#and want to transport our slides to it
theshadowrealmitself · 5 months
Group projects suck
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Circular battery self-sufficiency
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I'm coming to DEFCON! On FRIDAY (Aug 9), I'm emceeing the EFF POKER TOURNAMENT (noon at the Horseshoe Poker Room), and appearing on the BRICKED AND ABANDONED panel (5PM, LVCC - L1 - HW1–11–01). On SATURDAY (Aug 10), I'm giving a keynote called "DISENSHITTIFY OR DIE! How hackers can seize the means of computation and build a new, good internet that is hardened against our asshole bosses' insatiable horniness for enshittification" (noon, LVCC - L1 - HW1–11–01).
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If we are going to survive the climate emergency, we will have to electrify – that is, transition from burning fossil fuels to collecting, storing, transmitting and using renewable energy generated by e.g. the tides, the wind, and (especially) the Sun.
Electrification is a big project, but it's not an insurmountable one. Planning and executing an electric future is like eating the elephant: we do it one step at a time. This is characteristic of big engineering projects, which explains why so many people find it hard to imagine pulling this off.
As a layperson, you are far more likely to be exposed to a work of popular science than you are a work of popular engineering. Pop science is great, but its role is to familiarize you with theory, not practice. Popular engineering is a minuscule and obscure genre, which is a pity, because it's one of my favorites.
Weathering the climate emergency is going to require a lot of politics, to be sure, but it's also going to require a lot of engineering, which is why I'm grateful for the nascent but vital (and growing) field of popular engineering. Not to mention, the practitioners of popular engineering tend to be a lot of fun, like the hosts of the Well That's Your Problem podcast, a superb long-form leftist podcast about engineering disasters (with slides!):
If you want to get started on popular engineering and the climate, your first stop should be the "Without the Hot Air" series, which tackles sustainable energy, materials, transportation and food as engineering problems. You'll never think about climate the same way again:
Then there's Saul Griffith's 2021 book Electrify, which is basically a roadmap for carrying out the electrification of America and the world:
Griffith's book is inspiring and visionary, but to really get a sense of how fantastic an electrified world can be, it's gotta be Deb Chachra's How Infrastructure Works:
Chachra is a material scientist who teaches at Olin College, and her book is a hymn to the historical and philosophical underpinnings of infrastructure, but more than anything, it's a popular engineering book about what is possible. For example, if we want to give every person on Earth the energy budget of a Canadian (like an American, but colder), we would only have to capture 0.4% of the solar energy that reaches the Earth's surface.
Now, this is a gigantic task, but it's a tractable one. Resolving it will require a very careful – and massive – marshaling of materials, particularly copper, but also a large number of conflict minerals and rare earths. It's gonna be hard.
But it's not impossible, let alone inconceivable. Indeed, Chachra's biggest contribution in this book is to make a compelling case for reconceiving our relationship to energy and materials. As a species, we have always treated energy as scarce, trying to wring every erg and therm that we can out of our energy sources. Meanwhile, we've treated materials as abundant, digging them up or chopping them down, using them briefly, then tossing them on a midden or burying them in a pit.
Chachra argues that this is precisely backwards. Our planet gets a fresh supply of energy twice a day, with sunrise (solar) and moonrise (tides). On the other hand, we've only got one Earth's worth of materials, supplemented very sporadically when a meteor survives entry into our atmosphere. Mining asteroids, the Moon and other planets is a losing proposition for the long foreseeable future:
The promise of marshaling a very large amount of materials is that it will deliver effectively limitless, clean energy. This project will take a lot of time and its benefits will primarily accrue to people who come after its builders, which is why it is infrastructure. As Chachra says, infrastructure is inherently altruistic, a gift to our neighbors and our descendants. If all you want is a place to stick your own poop, you don't need to build a citywide sanitation system.
What's more, we can trade energy for materials. Manufacturing goods so that they gracefully decompose back into the material stream at the end of their lives is energy intensive. Harvesting materials from badly designed goods is also energy intensive. But if once we build out the renewables grid (which will take a lot of materials), we will have all the energy we need (to preserve and re-use our materials).
Our species' historical approach to materials is not (ahem) carved in stone. It is contingent. It has changed. It can change again. It needs to change, because the way we extract materials today is both unjust and unsustainable.
The horrific nature of material extraction under capitalism – and its geopolitics (e.g. "We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it.") – has many made comrades in the climate fight skeptical (or worse, cynical) about a clean energy transition. They do the back-of-the-envelope math about the material budget for electrification, mentally convert that to the number of wildlife preserves, low-income communities, unspoiled habitat and indigenous lands that we would destroy in the process of gathering those materials, and conclude that the whole thing is a farce.
That analysis is important, but it's incomplete. Yes, marshaling all those materials in the way that we do today would be catastrophic. But the point of a climate transition is that we will transition our approach to our planet, our energy, and our materials. That transition can and should challenge all the assumptions underpinning electrification doomerism.
Take the material bill itself: the assumption that a transition will require a linearly scaled quantity of materials includes the assumption that cleantech won't find substantial efficiencies in its material usage. Thankfully, that's a very bad assumption! Cleantech is just getting started. It's at the stage where we're still uncovering massive improvements to production (unlike fossil fuel technology, whose available efficiencies have been discovered and exploited, so that progress is glacial and negligible).
Take copper: electrification requires a lot of copper. But the amount of copper needed for each part of the cleantech revolution is declining faster than the demand for cleantech is rising. Just one example: between the first and second iteration of the Rivian electric vehicle, designers figured out how to remove 1.6 miles of copper wire from each vehicle:
That's just one iteration and one technology! And yeah, EVs are only peripheral to a cleantech transition; for one thing, geometry hates cars. We're going to have to build a lot of mass transit, and we're going to be realizing these efficiencies with every generation of train, bus, and tram:
We have just lived through a massive surge in electrification, with unimaginable quantities of new renewables coming online and a stunning replacement of conventional vehicles with EVs, and throughout that surge, demand for copper remained flat:
This isn't to say that cleantech is a solved problem. There are many political aspects to cleantech that remain pernicious, like the fact that so many of the cleantech offerings on the market are built around extractive financial arrangements (like lease-back rooftop solar) and "smart" appliances (like heat pumps and induction tops) that require enshittification-ready apps:
There's a quiet struggle going on between cleantech efficiencies and the finance sector's predation, from lease-back to apps to the carbon-credit scam, but many of those conflicts are cashing out in favor of a sustainable future and it doesn't help our cause to ignore those: we should be cheering them on!
Take "innovation." Silicon Valley's string of pump-and-dump nonsense – cryptocurrency, NFTs, metaverse, web3, and now AI – have made "innovation" into a dirty word. As the AI bubble bursts, the very idea of innovation is turning into a punchline:
But cleantech is excitingly, wonderfully innovative. The contrast between the fake innovation of Silicon Valley and the real – and vital – innovation of cleantech couldn't be starker, or more inspiring:
Like the "battery problem." Whenever the renewables future is raised, there's always a doomer insisting that batteries are an unsolved – and unsolvable – problem, and without massive batteries, there's no sense in trying, because the public won't accept brownouts when the sun goes down and the wind stops blowing.
Sometimes, these people are shilling boondoggles like nuclear power (reminder: this is Hiroshima Day):
Other times, they're just trying to foreclose on the conversation about a renewables transition altogether. But sometimes, these doubts are raised by comrades who really do want a transition and have serious questions about power storage.
If you're one of those people, I have some very good news: battery tech is taking off. Some of that takes the form of wild and cool new approaches. In Finland, a Scottish company is converting a disused copper mine into a gravity battery. During the day, excess renewables hoist a platform piled with tons of rock up a 530m shaft. At night, the platform lowers slowly, driving a turbine and releasing its potential energy. This is incredibly efficient, has a tiny (and sustainable) bill of materials, and it's highly replicable. The world has sufficient abandoned mine-shafts to store 70TWh of power – that's the daily energy budget for the entire planet. What's more, every mine shaft has a beefy connection to the power grid, because you can't run a mine without a lot of power:
Gravity batteries are great for utility-scale storage, but we also need a lot of batteries for things that we can't keep plugged into the wall, like vehicles, personal electronics, etc. There's great news on that score, too! "The Battery Mineral Loop" is a new report from the Rocky Mountain Institute that describes the path to "circular battery self-sufficiency":
The big idea: rather than digging up new minerals to make batteries, we can recycle minerals from dead batteries to make new ones. Remember, energy can be traded for materials: we can expend more energy on designs that are optimized to decompose back into their component materials, or we can expend more energy extracting materials from designs that aren't optimized for recycling.
Both things are already happening. From the executive summary:
The chemistry of batteries is rapidly improving: over the past decade, we've reduced per-using demand for lithium, nickle and cobalt by 60-140%, and most lithium batteries are being recycled, not landfilled.
Within a decade, we'll hit peak mineral demand for batteries. By the mid-2030s, the amount of new "virgin minerals" needed to meet our battery demand will stop growing and start declining.
By 2050, we could attain net zero mineral demand for batteries: that is, we could meet all our energy storage needs without digging up any more minerals.
We are on a path to a "one-off" extraction effort. We can already build batteries that work for 10-15 years and whose materials can be recycled with 90-94% efficiency.
The total quantity of minerals we need to extract to permanently satisfy the world's energy storage needs is about 125m tons.
This last point is the one that caught my eye. Extracting 125m tons of anything is a tall order, and depending on how it's done, it could wreak a terrible toll on people and the places they live.
But one question I learned to ask from Tim Harford and BBC More Or Less is "is that a big number?" 125m tons sure feels like a large number, but it is one seventeenth of the amount of fossil fuels we dig up every year just for road transport. In other words, we're talking about spending the next thirty years carefully, sustainably, humanely extracting about 5.8% of the materials we currently pump and dig every year for our cars. Do that, and we satisfy our battery needs more-or-less forever.
This is a big engineering project. We've done those before. Crisscrossing the world with roads, supplying billions of fossil-fuel vehicles, building the infrastructure for refueling them, pumping billions of gallons of oil – all of that was done in living memory. As Robin Sloan wrote:
Did people say, at the dawn of the automobile: are you kidding me? This technology will require a ubiquitous network of refueling stations, one or two at every major intersection … even if there WAS that much gas in the world, how would you move it around at that scale? If everybody buys a car, you’ll need to build highways, HUGE ones — you’ll need to dig up cities! Madness!
That big project cost trillions and required bending the productive capacity of many nations to its completion. It produced a ghastly geopolitics that elevated petrostates – a hole in the ground, surrounded by guns – to kingmakers whose autocrats can knock the world on its ass at will.
By contrast, this giant engineering project is relatively modest, and it will upend that global order, yielding energy sovereignty (and its handmaiden, national resliency) to every country on Earth. Doing it well will be hard, and require that we rethink our relationship to energy and materials, but that's a bonus, not a cost. Changing how we use materials and energy will make all our lives better, it will improve the lives of the living things we share the planet with, and it will strip the monsters who currently control our energy supply of their political, economic, and electric power.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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saintslewis · 7 months
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pairing: f1 grid (not all) x black fem driver!reader
summary: in which reader takes the f1 pilots to experience her culture and the beautiful country that is South Africa.
warnings: south african slang, cussing, social media environment, mentions of food, borderline chaotic
saint’s team radio 🎀: you have no idea how excited i was to write this. i love my country so so much and to be able to share it with all of you is a blessing. thank you @exotic-iris13 for requesting this! side note, December is in summer so i hope i don’t confuse you! enjoy!
please like, comment and reblog! (i’m watching you)
fc: @/mbbaarrhliii on ig!
tags: @non-stop-imagines @perfecttrashface @mauvecherie-writes @purplelewlew @arshiyuh @yeea-nah @alika-4466 @louvrepool @sheluvsf1
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imessage: THE OFFICE 🏎️
y/n: i just got my braids done losers
charlie w a ferrari: but the season’s over, we won’t see it :(
carlito: plus didn’t you already have them done last month?
landinhoooo: no guys december braids usually mean a vacation, so where are you going? 🤨
y/n: firstly, you know wayyyy too much about the braids thing 😭
honey badger: that was oddly specific i have to say, lan
yukibae: yeah that was weird
landinhoooo: wtv 🙄 where are you going, y/n!
y/n: my mother is requesting the presence of all of you so you’re all coming back home with me 🤭
carlito: mi vida, wouldn’t that be too soon? winter break just started
kika’s bf: also how would it work? accommodation, transport, all those things
y/n: are you saying no to an african mother?
lew <3: guys say yes, she’ll show up to your house and force you
alexander!: not to mention it’s summer that side (she kidnapped one of my cats, say yes)
princess george: okay, let’s say we all go. what is going to happen?
y/n: i’m just saying, you haven’t lived if you haven’t never experienced a South African summer
mad max: I don’t know, y/n. just please don’t guilt trip us
mickey schumi: i can already feel her frown from here
y/n: i was going to pay for everything but since none of you want to go, i’m saving money 🤭
landinho: wait
kika’s bf: wait hold on
charlie w a ferrari: why didn’t you say so in the first place?!
honey badger: now that you’ll be our sugar mommy, ofc we’ll all be there
princess george: that clears out so much
y/n: you guys are a bunch of IDIOTS
alexander!: there has to be a catch???
carlito: we’ll even dance to that one music playlist of yours
y/n: all of you have to wear my merch next season and you’ll let me win two races back to back
mad max: now y/n-
y/n: uh oh! looks like max is paying for everything!
charlie w a ferrari: JUST SAY YES
mad max: okay, you’ll win two races and i’ll slow down
princess george: i just did some quick research and y/n, you’re seen as a national treasure??? and lewis is considered Nelson Mandela’s grandchild??
y/n: well, yes! don’t question my country, okay? 🫶🏽
yukibae: yes ma’am 🫡
oscahhh: i went for a run, what did i miss??
landinho: we’re going on a trip and y/n is paying 😝
honey badger: except max, he’s paying for his own things
mad max: i’m not??
y/n: three races and i’ll get you a new console
kika’s bf: CAN I HAVE ONE??
landinho: NOOO I NEED ONE, PLS Y/N
y/n: we all earn millions every race??? get it yourself????
kika’s bf: i’m going to tell kika you’re bullying me
y/n: she’s coming on the trip too along with all the other wags 🤭
yukibae: and where’s YOUR wag, y/n? 🤨
y/n: yuki shhh pls i’ll literally buy you an island
charlie w a ferrari: NUH UH YUKI TELL US
landinho: yuki what do you know
princess george: whoever isn’t y/n’s wag, say so RN
everyone: NOT ME
lew <3: damn
landinho: I KNEW ITTTTTT
alexander!: I HAVE TO GO TELL LILY
oscahhh: have you guys never seen them interact in the media pen? it’s like they’ve been married for 27 years
logang: and how do YOU know that
oscahhh: mate, you told me
y/n: 🙄
y/n: go pack for this trip before i shave your eyebrows 🫶🏽
y/n’s instagram story
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seen by kehlani, ferrari and 34,282,722 others
“There’s no way you got cars for all of us.” George and everyone else really couldn’t believe that the lengths you went through to make this trip as perfect as you could. “Not to mention booking out the Four Seasons!” Carmen interjected, walking next to her boyfriend.
You watched as everyone filed into the Mercedes vans waiting for them on the airport runway where the large jet had landed. You couldn’t believe you got everyone to come to South Africa in the first place but guilt tripping them had worked a charm, complaining that you don’t have a home race and that your mom would be pissed.
Very easy to fool these guys.
The skies of Johannesburg weren’t all too clear but you could tell that it was summer. Deciding to rather catch up with everyone at the hotel a bit later, you used a private exit to the airport so that you could visit your mom and sister before anything else. Plus you knew a big deal would’ve been made if you had announced that you were coming home so posting will do for now.
“Bathong, where are your friends? I thought you’d all come here.” Your mother said whilst setting up the extremely long table in her backyard so you were sat on a pool chair just watching her.
bathong - more of an expression of confusion or shock
“It was going to look suspicious if i came here with all these people with the same vans following each other.” You replied. “I booked the Four Seasons, it should be big enough for all of us.”
“Oh okay, that’s fancy. So where’s your boyfriend?” Your mom asked with a grin on her face that earned a head shake from you.
“Ukuphi uLerai?” Where’s Lerai? (younger sister)
“Usaseskholeni. Unfuna ukuyomlanda?” Your mom replied. She’s still at school. Do you want to go fetch her?
“Yeah, i want to surprise her. So let me go and I’ll see you later when I drop her off.” You stood up, saying goodbyes to her as your mom went about what she doing.
Hopping in one of your various cars that you kept in your mother’s garages, you quickly texted your boyfriend when an idea popped in your head.
y/n: do you want to cause a bit of chaos
lew <3: sigh
lew <3: what kind?
y/n: i’ll pick you up rn and we’re going to pick my sister up from school 😝
lew <3: should i be scared?
y/n: slightly, see you in a few 😚
To say you caused a bit of chaos would be an understatement. You hadn’t realised that your sister’s school was huge and this whole time, you forgot what you and your boyfriend did for a living. Picture this: a Lamborghini Urus parked outside where many high school kids are obsessed with it, you and Lewis stepping out to call your little sister, kids recognise you two, you apologise to your sister with ice cream.
You end the day off with lounging in the room with your boyfriend, laughing at the reactions of your fans to the news of you being in the country. You had planned this whole visit out, wanting everyone to get their rentals tomorrow morning then taking them everywhere.
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liked by pierregasly, bellahadid and 937,728 others
yourusername home 🇿🇦
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user there’s no fucking way, YOU’RE BACK??
yourusername and i’m with my FRIENDS 🤭
youryoungersister a facetime would be nice next time 🧍🏽‍♀️
yourusername well, no!
landonorris y/n, what is a kota?
yourusername if you’re up for it, we can get some today
georgerussell okay but what IS it
yourusername DON’T WORRY
georgerussell I’M WORRIED
carlossainz55 you didn’t say it was going to be this hot
charles_leclerc she warned us mate 😭
danielricciardo btw max is still hanging out with that cat he found at breakfast
lilymhe i’m obsessed with this place, i never want to leave
francisca.cgomes you’re still in the hotel room 🫤
alexandrasaintmleux i just googled gold reef city, CAN WE GOOO PLS
alex_albon WHATS THAT
loganseargent IT’S AN AMUSEMENT PARK
user i just drove in the four seasons driveway, guys there are so many cars lined up for them 😭
user she comes to the country when i decide to LEAVE??
dbngogo stfu you’re back? 🥹 come to Konka 🫵🏽
landonorris WHAT’S THAT
dbngogo it’s a nightclub 🤭
yourusername ofc bae
lewishamilton there’s a flower bouquet that says Mandela’s grandchild for me 🧍‍♂️
user oh fuck he knows the joke
georgerussell told you
f1 y/n bring back our drivers 😣
yourusername bring back kyalami then we’ll talk
user oop-
south western township
Not wanting to waste any time, Y/n scooped up her friends to visit her hometown, where she grew up and dreamed of this very moment.
The convoy of extremely expensive cars that sped through the route to Soweto had caught the attention of many people, including the news that announced your arrival.
Briefing the boys (and the girls) on their menu choices of your favourite foods, they all equally decided that they’ll start training when they get back home. With the food place being right across a park with a large parking lot, it was convenient for you.
Being the host for this whole trip, you went ahead and ordered for everyone, speaking through the hole in the wall to specify orders and paying a hefty price including drinks. You watched as all your friends climbed out of their respective cars, leaning and sitting on the hoods of the cars as they all bonded. The vibrant atmosphere of your home country made everything feel like summertime.
Getting help carrying all that food to the group, everyone took their orders and observed them. “So, amagwinya are fat cakes, they’re very filling. A Kota is a uncut loaf of bread with stuff inside like hot chips, sausages and other things that you can specify for your Kota.” You explained, everyone immediately digging in and their faces said it all.
“And for you, Lew, you can have the fat cakes and the hot chips. I have to say, you’ll be full for the entire day.” You turned to your boyfriend who gave you a kiss before trying the food.
Later that day, dinner at your mother’s was a success, everyone finishing their plates and sharing different stories under the Johannesburg stars.
The next day was filled with fun activities, hitting up the amusement park Gold Reef City then late night karting, the friendship between everyone was growing as smiles never left their faces.
a week later
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liked by patooward, mclaren and 3,728,912 others
yourusername south africa my baby, it’s been amazing 🇿🇦
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landonorris take me back (we’re checking out of Four Seasons)
danielricciardo and what about your gf that you met? 🤨
landonorris she’s coming to the next race 🫡
maxverstappen33 three wins and that’s it
yourusername do you want me to tell on you to my mom?
maxverstappen33 no 😨
charles_leclerc i need another kota
alexandrasaintmleux we’re actually shaking for one right now
yourusername askies 🤣 sorry
loganseargent never thought i’d ever be an avid lover of amapiano
user what multiverse are we in that Logan, the most american person to ever exist, is saying this
user it’s the South Africa effect baby 😝🇿🇦
lewishamilton can we come here every winter break?
carlossainz55 can we please? all my joy is at Gold Reef City
alex_albon i just want her mother’s cooking again, changed my life
f1 y/n, what did you do to our drivers
yourusername if you add kyalami to the calendar, you’ll know 😚
lilymhe someone gave me a painting of you and i will be hanging it in my home
francisca.cgomes to complete the shrine
landonorris to our Sugar Mother Y/n
yukitsunoda i got all the recipes, i’m ready
yourusername we need 20 kotas stat! 🫵🏽
oscarpiastri even your money looks so cool 😭
user if this is not the greatest representation of our country, i don’t know what it is
mercedesamgf1 can we join next time? 😔
yourusername no
yourusername I LOVE YOUUUU
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saint’s notes: ahhhhhh hope y’all enjoyed! mwah 😝 i tried but it feels sorta rushed?? idk, let me know
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loves0phelia · 1 month
Country Girl
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Summery: Eddie’s music career is getting to much, what happens when he takes a vacation to a small countryside town?
Words: 4,1k
Warnings: spelling mistakes, characters gets in underwear, mention of drinking alcohol.
A/N: this sucks but I haven’t written in 2 months sooo I hope you enjoy xx
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“Are you kidding me?”
“No Eds, you're going to Spring Lake.” Gareth stood with his hands on his hips with a fatherlike glare fixated on his friend whom he almost didn't recognize nowadays. 
“Why would I be going in this shit hole? I am fine right where I am” He said the last bit of his sentence with a long tired sigh as he planted himself down on the beat-up couch in the trailer where all the costumes and concert essentials were stored. His eyes were bloodshot and his hair was greasy and sweaty sticking to his forehead. 
“You're not okay Eddie. We can't recognize you anymore. You need some time off, we all do. and it would be better if you got out of the city for the summer ” Eddie scoffed at this and rubbed his hand over his face.
