#and we all know steve is a great mum
shutuperce · 2 years
was gonna make some kind of alignment chart with the teams in stranger things s2 chapter 9 (the gate) and then i realised...
steve & the party 
joyce, jonathan, will, & nancy
hopper & el
it’s literally all just parents with their children wtf
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coveredinsweetpea · 2 years
hiding [eddie munson x reader]
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A/n: this is the first thing I've written in MONTHS so don't @ me!!! Idk where this came from, but this man brought me my inspiration back!!
Summary: Eddie sneaks in through your window while your parents are still home. Stuff happens. (SMUT-ish) 2.1k
Warnings: nothing major really. unprotected sex, a little bit of name calling, the risk of getting caught... it's a chill one :)
Over the sound of the water hitting the shower floor, you heard the door open, and sighed. "Jesus Christ, can't you kno- Eddie!?"
With a little devious smile on his pretty lips, he slipped inside the bathroom and closed the door behind him without a sound, "Hi, baby"
"How did you get in here?" you asked, slightly enraged but still amused. You were still hidden behind the curtain, with only your head peeking out.
"Through your bedroom window, obviously"
"You can't do this, Eddie, my parents are at home!"
"You think I don't know that?" he shrugged, checking himself out in the foggy mirror. "I would've used the front door otherwise, you made me a key, remember?"
"For emergencies!"
"This is an emergency" Eddie grinned, gently tugging at the shower curtain, "I missed you"
"You're such an idiot, Eddie, if my-"
A swift knock on the door interrupted you. "Y/n?"
Your heart nearly stopped as Eddie's eyes threatened to fall out of the orbits.
"Honey, I need that hand lotion we got last week"
"Yeah, I think it's in my room" you lied, looking straight at the little container as it sat peacefully on the edge of the sink.
"No, I'm pretty sure it's in here. I saw it this morning"
"Wait! I'll give it to you in a minute"
"I can get it" she said, and time nearly stopped as you saw the door knob starting to turn.
Before you could even register what was going on, Eddie had jumped inside the bathtub. He was fully clothed, muddy boots included, standing one head taller than you as water poured down his head and body. 
You both just stood there, frozen, looking at one another and trying not to burst into laughter.
"Hun, me and dad are gonna go out tonight for a bit, ok?"
"Great, have fun!"
"And your brother is sleeping over at Tom's house, so you'll be on your own"
"That's ok" you said in hopes that she'd be done faster. 
Hearing your mother's words, Eddie was barely able to contain himself. Slowly, he leaned down and pressed his lips to your ear. "Think of all the rooms I'm gonna fuck you in"
You didn't even get a chance to react before your mum continued speaking. "You know, this would've been a great opportunity for you to have a boy over"
"What?" she exclaimed, trying to sound offended. "It's been a year, it's time you got over Steve, baby"
At this point, you didn't even dare look in Eddie's direction. "I am over Steve, mom, remember? I broke up with him"
"That's my girl" Eddie whispered, playing with a strand of your wet hair.
"I still don't understand why you did that, he was perfect for you" your mother continued.
"Yeah, yeah, maybe he was. I don't know, I don't care, I didn't like him like that anymore, now can you let me shower?"
"How about Jason? I met his mother at the grocery store, she seems like an amazing woman"
At that point, you thanked the lord for the shitty pipes and the loud water stream, because otherwise, your mother would've definitely heard the gagging noises Eddie made, and the little yelp he let out when you elbowed him in the stomach.
"I hate Jason, can you leave now? Please?"
"I just feel like you're missing out on things, honey. Before you know it you'll be on your own, working everyday, I don't want you to let these beautiful times pass by, that's all"
"Yes, mum, you're right. But how about we talk about this tomorrow, huh? We'll go out for a coffee or something"
"Sure, hun, whatever you say" she mumbled and then you heard her grab the knob. But the door didn't open. "Promise me you won't spend all night doing homework, ok? You spent more time at the library these past few weeks than I did throughout college"
You saw Eddie grin, and bend down to whisper to you, "Is that what you tell your parents when you come over?"
"Yeah, mhm" you answered them both. "No homework, I promise"
"Ok, baby. I left some money on your desk, order some food, ok? Mama loves you, bye baby!"
"Bye mom!"
"Jesus Christ!" Eddie exclaimed as soon as your mother had left the room. He pushed his wet hair back from his face, and started undressing himself. First, his beloved jean vest, then the leather jacket, the not-so-muddy-anymore boots and then his jeans.
"Eddie, I'm sorry to do this, baby, there's no way we're fucking in the shower"
It was like his whole world crashed on top of him. "What do you mean? Why not?"
"If you think I could get turned on right now, especially in this shower, after the discussion I had with my mom, you're mistaken"
"I bet I can change that," he grinned. 
"Not a chance, Eddie" you laughed, and pushed the curtain away. You were one foot out of the bathtub when he grabbed your waist and dragged you back in. "Eddie!"
"I just showered at home, I didn't get undressed for nothing, do you have any idea how difficult it is to put on wet jeans?"
"Jesus Christ, Eddie" 
"I'll have you screaming that" he chuckled, pinning you against the cold, marble wall. His lips immediately found yours, and as his tongue pushed inside your mouth, his feet parted your legs. 
"Eddie, no" you giggled, nudging him away.
"We're already here, we're already naked, I'm already hard. I don't see what's stopping us?"
"That's all it takes, huh? For you to be hard?"
Eddie raised an eyebrow, and without even a flinch, he pushed his middle finger inside your pussy, and the simple fact that it slipped right in proved his point. 
"Any arguments left?" he grinned, and pushed one more finger inside you.
You let your head fall forward to stifle your moans into his shoulder, as he kept a very steady pace against your core. 
"I hate you"
"Hate fucking isn't my forte, sweetheart, but we can work something out"
After that, Eddie didn't waste too much time working you up anymore. And he didn't really have to. He gave his cock a few pumps and aligned himself at your entrance, pushing his whole length in with one swift motion. 
A rather loud moan broke past your lips, but with the shower still running, you didn't bother to keep quiet. He did shush you however, in-between the kisses he peppered along the side of your neck. 
His thrusts were slow but deep, moving your body up and down against the wall as you held on to his shoulders. His fingers were digging holes into your hips, as a way to let out the pressure that was building inside of him. Eddie, unlike you, still tried to keep quiet.
"Fuck, ok, ok-" you panted, raking your nails across his scalp before grabbing hold of his roots, "Faster, please, go faster"
As if he didn't want to. The fact that he had been rock hard ever since he had climbed in through your window didn't help with pacing at all. Ever since he entered you, he was on the edge of bliss, but hell if he wasn't gonna have you come first. 
"Look at me, look at me, sweetheart" Eddie whispered, pulling away from you. Your eyes locked just as he picked up his pace, just slightly. 
You nodded yes, eyes ready to roll back when he brought his hand between your bodies and started rubbing at your clit. 
"Look into my eyes, baby, come on. Don't be like this"
"Yeah, fuck" you moaned, swallowed thickly and forced your head upright. 
His thumb worked you hard and fast, in a pattern he already knew so well. It took him about two weeks to learn what your body loved and craved, and he had been using it against you ever since. 
"Come on my cock, yeah? Come on, baby, I'm right here, let yourself go. That's my good girl, show me how good I can fuck you" 
And his whole plan would've worked. He knew what set you off, and only needed a few more moments in order to have you screaming his name. But another knock on the door interrupted him.
"Y/n, honey?" your mother's voice rang through the bathroom.
"Fuck-" you whispered, tears welled up in your eyes. "Yeah?"
"We're leaving, alright?"
"Ok, bye, mom!"
"Bye, hun!"
As soon as she left, both you and Eddie relaxed, not having moved one muscle ever since the knock. You expected him to pick up where he left off, but instead he didn't, he just watched you, his cock still buried deep inside your pussy. 
Eddie licked his lips. "You little whore"
Your eyes widened in surprise, but the little smile that curled the corners of your lips betrayed your true emotions.
Without any warning, Eddie pulled out and let you down. You were about to protest and cling to him like you always did when you wanted something, but he was faster. 
He spun you around to face the wall, and pressed himself against your back. "Think I didn't feel the way you clenched around my cock? Getting caught fucking the outcast made you like that? Hm?"
"Eddie!" you whined, trying to arch yourself back against his cock.
"I think you love the fact that your mom hates me. Don't you?"
He pressed his cock at your entrance and leaned closer to your ear. "Is that why you came and basically jumped me a few days ago at rehearsals? When I had to fuck you in the bathroom twice before you finally calmed down? Wasn't that just right after that article came out? Where everyone trash talked me? Accused me and my friends of all those horrible things?" 
"Fuck- fuck, ok, maybe!"
"Oh, I was wrong about you, sweetheart"
"Eddie!" you cried, "Please!"
"Please, what?" 
"Fuck me, please"
"I don't know..." he teased, and you couldn't take it anymore.
"Eddie!! Just please, please, just fuck me. I'm begging you, please"
"That's my good girl" he chuckled and kissed the side of your neck. "Was that so hard?"
You barely managed to shake your head before he entered you again. This time however, he didn't waste any more time. Balls deep from the very first thrust, he worked up a pace that had you almost crying out in pleasure in seconds. 
"Fuck, I'm close, Eddie"
"I know you are, baby" he said and wrapped his fingers in your hair. He pulled you up against your chest and held you tight as he continued to ram his cock into you. "Come for me, doll, come on"
And you did. Moments after, the orgasm washed over you like never before. Your body trembled and you felt exhausted, but he held you up, fucking himself into you until he was finished too. 
"Fuck-" Eddie breathed out, letting his weight fall against the wall right beside you. 
Suddenly feeling empty without him so tightly wrapped around your body, you pushed yourself up and moved over to lean against his chest as his cum leaked down your thighs.
With the remaining bits of energy inside his body, Eddie wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed the top of your head.
"I love you," you said.
"I love you, sweetheart"
Knowing very well this was only the beginning of a very long night, you and Eddie soon left the shower and headed downstairs to order food. You settled on a monstrous pizza with a little bit of everything before going into the kitchen to make some drinks. 
"You know what you said about my mom, about how I like the fact that she hates you?"
"Mhm" Eddie nodded as he poured vodka into your cup.
"You're right"
"Of course I am," he chuckled. "When have I ever been wrong?"
"I mean it! I wanna tell her about us!"
"I obviously don't wanna cause you any problems, doll, but I'm all for that"
"I'm gonna do it tomorrow, I'm done hiding you, I want everyone to know we're together"
With a ridiculously big smile on his lips, Eddie walked over to you, "You have no idea how happy that makes me"
"Hiding was fun though"
"I can think of stuff," Eddie laughed.
Like every time you hung out with Eddie, time flew right by. Before you knew it, the pizza had arrived and the drinks weren't even ready yet.
"I'll go get it, '' Eddie announced and sprinted out of the kitchen. 
You couldn't help but laugh at yourself, thinking of him wearing only his wet pair of underwear and your Pink Floyd t-shirt that didn't even get close to his ass as he opened the door.
