#and we stan a himbo king!
gimmethatagustd · 1 year
Wyb!Yoongi, I’m excited about our date… heard that you know a lot about whiskey. Would love to learn about it 😏
"I cannot begin to understand why you still want to go on a date with me, but it's cute. I could teach you a thing or two. We'll get the expensive shit. But if you don't like it, that's okay. I can get you something else."
( send me a character ask and i'll give you a consensual forehead kiss )
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galaxietm · 2 years
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finished watching Disen.chanted, catch me picking up a muse from both movies (partially in thanks to @peachiiihearts​ enabling me but also bc i love him)
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tlblitz · 2 years
I’m thinking about Cardfight Vanguard again, and boy howdy do I just love it to death
Like? Funny as hell and also unironically how some of this series’s men feel about each other
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deadmomjokes · 10 months
Alright scroll past if you don't want spoilers for Queen's Thief book 3, King of Attolia, because I'm back on my bs with memes about it to keep from yelling
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Y'all weren't kidding about the Best Boy Costis, huh? We stan a hotheaded ride-or-die himbo with more heart than sense.
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He doesn't get paid enough for this.
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Speaking of the newlyweds....
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Was I misreading that scene? Or was that man propositioning her on the dance floor and she had to leave to cool down because she was this close to jumping his bones in front of everyone?
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Honestly the juxtaposition between how everyone assumes they must hate each other and how they are in private is hysterical to me. He loves his hot girlboss wife so much.
Alas, it comes with Responsibilities.
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Can we get an F in the chat for the man who didn't think this through past "hng love"
Loved the dynamics we got once he started accepting the necessity of it tho.
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My mans may be king now, but he's still first and foremost A Problem.
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And of course the moments when the gloves came off
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Homeboy's an absolutely unhinged murder machine waiting to blow and it's both terrifying and so satisfying.
I have more, but this is long already and i worked hard on the ones I really want y'all to see, so stay tuned for part 2 lol
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fluffypotatey · 10 months
Say what you will about Arthur and his utter lack of game, but always appreciate the fact this man looked at Morgana, duchess of drip, and decided a dagger would be the best gift for her.
And when it was pointed out that it might not be her style, he went "ah shit you right" and just had the fucking thing tricked out. That was his solution. That was his thought process. Not that a knife was inappropriate, but that it needed to be a custom piece. No basic bitches in this household.
Mans said "what shall I get my significant annoyance this year?", shook his braincell like a Magic 8 Ball, and came up with "knife."
We stan one princely himbo.
ngl i like to use this as proof for Arthur and Morgana being so close and knowing each other so well because i have such a soft spot for my pendragon siblings 🤧
(thoughts under the cut bc….*coughs* i suffer from pendragon sibs brainrot)
listen, listen to me: these guys really did only have each other when they were younger and surrounded by nobody but stuffy nobles and an emotionally repressed/abusive father. Arthur lost his mother king before he got to know her, and Morgana lost a father whom she knew and loved so dearly. they were children who never really got to grieve what was lost from them (although, in some way, Morgana was given some time to grieve and mourn but never for too long).
Arthur has known Morgana for her spunk and rebellious nature against the status quo King Uther enforces since they were children. She was always trying to learn to fight (see her bragging about beating Arthur when they were younger in 1x10) and probably taught herself secretly how to use a sword (or had some help as well 👀 but that’s just a headcanon). She was always at odds with Uther about magic (while Arthur would receive severe punishment for disagreeing with his father, Morgana’s anguish was treated like the flights of a lady’s emotions).
It would be offensive (towards Morgana) if Arthur were to ever gift her something so stereotypical and stuffy on her birthday. He most likely knew that she would have wanted something to use to protect herself: ergo, dagger.
Fuckinnnnnnng, read what Arthur says about his gift omfg 🫠
ARTHUR Beautiful, isn't it? Feel the balance, feel the sharpness of the blade.
