the quietness of the room in the wake of the newsreel. She didn’t recognize the number but she had a guess of who he was. “It’s you isn’t it?” She whispered into the phone. 
“Natalie, where are you?” 
“I’m safe. I’ve been trying to reach you, Foggy and Karen for hours!” She snapped, throwing the covers off the guest bed and standing from the plush mattress. “Matt, they’re saying on the news… They’re saying you killed those cops, that you bombed those buildings…” 
“No it was Fisk. It was all Fisk.” He panted, he sounded tired, like he’d been running. Or fighting.
“Matt what’s going on out there?” 
“Natalie I need you to listen to me very carefully.” He broke her off, the sound of sirens filling the air around them. “Stay somewhere safe, never say his name. Don’t let on to anyone that you know anything about this.”
“Matt, stop.” Natalie broke him off. 
“For what it’s worth, if I don’t get to talk to you again…” He sighed heavily. “Knowing you has made me better. You made me better.” 
“Matt-“ The line clicked. “Matt! Fuck!” She dropped the phone on the bed and fell to her knees, staring at the beige covers in front of her until a single resolution entered her mind. She shuffled closer to the bed on her knees, folding her arms and hands in front of her and bending her head, creating a soft space for her to exist in. It wasn’t a church. It wasn’t a pew. It wasn’t even a confessional booth. But it was hers, and it was God’s. That was all that mattered. 
“May the Father command it,” She prayed, remembering a specific Litany from school growing up. “May the son arrange it, and may the Holy Spirit appease the hearts of those who are against us.” She squeezed her fingers together so hard they hurt. “Come, Holy Spirit, enlighten the hearts of those who can favor us and those who may help us.” That line she would repeat ten times. But even after the first she could feel the way some of the pain was chipped off of her soul. 
Across town, Matt raised a hand to his lips, holding his crucifix between his fingertips, the chain still around his neck but the pendant pulled from underneath the shirt. “Come, Holy Spirit, enlighten the hearts of those who can favor us and those who may help us-“ Vladimir looked at him skeptically, but Matt paid him no mind. Whispering a prayer over himself for what was to come. A prayer for Natalie, too. 
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a/n: little bit of a shorter chapter today. I'm easing back into posting as I've had quite a rough few weeks health wise. More Catholicism in this chapter too. This story isn't at all a story about Catholicism or glorifying it as a whole, but Natalie's faith is a huge part of her character and it plays a large role in her and Matt's relationship. I myself am not Catholic, but rather a denomination more similar to Protestant Christianity. I don't identify with this term particularly but it's the closest way to describe it. Most of the research for Matt and Natalie's practice has come from my own research and studying as well as friends who were raised Catholic. I by no means support any of the wrongdoings or problematic behaviors of the Catholic Church.
As always special thanks to @abucketofweird @sunflowersandsapphires and @madschiavelique for their continued support in this story, and if you would like to be added to a taglist please leave a comment below! If you liked this chapter please consider leaving a note or a comment, reading people's thoughts about this story always warms my heart.
Thank you for reading, and have a good day/night whatever time it is!
- Sybil :)
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forest-hashira · 7 months
Yuji Rescue
ok. so. before i pass tf out, i decided to post a lil scene for you guys!!! i let @ghost-1-y pick lol SO here's part of Yuji's rescue! @peachdues you can pick the next snipped once i have more scenes fleshed out aaahhhhh
Note: Rye is the name of Nanami's dragon, Takara is the name of Reader's dragon
“Kento, I don’t think there’s anyone here.” You glanced over at your friend then, though his gaze was still locked on the torched landscape beneath you. “We’re too late. They got away, we need to move on.”
The blonde was silent for a few moments longer, guiding Rye to circle around the remnants of the village once again. He seemed even more focused than usual, his brows pinched as he scanned the scorched settlement. “I’m going down to check it out. I feel like we’d be missing something if we left now.” Without giving you a moment to argue or ask what he meant, he took off down towards the ground, Rye’s wings tucked against her sides to speed her descent.
“Kento—!” you exclaimed, urging Takara to follow after the pair, once your brain had caught up to what was happening. With Takara’s size and speed, you landed less than a second after your friend, about fifteen feet of space between you. “Why did we land?” you asked, dismounting Takara once she had settled enough for you to do so safely. 
Kento dismounted Rye easily, one of his hands coming up to rest on her neck as he looked over at you. “I think there’s something here that we need to find.”
“Like what?” you frowned, casting your gaze around you. There was very little that was still actively burning, but there were patches here and there that were smoldering, and the air was thick with smoke. “There’s nothing here that’s still alive, and anything of value was likely looted before we arrived.”
“I don’t know what,” he replied tersely. “But I would appreciate it if you could humor me, just this once.”
You turned back to him, taking in his expression: his face was tinged with frustration at your questioning, but the rest of his body language pointed towards worry and uneasiness. Your brows furrowed a bit more, but you slowly nodded. “Sure, Kento. Should we split up and look around?”
“That would be quickest, yes,” your friend agreed, and you could see a bit of the tension in his shoulders bleed out at your words. 
You nodded, turning away from him and walking towards what appeared to have been a collection of buildings, though what those buildings were you could only guess; everything looked the same now that it had all burned down. Your steps were careful, and you picked up and moved what pieces of debris you could without burning yourself, making every effort to find anything that could have wound up buried in the wreckage of the village.
Just as you were about to give up, to urge your friend to move on once again, something caught your eye; a small flash of pale pink in the middle of all the black, though it was covered in smoke again immediately when the wind changed directions. But you had seen it, and whatever it was, you needed to get to it right away; maybe this is what Kento had been talking about.
Your pace was hurried, and you nearly tripped several times, but eventually you reached the place where you’d seen the pink spot. Now up close, it looked like hair, and your heart began to hammer against your rib cage. Is this a person? you thought frantically, looking for something to grab, some debris small enough for you to move on your own, but you quickly realized it was pointless. A sharp whistle to summon Takara came from your lips, then a call to your friend. 
“What did you find?” the blonde called back, already making his way over to you. 
“I’m not sure, but it looks like a person. They don’t look burned, we need to get them out.”
Though you weren’t looking at him, you could hear how his pace quickened across the ground, your words having had the desired effect. Within moments, your friend and both of your respective dragons were at your side as you tried to figure out the best way to pull this person from the rubble.
“If you and Rye can take care of those pieces,” you said, gesturing at a few slightly smaller pieces of charred wood – what had likely been the walls of whatever building this used to be – “I’ll have Takara take care of the beam, and then I can go in and pull them out. I’m the smallest, it’ll be easiest for me to fit,” you added, when the blonde seemed to want to argue.
He frowned for a moment, not overly fond of the idea of you being the one to put yourself in a potentially dangerous situation, but he also knew there wasn’t any time to waste if the two of you were going to help this person. After a beat, he nodded, making his way to the debris he and his dragon would be responsible for lifting, while your own dragon sank her teeth into the pillar that had the person pinned. 
On your count, all three of them pulled the debris out of the way as much as they could, and as soon as there was a space big enough, you dropped to your knees, getting in close and grabbing the person’s shirt and pulling.
“Shit, Kento, it’s a kid,” you told him, the realization hitting you when the person was much easier to pull out of the wreckage than expected, the small form and round face of a little boy greeting you when you’d gotten a safe distance from the rubble. 
The blonde swore under his breath, dropping the rubble as soon as you were clear and rounding on you, dropping to his knees to look the kid over. He didn’t seem to be hurt too badly – just a few little cuts on his face – which was good, but there was no telling what kind of internal injuries he might have sustained during the siege. 
“We need to get him back to Shoko.” The woman was the best healer your settlement had seen in generations, her knack for knowing what was hurting someone and how to fix it bordering on magical; if anyone could help this boy, it would be her. 
Nanami nodded in agreement. “We should try to wake him first,” he murmured. “The last thing  any of us needs is for him to wake up while we’re in the air, panic, and start free falling.”