"Um, Y/n?" Eddie yelled from the front door.
"Yeah?" you asked as you jogged over.
"I don't think you're gonna have to wait until tomorrow to tell your mom about us" he said just as your eyes landed on your half naked boyfriend who was standing next to your very pissed off mother.
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fxckadoodledoomunson · 6 months
Birthday Party |One-Shot|
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Summary: Your parents decide to let you have a party. However, someone isn’t happy about you inviting everyone in senior year.
Warning; swearing, fluff
You took out different coloured flyers out of your bag and started passing them around to anyone from senior year.
As you walked into your classroom, you handed more out to your classmates, including Jeff from Hellfire.
“You’re inviting me to your birthday party?” Jeff asked, whilst reading the flyer.
“Yeah,” you replied, smiling. “My parents said to only invite seniors, but the rest of the Hellfire club are invited too if you guys want to come.”
“Thanks, I’ll tell them.”
By lunchtime, you had handed out your flyers to all the seniors, including the jocks and cheerleaders. You didn’t bank on them to come, as you weren’t popular. However, the head cheerleader and your neighbour, Chrissy enthusiastically told you, “I’d love to come to your party.”
“Great!” You replied, “I’ll see you on Sunday.”
At the Hellfire table, Jeff told everyone about your birthday party, and that everyone was invited.
“We got invited too?” Dustin asked.
“Yeah,” Jeff replied, while Eddie read the flyer, realising when it was.
“Isn’t that on the same day as that Jennifer Palmer’s Christmas party?”
“Wait, what?” Jeff asked, as he took back the flyer.
“Yeah, I overheard her bragging to her friends about how extravagant it’s gonna be.”
After hearing about your birthday party, Jennifer Palmer, your former friend from middle school, got pissed off.
“Who does that bitch think she is, having her party on the same day as mine?!” Jennifer ranted.
“I don’t think she deliberately did it on purpose,” Chrissy tried to assure her. “Besides, she can’t just move her birthday-“
“Well, I know that. She won’t need to,” Jennifer retorted, as she evilly smirked.
“What do you mean?”
By the time school finished, Jennifer had convinced the rest of the seniors to come to her party.
Your birthday had finally arrived. Your parents had decorated the community hall with balloons and streamers, as well as a banner for you.
You checked your watch, realising that it was fifteen minutes after the party had started. Your mother assured you that everyone will be there.
Another fifteen minutes later, you were sitting on the stage, playing with a balloon and rolling it on the stage until it popped. You sighed, before commenting that no one was coming. You were about to take down the decorations when you heard footsteps. You turned to find the Hellfire club, along with Lucas’ girlfriend, Max, and his little sister, Erica, entering the hall, as Jeff greeted you.
“Sorry we’re late,” Dustin apologised. “We had to make a stop and get you something.”
Dustin handed a birthday gift bag to you, as you thanked them.
You opened the bag, taking out a new notebook and a wool hat in your favourite colour. “We didn’t know what you liked, so we got the first things we could find,” Jeff explained.
You smiled, as you thanked them when your mother said, “Darling, I thought I told you to invite only seniors.”
“They don’t come separately mum,” you replied.
“It’s true,” Gareth said. “We’re like a pack of wolves.”
You snorted, as your mother sighed, before letting them stay when Steve Harrington, along with Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler and Fred Benson, as well as the marching band came in, before wishing you happy birthday. Not long after, your mother was gushing over Steve being at your birthday, which made you giggle.
You were chatting to the Hellfire club when you realised that their leader was absent. “So, where’s Eddie?” You asked, when they all looked at each other, unsure what to say about Eddie’s whereabouts.
Meanwhile, at Jennifer’s party, Eddie was selling to some of the rich seniors. He had decided to make a couple of deals and head to the store to buy you something before heading to your party.
He never told anyone, but he had a crush on you since the summer holidays, after you stuck up for him when he was accused of stealing at a store you worked in Starcourt before it was destroyed.
After he did couple of more deals, he was heading out when he overheard Chrissy and Jason talking about you.
“I wanted to go to her party instead,” Chrissy told Jason. “Why can’t we just go?”
“Why go to that loser’s party? What does she have to offer to us?” Jason retorted. “We were promised a yacht trip from Jennifer.”
A fuming Eddie was about to give the jock a piece of his mind when Jennifer approached the couple, “Are you guys having fun?!” She shouted over the loud music.
Chrissy was about to respond when Jason blurted, “Chris wants to leave. She’d rather go to that loser’s birthday party.”
“Will you stop calling her that?” Chrissy angrily asked. “You don’t know her. She’s really sweet.”
Jennifer scoffed, before telling them, “Look, it was inevitable that everyone was coming to my party.”
“Well, not everyone,” Chrissy muttered.
“Okay, it was inevitable that everyone cool was coming to my party,” Jennifer corrected herself. “I mean, what chance does she have with everyone coming to her party? Zero!”
“Just because you guys stopped being friends at high school after she got a part in the school play, it doesn’t mean that you can keep holding a grudge against her,” Chrissy scolded, causing Jennifer to gasp, before walking away.
Eddie growled, as he stormed through the heavily decorated hallway, bumping into people when he was knocked down by a jock, pushing him into a door, causing him to fall down, as the guy shouted at him, calling him a freak. He grunted, as he stood up, realising that he was in Jennifer’s basement. He looked around when he saw the circuit breaker, before smirking, as an idea popped into his head.
Back upstairs, everyone was still partying when the power went out.
Everyone groaned, as Jennifer asked, “What’s going on?”
Not long after, she made her way to the circuit breaker, finding out that the wires were cut. As she stormed back upstairs, she growled, “Who the fuck cut the fucking cables?!”
Everyone looked at each other with confusion, as Jennifer whined, “This wasn’t supposed to happen!”
“So, what do we do now?” One jock asked.
Everyone murmured when Chrissy spoke up, announcing that you were having a party at the community hall. “I’m going if anyone wants to tag along,” Chrissy said, as she started walking out.
Everyone looked around, before following her when Jennifer stammered, “W-wait, you can’t leave!”
“Well, you’ve got no electricity, so why should we stay?” Andy retorted, as he followed Jason.
Jennifer gasped, before threatening, “If you leave, you won’t be allowed to go on the yacht trip!”
Everyone ignored her, as they walked out, causing her to scream, while a giggling Eddie, who was hiding under the staircase, snuck out without being seen, as he made his way to his van.
Back at your party, you were sitting at the table, resting your chin on the palm of your hand, as you checked your watch. You had hoped that Eddie would be there. But hearing that he was Jennifer’s party, it had dampened your mood. You thought that seeing everyone else having fun would lift you up, but it didn’t.
Suddenly, you heard a hubbub coming from outside. You gaped, as the rest of the seniors came.
Chrissy waved at you, before rushing up to you and wished you happy birthday.
“Sorry I’m late,” she apologised. “I got dragged into going to Jennifer’s party.”
“So, how come you all came here instead?” You asked.
“Well, she had a power cut, so I suggested to everyone to come here. I hope that’s okay.”
You smiled, as you thanked her. “You didn’t have to,” you told her. “But thanks.”
You watched everyone enjoying themselves, as you headed outside when you bumped into someone.
“Sorry,” you heard a male voice apologise. You looked up, as you told the guy that it was okay when you realised who bumped into you.
It was Eddie.
“You came,” you happily spoke.
“Yeah, I’m sorry for not coming with the others,” he began to explain. “I was doing some deals before getting your gift. Thankfully, the store was still open when I got there.”
He lifted up a gift bag in front of you, handing it to you.
As you opened it up, you gasped, taking out a copy of The Lord of the Rings.
“Wow!” You exclaimed. “Eddie, thank you.”
“Well, I heard that you lost your copy, so I thought you wanted a new one.”
You happily gazed at him, before you abruptly wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him, continuing to thank him.
Eddie smiled, as he hugged you back when you gave him a peck on the cheek.
After letting go of him, you had put the book back in the bag, as Eddie touched his cheek, smiling.
“Shall we go inside?” You asked, before turning around to head back to the hall when you felt a hand grabbing yours. You turned to find Eddie holding your hand. “Eddie?” You asked.
Eddie gulped, before beginning to hesitate, “I was wondering, um…”
“Wouldyouliketogoonadatesometime?” Eddie quickly asked.
“Sorry, I didn’t catch that.”
Eddie sighed, before asking, “Would you like to go on a date sometime?”
There was a brief silence, before you smiled and replied, “I’d love to.”
Eddie grinned, before lifting your hand and kissed the back of it, making you giggle, thinking that Eddie asking you out was the best way to end your birthday.
As for Jennifer, she was sitting in the dark, with a beer cup in her hand, whinging about her Christmas party being ruined.
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russellius · 1 year
THE TIMES: The Formula One driver and his father, Steve, on failed driving tests and sleeping in horseboxes
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My earliest memories are of living in a mobile home while my parents built a house in a field in the middle of nowhere, near Wisbech in Cambridgeshire. I rode a pedal tractor around the site, hurtling through corners and reversing with a trailer.
At 25 I am the youngest of three. Cara is 37 and works as my personal assistant. Benjy is 36 and caught the karting bug when he was just 11. He was a brilliant driver, becoming a national and world karting champion. Unfortunately, even starting at such a young age, it was already too late for him to have a professional career. I took up karting when I was six and he helped me a lot. Benjy was like a mentor. He eventually gave up racing at university, so Dad’s focus was on me.
I didn’t see much of Dad during the week. He got up early and came home late running a business selling seeds and pulses. As a kid you miss having your father around, but it’s only now that I appreciate he was doing it so I could race at the weekend. Dad didn’t come from a lot and did well to create a successful business. We weren’t poor but we weren’t wealthy like the families of some F1 racing drivers now.
After long hours at work Dad drove us in a camper van to racetracks around the country. It was very much a family affair. Dad was the mechanic, Mum did the cooking and collected data on my driving. When I drove well, there were celebrations and the mood was great but because everyone was so emotionally and financially invested, when I suffered a poor weekend the mood was bad.
Dad has always been hard on the ones he loves. As a young kid, that was difficult to deal with. The pressure didn’t just filter down to me, it affected the whole family. I felt the weight of failure and expectation. If I made a silly mistake and spun off the track, I can now understand why Dad might have thought, “What the hell am I doing this for?” He had to work his arse off to support my racing, so if I didn’t put in enough effort, it must have been hard.
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I now live in the world of F1, where tens of millions of pounds are spoken about like peanuts. Even in Formula Two or Three, every driver has to find huge amounts of money to get on the grid — it’s just crazy. When I was 16 and moving up through the ranks, I realised Dad didn’t have that sort of capital. I thought, “Oh shit, if I can’t find that sort of sponsorship or get picked by a team, my F1 dream is gone.”
Winning the F2 championship in 2018 was a big moment but I’ll never forget the day I signed for Williams F1 in September 2018. I was racing in F2 in Sochi, Russia, when Claire Williams, the deputy team principal at the time, called me in and offered a deal. Mum and Dad were the first people I told and they both cried. I told them to save their tears for when I won a race.