This man put so much thought and care into this gift for her. Listen, she was his first friend, the first person to not treat him like he was fragile or the fault of his mother’s demise. She was Arthur’s sister before he even knew that’s how he saw her and their relationship. Morgana meant so much to him, your honor, I fucking can’t. They loved each other so much despite the gradual rift that he gained when we first meet them in s1, your honOR—
But then you have Merlin’s comment:
MERLIN Well, I'm no expert, but don't women normally go for pretty things? Like, maybe, jewellery?
(yes he said this as a way to deter Arthur from sticking with a dagger bc of the vision he saw but still)
And so Arthur Dumb-of-ass & bi-of-sexual Pendragon takes Merlin’s advice, realizes that yeah, Morgana still likes feminine things like dressed and jewelry and pretty shit. LET ME BEDAZZLE THIS DAGGER JUST FOR HER
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SHE LOOKS ENTRANCED BY IT???? MAYBE TOUCHED (<- fluffy is reaching, she has gone insane) MAYBE EVEN CONSIDERING THAT ARTHUR DOES CARE AND MAYBE SHE COUOD TURN HIM AGAINST UTHER TO JOIN HER???? (<- fluffy.exe is suffering malfunctions. delusion file has been corrupted)
Literally every other noble gifted her a fancy hairbrush (those fucking posers) and you would think! With how much this show presents Arthur as emotionally repressed and very obtuse when it comes to women, you would think they would regress his character (again) to make a joke out of him (again) not knowing what to give Morgana for her birthday
Not only that, BUT SHE TAKES THE DAGGER WITH HER WHEN MEETING MORGAUSE (s3’s big bad villain who is the new up-and-coming High Priestess after Nimueh, whom Merlin smited (smote? smitten?) and does not give any fucks about Uther or Arthur. Both could just die for all she cares.)
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I would never lie to you. Transcript speaks the truth. Also, what other dagger would they speak about??? It’s Arthur’s gift and she was so touched by it that she decided to use it for her nefarious schemes of regicide!
ARTHUR To lose her now, like this...I've grown up with her, she's like a sister to me. I'd sacrifice my place on the throne for her to see another sunrise.
*deep breath*
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So much shit could have been avoided if these dumbass Pendragons just talked to each other T^T Jfc, Arthur loves those close to him so deeply. He is so loyal to them that it blinds him, that he would willingly give up anything just to keep them alive and happy.
ough, yeah I’m okay (<- liar)
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So, The Dragon Prince season 4, huh? Well worth the wait, loved where it's going. Anyway, here's some thoughts on it, good and bad, in no particular order:
For something called "Mystery of Aaravos" there was quite a lack of Aaravos
Terry was great, we stan a supportive boyfriend
Soren's pajamas mean everything to me
Ezran's crown holds so much meaning omg
Rex Igneous reconsidering murder because of chocolate
Barius the Baker, King Ezran's Minister of Crusts and Jellies will be very busy making tarts for two kings from now on
If Crow Master is Crow Lord's #2, where in the chain of command is Associate Crow Lord?
If I had a nickel for every ATLA reference...
Soren and Corvus are dating you can't convince me otherwise
Fr tho, who vandalized Zubeia's painting?
The architect was completely in the wrong there. Let the SunFIRE Elves make fire
Ibis nooo
Stella feels untrustworthy
Omg the Zym "death" scene
Viren may be evil, but he isn't transphobic
Sir Sparklepuff my beloved
Just destroy the cube already omg
They really do say "Trees to meet you"!!!
Soren's face when he saw Viren :( our poor himbo has gone through enough
Karim really told Janai and Amaya to be "roommates"
Callum being so confident with magic
Omg Janai if you're gonna make the love of your life read your lips, look at her when you're talking!
I know we only saw them for like 5 seconds, but I miss Terry's glasses
Soren had so much growth! He went from chaining up dragons to unchaining dragons to befriending a dragon
I really hope we see N'than again
Aaravos slays at everything he does
The coins!
Yes Janai! Kick his ass!
Janai and Amaya really are sword lesbians
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chans-room · 8 months
📞 Spookyfest Presents 📞
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Monsta X in Scream
Cast List:
Randy - Yoo Kihyun
Hilarious and sets the mood. Letting you know all the rules you should be following and all the ones you’re breaking. Somehow makes it out alive despite all the odds saying he should definitely die. Love him.
