#and we thought letting haru fall down a bridge was bad?
tessenpai · 1 year
Kono Oto Tomare Chapter 123 Scans and Rough TL
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Disclaimer: Please DO NOT use this translation to make your own TL of the chapter!! The KOT TL group works very hard to give you the most accurate translation, that does as much justice to the original script as possible. This is a ROUGH translation. That means is faulty and there must be mistakes in certain places. This is just for impatient people like myself to get a grasp on what is going on in the chapter! You can REFERENCE my TL if you want to discuss the chapter but never USE it as it was your own.
Scans: https://mangaraw.org/Kono-Oto-Tomare!/123
Page 1
Side text: An unforeseen situation...!!!
Akari [thoughts]: The bridge---!!!
Chapter Title: Proof
Page 2
Sentarou [thoughts]: Akari...!!
Haru [thoughts]: Akari-kun...!!
Akari [thoughts]: Oh no, oh no, oh no
Akari [thoughts]: First of all, I have to fix the bridge...!
Akari [thoughts]: Why? I never had this kind of mistake, not even in practice
Akari [thoughts]: Why? Why now?
Page 3
Akari [thoughts]: Why...!!!???
Akari [thoughts]: The performance! What part are they playing now---...
Page 4
Akari [thoughts]: I can't rejoin...!!!
Akari [thoughts]: This is bad, this is bad
Akari [thoughts]: There is no gap for me to enter the song...!!
Akari [thoughts]: What do I do?
Akari [thoughts]: What do I do?
Akari [thoughts]: I can't, I---
Page 5
Sentarou [memory]: Calm down, Akari!!!
Page 6
Sentarou [memory]: Let me be super clear with you
Sentarou [memory]: You aren't playing alone up there!
Sentarou [memory]: We can cover any of your misses, no problem!!
Haru [memory]: Akari-kun, there's nothing to worry about
Haru [memory]: We are right here with you.
Page 7
Sentarou [memory]: You can do it!!!
Page 8
Akari [thoughts]: ---Calm down. If I just recklessly try to rejoin at this speed, I will mess it up
Akari [thoughts]: The tempo becomes gentler a bit later, so I will enter then...!
Akari [thoughts]: It's ok, I can surely rejoin from there!
Akari [thoughts]: Just a bit more
Akari [thoughts]: Eight, Seven
Akari [thoughts]: Six, Five----
Page 9
Sentarou: Heh
Chika [thoughts]: He's back... Sigh
Page 10
Keishi [thoughts]: Well handled...!
Sane [thoughts]: Daaaaaaamn---!!! These kinds of things also happen...?
Mittsu [thoughts]: That's rough...
Tsukaji [thoughts]: Now is just a matter of whether this incident will affect the rest of the performance or not----...
Page 11
*No text*
Page 12
Chika: !
Chika [thoughts]: This is the part Hozuki's Mom told us about before---...
Chiharu [memory]: "It sounded like a small stream glittering with light"
Sentarou [thoughts]: It's ok Akari, Haru.
Sentarou [thoughts]: Let's go together until the end!!
Page 13
*No text*
Page 14
*No text*
Page 15
San-baka [thoughts]: It's here----!!! Eidai's Specialty
Natsu [thoughts]: Incredible speed and sharpness
Atsumu [thoughts]: Amazing... He is a first-year like me, but even after such an accident
Atsumu: Amazing... Amazing.
Page 16
Sentarou [thoughts]: Next, the part that Akari has a hard time playing---...
Page 17
Sentarou [memory]: I... will definitely carry the Koto Club back to Nationals!
Page 18
Sentarou [memory]: So make sure to watch us, Grandma.
Page 19
*Not text*
Page 20
Sfx: Waaaaaaah
Sentarou: Fuaaaaah
Page 21
Granny: What a marvelous performance
Sentarou's Grandma: Yes... Yes!!
Page 22
Hiro: Wow... I feel like crying
Sane: UOOOOH Eidai---!!!!
Mittsu and Kota: Waaaaaah
Natsu [thoughts]: Such high level...
Atsumu: -----...
Akari's friend 1: Sniff Sniff, Akari you are amazing
Akari's friend 2: You worked so hard
Page 23
Akari's friend 1: E- Excuse me, Onii-san. There was a very loud sound in the middle of---...
Keishi: Aaah... At the time of moving the bridge, it fell.
Akari's friend 1: Is it something that happens often?
Keishi: No, I wouldn't say it is...
Akari's friend: If the bridge falls, does it mean that... They are disqualified or something?
Keishi: No, it doesn't but...
Keishi: It's unfortunate that something like that happened
Akari's friend 1: ...I see...
Keishi: ----But
Keishi: What did you think about the performance you just heard?
Page 24
Akari's friend 1: -----... It was...
Akari's friend 1: Super good!!!
Akari's friend 2: I'm super moved!!
Akari's friend 3: It was so cool!!
Akari's friend 4: I've got goosebumps!!
Keishi: That's all that matters
Page 25
Keishi: This is a competition so they need to keep a track of points and a ranking.
Keishi: ---But when it comes to music
Keishi: The things that it made you feel
Keishi: That it moved you
Keishi: That is all that matters
Keishi: Those 3 guys' performance, it was the best, wasn't it?!!!
Page 26
Akari's friend 3: Ugh...
Akari's friend 3: I'm going to join the Koto Club too!!!
Akari's friends: Eh?
Akari's friend 1: Why so suddenly...
Akari's friend 3: I mean the Koto Club is on the verge of abolishment! Even when it's this awesome. And when the Senpais graduate Akari will be all on his own.
Akari's friend 1: I got it, calm down
Akari's friend 4: I will join too
Akari's friend 1: You too??
Keishi: Haha
Suzuka: ...What a good brother
Akari: Fufu I am very proud of my brother
Page 27
Keishi: Eh!!!!? Whatcha say!!?
Akira: Nothing!
Komaki: ...Well--
Komaki: Eidai help up really well---! I was so touched---
Tsukaji: Yeah, me too
Komaki: But the accident will be a disadvantage, right? Will they give them negative points or something like that?
Tsukaji: No, there isn't anything like that in the rules...
Tsukaji: But, well... There is a school like Meiryou, that played a perfect performance without any mistakes---
Page 28
Tsukaji: So 1st place is no longer ---...
Akari: Hick
Akari: Uuuh
Sentarou: Don't cry, Akari
Akari: I'm sorr...
Page 29
Akari: I'm sorry, I...
Akari: 'You can do it'
Akari: 'It will be ok'
Akari: Even when you encouraged me like that
Akari: Even when these were the Nationals you worked so hard to reach...
Page 30
Akari [thoughts]: I ruined everything
Akari [thoughts]: Everything
Akari: I'm ...sor
Akari [thoughts]: If I were not here.
Akari [thoughts]: If only the senpais came.
Akari: Hick
Akari: I'm so-
Sentarou: You are really an idiot, Akari
Page 31
Sentarou: I didn't want to tell you but
Sentarou: "Sound of the Rapids" is not a song that a beginner should be able to play in just 3 months, to begin with
Haru: Yeah, it's a really hard song
Haru: And Akari, just in 3 months
Haru: It was your first stage appearance, playing at Nationals no less
Haru: You even kept the tempo with us the whole time. It's incredible.
Page 32
Sentarou: Just how much practice you did, and you put more effort than anyone
Sentarou: Sometimes you fail, and those efforts don't always pay off.
Sentarou: ---Despite that
Sentarou: After the bridge fell, you were able to hold up and play to the very end.
Sentarou: Because you worked so hard up to this point
Page 33
Sentarou: Be proud!!
Page 34
Haru & Sentarou: Our performance today, was the best we've ever done!!!
Page 35
Side text: Effort is not always rewarded. But how you got there will never disappear.
---Kono Oto Tomare! will be on a break next month---
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The Rise, The Fall
Chapter 3: Three Quiet Accomplices
Chapter Summary:
“He’s stuck with you,” Taehyung was direct with his answers, “Your soul was leaving your body and he instinctively put it back inside your body – don’t fucking ask me how – and now he doesn’t know what to do. We have a council of elders that don’t approve of this, most probably. But we don’t know how to let them know because we might be reprimanded.”
‘Thank the fucking lord,’ Haru thought. At least someone was straightforward with their answers and didn’t have her jumping through hoops for a single yes or no.
~this is smut
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“What do you mean you put her soul back in her body?”
Jeongguk could only deadpan at Taehyung’s question. Because he seriously did not know how that happened. Everyone would do it if it was possible to revive humans. This was an enigma.
“I mean…I just…put it back. Into her body,’’ Jeongguk knew Taehyung was having none of it.
“Yes, but how?” Taehyung furrowed his brows and placed his fingers over his chin like a tick mark.
How could he just explain it when what he said was all that was there to it.
“Her soul was floating away, so I caught it with my hand and pulled it back into her body. Seriously, man, I can’t believe it either,” Jungkook pinched the bridge of his nose with his index finger and thumb.
It wouldn’t be surprising for someone out-of-the-loop to think there was something seriously wrong with Jeongguk.
“So, like a balloon then? Her soul was floating away so you just pulled it back,” Taehyung was seriously in disbelief. Part of him wanted to check Jeongguk’s mental calibrations for spouting such bullshit.
“Kind of. It was more like pulling a domain of energy. Like vibrations within a certain area,” Jeongguk tried his hardest to explain how he felt it occur.
“That makes more sense,” Taehyung showed him his signature poker face while putting his hands on his hips.
“Doesn’t seem legal…I don’t think I’ve ever heard of this before. In fact, I don’t think anyone I know has. This is a legendary checkpoint, man. The council is going to have a field-day with this.” Taehyung sounded worried for Jeongguk.
“I don’t think the council is ready for this,” Jeongguk was hinting to something Taehyung already had an inkling of, “I think we should keep this to ourselves for a while.”
Hyejin entered the room with a few scrolls and began sifting through them.
“Jeongguk, our brotherhood already has a bad rapport with the council. If you delay too much, we’re going to be in serious trouble. We can’t keep that girl here if it means disbanding our brethren.”
Jeongguk knew it would come to this. One single difference in opinion or decision could make the whole brotherhood fall apart. Which was part of the reason he didn’t tell about this gaffe to anyone else other than Taehyung. And Hyejin, being the loyal subordinate that she was, would never open her mouth.
“We can keep her here,” Taehyung’s head perked up to hear Jeongguk’s possibility of a condition, “if we keep this shit to ourselves. Just you, me, and Hyejin.”
Utter disbelief.
Taehyung gave out a nervous, airy laugh as he got ready to take his case.
“You’re seriously gonna risk 80 years of brotherhood for a human girl?”
Hyejin piped in, “Jeongguk-ssi, this doesn’t seem permissible by our laws. That girl could spell serious trouble for all of us.”
“It’s a human, Jeongguk,” Taehyung said, exasperatedly, “I’m just glad we don’t have to touch them, let alone interact with them. Next thing you know, you’ll say that you touched her – already putting my disbandment theory into practice.”
“I touched her.” There was guilt in his voice, as if he betrayed someone.
Taehyung let out an audible gasp, “You what-He touched her-“
Taehyung immediately turned to Hyejin, “He fucking touched her.”
Not that Hyejin had the same qualms with humans as Taehyung, she repeated after him in a flurry of confusion, “He touched her.”
“Are you fucking serious right now? I need a moment.”
Taehyung immediately plopped down the plush red couch and started breathing heavily.
Jeongguk, exhausted from all the useless explanations, made himself comfortable in the armchair opposite his hyung. He reached out to open Taehyung’s briefcase when suddenly-
“Nonononononono. You’re not touching my stuff no more, filthy human-toucher!” Taehyung quickly pulled his briefcase away, looking at Jeongguk as if he was a criminal.
“Hey man, come on now. You’re making me feel like one of those pedophiles. I hope this ‘human-toucher’ thing is not something that’s going to stay.”
Hyejin was staring to-and-from at Jeongguk and Taehyung, growing increasingly worried as every second ticked by.
It was very Taehyung-like. And he was right in his own place, and perspective. As much as they were making light of a serious event, they seriously did not know what lay before them. Taehyung still hadn’t asked why Jeongguk wanted to keep the girl from everyone, even going as far as risking it in front of the council.
He'd lose his status, reputation, and have to live as one of the lower-demon forms. Something suitable for a demon after making such a gaffe, what with it being wrong to meddle in human society and not respecting their own domains.
“You still haven’t asked why I am going to such lengths for a human yet, hyung,” Jeongguk decided to put it out there, since it was laying out as bare as a human skeleton. You guessed it right – all you had to do was peel off the skin and gouge out a few core organs. That’s how bare it was.
“It’s the same as Yoongi, right?” Taehyung suddenly opened his briefcase as if he meant business and began sorting a few documents.
“What do you mean the same as Yoongi-hyung? What the actual fuck?”
Total confusion.
Jeongguk’s head was going out in all sorts of tangents, wondering what his hyung meant. Taehyung however was kind enough to put his racing thoughts to a stop.
“He meddled with a human woman’s life before. You were the last to become a part of our assembly, but I thought one of us must’ve already told you this at some point. It’s fucking ridiculous…”
“What in the- Are you fucking with me right now? 80 years of me joining the assembly? Besides, Yoongi-hyung doesn’t even seem like the type of dude who’d do something like that. In fact, he seems like the last of our group to even think of it.” Jeongguk had never felt such infuriation before. Never in his life had he heard of something like this among the demon society, LET ALONE HIS OWN BROTHERHOOD!
“Hey fuck off, man. Give me a break. First of all, you’re still a filthy ‘human-toucher’ and second of all, I don’t run a helpdesk that says ‘human-touchers’ association’.
This day seemed like it was never going to end. Everything was toppling on each other like a domino-chain of ‘haha, let me fuck your mind and existence up at every level possible’.
“Fine. And what do you mean by ‘same as Yoongi’? What was his reason for meddling with the woman’s life?” Jeongguk could’ve planned not to ask something he didn’t want to know the answer for. He seriously could’ve, but all the thoughts revving up in his brain made him spew out something he wished he didn’t speak out loud.
Taehyung blinked at him a few times.
“They call it ‘love,’ right? We may be intelligent enough to process several emotions but love might not be one of them.”
Jeongguk agreed with Taehyung in many ways. Even their brotherhood stemmed from ‘loyalty’ to a specific domain of demons, sorting themselves into groups to maintain order and regulate lower-level demons. Members had to stick together with their kin and maintain their rapport in front of the council, which in turn, gave them many benefits while existing in the middle-world. One of them being able to visit to-and-fro from hell and the middle-world itself. Their loyalty, on the most basic level, stemmed from wanting to save their own skin and reap these middle-world benefits, in turn, giving them a pace of existence for their long livelihoods.
When Jeongguk didn’t reply, Taehyung continued, “Well then? Is ‘love’ the reason you’ve kept this girl all to yourself?”
“I haven’t kept her all to myself. Hyejin just met her,” Jeongguk explained hurriedly, “And no, love is not the reason. Really.”
Taehyung titled his head to the side in contemplation and stared at Jeongguk as if trying to gauge something.
Jeongguk quickly shifted the focus from himself to Yoongi, “Do you think Yoongi-hyung was in love with that woman?”
Taehyung broke eye contact and immediately whipped a document in front of his face after picking it up from the table.
“Park Doyun; age:24 in 1921; currently:dead,” Taehyung read from the paper, matter-of-factly.
This was fucking ancient, that’s all Jeongguk thought.
“And seriously, none of you thought it was important to tell me all this. I joined in fucking 1940. 20 years were fucking enough for him to sulk all the time? Makes sense why he is the way he is.”
“Whatever, man. If the reason you were led to this girl is because of ‘love’, ‘infatuation’, or any other variation, then I suggest you abandon asap. It got Yoongi-hyung nowhere. Your case is not even related to love, as you’ve explained.” Taehyung reasoned.
“And how do you I suggest I abandon? What do I abandon?” The situation was infuriating enough, and Taehyung’s vague remarks and answers didn’t help at all.
“The girl. Abandon her.”
A vein popped on Jeongguk’s forehead.
“I cannot do that, hyung” Jeongguk sneered in annoyance, particularly hinting that Taehyung was the older brother in their relationship, “I can’t seem to get her death records to know more ‘final destination’ shit won’t happen to her. And she’s basically hanging by a lone thread – me – because her soul is like fucking melting icecream – all over the place in my hands. You never know when it decides to float out of her body and get me in trouble. I can’t leave her to her own devices either; if word got out about this – I’m toast.”
Hearing Jeongguk’s reasoning made Taehyung scared for his own hide as well, since knowing about it made him an accomplice. The council would have none of their bullshit.
And after all, demons were demons. Nobody knew what punishment they would get. Not everybody was lucky enough as Yoongi to get 5 levels of demotion and societal contempt. He got away with that much because he used to have a good standing with the council with commendable conduct concerning lower-level demons.
“What happened to the woman then? The one Yoongi-hyung fell in love with?” Jeongguk asked, his curiosity piping up again.
“Her memories were erased. Hyung had to watch her live on and create a livelihood with 3 children. And she’s been damned to hell forever.”
“Damned to hell? Why?”
Why did this conversation keep getting scarier and scarier? Not that Jeongguk cared about the girl, Haru, in question. He didn’t think what he felt for her was love. But the punishment for Yoongi-hyung himself was debilitating. What would happen to Jeongguk and Haru then?
“It’s not easy getting to heaven, man. Even after achieving love, it’s hardly ever enough. It’s just too strict. Funny you’d ask me, no demon cares or even wants to know.”
“If only I wasn’t in a toast-or-bread situation right now, hyung,” Jeongguk laughed. It was surreal how they managed to make light out the situation at hand. I guess that’s what happened when you didn’t know the actual consequences that your actions lead to. He knew something was definitely amiss, but not knowing what made him feel like a teenage boy left in a lone school building all on his own.
“Fine, what we can do right now is – you, me and Hyejin” Taehyung waved at Hyejin who immediately perked up and nodded, “We can give the situation a week, tops. Watch the girl for a week and find a solution to the problem, understand the nature of the situation and what we can do to protect ourselves. Then have another meet like this, and choose what our next course of action will be. Sound like a plan?”
Jeongguk immediately nodded at both of them in unison to show his acceptance.
“I’m fine with it, Hyejin frowned as she spoke, “but can’t we do something about insurance? With the council? This doesn’t seem safe at all. It’s just like three friends planning for a walk in the park or something.”
“I’ll talk to the council and try to know more about any such events, and make them spill about Yoongi-hyung’s case. Fucking oldies’ skin is getting everywhere like chalk. I won’t be surprised if they’ve set up demons after us and already know about the girl…”
Hearing that gave Jeongguk goosebumps. Because he sure as shit knew something was up with the council elders and what Taehyung suggested wasn’t surprising at all.
“I wouldn’t be either,” Hyejin repeated after Taehyung and looked at Jeongguk for further inkling to the conversation.