I joined Mercedes for the 2022 season, alongside Lewis Hamilton. It was a huge opportunity for me to learn and grow in F1, as well as show what I’m capable of. It was not an easy season for Mercedes but I feel very fortunate to be in this position, plus Lewis is such an incredible bloke on and off the track. He is so experienced, whereas I’m a 25-year-old who is just totally focused on trying to be the best F1 driver I can be. I’m pretty inspired by what he has achieved.
Dad is a strong character but he has become more emotional since his children have left home. He’s also friendlier now and doesn’t mind making a fool of himself from time to time. My only regret is that F1 doesn’t leave much free space to see each other but we do speak on the phone all the time.
Of course he still watches the pennies and will only fly economy — he won’t let me pay for their flights either. I know my parents can afford to fly business but it’s the principle for them. I want to make sure I reach a position with my racing where I can afford to give them the best in their retirement. They totally deserve it.
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The F1 guys are OK on the racetrack but they are never as good as their dads on normal roads. George is always telling me to slow down as we approach a junction, though his mum thinks it’s fantastic when he takes her out and drives quickly.
There was just one occasion when George didn’t put the full effort in and it caused quite a commotion. He failed his first driving test at 17 because he thought that being a great driver on the track was good enough. He came home fuming that the examiner was wrong. We had to go back to the test centre in King’s Lynn so George could confront him. That didn’t go down well.
George was a cheeky little boy, a bit of a comedian. I worked a lot but it’s strange that I can only remember the racing side of his life, not watching him grow up at home. We enjoyed a nice life but had to work hard for it. I came from a family of farm workers with very little money and wanted to get away from agriculture and better myself but I ended up owning a wholesale seed business.
My wife, Alison, and I knew George was going to be a racing driver at the age of two. He was born on the track, coming to races to watch his brother and help out in the garage. He had a toy tractor that he rode around the pit lane and collected stickers from each race to stick on his “George Russell Racing” tractor.
As George progressed through the racing ranks it became more and more expensive. We invested in a motorhome to travel to races — before that I would sometimes sleep in a freezing horsebox. There were sacrifices. Alison and I didn’t go on our first holiday together until two years ago, on a trip to Lanzarote. By then we had been together for 38 years. People think that now George is in F1 we hang out with Lewis Hamilton and Toto Wolff, the Mercedes principal, every weekend in the sunshine, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. Now Alison and I rarely go to races because we don’t want to interfere.
It was hard letting George fly the nest because we had been a close family, always doing our racing together. He is methodical and organised but his feet are firmly on the ground. There are plenty of people in the family to put him straight if needed.
There’s no magic wand to become an F1 driver — it takes hard work and dedication. It was only when I stood on the track with George before his first grand prix that I looked up at the enormous crowd and thought, “Oh my God, we’ve actually got here.”
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
Your single mum universe is honestly killing me- the sweetness the cuteness omg im dyyyinnggg 💙❤️💜
If its okay with you, could you do a blurb ect of toddler and teen mom meet steves parents for the first time? Im curious of how you would write it - and it would be amazing anyway cause your writing is uh *chefs kiss*
Aw thank you so much! I’m so glad you’re enjoying them ❤️ Dad Steve just makes me weak. This man needs babies stat! He’s just got so much love to give. Also, since they haven’t been mentioned since season 3, I figure they don’t have the best of relationships, but I’ve always imagined them to be pretty cold and/or pretty mean. So I’m all for writing Steve standing up for them! 🥰 This calls for this gif cause if there’s ever any time for him to say no it’s definitely this.
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“Steve, are you sure you want to do this?” you asked.
You were in the middle of unfastening your daughter’s car seat, pulling her out into your arms as Steve walked around the car to meet you.
“Yes. My parents said they wanted to meet you, so I want to show you off. But uh, don’t let anything they say bother you okay?”
You winced. You were nervous enough to meet Steve’s parents and his comment didn’t help.
“Should I be worried?”
“No. They’re just not the nicest of people,” he said, matter of factly.
Steve didn’t have a great relationship with his parents. Throughout high school, they were gone more than they were home, leaving Steve to run wild and do whatever he wanted. One of the biggest reasons for his asshole phase was because he was willing to do anything to get his parent’s attention.
Now, he hardly talked to them. Although it didn’t seem to bother them too much as they were always too busy to be actual parents before, so why start now? It was odd though that they wanted to meet you and your daughter now, although Hawkins was a small town, so maybe they’d heard that you and Steve were dating.
You followed Steve up to the door of the elegant house that he used to reside in, your baby in your arms. The huge brown doors that filled the front entrance were impressive and they alone, proved how much the Harringtons were worth.
“Biiiiig,” your daughter gasped, looking up as best as she could from your arms.
“It is,” Steve told her, “It’s also depressing when a house that’s so big is empty all the time.”
You frowned, knowing he was referring to years past and you ached for what he’d had been put through by the two people who were supposed to love and cherish him and protect him, help him to grow into himself. That’s what true parents should be like. He’d vowed often to you that he didn’t want to be anything like his dad had been to him.
You knew good and well that there was no danger of that as Steve was such a caring, patient and loving father to your child.
Steve rang the doorbell, his hands in his jean pockets, tapping his foot nervously.
The door opened to a middle aged man. Though he could’ve easily passed as ten years younger than his true age, there were graying patches of hair at his temples. Steve had the same dark hair and eyes as his dad, but his face was nowhere near as warm and loving as Steve’s, it was cold and closed off.
“Ah, Steve. Hello.”
“Hi dad.” Steve said bluntly.
He stepped aside to reveal you and the little girl in your arms.
“Dad, this is my girlfriend Y/N and—”
“Jesus, we haven’t seen you in over a year and you knocked up a girl? Didn’t I teach you enough about condoms?”
You felt your face flush and Steve’s lips thinned as he pressed them together, maybe to prevent whatever he truly wanted to say from escaping.
“No, this is Y/N’s daughter. From another relationship. She already had her when we met.”
“Oh your mother is going to love this,” his dad huffed a laugh, opening the door and stepping inside so you both could walk in, “Speaking of, she almost has dinner ready. Your mother put in a lot of time and effort to cook dinner for you and your friend tonight.”
“That would be a first,” Steve mumbled, following his dad inside, you close behind him.
He gave you an apologetic glance when his dad’s back was turned.
“You didn’t tell them about her?” you murmured to him.
“I did. But they only hear what they want half the time,” Steve answered.
“Steve, honey, it’s so good to see you.”
A well dressed—in fact very fancily dressed, put together woman came swooping into the room.
“Hello, mother.”
Steve stood, giving her half a hug as she gave him air kisses on both sides of his face. He peered at you over her shoulder, rolling his eyes.
“This must be Nancy.”
“Uh, no, mom, I dated Nancy 3 years ago when I was a senior in high school. This is Y/N.”
“Very nice to meet you dear. I hear she’s my sons?” Mrs. Harrington pointed a pointy, perfectly polished finger at your little girl.
“No ma’am,” you said.
Steve was pinching the bridge of his nose, already put out. It had hardly been five minutes and Steve was irritated. This did not seem to bode well at all.
“Y/N already had her when we met. I told dad this.”
Maybe it was the tension in the air, but your daughter started to fuss, reaching for Steve.
“I’m sorry honey, come here,” Steve said, taking her in his arms.
“She calls you daddy?”
Mr. Harrington had joined the conversation again when he heard your daughter speak.
“Yes because I’m the only father she’s ever known.”
“Oh good, our son has shacked up with a whore,” he spat.
You tensed but said nothing. You didn’t want to be impolite, even if his parents hadn’t done anything to deserve you being polite.
“Now darling,” Mrs. Harrington drawled, “Don’t get carried away. I’m sure I know what’s going on here.”
Steve’s jaw was tense and you could tell he was getting more and more upset by the moment.
“Do elaborate, mother.”
“You’re just dating him for his money, aren’t you? I mean a single mother like yourself, I’m sure it isn’t easy getting by. I can understand that our son would be an appealing partner,” Mrs. Harrington smiled.
You opened and closed your mouth like a goldfish. You had absolutely no idea how to respond to that.
“If I’m not mistaken Nancy Wheeler was hotter than her,” Mr. Harrington quipped, pouring himself a glass of whiskey.
“Honey, are you really wasting your inheritance on this woman? Is she begging you for money?”
“That’s enough!” Steve thundered.
You jumped, not used to hearing Steve raise his voice in such a menacing manner. It must’ve scared your baby too as she started crying.
You took her back from Steve as he whispered an apology to his little girl before turning his stormy gaze back to his parents.
“I will not stand here and listen to you insult Y/N. You insult her, you insult me. That sweet little girl may not be mine but damnit do I wish she was. She’s the sweetest, loving, ray of sunshine I’ve ever met and I’m proud to be her father figure. I may not have fathered her but I’m as much as her father as an sperm donor is. Secondly, Y/N is not dating me for my money. In fact, she didn’t even know I had money until well into our relationship. I think I’m smarter than you think I am when it comes to my own personal decisions and relationships. Lastly, father, I know it’s hard for you to do but try not to be a dick. There is absolutely no need to compare Y/N and Nancy. They’re both equally beautiful and strong women. I can’t believe—well I can believe, knowing how you are—that you’d stand here and say such awful things. She has more class in her pinky than either of you do. Thanks for proving that some things never change, mom, dad. We’re leaving. Come on, Y/N.”
You silently followed Steve to the door, leaving his parents standing stunned in the living room.
What hurt you more than their words was that they didn’t even bother to stop their own son.
He slammed the door behind him and stormed to the car. Only after you’d strapped your somewhat settled baby girl into her career and got into the passenger seat did Steve speak again.
“I’m so sorry about that Y/N. I had no idea they’d be this nasty.”
“It’s okay. You’re not your family.”
He took your hand, squeezing it in his own, then peeked in the rearview mirror at the baby, smiling softly before speaking.
“We’re our own family.”
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starlightshadowsworld · 6 months
Pre HOO Jason just casually usurping his father for the Olympian throne.
And everyone's like oh how typical of a son of Zeus... Jupiter(?) always searching for power.
Jason's just like "you think I wanted this? We've been lodging complaints for years because you guys never visit us.
If I didn't do this the 1st cohort were gonna sacrifice Steve, and no one wants that especially not Steve.
So we held a vote, and well..." He sighs like someone who's just done with everything. "Everyone voted for me, even Octavian so you know shit is fucked.
Anyway, I'm in charge because you sir are bad at it like... terrible at it. Don't worry I'll give it back, once you sort out your... Everything."
Zeus/Jupiter is pissed as all heck but Poseidon calls a vote and shockingly everyone votes in favour of Jason.
Jason is just yay my plan is working but also... Why me?!
"Why did they vote you?" Asks Annabeth.
Jason shrugs "apparently other than Reyna who said no way, I'm the only other one who has 'common sense' and won't 'fuck things up anymore than usual.'