“Fair point,” you sighed, then began to shake the boy lightly. “Come on, bud, wake up for us,” you murmured, feeling a little foolish; you didn’t have much experience with children, and you didn’t even know if this boy could hear you, but you tried your best to come across as soothing.
Thankfully, the sounds of voices seemed to be enough to wake the boy, and his eyes slowly fluttered open. The sight of two unfamiliar faces hovering so close to him seemed to spook him, though, and he pushed away from you, staggering a couple steps away as he stared between you and Nanami. “Wh-who are you?” he stammered, clearly trying to put on a brave face.
You held your hands up placatingly, not wanting to spook the boy any further as you introduced yourself. “And this is my friend, Nanami,” you added gently. “Can you tell us your name?”
The boy hesitated, as if unsure whether he should share that information with people he just met, but eventually he seemed to decide it was okay. “Yuji,” he said, though his voice was so soft you had to ask him to repeat himself. “My name is Yuji.”
“It’s very nice to meet you, Yuji,” Nanami told the boy gently. “It looks like you have some cuts on your face, but are you hurt anywhere else? We have a friend who can patch you up, good as new, we just need to know where you’re hurt so we can tell her.”
At the blonde’s words, Yuji’s little hands came up to touch his face, and he winced a bit when his fingers touched the worst of the scrapes on his face, one under each eye. He dropped his hands then, looking down at himself, seemingly taking stock of his body before he answered the question. “My head hurts,” he said eventually, “and right here.” He placed his little hands over his rib cage, a grimace tugging at his lips at the feeling. 
“Does it hurt to breathe?” you asked, hoping for the kid’s sake he didn’t have any broken ribs; you knew from experience they were a bitch to recover from. 
Yuji frowned and shook his head, lifting his gaze back to yours. “No. Hurts like…to touch it. Hurts like I fell down.” He was clearly struggling to describe the feeling, but even his vague attempt was enough. If none of his ribs were broken, that was really what was most important at the moment. 
“Our friend will help with that,” you promised, trying to offer the boy a reassuring smile, though you were unsure of its effectiveness. 
The boy was looking around now, having apparently noticed the landscape around him. His expression was almost entirely blank, which was surprising to you, but you chalked it up to either him being in shock, or not knowing what any of this meant. 
“Anything else hurting you?”
Ignoring your question, Yuji’s gaze slowly returned to the pair of you, darting back and forth between you as he spoke. “Everybody’s dead, aren’t they?”
The words hit you hard in the chest like a stone, the weight of them sinking into your gut and leaving you feeling heavy. You shared a glance with Kento, not sure how to respond to the boy. He was right, of course, everyone else here had died, but how could explain the magnitude of that to a child?
“Yes,” Nanami said after a moment, turning back to meet Yuji’s big brown eyes. “I’m very sorry, Yuji. We didn’t find anybody else here but you.”
At first, all Yuji did was nod, but after a few seconds the words really seemed to click in his brain, and tears filled his eyes in less time than it took him to blink. He wiped the tears away as quickly as he was able, but they fell so fast he just couldn’t keep up, and they began dripping down his chin, some landing on his shirt, others landing in the ashes by his bare feet. “I want to go home,” he sobbed, the words so soft and sad you felt your heart shatter in your chest. 
“I know, Yuji,” your friend said softly, and with a tenderness you’d never seen from him before, he reached out for the boy, gently pulling him closer. “We’re going to take you with us, okay? You’ll have a new home.” 
The boy didn’t protest as Nanami pulled him close, even going so far as to bury his face in the man’s chest as he continued to cry. “Okay,” he whispered after a few moments. “Thank you, Nanami-san.”
The two of you shared a look, expressions serious, and after a moment, you gestured to indicate that the two of you – well, three, now – needed to get going and head back home. Yuji needed to see Shoko, and you and Kento needed to speak with Satoru, Suguru, and the higher ups to determine a course of action. 
“Yuji,” Nanami spoke, voice gentle as he tried to get the boy’s attention. “We need to leave now. Are you ready to ride with us?” he asked, once wide, red-rimmed eyes were looking up at him again. 
Yuji considered for a moment, sniffling softly and rubbing his eyes again. After a few moments, he nodded slightly. “I want to ride with you,” he said, turning his head to look at Rye, who was hovering just behind the blonde man. “Your dragon looks nicer.”
The words caused a slight smile to tug at the blonde’s lips. “Yeah, I think she’s pretty nice. How about you say hi before we take off?”
As Nanami introduced the little boy to his dragon, you took the opportunity to stand upright once again, dusting the ash from the knees of your pants before making your way over to Takara. You stroked her nose lightly for a moment, smiling as the touch caused her to settle down low enough for you to mount her, just like you had intended. With practiced ease, you swung up onto her back, settling comfortably into the saddle as you watched Kento get Yuji settled on Rye with him. The sight of the little boy seated in front of your friend, his little hands gripping onto the leather loops the older man had indicated, his face covered in soot and visible tear tracks, made your chest tighten; he was too young to have lived through something like this. You could only hope he would be able to find a good home in the settlement, with a family who would love him the way he deserved.
“Ready?” Kento called over to you, once he was confident Yuji was secure.
“Ready,” you called back. Grabbing the handles attached to the saddle, you pulled upwards, encouraging Takara back to her feet. With a quiet command of tobu, the two of you were in the air again, the dragon setting a course for home without need for further instruction. Kento and Yuji were only seconds behind you, and as you glanced over at them, you were thankful that the settlement wasn’t too far.
“Don’t worry, Yuji,” you heard Kento say to the boy, leaning down to be a bit closer to him so he could hear his words clearly. “We’ll get to our settlement soon enough, then we’ll take you to the healer, and you can get some rest.”
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tabbycatplushy · 4 months
Running Late
Featuring: Paprika, Liz, Bruma
2.1k words
Paprika is running late to an important appointment. When she misses the bus, she needs a transformative potion to get her there on time!
[bat furry tf, shrinking, wardrobe malfunction]
Fuck fuck fuck fuck please fucking be there fuck fuck…
Paprika was sprinting down the sidewalk, now only a block away from the bus stop. It was evening, and the streets were getting busier with people walking home from work. Amber light washed across the city from the west, stretching Paprika’s shadow dozens of feet before her.
The orange tabby weaved through packs of pedestrians, paws slapping pavement. Can’t be late, can’t be late!
Nearing the end of the block, she passed right by the entrance to her apartment building. Twenty floors up, Mocha was probably getting ready for her evening stream while Joule made dinner. Paprika wasn’t heading home, though—she had an appointment to get to.
She turned the last corner, swallowed by the skyscraper’s shadow. She kept running, blinking as her eyes adjusted, then screeched to a halt when she saw the covered bus stop.
The bus was gone. She was too late.
Godsdammit! I should have paid closer attention to the time at the café. I know I lose track of time when I’m writing!
The scent of fabric smoke breached her nose, and she realized she was burning black holes in her clothing. She tiredly tamped the singed materials out with her paws and took deep, calming breaths.
Paprika sighed. There was no point beating herself up over something she couldn’t control. Right now, she had to focus on what she could do.
Mind racing, she tried to come up with a plan. Then it hit her: Lizzie’s shop! It's got to have something!
The tabby ran back, retracing her steps. Just past the double- doored building entrance, a little windowless storefront faced the street.
est. 1924”
Paprika grunted as she pushed through the heavy wooden door. “Liz, I need help!”
Inside was a small waiting room, with antique reclining chairs and light reading material. Opposite the entrance was a counter, where now reclined a silver-scaled dragon.
Well, mostly dragon. A humanoid body supported a long, sinuous neck, which curled around to rest its horned head on the counter. A mane of glossy purple hair ran all the way down the dragon's spine, culminating with a tuft at the tip of its tail. Paprika could see its length, draped across several of the shelves behind the counter.
In short, Liz looked cool as hell today.
It seemed Paprika had caught it napping; padding up to the counter, she rung the bell as gently as she could.
Nictitating lids peeled open behind a mop of purple hair, revealing slitted purple eyes. The dragon smiled its fang-lined maw as it rose up and up and up; its neck was so long that it had to curl around to keep its head from bumping the rafters.