“Fine, hyung. Just please pull some strings and let us know what we can do. I know brotherhood is about loyalty and we’re seriously crossing every line here, but I can’t just abandon the girl anymore. Letting Seokjin or Hoseok know will just lead them to the council, first and foremost.”
“I know. Makes sense,” Taehyung agreed.
As much as Taehyung just wanted to let the brotherhood know it all, the brother in him refused to betray Jeongguk. Even if it meant that he was making a huge mistake and, there was a possibility that he was betraying his brotherhood too. Jeongguk had always been there when he’d gotten into trouble with opposing demon brethrens, their domain levels always being the issue. It was no wonder Taehyung would repay the gesture in kind. Besides, the dude had nothing to lose except a few demotions. He’d already been in hell twice and was used to their tactics.
There was a knock on the door.
Jeongguk, Taehyung, and Hyejin, all looked at each other in a sequenced triangle.
Hyejin walked towards the door and opened it slowly.
It was the girl.
“It’s getting too cold out here. There’s no AC remote in this room,” Haru said to Hyejin as she stepped inside the room. She looked at the stranger in the room with wary eyes and then at Jeongguk.
“Jeongguk, can you please just talk to me and answer my questions?” Haru asked Jeongguk, exhausted from all the confusion. She’d fucking died and come back to life for chrissakes.
“How about I answer all of your questions?” Taehyung smiled, content in talking in mysterious tones. He smiled.
“Who is he, Jeongguk?” Haru slowly shifted to Jeongguk’s right flank but kept her distance from all the three.
“This is Taehyung; a friend. You can relax when it’s just the three of us.” Jeongguk answered her, giving her a small reprieve from all her uncertainty.
“What questions do you have, then? Let’s begin, shall we?”
Suffice to say, when actually asked if she had any questions, she couldn’t remember any. After a few “uhhhs” and “umms”, she came up with something.
“Why is a demon helping me, a human?”
That was a good question, encompassing many elements that led her to this juxtaposition.
“He’s stuck with you,” Taehyung was direct with his answers, “Your soul was leaving your body and he instinctively put it back inside your body – don’t fucking ask me how – and now he doesn’t know what to do. We have a council of elders that don’t approve of this, most probably. But we don’t know how to let them know because we might be reprimanded.”
‘Thank the fucking lord,’ Haru thought. At least someone was straightforward with their answers and didn’t have her jumping through hoops for a single yes or no.
Jeongguk chimed in, “We don’t know if you died untimely or on time because there is no record of your death. So we’re uncertain if there will be a series of events that come together to get you killed.”
“…Okay,” the way Jeongguk said something so scary so easily frightened Haru. So this was how demons were. This was the first time something so terrifying was said to her so casually, as if a common business deal involving usual deaths and killings.
She’d seriously plummeted into the world of demons after a bright sunny human day and would be hearing things like this on a regular basis, and would actually start talking like this after a little while too.
“I just want to let you guys know that this is all very new to me, even if it might be hard for you to grasp it since it’s common nature for you to talk about death.” Haru looked at the ground, joining both her thumbs and twirling them together in sync.
Realization dawned on Jeongguk’s face and he looked at the other two to find common ground. The girl was seriously new to all this. They’d have to be watchful of their words when talking around her.
Taehyung nodded down in agreement, while Hyejin decided to take initiative, “How about I answer your questions from now?”
Hyejin gave her a reassuring smile as Haru sighed in relief.
“That would be wonderful!” Haru replied. Hyejin definitely seemed like she would be milder and more in control with her words than Jeongguk and Taehyung.
Taehyung and Jeongguk, both too, breathed a sigh of relief, not having to bear the brunt of scrutiny from a human. The fact that she was a girl made things worse.
“This is Taehyung, by the way” Jeongguk waved at Taehyung, “Hyejin has already healed your head wound. We’re going to pull some strings to understand your situation. Till then, you’re fine to go home and be casual about your life. But don’t tell anyone about any of this, or us for that matter. Although only an idiot would believe you.”
“I can go home, thank God,” this was Haru’s second sigh of relief the entire evening after so many scary afterthoughts, “and what do I do if I have to reach out to you? Just in case something happens and I need to?”
“Stretch your arm,” Jeongguk said.
She held out her hand to Jeongguk, showing him her wrist. He took hold of it, and touched her wrist, as if stamping it. It left a small identation of a mark and Haru felt a small tinge of electricity shooting up her arm to her spine. In turn, making her already cold body shiver.
She stared at his eyes for honesty, since having a demon’s mark just spelled trouble in every way.
Jeongguk blinked slowly in reaction, an unspoken word of trust.
“Touch the mark with your other hand and say my name earnestly to call me telepathically. I will come to your rescue when there is an emergency or something requires my attention.”
Something about the exchange left Haru speechless as she tried to contain her puzzling emotions. This was a demon, no wonder, she felt such a frenzy talking to him.
“That’s convenient. Thanks, Jeongguk.”
Jeongguk pursed his lips and said, “Only during emergencies.”
Haru repeated after him with a small smile, “Only during emergencies.”
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thisismytrashok · 4 years
FKBUL ep6 spoilers w/o context
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beifongsss · 4 years
the boiling rock [zuko]
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Pairing: Zuko x reader
Disclaimer!: The reader is Sokka and Katara’s older sister!
Requested?: Yes! By @thegirlwholikestomanythings​: “ Hi! I have a Zuko x reader request if you don't mind. Maybe something like the reader being Katara and Sokka's older sister and Zuko having a big crush on her after he joins in S3?”
Summary: Sokka goes to break Hakoda out of The Boiling Rock and is shocked to find you there as well. He’s even more shocked when he figures out that Zuko’s a simp for you.
this is based off of the boiling rock episodes but there are a few changed made! there’s also like a pov change halfway i’m sorry. TIS A LONG ONE!!
When Zuko defeated Combustion Man, Aang didn’t let him join the group until he gained approval from all of his friends.
“Toph, you're the one that Zuko burned. What do you think?”
The blind earthbender smirked, a sinister look on her face as she pounded her fist into her palm. “Go ahead and let him join. It'll give me plenty of time to get back at him for burning my feet.”
Satisfied with her answer, Aang turned to the Water Tribe boy. “Sokka?”
“Hey, all I want is to defeat the Fire Lord. If you think this is the way to do it, then, I'm all for it,” he said, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall near him.
“Katara?” Aang asked uncertainly, noticing the stony look on the Water Tribe girl’s face.
“I'll go along with whatever you think is right,” she replied, glaring at Zuko.
“Great!” Aang said, ignoring Katara’s reaction. “Then that’s settled. Welcome to the group Zuko!”
Zuko paused slightly, looking around as he noticed the absence of the other Water Tribe girl he had always seen with the Gaang.
“Not that I’m complaining,” the prince said, a questioning look in his eyes. “But isn’t there someone else you should be asking? Where’s the other Water Tribe girl?”
The group went silent at Zuko’s words as Katara’s face hardened and Sokka looked away, a sad expression making it’s way onto his face.
“She’s gone,” Sokka said roughly as he began to storm off.
Katara reached out for his arm, grabbing onto him as he passed her. “Sokka, it wasn’t your fault.”
“Not my fault?” Sokka roared, stray tears escaping his eyes as he faced Katara. “It was my invasion plan Katara! I should’ve taken the fall. Not her!”
He shrugged her hand off before walking off deeper into the Air Temple. Katara sent Zuko another glare before hurrying after her brother, leaving him alone with Aang and Toph. Zuko glanced at Aang uneasily, not wanting to ask about what had happened. With a sigh, Aang sat down looking at Zuko expectantly.
The prince sat down across from Aang as Toph sat to his left, the usually loud-mouthed girl abnormally quiet.
“The other Water Tribe girl that would travel with us is (Y/N),” Aang explained quietly. “She’s Sokka and Katara’s older sister.”
Zuko nodded in response before speaking. “W-What happened to her?”
“She got captured by the Fire Nation on the Day of Black Sun,” Aang replied, looking down at his lap. “You know about the invasion right?”
Zuko nodded once more.
“Well it was Sokka’s invasion plan,” Aang continued. Zuko’s eyebrows rose up in surprise, going unnoticed by Aang. “He came up with it and (Y/N) and Hakoda, that’s their dad, fine tuned it. They thought of everything that could possibly go wrong and when the day came, Sokka was the one leading it.”
Aang’s face suddenly turned into one full of guilt. “I-It was actually my fault that she got captured. If I hadn’t gotten distracted by Azula, we could’ve gotten away before the eclipse was over. Instead, they caught up to us before we could get back to the beach. Hakoda told us all to leave on Appa and to take the youngest members of the group but (Y/N) didn’t fit because we had Teo, Haru, and The Duke with us. So she decided to stay behind and take the blame for the invasion so that they wouldn’t go out and look for us. She said that they’d believe her because she was traveling with the Avatar and because she was the daughter of the Chief of the Southern Water Tribe and she had a reason to want to attack the Fire Nation.”
Aang couldn’t stop the tear that slipped out. “I guess she was right because we weren’t followed after we escaped.”
��C’mon Twinkletoes,” Toph said, leaning back on her hands. “(Y/N) knew what she was getting into. She’s not dumb. She’s strong, smart, and patient. In fact, I’m willing to bet she’s making those Fire Nation guard’s lives hell.”
Zuko observed Toph as she spoke about the missing Water Tribe girl. “How are you so sure?”
“Please,” Toph scoffed, cracking her knuckles. “She’s the only idiot here that can beat me in a fight. She’ll be fine.”
“Oh,” Zuko said, slightly surprised. “Is she a waterbender too?”
“Nope,” Toph said. “That’s how I know she’s okay. She can beat me in a fight, and I’m the greatest earthbender in the world! I invented metalbending.”
Zuko’s eyebrows shot up in surprise at Toph’s words. “She beat you without any bending?”
“She did,” Sokka’s voice rang out. The group (except Toph) turned around to find Sokka walking towards them. “Which is why we needed her here, not in prison. She shouldn’t be paying for my mistakes.”
Without another word Sokka climbed onto Appa, shooting Aang a look when the Air Nomad shot him a worried glance. “Don’t worry Aang. I’m just gonna clear my head. Yip yip.”
The conversation ended with Sokka’s departure and silently, Aang showed Zuko to his room.
“Hey, can I talk to you for a second?” Sokka asked, catching Zuko’s attention as he handed him a cup of tea. Zuko set down the tea and followed Sokka to where he was standing, softly petting Appa when he opened his eyes to look at them.
“So, what’s up?” Zuko asked, looking back over at the group before focusing on Sokka.
“If someone was captured by the Fire Nation, where would they be taken?” the Water Tribe boy asked, trying to look nonchalant. At Zuko’s suspicious look, he spoke again. “When the invasion plan failed, some of our troops were taken. I just want to know where they might be.”
“We both know this is about your sister, Sokka,” Zuko replied. “I can’t tell you.”
“What? Why not?” Sokka asked, mildly irritated. 
“Trust me,” Zuko said, turning to leave. “Knowing will just make you feel worse.”
“It’s not just about (Y/N)!” Sokka hissed, causing Zuko to stop in his tracks. “It’s my dad. He was captured too. I need to know what I put them through.”
“It’s not good Sokka,” the prince replied, not meeting his eyes.
Sighing deeply, Zuko gave in. “My guess is, they were taken to The Boiling Rock.”
“What’s that?”
“The highest security prison in the Fire Nation,” Zuko ignored Sokka’s horrified look. “It's on an island in the middle of a boiling lake. It's inescapable.”
“So,” Sokka said, trying to appear indifferent. “Where is this place?”
“Why do you need to know?” Zuko asked, eyes narrowing. “What are you planning?”
“Nothing!” Sokka tried reassuring the prince. “Boy, you’re so paranoid.”
Zuko rolled his eyes before replying. “It's in the middle of a volcano between here and the Fire Nation. You guys actually flew right past it on your way here.”
“Thanks Zuko,” Sokka said before letting out a very fake yawn as he stretched. “Just knowing makes me feel better.”
“Sure it does,” Zuko scoffed, watching the Water Tribe boy walk away. Noticing that everyone was getting ready to go to bed, he stealthily climbed up onto Appa’s saddle, gently shushing the sky bison when he once again opened his eyes.
At this moment, Zuko sort of regretted joining Sokka on his journey. After having successfully convinced him to take his war balloon instead of Appa, the two boys found themselves existing in awkward silence.
“Pretty clouds,” Sokka spoke first, slightly startling Zuko.
“Yeah...fluffy,” the Fire Nation prince replied before focusing on the fire again. Sokka began whistling casually, drawing Zuko’s attention. “What?”
“What?” Sokka asked, the awkwardness between the two boys palpable. “Oh, I didn't say anything. You know, a friend of mine actually designed these war balloons.”
“No kidding,” Zuko said with slight surprise.
“Yep. A balloon...but for war,” came the other boy’s reply.
“If there's one thing my dad's good at, it's war.”
“Yeah, it seems to run in the family.”
“Hey, hold on,” Zuko said, slightly offended. “Not everyone in my family is like that.”
“I know, I know,” Sokka replied, hands raised in defense. “You’ve changed.”
“I meant my uncle. He was more of a father to me. And I really let him down.”
“I think your uncle would be proud of you,” Sokka said, looking at Zuko intently. “Leaving your home to come help us? That's hard.”
“It wasn’t that hard.”
“Really?” Sokka asked in disbelief. “You didn't leave behind anyone you cared about?”
“Well I did have a girlfriend,” Zuko replied, smiling slightly. “Mai.”
“That gloomy girl who sighs a lot?” Sokka asked, trying to hold back his smile.
“Yeah. Everyone in the Fire Nation thinks I'm a traitor. I couldn't drag her into it,” Zuko explained before hesitating slightly. “Besides, I didn’t truly like her. Trust me, I know that sounds bad. When we were kids we liked each other, but we’re not kids anymore and we’ve both changed and things just weren’t working out.”
Sokka nodded in understanding before crossing his arms. “My first girlfriend turned into the moon.”
Zuko paused for a few seconds, looking up at the moon and wondering if Sokka was being serious before turning to him. “That’s rough buddy.”
Silence ensued again, the scene almost relaxing if it weren’t for the fact that the two of them were heading for the most high-security prison in the Fire Nation.
“So,” Zuko broke the silence, looking at Sokka uncertainly. “What happens if we get there and (Y/N) isn’t there?
The question caught Sokka off guard, causing him to scowl. “She will be.”
“But,” Zuko pressed, trying to make the boy understand. “What if she isn’t?
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there,” Sokka replied, crossing his arms and looking away as he tried not to think about Zuko’s words.
“Why don’t you just wait until after Aang defeats my father to set everyone free?” Zuko asked softly. “You’d have a much better chance then.”
“You just don’t get it!” Sokka yelled, looking back at Zuko. “See you and your sister might not get along very well but (Y/N) is the most important person in my life. She was the one who took care of me and Katara after our mom died. She was the one who basically led our tribe after the men went off to fight. She always knew what to say and what to do. We need her Zuko. I need her, Katara needs her, Aang definitely needs her, heck even Toph needs her!”
Zuko stayed silent as he focused on the fire, giving Sokka a few minutes to calm down.
“You’re right Sokka,” he finally said. “I don’t get along with Azula. We’ll find her.”
Sokka didn’t reply, instead choosing to look up at the moon, hoping that he had made the right choice.
Soon enough, they had reached The Boiling Rock. Zuko followed after Sokka, a bit disgruntled at the fact that his war balloon had been destroyed. They had somehow managed to get guard uniforms and sneak into the prison, a feat Zuko found impressive considering that Sokka didn’t have a fully thought-out plan.
“I hope these disguises work,” Zuko hissed, shoving Sokka softly with his shoulder.
“We just need to lay low and find (Y/N) and my dad as soon as possible,” Sokka quietly replied, rubbing his shoulder. “Ow!”
“Guards!” another guard ran past Sokka and Zuko, causing them to flinch. “There’s a scuffle in the yard. Come on!”
The two boys exchanged looks before running after the guard, eventually coming to an open space where a guard was harassing a prisoner. The rest of the guards were trying to keep the other prisoners away from the confrontation. Sokka subtly tilted his head, motioning for Zuko to join the other guards. They split up slightly, trying to keep the crowd in control.
“I didn’t do anything,” the prisoner in the middle of the platform stated, walking away from the guard. “I’m going back to my cell.”
“Stop right there Chit Sang,” the guard said, sending a fire whip towards him. “I’ve had it with your unruly behavior.”
One of the prisoners Zuko was trying to hold back began to slip past him and he reached out to grab them. His eyes widened when he made eye contact with the girl, who then promptly proceeded to shove him off of her and onto the ground. Zuko stared at the girl, his heart speeding up slightly and his stomach lurching as she shot him a glare and marched right up to the guard who had created the fire whip.
“Leave him alone!” she growled, stepping in front of Chit Sang. The guard simply laughed before stepping forwards.
“What are you gonna do Water Tribe scum?”
Zuko flinched as Sokka swatted him, tilting his head towards the girl. “That’s her! That’s (Y/N)!”
Sokka grasped Zuko’s arm tightly, knowing that he couldn’t jump to his sister’s defense. The two of them watched in anticipation as the guard shot out a blast of fire, aiming it at you. Zuko’s eyes widened at the sight. You weren’t a bender, you were going to get burned.
His jaw dropped as you gracefully slid underneath the blast before coming up and swatting the guard’s hand away. When the guard tried to aim at you again, you swept your leg in a graceful arc, knocking him down. You were amazing.
“Cuff her!” the guard barked, embarrassment clear on his face as all the other prisoners cheered. Two of the other guards grabbed you roughly, cuffing your hands behind your back and shoving you roughly in front of the guard you had knocked down.
“You think you’re tough, don’t you?” the guard asked. You didn’t look at him.
“Look at me when I speak to you!” the guard screamed. The yard went silent as everyone waited to see what you would do. Slowly, you lifted your head and met the guard’s eyes. His face held a smug expression, which was soon wiped off when you leaned forward and spit in his face.
The yard went wild again, the guards struggling to keep the prisoners under control. The bully guard lunged forwards, gripping your face tightly in his hand. He stared you down for a few seconds before tossing you to the ground. Scowling, he turned to Sokka and Zuko, who seemed to be the only guards not busy at the moment. “You two! Take her to her cell.”
Sokka picked you up and Zuko led them inside, stealing glances at you as you walked. At one point Sokka caught his gaze, giving him a confused look before his eyes widened in realization. He looked between you and Zuko before glaring at the prince and shaking his head furiously. Zuko avoided his gaze after that. They found your cell quickly enough and Sokka softly pushed you in before stepping inside and pulling Zuko with him.
He took off your cuffs easily enough and you stepped away from him, rubbing your wrists gently.
“What do you want?” you snarled, eyes shifting from one guard to another.