Apparently keeping a bunch of Romans from burning down camp every other week, makes me qualified to lead. The whole lead them into battle against Krios only made it worse."
Annabeth blinks, before nodding "no yeah, makes sense. I'm Annabeth Chase."
"Jason, Jason Grace.... Erm is she okay?" He points to Thalia who is just trying to process everything.
"Oh she's fine, just a lot to take in. She's my sister, well our sister Thalia Grace." Says Annabeth, having figured it out already.
Jason grins "no way?! Really?" He frowns "hey wait Nico told me she was a tree?" Annabeth snorts "it's a long story."
That he can agree with.
"Soo... What should we do with him?" Asks Percy pointing to the very pissed off Zeus/Jupiter who's laying in a heap on the floor.
"He's going to lose his powers. He's going to become someone that even a newly turned demigod can defeat.
He will know what it means to helpless and have no one to turn to. He will have the same immortality of that of a huntress, all the while everyone he's ever messed with hunts him for sport.
His only allies will be those who choose to aid him. He will be shunned, he will be isolated and learn what it means to be mortal."
Evetuone looks at Jason in shock, probably because it was the first time they'd seen him so serious.
Suddenly an entire legion voting this guy to be Zeus/Jupiter's replacement made a lot more sense.
"And what" spits Zeus/Jupiter, getting up to glare at his spawn. "Makes you think you can do that to me?"
Jason smiles, but it isn't kind "wouldn't you like to know, weather boy?" Before throwing something that engulfs his father in blue smoke.
When the smoke clears, the great king of Olympus now appears as a young man. He tries to pick up his masterbolt, enraged and it shocks him.
Hera is escatic, pulling Jason into a hug "you did it, I knew you had it in you." She says ruffling his hair "Lady Hera!" He pouts, trying to fix his hair.
She frowns "none of that, I have told you time and time again to call me mum." Jason mouths the words as she speaks, very clear they've had this conversation a lot.
"Sorry your majesty, Lady Hera, Queen of Olympus." Hera sighs but her gaze is fond.
"Mum?" Asks Annabeth. "I'm her champion but she'd watch over me as a baby and as a kid so she basically helped raise me." Explains Jason.
He totally knew about the bet Hera and Lupa had to see which he'd call mum first, and he totally wasn't messing with them both.
Nope, absolutely not.
"And er yeah, you guys can take him back to your camp when you want." Says Jason.
Hera lights up, a devious smile on her face. "I'll take care of that" Apollo raises a hand, a similar look on his face "I'll help."
The two vanish with the now fallen king.
Well that should be fine.
Jason shrugged, ah well he tried.
"Soo... Who are you anyway?" Asks Percy, curious. Jason sighed, he was gonna have to put that nap on hold.
"Well it all started when my mum left me to the wolves, pun not intended."
(@star-archivist I'm not sure it this what you meant by "needing more of this", but.. Here it is 😅)
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Off Limits (Pt. 1)
Steve Harrington x Female Reader (she/her)
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summary: Steve Harrington much to his delight discovers Dustin has a cousin who’s come to live with his family.
a/n: don’t worry people there will be more parts and they will be slutty and smutty!!
warnings: implied sexual acts, semi-nudity.
“So what exactly are we going to be dragging into my car? Because if that thing has any chance of blowing up, then no.” Steve said, looking at Dustin's newest invention.
“You’ll see, come on give me a hand guys!” Dustin said looking over to the rest of the gang and Steve who was dragged along because he was the only one who could drive.
“I’m going to go call Robin and tell her I might be a bit late to hangout tonight.” Steve said looking over to all the equipment realising how long it would take for the kids to get their stuff together let alone in his car.
“Yeah alright, just be quite my cousin just got here and she’s pretty jetlagged so she’s sleeping.” Dustin called out after Steve.
“Why have we never heard of this cousin before?” Will asked, Dustin only shot him a confused look and shrugged.
Everyone else ignoring it and continuing to help Dustin with his newest invention.
Thinking nothing much of it, Steve made his way out into the kitchen, only to run into Dustin’s cousin. Who just so happened to be very underdressed.
Your hand shot up to your mouth as you saw Steve not realising Dustin had people over, extremely attractive people over.
“Oh I’m so sorry!” You say looking down at what you’re wearing, which unfortunately was only a singlet and a pair of underwear.
“No don't apologise.” Steve said jaw practically on the floor. “I mean it’s your house, well not really but you know.”
“Right well um I’m (Y/N).” You say awkwardly with flushed cheeks and a shy smile. “Im gonna go put some pants on and maybe a bra on then I’ll introduce myself properly.”
Steve who was left in a complete state of shock could only gawk at her as she sort of ran back into her room down the hall.
He quickly picked up the phone and dialed Robins number. “Hello?” Steve asked almost frantically. “Like semi emergency.”
“Wow thanks for asking Steve I’m doing great!” Robin said sarcastically. “What’s wrong.”
“I think I just fell in love.” Steve said. “Dustin has this cousin over from god knows where and she’s gorgeous.”
“Here we go again, how long is she in town.” Robin asked, Steve too love struck to register her annoyed tone over the phone.
“I don’t know, oh I’ve got to go! Going to be late tonight bye!” Steve said quickly hanging up the phone as he heard the sound of a door opening.
“Is it bad that I think I liked the last outfit better?” Steve said with a smile tugging at his lips as you came into the kitchen.
“Wow you’re forward, can’t say I don’t like it though.” You said grinning at him, heading back to the kitchen to grab yourself something to eat. “How about you tell me your name first pretty boy.”
“Steve, Harrington.” He said still staring at you, the name sounding awfully familiar when it finally clicked.
“Oh Steve! I’ve heard plenty about you from Dustin over the phone!” You watched as his facial expression quickly changed to a slightly concerned one.
“Good things I hope?” Steve asked sceptically taking a seat down at the kitchen bench.
“I was warned actually, that you were off limits by Dustin and that you’d most definitely flirt with me.” You said with your back turned to him busy fixing yourself a snack.
“Dammit Henderson.” Steve muttered underneath his breath. “So how long are you in Hawkins for?”
“A while, definitely the summer and probably longer. My parents are off doing business abroad, so they decided they couldn’t leave me home that long.”
“My parents are the same, well at least my dad. He’s always away on business and my mum doesn’t trust him.” Steve said. “I’ve usually got the house to myself.
“Is that your not so subtle way of coming onto me?” You asked leaning your elbows onto the bench directly across him.
“Is that what you want me to do?” Steve asked bringing his face closer to yours.
“I don’t know, I think I might need to be persuaded a bit more. Maybe-“ You begin to say before your cut off by the sound of Dustin and his friends making their way towards the door.
“Hello! Steve we’re going!” A redhead girl yelled at him. “Unless you want me driving again.”
That seemed to snap Steve out of his lust filled trance.
“I’ll uh see you around then?” Steve said to you quietly looking you up and down one more time.
“Sure thing Harrington.” You said sending him a wink as he was dragged out the door by Dustin and all his little friends.
“You better not have been flirting with my cousin Harrington!” Dustin scolded as he got into the car.
“You are not riding shot gun! Off limits? Really Henderson!” Steve glared at him and pointed to the back.
“Come on red your in front, this is the closest you’ll ever get to driving this car again.” Steve said before reluctantly pulling away from the Henderson house.
Later that night as he and Robin sat down for their annual movie night Steve couldn’t help but shake the image of you in your underwear.
“Steve your not even paying attention.” Robin said slapping his arm. “If you like her so much why don’t you just called her and ask her out!”
“I can’t I’m off limits!” Steve said glaring at her. “Dustin apparently told her all about me and that I’m off limits vise versa!”
“So no Robin I cannot call her! She’s living in the same house as Henderson and they share a phone.”
“Hawkins is a small town you’ll run into her eventually and it’s not like Dustin’s going to be home 24/7.” Robin said ready to give up on Steve and watch the movie by herself.
“You're right.” Steve said as he settled onto the couch and turned the movie on. “What Dustin doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”
“Like I always am.” Robin muttered quietly.
“Ok now shut up so we can watch, I swear if you talk about her again I’ll kick you out and I don’t care if this is your house I’ll do it.”
Part 2 here!
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medusapelagia · 6 months
Z - Zombie
Z is for Zeros (@spaceofentropy) Thank you for sharing your monsters' secrets with me 💜
I hope you will enjoy your present 🎁!
Rating: Mature Relationship: Steve /Billy WT: Zombie Billy Hargrove, mention of body horror Words: 920
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Billy opens his eyes and all he can see is a pitch-black darkness. He tries to move but he feels trapped.
He takes a deep breath and the air is warm and smells like earth. What the fuck is going on?
He can't see his clothes but he can feel that they are far too uncomfortable to be clothing he would have chosen for himself.
He pats himself, it feels like a suit. Was he at a wedding? Maybe he drank far too much and blacked out, it would not be a first, but that doesn't explain why he is trapped somewhere. Maybe someone closed him in a trunk to make a prank? But it should be a really big trunk if he is not curled up in it. It almost feels like "A coffin."
The epiphany strikes him like thunder.
He is closed in a fucking coffin!
Billy's breath becomes erratic while he starts to punch above his head until he feels the wood crack and the dirt fall on his face. 
He spits and keeps punching his way toward freedom until the fresh air caresses his hands and then he pushes himself out of the hole he digged
Billy lies on his side for a few moments, taking some deep breaths and gripping the green grass like it was his lifeline.
Who the fuck thought that burying him alive was a nice prank?
Whoever they are, they are going to deeply regret it.
The sky above him is dark and full of stars, the moon is hiding behind the clouds but there is enough light to let him see that he is in the graveyard, in front of him his own tombstone.
"What the fuck?!"
His memories are confused, he remembers a monster, and his mum, and a girl, and everything is so mixed up that he can't really point out what happened.
The blond boy looks at himself, he is wearing a black suit, a white shirt, and a fucking red tie; he removes his tie that feels like it's suffocating him and throw it away, then he opens his shirt one button at a time until he sees it: a huge hole in his abdomen that is closing on his own.
Billy's trembling hand touches it, disgusted.
"Billy? Holy fucking shit! El was right!"
The blond boy turns and sees Harrington staring at him with a torch in his hand and a shovel in the other.
"That's not the appropriate tool to kill a monster, Harrington."
"Fuck you Hargrove, I know a lot of things about tools for killing monsters and this one was to help you get out, but it seems to me you already did a great job. All we have to do now it's cover it up." he states, getting closer.
"How come that you are not freaking out? I am freaking out! I died! Or at least I think I did."
Steve nods, shoving some dirt on Billy's tomb "You did. The mindflayer pierced you like you were a tissue paper, but El called and told me that she saw you, that you were coming back, and that you needed help, so I came."
Billy nods, and after a moment of hesitation asks "Max?"
"I didn't tell her anything, I wanted to check before. You know, with this monster thing one can never be too cautious."
Billy nods, still staring at Harrington “What now?”
“Now we get home.”