“Ok. Who's we? And who put “we” in charge of me?” He laughed humorlessly and stood up from his seat with an accusatory finger pointed at Gareth's face.
“Julie, but we all agreed with her, Eddie. You can barely stand during our shows because you drank too much beforehand, even the press is talking about it! You're making it hard for all of us-”
“Shut up! Shut up!” His voice bounced on the metal walls and rang in Gareth's ears making him visibly cringe before he stormed out. 
As soon as he stepped out, the cameras started flashing and blinding him, capturing his angry features and red eyes. He couldn't wait to see the newspaper with the various headlines about him and his addictions.
He yanked open the limousine door that was initially the band's way of transport but he couldn't care less about how they would get to the hotel. He slides in, slamming it shut behind him. His eyes flashed with irritation as he leaned forward.
"To the hotel, and step on it, will you? I’ve already had enough shit today. No detours, no shortcuts—just get me there as fast as you can." He barked at the chauffeur.
Without caring for a response he slumped back against the seat, glaring out the window,
The drive was short, as requested. He was back at the hotel before anyone else. Still fuming with rage and decided to dial a number he only called for emergencies.
“Hello?” The man's voice was soothing in Eddie's ears. 
“Hey, Wayne.” An angry tear fell out of Eddie's eye.
“Eddie, boy do you know how late it is?” Eddie turned his head slightly to look at the clock that lay on the modern-looking bedside table.
“Sorry, I just- I need to talk to you” his throat contracted another tear threatening to fall from his brown doe eyes.
“What's wrong son?” Despite Wayne's strong and deep voice, the concern was clear.
“Julie and the band wants-” Once again his hand made its way into his hair, this time gripping angrily. “They want me to go to Spring Lake for the summer as if they can just send me away! Like- Like to get rid of me” he groaned into the receiver.
“Eddie listen to me” Wayne signed sadly for Eddie.
“I requested it to your manager, okay? I've seen you on TV and I can't even count on my fingers the number of times you've called me in the middle of the night while being drunk. You need a break, son” 
“No, no! I'm fine Wayne” Both of his knees started trembling as he couldn't help the tears from cascading down his cheeks. He felt lost and he couldn't find a way to return.
“You're not Eds. You need to find a way to get better, please listen to Julie when she comes to talk to you, goodnight, son. I love you” The phone pressed against Eddie's ear went flat as the line disconnected. 
He sat there, staring blankly ahead, his face drained of colour. He barely notices the tear that escapes now.
He was used to getting comments from Gareth and Jeff or the rest of the band but never from his uncle.
His chest felt heavy, making it hard to breathe. He wanted to scream, to do something, but nothing came. Instead, he remained still, unable to process everything the night unfolded. 
He felt disconnected as if the world was moving on without him, until a knock came to the door. His eyes which looked blankly at the carpet floor snapped to the hotel room door. He didn't bother to stand figuring out the person on the other side would get the message and leave him alone. 
Unfortunately, the door opened and Julie entered the room. 
“Did you talk to Wayne?” She asked, her voice sharp like a thorn. 
“I did”
“I should've told Gareth to keep his mouth shut about this, it wasn't his place to tell you. I'm your manager, I should be the one taking care of this mess” Her black leather boots stumped on the floor as she approached the bed he was sitting on.
“Wayne said you loved going to Spring Lake as a kid, that's why we thought it would be a great idea.” She added.
“Yeah trailer park, poor, didn't have a life Eddie loved going there, it was the only place where I wasn't freak because everything is disconnected there.” Julie’s eyes soften, her heart feeling sad at the mention of Ed's childhood. 
“I have a life now, I'm a rockstar, and I'm important to people” 
“But you're losing yourself in the process. You need to go back to your roots, and learn what's really important” Eddie sighed in defeat there was no denying it.
“Go to Spring Lake for a couple of weeks and if you hate it, come back. My niece has a cottage she can welcome you”
His fingers drummed impatiently on the armrest as the car slowed down to avoid a group of cyclists taking up the road.
"This is ridiculous," he muttered under his breath, glancing out the window at two horses casually munching on herbs. 
The car finally pulled up to a small cottage-looking house, it was small, probably only big enough for two bedrooms and one bathroom. It had a porch swing and a bunch of potted flowers. It was far from what he was used to now.  
The driver opened the door for him, his black combat boots crunched against the gravel. Eddie's expression was clearly stating that he’d rather be anywhere else.
"Let’s just get this over with," he sighed, and he walked towards the entrance of the house. As Marcus “driver” started unloading his luggage.
He raised his fist to connect it to do wooden door frame around the screen door but at the same time the door on the other side swung open as fast as a rush of wind
He wrinkled his nose slightly, the faint smell of fresh baked goods interfered with his overpriced cologne.
“Hi!” you said in a welcoming tone. Eddie was mesmerized by your sun-kissed skin glowing so naturally. Your beautiful hair, loosely tied back with a ribbon, cascaded down your shoulders. your overalls are dirty but charming with a simple floral pattern embroidered into the pockets.
Your face broke into a wide, genuine smile, your eyes crinkled at the corners with the kind of happiness that he wasn't used to seeing.
“It's so nice to see you, Eddie!,” You walked forward pushing the screen door that was separating you both to greet him, making Eddie step back a few feet almost tripping down the small stairs leading up to the porch.,
“I’m y/n. It’s so nice to have you here, I made some blueberry muffins and cinnamon rolls I didn't know which one you preferred… oh! I also have some lemon pie. come in!.”
He barely managed to suppress a groan. Of course, you would be cheerful and kind. Everyone in these small towns always was. Still, there was something about you that made him pause. Maybe it was the way your smile didn’t get flatter even as you faced his cold demeanour or the way your eyes sparkled as you spoke about the dessert you had made for him specifically. He shook off the thought, reminding himself that he was here out of obligation, not to make friends.
“Thanks,” he replied shortly, his tone cold as he glanced around the room, doing his best to avoid looking directly at you.
you didn’t seem bothered by his lack of enthusiasm. Instead, you clasped her hands together, your smile never fading.
“I’ve got your room all ready. there's a dresser and a fantastic view of the lake behind the house. I hope you’ll like it.”
He sighed, already regretting the trip, but nodded. “Sure. Lead the way.”
As you walked ahead of him, he couldn't help but notice the way your hips swayed gracefully. He quickly looked away, feeling annoyed at himself. He wasn’t here to admire the locals, least of all a girl who looked like she belonged in a summer daydream.
You led him up the narrow hallway, talking about various details about the house and the people in town, the kind of small talk that would usually make him roll his eyes. But today, for reasons he couldn’t quite explain, he found himself listening, even if he didn’t respond.
“Here, this is your room and mine is right there” You pointed to the door right next to ‘his’ 
He grunted a thanks, stepping inside and without saying a word he closed the door shut. He let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. You were beautiful, he admitted to himself, but in a way that was different from the women he was used to. Something was refreshing about you, something real.
But then he shook his head, pushing the thought away. It didn’t matter how beautiful you were. He was here for a few days at most, just to make his manager happy and then he’d be back to his world, far away from this little town and its infuriatingly sunny inhabitants. Still, as he threw himself onto the bed, he couldn’t quite get your smile out of his mind.
Eddie stirred beneath the soft blankets, blinking against the unwelcome brightness. He wasn’t used to waking up to the sound of birds chirping outside the window or the scent of fresh coffee wafting through the air. For a moment, he forgot where he was, his mind still groggy from sleep. The sheets were softer, crumb-free and smelled flowery.
Then it hit him—he was in your house in Spring Lake.  The day of his arrival felt like a dream, a bad dream. He groaned, rubbing a hand over his face as he sat up, his hair wild and eyes heavy with remaining sleep. This wasn’t how he usually started his day, and the unfamiliarity of it all only added to his irritation.
Just as he was about to pull himself out of bed, there was a soft knock on the door, followed by it creaking open. You peeked your head in and smiled as bright as ever. Who was this happy at… 8 am?
“Good morning! I hope you slept well,” You said, stepping into the room with a steaming mug of coffee in hand.
He mumbled a response “Morning.”
you handed him the mug, your fingers brushing against his as you did. “I made you some coffee. I thought you might need it. the trip was probably long, you forgot your suitcases outside, but don't worry I rolled them in for you last night” you reassured.
“Thanks,” he muttered, his voice rougher than usual. He took a sip. It was good coffee, surprisingly so. He gave you a nod of approval, which you seemed to appreciate before leaving the room and allowing him to get civil.
After a moment he joined you in the kitchen still looking grumpy “So,” you began “ You don’t exactly strike me as the countryside type so what are you doing here?.”
He raised an eyebrow at your directness.
“Julie didn't tell you?” he replied simply, taking another sip of coffee.
“She only said you already knew your way around town so I didn't need to play guide with you but you don't seem to be from here and I don't think I've seen you before,” you shrugged.
He let out a short, humourless laugh. “I used to come here every summer as a kid”
You tilted her head, studying him.  “Well, I hope you enjoy it as much as you did before.”
He frowned at that. “Enjoy it? What’s there to enjoy? I’m stuck in the middle of nowhere when I could be… I don't know. having fun?.”
“Maybe you can have fun here?” your voice was a little teasing as if in your head you had come up with a sudden plan.
“This is Carrot,” You said, patting the horse’s neck affectionately. “He's perfect for beginners”
Eddie arched an eyebrow, “I’m not a beginner,” he said gruffly, though the truth was, he had never been this close to a horse before, let alone ridden one. But he wasn’t about to let that show.
“Alright then, Mr. Experienced. Ready to get on?”
He took the reins with a nod, his grip a little tighter than necessary. He’d seen people ride horses in movies and on TV—how hard could it be? With a deep breath, he approached Carrot. 
“First, put your left foot in the stirrup,” you instructed, watching him closely. “Then swing your right leg over.”
“I know," he cut you off, determined to appear unbothered. For a moment, he hesitated, but he quickly shook it off and pushed himself up. His right leg swung over the saddle, and before he knew it, he was sitting on the horse. He landed with more force than he intended, and Carrot shifted beneath him, causing him to tense up.
“See? Easy,” But he forced himself to stay calm, straightening his posture and gripping the reins as if he knew exactly what he was doing.
“right… So you can race me then?” The corner of your lips lifted in a malicious smirk.
“Race you?” he tensed up again, shifting in the saddle as he tried to find a comfortable position. 
“mhm,”  you said, smoothly mounting your horse.
The horses began to move. Eddie's eyes widened slightly “Wait wait wait, can we take it slow… it's been a while, I just gotta warm up a little” he lied through his teeth.
“I thought you were experienced” You turned your head over your shoulder looking back at him as your horse galloped forward. “Just relax and let him guide you. There’s no rush.”
Relax? Easier said than done. But he wasn’t about to let you see him falter. So he squared his shoulders and  took a deep breath
After a few minutes of you both going slowly around the field, Eddie had finally gotten the hang of it. Or so he thought.
“How about we pick up the pace now? A little friendly race, maybe?” He said, his voice still trembling, clearly not being as confident as he wished to be.
“Alright, you’re on,” you replied. 
You flashed him another grin, then gently nudged your mare forward. Belle (your horse), sensing the challenge, picked up her pace too, and before you knew it, You and Eddie were both moving faster across the field. 
“Come on, Carrot!” he urged with a small proud smile, impressed at his skills, trying to keep up with you, who had already raced slightly ahead of him. 
For a moment, Eddie forgot all about his earlier discomfort. It was just him, the horse, and the open field ahead and for the first time in a while, he felt free.
But then, as he rounded a bend in the open field, Carrot suddenly swerved to avoid a rock hidden in the tall grass. The sudden movement caught him off guard, and before he could react, he felt himself slipping sideways in the saddle. 
The next thing he knew, his legs swinging over the horse’s back as he tumbled off in an awkward arc.
He hit the ground with a heavy thud, right in the middle of a large, muddy puddle. The cold, thick mud splattered everywhere, coating his clothes, face, and hair in a messy, sticky layer. For a second, he just lay there, stunned, staring up at the sky as the reality of what had just happened sank in.
“Oh my gosh Eddie, are you okay?” You jumped down your horse and rushed to his aid, slipping on your knees in the puddle to check for any injuries.
He sat up slowly, wiping mud from his face with a grimace. His once-pristine jacket was now a muddy mess, and his hair stuck out in odd angles, but as he looked up at you, concerned in your eyes, on your knees in the puddle, next to him, he couldn’t help it. A chuckle escaped him, followed by another, until he was laughing.
Your frown quickly turned upside down when you heard the laughter coming out of his mouth. Giggles quickly started bubbling in your throat as well.
“I warned you it wasn’t as easy as it looked,” you teased, grinning as you tried brushing some of the mud off his shoulder.
He let out a mock groan, half-grumpy, half-amused with the situation.
Despite the mud, the fall, and the bruised ego, he felt lighter than he had in days. There was something liberating about letting go, about laughing at himself and the situation, instead of trying to maintain the stoic facade he usually wore. 
”Let's get you cleaned up. I think you’ve had enough mud for one day.” You smiled and grabbed both his hands to help him up from the muddy water.
As you both walked back toward the cottage-like house, side by side, he realized something. For the first time since he’d arrived, he was having fun. And it was all thanks to you.
Ever since that day, you and Eddie have been enjoying each other's company.
Today the sun was glowing despite the dark clouds looming in the sky but knowing rain was to come you both decided to stay in the cottage instead of going out to the horse barn. and that's how you ended up standing on your tiptoes, trying to reach a bag of flour on the top shelf. 
Eddie watched you from the doorway with a mix of exasperation and amusement.
“Why don’t you just use a stool like a normal person?” He grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. You shot him a determined look, your lips curving into a playful smile.
“I’ve got it, don’t worry. I do this all the time.”
Eddie sighed, watching you struggle with the shelf that was clearly too high for you. You were nothing if not stubborn. Just as he was about to walk over and get the flour himself, you made a final, determined stretch—and knocked the bag off the shelf. It tumbled through the air, heading straight for your face.
“Oh, for crying out loud…” Eddie muttered, stepping forward with reflexes quicker than he cared to acknowledge. He caught the bag just before it hit you but not without consequence. 
The bag burst open on impact, sending a thick cloud of flour exploding into the air.
You blinked, momentarily stunned as the white powder rained down on the both of you. When the cloud settled, you were covered head to toe in flour, your long hair now dusted with white. Eddie wasn't much better, his dark hair and clothes now sprinkled with flour.
“Well… at least you caught it,” you murmured as you and Eddie stood unmoving
Eddie gave you a long, unimpressed look.
“Yeah, yeah,” he muttered, reaching up to wipe the flour off his face with a sigh. “You’re welcome.”
“Sorry, guess we're just bound to get dirty all the time” Your giggles broke free, your eyes sparkling with mischief.
Eddie rolled his eyes, but there was a tiny smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Don’t push it,” he replied, though his tone lacked the usual bite.               
“At least you look cute” Your hands brushed his cheek to remove some of the remaining flour from his face, even though only water would be able to remove the cloudy ingredient from your face. 
“I'm going to take a dip in the lake to clean up a bit before going in the shower, I don't want the flour to clog the drain, you coming?” Your boldness surprised you.
“uhh- ye- yes” You laughed under your breath at Eddie's flushed face before walking to the glass door leading to the wooden dock in the backyard of your house.
You reached the edge of the dock and kicked off your shoes. Eddie followed, his hands stuffed into his pockets but watching you intensely. But his gaze quickly left you when you started pulling away your dress leaving you in only your underwear.
“uhh,” Eddie scratched his head awkwardly, not sure where to look anymore.
“It's okay Eddie, you can look, it's just like a swimsuit” You brushed your hair over your shoulder and saw Eddie gulp. Once again a giggle escaped you but without further explanation, you jumped in the water. 
You emerged with a splash, your laughter bubbling up as you pushed your wet hair out of your face. you looked up at Eddie, who was still standing at the edge of the dock, staring down at you. 
“Come on, rockstar, that flour isn't gonna fly away!” you called back, your voice echoing across the lake. You floated on your back, arms outstretched.
For a moment, Eddie hesitated. But then, as he looked at you, carefree and glowing in the golden light, something in him shifted. Maybe it was the way you seemed to belong to this place or the way you had pulled him into your world without even trying. Or maybe it was just that he wanted to hold onto this feeling a little longer, to be a part of it.
With a resigned sigh, Eddie kicked off his shoes and pulled off his shirt, tossing it aside as well as his pants leaving him in only boxers. You watched, your heart skipping a beat as he moved closer to the edge. He paused for just a second, meeting your gaze.
Then, without another word, he jumped.
The water erupted around him as he plunged in, disappearing beneath the surface for a few seconds before he came back to the surface.
You swam closer, the distance between you closing. 
Eddie chuckled, his laughter rich and warm as he reached out to gently brush a strand of wet hair from your face. “You’re going to be the death of me, you know that?”
You grinned, your eyes locking onto his as she splashed him playfully. “You’re welcome,” you teased, before leaning in and pressing a quick, playful kiss to his cheek.
“y/n…” Eddie whispered, not even sure what he was going to say.
But before he could finish, you leaned in, your gaze dropping to his lips. For a split second, the world stood still. Then, in one fluid motion, you both closed the distance between you, his lips brushing softly against yours.
The kiss was gentle at first, tentative as if you were afraid he might pull away. But when Eddie responded, his lips moving against yours with equal softness, you deepened the kiss, and his hand came up to cup your cheek.
You felt a shiver run down your spine as your legs wrapped around his waist in the water, you melted into him, your arms wrapped around his neck for added support. The world around you seemed to disappear.
When you finally pulled away, both of you were breathless, your foreheads resting against each other as you tried to catch your breath. Eddie's heart was pounding so loudly he was sure you could hear it.
Eddie opened his eyes, his gaze locking onto yours. “I didn’t expect that,” he admitted, his voice low and rough.
you smiled, your fingers still tangled in his hair. “I’m glad I did it,” you whispered back, your heart swelling.
“Me too,” he said softly, pressing another light kiss to your forehead before pulling you further into his arms, holding you close.
“I think we should get out before we get all wrinkly” You laughed and he splashed more water onto your face before you started to swim away.
“Hey Julie, please tell the band I won't be back for a while…” He whispered into the phone as you slept beside him your hair all sprawled on the silk pillow where your head layed as he kissed you endlessly a couple of hours before.
“How long are you thinking?” she asked.
“Actually… I don't think I will come back at all”
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giuseppe-yuki · 2 months
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carlos sainz x meerkat shapeshifter!reader
w.c.: 1.5k
warnings: a few curse words?
part of my shapeshifting!reader series
summary: a prank kind of backfires on you and carlos
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picture credits from pinterest :)
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honestly, you thought your favorite mode of transportation must be riding on carlos’ broad shoulders. with such a tall vantage point, you could see farther ahead compared to if you walking on the ground. plus, you wouldn’t be trampled on by over-eager fans, you didn’t have to tire your legs out, and you’d be able to catch a whiff of the familiar smell of carlos’ cologne. 
you adjust your grip on carlos’ racing red ferrari kit, digging your paws into the soft material and curling your body around his neck. the paddock in suzuka was real pretty, with cherry blossoms framing the walkway.
carlos continues walking into the paddock, occasionally stopping to sign hats and merch. a few little fans asked to pet you too, and you gladly scurried down carlos’ arm to let them stroke your fur with sticky fingers that kids always seem to have. a child completely covered in george merch even stopped to hand-feed you a piece of fruit. 
when he arrives in his motorhome, he gently sets you down on the sofa. he collapses next to you, body sprawled on the couch. “ugh, that was exhausting.” he says exasperatedly. “there is still-” he checks his watch. “two hours until fp3?? i swear to god, my manager must have messed up the schedule.” 
he leans back into the couch, and then fishes a peanut out of the pocket of his jeans. your boyfriend always seemed to have a stache of your favorite meerkat-friendly snacks in his pocket. not that you minded- you were always down for a little snack now and then.
he flings the peanut at you, and you manage to avoid the flying nut by a centimeter. you whip your head back at him, glaring at him the most vicious way possible. 
his mouth is open, hand still frozen in the throwing position. “omg! i swear to god i did not mean to throw it that hard, mi amor.” he scoops you up and pats your tiny head. reaching into his pocket again, he takes out another peanut and hands it to you gingerly. 
you accept the peanut and crack it open, but continue to glare at him. while you munch on the peanut, carlos looks down at you with a glimmer of mischievousness in his big brown eyes. you knew that look- he only did that when he had a particularly funny prank that he wanted to pull (the last time he had that look in his eyes was when he came up with the idea to put 100 miniature rubber snakes around charles’ drivers room). 
“i’ve just had the funniest idea,” he exclaims. “since we have so much time on our hands, we should go to mclaren to annoy lando!” 
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ever since being associated with carlos, you have been dragged into so many of his pranks around the paddock that a glance at your meerkat form has people wondering if carlos was planning another mischievous trick. it was the polar opposite of your normal human form. i mean, who would suspect carlos’ nice reserved girlfriend to also be his havoc-causing meerkat sidekick?
the mclaren employees shoot you both suspicious glances as carlos strolls through the mclaren motorhome. he creeps around corners and listens through every door. you hold on to his team kit with your sharp paws for dear life- you surely would have slid off already if you hadn’t. it’s only when he comes across a sitting area with two familiar figures that he stops. 
“you’re not very adventurous with food, are you?” you hear oscar say, holding what seems to be a red-bean mochi in between his fingertips. 
“well, i don’t wanna be,” lando shoots back, pushing the japanese snack away from him.
carlos creeps behind lando, and hands you several peanuts that he fished from his pockets. taking advantage of lando and oscar’s bickering, he lets you slide off of his shoulders. you bolt full speed towards lando and start throwing the peanuts at his head while screeching. 
he yelps, jumps out of his chair, and scurries behind a nearby table to hide. oscar, spotting your tiny figure compared to lando’s cowering body next to the table, starts cackling. 
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a full hour hadn’t even passed for carlos to get that look in his eyes again. this time, you were busy piecing together a 2000 piece puzzle of ayrton senna in the mostly empty dining hall when you see him approach you.
“what now,” you say, raising an eyebrow. 
a wide grin splits your boyfriend’s face. “let’s go steal charles’ helmet!” he whispers, just in case charles or any of his team members are nearby. 
poor charles was almost always on the receiving end of carlos’ pranks (although you did hear about pierre somehow obtaining a snake and sneaking into charles’ room with it). you swear that it is going to backfire one day. 
nevertheless, you agree, leaving half of senna’s face and his car’s front wing done on the table. 
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it was a really quick process, as you shifted, scurried past the mechanics and lifted charles’ signature red helmet off of the counter in one swoop. no one batted an eye as you pushed the helmet out of the garage and into carlos’ arms. 