Tatum - Lee Minhyuk
Kinda bitchy but in the most supportive way and I mean this as the highest compliment. I’ve always loved Tatum and I also love Minhyuk. Best one liners and serving lewks the whole movie.
Gale - Chae Hyungwon
Hyungwon and Gale Weathers are both That Bitch. Will put up a hell of a fight, look good doing it, AND get their story and that money. Will def get punched in the face tho at some point but survives! And that’s what matters.
Dewey - Lee Hoseok
Big himbo energy. Wants to do his best but kinda fumbles here and there, in the most well meaning way. We love and we stan. But baby he is not the brains of this operation.
Stu - Lee Jooheon
He and Changkyun have an unsettlingly close relationship, and while he remains the lighthearted jokester of the bunch, he is still a menace and is not to be underestimated. He’d crack jokes as he slits someone’s throat and/or bleeding out.
Billy - Im Changkyun
Revenge Plot King. Thought through all the variables and potential outcomes and knows exactly what to do. He’s playing the long game and you’d never know until you’re in the middle of his trap. But even covered in blood he’s so hot you can’t help but feel some type of way about him. Don’t judge me.
Sidney - Sohn Hyunwoo
Shonwu has big final girl energy imo. He also lowkey gives me Sid vibes in the way that he’s kinda soft spoken and introverted.
spookyfest babes: @kiestrokes @eureka-its-zico @j-a-nuary @minisugakoobies @minttangerines @chimivx
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cosmichoneyz · 10 months
things in good omens s2 that made me audibly wheeze
this is just a happy post to distract myself and others from the Horrors. let us begin
the apology dance - the fucking GENTLE MUSIC IN THE BACKGROUND. THE ANNOYED MONOTONE SINGING. THE LITTLE SPIN AND BOW AT THE END. heLP me they are so married. who comes up with this shit. every time i think about this existing i cackle it's so domestic and adorable and i need someone to do this for me even if i don't need an apology for anything. 10/10 :)
job's son randomly flirting with a very confused aziraphale and crowley coping in the background - this is 100% funnier when you remember he was played by david tennant's son. like. he just showed up did the gayest pose imaginable hit on michael sheen and left without elaborating. this is the only time nepotism will ever be acceptable to me !!
crowley being high and scottish - i literally could not breathe during this sequence. perfect representation of my three remaining brain cells. "TRYING TO KILL YOURSELF IS.. is.... it's NOT ON" SPEAK YOUR TRUTH CROWLEY!!!! loved the scottish anthem cover Btw
shax repeatedly murdering that one poor demon - this happened to them in s1 as well. they just can't catch a break. me if i was part of the fiery legions of hell
gabriel/jim being gabriel/jim - he is such a fucking himbo he would have jumped out the window if crowley hadn't made him stop. we stan. we love an awkward king in grandpa jumpers <3
beezlebub being absolutely done with everyone - i liked their s1 actor too but this change feels so RIGHT they are portrayed so well and i am here for it ! someone give them a break jfc
detective aziraphale finding out what grindr means - i have no words. iconic. i want a fic where azi looks grindr up and makes a profile and then crowley explodes (literally)
in conclusion: definitely deserving of the "#1 comedy on prime video" trophy rn. funny show. please watch otherwise s3 might not happen and i need it to happen for my life to continue having meaning Thanks
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kagoutiss · 11 months
ganondorf king of evil more like king of my heart. this bitch casts spells! and when u deflect fireball my man is UNBOTHERED just shrugs and is like damn worth a shot! and then breaks out the knuckle dusters to beat ur ass concave and i love him for it. he contains multitudes. hes peak wizard hubris, the triforce cranked magic stats to max and he rly said dope my feet are never touching the floor again. we have no choice but to stan
ur so right…….he has this Whimsical And Also Scary Magical Prowess that is also oddly underexplored imo like he’s basically the most powerful sorcerer. ever? may or may not have invented lightning magic as well also. i feel like interpretations of his character are often just reduced to Big Buff Large Powerful Juggernaut Of Physical Destruction (or worse yet people constantly labeling him as a ‘himbo’ for some reason. when he objectively isn’t), but anyway yeah i love when his physical strength & magical prowess are allowed to coexist because his entire thing is really just that he’s a fundamentally ambitious person who Has To Be Good At Everything Ever and a big huge part of that is his wizardry :’-)
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thekats · 19 days
2AM thoughts
CW: suggestive content, mentions/discussion of SA/rape
I just saw (again) a post with that Lae'zel-Halsin banter that's like 'has he killed more or fucked more in his 350 year alive?' and he goes 'chimera has 3 heads but does it count as one creature?' Then Lae'zel says 'must have been a challenging kill' and he replies 'yes... kill' (sorry, my palm brushed the back button and the post was lost from view or I'd have done this as a reblog, but again it's 2am, I'd scrolled for a while until it popped up and I'll have forgotten by the time I get up again).