Billy snorts “I don’t think I can go home, pretty boy.”
“Not your home, dickhead, mine.”
“Are you offering me to get to your place?”
“Unless you prefer to rest here under the stars.” Steve replies sarcastically.
Billy follows Steve to his car and into his house, it’s big and cold as he remembers it “Still no parents around.”
“What can I say? I’m a lucky guy.”
Steve shows Billy his room “You can sleep here or in one of the guest rooms.”
“Aren’t you scared that I’ll kill you to eat your brain or something like that?”
Steve laughs out loud “My brain? Man I don’t think you’ll get a lot of nutrition from it, maybe from Henderson’s, but you are stuck with me.”
“You are not scared.”
“The last time I was scared there was a monster coming through the walls and I got back to help Nancy and Jon so, no, nothing scares me.” the chestnut boy thinks for a moment “Oh, no actually there is one thing that scares me.”
“And what is that?”
“I’m scared that something bad will happen to the people I love, and that’s exactly why you are here with me and not wandering around Hawkins.”
“What if I kill you during the night?” Billy insists.
“El will know it, and you know how terrifying she can be. Now sleep, or don’t, I don’t care, but tomorrow it’s my first day at Family Video and I will not be late.”
“What if I leave the house and kill someone else?”
“Do you want to? Do you feel the need to kill someone?”
“How can you be so fucking calm.”
“I’m so fucking calm because I live in the middle of nowhere, the only place you can go by foot is the damn woods and you know what? Hopper still patrols the woods, so sleep, or don’t but stop trying to make everything even harder! Tomorrow we will team up and we will find a solution, but right now I need to rest, and you do too.”
Billy sighs, how long has passed since the last time he rested peacefully?
Years for sure.
He doesn’t get on Steve’s bed or in one of the guest rooms, he simply takes a blanket and rests on the floor where he has his back against the wall and can still see both the door and Harrington.
He will not rest, not tonight, but maybe, hiding in Harrington’s house, he will finally have some peace.
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thestobingirlie · 6 months
I can see Wayne not having a great opinion of Steve, especially if Eddie had complained about Steve in previous years. And if he knew of Steve's parents he might have the opinion of 'the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.' Maybe when they first meet, he's a little distrustful of Steve.
But he's not spending all his time thinking about and hating Steve. He's just some kid. Wayne has no reason to care about him outside of the few minutes he hears Eddie complaining about 'Harrington and the jock squad '
idk because we know in canon that eddie didn’t have any interactions with steve in high school. he made assumptions about him, but eddie had no reason to share those assumptions with wayne. especially because steve is in the year below him; steve’s crew wouldn’t be the ones bullying eddie anyway (if eddie was being bullied).
not to mention, like i said in the post, steve was only “king steve” until the very beginning of his junior year. that just isn’t really long enough for eddie to complain about him, wayne to memorise the name, and then bring it up to hold against steve.
also, though steve calls his father an asshole in relation to his interactions with him, he also calls them well-respected around town (or his mum at least, but we can assume that if his mum is well-respected, his dad isn’t going around spitting at the poor), so i just don’t know if wayne would have that many ill conceived notions about them.
wayne also seems the type, to me at least, to keep himself to himself. i just don’t think he’d really care about what other random people he’s never interacted with are doing.
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ellena-asg · 1 year
I still remember watching episode 1x11 for the first time years ago and remember this one scene that made my heart dancing (oh, I'm still in love with it). Yes, McDanno one.
I'm sorry, I know that the episode is supposed to be about girl named Erica and her (murdered) husband Jake Harris and Erica's rocky relationship with her mother-in-law but... Oh, look:
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Nancy Harris: Jake and Erica met six months ago and three weeks later they were engaged.
So we've got our boys talking with Erica's mum-in-law and she hates Erica and she says these words above and then...
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Then Danny's response is (this is an exact quote!): So you don't believe in love at first sight? (no, please, it can't be just "Danny and his sarcasm", not in this moment).
And here is Steve's reaction (oh, of course that he reacts):
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Steve looks at Danny, immediately after hearing his question. And it's just a moment, it's like a one quick heart-beat but Oh My Gosh.
I bet that Steve and Danny thought about the same. About each other. Cause it's so much about them! Oh, pre-Danny Steve and pre-Steve Danny, yes, they could be like "Love at first sight? Nah, maaan, no way, I don't believe in this shit!". BUT. But boom! 2010 came and THAT happened:
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What I once interpreted in my comics as:
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(yes, that's definitely what I heard from their hearts)
I'm billions percent sure that Danny talks with Nancy in a very serious way and that his question is damn serious and sincere too. Well, I think that it's both - a question to Nancy and Danny's expression. I can see Danny's surprise (like "Oh... You DON'T? You don't believe in that, huh?") and I can hear his "You know, I, um, personally disagree. It, it happened to me so... It's not a bullshit, I think".
And of course that he means Steve. Cause it's about love and Steve... Steve is Danny's first (real) and only love (if we're talking about his romantic life). And vice versa.
All these girls were just an escape, a mistake. Yes, Gabby, Melissa, Lynn... They were adorable and good-hearted and loved by boys in some way - but it wasn't romantic. It wasn't THAT. Boys loved them like you can love someone for being a kind good person/human being, a good friend-like person. But it was never that kind of love (and f.e. Melissa knows that so well, so painfully well). And it was never at first sight.
And yes, I'm thinking about Cath and Rachel too. I know that many of you won't agree with me - and that's totally ok! But I think that Steve never loved Cath. Maybe once he tried but deep down he knew he couldn't. And Rachel? It was she who started it. She saw a handsome cop, she hit his car and then, as Danny once said: somehow things happened. Somehow they got married. I'm sorry but it doesn't sound like "oh that was so great" to me. Danny's words, the way how he describes it as "things happened"... There's nothing romantic there. There's nothing joyful. And Danny sounds like "You know, I met her, she seemed to be nice, we met again and somehow I thought: Why not?".
But oh, Danny felt that it's not good. In one of the episodes he confessed that he wasn't even sure about marrying Rachel. And though I remember about his anxiety, oh *high five, Danny! yeah, anxiety is a bitch* - I don't think that it was caused (only) by anxiety. I think that deep down he didn't want it, he wasn't sure about his feelings. He didn't believe in "happily ever after" with her. Well, to me it's meaningful. And when in 6x11 Danny admitted to Steve that deep down he didn't want any therapy with Rachel, he didn't want to save his marriage - this is what looks like "I always felt that I didn't love her".
Yes, I think that Danny couldn't love Rach. He tried but he "only" could love her as a friend (in the beginning) and as a mother of his daughter. It's not only because of the awful way Rachel and her damn mother treated Danny. It's not only because of Rachel hating Danny's job/passion. It's not only because of Rachel cheating on Danny with Stan (ok, I can't be that sure but, well, I've got the feeling) and her post-divorce behaviour (using kids as tools to hurt him). I think that even in the beginning, when all seemed to be ok, Danny always felt that he and Rachel weren't a real thing. They weren't meant for each other. They didn't even understand each other. When Gracie came to this world... He stayed for her.
Gracie. She was the only love caused by this marriage. And after divorce it was all for Gracie and thanks to it... Danny came to Hawaii and found his destiny, his beloved one - beloved at first sight.
It's Steve. Thanks to Steve Danny believes in love. Even in love at first sight. And Steve can finally have it all too, thanks to Danny.
And I love that after the talk with Nancy we have the scene at the office where... Danny talks with Steve about Nancy and about his own ex mother-in-law. Cause it's... You know, moment ago he thought about real love and about Steve so now he needs to talk about his old life with Rachel and her mother to... To show the contrast. To Steve and to himself. To show the difference between "I was so miserable" and "now my life is so great". Between "It was a mistake" and "YOU are my love, babe".
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But of course they're both such walking disasters so their feelings stay in their minds and/or sometimes are expressed but "the receiver has no idea". And someone should make the first step... So, as always, they try to focus on their case.
And THIS case. Gosh. I've recently rewatched this episode and now I see how much McDanno-ish this episode is. Yes, it's about Erica and Jake, the "Beauty and the Beast" (but I don't mean it literally, Jake isn't a beast, he isn't worse than others, he just got this role in the show and ok, I get it, I get the point of the story). And there is also the case and the killer. And other tragic stories (I mean other couples-victims). But the more I watch it, the more these stories look like a background. And this background gives us McDanno and their romantic story.
I shared my thoughts about the famous Garage Scene so now I'll confess that I think that Danny and Steve are truly touched by Erica's and Jake's story. And I bet that it's hard to focus on the case cause there are many moments shouting "You know well what Erica is feeling now".
Let's start with Jake. Boys are cops, Danny is such a detective so they should think about all possible scenarios. "Erica only wanted Jake's money, she didn't love him and his face" is just one of them. Oh, I bet that Lenkov wanted (again, hell) to show Danny as "only pretty things man" but Scott was amazing as always and he showed how complex and great Danny is. Danny doesn't laugh when he sees Jake's photo. Yes, he makes a comment but - BUT! 1) He's detective at work and he needs every scenario and he knows people well, he knows what many people may think about guys like Jake, duh, he's not an optimist - he knows that world is cruel, that people are cruel, that "happily ever after" happens very rarely, oh, he's bitter sometimes, isn't he and 2) Danny cares about people's hearts, about all what is inside - he knows well that "outside" is just a surface 3) Danny knows that love is love, you can fall in love with anyone - even with Steve McGarrett ;)
So boys do their job, talk with Erica and... when they see how devastated she is, how ANGRY when she thinks that they think she didn't love Jake, how HAPPY when she talks about Jake and their moments, how she believes in love...
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They feel her, don't they? ;) They know. They know she really loved Jake.
And when Jake is found dead...
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They can imagine the pain. They know that in their case it would be the worst scenario. The death of Yin means the death of Yang. And they're sorry, they're sad that Erica's and Jake's story has no happy end. Look at Danny's face. Look at Steve, the way he is hugging Erica - like a brother who KNOWS and cries with her.
Ok, now let's see what else we have in this episode...
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Danny and Steve arguing in front of the motel. Why does it remind me of them arguing in the garage? ;)
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🎶Sexy eyes🎶 and the TENSION. Yeah, when you think about your love at first sight all damn day and suddenly you hear "one more lonely night for me"... Yup, you can be frustrated.
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McDanno behaving like "Oh, honey, why aren't you wearing the ring? We're married!". "I know, babe. I love you, babe. We're married forever, babe. It's just... My goofy fingers". "Babe". "Oh, ok. I'll wear it for you, fuck my goofy fingers".
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Mr and Mr McGarrett-Williams vibes.
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I know that it's their case. I know that these wedding rings belonged to the victims. I know that the background is sad and tragic. BUT wedding rings. Wedding rings and McDanno holding them together. Just look at that scene and for a while don't think about the context.
This episode is like "He is my One and Only, my love at first sight and my love forever. This man - yes, that's the one I really want to marry". It's like showing their beginning ("When Danny met Steve", rom-com, 2010) and "what should be in the end: happily ever after, so damn married").
