#and was like noooooo girl resist resist!!!!!
coquelicoq · 1 month
i could never live at the coast because constant exposure would erode its liminality. the beach is the place for me where the veil is thinnest between human and nature, meaning and meaninglessness, thought and sensation, mortality and eternity. i need a place i can go to take me out of myself and into something else, something bigger and older and unable to notice me or care. i go to the coast to be reminded that i am small, that meaning isn't inherent in anything, that on a cosmic scale it doesn't matter if i'm here or if i lived, and by reminding myself of these things i refresh my will to live. there's no reason for me to be here, but i am here. there's no meaning in my life except the meaning i give it. so let me actively choose to be here. let me consciously choose my meaning. and then i go back to my normal daily grind and try to carry that with me as far as possible. if i lived at the coast, my normal daily grind would be occurring in the same place as my transcendence pit stop. that ain't gonna work. it would all become background noise and i'd stop noticing it. to look at the ocean and be thinking about my taxes would disintegrate my soul i think. the beach is my favorite place to be but only because most of the time i'm somewhere else.
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shotmrmiller · 2 months
But that toxic!price that leaves money after sex... omg it was devastating (probably has other women too)😮‍💨
he cycles through others like one does pants but you're the one he comes back to. he'll literally be done with one, like still tying the laces of his shoes as he texts you if you're up.
if you are, you resist, telling him that you're no one's back up plan. depending on how upset you are, he either coaxes you into letting him see you. just for a cuddle, love. missed my girl.
or he begs. shamelessly so. how you're all he could think about while in urzikstan (surprisingly not a lie) and you're always his first choice. (implying he has choices.) please let him make it up to you, he'll do whatever you want. (except stay over when you ask him to 😭)
if you're asleep, he lets himself into your home and slinks into your bedroom like a shadow because he wants to make sure you're home and not out with some undeserving bloke.
god help you if you're on a date. seriously. he will embarrass anyone involved. brings in the goon squad in full gear just to have the unsuspecting victim physically removed from the property before they all sit down at the nice dinner table. if you wanted company, you could've just said so.
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atomic--peach · 11 months
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The Queen's Handmaiden pt.16
(Cersei Lannister x Fem Reader x Sandor Clegane: GRAPHIC SMUT AND MURDER. If you want an alternative version I am publishing this as an OC centric fic on AO3 )
Sweat clung to your neck and back as you rolled your hips firmly, bolts of pleasure shooting through your body.
If you had known this was what it took to make up for your mean little game, you would have prepared yourself more.
Your legs and core ached from effort but Sandor was relentless. Large hands guided your body like a puppet as he growled under you.
"Darling" you whined, "I'm not sure how much more I can take."
"Tired already, sweetling?" Sandor's hand moved from your hip to your face, gently rubbing over your cheek and lingering at your lower lip. "Would you prefer being bent over the chair again?"
You winced, the places where the back of the chair pressed into your belly still aching.
"No" you shook your head. "But darling, I need to rest. I can't-"
Sandor chuckled darkly, deciding to take pity on his sweet wife by flipping you over onto your stomach, face pressed into the pillows as you raised your ass for him welcomingly.
When he pushed back into you, he reveled in your squeals, knowing that each thrust into your overstimulated cunt brought you closer and closer to oblivion yet again.
Your small fist clutched at the bed sheets as cries and moans of ecstasy were muffled by pillows. Your body was so used, it almost wanted to resist the ravishing you'd endured for what must be hours by now. But your cunt was so wet from constant stimulation and your husband's seed that his cock pushed through you with no effort, hitting you deeper than you thought possible.
"Fuck" you breathed, "Please. Please."
"Please what, my love?" Sandor's hand pressed your spine down into an arch that nearly sent your eyes to the back of your head.
"Close, so close." you whispered, "Oh fuck."
"Close? I thought you said you couldn't take any more." He taunted you, picking up his pace just to watch your face twist and your lungs gasp to keep up. "Should I stop?"
"No." you begged, "Don't stop, don't. Gods!"
You buried your face into the crook of your elbow as your body went rigid for the final time that morning. Sandor slowed his thrusts, letting you ride it out before coming back down.
"Sweet girl." His hand rubbed the small of your back soothingly, "good girl."
You let out a whine gasp when he pulled out, watching with amusement as your hips rolled and bucked as if still hungry for more.
His wife whined and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him to you tightly as you could.
Before you could settle back in, a knock came at the door to the chamber.
"Noooooo" you whimpered, trying to pull him back to you as he rose.
"Clegane!" a voice called from the other side of the thick oak door.
"Is someone dead?" Sandor called, fumbling for his trousers.
"...No." The voice replied hesitantly.
"Is someone dying?"
"No, they aren't."
"Then they'd better be by the time I get to that door, or you're going out the fucking window," Sandor replies, stomping towards the door and jerking it open hard.
On the other side of the door, Lord Petyr Baelish stood on the other side, looking rather unintimidated.
Sandor rolled his eyes with a groan, "Fuck's sake, what do you want?"
"My apologies for the intrusion." He began, glancing at you, who had just started to come back to yourself and reach for your robe. "I won't be but a moment. This is for you."
He handed Sandor a length of parchment rolled up tight.
"Congratulations. You are now Master of Clegane Keep."
Sandor eyed the little man for a moment.
"He's dead then?" He prompted.
"No, Gregor is alive and well." Baelish shook his head, "Much to the displeasure of the good people of the Riverlands. It's all explained in there, very official." He glanced back at you, and you waved slightly, holding your robe to your chest before nodding. "I'll leave you two be then."
You wrapped your robe around your tightly and crawled over the bed towards him. "What is it?"
Sandor unrolled the parchment and read carefully, his brows raising in surprise mixed with concern and frustration.
"Good?" you prompted him, "Bad? Give me something to go off of."
"It would seem." Sandor began, settling in a chair while reading slowly. "That Gregor has been declared an enemy of the crown."
"What?" you blinked, "What did he do?"
"He was seen leading a band of brigands through the Riverlands, slaughtering everyone they saw, destroying crops, killing livestock. He rides without a banner or sigil, but from the description, it really couldn't be anyone else."
"I suppose men roughly the height of weight of a full-grown mountain bear are hard to come by." you nodded, "But what does that have to do with us?"
"Well, when Stark declared him an enemy of the Crown, he stripped him of all his lands, holdings, and titles. Normally, in these circumstances, it would all go back to the crown itself, but instead, they decided to pass it down the line of succession."
You blinked for a moment, "Wait, does that mean what I think it means?"
"Apparently." Sandor shook his head, "I am now the Master of House Clegane."
"You don't sound happy." you approached him, slipping off the bed and padding across the stone floor in her bare feet. "Why don't you sound happy?"
"I don't know how to feel." Sandor confessed, "I never really considered this a possibility, so I never bothered to think about it."
"Well," you bit your lip, slipping into his lap, "Can I be happy about it?"
"I don't see why not." Sandor scoffed, setting aside the paper to focus on his wife. "But it's not like it changes much for us."
"It changes everything for me." you insisted. "Sandor, I grew up a street urchin in Flea Bottom. The most I ever hoped for was to find a husband that didn't beat me every night. and now..." you smirked, "I guess I can stop correcting people when they call me Lady Clegane now."
"Since when do you care about position?" Sandor laughed, grabbing your ass teasingly and you laughed with him.
"Since I have one, formally anyway." you informed him, "My children won't be born into squalor, they'll have bright futures. And for that I am happy." 
Sandor looked at his wife thoughtfully, cupping your chin pensively before venturing a small genuine smile. 
"You're going to be a wonderful mother, you know." 
You beamed at this high praise, hugging him around the neck gently with your fingers in his hair. 
"And you will be a wonderful father."
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves." 
"Oh stop" You scolded him playfully.  "You will be. They say a woman becomes a mother when she conceives her baby, but a father doesn't become a father until he holds his child. You'll see, it will happen."
Sandor didn't respond to that, instead opting to carry his wife back over to the bed, grinning as you yelped in surprise and clung to him to avoid falling. 
News of Gregor's crimes spread through the court quickly. 
And while you were able to revel in the high position this put your family in, that didn't change the looks of contempt and fear you received from the other ladies. 
You began to wonder if it might have been smarter to refuse Gregor your favor during the tourney. For now, it seemed Guilt By Association was the phrase of the day. 
"Ignore it" Sandor whispered, "Don't show any emotion one way or the other. It's just another day." 
You stuck to this, trying to seem as nonchalant as possible. 
"Good Morning, darling." The queen greeted as you joined her train of courtiers. 
"Good morning, Your Grace."
"I've heard you and your husband received some good news this morning." Cersei eyed you knowing. 
"We received the news, yes." you eyed those around them who were clearly listening. "My husband and I grieve for the people of the Riverlands, and we hope Gregor is brought swiftly to justice." 
"Of course, a terrible business." Cersei agreed. "But I think we all saw who the better man was after that spectacle at the Hand's tourney, isn't that right?"
The question was posed to the surrounding courtiers who nodded and voice their agreement with varying degrees of enthusiasm. 
You smiled at this. 
You couldn't put your finger on how, but there was something viscerally satisfying about watching those who had looked down on you be forced to acknowledge your good fortune. 
When Cersei was pleased enough, the merry group was disbanded and you were left to tend to your mistress alone. 
"I want your counsel" Cersei hooked her arm through yours,  "About Joff"
"You and Lady Sansa both." you laughed. "Apparently I am considered something of an expert on the subject." 
"Sansa and Joff must marry, that much is clear" Cersei began. "But it's getting him down the aisle that's proving a hardship. He shows no enthusiasm for the deed."
"Well" you began, "I have an opinion, but I fear you won't like it." 
"Tell me anyway." Cersei sighed, bracing herself. 
"Prince Joffrey is exceedingly privileged. He is beautiful, strong, and the heir to the iron throne." you cushioned your coming opinion.