“yess! good job, baby!” he cheers, once the helmet is in his hand. “now where to hide it?”
he looks around, before finally walking into the gap in between the aston martin and ferrari motorhomes. you scurry after him, paws hitting the ground at full speed. at the end is a little secluded space, surrounded on all four sides by walls or other teams’ motorhomes. he snickers, and sets charles’ helmet on the ground. pulling out his phone, he snaps a picture, ready to send to charles as a taunt. 
you proceed to turn, brushing strands of meerkat fur off of your flowy shortskirt. “not even a thank you, carlos?” you say, tilting your head. “i risked my life out there stealing his helmet!” 
before he can answer, you hear the clonk of a waterbottle dropping near the ferrari motorhome. standing there, mouth open in shock, stands charles leclerc, the owner of the helmet that you stole. “did you just-” he starts.
carlos, realizing your secret might get out through charles, marches through the gap, snatches the familiar white celcius water bottle from the ground, and yanks charles into the secluded space. 
you stand very still next to the helmet, not knowing if you wanted to bolt and hide in a hole so you’d never be seen again, or to slap carlos for exposing your secret, to his teammate, no less. you knew that carlos’ tricks would backfire one day.
“mate, please, please, please do not tell anyone about this!” carlos says, clutching charles’ shirt. 
once the initial shock has worn off, charles shocked expression turns into a smirk. “of course i’ll tell people about this! you literally stole my helmet and you expect me not to expose you for taking my things? besides, it’s a payback for pranking me so much! i still find those stupid rubber snakes that you hid in my room everywhere. i always have to call my girlfriend to help me get rid of them.” 
you step up next to carlos and charles, a confused expression on your face. “wait. so you didn’t see me turn?”
a look of understanding flashes across charles’ face. “ohhh!!” he remarks. “you mean the meerkat thing?”
“yes!” you and carlos both say simultaneously. 
“don’t worry, i won’t tell!” charles says, to both of your guy’s relief. “don’t you know, my girlfriend can shift into a hedgehog? no offense, i think that’s way cooler than a meerkat,” he states with a smug smile on his face.
“oi, pendejo!” carlos says, narrowing his eyes. “how dare you say that!”
you laugh, putting an hand on carlos’ shoulder. “it’s okay baby, i’m just glad this didn’t turn out into a bad situation!” 
charles shoots you an appreciative grin, knowing you saved him from potential physical altercation with carlos. it quickly dissipates, however, when he sees his helmet behind your legs.
“right, back to the helmet, how dare you steal it! fred would’ve killed me if i showed up to fp3 without it!” 
understanding the power charles has now knowing your secret, carlos apologizes. “we are sorry, charles. i promise i won’t ever steal any of your things again!” 
charles continues to stand there, waiting for him to continue.
“-and i won’t play any more pranks on you, i swear!” he says quickly. 
charles nods once, satisfied with carlos’ promise.
from side facing the motorhomes, fernando sticks his head into the gap separating the two teams. spotting you three standing there, he jokes, “you guys having a party in there, or what?” 
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t-minus 20 minutes until fp3, charles sets his water bottle on the counter and pulls on his balaclava. across the motorhome, carlos is doing this same. when charles finishes adjusting the material over his head and nose, he suddenly sees a flash of fur on the counter. it’s you, bolting away like your life is on the line with his water bottle in hand. 
“CARLOS!” you hear him shout.
from your hiding spot in one of the engineer’s headphone cubbies, you see carlos scramble over to charles. 
“what? is everything alright?” carlos says, concerned. 
“your girlfriend just stole my waterbottle!” he whispers heatedly, pointing at you sitting innocently in the cubby like everything was normal, except for the fact that a white racing waterbottle, complete with a long straw and a “charles leclerc” sticker is sitting next to you. carlos laughs, “i mean- i did only promise that i won’t steal anything or pull any pranks on you; i didn't promise my girlfriend wouldn't!”
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taglist: @ilivbullyingjeongin @ale-522 @formula1-motogpfan @aceyalonso @my0hmary @mbappebby @rakshatos @heartsforleclerc @papaya-twinks @madkohi
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wandagcre · 11 months
Heyyy there saw our request still open so could I request mommywands dry humping femreader? Thank you so muchhh
do not touch | wanda maximoff 🔞
(Dom!Mommy!Wanda Maximoff x AFAB!Reader)
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You've got a debt to Wanda, awaiting to be paid. She decides to claim it immediately.
WARNING: dom!wanda, sub!reader, somnophilia, mommy kink, dry humping, humiliation, choking - no pronouns referred to reader but they got afab parts +18 / men & minors dni. Words: 2k
You looked peaceful. Unknowing. Innocent. All of the things you haven't been as of lately. Usually, Wanda dived with no hesitance to lay beside you in bed. She's eager for the opportunity to stroke your face with feather-like touches, threading her fingers along your tousled hair, and admiring your features. But she wasn’t craving for sweetness, instead, the need to jump on your bones – for lack of a better word – encompassed her frustration for you.
It wasn’t that serious – was all you’d say, Wanda already expects it. But she won’t let it slide, you have been testing her will as though nothing but determined to push her. Therefore, Wanda decides she'll give you a taste of what you wanted. 
It's like an invitation too, given that your shirt rode up and exposed some of your abdomen and your face turned down to the pillow, the lower half caught in a twist so slightly that it gave Wanda a perfect view of your ass.
She hung beneath your resting figure, calculating how the fun part should start. Wanda’s legs were in between, effectively trapping you, and she steadied her weight with hands perched on the bed – right where your head rests, alike to her legs. Your hair keeps away the adorable sleeping face you’ve got. An urge to envelop you temporarily surges to your lover’s chest, you must’ve been tired, much as she was.
But oh one glance was all it took again for Wanda, eyes trailing lower with your back curvatures. So appetizing that she had to wet her lips in excitement. She gives her lower body a tentative glide to your shapely ass. A few more and she's already hooked. Wanda rubs herself with much confidence and better timing this time, sending a jolt of pleasurable force on her now throbbing core. To add, Wanda hummed deep from her chest as she got handsy, her hand already having a palmful of your breast. 
It felt exhilarating to her with your body completely at her disposal and a stimulating pedal to her pleasure. The mattress dipped and the springs started to creak ever lightly as her rubbing of her front against your curve was getting more desperate. A drag of sleepy sound comes out of your pretty lips. Wanda does not slow for a moment, but she gauges if you were being stirred to consciousness. Wanda doesn't care anyway.
"Don't move." A honeyed voice warned you. You let out a confused yelp, heart still racing, though now you realize who it was.
Your throat felt dry. Was she… grinding? “Wanda?” 
“Possibly, yes.” She snarkily replied.
Relief slowly settles over your body. At least it wasn't a nightmare nor a break-in that you initially felt. It was only your girlfriend who had been desperately needy, wanting your assistance even in your sleepy state. She smelled slightly of sun and transportation, but her distinct scent remained. 
Wanda tries to be quiet, yes you've heard of her whimpers and how she initially tried to stifle them. It wasn't fruitful at the end as your girlfriend kept moving her front against the slope of your ass. Moreso, the images of having you in the most sinful ways, being used to her own needs, flashed through her and made Wanda's eyes roll to the back of her head. 
To be frank, you were still trying to snap out of your daze. Once you've gotten a semblance of decent consciousness, your muscles attempt to move, perhaps you should be of help right? 
"Wanda, baby, tell me–”
But the heel of Wanda's palm was firm and insistent on your lower back begs to disagree  – roaming and scratching her nails to the side of your hips, then to your breasts again, like a warning. She wants you as it is. Although, you can’t help but wonder what had your lover all riled up, enough to have you while asleep. Was it the stress under work? 
"You feel so good against me, darling." Wanda uttered all velvety that you almost forgot what you were protesting for.
You find your cheeks roughly pushed on the pillow, left with no choice but to take it. Wanda’s scent draws you in like sweet lullaby, the fig and the musk, even the arousal that awaits her undoing. You take deep breaths, all no longer out of surprise, but rather in familiar adoration of the woman – all while she has you pinned down.
"I want to help!" Your voice embarrassingly cracked as you begged.
"D-Do you now? That's rich coming from you." Wanda's ragged and condescending tone sent a delicious shiver up to your spine. She adjusts, head tilted near your head's side to capture your earlobe with her teeth. "You teased me for how many days. Acted like a real brat when all I did was compromise with you. Remember that?" Displease fills her tone, Wanda’s other hand came to push your head to bury you further against the pillow.
It doesn't alleviate the ache and burning that rattled in your body now with how you can practically feel your lover’s nipples grazing hard against your back as Wanda rubs herself needily, unabashed force against you. A blurb of incoherent sounds tumbled out of your mouth, helpless and quite literally bent at Wanda's will. 
“I’m really, really sorry!” She knows it was an attempt to make amends. Wanda let out a saccharine chuckle.
Despite her cold demeanor, it only amplified the warmth that soon swallowed the room.
You raised your hips up to aid in her languid grinding on top of you. Miraculously, a positive light comes in. Your efforts seemingly were not about to go to waste, as Wanda was pleased by how willing you are so far that she considered your offer.
"You can turn around for me and stay still. How about that?"
"Yes, I-I can do that! A-anything to help..."
"Good. Thought your pretty mouth was going to say something stupid. like, defying my instructions." You whimpered at Wanda's cynical tone and her harsh turnover grasp over your body as she detaches herself, breathing unevenly. "You're surely familiar with that, aren't you?" Wanda sneered and grabbed you by the cheek, making you look dumb as a fish out of water.
Her fading auburn hair curtained as she hovered beneath you. Wanda’s usual green eyes were almost unrecognizable as her pupils dilated, swarmed by pure unadulterated craving and lust. You whimpered, hopeless.
“What can I do, Wanda?” You were all red and pathetic. 
Wanda loved this side of you.
“Funny that you ask now.” She husked out, sloppy kisses placed underneath your jaw. Your toes curled at the sensation. "What's the right title you should use to address me with?"
Wanda’s grip now set to pin you again, this time by the wrists placed above your head. Her cunt clenched upon the title that was all familiar and pretty coming out of you.
"Do I hear an answer or a question? Darling, I haven't even fucked you dumb yet."
"No. I'm sorry, Mommy."
A wide knowing grin set on Wanda’s features as she rose up. You can’t help but stare, enchanted by the sight of her. Your lover still wore her work slacks and dress shirt, albeit unbuttoned, making wanda look so effortlessly beautiful even in mess. It worsened the state of your dried up throat that was captivated. Wanda made you hungry for her and she knew it.
All of this just for you to grow wet.
To be complacent was the most you can do after adding to her stress. The price you were paying for came in full stop onto your mind. Recently, you almost walked in topless while she was at a zoom meeting. What were you thinking? Dumb pretty thing. Wanda was infuriated. It didn’t matter if it was accidental on your end – amongst all the other stunts you’ve been pulling.
A slew of moans rang soundly in your ears. Your shared bed was disturbed, shaking lightly. The close proximity did not help your libido that soon spiked, along with Wanda's continuous grinding over the slope of your ass.
Wanda was thrilled with your regret and submission. She slaps your thigh, "Now bring this up for me because I'll be riding you. All you have to do is to not touch – but keep your eyes on me. Is that clear?" She cocked an eyebrow to which you furiously nodded at.
"Crystal, Mommy."
Wanda’s eyes gleamed with mirth. She grinded against you again, wantonly with no shame against your own sweatpant covered thigh. Your wrists still pinned up for good measure as she rocked herself back and forth, absorbing how the wetness provided lubrication to the gnawing burn of pleasure that ebbed as friction of the lightweight fabric did its thing to her core.
Her hips were languid and hypnotizing at each rocking. Soon you were moaning low with Wanda, contrasting your sound with her loud erupting ones.
Her dripping cunt clung and sucked the fabric of the apex material of her slack against your cotton bottoms. Wanda thought for a second maybe she should have ordered you to wear jeans for this session, the rough texture could’ve spurred her further and faster to orgasm. 
“Mommy, you look so good..”
You helplessly ogled her writhing state as she used your body for her own needs. It was exhilarating to witness how determined Wanda was. She did not hold back with her lewd expressions and movement that barely faltered. 
“Y-yeah? Wish you could touch me now, don’t you?” She taunted you with gritted teeth.
“Yes,” You whisper, defeated.
You can’t even squirm as Wanda used you like an instrument for her own playing. And sly as ever, Wanda made sure her knee slotted to your pussy, albeit, it did not lead to anything further than mere accidental bumps.
"Fuuuck, fuck!" Wanda's uneven breathing and eyes rolling back hard with sclera visible, indicated one thing. her panties, slacks and your own sweatpants now soiled with her arousal, she kept going in a faster manner. "So so sooo good! And you don't even have to do anything. Just gonna use you like this, darling. Until I fall apart," Wanda mindlessly uttered and moaned, her accent slipping as she rubbed herself with much force.
She started to unbutton her dress shirt in a frantic manner, almost ripping them off, all to cup and squeeze her own breasts while she rocks on your thigh that she felt contract and tense.
"Mommy, please...."
Wanda groaned, her tummy warmed up and stirred a new sensation over her as she picked up your words crystal clear. She doesn't halt, only slithers her soft hands under your tracheal region. Like a good girl on autopilot and pure desperation, your hands stay as they were, only arching your neck back to accommodate the hold Wanda has on them. 
“Darling, oh god… I-It’s so good!”
She gives your neck a firm squeeze as she cums – your eyes flit to her core that was beyond damp – but so was the cotton material of your sweatpants. Your own pussy began to clench onto practically nothing, as Wanda cried as she fell apart in your thighs, slowing down her movements, dragging it all out.
Oh it was good, alright. Even the scent of her arousal lingered deliciously on your senses.
Wanda was dripping now over you. It was sticky yet satisfying on her end. As she was pleased, yours were aching and begging to be stimulated. Not even touched, you just needed something to ease the emptiness or else you'll lose it. All while your lover was enthralled by the whole sight of you being at the edge of her conniving revenge for tonight. 
“Now let this be a lesson.” She grinned deviously, standing up on her feet. She started to undress from her work clothes. It was jarring for you how Wanda did all that – as though nothing erotic and mind blowing had occurred. “Also, no cumming for a while. Trust me, Mommy will find out.”
You squirm with your legs tightly crossed upon Wanda’s sternness, all authoritative. A pathetic groan comes out again of your pretty mouth, no promise of alleviation to come for tonight’s little show.
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do not repost/translate on other sites. © wandagcre
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Am I the Asshole for taking my SIL to an anime convention?
My (42M) SIL (29F) has autism and was living with my MIL until she suddenly passed away from heart failure back in 2022. My wife (40F) and I both knew SIL likes to cosplay and go to conventions. Figuring that’s something she and MIL did together, I decided to tell her I want to take her to an anime convention the following year. We chose one that worked out for all of us, timeline wise, along with the costs of transportation, hotel, etc.
Now, this may be a controversial opinion, but I hate anime; nearly all of it is hypersexualized (aside from one, which I’ll get into in a moment). It makes me cringe that my oldest daughter (13F) loves anime, and that that’s all she ever wants to watch. Personally, I feel she’s getting too old for cartoons, but since I also have two younger children, I let it slide.
Prior to actually leaving for con, SIL had sent emails of videos and blogs all about attending anime conventions. Clearly eager to prepare us. She also had outbursts over all sorts of things and lashed out at us on multiple occasions; her emails were often filled with negativity, and simmering rage. In between all of this, we had her relocate to an apartment closer to us.
Anyway, SIL, my daughter, and I go to the airport, we get to the hotel and check-in. We explored the city for a few hours. Now, before all of this, SIL claims she has a “low heat tolerance”, and complained the entire time whenever we walked from Point A to Point B; yes, the city the con was at has good transit and yes I insisted we walk anyway. It’s good exercise! This led to her throwing a fit when we reached a museum I really wanted to check out. We took an Uber back to the hotel and I don’t hear from her again until the next day when we met up to have lunch.
She’s cosplaying a character I don’t recognize and doesn’t tell me anything about them when I asked; it was clearly supposed to be a boy character, though.
Next day, I got a text from SIL; she unexpectedly got her period. Great. Since she asked, I run and get her some pads, only to have to wait an hour in line. Also great. She’s cosplaying another character I don’t recognize. Some magical creature or a doll of some kind. Anyway, us three go into one of the viewing rooms to screen this anime SIL was insistent on showing us. Some Sherlock thing. My daughter likes it, and I’ll admit, I enjoyed it too; I think it is very kid friendly.
Last day, once again, I don’t see or hear from SIL until we meet up in the hotel lobby waiting for our ride to the airport. Seems she had a good time though. She was dressed as one of the kids from that hero anime my daughter likes. She also bought my daughter an axolotl plush (her favorite animal). Going through security was hell; SIL had the nerve to have an attitude the whole time (again later claiming she was overheated and cranky from her period). After we got home she claimed she was never traveling anywhere with me again.
In the days following, she returned the luggage my wife had leant her, having booby trapped it with a photo with the glass broken. Then informs me that her account was overdrawn (I would have gladly paid for more than I did, if she hadn’t been so bitchy).
When we went to her apartment to discuss this, she made the same claims: that she was tired and cranky from the heat, made worse from her period, that I was stressing her out half the time, but that she was grateful despite that because when her mom died, anime conventions were the first thing she was ready to give up.
She also claimed the photo she broke was taken the same year she first attempted to take her own life, and that triggered a panic attack on top of the meltdown she had after returning home.
And the kicker: apparently her mother barely spent any time at conventions, and only sometimes tagged along because she “wanted a vacation”.
Now she claims that I -I repeat I- ruined that Sherlock anime for her. And now is planning to attend a few more cons…Alone.
So what say you? Am I the Asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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catt-leya · 1 year
wicked || rick grimes x negan x fem!reader
Me: I've never written anything like this before...soooo it's a little experiment 💗
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summary: negan has a crush on your boyfriend, so you decide to spice your sex life up...
warnings: claiming, dirty talk, sharing a girl, hints of male x male (nothing specific just some simping over rick) and my usual smutty stuff
As you've been doing for several weeks now, you wander around Alexandria with your lunch in your bowl, heading for a very specific building.
It has become a kind of routine that you actually wouldn't want to miss.
The sun warms your bare shoulders and your eyes roam over the place you call home.
A lot has changed since you first set foot behind the height walls.
So much.
And yet it feels like you've been here forever.
The people transporting crops to trade with other groups, the beautiful fields of flowers, and the couple kissing in the warmth of the sun.
Sighing contentedly, you continue on your way and descend the stairs to a cell.
Using the key you took from your house, you unlock the door and call out, "Hi there, I'm back," into the room.
There is a small window that barely lets in enough light to see the room as a whole, but it also makes it much cooler, and you step into the room to close the door behind you.
Immediately your eyes fall on the chair that's in the exact same spot you left it yesterday and your free hand slides over the grate on your right before you sit down on the chair facing the grate and a deep voice reaches your ear, "Shit, sweetie, I thought you weren't coming to see me today."
Grinning, you pull your legs up onto the seat and reach for the spoon in the bowl, "Did you miss me?"
In fact, you were actually scheduled to run errands outside today, but it was rescheduled on short notice and so now you can come visit him after all.
In the shadows of the cell, he slides closer to you, "Fuck yeah."
You laugh softly and he is now so close to the bars of the cell that you can make out his face.
Who would have thought you would get along so well with Negan?
You'd even say you were friends.
As you hear footsteps outside, your eyes dart nervously to the door and you hear your counterpart laugh harshly, "Ohho, is my little girl afraid that the big bad wolf is going to come get her and punish her for talking to someone else?"
Snorting, you roll your eyes and growl, "Not true at all."
Negan's eyes flash dangerously, "He doesn't want you to come visit me, right? After all, he barely comes down to see me himself."
The look he gives you makes you raise your eyebrows.
You've noticed it before, and every time you talk about Rick.
"You think about Rick a lot, huh?" you try to put it across teasingly, but when he flinches and growls, "You're just thinking about him. Especially since he's your lover."
He's got a point.
Rick is your boyfriend, but still, Negan seems to have a weird sort of obsession with Rick, and you bite your lower lip, "You sure we're not similar there?"
It's a little banter between friends and before Negan can say anything back, the door is yanked open and Rick comes marching in, "Love? You're down here again."
His body shields most of the light coming through the door and you have to blink a few times to get used to the new lighting conditions, "Yeah. Need me?"
Briefly, Rick's gaze darts to Negan's cell before he sighs, "I'd like to fix the railing behind our house and I could use your help."
Smiling, you stand up and set your bowl down on the chair before walking over to your boyfriend and giving him a quick kiss.
Rick's hands gently slide onto your butt and you turn to Negan to say goodbye, that's when you see the look he's giving you.
At first you think it's jealous of Rick that he can just touch your butt like that, but as you're about to tease him about it, you realize you're completely wrong.
He's staring at Rick.
Not because he's jealous of him.
No, he's jealous of you.
Shit, now you get it.
It makes sense.
Every time he asked about Rick.
Every time he sought Rick's proximity during the war.
Every ambiguous line was meant to be taken seriously.
Negan has a crush on Rick and the only thing that slips past your lips is, "Shit, we're actually alike. At least we have the same taste."
Immediately Negan jerks his head around and stares at you almost pleadingly as Rick asks harshly, "What are you talking about, love?"
Your eyes are glued to Negan and you can't suppress a wide grin at all, which only makes the man in the cell more panicked.
Negan doesn't want Rick to know.
He definitely doesn't want him to.
So you raise an eyebrow and murmur sugary-sweet, "We like the same kind of books."
You can literally see the tension drain from Negan's shoulders and he leans back.
In the end, he's kind of a friend of yours, and it's not your place to tell Rick that Negan has a crush on him.
Gently, Rick pulls you toward the exit, "Come on."
But you break away from him and as you reach for your bowl, you give Negan a quick wink before following Rick out.
In fact, maybe you should be upset that Negan has a crush on your boyfriend, but somehow you think it's cute and maybe you feel a little sorry for Negan because Rick just doesn't like him that way. He still just barely tolerates him.
The next day, you practically sprint to Negan's cell and when he sees you sigh, "Sweetie, don't ask."
Grinning, you stop, "I'm not asking you. I'm stating."
You lean against the bars, "You have a crush on my boyfriend."
Your grin widens even more, "Do you want to fuck him, or do you want him to fuck you?"
You tease him further, "I could describe to you what it's like to be taken by him."
Silently, the man in the cell stares at you and you tease further, "You know, Rick is not a gentle man. He can be caring, but never really gentle."
Negan's gaze is anything but impassive and you purr, "He's always beating himself into me. God, he fills me up so well. He's so heavy and hard inside me, I can hardly form another thought."