Ok, now you can call me a weirdo 😆
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pelorsdyke · 8 months
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ronancetober - day six: fantasy
Robin doesn’t hear Nancy approach so much as she feels her, knows the way her presence settles the earth around her.
The ranger peers at her from across the fire, sparks reflecting off Nancy’s hair. Robin melts a little. The rest of the party is long since asleep, Steve and Jonathan having settled down early in their tent and the rest of them petering off over the next few hours. Now, it’s just Robin and the stars— and Nancy, of course. It’s almost peaceful.
Sometimes, Robin is glad her friend can read her as well as she can. Rather than speaking up, attempting to comfort Robin or reassure her, Nancy simply allows her to revel in the silence, her presence a steady reminder besides Robin.
There had been a moment— just a second, maybe two— today when Robin had been certain Steve was going to die. She’d been out of spell slots, and though that’s not exactly something she could’ve predicted, she’s still been badgering herself about it since they set up camp. Steve doesn’t blame her, she knows, but there’s little to no chance of him ever doing that, so it’s little comfort. Jonathan, luckily, had been just a few yards away, close enough to dash Steve’s way mid-combat while Nancy had the dragon distracted and cast lay on hands.
She can still picture the giant gash across Steve’s forehead, bleeding while she just stares, useless. Great, she thinks, a sorcerer who can’t even fucking cast.
(She’d burnt it saving Jonathan’s ass earlier in the battle, and that’s good, she’s glad, but it still doesn’t lessen the feeling that she should’ve done more. Done better.)
Robin must look especially lost in her self-hatred, because after another beat of quiet, Nancy leans over.
“Did I ever tell you,” she begins softly, with that meaningful tone that draws people in regardless of what she’s saying, “about the time when Mike and I were adventuring, back before…” She gestures widely, all-encompassing.
Robin shakes her head mutely.
“Well,” Nancy says, “we were out with Lucas and Dustin, so it must’ve been back when Jonathan was still at home with his mum.” Robin traces the history backwards in her mind’s eye. Jonathan, still at home with Joyce, despite how lucky any fucking adventuring party would be to have him. Will, lost to the demogorgon, the Byers desperately trying to find him. Robin knows Nancy had helped out her brother’s party while Will was gone, knows that it had been the reason she and Jonathan had decided to join a group of their own. But she’s not sure where the story’s going, if she’s honest.
“There was a demodog,” Nancy continues, “and we hadn’t rested before handling it, because we were stupid kids.” She scoffs, the sound heavy with judgment. “And…” Nancy hesitates, the words getting stuck in her throat for a moment. “And Dustin got really fucked up.”
Robin startles, a little. She doesn’t know the younger party that well, but she knows them well enough— knows Nancy’s always harbored a soft spot for Dustin— and she knows with immediate, sinking clarity what Nancy’s trying to tell her.
“Gods,” Robin murmurs, and she reaches out to lay a palm on Nancy’s thigh, warm and soft. Nancy hums in appreciation but continues anyway.
“He was pretty close to dead, Robs. And I’m— I don’t have…” Nancy pauses. Recovers. “I had cure wounds, but I was running low on slots. We’d just handled something else and without the rest… I don’t know. It was terrifying.”
Robin thinks about it, about tiny little Dustin, smaller even than he is now that Will’s back with the party and Jonathan’s joined theirs, weak and bruised, blood smeared on his face. It doesn’t make her fuckup today better, but it does remind her that she and Nancy can share the load. That their being able to comfort each other, familiar with each other’s trauma in a way you can only become when it mirrors your own, has only made them stronger.
Still, she says what she knows Nancy has been avoiding saying to her since Jonathan saved Steve’s life.
“I’m sorry, Nance.” She squeezes, once, twice. Nancy drops her own hand on top of Robin’s and laces their fingers together. “It wasn’t your fault. You did what you could.”
Nancy levels her with a look that reads I can smell your bullshit, but doesn’t engage. “I just wanted you to know I get it,” she says instead, smiling sardonically. “I get it better than I wish I did. We’re all… we’re all here to help each other up, Robin. That’s what a party is for.”
Robin finds herself smiling too, just a little.
“You’re right. I know you’re right. Just, can we… do you mind sharing, tonight? I don’t want to sleep alone.”
Nancy nods, immediate and resolute.
“Of course,” she says, gentle again. “Every night, if you need.”
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gaymansruse · 2 years
Can you do a between childhood friends and lovers request for Steve Harrington set after season 2 where Steve and the Henderson!reader finally get together when Steve’s parents unexpectedly come home and after dismissively asking who she is, they reveal that Steve had a crush on her in second grade after they find them "studying" (aka hanging out) at his house?
𝒎 𝒆 𝒎 𝒐 𝒓 𝒊 𝒆 𝒔 || 𝘴.𝘩
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Steve Harrington x Henderson!reader Summary → You and Steve reminisce about the past and then his parents come home and spill one of his biggest secrets.
Word Count → 1.1k+ Requested → yes Inbox → open
A/n || I don't know if i executed this in the way you wanted, and I'm sorry it took me so long to do it, but I really hope you like it, as always criticism is welcome. Happy reading! <3
After everything that you and the gang had been through, you and Steve decided it would be a great idea to just have a night to yourselves just like the good old days.
No worrying about monsters, or creepy dimensions. Just the two of you, eating junk food and watching crappy movies. And that's exactly what you'se did.
You were currently seated on Steve's living room couch and he was in the kitchen making some popcorn for the both of you. The TV was playing whatever channel his parents left it on this morning, and was currently acting as background noise for the both of you.
Steve had made some dumb pun about popcorn, and you wheezed your lungs out as if it was the most hilarious thing ever.
He made his way back to the living room, and plopped down next to you with a steaming bowl of popcorn in his hand. "You know, I've missed hanging out, like just us, no babysitting and no Robin making fun of me for having no dates." Steve said looking at you with a small glint in his eye.
"Yeah, but it'll never be the same from back when we were kids."
"You're right, neither of us are stupid enough to steal ten candy bars for our movie nights anymore."
You gasped, remembering when you'se were twelve. "Oh my god! I remember that."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Stevie we shouldn't be doing this.. what if we get caught?" You whined quietly close behind steve as he snuck through the aisles, looking for his desired snack.
"Shh you big baby, we won't get caught, and if we do I'll take all the blame anyway." He reasured you.
"You better not be lying, or I swear to God, I'll stuff those candies down your throat Steven."
Steve had stuffed about eight of the bars down his pants and handed two over to you to stuff up your sleeves. You two were both headed to the door when none other than Cheif Hopper stepped in your way. "And where do you think you two are going?"
You and Steve both gulped. You were about to start lying your ass off but it seems Steve had other plans. "It was all [y/n]'s idea, they forced me to do it, they even threatened me!" Steve shouted at him.
Your mouth hung open as he shifted all the blame to you.
"You lying bi-"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"You still haven't apologised for that by the way!"
"I shouldn't have to, we got away with just a warning anyway."
"Harrington I swear to God, if you don't apologise for it right now I'll suffocate you with the pillows."
"I have nothing to apologise for." He said confidently
"You can't be serious," You shifted your whole body to look over at him. "I got in trouble from not just by my mum, but Hopper came by my house to tell me off too. I think that warrants an apology."
"Nope, no I don't think so, cause from what I recall, I did end up saying it was pay back."
"Pay back for what exactly?"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You and Steve were walking along Lovers Lake, it was a muggy day and you'se both just wanted to cool down.
"Stevie, what's the point in being here if we aren't going swimming?"
"It's cooler near the water, and you never said you wanted to go for a swim."
"Well if I had known we'd be going to the lake today, I would've bought my swimmers."
"Well that's just too bad for you isn't it?"
if looks could kill, Steve would be six feet under right now. That is until you got a brilliant idea. You walked closer to Steve, he was walking on the edge of the lake meaning you'd have more leverage. I'm sure you can see where this is going.
You grabbed both his shoulders and forced him to face you, "Hey Stevie I have something really important to tell you and you can't tell anyone, okay?" He nodded his head quickly and you leaned in close to him as if you were about to tell him a secret. But at the very last moment you pushed your hands infront of you and he was caught off guard. Stumbling then falling into the water below him.
He looked up at you in shock, what you didn't realise however was the mischievous glint in his eyes. While you were busy laughing, Steve had grabbed your leg and pulled you into the shallow water with him.
"What? It's pay back."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"You had already gotten pay back that same day! Which means you still owe me an apology."
"Shit I forgot I did that."
"Mhm," You were looking at him with that same look five years ago. "Now where's my apology Harrington?"
"Hey, don't last name me, [L/n]." He said, voiced laced in sarcasm. "And fine, I'm totally, and utterly sorry that I shifted the blame to you little miss goody two shoes."
"Real mature Stevie boy, but that apology wasn't good enough, thus I don't forgive you."
" 'Thus'? What are you Shakespear?"
"By God you really are stupid."
"Hey! I'm not stupid.. You're stupid."
"Fine, if I can't get a proper apology and I'm being insulted then I'm not sharing the pizza I ordered for us." You obviously didn't mean it, you weren't exactly hungry enough to be eating an entire pizza tonight, but you needed some leverage.
Steve opened his mouth to speak but his parents ended up walking in through the front door and greeted him, before they turned toward you. "Steve who is this, I wasn't aware you were going to be having a guest over."
"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Harrington, I'm [Y/n]." You greeted them with a wave.
"Ah so you're the famous [Y/n], Steve's told us so much about you. I didn't know you two were having a date tonight, Stevie why didn't you tell us? We would have come home later."
"Date? Mrs. Harrington me and Steve aren't dating." You laughed awkwardly. "We're just friends."
"Well with all the things he's told us about you, we assumed you two had started dating."
"Okay mum, that's enough. You and dad should head upstairs, we'll keep the noise down."
"Oh well it was lovely to finally meet you dear."
"It was lovely to meet you'se too!"
"Use protection." His father said pointing at Steve. Did he just miss that entire conversation?
His parents headed upstairs and you held in a laugh until you heard their bedroom door close.
"So ugh, you talk about me, huh?"
"Yeah I guess I do," He said awkwardly. "Actually I did wanna talk about something with you tonight."
"I've ugh, I've had a bit of a crush on you since you tripped in front of me when we were nine."
"Oh I'm well aware Harrington."
"You're like an open book, and you suck at hiding your emotions, it's always written on your face."
"Why did you never say anything?"
"Oh my god just shut up and ask me out already."
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In the Footsteps of a Saint
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Catholic actor Charlie Cox is making waves across the Atlantic – and he’s about to hit the cinemas in his native UK playing a saint in a new movie.
FAITH TODAY went to meet him.
How does it feel to be a saint?  That’s something no-one alive can ever really know, since sainthood is only acknowledged after death: but up-and-coming actor Charlie Cox knows more about it than most. Cox, 28, is the star of There Be Dragons, a new movie about the early life of St Josemaria Escriva, the Spaniard who founded Opus Dei.  So – given that he’s a Catholic himself - how did it feel to Cox to walk in a saint’s shoes, and to portray his holiness on screen?