"But he sees men like his father, and uncle Jaime, and even Sandor who fight and go out and hunt, and....." she paused before continuing "other things young men are wont to do" 
"And he's getting to that age where he's going to want to join the men." you pressed gently, "We both know the prince adores you, but there comes a time when young men must separate from their mothers." 
"But-" Cersei went red-faced and winced, distressed by the idea of her firstborn venturing out into the world. "What do you suggest?" 
"Well," you thought. "When Ser Jaime returns, why don't you ask him to take a stronger in the prince's life? Robert isn't the only man around who can lend a hand."
Cersei sighed but nodded, "I wish my father were here. He'd know what's needed."
"He sounds like an admirable man, my queen" you squeezed her hand. You often missed your own siblings, the closest people you had to parents besides Varys. 
"He is." Cersei nodded with a fond smile. 
"Why not invite him to court?"
"He's busy" Cersei's face fell, "he's always been a rather busy man."
"Well," you rubbed your lover's arm comfortingly. "In the meantime, maybe advise Prince Joffrey to do something simple for Lady Sansa. A gift maybe? Or a favor."
"Maybe" Cersei nodded sagely. "I think I will. Thank you, darling." The queen kissed your cheek sweetly before departing to find the princeling. "I'll be back. Why don't you go enjoy the gardens?"
The summer morning air was blissfully still as you wandered. The flowers were still in bloom, and the shading trees reached over you like giant wings. 
For a moment, it seemed all was right with the world. 
Lancel had the look of a madman as he dashed through the garden paths. 
When he spotted a figure garbed in blue damask silk with hair carefully braided back into a halo, he rushed you fearfully. 
"My Lady!"
You turned and your eyes widened in shock at the sight of the scarlet-garbed squire covered in blood" 
"Oh gods, Lancel!" you reached for him instinctively and grabbed his skinny arms. "What happened, are you hurt?"
"No, no it's not mine." Lancel babbled, "It's the king's. I-I-I"
You moved quickly to cover his mouth and pulled him into a hug.
"Mind your words," you hissed into his ear so quietly he could barely hear her over his own ragged breathing. "There are ears everywhere. You know that."
Lancel nodded, his arms hanging limply at his sides as you pulled away from the embrace. 
"Now" you pushed his long, flaxen hair behind his ear. "Tell me what happened."
"The king was hurt." He breathed, "He tried to spear a boar but the beast charged him and- and."
"Shshsh" you hushed him, pulling him towards a garden pool and wetting your handkerchief in the water before wiping the blood from his brow slowly. 
"Lancel, you need to listen to me very carefully." you whispered. "Go to your quarters, take off those clothes before anyone else sees you, and do not repeat a single word of what you've told me to anyone. You need to understand this is a very delicate situation. Yes?"
Lancel nodded silently, his blue eyes wide with terror. "Did...did we"
"Hush" you snapped then softened your tone, "we must never speak of it. Not ever. Do you understand?" 
The squire nodded again and you sent him off before taking stock of yourself. 
Your hands were shaking, and you was sure you were paler than death itself. 
"Get it together" you whispered to yourself. "First things first" 
You had to find the Queen. 
Barristan had beat you to the punch, much to your disappointment. 
The queen was already at her husband's deathbed, but you kept to the outskirts in case you were needed. 
Peering down the stone corridor, you jumped as a hand came down on your shoulder. 
"What are you doing here?" Sandor hissed, clad in plate with his helm under one arm. Hand on the pommel of his broadsword. 
"Same as you, I expect." you whispered, "awaiting our Queen's word." 
"I don't play the husband card often," Sandor breathed, "But you need to go to our rooms, lock the door, and do not open it for anyone who isn't me."
You looked him up and down, noticing for the first time he was prepped for a fight. 
"What's happening that I don't know about?"
"You'll find out later. But for now, you need to leave. If you can find the Stark girls, bring them with you and wait until I come for you." 
You nodded, you knew around this time Sansa would be with her Septa in the atrium. 
You walked swiftly but did not run. Running would call attention you didn't need. 
Sansa was exactly where you knew you would find her. Clad in pale blue and reciting history lessons to her Septa, a kindly old woman. 
"Pardon my intrusion," you announced yourself, a fake smile masking your face as you eyed the Septa respectfully. 
"Do you mind terribly if I borrow the Lady Sansa for just a moment?" 
Sansa was grateful to be swept away from her lessons, but her face fell when she detective the tense gleam behind your eye. 
"My Lady," you spoke quietly, "I need you to come with me. Don't ask questions now, I will explain when we get to my chambers. Now, I'm going to ask you a question and I need you to remain calm."
Sansa nodded slowly, her breath catching. 
"Do you know where your sister is?" 
Sansa shook her head, "with her dancing master I think?"
"Okay, where is that in the castle?"
"I'm not sure" Sansa began to shake. "Did my father send you?"
"No, he is busy for now. But he would want you to get somewhere safe." you decided to leave the younger Stark girl in the hands of her dancing master and hooked Sansa's arm around yours. 
"We are going to walk very calmly but very quickly to my chambers." you whispered and the teen nodded slowly. 
"What about Septa?"
"She'll be fine" you assured her, "you are my concern right now."
The castle had jumped into action and Sansa clung tightly to you as groups of guards passed them, weapons drawn. 
"Keep calm" you whispered. "Not much further" 
The Hound's quarters were not inside the holdfast with the royal family, so your journey was not hampered by King's Guard. 
You were stopped only once. 
"The Lady Sansa is to..."
"The Lady Sansa is to come with me." You drew yourself to your full height and pulled your shoulders back straight. "On the orders of Sandor Clegane, Sworn Sword to King Joffrey Baratheon."
Your eyes locked but ultimately it was the guard who backed down. "As you were, My Lady" 
"King Joffrey" Sansa paled as you pulled her forward, the door within sight. 
"I couldn't tell you before." you pulled the teen inside and locked the door firmly behind you. For good measure, you grabbed a chair and wedged it under the handle. 
"The king is dead." 
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miss-tc-nova · 2 years
Bear Hugging WoL - Scions
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I very much approve of this @melodymeddler​. Thank you for asking :3
Scions with a WoL who Gives Bear Hugs
Alisaie will gripe, groan, and maybe even resist when she sees you’ve returned. She’d rather die than admit she enjoys your hugs. But when she’s there, there’s no fighting; she just leans in as she grumbles.
“For Twelve’s sake! No! Noooooo! Get away from me! N-Stop! Ugh! Fine!”
Little Alphy is the most bashful when it comes to hugs. He gets all blushy and tries circumventing them with a handshake or “welcome back.” Never works. But even he knows that once you’ve got your arms around him, there’s no use resisting.
“Welcome back. How was your adventure? Oh, no. I’m fine, really. Wait. Hold on—nope. We’re doing this. Aha. Welcome back. I’m glad you’re safe.”
Actually, this guy is the most bashful when it comes to hugs. He will straight up curse when he sees you walk in. Might even draw his lance to keep you at bay. But if you catch him and manage to hold on for a few seconds, he’ll give. He won’t hug back, but his will to escape will die partially because he actually loves it but take that secret to his grave.
“Oh hells. No! Stay back! I’m warning you! I won’t—No! Get off! Uuuuuuugh!”
G’raha is wholeheartedly excited when you return. He wastes no time in setting his work aside to greet you. He revels in the tight embrace, happily rubbing a cheek against you and his tail swaying happily you know, like a cat. He’d probably purr if he could.
“You’re here! Welcome back! Ahaha! Aye, it’s good to see you again.”
Sweet Krile enjoys your returns. She’s simply accepted that you’re a hugger and will return the gesture happily. No muss no fuss here.
“Welcome back. How was your trip? Did you enjoy it? I’d love to hear about it.”
Lyse gets herself all riled up when she notices you return. The girl will actively stand and run at you, unless inappropriate in which case she will power walk to greet you. She absolutely loves your hugs.
“There you are! Our grand Warrior of Light! Bring it in! There we go!”
Another casual enjoyer of hugs. She’ll excuse herself from her conversation and head towards you with a little pep in her step. Once she reaches you, she’ll hold out her arms, expecting her hug.
“Excuse me just a moment. There you are. Did you enjoy your trip? You’ll have to tell me all about it. But first, my hug!”
Thancred enjoys a hearty hug. He’ll try not to show his eagerness and patiently wait for you to come to him, but once that happens, it’s arms out and hug time. Will still mock you over it though.
“You’re back? Oh very well. What a needy person you are. Ah, wait, no. Come back here. Give me my hug, dammit.”
This man is probably the most difficult to get a hug on. The instant he has an inkling that a hug is coming, he mysteriously slips away. However, poor Urianger is only graceful enough to pull this off about 15% of the time. The rest the time, he actually manages to draw more attention to himself. And once caught, he suffers the consequences of his ineptitude.
“Ah, w-well met, friend. Aye, ‘tis good to see you as well. Your travels were well then? Please unhand me.”
The prickly mage heaves a great sigh whenever you return. While she may long to continue her studies or the tasks at hand, she knows if she doesn’t put them down willingly to embrace you, you will get in her way and may even disturb her work. Would also purr if she could.
*Sigh* “Very well. Come. Let us get this over with. Excuse me? Get over here. I will not have you sulking over a simple hug. There. Welcome back, Warrior.”
Overall, your hugs really aren’t a bad thing to the Scions. They all enjoy them in varying amounts, whether or not they admit it. In fact, it’s become such a staple in their lives that at least once or twice, they’ve thought back to your embrace in times they’ve struggled. It’s a motivator—to keep pressing on until they see you again and suffer your hug once more.