“(Y/N)!” one of them cried out, moving towards you. You sidestepped quickly, grabbing his arm and shoving him up against the wall. He groaned in pain as you pulled his arm back.
“What do you want?” you hissed, not taking your eyes off of the other guard.
“(Y/N/N),” the one you were holding squeaked. “It’s me!”
Your eyes widened at the voice and you stepped back, still keeping your hand on the guard’s arm. “Sokka?”
Sokka used his free hand to take off his helmet, a large grin on his face as he turned to look at you. “Yes! It’s m-”
His words were cut off when you yanked on his arm, pulling him close to you as you wrapped your arms around him in a tight hug. Sokka melted into the hug, wrapping his arms around you tightly as he held tears back.
“Spirits,” you whispered, pulling back and looking at your baby brother. “Sokka what are you doing here? How did you get here?”
“Uh, we took my war balloon,” the other guard replied. You froze slightly at the familiar voice, turning to find Prince Zuko standing there, waving awkwardly.
“You,” you snarled, stomping up to the prince and pushing him up against the wall. You held your forearm against his throat, staring him down. Zuko didn’t do anything in return, a dazed smile on his face as he stared back at you.
“(Y/N) what are you doing?” Sokka yelped, placing a hand on your shoulder. You looked away from Zuko, glancing at your brother in disbelief.
“What do you mean? Have you forgotten that he’s tracked us all over the world? Or that he’s tried to kill us? Multiple times!” you glanced at Zuko again, noticing that he was still smiling. “Why are you smiling at me? Sokka, why is he smiling at me?”
Sokka snorted softly, the scene in front of him reminding him of the first time Aang had met him and Katara. Shooting a tired look at Zuko, he gently pulled you away from the scarred prince. “I don’t know why he’s smiling at you but I do know that he’s part of the team now, so lay off okay?”
You looked at him in disbelief before whirling around and facing Sokka. “Alright but that still doesn’t explain why you’re here.”
“We’re here to break you out?” Sokka said, rubbing the back of his neck as he turned his gaze to the floor.
“Seriously?” you hissed, stepping closer to him and causing him to stumble back. “This couldn’t have waited until after Aang defeated Ozai?”
“I told you so,” Zuko mumbled, shooting a pointed look at Sokka.
“Stay out of this,” you whisper-yelled, pushing him back up against the wall with one hand. “You have to leave. Both of you.“
“Well you see,” Sokka said, chuckling slightly as he met your gaze. “We can’t exactly do that.”
“Yes you can,” you replied, grabbing Sokka and proceeding to push the two boys towards the door. “Just get back on your little war balloon and leave.”
Zuko and Sokka exchanged nervous glances at the mention of the war balloon, causing you to narrow your eyes at them.
“Don’t say it.”
“It popped!” Sokka squealed, bouncing away from you as he noticed your expression. “But we’ll get out of here, and you’re coming with us.”
You couldn’t help but facepalm at your brother’s words.
The guards had only released you from your cell when it was your turn to do the cleaning. You hadn’t heard from Sokka since he had left you, and you were worried that he had gotten caught. You were so distracted by your thoughts that you didn’t notice the other prisoner who was mopping, resulting in you bumping into them and falling down.
“I’m sorry,” the other prisoner said, extending a hand to help you up. You glanced up, making eye contact with Zuko. Your eyes widened almost comically and you grabbed his hand, simultaneously pulling yourself up and pulling him closer to you.
“Where is my brother?” you asked as you leaned in close, panic in your voice as you whispered in his ear. Zuko tried to ignore the blush on his cheeks as your close proximity, focusing on your question.
“He’s fine,” he whispered back. “It was just me who got caught.”
You let his hand go, stepping back and nodding subtly before going back to mopping. Zuko stayed close to you, pretending to be focused on his mopping as he stole glances at you. Feeling his gaze, you looked up and arched an eyebrow as you made eye contact. The prince flushed when he realized he had been caught, looking back down before speaking.
“I-I never introduced myself,” he spoke softly. “I’m Zuko.”
“I know,” you replied flatly, walking further away from him. Zuko stood awkwardly for a moment before inching closer to you again.
“So you’re (Y/N),” he spoke again. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
You snorted at his words, your eyes not leaving the ground. “Yeah I’m sure it is.”
“You’re a really good fighter,” Zuko continued, still trying to make conversation. “Even back when I was still hunting the Avatar you were the one that I was most worried about holding off.”
“Good to know,” you said drily, finally looking up at Zuko. “Look, Sokka may trust you but I don’t, okay? First of all, you haven’t really done anything but cause trouble for us. Second of all, you actually brought my brother here. I appreciate the sentiment but I’m not exactly thrilled at the idea of my baby brother breaking into a Fire Nation prison.”
Zuko swallowed harshly, looking away. “I’m sorry. But he was really adamant about rescuing you and your dad and-”
“Wait,” you interrupted Zuko. “I’m the only Water Tribe member here. My dad is still being held somewhere in the Fire Nation capital.”
Zuko’s eyes widened briefly before he composed himself. “Oh. Alright then I guess that means we can leave as soon as Sokka comes back to meet us.”
The two of you continued to mop in silence before someone suddenly grabbed your upper arm, causing you to stiffen and causing Zuko to get into a defensive stance.
“Calm down, it’s just me.”
“You really have to stop doing that Sokka,” you hissed, yanking your arm away from him. “Zuko told me about why you’re here. I hope you know we can leave now. Dad isn’t here.”
Sokka’s face fell briefly before he forced a smile onto his face. “He may not be but guess who is? Suki! Why didn’t you tell me she was here (Y/N)?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” you whispered. “Maybe because I was too busy freaking out about the fact that my kid brother and the Fire Nation prince broke into prison and don’t have a way to get out!”
“Shh!” Sokka hissed, putting his hand over your mouth. “Be quiet! And I’m not your ‘kid brother’, you’re only a year older than I am.”
Zuko stayed quiet as the two of you stared each other down before Sokka let out a yelp and took his hand off your mouth. “Did you just lick me?”
You didn’t reply, a smirk on your face as you crossed your arms. Zuko stifled a laugh at the scene in front of him, coughing quietly when you shot a look at him. The three of you stood still as a new voice interrupted.
“So, what’s the plan?” Suki stood near you, hiding in the shadows that the staircase provided. You exchanged a glance with Sokka, nodding in encouragement.
“So, listen, I think I have an escape plan,” Sokka began, a little nervous at being in charge of the escape plan. “I checked out the coolers again, and the point of them is to keep firebenders contained, right?”
“Yeah,” Zuko replied, unsure as to where this was going. 
“So, they're completely insulated and sealed to keep the cold in. Well, to keep the cold in, it also has to keep the heat out, right?”
Zuko and Suki exchanged confused looks before looking over at you, only to see you smiling widely as you caught on.
“Just get to the point Sokka,” Suki said, glancing around nervously.
“It's a perfect boat for getting through the boiling water!” you said, eyes sparkling as you looked at Sokka proudly. Despite the situation, Zuko found himself smiling at the sight of your smile.
“Sokka,” you said, leaning in close to your brother while keeping your eyes on Zuko. “He’s doing it again.”
Sokka scowled and smacked Zuko’s head, causing the boy to straighten up and ignore Suki’s smirk. “The cooler as a boat? Are you sure?”
“I’m telling you, it’ll work,” Sokka said, giving them each a serious glance. “I walked around the perimeter. There's a blind spot between two guard towers. It's the perfect launching point. I already tested it out. We'll roll the cooler into the water and just float with the current. It'll take us straight across. As long as we don't make a sound, no one will notice. And bing-bang-boom, we're home free.”
“But how are you going to get the cooler out?” Suki asked, a worried frown on her face.
“Yeah. How are you gonna get the cooler out?”
The four of you turned as Chit Sang landed next to you, causing Sokka and Zuko to stutter as they tried to tell Chit Sang that they weren’t planning anything. You rolled your eyes, stepping closer to Chit Sang before speaking. “That’s easy, isn’t it? We just need to get a firebender into the cooler.”
Sokka and Zuko gaped at you, shocked that you had given them away.
“Calm down,” you scoffed, patting Chit Sang’s back. “Chit Sang and I go way back. He’s the one who made all the other firebenders leave me alone.”
Chit Sang nodded before turning back to the group. “Look I won’t tell the warden about your plan if you let me come along.”
Sokka stared at you intently, the two of you having a silent conversation before turning back to the group. “Fine! But we need to get someone into the cooler.”
Sokka handed Zuko a wrench. “Here. You’re going to unbolt the cooler, from the inside.”
Zuko looked back at Sokka, confused. “How am I going to get in there?”
You grinned widely, patting Zuko’s chest as you walked past him. “I got this. Follow my lead.”
You picked up your mop, motioning for Zuko to do the same. You began mopping, casually walking around as you kept Zuko in your periphery. The prince didn’t dare look at you so he was caught by surprise when you bumped into him from behind.
“Hey!” you snapped, turning around and glaring at him. “Watch where you’re going.”
Zuko froze for a split second before realizing this was your plan. “You’re the one who bumped into me. How about you watch where you’re going?”
A smile played at the corner of your lips as you stared each other down. Zuko noticed and felt his cheeks grow warm as he tried to hold back a smile of his own. The two of you stood there for a few seconds, staring at each other until Sokka coughed loudly.
Tearing your eyes away from the prince, you lunged at him. He easily dodged your swing before throwing a halfhearted punch back at you. You rolled your eyes as you kicked at him, losing your balance slightly as he swatted your leg away. You recovered quickly and threw another punch, a soft gasp leaving your mouth when he grasped your wrist and twirled you around, your back pressed against his chest as his arm held you tightly in place.
You struggled for a moment, sighing in defeat when you realized just how strong he was. You tilted your head back slightly, your lips brushing against his ear as you whispered into it. “You have to firebend at me Zuko.”
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he mumbled back, causing you to roll your eyes again.
“I’m a big girl. I can handle myself,” you replied. With a grunt, you elbowed him in the stomach. He let out a soft ‘oof’ and you took that chance to break out of his hold. You dropped down and spun, your leg outstretched as you tried to knock him down. He jumped over your leg easily before shooting out a blast of fire at you. He held his breath for a second, sighing in relief as he noticed you roll out of the way.
“No firebending!” a guard shouted, roughly grabbing Zuko from behind. You sent him a soft smile, receiving a smirk in return. As he was led away, Suki came up to you, a big smile on her face.
“So,” she said, her tone teasing. “What was that?”
“Yeah (Y/N),” Sokka said, crossing his arms as he came up to you. “What was that?”
You rolled your eyes before walking past the two of them. “It was a fight.”
“That’s not what it looked like from my point of view,” Suki called out after you, causing Sokka to send a glare at her. You simply chuckled at her words.
You stood up from the floor of your cell, looking at Sokka as he stood outside your cell. “Yeah?”
“It’s time.”
Sokka opened your cell and threw you a guard’s uniform before quickly closing the door and allowing you to change. When you were done, you knocked on the door three times, fixing your helmet as you waited for him to open the door.
Together, the two of you made your way towards the cooler, trying to avoid any guards on your way.
You opened the door to the cooler, a small frown making its way onto your face when you noticed that Zuko was shivering.
“I can take you back to your cell if you’ve learned your lesson,” Sokka said, looking way too smug. You rolled our eyes and focused on Zuko as he looked up at the two of you. His eyes met yours as he let out a breath of fire, his shivering stopping completely. He sent you a cocky smirk and you ignored the flopping you felt in your stomach at the sight of it. (A/N: y’all know what smirk i’m talkin bout)
“Yes I have,” he breathed, showing you both all the bolts and screws he had removed. “Completely.”
“I got Suki and Chit Sang out of their cells a few minutes ago,” Sokka whispered. “They'll be waiting for us at the shore.”
“Someone’s coming!” you whisper yelled, letting out a small yelp when you were pulled into the cooler. The three of you barely fit into the cooler but that didn’t make it any less cold. Even though you had grown up in the South Pole, you found yourself shivering at the temperature, your breath coming out in icy clouds.
Zuko glanced down at you, a frown appearing on his face as he noticed you shivering. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around you, bringing you in close as your expression changed into a bewildered one. You opened your mouth to say something, but quickly shut it when you realized just how warm he was. Sokka, unfortunately, didn’t stay quiet at the scene playing out in front of him.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he screeched quietly, trying to pry the two of you apart. You quickly pushed him away.
“Sokka, shut up,” you mumbled as you wrapped your arms around Zuko, your teeth still chattering. “He’s warm and I’m freezing.”
Sokka’s jaw dropped as you casually buried your face into Zuko’s chest, a content sigh escaping you as you got warmer by the second. Sokka stayed quiet as the voices outside got closer, instead miming a throat slitting motion as he stared Zuko down, causing the prince to swallow harshly.
“...Yeah. new arrivals coming in at dawn,” a male voice sounded, catching your attention.
“Anybody interesting?” a female voice asked in reply.
“Nah, just the usual. Some robbers, a couple traitors, some war prisoners,” you and Sokka exchanged a disbelieving look.  “Though I did hear there might be a pirate.”
“No fooling!”
The voices faded as they walked away and you all took that chance to leave the cooler.
“War prisoners,” Zuko stated, his eyes not leaving Sokka’s. “Could be your father.”
“I know.”
“Well, what should we do?” Zuko asked. “Are we going ahead with the plan or are we waiting another night?”
“I don't know!” Sokka cried out, looking distraught. “Is it right for me to risk Suki and (Y/N)’s freedom, all of our freedom, on the slim chance that my dad is gonna show up?”
You stayed quiet, not knowing what to say.
“It’s your call Sokka,” Zuko finally said, trying to let the other boy know he was there for him.
Sokka thought about it for a moment, eyes focused on the ground. After a few seconds he looked up and scowled, crossing his arms as he glared at you. “You can let go of him now (Y/N).”
A bright blush erupted on your cheeks as you looked at Zuko, an embarrassed expression spreading across your face as you realized you were still holding onto each other. You stepped away from him quickly, clearing your throat as you did so.
The three of you had somehow managed to get the cooler down to the shore, not that it mattered considering the fact that Chit Sang had just taken your only means of escape. It wasn’t his fault really; it was you and Sokka who had been extremely hesitant to leave, not wanting to risk the chance of your dad being on the gondola the next morning.
Suki and Zuko had stayed behind with you, the four of you waiting in the blind spot for the gondola to arrive. It had almost been light out when alarms were set off, causing all of you to whip your heads to where the cooler had been floating off.
“The plan failed!” Sokka said sadly. “They got caught.”
“I guess it’s a good thing we didn’t go along with them huh?” you said, earning a dull look from your brother.
“The gondola's moving,” Sokka said suddenly, grasping your hand. “This is it. If my dad's not there, we've risked everything for nothing.”
“We had to,” you whispered back, squeezing his hand. The four of you now stood in the yard as you waited in anticipation, looking up as the gondola doors opened.
“Is that him?” Zuko asked as the first prisoner got out.
“My dad doesn’t have a nose ring!” both you and Sokka exclaimed, looking at the prince weirdly. More men came off the gondola, both you and Sokka shaking with anxiety as you kept an eye out for Hakoda.
“Where is he?” Sokka asked as the last man stepped off. “Is that it? That can’t be it.”
“I’m sorry,” Suki whispered, rubbing both of your backs.
“Hey you!” the guard called out, drawing your attention. “Get off the gondola.”
You waited with bated breath for the last person to emerge, your hand tightening around Sokka’s and causing him to wince. Your eyes widened as you watched the final prisoner get off, dark jaw-length hair surrounding a face that held tired blue eyes. You immediately turned to Sokka, tears threatening to spill.
“Sokka,” you whispered. “It’s dad.”
You had been pacing back and forth worriedly ever since Sokka had gone to join the other guards and quite frankly, both Suki and Zuko were tired of it.
“Please just stand still (Y/N),” Suki said, gently reaching out and grabbing you. “If something was wrong, we would’ve heard it already. Your brother isn’t exactly the quietest.”
You nodded in agreement and sat down, nervously biting your lip as you waited for Sokka to return. You barely flinched as Zuko sat next to you, Suki giving him a knowing glance as she wandered off slowly.
“Look,” he began, staring straight ahead. “I know you don’t like me, but I need to tell you this okay? As much as you can’t help but worry, you shouldn’t. Sokka’s smart and he knows what he’s doing...sort of.”
He chuckled at the halfhearted glare you directed at him. “I’m kidding. But really, Sokka’s smart and brave and he was so set on coming up here and breaking you out and I know he’s going to do it because he has heart. Plus he has you helping him out. So stop worrying so much okay? Also, never repeat any of what I just said to him”
You snorted at Zuko’s words before bumping his shoulder with your. “Thanks Zuko. You know what? Maybe you’re not as bad as I thought.”
The prince’s eyes widened in shock and he smiled down at you, blushing slightly when you smiled back. Your moment was ruined when Sokka came sprinting back, causing Suki to join you as well.
“(Y/N), c’mon! I found him,” Sokka exclaimed. Without another word, he grabbed your arm and dragged you away from the group. A wide smile was on his face and you felt yourself smile as well when you came to a stop in front of a cell.
Sokka slid the door open, looking around before ducking inside and draging you with him. “Thank goodness you’re okay!”
“Oh you’ll see just how ‘okay’ I am,” Hakoda replied, swinging at what he believed to be a guard. You stepped in front of Sokka before pushing Hakoda’s arm out of the way, ducking under it and pushing him softly before pulling Sokka out of the way.
Hakoda’s eyes widened at the familiar movements,searching the faces of the two guards standing before him. “Sokka? (Y/N)?”
"Dad!” you cried out in unison with Sokka, the two of you removing your masks as you smiled at Hakoda. His eyes filled with tears as he brought you into a hug and you couldn’t help but let a few tears slip as well.
“Where’s Katara? Is she okay?”
“She’s fine dad,” you said, tightening your hold on Hakoda. “She’s not here.”
“Where’s Bato?” Sokka asked, pulling away. “Where’s everyone else from the invasion?”
“The others are being held at a prison near the Fire Nation palace,” Hakoda replied. “They sent me here because I kept being difficult after they singled (Y/N) out as the leader and sent her here. But before I left, I met some young women who said they knew you. The...Oshinama Fighters? ”
“You mean the Kyoshi Warriors?” you asked.
“That’s right.”
“Their leader Suki is here,” Sokka said, a blush visible on his face. “She’s gonna escape with us too!”
“Good. We'll need all the help we can get.”
“And you know Prince Zuko?” Sokka asked, getting excited at the thought of finally leaving.
“The son of the Fire Lord?” Hakoda asked hesitantly. “I don't know him, but I know of him.”
"Well he’s here too!” Sokka exclaimed.
“That sounds like a major problem,” Hakoda replied, crossing his arms as his face hardened.
“Actually,” Sokka said, smiling nervously. “He’s on our side now.”