“Ah," said Liz, "my favorite customer. What can I do for you, kitten?”
Paprika blushed at Lizzie's nickname for her. Normally, only Mocha or Joule could call her that and avoid getting socked; Liz was the exception—and it knew that, which meant Paprika got relentlessly teased whenever she came to the shop.
The tabby forgot what she had meant to say; she stuttered for a second, before pulling herself together. “Hi Liz, sorry to wake you. That dragon form looks great on you, by the way!”
The alchemist had a completely different form every time Paprika saw him; a walking advertisement for the shop. “Oh, I know, kitten. Thank you for noticing.” It preened a bit, showing off its luscious mane. Its scales shimmered in the light.
Paprika remembered why she came here in the first place. “I need to get across town in less than half an hour. The bus is gone. Could you give me a rush order? Something with wings? I really need to make it on time!”
“Hmmmm…” the dragon rumbled from its chest, a sound oddly alike to purring. “That’s a tall order. Wings, you say? But I think I have just the thing.”
Liz uncoiled its neck, slithering into the labyrinth of shelves behind the counter. The alchemist's serpentine tail drifted out from the alchemist’s robes, and the purple-tufted tip disappeared around a corner several seconds later than the rest of its body.
Paprika waited patiently, struggling not to tap her foot or check the time. After a moment, Liz’s silver head reappeared, and the rest of it followed soon after.
“Here you go. Should do the trick.” It placed a vial of violet liquid on the counter. “Instant effects. Wings to carry you wherever you need to go. The only thing is that it’s been sitting for a while, so it may not last as long as usual. I give it perhaps… three to four hours.”
Paprika wanted to kiss its scaly mouth, she was so relieved. “Thank you so much, Liz, you’re a lifesaver! How much?”
“For you? No charge. It was a custom order, but they never came to pick it up.” The dragon shrugged. “This way, I know it’s helping someone instead of going bad on the shelf.”
“Liz, you’re the best. Seriously.” Paprika uncorked the vial, tipped it toward the alchemist, and knocked it back.
Liz wasn’t kidding when it said ‘instant effects!’ she thought. Vertigo clouded her senses as she began to shrink. The floor was coming up fast on the tabby, her five-foot-three quickly diminishing. She felt the familiar bittersweet-ache of shifting bones as her skeleton compressed itself down, down and down. By the time her vision stopped swimming, she couldn’t have been more than a foot tall.
Her clothes were piled around her. She looked up, struggling out of her massive shirt. “Liz, you didn’t mention shrinking! How am I gonna go out like this?”
The dragon was leaning over the counter, watching the transformation progress with excitement in its slitted eyes. “I’ll get you some loaners. You look like a…. twenty-one-X small? Perhaps twenty-two. Don’t go anywhere!” The head disappeared as Liz went to look for some clothes.
Meanwhile, Paprika’s fur was darkening. Her orange tabby-coat was gone, faded to a gray so dark it was near black. She grimaced as her tail began shrinking, the nerve endings firing madly as vertebrae dissolved. There was no time to recover from that before a sheer ringing, keener than usual, overwhelmed her hearing as her triangular ears stretched out, growing bigger and far more sensitive.
Paprika reached up to feel her new ears, running her fingers along their edges. As she explored her changes, her snout lengthened, the pink tip of her nose growing into an angular point that stuck straight upwards.
She felt a stretching sensation in the skin of her lower back and armpits as thin, leathery skin formed into two hairless flaps. Her pinky fingers bent sideways, extending into long appendages that marked the outer boundaries of her growing wings. Luckily she still had full use of her hands, only a finger short.
The changes seemed to be mostly finished. Paprika walked to the floor-to ceiling mirror against the wall, and took herself in.
Alright, she thought, mostly the same as before, just with a pallet swap and some extra mobility. She extended her right arm, pulling the wing-flap taut, and moved her long pinky up and down. Her wing got tighter or looser at different positions.
Tabling that for now, she took a closer look at her face. It wasn’t just the nose that had changed; her eyes had gotten bigger in proportion to her head. But don’t bats have small eyes? I suppose I should be glad I’m not blind now. But I have to admit, it’s a cute look. She brought her hands up to her nose, feeling the shape of it.
Alright, let’s test out these… flappers? I’ll just stick to 'wings.'
Sticking out both arms, she fully extended her wings and brought them down as hard as she could. Air caught in the flaps, launching her upward with more force than she was expecting.
It was way too much—the air blew strongly against her wings, folding in her pinkies. She lost control, tumbling over herself mid-air.
She landed with an OOF on the counter top.
The little batgirl dizzily stood up, dusting herself off. Okay, second time’s the charm.
Paprika spent the next few minutes acclimating herself to her new body, and figuring out the mechanics of flying. By the time she heard the rumbling of Liz returning to the front, she had gotten enough of the basics to be fairly confident she could fly to her destination.
While Paprika practiced hovering in the air, the draconic alchemist reached the counter, a smile on its lips. Suddenly, Paprika was all too aware that she was entirely naked. She fell back to the counter, quickly covering herself up behind her wings.
Liz let out a rumbling chuckle. “Don’t worry, little kitten, nothing I haven’t seen before.” It placed a bundle of cloth on the countertop. “Here, this should fit you well.”
It was some kind of romper, stitched out of orange and red fabric. The stitching looked a little big to her, but it was actually tiny; Paprika had no idea how the alchemist had managed to make it so small. Blushing, she turned away from the looming dragon, pulling it on.
It fits really well—Liz knows its stuff! The sides were entirely open, allowing space for her wings. It covered all the important stuff. And, most important, it looked really cute on her.
“This is great, Liz, fits like a glove!” She was turning in front of the mirror, checking the outfit from every angle.
“I thought so. It looks good on you, little one. Long as you don’t mind going commando for the evening.” 
“I think I’m small enough no one will notice. Or care.” She turned back towards the alchemist. Lizzie’s form towered over her. Paprika approached its hands, draconic claws folded over one another, and wrapped her arms around one finger. She nuzzled her cheek against a scaly knuckle. “Thank you, Liz. Really.”
Paprika looked up, seeing a toothy grin splitting silver-scaled cheeks. "Of course, kitten. Now go, before you're late!"
With one last nuzzle, she pulled away and stood up. “Yeah, I’ve really got to get going now. But I think I can do it!” She flapped her wings, hovering right over the counter. “Can you open the door for me? I could barely move it at full size!”
The dragon snaked over the counter top, then held open the heavy door. “Have fun! I’ll send your clothes up to your apartment!” it called out, as Paprika winged overhead.
Flying was exhausting, as it turned out. If this romper wasn’t so light, I probably would've soaked it through with sweat.
She landed panting right outside the bar. Waiting for someone else to go in, the batgirl slipped inside behind them, landing on a table by the door.
She checked the clock. 6:28! I made it! She could have jumped for joy if she weren't so tired. Scanning the room for her friend, she spotted a flash of gray fur hunched over a guitar. She fluttered over while he tuned his instrument.
“Bruma! Bru! Over here!” Pointed ears perked up, and the wolf’s head swiveled in Paprika’s direction. His head tilted in confusion. Paprika landed on the table in front of him.
Recognition dawned in his yellow eyes. “Ricky? Is that you?”
Paprika made a little curtsy, smiling at her old nickname. “In the flesh. Thought I’d change up my look!”
Bruma still wore his work clothes: patched gray jeans and a white tank with dark oil stains here and there. A flannel hung on his broad shoulders. His keys hung from a carabiner on his belt loop. He looked every bit the stereotypical butch.
He nodded, looking her up and down. “This is a great look. Look at your little nose," he said, sticking out one finger to boop it. "I love it.”
Paprika blushed; Bru always had the best compliments. "The nose is alright, but you should try flying some time!"
"No way, I'm not built for air travel. I'd just throw up everywhere. It'd be ugly." He patted her little head. “Thanks for coming, Ricky. I’m really glad you’re here for this.”
“Absolutely nothing could've stopped me from coming tonight, Bru,” Paprika smiled.