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Watching The Wheel Of Time, s2 ep8 (season finale)
I love how Moiraine and Lan shared one look and you could tell they've been around each other for so long that they both can silently communicate their feelings about Lanfear 😂
Lanfear is fabulous
The way Moiraine was like 'I can't open it that dude took my power from me'
Oh no I'm concerned what the role Moiraine and Lan will play👀
(Lanfear blows Moiraine and Lan through a gateway and they land in water) How refreshing
Lanfear: "Come with me."
Rand: "Do I have any choice?"
Lanfear: "You know who I am."
Wait, I thought Lanfear and the evil dude didn't like each other?
Oh no the white hunters stormed the tower(White Tower?)
Oh they're storming the place that Egwene is being held
I do not think Elayne is straight
Oh my god, Rana cut Egwene's braid😭
Nyeverae babe, the power is corrupting you👀
Nyeverae's expression looks eerily like Rana's
Aww, Rand came to help Egwene
Mat, my boy, RESIST
Moiraine: "Do you really want it back after everything I have done to you?"
Lan: "I never asked to be released, nor will I." 🥺
My poor girl looks so broken I wanna hug her😭
"The only reason that I was able to say that you're not my equal is that I've known one thing to be true since the day we met... You have always been my better."😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
"Let me back in."
I love how we get to see their bond reforming🥺😭
REUNITED AND IT FEELS SO GOOD (Perrin and his friends)
Damn, The way all those girls (including Egwene) are being forced to use their powers)😭
Oh, Egwene is getting BIG MAD
Renna: "Good girl!" Lady she's not a dog🤦‍♀️(I know that's how she views her in a way)
Oh nurh my boy! Ingtar🥺
Lan: "You're faster than you used to be."
Moiraine: "Feels like I'm running without buckets on my back."🥺
I love Moiraine's outfit
Wait, six?! Oh my god, they're people aren't they?!! Is she planning to do that to the kids from Two Rivers👀
Awww, what a cute lil snake/lizard
Oh God, they're gonna gentle Rand aren't they
Mat the DIY king😂
Aw, poor Egwene will need so much therapy after this
Oooooo Renna can channel?! Ha! She can't hurt Egwene
Ooooooo Renna is dead😁 (poor Egwene though)
REUNITED AND IT FEELS SO GOOD! (the reprise, Rand x Egwene)
"How? Why?" Poor girl is traumatized
"I came to save you, but it looks like you didn't need it." She badass
The way Ishameal is quoting the dude who gentled him👀 (was it Lews?) (It was)
Awe, it's a bro-mance (Perrin and the son of the main white guy)
Whoa! Hopper's spirit is jumping for leaves🥺 so I'm going with him being at peace (if this is true to the book, then I won't riot)
Mat has blown the horn!!!!
Slow mo 👀 shits about to get real isn't it👀
Mat is the only thing moving at normal speed?
Wait, what does he remember?!
This is so cool
The heroes of the horn? Mat was one of them?! I have chills
Wait, Uno?! Unexpected and so cool
Bro-mance is over (Alexa play When The Party's Over)
I ship Egwene and Elayne hard
Noooooooo! Rand has been unpaled🥺👀
Hell yeah
"You cannot face down one of the chosen, child." Egwene said
"I will let a thousand innocent people die if there's even a chance that he will live." Hardcore (get you a person like Moiraine)
Lan has Moiraine's back always 🥺
Moiraine doing her slow raise up as she's waving has me thinking things 👀😳🫣
Perrin is a great friend
"Who are you?"
"Elayne." Pls don't make them love interests
Oh, Moiraine is so gloriously powerful I love her
Ishameal is dead (and he saw nothing. Nothing at all).
I'm guessing the ships being set ablaze is the banner Lanfear was saying
Oh, they mean literally make a banner of fire😂
Damn, Moiraine really gave them a dragon😂
As the heroes
Lanfear has plans uh oh👀
Oh no, there's a new player 👀 Moghedien
Oh, the stone stuff is the other powerful dudes
Ishameal let all of them out! 👀👀
Poor Lanfear 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Well shit, it's over. What am I supposed to do until we get another season?!😭 I was really hoping we'd see more of Siuan and Moiraine and the aftermath of Siuan getting injured 🥺
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angelasscribbles · 2 years
United Front: A Drabble Me This/Bad Romance Story
Series: Drabble Me This and Bad Romance, specifically Bad Romance Continues
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Riley x Drake, Drake x OC!F (past)
Rating: MA
Warnings for this chapter: Mature Themes
Word Count: 1,710 (I decided since it falls into the Bad Romance Continues category, I wouldn't hold myself to the word limit for a drabble. Yes, I'm just making up and changing the rules as I go!)
A/N: This takes place not long after the end of Bad Romance. Drake has just come back from Texas.
My other stuff: Master List.
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Bad Romance Riley and Drake (obviously… because I’m an unabashed Drake stan… but can’t seem to resist torturing him either 😅): One of Drake’s old flames shows up with a kid, claiming it’s Drake’s. How does Riley — and Drake — react…? 👀👀👀
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“Hey, Riley uh…..can I come in?” Drake stood in the doorway of her office gnawing on his bottom lip, something he only did when he was nervous.
“Sure….” She motioned him in and told Max, “When my next appointment gets here, just have them wait.”
“Will do! Hey, Drake!” Max slapped him on the shoulder on his way out.
Drake stepped into the room and closed the door behind him.
Riley’s smile faded as she watched his face, “What’s wrong?”
“I…uh…got an email from an ex-girlfriend….”
“Okay….I thought you didn’t really date, you told me you were more of a one night stand kind of guy before me.”
“I was. But this girl had a hard time taking no for an answer and when you’re drunk, and booty delivers itself…sometimes available is available.” He shrugged.
“Alright. I get that. Why did she email you and why are you telling me?”
“She has a kid now and she…uh…she says it’s mine.”
Riley sat straight up at her desk as jealousy surged through her, “Let me see the email!”
He handed his phone over. Her eyes scanned it, then she looked up at him in surprise, “You haven’t responded?”
It was Drake’s turn to look surprised, “Oh…n-noooooo! I wanted to show it to you first! I just got you back, Riley, I’m not doing anything to fuck it up!”
She considered that for a moment, her hand on her own pregnant belly. Was she being a hypocrite? Here she was pregnant with Liam’s baby. Whatever. It was different. “Ok. But if it’s true, Drake, you have a right to know your child.”
He nodded, relief crashing through him, “Yeah. But….I’m just not sure how to proceed.”
“Do you trust me?”
His response was immediate and unequivocal, “Yes.”
“Then let me handle it. Forward this to me, I’ll reach out and set up a meeting with her. We’ll get a DNA test and go from there.”
“That…that sounds good. Thank you, Riley.”
She looked up at him in astonishment, “For what? Not keeping you from finding out if you have a child out there?”
“For being so reasonable about it.”
She rose from her seat and walked into his arms, “I love you. We will figure this out, together. Ok?”
Two days later the woman in question was escorted into the Riley’s office personally by Max.
The woman was tall, with legs that went on forever and long blond hair. She was gorgeous. Riley’s jaw clenched as she fought the onslaught of emotions inside her. Of course, she was gorgeous.
Riley surreptitiously checked the other woman out. She didn’t look like she’d had a baby, she looked like her body was immune to fat cells. Why was she blond? Did he like blonds? Riley could be blond. She considered for a moment what she would look like if she bleached her hair. Her eyes traced up from the woman’s impossibly small waist to an impressive set of what had to be double D’s. She shifted her seat. She might not have double D’s but at least her C cups were real. There was no way those were real, right?
The woman’s face broke into a bright smile when she spotted Drake, she ran across the room and threw herself at him. “Drakey! I’ve missed you so much!”
Drake stumbled back two steps as her body crashed into his, but his arms didn’t go around her to steady them both. Instead, he held both arms out to the side as he windmilled them a little to keep his balance. Fuck all of that. Let her fall, he thought as his eyes darted to Riley.
Riley suppressed the rage clawing at her chest from the inside as she cleared her throat. “Excuse me…Sasha, is it? What’s that short for? Is that a nickname? That’s not your real name, is it? Is Sasha a real name?”
Sasha stepped away from Drake with disappointment on her face and glanced at Riley, “Are you…are you the queen?” She looked back at Drake, “Why is she here? Why didn’t you email me back? This meeting was set up by someone named Maxwell Beaumont!”
“My assistant.” Riley clarified, “And Captain Walker is the head of my queen’s guard, so I’ve taken an….interest in his life.”
Sasha’s eyes narrowed, “An interest huh?”
“Yes.” Riley replied with more equanimity than she felt. “The first order of business will be a DNA test, to confirm paternity.”
Sasha looked back to Drake, “Come on baby, can’t you and I go talk somewhere in private? This isn’t her business!”
“The fuck it isn’t!” Riley jumped to her feet, but Drake held his hand up to signal that he had it handled.
Turning back to Sasha, he said, “First of all, I’m not your baby. You and I barely had a relationship, and even if we had, I ended it a while ago if you’ll remember.”
“But we were so good together!” Sasha took another step closer, biting her lower lip, “Remember that thing I do that you like so much?”
Riley bit back a laugh as Drake replied, “Not really.”
“Ok, Sasha, here’s the deal.” Riley interrupted as she stalked around the desk to plant herself firmly next to Drake, “If the child is his, you will get whatever financial assistance that’s needed. Money won’t be an issue. He’ll want shared custody, eventually. I understand the child doesn’t know him yet, so he can start with visits with you present so your daughter feels safe and build up to alone time with her then overnights and eventually fully shared custody.”
Sasha snorted in derision, “I don’t think so! If he wants to see his daughter, he’ll have to go through me! We’re going to be a family!” She spun back to Drake, “Right, baby?”
Drake opened his mouth to answer but Riley held her hand up as she answered instead, “No. The only thing you will be is coparents.”
“I want to speak to him alone!” Sasha yelled, “Clearly you have some kind of crush on him or something, but you already have a husband and he’s the goddamned king so keep your hands off my man!”