"Stop it," his voice is rough and a first response to your words.
Your gaze darts over him and you see his half-hard cock showing in his pants, "Does it turn you on?"
Negan avoids your gaze and murmurs again, "Stop it."
An idea comes to you.
It's whacky, but why wouldn't it work?
You bite your lower lip, "You want Rick to touch you? I could make it work."
Immediately Negan jerks his head up at you and the small hope in his gaze, makes you smile broadly again, "He won't jerk you off, but he'll talk to you and you'll be able to feel his hands on your body if you want him to."
So far, he hasn't confirmed with a word that he wants Rick.
Until now.
"How are you going to make that work. Rick's not into guys, or at least not into me, sweetie," he looks up at you and you let your hands slide over the bars, "You're fucking me."
Negan chokes on his own spit, "What?"
"Are you able to get hard so you can fuck me? Rick would be there the whole time. You can look at him, but you have to be able to stay hard inside me," the idea picks up steam in your head and Negan repeats, "Fuck, what are you talking about?"
Your gaze slides back to his crotch, "Rick always wanted to let another man fuck me while he watched. We just never got around to it. If you can fuck me, then I can get Rick to let you out of the cell for it."
He looks at you dumbly.
He stares at you.
You don't think he's going to answer anymore.
Then he says, "Yes."
A single word that changes so much and gets you hot right away.
Negan is a handsome man and with Rick's instructions, it's going to be a brilliant fuck.
"I'll get Rick," with those words you turn and leave Negan's cell.
As you open the proposal to Rick, the first thing he mumbles is, "Negan?"
You nod, "Yes. Why not? I'd feel better if it wasn't necessarily a friend here from Alexandria."
It's a bit of a lie, maybe, because you'd do it yourself with Daryl as long as Rick was around and he liked getting you laid, too.
Rick's beautiful blue eyes glisten in the light of the sun and his eyes slide over your body, "Don't let him cum inside you."
You nod and he grabs your chin, "He's not touching you and he's just fucking you. That's all. No kissing and not a word from him."
If only Rick knew that Negan wants to touch and kiss him and not you.
So you nod and he pulls you up on your toes to kiss you hard.
Even when Rick lets another man fuck you, he always makes it clear that you belong to him and no one else.
The fact is, you already know that no one will be able to fuck you like that. 
Rick is one of a kind and he knows it.
With Rick in tow, you re-enter the anteroom of Negan's cell and immediately he looks up. Negan's eyes dart from you to Rick and back to you again, staying glued on you even as Rick walks to his cell door and unlocks it.
Negan doesn't budge and now stares at Rick, who asks surprisingly calmly, "You want to fuck her?"
You know full well he doesn't care much about your pussy, but as you expect, he nods and Rick takes a step back to give him enough room to squeeze past him.
With no cell between you, Negan stands in front of you at his full height and looks back at Rick.
Very close, your boyfriend stands in front of Negan and looks up at him.
Negan is taller than Rick. 
Not by much, but enough that Rick has to turn his pretty blue eyes up a bit.
If you looked up that way, it would come across as submissive, but that's not the case with Rick at all.
The size difference doesn't matter at all because Rick radiates pure superiority.
Tensely, you look back and forth between the two men as Rick says again in that creepily calm tone of voice, "You don't touch her or speak a word to her and don’t even think about cumming inside of her. You just fuck her, understand?"
Again, Negan nods and Rick stops in front of him for a few more seconds, stabbing him with his gaze.
He's probably wondering why the usually articulate Negan is suddenly so unnaturally quiet and submissive.
Also, how would Rick know that it's the chance of a lifetime for Negan to finally have at least a part of Rick.
Then Rick nods too and turns to you, "Are you okay with this?"
Your heart is pounding to your throat, but you respond with, "Yes, Rick."
Without another word, he turns his back on both of you and walks to the small table in the corner of the room.
In that small moment when Rick turns his attention away from you, you look at Negan to read what he might be thinking.
But as you turn your eyes to him, you realize how idiotic the attempt is, because he's staring so openly at Rick that you briefly wonder how it could be that you never noticed it until now, and especially how it could be that Rick, hasn't noticed it until now.
The scraping of the table legs being dragged across the floor focuses your attention on the man with the blue eyes.
He pulls the table into the center of the room and then comes back toward you, pulling you against his chest.
His familiar warmth passes over to you and he leans in to kiss you softly on your slightly parted lips.
Rick always feels so good.
So incredibly good.
As he slowly but firmly leads you to the edge of the table and you whimper softly into the loving kiss as he lifts you by your hips onto the edge.
Immediately you open your legs for him and like the well-rehearsed team that you are, he gets between them and presses his crotch against yours.
Negan is forgotten for a brief moment, but then you get an idea.
In the end, you want him to like it, so you break away from Rick, breathing heavily, and reach for his belt.
Confused, he looks at you, "What are you doing?"
Under your lashes, you dare a shy glance at Negan, who stares at your hands as you undo Rick's belt, "May I?"
Now Rick looks even more confused, "Are you asking me if you can jerk me off?"
Lasciviously you look up at him, "Yes?"
A harsh laugh slips from his throat, "Love, you can jerk me off whenever you want and you know it."
Slowly, you undo the button of his pants and pull them down enough for you to pull his hardening cock out of his pants.
At the first contact with your hand, Rick flinches and braces himself next to you on the table.
With skillful movements, you run your hand along his cock and, breathing heavily, he presses his face against your neck, giving us the opportunity to look unhindered at Negan.
As you have already expected, his hard-on stands out in his pants and his eyes are literally glued to your hand.
Restlessly Negan steps from one leg to the other and when he finally looks you in the eye, Rick moans softly and you tell Negan to come a little closer.
Quietly Negan takes a small step toward you and Rick and still with his face buried against your neck Rick growls, "Oh fuck."
His thick cock twitches in your hand and he pushes his hips harder against you, but you let go, whereupon he jerks his head up.
His curls fly in every conceivable direction at the movement, and as he looks at you accusingly, you realize he's completely forgotten that Negan is still there, too, and your pussy is so fucking wet you desperately need a cock inside you.
Rick is generally a man who always cares more about your pleasure and satisfaction than his own, but right now his head seems to have completely shut off.
He stares at you like he's surprised to see you before shaking his head and muttering, "You're right. Sorry."
He slides his hands over your bare legs, which are not covered by your shorts, and you automatically spread your legs even wider for him, but he steps back, "Negan?"
Rick's accent is much wider than usual with arousal and as he pulls his pants up over his hard cock, Negan moves even closer.
Your boyfriend doesn't even bother to close his pants as he looks to the man in the background, "Come here."
You look to Negan as Rick grabs your neck and steps completely out of your legs and past the table to your right, pushing you back against the table in this way.
The surprised sound catches in your throat as he squeezes a little tighter, watching Negan move to stand in his place between your legs.
Your eyes dart back and forth from the man behind you and in front of you, and suddenly you feel hot.
In Rick's eyes you can see that he's going to go through with it, and up until this point you didn't really believe it was going to happen.
But as Rick walks past you again on the other side and sets your legs up to pull your pants off along with your panties, you know that Negan is going to fuck you and Rick is going to stand there and watch him do it.
Rick's warm palm slides over your bare hip and you feel so exposed you try to squeeze your legs together, but Rick reads your body faster and grabs your knees.
Gripping the edge of the table with your sweaty hands, you don't resist as Rick steps behind you again and leans forward a bit to pull your knees toward him and press them against your chest.
Wide open you lie in front of the two men and as a slight breeze passes through the room you feel how wet you are already, even though hardly anything has happened.
You can imagine what the two men see just in front of them and how your pussy must glisten for them.
Because Rick has to bend so far forward, your nose is pressed against his chest when you try to look up, so you have no choice but to look between your wide spread legs at Negan, seeing Rick's beard in the corner of your eye.
Rick prepares you for Negan and then looks at him, "Go. Fuck my girlfriend. Her pussy is wet enough."
He talks like you're just a piece of meat to him and unfortunately for you, it turns you on and you start squirming in his grip.
"Take your fucking pants off and stuff her cunt," Rick's voice is low and Negan stands there completely frozen.
It's weird to see Negan like this, and as Negan moves even closer to you, you know why he's being so weird.
If he's screwing you, then he's forced to stand practically nose to nose with Rick.
There would be inches separating them.
You can feel both men on your body and it makes you way too weak.
Especially when Negan reaches into his pants and pulls his hard cock out of his pants.
Roughly, you groan at the sight and your pussy pulses around the yawning emptiness inside you.
Negan's cock is thick and rock hard.
You realize he's not hard because of you, but somehow it turns you on even more that Rick is turning him on and he's going to sink his cock inside you anyway.
As agreed, without saying a word or touching you, he puts his cock to your pussy and you whimper Rick's name.
"Shhh, I know love. Let him in," Rick's grip tightens as Negan pushes his tip inside you and you rebel with a moan.
Negan's eyes are dark and a rough growl comes from his throat.
He may want Rick, but your pussy must feel heavenly to him.
So good that he thrusts into you to the hilt and you moan hoarsely.
Sluggishly, you disengage your hands from the edge of the table and reach into Rick's shirt instead.
His scent fills your nose as Negan thrusts into you again and a soft "fuck" slips across his lips.
When Rick is probably sure you're going to stay down, he lets go of you and tugs your hands off his shirt, "Let go, love."
Groaning, you let go and tear your eyes open as he walks around you to stand next to Negan.
Immediately, he jerks his head around and you feel his cock twitch violently inside you as Rick puts a hand on his shoulder and whispers, "Harder."
You'd give a lot to know what Negan is thinking about at this moment.
Just as Rick has demanded of him, his thrusts become harder and more impatient.
He even slips in rhythm as Rick disappears behind him for a moment, only to reappear on the other side next to him and goes to your face again.
Slowly, he leans over you and places his lips on yours parted by moans, "You're doing good, love. So, so good."
Negan moans, "Oh shit" As Rick looks him in the eye while he kisses you and lets your hand move between your legs.
The thought that it's someone else's hand stroking your clit than the cock that's inside you makes you arch your back and because Rick's hand is way too close to Negan's cock, you both cum at the same time.
At the last second he pulls his cock out of you and his hot cum spurts onto your stomach.
It just rolls over you and you and Negan cum because of one and the same man.
Frantically you grab Rick's crotch with your head still somewhere else and howl, "Let me suck."
You barely catch Rick pressing his tip between your lips and you start sucking.
You suck as hard as you can while Negan's trembling body leans against yours and his cock rests heavily on your belly.
Hoarsely, Rick just keeps bringing out how beautiful you are and how good you are to him.
He approves every stroke of your lazy tongue and as he comes in your mouth you swallow it all, down to the last drop.
Rick's cum down your throat and Negan's spread across your belly.
It's so fucking wicked and yet you miss Negan's body as again he staggers and takes a few steps back.
Gratefully, you look at your boyfriend and he tilts his head, "I know why you wanted Negan."
You hear Negan take a frantic breath, but Rick's eyes are only on you as he mutters, "Don't think I don't notice when someone drives themselves to orgasm because of me."
Only now does he look at Negan, "And today, two people came because of me."
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Taglist: @hail-yourselves @bean-is-reading @chanlvr2 @criminalwalkingsupernatural @sunshinevirus @toxic-ink @kingtwhiddleston @bloodycherry22 @vane28282 @bamslover @revesephemeres @emo-potato-virgil @mrsashleybarnes18-blog @starsaroundmyscxrss @starkstiless @easystreet07 @darylsonlylove @your-shifting-gurl @strnqer @dreamtofus @lincolnswidow@rickswh0r3 @iluvdixon @sinsandsweetness @beekassyy@blazeemma @littlelovingideas @eternalrose81 @stickyfaceinternet
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tangledinink · 1 year
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Chapter Thirteen of I'm Sorry, Teenage Mutant What Now? is up! The gang journeys through the Hidden City to investigate the Battle Nexus. They journey through and investigate old memories on the way. Read it on ao3 or below the cut!
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Everyone in the room winced, including Baron Draxum, who awoke with a start, sitting stark upright and snarling in response as he swayed.
"Jeez, Recruit... Love the enthusiasm, but tone it down a bit, maybe," Lieutenant bit out, rubbing his ears, still reeling from the volume of her wake-up call. Casey flushed just the tiniest bit.
"My apologies, sensei!" She cried, immediately falling into a bow, but privately she thought to herself it worked, didn't it? Nothing else that they had tried had even begun to stir the yokai, who they had found tied up and in an unconscious heap inside his own underground lab. They had arrived expecting to help transport the Hamato children to their main hideout, certain they would be, of course, apprehended neatly by Draxum by now... but evidently this was not the case.
"What in the world happened?" The Lieutenant voiced Casey's own thoughts aloud, holding his hands out exasperatedly. "You said you were going to get the Hamatos."
"Yes, well, things were a bit more complicated than I anticipated..." Draxum hissed, gritting his teeth.
"You said you could handle them on your own! We offered to send you back-up, but you didn't want to wait! Surely four children didn't overpower you--"
"They did not overpower me," Draxum snapped, turning to snarl as he dragged himself back up to his feet. "Some damned witch placed a protection spell on them," he seethed, absolutely bristling. "I can't touch them..." He grit his teeth. "... I will simply have to account for this in the future..."
Lieutenant and Brute seemed somewhat unimpressed, Cassandra noted, glancing at them from the corners of her eyes as the two exchanged looks.
"Yes, well," Lieutenant mused, his hands on his hips. "I'm sure there will be other opportunities to kidnap children in the future. However, the Dark Armor remains our priority. Come on. We've wasted enough time here, and we have a new lead to investigate..."
"Don't worry. You'll get 'em next time," Brute tried to encourage, patting Draxum's shoulders, to which he snarled and batted his hands away, grumbling to himself as he stalked off after them, discussing as they went.
Cassandra sighed softly, rolling her shoulders back and forth a few times before she trailed after her three superiors.
Yes.... The Dark Armor was the priority.
The collective shriek of their group was cut off by a loud thud, immediately followed by a chorus of groans. Okay, so, travel by teleportation was... a little disorientating. The fact that most of them currently sucked at staying on their own two damn feet didn't help matters. Some more than others.
"Sorry!" Raph immediately bit out, wriggling from atop the heap, an awkward chuckle escaping him. 
"Raph, my wonderful brother," Leo grit out. "You know I love you dearly. But I'm really gonna need you to stop knocking us all over like bowling pins."
"Well, look, you try walkin' around with a giant tail you ain't used to! It's not as easy as it looks!" He defended, throwing his hands up. "I'm doin' my best over here!"
"Whoa!" Mikey effectively ended their squabble with his gasp, sitting up quickly in order to give a wild gesture. "Guys, look!"
And damn. Whoa was right.
Raph was a New Yorker, so he wasn't easy to impress. He wasn't immediately awed by big, sprawling cityscapes or towering skyscrapers, but this place was... something else. It looked somewhere between an actual city and some sort of mystic ruin, residing as 'neither' and 'both' all at the same time. The buildings themselves seemed to grow from the stone landscape, curving and sliding to match the terrain. Glowing mushrooms, crystals, and occasionally the eyes of massive statues provided brightly colored lighting, leaving the various neon signs and backlit advertisements of the city seeming pale in comparison. Street vendors, kiosks, and tents lined the bustling streets, and each and every creature making up the massive crowds was something completely alien that Raph had never seen nor imagined before. Yokai, he thought to himself. That's what April said they were called.
Rather than sharp, straight lines and confident corners, this place seemed built from jagged outlines and curving bends, looping and winding around itself as if the entire city were hanging on, clinging to itself, holding hands, nestled in between the hulking forms of unmoving stone creatures that Raph was unsure how to categorize. He didn't feel confident saying that they weren't alive after the day they had had, despite their frozen forms and their dead, unseeing eyes.
"This must be the Hidden City," Mikey said, and Leo let out a low whistle as the five of them took in the view.
"Good job, little guy. Knew you could get us here," April hummed, giving the little yellow creature they had rescued a squeeze. His tail wagged wildly in reply, snuggling up in her embrace.
"Alright, now we just gotta get to the Battle Nexus from here," Leo said with a sigh, shifting his weight onto one leg, hand on his hip as he glanced over at the yellow critter. "Any idea where that is?"
The creature chirred in response, nodding excitedly and scrambling down from April's arms in order to lead the way. Leo grinned. 
"Okay, I take back all my earlier doubts and hesitations. Bringing this guy with us was a great idea," Leo declared as the group set off.
Though the acquisition of weapons, all tucked or stowed away in backpacks or belt loops or pockets, had helped a bit, Raph had still been, admittedly, pretty nervous about entering the city, a pool of anxiety swirling around in his gut. Given the day they had had so far, he couldn't help but imagine a hoard of devious yokai dogpiling him and his siblings the moment they set foot into unknown territory. But, to his quiet surprise, no one spared them even a second glance, all seeming far too occupied with their own errands and lives to glance over at their ragtag group.
Somehow, this made Raph feel a bit better. For several reasons. He supposed that, at the very least, they didn't seem to be freaks here.
"Don't worry, Dad, we're on our way," Mikey chirped, and despite his current relief, Raph still couldn't quite understand how his little brother could be so cheerful. Mikey always amazed him with his emotional resilience. Wished he had some of that.
"Eugh, is he even gonna recognize us when we get there?" Leo said with a wince, wrinkling up his face a bit. "We look, uh... a little different than when he last saw us."
"I'm pretty sure he knows, Leo," Donnie remarked. "He's the one who put the bracelets on us in the first place. He knows." 
Raph glanced dimly down at the little golden bracelet still encircling his wrist, the red gem now seeming a bit duller somehow, and he frowned. So this little trinket was mystic all along, huh? Now that he knew, it seemed stupidly obvious. He wondered anxiously if they still worked anymore, or if they were broken forever.
"No wonder he didn't want us to take these things off," Leo muttered, looking over his own, holding his arm up to examine it. "Jeez. I can't believe he kept this a secret from us. How did we not know?"
Mikey gave a thoughtful hum. "Do you guys remember when we were really little? Before we moved? And we used to pretend we were turtles all the time?"
"Somehow I don't think that was pretend, Mikey," Donnie said with a roll of his eyes.
"That's what I'm saying!" Mikey insisted. "But you guys do remember that, right? I just... I always thought that that was just us playing a game or something, but it must have been real! So we knew at some point!"
"And then we forgot..." Donnie mumbled, tilting his head to the side thoughtfully, already obviously doing calculations in his head. 
"You guys were pretty weird when you first moved here," April remarked.
"Oh come on. How do you just forget that you're a turtle?" Leo argued, glancing over his shoulder at the others. "That seems like the kind of thing that'd stick with you."
"I dunno," Mikey shrugged. "But obviously we did!"
"You're not implyin' that Dad did somethin', are ya?" Raph questioned, narrowing his eyes, and Leo immediately huffed.
"No! Of course not!" He frowned. "It's just... I dunno. It's weird, is all. It's crazy to think about how much stuff that we just... forgot."
"Well, what do you remember?" Donnie nudged. "Like, from before the move."
"Not much," Leo admitted, scrunching up his nose. "Everything from back then is fuzzy. I don't even know where we moved from."
"I think..." Donnie hesitated a moment. "I think we moved from there."
"Where. The Hidden City?" Mikey questioned.
"No, no, back there. I mean. The sewer we were in before," Donnie pressed. "Didn't it seem... kind of familiar to you guys?"
"Well..." Raph frowned.
"Mikey! Wait!" Raph laughed, stumbling as he chased after his littlest brother. He still didn't walk with a terrible amount of grace, but he crawled like a madman, and Raph took great joy in chasing him around. Mikey did, too, giggling maniacally as he attempted to dodge the other.
Raph could feel, reaching back into the memory, that the bottoms of his feet were cold. The ground was hard beneath them, like stone. Like concrete. He remembered worrying about Mikey's knees. And, thinking back on it now, he swore he could almost hear the sound of running water in the background.
"I go’chyu!" Raph declared, grabbing Mikey, who squealed in response, wriggling against him.
Everything from back then was blurred; cobbled together like pieces of glass glued into a mosaic, appearing in his mind’s eye as a series of blotted, wrinkled images. Were they turtles or people back then? He wasn't sure. Where were they?
"I remember it was dark..." He said. "And cold a lot. The ground was stone or somethin.’"
"I remember that, too!" Mikey gasped.
"Whoa, wait!" Mikey squirmed his way out of Raph's arms again, attempting an escape, and a flare of panic flashed through him for a moment. He dove for Mikey for real this time, not playing anymore, grabbing his brother before he could get too far.
"We can't go that way, Mikey. Daddy said 's not safe yet," he explained when his brother whined in complaint, hoisting him back the way they came, his footsteps clumsy while trying to drag his brother along. "We gotta stay in these tunnels."
"And... I think I remember there being… tunnels," he continued. "Or somethin' like that. It was really big, wherever we were, but we could only go into certain places. And the rest was off-limits, ‘cause Dad said he hadn’t checked them all to make sure they were okay yet. I remember keepin' Mikey from wanderin' off."
"I remember tunnels!" Mikey exclaimed. "I remember yelling into them when we were little and listening to them echo. I remember doing it until Leo made me stop!"
"I don't remember that," Leo protested, crossing his arms.
"You did!" Mikey insisted. "You said I had to play something else because it was bothering Donnie."
"That would be in character for you," April remarked with a tiny grin. 
"Sounds like sewers to me," Donnie said with a shrug.
"Maybe," Leo conceded. "But why the hell would Dad keep us in the sewers?"
"There’s probably limited options when your kids are literally part-turtle," Raph reasoned with a grumble.
"Yeah, but abandoned sewers?" Leo pressed. "Come on. Was that really the only choice? Couldn't he have just... kept us inside or something?"
"I don't think so," Donnie said, frowning a bit, shaking his head. Leo sighed.
"Why not?"
"Leo, Dad has one of these bracelets, too," Donnie said. "Remember?"
The rest of their journey through the Hidden City went about the same way. One of the boys would bring up some old memory, and they'd discuss for a while, before the conversation would peter out and they'd walk in silence for a bit before the cycle started all over again. April pointed out that they had all regularly chirped and clicked and made other odd noises when she had first met them, but eventually, they grew out of it (mostly.) Raph discussed his memories of watching his younger brothers when they were very little, waiting somewhere dark and quiet for their dad to get back from wherever he was going. Donnie and Leo both remembered sleeping together as toddlers, somewhere very small and curled up, like a nest of some kind, both agreeing that it didn't quite seem like a crib or a bed. Mikey mentioned how many times he got in trouble for painting or drawing on walls when they first moved into the apartment, and how much it had upset and confused him in the beginning-- was that because their dad hadn't bothered to correct the behavior when they lived in the sewers? 