Now, I see three potential readings for this and I'm not saying any of them are more or less valid, just wanted to package them into wordsies:
A) Halsin is doing a funny. From banter with Shadowheart (for example) we see that he does have a funny bone. I'm thinking in particular the animal noises she offers to make to make him feel more at home in the shadow-cursed lands and him going 'you bleat well enough as is'. Yup, can absolutely be read as 100% serious, but doesn't really match his character. Think also the 'you're so big and strong and muscular and huge hunky-hunk-man for an elf' dialogue option in camp. His reply 'really?' is, for a split second, convincingly genuine, but he instantly reveals that 'ha-ha! Tricked you, of course I know I'm a big beefy himbo guy for an elf, we have fun.' Not to play the autism card, but this humour is very popular among autistics, I don't make the rules. Allistics frequently don't get it, especially because we use it with such earnestness that it can be tough to see the intention of a joke.
The chimera banter does fit that pattern.
B) He did fuck that chimera, he is a monsterfucker. Obviously, this is the favourite option for both Halsin-stans and Halsin-...crams... it's 2.19am, fuck off.
Him horny, him 'old', him horny and old, he fuck monsters. We don't know when he did it, how he did it, why he did it. Maybe he really was just horny and he put all of y'all's hear-me-outs to shame (I'm not a monsterfucker, personally, I can't even bring myself to fuck Halsin in bear form, so I don't have any hear-me-outs). Maybe there was something external at play. Maybe it's Maybelline(TM R C and such). Honestly, good for him. All we know for sure is that he checked in with that chimera to make sure it was all consensual beginning to end. Absolute king. I'd believe that a chimera would get the hots for him. He can get it.
3) He did have sexual intercourse with a chimera, but it wasn't consensual on his part. "But Kats," I hear you scream (I don't, humour me), "why would he be so chill about it then?!" The drow. He says himself in his Sharess' Caress afterglow dialogue that the way he speaks of the events now isn't necessarily representative of the severity of the events. Ffs he reports being raped, a sex slave for three years, and still 'some of it was done willingly'. My bro, my boo, son. N.O.! Just because it was "in their nature" as lolth-drow or some shit does not make it excusable! Just because you got a hard-on, a natural bodily reaction that has nothing to do with willingness or consent, does not mean you have to downplay what happened, even if that makes it easier in your own mind. Therapy. You, me and someone qualified. And Astarion. And Gale. And Derryth Bonecloak, honestly... NOW!
I would not be any more surprised than with the other two options if this were the tale behind that... story. Martel, I am running out of vocabulary here, but you know what I mean.
Anyway, again, I don't consider any of these more or less true/likely than each other. Perhaps there's even other options? Perhaps there's official info on it that I haven't come across yet bc I've had the game for 3 weeks and there is just so much content all of the time. Yeah, just wanted to lay down my 2 cents. Okay, nighty night!