Riley lunged at Sasha, but Drake caught her around the waist and pulled her back. Spinning her around and putting his back to Sasha, he murmured into her ear, “Don’t give her the satisfaction, kardia mou. You know I love you!”
She knew. And she knew that, as queen, she shouldn’t be acting crazy in front of people. Then she remembered Bastien’s words about using the royal guard to take care of her problems and she felt a smug calmness descend upon her. She could make this bitch disappear if she wanted to. To Drake, she hissed, “Don’t make me put her on the list!”
His eyes widened at the mention of her revenge list. She still had that? Weren’t all of her enemies dead already? He should know, he’d taken out most of them.
When Drake was sure Riley wasn’t going to physically assault anyone, he turned back to Sasha, “If she is my daughter, then you and I will have plenty of conversations about how to proceed. Who is or isn’t present with me when those conversations happen is my business. But before we can move forward, I’m going to require proof.”
“I….” Sasha looked back and forth from Drake to Riley back to Drake, taking in their rigid demeanors, then deflated, “Never mind. Fuck you! You’ll just have to live the rest of your life knowing you’re a deadbeat dad!”
“Oh, I don’t think so!” Riley said, “You will present the child for a DNA test. If she’s his daughter, he has a right to know. And so does she.”
“You can’t make me do a DNA test, bitch!”
“Well, that’s where you’re wrong.” Riley said calmly.
Drake’s eyes tracked from Riley to Sasha, knowing that calm Riley was her most dangerous form.
Riley continued, stepping into Sasha’s personal space, voice low and level, “I’m the literal fucking queen, I can compel whatever the fuck I want, and you could be arrested for speaking to me like that.”
The other woman paled as she remembered who she was talking to. “Shit! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-“
“It’s ok, I understand that emotions are running high, it’s forgotten. But you will provide a cheek swap for that DNA test…today!”
“Ok, fine, she’s not his! I just thought-“
“I’m sorry, but that’s not good enough! You made the claim, I have to do my due diligence and follow up on that.” Riley walked back to her desk and pushed a button on the intercom system control panel. She gave Sasha a gloating smile as she spoke into it, “Marco, come in here, please. I have an errand for you.”
No way she was trusting this stalker, who was clearly obsessed with Drake, who was hers by the way, to deliver that DNA sample without benefit of an armed guard. And if they didn’t put the paternity issue to rest, one way or the other, Riley had no doubt Sasha would be back with her claims, up in Drake’s inbox, DMs, or whatever. Nope, it was put up or shut up time.
Two days later, Riley lay in Drake’s arms as he asked her, “What if the baby had been mine?”
The DNA test had ruled him out as the father.
Riley sighed, “Then I meant what I said, we would have figured it out together, but I wouldn’t have had a problem with you being in your child’s life.”
“Are you sure?” He teased, “Because I thought you were going to rip Sasha’s head off!”
“Can we just never say her name again, please? I really don’t like her!”
Drake laughed out loud, “Baby, you know you have nothing to worry about, right? You’re the only woman for me!”
“I know.” She smiled as she snuggled closer to him, “But I like to hear it, say it again!”
He paused between each word to deliver a kiss to a different part of her body, “You. Are. The. Only. Woman. For. Me.”
“Damn straight!” She pulled him on top of her and let him prove it to her.
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ladystrallan · 1 year
Once Upon a Time season 4A thoughts
I’m rewatching OUAT and I wanted to share some of my opinions on each season!
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- Funny story about this season, back in the day when I was watching OUAT for the first time, me and my dad watched it on netflix, and when we finished season 3, season 4 wasn’t on netflix yet, so we bought a box set and then a week later (no joke) it was put on netflix lol
- It’s beck from You!
- That cgi ice…
- I mean marian is a little bit right (even though I don’t like her)
- I feel like Regina’s redemption was a bit fast, and her only motivation for being good is Henry (not her having actual remorse for her actions)
- Rumple visiting Neal’s grave :(
- The ogre wars are the funniest thing in this show
- How long did they last? How did they start?
- I guess we’ll never know
- Regina… girl… just turning evil at the smallest inconvenience
- They are so adorable omg
- Him trusting her with the dagger… awww
- Aaaaaaaa! The beauty and the beast dance
- This is too cute
- “Maybe we should have gone with baelfire” yeah if you want him to get bullied
- Sidney is so thirsty for Regina lol
- I’m sorry but the enchanted forest also being called misthaven??? I kinda hate it
- “Anna, I will find you” would you say… you will always find her? Lol
- Omg he looks like he should be riding a horse on the cover of a romance novel
- “They call her bo peep” aka the least menacing name ever
- What are your intentions with my daughter???
- I forgot they made bo peep a lowkey mafia boss
- Not David calling her a warlord lol
- “When I was six years old, one morning I woke up hearing my father and mother going at it” yikes
- Ohhhh they were fighting… I thought they were doing something else
- Nooooo he died from drunk driving
- Ok I think I’m a full on captainswan shipper now
- “I don’t like to say such a name out loud” he’s not voldemort
- I’d know that giggle anywhere…
- This is the frozen 2 we deserved
- Oooooooo she got the white streak
- Ponytail Regina looks kinda fruity ngl…
- That painting clashes so bad
- Marian looks like she ate a blue popsicle
- Why don’t they disguise Elsa? She’s not exactly looking inconspicuous like that
- WILL SCARLET (For some reason I called him will roland for the longest time)
- Wait but didn’t he literally switch it out with the real dagger though???
- The way he hooked her arm!!!
- It’s zoso
- Ooh has rumple not “succumbed to darkness in his heart”?
- Captainswan date!!!
- “I don’t pillage and plunder on the first date” lol
- Awwww that’s cute that he wants to hold her
- But the hook is kinda sexy
- “Captain hand” that’s so funny
- “Is there something wrong with your skin?” Please—
- Wait… granny’s ISN’T the only restaurant in town?
- His old self is coming back to haunt him…
- Those brooms in fantasia used to give me nightmares
- Placebo hand
- Should I watch OUAT in Wonderland?
- Awwww they’re cute
- I like how she poofs away in a little blizzard
- Ooh this is like the broken glass curse
- The Neal picture…
- Omg plot twist (I actually remember this lol) Ingrid was Emma’s foster mom
- Ogres killed my mom…
- “I pray you never have to cross paths with that twisted man” she’s married to him lol
- Omg the duke’s moves lol
- Rumple is in every single story
- This man is everywhere
- Ew the duke of weselton is such a creep
- Oh no she froze her heart
- Yikes what happened to focus on your wife???
- Zelena actually could have been the sister Ingrid was look for
- She was born with magic and misunderstood
- Why does Robin dress like a lumberjack???
- I forgot about the whole rumple stealing Emma’s magic thing
- Why doesn’t Ingrid wear shoes?
- Why do they hate happy? What did he do?
- I really like the emma/elsa friendship
- Rumple stop being evil and just be married to belle!!!
- At least for a season
- My plan to resist the curse: wear goggles
- Noooooo the vows before they die
- That is so sad
- Honestly serves blue right
- Hey, at least the curse looks pretty
- Alternate plan: tear out everyone’s hearts (the curse didn’t work on hook because he didn’t have his heart)
- Everyone fighting each other is really funny
- Awwwww that’s actually so cute (Ingrid adopting Emma)
- Why does anyone bother running when they can just poof away
- Henry? More like Kevin McAllister
- And… she ruined it
- That’s sad :(
- Rip Ingrid
- Finally a villain that shows ACTUAL REMORSE for their actions
- “Don’t you sneeze on me, you son of a—“ lol
- Oh, rumple. When will you learn?
How I feel about the characters this season
Love: Belle, Emma, Anna, Hook
Like: Rumple, Elsa, Ingrid, Kristoff, David
Neutral: Regina, Snow, Henry
Dislike: Marian, Robin
Hate: Hans, the duke
Season rating: 7/10
I liked this season more than I remembered liking it! The beginning felt a little slow, but it got really good towards the end. I like Ingrid and I think she is the best ‘misunderstood’ villain in the whole show. Her sacrifice was so sad but such a payoff! I’m just not a fan of the Marian plot and Rumple being evil for the sake of it (he didn’t really have a strong motivation for his actions imo)
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Holaaaa 👋🏼 ¿cómo estás Dani? ¿Cómo estuvo tu semana? What plans do you have for the weekend? Are you sufficiently hydrated?? What's your favorite Midnight song?
My week was pretty good, except that today I had to translate some documents from English to Spanish and as I started I noticed there were a lot of mistakes in the original text, so I thought to myself maybe they speak French (it was about Canadian immigration) and guess what??? I was translating something written by a Venezuelan 😒 I swear to you I wanted to flip a table... I was like "my brother why did you do this to me?" Write the shit in Spanish and translate it yourself homie... you have the skills 🤬 then I remembered how much I love money and kept my mouth shut but WTF????
The One with the Patrol
But the scars remained. They were imprinted deeper on some more than others.
I have them too 😭
She never ceased to amaze him.
Anjali es una diosa magnífica, la amo ♥️
“We should remove more than his sight,” Mark Blackthorn, head of the Alliance, grunted.
I agree... we should remove his skin with fire 🔥
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“We should kill him!” someone yelled.
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“What about his sister?” Julian Blackthorn asked. “Doesn’t she have the sight too?”
Drown her!!! 🤬
“Go David!” someone hooted.
Go David!!!!!! I love him and he is always right I will throw punches to those who disagree...
I just realized I'm a tad aggressive today 😒 I could try to control it but I don't want to...
But Alec couldn’t help but feel like having an elite group of guards for Idris was going to be more trouble in the long term.
Absolutely, they would turn vigilantes and then evil little bitches... I just know... 😌
Alec didn’t resist the smile this time.
Diego, my friend, Alec thought, how proud you must be.