"When we first started swim team," Donnie mused, tilting his head back to stare up at the sky. "I remember sometimes, we would have contests with the other kids to see how long we could hold our breaths."
"I remember that," Leo agreed. "And we'd always win!"
"Yes, but..." Donnie hummed. "I think we probably could have won by a lot more if we wanted."
"What do you mean?" Raph questioned.
"Well," Donnie explained. "I recall, or, at least, I think I do, that… that when we first started partaking in those contests, it was... it was easy. Everyone else would have already come up to breathe, but I'd feel completely fine. I'd only come up because I had won and the contest was over. But after a while, people started being weird about it," he frowned. "To be fair, people were weird about a lot of things I did. And I will admit I didn’t always catch on, but I noticed this one,” he said, laughing dryly and giving a wave of his hands. “And at the time, I just wrote it off as one of many! Just another thing that I did that made me different from my peers. But I started coming up earlier so I'd be more... normal," he confessed. "And I'd pretend like I was out of breath when I wasn't, so people would stop looking at me like that. Or, well. People stopped looking at me like that for that particular reason. And I guess eventually I just... I got so used to pretending that it just became second nature, and I didn’t even realize I was pretending anymore."
Leo nodded slowly, looking thoughtful, his arms crossed over his chest. “Yeah… Yeah, that sounds… that sounds right, actually…”
"I remember thinking the same thing!" Raph exclaimed, his eyes wide at the realization. "Except I felt bad that all the other kids kept losin' so bad! I started pretendin' 'cause I didn't want everyone else to get discouraged, and I just did it for so long...!"
"But you're the best swimmer, Dee," Leo remarked, nudging his twin slightly with a tiny smile. "So I wouldn't be surprised if you can hold your breath the longest, too. I mean, christ, you literally have webbed fingers now."
April glanced down at her brother’s hands, noting quietly to herself that it was true. If she was being totally honest with herself, it was a bit alien to look at, so she drew her eyes back away after a moment.
"That does make sense," April hummed. "And it'd explain why you guys are so good at swim meets and stuff, too."
The other three paused, and Leo frowned a bit. "What do you mean?"
"Well, I mean. If you're turtles, then... obviously you're gonna be good at swimming," she reasoned with a shrug. "It makes sense. Of course you’re gonna win!"
"Mikey doesn't swim," Donnie pointed out.
"Maybe he's a different kind of turtle who doesn't swim?"
"A terrestrial turtle..." Donnie hummed, resting his chin in his hand, brows furrowed. "Maybe a box turtle or something..."
"You think I'm a box turtle?!" Mikey gasped, his eyes lighting up.
"But obviously the rest of you would be good at swimming if you're, like, aquatic," she continued. "So I'm not surprised you all always kicked so much butt at swim meets and stuff!"
"... Yeah. I guess so," Raph said, but he seemed kind of... dejected, almost. Like he was upset. The conversation shifted shortly after, focus shifting to Mikey’s new identity as a box turtle, but April's mind lingered.
 Why did she feel like she had just said something wrong? 
“This is the Battle Nexus?!"
 Raph gawked slightly, suddenly feeling a lot less confident. He could feel the various winces and mumbles around him. "It's a goddamn fortress! We're never gettin' in there!"
"Oh, come on. What were you expecting? To just walk in?" Leo scoffed. "It's not that bad!"
"Not that bad?!" Raph squawked, turning to gesture wildly to the massive walls, the towering, heavily guarded entrances, the watch towers perched on nearly every corner... Christ, was that a blimp overhead!? "Are you crazy?! There’s no way!!!"
"Well, not with that attitude," Leo said, crossing his arms over his chest. 
"Yeah! We're basically ninjas, Raph, we got this!" Mikey cheered, ever optimistic.
"We’re not ninjas, Mikey. And there's no way in hell we're sneakin' in there. You two are out of your mind," Raph said with a scowl. 
"We don't gotta sneak!" Leo insisted, waving away the other's concerns. "Don't worry! I'll talk us in there, no problem! Leon's got this. I'm an actor, remember? I just gotta charisma our way past one of those guards."
"You wanna talk your way in?" April questioned, raising a brow. "Leo, are you sure about this?"
"Of course I'm sure! This'll be a piece of cake. C'mon-- watch and be amazed!"
They were not amazed.
"Seriously, Leo?" Raph hissed, no more than five minutes later, the group slinking back into the same alley they had started from with a few new bumps and bruises and their metaphorical (literal?) tails between their legs. "Caravaggio? The awards show host? From the Bloodsporties?"
"I thought it'd work!" Leo cried, throwing up his hands. "Everyone likes to be flattered! People love it when you bring them awards!"
"Why do you need four assistants to drop off an award?" Donnie hissed.
"It's a very important award!" Leo insisted.
"That no one's ever heard of?!"
"Yet," Leo huffed. "Okay, look, it's fine. Leon's still got this. We just gotta switch over to plan B."
"Plan B had better not be at all similar to Plan A," Raph said, crossing his arms. "Or involve any of us being strong-armed off the premises by a massive yokai guard!"
"It won't, it won't, I promise!" Leo assured, getting to his feet again. "Okay. Watch and be amazed! Again!"
Leo shook out his limbs, straightening his posture, rolling his shoulders back, and setting his feet apart. And then, for just a moment, he was completely still. His chest didn't even twitch with a single breath. All at once, he inhaled sharply--
 ... And nothing happened.
"Wow. Amazing," Donnie said dryly.
"Well, just, gimme a minute! You're breaking my concentration!" Leo snapped, repeating the motion-- and then again, and then a few more times, until he was basically flailing in place, repeatedly thrashing in the same spot. "Come-- ON! Work already!"
"Leo, what the hell are you doin'?" Raph sighed. Leo groaned loudly in frustration.
"I am trying to use my mystic teleportation powers! Obviously!"
"Your what?" Donnie scoffed.
"I'm sorry, you mean the weird mystic things that we've been doin' completely against our will for the past two weeks and have absolutely zero control over? That one?" Raph grit out.
"Well, I'm starting to get the hang of the pattern..." Leo muttered.
"You've gotta be kiddin' me!!!"
"Well, maybe he can really do it!" Mikey chipped in with a bit of tentative encouragement. 
"So, let me get this straight," Donnie said, rubbing his temples. "You are trying to teleport all six of us inside of the Battle Nexus... using your mind. Is that correct?"
Leo scowled. He shuffled his feet at the dirt, his lower lip poked out.
"It could happen," he huffed.
"You're an idiot."
"Leo, there's no way this is ever gonna work! We barely even know anything about these powers!" Raph insisted. "What if it's dangerous?!"
"I'm getting the hang of it!" Leo repeated. "I could do it! And how would you know, anyway? You don't even have any powers yet!"
"Guys!" April yelled over the chaos, and the rest of the group paused to glance over.
Scowling, she gestured wildly to the little yellow yokai creature that had led him here.
Oh, right. The one who teleported.
There was a long beat of silence.
"Yeah, that's probably a better plan," Leo reluctantly conceded, though he was still pouting. 
"Thank you," April said, scooping the yokai up, who purred and waved his tail, seemingly happy to help. "Okay, come on guys, huddle up. And try not to fall over this time!"
The whole group obeyed, scrunching up around each other and grabbing onto various hands and elbows to make sure everyone would make it to where they needed to go. But something Leo had said nagged at the edges of Raph's mind, gnawing at him even as a bright flash of cyan light overtook them, the world going out from under their feet as they teleported once again.
Why didn't he have any powers yet?
Donatello wasn’t exactly sure what he was expecting the inside of the Battle Nexus to look like, but it wasn’t ‘literal sports stadium.’
Though they stumbled a bit, they all managed to keep their footing this time once they teleported inside the halls of the Battle Nexus, thankfully in a quiet, unoccupied corner just outside of a stairwell. Perhaps it had been naive of him, but he hadn’t expected the inside of this place to so closely resemble the inside of a modern football arena. 
“Nice job, little guy,” April whispered to the little yellow yokai, who looked just a bit more tired than he had before, Donnie noted, panting softly. “We’ll take it from here. You rest,” she instructed gently, tucking the critter into her jacket. 
“Anyone have any idea where we’re going?” Leo questioned, looking around suspiciously.
“No,” Raph admitted. “But everyone stick close. And… act casual. This place has gotta be crawling with yokai!” Donnie concurred; he could hear the roars of the crowd from here. “If we don’t call any attention to ourselves, we can just blend in. Dad has be around here somewhere.”
“You got it, bossman,” Leo hummed. “Come on. I think the main stadium is over there. Let’s check that out first and see what the deal is.” 
Now, Donnie may be a theater kid, but he was not exactly an actor the way Leo was, (or claimed to be, anyway,) and so ‘acting casual’ was a bit of a demand. He was very focused on trying to make his body language ‘casual,’ in keeping his muscles untensed and his expression neutral, to the extent that he was not especially paying that much attention to their surroundings as the group trailed after Leo. He followed his siblings’ lead into the main seating area of the arena, adjusting the settings of his headphones slightly as they moved to join the edges of the crowd, hoping to keep out the excited screams of the fans.
As a result, he was a bit taken aback when he did look up to take in the scene of the ring below them.
And oh. Oh my god.
This really was fucking bloodsport, huh?
“Jesus christ--”
He was vaguely aware of Raph’s hand hurriedly slapping over Mikey’s eyes before he could get a good look at the scene not just in the battle ring below, but also projected onto the massive jumbotron, and the younger immediately gave a yelp of protest.
“Hey! Raph--”
“Mikey, I know that you don’t wanna be babied and you’re gonna complain, but I really need you to just trust your big brother on this one,” Raph hissed out, his voice tight. “Don’t. Look.”
April had her hands over her mouth, and Leo bristled, mumbling a few curses. Donnie really, really didn’t want to be watching this, but he couldn’t quite take his eyes away. There was a wet, crunching noise, so loud that they could hear it even from up here in the balconies (were they mic’ed up? Sweet baby Galileo--) and the entire party winced around him as the crowds roared in delight.
“What happened?!” Mikey cried from behind Raph’s hands.
“Donnie?” April said, glancing over at him.
He swallowed hard, his stomach flipping. No, no, no. Come on. Keep it together, Vomitello. Not the time, not the place, not at all casual…! 
Leo, to his credit, caught on pretty quickly, paling a bit at the realization and jumping forward to bodily whip Donnie away from the scene, beginning to herd the group away.
“Okay, well, Dad’s definitely not down there!” He bit out with a nervous laugh. “Thank fucking god… Look. Obviously, we’re up super high. Let’s find the stairs, start heading down, and see if we find anything on the way,” he said hurriedly, not slowing his pace until they were basically back out where they started, in the near-abandoned outside hallways. 
“Sounds like a plan,” Raph said, finally releasing his grip on Mikey’s head. “Uh. Don…?”
“I’m good,” he squeaked out, leaning over slightly, his hands on his knees as he coughed a few times. “All good, no problem…! Just… gimme a second…!”
“Donald,” Leo said through gritted teeth, clapping his hands together decisively. “I am literally begging you not to puke right now.”
“I am doing my best, thank you!” Donnie snapped in response, squeezing his eyes shut. “Oh my god, why was it so lumpy? It looked like cottage cheese!”
“What are you doing!? Stop thinking about it!” Leo cried. 
“Think about something else instead! Like… the periodic table! You love that thing,” Mikey suggested brightly. “Like, uhhh, what’s the symbol for chlorine?”
“C-L,” Donnie bit out, flapping his hands a bit and letting out a slow breath through a clenched jaw. “Come on, Mikey, that’s way too easy.”
“Okay, uhhm, what’s the atomic number for iodine?”
“Yeah! And what’s the atomic mass of titanium?”
“Yep! And uranium?”
“Oh, uranium, my beloved, my white whale…! Two-hundred and thirty-eight-point-zero-two-eight-nine.”
“AHHH!” Mikey imitated a buzzer. “Wrong!”
Donnie’s head snapped up. “What?!”
“Just kidding!” Mikey chirped happily. “I don’t actually know the answer. You’re probably right.”
“Oh, you evil genius,” Donnie said, shaking his head. “I’m never helping you study for science class ever again.”
“Pshhhh, yeah you will. Plus you feel better now, don’t you?” Mikey pressed, grinning wide.
“Yes, okay, fine. I owe you one,” Donnie sighed deeply, offering just the smallest of smiles and rubbing the other’s head as though tousling hair, (not that he had any anymore. Ugh, don’t think about that, either,) eliciting a giggle from the other. At least the nausea had backed off now. “Okay. Come on. Leo’s right, shockingly enough. Let’s head downstairs and see if we can find anything.” 
“Oh thank god,” Leo whispered, yanking the door to the stairwell open and gesturing to his siblings. “Okay, c’mon, let’s go! Vamanos!” 
The trip down through the Battle Nexus was long and boring, but admittedly, calming. Donnie had always been a fan of repetitive actions, and so far, every new floor they investigated they found much of the same, not uncovering much save for more seating for screaming, cheering yokai along with the occasional food court or souvenir stand. Any guards they found they made sure to steer clear of, slowly working their way down through the stadium.
“This is going nowhere,” Raph hissed softly, leaning into Leo as they did a lap through yet another floor of stadium seating. Quite frankly, Donnie was beginning to wonder if all these floors were exactly the same. “Where the heck do you think they’re keepin’ Dad?”
“I don’t know! How would I know?” Leo questioned, bristling a bit.
“This was your plan!”
“Yeah, ‘cause no one else had a plan!” He bit back, scowling. “Look, we’ve just gotta… uh… we’ve gotta…” He looked around for a moment, floundering for just a second before he lit up, pointing.
“We’ve just gotta follow one of those guys!” 
Everyone glanced over, and April frowned a bit.
“Follow one of the guards?”
“Yeah!” Leo nodded excitedly. “Look, if anyone’s gonna know how to get into the secret, spooky parts of the Nexus, it’ll be an employee! There’s no way Dad’s just in the stands somewhere or in any of the other public bits of this place. And we’re just walking in circles.” He said with a roll of his wrist. “But I bet if we tail one of those dudes, they’ll lead us straight to him! We just gotta be sneaky.”
“He does have a pretty good point,” Mikey reasoned.
“I dunno. It seems kinda dangerous,” April said, raising a brow. 
“Yeah, but we don’t have any other ideas…” Raph said, crossing his arms over his chest.
The three of them glanced over at Donnie, and he sighed, tilting his head back and forth for a moment to do some rapid calculations.
“I do agree that the risk associated with this plan of action is… significant,” he said, frowning a bit. “Butttttt… just wandering around aimlessly isn’t going to get us anywhere. Following someone has a much higher probability of success.” 
“That sounds good enough to me!” Raph said, giving a nod. “Alright. Let’s do this then. Everyone’s just gotta be ninja-level sneaky. Got it?”
“Got it,” the group agreed, giving a nod.
Would this go horribly wrong? Only one way to find out.
Finding their target was easy enough. This place was crawling with guards, quite frankly, they just had to pick one. After rejecting the first few targets, as they were all rather beefy, they settled on a slightly smaller, less-deadly-looking Nexus employee to follow.
“Okay,” Leo said. “We’ve just gotta tail him for a while and see where he goes. Everyone stick close, and be quiet.”
“Obviously! You don’t have to tell us to be quiet!” Donnie hissed back.
“Both of you shut up!” Raph whispered. “Look, come on, pay attention! He’s on the move. Mad Dogz, roll out! We can’t lose this guy.” 
Donnie huffed and grumbled a bit, resisting the urge to hipcheck Leo as the group began picking their way through the halls, taking care to stick to the shadows. At first, Donnie thought that this was just another waste of their time, and they would end up doing even more laps around the stadium. He dared to get his hopes up, however, when the fox-like yokai paused in front of an unassuming wall. It looked about the same as any other portion of wall in this place, but once the Yokai placed his hand (paw?) to it, it lit up white, and suddenly, there was a door that wasn’t there before.
“Whoa! Lookit that!” Mikey gasped.
“We’re all already looking at it, Mikey, be quiet,” Donnie hissed. 
“What’d Raph say!? Shut it! And come on! Quick and quiet, before the door closes!” Raph whispered with a hurried wave of his arm, and the five took off, closing the gap between themselves and the guard in order to slip inside the secret panel, quiet as ninjas-- just like Dad taught them. Even April was surprisingly quiet, and Donnie was privately impressed. It took them years of lessons with their dad (and ill-advised shenanigans that they wished not to face consequences for,) to get this good at sneaking.
All five of them made it in, and the guard was already halfway down the hall by the time they joined them, seemingly none the wiser. Donnie didn’t make a sound, but silently, he fucking whooped and cheered. Yes!!! He had been really fifty-fifty on whether or not this was going to work out. 
At the end of the hall, the fox guard clicked a button on the wall, and about five seconds later, the wall opened up like an elevator.
The elevator had about eight other yokai inside. These yokai did not have their backs on them.
“HEY!” One of them immediately shouted, pointing at their group, as they had not yet managed to find a proper hiding space in the long, but sparse hallway. Every single other yokai snapped around to look at them. “What’re you doing in here!? This is employees only!”
“Uhhh…” A pained smile spread on Leo’s face. “We’re looking for the bathroom?” 
 “Sure,” the fox scoffed, turning to face them properly now, beginning to make his way back down the short hall to meet them. “Alright, lemme see your tickets. I’ll escort you back to your seats.”
“Our tickets? Uhhh… Sure…” Raph spluttered for a moment, laughing nervously. “Let’s see, uh, where did we put--”
April yanked her club from her backpack and promptly slammed it into the yokai’s head with a loud thunk.
“APRIL!” Raph screamed, jumping in surprise. “What the hell!?”
“Well, there’s nowhere to run!” She shouted in response, and, ah, welp, there she went. Full charge ahead, then? “Come on, we gotta get into that elevator!”
Donnie sighed deeply. Well, he had predicted fifty-fifty. 
He set his jaw, rolling his shoulders a few times before whipping his bo staff from his back. “Alright, well. Here we go.”
“COWABUNGA!” Raph shouted as he charged forward, and Donnie resisted the urge to roll his eyes. They were gonna have to work on battle formations and plans later.
But he was prepared this time. He wasn’t gonna freeze up and back down.
Yes, this was a fight. An actual, for real fight, which he had never been in before! But he hadn’t trained for nothing. 
He got this. They’d be fine. They got this.
Leo laughed, sliding forward with quick, practiced ease, his odachi flashing forward to smack the blunt of the blade against the ankles of the nearest yokai and send them tumbling to the ground while he darted past them. April was right on his tail, beaning anyone who got too close and following her younger brother’s lead. “Come on, guys, keep up!”
 “Right behind yah!” Mikey cheered, both him and Raph rushing forward at a matching pace. Despite the size difference, the two easily kept up with one another. Where Raph elbowed his opponents out of the way, clearing himself a path by bodily throwing their enemies to the side, Mikey darted and danced his way around them, a zig-zagged ballet to Raph’s straight, unyielding path. He whooped loudly as he went, always just out of reach with each step.
“Hot Soup!” Donnie noted their eldest brother howled out another battle cry (wasn’t that copyrighted?) Mikey’s kusari-fundo whipped about to fling him forward, tackling the largest of the guards to the ground and sending them both tumbling down the hall. 
Like… Both of them tumbling.
Also, Mikey was in the mix too, still attached by the chains of his kusari-fundo.
Well, at least it was still forward momentum! 
Donnie inhaled deeply, his muscles coiling.
Couldn’t get left behind. 
He darted down the hallway, jumping over and dodging around anyone already on the ground. At one point, a hand flashed out, grabbing at his ankle, and Donnie bit out a series of curses. He wrenched himself out of their grip, stumbling slightly, and nearly ran straight into one of the other (quite large) yokai in the hallway. A rapid equation darted through his head, however, and he just barely managed to correct his footing at the last second, turning sharply on his heel to transfer the momentum into his staff. The weapon curled around to slam into the guard with a heavy, satisfying thawk, sending them sprawling to the ground, and the entire hallway shuddered at the impact.
Well, that was a close one. He hopped over their fallen form and surged ahead, reaching down to grab Mikey’s hand as he went, dragging both him and Raph to their feet behind him, “Come on!”
The two found their footing quickly with the assist, falling back into a sprint-- smacking and dodging enemies as they went with about a seventy-five-percent success rate. Jesus, had this hallway always been this long? It felt like it was taking a stupid amount of time to get to the other end of it! Out of the very corners of his eyes, Donnie just barely spotted one of the larger guards rising back up to their feet, lunging at him from behind-- only for a neon green club to come whipping out of nowhere at the very last second, colliding with the side of his assailant’s head and throwing him right back to the ground.
“Hey! Only I get to hit my little brothers!” April shrieked, her face set in a furious scowl. The guard, a huge, stocky, lion-like creature snarled in reply, lashing out with his legs to send her sprawling to the floor with a yelp.
“Oh, you did not just do that to our friend!” Mikey snapped, flashing forward to stand protectively in front of their sister, his kusari-fundo whizzing around them, filling the air with a barely-there whine. “Back off!”
He lashed out with the weapon, his arm whipping forward with the movement-- only to blink in surprise when physics failed to behave as expected. Which, uh, was pretty unusual for physics. Physics were typically pretty reliable. But the weight at the end of his weapon spun wildly in place, suspended in air for several long seconds, before it promptly lit up in a blazing flame.
“Ooh!” Mikey shrieked in delight. “Magic weapon! Guys, loo-- ACK!”
And there they were, Donnie thought dimly to himself. 
The uncontrolled variables.
Donnie gasped, immediately ducking down and covering his head as his brother flew about the room like a deranged bird, still hanging onto his (seemingly demonic) mystic weapon. He all but pinballed off the walls, screaming the whole time. The lion just barely managed to leap out of the way before Mikey crashed into the wall, flopping down with a small squeak on impact, luckily seeming shaken but not injured.
“WHOA! Mikey! That was awesome!” Raph gaped, his eyes widening. “Dude, how did you do that?!”
“I dunno!” Mikey said, stumbling to his feet and kind of wavering a bit with dizziness. “I was just swinging my weapon around and it just-- did it!”
“Let me try!” Raph said, shaking his tonfas about like they were goddamn maracas. “Come on, magic weapon, magic weapon, magic weapon-- OOH!” He yelped in surprise as one of the remaining guards crashed into him, snarling as they all but whipped him from his feet. But Raph held his ground. “Okay, alright-- magic weapon tests later! Fight now!”
“Can’t wait to see what mine does!” Leo laughed as he leaped over the group, diving towards an oncoming yokai. He swung his blade forward, slicing through the air with a loud crackle of near-electric energy--
A bright blue circle of mystic energy promptly opened up beneath Leo, and he yelped in surprise as he went plunging downward.
And downward.
And downward.
And downward.
And downward.