Hakoda shot him a disbelieving look, causing you to step in.
“I had the same reaction dad,” you said, putting a hand on Hakoda’s shoulder. “But he really has changed. He came here with Soka to break me out. He’s been a big help.”
Hakoda’s face softened at your words. You had always been a good judge of character, so if you approved of the prince, then he did too. “So, do you have a plan?”
“We had one,” Sokka said, looking down sadly. “But some of the other prisoners got involved and ruined it. I dunno if there's another way off this island.”
“Sokka, there's no prison in the world that can hold three Water Tribe geniuses.”
“Then I guess we’d better find two more to help me plan something,” you teased, making Hakoda laugh and earning a dull look from Sokka.
You sprinted towards the yard, having been distracted by another guard for a few minutes before all the prisoners had been let out. When you reached your dad, Suki, and Sokka, you were surprised to see Chit Sang speaking with them.
“Hey you! You're lucky I didn't rat you out,” Chit Sang said, staring Sokka down. “But my generosity comes with a price. I know you're planning another escape attempt, and I want in.”
You nodded at Sokka, telling him to go along with it. He sighed softly before facing Chit Sang. “Actually, we're trying to escape right now, but we need a riot. You wouldn't happen to know how to start one, would you?”
“You seriously couldn’t start a prison riot?” you asked in disbelief, looking at the three of them in disappointment. “C’mon Chit Sang, let’s show them how it’s done.”
The two of you stepped forwards, Chit Sang picking up another prisoner as you strutted up to one of them.
“Hey everybody!” you yelled, the yard going quiet as you spoke. Without hesitation, you punched the prisoner closest to you. “Riot!”
The yard exploded into chaos as people began fighting and throwing stuff around. You quickly fought off the prisoner that you had punched before returning to your friends.
“Impressive,” Hakoda said, looking around at all the chaos.
You turned and swung as you felt someone bump into you, the person letting out a loud grunt as your fist met their face. Your jaw dropped as your eyes met piercing gold ones, your hands coming up to your face in slight horror as you realized that you had just punched Zuko.
“Yep,” he said, clutching his face. “I probably deserved that after everything I’ve done to you.”
“I’m so sorry,” you choked out in between giggles, earning a smile from the prince.
“Zuko! Good, we’re all here,” Sokka said, drawing you all into a huddle. “Now all we need to do is grab the warden, and get to the gondolas!”
“And how do we do that?” Zuko asked.
Sokka hesitated for a few seconds. “I’m not sure.”
Zuko groaned, throwing his hands up in frustration. “I thought you thought this through!”
“I thought you told me it's okay not to think everything through”
“Maybe not everything, but this is kind of important!” Zuko cried out.
“Hey fella,” Chit Sang interrupted, tapping Zuko’s shoulder before pointing at you. “I think your girlfriend’s taking care of it.”
“You’re dating my daughter?” Hakoda asked, glaring at Zuko.
“W-What? No!” Zuko cried out, slightly fearful of the Water Tribe Chief.
“Damn right you’re not,“ Sokka said, crossing his arms before Chit Sang spun him around.
“Your girlfriend too buddy.”
All four males went silent as they observed both you and Suki. You swiftly made your way up the tower, effortlessly taking guards down as you inched towards the warden. Suki took a stance at the base of the tower, fighting off any other guards who attempted to rush to the warden’s rescue. She was a truly impressive sight, her training as a Kyoshi Warrior shining through as she took down every guard that came at her effortlessly. Sokka stood a few yards away, awestruck at the sight in front of him.
Meanwhile, you had successfully made your way up to the top of the tower. You made quick work of the remaining guards before finally facing the warden.
“You wouldn’t dare,” he snarled, getting into a defensive position.
“Watch me,” you quipped, lunging at him. You avoided his punch, grabbing his wrist and spinning him around before shoving him up against the railing. You grabbed his sash, tying his hands before knocking him down and making sure he was tied securely before smiling over at your dad. “You’re my prisoner now warden.”
Down in the yard, Hakoda, Zuko, and Chit Sang all stared at you in awe, Sokka still focused on Suki.
“That’s my girl,” Hakoda stated, a proud look on his face as he looked up at you.
“Do you think she’d want to be my girl?” Zuko muttered dazedly, unintentionally speaking louder than he meant to. When he realized what he had said, he looked up in embarrassment, being met with an amused glance from Chit Sang, a harsh scowl from Hakoda, and a sharp slap from Sokka.
“Shut up!” Sokka hissed before grabbing Zuko’s arm and rushing to join you and Suki.
You all ran to the gondola, making sure that the warden was still tied up as you dragged him with you.
“We’re almost there!” Suki cried out.
“Spoke too soon,” you groaned as a group of guards came across your path, immediately sending two blasts of fire at you. You yelped as Zuko pulled you out of the way before stepping in front of you and dissipating the blasts. He sent a series of blasts back at them before grabbing the warden from you.
“Back off! We've got the warden!“ he shouted, successfully stopping the guards. When they didn’t make any movements he grabbed your hand and tugged you along. “Let's go”
Suki was the first to make it to the gondola, holding the door open for everyone else. “Everyone in!”
You all clambered on and you glanced around, realizing that someone was missing.
“Zuko!” you yelled, looking back at the prince. He started the gondola and you felt yourself panic as the guards closed in on him. “What are you doing? Hurry up!”
“I’m making it so that they can’t stop us!” With a few kicks, Zuko managed to break the lever that controlled the gondola before sprinting towards you. You leaned out of the door slightly, watching him in anticipation.
“C’mon Zuko,” you whispered to yourself, biting your lip as the gondola left the platform, now hanging freely. Zuko sped up and jumped, his feet landing on the edge of the gondola. He wobbled for a bit before you grasped his arm, fully pulling him into the gondola and into your arms. Zuko looked at you in confusion before wrapping his arms around you as well.
“Are you sure they’re not dating?” Hakoda asked, his voice quiet as he addressed Sokka. Sokka sent Zuko a menacing glare, the scarred prince gulping and loosening his hold on you when he noticed.
“What were you thinking?” you cried out, finally pulling away from Zuko and slapping his head.
“Ow!” Zuko hissed, rubbing the spot you had hit. “I was thinking ‘let me get rid of this lever real quick so that they don’t catch us’.”
“You could’ve gotten captured!” you yelled at him, taking a step towards him.
“Way to think ahead,” Sokka commented, saving Zuko from another slap.
“We’re finally on our way.” Suki sighed, sharing a soft smile with Sokka.
“Wait,” Hakoda said, leaning out of the window. “Who’s that?”
You leaned out of the window on the other side of the gondola, resisting the urge to blush as you felt Zuko’s chest press up against your back as he tried to get a good look at the platform.
“That’s a problem,” Zuko groaned. “It’s my sister and her friend.”
“This is a rematch I’ve been waiting for,” Suki growled, cracking her knuckles.
“Get in line,” you scoffed, your eyes narrowing as you watched the princess approach. You climbed out of the gondola and onto the roof, being followed by Sokka, Suki, and Zuko.
Suki and Sokka turned to face Ty Lee as she landed onto the roof gracefully, quickly becoming preoccupied with the chi-blocker. You carefully observed Azula as she landed a few feet away from you, staring you down as she stalked closer.
“Well, well, well,” she spoke, her voice taunting. “If it isn’t the Water Tribe scum.”
“Don’t speak to her like that,” Zuko barked, stepping slightly in front of you.
“Aww, does Zuzu have a little crush?” Azula teased, pouting as she shifted her gaze to Zuko. “Snap out of it Zuko. We raided her village multiple times. She’ll never see you as anything other than a monster.”
“Still not over what your mother used to say about you huh?” you shot back, missing the hurt look in Azula’s eyes as she shot lightning at you. You swiftly dodged the blast and ran at her, sliding onto the ground when she let out another blast.
Zuko watched as you stood up, landing a solid hit on his sister before bouncing back and dodging the hit she sent your way. He tried to find an opening to attack Azula but eventually gave up for fear of hurting you. Instead he chose to jump into the fight and wipe out the blasts Azula kept sending at you, even if you were expertly dodging them.
Azula soon grew tired of the fight, and knowing that she couldn’t beat you in the moment decided to send a blast of fire at Zuko. She caught him off guard and although he managed to wipe out the blast, he ended up tumbling back and landing dangerously close to the gondola’s edge.
“Zuko!” you yelled, momentarily distracted from the fight. Azula took this chance to kick you down, punching you before kicking you once more when you tried to scramble to your feet. You were sent stumbling against the metal handle that attached the gondola to the cable, gasping in pain as you crashed against it. She grinned widely when your head hit the metal.
You blew your hair out of your face, wincing as you reached up to touch the sore spot on your head and sighing when you noticed the blood on your fingertips.
“You have nowhere to go,” Azula stated, stalking towards you. Blue fire danced at her fingertips, her eyes hungry with anticipation as you struggled to stand. “Such a shame, you could’ve been a great asset to me.”
“I would rather die than join you,” you shot back, finally managing to stand up.
“Fine,” Azula spat, the fire growing as she narrowed her eyes. “Have it your way.”
You closed your eyes and braced yourself, knowing that you were in no shape to block her attack. You felt the heat approaching before it disappeared. Opening your eyes, you gasped softly as you saw Zuko standing in front of you. He sent blasts of fire back at Azula before the gondola swung dangerously, sending them both stumbling.
“They’re about to cut the line!” Ty Lee shouted at Azula.
“Then it’s time to leave,” the princess smirked. “Goodbye Zuko.”
Azula blasted away as Ty Lee backflipped gracefully onto the other gondola. Zuko glared at Azula briefly before rushing to your side, reaching down and gently picking you up.
“Are you okay?” he asked, his face twisting with concern as you stumbled.
“Yeah,” you breathed. “Just peachy.”
You tried to walk on your own only to stumble once more and fall right into Zuko’s arms. You shook your head slightly, trying to walk off once more.
“(Y/N), stop,” Zuko said, scooping your legs up and fully carrying you.
“P-Put me down!” you yelled, drawing Sokka and Suki’s attention.
“Hey! Put her down,” Sokka cried, rushing over to your side. He was stopped when the gondola swayed again.
“Stop struggling,” Zuko hissed, tightening his grip on you. “You can’t walk without stumbling. You probably have a concussion.”
You pouted but stayed silent, knowing that the prince was right. Carefully, he made his way over to the edge of the gondola, noticing that Hakoda was leaning out of the window. Carefully, he handed you down to him, making sure that you were safely inside before swinging himself in as well. Sokka and Suki quickly followed.
“They’re cutting the line,” Zuko stated, exchanging glances with everyone else. “The gondola’s about to go!”
“I hope this thing floats,” Hakoda said, fussing over your head wound as you tried to push him away.
“Hey!” you suddenly cried as the gondola began to move. You glanced out the window. “Who’s that?”
“That’s Mai!” Zuko exclaimed, his eyebrows furrowing as he observed her fighting with the guards.
The gondola made it to the other side without any other mishaps. When you got there, Zuko carefully picked you up once again, making his way out of the gondola. Sokka kept his gaze on him, only looking away when he felt Suki grab his hand. She shook her head at him before looking at you and Zuko. “Calm down. There are worse people she could be with.”
Sokka rolled his eyes at her words before trailing after Zuko, a barely visible smile appearing on his face as he noticed how Zuko was fussing over you as well. Hakoda and Chit Sang tossed the warden back into the gondola before joining the group. They all walked for a while before Zuko paused, standing on the cliff that was overlooking the rest of the volcano.
“What’s wrong Zuko?” you asked quietly, your eyes not leaving his face as he scanned the landscape in front of him. At this point, everyone else had backtracked to where you were standing.
“My sister was on that island,” was his only response.
“Yeah, and she's probably right behind us, so let's not stop!” Sokka said, trying to convince Zuko to keep moving.
“What I mean is she must have come here somehow,” he replied, his eyes still looking around.
“There!” you exclaimed, pointing at a large airship. “That's our way out of here!“
The six of you all managed to make it to the airship quickly enough and Zuko quickly lit the fire and guided it away from The Boiling Rock. The atmosphere was lively as everyone tried to catch up with each other, the excitement from the day eventually leaving everyone as the sun began setting. One by one, everyone fell asleep until it was just you and Zuko awake.
You had been looking around the ship, smirking in victory when you found a first aid kit. Silently you wandered out to where Zuko was, trying not to startle him.
“Long night?” you asked, leaning on the wall next to him.
“Someone has to keep the fire going,” he retorted, a faint smile present on his handsome face.
“Can you help me?” you asked quietly, meeting his eyes as he turned to face you. He nodded and you handed him the first aid kit before sitting down in front of him. You flinched slightly as his hand grabbed your jaw, closing your eyes as you reveled in his touch, remaining oblivious to the way his heart was racing at the close proximity. His touch was feather light in comparison to the guard who had grasped your jaw in a similar way back at the Boiling Rock. You snorted softly as you recalled the incident that had taken place a mere day ago; it seemed like it had happened ages ago.
“I’m sorry,” Zuko whispered, tilting your head to get better access to the cut on your head.
“It’s fine, it doesn’t hurt,” you murmured back, eyes still closed.
“Not about that,” Zuko replied, cleaning the wound as best as he could with the supplies you had given him. You hissed softly as he tried to place the bandage on, breathing deeply to try and ignore the pain. “I’m sorry about everything. I’m sorry for hunting the Avatar down and chasing you all around the world. I’m sorry about your mother. I’m sorry for the raids that tore your village apart. I’m sorry that I kept causing you harm even when I had the chance to do good.”
You opened your eyes at his words, reaching up and gently grabbing his hand to bring his attention to you. He could’ve sworn his heart skipped a beat. You stared at him in silence, his golden eyes never leaving yours even as he fidgeted uncomfortably under your gaze. Your face softened as you realized just how full of guilt Zuko really was, your heart aching as you realized that you couldn’t spend any more time hating him. Not when he had already done so much to try and make up for his mistakes.
“No Zuko,” you finally spoke, guiding him to take a seat in front of you. “I’m sorry for being so harsh towards you. You did more than enough to prove that you aren’t the same bratty prince you were when we first met but I wasn’t willing to look past the fact that you were once our enemy. You left the Fire Nation to help Aang and I can’t imagine how hard that was-”
“Trust me,” Zuko interjected, laughing humorlessly. “It wasn’t that hard. My father and sister are horrible people.”
“Still,” you said, leaning in a bit. “They’re your family. Betraying your family isn’t easy, even if you don’t get along with them.”
Silence ensued as Zuko stood up and carefully finished bandaging your cut. He took his seat in front of you once more, watching the fire as you watched him.
“What?” Zuko asked, his cheeks heating up he realized that you were still staring at him.
“Thank you Zuko,” you stated, finally looking away from the golden-eyed boy.
“Don’t thank me,” Zuko replied. “It was Sokka’s idea to break you out.”
“I mean for saving me from Azula,” you whispered, looking back up at him. “She really had me backed into a corner.”
“I wasn’t going to let her hurt you,” Zuko stated, staring into your eyes. “Sokka would’ve killed me if we came all this way just to lose you to her.”
You giggled at his words, causing him to smirk in satisfaction as he realized that he had made you laugh. “He would’ve, wouldn’t he?”
There was another silence before you spoke up again. “In all seriousness, thank you. I never thought that I’d be calling Prince Zuko my hero.”
Zuko gulped as he realized just how close the two of you were. Neither of you made a move to back away and you flushed when you caught yourself glancing at the prince’s lips.
You blushed harder when you realized he had caught you in the act.
“Zuko,” you whispered, squeaking softly when said boy leaned forwards and connected his lips with yours. The kiss was soft and hesitant, with both of you holding your breath as you realized you were kissing each other.
Pulling away, Zuko’s eyes widened. “Oh spirits. I-I’m sorry. I can’t believe I just did th-”
You cut Zuko’s apology off with another kiss, this one a little less awkward. His hand came up and grabbed your waist, pulling you a little closer as his other hand cupped your cheek. Your hand came up to grab his forearm, your brain trying to comprehend the fact that you were kissing Zuko and wondering how in the world he was such a good kisser.
“I thought you said you weren’t dating my daughter.”
The two of you flew apart as you heard Hakoda’s voice.
“D-Dad!” you exclaimed. “We weren’t- I wasn’t-”
Hakoda held up a hand to stop your stuttering. “It doesn’t matter. He risked his life to help your brother break you out of prison which means he’s good in my books. Just please don’t kiss in front of me. And maybe don’t let Sokka find out about this just yet. Good night.”
You turned to Zuko in embarrassment as Hakoda walked away, making eye contact with him before the two of you dissolved into laughter.
“Well that’s one way to get the parent’s approval,” you muttered, smiling at Zuko as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you into him.
The two of you spent the rest of the night awake, talking about everything and nothing, stargazing as Zuko kept the flame alive.
“You know, I used to know the moon spirit when she was alive,” you said smugly, glancing up at Zuko as he smiled widely at you.
“Oh really?”
“Yeah! In fact, she was Sokka’s first girlfriend.”
Zuko smiled and pressed another kiss to your lips, smiling softly when he felt your hand come up to his chest.
And in that moment, Zuko knew he had made the right decision by deciding to join the Avatar. After all, if he hadn’t then why would the universe have chosen to reward him with something as amazing as you.
@musicalkeys, @mywigglybaby​, @bubblebars​, @iguessthefloorislava​
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pinkhairedlily · 3 years
Chapter 4 - Student Council President Sakura
“By any chance, are you two available after class?” Sakura asked her seatmates.
“No.” The reply, while simultaneous, delivered contrasting connotations with Sasuke being gruff, adamant, eager to be uninvolved while Naruto’s was dripping with disappointment and missed timing.
“I have practice.” The blonde sank further into his seat. “But whatever is it for, Pres?”
Sakura grimaced at the monicker. “What’s up with that?”
“It’s what everyone calls you now,” Naruto replied. “You’re the youngest president too so that’s like a really big deal, you know. So anyway, if our schedules free up and coincide, maybe you can join us in this cute café.”
Sasuke discreetly flashed him a glare which obviously just flew past across the blonde airhead, but it was caught by Sakura who knew where this opening was headed.
“They served the best sweets but grumpy here ordered a tomato dish. Like what’s up with that? They also gave us free food before we left!” Naruto grinned widely, unperturbed by his next statement. “Moreover, there’s a cute barista who looks just like you.”
And Sakura decided to deliver the curve ball. With her chin on her open palm, she looked at Naruto directly. “So you’re saying I’m cute?”
Sasuke swore that was the reddest he saw Naruto turned. He tried to hide the bubbling laughter with his head down and his hand on his mouth, reveling in the blonde’s embarrassed stuttering, but he slowly registered her amused glance at him, and he wondered briefly why his face was also turning hot.
He shouldn’t be doing this. He should have come home after classes ended and not be entranced with Naruto’s rare offer of free dinner. Obviously, by free dinner, that meant their coach paying for the entire team’s meal as well as the roster of honorary members, which unsurprisingly included him.