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smoshidiot · 5 months
top 5 smosh vids of 2023 👀
+ top 5 slaps in the new vid? 😹💕
ok i LOVED some of the pit/games vids but this is gonna be a lil main channel heavy because it feels like home to me ♡
We Bought Smosh. I have to shout out this video because holy shit how incredible is that?? I still can't believe they bought smosh :')
Sleepwalking Disaster. My second favorite smosh sketch of all time just behind PEBO.
Food Battle 2023. They absolutely knocked it out of the park. FB2023 was everything I could've ever asked for and more it was perfect.
Joycon HIDE AND SEEK (Everybody 1, 2, Switch). This video was absolutely nuts and it's always such a delight to just see ian and anthony being the duo of all time.
How to Cheat on Any Test | Let's Do This! This is definitely my fave let's do this ep just from chanse's turn alone. it's so unhinged and fun to rewatch.
BONUS MENTION to anthony's funeral! not a youtube vid obviously, but that production was immaculate and it was such a joy to watch
Fave slaps (i'm counting the whole turn of the slap, not necessarily just the slap itself lol):
Ian. I mean come on. He went all out with that intro and i'd be lying if i said i haven't rewatched it a few extra times 👀
Tommy. Anthony what the actual hell is your problem?? CHOKE ME?? ok king go off
Marcus. He's just a silly guy and his turn was fun :]
Arasha. Goddamn girl were u trying to KILL the man. Everyone else clearly felt bad for anthony and went soft on him after that 😭
Angela. And how much Anthony struggled to get her despite all the hints. we stan a himbo ♡
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batwithin · 2 years
heres every thing i know about Queen Marika's giant family for now
hes like, The Father Radagon kids love him his actual name is Hoarah Loux but Marika tried to gentrify him and gave him a white guy name aparently has a daughter out of the marriage but no one talk about that he fucked Radagon at least once
Queen M malesona all his kids hated him cool dog tho blessed the whole bloodline with luscious red hair tbh didn't seens that he has much going on he just hot and mute
the reason why Marika had a malesona pulled the baddest of all bitches by being autistic silliest hat ever a very powerful sorcerer her husband left her to marry his lesbian self wich is kinda sad got that mental illnes going on and we love her for that
... he dead he was cool he was banging a dragon aparently tbh thats the only thing i know about him
he seens nice :) he's an Omen, wich was a good thing till god said it was a bad thing his momma threw him in the sewer ppl like to poor little meow meow the shit out of him and they're right loyal to the golden order even tho they're shitty to him HES NAKED ALL THE TIME AND I RESPECT THAT
WORLD WORST GAY REP just saying, he would make a GREAT priest Rykard:
literally the only one with a normal life sure he's a god devouring snake but its all that he wanted his wife loves him so much its ridiculous cute snake daughter too
HORSE GIRL very big man, he give Ganondorf vibes yeah i don't vibe with him very much but he was a hottie tho very tragic ending
mad powerfull, could have done everything herself if wasn't for the weak body she seen very serious but its actually a dork cool big hat with the LED strips cannonically fell in love with someone that die in every "try jumping" troll message voice make her sound pissed off 90% of the time kind of a Bissexual queen (we stan)
little guy had all the braincells he hated the golden order too, king shit rip Miq you would have loved to overthrown the government with your big sis could have gone far if wasn't for the child molestor tbh i though he was a girl pretty hair runs in the family
she was kind of a himbo also didn't had much going on, just like her father i support her rights and wrongs too had 5 childrens her dick game must be insane (i know they're spore kids leave me alone) just wanted to protect her brother also has a very tragic ending SHES ALSO NAKED ALL THE TIME JUST LIKE HER BROTHER
Honorable mentiouns to: Melina who could have been Ranni other self (like Radagon), Godrick and Godefroy i guess they're Godwyn's kids?? Roderika who either Marika or Godrick's daughter based on that Hewg dialog, Nepheli Loux implied to be Hoarah's descendant, all of Malenia's girls, Blaidd and Maliketh.