“Hm,” Donnie remarked. “I guess he can teleport.” 
“GET! ME! OFF! THIS! RIDE!” Leo howled, flailing as he plummeted endlessly through the two parallel portals he had sliced through reality, one below his feet and the other up above his head, only picking up the pace the longer he fell. 
Donnie sighed loudly. He was sure someone else would get him. Eventually. In the meantime, someone was gonna have to take care of the remaining yokai guards. Luckily, this one was suitably distracted by his twin brother’s infinite falling.
“And that’s why I like fighting the old-fashioned way,” Donnie hummed, slipping past the yokai’s side and into his blind spot, watching their eyes widen in surprise as he jabbed sharply at them with his bo staff. They were just barely able to dodge out of the way of Donnie’s attacks. “Though the portal does make for some quality entertainment, I must admit--”
They jumped out of Donnie’s range, swiping forward with a clawed arm, and Donnie’s body immediately, instinctively moved in response, his bo staff flashing upward to block the move and force them off-kilter. He hardly even had to think. His body already knew what to do when he needed it.
It’s just like a tournament. No different from a tournament. You’ve won thousands of fights. This is exactly the same thing. Just keep your head, do the math-- You’re good at this, remember?
Bouncing off the yokai’s arm, Donnie’s staff whipped back around to ricochet into the side of their head, earning him a frustrated and perhaps pained snarl in response. See? Donnie grinned, just for a second, ducking easily out of the way of the guard’s counterattack and leaping to the side, finding himself the space once more to adjust his stance and run rapid calculations. Numbers danced in front of his eyes, and he quickly zeroed in on the equation with the best probability of success, building his plan of action around that.
The yokai snarled, leaping after him-- exactly as he expected. Donnie’s entire body instantly snapped downward and out of their path in response, ducking away from their attack. At the same time, they pitched themselves to the left, whipping their bo staff around as they went to find their mark. The guard made a short, strangled noise of surprise as the weapon collided with their throat, sending them reeling in the opposite direction. They were almost immediately on their knees, choking and spluttering as Donnie darted away, just the tiniest bit breathless as he went.
“Just like I planned it--!” He had laughed, quietly delighted that it had, in fact, gone the way he planned it, and why had he been worried? He could do this, he knew how to do this!-- when his youngest sibling went flying into his side with a yelp. 
The pair of them tumbled across the hallway before slamming into the wall, bringing their unexpected trip to a sudden and grinding halt. Donnie groaned softly, wincing as he slowly forced himself back up, stars all but dancing in front of his eyes, Mikey flopped over beside him and seeming just as dazed. Ow. Okay. That hadn’t been in his calculations.
He just barely caught sight of the lion yokai diving for them, catching on about half a second before the attack landed. 
He didn’t run any numbers this time. He didn’t have the chance.
His muscles moved quicker than even his brain could, throwing himself bodily over top of his baby brother to shield him from the coming impact.
[ next ]
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reyadawn · 2 months
Foolish Games - Part 3
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*image not mine, credit goes to owner*
Summary: Reader is a reporter who has been tracking Noah Sebastian, crime Lord and lead singer of Bad Omens. After getting kidnapped during a shoot out at the Red Door, she gets more than she bargained for and is sucked into the life of crime...and where falling in love can be even more dangerous.
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings: 🔞+, violence, language, smut (kissing, unprotected sex, creampie)
Word Count: 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Enjoy! 👌❤️
Noah and I slowly emerged from the room, quietly stepping into the hallway. It was eerily quiet. Noah's right arm was out in front of him, gun in hand and was listening intently while I laced my fingers through his on his left. He subtly pulled me behind him in his wake as we made our way towards the kitchen.
Rounding the entryway, the kitchen looked like a disaster zone - appliances strewn everywhere, shattered dishes littered the floor and the smell of the dead body still lying on the floor caused my stomach to churn.
Noah and I stepped over the body, careful not to step in the massive pool of blood, and meandered into the livingroom. Everything was destroyed from the gunfight. Couch cushions had been overturned and torn open where bullets pierced the fabric. The glass coffee table had been shattered, shards of glass scattered across the area rug. I counted four additional bodies all strewn in different directions.
"Staus report. Anyone", Noah barked, pulling the ear piece from his pocket.
"Matt and Davis are on the way with Jesse from forensics. Jolly is ok, leg was grazed. He's currently laying low at Aubrey's", Nick answered. Noah shot me a confused look.
"Aubrey is my sister. Jolly took Tan and Bay there after he pulled them from the lounge to lay low", I explained. Noah gave me a curt nod.
"We need replacements for Matt and Davis for tonights' show. Transportation needs to be sent out to pick up Jolly and the girls. I want them backstage. They can watch the show from the live feed", Noah said, voice clipped.
"Already done, boss. Get cleaned up. There's a car on the way", Nick replied before ending the call. Noah sighed, putting the ear piece, his time, back in his ear before turning to me.
"Let's get cleaned up, pretty girl", he said softly, grabbing my hand to pull me after him upstairs. I followed him into the bedroom, shutting the door quietly behind me and locking it. Noah stood in the center of the room watching me the same way a predator would watch it's prey before going in for the kill. His body was rigid, muscles taught, chest lightly heaving and his eyes glittered hungrily at me.
"Strip and come here", he all but growled. I removed my clothes in quick succession and slowly walked up to him, craining my head back to meet his intense gaze. "Kiss me". I stood on tip toe, placing my hands to the hard planes of his chest and brought my lips to his. The kiss was slow, deep, sensual and made my thighs quiver with need. I pulled back long moments later and met his eyes.
"I can't lose you, pretty girl...the attatchment that I've developed towards you in the last twelve hours is dangerous...I don't want you caught up in the life I live but I don't want to be without you either", Noah said softly, eyes still flashing in hunger. I almost smiled. It was the closest declaration of love I ever received and likely Noah's to give.
Instead of words, I simply motioned for him to follow me to the bathroom. He followed without hesitation. I stopped him in front of the shower doors, reaching for his shirt to pull it off over his head and beinding to slide his joggers down his legs. Naked like this he seemed so vulnerable but he was far from it. He was powerful and I wanted him to enact that power over me. I wanted to be controlled. To be his.
Noah stepped into the shower and I joind him, turning on the faucet and cranking it to 'hot'. I grabbed his soap, squeezing the bottle to distribute the product into my hands and after setting the bottle down, proceeded to rub my palms across his skin. I massaged his muscles as I washed him and he tipped his had back under the spray, moaning at the feeling. His tattoos seemed more distinctive under the water and I marveled at the patterns of black and red.
Noah's cock was hard. I could feel it poke my inner thigh and I wanted him so bad my teeth were aching. Without warning he wrapped his arms aroynd my waist, lips crashing to mine as I carefully jumped to wrap my thighs around his waist. Reaching between us, he ran the head of his cock through my slick folds before plunging deep inside me. I gasped at the fullness and sensitivity, my head tipping back against the tiles.
Noah's thrusts were relentless and powerful. I would be sore for days at the rate the head of his cock bruised my cervix but I didn't care. I let him take what he needed. Noah's lips attached themselves to my neck, sucking another bruise to life and orgasm hit me out of nowhere. My cunt clamped down onto his cock and he roared out his own release, our mingled voices and juices echoing around the shower. His cock throbbed inside me a few more times before he set me down, slipping from my body.
I held him to me, arms going around his torso as I fought for breath. His own encircled me, almost bone crushing. We stood under the spray wondering where all this would lead us and if we would survive..
@concreteemo @concreteangel92 @amourtoken @alloraiona @kissingrose @kaliforniahigh @darling-millicent-aubrey @bloodylullaby @bluestdai @thatchickwiththecamera @yarasdead @philomenie @livingdeceasedgirl @lilhobgobbler @lovexsleepyhead @exitwoundsx
Apologies for leaving anyone out ❤️
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lilacskiesapothecary · 11 months
How they see you in Lingerie
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Sakuna would be a mix of intrigued and amused by you trying on lingerie. He would likely have a playful smirk on his face and tease that lace right off with some flirtatious remarks. His thoughts would be racing with a combination of mischief and appreciation for the literal artwork that was you.🩷🔥
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Toji would likely have a strong reaction to you trying on lingerie. He would captivated by your beauty and feel a surge of desire, but his reserved nature could also make him feel conflicted. It would intensify his attraction to you, and create a tension with every glance, touch, and thought of you. You would destroy his peace😈❤️🔥
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Gojo would be taken aback by your boldness and beauty in lingerie. His eyes would widen, and a mischievous smile would play on his lips. He'd let out a low whistle, unable to hide his “appreciation”. "Well, well, well... You certainly know how to make an entrance. You're absolutely breathtaking," he'd say, his voice filled with a mix of desire and hunger.💎🔥
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Geto would be beside himself to you trying on lingerie. He would be captivated by you and feel a strong surge of desire, and his possessive nature is eating him alive, not wanting anyone to see the literal masterpiece that is you. His obsession and need for you had heighten the deep tension between you.✨🔥
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Nanami would probably have a very composed and professional reaction to you trying on lingerie. He would maintain his calm demeanor and offer a polite compliment, acknowledging your unique beauty while also maintaining a respectful distance. His response would be something like, "You look quite elegant and alluring in that, though I must remind you to prioritize professionalism in our interactions." But on the inside he’s sliding down the wall throwing up, because how bad he needs you😈👀
Take a visit in our shop!🌟
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lilyway · 7 months
Tainted Melody {Alastor x Reader} CH 2
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
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Chapter 2: Starting Over 
The morning light spilled through the windows casting the warmest glow over Charlie and her energetic Charlie. She was able to see the sun if she really tried and was able to brighten up the kitchen with just a smile alone. (Name) watched her interacting and laughing with her loved ones. It reminded her of home. 
For (Name), the sight of Charlie and her companions stirred memories of a bygone era. A time when mornings were imbued with the simple joys of familial bonds and shared moments. She couldn't help but be transported back to her own childhood, where the kitchen served as the heart of the home, a place where laughter flowed freely and love knew no bounds.
(Name) could almost hear the echoes of her parents' voices, the clatter of utensils, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee that permeated the air. It was a time of innocence and wonder, a time when the world seemed infinitely brighter and full of possibility.
As Alastor stood by (Name)'s side in the bustling kitchen, she was grateful for his presence around her. But, she didn’t want to stop him from having his own meal. Instead, she nudged her bowl of soup his way and motioned him to have a bite. The pair was just watching Charlie and her loved ones talk from afar. 
As they watched Charlie and her father giggle amongst themselves. The genuine affection and camaraderie between the two left (Name) slightly jealous. It was endearing seeing them just interacting with one another. More so, seeing Lucifer talking to anyone in such a friendly tone. It didn’t make him seem like the King of Hell. Or, well the king of anything. 
Her lips curved into a slight smile as she watched Alastor step away to the cabinet and pull another bowl to serve himself.  He was never the sort for public displays of affection, another thing that didn’t change after almost a century. Something that would probably never change. 
(Name)'s gaze remained fixed on her food as Lucifer approached, bearing a plate of fried bacon and eggs. She greeted him with a polite nod, her tone reserved yet cordial. "Hi? Do you need something?"
“Sooo, what’s the deal between you and our dear ol’ Al?” Lucifer’s probed, his jab towards Alastor didn’t go unnoticed as it ruffled her feathers slightly. 
(Name) toyed with her food, a telltale sign of her annoyance as she braced herself for the inevitable question that would haunt her morning. "Your Highness, if you’re asking about our relationship. He’s my husband," she responded evenly, her voice betraying a hint of resignation.
Her words hung in the air, punctuated by the sound of Lucifer choking on his bacon. (Name) watched as he struggled to regain his composure, his surprise evident in the way his gaze snapped to Alastor. "Husband?" He exclaimed, his tone a mix of disbelief and genuine surprise. "You had a wife? Since when?"
Alastor, unfazed by Lucifer’s questions, made his way back to (Name), a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Is that so surprising?" He inquired, a playful note in his voice, savoring the surprise that danced in Lucifer's eyes.
Lucifer, visibly dwarfed by Alastor's presence, looked up at him with a bemused expression. "I'm just surprised anyone would marry you," Lucifer quipped, a cheeky grin playing on his lips.
(Name), not one to let such remarks slide, felt a surge of irritation. Her wings flapped in annoyance without her realizing.  "Aren’t you a charmer? " She retorted, her annoyance was laced in her every word. 
“I mean-” Lucifer, seemingly undeterred, gestured towards Alastor's entire being, as if implying something about (Name)'s choice.
Before he could finish his sentence, Alastor interjected with a sharp retort. "Ha ha, fuck you."
(Name)'s patience wore thin as she redirected her attention to Alastor, her tone firm yet tinged with exasperation. "Luci, right? Kindly, shut up," She interjected. Her nickname for the king of hell made him raise a finger to object. 
She pulled herself away from Charlie, her arms crossed, as she approached the trio.“What’s going on over here?” Her voice was stern and commanding as she glared at (Name). 
(Name)'s eyes narrowed as she turned her attention back to Alastor, her demeanor cool and collected despite having Vaggie so close to her. "Just some friendly banter. Right, Darling?" She remarked, her tone masking the undercurrent of frustration that simmered beneath the surface.
Alastor's grin widened at (Name)'s words, his charismatic charm making butterflies flutter in her stomach. “Correct, Sunshine. Nothing but friendly conversation,” 
Lucifer, sensing the shift in dynamics, rolled his eyes in mock exasperation as he returned his attention to his food. "Oh, nothing much. Just talking about Alastor’s lack of charm," He quipped, his tone dripping with sarcasm.
Alastor’s eye twitched slightly as (Name) shot Lucifer a glare. “Always so comical, Sir.”  
Vaggie, ever the voice of reason, stepped between the two men, her stern gaze silencing the brewing tension. "Keep it civil, you two. I don’t want any fights in the morning," Her stern tone made (Name) narrow her eyes. 
(Name) took a sip of her soup, her gaze lingering on Vaggie as she spoke. "I’m sure that’s something you know all too well," She remarked, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips.
Vaggie's fists clenched at her sides, her patience wearing thin as she met (Name)'s gaze head-on. "Excuse me? Do you have a problem?" She demanded, her voice tinged with frustration.
(Name) leaned back slightly as she straightened herself up. “A problem? Never,”  
Sensing the escalating tension, Charlie intervened, her voice carrying a note of urgency. "Okay! That’s enough of that!" She pleaded, her discomfort evident in the way she hurried to diffuse the situation. (Name) made a mental note that Charlie isn’t the sort who likes conflict. 
(Name)'s attention wandered as the tension in the kitchen gradually dissipated, replaced by the familiar rhythm of mealtime. She stole occasional glances at Alastor, her gaze lingering on the small antlers that adorned his head. It was a detail she hadn't noticed before, but now found endearing in its own right.
As she finally managed to finish her soup, despite the multiple interruptions, a new figure entered the kitchen, drawing her attention away from her thoughts.They seemed to look like a spider of sorts, that was her best guess with his two pairs of arms and the eight eyes on his face. His fur was already brushed for the day and unlike Charlie didn’t seem like she just got out of bed. However, his small spider eyes were barely open as he leaned against the counter. 
"Well, well, what do we have here? Looks like the party's getting started without me," He declared with a playful twinkle in his eyes as he entered.
Vaggie greeted him with a shake of her head, her expression a mix of amusement and playful annoyance. "Speaking of trouble," 
"Hey Angel! You wanna take a seat?" Charlie offered, gesturing to the spare chair next to Vaggie.
Angel declined with a casual shake of his head, his attention drifting towards the oven filled with an array of tantalizing dishes. "I’m good, toots. So, whatcha talking about?" He inquired, his curiosity piqued as he surveyed the group.
Meanwhile, Lucifer, ever the instigator, seized the opportunity to tease Alastor, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he sought to stir the pot. "Join the fun, we were just discussing... uh, the joys of marriage," He quipped, a wicked glint dancing in his gaze.
Angel’s eyes lit up with a joy that (Name) didn’t think a sinner was capable of. Angel turned his attention to Charlie and Vaggie, his excitement brought a smile to (Name)’s lips. "Finally thinking of tying the knot. Fucking finally!" 
“Uhh, sadly we’re just not there yet.” Charlie's nervous laughter filled the air as she quickly clarified the misunderstanding, gesturing towards Alastor and prompting Angel's eyes to widen in disbelief.
“ No fucking way. Mr. Fancy Talk Creepy Voice, over here is getting married?” Angel's grin stretched from ear to ear as Alastor seemed a little annoyed at his teasing. “Sooo, who’s the lucky girl?” 
"My Effeminate Fellow, meet my wife, (Name)," Alastor’s confidence made her blush slightly as he gestured towards (Name), who offered a polite wave in response.
(Name) returned Angel's warm smile, though she couldn't shake the feeling of being scrutinized as he eyed her up and down. Her warmth faltered slightly, replaced by a subtle sense of unease at the intensity of his gaze. “It’s nice meeting you, Angel.” 
Alastor, ever vigilant, moved to block Angel's view, his eyes narrowing as he sensed Angel’s eyes lingering for a little too long. "Well, color me surprised," Angel remarked, his tone tinged with amusement as he grabbed his plate and fork. “Who woulda thought that Smiles over here would ever tie the knot.” 
“Right?” Lucifer agreed with a chuckle of his own. 
Vaggie took the last bite of her salad. “It is a bit surprising,” 
Tapping her chin in contemplation, she sought to dispel their surprise with a simple explanation. "I don’t really think it is. We got married a long time ago," About a century ago, (Name) thought to herself but kept those details to herself. 
Her mind churned with unspoken questions about the nature of marriage in Hell. The notion of vows, traditionally binding until death, took on a different connotation in a realm where both she and Alastor were already deceased. Would those vows still carry any weight here? What were the rules around marriage here? Those questions were best kept to herself. 
(Name) instinctively picked up her plate and Alastor's, carrying them over to the sink. She found it peculiar that Lucifer and Charlie seemed to manage without the assistance of maids or household help. In the world she knew, such tasks were typically delegated to servants, a norm especially prevalent among the nobility. Yet here, there were no signs of traditional staff attending to these menial chores. Lost in her contemplation, (Name)'s thoughts were interrupted by the unexpected presence of Angel by her side. He had an awfully amused expression on his face as he sipped on his drink. 
Angel wore a suggestive look on his face as he thought of something to say. “So, toots. Does Smiles take care of you?” Angel's suggestive question didn't escape (Name)'s notice as he posed his question, his words laden with innuendo. Yet, the true nature of his question went over her head. 
With a puzzled expression, (Name) turned to face Angel, her brow furrowed in confusion“What do you mean by that? Of course, he does.” 
But Angel persisted, his demeanor taking on a playful yet probing quality as he continued to press the issue. His question struck a nerve, stirring a sense of unease within (Name). Why would Angel care if Alastor took care of her or not. "Like, does he take care of all your needs?" His question made (Name) slightly jump at  how he said it. 
(Name)'s laughter, though strained, betrayed her nervousness as she attempted to deflect Angel's line of questioning. "Are you asking me a lewd question, Angel?" She ventured, her smile faltering in the face of her growing unease.
Alastor's timely intervention provided (Name) with a sense of relief, his gentle nudge guiding her away from the uncomfortable exchange with Angel. “That’s enough of that, My Effeminate Fellow.” Alastor’s rescue was perfectly timed, she didn’t want to answer any of Angel’s lewd questions. But, there wasn’t anything to really mention. 
“Aww, you’re no fun!” 
Angel's laughter trailed behind them as they made their way back towards the main entrance, his playful banter was refreshing compared to someone like Adam.  Despite feeling uncomfortable moments ago, (Name) felt herself smile as she walked next to Alastor. 
Vaggie emerged shortly after, her expression grave as she left Charlie to enjoy some quality time with her father. "Maven , a word," she called out, her tone cutting through the air with sharp precision as she leaned against the grand stairway. (Name), recognizing the seriousness in Vaggie's voice, rose to her feet with a resigned sigh, and Alastor mirrored her movements, prepared to offer his support.
"Alone," Vaggie emphasized, her demand clear and unwavering, setting the stage for a private conversation that brooked no interference.
(Name) offered Alastor a warm smile, seeking to assuage any concerns he might harbor. "I'll be okay, Darling. Stay here,"
As (Name) followed Vaggie upstairs, a heavy silence settled between them, punctuated only by the rhythmic sound of their footsteps echoing with every step they took. The tension in the air was palpable, and (Name)'s smile faltered as they moved out of view, leaving them alone in the hallway. It seemed, once again, she found herself in the company of Vaggie, a situation she hadn't anticipated nor desired. Despite her inner frustrations, (Name) couldn't help but notice that Vaggie looked different with her longer hair and missing eye, she looked better. 
For Vaggie, the use of the name "Maven" stirred a dormant rage within her, a reminder of a past she sought to bury deep within the recesses of her memory. The name that should’ve remained dead when she woke up in Hell. 
With purposeful strides, Vaggie led (Name) up multiple floors until they reached a relatively empty room. The sparse furnishings, including a half-built bed and some cabinets. The vermillion curtains adorned the windows, casting a warm glow against the otherwise barren surroundings.
As the door slammed shut behind her, (Name) felt the weight of Vaggie's accusatory gaze bear down upon her. "What are you planning, Maven?" Vaggie's words cut through the air like a knife, sharp and unforgiving. Despite the intensity of the moment, (Name) couldn't help but find amusement in Vaggie's agitation.
(Name) walked farther into the room and took a seat on the semi-built bed. "Planning something? Heaven's, I would never, " She quipped, her tone laced with playful sarcasm. The sight of Vaggie so visibly perturbed by her presence only fueled (Name)'s amusement. "Besides, what could I do? I've been in a coma for months." 
"You know what I mean," Vaggie retorted.
(Name)'s laughter filled the room as she reclined against the unfinished bed, her hands propping her up as she met Vaggie's gaze head-on. "The only thing I have planned is to help Charlie,"
The threat in Vaggie's voice was dripping with venom as she advanced towards (Name), her grip firm as she seized her up by the dress. "I swear to fucking god if you hurt her!" 
(Name)'s eyes narrowed in response as she pushed Vaggie away. "Calm down, Vaggie. I'm not Lute, I wouldn't hurt her," She asserted, her voice tinged with frustration. Despite her attempts to maintain composure, a glint of something darker flickered in her eyes. "You're scared. You think I'm going to sell her out."
The accusation hung heavy in the air, stirring the simmering tension between them. “You will,” Vaggie couldn’t give her the benefit of the doubt, not then and not now. "You're just like them. You're cruel and vengeful. The type that destroys everything good that ever comes their way." 