What struck him most, says Cox, is that ‘there seemed to have been no single moment when Josemaria was saintly... instead, what people who knew him spoke about and wrote about was a lifetime of consistently good decisions and a dedication of his entire life to God’.  So in fact, he explains, portraying him meant being very human – and yet aware that decisions often had to be made that weren’t directed at other people, but were directed at God. Playing Josemaria is the latest step on a path that’s fast feeling like the road to the big-time: Cox first appeared on the showbiz radar in 2007 when he got the role of Tristan Thorne in the movie Stardust, and he went on to play the Duke of Crowborough in the ITV drama Downton Abbey.  And just a fortnight before we meet, he’s filmed his first episode of HBO’s prohibition drama Boardwalk Empire, the flagship programme of the new Sky Atlantic channel, in which he plays an immigrant from Northern Ireland with ties to the IRA.  Cox says he’s loving the part: Steve Buscemi, who recently won a Gold Globe award for his portrayal of Enoch ‘Nucky’ Thompson in the series, is one of his all-time heroes, and he can hardly believe his luck in being cast with him.
’Working with Steve feels amazing, I can’t believe how lucky I’ve been,’ he says, as we chat over coffee at a Madrid hotel on the morning of the premiere of There Be Dragons.  He jetted in this morning from New York – he’ll be there filming Boardwalk Empire through the summer and, he says, he can’t imagine a better way of spending the next few months. ‘They’re the nicest bunch of people – and everyone is so confident about how good the series is, so there’s a great buzz about it.’
Working on Boardwalk Empire has taken him a long way from his Sussex roots.  He grew up in Hearst Green, the son of publisher parents – and he was raised a Catholic, like his father, although he was educated at a non-Catholic independent school, Sherborne School in Dorset.  ‘Only about 70 out of 700 boys were Catholics. We had to get up early on a Sunday to go to Mass at a local girls’ school... it would have been easy to skive off it, but actually we never did.  I’ve always loved churches – even now, in a strange city, I’ll often wander around looking at churches.’ There was no history of acting in the family – bar a grandmother who had been at RADA before the second world war – but even as a youngster, Cox was smitten with the idea.  ‘My mum and dad had a fantastic attitude to it,’ he says.  ‘The school wanted me to go to university, play it in safe mode, have a back-up plan.  But my parents came to see me act, and afterwards my dad sat me down and he said: ‘I think you’d be a fool not to pursue this’.  And I don’t know whether I’d be here now if it hadn’t been for that one comment...’ Despite living in the US at the moment, and the fact that his parents spend most of their time these days in France, Cox says Britain will always be home – and he’s very close to his family.  He has a brother, and three half siblings from his father’s first marriage, and his parents have flown to see him in Madrid while he’s over for the premiere of There Be Dragons. After school, he spent a gap year working for a photographer – and even before he could take up a place at Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, he’d landed the role of Theo in the movie Dot the i.  ‘An agent took a punt on me and put me up for the part,’ he says.  ‘I’ve been incredibly lucky, and that was just one of my lucky breaks.’
But it’s not just luck – Cox is immensely likeable, and he’s obviously genuinely passionate about acting.  He’s also been smart enough to realise that he can learn a huge amount from more seasoned actors – so he saw acting alongside Robert de Niro and Michelle Pfeiffer in Stardust, for example, as a fantastic opportunity to soak up knowledge.  And he’s learnt lots more, too, from Roland Joffe, director of There Be Dragons, who was also the film-maker behind The Mission (about the early Jesuits in south America) and The Killing Fields (about the murderous Pol Pot regime in Cambodia), both of which were Oscar nominees.
‘I didn’t think twice about taking the part of Josemaria, and that was down to Roland,’ he says.  ‘He’s such a great director – he really understands the processes that actors have to go through to give their best.  I learnt so much from working with him.’
Given the subject-matter of There Be Dragons, Cox also spent time in the run-up to filming learning about Opus Dei, which has the status of a ‘personal prelature’ within the Catholic Church.  ‘I visited several Opus Dei houses, and I went on a retreat and had a lot of help from an Opus Dei priest, Fr John Wauck.’
Before he made the film, he admits, he’d never heard of Josemaria – and all he knew about Opus Dei was what he’d read in Dan Brown’s book The Da Vinci Code.  But researching Josemaria, he says, what struck him most was the saint’s humanity – and his ability, examined in the film, to forgive.  ‘It was an example I had to put into practice, because one day when we were filming I returned to my trailer to find someone had broken in and cleaned the place out completely,’ he says.  ‘They’d even taken my computer, and the charger, and even my clothes.’ ‘The following day I was due to film one of the big scenes in which Josemaria shows how he can forgive, and I remember thinking: this is really interesting.  And the thing is that I did manage to forgive the guy who nicked my stuff.’ ‘And what I realised, through that incident, was that – though we think of forgiveness as something very moral and impressive, it’s actually something that works totally in your own favour.  Because if you don’t forgive then you’re angry inside – and that anger doesn’t hurt the other person, but it really hurts you.’ Since filming finished for There Be Dragons, Cox has been working on another movie – Moby Dick, due to be released later this year – and now Boardwalk Empire.  It all suggests, I tell him, that fame – which he’s told previous interviewers frightens him – could be beckoning. ‘It’s tricky,’ he says, candidly.  ‘I’ve got friends who have gone on to extraordinary fame, and what I’ve realised through them is that it’s never quite as appealing as it promised to be. ‘On the other hand, like everyone else I want recognition.  I like people to think I’m good at what I do. That’s human nature, isn’t it?’
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bonniebird · 1 year
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Billy x Fem!Reader / Steve x Fem!Reader 
Requested by Anon​
December event
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“Oh! It’s you.” Billy said as he answered the door. You’d knocked quietly. Then knocked again louder and immediately felt bad for intruding. “What do you want?” He asked as he leaned on the door frame and took a drag from his cigarette.
“I. Urm. I asked Steve if he could pretend to be my date for dinner this evening with my family. They can’t come down for Christmas so we’re having the dinner early. I wanted to know…” You trailed off when he chuckled.
“You wanted to know if I'd pretend to be your date instead? Sure. What time do I need to come over?” Billy asked.
“Five?” You asked. He nodded and headed back inside, saying he’d see you there. Your parents arrived while you were out picking up some last-minute items for your family dinner. When you got there you headed straight into the kitchen. Pausing your frantic stuffing of food into the fridge and the rush to unpack other food onto trays before your parents could see that they were premade as you heard someone you recognised. 
“Hey! Sorry I… Steve!” You said as you hurried into the living room.
“Hey! Sorry I should have called and said that my plans could change.” Steve said. He was sitting in the living room with your mum who had a steaming mug in her hand.
“Oh… that’s ok. Where’s dad?” You asked.
“There was something wrong with his car he stopped off at the garage.” Your mum said. You nodded slowly and hurried out of the room. As you went to the phone Steve followed and started checking on the food for you.
“Damn it!” You grumbled.
“What?” Steve asked quickly as he carefully shook a tray to roll over the food to the less cooked side and put it back in the oven.
“When you said that you couldn’t come I asked Billy. I can’t get hold of him.” You grumbled. Setting down the phone you and Steve sorted the food. Just as it was ready to dish up you heard Billy’s car pull up on the end of the drive. “Hey, mum? Could you just keep an eye on dinner? Steve and I have to go… outside.” You called.
The two of you hurried out and saw that Billy had given your dad a lift and was talking with him.
“There you are!” Billy said as he gave you a warm hug.
“Here I am… also so is Steve.” You muttered. Billy frowned when he saw Steve but shrugged. Your dad thanked Billy for the lift back from the Garage and headed inside. “What’re you doing here?” Billy said to Steve.
“I’m here to help (Y/N). Her mum thinks we’re dating.” Steve answered quickly. “Well, I’m here to help (Y/N) too. Her dad thinks we’re dating.” Billy said back quickly. There was a long pause and you hesitantly said. 
"What do you mean my mum thinks I’m dating Steve and my dad thinks I’m dating Billy!? I only needed one of you to pretend to date me!" You hissed out at them in a worried mumble.
“Well, I wasn't told he’d be showing up. Besides your dad thinks I’m coming in.” Billy said and huffed at you both.
“Well. Your mum thinks I’m staying too.” Steve explained.
“Great. There’s no way that this could go terribly at all. Alright. We go in but we just try and convince them both. I guess. Maybe we can say there was a mix-up.” You said hopefully.
“Your mum asked if I was going to propose.” Steve said and winced when you sighed.
“Well, your dad asked me if we’d name our first boy after him.” Billy said and grinned when you groaned and started walking down the drive.
“Where are you going?” Steve called.
“To Robin’s.” You said quickly. Stopping when they hurried after you and convinced you to stay.
“We’ll get through it. It’s just until after dinner right? Then we can head home and they’ll go to bed. You said they were in a rush tomorrow to catch their plane. You never know they might get up so early that you don’t have to talk to them about it.” Steve offered hopefully.
“I suppose.” You muttered as the three of you headed inside.
Billy tags:
@elenavampire72 @zoomdeathknight @pheonix4269 @bloodrose @sarahbullet235 @lovelyy-moonlight @stellasblog @DeanWinchestersgirl87 @thekayarlene @linkpk88 @babypink224221 @lisainhell @spiderwebs-blog @gryffindorqueensworld @rockyrascal @twerp8999 @theletterhart @boardstomymood @big-galaxy-chaos @greekktragedyy @ietss @alexxavicry @daughterofthenight117 @sarcasm-n-insomnia @multi-fandom5 @skylermoyer @justice-for-the-kaldorei @favmeyou @kaylantus @supernatural-wolfie @yougottalovefandoms @alwaysadreamingoptimist @love1deandra @archaeologydigit @im-eating-rn @bucketbunny @littlefreakingfangirl @hardladyheart @gillybear17 @lchufflepuffcorn @prettyplant0 @hardladyheart @slxthxrxn-sxmp @jamie-c-bower-simp @aw--heck @amournoir @boardstomymood @heeheehoohoohahahihi
Steve tags:
@elenavampire73 @zoomdeathknight @pheonix4269 @bloodrose @sarahbullet235 @lovelyy-moonlight @stellasblog @DeanWinchestersgirl87 @thekayarlene @linkpk88 @babypink224221 @lisainhell @spiderwebs-blog @gryffindorqueensworld @rockyrascal @twerp8999 @lovesanimals0000 @big-galaxy-chaos @alexxavicry @daughterofthenight117 @sarcasm-n-insomnia @multi-fandom5 @justice-for-the-kaldorei @rafecameronswhore @favmeyou @kaylantus @aprilfire18 @supernatural-wolfie @yougottalovefandoms @devilslilbabysblog @alwaysadreamingoptimist @love1deandra @archaeologydigit @im-eating-rn @bucketbunny @multifandomwriter56 @littlefreakingfangirl @thebookisbtr @gillybear17 @bluejaysaysstuff @lchufflepuffcorn @fatherfigured @stupendousbelieverzombie @prettyplant0 @bluejaysaysstuff @im-ilvn @slxthxrxn-sxmp @jamie-c-bower-simp @skylermoyer @writerfulltime @readingbookelf @maplefire18 @amournoir @heeheehoohoohahahihi
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Little scarab (pt 1)
Content - museums, readers niece being a chaotic Cupid, angst, little!reader, this part is big space, very heavily mentioned little space, reader being scared to tell her partners about her little space, mentions of a play room, fluff, don’t like don’t read.