A little bleep trilled from his watch. “Aight, it’s time for me to go up. Wish me luck cat-bat!”
He held out a fist half as tall as Paprika, and she bumped it with her own tiny paw. Bru stepped onto the little stage in the corner of the bar, and began playing.
Paprika sat back and listened to the tunes strummed by Bruma's deft pick, coming down from the exertion of her frantic flight. The crowd seemed to be enjoying it as well, judging by their quieted voices and tapping feet.
The sound of ripping fabric broke the air, carried by the relative quiet of the taproom as Bruma abruptly stopped playing. Suddenly overcome with vertigo, vision swimming with colors and shapes, Paprika blinked her vision clear to find that she was suddenly much higher than she had been a second ago. The people at the table next to her were blushing, looking pointedly into their drinks. Her blood ran cold. Oh no, nononononono...
She looked down, and saw orange and white fur, bare to the world, her little red romper ripped in two on her lap. Two hours! You said two hours, Liz!
Bruma set down his guitar, his chair scraping the stage floor as he hurried back to Paprika's table. Pulling off his flannel, he wrapped it around her frozen form. "Always an interesting time with you around, Ricky," he whispered.
Face burning, streamers of smoke began to rise from the table where she sat, her legs burning into the wood. She gladly took the flannel, covered herself up, hunched over herself in an attempt to get small once more.
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inventedfangirling · 9 months
I AM SO SO NOT READY for raymew...more like im not ready to see Sand hurt but arggghhh lets goooo
ohno ray seems to have not been a great influence on mew
okay i LOVE how protective cheum seems over mew but hello where was all this love and concern for ray all this while like whats that about !??
my gawd First is so dang good in this scene with Khao not like im surprised but gawd the hurt is hurting and it is not one bit comfy but again nobody should expect messy gays the show to be a comfort watch lmao
OHMYGOD why is everybody so good at their jobs...we barely knew anything about plug and yo's relationship but was that scene IMPACFUL or what!!!
no matter how much mental torture this may offer, its great that we also have guaranteed quality performances like wow what a pleasure it is to watch them perform
i get that top seems to be very much in love with mew but him acting all holier than thou about smoking PLS bit rich coming from somebody who literally cheated on him like WOW yes mew TELL HIM
my gawd ray getting on my nerves he's so selfish wanting to have both mew and sand and using his cuteness to get his way like excuse me who allowed you outta my pocket and into the world where you can hurt sand GET BACK IN HERE!
my gawd ray using all his perusasion moves and then some but sand standing his ground multiples times im SO PROUD OF HIM 🥹
ray did not just use orphans to get sand to agree like arrest him milord its too much!!
oh damn top approaching cheum for help, man clearly serious about his concern (pretty obvious/out there prediction based on how you think but mewtop endgame methinks :3)
okay papang's character CLEARLY has just work on his mind SURE completely his excited thirsty looks giving NOTHING away
STFU did i just see boston looking at a selfie of him and nick while drinking alone in a bar WOW did not think i'd have lived to see this day lmao
is it just me being too sandray biased or did raymew not have much chemistry in that library scene...the way ray said you look delectable felt mechanical sorta like its something he just read off a script in his head and not what he thought of right then...probably also due to it being early days together but also i did NOT hear ray say that he doesnt want a band anymore...i simply didnt hear it...it makes me feel NOTHING
why the fuck have all these people been invited these two self destructive boys have evidently NO clue in life...as expected i mean lol otherwise whats the fun in a show about a bunch of well adjusted adults with entirely healthy relationships lmao
STFU did mew just try coke NOMYGAWD this is gonna be such a train wreck of a party I CANNOT
gawd pretty boy ray (SO PRETTY but also)whipped af he's gonna hurt so so bad when he realises mew has been knowingly or unknowingly using him to get over or spite top
zjnsnsjs what was that laugh mew did when ray asked if cheum invited top...book looked so HOT and MY GAWDS TOP GUN TOP AHRJMSNANSKAKA
is ray thinking what im thinking?? that mew is showing more emotion in the past 1 minute than he did the entire time they were together and it was entirely directed at top!?
ahjansnnsjsjs mew you menace that was such a badass move im gonna forgive you for using ray and making out with him for a hot second cos WOW
sand nick moving on buddies CUUUTE if only the moving on was working out for either of them 🤧🤧
wow nick has got some guts walking upto ton like that after having secretly recorded him and ruined his friend group...im dyingggg at his (desperation dressed as ) confidence
not to get distracyed but that teeny glimpse of neo's forehead through his fringe making me wanna scream...he looks so so sooo goood argh WHY DO THEY COVER IT UP HUH FOR WHAT?? FREE THE FOREHEADS!!!
2 freddie mercury's making out at a halloweeen party...woulda been such an iconic moment...ray playing spoilsport boy you better get back in my pocket (THREAT)
When tf is ray gonna learn not to kiss people without their consent he making me madder and madder!?!?!
holy fucking shit sand's expression after ray said "you love me" !?????? im so devastated at that milli second of a reaction FIRST IS SO FXKING GOOD!??
"you're mine no matter what!????" um how DARE he!????
YES SAND GOOD ON YOU IM SO PROUD OF YOU ray you better count your days im coming for you😤😤😤😤
mew breaking up with top cos he cheated on him to be with ray who has "always" been faithful to him and this always faithful guy just decides to offer himself to his "fuckbuddy" and some other random dude from the party so easily?? gawd i feel bad for mew.
i know mew is going through hell and sorta acting out...but my gawd unhinged mew is so hot????? i feel like my brain is turning to mush everytime he does something wild
pls that bgm in the topmew scene...no matter how this scene ends...they have to be the endgame i really dont see a way around it
cheum deciding to draw boundaries and blaming ray for showing no concern for her and ruining things while the police are literally checking the room for drugs after having pinned ray down is just the sorta shiz the show promised and it has delivered so good i could scream into my pillow for hours
2 seconds...thats all it took for khao to make an impact with that scene...he's MAGIC i tell you
cheum and april should just run away together just for a while give themselves some peace of mind
pls the romcom music for topmew its driving me insane.....this was supposed to be my sandray WHERE DID IT ALL GO WRONG
sandnick cuties I LOVE THEIR DYNAMIC ARGH...whether its kept as moving on partners or new found besties or even fwbs...i am full on supporting that shiz...sand deserves some fun too
cant believe boston was the least active character today...i almost have humane feelings towards him wow
sghahnsnznsjwjzjjsjsjsnjs omygod next episode preview ducking hell
Forget everything i said about sandnick and arresting ray and being mad at him...i am still mad but ahhh sandray my babies WE ARE SO BACKKKK....they better have a proper talk so ray can apologise and start off on a proper note or else imma lose it again but ahhhhhh i havent smiled at a preview in a loooong time fuckkk feeels goood😭😭😭
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magnoliamyrrh · 7 months
some weeks ago i got freaked out bc my parents had been gone for awhile out of country, i came back from buying cigs late at night, like past 12, and when i parked the car there was a black silhouette on the street further up ahead that Definetely was not there before. it looked like the shape of a tall man wearing a overcoat but it was a bit far away and dark so it was hard to see. this thing was standing perfectly still seemingly staring right in my direction. kept staring at it and its position to conclude that was definitely not a bush or anything else. got a bad fucking feeling and ran in the house from my car, locked everything, smoked out of windows didnt go out that night etc didnt fall asleep till sunrise. freaked me out more bc the next night when i was in my car, same place i looked and the silhouette wasnt fucking there anymore at all and considering where it was it again definetely couldnt have been anything else. meaning there was definetely some tall man in a coat standing perfectly still in my direction, in an area where there is Never Anyone walking around at night, which again freaked me tf out
now im looking back and wondering if it wasnt one of the dudes that definetely had been watching our house for awhile and last week broke the window to one of our cars to try to steal it
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senorincognito69 · 8 months
Silly playful furry rhymes (Women into bear and raccoon TF tale)♀️♀️➡️🐻🦝
(Women into bear and raccoon)
A young British lady, Maddie, and a young Yankee ma’am, Jez. Two dorky glasses wearing white girls who, despite the distance between them, became best friends thanks to the magic of the internet.