(Name) felt her patience wearing thin as Vaggie invaded her personal space, jabbing a finger into her chest with unwavering resolve. Her wings flared out instinctively as a warning to Vaggie to back off. “Just like them? Speak for yourself.” she retorted, her voice laced with righteous indignation. Memories of Vaggie's past actions resurfaced, fueling the fire of her frustration. "You know nothing."
"I know nothing? What about you? You have no heart and no morals," Vaggie fired back, the words laden with accusation and resentment. 
(Name) felt her blood boil with rage, a surge of power coursing through her as her hair began to float in the air. “No heart? No morals? Do you think I wanted to do that? Do you even know how much I suffered?” There was something off as chains wrapped around Vaggie’s legs as her blessing became infected with her rage. “Who was punished when you couldn’t do your job? Me! Who took your position? Me! Who got pushed into a position where I couldn’t say no? Me!” (Name) returned the favor and jabbed her finger on Vaggie’s chest.
“You had the choice and you still did it. That makes you no better!” Vaggie retorted as a flicker of regret appeared in her eyes. 
(Name), her anger pulsating like a tempest, bent down and dismissed the chains around Vaggie's legs with a wave of her hand. "Unlike you, I never had the choice. I'll remind you, you're the one who removed that choice for me,” Vaggie’s betrayal made her life much harder as an exorcist as Lute and Adam made sure there would be no way to repeat the same mistake. “Thank you, though. Your act of betrayal did serve me well.” 
Vaggie rubbed her ankles, confusion etched across her features. "What do you even mean by that?"
“Well, I got my freedom back. I’m back with my husband and I plan on repaying the favor.” (Name) explained as she walked towards the door. 
“I don’t trust you. If you do anything to hurt Charlie or this hotel. You’re done.” Vaggie’s threat wasn’t something (Name) cared much for as she placed her hand on the doorknob. 
(Name)'s smile was hollow as she placed her hand on the doorknob. “Isn’t Charlie’s hotel all about redemption? Or, do you not believe in second chances? I’d love to start over.” 
“Of course, I believe in Charlie’s vision!” Vaggie snapped back, but (Name) didn’t believe her. Well, (Name) didn’t trust Vaggie either. The rift between them ran deep, too deep for mere words to bridge. “Maven, you’re not someone who is capable of change. You’re just like heaven, you don’t listen and you will never change.” 
(Name)’s smile dropped, replaced by a look of pure hatred directed at Vaggie. “You’re right, I might not be able to change. However, don’t speak to me like you know me. You know, Maven. You don’t know me as a person, and I refuse to be Maven ever again.” With a resolute motion, (Name) opened the door and motioned for Vaggie to leave, signaling the end of their conversation.
The two went back downstairs and there wasn’t a word spoken between them. Just a heavy tension as the two angel’s walked down the steps. They pretended like they weren’t fighting minutes ago as (Name) put on a smile as she approached Alastor and took a seat next to him. Vaggie returned to Charlie’s side and sat next to her on the sofa and offered her a quick kiss on the cheek. 
(Name) raised an eyebrow as she observed the scene unfolding before her, the small girl with her reddish-pink hair darting around, a knife in hand, and a manic gleam in her eyes as she chased the cockroach. Despite the chaos, there was an undeniable charm to the girl's innocence and determination.
“Should she be doing that?” (Name) inquired, her concern evident as she watched the girl's antics.
Charlie's nervous laughter filled the air. “She's harmless, probably,”
(Name)'s skepticism deepened at Charlie's response. “You aren't sure?” she pressed, her gaze still fixed on the girl's erratic movements.
Husk, the bartender from earlier, approached, his presence calming amidst the chaos. “Niff? Just leave her to do whatever she does,” he advised, his tone resigned but accepting of the girl's quirks.
With a swift motion, the girl managed to skewer the cockroach to the floor, the sight making (Name) cringe involuntarily. The image of the insect impaled on the blade was unsettling, yet the girl seemed unfazed as she skipped back to Alastor, her innocent laughter echoing through the room.
Alastor's smile remained warm as he introduced the little girl. “Sunshine, this little darling is Niffty.”
Her singular massive eye looked her up and down. “All clean!” She seemed awfully proud of herself as she presented her achievement to Alastor. 
(Name) smiled and took the blade from her hand and placed it on the table. “That's great, honey. Let's keep the blades on the table.” 
Alastor chuckled softly, observing Niffty's pout as her knife was taken away. “I’m sure she’d give that back to you, Niffty darling,” he reassured, his amusement evident as he watched the girl's reaction.
Niffty's presence on her shoulder was unexpected, but (Name) couldn't help but find the small demon endearing as she settled onto her lap. “Hii! It's been a while since I've made a new friend,” 
(Name)’s eyes softened at Niffy as she pulled her to her lap. “Is that right? Well, Niffty I'll gladly be your friend.” 
Niffty's small hands began to work their magic, deftly braiding (Name)'s long hair. “You’re nice,” Niffty remarked, her admiration genuine as she marveled at the silky strands. “Your hair is so long. It's so silky, like cobwebs.”
(Name) just nervously smiled. She didn’t want to explain the reason why it was so long. “It is a bit long. I should cut it soon.”
A sudden tug on her hair drew (Name)'s attention back to Niffty, whose eyes sparkled with excitement. “Oooh! Can I cut it? Please!” Niffty looked so happy as she held a bunch of her hair in her tiny hands. 
“I suppose you could? Perhaps, tomorrow?” (Name) replied as Niffty nodded happily and went to try getting her hair off the floor. 
Niffty started running her slim fingers through her hair as tried to get most of it off the floor. Alastor watched with a smile as (Name) stood as still as she possibly could. Niffty had to weave it with her whole body to get it into a decent braid. 
Charlie watched with a smile on her face. “Have any plans after this?” 
“Oh! There was one thing I was meaning to ask you. I was wondering if I could help you out and stay here?” (Name) asked as Alastor narrowed his eyes as Vaggie ran her fingers over her face. 
Niffty's eyes widened with excitement. "You’re really staying?"
Charlie's enthusiasm bubbled over as she leaped from her seat. "Are you sure? I mean, if you want to?" Her eagerness to have (Name) join them. She wanted her to join since their first meeting when she cheered her up. 
“I’d love to help out. Besides, I believe in your foolishly large dream, Charlie. I want to help you make it a reality.” (Name)'s words resonated with sincerity and support, drawing a smile from Charlie. Meanwhile, Niffty returned to her braiding with renewed fervor. 
As (Name) glanced around the room, she noticed Alastor's subtle reaction, his eyes narrowing slightly, and Vaggie's contemplative demeanor. Yet, Alastor's sigh conveyed a deeper concern, one that (Name) recognized with a sense of gratitude
“Of course! We’d love to have you on board!” Charlie grabbed her hands as (Name)’s smile widened. 
“What can she even do? I doubt she can even clean.” Vaggie was trying to act like the voice of reason. (Name) could tell she just didn't want her there.
(Name) felt a strange chill coursing through her nerves as she offered her proposal. “I can give you information on Heaven. Your and Luci’s information is outdated. You don’t know how Heaven works anymore.” She hoped they wouldn’t detect the strain in her words.
“We already have someone who knows enough about Heaven.” Vaggie snapped back as Alastor narrowed his eyes. 
“You sound like you have an issue, my dear,” Alastor interjected smoothly, his voice commanding attention as it sliced through the room, redirecting their focus to Vaggie.
“You mean Luci? Or yourself? Neither of you have been in heaven for years . I'm not saying that to be rude, it's the truth of the matter.” (Name) replied with a matter of fact tone. 
“Excuse me?” Vaggie snapped back. 
Charlie tried to step between the two. “Maggie, please.” She pleaded as Vaggie flashed a look of pain and backed down rather quickly. “Okay, we’ll talk about this later! Maybe tomorrow?” 
Lucifer walked into the room with a plate full of snacks. “What did I miss?” 
(Name) nodded. “Of course, I’d love to.” It was exhausting trying to deal with Vaggie. 
When she was about to get off the sofa, Alastor got up and offered her a hand. “Shall we go?” Alastor’s smile was all she needed as she took his hand.  
Alastor guided her upstairs, leading the way back to the room they had left earlier. The journey was quiet, with only the subtle echoes of their footsteps resonating through the hallway. (Name) stole glances at the various paintings adorning the walls, their vibrant colors contrasting with the subdued ambiance of the corridor. The fragrance of fresh flowers in the vases lingered in the air, adding a delicate touch to the surroundings.
She can’t help feeling so tiny next to him now. He grew several feet with his new body and (Name) was still stuck the height she died in. 
Truly, unfortunate. 
But, Alastor never looked better. He still looked refined and gained some more quirks. Like his ears, the antlers on his head. She did wonder if he had a tail. But, there was a big blank on how he got here. From what she could remember, he was an upstanding individual. Sure, he had his faults. But, he never committed a crime. 
“Darling, can I ask you something?” (Name)’s question had a hint of fear in her voice. She was scared of hearing his explanation. 
Alastor halted abruptly, causing (Name) to bump into his chest. "Of course, Sunshine. Ask away," 
Looking up at him, (Name) prayed that her anxiety remained hidden behind a facade of composure. "How did you end up here, Darling?"  (Name) saw a flicker of something dark in her husband's eyes. Something that scared her that made her take a step back. 
Alastor's expression softened as he gently lifted her chin with a finger. "Sunshine, I went to hell for you. That man who killed you, I shot him to death," His words were all sickly sweet and she ate every single one like candy. 
(Name) with a flap of her wings lifted herself up and kissed Alastor with a passion that she didn’t know she had. “I love you, Darling. I’m sorry , I won’t ever leave you again.” (Name) never felt more loved than she did in that moment. 
Alastor returned her affection with a tender peck, his arms enfolding her in a protective embrace. "I’m glad to hear that, Sunshine," he murmured, his voice suffused with warmth and affection, offering her solace in the shelter of his embrace.
(Name) listened to his heartbeat as Alastor carried her back to his room. It was soothing and a reminder that he was still alive. That the wound that Adam inflicted was nothing more than a flesh wound. Her husband was still alive and kicking. Alastor wouldn’t be the sort of man who would die so easily. 
Alastor placed her back on the bed gently. “Get some rest, Sunshine. You still need it.” His smile gave her no room to argue, he was right after all. 
"Where are you going?" she inquired, a hint of curiosity lacing her words as she dipped her feet back into the cool water.
"I have some errands to run," Alastor explained, his tone matter-of-fact, yet (Name) couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to his departure than met the eye. "I am an overlord now, Sunshine. There are things I must attend to."
(Name) couldn’t feel a pang of disappointment in her chest. “Are you going to be back soon at least?” 
“Of course, Sunshine. I wouldn’t part from you for long.” Alastor placed a soft kiss on her forehead before disappearing into smoke. 
“Right, of course.” (Name) muttered to smoke as she fell back down into the bed with a groan of pain. 
(Name) found herself interrupted once again by the haunting melody of the music box, its eerie tune echoing through the room with renewed intensity. Though the pain it inflicted was dulled, it still sent a sharp sting through her body.
“Hello? Can you hear me, my little Ange?” The voice, deeper this time, echoed around her, its presence unsettling. It didn’t mimic her voice back to her this time around. 
(Name) straightened her posture and adjusted her skirt. “I can hear you,” She responded, her voice steady despite the unease creeping into her heart.
“Great! Our little exchange is finally settling down,” He seemed overly happy with himself for his little interactions finally working as intended. 
“I don’t mean to be rude, sir. But, do you need something?” (Name) asked as she rested her head on her palm. 
The voice chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down (Name)'s spine. “Oh, my dear little angel, you are always so polite. I like that about you.” The voice seemed to emanate from all around her, surrounding her in an eerie atmosphere. “I’m just checking on my favorite little angel.”  
(Name)’s eyes narrowed when she heard him repeat his new little nickname for her. “I’m not little.” 
The laughter only intensified, echoing around her. “You are quite small,” the voice teased, its amusement clear as day.
“Alright, thank you. I think that’s enough for me, good day, sir,” (Name) said, attempting to end the conversation early and put an end to the teasing.
“I’m quite sorry to say, but you don’t get to make those decisions, Little Ange,” The voice retorted sharply, its tone commanding her attention. “Besides, you’re my only source of entertainment, and you’ve been awfully boring.”
“I’m not your sense of-” (Name) felt her words getting stuck in her throat as she tried to finish her sentence. “Heavens, what did you do to me?” (Name) asked, her voice laced with confusion and concern as she scanned her surroundings for any sign of the enigmatic man.
“Nothing, you’re bound to the rules of our agreement. You can’t deny me. Same goes with speaking back when I don’t let you,” The voice explained, its tone devoid of remorse.
(Name)’s eyes narrowed as she processed his words. “I didn’t agree to that,” She countered, her frustration mounting.
The voice chuckled ominously. “Give me strength. I don’t care if I die. Take the dying embers of my life if it means I can save him. I’ll give you everything I have. My soul, my memory, whatever you want. That is what you said, I just answered and agreed. You gave up more than you think.”
“I want you to entertain me. Sing, ” The command washed over (Name), and the melody of the music box shifted to a faint piano.
“The last page of a fairy tale,” (Name) felt her body move against her will as she began singing for her new patron. “Is rewritten, and changed into tragedy.”
“Hmm, I always enjoy tragedy. So much emotion, so much on the line,” the voice remarked with a hint of amusement, though it did little to ease (Name)'s unease. The realization that whoever she had made a deal with could exert such control over her was deeply unsettling.. 
“I even lose sight of, the one person I believed in.” (Name) wanted this to stop. She didn't want to sing and make people accidently lure people to her. She didn't want to be Maven again. 
“You seem scared.” Her patron commented, there was a faint tone of superiority and amusement. “Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I did, promise.” 
If You mean that, you'd let me go sir. (Name) mentally snapped back and he only laughed at her. “Love and dreams are almost like a sand castle.” 
“Be grateful, I'm not as malicious as you believe me to be.” He hummed back, he was clearly too amused. 
“They're fragile, and they crumble down. Even if you don't wish for it.” Her patron released his hold on her body as (Name)’s perked her head up to a knock on the door. 
“Enjoy that little warning, my dear dove.” 
“What does that even mean?” (Name) mumbled to herself, her mind still reeling from the unsettling exchange.
Their eerie comment hung in the air, unanswered, and (Name) felt a surge of frustration at the lack of clarity. Pushing aside her myriad questions, she focused on the immediate issue: whoever might be waiting behind the door.
Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, (Name) forced a smile before reaching for the doorknob.
“Hello?” she greeted as she swung the door open, only to be met with the sight of Lucifer standing before her.
“Hello!” Lucifer chimed cheerfully, but before he could say more, (Name) slammed the door shut in his face.
She mentally panicked on the other side, trying to figure out what to do. It was clear as day that Lucifer and Alastor didn't have the best of relationships. Now, she had to deal with him alone. 
Taking another deep breath, (Name) forced another smile on her face. She really didn't want to deal with anyone right now. 
Reopening the door, she was met with a very confused Lucifer. “Hello, Lu Lu . Do you need something?” (Name) wanted to scream she didn't mean to call him Lu Lu. Her patron, in the meanwhile, was laughing their ass off in her head.
Lucifer felt his eyebrow twitch at her little nickname for him. “Hello, again. Is Bambi there?” He seemed a little dramatic, especially with how he said "Bambi."
“I'm sorry, Lu Lu. My husband isn't in. Can I help you?” (Name) watched Lucifer deflate slightly, and she tried to suppress a laugh.
“Fuck. I mean, that's great! This is a perfect time for us to get to know each other, whatcha say?” Lucifer's attempt to get under Alastor's skin was pretty entertaining.
“You're terrible with people.” (Name) laughed as she straightened his hat. 
“Yeahhh. Are you coming or not?” Lucifer asked as he motioned down the hallway.
(Name) laughed, shaking her head. “I'm not giving you any dirt on my husband. Just so you know.”
“Uh huh,” (Name) replied with a hint of skepticism.
“You don't trust people, do you?”
“Nope. I trust your daughter, I don't trust you,” (Name) replied, her firm tone betraying the smile on her face as she laughed. 
“Harshh. But, that's fineee,” Lucifer shrugged as he kept motioning down the hallway. 
“You really want to know dirt on Alastor, don't you?” (Name) couldn't help but giggle as she stepped out into the hallway and closed the door behind her. 
“I don't. I just fucking hate that deer,” Lucifer replied, his distaste evident in his tone.
“Ha ha. You and Alastor have something going on,” (Name) remarked, finding the situation amusing. The idea of the King of Hell having some sort of spat with her husband was rather unexpected.
“There's nothing going on,” Lucifer quickly corrected, his tone defensive.
“Right. Do you like tea, Lu Lu?” (Name) asked casually as she started walking down the hallway, the tension between them momentarily lifted.
“Sometimes? I mean, depends on the tea? Are we talking about drama tea or actual tea?” Lucifer inquired, his curiosity piqued by her question.
(Name) burst into laughter at his response. “I'm talking about drinking tea. It's best to befriend someone with a cup of tea,” She explained, extending her offer to Lucifer in a lighthearted manner. She made sure her offer was left at Lucifer’s feet, forcing him to either accept it or reject it. 
“Befriend? Of course, you'd want to befriend me! I'm the Big Boss of Hell!” Lucifer proclaimed with theatrical flair, reveling in his title. He really was a little too prideful with his title and status she was coming to realize. 
“I think the Tiny Boss of Hell suits you better, Lu Lu,” (Name) teased, watching his eyes narrow at her playful jab.
“I'm not tiny. Thank you very much,” Lucifer retorted, a hint of defensiveness in his tone.
“Sure, whatever you say,” (Name) replied, unfazed by his protest.
“You're also short,” Lucifer added with a grin, trying to turn the tables as (Name) shook her head.
“You're right. But, I'm sorry to say my husband still dwarfs you,” (Name) quipped, a mischievous grin spreading across her face as Lucifer let out a small growl.
“That deer isn't that tall,” Lucifer insisted, his competitive spirit shining through.
(Name) just laughed as she skipped forward a few steps. “Right, keep telling yourself that.”
Perhaps, there were some joys of being hell. She was always pleasantly surprised at the childish his little rivalry with Alastor was. She knew Alastor was probably the same way. Always trying to outdo the other or having the last say. 
Maybe, she'd be able to pull it out of him during their little tea party. 
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The song in this chapter is:
Return to the Sea from Mermaid Melody.
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Summary: Spencer wants to get back with Reader a month after their breakup, and it doesn't go the way he planned.
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
Category: Angst
Content warning: Breakup, recovering from heartbreak, rejection, sad ending
Word count: 1.3k
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Spencer Reid broke my heart, plain and simple. Eight months of wonder and joy were destroyed at one dinner. A romantic one, just to twist the knife more. I was sure we would’ve been together longer, which is why it felt like the world caved in when he ended it. I never felt so broken. At that moment, I could say it was the dinner to end all dinners. Because I told Spencer I never wanted to see him again.
So you can imagine his surprise (and mine) when I agreed to meet him for a coffee a month later. I took deep breaths in the car because, like the breakup, this location was just as methodical. The spot where we first met in our respective rushes to work, he decided would be the last. When opening the shop door and hearing the familiar bell ding, it's like a neck-breaking transport. And when I spot Spencer at a table, with two cups and a pastry wrapped in front of him, the reminder to breathe comes back. 
One of the most painful things about heartbreak is that it doesn’t rip up memories like your body. They’re as clear as ever when Spencer stands from his seat while we lock eyes. The chair legs scooting across the floor were as loud as it was when we came here for quick breakfasts. Quick breakfasts were never my choice, but duty calling never involves convenience. A call from Spencer’s phone was equivalent to a brace for impact. The anxiety of waiting for the pleasantries to inevitably end was as real as the others in the shop turning their heads at the sound of Spencer’s chair. Brief and dreadful.
Nevertheless, I walked forward, keeping eye contact and an optimistic look. “Hey,” I said.
“Hi.” His hand pops up to wave as his lips thin out in his classic unrelaxed half-smile. “How are you?”
I sit. “Alright.” I can lie if I try hard enough. That’s one perk of dating a profiler. “You?”
“Good.” He nods while shifting in his seat. “Yeah, good.”
“You look exhausted.”
His Adam’s apple bobbed.
“Did you just get back from a case?”
“Yeah, last night. Los Angeles.” He rubbed his eyes. He hadn't slept. “I got you an iced vanilla latte.” He points to the cup, condensation already layering the outside of it.
I take a sip. It’s watered-down but sweet. “Thanks.”
He then slides the mystery pastry toward me. “And a scone.”
This will be a long sit-down. He wants it to be. I can smell the scone. Nostalgia hits hard and doesn’t apologize. “Chocolate Chunk,” I say. It’s what I ordered the first time. He and his damned eidetic memory remember how I entertain desserts whenever I eat somewhere. And I remember our last dinner, how he ended it before they even had a chance to offer the selections. I didn’t touch it. Instead, I leaned in my chair. I thought I should kick back. “Why’d you call me here, Spencer?”
He looked around the room as if others wanted to listen in on this riveting conversation. He takes his coffee and slowly sips, putting it down. “One of the victims, her girlfriend… or ex-girlfriend was devastated during our interview. They had been on a break and she —”
“Regretted the way things ended, and now that she’s dead she can’t say sorry.” I’ll admit I didn’t care for my monotone voice, but he’s told me similar stories and a range of others that cut him deep. And I listened and held him then.
Then is, unfortunately, not now.
Spencer’s eyes darted from the cup to the scone, to me, back to the scone, then to me again. “I really am sorry.” His voice is strained.
I gripped my sweater sleeves under the table, like how the dinner ended. Except I stood up from the table with my fists deep in the soft linen covering it. The anger boiling inside fueled my force as I walked out of the restaurant. It was literally a raging spectacle, despite the deafening sound of my heart cracking in my ears.
The anger had long subsided. “I know.”
His eyebrows raised, likely expecting a more spit-in-your-face response. “You do?”
“The phone calls made it easy to assume.” That doesn’t mean I answered. He called once a week, but picking up the phone any earlier than yesterday would’ve led to undignified sniffles, giving me away instantly. My broken heart has calcified significantly in record time.
Spencer nodded. “I know I hurt you, and I hope you can forgive me someday.” For a minute, I wondered if this was the workings of a genius or a psychopath (he hangs around enough of both). Because despite the cruelty of such a planned-out ending, I somehow felt sorry for him. And I hate to admit there’s a small part of me that wants to crumble to his side.
“It’ll be okay,” I told him. “Water’s making its way under the bridge.” Time was all I needed.
Quiet takes over for a brief moment between us, and even though we’ve been apart for a month, it doesn’t take away the other eight. Spencer’s eyes, puppy-like in shape and oaky in color, are as obvious as the rest of his behavior.
“That isn’t why you wanted me here. Isn't it?"