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“The mundane girl. Max’s friend,” Alec clarified. “You suggested that her sight should be removed. You are aware that Max is close with her?”
Oh he knows!! That's precisely the issue!!
Alec chuckled. God, this took him back. “I understand. But warlocks are protective of their relationships. Even the ones with those who are not good for them. I speak from experience, David. Talk to Max. Do not decide for him.”
Aww look at my twin!! I am love him...!! 🥰
Anjali’s dark eyes fixed on his blue ones. “I need you to speak to Hunter Devlin.”
Oh no... I don't like where this is going
And Nicolas Thorn was the oldest warlock alive. How cool was that?
And he is also my son 😌
“I can try,” David chuckled as he threw the kitchen towel over his shoulder and got to work.
Ok but... that is super hot, the towel thing is just 🤤🤤
Am I also extra horny right now?? 🤔
Selena had the weird urge to peer pressure David into getting married and having kids. Maybe her father was onto something. 
“You must learn how to heal yourself,” Nicolas said.
Oh no 😔 this is a premonition, isn’t it???
“Gabriel,” Nicolas said with a milky moustache. “Maybe the warlock you mentioned has a twin.”
Look at my son being extra cute and extra wise... I LOVE HIM!!!!!!
“You should have killed Rafael,” Mallory pointed out.
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“I’m trying to play god,” Marcus smiled.
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“I know just the shadowhunter for this,” Mallory grinned and jumped off the chair. “I’ll get you the blood.”
Don't you dare touch my Celery!!!! 🤬🤬🤬
Wait... that's what my son meant, right??
“Shopping,” she yelled over her shoulder. “I’m in the mood for celery.”
Noooooo 😮
“Max,” his father sighed. “Warlock math is not a joke.”
Regular math is no joke either it actually sucks all the happiness out of my life...
“Oh, my love,” the man sighed and pulled Max closer. “It’s alright. It’s alright.”
Can I get a hug?? 🥺
Bapak took a deep breath. “David is going to die. Your dad will die. Rafael will die. They are all going to die. Max. That’s our reality. I know it sucks. I’m not asking you to accept it or move on from it. But please, don’t try to change it. Don't try to change reality. It never ends well. Not for you. Not for David.”
This, this is everything... is beautiful, is profound, is inspiring, is heartbreaking, it's perfect 💚💚💚
Both forces gently clashed with each other, like a magical estuary.
Oh wow I just learned a new word, estuary 🙌🏼 I must find a way to use it in a conversation soon 😌
Rafael had told him to stay away from Mallory for the time being. Max hated it.
Hate it?? Maxwell she kissed you!!! Did you forget about that???? 😒 just listen to your brother 😒
The other warlock was probably asleep. It was the asscrack of dawn for crying out loud.
MAXWELL!!!! YOU PROMISED!!!!! GO BACK!!! Leave my son alone!!!
“Maxwell,” Nicolas Thorn said, looking wide awake. “You are late for your lesson.”
Nicolas you are grounded until this plot line pays out in something other that tears 😒
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I no longer feel like I'm going to get hurt by this story... I am 100% sure that I will, I have absolute certainty that it will break me 😭
I can't wait 😌
Thank you Dani, I am love you 💚💚💚💚💚
I totally get your point about translations because I do them too and I just hate them so much but I also wanted to do it properly skdfnskj I just hate the amount of energy it takes to translate documents.
But yes i love money too 😎
My weekend was very meh. I had a family thing today so my home was crowded and loud and i didn't like it :( but i have the house to myself tomorrow and i am planning to go out for a movie and dinner with my friend so yay
AND YOUR REACTIONS CRACKED ME UP AS ALWAYS LMAO. Also you really channelled your twin and became the the angry/horny combo this time lol jsdfnksn.
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freckledoriya · 3 years
Ahh fluff friday!!! How about izuku turned into a child (from a quirk incident) and is absolutely clinging to s/o at every chance he gets, like cries when someone takes him away bshsh
this is so cute okay
maybe it's your quirk, where you can reverse or accelerate someone's age for a short period of time
and you two are training together and you accidentally hit him with your quirk
and izuku is transformed into a lil toddler
you do your due diligence: you call recovery girl and let her know what happened
she says she's on her way and to just keep an eye on lil midoriya till she gets there and can help revert it
so you're left with him
"wanna play hero?" a little voice chirps as you feel a tug on the hem of your shirt
and how could you resist that adorable face?
big green eyes staring up at you, you can't say no
which leads you to pretending to be attacked by an invisible villain and izuku jumping out from behind the corner shouting "I AM HERE!" before punching and kicking the imaginary foe
when recovery girl comes, she gently grabs izuku's hand and tries to lead him back to her office
but he immediately starts whining "but... but i wanna stay with them!" while pointing at you
tears start streaming down his cheeks
"noooooo!" he whines
you can't help but smile
...and debate on whether or not to embarrass izuku later by taking a video of him as a toddler throwing a tantrum
it’s fluff friday!
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chrisevansszn · 3 years
This is a story about you and Chris journey after filming your first movie together. Life comes at you fast. 👀
1.2k word count
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                     You and Chris just finishing up shooting a movie together. A little romantic film, and it was time for press tours. The film took six months to film in Atlanta, GA. You flew back home to Texas for a week of rest, and he went back home to Boston. You can Chris developed an amazing friendship during filming. This was your breakout film, and to have the privilege to shoot a movie with Chris Evans! You couldn’t believe it!
*Income Facetime from Chris*
“Hey Chris”, you answered. You were just sitting in your living room watching a football game on tv. You could hear Dodger bark in the background. “Y/N, what are you up to”, Chris asked. “Just sitting watching some football” “I have never met a woman who loves football the way you do, I swear”. He giggled. “Chris, I watched it all NFL and college football”. “That’s crazy. I just absolutely love that”. You laugh. What do you have going on today? “I just took Dodger to the dog park, and now we are back. Football for me too!” You watch Chris walk to his kitchen, he’s chatting away, and grabs a beer. While filming you and Chris constantly went to bars, or played drinking games at each other’s rental homes, and you could hang with him too! “Let’s take a shot”, you say. He stopped and looked at his screen. “That’s my girl” You both grab a shot of liquor and cheer through the phone. “Scott is calling me. Let me get this call. I can wait to see you Friday in NYC.” “Same, talk to you later”, you say and hang up the phone.
The week goes by and you fly out to NYC for interview with Chris. First up, Jimmy Fallon.
“As you both know, I was able to see this with early access, and the film is incredible! Your on screen chemistry has me reeled all the way in”, Jimmy says. “Chris, I really notice how touchy feely you were this entire film”. Chris blushes. “Noooooo, were not going to make me look like a creep”, he laughs. “I was just dedicated to the craft. You smile, a smidge embarrassed. You and Chris rubbed and touched all over each other while filming this. You both were just super comfortable with each other. The audience goes wild. “Y/N, how was it shooting those intimate scenes?”, Jimmy asked you. You smile, “Work was really nice.” Jimmy died laughing. Chris looked over at you and gave you one of those smiles. 
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There was sexual tension between you and Chris, but it wasn’t obvious. It was little moments when you guys would smile at each other, or just look into each other eyes. Who could resist those beautiful blue eyes?
You guys had interviews a few more late-night shows, and then it was off to Los Angeles for the premiere. You were so nervous, because this was your very first one! Chris offered for you to stay with him at his LA home. You were only going to be in LA for a few days anyway. You accepted. Chris arrived in LA first, because you look at later flight so you could visit your friend Jessica in NYC. You haven’t seen her in years! You landed in LA at about 7PM, Chris had a car to pick you up from the airport. When you arrived at his house you could believe it. It was absolutely stunning, and huge. Way too big for a bachelor and his dog.
The driver opens the door for you, and you see Chris walking outside. “Y/N you made it”, he says. “Hi Chris,”. You run up and give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you so much for letting me stay for a few days”. “Absolutely, anything for my favorite girl. Plus, I didn’t want to get ready alone”. You blushed, he called you his favorite girl! He grabs your luggage from the drive and both walk in the house. Dodger is lounging on the couch until he sees you. He comes running. “Hi Dodger.” You give him rubs, and he gives you kisses in return. “He loves attention,” Chris says. “Like his daddy”, you blurt out giggling. Chris dies laughing. “Are you hungry?” I made dinner if you are. “Um, yes. When am I not hungry?”
Chris made salmon, asparagus, and rice. It looked and smelled amazing. You both sit down to eat and he opens up a bottle of wine.
“I am absolutely terrified about the premiere tomorrow. Having everyone’s eyes on me gives me major anxiety”, you say. “Same, it doesn’t really get easy. I get butterflies every time”. You both finish dinner, and you suggest some drinking games. Beer pong up first! Chris sets up the game. It’s his favorite, but he knows you are a beast as well. Let’s go live in Instagram he says. That’s extremely odd. Chris never goes live on IG. “Sure”, you say. He sets up his phone and starts the live. He’s talking shit per the usual.  “Ladies, first” You shoot and miss. “This is going to be cake”, he says. “All you do is talk shit”, you blurt. He shoots and misses. “Chris, what the fuck!”, he hollers. You giggle. You shoot and it goes into a cup. “Ok”, he says and nods his head up and down. You shoot again and make it, and again, and again. He couldn’t believe it. “Y/N, you are kidding me right??”. “Talking all that shit, you knew better. Let end this….KOBE!”, you hollering while shooting into the last cup, and it goes in. Chris made one cup to your ten.
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You walk up his phone to talk to his live. “See what happens when you talk shit!” Chris comes behind you and picks you up by the waist and moves you from the phone, and then he goes back. “Noooo IG, were having a rematch right now”. He cannot stop laughing. You guys play another round of beer pong, flip cup, and then tic tac toe. You won every game. By that time, it’s around 11PM, not only were you both drinking beer but having shots of vodka all recorded on live. You both say goodnight to the live audience and clean up the mess.