So he was just napping the time away in the classroom, away from their go-to hideout because of the noisy dragonboat power yells, when he heard a scream and an ensuing crash of what seemed to be books and stacks of papers. His feet was already at the door before he could think this through, his body moving on its own accord like an innate response to a familiar voice.
Loose pink strands were splayed on the floor, surrounded with likewise loose pages from the confines of the folders.
“Did you hit your head?” he asked as he crouched beside her. “You seem to enjoy injuring yourself.”
“I didn’t hit my head. I landed on my butt which hurts a lot right now but thank God I’m wearing sweatpants because you would have seen such outrageous grandma panties.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose at the TMI. “Try filtering.” He proceeded to pick up the scattered papers and files on the floor and gestured for her to stand up already.
“I need a hand though.”
“My hands are full with your documents.”
“Then let me get your back.”
He muttered an annoyed protest under his breath, but he squatted low enough for her to reach the back of his uniform and pull herself up with accompanying ow-ow-ow-ow. They walked like that until they reached the student council office, her box of files safely tucked in both of his arms, her one hand on the edge of his shirt and the other on her lower back.
“Thanks, Sasuke! And with this, I pronounce you and Naruto my official runners!”
“He’s not even here.”
“He’ll agree. After all, I look like his cute barista.” Sakura winked, riding on the comedic atmosphere.
“But I didn’t even agree?” Sasuke protested, falling into deaf ears as she quickly took the folders from his arms and exited the office with a wave. He was sure warning signs kept flashing inside his brain.
He was set on keeping his distance, thus despite her informal announcement, it was mostly Naruto who accompanied her in most errands except in instances when he had to stay behind after class to wait for the blonde.
His latest task was to help write support banners for the preliminary matches of the baseball team. Personally, he found the game season a nuisance, but of course, he wouldn’t admit it to himself that the trainings were eating up most of his time with Naruto. If they weren’t practicing pitches during lunch, the blonde would discuss game strategies, a topic he actually exceled in. Sasuke theorized his brain cells operated most efficiently when used for kinetics. He wouldn’t admit it, but he felt sidelined – with his companion successfully finding something to keep the loneliness at bay – while he remained in the frontlines, waging an internal war between the thundering silence of his apartment, and the raucous chaos of his thoughts.
He stood there awkwardly on the side of the student council office as the rest of the council members hunched on the floor, painting the words haphazardly out of the outline patterns, the worst among them being Sakura.
Frustrated and driven by a compulsion, he grabbed a spare brush and blank canvas and started the lettering. Thank god for his childhood calligraphy classes. This feat earned him interested looks from the members.
“Wow Pres, you really reeled in a talented runner,” one member chided. “He’s still as grumpy as ever though.”
Sakura wasn’t entirely happy as she looked over his shoulder. “Oh come on. Our banners weren’t that bad.”
“If I were on the baseball team, I’d think you would want us to lose.” He finished one cheering banner and gave it to the nervous member beside him. Apparently, his presence intimidated them even though he was but a mere runner. “Can you give me the next one?”
“Why are we bothering though?” asked the vice-president. “Our school team never makes it past the preliminaries.” From the get go, Sasuke felt her slight annoyance of having been bypassed in the selection, and while this was valid, he also thought she shouldn’t project this to Sakura who was caught in the middle of the decision of the advisory board.
He needn’t worry however, as she carried the subtle dig effortlessly, her usual positivity dripping through. “Isn’t it better to put it your all and see everything through than to give up when the clock hasn’t even started running yet? I find regrets more troublesome.”
Flustered with her response, the vice-president shifted her gaze back to the canvas in front of her and started to paint again. Everyone didn’t see it, but he caught Sakura sticking her tongue out to her.
Such a child. He found himself smirking.
Naruto started skipping classes as the day of the preliminaries crept closer. A week of this behavior prompted Sakura to pry his address out of Sasuke. He found out days later that she started coming to his apartment and incessantly ring the doorbell until his neighbors in the complex complained of the early morning noise.
Sasuke’s part in this scheme was the notes he compiled and one-word reminders through texts when there were deadlines or assignments. Somehow, it evolved into a convoluted arrangement among the three of them to keep the baseball rookie MVP afloat in his academics. As compensation for their efforts, Naruto started to buy them convenience store rice balls for morning snacks.
“You idiot. You should save your allowance,” Sasuke said smugly to the blonde.
“And yet you’re swallowing it in full.” Naruto grinned. “You should chew, grumpy! Chew!”
Sakura took a sip of her cranberry juice and smiled fondly at them. “Are you ready for Friday?”
“We’re facing off a top ten school, and Captain Haru said we don’t have that much chance. I don’t believe it though. I think we’ll win,” Naruto replied.
“You have a strategy ready?” Sakura asked.
He shook his head and pointed to himself rather proudly. “No but the team has me.” Sasuke choked on the last bit of his rice ball at the latter’s pronouncement.
“I told you to chew!”
Sakura, in panic, gave her half-drunk juice carton to him, and Sasuke, also internally panicking, grabbed it and downed the rest of it.
“You okay?” Sakura patted his back and snuffled a laughter which Naruto joined with his loud, uncontrollable dry heaves. Sasuke glared at the two, but this only served to amuse them further. “Oh wow, that was the first time I ever saw you uncomposed.” She swiped the tears in her eyes with the back of her hand.
“But really, they have me so we’ll win,” Naruto insisted.
“I’ll wear a cheering uniform for you,” she chirped back.
“Gods, dumb and dumber,” Sasuke sighed, defeated.
On the afternoon of the game, Sasuke found himself surrounded with a large female following after Sakura got all the members and the runners cheering outfits, and by outfits, that meant olive green jersey tops and maroon sweatpants representative of the school colors. She also took advantage of his obligated presence by giving him the task to distribute the banners and flaglets to the benches. The genius orphan and the couldn’t-care-less Uchiha roaming the rows? That pulled the student crowd needed for the game.
“Go Naruto!” Sakura yelled beside him. A black bandana was tied around her forehead, and her ponytail was replaced with a high bun.
Sasuke inadvertently covered his eardrums. The noise was even louder when the student council started a yell routine in the bleachers. The side of the opponent was half-full, and surprise was transparent in the other team’s faces. Probably the first time that support with this magnitude was given to the baseball team. Also, it was his first time attending a ball game in person, not that he didn’t try asking his brother before.
He felt a light tap on his shoulders. He turned around to see a raven-haired girl behind him, dressed in a lilac midi dress and sporting the black bandana on her wrist. “Is this seat taken?” She motioned to the space beside him. Her face was familiar – he knew he saw her somewhere but also certain he never interacted directly with her.
“Ah Hinata?” Sakura’s voice squeaked in recognition. She gestured to him to exchange seats with her, and she immediately patted her to sit down. “Cheering for Haru?”
Ah, the Hyuuga, the captain’s girlfriend. They’re actually friends.
“I was actually planning to buy the whole team dinner regardless of the results,” she said to Sakura. He was not good at reading people, but this Hinata was soft-spoken and gentle with her mannerisms that he found it fitting for her to be with Haru. He was, after all, so steadfast and assertive with his members, and he could even get Naruto in line with a look. So much so like Sakura that this exact dynamic was playing beside him.
It was a weird thing though when he glanced at the two and saw that her eyes were not trained on Haru but on certain blonde bloke on the field.
“President Sakura.”
Great, another distraction. He knew that voice even when the entire field was already screaming.
Sakura whipped her head too fast he was afraid she was gonna break her neck. Even when she was already glowing, her face lit up brighter when Kakashi handed her two bottles of water. “Nice job rounding an audience. Here, Give one to your runner.”
It was evident she wanted him to stay as she started to look around and tried to find a space near her. Noticing this, Sasuke tried stand up and offer him his seat, but she placed a firm hand on his knee, followed by a slight shake of her head, and a soft disappointed sigh when Kakashi disappeared from the crowd.
He was walking out of the bathroom when the announcer declared the winner of the two-hour game. Of course, they would win. Naruto never backed down from his pronouncements, no matter how silly or unattainable they may be. He should buy him a stack of his favorite ramen as prize.
“Yo, Uchiha.”
Naruto’s bullies blocked the path leading to the bleachers – there were four of them, the same people who made fun of him in the hallway last time.
“Your people skills shot up after spending time with that orphan MVP and the chirpy pinky huh?”
“Birds of the same feather flock together.”
Normally, Sasuke would let these insults slide, if one could call them that. They were bigger and taller than him with faces that reflected experienced jabs in their scars and band-aids. To take them on alone, considering also the fact that he skipped gym for almost a year now, would be suicide. Nonetheless, he didn’t feel riled up as they expected him to be.
“Or should we say, they shot up in their society ranks because of you? After all, your dad was a member of the board.”
“Oooh my bad, dead dad.”
His hands started to clench into fists – an involuntary action out of their own volition. This slight shift in his body language gave them the go signal to surround him.
“Heard through the grapevine that it was actually your fault they’re dead. Imagine sleeping next to your dying parents and not looking for help?”
“Pathetic being.”
“Now he parades himself like an entitled son of a chairman.”
A kick to his shin. “Can’t really do anything to us, huh? Afraid to tarnish your dead daddy’s reputation?”
A punch to his side, and Sasuke clutched at the contact. Another right at the center of his stomach, and he doubled over, the water he drank threatening to hurl itself on the ground.
“You’re a better target than Orphan No. 1. You don’t really fight back.” The bully placed his foot on his hand, pushing him down further and making him bow. “You need to show you’re a model student. After all, your brother’s one of the shareholders of the school, and he has no need for trouble from his shunned sibling.”
Simultaneous kicks to Sasuke’s side. They were right, to an extent, but it was the whole process of explaining that would tire him out. Conversing with Itachi was a drag all on its own, like talking to the void, and hearing the senseless blame games all over again. This was all right, he assured himself throughout the whole encounter, since he was already numb. The other pain inside his head was stronger and sharper.
“Then again, you probably pulled some strings to get pinky that coveted position, didn’t you? Imagine a second year being president all of a sudden without going through the motions.”
The bile rose to his throat, and there was an entirely different metallic taste in his mouth. His fists were itching to fight back.
“Let’s destroy your pretty face this time, and we’ll come for the pinky next.”
Sasuke gained momentum to land a kick on the person’s crotch, the force and shock sending him reeling to the side. That was reckless, he knew that, because then he was exposed to the punches of the three others. And so he waited for contact but there was a flurry of bodies and that pink bright contrast in his line of sight.
One fist landed on Sakura’s face.
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animebaby00 · 3 years
Request: Makoto/Haru
Makoto and Haru in university. Makoto is involved in an accident. Haru called out of class. Their story of recovery. Makoto with a broken leg/ribs and Haru from the traumatic fear of almost losing Makoto. Haru takes care of Makoto.
Phew ! I'm so sorry this took awhile to get out! But it's here and ready for you! I hope you like it!
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Our Pain is Also Our Strength
(WARNING: Mentions of car accidents below)
Haru knew something was wrong the moment he got called out of swim practice at Hidaka University. The odd feeling he got when he was told to go to the office. It made his skin prickle with unease and made his hands become sweaty and cold, creating a heavy sensation that felt like a rock was sitting deep in the middle of his stomach.
It was such a rare occurrence. On one hand alone, he could count the amount of times he'd been taken out of class during all of his years in elementary school and highschool. Most of the time, it had been for medical reasons, things involving family. But as far as he knew, there was no such issue in any of those departments. 
Until today. 
Static rang in his ears upon hearing it. A woman at a desk muttered something to him, a collection of about 30 words, but Haru only registered 3 as he ran out of the school's building and to the nearest train station
Makoto, accident, and hospital.
Those were the words that repeated over and over and over again in his mind and not just because of their connections, but because Haru just couldn't register…
How? And why? 
He wasn't even sure what "accident" meant. Did he fall? Injure himself? Did something happen at work? Did someone step out of line and hurt him? He hoped it wasn't that. 
Who would even hurt someone who was as nice,sweet, and considerate as Makoto? 
So many questions that Haru didn't know the answer to. And that scared him.
However, that feeling increased tenfold when he was told at the reception that Makoto was in the emergency ward as well as full detail of what happened. 
It was a traffic accident. Not as extreme as most but effective enough to cause a significant amount of damage. Makoto had been at an intersection at the corner, preparing to turn, and some bastard had run a red light. 
Makoto's car had spun around due to the compact and the driver's side had collided with the base pole of another stoplight on the adjacent side of the street, trapping him inside. Supposedly, he had been unconscious when the paramedics arrived on the scene, but had woken up due to all the commotion. That was all the information Haru had collected until he just couldn't take it anymore and promptly asked where Makoto's room was. 
He excused himself from the individuals he had bumped into to get there, apologized for pushing himself into the already full elevator that would take him to the proper floor. He didn't feel bad though, considering that he was damn sure that anyone who was in his situation with a boyfriend who was in an unknown state after an unfortunate accident would be in a rush just like he was in now. 
Finally, he arrived, and he wasted no time in entering, desperation and worry gnawing away down into his bones. 
"Makoto ?" He asked urgently, practically sprinting inside the room, "Makoto ? Are you in here ?" 
"H-Haru ?"
His blood froze, eyes widening at Makoto's voice.
It sounded so weak.
Slowly, Haru peered around the privacy curtain in the center of the room that divided off the bed from a double sink area and an extra IV stand, gaze resting on the inhabitant in the bed he had been so worriedly aching to see. 
And the sight he was met with utterly knocked the wind out of him. 
He'd never ever thought that he'd have to see Makoto, his Makoto, in a state like this. 
The first thing he noticed was the cast, huge, bulky, riding all the way from the top of Makoto's foot to his midthigh, elevated with a stack of thick hospital pillows. Crisp, clean bandages were thickly wrapped on a few sections of his arms, but a more noticeable one was wrapped widely around his chest area, their whiteness off set by the splotches of several bruises that littered his skin. There were a few butterfly bandages on his forehead and over his brow to seal the more minor injuries, and several IV cords were dangling from the holders above, administering from what Haru could count as 3 different medications.
And Makoto sat in the middle of it all, and still managed to,somehow, keep that damned, adorable, beautiful smile on his face. It was smaller than usual, but still, it was there.
All too quickly, he found himself rushing forward in angry, terrified, relief to Makoto's side. He pulled him into his arms the best he could without hurting him, not giving a damn when the hot tears that he didn't even know he was holding in, cascaded in waterfalls down his face. 
"M-Makoto," he hiccuped, burying his face into the crook of his neck, "God, Makoto…" 
He could feel the bigger male hum against his ear, warm arms and hands encircling his back, "It's okay, Haru. I'm alright. I'm here."
"S-shut up. Y-you almost…" he pulled away, furiously wiped at his face, and proceeded to cup Makoto's cheeks in his hands, gliding his fingers over his jaw, his cheekbones, and the bridge of his nose, committing every single feature to absolute memory. He leaned forward, allowing their foreheads to touch and he let out a shaky sigh.
"D-do you know how m-much that s-scared me? I...I thought you-"
"Hey, come on." Makoto's soft voice eased, grabbing onto the hands that were cradling his face, ""Don't think like that."
"How can I not?!" Haru wept, voice cracked like broken glass, "This isn't something we can just forget about! I could've lost you today, Makoto !" 
"I know…" the injured male trailed, hurt by his boyfriend's distressed outburst. He couldn't blame him though. If Haru had been the one in his position, he would probably be saying the exact same thing right now. 
He grabbed the distressed male's hands in his own. 
They were covered in cold sweat, but Makoto didn't mind in the slightest. 
"Haru please, calm down. There's nothing we can do right now until the doctor comes back in so let's just...talk. Okay?" 
A light pressure could be felt against his palms and Haru looked down, noticing the gentle squeeze from Makoto's fingers. His staggered breathing calmed some and he closed his eyes.
"Y-you're right." He stammered, amazed at how easy it was for him to calm down by Makoto's simple touch, "I'm sorry. Anger is the last thing you need. I shouldn't have come in so...so"
"Hey, you have nothing to apologize for. If I were you, I probably would have done the same thing," he ghosted his fingers over Haru's knuckles, "You have every right to be upset and it would be a lie if I said I wasn't upset too. No one wants to be in the...position that I'm in right now. It's not exactly ideal, or comfortable for that matter."
Haru's eyes immediately widened, "Are you in pain?" he  fretted, to which he got an immediate reply of a shaking of a head. 
"No, not really. They've been pumping me full of drugs since I've got here. If anything, I just feel really sluggish and tired, but I can't really find the ability to sleep. They didn't want me too just in case I had a concussion." 
Makoto opened his arms, and Haru immediately shook his head. 
"Why not?"
"I don't…" he looked down at the floor, "I don't want to hurt you."
"Silly," Makoto chuckled, arms spreading the tiniest bit wider, "You won't hurt me. Now come here."
Haru looked off to the side a little uneasily, but then proceeded to scoot forward until he was laying in the crook of the space between Makoto's arm and the side of his chest, head resting on his shoulder. 
"There," Makoto smiled, "Much better."
Haru said nothing, instead opting to guide Makoto's face towards his. And in one, swift movement, their lips were merged together in a soft, heartfelt kiss
Makoto's eyes closed at the feel of Haru's cool, sweet lips on his, noticing the feel of his hand gripping his neck in a gentle, desperate fashion as he carded his fingers through Haru's soft, dark hair. Those actions were a silent agreement that right now, this was what they needed most.
"There. Does that feel okay? Not too high? Do you need me to move anything?"
Makoto chuckled, "It feels perfect Haru. Thank you."
He nodded, "I'll be right back with the ice, do you want anything from the kitchen while I'm in there ?" 
"No, I'm okay. Just the ice is fine."
It's been 2 weeks since Makoto's accident, and during that time, Haru had been doing absolutely everything he could to aid in Makoto's recovery. 
When the doctor had come back in to speak to the both of them, he had revealed that Makoto had a plethora of injuries. 
He didn't have a concussion which was good, but he did suffer from a broken right leg, 2 broken ribs, some cuts and bruises, and he had to get a few stitches on a cut above his eyebrow. They were certainly grateful they both had good medical insurance and savings since it was obvious that Makoto was going to be down for some time. 
The doctor gave him an estimation of 2 months with the cast and an additional month with a leg brace as well as some light physical therapy. All in all, a supposed 3 month period before he would make a full recovery. 
That meant, he couldn't coach, teach, or swim at all until that time period was up. He had also been put on strict bed rest for 3 weeks minus the necessary actions of using the bathroom, to which he had to use crutches to do so in addition to any other walking around that he did. At least Makoto only had 1 week of bedrest left, and he was grateful for that. He was also immensely grateful for all of the things Haru had been doing to take care of him. 