Maddie’s hair was a curly blonde mess.
Jez, on the other hand, had a long straight ginger mane.
Night after night they spent their time in the online chats and communities where they had met by chance. The pair had many common interests, many of them nerdy in nature, but their most peculiar commonality, the one that perhaps helped them find each other, was their mutual love of the erotic fantasy of change.
The kinky fetish sometimes known as TF.
In those virtual spaces, as their bond grew stronger, they had many transformative adventures… They trespassed into an abandoned farm to end their days milked by a cursed machine as a pair of cows… At Circe's Pleasure Island they played, drank and smoked like delinquents until the rightful punishment struck and they panicked, turning into a sow and a jenny… And there was that time when they ran a whole story that lasted months about being transformed into various types of drones by an "evil" latex pathogen… Oh, and plenty of scenarios about becoming bimbos and hypno-sluts and all manner of fictional species (dumb deathclaws, deviant demons, and dramatic dragons to name but a few).
Many hypothetical tales that couldn’t happen, perhaps never happened, but it gave them a good laugh and some good horny fun when they were in that mood, easing the mundanity of their daily routine. Close together despite the barriers, supporting each other, a friendship that lasted years.
One day, upset by the boredom and distance, Maddie slammed a metaphorical fist on the table and made something true that previously they had only spoken about in a theoretical way: “That’s it!” she said. “It’s about time that we met in flesh & in person!”
And, as simple as that, they did so.
Maddie, taking advantage of the holidays, bought a plane ticket, flew across the seas to that crazy land full of states and, early one morning, at the airport, she met, in person & in the flesh, her dear friend Jez.
They greeted each other with a long, long hug that ended up with both of them giggling.
Then they moved on to have a lovely, lovely day.
After dealing with luggage and breakfast, Jez showed her British friend around her town. They walked the streets and the parks and even around the local woods a bit. That they could have ended up inhabiting in one of their tales. Their chit chat was as easy as it had been from behind a screen. At midday they stopped for lunch and with their strength regained went back for a bit more tourism and a couple hours at the cinema, then, as the sun set, they went back to Jez’s house with a simple dinner plan of pizza and beer in mind. After emptying several beer cans and a couple of pizza boxes they were still sitting at the kitchen table, the night firmly settled outside, but the thought of going to bed was not even near uppermost in their minds.
Maddie was wearing a sweater with jeans.
Jez a tank top with a skirt.
Maddie with socks, Jez barefoot, their feet close together under the table.
“There’s something I’ve been thinking about…” Jez sheepishly mumbled before shaking her head and blushing. “Nah, nah,” she snickered. “Forget about it,” and she took a sip from her can.
Maddie raised an eyebrow.
“Nah, nah? No!” she crossed her arms and smirked. “I crossed an ocean to come here, you aren’t half-dropping something and then cowardly sneaking away like a critter! Come on, say what you want to say!”
Jez leaned back, rolled her eyes, her nervous smile was wide.
“Okay, okay,” admitting defeat, she pulled a small piece of paper she had been carrying all day from her skirt pocket. “When you said you were really coming to visit and bought the plane ticket and all I got super nervous and, uh… wrote this silly thing to… to, ugh… you know? It’s a… a T and F thing… This feels so, so, so embarrassing in person!”
Jez’s squeaks only made Maddie more curious, as they hadn't in fact spoken much about their shared transformation interest during the day, Maddie had made a quick joke during lunch that made Jez choke on her milkshake, but nothing else. The Brit waved her hand, asking for the paper.
“Let me see!”
The Yank girl spun the paper in her fingers a couple of times, then gave it to her pal.
“It’s very dumb, probably terrible… totally terrible…! You, hem…! Just give it a look… and please don’t laugh too much!”
Chuckling, Maddie opened the paper and read the words written on it.
A short rhyme.
She read it once, then twice, then she cleared her throat and spoke it out loud…
“This pair of dorks aren’t at all fair maidens of renown!
Gleeful hubris shall be punishment, stripping them of human form!
Furry tails, hairy cunts, more teats than they can sum!
Down onto all fours, she-bear and she-raccoon they shall become!”
Jez covered her mouth, laughing nasally as Maddie shouted her amateur verse.
They had enjoyed many changes and mutations, but getting turned into a bear and raccoon, of either the anthro or feral kind, was their favourite choice of transformation.
Maddie chuckled after finishing the recital, “You are correct,” she said. “It’s rather… bad, totally terrible.”
“Hmm, hmmm,” Jez nodded with her eyes closed and smiling. “I know, it is not very… hey, wait!” she squeaked when she realised what Maddie had just said. “You aren’t supposed to say that!” the Yankee swelled her cheeks. 
The British girl shrugged. 
“Why not? You said it yourself and it is true, it is not very good.”
Jez was as offended as should be at the brit lady.
“W-Well, yeah, but you could… like… lie or, don't be so blunt about it… What’s so bad about the rhyme?”
“To begin with, it barely rhymes, too many syllables and too few too,” Maddie explained while giving the verse another read. “It’s also sorta… crass and vulgar? Hairy cunts? More teats that we can sum?” giggles. “At that point just add that we get fucked and bred by the forest males for the rest of our days.”
“I, uhhh…” Jez was blushing, she shook her head. “Okay, smart-ass, then show this she-racoon how it’s done! Go on, write a better one!”
“Right now?”
Maddie raised an eyebrow.
“Do you have a pen?”
She did indeed have one.
It took Maddie five minutes to scribble something on the other side of the paper and proudly show it to Jez.
Jez read it with a critical eye.
“See?” Maddie nagged as her friend read. “It's way better, funnier, fairy-tale-like, it rhymes and has a better structure.”
“Hmph! I prefer my version,” proclaimed Jez after she was done. “We’re gonna get hairy pussies and get fucked once is done, but fine, let’s go with yours! Are you ready then?”
Maddie frowned.
“Ready for what?”
“Tsch, tsch, it's obvious! To chant this cursed verse together with me, with one voice, from the tops of our lungs, then to inevitably transform just as we deserve and forever lose our human shapes because a dumb joke!”
The British woman pulled back, shyly tapping her fingers together.
“Oh… Eh… Isn’t… Wouldn’t that be like… too much?”
Jez squinted, leaning forward.
“What’s the matter? You wrote it, isn’t it the best version? Ahhhh… You're a bit spooked about turning into a chubby teddy bear? Aren’t you?”
“Says the trash panda…!” muttered Maddie.
The Yank put a hand on her chest with theatrical panache.
“Oh! I take personal offence with that in the name of my future kindred! We are expert garbage scavengers, don’t put me in the same box as your lazy ursine species!”
“You better show some respect to my fat hairy ass or I’m gonna wear your ringed tail as a scarf!”
The pair burst into a joyful laughter that lasted a couple of minutes.
They slowly regained their breath.
Maddie wiped away her happy tears with the back of her hand.
“Goddess…” she mumbled, lowering her eyelids. “If… If we do it, the first two lines are together, but you have to recite the one that makes me a bear… and I will sing the one that makes you a raccoon…”
The two women looked at each other with awkward intensity.
“As if we were cursing each other;” Jez slowly whispered.
Maddie nodded.
“Deal, but!” Jez lifted a finger. “Change is permanent AND full feral!”
“Ught, really?”
“We can’t just go half-way if it’s for realsis! No furry cosplay here!”
“Sigh, okay, okay, but let’s keep enough of our minds to still be ourselves, at least that will make animal control’s work easier if they catch the pair of doomed foolish beasts we are.”
That was all that Jez needed, as swift as if she was already a raccoon she moved her chair all the way to Maddie’s side.
Shoulder to shoulder.
The British lady chuckled, shook her head, raised her hand, offering it to her dear friend.
The Yankee ma’am blinked once, smiled back and grabbed the offered hand, squeezing, intertwining their fingers.
Jez lifted the paper in front of them.
“At the count of three,” she said and cleared her throat.
Maddie nodded.