“I am going to go take a shower and then lay it down”, you say. “Let me take you to your room”, Chris replies. You follow him down the hall to a guest bedroom. It was stunning, walls were painted grey, its own living area, and the view you can’t even describe.
“Here you go, all yours”, Chris says. “Thank you.” “Bathroom is over here, closet if you want to hang your clothes, and a living space.” “I love it.” “If you need anything let me know”. Chris kisses your cheek and walks back down the hall towards his room. “Come on Dodge…bedtime”. You hear him say.  You take a shower and get into bed. It has been a long day and you are tired!
It’s the big day!  The premiere of your first movie ever. The anxiety you are feeling can’t be described. Think about all of the fans and flashing lights, my goodness. Your team comes over to prepare your hair and make-up. The guest bathroom is so large everyone can fit. Chris’ team is at the other end of the hall getting him together. The premiere starts at 7PM. You are wearing a black fitted long velvet down, with huge emerald earrings. You dress comes with hand gloves that go up to your elbow, and you are wearing open toed Christian Louboutin heels. Chris is wearing an amazing blue suit with a white undershirt, and brown shoes. Chris walks into your room as you are finishing up. “You look beautiful,”, he says and smiles. You blush. “Thank you, sir, you look amazing as well”. You both head out of his home get into the back of the Cadillac Escalade the company sent. You and Chris made jokes the entire 30-minute ride to the theatre. He pulls out his God-awful iPhone 6 and snaps a couple of pictures of you guys. You finally arrive. There are two men awaiting and open each door for you both to get out and Chris comes around to your side. He grabs your hand and you both walk down the red carpet. The flash from all of the cameras is causing you to barely see. Chris still has your hand, and he is leading the way. There are so many other celebrities on the red carpet, fans are waving and calling your and, you have no idea where to look. You and Chris finally arrive at the first area of red-carpet photos. “Y/N, over here, Y/N over here” is all you can hear as you pose.
You look up a Chris, and he looks at you.
“You look so fucking sexy, I could fuck you right here on this red carpet”, Chris whispers in your ear.
I hope you all enjoy this! 💞💞💞💞💞
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maiverie · 2 years
Hi!! Idk if the 'open sesame' taglist is still open but I would love to be added :) literally you have no idea how much I'm loving this story 😭😭 lawd yn is an absolute mess and fking heeseung??
You're such a good writer btw!! also this ff actually has me giggling like a school girl bc it's so funny and even tho yn is dumb as rocks she still has a lovable personality. so while I would normally grow irritated at a characterike that, I absolutely love open sesame! yn bc she's also self-aware to an extent and I love that for her.
(this is probably also one of the best ffs I've read on enha tumblr 💞)
OMG HI THERE ENHAS BESTIE??? firstly ur username is unmatched pls it’s so good and AAA YES OF COURSE IT IS, ID BE SO HONOURED TO HAVE U?? and stop it wtf i’m so happy to hear that you’re enjoying it 😭😭 fr i know the whole fic is chaotic af - yn is messy and heewhore is um something else HDJFJFKCD BUT IM HAVING A LOT OF FUN WRITING IT SO IM SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT YOURE ENJOYING ITTTTTT
omg pls noooo u really overcredit me but thank u so much 😭😭😭❤️ honestly it makes me so warm to hear that the fic makes u laugh bc fr it’s rlly all i wanted to achieve with this story ;-; and omg same i’m lowkey all for bad bitch, simp resistant characters so this y/n is such a switch up from my usual taste but it’s so funny writing somebody THAT WOULD TOTALLY ACT THE WAY I WOULD BC CMON YALL ITS HEESEUNG???? LEE HEESEUNG??? TALENTED HOT AMAZING HEESEUNG???
NOOOOOO WHAATTT THANK U SO MUCH 😭 im crying, that’s one of the best compliments ever??? i’m actually a relatively new engene so this means a lot :< thank u sm for giving my writing a chance, and for even taking out the time to write such a lovely message PLS youre an angel sent from above 😭😭❤️❤️
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heyitsyn · 4 years
'Siri Am I Having a Stroke?’ Sofia the First
Soulmate!Daichi x Reader Soulmate!Tendou x Reader
a/n: lmao, yall finna know what kind of soulmate au this
when your soulmate gets hurt, you kinda get hurt too
the music your soulmate listens to or constantly sings is always playing in your head
request:  Can I request a daichi, tendou, and aone soulmate au headcanon 🤲🏽😩 they're my faves, I wanted to add some more but there could be a limit? I'll request again next time ^^
a/n: sorry anon but ill only do daichi and tendou bc im not very familiar with aone :( but theres not really a limit so go ahead!!
requests open!!
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so anyways
for most of your life, you thought you didnt even have a soulmate
there were no scars, no bruises,
this other half of yours was completely silent and you really thought that youd die forever
but, you
you were a wild chile and you were the type to go playing outside w your brothers and get a lot of cuts
maybe that was why you thought you didnt have a soulmate bc when your soulmate does get hurt, you wouldnt see it since youd think it was one of your own
now, daichi
he worried for you
new scars and bruises would appear on his arms overnight and he fussed over the fact that you would constantly getting hurt
were you in a toxic environment?
were these intentional?
but he would try and heal them, thinking that it would heal you too bc he didnt want you to be hurt
uwu daichi luv
he would even kiss them better bc his mom told him that kisses help them heal faster
during middle school, daichi found his love for volleyball
he started training and being more active and that caused him a lot of bruises and pain
meanwhile w you,
youve mellowed out a bit
so when you entered middle school,
you were actually ecstatic to find that you had a soulmate bc you would find bruises on your hands and arms
you found out the afternoon of the first day of middle school
daichi was in the gym, practicing during lunch, and he hit a spike that bruised his fingers and he received a really powerful ball
you were sitting in class, completely bored out of your mind so you just doodled on your paper
then you flinched at the sudden pain and saw the formation of the beautiful mix of blue, purple,green, bruise
yall are in different schools btw
you shrieked and stood up, cutting off your teacher and surprising everyone in the room
‘my soulmate!’
they were like, ‘okay and?’
the entire day, you admired the colors, not even minding the hurt bc this was it!!
your soulmate was real!!!
but daichi was worried that you were also going through the same pain and soreness from practice
and you were
after the shock and happiness of knowing you in fact do have a soulmate,
youve started getting annoyed
was this what he felt whenever you injured yourself during your younger years?
bc this waas annoying
you were constantly fatigued, tired, sore
even the mere action of getting up in the morning sucked and you actually fell down the stairs due to the soreness of your legs and you dropped your chopsticks due to the hurt in your fingers
youve concluded that your soulmate was either an athlete or in a toxic environment
during the walk to school, you raised your arms and watched a new bruise forming
it was a truly beautiful sight but the stiffness and hurt weighed it down
this was your only form of communication with your soulmate and you were sad bc you wanted to be there for him and help heal his bruises and scars
one of your friends suggested a crazy thought of hurting yourself to write a small message which you instantly turned down bc thats too crazy and you will not do that
as the years went on, you were starting to get more worried each day that you wont be meeting your soulmate soon
for almost 6 years, youve wandered over to every athletic club in your school or nearby schools to find if there was even a person who had the same bruises as you
ngl, some lied just bc they wanted you as their soulmate uwu
one of your classmates in seijoh, iwaizumi hajime, has understood your dilemma since he was one of the ones youve expressed this concern to
youve been classmates for 3 years and youve always been coincidentally sat next to each other so youre close
i really cant resist my mans
‘y/n, i really think your soulmate is a volleyball player’
you rolled your eyes as you continued taking out your bento
‘iwa, ive checked your team, multiple times, and none of them are my soulmate! ive even checked other schools too since my brothers have connections there. but still nothing’
he felt bad for you, truly
he already found his when yall started high school, almost immediately, and you were so jealous
‘but those bruises on your arm can only be from volleyball. the way its placed, its like receiving an intense ball while the fingers might be because he spikes the ball’
you sighed before leaning your chin on your hand
‘okay, great buddha iwa-chan. enlighten me as to why you think so’
his eye twitched at the ridiculous nickname
‘y/n, im a volleyball player. ive been playing since i was like 6 and im the ace. i have those same exact bruises’
but you mulled it over for a few days
yea, it would make sense, right?
but it still doesnt add up that youve literally visited every single club around with the help of being iwa’s friend and going to their matches
due to karasuno not having practice matches w seijoh or not advancing far enough to play against them, youve never really interacted with that team
besides, the times they actually played against each other, youve been busy due to having to do interships, part time jobs, and studying since it was your last year of high school
it was during the second interhigh that iwa finally got you to go watch them play
‘come on, y/n. shittykawa misses you and matsun and maki keep demanding your support’
‘iwa, what-’
so you found yourself at the stands, just watching the games until seijoh actually plays
then you saw the team, known as karasuno, enter the gym to start their warm-ups
your heart started beating really fast and you were kinda freaking out bc what was happening
‘siri am i having a stroke?’
daichi was feeling the same thing
he thought it was just the adrenaline of playing a game but in all of his years of play8ing volleyball, he hasnt felt this intense beating of his heart
he even had to lean on suga for support bc it felt like his heart was going to jump out of his chest
‘daichi, you okay?’
suga worriedly asked and placed a hand on his forehead to check his temp
daisuga rights yall
he didnt want to worry the team so he nodded, just waving it off
he was captain so he shouldnt worry the others
oikawa and iwa entered the stands and were confused as to why you were looking around with wide eyes like an owl
fukurodani vibes
‘y/n-chan, what’s wrong?’