The chores around the house; cooking, cleaning, laundry, and the shopping. Making sure he was comfortable at all times, helping him bathe and get dressed while also attending college on top of it all. Haru was doing it all and it was definitely a lot to take care of. And while Makoto deeply appreciated it...he couldn't help but feel bad, but he knew there was nothing he could do except help out in the tiny increments where he could while also ensuring Haru that he was fine.
Which he was having to do a lot as of late. 
"Here, I have your ice."
Makoto snapped his head up, "Hm? Oh, thank you Haru!" 
"No problem…"
Haru gently set the ice pack to lay steadily on the base of Makoto's cast then took a seat next to the temporarily disabled male, head moving to lay on his shoulder as he grabbed the remote to randomly scan through the TV channels. 
Makoto shifted his position slightly, arm raising to rest over Haru's shoulders. Even from the slight touch, Makoto could feel how tense they were. He gently ran his hand over them, even turning it up to smooth at the base of Haru's neck where his hair ended, and he frowned slightly as the rumble of a yawn left Haru's lips.
"Are you tired?" 
"A little."
"Why don't you get some sleep…"
"I'm fine."
"But Haru-" 
"I have to take care of you."
A sigh left Makoto's lips. This was growing to be his response for absolutely everything. He gently squeezed his boyfriend's shoulder.
"I'll be fine for a few hours. You need to stop thinking about me so much and also take some time to look after yourself. You're exhausted Haru, anyone can see that."
Haru shook his head "It was just that stupid nightmare I had. It woke me up a few times, that's all. I'll sleep better tonight." 
A deeper frown etched it's way onto Makoto's lips. 
Every so often for the last few nights, he was aware that Haru had been struggling to get a good night's sleep.  It was only about a week ago that Haru shared the information that he was having nightmares about the accident and Makoto was devastated. But once again, he couldn't blame him, even though he had told Haru to wake him on the occasions that he did have them so that he could at least talk and try to quell the feelings they caused for his traumatized love. From what Haru told him, they weren't pleasant, almost all of them resulting in a twisted, gory ending that was nowhere close to what actually happened.
"Haru…" Makoto whispered, "Why didn't you tell me?"
"Didn't want to bother you. You need rest."
"And so do you." 
Makoto guided his other hand under Haru's chin, inwardly wincing as the action caused a twinge of pain to shoot through his chest, but he didn't care. Slowly, he guided Haru's head to look at him, green to a heavy, exhausted, dark-circle rimmed blue.
"Listen, I know you're worried about me, and you have every right to be. What happened was... uneventful. And it was unexpected and scary. I get that. But you wearing yourself down to care for me isn't going to help anything."
Haru pressed his lips together, and looked downwards, "...It's not just that." 
"Huh? What do you mean?"
 "Why I'm doing this? It's not just to help you. It's..." he looked back up, eyes now brimming with tears " It's so that I'm always with you. I don't want to leave your side."
Makoto felt his heart jitter uncomfortably in his chest, "Oh, Haru…"
"What happened two weeks ago," he started suddenly, "It scared me. I...I don't think I've ever been that scared in my life. Seeing you like that...it just showed me what life can do to you." 
Makoto stayed silent as Haru continued, his voice growing to become tight and strained.
"All I can picture is what else could have happened. I just can't get it out of my head. I don't want to have nightmares, I don't want to be fearful. But I realized then, when I saw you…" he swallowed thickly, and gripped the fabric of Makoto's t-shirt, tears falling.
"I saw how fast things can be taken away from you. How fast you can lose the things you care about, and I don't ever want you to be taken away from me…!"
Makoto was at a loss for words as Haru cried into his shoulder. This whole time, he was so scared, terrified, and he left it eating away at him until he couldn't anymore. 
This accident affected the both of them, sure. But it had affected Haru so much more that he originally thought. 
"Hey," Makoto urged gently, tilting Haru's face up "Come on Haru, look at me." 
He did, slowly, his eyes soaked with tears. Makoto smiled warmly and wiped them away with his thumbs. 
"I won't ever be taken away from you, I want you to know that right now. Nothing could ever, EVER separate us so I don't want you to be scared that something will." Makoto looked downwards at his cast, " Accidents happen whether we want them to or not, and they can do a significant amount of damage and that's something I should have paid more attention to in regards to you."
Haru shook head, "No, Makoto I-" 
"Shh," he was stopped by a finger against his lips,"This took a toll on you just as much as it did me and I should've noticed that. It scared you and made you fearful and I should have done more to prevent that. You can't lie now and brush it off like it's nothing."
An uneasy "Hrm..." sounded from Haru's throat and he watched as Makoto reached down and grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers. 
"Let me say one thing though." He whispered softly, stroking the skin on the top of Haru's hand, "You can stay by my side as long as you need and help me when I need it, but let me at least do something to help you." 
He firmly set his gaze on Haru, eyeing his dark blue orbs, "I know it will take some time to get over this. We both need to recover, me physically and you mentally. So when you need to talk or if you're worried about something, don't hesitate to come talk to me, and make sure you continue to take care of yourself on top of it." 
He squeezed Haru's hand tighter, "If we help each other, then I know we'll be okay. You believe me don't you?"
In all honesty, Haru could never make sense of how well their hands fit together, like two puzzle pieces, or a perfectly crafted lock and key, and it always offered a gentle, soft, reassuring warmth.
That warmth radiated everywhere, all around them, even in Makoto's words in that things would be okay. That they would recover from this.
Haru squeezed Makoto's hand back, a soft, quiet "Yes..." leaving his lips. 
"Good," he kissed Haru's temple, "Now what do you say we both get some rest ?"
And they did, bodies settled comfortably on the sofa, Haru nuzzled against Makoto's neck, together.
Exact the way they should be. 
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cat-x-riceball · 4 years
I love all the fruits basket pairings. I want to give my thoughts on every couple and how well they compliment each other. There's obviously going to be manga spoilers.
Let's start with my favourite couple. I do like all of them, though. These are not my rankings.
Kyo & Tohru: They are just meant to be. As everyone frequently says, Tohru is good for anyone. Because Tohru is just wife material - she knows cooking, likes household chores, isn't selfish and self-centered, cherishes and genuinely cares about the people around her, and extremely loyal to the one person she loves. Whereas, Kyo is the one most suited to her. While everyone, including Kyo, got help from Tohru, Kyo was the one who was by her side whenever she needed someone the most. He helped her get over the facts with her dad and made her realize that her dad wasn't the villain. Despite knowing he would turn into a cat, he hugged her, wrapped up in blankets. Oh boy, that was hot. Not only that, they both emotionally support each other. Their characters might be different but they have a lot similarities, and persons like them would probably get along really well in real life. They do domestic work together. They are both morning persons. They both can cook. They are good listeners. They get flustered a lot and are shy. Oh, my gosh! I really need to stop ranting. I will keep on going about Kyoru. So guys, all in all, Kyoru is a perfect couple.
Haru & Rin: The iconic gothic couple. Gosh, their dressing style is fab. I read somewhere in the extra of the author of furuba that Hatsuharu picked up these kind of fashion sense from Rin, before that he used to dress up like Kyo - like wear hoodies, t-shirts and sneakers. That's how much Rin influenced him. On the other hand, Rin started liking accessories made by Haru. I love their influence on each other. Plus, Rin and Haru would do anything for each other. Haru is a natural kind and gentle person, except when he goes Black. Whereas, Rin has a very sharp tongue, but still cares about Haru the most. Rin is probably the best to keep Haru in check since he is a space cadet, god knows what he thinks all the time. On the contrary, Haru is the best to be by Rin's side. As everyone Rin had in her life thought of her as a burden, Haru genuinely cares about her and is stubborn to not her go - that is the exact thing Rin needed. Not to mention, Haru is the type to donate everything to others and Rin is the type to not share anything. Therefore, they balance each other out perfectly.
Yuki & Machi: A messy, sweet couple. They are both so unhygienic, it's hilarious. They compliment each other perfectly. One has a sassy mouth, and another has a sharp tongue. God bless their child! Their understanding is very cool, too. Machi is one of those very few people who saw through Yuki - his loneliness and insecurities. We can see in chapter 136 that Machi is someone who gets insecure with her boyfriend but doesn't try to show it, which is very normal. I mean, if my boyfriend was that good-looking and charming, I probably would handcuff him with myself. On the other hand, the way Yuki expresses his love for Machi is so adorable. When he broke that perfect box of chalk for Machi, I was triumphed with delight. Not to mention, Mogeta is a bridge between their love. I love these two together.
Hiro & Kisa: Young love is beautiful - as long as Akito doesn't interfere. Hiro is a complete jerk, no arguments about that. But I love his personality completely flips when Kisa is there. I laughed my head off in the scene where Momiji texted Hiro for coming to the summer getaway and Hiro was bad-mouthing it, but as soon as Kisa said she wanted to go, he agreed almost immediately. Kisa is a sweet angel; she needs someone like Hiro who would fulfill her needs without getting bothered about it. As we have seen, Hiro is very caring for those he loves - his little sister, mom and Rin. Although, Hiro and Kisa might have some fights occasionally since Hiro has a trash mouth, he crosses the line sometimes. But in the end, they both will apologize for the mistakes and solve it.
Hatori & Mayu: Spring comes when snow melts. Kana is definitely someone who Hatori will never forget, neither will he replace her with Mayu. Mayu has created her own special place in his heart, she warmed his frozen heart once again in her own way. At first, I just wanted someone to love Hatori, no matter who it was - because that guy deserves all the love in the world. But Mayu is perfect for him. She can deal with almost any situation given that she is a high school teacher. Plus, she can understand people well as she deals with problematic children all the time - Kyo, Momiji and Haru. She definitely will understand Hatori and is qualified to be by his side. What to say about Hatori? He's already perfect. I'm glad that Mayu's unrequitable love become true and Hatori's empty heart was once again occupied.
Kureno & Arisa: Age is just a number. I admit their age gap is kinda weird, but its pretty common in the place I live in. I don't really mind as long as there is true love. They fell in love quiet earlier than others, it was fast-paced. It was a mutual love at first sight. Who doesn't love that? If I were to find any similarities between these two, I find nothing too spectacular - they are both dedicated people. Arisa is kinda rowdy, not feminine. On the other hand, Kureno is calm, quiet and the type to go along with anything. Arisa doesn't put up with anything, and Kureno put up with Akito - the worse person to be with. I think their relationship would go really well because Kureno has handled Akito's temper-tantrums for years, so he definitely can deal with Arisa. Also, Arisa would go well with him since he is basically a Tohru to her. They have their dynamics, but in the end, love wins.
Ritsu & Mitchan: When you add two negatives, it becomes positive. Both of them were pretty down towards themselves and were prone to commit suicide. But now having each other in their lives, I'm pretty sure, the thought of dying rarely crosses their minds. As Tohru said, the world doesn't need anybody, it's the people who need each other. They both give reasons to each other to live, that's why they are well-suited. Ritsu and Mitchan are both chaotic, it's ridiculous to watch their panicked reaction in sync. They are pretty shy as well. It's pretty cute. We didn't get to see much of them in the manga and anime so far, I hope we learn how their relationship went. I'm sure they will grow to be more confident.
Shigure & Akito: Jealousy is both love and hate at the same time - that's the exact case with these two. They both hated each other for jealousy because they loved each other - also called complicated relationship problem. I think the method Shigure used to get Akito back was pretty harsh and vengeful, but it serves Akito right for treating the other zodiacs so horribly like they were toys. The thing that bothers me most is - Shigure loved Akito even before seeing her. Its pretty messed up if you ask me. But I'm glad, at the end of the series, they both solved their issues and became dedicated to each other, instead of playing around. But Shigure, you seriously need to stop flirting with other females, otherwise I won't be surprised if Akito divorces you or pushes you off the second floor.
Ayame & Mine: The nonsensical duo. Someone who can handle Ayame is god-tier, trust me. As we all know, Ayame lives in his own little, fantasy world. I'm very curious to know - how did someone like Ayame fell in love? How did he even notice Mine when all he looks at is himself? We will never know. But as long as there is someone out there who can love him, it's all fine. Mine is pretty level-headed and just as crazy as him. She can go along with his crazy, nonsensical ideas. Plus, they are both into creating things. What could be better than having the same interests as your partner? You will never lack a topic to talk about. And it seems Ayame is pretty understanding of Mine. Not to mention, when Ayame told Mine that he was born into this world to love her, I screamed with tears rolling down my eyes - that chapter was emotional as fuck, alright? All in all, I love these crazy duo.
Kazuma & Hanajima: I can't imagine this ship sailing. I love them both individually. I do not ship them. I can't picture Hana-chan as Kyo's mother when Kyo is probably older than her - although it would be hilarious to see them as mother-son duo. If you connect the dots, Tohru would be her daughter-in-law. Hanajima would be triumphed about that. We still don't know how Shisho feels about it. He probably would never marry, considering that might hurt Kyo's fragile heart or so he thinks. But who knows? I love them both as individuals. Hana-chan is gothic fab, and Kazuma is the best fucking dad in the whole series. But if the author wants them together, I won't actually hate it. It's okay, I suppose. As you all know, age is just a number and jail is just a room.
That's it for all the ships. Have I missed any? Do tell me.
I feel bad for Momiji and Kagura. We didn't get to know about their respective partners in the original manga. That's what happens when you fall in love with the main two protagonist 🤦🏻‍♀️
I don't really care much about Kagura because I know she will found someone suitable - I do pity that guy. He would get beaten to death everyday like Kyo.
Momiji needs to find someone who will appreciate his angelic heart and treasure him. I hope he finds someone even better than Tohru - someone better than Tohru might be impossible as she is one of a kind - at least, someone who loves him truly.
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squirrelly831 · 4 years
Child Makes Mom Cry [Yongguk, Himchan, and Daehyun]
I apologize for how long these turned out. That was not my intention. I just got carried away… 
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Stephanie was married to Yongguk for eleven years and they had a ten year old daughter, Catherine. Yongguk still worked in the music industry, he produced his own albums or helps the other members with their music. Because of his business, Stephanie didn’t want to tell him about the added stress their daughter gave her. Their daughter snuck out, went to parties she wasn’t allowed to, and skipped school a couple of times, but today was Stephanie’s breaking point with it all.
Stephanie drove towards the grocery store to get dinner when she passed by a girl who looked like her daughter and her friends. Stephanie sucked in a breath prepared to confirm her suspicions as she drove around and got back on the same road. She pulled over to the side to get a better view. She let out a huff, grabbed her bag and phone, and stepped out of the car with her keys in hand. “Catherine Haeun Bang, what are you doing out of school?”
Catherine’s smile fell as she met her mother’s angry face, “Mom” she sang. “We were just getting a bit to eat.” She lied.
“In the car. All of you. I’ll take you home.” Catherine’s three girls ran off to the car. Catherine, however, scoffed. With an emphasized huff, she stomped to the car. Stephanie pressed her fingers to her temples before she grabbed her phone and called the school only to find out this had been an occurring issue. Once in the car, she made each of the girls dial their parent’s numbers and Stephanie explained the situation to each parent on her phone.
Once home, Catherine jumped out of the car and ran into the house.
Stephanie dreaded this moment, she pulled out her keys and took a moment for herself. “Let’s just get this over with. A lecture and maybe just ground her for a week.” She got out of the car and entered the house. “Catherine, get down her.” She mustered the sternest voice she could get.
Her daughter stomped down the stairs, “WHAT?”
Stephanie walked out of the hall and into the living room with Catherine hot on her heels. “What were you thinking?” She finally asked. “Skipping? AND it wasn’t the first time? Seriously!”
Catherine threw herself on the couch and shrugged, “Everyone does it, mother.” She had no care in the world as she continued. “I’m bored, so I don’t go. It’s simple.”
Yongguk entered the house with a smile. He came home much earlier than he anticipated and he was ready to get some family bonding time. However, he heard the condescending tone in his daughter’s voice and his smile fell. He decided to wait in the hallway to let Stephanie handle it since he didn’t want to take away any authority from her.
“You can’t just skip school because you’re bored! That’s what advanced placement is for or cram schools.”
Catherine scoffed, “I hate school. I don’t want to go. I’m going to be an idol like dad anyway.”
“Your father still went to school, young lady. You need an education” Stephanie replied in annoyance.
“Why? I don’t want to end up in some stupid dead-end job like you.”
Stephanie’s voice caught in her throat. She was a proud owner of a coffee shop, something she had only dreamed about. Stephanie felt tears prick her eyes and she mentally cursed for letting her ten year old get under her skin over something so stupid. She raised her hands in defeat, “I—I can’t even look at you right now. I’m so disappointed.” Stephanie rushed out of the room as she wiped her eyes. Before she passed Yongguk, he pulled you into a hug and Stephanie felt instant guilt. “I’m sorry… I’m such a shitty mom. I can’t even handle a ten year old.”
He patted her hair. He felt a mix of emotions as he held his wife. Anger because of Catherine’s behavior and hurt because of Stephanie’s pain. He kissed her forehead, “I’ll take care of it. You go lay down, okay?” He lead her to the stairs before he made a beeline to the living room. Catherine was in the kitchen. She looked for a snack with her phone in hand.
She heard his heavy footsteps which made her look back and smiled, “Appa! You’re home early today!” Her smile fell as she felt the anger radiating off Yongguk, “What’s wrong?”
He stormed into the living room, “Catherine, get over here now” he growled lowly. She dropped her phone and sat on the chair across from him. “Dead-end job? Like your mother?” The color in her face drained as she realized he heard her. He would punish her how he sought fit and he would make her apologize to her mother for her harsh behavior. Yongguk would also make it a priority to speak to his wife and figure out how to create better communication when it came to their parenting.
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Himchan and Miranda were married for 18 years and they had two child, a fifteen year old son named Seungwon and a twelve year old daughter named Eunhae. Eunhae was a great kid. She was really into sports and after school she spent her time with her team. She played volleyball and soccer for different seasons. She wasn’t the best at school, but she tried which was all that really mattered to Himchan and his wife. She wasn’t failing which was a different story for their oldest, Seungwon.
Seungwon had a bad temper that only grew as he got older. The only one who could ever really get in his head was Himchan when Seungwon was pissed. No matter what Miranda did, she could never get him to listen to her. Himchan knew it was hard on her, but Miranda insisted that she would figure out how to handle their son.
Miranda was at work when her secretary snuck into the meeting and whispered that Seungwon’s school called. Miranda feared the worse, she excused herself from the meeting with a million apologies as she was one of the heads of the fashion department. She called the school back immediately and she was told she needed to pick up Seungwon.
Miranda left work early and drove the thirty minutes to his school with the constant thought that she should call Himchan, but she fought herself from doing so. Once at the school, Miranda rushed to the principal’s office where she was greeted with two kids, one being her son, that looked beaten to a pulp and a mother who looked like she would attack Miranda.
“Mrs. Kim. Seungwon, this way” the principal led them into his office.