“No regrets,” she grunted and then gulped.
An exhilarating electricity crossed their bodies, their pulses in sync, childish… yet erotic, nipples stiffened and vaginas clenched. Thrilling, as if they were about to commit the biggest cookie heist in history… or trespass into an abandoned… or arrive at Pleasure Island… or stick their fingers into a bucket filled with an "evil" latex pathogen…
“One,” began to count Jez. “Two… three…!”
Their voices sang as one, trembling with lewdness, but still serious:
“If magic you shall jest about, then magic you shall have,
but be wary of what ye wish, as fate is out your hands.”
Then only Jez:
“An ursine form for the young Brit, make her a great bear-lass!”
Maddie next:
“And for the Yank, a raccoon's tail, to knock her on her ass!”
Their chant concluded.
The two girls sat nervously and stiffly for a moment until they burst out into nervous giggles that lasted for a while.
“Sooooo… do you feel anything?” asked Jez.
Maddie rubbed her chin.
“Hmmm… welp, I kinda feel like eating honey.”
Jez blinked a few times, like an excited dog.
“No, dummy! I’m just joking.” the Brit chuckled.
The Yank nodded.
“Y-Yeah, I see, o-f course, I mean…”
Maddie was very amused by Jez’s reaction.
“Magic aint real, silly,” she said, then her belly grumbled, she lazily scratched the area. “Hmm.. but maybe a bit of honey wouldn't be so bad…”
Jez raised an eyebrow.
“What do you mean?”
The Brit blushed, lowering her eyes, both hands on her belly.
“Like… uh, honey, to eat? If you have…?”
“Oh… Oh! Sure, I think there’s some in the pantry!”
Jez stood up and dashed as quickly as a critter to the food closet, Maddie remained sitting, tapping around her navel with her palms… not noticing the gradual expansion of her stomach, not even after the first button of her jeans popped open. When Jez came back the jar was already open and she had taken a few licks with two fingers.
“There you go,” said the Yank gleefully, putting the honey over the table, right after that her skirt slid down her thighs, frowning she pulled it up before her friend could see her panties, her clothes growing looser.
Maddie was too distracted by the sweet aroma of the golden liquid, nostrils widened with the scent. She took her glasses off, licked her lips, grabbed the jar, shovelled her whole hand into the honey and brought it back into her mouth.
“Jeeeeez!” she gloated. “It's delicious!”
“I know, I know,” replied Jez, still struggling with her clothes.
The British lass ate and ate, just as Winnie the Pooh would, emptying the full jar in a few minutes. Once the food was over she grunted, staring at the bottom of the empty jar with childish disappointment. She would have certainly growled for more food if her attention hadn’t been diverted by a ripping sound.
Several of them in fact.
Leaving the jar aside she looked beyond, at her feet.
Dark claws were tearing holes in her socks, her eyelids widened further when she saw her gut. Her belly was now three times bigger, large and round, her shirt had rolled up her swelling breasts, her jeans completely open. A wave of hair was spreading from her crotch, leaving the frontiers of her underwear.
“What the fuck!” she shouted when her navel popped out.
Jez squealed loudly, her skirt had fallen all the way to the ankles, her top seemed as big as a blanket.
“I’m shrinking…?!” the Yank wondered with a tinge of fear.
The two friends stared at each other.
Behind Jez’s glasses a mask of dark fur surrounded her shocked eyes.
Their ears grew round and showed at the sides of the head.
Their voices as one.
The legs of Maddie’s chair snapped, she landed with her full weight on top of her enlarging buttocks, squashing the seat.
“Shit! Shit! Shit!” in pain and panic she tried to use the table to get herself up.
She failed.
The kitchen table was also wrecked, the empty jar, the empty cans and pizza boxes, her glasses… everything ended all over the floor.
“Maddie!” Jez stepped forward, wanting to help, losing her panties.
Maddie raised her hand to calm her.
“I’m fine! I’m, ugggggg… big… fine…!”
“How? W-What do we do?”
The pleading tone in Jez's shivering voice helped Maddie focus, even if not wasn’t by much.
One body expanding, the other compressing.
“Let’s… Let’s just get out of these clothes!” she began to take off her shirt.
Jez nodded and did the same.
So many thoughts it was hard to be coherent, so many sensations they were becoming aware of, everything going so fast.
Yet, despite the spookiness, the desire remained.
Of watching, of feeling.
While they were undressing, Jez found out that becoming smaller made things easier, at least with regards to getting naked. She swiftly ended up nude and half her original size, but by that point something else began to happen to her body.
She comically grabbed her buttocks, bending forward, grunting and moaning.
A tail sprouted and elongated, growing long and longer, fur followed shortly before, covered with a pattern of grey and black rings.
On the floor Maddie chuckled brutishly, she tore herself out of her shirt and lay down. Her tits were massive, her nipples dark large and thick, a patch of brown hair growing in the valley of her cleavage.
“A raccoon's tail… to knock her on her ass!” she snarked with a mouth full of teeth.
Jez looked in her direction, whiskers on her nose, she hugged her long tail against her chest and stuck her tongue out.
“You’re the one knocked on her ass! And probably with a tail too!”
“Uhhh… I think so? It’s just,” the she-bear shook her legs uselessly, her pants stuck on their way off. “I can’t take these DAMN pants off!!
The she-raccoon giggled once again and went to aid her mate.
“Let me give you a… claw, I guess.”
Moving almost on all fours Jez moved between the bear’s legs. There was some struggling, some pulling and more rips, but the pants finally flew away never to be found again by their owner.
Sitting on her knees in the space between the hairy thighs Jez gasped and cleaned the sweat off her forehead. Her nose sniffed and as it sniffed her skull began to shift into a pointier shape. She followed the scent, her eyes shining, Maddie’s panties could barely contain the massive twat behind them or the spread of the brown sea of fur. 
Wet, musk, the imprint of a vulva through the cloth.
Jez’s eyes shone with impish intent.
Maddie didn’t have a clue what was going on, yet she just got a pleasurable chill when the moist cloth was unglued from her vaginal lips, the cold air… the warm breath too…
“Jez? Are you still there? Is everything alright?” she asked, trying and failing to see beyond her boobs and belly.
Jez tapped her paws together.
“Ahhh! I’m sure it is!”
She spread those legs further open, leaned inwards.
The bear howled with delight, sounding legitimately ursine.
Her claws scratched the floor as the raccoon gave tongue pleasure to her sex, if a thick tail hadn't grown from her arse by then it definitely did after that first orgasm. As Jez licked, fondled and sucked that tender big pussy her muzzle completely formed, reaching the perfect shape. New nipples appeared below her tits, in line with them down her skinny torso. Maddie also acquired a pair of extra boobs, that even if not as big as her original two they were still of a considerable size.
Fur and moans and growls.
The raccoon pulled away, licking her lips with a mischievous cackle.
The bear panted, exhausted and spent.
Knowing that there was so much more potential fun to have, Jez began to climb her friend's crotch. Then the round belly, the titty mountains, the growing brown hair made her task easier. Eventually, when she was closer to being raccoon size than human size, she reached beyond that bust, tossed her glasses away and squatted, looking at Maddie's face while wagging her long ringed tail.
“What's up, Doc?” she snarked.
Maddie frowned, her nose had swollen and darkened, her face pushing forward around it.
“You are no bunny to say that… you sneaky trash panda!” was her answer to the snark.
Jez put a paw on her chest in a pretence of pain.
“Trash panda!” she squeaked. “I take personal offence at that!”
The she-bear’s eyes glowed, a mouth twisted into a sharp smirk.
“Take offence at this!”
Jez's miscalculation was not taking into account how small she had become and how big and strong Maddie was becoming. The bear easily picked the she-raccoon up by the sides and lifted her.
“Hey!” off-guard and feeling like a doll Jez shook her legs in the air. “Hey what are you doing! T-Think about it again!”
Maddie opened her mouth, lowering the raccoon towards her jaws.
Such a very tasty treat.
The raccoon girl started to yip and moan as she received her own dose of cunnilingus. Maddie’s tongue was big, vast, her small furry pussy could barely take it.