Summary - how your journey with your mommy and daddy’s started.
Authors note - it started out as a two parter in my mind but now I’m thinking why not make it an au?, shh we don’t talk about the employment plot in the beginning, hope you enjoy!
Part 2 - here
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It all started with a trip to the museum.
You had planned a day out with your 10 year old niece, your sister was practically begging you too seeing as it was half term and she hadn’t had a break for a good few days.
You both decided on the museum one because she had a history project and two it was a place you thought she would have to be quiet and respectful.
You were wrong with both of your assumptions.
“Abbey!” You quietly hissed running around with your boots gently hitting the floorboards, eventually apprehending her gently by the back of her coat you walked around and saw what she was looking at, of course it was the gift shop.
Taking her hand making sure she couldn’t wander off you made your way towards some paperweights and books of ancient Egypt. You didn’t remember much about the pyramids and Egyptian gods you didn’t really pay much attention to them at school but you always found them interesting.
“Auntie Y/N what’s this?” She asked pointing at a paper weight of the pyramid of Giza “that’s the-” “that is the great pyramid of Giza” a woman with shoulder length curly hair and a dark green jacket on answered “it was built roughly around 2550 to 2490 bc by the Egyptian people and it’s stayed there for centuries.” She answered picking up the pyramid and giving it to your niece with a smile looking forward at you “yeah well, yeah that’s about it” you said with a chuckle at the woman.
You couldn’t get over how beautiful she was.
“You wanna know something?” A man with jet black curls asked while stacking shelves “what?” Abbey said eagerly “we’ve been in there” he said gesturing to they woman in front of you. The revelation made your niece very excited but you obviously didn’t believe him.
You would later on find it to be true.
After a few minutes of talking to the couple you learned that their names were Layla and Steve. Eventually you realised that it was getting late and that you sadly had to get abbey home to your sister. “Can we get this for mum auntie? Please she’d love it” abbey said hopefully looking at you “of course we can bey” you said taking her hand.
After the pair had rung you up they wished you a good night Laylas hand grazing yours a little to long before you made your way to the exit.
Or course abbey thought it was the right time to announce her opinion on your interaction before you had even left the room.
“You fancy them don’t you auntie” “Abbey!”
───── ⋆⋅◇⋅⋆ ─────
Since that night you hadn’t really thought about the interaction apart from when you heard terms like god, goddess, museum, pyramid, paper- hang on, you might have thought about it a little bit.
You were sitting behind the cash register at the cafe you worked at, it was in the heart of London so you saw all types of people, but you never expected to see the two people you had been thinking about for weeks.
Once they had seen you, Laylas features lit up and Steven had a surprised expression on his face that was almost comedic. Once they had chosen a table you rushed discreetly to be the one that served them earning a snigger from Harley, Harley was your best friend and they had been the recipient of every detail about each of them at least every 4 days.
“Hiya!, what can I get for you?” You asked smoothing out your apron a tad and looking at each of them with a warm smile. “Uh yes um could I get an earl grey tea please?” Steven stuttered out with a smile on the side of his mouth “absolutely, and what about you?” “Just a black coffee thanks” Layla said grinning at you.
After you had brought out their drinks you stayed to talk to them for a while until you were called back into the kitchen. When they came over to pay for their drinks Layla slipped a piece of white paper over to you with 2 phone numbers attached.
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That was 5 months ago and you had been together ever since you phoned them up the day after.
You knew about Marc and konshu and Layla and taweret, obviously you had been very confused and not to mention concerned about their well being but in the end you had figured out that they had everything covered. Everything was perfect. Well almost perfect.
You still hadn’t told them about your age regression.
The topic wasn’t easy to bring up at all so you just never bothered, but it was beginning to take its toll on you. You hadn’t had the chance to regress for almost the entire time you had been together, it wasn’t just them though it was work and your family. You just never got any time to yourself.
You were beginning to distance yourself from them and they were starting to notice. Every time they came around to your flat you seemed on edge to them and they were starting to think you felt uncomfortable around them. Obviously that couldn’t be further from the truth, you were only on edge because you were always looking around for any little things you might have left out and it didn’t help that when Marc was fronting he was always trying to guess what was behind the locked door next to your bedroom.
Eventually they had reached their breaking point.
Hearing a knock at the door you got up from the sofa, after you unlocked it your were met with the sight of Marc and Layla’s worried faces. Oh no.
After inviting them in they gestured you over to the sofa, you didn’t like this silence. “Are you two okay your acting very strangely” you said sitting in the middle of them “were ok baby, we want to know what’s going on with you” Marc said as gently as he could. “What do you mean, I’m fine” you said with a false smile “no your not honey, we know when somethings wrong you don’t have to lie to us” Layla said softly lightly scratching your scalp and placing a kiss on your forehead.
God that was almost enough too make you slip.
Taking deep breath’s you eventually found the courage to speak “have you heard of age regression?” You asked quietly looking at the carpet. “Um no, what is it.” You heard Layla ask still lightly caressing your arm, getting up quickly you found your iPad and typed in the definition of age regression. You weren’t brave enough to say it out loud, giving Marc the iPad you moved to your bedroom. You just didn’t want to see them leave.
Getting under your duvet and curling up in the Cotten sheets you held onto the light blue rabbit and let silent tears fall into the fur. You hated this feeling being on the verge and hazy, you were so uncomfortable that you didn’t hear the footsteps coming into your bedroom.
Feeling the duvet slowly being pulled back you felt Marc carefully get into the bed beside you. Gently pulling you and to face him he used the pad of his finger to wipe away the stray tears. “Shhh it’s ok, your ok just breath for me honey, just like that good job” he said as he talked you through a breathing exercise.
About 15 minutes later you were silent in his arms slowly breathing in and out. Hearing the sound of the front door being opened you instantly sat up in a slight panic only to be gently pulled back down by mark “it’s ok baby it’s just Layla” he said stroking your hair. A few minutes later Layla came into the room with a glass of water in one hand and a sippy cup full of water in the other “hi sweetheart,I didn’t know if you had one or not and I wanted you to be able to choose so I nipped out and bought you one.”
After placing down the two water filled containers she lifted you gently into her side placing a few kisses on the top of your head. “Are you feeling big or little at the moment honey?” Mark asked you soothingly “a bit of both” you said straightening up a bit “why are you being so nice about it?” you mumbled into the side of Laylas neck “because there is absolutely nothing wrong with this my love” Layla said looking at you intensely “we want to be here for you Y/N, we can take care of you.”
“Is Steven ok with it?” You questioned mark almost instantly his eyes rolled back “yes love I’m alright with it” Steven said giving you a small kiss to the tip of your nose “alright then” you said slowly letting yourself fade into sleep in the loving embrace of your partners.
"Goodnight little scarab."
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Taglist @lethalbeautiful @lucielbinon-binary
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joekeeryswife · 2 years
Hey can you do 85 pregnancy form prompt 1 with Steve Harrington
Thank you<33
“I have a human being growing inside of me, I’m not okay.” - S.H
sorry it took me so long to get to this request, i’ve had a lot going on and i didn’t even see it. this is so bad so i’m sorry x
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you were stressed. you were living with Steve due to you getting pregnant 6 months ago. you were a hormonal mess. anytime someone would be nice do you, you’d cry, anytime someone did something for you, you’d cry. it was just a cycle of tears. you were sat in the living room of Dustin’s house, listening to him explain some weird movie that he made everyone watch.
“Dustin, just say it’s a bad movie” Max said, head falling on the back of the sofa. Steve’s arm around your shoulders tightened as he looked between the two. “shut up Max. it’s a great movie” Dustin replied, sitting up from the sofa. you sighed hearing them two bicker back and forth and before you knew it, all of the kids started shouting at one another about the movie.
you carefully got up off the sofa, Steve’s arm falling off you in the process, tired of hearing the arguments, and walked out the front door, sitting on the chair that was outside. you didn’t need the stress of 6 kids screaming so walking outside seemed like the best idea. Steve watched you as you walked outside and when he heard the door close, he lost it.
“guys stop fighting” he shouted, making them all turn to look at him. “i understand you guys didn’t like the movie Dustin put on but did it really need to turn into an argument? i know it may not mean that much to you guys but y/n is struggling and hearing you guys fight isn’t helping. now, pick a movie you all like and stop bickering.” he said, standing up once he’d finished talking, leaving to come find you.
he walked outside and found you sat on the outside sofa, hand rubbing your forehead and the other on your bump. you were taking deep breaths, trying to calm down. “hey love” he said, coming to sit next to you. “you okay?” he carried on, running a hand through your hair.
“no Steve” you said, looking up at him. he sighed, listening to you rant. “i have a human being growing inside me, im not okay” you sighed, looking out at the open field. “and the kids bickering over the tiniest thing is just stressful. i know they are teenagers but arguing over a movie? it’s all too much, especially now.” you said, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“i know sweetheart, i just told them off for it” he said, throwing an arm over your shoulder like he had done when you were inside. he played with your hair as you spoke up again. “you shouldn’t of told them off i’m just being silly. but hearing the arguments, what if we have more kids and they all argue like that. i wouldn’t know what to do” you said honestly. you were scared of the future, what if you couldn’t be as stern with your kids as you needed to be?
“hey, don’t think about that now. let’s focus on you and this baby before you go thinking about the future. you’re already a great mum and i can’t wait to have this baby” he said, his free hand rubbing your stomach softly. your heart melted. the tears started welling up in your eyes.
“stupid bloody hormones” you said, tears now falling freely down your flushed cheeks. “don’t cry baby” Steve said, kissing your forehead. your tears fell at a quick pace. “i’m not even sad” you said, making Steve laugh. you laughed with him, the tears slowing but not stopping.
“you wanna go back inside when you’ve calmed down?” he asked, moving hair that had fallen on your face out of the way. you nodded your head and tried to calm down. you took some deep breaths and finally calmed down after a few minutes. “you ready?” Steve said, standing up, putting a hand out for you to take.
you got up and both started walking back inside and saw all of the kids sat quietly watching ‘The Aristocats’. once you were seated back down on the sofa comfortably, Max, who was next to you, quickly threw her arms around you. “we’re sorry y/n. we didn’t meant to stress you out” she said, making everyone look over. one by one, the kids started joining the hug, all saying sorry. “it’s okay guys, don’t worry” you said once they’d all pulled away from you. Steve pulled you into him, kissing your forehead. you hated the chaos but you’d never change it.
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