Miranda took a seat as Seungwon stood by the door. She let out a sigh. She wasn’t going to try to fight him over something as small as not sitting.
“Sorry for having you come all the way out here, but Seungwon got into a fight today in the middle of class.” Miranda’s head instantly fell forward into her open palm. “He will be suspended for the next three days. During that time, he can reflect on his actions and when he returns he can properly apologize.”
Seungwon sneered, “As if I’d apologize. I wasn’t in the wrong.”
“Seungwon… Please.” Miranda begged and Seungwon just scoffed, but said no more.
The principal cleared his throat as he continued, “Also, his homeroom teacher wanted to talk to you about his grades, but since you’re here, I decided to rely the message for her. Seungwon is failing 5 of his 8 classes. If he continues he will be held back.” Miranda’s heart sunk.
After apologizing to the principal again and the other boy’s mother, Miranda and Seungwon went home. She walked in numbly and put her keys on the kitchen counter. “Why?” She swallowed a lump in her throat, “Why are you fighting people?”
Seungwon shrugged, “He looked at me wrong.”
She pinched the bridge of her nose and took in a breath, “You can’t just hit people because they look at you wrong! And your grades! Are you serious, Seungwon? Are you even trying?”
Seungwon’s face reddened, fist tightened, and he pushed past her with a force to knock her back without thinking. She stumbled into the wall. “Shut up! I’m a screw up! I got it! Damn!” He stormed out not even listening to Miranda call after him.
Eunhae rushed from upstairs and noticed her mom against the wall, “Mom, are you okay?” Miranda gave her a sad smile as her tears overcame her, she slid down the wall and cried. Eunhae grabbed her phone and texted her dad before she sat beside her crying mom.  
When Himchan got Eunhae’s short text, he rushed home. Miranda was still on the floor and Eunhae clung to her with her own tears in her eyes. She looked up to see her dad. With a sniff, she got up annd Himchan kneeled beside Miranda. “Yeobo, what’s wrong? Talk to me.” Eunhae spoke for her mom. She told him everything she heard and Himchan had half the mind to find Seungwon, bring his ass back, and hit him.
Miranda stood and grabbed Himchan who went to the door, “Don’t. Let him cool off. He needs to go to counseling. There’s something wrong with him something he won’t let out.” She wiped her eyes but tears continued to fall. “I was just shocked. He didn’t hurt me. He wouldn’t hurt me.”
Himchan didn’t care about that at that moment. He hugged both Miranda and their daughter. His priority was to stop his queen and princess from crying and cheer them up. With a smile he took the two of them upstairs to Miranda and his shared room to watch movies.
He heard the front door open and he’s blood boiled. He looked back at his sleeping wife and daughter before he snuck off downstairs to confront his son. He entered the living room, “Kim Seungwon, get in here. NOW!” Seungwon ran into the living room. “You know what I’ve been doing for the last two hours?” Seungwon shook his head. “I’ve been trying to get your mother and your sister to stop crying because of you! What kind of disrespectful son are we raising?!” He shouted.
“Dad, it’s no—”
“Did I tell you, you could speak?”
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Being a parent came with its ups and downs. Daehyun and Amber had three children, Kwangmin, Joy, and Haru. Each were well behaved and well mannered that even their friends commented on how perfect their children acted. Of course, there was the sibling rivalry, but the trio were a close as possible.
Once the oldest, Kwangmin, enter high school, his behavior changed drastically. He went from a straight A student to a 72 average. Daehyun and Amber talked to him, tried to figure out what had caused their once curious school loving son to not have a care in the world, but it never got anywhere. Neither of them knew how bad it was until Daehyun was gone for a week on business.
Amber was busy cleaning up around the house when she received a call from Kwangmin’s school. “Hello?”
“Yes, Mrs. Jung? This is Kwangmin’s homeroom teacher. I was calling to tell you that Kwangmin has not come to school in today. Is he unwell?”
Amber’s voice was stuck in her throat. She watched Kwangmin leave the house. Did he not make it to the bus? Was he okay? Questions began to swirl in her head.
“Mrs. Jung?”
Amber was brought from her mind, “Oh, I’m sorry. He was running a high fever, so I kept him home. I apologize I didn’t let the school know.” She got off the phone and grabbed her car keys. She needed to go look for Kwangmin. As she rushed to her car, she called Daehyun.
“Hey babe, miss me already?”
“Daehyun, it’s Kwangmin. He didn’t go to school.”
Daehyung heard the worry in his wife’s voice, “Babe, stop and breath. He’s probably skipping. I’ll talk to him about it when I get home tonight. Don’t worry.”
Amber bit her lip, “But, what if something happened to him? Someone could have grabbed him or jumped him. He’s never skipped before.”
“Just call him and check on him. I guarantee he’s just skipping.” Daehyun reassured her.
Amber gave in and agreed. She went back into the house and called Kwangmin but never got an answer. So, she did the next best thing. She waited. Waited for him to walk in the front door.
That afternoon,  Kwangmin came through the front door at the same time he always did. “Hey mom, I’m home” he called out.
Amber’s legs almost gave out from the relief she felt when she heard her son’s voice. Her fears turned out to be untrue and he did just as Daehyun said. He skipped. Amber’s worry was consumed and replaced with her anger. “Where have you been?” She rushed after him as he headed to his room.
Kwangmin looked back, “School, duh?”
“Really? And what school were you at because it was surely not yours since they called me THIS morning!”
He shrugged, “School’s boring, so I went to the arcade with some friends.”
“I called you!”
“I knew I’d get yelled at why would I answer it” he rolled his eyes.
Tears fell, “Do you realize how scared I was? I didn’t know where you were?” Kwangmin shrugged. “Phone” she scrambled to say the word. She held out her hand, “Phone. Now.”
Daehyun entered the house with the two younger children. He smiled at them and ushered them to their bedrooms. Once out of sight, his smile faded.
“Now, Kwangmin. You’re not responsible enough to have one anymore” her voice cracked.
“You don’t have to be such a bitch about it! I skipped one time! You can’t just take my phone from me!” He snapped.
It happened so fast, Amber didn’t even realize Daehyun was beside her until she heard the smack that Kwangmin received from him. “Who are you to use such a filthy word to your mother? All because of some damn phone.” Daehyun snapped. He snatched the phone from Kwangmin and handed it to Amber. He didn’t hold back his anger as he just yelled at Kwangmin and scolded him. After some time, he sent Kwangmin to his room and he talked to Amber out punishment.
Part II
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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alittleranting · 6 years
Barista in Love (10/13)
Chapter 10
The days went by and you and Jae acted like nothing had happened. Hoseok had called you and you both spoke. He said he rushed everything and that you rejected him was just the cherry on top because currently he has some problems and just overreacted by drinking so much. Both of you apologized and you two decided to be good friends. Hoseok told you that there was a party Haru wanted to go to so you planed to get together as a group or at least learn how to coexist. So Jae, Haru, Hoseok and you wanted to go out on saturday.
(Sungjin's POV)
You wander through the crowded halles of the university and search for Jae. When you finally spot him you ran over to him real quick.
"Hi. Ca-"
"No, I don't know where Haru is." Jae just walked away but you ran after him.
"That's not what I wanted to ask. I wanted to know if she's happy." Jae stopped abrupt.
"I want to know if Haru's happy."
"I think so. I don't know. Why?"
"I just want to see her happy. Even if it's with another man." With a smile you walk away and leave a puzzled Jae behind. As you walk outside the building you see Wonpil already waiting for you.
"Hey wanna go to the mall?"
"Sure, I wanted to buy new strings for my guitar anyways."
"Nice, let's go." You took the bus to the mall through the ride you two spoke your usual nonsense and had a lot of fun. You realized that you missed those joyful times and that you forgot about your sweet best friend because of a girl. You two entered the mall and went straight to your favorit music store to look for some cd's. You both couldn't find anything and proceed with your tour. On the other side of the hall there was a store with instruments and you pull Wonpil with you. As you enter the store Wonpil instinctively goes to one of the pianos and plays a little melody. You grab one of the guitars nearby and play some matching akkords. Suddenly the owner comes up to you.
"Nice playing but you can't just randomly grab everything you want."
"Sorry Sir, we fooled around a little."
"I see that. Don't break anything boys!"
"We won't." You put the guitar in her previous spot.
"Do you have strings here?"
"Sure, follow me." You go to the frontdesk and he shows you several options. You pick one and pay.
"You wanna play a little in the arcade?"
"Oh yes great idea!" Just like two little kids you ran into the arcade.
"You bet!" You played 5 rounds and you always won against Wonpil. He's good but you're better.
"Told you you can't win against me. Loser."
"You're a bad winner."
"And a worse loser." You both laughed but stopped as you hear a familiar voice who was fighting with someone else. As you peek around the corner you see Brian who catches the fist of an unknown person, who probably is the owner of the arcade.
"Oh my... let's go before he sees us." You two ran off.
"What do you think he has done to get punched?"
"I don't know and most certainly don't want to." You two ate something before you left. On your way back home you where a little absent. You starred out of the window making up your mind and sorting your thoughts. Suddenly you feel Wonpil tapping your shoulder.
"Look who just got on the bus." You looked in the direction Wonpil was pointing and saw Haru. You wanted to talk to her.. but here? You where lost in your thoughts once again. What should I do? The bus came to a halt and you watched as Haru got off. You stood up.
"We see us tomorrow Pil." You smiled and left the vehicel. You walk slowly behind Haru trying to find the right words but before you can think about any words your body already reacts by tapping on Haru's shoulder. She looks at you with a curious expression.
"Mh?" She takes out her earbuns.
"I wanted to tell you that... I like you very much." You smile fondly at her. You're nervous because she takes so long to say something but as she wants to answer you you cut her off.
"It's ok. You don't need to say anything. It's just that I might regret it... if I don't tell you what I feel. I saw you with Brian and I just want you to be happy. Be safe on your way home." You turn around and go into the direction you came from. It's not that far to your house and the fresh air is just what you need right now. Although your heart aches you're happy and proud of yourself.
By now you're lying in your bed and before you go to sleep you ask Wonpil to meet you at the spot you always meet up.
At the next day you feel relieved and you're bubblier than the past months. The day went by pretty fast and in the evening you meet Wonpil on the bridge. He's already waiting for you. He looks at you but doesn't say anything as you approach him. As you stood next to him you two looked into the distance watching the sunset. Suddenly Wonpil holds something out to you, you grab it just to see the friend-keychain he once gave you. You must have lost it without realizing and you're happy to have it back although you haven't missed it in the first place.
"Thanks." You're almost wisphering.
"I'm glad to have you back." The sadness in his eyes stands in a contrast with the happyness in his voice and it breaks your heart. After a while in comfortable silence it got dark as the sun disappeared.
"Hey you wanna go out?"
"Mh sure why not. Do you have something particular in mind?"
"I heared there's a 90s early 2000er party today in a club nearby. You wanna go?"
"A club? You sure Pil?"
"Let's give it a try. We can always leave."
"OK. Let's go."
([Y/N]'s POV)
You were already ready and stood infront of the mirror checking your outfit a last time.
"Hey [Y/N] Hoseok is here. Are you coming?"
"Yes." You grab your purse and leave with Jae.
"Hey guys." You get into the car.
"Hey." Hoseok smiled wide and Haru just nodded without saying a word. Wow.. That's going to be so much fun...
"Where exactly are we going?" Now that you think about it you wanted to ask that too.
"Haru said there's a party where they play music from the 90s and early 2000ers."
"Sounds like fun, doesn't it Jae?"
"Mh.. sure." He definitly wasn't as excited as you.
"Hobi do you mind picking up someone else?"
"Someone else? I thought it's going to be just the four of us."
"Nah I asked YoungK to come with us."
"Could you please call him Brian?" You gestured Jae to shut up and he just rolled his eyes. In moments like this you realize that the things between you two weren't cleared.
"Whatever, where do I pick him up?" Haru explained the way and after 15 minutes we saw him standing at a bus stop. He quickly got into the car so we wouldn't block the traffic.
"Hi... if you had told me that it's going to be so tight on the backseat I could have taken the bus."
"To late babyboy." Brian scoffed but didn't counter. The next 20 minutes went by very slow and in total silence. Maybe that wasn't a good idea. You felt releved as you finally reached your destination. Haru and Brian walked inside while Jae and you waited for Hoseok.
"OK lady and gentleman let's have some fun!" Hoseok was very cheerful and that's exactly what this situation needs. You walked inbetween the boys and hooked your arms under. Even outside the music was pretty loud but it was bearable so you got in. You spotted Haru and Brian at the bar real quick. You join them and although Haru was annoyed you stayed for a while. You chat and drink some cocktails. All of you began to relax and even you and Haru talked a little bit. After some time you really wanted to dance. Haru and Brian didn't want to and Jae didn't dare so Hoseok and you got on the dance floor. You two danced and goofed around. But then you accidentally bump into someone really hard and stumble. The stranger catches you before you fall.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah sorry.. Sungjin?"
"Mh..? Do we know each other?" You explained him that you're a friend of Jae and heared of him.
"Oh ok. Haha I was really confused for a second."
"Sure. Are you alone?"
"No my best friend is with me."
"OK now it get's creepy." You both laugh.
"Oh when you speek of him." Wonpil approached you.
"Hi?" He looked confused.
"You wanna come over to the bar? The others are there and we could drink something."
"Sure." Sungjin pulled Wonpil behind him because he didn't know what was going on.
"Hey guys, look who I met. Sungjin and Wonpil." Haru smiled shyly at Sungjin and turned back to her drink. Maybe the two of them actually spoke. You planed on asking him later. You ordered 8 rounds of shots and you all drank them quickly.
"Wow ok. I needed that." You laughed and loosened up a little more.
"You sure you know what you're doing [Y/N]?"
"Sure Jae." You smiled at him and he returns it.
"So back on the dance floor who's with me?" Sungjin put his hand up. You looked at Hoseok but he made a 'X' with his fingers. Seems like he needs a break. So you and Sungjin dance together. You're having fun but you have that feeling that someone is starring at you. As you turn around you're eyes met with Jae's who lookes urgently at you with dark eyes. You shiver and although he is such a cutie he can be fucking scary. A few songs later Sungjin gestures to the others and you follow him.
"Not for me." You order a cocktail and chuck it down like a shot.
"So who's gonna dance with me now? Jaeee?" You tried sounding super sweet but he shook his head. You pout but then feel a hand on your shoulder. It was Brian.
"I'm gonna dance with you." He winked, took your hand and dragged you along. You didn't have to look at Haru to know that she's trying to kill you with her stare but you didn't care. You just wanted to dance and nothing more. At first everything was fine but unfortunatly the following songs were very sexy and people danced very obscene around you. You tell yourself that you can't do that with Brian but the alcohol is moving your body against his and he's definitly enjoying it. You tried to be responsable and excused yourself and went for the restroom. You're lucky because there's no line and you can hide in a cabin for some minutes. When you calmed down and actualy peed you got back to the others but you couldn't believe your eyes when you saw a blonde girl sitting on Jae's lap and making out with him. Before you could interrupt them you hear Haru talking to you.
"Look the maneater is back."
"Yeah you heared right bitch."
"Wow wow wow calm down what the fuck."
"Don't play the innocent one. We all saw you grinding on YoungK and dancing close with Sungjin and before him with Hoseok."
"I WAS JUST DANCING COME ONE YOU'RE FUCKING KIDDING ME, AREN'T YOU?" You were fucking furious. Even Jae and that little bitch stopped and looked at you. That's were it escalated. You and Haru fought the alcohol wasn't helping at all. At least you  knew now why she doesn't like you. Because she's a stupid and jealous cunt. As she once again accuses you to want and fuck every man in your sight you lost it.
"I'm out I don't wanna talk to someone so freaking stupid like you. You really don't get anything, do you? You can fucking keep Brian for yourself. He's nice but not my type. I DON'T EVEN KNOW SUNGJIN so why would I fuck with him I'm not a hoe like the blonde bitch over there AND FOR FUCKS SAKE I just like your brother as a friend. I know that, he knows that, every-fucking-one seems to know that exept for you! FUCK ME, how blind are you!?" After your rage you ran into the mass of people and just got to the other end of the room and set down after getting another round of shots for yourself.
After some time Wonpil came over to you. He was totally drunk.
"Hey [Y/N], can I tell you a secret? But pssssssst you can't tell ANYONE!" He giggled.
"Sure thing. Spill the tea!"
"What tea?" You rolled your eyes.
"Just tell me what you wanted to say."
"Oh yeah, almost forgot! There is this guy, his name's DoWoon and he is super sexy. He doesn't talk much and that makes him sooooo mysterious. That's totally hot!! Here I show you a picture of him." A little perplex over the fact that Wonpil seems to be gay and literally came out to you although he smoothly flirted with a girl just 5 minutes ago you stopped listening to him.
"Hey hey hey you listening? Here look, that's him. Isn't he good looking?"
"Ehm, yeah he's nice. Want a wingman?"
"Ha as if, he would never want me."
"Why do you think that?"
"Mh I don't know. Does he even like boys?"
"I don't know but it's worth a shot.You should take opportunitys and don't think too much." You thought to yourself: Maybe I should listen to my own advice more often.
"You're right I'm gonna get us some shots."
"Wait that's not what I meant..." But it was too late Wonpil already worked his way back to the bar. You shook your head. Oh my...      
Wonpil was gone now for a while and you started looking for him but couldn't find him. Someone touched your arm and you thought it was Wonpil.
"Found you." Your hyped voice faided as you looked into Jae's face.
"What do you want?"
"Talk? Like what was that back there with Haru?"
"What do you mean what was that? She offended me and I had enough of her bullshit!"
"Wow you're really something!"
"I'm so- I'M WHAT!?" You couldn't believe it after everything she said Jae is on her side? You moved aways from him but he graped your arm.
"Where're you going?"
"To the toilet if I'm allowed to!" Jae just looked dumbfounded at you and let go of your arm. You lied but for know he didn't have to know that. You didn't want to go to the bathroom you went straight for the exit. As you walked outside the club you saw two shadows in an intimate hug wildly kissing. At least someone scored tonight. As you got closer because you had to pass them on your way home you glanced over and saw that it was Wonpil and Sungjin. You were a little suprised because Wonpil seemed to be head over heels over DoWoon but in the end you just wanted that sweet boy to be happy. You started walking not exactly knowing where you were going but you saw a big billboard that showed some advertations that you recognize. So you just tried to get close to that location. It was a windly night and although you're drunk you were freezing. Everywhere was light and there were people on the streets but all in all you were scared. What did you think? What if something happens? Dammit..
0 notes
pinkhairedlily · 3 years
Chapter 3 - Student Council President Sakura
“Good morning, Sensei.”
Long trails of pink hair fell just inches above Kakashi’s face. He opened his eyes from a short morning nap and found Sakura shielding him from the summer sun. The book he was reading was on his stomach, turned down and split on the page he stopped.