oikawa asked and you looked at them, surprised and shocked
they were lowkey freaked out bc what was happening
‘oikawa-san, my heart-’
you mumbled and pointed to your chest
his smile wobbled bc you just started at him and it was starting to scare him a bit
since oikawa hasnt found his soulmate yet, he wasnt familiar with the feeling of being in the same vicinity as his other half
but iwa did
and he was smiling
‘you owe me so much, y/n’
karasuno was going against johzenji and daichi wasnt exactly in his best game
to others, he looked like he was doing great but he wasnt feeling good and the beat of his heart was still very fast
this distraction caused him and tanaka to collide and everything went to hell
the entire time, your arms were crying and you were just sweating from the pain but you were also sweating w the possibility of your soulmate being either in johzenji or karasuno
but that was answered when daichi got hurt and you just collapsed, also falling unconscious
iwa, who returned from getting drinks, ran to your slumped form and oikawa, who was focused on the match and didnt notice, shrieked at your unconscious form
‘y/n? y/n, wake up’
everyone in the stands stared at your unconscious form and they started talking, eventually catching the attention of the karasuno team
suga, who was fussing over daichi, heard that a girl also fell unconscious
omg what if
oikawa was grinning at the sight of your bruised cheek bc you finally found your soulmate so you would shut up about it
iwa carried you to the nurse and you actually woke up as he placed you on the bed, conviently beside the karasuno captain
but he only smiled
‘congratulations, y/n’
bih what
congratulations for what
the nurse went over from beside daichi and she giggled at the meeting of soulmates
you sat up, wincing at the pain in your tooth
that caught daichi’s attention and he stared at you and your arms before looking at his
they were the exact same
‘i think,,,, i think we’re soulmates’
that made you quickly look at him and noticed the big bruise on his face that was like copy paste on you
‘oh god!’
you cowered and had your hands over your mouth in surprise
he froze, starting to feel insecure that he wasnt what you wanted
‘is something wrong-’
‘you’re HOT!!’
you shrieked unconsciously and when you finally realized it, you hurriedly pulled the blanket over your form
lmao gurl noooooo
daichi started laughing and he thought you were cute
but cute
‘oi, come on. i want to see your pretty face’
yes police officer. this is the man who stole my uwus
you peaked your head out from your blanket cocoon and he smiled softly
‘i’m sawamura daichi, by the way. 3rd year’
‘l-l/n y/n. same y-year’
‘so? you expected me to be this?’
you shook your head
‘i mean, iwa told me you could be a volleyball player. but i didnt expect the universe to like me enough to give me a greek god as my soulmate’
im disowning y/n yall
he turned flustered and looked away to hide his blush
‘youre not too bad yourself, you know. youre actually more beautiful than i thought’
‘sir! dont say that to me i be catching feelings way too fast for that!’
i-i cannot w you
he laughed out loud before wincing, causing you to wince too
‘but are you okay, though? i mean,, it must hurt’
but you shook your head
‘i should be asking you that. does it hurt as much as it looks?’
‘nah, its bearable’
you continued talking about your childhood and you actually clarified that you were just rambunctious when you were younger so you got hurt pretty often
‘i really thought you needed to be saved or something’
you smirked
‘oh? my prince charming? knight-in-shining-armor? knight prince daichi?’
he stared at you, a blush creeping up again
‘are you always this bold?’
you shrugged
‘meh. im friends w oikawa tooru’
‘oh. makes sense’
you both completely forgot about the fact that his face literally got hurt and his tooth was gone bc you have been talking like two best friends who got separated
but you had to separate at some point too
the beautiful manager entered the clinic and asked if daichi was okay enough
‘yea, im fine. i can go now, i guess’
you nodded sadly
‘okay. bye, daichi’
he furrowed his eyebrows
‘but wait for me later, okay? ill treat you to something after i win this match’
from your bed, you crossed your arm with a smug smile
‘oh? youre confident, captain’
‘of course. ill win bc this victory is for you’
you bashfully smiled and chuckled
‘go hurry and win! i expect that date as soon as possible, captain!’
the deadchi memes are literally scaring the new fans and i feel really bad
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bruh hes so cute for what
for his entire life, he had the sofia the first song stuck in his head
it was maybe bc his soulmate was in love w that show or just in love w the song
but either way, he constantly hears it and thinks about it
meanwhile you,
you constantly heard bye bye bye by nsync
of all things, it had to be a boy band
however, you were lucky bc for years it varied on what song would be playing
but for him, it continued to be sofia the first
this drived him to watch the show and he did see the appeal and soon, he started singing it too
omg its such a bop
you were triggered bc the song then switched over to sofia the first and you were like, ‘does he like it too?’
you would be going around the store, holding your mom’s hand, and singing it out loud, hoping to find your soulmate
but he never seemed to hear it
instead, hearing the song in your voice, instead of the show’s
he thought you had such a beautiful voice
then in elementary school, his bullying started and ngl, he was actually hurt by the words other kids said
he still had his cute smile on and acted like it didnt bother by teasing others but he was still sad
did nobody like him?
was he always going to look like a monster?
would you be revolted if you saw him?
then he heard this song in the radio ‘dear insecurity’ and he just couldnt help but keep listening to it
ofc you noticed and you were sad that he was listening to such sad song
he was insecure and you couldnt do anything about it
then you started looking up motivating songs and you started singing the one that you really liked
‘i see your monsters, i see your pain, tell me your problems, i’ll chase them away’
he heard your voice as he was hiding behind the school building and his tears instantly stopped, hearing a different song but he couldnt help but smile
he knew that song was for him
you were out there somewhere and a complete stranger to him but you were the only person who seemed to care
because under that teasing and cheerful personality, he was still human and he was very insecure about himself
but you were always there to encourage him, your voice instantly chasing all the fears away
when he started playing volleyball, he became famous for his efficient blocks and you could hear him singing different songs, all of them just under a minute
you concluded that they were his own songs
sometimes, you laughed bc they were funny songs and catchy so you would memorize it and sing it back to him
this was your only way of communicating back of forth and you were so lucky that you even got to hear your soulmate’s voice
then high school started, meaning your friends started meeting their soulmates one by one until you were the only one who didnt
your school, karasuno, had no one that had the same voice as your soulmate’s
some people even saw you as an extrovert and a people person since you started conversations with strangers easily but this was just your way of finding your other half
with no luck, you started singing your concerns
in no time, ‘thousand miles’ was playing on loop in tendou’s head and he was already feeling your antsy attitude
in retaliation, he starts singing ‘lucky’ by jason mraz and you always turned red, slightly happy that he was practically calling out to you
so even though you suffered through years being alone, you didnt give up on hope and continued your search
now, youd be asking, ‘why cant you or tendou just sing each other’s location?’
yes, young grasshopper, there is an explanation to that
you and tendou collectively agreed to let fate do its work and just wait for the time it happens bc if its meant to be, its meant to be
besides, tendou likes to tease you and he wants to make you wait for him so that the moment you do meet, it would become more special
in your last year of high school, you ended up helping kiyoko in being manager and you were so proud of these boys for making it to the finals
you were excitedly waving an orange flag in support of your team and you screamed with the others as they entered the court
you and yacchi ended up helping tanaka’s sister, saeko, and was setting up the plan for their cheers so you werent exactly focused on your soulmate
but tendou did keep hearing a fight song in your head
then they walked in
shiratorizawa made their presence known and you turned to look at them but locked eyes at the unique looking player
his red hair glinted against the bright lights of the gym and his smirk curled in such an attractive way that you were leaning forward to get a closer look
tendou noticed a stare at him and he saw your surprised yet flustered look
that eye contact made everything fall deaf in your ears and you just heard silence
no song, no cheer, just absolute silence
but you and tendou are practically the same so you thought for the worse that your soulmate has died bc of the silence
dread filled your stomach and you started singing sofia the first in instinct
your mouth moved with the words and you shut your eyes, trying to calm yourself down
his jaw dropped, hearing the familiar voice and song that correlated with your mouth’s movements
‘there you are, little birdie’
semi turned to tendou and saw him with a smile hes never seen before
it was so soft and genuine that he got a little scared
the entire game, you were all depressed bc it continued to be silent in your head
tendou was just teasing you a little bit and he didnt want to think or sing a song bc he wanted it to be a special cliche reunion after he crushes your team
but his famous song ruined it
it blared in your head and it got 2x bass boosted when he sang it out loud, completely disregarding the fact that everyone was listening
you shrieked and pointed to him
he was your soulmate
and he was alive
not dead
everyone, including all players, looked at confusion between you and him but he just waved at you
‘ill talk to you later, little birdie!’
great, he embarrassed you in front of everyone
but you didnt care bc omg he was your soulmate!!
‘omg universe and fate, you actually like me to give me such a handsome soulmate!’
now, youre actually cheering on both teams
one was your home school the other was your soulmate
there could only be one winner
and that winner was karasuno
you noticed the defeated looks of your soulmate and his teammates and you almost bursted into tears
you quickly maneuvered yourself through the people and found the familiar spiky hair standing at the doorway, looking at the gym with a forlorn expression
the others noticed you there, especially ushijima who gave you a nod and a small smile
‘i trust you’ll take care of him’
you nodded shakily, raising a hand in salute
you approached him and his teary eyes almost made you bolt into his arms but you calmed yourself
instead, you didnt say anything
but you did sing
‘come stop your crying, it will be alright. just take my hand, and hold it tight. i will protect you, from all around you. i will be here, dont you cry.’
tendou looked to his side and saw you there, not looking at him but also looking at the same direction he was previously
‘my name is tendou satori’
despite already hearing his voice, you still turned red and you looked at him, warmth and love present in your eyes
‘and i’m l/n y/n’
‘you have a beautiful voice’
‘and you are beautiful’
that ending for shiratorizawa physically and emotionally and mentally broke me
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holden-caulfield · 2 years
the angst potential 🤬‼️
BUT RIGHT!!!!/!/!/ the way my knees would go weak for a male zoya too i mean i’m already down bad for zoya herself already there’s just no doubt i’d be stupidly all over a dude who’s obsessed with shiny things and loves to roll his eyes mmmm AND JUST AGH I CAN’T GET OVER FEMALE NIKOLAI SHE’D BE SO DAMN FINE AND YOU KNOW IT
yea that makes sense. RIGHT the darkling’s pov would’ve been interesting too i think he’s a pretty complex character and i wish his life was explored more. i mean i’m glad we got the darkling prequel tho that shit was dark i was expecting it to be cliche childhood love story but NOOOOOO
MHM or maybe like … that one cracked moment where she’s overwhelmed by power and gives in to the hunger for it and make a reference like bleh bleh if nikolai could fight to stave off his hunger for more flesh, i couldn’t resist the call for more of whatever this is bleh bleh AND I KNOW IT’S DARK BUT THE “I’LL WEAR YOUR BONES” PART WAS JUST SO COOL IDK ik it’s stupid but alina make a mal teeth bracelet /j
ok that was a bad joke i take it back but fr tho the i’ll wear your bones thing??? CHILLS. GOOSEBUMPS. LOVE IT.