He licks his lips and shakes his head. “I was hoping… in due time, of course, we could try again.”
The sigh that came out of me was involuntary. I wouldn’t have held back my response even a week ago, and he was lucky about that. “Spencer, I’m sorry. It may not feel like it now, but I think, in retrospect, you made a wise choice.”
“It doesn’t feel like it.”
“Nothing has changed. You were just in Los Angeles.”
“But I could try harder. Like you wanted." He swallows again. “I miss you.”
Damn, that was all I thought.
“Well,” I cleared my throat. It didn’t help. “Maybe… maybe we can be friends someday. But for now, I hate to say this,” I do. “But it might be a smart idea to keep our separate ways for a while.”
The best thing I could do is avoid diving headfirst into my true feelings. To expect things to suddenly change just because he wants to return. It's vulnerability and blissful ignorance I can’t afford. Calcified is an accurate way to describe my current state, but fragility is still there. I’ve managed to get to bed without crying for a week, but the sucker punch of memories, the freshness is very prevalent. I can still pretend here.
Spencer though, no matter how hard he tries, is not a stoic person. It’s not in him. If he’s angry, it comes out in passive-aggressive remarks or emotional outbursts containing at most a single swear word. And when sadness comes, tears are sure to follow.
I see one fall, and I try to avoid erosion as he wipes the trail off his cheek. “I understand.” He doesn’t look up.
“I’m sorry. I really am.” That's all I can say. Having the tables turned is painful.
“I don’t blame you. I handled it terribly.”
I said nothing.
“And if I could, I’d —”
His phone vibrated. Brace.
“Duty calls,” I say with a lilt, and he isn't amused. I take another sip of my coffee before I scoot my chair back.  I push the scone toward him, but he stops me halfway. We don’t flinch at the contact, fingers nearly laced.
“It’s yours. You take it.” He pushed.
“I think you need it more." I push.
“Please.” He adds force.
I let go, leaving his hand alone on the wooden surface. I try to concoct a smile. “Take care of yourself, Spencer.” I stand up from my chair and turn to head toward the exit. The ding of the bell comes and goes, and the sun splashes my face with warmth. Tears collect and cool my cheeks as I walk to the car, but I let them.
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
Digimon Adventure 01 - Adrift? The Island of Adventure! / And So It Begins....
Right off the bat, we can feel the tonal difference between how the two shows want to present themselves. The Japanese version opens with narration provided to us by a grim and stone-faced narrator, while in the English version, Tai delivers the exposition himself in a light-hearted and goofy tone.
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The Japanese narrator explains to us in a bit more detail precisely what is happening throughout the world. Drought has struck the paddy fields of southeast Asia, heavy rains are flooding the Middle East, and the U.S. is suffering from freezing temperatures.
Tai has similar dreary info to drop on us. He tries to keep it light because that's the tone the dub is going for, but his version's... a little different. In fact, hilariously, Tai's version is much worse.
The way he tells it, the whole rainforest has dried up and oceans have risen to flood "other areas like chocolate sauce". The freezing also is no longer in the U.S.; It's "cities which are normally blazing hot", not contained to any specific region. Holy shit.
So, yeah. Either way, the world's being fucked sideways right now by climate catastrophe, but it's ironically being fucked harder in the lighter and goofier English dub.
With that out of the way, we met our cast of kids - With the English Tai getting in a funny joke, claiming to be "working on my multiplication tables" while we clearly see him snoozing in a tree.
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Each character comes with their own special introduction slide to give us some basic information on them. For the Japanese version, the narrator coldly lists them off by name, while their information blurb tells us what grade they're in.
This gives us a general understanding of how old each kid is, relative to one another, which is kind of important for understanding their group dynamic down the road.
6th Grade: Jou 5th Grade: Taichi, Sora, and Yamato 4th Grade: Koushiro and Mimi 2nd Grade: Takeru
The dub omits that particular information and instead gives us some basic information on what Tai thinks of each character.
Sora: "She's okay, for a girl!" Matt: "Too cool; Just look at that haircut!" Izzy: "He should have gone to computer camp." Mimi: "I'll bet you can guess her favorite color on the first try." T.K.: "Matt's dopey little brother." Joe: "Don't ever scare him; He'd probably wet his pants."
For most of the character names, it's pretty obvious which name connects to which. Izzy's the odd man out, as it's an abbreviation for Koushiro's family name Izumi.
The omission of the characters' ages from the dub is something that I think hurts it; It's not super clear, watching the show in English, that Joe's supposed to be the oldest kid by a year or two, or that Mimi's one of the youngest in the cast. However, this is important context for driving some of the plot points that the show has in store for them.
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As the kids are struck by a freak blizzard, neither version really stops to explain this but the kids who will be our protagonists get separated from the rest of the campers. In both versions, we just see a group of counselors ushering kids into tents, and then Taichi opens this door once it stops.
I think the Japanese version was trusting its audience to understand from context where they are. Taichi, Yamato, Sora, Jou, Koushiro, Mimi, and Takeru have all taken shelter from the blizzard inside a nearby Shinto shrine.
This is why, when the aurora suddenly arrives and transports them across worlds, no other campers are taken with them. They're in an isolated location away from the rest of the group.
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Jou even has a line expressing that he wants to return to the others, to clarify that these seven children are presently alone.
The English version offers no less information than the Japanese. Well, it offers a little less; That one context-clarifying line from Jou is replaced by Joe saying "I was worried I'd catch a summer cold but this is even worse!"
However, more importantly, we don't have Shinto shrines here. So the context isn't quite as evident to a kid watching on TV in the 90's. I always thought they were just in some kind of cabin at camp.
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As the kids stare in awe at the sudden arrival of an aurora that's about to ruin the next several months of their lives, Jou again urges everyone to return to adult supervision pronto. This time Yamato agrees with him, pointing out that they could get sick if they stay out here.
Joe and Matt, on the other hand, have different concerns. In the dub, it's Joe that worries they're all going to get sick if they stay out here. This time, Matt disagrees, insisting that they can't miss a sight like this. That they are all alone in the wilderness with no adult supervision is not a concern for Joe at all, apparently.
Koushiro also points out that auroras aren't supposed to happen in Japan, so this is weird. The dub is trying to localize for an American audience, so Izzy's a bit more descriptive here. He calls this out as the Aurora Borealis specifically but says that's supposed to happen in Alaska. "We're way too far south."
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Then the Aurora strikes, delivering their Digivices and whisking the kids away on a magical adventure of violence, terror, and coming to terms with the reality of death. YAAAAAAAAAY
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So it begins! Taichi is the first we see meet his Digimon partner. This is Koromon. English Koromon explains that his name means "Brave Little Warrior". This is a bald-faced lie.
Like many Baby and Child stage Digimon, his name is based on an onomatopoeia; Specifically, Koromon is named for the sound of a round object rolling around. "Korokorokorokoro". I think the dub version of the character was embarrassed to admit that. :P
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Koushiro's partner Mochimon is next. The subtitle here says Motimon but you can clearly hear Mochimon. His name is based on the sound of a spongey goop extending and retracting. Mochimochimochi.
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Once these two are introduced, the dub goes in on trying to deliver information to the audience. This place is called the Digi-World, and Izzy speculates that the Digimon are the Digivices themselves, transformed into physical lifeforms.
None of this is in the original; This is a quiet moment as Taichi takes in the magnitude of their isolating predicament. The only information offered is that this is a place called File Island; the word "File" is said in English.
That they've Isekai'd into another world entirely is not something they know as of yet. At this point in time, the possibility exists that maybe we got washed out to sea somehow but we're still somewhere near Japan.
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When Taichi tries to scout out what's around them, our central antagonist for this episode arrives: Kuwagamon, an Adult-stage Digimon named for a particular species of stag beetle: Nokogiri-kuwagata.
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The first altercation with Kuwagamon goes terribly, forcing Taichi and Koushiro to take cover inside a special program. As Mochimon explains, they're inside a hologram of a tree which will conceal them from Kuwagamon.
The English Motimon offers the less helpful explanation, "It's a Hiding Tree, silly!" That'll do it. All I need to know, thanks.
Once Kuwagamon's gone, we meet up with Sora and our next Partner Digimon.
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Pyocomon, named for the sound of bouncing. Pyocopyocopyoco! The dub cuts off the P and calls her Yokomon.
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Immediately followed by Takeru's partner Tokomon, named for the sound of trotting around. Tokotokotokotoko.
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And Yamato's partner Tsunomon. This one isn't an onomatopoeia; Rather, "tsuno" is the Japanese word for "horn". He's Hornmon. You can probably guess why.
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Following that, we have Pukamon, named for the sound of floating or hovering. "Pukapukapuka", though the dub calls him Bukamon with a hard B sound.
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We cut to commercial break and then come back to a completely redundant second introduction. Each Digimon takes turns going around and saying their names, and then Tai introduces each of the human characters and tells us which grade they're in; The same information from those slides earlier.
I think the localizers realized how unnecessary this is because they use this time to waffle instead. Rather than intros, the Digimon just say things like "We're super cute!" "And loyal!" Tai, however, once again misses an opportunity to establish the relative ages of the characters and just reintroduces all of the humans by name.
Wait, but aren't we missing someone? As if on cue, Mimi comes screaming out of the woods with her Partner Digimon at her side.
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Tanemon, which translates in English to "Seedmon". However, like Tsunomon, her name remains Tanemon in the dub. Mimi isn't screaming because of Tanemon, however; She's being hunted by Kuwagamon.
I should note that the dub characters are extremely rude about Mimi's absence. Sora calls her "the girl with the funny hat" to which Tai replies, in the most eye-rolling and disdainful voice possible, "Now now, her name is Mimi." You can hear him sneering.
Then Izzy chimes in and, in a weirdly bitter tone, suggest she's "picking flowers" or "going on a nature hike". The fuck crawled up y'all's butts and died? This girl has done nothing.
The dub, however, does get in a fantastic line when Kuwagamon attacks again.
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As the kids cower in a clearing from Kuwagamon's renewed assault, Joe cries out, "My mom is going to want a complete and total refund!" XD I love that. It manages to land a joke without killing the tension in the process.
Cornered on the edge of a cliff, the partners are forced to fight Kuwagamon.
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It does not go well. Real quick, who do you think wins in a fight: An experienced lumberjack vs. several toddlers?
What a lovely start to an adventure. We have no idea where we are or why, and the strange magical creatures who showed up to protect us have all been beaten within an inch of their life by what, for all intents and purposes at this time, just appears to be Random Encounter wildlife.
We're gonna die out here.
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With their backs against the wall, Kuwagamon renews the assault once more and the Baby Digimon are forced to break free from their worried kids and fight once more.
The dub tries really hard to downplay the peril these kids are in right now. For instance, when Taichi asks Koromon why he attacked Kuwagamon so recklessly, Koromon uses what little strength he has to state that he needs to protect Taichi. Dub Koromon just says he wanted to show off and look cool.
Similarly, as Kuwagamon comes tromping out of the woods, Taichi expresses hopeless fear, and Koromon then insists that that Digimon must fight. Dub Tai instead says, "Get ready to run!" only for Koromon to argue that he wants to fight instead. Like. They're standing on the edge of a cliff. There is nowhere to run to. The dub's manufacturing retreat options to make fighting a personal choice rather than a survival necessity.
But now the bonds they've formed with their kids are strong enough for the first in what's going to become a major metaphysic for this series: Evolution.
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The dub calls it Digivolution, possibly to distinguish it from evolution in Pokemon which was airing alongside this show, but in Japanese it's just "shinka" meaning evolution. As each Digimon evolves, there's a stock quote format that they express in both versions.
In English, it's "Koromon, digivolve to: Agumon!"
In Japanese, it's "Koromon SHINKAAAAAAAA!!! Agumon!"
I admit, ever since the first time I watched this in subs, I've always had a soft spot in my heart for the bloodcurdling battle roar of "SHINKAAAAAAA!!!" every time they evolve in Japanese.
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While Kuwagamon gets dogpiled by Child-stage Digimon as the Digimon theme song blazes in the background, let's take a moment to go over each of their new names.
Agumon: "Aguaguagu". The sound of biting. Gabumon: A type of puppet used in Kabuki theater. Piyomon: "Piyopiyopiyopiyo". The sound of tweeting. Tentomon: Tentoumushi, a type of ladybug. Gomamon: Gomafu azarashi, a type of seal. Palmon: A play on "palm", a kind of tree. Patamon: "Patapatapatapata", the sound of flapping wings.
The English version replaces the roaring Digimon theme song with some generic fight music.
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With Kuwagamon successfully fended off, the vibe of this scene is pure tension-relieving jubilation. The dub slides in Izzy saying, "They made vaporware out of him," and goddammit, that got me. XD The important thing is that Kuwagamon is gone and everyone is safe forev--
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Oh, never mind. Everyone fucks off a cliff and probably dies and that's where we leave off episode 1. This sequence features possibly the funniest "Easing Up on the Peril" edit in this entire episode. As Kuwagamon slams his pincers into the edge of the cliff side to send them hurtling to their doom, the English version splices in random still frames of the kids looking tough to show this is no big deal and they can handle themselves in this mess!
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Izzy standing there like "GRRR I'm a big strong American boy and they build us TOUGH over here! Me and mah gun can TAKE gravity!"
Before ending on the exact same shot of everyone falling to their doom anyway.
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Either way, this is where the episode leaves off. The kids have been transported to this mysterious location. They have no idea where they are, how they got here, or why. They were terrorized around the forest, and now they're all falling to their doom.
This sets the stage for what this adventure is going to be like. This is not a magical journey of whimsey and effortless victories. These children are in extreme peril and nobody is coming to save them.
Man, File Island sucks. I'm with English Joe. If I was one of these kids' parents, I'd be demanding a refund too. Worst camping trip ever.
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sussyjake · 2 months
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Pairing - Jake x fem!reader
Genre - angst
Warnings - betrayal, emotional distress, manipulation. (lmk if I missed any)
The days following your decision to reach out to Jake were a tumultuous blend of anticipation and dread. Your phone buzzed with his reply, his words a lifeline you weren’t sure you should grasp.
“I’m glad you want to talk. Can we meet at our usual spot? I miss you.”
The familiar café, where so many of your memories had been made, now felt like a battleground. You arrived early, your heart pounding with each tick of the clock. The smell of coffee, once comforting, now seemed to mock your anxiety.
When Jake walked in, his eyes scanned the room until they found you. He approached with a cautious smile, and for a moment, you were transported back to the early days of your relationship, when everything felt perfect and uncomplicated.
“Hey,” he said softly, sliding into the seat across from you. “Thanks for meeting me.”
You nodded, unable to trust your voice. The sight of him stirred a maelstrom of emotions—love, anger, longing, and pain.
“I’m sorry for everything,” Jake began, his eyes sincere. “I know I hurt you, and I can’t take that back. But I want to make things right. Can we try again? I promise I’ll be different.”
You searched his face for any sign of deceit, but all you saw was the man you had once loved so deeply. The man you still loved, despite everything. The temptation to believe him was almost overwhelming.
“Why should I trust you?” you asked, your voice trembling. “After everything you’ve done, how do I know this isn’t just another manipulation?”
Jake reached across the table, his hand covering yours. “Because I’ve realized how much you mean to me. Losing you was the wake-up call I needed. I want to be better for you, for us.”
Tears welled up in your eyes, and you looked away, unable to hold his gaze. “You said that before, Jake. You always knew how to say the right things. But how do I know you mean it this time?”
“I get that,” he said, his voice low and earnest. “I messed up. Big time. But I’m willing to do whatever it takes to prove to you that I’ve changed. Therapy, couples counseling, whatever you need. Just give me a chance.”
You were silent for a long moment, weighing his words. The love you still felt for him was undeniable, but so was the fear of getting hurt again. The memories of his betrayal were still fresh, and the wounds were far from healed.
Just then, your phone buzzed. It was a message from Nina, an unwelcome intrusion into this already fraught moment. You hesitated before opening it.
“I know you’re meeting Jake. I just want you to be careful. He knows how to get under your skin. Don’t let him manipulate you again.”
The message was a stark reminder of the double betrayal you had suffered. Nina’s words, though laced with irony, carried a truth you couldn’t ignore. She had her own motives, but she wasn’t entirely wrong about Jake.
You looked back at him, his eyes filled with hope and regret. “I need time to think, Jake. This isn’t something I can decide on the spot.”
He nodded, understanding. “Take all the time you need. I’ll wait. Just know that I’m here, ready to prove myself to you.”
As you walked out of the café, your heart was heavy with indecision. The path ahead was uncertain, fraught with the potential for both healing and further heartbreak. But one thing was clear: you had to find your own way through this, even if it meant facing the painful truth of your tangled emotions.
That night, lying in bed, you stared at the ceiling, your mind a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts. The longing for Jake was still there, but so was the resolve to protect yourself from further pain. The journey to healing and understanding would be long and arduous, but you knew it was one you had to undertake on your own terms.
For now, you would hold on to the hope that you could find clarity and peace amidst the chaos, and perhaps one day, the strength to make a choice that was right for you.
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tiffauthor · 1 month
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The Happy Symbiote (insect breeding)
I'm a symbiote and I've never been happier.
I started by fucking spiders in the swamp where our transport crashed to get away from my responsibilities as a female colonist. I was a horny girl but found the boys in our company crude and rude and the other girls only wanted boys. The boys' idea of sex was to pound a girl hard and twist her tits until they spurted their pathetic little load inside her, then walk away like she didn't matter at all. To them she didn't, but once she was pregnant she was treated like a queen by the crew.
We girls were meant to be the human seed and the first colony on this distant world but I didn't want to be a human seed carrier. So I got spiders to fuck me instead.
The spiders were better lovers, pumping their slippery eggs and semen into my womb until it was a bloated throbbing ball in my lower belly. The spiders made me cum when they filled me and I kept cumming by palpating my hardened womb as I fingered myself, But later when my belly cramped and I pushed the eggs out of me I didn't feel good at all; I'd become feverish and weak during every brood, and found out from our doctor that the sickness I felt was from the spiders' semen that had killed all my human eggs. That part was fine with me, but I had to stop fucking spiders before I damaged more of my insides. For a while after that I didn't fight the boys who held me down and fucked me like all the other girls, but unlike them I never got pregnant.
I found a way to keep the boys off me when I explored deeper into the swamp and nearer our crashed airship. I found the scorpions. They didn't want my womb, they wanted my bowels and belly and I discovered I loved them more than the boys or the spiders. The scorpions consumed me in a delicious way.
Since I found the scorpions, the boys no longer want to fuck me because of the swamp stink on and in my body. I even sweat the swampy hormonal smell of the scorpions. But the boys and some girls have taken to following me to watch me now that they know what I do in the swamp. They make fun of me, mock me, laugh and sneer, but I can see the boys' hard cocks tenting their pants and hear the girls in the dorm finger themselves, dreaming of doing what I do in the swamp.
My body is full of anticipation and excitement as I make my way deep into the swamp. I'm horny as I pick my way, my pussy leaking, my nipples tight and rubbing against my top, my belly hungry to be filled as only a scorpion can fill me. I can hear the boys and girls following whispering to each other and laughing.
I hear the rapid clicking of a scorpion nearby and find a firm place to lay down. I pull off my pants and open my top and jacket and spread my legs and pee. I think it's the female hormones in my pee that helps them home in on me. The clicking grows louder as the scorpion approaches from the swamp. I spread my legs wider as his tail raises and he gives me a little sting on my mound just above my clit. The sharp impact takes my breath away every time but doesn't harm me, it just spreads a warmth and looseness across my belly and my bum. Then I lift my legs high and wide to give him a welcoming cradle as he presses his weight between my thighs. He wastes no time taking my bum as he mounts me.
His oily ovipositor is long and tapered, its tip the width of my thumb and its root thicker than my upper arm. My wounded bum hurt the first few times, but the remembered pleasure kept me coming back, and now it feels like it belongs inside me.
His ovipositor slides deep up my bum until its knot is wedged firm between my bum cheeks. Scorpions go so much deeper than the spiders. There's no bottoming out up my bum; they have a meter and a half of bowel they can straighten inside me so they fit. They push so deep I feel it realign my bowels as the tip curls under my belly button, making it pulse like a beating heart as he starts to fuck me. The first thrust always wakes up the long tube of my innards making them tremble and squirm from my bum to my stomach, and I always moan. I hold the side of his upper carapace with one hand as his softer belly presses on mine, and play with my left nipple which is the more sensitive one.
I hear the boys and girls laughing as they watch, and I admit that being watched is thrilling, even though they call me bug-slut back in the colony.
His thick curved ovipositor, so slick and warm sliding inside me feels like it was designed for my body, and it brings heaven to my belly. Pure pleasure when he begins to gush his brew of semen and eggs to bloat me tight. The eggs are the size of the grapes that grow in the colony farm, and its sperm are like wriggling tadpoles the size of my pinky nail. He fucks and gushes for a long time, the eggs vibrating the tip of his ovipositor with each spew, filling my belly until it aches and I feel the egs and semen gurgling up into my stomach.
That's when I feel my orgasms brewing, excited by what is about to happen.
Like the spiders, the scorpions only need a warm living body for their semen to find their eggs. The doctor calls it a symbiotic relationship, and calls me a symbiote. I like being a symbiote, feeling the sperm in the semen dancing inside my belly as they find and fertilize the eggs.
The first time when the semen had filled me from bum to gullet and the eggs were all fertilized, I expected the scorpion to stop and let me birth them like the spiders do.
But he didn't.
After I'm full he keeps fucking me and I think he does it to make me feel good as semen and eggs rise up my gullet and I shudder with long rolling orgasms and swallow them back down. He keeps fucking me until I am ready to burst and only then does he push his knot inside me and gives me a hard gush of pure semen to bloat my belly bigger then pulls back still gushing. I cry out from the double flare of pain in my bum from his knot as a full blow bellygasm grips me and I sick-up violently, regurgitating eggs and semen up my open gullet as the rest of it spatters and pops from my loosened bumhole around his ovipositor. The violent purging all the eggs and semen is a brutal ecstasy and my prolonged orgasm during it makes me lose my mind. I feel him leave as I convulse in this climactic ejaculation until my belly is flat once again and I am spent, laying alone on the ground quivering as my lingering bellygasm curls my toes.
Sure the boys and girls laugh at me, but everyone is happy. The girls are happy to be pregnant all the time fulfilling their duty as the seeds of humanity. The boys are happy that no girl refuses them, especially the ones who come to watch me and imagine they are me as they are being fucked. And I'm happy, cumming hard as I regurgitate eggs and semen, being a symbiote for the scorpions in the swamp.
I'm a happy symbiote as I lay in the swamp palpating my squishy empty belly, knowing all I have to do is pee to get fucked again.
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