“Good morning, Sakura. You let your hair down.”
She grinned at him and took a few steps back as he stood up. “I didn’t have time to dry my hair. I didn’t want to be late on my first day of class.”
“You had time to wake me up though.”
Internal panic coursed through Sakura which intensified more when he yawned and smirked, obviously teasing her, but it emphasized the small mole above his chin – something she was always fascinated about. “It’s bad impression when freshmen students find their teacher littering on campus grounds, Sensei.” I’m so proud of my quick wit. She happily sauntered away from the speechless, heads-over-heels, oblivious student trap.
Kakashi walked with her until the main entrance of the building, easily avoiding Sakura’s inquisitions of his summer break shenanigans and pinning the lack of it on the endless teacher trainings and seminars. Just before he left her to go the faculty room, he took a rubber band from his wrist and gave it to her. “In case you’ll get conscious and want to tie your hair. Have a good day, Sakura.”
She wasn’t conscious at all; she let it down for him, the hair tie in her skirt’s pocket – her pink strands freed at will to demand for his undivided attention, but she opened her palm to receive his offer all the same. She sighed after his fading figure in the gathering crowd.
New class lists were pasted on the bulletin board, and she scanned for names. Two particular people caught her attention. Ironically, they also appeared within her field of sight.
“Oh, Sakura. Good morning!” Naruto’s loud voice was ringing even though he just entered the building. If she would describe him, he was the embodiment of sunshine. He just had that positive energy around him which she liked. Walking close behind him was Sasuke, the stoic genius of their batch, and the opposite of Naruto. “How was your summer, Sakura?”
“Hmm, nothing much.” She glanced ever so quickly at Sasuke and saw him pay no mind. She liked that about him because while he was so unlike his loud, chatty friend, his energy was warm and kind, just hiding behind a tall wall of vulnerability. “I heard you joined the baseball team. Congratulations!”
Naruto shyly scratched his head. “I’m still a rookie though. I’ve got ways to go.”
That wasn’t entirely true. Sakura heard through the vine that he got mad agility skills, and that every sports team wanted him to try out. So much has changed in a year.
“Come on, we’re gonna be late.” Sasuke said.
“I haven’t seen which class I’m in yet!”
He grabbed the blonde by the collar and led the way. “We’re classmates.”
“Yeah, we’re classmates.” Sakura fell in step with Sasuke, Naruto frozen in shock. What an odd trio they must have been.
Their seating arrangement was pasted on the board when they came in. Sasuke got the seat beside the window – a good position for daydreams and afternoon naps. Sakura was placed beside him with a nice center view of the room, and Naruto was in front of her.
“Hey, Sakura. I need to tell you something, but it’s quite embarrassing. You see, I tend to fall asleep in the middle of class and since I’m in front of you…..erm….uhhh.”
“What he meant to say is he drools,” Sasuke interrupted. This apparently irked Naruto who full on glared at him.
“Well, yes, I drool. I have short attention span and classes make me so sleepy, but I hope that won’t disturb you. Just please look over my head.”
“How can she when there’s a porcupine sitting on it?”
Sakura chuckled at their weird, friendly banter. “Yeah sure, whatever you say Naruto. I don’t get easily distracted anyway.” She forgot to ask earlier if Kakashi will still be teaching Math for second years or which section his homeroom will be. As if her thoughts conjured him, he walked in their room, his silver hair glinting against the sunlight, and his eyes wandering in search for a face. Hushed gushes of admiration spread through the students, awed by the silent imposition of his presence. Then, his eyes fell on her.
He bridged the gap between them in easy, wide strides. “Ms. Haruno, the student council is looking for you.”
“They really sent you on an errand, Sensei?” No one dared to look beyond their interactions. She was easy-going, casual without being disrespectful, the model cheerful student, and the teachers’ pet. Teasing him with her half-truths hanging in between words was not difficult to cover up.
“Of course, I’m the council’s adviser.” And of course, she was thankful for his obliviousness.
“What do you think could it be? Did Sakura get into a scuffle?” Naruto asked after Sakura left with Kakashi. “No, that’s not really possible.”
Sasuke shrugged. He just wanted the day, or rather, the term to end quickly. He purposely avoided visiting the café, going in the mornings rather than late nights, partly because he didn’t want to run into her and partly because he was scared. He was just safely keeping his distance.
Sakura returned just before the next class started with an exuberant expression. The next teacher basically confirmed the news. “Congrats, Ms. Haruno Sakura. Thanks for stepping up to be the next student council president.” The position was left vacant after the initial appointee decided to focus on preparations and review to move abroad for college. The council, with faculty approval, recommended her to take the rein.
Hmm. They trust her abilities to this extent, huh. Sasuke looked outside, uninterested with the unfolding event and the break of congratulations around her. He saw her reflection on the window, smiling widely at her classmates, but her hands told another story, her fingers just solely focused on the rubber tie around her wrist.
Naruto had to stay behind for baseball practice which Sasuke was thankful for, but his feet didn’t want to go back home so he hid in their spot, napped for a while, and waited for Naruto’s message. When the blonde finally finished, Sasuke went to the field to fetch him.
“Sasuke, they’ll be joining us for dinner!” Naruto said.
“Sure, invite another team more.” Just his luck, Sasuke hated company, but like all other instances, he kept being dragged within his friend’s orbit. The team waved at him silently, knowing for a fact now that he didn’t respond to anyone other than Naruto.
“Really?” Naruto’s eyes perked up then a moment later realized that Sasuke was being sarcastic. He wrapped an arm around his shoulder and led the way to their usual ramen house.
“Get your hands off me, you vermin.”
“Awww they told me this was probably your love language – friendly banter.”
“Naruto, that didn’t come from us. We don’t want to get killed!” his teammates collectively chimed behind him. “Sorry Sasuke.”
Sasuke released a heavy sigh, quickly glaring at the players, but also letting the remarks slide. At least, this was a better option than being early at home and alone. After dinner, Naruto badgered him for desserts.
“I think I need a sugar rush. All the sugar left my body during practice. I envy Team Captain Haru.”
“The one with the undercut? His hair looked boring.”
“He has a steady supply of sweetness in his life. His girlfriend, Hinata, always visited during summer break. Quiet but supportive of our practice games. She cheers for him on the side and brings us snacks. I want a girlfriend too.”
“That’s normal, considering you’re a hormonal teenager.”
“Aren’t you the same?”
“Nope, I’m just a teenager.” His feet unconsciously led him to the café where Sakura worked. Ah, shit. “Hey, let’s go to another place.”
“This looks okay, grumpy! Besides, my feet hurt. Please have mercy on your dear friend.”
“You’re not my friend.”
“That’s a part of your love language too. Ehe. Come on now.”
Despite internally wishing she wasn’t present this evening, he found himself face to face again with Sakura. She had the usual disguise, but her makeup was on the heavier side – cat-shaped eyeliner just made her eyes stood up more. When she saw them, the first thing she did was look at him, conveying a questioning look, possibly on whether Naruto knew who she was. Sasuke subtly shook his head once.
Ever the simple-minded, Naruto’s focus was on the sweets. “I’ll have strawberry milkshake and a slice of red velvet cheesecake please!” It was going so well until he saw her face. Leaning in to Sasuke, he whispered. “She kinda looks familiar, don’t you think?”
“Your order, Sir?” Unfazed, Sakura continued doing her job. Her eyes looked towards the last plate of cream puffs.
“One slice of tomato cake and a matcha latte.”
“What?” Sakura and Naruto said at the same time.
“Even the lady agrees that that dessert sound unappetizing!” Naruto stuck out his tongue for a more theatrical effect. “Get a brownie or a cream puff.”
“I’m treating you so let me eat my tomatoes in peace.” Sasuke held out his card to Sakura who was still weirded out by his selection. Did he really give off a strong impression of his cream puffs inclination?
“I feel like we have a vibe going on.” Naruto leaned towards the counter, seemingly flirting with Sakura-in-disguise. “Maybe it’s because you have the same eye color?”
Before he could embarrass himself any further and prematurely confess his yet half-hearted feelings, Sasuke dragged Naruto away from the counter and on the farthest table of the café. “You made her uncomfortable. Stop it.”
“She looked like Sakura! But of course, our student council president looks more ethereal. I bet she’s so busy with school and club activities, she won’t have time for this.”
He spent an hour or so listening to Naruto talk about his baseball practice, the expired ramen he accidentally cooked last night, and the difficulty of their classes. It somehow ended on a note, much more like an imposition from Naruto, that Sasuke will give him supplementary lessons in this café and with his allowance.
They were about to leave when Sakura beckoned them over. She had two paper bags in her hands, and Sasuke noticed the absence of cream puffs. Someone must have ordered it already.
“Here’s a treat on the house – one for each of you. We’re giving freebies if you order within this timeframe. Come again!”
“This is so great! Thank you!” Naruto beamed at her but remembered something. “Hey, I’m sorry if I felt like a creep earlier. It wasn’t my intention.”
“Uh, that’s all right. I get that a lot.” She beamed back at him.
“You have the same beautiful eye color with our classmate. She’s cheerful, assertive, and has this positive energy around her. We hope we could be friends with her. Thanks for this again!”
Sasuke was too late to stop Naruto’s ramble, but he guessed it turned out fine. She just continued smiling like a good ole polite employee. “Get going, Naruto. I want to rest.” The two of them stepped out on the street with the fresh evening breeze.
“I feel like I still creeped her out.”
“Maybe you did.” Sasuke smirked at the tortured expression on Naruto’s face.
When he came home, he opened the paper bag to place the contents inside the fridge. It didn’t occur to him to ask why that promo wasn’t offered to him when he came last time, but nonetheless, he was a bit glad that he had something to munch on aside from processed food. His thoughts halted when he saw the cream puffs inside. His hands fetched his phone and he quickly dialed Naruto’s number.
“Grumpy, you missed me already?”
“What did she give you?”
“Who? Oh? You mean the café lady? Brownies! Do you think I can share these with Sakura tomorrow?”
Sasuke hang up on him without answering his question. He just kept on staring at the cream puffs on his kitchen counter.
Yeah, I better keep my distance.
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squirrelly831 · 4 years
Confessions [Jackson and Jinyoung]
Hope you like it~
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Jennifer was in the in the van with Jackson and Mark. The three of them decided to go to Samcheok for a weekend getaway from life at least that’s what Mark told the two of them. However, he had an ulterior motive that neither of them knew. He used the excuse of a getaway to get his two best friends together. He knew both liked each other, but neither would play their hand and confess. Mark figured that this would be the only way. To get the two of them out of the city into a city that has the bus come at random times in the day.
Jackson and Jennifer met a couple years after Got7′s debut when Jennifer moved to Seoul for a teacher position. At first, Jennifer had no plans of befriending Mark’s friends. Mark was her best friend from middle school, but she didn’t want to ride on Mark’s coat tail or be looked at for doing so when she wasn’t. However, whenever she met up with Mark, he’d always drag a member with him until she finally grew comfortable to hang out with them all. Between that time and now Jennifer fell for Jackson. It was something that weight her down so much she didn’t want to reveal it in fear of the bridge between Jackson and her would fall apart.
Jackson was in the back seat where as Jennifer sat by Mark in the passenger’s seat. She was crocheting a scarf Jackson had bugged her to make for weeks. During the ride, Jackson did nothing but talk or sing to the radio, but now there was a lingering silence. The silence drew Jennifer from her project as she looked up and checked on Jackson, “How can he go from 100 to 0 in an instant?” She let out a soft laugh. Her lips remained in a small smile as she watched his chest rise and fall quickly.
Mark turned down the radio and shook his head, “I don’t know how he can do it.”
Her eyes twinkled in the sun as she hummed, “He’s one of a kind. What can I say?” Her eyes lingered on Jackson a little longer before she turned back to her crochet. She began to hum a tune that sounded an awful like U & I by JB and Jackson.
Mark’s lips curved, “You’re the only one who looks at him like that.”
Her fingers paused, “We’re not doing this again.” She let out a breath, “He has so many loving fans who love him just as much if not more than I do.”
“When did I ever say anything about you being in love with him?” His eyebrow rose. “I just meant that you were the only one to say he was one of a kind.”
Jennifer’s smile fell as she realized her mistake. She stared out the windshield as she tried to figure out how to dig herself out of that hole she got herself in. “We’re not talking about this.”
“I didn’t bring it up.”
“I didn’t mean to say that” she pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Oh?” Mark straightened up in his seat, “So you don’t love him?”
Jennifer fell silent. Her head turned back to Jackson as she looked for what answer she should say. To lie or be honest? The cat was already out of the bag and she knew it. She turned around and pressed her head to the seat, “Fine. Yes, I do.”
“You do?”
Jennifer sat up quickly and whipped her head to see Jackson wide awake, “I thought you were asleep?”
Jackson gave her a smile, “I was pretending. I was planning to try to scare you.”
Mark smirked, “Look we’re here. This is the hotel!” He stopped the car and Jennifer rushed out before Jackson could ask her anymore. Mark helped them get their bags, “I’m going to find some parking. You guys go check in.”
Jackson and Jennifer walked into the hotel. Jennifer headed to the counter, but Jackson stopped her, “I’ll talk to them. You get too nervous with formal.” He winked as he went up and introduced himself. Jennifer sat in one of the chairs as she waited for the boys. “So…” Jackson approached her with two cards. “Mark played us. Check your phone.”
Jennifer fished out her phone to see the text from Mark.
Have fun
“What does he mean by that?”
Jackson held out his hand to her, “He didn’t plan to be here with us. He left. The reservation is just in our names.” Jennifer’s jaw dropped. She went to reply to Mark’s message, but Jackson took her phone and pocketed, “No texting him. It’s a getaway and I want to spend it with my possible future girlfriend.” Jennifer was glad for her darker complexion as she could feel her cheeks burn. Maybe the trip wouldn’t be too bad after all.
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Jinyoung waited outside his dorm impatiently as he paced around. He had worked the courage to ask his old friend, Haru, to meet up with him. He hadn’t seen her in years due to his debut and popularity. It was one of his biggest regrets because he had truly fallen in love with her.
However, they were able to reconnect after an award show. Jinyoung didn’t know his once close friend became a singer songwriter until she was called on stage to receive an award. After that, Jinyoung made it a point to connect to her, so after the show, he made his appearance in front of her and they clicked instantly like they had in the past.
A pair of arms encircled his middle and startled him. He looked to the side to see Haru. “Good morning” she sang. She let him go and jumped in front of him like a ball of energy, “You ready? There’s a place I really want to go to.”
Jinyoung chuckled as he put on his mask and fixed his hat, “Yea, let’s go.”
The two spent their day as an arcade. They hung out and played for a couple of hours before they headed to the park nearby to take a break. Jinyoung went to buy them ice cream as Haru threw herself across the bench.
His shadow blocked the sun in her face as he held out her ice cream. She sat up, licked her lips, and took the ice cream, “Thank you! This is really fun! It’s like a date” Jinyoung took a seat beside. She took a bite of her ice cream and grinned, “This was how I’d always picture a date with you.”
Jinyoung’s ears perked as he took a bit off the top of his ice cream, “You thought of going on a date with me?”
Haru shrugged, “Didn’t all the girls think about dating you?” Jinyoung didn’t reply as Haru licked her ice cream. “I had wanted to date you in middle school, but then you started distancing yourself from me and then when you got into Got7, we were barely talking.” She stared straight ahead, “I thought it was better to just let you go.” She chuckled as she rubbed her knuckled on her cheek, “I guess you could say, you were my first love.”
Jinyoung faltered, “I-I was?” His ice cream no longer any interest to him, “Do you still?”
Haru looked at him and brushed her hair back. She gave him a smile that went to her eyes as they formed crescents, “Your ice cream” she pointed. His ice cream began to melt under the summer sun and cascaded to his hand.
“Shit” he jumped up and ate his ice cream quickly. Haru laughed hard as she continued to eat hers at a leisured pace. She dug around in her bag and pulled out a water bottle, hand towel, and hand sanitizer. Jinyoung gawked at her as if she had a second head, “Why do you have all that in your bag?”
She rolled her eyes, “I watch my nephew a lot and he always makes a mess. He’s 2. He has an excuse.” Jinyoung shot her a playful glare and she just shrugged, “Calling it like it is.” Her phone alarm went off and they both jumped, “My bad. I forgot I set my alarm.” She went to shut it off quickly as she ate the last of her cone, “I have vocal lessons at four. Want to walk back to your company?”
Jinyoung cleaned off his hands and gave her back the water bottle and sanitizer as he was insistent on washing her hand towel. “Yea, have some time to walk me back?”
She let out an exasperated sigh, “I mean I guess I could.” Her lips pulled to a grin as she spoke. She looped arms with him and pointed outward, “Onward!”
As the two got closer to the company and Jinyoung’s mind lingered on his question he asked Haru earlier. However, he could tell she wasn’t going to answer and it only made him want to know more. When he saw the company coming closer, he wished they had a little more time together.
Haru let his arm go, much to his disappointment. “Well here’s your stop. I gotta go before I’m late.” She gave him a quick hug, which he returned, before she waved and left. Haru headed off and Jinyoung watched her with the lingering question floating in his head. Haru stopped mid walk before she turned back to Jinyoung and approached him. There was a new determination in her eyes, “You asked if I still love you. I do. Now whether you love me back or not it’s no sweat. I just don’t want to regret not telling you like I did before.” She smiled sweetly as she pulled her purse strap. “I’ll see ya, Jinyoung. You can just hit me up whenever.”
Jinyoung was amazed at how smooth Haru confessed to him. He didn’t get a word in as she turned on her heels and left the way she came. He watched her until she was out of sight and threw a fist in the air before he brought it down victoriously, “Yes!”
Jinyoung leaned against the wall in the dance studio as he thought back to Haru’s confession. He let out a dreamily sigh as he rocked against the wall. He wanted so much to just text her or call her or, even better, to just go to her place. He wanted to reply to her confession so badly it was killing him.
Jackson nudged Jaebum, “What’s up with him? His smile is creepy.”
Jaebum shrugged, “No clue… Jinyoung! You good?” Jinyoung was off in his own world. “Jinyoung!”
Bambam smirked, “I know why he’s like that.” The others, except Youngjae, gathered around Bambam curiously. His lips pulled apart in a grin, “Haru and him were out today and you know, I was spying like I usually do. They stopped outside the building, totally scandalous, and there Haru dropped the bombshell and confessed to him.”
Youngjae, who had previously pretended not to care, leaned in and gasped, “No way! She really did it?” The others turned to him with questionable looks. “I told her that Jinyoung liked her, but because she was taking too long he thought she didn’t like him and so he was going to get back with his ex.”
“Ohhh, now that’s just cruel. You’re wicked.” Mark nudged him.
Youngjae shrugged, “Tell me that after you dealt with her drunk crying over him.”
Part I || Part III
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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