Furry, that was the perfect word for what all their oral sex shifted them into.
The bear girl made the raccoon bounce over her jaw as she pleased that vagina. Jez’s tongue hung out, her eyes blanked by bliss as she mindlessly played with her many teats. Several climaxes were reached, with many more after Maddie began to hold Jez with one hand so she could play with her own cunt.
It lasted an eternity that still felt too short.
Once their sexual desires were fulfilled they were both equally exhausted, still equally existing and equally more forest beasts than city women now.
On top of Maddie’s snout Jez leaned forward and kissed the bear’s forehead.
Sharing a tender glance, the shiver of pleasure was still missing with the shivers of the changes slowly morphing what humanity remained.
Jez lowered her eyelids, her voice sounded tiny and meek.
“I-Im freaking out a b-bit… What you think is gonna happen after… after…”
The bear’s claw landed gently on her lips.
“Shhhh, don’t be scared, your big teddy is here,” Maddie lazily growled. “We will be fine...” her words ended in a yawn.
The raccoon smiled and nodded. She jumped off the muzzle, landing on all fours. The bear followed her, moving to her side and standing quadrupedally. Like that they experienced the last strokes of metamorphosis together. The bone popping and muscle janks, cracks and snaps, as their bodies sealed in their chosen forms.
A bear and a raccoon.
The friendly pair roared and barked, shaking their fur.
Then a sound, a backdoor that perhaps was never there before opened. Looking in that direction they saw that outside the morning sun was shining, the sounds of nature welcomed them. They looked at each other, rubbed their noses together and started to move towards the calls. 
Leaving a mess in the kitchen and on the floor, two pairs of glasses stepped on.
Crawling towards the line of trees, side by side, with their furry tails tall and their hairy cunts proud.
---If you want to see more kinky TF shenanigans give a click to these links! ^^
-Furaffinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/senorincognito69
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its-really-dry · 2 years
before you start, please read [this] which is a summary of the series and disclaimer -> it is good to know that this au series will have a good few spoilers to the new dr strange. so if you haven't seen it and don't want to have it ruined, pls don't read ittttt.everything i write is fic NOT fact!
A/N: ok sorry for not posting in like YEARS but we are back, forgive me 😭 fake spells yall and there is a un-detailed death of multiverse strange
@goodness-gaycious @incorrectlycorrectfun @wandaspov @itsthescarletwitch @smallestavenger @v0idl1nq @tu-mama727 @genderfluidnoodleboi @feedonme @adi06lena @yelenabemylova @daenerys713
word count = 1.6k
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photo is mine babe :3
chapter seven: strange awakens
the next morning, you are woken up by what sounded like trillions of alarms going off at once.
and you were right.
there were trillions of alarms.
"what the f....?" you open your eyes slowly, the blaring sounds making your head pound hard.
once your (wanda)vision clears, you jump at the sight of america being a nose touch away from your face.
"good morning star shine, the multiverse says hello!" she says happily.
"you've been watching WAY too much tiktok." you groan as push her off of you, looking around for the source of the sound.
"where the flying duck is that noise coming from!?"
"oh! over here! i opened a portal to the clock-a-verse!"
"babe. is that the actual name of that universe?"
"what? nooooo. idk what any of them are called, i say what i see there, then add an 'a-verse' to the end of it." america explains, closing the annoying portal.
you roll your eyes and roll out of your bed. you glance up to the clock that was on the wall.
"damn! we should go and check on stephanie!"
"right behind you!"
both you and america rush down the staircase and into the living room and see that stephen hasn't budged one bit. capey was covering him like a blanket too.
"wow. he really is a stone cold sleeper!" the brunette jokes, "out real hard. he was probably smoking a joint or som cause he knocked tf out, CLEAN."
you sigh while you look down at him, the feeling of guilt washing over you once again. the sound of a small cough brings you out of your trance and you see agatha walking into the room with a smile.
"hello there my little birdies! how did ya sleep?" she asks.
"not too bad. thanks again for letting us stay the night witchy."
"awww, it's really no problem y/n! it's always nice to have a bit of company from time to time." the older woman says as she hands you a cup of coffee/tea the exact way you like it.
you stare at agatha in surprise, "NO WAY."
she just smiles and hands america a box of pizza.
"NO WAY." america says.
agatha chuckles at this, "it's just a witch thing darlings. we always know at least a little but about our guests, it's the least we can do."
aggie sits down on the couch, you and america following suite. you glance over to you tutor again and agatha catches your glance.
"he's out like a bad battery torch!"
"do you think he will wake up anytime soon?" you ask and agatha shakes her head which makes you frown.
"it's not a concussion. he's been spelled."
"how do you know that?"
"apart from the fact that i'm a literal witch, there is a big give away. you see, the spell perpetrator wasn't at the least discreet. though it is as if that was a deliberate action." agatha explains and points to a sign that was glowing red on strange's forehead.
"a rune." you mutter.
walking over to strange, you kneel in front of him, moving the hair from his forehead, to fully show the marking. america stares in awe at the rune, hella confused.
"the hell is that!?"
"it's called a rune hon. they can be used for all different purposes. in this instance, they've used it to keep strange in a constant state of sleep."
"that's not just anyone aggs. that's a maximilf doing!" you say as you stand up.
"a maxi-who?"
"y/n's talking about wanda, wanda maximoff." america snickers.
"ohhhaha! good word play y/n/n."
you wink at the witch and she shakes her head. you hold your hand out, summoning a book from thin air and you turn the pages until you find the chapter you wanted.
"i am actually digging this thor-hammer type power! alright, it's the spell, living lamented."
"how could wanda achieve that spell? the living lamented is only written in the dark hold!"
"well, that isn't true actually. the dark hold is just a copy of the original." you tell her.
both aggie and america raise an eyebrow in question and you turn the living room into a look alike of mount wundagore which agatha smiles widely at.
"my, oh my, y/n! aren't you getting good at this?"
"well, what can i say? i was taught by the best so...." you say with a shrug. "there is a place called, mount wundagore, which was carved by chthon, who carved it for the 'prophesied' scarlet witch, who we now know is wc-maxi-witcher. all the OG dark hold writings are carved into the walls of this cave and that's where the book was transcribed!"
america spins around, and around, and around, totally gobsmacked at the interior of wundagore.
"this is the most lit map ever! probs even better than GTA 5!"
"bro i would say that is disrespectful, but you are DAMN right!" you squeal and give the girl a high-five.
agatha studies the walls and their engravings.
"that is amazing. how do you know all of that?"
"i read the books inside of the forbidden section of kamar-taj's library." you reply and agatha laughs.
you seize the reality of wundagore and you are all back in aggie's living room.
"thanks for that lesson kid, it's given me a few ideas of how to get this old chap, up and running again."
"oooo to the library?"
"too the library!"
you cheer and just as you and agatha were about to walk out, america pulls your arm back.
"i would love to stay and geek out with you nerds, i kinda wanna practice my multiverse jumping!"
"sure thing mary, just please get back safley."
"you have my word ma'am!"
strange runs faster then he has ever had to in his entire life. debris and huge rocks float around in the sky that looked like space? he doesn't know why he was running, but he knew he had to.
"how are we supposed to get down there!" a voice says.
strange whips his head to the left and he sees a young girl, brown hair up in a ponytail and a split lip. he felt like he knew who she was, but his mind was so clouded and dysfunctional, he couldn.t narrow it down.
"uhh hello? stephen? we are about to be eaten by a huge a$$ monster!" the girl screams and that snaps him out of his trance.
"jump!" he shouts as he takes a hold of her hand, jumping down hundreds of feet, onto a longer piece of rubble.
the screal from the monster that was chasing them, gets louder with every passing moment. that encourages them to pick up the pace as strange continues to shoot magic at the creature.
but suddenly they were being surrounded by tentacles. the girl looks around in fear and strange rackes his brain to find an idea. he shoots his magic a little harder, up to the belly of the monster and it growls in pain, stumbling backwards as it tries to regain it's balance.
strange uses his magic to pick up the rocks and encloses the monster with them, using all of his might to keep it in there.