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nalivaa · 1 year
im sobbing you like merlin?? i had NO idea
i'd love to see your fave in your style (if you don't mind!! no pressure at all, i just love your art)
oh bestie i was obsessed with merlin for the longest time you have no idea 😭 sometimes i will be going about my day and see a random post about merlin and it's like a sleeper agent just goes batshit crazy inside my head banging pots and pans until i either read enough fanfic to soothe the pain or rewatch my favorite episodes to forget the finale asjdkaa
and yes of course how can i refuse <33
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i am a basic bitch i love arthur with all my heart he is my little guy and favorite himbo we stan a king who can't dress himself without his bestie and will complain about it until he gets him back.
it's those darn daddy issues and blue eyes i'm telling you they always get to me.
there's also the idea of a character who is raised to believe something is wrong and evil and then slowly learning more and more about it, seeing past what they've been told their entire life as they see the truth for themselves, until they can free themselves from their prejudices and see it for what it truly is, as something that isn't bad nor good by itself but simply is that just,,, speaks to me on a personal level. which is why it hurt so bad when arthur died without being allowed to complete his character development arc.
but it was mainly the daddy issues and blue eyes <3
give him back you cowards it's been eleven years how much longer must i wait for him to come back-
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dearweirdme · 11 months
Man, Jungkook cracks me up so much x)
See, I've seen, even in passing, all the current discourses about Seven: the pronoun thing (seriously, how is it even a discussion?), the BTS tag thing, the promo stuff, I've witnessed people (WEIRDLY always the same solo stans, even if they're jkkrs) say the most vile shit about him, pretending he has no creativity or identity of his own, questioning his artistry and whatnot, and i'm like...
Am I the only one that sees that song as just Kookie trolling the hell out of everyone like he always does?? Seven is hilarious. That MV is hilarious. Him singing earnestly how he's f*cking everyone and their cousin when we know he behaves most of the time like a five year old is objectively hilarious.
I honestly don't know how anyone can take it seriously. And, don't get me wrong, I love that song. Both versions have been on repeat since they came out. And I love him. I love his voice, I love his vibe, I love how he pours everything he has in everything he does. And I absolutely adore his sense of humour, and how he can and will do the most random things just for shits and giggles. Seven, imo, is part of that. Like he heard it and went "Yeah, imma sing that, just imagine their faces, it'll be priceless". It's honetsly giving me Lonely Island energy. And I'm all for it!
To y'all who're using that song to judge him, say that he's betrayed everything that BTS stands for, that he's a basic straight himbo, that he has nothing to offer artistically-wise - as if the past ten years and his solos/GCFs/covers/etc had never existed -, f*ck you, you suck. Go rain on someone else's parade.
Jungkook stays an unbothered queer trolling king 👌
(yes this ask has no point, I'm just venting sorry)
Hi @syneepsis !
I enjoy your approach to this. I agree that to Jk there is no seriousness involved in this song. I think he took the chance serious and saw a great opportunity, but he is totally detached from it personally. The way he talks about it makes that very clear to me.
I absolutely see how he’s taken the funny side in the mv. He’s hilarious 😂. That moment when he pops out of the coffin cracks me up every time. I think the way he performs the choreography is also very much him having fun with the moves and exaggerating for fandom. It’s not serious to him. It’s similar to how I always feel whenever he tries to be flirty with army on his lives. It’s like he’s laughing at himself for doing it.
We know what serious Jk comes up with.
Jk is a great performer, and I think that’s what he’s doing here. It does not take away from his song, it’s not like it’s a very deep song anyways. It’s just a nice song, it sets Jk up very well for his album release, which is what I think the whole purpose of this is.
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dykebyulyi · 1 year
im not watching Ted lasso s3 because i found it too,,, white? Like, i felt like there is no main non white character? besides nate, and the fandom,,, god the fandom treats him like trash, and he was truly just comic relief during s1.
on a less serious note the whole "keeley flirtd with rebecca constantly and its brushed off as joke except we dont call it a joke because thatd anger the sapphic stans" thing is kinda annoying too
and as much as i love my himbo king dani but,,,,,, yknow kinda one dimensional
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ploofyfun · 2 years
so i finally saw thor love and thunder and omfg i love king valkrie like literally slay and thor is such a himbo but we stan
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