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gimme whatever zoya and whatever nikolai and i'd simply combust. i can cook and i can clean. i can bark too should they ever need a dog, just saying👀
THAT WAS SO FUCKING COOL I SWEAR, i love it when stories have that little darker element like "i'll wear your bones" was literally everything. E V E R Y T H I N G.
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haruhey · 2 years
chronological thoughts of 11x11
yes i got my calc mark back and decided to treat myself what about it 🙄
omg did eugene sleep with stephanie
omg he’s an author hell yeah
omg me explaining my fanfics to my friends
oh wait they’re actually
OMG OMG they’re actually so cute
key to his heart <3
omg eugene said ily
look at them smiling at each other
omg omg omg princess being besties with everyone this is all i want for her
oh no is he gonna get ghosted
no no no no no
oh my god his stupid rat tail
oh noo no noooo nooooooo
omg why does this interior look like a fucking submarine
oh no is stephanie dead
oh omg stephanie is running away????
connie girlboss
oh no oh no oh noooooo
corruption tingzzz 🥰😍😍
omg mercer’s scowl is so scary
eugene is so in love :(( he just wanna find his girl
omg carol and hornsby date actually????
carol fr is gonna singlehandedly take down the commonwealth by her pure girlbossing
i wish i knew asl
omg why is mercer so scary im so scared of him
omg eugene went full on patricia cornwell for stephanie
oh my god i thought princess was gonna cross him oh my god i’m sorry princess
am i just fucking watching nancy drew
no his breaking voice stop eugene omg
i would like to imagine that eugene sat there and drew out mr rob
why is this giving me jessica jones energy
he’s rlly doing the most wow pop off eugene
mercer is so fucking intimidating im so scared of him
a month time skip?? following another month??
omg mercer is VOLUNTARILY letting the military be manipulated by the politicians omg acab fr fr
eugene is so endearing
their relationship im sorry caryl you might have to take a backseat
princess just HAS to be a good friend :(
omg carol girlboss as she should
okay at least hornsby is decent
omg carol and that woman should kiss
ooo keys
oh no bestie is armed
pamela?? pamela??
at least he knows how to apologize
oh no princess and eugene
oh omg just low light
oh no i think something bad is happening
hit list hit list hit list hit list
who is this white lady
wouldn’t the hat obscure his view eugene u r not being efficient rn
they’re resistance fighters aren’t they please please guys please i wanna be team stephanie and hornsby so bad
oh my god
aw i feel so bad for eugene noooo
omg he’s rlly giving exposition
oh my god
oh my god hornsby
omg this is giving like… pretty little liars idk how to describe it but its giving that
this is so like i dont know how to describe it but it’s so cliche?? i love it omg yes hornsby give me whitebread villan i love it
why does hornsby never blink im so scared of him
hornsby is rlly gaslight gatekeep girlboss rn red flags EVERYWHERE 🚩🚩🚩
i feel like hornsby is just trying to be like another negan but slightly less jolly all the time
eugene also kinda looks like this chem teacher one of my friends had in high school
oooo real stephanie lez goo
guys wait i actually kinda like hornsby oh no oh my god guys oh no
we’re really getting into the meat of the daryl x maggie drama and that’s all i want fr fr
n e ways i missed daryl in this episode :(
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xiaoguiheyu · 2 years
Even though xqc's unconscious he still resists taking off his coat, it leads He Yu misunderstand that xqc is still suffering from nightmares of the club incident. And he is heartbroken.
False alarm no marks on xqc's wrist. Faded because the last treatment was long ago. Damn it!!!! When's He Yu gonna find out?
Awww he yu warming xqc's hands! 😭😭
Poor He bao is worried that xqc's not been eating properly.
Sometimes I feel like xqc secretly loves how warm He Yu’s body is.
As soon as he woke up xqc is driving him away.
No, He Yu some fujoshis are suspicious. But yeah in the end no one has any proof so they can't come to any solid conclusion.
He yu priority is to obviously want to feed xqc but xqc doesn't wanna eat.
He Yu lost weight and his monitor is still orange and that obviously has xqc very unsettled. Xqc wants to die in peace but both He Yu and xx are not allowing that. Good they should continue then You won't be in a rush to your grave.
Awww He Yu! He loves xqc so much. Finally some hexie moments after a long time. I missed these two together.
He yu tells xqc about wdh having a fall out with his family because of xx.
Awww He Yu being a supportive husband, all xqc's concerns are his concerns. But giving xqc some good insight on the matter of xx.
But xqc sus of how accepting he yu is of their relationship, as if he already knew it from long ago. He did. It's been a while he found out. He Yu’s ex-crush on xx on the verge of being exposed.
Awww this honestly so mature of He Yu persuade xqc to talk to xx about wdh. But of course this matters to him so much because xqc's been neglecting his health due to this matter.
But xqc is still driving him away. When will xqc accept his own feelings and hug he yu?
Yeah. Xie ge you are the only one he cries for since you mean everything to him.
A heartbreaking parting again.
Ugh why Lu Zhishu's pov? Any other character would do. After that sad hexie moment I don't wanna see her.
Fuck!! She hired private detective to tail He Yu to find out the "girl" he's sleeping with.
Noooooo!! What do you mean they confirmed the person?? The private detective found out it's xqc!!!!
Fuck!!!  They did and they have photos and videos as evidence!!!
The bar kiss from  ch 71!! And omg so many pictures of he yu being affectionate with xqc. Even pictures of he yu carrying xqc to the infirmary!!
Fuckk!! Even video of hexie doing it in the bathroom. The person next door was the private detective!!! Fuck!!
Even the car fucking!!! Fuck! Fuck!! Fuck!! Lu Zhishu I think you should stop watching!! Out of everyone to find out why did have to be her who found out about hexie?? Dang! Secrets were exposed just not the ones we wanted.
And obviously she's telling Duan! Things are gonna south real quick aren't they? And he yu will find out about xqc's health the worst way possible isn't he??
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I know I said I was going to post a special update next but somethings got in the way that are actually gonna be talked bout in this update!
So, to start off, I need to call all pirates of the caribbean fans cause, two days ago my beautiful wives decided that my gay panics havent been enough for my brain to go on survivial mode soooo...
They made a pirates of the caribbean cosplay!!!
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I try to calm myself down by saying
They are just sexy gay pirates!... SEXY GAY PIRATES!!!.... oh no sexy gay pirates...
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But in the middle of me sitting on the sofa praying for my life, they start coming closer and closer and wisper cute nothings in my hears andisroommateattenptingtomakeoutwithmeohnowearegonnamakeoutIamgointtomake outwithasexypirateohmygod-
I challenge you to decipher this⬆
At this point, all my funtional braincells were like this ⬇
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Next day I woke up! My braincells are ok! I try to get up and MY LEGS ARE NOT FUNCIONAL!!! :'D
I stayed in bed thinking of what to do for a while until Miss oh honey turns around and says
I'm gonna go make breakfast, what do you want to eat sweety?
I had to resist the urge to say "you"
Oh! Uhh... Chocolate milk and a toast please!
Ok baby
She leans in and softly kisses my forehead before getting up and start walking out of the room, but, before she walks out I needed to say one last thing
I-I love you mommy!
IMMEDIATELY after saying this I wrap myself in blankets and hide from the UTMOST EMBARRASSMENT I JUST GOT MYSELF THRU!!!
Anyhow, I stayed hiding for as long as I could, hoping my embarresment faded or Miss oh honey didnt heard me, but she did defenetly hear me cause not long after I hid in me nest of blankets and became a tiny ball of blankets she hopped on bed, got on top of me and carefully pulled the blankets out of my face and cupped my cheek before tenderly kissing me
We stayed kissing for a while until she stopped, caressed my face with her thumb and said
I love you too baby~ Mommy is gonna take good care of her pretty little sweetheart~ You just wait here for a little bit while mommy makes you breakfast, ok?
You're such a good girl~
She kisses my forhead and finally walks out of the room while I evolve to a GAY PUDDLE!!!
Not long after I notice Roommate is awake and snuggle close to them, but, for my surprise when they turned around they asked
C-can I be t-t-th-the... The t-tiny spoon today?
OF COURSE! Come here honey!
Then got close to me an snuggled in my chest and... God... They usually have all this appeal because of being tall and beefy, and also because they are a smooth sonuvagun but... At that moment they were fragile and vulnerable... They were so cuteeeee ><
They were snuggling in my chest but then they look up to me and I can see that soft blush in their cheeks and JESUS THEY ARE SO ADORABLE
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We stayed like that intire day and I'm still gaying over the fact that Roommate is hella cute... Just... HOW ILLEGALY ADORABLE IS THAT!?!?!
Deep inhale What I'm saying is
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Hope y'all having a great day/afternoon/evening/night :3
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