"go!" he calls to the girl and she runs.
the monster roars as it tries to force it's way out of the rubble. it manages to get a single tentacle out and it hits strange right on his leg. strange seethes a grimace, resulting in his magic faltering which allowed the monster to escape.
the creature continues it's path to the girl, but just before it could grab her, strange jumps in front of her and puts up a forcefield.
"i am so sorry." he whispers as he looks the kid right in her eyes. she squints at him, trying to understand why he was apologizing.
stephen sighs, "this is the only way. i am so sorry, please forgive me."
and with that, he begins to take all of the girl's powers. she screams and wriggles about, trying to set herself free, but it is no use.
strange can feel the guilt build up inside him, but he knew that what he was doing was the right thing to do?
he is grabbed by the monster who holds him up with it's tentacles around each of his wrists and ankles. the kid drops onto the floor, and she begins to regain her breath. the monster sneers at him before taking another arm and stabbing him in the stomach.
the girl gasps in horror as she watches the life drip from stephen's eyes.
"run. and don't look back. i am sorry-"
stephen shoots up, breathing heavily and sweating. he looks around, frantically and he takes his shirt off, using it to dry his forehead.
a loud crash catches his attention and he sees a star-shaped portal open, and the same girl from his dream on the floor and another body on top of her.
"what in the world is going on!?" you ask and your eyes find an awake strange, "holy heck! you're awake!" you exclaim and rush over to him.
"uhh hi, but what is going on, where am i, and is that the kid-"
"guys, you will not believe this, but i just almost died and i have a dead stephen strange emo tried to kill me!" america pants, as she holds up the dead stephen.
your eyes widen in fear.
"what happened?-...... well that's not something you see everyday!" agatha says, an awkward chuckle following.
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what-if-nct · 2 years
Good morning, my precious fairy princess!
Just woke up from a dream that had me ready to mail my hands express way to Johnny:
My friend and I recently went to a concert - and I think this is stemming from that experience - but we went to a 127 concert (where Taeil and Doyoung were enlisted, they were waiting to get Taeyong) and afterwards, they did a meet and greet. My friend and I were sitting at a table with Mark and Johnny, and while I was trying to talk to Johnny, I saw him sneaking something in his hand to his mouth. So I tried to politely ask him, but he blew smoke in my face.
And I just looked at him like "what the FU-?!?!"
And then this fool just LAUGHED. My friends and a lot of people around me know how I feel about secondhand smoke, and it was so strong and gross. Not even like a vape smell, like bubblegum or cinnamon roll, just funky nicotine.
Meanwhile Mark is like "dude, not right now, chill," and kept trying to talk to some girls. Johnny was just like "man I don't care anymore." He just kept doing it. Then he tried to get close to say something to me, but I kept moving back and away. My friend saw me getting uncomfortable and told him to back off (she's a lil honey badger, i love her sm). He just had some security pull her to another table and he passed me an NDA, as well as like 7 other girls and basically said he was looking for a "group activity". I was just so disgusted like "yo, who TF is this man??? This is not my bias". But some girl I was sitting next to was practically throwing herself at him it was kind of sad and cringe. Then other girls started doing it too. I started to get up and walk to get my friend, but he had security bring me anyway.
I don't remember what happened or if it even continued from there, but I was LIVID. I can't say I could ever see him doing this, but it just felt so real I started panicking a bit in my sleep. I was ready to yeet out of the inception. Hopefully tonight's dream is better than this
You want me to beat his ass for you? Cause what the actual fuck. I want fight him. What was that? That's not Johnny. You know what now I'm thinking we may never actually know. It could be. I want to beat his as so bad. Like what's going on with these boys in dream world? Like he really needs his ass beat. I never wanted to fight Johnny more. What the hell. But dreams that cause that kind of internal anxiety while in a dream is horrible it's like its not overtly dangerous but you just feel unsafe and want to leave. I hope you have a better happier dream. With a better version of Johnny, cause that Johnny's a dick. I hope Bangchan visits you in a dream, he heals all things. Honestly the best boy to see in a dream.
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brattyandwhorrible · 2 years
~ i as a matter of fact literally just put my headphones in, am blaring music, and ignoring tf out of my girls company that she has over.
Omg i gotta remove myself completely until this dumb strung out bitch that's talking abt my girls DRUG OF CHOICE to her mf face talking bout how she got the hook up and did she wanna smoke... how good it was, and COULD SHE BLAH BLAH BLAH WHATEVER...
OMFG GOD, THENNN.... she INSULTED MY INTELLIGENCE by trying to cover her ass and say she had weed, like i didnt mf know.
I'm so livid like i couldnt take it anymore i had to walk outside and get away from this bitch bc my heart is pounding and i wanna beat tf out this bitch. My anger is wayyy too mf bad and I HAVE COME TOO MF FAR W NOT DOING MY DOC NOR HAVE I DONE IT MY WAY EITHER since i been in FL this time for Sav to slip up this easily all bc this bitch wanna be an attention starved junkie thats tryna be the bad moral supporter friend to my girlfriend.
I know all abt girls like her bc im not above her one bit.... ive been just like her my whole life. Until now, and the ONE PERSON I ACTUALLY FALL IN LOVE WITH AND GAF ABT, is NOT BY ANY MEANS going to be doing exactly what im struggling and fighting so hard not to do EVERY SINGLE DAY. Like i s2g if she does slip and smoke and its behind my back so help me god im completely losing every ounce of religion in my soul on both of them... this dumb hoe who wears the same pair of jeans everytime i see her damn near, for being disrespectful af and tryna play me 4 a fool. And my girl for allowing it to happen and falling into the shit.
Omg im abt to lose my shit.
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robinbuckleyshotgf · 2 years
PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU PLEASE WRITE THIS. Okay, imagine reader is like besties with Jonathan and Argyle and y’all are taking a road trip. You’re in the car playing really funky and chill songs while you’re getting high out your minds. It’s all completely giggles and happiness. You guys stop at a roadside motel and rent out a shit ton of movies to watch while you’re high and you all just pass tf out
ooh okay! sorry if this is so late, i have had writers block for the last few days :)
pairing: platonic!jonathan byers x platonic!argyle x fem!reader
[🐾] you walked out of your house and sat on the doorstep, waiting for Jonathan and Argyle to show up. they asked you to join them on a joyride, Jonathan doing most of the talking and Argyle just giggling in the background. you had never gotten into drugs and stuff like that. if your mum found out you inhaled a tiny bit of cigarette smoke, she would go crazy. probably ground you for life. then loud revving sounds made their way down your street, making your ears pop. then a honking noise was made as the two best friends were jamming out to music in the front seats. you hopped in the backseats and made yourself comfortable. the smell of weed was imminent throughout the surfer-boy pizza van and smoke filled it up so you couldn't see out the windows.
''so boys, what are we doing?'' you asked, patting their shoulders and holding them tightly. they both looked at each other with mischief in their eyes.
''we are going on a roadtrip!!'' Jonathan said, raising his hands up enthusiastically. you giggled at his funny gesture and smiled a cheesy grin at him. he then rolled a joint and lit it with his trusty old lighter, that was given to him by his mum, Joyce. you watched as he put it between his lips, and then pass it to Argyle, who put it between his. you looked at how much fun they were having and you felt left out that they were smoking and getting high and you weren't allowed. so you took the joint from Argyle's fingers and put it in your mouth. both of the boys looked at you in shock, knowing that the old you would never take a joint and just start smoking it. Jonathan cheered and clapped at you as you took the joint away from your lips.
''now, who wants to rent some movies?!'' he screamed, startling Argyle. you put your hand up really high and waved it about, signalling that you wanted to pick the movies. after at least an hour later, you and Argyle walked out of a local Family Video and hopped back in the van. as the trip went on, funky tunes were played and your horrible singing along. then, Argyle stopped at a roadside motel, and made you and Jonathan unload the van. when you entered your room, you immediately passed out from getting too high.
best roadtrip ever.
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